HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006455\ Owner Name: WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO OwnerAddress: 5330 S RILEY LN Underground Storage Tank lnspection Verification Form '1/q/ t f z Pn Facirity tD: 4oo1z7e lfo iltA,.--( 1 MURRAY UT 84107\ Operator A: \llELVIN BOHNKE (801) 262-8780 Owner Email: wimmerelectric@earthlink.net ufT Facility Name: WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO. Gtreet Address: 5330 S RILEY LN ( 200 W ) \4URRAY UT 84107 Operator B: MELVIN BOHNKE (801) 262-8780 UTM Coordinates X/Y: 424153 I 4500804 Hand Held GPS with Base Tank lD/Alt lD: Manif/ComparUAST: Tank Status: lnstalled/Cap/Loc: Substance Stored: Tank Material: Tank Modificationsr ATG: ATG Specs: 313 E-Gen: No No No No Currentlv ln Use. 7--- 9/11/1998 (_toog-) Single -_- Gasoline Regular Galvanic Cathodic Protection (STlP3)/ None Pipe Material: Bare Steel/ Pipe Modifications: Cathodically Protected Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Safe Suction LLD Model: Spill/Overfill/Sm deliv: 5 gal. Spill Buck Ball float valve No Sump Cont: No Disp Cont: No PSTFund: Yes OtherType: TanUPipe Rel Det: SIR OTHER NONE - ltD{^l )r< TTf:. 512412010 LTT: 8/1'l12005 LLD ,. CP Tank: 9l1Ol2O13' CP Pipe: gl1)l2}fi< { l,tt/s fo, )r( ". <t/o'f at. S/;il B .uKl eKLo l/" n? . Zf/ f^Vo-.rt/1 fl// l[rf t"n 9o'd sLryt /h DtA /f 6 [,-c ( lr'51 J aa/ rl/o L n.aJ.J B F'r)24 24 ti{ k" K a[,,r] gdal t /^c4 t{o, J f R €e'ntr 3/tS fl./ flauo- tlo"/{lf R"-J,3 4 Uts /d-o 3//f c/o. r'-) /a,'l tt a r) loo-s ,ru f,/"r oa/n-- Srl^,#rJ fb faf^1.ffL lo/ o, ..t- //) 4t8t2014 Page 1 of 1 Underground St]age Tank lnspection I erif ication Form Owner Name: WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO OwnerAddress: 5330 S RILEY LN MURRAY UT 84107 Owner Contact: GARY WIMMER (801) 262-8780 Owner Email: Facility lD: 4001279 Facility Name: WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO. StreetAddress: 5330S RILEYLN (200W ) MURBAY UT 84107 Facility Gontact: GARY WIMMER UTM Coordinates )UY: 424152.544363777 I 45 Hand Held GPS with Base Tank lD/Alt lD: Manif/ComparUAST: Tank Status: lnstalled/Cap/Loc: Substance Stored: Tank Material: Tank Modifications: ATG: ATG Specs: 3/3 No Currently ln 9/1 1/1 998 Gasoline E-Gen: No NoNo Pipe Material: Bare Steel Pipe Modifications: Cathodically Protected Pipe Flex Connectors: eiP'rvnqf@!1@ LLDModerr Spill/Overfill/Sm deliviS gal. Sriiit Auck Ball ftoat vatve" No Sump Cont: No Disp Cont: No PST Use Single lar Galvanic Cathodic Prolection (STlP3) None TanldPipe Other Type: OTHER NONE 4000 o TfT: 512412010 Lfi: U11l2005 LLD:CP Tank: ,,n,rl'r| J CP Pipe: 7/gt2o1o Zrt b /o VK PVT 6 lLq l-f ,"tL - l0 ;^ z7;l o(/- 4." J !\,,,d Tdgr t.la 2K //,-t p,P,g t*/// /1'- Ju-.tps a.//2a t ,ll ,/2 [ 612712011 Page 1 of 1 \ \trlI+\le townerName W i Tank 2 k4 1/Address E UT Phone of tanks at the 3 t, State PhoneContact qTank lnstallation Date 4kCapacity of Tank (in qallons) lndicate if tank is siphoned or cotrpe[4enleO.Show related tanks. /-a 3Substance Stored deG) No Yes No Yes No Yes NoTank is in use. lf not in use. oive date last used and depth of product in tank. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCurrent year tank taqs are in place. 34,^rt 3Material of construction of tanks tMaterial of construction of piping *4 vCre Suet *t'o nPipinq type LType of Spill Prevention device Yes NoSoill containment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris.No Yes No Yes No R; tl €?t ILType of Overfill Prevention device Yes tto 16Overfill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified Yes No ffi>Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc. 6 ruo N/AThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter). Tester UTCathodic Protection Testing. Date of last test: I O - Ll 'g 6 lmpressed Current System is checked for proper operation at least every 60 davs and the results of the last three checks are available.Yes No (D Dates of last three checks: lmpressed CurrentSacrificial Anode lnstant Off Depolarized Corr. Protect. Method 1 5tL 2 3 Tanks 4 1 1A 2 3 Lines 4 1 2 3 Tank Flex 4 Disp. Flex lndicate below the corrosion protection method in place for each UST system component. ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s). Show readings for the most recent cathodic North Comments I 2l I I this on o/o Distribution: White-Ldcheck0307.doc r.pil$$ Rdleas6,D6tection:rl Ghecklist rFrbiiimi0:i/$66l; ':; :: ot :Of B citu All ,t y't tY1 tl UT zio 84 lo7 I ContactI todrrlAnkiil,:S$.!!l*:: Cem*lete, for,oiihrtan,k;,.:lf therfaellitV::traii,morg:gun m n{iti*tr'h Tank 3(rkl) Sionature: .6-znnz,/1^ /n rlnfr- Method used for tanks:k Testi Statistical I Reconcillation M k SIRY TrT/ LTT 3rd the last Yes No Circle SIR or No for used: IC SIR lnventory readings for product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount remaininq in the tank are recorded and available for each operatinq dav.No@ MTG Records show proper sticking and measuring of product level at beginning and end of inactive period of appropriate lenqth.Yes No lnactive period 36 44 58 hrs. IC SIR Product inputs are reconciled with delivery receipts by measurement of the tank inventory volume before and after deliveries.@*o IC SIR MTG lnventory readings are properly reconciled monthly (weekly and monthly for MTG) to the appropriate allowable amount.No(6 No@ IC SIR MTG Equipment used to take readings (ATG, Gauge Stick, etc.) is adequate, accessible, and operational. lf ATG is used, system has proper documentation of setup, calibration, etc., and owner's manual is present.Type used: 11,,LL No@IC SIR MTG An appropriate calibration chart is used to convert product level readings to gallons, and is available for review. \@ ruoIC SIR MTG Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. fO ruoIC SIR Records include the appropriate number of water readings, and water readings are used to adjust inventory balances as necessary. No@ Calibration date:I oIC SIR Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation. @NoIC SIR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. 6 ai,D tank for indicate whether the Mo/Yr <, #I P # # # Tank Tiqhtness Testing Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Results of last tank tightness test are available:&1 N Results:Pa s< Test Date 8-ltaS Tester name and cert. number:UT Test Method PIPING LEAK DETECTION Method(s) Used (Automatic line leak detector and one other method are required for Pressurized Piping): [ ] Automatic Line Leak Detector t I Line Tightness Testing [ ] lnterstitial Monitoring Type of lM Documentation Statistical lnve Reconciliation Groundwater .2 GPH Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping.NoYes Safe Suction Piping Tank 4Tank1q. LiLine fueResults of last line tightness test are available: ''*ResultsN lesleg1slFff'Tester name and cert. number:UT Test Method MES MESMESMESType (M- Mechanical E- Electronic S- Sump SensoQ: Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: Automatic Line Leak Detectors Results of last leak detector performance test are ava!!qb!e: Y N Results Tester name and cert. number:Test date:UT Test Method: theresults of Mol/r # # # # COMMENTS D6tribution: White- DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink- Facility/oMer Utah .,ST ProgramControl SIR Manual Tank h@L\n of Show results of monitoring 3/o=*/.2 6/-z 7/a zqtto/rt t\/ot \-.- Tank 2 Tank 3 for Ldicimtg0604.doc JON M. HU\ .AN, JR. Govemor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor State of Iltah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director August 31,2006 To:Gary Wimmer Wimmer Electric & Lighting Co 5330 S Riley Ln Murray, UT 84107 Re Non-compliance of underground storage tank at Wimmer Electric Lighting Co, 5330 South Riley Lane, Murrah, Utah. Facility Identification No. 400127 9 The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (ACT) provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance, if it is determined, that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules, and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks (USTs) at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on June 14, 2006, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance, you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that cathodic protection system associated with the product piping is functioning properly (Note: The cathodic protection test of 08/11/05 indicated the product piping is not cathodically protected). 2 Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control/Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SR) is performed on UST #1 by: a Documenting that the water in each UST is measured to within one-eighth inch, at least once per month, and the water measurements (converted to gallons) are used to correct the monthly inventory re-conciliations. Documenting that you meter the product withdrawals and maintain the dispensers to a calibration accuracy of six cubic inches for every five gallons of product withdrawn. 168 North 1950 west . PO Box 1M840 . Salt kke City, UT 841 14-4840. phone (801) 536-4100 . fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 . www.deq.utah.gov I b. ^1 - Page2 The above information must be submitted to this office by September 30, 2006. If you fail to submit the required documentation as requested, you will be charged $70.00 per hour for time and travel as allowed by statute, for every follow up inspection necessary to document compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Paul Harding at (801) 536-4108. bvuqtt9t owner Name wtMMER ELECTRTC & LtGHTtNG CO Location N16ms WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO 5330 S RILEY LNAddress Address 5330 S RILEY LN ( 200 W ) City MURRAY stateUT zip 84107 6;ry MURRAY State UT Zip 841O7 Phone (801) 262-8780Contact cnnv WIMMER Contact cenv WIMMER Phone Comolete for each tank. lf the facilitv has more than four tanks. cor 0rm. Number of tanks at the facility: Tank lnstallation Date 9/1 1/1 998 CapaciU of Tank (in qallons)4UUU lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored gasolna negutar Sinnlo Tank is in use.Currently ln Use Yes No Yes No Yes No ll not in use, oive date last used and depth of product in tank. Current year tank tags are in place,(%b, No Yes No Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks Galvanic Calhodic Pro Material ol construction of piping Pipinq type Safo Suctinn Tvpe of Spill Prevention device W q-u"t Spill containment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris.dq No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tvpe of Overfill Prevention device {\? Overfill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified.Yes No lC/A Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc. .:Yes ruo (rulA The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafteo.J'Ye3 No N/A{lttlo{Cathodic Protection Testinq. Date of last test Tester tr ta( lmpressed Cunent System is checked for proper operation at least every 60 davs and the results of the last three checks are available.Yesy'o N/A Dates of last three checks: z/ lmpressed CurrentCorr. Protect. Method Sacrilicial Anode lnstant Off Depolarized 1 cp >-1t 0l 2 3 Tanks 4 1 cp QA'4a I 2 3 Lines 4 1 2 3 Tank Flex 4 Disp. Flex lndicate below the corrosion protection methods in place lor all UST system components. ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s). Show readings for the most test. SrIe Urawrng Nonn Comments I L I th v J, Name of il,"1{+lrr+hr,, Sil nAAr ti<-v S Ldcheck1205.de ete lhe information T---3------:r-1 TTT/I.C. Method used for tanks:Tank Control Statistical Reconciliation PIPING LEAK DETECTI OTHER and one other method are required for Pressurized Piping)Method(s) Used (Automatic [ ] Automatic Line Leak Detector [ ] Line Tightness Testing [ ] lnterstitial Monitoring Type of lM Documentation Reconciliation Groundwater Mon ,2G T Tank 5/06 Vto6o,),t1+{.-pfess SIF/ rrT/ LTT 3rd certification available Yes No )c srn lnventory readings lor product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount remaininq in the tank are recorded and available for each operatinq dav No@ MTG Records show proper sticking and measuring of product level at beginning and end of inactive period of appropriate length.NoY lnactive period 36 44 58 hrs. IC SIR Product inputs are reconciled with delivery receipts by measurement ol the tank inventory volume before and after deliveries.)*o IC SIR MTG lnventory readings are properly reconciled monthly (weekly and monthly lor MTG) to the appropriate allowable amount.No(",7 IC SIR MTG Equipment used to take readings (ATG, Gauge Stick, etc.) is adequate, accessible, and operational. lf ATG is used, system has proper documentation of setup, calibration, etc., and owner's manual is present. Noe 5l;-QType used: @NoIC SIR MTG An appropriate calibration chart is used to convert product level readings to qallons, and is available for review. GNOIC SIR MTG Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. Yes @tc stR Records include the appropriate number of water readings, and water readinos are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary. ves @ Calibration date:IC SIR Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation. 