HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006478Gary Astin <gastin@utah.gov> Re: new testing requirement? 1 message Gary Astin <gastin@utah.gov> To: Ed Tucker <ed@magnawater.com> Mon, Jul 3,2017 at 2:53 PM By October 2018 you will have to start doing leak detection on your tank, and you will have to start doing leak detection on the piping if the piping is "US Suction". lf the piping is "safe suction", you don't have to do leak detection on the piping. I don't remember if you currently have an automatic tank gauge or other monitoring system on the tank. lf you don't, your options for leak detection on the tank would be to do Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR), Manual Tank Gauging (MTG), Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG), or lnterstitial Monitoring (lM). SIR and MTG are leak detection methods that don't require installing a monitoring system. You can stick the tank manually, then send your stick readings to a vendor who does a monthly statistical analysis on the data (SlR), or do a weekly and monthly reconciliation yourself (MTG). Because your tank is 1000 gallons, MTG may or may not be a viable option, depending on the diameter of the tank. lf you don't want to stick the tank manually, you could install a monitoring system (tank gauge) and do monthly leak tests (ATG) or monitor the tank interstitial space monthly (lM). You can only do lM on the tank if it is double-walled. lt is reported to be a double-walled steel tank, so if that is correct, you should be able to do lM on it. lf you do have a tank gauge or other monitoring system now, you should be able to do ATG or lM on the tank. Forthe piping, whetheryou have US suction orsafe suction depends on the location of the checkvalve orfootvalve in the piping. lf the valve is near the tank (US suction) it would prevent the fuel in the piping from draining into the tank if the piping has a leak and the suction is lost. lf the check valve is near the upper end of the piping (safe suction), the fuel in the piping would drain back into the tank if there is a leak in the piping and suction is lost. So the first thing to do is determine where the check valve is. lf it is at the top, and if the piping slopes back to the tank so any product in the line will drain back into the tank, you have safe suction piping and don't have to do leak detection on it. lf it turns out to be US suction, you need to do a line tightness test on it every three years (starting October 2018), or you can do monthly monitoring- SIR works for the piping as well as the tank, or lM. lf you do lM, you would need to use a monitoring system to get a sensor status printout monthly, or you could do visual checks of the piping sump each month. There are different options, and it is hard in an email do give you all the info you might need to make a decision. lf you have any other questions, let me know. For the piping it all depends on whether it is safe or US suction; for the tank, it will be your decision on cost, etc. On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 al8:02 AM, Ed Tucker <ed@magnawater.com> wrote: Gury, I was just looking at the Utah Tank News this morning and reading about the new testing that you mentioned may be coming up soon. Looking at the email you sent me with some information on our tank back in March. If I am understanding correctly we may be exempt from Testing requirements? Can you verify for me? Thanks Ed Tucker The State of (Itah adopted the new Federal Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations effective January t, 2017. One of the provisions oTide nau regulations is that emergrnry grY"rotor (EGEN) tanl<s are no longer deferred from leak detection requirements. This means that by October I 3 , 20 I 8 all underground emergency generator tanl<s are required to begin tank and product pipe leak detection. A summary of these requirements follows: .All USTs installed before October l, 2008, can use a monthly tank leak detection method described in the Federal Registeri 40 CFR 280.43 (d) through (i). Any UST installed after October l, 2008, must use monthly tank interstitial monitoring (IM). . Pressurized product pipe installed on an EGEN tank before October l, 2008, may use any method of piping leak detection approvedfor UST piptng including conducting an annual pipe tightness test or performing monthly IM. Pressurized pipe installed after October I, 2008, must use monthly IM. All pressurized piping must also install an automatic line leak detector and test it annually. . Owners of EGEN tanks with safe suction piping systems should provide documentation to the DEHR that there is only one check valve located directly below the day-tank and the piping slopes enough that product can drain back to the tank. Safe suction systems are exemptfrom testing requirements. . Owners using U.S. suction piping systems should provide the DERR with the estimated elevation difference between the bottom of the UST and the day-tank. In addition, the location and operation of any check valves or solenoids integrated into the day tank, product piping and UST should be identified. The DE&R will work with both you and your installer to ensure that the system design will meet the new requirements. From: Gary Astin [mailto: gastin@utah.gov] Sent: Thursday, March 09,20L7 1:52 PM To: Ed Tucker Subject: Re: CP Test Recodrs Thanks for your help with the underground tank compliance inspection this morning. I looked in our file and found that the original (1990) notification form for the tank said it was double walled steel, and the piping, which was steel at that time, was suction with check valve at tank (which would be US Suction). ln 1998 or 1999 the piping was replaced with the current flexible piping and the notification form at that time said the piping was suction with no valve at tank (safe suction). I don't know how accurate any of this information is, but it may help. I also entered your email address into our data base, so you should start getting the general emails we send out. ^ Gary Astin I Environmental Scientist 801.536.4103 (office) | 801.359.8853 (fax) '195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116f, & lJ o*o,ooo"**rAL il*sPot{$[-WT ,\ PEMEOIAT ION1lAI. Emails to and from this emailaddress may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. Access to the soil directly ovsr tha protected structure that is being evaluated must be provided" A sila drawing depicting the U$T cathodic protection systern and all reference electrode placements must be cornpleted, n pAss All protected slructurB$ at this faclllty pass the cathodic prot€ction survsy and lt been providod lo the usr systam (indicata all criteria applicabla by cornpletion ls judgad that adequate cathodic protec,lion has of Section Vlll). E FAIL ons or mor8 protsctod structure-s al this facility fall the cathodic prolection survay and it is judged that adsquats cshodicprotection has not b6en provlded to the UST sTstem (cornpl€te bed,bn lR. INCONCLUSIYE and the local dO not both indicate the sarn6 tasl result on all proteclod structures {bolh pass or both lail), v[].indicatad end the must b6 gvaluated andlor conducted by. a corosion (complats j t. ff NoNE I nsrpsr fJ nsrrun & RETEST Cathodic orotecticn is adeguate. No further action is necessary al lhis time- Test again by no hrer than (sea Section V). calhodic Protection may nol be adequale. Fietesl during the next g0 days to determine il passing resulls can be achieved. Cathodie Protection is not adequate. Repairlmciciification is necessary as soon as practical but within the naxt 90 days. NAltlE: tADDBESS: STATE: ..TESTEH'S NAME:tlE clrY: CO}IPA$Y NAME:ouv14 ADDRESS: r*s:;ar* $r PHoT,TENUMBER, g {/ 3{fr 017/ fo #aytr NAME:, DAEXPIFATION 3 AODfiESS: CITY:courrv: f,/, CP TESTEBS CEBTIFICATION NUMBER: - 3.year next cathodic E Roqtin€ * wlthln 6 months of installailon survey must be conducted by [ "90.day re-survey altar fail wilhin 6 months ot Fle-survay ater repak/modificdtion & evory B CP TESTEB'S SIGNATUBE:7 DATE CP SURVEY-PERFORMED: Tha b€must and/or watualBdconducled conosionsuryeyby tvhen:8&ert inconclusiire tsa)sincB borh th€andloca,struclur€-to-soilremole do nol lh€tn sameresult otJtCOme both0rpass b)a16plpins conducted c)and/or withoul an n PAss I_J FAIL ,dll protected structrJ.€s at this facility pass lhs cathodic protecdon survey and it baen prrovided ir rhe usr'systorn (indicato ail criteria appticaure rycbmpraton is judged that adequato cathodic pDt€ation has of Section Vlll). orOna mor€at'thisstructures failprotscted ths.cathodicfacility and ISirprotectionsurvey thatjudged calhodicBdsguat6nothasbeenihsloUSTprotectionprovidedlvhatsystsm(indicato lsaction ofbynBc6ssarycompletion Ssction tx). COFIFIOSION EXPERT'S NAME COMPANY NAtdE: ' struclure-lo-soil potential more negalive than -850 mv wilh respecilo a cu/CuSO1 rgfereBce.electrod'e with protec{ive ctrent850 OFF temporarily intenupted (rhis criterion is apfmaut" oniy ro-rr,llJ-gatvanic systemsifiere rhe anooes can be disconnected)... Siruclure tesled exhibits at teast .i00 my o, dathodic polarizaiion fihis criterion is applicable to gatvanic systams where |helO0 mV POLABIZATION 1ne6g5 can .be lemporarily discohnected) "u' r rr dPPr&aurs re I Tl Struclure.t$,soil potential more negative than -€50 mV with respebt lo a l cunent applied flhis criterion is appticabte to any galvanir:ally irotected Cr-t/CuSOr struclure). relerence elecirode r^ilh the protec{he NACE IITI'ERNATIONAL CEFTIFICATIoN: CORBOSION EXPERT'S S,Gl,,lATUhE: NAC€ INTEBNANONAL CEBTTHCATION NUME€R: DATE: 850 0N vANrc {sAcRtFIctAL ANGDE} CATHODTC pF ON SVSTEM EVALUANO Utah DEQ Underground Storage Tank N frogrqm GAL t TANK# ! Bemarks/Other FLEX CON}IECTOBSPIPINGTANKSPBODUCTCAPACI'Y lp $ps--strtkrre# I{JissstI 2 3 4 5 6 7 o I 10 baioarsormadearereguhed designedCertalnnecessary.repairdmodrlicahom tr $upplemeniat anodes ior a sti-Pgo tank (attac*r conosion elgert's d*ign or docum€nllon ihdustry sundad was follomd). E]wasstandardooroslonor fdbwtsd).ddcumontioil tndustryloranodssexpsrt's designpipB(attacfimstallbStrpplamental E Galvanically protected tankJpiping not eleetrically isolatod (explain in "BemqrkslOthst" below). or use sPace and indicdle T,,here lhe olec.trode wtss ptaced tor eacll skuclur*.lo-soi, Poleilial thal lhe tollovring: All tanks, piping and dispensers; is recorded on lhe survey lorms, Any padinsnt data rnust also be included. At a mlnimurn You should hdicatir At buildinoE Bnd stteels; All anodes and wlres; slalions; Each reiererre eleclrode placement musl be indbated by a code (1,2, T'i,) conesponding tlilh lhe approptiatE lin€number ln Sec'tlon Localion of CP lgst XIV ot tliis form, AN EVALUATION OF THE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT AN ACCEPTABLE SITE DRA$'III{G.x: { nt' I A COMMENTS: 1 Describe the eathodically-prolscted structure that you are attempting to demonsttate is isolaled from unprol€cted strucfures (o.g, prem. tank).2 Describe the unprotected structur€ that you ar€ attBmpting to dsmonstrata is isolaled from lhe proteci€d structure (e.9. premium tank fill3 *':ord the measured structua-tosoil potential o, tha cathodical,y protected structure {"A"i in millivolts (s.g. -S21 mV}.a :ord lhe measured structure-to-soil potential o, lhe unprotected strlrcturo i'B') in millivolts (e.9. -9.tS mV). 5 Becord th8 vo,tage observsd betlveen th6 prolectsd and the unprotacled strudures whsn conducling point-to-point testing FACILITY NAME:eomplBte udass all appIcatie parts * S€c{ons IXIV ar6 alsoNOTE:Iha survay is rlrt bEscFtB: LocATloN oF -FrxEo FEMorE" REFEFENCE €LaDTBoDE pLAcEMEr,tri STRUCTUBE.'A" I STRUCTUBE "8" 2 STFUCTURE'A" M(ED,BEMOTE VOL'AGE STEUCTUR€- Frrao gEIUgrE VOLTAGE POT{T.TSPOINT CONTINUOUS' ISOLATEP,I / 6 cell to the stfucturs or (a.9" 17mV). risor). VOLIAGE Jlv l.lolE. ThB su/vay ls ool comFblo ur{oss all appllcable Pads o, oac'tlons I - XIV ar€ abo complelsd FACIUTY NA'IIE: R EFEFE'{CE.ELECTAODE PLACEMENI:D€SCRIBELOCATIbN Of REMOTELOCALFEFERENCE CELL PLACEi'ENT.CONTACTPOINT!2STRUCTUHE CODE *tfr fr*tl-iwW It-r77V*,r,| Fr {{'r7/v COMMENTS: I 2 3 4 3 6 T-2, connector; P.1,.1T P-2...e|c.).electrode 1,2,3...'bcaIsach reference placement {e.g.the drawingsileOIby codenurnericEllYOesignsle llexsubmetsible etc.).pumpdieselrestddtank;piping:premiumisthatberng(e.s.plusslrudutelheBescribe tesllank@s/5;pp4,lead;elc).@tank lead;'diesel piping disp"nsetthattesled,s teslbeinglnadqplus(e-9.lhe slruclurewith$/here.coDtacloescribe tank soil 56;@soil crc-dispenser elc.)eachlor measuremenl'local'(e.9.plusiseleclrodere{brence irlacedwherelocalionthe.exactDescdbe -865 mV,-s20inIocal"mV.elc.).millivdls (e.9.electrodelhewith placedrdete*cemeqsuredlheBecordpolenlialslruclua+lo-soil waslhat obiained continuily"rernote'during survey).thelvith eleclro{rerglerence placed (copy vollaqemeasuredstn:cture-lo-soilti,e PotenlialRecord theot dala.leslonbasedcriterionmV."on"faiiedorslructuretesledthewhethirlndie8te GALVANIC SACR{EI eAtHobts Fnbrebriotr .{, RVEVSUYSTEMsDANOEICIATxl\f, I This m8y.bo ulilized to conduct a surwy ot a gafuanh catfodic prolecfiu.t systemry obtalning strrJctutg-to-soil potontial measurements. The rstarence dectrcde must bB Plaogdin the sofr directly overlhe tested strucilre floeal) an4 2$100 ieet away lrom frs struclure (remot8). Both the local and the r€moteYoltage must bs.-850 mV or more negative, in order lor the structuro to pass. or bothth6 I i , A N/w 1I*rh8tlldn llsadk Utah Department of Envir nenta! Quality - UST Release Del .ion lnspection Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks Name: MAGNA WATER DISTRICT Address: 2711 S 8600 W MAGNA, UT 84044 Contact: ED HANSEN Phone/Email: (801 ) 250-21 18 MAGNA WATER CO./TREATMENT PLANT 7650 W 2100 S MAGNA, UT 84044 STEVE WILLIAMS (801 ) 250-2795 FacilitylD #: 4001649 lnspection Date: 0212212012 Comments: Corrosion Protection Detail:Spill/Overfill Detail: Piping Leak Detection Detail: Financial Responsibility Detail ScA,/ 0f KR z0tz- o 0lq L { Tanks are protected from corrosion? Piping is protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the tank subpumps are protected from corrosion? Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc? lmpressed current system is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results of the last three checks are available? Flex connectors at the dispensers are protected Yes / All corrosion? Tanks have a Spill Prevention device or are exempt from this requirement? Tanks have an overfill device or are exempt from this requirement? Are you able to visually inspect the spill containment bucket(s) for functionality? (i.e. are the buckets clean enough to see cracks, etc?) ls the spill containment bucket(s) intact? lf an overfill alarm is being used is it properly located so the delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified? Yes / All Yes / All No I All Yes / All NA / AII lf the spill containment bucket(s) is not intact, does NA / All it have a potential to release product to the environment? ls the spill containment bucket(s) able to contain a Yes / All spill? (i.e. is there water, product, debris, etc in the spill bucket to prevent it from containing a spill?) Yes / All Yes / All Yes / All / All NA / AIIresults of the last two cathodic protection tests Yes / All are avaitable (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter)? Have you updated the database with the current Yes cathodic protection test? Follow up on Corrosion Protection? No The database has been verifled and updated? Yes Follow Up on Spill/Overfill?No Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. (Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping.) i All / All/All /Ail/Ail / All No Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line leak detector test? lf using monthly monitoring, have you entered the results in the table below? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a line / All leak detector? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line tightness test or valid monthly monitoring? Piping is U.S. suction?U.S. suction piping has a valid line tightness test every 3 years? The database has been verified and updated? Follow Up on Piping Leak Detection? lnspector: Record Created by: Time Record Created: lnspection Date: LD Substantial: Oper Substantial: Gary A Harris gaharris 212212012 11:01 :32 AM 0222t2012 Yes Yes Financial Responsibilty Method is ok?Yes Yes No database has been verified and updated? Follow Up on Financial Responsibility? 2t22t2012 Page 1 of 3 AStEl201,1, 86:.87 rSTRr JUST THE FAX DATE: To; 84L2581452 MAGNA I4ATER DISTRICT PAGE 81/22 Ifagna Water Disfifst p.O. EOXi}o:} Iregna, uteh Efioan LIdo/{ 47 RECtrIVEt) MAY I 0 :":t Surcnrncrru,nowuntf & D ,E aOrganization; Fax#: 8o lv=9 BBs= Phone # : From: Number of pages including Cover: Subject: e. Comments:7 Have a Great Day!!tl Any questions call Magna Water District @ g01 ZSO 2tlilThis facsimUe is confldenttal lnformation lntended {or the use of the individual or ontlty namc abovg. 1f1116 1Ep6".of this message ls not the lntended reclpl6;1, or the enlpf6ysq 0r egen t responlible Xo dellver it to the intended reclpienl, you np6 hercby notlfied thet Eny distrlbuflon or Eopylng of thig comltunlcation ls 9trictly prohlblted. tf you havc tecelved thls COmmunicatlon in errotr pleage lmmedlatcly notify sender by tele Phone and teturl the orl'inal mcsssge to the it bove AdClress vla the United State Foste I Servlco, Magna Water District 2771, South 8600 West Magna Utah g4O44 Phone (80J.) 25O 21,18 Fax (801) Z5o j.4sz rr-:t | --ritq4 [, ,l-."1 A5/19/2811 88:O7 88t258L452 iny 9t t0 (TOTAT INALL REOULATEDTA}.IKS ON 17R1nul) Itr:wtifi, doarrtT.4nl, f of MAGNA I,IATER DISTRICT Facility ID 4011649 PETROLET]IUT STORAGE TANK FWDFacility Throughp ut D ec laration Fiscal Year z0I2 (raty I,20Ir- rune s,,z,rz) OWNER }'ACILITY Ploase tenrm the complctcd form ro: Division of Eavhonmeutal Renponsc and RernediationIJndorgrorurd Storage Tar:t S".tilr'--^**',, P,O, Box t44}4o Selt Lake City, UtaI 84u4-4g40 If yorr know yqur 2010 caleDdsr year throughpqt slmply ortcr it on IIne s below.Ottorwlse usc the five rtep farnuh to entculatc it I. BEGIM$NO IN\IENTORY (TOTAL AMOUNTINALL REGUL.{TED TANKS ON' t/t/2Qto) I..?TIRCHASES DURING THE YTAR 3" PEIROLEUI\4 AVAII"ABLE FOR usE(ADD LINES l AND 2) 4. LESS: EMINO Ilin/FM[ORy ln tPncc me qre tue and wtzect. HFCEIVET, MAy , 6 i-., EOU|tOllfiror,,".,,erlrg0!! 6 S c;illonc Gclloru fiarbyfuls{y(t7g WATER DISTRICT 1SE600W uT 84044 WATER PLANT MAGNA, W 8/,044 w 2100 s Z1n TOTAL FACILITY T4J',IKS) ANhIIJAL TI{ROUOHPUT MINUS1(LINE 4LE{E ALL TEDRSGULA * SEND NO PAYMENT AT TIIIS TIME * PAGE Z2/22 1n g odbns, - 'J? B cdtoils g/0, e[euc,rr < nn\$r,"4*rq'tEr. eo \ Ernail Addroeo Department of Environmental Quality State of lltah GARY R. HERBERT Goverrutr GREC BELL Liailenant Govennr Amanda Smith Exe< utive Direttor I)IV ISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brent H. Everett Director March 9.2011 STEVE WILLIAMS MAGNA WATER CO 7650 W 2100 S MAGNA, UTAH 84044 Re: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks (USTs) at MAGNA WATER CO, Utah; facility ID #400t649. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on 3-9-201 I , indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Submit a copy of a current corrosion test performed on your UST. Please submit the requested information to this office by 4-15-2011. If it is not received by this date, we will commence the process to revoke the Certificate of Compliance for the facility. If you have any questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4160. Sincerely Gary Harris Underground Storage Tank Section I 95 Norrh I950 West . Salt l-ake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144840. Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841 l4-4840 Telephone (801 ) 536-4 I 00 . Fax (801 ) 359-8853 . T.D.D. (801 ) 536-.14 14 u.rt.u. .de q . uto h. got, Printed on I 00% recycled pilper @ Utah nt of Environmental Qrr^ity tts l' Release Detection ln spection Ownership of Tanks Name Address NA WATER DISTRICT 1S8600W NA UT Contact HANSEN phone l(sor) 250-2118 Facility ID #: 4001649 Inspection Date Corrosion Protection Detail : Location of Tanks NA WATER CO./TREATMENT PLANT w 2100 s NA .com 801) 2s0-279s 3l9|2OLL Tanks Comments EG tank Tanks are protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the tank subpumps are protected from corrosion? Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc? The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter)? L/ fottow Up on Corrosion Prgtection Spill /Overfil! Detail : Tanks have a Spill Prevention device or are exempt from this requirement? Are you able to visually inspect the spill containment bucket(s) for functionality? (i.e. are the buckets clean enough to see cracks, etc?) Is the spill containment bucket(s) intact? If the spill containment bucket(s) is not intact, does it have a potential to release product to the environment? I l rollow Up on Spill/Overfill Piping LD Detail: Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a line leak detector? The database has been verified and updated? Financial Responsibilty Method is ok? L] Follow Up on Financial Responsibility lY.' |Ail -lY*- lAr - lc- lA-i* lffilAil-* Tanks lG- lAil-- |v"-;- lAil * |G-lAii-*lffir-- rr* Tankst- Fii* t- fi,,- l^il-* lG- lY*- The database has been verified and updated? Is the spill containment bucket(s) able to contain a spill? (i.e. is there water, product, debris, etc in the spill bucket to prevent it from containing a spill?) Tanks have an overfill device or are exempt from this requirement? If an overfill alarm is being used is it properly located so the delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified? The database has been verified and updated? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line leak detector test? If using monthly monitoring, have you entered the results in the table below? lnspector: Record Created by: Time Record Crealed: lnspection Date: LD Substantial: Oper Substantial: Tanks l'*-hil*c- Fii- lN-A- liii-* lY*- rl%S- Tanks Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line tightness test or valid monthly monitoring? Piping is U.S. suction? lY*-fffi* lc- fiii-* lrun lnrr lffi- Tanks r'n-- liii-* Fil-- lifi-- The database has been verified and updated? [-1 fotnw Up on Piping Leak Detection Financia! Responsibility Detail: GARYHARRIS gharris 31912011 11:02:20 AM 3t912011 M n Page 1 of 4 €ran 2-oll-00LfLt{{ Piping is protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the dispensers are protected from corrosion? Impressed current system is checked for proper operation at least every 60.days and the results of the last three checks are available? Have you updated the database with the current Cathodic Protection test? U.S. suction piping has a valid line tightness test every 3 years? Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. (Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. If all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping.) Llo{-c- G,.lEliaOwner Name lv Address zip c, LttgLltlCift ilA Mvta State UTstate l/ zip 6 btlllCitvlrlloa uc, Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4tanks at the Phone 3lk'7Tank lnstallation Date llZCapacity of Tank (in gallons) lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Shollrelated tanks. Substance Stored Yes No Yes No Yes No)/A NoTank is in use. lf not in use. qive date last used and depth of product in tank. Yes No,Gi. No Yes No Yes NoCurrent year tank tags are in place. Material of construction of tanks Material of construction of piping Pipinq type Qut'Tvoe of Spill Prevention device Yes No Yes NoNoYes NoSoill containment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris. Type of Overfill Prevention device Yes Ho {rulnrOverfill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery drivqqq! hgq!,ql999 is clearly identified.,e"Yes No { IVAContainment sumps are sealed, free frornlryqlqlpdggt,etc. NoThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter)' UT5 \,r,*-.TesterDate of last test:Cathodic Dates of last three checks 7Yes *o @tmpressed Current System is checked for proper operation at least every 60 davs and the results of the last three checks are available. lmpressed CunentSacrificial Anode lnstant Off Depolarized Corr. Protect. Method <+r0a1 2 3 Tanks 4 1 Altltt 2 3 4 Lines 1 Ark 2 3 Tank Flex 4 IflYfi Disp. Flex lndicate below the corrosion protection method in place for each UST system component.ldenti! each dispenser by pump number(s). Show readings for the most test. Site Drawing North Comments -(:f) CF'"t, on 12 II 1 uA Distribulion: White DERR, Yallow- lnsp€ctor, Pink- Faciliv/Omer Ldcheck0307.doc Uta -UST Program Release Detection lnspection Ghecklist LI ID of E DERR useOwnershio of Tanks Contact or adr (s on a seoarate ,rn. US E,C d>tkt- L $4" t') LI BOARD: H.T.'TOM' DYCHES, Chairman DANIEL H, TUTTLE TERRY L. POLLOCK ED HANSEN District Manager August 21,2007 Compliance for underground storage tank, per attached letter and cathodic protection evaluation. If any further information is needed please contactme. Thank you, I DuS r{u*",,f Dan Stewart Superintendent Magna Water Treatment Piant 801 -250-219s DISTRICT r ?711 south a6oo \A/est . P.o. Box 3o3 . Magna, Urah E.4C.44-C,3o3 . z:C,C.-p118 re !& ,/ i,hUtr,tVEIJ AU6 2 2 2407 +' AI'DES*tn cqilil: *tl l*ke_ ' : CPETENSCEilTErIXIlrtreK ErPn IloraDA]E prrrEnrcft fidl 36/_ dfZt tutr-3yeir B Hofira-tl's*r re*noydBH hearveyab Daeencrdc{ro.}Drcordd *tr0mdld 3 mel}. Alpd*ierl-afirtrxat&U*lpacsbscdlo*probeosrnref rdf bidgEdm.,ryfrtcAnc'pracUrlx Oreormore Probcbrl sfirrctresdarBryihlUroooAcpr6cdon$nryand rilindgodtnradaqnlecdpthpotec{ontusnotbeenpro*bdio$et STsydstr(csndsbSotrnD+' $,ooilctusilE I fro sn* Ird lhe bcd dn'rd Ddr ffie Ue sns H rxl m $ pmlrcDd sBrrtrE {Doll F or Doilr IEIL irconefufne ts hdcalod ard !D mrf beaded colIo6bnogr*t S€oilso UATE CRstBIEf.PEnF(ffD . Acei*b[psoi&cilfoor P'oe#serfim lld b bellg 6r*ffil nrrd be A sffe *attE'doirEihg tre IJST oatrodc ptoteOon stpEm and d r*rerre dorlto& phsners lmr6t be codffied. D'f s, ts l u FAIL profcfion lss rptbe€rt o'norruapficftrd oomAlfr'arE NACS nI,EMlAT(tliIAL CETTFICATK,DI iiMER i Pitss FAIL r..| DAce AlptplEctdsrrcLrsatlhbecBfPesstpcilorlprcbersneya,df bru*pdlBarbq6catnftpm.eerlsl-' r'r-E' bf;nprotidodbtnt sT-syst*n,(trsamarshmapt*attobyafoend-soffiiv[0. -' :l B 850 0N 850oFF Srucuteb<of I,Gsdrrcrenegdl,Ght-e60mv*rrElgeclbEOrrAsO.ch,Gmeelerbflrlropotccsrn orrrsrt eptod filecrf$bnB appfeb{ry gd,lra*,lfffiodlgut €}. pcl@lgqreneg*ro nry -Eo nY uit llspdS r frrq60. rsfrema abchrb #t Fdscfu. GrrrBrauryorotyi*mryleAfr*robhttsaeprcolofyn[ririgtu*rymirree lpao&ccrrbe;rmrrs@] Smdro fesned er&&is d lcd fOO n\r-of cdro& ebtrdcr Gtt crlerbr b ap?ac*b tD gdri* sylrrns draoe rhaIoOEYFC[.ffizATXtl $ofurl5st 1porlrlyCsC1i116,e+ ryrry.E'E'E HA,IIE STATE otrA!trlrrrc P6DO Epyiru rmeGss f.4 fur dtgi;r cnY:P*ow $i\re UT grn cy ,emote strItrs.tDaol rgt.lnoapoEileb& !o coRHosmNwEFrSllrE NACE F,,ENil'TY$HAL CErlFlGfiXxtT COAROADH EXPEETTS $GNAIlIfi E: llOIilE catrodc prmcdur s se$Eh- nb tufisr acUon b nmesary et sds Eno. td agnrr by ro hhr $m (s soen yI t] RETEST Cafro&p'obcfmInayrlorbodstim- Bet dctri}glrone,rCr&!lsbdeurr*rf passfrgresrfisrtbaacN*npd. D BefAF&EtEsT catlo(rcprnec$ntsnoladece.hFft,i*i5.erb'nreye socraspra&db|nuefll*|&on€'dgodelrs" GALVANT C (SAC Rr FTCIAL ANO DE) CATHO DIC P ROTECTTO N SYSTEIUI EVALUATTON Utah DEQ Undcrground Storage Tanti Program I f brndgEdhddhqpbcdrc& ilratd&t D$. ilrE ctflr:OTYr CPIESTEI}BS'GilTNE tl ,, 1 '.:-rt, Ihe ref;asreeldoderrrlllDorbcs.rfrDBsol*EclyorEr.ISSd*lrcfFFc{ill$l2St$bdryhlEIplrttt's0€rrEi+ BoOr &e tocra id $B ,snob trctage rult be.-.8fl, rft, a mB mg$rs, berfred a t SrrcCIrabedbcstdslnayolcaqtoecgermrylltE*!*cila;ffi em0,w had6hrlp *llirDbF, FACT.'F'XTE fElE Tlr anry b r oal} e { iltlEe DC} d srclol t - rot, s *o co.n Lba STBDCNNE'ootfTAcrF(*tr'rcaA&,ffircEcB.rPt cf,reilr'LOCAL ' '7brrt{ itffnli,YsiErs/W fidfl Eill 'la f kr /ld*){tu/-{rl?fa%r,f/ h uter/*ldg #r COITEilIli: t o8sagnatl'rmeft&6bfrotbqrl[lerffii0$dltocf r*rara*eto&pbcfua{e{L 1,2,3--T-l,T-2,*l,P-2..,*"}. 2 irs-e fe sruEl'3 nd b beite Eilcr, {G,{L pfE B pisaam ,iil3t ceqd llturffi 94 Ex oanro.; *.}- 3. Doced:rasrElfrthesErrirlHBb*rgEdsdbm@g!