HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006480JON M. HT]NTSMAN, JR. Govemor GARYHERBERT Lieulenant Goyernor dDqffiil,e_'r Gr,"\UState of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Execatiye Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director -To 1 ror* $e a"r February 20,2007 ^l c.F A I ERRU-O27-07 CERTIf,'IED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTEI) Re: Steve Canning State Fuel Network 447 West 13800 South Draper, Utah 84020 Notice of Non-compliance for underground Storage Tank violations Magna Water Company, located at 8933 West 3500 South, Magna, Utah Facility Identification No. 400 I 650 Dear Mr. Canning: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act regulates Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and imposes certain obligations on the owner or operator of a facility having USTs. The Act specifically requires the owner or operator of a facility with USTs to miet the following requirements: . Register the USTs and file an UST Notification form. Pay annual registration feeso Demonstrate and maintain financial assurance meeting federal and state requirements o obtain and maintain a certificate of compliance for each tanko Meet specific technical and performance standards, including maintaining release detection on the tank and piping, maintaining corrosion protection, and rnaintaining spill and overfill protection o Maintain adequate tank recordso Properly permanently close any UST not meeting these requirements At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the facility owned o. op".u[d by State Fleet Network (you). This facility is located at 8933 West 3500 South, Magna, Utufr. Th; designated Facility Identification No. is 4001650. This facility contains two UST(s). 168 North 1950 West'Po Box 144840. Salt Lake City, UT 841 14-4840. phone (801) 5364100. fax (B0l) 359-8853 T.D.D. (80 I ) 5364414 . www. deq.utah. gov dc.rc,'ru Facility ID # 4001650 Page2 The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements. To achieve compliance, you must do all of the following within sixty (60) days of the date of this letter: Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l ard2by: X Documenting that the ATG system performs a valid leak test at least once a month. Since no valid test results are available for the past twelve month's, this has demonstrated that the ATG system is not adequate. Submit evidence that the system has been upgraded and is capable of producing passing tests. Documenting that the ATG system is properly installed and functioning Submit a system setup report to demonstrate compliance. Submit evidence that the cathodic protection system has been tested with in the past three years. The Act gives the Executive Secretary (UST) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Board) the power to enforce rules made by the Board by issuing Notices of Agency Action and/or Orders. The Act, Utah Code Axn. $$ 19-6-407 and 19-6-40-8, also gives the Executive Secretary (UST) the power to assess a civil penalty of $1,000.00 if an o*rl. o. operator of an UST fails to register the tank, assess $1,000.00 for failure to pay fees within 60 days of due date, and assess interest on the unpaid balance. Other violations of the Act may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000.00 per day. Failure to comply with the Utah UST Act and regulations may result in revocation of your Certificate of Compliance under Utah Code Ann. $19-6-414. This letter will advise you that your failure to comply with the requirements of the statutes and rules may result in the issuance of a Notice of Agency Action and/or Order and the assessment of a civil penalty. Please contact sean Warner at (s01) 536-4163 should you have any questions Sincerely, Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board { BTJ/SDWmkj { A-@ "*"r"4, o?P,, 35 r/a.?/ The Pump and Tank Equipment Gompany 195 WEST 3900 SOUTH . p.O. BOX 57307 . SALT |_AKE CtTy, UrAH 84157{307 TELEPHONE (801)26e2s45 .FAX (80r) 26140il.TOt1FBEE 1 (S00) 433-88s1 Invoice #: Inv Date: Cust P.O.#: Pay Before: Order #: page *: 0172986 02/26/ 07 6529 03 /Ls / o7 0135488 1 Sold To: 0088943 STATE F'IIEI, NETWORK AIIN: STEVE CAIINfNG 447 WEST 13800 SOUTH DRAPER, UT 84020 801- 519 -7258 Ship To: MAGTVA WATER MA6IA,-UTAH ORTGINAIJ WESTECHEGIUIPMENT @ stNcE 1971 *t;'-4€?",k 84 8590 - 521 33 0161 - 001 845390 -107 846400-000 846400-001 *331398-001 )L 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 L. 00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1..00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1".00 iEI*S-3OOC 0 -2 Tank,,ril printer. ., fn-Tank StaEic IJeak Det TLS-3OO PROBE, 8 FT. MAG 1 PLUS AL PROBE FIOAT KIT, GAS 4i PROBE FIOAT KIT, 4tr DIESEL STTEFAX MODEM KIT TRADE IN ON USED EQUIPM FREIGHT . TNBOI'}TD Invoices To Credit.: O 1,446.25 L70.62 930.31 138.13 138 . L3 580.00 500.00 135.00 EA 1,446 .2s L70.52 t,860.52 138.1,3 138.13 580.00 -500.00 135.00 ruEt P0, # SITE #{// RTC'D BY DNE APPR'D BY DAIE Subtotal. . . Tax.. . Preight. . . Please Pay lhls ADouD,t----> 3 ,968 .75 I .00 3, 958.7s /,AIolAcounts mt paid efiec1 I if sel on mnlh (24% PER YEAR) on past due a@nts. The tems and onditions *t oul m by the manufacturer. lNoice have the sme force and within 24 hours ol the ()@r-Envircnmt l and inrcnto.y compliane is the hryq's responsibitity. Buytr m6t report ily ance. Non @mpliam voHs all yananlies. PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE.%.*,,E%o.o ol8. or $specled and local aufDdties aod to t Send BiIl To: State of Utah, Division of Fleet and Surplus Servi Attention: Accounts Payable !!afe Office Building, Room 4120, SaltLake City, Utah.E4l14801-538-3014 FAX: 801-538-1773 PuncuASE ^ IDER ) RX #: )C0OC( (Accountlng Use)contract 056212 Bid NoAttached Address:Qtv:State:Zip Code: UST Section : Fuel Network 2 Mike Mead (801) 266-2s4s FINET Vendor #: Name: Westech Fuel Equipment Co, clv:State:Zip Code:Low org Expense Code App. Unit Part Number Qty DescrlpUon Unit Price Total 1,4c5.25 170.62 1, 850.52 138 .13 138.13 5S0.00 -800.00, 90. 00 On 9- I Date & Time/Eu^r\1,/t?^ EO Budset &Manaqer:Yes No Capital Purchase Approval (Fixed Asset): Yes No l-AN Approval: copyright @ 2000 by rhe starc of utah. All Rights Rcscrvcd. \po with formutas.doc l0Bl00 ) III.€:3OQO:0 ra Tarrtc -wl D:lrrtcr rn-Tank gE,ac,1c Lcak DeE IT,S_3OO PRoBE, r,{Ac-r., (L) AB\+ii"tt- PRoBE ELoAr Kff, GAs 4"0 PROBE ETOAT .K1r, ,P51, 4N SITEFAI( MoDEIT{ KIT TRLDE IN ohl usED EQ[.rrpM FREIGHf - IIIBoII}ID T,t'aA€-l l, : QJQK^NI4- E,ta.8L\5\t€) -TLS SOOC- Tqaa o nsta a o \ DER.ROOT MONITORING SYSTEMS WARRANTY REGISTRATION AND CHECKOUT FORTtl (WRACO) The wafiadv is not valid unless lhis reoist'ation form is comoleted and retumed to VeederRoot within '14 davs of instaltation. You must attach Svslems Seluo lnformation Printout TaDe. PLEASE COIIPLETE the INTRINSIC SAFEW CHECKLIST on back I O.nor.s neOUneO Oltl, Fm wi[ be etumed if Alt .equlred data is mt c@pl6l6d, FOLD CONSOLE INFORMATION a Form No 6tt8q9o -q2--Serial No ilazt cclllqo{aal CUSTOMER INFORMATION a Bu6inoss Celegory al instalbdon loerior; r Oil C.mpany E 2 Gslore E sTel6phon6 E 6 Truc{ng E Unde.gound Slocs€ Tank E zc.Itemment fi . Utlity EI TRontalcar E aAirport E Aloves@ndslo.age1a.t E I hav. ben lrain.d h the p{ofs oP€l.lis of his €qutrent YES _ NO _ Name LPRINTED): Signature:Date: Title: INSTALLATION LOCATION a Oil Brand #: Company Name eaarees tl,t A-rt al 1lW Store Manager Store Phone # INSTALLED BY -tlz,(,| [r t4 Name Address City st ziP Tech Name Tedr Cerlification # SUBMITTING DIS I heroby cedify, all required data on this WRACO form has b6en accuratoly completed in its entirety. Distdbutor Nam6 . -</ q -(c Name u Title Address City st zip Date NO 3L72t7 PROBE IDENTIFICATION lrr eeerrceor.el PROBE NO,FORI\, NO. (i.6. 847390-107)PROBE SERIAL NO 1 \Kqk 716 ^ro1 l/rt)b? 2 ,,BVb3qt ta-7 Its{ -ltrcn 3 5 6 LINE LEAK IDENTIFICATION E Chsck here if site has been upgraded with Lino Leak FORM NO, (i.e.8,4e.{80-001) LINE LEAK SERIA]. NUMBER CHECK VALVE SERIAL NUMAER PIPE TYPE (SIEEL, FIBERGLASS, ETC) SECOT{DARY CONTAINIT|ENT VACUUI', SENSING (F appucaBrE) Print sensor sedal numbeB fiom console "Oiag' SnEd Sensor Monu or record serial numbers from sensor housings. E Check here if site has been upgraded with vacuum sensing 1 21 31 2 12 u 32 3 13 23 33 14 24 u 5 15 25 35 6 l6 26 1 17 I 18 9 29 39 10 20 4o IN-STATION DIAGNOSTI CS (lSD) 1rr mnr,rceauyECheck here if siio has been upgraded with ISO Vapor Flou lletsI Sensor and Prcssure Sensor sedal numbers ONLY I 12 2 8 13 3 9 15 5 6 Pressure Sensor SN: FOLD J r STARTUP CONTRACTOR 0 I horcby cedify that this sysGm has been instatH in ac.ordance witr Ure procedures sp6.il5€d in the published Ve€deFRool Site prep and tnstaladon manual. I havo also l6ad all of ho warnings and I certiry lhat there are no inuinsic salety violations due lo impropef installation of this syslem. Contractor Name Address City st zip Tech Name Tech Certification # (fall3t bo l.v.l 2Lrl csrtm.d io peftrtll.bnup6 .rd ISD cenm.d ft. tSD 3trrtup3) TION OWNER TION City st zip Phone #irt o 9 QEL'tzq? 6th Ave. @ Burns Crossing P.O. Box 1673 Alioona PA 16603 F COMPON herc if sito has been upgraded to add TLS-RF 1 E Check 2 10 3 1 2 7 15 1 3 2 f_\ veeoeR-Roor Phone: (800) 87$3313 Fax (800) 234-s350 4 I f --- ------- l,' 136 t,1., lr.138 1,. l30 o l,o l,u Iransmitter, Recelver, Repeater and TLS.RF serial nurnbers ONLy t, l1 t,, 112 Owne/s Namo <ffi< t lltAL Address SYSTET,I UNITS U.B. SYSTEIi1 ISNGI..HGEEhELISH . fiIfi',#m[:,n,lniffi IHGM UHTEF : DISAELED: DISAELED: DISABLED: DISAELED EYSTEI"I SETUP APR 2, 2007 2.2t Pt1 TST NEEDED T"'FN TST NEEDED I,.'RN TST NEEDED I,JRN TST NEEDED t^,RH SHIFT TIME ISHIFT TI}1E 2SHIFT TIHE 3gH.:tFr TIME 4 Sfuffir suN .?io0 Al.l END DATE gffi ,,h** 6 suN 2:O0 AH EffiHd: volJ.hlEs TE}IP CCf{PEfiEATION Ygl.lF (DEG F ): 60.0 BI#H.SI"Hr orrssi-'- ut-t$ce: soz ffirffiil9*! DArA FoRMAT EfrXEi8ilT sAVrr,rG rrME STAFT DATE Loqru pnrfirour .. 'tilr P-8FFrx TANH rtsRgtED'SECURITY 1 ^ CO}MUNICATIONS SETUP RS-ZAE SECURITY coDE : xxxxxx-nrnl- rypr : TONE ANst^tsnoN : t RING NOUEM SETUP STRII{G : DIAL TONE INTERVAL: com-l eoAnp' i 2 (RS-232) EAUO nnff : 1200 PARITY : ODDsropetr :lsToP EAtn LeN?rH: ? DATA RS-232 SECURITY coDJ : xxxxxx FORT SETTINGS: cor.H BoARD i!- EAUD RATE : FAEITV. : STOP BIT : DATA LE]'[3TH: t- (FXt'loD) 2400 ODD I , sToP ?.DATA 32 AUTO TRANSMIT SETTI NGS : AUTO LEAH ALARI'I LIMIT DISABLED' nuio HtcH uIATER LIMIT DISAELED Auio ovsnrILL LIMIT DISABLED AUTO LOl.l PRODUCT DISABLED ALITO THEFT LIMIT DISABLED Atro o*lvERY srARr DISAELED Aurro perlvExY END DISABLEDIuro-rxrsnml. I NPUT oll DISABLED IuTci-uiirsnNAt. INPUr oFF DISAELED nuio-srHsoR FUEL ALARN DISABLED Iuro-sEtlson I,JATER ALARl"l DISAELED Auro ssreon our ALARM DISBLED RECEIVER SETUP: NONE AUTO DIAL TII"IE SETUP: NONE ES_23? EI..ID OF HEFJEAGE DIEAELED AUTO DIAL ALARI"I BETUP . i l CU-STOI,I ALARI,{S DISAELED ,.. IN-TANK SETUP T I:DIESEL' PRODTJCT CODE THER},IAL COEFF TANK DIAI.IETER TANK PROFILE IJLL VOL rcH VOL l,lCH VOL NCH VOL zl :.000450: 95.00: 4PTS: 6016: 4840: 300'8z ll75 72 48 24 FOIOIOI FLOAT SIZE: t^IlTER UHRNI l'lc : HIGH I^hTER LIHIT: }lAX OR T.ABEL VOL OVERFILL LIHIT HIGH PRODI,JCT DELIVERY LIMIT LOtl PRODUCT : LEAK ALAR!4 LIMIT: SIJDDEN LOES LII'IIT:TANK.TILT : PROBE OFFSET : 4.0 IN 2.5 3.0 601 6 9U4 54t 4 95t 571 5 t5% 902 I 500 99 200 1.00 0.00 SIPI-ION HANIFOLDED TANKS TdJ NONE LINE MANIFOLDED TANKS Td: T{ONE LEqK HIN PERIODIC:3W4 180.1 LEAK MIN ANNTJAL :vt 0 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST,FAIL ALARI,I DISAELED PERIODIC TEST FAII.-- --At-nnn EIIAELED GROSS TEST FAIL AIjRM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGITG: oEE ijHH iEsr AvERAGIIG: oFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPFION EREAK:OFF irEH,Yff'EIFE" Iiilf E#ritEi :2 : .000700: 96.00: 4PTS: 6016: 4840: g00B2 tt76 2.5 3.0 ,,.' fHLh y8f 48.0 INCH VOLZ4.O I NCH VOL FLOAT SIZE: I^IATER I^JARNI NG :HIGH t^tATER finrri ffif*Ff.i^fifi,Io' HIGH PRODTJCT DELIVERY LIMIT 4.0 IN. 501 5 90% 5414 95% 571 5 t5% 902 LOl., PRODTJCT : if,_f.illp_'tT,ili, PPOEE OFFSET : I 500 99 200 2.00 0.00 ?liT,Ir!*, r FOLDED rANKs lllurn gflg, roLDED rANKs LEAK HIN PERIODIC::1 LEAX MIN ANNUAL : PERIODIC TEST TYEFANDARD ANNIJAL TEST FAIL ALARI"' DISAELED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARI.I ENABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARI.I DISABLED fgH Iffit ayEfiffiiffi; 8FF TANX TEST NOTIFY: OFF TIIK TST SIPHPN BREAK:OFF 14I N 30% 804 o% 0 5ltl oo% DELIVERYDELAY : sNII{ Fffip iHnrsttoln : l o. ooz BE}J'F[T,BEhf; OUTPUT RELAY SETUP LEI]X TEST I.IETHOD TEST I,JEEKLY : ALL TAI,I}i : l2: l5 AM:0.20 GALzHR: 3 HOURS TST EARLY STOP:DISABLED LEAK TEST EEPORT FORI,IAT EIIIHANCED LI6UID SEI.{SOR SETUP NONE EXTERNAL INPUT SETUP NONE START TII'IE TEST PATE DURATION : l l i I l I ! l J I I I I ' .l"i- i I .,A rr Applied -' tr^ EnvironmentalD Serv'ices, L.C. ?.O. Box 182 Roy, Utah 84067 (801) s40-92s8 i Date Tested 5-31-2005Work Order l5E Site Address: MAGNA WATER. 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UTAH RESULTS OF CATIIODIC PROTECTION TESTS USING A COPPER SULPHATE HALF-CELL CONTAINMENTRA'L PASS ENVIRON CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENTDSLPASSEI.wIRON CONTAINMENT TK1 TK2 TK3 TK4 TK5 TK6 NACE Cathodic Protection Tester # 557 Comments: STI-P3 TANKS WITH DW ENVIRON PIPING DTESEL TPl -1.208 TPz-1.263 TP5 -1.009 R/IJL TP3 -r.247 T?4 -1.266 TP5 -1.102 ALL READINGS TAKEN IN WET GRAVEL Tester 35OO SOUTH .'\ WAT R TANKS NORTH ) ) 3 5 STI-P3 TANKS o a c R T M SHOP MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UTo o DSL R/UL2 1 4 t r Complste items 1, 2 ,an d 3. Also complete item 4 if Bestricted Delivery ls desiredr Print your name ana aOaieG on-ttre iverse so that we can Eturn the card to you.! Attach this card to the back of th€ mailpi€ce, or on the front il spaco permits. C. Dat€ of Delivery D. ls delivery address d €{rnt ftom ftsn 1? It YES, enter delivery address b€]ow: E No 3. S€rvlco lype Cl C€rtifi€d MEil tr Exgml all E Rogister€d O R6tum R€c€lpt for M€rdrendlso E lnsur€d Mail tr C.O.D. 4. Restrcted Delivery? €yr-a Fee, ?EEq 1IEE IUE5 D']3h 11,6? 1. Article Addressed to: 2. Anicb Number fiahsbr non *Ntr€ l'ff,,t) STEVE CANNING STATE FUEL NETWORK 447 WEST .13800 SOUTH DRAPER UT 84020 trl Ag€nr E Addr€ss€€ o SENDEB: COMP rs sEcrro^t COMPLETE THIS )N DELIVERY PS Form 3811, February 2oM {co tbso sDw E Yes 1540 B. Domestic Return Receipt uureoffi?,-I**.r;*ll Et€ E ,t 'Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 In th i@*. Ss ,DEQ/DERR tltra' {v{ P.0. Box 141840 I seu uxgcfl, wElttq-{tl AY N?J fd **ij ll,,l,,l,,l,,,ll,,,ll,l,,irl,ll,,l,,l,,lllr,,,l,,lll,",'l'll JON M. HUNTSMAN, JR. Governor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor F ILE COPI State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. ExeqttNe Direclor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Direclor ERRU-027-07 February 20,2007 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Re Steve Canning State Fuel Network 447 West 13800 South Draper, Utah 84020 Notice of Non-Compliance for Underground Storage Tank Violations Magna Water Company, located at8933 West 3500 South, Magna, Utatr Facility Identification No. 400 I 650 Dear Mr. Canning: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act regulates Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and imposes certain obligations on the owner or operator of a facility having USTs. The Act specifically requires the owner or operator of a facility with USTs to meet the following requirements: Register the USTs and file an UST Notification form Pay annual registration fees Demonstrate and maintain financial assurance meeting federal and state requirements Obtain and maintain a Certificate of Compliance for each tank Meet specific technical and perforrnance standards, including maintaining release detection on the tank and piping, maintaining corrosion protection, and maintaining spill and overfill protection Maintain adequate tank records Properly permanently close any UST not meeting these requirements At the request of the Executive Seuetary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the facility owned or operated by State Fleet Network (you). This facility is located at 8933 West 3500 South, Magna, Utah. The designated Facility Identification No. is 4001650. This facility contains two UST(s). 