3/06 4106 rn oneDrop tubes are present and exend toIC SIR 1 1/05 1/0610/05Mol/r tan No 12t05 u0671058/05 9/05 o Ppppp#I P # # Q,sStest are available:Results of # Results:tank N Test 3UTIz(ula{,\"T Tester name and cert. n Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping.No Sale Suction Piping: Yes tess Testin r. Line l-e - Tank Results of last line tiqhtness test are available: Y N Results Test MethodTest Date Tester name and cert. number:UT MES MES MES MESType (M- Mechanical E- Electronic S- Sump Sensor) Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: Results of last leak detector performance test are available: Y N Results Tester name and cert. number: UT Test Method:Test date: rinn fnr ninir rt 12 mnnth i. lndicaterg for the la MoIYr # # # # COMMENTS ^, 'loo ttt l EXPIRATION DATE:,) > Access to the soil directly over the cathodically protected structure that is being evaluated must be provided. ) A site drawing depicting the UST cathodic protection system and all reference eleclrode placements must be completed I !I. UST FACILITYI. UST OWNER tLi /31lo,NAMENAMEl),)*e, f /t,/r,L'? /',tl/i ;a & Sss oAOORE9S5:3o 9"{t,i',t", uL, 'ADORESS: &// taL<-COUNW:srarc: t4l cnt y')/fUfzottCIW:)'4vt(aa rvlcP f ESrER's euALtFtcATtoNs' ut. cP TESTER A.+a-zTESTER'S NAHE: COilPAilY NilTE ADORESS:PHONE NUMBER:tra/-5/?-Z?ostere: /1/"tn' (a;$rri/lo E Routine - 3 year ! Routine - wthin 6 months of installation ,yla-l/-r'7 tr hereaner) Re-survey aner repair/modinc€tion90-day re-survey afrer fail (rBquired vvithin 6 rnonths of installatiorvrepatr & etery 3 yearsOate nei cathodrc protecllcn sun€y must be cooducied by Vl. CATHODTC PROTECTION TESTEB'S B/ALUATION r'-.t""r, All protected struclures at this tacility pass the cathodic proteclion survey and it is ludged that adequate catho<tic prolection has been provided to the UST syslem (indicate all criteria applic€ble by completion of Section Vlll) EA |l One or more protected structures at this facility fail the cathodic protection Survey and it is judged that adequate cathodicI ^rL proteclion has not been provided to the UST system (complele Section lX). tl the romote and the local do not both indicate lhe same test resull on all protected struclures (both pass or both fail) PASSE n rNcolrcLUslvE be evaluated and/or conducted by a corrosion expert (complete Section Vll),nconclusive is indiqatqd and tfr$urveflls D^rE cP suRvEY PERFoRMED: /O - //- J hCP TESTER'S SIGNA fOSION EXPERT'S EVALUATION t'n * oory one)/ "/ vlt. coR by a conoson experl when: a) an incorclusire is inclicated br any protected stnrcture snce bolh the local and he Itho samo oulcorne (both pass or both hil); b) repairs to galvanrzod or un@ted steel pitrr€ are cooduoed o( c) ErpplemenEl anodes are add€d to Ulo tranks andor frFrng witftout bllo,Ying an accepted induggy coqg: evaluatedThe EJn€y must b€ rBmob smrcturlDsdt potentials dc not r6ult in All protected structures at this facility pass the cathodic proteclion survey and it is iudged thst adequate cathodic protection has been provided to the UST system (indicate all crileria applicable by completion of Section Vlll). \ -- One or more protecled structures at this tacility fail the cathodic proteclion survey and il is judged that adequate cathodrc proteclion has not been provided to the UST system (indicate what action is necessary by complelion of Seclion lX) PASS FAIL tr tr COTIPANY XATIE:CORROSIOTI EXPERT'S NAME ITACE INTERXANONAL CERNFEATION NUMBER :XACE INTERXATIONAL CERNFICATION: CORRqSloN EXPERTE SIGNATURE: Vll l. CRITERIA APPLICABLE TO EJALUATION (mrrt .rr th.t .ppry) SuucturFtosoil potential more negative than -850 mV with resp€cl to a Cr/CuSOr refErenca electrocre wrth tr|e proteclve W 850 ON oJrrent appli€d (This critenon is applicable to any galvanlcally protected struclure). Sfucturltogoil potential more negative than -850 mV with resp€cl to a Cur/CuSOr reteren@ oledrode wth proleove cunent 850 OFF temporarily interrupted (This criterion is applicabl€ only to ttros€ galvanic systems where the anodes can b€ disconnecled) Structure testsd exhibits at least 100 mV of cathodic polanzatron (This qiterion is apdrcable lo galvanrc systems where the mV POIIRIZATION anodes can be temporanly disconnecled).l-l '* lX. ACTION REQUIREO AS A RESULT OF THIS EVALUATION (rn rt onry on.) NONE Cathodic proteciion is adequate. No further aciion is neoessary al this time. Test again by no lsler than (se€ Section V). RETEST Cathoctic proteclion may not be adequate. Retest during the next 90 days to determine if passing resutls can b€ achreved REPAIR E RETEST Cathodic proteclion is not adequate. Repair/modification is necessary as soon as practical bul within the nexl 90 days n tr GALVANTC (SACR|FICIAL ANODE) CATHODTC PROTECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION titlh l)[Q linrtcrgroirnrl litrrrirgc T:rnk lDrogmnt , OATE: No\/ 0 I 2006 DEQ lnvuonmenlal Blsgonse & Bemedtalton '/ cP TESTERS cERrlFlcAnoN xu*taeR: /.1 / D / / b V. REASON SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED ('n rtonrvo{o) \ PIPING FLEX CONNECTORSTANK 'PRODUCT CAPACITY TANKS {4:B /Jr.*,1 ru4* /, l/h11o,,./,-/,trao 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION AND'OR MODIFICATION :] ; Cr.nplde il 8ny rep8ir! or rnodificationg to the c€thodic protection systom are madg gr arB nBcessary, Certain rep€irc/rnodifications ero r€quired tc bo deegned andor e\€luated by a conosion operl (cornpletion of Section Vll roquired). Supplernental anodeg tor a sti-Pr'tank (an8ch conosion export's clesign or docum€nuon lndustry standard was follo\ ,€d). X Supplennntal anodes for metallic pip€ (attach conosion exp€rt's design or documention lndustry standard was follouod) tr Galvanically protected tsnks/piping not electricslly isolated (explain in "Remarks/Other'below) -(-Lu, I +a-t-Rernark9Other: /,;- or uso tho spsca to a th€sy9tsrTls.must tc irK,icsto wh€re th€d€ctrod€ was placed br cscfl sEuduretosorl potsntiel hst is r€corded on thg suNsy torme. Any p€rtinent data rnr.i also b€ indudod. At e dnimum yol shonld indk=te tho bllowing: Al tankl, prprng and c,Bpons€rs; Al buildings 8nd $e6; All snodos and wirBs; Locatbn d CP test deti6s; Eadr rslbrqlcs electrorto plaenrent mud bo indicstod by s cod€ (1 ,2, T-1,) con$ponding with tho app.opriato line rumber in S€ction XIV of this forrn. AN B/ALUATION OF THE CATHOOIC PROTECTION SYSTEM IS NOT COMPLETE AN ACCEPTABLE SITE DRAWNG Shry N i, /l I7*y This section may be utilized to conducl a survsy of a galvanic cathodic proteclron system by obtaining struch.rEtlsoil potential rneasurernents. The relerence eleclrode must be placed in ttre soil directty over the teeted structure (local) log 2t100 bet away from the Structure (remote)' Both the local and the remote voltage must be 450 mV or more negative, in order for the struciure to pass. lncondusive i9 indicaled vvhen both lhe local 8nd the remote structure-|g-ltqil potentisls do not resull in the same oulcome (both gass or both fail). lz,NOTE: Iho turvay ir not complole unlelr all opplicablr pan! gl !€dlm3 I - XIV eo 6lso corploldFACIUTY XATE O€ECruA€ LOCAIX'T{ OF RET'OTE RETEREilCE ELECTROOE PlrCETET{T: LOCAL voLTlcE REMOTE voLTlcE' PAS!,fAJU' ll{COiaCLUstlrtCOT{TACT POINT I , LOCAL REFERENCE CELL PLACEMEilT.Loclnox' cooE STRUCTURE t i.jtt,t!, 1(axattdo) 1.r r;i-r;l.rTANK BOTTOM ,;lfi*1+ii;[91'fli+,lmr -'*, (axrmpl€) ; :]r;.1.1i :928 &-" .i(6xarnPle) ,ir: €10 j ' I (6xarplo) ,i D{@NCLUEVE ,..,.- .. .i:.i,:, -/, ii:, (€XArndC) l:ft,r;'.i!;a:1.,J.' r'.,r,? ;-i'r'i- .ir:,i;,:r r:'- pL S TANK STp MANINAYri,Y,i'i.li ::,rr.(oergc).. i.'iti';1+J:{:r .::.(€xanple) i'j,rj,r.l885 :ri:, ::. (exarg.).r..:;:r:p[$$,.'i',i:.::i ...i,:i,:t-,'r; Ir:\il:'(qflDplo)r;iti.ii,.!;'1;'".-;(t:',i.ri.i'r :'i':-..--1 '. UNDER DISPENSER tr6 :il,:.1 ".rI .r ,.: (€xrmplo):.;.:1 i;r;..:€90 .r'rli,:, E,E+-l(;ffii-ft-B'!ai;:r PLU S Pt Pl NG ilfl&ii ri:_,r..:',i!1r!.i! (CxarqilO) i ilrj: :::ri. .}di' P1SP91195R 5r€'d':' -,/il f -/ta /?,, ,E,k^lZ*r,&o,r.4zr7/bndn';a,lb,/to,/rrl T^L I -/?ao -///a P.n=P,/r-hLo(D/s "n^sf.//r,/t, h,*'@rt{rI7 COt{HENTS: 1 OGsgnate numencally or by code on the site dra,t ing each 'local' reterence eledrod€ plaern€nt (e.9. 1 ,2,3,.. T-1, T-2, P-l, P-2... etc.). 2 Describe sle structur€ that is b€ing tested (e.9. plus tank; prenaum prping; dieset submersible pump flex connectoi etc.). 3 Oescribo wlrero @fltact with the srucure that is being tested is made (e.9. plus lank @ test lead; diesel piFnrE @ dispenser 5/6; tank test lesd: pp4, etc) 4 Oescribe trl€ e)6ct location where reference elecltodo is placed for eacfi'local' rneasurement (e.9, scil @ plus tank STP; soil @ dispenser 5/6, erc ) 5 Record tr|€ sfudurE-tGsorl potential measured wth the rebrence elecfode placsd'l€al'in milli\olts (e.g -€65 mV, .920 mV. etc.) 6 Record th€ stsuGuretosoil potential rneasured wrth rle rebrence elecfodo placed'rernote' (copy voltage that was obtainod dunng continuity 3un€y). 7 lndicatG wh€thor the testsd strrrturE pass€d or tailod t|e {50 mV 'on'cfltorion bas€d on your interprotstbn of th€ t6st ctata. xtv. GALVANTC (sAcRrFrcrAL ANoDE) CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM SURVEY , tank Arlhat protectioncatpdic Systems.rnoasurqr€ntgcondud ol on stofag€systems byprobcteds€ctbflThis be !o continurty undergroundlJtilizodrnay loc8tionrernote leftand urdisturbec,atelecfod€reference b€must tn soilthe afixodacollft€plac€dWh,sl gIoUndmoving surwyoonducting incondusiv€is indi€tosorbrsttudureshewhicfrlixed continuitypossrbleCorxructb€'ni€€arbst two cell-moving slJrvoygru.rndpcint-Epcint 8ny tflernelallicoth€r instrlrciure toorderb€must tromisdatedtlattoisb€th€structureFor NOTE: The sumy ir nol complot€ unlsss Ell apPlicablo gans ol Sodion! l-xlv aro deFAcrurY *'' /), n: n, Elr-/r," O€SCEBE LOCATIOI{ Of'fUEO REI.OTE' REFERENCE ELECTRODE PLACETENT: POTXT.TO+OrNT VOLT^GE OIFFERENCE rsouTEcv coxIlr{uous, It{coxcLUslvE grauctuae 'a'' FUEO REIrcTE VOLTAGE STRUCN'RE'A'I FIXED RErcTE VOLTAOE STRUCTURE "8", ;1,ilsi.i(0.ntCa).#iii:' I tu#tt{921'6yd',wll Jriti,1l.:(ocrPa.) is I ,' :i,:,ilt' :17 mV,.r'. ; , -,t-;, lrxrnpr) t;.",. ISOI.ATED,:;,'.+rl.$t$ml',1ffi,'lll:!*zr?*i3fa!1t r (o(anpte! :;13ri; ;+1'r }ffi PREMIUM TANK FILLRIS (t COIUEXTS: taprem nk).strucluresisolatedrs (e .sfromdemonstrateunprotecledtothatattemptingarestrudureyoutheD€scrib€1 cathodically protecled fiilkretan riser)the structuisolatedtsfrom (e.g premiumdemonstrateprotectedtothatar€lstruclurB attemptingOescrib€2 Uthe younprotected millivoltstn -921structure(e mv).theof cathod rA1icallyprotectedstructure-to-soilRecord3 potentialrn€asuredthe 1millivolts-9 5restruclutn mV).theof (e g.utial nprotected rB')strudure.to-soilRecord4meSsurgd potenth€ 71 mU@when(egstruclurespoint-tofointnducting tastingtheandthebetweenunprotecledobservedprotectedRecord5th6voltageinconclusiverocontinuousw8sstructureisolatedtheindicatedtoand/oraellthewhethertestDocument6 xil. cALvANtc (sAcRtFtctAL ANoDE) CATHODTC PROTECTION SYSTEM CONTINUITY SURVEY STRUCTURE "A" t WINNEI ELECETIC € LIG}EITG CO, IIIC. 5330 RILEY LANE, MURRAY UT 84107 O Phone (801) 262-8780 NOVEMBER 7,2006 TO:MR, PAUL HARDING RE: UNDERGROTIND STORAGE TANK RECEIVED Nov 0 I 2006 DEQ Enttironmentai Response & tlemedration I HAVE ENCLOSED A COPY OF THE CATHODIC PROTECTION EVALUATION FROM SPACKMAN ENTERPRISES. THEY MADE THE NECESSARY REPAIRS TO THE TANK AND IT PASSED THIS TIME. I AM STILL WORKING ON THE CALIBRATION BUCKET ISSUE. I WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE - WE WILL GET THIS WRAPPED UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! HEATHER SUNDQUIST I I ". ' I Ji iL .i n S: i l '- 0J J tl iE*rY :: i . l. l t t" . . l. r lCl ,. *rf .. . IsF. . ;. t 1 LFFTaII Jg55L4 F-o@Ff,tCECE l=uiz5ul JccIlr , o\G<r\vso]- 1\)d 5t\\9ES =$&x ,o =& O'g ; o 2* qJ+ goS. -> J. I N+<) -- Y 9+- .> tL is vi r= IJri d ii vEHEE x, FAC'UTY XAXE: D€8CR'3E LOC 'IOT' OF R.EuC)TE REFERATCI EUCTROO€ PLACEIEI.'r:6/ LOCATIOXt cooE "iffit1fiii: STRUCTURE I CONTACT POINT ! r.rc;ffitT.,..*;i:}: TANK BOTTOM :i?, LOCAL REFERENCE CELL PLACEMENT.LOCAL REMOTE (u8rg€) : I )SltCLLrEJ!€ i ilf. i,-rt (ox&nd6) i:,)t::1 :liil. i$i DIS PE NS ER'5/13,.i]'i .. (er8rd€) .., ;:irpASS;rr, T,l/-/tn,/ru/ Tr*L E //*"-/grI7 P,/u,lthr(Drr rr.n<.,r.t/r.,/t, h,i,Eo{J^z -/1oo -///o7 -t1?!6ll sr, t0t':il8{trt!$E$*"*1 i I r{trl 1 2IINI\]5 T_I I I l*d-* rl, Ir COHHENTS: xlv. GALVANIC (sAcRrFrcrAL ANoDEI CATHODIC PROTECTTON SYSTEM SURVEY Nov 07 OG O3:1?p lJimmer Electric p.1 This s€clion may be utillzed to conducl a survey of a galvanic cathodic proteclion syrtem by obtBining strudur+to.soll polentjal rneasuremenls. Th€ relerence electrode mwt be placed in th€ soil directty ovar the tested struciure (loca0 BlLd 2$100 feel away hom lhe structure (remote). Bor! the local 8nd tha remole vollagc must b€ -€50 mV or more negatlve, in order for the srudure to pass. lhe NOrE: fh6 wmy lt nol Erplstr unloa! alt rppllc.Dta pIl! gt r€dmJ I - xtv sr sts 6rpq6d IXCOn CLUSIW /to Oesignate nurrEricalty or by code on the site draf,irE oacfr 'lcl'reforence etedrcde placement (e.9. 