HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-00647413 ,l=ea k Detecti on lns pection Ch eckli st s of ?ank(s ll Location of Pho.a, Coda Zg Ccril F..&y .?Fl&.& fd6.tl. Phooa l{uno.t Coarrcr PrEos ar US? t qlos lfgEla, s,Tratt a! f t l-ocoqE SEa.t Aatlaaaa cty 0lr nr Sacdon l. ,a&tl. q Otxnl' ,i.ltra rce.fo.rdo.t la6M.hd.,trulc Alltltsr,oa olta .nltyF < t-C io.a.Cosary Aar. Coaa Slrb @ylDtlll. Tank tnformation caro:b I rrafier E arcn fitrri&[lrt llltery AEDOlat!!t ll.,r a IIETgtarrtcarlolrolrab{@rrd EtE.orBs€flny h usaTaft Tut !l.nl 2 Iat 3 I&t aIt rE e&r Esr usd tt erlrE:!€c,.ot ollassv€.O inglto(ilc!tant ctMqlo.r ilrl(,TankYe,,t (ElGrtill6d q-€sllTTEltE K -knonn Mararlat oi CorslrJclion (E -asnrlara Kor -knowll C:oaerr ot Tadr olin(E-€$,nare of K -knoffit oSsbsE Ea IcrEd E-tta fttra Kq -knoryr IVAFeeleasnO€tectio fFO nksta Oilcr !L rtlta't dnacdln ma!E(t lEru Ei E,C /A I 'Ina rtriE.Mar[at Tanr err lng fs tad(s(mty unoSr .000 Eatl Iuarual Tanf GaLEllrE 8rr, {qry rE Ertsutgemo H!(rrstIn6T.sr'gTa fr:Lrat6 TGing AJE rdc Tank GauetrE V|IE CrcurEtratg fitartEainE lnEnilria, OUrE aElrovE rns(fbd (trrita h nama d,m€lEc lv B Hel ase oa 6tection ?Fo Plpin g ttChad(ttaq 6er rfilrr.rE{s)E rE:It!. d PtpiB E.et T.ruCGr O.! /Un€Arrorilrtc l-.al(Odacrors.iEll169o(cno trad vaoct Crpun*aer Yrith Line r''O.,tiast v c.c rTos no dan S ll rfillOvepi P rote oncti Corlllcn CllEqEN nralrd lind,cirr datrl Sorluoviltd ocnEst nstlrn lift,Ert. 6rrrt v c ite ln fo rm atio n Gat-8 tll cEsftrEtr rE corrrrtaE lucltv oorrrEn!. grqr! E, a[.. aGt I 7-3-!_ ltlgElBt/t Sqrllt!: cj!f,.Etsll etrn r.E hattran ou ,/' I /9 I t/ Leak Detection for Piping "t .--Oa !3 21FdyO. Pressurizgd Piping r rnrca mlln rEx, tun Gr t.t vutrr rcrtsela i*o (!!.,tE!r, lllb rrclir tir rtE.t trn 4 EnI* EL.. ot@y!!0+r! cglrE.l'l-tnrnir b{tsdl'rtqr S.t I T.nI 1 T.nl 2 T.nf 3 TrnI 4 AutornaDc Flotlv R6n6cr I z-- |I Auomanc Sll.n€lt O.vr I CcrfinJa.E Alafir Systrr I I m.l I I IAnnJal Ljru ngrrnecs T€$nE Var}r MorE rq It VarE' MdliElrgi @Jmrnarqr ot ,rErnryrE lEnr'E s ayailabta lrllE srdal Mcntorr|E I lr lrtarsaa Mg1trmgi cerrtaoan cr ranE1ly norrEnng E aveilaEtt OaJ'E-Wu l,tottarng It Gron!.WUr llc.truuEt OooJrrs@q.l ot mqrflyflEltri€ E trrliltb5 Ools AoE 0!,6 ManE (sp3crry in comnlE !@rl Sucdon Piping:.tr.-- or a rtEt rcrru ttu figrEE r.dnig (rElrirE .lrtry 3 yaar!.| Vad lrqrrEttlE I Scrary Cotainrm with |renfial MsrEnE G.erE-WeMcriEiE Oth€r Aor.€vlcf MaCEt (sE*dy in cE rmgrts slont I t{o L.tI 0.t dor i.qdr.d (rtrl3 arlnr rar t r! ot itr. iolowtrg qu.sdon!) Oooraras a Efian &nql!.i:p]:r! Has only otr cllEk !/alua. wtrill i3 @t dirEtryurtrJm9 Sbo€ cf gtFlrE allow! F !