168 North 1950 West. PO Box 144840. Salt [.ake City, UT 841 l4-4840. phone (801) 536-4100. fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801 ) 536441 4 . www.deq.utah. gov a o a o a a o v Facility ID # 4001650 Page 2 The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements. To achieve compliance, you must do all of the following within sixty (60) days of the date of this letter: I Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l and2by: a Documenting that the ATG system performs a valid leak test at least once a month. Since no valid test results are available for the past twelve month's, this has demonstrated that the ATG system is not adequate. Submit evidence that the system has been upgraded and is capable of producing passing tests. b.Documenting that the ATG system is properly installed and functioning. Submit a system setup report to demonstrate compliance. 2.Submit evidence that the cathodic protection system has been tested with in the past three ye,us. The Act gives the Executive Secretary (UST) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Board) the power to enforce rules made by the Board by issuing Notices of Agency Action and/or Orders. The Act, Utah Code Ann.$$ 19-6-407 and l9-6-408, also gives the Executive Secretary (UST) the power to assess a civil penalty of $1,000.00 if an owner or operator of an UST fails to register the tank, assess $1,000.00 for failure to pay fees within 60 days of due date, and assess interest on the unpaid balance. Other violations of the Act may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000.00 per day. Failure to comply with the Utah UST Act and regulations may result in revocation of your Certificate of Compliance under Utah Code Ann. $ t9-6-414. This letter will advise you that your failure to comply with the requirements of the statutes and rules may result in the issuance of a Notice of Agency Action and/or Order and the assessment of a civil penalty. Please contact Sean Warner at (801) 536-4163 should you have any questions Sincerely Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board BTJ/SDWmkj lndicate below the corrosion for the most recent cathodic Utah UST Program Release Detection on Checklist protection methods in place for all UST system components. ldentifo each dispenser by pump number(s). Show readings test. North )ao S o N Comments | 5e.^4 l.r tnzlf inspectedthisfacitityon 2-)- OZ sisnature: fu /4t /7,v/O,ryutZl1 Name of owner/operator r-epresentative: 6o I Se gfe s,sn^tur", Ft{^ Ql , , ,{t' Facility lD 4atlbS,z of Ownership of Tanks of Tanks E DERR use onty Owner Name |Lale Fue I tltc] u'ar k LocationName /l\aano Wbf (E- Address naaress 69? z w. 3500 I city S I -L State l,t -T zip &/ I 4 State UT zip E4 O41*civ 'l aan ? Phonecontact S4elte (A rtn,\rta neContact lrO each has four Aank )GnI.2)Number of tanks at the facility: 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 12-7-*t -Tank lnstallation Date -->'Capacity of Tank (in gallons)L"K lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored D,\e<.zl Ga5 Tank is in use.6] No 6€il No Yes No Yes No lf not in use. oive date last used and deoth of oroduct in tank Current year tank taqs are in place.dD No NoGA Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks 5L)o 5 Material of construction of piping \ Pipino tvpe ztrzlgcrfz Type of Spill Prevention device ' Rr.. be-l- Spill containment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris No No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device 6Jn., L d.4 Overfill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified Yes No ((A) Containment sumps are sealq4 free from water, product, etc.G}No N/A The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter).ves 6-l N/A Cathodic Protection Testing. Date of last test:Tester UT lmpressed Current System is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results ofthe last three checks are available.Yes *o @ Dates of last three checks: Corr. Protect. Method Sacrificial Anode lmpressed Current lnstant Off Depolarized Tanks 1 54 2 s4 3 4 Lines 1 /V /lA 2 /1/ tYl 3 4 Tank Flex 1 2 A/L J 4 Disp Flex I NC Distribution: White- DERR, Yellow- lnspfftor, Pink- Facility/Owner Ldcheck1205.doc rnspeGU )r additional tar ls on a seoarate orm. lzL ade o ? l Facility lD Lloclli50 Pase 2 ot 2 Utah \,oT Program Automatic Tank Ga n lnterstitial Monitori Tank method used: t vl XC Shutdown Testing I I ATG Continuous Testing I I lnterstitial Monitorinq Manufacturer, name and model of system:( Circle Yes or No for each question. ln the last column, explain and identify by tank any exceptions to the answers given in the first column IM Tvpe of Secondary Containment used Type of lM Documentation used: ATG IM Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is kept for at least one year after work is completed. Yes No ATG IM ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and operational.Yes No Yes NoATG IM Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. ATG Yes NoThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not in center, show tilt factors from the setup report. Tilt: #1 #2 #4 The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits.Yes NoATG Third Party Minimum Level IM System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from any portion of the primary tank/piping within one month of release Yes No Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. For ATG tests, show the hiqhest product level tested for each month. 1ts7 2taC 3t nL at oL 5l of,o 6l .oL Ttob Blo 1,9lc ttMol/r 101,,,6 't1to/-12to6 #1 #2 # # T DETECTION Piping method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatic Line Leak one other lorm of leak detection. Q/nutomatic Line Leak Detector. Type (Mechanical, Electronic, Other): Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: Date of last leak detector pedormance test 5 -!l - OL Results: lndicatetypeoftest: SimulatedLeak,3gph,.2gph,.lgph(3,.2,.1-electronicLLDonly) rester name: lLae l\n rlirt Cert. Number UT Old-l TestMethod Te T 9ool ,tt,nq l' Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 @e o @)E o MEO MEO voQol le <-> la ss P o91 sL6).2 .1 sr- f).2 .r sL3.2.1 s1 3.2.1 *;::::::: testing Date of last line tightness test: Tester name: l?as< lPqisl I I Results Cert. Number UT Test lVethod tr Monthly monitoring. lndicate the method used: Show results of monthl tr .2 GPH Monthly Testing f] SIR ! lnterstitial Monitoring. Type of lM Documentation: E GW Monitoring D Vapor Monitoring or No Results for each monthmonitorilorfor the last 12 months. lMoAr'r 1l 2t 3l 4l 5l 6t 7t BI o/10t 11t 12t # # # # Distribution: White- DERR, Yellow-lnspstor Facility/Owner Ldatgim1205.doc a-Lrn *tn i1- 'fff I I PIPING LEAK DETECTION ! Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. I I I{ I ; t. ryNq su@ I rur w, F" -r t F jrl It \ 1l I IT I I 1 I't ti , I I I I 1 I I \ il I 7 \ I w rx I TT] \: '_lI I I {e I (D !-..-;l i t. I It J ,df1 rr t,, T tl\- ? L t { I a' / V, il \ E i 6 6< z &rar> 6 t, I )tl I N@@ ryNq G\S@ T!..'...:- \ 'g {'{t) 'I t t I t I I ! l I i "I / I ,l al I I I \,\ t\. -4 t'r /\lll tt \ r t{--J \,i I ITJ I A tt I l, { J t Lr \ I ,* t I { { ilIr# I 4 1r0 owner Name STATE FUEL NETWORK Location 116ms MAGNA WATER CO./MAINTENANCE SHED Address ATTN STEVE SALTZGIVER Address 8933 W 3500 S 6;ry SALT LAKE CITY StateUT 7ie 84114 city MAGNA State uT zip 84044 Contact sreve phone (801) 619-7232CANNING at Contact eo HANSEN Tank lnstallation Date 12171'1987 12n11987 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)6000 6UUO lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored uteset uasoilne Frqt Tank is in use.Currently in Use Currently in Use Yes No Yes No lf not in use, qive date last used and depth of oroduct in tank. Current year tank tags are in place.d"J No No Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks Galvanic Cathodic Pro Galvanic Cathodic Pro Material ot construction of piping El6wihl6 Ol..ri^El6wihl6 Ol.6ri^ Piping tvpe Pracer rrizad Dracc r rrizarl Type of Spill Prevention device Spill containment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris ('f") No {4 No Yes No Yes No Type ol Overfill Prevention device -Aqo ,l .90 Overf if alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identif ied.Yes No N/A Containment sumps are sedqd, free from water, product, etc.G) r'ro N/A The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three vears thereafter).Yes No N/A EqlhSdic Protection Testing. Date of last t""t W T UT lmpressed Current System is checked lor proper operation at least every 6Q days and the results of the last three checks are available.Yes No N/A lmpressed CurrentCorr. Protect. Method Sacrificial Anode lnstant Off Depolarized 1 E*-l,Lcry 2 94 -1,.2-d 6 a Tanks 4 1 /1/ilt 2 /t iA J Lines 4 1 TE 2 TC 3 Tank Flex 4 .TL Tc- Disp. Flex lndicate below the corrosion protection methods in place for all UST system components. ldentify each dispenser by pump number(s). Show readings for the most recent Comments 7 -? F-?l-o{ CP Tec 7 l'L I I 9-^0this Name of Ldcheckl 205.doc FacilitVID 4001.650Utah UST Program Release Dete .on lnspeition Checklist Paqe of Ownership of Tanks Use Phone Complete Ior each tanl(. ll the lacilitv has more than four tanks. comole is on a seDarate orm. Z Z fr|,.t*f4-ok Dates of last three checks: TANKLEAKDETECTION ATG Tank method used: f IATG Shutdown Testinq t I ATG Continuous Testino I I lnterstitial Monitorino Petrosonic lll IM of ATG IM Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is kept tor at least one Vear after work is completed. NoG,r6t ATG IM ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and operational.9 No ATG IM Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below.No ATG Yes NoThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not in center, show tilt factors from the setup report. Tilt: #1 #2 #3 #4 Yes NoATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits.Third Party Minimum Level: System is capable of detecting a release ol regulated substances lrom any 1l IM a 4l 5l 6l 7lMol/r 3/8t Yes No 10t 't1l 1A9l I 1/'T 9<q r'lt14 TCS T tn aa{ |#I t"s "l ltl,t ,Jl .o n#L ,lTtt T tt/{*9,e ?AA , eal # # PIPING LEAK DETECTION ALD LTTtr Piping qualifies as Sate Suction. Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatic Line Leak Detector Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: Date of last leak detector performance t"rt $'7 l4fi"rult", lndicate type ol test: Simulated Leak, 3 gph, .2 gph, .1 gph (3, .r, ,*"*"* LLD only) Tester name: Cert. Number UT Type (Mechanical, Electronic, Other) s1 3.2.1 o(Automatic Line Leak Detector MEO MEO .2 .1 sL3.2.1 t Piping Tank 3 Tank 4 Test Method: 3.2.1 other lorm of leak Tank 1 Tank 2 EEO f, t-ine tightness testing. Date of last line tightness test: tr Same as above Tester name:Test Method T€Z I ZCert. Number UT urs:l Y I 7 I tr Monthly monitoring. lndicate the tr .2 GPH Monthly Testing tr lnterstitial Monitoring. Type of lM Documentation: method used: tr slR tr GW Monitoring tr Vapor Monitoring Show results of monthly monitorinq for pipins for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. Mol/r 1l 2l 3t 4t 5l b/8l 9l 101 11t 12t # # # # COMMENTS Dislribution: white- DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink- Facilitv/Omer Ldarqim'l205.doc g \lq Utah"UST Program Automatic Tank Ga- ,inq lnterstitial Monitori. Facititv tD 4001650 PaEe of Manufacturer, name and model ol system: PetroVend Circle Yes or No {or each ouestion. ln the last column- exolain and icientifv bv tank anv exceDtions to the answers oiven in the first cohrmn Tvoe of lltrl Documentation used: Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. For ATG tests, show the hiohest Droduct level tested lor each month. Pot App1ED..ryNyIRo.i{MENTL-snnvrcEs. LLU / I 6 fl po Box {82 Roy, urAH 84067 teorl ino-s2bs--^-, -. TEI 5OOO NON VOLUMETRIC.TEI4OOO VOLUMiTRiC.iEi U'LAGE. TEI LT3 These systems meet arr requir.ments set forth by usEpA 40 cFR and has r"..irao tt ira p""rtv certification. PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INVOICE ADDRESS: STATE FUEL NETWORK PO BOX 141152 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U141.1,152 TANK LOCATION: MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UTAH WORKORDER# 05158 DEOTD# 4001650 TECHNICIAN: Sirl H # STATFTECH# UT0121 GROUNDWATER DEPTH: 10'+ DATE: 5-31-2005 TITIE END: 12:00 TANK TANK PRODUCT TANK VENT PRODUCT LINE LEAK WATER IN PUMP TYPE TANK MATERIAL CAP ITY LINE TANK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6000 6000 R/UL DSL PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS 1t4' 1t4" PRESS PRESS STI.P3 STI.P3 1. 2. 