1 1, T-2, P.1, P-2...etc.).Describe the st uctur€ that is being tested (e.g. plus tanki prenium piprng; diesd subrnersibte trrmp ltex oonnectoq 6tc.).Oescrib€ yfiere contacl wifi the structuro thal is being tested is made (e.9, dus tank @ test lead; dies€l piprng @ dispenser 5/6: lank tesr te€o PP4 EtE)Oessibe the er€cl locatlon where relerene €leclrodo is placed lor eactr 'local' rn€esurament (6.9. rcil @ plr:s tank STp: soit @ djspenser 5/6 elc )Rffia !l€ structure.to-s.it potefltial measurEd wi$r the rebronce stectrode ptaced.teer in milli\o[s (e.g. {65 mV. .g20 mV, etc )Re@rd tl€ struclure.to-scil potential rn€asured wrth h€ relererice eleclroclo placed'rernote' (copy \ioltag6 that was obtainft dunno @nlrnurry 80 1 26287S 1 la 1 1 3 4 ( 5 7 lndk=tG whtrlg. the lestod of tfE +50 mv o, thc tGst @ta. 3un€y) h r2 ) Nov O'7 OE O3: 1 7p l.rJimmer Electric 80 1 262879 1 p.2 NOTE Tho &my is rcl €anpbto unteta dl !g9li@ob pan! ol Soqions Lxlv ry6 at$ D€SCE]BE LOCATIOi OT 'FIXED RET'OfE' REFCREHCE ELECTROOE PI.ACEIIENT I5OLI'TEry COHTINUOUSJ rrcoNcL uslvE COTIIEXTS: 1 Describ€ the cathodically protecled structurB that you are attempting to domonstrale is isolated from unprotected structur€s (e.g.prem lank).2 Oescribe th€ unproloctd structurB thal you are attempting lo demonstrate is isolated from the protected structure (e.g. premium tank filt nser)3 Record th€ measured structureto.soil potential of the cathodically protecled structuro fA') in millivolts (o.g. -921 mV)4 Record the measured struclure.to-soil potantial of the unprotectgd structure fBJ in millivotls (e.g. -915 mV). 5 Rocod the voltago observBd betwe€n the protectod and the unprotected structures when conducting point_to_point tosta ng (e.9. 17 m\4 > This s ction mey be dilizod to conc,uct rn€surBments of continuity on uncrsfgpund ctq-ae€ tank syste.ns trEt arc protBcted by cathqlic p.otecton systerns> wtlon co.Eudjng a fixod coll - rnovino ground sr.lvey, h6 r€fErence et€(trod€ mLBt bo placed in th6 soil at a rErnole tocstion aho left undisturDed.> Corl(lud rint-fpcrint Esl b€tweon gny tvro guuctur€s br\r,hidl the fxod celFmo$ng gruJnd suryoy is incoodusiw or indi(aos pcaibka coflunuiry.> Fo( galvanic systsflls, tro structuro that is.to be p(otoctGd must be isolated from any ot|€r m€tallic srudurq in order to pa$ the continuity sun €y FACIUTY i{AIIE: STRUCTURE "A'' 'STRUSTURE'8",slnucrunE.e.' FD(ED REi|OTE VOLTAqE sTnucnrRE .e,' FXED EEIOTE VOLTAGE porxr.To+orxr' YOLT GE DlfTERENCE !1i.-l?:l"i irilFi { i:t', (rxrnpar} ;,ii.L ili +.'. ... "-' -. '.1|'.gr.tl. PREMIUM TANK FILL' RTSER ii!!ir!l l;ivf:{(elInd.) JA}ri 'i#ii.{:015 mv.{1i.?ilY,ii$l$t4+.iii,'r .:i:1:i: {crnC.) ti: . , ' :r lt{@}tcl-usnE :" .:.rY.(rgq.) l-:i- .i , ISO{.ATED':,, ,l /tlvr-r ( xlll. GALVANIC (sAcRlFlGtAL ANODE) CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM CONTINUITY SURVEY 6 Documsnt v/h6ther the test cell end/or to inclicaled the slructure was isola continuous or incondusive I I Nov 07 oB o3: 17p trJ i mmen E I ectr i c go 1z6zg?s 1 p. 3Y7Etm /\1 Woat>'l COUNTY &// 1,. L<- CP TESTERS CERTIFICANOil NUMBER +/ EXPIRATION DATE: 2 PHONE NUHBER: f,,tt- 5/? - T?O tr PASS All prolected structures at this faqlity pass the calhodic proteclion survey and it ls iudged that adequate cathodic protectron has been provided to the UST system (indicate all cnteria applicable by completion of Section Vlll) One or more protecled struclures at lhis facility fail the cathodic protection survey and il is Judged thal adequate cathodic proteclion has not been provided to the UST system (indicate tvtrat action is necessary by completion of Seclion lX). DATE: Nov072ffi DEQ Envlronmental Rssponso & Remediatlon ) Access to the soil direclly over the cathodically protected structure that is being evaluated must be provided. ) A site drawing depicting the UST cathodic protection system and all reference electrode placements must be completed II. UST FACILITYI. UST OWNER ro, t76O/37?L),^.,, r, flr,'/,;, r L;nl-/,*NAME: I I I NAME:l),)^d f it,+.i'? /,ni/t it I, ADDRESS: Sss a tu*hADORESS:5:3c Sia P',/e, '1,, u CP TESTER STATE:tl t{ CP TESTE CITY: TESTER,S NA,TIE:*'1 l.Yte o :d+ uvCOTTPANY NAIIE ADORESS *erc: /1/",n, (on6rri/le uthin 6 rnonths of installatiorrrepatr &J ther€fier) D Re-survey afler reparr/modificationE SO<ay re-survey afrer fail REASON ! Routine - within 6 months of installalion sun/ey must be conducled D Routine-3year oate nexl cathodtc VI. CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTER 'S EVALUATION t'-*"nrr eoql E T All protected struclures at this facility pass the calhodic protection survey and it is ludged that adequate c€thodic protection has been provided to the UST system (indicate all criteria applicable by completion of Section Vlll). One or more protecled structures at this facility fail the cathodic protection survey and il iS iuc,ged that adequate cathodic protection has not been provided to the UST system (complete Section lX) lf the remote and the local do not both indicate the same test result on all protected slruclures (both pass or both lail) PASS FAIL ll rxconcuusrve be evaluated and/or conducted by a corrosion expert (complete Seclion Vll)nconclusive is indicalqd and thgSurvey CP TESTER'S SIGNA rov[. /o-,-9 T'S EVALUATION OATE CP SURVEY PERFORIEO by a corrosron expert whenr a) an tn@nclusrve is indicated br any proteded struclure $nce both the local and the the same outcorn€ (both pass or both hil), b) repairs to galvanrzed or un@ated steel prpng are conducied o. c)rernoE strudure-Gsorl potentials c,o not result in The survey must be evaluated an codewrthout folanodes are added to the lanks ancl/or COTIPANY ilAUECORROSION EXPERT'S NAME: NACE INTERNATIONAL CERNFrcAION NUMBER:XACE IXTERNANONAL CERTIFICATION CORROSI T{ EXPERTS SIGXATURE Vlll. CRITERIA APPLICABLE TO EVALUATION (mertrturaeppty) Strudur+tosotl potential more negative than -850 mV v/ith respod to a Cu/CuSOr reference ele6roc,e wth lhe p.oteclve qJrr€nt appli€d (This cntonon rs applicablo to any galvanrcally protoded strudure) Strucluretosoil potentlal mor6 negattve than -850 mV wth respect to a Cu/CuSOr refBrerc€ elecuode wlth proteqrve current temporarily Interrupted (Thts cntenm rs applicable only to ttros€ galvanic systems where the anodes can be disconnecle'd) Structure tested exhtbtts at least 100 mV ot cathodrc polanzatron (Thrs cfltenon rs apdcable lo galvantc systerns where the enooes can be t€mporanly dlsconnected)100 mV POi-ARIZATION B T 850 0N 850 oFF IX. ACTION REQUIRED AS A RESULT OF THIS EVALUAT]ON (,n rtooryon ) NONE Cathodic prolection is adequate. No further action is necessary al this time. Tesl again by no later than (see Section V) RETEST Cathodic proteclion may not be adequate Retest during the next 90 days to determine if passing resulls can be achieveo ! neeln S RETEST Cathodic protection is not adequate Repair/modificatron is necessary as soon as praclicat bul wrthin tl}e nexl 90 days Wtr tl FAIL GALVANTC (SACRIF|CTAL ANODE) CATHODTC PROTECTilSYSTEM EVALUATTON titrrh Dl'lQ tlntlcrgroilnd "Sft,nigc Tlnk Pnrgrarnr , crrt: f)tf,117.- n4lla'+ ,h.* ^ntu M-l _\ ! TANX 'PRODUCT CAPACITY TANKS PIPING FLEX CONNECTORS 1 lo,. /;u 7,dco {}; -B lr*onl ru4 /A/h 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 XI. DESCRIPTION CATHOOIC PROTECTION SYSTEM REPAIRS D'OR TION. : Corndee i( any repairs or modrfrcatioN to the cathodrc protedim system are made or are nocassary. Certain repairs/rnodificatrms are roquared to be de$gned andor evaluated by a cofioslon e4ort (cornpl€tion of Secton Vll requtred). Supplern€ntal anodes for a sti-P1o tank (anach @nosion expert's design or documention industry standard wss lollo\^Ed).tr X Supplernental anodes for metallic pip€ (attach conoEion expert's design or doarmention inclustry standad wa3 follou,ed) u Galvanicslly prolected tankvpiping not electrically isolated (explain in "Remarks/OttEf below). futryLRernark9Other: /"o Attadl d€t8il€d drewing or us€ th6 space provided to draw a sk€Eh of fr€ UST 8nd csthoc,ic protoction systofils. Suffcient d€tBil must be grren in ord€r !3 dearly indacat€ whorg tho rot€rsnco electrode was placed lor oach structuGtcsorl potental that is r€corc,ed on tho survsy brma. Any p€rtinent clatia musl also be indud€d. At a rmnmum you should indicato th€ blloi,{ng: All tanks, prprng and disponsors; Al UJildings and strgsts; All anodes and wres; Locatbn ol CP test s(aims; Each relar€nca decfo(b placernont must bo indicat€d by a code (1 ,2, T-1,) corresponding wth the appropristo line number in Secton XIV of this brm AN EVALUAT]ON OF THE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM IS NOT COMPLETE AN ACCEPTABLE SITE DR.AWNG Sh'y N i, /l I7*y .\ I This sdbn rnay bo ut,liz€d to condJct m€asurHnents ol continutty on underprcund stofagp tar* systems hat afr protected by cathoclic protection systems. \ rh€n oortducting a fixod call - moving ground sun8y, he rebrenco eleclrod€ must be plsced in th€ soil al a rBrnote location and left undisturbed Corlduct b€nile€nEst t$,o forstudurBs indicatesor cDnbnuitypcsrUepornt-bpdnt 8ny tlretoForhethatstruduretotsb€protected 't,/),.,^.,,- F,/r.*.,'.FACILITY TIAXE:NOTE The umy is nol mplele unl638 all applieblo pans ol Soctions l-xlv aro als O€SCBBE LocAITON Of 'FIXED REIOTE' REFERENCE ELECTROOE PLACEI'ENT: STRUCTURE'4" FUED REIrcTE VOLTAGE staucruRE'B'' FIXEO RETrcTE VOLTAGE potxt.to-porxt' VOLTAGE OIFFEREI{CE rsoLlrEcr' CONTINUOU9 rxcoltcLUsNESTRUCTURE "A" I STRUCTURE "8": (.ffrd.), (ssnC.) iir..i N@naq.usrvE" :.ii (.xrnplc),' .. (.xsrndc) /,,','..'i.921 mV ,f.i'-*-iiiitrr,."cir' .'.; i;'. (q'I9la) . : : n :\ i'.', -j. {. i : : : TYtoWPREM|UM TA},IK BOffOM iiit'q: ':." ; -:+.'+-.-',,i'.:'t--;'.r !.i" . I ' .1 ,- "il :,,',i..'l i . 1,ii:,;.lr(aramda) r- ) .r,,i1.17 mV '' i ,, .,r' (.End.) I j:. ISOLATED ,' (t COI{TENTS: 1 Oescrib€ the cathodically protectd structure that you are attempting to demonstrate is isolated from unprotected structures (e.9. prem. tank). 2 Describ€ the unprotected struclure that you are attempting to demonstrate is isolated from the protecied structure (e.9. premium tank fill nser) 3 Record the measured structure'to.soil potential of the cathodically protected structure fA') in millivolts (e.9. -921 mV). 4 Record the measured structure-to-soil potential of the unprotecled struclure f BJ in millivolts (e.g. -915 m9. 5 Record the voltage obsorved between the protected and the unprotected structures when conducting point-toroint testing (e.g 1 7 mV). 6 Document whether the test (fixed cell and/or Point to point) indicated the protected structur€ was isolated, continuous or inconclusive xil. GALVANTC (SACRTF|CTAL ANODE) CATHODTC PROTECTION SYSTEM CONTINUTTY SURVEY ..i . :...,-:,,,,''' I This s€ction may b€ uttlized lo conducl a survey of a galvanic cathodic protectron system by obtaining structurBtosoil potential measurernenls. The relerence electrode must be placed in the soil diredty over the tested strudure (local) !O!l 2$100 leet away lrom the strudure (remote). Both fle bcal and the remote voltage must be 450 mV or more negative, in order for the struclure to pass. ordo lz,NOTE: The sMy a3 not snplelo unl€t! all spplic$l'o Partr ot loctlos I - XIV ile olrc @rpl€l6oFACIL'TY XA[E:vUr O€SCruA€ LOCANOX Of REIrcTE REFERENCE ELECTROOE PLACETTENT REMOTE VOLIAGE. PA9A' XU TNCOaaCLUSTVEVOLTAGE. LOCALLOCAL REFERENCE CELL PLACE'TENT.CONTACT POINT tloc^noxt cooE STRUCTURE: .. (sxsmC€) ,..ITANK BOTTOM (examCe) ,'{90''(6xatnd€) €85 -/to 1 lts s-/x/ f,&orr4., //z-"11E"h,la,I P. n.-/iao -///o//r,/t, D,.',tzrtgz/r.- blulP,_,7I I I L COXTEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O€scnb€ where @ntact wrth the strucfiJre trat is being Ested is made (e.g. dus tank @ lest lead; dae€el PtplrE @ dispenser 5/6; lank test lead, ppa, etc) oe6crib€ the exact locat on where reference oleclrode is placed lor eacfr 'local' measurement (€.g. sc'il @ plus tank STP; soil @ dispons€r 5/6, etc ) Record 01€ struclurB.tcsot potential rneasuEd wrth the reference electrocle placed'local'in milli\olts (e.9. -865 mV, -920 mV, etc') R@rd i,|€ struc!,jrE-to-sotl potential rn€asur€d ffth the rebrence electrodo placed'remote' (copy voltag€ that was obtained dunrE @nlnulty su^€y) of the test dataor lail€d Ul€ -€50 mV 'on' crlterlon bas€d oolndicate wh€tlor fie stsrJ(tur€ r-2,1P.P-2 etc.1 ,2,3.electrode'local'eacfi (esglacenientreterenceoncodesitethedra,vtngorbynurnencallyO€srgnate connector:flexsubrnersiblediesel etc.)tested tank;pumpisttratpluspipang;preriumth€Oesctibe stn cture being (e.9. xlv. cALvANtc (sAcRrFtctAL ANoDE) CATHODTC PROTECTTON SYSTEM SURVEY I Spackman Enterprises 705 North 1000 West #9 Centerville, UT 84014 SALT I.AKE CITY***Lrr ,!oI 7445 MAILEo F8ol,l zP coo€ 8+0f IDERR 168 N. 1950 W. P.O. Box 144840 salt Lake city. uT 84114-4840 tt,,li,,tt,,fir,,ll,t.,l,l, Jt,,l,,l,,lll,,,,l,,llt,,,,,l.ll ) Erii t++4&4,i "n JON M. H SMAN, JR. Governor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor HECEIVED AUCI | e 2m5 DEO Erlyrr0flrnofllBt RCt0onlt I flmldietionState of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director August 3,2005 To:Gary Wimmer Wimmer Electric & Lighting Co. 5330 S Riley Ln Murray, LIT 84107 Re: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Wimmer Electric & Lighting Co., 5330 South Riley Lane, Murray, Utah Facility Identification No. 400127 9 The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (ACT) provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance, if it is determined, that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules, and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks (USTs) at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on June 16, 2005, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance, you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years for UST #1 including thc product piping Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control is performed on UST #1 by submitting a copy of a current precision tank tightness conducted in the last 5 years. The above information must be submitted to this office by September 16, 2OO5. If you fail to submit the required documentation as requested, you will be charged $70.00 per hour for time and travel as allowed by statute, for every follow up inspection necessary to document compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Paul Harding at (801) 536-4108. 