HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006481,,. '..,,. ' I a, Michael O. Ixavin Golemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exccutive Di:etor Kent P. {}ray Diretor TO: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box lzt4840 Salt Lake Ciry, Utrh 84114-4840 (801) 5364100 VoicB (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-,t414 T.D.D. FACILITY I.D. # i001-610__ Steve Canning State of Utah General Services 13[t0 West North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Date: 517196 From: Garv Astin RE: Underground Storage Tanks at Magna Water Co. Maintenance Shed. 8933 West 3500 South. Magna, Utah; Facility ID# 4001650. We acknowledge receipt of the following information: t I Closure Notice and analysis [ ] Refened to LUST [ ] No LUST Site yet initiated tll The following Release Detection documents: Petrosonic III leak test results. t I The following other submittals: t I The following must still be submitted to close the compliance action: This submittal closes the associated compliance action Please note: The ATG leak test results you sent did have passing tests for most months, but not all. The system appears to be programmed to run a test once a month. If this test is invalidated, as was the case for February 1996 and October 1995, another test must be run manually to ensure that a valid test is run at least once a month. Please be sure that a vaild test is run on both tanks each month. If you have any questions, please call me at (801) 536-4103. tlt rctnowl.frm 05/O7r'96 1 State of Utah Michael O. Leavitt Govehor Raylene G. Ireland Exer:utive Director David (i. Fletcher Director Department of Administrative Services Division of General Services B-38 State Capitol Building salr Lake city, utah 84114 beo z oEnn EC fl xaruo DELIvERED (801) (801) 538-301 4 538-1773 FAX March 12, 7996 Mr. Gary Astin State of Utah, Department Of Environmental eualityDivision of Environmental Response and Remediation 158 North 1950 West, 1sL Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Dear Gary: In response to your letter dated 1,/24/95, concerning Non*compliance of UST's at the Magna Water Company Maintenance Shed. This site is located at 8933 West 3500 South, Magna, Salt Lake County, Utah. The DEQ ID number is 4001550. A copy of said let,ter is attached for your convenj-ence. Your l-et.ter states "The following must still be submj-t.ted to close the compli-ance action: " ftem # 1 - The EPA requirements for Automat.ic Tank Gauging is that a .2 ga11on per hour leak test be run by the ATG at. least monthly. The Pet.rosonic IfI "Variation Reports" indicate only smal1 variations in product volume which may be indicators of a 1eak, and do not qualify as a timed leak test. The system should be progr:ammed to perform a timed leak test at least monthly, ot the test may be run manual1y. Please be sure t.he timed leak tests are run at least monthly and submit the resul-ts of the tests for the most recent month...Responee - Find attached a copy of tshe Tank Timed Leak Test Results printout from the Petrosonic III ATG at the above mentioned site. Hopefully this information is what is needed to maintain compl.iance at this facility. If I can answer any questj-ons concerning this or any other facility owned and/or operated by the Divislon of General- Services / UST Program please call me at m l3s (801) s21-2706. 1 Thank You Steven L. Canning UST Program Specialist State of Utah, Department of Administrative Services Division of General- Services, UST Program 1380 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84L1-6 AstnMrl2 { Michael O. l.eavitt Govcrnor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exccutivc Dirctor Kent P. Gray Ditator ii ir' i $r, rli\1lE:;itlit*ry1 u..it 'r. e..B il%,*' qJ.t l- ,: i*{.8'} $ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 Norrh reso west -S-i '''' -ir ilF u'l lili P'o' Box 144840 t;trliil lL- SF'R\ilcI:S Salt trke City, Utah 8411448,rc(8or)5364r0voice JAll 26 96 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. TO: Steve Canning DAS/General Services 1380 West North Temple salt Lake City, UT 84116 Date: lD4lq6 From: Gary Astin RE: Underground Storage Tanks 3t Magna Water Co. Maintenance Shed. 8933 West 3500 South. Magna, Utah; Facility ID# 4001650. ' We acknowledge receipt of the following information: t 1 Closure Notice and analysis [ ] Referred to LUST [ ] No LUST Site yet initiated t{l The following Release Detection documents: I ine tightness and leak detector tests. Petrosonic III "Tank Report" and 3rd party evaluation. I ] The following other submittals: tll The following must still be submitted to close the compliance action: The EPr\ requirement for Automatic Tank Gauging is that a .2 gallon per hour leak test Lre run by the ATG at least monthly. The Petrosonic III "Variation Reports" indicate only small variations in product volume which may be indicators of a leak. and do not qualify as a timed leak test. The system should be programmed to perform a timed leak test at least monthly. or the tests may be run manually. Please be sure the timed leak tests are run at least monthly and submit the results of the tests for the most recent month. t I This submittal closes the associated compliance action If you have any questions, please call me at (801) 536-4100.rckmwl.fm 0l/24196 'racn rry r.D. #_4(Dl65e_ ..-. ,-: .. j. .:-:.:=:=,- r ======== Tl.ll.{li: 1 DIE:.EL fiEL_ f UEF_..-J =-t-Ft Fi -r r.IEH =L'F_: Er.IEt_t T1[t:4: f;f'1 THU f'tgFl Fr 1---r?r:,1514.1 r:L t..tET rr:rFjF:Er:TEtj THHH: Ur_tLLll.tE.15r:r:.{, EL rjF:O:;:: llEH:,LlFjEtr THt{tr: trtrLUHE.451f,,4 r3L UL-rLUt'tE LEFT iH THHF:,,:8.5,] It{ FFj8tjt_tt_:T LEr.rg1.45.5 F t:rr.rgtoo-a FLtEl TEi,IpEFjFTUF.:E. r:r. 1 It.t ILIHTEF: LEUEL,Er-{D f.lEl=t*=t_tE:Ef.tEt*tt_ t 1 : Bt rtf,t THU ttltF: F: 1??1,5144.-_{ 'jL }..lET r_.r:iFtFjEt::TEt} TrlHl,: trulUttf ,51r:11.,_t rjl EF.:r_15:: r,|EHSUF.:EI:, THf.tti t uf-,_,ttE..-114, i r3L r,161166 LEFT It{ THHI::. F5.,_;Er It{ FF.:fitrLlLT LEl,rEL.43.? F EttgprO,=t FUEL TEf,tpEE:ttTLrE:E.EI.1 II.{ I,,JETEFJ LEI,Ig1.fiEL r UEE'-ir uL-rL_t_!r.1E f,r-,3Er.E '3L l.{ET THt4l,i r,r[LUHe f:ellr...rEe,f. f,5.-l'-i. I EL EF.:05:, t,EB5UEErr nrlirrrr_:y. 4f,. f, F ESTII,IIITET} DELIUEF:'f TEf,IFEFIFTLIF:E :{r:+: FETF-:I_-IELfF{fE f If :+::*:TFt{ti G*t_trjE :;,.JETEHL Ett pETFtL-r r,'Et{fj tpl:, +t-l F EUEF:EEE FLtEl TgppEFjrtTLrFjE.1.., IH I,JHTEE LEUEL.E r-lral _ r.iFl=l5t_rE:E r.rEt_J T1t:61._; rltt THU tlHFr i, tfft,51 44' :r riL it_E]_r--:nrrprEiiiii Trrr..rj. r.,r:rlur,rE.51r:r1. :r rjl .!t!ss tlEH;LiFjir,,ior,, ur:rll,r,tE.'i14.1 GL r.r61-1-11'1E LEFT ;H ior+.;.ri.lrtr it{ Fptlt)Utlf r_ir.,fi.' ' +3..-t F ltr..EF..r16E FuEi IEiIFEFjHTL|E:E. r:t= I It{ t{tFTEE LEr,rg1,r,,HL -J::tEF-:'-,r r-.Jr:rr rJr.rErr.,r1,:1 . i-r Lil_ HET _Ilir.{F: r,,:,rL,ni - i,il I r.Jfp;1,..f:c'-r, :t r;l- rjE:r--i5-s Nrn:-uerii,' r,ii. 1t,Ep;i,.4f, . f, tr Firrr,tgrtrti r,a-ir:ir_], TEnFEFjHTi_iFjE =-, o =,?: hjE'J = f; i. = n., =,.,,I Er: 59 E,,l THL| FEE t ,-i .-+.-;e,irtr. E, rjl HET-crrgplmrEii rnr.rt: i,r-,1_L,rrr.irEr5. E EL EF.,usE_NEn:;ur.f-n'inr.{H urrlllr,lF=4;rlrrr.4 6L uDLur,lE a#i';ii ioi.,rr.f,r.f,4 r.{ perrrucr r_trjri.' ,-' 4E,E F Ei5I.IEE prrEi irr,rpEFjHruFrE.rt. 1 rr..t T,JETEF.: LEUaa. ' L',' L Et--t fi r.1E]:1 =_tJFjEr.rEr-{_rt l ::.1 HI,t THU FEE t, i:*:rr49f,r. rl EL t{ET n:eleicrEi, rrr+r,,. ,rnr_i,f,rr.4rrt. E GL bnCIs:_rlErlsuF.rn 'inijr.; rrr:rlUt,tE.r_?48.8 EL r.rs11r,tE L#i il iffi.rI,El II.I PEODU,:T GUEi., ,-,', f,f,.6 F HU_EI.IEE FuEr_-iEnpEEHrLrF.:E.r:i. I rr.{ hTHTER LEUiI, 'L,,, L, flEL r :{EF{l, uL_'LL'r.lEit tr. 4 GL r.{Er _Itrltpi ric,Lurriiu-Ir.,.r,u. f, 116 s, E r:=L rj Fr r_r 55 ne g l;uEEi,-,,.il r.,i rr, u ...E. 4 F E::r1ss7ao-ogriuir*:.i.,rr.r,orrr,. f]EL I IJEE:.#5 -I- r=r F: T _. . 11 =,e=: r_, p. g r.r g r-r rtE:46, Htt mfftJ pet ir,Gr:t.q*i. r:r EL r.{ET-rroF.EE[iil inrrr-'uor_unE.tErs. ? EL EE05:_,,,F!rr,.;o'ioiir,. r.,uLUr.tE,alJ6::rr EL ur_rlur{E lEFi il ;ffi,33.64 lr.t FFIODUCT r_iuri.. 'n",\, 84. 1 F ltuEF..HriE Fuel-iErrr,EEHrLrF;E. Er-{fr r.,1E}"5'JF-:Er.1Er.t TI I : r34 rltt HIH prr_ r,=" i,],;SEr::5. : 6L l.{ET rnpnEurEi, in,r*,-'iiorrr..4gp:n..4 r.l 6.Fjr::;5 l,lgrrsuF.:Er, 'roiir,io,_r-n a.13'J6:!' EL t"r61s1'1. LEFI ;H ;ffi;.'Pl:E! rri pErr&Ur:T LETJEi:4:.i F HTJEF.:HEE euer_-iEHpEF.:riruFrE.t:-1.1 1-i.i tJtlTEE LEUEL.E EL r r-r.tF?+ ,_--rL_rLLrr.iE :11rj.1 EL tiET rurur uEr_ur,rE rrsl-1r.1Ep;r;.l1gg.: GL rjFjrl:i:i r,ressuEii,-#I;ffi;.f,r. E F E:;r16p7s6, reiiuie.,,I.i'Ffr..r,orr,r,, - Ef EL r IJEF.: .,J5-1-FlF:T r.rEn=u=rgr._r=r-r, t,:.fr:r Fl,l lrtED ,_lCT .,=.-I_J'.f4EE. r EL r.tEr rncEeciEn iorrl--i,ir.rr..34.q9. ? rjl EFj0:;5 HEHSUEED THHtr: r,nr_uttE.2526.1 GL tJr-I tthrtr r trtrT ,,, __. 1 f,.tE:,:;llrjE!; 1:i; -ti F,f,t THt-t l,iHFj ir litlEHE!!;rtGEt; =--====== THl..lta. 1 tjJE:_-EL iITrlFlT EHTJ :-!r qr;r. i cr41, ; r:5. t =F.t. 1 t:, (_-, !.-'! ! : a--:.. i "--.. ::: :,Tl i_ E_- :-f i . i !t=r pt'r LtEt-r r-rr-.--- -S, to,i=.::::lI er! :ir_lT 61-;y r.-Li! l,-t--{Il-,-tl-!E q I *l_:E=-E _ s:i;,-_.=i;:i=-f LJ:-._i. :_;rj! l'.|ET r::[E:F.:FL--rEf] Tr+.{ti r.r1r1111,1g,rjl- 139655 r,tErtSUFlEti f,rUf ,,:iLiilE,,]l tt,_-,r-L[,rr LEFT It{ TFr.{t]. I l.l F,F:r,rlrr_lr--:T t-EIJEL. : FtrFF:F*r flrFl- TEnpEFr']TUEE.It{ t,trtrFF: l.EltF! .. .. -.i;'-if..rl ::,, :;j!-:i:-:"ii_-;:.--. _i '---TEFTT ! i:1 : T! Eh, llrtrt-:r r.-ll_-.T ,, t OO=trl.rrr F,: Ed nr,r r, r,- c, ]j' l'","1 5,i'#=::: i - E:ii i.:; -:. ir::l: l--; i_-:. t._: r--- -;: i1-r.:1 . --f ,;l r:tr,f-r,=,1 nrE-r-r;r rr,rr] ;-., ,.. .i=,1! :: r:r ,rnr ,r,itrnit::l't'i;' jl'1t "'-" "n't. l- ::1' , 7F, f l:l tr'tr'r-rr.,r ir-.T I trt .tF-l r-l- t Itr t,trlTtrtr, ' Etrtrl I,l I l:_s;1i;:L!_, f-r F !- T r. "l p- g- ,-_-r ; =-!-triF_:-r F.iEt-=:=l !F.E_t._rFF_r_r I1_j:4f rii,i ru1 I 1,1,ir., 7t i .1,:r;, !1514. t. GL HET L-:r-rqqEq;7fp, forr,=irl,,, ,,r. II5rl2,b EL 6Fjl'.r:l:__, I,tEnsr_tpEri rui.tt,i ,,.iri,*_ IaIlS_:4 6L UTTLUI'1E LEFT rH T,1+rl. -' I 25:t3. 1 GL t'r:rLUI,lE LEFT I\TFtlt{:. I+.E18 It.l FFI[[)U|_:T LEl.rEL E[t,t F III,IEF]I:IIJE FUEL TEI,]FEFJI-.ITUFJE. rl.r:1 It.l tilrlTEFj LEUEL, E.t-{Li f.lE*=:l-lFiEf'1Ef-{T- i:t:l1 F'f'l t'.lEt] lJril- ?ir 1'-+15 5h]i" 4 rjl HET r-tlFiF:Er-TEti TFti-j|,. l.rr_-illll'iE, 5t,4[r.i EL- riFilr55 llE]l5ljFiEtj THi.li:: l.rrtlutiE. .jr5.f, tll r.rrtlut'tE LEFT It'{ TFtt.tii.. ir=. t4 If.l PFrrltluriT LEtiEL" I.i. i F HI,IEF]FIIJE FUEL TEI'IPEFTHTUF:E. EI.F:I II..I L.IHTEFj LEI.JEL" f:,Et I UEF-:'-,, t---Il:tL-L!f"1 E ':14'-1. r ril- l'.lET Tfftll.: r.,rL:lLUl'1E [rELIL.rFF.:'r'" :15ri1, r:r lj!_ GFjr:r!5 1'15fi11_lFlEF [iEl_1t..rEFr.,j',= E1.4 F E5TiiirlTEtr tiELILIEE:i/ TEf'lFEFiirTl-lFjE f. EL- I l---lFF='Lrr =-T-*Atq -f f'lEl==-l-lF-:E f'1E t-{-r E: i:ri Hll FEI rJr::T 1f,r 1'l'_15 i41ir.E rjl l.{ET r_:rJl?FlEr-:TEF TEi-i[. tt111_11'1E, i41:1r.5 GL- EFlrt5S llEH:,UF:Et] Ttlr..lli. r...rr:rLUt,lE. 35:-ri.= E!* I,Jr:rl_l_ll.1E LEFT IH tHt'11.:, 4r:1. =i:_: Ii.] FF.:LrtiUtT i EIJEL. 5!- 1 F HI.JEFJ}.JGE FLIEL TEI'iPEFJHTUFJE. r:1, I It{ l.,JHTtE LEtrEL, E:F-{f} r,1E}l5lJFiEr'1Er-{T r:!: ?4 l1l'l FEI r:n-T 1.1r 19i15 44i:lF_1. I GL l..lET r_:rlEFjEr::TEtr THt{ti trrJLUllE. 44;i. rJ EL riFiu:;:' l.lErl':'UF.:Et) TFtl'll,.l l.Jr-tLUI'lE. 154rr"11 EL rlrllullE LEFT It'i TFtHli., Et.,.1E1 Ii'I FFJ']DUI::T LEI,IEL. 5;:I. i F HUEFIFIEE FUEL TET'1FEF]HTUFJE. rlr. I It..l lrlFlTEE LEtrEL. trFL I UEF:'-.r Ur:rl--l-lr.IE ;.jrlEri.i rjl HET TFrt.iti trtrLUI'lE t)ELIl,rEFjq/. rrr5i.5 GL rjFjrJss I'lEHSUFjEtr tiELIIJEF;|/. i;.: F E5TII,If,TEt, DELII.JEFJI/ TEI'IFEFIHTUFJE flEL- I UEF-: -.-' 5-rEFi-I- FlEE=l-lF-:Er'1Er-{-r 6:47 El.l FEI |JUT 1.lr1il.-15 -ir ,-:.-.1 ---r., :'::';':-.1 :-.. ..:i -'i- 4f5. :i GL riF.:r:rs5 f'lEHsUFjEtr TEl"lt:" r-rr:rLl-ll'lE. 554rr.;' EL I.Jr:rLUllE LEFT It{ Tr-tt.ll';.. 1:.7;' Itt FFjr:rLlU[T LE|..JEL. B, ] II..I I,J}ITEE LEI.IEL. l=t-{E:. f'lEr:t=l-lE:Ef'IEf'J-f B:Er5 Hl''l FFjI t:rLT 1f,r 1--r!5 :41E.:r ril GFrr:r5:' l'lEll5UFiEIi Ttlt'.lFi ljr-]l lll'lE. I5?i.:! rjl [.Jt|LL|HE LEFT It.l TfitlH:" 4Er" 5ii il.l PF:r-J[]Llr::T LEtrEl-. t:r, t. Itl ltlFtTEFi LEtlEL. [itl__ T r-_-rEF-:LJ r--r[rl I l-r.1F 1'-{4f, . :: L-li- r-iFit:r5!. t'lEFt:-,1-lFiE[j !-]Fl T t JFFrt,r,. f,i--ril" 1 Hl I lll'IE I-EFT ll'l TFlt'it';" 1", f,= Tt.l F'.Fit:tlil-lt-lT t-El..lEl- = f'4.r:r F !trr,rEF:fiGE FLtEt-, TEIIFEFjfiTUFjE" r:r. .t IH tilqTEFj t-.EilEl_. E_ t_{!_i f.1 t:!:! 1=t_tEEf._'tE}-{-r 1 !:a'? trI,! THt_l Jt,lL '.-.,t:-i! i!1f= =:ti:if, r. c! l.ltrr r:r:rFtFlFiLTEti T-qt.iH l.!'.-!! lll'lE, c?1 ! ,] l-il FE'115'; f,1El:{5uFitrl.'r Tntjt,' l.Jl:lt-UI'18= =rr,t, F, r-il t.tt-lt_ul,lE t_EtrT lt.l r!}.tli. 7q,'::4 Iti FFlt:rtlt-lr:-:T LE|..'FL-. i.,1-li F III]EF]HEE FLIEL TEIr.!PEF.,I]TI-IF.:E" Lr"t-1 It'{ t,.lFTEF: LET.JEL, [-_]H!- _ r r_-tE:Fj,-J l-_J!:r1__! -!r.1= f,1'.::4,:! r:! i.lET TFt{li tJrllllriE FEt-ll.rEFl{". f, I 4i, . 5 !:_-ir_ r:Fir:r:_;:: r'lEH:;uFjEtr nEL. l t.JF-:Et,i " ]1.. = F E}.;T IT.IETEIJ FEL J I.IEEIJ TET''IFEFIHTIJF:E fiF l--- I t---I EF-:'-'j' =.-I- r+F-'-r f'lE=la5l_|F-:F r'tEt-{-!- 1--l:f,tl HI'l l'lllt'{ l'lFti :,:-: i'-ltI 11?!";: Gl- tlET r-:r-rFiEEt::TEF THl.lii. t'r:rLl-lf'lE. 1- 1?t. t:] l-li '-iFlt-r':::: l'lEHSUFlEti THI'li: l..lr:rluf'1E ' 4'.jcf:1.r:1 rl! rJr:rLUf,tE LEFT It.l rt]l..ll., ::'4 = lltl I t.i FFI'JIIUI::T LETJEL-. =.1.f F l:lt-rtrF'lr-tr FUEL TEI'1FEFjI-{TUFIE, E1. 1 Il.{ hlFtTEF: LEtrEL,Et-{f-: r.lEr=l5UF-:Er'1Et-{T !ai:5.] !1i,1 l'lt-lt.l I'lFit/ 'r-i-r 19!5 5+rJ1 . g t-il- t..lET t--:r:lF:EEr::TEtr TFuf: r-rr.rll-ll'lE, 54'i=" E EL riFlr:r:'s l'1EFl;UFiE[i THt"llr. r.Jr:rl-Ut'1E. 5?r:1.4 r_it- tJr-rLUr'IE LEFT IH Tllt'lli. i:i1 . 1i l t.l F,Flr:rtiLtL-:T LEL.TE'*, hE.f, F III-ITqOU' FUEL TET'1FEF:HTUF:E. r:r " r:1 J l.l r,rFtTEF.: l_EtlEL, fiE!--- T l---lEF-l'rr l---ll-lLl-lf'I E 4,1;j;t.5 rjt. l.jET THt.lE: ur:rlui,lE DELltrEFjql, 4';-+:r= i GL EFlt-r55 l'1EH:'UFiEIi tiELIl.JEF.:ri. i:J:. ] F E::'TIT{I:ITEI] ['ELII.JEF]\J TEI''IPEFII]TUFJE . f:.E[- I r---rEF-:'-.-. =l- t=F_:-f r.1E tri.=r_r F:E f'IEt-1-t- ::!7 PI'I f'l|-lt'l FFFj ltl:1ti+= 13??'5 ril- i'lET rjllFiEE[TEt] Tllt'{tr: t'rr-llur'lE" 1f,?f,.'f r:L r3Flu5:: I,1EH:.UEE[] Tl-{}'llri trr:tlul'lE. 4F,?:.8 ril t'r:rLUl'lE LEFT Il..l TEt{f::, 17,E1* It{ PFjUtiUr-iT LEtrEL. 51,f, F III.IEFIFIJE FUEL TE]'IFEFJFTUFJE. 13. 1 It{ tilFlTEFl LEtrEL, Er-lfr r.lE|q=:LtF-:Er.lEt-{1- ::11 Ftl t'101.1 HFFj lErr lti;5 5584,8 EL. t.lET r::rJEEErjTEti Trit{}r. trr:rlul'lE. 555E. E rll rjF:t-rt;5 r,IEHsilFjE[r TFit]]{: trr:rlUl']E, 4='1.7 r:L r.Jr-lLUtlE LEFT It'{ Tlr}'lil. Ef, " 5f, I I.] F'F:UtiUt:T LEI,IEL. it:I.4 F RI.IEFJI]EE FUEL TEI'IFEFIHTUFJE. r:1" 1 Il-.1 rrlHTEFj LEl,rEL. f:.EI- I t---lEF-:'-,r t---tl:t1-lJf'lE 4lEi.f, 6L HET Tlltltr: l,rr:rLUI,lE FELItTEF:'T'. +1E,f," 7 r:L EFlrl:,5 I,IEH:'UFIED tiELiLrEFlY. 5l.:1. 1 F E:iTIT'IFITET] DELJI.JEFJI/ ]'EI'IFEFJF{TUFJE fiEt- I l---rEF-:L.r = -f l=tt:-f f.tE tf 5l_lF-:Ef.lE f-{ l- -:''i,:-ot'l-:,I,'J"tl1[,ilL=-i1=;,,,,n, f-]Fl-. I l--rP-5-'r-"-t ='T Ft F-'-r r.'r E t= .= | _r F_: t= r.1t_ t-1-l- 1f1:5';' t:tf,l THI I .IllL '.-.::r-.j! 1!:r_E; :j'l 5'_1 ,. 'i tlt. l.{trT r-:r--rFjFjFt::TFF Tllt.JE l lr-1! I lf'ltr . .11 i4 " ,:i ';l riFlt=5 r,lEFl:,UFlEti THHtr ilrjL t_tllE ":IE5i.1 El u_-rt-l-tt1E LEFT IH TqHE" f,7. f,:r TH FF:r:rr:ruf,T LETIEL . ?:?f, HI'l THU I,lt-tP^E'r 1:{,-t: 1E':4,I til l.lET l_:uFiFiEt_:TEL, ,Ht{F: r,rr:tLutlE" 1814. i rjl r:iFjr_t::5 tlEF{sLtFrEtr Tfi}..ltr: r.Jr:rLUtlE. 4+E11.8 ril l.tr-i11_1r,lE LEFT It{ THt.ttr.. ir:r, 11 It.l FFjtJirLrr_'T LEUEL. 4F-I":1 F FL,IEFIFII]E FUEL TEI.IPEFjfiTUFjE, [1. 1 It{ r.,jHTEFj LEl,rEL. E t-{fi r.tEF=uF-:Er.tEr-{-F t:5,_t EI,t THL| I'lFrFl tr lt--+5 51f,F-. r til l..lET LrJFiFtEr:TEtr TFrt.ltr. L,rr_111_1p15. 511t," 4 GL tiF:U55 tlEH:;UF.:Eti Tplif;. trr:rluf'lE. E!'_1.E, EL l.rr:rluf,tE LEFT It.t THt.][,i. 16.13 II.{ FFJUT]UI-T LELJEL. T:,5 F I]I,IEFJHI:E FUEL TE}.IFEEHTUFJE. r:1. 1 It{ tilHTEFr LEr,rEL. flEL f tJEF-:,-,r Ur-tLLtf.IE f,s1:,5 ril F{ET Tt-.lH}j. lJt:rLUtlE tiELJr.rEF:ri. f,5[r?. r- til EEr:t5:; FtEFI:,uRE[i trg1111Ep;r,r. 54.4 F E5TII.1I]TET] T:ELI[,IfP;5I TEI'IFEEIITUF;E -f, -r n -_i - :--. a -- t-. E --- -i - .- *:,_I F--.- l l_EFtl":: FEF? I r_ltrr =- TF{F-: T f'rEFl=rJF:E f.iEf-{T Pr.rlrtEg Uf I],El F I]I,IEHHIJE FUEL TEI.IFEF;HTUE:E. Et-{f-r r.lEt=5UF-:Er.1E}-{ -r F'-lhlEF: UF I:I.F-l F HUEEI]IJE FUEL TEI'IFEEHTUFJE. . LE}f }':. FjFTE E.EEI F TET.IPEFJHTUFJE T:HHI{EE. Fr:rFj HrlUFt:, THEE:,Hr-lLtr = ,'HtItUF: Ilii, --,iuh -:i L-Etril::: FEF;: f r-rfr =TI:lFi-l- r'tES+=.UF-:Ef.IEt--t T 1F-l:Erl:1 Fl'l FFII FEE ?r 1'-l?t' 4481.r:r EL l.{ET r::rlFiFiEt_:TED THt.ttr. r.rr11r_1p9. 44f, :. 5 r:L tiFirJ:; :; I'lEt-.t:;UFjEtr THt.lti r.,rr-lLUI,1E, 15t1f,.5 r-il tt611-111E LEFT Il.{ TFI}.{}i.. 6t'.31 It'{ PF.:r:rtjU[T LET.IEL, 3.].: F fiI,IEFJHIJE FUEL TE}.IFEFJHTUFIE, 'J. 1 II..I IilHTEF; LEUEL. E].tfi r.tErf SLtEEr-lEt-{-r ?:5'-l Pf,l sHT f'lHFi Ir19-_rE 1'-181.'-l til t{ET f,tlFiFlEr::TEtr TFtHl.: l.rr:rllrr,1E. 1,.]4E,7 GL GF:I]55 FIEHSUPEF TFIHFI I,IIJLUI.IE. 4Ett.3 EL UrlLLlllE LEFT Il.{ TFttiE:. f,4.53 II.I PEIT)UI:T LEI,IEL. +5. T F HIJEF.:HEE FUEL TEI,IFEF:HTLIF:E, EI. 1 iI.{ hIHTEE LETJEL. l-_Er=il;: E:F-f E_f,.8']T IJL..'HIJUE I.{ET I-:I]F]E:EI-'TET] LEFIH: F;HTE. 5,.-Jt F TEI.IPEFJRTUFJE L-HHI.IIJE. FtlF: F,'-]E. r:t Hr:rUFj:: THFjEsHt:lLtr = ,.Ht:tUFj r-,:-.:_ :: ; i Ti I i.i iar " i !:-. '-- Hi_.. : .i.:...' i : 'i i.r -;ir:.i i.t;:: i_;-_r*:i:' : !- l:, : L-Etrrl':: FEF='I r--rfr =-rFlrtT r.lEtrt5UEEr-1Er-{-r 1r:f :EIB Fl,l TUE JHtt 2r 1.-]._rE 4f,Ei.2 rjl HET r::rtEF.:Er-=TEtr TFtl.{E: r,tr11p_11'1a. 4f,5!, t tjl- riF.:rl:;:; I'lEtlsUEEtr Tltt.tF: rJr:rLUI.lE. 1E5E.1 6t tr611-11'1E LEFT Itl Trll.{Fi. 65.f,f, ll..t PF.:fftlur:T LEUEL. 4B.B F HUEF:H'JE FUEL TEI.IPEEHTUFJE. B. I ll.l tilPTFE I trlrtrr ^E5.f,f, I['{ FFIL'r-rUt]:T LfttEl. 48.':I F HIJEFJHISE FUEL TEI.IPEEffTUF;E. rl. I It'{ IIBTEE LEUEL.Et'{tr f'lEp;=l-tE:Er.1Ef-{T 5:5? BI,1 lrlEtr -Tt:tH .lr 1ttf,4f,8i.f, GL tlET t::uFjF.:Er_:TEi] THl..tti r,rr_tlutlE. +f,5!,E uL GFlrls=. r,lEFt_',t_tFtEt] THHr;: l.rr:rlutlE. 1t'58.: rit- trr-lluf'lE LEFT It'{ Ttlt.tp:. b5,f,f, iH FFjr_l[illr]T LEUEL. 48. El F F|I,IP"OU' FUEL TEI,IFEFJfiTUFJE, fi" 1 II.{ LIIITEF: LEI..'EL,[_Eta[{- F:tr{-rE l:1, r:rE5 rjl./Ht_ruF HET r-.[F:F.:Ef,TEtr LEHF: FjllTE. -r:l.r:lf, F TEf,IFEEIITUFjE rjHfft{EE. Fr:rF.: E. Er Hr:rUEs THFjE!:HtlLti = E,:ErEr rjl./H[iuFj Tr,--? r-::-,,-._,-i.- i:,__:: : ---:.-:r..... I__Etql---: FEF-: I l_1fr-=TFF?-T FlEtr{SLIF:Er.IEr.{-r 1E:t]r,;t pl'l 5tlT IjEr:: tr liitEf,f,!1.i ril l..lET r_:r_rEF;ErtTEtr THI{H UrlLUtlE.f,f,l3.,j EL riRIlS5 I'lEH:;UFjEtr THHr.: IJILUHE. IIt:lL l ril Ut-lLUllE LEFT Il.1 THIIF:. T1.84 II{ FF:']DU[T LEUEL. 55. T' F EI,IEF;FIEE FUEL TEI.IFEFIFITUF:E. El. 1 II,I I,JIITEE LEI.IEL. Et'lfr f'IE1aSlJF:Ef'lEt-{T 5:5'-1 Hl'l SUt'{ ttEf .1r15?5 3f,21.i r3L l.{ET tltJFiF:E':TEtr TttHt: LJr_]LUHE. 3f,lf,.'_- ril r:Fir_155 HErt5uF;Eti THtlt; r,tuLUHE. :iElL l ril trr-llullE LEFT It{ THHH:. 51.8+ if.l FEr:riiuf,T LEtrEL, 55. E F HI,IEF.:SEE FUEL TEI'IFEFJIITUF.:E. rl, !. it{ rittlTEE LEtrEL, L_EFf }.: F:l=l-rE -r:1, r:lEEl r:L..,Hr:rUF, HET rlr_tF.:F;Er-.TEIj LEHF: FiHTE, -rI1. r]rl F TEr.IFEFjHTLIFjE r::HHtJrjE. FrlFi L1,r:1 HrlUFtg THF:E:;Hr_tLtr = ...,Hr_tUF.: :-,i:-- .: : i.:.. . - j :i...i-!.-, -: : : 1,. ! : . ,a ,-:., I r- -:: F'.,- : lEprp:- esp: r ,=f=5-I-FiE-f T{Etr{ELrr?El.lE}--tT IB:EE Pl,l THU l.{L'lU ?r 1595 5IE1.B EL HET L=I:IEFJEf,TET} THI.