3. PRODUCTLINESTESTEDAT 50 PSI FOR 15 MIN LINE RATES TGPHI R/UL -.000 DSL -.000 TEI SOOO NON VOLUMETRIC TANK TEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LINE LEAK DETECTOR TYPE & SIMULATED LEAK RATE Illl e MECHANTCAL E = ELECTRONTC #- (GpH) RATE M M 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. TEST METHODS USED FOR THIS LOCATION TEI .IOOO VOLUTiiETRIC TANK TEST TEI TANK ULLAGE TEST TEI LT3 LINE TEST 3 a X x industry. AI lests perfomed to manufactureraccording andprotocol thewithin common ofpractioes lhe H owevet due to the ofvariableshtnessthtigesecanresultslestingbenotareTherewdttenexp19ssedorimplied. CERTIFIED TECHN lc slG NATU RE:DATE: 5-31-2005 TIME START: 09:00 guarante6d.no wananti6s ,A P.O. Box 182 Roy, Utah 84067 (801) s40-92ss Work Order 05158 Date Tested 5-31-2005 RESULTS OF CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS USING A COPPER SULPHATE HALF-CELL Site Address: MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UTAH TKl TK2 TK3 TK4 TK5 TK6 Comments: STI-P3 TANKS WITH DW ENVIRON pIpING DTESEL Tpl -1.208 Tpz_1.263 Tps-1.009 R/UL Tp3 -t.247 T"4 _t.266 Tp5 _1.102 ALL READINGS TAKEN IN WET GRAVEL NACE Cathodic Protection Testerj_____,!fl A F Applie-- E^ EnvironmentalD Services, L.C. WUL PASS ENVIRON CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENT DSL PASS ENIVIRON CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENT Tester 3500 so TH WAT R TANKS / ) NORTH ) 3 R/UL STI-P3 TANKS 2 4 O a T M SHOP MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 3s00 sourH MAGNA, UTo o c R DSL 400 r6r0 APPLIE- EIYVIRONMENTAL SL^IVICES, L.C. PO BOX 182 ROy, UTAH 84067 (801) 540-9258 TEI 50 OO NON VOLUMET Rtc. TEl4000 vo LUMETRIC.TEIULLAGE. TEILT3 These systems meet all requirements set forth by USEPA 40 CFR and has received third party certification. PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INVOICE ADDRESS: STATE FUEL NETWORK PO BOX 141152 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U14'I-1152 toN; MAGNAWATER 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UTAH WORKORDER# 05158 DEO tD# 4001650 TECHN SM TECH #94027 STATETECH# UTO,I2,I GROUNDWATER DEPTH: 10'+ TANK DATE: $31-2005 TIME 09:00 TANK TANK PRODUCT TANK VENT PRODUCT LINE LEAK WATER INLINE DETECTOR TANK TIME END: 12:00 ACtry PUMP TYPE TANK MATERIAL t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6000 6000 R/UL DSL PASS PASS PRESS PRESS PASS 114' PASS 1t4" RECEIVED JUN - 6 2005 DEO [0Il0lllllel]lal Res0ons? [ Remedlall0n 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. PRODUCT LTNES TESTED AT 50 psl FOR 1s UlI LINE RATES (GPHI R/UL -.000 DSL -.000 TEI6000 NON VOLUIIETRIC TANK TEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LINE LEAK DETECTOR TYPE & SIMULATED LEAK RATE M = MECHANICAL E= ELECTRONIa tr= (GPH) RATE TEST METHODS USED FOR THIS LOCATION TEI TANK ULLAGE TEST lEI LT3 LINE TEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. M M 5 3 x Yariables testing AI weretests toperformed manufacturer and nwithiaccording comm on theofprolocol,However ued theto ofpracticesindustry rCSUthese canIts benot ranteed There noare ntiesWAITAlightness written orguaexpressed CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN SIG NATURE:5-31-2005 PASS PASS PASS PASS sTr-P3 sTt-P3 TEI4OOO VOLUMETRIC TANK TEST tr tr E E x the implied. pptied Environmental Services, L.C. P.O. Box 182 Roy, Utah 84067 (801) s40-92s8 A EAr-lf D Work Order 05158 Date Tested 5-31-2005 RESULTS OF CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS USING A COPPER SULPHATE HALF-CELL Site Address: MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 3500 SOUTH MAGNA, UTAH RA]L PASS ENVIRON CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENT DSL PASS E}.IVIRON CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENT TK1 TK2 TK3 TK4 TK5 TK6 NACE Cathodic Protection Tester # 557 Comments: STI-P3 TANKS WITH DW EI.{\/IRON PIPING DIESEL TPl -1.208 Tp2 -1.263 Tp5 -1.009 R/UL TP3 -1.247 T?4 -1.266 TPs -1.102 ALL READINGS TAKEN IN WET GRAVEL Tester 35OO SOUTH WA R TANKS NORTH ) ) 5 3 R/UL STI.P3 TANKS 4o a T M SHOP MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UTo o c R DSL 2 1 STATE FUEL NETWORK PO BOX 141152 SALT LAKE CIW, UT 84141-1152 (801) 619-7232 Facility Name and Site Address: MAGNAWATER Date s.31-2005 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH Facility lD# MAGNA, UTAH Purpose: Regular- Reinspec-tion- Complaints- Annual lnspection X ACTION TAKEN 1-2 Storage tanks properly labeled Fill caps and underground storage covers-good Fuel filters on pumps Oc{ane posted on pumps Security seals intact Dispenser Continuity Test MOTOR FUEL PRODUCTS USED FOR INSPECTION Regular-gallons UnleadedRegular..lo-gallons Unleaded Plus- gallons Unleaded Premium_ gallons Diesel 6 gallons Product was retumed to fuel storage tanks. rull EJ2 !q) IE oo 3 rUaoF !, 0) oab- E 0) a-,o'd' E XXPumps tested for calibration XxWater tests/Fuel storage X x x x X x IrIII lnspection Remarks: Steven B. Martin UT0121 Applied Environmental Services L.C. Received by:lnspected by GAS STATION INSPECTION REPORT 4001650 n State of Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Underground Storage Tanks Documentation of Cone spondenc e Bnnch MQR: _ Archlve: _ lnitials/Date PM: *ctlon MGR: Facilily lD 4001650 Proiect Manager Gary Harris Facility Name MAGNA WATER COJMAINTENANCE SHED Date Issued Date Due Enforcement Action Compliance Phone Call Comments Steve Cannins contact Cf Tel r 5t23t2005 711t232 /u</ T7'o(C 6- 512312005 2:zl1:59 PM \ Location trlams MAGNA WATER CO./MAINTENANCE SHEDOwner Name STATE FUEL NETWORK Address 8933W 3500 SAddress ATTN STEVE SALTZGIVER Citv MAGNA State UT Zip 84044Zip 84114City SALT LAKE CITY State UT Phone 1 2 Contact ED HANSEN619-7232CANNING atN Contact srEVE 12/711987 14711987Tank lnstallation Date 6000 6000Capacity of Tank (in gallons) lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. GasolineSubstance Stored Diesel Tank is in use.Cunently in Use No Currently in Use No lf not in date last used and in tank. Current vear tank taos are in place. of Yes No Yes No Gaffiic cathodic ProMaterial of construction of tanks GaVnic Cathodic Pro Flexible Plastic Flexible PlasticMaterial of construction of piping Pressurized qtPipinq type Pressurized //)Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required. Spill containment bucket is clean. drv. and lree of product, water, debris.Yes No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no overfill prevention is required.Asa A90 lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it Corrosion Protection method used on tanks and alarm is clea marked,can be seen and Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Corrosion Protection method used on pipinq // AA Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors. swinq ioints. etc. -Tc At tanks:TcAt dispensers: Enclosed containment sumps are present at tanks and dispensers At tanks:NoGJ At No *l (-o zI Yes No Yes NoThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three vears thereafter). areContainment free Tank Tester UT Date volts volts volts volts Piping Tester UT Date volts volts volts volts volts volts volts voltsFlex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester At tank At dispenserUT Date volts volts volts volts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available (required every 60 davs).Yes No I on,F-2this facili sisnature: J -rrl /* 4. Name of owner/operator representative: Signature El Emergency generator tanks only; tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. COMMENTS C 'Tesr D"( Distribuiion: White-Pink-Facility/Owner Ldch*k0804.doc iD,'4001Utah-IIST Program Release Detectr . lnspection Checklist OwndfehiD of Tanks )ffn,Somplete for each tank lf the facilitv ha$,mor.e thafl four tanks, csmp ,{"J {"J I Yes No 9A Gathodic:Protection TeBtilro. Sll6wirtherfasults of th6'mastfgirsilt,:t$$t andT lilehodrcedfstanls:ATG LTTN4etfpd used f or pipirt:ALD Itlaruf acturer, nane and nodel nunber of system PetroVend System3d party cert. available Yes NoPetrosonic lll Cirde Y Ail Fbcords on site bcunent thd the systemis proper! instdled, calibrated, and naintained (systern and tanksetup reports, rmintenance records). r"p No ATG IM Dvice docwrBntation b available on-site (owner's nanral, etc.)&# No Ail Quipnent rced toacquire dda, tate redings, performtest is adequde, accessible and f tnctioral. lrcl. ATG corsole, dipstick, etc.No@ AI Dcunentalion of valid testing or nonitoring is availdle f tr the hst 12 nnnhs. Slnw bsting or nmitorhg resuhs in grid below.NoJT/\ ATG the probe is locded atthe center d the tank. lf not, tle tift correction factorlor erch bnk is show n on the tark setw report. NoU lhe tank w as f illed to at leastthe nhirrumlevel reqr.ired by the ranufacturer's equipnent potocol to ensure a vald leaktest and the tanksize is w itlin the allowed rpper and loar er size lirits.@* IM Secordary barrier is pmperly placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consideratiors, has an acceptable perneation rale, is conpatide w ih the substance stored is nm-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnnnt). Yes No C MTG SIR hventlry readings f or prodrct inprts ard w ithrawals are properly obtairBd ard recorded. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled.Yes No IC SIB Fbcords include he prqer runber oI water readirgs, ard w der readings are used to adjust invertory balances as necessary.Yes No C MI-G SIR An apropriate tank calbratim chart is rced and is arailSle f q revie\ /Yes No C SIR Dspersers have current calbratim stickers or proper calibratbn dmunentation Yes No IC SlR Dop ttbes are present and e,\tend to w lhin orB f od of the tank bottom Yes No Show results of monitoring for each tank for tte last 12 months. lndicate pass, fail, no results, or inconclusive. tt/loffr 6l04 7lo4 8l04 9to4 101o4 111O4 'tu04 'tl05 u05 3/05 4l05 5/05 #t ,l I .n #')a-f il I Uq es # # Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date ol last tigltness test f q tanks:9-4-aLl Test results r P Nane and certlicatim nunber d tester:A-l ,-- a-rDate ol last test for P P Nane and certlicatim nunber d tester: .[7 a Test ]rtbthod Autcrnatic Line Leak Detector tvpe and npdd /A /A Date of last leakdetector perf ornancetest: g * q ^ A S-Test results P F Safe Suction pping: Docunentdion is avail$le and verif iabb to show tlat piping operates at less than atnospheric pressure, has only me cleck valve (under punp), and has proper slope of piping. Yes M Conrrenb Fae of Facility lD+ooroso ATG Tank and Line Tightness TEstirg, Line Led< Detector Testing: Test ]rtbthod owner Name UTAH STATE FLEET OPS/FUEL DtSPENS|NG Location Name MAGNA WATER CO./MAINTENANCE SHED Address ATTN STEVE SALTZGIVER Address8933 W 3500 S c SALT LAKE CIry StateUT 84114 MAGNA State UT Zi 84044 Contact STEVE CANNING phone (801) 619-7232 Contact eo HANSEN Phone Tank Number:1 2 Tank lnstallation Date fint1987 12n11987 of Tank lndicate if tank is si Diesel Gasoline tn in Use in Use and of in tank. Current tank are tn 0 Material of construction of tanks Material of construction of Flexible Plastic Flexible Plstic P Pressurized Pressurized Type of Spill Prevention on of less than 25 tf no IS red UC, containment bucket is clean and free of rod water debris Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention d on ons. lf no overfill IS ired lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill can be seen and heard and alarm Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Corrosion Protection method used on tanks method used on Corrosion Protection method conn ints etc.At Enclosed containment sum at tanks and At tanks:L Yes No AI TL ES No ent su are seal free from water etc.Yes No lndlcate dates of cathodic res the last two cathodic protection tests are available Yes Nomonths of installation and three Tank Tester ('tt Date 6l ^az volts volts volts volts Tester Date volts volts volts volts Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints At tank volts volts volts volts Tester Date At volts volts volts volts For lmpressed Current results ol the last three equipment Yes Nochecks are available 60 rgency generator tanks only; leak detection defened tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. COMMENTS Site Drawin (North ,lt ) tl facil 3^0 ron S rator name e gl^ Distribution: White- DEBB, Yellow- lnspector, Pink- Facility/Owner Ldchsk07o3.d6 hb 5h 0 q0 0 / tD 4001650Utah LlsT Program Release Detectio.."l on Checklist more ona or l/lethod used f or pipirg: ALDlr/etrod rsed f or tanks: ATG LTT lvlaruf acturer, nane and npdel nunber of system petroVend System3d party cert. avdlable Yes l.,loPetrosonic lll Cirdr s or ilb1 ,lumn, r dn and Ail Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis proper[ installed, calibrated, and naintained (systern and tank setup reports, mdntenatce recorcb).Nlo ATG IM Dvice docurrBnhtion b available on-site (owner's nanLnl, etc.)ve/ Nlo Ail Quipnent tsed to acqUre dda, tale readings, perf orm test is adequde, accessible and f urctional. lrcl. ATG console, dipstick, etc.Nlo Ail bcunentalion of valid testing or nonitoring is avail$le f or the hst 12 npntrs. Slpw testing or nmitorhg results in grid below.M ATG The pobe is locded at the center d the hnk. lf not, the tilt correction factor f or each tank is shown on the tank setrp report. l.lo[9 ATG The tank w as lilled to at leastthe nhinumlevd reqr.ired by the nanulacturer's equipnent protocol to ensure a vald leaktest and thetanksize is w itlin the allowed lpper and loar er size linls.@* IM Secondary barrier is proper[ placed ard corstruc{ed, designed f or gw consi&ratims, has an acceptable perneation rate, is conpatiUe w itr the substance stored is nm-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnent). Yes Nlo C MTG SIH hvenbry readings f or prodtrct inplts ard w itErawals are properly obtaired ard recorded. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled.Yes t{o PSlR Fbcods indude he proper runber of water readirgs, ard w der readings are used to adjust invertory balances as necessary.Yes t{o C MTG SIR An appropriate tank calbration chart is rced and is arail$le f or reviqar Yes t{o CSR Dspersers have current calbratim stickers or proper cdibratbn daunBntation.Yes M IC SlR Dop tl.bes are presentand extendto w lhin ore f od of tlB tankbottom Yes M Shory results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate pass, fiail, no results, or inconclusive 1t4o//r s/03 6/03 7103 8/03 9/03 1 0/03 1 1/03 1AO3 1lo4 a04 3104 4t04 f I Ar I 1 f,/tl I I 'q.t= - # # 7-LDate of last ess test for tanks Test results^03 Tank 2TI Tank 3 Tank 4 Mne and certlicatim nunber d tester:5 f""L nar<7'4 U'T O I Zf restrvbthod Date of last tightlqss test f or piphg 3'2\-03 Test results r {-' Mne and certlication nunber d tester:Test ltlbthod Auto[atic Line Leak Detector type and npdd 14 14 Date of last leak detector perf ornance test:3*zq-03 Test resuhs [)r_) Safe Suction pping: Docunentdion is availdle and verif iabb to slrow tt'at piping operates at less than atnospheric pressure, has only me check valve (under punp), and has proper slope of piping. Yes M 7 -14*azConrrents Pae of ;t column. @ 9,\ Yes tt Release ln cDetection Utah UST Program Ownership of Tanks I of Tanks Owner Name U/"h llul D,a(Location Name a Address Address 5 srate lf ,to fl4tl Acity {_L L a contact 13, L J--.(<7 z t*zzl tPhone Phone Gomplete for each tank. lf the facility has more than 4 ianks, "or[t"t" the information for additional tanks on a separate form. Numberof tanks atlacilily /Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date t7--7-<7 ir--7-fl Capacity of tank (in gallons)L /(-ZK lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks.\ Substance stored /);rtu I lt rt/L Tank is in use (Yes / No). lf not in use, give date last used Y Y lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Answer the following for all tanks. Note any exceptions in the last cr Cunent year tank tags are in place Y Malerial of construction of tanks f/zc / Material of construction ol piping y'/x /l^,1,'- Piping type I rt r,/ u, .- Type of Spill Prevention Device. Note if tank is filled by transfers of less !h4n 25 gallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required.'ls./Type of Overtill Prevention Device. Note if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overfill prevention is required.Lla t'f Yes No in the last column Corrosion Protection method used on tanks an wherep it markedIS Corrosion Protection. Answer the lollowing for all tanks. Note Corrosion Protection method used on piping ,/n Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors '21//4 Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers (No.ves ) lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Cathodic Protection Testing. Show the results ot the most recent test for each tank, line, or flex connector. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).No@ rank rester Jf- - /h"-{;, o^*7-l?'O\* I .l7o^7f/f,,.,,,volis volts Piping Tester Date volts volts volts volts volts volts volts voltsFlex Connectors Tester Sub pump Date Disoenser volts volis volts votts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment ppgration checks are available. (required every 60 days.)Yes No Comments Page il 6z -o2 on S re name: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector rev0902 ,oID (A #o t- n/, r(name) f )-,-.'