*llde qtrl*dl3el'plfrgCCpeaeeEIqSr*lrrthGnPa,€t+ .l D€3cr-slEEEtutr.r€rErc|esEscHqbbCEcdbrdt.trafm.srcm'Iae,lltilaFlH.SlBldOffiEerSiEdc,) 5 Fecodlbsttdpbcof gae'lidneanted$the rdorsm*cuoeflradtcfbffi*(eg,-.SEdl,-8OOEV,eb-! e h.dinsnrlEtaapoEsdffirdrfiilnrnficr:aoEGh(blhdtra#{eryyqElElEehedariEsfrfys|r!l }. ltlffiuar$blhleetedrtructrepesedorlakdlhe-EomV.lrf crlerhrlb6edonyorrilcpref&nolBret€€i&Eb.7 xtv. GALVANT0 (sAcRtFrcrAL ANoDE) CATHODTC PROTECTION SYSTEM SURVEY DECHOELGJT'IX(TM'E ffiEE AEglreN.TCM|}: t! orth b D6.lr cdrfy nnry. t bt#BE FACT.'TT}l^E tlrrE Itr enr., b irt coqtr re f ryE fr *Sctu}[V r. rboEr ircscarE loclrxlt of .tr@ ErrE EmEE a"Etrlre plrcgr: srnlrclrnE*AFr sTnlrcTlnE.E.,srntRE.rtremrE-IU'E stnErrE?'EP'E. VqJE rotlf{o,to]rr Yq''TE . rEtca ml^rg'oomiln 9rEoEur*t ffkv COM[EilIiS: Descrbe1 the sillEnre flalprdeclsd A'B bc8ll@yotransnpBtg dormnst ab B&dfunt8 rfrifrrBrrproEoiod prem{i.e tar*L 2 Dsscrbo tre lhat are b xterpnslrabt,rproiecfed sfr.t[ro }tu fturrbohted trEatrernflip 3lutrs trd(rpaeasd(a:s premfm litter). Becord3 ,nos$r€dEo sfrucfuo-losoB lhed sfruchrepo*ariftrl prot€edcamoCcafy rtrrcish -&}rA'l (o-o rf9. 1 Feqd ,IBT'Od d 0rg 3m.dre msfrlrtre-l},soE poton$d l.Iprol€cled --9r5I?I rtrvG(a9 mv). Rscord5 the bfipendsensd lho Oreald stw:t rog trdinvdlqp@€ded uprctecled 1 7urddltg|ecergpo*tolin (e.c mv). Documenl6 lhe andorcdl lo thgindcated rB houirnsiw. xlll. GALVANIC (SACRIFICIAL ANODE)CATHOD|C PROTECTTON SYSTE$A CONTINUtTy SURVEyI ::;.r, - l: TANK}PBOilrcT CAPACTTY TATN€PPSG n-ExGollEgrons 1 pitrat {ft ,9 I ,y' frzrs 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 I TO I orrxrtrcdmrany b ciltodc[le nr&anB (rE $cor alt Cer*rItcryy-mreaflrhofic*;r b br,rqard OAneO@n6blavlld(@Iddqle$ort ftionodsSfdgngre atr rilfrtEdr eomdoi(atlrtr doomer$*r6dchnergsfs httrfysfafiEdE rmq, SrEd€sSifdsnsml m€taxlchrtrI conclrr(attac*rpho fogorfsdodgt Anrrrtorfro sErdEdmshilrsty mrreO. tl protgcfodeatvar*ary ndiarJ(seFrrg bohbrl haea*agy Frplah ?snadslothef bsbxr. a irdhale *iere br eaort hdtndudod B. Received lvl COMPLETE THISSECTION ON DELIVERY Item 4 ff R€strict€d Delivery ls desired.I Print your nams and addr€ss on the roverse so thal we can r€tum the cad to you.I Attach this card to th6 back o, the mailpiece, or on ths fronl i, space permits. I Complete it€ms 1, 2,Also complete ED HANSEN MAGNA WATER COMPANY 271 1 SOUTH 8600 WEST MAGNA UT 84f,44 1. Articl€ Address€d to: SENDER: COMPI.ETE T sEcrrorv A Signature .r x <. tr As6.rt E Addrsssee Date ot Dolivery -)7 D. ls delivery addEss frcm item 1?E Yes It YES, entgr delivery address belowi !l No 3. Servlco TYpe ! Cortfii€d Mall E Reglstecd trl lnsured Mail E ExprEs! Mail I R6rum Recelpt {or M€rchandlss E c.o.D.-,ql 4. Reslrjcted oeliveM (Erta F€6,E Y€s 2. Artlcle Numb€r (7rransfet from sa,Nlce labo|?EEq 1,1,80 0005 0{3? 01t1, PS Form 381 1 , February 2004 Domestic Retum Recdpt 400 /64q b 102595-02-M-1540 srt#RI,JqE? tililt ,t First-Class Mail Postage & F€es Pald USPS Permit No. G-'io . Sende r5Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' trlaJ ar, rt +-f a.a ! E =1rc EI E, t Eovstotr oF ENVTRoNMENTAL RESPoNSE fetl ruooRe 5po aox t44sao Esalr mxecrY u-t 84114-4aao a ll,,l,J'J,,,11,, ll,l,,l,l, Ji,,l,,l,,lll',,,1,,11l,,,,,,1 ll JON M. HUNTSMAN. JR ' Covernor C;ARY HERBER']' Lieulernnt Oovertur State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Richard W. Sprott. Executive Direcktr DIV ISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Direclor flLt $'t August I ,2007 ERRU- t4l-O7 CERI'IIIIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESI'ED Re Ed Hansen Magna Water Company 271I South 8600 West Magna, Utah 84044 Notice of Non-Compliance lbr Underground Storage Tank Violations Magna Water, located al764O West 2100 South, Magna, Utah. Facility Identification No. 4001649 Dear Mr. Hansen The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act regulates Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and imposes certain obligations on the owner or operator of a facility having USTs. The Act specifically requires the owner or operator of a facility with USTs to meet the lbllowing requirements: . Register the USTs and file an UST Notification form . Pay annual registration fees o Demonstrate and maintain financial assurance meeting federal and state requirements o Obtain and maintain a Certificate of Compliance for each tank o Meet specific technical and perlbrmance standards, including maintaining release detection on the tank and piping, maintaining corrosion protection, and maintaining spill and overfill protecti<ln o Maintain adequate tank records o Properly permanently close any UST not meeting these requirements At the reqllest ol'the Exccutive Secretary (UST), the Division ol'Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) perlirrmed a conrpliance rcview lor the lacility owned or operated by Magna Water Company (yor-r). This facility is located at Magna Water Company, 7640 West 2100 South, Magna. l-ltah. 1'hc clesignated Facility ldentrl'ication Number is 40Ol64L). This facility contains onc USI-. l68North lg50West.POllox 144t140. SaltLikcOity.tlTll4ll4-4840.phone(801)53(r-4l00.fax(801)359-8853 T.l).D. (80l ) 536-4414 . trx't'.d?q.utillt.ltot' - fracility lD # 4001649 Page 2 The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements. To achieve complianc€, you must do all of the following within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter: l. Submit documentation to show that you have had a cerrified cathodic protection tester test your galvanic cathodic protection system on your tank within the last three years and have passed the tests. The Act gives the Executive Secretary (UST) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Board) the power to enforce rules made by the Board by issuing Notices of Agency Action and/or Orders. The Act, Utah Code Ann. $$ 19-6-407 and 19-6-408, also gives the Executive Secretary (UST) the power to assess a civil penalty of $1,000.00 if an owner or operator of an UST fails to register the tank, assess $1,000.00 for failure to pay fees within 60 days of due date, and assess interest on the unpaid balance. Other violations of the Act may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000.00 per day. Failure to comply with the Utah UST Act and regulations may result in revocation of your Certificate of Compliance under Utah Code Ann. $ t9-6-4t4. This letter will advise you that your failure to comply with the requirements of the statutes and rules may result in the issuance of a Notice of Agency Action and/or Order and the assessment of a civil penalty. Please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4106 should you have any questions Sincerely, Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board BTJ/WElWrlb owner Name MAGNA WATER CO Location 116rns MAGNA WATER CO./TREATMENT PLANT Address 27115 8600 W Address7640W 2100S 6;ry MAGNA StateUT 71p 84044 city MAGNA State UT Zip 84044 Number ol tanks at the facility: Contact ED HANSEN Phone 1 250-2118 Tank lnstallation Date 31111987 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)1 000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored Tank is in use.Cunently in Use Yes No Yes No Yes No lf not in use. qive date last used and depth of oroduct in tank. Current Vear tank taqs are in place.. Yes) r.ro Yes No Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks LalGi{latroaic pro Material of construction of pipinq El^vihl^ Ol^6ri^ Pipinq type ll Q QrrntiCd Type of Spill Prevention device Lr-r"W Spill containment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris./Y"9 No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tvpe of Overfill Prevention device 5L/-u /l* Overfill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified.Yes rrro d/e"" Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc aV& ruo N/A The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three vears thereafter).Yes 65)rulR Cathodic Protection Testinq. Date of last test:Tester UT lmpressed Current System is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results of the last three checks are available.Yes No N/A Dates of last three checks lmpressed CurrentCorr. Protect. Method Sacrificial Anode lnstant Off Depolarized 1 9t 2 J Tanks 4 'I )vh J Lines 4 1 2 J Tank Flex 4 Disp. Flex lndicate below the corrosion protection methods in place for all UST system components. ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s). Show readings for the most recent cathodic test. urle urawrng Nonn I 7" rspepted this racirity " /d /* /e/?.*- Ldcheckl 205.d@ I i! I Owner Name MAGNA WATER CO Location 1'16ms MAGNA WATER CO./TREATMENT PLANT 2711 S8600WAddress Address 7640 W 2100 S City MAGNA StateUT Zip 84044 city MAGNA State UT 2ip84044 Contact eo HANSEN Phone Contacl Eo Phone (801) 250-1452HANSEN Number of tanks at the facilitv:I Tank lnstallation Date 31111987 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)1 000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored Diesel Tank is in use Currently in Use lf not in use, give date last used and depth of product in tank. Current vear tank taqs are in place .{r"No Yes No Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks Gtlvaflic cathodic Pro Material of construction of piping Flexible Plastic Pipinq type U.S. Suction Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is lilled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required.h*1"{ Spill containment bucket is clean, dry, and lree of product, water, debris./6H r'Jq,il Yes No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overlill prevention is required ,{L,W lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearly marked.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Corrosion Protection method used on tanks ,& Corrosion Protection method used on oioino MA Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swinq ioints, etc.TCAt lanks:At disoensers; Enclosed containment sumps are present at tanks and dispensers At tanks:No At dispensers:Yes No Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc NoYei I Cathodic Protection Testinq. Show the results ot the most recent tesl or t ioint. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three vears thereafter).Yes No Tank Tester UT Date volls volts volts volts Piping Tester UT Date volts volts volts volts volts volts volts vollsFlex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester At tank At dispenserUT Date volts volts volts volts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available (required every 60 days).Yes No t S this facil on Name of ryrQ3 E Emergency generator tanks only; leak detection deferred. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. COMMENTS LdchmkO804.d@ t/o1 /fi L/SoJc1/ il 08/ 77 / 2003 TITE 10: 31 FAX Date: Fax Number:Yol - 35q-8 rs3 RECEIVED JUll t i ?:33 DEQ Enuironmenhl Responso & Bemodlation MAGNA WATER @ oot Lt 00ttt{1 271I South 8600 West P.O. Box 303 Magna Utah84044 (80i)250-21 18 (801)250-1452 (fax) By: Time:\\'.3o ftr,". # ofpages:2 S From:S** \N\\\lq^s Descriprion of ltem and special instrucrions: Q.qt\h,.tA:* Q*.. \.. $o^ lf you do not receive all the pages of thi.s ransmission, please cail (801) 250-2118, as soon a.s possible anrl rt<k fnr -,-.. This tbcsimile is cont-rdential intbnnation intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent rcsponsible to deliver it to the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any ciissemination, clistribution or copying of this comrnunication is strictly prohibited. If you have rcceived this communication error, please immediately notifu sender by telephorre and renrr:n the original message to the above address via the Unired Statrr's Postal Service. To: t^lrr 1", oA/ 77 /2003 TtlE 10: 32 FAX Foc Fz 6*. Ja.r /4,rs,0*'fifVaq/ UAGNA WATER Cathodio Protection Test Datc: I,ocdbn: GE ' ^n/( ' - 7/jV aJ //a/ €t u7? Tcstcd Cdhodicary hotcotcd Lbos: PBTTOM{VIRO P.O. Bo.5l36t nol/o,UTE4605 rh,80r-?9t{715 ,u.r0l-79&185t SEvolrls,z #UT005,t B ooz Teced Catlodicalfi Protectcd Taokr: Ahre/ tu(.. . , s e.. /-1./,? y'*tYfr,/lt" .., Owner 56ms N/AGNA WATER CO Locarion x4p tt/AGNA WATER CO./TREATIVENT PLANT Address 2711 S 8600 W 7640 W 2100 SAddress City MAGNA Sate UT Zip 84044 City MAGNA State UT Zip 84044 , Complete for each tank. lf facility has more thst 4 t&l(s; 6rnpl Cor{act ED HANSEN Nunber d tanks at f acility Fhone HANSENLocation Cmtact ED p66p (801) 250-1452 31111987Tank lnstallation Date Capacity of tark (in gallons)1 000 Substance stored Diesel Tank is in use (Y) or, if nd in use, give date last rced Currently in Use lf nc* in use, depth of prodLrt in tank (in inches) Cunent year tank tags are in place Mabrial d construclion of tanks (sted, FRP, conposite, etc.)uatvanrc uatnoorc Protection (STlP3) Mabrial d corstruclion of piping (steel, FRB f lex plastic, etc.)Flexible Plastic HphS type (pressure, safe/tlS suclion, gravity, eb.)U.S. Suction Type of Spill Prevenlion Da/ice (.5 gal, >5 gal, cmt. sunp, etc.) Mb if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill reqrired.0,otcr Type of otrerf Il Revention Devbe (siutof f, ball float, alarrn, dc.) Mte if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overf ill required.rtr0 For overf ill alarm Ahrm is located w here it can be seen and heard, and alarmis clearly narked lvlehod rced m tanls (Ntt{ CS, ll- lC, SA, NB Yes No - any erceptbrls in It/ehod r.sed m pipirg (NM CS, C, SA, ND Itilehod rced m f lex connectors (8, CS, NC, CP, NM NP, NyA) Enclosed containnent sunps at tanks (subpnp) and dispersers Yes No lndbate dates d upyades- linirp, tark or piring cathodic prdectitrr rcathodic Protqction Tes:tIS Com plple for" e ach tan k. The results of he last tw o cathodic protection tests are available (w thin 6 npnths of irstalldion and every 3 years thereaf ter).Yes t\b DateTank Tester Piping Tester Dde \olts \olts vdts \DltsFlex Connectors Tester Sub purp DispenserDte \olts lolts \dts \olb uied eve ree 60 Yes t\b im pressed currenl s]rstem ation checks are avaihble Page of / cerlifvthat linspected the abcnre-nanBdf acilitv on (date)Garv HarrisI(nane) reof Owneror Owner's enhtive a 3 ent ) \\00 ^. Utah UST Program Release Detection lnspection Chee xlist tD 4001649Facil Location of TanksOwnership of Tanks 1 column.inerthe*ly Nibtfxrd used f or pipirg: Suction OTHERtvletrod rced f or tanls: MTG System3d party cert. avalhble Yes Msystemlt/hruf acturer narne and npdel nunber of uestion. lrCirde Y ,r in the firs t column. AI Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis poper! installed, calibrated, and rraintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records ). Yes Nb ATG IM Dvice docurBnhtion b available on-site (owner's nanual, etc.)Yes tlo Alr Quipnent rced toacqdre dda, tale redings, perf ormtest is adequde, accessible and f unctional. lrcl. ATG corsole, dipstick, etc.Yes t{o Ail bcunentaton of validtesting or nonitoring is availdle f q the hst 12 npnhs. Slpw testing or nmitorhg results in grid below.Yes M ATG The prcbe is locded at the center d the hnk. lf not, the tilt correction factor f or each tank is show n on the tark setrp report. Yes t{o ATG The tark w as f illed to at leastthe nhinumlevd reqr.ired by the nanufacturer's equipnEnt potocol to ensurea vald leaktest and thetanksize iswitlin theallowed tpper and lorv er size lirits. Yes M IM Secordary barrier is proper! placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consideratims, lns an acceptable perneation rate, is conpatiUe w itr the substance stored, is nm-corodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnent). Yes t{o C MIG SIR hvenbry readings f or prodrct inpts ard w ithdrawals are properly obtaired ard ecorded. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled.Yes t{o CSlR Fbcords include he proper runber of water readirgs, and w der readings are used to adjust invertory balances as necessary. C fuITG SIR An appropriate tank calbration chart is rced atd is arailSle f q revisru Yes I{o IC SR Dspersers have current calbratiqr stickers or proper cdibratbn dcunBntation.Yes t{o Dop trbes are present and extend to w lhin ore f od of tie tank bottom Yes f\b Shour results of monitoring for each tank f or the last 12 months. lndicate pass, fai l, no results, or inconclusive 6l02 7lo2 8l02 9l02 10t02 11t02 12t02 1/03 2l03 3/03 4103 5/03 # # # f, dLi ting, Line Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date of last tigl'tness test f or tanks Test results Mne andcertlicatim nunber d tester:Test lt&thod Date of last tigtlness test f or piphg Test results Mne andcertlication nunber d tester:Test Ivbthod Aubnatic Line Leak Detector type and nodd Date of last leakdetector perf ornance test:Test results Safe Suction pping: Docunentdion is avail&le and verif iabb to show tlnt piping operates at less thm atnospheric pressure, has only me check valve (under punp), and has proper slope of piping. Yes I\b ConrrBnb Pae of nlaix Yes t\b CSlR tvbffr tv0 Owner Name /flaoqn h/arerLocation Name Address -6q0 Q. LtuS,AdCress StateCity zip Hau nd zipg Ll o t1 t7CityState UT Contact Phone tocationcontactSTlenl W,l l,'.^, phone 2 90 *Z-7qS Complete for each tank. lf facility has Number of lanks at facility:Tank 1 Tank 2 II 7 Tank3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date tq37 Capacity of tank (in gallons)tk Substance stored D Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used If not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Answer Current year tank tags are in place t umn. Material of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.)9r tf-3 Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.)FP Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.)I ^4.Type of Spill Prevention filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill required.f7"nk Type of Overfill Prevention Device (shutoff, ball float, alarm,-rcJ Not,e if filled by transfers of less tha[25 gallons. lf so, no overfill required.AS0 oFor overfill alarm: Alarm is located whe@ alarm is clearly marked Yes No Corrosion Protection, Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP)EA Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP)NM Method used on flex connectors (8, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A) Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Yes No tests arerESUp Yes No3the lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Cathodic Protection Testing installation and two Tank Tester 9n"" lq on S Date g -q q * | ,-97 ^Piping Tester I Date I L volts volts voltsFlex Connectors Tester Sub pump Date volts volts voils volls last eq 60 ressed current checks are Yes No IqT z oa ze'f uet,L 5>^ 4ta al lin tt-z^4r2_on a?..<-( ed Page of { Date of Owner or Owner's resentative duriSi White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector Ldcheck.wpd rev0701 Utah UST Program Release Detection lnspection Checklist Faciritv pU*l tqq Ownership of Tanks volts z Release Ownership of Tanks of Tanks Owner Name Location Name ffloao.t Vl/'oref Address Address 7/4//W, 2l??5, City State zip //la4rtzt zip I 4241State UTCity Conlact Phone ( )'9 rer(Location Contact Phone ( ) Complete for each tank. lt facility has more than 4 tanks, complete information for additional tanks on separate rorm. Number of tanks at facility:f"d Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank Installation Date Capacity of tank (in gallons)IK Substance stored D Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used v ll not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) following for all tanks, Note any l Current year tank tags are in place f Material of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, elc.\ /'f lf3 Sreel Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.) F P S rerl Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.)9 Type of Spill Prevention Device (<5 gal, >5 gal, cont. sump, etc.) Note if filled by translers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill required.0,, /r* Type ot overfill Prevention Device (shutoff, ball tloat, alarm, etc.) Note if filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. ll so, no overlill required./+t o rm:re can seen Yes No Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP) Corrosion Protection. Answer the following for all tanks. Note alarm is cl marked Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP)4{fr NM Method used on flex connectors (B, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A) Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Yes No lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection Gathodic Protection Testing Complete for each tank. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within 6 months of installation and every 3 vears thereafter). Tank Tester 5re"c lvr"S o^t"9-?4 - l,g7 Piping Tester / Date Sub volls Sub volts Sub volls Sub volls DateFlex Tester voltsDisp.voltsDisp.voltsOisp.voltsDisp. For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (required every 60 davs.)Yes No Comments r'"r ctr'tC 5 t( qrt tlar+ 5 rf of VLI ,/on ^?nature of Owner or Owner's on:nspector, ID I q SA Yes No trq ^h\Tn*-r-,u, 1oo \byg JUN 14 '99 A3I AAPN TAGNN NFTER CO. \ ROCKY RIDGE INC, P.O. BOX241 - PAYSON, UTAH e485r 1€00€t/,2894 FD('t€0145€135 DATE: utcAfloll: r) - loR! Jvtt -9.. 3 4) IE8TED CATIIODICAI.LY PROTECTED UIIES W' Trs** '.f t'tir 76'<n t,' *!/ner S,a t'No -a7?5 T*;tr?W"HlFtArKs'_ L€7 JJI9EIT. Facility lD Closure Notice , lt\r # 4oolb49 ----f-_ \ i.., i lRoNllLliTAL r' , .'r:[ il] ii'l;ri'FD JUL I 9 p99 Ei:EDIATIO "\. (Revised 0{/01/97} State Use Onlv Date P ? Date Mailed to Samples in LUST Samples to LUST LUST Status File # of (company Address BY (identified below) by THOMAS S. JONES name) WESTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Phone # ( 801) 266-2545 195 WEST SOUTH Gity SALT LAKE CITY State UT Zip 84157 FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner # (435) 834-5441 [ ] sole proprietorship [ ] partnership [X ] corporation Address P.O. BOX 303 2711 SOU City MAGNA State UT Zip_E4044. Facility Name MAGNA WATER TREATMENT PLANT Address P.O.BOX303 2711 SO City MAGNA State_tff Zip 84044 Contact person DAN STUART Phone # (801) 250-21 18 Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: Number of regulated tanks at the facility after closure: TANKS CLOSED * lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name THOMAS S. JONES Cert.# TR 0369 Exp. date 03115101 Company WESTECH ENVIRONME Phone # ( 801) 266-2545 Address 195 W. 3900 S.City_SALT LAX,E CIT"[_ State UT Zip_84157 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name THOMASS.JONES Cert. # GS 1214 Exp. date 01/01/01 Company WESTECH ENVIRONME Phone # ( 801) 266-2545 I Tank #N/A Date lnstalled N/A Capacity N/A Substance stored N/A Date last operated N/A Date closed N/A How closed (Removed/ln place) N/A Address 195 W 3900 S State UT Zip_U157- CLOSURE INFORMATION I I Fuel was emptied I I Sludge was removed Tank was: I I Purged I llnerted. Method Used Location of Closure Records WESTECH ENVIRONMENTAL For ln-Place Closure: tanks filled with NA For Changc{n-Service: Substancs to be stored DISPOSAL SITES USED: NA ls any contaminated soil which was over-excavated still on-site? _ Yes _ No _ Not epplicable Was Free Product encountered during closure aclivities? NO lf yes, please indicate thickness, _lnches SITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be conslstently identifled by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. I X I Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is atlached. The follo/ving must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W) from lhe area of contamination or, where applicable, use oH for overhead, NP for not present): _NLWater Line _Nlselner Line _NE Naturdl Gas -llestom Drain _NE_Telephone _NP Eledncal -l!E_ Property Line XL BuildingE X x x I X ] Transported I X I Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place I certify under penalty ot law that the closure site assessment at this facil was conducted in accordance with R31'l-202 (parts 280.52 and 280.72) and R3{1-205 U.A.C., and that any add samples required by R311-202 parts 280.52 and 280.72 and R311-205-2(axl) were collected. Signature of Certified Groundwater/Soil Samplel Full name of Certified Sampler date lf contamination at the facility is confimed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a qCdiEClLtlgI Consultant. The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name JACK RIDI Cert. # CC 0061 Exp. date 3/31/00 WESTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Phone # ( 801) 266-2545 I I Tank was cleaned. N/A Completed Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) is attached. Certified lab analytic€l environmental sample results are attached. Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. Chain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: IX lCollected IX] Labeled IXlPackaged Location Neme Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)NA PrDduGt From Tank(s)NA gal Contaminated Water From Tank Cleaning NA gal Sludge NA gal Contaminated Water From Excavation NA gal Contaminated Soil yds Compan Address 19s W. 3900 S. 2 City SALT LAKE CITY state Ur zip__.t94152 lxl ?te-qf l"o I )oTl ^ FACILITY SITE PLAT (CLOSURE NOTICE} The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. lt must show actual sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. 1 and 4 of the closure notice Facility lD # 4001649 Drawn By WESTECH ENVIR Date;fl18199 Please see attached site map Scale 1' = _Fe€t NoRrrr X = Sample letions (SS4, WSS, USC4) = lt/bnibring Wclls (Mllt/4,) = Soil boring (SB.#), or Gcoprobe Boring (GP*) = Water Wclls (domcstic, liwstoclq ctc.) Slopc of Surtuce Topography (N, MrV, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use At Siie: _Resklcntial _ Commercial _ lndustial Sunounding Land: _Reddcntial _ Commcrcial _ lndusilrhl Site Plat Must lndlcate Ac'tual Locatlons Of: i Cunent & brmertanlc, piping & dicpcnsers { Excayations, GW rnonibdng wells & soil stoclgiles ! Location & depth of all samphe takcn i Buildings, fienccs, & propcrty boundaries { utility conduits (ecurers, ga8, vt/atsr, storm { drains, clcctrical ctc.) { Dcptr O grounavrmer (if cncounErcd) J ^ o I s5-lE 3. s' usc-r! 3.5' PIPING UP GRHDT OENERRTOR BU I LD ING =*.^+z> td 0 NPPROX SCNLE IN FEET FOR REFERE{CE USE ONLY LRI{O U8E . COI{IIERCIBL ,tr= fiPPR0X SRHPLE L0CRTI0ltl = EXI9TINO FENCE TH13 MNItilO 18 THE PTOPENIItr IEiIETil TLEL ECUTACXI}lt orj?LrDerrdat, lr?:lnrrs,lgil rErFrtirtoat T0 tllll FLtraIifHrfi f, IITEI ?tflltlatn6l r€trEDlr FIEL EurtPrflT TO1TCE I 8fPt. iEY tSION3 HNTER TRERTI{ENT PLRNT IIRONR. UTfiH RER MR03tlrta9 ilt0 OI]IEER OI BRCHTTECT B /CiDctrfl/[n0rel. oal !frVlfrC{t(E*7At€cllfi{s P.O. BOX 17307 rURnFY. UT 94117 08. o5/L{FJ-?a,:Pe.-.E-BizF.BIrfl pGNS-!,rn-r-EB-c0.TESTECE FUEL EAUIPUENT P.? G ooe C€mplet trblr tor all ra'plec n dre t.ble nu5t be Eonsiatent wlth th€ isrtlplr lD numOsr8 given on th. iatE dat and in rh. leD enrlyEls rGgort rEl.(*ll3 'i..1. @, 413l, .o). 2 3 4 GA ACdrecs lTs soulH cHEsrt\IUtBTREET ctty sALll4KEl]EY_ stal€Jll_ zp-E4l:l Comed p€taoi TIN MAY Phone + (80l)97!6405 . Pleas6 oxPlrln iny u usu.l or extenuating drcumEl.nbes encount€rd during the s 6 re8e!$llaflt or clo&rc: ln l{aurc IJSCII ltsrflr * 'l' f EANn dr.rvalv l??eitt/lthi m6lct .