HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006476State of Utah GARYR. HERBERT Governor SPENCER J. COX Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executwe Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brent H. Everett Director ERRU-223-17 November 29,2017 Ron Roberts Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 West Central Valley Road Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Re:Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks #l and#2 Central Valley Water Reclamation Located at 800 West Central Valley Road, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4001 487 Dear Mr. Roberts: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on November 28, 2017, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Closure Plan Approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Division Director. Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writin5, and approved by the Division Director before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Division Director after the closure is performed. Please submit the environmental and Unified Soil Classification sample analysis data and chain-of-custody forms with the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake Crty, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1M840. Salt Lake City, UT 841144840 Telephone (801) 536-4100. Fax (801) 359-8853 . T.D.D. (801) 5364284 www.deq.utah.goy Printed on 100% recycled paper Facility lD# 4001487 Page 2 If you have any questions, please contact David Wilson, the DERR Project Manager, at (80r) s36-4100. Sincerely, 6*t t{ f,**"+ Brent H. Everett, Director Division of Environmental Response and Remediation BHE/DJW/cjh Enclosure: Closure Notice Form cc Ron Morris, Fire Chief, South Salt Lake Fire Department Gary L. Edwards, M.S., Director, Salt Lake County Health Department LTNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSLjRE PLAN (rev. 7/13)FACILITY D# 4OOI487 LHD USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date mailed to State A Contracior may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. In preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operatoCs knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sigr the Closure Plan. Submit Closure Plen to: DERR/[ ST, P.O. Box 144840, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84114-4840 This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in 40 CFR 280 Subpart G and R3l I -204 (U.A.C.) *lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be new oil, \^,aste oil, etc.) For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identifu if known) No E Not ltuown f] STATE LISE ONLY DateReceivd 1112811f Date Msiled to LHD Date Received From LIID Reviewer/Date Approve{ DJW / 1 1 128117 Mgr. Review/Date ullz* I n Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (idenlfqd lelow) by Audra Heinzel of (company name) Wasatch Environmental Phone # 801-972-8400 Address 2410 West California Avenue City SLC StateUT zip84l04 FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Central Valley Water Reclamation Phone # 801-831-8370 Address 800 West Central Vallev Road City SLC State UT zip84lI9 Facility Name Ce ntral Valley Wate r Reclamatio n Address 800 West Central Valley Road City SLC State UT Zip 84119 Contact ps!!qq1[qn [obgrts Phone # 80I-83l-8370 Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site 4 Total number ofregulated undergroundtanks at 2 Piping closure only I Tank #I 2 Tank Type (Steel, FRP,etc.)FRP FRP P iping Type (Steel,FRP,etc.)FRP FRP Date Installed 6/89 6189 Capacity 6000 6000 Substance slored'Gas Diesel Date last operated Current Current Removal/ln Place/Change in Service (CIS)?Removed Removed Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material. (Check with your disposal facility.) I Before the closure plan is submitted for approval, the local health and fire departments where the facility is located must be contacted. TANK REMOVERName Frank Beardslqy Cert, # TR 0413 Exp. Date 5/19 Company Petro West Inc.Phone # 435-668-2554 Address 14807 Heritage Crest Way Ciry Bluffdale State UT aip84065 soIL/cRoUNDwATERSAMPLERName A*rdrfFfetnzel Tcl/- /rrf,ar cert.* os'r5&31?l/Exp. Date 2t'195//e// Company Wasatch Environmental Phone# 801-972-8400 Address 2410 West Califomia Avenue City SLC State UT zip84104 CONTACT TTOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT: NAMC Of DiSt. DERR Datellll3llT Contact Gary Astin Tifle Environmental Scientist Phone# 80 I -536-4 I 00 CONTACT LOCAL FIR"E DEPT. Nameof Dept. SLCFPB Date llll3l17 Contagt NA Titte NA Phone# 801-799-4103 DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) will be disposed at Facility Salt Lake County Landfill Address 6030 West Califomia Avenue citv SLC State UT zip84104 Contact person NA Phone# 385468-6370 Product ltnes will either be: I removed or I cleaned, secur€d irybce- qllcapped. Vent lincs will either be: [t removed or ! cleaned and secured open Pipine willbe disposed at Facility Salt Lake County Landfill Address 6030 West Califomia Avenue Citv SLC State UT aip84104 Contact person NA Phone# 385468-6370 Tank(s) will be cmptled by: company STC Phono# 801-595-8151 Tank(s) will be cleaned by: company STC Phone*t 801-595-8151 Contaminated water in the tank/rinsate will be disposed at: FqciliySTC Contact person Shane Adolf Phone# 801-595-815 I Tenk(s) will be: El purged or El rendered inert by the following method: dry ice Residual sludges will be disposed at the following facility: STC Address 618 South 4050 West City SLC State UT zip84104 Contact person Shane Adolf Phone# 801-595-8151 FOR CLOSURE IN PLACE ONLY For this closure method, you are subject to the requirements of UAC R315-302-2(6), which rcquires annotating the property title and submitting documentation to the Division of Solid and Hazardous Wastc (DSHW). For information on how to comply with these requirements. contact the DSHW Solid Waste Landfills Section Manqgcr at (8Ql)536'0200. l-l Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Fire Department. (Must submit approval in writing with Closure Plan) Fire Dept.Phone#Contact person Date l-l Aporoval for in-place closure has been granted by the lncal Health Department. Health Dept.Phone#Contact person Date Substance to be used to fill tanks 2 STTE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in 40 CFR 280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). If contamination is suspected, additional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most likely to be present. If groundwater is encountered, a soil sarnple must be collected, in the unsaturated zone, in addition to each groundwater sample. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzd for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed for Each Substance or Product Type ANALYTICAL ]VIETHODSI Soil, Groundwater or Surfece Water Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrooarbons (pureeable TPH as gasoline range organics Co - Cro) EPA 8015 or EPA 8260 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXI9 and MTBE EPA 8021 or EPA 8250 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractable TPH as diesel range organics Cro - Ces) EPA 8OI5 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTE)SI) EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or EPA 1664 (SGT*) Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTE)O{) & MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX) EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or EPA 1664 (SGT*) Other Type ofanalyses will be based upon the substance or product stored, and as approved by the DERR Division Director Method will be based upon the substance or product type Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ourceable TPH as gasoline range organics 66 - Cro) EPA 8015 or EPA 8260 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractablg TPH as diesel range organics Cro - Cur) EPA 8015 Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or EPA 1664 (SGT*) Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN) and MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX) EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 t The following modifications to these certified methods are considered acceptable by lhe DERR Division Director: . Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH and BTEXN&ITBE analysis. r A micro+xtraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples, but only for the determination ofextractable TPH as diesel range organics (Cro - Cze).. Hexane may be used as an €xtraction solvent. r *Silica Gel Treatment (SGT) may be used in the determination of Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory. aJ i" I I : I I I I I I i I I I I I I l I I I ! I I : I l lj i I I l ! I t t i I I ! i t I I .r 't I i l I l i i l : r ! i I : I : I l ,] 1j i Ii ) ; l : r ) I j ) ; i I I : i I I I t I I I I i I l remedial aeral ion and oye r -excavat i on 'more than 50 UST Consultant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be dispoqqt at thg following facility: ET Technologies Address 3l l0 West California Avenue city SLC State UT aip84104 Contact person Matt Betts Phone 801-977-Anl Complote the Facllity Site Plat and Sample Information Table on pages 4 end 5 to provide site assessment informetion. CONTAMINATION INtr"ORJT,TATION If contamination at the facility is suspected or confirmed, the information must be reported to the DERR Division Director at (801) 536- 4 I 00 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (80 I ) 536-4300 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impactod. If contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation proc€ss for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE Complete table for all samples to be taken for closure. All materials gendrated from UST closurl-rust be managed and disposed in a manner that docl-,t placi: those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Any person I Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soil Classification (USC). 2 Approx. depth in feet below grade. The required minimum site assessment samples must be taken at 0-2 feet below the backfilVnative soil interface.3 Contaminant compounds to be analvzed for each samole (from table on o. 3). - 4 Appropriato analy'sis mothods for c5ntaminant oompo'und(s) in each sampto (tom table on p. 3). 4 Sample # S ubs tance stored ln tank Sample type'Depth2 Compounds3 Analysis method(s )' SS.I Gas/Diesel ss 9 GRO/DROA,IBTE)O{80 t 5/8260 SS-2 Gas/Diesel SS 9 GRO/DROA4BTE>OI 80r5/8260 SS-3 Cas/Diesel SS J GRO/DRO/MBTEXN 8015/8260 s$4 Gas/Disel ss 3 GRO/DRO/MBTBXN 80 I 5/8260 GW-r Gas/Diesel GW l0 GRO/DROA4BTE)O{80 I 5/8260 GW-2 Gas/Diesel GW l0 GRO/DRO/TVIBTEXN 8015/8260 USC.I Gas/Diesel USC 9 USC USC USC-2 Gas/Diesel USC J USC USC T'acitity Site Plat (Closure Plan) The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. It must show planned sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with ttre information given on pages I and 4 of the Closure Plan, North fr 9"u1". 1,,= _ Feet X = Sample locations (SS+, WS+, USC+) o = Monitoring Wells (MW4) o: Soil boring (SB4), or C:eoprobe Boring (GP#) E = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N,N%USUS,SE,E,NE) Land Use At Site: _Residential _Commercial _Industrial Surrounding Land: _Residential _Commercial _Indusrial Site Plat Muct Indicote Approximate Locations of: -Curront & former tanks, piping & dispensers -Lncdion of all sanrples to be taken -Buildings, fences, & property boundaries -Utility conduits (sewas, gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) 5 I i: r : E t' F r E l. F F t t l; I r I I \- CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION Figure 1FAC|L|TY lD 4001487 Site Location Map +wA9,AT9^il @rre Wa$tch Envtwlsl Copyrxlht 2006 t. I I't {{ tj .l t ----'13 I t\'1\ $ I ._J*J- r J/ i;: lr"q, *:*l..-'-'-- 1Ea,-.*, Ji #{: t, f'{fa t**t ,1^-t--*"--.- tliTrra rl *\ fii TI I t I / ,' *-/ t/ i----r CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION FAC|LITY lD 4001487 Closure Plan Map suthqizcd. +wASATCH The @ d @so It this inlurnatis b to Wasatch EruiMmold Copynght 2006 ^ be removed) "E EI SSJ{J Groundwater expected to be less than 10 feet deep Figure 2 Plcrrc cmlain tny unusual or cxtcnusting circumrlrnces cxpcctcd rcFrding thc sitc asgcssmcnt or clogute: I cc@ uader pcorlty of hr ttrt I .m thc mnor/operr0or of the tank(r) rcfercnced sbove rul thrt I rE famlllar witb the bfornrtioD on thb form and thrt lt b b[g tccurste and complete, and further, th.t the procedurrs deccribed herein wlll be folloed duri4 trlk clcure. Approximarc dspth to groundwater in the vicinity ofthe tanks: <lofeet. Rcgionrl groundw*er flow direction: WA.{W st t Cortifiod t bontory to be used: Utility Testing Addrcss l615 West 2200 S city WVC Statr UT zip84l19 Contrct Pcrron NA Phonc 801-485-8941 Signaure of tank owner Furr Nameortank r*"* . / 6 ^p]1 g a.tlq Ulk Lto**l F*l:['lr?-w tl- ts- t1 o Underground Strage Tank lnspectionryerification Form Owner Name: Owner Address: CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION 8OO W CENTRAL VALLEY RD SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119 JARED S. OBRTEN / (801)973-9100 holstromt@cvwrf.org Faclllty Name: Street Address: Operator B: UTM Coordlnate6 X/Y: Facility lD: 4001487 CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAI\,IATION 8OO W CENTRAL VALLEY RD SOUTH SALT LAKE. UT 84119 JARED S. OBRTEN / (801)973-9100 422724 I 4506260 Operator A: Owner Email: Oisp lD/Alt ID Substance UDC Sat Present No No Pipe Flex Booted Steel Flex Booted Steel Flex 1-1 2-2 Gasoline Diesel No No Tank lO/Alt lO: Slphon/Compart: Tank Status: lnstalled/Cap/Loc: Substance Stored: Tank Material-Mod: ATG: ATG Specs: ATG Test: LTT Test: 111 E-Gon/AST: No/No No / No Pwstagcl: Yes Currently ln Use None 6/13/1989/6000/North Diesel / Ofl-road Diesel Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Pneumercator / TMS 2000 -3000 24 inches / 20K / Shutdown Test 711812017 7118D017 LLDTest:07/'18/2017 Pipc Materlal-Mod: Pip€ Type/STP Cont: STP Flex Conneqtors: LLD Modeli SpilUOverllll/Sm deliv: PST Fund/Other Type: TanldPlpe Rel Det: STP Sump Test: CP Tank Test Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Pressurized / Yes Steel Flex in Sump Red Jacket / VR FXlDV 5 gal. Spill Bucket / Overlill alarm / No Yes / lnterstitial DW / LTT / ALD 0711812017 Splll Bk Test: 0711812017 Overllll f esli 7 I 1 8120 17 CP Plpe Test; Tank lD/Alt lD: Siphon/Compart: Tank Status: lnstallecUCap/Loc: Substance Stored: Tank Matsrlal.Mod: ATG: ATG Specs: ATG Test: LTT Test: 212 E.cen/AST: No/No No/No PVV/Stagel: Yes Cunently ln Use Co-axial 6/'13/1989 / 6000 / South Gasoline / Regular Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Pneumercator / TMS 2000 -3000 24 inches / 20K / Shutdown Test 7t18t2017 711812017 LLD Test: 07/18i2017 Plpe Mat€rlal-Mod: Pipe Type/STP Cont: STP Flex Connecto.s: LLD Model: SpilUovertllUSm deliv: PST Fund/Other Type: TanUPipe Rel Det: STP Sump Test: CP Tank Test: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Pressurized / Yes Steel Flex in Sump Red Jackel / VR FXlV 5 gal. Spill Bucket / Overfill alarm / No Yes / lnterstitial DW / LTT / ALD 071'1812017 SplllBkTest:0711812017 Oy€rtlll T€st: 7/18/2017 CP Pip€ T€st: Tank lD/Alt lD: Siphon/Compart: Tank Status: lnstalled/Cap/Loc: Substance Stored: Tank Mate,ial-Mod: ATG: ATG Specs: ATG Test: LTT Test: 3/3 E.Gen/AST: No/No No / No Pw/Stagelr No Currently ln Use None 3/5/'1992/1000/West Used Oil/ Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Pneumercator / LC l000 Sensor / Sensor / Sensor only LLD Test: Plpe Malerial-Mod: Pipe Type/STP Cont: STP Flgx Connectots: LLD Model: SpilUOvertill/Sm deliv: PST Fund/Other Type: TankPip€ Rel Det: STP Sump Test: CP Tank Test: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Gravity Feed / Yes Steel Flex in Sump 5 gal. Spill Bucket / Ball float valve / No Yes / lnterstitial DW / OTHER / NONE Splll Bk Test: Overlill T€st: CP Plpe Test: Tank lD/Alt lD: Slphon/Compart: Tank Status: lnstallod/Cap/Loc: Substance Stored: Tank Material-Mod: ATG: ATG Specs: ATG Test: 414 E€en/AST: No/No No/No Pwstagel: No Currently ln Use None 3/5/1992/1000/East New Oil / Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic - Double-Walled Pneumercator / LC1000 Sensor / Sensor / Sensor only Pipe Material-Mod: Plpe Type/STP Cont: STP Flex Connecto.s: LLD Model: SpilUOverfl ll/Sm dellv: PST Fund/Other Type: TanUPipe Rel Det: STP Sump Test: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic - Double-Walled Safe Suction / Yes Steel Fler in Sump 5 gal. Spill Bucket / Ball float valve / No Yes / lnterstitial DW / lnterstitial DW / NONE Spill Bk T6t: Ov€rtlllTesti 11129t2017 Page 1 of 2 Loc lnEtallDate UDC lnstallDate Fire ValYe Yes Yes UDC Test Disp Flex CP Test DERR 2017-011805II ?:;^.?:,f( got- 1tz-l tool , V*rl'l"Y LtTs- 1o 6{15s4 Frovt cd.l Ir -.J .*'-:'F -- ,4 E ./ ,/ t r Y, {" 5*a IL. * tpt- 1 T il -l --4'J t r trE 7 ffir t v L\ 7/ -F --/ ,r't I'j \ I X\ D t ^t\tI \ ar L._ tr ; 4I ,ai' -.,-"*--'lt tr tr I -- I h 1 ^ Gary Asti n < gasti n@utah.gov> RE: underground storage tank inspection. 1 message Sharon Burton <BurtonS@cvwrf.org> To: Gary Astin <gastin@utah.gov> Mon, Jun 19,2017 at 2:39 PM l've attached a picture of the installed sign. Please let me know if we need to change anything Thanks for all of your help. Sharon DERR 2017-006427 Sharon Burton Operations Supervisor Gentral Valley Water Reclamation Facility 8OO W. Gentral Valley Road Salt Lake City, Utah 44119 Oflice 801-973-9178 ext 260 burtons@cvwrf.org From: Gary Astin Imailto :gastin@utah. gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 11:15 AM To: Sharon Burton <BurtonS@cvwrf.org> Subject: u ndergro u nd storage ta n k inspection. Thanks very much for everyone's help with the underground tank inspection yesterday. I have attached the letter regarding the overfill alarm. \Mren you have a sign in place, you can send me a picture of it, or send me something that says it has been installed. I checked our file for information on ilrg piping on the new oil tank- whether it is "sa\d or "US" suction. I found references to both, but I didn't find anything definite. lf you can find something that confirms which type it is, that would be helpful. Wlren you have the line tests done on the fuel tanks, the tester may be able to look at the new oil piping and see if there is a check valve visible, or Westech may be able to help. lf you find that the piping is US suction, one option for leak detection would be to do a tightness test on the piping every three years, rather than doing monthly interstitial monitoring. lf you did the tightness test, you would only have to do it once every three years, and you wouldn't have to check the sump each month. Let me know if you have any questions about the letter, the piping situation, or anything else about the tanks. Gary Astin I Environmental Scientist 801.536.4103 (office) | 801.359.8853 (fax) 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116 :] :: Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. Fuel Station Sign.jpg u7K E 6t: E T :,:!,N.i .1 itE,t .:i::.: .i iii,l \ {I I * I lln;h ffi Lt- d{ ;$:*{ State of Utah GARYR. HERBERT Governor SPENCERJ. COX Lieulerant Governor \ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executiye Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brent H. Everett Director June 7,207J Jared O'Brien Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 W. CentralValley Rd. Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Re: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks (USTs) at Central Valley Water Reclamation, 800 W Central Valley Rd., South Salt Lake, Utah; facility lD#4001487. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Division Director of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Division Director, the DERR performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on June 6,2017, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Submit documentation to show that you have installed a sign to identifo the overfill alarm in use as the primary overfill prevention device for USTs #1 (6,000 gallon Diesel) and #2 (6,000 gallon Regular). Please submit the requested information to this office by July 7, 2017. lf it is not received by this date, we will commence the process to revoke the Certificate of Compliance for the facility. If you have any questions conceming this maffer or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4103 or gastin@utah.gov. Gary Astin Underground Storage Tank Section Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DERR 2017-005808 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144840 . Salt Lake City, UT Ufi4-4940 Telephone (801) 536-4100. Fax (801) 359-8853 . T.D.D. (S0l) 5364414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100o/o recycled paper Gary Asti n <gasti n@utah.gov> underground storage tank inspection. 1 message Gary Astin <gastin@utah. gov> Wed, J un 7 , 2017 at 11 : 1 5 AM To: Sharon Burton <burtons@cvwrf. org> Thanks very much for everyone's help with the underground tank inspection yesterday. I have attached the letter regarding the overfill alarm. \Men you have a sign in place, you can send me a picture of it, or send me something that says it has been installed. I checked our file for information on the piping on the new oil tank- whether it is "safe" or "US" suction. I found references to both, but I didn't find anything definite. lf you can find something that confirms which type it is, that would be helpful. \Men you have the line tests done on the fuel tanks, the tester may be able to look at the new oil piping and see if there is a check valve visible, or Westech may be able to help. lf you find that the piping is US suction, one option for leak detection would be to do a tightness test on the piping every three years, rather than doing monthly interstitial monitoring. lf you did the tightness test, you would only have to do it once every three years, and you wouldn't have to check the sump each month. Let me know if you have any questions about the letter, the piping situation, or anything else about the tanks. Gary Astin I Environmental Scientist 801.536.4103 (office) | 801.359.8853 (fax) 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116 sNvrtcNMfl NTAL *S$r$n$S .q n*|tfrSl&YISH Emaits to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. fl 4001487 csm.pdf 30K -aA Utah Department of Environ;" .ntal Quality - UST Release Deteci r lnspection Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks Name: CENTRAL VALLEY WATER Address: 800 W CENTRAL VALLEY RD , SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841 19 Contact: RON ROBERTS Phone/Email: (801)973-9100 holstromt@cvwrf. CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION S00wCENTRALVALLEYRD ( 3190 S ) SOUTH SALT LAKE, UT 84119 RON ROBERTS (801 ) 973-91 00 FacilitylD #: 4001487 lnspection Date: 09/08/201 1 Comments Spill/Overfill Detail Tanks are protected from corrosion? Piping is protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the tank subpumps are protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the dispensers are protected from corrosion? Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc? lmpressed current system is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results of the last three checks are available? Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All NA / AII Tanks have a Spill Prevention device or are exempt from this requirement? Tanks have an overfill device or are exempt from this requirement? Are you able to visually inspect the spill containment bucket(s) for functionality? (i.e. are the buckets clean enough to see cracks, etc?) ls the spill containment bucket(s) intact? ls the spill containment bucket(s) able to contain a spill? (i.e. is there water, product, debris, etc in the spill bucket to prevent it from containing a spill?) lf an overfill alarm is being used is it properly located so the delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified? lf the spill containment bucket(s) is not intact, does NA / All it have a potential to release product to the environment? Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All NA / AIIThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests NA / All are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter)? Have you updated the database with the current NA cathodic protection test? Follow up on Corrosion Protection? No The database has been verified and updated? Yes Follow Up on Spill/Overfill?No Piping Leak Detection Detail Financial Responsibility Detail Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. (Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping.) Yes / All Yes / All /Ail / Alt /Ail Yes No Piping is U.S. suction? Do all of the valid annual pressurized piping systems have a line tightness test or valid monthly Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a line Yes / All leak detector? Do all of the valid annual monitoring? pressurized piping systems have a line leak detector test? lf using monthly monitoring, have you entered the NA / All results in the table below? U.S. suction piping has a valid line tightness test every 3 years? The database has been verified and updated? Follow Up on Piping Leak Detection? lnspector: Gary A Harris Record Created by: gaharris Time Record Created: 919120117:.18:27 AM lnspection Date: 09/08/201 1 LD Substantial: Yes Oper Substantial: Yes Financial Responsibilty tr/ethod is ok?Yes Yes No database has been verified and updated? Follow Up on Financial Responsibility? 9t92011 Page 1 of 4 Corrosion Protection Detail: rnk LD-ATG/IM Detail: ATG/IM - Leak Detection Method Used? lM - Type of Secondary Containment Used? lM - Type of Documentation Used? lM - System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from any portion of the primary tank/piping within one month of release? ATG/IM - Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records)? Wriften documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is kept for at least one year after work is completed? ATG/IM - ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and operational? ,TG/IM - Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months? The probe is located at the center ofthe tank? lf not in the center, show tilt factors from the setup report' ATG Continous Testing / All /Ail / All / All Yes Yes Yes / All NA/ Yes / Yes No ATG - The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits? The database has been verified and updated? Follow Up on tank leak detection? 9t912011 Page 2 of 4 I Owner Name CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION Location Name CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION Address 800W CENTRALVALLEY RD Address 800W CENTRALVALLEYRD (3190S ) City SALT LAKE CITY State UT Zip 84119 City SALT LAKE CITY $ta e UT Zip 84119 BOBEBTS Phone 801 973-9100Contact RoN Tank lD and Alt lD: RON 1 J 42 ROBERTS Tank lnstallation Date 6/1 3/1 989 6/13/1989 3/511992 31511992 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)6000 6000 1 000 1 000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored Diesel Gasoline Used Oil New Oil Tank is in use.Currently in Use Yes No Currently in Use Yes No urrently in Use Currently in Use Yes No lf not in us ive date last used in tank. Current year tank tags are in place. of Material of construction of tanks Fiberglass Reinlorced Fiberglass Reinlorced Fiberglass Reinlorced Fiberglass Reinlorced Material of construction of piping Fiberglass Reinforced Fiberglass Reinforced Fiberglass Fleinforced Fiberglass Reinforced Pi Pressurized Pressurized Gravity Feed U.S. Suction Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required. Spill containment bucket is clean, dry, and free of product, water, debris.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no ovedill prevention is required.al -> lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it Corrosion Protection method used on tanks can be seen and and alarm is cl marked. ,t/ Al Yes No Yes No Yes No Conosion Protection method used on pipino //iA Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swinq ioints, etc.At tanks:At dispensers: Enclosed containment su[ps are present at tanks and dispensers At tanks:@ No At dispensers:/G)No Yes No Yes No The results of the last two months of installation and seal free from water every three years thereaftefl Containment protection tests are available Tank Tester UT Date volts volts volts volts Testern UT Date volls volts volls volts volts volts voltsFlex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester At tank AtUT Date volts volts volts volts Systems: The results threj-equip-mentFor 60checks are available red Yes No {{(,-9^0.facil on ir?/l : b U"ry4 tr Emergency generator only; leak detection tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. COMMENTS N w ..N\-N -\ )r "\\0 \- ----or\ ure: t I Phone Somplete tor each,tank. ll the.lacilitv has,moie than four.,tanks. comole 1 4 "t r tl ex connectdr /)n6 ['u\. [4ethod used f or pipirg: Suction LTTlMehod rced f a tanls: Interstitial DW 3rd cert. avdlable Yes NoIt/laruf acturer nanB and nodel nunber of Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis property installed, calibrated, and Yes No Cirde Ail tS lor and tanksnaintdned rnaintenance records ATG IM Dvice docurrBnhtion b available on-sib (ow ner's nanLal, etc.)Yes Nlo Al Quipnent rced toacqdre dda, tale redings, perf amtest is dequde, accessible and f mctional. lrcl. AlG corsole, dipsticK etc.Yes tlo z^/l I Ail bcunentalion of valid testing or nDnitoring is available f q the hst 12 npnhs. Show testino or nmitorhg results in grid below.Yes No 7 v The probe is locded atthe center d the hnk. lf not, the tilt mrrection lactorf or erch hnk is show n on the tark setLp report. Yes NloATG ATG The tankwas f illed to atleastthe mhim.rmlevd reqdred by the nanufacturcr's equipnent potocol to ensure a vald leaktest and the tanksize is w ithin the allowed rpper and loiv er size lirits. */Yes \D hr--{ ,f 9{o IM Secordary barrier is properly placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consideratiqrs, las an acceptable perneation rate, is conpatide w itr the substance stored, is nm-conodide, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnpnt). Yes (* $7aict'4 Yr AItke-h to C MTG SIR hventrry readinp f or prodrct inprts and w ithdrawals are properly obtained ard recorded. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled./4y,; IC SlR Fbcords include he prqer runber of water readirgs, and w der readings are used to adlust inventory balances as necessary.No tc Ml-G SIR An appropriate tank calbratim chart is rced and is arail$le f or revisiv No@ IC SR Dspersers have currenl calbratim stickers or proper cdibratbn dcunBntation.rtrA w IC SR Dop tLbes are present and artendto w lhin orB f od of the tankbottom V"4 * Show results of monitoring for each tank for the Iast 12 months. lndicate pass, fiail, no results, or inconclusive Nloffr 1l lna lrlnL 1/nE ,lna,?/nE at..|c 5/05 6/O5 7lo5 8/05 q/o5 10/o5 #I + #z P --a # # Tank anr Line Tightness Testirg, Li Leak Detector Testing:Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date of l6t tightness test f q tanls Test results Nane andcertlicatim nunber d tester:Test lribthod Date of last tigl^rtness test f or piphg /0-4-os-Test results P {)/I Nane andcertlicatim nunber d tester:Savt a bvvval Test lrtbthod Autcnatic Line Leak Detector tVF and nodd Ps rn n I v Date of last leak detector perf ornance test:lo^4 *0{ Test results P r Safe Suction piring: Docurrentdion is avail&le and verif iabb to show tlat piping operates at less thill atnospheric pressure, has only qre check valve (under punp), and has propa slope of piping. Yes Nb -L ^0 €e,a'/wl 4nConnBnbI {r-4 0 l/V- 9eqgo,S -at ft,trnz - Pae of r^. Utah UST Program T?, rK and Piping Leak Detectio..Facility lD +oorcaz 1..'g ---- I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION Address 8OO W CENTRAL VALLEY RD Address 800 W CENTRAL VALLEY RD ( 3190 S ) citySALT LAKE CITY StareUT 71e 84119 q!ry t4LT LAKE C|TY State UT 7ip84119 BON BOBEBTS ) 973-9100 Contact RoN ROBERTS Phone 2 4 Tank lnstallation Date 6/1 3/1 989 6/1 3/1 989 31s11992 31511992 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)6000 6000 1 000 1 000 Indicate il tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored Diesel Gasoline Used Oil New Oil Tank is in use.Currently in Use Currently in Use Currently in Use Currentlv in lf not in date last in tank. Cunent tank are in Material of construction of tanks FrDerglass Reinlorced Plastic Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Fiberglass Reinlorced Plasl c l-rUer0lass Beinforcod t Material of construction of piping Fiberglass Pai^{^r6d Pl^cri^ Fiberglass A6i^l^664 Ola.ri^ Fiberglass Fiberglass Piping type Pressurized Pressurized Gravity Feer U.S. Suc Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required.ts Spill containment bucket is clean, dry, and free of product, water, debris.Yes No Yes ,rt"" No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form il is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overfill prevention is required.{3r,ll q--r I lf an overfill device: Alarm is and heard and alarm is ma Protection method used on Yes No /1/'Uf- 0".No Yes No Corrosion Protection method used on piping illU ll t\ Conosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swinq ioints, etc.At tanks:\-At dispensers: Enclosed containment sumps at tanks and dispensers At tanks:No At No Containment sumps are sealed, free Irom water, product, etc. VYes No dates of tank cathodic The resu two cathodic protection are stx installation and three Yes No Tank Tester Date volts volts volts volts Piping Tester Date volts volts volts volts Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester Date Al tank At dispenssr volts volls VoItS volts volts volts volts volts For lm The results three equipment are available 60 this on _L ^0 Yes No Site Drawing (North ,fi ) /b.Wd,IJSignature:^l Distribution: White- DERR, U-tah USf Program o;*& Release Detectior .rspection Checklist gffl I Fabilitv lD :40O1487 Paoe 1 of Ownersh p of Tanks Use Complete lor each tank. lf the fac 1 3 tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. lnspector, Pink-Ldcheck0703.doc lvlefrod tsed f or tanb: lnterstitial DW l/tethod used f or pipirB: ALD LTT It/hruf acturer, nane and nodel nurber of system System3d party cert. ava'lable Yes M exceffions I column.rr lS' Yes NloAilFbcords on site docunent thd the systemis proper! installed, calibrated, and naintained (systan and tank setup reports, nnintenance records). Yes NloATG NT Dvice docunenhtion b available on-site (owner's nanual, etc.). Yes MAilQuipnent rced to acqdre dda, tale redings, perf orm test is dequde, accessible and f mctiornl. ktl. ATG corsole, dipstic{<, etc. Yes NloAilbcunentalion of validtestingor ronitoring is availdle f s the hst 12 npnhs. Sltcw bsting or nmitorhg results in grid below. Yes NbATGThe probe is locded at the center d the hnk. ll not, tlp tilt correcrtion lactor f or erch bnk is shown on the tank settp report. Yes Nlo ATG lhe tank w a f illed to at least the nhimlm levd reqdred by the nenufacturer's equipnent potocol to ensure a vald leaktest and thetanksize is w ithn the allowed rpper and lor er size lirits. Yes tlo IM Secordary barrier is pmper! placed ard corstructed, designed lor gw consideratisrs, las an acceptable perneation rate, is corpatiUe w ih the subslance stored is non-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnent). Nloes-a,ra_v[g/ SIR hvenbry readings f orprodr.rt inprts ard w ithrawals are properly obtairBd ard recor&d. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled. M@"Fbcords indude he prqer runber of water eadirgs, ard w der readings are used to adjust invertory balances as necessary. MU*An appropriate tank calbratim chart is used and is arailSle f or revie\ /C MTG SIR /-*" NloDspersers have current calbratim stickers or proper cdibratbn deunBntation.CSlR t{o&'(CSlR Dop tubes are prcsent and extend to w lhin ore f od of the tank bottom Shorv results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndiqlq pqgs.fa!!.n o results or inconclusive 3104 4l04\ 11)03 1AO3 1to4 2lo47t038/03 stF 1 0/03N4offrs/03 6/03 qLL.rrl#I +*L -J- rn rL-t_,-il /#) I#Ll L thtness T€TilK 1 Tank 2 Tank 4Tank 3 Date of last tightness test lq tanls Test results Mne and certlication nunber d tester:Test lvbthod Date of last tiglrtness test f or piphg >-z'l :01 [9sf results \c,r . Test lvlethod41'- t)MnB andcertlicatim nunber d tester:/1/ Autonatic Line LeakDetector tvrc and npdd ruq Dateof lct leakdetector perf ornancetest Test results Yes f\bSafe Suction pping: Docunentdion is availdle md verif iabb to show tlrat piping operates at less than atnospheric pressure, has only me clBck valve (under punp), and has proper sl9p9 d EPlng' 3 -21-03 I +2 T WYt /e n *a1Conrrents "+q parc of ^ Utah UST Program A Ta..( and Piping Leak Detectir,.,,Facility lD 4001487 CSlR -1 ID Owner Name ('.Location Name a State Citv State UT Zip Location Contact PhoneContact for each tank. lf has more the inlormation for additional tanks Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4Number of tanks at lacility:Tank 1 /,-lz-P {J'q-fr 1-r-77 7-{-€oTank lnstallation Date Capacity of tank (in gallons)AH lr / /r(/r- lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance stored /),",,^ /Uruu lrrJor- /,t/u -.5 '/ Y v IY r lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Current year tank tags are in place Material ol construction of tanks 14/ Material ot construction of piping FR?r)l Piping type lrc rio.--n iV -- c./ Type of Spill Prevention Device. Note if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required.<e so/ Type of Overfill Prevention Device. Note if tank is lilled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so. no overfill prevention is required./2^// tr/t marked Yes No Note in the Conosion Protection method used on tanks it can be seen and an ove and alarm is the Corrosion Protection method used on piping Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors 4 Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) andFispens.r"' ! Orl ves'l'No ) lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. of are 3 Yes No6 months of installation and resu two DateTank Tester volts volls volts volts Pipinq Tester Date volts volts volts volts volls volts volts voltsFlex Connectors Tester Sub pump Date DisDenser volts volts volts volts resu pment Yes No ,-Page I of -/ r(name) ()^.,J I -3O-o5- 3) -onatureDate r name: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector Ldcheck.wpd rev0902 Utah UST Program Release Detection lnspection Checklist Ownership ol Tanks Location of Tanks Address ry />n I Tank is in use (Yes / No). lf not in use, give date last used I Answer the following lor all tanks. Note any exceptions in the last column.,( ,'fm a lank and Piping Leak Detection ID used for LMethod of the nrc,@l Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records).6*o iv"J ruolre(ttr,bevice documentation is available on-site (owner's manrlqL elc.L 6*"@-Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lnclude ATG console, dipstick, etc. Yes No L,,// /-*r<. rJrII Documentation ol valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in orid below. Center Tilt Factors: #1 #2 #3 #4wThe probe is located at the center of the tank, or, if not in the center, show the tilt factor for each tank lrom the tank setup report. Yes No The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed uooer and lower size limits. ATG @.9 Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr tlood plain (per site assessment). Yes Nolnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded, Readinqs are DroDerlv reconciled. IC SIR MTG Yes NoRecords include the proper number ol water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary. IC SIR Yes NoIC SIR MTG An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review. Yes No Calibration date:IC SIR Dispensers have current calibrati Yes NoIC SIR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, No Results, lnvalid (ATG) or lnconclusive (SlR). For tanks using ATG, indicate for each tank the lowest product level for any ATG leak test done on that tank for the last 12 months. Show this level in the box Ior the month in which the test was run.6,%.3s,=?Z-72t %zl%,/a/,%zlt/z-Moffr 2/oL GZ /?/P\#l Lr, /t v I ?'.t rof .a I I#-1/[1 -t= p P ?PI#7 D P#U UJ Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4T Tank and Line Tlghtness Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing: Date of last tiqhtness test for tanks Test results Test Method:r of tester:Name and Test resultstest for p p last Automatic Line Leak Detectors. lndicate type and model number lor each Mechanical- M, Electronic- E, Sump Sensor- S /. detector ES MES MESES Test Method:Name and mber of tester:a P pDate of last leak detector performance test:. ? *2- '</-o3 Test results Yes NoSrction piprg, Documentation is availafle and verifiable to show-that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has ptoper slope of piping Safe d4 l,/, n Comments 4r.- 6 P White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, v bv tank anv exceotions to the answer in the first column. UT ?-zy- oa .^ - Number facitity:of tanks at L Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 of tank (in gallons) Tank 4 stored or, Tank t5 in use (Y)n not tn use,give date last usedlfnotinuse,ofdepth product in tank (in inches) Cu rrent year tank aretags in place Material 0f conshuction of tanks Mate rial of construction 0f piping Piping type $an 25 tf iS tf no )pe than 25 D.//L5 7-r,1 be seen an it ts Yes No Ansrer the tanks.Note any exceptions Method used on tanks Method used on piping used on flex conne6rsMethod Enclosed containment and(subpump)dispensers YesdatesIndicateofupgrad6-lank or piping cathodic protection Testing. or flex i months of are nand3 Yes No volts volts voltsTester volts volts volts volts volts volts rlex Connectors 'ester Sub pump volts volts volts or of reeration current system: Yes No Page ofAc- e )o olOmgo(Oireds O") ibution L ID for each tank.It facitity has more than 4 tanks,cornpfete for additional tanks on separate forrn. ?I Answer the for all tanks.Note any exceptions In the last column, 4 Corrosion Protection.for allfollowing tn the last column. connector. Cathodic Protection Show test results for each tank,line, cert. available @uo used 3',d L Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and Method used for tanks: name and model number or maintenanceand tankmaintained 465)lroDevice documentation is avai lahle on-site . etc.l.(owner's manualATG 6- used to acquire data, take readings, pedorm test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, Equipment dipstick, etc.e @NoDocumentation of valid testing or monitoring is available tor the last '12 months. testino or monitorinq results in Show@ Yes NoThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt correction lactor lor each setup report.shown on the tanktank is ATG Yes NoThe tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the m etuipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is uDper and lower size limits ranutacturer's within the allowedATG @)*oSecondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed tor gw considerations is compatible with the substance stored, is non- ent). on rate,has an accePtable Permeati floodolain (per site assessmin the 25-yrconodible, and is not I Yes NoIC MTG SIR lnventory recorded. for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained andreadings reconciled.are Yes NoIC SIR Becords include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to cali nofor / # Yes NoAn appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available tor review, and extend to within one root of the tanK tank lor the 12 months. ( IC MTG Moffr or inconclusive. IC SIR tubes areIC SIR results of current stickers or Yes No Yes No p#1- Tank 4Tank 3Tank 2 Test results:lor tanks:Date of # Tightness LeakTank Test Method:Name and certification number of tester: PpA4*4, I tLrest resutts:Date of 4test fl ^rn o. P,[r-- ?rLrMethod:(,cName and certification number of uA?/1/4/ I Tesl results:-oLDate ol last leak NoYesthanre,less atmospheric pressuatshowtothatveritiandablepipingoperatesavailableISDocumentationSuctionSafepiping: ofhasvalveIndecheckone Comments 4 White.DEBR, 1.wpd ID each to @No pY Tank 1DetectorTestingrLineandLineTesting, p 4. Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility April 13,2001 4cc tq37 DERR ENVIR()NMENTAL RESPONSE & REMEDIATION ENTEREDCertifiedMail 7099 3220 0005 5278 2436 Dept of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Ut 84114-4840 BY Dear Sirs Please find the information you requested in your letter dated Nlarch 27 , 2001, enclosed. By way of explanation, the required interstitial monitoring was and is being performed weekly on the diesel and gasoline tanks. The records for 2000 were inadvertently destroyed at the end of 2000. The records for the months of January, February, and March 2001 have been done and are on file. The operators have been instructed to keep the records for one year after they have been taken to eliminate this from happening again. I hope this information is sufficient for your needs. If you have other questions, please contact me at 973-9100. Sincerely 3 -l 1ffim"7/-fu/ Project Manager WHF/kr Enclosures APR I 7 2001 800 West Central Valley Fload, Salt Lake City, UT 841 19-3379 . (801) 973-9100 . FAX (801) 973-9280 i I { I i I I I i t i I t I ^ John Labrum John Labnrrl I I 149 Sanciy CLrlch Road Sandy. UT 84094 80t-495-2606 Far 80li-576-9925 BILL TO Central Valley Water Rec. Bill Fox 800 West Central Valley Drive Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84119 Please make checks payable to JOHN LABRUM. Tax ID#: 585-21-8132 LOCATION Central Valley Water Rec. Bill Fox 800 West Cental Valley Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 841 t9 C o DATE tNVOICE # 4lt0t0t 2964 P.O. NUMBER TERMS F.O.B. Net 30 Pre-Paid QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT I Precision Line Tightress Test 120.00 Br APP , Qu 120.00 ic€/rqo i 2 2001 W.a. Total $120.00 I 1 Precision Line Tightness Test Certification Prepared for: Central Valley Water Rec. 800 West Central ValleY Rd. Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 utah Facility ID # 4001487 Prepared on: April T'h,2001 Prepared by: John Labrum Precision Testing SPecialist 1 I 149 Sandy Gulch Road Sandy. UT 84094 DERR RESPONSE &REII,IEDIATIOI,I APR I r{ ^ John Labrum hecision Testing Specialist I I lJ9 Sunlt' Oulch Roul Sundy, Lil' llJOgJ It0l -195-)60(t It01-57(>9D5 Jir.u Certification Date: 04107101 Facility ID: 4001487 Central Valley Water Rec. 800 W. Central Valley Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Test Date: 04106101 Test Number: 040601-3R Operator: Robert Labrum Utah Certificate No.: UT0269 Product Lines The above location has been tested using the HornerM Pipeline Tester .This pipeline leak detection system meets all requirements set forth by NFPA 329-87 and USEPA 40 CFR Part 280 and has received third party certification. Please see the enclosed Third Party Certification for details. 07 psiNew Oil .000 PassSuction Certified Results of the Performance Evaluatlon c#;tdd Goiaiog to EPA Test Procedures Pioellne Leak Detectlon SYstem' IJsed as a Line Tigltfrtcss Tc* Thisformsummarizpsthercsults-ofancvduatioutodeterminewhetherthepipelineleak dctectioo systco namcd b"& ;J;;;ild in erachneni i compties with federd -regulations for conducring a line tightncs! ;;. Th. evaluarioS *.. iliiuJta'according to thc. united il;;;iffi .""t.mtu"ffo"As""d';g*n;;::*pmt jf ;:;ZX,Ir:,#!!i" Test Proccdwes lor Evaluat'tuii'J#ffi ;"-tJP.Jiucludes-se,enattachmeus' Tank sYstem orwncrs who oB 6le to shorr comPliancc with itarc ana local ageniies to m&$:.,il"J#**;}j j*,';*fu #f::j,'ili'i$.r- System Evaluated System Name:Line Vcrsioo of SYsteE: Manufacturer Naoc: (stcct .ddt*r) (city, surc, ziP codc) 89 1 (tclcphorc aumbcr) Evaluation Results 1. The Perforoance of this sYstcm (X; iecs or excccds r \ does not mect hJ rll?ti"J"1f,"io" establishcd bv the EPA regulation for line tightness tess' Ii:"t'*iffi lt"si";il1'i,#lT:i;ffi,fl?:?ilil'i#'liT#:x'f :Hiff ffi ij':? false alann (PJ of 5%' L The estimated Pr^in this cvaluatiou is <1 Vo of0.1 galAr defined at a piPclinc Prcssure of 20 psi and the estimated Po against a leak rate in ttrii ""auation i{ 98 qo' Pipclirc Lcrf Dcrcctiotr SFm ' Rrruls Forn Prgc I of 5 ronor Temperature Condltions This system was evaluated under the range of temperature conditioos specified in Table 1. The diffcrcuce between the tempcrature of tf,e produa circulated through the pipeline for t h o, ror" and the average tcmpcratuie 9f th9 bagSti aud soil bctween 2 atd L2 in. from the ;ip"li;; ir r"-..rirdio i"brc r. If Option 1, 2 or 5 was uscd, a uore d91ail9d summary of itrl proaua tempcrature coaditions gcncrated br thc evatuation is prcscnted in Attachment 4' If opti* s or 4 rJas used, no artiEcial tcurPeratue conditioos wcre gcncrated' 11. A mechanical line lcak dctedor ( )was (X) was not ircseat in the majority of the pipeliue systenri used in the evaluation. 12. Please spccify hw much tiae elapsed betrcen the dclivcry of produa and the start of the data colledion: (X) 0 to 6 h (timc aftcr complctition of circulation aDd start of tcst) O6to12h O r2to24h OUh or EorE Trbh 1. Sumery of or" Cooditioos Uscd in thc Evrluetion Ttis column should bc lillcd oltt otrty lf Option l' 2' or 5 qas uscd' "aT b thc dilrqrscc bcsrc.o the Eop.8filrc of 6c ptrodEci dbFrscd throug! ec pipdiac for ovcr rn hour prior b thc coduct of r tcet rd lhc evcrrgc tsEFTrtrc of rhc be"t6tl tod loil sutfoulditrg lDc PlPs Data Used to Make Performance Estiniates 13. The induced leak ratc and the tcst rcsulB uscd to cstiEate the pcrformancc of this system are sumoarized in Afiachmcnt 5. Wcrc any &st ruos removed from the data sct? ( )no (X) ycs Ifycs,pleasespccifythereasonandincludewithAttachEcnt5.(Ifmorethanotretestwils r"io"ed, speci-$ each reasoo separately.) Rrgc of ATfF)"Nuobcr of C-rmditions Uscd' Mininum Ntobcr of Coodiriols Rcqug"d_ aT < -251I 5,(IsdT<84 l5105 l35 +5<AT<+15115 +15<AT<+25104 tl >251 Pipcliac l.cek Dclccdol Syrire - ncrufts F@ <+5-5 Prgc 3 of 5 thc waiting time bctween thc last dispcnsing of produa through the pipelioe system and the start of data cdlccion br tlrc'tcst is -J9- h thc total data collection timc for thc tcst is 1 to 4 h the volumc of thc prodna in thc pipcline is less than twicc the volume of the product in ttre pipetiac eysico usiug in ttri hrahatioq unlcss scparate writtcn justification for tcsting lirger pipctiuc sptcos is prcsotcd by thc manufacurcr, conc.rrcd with by the eiatuaior, -8id afischcd to this cvduatior 8s AttachncDt 8 plorse give atry other limitatims spcciEcd by the vendor or detctmincd duriug thc evaluation: Attactments Attachment 1 - Description of the System Evduatcd Attachmcnt 2 - Summary of the Performancc of thc System Evaluated Attachmeot 3 - Summary of the configuration of the Pipclioe System(s) used in the Evaluation AttachEcDt 4 - Data Shcct Sumoariziog Product Tcmpcraturc Conditions Used in the Evaluation Attachmeut 5 - Data Sheet Summarizing thc Tcst Rcsults and the l,cak Rates Used in the Evaluation AttachmeBt 6 - Data Sh6et suEEarizing the Tcst Rcsults and the Trapped Vapor Tess AttachEeEt 7 - DilaSheet Summarizing the Tcst Rcsults Uscd to'Check the Relationship Supplied by thc Manuhcturer foi C-ombining the Sicnal and Noise Dischim* This test prwdue only ailressu the isstu o! the sysum'! ability t9 dztect leak id pipetincs. It does rci Ust he equipent for safety luzards or assess he operationat frinato*W, relbbility or nuhuitubility of rte eryipneru Certifi cation of Results I certify that the pipetine leak dctcction systcE wes operated according to thc veodor's i*fi;tr*- i "ti."'*Afy that thc evaluitioo was pcrforncd according to te procedure rp"ifEJ Ui tt "-fBa aud tfrat thc rtsuls prcsarad above arc thosc obtaincd duriug the evduatioo. Pres Wilcox Associat es. Inc.H.ndall Wil (renc of pcrson pcrforniry anlutioa (orgraiztion PcdorEirg cvrlurtion) IL,J 13 12 S . 21st GElrElG)(stcct rddr6s) M ri 6401 Pipcliae Lcrt Dccaim Sy*o ' RlErla Fontr ue Sori (city, slrtc, zip) :) Prgc 5 of 5 Julv 9. 1992 (drtc) (81 fl 229-0860 (alcphouc aunbcr) sr. Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Exmutive Dirator Kent P. Gray Dircctor 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. o(, dt r.Submit evidence that proper Interstitial Monitoring is performed on USTs #l & 2 by documenting that the MSA Tank Guard is tested for proper operation at least once a month. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by M.ay 27,2001. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance.If you have questions concemingthis matterorneed any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 5364100. RECEIVED DEPARTMENT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product line associated with tank #4 (new oil). Date March 27.2001 TO BillFox Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 W. Central Valley Road West Valley, Utah 84119 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Central Valley Water, 800 W. Central Valley Rd., West Valley City, Utah; Facility I.D. #4001487 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary ruST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on March 12, 2001, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: MAR 2 8 2001 c.v.w8. --B,tl fon CENTRAL VALLF/ WATER RECI.AMATION FACIUTY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING..i4n a)\ oil t(s ne l(s Iest/ResetStetrJs Trouble Alarm Trouble Li Alarm Alarm Panel Alarm Panel I me On On lnitials On On oft On On On lnitials 1 t/ 2 3l o 7 8 I V //'10t I II ,1 aa 14 1( V 19 20 22 I 24 I 25 27 29 30 31 Comments Test/Reset ctr On On vlt On t/-&- 4l v t-u a-0 u u aI161 1 181 2', x. 2 it ,-L a? 2e : .-119.*J.- iii \,1's6 !P'$g.F_. j.i. ,.. CENTRAL VALLEY WATER. RECLAMATION FACiLITY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING tse6 co/ Cav Mcn ll 2lJI el ?t 7l EI 9l.nl :1 a 1<: 161 17 iO 19 20i 2112 23 1q 271 2B 29 301 "t< I 'Jll lcmments Oil ianks Oiesel/Gasoline ianks T Staus fes/Reset fes/ResetStanrs frouole I ianr Alarm Liqnt Troucle Ljght Auoible Alarm Eeacan Liqht Panei Liqht Auoible Alarm Panel Lieht ilme C# I Cn lOff lOn Off lCn Alarm t; Operaor lnhials Off lOn Cff lCn lOfflOn CfflOn cff On cff On Ccerator ';':rdals I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I , ; I I I I I I IrllI I -,I -t i-/-''' \ I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i i i I rl lr .J/ I I I i I I i I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I I i I I I t I i I -, I ,'i "l I -l c I I I I I I I I I I i I I : i I I I I !I I I !I i I I I I r'l tA<d 4l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i ! I I I I I I I tll s'*:1:I:' *". ..' j. -8'll F,x I I I I i I I I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECI.AMATION FACILITY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONTTORTNG .,14 a_c)* o I Oil Tanks OieseUcasoline Tanks StaoJs Test/Reset SLatus TesUReset Trouole Liqht Alarm Liqht Trouble Llq ht Beaccn Liqht Audibla Alarm Panel Light Audible Alarm Beacon Liqht iJme Cff I On Cff lOn Otf lOn Off I On at Li ht cfi On Alarm Cperator ln icials Off I On On off On OfflOn Panel Op€rator Li ht lnrtia ls al On I 2l I I I{t I i :l I I I I I 61 4 iotl Ds,5o V V I v e.!7l I 8l Iel I I101 I i Ii1l I I 1,2) I 13,1r-0 1e/670U /l M 4t l 161 l---:llot I 191 I 20i I zl21; I l,ar I 241 |251 |l zbl I271 I I ql2sl I I V3ol i 31 I I II a:zo ao liair " \ad/ J.-tL,^. ".n ,.i-/4- &.J/y ,Comments 3. 2r-6/ ab,a,1e / .zov4 {tR IIITITIIII II trIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIT II II IIIIIIT IIIIIIIIT IIIIIIIIIIII IIITIIIIIIITI I rrrrrIII IIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIrrrrrr---- IIIIII IIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIITIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIII I I i I I I I f- lDav ilvlon lYr I I lill t ffimt]--Ittl I tttt .-T-llr i{l l lt r-T--r T-- l II L---l lrrlITI---T_T--t I I i t_tl_t__II-t --w____T___i__--r-I--T--tl IfT t -T-t [-[-l-|-l=---r-l--I lil281 I I IlrlrI I I Michael O. lravitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutivc Dirrctor Kent P. Gray Dirator \. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF EI\N/IRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1214840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Date March 27,20OI TO:Bill Fox Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 W. Central Valley Road West Valley, Utah 84119 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Central Valley Waterr 800 W. Central Valley Rd., West Valley City, Utah; Facility I.D. #4001487 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation @ERR)performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on March 12, 2OOl, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product line associated with tank #4 (new oil). 2- Submit evidence that proper Interstitial Monitoring is performed on USTs #l & 2 by documenting that the MSA Tank Guard is tested for proper operation at least once a month. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office byMay 27,2001. If it is not received by the date specifiedlwe will cornmence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance.If you havequestions concerning this matterorneed any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 5364100. Release Ownership of Tanks owner Name Cr^/.^l kJ/r, Llo/ o. Rrz-il,-Location Name e!/ch^ Address gDD U'. /"^1..1 It,,,tt,.-Icl )an--t- I Address city tL U state /t )f / zip\'(ll7 City State UT Zip Location lor tank.thanhaseach 4Completemorefacility Phone PhoneContact R, Number of tanks at facility:Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date L /z?j /72 3/'/-, Capacity of tank (in gallons)6fr //'AC4,1 /act n1 Substance stored {); r,- I C" */,'*frrr rlCl'l ,r',*b,'l Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used Y Y /Y V lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches)t Current year tank tags are in place F tult rlVK/ ,50c l. 0 g t.-/-'.^ Material of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.) Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, tlex plastic, etc.) Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.) lf so nofilledtransfers of less than 25 sump, ired.z-, r,7 . -,//(34 if filled transfers of less no overfill25tf 'l Corrosion Protection. Answer the following lor all tanks. Note any exceptions can seen last Yes Nomarked Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP) Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP).{/l Method used on flex connectors (B, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A)I M Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Yes No Yes No lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Cathodic Protection Testing Complete for each tank. are 6 months of installation J DateTank Tester Piping Tester Date Sub volts Sub volts Sub volts Sub volts DateFlex Tester voltsDisp.Disp.volls voltsDisp.voltsDisp. For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (required every 60 days.)Yes No Comments eage f ol ?7 z-* o/that I facil on re of Owner or Owner'ssi + ? Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector rev0201.wpd ID Location of Tanks Answer the following for all tanks. Note any exceptions in the last column. t v tttf Method used tor cert. available Yes No* L Manufacturer name and model number of Method used for lor last and the Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (svstem and tank setup reports, maintenance records).Yes NoAil YesSe.- ^T{JLAI Oevice documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.) Ail Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and lunctional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc.@ruo Yes No /rAIDocumentation ol valid testing or monitoripg is available for the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in orid below. Yes NoATGThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt correction factor for each tank is shown on the tank setup report. Yes No ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- conodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). Yes No @*o /3//r7t Z, 3wlnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readings are properly reconciled. Yes NoIC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary. @*oIC MTG SIR An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review. Yes NoIC SIB Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation. Yes NoIC SIR DroD tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. Show results of monitoring for each tank lor the last 12 months, lndicate pass, tail, no results, or inconclusive. //m 7//9 2/D ?/b /dtu ///a /"/20 /,/4 /2,/A /Mo/Yr //n # l,Z tl/a"--\-- # ),(//,lrf '-> # # Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4Tank and Line Tightness Testing, Line Leak Deteclor Testing: Date of last tiqhtness test for tanks Test results: Test MethodName and certilication number ol tester: Date of last tiqhtness test for pipinq: / / / / A /2b Test results:/"r:Po rr Name and certification number of tester: To 4 " L^6.:ru,?"//o.n , /.)r. /r'n- 7rt.rMethod /as *AsDate of last leak detector performance test:Test resultsI /,//6laa Yes NoSafe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure has only one check valve (under pump), has proper slope of piping. comments LL"k ur/u. ^4 1an K lzrT 4 / . /y" oro. /;/1 J",.r cc po/U'O. T /+Z I ?atKn Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-l Ldall rev0201.wpd Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Detection ID tank 5/a ft- October 20,1999 William H. Fox Project Engineer ocT 2 I tsgs Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake city, utah 84114-4840 Att: Mr. David Wilson WHF:kr Enclosures rI Ref: Letter from Mr. David Wilson to Bill Fox dated October 7, 1999. Subject: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Central Valley Water, Facility I.D. # 4001487 Dear Mr. Wilson: In the above-referenced letter, you indicate that there are three items in which we are not in compliance. The first is conceming the pump suction line associated with tank#4. It is my understanding, after speaking with you on October 18, 1999, that you have conversed with Mr. Rick Garcia of Westech, who supplied us with the tank system, and that this item is no longer a problem and that we are in compliance as things now stand. We are already in compliance with items 2 and 3, although I did not know it at the time of the inspection and, therefore, could not properly inform you. We have been checking the interstitial monitoring device twice a week since 1997. Enclosed are the records for all four tanks for the months of June, July, and August 1999. These records are to show you that we have been checking the monitoring device and keeping the records. I apologize for not knowing this at the time. Further, we are in the process of purchasing a proper stick for gauging the tanks, and we will have the new stick in about a week. Because of the above facts, we believe that we are in compliance with all the items mentioned in your letter. If you beiieve otherwise, please oontact nie so that rve may take u,hatever steps are necessary to be in compliance with all the requirements. Sincerely *hi/r;^y-fu 800 West Central Vatley Road, Salt Lake City, UT 841 1 9-3379 . (801 ) 973-9100 . FAX (801 ) 973-9280 CENTRAL VAI-LEY WATER RECLAMATION FACIUTY UNDERGROUND STORAGE .rANK MO TTORTNG auTos+r llll 2 3t 161 a2l Conrments r'l ,zl el r'l ,--- | ql lL- lu- t,z Ait Tanlis SFls -rEubic uqfr Alarm Uqrt I ll=w t lrlan lV'Oll I On Oi-r lOn Off lOn AratTn Opsr5r-r lnitials rl I !r'l r'l t,z 1../rtt llIti 1 I !!rl ll ttt I bt I z/44,/t Irl I I,I '.. | :-;, l-7ll tli rl o I lsl I 3.4n4 ,-/ |,./ I | ,.2 rlc101 l I .. i l,ll I Iizl I I i I i .184413t l l \,/ I 1 vzl I l-l l; 1il T ! i I I 151 i I I ,.. I i\a-17 Ii8l I I I19t I I I 201 i .?prt a/t,z It.?" 2,r I l 1 I 221 i I ln24t I llr ?5ii I i I251 i I I I 271 .i 3Plil | '- t t-l | ..1 | L/ I EI -'ll !I 1 I i I r ItI---lll Irr-r I I lt Ir-li tl T_-irI I t ] I t -t--T--- lilr | -r rouble I Ucitt IOrflonIr-trt t l CANTR/TL VAIJ.3/ WATER RECLAMATION FACIUTY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONTTORTNG Staus Jf,r\,, /99 g Trouoie Liqttt AEnn Litrirt Troubie Liofr Aiarm tiai?t DanlMOnltv' i -1 1n-_ ,. Q1.t,(rp Qf.r lQn lCff I Qn lQlt!On Oocror lnitials il I ! I I I I2l I I .1Ph4 rl I tr it/fin3l I tlti /l I t I I rlrl tllr :l I rtt I Dt r tL)Att lzi lrl l,-l lpz t?^ i j ril I ol I I i I iir9l I zPn I l. i I l.-l.101 ll I I rlr .r I r Ir rl | |I I ill i Ii2l I qAfi1 ti ..t' i lF l lt-f-,:131 I lrm 1 il i I I li I 'tt; I I I I 161 I | ?Pfi 1,.-l i I I I i,l E: ',71, I I I Ii8l i I I I I | 9nD4igt I tl,r lrl t -l :aa20rtlllrttlll I lirtt,l )11 i 7 prr iril i"'i ii 1?t I I I 241 lll I I ! I I I I I'lrrl26rtt4pil l,il,i li Iz7t.i I I ltt -C,t I I II I a I I 1! 30r i.- l l,- | ,ia + I I I I r. I I I \-. 1 CAVTR/qL VAL|3 WATER RECLAMATION FACIUTY UNDERGROUND ,SI'I3RAGE ?ANK MOMTtrRING 1 -ot4Ur lel1fr -r rouolc l-isnt Ahrrn Liairr Troubic Liofir Aiarm Lisrlt lMor!l Q!.r I Oo Qf.f lOn Cff !Qn Qff! On Oosrabr Initats it I I I i I I I i IRC 6t I I ,l I i I lrolt I i I i I9r I I I I I 1 I I I I I 2Pmr l{ I tZi t, tz /a^ I 131 1al .4c_.tti :rYl I I I Ilr !171 I I I I181 i 39ty,t-l I{-/ t tr'l lu.r7c-ll!I iII I I I I -<l tgrl i a.,l!r.'u'!I !,,--l._>.1lzltl I I I i - aat, r I I I I I I I ZD -4 i u-1'i c--ItU '-t I I I I 30t I I II!I-i ?'1 I il rt ti' I i ,} I I I i I I I I I I I I ! I I s+ugulur03 Ire t00 l6zI i8z /1I-4n> I ItZI tezlta1 ltz tozI444-1/,, l6L rgl ], l8r rqL ?l)t?ItLIterI lztI I lti I l0l l16itBi44,1.1/r'r L l9 I lc ilvite III4 Jlluowl^PoauJr Iuoilcuo lJcuotlouoilouonuouot10uotouotnuogouo rqon uEn elqnor-L u6n rJlrElv qeqiul iJqEJedO rtl6n uJrElv rqol'l elqnoll rqEn uocEe8 lulrElv en!pnv uo!'l puEd u]jBlv etqlpnv rq6t-l leuEd slEs|ul rolBredO snrE(slesaUri?sa.LlaseuAse_L sr44s $luE.! lloquel eu IoaP9[qE!g_ III IIIII!t IIIIIIIII IIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIrrIITIIIIIIIIIIII---IIIII_IITI --IITTII _IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIII -IIIIIIIIT II IIIIIII_TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIITIIIITIIIIIIII -IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII-TIII I I III I III I III II II III II I II IIII IIII III _ITII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II -IIIII IIIII IIII IT III III IIII II I -iIIII IIIIII --IIIII -IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IEIIII IIIII -IITIIT IIITII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII-IIIII6r- II IIIII - I 9NIUOL|NOU! XNV1 39VUO]S ONnOUCE3O n tcvJ Nottvnfl 338 U3IVM AS-I.IV 'Ty8JN334a-r.