{H UIILUI'IE. 52'qE, E EL ERt]55 I'IEFSUEED TIII.IH UI:ILUI.IE. 735.4 EL r.rl-111,19 LEFT lt'l THHH. 7E:.rf, It{ PFjrlt}uf,T LEl.rEL, 5..T. E, F FI,IEPOU' FUEL TEI.IPEEI:ITUEE. T1. 1 II..I I,JHTEF: LEIJEL. El={fr f'lEtrl-=l-1F-:El-1E1"{-f 5:59 Ht't FFII l.{r:rl,r .lr1gg5 5281.i rjl l.{ET rlrlFtEErjTEtr TE}I,: ttrt-utlE. 5:EEr,4 EL 'jE'15:; tlEFsUFlEtr THI{H rlr-tluttE. 7f,5,6 GL UI:ILUI'IE LEFT lt.t THtl.i. 7i--.Ff, II..I FEI-]DLIIT LEUEL. 5T,5 F HUEHHGE FUEL TEI,IPEEHTUE:E. El. 1 It{ tilHTEFi LEr.rE1_. t_Etrtlt Ela-rE -rl. EtEl4 EL..'Hr:tUF.: t{ET r_:r:tFjF:Er_TEti LEHl.,; F.:ETE. -8.115 F TEI'IFEEHTUEE I]HFII.IEE. Fr:rF.: Ll, E Hr:rUF.::i THFJEsHDLD = '3.2EIB EL,'HI]UF: Tl=5T F'i:i:r!iIi-: I FEf Fa E FE T r-rr_-, I I I I I -=. I Hr--- I l'iE-H -\F-Et.tr- I-l I 1t]:rIEr PH l,lt:rt.l r:il::' t:1,_l?5 14f,:.rr GL t{ET r::uEEEt:TEti Tl_{t.fl.i rJr_tLUtlE. 14f,7,8 ril riFtlr:;5 l'1Erl5uFlEtj TFtl.tH: |JTJLUHE. 45711.f rjL r.Jult_tilE LEFT Il.l T!]t{t:, i-;. ;:rl I t.l F Fjr_ttrurlT LEUEL. n,:'.8 F Httgp,OUt FUEL TEf'lFEFjtlTUF.'E. r:.1,El it..t tilHTEE: LEr,rEL, E.t--lfi f'1E1=1.=l_;E:Ef'IEt-{-f 7: l:li FFI FFrI Ur-T 1I:, 1,i,-t5:4ii.f, uL rjFjrl5:: I.1Eft:;UFjEtl THHli. r,rrJLt_tHE. .15'-+E"f ril l.rriilllf'lE LEFT IH THHli, +E1.5i If.{ FFjutrUr_:T LEtrEL. Er,1 It.l r.rtHTEFi LEl"rpl_. t__E1:1r.:. F-:lqTE Ft:rF; i4'-+. 1 Hr:tuFj:i THF.:E:,HrlLt] = .,.Hr:rUF.: .-;, , ..i.-i _:1-r'. j;._:, LEl=lI"I PEF-: I r:ttr' =-l-l=lFi -r f.lElq=LrF;:Ef.IEt-{-f 1l:1:tltl Ft'l sFlT sEP ?r lt?5 :-i.r -; [1. !-,-,; ,::. ,_.., :1 i=' F I_ =--=: ".:= i.-ri -:;- I.j i___ :.i... f,!14.'-l GL l..lET r::r_rREErlTEti THt.tti tr':rLUr,tE. f,tf,i].Fj r:L rjiF:tr:,:, f{EHsUF:E[r T]]l.ltr. trrllUf'1E. 'i-E17i.? Gt r.r611-1t1E LEFT IH TIIHF;. 5..{. FE If..I FFjIJI]UIT LELJEL. f 1.5 F Httgp,OU= FLIEI 191'1*EF;HTUF.E. l:.r,El It{ t.lFTEF: LEIJEL. Et-{trr r'IE11ELlE:Er'IEf-{T 5:5! rli'i::UH gEF Ll!.i5 :'::_: ; i- :'i _ _ .. +- i=.':. i-j --f,:r14. E ril l..lET r_:r,1F;F.:EL-:TEtr THI{H: r,rr11;_11,1a. f,tf,E.I r:L rjFtLr5S HEH5UFjED Ttlt.tti: l.rrtLUHE. .:.-r:.r77..1 ril ttr11t1l,lE LEFT It{ Ttlt{|.-j, 55. iE It.l FFjr:rtrur::T LETJEL. f 1.5 F l-tttgp,OUa FLIEL TE1'IPEFIHTUFiE. u.E It.{ ldflTEFi LEtrEL.! EFIF':: F:l=i-TE - r:r. r:1r:1E, ril,.,Hrll tF. t iE T rjrlF;F:Er::TEtj LEFH. FjtlTE, -r:i,r:11 F TEI'1PEFjI]TUEE t-'Hltt{6E. Ft:tFl E"r:1 HUUE:_; THFjE5HULII = E. :F_rr:r r:L.rHr]UE l-Etri}--:: FEFj I r-tEr =-T$lFJT T.lE]f5IJE:ET.lEHT 113:Br:1 Fr,l tqtEti FluE 2r 13ir5 i=. i: i::. ._.. .i F- f.i;; ,____.1 I _,-i-:__i;_ ::.: 4tr.4.: GL l.lET I|-]F:EETjTED TFtt{ti r,rDLUl'lE. +'-1:{:. 1 ril GFirlS:; I'lEH:iUFiEtr Ttlt{tr. I.|'JLUI'1E. lElr-f,.'-t 6L l,rr:rlul'lE LEFT It'{ Tfil'{t{.. i4.14 Il'.1 FF.:r:rtrUr-T LEUEL, IF-1.8 F IIIJEF:IIEE FUEL TEI.IFEEFTLIFjE. El. I:1 ] I.J IilFITEFJ LEUEL. Et-{ tr} r.lEt:l=t_tF-:Er.1Er-{-r 5:55 Hl'l THU FIUE 3r 1ti+5 ! -- .. : .,.. i-- :- :,-. l':. i.::. i -: : : -i. _ 4'-rb4. 1 rjl HET r:uF;FjErlTEr.' Tt+.{F; rJr:rLU}'tE. 4'13:. r:1 EL rjFlr:rt;5 I'1EH!:UFjEtr THt.tli. l,rr:rlutlE. 111!4,Ei EL trr:rllll.lE LEFT It{ TFttlH:. 14.i4 Il..l FFlr:rtit_tr_:T LEUEL. 7]:1, E F FII,IEF.:HEE FUEL TEI.IPEFJI]TUF]E. r3. r:r Itl lrlHTEF: LEUEL, L-EFr'i F;:la-f E -r:r.E1E ril,'961_1p' t{ET CoREE'lTEtj LEHr.; Fil{TE. t3. El F TEI,IPERI]TURE f,HgHTjE. E. EIl F TEAFjFTUFjE L-:HFII.{I]E. FUh ;J, B HUUFjS THEE:,HULIJ = I:1. TISB I]L."HI:IUE l--El=lF":. FEF-'f r-rf: =-rreF-:-r r.1Efi 5t_tF:Er.tE f.{ -r 1t:t:rlr:.t Fl'l IUt.{ Jl_tL ir l-_-r!E:4f,i.7 GL I.]ET LIJFTFJEI.JTET] THHH. I.JI]LUI,IE. :4f,r-. E GL rjFj0:,5 I,lEHtruFjEti Tiltjt{. r.rr:rlut.lE, f,=Ef,.: EL I.!I.]LUI.IE LEFT II..I THI.JII:. 4r:r. iE I t{ PF:r:rtiltrjT LEr,rEL. htJ"E F t:rL,tEp,OUa FUEL TEI,tFEF.:FtTl_tFjE. Er. 1 IH UHTEFj LE'.]EL. Er-{fr r'tE}q=LrF-:Ef.tEf-{ -r 5:53 HI,l l,lt:iH ,IUL .lr lirti':4f,i.E,':L t.lET r_:rlEF:ErjTED TFil.tH. r,rr111_1p1g, ?4f,:. r EL riRr:r5:, I'tEF:-uFiEt! TH}.{H: Lrr_tLUiiE.358f,.i til ttt111-1t'1E LEFT It{ Tttt{ti. 4E1.rE It{ FF.:r:r[rUriT LEr.rgl-. EEI.E F F{i,IEEHIJE FUEL TEI.IPEF.:HTLIFJE. T1. 1 IH T.JHTEF: LEI,IE1. 1_EIqF.; Etrl-rE -El. t:l18 rjl.,Hrll_tF; t.lET [rrpFjEt::TEti LEI{H: FTHTE. B. EI5 F TEr'1PEF.:IITLIEE [HHI.{GE, Ft_tF.: tt. t:r HUt_tFjE THF.:E:;HI:IL[1 = t:l. !El}:r EL.JHI:II IF' Ti!1 ;- :-':: ._;;;r i-r LEl=t}=:: PEF.: I I_Ifr =.T$1F-:-f f.IEtrtEUEEf'tEf-{T Ir:_t:BE Fl'l FF:I -IUtt ?rli+t5 3EIE.4 ril l'jET r-:r:rFiFtE';TEtr THtllj. lJrlLUl.lE. f,E7f,.fi tjl EEIJ5:: ilEr-t:;UFjED Tr{t{}i l,rr:rLUI'lE. ?14:.4 riL Ur:rlttt'lE LEFT It{ TH[{H.,5E,!4 IH PFJI:IT)ULT LEI.IEL. 5E"n F Fitts-p,OUa FUEL TEt'tPEFjt-.tTUFrE. r:1. 1 Il.l trtHTEtrl LEr,rEL.Et-lfi r'IE1=1=LlF-:Ef',Et-{T 5:5,] Hr,t 5HT JLtl4 f,r 1.-f!5 f,ErE.4 EL t.tET r::uFjFjEr_TEtr THI{E: r,rrtlutlE. f,E7f,.8 rjl EE:rl:;5 HEHSUEEIi Tllt{}i r.ttrLUHE. i1+r-,4 EL ttgt11-11'1E LEFT It{ Tlll.{tI:.58.']4 Il.{ PF.,utiLrr::T LE!..'EL; 58.6 F HIJEEI]EE FUEL TEI,IFEEIiTUF;E. El. 1 IH LIHTEE LEI.IEL. LEla}':: E}f -rE _8. }:rEI5 IJL/HDUFJ T.{ET L:IIPF:EETED LEI]I.i F:HTE. -ET. E:? F TEFIPEE:HTUEE IjHIIHEE. FL-18 E. !-1 Hr:rLtF;,:: THFjESHt_tLtj = r,;r. !ff[r EL./Hr:tUFl::--.: -- .': LEF1F.:: PEr+ r r-rfr =-f EF?-f t lEI='=LrF-:Er.IEf-{T lr:r:Erll Fl,l TL|E i.II]T ?r 1-_+!5 37-5-5 rjl t]ET r::r:rF.:F.:ErtTEtr TFIHF; r,rr:rlui.lE. SEtEr.d- EL riFiu5:. r,tErl!:tlFiED Ttll.{H: |.JnLUHE. Tf,?T,E GL UIJLLII,IE LEFT II.I THI.IF;. 5E.r:,8 IH FEL'ttrUrlT LEUEL, 5?. 1 F I]IJERFIEE FUEL TEI,.IFERHTUEE. r:r. 1 IH UFITEFI LEr.rEL.Et--lEr f.lEle=.tJREf.IEt-{t- E:EB tlf'l trtfti y,1gr,r :ir 1.-t,_f5 f,TE5.5 IJL I.IET I]IJF;FJEI]TED T}lH}.i UULUI,IE. 36?r:r. f, riL 6Ro5:. tlEttsLlFiED Ttlt{r.: UrlLUr,lE. 23?5.7 EL UI:ILUI,IE LEFT IH THI.II.:.58,68 IH PPnDilr:T I trlrtrt - 5i,, EtJ Ii-i F'Fir:rtrr-rlT LEr,rELl 5:,,..- = ltrL.tgp,O6t FUEL TEI,ipEFrHTt_tFtE, ']. 1 II.{ I,JHTEFJ LEI,IEL. LEI:tF:_ F:}-lTE -tll. t:l8f, GL,'Ht_tl_lF.: i..iET t::t:tFtF:ELTEii LEt.ti:. h.t-l-fE u.I:1f, F TEr'IPEFTHTUFjE L:HHI.IIjE. FrJE E,[r Hr:tt_tFj:, THFiE:,Hr:rL[, = [-1. :r]r:1 ljl,.HLit_iFl LEtr{Fi: FEF.: I I-ITi =TFIF-:-f f-iEH.=r_lE:Ef"iEr.l-f 1B:r:1r:1 Pr,l r',ul..l FtPFt ir 1t!5:5i!. r GL l'tET r-'rJFjEEf,TEtr TEt{i.: r,rrllur,lE, ?5=t. 1 GL rjFjLrsS tiEHsUFrELr TttHtr. rJrJLUI.jE" 3456,:'r GL l.rr:rlul'lE LEFT Ii-.t Ttltiti. 4?.f,8. II.I PFJUIIUIT LEUEL. 4,-l.g p Flr,rEgout FUEL TEiIFEF:HTUFjE. 8,1 1I.1 I,JHTEFI LEUEL. Et'{fi f'lEFl=l_1F:Ef.1Ef-{T 5:5.-{ ttf,t t'l'Jt{ HpFi f,r 1,-t'_i5 r-5r". P ri|- t.tET r_rlF.:F.:Er::TEii TFrtltr. r.rr3111.1g. IEIt. tl r:il EF.'r-l:;5 f'lEH5LtFjEii THtJH. r,rr:llLttlE, f,457.t:l UL l,'r-lLUf'1E LEFT Ii.l TH'IF;, 4:.f,E II.{ FE:UDUI-T LELJEL, 4:r.'_l F FtrES,OUa FUEL TEf,IFEF:HTUF.:E. E. i II..I I,JI]TEE: LEIJEL. LEFIl--:: F-:Fl-f E -Er, Erl:17 EL.'HL-|UE tlET rjtJRREt::TED LEHI:: EtlTE. EI.I:If, F TEI,IPEEHTUFJE I-:HHI.IEE. FLIF: E.E HI]UFj:. THFjE::Hr-lLti = E.'JLIE rjL..,Ht-tUFj L-EFli FEF;: I r-rfr 5Tt:-tF-:-r r.IE tri.=LtF-:Er,1E t-{-r lEr:LiEr Ft'i THL| I,1HFj i: 1tll tf,5t:l. f, EL i.lET rjrlF:F.:Et_:TEtl THHI{ l,rBLUl.lE. ?f,35"F, GL GF:rl:;_., HEll:;UFjEti THI.{H: r.rulutlE, f,hELT.4 GL I.JI-]LUI.IE LEFT iI.J THI.{I.i, f,t{.=f, I!,.{ PF;LltrU[T LEr,rEL. 4E.r-r F f,ttgp,OUa FUEL TEt'lFEFjttTUF:E, t:r, 1 Il.{ LlpTEFj LETJEL. Et-{fr r'IE;qElJE:Er.1Er-{T 5:5'-l HI'l FF--I I'lHFl .1r 19!5 .:.-f,5!:1. 3 ril t{ET t_:r:rFtFlErlTEtj THt.ltr. r.rr311_1p15. ?f,f,5.7 rj[_ EF.:r:r:,5 f,lEHsUFlEti THt.|lr: tJuLUtlE. 3688,3 Gl- tt611-11,1E LEFT Ir.l THt.tE:. 3F.5f, II..I FF.:IJIIUL:T LEUEL. 48.13 F fit]EEIiIjE FUEL TEI,IFEFjHTUFjE. E. 1 II.{ ITII]TEFI LEUEL, t-_E1=F.--: F-:Ff -l-E r:1, EEIS rsl,,'Hr_ruF: t{ET rlt:rFjFrEr:TEIr LEtlti EtlTE. E. F-1? F TEI'IPEEHTUFJE I:HFII.{6E. Fr_lFj g. r:r HrlUF.:E THEE5HnLI! = ff,f[1r] EL.'HI]UR L_Etril--:: FEF_: r r_rf] = -f HF-:-r f,IEtrt=tJF-: E f.IEf-{ -f 1r:1:Erlr Fl.l THU FEE i:, lit!5 4t:18E,. f, GL t{ET r_:[FjHEr::TEti TFr]..ttr. r.rr_r1r11,1E. 41:157,rl EL GFttr:,5 t'lEFSUFjE8 Ttt.lt:. r,rr_tLUHE, 1---j5'3.8 EL r,'r:rlut,lE LEFT It.l TFtHt:.hl,3? IH FFTUDUIjT LEI,IEL. 4E',f, F HtrSp,oua FUEL TEI'IPEFjHTUFjE. E. I I}.{ I,JHTEE LEUEL. a +E,.f, F Fttrp,OUt FUEL TE;'1FEFiHTUF:E. tl. I it'{ l.dHTEE LEt}EL. Et-ttr-' r.1Elf5LtF+Er.1Et-{T 5:59 HI'l FF;I FEB .l:l,-l?E 4rlErh. f, r:L t{ET r::r:tFjFjErlTEtr T}lHtt r.Jt:rLUiiE. 4EIi" i EL rjEr_l:,:; l,lEH:,t_tEEtj Ttlt.lti r,rr_1lr_tr,lE. 1'_{58. ! EL r.rr_rlut'lE LEFT iti TFt}..tE:. 1,1 . f,d- I l..l FF.:rJtjut_:T LE|JEL. 4h. f, F HttEp,OUa FUEL TE;1FEFIFTTUF:E, Iil. 1. II.] LIIITEF: LEUEL. t_EFf ri Fitrt-trE El, !:1ErL] rjl.rHrluFj t{ET':rlEFjErlTE[j LEFitr: FjHTE. 8.E1f, F TEI'1FEF.:HTUFjE f,HFII..IGE. Ft]Fj *. B HUUFj:: THF.:ESH0LII = Et. ?EEl EL,'HI:IUE L_EFIF':. FEF-: I r-rfi =-rlaE:-r r.1Etrt.=rJE:Er.tEr-{T 1E:Errl FI'l I'lrlF{ _THH Z! 1'-r:{I 4.11r:r. i EL l.{ET cuF;FiEr_-TEt} Trti.{Fi r,rr_tLUI,tE. 4?Ef,. t:r rr-L rjFjrl:,:: HE|I5UFIED THt.lE: UULUr'iE. 1rf,f,. El ril trr_tlur'lE LEFT it.t TFH[{.. 84.f,'] II.{ PFJI]['UI-T LEL,IEL.4T.i F HI.IEFJIIGE FUEL TEI,IFEF:HTUFJE. r:r.1 IH IIHTEF.: LEr,rg1. EF-Jfr r'1Etr{SLlf+Er.1Ef-{T =:5:{ Hl'l TUE ,rllt.l .lr 1?BE 4f,11r.7 riL HET [LrF]FiErlTEt] THt{tj: r,rfiLUHE. 4?E?.'_{ EL r3Er_r::!: HEFt:.UEEtr TFrt{Fi LJTILUHE. 17lf,. 1 EL I,II]LUI'IE LEFT II.I THHI.i, E4.f,B IH PFjLltrLtr:T LEt.rEL. 47.t. F FUEF.:FIJE FUEL TEI.IPEF.:HTUFjE. t:r. 1 I|.{ LIFTEE LEtrEL. I._EtrlF,:: F.:trl-rE ':1. EII]f, IJL...'HI:IUE I.]ET LI:IFJFJEITEI} LEHII: FJFTE. _Er, E4 F TEI'IPEFrHTLIFJE f,HHI.{EE. Fr:tE E. !:i HtlUFl:, THFjE:.Hr:iL[r = r:i, :r:rr] EL,'Ht_-tUFj LEtrll,= PEF: f r-rCi.=-rFtF-:-r r.1Efi .=uF-:Er.IEr_{ T 1E:EEi Ff.t FFjI tiEr:: ?r1?i-r4 4+f,?.r-+ GL tlET r_:r:rFjFjEr::TEtr THI{F; r.JULLlf,tE. 4+Ir1.7 GL riFi'_r5:; tlErtr5uFiEt) TgHti r,rr-llutlE. 15!5.3 EL tt611l,1E LEFT Il.{ THr.tH:, 68. 15 Itl PF.:BtrUrlT gfr..!El, 51 .8 F }IUEF;FIIJE FUEL TEI'IFEFIFITLIFJE, t:l, 1 Iti tilHTEFi LEtrEL.Et-{fr r'1EF?SLlFjEf.IEt-{-l- 5:5t Fl.l !;t]T tlEr:: f,:li.rit4 443'-1. rr ril t.lET r:uFlFiEr::TEi) Ttlt{p.t r.tr_tlUtlE. 44r-El.5 GL riF.:r:r5i. HEE5LIF..ED Tttt{l; rJLlLUttE. 15'35.5 GL trr:rlul'lE LEFT It{ TH}.1H:" 6t,,14 Ii.] PFlr:ttrU[T LEUEL. 51.7 F FlttEtOUa FLIEL TE;,1FEF.:HTUF'E. El.1 IH UF|TEFj LEr.rgl_. [_EFA}': F.:lj]TE E. rlr:rf, rjl...HrluF.: l.{ET [[F.:FjEr-:TEti tEgr;: F.:HTE. -t]I. B; F TEI,IPEFjRTLIFjE IHHT.TIjE. FL"|P tt. B Hr:rLlE:, THF.:E:;Hr_lLti = E1. ?Etl:f GL,,Hr_1UF., ======== TFltlH Z U[LEl]tjED r--:! i i i__- ;-. : :. ..:t ?:.: -- ::..:; " :::.t- r.... .11-, 5Tl-JFiT ii:5f, Fl'l tilEti Llr_'T ,:._,: 1-_+?5EH[: ;':5t] Fl'l THU r_rr_:T Inr 1,_r?I t-._tr:rE:=--f t:l+="E :'i': t, :, ,'::. i.:.:::1. i.ta 5i,45.1 ijl t.lET r:.r:rFjF.:ElTEti THf..tH. L.rx1gpg, =t'4l:i" 7 riit- GE:'15:l l'lErl:;t_tFiEIj T*Hl,:. L,rr:rlUl,iE, f,87.f, r:it- I.i,.:rl l-ll,lE LEFT ii.l ft:li..tH." *5"?'-t ltj FF:r:r[]i_ti::T LEl..rEt_" E.']"! f: I]LJEF.:I]IJE FUEL TEI.iFEFTfiTUFJE, H"rl Il-.1 ITHTER LEL,TEL. :, ,.:.t ,, ::::- -:: i_.,-.: .i. ,: :;TfiF]T ::;;7 ''" TUE .IUL lE:1--+,.1I El.l[i i].:r:r1 Hl,l THU Jt_tL :r:1, 1,-tt5t_L!LrF-:=-f r::Ff =-E: : i: : i 7EE, 1 ril tiET L-:rlF:FiErlTEtr Tllt{l:. r.r611_1p5, 771, 1 rjil EFjrJ:::, l'1EF:.uFtEtj Tttt.lti: r,rului,lE, 5:44"'_l rrl UrlLUt_,iE LEFT Il..t THt.fl.:. 1i.E4 It.{ FFlr:rtiur::T LEr.rEL, i'5.7 F littES,OUa FUEL TE1.IFEFiHTUF:E. E.r:r Il..l trlHTEtrt LEr.rEL. 5T}]F.'T 4:::r Pll TUE FEE i:,1..1!I Et.lti i1:F_rf, HH THU FEE '-i! 1'-t--{5 l_.Jr_-rF.:=l- r=F:t=-E.":-_ . -,, , ::-. ._-.: -: .: | . E3h. Ll EL i.{ET r::uF;FjEr-TEtj THi.{}i ur:rLUHE. Ef,t:l. 1 rtrL GF:IJ5!: tlEgSUFiED THt]li r,r0LUt'lE. 5185. --{ GL t"rr:rLUI'lE LEFT IH TH}..|H:, 18,7'-l Itl FRuttUr-T LEUEL,48.: F FtL.tgp,O,=a FUEL TE;IFEF:HTUFjE, B.B It'{ LIHTEF: LEtrEL. fiEI._ I UEF:L,J 5 T Fl F: -f t'1 E l:l =- r_t F_: E f.1E t-{ -f lEr:4h Ht't THU I,1RFi r! 1,-j!{, f,+1E. i rjl_ tjET r_:r_rF:E:EuTEtr THI.{H: r.JrlLUHE, f,f,*4, E, uL EFIL|SS r'tErl:;uFjEtj Trtt{ti r,rr:rluiiE "I6f,1,4 tli- ttt;tll-lf'lE LEFT iH Ttll.,li:. 5r-"rf, It.t PE:r:IFUL-:T LEr,rE1. 45" 5 F HUEFTI]']E FUEL TET,IPEFJHTLIFJE. -r3.[1 Ir.{ tjHTEFj LEr,rg1. Er.lfi T.IEF=UFJEr.IEr.{-r 11:r.34 Hr't THU tl*Fr 7:,l,j!E, 5E1f,5,8 Gl_ t.{ET r_:L'1F;FjEr:TErj THt{tr. r.rr11r11,19. 4tB1.E Et_ 6FjrJ:,:, r'1EH:;UF:Etr THHtr. r.Jr:rLUHE. 18f,4,2 tlL- tt61gl,1E LEFT Ir-l Tr1t.1..j. 74.8? iI,.] FFJIJT]UI:T LEI.JEL. 44, 1 F I1IJEFJHIJE FUEL TEI.IFEFJFITUFJE. B.r:1 Il.{ UtlTEF,, LEl,rEL, ]E.1_ f .LEF-:'-,r t-_-rr:rt_t_tf,IE 1E1f.f rjl l..lET THt.tH: r.rULUI,IE DELp..rg,p;ir. 15t7. ? ril GFir_r5! HEttSuFiEtr trELItrEFi,r,.41,: F E:;TII'IHTEIj TjELIL.IEFI? TET.IPEFjHTUE:E fiEL- I UEF-:tr' 5-Ftrt Fi -I- f'lEFt *= LtF-:Ef.tEf-{ -f l1 : grr3 Hl'l THU FEE 1r 1'-1--+r, f,E,47. 11 EL t.tET r:r:rFiF.:Et::TEtr Ttlt{lj. i,rr:rLUHE. f,h15,8 EL. EFjrl55 I'tE[SUFjEti Tf;titL. l.rr_tluf,lE, 24t:r1"8 uL t.t611-lf,1E LEFT It.t THt{F.. 55. ri4 Ihl FFir_ltrur::T LEr,rEL, 4t,.f F HttEp,OUa FUEL TEIIFEF:HTUF;E. r:1,t:r Il..t 1JF1TEFT LEUEL.t=r-JE) f.1F+:f -=t rr='Fr,iFIJ-r Et-{f: =Flsl_lF:Ef.1Ef-j-f 11: 15 Hl'l THU FEE L lililE 4if, r:1 . .:.- ril t.lET t::l,lF;FrEt::TED TFlt.lti: l,rlllut lE . 48,*1. [r i:L GFjr:r55 r'lEH:;l_lFlEti Tr]]i]i: truLUr,lE, 1f,f,5,[j GI- l.'r:rlufiE i-EFT Il'.1 THi'.lil, i,t.7f, Il.l PE:[rt:,1-lr::T LEUEL. 44.i, F *I.JEFJFEE FUEL TEI.IPEFJHTLIFJE. t:I.fi It..l l,.lfiTEF.: LE{.|EL. flEL_ I UEF-:tr l---rr-tl_t_tr.lE 1r38--,4 ril r.lET Ttlt{}i l,ruLLrHE t)ELIr.rEFjri. 1EE,E,. t:1 GL GFlr:r55 l,1Et15l-lF:EIi trELJL..rEFl\1, .:7,4 F E:.TII'1I]TE[} IIELII,IEFII/ TEI'IPEFJFITI.IFJE I}EL_ I LJEET,.' =.TFFi-f f.lEFgLtFtEr.IEt-{-r 1B:4._i tll,l l,lrlH trErl: 1E:1!,_j5 3'.:,**. r r:L l..lET r::r_tRF:EL:TEtj THHtj; l,rr:rlt_tl,1E. f,?54,f, rjl EFt'-rs:; f'1EH:;UFtEti Tilt.lti: I,rrlLUtlE.':fE1.i EL trrrlut']E LEFT il..l TFtl.jH.. 51, r:f'_l il..l PFjr_ltlLrLrT LEt,rEL" 54,+ F FII.JEFJFIEE FUEL TEI.]PEFJFITLIF:E" rli. rl Il.{ ljjHTEFt LEI.JEL. Ef-{fi f.lE!=l=- !_!FiE f'IEi- i -!- L1:13 tll'l lltJH FEL 18r 1,_r,-ri =4r,E1.5 ril l..lET L:rJFiF:EriTEt] Tpt]li r.rrtluf,lE. 54Ih, r:1 rJl rjFjr_]5:, t'1EH:.UFjEti Tllt{tr: r,rr:rLUI,lE, EE1B.U IJL I.JI:ILUI.IE LEFT IH TH}..III.. 81 . 81 I I.{ PFJI:IT]UIT LEI,IEL. 48. tr F FlttEp,OUt FUEL TE;'1PEF:HTLIF:E. r:1. r:1 It..l t,.lfiTEFj LEtrgl. frEL_ I l---lEFj'-,-' l-_-lr_-iL_Llf.I E ?1?f,,rJ ril HET Tfit.ll,: r_rulur,lE [iELIr.jEFi,iI. ? 1E 1 . 7 ril GF]-r:,:, l'1EfilltF:E[i gEL I I.JEF:I,I. 3E,'l F E_;TIl,lHTEtr [:,f11r.1E5;',., TEtiFEFit.tTt_tFiE fiEL r l---lEF-"-,r =' -rtrtF=. l- r't El=r= t__t F-: E i.'!E i-{ -r i,: 41 Fll tLtEti r-Jt::T :I: i -_-r,-l5 4!:r1-7 uL ilET r::r:rFlFtEL:TEI] TFttlli r..rr:rlLtr.ltr. 4--+f, f, . rir GL r.jFjr:r:;5 l,1Efi :,i_tFrE[] THr..ilr: r.r'JLUi,1E . 1l:18f,.l:1 ril t.rr:rllll,1E LEFT Il..l THt{}r., 73.f,r, It{ PELltrt_t[T LEtrEL, bl.f, F HttEtOUt FUEL TE|'lFEFitlTLlFjE. t:i. t:r If.{ I,JtiTEFt LEl.JEt_. Et*lfr f'1EFr=. IJF-:E f.IEf-{-f 7: r:15 Fr.l t,lE[r t_tLT :75r 1,_l!5 :f-. :_:i-__;F_fi-i-- --ri."_i :-ij-. 5E4f,. f, 6L HET r-uFjFjEr-:TEti Tt]f.]ti. r,,r:rLUHE, 5E+7,4 rjl rjF:0:,5 r,lEH5uFjErj THt.tH: UTJLUi'1E, 3F-,8. i, rit- r.r611i1,1t LEFT Il..t Tut{t:. EE,:p Jf.t FFjr:rt1t_ll-:T LEr.rEL, E1" 1 F I:II.I5P;P6' FUEL TET,IFEF:HTUF]E. E.El Itj trr[]TEF: LEr,rEL. }EI._ I UEF-:L,J LJ'-IL-I_IT.1E ;14,{, EL I.lET Tf,I.II': UULUI,'IE t'ELIUEF][/. 714. 4 rll EF.:r:r55 f,lEF:-:UF.:Eti FELIr.,rEFl'r'. 5.].E F E!TII,IIITETI [:,ELJI,IEF.:{,' TEI,IFEF]qTUFJE triEL- f r---rEF:'-'r =-rF{Fi-r r.1EFt=.I_tF:Er.1Etr-{-r E:rli FI,1 FF.:J r-tr::T 1f,r 1,_tt5 f,477, f EL l..lET t-:tlEEEr-:TEtr THHH. r,rr-tluf,tE. 34?'-1.4 GL riF:r155 l'lEH:;l_lPE[1 THtit:: Ur:rLUf'tE, ?5f,6.6 GL r,rrllut'tE LEFT IH TFlt{lr;. i I I f,4f7,7 l:il t'lEf l-Ui'.:F;ELIEL) fHHti. i-..rut-U['lt. f,471, 4 rjl rjFlu:;-r, f,1EF:,UFiEfftHtr: L.rl]LUf'lE. ':If,b.6 LIL r.rrjlr-lt'1E LEFT It.t rFrt.ltr.. 53.'3? It'.1 PFjrltjul-1 1-EttEL. EI].T F fiL.IEFJI]GE FIJEL TET'IFEFJHTUFJE. tl,E IH l,.lRTfF: LfL.jEL" Et--lf! r'18l=5l_lF.:Ef iEi-{*f t:t:., Ftt'1 FF:I uuT i.l: i'ii5 54::,F, GL HET tlLrFiF:EL:TELi Tl-1i'.li' i..r;1i1;49, 5+':8.4 fiL riFiu!:' t'iEH--UF:E[r Tfit'i]i tir:]LiliiE" 5?5.h GL trr-llui'lE LEFT Iii THt'iH.. 81, r:r,5 Itl FF:r-JtrUr-T LEtrEL, 5,.1.4 F I]IJEFJHEE FUEL TEI'IFEFJHTUFJE. EI.El II..I tilHTEFJ LEL,IEL. flEl_ I r-_-lEFj'-,r l---lt-lLLtf.lE 1!44.? EL t'{ET THHH: ur:rlul'lE tlEL.Il.rEF.:ii. I ?4rJ , ! GL EPrltn':r r,lER5UFjE[r [iEL J l.rEFj,r' , 57. t:l F E:;TIl'lllTElr ITELIUEFIT'I TEI'IFEFjFITUFIE f}EL_ I 'JEF.:.-J5-rFF-:-r r.1E F!=.UFiE r.lEr-{ -r 6:4r Hii FF:I r-rrlT if,, 1?'_15 148E. 4 ril t.lET r-:uFiF:Er-:TEti TFli'iii: tJr-lLUi'lE. 147r:1. t tll riFirJ!,:. r,1ER:;UFiEri Tl:tl.il:: i,rrllLlt'1E. 4545,1 1;1 r.rrtrlUt',lE LEFT Ii..t T|]HH.. TE. 1T. I}.{ PFJUTTULT LTI,Ig1, i,4.5 F HI.JEF;}trIJE FUEL TEI{PEF:HTUEE. 8i,8 II..I IilHTEFT LEIJEL, EF-{f} r.IEtri5UF-:Er'tEr-{T I_r:Ei tll'l FFiI ut::T 1f,r 1!i5 f,4rr, E ril l{ET r-:r:rFiFlErTED Ttll'{ti: r.,rrllur'lE. f,4i!, 4 {jL rjFju:;5 l,lE}]:,UFrEti Tr.rt]F. lJrJLUl'lE. ?538.F, I:L L,II]LUI'IE LEFT II.i THI.II':. 53. :{? i r..l PELrtitJr-:T LEt rEL. El:r. i-{ F tlUEF.:Flr:E FUEL TEI'iF'EFjHTUFIE, L1,t:l Jl.l LIFTEFI LEtrEL. fiEL I l---l=Fj'-.r ijt:tL_l_if.lE :r:11 1 . i El_ t.lET TFtl.ili: r.Jl]LUl'1E trEL I i,rEFi',i. :rlr:iE. 5 rj'- rjF.:r_l:,:: f,1Ei1:;UF:EIi t:EL I I,tEFlt/. 5r:r. r:1 F E::TIl'lHTELl FELItTEF.:''it TEI'IFEFiRTUE:[ f-1El- I UEF+"-J 5-I-FiF-:T r.rEFl5lJ FiEr'1Er-{-i- lEr:55 Hl'1 THU -IUL :trt 1t!5 7F,8.7 iil t{ET r-:UFlEEr:TE$ TllHi: trrllut'lE. fi1.h tjL tiF;rlr:::-; t'lEf,5uFjEtr Tfil']li: |.JULUHE, 5:44,4 ril trr:rLUI.lE LEFT Il.{ THt.lH." 1T.85 II.] FFJI:IDUL-:T LEIJEL. E5.E. F HL,IEF'OU' FUEL TEI,IFEF:HTUF:E. r:r. r:1 I t.l lrlHTEFi LEt tgl , Ei-{fi r'1Etri=LIF-:Er.1Er-{-r 11:::4 Hi,l THU .-ILIL :8! i!t5 5?55,5 ril t'.lET r-r.lF:HEr-:TEt: THHri: l,rULUl,1E. 5':?r.F,lL riF.:r:r::5 r'1EH5UF:E[r TF{t'.llr. tJLrLUt'lE, 718,3 ril trrll-ullE LEFT It.l TFrt.lF.. 7?,Eil Itl FFjr-ltIUt:T LEUEL. il.h F FII,IgP,O,=' FUEL TEI,1FEFJffTUFJE. B.r:1 It.l trtHTEFj LEl.rEL. frE[_ I l__-lEE:tr Ut_]L_l*lf.IE 44EE.E I:L I.IET THHIJ. UI:ILUT,IE ITELIL.JEFJI/. 45:F., Er ril- GEr:r:::: llErl5UF:EIj tiEL I r..rf p;t t . 7?.T F EITII.IFTED T]ELIIJEF:Y TEI'IPEF:}ITUF]E 4'll{b,E rjl t..lET TFtttF, uu|-l-ltlL LitLlL,tEr:r'.,A+5:F,.rl EL riF- ] r'trRgurlr[j DELIITEF:I| ' i.:.7 F E5I II.IHTED TIELII.JEFJY TET''IPEF;RTUFJE tr.ET_ I UEE:L.J.=-Fl:rF:-r r.1E$:r =l_lF:F r'iE r-{-r .;,::.r! Pl'l t'1r:lf.{ HFFj 1F-1:' i'--J'j5 ff,f,+.f, rjl t.lET Lr:rFiFiELTELl THI'il'.: uui-ut'lE' ?f,:B, r rjl rjF:u:;5 r'lErl:;UFiEti TllHii. l,ir:rlui'if " -1E:{T,f, EL UI-ILUI'IE LEFT iI.J THHH.. f,?.f,+ Ir'.1 PF:utrutll lEttEL' 51,4 F fiI,iEF.:F6E FUEL TEI,IFEF:HTUFJE' B,tll It'{ t'.lHTEFl 1Et'tEL. Et-{f} r'1EF5l--lF:Er'tEr-{T f,:EE Fl'l r'lUH FPFI lEt:it!5 5555.5 rjl t'{ET r-rlFjFiEL.TEti TRIJF: i.ruLut'lE' 55'::.f, rll- r:Flu55 I'IEHIUFiED THtiF: rii|Lul'lE' 4?3.r ril l.rtrlur'lE LEFT It.l TH|'|F:. E':.8? Itl FFlutrurll iEL.rEL. 51.: F FIL,IEPOU' FUEL TEI'IFEFIHTI-IFJE" B.t:i It'{ tilHTEE LEIJEL. fiE[- I uEf;:'-'r tJt:tl-l-lf'1E f,I':1. 1 GL HET TFrtlF: Lrr:rLU66 ilplii,rEFl'i. 3.:B1.E EL GF:TI:.!: f'IEHSUFJEF t}ELII.IEF:'T" 51.8 F E':,TIl'1ffTED DELIITEF':L| TEi'IPEFiHTUFiE flEL- I uEFit.J 5-rlaF:-r r'1EH=-UF:E r'iEr-{-r 1El:57 Fll'1 THU FEE '-1: lr-{'-15 :+.: i- l*i:-...i i::':;'::*: f i a,-: - -- - ,9f,7. 