-l lJ,/ ID Method used fortanks: A f &Method(s)usedrorpipins: AtO +L ff /D dAr ced. available to the No(a 4Manufacturername and model number of 3'd in theor No for each 6|el No,ATG,rtrV Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). ;16510fiDrr',r Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.). ..@ ruoIEquipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lnclude ATG console, dipstick, etc. v"s.6i\g Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in orid below. -GnTeh Tilt Factors: #1 #2 #3 #4lgThe probe is located at the center of the tank, or, if not in the center, show the tilt factor for each tank from the tank setup report. @*ogThe tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. Yes No Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr flood plain (per site assessment). IM Yes NoIC SIR MTG lnventory readings lor product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readings are properly reconciled Yes NoIC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary. Yes NoIC SIR MTG An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review, Yes NoIC SIR Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration docurylentation. Yes NoIC SIR Droo tubes are oresent and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, No Results, lnvalid (ATG) or lnconclusive (SlR). '%.t/oz /%i-,7/az Vrt %oZz .%z fuz .aMol/r n /42 r)I I r //#I h '-rfllll/rt'l" I I r P /#7 /h/ ---V ft^I# favo J lvca (ct # Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3Tank and Line Tightness Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing Test resultshtness test for tanks CrzC *ozhtness test for P I T Its -/7- oz. UTI Date of last Name and UT /.L Test Method:Name and certification number of Q A) E/ s Dave./a s a @E vsV^/*bs{ M E S M E SAutomatic Line Leak Detectors. lndicate type and model number for each leak detector. /PDate of last leak detector performance test:Z-17-oz Test results Yes NoSafe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operales at less than atmospheric pressure, has onlv one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. Comments 4zPaoe Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector,Ldall.wpd rev0302 Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Detection lnL Z/r>z-n-/v.k Tank 4 Release \ utatr UST P rogram .-J Af ,,0 2002 c tf Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks ownerName l)hl, ft*. V{zcf Olf LocationName /4aoAA hl^t. /o Address Aov tcl /l-f>/.o Address o -rL L..st*e ff ,,091// l-City State UT ,,o 8lo4lcity /vlo a Aa more than 4 tanks, complete information for additional tanks on separate form, nia '72Phone Location Contact Complete for each tank. If Contact Numberoftanksatfacility: 7-Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date tL- 7-17 1L-747 Capacity of tank (in gallons)B/(6/( Substance slored O,'. rl,/)tr*L(6) Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used r V lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches)I Answer the following for all tanks, Note any exceptions in the last co Current year tank tags are in place Material of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.)rh.o/ Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.)ffiFla Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.)(rr-rtr.-, Type of Spill Prevention Device (<5 gal, >5 gal, cont. sump, etc.) Note if filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill required.<fsof Type of Overfill Prevention Device (shutoff, ball float, alarm, etc.) Note if filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no overfill required.,L;f-4 For overfill alarm: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearly marked Yes No Corrosion Protection. Answer the lollowing for all tanks, Note any exceptions in the last column. Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP)JfA Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP)///q Method used on tlex connectors (8, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A)Lf, Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers des\ uo Cathodic Protection Testing Complete lor each lank. The results ol the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).Noa"'6r rank rester 9/r-on /h-J> oateS-/?-O2 -l-tl )?-t.!/{ Piping Tester Date volts volts volts voltsElex Connectors Tester Sub pump Date Dispenser volts volts volts volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (required every 60 davs.)Yes No Comments \ Page I 612- -othe above-named on -alnre nature of Owner or Owner's du Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldcheck.revo701 lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Detection z( P ? ATfr Methodusedfor pipins: ALO T- + LTfMethod used lor tanks: cert. available3',d and to Manufacturer name and model number ol Circle Yes or No for Ail Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records).No@ ATG IM Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.),,16) tto AI Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc.@*" Ail Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testinq or monitorino results in orid below.Yes No ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank. ll not, the tilt correction factor for each tank is shown on the tank setup report.@uo ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. Yes No IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). Yes No IC MTG SIR lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readinqs are properly reconciled.Yes No IC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary.Yes No IC MTG SIR An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review.Yes No IC SIR Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.Yes No IC SIR Droo tubes are Dresent and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom.Yes No Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months, lndicate pass, fail, no results, or inconclusive. uoxrffi,,/21 //at ?1zt t/el '2r D/ot 7A /7at t)/.ot q4 )/az-%/ #l fill nl,?r'?2sa P p P /,l P / &nt#u W P P r P /t? # and Line Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 3-n- DLDate of last tiqhtness test for tanks:Test results:// In ,?TR!,Vr€E or/=< ? Date of last tightness test for piping: 3 -/? - A 2-Test results:P 51.--, ^/V? -^/,>7EE lJ-Name and certification number ol tester:Test Method: Date of last leak detector performance test:?-/?-oL Test results: I P r J Safe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), has proper slope of pipinq. Yes No Comments p^o"%tZ bution: Wh Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ID In the last tank p / # Name and certification number of tester: r t 350o SOUTH g TANKS (NORTH a )olt D{5 D iIr ?-l o-i \ f, ! D{ DSL 3 I 2 4 aa G R T Itl SHOP FYUL tr oo o tr oo MAGNA WATER 8950 WEST 35OO SOUTH MAGNA, UT STI.P3 TANKS I I fr-1 Michael O. Leavitt Co"cnor lJranne R Nielson. Ph D Stare of ii tah Errcutr"t Dtrccfur DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QU ALITY DIVISlON OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 Wesl P O Box 1t14840 Salt Lake Ciry. Llmh 841 l4-4840 (801) 5l(r-4 l(X) Voice (801) 159.8851 Fax ftrOI) 5.16-44r4 T D.t) Kcnt P Cirar Dtrrct,rr Apnl 1,2002 'fo Farr-Russell Croup P.O. Box 651250 Salt Lake City, UT 84165 Attn: Jim DeSanti l{E: Non-compliance ol underground storage tanks at Russell's Ice Cream, 2575 S. 300 W., Salt Lake City, Utah; Facility LD. #4001654 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certitlcate oI Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal US'f statutes. rules and regulations. Ar the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERRt performed a compliance review lor the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance revieu. perf ormed on March 6,2002, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out ot'compliancc. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with tank fl. 2. Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tank #1. 3. Submit documentation to show that the impressed current cathodic protection system is inspected lbr proper operation every 60 days. Please rerurn a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information rnust be submirted ro this office by June 1,2002. If it is not received by the date specified, we wrllcommence the revocation processof yourCertificateof Compliance. Ilyouhavequestionsconcerningthismatterorneedanyassistance.please conracr David wilson at (801) -536-4100. \ utah usr Prog ram Release c Ownership of Tanks I€-Owner Name R-I ss.c t -f L. /, Address n- o. Bav lrtzf 6 Location Contact additional tanks on separate form. 5 <ii ZComplete for each tank. ll facility has more than 4 tanks,complete Phone State Phone State UT Number of tanks at facility: I Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 \ 7- t-tLTank lnstallation Date Capacity of tank (in gallons)LK Substance stored D,'r.r l Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used Y lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Answer the following lor all tanks. Note any exceptions in the last column. Current year tank tags are in place Material of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.)57r< I Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.)gtrc I Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.)/) r, t ,,.t, -Type of Spill Prevention Device (<5 gal, >5 gal, cont. sump, etc.) Note if filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill required.f s^/ Type of Overfill Prevention Device (shutoff, ball float, alarm, etc.) Note il filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no overfill required.)A./Lof, C For overfill alarm: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearly marked Yes No last column.any L Answer allfor Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP) Corrosion Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP)TL Method used on flex connectors (8, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A).{/1 Enclosed conlainment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Yes @ / TZ.f -,--.A(n Yes @ for each tank- lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Testing are 6 months of installation and 3 Tank Tester ,>1. /-1.- ^ oare ./-lg-&)'-re ,T^r/.n/ -,.A tlPiping Tester Date t< t1u - 1.o/e (c.rn ^f v- volts volts volts voltsFlex Connectors Tester Sub pump Date Dispenser volts volts volts volts Comments Yesuired eve resultscurrent system: checks are available. the last three equipment 60 Pasel o(Z othat I the above-namedIaa on .ln^o?_-I Dale of Owner or Owner's d Distribution: White-DEBR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldcheck.wpd rev0701 t ID Location of Tanks I Location Name ''c T.oL---^ Utah UST Program Leak \Method used for 3',d cert.Manufacturer,name and model Method used lor tanks rst column.ln /t/A@Records on site document that the sybtem is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (svstem and tank setup reports, maintenance records).Yes No Yes No /ryfATG IM Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.) @*o P[orl,'.-- fJ-'--,fr:.)Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc. @,"/VA,Att)Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in orid below. Yes NoATGThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt conection lactor for each tank is shown on the tank setup report. Yes No ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manulacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. Yes No IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). Yes Nolnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readinqs are proDerlv reconciled. IC MTG stR Yes NoIC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary. Yes NoIC MTG SIR An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review. Yes NoDispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.IC SIR Yes No t )IC SIR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. Show results of monitoring for each tank fol the last 12 months.t/aa =1oz'/ct 7/ot /o/o'a(1/e/V/ot 5/ot {ot 7/o/Mol/r -\fana,*t-"J-,,./#I # # # Tank 4Tank 1 tanKz Tank 3 Test results:Date ol last tiqhtness test lor tanks: Test Method:Name and certification number ol tester: PL/^ + -ao Test results:Date of last tiqhtness test for pipinq: Name and certitication number of tester: ftoL..f ln/rr.r-m%7 l-nn)LTest Method: PDate of last leak detector performance test:{ -y<o (.y' Ta. td* Y/- Test results: NoYesSale Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has onlv one check valve (under pump), has proper slope ol piping he Comments -t i /o.'.-(.o-*- eaoe Lot ?- Dislribution: Wh Ldall rev0201.wpd r-a ID No each I /ot Tank and Line Tightness Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing: lf /20 //U/ t / ) \ h ( AL/ ?o 6zt .rrltV Za... c.-."t pto rl \7 Underground Storage Tank lnspection Verification Form RUSSELLS ICE CREAM PO BOX 651250 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84165 Owner Name: Owner Address: Facility Name: Street Address: Facility lD: 4001654 RUSSELL'S ICE CREAM 2575 S 300 W LAKE CITY UT 84115 UTM Coordinales 424,174.26 Last lnspection Date: Comments: 4,507,345.72 41512000 Hand Held GPS with Base Station Correclions ln LD compliance: NO ln Operation Compliance: NO Tank lD/Alt lD: Tank Status: Date lnstalled/Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Modificationsl: Pipe Material: Pipe Modificationsl: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overf ill Description Tank C P MeULast TesVResult: Last Line CP TesUResult: Tank Release Detection: Last TTT/Method/Passed ? : SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDT/Type/Passed? 2 2 E-Gen: No Currently in Use Manifold: No 7rV1986 6,000 lrtpressed Current Cathodic Proteclion None Galvanized StBl Cathodically Prolected Date LTT/Method/ PSTFund: Y Pressurized Perm RD Datet 12122119 Diesel 5 gal. Spill Bucket Automatic shutoff Yes OVERDUE -0.64 oVERDUE -0 e76 Ground Water Monit NOT REO'D Search' Yes ALD Ground Water Mon OVERDUE OVERDUE Yes No OtherType: I Tuesday, March 05, 2002 Page 1 of 1 State of Utan fuel ru Date : tO /2,5/o I TO: tJc-^'\)-* .DACJ I Db Rq, u6T From : Steven L. Canning, UST Program Specialist State of Utah, Depadment of Administrative Services Division of Fleet Operations, State Fuel Network 447 West 13800 South, Draper, Utah 84020 P.O. Box 141152 Salt Lake City, Utah U141-1152 Office (801) 619-7232 I Fax (801) 619-7258 RECEIVED ocT 2 6 2001 DEO Efirlonm00ttl RcseoN0 E Rlmt0ltlh0 Dear The foltowing is in response to your questions conceming the vrl'Lt'-I'u''--''""* ",t-,,,..ti.1 (o OCI Ci ft- 4CO ( to €O , i&lA ".