(!..E! E Orain Eag( ina Ert(t*rm e.Eligr daaldl All aEt.lfinBfgt sr s.Bon F[pmg E E abb on lle bac'. ot Gi3 3ra4 Caas. Sctcn dra sit . ndng an cping rurE terl.3 0rrtJdirrg !iz. e g.tltrrEr! @afft lccric.r c wollg ard lrair dtsiaE tlom Er!(3 arE Oiping: t:*Cottunt'lg 7//el 7=l< oa crlly il]i I lrrra ilfEl lI rtsua mrlE 6, orFl hscu,!SiIlrIn: s.t 2 I 7 ' '7 a A utomatic Tank aug ng 3 y€s yci yes no no no no of inventory reconciliaUon momhly basis. wilDevica I dectars a onleak hreisth6 tt €xc€€dsdiscrapancy o,lootflow-through.130plus ongallora a lsDocumentation tfiatavailable AUr€witsTG in test rnoc,e a minimum o,oncg montll. Ch€cked for presence of gauge in tanks. evtderrca tturt isdevics worldng resulB dooJrn€nani,m). or no for each question Devics docum€rnation is available siteat manufact:ro/s(e.9..ovrnefsbroctrures.manuatl. c:lnDevics m6asurB o,height toproducr ngarest ol an inclrone€ighfi Doq.men€tion shor6 that wat8r o, an inch. in bonom of tank is ctrsckect npnfity to n€arEst oneeiglilr Facdity lD;t 'l-o o MandactJrBr. narre snd ,nodel numbor gl q|lstEril: Please answer y8s t_no Checked documgrrtalion fiat rnanufacturers in$ructions. sysr8m was tnstalted. calibGlsd,and fiulintain€d accordirE to yes [-no I Maimenancs r€cords ars availabl6 upon r€gu€st.yes no Moniloring arn t6tlng records are available lor tl€past 1 2 monfis.y8s no Inspeco/s Signaorrg: o,rComments: U o*, 7/ t t,/f < srd+. y€s I nol yes L nol vesl /_nol Ch€cked (i.e.. device vesl a stanoaros of EPA'S . .r. ...j1 .. .- . ..;.. ry gnIeVtnooctnorIcldnTa,n k IT h t n Se TS ste nig Facdiv lO ; Nama rrld a!drs6! o, bnk tighhsss Esrot: Please complete all information ,or each lank [ [fs rscility hes nsE Grn 4 tank!. pl€sse phoEcogy thb psge ard co.rplgto tho hicrn8lin tor sI sardittoral br*s. fsnk I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 OarB ot tast lank tighin€ss test. Oid lank pass rest? lndicats y6 or no. It no. sp€crty in commenG sedlon balow th6 su uti ol tlla tank or what ac:rcns have b€€n taken (e.9., has state b€€n norified?) Oocum€n6lion of d€liverios and sa,es balancss with daily measur€msnts ot tiquid votume tn tank are marmarneo and available. Ovsrages or snonages ar8 l€ss ll€n 1% + lgo gals cI'tank's flo\u firough votume. Please.answer yes or no for each question lf no. which rnonrhs were not? yes no I Fscofds incl!6e rnordhly tyater moniloring. Own€r/operabr can explain invernory conrol molllods and figur€s us€d ard rErd€d. app€ar us€d and avid€rra o, rEr entriG is apparcrtBocks Elool(s ars rBconciled rnonfily. Appropriat€ calibrdim d1an is usad br catartating voturn6. Oiso€ns€r pumFls have oJnBm calibElfion ntck66, Th6 oroo tub€ in tie fill pao€ exr€nos lo within on€ Ioot of tank botom.noy8s can d€rnorstraG consistBncy