4 EL t'{ET r::r-lF:FjErjTEtt Tp111p. L.ttlLUf'lE. 8381,i ril EF:L-I:;!: r'1El-.l5UE:Etr THI{ti. utlLUl'1E. 5185.f, EL l.rrllul'lE LEFT It'{ THt'Jti.. 1ri.;,3 11.1 pfir-rtiUtlT LETJEL' 48.? F I]L]EFIHISE FUEL TET'1FEF:HTUFJE. B, Ll It..l LIFITEFI LEtrEL, Et-{fr r.1EFl=lJF-:Er'IEt--lT 1 1 : f, I Hl'l THU FEE '-1t l',-l'-r:' 4?Erl,': EL t.lET';:r--iE:FlEt::TEti TFll'{tr i.tgi11'19. +'-11f,, 5 rll rlF;r-r5:' I'lEFlSUFlEtr THlil'i trr:rlul'lE. 1113?.5 rjl- l.rr-rLUI'lE LEFT It'.1 Tl-lHl;. ?f,.F-r7 It{ PFi[t]U[T LE|.]EL. 4E.E F HI]EFJFIJE FUEL TEI'IFEFJHTUF;E' Et.ti It.l lrlf,TEF; LEtIEL' flEL- I t---lEF-:'-" ul:tl-lJf'lE 41?i.E EL t{ET T1l}'l[' tlril'-lr'lE tjELJl.JEF.'r", 4':18':. 7 EL EFJB5:; I'1EFI:--UFIEF L]EL I L,IEFII/' 45.i, F E5TII.IHTEI] t}EL-II']EFIL,] TEI'IFEFJHTI-IFJE -t' E it i: ;--' I - i:::: l-i i':- "l- ::*:i::" -. L-El:iF=:: PEF-'tr r-tf: 5-f $aF:T r'1E$q5lJE:Er'1Er-{-r FI:ItilER UF E.E1 F FIT.JEFIBIJE FUEL TEI'1F'EF:HTI-IFIE' Et-{trr f.IE}:1=lJF-:Ef'lEt-l-f PtII.]EF,' UF El.':I F I1I,'EF:FII:E FUEL TEI'IPEFJHTUF:E. T-EH}.:: FJtrl-TE r-1.88 F TEI'IPEFJIITUFJE I::HFII.ITJE. FI:IF: HI:IUF:5 THF:E:;HI:ILIi = ..,HOUF: L-EFl}=:: FEF: I II T 5-r$:lF:-r r'1Etrl5uF+Er'1Er-{-I- 1B:BE Pl'l FEI FEB 2rl?i+ba .- -- t*. -- E E[_ I LJE[i]Lr' LEl=rlt r'*; I r:rr =-f llFi: -f f'l EFl =. l*, e-:Ef.IE tr-{T ltir:913 F'tl FFiI FEE t l,-tt{, +t'1f,.r ijl t'lET r-UFjFjELTEti Tt:tl..lp: t.rulLll'18. 45r,h,': r:L GF.:r:r5:; I"!EE:,LlFjEti THt.lii. r.tr_rt_t_r'lE. 144!"9 61 l.lrillll'lE LEFT It.l THt.lti. i,E" i4 It.l FFjr.:rFUr-:T LELJEL, +4,'_i rr Er.rgp.o-a Ft_lEL TEr,lpEFjHTt_lFjE. !:1.--i Il.{ tlHTEFj L-El..lEL. Er-{f} r'18}a=r_lE:Er.1Er-{-i- ?:5,_1 Pr'1 _;gT f,tfiFj 2: 1irlE IE 1 1 " 5 rjl l.{ET r::r:!FjF:Er::TE[i TFti.]]i. t.rrll Ui,if . f,5i5. 5 r:L tiFir:r:;5 llEt:i5l-tFiEIr THi.it:. r.Jrilt_tt1E. :448,5 r:L l.rr:rlut'lE LEFr IH Till.i|':. 55, 14 IH FFiLltrUr::T LEl.rEL. +5.: F HI,'EFjHEE FUEL TEi'IFEFIIITUFIE, E.E II.{ I.dHTEF] LEUEL. l_EFlFr. E:l=-f E -1,f,5f, riL,'Hr:rUF.: l.{ET r::0FtF.:Er:;TEti LEfiH: FjHTE, l:r.34 F TEI.IPEEHTUF:E |::HHHGE, Ft_tFj E:rb. r:1 Hl:rUFj5 THF.:E::Ht:!Lir = ..Hi:tL!F.:, : :: : . L_EtrIF:: FEF: I fI[r =-I-]:lF:T f.lEr=l=-LrF-:Er.IEr-{-r 1E:EEr Fr,1 TUE JFttj Ir l?-_ri 484?.f, EL t{ET [r_]FjFjEr_:TEti Txt{H. r.161r_11,19. 4BEr.3.E EL 6Pr-1:;:: l'1EH:;UF,'Etr TrlHli tir:rLUHE, l?l:rE.: EL Ur-lLUl'1E LEFT lt'l THI'{|':. 71.5r It{ PFi[tiUr-T LEr.rEL. 48.5 F HUEEI]EE FUEL TEI.IPEFJFITUF:E. -EI.EI 114 IilHTEFI LEIJEL, El--lE] r.lErA=-LtF-:Er.1Et-{ -r 5:5:r El'l uEtr .rHl.J .l:1']i+{, 484r,5 GL l.lET r::rlFjFjE'::TEti TrlHti: UULUi'1E" 4EEr:r, E EL EFit-l:.:. I.IEFIUFiEIr Tt]]..l]j; I,Jr:rLUt1E. 1:tlli',4 til tJr-lLUI'lE LEFT Itl Tfit{li:, il.=E It{ FFirltrurT LEl,rEL. 48. + F IIUEFjIIIjE FI-IEL TEI'IFEFjHTUFjE. E1. El Jt{ tlHTEFj LEUEL. t-EFl[i F-:r=r-I-E -r:r, F_11 1 tjL.rHt_rUH l.{ET t_r_rFjFjEr::TEIi LEtll,;: FitlTE. -Er,I]14 F TEI'IPEEHTLIF.:E I::HFII.]EE. Ft_lF.r B, r:1 HrlUF.t:. THFjEsHL'rLtj = El. :r:il3 rjlrHr_tuFj [_EraF{: FEE: r r:rfi = T}]F.:T T.lEH*=IJF.:E r.IET.{ -r Lt:r:r::lr:t Ff'l :;tlT tlEl:: ir 1!.-t.I IE:1" 4- rjl t{ET r_r:tF.:FjErlTE[i THH]':: trr:rluliE. -18IF_r. ar rr'L r:Fjr.l5:; i.lEHIUEEti TFt{ti. TJULUI'IE, j-ir:15.I GL ttr11gl,lE LEFT Il.{ THt{lr.. 58. 14 1i.l FF.:r_lirl-lr_:T LET.JEL" 5b,L:i F HI,IEFjfft]E FUEL TEI.IFEEI]TLIFjE. E,.r:.1 It.l l.ltHTEF.: LEr,rg1,Er-{tr] tlEFl:.r_tF-:E r,lEr-{-r 5:5'-; ffl :lr_iH tiEL f , li+!I f,E:1,'i- rjl t{ET r::LrFjFjELTEtr THt.l},: L,rr:rLUI.lE. .]E1El. E GL EFJ':I:,:; I,IEI]::UFJET: TI]I..IH: I,IULUI.IE, ?:rl15.i tlL r,rl-rllll"lE l_EFT It.t Tttt.tt:.. 58. 14 It{ PFlr:rtiur_T l ELJEL. 5E"I]I F HI.IEP,OU. FUEI- TEI'.IPEF.:PTUFjE. t:l. El I l.l lrlHTEFj LEt tgl, t_Etrll.:: Et:-t-rE uflrt Fal=rTE r-i.BSE riL./HnUFj ttET r:r:rHFjEr:TEtr LEHH: FjFtTE, _r:r. BI F TEtlpEFtr{TUFjE r::HHHrjE. FUF: E. E HIJLIFJS THFjEsHuLtj = rir. :ErEl 6L...HUUFj I.*Etr{F:. FEF.: I ':If}5-f raF-:-f r'lE}a gUFeEf'IEr'{-r 1r:1: Er!:l Fl'1 THU H|JU 2r 1?t5 4!:6.8 uL t'.lET r::r:rFiFiErjTEt) TFrt{[. ttr111-1p9. 4?Ti,4 IJL GFIL155 I,]EH5UF;E[] THI..IH: I.IIJLUI'IE. 1!:1EE,E ril trrllul,lE LEFT It.l THI']Fi. rf,.:r_r IH PFrr_ttlU[T LETJEL. EtJ.i F FtttgtOUt FUEL TEI'1PEF;I'.TUFjE. l:1. r:r Il..l lrlHTEFl LEUEL. Et-{tr} r.lEH5LtFiEr.lEr-{-r 5:59 Htl FFjI t{r:ru f,r tttS +?tE.E GL l'lET r-trFlFiEr-TEtt THI'.|F. trLlLLll'1E, 4??P.Er rjl r3E|:l55 ],|EH5UFjEt] THt.lF; l,rr:rLUHE. 1r1i{?.El EL trOLUl'lE LEFT It{ THH}':, 7i.?? II.{ PEI]T}Uf,T LEUEL. E,E. 1 F I:II.IEFJHEE FUEL TEI'IPEFJHTUFJE. rl.Er Il..l IIHTEE LEtrEL. [-Eta[=:: F-:]:l-l-E -8.E111 6L.'HI:IUFJ I.IET L:I]EFIECTET) LEIIH. FJHTE. -u1.85 F TEI,IFEEHTUFJE f,HH}.IEE. F0E E.Er Hr:rUFj5 THPE5HT.;1L[] = Ei.tEr3 EL..HIIUP ','....: I_EEFi T}Et T fIE} =. T trrF:-I- f.IE l=SLlf;: Ef'IE t-{ -f 1r:r:rlE PI,l tll:tt.l rlllT ?r liri+5 1ir3i.E rjl t.tET f,LlFjFiErtTEt) TllHh:: tJrJLUl,lE. 1r:rE.: riL 'iF:1155 I,IEHsUHED rHt'lF: trr:rLul'iE. 4{-1,].Ll EL t"rrllut'lE LEFT Il.{ TFtt{l':. f,r-.54 ll..l FErlirU'lT LEI.,EL. 6i.5 F HI,IEFJHGE FUEL TEI.IFEFJIITLIF]E. I]I.B II.I LIHTEFI LEI,IEL. Er-{ tr} r.lEtq= t_tF-:Er.1Er-r-r r:85 Er.t FF:I DrtT 1f,r1!.-15 f,4E11.7 rjl t{ET t::rlF:F.:Er:TEti THHI:. tt61_1_11,19. 34t:14.h El= 'iFi'-155 I'IEHSUF.:EB THHF; L,trLUl'lE. ?S11.4 EL UT'LUI,IE LEFT II.{ TEHFi. SI.:.,E II.{ FF:I]BU!:T LEIJEL. F,1,: F HI"IEEHEE FUEL TEI,IFEEFTUFJE. r:r.r:r Il.{ tJltrTEFj LEl.,rEL. L_EFf t":: F-:1:1_f E_1.f,78 GL..,HI:IUE I.]ET I]'JF:FJEI-TET' LEFII{: FJHTE. -F,.T--T F TEI,IFEEFITUEE I-:HfiHI:E, Ft_rFj ?4t. 1 Hr_rUR:i THRESHELII = THI-JUE L-Elf [.:: F EFi I r-rtrr.=THF-:l- l.1El=l =-UF-:El-1Er-{-r1rl:[,:tr:r Pll ::FlT 5EP :! 1t'-f5 ?5:1,f, GL t'lET [trF.:EEf,TEti THt'lt: tJ[LUl'lE. l'-r4:,8 ril GFir:rs:, r,lEFl::UFtEti Trll.{F:. lJrJLUI,lE. 5Er?f,. 1 r3L r.r611HE LEFT It{ r*t{t1. 4r. 1E IH FF.:L-lElUrlT LEr,rEL. fr:1,7 F gl,rEFltlGE FUEL TEi.IPEF.:I1TUFjE, r]r, r]r Itl tltlTEFi LEtlEL.Er-{tr} r-1Et==.uEEr.lE}-{-l- 5:5:{ Hl.l :;U}.t sEP 3r tgBS -j. . i -' i. -, i .-.. -.. '.-.. :'....!::--. ii--t t r-.r :i ._ _-i ' ,, i,: i,,J Hf,t !;Uti 5E^ f,r 1 3'_r5. ,] I-_+21, 7 GL l..lET r::t:tFlFiEt_:TEIj THl.ill r..rltlt_ttlE. :?4:, t:r rjL rjFlr:r5:: l,lEll:,t_tFtE[j THti],: r.rl-iLl_lr,jE. luif,. i El_ t,t1r11_1t,iE LEFT It..t THi..lt,:"4i. 1E Ill PFjr:rDLlr::T LEI..JEL. iU" i F I:II.IEP:;165 FUEL TEr,IF'EF]FITI-|FJE" [i"I Ii..l i]HTEFj LE!..JEL. i._EF:lFi F-:H-E-E -r-r " rl1 4 r:Li.'H[rt_tF] i.{ET LLrFtFjEr::TEtj LEtlti. FjHTE,_8. L]: I: TET,iFEF:HTL|FIE L-:HHIIIjE. FI]F: E. U HLIUE:5 THF:EIHULI = E.Irrr] rll,.Hr-rl-tF: LEt=-rF=:: FEF: r r:rfi =-T'Ff E:-r r.1Etrl=-uF_:E r.1Er-J-r 1B:r:rE pl,l tilEF Ht_trj Ir 1lit5 a1tl:L FI'l FF;I -rUH !,1it55 f,1l?LE GL l-]ET r::t:rFjFlErjTEir TH}.{H. r,ir111_11,1E, Jrl'..,1,? rjl EFjuss HEtl::LtHEtr TtlHl{ rJuLUltE. I!--r4, I rjl l,rrJLUt'lE LEFT It.l TFtt.lH:.4fl.1; It.l FF.:r:rtlUr:T LEr,rEL. 57"r- F R'.IEF:IIGE FLIEL TEI.IFEFjHTUFjE. rl1. r:r If.l l,lfiTEF: LEr.rg1,Et-{fi r'1Ep1=UF-:Er.1Er-{-r 5:5? tlll 5HT JUH .lr 1i+?5 .lrjr?f .5 EL t..tET t:rJFjFtEr:TEti THtitj; r,ir:rlUtlE. f,r:r'f l.E rjl EEUS:: HEuSUFjEtr THI{E urrLUFlE. I'_l:{4.{- ril trrJLUr,lE LEFT It..i THt..tH:. +8. li Il.{ PFjrJtrU[T LEl.rEL.57.: F HI,IEFjF{EE FUEL TEI.IFEFjHTI-IFjE. E.EI II.i IilIITEFj LEI,IEL. t_Er:lli F-:trl-rE -r:r. rlEr5 ril..'HtlilF, HET IUFjFTELTEIj LEtlH. FrI]TE. E1. EI: F TET'IFEF;HTUEE I-:HF.II.{EE. Fl:tF.: *. r:t Ht:tLtE:i THF.:E5HI-]LI} = I:1. ?I]E EL.,'HI.]UFJ l--Etrll.:: FEF-: f r-rE 5-rt+F-: -r r'1Elf1=LtF-:Er.1Er-{l- iU:Erl Ff,l TUE I'tH,r, r-r 1t--rI +f,Ei.? EL HET r::r:rEEE'::TED THHIi: rJr_lLUr,lE. 43r,5, 1 GL tjF:r_t!::; llER:,uFjEtj Ttll.{},: trrJLU},lE. 165r:r.:{ EL trBLLttlE LEFT I}..t TFit{hi. F-5.48 II.{ PFJLItlUf,T LELJEL. 51. E F llttEtOUa FUEL TEI,IPEF.:HTUF;E. -}:1.EI I}.{ IilIITEE LEUEL. Et-'lf) r'1El:i=LtF-:EFIEt-{T 5!5'3 Hll trtfti 1,1pr,r f,r 1,-i'35 4397.? rjl l.tET [r_rF:FjEr_'TED THt{Fi r.Jr]LUtlE. 43h5.i r3L riF.:u5:; t'lEESUFjEtr TFtHl.;: rJr:rLUt1E. 1E5B.E r3L trr:rluf.lE LEFT It.l THtlll. E5.4Er Ii..l FFj'_ltrltr-T LEUEL, 5:.E F I]I,IEF:I]IJE FUEL TEI,IFEFJHTUF;E. -Er,L] Iti tilFTEFi LEtt61. LEFl}{. F=.}f TE EI. EII1E IJL,'HI-]UF: I.{ET ']IJFIFJEI]TETJ LEIIH: F:FITE. t:r. t:14 F TEI'IPEE:11TUFjE 'lHtlt{EE.FI:IF; E. EI HOUFI5 THFIESH'ILI) = B.ZEIE EL,'HI:IUE L-E}:IF:: FEF.: I I-IET 5-rtrlF-:-r r.1Et=t=LtEEf.tEf-{T 1t:1:Ertl Ft'l :'Llt't HPFi !r 1!i+5 :P7?.7 EL l.lET r:'tFjFjEL:TEti TltHli. r,ruLLtHE. :fEE.'-l ril r:iFtu:is' f.lEF:;UFjEtr TF{Hti l,rtrLuf'tE. 325?. 1 6L lJr:rLUr,lE LEFT IF{ THHI;:, 44. r_{E Il.l PFirltrur::T LEr,tEL. 5E1. 1 F HI"IERIIEE FUEL TEI'IFEHIITUFJE, [:1.8 It{ tilt:tTEFj LEl,rEL,Et--lfr f'lEFI=.LlF-:Ef'IEt-{-f 5:15 f,f'l f'lr-lt'] HFE .lr 1---rt5:f7i.f GL t'lET r::r:rF.:F.:EL:TEtt THt.ttr. trr:rLLtHE. :75?,8 EL EFjr:r:;5 I'tEH5LlFjEtr THruli. tJrJLUI,lE. f,?57.rrr EL trDLUllE LEFT lf.l T,ltlt::. 44,88 Ii.l PF;t-ltiUr:T LEUEL. 5-1. 1 F I]UEF:III:E FUEL TEI,IFEF.'HTI-IFjE. Er.Er Ii.{ tqrHTEFj LEr,rEL, t_Et=lr.:: F-:t=i-I-E _I:1, EL]2 ELrI-161P, }.{ET f,IRFJEf,TEI) LEI]P;: EHTE, B. 83 F TEI.IPEEHTUEE CHHHGE. 45t:15. t] 6L t.lET r_:r:rF.:F;E[TEti THt]ti: r.rr_tLUHE. 45f,5..l t3L rjF;r_r:,:i f,lEFSUFtEti THl.il:. trt:rLUHE. 14EEt,? EL trr:rLUt'1E LEFT It.t THSF.. h7.71 It{ PFlrltiUr-T LEUEL. F,'.1.8 F I]UEF;fiIjE FUEL TET{FEFjHTUF]E. E1.r:1 IF.l tilHTEFi LEtrEL. E[-{fr f.lErt =-LtF-:Er.IEr-{ -f 5:5,-; Fl1 THLI rlurl f,r 1!-_+5 45E5.ti ut- tlEr r-:t:rFjEEf,TEn THHli. l.ruLUnE. 45f,5.': GL ':Er-ts!: I,IEESUEED THHE: trr]LUf'lE. 14*E1.[{ EL t"rr:rlu}.tE LEFT IH Trtt{Fl. Ei. i1 II.] PPI:IFUT.:T LEUEL. h:.J.I F EUEF:F.IGE FUEL TEI.IFEFJSTUFiE, r:r.Er It{ TJHTEE LEUEL. LEI:ir=:: F=.t=tTE r:r. r:rr:lf, EL.,,Hr_rLlE r-lET ':rlFlHELtTEtj LEtlr: FjttTE, -L1.t:13 F TEIIFEFjFTUFjE L-:HFlt.lEE, FI]E E. E HI]UE!: THF:E5Hr:rLtl = Er. irjrrS GL.'Ht:,t_tFl LEI=H: PEE: I I:If:' =Tlqr;: T r'1E$1=-LtF:Er.1Er-{-r 1rl:t3Ur Ff,l 5LlH -IL,L Irl!.-t= 1sf,E,El ril t.lET '::':rEFjEf,TEtI THt{r.: uuLUt'lE. 1537.8 GL EF;rl5!: I'lEHsUEEfi TFIFIF: l.,r:rlllt'tE. 4+fE.i- ril trr-llul'lE LEFT It{ THtlH., 2'-1,rjr ll.t FE[t]ur:T LEr,rEL. El.E F HIJEFjI]'JE FUEL TEI,IFEFjFITUFIE. EI.t3 II..I IilHTEE LEUEL. Et-lfi' f'1E1q=l-1F-:Ef'1Er-{ T 5:55 Hl.l l,lr-lt{ ,IUL f,:19!5 15f,5.8 EL i..lET r:L-lF.:F.:Er::TEtr TFttj}i l..ruLUnE, 15f,7.8 EL 6ErJ5:; I'lEH:iUFlEtr TFl.lH. r..rrlLUHE, 4.17t1. ? rit- U|:|LUI,IE LEFT It-.1 Ttlt{ti., ?:r. t:17 Il..l PFjr-lttur::T LEtrEL. I'1.8 F HI]EF]I]I]E FUEL TET,.IFEFjHTUF:E. El.rl It.l rrlFTEF; LEl,rEL, t_Er=ll"-:- E]:l-f E -E,EI1f, 6L./HI:IUFJ I.{ET 'JI:IF]F;E[TEIJ LEEI{: FJHTE. F:, EI5 F TET'IFEFTHTUEE ']HHHIJE,FI:IE '{.EI HDUEs THRE:.HI:ILF = F-I. ?IIIB 6L,'HI:IUE: ',-:-':r i ;:,;'jiii:i:: [-EJq[.:: FEFj f t-tfi =.:rFf F:-r r'1EF{=rJEEr.tEr-{-r -rr. rrl:1': EL,,HtlUFj HET rjr-rFrFjEfl lfnt: Flt-lTE, EI.EIf, F TEI'IFEFJFITUF]E I]HHH6E. Fr:rF; :J, L-l Hr--iUFj:, THF]EIHT_|LIr = r]. irSrl GL.rHr:rUFj LEtri}.:. F.EF.: I ':t[T5-r}aF-:-r r.IE trt 5t_tF-:Er'1Er-{l- 1t:1:EE1 Ft'l Tl-{U f'1HFi f : l'-1?5 4ElEI. 1 ril t'lET r::r:rFiF:Er::TEtr THHI: i.rrjlllf'lE. 4Lr4'-1. rl iil rjFlrl:;:. tlEF:,uF.:EI1 Ttltili. t rr-lLUr,IE, 1-_{E,7,El rjl r,rr:rlrjtlE LEFT It.l THtltr.. 81 . :.: I i..I F FJUIJUL:T LEUEL. 4E.r:1 F HtrEFigriE FUEL TEr.IFEF:HTUF;E. Itr.ti Itl l.rlFTEFj LEtrEL. Et.tfl r.1E t+=- uF-:E r'1EF-t-r 5: =:{ Hf'1 FFI I f'lFlFi .l r 1'-li:5 4BFjl.': rjl t{ET rluFiFtEr:TE[i THt'{ti l.rr:rlut'IE. 4r:14:{ . ? Ei- tiFju:;5 I'lEH:;UFjEti THI'.lt{: LrrlLUr'lE . 1:{iE,E ril i.rrllur'lE LEFT Il'{ Trlt'{}i. t1.i': 1g pf,r.:rt:ur-:T LEUEL. 48.':1 F HI,IEF:HEE FLIEL TEI.IFEFJHTUFIE. E.t] It'l LIHTEFT LEi,tE1. t-E$:IF:: F.:F{-FE F_r . rlr:_rE rjl...,HL] UF.: t lE T L-:rlFjFiE r::T E tr L E rlir. FjH T E . }:1.8f, F TET'IFEFJHTUFIE IHHI"IIJE. Fr-lE E, E H|IUF::, THFjE:,HL1LLi = E,';EtEl riL,'Hr:rUF; : -. ..: :-,.-,i.,1. ]-"i.. l--E$11':: FEF-: I ftfl STl=F-:-r T.IEEEIJF-:Er'1Er-{T 1l:1:l3El Fl'l THU FEB ir i--+t5 1Ef,1.E IJL I.{ET I::LIF:HEI:TEII TFII.IH: LJ':ILUI'IE, 1E1?3. 1 GL rjFjrl:;:; llEH:'uFrEt! TFll'{tr: l.rr-rllll'1E. 4!?:.t ril r.rr-lLUI,iE LEFT It{ iFtt']H.. :l.iE ,,i pp;r1[iUr-:T LEr,rEL. 47.5 F HUEFiHIJE FUEL TEI'IFEFJHTUFJE. B,t:1 II'] LIFITEFJ LEI.JEL. Er-{f} r'1E!==uF;:Er'1Et-{l- 5:5'l Ff'1 FFii FEE -lr1--+?5 1Ef,1.? ril t'lET UrlF.:FiEr::TEtl 1p1'11,. tttllUl'lE' 1E?f,,? ril rjFjlr:r:, l'1EH:,UFlEr, THHfi l.Jr:rLLll'1E. 4'-i?':.1:l GL trrlluf'lE LEFT It'{ TH}'{}i..':t.IE It{ FFlLrtlUr_:T LEIJEL. 47.5 F HI.,ISP.OU. FUEL TEI'IPEHFITUFJE' El.El It'.1 trlFlTEFl LEl,rEL. LEFl}i- EHTE r:i. Erit4 GL.,'H[UF: t{ET t:LtFlFjEt-:TEt: LEHE F:F|TE. I].E15 F TEI'IFEFIIITUFJE IHFII'IEE. Ft]E E. E H']UEs THEEIHULT) = ./Hr:lUFj ' i ..i"_::-- i1it.t'-t:ei i riI.,i: i t_EF-tli FEF-: I r:rfl =i-f trlF-:-f f'lElf =LlF-:E f'IE f-{l- lB3ErB Fl'l I'lrlt"l JFlll Ir l?!5 ?81?.8 GL t'lET t::t:rFjF:EITE[r THt'lf;: L,rr:rLUl'lE. :4?f,.1 GL EEtt:;5 I'lEH!:UFjEtt Tlll"ll'; tfr-llur'lE. f,5:?.8 EL r,rrtlutlE LEFT Il'.1 TFrl'{t:.. 41.5f, II.I PFJUTJUIT LEI,IEL. 48. E. F F|L,IEFIFIISE FUEL TET'IPEFJHTUFJE. EI.E1 II.I LII]TEF; LEI,IEL. Et-tfr r-1 E$1=.LlFiE r.lEt-{-r 5:5'-1 Fr'l TUE JFlt"l 'lr 1!'15 ?:.t2.6 EL t'{ET f,EFiRECTEt} Tllt'lF. Ur:'LUl'lE. ?495.1 EL GRO55 I.IEHsURED TFIH}': UI]LUI'IE. 5: t! p\luE JHt.t -cr 1?v5 :51?.6 ril l..lET,- -.r.lF;Et::TEB THI'{F: l,rl..llut'1E, ?4'-1f,, I ril EF;us:i I'lEF:,UF;Eti THHE: trtrluf'lE. f,52':.'-1 rjl r.rr_rlUt'lE LEFT lt.t THHti. 41.5I it{ PFtrlrrU'::T LEr.rEL. +E.E F FT,IEFJFIJE FUEL TET,IFEFIETUF:E. B.tl If'l l.rlllTEFl LEtrEL, I._EE}i E:trITE 13. '3r:1? EL..'HIIUF.: tlET t-:rlFiFrEr:TEti LE[l|.i Fj]1TE. -E.t:18 F TEI,IPEF:FITUFIE']HRI.{IJE. FrlFl E.r:1 Hr:rUF.::, THFiESHrtLtj = B. lEr:r EL..,H|IUF: L-ElaF=:- FEF: I i:rf] =-rFF-:-r r.1E l? =-lJ FiE r'rEr'{-r lEr:Et:r Pll FF.:I tiErj Ir 13ir4 f,7f,I.F rjL tlET 'lr.lFlFiEr::TEii TEI'{H l,rl]Lul'lE. f,P18,5 EL EFlrl55 l,1EH!:UFtEtt THtll.; trr:rlul,lE, ?2'37.5 ril U'lLUr.lE LEFT Iti Ttltll:. 5r',tr' Il'{ FFjr-ltrur:T LEtrEL. 5?.f, F F{I,IEE}IGE FUEL TEI.IFEF:HTUF:E. E.E1 II.{ LIFTEE LEL,IEL, Er-{tr} r.1Etri=uF-:Er'1Er-JT 5:5! Ftl.l ::FT tiEL- ir 1'-l--+4 f,?37.:J ril- l'{ET rluEF:Er::TEti Tltl'lhi UL-ILUFIE. f,719..1 ril EF:r155 I'IEH5UFIED TFtl'ltr: lJrlLUt'lE. ':?.-?r.7 61 I,|DLUHE LEFT Ir.{ TffHl-;. 58.95 Il.l FE[t]Ur-T LEtrEL, 5:.f, F HUEEHEE FUEL TEI.IPEEHTUEE. E,Er It{ trlHTEF: LEUEL. L-Etal":. Etq-I-E Er. ElEl 6L..,HtlUP [.{ET ur]FjFjEr_:TEti LEHH. F:HTE. -E,':tT F TE}'IPEFJHTI.IFIE I]HFH|JE. Fr:18 L1.Et HttUF:S THF.:E5HL]L[] = El. ?ElE riL.-'Hr:rUF.: i .- ,.-. i ,..':- -.'- - i . =;======-:.i:;f Et1 ."-.: ;l.ii- ;"-' j - i-.a. ..:. :- i.- il*i'-.:. :;:i::;'l -,- : :1:i"- :lLii'ii : ij: :;TFtFjT E:Et3 llf'1 5Ut'{ FEE 11r 1?'-?r, Et{t} L1:BE lll'1 :'Ut'l FEB 11r l--r!E ',. i-: .:':: r' i' : '. ,- i..,'i=. I. sTffET B:35 PI'1 THU JHt'l lBr l?th EH0 E:35 Pl'l THU ,IHt'{ lBrlgi+E i"ij:'i.::l' ;'i-j':r' r;''::i.: : 5TrlF:T '-?:47 Hl'l tdEtr JEt'{ l7rlt'-lE EHO 3:47 HPI tilEti -TEtl lrrl3irE i-,,-,i :i -: : | - .- i',1-:*,- 1':- : ilrii n ii"-i -'; .?:- -1- STHFjT t:t:_rE El.l'LlEIi -IHFI 17r 1--;-rr, El.{tt '-r:r:lE El'l tilEti ,IHl.{ 17:1t'-lt' i:,:-ii:::,-ii :,irj,i li,IliiJl :,TFF:T ir:55 O* lilEt) .THH 1?r1?!n Et.lii :r:EiE tll'1 lrlEti JI]H 17r 19?6 i:' l- r :.' i '- -;' ::- i: -" i- i-; i' i: .5TtlFjT g:45 HII lrlEtr -Tlltl 17' 1'-]--rt' EHtr E:5E1 Hl.1 tjEti.Irlt'l 17r1'-lif6 : :,-',,_' j-rrr-:-:_ -. irj::- ir ::ri..' -. F r ''. _ 5THFTT B:48 Ht'l tclEtl JHi'l i7r 1i]!b Etlft E:46 Fll'l lrlEti -Tllt'{ 17r 1!--+E :-,,-ti !i-i. ! i:_rr- '-,r;-i-:-F.!ittlre. ri,!_-- iai: _-:r i ':,TffFiT B:BE ;; tlEtr JHt'{ lF,lt--ri El'.lt] E: BE Hl'l lrlEE' JHt'{ 17t li+'-fE rttiili-,1 iHtt trlar STHET 7:28 HH tilEt) JHI'I 17,195n EHD 7!26 Hl'l lrlED -IBH 17r 1896 ' ::Tt=tF:T Et.rF :;THFTT EHT: :,TFFjT Etlti :iTIlF]T EHtr L:T1]trT Et{[: :,TI]F.:T EHT: :;THFJT Et{t: :.T}1F.:T Et.lt: !,TrlFrT Et.ltl 5Tr:lFlT EFI[i :.TIlFJT El.{ti :-;THF]T Et'lti ':'Tl-lFlT trl.Jfi :iTFF:T Et{ti STFIFJT EHrj ::TI]F.:T El'ltj 5THET El..lt] 5THFTT Et'{tj 5THFIT Et'ltr 7:':i, Hr,t tjEtj .THt.t at:.ra 7:2E, HH uEti ._Ifit{ r, r 1,-1,-ti, i_ ....:..:_ E:3: tll'l :,RT []Er:: .lr:rr t!!5 :j: f,': Hll :,llT trEr:: f,tir iirl5 4: ti PI'l Tt_rE IjEL: 1':':, 1,1'15 4:1': PI,l Tl_lE tiEi 1.;,r I,l:I E: 1: Pl'l :,UH ijEr:: i{-1r l.'-],-lii,:1t FI'l SLlt{ irEr:: 1r:i:1!!= E:1I Fr,t :,uH tjEL 1l:r, 1'.1:{5r.:1I Pr.l :;uH tiEr_i 1r1t 1,j?5 -- | r:::5Ei Fl,l THLI l.lr:ll-r .lr:rr l-_+,-ti {:l:58 Pll THU t{UU f,r:ir 1!:+: ::,.-ii,:: l, i-r-: -; _ j'-,i tr:5r:r FI,l THLI l..lt:tr..t f,tt:,1:-r,-3= i:r:5El Fl'l THU l..lrlr.J .lrlr 1!,li -.. r;:::ii :a .: ::-j:- 11:f,e Hl'l :;Ul.{ Hr:rl.r 5:1-_+,_15 l1:f,:{ Hl,l :;U}.{ l..lr_rtJ 5r l'-f!I 5:fi- Fl'l tlrlt'i 0r-_:T .lr:1r 1,_1.]= :i:f,? FI.1 f,1ut{ |JUT f,rlr1:r,-t5 I:,-.ii 1 i:.i-- - :-.', .::. .:::-i-:.:' .;.l: E:t:]rl Hl'l FFjI r:tLT F,r l..+.,rI ti:EtE Hl,l FFjI rlr-T Er 1!!5 ;:Ii:'i -.- i ir:T '--:._ i-i:,.. . ::. :::[1F1 Fl' tJEt] :;EF 1.lr 1!!5 :: rlri Pll UEtj !:EF 1.lr litit5 l:.,- r:_ _ '':- .- --:- r:?E rri irrr,'sui re,, rr,r= -1 r ::-, Ft l lrlE[r HUr] I E, r 1 liri 1 1 : rllr:t lltl tilEtr FUrj L i, r 1 --r-_:5 I I : r:lEr HI,1 uEtr t:luG 1r: r l,_t!I-.. : - :::' F:l:14 FI't :,tlT .rLtL ?i:1,3t5i:4f, Pr.l :,FlT ._rul ii:1!!5 ;'-;;.:.. - . -.,-i:,,:: E:?1 lll.l TUE JUl..l E:1!!5 *:':-? Rt'l Tl-lE JUt] E,,l'-liri ::.,.- :: .:'.:_. ji..' 11: t:17 Ftl lir_lt.l JUtl 5: lir?5 11:r:r* FI'l I'lrrt.t JUH 5, 1._1!5 ,- : |i :,, {.; t-:iril }ill TUE tifiri f,E: 1?,-;r5 E:r:rEl Hl'l TUE llFl,I jrllr 1:{:r= iii-., .i--. .- -j.. 4:15 Hr,l ::ut4 HFq '_r:1'-1?i 4ii-8, fil'l :,1_!l.l Etr'F' '_l:1'-f--li -::-.,,-'-.,-,j- -_,j",--:""' a: =r:r rrtt trlEtr r,lEFj -,-=, 1,?,-a5 6:51 tll.! tqlEt: l,lr]F: f?, 1'-1!5 t,_ . . i- ,.,_ . .,: .:: i: - ! : ::ir:1 El'1 FP I l,ll]Fj i4 r 1!,-15 L : :tll Fl'1 FFi I l'1gFl ..:i4:, I ililS :::..,..... L,:, ;. :::.:-,' l: 1r:1 l_tr't FF.:I nEF., 't4r l._t!5 1: i -1 Hr{ FFiI r'1tlF: ?.1: 1---i?5 1'::f,E tlr'l FFiI HtlFi':4!1._?t5 1 :/: 38 EH FE T r'tEF. ':..t4 . 1 ,?,r5 ::':-ii,.il:!l i.'j;t ^;=-r 'I :J! 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L-f r'1 t'tr-rt{ Tlll.l '1. 1 '-]qF fijiqi=;; -;iLi_raj: :l:l: r:i" Pl'l i'!Lrt'! !-rEtl 1 ':r. ! q!4 1 ':,:: lil: Pf'! t'1n1.! !:1F!- I '-r q I 'r-r4 ! ?: trtE F f'! l'll:ll'l l'-'rEr: l l:r. ! '1'r.l f il:E17 trl'! l.Ultl !.,Fl:: i:::1:J!r :. ::- ;;:: :.-t -l : .:: :: ::.:_lr. -1"", 1 ? : E5 Ft1 f'1ill.{ IlF !--: :l- :''. ! -{':r4 1f : uE Ff'l f'1r:It'l frF'--: l':i. .! ll1:'4 i-,:-.. l-l: =; i_.-i;:- 1:if, HI'1 5ul..l tlr:rtj '..'ir 1?!4 t:':f, Fll'l :.Ut'l t'{r:ll,r ?ir Li+'-14 : . r.,:i;-1. , ..i-: i;'r:: ---i E,:54 FH rrrED t{BlJ 16,,}'_1'-14 6:54-Fl'l tilEII t]rll.l 1F,:1?t4 !i:1". ,.:.--._.': --r:t:.]tf Ftf,l TUE l.ll:ltl 15r l'-+i+4 ir:E* Fl'l TUE t'lr:rl'r 15r 1"134 ;_ ''_i , :_i : . 1 1 : rlE Fltl r'1r:rtl tlr-rtJ 14 r 1'_lt4 ,rL:;:::r El.l l,lr:rH t.lr:rtJ i4!1--{:{4 - ,,1: ::, : ! :! : f,E! Ht'l ljEtj l.{r:rlJ :r! lt'-t4 I 1 : f,f.J Hli t,.lE[i t][rl..J '-] r l:r:{4 .-. '1! :i_: __._ : E: r.r4 tltl i* I t.,r-, , .1, I 3'-;'4 '_1: I1 Fll'1 FF: I t.lrrr..' 4 r ! ?--r4 F,: =E Flll FFj I tlt:rt.r 4: 1'-1-:r4 E: 5r gr,1 FFi I tlrlt r 4:' 1--+!4 :;TFIF]T Et'{l-i rt.lfl trl.Jii trt.lfl rl irj '::TqFiT Fl.lli tr1.!r'' '- I LtL' I tr1..!ri ,l'f r-rf'T Et..ll-l lNTF!FJT Fil[i 5TllFjT EHIJ ::THFiT El'{ti 5THFiT Et'{t} :;TtlF.:T EH[i :;TI]FJT Et.ttr 5T!lFIT EiJ[1 5TFIFIT Et'{tl ':'TFlF.:T Er.ltj ::TttFjT Elltj :'THF.:T ,. Et.l[j ::THF.:T Ell[i :.THF;T EI.{D :i"r.,| , ri:, " i 2\ ,::, ..' .ii.. :,,. ,.. -:1i,, .,,; ,,,1 1t,..,,,. ,,.;]11: i;,;;;-., '..,t:.,,.,.. .ri j: i: . ,:,...rii.'t ,,:. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALTTY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REIVIEDIATION Michael O. [ravrtt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.l). Ereutivc Dircctor Kent P. Gray Dirator 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 sdt Lake city, utah 841144840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) s36-4414 T.D.D. Steve Canning DAS/General Services 1380 West North Temple Salt l-ake City, uT 84116 FACILITY I.D. # 4001650 Date: l124196 From: Garv Astin RE: Underground Storage Tanks at Magna Water Co. Maintenance Shed. 8933 West 3500 South. Magna, Utatr; Facility' IDrf 400 I 650. We acknowledge receipt of the following information: t 1 Closure Notice and analysis [ ] Refbned to LUST [ ] No LUST Site yet initiated l/1 The following Release Detection documents: Line tightness and leak detector tests. Petrosonic III '"Tank Report" and 3rd party evaluation. t ] The following other submittals: tn The following must still be submitted to close the compliance action: The EPA requirement for Automatic Tank Gauging is that a .2 gallon per hour leak test be run by the ATG at least monthly. The Petrosonic III "Variation Reports" indicate only small variations in product volume which may be indicators of a leak. and do not qualify as a timed leak test. The system should be programmed to perform a timed leak test at least monthly. or the tests may be run manually. Please be sure the timed leak tests arc run at least monthly and submit the results of the tests for the most recent month. t I This submittal closes the associated compliance action If you have any questions, please call me at (801) 536-4100.rclmowl.frm012/96 TO: State of Utah oEo / Di:]R IVEC' Department of Administrative Services Division of General Services B-38 State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 (801) s38-3014 (801) s38-1773 FAX E xamDEUVEBEuMichael tl. Leavitt Governor Raylene t]. Ireland Execrtive Director David G. Fletcher Director ,January 1-8, 1,996 Mr. Gary Astin State of Utah, Department Of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation L58 North 1950 West, 1st Floor SaIt Lake City, Utah 84116 Dear Gary: In response to your letter dated L0/02/95, concerning Non- compliance of UST's at the Magna Water Company Maintenance Shed. This site is located at 8933 West 3500 South, Magna, SaIt Lake Count.y, Utah. The DEQ ID number is 4001550. A copy of said letter is attached for your convenience. Your letter states "To achieve compliance you must do the following:" This divisions response is as follows: Item # L - Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with tanks #1 (5000 gallon diesel) and # 2 (6000 ga11on unleaded) ...nesponse - Find attached a copy of the precision lLne tLghtnesa tegt on both product lLnes at thiegite" Both ghow a passLng test and was tested L0/26/95. Both ta',kg at tshig facility were also tested ,nd pasged the precieJ.on test on that date. Item # 2 - Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic Line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tanks #f and # 2...Response - Again find attached a copy of the precigion tank and Line tsest Burnary dated LO/26/95 sh,owingr both Ll,ne Leak Detectors were tested a-d function properly (passed the tseet) on thats date. Item # 3 - Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on UST's #1 And #2 by: Jll | 9 lee6 a) Documenting that the ATG system performs and records a leak test.at l-east. once a month. . .ReEponEe - Fined attached copiee of thePetrosonic IfI print outB for the ..Variation Report,a,, ahowingproduct variation Hourly, DaiJ.y, and Month1y. b) Dr:cument.ing calibrated and the Petroeonic Repor!s. Ehat the ATG system is properly installed, functioning. . . RESPONSE, Find attached copieB of IfI Tank !{onit,or Sygtem Setup and Tank Data c) Documenting that. copies of all written performance cl_aims, incJ.r:ding the EPA third party evaluation summary sheets pertaining to Ehe Petrosonic III ATG are maintained and availabLe for inspection. In addition, a copy of the Petrosonic III owner,s manu;rf need to be kept on site...ResponEe - Find attached lhe EpA third party evaluaEion for the Petroeonic III ATc Syet,em and a copy of the or*aer'E manual is on gite. Thanll You Steven L. Canning UST Program Specialist State of Utah, Department of Division of General Services, 1380 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Astn\rn1( Admini st.rat. ive Services UST Program Hopefully this information is what is needed to maintain compliance at this faciliEy. If I can answer any questions concerning this or any otsher facility owned and/or operated by the Division of General- Services / uSt program please call me at(80a) s2t-2705. - State of IJtah Michel C). Leavir Gom Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutiw Dirccta KeffP. Gray Dirctr DEPARTMENT OF EW QUALITY DIVISION OF EI.MRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 We.st lst Floor P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14-4840 (801) 536-{100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 53G4414 T.D.D. TO:Steve Cannincr State of Utah/'a'l Serrri r:es Date;to/2/95 1-380 West North Temple Salt Lake Citw.TIT R41 1 6 RE:stor4ge tanks at The Utah Urrderground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliarrce if it is determined that a facility is not in Substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the re{uest of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The cornpliance review, performed on August 30. 1995, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: of Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with tanks # 1 (6.000 gallon diesel) and *F2 (6.000 gallon unleaded)."/ Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tanks # I and2 . /. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is perfonned on USTs # I and 2 by: g/ Dorru^enting that the ATG system performs and records a leak t€st at least once a month. Please submit ,copies of valid ATG leak tests for both tanks for September and October, 1995 Y Documenting that the ATG system is properly installed, calibrated and functioning. Please submit a copy of the Petrosonic III '"Tank Report" for both tanks. This report provides setup and calibration data. See the _ enclosed copy of the report from the PeEosonic III owner's manual. d Du>umenting that copies of all written performance claims, including the EPA mird-parry evaluation summary sha:ts, pertaining to the Petrosonic Itr ATG are maintained and available for inspection. In addition, a copy of tltre Petrosonic Itr owner's manual needs to be kept on site. / Theaboveinformationmustbesubmittedtothisofficeb@.*ffitisnotreceivedbythedate specified, vre will commence the revocation process of yoqr Certificate of dttpliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4100. cc: Ed Hansen, Magna Water Co. O 2.SD- L\\b Printed on recycled pE)er l0O2/95 ll:37u ! EN\r, f FaONlYlEN'|. faLEIFI=I_ I EE)ElEliav I GEGIr l-- G- Trnk Locrt lon r l.'1. O. *t 68357 FO BOX tee ROYr UT S4e67(aot) s46-7846 Hlnvolcr Addr.rr FLEET SERVI EESpo Box 141 1 15 SALT LAKE, UTAH 441 14 Drt.t 1o-e6*95Frclllty Phonrl r Contact r MtrENA I,.IATER 895A WEST 35ara SOUTH MNGNA, UTQH I. D. Numbrn r Trchnlelrn r SFI T.ch, ll r 93027 Vrn{l r 85OP Tlm. 8trrt. 0@.61 End t tt4.oo Countyt 5L Or oulldratr" D.ptht lo'+ Flua PrlntrrD.ttlTlm, tytttn wri flll.dr lo-2S-95 17:&O TenkT.nk CrFrclty Pr.oduct Tenk Ftll/V.ilVrpor Lln r N/T N/T Fr.oductLln PASS PASS LINES TESTED AT LINE LEAR DETEC DSL R/UL PASS PNSS Tvor Of Vemr lrElr.r of Pur! T.nk' Frovry' l{rtrlTenk TySi ltrtrrlrl TBI'I TBITI sUF st,F I e 3{ S 6 Addtt lonrl lnformrt lonr trRODUGT DSL -.OAg GPH R/UL -. QQA AoH TANKS HAVE OVERFILL & OVERSPILL SITE LOG TITIE so TO trSI FT]R lE ITIINUTES RS FUNCTION PROPERLY 8rt Up EqulprBlrd Froduct LlnmrBhd Vepon Llnur8hd Vrnt l{nmrBlrd Tur^blnrrBlrd 6uct lott Purtrp rRlru r Inrtrl lrd r OO!91 N/A N/R NIA N/n N/n N/A r) Thlr ryrt.m rnd m.thod mrltr or rxcrrdl thr cFit.Fir tn UBEPA 4OCFRpert 88O, iW'PA 3e9-97 end rl l rppl leeblr rt.t. rhd lo6rl codrr.b) nny fetlunr llrtrd .bovr mry rrqulrr furth.r rctlonr ch.ck wlthrll r.gulrtory rE.nci.r. Copyr tnht (c) t9B9 by f,E8, Inc. Trchnlclrh Llcrnir No. r UT alel C.t^t t f trd Trchhlcirh ElEnrturt r H Det r t ,//-z/-?, AES - SYSTEI{ II PRECIAIOi' TfltIK & LINE TEST RESIJ-TS SIJI{iMRY BA06 8000 0. o' 0.6, Tr,:t Involc. No. t 50367 D.t.. Ya/26/9e Tlor I 01 !34t55 ?.chnlctrnr SFI Trnkr 1 T.nk Dl.nrt.r(ln, t 95 Volunr(Erl). 6o0,0 BFrdr Lrv.l(tnlt l€4 Froduct L.vll (ln! r 90 Tetrn Lrvrl On Tenk(tn) r o Bprelflc Br.rvttyt 0.434 Co.fftcl.nt Of Exprnrlonr a. o664€e3 Cellbnt lon Vrlu.(ull t lo,oo Grrnnrl r I Lrv.l E grrht FFoi I o5o To 25O Trnp Brgarnt Ft omr o5o To 25o Frf rlrlttr:t tl:;:I FIEEr/BSrrtrnn I I FFrel.rlorr ^-rrk FO BOX r8E ROY| UT 84067 (601) 846-7946Q L fi,, EL,, Tr E t{ P:r5 t-l I.l 5u I T::rr Ch.ner ln Erlibnetton Zotl - 71 Etenttng Turprnet urr (F)t 44.743 Eurfeer Arrr (rq. ih) r 76. 1 sI Tinre-rninut*E t:t *,|.J Lrvr I volur(e ph) tT. p. volur. (gph) rN.t chrnE.(gph) r B.tbo4 -o.otzg.o?t Eellbrrt lon lJnlt(gr1/unlt) - o. 00366 Hred Fn.rrunr (col / ln (Btn)) r 75. I T.mp. Ehrngr(F/hl t -4. 006 Prod uct Llnr(gph) . -.$oq --rtrtt-r-rta--u I. t --) FFIEIE!]='I- --} FF|CIC3 rr NOt€a rr t{AcxA t ATER, 8950 h'EST 35eO SOUTH, XAG A, UTAH THIS IS A UIIDERFILLED TEST COTDUCTED AT 90., UITH A IOOO IIL CALIBRATIOI{. GRADE LEVEL IS 124" IiEASURED TO TI{E TOP OF THE FILL PIPE. h,EATHER: XIGHTIITE, CALII & COOL FIEB/65r-t e rra I PO BOX r8e er^iel.rien n-rr!< Trrf,{,ur a4e67 (601) 346-7846 I ROYr : tnvolcr No. r 60367 Drtrt 1ole6l95 Ttn. t o1!3e:55 Trchntelenr Sltl Trnkr E Trnk Dlemrt$(tnl r 95 Volur(grt) t €loo,tt BFrdr Levd (ln) I lea Pnoduct Lrv.l(tnll 9a llrt.r Lrv.l On Trnk(ln) r I Epretflc BFrvlty! o,73e Coefllcllnt Of Exprhrlonr G. ooo6891 ' Crl t bp.t,lon Vrlu.(rl) t lo,oo Ghr,nnrl r ' 2' L.v.l S.Enont Frorl'O0t To €56' " Tclp €rgrrnt Fnon t 60l To aEG Frn,Ju,:t H,rUL ?q 5fl x5 L E U E L Tn E H,, U l'l 5r I T Srs - --.-Frt-- dilt:l Ctrrhgr ln Cellbnrtlon Zon - g4 BtrFt lng Trmprnet unl (F)r 44.446 Burfeer AFr. (.q. tn)l 73.3 Grllbrrt lon Untt(grl/unll) r 6- oo3lo Hrrd pF.rrur.(col'/lrr. (Btal ) r 65.9 Trnp. Ch.ngr(F/h) r -o. oa8 Product Llnrtgph) I -. oo8Lrvrl volunr(Eph) I Tmrp. volunr(ephl rNrt c!hrn!.(Eph, r o.o01 -o. o31 6.oE? ----tr----R-ruat --> l=FlEEf eta- --> FaBB rr llot€a rr t'tAGIlA t ATER, 8950 OEST 35OO SOUTll, llAGllA, UTAH THI IS A UTDERFILLED TEST COXDUCTED AT 90" OITH A 1OOO IIL CALIBRATION,. GRADE LEVEL IS I22- D TEASURED TO THE TOP OF THE FILL PIPE. oEATHER: If IGHTIIIE, CALI'I & cooL :3[ Tinre-minutes CERTIFICATE OF PRECISION LEAK TEST AppLtED ENVTRONMENTAL SERVICES, L.C, has telited and certllles the lollowlng: MAGNA WATER, 8950 W 3500 Sr',-rl4AGNA, UTAH SIZE 6000 TYPE R/UL TANK PASS LINES N/T PBOD'LINE LEAKDETECTOR I 2 3 4 PASS PASS PAS,5-6000 DSL N/T PAS 5 6 60367 10-26-9s Sleven B, Martln uT or 2l c.rllllcrtlon lluhb..O.t.c.rtl0.d f APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LC. P O BOX 182 ROY. UT 84087 (80r ) 546-7546 Rocommend€d n€co,tlllcatlon Dato: 1 0-96 .1, .a' ;t t I E I ) PASS !^ ! Fsc:.lity {* IFAC:LITY:NStrE'T:CN FORi'! I DAt P /,-q<- h-.cl< FiII I iiil.,3. CPEi I f yce: Produc: only .i traoor (cc-ax i,al ) t3rd uct & UaFoY. ; .'c,l r.lC: U Problen N/P Sysre6(s) / I U !.i,Petil:=..{ H.rE.H I Generrl I n: oec:: on Iroac: Va!./es Hoses f,nd No::-.Is S U N/P a 2Au ert i.cal Chec:r Ual.re lJn d ei. Digoense:- ,/: F r.Ot 3Ct rOn Ei I I n!^ ::11 Cao SeaI Dr.oo f,r=e . F 9.-crec::on v,'R eJv eF V/R Cao ',','R Ceo SeaI .', i Dry Break l,-c o rta o Cov er 5 r-r i:-!J uE O + t/T a.JlJ/ttLt/v suN/p Problen Sv:t e$ ( ei -': o ;1 t/,r'L3avinq Sr.r=i ion SvS'i:em N J/ 4 r ci\t i Toli ilrc rrE!-:-s I YN Pre s en t: C-1o 9 LJ c:< e(, -acLeng: Cheek Hose fyce: Co-.qx i a I Seperaga Predqct & Vaoor SU Frc_]l I 3 m N/'P 0iscensEr Faee SeaI s Be I I o'as (3oots) Be I 1 oras Soring s I Er-=iT=oN:c i{oi{ ITCRS I Indicate -i'.!oe.. ?2rtu /92b 2e+bt1 - 5ar:sr-;c:ot'y; U - Unsat:gr-ac:or7: N/P - Re_o(laFi U - UnleacieEi; N - Mid Gr'ade i - I.lor 3?'9senc: F - Fr.eoruo; D Y - Yee: i.l - nia-5t. n i!o Oth er :.'tx iKS i aci4r'1E:.rT5tAni:GE.i5 0::C:'/Ei.E: ;= =i: i rrS i;\iO ':FK3 HAVE 3E=:.i AEFI]RTED TO I tISi,E:T i EN i3 CCT,IF'L:fE AI\ID RE= i -Ni:L =i'lv : Fei\li4E:i TiL fihi.:iCE. riL- SYSiEi'lS iaE OFEiili: Ell;L H i;H c./€:?'4crCi I l:.1 i i.lG -l::i ]sL Lb!- Fro6leo Disaeneey. I 57:GE I I g.]U I F.MEi.IT I Check SyEte[ T.roe: Balancs Svsten AsEist Sv:t am ,I I L--.q;/. DETEa:OR5 l Ei ect !'o n ic Tanx Gauges InstalIad Ooerat : cna 1 Inter3t i!ual ilon ifcr3 Instailed 0perst ional Other i'lon i; ors Instal, Led Ooerst:. one.i YNJZ- I =ru=-z t\t <.9 /\o trl d N E3 ?G4 € 2 : >l2 4. t--t .., J;a <J 't t a * g0 $> { -l-:l 3i t{" -O !n 5t\ ooo 1 ^F.E-l-E:r-r=r-rf-_{Jr-: f f T THf.ll r--sl_tr;E :-r,r_;TEl,1:,. Eri, F,[TF,i_r rrF l]i_, Ilir_-. :+: :+: l Li q[,1 rJ. i:1rli :+::+: a .4..:+.t-'E. T- F'r:r':i r_r f-{ I r-_ f } i Tl-lf lf': rjili-lii[ :'i "rTEl'1:'. Er,.,t t,t tt,,-, i tf f..ltr i t..it_ . rtF{E, IHTIl_ii.i 1rJ: i i Hi,l tHr_r trEr: 14: i,J'tl====:=== Tgi.li. 1 LrIf__EL Hr_rl_lF'1.,,r ilHF, luTir_,il Fr_rp, 1;1E LHIT l: Hr_rl-lF,:1.t Hl.l 18 Hl,l i FI,l : Ht,l :-t::+: ,::Tr-r-i! I,l_' i i t,,.'_r 1 ,1 : 1 i |]il THI-I LrEL: 14 r 1'J']:1 THril: - Hl-HF:t'1 I-tl45r,r:: Ur_rEFrFLt-ttd I 1 Llrit Fl'iu[n-il_:T 1 I ilirlH lilHTEFI rEf,lFEh:t{Ti-rFtE! 11l'_;5Eii NEr"{:, L:Hi'Il{t}lr-HTEt) THEFi tlEi_ll,lEFlri i i ':,t]LE H.I.iJT JIiIi F'EFIIUti TL{rf r -'-rti f-,-7 -rJ. _-lrj GL FEFt Hr-rt_tF: [ilfp.116g LIfiFiit]TIrrt.l H[rt_r511r; ilHF'IHTJT:rfi Fr:rF: rHE Lr-r_;T .]: tixir:;ilrlt t 1t t.lr-tt j l,it |.ll-rr I !jl:i trE[: r,ll. Llt - rJ. ili-t +. -i . r.1t:1:+: r:i. _j|J +-X. -1 i 1, -tJ. r:l 1 +: _L1 . r:.1 1 ,+, r:i, rl.l +, -t-t. ft8 r -U. il,_i rJ. ,:irj +, [r. r:1 +, -tJ, tJ 1 .+, _1 . [iU _rJ. L-tt]t +, t:1 . rj _i-tL. t-tt-t+ -t, tjlf -rJ. rJiJ+ tl . rllt-1 -iJ. tJ I + _1. rji_1 rJ. tL 1,+, r:1. rJil + tJ. tjlJ t:i. LJX i:i . rjt:r,+, tl . t:1i:1 + -X. rJU -t:1 . LJ i + ,j. tjr:.i _r:1 , tlrj l.li 1t t -rr, f .ir_tt I :,:; [rF-i:. i, irEi_. 14 -!1 . itJ -t. rjii -rJ. L:ig rJ. r:1ij-0. Ur:1 ili_ F,EFr Hr_rt-tFt qr.rEFtfiGE r.rHFlitlTILrti. LHIT trEL . FFHIL HT i: gr1 p,p1 t,tEt) r:rL-:T :I======== Tl{i..lt,,. : i_lt..lLtrHtrEt;, -L1 . rJ tJ. -i -t-1. t:i -rJ. rJ tJ. t:1 'J. TJ -tJ. -i IJ. L] -t:t. t:t -tl . rJ -i:l . t-t -1:.1 . tJ t:.r. tJ -tJ. l.l t:-t . t:-t -l:1. t:l E Pf.l -Ei. tlr:l U. L1 1:1. t:i -t1. _i -tl. t:l - -i. t:1 tJ. l:1 -8. tr Er. ul ! Ht'l -tl. tjr:i -t:1. tJ tJ. IJ -l_1. tJ -rJ. L-l -tl. t:1 tJ.IJ _U. tJ -L-t. t:t,+ I t:t 111,1 -t:1. t-l 1 F'i-ri,lEF FH I Ll_lt:E F.F:I I.]TEE: FH I LI-IF'T Ei:TEt:i.{Flt_ :;Fr.lE[i I t.{r..lEt..lTr:rF]"r !--r::HEtrlll E I . Ftr-.T I rlE FLrlt:i-;:, 'J:i -;Tt-tF:Etj t'1E5tfitiE:, t i FF:Ef Ei r:ri_:|.:,, 5i_: Lr_r!T f'lE:,::RriE_:! '-i.,.tL,TFi.i l-.LU::E[i :+::+:FE-rFjr:r=r:rr-{Ir:: I I I Tllt'lt'' llHl-lrlE :;(,!:,TEl'15. E\r F,ETE:r:r ilEHtr It.lr::. Hril_tp]1r,, r..jtlFiiFTIL-rti FLrFi THE LH!;T I rl1 Ht'1 i F,I.I -'J. U f HI.I -tJ. rJ r:t . r]l tl. r:1 tl. t:l -t:1. t] -t:1 . [J l:1. t-] ---1. 1,+, l rll tltl Ht-rl-tFiL',.' I lHt, l RT I t-rf.l Fr_rF, i{rlrtt 1;: l.lr_tlr ,ri '. -1 , t:i l. -$. rril +, -tf. iJ1,+ -r.:1. f:1i+..U.-1i1 -I.!:i1,+ -rl " rl:l + -U. ,,1ij ir . r.-rr-, *rj. Lji - -i_r. r_tr_r+ _u. ! 1 -X. tJX -r:r. r.:r,"t' -[-1 . tjti.i *!.j]. ,JrJ r. i lr-ti I :trt r.{t-lr I -,;:, -r:1 . rJ 1 _n. ,j 1 :+::+: -rl. r:t E. r:t t:1. El t:1. 1 -ti. 1 r1. Ll -rJ. L] i Hr'l tli ai l_1. rj rll .u L:i. ti.1 tl . 8,+, -t:i 11 + -i:l . U -1. [1 E l- t'l .l: Hr:rLtFji, 2 Hi'l Er. rl -t:.|. t:I -t:1. E E. -1 t:1. tl -l:1. t:1 l:i. t:t -tlt. -i,1, i t:i tlll It.ii rEllTt:tFj,r' 1r:r: 1L, Hf,l THl,l irEL' 14 r I'J -Ji ===== === Ttll..ll: 1 tr I E:,EL .- i'l i " i rll t..lET r_ r_rE:F Er_ TE[r Tt]t.l[:' r rr-rlr_iiiF . ; i r::: " f rjL rlF:r:r5'_l f,lf t]:,1-lFtEtr T|]t1i. r. rr_rL i-li,1F-- . l::ilt:] . i' tl[- ttl-|11-ir'iE t-EFT It.] THtlt,: " 1+ " i F p1r rf E urlI Fr_iEL TEI",IPEF'H Ir_rF:[. ti.1 Il.J l,.lHTEF' I_trr rEl - _- : -- -_- THtl. :, rtltLEHtrELj _r :l l': " + !j i t.{E T r- I,lF'F'F r- t-E[r Tfii.] l. l...ll,rL l. ii,1E . I 1i 'j. i. ili_ r-iE'r-r'::'_-, f,li_H'll,lF:Etr T,,-tf li r. rr-tL i_ti,1E " ,.1.:,q: . + tf l_ r ir-ll_l_l[,14 i i FT I i.] Tt-:lijf, . -, ,i. lll i:'li't-rf,rlr-l r l-llLl :.] .'l i: F-lr rEF'flr-ii:: .r_lfl TE[,lF'EF]Hl-l-lF:E. ir1 .,-i It.l t,tHTEE: i_Llr rEL. -U. t:l 1 t:i. t:ti:t -Ll . tlt:t _Lt, t1U -t:i. rlLl rlL FEF] Hr_tt_iF. RilEFjFirlE r..r*pltUtttrf.t Tl-lE LH:,T ll [rg,rr:; l.l'-i' | :i_r trEt:: E Ll . t.t 1 .+' -tJ " tJ:+, -tJ. tJ.',+ -r:1, L-i 1 + ..tJ. l:1 J',+, -tj " L1 1,+, t. l:]i,+ -rJ. rJrJ r_l . Llrl,+, -rJ. UrJ r-1 . f rl -tJ. Ll i,+ -1.:1. t:1 1 :+, -tJ. L:1:,+, -X . !:1 1,+' -r:1 . 0 _j +, t,[:r- E trEl:. 14 -u.rjI -t1 .tl -E . Elt:l+ -t:-1. t:l 1 -tr,l:rrlr -Er.l:r:,r -,J. t:ttl -tl . Etlt,+, t.lr:rr. r :rl l..lr:rr I :r:r -U.U1 -t:l .t'J1 -rJ. 111 rjl F'EFj Hr:rr_rF: LH':,-l- trEL .' PFI:{lL HI -fi. EB -L:t. 81+,\-r.r. ,I1*, -t:1 , tJ:,+, -t:1 . l:1:'+ -tl . LltJ +, frEr_: e, [rf r_, 1.+ -_i.ul -n.rJ1 st t[t,[r]f I rHF I fiT I r_rf l _ ;': r:15 F't'l l.,lE[r r:r[ T .;'5 i::'Fa--T-F;:t-t=!-rt-{It-: f I f Igf.ti, rjHr_rr.lE ! ':,IEt'l5. E:ir F'E T F'r_r I ri: t'lli I l.lt_. . , F E-f F:r-r=r_rt-{ J r-: f I tr THI-.ltt Gtll-lGE :,',r!TE[,1:,. E'i FETF:r_r I rEi..l[] I l..lr:. [iFt IL,.,] ltHF: IHTIT:tt.{ 1L:r: 1rj HI,1 THI_I tiEr_: 14r 1!!5 ======== Tf,l.lt,. 1 tr I E:,EL Hr:rr_rFil"', ill:tFIHTIr:rH FrtF: THE LFIT j: [iEr,':, i.{r:ril 1: t.{t_tt,r IL-l l.ir:rll fE [rEl, i [1 . tjt:i -t:t. l.tt],+, -t;l . t1t13,1, tll . t:18+ -tJ . tJ 1 '+' -l:1. t:l l,t -Lt. tlt 1,+, t:l . !:t[1 + -rl1 . rlrj+' -ri. trt:l _1. tltfi:1: Ll . rlr 1 '+, -rJ . r:l 1 + rl1. r:rrll -i:r. rlrrlt,+, rl . r:rrj -r:t. t:t1t,+ -t:r. tllti -t:l . r:1E1,+ tl . rJLl -8. [ 1'+, t:1. t:'11:l t:l . E 1+ l:l . t:1Li,+, -'1 . Lir:1 r:r. r:ir:r r:i. t]El+ E. r:rrlr,+ -t:1. t:ltj -tlt. Li 1+' 1:1. t:11'_1 -tl . 8t:-1 t.lr:rr.i jrj f.lurJ rE trEi 6 []Er_: 1+ -rJ. rJrJ -t] . r:it] - _1. tiil:i r:r. rlr:1 -[1.[rr] GL FEFr HTJUFI FL.tS5:,1Ua l,rHRIfiTIr:rt.l. LH:,T trEL .' PFTIIL FT 7:U1 Fll lrlEti r:r-T i5 ======== Tllt.{t,: : l-lt.{LEHtjEtj Hi_ri-lF.L'r' r.rHFtIFtTILtt.l FllFj THE LH5T j: [jt-t1,]_; l..lr-it t 1 r i.l|:|l...l !U tlt-tl I ltj t!Et_ t, -U . -i i -[t. t:tj,+, -t:1 . t:1 1,+ -L1 . [1i+ -t:1 . L1 l,+, -t:1 . [1:+' -t]. r:ii,+, -t:1 . t:t 1 ,+, -t:1 . 0 f ,i -tl . tl 1,+ -tit . t12,1, -tJ. t:l 1 + -tr1 . tjl .r,+, -i:1 . t:lLl -Lt. Lt:+, -U. UtJ tll. tjt:i -t:1. t:t 1'+, -tsl . tjltlt,+, -8. 8tJ -11. t:tij't -t:1. l:t 1 -lJ. t:lt:l -tl. B I + -L1 . --j!.:1 -Lt. tlt'1,1' -r:t. tit 1'+, -tl . U-+ -rJ. r1i -[]. r:rr]r,+, -r.lr. tlr2+, -tlr. r:rt:t,+, t.lt-tl I :'i:i t..h:tl,.l ,:B trEt: t, tiEt: 14 -rj.rjl -rj.rjl --1.r:r1 -E.r:rl -IJ.L]i I]L FEFJ HUUFI HI.JEFIIIGE UHF]IHTIUI.]. LH:,T trEL . FFT1IL rlT i:rr5 Fl,l lrlEt) ULT 15 :+::+:FE-t-F-:r_r'=r-rt-{Ir-: I I f THtll{. EFLlrlE 5li5TEl'1:1. Er\r PETE:tt I rEt..l[r I t..lr::. .f- -f- t,lE:::,HriE:, 1r:1 : 1 ;j Hl,l THI-I t!Er:: 14:, 1!'JI ili-'rrli'f i 'f t-li1i,.. i tr I E'_.Et- ",: : ,' F't,1 l,!E[, t-l: T ,j5:' I']'lI ,r::i rlf'i :,FlT r_il_.T :r_i ! 1'J':ri !,,! r-_t F: =-- -f l-: l=.