\ lxl\t 1 l. Than i>-^:<- I - a*A Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 salt Lake ciry, utah 84114-4840 (801) s364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) s364414 T.D.D. TO: Date September 10,2001 RECEIVED ocT 2 6 2001 DEO Emlronmontal Brsponr S Rflno0d0ll UTAH STATE FLEET OPS/FUEL DISPENSING ATTN: STEVE CANNING 4I2O STATE OFFICE BLDG SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114 RE Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Co., 8933 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah; Facility I .D. #4001650 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. Atthe request ofthe Executive Secretary (UST), the Division ofEnvironmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on September 10, 2001 associated with your speed memo received on August 2212001, indicates you stillhave not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l & 2 by: ,.Y, Documenting that the ATG system is functioning properly and performs and recordstl' a valid leak test at least once a month. , h ./,, Documenting that the tank is filled to the minimum level required by the "Y,manufacturer'sequipmentprotocoltoensureavalidtest@ >507o full and a test duration of 4 hours). About half of the ATG tests received on August 22,2001were invalid. Submit validATG testsfor September and October 2001. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by November 1, 2001. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this maffer or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. 6p| l__E!-lS.i F,EF;: tr,:xfi5 *rF:iF:-1- r"18tr{5rJrerr..lgr-* rli33r:1 Hli 5LttJ riun :t,rGrsr:+: -r* E:f,tF L:,8 F-F-EF:fr:f-{*f f:rt-_ :+;f,8rj1 . El 6L t.tET r:rJF:F:Er_-Tfti THf.{i{. r.j,llui,lE. f,i$?" ? GL r:F;u55 r,lEHsUE:Er: rglti,l r.rr:rlltf,lE, t'-1t36" I r:L trglgtlg LEFT f U fuf.ii:,43,:* it.t pF:rjt:;Ur:T LETJEL,r3.i, F fiI.'EEftIJE FLIET- 1g1.1PEF:HTLIE:r.1.b II..I I,JRTEFj LEIJEL.Et--trfr f"lgla guEEf.IEr-{-r 4;:'_{ fitl IUt.t EUG lbr?fir3l:+: l-Er.IF" tri J FF-E:$;:E}_.{-?-$+L :+:f,tlllt:l.'-r GL tiET r-r_rF;F:Erl:TEtr Ttfl..ll: r...rtLUl,lE..liff?.g r:L r:F:rJs:; HEfi:;UF:En ir_lf'{}i U,rlUnf ,:3t:1r.1,; rjl l.Jr:tLUI.tE LEFT It.{ THt*,:-. 4'3, r-;l If..l FFtt-l[rUt:T LEr,rEL.ii. {, F FtIJEF:r-tr:E FLtEi- 1g1,1pEE:tiTUE:8.1.'i It.t trtHTEFj LEr.rg1. LEI:II.:: F;:F.NTE -fi. rs:r:.! r3l..'Hr:rt lF t{ET r::rjFjF.:Ertrr, t_rprr: FrfiT.E,-8"81 F TEI,IFEFIIITLIFIE L:HBHI:E. FIJFI 4.8 HIJLIF;5 TI.iRESHILr] = I].:I:18 GL,,HUUF:TE5T Pr.l5IEri '-..- :+: -l- I f"'$Ef:" L.E:eqF{: -I*Hgl* ======== Tf;i.il,i 1 IIIEIEL LEtrtl":: FEF;: I -r*rf,i5 -I-S+F: -r- r"tEFlSLrF:Er,1Er.{*r lr-!f,r-l fili guti tiltG 36,3**,:+: -?-Er"IF" ] tr F-F-EF:Er"{-r-s+L 4f,{,8, f rjl t]ET r-rlF:F:Ert:t-EI: TrtHf: fir:lUf,te.4f,:r5.: r:L 6F.:ugI i,lEfi5ltF:Eij Trll.{E: U,:lUnf .t€,:B,r.r rit r,rr31_11tlE LEFT It{ T}]t.lH:.{,5,:l[r It{ FF:r]trLtr::T LE{JEL,74,? F fftrgp,O*a FUEL TEHPEF:I]TUFjE.*"fi It'{ trtFlTEE: LEr.rEl*.Et'-lfi r.tEFASL!F-:Ef.t*r"{*f 4r:.} Hll 5ltt{ Hur: i6rifir:r1.+: TEf.tF, tri g F$=E$;:Er-{*f r:!L4f,hB,d, GL HfT rI:r_rFlF:EuTEli TIIHE trr:tUf,tE. 4f,'-+5. I fiL rjE:rJsI fiEt".tILtF:Etr Tfit{Ft trrjlltfiE, 1{,:rJ" ? rjl LrrJLLtf,tE LEFT IH TfiHtr:, {,5. i!* It.i pE:r_ltrur:T LEr,rEL.i4":r F tltrEF:rtrGE Flrfl TpgpEE:r.{TLtFjE. 11,r:1 It.{ iilrlTEE: LEr.rgg, LEF"rr,:- H$A-I-E*t:1. t]fi I r:L,,Hr_-rLtF.: t{ET r_:UFiFiEr-TEi: ifrltr. FiftTE.**.I:11 F TET,iPEF:HTLIEE,::HBI..IGE. F[E: +.r3 HrjuFlS THFjESHrlLii = S. *-r:lfi EL,.HUiJF:T[iT FH55E[i :-F: -?- :*: 1 :+: *r tr r"lEf::r ! EFlri TEa=-i- :+: ======== Tiltll': 1 IrIESEL L-Et+lt FEF-: I r:tf} 5 -rt1t;:-r r.-lE$e5!JF:Er.tEr*l T l::f,t:l llt'l 5ut"l 5EF I.lrISBl 4E6B.B ril t'iET r:fiFiFiE':TEr THF{li UI]LUr,IE. 4']81':,f, ril GFiil55 r'lEFtSUFlEti Tf;t{l'i r.rillullE, 1i13.i EL trr:rlltl,lE LEFT It.l THI'{H:. F:.'-11 lt.l PEr:rtrur:1 1-ftlEl. rb. 1 F HI.IERHIJE FUEL TET'IFEFJI-ITUFIE. E.t3 Itl lrlllTEFj LEl.rEL.Et-{r} r.1EFl5t*!F-:Etr1Er-{-tr- 4:.:! llf'1 5ut'l 5EP if,:7Etilt1 4E{'ff.9 EL t'lET r-:r:rF:F:Ef,TEt:, TBtili: L.ruL.Uf'lE" 49L1:. 1 EL t:Hr:t:i5 tlEH:;LlFlEt! Ttlt{tr: tJ,.:rLLlf.lE, 111f,.t EL t":'LUf,lE LEFT If.l T!-$.lti:. 11,t1 It.t PE:r:rftUr::T LEr.iEL. 75.I:.1 F I+I.IEFJIIEE FUEL TEf'IFEF:ftTUF;E. I3.FJ II..I IilfiTEFJ LEI.IEL" LEl:ll":: $i:}QTE [:1. tlEII EL,'HI-]UFJ I.IET I::I]F:FJEI:TEN LEHII: FJHTE. *E,EI9 F TET,IFEF;}trTUF|E L:HfiHGE, F'lFl 4.t1 H'IUF:5 THEESH':ILII =':1.ifi81 EL,."HUUF; Tl_'-T r'r-rr-r-rrrItr:! rH:,:rtr-Lr :+: l- tr f'tEf) LE$+rn -3-E=;T :+: ======== Ttlt{f;: : Ut.lLERtiEI} L-ESEH. FETE I I:Ifi 5-f s:lF;:-f f.tElqSLlF-:El"-lEf"{ T 1::3t::l llf'l Sut'l SEP I3rlEtrll 5:fi8.T 6L HET I:IIFJF:EL:TET] TH}.JI.; IJI:'LUI.IE. 5:5f.f til '3H':r5:' IIEHSUEEI3 Tr]titr: r.JrlLUl,lE. r58.f, ril r,rolur,lE LEFT It{ Ttlt.lFi. 78.3b 11.1 PP;rlttUrlT LEtrEL. r5.,.] F HI,IERHfiE FUEL TET.TFEFJHTUFJE. 1.6 lf.l tItiTEF; LEtrEL. Et lfs r,IE$:t5!-|F-:Er.1Er-{-r 4::'-r HH lul.{ :;EF :.l:irlrr3l 5:88.f, 6L t.lET r::0F:F:Er-:TEtr THl..lli: trr:rlur,lE. 5:5i,4 6L GF:':r55 r.tEH:;UEEr) TFHF. l.IrtLUl'lE, 7513.8 EL r,r[LLtHE LEFT it{ THt.lF;. 78.38, Ir.{ FFjr.rBUr-:T LEl.rEL. i5":] F FII,IEE:HIjE FUEL TEI'IPEF;HTUF:E. 1,':, It'l lilHTEF: LEl,rEL. LEH}':: F-:TqTE -Er.rjr31 EL,.Hr:rilF.: t{ET r::r:rF;FjEr:TEri LER},; FjETE. -B.BT F TEI.IFEFjHTLIF:E LHI]I.{68, FrlFj +. r:1 Hr:tUF.'5 THF:E5H|JL[] = t3,IEiB rjl._,.'HULlFj TE:iI F'H55ET! dJ {t!r^"',tr*-- W VVW'V Y* \- :+i T I r.lEfr LEFIF,:- *rEI;-r .+: ======== Tfitlfi: I trIE:;EL LEFIF,:: F,Ef;: f r_r[r 5 -rtqF.:T r.IEtrlStJF;:Er.tEr*| Tl?:39 Fl,l sul.{ t-lt:T 7:'2Err.l1 4418,4 'iL t.lET r::tlFiE:Er-TEii Tlil.{l:i tIr:rLUt'lE" 4441.8, ril rjErrS:i f'tEHsLtHEB Tfit.tE: rlrlLUHE. 15f4.4 riL UtrLUtlE LEFT It.t Tgtjti. 6S.4f, II..I PF:IBUf,T LEIJEL.rf,,I F HIJEEffEE FUEL TEI,IFEF;FITLIEE. t:l. 1 It'l trlHTEF; LEtlEL. Et tE) f.IE$lELtt+Ef.lEr.lT 4:1.-l 91,1 sut{ rlCT irIEEl 4418.4 EL t'lET r::rlEFlEf,TEti THt{}i Ur:|LUHE,444i.5 GL rSFrr:r5:i f,tEltr:iuFjEn THHI{ trrlLutlE, 15f4.5 r3L Ur:rLlJl,lE LEFT It.l THF1E. 'i.F,.43 II.{ FEfiTIUI:T LEI,IEL. rf,. ? F EIJEEHI:E FUEL TET.IPEE}trTLIHE. t:l.1 it'{ I'IHTEE LEtrEL. LE}:{I-{ t;:[1TE -T-I. E'34 IJL,'HffUF: HET T:OEREI]TETr LEFI,{ EFTE. -8. Bf, F TEI.IPEE:HTUEE ']HHH6E,FIE 4.8 H[UF;5 THRESHI]ILTI = I].IErE 6L.JHI]UFJ TEST FI]55ETI :+: -f I f.IEl:. [_EtrtF:: -I-E5-f :+: ======== TFt{t{ i Llt.lLEtltrEt} LEHF... FEr? I r]rfr '=TS:{t?T f'tE$tr*=LtF:Ef.IEHT l2!38 tlf,l sUH tJt::T Ir,:.-Etri1:+: -f E[.IF. trI I FFEFi:E}.{-I-FAL :+; 4EB6.E 6L tlET [ffEFlEf,TEt] THH|': r,rrlLUI,lE, 4648. t EL EFjrt:i:; t'lErlsltREt] TFt{ti u[LLlt.lE.l3'.,7.1 EL tJr:rLUI.lE LEFT IH TRt{t"i. 6t,:'-1 il'{ FEDIiUT::T LE1JEL.rf,,3 F FI"TEEFIEE FUEL TEt'lpEFlltrTLtEE. 1 . E It{ tdrlTEE LEf._rEL. Et{tr f.IESAgtJF-:Ef.IEf-{T 4:I3 fif,l :iut{ 'lt:T Fr:rlrtl:+: TET.IF fi r FFEF;:Er.{T}qL :+: 4E,EII.5 I3L I.{ET f,IIEFJEI]TEI} TIIHH: LJIJLUI.IE. 4€.4*.F ril riFtr:rgi f,tEHSUE:Eti THgh: r,ruLUgE. 13ti. f, 6L trtrluf.tE LEFT It.t Tpl.itr:.89.?B lt.t FFjr-tt]ut:T LEI.,EL, ?3. f, F HI,IEEHIJE FUEL TEI.IPEE}ITLIRE.I.ts It'{ trlllTEE LEttgl. t_EFlF.i E:lj{-r-E -E.BI: I3L..HI--ILIF I..IET I:OEFJEI::TED LEHI{ F:IITE._ff.EI3 F TEI,IFEEHTLIEE CHH}.{6E, F|]Fi 4.8 Hr:rUFtg THF;E5H']LII = 13, TEE EL...,HI:IUF, TE5T FF.Is5ETJ 1 a)/'\>.P'" ;+: T I F"-lEfi t_E$Cl,;: l-E=-I- ======== THt{tl. r- Lll.{LEHttEfl LEtriF=:: FEFE I I-Ifr 5 *r$lF:-r r.lElq=L!FrEr.lEr-{l- L::f,r:l Hr'l !:Lti.{ rlr::T :lrtF_rr:l1 f,!.c'-r, f, r:L HET r:fiFjREr_:TEti THt.tli trulufiE. 481f,.6 rjl r:F;'J55 llEtlSUFjEti TFll.]H. trr:rl_LttlE. r-t]B:,4 GL l.lr-llullE LEFT il.l THl..lt':." Lr3.;5 lt.t FEUIrU':T Ler"rEl. {,i1";I P FII.'EF:IIGE FUEL TEI,'IFEF:HTUFIE, 1. i Iti Ltt{TER LEr..rg1. EF-{fi f'-lEtr{:=LlF-:Ef.lEt-{T I:5t t]r,l r,ir_tt{ r:rrT :?,?r381 f,'-lF-t!.: r:L t.{ET '*rlE:F:Er:TEtr Tf,f.lp: uULUtlE. 4rl1I 'i r:L t3Fj05:i IiErlSuF:Etr Trlt{tr. r.Ir:rLUtlE. 'J[:ir.:.,7 r.*. t ril r..rr-rir114E LEFT It{ T}lt{H:, It{ PFjr_lIrUr_:T LEr,rEL. F I]I.IEF:F.IIJE FUEL TET'IFEEHTLIF:E. It.l t'lrlTEF; LEr.rE1. LE$f FT F.:HTE 11. r:1r:ri EL.'HI|UF; t.lET r:r:'F.:F.:Et:TE[i LE[11":: E|]TE,_*" f,:" F TET.IFEF:HTLIF'.E I::HFII.IEE, F'JF: d-!,5 HIJUE::: THFiE5HT:rLtr = rl. ?LrE ril.rHtruFi Tf:iT Frl55[ti "+ i'+ r , l:, l$"1^ :+. *r tr r',-tr F* ] L E trl h:: T-p-s -r :+: ======== THHH. 1 tiIE::ELLHt-Al'- FEE:Ir-rlr 5-f F1F:T f.'tEFqgUF:Er.IEr-{-tr- 1:: f,r:1 Hr'l 5ui..l rJl:T tl I !r:1r11 5181" [r GL t..lET r-r-rFtFlEuTEt: THTJH: trr:rluttE. f,r?ll. ? GL GFirlSS r,lEll5ilF:Err Tfif.il'i trr:rluriE. I:1T. 1 EL I.JIJLLIT'1E LEFT II*I Tfif'IH., 5r.'38 IH FFir:'i)Ur::T LEtrEL. 6S"9 F HI.IE5;6'U' FUEL TEI,IFEF:HTUFJE, r:1.1 Il.l Llt{TEFi LEl.rEL,Er"lrs r.lEt:l5LtEEr.lEr-{T 5:53 Hl'l l.lrlt.l r:rf,T l?rIEtfi1 f,fr--tl.Er 6L l.iET f,[FiFiEr-TEIr THi{E: trr]Luf.tE. f,7t8.: EL GFjr:rss l,lEllslrFjEt] Tttt{t{: LJ':ILU[,IE. ::17.* EL I.IDLLIFIE LEFT II.{ THHI{., i;.t:] IH PFirltrU'-T LEtrEL. b*.6 F ffI,IEE:HGE FLIEL TEI,IFEFIHTUEE. Er. I It'{ lrltlTEtr: LEUEL. LEFIFd: F;}qTE B.'3I:I: IJL..'HI]UF: I.IET ILIRF]E':TETJ LEffH: FJ'.{TE. -6.f,: F TET{FEEFTUF;E I-HFII..IIIE. FrlE ft.5 H[UFi:n THF:E5H0L[] = S, iErl rjL..'Hr:rUF, TEST FI]5:,ET} \ l ICHAEL O. LEAVITT GOVERNOR R. NIELSON. PH D EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KENT P CRAY DIRTCTOR DE PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Q!'ALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 NORTH 1950 WEST P O BOX 144840 SALT LAKI CITY, UTAH 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 VOICE (80r) 359-8853 FAX (B0l) 536-4414 T.D D. Date September 10. 2001 TO L]TAH .S'|ATE FLEET OPS/FUEL DISPENSING ATTN; STEVE CANNING 4I20 STATE OFFICE BLDG SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84I14 Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Co., 8933 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah; Facility I .D. #4001650 The Utah tJnderground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certifrcate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes. rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) perfonned a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, perfornred on September 10,2001 associated with your speed memo received on August 22,2001, indicates you s/i// have not satrsfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Subnrit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l & 2by: a. Documenting that the ATG system is functioning properly and performs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. b. Documenting that the tank is filled to the minimum level required by the nranufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid test (Petrosonic III requires >507o full and a test duration of 4 hours). About half of the ATG tests received on August 22,2001were invalid. Submit valid ATG tests for September and October 2001. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed proce ssing. The above information must be subr.r.rittecl to this office by November 1, 2001. If it is not receivcd by' thc date specified, we will commence the revocation process of 1'our Clertificate of Compliance. If you havc clLlesl.ions e oncerrring this matter or need any assistancc. pleasc contilct David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. \ RE: a Oate : B 20 e/ To;\\)jt -''-^- OCQ /DCK"r\ From : Steven L. Canning, UST Program Specialist State of Utah, Deparlment of Administrative Services Division of Fleet Operations, State Fuel Network 447 West 13800 South, Draper, Utah 84020 P.O. Box 141152 Salt Lake City, Utah U141-1152 Office (801) 619-7232 I Fax (801) 619-7258 Dear D/-rq- The following is in response to your questions conceming the h emo RECEIVED AuG 2 2 2o0l EN[onmental -BFR' t 88mo{lrtlon Y-.4q Uj-,CaGl ro *4ootbso )I (-Fs 1--t t&n-^rD o/z?/>co t l"a: -=_- '- ?t\ A T.. ru-t Tha Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exccutive Director Kent P. Gray Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION I 68 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841144840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. Date IUIry 5,1999 TO:UTAH STATE FLEET OPS/FUEL DISPENSING ATTN: STEVE CANNING 447 W 13800 S DRAPER, UTAH 84020 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Co., 8933 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah; Facility I .D. #4001650 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request ofthe Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on May 24,2001, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements ofthe Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic proteciion tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l & 2 I)ocumenting that the ATG system is functioning properly and performs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. Documenting that the tank is filled to the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid test (Petrosonic ITI requires >50"h full and a test duration of 4 hours). Submit valid ATG tests for Juneo July, ond August 2001. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by August 4,2001. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any bv:,Y X e1r Io tassistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. 4o v4 X { n AppnedA-E s EnM Scrviccs, LC. PJ).8c lt, Brt Utl Wl fltrlil&rF,r Wd,&,ai OUIi5T IhTd REST]LTS OT CATTIODIC PRCTTECfiON TESTS USINGACOPPERffiIIALF{ELL thAtl.:rs ITAGTIAIf,AIE 8Dr0 wEsT 35m sourE tIAg{AufiE x/tIL Ptss AT At IXL PASS N/A c0sffitulNT cu{rfiNurNT ut B,' E3 E{ rrt E' l{ACf, Crtr&frltdilr Trrb# 57 Crd: SII-gl TIII{ESAryIEI}WENVIBOFIEXPIPIIIIG ,TIIESEL IPI -1.5(n (C), Trz -r.00 (C) Xr0L fEl -!"'trt G), Tll -t.e (Q T:rf girEtl.G II/A COIMfiNUENT =====i.qr-Ei=== colurnunrr ll ii t- ---.,-.- .-- I I I I -l I I ! --'f I I I I t.-- -.-r---.i----T__ ' r'-'_ _ ,l a i i:l i ----{ I t--- i.-L--- {ilii I I --t--- II --.--{----- i- I i ,ii-'---j-"'-J-'--i-- I I : i tI I I I i l-" -:' i I i I I I,l -: i I' i t.-,- ----r" I I l" I -- -!.-,-.--! --- I I _-._i* I i I-'-r' I .---t-- I I I --,,-. - --.. t ---. -- i -. - - - -- i--_ . --- :l -- -.." -- r- il .-; -.--:----t'I .t I I I -1'- ! r ---_-t-"-;l i I{--- I :, I-.---t----- I I I -!----- -' -- -. -. -'i "' I I I -l I--!-- I I I I ."._.r...-i.--.- j I I I-'r- - I I"-'i'- -'r ' 'tl!i---l----l---i,I I i I I I I I I ! II I I I I II i i I I I I oi -*l-_j___qi t I F I -* -I I i i I i I I ItI I I I I I II i I i \:ii'll I II I I I III i ili: I;lliiii ;I !I II I I I l I I i I I I I I I I I I I i I !ii,i I I iI ! iitiijiilI II I I i Ii lr 1i i;lr I I I ! i ; I I i : I I I ! i I I I I Iit ! I I ii. llit I l I i rliiII !I I I I i,:I rl :ir II.: I i I I i,l rt tl II Ii-'1 I I I I .'--r'- -' I i I I l +tot nor roh, :+: T I f.lEfr LEtrll.:: -f EET :+: ======== TF.lt.{t: 1 ttiEgEL LEIqF: PEF" I r:-ttrr 5-f tr{F?-f r'1E$15Llf"E r'1Ef-{T 1::f,E Ht'l sut'{ ffUG 12r?EEtl :+: TET.-IF T} I FFEEEF.{-TI:IL_ :+: 44Bt3.E 6L t'lET r-UFjREf,TEB THt'lt'i llulllt'lE- 4515.1 EL GErl55 I'IEH5URED Tllh{fi tjr:rlur'lE, 1589.? EL IJI:ILUI.IE LEFT II.{ TF}.IH. €,7.43 It'{ FRrlDUt:T LEtrEL. r4.4 F HIJERffIJE FUEL TEI'IPERHTUE:E. €r.B It'{ ltlHTEE LEUEL.Et-{r} r'lE11SUrqEr'1Et'{T 4:?9 rll'1 5utl tlUE 1?r?EEl :+: TEr'IF fI I FFEt?Et-{-f frL- :+: 4+EB. E 6L t.{ET CIIERECTET: THI.{I.; LIOLUI.IE. 4515. I ril GR|J55 I'IEHSURED TRt'{ti r..lELLll'lE, 15EIB.9 GL UfiLUI'1E LEFT II'{ THI'{I':. 67.43 II.{ FEET'LI':T LEUEL. r4.4 F HI,EF:ffIJE FUEL TEI.IPEEHTUEE. E.t3 It{ TIHTEF: LEUEL. L_EH}{ F.:$lTE _9. ElE GL..,H[[UE t.tET |]0REE|]TE[! LEffH E:HTE. E.B1 F TEI,IPEEHTUEE f,HHI.{I3E. FrlE 4. rl HrluF:5 THEE5H1ILD = Ll.IEE EL.'HIIUR TE5T Pfi5sED 3{€ -I- I l-lEF L-Etrl}{ TE$]- a+c ======== THI{H 2 Ul.lLEHt}Et} I-_EEI.;: PEr? I CItr} STtlR-T T'1EtrI=LIttET'IET"IT 1?:38 Ht'l sut'l HUG 12r2861 :+: -TET.lr3 f} I FFE[+Er.|T}:IL :{+ 5638.3 GL l..lET E'lRFjEr:TEtr THt'{!,: U0LUt'lE. 3€,€.?.1 6L GFi[55 l.1E[1:iLlREtt THt'{l.i LJtrLUr'lE. 2353.t GL LJ'ILUI'IE LEFT it'{ Trlt'{ti. 86.24 It{ FFlOttU'lT LEUEL.,72.? F HUERI1GE FLIEL TEI.IPERHTUFIE. 1,€' II.{ IilHTEH LEIJEL. Et-ttrI r.1Etrl5lJE:Er.1Et--lT ,t:19 tll'1 5UH HUlj 12r![tEl :+r ]IET.IP f} I FFEF;:ET{-T[:IL :+C 38.38.? IJL HET I]:OEF:Ef,TEIT TIlt.