- N6T A TlNl( PFM.IV^L - 'l3r PIPING L!trGRADE ONLYiffiry unaar pcn lty ol lEw that I rm tre gwa.r of fhe nnf(s) dercribd rDovr anC ftrt I rn ,frDilt.' trrtQ $e inioml.ton on thle $nn and Urrt lt i3 !ue, sccsr.b rnd cqiptrG and furtfer, [r.t tfts p]octdur.6 (becrlbed hcBln w?G $cllovnd 6uting tanl cloEutr. Signetrr€ ef UET Owner Full n€rnc of Orrrncr ___peE S u 6 n a Tres.tnen R6tum comp anqlygB l8su letgal CloEurE Notlca form. Fecillv 8.le PIet end aample lnformation Trbla, goiucroundu,lt r ssmpl€ l.b It!, USC s€mFl6 rr€ults, and Chain of Cusody fonr r,yhhin 90 d.yE of UST Clogltr to: Stete of Utah Oepl. of EnvlrEn6Entrl Ouellty Dlvlsion of EnviIon(nenlll Reaponsr tnC Rameci.tlon UBT Seollon F.O, Box 144840 lG€ Norlh 1e5O Wert s.il Lekr Clty, Urah a+11.1.lft,.10 1 3r,Irple rrl..ab lD Subcirnce elorcd iattnl 8am Pl"tyFe Depdr'Ccmpoundao enrrpamerioa(F EAl OIEEEL 8lEX!UTPH/MTBE EPA GD AI'IO EN5li tJscl UNTEADED lJSC 3A SOIL TYPE o2rgd4 II I I State Cenlfl€d l.rborEtory us€dr_ UTILITY TESmNG I+BCIEATORY rEll l I I l" tl lt T- Ill Utility Testing Laboratory ^.875 South Chestnut Street P.O. Box 25005 Salt Lake City, UT 94125 (801) 973-83os Fax: (801) 973-8333 May 14,1999 Westech Environmental P.O. Box 57307 Salt Lake City, UT 84157 Attention: Mr. Jack Riding Subject: TPH/BTEX Testing - Magna Water Treatment Purchase Order No. 0151329 Sample Collected: 05 May 1999 Sample Received: 07 May'1999 Comments: SW-846 8020 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GASOLINE & DIESEL (MODTFTED CALTFORNTA METHOD 801s) PRACTICAL QUANTITATIVE LIMIT:10 ppm SOlL,.5 ppm WATER Test No. 0s-07-99-09 Date Analyzed 10 May 1999 Test No. 05-07-99-09 SOIL SAMPLE ss-l @ 3.s' SOIL SAMPLE ss-l @ 3.5' BTEX SW-846 METHOD 8O2O (SOIL) USING PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O PRACTICAL QUANTITATIVE LIMIT:5 ppb SOIL Test Results mg/K& mg/L (ppm) < 10 mdKg Casoline < 10 m/Kg Diesel < 10 mg/Kg TPH Test Results lrglK& ]rgl[ (ppb) < 5 pgiKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 FglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 ;rglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed '13 May 1999 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY 0 ,E r--G@),r!i,ft5 W ir-il flllAy l i ,yvg-{r-- ry i' Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager u A Utility Testing Laboratory 875 South Chestnut Street Salt Lake C CHAIN O F CUSTODY Utah 84104 Phone: 801-973-8305 FAX: 801-973-8333 o)o) Report To (prinProject Name: fiN:,,\ N^TE7 Ti,TUilt Pro.lect Number Sampler's Si8natqre: // 11!tti-'| ,it P.O. Number No. of cont.Matrix c- r*,,| r-1 HLI lxs \ ft t*,t \t N tu+ Sample Time Sample lde(tificationDate Sampled I [1I I I)rv7:'r-/e'3-5154*?q ?:zo \ ) I SIND RESUTTS TO (Company Name) I tlr :/rr/ d rw /arU/rrlrt/ Received (signature) 'n ,l tt)'t../ t. Daterflime:r/ /77/q?ll , :.) Rel inquished (sigqature) : firr lfuu, -tr,r I FIP*ra To the attention of:Received (signature)Datefime:Rel inquished (/iBnature) Received (signature)DateflimeRelinquished (signature) : Phone: ':') /{( - €Address{/' 5 /^J Received (signature)Date/[inreRelinquished (signature) CONDTTION OF SAMPTES Samples Chilled: EI Yes D No Samples Preserved: tr Yes tr No Seals lntact: Remarks trYes trNo ..:10, / - ,//5/FaxCOMMENTS: tuj-rflTl ,SISAnal i:--liljl r:l:l >4 REMI l(n--t c0 IIH < ( c. , ur gr//;7 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QLTALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION lo{t 6{1 b'{( Michael O. Leavitt Governor Dianue R. Nielson, Ph.D. Execulive I)irector Kent P. Grav Director i68 North 1950 West P.0. Box 144840 Salt I:kc City, Utah 84114-48.10 r80l) -5364100 r80l) 3-59-8853 Fax ( 801 ) 536-44 t4 T.D.D. ri'rvw.deq.state.ut.us Web tttttt\ ERRU- 16 May 6, 1999 Steve Williams Magna Water Treatment Plant 2711 South 8600 West Magna. Lrtah 81044 Closure PIan Approval tbr Product Piping Associated with Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Magna Water Treatment Plant, 2100 South 7650 West, Magna, Utah Facilitv lD #4001649 Dear Mr. Williams The Closure Plan tbr the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Rernediation (DERR) on May 3, 1999, has been approved subject to the noted modifications. if any. The DERR office and the local tire department must be notified 72 hours betbre beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements tbr closure or may charge inspection fees. The Salt Lake City/County Health Department is no longer performing closure inspections. Please be sure the DERR office (not Salt Lake City/County Health Department) is contacted at least 72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan wiil be required. unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. ,r> { RE Facility D #4001649 Page 2 KPG/GAH/Kf Enclosures D,r- t A4l,^ If you have any questions. please contact Gary Harris at (801) 536-4150. Sincerely Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Chief Kim Passey, Salt Lake County Fire Department Thomas S. Jones, Westech Fuel Equipment 05/03/99 MON 13:10 FAX 801 261 4084 a WESTECH FUEL EQUIPUENT Date LHD mailed to @ooz Date to From LHD Reviewer/Date Mgr. Phone #( 801 250-275s CIty MAGNA Stare_![_ Ztp s4&14___ (rev. 05/01/981 FACILTTY tD# 400t64s . closurc Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) FAC|LTTY INFOFMATIO,N Tank [ ] sole profietorship I J partnershlp I Xl oomorataon Contact State__UT _ Zp_!rt044_ Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site 0 Phone#(801 ) 250-2799 Total number of regulatecl underground tanks at this slte to be ctosed TANKS TO BE GLOSED .Tank #N/A r- Type (Steel,FRp,etc.)ENVIRONM :NTAL RE:Pa;IlS ENTEi.]LD :&il[ I I Date lnslalled ilAY or ilYt Capacity t rJW i I substance stored" Date last operated lDr _ --E- - -t Rernoved/ln ploce/ Chonge in Servlce? epecific €ach tank closcd (rsgular,oll, etc.) Por waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of sqlvonts been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identify if known)N/A No_ Notknown o iffi'ff ftft*lit"Jltrcontaminants mav be required fiorto disposar of @nraminarocr son or orher mareriar. (Ghecrr of (company Phone#(801) 266-2545. Address A Contractor may prspare must ast with the owner/operatofs Plan is submitted inThis Closure (u.A.c.) Address 2711 SOUTH 8600 WEST Facility 05,/03,/99 MON 13:10 FAX 801 26t 405 TANK REi/TOVER Name THo Com WESTECH FUEL EQUIPMENT @ oo3 C,.-. #TR 0369 Exp. dateJl345/01 Phone # ( Eot ) 2eA.2S45 4 J N Add Com Ad Slate_UL zipgllgz__ Name IVATank(sl vrill be disposed at: Faciltty Addr€ss city-.- state_ zipContect person Phone # ( )Product llnes ryill V6nt lifies will eith eithor be: X removed or_ deaned, securcd in place, and cepped. er be: _ removed or_ deanod and securod opon. Piplng wi,t be disposed et: Fac{ity WA Add Contsc{ porson WlLL Tank(s) will be empted by: comp€ny -Tank(s) wlll b6 clean€d by: compsny N,/A Contaminrted wEt r ln fte Ank/rlrclte wlll be disposod at: Fad[ty Contad peEon Tank(s) will be: -.- purgod or _ r€ndor€d ln6rt by the followlng msthod: Residual sludgB wll bo dispos€d at the following facil Phone #1) 250- Phone#( ) Phone # ( ) n6# City-- Stats_ Ap_ [ ] Fadlity Sil6 ptat, Sample I - FOR CLOSURE IiIPLAGE ONLY nformation Table, sampls r€sults end Chain of custody forms anB indud6d.I I ooGlmentation lhat the tank(s) were €mdied and deaned prior to sempling is included.I I Approvst for in-place cl osuE has boon granted by tho Looal FirE Department.Fire Phon€# Approval for in-place dosurE hes bBen gra Dat€l Health Distri r €d by the Local Health Departmont. Substance to be used to flll tan I hone# Conlaci person Phon€ # () aubmlttEd approval, tho local h.alth and fire deparunsnts wh6re the facllity is CONTAGT LOCAL HEALTH OISTRICT CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Contact Tenv Johnston DISPOSAL INFORtr'ATION Date___alE!ye9__ Ttuo Phon6 # rot cltv--UAQNA--- stare_1Jl__ zp__g!U44__ 05/03/99 MON 13:11 FAX 801 261 4054 WESTECH FUEL EQUIPMENT @ ooaaGQNTAi,IIMTED MATERIALS rU!,IL!TY: contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be dlsposed at the following faclfity: E.T. Technoloqies. lnc.Addrr* Ciry VallevState_..lUT zip &{94__Contact person CerolMstz phone#@ SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performetl for all UST closures and change-ln+wice. Sib assessments must beperformed as ouflined in RSt l -202, Part 2EO.t zand R3t I -205 (u.A.c.). Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the followlng table, usingappropriablab methods. Substance orhoduct T;ae Contaminant Compounds to be Analped ANALYTICAL MEIEODSl Soil, Gruundwder or Surface Weter Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPrr);e4d Ehnzene,Toluens,Ethyl benzene,Xylenes,Naphthalene,(BTE)O{)and MTBE E015 Modifiod EPA 8020 or E260 and Dieset Total GPTD;3E_d Benzone,ToluengEthylbeDzene,Xylenes,and Naphthalene (BTE)(\T) Used Oil oil and Crease (o&c)or Total Rccoverable PetroleumHydrocartots(IRP[I);rod Beozeno,Toluene,Ethyl bemene,XyIenes,Napht}alene (BTElCr)and MTBE;a+d Ilalogenailed E015 Modified EPA 8020 or 8260 aud EPA 413.1 or 4lt.lg!{l EPA 8020 or 8260 and EPA 8010 or 8260 New OiI oil- and Grase (oac) or Totar Reoor*abre FetrorerrmHy&ocarbone (TRp[t)EPA4l3.l or418.l Otheror Unknown Totat Ferrolarm ttyUrocatons fl?[I); ggl B€mzcne, Toluen€,Ethyl benzene, Xyleres, ana Napitname fnfeio$); asdIlalogenatod Volatile Organic Comporrnas (VOC,s) 8015 lvlodified and EPA 8020 or E260ggt EPA S0l0 or 8260 scceptilg the urc of the 8llfil method rorlcr to the 60O method rerler for water enalysls. Note that ma$cd nethod numberr Eay roplace change or bc replrced (e.g., glf,lO cen be upgraded to, or replaced wlt\81150 lf dertred etc.).Cteck wlth tLe DER& your certifiedcampler, or your enalytical lrboratory ifyou have quertlonr rcgardiry the pmpGr aadytlcel mettod(r) to ure for your rampling pnogran. All materials generatgd from usr closures mlst^be maneged..gnd drsposecr in a manner that does not prace thosematerlals in direct contact with the environment .dldiliI;ling oi;ilifi;;d solrs may be required prior to anysoll management aciivlues' Any pe$on prouiding rrmeairi orslctorce for a reu, inctuding oerohbn ond over-excovotion lof more rhan .io yd1 must oe a cZrtieJii consuttant lAltenrative methodr or tort procedurer allowed for 413.1 ue 1664 or5520@) rn-41E.1 mey elso ure 1554 or 5520(f). Ihe DERR ls now GompleG the Facitlty slG Plat and samplc lnformation Table on pegcs rr and 6 to provrde slte a!ilrcssmcntinformation. @torlf contamination et the r'alltyEspegled or conflrmed. the informafion must be reportecl to the Executive secretary(usr) at (801) s36-4100 wittrin 2z hou;- rne-bffifr'oiwat"r euattty;rst il norrled at (801) s38€146 if FreeProducl is oncountered or if surface weter has-beel-!q6;c&:-it contamin'*ion G 6nnrmed, any person assrstar' rn theremediation prooess for a fee must bo a certmeo-uSibonsuitant. o Fetroleum tlydrocarbons 05/03/99 MON 13:12 FAX 801 261 4084 1YESTECH FUEL EQUIPMENT @ oos 2'x t" Lin r-#5t I /3.F2,U 3 C-I I = Sr-pt locations (SS-#, WS+, USC_#)I = Monitoring Wells (MW-e,) 9 = *il boring (SR#), or Geoprobe Bdns (cp+)a = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.i ' 9bry:J syQe Topography: (N,Iwv,%sw,S,sE,ENE) Land Use At Site: _Residedial _Commerciif _Ioa*fi"fSurounding Land: _Residential _Commerciafllnaustrial Slte Plrt Murt Indlcate Apprrortmate Iacrtlonr Of: __Cuneirt & formr ronlr*, piping & aiseensers _ Location of all suples to Ue :kea _ Buildings, fences, & property boundaries _ Utility.conduits (seureq gas, water, stqm drains,electical, etc.) f) Scale: 1"- _FeEt NORTH Eu;dia6 ::i :ii i!''.H'izl1 -'#,1$,r'-thffi ,fiEfr *. #jff# ffi'E:.$Ylffi{ Conpt tE iEDh fw e[ d,rph. b D!,*n 'offi E 006 E 006 eII ntlltllrl ta 02 tLi bbw [r hFtlrtrri. oI lih,fEcnbEbqlp.+ Appllrlftrt€ .Lpth to glt'undwrtor ln Otg vlo&ily of thr tar*ri _x A lrEt,Rsgjonal glEunduyrtoI flow Cilldort: acnDb #tubrhnc. cbtrd lnttnt arn!L rrDrr Oepllrr ICol,pc|Inds ttd,rrs malhod(if l8-t at a)i?EIIUTFH torattEu!c-l u!c a'Dtaltlaa Elltr C.dl d trbDrrtoty to be qr.d Plrrcs erplain €ny unu?.cl ot a!.|udln! ctv__iatllArc , _6t reJJI__an_-Lr!t__ Phoa.r(!l4)E7! 816 ,ollEurneilnc!. crpocbC rlladlm lhr dt€ tta.Enent ot Ccf,ur.: I c.rt y umtgr DrDalt cf t e trrt t att wilh lt. inlhnnsln an t,ta tbrnt artd .Lrc]lD.d h.rth wl L 6|lqid titnr&rE of iullr cwrr.r Full ltamo of t||rf cwn|r' thr crn*/oprranr ot th. fril(sl trfifiica Or.t il t tnx. r..Irtl rnrl GotrlbEt afl, alotl. rd gras I rrn hntth, fi| lhaf. ut.t $o luoatme h ltAy_$1s9s .\It IMFROVEMEI{T DIST P.2 .OILTVPE t.-ll= [. . ILi- ' I ,i.'. t : I DEPARTME{T OF ENVIRONMET.,mAL QUALXTY DMSION OF EI{VIROM'IEMAL RESPONSE AND REMEDTATION 168 North 1950West Saltkkc City. Utah 84116 (801) 5364Im i i ): I I I iI }.TAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1,148,.{{l slc,ut& 84114-4840 Date: To: FN(NI,JMBERS: (8ol) 3s9-8853 (801)5364242 :n Agency/Firm: FAXNumben Pagas to follow: Comments: From: wEsiecu FUEL EOITIPEWENT 3 05/03/gg MON 13:10 FAX 801 261 4054 PETROLEUTA & CHEIUTCAL HATIDLIflG EOUTPMENT Salt Lake Cigz FI€TIE OF THE 2o,o2Winter FA,ED flne z ' Page of FROiI: Wettoch Fuol Equipmant 195 lUost 80tt0 Sourtr P,0. Box 57307 Salt Lalre Ctty, Utah E4157.llgtt7 TO: FAX TRANSMTTTAL -7 WESTECH FUEL EQUIPMENT REOUESIED BY: @ oor f, 6 Telephone: 001.266-Zi4S 24 Hr. FAX: 401.261-4054 Toll Free: 1-800.493.98A1 Oate: ,j5?-465 7 ATTN:D*v iD I MEMO:Fcce/ue,)A (// PT"EASE CAIT WESTEGH FUEL EOUTPTIET{T TMIIIEDIATEIY tF YOU DtD I{OT RECEIUE ALL PAGES,OB IF ADDMOilAI TNFORMATIOI{ OR CI.ARIFICATIOiI 18 NEGESSARY. YOUR REPLY TO TIIIS ilIEiIO IS OBEATTY APPRECTATED. IHAiII( YOU. a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (80r) 536-4414 T.D.D. April 14, 1999 t{0016'lt? Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director TO:ED HANSEN MAGNA WATER 7640W.2100 S. MAGNA, UT 84044 Underground Storage Tank Section Gary A. Harris Environmenlal Scienrisl RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at MAGNA WATER Facility I.D. # 4001649 To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance, the facility must be in compliance with Federal and State Rules and Regulations. The compliance review, perforrned on 4-14-99 , indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Product lines need to be upgrade with corrosion protection or be non-corrodible 2. Document that the tank has had a corrosion test within the past three years. The above information must be submitted to this office by54a-99. If it is not received by the date specified, we will corlmence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. ,A If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Gary HJrris at (801) s36-4160. UTAH UST PR Release Detection I Facil n Checklist ity lD \ s, $. I I ll. Location of Tank(s)l. Ownership of Tank(s) Owner Name Zip Code Area Code Phone Number Phone #Contact Person At UST Location Address StateCity Certificate of Compliance * Facility Name Zipcode tUqq a streetAddress 76 U City //) a h4. "^" c/ Tern4 County t4/, Ll// s lll. Tank lnfOfmation Complete lor each tank. ll lacility has more than 4 tanks, complete information lor additional tanks on separate form. Number of tanks at facility:Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 fr6"No Yes NoCurrent year tag is displayed Yes No Yes No Tank presently in use (Y/ No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) lt,tg7Month and year tank installed Capacity of tank (in gallons)s-r tP^3 ll( DSubstance stored (CcMaterial of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.) 