in dipslic.king t€chniquE.Orm€r Monhly rYalsr rBadin€s ar6 us€d in calculatirE monnty invsdory batancss. dipsrick is long enou€h to reach the bonom o, lho rank.The Ths ends ot the gaw€ stid( arE flat and not vyo.n dorm. The drEErrck E rna*€d l€grbly of an inci.and lhe gEducr l€vel can b€ dstormin€d to ths nearEst on&€igtrrtrl lightn€sstankTh6oesnhaste$ed within th€hasand theyaztpass€d tsst (if n€c€ssary) A thirdfany cenifcation of thE tank tightn€ss test merhod is avaitabte.yes I Tank te$sr ccmplied yrith all centfication recuiremonG.no Monltonng and t8sting are rnainEin€d and availablg lor thg F,asi t2 morffE noyss Comftems: OeL: Si.ga-3 Mgcrq, ol tank ighEiess t6tng: _ ysl rxc I v6s L_nol y8s I noI y6f noI ves L_nol yes I nof y8s I 'rrcl ves l_nol y6l nol v€s l_nol y€s I nol nol vssL tnsoe:o/a Sicll.i.lr!: rILE COPY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYDIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Norman H. Bangerter Govemor Kenneth L. Alkema Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director 1950 West North Temple salt Lake ciry. utah (801 ) 536-4100 (801 ) 536-4099 Fax Reply to: State of Utah Divrsion of Environmental Response and Remeo a:,on Department of Envtronmental Ouality sarr Lake ciry, urah 84114-4840August 19,1992 ERRU-0601-92 I-incla Miller, Accountant Sorenco, Inc. 2323 South West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 RE: Facility lD #4001329 Deur Ms. Miller The intbrmation vou sent on your alcohol tank was referred to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region VIII to determine if this substance is regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle I and our program. Irslie Zawaki of the EPA Region VIII office indicated that only ethanol of less than 407o alcohol by volume is regulated. This is due to the fact that it must be a liquid at standard temperature and pressure. Your 957o Ethanol evaporates so quickly it would not be regulated under this program. Itt itccrlrclance with this determination, we will be refunding your fee and fund payments as tiiscussetl. S trM K PG /WM /mrv Harrv L. Gibbons, M.D., Department Kent P. Gray, Director Division of Environmental Response and Remediation M.P.H., Director, Salt Lake City/County Health 0/-q,r/,?/-, \1' Pr nred on recycred ,ro",pf n 7f $ l l nz U ,J$ ,lt'/ CC: -E-r-- CRCIt-Llrtad Co@on Nanas 2. Butyl aLcohol ,n-butyl alcohol 3 IBobutyl aIcohoJ. r Ulxturea of lro.r! OXTGE(ATED EI,SXIDIIG AGEXTtrSIX UIII.EN)ED GIAOI.INB Sclantlflc Nape 1-butanol >(ff)$24 1. llethyl alcohol, lsthanol Wood alcohol 2 -Dcthyl -l-propanol ilot RequlEt.d CoEon NancB Ethyl alcohol, Alcohol ,Anhydloua alcohol Ieopropanol Butanolg aec-Butylalcohol, TBA Sclentlllc l{an€ cthanol 2-propanol 2-butanol 2-!6thyl- 2-propanol 1 2 Propyl alcohol l-propanol 3. 