{}': L][LUI'IE. 566?.8 GL GR055 HEHSUREI, TFtN[,i LJL|LUI]E. ?354.8 EL r,rrllltttE LEFT it{ THt{ti. 5€,.14 lt'l FE:fftiU[T LEtrEL. r:.7 F }1[..|EFJI1GE FUEL TEI'1PERffTUFiE. 1.h II.{ I.JHTEE: LEI,IEL. t-E$qFi F-:l:1-rE -EI. Iil1? GL,'HIIUFI I.IET I:UF;FIEI::TED LEffI'l FII]TE. -8.ff8 F TEI,IPEF:fiTUF:E UHIIHGE. Fr_rFl 4. E Hr:rUFl:, THFIE:;Hr:|L& = E. ?r:tB GL,'Hr:rUFj TE:;T FFISsET} .il21 (iloo tl/00 ^wn o)tY" i*f,$?' tlz6o'" *f,l nrO -l:':f iY-\" x t./:n \-t lo , t /ot obl f/o t lt( 7 /o{ ttL {o 9, f t /0t :+::+: FE-fFii:t=r:tf-{Ir:: -I i I :+::+: THtlti. 6pi-l6E 5\r5TEi'15' E! PETETJ r'lEt']ti IHL" t,lE5iHrjE,:; i:5h HIi THI-I 'Tl-lL iErilJl:il TIT']ET] LEFIIi. TEST =::=:=== Tntlti: t tri!:f! - .:.:..-:-- ": -:...--''r,..-..,-:' : urt='r*: FEE 1t:* STr:rFi-r - it g'a= Lt FiE r'lEr-{-r 18:BB *t',' i1614 'Ir-rL i:lti!1l - ' - -'- =' -' "'':'::: 1- ' - -f- ''-'. - i i: i - -1- i:: l..: :-' i :" ; - r'' - I841. ilgi HEr cnnnrr'rcr' Tnt'{t'i r'rr:rll'lf{E' ??84. 4 r:L rjr4u5;-i'rin=ueFt' TFrttii riullrl'1E' i#i:4.,3I '..'.qLui'lE LEFr lt'l rFrHii'*ii:ri' it't pF:nnr-rrr LEUEL'-il: F r,urnn':E FL.EL TEI'lFEFjfiTLrEE'- 8.1 ttj tlgrer LE|'JEL-' -- .-Et'lF' r'1E Fl=uF;Fr'I EF-{ -r 5:Eg llii TUE 'ruLl 3'?fiutt -.' -'- --{r;. =--. -: i- -:i-:;i"::-r--- -:.-i..' i... tit_ tit I r-:TJFiFiEETED 191..1p; t.t;t1UI'IE. EL GFjLr55 f.1E TFIHI'I I.JLILUi'1E" LEFT II.I .It'{ Ttli.lli: l.JrJLUliE, THt.ili, F }]I.]EHHIJE TEI.IPEEfiTUF:E. II.{ I.]HTEF: LEI..IEL.Er-{f} r.lEtrtE|JF+Er.iEt-{t- 5:5? l:li'i :iut.l JLli.{ f,rlfiil1 3151.fi til i.{ET r::0FrREL:TEti THt.tH r,r0LUf,lE. '3t63.5 GL GEr:rI:, rifgsiinrn Tpt.li{: rJtrLUt'tE. IF52;5 EL UtrLUf,lE lfff tr.r TFtHti:. 51,:rJ IH PFlr:rtrlrr::T LETJEL. i{,;:. f, F fiI.JEF:I]IJE FUEL TEI.IFEFiI]TI-IF:E.8.1 lt..l LTHTEF: LEr.rEL. L-.EttF,:- F:ft-I-E - r:i, Lir:itr GL,,l..ii_ii_iE: iiF -i- i":i:it:t:IL:l-Eij i--E.l]i,.. i;:t-jil -i:i. :t:1 F Ti:i.lpf F:Hl-i_lF:t. t::HHiitiL. F-l:lF: i:t , iJ lit-ti-ln:; THF:f5LjilLli = rjt .:tjiji tlL-..'HUi_tf.: 'i.I " !__EIFeli-.:- F"E=F-: tr E:Eii:i "=; -t- fr:fi !;: -"!'- !-"-iEI:l5i_rF:E r.-{E:_ r + T f,453.1 GL riFirlSS I,lEHSUFiEti TFtl..lti rJrtlltf,lE. r-EEl.,:r GL r,tt_tlltt,1E LEFT it..i THi.{t:, 5f,.5'-l Itl FE:uijui:T LEI.JEL.ri.rJ F t:lr.JERrtfiE Fl_tEL rEt,iFEFli.lTLtFlE. E. i Iti l.ililTEE L-Er.rEL.Er-{fi r.TH !:!5r._tt;:Er.1Etr-_N-I- f,: ilE: HI,1 THU i,iHli f,1r ZErEri f,4f,f," 1 r:L tiET L:UFiFjErjTEtl THiii: r..ri:rLUI,1E. 1452..1 ril riF:u55 tlEH:;uFiEti THi.{ti: ur:rlUtlE.I5Ef,.I rjl l.rlrLltf'lg LEFT Ii.l THt.ttr:.5f,.5* Il..t FE:utiltr:T LE[,,EL. 78.5 F fiUEE:HIJE FUEL TEI,IFEF:HTUF:E. El. 1 Ifi I'JHTEE LEIirL. LEHF':: F?FITE THF:ESHIJLD E.zEtE rr=L,'H[LlR FET+ Ir IHiJl THt{ii: urrlUr,lE, THt'{[: trr-]LUl,1E. IH IHHI'i, FUEL TEI.IFEEHTLIEE. LEr.rEt-. El-15I-lt=;Ef"lEr-.9-r TIJE ffFF: f,I,-:Ei]l f,i81. i ':L tlEI f,trEEECTEti THI{F: LrtrLUnE. f,i,ri4. F, EL GFitl!:5 i'tErlsuEE[i TFtt.ti,i r.Ji:rlUi,l[, :15i.4 GL trr:rluflE LEFT iti Ttlt{irt.5i..:i II..I FFJIJI}UL:T LEUEL, 51.:i F Httfp;1169 FLIEL TE|,IFEFIr-ITUE:E. B. I Il.t LtfiTER LEL"I61_, LEI:TF: F-:Ff .I-E r:1. EiEE, rSl.,HrlruFi t{ET r::uFiFiELTEti LEH|I FiHTE.tt,BI F TEtltrEF,t:lTilF,tr t-:Hfii.iritr : ,'e I f-{T tIi;,:'r,1ff\, 14f,t. 1 rjl tiET L:rtFjFjEr_:TEil THH|,;LrrllLttlE, I u. rJ T FrI:IE: E,HTJUFi!; L-E|:.IF.:. F,E.F: T I-I[: =. -rF:!F:-1- t1EF+5t-lF-:Er'{Er-j -t- i [J ! IJfi Ff.l FF:I I,IHI: 2 r IfiI:I ]. :fIL.4 GL l.lET r:.r:lF:FiEi::TE[: Tt-lt{ir. r.,ri:rlLll'iE. ti1:.i GL GF:u':'5 t'iEt:t5uF:rii Trlt'.lti tlr:rlur'iE. .1f,ftf,":! uL r..rr:rlllt'18 LEFT IH THt'il;. +4.f,r:r i11 Pqrlt:UrT LET.JEL, 46. ? F HL.]EE:HGE FUEL TET'IF,EFJHTUFJE. i3" 1 It'{ itlHTEE LEtrEL, EF-{trr f.IE}15uF+tr'1Ef-{-r 5:5? Hri SHT I'illE f,,ZEEri 77f,1.4 rjl r.{ET f,r:'REEr::TE[i Tr]f.ll: trrJLUr,lE. :71:"8 ril r3F:u:;5 tlEH5UE:Etr THtltr. LI|-1LUr'1E. f,3rir.2 GL r..lr:rluf,lE LEFT Ii..l THt{l{. 44. f,r:1 I t.l FF:UtiucT LET.JEL. 4F.. --{ F HLJERHGE FUEL TEI.IPEEffTUF.'E. EI. T II.I tilgTER LEIJEL.,t-FHl5 FEF1TE IiI. tlBI fiL,'HtILIR I'IET,,CIREEI:TET) LEBI': FJHTE. tl. -El 46.: F FUEL F TEI'1F'ERI..ITI]F:E I-:HHHHE. FIJFJ g.B HI:IUF:5 THFIESHT:|LI: = E.:t:lt:i GL.rHllUFj T[rT FuS5fti LEH}.:. FEE I i:ItrI s-TtaET T'IEtrISLIF+EriIEH'T tB:BB p1'1 1gg -THt{ IrtBBl 3f,14.4 GL l'.lET CoRRErl:TE[i 'O''11'1 46ttlt'lE. f,?'-14. r ri|- GHrls5 t'lEll:iuE:Eir TFlt"lli r.ItrLUI'lE. :rI1.3 ril r.Jr:rLUr'1E LEFT It'.1 TllHFi. 51.Eff II.] FF:UTJUI:T LEI.JEL. 4tr.E, F Hl.rEFjFtGE FUEL TEt'1P95;p1ll-lRE. tJ, 1 It.l tilHTEFi LEI'.JEL. EF-{t} f'1EF-{5lJF-:Ef'IEt'lT 5: 5? 11t,1 LrlEir .-ItlH f, I ?t1E 1 3f,14,4 r3L l..iET t::r:rFjREl::TEti TFlfli'i r.l0lLltiE' l:'34.{. ril- rjF:rjs5 t'lEHsl-lFjEti Ttlt{}:. tlr-llut'lE. .-.a.-,{ .{ f:t r lr-rl llllF I trtrT If.l TEhlh:- t I . 1-. rftI f,IET I::HHI..IGE. [r. 1 It.] tilHTEE: LET.JEL. l--EF:IF.:: t;:[1TE IJ. tJH: GL.J'HLII-II: iiET I-:IJE:FJEITEI] LEHI':: FJItrTE. _I].[15 F TEI.IPEFJIITUF:E I::HSI.]CE. FIJF: tj. tl Ht:tLlF::, THFjE:;HrJLtr = r'HL-rLlEl !-EF:lFi FEE I I:Ifj 5 TFiF:T r.IE!qsl.-tFeEr.lEr-{-t- iil:fir:1 Ftl st-lT trEL: 2t7f:11111,-iEt. 1 rjl rlET [r-]FjREr_:TEt] Trlt{}i UrJLUr.lE. '-?h5.':, GL GF:r:t:.:; r'lEB5UFiEti Tfft{p;: L't_-rLUr,lE. 5fi5Er.4 61 ilrJLUf,lE LEFT ItJ TllHti. 28. E:l IH FFjr_liil_lt::T LEL,IEL. 5f,. 1 F FII.IfP;116E FUEL TEI.IPEEHTLIEE. ff,1 IIi I.,IHTEFJ LETJEL. Et*lf] r.lEF{5LlEEr.lEt--lT :.r i - I a 5B5El,4 rjl Ur_rLUr,lE LEFT It.t TEHti. 2Ei.*E It.i FEr:rDUr:T LEr..rEL., 53. 1 F I]UEFJFITJE FUEL Er. 1 It.l tdFlTEF: LEriEL. l__Er:1l--:TE -8. ISBI:I GL.JHLIUFJ T.{ET FTE FITFJ E 5:5? ii,:.1 . I f,s.83 IH FRrJtUr::T LEl.lEL. r,:.4 F rluEF:tlriE Ft-lr1 1g**EFjHTUFIE.g.'1 It'.1 tilllTEF: LEr.rEL. L-Eljll";: t?t{-I-F B. SEtl r:LrHr:rUR HET r:rlFjFjECTEir LE!]H: RETE. _81. iI F TEI.IFERffTUF:E I::HFII.IHE. Fr:rFj E. ff Hrluft5 THHESHTTLF = B,IB[3 61-,rfirltl-lFl - '-- -::.-:-.*I' I.-EFf F=:: F'EE: E I:IfJ 5 -r[+F:l- r"-f, E[:i=-l-lF:E r*Er-{-r 1rJ: [1r1 F'l'l i'ir:rl.] rJr:.T i: :jrlt:-ri: :::l,E rjL llET r::r:rFjt:Er::TEti THfli: r..ri:rLl-li'l[, ::f,f,.8 GL GFjrJS:, f.lEt-t5l_lF:Et] Ttli.ii:: r.ir.rLi-iilf . ;ift::.4 r:L l..rr:rLUI'18 LEFT it'.1 THi.lli. f,Er. ij; It.{ F,Fjr:rlrt_il::T LET.JEL. i.?.] F HI..IEE:I-IGE FUEL TET.IFEF]RTI-IT:T, 0. i Ii'l l.,.lHTEFl LEr..rEL. ;iI'14'!' -\ -t1?, I .a' Ll LI.1 51 ' €'tJ +i,E F RL.tEgPl6E FUEL .j l'f, T E r:1. I I TEI.IFEF;HTUI'... LEttEl. Er*lf] r.-lEFl5LlFiEr.1Er-{ l- 5:5'-r Hr,1 TUE rJt:T .lrflrErrl I':::"5 GL l.lET t::r-rEF:Er::TEtr TF.tHf,: l.rr-rlut{E. ?:3f,.5 r-jl GFlrJSs r,lEF5UFlE[i TFlHl,:: tJr-rLLIt'lE" ]TEr-,5 EL UULUT.IE LEFT Ii.{ THI1I'., f,E.:: IT.{ PFJI-IIIUI::T LEI.'EL, h!. f, F HI.IEEIIGE FUEL TEI.IPEF:HTUFJE. 81, 1 It.i IilfiTEE: LEtrEL. [*Egl--: EFl-rE -rlr. rlLri GL','Hr:tl-lF; t{ET r-:uFrF.:El-'TEt! LEFI },: F:rlTE . -T1.fif, F TEI,IPEE:FITUEE IJHIIHGE. FUFI rj. rir HLIURS THRE5Ht:rLir = E. iF-ttl GL,'Ht:rUFj -l .'-: -' :,* .-'-. . L-E}fl":: 13EF-: I t:lf] ==-rleE:-r . r'18$f SLtF-:E r.IEt"t T lEr:rtr:r FI,t 5t1T sEF 2r2ffErEr ir-i -:.- j::-in: '::, ilr I F':'::=.,:, .:-.:'- -:-.:::i .._.. f,Zf,E.f riL HET trlEREr:TE[i Tt]Hti r.,t:tt_Ut1E. L--- FtaE, 4f JJ! 4 EL 6FjU:i5 iiEtlSllFjEil TllHi{: ULlLLlt'lE, T, GL I,IILLII.IE LEFT IH THI.{}':. '-l IH FFirltrUt:T LEt"tEL; E F HIJEF:HGE FUEL TEI'IFEFJIITUHE. 1 iI.J L.IHTEF: LEIJEL. EF-{f-t r.'iEre=l-lF-:Ef iEF-{-f I:='-1 ffr,1 :,UH !:EF SrlrlErrir ::: ,::. -.-- I .j ..t - ,-- - THt.{i.:: UI:ILUI.IE. Tllt'.ll':, E :L1EE f,468i.: EL I.]ET ']I-]REEETED THHti L.![LUI,1E. f,4[{f,.,_i GL GF:r:r!:5 tlEHSUftEtr Tfft'i},: rJfiLUt'lE. 15i2,1 61 l.tr3lUf,lE LEFT It'l Tt.tHll. 5f,,?E 1t.l FFjtrDUr:T LEI,JEL. ;:.I F f,IJEEffGE FUEL TEI.IPERItrTLIFJE. B. B II..I I.ilf;TEH LEUEL. Et-.tfr r.lEH5LlF+Er.1EH-r 5:5'3 HI'1 THU HUri i,:Eri:lE r" j ,, tt : 't i-- i_-I .:- '-- r-" r.::-. t*:: t:._ i:: i n-j : ._ i.i-: l4r:,r:r" i GL fiET r_:rlE:F:ErlTEtj Tlli.lli l.rr_lluiiE. 1484. i Gi- GFiu55 tIEHSUFiEI] Tlltlii. l.lr:rLl-ll'1E. rlt.:l ''--i l:r- r...rl-i|-i-ll'itr Lf!- I lt.{ lHr'li:,, ::'.-' " Jl:l I li i tr:t-tl.tt-tt-. I Lb-'...rL.i- . i]"IJ F HL.JEF:HIJE FUEL TEI'IFEFJHTUFIE, El.rj it.l l.liiTEF: LEIJEL, E [- ${r:-_ rq:}{ fi E- -iJ, [11i ril..rHr-]|-lF: t.iET r::r:rF:F:Er::TEl-r LEH],1 Fi[.{TE. ri. 1.:i F TE.t'1FEE:rlTLIF:E r::HFlf..lGE. Fr-ri=l ii . ri Hiii lFt,; E{ I.II. I B l1L I EFJB GJ EL bL I FUEL I THE:E5HI]11":r3r3 GL,"HtlUFl T; i:::' i,i.::,:::: :-r N-EF{}{ F:'E:F: T ':Ifi5-rh.-{t;:-I- f'IEFl5E_lt;:EIf'1Ef-{-1- 1ii:i]fi Ffi ::Ul{ JUL irltltJrlt '-." ::.:.1- i.; .:, .l. =-i- i.:- -,' l f,il:ji,ril rjl i'{ET i::r:rF:E:Er-:TEti TRf{}:: r.,rliLUIiE, ItrJ4.e' GL fiF:u55 t'1EHsUF:Eti TFlt"lH: r.IriLUl'lE' :i i i.4 ril r.ruluf'iE LEFT It'{ THt"li';. 5t,f,4 II..I PF:UT]UCT LEIJEL. bt. 1 F EIJEF:HIJE FUEL TEI{FEF:HTUEE' 'J" 1 JI.J LIHTEFI LEIJEL. Er-{r:' r.IE$q5I-ItEEr"lEr-{-r 5:5? Fll'1 1'191q .TUL f,rZfififi :-r,: -r-i;;i"ti-= i::' i ?:FrF:fi1'!l*i.-:ii-- i':.. f,$*5"8. CL t'{ET L:IFIEECTEB TFlt'114: trOLUl'lE. iFr34. r. uL GFiuS!: l,lEFiSUF;EIr Tfit'lii UILUI'IE' :111.4 r3L trr:rllliit LEFT lt'l TF{i'lf;.. 5'-1,f,4 ii'{ PE:r:rirUr:T LEtrEL. €.t" 1 F FILiEF:ftr3E ET'lFERHTUF:E. EI, i IIi IdHTER t*Et1 ft-rE -Et. F1{, GL,,HrIUF:LEllli. tjr" t:1E F TEr'1PE !-:fiHt1|Jt, FLIF: r_i" i3 THHE 4ElErf,.,3 ril t.lET 'TFtt{ri 4t111. f, ril riF:r:r55 Etj Tt:tt.lH: ?ffEr4,? r:L UrrLUl,'lE LEFT it'{ THliii. EiI" i] Il.i FFji:rtlur:T i.3,5 F I:II,IEFJHGiE FUEL TEI{FEFJHTUFJE 8,1 II..i LIHTEE LEI.IEL' LEfiT.: F.:F1TF, -fi.ilI4 GL.JHIUE: t{ET t-:fFjF:E[TEti LEFIt'l EHTE. 13.I]I3 F TET'IFEHfiTUF:E [:HFII'{GE, FI:IF: EI.B HfiUF;s THRESHT-ILI} = L:l"fEil GL.IHT:rl-lE '._!'- _-' --,-:r- .- -'i .: -1.i . '- --': l -. "[_EFlF.:_ FEt;:trs:rfi 5 -TI:gF: *T T.lEF:|5LI F: EF.1ET-.IT i*r fi$ Fii .TLIE lill'i ,lr'J*iItEt iij51,r:r GL l.iET r::i:rFlF;Er:TEti TFll.li:: r..iilLl-li'lf " 5$4rj,; 61 fip;rir-;'; ppfill-lFiEtr Tfiilii: i.Jr:rLui'lf . 'id,r.r EL r..rlilul'if LEFT Ii.l Tllf'llr:. i:;. [1',] 1i..i F F:r:rt]i-l(:T LIr..JEL. 5rj,!i F qr.JEE:HrlE rl-lEl TEr"iPERr]TUt:E, t3, t ii{ t,lHT[:i': LEl...rEL" {:: s- I R-i' t-"'r g:: i::r,:; E i F;" tr- frq tr: *-J l- i:L,'Hl:lilF: l_ !_EL-' Et-ltrr r.1 I-!F:E f"lEf*l 5::lttl lrlft: 1,191t f,IZtltt:ltl t851.7 GL t.tET L:r_rF;FjEr-TEti Tt:{Ht';: U|ILUI'1E. 5L14ri. E GL GFirJS:; f'1ER5l-lFlE[r THtll': r.Jr:rLUt'lE. !Ei.i GL r.rr:rlul,lE LEFT IH THHr,:. f5,fi'3 Iil FRr-JtrUr::T LET.JEL' 58.,-] F HIJEEI.IIJE FI-IEL TEI'IF'E6'g]I-IFTE' rJ. 1 Ii'{ lrlllTEF: LEr.rEL. t-Etf F-:: FlF:l-rE -Er, fi84 r:L.'HrlUFj HET r::UF:FjEr:TEti LEtlti Fll-lTE. IJ.Bf, F TEI{FEFJHTURE L:HHI'{IJE. FIJE E. TJ] HUUFT5 THF:E5Hr:rLtr = E. :88 t:L,'Hr:rUF: T::':: .: :,i:,j::.-'j -.r LE$aF; FEFi I r:rf] 5:-r|.:lET r.lElq5uF-:Er'tEr-{T 113: gB Ff.1 sUH llPE tuafifiri . f, GL T..IET CTIERETTEI' TFHFi UTTLUI'IE. llEFlSuF:Eti Tr:rtiil lJr:rlur'lE. LEFT itl Tlttll,:. 5! 5:{ .4 r:L t{ET LEUEL. FUEL TEFIPERFITUF:E. l't!- r-{ t I::IIFJRECTED THHI{ UL]LUI'IE. iIEHSLTREF TFtt.fi,: tJtrLUI.lE. ?381. €' -If,'-? I . a' 38,?4.4 GL tJflLUr,lE LEFT It'.| Ttlt'{E:. 4IJ":4 IH FF:[T:UI:;T LEIJEL, hE.1 F III.]EF:I]GE FUEL TEI'IPEE:fiTUEI. i . r:, i i"l lj.ll:lTEFj ;EtjEL. L_EF+F":: i;:'I=-TE -ijr. B1:. GL.,HrlrUf.l i'lHT rjlJF:Fjfi::TEIi LEtli'l Fji:lTE E. fif, F TEt,lf EFjijTUFjE t:HHt.irjE. Fr:rFi rl,iJ HIIUE:I THFIE-;Hr:rLti = [i. :Si3 GL,'Hr:rUFj..:..,.." .'..:' L-.8: g-:tF.:- FIEF: I t:tfi 'trJ.I IH . - ',-,,r. '-"ll:;-1 ,'iii :i.+l-.a;i ,.,..,\_,,. .. .j-.^i..n, re,-ei rei 3r,-':i- h'j-rrafi1;fl )r-tftl\O' \ : rnneiiit"[t,'ii &Ieeg\ci;ric'!8: ...: , a-=OF::- FIEFj I rJti 5Tr_lt:-t* r.1E115t*BE:Er.1EF_{T i r:t: [1u Ft,1 :,HT :Jl]l.i :: :fi!11 :li:rr,:;r, f, r:L liEI r-:i:it:t:ELTE[r THii!,: r.rLrLi-lf'iF. li:;l:l:1 . rr rji- l:iF:l:l:i5 I'iEH5UF:Eii l;ii ii': i li:rLl-ii'lF , :l,:b. J ill r..li:ii_i-lfiE LEFT It"l THiii']. :;!' i5 .iii FFjLrirLiL:T LEr,rfL' r,r:r. 1 F rlr..rE.FiHrjE Fl-lEL i'ri'lFEFrHTl-iF:8. 1' n iti l.'lHTfF: LEr.lEL' Ef-4fi f''!E11=!-iF:Ef"1Et"l-:- :: 5'? Ht'1 5l-ll'l -IUt] f, ! :t:iu i - :l '-t' '- i ':- :: ':'- .'-: "''-: ' f,rjiU.': GL i'.lET r::LrFiF:Er-:TEil Tl:lt"ll'; Ur:rLUt'1E, f,BB'].4 rjl EF:il5:' t'1EF{51-lFjE[i TFlt]l':: r.l0LUIiE" :i?8,.6. 61 t.lrlLUI'lE LEFT It'.1 THHI'I. 5!.15 II..I FFJUIIUI:T LELJEL. €.8. Ll F FII.IEFJFI:E FLIEL TEI,IPEFIHTLIEE.'1.i' it'{ tilHTEE LEr.rEL. LEHI*; ttFqTE -Ei.613 IJL,'HfiUFI I.{ET I::[RE:E|:TETT LEFIH: FJHTE. -tJ. 14 F TEI,IFEFiHTURE L:HH}.]|JE, FrlF: ,q r t3 HtrUF:s THF.E5HIILD = El.?Eli:1 6L,'Hr:lUF: : - !, i :-'i-.1.: j, :.i-.'' t--EffF.:: PEE: I rJfi 5 Tff F,-: -I- . r'18$q 5 t-JF: E r'lE t'-l T " . ,,. ?lBE. Hf'1 THU f'lH'tr 24riutl1 1E{;':.8 GL }..lET r:r-lFiFiEr::TEti TtlH}i: LJ0LUI'lE, lgEEr.r GL riF:r-155 r'iEf,SuFjEt: TFttiii I'rilLUr'iE. .3 EL LEFT TllHli 1g€,8 F:IITE, FIrF: 4. EI HI:IUFJ5 [_ESf H: F'EF: I I:'f} 5-rSqtET FIEtrtSUF-:Er'1Et{-r 1E1:BB Pt'i tdEt) t'lFltf' Irfr]iBl ?83Er,? GL t{ET L:ttFiEECTEti Tgt'{}i ur:'Lut',lE' ?s?s..1 GL riF:055 FlErlSUREti THt'lll Llt'LUt'lE. f,l'-15.? GL trtrlut'lE LEFT it.l THHtr:' 45.h5 Ii"l PF:l:rtlur-T LEL,TEL. 54.I:I F fiI.IEF]fiIJE FI]EL TEI.IPEFJFITUEE, i,t' Ii.l lilfiTEF: LEr..rEL, EF-{fi r.1Et15l-IF;:Er'18}"-tl- i:5'-? Flt'l 1-Hl-t 1'1gL,t .l:'i8tl1 ':Erf,13, 1 rjL HET r:UftFrEr-:TEt:, Tllf.li. L.rr:rll-lt'1E. 2g:tl, 4 rjL GF:r-r55 t'lEH5l-lF:Eii Tt-itll'i r.-rrll-l-lt'iE. f,1,15.E r3L r.rr_rlllriE LEFT It'.1 TfiHl':" "15.i,5 It'l PFlrJtiUr:'T LEr',rEL, THFjESHILTJ = E.?rlirii GL,.HfiUFj H!.JERHGE FUEL H I.IIHTEFI LEI,IEL. LEF:IFi F-:l'qTE -u.BrJ5 GL,'Hr:rl-lF; r'{ET L:UFiFjEr::TEti LEH|.'i EIITE' rjr. u? F TEI1FEE:11TUF;E r-:HHt..lGE. FUFI E. iII HULIFJ:' THF:E5HUL[) = rir. !t1E TiL"HUUE li'i-l |:'i1':: ;:: r': LEFqFt FEt;: I r:rf} STtaFi-f r'tEF15UF:Er'IEf-{T 1E:rili:l Fi'i fil:rti HFE 2r?rJB1 4f,r]f,. I ril l'.lET r::trFFEr::TEti THt"ltl: t'Ir:rLUl'lE' 4:63.t3 GL GFjrlS:; t'1Efi5UFiED Ttlt"ll'i r'.l0LUf'lE' 1E5i..g 61- trl:lLUt'lE LEFT It'{ Tllt"lFl. F,5.Ir Itl FEr-lttU|], 1-5|.IEL. E].3 F }1[,IEE:HGE FUEL TEI,1PEF.:IITUEE' 1;8, It'l titHTEE' LEUEL, Er-{tr}'r'IEFlSLttaEr'lEHT:5:5'l Ftt'l TUE FIFF; rr?Er3l E-t -l't r 1 I F I .J l:, 4393.1 GL I{ET CORRET:TEI} i.E IH I...II]TEE LEIJEL. L_EF+F":: F-:Fl-rE I.{ET f,I]RFIEI:TET} LE+1I{ EHTE. t::HHt.ltjE. .44 It{ pFlBt}Ur::T 4h" ? F HI.IEFIHffE FUEL TEI.IFERHTUEE. 1.6 It'.1 l.qlf;TEFi LEIJEL. t-EF{Fi FiFl-tr-E EB3 GL.'HI:IUFI T.{ET f,I:IEREf,TEIl LEf,ii FIHTE. . E1 F TET'IPEHHTUFJE L:HHI'I6E, FllH _*.8 HOUFIS THRESHTILTJ B.':r3ff ELTHLTUE T1,.:= rr;'lI5f[i L-El:lt*I FEF: I r:rf} 5-rs1F:-r r'1E$C5UF:Er"1Et'{T 1fi:t:,fi Ft'1 FFII FEE ?:iijtBl. ::f?.4 GL t"lET I:IE:HEUTEI} TFlt'{F t'tt11-11iE' r:55.f, GL r3Erl55 FlEH5UF:Etr Tnt'{tr: l'rr-llul'lE' f,TEE.7 GL I.IIILUI'IE LEFT II"I TFI']H.. 3.9.58 iI'.I FF:I]DUCT LELJEL. 45.h F EI.IERF|GE FUEL TEI'1FEF;FITURE. 1.h II.I LIHTEF: LEI,IEL. I I 4382.4 E?I -1.-r r I ,rtl I r!-!?a e r-.! llrfLti I ..-r ril[- t'lE I FEg TET:TtlHl,: ufi-ut'1E. '17r'1 ..1 rjl_ 6E:r-1:;5 I'lEll5uRE tl Tlll'll'l t rr:rluf'lE . f,FET-i,7 I3L IJCILLII,IE LEFT II.] TH[.]I';' f,g.5t:1 It'i FF't:rt)l-lt:t 1gt,lEl. 45,8. F FII.IEF]FIGE FUEL TEI'1F,EFJIITLIF:E. 1,f, It.l l.,ittrTEFi LEl,rEL, L_E$aF.:: F-:$-i-f E rir. ijrfiF tjL.,HtlUF: f.]ET t::t:tli:FiEt-:TEtr LEHII E:HTE, -r:r.EI F TEI'IFERFTI-IF;E,;';11:1f'liiE. Fr:rR g.B Hr:rUFj5 THF:EiHI:ILN = TjT. !ffB GL,'HIJUF: .:: -. , -' j- 5l- f,F,tB, f, s€,f,T. f, 1 55. t5 ia1. Tr-r..-r tcl.Lr E 3F,{,8.4 3€,f,9. f, '-,-:I.l€ .i 4.Jl Lr. t 55. ?5 :-:.1' I.*EFAF.:: F}EF;: I f|f} Fq6q-r r.iE!