-; E tll- iiET t-.1-tF'FrFr-:TF[:, THi]i. r li-rL_l-li,lF. !rl* t:F'r-l',r:r ilEt-l:,1_lF:Et' Ttll.ll,:. i. ll_ti I_lr'11_. riL r.il_rLt-riif LEFT ill THill,. i tl F'i;'t-t[il-it--.T LEt..tEl,.g Qt tf E,ur_.rE Fl-tEr. TEI',1F,EF:i-rTl-lF E. :+::+::+: :+: Hr-lt-tE:L\r r.rHF: I FtT Iut.l 113:1r Hll THr_t iiEi:: 14r 1'1,J5 ===:===== Tl]t.]t;. 1 tj I E:;EL 111l..lFlL',i.', r.]HFjIHTIT:rt.t Fr:rFj THE LH:iT l2 Hr:rr_rFj5 J Hl'l lt:r tll'1 i, F't1 : Hf'l - u. tl al aJ --!:ll . Ll -iJ. rJ [1 . u rJ, tl --fi rlr -tjl . t:1 -[1 . t:l -U. _i -tll . 0 0. rJ -tl1 . t:1 _i. U -t:1 . tj -8. [1 -Lt. L1 Lt . l:t -u. I'J - [:l i:1. -ti -rJ. -u" l:l . -u. r:1 . Ll IJ. IJ li.1 tjl rl1 rJ rJ Ll u tJ [1 E Ll k] til l:1 U. tjl -tl. Ll tl . tl -tlt. rlt'1, 1r:l HI,I E Fl,l r Hll irj HI{ r:l . t:1il -rll . r:ilJ -8. UrJ -r:1 . r:1 1 -u. LltJ 6L PEF. H!:rl_lF: F{riEF:HGE |.JHF:lHTIr:rtl. LHiT LiEL ,' PFHIL HT i: _-r1 pl'1 tilEt! [[_:T :r5 ======== THt.{l: : Ul.lLEHtrEti HI]I-JF.'Lii I..IHF:IHTILlI.{ FI:IF: THE LI]5T ]2 HI]IUR:, - t:l . t:l t:1 1 lri Hr'l E FI,l -r:j. tl 1 r:r. tit:r -ir.rJU rjt- PEFj HUI_IF: LI..I:.T [iEL .' F'FIIIL HT -rlr. r:1 -r:1. E+ : HI,l 1r:r Hf,l -rJ. EU -[i. _1r] Fir. rEF,firlE L..rHFt I HT I r-ri.l. i: rji FI'i l.ilE[r r-rr::T :: r, Ftl f tlt'lii fiH lrr Hll -E1. B rl. [r t:1 . u. t:1 . _U L1t:] _U t:l ti. Ll r:1. Ll 13. r:i tJ. rJ t:1. [1 t:1. t]l --ff. [] tit. tlt,+, - t:1. El --i. L:i:t - l:1-t:1. E t:1. t:l U. t:1 t:t. I rl . B -rJ. Li -t:l . 1+ t:1. tjl r lFlr I Ei1i' _rr, ,,1, . L :,rj,+ I ..-| ,ia,t' .:,_,. L ' f-, 1,l :+::+: a i 1. I F grrEF:FlriL,5l-lEL TEr'lPEErHTl-lFrE. rJ. rJ I tl l,lH IEF: 'rEL. i : .I i,, a a:.," !i" r.-i t'.,:. i,''- 'i ,:,TF|F:T 1 [1 : ],t i:ll1 l,lElr t_il- T .1 ! l,-:r,:r.-, [t]tr t,: :'4 Hf'] FF'I ur_ l- I I ' 1',r',ri 1...1 r-r 6i1 '_-; 1 r.-_ Ft'*:" E_ .+i.+. r:r riL rjFtr:rtt l'.1EH5l_lFtEtr 1,-,|.i1, t t;rl_l-lilE "ii41. ;' rll irill l_lf'1E LEFT Iil THI{I'. 1 l. f i l tl F'l-'r-r[.'l-ll- T LE|.]EL . 8. 1 II] I,IHTEF' LEI..IEL. ::======= 1 L.lill :' i_lill_EHtiF [r .: -i i_'r:, , :. l ::;THF]T i,::l F'il LIE[! t-rr_:T lir 1'J']i El.{tr ;::r:r Rf,l THi_l r:il_:T ti. i'J'l: l-..1r-rt:'_=-f r-.]=|=E =r_,45. 1 rjL tlET r_:r:rF:F'Er_:TEir THt.lt. r.rr:rLl-l['lE. 5r,4Lr. i rjL rlFjui! r,1Ei]5l_lFtEtr THr.ll,: rir-rLUr,1E. lii.I rll rrr-rli_lt,lE LEFT IH THl.ll:.. r:r5. :'-J l f.{ F'E:r-r[rl-ll:.T LEr rEL . i,r:1. i F HrlEt:HrlE Fl-lEL TEI']F'EF:HTLlFiE. rJ. tJ It.l l,lHTEF: LEr.lEL. :;THF]T ;: li F i,l Tl_lE Il-lL 1::r. l't'JI Eilir 1 I : r:1 1 rli'] THr_l _Tl_lL :'i_1 :, l'J'l: l-"-l r-r F:5 -f t--$:| = E ii,r1. 1 r;L l.lET r_:r-rt:t:Er:TEtr TIl]ir iir-rll-ll'lE. ii1. 1 rlL rjF:il5i l'1EH5l-lE:Etr THt.{1,. rrr-rl l-lf'lE. :l++.1 t-11 tr1i11-lt'lE LEFT Ill THllt, . 1 i. r14 i f.l F'F:r-r[rl-lr-:T LEr..rEL . 4,1.I F F.lrlEF:HriE FI-lEl- rEl'tF'fFtHTi-lF:E. r-1 .r:t iil LTHTFE'L_b-r lEr_" :,IlFtT .i: i'J Fil Tl_ii FfEr Ir 1l'li Et..lt., i I : ijl ilf'l THi-l FEE l: i'J':ri l-._l!-rt:5-f t_:Ft=E ... : : .l l-':---'q :i -:l ;: i :-i. ::if,'-J"Ei rjL t.lET r-:t-tFjFjEt::TELr THlll. r.lllLl-lf'lE. Bf,r:1. i GL rlFlUS:, r'1Efi!,1-lFtEir Tfil.lt,: r..i[rLl-lf'lE. =183.,1 ril r...!r_rlr_rt,1E LEFT IH THHFI. 1r:r. i'l i t.{ F F:r:r[rl_lr::T LEr]EL . 48. i F Hr..lEFil-illE Fl-tE1 Tgt.'r'EF',rlTl-lFiE. E1. ri1 I H r.,.rqTEF: LEI.JEL. STHF:T 'J:i;', Ul'l t'll:lt{ r:il::T 17:, 1t!4 Elit:' 'l: f,Er Ht,l THU r_il::T -i: 1'l'J4 l-.-l r_r F;: = -f r-: Ft =. E 5t:l'J, I rjL rlF:r-r:,! I'1EH5l-lF:Elr THI{l, rrr-rLl-lf'1E. 55rjt,.i rll_ il1-111-ll,1E LEFT Iil THl.lt,:. 11. l'l I il F'F:l-l[1]-ll- T LEr rEL . t-1 . U I tl l.,l|-]TEE: LFr rEl . ___ .-r ',-Trr.t_,r-1, ltll :, IFrlFrT -+: r -r F il Tl-lE [rEI- i l: I']'i:, Eiti, +:i: F'r,] Ti-ii_ [rfr: 1:t:i':']:, :.TRF:T trt.il-i i:,: i ..1 F't,l 5l_il.l liE!_: i tj: i'l'15 ':,: 1 .j F i'l 5l-lt-l trEI:: 1tJ I 1'l'Ji _i,:1: p,1.1 !t_lt{ DEr:: 1fir 1,-],-ti . :-(, :,ti..l:- l,,l-::,:: r ::r : :rt F'1.1 THI-I t lr-rl I l8 r 1 ,1':rI r-r ; iLr F'i'l THI_I tir_rtt lrj. l Jr: r:l : liu F'i'] J Hl_l t.{t_rt t lU. I I J: l:i :5r_1 Fil THI-I l..lt:tl I tlt:j, 1J,t: Et.,l[i ::THF:T Eil[r tTHF:T Er l[r , 5THFJT EHtr t Tt-.iF:T tri.lr, :THF:T Et.l[j :;THFjT Etlti ,:,TffF]T tri.Jfr :,THF]T trlJfi ,: TOtr.T El{li :,THF]T Etitt : HF:T Et.ltj tTHF:T Et']ii :,TIiFjT Et.ltr STHFTT Etiti STHE:T Et..ltj :,TfiI:T Et.itl :, THF:T tt iLl !THE:T Et.lti 5TIlF:T Er{tr r,lfl|Il Eiltr :iTHF]T Ellti 11:lt ilf,l :,r_ll1 flt_rr I :.irj-.1 11:li Ht'1 ':,r-lti llr:rr I :,,1'rJ:; 1: l: F'f,t f,lr_rf..l r_il_:T lrjr 1l,r5 :: f : Fi,1 [,lr_rti [il-T lg, 1]15 i : trj Hf.l FF,I r:il: T t,, I ::i i : t:lll Hil FE'l t_il_ T t , i.r'+i l: t:1tj Ff,l l,.lEt., iEF llr 1,r,1! 1: UU F i'] t,lEtj :,EF 1 I r 1'l'li l: i::l F'l'l l,lE[:, til_lt] 1i, r l,J:tI I: j1 F,l',1 trtEtr Ht_trj 1n: 1'1,-1i 1 1 : t:1tj tf ii I'lE[i Hl_lri 1r,. 1'J'J: 1 I : L1U t-.{l,l l,lE[i lll-lr] 1t,, i't'Ji :: r_r-1 rf,i ':,f.tT ._Tr_tL J.i. l'rr': ; : 4l F',i,1 :,HT Il_!L .t J . I l,l5 i-l :ii F{f'1 Tl-lE TI-lil r:,.1i:'l' l:: ::. ql1 fi-lE..Il-ltl ,:"1'-i'-lf 1 I i t-1 I F'i'l i1r_rfl Ti_li1 5. 1'l'r: 1 i: i_rlr: F'i,l f,l!:lil _il_ifr i. I'tr:-I, E:Ut:1 t-ll.l TLIE f,1F1',r lt:lj' 1'J'15 f : r:1rj Hil Tl_lE I'lFt'.,, lr:1 ! 1,]:ri : 4: l: fil',] :,ui.] uF'F: 'l: 1---r'li +: i-t, ff.l :,l_lf{ qp'p' '1 . 1't'Ji i:5u Hf,l l,lE[i llHF: i,Jr 1,]li a,: f, L Hi'i l,lE[r I,IHF: .:'J. 1'J']5 i::[1 t-]f,] FF:i r'lHF: r+. 1'l'li 1 : rrj Hr,i FF:I l,lFF: ;i4 r 1 '_r'15 1 : 1[ r-.{t,l FF:I ilHF' J4 , 1 ']',J:, I: Ifl F.ll'i FEI i'1HF' --ir f i15 1:: f::r ff'1 FFtl tlHF: i4, 1r'r: 1-: l':r Ht,t FF I r'1HF: :-1 : I'.r'.rc 1 .': :"rr Hl.1 FF: I r,lHEt :-1 . I I r:, 1 f : .r'l Lll',l FF: I l,1RF' .j.1 :, 1 '1'r', r;1I qit Tr_rE tliF'-t i,Il'1 :; ' i -: il; il Itr i'lHF. J l. 1,1 ,: l: il F't,l f,it_tll t'1HF, ;rJ:, I .1,:ri 'l::+ F'i'i ilr:ii.l t,lHE: :8,1.J,:15 5 tHF:-l El..lLr l: jrl F'l-,] :,HT f,tHF: +: 1l Ff,t ::l]-t ilr-]F: 4 r 1'J'J5 4. 1'l'J5 ._" ii ill :,r-lli L,tr_. Lr-rr L-::_, i : t: F'i'1 :,l,ltl [rEr_ i f 1, i ]'ll, :i,t,i;r.i -ij'j l-rH-L lLi 1i!rl1 1 J-lt-i,l il-i:r:, " _riii ,..1i j_-j, , i_i.j1f,:l ,',ll " -r.f'lf t:',": j!iiil-iIi 'lf jLll -! 1 I .-. tr i--l t-r =. r*r:3 _L =.=l :+::+: iiJ i rr1 i rr-,! ,lliir llJ i I .r- ii t, I . [i i :ll-tl_1 ']f r't r,i,3 ,:' [ :,] ti,':, I i r,I Ilt-tLl rjl_rl,,i l,lrj 5! : I f t,t-. I . i,I [fl-ttt l lr:rt,] !,lu !i : :. hEr:,I 'iI ,JJ5 tlr-'i'l l,ll:t i,!:Ii t't,r,I iiI dl5 tlr:rt,.l t,.lH Ii:Ii ,._tit: .l:-{1.1i ,. '.111-i l'JHl.l ,:.ill_: l;!r_1i:, :3|-ti-tH ,Jf,j ltr r:ri_ii'r.i = r.ll[rHif,JHt .1Ljfl lIr [ir:1U 'lirLl! = ,],;33itI l3il t,.lfll,J I i.l I Ii = flLlS t,Jt-rl'lIt.lIt,l = IJJHj t,it-tt,liHIi'l il i t:1UtI 't:ti = 1::lalill:t;l,J titltl il I r:jr:.trj 'll:: = lrlt-tlJ;Jf itt:t tl I }:tt:,trf i = ,Jf lLlfl HItI H tl J l:t}:ltl 'tit = ll;,llt-t lEr tl ':r I i:r! = f I'lr-rlrlrir fl i r:j[ti:t ''_-rf, = ,1]l-f t,.lL{ I il 5ililf lLllJ i,if ,..1i..1 I lir:_t j i = _f ,J,L,1 .,.ltlLtl t:1t:l 't'i 't-1i:l ' Ell i;ttlt'ii it:ttj ''ni r1.1f.r '':ri = _-l..lr-r IfLl._I:ll 111,1 'l..l i .,:rai ::i t t'r:irl ' .r I = i'.,1 I:,-I-lllit f tll t,J,l t.lj {t:1 '_!t:jI = H-L[ri.lfl filt_l;J,J ,! 'rl1,l = I,JL1 i ,i,1 l:,l.]lil - 1 ,j!:t .,, ,:lf,lt1lll.l[t i I! = 1_t[t,.]t_t:3d ':-l:''_''iLlflrlil i j,lt.lL{1 ======== ,I!-rLrH ,Jfj -l!r i:1t:il 'r:t = ':llt:tH!f,lH1 .,jtj: ,r lEt r:irl1r:1 'rlr:r,l = ir;Jf i ti lf ij !tt-ti,l i il I i,l = f --lh:, ilt-rl,l I iiI f,l = I Jf H1 L,titt,t I tt I t,l fl j Ur:1r:1 'tJi - 1._t[t,:]t_r:J,J It[tl f.i i _lrjrlf ii: = i1l-rlj,Jfil_l il I t:ltiu 'i = ;Jf -LLtll Htt I H bh,t, 1 t t'1 ,Jf :; ,.lltl t,l,j Frr.1 : I t,f,r, I , t'I J::, 'l:t]i [,],J I i:1 : a t,t,t, l.iI l::il:r ,:l3H t,.lLt UtJ:. tEt,I riI l:_I:t (lftil t,111 ijrj:! t,r,rI iF irr:rl.l i,ll t,iu i!:'j f,i,r,I i t itr:r|.l I,JJ I,jH 'lt :'l tr,r,iih itr:rt.t I;Jl t.lLt Ii!i, t'Lt'IiF iir:rtl I;lJ i'll:t i'Lr:Er t'i,r,I it, iir:rl.{ ilftr t,lLl f!:II ft,L, 1 ii, Il:lt'l (llfl t,lH t:1i: I i f i,i, I ' t'i r llrli ilr-ii'l l,jl-1 a,a I I 1 ba,r,i,ti irr_rl..i iir_i!'j l,lb [ir:i:ii ha,a,i.tI itl:rtl ft-rl l,jLl i.rr..r:r, t''_,1, I.!1 itr:rl.l =r,1 1'16 5i:t:t f-'i,i,Ii'li il[rll r]fiil i'l,j f!:'J i'tr,t,'t i'J I f tt-tl.i ':llrt i,.1,: r.:; :': ili.l3 -l.,lljl: t":iLll:, (.lHf ];JLII:, i:lt.tf i.3Lll-:, i:lt.lf I,lLJl:, i: tif li*rl ':.lii: 1:JLj1:, '.-ii: .i.,Jh.t-: ,.,lll-i 1,jr-1 i _-, ill.13 I,JLIi5 ili.l3 1ULlll ,._il3 I ;JLll:, ilHS 1.JLll5 ilt.]3 .t;311-L:r i-tlf 1;_4Lr,l:- ,.1 r.l: 1;if 1 :, ,:lHf I ;,lUJ :, i:ll..il ll I rJr:1rli 'r:r = -Lf SJJrlr Itr D'':Ir:'l = fl,lt-tlr:ril ll I Llr.:1rir ''li, = ;Jf 13t,.l6 I,l 5,:lt.lf l-Ll-.lj .,jf,.ltli1,.'i_t i I - f,J,',I -,ltltl_i- LltJ 'f i i l:11:l ' ::ll i L:l[f il i RtJ '?i i r]1[1 '',]'t = :,i.{r:r I lH:_il_rl '11,3 'f..1 I,_;[t jrJ[1'1,J'.i = /i.LI::I:tlfr t ftLr;J,J ilI t:1i: 'trJi = Hjtlt..lll ftlt_t,J,j t::t'-h = I,JLI i,il I:,l...l3,:l . I,:U, lf:,:i,:l ii - r_t!-t,.lt_,j.: lf :l I ,l I .:,1llLt-L !f,i, 1 i h i _rf ,l r-tlll l.ll:l L1i : rt i LliLlil :lt.ll:11 t.i,r, i . 'i- itt_ril fjr-ti ijli ii: i tr,t, j IJi irr:ill tli-r:, i,ih :I: i fi,E,I ,It ,-r:tt HrJl,l t,.l,J !u:iI t'r,r,I riI ::rfil i.lr_r[,.] t,]d li:t:il t'L,L, I iii :-13,11 t'lut,l t'.ld -r:1 :iI i-,i L,I ,I I :r3,:l l-.lrJt,l t,l,J 'lu : i'i . . I -:'-': : ' t'i,a,i iiI :-t3,;1 l,-lt:rl,.l i,l,J LIJ:iI tL,i I iil :r3il l.lr:r[,.] l,,],j itJ:iI :.:- lL,,-, I ' E i.{HI tir-rt,l i,jLl t:1t:j : I !4,4, I .,:, l.ll-li t.lt:rl,l t,jl:l tiI:1 : I !a,a'I I!T lltli ilt-t5 t,jl:l iI:N' !t,':,iitI Hl:tI tlit:, l,.lLl i,i:ii ii,':,i,'.rI t.{l:tl ill_li.l t'j,J iI:i !a,a,I i'r I t.{Lli l.llri..l l'l,J rJ I : i !r,a,i.f i :l3l lr-r1 l,l,l uu:1 '-t i i 'f'I :lf _i lr tl t'l,J uL1 : 1 lL,r,I j t ,\rrI't lt:li t,tJ L- I : r 'jE.i. T i +' :rlHl,l I H,: Ll.J t::7 :,;' 4 5) ':_rtJI ,lfl_rir Li,Jlfd ,r,rl ' :i t,J f .l_ 5, .. ,i I ll-tLl tr :.t t.t Ll_!- f f f --rtrf-Ji-r:.i-r:3=l_3.rJ a ? I t :+::+::+r:+: a :+: :+:FE-fF-:t-r.=r-tt--tf 1 I f l- Tt-lt.itr. tit-IUGE ::ir!--l rf,l:;. E\r PETE:I:{ rrFll[r ] ilr_. ,;rjHFtr!_tt_E l rJ: ;j 1 !lf'l THt,t t-rEt_ l -r : 1,:r,l: HE:,:T: 1 _1: ritt FI'l Ti_rE l}.lf.] :,: 1 ,:r,ra, FFiELI: ELl5P"-' 1 l,lr:rt..lfH:; :STtlFlT LEHI. TE:,T 1-i:l Fr-rF: i:r Hrlri,lF,,l F.E=-fFjr-r=-r:rt-{Ir-: I I f THl.{li GtluriE :,1,I:,TEf,t!. E? PETFIT_-| r..rEt.ltl It..tc. :+: :+: :+::+. '1,-1" i 4t:1 :f,'I. E .{E .-,-.._'-'._,+._l iirr--r.,:' c.-" T{ -.-a --rr-r _11r,i. _l -'.-'i,'+. E rrl:l ._i:1._r._r. + .j= .{fTr -!:, _r r+ j, ._r._r . ,r iu 4r,'lt. rl -E Er_J.r._r r i ._r ._ll_r!+i. I, ,:r+_r ._r.f._ti r t:r t-rE E._ -= ,-. l i:r ._t,:, ._t :r r] I 'Ji r,t:tt]5.: lrl ,:' , ._l j'E+ r,.4 4rjl i. 5 ililllr:l: ti i r!.., ._r 1 lil ':L . !!l -i.+l '. r .-rf,,l! j! r I, i,t:t i t,. t:t i.-1._i[:1. .,1 t,_,ic,.,:, _-,1 ,f tlir:ll. iJ +::ll'r.'rr cr --._r1, , . . i-tt:t'-i. u f,L:lrlE. r:1 f4rji.:' f,rjt:ltj. i 4il:15.1 .i eE. _+ _r._rr' . .+ 4'Jtjl:l . :; C.-,TF -,._li.-:r._.1 , i .-r.-ri t:, r .J q:-r; i: 5'iEt:t. 1 ;t,Er!. :r _ir:r.:, r r ,:l .-,.+,:, _,, ..' -,:,r l.ti 4lr,i,j, t, J'f-rl I _r._i,:, i r r_l _.r,:.1 1 " .+ _r l,:, .,' . + i'l -l E. :+::+: Ttlt.{t't r::HfiE:T 1r:r: 71 HI,1 THU [iEr_: 14:, 1 ,],-r5 :==.:==== Itf t.{11 1 tr J E:,EL I i.lr- HE:, GxLLr_r|.l:, rl u. rJ i lil . i f,r:l . i, 55. 'j i 1 it. + 15E,.5 l:rE,. i if,!.4 I rrl lf :. + f,:_t l. ,: +14. rJ 4t:ti " i i: Et:1[r,f, t'5'1 .u i1'].r i::i8.i:i :rJ 'JUrr. r:1 'jil. + 1r:if,'J. ! 1 I r:1;. 5 -,c i.-,.iE f I Tt..- .-t { Tr-r- E a {c,-.L_r i-.+_r.i -1 ,_rlE,.i l,_,':,i.,-' l+._rf.rJ Irj 1i,rlb . J l ii[r. 5 1f 55. 4 l::rf, -1. ,] l5 1'lEl, : 2r:1E_1.t r1lE.r:r :r1i.,l 4rJ lf,i:. r, :451 . 4 tif,u. i iE,i:t'-]. t1 45 ;'ib:::. E iE4E. i j'1:8. i f,rjrrllE. r:j it:i f, lt i. 5 f,!4i. I f,f,:E, " :i f,4LlE . l 55 fIE4. t .iE4f,.4 ]i:l. ? f,::l[lr:l. 1 i'rl l'ii5. 4 4UI:. 5 4 1t:t'-i. ri 4185. 1 i,5 4f,f,5.5 441Ji. E 44:if,. i 455E.4 iri 4E,'1'1. E +7ir:1. f, 4ul!. ! 4'_1r:il::. i i5 5u4i'. h 5l r:t:::. Ll 5 i i i. r 5rf,5. ; tlril 5I5i. r:1 54 1 5. i 54f 'I. '-1 55:ri. f,::r: iL,f f,. E ii,Ef,. r, =II I . f, =iiE, . h'Jrt 5Er:'i. 5 SE?n. '_, 5,J:iL-1. I IlhO. 1 .rI E,rjrll:. I bL1 1E,. U THIII.; l UI.ILEHLrEtr rlHLLr-ri.{:-; .-ili.l . t' l'i[,. r, 4l+. !:1 :i,l ., i r1-l:,i ,tr I i,,l'r . I 1, '-r . a il L.-,':,. rl -,ff,a L_, rl,rl. r l:,,1,,r:: l, i-].'1 ,r .l 1 t:1'1. i:l 4,fl;ii. i :+: :+: rltlEFlFLl:rtJ LLIhI PFIODUL:T HIEH LIHTEFI TEI'IPEFIHTUREi t'1i55ED t'1EH5 LEt{lj. if.ltrITHTEI) THEFT OELIUEFjV 5HLE Rr_.r:t{TIt{G PEFIIL|tr TII'IEO LEI]|] TE:,7 FI]IIEFI FI{ ILI-iF]E F,F:II.]TEF] FHILUF]E E}iTEFTHRL :,q!E[ IHr.]El.lTr:rE:! $.::t:l: .i.:t:f +'t+ :+: :+: ++.+: :t+:+ +*,i. +:+:+: FE]-E:r:r=t-rt-{Ir-: I I f TRi..llt rlt{urlE :,q,r:;TEf i:;. E\r F'ETF:r_r rlEt.ltr Il..lr::. !-! .-r . i r,:,+. i ':,..r: r:' i 17E,. I I llr_rr . r-t ':r:"1i1 1 ..,r:,:.u .-, .-,'tn.-'. J 4ri 8. i +:i !:,. r =l:1r.. E ._r,:'l l, + i'lt:ri. 4 :,'ir5iEi1 ':ETl-lF 1t1: tr HI'1 THI_I trf L: i 4 ' 1'l'-15 ilEF,:, It-til # 4.r:.15r Tr-rilrjLE., EtlrjLI:,Hr 1: Ht:ti_lF: : l,lr_rl.jrH FIE::,Tr l_tt.lirEF:rlt:r_rt_it1i., Ttliji..,. THELE 5+Err f.lr:rF:l',1Hi_ i llr...rf f lTt_rF:ir F: Itlrj ErEl_L Fr:rF: i ttrr-.r:rfjtr! r5TuFlT itF EiiEi.lTi iEl.lL) LrF Er.JEiiil --- i,lHFllllt'llj --- --- I'IE:-:,HGE --- ::HULI t!I:;F FFIIIlI HELg{i 5HLIId T]IsF FF:II.{T +++ ++* .1:+.1 :t:t:f +$* +'f+ .$++ ++$ +:+:+ $+:f +:ti$ +:t+ +++ 'l:++ ++:t $:f:f: +.t$ +rt:+ :{.:t:+: L rlr_.HL:, l.1 t:1. t:1 q I i':l 11 1 l:1 -':,i. { i i t,rrt. I :i:i 'JrJ:r. n e 1.-, iE - _lr:i itt-ti,. r .if .:-i.I " r:. ,_,:,+. il r.r+,,-'_i 1t:1 . i I ._rr_, r ._r .:,,:,i. i 85,J. Lt '1if,. + I l{ i -r 1 F,i:i --1 . 5 :ui x. f, ._'E +._'. + +r-r.j,i. ._' 4.+u'J. ::: :",:,r rr ,:, 11t-'r, I 1+5 J. L l:'-tr. - .:-;1 -r, ' -E.r_t:" .:, J,i1t:1::1, r:1 l.l ,trj," I ii-:rlil i al,:'-r" i + -r ._,F, , rf ,:.'1 I L, j_t: j 'f L i iit:l ,. L:: ,_, il 1.. r :' i..l ','l -1,', l .l,a': ,, ' Li_r-.1; - 1, ii. : subject: VarY trulY. lottES Itua.o ROBERT A, il33 Pllnfrn ffil 'i, ';; ffordrlroolc mnof gm'?GB 00cl zl2-E6oo frx !lo. (l$la?z,El?c ilq rhu tlo t!t-3313 ' cr!l. u$8il0f,il9n00q L Tclax tlo.6l02t133{lo@ Undenrr[ers Laboratorlss lnc'o t{arch 25r L992 Fetto vead' roc''Yrr. ttalt Latlca-eioo Eantu Be Drive i6aerrn=, tL 5os2s Our Beference: ttE14857r 92NK5534 r Pear't[:. 'Iratka: . we have coog,lered our. lry::::tt[:"Brif.tli.i*lTlr!:Hi":.* ' f.: :ii:Eil-''i6r!i iiE["ffi::lg:"i"tli!]-dE-sEanda*Ii6;tt-;ndt catetrratlons a r,,##H**lil;tli?i$f$r:li*'flr{r-{iff ** 0.059 9a1lh, tibns 6s sstrslents ioncernlnE this re6 to contacE us' ReviewedbYe ' t' . tt. E. t'tAGERA'(Ext''-2552)-incinelJing ciouP tead'er Eniineering sarvlces 5 perceBE. i i#:i'X:I: "iT' ;":*:" E'S" i . 2258) Pro Eng Ject Eng lneertng RAZ;BIImiTre*2 Servlces i iibt.ior.Piotn mrniuioa oairtctrii ti u,tlto sdtq uc co mrnittooto qrrarv ttfsct ''. Uli.j.'^ .'ji{Hifri',' t. '..:. .:i:. . . Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evatuation Automatic Tank Gauging System (ATGS) This form rclls whc0cr rhc autoraatic unk garrging systcn (ATGS) describcd bctor cosplics wirh rhe perforaancc rco-uiremcsrs of rhe fedcral uaderground storagc m* repladon" Tbc evaluadon was'condueed bv rbt cquiomeu! nanuiacrurcr or a coosultast to the oanufacilrcr according to , rliU.S. Ep.q.t rseaaaid Tcsr Procedurc for.Evaluariug l*a.k Daeaion'Mcthods: Automafic Tants Gaugiag SSreurs."Thctrll cwluadoo rcpon also-iacludcs a form describing the oethod and a form sumnarizing the tcst dau- Tank ourcrs using dris leak dcrccrior sysrcm shouid kecp ftis form on Ele to proee compliancc *iii- rlc itdirat riErtations. Task omirs should check rfirh Srgtc and local aieacies to fralp sure rhis forn sarisEes ihcir rcquiremens. ATGS Oescripdon . Neme PetEoEonlc III th tlodel 613 Eebe Version nlrnbe r 4.05 Vendor Petm Vend. Inc. 5900 Santa Fe Drive (sr6et eddress) stdtEi e Evalualion Hesults Tn-s ATGS. wlrich dedares a tank tci be leaking when he measured leek rate Bxceeds the threshold of 0.1 gallon per hour, has a probability oi ialse alarms [F(FA)] of 1.1 s-. The conesponding probEbifity of detestion,[P(D)] of a 0.20 gallon per hour teak'rs qe.g %.' The minimum water level (threshold) in lhe tank d1a the ATGS can detea is 0.37 inches. : The minirnum change ln water l6v6l that can bs dg:ested by the ATGS Ls [,4952inches (provided thd the waer level is above the threshold). Therefore. thls ATGS El do". EOoes not me€t the federal performance standards ' : established by the U.S. Ehvironme$al Protegion Agency (0.20 gallon per hour at P(D) of 95% and P(FA) of 57c), and.thi6 ATGS IEI does Ll does not meet the tederal pedormance -' standard of mbasuring watar in fiebottofll of the tank to the nearest 1i€ Inch. Test Qondltlons Durlng Evaluatlon The evaluaton testing wes conducted in a Jgogm , gallcn E steel Elfiberglass tank was -93.- inches ln dlerneter and -SI-- inchss long. lr.CL The tesG vrere conciucted with ihe t8nk produ6 levels 59 and The procuct used in the evaluation was diesal ,. % tuil.$ ATGS - Rrsults Form 95 Paea t ol 2 ': ... [.i,.. ( . ..; '-.:-r': .. :; The temperature ditference between product addsd to fill ths tank and product alread)/ in the tank Gnged frorn jSjli..-oF to -G-3-oF, wiu1 a stEndard deviation oi 5.51 'F. Neme of Veision' -Apil :- ,, , :' a , i rfre,rnethod has nol been sub*entially cftanged' , :'. t .ttre vendOr's itnsttrcdons lorirct31;1rrg and operadng thaATGS ere followed' . Tne.tank contains a.product Hentfiec on tre lnethod desaiption form' gn the Hesults The performalce estirnees abow ae onlY valid when: r The tank Is no terger fian 000 gallons. -r The Enk Is d.teest J|*P€rcsnt fufl' The waiUnE tirna efisr addlng ar,y subt''Ential amount of produd to fie tenk Is L2 hours. o' Other lirnftations sPecified bY the vendor or di*ermhed during testing: t $ater are detected the uater oordtsr;. ( ,.TneternpErdJreoftheaddedprodrrctdoelnddiileirnorethart . . The toat d& co[edion tirne for fie test is d least -; ., , hours. C > Safety disc.talmer: This test procedure:iq*1*ses the issue bt ttre ATg system's ability to detest teaks. tt does noti.rt the Lqulpmerrt for safety hazards' EistatrAerO EPA test procedtne I0r ATGS EI.rt.#*" EPA test procedure IqATGS -..r -..,:.i' .','.....r'.'.jrrii,.-: Q.rrkr' .R. A. E!'AE I Frojece'Er/gines Ensineerifig Services Depasunenc 416 333 Een Road Revi.ered by: fta.1dt,t,-a*-** I,I. E. I{AGEIA E:rgineeri.nE Grouo Ls=derUngineering- Senrices Department, 416 708 272-8800 Page g ol 2 (. t of I Cr nopoitino Form Jor Leak Flols Dolo Aulomallc Tank Gauglng Systom (ATGS) ATGS Narno and Verehn: Evnluatlorl Peltod: Pe trasonl ITI ^O5 ul h Mode 613on irom 2-t9-n lo t-2-92 [Dolos] a : loo Comgt€Uon ol Losl Flll (nr/dly) me Complellon ot Llst Hn nllllo 1:l: TlmoTsst Grulod 15 -PtotluctTomporrttre DllloroollolI lceo F)_ Nomlnrl LGak Rato {salll!) hducod LoBt FDlo. (snlltrl Msasured Lsok Rsto (sallhl Meas-htd- l-sak Rolo -0:0110oo-0 0 Triol Run I 2-19-92 -s.6 o.3 o.304 n8 18:5O 2-20-92*08:0O J0.063 -0 2 -19 -92 2-1 :E-t8:5O 2-21-E2 2-21-92 O9:00 o.2 0.213 +0;149 -o. TJIZ rO.225 {O. +O.0 -0 003 -0. +0 +0 18 E36E -Tms 09:oo 0 0 4 5 G.7 -T$q T-zt-fr-18:50 -TItl5 o.3 .--.w 0 204 T-22-92m-92 07:0O ll:15 -T.z o.1-T-N42 1 2-21-92_18:49 I -ErO0 09:3 I -T=21:92 41:15 07:00 - _09:0o .+T,7 0.2 --oJ22-@n IIt 2- 2- -rrtrs 13:15 -o.3 o.310l0 ll 12 3 !4 l5 6 -F'.3-92 2-23-92_481 07:0O -G'o0 0 0.11 2 2-2 -2 11:15Ti-im-13115-0.1 2-;G}r0O -:4.5 W-n_+r,tr-11 5 -I3:15 -09:00-T45-92 18:11 i 07:00 -13! 15 09:00 -+5.ft-0,1.--0-7 'tB 19 -I3415 0 O9:00-o.2 0.203 2g t 2-2l) 92-1L15-13:15 I 09100 +1.6 o 1 0 0.107 E55r +O. {0.039 -{). 