168 North 1950 West. PO Box 144840. Salt Lake City, UT 841 14-4840. phone (801) 536-4100'fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801 ) 536-4414' www.de q.utah. qov I 2 Precision Testing Technorogies, Inc. RECEIVED AUG l9 20s DEQ fnvrronmenlll Resoonsi t Bmrdietio0 9t)t) ll t\t )6llt,\t, tlt .\'ttlt Luk( ( it.t', I htlt li4l lt) ts l-llllh-9224 tttl-$16-011t0 l'u.\ August 12,2005 Wimmer Electric 5330 S. Riley Ln. Murray, Utah Horner EZY 3 Negative Pressure Tank Test. Horner EZY 3 Iocator Plus Method The Following tank has been tested with the l{omer EZY 3 locator Plus Negative Pressure Tank Testing System. This system meets all requirements set forth by USEPA 40 CFR and bas received 3'd party certification' All tests are perfomred in a professional manner and within courmoo practices of the industry. However due to the variables of tank testing, these results cannot be guaranteed. There are no warranties expressed witten or implied. Testdat€- 08i11/05 FacilitYlD #- Tester-Johnlabrum Certification#2l8l32 Utah Cert' #UT0l48 Taok ID- Unleaded Tank Capacity- 4k Inches ofProduct- 24 Inches of water- 0 Inches of watet outside ofthe taok- 0 Maximum determined prcssure- 31.22 wcg Test Pressure- 32.7 wag Minimum detemhed prcssure- 17.33 wcg Acoustical Leak Detection- Pass No Ingress Detected Threshold value- NA Pressure result- NA Test Duration- I hr. 05 min, Water intrusion-NA Water Ingress Test- NA Test Result- l2k Diesel Tank- Pass Includes Suction Line Ifyou have any qtrestions conceming this report, please call me at 801'886-9224 , e)a DT /rflxttr:PMlIs ty'teutEP benIffb3\'EITEdfldtfilrotm plotldcd.b*teheorofpobdedBoItEca[todoalybe€cryAm bemn annod.ddo&dend Ffirn ttfr$urccthocalho&rrsr ryStnprfrEiloltAsloOplofrtedlu,ttg ,nng. 53fu gaorrt &u htIVroon ra 539 fuot Eet,1 bte cPrEilESASrmA'lplnfE nT E€oqranr:lnuGITTI: I axe tff rut$3ilrE: qtn mtPPft &nAIPIIDAIE 4-ot rom n?ah/2 1,,ot 886 qar',lHOTHM *xetfs.L c.onll: E hrfr-S$EnroilrdM[&n nc+nryettPdfnocdstRatrtr.syr mrtbdtd..l tl Sdrt:,ottwrY€tEhl 0lnqdtd N E EAtr crrnlwlmm Af4/-"f prffinunteY 8dnU0. lltrIUdFllerbHgdht.frSsffi9.6[ulo uniyrtLprfrctottdrrtrrbGryp!!aAlp,ffid 8fit vsorEtTb,rppUtb o@rEtdtrbunryenCteobailputlddPASS 771ltz aillrfiutd.qrrTdhldei,thccdto&httl5tlEfidrIbdry,IEDCOr.ed.cbd b ugrtr (ogilt,ETht!*.mbi.r Fol,edFoffit r dr Frtr. tvCnaill,lrl E itrttdllgtrnldaarDl'H pila5d,d&hffiD.ftlol$.trlo ma,rIFOTGIJ]TE a cguEtandbrooldffG,*Emrtb.lterrdffiblpm.tdtle otrE rsSsxrnE IDEru otillunlt.gthe fr*trl ITrt C Fbb)qlE ?-UrSIart drnert:lrd hIrrrrlilltbarril tr PAss tr FAIL bdubficproffitttdq*rd hludrdasiyt$d ptffittwump.l.lhodEebryAlpuoO 8.fric,crlrbd vul!w oomCenrppEtta$.b lrsT (ffi.!{mbailFthd Onactrtd.Ptfrcild pfofcilmhrendbEn #irnd b ,udrd rd.qer&Otchl oatoda .rlnryrtpfficdorthottyshetl,|tc d &&r5 00.Snrltet ,lceary !y omdmttlebunty3bm(hed.pror,Etd omrariltEooffi.4Enr8xl|E: ruc8 r]rEilaruE AL OEETIHCA]0I rrm:ilrc T|]EEI TEIAL CHlrlcATI[I osn€ox EIPSTS 80lJ[nn5:o lE: dtf! d lrt l0o nrv d odrorb Pdturtb| (Itlt oilrEr f rppbdr b Fl',rtt.,*.l|fil ttln irsuraal odrd). trnotdur 86000{ F.daCrr.crlrll 860oFF stldmldrdtO.lVFBliEAlEal'rndg. sr brtrr?asly NOiIE ffi pdffirbrrraqrb.lttilIterbncrydlfltn..Tt.efiDrrp BEIESIT CdreprobnrErrEtbr;b$r.. n€bcAthDf.ldSff bd*nl*rrlphOtrlroUl!rff'd. BEpAn l REttlT cffi FoLen b rd ertrqda nrerunamOon b mmrry r .dl E pncrb.t but lfl*l tE Iu D ayrtrF tr Sbrrrr F-8.etvr. GALVANIC (SACBIFICI oDE) CATHODIC PROTE SYSTEM EVALUATION U talr DIiQ Undcrgrorrnd Sforagc'lirnli I'rogritnr t i t:, I,\ l-: omlllrltlr& '.:t : _ )t FLEf cor{rEglffitPTOBTAIf,8TA{t(t Pmurgr AAPA TY Jrfft Nfr -eu *za 4layltuAOtD4x5rt'P3I 2 3 a 6 0 7 E e ffi !r rdr q't,. nmrlt O*Ut qrh/hoftffi J. rerubb ibtur.d aearurapit(otCdctd r0 vilIrtw .16 ElrfrIa pho (ffr orffir 4.f3 6lrr a &mltEl tdry edld nr ldanQ. e.frtrtE, Druo*d ffiIlilphe tpt drotdy h*bd 0ryfh h tmntroltof bcla0. Ettttd hforQ.a&amr&ttltf mt,trr*P1'qfilHg,tIlfr(etooo6tEfdrtsgtr tr gtfdrrrtrd tr rnilrothr: r t!,tPa ffi *m tr ddqb IChrt(l A t lIlrl[trt fur rlnt5 ffi..adudedffirdeEEdrdtrr Eitl EIIAU'ANOil OF THE CATIIODE PRSIECTP}I SI1ETET F ilOT GOIPLETE UlTHol,,T AIT AGCEPTqI]U SITE DRAIUN|o' 6//L2',N6 15?n.tT N 4/ urufno. ,rry, TzrlE otqf,Lf nsPred . ,. .,', ': #r. ntIEgtrntxnfirtr,r tl ,) tt coN/. I ,, offi r.GxtEtql.E mllt, EEufr tt trlE Artili} luoo.l#fid#frrCt6lillvrl-e to ,PottlT CatT trcr.mrr.[: tl/r an€E [tfc ret C mlsrrBTE fqt[MEreEIlIqIMsrnugnnE'FrgrRt,GllnE'A't des m// y'' 4urzhtryt+o. r7r/,2 &z.t-fto n/tlfizt fif$ u/y'prur. Eer- PttEE '7A0 n/Sttcllotit P/"'P T ,t -,,.0/ il/)t , lnetl O.t n/fttt- /r"tPY17//trnorn /ur. /,,tL oL n/TArtZ Eozr"rrt,t 4bt my'lrtrr /NEtl A.) n//trtprt Fl,nP :fr. COIEilTs: 2 Deco'tctheutprffiod efirs.rethatyou arpdisnpdrEbdcllm.re b bolaleilhomlhcprcteaod&t#tm(e.9. pmmrmur*fltlslr SRooo'dlrcrp.aradrtuc[re.t}rdPol€datoltheoeffiofialyp,eoiedfid.lDfA'!hrffirob(egL-ef m$. 4 B€Gold Ut nrasrd ltrfrruoad polerdal d lha rnproiccled rltlctrc [?l h m[htola (e.O 415 mV). 6 Rrcord tho nlaep dc.Ud botrroen tlr pmraed and th3 t pt@d rfidrul rilrn cddmte Poit-ioPdf fdrg (e.g! 17 tltv). I Deccrbe lhc catrorhty protsct d slnrilra thd you ale dampfhg b demantlale b boleted lrofli rrproi3cr.d shEt u (agt p.Ul|. dI ardror brltlettrrb€l torItll.ra C xnl. GALVANIC (SACHI ANODE) CATHOOIC PROTECTION S'EM CONTINUITY SURVEY - : ,-.1:.;,! l ':i:i rr':' ,:,1,. i l l}tbGid*.5add.Fr-rl-[rrl-*EI!'E ErfficrErrffirstro[r,!Il d7/P/r7 crtilErf'rEtootrErrcf'EE{ITI l.'l'./,rrp ttdoyu-L;l-ilrtfno(O 77Yc P-///f 'Cntte &e,a,6 6artJ P-t0l.t/rzre kr. fl,oun,tl fr/2ElVfr; rmo Piro,re/F- lot/'/o 0t/trQzil P,tnePoPut hrrE/rt Ao,F2DrUEpta, L^,tb :; ,t0r/odoilrr llett n)E ?V€t/.,/"iY ^/E rcryt*t/. /BZt // Atz,v rotl! ty' /rz rt#&yyn" ir' zvE /utzzal /arro Er rt[lrttg - v/tt a hfr -d*rfi ,frrrEarrtsitsd.Enr alda Edtt?ld a Fra[rrl f HttEtl,.af.Elc n*lill{I;-..lrb !.a'tst h rl. Fa. 't ,I ..fl a b.-au!El/n-rf E.-irrrtmffiExF,q'lrdrhlQEQq} ry f&tt/Pf . lraar-EaHE t tr.rrt-FlT{,tr.. .-,I--.d EdGaa,ddDrtEt-ffidB G -ITTat!f-G fr!FFh5rbEbat06trabTarH a sIlaIsrtri.rFa Tthd*tarti FJ(ro E -lr+8fi.Lla cI-.i-*7E XIV. GAL\TANIC (SACFIFICIAL ANODE)CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTETN SURVEY -lt3/ /ato3 '3t, I P - -:--l :_'-_'11-I_ fuJEof U.S. EPAStandard Errdu..on Nonvolumetsic Tank Tightness Testing Method rhb form blb whelhor tro hk tghha bdE rnot p., &.crt .l b€bn corr?fiB urith thopqfumarcc lrqultraprll of [r frdeC unrhgrcud rbtllgt U( roglren'Ttt evaluatlon war condrff by the €srhmdf ltsilhctm.ora qrE.ltrt b thcinarrfiGUto ryIlng b thc U.S. EPAE i$ndrd Td Plocedrn lbr Eralugtro trlDecdon llc0prL tloolormeficTrtrlgitraTc.eE Mdrrb.. lp tl cvd'umon tDpoil ab hdud.. a lbm dacrlErg lh. nd d dd a brm a.[trmrttrg lh. H dd. Tank owncr udng t{r lelt &Hoo lyrbm drordd k .p ttl bm or f,e b p.qrt comp0ame ui[r tE bdqd qdelbor. Tattl wgr should d.d( uith $Era and bcc agmclor b malc em thb bm ratlllr fi* ]tqflltfi!. Ir0pd OccAnOoo Narne EUr 3 Plus Vorsbn V€ndor 1505 (tildE) '47:n a5l 891€868(qV,(il)ebf (plEr.) Etnlc0on REflr Th*r motrd. nfildr ddra etrrkb b. tclfigu,hit an acoustb eloal b detecbd ahanra dbc.llL bYa 6A?E hor an cllrneted poE*y dltbc ehn tF(F^)l d l.A f bcdcrfhct.tradltd , lb*rrord 63 b-. A 5t corffmlnE rC b F(FA) bftom 0.4 b 8.8 f. Tfn_oupondrE probobflty dO$ofo p@)t d. __91_l0O * boscd on tle brt rulfr dJ_Orer qf A gahrpe lDlrbaf b -Jtslnrbbd l€ek b€le A $I odldcncc hnd trP(D) bliofli b 100 r. T..a Co.$ldo.t Drrtrg E r*!ilorr Theg:ufit{abrlewlse O lndr$q,rlh.bemoftlchnh Do6 tlla mffi rn rdftrd modr d hal d*don? ( ) ye (X) No. lf ye+ comflcb dad cv{*o ra{r cr me 3 dtde frriu- Beed m tlc rqilr &vq d or Hp 3 lanehad., !a lndpd (X) dc ( ) do6! notm.c the lbdcd p..tmrp rurrt.oDLi.d by 0a u.& Envlronnpntai plobcdon Agmoy (o.ro gflon pr lEr !t P(D) d$f d pFA) dSfI The ovartalbo ete rlr cqdrEd h-r4!ryju!0 ger ( ) s.t (x) tDcrgk H(thdw-_!!!0_rurhdanrrno rr@ rjrurorir1ihddairh- - --- cruicdlnecbnc ffi. NaircfrrlbTTT lItd - hJf FErr P.e. 1 d3 Viltun T.IGondflonr furhg Evdudon GomuX) Ihc$uuecoo&ddwilhlhoE* g$a0/t2 p.tuttlU. Thc Erpceturc dlb(lnc. b.trsr ptodJd.ddqt b lll lho ElI and plodrl ahaedyinthctsrtnngcdliilt NrA rhglt-Fb MA rhgrsF, withadandaddorbtond MA &er€aF. flroprltufulodhtheveb&on dallid . Tl{e mclltod nny br dlcild byo[lrr ro.rq dffiuo. Liltut lrtrfrgrsb.br and ghlr tE rang* dqrdhr udrwtldr hc enl.soua dqn (Ch.d( ilanc lf rctapptoablc.) ( )NqE Rangeof TdCondffrds Wabrsrlramudbaured toddd Lskl b€aol, wato. tablo. Intcdsonq WrlarhH. Llmlffonr oa tto Rreuttr Ihe perfumacc dnd &rp rl or{r t dd $trr r ThottrtrodI tElb{tr.th{Lt'dtrtgd. r Thovcdct Mnodonrbruhgthc mdpd m blld.. Thc dr con*r a podd ldanlhd ot t. nrathod drcrFoo form.. TlrdrcTdrb S-TdbBdor gffiastr*. o The dftoncc btqr ddrd rtd h'|il(F!fucf brrprdr!. b nogrcffirtlrr + a--NIA_dog]al FCruhdt (X)ctredtrqiCl* TenpeatnbnoleEbrcrr E.rtc aorddbmd dEE o Ttr ur*U trr krm thr rd d fig ft. E td( d th. 86 d lh. b.t dlh. col.oddtlCldgtnn o Tlrrft hrtrotlrd dtpghg f bh filp bYla n t[pff dt.H(frd!&tb!f l-gtr.rr o ThcH dd col6n tri tutrH b a ldarilnib. Thc prodd vdr.nt h tlr ffi drhe tdrg b rt 12 tur.a . Tl ! ridE' 0Q qr ( ) crd b td llhr grqr**lld b -orr tt b(E l of th. tir{s Sts dTer* MdTdrlH trlraCq*rProdrt Typcollr*ttai ttt ybcTlddbr Upb20,0(Xlgalon3 12Ib8Er Produditd Ufqp Loekt 20,qD b 30,()00 gsld!st Ul4.LEf! 20,m0 b3O,mOgEId..Of bOgf Ptodud lrelr t{drdmlbTTT ]IIIEI - hf. Fotn PE 2d3 Vettion Othq llniHqra spsdfid by the venda q ddeilnhad drdrBteeftB: ,Et llB oI -f.bo alamE ortotdoc rEt nEnthdtlEm€dlodb lnbnal bP(FA) bfromOto *. CoOttcroon olRrultt (.ag'-r!) J (d-) S*ty O*tetne Thb h.t ploc..lr. .6[fry b d.bct h*3 lt do.. not b.a ArkI0onJ Evrludon Rorultr (1, ooly rddnc. [r h.lto ot0r. !t.0rof.m .quF.trot for ttry h.rsd.. n$ m€Opd. u,ftHr dedala a Erkb be b.Hng whe.t hacancttneH pmbeDll$dlbbeabnnr rpellcr*)}pTNriltic^BtE ro Trrs UETHOD IP(FA)Iof * based m the het -bqla 116: A p€ftcl wtduhgipcrftct Becodoar flo oO€apr€d tlslltBr a 95!6 corm<bftes br b (qrrer pitlrtte .rntr) (crr,r.dd 6l b.dng ry.mH'ffiffitr t trlbr drbcf,oo mod. GrDOIc.ile) Urhg e lbbo ehrm 16 d S%, therhlrrr. m? lqrd trt tt urdr sma can rtebqwittt a gsta FsaDrty otmoo r o-ori "-ffi- " ffiH,adhob$r6ndrdEF nretroor-anotn-ttffi ripr-rirod;"-d;m"oT-mm".ffi U.Y.-JJL OJg*i lJmdrnrbTITffr-h-Fqrr &tqr.rut , Prer 3 d3 Et dcbcirrltlt. g5lf I i'i -:0 JON M. HLI ,.JMAN, JR Govemor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Etecutive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Diredor August 3,2005 To:Gary Wimmer Wimmer Electric & Lighting Co. 5330 S Riley Ln Murray, UT 84107 Re Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Wimmer Electric & Lighting Co., 5330 South Riley Lane, Murray, Utah Facility Identification No. 400127 9 The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (ACT) provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Ceftificate of Compliance, if it is determined, that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules, and regulations' At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks (USTs) at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on June 16, 2005, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance, you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection rester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years for UST #l including the product piping Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control is performed on UST #l by submitting a copy of a cun'ent precision tank tightness conducted in the last 5 years. The above information must be submitted to this office by September 16, 2005. If you fail to subntit the required documentation as requesled, you will be charged $70.00 per hour for time and travel as allowed by statute, for cvery follow up inspection necessary to document compliance. II-you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Paul Harding at (801) 536-4108. l6ttNorrh l950West.l,Ollox l4484O.SaltL..;rke ('ity. ll'l't't.lll4-4ti40.phone(801)536-4100'fax(801)359-8853 1'.l).l). (ll0I ),536-44l.l . rt'rt'tt.dtq.utuh.grt| I 2 a Owner Name WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO.Location Address 5330 S RILEY LN Address 5330 S RILEY LN ( 200 W ) City MURRAY state UT zip 84107 City MURRAY State UT Zio 84107 GARY WIMMER Phone 262-8780 Contact GARY WIMMER Phone Tank lnstallation Date 9/1 1/1 998 Capacity ot Tank (in gallons)4000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored 6aidtthe Tank is in use,Currently ln Use Yes No Yes No Yes No lf not in date last used and in tank. Current year tank tags are in place. of Material of construction of tanks Galvanic Cathodic Pro Material ol construction of piping Bare Steel Pipinq tvpe Safe Suction Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is tilled by translers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill Drevention is required.5-+t'J,. Spill containment bucket is clean, drv, and free of product, water, debris.