9 -f 1 fr^ 3 Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.)9rcl 9Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.) tV. ReleaSe DetectiOn FOr TankS lndicate the method(s) used lor each tank. Complete the appropriate checklist lor each method used. Emergency Generator tank (leak detection deferred) Releasev.ForDetection lndicate andused tank wheremethod(s)appropriatecompletegPipin Method used (enter method used and complele appropriate form) Method used (complete separate lorm where applicable) Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model Test result (pass/fail) Date ol last Line Tightness Test Test result (pass/fail) Cert. No. UT Yes NoOperates at less than atmospheric pressure No leak detection required (must answer'yes'to all questions below) Yes NoSlope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable 4-/tt-??I nam)(Mtfr. day, yBd, tm) I Yes No tr t'S that I have inspected the above-named lacility on Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative Present During lnspection lnspector's Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised Z4l99 )L Date ol last Leak Detector performance test Name and company of certified tester UTAH UST PROG No and I LrlCUltL than 4 tanks.Please complele inlormation each tank. Use additional aslorms if the hasnecessaryfacility Tank 1 f ank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by translers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes €e Yes No Yes No Yes No Noa Yes No Yes No Yes No NoU Yes No the environment? lndicate type: Containment sump at tank fill. ll bucket Automatic shutofl (in f ilt the tank? lndicate type ls there a spi ll containmenl device .oI product into >5 gal., Alarm, or Other ls there an over Ball float (in venr (specify) Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm localed where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoFor overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No CORROSION PROTECTION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 ;h Tank Tank Tanklndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Currenl (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP).'it*?Piping Piping Piping Sub-Pump Sub-Pump Sub'Pump Sub Pump Dispgnser Dispenser lndicale the type o{ corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil oI .- I water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not ///T Protected (NP) 0ispenser 0ispenser lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date upgrades were performed: Tank lining Tank cathodic protection Piping cathodic protection The resulls of the last two cathodic prolection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereatter).Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No volts voltsDateTank. Tester volts volts Piping. Tester Date - volts volts volts volts Sub Pump volts Sub'Pump volts Sub-Pump volts Sub-Pufrp volts 0ispenser voltsDateFlex. T Drspenser volts Dispens€r volts Dispenser volts Yes No Yes NoFor impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No Comments ?4 -(4 ^tq-? A oQ Date rC Of CeTr'e,n T'eS ( Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection lnspector's Signature Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector,Revised 2/4/99 Facility lD Checklist CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS Record results ol the most recent cathodic protection test. Record the lowest reading {or each tanUpiping/flex set. -?2 g o oo o c oE co R a Eo a ?1,lr.l addot<l)EII EIEI ao rcomd€le il€n}8 I andoa 2 foa eddlirnal !€avic€3. .Comdd€ it6flls 3, 4s, erd an .Pdrn your name and;ddr6 ,o re'/or!a ol thia h.rnio t|at w€ C6n r6tum fia cad lo }!U..Aiech thl6 lom lo tho |ront ol tho maildoce, or m the bad( it +ao. do6s not p€IIIit. .WtlLa'Retu., R@ipl Rquodod'on lhe lmillfuos bdow lho adclo numberrTho R6tum Rac€ipi will rhow lo wtrom tr|e artldo ura3 d6liv€.6d and the date (, to: ED HANSE MAGNA TER CO 0 600 w g I also wish to r€caivs hs following s-ipss (for an extra fs€l 1. E Addressee's Addrass 2. E Bostrictsd Delivery Consult postnastBr lor fse. umber z. ta1 Lt -7 7 E Registered t' c.rtm"o E lnsured Rsceipt tor MordEncf s€ E COD iv€ry tess (Only il requested lee is paid) 2i 11 NA UT 84044 6 5. Rec€ived By: (Pdat 3811, Decamber 1994 102595,97.8-0179 Return Exprsss Mail I PS UNIED STATES PosrAL SERvrcE \/Illlll-First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Psrmit No. G-l0 . Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box . UDEO / DERR P0. B0x 144840 s^rT I AXE CITY UT 84114-4840 IL,L,L,L,,IL,,IIIL,,IL,,II,,,IL,,,,,IIIL,,,,,IL|,,II t QI trN HANSEN -t\ noNn wnren co 2711s8600w MAGNA UT 84044 (Er =., ORr! o.s .jr Ed.\- bg.r ()S CL>; Beg.r @X IE.= !!* FEE e&,, E =E .9. E g 9 o {r} a > .9-o.6 ,6 a I o a E - o E = I tb a-9 e?its6 EE E5 dtn F! 5fr $EE-- ii + 966 ! ludv'OOBe ujrol Sd Stlck posteg€ dsnP3 to rnlcb lo covor Flrat{lr!8 poslrga, conlibd nall tB6, and cherg.s to. lny aahdsd odlon.l srvlc.r fs6t rrDrl). l. ll you {lanl lhis roc8ipl postmarkod, stick lh6 oummod slub lo lh6 righl ol lh€ rslum addrBss laaving th6 recoid alladod, and prss6nl the aircl€ al a post ollico s€rvico window or hand il lo your rulel cefiEl (no oxt/a cllatga), 2. ll you do not wanl lhis r6c6ipl po6tma*€d, slick lh6 gumm6d slub lo lhs righl ol lhe retum addcss ol lh6 arlicle, dal6, d6lach, and roiaio the rBc{ipt, and maillh6 a.lid.. 3. ll you wanl a €tum r6c6ipt, writg lh€ csiiffsd mail numbd end your nam6 and addEss on a r6tum rocsipl card, Fonn 381 1 , and aflach il lo the lront ol lhe articls by doans o, lhe gummod ends il space p€rmhs. Olherwise, 6Jlix lo bac* ol anicl€. Endorse lrofl ol anldo RErUH{ RECEIPT REoUESTED adacant lo lh6 numbsr. 4. ll you warn d€liwry rEslricled lo lh6 eddr6sss6, or lo an aulhoized agefi ol lhe addressee, 6ndo6e RESTRICTED DEUVERY on th6 iio.{ ol lh€ eni.l6. 5. Ent€r l6€s Ior th€ services requ€slsd in lhs appDpriato spacos on lh6 kod ol lhis r€c6ipt. ll rctum rec€ipl is rsquesled, chock ho applicablo blod6 in it€m 1 ol Form 381 1 . 6 Save lhis r6c6id and p€s6rl ilil you mak6 an inquiry. o2soq9zB0145 6 s oooa, e o_ t DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. Leavin Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executivc Director Kent P. Grav Direct& 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web rIL E COPY ERRU-015-99 January 12,1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Ed Hansen Magna Water Company 2711 South 8600 West Magna, utah 84044 RE: Notice of Intent to Revoke Certificate of Compliance Located at Magna Water Company/Treatment Plant, 7640 West 2100 South, Magna, Utah Facility ID # 4001649 Dear Mr. Hansen: The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Rules (R31 1202-1) require that after December 22. 1998, UST owners and operators must comply with one of the following: 1) New UST system performance standards in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 280.20; 2) The upgrading requirements in 40 CFR 280.21; 3) Closure requirements under 40 CFR 280 Subpart G. Our records indicate that tank I at Facility # 4001649 is not in compliance with the 1998 upgrade requirements. Pursuant to Section 19-6-414 of the Utah Code, you have 60 days to submit documentation to us to demonstrate that you are in compliance or your Certificate of Compliance will be revoked. If your Certificate of Compliance is revoked and you are participating in the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund, you will be ineligible to receive payment for claims against the PST Fund. If you have any questions, please call Gary Harris or any member of the UST Staff at (801) 536-4100. Sincerely, l+t,'q' Kent P. Gray, Execfu tiZ-secretary (UST) Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/RTSiKf 1 Michael O. Leavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Cray Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 Nonh 1950 West P.O. Box lzl4840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14-4840 (801 ) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. MAGNA WATER CO 271_1_ S 8600 W MAGNA October 29,1998 UT 84044 Re: December 2211998 upgrade deadline for Underground Storage Tanks The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records show you have one or more underground storage tanks (USTs) which have not met the December 22, 1998 UST upgrade requirements. These tanks are located at MAGNA WATER CO./TREATMENT PLANT, 7640W 2100 S, MAGNA, facility ID# 4001649. Under Federal regulations issued in 1988, UST owners and operators have until December 22, 1998 to upgrade, replace, or permanently close USTs that do not meet the requirements for protection against spills, overfills, and corrosion. This deadline will not be extended. If your tanks are not in compliance by the deadline, they will not be able to receive deliveries offuel. Our information shows these requirements have not yet been met: Tank ID Substance Tank Capacity Spill Protection Overfill Protection Corrosion Protection I Diesel 1000 Yes Yes No Any metal flex connectors connected to fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) piping at the submersible pump or dispenser must be cathodically protected or taken out of contact with the soil. USTs filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons at a time (usually used oil tanks) are not required to meet the spill and overfill prevention requirements as part of the upgrade requirement. If you have questions about which requirements you still need to meet, or would like to have someone visit your site to help assess your needs, please call Alan Jones at (801) 536-41 15. 05/20/98 t{ED 17:07 FAX E01 261 4054 WE FUEL EQUIPMENT @ oo1 t t l,cr Pcrnlt t t lo:alc ro'tlllctsloa TECU T'UEL I ?atalE tlo: larrrllaElou co!9r!tr ldalr.. Ehoa. 195 sertr-[f$[7 I i Certi!1cd IErG.ll.a'. on ?roj€ce: Nat'c S FOSTER J INE I,IARK oaEG work ui1l cotffienca Eac:1iEY IDI (i! noc a ncu facllitY) T.d( Aiires CoiEacE, Par trcillty ci AiC:es Congacc uastutt or osGaaurElsg clrctlrB'ac"'r'D'cg'd * t: 0014 a*p Ca 4-1 5-9 X CerE CcrE. I tt-3 C.rc, *66 I I tnsEal:lR.Place Exp. aecc-Z:Ll:9l;;;.T:ia'oo- '-'p9rad.6 ?honr * tSlLl zLg- ?hone * (-) rrll colgt.t.d lorq Eo: 15il Nc::h 1950 "t'ri' 15i =Loc3 ,.." -.nnnotj"tj .1'" t .i/rfftt'Lr. rt ilL c:K* !Y/ + tocal Ins:.rlieclon ?a:k F'e/Pe-f: UEah :aFar:-aEnc ei =rvllcciei:rl Quali:y Divis:-.a oi Envl:-.:laen=ci R,csionsc and ienec:Ec:on r:snk ll Uenate-l::rea11,'UggreCc capaciEy (galioos) Siecl, eEc. )i?e (F39 S,:SsEance Eo 5e SEored ?:?!:r9 !:Ee (grcss., Sr:c:ion, Grav::Y) Itprll l, 0urr6tl::1s :all jUPgraie Whac? iiank, iincs. C.P.,"') DcrcrlgBioa tlu8b.t I SE3Ee Ure On:-v: Da:c PeraiE Mailed crcv SLC M MAGNA WATER CO. 27L1, S 8500 w MAGNA March 17, 1998 UT 84044 Re: December 22, 1998 upgrade deadline for Underground Storage Tanks Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records show you have one or more underground storage tanks (USTs) which have not met the December 22, 1998 UST upgrade requirements. These tanks are located at MAGNA WATER CO./TREATMENT PLANT, 7640 W 2100 S, Magna, facility ID# 4001649. Under Federal regulations issued in 1988, UST owners and operators have until December 22, 1998 to upgrade, replace, or permanently close USTs that do not meet the requirements for protection against spills, overfills, and corrosion. This deadline will not be extended. If your tanks are not in compliance by the deadline, they will not be able to receive deliveries of fuel. The DERR encourages owners and operators to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements as soon as possible before the December 22, 1998 deadline. It can take several months to upgrade, close or replace an UST system. Delays are not unusual, and contractors may not be available if you wait. Start planning now! Our information shows these requirements have not yet been met: \ Tank ID Substance I Diesel Tank Capacity Spill Protection Overfill Protection Corrosion Protection 1000 No No Yes Any metal flex connectors connected to fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) piping at the submersible pump or dispenser must be cathodically protected or taken out of contact with the soil. USTs filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons at a time (usually used oil tanks) are not required to meet the spill and overfill prevention requirements as part of the upgrade requirement. If you have questions about which requirements you still need to meet, or would like to have someone visit your site to help assess your needs, please call Alan Jones at (801) 536-4115. FACILITY ID# 4001649 PETROLEI]M STORAGE TANK FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION Complete one forut for each facility Return completed form by May 1,1997 P.O. Box 303 Masna,Utah 84044 lrn FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS Check Only One r/s,/rz m tr I choose to continue to participate in the PST Trust Fund. O Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May 1, 1997. O Submit the Fiscal Year 1998 Facility Throughput Declaration (blue form) by May l,1997. O All tanks including aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) located at this facility may be required to participate in the PST Trust Fund. O Indicate number of ASTs, if any, located at this facility tr I choose another Financial Assurance Responsibility Mechanism(s) O Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May l, 1997. O By June 15, 1997, submit acceptable financial assurance documents and $1000 processing fee per mechanism (Use the exact format required by federal regulation,40 CFR Part 280, Subpart H.). O Indicate your Company's " Fiscal Yeat''ending date MAGNA CO. AN Print name of owner/operator or authorized nTq TRICT Title April 3 ,t?97 Date 8n1-250 2_l t 8 Phone Signature * SEND NO PAYMENT AT TIIIS TIME * 7640 trtlast 210O So,th Mag'ar llteh RlO4& _*' A_(nZr*4e Contact Person At UST Phone # Number of tanks at facilitu: Code I frl,llauswPhone Nr S-D -E City 21tlS. tb0rtAddress Owner Area Code(t ol\ 2 State dateExpi {+ City ivla rd. /LoO s, Facility Nam€ Certificate of Compliance on site? County Sfreet AddresslbSO Tank listed on Certificate of Comoliance fk1 No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank oresentlv in use r@ No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf not in use. date last used lf not in use. deoth of oroduct in tank fin inches) Month and vear lank installed ltA'tw)^lQtT i?lLr.rrrr-'---Capacitv of tank fin qallons)t9CIo I Substance stored Dle<e-I il7)Tffqil 1S-' ',l*lfS ,Material of construction of tank (steel. FRP. etc.)slve (( Material of construction of oioino (steel- FRP. etc.)slcel Emeroencv Generator tank (leak delection deferred\ S {rv.n lnventorv Control/Tank Tiohtness Testino Automatic Tank Gauqino Manual Tank Gauoino Vaoor Monitorino Groundwater Monitorino lnterstitial Monitorino Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR) Automatic Line Leak Detector ffi approorlab tank cftg rlt^ltt*rl , Line Tiahtness Testino v Vapor Monitorino Groundwater Monitorino lnterstitial Monitorino Statistical lnventorv Reconciliation (SlR) dplqr Present During lnspection certity that I have inspected the above-named facility on r---Ir"*r. &x t*.