4. 9. 10. r1. t2. * 6. tstt-Butyl alcohol 7. IITBE 8. ETBE E6thyl-tertl,ary-butyl ethar ethyl-tert1ary-butyl eth.r PentanolE Ilexanols Heptanole octinola t t t t o3lfl nefu oSuSotsNoc oNl IAM:OfUNIVNf O ION JOOJd 06tI - z-0? vos %96 toHostv tAHIfl t euoN c[seld pacJoJUrou JorJelul 000'01 986L Z[ lco 160f000 V\d,Z:T,F:Z L L/9 .lo}}Elqi r000 t00t t-Iuer ro L eunlon lsslEor$ u! parols lsB'l .ro ecuelsqns'l uoll,3nrlsuoc lo lBuotrEull "? e3 IBlol polsrullsa't uollellslsul lo olEG 'e xuel lo snlEls' \1 2 fou ra (vfi-7at 9LtVg PNEUMERACATOR LEVEL MON ITOR 2. Release Detection Ps 10 l.lnstallation o 2. Site Assessnrent FgB Vl- g7-AS-92 O8,49 FROM' SORENCO TO, 35SAB53 PAGE 7 I I t.SORENCO ,^?,tttfffi[tHrH[r,i, JUL 0 e rss2 -'3f'd,?S#Jf##ffi l+lb,, DArE: 7 /qlo- To: Br'll lq oPi4- FRoM: A tl' " B* ..-la rul h< t'- RE: SDA +1, ,flSDS PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: + 2?29 SOUTI{ WEST TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 PHONE (801) 481-7326 FAX (801) 467-9024 IF TRANSMISSION IS IMCOMPLETE OR ILLEGIBLE, PLEASE CALL 67-69-92 6A,49 FRoH. SORENCO PAGE 2 T.ERIAL SAFETY -? EmerTele 1(8oo) 1(800) t9ncy Phone 27 4-5263 ot ASHIJilD - Aslrlehd TO, 3 59E}BS 3 ltJlla,rtrrl, r-l[rJtra -& rr!e' SNbaidl,y 0l arnlli! P -O: BoX 2-,) l ,.0Hr0 43215 889:3333DATA SHEET tTTti: PunT ER./s^FETY 0ll. COLUIlBUS (614 05 50 07r t2{6770- gPaeel. I /lHts Eos ccf,i.IEs IITH 29 CFt l€10.12o0 (1lc inz Ro clHJxlC'?IC{ Sr^llOlio) aataa.r a. ir aaaa.aaaa l rl a a..r.t"tt t " tlt tr"lrl"ttrt "tttttr r tt t"tt'rtlt"tttttttt"ttl t t"ll P.oGJct Nane: E-:1{A,!OL SOI '0-2 !90 Pn@F cis fllJlSER: 4-tz'5 osta glee! tlo PftBred:9rFrr€6et: : 0030€60-001 03/04,/96 a t t22/85smEico. I Hc. 2323 S-t- TEI?LE saLT LAxe cItY ur 841 15 PROoUCT: 7.90093II\OICE: 422028I v!ICE O^IE' 10/18/90IO: SfiEltCO. IrlC- 2323 S.r. TEipLE lrLT LTXE CIIY ul a4115 i . FAOOUCTSE crt o I OEltlTl Fl C^t I Ol' Cf,ne.rl o. Gei€.lc ID: ALCCOL rFr !t:..6 Classific.tic6: FLrt'lABLE LIqJIo (173.1I5) TSSEcll Ofl tr-c I:"'EEsElI#ffi:'"iqBi"fffi ,iifi liffiEiit.,&F:i ffii#ts'fl H, Ir.Effi- IXGREDIENT t (bt \oL) PEL TLv ETH/L tLCo}OL 94 looo Pltl l0o0 PPr CrS ,: 64- 17-5 Nol e Boi I1.9 Po'lnt for PRq)Ugl vapor P.esgure f or Cd,FotrEli'r (9.t()o rb F c Deg oes 44.60 G8.00 0020 HEAVIER ?OX AlRSpeclftc VaFoi oensilY Spec{fIc Giavi ry r 00.oQtr i Perceni volat I let EYaeiat ton Rate SLffiR ?TX ETEN FLAS1 FOIrr(rcC ) 8O-O D.€ F ( 26'7 O€9 C) EXPLOSTVE Lr lf (LOrEsa v LUE OF COFo{E}IY} L6ER - 3-31 UPPER - 19'01 EXIMCIJISIITG EDIr: .LC(IOL FOAI e rrTER FG CR CreBO{ O:OXIDE e mY C}€ ICAL txz^RtxtJs oEc@sITIOr 'aGJCTS: IAY F(EI TOXIC I TEIIILS:, ciR&t otoxloE ^!10 cAREli {IoxIoE. ETC' FriFFrGx?IrG DffiEflRES: IEIR SELF'CO{TAI}IE0 B€riHIriG APP^RATUS rlft r FULL FACeptEcE lpEll^fED Il. Ttc POSI'IVE ' .