(fc No Yes No Yes No Yes No A".A (^,,fType of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overfill prevention is required. lf an overfill alarm is the primary overlill device: Alarm is located where it Corrosion Protection method used on tanks and and alarm is marked. STr P3 No Yes No Yes No Yes No t)LCorrosion Protection method used on pipino d.* qL At disoensers:U", lL-, 5SCorrosion Protection method used on llex connectors, swing ioints, etc. At tanks:Yes rNo)At dispensers:Yes <AJo->Enclosed containment sumps are present at tanks and dispensers Yes Containment sumps are sealed, free from watqr,.prodyqt, etc. Cathodic Pfo .ctlqn Tedtiitg. Shoriiirfiexesult$'olthe most recent test: The results ol the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter). volts voltsw A\to*ErriL'.cTank Tester volts volts volts volts volts voltsPiping Tester UT Date volls volts volts voltsFlex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester At tank At dispenserUT Date volts volts volls volts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results ol the last three equipment operation checks are available (required every 60 days).Yes No I 0 Name of Disiribution: tr Emergency generator tanks only; leak detection defened. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. COMMENTS Ldcheck0804.d@ Facilitv lD 4oo127sUtah I-IST Program Retease Detecr ,r lnspection Checklist Paqe 1,,', of ' 2 OwnershiO of Tanks Complete for each tank. !l the facilltv has more than four tanks. comple 6..triiE{ii Number of tanks at the facilitu: """/ ilr- ' Yes i'1" 0r. eech 0r flex,c,onnGctol l,J ez;L " i on Utah [$t Program ,-r lmientory Control "- .R Manual Tank Gauging Facility tD 4001279 Pase 2 ot 2 TANICLEAK DETECTIoN TTT/1.C. Method used for tanks: t':f I Tank tiqhtness Testing/lnventory Control [ ] Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [ ] Manual Tank Gaugi4g SIR/ T-rT/ LTT 3rd party c rti!qq!i9! qyql!q!!e:Yes NoSIR system used: Circle Yes or No for each ouestion. ln the last column, explain and identify by tank any exceptions to the answers given in the first column. No((epGsrn lnventory readings for product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount remaininq in the tank are recorded and available for each operating day Records show proper sticking and measuring of product level at beginning and end of inactive period of aooropriate lenqth.Nov"/lnactive period 36 44 58 hrsMTG . YeBr NoIC SIR Product inputs are reconciled with delivery receipts by measurement of the tank inventory volume before and after deliveries. No(JF> IC SIR MTG lnventory readings are properly reconciled monthly (weekly and monthly for MTG) to the appropriate allowable amount. Qr"5 ruo Type used: j; I ,'.,' kIC SIR MTG Equipment used to take readings (ATG, Gauge gJclt, etc.) is adequate, accessible, and operational. IfATG is used, system has proper documentation of setup, calibration, etc., and oryler'! rnq!qqlE-pl9q9!! @-) ruoIC SIR MTG An appropriate calibration chart is used to convert product level readings to qallons, and is available for review.(D *oIC SIR MTG Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. @ NoIC SIR Records include the appropriate number of water readings, and water readinqs are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary. Yes ) No Calibration date: 'ln.O ehtt*E* IC SIR Dispensers have cunent calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation. -tr-D NoIC SIR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. ( Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lf the final monthly over/short value exceeds the allowable for lnventory Control, indicate whether the value is over (increase in volume) or short (decrease in volume). 1/05 2t05 3/0s 4t05 5/05 6/0571048/04 9/04 10/04 11t04 12t04Mol/r i 1te'p f,l"t-'P r#!r f)l:1) g # # Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Results of last tank tiohtness test are available: Y fu\ lJ z-.1,*r"\Results: Test Date:Tester name and cert, number:UT Test Method: OTHER 'and one other method are required for Pressurized Piping): I Line Tightness Testing [ ] lnterstitial Monitoring Type of lM Documentation atAaD linEfualdetector I Vapor Monitorinq [ ]Automatic Line Leak Detector tt I Statistical lnventory Reconciliation I PIPING LEAK DETECTION Method(s) Used (Automatic [ ] Groundwater Monitoring t I .2 GPH Monthly fesling Safe Suction Piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that pi valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping.ffi""t"t at less than atrnospheric pressure, has only one check No Tank 3 TankSTank 1 /Tank2/Llne Tightness Testlng, Llne Leak Detector Testing: /ResultsResults of last line tiqhtness test are available: Y N Tester name and cert. number:Test Date S*/.fe S MES YESType (M- Mechanical E- Electronic S- Sump Sensor): ( Automatic Line Leak Detectors Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: ( Results of last leak detector oerformance test are available: Y N Results Tester name and cert. number:Test date:UT Test Method: Show results of monitoring for piping for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. Moffr # # ( COMMENTS 15:81 252-879:t-I,IIMMER ELECTRICA PAGE 21. wlliltilEt El-ECErlc- e, [lcrimc co,, lllc. 5330 Rl Vuarue , MURRAY,UT 841 oz o pnonE (801 t 2624780 DATE i ql teloe* TIttEt ', oo TO!ic\or FIRl.f/DEPTS TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGEE INC LUDING COVER PAGE FRODI: FIRti: sEP I 3 2002 ENVIR0NMENI* ti,ltHt8t & REMEDIATiCI'i , DERR \itD-tA I\ BY 50n COcoH}lENTs r IF you DID NOT RECEM ALr. PAGES r.H GOOD eONDMION' PLEASE ADVIBE ASAP. oun FAx No. rs r-801-262-8791 83/t3/Z:8,42- EI\CS rMr tE TSINSI'{I SSro.N cov3[ PAGE Zg/13/2Ab2 16: A1 262-8791--' OATE OF THIS MONTH'S WATER LEVEL CHECKi I'IMMER ELECTRIC PAGE S2 MONTHL ]NVENTORY BECORD OT\ MONTT{/YEAF I FACILITY NAME: IANK CONTENIS:V1h t^AMOUNT Or WATEF (INCHESI: ( LEAI( CHECK: TOrAL of 'DAILY Ov.* o^ tfo"]- IF ANSWER IS'YES'TWO TOTAL GAIONS PUMPEO t a\7-- )x .01 + ts TARGER THAN TH€ 'LEAX THECK FESULT rorn cetloes oven on SHOET 130 Yes 'rolar GAlLol{6 ?uMPEo: zdo,lI NO MONTHS IN A ROW, NOTIFY REGULATORY AGENCY Er{o sTE(NrrEtlroFv rrt^LsDAI.Y OVEF on <slxl8r, GAr.LoLssrcXEs D STAET EIET !x\rEllloF ' G Llo}{s -OELrvtecD aag TvEITOFIGAlLollS PUla?tD OATE LL)Oo .LIo2 I3 o IL 5 () I e I woL10/- It I 0)1Z f,rlf,.7 IlaIt- l5 ,l_to !a Z 1b ta 1 4It'tz1o2O ?!zb'ot-77 23 ,LL'oLc'.7I t)75 26 21 o2a -4) 2o !o 3r ffi[u JilIID sg KEEP THIS PECE OF PAPER ON FILE FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR FEOEiI l- vEurl. 2'JrqJ ' asl13/2@A2 I6t@1, 252-879\ DATE OF THIS MONTH'S WATER LEVEL CHECKI t4rMMER ELECTRI9^ PAGE 83 MoNrHt; inveturonv BEcoRD MONTWYEAR : FACILITY NAME: TAN( CONTEMTS: 1l b, AMouNr oF wATEB (lNcHEsli n tr (, fiw n u U ioteL clttoxs PUMPED YOTAL GALLONA PUMPED LEAKCHECK: (1Lo IOTAL GALLO}|S Ov€F OR SHOFT i .ot + 130x L -aoa" r** r*e't"ElK bxecx' nesulT' TOTAL OF 'DAILY OVER OF SHORT IF ANSWEB IS.IES" TWO MONfHS IN A ROW, NOIIFY REGULATORY AGENCY c Ello sTEr n{\fEXTOlf,irfItaLSorl.Y 6,Ea OR <8tffiT> c^tLol{3Hq}lfA /-) itrnr srrr rialrEtatfr I c|rLLOrrS -O€LIYIiED smr HVEXTO ' oAlLo s ?UM?ED OATE o 'I b 2 lo3 6 6 c)\1 Oa 0tot)\lLlo t-2 at-4b1! 41 zblr5 L4\oi6 c.'L.L-1Vt,ota o 11tsoL/- I?0 an .L 2! L\22-L o1b12202A D2a 25 O() 26 O1VZ7 Ib?r b129il)\4o'2-Dt30L-)o?43l KEEP THIS PI€CE OF PAPER ON FItr FOR AT I'EAST ONE YEAR FESDI{a. vrFrEt I ' Jll{lll 09/ 13/ 2AO2 16:81 262-8791 ^HIMMER ELECTRIC,.\ MONTHLY rN PAGE 04 VENTORY BECORD MONTHNEAR : FACILffY NAME TAN( CONTENTS (u \n4 OATE OF THIS MONTH'S WATER LEVEL CHECK: AMOUNT OT WATER (INCHESII TOTAL CALLONS ov€F OR SHOFT. TOTAI. GALI.ONS fT,,MPED: roTAL GALLoNS PL,MPED x .ot + lg0 uA< cHicr: , 9,q, . TorAL oF'DAILY ot"" ot =*"*L tAFGEn rHAN TllE'ulr buecr BesuLT; YEg IF ANSWEF IS'YES'TWO MONTHS IN A BOW' NOTIFY REGULATOR (EEP THIS ercE or papen oN FILE FoR AT LEAsr oNE YEAF kcL_.EDt Y AGENCY SIEI'E NO !llftaLsDAIY(rrrEi oF <6Ho*r> GALLOII6${CHCSGALLoLg -DErtYfiEDSTAfrTSTEX+fi\,Ei[oFl G rlora6 PUrltEo o TE b5o'lPr 6 ?1 s 3 ,) a O \lL 6 t/ 1 '{ta 7-tso \'110 'bk'1D o IZ Z(L13 ?r4 L z:e\r5 o tb16 L.'Ll, ia bZt9 L 2-21 7)1D (--) t)L21 0 zl,IB I2G 21 7\z2lL 29 lo1l f,Ecol{ a. rfintxrl , ' J"{IJA o_ Eoox fi\,ExflrlTf )\o t ra7)-5l_ \n1--ZL w.,' ).t \,U A ) ) I to -T,oz'l \tr)no_f)_110---o_aGs_ z4',.u ( I - ALl--oo_ 20 -i=t16-A\1lb 7-- -)l,I LX-,D--_orO tA YD-\4 ]flLIt -\\Tb- I 711 I n 1\\r\r4 -t141-- 30 Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City. tltah 841 l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801 ) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-44r4T,D.D. Kent P. Gray Director May 30,2002 TO Wimmer Electric & Lighting Company Attn: Heather Sundquist 5330 South Riley Lane Murray, Utah 84107 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Wimmer Electric & Lighting,located at 5330 South Riley Lane, Murray, Utah; Facility l.D. # 4001279. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all stare and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on April 09,2002, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are our of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control is performed for the months of June 2002-August2002 on your 4000 gallon UST by: a. Documenting that the liquid volume in your UST is measured, each operating day, to within one- eighth inch, including measurement before and after each delivery, and reconciled to daily withdrawals. b. Documenting that inventory records are reconciled monthly to determine the total overage or shortage for each UST, and the variance is compared to the altowable of 130 gallons plus one percent of the UST's monthly throughput. c. Documenting that the water in each UST is measured to within one-eighth inch, at least once per month, and the water measurements (converted to gallons) are used to correct the monthly inventory reconciliations. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. If the above information is submitted to this office by September 0612002, and substantial compliance is achieved and maintained, no further action will be taken on this matter. Failure to respond to this request by the date specified will initiate the revocation process for your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Victor Scherer at (801) 536-4240. 1 - Utah UST Program Detection lnspectionRelease !Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks Owner Name l^)tmrrn ep l?l ocl.-e,tt F L.i,.l ,^ "'Location Name lrJ r- nA E;1 EJecrg,c- P l,r. l,.pn. Co city NA r.to-f4ha Qtate l-.Lf zip q.qlD'l Jc)Address LoBBAddress State t g. lz, I TJ tar contact -$cotl,,ri S*0$*$lnon" Lt ). Qlqo -k-lLocationPhone ka I3nf-3-Tanlrtl Complete for each tank. ll facility has more Number of tanks at facility:--Tade2 on Tank lnstallation Date q\qg Capacity of tank (in gallons)Ubo e, Substance stored P.Aqolrno Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used V lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches)NA Answer the all Current year tank tags are in place TooL Material of construction of tanks ( rE-E- t Material of construction of piping <1EL l- Pp #(€ au<For{ - No UrvE 7.esT-.-.--P&*r-crf2_eN tf no IS red rs Piping type less than than 25 ype 'tqa,ttdrJ Ato and alarm is an marked Yes No Method used on tanks Corrosion Protection. and Method used on piping oP Method used on flex connectors IUA Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Yes No lndicate dates o, upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection for each tank, line, orCathodic The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (wiihin 6 months of installation and every 3 vears thereafter).Yes No h 'lJt:X""n"lranx rester Jbrrv LalxwrPao*-Tdrgr. G-o tro F*6s {ue{,L*, .rrt YEr I -t oo?),"" f,o,nn r"S 1o;A"eryrSer'Nrrt{h crbr,&$;,rt[volts 9 volls \volls volls Sub pump current system three equipment ired r-T' res are 60 ments Wo T r\OT C \"t-t_L; Yes No "r\filt Pase I ot O UN Iary <Ak*A r.tE <:- volts volts volls volts volts volts f.c \nsrr.Bng- Fo e t(name) V rllo p 6cAef O1 certify that I inspected the above-named facility on (date)If 9-oDate of Owner or Owner's C Distribution:rev0302 txl!D separate form. c-P volts volts Mbthod used for tanks: 2.M/.\r^AL-HANTO used lor Manufacturer,name and model number of system:System 3'o party cert. available Yes No lnDRecords on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and lank setup reports, maintenance records).Yes No ATG IM Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.)Yes No Ail Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc.Yes No Ail Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available lor the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in orid below-Yes No ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt conection factor for each tank is shown on the tank setup reDort. Yes No ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. Yes No IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- conodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). Yes No tc Mlc HR- lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained anO X I recorded. Readinos are oroperlv reconciled. ' \3N@ lcsln Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to ( adiust inventory balances as necessary.G No D:trro SIR An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review.