+rf /Jn >"J //7 l l9z CENTRAL VALLEY WATER REC I.AMATION FACILITY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING I(sanit StatusTest/ResetSta s PanolB€aco ffi Pan6t Alarm udiblAudible Alarm Alarm LiLiht Troubl6 U fr Trouble Li m /+?1 On On Infials psrator On OnOnafin lnftials o ott OnoftOnofiOnc?r lonMon lYr i]me 1 2 .,I JI 0 78t I V 10 ill 12 14 15i 19 201 21 I2 /.J v./ ,< 26 27 29 31 I I II It Alarm CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMAflON FACIUTY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MOltllTORlNG Oil Tanks Oie.€lrcasoline fanlG Status TesURes€t Staas -------EReset J*\1't1 Troubla Uqlrt Alarm Lislt Troubl6 Liqht Alarm Uqht Audibl6 Alarm B€acon Light Pan6l Usht Alarm Panel Ligtrt Dav lMon lYr m6 CfflOn Off lOn otf On ofi On Op€rabr Initials On otf On Oporator lnrthls I I 2 .oL l,/'ry t/*z03l i4l I 5t I6t I I 78t I I a,v 499liv.*L/.*V I101111 I121 i131 I 14 15i lz a0t/'161 18 I 191 201 nl t/-L/ 24l| I.ai I 26i. 27 I28t2sl I I v lr n/ 301 Comments Ir IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rIIIIIIIIITIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ITIIIIITI IIIIITIIIITITIIrIIIIIIII rrIIrrrITIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIITIIIITII IIITIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTIIIIIITIIIIITTTIIIII IIIIIIIII I ITIIIIIITrIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIITrI r IITTIIIITIIIIIIT IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII- IIIrIIIIIITIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITITIIITIITIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIITTITIIIIIITITIIIIIIIrIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ITIITTITITITT TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT-IIIIITIIIIITIITrIIIITII -IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIII ) I Lisht on| on I cff I on I orf I onf onpnfffii Iltl W 211 I TI ' 1.'^9 CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION FACIUTY UI{DERGROUND STORAGE TA'{K MONITORING Ja 1'6 ?? anks Oi6el/Gasolin€an ks StaEJs Test/Res€t TesdRes€tStetus Trouble H Alarm Alarm Audi Beacon irt Dav Mon Yr Time otr On ott On otf On ofi On Op€rabr lntials ofi On Operabr lnrtials 1 2 6 7 I Y 9 10 r< 201 27 28 t/t/ 29 Comments IIffiffiffiffiffiffi EEIretrEEIEtrTfi T@EEretrEEEtrIIIZ/-E,-EI--E,AGA'E,,ZT-IIII ITIIIIIITTImrlrIIIIIIIIIII Irr rIIIIEII-II IIIIII IIIII IIIIEITIITIIrIIIIIITIIIITIITrIIII IIIIIIIrErfnlrDr-ut }!raIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EII-rIII TITITII-TT-IIIIIII TII IIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIEITTITITITIITIITTIITTTIIIIIIIIIJG''JI''ITIIII IIIITIIITIITIITIITII rIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIITIEITIIIIITTTIrIIrITIIrrIIIIIIIITI!IIIIII IITIIEIIIIIITITIIIIIIIIEIIrrrIIIIIIIEIEIII}ITE'EIZdIiEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTIEIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIT--rrr IIITTIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM fEZI'aIIIIIT-IIII IIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTIIIIIIIETIIIIIIIII-TTIIIII IIIrII L Michael O. l.eavin Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Cray Direcior DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALMY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION I 68 Nonh 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt [:ke City. Utah 841 l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 3-s9-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Date October 7. 1999 TO BillFox Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 W. Central Valley Road West Valley, Utah 841l9 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Central Valley Water,800 W. Central Valley Rd., West Valley City, Utah: Facility I.D. #4001487 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) pedormed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on September 28, 1999, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit evidence that the suction line associated with UST #4 (new oil) has only one check valve located directly below the suction pump or submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product line associated with tank #4. Submit evidence that proper Interstitial Monitoring is performed on USTs #1 & 2 by documenting that the MSA Tank Guard is tested for proper operation at least once a month. Submit evidence that proper Manual Tank Gauging is performed on USTs #3 & 4 by documenting thatyou have obtained a gauge stick which is capable of measuring productlevel in one-eighth inch increments, is legible, is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank, and is not worn on the end. Or, proper interstitial monitoring is performed on UST #3 & 4. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by December 7, 1999. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. l. ., 1 UTAH UST PROGRAM n ll. Location of Tan k(s)l. Ownership of Tank(s) Area Code 7h";;fi;6; /"A^ Contact UST ? 1. Lo f.^-- ='ot47 t/ ?tto wrt ld[r., st e Llr' lor each tank.It has more tanks onlorinformationadditionalcomplete Owner Name Address Facility Name Street Address County Certificate Year:Certificate of Compliance on site? City State Zip Code Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4Number of tanks at facility: y .l@uo .ff) No 14F) NoCurrent year tag is displayed f\ r.ro a--Ye\ NofrE No &s\ ruoTank presently in use ll not in use, date lasl used lf not in use, depth ol product in tank (in inches) 6/'q K,/47 Z/7 Z-J,/f=Month and year tank installed brK 5K /K /k:TCapacity of tank (in gallons) Aor,/AWL udo,//fu-b, /Substance stored Ouf*p r)utrx nMaterial ol construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.)/)t^t F/(P Du, trt(/'"4/f 0u tar o'w trA,PCtv l-t(.t D'AlMaterial of conslruction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.) Porr,,.2r. rr..*fi-., /t Ju.X)^Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.)-//tV. Release Oetectlon For Tanks lndbate the method(s) used for each tank. Complete the appropriate checklist for eich method used. ; Emergency Generator tank (leak detection deferred) Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form)TL + ffi mrt rh r* V. Release tletection For Piping lndicate method(s) used and complete appropriate tank checklists where applicable. Method used (complete separate lorm where applicable)ETTI4U t4 Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model nt Lt?Y( --> Date of last Leak Detector performanc€ test 9-?/ -7, Test result (pass/fail)cfft /L-nt Date of last Line Tightness Test e - 7l-7, - Test result (pass/fail)12", .F" rt Name and company of cenified tester 2-., . -r,\ a f. , No leak detection required (must answer'yes'to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure <@ ruo @noSlope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump suction is released )Yes No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is veriliable tm) certify that I have inspected the above-named facility on Yes No 7- Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative Present During lnspector's Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised Z4l99 @to Cert. No. UT4) -! Spill, PROGRAM Facirity on'. !& l{87 Protection lnspection ChecklistOverlill, and Corrosion a UTAH UST Please complele all information for each tank, Use additional lorms as necessary il the lacility has more than 4 tanks. SPILL/OVERFI Tank 1 lank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. li yes, spill and overfill prevention is nol required.Yes @ Yes @-@No Yes NosNo(PNotZTd fi.a Nols there a spill containment device that will prevent release of product into the environment? lndicate type: Spill bucket <5 gal., Spill bucket >5 gal., Containment sump at tank rill. ls there an over ention device installed on the tank? lndicate type Ball float (in venr ..,), Automatic shutolf (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify)ffir tl"r @ .tttq l-{o >l,"lrl( (@ No,0,[frr 9No - For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No CORROSION PROTECTION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 /trv /kh /2-?.4/ahTanklndicate the type of corrosion prolection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP).P ping/y/4 lnh Pl0nq /1/14'1 ///2. "B^'TLSub.PumoAfO l1/,oSub'Pump ')rNlndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Nol in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) Dispenser3 'zr ,7rtri/l -'x'9#, lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date upgrades were performed: Tank lining Tank cathodic protection Piping cathodic prolection CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS Record results of the most recent cath dic protection test.lor Yes No Yes No Yes No The results ol the last two cathodic protection lests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).Yes No Tank. Tester Date - volts volts volts volts Piping. Tester Date volts volts volts volts Sub-Pump volts Sub'Pump volts Sub Pump volts Sub'Pump volts Flex. Tester_ Date 0ispenser volts Dispenser volts Dispense. volts 0ispenser volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No "-7s-frDate Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection lnspector's Signature 1 Distribution: White-DEFF, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 2/4/99 I This method of leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tightness testing. lf the UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping are protected from corrosion and that spill and overlill prevention devices have been installed) the tank needs to be htness tested for eachthe tank needs tolf the UST is Record of last Tank Tiqhtness Test available on-site Zfe?rtto fves)No &6 ruo ia No Date of last Tank Tightness Test q-z7qtl Result of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DEFIR been notified?@t""@rait Fail@ FailP Type/Brandof testequipmentused: 5ea .n I Name and of tank /-t- 4Ztester:Tester Documentation of performance claims for the Tank Tightness Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph lnventory volume measurements for regulated substance inputs, withdrawals,No No,.G-sl @ Yes No with 95% or certificationof detection and 5% or less of false alarm and the amount still in the tank are recorded each @No Yes No lnventory is reconciled monthly (sum of daily over and short for each month is compared to 1% of tank's flow through volume + 130 gallons) No@ No@ Yes No Yes No Which months exceed the allowable over-short? (specify month and year) lnventory Control records are maintained and available for the past 12 months for each tank No@ NoI Yes No Yes No Records include monthly water monitoring to the nearest 1i8"6J)No deh No Yes No Yes No .Monthly water readings are used to adiust monthly inventory balances (ves)No -No Yes No Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to qallons and is available for review (No @- *o Yes No Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate documentation Yes re")Yes ,6 l. Yes No Yes No Yes No No tube is and it extends to within control methods and demonstrate A bottom e Yes @ No The volume of product in the tank is measured using a:(Gauqe Stick-> ATG lf a qauqe stick is used, it is lonq enouqh to reach the bottom of the tank "6>No - AanantaFrlalf a qauqe stick is used, the bottem of the gauoe stick is:' worn lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range of the tank's internal height No - U C C ( PresentSof G. lnspector's Date: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 PIeaSe cirGle Ygs or No tor each qUeetion lor gach lank use additionat forms as necessarv if more than four ranks. TANK TIGHTNESS TESTING Tank 1 Tank 2 Tanlc 3 Tank 4 --- INVENTORY CONTROL Tank I Tafik 2 Tank 3 Tan,k 4 G;\ @ <ID No vE:u" Flease.cirele Yes or No for each question @) \- Facility lD Gontrol N".{fralyffiUTAH UST PHOGRAM Testi And ITank ln the table below indicate the appropriate manual applicable section(s) of the torm. lf more than two tank gauging/tank tightness test combination for the tank(s) based on tank size and complete the tanks are using this method, use additional forms as necessary. Tightness Test Monthly Test Standard (Gal) Tank Number Tank Size Weekly Test Standard (Gal) Test Length up to 550 Gallons 55't to 1,000 Gallons 551 to 1,000 Gallons (48" diameter) 551 to 1,000 Gallons (64" diameter) 1,001 Gal to 2,000 Gal 10 13 12 9 26 T 5 7 6 4 13 Tank 1 36 hours 36 hours 58 hours 44 hours 36 hours No Yes No No Yes Tank 2 Records show liquid level measurements are taken (weekly) at the beginning and end of a period of at least 36 hours during which no substance is added to or removed from the tank.No@ No@ Level measurements are based on lhe average of two consecutive stick readings at both the beginning and ending of the period.No@ .@* *o The difference between the beginning and end measuremenls is recorded in gallons.No@ Yes No lf a gauge stick is used, it is long enough lo reach the bottom of the tank. The ends of gauge stick are flat and not worn down No fo No ll a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearesl 1/8 o, an inch over the full range of the tank,s intemal height.%@ *Yes@ Any other measuring equipment used is capable of measuring the level of stored subslance over the full range of the tank's height to the nearest 1/8 of an inch.Yes No Yes No Appropriate calibralion chart is used for converting product level measurements lo gallons and is available for review.No<r"l No@ The difference between the beginning and ending readings is compared to the weekly standard shown above for the tank size/diameter.No@ d6l No Which week(s) exceed the weekly standard? (Specify week and monlh) Monlhly average of the weekly diflerences is compared to the monthly standard shown above for the appropriate lank size/diameter.No@ Noa Which months(s) exceed the monthly standard? (Specify month and year) Monitoring records are available for the last 12 month period?l@ No No TANK TIGH]'NESS TESTING (Complete if Appticr Record of last Tank Tightness Tesl is available on-site?No@ No.o Date of last Tank Tighlness Test {-2" -"f Result of last rank rightness Test. lf fail, use comments seclion lo specity what actions have Lreen taken to correct the problem. Has DERR be notified of suspected release?@ Fait Fail@ L^ l.Tester Name:Test Method:Utah Tesler Certification Number: UTTace .-- ,ah lA c-/ q- z"- ?? resentative Present Duri ln Comments: Dlnspector's Signature of Owner or Owner'sS Distribulion: Whita.DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revissd 08i/0U97 MAI{UA.L TANK UTAH UST PROGRAM Manual Tank Facility lD 4c,o(Llt k FAX COVER SHEET STATE OF UTAH UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (80r) s364100 Mailiag Address: P.O. Box 144M) sdt Lake city, utah 841144840 FAX NUMBER (801) 359-8853 TO AGENCY/FIRM:L\-'' FAX NUMBER: FROM: q?> -12 e o PAGES TO FOLLOW: 9o COMMENTS:q (ev- DATE: \rr-i rq, tciq ?- P,r,-,, D,^^" .J IP t8 H 4ryryt8? FAX COVER SHEET STATE OF UTAH UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West Salt kke City, Utah 84116 (801) s364100 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841144840 FAX NUMBER (801) 3s9-88s3 DATE:Hp..\ 2L{ , l1q+ TO R*^ Dr.^,. \/ d AGENCY/FIRM: FAX NUMBER:q7 3 -n7* c FROM Pr*tl#*rLn--t PAGES TO FOLLOW: lZ COMMENTS Cqn--) I ) 1,, 4 og 1'1sV FAX COVER SHEET STATE OF UTAH UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (801) s3641oo Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144840 Salt l,ake City, Utah 841144840 FAX NUMBER (801) 359-88s3 DATE:h,or',1 A3,\ qq+ TO G.\\ Fox. AGENCY/FIRM:C-r,'\rrl Urilr a Utosl<r aq?\' q2 8 () FROM: PAGES TO FOLLOW: COMMENTS:c FAX NUMBER: { llttryf* Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility August 8, 1996 State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Attention: Mr. Gary Harris Dear Mr. Harris: Re: Letter Dated August 2, 1996 to Tank Owner or Operator (CVWRD We received the above-referenced letter on August 5, 1996, informing us that we had not paid the late fee necessary to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance. Accompanying the letter was an invoice that showed Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CWVRD had an overpayment balance of $237.L7. I called Mr. Gary Harris on August7,1996, to discuss the situation with him to see why we owed a late fee when we had an overpayment balance. He checked into the situation and returned my call to inform me that we did have an overpayment balance and had a refund owed to us. Later that same day, Mr. Harris again called me and informed me that there had been im error and we did not have an overpayment balance and that we oweci $61.68 due before September I, 1996. He further stated that because of the mix up, the State would waive the $61.68 late fee and that we would be considered in compliance. It is our understanding that as of this date, that CVWRF is in compliance with our underground storage tanks and that our fees have been taken care of. If you understand anything different from this, would you please let us know so that we may take care of the problem and keep our tanks in compliance with the Environmental Response and Remediation regulations. f riC }I}g -ss 800 West Central Valley Road, Salt Lake City, UT 841 '19-3379 . (801) 973-9100 .FAX (801) 973-9280 CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY I Mr. Gary Harris August 8, 1996 Page 2 WHF:bb ,'/rfuV/fu We appreciate your help and cooperation in handling this matter. Sincerely William H. Fox Special Projects Engineer cv \-. Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility August 8, 1996 State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response And Remediation 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, UT 84174-4840 Attention: David Wilson Dear Mr. Wilson: Letter dated Iily 25, 1996, to Bill Fox, Central Valley Water Reclamation, Regarding Non-compliance of Underground Storage Tanks, Facility I.D. No. 4001487 We received the above-referenced letter on July 26, 1996, informing us of some requirements necessary for us to have our underground fuel tanks meet certification requirements. There were three items that were listed. They are: 2. Submit documentation verifying the installation of corrosion protection on the steel flex connectors. 3. Submit evidence that UST records are properly maintained by documenting that copies of all written performance claims, including the EPA third-party evaluation summary sheets, are maintained and available for inspection. We believe that we have satisfied all of these requirements by doing the following: Re 1. We have settled the payment situation with Mr. Gary t996. o4L August 7,\-.--oci\- 'til o 800 West Central Valley Road, Salt Lake City, UT 841 19-3379 . (80'l) 973-9100 {0- 1. Pay PST Fund late fee. l'f,- I II w Mr. David Wilson August 8, 1996 Page 2 Z. We removed the dirt from around the flex connectors at the fuel dispensers. 3. We cut the concrete covering over the tank flex connectors and removed the soil from around the corurectors. The corurectors are now exposed and not in contact with the soil. We plan to purchase rubber boots to place over the connectors and re-burY them. 4. We sent you a FAX of the third-party evaluation summary sheets of our MSA sensing devices. It is our belief that we have satisfied all the requirements necessary for our tanks to be certified and be in compliance with the regulations. If you believe otherwise, please let us know so that we may settle this matter before the deadline of September 25, 1996. We appreciate you helpfulness in solving this problem' SincerelY, CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY ,,/r/*/fu William H. Fox Special Projects Engineer WHF:bb L/ DEPARTMENT OF EI\WIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1214840 Salt Lake city, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 535-4414 T.D.D. Michael O. lravitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director Date July 25,1996 TO:Bill Fox Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 W. Central Valley Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84119 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Central Valley Water Reclamation, Salt Lake City, Utah; Facility LD. #4001487. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on July 1611996, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Pay PST Fund fee late penalty in the amount of $60J1(L which is past due for the fiscal year l99|L. 2. Submit documentation yerifying the installation of some form of corrosion protection on the steel flex connectors (which are in contact with the ground) connecting steel with the fiberglass piping on tanks #t &2. 3. Submit evidence that UST records are properly maintained by documenting that copies of all written performance claims, including the EPA third-party evaluation summary sheets, pertaining to all monitoring equipment used for leak detection purposes are maintained and available for inspection. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by September 25r 1996. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. -,LL 280 Phonr #Location Nllmtrai ol l!nl6 !t f.cilitv: I J Stst6 ui- bor AT 4 ? Cod6q 4 City Cod6 Ownca N!m6 Addross 5L<*"* -g^L L" K<. a_ St6to zipCity a/. ol Complilnco on sitoT Y"edD grPit"tion a"t* F.cility Nlmo Stro€t Addrlss Trh! li.ra.l 6n C.nifi.rre 6I C.rmlrlience Ye. (D Ye. d(6-)Y.. /(;\Y.3 ,-86--\r-an) x"z-<;--ril....-Trnk rnaBanllv in us6 a;\<;) t- ll mr in u.e. det6 le.l u3ed lf nol in u3e. d.oth of oroduct in tenk lin ihchosl 6- /3-*?A-B-e?Month ,nd vesr tenk instell€d 3-5-92 st€-7 Z b.Doo Z ODACeorcitv ot tenk {in oallonsl l.ooD l.e6 /).'. "' /Srhrt.n.. rt6.ad u.J o.'l tl/e- o,' /trRpM.rerirl 6t coml.uction of trnk {st6el- FRP. etc.}FftP tsXP,F.?P'FR/trKPMrterial of conctruction of oioino lst€€|. FRP- 6tc.l FI(P F4P Fmero.n.v G.norairtr irnk lleak derecrion d6f6r.ed) ffi-!!tf,t:!-: i:,..Jijil)Ji:::iiiti:iiiirrl:lrr:*I:ri:!!i!!:u(ilfftllatfla{*Hs lnwentoru Conrrol/Trnk Tiohhe3s Tectino Aurometic Tank GEuoino Mrn'rl Trnk G.rdind X Y Vrnor M.^itorino Groundweter Monitorino lnr.r.titial M.,nitorind )a )..Y ).