-A5:t_tFj-Ef.IEF-{-i- 1t:1: Eff Fl'1 TUE "THt"l 2 r 2tju 1 GL i.lET r::trFiFiEr::TEti THi'{|.; ul:rlUiiE. riL r3Flils5 i.1Efi5UEE[i TFr'il'; ulrLLlf'l8 ' GL IJI:ILUI,IE LEFT Ii.] THI'IPi:. It.i PF:rttjui::r LEr,lEL, F FIIJEEffGE FUEL TEI'1FEE}trTUFiE. iH Ltt:{TEE: LEIJEL. ,t^tE! r.1Et=r5t-lEEr.lEt-{-r 5:59 Fll'i t'iEti JHt'l f,r?Etfi1 GL tlET f,IRF:Er-:TE[i T]1t'{l'i LIOLUI'lE' rjl GFlrl:il i'lEt1::uF:Eii THtlt: ul:lLUt'1E. GL trr:tLUI'1E LEFT 1f'{ Tlli'{li" iH FFjr:rttur::T LEIJEL. F F{I.JEF;IIGE FUEL TEI'iFERHTUEE. It.l |.,JRTEFj LEl.rEL. E j E 5:5? Hfi sut'l DEr: f,r?EEtE T395.1 GL I-IET I-L1E:FIEI]TETT TffHIT IJULUI'IE' tIE:.8 EL r:Fj[55 t1Erl5l-lF:Etr THHti uil-UtiE. f,E33'.? EL l.rr-rlutiE LEFT It'{ Tllt'{|.i. 4r3. 1.1 It{ FF:0DUI-:T LET.JEL. 52.4 F HUEEI1IJE FUEL TEI'1FEHF{TUHE. 1.6 It.l IIHTEF: LEtrEL. t-EtrIti- Fq$a-rE _i:r.Ei.: I:L,'H[UR I.IET L:UE:E:E[TE[' LEffI.,i RHTE' -I3.Lt4 F TEI'IFEFJHTI.IF:E I:HHf'{GE' Fr:rFl B. rJ HIIUF::' i11p.p!flr-rl..t: = rlr. - -- ui-,'Hul-lF: r! i 1- F'i:"-'li:':, L-E$:lF:" f*'E:F;: I t:lfi 5-rI=|r;:-r r'-IEFl=lJF;:Er'1Er-{-i- 1E r [1El Fi'l THU iir:tt.r 'f r :'Ei]Et .le,iti1, f, EL i'.lET r-:uF:F:El::TEli Tl:tlll'i r..ll:rLLlfi[ " f,ii6.4 ril r:F;[55 tiEfiSut:Etj Tt-lt"ltj; L]tlLLll'l[. Rr:rrr. i I i 56.42 Itl 6:.5 F fiI,IEFJftGE FUEL TEI'IPEF;HTUFJE. i.E, It..r iilfiTEF: LEt.rEL. EF-Jfi r'IESf 5r_lE:Er.1Er-{-r 5:It l-tf.l FRI tir-rtj .lrlrjrEtl f,{,iu.f, fiL i..lET ur-.rHF:Er_:TEt: THHI-i tJt:tLUtlE. f,E,Ii'.: rii- riF:r:r55 t'lEHSUFjEti THHti tl1LUilE. :f,It";1 EL l..rULUf'1E LEFT it'.1 TllHt{:. 5r,"4: ii..t FF:{li}ur::T LEl.rEL. F,:" f, F HI.IEPOU. FUEL TEI'IFEFjIiTUEE, i. {' it{ LIFTEE LEtrEL. LE$q[.:: fqr:1TE -fr. i]i]E GL,,HI:|UE I.{ET f,I:'FJFJEI::TED LEffE: FJHTE. -I3.1i F TEI{PEEIITURE I:HHI.]GE, FI:IF: EI.El HIUFJs THFJESHTILI' = ET.26B I3L,'HIIUF: I_EHF{ F3EE: I fifi 5-rlf Fi-r r.lEsqStJF:Er.lEr.{ T lB:fiEr FI'i l'l'lt'l flf,T ?r?EBE ' FF-:!:I[:"I-!I::I- :-fl:-'i.-- n. _ i_t l..r_ri E7E.': 6L HET ITIHRECTEO THI.{F; I.IffLUI.IE. SLTf,.EI IJL GF;U55 I'IEff5UEED THI.{I{ UffLLII'1E. 5if,:.: TJL UULUI.IE LEFT II.{ THI{I.I. 1:{,*.f, lt.i PFr[trUt:T LEIJEL. 6Er.E F fittf5,OUa FUEL TEI'IFEF:ETUEE. 1"F, II..I I,]HTEE LEUEL. Ei-.tfi r'1E$15LlE:Er.iEr-{T 5:5t }III.*TUE .,_tST. . Jr 2BB8 _ t__lf:-i- --r-r i- t-.1 t lrTSf rf,rF-' lJL l.ltr I Tt:rHE tr11 UI,IE. :rIni" d hL r...ru 13. {.3 Itl L_ :_r t_E_i er "J t- 1. h It.{ -r:i. fi i:i! rjl,'Hi:rl_lE tEHI{--E]BTE -8.ff4 F TE r::i{rlt.lrjE " FUFi B,B HI]UF;:: THFIESHT:ILI: = ,..HI:|UF; E.-EFf F.:: PEF-: I I:Ifi 5-l-I.AF;:-f f'lEF15LIt;:Ef'IEf--lT 1r:18 -]rJ Fi,i :;FtT :;EF '2t:r:i[iB !:f,H.4 Gt- l.{[T t::r-lFrF:Er::TEii TFri]ii: r.Jr:rlilt,if . ::5rj,i;1 Ei_ rjii:r155 liEH5r_rF:Eli Trif.ll: r,r[LUl,iE. ; i:',j, t:ll l:L '..rLli-lll'lt Lti- I I t1 I HftF.. "f,r].54 1P1 Pi;1r-ttiUt-1 ;gl.lEl. i r. f f Hr...rtrF:HL1L i- Llf-L I E l'lf E h.H I l-lHt '1,r-i it..l i,lHTEFr LEttEl. rr-{fi r.lEsq=I_EF-:8r.1E&-+-i- 5; i,l HI'i :;r_ri..l :;EF j;:;:r:ii]i:1 :::iL:r, ; riL i.ifT r.-:uFiFiEL:TEii Tr-li..ii'. ili:il_i_li,ir. ._r 1 l,;;l , ._j l.l i_ '...tLIr._i...il'!!:: I t:f ! .i I'l I Filii,.. , T:::, q.i i:I I,1,;'i1.,;l!-.-i- I IIlr! i _ = E, i- lir.,i.h HIJL f r_ri--L_ i trl,ll- tia il i i-tr:.. _ i . ':' j. I1 l.'lil i F h LE-r...r1..i.-,' ;l *,_" ts=: l.-.a -[- iaL_ L_. I -rj. [j i ij, r]i_ .i-ii:ri_ii;: i.it T r;.r-ri;;61;t: l Ei r L F"L-{f. i:rTE.*[j, rjj;' ir I [i,lF'[F:H I l-ii;:[:. r::i-iHl ir:iir , t- LIi,:' ::i, |_t l-11-ll_.lli::, i. I t I i I i ia...i L-EFlt-:i ts-:i4l*E ,:,r"-3,:'*..i:1,,.5i E1€, rjl.,Hr_tUFj t.{ET r::0FjE:Er::TEti LErl,nhfE: ' r B, 87 F TEI'IFEFJHTUPE 1'P1PI.1riE Fr:rF: ::r" fi Hr:rLtF:,:;-ii-iFlL:;i-iill. i., =. tl ,, .i:Ui:i ili--..'i-jt-tl-lFi : r':,:l-:'- ::":;,::: t-rt. :. ii-- [:- i:{ F,:- i::' ;j:.::::- +;:" ji i--t t-i.= -E- r-! E=, l- r.t Ea F+:::" ,". i $;,. ii: r,1E_ r__i -x- I U; iji:j i:,i,l i,.iE ir fii_,t:i ..:: r liliitr:r +i:] ..';:;, : r:i- t'.1[l i:.i:lF]t'E'::-i:i., l-*r.ii,:. r..rr-ii i-lt,1E, .a r'i'-i.-' ,_, i l ,-a f,:-,'-'r- tJl r,-"*l Ir,r'- i..'+l:r :!. ,:r lji!_ rJr: i-l:, j, r'lE i---i:,t_tlr l- , , i Hiji:.. ,._.i|_|Ll_il'itr . * .r,__ ...rr_rl.r_rl'il l_.tF | i.!j Iitr.trj.., E, I . t f j- ii r'F: Li,..ri-il-. I LL.r...rE L.- , rl:.rl F Hr..jEE:HilE Fl_if; itn,t'fFjHTUF:E. l- h t [1 I.t.lH i i-f'j L.t'...iLi- "Et-{f-. f'18.t-:65iii;:f i.IEF-{-|- 5: 5,} Hl,l THi-l Hl-iil -i I ;rji:r[i :-I: -f =- ia+,,::. r-ri ?- i:- i:: i:-: . -.-:: - i :.;_: 4ur?g. i oi- Hrr l:,rinnr.'rit,, t-,'r- rrr:rlt-t;tE. 4Et?1.. i GL rIFiu5S i1Etl:,1_lE:Etj THi.ji':: i..rlrLUiiE. i'-;34.! EL r..ri:rllll'1E LEFT it.l THt.ji:. bi.77 11.i p'5:;rtrl-lil:T LEl,lEL, 8:. 1 F FII,IEFJI]GE FLIEL TEi'1PIF:HTUF;E. 1.8 It'l LlHiEF.: LEt,rg1. L_E}:I}':: F:*-il8 -8. Er:_tS GL.'Hr:rilF: tJET r::rJF:F:Er::TEti LErli,:: RFTE. -8.t,1 F TEI'iFEFJHTUFIE I::HHI,]IJE. Fr:rF: E,Ll Hi:rUF:5 THFjE5HuLij = E, fi:rr:.r t_;L.'HiltUE TEST Ffi55EIi 5-i-t:{F:.T F.IE$15LIF:ET.IE 16:8fi Fi'i 5Ut'.1 ,IUL LIEEE:+i TEr.'iF" r3 r FFEF;:= 5 GL .I..IET Lr:rF:FjEITEtr .BUEFJHGE FUEL TEf,IFEF:HTUE:E. t'IHTEE: LEr,igl_. {__8tr!}=:: F;:F+-FE -r1.815 6L.:,HL-IUFj i.{ET r:[BF.:ErjTEt] LEF*,: F:HTE.E.E4 F TEI.1PHF;HTUEE I:HHt.i6E FrlFj g. Er Hr:lUF;I THFjEsHflL[] = E" l[rr] GL,.,HrlUFj TEST FF:]::Eii L_EFqF,:_ FE:E: i i*rfi 5 -f Fqt;:-I* f"IE$T=rJF-:Er.I=f-.i T iE: Br:r Fil FE:I -IUi.i Ir:ir:ii,il.i:.i, -Ti;f f.;r:- r"$ : f=f::II .q:;;:Ii j:."i-i,-,,:ii _ :I 454'-. = riL i..lET t:;LlFiE:Et::TEij l-t-ti.{i: L..ritlili1E. 45hf ,:1 fiL rjFjil55 i,lEHgllE:fii 'iliit,. r.lull-.ii,1f .1++fi,;r ril l.lr:rlui,iE LEFT Ii..l i-t_ii..iii.. i,*" 15 II.] F.E:IJIJULI' LEI.JEL, 6i.4 F tlt.tftt,+Ut Ft-tEi 1"U.i',ti[F:iliLiF:E. i , {' I tl f.lHTF-t: i- F-|.JEL. 1" 8F l:' I f'{ GL GL ./' I t t. I 4567 1+,* .:, 1 ,3 GL gr;os= r,lEFiSttFjEt, THH[{ UtrLUr:lE. .; I3L UI]LUT'IE LEFT II.I Tf;HI';.. ^' iI IH F,F:LitrUr_T LEL.,E1. =4 f fir..JEt:FrjE_ Ft_lEt- ]-ff'lFEFji.-iTl-li;:E. . L, I l l lr.lUT[F: L.E.r.JijL , Er-{f} r'lEFi=;!-lFjEl-'1Er-{-i- 5:5t fir'1 5l-lT JUt'l irltr[io ::-: :-f:f"!F' {:.:" I I='F I:i:"-::i- I-i-'::i: i.- 4I4i, 4 rjL i.{ET r-:r-lFjEEL::TEti TFlt'li,:. i-rr:rLl-li'lt, 4i6r,, ;i l:L t:FriJ55 r'itH5l-lFiEi:i TFlt'{li. t.rr:rLl-ir'1[i. i+4?":1 6L r"rulr_ri,l[ LEr] Itj THt.lir:. i,E. i+ Ii..t FFjr_rtiur-:T LEL.IEL. t,i.,;: T. I{I,IEFIFI6E: FUEL TEI'IFEFJFITUF:i. i.i1 ii'i LIFITEF: 1*gl,tEl. L-E$:1tr.:: F;:fi-I-E _U,[1i:1 I:L..'H[UF.: I.IET I::UE:F]EI:TE[' LEH}I. FJf;TE. -rjr. i'-? F TEI'IFEF;IITUF:I r-:HFtt'lriE. Fl:rE El. t:l HIJUFiS THEESHI.ILIJ = O, ?ETE GL,'HI:ILIF: rrIT i,t"-r';IED t-E$1Ft FEF: I frfx =-rsaF:-r r'1E$qSUFiEr'1Er-{ -l- 1B!BE Ff'l TUE f'lHt{' 2r?688 f,9f,4.4 ril l..lET r::0FiF;ErlTEti TFlHli UULUT'iE. f,irf,t.4 EL EF:r155 1,1E9!t-lHEti Tlli'llj. tJCrLUl'1E. :176.5 61- ttffLUf.lE LEFT Il'{',Tllt'{E:. 58,58 , it'{ eEl:rirur:T LEtlEL" Ei.T F HLJEF:HGE FUEL TEI.IFEF:HTUEE. 1.h It'l ltlHTEE LELTEL. E:r-{f3 F.-sEsq5l-lF:Er''iEr-{-}- r .r t'ttstt l5:5i l-li'1,,:l'lED i'illT ii::TIF:F:EI:TETT.Jillt! 4 LUI.1E. TT5T EHT'I F'Etq I !:ITi LItqET.lET.{T 2 ! ltlEllil .J+E.l:'.TFrt'lfi r.r0LUt'iE. J+++,E 6L l3Htr55 t'lEH:iUEED TEI'lti L.r0LUl'lE. t5i1.r EL tl0Lul'18 LEFT it"l Tllt'ltt. 5f,.4! It'{ PRrltiur-j1 1-fttEL. 5i:1. T F FII,IEE:FIJE FUEL TEf,IFEF:FITUHE. 1.b It'{ hlffTEF: lEtrEL. Et{fr f'lE$15LlF;Ef'IEt{-f 5t59 Hr.l tirlt'.| llFR 3rl[tEti3 f,4i.F,.': GL t"lET l:rlF:FiE|]TEt] TFltlti. tlot-ur'lE. f,444.t EL EF;[55 r'1EH5UE:E[i TFll"lH U[LU['1E. ':irt,16L tJ[Ll-ltlE LEFT It'{ Tllt'iE:. 5f,.4! i1.1 p516i:LluT LEIJEL. :$..] F FII.IEF:FII]E FI-IIL TEI'1F'EF:fiTUFJE' 1.8 Ii'.1 tlilTEFl Lfr..rEL" T_EF+F':: F:F:I-TE -1j. rirr.Jt r:L,'Hl:lUf.: i"lET r-:ilF:FjEi::TEtr LEfli'i i-jllTE= tii, Uf, F TEf'lPEFII-{TUFIE t-:Ht-lt'{GE ' FUE: :1 . U1 Ht-tl-li:.i-i .-...-,-.1 -i:-::r:r-JHt:ESHrjl;r = ril' :84 GL"Hr:ri-lFj l,E EFITE. -r:r;47 F .t I = Ll, ?l4H .EL,,HI:tUF: t .t'. 1 I DE PARTMENT OF ENVI RONMENTAL QIALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 NORTH 1950 WEST P.O. BOX 144840 SALT LAKE CIry, UTAH 84774-4840 (801) 536-4100 VOrCE (801) 359-88s3 FAX (801) s36-4414 T.D.D. MICHAEL O. LEAVITT GOVIRNOR INNE R NIELSON, PH.D. EXECUTIVE DIRTCTOR KENT P. GRAY DIRTCTOR Date May 5, 1999 TO:UTAH STATE FLEET OPS/FI.IEL DISPENSING ATTN: STEVE CANNING 447 W 13800 S DRAPER, UTAH 84114 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Co., 8933 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah; Facility I.D. #4001650 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on May 24,2001, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l & 2 by: a. Documenting that the ATG system is functioning properly and performs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. b. Documenting that the tank is filled to the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid test (Petrosonic III requires >50Vo full and a test duration of 4 hours). Submit valid ATG tests for June, July, and August 2001. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by August 4,2001. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. 1 ., Owner Name ULI flol- /Ll Dts/ E,/ O.it Location Name /l*,re Ua17./ Address 4L/ 7 U /4/bo s Address 7 /)ro.a rCity State (n zioiellY City /?aana state ur zipqcrlD// I Contact f/.r^ Grar>, Phone ( )Location Contact boz J^-f?-Phone ( ), Complete for each tank. lf facility'has more than 4 tanks, complete in' Number of tanks attacilily: /n I Tank 1 formdtion fcr additic Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date tz/87 ) u97/"/1'6/<Capacity of tank (in gallons) Substance stored fl,2r,1 u//L Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used Y V lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches)I Ansuer the following for all tanks. Note any exceptions in the last cc Current year tank tags are in place i$mtrIit-,,., ,,,. Y -9/o. IMaterial of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.) Material of construction ol piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.)frr,* d*y'.'.- Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.)fr, uo,., Type of Spill Prevention Device (<5 gal, >5 gal, cont. sump, etc.) Note if filled bv transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill required..fs1/ Type of Overfill Prevention Device (shutoff, ball float, alarm, etc.) Note if filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overfill required.J4.f,4p- For overfill alarm: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearly marked , , , , Gorrosion Protection. Answer the following for all tanks. i,lote any e No 24 Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP),/h Method used on flex connectors (8, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A)a, Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers No<\"9 lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Cathodic Protection Testing Complete for each tank. 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafte0. I :' : . .t: ' . .. .,,, 1 Yes f-To\\S--- DateTank Tester Piping Tester Date Sub volts Sub volts Sub volts Sub volis DateFlex Tester voltsDisp.voltsOisp.voltsDisp.voltsDisp. For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (required every 60 days.)Yes No Comments Page 1 of Z- 4the above-namedII on -o of Owner or Owner's ,S du White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldchecklist rev0201 .wpd 1 1 \ Utah UST Program Release Detection Inspection Checklist t{ ID Location of TanksOwnership of Tanks @. Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP) Method used LIMethod used for tanks: number of Ail 3',d cert. @t"to name and Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained and tank maintenance Gs2x.ATG IM r'sDevice documentation is avai on-site etc. r.-Yes) Noused to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible anda functional. lncl. ATG console, Equipment etc. Ail GoDocumentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorinq results in orid helow Ail fv"Dur"o orhATGThe probe is located at the center ol the tank. ll not, the tilt correction lactor for each tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's pment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed size limits.r and equi rt.is shown on the tank ATG Yes NoSecondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- corrodible. and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). IM Yes Noreadings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained andlnventory reconciled.recorded. Readings are IC MTG SIR Yes NoRecords include the proper number ol water readings, and water readings are adiust inventory balances as necessarv. used toIC SIR Yes NoAnappropriatetankcalibrationchartisusedandisavailableforreview.IC MTG SIR YeS NOIC SIR Dispensers have Drooer calibration documentation.cl r rrent calibration stickers or D nofai 6 extend to within one loot of the tank bottom for each tank the last 12 orlndicate tubes are of IC SIR Moffr Show Yes No Z 6a 7<fu-+.b2 -f4u,0 [.*-#l ,b 7{uzeaz@c-,f nltflha,t,#/, # # 4 P €TestName ( lEf-s /z^ / 1- z%ofor tanks ol tester: last certitication t.o,.n /hr- -LName and certification number of tester: )TL''< n fl test forDate ol last Test Method: F r 12Z- t / -zooo u ,4 Test Tr=/)r /,| -rra Test results:Date of last leak detector Pe test:Z- ?1. NoYes (.-<4a d thanless pressureattoverifiablethatshowatmosphericavailabletsandoperatespipingDocumentationSuctionSafepiping: otI //-_ fr, I White-nspector Ldall rev0201 Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Detection to theor ) ""@ =#/ Tank 2 Tank 3Tank 1Tank and Line Tightness Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing: , APPLIED W SER.VICES, L.C.po aox r82 Roy, uTAlr i40c7 F0t! 5{5-75{s T.E.l, SYSTEH,I{f,0, T.E.t LT3, TfJ. rrU.,AcE PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INVOEEADORESS: FIEETI{AMGEI'EM' 4 I N STATE OFFIC€ IX,JT,DhIG sALrwG crY. !{r H s4i 14 TAtr{(LOGA'NOil: [TAmlAWAIERI4{TIIOflI MOT^EST3SMSOUI}I HAGI' tT lr mH( oRoERt 00{m 11gg ggg3 t4:00 GROTiDWATERDEPTH: lO+ TAITIK TAIfi PR(XX.ICT TAiI( FI.LVENT PBTX}I'CT LNELEAI( WAIERN PlF TA$(HATEHAL I 2 3 I 5 6 Effi PROTXJCT LT'EB TESTED AT LIIE RATES (GPHI RU--.m DSL-.m PASS osl- :'- PASS PASS , S PsI FoR lI llltfrlEs TII|3 'YATEI A,II IETI'OO NETS OB Plss 0.r PRESS 1I uaEpA {. cfn PAf,f zD, AXO LmAt CffIEA- SD?3' sTr-Pi, I 2 3 I 5 6 ADDITKIIIIAL hEORHATlOl,l: XTPA 'U'.'7, ATII A-L CERTIFIED TECHNrc[Af, SIGXANME:DATE: 12-14-2000 DATE: t2.I*NilI TIESTART: I&fiI IE S'ISIEI FI.LE ORTOPFED: TFCIIIICIAN: Sll TECHT9{p7 VA},rtS(E STATETEGH' UTOI2I"-) ' , APPLIED El{VIROilME]ITALs SERV|CES, L.C. ,t E P.(). Box {82 noyi, lICr ge674lt2 Itlr) 5{5-r{66 T.E.I. ULIAGE TEST DATA SHEET Site: MAGI,IAWATER Il c:12-1+?0m MAGM,UTATI wro*00,+m I ccrli8, ftd Ole Soye uf,lg|G hstl IE'e conrXr#d on thir ddc nccordru to t l" Gqdpmcrt m fr{firfft proccfiffGr md md trlG rBnrtr.t f.bd tch my xnmledge fiue rnd correct Sig,r*lre SMe Lic- ,h UT O.l21 The j651 ffi cofcdion tirc pcriod lrnrt bc m llt mirute- Ihc Ett pf,.srfd OtrE lEfil h C.fz GPtl rr idcntfied by i ndle rigd rdh of I to 2 .t I v.curlm of I Pri. R .[-1261 2.4 ffi 1333 End l3:34 PASS DSL 2.0 13:50 135r PASS EgSOYIJEST 35M SOUTH m07 [*TE I SVIrE]rI +TA(A{A RN.'IT'^'S I B E}HEE-r rdcrl) E(a+ea Tfr|{K lSf0nmTr0ilrProduct r R/tI-Grpeelty r 6oo0 PRODI E f . IIFORttRTIOlrt rDlrnrtrn (ln. ) IPtoduct Lrvrl (ln. ) !.8prel?lc Bnrvlty ICorf..of Exprntlon rtlrtm: on,.Trnk (ln. ) IStrr.t lng . Tup. "- (F) IRtr6lut lon .