-JgrNo .+d srn Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.rYes)ruo tc $rR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom.rf#., tto Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate pass, fail, no results, or inconclusive. Mol/r ^,0 ru4gP-tzt 9,u#f,c-f {cs A^--,/\U-f l2J)/v\{\.L (-fr :! #,\107 Pf itmctl Ito Trrc-+t ,"rtoD W,-L .o. {,{ ec-p'r.,r< 't le ,@ywh#I ,, \J #I Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Di-rpar'=-* rr5h,l'c4-.lz:6r'xa Fg31hr"tr*Date of last tiqhtness test tor tanks: Duta^ WaiName and certilication number of tester:Test Method: Nh - sele su.rrarr\Date of last tiqhtness test for pipinq:Test results: Name and certilication number of tester:Test MethQd: Date ol last leak detector performance test:tt/4 - Sn6(,?;;#5 Safe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has onlv one check valve (under pump), has proper slope of pipino. Yes No Comments Pro"A orN Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldall rev0201 .wpd Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Detection Tank and Line Tightness Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing: Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks Orarner 1611p WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO Locarion 1q6 WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO Adctess 5330 S RILEY LN Address 5330 S RILEY LN ( 200 W ) City MURRAY Sate UT Zp 84107 Gty MURRAY State UT Zip 841A7 Contact GARY WIMMER Fhone (801) 262-8780 Location Contact GARY WIMMEB Fhone Complete for each tank. lf faeility hre more thar 4 tanks, ompl Nunber d tanls at f rcility:d).3_) Tark lnstallation Date 9/1 1i1998 Capacity of tank (in gallons)4000 Subtance stored Gasoline Tark is in use (Y) or, if nct in use, give date last tsed Currstly ln Use lf nct in use, depth of prodrct in hnk (in inches)l.J * Cunent year tank tags are in place Ivlaterial d corstruclion of tanks (sted, FBP, conposite, etc.)Protection (STlP3) lvlaterial d corstruclion of piping (steel, FBR f lex plastic, etc.)Bare Stel Hphg type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, eb.)Safe Suction Type of Sill revenlion Ds/ice (<5 gd, >5 gal, cmt. sunp, etc.) Nlob if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gdlons. lf so, no spill reqlired.5rrr,-L!-dr/ Type of Overf ll Prevention Devbe (siutoff, ball lloat, darnl dc.) Mte if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gdlons. lf so, no overf ill required. in the lat colum n. can seen Yes No hg for all tarks. lbte lvlehod wed m tanls (trlvl CS, ll- C, SA, ND narkedand alarmis Corrosion Probction. tvlehod rlsed trr pipirg (NI4 CS, C, SA, ND elsA tvletrod rced m f lexconrBctors ((G-,\ruC, CP, NM NP, NA)C< Enclosed conta'nnBnt sunps at tanks (subpnp) and dspersers (NloG lndbate dates d upgrades- linirg, tark or pping cathodc prdectim. The resdts of he last tw o cathodic protectim tests are avail$le (w lhin 6 npntls of irstalldion and every 3 years thereaf ter).I\b (ranr Tester me s€E BE/..t r1]- Qiping tester tDde l\ rdts \olts !dts \oltsFlex Connectors Tester Nf\'-ac-Sub purp DisperErhte \dts \olts \dts \olts '(crrtL04, Yes Nb n7,t ^ eqdpnert operation chec*s are avaihble. (requied every 60 days.) mpresse m: .*L& fc-)'.-q-A"o-c&\-' O lL'J tt-A-) r I O2 C {,1,aJ.urLCv\(. CP "t (l. o'qo/{€c /**(-Puw/614a /. -o $- ent ^ Utah UST Program A L^ . r Release Detection lnspection Checklist uiaciril D 4oo127s Answer the lollow ing for all tanks. l$te ary exceptions in the lct colum n. 1A {"9 lnsrnr:lor's sicnalrrre \ ). , r*, ^ 9"h, q)vllt J 4,000 T n g ID 400'l Utah UST l/ethod used for Suction 3'd the lt/laruf acturer, nane and nodel nunber of OTHER cert. available Yes M r fir lrlefrod tsed f or tanks: TTT Y {ii Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis proper! instdled, calibrated, and naintained (systern and tank setup reports, nEintenance records).6* AtrQ IM Dvice docurrBntation b avdlable on-site (owner's nanLal, etc.)Yes Nlo 6ll)Quipnent tsed to acqdre dda, tale redings, perf orm test is adequde, accessible and f mctional. lrpl. ATG console, dipstick, etc.QB* qYes)Nlo \AlI-/Dcunentalion of valid testing or nonitoring is avail&le f or the hst '12 npnhs. Show bsting or nmitorhg results in grid below. ATG The pobe is locded at the center d the bnk lf not, tle tilt correction factor f or eah tank is shown on the tark setrp report. Yes No ATG The tank w as f illed to at leastthe nhinumlevd reqLired by the nanufacturer's equipnent gotocol to ensure a vald leaktest and thetanksize is w itlfn the allowed tpper and loar er size lirits. Yes llo Secordary barrier is property placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consi&ratims, lns an acceptable perneation rate, is conpatiUe w ih the substance stored is nm-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnent). Yes Nlo l[/l C MI'G SlR hventory readings f or prodrct inprts ard w itffirawals are prcperly obtaircd ard recor&d. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled.GeJ x" @n Fbcords include he proper runber ol water rcadirjs, ard w der readings are usedto adjust inverlory balances as necessary. ,'=-(-YS!)No Pure SIR An appropriate tank calbratim chart is used and is auail$le f q reviaiv @)" 3)sn Dspersers have current calbratim stickers or proper cdibratbn daunBntation €rb G-J"G^hn Dop trJres are present and extend to w lhin orB f od of the tank bottom Shotrr results d monitoring for each tank for tlre last 12 months. lndicate pass, fail, no results, or incorrclusitn 1A01 1toz 2l02 3l02 4t02 5l02 6t02 7lo2 8102 9t0210/01 11/01 na(-a*TbL or-OR ol<(y1"-.JA#3 I,wc,.,4,1 #6to"/''dY q/,)e_ . f # Tmk 1 lanK'2 Tank 3 Tank 4 G" O lat tiqliness test tor tanls 5Etr Test results BE/cl-tJ--Mne and certlication nunter d tester:Test lvbthod Date of l6t tigltness test f or piphg:NA - Sn Pe <{/-r'/\)Test results Mne andcertlicatim nunber d tester:Test lvbthod Aubrnatic Line Leak Detector tvre and rncdd M H - SAle er,t t-rZdr'\ Date of last leak detector perf ornance test:Test results Nba0Safe Suction pping: Docunentdion is availdb and verif iabb to show tt'nt piping oprates at less thil atnospheric pressurq has only me check valve (under punp), and has propa slope of piping. aY-f , C-P fioI ,ru f,te "*,.{Connents er.,\ Aof I Cirde Ye column- [loffr Tank and Line Tightness Testing, Lire nar LOL n*l,J!s[ tQ owner Name lrJ r,r^ rntr.? - l:\, r*+-rr - d. I r r.+rlv? to Locationt't"r" V0 tr*,r.n^qf Ele-Clr,. t L,<ht,n (r2 RouressE-R.BO 5. Rr LeY ' l.Nl N O5 gR,,1a oW V\ u,"*r*l-ana state ttl ,oQQlG lc'rCity \ Contact \lS ?-t'7s0Phone lr I Location Contact t:' foffnation,foi additi b -tPhone (.f""@ \-r3!! s )tNumber of tanks at facility:\antz/)Tank 4 -*J=3 qh I q trq-zTank lnstallation Date N q*/ Capacity of tank (in gallons)fiwo i&e t}gda Substance stored koodtno q,"6a,L ou4A^,V Ly\Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used ,)d \- Y lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Current year tank tags are in place I Ste- LMaterial ol construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.) Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.)'it"-[qAU StrcrtcPiping type (pressure, safe/US suctioq, gravity, etc.)L. t) Type of Spill Prevention Devic{<54af>9gal, cont. sump, etc.) Note if filled bv transfers of less than 25 qallqns-{so, no spill required. than 25 no overfillif filled of lf (c8ptiorts ]n the lasl Yes Noalarm is I seen marked 311Method used on tanks (NM, QS, lL, lC, SA, NP) Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP)1+ Method used on flex NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A)DgPens.-r. Yes @Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). t No 0a od DASSC.e,f.r-s-n n t!Tank Tester oa 16()fruGPiping TesterD.6{- L oIaA o/1^\^ Date (g voltsSubt Sub volls Sub volts Sub volts" \rrotLl<l rester Df 0 *. ' NR lu-'),"lFlex voltsDisp.voltsDisp.voltsDisp.voltsDisp. Yes NoFor impressed cur(gJlt system: The results of the last three equipment operation chec[<q are availablelrequired qvpry 60 Hays.) '[t tA -vKdA a -->r a UY\U O t G-. {,vr-1_.h c o *.; yn the above-named of\Page on TC that I ^or's of Owner or Owner's i Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Faci rev0201 .wpd Utah UST Program Release Detection Inspection Checklist rD ,it o0 ltrl Ownership of Tanks Location of:Tanks \) ) 01,* t;1,t' ol Cathodic Protectlon Testing Complete for each tank. Lre) ltname) \l , -.-,p AJ^{,ar---- x Utah UST Tank ping h=ffif fGetnoo used for SnMethod used lor tanks: I - e 3AA ITfiE Manutacturer, name and model number of system:Svstem 3'o parU cert. available Yes No Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and andeachCircle Yes Ail and tank maintenancemaintained @*o ATG IM Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.)Yes No 6*oAilEquipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc. AI Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in orid below. -@ r.ro ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt conection factor for each tank is shown on the tank setup report. Yes No Yes No ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. Yes No IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- conodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). IC MTG SIR lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readinqs are properly reconciled.No,G IC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary.Yes No Yes NoIC MTG SIB An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.Yes NoIC SIR Yes Notc stR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one toot of the tank bottom Show results of monitorinq for each tank for the last 12 months, lndicate pass, fail, no results, or inconclusive, Mo/Vr JLTAJY\.Lolj +-i.q.)-{.- C r tor liq 0r \* vlt r).4#MAru ^aL +o I# # # Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 r)alqlq c Test results:Date ol last tiqhtness test for tanks: Name and certiricarion numbei or teste, "8Xffi]'ffi Ut orjrffi* Aqlqb Test results:Date of last tiqhtness test for piping: Name and certirication number or tesrer: ?oFrof <- J^, f-nC Utgll,"\,"r' Date of last leak detector performance test:plA Test results: Yes NoSafe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), has proper slope of piping. Comments pao" ) ot?f Distribution Pink-Facility/Owner revo201 lD rl00 rA rf Tank ITank and Line Tightness Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing; P ' Facility lD: Owner Name: Owne. Address Tank Status: Date lnstalled: Date Closed: Tank Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Material: Pipe ilaterial: Pipe N4aterial: Pipe Flex Connector'si Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Overfill lnstalled: Spill lnstalled: Pipe Release Detection Tank Status: Date lnstalled: Date Clossd: Tank Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Material: Pipe Material: Pipe Material: Pipe Flex Connector's: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Overfill lnstalled: Spill lnstalled: Cathodic Protection Met ln Compliance: On PST Fund: 4001275 WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO 5330 S RILEY LN MURRAY UT 84107 Facility Name: WIMMER ELECTRIC & LIGHTING CO. Street Addressr 5330S RILEYLN (200W ) MURRAY UT 84,107 UTM Coordlnates 424,215.58 4,500,598.28 Hand Held GPS with Base Station Corr 1 Yes None None Steel Tank Fede Tank Date Dat€ Tank Tank Tank Pipe Pipe Pipe 3\ ral lated Tank: 9989l rmanently Out of Use It Coated or Bare Steel lnstal Closed: Capacity: Materiall Material: Materiall iraterial: Flex Connector's Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Overfill lnstalled: Spill lnstalled: Cathodic Protection lvlet: ln Compliance: On PST Fund: Other Financial Mechanism Tank Release Detection: Currently ln Use 9/11/1998 4000 Galvanic Cathodic Prolection (STl None Bare Steel Cathodically Protected Cathodic Protection Met: ln Compliance: On PST Fund: Other Financial Mechanism Tank Release Detection: Safe Sucti Gasoline No No No Yes Yes No MTG TTT Gasol No No No Yes Yes No Sale Suction Gasoline Yes Yes es Y No TTT I.C Steel uction l,vr Other q1t tc OX-0""n.,t'-' P,\Srlvu Other Financial l\,lechanism Tank Release Detection: Friday, April 06, 2001 I TG TTT Page 1 of I Tank lD: Federally Regulated lank: Tank lD: Federally Regulated Tank: Pipe Release Detection: Pipe Release Delection: 977 3 Yes Permanen y Out of Us€ 922t1977 9/1/1998 2000 Asphalt Coated or Bare Steel None Sale 1l., d Companies that do Statistical lnventory Reconciliation This list identilies companies that do Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR). lnclusion on this list is not an endorsement by the State of Utah. This list is subject to change without notice. For up-to-date intormation regarding a company, contact the DERR UST Section at 801 .536.4100. SIB Technol oov SIR Monitor Route 1, Box 1532 Burley, lD 83318 Tel: 208.678.1784 Warren Floqers Associates. lnc. 747 Aquidneck Ave. Middletown, R.l. 02842 fel 401.846.4747 Watson Sv stems. lnc. 4501 Madison Kansas City, MO 641 11 Tel: 800.878.9747 Advanced Telemetrics 520 Cave San Antonio, TX 78209 Tel: 800.382.1482 Computerizinq, lnc. P.O. Box 99 Scottsboro, AL 35768 Tel: 205.259.1805 EntroDv L imited S. Great Rd. Lincoln, MA 01773 Tel: 617.259.8901 Horner Products. lnc, 104 Little Killarney Beach Bay City, Ml 48706 Tel: 800.443.071 1 P.O. Box 2791 Murleesboro, TN 37133 Tel: 615.895.2872 R Phoenix lnc. 9 Ford Rd., P.O. Box 229 Leoma, TN 38468 Tel: 615.852.4121 The Simmons Corp, 106 E. Main Street Richardson, TX 75081 -3327 800.848.8378 SIB lnlernational. lnc. 10235 W. Little York Rd., Suite 257 Houston, TX77O4O Tel: 713.937.6886 TeleData. lnc. 43 East Ocean Blvd. Stuart, FL 34994 Tel: 561.219.4661 USTMAN lndustries. lnc. 12265 W. Bayaud Ave., Suite 110 Lakewood, CO 80228 Tel: 800.253.8054 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box lzl4840 Salt Lake city, utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Grav Director May 30,200I TO:Wimmer Electric & Lighting Company Attn: Allison Wilson 5330 S. Riley Lane Murray, Utah 84107 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Wimmer Electric & Lighting Company, located at 5330 S. Riley Lane, Murray, Utah; Facility I.D. # 4001279. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on April 11,2001, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Submit documentation that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG),Inventory Control, or Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is performed on UST #3. The inspection at your facility revealed that your current form of leak detection is Manual Tank Gauging (MTG). The UST at your facility is registered on the state database as a 41000 gallon capacity tank. This information was submitted to the state by the owner of the facility at the time of tank installation. Federal and state laws allow Manual Tank Gauging as an acceptable form of leak detection on tanks 2,fi)0 gallons or smaller. Information has been enclosed on the approved forms of leak detection that can be used on your UST. Please review the material as each option has different regulatory requirements if implemented. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above item to speed processing. If the above information is submitted to this office by July 30,2001, and substantial compliance is achieved and maintained, no further action will be taken on this matter. Failure to respond to this request by the date specified will initiate the revocation process for your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Victor Scherer at (801) 536- 4240. .:Y ,,./s,: STORAGE TAIYK PRO GRAII,TT'NDERGROT,JND Adiusturent Forzt i-.,.,^L;OWNER oIDate: Facilitv* L{ffi t (drdcocsu:) REFI'ND DET.EIECTIARGESfor U Re-bilt Xles-No 2 5T =-t - trl oz U o z :-zi;,. + q . .qrr'= -. i :<l=.- - ' i- ltr*.S a. .::r 'rt E ?.I lj :-'r---.: , I r.:. FJ- :.'1...-..'.,--. -:r;r,r,ia r.,: .. -:_a.;1- .:r. -.t1.3:..--:' it trrtDt,r ABl66/264A 15142 262-A79L I,IIMI'4ER ELECTRIC PAGE 81 WIIiIIiTEI ELECE:IIC ., LIG}EMG CO.' MC. 5330 RILEY LANE . MURHAY, UT E4107 ' PTIONE (801) 2624780 DATE !b loo TIME:2,. ZO FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER PAGE TO fun v\nrner FROM! FInfiiFIRM/DEPT ! Z COMMENTS: bl r.,r,t ilEUi:Dlrtll0N EN iiir:)-*-l.uN-6m Y nl V\rtrovr I IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES IN GOOD CONDITION, PLEASE ADVISE ASAP. ouR FAX No. rs l-801-262-87 91 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE Z6loil241a I5242 262-879L WIMMER ELECTRIC PAGE Z2 Cathodic Protection Arralysis Prepared for: Wimmer Electic 5330 Riley Lane Munay, Utah Ml07 Utah Frcility ID# 4001279 Pleparod on: rur f, zoo0 Prcparcd by: Joha Labrum Precision Testing Specialist I I149 Sandy Gulch Road Sandy, UT 84094 A6/86/2AOA t5:42 262-B73L I,JIMMER ELECTRIC Tss DEte; 06/01/00 Test Numbct: (X0lflL'l Operator: Jolm Labrrmt Utatr Ccrtifioatc No.: UT0l48 PAGE 83 John LobranWafdtry*oaaw I t ll9 Sundy Gtlth Ro*l ltrlrr4', L.l't ttJ(l9J xtt l -J9s-26{)6 ItUl -57G9925ft*t Date: A6102100 Facility lD: 4001279 Wiruncr Ebctric 5330 Rilcy Iru Sah l,akc CtY, tm E4107 Cathodic Probction Test A Cgthodic protcction Test was perforrcd at the above location using thc STiPI tank nnuitor. Urdcrgrourd stnrcture to soif !€gativ€ pot€,Dtial readiags sbouE be grcater than -.85 volts to bc oonsidercd c*maUV protectcd. l.* NANANA WrappedPrssUnleadedSTIP3 Pass Stool Sp*ialNotes: Testcr: 86/o6l2zqa t5:42 . 262-p79L W]MMER ELECTRIC PAGE 84 lohn Ifirumwresffiiu 1I lJ9 tJundy Gulch Roed Sandy, W tl09J t0l-t9s-2606 501-57EE167ftu Jur 2t, 2000 WimEbotic 5330 RihY raP M,-.y, Uun gatOZ Uuh Ftcllity ID #4001279 Galvuic C" Tcst, silc nap and tcst bodbm. This 'rEIr ir mt to gcab' N cilorc9 fii,*f fitt HtP (pll,ttt*\ Tacr 4 Pt. tr.P.1Xl |ftrrYfY bh,qtq q*f tant - t.olD -fu -lo0> -t1,c o DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Q{JALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 Nofi 1950 West P.O. Box lzl4840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801 ) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Michael O. travitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director TO Wimmer Electric and Lighting ATTN: Mellanie Wimmer 5330 South Riley 1n. Murray UT 84L07 Sean Warner Date: 5-19-2000 From: Sean Warner RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 5330 South Riley lane Murray, Utah; Facility I.D. # 4001279. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on 5-17-2000, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within (the last three years/6 months of installation). The above information must be submined to this office by 6-20-2000. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4163. 5/19/2000 l0:20AM a Sincerely, UTAH Release L Ownership of Tank(s) Owner Name Facility Name Street Address Zip Code Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 t I .L I StateCity County 7 Address s zl o S- R, eachlor tftank.has more for additionalfacilityinformation tanks on separate lorm, #Phone 6 2 Phone Number Number ol tanks at facility: Code Area Code oContact Person At UST Locationie lll. Tank lnformation complere Certificate of Compliance on site? Yes No Certificate Year: Current year tag is displayed @", No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank presently in use €")No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth ol product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed a-lt-qE Capacity of tank (in gallons)+k Substance stored 6a< Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.)5*,-el Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.)5 Leel Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.)J ForDetectionRelease Tanks thendicate forchecklist Method used (enter method used and complele appropriate form)'t-Tr / tt Emergency Generator tank (leak detection defened) tank checklists where applicable. Method used (complete separate form where applicable) V.DetectionRelease PFor lndicate used andpimethod(s)ng Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model Date of last Leak Detector performance test Tesl result (pass/fail) Date of last Line Tightness Test Test result (pass/fail) Name and company of certified tester Cert. No. UT No leak detection required (must answer "yes" to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure @Q ruo Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released @*o Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Nof") Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable fe6u lL< (prinl name) Yes I (c i A Darot 1-l 7- ee certify that I have inspected lhe above-named facility on Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection: lnspector's Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner LDchecklist.wpd 2/99 Facility ,DNo. 4co I 27q ll. Location of Tank(s) t 2 Citv State'rh ilr rcv il r 4rA - I rrtE9ltlrt U thanPleaseUsetank.all eachtor additional necessary (tank 7 )Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 ls the UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less? lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes .@ Yes No Yes No Yes No ls there a spill containment device Conlainment sump at tank fill. bucket <5the environment? lndicate release of product into , Spill bucket >5 gal No@ Yes No Yes No Yes No l9jherc-@qverfill prevention device installed on the tank? lndicate type Aa{Joa(AIgnUq Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specrty) No{9 Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank5*Tank Tank Tanklndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP).Pplng *5 Piping PipirE Piping Sub-Pump Sub'Pump Sub-Pump Sub-Pumplndicate the type ol corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing ioints: Booted (B), Total containmenl (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metailic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) Disponser Oispenser Dispenser Oisp€n*r lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date upgrades were performed: Tank lining Tank cathodic protection Piping cathodic protection The resulls of the last two cathodic protection tesls are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereatter).Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No DateTank. Tester 7- volts volls volls volts Tester Date volls volts volts volls Sub-Pump volts Sub-Pump volls Sub-Pump volls Sub-Pump volts DateFlex. Tester Dispenser volts Disp€nser volts Oispon$r volls Dispenser volls {ilc- -17-oo No No <- Yes No C Lre For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment Yes60operation checks are available check required Yes lnspector's Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present Duri Yes No Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldspillover.wpd 2/99 a CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS Record results of the most recent cathodic lor each set. ( This method of leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tightness testing. lf the UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping are protected from corrosion and that spill and overfill prevention devices have been installed) the tank needs to Record of last Tank Yes Yes No Yes No lf the UST is raded the tank needs to records must be for eachbetestedI Date of last Tank Tightness Test *'[:w 4 -2J -qR Result of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? Fail,@ Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail of test (or Name and of tank Utah Tester used: tester:N UT'fil[e{ le Documentation of perlormance claims for the Tank Tightness Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph with 95% or of detection and 5% or less certification Tank 4 Yes No lnventory volume measurements for regulated substance inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are recorded each operatino day No@ Yes No Yes No Yes No lnventory is reconciled monthly (sum of daily over and short lor each month is compared to 1% of tank's flow through volume + 130 gallons) No@ Yes No Yes No Yes No Which months exceed the allowable over-short? (specify month and year)4 5e&* qq lnventory Control records are maintained and available for the past l2 months for each tank No@ Yes No Yes No Yes No Records include monthly water monitorinq to the nearest 1/8"6)No Yes No Yes No Yes No Monthly water readings are used to adiust monthly inventory balances 6)No Yes No Yes No Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available for review Nogo Yes No Yes No Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate docume ntafion /,'4 r* No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes NoAdNoYesYes Noto within orre loot of tank bottom control methods and demonstrate The volume of product in the tank is measured using a:6;E ATG lf a qauqe stick is used, it is lonq enouqh to reach the bottom of the tank 6)No lf a gauge stick is used, the bottem of the gauge stick is:Worn lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over /7-o o No@ h \ ofSi lnspector's of Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 UTAH UST PROGRAM - Facitity lpno. 4 aol.27,? Tank Tightness Testing And lnventory Control TANK TIGHTNESS TESTING Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 6.Yes No INVENTORY CONTROL 6-)Tank 2 Tank 3 Please circle Yes or 6.D 6""nrrib UNDERGROUND STOI -iE TANK PEHMANENT CLOSURE NOTr-t (Revised 01/01/97) Facriv to # '/OO t 7 7 1 B Closure Notice prepare d at the request ol the owner/operator (identified below) by ol (company name Address ity .9:- J)r/,a,, [ ]sole proprietorship [ ]partnership I I corporation Address Facility Nahe Address A..I " / pnone*&)/t Zf?-SJS/ stareuT zie ??ar' state-//ZziplL282 Phone #d0/\22) - l*o Cert. #tefiDh/ exp.a^t" 6 -99 Phone #@o/t2 {y-cl<./ Contact person Number of regulated lanks at the facility belore closure: J Number ol regulated tanks at the facility gftg closure:A TANKS CLOSEO ' lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to bo clos€d (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) Name ATANK REMOVER Com eooress,2.JS3 /a. 8u, /.rt Ztz. civ-So--fr2,&--stateJZz-zp ,?qa 5- SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name cert.