- Srrli*ticrl lnvenloru Reconcilietion {SlRl ffi!illi$iii8ii**i:t{*l & ,*ffi,E..n &.dhil*Iibi:ii*rs:rr{ a!r::!i:i!:r::i:::;::r:::i:j:i:i:a:a:r::::i:.:,:r::t: iBirHil;iiitfi ,r$ff |:i:i;i:i;i: Arfomeric Lin. L.rk D.t.ctor Line Tiohtne6s Testino K -Y x -X VeDor Monitorino Gr.rn.lwarer Mrtnit.trind lnterstili.l M6nirorind Srrti3tical lnv6morv R6conciliation lSlRl Othe. eoorovad mothod lindicato neme oI m6thod) IComments 4 Jrn lnspoctor's Sign6tur6 Signature ot Owno, or Owner'6 Rep,esentativs Prosent Ourino lnspostion conify that I hav6 in6poct6d th6 rbovo-namod facility on Distribuion: Whit'DERB, Yellow-lBpoctor, Bnk-FEcility/Own.r ffiirffifit sililifiri(ffi]E Contsct gi^i^^ tu^A l^,.acr'r. a'r.ri^n 6.rvirw.r. I .lrhar .^hr^v..i m.thA.l li^.li.rr. nrm. ^, merh^.ll Tnnk'l Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Yes @-Yes 6r)6>^,Yes @_The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not requirsd. No@ No@ No@ @*ols there a spill containment bucket or anothor device that will prevent release of product into the environment? 2/6s-\ Nol---rfi61-o,@No - $.il F/t @l*o @b/t 4.4ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? ll yes, indicate the type of device: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutotf (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoFor overllll alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Trnk 1 Yes No Tenk 2 Yes No Tank 3 Yes No Tank 6 Yes No Fn/Ta*fxp F/( /Tenk F4p*rW Lh.FR/'liR FnPLIE p lndicato the type of corrosion protection: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite steel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protectod (NP). ff FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this section. Yes No Yes No lf tho UST is not protected, was the tank/line installed before May 7, 1985? t, yes, corrosion Protectlon is not requlred until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder ol thla section. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). Ta.* volts volts Tank volts volts Um volts Llm volts Llm volts UE volts Results of tho most recent cathodic protection test. Name of Test Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For lmpressed curent system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) rlro tJ-€€es*or2+199&in order to mest the 1998 upgrade requirements: ! Spill prevention for E Overfill prevention lor tank(s)#- ! Conosion protection for tank(s) (o lnspecto/s Signatu a I+c I /6^ rade1upgF998 t fa r reouirements.Floxn{ao understand that the following marked items must be completed by cC During lnspection lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. fi Corrosion protection lor piping assoc. with tank(s) # Signalure of Owner or Owne/s Representiative Present /nd Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ftbas€iotldffir ,,:Use,g:.es'1f:ffi $PlI-UOVEHF,IHE,.,Fft EVHNTIOH For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? conHosloH ,: ::iiriti:iiiiiriiiiiriuiiri,ii:i,i;i:iiiii,,iir:i r r ..ffiH,$",f.,rG TIOil' Tank Tsk 1 Tflk 3 Tlnt 4T.,rl 1 T.nt 21x*;g Automrtic Flow RoEtrictor (it lndic.to modol in commenta aoction) Aulometic Shut-ofi Oovico {if indiclr. mod6l in commanta r€ctionl ) Conlinuous Alsrm Sy8tom (if Yo8,indiclto mod6l in commonts $ction) ) v"" No Yor Nover 16 Y6r GRscords of l86t Lins Lsak Detoctor peifo rmlnco tolt 610 lvaihblo on-8ito D6t6 ot l.st Ling Lo.k Dotoctot porform.nco tost PalB Fail P.88 FlilPlsr Flil Ps.6 FailR!8ult of l.st Ling Lolk Dclgctor p€rform.nc6 leEt Set 2 @No s-d/,+.",<@ NoBscords of l.6t Lino Tightno8s T06l rro lvailablo on-8ito 'h/- /q -zv?,O.t6 ol last Lino Tightnoss T66t G p"it /@/,,(Fail.@-reitRrsult ot lsst Line Tightna8s T68t - 7>- chockli6t) t- TeBter Certiticrtioh Numtrei: IJT Monito.ing lit , use Vapor Nam. .nd ol cortlfiod test6.: a Groundw6te, Monito,i (i, yo8, us6 Groundwat.r Monito,ing chocklist) (if yo6, us6 lnterstitial Monitoring chocklistllnier8titial Monitori Roconcili.rion [SlR] {if , u6o SIR chscklist)St8tistic.l I EE Nb /(A NoYos No ' i iilitil:iXlii:liiiiXirili Yos No , us6 othe. mathod chocklisllrov6d method {it Tsst are .vailablo on-sitoRsco.ds of lsst Lin6 Ti Other 1-27-25 -2 Darg ot last Line Tightness Tost Pass Fail -d69 Fair .+qts F8ilPass FailRosult ot l.st Lino Tightnoss To6t Vapor Monitoting (if ye €, us6 Vapor Monitoring checklist) GroundwatB, Monitoting (it yes,us6 Groundwator Monitot ch6ckli6t) lnt6,slitial Monitoring (if yos,use lnter6titial Monitoring chocklist) Statistical lnvo ory Rsconcili.tion tslRl (if y66, uso SIR chocklistl ffi Ygs No YoE No fiffi Yes No m€thod (if yos, u6o bthe, mothod chocklisl) Opoaat66 at lsss than atmosphoric preaauro Othor apptovod Yes No Yss No Yo6 No Y66 NoSlope of piping will sllow ALL product to drain into tank whon suqtiofl is rolgas6d Yos No Y66 No Y6s No Y6B NoHE8 only Ot{E ch6ck valvo, located diroctly undet pump Yes No Yo6 No Yes No Yo6 NoAll .bov€ intorm.lion on suction piping is vEnF[ABLE, uao commenta soction bglow to documsnt how it is v6rifiabl6. e {I 0, xt uta !" no lca ft to,n t)h./; .-, or- . "-, ; -z- J Comments: Signature ot Owner or Own€r'6 Reprosentative PrEsent During lnspBction: lnspsctor'a Signaturo: vffiru 6iE -r-nt,-/-r-a Distribution: Whit6-DERR, Yellowln3p6ctor, Pink-F.ciliry/Ownar + o,"e, V^ //; - 7Z t(1 This method of l€ak detectaon requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tightness testing. lf the UST has not been upgradsd (upgraded means that th6 tank and piping are protected from corrosion and that spill 6nd overfill prevention devices have been installed) the tank n6€ds to b6 tightnBss tsst€d annually. lf the UST is upgradod th€ tank n6sds to be tostsd evsry five yea6. lnvontory r6cords must be kept for €ach operating day. @-!o @ruoRocord ol last Tank Tightness Test available on-sito @ruo No@ t- z?4r-Date of last Tank Tightness Tost 5 ,,!{O rui'tResult of last Tank Tightnoss Tsst. lI fail, specity in comm6nts section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR boen notitiod? Pd6F-\ Fairr<1 Type / Brand of tost equipment used: f4oCC h Name and company ot tank tightness tester /o4.o f..(., /,7>4" loL o.r.., utah rester certification Number UT Documentation of pertormance claims lor the Tank Tightnoss Test mothod is availablg and shows th€ ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection and 5% or less probability of talse alarm (3rd prrty c.rdtrcrtion) lnventory volufi6 measurements for regulat€d substancs inputs, withdrawals. and the amount still romaining in the tank are recorded each op6rating day @1",Y6- uo Yes No --Y6S- No x-lIILTri,i-'F--!iI r|i:iri;,:i.i{iiiifi::4:i:i!:'.i:l.:iilillilllilll;:l;i:liili:dilllil Yos No 4-.4 No No@lnventory is reconciled monthly (sum of daily over and short for each month is compared to 1 7o of tank's flow through volume + 130 gallons) Yes No Yes No 4-zzWhich months exc€€d th€ allowable over-short? (specify month and y6arl (@ ruolnventory Control r€cords are maintained and available lor the past l2 months for each tank Yes No Yes No @-No No<.@Records include monthly water monitoring to the nearest 1/8'Yes No Y€s No Monthly water readings are used to adjust monthly inventory balances S_ r.ro @No Yes No Y€s No @ r'roAppropriat€ calibration chart is used for convorting product level measuremont to gallons and is available for review (t6i- lto Yes No Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriats docum€ntation Yes @ @ Y6s No Yes No A drop tube is present and it €xtends to within one toot oI tank bottom No aa> No Yes No Yss No Owner/operator can oxplain inventory control mothods and demonstrate acceptablo gauging techniques tu The volume of product in the tank is measured using a:ATG -@ No lf a gauge stick is used. thB bottem ot the gauge stick is ) Worn lJ a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can bs determin€d to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range ol the tank's internal height No Date /( /. Signature oI Own€r or Own6r's Reprssontative Present During lnsp€ction lnspoctor's Signature comments, * o_ Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow'lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ,,UT'AfI,.u.$E irANt( 6dch!Hids iN:Yug for,,ltloPlefirq TESTIil6 iornre: iiB: :itaiiC!#iy rft ,:!i!xiltt,fil$rii liirE :iaiitd; :::.Tiiik:1 Ist,:eaafiiiffi* 1e5iil Fair r56i\ Fair ',,'rlnk.z:.r::!!:$l!6.ilfonY::eOHf.ROtr:: @ro PlilaEa da6le oaYEs far:Na r*h <Y6E-) 6ui;siD lI a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of th6 tank 6;etE- @ P.,.qrry. {",,-, 4 /eoK z.-7zl;I lnterstitial space is monitored (Check oneli ( ) Manually on a ;riE l mo6thlv b6sis lranufacturer and model of monitoring syst enthfA T""K o)Date installed lyi continuously ( ) Automatically: on a monthly basis System is capabl€ of d€t€cting any r€lease of slored r€gulated substances from any portion of the primary tank or piping within one month of the release (verily number and localion of tank and piping s€n8or6l fYei\No Documentation of performanco claims is available (third party ce'l,ificalionl @?Yes lnstallation records are available on-site (manufacturor's chocllist) 6OY Yes Maintenance and c6libration docum6nls and records ars available and indicato appropriate maint€nance procedures for the system have been implem6nt€d Yes N^Yes No EEIETank is fitted with secondary containment and interstitisl monitoring Nla! ta,r;@[E lndicate type of s€condary containm6nt Ior tank (doubls-wall€d, bladder, lin€d excavation. etc.)Ou o L"r oL,/OLJ """7@. Product lines are titted with secondary containment and inlerstitial monitoring Yes'@ @nro @No lndicat6 type of secondary containment for lines (doubls-wall€d, lined excavation, etc.) Monitoring box, if present, is operational (mark Ior each tankl (fd\ No @trto o 2@o lf monitored manually, equipment used to take readings is accessible and functional 'A4"-..6s No No Documentation ot monthly monitoring is availablo for ths last 12 months (sensor status repons, manual inspections, etc.) @No @b C@No @No 1 b-z "t-? / 'n76 ** i?d Yes No/+Yes No/4 Yes No "7x Excavation ir lin.d whh rn imperuious lrtificirl mataiial (it yos. inrw.r the following qnaation!):)\ Secondary barrier is always above groundwat€r Yes Yes No v"l No Y Ntt It th€ secondary barrier is not always above groundwater. s€condary barrier and monitoring system are designed for us€ undor such conditions Yes No Yes No Yes No Not Secondary barrier is constructod trom artificially-construcled material and will allow permeation at a rate ot no more than 10 6 cm per sec for the regulated substance stored Yes No Yes f" Yes No M Nln Yei No Yes t. I No TZ Nb Secondary barrier is non-corrodible or protected from corrosion Ye!No Yes l I'u"Yq iNo M Secondary bafiier is situaled outside the 25 year tloodplain Nlt Commentsl fz> t7 Nb i7 Nb * Z a" /zn Signature of Own€r or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection lnspector's Signature ffiffiffiffiF*-=tldnEEtEE III BilEIEET EG M g E I TU EgEEElG Pl6aso .rrde Yet or No fot fiach tii$iit$!&i:iii : jli:: Ir+ility.::llAt siPqrfiA:{oiini @ 6D @ lf observation wolls are pan ot release detection systsm, obseryation wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tampering (answe,lor 6ach well) ./ Plrase clrcle Yes or No for each 'gucstbfl for. e€dr tEfik lf a leak was detect€d or the system has recorded a leak alarm, indicato th6 month and year. Provide additional information as nec€ssary in tho comments s€ction on investigaiion/repair. lf thr t.nk i. ilttod with an int.rnal bladder: The bladder is compatible with substance stored and will not deteriorate in the presence of that substance No Secondary bafiier is compatible with the regulated substances stored and will not deteriorate in presence of that substanco o"t, 7-,/z(-% Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Tonk Deloils El Ionk Sirc EI Tonk Producl El spit<e solullon D sub Pump E Monwoys I -l Monll Mop Check list [l Piplng Locolions I Dlspcnsers ldentiri6d @ Vcnl Plpcs El rlll Locollons E Sitc w.tt El Ground Coverings Lobeled El Numbercd Probe Locollons D Moniloring Wclls B North Dlreclion SEARCH TEST Job S: Technlcion : Client :Pelro Tech. lnc. Joh n s-9 0424 brum 4/24/s5Somple Dote4/ 1o/e5Spike 0ote Sile Nome : Address : $rpy;,- City : Cenlrol Volley Wlr Reclomotion Foc. : Uloh 31 OO Soulh800 w Solt Loke Cilv Stote Grntral U Wster Reclamatlon ospholt gross Lines ore obove ground beyond these points T1 = Tonk 1 1,000 gollons Used Oil 1202 9ross T2 = Tonk 2 1,000 gollons New Oil 121 1 1 lnch - 10 -ft TI T2 1AJ o o o concrele Deolh To Woler ol: 5pir.i^P] 1'- Somplindl 1'1 Number Of Probes u1A,I \ Mop Check lisf @ riping Locollons fJ Dlspcnscrs tdcnlificd @ Vcnt Plpcs @ Flll Locollonr O sltr wcil El Ground Covcrings Lobotcd E Numbortd Probr Locoflons I Monilorlng \{clls El Hoat Olrccllon SEARCH TEST brum Clienl : Pelro Tech. lnc John s-950424Job {: Technlclon : 4/ to/ssSpike Dole 4/24/s5Somple Dole Number Of '|Depth To Woler ol: spit<insP1 1' Somptinf l 1' ocag T5 = Tonk 3 6,000 gollons Diesel AG1 07ugrovelq T4 = Tonk 4 6,000 gollons Unleoded 121 1 grovel ospholl rood grovel grovel VENTS q q b'0uL 5c('r! oa r,'d no\ ,'t' l-tLE-rro-rl aotraC ,AT 1 lnch = _lg_ft @o @o 2 A /.obo concrele + a 4.c1 Sile Nome : Address : I1?T.T,- city : Cenlrol Volley Wlr Reclomolion Foc Soll Loke Clly 31 O0 South8OO We Slote : Utoh Tonk Deloils El Ionk Size E Tonk Producl E Sptt c Sotutlon E Monlloldr E srb Pump El Mon.oys ) (|, Vv "bt o ,\ CERTIFICATE NO. 49555 - ]- TA}.TKT CAPACTTY STJBSTANCETANK#SUBSTArcECAPACTTY -';'-fi t' igvi,n M#ite, H!E!F8{i Ndlw 1ts c(>era ir9gi rati?* 7. not paid. lt may also be revoked coverage period for closed tanks against the PST Fund must be made in _) ffi*ikwkI n,f,!'rl h3@ b purposes only. This certif icate will automatically for failure to comply with state is specified in Utah Admin. Code R31 accordance with Utah Admin. Code R311-20 L 2 3 4 E*... '*u'd'* *" * It#ir..rItly, GASOL F6$EJ,VE. F{rt DIESEL ll-lr * *** 5, 000 5,000 L, 000 l_, 000 USTCERTIFICATE OF COIVI PLIAT\CE ISSUED TO:LOCATION OF TANKS: I 1 THIS CERTI Fl ES THAT THE FOI-LOWNG TAt IKS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WTTH THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAT{K ACT. IAN 01 1997 EATE oF e:<ptRAnoN UTAH STATE DEPARTMENT OF 8OO W. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. ( SALT I,AKE CITY, UT 84].]-9 WATERCENTRAL VALLEY WATER 8OO W. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. SALT LAKE CTTY, UT' 84119 QUALITY AUG_ 2_96 TUE 13:39 CEII4qAL VALLEY lllATER FA)( N0, 8saq739290 P, 01 ! To:{}*u , J l,o{, i'sa o, Fax: 3$ ?- I I r-3 From:fil/i liad' Date:uln iy 6 Pages 7 o coYer fax Central Valtey Water Reclamation Facility 800 West Central Valley Road Salt Lake City, UT 841 19-3379 fax 801-973-9280 801-973-9100 ',,ffi3,i,f;[if;ffiili,i, . JUL 23 896 ,,3lt,Efl,TidililIf,t, AUC- 2-96 TUE 13:39 CElrgAL VALLEY UATER FAX N0, 80tQ73S280 Polro loct, lnc. 13974 South 2700 West Bluffdale. Utah 81065 Phone (801) 253-,4511 Fa (E01) 253-4509 Perr;ptot lutr & ltmrc fi !.EANCH- CER,TIFICATION OT PRESSURIZED PRODUCT LIhID/LEAI( I'ETECTOR Test Date: Jdy f7, 1995 Test Number: 9@717C Tert Operrior: Joho Lrbrum Utah Cert No,: [Eml,B Location: Produrt Ccatrel Ydtcy lVatrr Rcclemetion Efl)'lilert Cmtrd yrlley Road Srlt Lske City, Utrh PRODUCT LINE TEST R.ESULTS PETRO rEcll INC. certified thar the pressurizod prcduct rinds) u the above locatiqr have beentested using the Acuriteo Lure Tester, rrhich meets alr r"qurrilot. set forth by NFPA 329-g7and USEPA 40 CFT part 280 and has received thtd p;nr;"ifi;* The pressurized pipmg was isolated and tested at r% times the normat qoratiug pressure for 30mimnes. The following rezutts indicate a pass or fiil: Pump Mrnufgcturer Results Uuleaded Dieset Ihleaded Diesel Rsd Jacka Red Jacket Red JacL* Red Jacks Pass Pass AUTO}TATIC LINE LEAK DETECTORS Automatic line leak dcectors were tested in accordaoce with 40 CFR 2t0.44(a\. Product l{odd 11ffi35 r I6035 Funcjonal Functiqral itECEIVED JUL 22.tgg6Datod: lrly lt, l99d }ETR,O TECH,INC. c.v.w.R. P, 02 AUG- 2-S6 TUE 13:40 CE}II8AL VALLEY I,IATER FAX N0, &!d9733280 T:nli sy sr crn owncrs who usc rhi:i pipclinc lcd< dcrccrion sysrcm should kcsp rhi_s fonr:l-rlc r o show compliancc wirh r hc fcdcral regulut 10n5,Tank sy Slcrn Owncrs Should chcck wisr trc ilnd locrJ agcnc.ics ro m :.kc su re (his form salisfi c5 the rc quucmcn(s of rhcsc a! coc ic s . c"^l;:?l:i t1::,1:!TTiTt?;i:il:11t.". Pipelirr e Lcak Detrclion S.r..srrnr. Use(l as r This fonn sumrnarizes ,, ''n'Tightuess Tesr l: j.:, ":,,, ; : ;; ; ;.1 t I},[: : n,l,fl ::il::: f ffi , xi"Ji,.j l[.?:i ::: : ; :;,i-oj,;i*'.'"Ti;H:J;,'"1'T;'rl''; 1:.".r,;;;;';;';nduc,cd accordi,g ro rh. un,,"o sier.s,-: :,,1;;::,,),;l;;:;;;:T_-;ij:;; ;)#j;:l;;:i:..9,,r,.p..rn.0'. i),, ,ii)n ,,,,<':.lurtiotr rcpon inclucjcs scvcn a..ctvncnts. . tu'Lrok f)<'trt.ti,,,ti.-1cn;:. Tirc :ulj P, 03 lulted c:i 5r srern Llr,:r S) srcrn Na..nc: !'< rs ion of Sys tcm:Sin ]e&[i]1t i ple Line Testerr i.on Ral e lvlenul:ctutcr Nlne:l{A iSIIECI iCrJC:l l -F I all\,{ S n e clr'l rt\!_t!,, sr]l<, rip aod.) L.l< ph orE ounrb<r)61 q 14 7-58 6U5 TI,te isaT>adernark of Hasstecb, Inc. valuation Results L T}lc pcrfonnancc of rhi,s sysrem(X) mccrs or cxcceds( ) docs nor m€ct Houston, TX. ??25?.'r.er.: 713/4524222 E 2 thc tcdcr:rl srrndards csr rblir Thc EPe rcgurerion ,o, " ,rtnto by rhc EPA rcgulation for linc tish'ncss rcsrs. a lcak as r",it ", o. i ,un,,"rtl.1*ntntt' lcsl requircs rhlr rhc sysrcm bc caprblc of dciccfaJsc a.,lum tpr^l ot si*"' 'vrrh a Plob3bilily of dcrccrion tpri "r rli, ^^I:;#::;':,9Thc csrunarcd p6^ h thrs cv: H j,#,...,fi itil".",rg[i,:,.{=,id{i!,.[,ff ilT:li."?][]J,ca]rarc.f Ififfi H,-;i#fr Hli:'ift ;ffi ":*t *:ii;ffi;i' *'' *' PiFlirr t-c:I Dclccrjoo Sysrcm _ Rcsuks Form Prt. I ot J AUG- 2-96 TUE 13:40 0ELLISAL VALLEY l,lATER FAX N0, 8ru739280 P, 04 li r':r lu I r i u rr .\ p p roa c h J-|rcrc ire irvc oprions for collccting rhc darr used h evaJuarhg rhe penorr.r.-,.lcc oi ri )-ystcrir TniS Systcm was cvalultcd ' , ::i I spccirl resr faciliry lOprion i )i ) f,l onc or more instrumentcd opcretional srongc rartk frcilirics (Oprior, -,: ) .r! t-ivc or mor< opcrarional storate rar* facilirics vcrified ro bc tighr tOnrion .i (7..1 rt t0 or morc opcrariona,l sioratc rank faciliries (Oprion a)i ; wir'r': an expcrimcnraJly validared compurcr simularion loprion 5) I A rotel of qj- rcsrs wcre COnductCd On nOnleaking far1}(S) berwecn !!,.,1:,/ta {J;r_:,and 10/13/9o (drrc). A descriprion o[rhc pipclhe configurcrion uscd m rhe cvalu:rrro: ;s givcn in Arrachrncnr J. .{/rsr,r,cr. queiilons 8 ond 9 if OpriOn l, Z, or S t,os uSccl. .Y.. The pipclhc uscd in rhc cvaluarion vrs __;in. in diancrer, _ft long and consrrucrcd of _ (fibcrglass. srcel, or other). A mcchurical linc leek dcrecror ( )wf,s ( ) wes nor prcscnr in rhe pipclinc sysrcm. dr.nlrr qu(stiotts l0 aud t I 4 Option J or4 n.os usccl. I0 Thc cva-luation was condr:crcd on r!F (how many) pipeline sysrems re'grng r,-, diemercr f rom ) in. ro p in., ranging in lcngrh from 3 ^ 5 tr ro ft, arrd consrrucrcd of -steel nnrl f {hprg] aqs (spccrry mareriaj:; , !,ip<line L:r\ Dcrcccion Sysrcrn . RcsuIs Form Pa3r 7 ol i ,-. rireriorr t'ur' Declaring a Leak Thr.: J)'ir<fl ' I uScS :r ,rssci tl'rf eslfOld t. i, ;y)c:rsurcs and rcfons rhc ourpur quanriry arld comparcs ir ro J prc6ercoTtrncd tlucshold to dercmrinc whe(ltcr rh< pipclrnc iS leelihg. .:. This sysrcm r-x ) uses :r.shglc resr i uscs a rrulriplc-lest scqucnce consisting of -tests (specify numbe: cf rcsrs rcc.uscd) scptr3(cd by hourS (specity the rirnc inrerval bcrwccn :::;rs) ro dcr<:minc whcrher rhc pipelinc is le:r_lcing, I This systcrn decla'rcs a lcalc if the ourput of rhc mclsurcmcnr sysrcm cxccccJs ;r rlucsho,.. ,,.: - ':r.L lspccify flow rate h gal.ih) in 1 our o[ 1 resrs (spccify for cxurroir. out oi l, I our of 3). Plcase give addirional.dereils, if neccssary, in nc p.rcc provrdcu AUG- 2-96 TUE 13:41 CE'JCqAL VALLEY I^IATER FAX N0, 80rq739280 : i. A mcch:nicrl linc le:.di dcrccror ( t u'as (2i) w;rs rior prescnr in rhc mrjorrry of rhc pipelinc sysrcrns used irr rhc cvulu1rrion. ll. Plcase spccify how rnuch rimc clapscd bcrween rhc delivcry of produCr ald rhc Stan of rhc dare collecrion: (:<)0ro6h (x) 6 ro lz h (>:) 12 to 3: h ():) 2,i h or mcre Terrrperaru re Condirions ThLs systcm was evaluared undcr thc rangc of rcrnpcrarurc condirions specit-rcd in Tablc L Thc diffcrcncc bcrween thc tcmpcraturc of rhc producr circulared through rhc pipclrnc for I h ormore and lhe avcragc temPcraNrc of thc backfill and soiJ bowccn 2 arrd l2 in. from rhe pipclineissutnmarizcdinTablcl. IfOprionl,2or5wrsusedamoredcrailcdsumrnarTof rhcproducr tcmPcrature conditions generatcd for thc cvaluation is prescnred h Arrachrnenr 4. lf Oprion 3 or4 was uscd, no arrificial tcmpcr3rurc condirions w.rc gcncralcd. Tablc l. Sumrnvy of Tc nrurc Conditionr U:c<! h rhe Evilurrion Rangc of sT ('8" -l.r5aT<-l.s hris column should bc 6Ucd our only.!f Oprion l. 2, or 5 vas uccd. P, 05 "sT is tlre d'iffcrcncc bcryc1n thc tcmpcnt,*-{ln. ?lfu.r i,:n r,s..c rtuough rnc piprlirr for ovcr en hour priorto '}tc conduct of r tcst urd ttE r"engi rcmpcr.,Nrc oi rrr uecrri,t .oaio[ i#il;d[;i* pip. D ata Used to Make Perforrnance Estirnates l-1' Thc induccd leak ralc a.nd (hc tcst results uscd ro csrirnarc the pcrformancc oI rhis sysrem arcsumrnarized in Attactrrrent 5. Werc any tesr runs rcrnovcd (rom thc dara scr?(x) no ( )Yes If ycs, plcasc spccify lhc lcason and includc wirh Arrachmcnr S. (lf more rhan one rcsr wasrcmovcd, spccify crch retson seprrarcly.) Micimum Nunrber of Conditions Rrgubcd Nunrbcr of Condirioas Used' I aT < .?5 4 5 .l.l < 3T <.5 ..55cT<-J s +5SAT<'15 {+l5SaT<'25 I 6T>25 Pipclirr Lral Derecdon Sysrcm - Rcsuls Form Prgc 3 of 5 AUG- 2-96 TUE 13141 CryI8AL vALLEy l,tATER FAX N0, 8A973S280 Sertsitivity to Trapped Va1>or I 4. ( ) According- ro rhc vcndor, rhis systcm can be uscd cvcn if rrappcd vapor is prcscnt in rhcpipclinc tturing r rcsr. (:{) According ro tlrt vendor, this sysrem rrro, rd nor be lrerr if trappcd vapor is prcscnr h rhcpipclirre. P 06 l5' Thc scnsiriviry of this sysrcm to lrappcd vapor is lndicarcd by rhe rest rcsulrs surturrarreed inTablc 2. Thesc rcsrs wcrc condrrcred at psi wirh ml of vapor ,r.pp.J ir, ,t.linc ar a prcssure of 0 psi. The dara and resr condirion' arc raponcd in Arrachmcnr 6. Tabl. l. 5*11m3r, o[ rh< R(sufts oi Trtppccl Vrpor Tcsrs Tc:r No.Induccd Lcd( Rilrc (gaYh) I 1 l Perfor rrrance Characteristics ol'the I nst ru nrenr ation l6' Stlre bclow the pcrformrncc chrncteristics of rhe prirnary mslsurcmcnr sysrern(si uscd !ocollcct (hc dart. (Pleese specify rhe unirs, for cxamplc. g:.Ions. inchcs..t Quuuiry Measured:C,e 1 l nns f nsp O 01'l o.000s 81.Resolurion: Prccision:0.4J , Accurrcy:o. 001 eal , Minirnum Derccrablc Quirnr iry:. 