(Brl lonr) r]lrrd,-Pnrriur.r (FBI I IDrltr:. Trnp. (F/)ln. ) r .;.:!::li._ t, CffiUTER RIfl.YBIB REB|LTBT Lrvrt Rrtr (BpH) r TL-p." Rltl,(BPHI' r Flrul Fll,lo {ePH, ) Urt , Drtrr IE/I4/OOThrr t0rt.lr4t 9S 70" ebovr trnk bottor. o.73e o. 0006976 On ebovr trnk bottor. 53.401 o. oEa6Gtl:3 Prt trnk,btrttot ., -O. gO!)B -O. O116 -o. o3g III"IIII' -e tOt4 . . ','?.t I ',, - 13 r 79.OBrlr.r 0739 'l T E H P L E u E L 0 60 g0 Time-minutes |.I -- h E i-ra a.r - l- E lI x rr t5 tI .* .I .s _ OE .o an -5 ht m ra br la _ x E n E a0 30 120 t50 fr lI - - as ru E X Il at il -a a6 l- E - -a - E Xa ffi .- r r - - .. ,I E i- E r _ .- r .. , 1- ta -TE T EIVE}TEI'I 4OCD{D FlhIfII-VEl r E; EIHEE-I- wo* raED4era TANK IilFORiIRTI0NItrroduct r DSLCrprelty r 5rOOO PROUJCT IIfORliQTIONrDlrnrtrn (ln. ) IPrcduct Lrvrl (ln. ) rBplctfle Bnrvlty IEorf.. ol Exprnrlon. Illetrn on Trnk ( ln. ) IBti?itlhg Trnp. (F) IRuolutlon (Brllont) rHmd Pnmrunr (pBI) IDrltr Trnp. (F/Hn.) r . r:.i.;.",.* ct}ipt TER r AiI:[.YS I I REEI t_TB r''i*ilo*d .,rii.., Ltvrl Retr (BPH) Trnp. RItr (BPtt) Flnrl'YBrtr (BPH).. Detrr le/f4/OOTlnrr lOr44l14 9E60[ rbovr trnk bottom. o. BiSt o. aoo.i73g O[ rbovr trnk bottor. 58.699 o. Bet76e t3 r 66.6Brlr.r 3993 l.a -G.l trnh bottor -; a'l . t l.ir.i;j. . O.,Q9O&r,-t*.r -. -O.oQ9gtwry,rr-ll,t--rr o."frfl"" : T E H P L E U E L 0 60 90 Time-minutes .. {t & r. an x E m .t r ...E E IE m tr rfr.{saiEaffim.c..ErhEaanxaframro*mt.'t FI 30 120 150 Applied E Environmentll E Services, L.C. P.O. Eor 182 Roy,, thh a{Ca7 {rorr 5.&7$45 AES FACILITY INSPECTION/AUDIT FORM Tertllte:12-1+mFrclitv: TIAGiIAWATER BSS0UEST 3500 SOT TH MAGiIA, UTA}I Hort*0042{t SE&te lt-Ml Pia6€lL $Sr0.Ado., :ffiI ' mCo{er1 Fa Cap: Fiil Cap Scd: Drop Tube: Vrft Corer:- VIR Seal: rrIR Dry Brea*: Sr.rh Purrp: Stt Rmp Corer: Orcrfl: a!' Ss: s S. :i N. S s s TYB ffiiffi l*lfsm HLrlr{fin ,rFA,Uh Cilct iH{rE0c fFfh SAge I \Ahtle, Cmct 9-Slc!.n .FlTpe: C PrndJot [Ine Tlpa: Eltll, TI|I Srhg Joht Tl,pG: _F/g _ Diep Stg Jom Typ.: _F/C llnbrr of Disp. ltoses Ri.r-: I _L TAJL: sm-: IXlsGI:l.-I Sffius It}-Itol Pftsari 9S0tEoaory tH'rralra60r, knpaolValvc: S VErflcCch.rr.Vair": IUA Fd Spli| Coraaiment: S DispemerGor*a&urerf: S Sut Punp Corta&rncr*: S Slaqc I FBElc0 Al. A3816l ryEbDType: E Conrrprls: Conolmcc Dt*rI: lli*t itemr thd rccd irurxdirte dailioo.l NOTE A CERTIFICATE OF PRECISION LEAK TEST APPLIED EHVIRONMEHTAL 8ERVICE3, L.C. HAs TESTED AI{D CERTIFIE8 THE FOLLOTMNG: MAG N A WAT ER, S95O T4IES7 35OO SAUT H, M AG N A, UT AH TANK CAPACITY PRODUCT TYPE R/UL TANK PASS PASS FILLATENT LIHES P4ss PASS, PRODUCT LIHE LEAKLINES DETECTOF I 60 00 PASS P c 2 3 4 5 I a0 00 D L 00420 Crrtl?lcdlon Nuunber St.v.n B.uT 0121 AFPLlED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES L.C. P.O. BOX't&t ROY, UT 8408?{182 (8O,r ' 54O.754A Rraommlnd.d$lcrtm.uon aIJ , ) ) tfrr _EASS_ PASS 12n 4-2000 0dr ,1a UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ADMINI5TRATIVE SERVICES DTVISIOIII OF GENERAL SERVICES FLEET SEBVICES.FUEL DISPENSING 1380 $.regt North Templc s.L.c., uT84116 (8011521-?705 GAS STATION IIUSPECTIOIU BEPOET f,lomo Esr t.D.# ?ootlto---- Dare /z-/4-00 AAAtaoo . Eoro a' fca.o f . -.--*W tilton, County - fZ - ZIP - Purpcse: Reguter l/ Beinspecdon - Cornphints Nutinapactiondue 1 l'K drya E'0,aJa, =!td Acrion Taken: Stoiage tanks f,rape,ly labeled Fltl capr and undarground stotlge covae{cad cendlgcn Fuel filtcrr on pumps Octanc p6Ed on pumps Sccurtty seals lnust IU}OTOB FUEL PRODUCTS USED FOR nISPECTION 'tlb abo l-- oIl E =z rc,ortr CI' aoa B[,(,o oE Raguter- gallons Unleaded Ragular Unleadad Premlum gallcnE Pficdugt',t'ar ratffiad to fuel etcia6e tanke. gallone Unleadsd Pius -_galions Dlosat f---at---utilr(,arD { Pumpc tegt d tbr product calibnaion Wator t€sts/Fuel etolage lnspcction flstnsrh: Flaaairrsl hnr. .w9.. Yg y, Nefia Tillc lnonaatarf hw...,rYew- v, F Date I ro: Da,uni,n! W;lrrr--- OeQ ( oa F1\ Dear The following is in response to your questions concerning , 0c=e tO ( lroo c b50 From : Steven L. Caming , UST program Specialist/Safetv OfficerState of Utah / D-epartment of Administrative Services 9j:^'ign ofFteet dperations / Fuet N;;;;;k" "- ",". z+tzu State Office Blds Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 8il 14 NVIRONt'LtNlAL \Jt \ 20ll BY Item# 1, Ae-S -=sJt- "^.^. rol,,o l<_ Item # ia\ Item # 2h) Thanks LU c6, \r"u1 ilre-l.A N;EqF-D i I A-c.r=J.{ ofu^4./,@r/ ry,fu-ry \\ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. lra"itt Govetnor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph D. Ex@utive Dire:tor Kent P. G:ay Dire,:tor 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box ltl4840 Salt t ake City, Utah 841 14-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) s36-4414 r.D.D. Date May 5,1999 TO:UTITH STATE FLEET OPS/FUEL DISPENSING ATI'N: STEVE CANNING 4120 STATE OFFICE BLDG SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Co., 8933 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah; Facility I .D. #4001650 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate o l Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the requerit of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on April 29r 1999, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: ir ,,Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l & 2 by: a. Documenting that the ATG system is functioning properly and performs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. b. Documenting that the tank is filled to the minimum level required by the nranufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid test (Petrosonic III requires >50Vo full and a test duration of 4 hours). Submit valid ATG tests for @y Jy{ana t/ty tggg. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by July l5r 1999 . If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Wilson at (801) 536-4100. I Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years. -\ A r.r Applied 11 - EnvironmentalE Senrices, L.C. P.O. Eor lE2 Ron Utrh 8{of7 G0r) 5{G79f6 Eorhffia Site Addrerr: LI]IGNA WATER 8950 WEST 3500 SOITTE L{AGNA UT.,IE (ln(?n Dete Tstd 10-20-9? RESULTS OF CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS USING A COPPER SIJLPI{ATE IIALF-CELL fi(1 II( 2 II( 3 TI( 4 TK5 IK6 IFCI Crftodic Protrs{ion Tgtrr# 88{ll A PA,SS MEANS A READING OX'-.850 mv OR BETTERWAS MEASIIRSD FROM THE TOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: Comnantr: TOTAL CONTAINMENT glPING, WITE STI-HI TANKS Horer At Hors At R/t]L PASS N/A N/A --uDp,gEPt=#=+ DSL PASS N/A N/A N/A Tutr Signrturu N/A ^ Michael O. Iravitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutive l)irrctor Kent P. Grav l)ir*tor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALTTY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 west P.O. Box 12t4840 Salt I.lke City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (80r) 536-,1414 T.D.D. Date May 5, 1999 TO:UTAH STATE FLEET OPS/FUEL DISPENSING AITN: STEVE CANNING 4120 STATE OFFICE BLDG SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114 RE:N,on-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Co., 8933 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah; Facility I.D. #4001650 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on April 29r1999, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #l &2 by: a. Documenting that the ATG system is functioning properly and performs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. b. Documenting that the tank is filled to the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid test (Petrosonic III requires >50Vo full and a test duration of 4 hours). Submit valid ATG tests for May, June, and July 1999. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by July 15, 1999. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of yourCertificate of Compliance.If you have questions concerningthis matterorneed any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. I ) ^ PROGRAM D !. Ownership of Tank(s)It. Locationof Tank(s) <'// lJ for each tank. ll lacility has more than 4 tanks, complete information for additional tanks on separate form. 'LCArea Code lll. Tank lnformation City At c a 3 l,r,/o Owner Name Address Certificate Street Address State Zip Code Facility Name Phone Number County Certificate of Compliance on site?Location State ,) 7 Zip0ode City Number of tanks at facility: L Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Current year tag i:i displayed @No @No Yes No Yes No Tank presently in use @ruo <"Yi!f No Yes No Yes No lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed t L/97 t 2/97 Capacity of tank (in gallons)/-, ooo L:DAO Substance stored n). )U,t/t Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.)91.. /ty'.- / Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.)il^'l l" fi#{ a'?nA Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.)p741!cr-/r., t...- lV. Release Detection For Tanks lndicate the method(s) used for each tank. Complete the appropriate checklist for each method used. Emergency Generalor tank (leak detection defened) Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form)4 ra-4 re- V. Release Detection For PIping lndicate method(s) used and complete appropriate tank checktists where applicable. Method used (complete separate form where applicable)LrT<==4LD Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model T"/l..iXsxlA l/o.n.L"r Date of last Leak Detector performance test to^/g-?y /o'-/r-7N Test result (pass/lail)?e ss PA ,rt Date ol last Line Tightness Tesl /o^ /(-78 /<) ^/f -7y Test result (pasVfail)Ptss /A.. Name and company of certified tester Cert. No. UTO. No leak detection n:quired (must answer'yes" to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suc.tion is released Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable certify lhat I have inspected the above-named facility on yod, tm) t/, I ? f/- zz- Yes No Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspecto1,s Distribution: White-DERR,, Pink-Facility/Owner Release Detection Checklist GRAM tank. Use as 4Please Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is lilled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes Yes @ Yes No Yes No '%/Cvs,l No No/ q/ Sce,.Dls there a spill conta nment device that will prevent release of product into the environment? lrdicate type: Spill bucket <5 gal., Spill bucket >5 gal., Containment sump €rt tank fill. Yes No Yes No rTes\ Nots4-4./o sluli (sl) *orl-, Yes Nols there an over Ball float (in venr (specify) ention device installed on the tank? lndicate type .-r), Automatic shutoff (in till pipe), Alarm, or Other Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoFor overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoFor overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 -,,L -{-y{ Tank Tank //n 2717 Piping Piping lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA). or Not protected (NP).rL TL Sub-Pump Sub-Pump fY Dispens9,rTC_Dispenser Disp€nser lndicate the type of conosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) It tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date upgrades were performed: Tank lining Tank cathodic protection Piping cathodic protection Yes No Yes NoYes@_Yes @The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). -/,? | vons */'2 ) ""n"volts voltsPo{.oh^i,'4 4 (.-oarc E- /E93Tank. Tester volts voltsvoltsvoltsPiping.Tester- - Date Sub'Pump volts Sub-Pump volts Sub-Pump volts Sub-Pump volts Disponser volts Disp€nser volts Dispenser volts Disp€ns€r voltsDate - Flex. T Yes No Yes No Yes NoYes NoFor impressed current system: The results ol the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required eyety qq !qy!l ls^Comments ?- Sionature oi Owner or Owner's Representalve Pleeeq! lnspector's Signature Distribulion: White-DEBR, Overfill and Corrosion Protection Facility lD xo. (OO/dfr Checklist CATI-IODIC PROTECTION TESTS Record results o, the most recent cathodic protection test.Record the lowest reading tor each lank/pipinglflex set. UTAH UST PROGRAM Facility ,oManufacturer, name and model number of e Please circle Yes or No for each question for each tank ll tanks on Tank 3 Tank 4Tank 1 Tank 2 Yes No(7"I\ no r {ii) ro Yes NoDevice documentation is available on-site (e.9., owner's manual). @No Nog Yes No Yes NoRecords on site document that the system was properly installed and callbrated (system and tank setup report). @n"Yes No Yee No@noSystem is maintained ln accordance wlth manufacturer's lnstructlons (records are available on site). NoYes Tltr: @NoTlllzO -@.uoTilll. 6 NoYes Tilr: The probe 13 located at the center ol the tank. ll no, indlcate tilt correctlon factor from Yes No Yes Noz(e-uo @ ttoto the nearest 1/8 otDevlce can measute @-n"@no Yee No Yes NoDevice monltors the in-tank llquld levels over the full range ol the tank's Internal Y€s No@xoNo&Yes NoA monitorlng box ls present and there le evldence thet the devlce is worklng (i.s.' the device is roll of for Yes No@eYes<Ntr\Yes NoDocumentation is avallable demonstratlng that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a valid a month for the 3-77?-7Y it -Yl'es\r N6 =r-*- Yes No Yes No(@.m-Z ArThe tank was lllled to at least the mlnimum level requlred by the manufacturer'a to ensure a @no Yes No Yes No@"oThe tank capaclty ls wlthln the uPper and lower size llmits requircd by the valld leak test Yes Cf,D Yes No Yes Noves diHave any of the leak test reports Indlcated a falled test? Il ye3, speclfy In the spacs and what have b6en taken Documentation ol perlormance claims lor the automatlc leak test featuro i3 avallable and shows the ablllty to dotect teaks of 0.2 gph wlth 95% or greater probablllty of lndlcate month(s) of invalld or mlsslng test: No Yes No Yes No and$o/o ot alarm lndicate month(s) of any failed test: //-2p /6-?-7s t^74 "- 2s^7,/o- 2s-78 -?t *fz l- /- 3-2e ?-2Y I q -E8T. -2 -?72--? / - 7?"-?N Signature of Owner or Owner's Representatlve Present During lnspection !nspector's Z- L.ra .r 8/,- 7. Dlstrlbutlon : Whlte-DERR, Yellow-lnspector'R.vllod A8L9!l ro Automatic Tank the tank setuD reoort. heioht lf no, for whlch months was a valld tost not performed? (speclly months and year, use @, t4uJ lbSo FACILITY ID# FACILTTY NAME FACILITYADDRESS Check Only One PETROLET]M STORAGE TANK FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION Complete one formfor each facility Retum completed form by May 1,1997 - 4001630/2UST Magna Water ConservancY Dist- 2711 South 8600 west - Magna, Salt Lake CountY, Utah ts I choose to continue to participate in the PST Trust Fund. O Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May 1,1997. O Submit the Fiscal Year 1998 Facility Throughput Declaration (blue forrr) by May 1,1997. O All tanks including aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) located at this facility may be required to participate in the PST Trust Fund. O Indicate number of ASTs, if any, located at this facility tr I choose another Financiat Assurance Responsibility Mechanism(s) O Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaratiou form by May 1,1997. O By June 15, 1997, submit acceptable financial assurance documents and $1000 processing fee per mechanism (Use the exact format required by federal regulation,40 CFR Part 280, Subpart H.). O Indicate your Company's " Fiscal Yeat''ending date stgsel.' L . C^*.'.,."\.n-\ S\*\"- o$ ,-A.^t^ I Flee,+ Sectrrte5 osr Rcanrvw Spe.Uti.\ (soVz>21ob Print name of owner/operator or Title Phone /l*r,htn^t"--[T- 1Signature * SEND NO PAYMENT AT THIS TIME *