-a.o Signature of Owner or lnspecto/s S Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ....,.....'..t.t,..,UTfiH .US$ : : ::at:: : lii,lrrr ::: l!!::::: ..:: r:::iii:i :ri i PRGGHAIIil;,,,:iilr,,,r,,r,r :,.,i , .i,'liFadlff Release Detection iChedkliSt r,ir:li. rowneE$hlP: of Tanh{r)ll, Location of ,Tnnk(*) I Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Pininn funa lnracsr rra Rr mtinn drevilv at. \ lV. Helease Detectlon For Tanks lndicate metfroOtst ,"".1 f.rr each tank Cornnlate n i'ir**"aii" .ha.Hlet fm each marhJ ,,co"r Other annrovecl method /indieata nama of mcthod) Othcr annrovad mathorl /indicate nama of malhndl I j{6a 5. srct o o oo leiri13 m 6o*& /t4,u'"/. b{:,4 i t I \ \f.;Vg.rc[ LL, nlo.,* cr.rl' F,tl I [, Tank 1 fank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Yes @ Yes No Yes No Yes NoThe UST system is filled by translers of 25 gallons or less' lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes @ Yes No Yes No Yes Nols there a spill containment buckel or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? Yes w'Yes No Yes No Yes Nols there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes' indicate the lypo ol device: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutotf (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoFor overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily soen and heard by the delivery driver? Tank 1 Yes No Tank 2 Yes No Tank 3 Yes No Tank 4 Yes NoFor overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? SA Tar*Tank Tmk T!nk sleeI Llm Llm Llm lndicate th6 type of corrosion protection: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite steel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). ll FRP or CS do not complete the remainder ol this section. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ll the UST is not protected, was the tanUline installed before May 7, 1985? lf yes, cortosion protection is not reguired until D,ec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder ol this section. No@ Yes No Yes No Yes NoThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months ol installation and every 3 years thereafter). -O,il votts Trr*Tar* volts Tml volts Tonk volts Um volts Llm volts Llre volts Llre voltsq7tg3Test Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) C'a t3 3 ia lnspecto/s lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: [dpill prevention for yr ugzCorrosion protection for piping assoc. with tank(s)#-t skal, understand that the following marked items must be completed by ! Corrosion protection lor tank(s) ! Facility meets 1998 upgrade requirements {Ov enill prevontion f or Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During Distribution: Whit€-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner :I ,:t:;, : : : : : : : : : : i I : : : : : i , : I : i l $Hili; : t,1;;tlt ,, ,,,,,,,i, : , rrtrfiil, . iFr#ltlff,iiln ctiffiktr,i]ffi, g l$Pi- HfilEEi;i#n:Ellr$!*lfil0t*,iii .OOft fi O8lONiiip..HO,,,,EES-lTIOftI1: Um Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. Name of t""t"r' UPGBADE nrOrrHi{nonr I HORROCKS CAROLLO ENGINEERS October 15, 1993 OCI 2 O iyuJ Mr. Kent P. Gray, Executlve Secretary Utah Solid andHazardous Waste Control Board 150 North 1950 West, 2nd Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 DIV. OF RESPONSE AND REMEO'ATION Attention: Jlm Thiros Subject:Underground Storage Tank - Cer[iflcate of Compltance Facility ID # 4001649 Genflemen: Thts letter is a follow up to a letter which we sent to you dated August lS, lgg3pertaintng to the above mentioned underground storage fuel tank. In that letter we provided you with all your requested informatlon wlth the o<ception of the cathodtcprotectlon test. The District has slnce had the tanks tested and the results of this test are tncluded for your records. We hope that with this additional information, your office has all the tnformation they need regarding thts installation. We appreciate your patience with the District as theyobtain this information. Please contact our olfice or the District if you have anyquestions or need any additional tnformatlon. Unless we hear differently, we wlll assum-e ttris matter closed until the required testing reporting is due in the fuiure. Slncerely, ENGINEERS .^y,Ifi[fifi ',ffi If 'dl,'^|,i, 0n Don P.E. Magna Water Company District Engineer PLAZA2l00, SU|TE 1O2,14O WEST 2100 SOUTH, SALT LAKE Crry, UTAH 84115 (801) 487-7860 u'xfu,/ 'il(, Senncn" Pefo Tech, lnc. 1.l170 Sandy Gulch Road Sandy, Utah 84094 PBtos,o{ Ilr( t Uf rEsT},G CORROSION PROTECTION Test Date:September 21, 1993 Test No: 9309218 Site Location:Magna Water 7640 West 2LOO South Magna, Utah Under 40 CFR 28O.3L, the EPA requires aII corrosion protection systems must be operated and maintained to continuously provide corrosion protection to the meta1 components of that porti-on of thetank and piping that routinely contain regulated substances and arein contact with the ground. AIl cathodic protection systems must be tested within 6 months ofinstallation and at l-east every 3 years thereafter. The following steeL tank systems were tested with a stiP3 tank monitor to show the tank-to-soil potential indicating the tevel ofcathodic protection. Due to varying soit conditions, we cannot guarantee these results. This is only a preliminary survey; a moreextensive survey can be performed at your request. The stiP3 meter should read more negative than -0.85 volts.According to the Steel Tank Instj-tute, this voltage readingindicates the tank is properly protected. Typically, new tanks with zinc anodes will exhibit a potential of -1.100 volts and tanks with magnesium anodes witl exhibit apotential near -l-.650 volts. Steel tanks without functional anodestypically will exhibit a potential of -0.50 to -0.60 volts. PRODIICT TYPF:RESULTS DieseI -O.94 volts ,/ HORROCKS August 13, 1993 Mr. Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board 150 North 1950 West, Znd Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 UTAI-I DEPARTMEI.,IT OF ENVIRCIiVM TruTAL QUALITY AUG I 7 lg$\Tf Dtv. oF ENVN B0i\tr l-{ r NT,&l- RESPONSE P"ND ft [T,,tIi}iATISN CAROLLO ENGINEERS Attention: Jim Thiros Subject:Underground Storage Tank - Certificate of Compliance Facility ID # 4001649 Gentlemen: This letter is in response to your June 23, 1993 letter indicating that we are potentially not in compliance to the regulations governing our buried fuel tank and could lose our eligibility for the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. Specific responses to your letter are as follows: 1) The tank installed at our treatment plant was supplied by Eaton Metal Products of Salt Lake and is a Sti-P3 rated tank. It was installed with dielecrric bushings, coal tax epoxy coating, and sacrificial anodes. The tank is currently covered under the manufacturer's 20 year warranty. The District is in the process of having the existing cathodic protection system tested to show that the anodes are functioning properly. We will be prepared to provide this information to your office within approximately 30 days. 2) The District only recently became aware of the regulation requirements for the testing as outlined in ltems a,b, and c of your letter. The District has obtained the required gauge stick and arelhave performed the required testing. The results of this testing are attached with this letter. The District is in the process of upgrading another buried tank facility. This work will be performed this month with completion estimated by the end of August. While the contracror is on site performing the upgrade, the District will have them also perform the evaluation of the edsting cathodic protection system on the subject tank of this letter. PLAZA 2100, SUITE 230, 140 WEST 2100 SOUTH, SALT LAKE CtTy, UTAH 841 15, (801) 487-7860 ^ Mr. Kent P. Gray August 13, 1993 Page 2 We hope that with the information provided within this letter, your office will recognize the District's desire to adhere to the State's requirement for our buried tanks. We hope this information will enable a resolution of this matter. If you have any questions please contact our office or Ed Hansen at the District. Sincerely, ENGINEERS cn Don Olsen, P.E. Magna Water Company District Engineer bd F.ael Tank nontnQlaav /q V-/ (' ( (' ? 0 :. ) 1 ? J --' .,.llr1riE @YsJ-d,Lt - Wt{/ l+ - tl ry (."; 111 2b-a i'rE -___.Jraffi"xE3-'--v 0 r: l0il- , Ir-.E. l*-..__. I ---- -- v4 check water name Date time Depth Depth Ave.rage capacity 1?.: l, r..r__.* I r I I = E-----.- --..r_!.t.1.! --.;,.,-!rr,,r.- illrrq I I t I I nT a I +-,,- _ I[]'-- Month I check , water naJneca Date time Depth Depth Ave'rage capacity -J -.1 /t ( t I ---! .-l l?1 177, __ - -:.,_h_ a,{>*.'-'iW:tq? -T ., I I .t ?(.I 0 : li ----.E ZW'Y7 o,---r-----reI 1tu4, Uoa<, IlkA I I"f 01o c -i -- I g ---- t37 Lrdw,-v ,)u. Io 2 :r_ ilr rr ( li : rril,' I I t- I - -wr-+-T- :. ..-t J .a--lT *\-, !.v - -6 ',4u v -- - I --7 t'4,r b [-t '_9k 1 t I ,-4aEF -_ Fuei Tank Ivl ontir I /p*tW- 1 check watei naJne Date time Depth Depth Average capacity ttft,filr t/41 1l ?l ,. L I I - *'--*,-- 172^I I '. -l]-- : rr il ,, :t l0 I { ? 1 i t,q7-L{E c T1* l-' dL " -771-. 4-r'>J- - 1a l--: Vryr': vl.l ,' -l-'- -- I -J I I uk--,...r T- J0aply 'rffi i/9 o r.2 0 )lnrrllr t'/z,v I :W t- - 3,ar+_J_ - YEi-1--to,44 - .ct -'r-< ' F T€- -T- i JI I :7/? a I fuei L'ank oa 1 check water narne Date time Depth Depth Ave.rage capacity l ! I ,fv Y3 :"-*-'.-: / rX :@1;eoa I ._i )tErq I I (:. ( 9 I ( I -trt:-a t;- l.'/ -..=..-..+--T i )pE 6 -4=)d: I -r'-, t-LlTT<-_*__LJ 3--C,r# Llly r..- _477.a I----v I uaT-t4_ --- lTTJ:tLJ fl-E b ---r tilPcg-cu,79cl*t4 --rE L !r.2 0 llnrr(lr ,rX#l *-r; t.,tit llonLrt y'/ i/,tzr.,t I i -i /, /' I I I I !-ir ..F j --- .- I Fuel- Tank .., (. ( 0 :i a check water1 name Date time Depth Depth Average capacity t' I _.-t g( 'lE 7 rJ {. a ?r' I l-_l_ I I I -r '. -l9 l 2 ,t WIT,JJ #- .tr-J-o(t I )- L: .----- < r:- --r_ i)u-!_r -2otj kpw---,-4 U-A-*/_ l_ ,L :6 b { I 'tutE.-r7-F ----dr I+-_LIU /t )I ----r q7 za- E 7 llcntl vJ-,rrrr,r,r. : tr',1 ,, I lrz$ ,;. :' Ivlonth r-/ /" r / , t -tttrrtlt:.r tlbhl L a I I I Tank Nl,onth ' ,rl lctG*l(ax/ ll'- I /+x / oo2- ,g-' I I 66t :j/ 6 q{ - 'l'r/b'Z.TT-,_t t l-- |Tb@- rq- ind _t 5-t:--- ) --.*., :J- .J-A L n t,rb )'*-l L l-lr --r-rY-t ------E I I 4t<.]r-- :fr ::::l2EI .--- ; --. . -.t_ -J,-- I -_ ._L{'-t I 15 ITJ} check water nane Date tine -T ---l *T Depth Depth Ave.rage capaclty 48 oazi,l tY. I (.I ( : r8r I tl ( I_.J I l3'{i tw ____tt ? I ) ?T-:--rrL L I I _*'>*.- 9 0 i rtil II llcrr /vtl ,. I I Z',[a &r8'. l+--"Tr#?-ir-,,,5--( -.r :. ------*li-- ry7'- T- t'6 +"- - ----- wnq VSTr :--+-- 3:;*(.) o - .l-- ,q7q''. a !.4 a r'ucr 'l'allK rLl s (-y w4 1 check water name Date time Depth Depth Average capaci % wT' u-t), I &tgL :. I I f rx:.1 7) .l ---J ,t. L I I r I I r I _ .__-J._ -...''....'..,' : rrii.,I a I '"r...m --____ '.irti w4-, l.