0O1 rral0 Rcsponsc Timc:30 ]'{i n es Tlueshold is cxcccrtcd when rhe flow rarc duc to a lesk cxcccds 0.01 gal/tr. A grg>licat ion ol'thc s^.ystcru 17. This lc i d,ccrion sysrem is inrended to rcst pipcrhe sysrcms rhas arc associlrcd wirh undcrground srorrgc r:urli fac itics, thgt conrdn pcrroreum or orhcf chcmicar producrs, rhalrrc rypicdly consrrucrcd of fibcrgtass or stccr, arnd rhlr typicuJry mcrsur€ 2 h. h di,.mcrcrand 200 fr or less in lcngrh. Thc pcrformiurcc esrimalcs rrc valid whcn: . she sysrcm rhat was cvalulred has nor bccn subsranrialty ch:urgcd by subscquenr modi6carions . rhc manufacrurcr.s irsrrtctions for ushg rhc syslcm rrc followcd. I mcchsnical line lcak d.tcctgf( ) is prcscnt in Or) has bccn rcmovcd frorn rhe pipclinc (chcck bo(h if approprierc) Pip<lin< tJrf Dcrcction Sysrcm - Rcrqlrs FofiD Paje { o{ 5 AT cF)IYlGntured L<ak R rrt - (8ruh ) AUG_ 2_96 TUE 13142 CEInEAL VALLEY l,lATER FAX NO, 8PLE73S28O P 07 ' rhc w3iling rirnc berwecn the lasr derivery of producr ro rlrc undcrsround sroragc r ank end rhe srarr of dara collecrjon for rhc lcsr is 12 lr. rhc ,r, ring rimc berwecn rhc lasr dispcnsing of producr through rhe pipeline svsrcrn and rhe stan of dara collecrion for rhc resr is O. 5 h. rhc lo(al dar+collccrion rimc for rhe test is 0.5 tr . rhc volumc of rhc producr in rhe pipelinc sysrem is lcss rhan rwjcc rhe volume oi rheproduct in rhe pipcline sysrcm uscd in rhe cvalurrion, unJcss a scpararc w1l11g6 Jusrificarion for rcsring larger piperinc sysrcms is prcsenred by rhe manufacrurer, concurrcd wirh by rhc evajuaror, and anachcd ro this cvaluarion as Arrachmenr g any orhcr li:nirarions spccified by thc vcndor or dcrerrni.ncd durtrrg rlrc . pleasc givc cvaluation: Disclaimer: This t?st Proc?(ture onlt'o<ldresscs rhe issue ofrhe svsren's ability ro detecr lcaks i,pipelines, lt does nu test rhc rquipmentfor saftn ha:orcls or asyss thc optrario,toljn t tc t i ona I i ry, re I io bi t i q, or nta h ta i no bi I iry o! ihe- equi pne n. Artachtnenrs Atrachmcnr I - Dcscriprion of rhc Sysrcrn Evalueled Ar(schrnent ? - Summery of rhe performance of rhc Sysrcm Evaluated Anaclvncnr 3 - Summary of rhc Configurarion of lhe pipcline Sysremls; Uscd in rhe Evaluarion Attlclment 4 ' Dura Shcet Sum:narizing Producr Tcmpcrature Conditions Uscd in rhe Evaluerion Attachmcnr 5 - Dara shccr Summarizing rhe Tesr Resurts and thc Lcak Rares uscd in the Evalrrarion Arracluncnr 6 ' Data Sheer Sumrnarizing rhc Tesr Rcsuhs and rhc Trappcd Vepor Tests Attachmenr 7 -- Dara shccr Sumrnarizing rhc Tcsr Resuhs Used ro check rhe Rerarionship Supplicd by thc Manufacrurcr for Combining rhc Signat and Noise Cerrifi carion of Re.sults I cenify rhar thc pipcrinc lcak <rcrcction sysrcm was opcrated according ro rhc vcndor'siastructions. I also cenify rhar rhc cvaluarion was pcrforrncd accordin! ro rhc proccdurcspccified by rhc EPR and rhar rhe rcsurrs prcscnred abovc arc rhosc obiaincd durhg rheevaluation. D IrrEr liniversi.t v (ort{ribtion Frformhg cvalurrion 1 44 lrart Luther f.j.nE Par F,/?q/(strBet rddrBis) 77710 (d:ll c) o-€7 (lsl<phor)c nunlbcr) Pipclhe Lcak Dcrccrion Sysrcm . Rcsults Form (city. st3lc, zip) t Pr3c S of 5 Mark Cot r-of Utah 1901 South 300 West r Salt Lake City, Utah . 841 (801) 467-3866 r (800)574-3866 ,{^., REMTT TOi"r ; . ,. i, . : . ,- .i ftat e i;O'eOf 2794J: L:i*v 51ff,196 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127.A047 *t''le:' lri . Shrp Llil.i;c1 7? -\ 7*. . :J!"1 5i E jlt,::, Yq FUEL SUF'['L iEfi r:ir-.ii.,l1fES-!- #3.f 419 B I L L T o ]ENTFftL Uf}LLEY I.JATER }tsB hTEST CENTRNL VRLLEY IALT LftH[ C I TY UT &41 19 EAL UALLEY I^IATER !,IEST trENTRAL UftLLEY ALT LffHE CITY UT 941 19 P T a) FeRe gg EAL DYED LTlt{ SULFUR *E DIESEL DIESEL FUEL, NA 1993 FLAF${ABLE LIAUID EI{ERGENtrY NUITIBER trHEI{TREtr 1-BC'6.484-9396 RYED DIESEL FUEL NONTflXEELE, AERICULTURE ilR GtrUERNIIIENT USE trNLY. NB FEDEHRL TAX, 3! 998. €r O 3' 756. f', *i. r'-tlrl . i. E, t,-i! tZt. [r'_ 19. f,- .3, 77rlt. :r iub*t cit * L i:ED DIESEL TRX EX.EFIFT 31 9tE. rA E, rA606gn( ri.{.[tr I'I[.CEI. i:UfL. I'JNT.JTAXABLE USE OI'JLY. PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE.llrfit-i DIEEEL TftX EXEFIF,T f,,99|Zl. rA A. firAraOO !-i]-AH F-l{v I R0NFIENTAL- SURCHftEGE 3' 998" fi a. oESoE Invn ice Tatal RECEIVED MAY301996 i, L__ c.v.w.R. DRUMS FIETURNED F.d. 1.O., !7{0teot CUSTOMER INVOICT e Petrb-Mark CorGf Utah {) ':t Rt. r.TO:-'11 .___..::: li'.r.:I p.b. gOX ZtO+|ul;,- 4.,},.'** SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127-0A47 ']-r^.i i :.,ii I il i,..t, .i ':r: j:1 . i.,ii +i,:'*,/1* 1901 South 300 West . Salt Lake City, t801) 467-3866. (800) 574-3866 15 '- tr- i\ i ,al -:.f,i-t'11 a.l.] -*[1 :i.t Rttr'.I b6 7a 38\ 5A ENTRflL UALLEY I^IATER hIEST f,ENTRfiL UALLEY ALT LAKE f,ITY UT 84119 B I L L T o BRL LIALLEY hIftTER t^IEST f,Ei'JTRr?L VTlLLEY ALT LftKE CITY UT 84118 S H I P T o fr--: - - Sn:,g::, t-.ji i r-,!!:li i-'..i[.:. : r,'i_i[.]i i i,.lti FEHL 00ERL UNLEADED REGULHR GBSOLINE cflsflLrNE, LtN 1eo3 FLAITIFIABLE LItrUID EIIIEREENCY NUFTBER CHEIYITREC 1-gQ6_4a4_936a 4r BA5, E O,9aA5S 3,694.5 :l i-t b-t u: t a. ]. f'[il GpSOLINE Trly EXEltlF,T 4,OrA5, TIiIg F,HLfIlI.-;t.'I f,'T]t::] NCIT MEET THE EEGUREI{TIJTE T:Oft Ri.FORf4ULfil'[T} I{CIT B[ USEir 1T{ RI.]Y REF-ORI.iIULf;TED GftSULiNE I]I]VERED RREArED FJLIF'ETTFUI"ID 4I AE5' inIl.ill'tuirl iil.ti$.ir RA]-INIfS; F,REtylIUr4 gi, pLUS Bg,Lilrtli fi{v i FrDf..ltil[f.it-fi]_ SuR,IHi]R[:iE 4. oo5" UTtil-l GI1SOLINE TeX EXEtrtF,T /+r EOS. .3" i9;i. a 8. 'aEEOr'6ii50lIr{E Ahin Hfty 'a [1. oo;:30 i\il- RELIULAR 85u' 0.Blz|sfi(ZtA rzr, fiEErZrO ut, tri !ryire -total '1J! *E o 7e3 l( RECEIVED MAY - 6 1996 c.v.w.B. CUSTOT/ER INVOICE DRUMS RETURNED F.d. l.O. I t7+51 9201 t- Petro-Mark Cor(of l"rh (, RE TOi'l;, 'r' r ','' r L';r'-* P.O. BOX 27047 '-,':.,.',." n71', i9t, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH A4127.0047 ..i 1.. - .. 1.: gr . =,t..:, i, i,_: .,r i ,i , !c )l I I L L T o :ENTRAI. \'ALLEY I^'flTER 9O'T I.IEsT CENTRAL UALLEY SELT LAKE CITY UT 84119 TRAL VALLE'/ I.'ATER OO SOUTH SIZTI' I"'EST ALT LAHE CITY L.!I 841T9 S H I P T U t GAL FABA oo HI6H SULFUR *E DIESEL DIESEL FUEL, NA 1993 FLA|{HaBLE LIEUID EMEREENCY NUI{BER CHEFITREtr 1*8O0-484-9344 DYED DIESEL FUEL, NONTAXABI.E USE ONLY FENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 3. 994. E e. B4egO 3, 351. i', ti. i]t, ,-r I l'1. tl t3 " !-- 3, 39t4. -:, . ,r1!'',--ir11 t;,] t-:EE iiIEEi:L TfiH E,i:ElylpT .J, ",:i;i. iil tA,OEEEB DYEIr Dii:I:L.I- F'UEL.. NIT.iTAXRELE U$E LTNLY, PEhIFIL.TY FOR THiTiELE UI;E. i:ED 5UF,ER[:Uf'ltr J. 9r-r;:. O tl. raES3rA t1I I..t I I'1Ui{ rJC- rii\l[ ri:AT I NGS: F,REM I;il'l t 1 , F,LUS &€ir l.jl_. RI:GULAR 83 ijlill I,IESEL TAl.l ELEIrlt-'T J.99E. rJ'r CI. 'ZlEOOlal_lrtlll EIJUIRor.Jt4[f']TAL. 5ui-t.Fir:]t".6L. .f ,5BE. fi ';':',. [1E5Eri1 I nvn ire Tot:1 CTJSTOIV1EB COP'/DRUMS FIETURNED F..1. LD. I t7.€1q,t 190't south 300 west r salt Lake city.Utah .84115 (801) 467-3869 o (800) s74-3866 I 't I Petro-Mark Corl of Utah ,^\1. : ,, ;t . -j : - i-':i. I r-r REMIT TO: . ,:r P.O. BOX 27047' i'):: I rr'tr; SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127.0047 l..i' - .:;- jit -:.r, t f, i*.t r .' , I .: 1, rll. : ,-.'. : f- it i':f ::, 1901 South 300 West. Salt LaKe City, Utah .8+115 (801) 467-3866. (800) 574-3866 r-lEl'i ltJ j tEtJ i rJ.: B I L L T o f,ENTRNL VALLEY hIflTER g{rgr l^lEsT rEhiTRriL t!ALLEY SALT LRHE CIT''/ UT 84T19 Fff:,N I 7i3t ENTRAL UALI-EY I^IATER hIEET CEI.!TI{I]L. UALLEY T LAHE tl I T',' UT 841 19 'jrzl Siat S H I P T o J 5i-i t .:j r.) : :. ';ll-j\l Lt':-;L1UFil.1[ 1'FL]l:ti i. i'i{; j,-rb-intal Ini,o itrrl I L;t;. I EAL FeRe oo DYED LBT.I SULFUR *A DIESEL DTESEL FUEL, Ne 1993 FLAFIFIABLE LTAUID EFIEREENCY NUFIBER trHEITITREC 1-BBO_484-93CIO DYEI} DIESEL FUEL NONTAXABLE, AGRIf,ULTURE DR GLTUERNMENT USE DNLY. NO FEDEF:f,L TAX. 4l EO4, O B.64180 E,569.; r] yJr-. -- ::LiL1 I]IEsEL TflX EXEI{F'T t-}.,'Iri nIt:5El* i:LJ[: l.-. l:Ol'iTr]:{.rtril-E usE ONLY. F}ENilL TY i:EL, SUfri:FFUFID I i :. r,ti I1UI4 tilli r.rr'.1[ Ff,T i i,1tr5: F FiEIn ] Ur'1 ,.iTrit'1 DIIEEL TA:i. E'l.EItlF'-f r-lTt-ll-i El-lt=' I n0tJl'iEI\i-ff,L EiUECHRIi6[- [:(:r Fl c:r'l " ii., g)ljtri. tlt 0. OBElala Tfl;:trrBl E. il.L.;E. 4, Oult, tl O. l1ltZIE3O FI..US 8{]. NL F:EEULAR 8.1 lrr Otlt+. ijt tZt. U1E:]OO 4, Ot].'+. U '4. EEStarb k:1. i.i li r.l. i, ;iB. ';l e. 59?, ':1 DRUMS RETURNEDREC F.d. l.O. I t7$lezot CUSTC\4EF CC='T . , !!.. .!.ff ' 't. 1 +i- -- 't'I ffi Petro-Mark CoC of Utah r .-rt; REMIT TO: -.". :: - - - -'.' : - P.o.Boxzro4T''-1t: : !+i== SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127-0047 .., .- ,: .t : i,, r:il-, f 1-.' [.:. l- :. '-l'l:ii- ' '':'r':i I'lI4'9t- 1901 South 300 West . salt Lake city, Utah o 84115 (801) 467-380e. (800) 574-3866 If.i1 FUr.; 1:i:?5tZ1 SrZt B I L L T o EENTRftL Vi1LLEY I^IATER EIAU' hIEgT CENTEFIL Uf,LLEY gALT LAKE IITY UT 94119 CENTRAL VALLEY WATER A LJEST f,ENTRFIL VALLEY ALT LAKE CITY UT 841T9 5 H I P T ihr narj ,.; . :. ir':nt'l OSEiiFii,if- i-nt-.lijt', i. tili GAL FeRe 06 DYED LOI.I SULFUR *E DIESEL DIESEL FUEL, NA 1993 FLRFTMABLE LIQUTD EHEREENCY NUIITBER CHEIITREC 1-BAA-4P4-93OO NYED DIESEL FUEL NONTAXABLE' AGRICULTURE DR EOUERNI{ENT USE BNLY. NO FEDERAL TRX. 4t raB4. 'a o.65ooG e, 6u'4. h ;-, t tij,-l'-rL''-tnj;ai FED DIESEL Trlv E;iElYlFT +, o04. u' NYED DIESF.L T:UEL. lqgglqXABI-E USE ']I.JLY' T,ENFTLTY FOR TftXABLE U FLi-r SUF'ERFUI.In 4' EE4. O 14 i i',1j. tr'll.,ly! ti:l i.ii'.Jl- F:RT I I'JBS : fiRtrlYlI Um ? I ' PLUS 8&. LIii.iH D I ESEL. Tfr:l EXEI'IF T 4' lZrA4' O UTAH ENU I F:OI.II4Eh!TT{L E-JLIFiCHT{NEE 4' IZIO4. O fi. 0EEOO $8" kl. raEE3O i{L REGULRR 83 'Z'. OEE0O o. 'zrBs08 c- tar . --. e,631.8 :i 1i-r,,',:ire TotaI RECEIVED FEB 23 1996 c.v.w.R. RETUBNEDDRUMS F.d. l.D. t tTsl@r CUSTOMER INVOICE ''i. Atrr:trIVtrD FIY orp. U* Petro-Mark C 1901 South 300 West . Salt Lake City, Utah,, 341 15 (801) 467-3866 . (800) s74-3866 REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 27047 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127.0047 .El=, fn'',,t:.:* 83*r l trder'ilr.'r!17'ii, Od i,=t e i1,'E1r'!* Shro Da.;.. !. l,'rt./?: B I L L T o EENTRAL VftLLEY h'HTEF: 868 I^'EST f,EI{TRAL UALLEY SRLT LAHE TITY L}T 84119 5l-r r ppe: Lr 'r e PLEASE SEI- i UEF CENTRAL VALLEY hJATER gorD HF-ST EENTRAL UALLEY SALT LAPIE CITY UT 84119 H I P T o i,rnue" trkq ["t*"i pt i on Buant i t y Pni ce'Aac,-r E. IA DFUI'1 SOI*VENT 55 GALLON DRUM 99DD 1 DRUFI I}€tr',,fE] T 5 u b-t i; i.,: ;q I L]T SRLEg TAX EXE!'1F.7 inv,:ire Trt;il. 1 1fi. O 1. EerEOO ::, 'l: AE. AOOTAO e1[.. rl8 ra. EEEE&% i ''-, -il l? .^ BECqtVE Qi-2- DBY Dr-te Dat,-, : '" i/Z 1 ,'9= t 1^l!Q-r11.13F l\' - -uvu ur'r -ti ,r. , r - Nat Di-re : .ftzi Day s FtN $ 37.05'r: I Ln 115 r''o: Ia vo i c* 93475 t-.i r d * r' l'.1 r' , 7iz!7=t:r. ora Dat e tt.!e?i9'1 ship Dare t a .-!.-r .l-=L t I tr-r:-t 2- 1901 South 300 West . Salt Lake City,- (801) 467-3866 . (800) 574-3866 REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 27047 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127.0047 1L B I L L T o f,ENTRAL VffLLEY I^IATER 88CI WEST CENTRAL UALLEY SALT LAHE CITY UT 84119 Sh i pped '.r j. "-r .'LEfiSE DEL I UER DENTRAL UOLLEY I^IflTER EIAIA HEST EEI.JTRAL VftLLEY EALT LAKE CITY UT 84119 e!'r-t m er Ltmop ir< S H I P T o rlr:m ber trkg $escr-ipt ion - DRUM DEF.CISIT Sr-rb-t otal UT SFI'*ES TEX EXEI4PT invo ice Total a. CI eA. CI'a'AAO 4tt,,,Zi!, lzt, (tOEOla/, .iti'r .It 4e. i:, REGEIVED NOv 2 3 1995 c.v.w'R' Dr-rrr i;at ir | | ::/2;!/9=: vliVtti'r '- lrt i,'.': ':l;-;CUSTOMER Ii\!'CIC,t Net O'-t..,: :iil fi.r.'/F,FtN # 87-051 42 D8Y Enar f 9l-,c1. L..cr t.,,:tt: ! f'^.^ Petro-lllark Cdrp. lJta\/ Petro-Mark Corpfitatrr t,,..:i)-r t e r i.'r 1 ,' :,h i p O<-rE E 1{trj.i,r!1 r&est . Salt Lake City, Utah .84115 (801) 467-3866 . (800)574-3866 REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 27047 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127-0047 ll l: \,.1 t-L;'" " F'" O" *BL*err'-l --qt6-- 50 sla'f,E,V 1,Ai a,Er\.11O3 5h i ppieil il i *,. Rtjit osE{oRh,lE Tp{6 CENTRAL URLLEY I^JATER ElZrO htEST EErlTppi v,lLLEY SALT LAY.F: f,IiY' ,iT 34113 B I L T o CENTRAL V6ll-uEY WIITER 8OO hIEST CEI'.ITRftL 'JfiLLEYSPLT LPKE fl i T',' U] 941 13 S I P T o Cluant i t v Fric.e .. GqL F?R? OO DYED LOI^I SULFUR *E DIESEL DIESEL FUEL, NR 1993 FLRtvtFtFtBLE LIQUID EMERGENCY NUHBER CHEI{TREC 1-BOO.4E4-93OS DYED DIESEL FUEL I.JONTAXABLE, AGRIEULTURE OR GOVEFI',IMENI USE CINLY. NB trEDERAL TAX. 3r 951. B A.776AA 3r A65. r Sub-t ot a l i:ED DIESEL Tft;{ EyEtrli:T 3, g51. E 0.6€|BOO DYED TJiEiiL.i- trUEL. I'iONTFIXftBLE USE oI\:L\.. F'ENALTY FL]R TFIXABLI I]S5.tr't.C SUi'EtiFUf.jt, f,,951. CI D. OOa3E j'/tI l'.1lfiiulrl n[:T'[ri.,lt1 trf-iT 1j..lii!. : F REI'] : Lltyt g i ] F,L-u5 gE,, f{L REGULAR 85 UTR!-I Lr:E=EL rfril ExEMpr J, 991. o m. BqrBooti"lfill f trr,,IE{,r{iriFI.JTR[_ EURft{ftF:E[ Jr gE1. rzr [,. OSSTaB rir. , tq Invoic* l-,-:t*l.31 B?4. .' RECEIVED ocT 16 1995 c.v.w.B. 1" 1 ttr:,:-' (i i! CUSTCT'IEA Ii\VOIC= FtN $ 87-051420i', l\=[,-i r-. D;r t- i nlinnrJrrmFran Erl.ra :'i I Petro-Mark Corp. tj*rf,tr.lrr-/ c Pos Invoica 75555 0r'der No 6?27 E . OO JO LE 5!26i9. SniD 0ai; 6i26/9: 1901 South 300 west r satt Lake city, Utah r 841,15 (801) 467-3866. (800) 574-3866 REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 27047 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84127.0047 BIII To Number Shio To Number J BL I+ceN103 cEN103 B I L L T o CENTRAL VAL LEY t^JATER 8OO I.IEST CENTRAL VALLEY SALT LAKE CTTY UT 841T9 Shipped Via CUST0HER pICKUp CENTRAL VALLEY I^'ATER 8EE WEST CENTRAL VALLEY SALT LAKE CITY UT 84119 KBi3488 50 s6 S H I P T Price0uan.t., I OlSHAERGR*535 3.A PAi L SHELL AEROSHELL GREASE 5 Sub-total UT SA LES l AX EXEI'IPT Bri; Invoice TotaI 105.0 1.3800e 144.90 A.AOOOO\ try) 144. ! 144.: a.a 144. s l''t -( RECEIVED JUN 2 ? 1gg5 c.v.w.B. REcErvEp ," I i.', r-{{ (' ( t}L DRUMS RETURNED I,Jet 0ue: 3O Da s 0ue 0ate: 7 26 5 ^, r^7^.vutJrvr'-ti,:ti r.-._ Datc: Phonc: P:rson Conucted: E //Fon Iirle Datc or Aopornrmenr:A--.< 1>tf E, t?7{ Ilanuai Tank Gaucine - Invenrory Records for onc ),ear { wetkly suck rccordiaes & vananccs r Tank Tiehtness Tesrs (if ovcr 1000 gailons capacirv.l 3rd parrv cvaluarion summalv shers for each tcst merhod uscd Automatic Tark Gauging - Dailv inventory printous Montt v Test printous indicaung passing resB Wrinen Installation. Calibration. Mainlcnance records 3rd parw cvaluadon summarv shecrs rbr ATG INSPECTION IT\FORMATION I\EEDS Invennry Conu'oi & Tank Tighrness Tesunr - Invcntorv Rccords for onc year r sick rccorciings, mcrer readings, reconciiiarions t Tark Tishrncss Tes6 llasr rwo resrt 3rd parw evaluation summarv shccs for each tesr mcrhod used c o o o Grounciwatcr or Vapnr Moniror Wclls - Sitc assessment documcnb (hydraulic conducriviw tcss. drill logs. erc.) Monrnly monrror records. or iog of operadona.i chck on conunuous mo ror 3rd parw evaiuation summarv shecs tbr g[ automauc dcvicc uscd Wrinen Insailadon. Calibrauon & Mainrcnance recorcis Inrcrsudal Monrroring - Monthly moniror rccords. or log of opcrational chek on condnuous moniror 3rd parw evaluadon summary shccs for g! automadc dcvicc uscd Wrinen insalladon. Calibrauon & Mainrcnance rccords Date: -fcirirv tD Nr., t//-'-\ //37 o o Saustical Invcnrorv Rcconciiiadon (SIR) Inventorv Records for one year tstick rcadings, mcter readings. reconcriiauonsr Prorocois for SIR mcthod 3rd parw evaluadon summary shccs tbr each method used Prcssurc Piping - Line nchmcss rcst rcsults (onc each ycar for last 2lrearsr L,eak dctector rest rcsults (onc cach vcar for last 2 years r 3rd pam, cvaluadon summarv shccrs tbr each test medod uscd Sucuon Pipine - , if common suclion, Linc trgirtness rcst rcsulls (onc cach yezr-ffat2 1,ears1 3rd panv evaluadon summarv shcca tor each tcst mcthod uscd Corrosron Protecuon - lStcel tanks & lines insallcd aftcr I t/84) Corrosron Protection rcss donc wrrhin 60 days of insailarion (aftcr i1,88) Corrosion Protcction tcsts donc evcry 3 ycars ( last 2 iess, Log of last thrcc 60 day chcks of ImDrcsscd Currcnr svsrems 4L/2?1/ Approx. Tine: ?q,z-, Insocclor Signaturc: Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility J:une 17, 1996 Mr, Paul Harding Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation P. O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 DEO / DEqR RECEIIJEO JtN Iel$ X x*i.IO DELIVERED Dear Mr. Harding: Ref: Fax from Paul Harding to Bill Fox dated April 4, 1995' Telephone conversation between Paul Harding and Bill Fox on June 14, 1996 I appreciated speaking with you and the help you offered in getting our underground tanks in compliance with the regulations. You indicated to me in the telephone conversation that we *.r. ntt in compliance because we had not paid the $150 late fee. We submitted a payment of $740.28 on May, 31, 1995, (in accordance with an invoice we received) and thought that the payment was w-hat was required to make us current with our assessments. We thought the late .t urg. was included in the-invoice. You indicated in our telephone conversation that this was not the case and we still owe $150. You indicated further that because of this we may still be out of compliance. Enclosed is a check for the $150 that we owe. Please accept our apology for this misunderstanding. In the telephone conversation, you also indicated that we needed to show that our tanks are currently meeiing integrity standards. our tanks are fiberglass, double walled with interstitial monitoring. Accordingty, f am enclosing the log sheets for the interstitial monitoring. Further, we have b-een keepinginventory records of the tanks. These inventory log sheets are also enclosed. If there is any other information that we could provide that would help resolve this matter, please let me know. Sincerely, ///rZ*,/ffir William H. Fox Special Projects Engineer WHF/cj cv 800 west central Valley Road, salt Lake city, UT 8411 9-3379. (801) 973-9100. FAX (801) 973-9280 CVWBF ^ Mr. Bryan D. Whitaker, UST Branch Manager Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response And Remediation 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake ciry, uT 84114-4840 Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility February 2e, ree6 ED Dear Mr. Whitaker: RE: Letter to Ronald L. Roberts dated November 17, 1995, from Bryan D. Whitaker We received your letter of November 17 , 1995, concerning our underground storage tanks for gasoline, diesel, lube oil, and slop oil. You indicate that your records show that our tanks are lacking spill and overfill protection. After careful examination of our records, we find that spill and overfill protection are incorporated in the installations of these vessels. Enclosed is a copy of an inspection of these tanks performed by a Mr. Kent Malmquist on June L,1995, where he indicates that spill protection was in place. He asked us if we knew if the tanks had overfill protection. We did not know and examination of the fill pipe showed no overfill device. He, therefore, indicated on the enclosed form that no overfill protection was available. Subsequent investigation after receiving your above referenced letter and conversations with the tank supplier revealed that all four of the tanks have a ball float valve on the vent. It is our understanding that these ball float valves satisfy the overfill protection requirement. In addition, all underground piping is fiberglass reinforced plastic. Also enclosed is a copy of the specifications for the tanks, some equipment submittals that show the type of equipment specified and supplied, and the forms supplied to us in the referenced letter. I hope that this information is sufficient for a satisfactory conclusion to this requirement. If not, please contact me so that we can bring this matter to a successful conclusion long before the deadline. Sincerely, /',t t ---,/--.-y/Z/*r",,, '1' fl William H. Fox, Special Projects Engineer WHF/cj 800 wesr centrat Vailey Road, salt Lake city, UT 841 19-3379 o (801) 973-9100 . FAX (801) 973-9280 O sarvo DTt,VER Because of the above facts, we believe that our tanks are in compliance with the 1998 requirements at the present time. If you disagree with this conclusion, please contact me so that we may resolve any problems as quickly as possible. ,{ lgs.? ^ Central Valley Water Reclamation Facillty I am the chief financial officer of Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility, g00 west central valley Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84L19-3379. This letter is in support of the use of guarantee to demorstrate financial responsibility for compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by sudden accidental releases and/or nonsudden accidental releases in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 arurual aggregate arising from operating underground storage tanks. Underground storage tanks at the following facilities are assured by this financial test or a financial test under an authorized state program by this owner or operator: Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility 800 West Central ValleY Road Salt Lake city, uT 84119-3379 No number issued; see attached Utah State application This owner or operator has not received an adverse opinion, a disclaimer of opinion, or a "going concern" qualification from an independent auditor on his financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year. I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in 40 CFR Part 280.95(d) as such regulations wero constituted on the date shown immediately below. Ronald J. Day Accounting Manager February 20, 1996 enclosure cv 800 west central Valley Road, Salt Lake city, UT 841 19-3379 . (801) 973-9100 . F AX (801) e73-9280 Tenk I Tank 2 Trnk 3 Tank 4 The UST s)rstem is filled by transfers of no morc lhan 25 gallons at ono time. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is rlot required. Yes 6'Yes @ &@ @@ ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent r€lsase of product into the environmen(,@No No@ Nofo,J No6) An overfill prevention device is installed on the tank. ll yes, indicate th€ type of device in the space below. Yes G)Yes CD Yes Aat-/ Yes G Ball lloat valve {in vent linel i Automatic Shutoff valve fin fill oioal { Ovarfill Alarm l Othar Svstam Isneeifu tuna) For overlill alarm only: ls lhe alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm cleady rnafted to indicate what is m€ant when the alarm sounds? Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Tr* No(G ldeA No T$* NoG frrdt yA. No Tanks ancl/or lines are made of a nonconodible material (such as liberglass) or are made of steel clad with a nonconodible material. lf yes, cathodic protection la not required ,c;No No -- tlE ar"j NoG;* Itb NoG NoY".i Nov""'{ It* Yes i No No Tanks and/or lines are made of unprot€cted bare steel and were installed prior to May 7, 1985. lf yes, cathodic protection is required on or by December 22, 1998. Yes No Yes L}b No Yes No lndicate type of cathodic protection: lmpressed Cunent (lC) or Sacrificial Anode (SA) The results of the last two cathodic protection tasts are available. (Tests are required within six months of installation and every three years thereafter). Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Tr* volts ta* volts Tt * volts volts l'* I Results (in volls) of most recent cathodic protection lest. Test Name of person who performed tlE volts T.kE volts L, volts L.l volts Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Signature of Owner or On rne/s Representalive Present During lnspecto/s For lmpressed current system: The rssutts of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every Dbtribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnsp€ctor, Pink-Facility/Owner I t i t tr Yes I * tr tNo Yes No F.W.lllc.AND FUEL SYSTEMS & EOUIPMENT DIVISION i95 WESI 39OO SOUTH . (80U 2O6'2515 iwi' ornce Box 7307 o'sALT IAKE clrY, urAH E4107 Proposel rubmltted lo: OUOTATION AND CONTRACT Dage 2 of 5 S 5124188 iIAME STREET clrY.Strtqztp JOBIOCATION Ceotral YalleY Water Reclaoatioo FacllltY srnEEr clfr.sT rE ZP toryouregilencr.Wo tlkc plcarure ln rubmlttlng thc lollowlng propoarl I xrrrrrv 1 2 2 Thc tcnns end condltlon3 sct oul prtt of thlt contttcl rnd hrva th€ on tha tcwr3c rldc ol thls ptoPo$l 'rc r ""na toto rrd cllcct es ll !'t on lt! l'cc'Goottuued)tc,TAL - n fpc-tlull,utmlttod F.W. JOl{Et A}rD ASSOCIATES' lilc' ETTEilSION 1 1II il il I t III I 1 I 1 I Grlonrr AccrPtrncr No wt''lnllcc orcltlms ot mettotabillty ere lmplled othct th'n thosc ttPtaltntt(l by lhs m.nutsclurct' UXIT PRICE DESCBIPTIO}I TAI{K FITTINGS: -iesel Tank 8111) OPl{-4000 spl11 contalner wlth drala t LZt OPI{ 6lT-7258 droP tube x 4" OPW 633T-7185 f111 adaptor OPI.I 634TT toP aeal caP ttlSA Model 4E1532 tankgard 99T91" wlth alaro Llould Sensor Asseoblles 481275 4t''oPw 633T-7185 -adaPtora - (Dlesel-. t ank - -veat) 2" OPW 23-0033 veot caP (Gaso11ne tank f111) 11 H$ :i:ft:9llt'::::iliu",It'l;*'* €- t*oPur 6r-Tu? lco> i" 6iw 633-Tc-8090 coarlal f111 adaptor 4" QpI{ 634-TT-7085 f111 cap . ."'; (Vapor recovet7 aod veot) i:":-r' '"' '', OPr, 233-SIlt-Ol2O float vent valve 3,, r 4,, op1; t6ri-lv-ioro vapor "i.ptot f Alg'lvZp d" "' 3" oPtI 171rr-7085 rraPor caP iz' opw 104A-1065 f111 cover box 2" OPI,I 23-0033 Vent caP T'TAL ITEM I'B'r: (c) G) LrQUD SENSOR GEAK DEf,ECTOR) relays (B) #r 4t' 4tt ,al4 crJsTor.rgR By i'r. i: !rr, it t il I il il ,#..q "t l",jf,!:,, ' R'EL SYs'IEMS & EOUIruENT IgiWESf SOOSOUTH ' P'O'BOXT:ff ' SALT TAKE CITY, UTAH U,tO . Gol)2Ge2ils c*r7 FTCXTfiN TO ttfrl1tl 7T ,lAV C0llCERlI: 7,Bob Adaos IIISPECTIIJG TIRE TTARSTIAT r0R So. Salt Lake UIM, ttIITllESSE0 AlJ AIR rESr 0N TAIJ'CS NO ?ROOUCT TI}IES LOCATEO CeatraL ValleY ATt Water Rec. FacllitY Salt Lake C 1 tYr UT u Lrll6lffi ,* , ffi:i ubet f,ol. tteil' A. u t oY /t-t /If SIGIJATURE OT rtRE t{ARSflAt ONE Erlnrorlre, Dclgnlng, G'nf,rl'!-'---' -rraucilet Ho.. ' Bulk Cncpkorl Bv flEi, , tJghtho Scela 3250 So. 900 l{est ' a Nou. 29 '95 15:26 OPW 53"V Float Vent Valves Th6 OPW 53-V S6rles Ftoat Venl Valves are deslgned lo b€ iffitell6d ln OPW 233-V Serles exlraclor finings lo lorm a ev8tsm tohclgprsvont Productmixing' and to m6€t th; Feftral EPA lochnlcal standaldg lor ovetllll prevBr ion oI pot]olBum USI-g. BRT}S. CT]NST rnt< egt ^v-essa On O'l fht It Modcl 53'Vt shown P. 1 ' NPIl E Tho OPW53.V Serles Float Venl Valvas havs a etalnlesg ttccl ballwhich ln an or,6dill condillon, 5cal6 UontU agahat a spsdally d6slgnedvalve saal' reslricting ttie ttlw-ot vaoori uacxio the dellvery ransporl, ot tank vent. Tlre orobsure craatad ln lho USTbylhiE vepor llwv rasrttton 'rrotka agalnstrhBhead ol llquid rernrh- tno rn the detlverv translport and hosas,lo rBduce thd tnEomtno llow raie, Thesevalvot ars supgrlorlo oth€l valves bEcause ol the BtainlestBtoel belllloal and ipeclitty oeglgned Durugltdocoaled Eeatwhlch helps etlminatevatvL hanE up due locorrosion. oP\rlr r|od vanr val{B r.o gttl B C D E w'lshl LbE,Produol tlo, rndgutllx A (olmontlonr lnlnch!!) 63.VIrf U6od ss an [itagtal stowdownlha llow a ol lhe OPW overtlll Byslom lo 53.VM'm60 lO'ry'ro 3 Vrc 6tt 1th 2;16 p ol inlo lho storago tanl, and overllll to th6 --t>5t.ytt{Lgsmc rt dknsnslon,lordoub165g-vM bul t 2'D 53.VML.0'120 l0'1ir 3 \h 1? 1W s'99 wel tank8. ?53.y lL+ santgsstt. 8'dl.matct VM but 16" D dlmEaslon,lo. & sts6l 53.vML Samo ae 53.VM but2l' Ddimonslon.lor 8' diamotor, llb€.gla3E & stoel lanb. 5s.VML-016o' lo'!/'i 3 s3'vML.ozto' 25tv t6 lih 5.30 vt 6,02 6.80 1.80 oy'r 1th 1.90 NONE 316r N/A 1'23 vrall. th 53.vML i-amo a-s Sf.vM tur ff Ddim6nsion,lor s3'vML'olgo' 2?tttu 3 8' dlam.6tst! llborgh-sg q!!sd tanls.dgtll'lowtll ' -. : doiblc or dnqloialllwllh ,no 0rlonsior. 53.ysll UBsd lo mlnlmhdProducl miring when vontllnas arsmEnilold€d t3.ws Slmlle.t6 53'VSSolcopt vcnt blood holo l! o lY'4d" 69.FC lJsedonlyon vapor Iclurn line. haa no lr.cd hola. ' D6sronEd lo moga ih 6 gO![ toquhomonl Gs,rblishsd by Deieimiae tlra lengtn @quitod lor yout spscl'/c USf 3Pr' -ntcl,on a d ovgtl l wa,ninP, .,rn fis ,trlomallofl on lho tollo\ving pa?a' Fgaturgs I a ptoduct JJne Ftexibiltty, The vafious oPw lloarvent a fiorrao,e Pf6e6r, Coacspl. The basl6 concopl has been - irlyesi'nO eitrictor tntirrgs acsembllos can bB comblned provon ln numeous apptioarionsti"piiriiir rir.ijtruci to mo6tvadouE Plping requlteme s and/or syBlsm contamlnBtion. opo]ating characterislics' I Corto3ron Rs3rslaflco. Tho OPwlloar vontvalvo iB I AdaPlaD,e. Many tanks are akeady Bqulpped wllh OPW coatgd with Oursgrrdc lo rosisl;;roslon ond vatva trf[aoi assein6ttes and therelore ovorfillproventlon can hang up, bo a;nieved by installing the oPW53'VML' I E se of Sorvlc,ng. The {loat vant valve absembly can be easily wlthdrawn 6timinaring rh;nl'edi"ilOti rn! fi"r lo; E E se otresl'ng' Wlth use of oPw OvodlllSystems' the servlce, Allow6lant<to uo prugg-eoli|L-si'rfrg. - oxttactor6 6r€ easilyPlugged tortost|ng' "t7 v I Dlmensions ,A CC 3O sEcTroN 13413 DOI'BLE-WAI,L REINFORCED FIBERGLASS UNDERGROI'ND STORAGE TANKS PART I--GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. SCOPE: fl:ttt Tcrlt hou< s/r// r Th,t ttn/"rXraro{ /ly't.?j ts Ttr. aucr fr// VftD,ns, /sln ThL VtnTt, auer ft// /roTrc?oa fi/tr4/"tr. l" /1 f ,/t" 7 yq /ttt r - This section specifies double-walI type reinforced fiberglassunderground storage tanks for storing engine lubricating oi1. Thetanks shal1 be conpl-ete with anchors, accessories, leak-detectionsystem, and appurtenances. B. TYPE: Tank shaLl be of the cyJ.indrical horizontal double-wa11 typedesigned for installation below ground level and shalr be suiliurefor the storage of petroleun products. C. EQUIP!.IENT NUTITBERS: Item Eguipment No. Lube oiL storage tank Waste lube oi)- storage Lube oi1 storage tank Lube oiI storage tank tank leak detection alarm panelfoot valve extractor T33901 T33902 PNt33900 33L0S01 1.02 QUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. PERFORXANCE AND DESIGN REQUIBETITENTS: 1. GENERAL: Tank furnished under this section shalsuitable for underground installation and sha11 be capable oterm storage of petroleum products up to a maintained temperthe tank interior surface of I50 degiees F. rank shall bE dto operate at atmospheric pressure only and sha11 be ventedshown. Tank shall be chemically inert to petroleum productssha1l be capable of storing liquids with specific grivities 1. r. 2. LOADING CONDISIONS: Tanks shall be capable ofwithstanding surface E-20 axle loads (32,000 poundi) when installedas specified by the Banufacturer and in accordance lrith the installa-tion details sho$rn in the contract docuoents. Tanks sha1l be capableof withstanding an internal load of 5 psi with a five to one safityfactor. Ianks shall have a three to one safety factor.againstgeneral buckling when installed in a fuLly flooded hole ind buriedwith 7 feet of overburden on top of the tlnk. 1bef long-ature of es i gned AS. Tankup to 13 413-1 1.02 B. B. DESIGN REQUIREIENTS: Tank design reguirements are as follows: I 2 3 4 Noninal capacity, gallons lilax imum length, f eet Itlax imum dianeter, f eetAccessrray diameter, inches 1000 L24-t/2 22 C. STANDARDS: The following standards shall apply to tanks in this section: 1. ASTU Specification D4021-g1, Glass riber ReinforcedPolyester Underground petroleun Storage Tanks. 2. National Fire protection Association, NFPA 30, F1ammableand CombustibJ.e Liquids Code. 3. National Fire prolection Association, NFPA 3I, Standardfor Installation of OiI Burning Equipment. 4. t nderwriters Laboratories Inc., UL 1316, Glass FiberReinforced plastic Underground Storage ianf<! ioi----Petroleum products. A UL certification plate shall beattached to each tank. 5. Underwrit.ers Laboratories Inc. (UL) File fitE 799I, datedOctober 13, I985, for storage oi fiannable tiquids,-asupdated under UL follow-up iervice in 1etter 6i epiir a,1978. 5 . Facto ry Ir{u tual Fi 1e OFG Ag . AF . 7. National Sanitation Foundation Testinq Laboratorv.January 1984,_ listing of plastic fiping System C6mponentsand Rel.ated ltateriala, Standards f a- and f -S. 8. Iilitary Specification ttIL-T-527-17A, J!!y 6, tStorage, Underground, Glass Fiber Reinfo?ced p 9. Nationat ELectri.ca1 Code NFPA-70-87. D. I{ANUFACTURER'S QUATIFICATTONS: 978, Tanks,lastic. A11-fibergrass components items sha11 be the product of a firmregularly engaged in the design and fabrication of tirii-tyle ofcomponent. 13 413-2 1.03 1.03 PRODUCS SEIPPING, STORAGE AND EANDLING Un1ess otherwisehandling and storage conformance with t'Re of Reinforced pl-asti Plastics fndustry, Iand storage prior to 1.0.4 GSARANTEES specified by the manufacturer, shiooinoo! f iberslai" "p..iiiti""-"i,iir-i,;'i;""commended Practices for Shipping and Installationc Pipe, Duct, and Tanks,'. ti:i s5ciety oi tfrenc. Eguipment shall be protected duiing shippinginstallation in accorda-nce with se.ti"i 01605. An unconditional l-year guarantee aof the tanks under ttre ipeciiied desionin _ writing by the f iberg-1ass tank manrifthis period sha1l be relaired to the satank Eanufacturer, s expense. Manufactuguarantee against failure due to corros gainst the failure of any partconditions shal1 be supptiedacturer. Any failure duringtisfaction of the Owner at. therer shall provide a 3O-yearton. 1.05 StBurlTAlS A. GENERAL: 4 Catalog data and dirnensionalsensor systeto. drawings of tank level In accordance with paragraph 00710-3.04 and Section OI3OO,Contractor shall subnit t.he following: 1. 2. Catalog data and dirnensional drawings of the tank. Dinensional and installation data of the anchoring,strapping, and concrete anchor pad and backfillin!. Catalog data and dimensional drawings of leak alertdetector sys tem. the 3 5. Catalog data, construction, anmanholes, tank fittings and re imensional data of theed appurtenances . dd 1at PART 2.-PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS .Fiberglass tanks shalI be Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation,Series DI,iT, xerxes Incorporated, or equa1,-modifi6d a" n..t"a toprovide the features-and-performance 6f ttrese speciri-aiion". Leakdetection system sha1l-be D-Tech corporation, "i "q"ii, -*"dif:..a a.needed.to provide the features and plrformance of €hesespecifications. I3 4r3-3 2.O2 !.I.ATERIAIS A. GENERAL: Tanks and accessor ies Component 2.02 A. sha1I be as follows: llaterial TankFi1I tubes Anchor straps Flanged manway polyes t e r polyes t e r polyes t e r polyes te r Reinforced thermoset polyester shall be chemically inert to petroleun products. Fillers to the resin are not a1lowed. Threadedfittings shal1 be made of material that is consistent with the UL 1abe1 . B. SOLD-DOWN STR.&PS: NumbeG'-and location of hold-down straps shall be as specified by the tank manufacturer and as shown on the contract drawings. Hold- down straps shal1 be preshaped fiberglass reinforced polyester roaterial. Each strap shal1 be capable gf withstanding a buoyancy load of 25,000 pounds. Loops sha1I be resin coated with 9/15-inchradius. Wire cable shall be l/Z-).ncb diameter, stainless steel. Turnbuckle shall have diameter of 1-1/d inch. C. ANCEOR BOLTS, EYEBOLTS AND EARD}IARE: All anchor bolEs, eyebolts, Iifting lugs, fasteners' flangebolts, and niscellaneous hold-down hardware shalI be type 316 stainless steel . 2.O3 EQUIPI{ENT A. TANKS: All tanks shalI be of the cylindrical horizontal type and sha11 be supplied with the UL labeL permanently fixed to each tank. A11 tanks shal1 have a vertical fill line of sufficient diameter to a1lowinsertion of a tank level sensing device, a tank vent connection, supply and return connections, and a leak detection system. B. FITTINGS: Tanks shalL come equipped with extractor fittings and caps or wittrdrawaf fittings and caps. All fittings sha1l be able to $rithstand a minimum of 300 foot-pound of torque and 2000 pounds of bending. All threaded fittings shaIl be supplied rrith cast ironplugs. All threaded plugs shall have machine tolerances in accordance with the ANSI standards for each size. 13 4 t3-4 Reinforced thernoset Reinforced thernoset Reinforced thermoset Reinforced thernoset 2.03 C.r. C. ACCESSORIES AND APPURTENANCES: I. rri thstandingto one. Athe t caPac clrainshall wheel LIETING LUGS: Lifting lugs sha1I be capable of the weight of the tank with a safety factor of three 2. STRIKER PLATE: Each tank shal1 be supplied with striker plates located under all fill tubes. 3. PIPING SUttPS: A 48-inch diameter fiberglass piping sump sha1l be provided for installation on top of one nanway as shown on the drawings. Piping sumP sha11 be owens-corning, xerxes, or equa1, and shal1 be liguidtight after installation. D. FILL CONNECTION SUUP: f-11 connection surap shall be provided for installation around ank fill connection. Sump shall have a minimum 5 9a11onity, shal1 be liquidtight after installation, and shall have a with shutoff valve connected to the tank fill connection. Sump have a labeled watertight cover and shall be suitable for H-20 1oads. !4anho1es shaI1 be sized as shown on the drawings. l{anhof es shall be cast iron with reinforced nonskid dj.amond floor plate cover, cast iron frame, scr€ersr gasket and pu11 handle. lilanholes shall be rratertight. when closed and shal1 be suitable for E-20 wheel 1oads. E. ROIIND I,iANEOLES : 2.04 LEAK ATERT DETECTOR SYSTEU A. GENERAL: The double-wa11 fibergfass tank sha1l be provided.with Iiquid sensor Probes within the innular sPace betr"een the primary and secondaiy containment and within the piping sunp. Provide_an alarm panel and sensors as per nanufacturer's reconmendalions. The alarn !ane1 and sensors sha11 be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 11010. B. AIARI{ PANEL: The alarm panel shaII be a weatherproof panel suitable for outdoor installation. The panel sha11 provide common audio and individual visual alarms for each of the liquid sensors. The Panelshall be supplied by a single I20V AC Power suPPly. 13 413-5 C. IJIQUID SENSORS: Liouid probes rnus! fiE through 0.75-inch tank annular sPace' .ro"iiE-iJr-ii"iiUfi cabl.e attacf,nent through annular tank-sPace to !il;-;;;i,-ii!-olis:in.r, .inir"m liquid 16ver derecrion limir wirh iie.ia' tenPerature 32 degrees F to 120 degrees F' D. T,IONITORING WELLS: two groundwater tyPe ruonitoring wells consistinq of 5-inch aianeiir-sfotted PVC 'oi-sinitar pile sha1l be installed at opposite ;;*;;; of the tank eicavation ai directed by the county inspector' w.tii-lnirr extend I foot belor, bottom of tank excavation (or as directed by the county - inspector ) to surface and shall have lockable covers. 2.04 C. :.05 PRODUCT DATA In accordance erith paragraph 00710-4'02' the following items shalI be subnitted: 1. operation and uraintenance information' items I through 9 ( erhere aPPlicable ) ' 2. [lanufacturer's reconmendations for installation' PART 3.0r 3.-EXECUTION INSTALLATION I Tank eith all apPurtenances and pipino shalt be installed in accordance with manu?acturer's recommenda[ ions ' Installation' iMiie"".a-;;"*i;"i;;irg-ih.ir be in aceordance with Section 01660. 3.02 EESTING Double-wall tanks supPlied under this section shal] be factory testeal-iar w rlrs, at i-he following conditions: 1. Primary and secondaly tanks shal1 be air pressure tested .l-E-piil -tinxs strait be tested independentry' 2. Internal vacuum test on the prinary tank to maximum of 3 inches of mercurY ' After installation but before being covered' the tank and pipiii--ir,aii-u. t""i"d under the followinq conditions: I. PriEary and secondaly tanks sha1I be air pressure tested it s pii----tinxs srrair be tested independently' 1341.3-6 ,A 3.02 2. Pressure piping shall be tested to 150 percent of working Pressure ot- 75-psig, whichever is greater' After the tank has been covered and the installation completed, rhe tank anO piping "["ii-U"-iiir"a with. product. to. the highest point of delivery "la-pi6ciiiot iisted for leaklge bv testing P9r:9nne1 "ppio""a Ui ."-i-naipinaept testing laboratory. Results of the Ieakage test ifraf f L" subnitted t6 the Constiuction lr{anager. - Leakage rates measured in excess of 0.05 gal/hr wiLl not be acceptable' 3.03 MA}IUFACTT'RERtS REPRESENTATIVE The installation shall be checked' aligned' -tested and placed in op"rilio" uy ;];;i;rjltr"ir,"d represenrarive of the manufacturer, who shall fiII out and s"Urit-two-copie? of i'orm 11000-A in Section 01999. The factory t"pt.".tiative s-hall ?1!o provide training in accordance witn-Se'ctioir OfeeO and shall fill out and submit two copies of rorn-riooo-g in siction 01999. The Contractor shalL include in his bid all .o"ti-iisociated with providing-tle.services of the manufact"i"r;" fielcl-technician for a ninim'm of 4 hours' **END OF SECTION** ''1 :: I , -) 13413-7 "j' '''' 1 ccteT SECTION 119]- 3 UNDERGROUND RTP STORAGE TANKS E'ART I - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. SCOPE: This section specifies reinforced thermoset polyester (RTP) underground storage tanks for petroleum products, complete with tinchors, accessories, piplng and appurtenances. Tanks shall be of the cylindrical horizontal double-wall typg <iesigned for installation bel-ow ground level and shall be suitable for [fre storage of gasoline or diesel fuel. Reinforced thermoset polyester tanks shall- be Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation l,Iodel DWT-2P or equal. piping shal1 be 2, 3 or 4 inch with uL label 1isting,. that won,t ioften, cold-flow or ball-oon. Reinforced thermosetting :resin pipe shall be Red Thread rI by A.o. smith - Inland, oY equal. B. TYPE: C. EQUIPMENT LIST: Item Gasoline storage tank Dj-ese1 storage tank Equipment No. T37303 T37 304 L.02 OUALITY ASSURANCE A. PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: 1. GENERAL: Tanks supplied under this specification shal] be made of reinforced thermosetting plastic that is chemi- ca1ly lnert and suitable for underground installation. The tanks shali be capable of long term storage of petroleum _produc_ts up to a maintained temperature of the tanks interj-or surface of l-50 degrees F. the Lanks shal1 be designed to_operat" 3! atmospherlc prEssure only and store liquids ,it! specific gravities up- to i.f. Tanks ifratt be provided with fittlngs as shown. Tanks suppiied under this speclfication shall be factory tested at 5 psia internal pressure and pass a leak test with a fj-ve to one-saf6ty f actor Lefore delivery. The tanks shaIl have a 3 : I safety facto? against general buckling when they ar_e installed in a fu1ly fl6oded n6te and buried witn 7 feet of overburden on top of tank-. The tanks shalL be designed to withstand surface H-20 axle loads (32,OO0 lbs,/axle) when installed in accordance with the manufacturer I s instructions - 11913-1 t .02 A.2. 2. OPERAT]NG REOUIREMEIflTS: Gasoline. storage tank T37303Diesel storage-tanf--rsi ioi",i"lTyT nominal ""pi"itv,gallons: Approxlmate length, feet: 333I:Iiffi T.arafi et6r' -ieet : B. STANDARDS: The followinq stspecJ.ftcatlon: - andards shall apply to tanks 6,000 20 8 atmosphe ric in thls 1 2 3 4 5 3:t:;3:',i;:", !33:.i::.:;:. j3:, "l'li.Hil.li3,.fff i." . ili:ffi:;i.'a:;,IlEiff .iie,fi :"3:5:ion. NF,A 3o National Fire protection Association NFPA 30A,AutomobiLe and Marine Service Station Code. I;j;3::]""l:: fi:*ii:;1.i"::.iii,33;"Hi\ilipment. PetroLeum EquipmPractices for inStorage Systems. ent, fnstitute, Rp IO0_e5.sral_Lation of Underground Recorunend edLiquid 5 i:ry.:ff :'fi 5::;::"3i.;l;lli",fi ,si:,:;:.,i"ff ", n f orced _- AJ-fj RTp items shall be the product censased rn t[e-aesltn ana r"uii6]iiJi".it.ir5tl]n:"#rii:il. 1.03 SUBMTTTALS C. MAI.IT]FACTURER'S QUALIFICATTONS: A. GENERAL: Submittals shall coms.ctio,,-6 i : oti'liu'i'"fll,]}|nri!;;gi:Bl. o o 7 1 o- 3 . o 4 . 1 11913-2 1.03 A.2. Complete installation drawings to be reviewed by the Owner's representative and the South Salt Lake CityFlre Department. Obtain required permlts prlor to commencement of any work. 3. Completed EPA Form 7530-1 (11-85), Notificatlon for Underground Storage Tanks, which shal1 be filed withthe Utah State Division of Environmental Hea1th. 4. Calculations showing buoyancy restraint capacity andload strength (stamped and signed by a Utah P.E. ) B. WARRANTY: Provide manufacturer's standard 30 year warranty againstexternal- and internal- corrosi-on and structural fa11ure. C. LEAKAGE TEST REPORT: Each RTP tank shall be subjected to a pressurized hydrostaticleakage test prior to shipment to the job site. A report on theleakage tests shaIl be submitted in duplicate by the Contractorhe Construction Manager. As a minimum, the report shal1 con-date and time of test, names of witnesses present during the , step-by-step test procedures, test results, and any correc-action taken by RTP fabricator, if required. D. QUALITY CONTROL TEST REPORTS: Certified copies of Rtp tank manufacturerrs routine qualitycontrol tests, including tensile and flexural strength, glasscontent, resin quality, and l-aminate water absorption sha]l besubmitted by the Contractor to the Construction Manager prior tofinal acceptance lnspection. 