2-3-t-92_07$o_ 22 2-O7rff)0.2 .213 m708 2X 18:56 ElaS 24 18r5h ^'r^ n -nrli nnnnrllrrt Foltu ti flmo TEsl BcOBn (ndnloryl Dale Tosl Eepon (rnfdly]TDsI NO. 2-25-92 o-37-79-q2 1 1 A\ Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Execuuve Distor Kent P. Gray Di160r DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor P.O. Box l,l48zt0 Salt lake City, Utah 841 l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Facility I.D .#4001 650 State of Ut.ahlGeneral Services Date z t0 /2/95 l-380 West North Temple .Salt Lake Citv.TTT R411 6 From: Garv Astin RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Magna Water Company Maintenance Shed. 8q33 West 3500 South. Magna, Utah; Faciliry I.D. #4001650. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on August 30. 1995, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with tanks # 1 (6.000 gallon dieselland #2 (6.000 gallon unleaded). 2. Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tanks # 1 and 2 . 3. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs # 1 and 2 by: a. Documenting that the ATG system performs and records a leak test at least once a month. Please submit copies of valid ATG leak tests for both tanks for September and October, 1995 b. Documenting that the ATG system is properly installed, calibrated and functioning. Please submit a copy of the Petrosonic III "Tank Report" for both tanks. This report provides setup and calibration data. See the enclosed copy of the report from the Petrosonic III owner's manual. c. Documenting that copies of all written performance claims, including the EPA third-party evaluation summary sheets, pertaining to the Petrosonic III ATG are maintained and available for inspection. In addition, a copy of the Petrosonic III owner's manual needs to be kept on site. The above information must be submitted to this office by November 15,1995. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4100. cc: Ed Hansen, Magna Water Co Prinled on recycled Paper 1002/95 ll:37m TO: Steve Cannincr Certificate of Compliance on site? 1!} *o d I Code date: County Sq[+ Ia[a City Facility Street 3 7it Phone #Contact Person At UST Location Code lo Xinrs ul- C City sfq $ UtaLr lt 38o u;,Sl,l'. Lrr Owner Name Address Area Code\to Yas N6,<ia No ne No Yes NoTank listed on Certilicate ol Comoliance ll ast No ft"No Yes No Yes NoTank oresentlv in use lf not in usa. date last used lf not in use. deoth of product in tank (in inches) L als -tt "181 lronth anri vaar tank installed IoOOO(b0oOCaoacitv of tank fin oallons) ,{iese{oa\ead!.L ^/ 0t lo*>vtSubstance stored Dtit,Str P3 5hP3Material of construction of tank (steel. FRP.etc.) Fn P L:k tlFraP o"?hu Material of construction of oioino (steel, FRP. etc.)Mii*ii;ii#d{jnii iuE: Emeroencv Generator tank (leak detection deferred) lnventorv Control/Tank Tiohtness Testinq Automatic Tank Gauoino Manual Tank Gauoino Vaoor Monitorino Groundwater Monitorino lnterstitial Monitorinq FF'.SPFdm:erStatistical lnventorv Reconciliation (SlR) Automatic Line Leak Detector ( Line Tiohtness Testino Vanor [ronitorino Groundwater Monitorino lnterstitial Monitorino Statistical lnventorv Reconciliation (SlR) t\sh certify that I have inspected the above-named facility on &y, Fi tm) Present During I o ,--_-Signature of Owner or Owne/s lnspector's Distribution: WhiteDERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ,,:, UTAH UST PROGRAM ,,,, ,,:: Facflily.lD,No ., Release Detection lnspection Ghecklist I. OwnerehiP, of Tank(s}ii. L tlon,ot:.renk{sl Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank !Nrrmhar nf tanks at facilifu: o:r,- 1fotrln (nVll "Mr Pml(,,t'o.-/Pininn tvna lnrassrrra srrction- oravifu. etc.) i) othar rnnrovad mAthari /indieate name ol method) Othar annrovcd method (indicate name o{ method) I A Tank 1 Tank 2 Tenk 3 Tank ! Yes @ Yes @ Yes NoThe UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes No No@ No@ Yes No Yes Nols there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent rslease of product into the environment? ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the typs of device: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) No@ lft'?l No crMu"utr4 Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank I Yes No Tank2 Yes No Tank 3 Yes No Tank 4 Yes No SA Tdt Trr* SA T.nk Tar*lndicate the typ€ of corrosion protoction: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite stsel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacdficial Anode (SA), or Not protocted (NP). I FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of thls 3ection. l,Jy Ftz? Um FLP Um LIB Llre lf the UST is not protected, was the tanuline installed before May 7, 1985? lf yes, corrosion protoctlon ls not requlred until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remalnder of thie section. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). No@ No@ Yes No Yes No -1,7 ?- volts -i,-?3 T6nk volts Tank volts Tank volts Results of the most recent cathodic protection test.yv Test Name of tfu G.-L Nfr Llm volts Llm A/ # volts Llm volts Lim volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three oquipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) Yes No Yes No Yss No Yes No t f ) llawseu- ! Conosion protoction for piping assoc. with tank(s)# understand that the following marked items must be completed by .M/Facility meets 1998 upgrade requirements Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During ! Spill prevention for tank(s)# , (pdnt lme, December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner UTAH :U$T FsclllIy. Ploass ia;i*iil,.ia e .iI* ::ffiil#fffis'as lf:.ffi sPll-UOvHHFlHE]rPfi HvHf*TiOll For overrill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? CORROSION PROTECTION Trnk 11afa.xlt* lq lf the tank has been retroftt (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. lnspecto/s Signature: UPGRADE NOTIFICATION f}overfillpreventionlortank(s)#-!Conosionprotectionfortank(s) Tank'l Tank 2 Tank 3Set 1 Tank 4 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) Automatic Shut-off Device (if yes, indicate model in comments secton below) Continuous Alarm System (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) No6 Gt No Yes No Yes NoRecords ol last Line Leak Detector performance test availabl€ on-site -flal,.t t dialqxDate ol last Line Leak Detector performance tesl q Fail6"4 FailG Pass Fail Pass FailResult of last Line Leak Detector performance test I Set 2 Gil No Yes No Yes NoNoG)Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site 4l4qt11elqa,Dato of last Line Tightness Test rDJ @ r",t Pass Fail Pass Fail@"=) r"irResult of last Line Tightness Test Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation tslR] (if yes, use SIR checklist) Yes NoYes No , use other methodOther approved method Test available on-siteRecords of last Line Tightness Yes No Yes No Pass Fail Date of last Line Tightness Test Pass Fail Pass FailResult of last Line Tighhess Test Vapor Monitoring (il yes, use Vapor Monitoring che ]1!is!l Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial checklist) Reconciliation ISlR]use SIR checklist)Statistical Yes No Yes No Yes NoYes No method (if yes, use other method checklist) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Other Yes NoYes No Yes No Yes NoSlope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction released Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No is VERIFIABLE, uso comrnents section Has ONE check valve, located di All above information on suction under pump Yes No Yes No Yes NoYes No rs Present During s L "s s 30,r ,) lnspecto/s Signature: Signature ol Owner or Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ,,,.1.,.,.tJifA H,:1U $'I' 1HHO GHAft/tli:;;:;;ii1iii.,;;.: Ret,eh$6,,,D8iffi ffi ;;;F.ff iirPlpifi g Fns!lityiilD :frla 48o i {a{r} .*j:fi* l'm$t, ,sEscl ,.tf .rgglii fiiti.Flffiiidrsle..Yffior.frl16j,,,:Sfierc, lpq!ry..iffii$:,1s j;rt:.tf,tEcilityFtessUrlz6 ,..Fl lnU I Suction and Gravity,Flow Pipin$ Pass Fail No ealr' Irattctlon Bsqulrad::{must,,Ells *t::y$e ta :ell:: uf .:ttrs,:lollff lft i::qubstlona} Manufacturer, name and model number of Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4Tank'l Yes (c Yes No Yes NoYes 60Device documentation is available on-site (e.9., manufacturer's brochures, owner's manual) Yes No Yes NoYes&Yes @Records on site documsnt that the system was installed, calibrated, and maintained according to the manufacture/s instructions (i, no explain below)7 Yes No Yes No6) No €r) NoA probe is present in the tank (checked by inspection) No(";)Yes No Yes NoNo@Device can measure the height ol the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch G) r.o Yes No Yes NoNo@Devics monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the full range of the tank's internal height Yes No Yes NoNo@No@A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device with roll of paper for results documentation)is equipped Yes Yes No Yes NoYes&Documontation is available demonstating that the Automatic Tank Gauge was in leak test mode at least onc6 a month for the last 12 months 51 I ll no, which months are missing? (specify months and year) Yes No@NoYes NoNo@The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manulacture/s equipmont protocol to ensure a valid leak test Yes No Yes NoNo@No@The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's equipmont protocol lo ensure a valid leak test Yes No Yes NoYes@Yes@Have any ol the leak test reports indicated a lailed test. lf fail, specify in comments section what acttns have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? Yes No Yes NoYes@Yes@ISfeatureandavailableautomaticthetestleakforclaimsolDocumentationperformance anddetectionofor0of,2 950hwithdetecttoleaks greater probabilitytheshowsgphability 115falseolalarmcertilication)or5o/o (3rd Partylessprobability Present During u S Signature of Owner or lnspector's Distribution: Whita-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner 'i:. ; 6"tilH,,.U $#. .P H6' GHfi lii}, fi u-t6ffi ffi ie,r'T k:,GeuuiHs.. PtCaSd birciC,,Yeeloi.No.iffi ,,eacli, gueCtt$n.16r, oac.}t.,tank tt lecility has mor* &qn,4 BI!{$,, .:ftl.offibn lor,additional tant$ t63 (9 ( ^< Michael O. Lravitt Govmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exccutivc Dircctor Kent P. Gray Dir€ct6 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt take City, Utah Ml 16 (801) 5364t00 (E0l) 359-8853 Fax (Eol) 53@14 T.D.D. TO i\t-G ,ll o(l DArE: t-l;'7'l FROM.@ RE: NON-COMPLIANCE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT lu.UTAH; FACILITY ID#,|cc lbS C To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance, the facility must pay all assessments within 60 days of the statutory due date for each yearly or quarterly assessments or the Certificate of Compliance automatically lapses. A review of our records has shown that the following payments are lacking: P(Annual Tank Registration Fee Assess and late payment penalties remain unpaid and are This will cover the fiscal year(s) 1968,past due. Please submit a chec!{or $ ,na @) x Annual or quarterly Fees for the Tank Fund and late payment penalties remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $to bring you to date. This unpaid Petroleum Storage Tank Fund assessments for fiscal If would like to pay the balance due for the rest of the current fiscal year, the amount due is tI X Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. Notice of payment problems may not be given in coming years. Please take care to monitor your own records to assure compliance. You will be held accountable whether you receive a notice or not. The above information must be submitted to this office by a4'e:5 '4 4 . If it is not received by the date specified, this matter or need any assistance, please contact have questions concerning at (801)536-4100. Printed on recycled Paper \ If you ,/ HORROCKS CAROLLO ENGINEERS October 15, 1993 Mr. Kent P. Gray, Executlve Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board 15O North 1950 West, 2nd Floor Salt t ake City, Utah 84116 Attenflon: Jim Thiros Subject:Underground Storage Tank - Certiftcate of Compliance Facility ID # 4001650 Genflemen: This letter is a follow up to a letter which we sent to your office dated August 13, 1993 pertaJning to ttre above mentioned buried fuel tank facility. In that letter we indicated that we were tn the process of upgrading the tank site. This letter is our attempt to inform your offlce as to the work tJ,e Distrlct performed at the site and to request your direction as to the informatlon that your office will be requesting from the Dtstrict in the fuhrre. Stnce the issuance of that letter, the District has re-excavated the tanks e)eosing the plplng, cathodlc protection system, and exterior coating. The tank exterior coating was inspected and found to be in excellent condition. The tank cathodic protection was inspected and tested. The wtres were found to be ln good condition and the anodes were found to be operating properly. Attached are the results of the anode tests for your records. AII the existing fill, vent, and pump pipirlg were replaced with new ffberglass piping. V New splll containment basins were lnstalled on the flll pipes and pum[ sumps. A(A new anfl-overfill was installed on the fill piping. A new electronic card reading l- system and leak detection system was installed by t]:e State of Utah. A new concretepad was poured over the tanks and around the fuel pump island. After final installation, all of the piping was pressure leak tested and found acceptable. The State of Utah has accepted the site and begun using it as a state operated/-malntaine{ card reading fueling station. The District is plLased wtth the cbmpleted proJect and look forward to the successful joint usage of ttre facility. Wrft the compleflon of tJ,e proJect, the Dlstrictneeds direction fromyour office as to the type and intervals of informaflon your office wtll need on this faciiity. please give PLAZA 2100, SUITE 102, 14O WEST 21OO SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 841 15, (801) 487-7860 Mr. Kent P. Gray October I5, 1993 Page 2 dlrecflon as to whom the informafon should come from since the facllity wlll sttll be owned by t]le Dlstrtct yet operated and matntalned by the State. Ifyou have any quesflons please contact our office or Ed Hansen at the District. Slncerely, ENGINEERS Don Olsen, P.E. Magna Water Company Dtstrict Engtneer RUG 26 '-J3 A9iE7 I^IESTECH FUEL EAUIP._F.I^I. JOI.IES t. F.? prto lrct, lnc. 111709rrrdry. Otichtuad Sfldy, lJteft 84004"il(Senncn' ,f,fmf,f,IT/./f,I[.*,IHfifi CORBOSION PROITECTIO}I test Date:August L8, L993 site lpcation= Test t{o: 93081,8 Uagna Water 8933 West 3500 South Magna, Utah under 40 cFR 280,31, the EPA requ{res all- corrosion'protection =ysier= raust be operated and maj.ntainea to continuously nroli$e .iiroeion protecti6n to the metal components of that portion of the lanf inA piping that routinely conta5-n reguJ,ated eulrstances and are ln contact with the ground. AII- cathodic protection systems ruust be tested witlrin 6 months of lnstalLation ana at least every 3 years thereafter. The following steel tank systems wer9. tested with a stiP3 tanlr monitor to slrow the tarrit-tojsolI potential indicqtitg the level- of ;tilel"- protection. Due to vaiying soil conditions , we cannot go"r*rrt"e-these results. Uhis is only a preliminary survey; a nore extensive su:rvey can be perforned at your request- The stip3 meter should. read more negative than -0'85 accorfling to the Steel lfank Tnstitute, this voltage indicatei ttte tank is properly protected' Tlryically, new tanlcs with zinc anod,es wilI extribit a potentlll of '--L.l-0O voltg and tanks wi-tfr rnagmesium anodes will exhibit a ootential near -i-.650 volts, steel tanks without functional anodes-d;f;ut;iil exhibit a potential of -0.50 to -o'60 volts' volts - reading TTTPE Diesel Unleaded -L.72 volts -L.73 volts REcE lvEB AIIE ?H S .l'4FGNR LJFTER Ct]. l'o: ,UIAGiNA WATEFIco.?qUgT€EE It.T. oYcHEr Orr.morr DICX gEZZAIIT F. WAFFEil T{UEAiTEYEA BRCilT E. HUTSH Oistrict Morra0trr IE{o . 801-250 -14s2 flu9^16,95 11:39 P.01 L( u)\650 Transrn i.t t ing Inst.ruction.q : Datet August 26, 1993 Nu:nber of Sheets: (2-) AN IMPHOVEMENT DISTFIICT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHBET 359- 8853 Time: 11:30 ( I nc lud ing Transmi t,ta I Sh(:e t. ) UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIBONMENTAL QUALITY Uuah SoIid Ancl Hazardous Waste Cont-ro1 Board 150 Norch 1950 West, ?-nd Floor Sal-t Lake City, Utah 84116 -Artn: IrIl Fax Number: ( ) I,'ron',Ed Hansen F:r ...- . -. -.Ce.tho d i c._P-ro t e ction Tesc DIV. OF ENVIHONMENTAL . .. __Bffi"ONsE AN.p REIrIED.|A.T|0N Sipcc:i er l J r)siLructi.)))s_i ct. IlcnraI.l,.r::Fa-c-iJj-ry 1 . D_,__ -{/ tr 0_0_1 650 Ili YOL' IX) NOT RECFIVE AT,I, THE PAGES OF'T}TANSMiSSION, PLF:ASF CALI, As sooN AS POSSIBLE (8O1 ) 250_2118 AND ASK riOR: AU I .o ls$Jr0 OlJlt I.'AX NUMI3ER 1S: (fJOt ) zSO-JAcoZ ?7 11 Scrrrt.lr Btl(..)(.) U\sr. . f5.(--1. [-,Jtrx 3C]3 . MaglnEt, t.JL.rh f].<l/l4'31Q3 .25O'a'l 1E nuc 26 '93 tlgt 817 l.lrE;TECil tUEL EGI_IIF--F,l.l. JONES t:.7 PoEo ll 170 SaadY 6ondy, Iect, lne. oulci &sd !,Eh 81004 gtrNt/gaLr,Iu[f,t Test Date: Site lcatlon: CORBOS IOt{ PRCYIEC'IION August L8, 1993 Uagna Wat.er 8933 !{est 3500 soutrt MaEna, Utah l'acl1ir.y '# 4001650 Test No: 9308L9 tive than -0.85 volts' , thls vo).tage Eoading Under 40 CFR 280.31, the EPA requires alt corrosion' Protect'ion ry"i.r" uust fo gn.iated and rnaiitalned to continuously provide corrosion protccti.-on to the rnetal. conPonents of that portion of the Iirx-i"a pipi.,ig tliii rortinely contalir regulatod substances and are ln contact with the ground. all cathodic protection eystens rnust be tested r'rittrin 6 nonths of G"tirf ation Lnd at least- every 3 years thereafter ' lhe following steel tank systeEs hlere tested with a stj'l>3 tanl< [onitor to r.;ntu ttre tank-to--ltif potential lnclicat]'g thr' level of cathod,ic protcction. Ducr fL vaiying sotl conditions' !'c cannot ouarantee thesc: results- Ttris 5s only a prelininary suryeyi a rtore E;;;;i". =ot'.ey can be perfonnod at your reguest ' trhe stiP3 neter should read more noga acJo.ai"g to the 'steeI t'anh fnstitute Indlcatei tne tenx is properly protected' T1pical,Iy, new tanks witfr zinc anodoo ulII exlriblt a potenti'al ot' ' -1.100 vc.rlts - anE---iank= ;iih uagneslt, anodes wl I I exhibit a potential near -i.eso vo1t6.