-- iie'si,iis iiEiAxo sE tGr elo{ilrc FIRES. sP€cral FttE s ;)(Ploslol HZTRDS, fie\Gl UsE lElolls !R cl']Trlxc roRor ol G NEIR mu: (Evtx Erw) aECAUSE-'-'frdruci iew;il-JuSi REsiDoe)' crx IGtIITE tXPLGI\GLY. y FGs ^RE n^vlE8 Brtr ^Is anD *Y rRrvtL ^LorG It GEaqq H.PE.gE?rfl"YE[llSI%H+rlIF?riL,!3lgLlt*+io.run,'l#i*"Fl8f i.HIit'*ff llf r"ikff o" ALL FI\E GALLO{ PAILS Tt() I.,NGET ETAL COiTAIIEIS IITCLi,9IIiG TTiX CARS ^!IO Tl,lI TRTJCXS 9A'LD BE Gi(I,XOED Ii6rin'Eo'oeo-i+x-slEpl^L Is i?^xsFERR€D- XFPA COESr }€ILTII- O FUN^SILITY- 3 REACTIYIIY' O 10(10 1m0 PPI ETFECTS O€ rCUT€ OVeREXPOSUTfT Fon Pno[IJcl EYES - CAh CIUSE rcOEF!?e tRRlrarloi. eEoress' YEInING. <xiN - cAR cAUsE sLle,' lelirrrl.N v^p(xs c^x cAUsE NrsAL ^ND REspleArcnv JRe;rarlor- SEtSli$"--ti:FtAIEr'&HJI$.l""AL IRRI-rrIo{ ' reuser ' 'rcrIrtx6. aio oir"*cr ' I lt FoR rirat I olrsEcTt oN tT: Fi aE aitD E XPL OS I O !r. v-HalLtHsEcrl oll HAZARO DAI A COXTINUED ON PAGE: 2 gJ142 t 172-90 -. 173-80 fts F 7e -21 - 78.77 oes c)€ 7€0.00 ,t! Hg .(-t15t @.00 Dls F( 15-s5 hs c) PEq]5SIEIE EXFQSURE LEVEL }fiESoi.D LilIi YALUE SEE 3EC']GI I ] COPYRIGIIT 1986 s7-@9-52 @4,5@ FROM. SORENCO -" 0c142 PRIiARV RdJTE(S) Of ENTRV: linraL '.rloll, Sxllr Cotrrci EFFECTS OF GR(I{IC O/EREXEO9JQE: FCn FeOuJC? ovEREtffi lF# Hii^IiI-lit AT"ffi ,ffi ty" o*ffi,ft !:.T, Hl'^Eiffiii!.i$'' $"mtfl " ASHLA CHEMICAI. t-.Z ( - lltJr. Emerg.en< Te I e6honl TO, 3 59E)e5 3 PAGE 3 1(E00) 274-53cr I (800)ASHLfu\D Page | 2 ;:;! "i 3c 5 .J Ashla 5u!(injrrr ll ^srtltnt !ir. In. P.O. Box 2219 COLU}IBUS. OHIO 43216 -5nd 5r4) E89- 3 33 3( FIRSI IID: ,t *.3f{.li,ffiffibYriix"E}H: R.l$st.** soAP r D rarER- PErovE corrAitr{^rED cLorHItrG' L^u'iDEe IF:rtEYES:Flusriyt]HL^FGElxljttTsoFl^T€R.LIFTII{GuPPEP^t,lDLo|ERLIosocc^sIolALLY'GEttlGoIcAL^TTtiTIo(' i' .ig6;,ffi8:i+:hlcr#-.,ffi^ry'iE$:-%,vt'iF,+I?,,fl8v'soH'+y^','l"aEi.3l'lH'i&:%E ffi?dt * ,,,%1m?inl,,1!,5$Eooeo'#^il?lii#tL-18,!E:fldl--.lF BEE^#',*"li SilE+'l$'*r$iLT l#-*"11 ETHANOL SDA 4O-2 190 PROOF ) ltls ApPAREXTLY SEEX FOAO TO C^UsE TIE FoLLffIr€ EFFECTS lN ) }XS BE6Ti SUGGESTED AS ^ CAUSE Of ]HE FOLLfiI}G EFF€CfS III MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DAiALAz aR oI Conl; no cdlX V.TIEALTH ttaz.aRtns pOLfaERIZTTIO{: CAflNOT oCCUF A./oID COirACr IITH:. STROiaG OxIDIZINS AGEIITS. STABILI'rY: ST^8LE INCo|P TIBI L I'IY.: STEPS TO B€ TAXE IN CASE I^TER'^L IS RELE^SED OR SPILLED: $ALL SPILL: ABS'R8 LIqJID OI P^PER. YERTiCULITE' FLG A6SMEE|T' OR fiftIER ^BSGAEXT r!TEPI^L ANO ':T^8SFER TO too. "*ifr q,i,q$ffi Hi$il##iffi U:f,,:'i,Hi"i5$iifi H: r+;+'iiffi :#[Hilli$#k*l DOFVFXY EIIir-OFF TO SETERS. s?RErIS CN OTHER BOIES OF TATER ' 'F RU}I-OFF CCURS' XOTIFY PROPER AUI}{X'TIES i:i-ie<jutHib.