- --T{vi1 --_ rtE EH'ad- I f-:-@ rQbo'87il .W ( I *L*):til 't-17-z{-tr ilE-a-il _T *rrri_J llirr I Month fr zt- / y7 | I ..r- WV .;a--ry f ---" i! I -rj-.,c) u 2E a lasta^aal l6$t ounc '008€ urrol sd I ci a- ! .e EE EEg; 'E€: E ;EE Eu! =: = g;E E =; iE E E:z Ex:E E= EEE Ea .E 9! -; c>- E.ir i; ie iEE E EE EE EE ffE EE != E€ :E €=E EE !H ,iE E! itt. ;=;8 EE- 3: E:EE ;f E=EEE€:EEEEEE x iii :E ig€H iE * P 301 EBs qbe Receipt for . Certified Mail No lnsurance Coverage Provided Do not use ,or lnternalional Mail ooo(, E o- ED HANSEN JLT 11 S 8600 W MAGNA UT 84044 $*4001649 Fes[rted Oe]rverv Fee Berurn Aecerpt Srrowmg ro Whom & Date Dehver6d Beturn Aeceipl Showing Io Whoh Dale, a.d add.esse's Address $ UNITED STATES PN (TAL SERVICE ) PENALW FOR PFIVATE usE, s300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here pABTMENT..'': tr!x ToNMENTAL ouALITY ^ ' 1050 WEST ,iJi'to^t "'tt' uT 841'6 * - U.S.MAIL Ofliclal Buainoss ill ill ) . Pdm your.r,m€ and addr rstum rhis 9.rd to you.. A(rch ,is form to the tt . Wi( "B€tum Fecoipt Req. Tl16 Beturn nsceipt Foo v/i to and rho dare of d6livorY, .I this rolm 30 th8t w6 can 'c, or on tho b.ck if rp.ce llr,ice bolow th€ articlo numb€r . Compl6to hems'l and. ComDleto ite$i 3. .nd 4 I also _,1h to .ecoivo tho Iollowing sorvices llor 6n 6xtr6 I6s): 1. D Addressge's Addr63s 2. n Restricted oelivery Consult t lot looJLTlmw x,aturs ol the D.rm. daliv€ ED HANSEN MAGNA ;{ATER CO 2711 S 3600 W !1AGNA UT 8 40 4!, 3. Article Addressed 5. Signaturo (Addrossoe) 4b, Sorvice TJ l/gtsrarea Ceftiti€,d vpe ty A! Express Msil R 8. Addrossoe's and fo6 is paid) for 7. Dat6 oI D6l \ 1r GPO:1991-287{66 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 4a. Articlg Numbor P 301 68s 462 It4001549 {m, a a i*- ;- -i'T- ., r.r*l - T+ - i.nl-' - (J e-L, \-.J-L -J r.,L)-i--:-F IL E COPY Michael O. l,eavitt Covernor Diurne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Exeutive Dietor Kent P. Gray D iretor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 Nonh 1950 West 2nd Floor Salt lake City. Utah 84116 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. ERRU-0286-93 CERTIFIED MAIL RE'I'URN ITE CEIPT REOUESTED June 23, 1993 Ed Hrursen Magna Water Compury 271I South 8600 West Magrra, Utah 84044 NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. C12310-3 Facility ID #4001649 Dear Mr. Hansen: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (Act), Utah Code Ann. $ 19-6-414 provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if he determines that the requirements specified in Utah Code Arm. S$ 19-6-412(2), 413 ilre not current. Utah Code Ann. $ l9-6-412(2)(c) requires substantial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations including Utah Admin. Code R3l1-202-l which incorporates by ref'erence 40 C.F.R. S 280 in effect as of May 26, 1992. Therefore, this notice may refer to various subsections of 40 C.F.R. $ 280. At the request of the Executive Secretary QST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation ("DERR") performed a compliance review for Certificate of Compliance No. C12310-3 issuecl to a facility owned or operatecl by Magna Water Company ("you").This facility is located il7610 West 2100 South, Magna, Utah. The designated facility identification numberis 4001649 . This facility contains one underground storage tark ("UST"). USTs are defined by Uteh Code Am. $ 19-6402(25) as any tark regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. S 6991(c) et seq. including: (a) a petroleum storage tark; (b) underground pipes and lines cormected to a storage tark; utd (c) any underground ancillary equipment and containment system. You have not satisfied the requirements of Utah Code tun. $$ 19-6-412(2), 413 because you have failed to properly perform the items below: The records establish you have steel UST installed after November 8, 1984 that are required to have cathodic protection. Document that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection systems within the last three years as required by Utah Admin. Code, R31l-202-l and 40 C.F.R. $ 280.31(b). RE Pflnted on recycled paper 1. ASSIGNMENT SIGN-OFF SHEET /vr/{/c0/(,(1q CO PO NDEN 0416 "r3 AUTHOR'S NAME MAILED OUT -DATE AND IMTIAL: AUTHOR sECTIoN MANAGER ,A n1 BRANCH MANAGER 2 ,-7,4A DryISION SECRETARY t AUTHOR SECTION MANAGER q q -l r,i\ ".t I trlltl BRANCH MANAGER kt c-t.+ - ?j *l DATE SUBMITTED: SECRETARY DRAFT APPROVAL. DATE AND IMIIAL: FINAL APPROVAL. DATE AND IMTIAL: .,.'-,^'*-- Facility ID# 4001649 Page 2 2.Submit documentation that proper Manual Tark Gauging is being completed on UST #1- 1,000 gallon as required by utah Admin. code. R31t-zoz-t and 40 c.F.R. g 280.43(b), by documenting you are now properly performing the following:a. Record the liquid level to within one-eighth inch at the beginning and ending of a period of at least 44 hours during which no liquid is added or removed from the UST. b. Document that liquid measurements are based on arr average of two consecutive stick readings at both begiruring and end of the period and converred to gallons using a chart capable of determining gallons in one-eighth inch incremenrs.c. Document that you have obtained a gauge sdck which is not wom on the ends. legible, and capable of measuring one-eighth inch increments. This letter is WRITTEN NOTICE to you, rhar: your Certificate of Compliance may be revoked; you are violating the eligibility requirements for the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund; and you have 60 days following the receipt of this letter to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Act or your Certificate of Compliance will be revoked and you will be ineligible to receive payment for claims against the PST Fund. If you fail to resolve the compliance problems described above within 60 days of receipt of this leffer, you will be notified by a Notice of Agency Action and Notice of Hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is any reason your Certificate of Compliance should not be revoked. Please contact Jim Thiros at (801) 5364100 to discuss this notice ar your earliest convenience. Sincerely, (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/JLTlmw Fred Nelson, Attomey General's Office Acting Director, Salt Lake City/County Health Deparftnenr l. 2. aJ. cc: 13 ql (s)l. Ownershi p of Tank ll. Location of Tank (s Pww Phoa., Stsa.r c L- Itta I uaDar o, Tantr .t fhb lslotr ta f Clty (1, ..rn. .. S.cdon I , ch.cl ttar. 16\ Ownrr l,lemr rCorportdo.n hdlYlCurl,Publlc agancyr oa osr.r .mtyl: Conqst P.rron At UST l-ocraon oa Stata 8oad, aa (n.rratt) Araa Coda Phona flsno.r F.Glltly lDt S!.t SEan Addrasr Co!nq, lll. Tank lnformation Piaasa co.nEl€ia .I r.llonnalon to.aacn lanx.It thls h8St&nty tiora tn.n lant!.olgas!trTt ar!d com0l6|a thc ttfotrn!!o'l a,lot trnk!.tddi!on!,Tarx or3s€rnty in uss fank t Tank 2 Tant 3 fank 4ll nci dats tasr usd ll gmEnl6o. veflry 1. Or l€slt ot grocLtrl in Eint Monn Yano eaf Tank Ins atl€d E eslrmata Kor -knorYn Mat6nal ot Consrudion (E-6s mar6 or K-knoir'rl otCaoacr ankT (in EI o?-slrmat6 Kgallonsjl kriown I SuEstancs Stor6d lE -6timaio or K-knorw O|!d( lhr r!l!!r datctonTaReleaseteooctiFnroksn ustd t6 !!crr tlrl( , N/A It nar.r r!o!,rirtd. .000 Sal.)Manual Tank GaugrB 1661y 1o,, *ks ur|der t MarEal Tank Galgtng and (only lor tanxs unoer ZmO Tank Tighm6 T€$ing sal.) Tank figftna T6nng aftt lnvsmory ConuEl arorialc Ta,|k Gauging Vaoor Monitoring Groun@ralsr lrnersmial Oth€f, aogrovgd mdlc, (nrite in name ot mafrcdl qr€d(tlrrlt .idc6qt rnd(B|u*tfrFeaseDeetectinooFPfinps EIBE. ChE* On! TyF. o, Pipitig t[..afi T.rfi cAuromati t€akUna 6t6C10rS,aldlcnec,(onE th6ot EP ENT OF Vaoor G,ounowater Seccnoar ComainmErn wth Mon Uns Tighness fe$inE n and Spilli Overfill Protection HEMEDIATION lV. C. Corrosio C€nosron grElacloo tnsla ad (indicaa data) V. Site lnformation Gonglel sn! oDsaryalons and commgm! lvtcrnv oasarvalons. ground wats, tEvra. otc.l u6 lnso€cE s Sign!!.lr!: 3 0&: aziEoas.trd iha rbot r narnad tacdiv oo I E I !, LT D etection on Che sta Zp Cod. ) zla tv.A. tv. Sodl/Ovorfu orqsclon nstdt€d lindtca! dal6t trat I Leak Detection for Piping Fac ty lD f PrgSSufiZed Piping r meooo mlst Do sd*1!6 flur .rch sst wtl.lr €pdtcaDl€ indlc.t dat, o, tslt bst l, trb t*i[v h.r rr.r !1an 4 Enl(5. Fl!.$ Dmlocos, trE pqa trx, o@t'|l lha hrqrn lon ls aI &diiirC OrOlnEr Set I T.nt 1 Tsnl 2 Tenk 3 Ttnl a Auomailc Shu<lt Oeuce Cornrnuols Alalm Sysram rnd Set 2 Annual Une TightnB T6nng Vamr Monrcmig It Vaod Mmidi$ dElmsltarm ot mfinry monronng ls ayallabta lrnErsmial Mdlnoflr:g It lmerslnial tvtontctnE, Coe.rmenrarran ot rnonr y monnoflng E avaitable Groum-YVats Mmndtng l, GrourE-WaEr Mdrt4rr$ oocurnatalon ot rflonflynsxring E ar'allebb Oth€r Aogov€d M6t Et (sp€csry in commslrs saml Line l]gfi!16 T€Sr€ (rrqrir€d svry 3 y6a,!.) Vatlr Mdrrfing S€€$dary Comainmsi with lfislsduat MmrtonnE GrclJ'l4,waE Mdrrtting Oih6r AocncEd M€t Et (sp€qfy in comm€ms s€ciiqll No L.!k oalecuon ncqutr.d (must ffiswcr y.r to dt o, t r! ,ollowtnE qu.nlon!l oo6faies a lB fian &iosEtlonc ErEssrE ,-" Has qrly c[L diet r,aIY€ whicn i3lo..E dir€cry urr,et FrJ[ap sloD€ o, Dipng allo$s p'oducs 6 dn n bao( irno tant wh€n sudron ,Bl6as€C, All aDova in onnaigr on sJct|m ptpng 13 ysf iable ,-/ on fie back ol ltis sll€€t ptBase skstch.the src. no ng all plptng n ts. tarl€ (lnctJctiriE siz3 & $.D$arE83 ffil anct tocaton ol weits and th€r disitanc5 from lant€ and Oioin$ - /qs \7t > Comm€ars: I ) ut'R lnsgaclDr's thal I hn t hlEcc|trd t! tEvtr n&rad Eity dr -I- //rn//.4q Automanc Flow F€€irndor Suqfion Piping.ir'.tFdr-- Gtrbot n6rts; i.t / ,-/ -/ a MTG )c,M un a I c,T n k aG u nig g lhe tanx or lanhs tor Yvhlch rnanuiu tank gauging ol us€d as th6 r?Ern r€ak d€tscton met,,od (o.g.. ranks r & 4):?/( noy€s Manuai tanx gal€mg rnsy be useo illl ne soo rnsfioct ot 168r( tanxs o, us b 2.0@ gal.. oaEc!6t onty tor tanlG ot 1.@O ga. or tn @momaDon wrlh tan|( lgtrtl€ b6t rg ,or ePleas answer ro forno chea nyesquesti .Dsgrnntng|s aod€d to lev€l maasuremenls takenue at anc,otending pnnod atol lsasts8)hours nowhiclrdunnE liguid or rernoved lrom rhe tank Levet measurements arB bas€o on o,twoaverage strd(@ns€culive al bothreadirEs begrmtngenclando,penod. 4 00 /67Facriity tO rr: Please rnorcaE fio numo€r d yes no y€s no noy8s noyesi nc,y6 ncty€s yql Momnty average shown b€tow for ot variation b€twe€n endanc,o€ginning ismarsuremenE l€ss tl1an $andarclslzeandofdimensionsconesoondingandtankUme.watting Gauge $tck is wom oown. long enough to reacn bonom of the tank. Ends of gaug6 $id( arg flat and no 9rge sick is marked tegibly ano prooucl of an tnch. level can bo Oetermined lo trte ngarsst one{ighfr rsMTG aius€o solE msthoc,leaxof foro8tection tank. isMTG inused withconiuruion unk tgn!1€ss tq;ring. allAre lortanl€MTGwhicfi us€dls 2.OOOunder ingallorl;capacM A16 availabler8cords ,'crrnonrtonng t'le 1last rnontl2 period? Check One:NominalTank Capacity (in gallons) Tank Dimensions Monthly Standard (in gallons) Minimum Test Duration W () () () () 550 551 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,001-2,000r N/A N/A 64" diameter X 73" tengttr 48" diameter X128" length N/A 5 7 4 6 13 36 hours 36 hours 44 hours 58 hours 36 hours l8silng fEr tanks orer l.m0 gal.'Manual tenk gauging mu$ b€ used in @mbinauon with tank tlghtnecs C.omments: lnspocaor's Oab: srGg{ ft lnterstit al Monitor ng Faslrty rO *. Mandactrrer ano nilne ol sysrem: Dats sysrsm lnsrallod: Matenas usao lor seconclary barier Matonas us€d ror inbrflel linang: lnter$Ea, sDeoE ts nionrbrecl (Clrcle onel: artornalcally. contjnuously. or on Lno,rt.rty basB. Please answeryes or no for each question yesAll tant€ in syst€m ar€ fitt€d wath s€comary comainmefi and intetstttial monltoring. yesSysem is d6ignsd lo d€teci rEleas€ from any ponpn of UST s),s&,m that routinely conElns prod[Jci. yesMon'tonng menocl is dGJmerlled as capaDl6 ot detec{mg at l€a$ a 95olo probability of dgt6tion and a probability cr a l6ak as srnall as .1 OalJhr. wrth false alarm of no more th3fl 5olo. yesmomhlyls avalable 12 rnomhs. yesdocumsnts anct recoros ar8 avalabla and aDproonat6 rnaintenancs procsdures for q6tem have b€€n implsm€nt€d- and y8:iMonrtonng box. if prBs€ril. is op€raiional. yqi l, monrtorirq wells are part d l6at( dgteilon sy$em, rEfittorir€ wells are clearly markd ano-seur€d to avoid unaufionzsd a@sss and tamp€nng. yGilntersfftlel spece lr monttorcd manually on monthly besl! (snlwct thc lollowlng qucsllon), yes Equipmern us€c, to take r€adir€s is acccsible and tundimal. y€sTank ls doubla-wallad yesTank ls flttad wtth lnttmll bladdsr to 8chlovc secondery contalnmcnl (answer th6 tollowlng qusstlon). yBSBladder is compatible with su6ance $ored and will rrcr dElerio.ale inlhe pt€s€nce of thal sub$arrce y8S Ercavatlon ls llncd with lmpervtous arttltclal matarlal to schlavc sscondary contslnment (an$Yer th6 ,ollowtng quesuons). yes Seconctary bani€r is alwa!6 abov6 grounclwatgr. yes l, s€condary batrier is not alwa!6 above grourxtwaEr. s€@ridary banier and mon'6rit€ deslgrE ara ficr rJse urEer sudl conditiotls. yes Secondary bani€r is consrr.rctect from artificially consnrted rnatarial. with perrneahility to substance < 10. crvsec. y€s SeconOary baEierls compatible with th€ r€gulated subsEncs st6€cl ancl will not deteriorateln presence d lhat suBEnca. yes SecOnOary barrier does not irnerfera with op€rallon ot cafioclic protsctidl system. lnspe@r's SignalnE: Commens: Oatt: sr6e-a \- 1 /.\ =: ^fir,lq PST PR,OCESSING CHECKLiST 511 Iion-Marketer Discount Unaccepcable Acceptable J I'Iot Applicable Previous pollution Incidence LUST File - Forn fncluded Y/l'r Y/N - Veri.fy tank/1inesvs registered Docunentation ok? - Rate ok? ../Y/N - / Y Y }I N v { Fund Paid - FY e1 Y/N Fees Paid - FY AA? - E\/ eo2I a 9J. FY 90? - trv o.t?.. JL. Y/N+ ../ Y v Conpliance Compliance Outstanding? Leak detection required? - iiot.ification up to ciace ,l complete? _ Application? ({ v /6r)'tY6)_ CJ/. Date Qualified Review completed and certificate issued by suPPoRT \CE \CHECKLI ST . PST / i Petroleum Ei^rironmental Services, Inc. January 2A, L991 Magna Water Attn: Ed Hansen 2711 South 8600 West P.O.Box 303 Magna, UT 84044 Re: Tank Tightness Tests Mr. Hansen, Please find enclosed copies of the tank tightness tests that were performed recently on underground storage tanks at yourfacility. A brief explanation j.s in order. Werll try to ade_quately summarl ze our findings. GRADE Dl"esel ( sewer plant )4lfr/ol, NoIead (8900 Il,. 3600 s. ){ /4,/26? (8900 tl,. 3600 s.) *,/aa /a5? 1000 <0.05 6000 <0. 05 6000 <0. 05 TANK SIZE ( sal ) HIGH LEVEL LEAK RATE (sph) Pass Pass Pass Pass If you have any questions please call us at the above number. Steven R. Sommer Petroleum Envlronmental Service 2440 South 3270 West Salt lake City, Utah 84119 Telephone (801\ 972-0202 Fax (801) 972-0977 LOW LEVEL PIPING TANK LEAK RATE (sph) N/A Pass ,-ft,.v/r1,-"-"__.- Prooert'0\,,1n e r ind.oba Corp.0ther 0ate(acquireo/lnc.\- \AI{E STR EE I -I II :]ATE ACOUIREOIIP iAilK # STAIUS - AGE . CAPACITY i{ATER IAL i I{TERtIAL :XTERNAt PI PING - SUBSTANCE r A<T rr<f n - CLOSURE CERTIFiCATI()N RELEASE t)ET. OATE OUE SPI LL/OVERFI LL R€LEASE I)ATE " " / i)0 0 /.lesj qt^r.,-l*v HETHO(l Rule #(s) :NSURER-PoI icY #Eff.oate- c0!ll{Er{TS: BSHH-7757U-25-26 ) In Como I i ance ? # (Y/N) Financia I ResDons ibi litg -$"tR - DoLIrr4 'Pt \., - M$lt.h .Frar* (t, rs L - r'r,ntr.,r €L ilatt ttt"f,h rr+l ltul/- InsDec!or Comoi'iance * I Susoense oate qltliC Cl osed out Tank ohrner _Ind. _d ba _ Corp. -other oate( acqui redlInc. ))lAl{E i0 No. STREEI CITY CONTACI 40 OL qq 0 r INITIAL ;NSPECiION & COHPLIANCE SUMIIARY FORH c NTY /STATE IITLE PHOI{E FACILITY ilo. c I{TY IITLE PHOt{E STREEI zl ll s. CITY AL c0r{TACI IP fank operator _Ind. dba - Corp. other 0ate(acguired,/Inc. )_EUSINESS '{AI{E 0 U &0 ^11l tlrz/qo ^ira --_ --_ V IOLAIION./ COIIPL IAIICE (.,A RULE t,ATE Actlon oate Actl on Suspense oate Pcna I tylsr coflTAcI 2t{0 coltTAcT 3R0 coilTACT 4TH CoftTAcr t{0v ONtlER FILE-AG IPA REFERRAL CLOSE OUI t , t ---_ - --- - -r-- - --_ FIt{ t AssEssfiEr{T t tu., \rotct{ ? {1(q o .\.|\.,".t r',\ t-, on "customary business inventory practices standards'\ 1 am nbt aware of any release of