*cs4le/ Eyp.da,r'. u-o0 Company pnone*tPlllt 2,1 -.ftf/ 1 b Stoto Uso O Samp les in LUST File # LUST Status amples to LUST Review Date Processed Mailed to LHD J/Tank # t)k /) /(Date lnslalled 2 Dr)D 2 nnoCapacity t/,L.Jr.l , /. r,/ g-/-gP I -/ -19Date last operated q-)-9[q-/-9vDate closed How closed (Removed/ln place)QraAttr/ I Address lu state UT zi &ya?s FACILITY INFORMATION tan*owner h)tmtn, F/."-y'rto pnone*tlo/t Pl 2'9730 civ 2r///Z/.- statelzt T zip st /22- Substance stored' CLOSUBE INFORMATION p{ Fuel was emptied l[Strog" nk removed }( Tank was cleaned. Tank was: [ ] Purged [{lnerted. Method Usdd: Location of Closure Records LJt ?-/-J., ,tYl .Y, a-,. ls any contaminated soil which was over-excavated I on-site? - Yes - No Not applicable was Free Product encountered during closure activities? /k) tt yes, please indicate thickness, -lnchesSITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other inrormalion on all soil/groundwater samples taken lor closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. lX Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached.' The foltowing must be included (enter the distance, and dkeclion (N,S,E,W) lrom the atea ol contamination or, where applicable, use OH for overhead, NP tor not pressnt): / t Lpt^r", ui" eE{i"e, une ii*nantrai easLt -storm orrlnlL*teognone 3O B€ctdcal JL Pro;srty une -LL Buildings [,{ Completed Sample lntormation Table (Closure Notice) is attached.p{ Certified lab analytical environmEntal sample results are attached. [>{ Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. lX Chain of Custody rorm is attached. Sampleswereproperly: [doollected [XLabeled [){Packaged [4Transported IXI Samples were in sight ol the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. I certify under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this ,acility was conducted in accordance with R311' 2O2 (parts 28}.52and 280.72) and R311-205 U.A.C., and that any additionalsamples requked by R311-202 parts 280.52 Signature of Cenified Groundwater/Soil Sampler -Q-,,,*,/u.s,/Date ?-aa-% lf contamination at the lacility is conlirmed, any person providing remedial assistance lor a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. The Certilied UST Consultant providing assistance is: Cert.#cc Exp. date_ Company Phone #() Date AmountPhone #Contact NameLocation Name q 4-gl -fank# )-1U-81r74,,, ,*tr,t f,h" /Tank(s) flo galt-il-tI212-,ltt|o/)n-,- /d<*r- /), /Product From Tank(s) c;-/.9r 20 g^t2<7..31/LAtttQ().- oContaminated Water From Tank Cleaning gal/U/ASludge gal/u//]Contaminated Water From Excavation yd'ty /,/+Contaminated Soil Addres State_ For ln-Place Closure: tanks lilled with For Change-ln-Service: Substance to be stored DISPOSAL SITES USED: and 280.72 and R311-20&2(a)(1) were properly collected.' Full name ol Cerlitied Sampler CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name 2 The site plat must be drawn to an appropdate idsntitied scale. lt must show actual sampling losations, substancss stored in tanks, and dther relevant intormation. Tank and sample identilication numboE must be consistsnt with tho information given on p. 1 and 4 ol the closure notice Facility D* aoo /;!!71 Drawn A.J As/,.ur/u.r.y'oate ?- 30-9J) 1I Scale: 1" =Feet NORTH pn k ) l GA' (l)ta,rt c, E/.u 1,, u F 1 I I I 5r etsr?r;l I r. \) q \ Cortn.'" 'n / x = Sample locations (SS-*, WS+, USC-#) l = Monitoring w€lls (MW-f,) o = Soilbonng (SB-t), or Geoprcbe Bodng (GP{) a = WalerW6lls {domeslrc, liv6slock, elc.) Slop6 ol Surlace Torrc96phy: (N, NW. w, Sw, S, SE. E NE) Land Usg Al Sile: Rssidenlial -Commercial - lndustrhl Surrounding kndr -Residenlial - Commorcial - lnduslrial SIte Plrt uuar hdhatr Actu.l Locrtiona Ol: / Cunonl & lormrr lar*s, pifing & dispensors ./ Ercavalionr, GW rnonitofug w6lls & soil stockpiles / Location &d€ptho,a[ sanples tak n / agiUhgs, ,6ncas, & p.opony boundari€s / Utility conduils (s€w€rs, gas. wai6r, storm drains, eloclrical 6lc.) y' Deplh lo grounclwatBr (il oncountored) 5 4 K Analysis method(sfSubstance stored in tank Sample typet Depth2 Compounds3Sample #/Lab lD 5 , z Sas . *l a ESzt"rt 4 /.lo to,,qGrrs,s to{7Pt/Aff.lil rthiE IIII I I I ut(I D ?v,NE -!l'/, vq. z IITIIITI II I I Complete table tor all samples that taken tor closure. Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample lD numbers given on the site plat and ln the lab analysis report. 1 Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soil Classillcation (USC). 2 Final d6pth (in feet) bglow grade at which sampl€s w6,6 tak€n. 3 Contaminant compound(s) analyzed ,or each samplg ffPH, BTE)G, O&G, etc). 4 Appropriate analysis methods,or conlamlnant compound(s) in each sample (8015 mod., 8020,413.1, etc) State Certified Laboratory used Address 9lo\ 1z)r"/ 7 6DD So.t.t state!2tr zipL?TZ \-( Contact person pnone*(?0/\ 21"J-86tt I certity under penalty ot law that I am the Owner ol the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the information on this it is true, accurate and mplete and further, that the procedures described herein were followed d tank re, Signalure of UST Full name of Owner Beturn completed Closure Notice fo , Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table, Soiycroundwater sample lab analysis 4 tl uqqtt- t I I j I j ,|lt I Ao, -,ttt,-* 2.,^ Please explain any unusual or eldenuating circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure: oarc l0-1-9f4 results, USC sample results, and Chain of Custody lorm within 90 days of UST CloSure to: State ol Utah Dept, of Environmental Ouality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation UST Section P.O. Box 144840 '168 North 1950 Wesl salt Lake city, utah 84114-4840 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Ashinhurst petroleum Contact: Iack Ashinhurst AMERICAN Date Aaalyzed:september Og, l99g y,'pgA,naly s is Requested: a11a1y116a[6'laElE-ffihafr Ef LABoRAToRrEiIoul Purgeable Hydrocarbons kb Sample ID: rrErrtrFGfi6a Bta* Method Ref.Number: TEr8467Sl60-1v5030A @urge & Trap GC/MS) ,163 West 3500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Results = ppm Compound: Methyl-t-Butyl Ether Benzene Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons MBDG.I/TPH-P I AEount Detected: 0.002 <0.002 0.001 <0.001 0.002 <0.002 0.002 < 0.002 0.002 <0.002 0.004 <0.004 0.020 <0.020 RepgnrngLu t: (8O1) 25$8686Toluene Toll Free (888) 2698586 Fax (801) 25&S58Tgthylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene Released By: R€pon DaIe: September 10, 1998 lofl \- \,. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Ashinhurst Petroleum Date Sampled: Seotember 01. 1998 ArffiRICANDate Recdived: Se:ptember 01, 1998 ^,*rffiffiffig'LABOR.AiTORIESIoIaI Purgeable Hydrocarbons Field Sample ID: 400t2?9rWIMMER tl Cootact: Iack Ashhhurst Date Analyzed: September 08, 1998 Method Ref.Number: sw'al67rr6u750'J0A @urge & Trap GC/MS) lab Sample ID: t34r'.27:l 1153 West 3500 Sou Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Results ComDound: Methyl-t-Butyl Ether Benzene Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons MBT)O.I/TPH-P Amount Detected: Reporting Lmut: (801) 25&8685- . rott rree iaaai zso-8585 r oluene Fax (801\ 26}.8687 EOylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene 0.024 0.052 0.011 0.24 0.024 <0.024 0.024 0.029 0.024 <0.024 0.M7 <0.047 0.24 9.0 i All compouads arc reported o! a dry weight basb. 0.t%% Moisture 30.vo Rcleased Byr Repon Date: S€prember 10, 1998 lofl I InT n, ORGANIC ANALY SIS REPORT Client: Ashinhurst Petroleum Date Sampled: September 01. 1998 elureqrcAr\,Date Rece-ived: Sdptember 02, 1998 ANAL.,ffiHm!*#*4*: LABORATORIESIoIaI Purgeable Hydrocarbons Conact: Iack Ashhhurst Date Analyzed: September 08, l99g Method Ref.Number:sw867rr6uv5Tl0A @urge & Trap GC/MS) I:b Sample ID:Field Sampie ID: 4001279 I'IMMER L344.27:2 463 West 3500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Results ru Compound: Methyl-t-Buryl Ether Benzene Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons Reporting Lrmit: MBT,O{/TPH-P Amount Detected: 0.16 <0.014 <0.029 <0.029 <0.029 <0.057 <0.29 ..,,,,*lffi]illlffiohene Fax (80l\ 263-.8687 Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene 0.029 0.014 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.057 0.29 I All compounds are rcported on a dry weight basis. 0.1%7o Moisture 42.Vo Relered lsor Report Dale: Seprember 10, l99g 1of1 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Clied: Ashinhurst Petrolenm Date Sanpled: September 01, 1998 uwrruc^Pate Rece:ived: Se:ptember 02, 1998 o*o,#ffigpu; LABORATORIEEoIaI Purgeable Hydrocarbons Field Sample ID: 400127g/WIMMER t3 Contact: Jack AshiDhurst Date Analyzed: September 08, 1998 Method Rei. rmber: sw'ry6-ry/cJ:vsogoA @urge & Trap GC/MS) 4163 West 3500 salt take ciry Results ru Compound: Methyl-t-Butyl Ether Benzene Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ReponingLu t: 0.021 0.011 MBT}C.{/TPH-P Amount Detected: <0.021 o.oB cv- 841r5 1801) 25&8585- , rorr rr* igs8i 2d$8685r oluene Fax (801) 26!8687 Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene 0.021 <0.021 0.aL <0.021 0.04 <0.044 r All compounds are reponed on a dry weight basis. 0.lVo% Moisture 34,Vo Released Report Date: September 10, 1998 lofl l:b Samole ID:tr5427i- 0.021 <0.021 0.330,2t V lr rlc ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT LABORATORIESToUI Purgeable Hydrocarbons Field Sample ID: 4001279/WIMMER *4 Client: Ashinhurst Petroleum Date Sampled: September 01. 1998 o^,cplcaND.E Reciived: Sdptember Vi, lgg9 WESTAne tvsis Reouested:ANALYncALVoleEfe-Eoffi Contact: Jack Ashinhurst Date Analyzed: September08, 1998 Method Ref.Number: sw*678',r6u85030A @urge & Trap GC/MS) lab Samole ID:BWt4- 1163 West 3500 Sou salt take city, utah 84115 Toll Free (888) 2538585 Fax (801 ) 25&8687 Results Compound: Methyl-t-Butyl Ether Benzene (801) 25&86851o1o"o. Repgning Lrmrt: MBTIOI/TPH.P Amount Detected: <0.025 0.029 a< <0.025 <0.051 0.012 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.051 0.25 Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons % Moisture I All coEpoutrds arc reponed oo a dry weight basb. o.t% R€pon DaIe: September 10, 1998 43.Vo Released By:c- lofl <0.025 <0.925 0.025 1.1 \-. AMERICAN Client: Ashinhurst Petroleum WEST Date Sampled: September 01, 1998 ANALYTICAL Lab Sample D; L34427 LABORATORIES Set Description: Five Solid Samples Analvsis Reouested: Unifi ed Soil Classification Analytical Results SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Method Ref. Number: D24gg-94, x4.2 Contact: Jack Ashinhurst Date Received: September 02, l99g Received By: Elona Hayward -153 West 3500 South salt Lake ciry utah 84115 (801) 263-8585 : oll Free (888) 263-8586 Fax (801) 263-867 Lab Samole ID.: L34427-5 Field Sample ID.: 4W17gfWimmer/#5 Classification: Gravelly Elastic Silt (MH) Re USC Master Supervisor Report Date9lg/98 lofl a *LOGIN C}IAIN OF CI,STODY REPQR? (1N01) sep 02 1998, 01;47 Pm Login Nurnber t L34421 AccounE: ASI{100 A,shinhurst PeEroleum Site:4001279/WIMMER ConEacE: Jack Ashinhurst '-34127 -i )cl ids L34427 -2 s<,1. ids '-34427 -\ f1 S I'tsTXN/TPH. P #2 S MB?XN/TPH-P #3 S MBTXN/TPH-P #4 S MBTN,I/TPH- P s5 S USC Pulge & Trap MBTE)O{/TPH Purge & TraP I'IBTEXN/TPH Purge & Trap MBTEXN(TPH !\.rrge & Trap MBTEXN/TPH Unif orm soil Classif icaEion 01-sEP-98 02-SEP-98 PA 11-SEP-98 Exprres:15-SEP-98 purge i ConEar: 0r.-sEP-98 02-SEP-98 PA 11-SEP-98 Exprres ;15-SEP-98 purge 1 conEa::. L344?7 -3 Soi ids L34427 -4 So1 rds 01-sEP-98 02-SEP-98 PA 11-SEP-98 Expires:15-SEP-98 purge l ConcaLn 01.-sEP-98 02-SEP-98 PA 11-SEP-98 Expires:15-SEP-98 pulge L ConEarn 01-sEP-98 02-SEP-9tt PA 11-SEP-98 ha 11 i Concarr. Page 1 signaEure: Dat,e I / AMtsRTCAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt L^ake City, Utah Ml 15 CHAIN OF CUSTODY (801) 263-8686 Fax (80r) 263-8687 LAB #3't'l t? ct rFNT . ADDRESS PHONE/FAX CONTACT QUOTET/P.O.r zrl- sJ5/ s Iroc4 SITE 7oolz7? SIGNATURE SAMPLEID PR,INTNAME PRINT NAME TURN AROI.'NDTIMES I = hiority I tr =kioritytr Itr=5DayRush S = Standard COMMENTS a -z-2 7 #/Z ) trl Special Instructions: SAMPLE DATE/TIME MATRD(* 7'/ t:oo I / I I / I V I I / I I V Rccdvcd By: Slpauc ,*,*of,* / r ,4r/,.,/,, 'tsRdlnqulshed By : S lgntut Drte/Tlmc Rccelved Byz Slpavc PRII{T NAME Dlspetched By: Signaun Dete/Tlmc Recelved lor Leboretory py: /).L,n* ,Ud---J PRINT NAME PRTNTNAME Cit'J^- ilr'6 A/, i?rr,, .2 Year USTs #"s q.u)t229FACILITY I-. certLficate of Conpliaace PRocEssrNe cIrEcKIJrsT ,w Previous Pol-lutsion Incidents - i.,UsT File Y/N -- Form Included Y/N -L *-^ 4"q/ xa{ TTTrrl-- Verr- ty tank / J- Lnesvs reoisteredLDT- - Documencation ok? Y/N Y/N Y/N +-+ - Rate oK/ Fi-nancial Assurance Fund Paid FY 91 FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 99 Q1_Q2_Q3_Q4_or oz o3 Q4- Q1_02_Q3_Q4_ Q1_Q2_Q3_Q4_o1_Q2_Q3_Q4_ 01_Q2_Q3_Q4_- FY 98 _- FY 20 _ RTJ.-.. Al t ernat ive ?p1 I Y/NI,',ees Pal-d -FY88 -Y----7-@9 95 96 97 98 99 20 21 89 90 91o, 93 94 FY FY FY FY FY FY \0 Compl ianc e - Compliance ouEstanding? - L,eak detsection reguired? - Spi11/overfi11 required? - Corrosion protecEion required? - Not.ification up to date & complete? - Applicatsion submitt.ed? Y(N - 9N -'/'ltrIT IN J ALdt]j.,ZT Y/N - \t- Y/N Date QualifiedDate Issued Tt,Review completsed and certificate issued by _a1l./ pslploc. frm AB/24197 qq Pass Review? tvfi- FY FY FY FY FY FY FY