-n{r r sPILL r'es ccuREo- r^sTE DI SPOgL lElloo: sIlLL sPILL:c^Llor.ybtllb5r*'ls^lP,Fx^ffili^l*,fi3adb!fte15ir1'lH,llEEr'8E"Jiise,P corPLEreLY cLE a LARG SPILL: DESaiOV EY LIqIIO lnclxER^tlCtr' COI1AI{IrtATEO REG!LATICTS,^SSCRBE T TAY BE OEPOS:TED IN ^ L-I}IOFILL III ACCoRDANCE IITH lGlL ' STTTE ANO FEDER^L I LLsEcT I Otl vl s PFOCEDUR ESOR LEAT sEc I AE USEDMEXT TOVE EI I -PRoTECtr """ftEEff ffi ;Iffi a4ff ffi ',Eiffi, ffi 9iiito'*'ffi ffi L*ffi Ei Ii"FItffiH^ ['E$,i€fl %"1i'}' UXS€.R SPECIFIED MBDI TIOTSgfrJ|..o BE IIPLEIEXIEO TO \Efarr LAII ol{: PlovIoE S{JFFICIEXT Ec}lrttICJL (GEiERTL ^n9/G Loc^L E;ll usf) vEnllLrrlol TD trltf^rn ExPolnE E€Lor rLv(s). pn(Ir€CTM G{OVES: rEAR IESI STANT GLOVES Sget AS:. IEOPRENE €'" W$g+r*,ffi1%l"f;}.#*g*Si ILES'ElitEE,i' jHff 'effih llff-^E5"i#iF's"EBEIFi' o* OTHER F{OTECTIVE EQU IpEXT: TO FREYET.I iEPE TEO Oe PROLOrGeO SXIll CO rlCT. EAR IpERYIOJS cLoftrItlc ^xO @rs- coxtmEllrsPRECAUTI Oct AtsECII O bR OTHERIt co''^tXE[&:'.181;#IFB,6l H,Bi.ift-*i.f*#.ffiTi5Ri SIUES il'llfg SFI^I*E?RETAI ?IxrsT 6€ PROOUCT RESIOI'ES oBsERtto. * ,lmHl."i#jffi$&fi:1ilifu?5ilflfist;EEdlsli#1"'Lw"PsrllEB r*?',"f1ffi3#+?H^Il* ) I o7-o9-92 ElE}, 5 t FROM, SOR(9!e t/,\r toso, ENCO TO ' 3 59EtE}5 3 PAGE 4 lu :: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET .1, Ashland -," ASHLAND Ch.--'{ICAl. INC. 5uDriri.,, c, tri.tna 0it, trt ? -o. BoX 2.219 c0Lt,IlBUS, 0HI0 43216(514) 889-3333 24_HOUR Emergency Te I e phone I(800) 274-5263 or 1(8OO) ASHLAID r ie | 56 DEFINITIONS this definition 9a9e is inlended for us€ with M.terial Srfety Oata Sheers supplied by the Asht.Dd Chemrcal Cgmpeny R6cigients of thgs€ dara sheets should consull the OSHA Sef€ty and H€.lrh Sgrdards (29 CFR 1910). parlicul.rly guDPsrt G - Occup.liontl Health and Environ.nentel Conltol, and subpart I - Personel Prorec(;ve Equrprnen! tor gencral guidance on aont.ol ol porenti.t Occupllional Heelth rnd Srfety Hazerds, sECTloN I PFODUC? IDENTIFICATION G€NEBAL Og GENERIC lO: Chemrcal farnrly or !,rodect description. DOT HAZABD CLASSIFICAI|ON: Prodsct meats 0OT ctiletie fo. t|3zards listed. SECTIoN lV (cont) EXTI GUISHING MEOIlc FoUowrng Natronal Frre Protgclio^ Association crit€r;a SEC'ION ll COMPONENTS CqrnpOnentS are listed in this Sectrgn it they presenl a physical or haelth hazard and er6 pres€nt at or abov€l% io the mixture. ll a compo^e^t is idennlied as a CARCINOGEN by NtP. IARC, or OSHA as of th€ deteon thr MSDS. ;t w r bs listed and footnorcd in this section when preseat at or above 0.1% io the prgduct. Ne9ative cgnclusions concerninE carcinogenicity sre not regorled, Additional herlth irformrlign n\.y be found in Ssclion V. Coftpoheors sr.rbjeci ta rho r€porting requirefieaG of Secrion 313 ot SARA Tille ltl .re identifiEd in the footnotes in this seclion. .long wjth typical percen!