1.04 PRODUCT SHTPPING, STORAGE AND HANDLING Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, shipping, handling and storage of RTP specialties shall be in conformancewith "Recommended practices for Shipping and InstaLlation ofRelnforced plastic pipe, Duct, and Tanks," the Society of thePlastics Industry, fnc. PART 2 _ PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. GENERAL: 2 Tank Manway risers Anchor straps Below grade plpe Vent pipe Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced GaLvanized thermoset polyester thermoset polyester thermoset polyester therrrosetting resinsteel tottaintesttlve 11913-3 2.01 A. Rej.nforced thermoset plJyester shall be chemically lnertto petroleum products- ririlrs-to tiiJ-.esin are not alrowed.Threaded fittinos shart be *"a" oi riilerrar that is consistentwith the UL Iab;I . B. MANWAY RISER: Provide 48" f .D. x 30" manway rlser at locations lndicated. C. ANCHOR STRAPS: Provide RTp straps for each tank shown. Number and locationof straps shall be as.specifiea uy Ii,.-r.nufacturei.---i.Ji-"trapshall be capable of wit-hstanaing 'tfre Uuoyancy 1oad for-th" =p"-cified tank-diameter (8'-o- - 2s,ooo lbs). Straps shal-l besupplied by the tank manufacturer. D. ANCHOR BOLTS, EYEBOLTS AND }IARDWARE: all anchor bo1ts, eyebolts, lifting 1ugs,- fasteners, flangebo1ts, and miscellaneouS irora-down-iruiErure sha11 be lii,rinir.asteel unless otherwise ind icated . E. BED AND BACKFILL MATERTAL: _ .Type as indicated on_the drawings and as speclfied lnDivision z, and in accordance with rianufacturei; i -=p..iiications . F. RELATED WORK: Concrete and concrete work shall be as shown and as specifiedin Division 3. 2.02 EQUTPMENT A. TANKS: all tankstype of doublUnderwriterstank. Tanksthree (3) 4-i f i11,, withdra Labora sha1l shalle wall nch NP w1 , an be of the spherlcal or cylindrical horizontalconstructlon, and shall -be supplied with thetory Inc. 1abe1 permanentJ-y fii6a to eacfr !"Yg lTo (2) uL approved zz-incb manways with'r rrrtlngs per manway. Fuel tanks shall haved vent Lines as shown on the drawings. Gasoline. storage tanks sha1l be equipped with a coaxial vaporrecovery system. B. RETNFORCED THERMOSETTING RESIN PTPE: . llpe shall be premanufactured in manufacturer,s nominal_-lengths. Joints shall be made using the threaded and bondedJoinlng system. In the 2-inch diam5ter, pipe sha11 have--a-cycfic 11913-4 operatlng pressurestrength of 8,670 Dadhesive kits for i ofsi 11 2.O2 B. 300-psig at ISO.F and hydrostatic desiqnat 7s' (ASTM D2992, pro-cedure al. -pi.ifO" necessary j olnting. p P Seal Adaptor 2" A.O. Snith Red Thread Ircoupling to connect pipe to C. FITTTNGS: Tanks shal1 come equlpped wlth f111 .1tne fittings and capsand withdrawl flttings-anb'cups.--ari-irttrngs shal1 be able towithstand a mlnimum 5r soo roi,t_po"na-s-fr t"iq""--."a 5]066*root_p?"ld: of bending. AII. threadea-ii-ttings shal1 be supplied withcast.lron p]uss. Ar-r threadeo pruss-siiiir-ii"". ;;.;HE't;i"ru"_ces in accordance wlth the eNsr'i[inai.is roi;";h-;i;;.--- Fittings shal1 be equal to the following: Opw 23 vent Caps, size as indicated.r-r/2" Opw 1o-R-Emergency shut-off var.ve at each dlspenserTeleflex Flexib1e Coineciors, where lndicated4" FilI pipes & vapor Recoveiy ripe,-l;;;il;-"= required Fittings at Diesel Tank:4' OPW 51-T Drop Tube OpW 6 3 3-T-719 5 To 4 r' OPW 6 3 4 -TT Top SeaI Ca Fittings at casoline Tank : D. ACCESSORTES AND APPURTENANCES: OP w 233 SDL-0120 Float Vent Valve _ Extractor AssemblyOPW 51-TCS Coaxial Drop Tube OPW 5 3 3-TC Coaxial edapter OPW 534-TT Top Seal Capx 4" OpW IG1I-AVB vapoi Recovery AdaptorOPW 17 L 1-T Cap 1. LfFTING LUGS: Liftinq luqs sha11 be capable ofwithstanding the weight of the tiir<-ri*: a safety i;;t;; Ji tr,.."to one. 2. STRIKER PLATE: Each tank wl1l be supplied with astrlker plate at least 3./16 incrr tirict<'of a suitabre nonsparkmetal and of sufficient size una ou.iroi; i"-;;;-."p"Iiiil" tr."tthe dip stick cannot strike tire tinr<-waii .ir-tr.,I irSili'r"' TANK VENT: Vent shaIl be 2,, A.O. Smith Red Threadfittings, vertical riser sha1l Ue icf:eAj"l" +o gii""_ Pump discharge line shall- bepipe and fittings. Use victaulicsubmersibLe pump. .._.. . rI pipe andnized plpe. 't t o12_tr Horizontal vent linestank. 2.02 D.3. sha1l slope min. L,, lrt IO ft. back to a minimum of G" ofe buried 18" minimum., use water for Provide Opw 84 Spill Contalners at104-A 9' x 7-]-/2,, cast iron manhole cont i-nuous lnco r -Class I, etect inge of the ipped t ( t t t t ( t ( ( t t t t t ( ( ( ( ( I ( t t ( ( ( t ( ( t e ( ( ( ( ( ( Backfill around aI1 fiberglas lines wclean washed sand after testiig. Lines tDo not use compactor for lines-and trenchsettling trenching for Lines. ithob ing tank cove r 5gallons ,provided. 4. MANHOLE COVERS:fill pipes, provide opwat vapor recovery pipe. . MISCELLANEOUS: A wooden sounding qage calibrateda valve wrench and fill and withdrarif -U5x shatl be t-n Each tank shal1 be provided with a direct reading gaugecalibrated in gallons mechanically linked to an inteinii-iioat 911 3s;e1Ufy.. cauge to be mounted in a horizontal posfii-n anArocated in a tank manway. E. LIQUID SENSOR: Each tank shal_I be provided with an electronic type1eak. detection system. The leak detectj-on system shiilporate a thermal element sensing probe desigired to meetDivision I, Groups C and D requir6ments and-capable of dthe. presence. of- any l_iquid migrating to the anirular spacdouble wall tanks. Alarm box-sha1l_-be NEMA + and be Lguwith both audible and visual alarms. _ . Provide Tankgard-Leak Detection System as manufactured by MSAInstruments, or equal . provide one liguid sensor per tank. PART 3 - EXECUTTON 3. O1 INSTALLATION The tanks shall be installed and tested in place with aI1appurtenances and piping by a contractor trained by the tankmanufacturer and in accordance with NFpA pamphlets-30, 3OA, 31,the PEr publication Rp 100-86 and the manufaiturer's instructions. A11 install-ati.on and testisentative of the South Salt LaContractor sha1l be responsiblthe S. S. L. C. Fire Department. hall- be observed by a repre-ity rire Department. The schedul-e coordination with ngs keCeto 11913-5 3. 01 IhE Contractor shal] provlde to the Constructlon Managera wrltten statement lndlcating the system is installed wiEhoutleaks.and per.the-above referenced slandards, anil slgned by thebuildlng or fire department offlcial who witnessed tf,e test. 3.O2 FIELD ASSISTANCE The Contractor shall provitle a factory trained field engineerat the site to assist ln the installation- and testing of theunits and for the Ownerrs operatiog personnel as to Lhe propermethod of operation and maintenance procedures. Times oi aifvisits sha11 be arranged with the Construction Manager. ** END OF SECTION ** 11913-7 FaciritvName C-*u^+o,^. I l/o.lt"o, rx,^{&( streetRaoreE Boo rn6i ar^;l Wlt"r' pS Zip cdde Certificate of Compliance on City Statet.,T I date:ration ownetNamec?Alt {,m^ I Vnlle^t txlr^Lur Zlla> Phone # loO T Code At,J t City Area Code Phone Number .a No )No 6;I r.r.,Tank listed on Certificate of Comoliance m No rA NoTank oresentlv in use lf not in use. date last used \ th4 |lf not in use. deoth of oroduct in tank (in inches)I'rqqo tqa,iV 1o nL uqffi l"rr)o lqtoe lw) D\ese-i USet Dt A,fe{r^Oil Frz?-7?€(.) I Dp,[Jt-Tgv-7e7 ac aO c) {{/ 0#J il"{ d";t fld|L. 5ou flnno'1 n Line Tiohtness Testino ,rf Vaoor fulonitorino Grorrndwater ilrlonitr LI lnterstitial Monitorin I Statistical lnventorv (mdilh, day, yqr, tm) Representative Present During lnspection Comments: Y U ?rcertify that I have tnspected the above-named facility on v Signature of Owner Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner !-Dr^/ B d \ru^ V Ailtamalic I ina I aak Detector Othar 2nnr vad ma hrrt /i nrticaio "^t[VA,'.i.JSYI lnspector's Set I Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) Automatic Shut-off Device (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) Continuous Alarm System (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) Records of last Line Leak Detector performance test available on-site Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Leak Detector performance test Result of last Line Leak Detector performance test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Set 2 Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Tightness Test Result of last Line Tightness Test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlR] (if yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site No( Yeg ffi ii i t ia,L:La!,t:,iaaaaiLii!.t-tl-ll::itillLalrrlrl :it:it:iitii!itiit::Eiii::itilii!:i!ir!i!!i!ii:!i : : : (ved No f€} No No Date of last Line Tightness Test + Result of last Line Tightness Test FailGT Fail€^J Fail /(\ (,is$Fail(6 Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation ISIR] (if yes, use SIR checklist) Yes No Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No Slope ol piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction released Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, use comrnents section Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No /s Representative Present During lnspection Ins;pectols Signature: Signature of Owner Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner iilii'tl,..f#F-i:iffitlll .l-Ttt lqq - I ffi$;.l1i111 'giYes No I I :i:liijfjfrfliiiiiiiiiff.rrrjiiiiiiiiiiitl:rriii II Yes No ,^^6m^^t6. ul Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers ol no more than 25 gallons at one time. lf yss, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes @ Yes @ @8 @@ ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment?@ (*,I No No6 An overfill prevention device is installed on the tank. lf yes, indicate the typo of device in the space below. Yes @ I Yes @) I Yes @ Yes (D Ball Iloat valve {in venl lina) tAutomatic Shutoff valve fin fill oioe) Overfill Alarm Other Svstem (soecifu tvoe)I Yes No Yes No Yes No l Yes NoFor overlill alarm only: ls th€ alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes Yes NoFor overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Yes No T!d( No@ 6'* ," Tar* No€a NoG.'* \ LfiE G)No No ^ IJEG .- LkE G)No Um NoG Tanks and/or lines are made ol a noncorrodiblo material (such as fiberglass) or are made of steel clad with a nonconodible material. lf yes, cathodic protection is not required. No,". t'\ No Tert ves I T6nk Yes i No No Tltl v". / Yes No ,{ Yes Lht No L Yes Tanks and/or lines are made of unprotected bare steel and were installed prior to May 7, 1985. lf yes, calhodic Protection is required on or by December 22, 1998.iE No lndicate type of cathodic protection: lmpressed Current (lC) or Sacrilicial Anode (SA) The results of the last two cathodic protection tests ars available. (Tests are required within six monlhs of installation and every three years thereafter). Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Ta* volts Tar* volts T! volts Tartk volts Results (in volts) of most recent cathodic protection test. Name of person who performed test:_ Test Date: Um volts Ure volts Lhl volts Ure volts Yes Yes Yes No , on", A,,/, /ft Yes No Signaturo of Owner or Owner's Representrative Present During lnspector's S For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every Distribution: White-DERB, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ......Feeiiiiy;:;i i.fiu Spill,Protection phac6i te litlliiln6, $fi.ffi:$ffii.i :;il,ttsga li tidt,stx!$,.as.i ltfte tacltly ffi,'iloretis!4 tanks,, 0, i :I*o connoSroN PHdtEctiUN Tqnlr I Taab )TqnL A Aqalr l- i tto Yes No t k I lo i {o This method ol leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tightness testing. lf the UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping are protected lrom corrosion and that spill and overfill prevention devices have been installed) the tank needs to be tightness tested annually. lf the UST is upgraded the tank noeds to be tested every live years. lnventory records must be kept for each operating day. NoG)No6")NoG)Record of last Tank Tightness Test available on-site NoG] Date ol last Tank Tightnoss Test rF Fail@ Fail@ Fail@ Fail@Result of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correcl the problem. Has DERR been notified? Tank Tightness Testing method Documsntation of performance claims for the Tank Tightness Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection and 5% or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certification) No@ Yes Yes Yes Yes@@ Name and company of tank tightness tester:Utah Tester Certification Number: UT lnventory volume measuremsnts for regulated substance inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are recorded each operating day Yes @ Yes @ Yes @li-rventory is reconciled monthly (sum ol daily overages and shortages for each ' month is less than 1% of tank's flow through volume + 130 gallons) Yes G flf no, which months were not? (specify month and yea| No@ NoG)No@ No@lnventory Conhol records are maintained and available lor the past 12 months for each tank No(D No@No&NoGRecords include monthly waler monitoring to the nearest 1/8' Yes (@ Yes @ Yes 6)Yes (EMonthly water readings are used to adiust monthly inventory balances No@ No@ No@ No@Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available lor review Yes @ -AYes_ (N9 Yes. O Yes GI Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate documentation The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one loot ol tank bottom Owner/operator can explain inventory control methods and figures recorded Books appear used and evidence of recent entries is apparent ffi No /a)No @ NoOwner can demonstrate acceptable gauging techniques (f")NoThe gauge stick is long enough to rsach the bottom of the tank aa NoThe ends of ths gauge stick are flat and not worn down The gauge stick is mafied legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the tull range of the tank's intemal height During lnspection No t Date: RepresentativeSignature of Owner or lnspector's Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner UTAH U$ff i:. PBO G* RA Miiii .iiiiiPnHllt}i;::IH, Tank And lnventory Control Please clrclo Y€s or No for each quostlon for each tank Use additional trcrms as necossary il moro than four tanks. Xanli..I:T.nk 2 tchk 3 tanx {ffiNl( l6llTf.lESS.trEgTIhIG Tanlt','l Trnt2,Tank $II.IVEN'ORY CONTHO.I Tcnt.,it @ (E (v,"/ Mt G"U &^("')fu. Please circle Yes or No for each question YD @ .t q Automatically: continuously ( )Automatically: on a monthly basis Manufacturer and name of monitoring system lnterstitial space is monilored (Check one): ( ) Manually on a monthly basis Date system System is capable of detecting any release of stored regulated substances from any portion of the primary tank or piping within one month of the release @ No Documentation ol performance claims is available (third pafi certification)?YeS No lnstallation records are available on-site (manufacture/s checklist)@ No Maintenance and calibration documents and records are available and indicate appropriate maintenance procedures for ths system have been implsmented @ No It observation wells are part ol release detection system, observation wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tampering (answer lor each well) Tank is fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring Yes No .MIE"T. I anK:I ' @*o Yes No @*o Yes No =---ffi,,iffi ,ii.iiiiir*ihk:3jiir,. @F Yes No EffiTffi ;lirHah.k,,i[ri;1;'.. @GE- lndicate typo of secondary containment for tank (double-walled, internal bladder, lined excavation, etc.)Dtt-l D^J s*Jr""*€# Product lines are fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring 6*o G*o @*o No@ lndicate type of secondary containment for lines (double-walled, lined excavation, etc.)P\-U D.,ll DX-LJ D^J Documentation of monthly readings is available for the last 12 months @*o @*o 6ro NoG} Monitoring box, if present, is operational (mark for each tank)@*o @*o (@ ruo No@ lf monitored manually, equipment used to take readings is accessible and functional @*o @*o @r.,o NoG I ll the tank is fitted with an internal bladder: The bladder is compatible with substance stored and-will not deteriorate in the presence of that substance ves@ ves@ ves @ ve$o Excavation is lined with an impervious artificial material (if yes, answer the following questions): Secondary barrier is always above groundwater Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ll the secondary barrier is not always above groundwater, secondary barrier and monitoring system are designed lor use under such conditions Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary banier is constructed from artificially-constructed material and will allow permeation at a rate of no more than 1 0{ cm per sec for the regulated substance stored Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is compatible with the regulated substances stored and will not deteriorate in presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is non-corrodible or protected lrom corrosion Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is situated outside the 25 year floodplain Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Groundwater, soil moisture, and rainfall will not adversely affect the liner's ability to collect and contain regulated substiances or the ability of the selected release detection methods to oporate effectively Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No t@ IDate Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspecto/s Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnsp€ctor, Pink-Facility/Owner E*tlii#r lfi*l'IIfAH tt$#.nnocHAM,. :..'..:. .iiiiiiiiri Interstitial i, Plea*e clrcle,Yes 6r No fol,each question for ch iank :r Tafik,,8 6bl ftl Manual tank gauging may be used as the sole method of release detection for tanks of 1,000 gallons or less or in combination with tank tightness testing for tanks from 1,000 to 2,000 gallons. Manual tank gauging cannot be used for tianks over 2,000 gallons. ll there are more than two tanks utillzlng Manual Tank Gauging at this facility, use additional forms as necessary. Tank 1 Tank 2Please circle Yes or No for each question Manual Tank Gauging is used as sole method of release dslection lor the tank 6'Yes Yes G,) No@ No€,Manual Tank Gauging is used in conjunction with tank tightness testing (lI yes, indicate test method and tester name in comments section below.) 4ltt lqs +lf tank tightness testing is required, what is the date ot the last test? NoG'No@Tank for which Manual Tank Gauging is used is under 2,000 gallons in capacity Yes @ Yes @Records show liquid level measuremsnts are taken (weekly) at the beginning and end of a period of at least 36 hours during which no substance is added to or removed from the tank Yes @ Yes @Level measurements are based on th6 gyglgg of two consecutivs stick readings at both the beginning and end of the period *fia No No6)The difference between the beginning and end measurements is recorded in gallons Yes @ Yes @The diflerence between the beginning and ending readings is less than the weekly standard shown below lor the appropriate tank size Yes @ Yes @Monthly average of the weekly differences is less than the monthly standard shown below for the appropriate tank size No@ NoGll a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to rsach the bottom of the tank. The ends of gauge stick are flat and not wom down No@No@lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range of the tank's internal height Yes @ Yes e)Any other measuring equipment used is capable ol measuring the level of stored substance over the full range of the tank's height to the nearest 1/8 ol an inch No@ No@Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurements to gallons and is available for review NoG'('")NoMonitoring records are available for the last 12 month period l$ ( 550 Gal 551 Galto 1,000 Gal 1,000 GaU48" 1,000 GaU64" 1,001 Galto 2,000 Gal 10 9 9 12 26 5 7 4 6 13 36 36 44 58 36 No No No No Yes TnJLi i /r l.too- ' Representative Present During nala. ail b /.ala*, Signature of Owner or lnspector's Signatu Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ,,,.,..,....,,.,,, WAg USf pnb-enAM,,.,., ,.,,,,...iit,..:, ,,,. , ,,,,...1...,ti.f'til.*.ti: t week$ TC$t Standar.drrrr::: ,i,,,,,,,,,:i.[Gat]. ...l::::., :: ::: I ii:::::iiili l: T€Ct lengin 'ttJoui$I ,,,,,,:i:fgst '. .Re,quired.iiiii Check One: ::,l: l' ..1..1,,.,...ra t Sltrj;.....,,.,.,,,... (ceFa.llyrDlEmttor} Tonk Detoils El Tonk Size El Tonk Producl E splt<e Sotutton [] uonl!olds fl suu Pump El Monwoys Mop Check list E Piping Locolions ! Dispensers ldoniifi€d I Venl Plpes E Flll Locoilons fl sitc wett El Ground Coverings Lobelcd E Numbercd Probe Locollons E Moniloring W€lls EI North Direclion SEARCH TEST Job ff: Technlcion : Client : s-950 424 John L Petro T ech. lnc. brum 4/24/e5Somple Dote4/ 1o/e5Spike Dote Site Nome : Address : ${,RY!,- city : Ce nlro I Solt Loke City c.otion FoVollev Wlr Reclom -11OO South800 w Slote : Utoh TI T2 1A _l o o o o concrele Gentral Ualley Water Reclamation Facility ospholt gross Lines ore obove ground beyond these points T1 = Tonk 1 1,000 gollons Used Oil 1202 9ross 12 = Tonk 2 1,000 gollons New Oil 121 1 1 inch - 10 -fl. Deolh To Woler ot: SpilinsPl 1' Somplinfl 11 Number Of Probes ) ) t' 1A,I ) Tonk Deloils E lonk Size B Tonk Producl E) Sptt c Solullon fl Monllolds E sru Pump El Monwoys Mop Check lisl El riping Locollons D Dlspcnsers ldcnlified [} Vcni Plpes E Fltl Locollont D sltc wctt E Ground Coverings Lob€lod E Numborcd Probe Locolions E Moniloring Wclls E North Oiroclion SEARGH, S-950424 TEST Technicion: John brum Job # 4/ 1o/esSpike Dote 4/24/s5Somple Dole Sile Nome Address E{xt*,- city Soll Loke City Cenlrol Volley Wt 800 West 3100 Soulh r Reclomotion Foc Slote : UtoDeolh To Woler ol: Spit<in*1 1' Somplin*l 1' oc 1(, T5 = Tonk 3 6,000 gollons Diesel AG1 07qgrovelq T4 = Tonk 4 6,000 gollons Un leoded 121 1 grovel ospholl rood grovel grovel VENIS q 6 l-hb E-$r O-lrr aoc 1(, 1 inch - 10 ft J\T @o0 @o concrele 1 Number 0f Probes ) ) Client: Petro Tech. lnc. o o