- - St""r- tanke uitrrout functlonal anodes -tili;;Ily *if f "*fr1-ntt-a p,tential of -0.50 to -o'60 volts' Dt.ese]. Unleaded -L.72 VOII6 -L-73 volts RECEIVEB etri 6e ffi PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FT]ND FACILMY THROUGI-IPUT DECLARATION (FISCAL YEAR 1995) FACILITY IDfi 4mIOSU^ Uoderground storagc tank owtren and operators must submil, by 5:00, May 25, 1994, rheir facility throughput information for the past cdcndar yca! in order to rrceive the propcr PST ftiod assessment raE. A PST Fund assessmest hiSher thatr the thrcughput based rale will be clarged ro owners asd opcrators who fail to mect lhc May 25, 1994, deadliDe. Documeotatioo vqifying the claims made on this form must be rnade available or submined for audi! wheo requested by DERR. Complete the followiog information to documeot the tkoughput of petsoleum products at your facility: Plcase ansver one of the folloving two questions before compbthg this form: FACILITY Is ENGAGED IN PETROLEI,'M PRODUCTION, REFINING, OR MARKE'IING ETATE OF I'IAHOWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS:FTEEI IEIIUI'EE I'I5 SALT lIlG CllY, Uf H a|ll'3 I FACILITY NAME: FACILMY ADDRESS 2_ BEGINNING INVENMRY (IOTAL AMOIJNT IN AII RICiULATED TANKS ON JAN.I, 1993) 2. PINCHASES DURJNG THE YFAR ?PETROLEIIM AVAILABLE FOR USE (ADD LINES I AND 2) 4.LESS: ENDING nWENTORY CTOTAL IN ALL REGI'LATED TANKS ON DEC.3I, 1993) AMOI'NT CINSUMED DT,'RING THE YEAR (IINE 3 LESS LINE 4 . ALL REGTJLATED TANKS) Signatrrc of K '^6 o GALISNS GALI'NS ffs GALI.ONS GALIONS 5.I GALIONS I udersnnd tlat by falsifying this documen , I conld be fined $fi,AAO per day ol violation. I certify under penalty of lour tlwt lhc representations nade by me are tnu and coffect. PR()CESSEDBY isl2 {sl5 ?lar"?fannaoo 2122 FACILITY IS NOTENGAGED IN PEIROLEUM PRODUCTION, REFINING, OR MARKEIING loc! (o I ,$,}.ffi gr rE c ulrr'l "*rr$sm,"1$ltuon***tSALT LAKE CITY' UTAF:84114 - ,/ HORROCKS CAROLLO ENGINEERS August 13, 1993 UTAH DEPARTM[i{T OF ENVI ROhi frlE NTAL QUALITY AU6 I 7 tg$JrMr. Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board 150 North 1950 West, 2nd Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 DlV. OF ENVI ROl,i lr,4 i: l.iT,AL HESPONSE AND FiEi.i LIii,&TION Gentlemen: This letter is in response to your June 23, 1993 letter indicating thu, Y: are potentially-not^in compliance ro the rlgulations gov"erning our buried fuel tanks and could lose our eligibility for the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. The two tanks installed at our maintenance facility were supplied by Browns Minneapolis and are Sti-p3 rared tanks. Th.y were installed with dielectric bushings, coal tax.eP_","y coatinp, and sacrificial anodes. The tanks are currently covered under the manufrcturer's 20 year warranty. The District is in the process of having the existing tank system upgraded. During the m-onth of August, the tanks *itt U. excavated ind the tank fill !I1tem, drain system,.and pyTpt^*ill be "pgr;d.d. This upgrade is being performed jointly with Magna Water District and the State of Uiit . As part of tln. State's shirl of the upgrade, they will supply and install a card reading system which will be driven by the upgraaea pymry -and monitoring equipment which the Iiistrict will install. Following the compiete upgrade of the system, the site will become a fueling station maintained and used by the Staie. Thi District will then use the frcility with the issuance of fuel cards from the State. lt is estimated that the upgraded system will be operational by the end-of August. Installation of the new equipment'will resrrit in the site being subject to different- monitoring and maintenan." pio.Ldrres. We request that your office allow construction of this-upgrade.to be completed and then request that you work with us as we establish the procedures that the District and ^the State will foliow to keep your office informed as to the site's compliance to the regulations. Attention: Jim Thiros Subject:Underground Storage Tank - Certificate of Compliance Facility ID # 4001650 Attached are copies of the monthly dip stick and volume testing the District has been performing since they became aware of the required regulations. PLAZA 2100, SUITE 230, 140 WEST 21OO SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115, (801\ 487-7860 We hope that with the information provided within this letter, your office will recognize the District s desire to adhere to the State's requirement for our buried tanks. If you have any questions please contact our office or Ed Hansen at the District. Sincerely, Mr. Kent P. Gray August 13, 1993 Page 2 dv Don Olsen, P.E. Magna Water Company District Engineer bd ENGINEERS MONTHLY FUEL REPORT MONTH/YEAR: JULY 1999 FAcrLrrY LocATroN :-wATBR_co._sHop_FACrLrTy REGTSTRATTYPE OF FUEL:_GASOLINE PERsoN COMPLETING ION N FORM: UMBER - +START +PUMPDAT+STICK +READ]N +GALLONS +BOOK +END STr G+DEL I VERE+I NVENTORY+I NVENTO cK +ovER RY +sHoRr +INCHES+ fwernn frlliri-E--ALS 1'/L llto1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o o 10 11.LI L2 13 L4 o 3J-, 7\A t/s/5 L L//./6?or 2 b / L9. L b o L/ .i d Ll t7 Ob,qafo '7t <) c'- Jl) o67 -o -o 41tJ 4- o oo0 o 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 a,) L1) 24 )q Zb 27 28,a 30 MA CK o-- -{4 o-a 4- -o RJ -a s ua- |e" t)7 [ .8 tD) 2 SUM GALLONS PUMPEDLEAKCHECK: ( t,-)by ) X -01 + 130 =t/).o7IF LEAK CHECK IS GREATER THAN SUM OF DAILY OVER <shoTt> NOTIFY AGENCY .i ^-. I 5 5.Si MONTHLY FUEL REPORT MONTH//YEAR : _JULY_1 9 9 B_ ( FACILITY, LOCATION:_WATER_CO. _SHOP-TYPE OF FUEL:_DIESE NS INV +START +PUMPDATE+STICK +READI H +END STICK ENTORY+INVENTORY +ovER +INCHES+ fsuonr fwarnn I FACILITY REGISTRATION NUMBER PERSON COMPLETING FORM. -_----_---'- x?-D:- a o -O .L) 1-)1(2)z 2 ? 4 q 6. L ---z D- 7_ o_ a 10_ 11- 1' ,< L4. 15. 16- L7. 18. i5_ ZU. a1 -L - 2.-2 _ 1.-1 - .ALa- 25- 26.-- 2B 1o. o o -r9- e- 4-KJ )5D-7 r-ttt)a & ",?Lz+-e +- JU- al 1 MA CK +-a-4--{z 3J- 7 3]-) 6 €- - t1,1 b L3) L/</-f) O :a- r/qrJ qZZ L /r6 1/2 -t 6Ja3 5J EJ5- SUM GALLONS PUMPED !!AKGHECK: ( 3a/6 ) x -01 + 180 = i33l.IF LEAK CHECK IS GREATER THAN SUM OF DAILY OVER <shoTt> NOTIFY AGENCY I I I t. t"1(.-)l'lTHi.Y FI-tE1 I{EF'OFIT I'I(I)NTH,'\,PAF, - JtJt{E 1gg3 () ii;ii:l l.,l.TY L(:xlATIOI,l :_WA'j''i'i'li r.iF !'L.lEL : _r_iASOLJI.I TER_CU. _::ijj(-jF, R __ I,-ACI i,I T'f irE(ji STRATION I- Eiis(:)i'i (_;(_)plpLEf'I N(; FORI,I : ' -t't" c E.F I,,_,4ilirl I ,.:1,Ii | .:lit, i- ra t, I:.- r_, |,_ri ir_,I! I I'Lll,]P iGALLCrt,t;t, l B0f_rlt READIT'rc i DELITjFtF.EIi ; I itUEl.rTr-riii,IOVER i IhlCHEs; ; :THORT IWATEFI I Ii.IJTiAi,::. iEi,li; STICK ; l- i.l i,,, rli.l T(_)R:: u ob L1\?? VOot6 -4-r . r---+o- *2t- -- _GF*-6-_T---e -€=__E_ ___a_-e- - 15; _-_u --.---:---. -f e a- oo __z_ -b-v-*- 4 -- ir-' ''-----T-^' ---j-'-- -'_E' l -o-o- _a24 € St.o - 3rf-_ d_h-, f ,*, D.si t-_ ].r._ ?_._ -2+q-llJ --_g_-_-__o-- ?17c-- >(- J s9z9_:SSbo 'j?lJ-- rs_)6i , f-F=i= I - ./1) ::)2-j J6of5t"'t ', ssat _- S.2:'/sz-ri - SDJ-_-l--gla {9I-L r_ 0_11__ -o-26,O_ o -- 5?] t a a 7, e$r- - . -_S--r z ?-- {)_} ? _ .L Z_el_ _--s t) L. , .I)( J--I s-7JJ-=_Ob ? ) _r 0 --4'_._k,-e-'-:-q --6,_-a-- Q= -EE-----:eF e----T--- 3r- 4- 5S'/1__tszn _{-zl -r?[ ( { D I D6 o & e- a ablq2_ .ohz(pg 6 - ?3a --/UN--tr _ _l-?_,d_ U 2 ---w'-.*fr----6 flt L6_tne52 i AbtaL) ei --____lt l)31 : - [z!- -s).x _ _.11r_: I lr r! i'- I t' 1, = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = := = = :_.. = := = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =::li-ir'i i-;ALLL.rll;1 !ri-ii.iJ'F:j,t-:l-lE[]].: ( )]?Zl ! 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'; rl'!;rl.r,r L:,_l: jli.ij1r'.1I' ir.-_ ., .,, 1;..1 i ]NCHBS I ;WATER IItrrl'rAt,r:l EJ----l,? aLltuTt)?3_- *O--. -&_e_-ft*, *z_.*a;- t/F 37 I l'0-,4_4:, ^a- / b22 / 6_73- UD?-Ly t3?_W qZ=Q-_ ,/)_?,-e 't? l_/_,L/7 4e L/)46 {w_ :1)'1J_ 4_--T*---w--T oo 2- lr?_?_e_t/? f c-/ )-7 iLr7?itt)) i lt2?_ot/7tr 3 -g-:-2, --{-;--t- 4-1. :' .&'foo6 D- +- rtd I ? b/zzz 19{-t 217' !1be7t , '--i +t:-ZF-- _4 ',D-_',_o:3-__--_.-_i.+___ {_ e--_', .?-_; e---W------T- _- g- 3- lf 6t'/,//I"fdia 2-c) 6 € :110_qu t--/)6 ( 6 b L/ L * I/ I D(Oi 4r' i ...--l**T--" _E_i+- i, _E_': _i i ; 6(gi'1,-'t. ' , / /!;t7,'t rt_[ii'y )_?_!_?:rro !?_! ? Q'9 ', _lki ?yLu_ , J{UI_ t t btr/ , Y-.tC -zlei/ -- - /7 d7{r- ./_6!/6 a - v i.7/ -.--7.-D-' -2*{o-- _-.9 lqq qii: :: il ', -'/37 i-,i ,:., r ;,,.1 ,i.r_;i.l l-i F,i-ji.jI,Ei,i; ,, 'iji:t'l.: t tql.q ) ...lli l.Inl,i ill-{Er,tri i,: ,.i:-:IATER THAI\] SUl,j i.rii irri.li_,i r:)VEii,: sirc,r'1-. - l.lCTI FY gC;trt.ti:T-_*-- _/213_ 1223----4--:!ilT-*--A- ' € 't I i, -._. _- __ I,,i -t>-x"- -.--- I ! 1 i I 4- I FACi i,i'j'Y l,r,;i_tiYii t_rfl 1_yJg TYPE i.iF' I, { tTr L. : _ r_l:1.:i_ii,i i.l ^ I,](]NTHLY FUEL \E',."O'' MONTHAEAR : MAY i..:,T :-, TFITi'{-'r-i SHOP_FACI L I TY Frji._.; i ;:tTirAT I i_jir d 'i i:jLli.lBEFt - PERS()l',i (_:ili1L,i,E.r. i li{; Fi-rFl1.l I ,-r - i . I . frA'T.Ti I ,l-'ili.'lr' ; GAI-L(_ili;1, i BOOK i EI.ti, --rT I L_tj,l , i:lIi:. j i I t'tr,t l i,El, i= iiERED l I IJVEI{TSEy ; I li1,/ rr i r,j.{..) i:ii. jr._r,iFFr , iii(-tHE;l I , :_,iji.)Fil li^jATER ; IIiITIAi.S .L D i t-) j,!, l .|,..' ) ._- 1:i-,-, :(- lrl:. ?<-U-c'-- I i _t ) o-J-J --a5-s--4-2//-74\-1r_ --_. .1.?-"?-?A VQJ bo6 3 _ 1L2E ----2:'-(> z" ?sq =^ -. *J'a ae,L eC2:{a)! / ?!J) 2o7( 2 eoz 1q? ) Th-t:(.,t.'l)q3l? ost 7?l tl-at r 1b-o b!5at '/Esp 1!1?t: lt/9fttTri la"6l *ls-- G-/ --L-x---/\/-) /:l.r ;)- -- - :--' -1=)- .4_ p-- E_a--tr- 'e6_{Hfl', c_(! .iri .\' I )i- t t 9 ) ,!+_,+. t-+ Ibo9otl o6J9_rt: : o6sgf",,. 12y"Q-_o_CIT ObblSf t' b a6[tr' d\ Zt:.) - Lti-? o-- _ )ts - _ t)r3 -j*'q:--l?ac/ G _/:? --()' -> 4L- Q * i,1v c) l*6 trf* -&:: 0 LLU'!'l ', o-rct,3-ZLo- ', t)J\ I L .€:-: 4:--:*D" ge.-o: LA:a:-L* -81-r_a- 7 6'.'i t -:f,.-- .-,.,.! 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(J1 1 --,,/ 32.r 1F LEAIi (IHECi'' Ili 1.;F|EATEFi THAN SI-ll'1 Ct]': ITAILY OiJER <.sLri.-,r-1.i IJLTTIF'r'AGlii.t(-t1' -l sI i I i i I 1 II '\ a- 1',\ \ \ 'l 6Vv J' lt 1 $ I'1OI\]THLY FU1JL REPORT l'1OI.lTH,/YEAR : _ApR I L_1 99 3_ FAC I L I TY LOCAT I oI'] : -WA].EiI: .- (,;(} - __ :jIjL)I,-FA C I L I TY REG I STRATI oI]YPE OF FUEL:_GASOI,INE_- I,EF;.SCN COMPLETING FO 1\ ru'j l\(Ji']tiIlt i START I)ATE i STICK I PUP1P l GALj,i)i,;i ; ECOX i READII.lG : Diii,l UF:irll;i,) I i NVENTORy IEND STICK iOVEE I I t{r_:t.ii.t:j j i iNVENTORY i SHOFT I'wAtflfi ; iiiiT]ALrrrL/-oQC'/zz,v7 Q b'/1il!',;', U b L/r,i:r,, P-b-!/!i!', oLqJ /Z?'ow'w4 rlp(/ht://r, Or^'/ t$l .{', D(2t'/- '{i t\ btilni<: i Q (-t/ ) ra;'', O t^c/tLtil 3S6tt1.ro 53'DJ a( rl ( J!: -31o6 3\bL \ 1L{2 7Z'C \2 t/) JLI/-\ 3ltn _5LL--) il-_ a .) i F. o. .-? u-_ :J. __L ,vr-- 7 <7(J "U--E I LtiT _3? t/) 3Lt/') _3)z- o .1fGt ..,' 61 6--* - -6{"-O' f 1.o' -_*+- " __ L/ s_O .C/i '\ -- a-'----a/-. _fr_-a c r / lr.D--.8-- a{j -- _+_ -g 6y.o 27 7.7 ,o Z SL]M GALLO}i:] F,iIi'JPEi)ll08.o ) x _01IS GREATER T'HAI.I SUM OF DAILY OVER <shor.t> ,..-:'2 -L\-j - lL- -c 1€i-_ i"71l - ]-o _ l_ij. .at -22.- a.f - -)A (-/ _ft_4:en L%23/ 6eV;qFo 0(s'/? t'4/ 66ilt Llq o As7sZ0; 0652.8 Di -=ry 3t 2l 3tL'7 aE2_wz?'(tWJtTs)ta I2:-?-n6<ffiffi 2570 ?5la_ .4 _-9_ -ik-_@_ D---e-- _d_6_+ _r__ _b^ /l<"1-'6__ :' t ? -.-b:.-c4__e _4-:-D - s c)-a rv{ -G_ 70.i -a1_ l-1,J 17 .s *-IET- .-l O. __G_ 25__ 27. zC|- 29. .:'U - :ll . i'i.11_L.Et G :J1^-m,--uilr--6 =t01 000t + 130 NOTIFY /'/t uLEAK CHECK: ( IF LEAK CHECIi !^t AGENCY - /3.c',-6 2- ----5: -\)'-z;- , lrl+_l ,l i _----_ ' I D' L/6- o_ .ffi-_ lr -Q' I I i I _ _G:___ I I I I I + (o I.JOI.ITHLY F:i-jEL REPORT MONTH,zYPAR : _ApRI L_1 993_ FACIi.ITY : f .LiL Ull LOCAT I OI{ : _WATER_CO _ _ 3,1.1{_)i, FL)EL: _DI F:iIi:ILITY REGISTRATION NUMBER l-'i;RSOI\l COI,IPLETING FORM : I START I PUMP IGALLONS i F;OUI,i J :1IT}] I STICK I READING ; DELIVEITEIT I ] }ivIii:.i.rii.i END STICK i OVER i INCHES i iNVEt'rTORy lsHoRT lwATEri ; .ili;.j-tlALr ,r) t (t?lr qsst?? , 2zt<_D-. .fisheA Lq-{btlh ;3'--- a- _g_+__ 6 -T-_1)----T-_ -x---.U-o *-*. ) lL 7 e7- i- 1:J Ht,zl5_ lQ f tot6 ', /?s6ot a: T?sust':fa:A4/l I qS blsti -_>- -4_-" I I ---l J _a4-5 trE G'.l(4-_2 :7. O -tj,trco -(=) (^ 2 -b'2f-"t'( I 17s6Jt.,1 7L / r{Lr R_i -+-gg_ __g_ __g-___k_a. G---C-----7E-:--5---E*--u-- c- -_ LLT,9 7L 5 1 G. 4-</_ o G _*")%i5a 117 6)fn---Ji9- @z I 2_r22a2_2t37 kR7_ -/. l3u?r]#t't) / ?_t3)zffi-.ry -lt-zE 72il -G --J-i-.o -- {i. LO .,1 .:. ! - __ rr rl ..,1-l jli I i.rAr;r r-:;i , .J- I'.t- -''I i I IS&E I EAK CHECK: ( I I] LEAK CHECX IIALITONS trLlMPEi t {8.s i GREATER THAN ::Ui,i C)tr i' Lr I'l l_D X .O1 + tSOitAILY OVER rshor:t> i{OTIFy - lg.r AGEI'iCY wg--'l ) ta -zr-2t-r s- E____"! -;!'_D:.o'e G t, /.) C? _ l_c__ l_, t---=-_-.-- _zcq_: 26(i i 1*. .A(i MONTHLY FUEL REF'C)RT MONTH,/YEAR : -i{ARC}i -199:t. FACI LiTY LOC'ATION : _WATER_CO - _SHOP-FACI Lii'Y REGI STRATIoN NUMBER__-_--TYFE t)F: FLIEL:_GASOLINE_ pEirg{:)i..,i Crtrtrrr16.n156 FSRM: - i START I PUI.IP IGALLONS : BOOK I EI.I]J ST] CJ{ I)ATE i S,1'Ir_lii IREADING iDELiVERED i INVENTOFY: jl,:ViiI.r.i(rIiil I OVER i II'ICHES i ; IHORT IWATER I INiTrAt,rl -GJ _-2lJz)(tt/)a$q 7ILUI r) I 1., J i ('l o- 2-tt L.\rt !!q!1b__L/(/oe - -7!o1_lllre1 1:!ds(zlS) A' _l)E-__z__- --Ar& !q-il_-l!?ti t/1/ t/ 6t/inq T-10 q- ltue_qq o?7/:s-t gifJ'_ 313t?occ9' J J UL%jqq s'tTqr -A- e-g o ( tL _zt_ v-'-z__ 8--A-T-.0---T---a--E-a--E--ft-+---tr-T- .g- (r'/ o Ays? oa oby'QQ.L " a)S.r z /:( 6' B 97.7 L/3J.' s-Tft39TT () )g-__re-- _z_--- -g' -k---Z:-f^--_u_ ---D--- fr 37.s 111/ -l .J -D I Tltqoob4A / -,.\/5 i _tS?lt +1A-La r=J.:.: 1fi 1C, 1(f LL -t',LL -a -l :25 :6 !J -f r-i ._1 l_ -o _39-16 _:2!L -=-?t-tLe--- --?- -*6 -A--g-7 0O3ne__ .3ht _ 17?1 37o-L -<to!-f 6_93 _ o- -*.(--tJ'--7\-- 4-- r?r ac--D-9-o c16o I 4- c)T\---D 2 <t -L- ')(. ) i:elu L,.i(^ _ I]LIi"] GALLOt{S F,L]t.JtrED LEAX CiiECli: ( 517.7 ) x .o1 + l-3o = /39.tIF LEAK CHECK IS GREATER THAN SUM OF DAILY OVER.:rshr;r.Li NOTIFY AGENCY It---- I ll | ----i I I I I I I I I i I __-t__i !l a I I i I I I ! I I I 1 FAC] LITY TYF,E OF MOIITHLY FUEL REPORT MOI{THIYEAR : _MARCH_1s I3 LocATiol'l : -wATER_co . _sHop_FACrLrry REGI srRAl,ioti NUI.{BFIIEL:_I.,iESET, PERSON COMPLET]IIG FORM: i)ATH I START i F{ji.jP IGALLONS jBooK I STICK : FiEA]]I III; ;9rtr,VERED I INVENToRY IEND STICi{ lOtrl;p I INCHES I : II.IVENTOI{I. : :]]j(]nT iWATER I ]I.{ITIALS +--- "2'/L /llSttzrtWfutli:l:-tt- t€ "r_?l_u/9ta/Zrr"iTs17i1v -nsarnt T._qi* ?t z-tll t g q aLI _7-_ -D-'a- ---v--t- --v---a=-=T- e--=T--z!_I EL-370-__tu:___&" _ ___ ../i ^gz!Z1 _-214_ ru_ 9- /-1* -a'IZ a-'-E:{&_+-_z__#- z__a'-T'- E__r-ZP-- -T:Ji-' '{U------7(--g 4- g_-z__t1"* _ Cgv(/ /L.L ,2_Ls J-r- -:; r .-l-r- d-) J 1-.-C )lr* t, ::l .1 X -. i-. i!:- lt -._ .io. L3 -.-_ Lt.-! 1-.!. _ '-t 't ZJ. 27.- c-i - ^., ^ -il1'.!Ji _t t-i L .o s 4a.lSL ? (.q_L 23t7LSlr2:s1:, L S5 t-- J<-72u)L 2 >77Ttlo'x331-3zY -? 31a..1i@-LZil )-L?:J_ .$ _ L3 _tr-#-)372 _..\7 74'q -a' L.lo --7*=---R-- g_E__'LL Zq /E zu'/1'l;r. tr _-t- { | : --z-- -5=t t.z t-9-s-Qt1, -tt)5 & ; SLli'j,-rALLOt{S pLIMFEI) LEAK CHECI'i: ( 125.8 )IF LEAX CHECK iS GREATER THAN SIJI.J OF DAILY - 01 I OVER (shor.t->130 l3t.L I']OTIFY AGENCIY \i €! I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I , I I I I I ! I _ -g--a- ! I I i I i #p- I I I I ! I I ! I I I , j I I I ,UIAGiNA WATEFIC.,, AN IMPROVEMENT DISTtrlICT TRUSTEES H.T. OYCHES Chaiman OIGK BEZZANT F. WARREN NUES MEYER MONTHLY FUEL REPORT MONTH,/YEAR : _FEBRUARY 1993 FACILITY LOCATION : -WATER-CO . -SHOP-FACILITY REGI STRATIOI.i IJUI.iBERTYPEoFF'UEL:-CiASoLINE--PERSoI']CoMFLETINcroHul ========================== == i START iPUl-lP iGALLOr{S DATE i STICK iF"EAD]},IG:DELIVERE BRENT E. HUTSH Oistnict Manager iBOOK iEND STICK IOVER ; II.]CHES i D i INVENTORY I iNVENTOIiY i SHORT IIdATER I ]NITIALS />_e_.t? __,ff_-_ 1)-- -e--_ -:fI--'{) ---:n---a_ . -{i- _..;. cr__ --4J*,>-l:-r'----'--,r:.,z--z__g__o-_-e-...-..=-.- '{s (-c _-_,_j-\ .: p /)1. Ll l6.s0.3-gt\b?.fiez obz s,/61 obT6ts1 abtbDt 0bz6hS 0bLbo< obL L?7t* 5s2 8 3./t 6 srq? s zltErf-5I5S- sL3 rslzs S rJ? i._ 2._ 3._ .r- 5.- o- 7.- B._ 9-_ -\29 7b1. t-e- .t.(2 3 C y t.f-.o=--a- 5J)LG I_r)- ( t/,L &-gt'i>- 1 0 ll.)!4)r_tf_qcliqsl t1-'/./:;' nG')t7)sr v0. SoTi-_ _s4_71_Llqq \-TiqL tlT1T LTE9T-Y1"8- _if q f*,/7 11 47o Y i0._ i1__1L,(,ob)?,lL sgtq*3LbI Q.LL12'1t Q{,x?i_?_I TZ. i-1 - :4- iEau _ 16. Ll - fo- 19. 20._ zt - 22. 92LO- ,: Il -t tr./-\) - /t- -t'7!.t - io-,o 31- I'IATH ]CK. I _o- W?23J1Z_ _</9 3t/-artor L/) osttTog'_ L/)r --E-- _ -g-8't f .:-j--_._ s_- .:a'Qlrll&lL 0_bx11L 1 L.C)OJ O96t (,o S?? b 6 7.S-U G-S'.?, {O 6?r sai L/- f2'e.063t {r1 O 2t7 / 6 9&- q70 8WLl)srt. Ycqe-ya>-g ?_f 7, / o6 j -o'4abaLt9t.o9)1|u|a-oLl 5f q3) ))as LEAK CHECK: (IF LEAK CHECK GALLONLi trLJI'ItrED q 33.) ) GREATER THAN SUM OF . Ol- + 1S0 OVER <-shor't) NOTIFy --f L' i'l IS x DAILY ts?,t AGEt.ICY 2711 sourh a6oo west . p.o. Elox 3o3 . Magna, ur,ah El4044-303 . a5o_a1 1 B I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I ',_---.'o1--I ,i-f' I I I I ! ;.-a (- I I t, (.//{ 1 t/ t--qc7r-- I I I I I I I I i ll _-cJ-b.: I I I I l I I I ! I I I I ! I I T,1OI']THLY F-UEL REPORT i'1ot'l TH,/Y EAR : _FEBRUARY_ 1 g g 3 FACI LITY REGI STRATIOT.I I.{UT,1BtrFI PERSON COMPLETII,]G FORM: p()CIJrJt ICOR_i{TAT.T ED CI.l IE LOCATI FUEL: _D FACILITY TYPE OF I t'icHES I ATEN i iiiiTiALS ----I;6-siiaK-;;Gi-- TORY I II{VENTOFY ; :,JjIJFIT ;; t-L lI,J I -;;;:;- I D\)1. ) r,. Iri liir-rEti -a' ;;;.:;:-tJ/1L.tJ\,/l\ D DELiIIERE 7,(-/ | ;i;Ri- riltr--- | i STICK iREADIi..]G i I]ATE :D')'lsztlStlott- l?S t/ol_L aylo_tt_ 2(/S) L L/9L 2tlsL 1.I._ 1. ,i._ !: i)- D -o--E:- - ? (/t z_0- ) LI LILq( -?'L/L 2 vvL _^r____ ---.il --_z_-r -/Ja= t)" ,/ ,a,\,-/ t/L u/ 7r L/ t// _l_____ I i ll' a__ ^o-,0' b]*- _..4ry- /.-'ATW-)'n- aLlLltZlqr1t/t// z./:0_ ii) !I l'_l- - .|: r (:), --!7._ 1,.-) ') '') ..: A ') i:.LJ-__ 27_ LC) . _, L.a - :;0 ,__ *, ^..I (-. 1: . (-2"-_:.g b71 P.J l,u) c,J----g!f--- t./ t/t//c_Qq?oC _i__ -a)' I -:'_., --'-o---a- I I I(/L__z__-. -_n__{__d ?r t/z t/ ( __a_*_" _.=A: . ,_&_- ' _9._,e-:_ -,a--eF- -' IL__n)i_s.'!!!1t-illt.tI?S'qet L 6 { Z L 2 t- 2 _i v I (/ ?Z11z .? 'l J _r J' , 'c.' ___;)--o_. LL /D. / aI SL]I'J I,EAK CHECK: ( IF LEAK CHECK IS GALLONS PL]I.1F'EDt(/.1 ) GREATBR THAN SUI.I OF X -O1 + 130DAILY OVER <shr:i-t:, NOTIFy 130.7 ,41L7 ]i t\ L. I I ? '1 LlqZ .tf- I - -J:t-.z-)' 1") -{)' I I l )) i t I I I lalso tollowing fee): ,)'to receiv€ the ces {lor an extra . Compl€ts itsms I ano. Compl€to it€ms 3, and 4. Print your nsme 6nd add rgiurn rhio card to you,. Ansch this lorm to thc I . wllte "Retun Eocslpl fi o,. Th6 Boturn Becelpt Foo w to and tho date of delivory r s6 of thB for-m so that w€ can oie.o, or on tho baci il apac6 nailpi€co below tho .(icb numb€r JLTlmw r sign.turs of th€ p€ruon d6liv6rs 1. E Addressee's Addross 2. n Resrricted Delivery Consult aster for too. 4a. Article Nur.Po P 301 685 4b. Srrvice Type ! #gistered Llf CartiIi6d E Exprsss Mail I lnsured ! coD n Return Receipt for #4 01650 7. D6ts of Delivery 8. Addressee's Address (Only iI roquosted and fee is paidl 5 oAd trire (A PS Form 381 1, Noven1hei '!, *u.6. opor leer-287oG6 DOMESTjC ngfUnll ngCetpf 3 Arlirj c A(j(iri r;ri ED HANSEN I1AGNA WATER CO 2711 S 3600 w T1AGNA UT 84044 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Oflicial Businoss ) PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP CodB here ililil .PARTMENT6S 51.1.ylBoNMENTAL oUAI.ITY,EH' rr.T ERANCH .^L? li:i I,iili:li,:il, * - U.S.MAIL * P 301, r85 q51 Receipt for : Certified Mail No lnsurance Coverage Provided Do not use for lnternalional Mail (See Reverse) JIT mw E ooo(Y' E .L 1S 3600 w271 PO Srak rndZP ,r* I'{AGNA UT 84044 $0 r 654 nost'cred OeiNery Fee Berurn Recerpt Showinq to Whom & Dale oelrvered Felurn F€celpl Showng to Whom Oar€, and Addross@ s Addre$ s !+ ,*;9 Prr =6_-F-= Eii-= t: iE-= V si trE:g i3 iEl EE6= 3;sE =! -l; ;Edi E*ei :1 iiE iEol =*tsE FI isi E.? ti iiEi i; .E* ei:i -:1; si 3a E= iE tii ii ?€ ;= iisiiEEBiEE E eg= =a 36 =rX ?*E ;- :=. >at E gEi +E iiYf E EEF; }=iEg Ia: 3 rFi, I a aa = 9g: a< t- 9- PS Form 38(X), June 1gg1 lReverse) J1 .:, rILE COPY ,\4ichael O. Leavirt Covmor I)ianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Ex{utive Diretor Kent P. Gray Dretor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 North 1950 West 2nd Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. ERRU-0276-93 CERI'IFIED MAIL RETURN TTECEIPT REOUESTED June 23. 