€oi Othor component3 rnry be listed it deemed ippropri.te ErFrosu.e r€comm6nd!(ion3 are for coragoa€nG. OSIIApetmissible Exposure L nirs (PELS) aid Aderrc.an Conference gf Ggvernmental )ndus!rr.t HyEienists(ACGIH Ihreshold Limit Yalues (TLVs) a99ear On theline ryilh the compenenr identification. Other recommcn&lions ag9ear as lootnc(es, sEcTtoN Ut PHYSTCAL DalA BOILING POINI: Of oduct jt known, The lo\ rest value 0f lhe componenB is lisied for mixtu.6s. VAPOT PRESSURE: O{ producr if known. Th€ highesr vilge gf the components ;s listed for mix(ures. SPECIFIC VAPOR DENSITY: Cornpar€d to AIB = 1. tf the Specitic VaF,or Oensiry gf . product i5 ngt knoyvn, the valu€ i3 expr6ss6d as lighter or graatga thln rif. SPECIFIC GBAVIIY| Comeared to WAIER = 1, rf Sp€cific Gravity of product is not khown, th€ valua i9g:pressecl as less th.n or greater th:fi water. pH: lf lpplic-ble. pEiCENT VOLAYILEST Percenbge qf m?tsrirl withinilirl boiling poinr bclow 425 degrees FCrenheit ahd v.pgr pressu.e aboyo 0.1mfi Hg ar 68 F, EVAPOFAION BATE: lndic.red as f.sler or slowerthfi ETHYL EIHER. qnless grherwise stered. FlSEFlGHflNG PROCEDUBEST Minimsm eqsigment to p.otecl lirefightgrs t.om toxic ptodqcts ot vapori2alion, cornbustion gr decomposilio^ in fire siturtions. Orher firetighting hatards m.v elso be indicsted. SPECIAL FIRE AND EXPLOSTON AZABDS: St.tes hae.ds 'lot coverad by other sccrions, NFPA CODES: Ha:ard ra!i69s assigned by th€ Narlonal Fire Pro(eclion Associrtion- sEcIlgu HEALTH HAZABD DATA PEBMISSIELE EXPOSURE LIMIT: For product. THBESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: For producl. EFFECTS OF ACUI€ OVEREXPOSUBE: Pqtenliar rocal 3nd systemic eff€c(s due to single or shori t€rm Overexpgsure t9 lhe eyes aad sirn Or througtl inhalaiion c,r ingestion, EFFECTS OF CHRONIC OVEBEXPOSURE: Porenri.l locat ead systemia effects due to repealed Or loag lermqverexPgsure lg the eves yrd skifl or th!'guEh inhelation o. ingestion, FIPST AIO: Procedurgs to be followed wheh deating Y.,ith accidental oyerexpossre. PBIMABY nOUTE OF ENIBY; Based on progerties and exp€cted use.EIIN] REAcfIvITY DAIA HAZAROOUS POLYMEBIZATIO : Conditions ro .voi<t rop.evel.rt hazardc,us golyme.izat;od togulling ;n € la(g€ rgleese Of eneagy, STABILI"Y: Condiricns ro .void to p.6v6nt harardous or viOlent (lecompc,s(iqn. l,{COMPA?lBlLl?Y: Mate.;als an.l conditions to rvoid to 9.event hazardous reactigos. vrl SPILL ON LEAK PFOCEDURES Bsasonable grecarligns to bc tafisn lnd metfigds 9f conlainm€nt. clean-ug rnd distesrl. Corlsglt ted€rrl, state alld loc.l ragulations for accaptad pioc.duras and any rspor(ng or notificaion r€quirem€ars. sEcTtoN Vllr PROIECTIVE €OUIPMENT TO BE USEO s sEcYtoN lV FIBE AIID EXPLOSION DATA FLASH POllYt Mothod identiried EXPLOSIO|| LIMIIS: For product if knowo. the lowset value ot thg compongl1tS is tislaal for mixturqs. HAZAEDOUS OECOMPOS|TION PRODUCIST Knotvn or6xpqcled h:aaclgus products resultinE lrom heatinE. b!.niag or othrr reerrions. Protaclivo rquiD.neht vrhich may bo neodod whsn handling tlr6 produ.t @IJx SPECIAL PB€CAUIIOT{S ON O'HEi COMM€NtS Covers :ny relevenl OOrntS not Frcviorrsly m€nlioncd. ADOITIONAL COMMENTS Containcrs should b9 eilher tecondidonod by CERIIFIED tirmsor progerly disposed gf by APPFOVED firms. Dispos.J of cont lners Shoud be in E cordrrce vvith agplic*l€ la*s 8d F€€ulations. 'EMPTr drums Shoutd rtot b€ giv€a loi^/n,ia,t6r- <-.i-- .^^ii-r! a.^- .* 6i.,.-- ^t 'EirgrlEn" ^^6t.i.a.e l.t ''-< 6rilc Et^) R.ta. 16 Seai^h. ') l I : I I i ) .\ "t f<c 4 fD vooB2? ^ F{ -q/ Tnt,t z/qt I zsr"' Fy- qZ TuJ 6/A3 t tzre FV-ql Tu'/ /?or3 ,Qntrrt/ -hr*- Potru.u $ eca,tsrr-- -T+,rlk- Can:,"oy' Be C-0*4.to/ 6, p.-d( 1 SORENCO JAMES L. SORENSON Chairman of the Board Sorenson Development WENDY KIM. MSc, PhD President/COO Sorenco July 2, 1992 UTAH DEPAIITMENT OF ENVIF]ONMENTAL QUALITY JUL-61992"p DIV. OF ENVIROI{MENTAL RESPONSE AND ftTMfiDIATION Mr. Jim Thiros Division of Environmental Response & Remediation 1950 W. North Temple Saft Lake City, UT 84114-4840 Dear Mr. Thiros: I am writing this letter to request a refund for the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Assessment. As per your conversation with Sorenco's lnventory Control Manager, Allen Buckingham, Sorenco should receive a refund as SD Alcoho! should not be assessed under this fund and as Sorenco, lnc. has Liability coverage with a general aggregate limit of $2,000,000. Please send us a refund for your invoice #13059-1 that was paid with Sorenco's check #1098 dated July 1, 1gg2 for $72.50. Also, please send us a refund for any other payments made to this fund by Sorenco, Inc. or sorenco, a Division of sorenson Development, for sD Alcohol over the past 2 years. lf you have any questions regarding our insurance policy or payments made to this fund, please feel free to contact either myself or Allen Buckingham at (801) 481-7325. Sincerely, Linda Miller AccountanVSorenco, lnc. cc: Allen Buckingham Personal Care Products o Research and Development o Formulation and Manufacturing 2323 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah (801) 481-7325. FAX (801) 467-9024