1993 Ed Hansen Magna Water Compiury 2711 South 3600 West Magna, Utah 84044 NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF CONIPLIANCE NO. CI234I-3 Facility ID #4001650 Dear Mr. Hansen: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (Act), Utah Code Ann. g 19-6-414 provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certiflcate of Compliance if he cletermines that the requirements specified in $$ 19-6-412(2), 413 are not culrent. Section I9-6412(2)(c) requires subsranrial compliance wirh all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations inclucling Utah Admin. Code R3lI-202-l which incorporates by reference 40 C.F.R. $ 280 in effect irs of May 26, 1992. Therefbre, this notice may refer to various subsections of 40 C.F.R. $ 280. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Rernediation ("DERR") pertbrmed a compliance review for Certificate of Compliance No. C12341-3 issued to a tacility owned or operated by Magna Water Company ("you"). Tfus facility is located at 8933 West 3400 South, Magna, Utah. The designated facility identification number is 4001650 . This facility contains two underground storage tanks ("USTs"). uSTs are definecl by Utah code Arur. 5 19-6-402(25) as iury tank regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. $ 6991(c) et seq. including: (a) a petroleum storage tank; (b) undergrounrl pipes ancl lines connectecl to a storage tark; and (c) any underground ancillary equipment and containment system. You have not satisfied tlie requirements of $$ 19-6-412(2),413 because you have failecl to properly perfbrm the items below. Submit documentation that proper Inventory Control is completed on the following USTs #1 iurd #2, as required by Utah Admin. Cocte, R31l-202-t and 40 C.F.R. $ 280.a3(a), by documenting you are now properly performing the fo[owing:a. Docuntent that daily lneasurements are taken of the liquid voltune in the USTs, to within one-eighth inch, the totat sales from the tark at the time of measurement. including nleasurement before and after each clelivery, to within one-eightJr ilrch are maintained iLnd available. RE: 1 ?.'nted on recycled paper rl Ll c 0ibs'0 \- ASSIGNMENT SIGN.OFF SHEET AUTHOR'S NAME l-r L i ,/u=. DATE SUBMITTED: -ty'Lety' l;1 -,,, v.,u \c-,tlic,c MAILED OUT - DATE AND TMTIAL: SECRETARY AUTHOR ) SECTION MANAGER 73 BRANCH MANAGER L,f-z-r-7g DTVISION SECRETARY FINAL - DATE IMTIAL: {}< CORRESPONDENCE #: ,)-6 AUTHOR SECTION MANAGER BRANCH MANAGER ()' )^-llac v it t(/ o"3 DTVISION SECRETARY k A-r 2 r'/rslq = e.a Facility ID# 4001650 Page 2 b. Document inventory records are reconciled monthly to detennine the total overage or shortage for each UST each month, and the variance compared to the calculated allowable of 130 gallons plus one percent of each UST's monthly throughput. c. Documenr the installation of drop tubes in the USTs #1 and #2.d. Document that the water is measured to within one-eighth inch, in each UST, at least once per month, and the water measurements, converted to gallons, are used to correct the monthly fuel reconciliations.e. Document that you have obtained a calibration chart capable of converting measurements to gallons in one-eighth inch increments.f. Document that you meter the product and maintain the pumps to within a calibration of accuracy of six cubic inches for every five gallons. Document that you maintain UST records in accordance with Utah Admin. Code, R311-202-l and 40 C.F.R. $ 280.34 and 280.45 by documenting you maintain the following: a. Document thu you maintain copies of all written performance claims, including the EPA third-party evaluation summary sheets, pertaining to all tighuress tests used, all automatic line leak detectors in use, and all other monitoring equipment being used. b. Document that you maintain written records of all calibration, maintenance, and repair of the systems. This letter is WRITTEN NOTICE ro you, that: 1. your Certificate of Compliance may be revoked;2. you are violating the eligibility requirements for the Petroleum Storage Tank (pST) Fund; and 3. you have 60 days following the receipt of this letter to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Act or your Certificate of Compliance will be revoked and you will be ineligible to receive payment for claims against the psr Fund. If you fail to resolve the compliance problems described above within 60 days of receipt of this letter, you will be notified by a Notice of Agency Action and Notice of Hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is any reason your Certificate of Compliance should not be revoked. Please contact Jim Thiros at (801) 5364100 to discuss this notice at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, aL. T , Executive Secretary @ST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG[LTlmw Fred Nelson, Attomey General's Office Myron Bateman, R.s., M.P.H., Director, Tooele county Health Deparrnent CC (oo tcsd PST IP.OCESSING C}IECKLiST Unaccep--abIe icceptable I'Iot Applicable lion-Marketer Discount Previous Pollution Incidence I ,+O ?> rzLS e/-uP*)- LUST Fi}e - Form Included vtw { ,l* v - tlerify tank/ linesvs registered - Docurnentation ok? - Rate ol<? vll, v v/u -{ vlrv '1 ,, lQ r/ Fund Paid . FY 91 Y/N /-- { Fees Paid FY AA? - FY 39? - FY 90? - FY 9L? Y/N ._r \r Y Y Conpliance - Compliance Outstanding? - Leak detection required.? r? - L i F- r{uLrtr(.;aE,J-on up Eo oaE,e & compLet,e/ _ Application? { Qx (1*, ,,& n TpRocrssED BY Date Qualified Revielv completed and certificate issued by suPPoRT\CE \CHECKLT sT . PST / ,/ 2711 South tEitrO West.p.O. Box BOB.Magna. UEah E4O44-BOB.?EO-p{18 fUTAGiNA WAIEFIEo. AN IMPFIOVEMENT DISTRIGT TBUBTEEE H.t. DYCHEs Chairmon lols L Elno orEr(lEulAilr BREilT E. HUISH DistriEt Managcr May 9' 1991 State of Utah Departlrent of Health Utvleton of Envir'onmental Health B. E. B. R.Attn; Jlm Ther^oe Dear Mn, Theroa: Ireak detectJ.on eyetemg vilere Lnetal-Ied on May 1, 1991' on the two Brggg-elalion unclergtound etorage tankar. -located at Aegg Weet 3506-Soiltih, Magne, Utah, Factllty I.D. f4O01650' tank *1 - DleseL Monltor SNs 031-28883 Tank #2 --Gaeollne Monltor SN$ OgL-28,932 IfyouhavesrlyqueBtloneconcernlnBthepreB6ure monltotre, eontact Ed Haneen at U50-2118 S Ed Hensen Operatione SuPervLeor Magna Watan ComPanY EH/A" Fr711 Eicrutfr EIFjOO We::L r P.Cl. Box 3OE ' Magne' UEeh 84O44-BtrtB ' E5trI-211El Record of Decision U*t^ C". Facility Name Project Manager Site Closure to join PST Fund tr Dis-Allow to join PST Fund Evidence used for this determination includes: Facility ID Irak ID {c c,l t "-tt, GFZ Allow Project Manager Signature R- SKA shw\ust\cc\recdec. f rm our" ,rl rqlqt Petroleum Erl.ronmental Services, Inc ^ 2440 South 3270 West salt lake city, Utah 84119 Te lephone (801) 97 2-0202 Fax (801) 972-0977 January 28, L991 Magna Water Attn: Ed Hansen 2711 South 8600 $lest P.O.Box 3O3 Magna, UT 44044 Re: Tank Tightness Tests Mr. Hansen, Please find enclosed copies of the tank tightness tests that were performed recently on underground storage tanks at your facility. A brief explanation is in order. We'tl- try to ade- quately summarize our f indJ-ngs. GRADE Diesel ( sewer plant )4le/41? NoLead (8900 w. 3600 S.)t /4/462 (8900 w. 3600 s. )#/4./a67 r,000 <o. 05 6000 <o. 05 600c <o. 05 TANK SIZE (gal) HIGH LEVEL LEAK RATE (sph) LOW LEVEL LEAK RATE (sph) PIPING TANK N/A Pass Pass Pass Fass Pass If you have any questions please call us at the above number. Steven R. Sommer Petroleum Envi-ronmental Service ub-,.-/r24,-"*-- C Petroleum Envuonmental Services, Inc. 2440 South 3270 West Salt Iake City, Utah 84119 Telephone (801) 972-0202 Fax (801) 972-0977 b' ta T-. --t- .. PRODUCT LINE TEST DATA SHEET ProductProductProductTest # Qtnt l(Product Product Produet-/"|i.-p t t I ),1,1.., y" d Product Pumo Tvoe Sr" /rt t F".*"- /R.\ I sol ati on ?tlechn i snr D!,!,0,91,,a Initial Level (IL)' lil JbtI Initial Pressure Leve'l f IPL)/)$" 5o t n*/>c> Final Pressure Level (FPL)r O,\& f 16A1 3 llFFLeak Rate (IPL-FPL) Bl eed-Back Level (BBL)taq a -(3Bl eed-Back Rat'io: ( IL.BBL) /IL , S(t4"t,,l./cs^t+ Pressure - I- Time Comoleted Ia"6s,.,^,3 ,,5r),,,n Time Started fl:!San_l5 '90,rl. Test Interval (Min-)3o^ i"l "*:;nr l'nl I Concl us i on (Pass or Fai'l)0,qs(Oeu(q Tank Leak Rate Before Pressurizinq Tank Leak Rate After Pressurizino Comments: - 't. .-t i 11 H ih.r ra c Petroleum - nvironmen 1942 North Beck Street salt lake city, utah 84115 Telephone (601) 922-2060 tal Services, Inc.hayo, fura/,'*'/ f$f il76>L "rt ', (^ ,'4 _ One point _ Hu'lt i point f th h - Coaxial _ Other 'lain F]LL til ALL DATA estcr: I Bc'low Grd. Hani fo'ld Above Grd. Hanif 'l Vanor Recov erv Stage ! Stage z None d n h c n p T U t I al n n t vel In if r n al ln nT tnr 'I I h r ur d Y N r n Tan p T e T 1 Super ev. Timei Super El ev. Ti nre: ow I Ri est Hei tht,Hi h v T r // -a ,.s-f i,*L ,/t(l /3 ,), h 1 b hIestHe i ghi 'I ox r3 -dly {)"/ 3r ieh rd Pr c . \'4t r3./6,? Lt6 Ltl. o t-l ? ,pA A4 5 LlvN I H it F n 6)td -0"7 ? .>* oout ea-fl s-a | ; .r,- _; L- e _-l_t, (-111 (n \i5 l,, r.' ,) ,lr { 10I tcrrj<cDiil +i G(t irr,e ID IL-+- i t ; 6Ehd, -o .(r t6rE Iil oJIE+e eq, *:>.! 'dcr6 e,ec3 tn OH\n :: \s rr s\ \; \* Et f,$ <D I : i I I I 1 i lt-, ! t- c]' \ {E frl l.h slf,los 'i & L s \i a E U J( tA L r+ N sil fi (D o I i-. d-- --+--..i+tJ?I : #FI IGD + .qE' 6 (D I c)aa(i, ee,cz E(u cD.t'o !, ! s i i iE!Gill,i-t : i ]i-iG: llJ 'Ji- t t i J- 4 6iEtlE -ol <o'(,.E'I I tt {, E;€Ol cta o! J E>i or6 C'eieri anl, a l-dl E z $$t- /1 AItt lrlut fltL' { n* Irf fa c+: ^l l !-, !r. q:\ {E i{J UJf(iSNs0l'art L $ Istf ,,g eFnl F J. LcFI: yl ns\EF \=sf\,n\E tx s r'F; ? s"*, s i\ fr Fl Itll.lt.: 1 FACILITY INFORMATION:LOCATION OF TANKS: FII]IIIY IJ. #40016s0 Owner Name: Masna Warer Company Facility Name: MI^IC Main tenance Shed feSS:2711 Sourh 8 00 West Street-Address 8933 West 3500 South City: Street Add State:Utah Contact fSOn: Ed llansen TYPE OF OWNER: p e: 84044 State Phone Contact Utah 84044 I Ed Hansen [ ] Marketer, or non-marketer with an Ix] Non-marketer with annual monthly nual monthly throughput greater than 10,000 gal throughput less than 10,000 gallons (Must veiify oF AL lons ) DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: Tank # Age Capacity Substance TANK TIGHTNESS TEST Tank #2 Pass/Fail Pass Pas S CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 2 4 yrs 4 vrs 6.000 6.000 Gas Diesel Ix ] All Undergrourld Storage Tanks (UST) at this facility have been registered. Ix ] All registration TANK Fees have been paid. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: ls the applicant currently in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local UST regulations I x] Yes t I No -- lf "No" please describe item(s) of non-compliance: PREVTOUS POLLUTTON TNCIDENT(S) Have you ever had a pollution incident at your facility? [ ] Yes -- !f "Yes" please provide LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) lnformation [x ] No -- lf "No" please attach a letter stating that under customary business inventory practice standards you are not aware of any release from any tank(s) at this facility PST FUND FEES t I Full payment for every tank at this facility is included with this application.t I Quarterly payment(s) for every tank at this facility are included with this application (X) Already paid. I certify under penalty of law that the above representations rnade by me are true and correct. MAR - I lggtApplicant's Date signed: :: :, pEinOUeUm STORAGE TANK FUND APPLICATION Salt Lake Zip I vv PETROTEUU STORAGE TANK FI'NDCHECKLIST' 1. CE RTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: tq t(l have been registered - Form 7530 rk/yr, 1990/1 (Revised 9-89). 991 : $4S/tank/yr_ 1988/1989 : 925/tan 2. coM PLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: ftl I am in comPliance with release detection requirements I t Tanks installed belore 1965 or unknown: release detection by Dec. 1989. ffi Tanks installed 196S1988: release detection to be compteted by my compliance date. I t Release detection completed upon installation. ffi I am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. 3. PST FUND FEES.. A NNUAL FACILITY MONTHLY THROUGHPUT: [] I am a marketer, or I am a than 10,000 gallons. non-marketer with annual facility monthly throughput greater t I $ZSO paymenVtank: Fiscal year (Juty 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991). I I Quarterly payments @ $62.50/tank (Due the lst day ol Jul, Oct, Jan, and Apr). I{ I am a non-marketer with annualfacility monthly throughput less_t!q1 10-,-090 gallons. I i t nave compteted the AppLtcAI-N Fon ruOru-nnARKETERS DISCOUNT form. Ft $rzs paymenVtank: Fiscal year (July 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991). I I Quarterly payments @ $31.25ltank (Due the lst day of Jul, oct, Jan, and Apr). 4. TANK & LINE TIGHTNESS TEST.. ACTIONS REQUIRED AFTER TEST: lxl All systems pass the tank and line tightness tests. tii I ani submitting the results of the tank tightness test and a copy of the field report. t I Alltanks do not meet_the rg$lIeTents set by rule regard.ing tank tightne-ss testing, I j i nare contacted the State USt office and will submit-evidence of a plan for review. 5. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS: li I have completed the PREVIOUS unOer customary business inventory POLLUTION INCIDENTS form which states whether practice standards, I am aware of any release from the tank 6. INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Keep records at you r facility): [-] I have obtained financial responsibility requ irements for the first $25,000/release: I I Selt lnsurance I I Risk retention grouP I t Guarantee !l Letter of Credit [ | Commercial tnsurance [ | Surety Bond I I Other: . I I I have obtained indeoendent third-party financial assurance by my compliance date' I j i witt obtain independent third-party tinancial assurance by my compliance date. "See explanations under "How do I get started?" FErrrf [D. t4001650 As required by paragraph 26-74e-4M of the Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a release of petroleum. Additionally, based on "customary business inventory practices standards", I am not aware of any release of petroleum from my tanks. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS To:Mr. Dennis Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazardous Wastes Committee Dear Mr. Downs: s1 ture perator o& I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). signature of owner/operator Tank Fund. as could void leum AlOd \ to.$O CTOSURE NOTICE {oo t6:o ?c 2 nn V\:W?L &8 BSHt,,-0863-5-6 NAHE 0i:c t a*,rl?t,Tl, y*,.',rtOlr/iVi !'R1 Phone: a5O-a\\R a.flt So-f\BtoOa Ure^S"r-STREET CITY A STATE UT-ztp ?l'aqq IANK OPERATOR Name: A\HAnS€,n- BUSINESS NAME sTREET 81 to hre-s'i- 35DD So.,!V- Title: rnov\AqER CITY Yv-\ A 6 v\A C0UNTY Sa\l TANK HANDLER t'tame ?\S Address 2.'lqa Sa-\\^. 3170 tdexr qDO lbSO 8taqotqo 1r $t5 $t dz1, {45, I4b, Itotol) lrat48 lblsb tb"3L b tr {,y. &13r,TYPE OF CLOSURE [] Temporary 0L Permanent Substance stored for Change-in-service- Permanent or Chan ge-i n-Servi ce 0ate C -a Ilas -fuel emptied? .i Sludge removed? l,las tank ,r.nrd o. 17.*a? Locati on of C'losure Records Temporary [)ate of Closure:l,Jas tank empti ed?:_ Resjdue depth remainjng in tank- or XllJt ol Corrosion Prot. ? Release Detectioni 3 mo,: Vent Lines Open?- Cap/Secure: l ir j 2mo. : Perm. Closed?:- New/Upgradeq?:- TANK INFoRMATION i Tank #: Age Capac j ty Subs. O I SPOSAL ao {FE &O ,cs N i e-qe-\ $,tzs 3bb7-z \bz,qo 3bL3-?-ot' fubz,5u 31.b3'L*t' % Uz,5o lbU3 -?'r7- \w4"- t6+w ,torcta.lg I v\ Q-r \eL - \r.v NV' frt>e bz1 hL5 \bb5 co\fiso B.ooa _l,oQo: ws[a o.\* bA'>o 3?(23 j t3 Locati on Loca t i on Z- Tank: Sl udge: i t7/to L7.811,f| L D t* 'aa n L5'A 4 4' '10n45'.ql . ^\ rEo (4 Q, @ 2-5o'7 llb 1:50d, Locati on I0 TANK OWNER --* va41- \ I z_ lJ r{.,gn Ne, S{oe-\ PsaAJs LT -r e-&^"\ae,e s SITE ASSESSI{ENT (Copies of lab ana)ysis report should be attached to this notice) Groundwater samp 1es_TPH_8TEX . Results: ,z Soii samples r,/-TpH_BTEx. Resuits: <l,,ooo ppb o,[+€"..ro (.rr: r\ ZtO p** Name and location of Laboratory A rv.eerc a,. \des| A^l\,, l,.rl Lbs, S r.-c- uT THE AEOVE INFORI.{ATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF Signature of owner/ope rator z-2 Title te OGE AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 1 Client: Petroleum Environmental Date Received: October 29,1990 Set Identification Number: 4376 Set Description: Four Soil Samples Analysis Requested: @rocarbons Lab Sample ID. Number: 4376-02 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Phil Sargent Received By: Elona Hayward Method Ref. Number: EPA SW-846 #8015 (modified) (Extraction - GC/FID) Field Sample ID. Number: Magna Water - SS#2 East End Diesel Date Analyzed: October 24,1990 (801) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 Anal Results Compound: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon s 2,000.<2,000. < Value = None detected above the specified method detection limit, or a value that reflecs a reasonable limit due to irrterferences. 2. T = f'race. Detectable amount is lower than the practrcal quantitation limit for this compound. Detectiorr Limit: Amount Detected: t7-2- VelAnalyzed by: Released by: Date: Date:- L-g Laboratory Supervisor Report Date 10/31/90 1 of I Tllls REPoRT ls PRovtDED FOR THE, EXCLUSM USE OF TrtE ADDRISSEE. pRtVtLECES OF SUBSEQUENT USE Op TlrE NAME OF THIS COMpAj\ty OR ANy MEMBER OF ITS STAFF. OR N,EPRODUCTION OP THIS REPORT IN CONNECTION WITII TIIE ADVI,RTISEMENT, PROMOTION OR, SALE OF ANY PRODUCT OR PROCESS OR IN CONNECTION WTTH TH8 RE.ruBLICATION OP TI,IIS REPORT FOR ANY PURPOSE TIIAN FOR THE ADDRESSEE WILL BE CRANTED ON'I-Y ON CONTR,ACT. THIS COMPANY ACCEPTS NO RESTONSIBILITY IIXCETT FORTIIN DUE PERIORMANCE OF INSPECTION AND/OR ANALYSIS IN GOOD FAITII ^NDACCORDING TO TIIE RULES OF TIIE TRADE AND OTT SCIENCE. Units = pglkg (ppb) AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Client: Petroleum Environmental Date Received: October 29, 1990 Set Identification Number: 4376 Set Description: Four Soil Samples Analysis Requested: @ocarbons Lab Sample ID. Number: 4376-0r Contact: Phil Sargent Received By: Elona Hayward ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Method Ref. Number: EPA SW-846 #8015 (modihed) (Extraction - GC/FID) Date Analyzed: October 24.1990 Ana1ytiq4l Results (801) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 Units = pglkg (ppb) Detection Limit:Comoound: Total Peroleum Hydrocarbons 2,000.<2,000. < Value = None detected above the specified method detection limit, or a value t}rat reflecs a reasonable lirnit due to interferences. 2. T = Trace. Detectable amount, is lower than the practical quantitation limit for this compound Analyzed by:Date: / /'-2- fu Released by out"'-[J 1 -">c( o L,aboratory Supervisor Report Date 1061/90 1 of 1 TTIIS REPORT IS PROVIDED POR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TIIE ADDRIISSEU. PRIVILECES OF SUBSEQUEI]T USE OP TIIE NAME OF TTIIS COMPANY OR ANY MEMBER OP ITS STAFP, OR REMODUCTION OF THIS REPORT IN CONNECTION WITTI TIIE ADVIIR,TISEMENT, PROMOTION OR S^I-E OF ANY PRODUCT OR PNOCESS OR IN CONNECTION WTTH TI{E RE-PUBLICATION OP TI'IIS REPOR'T FOR ANY ruRPOSE TTIAN T,OR THE ADDR"ESSEE WILL BE GRANTED ONLY ON CONTRACT. THIS COMPANY ACCEPTS NO RESTTONSIBILITY IIXCEPT I:OR 1'IITi DUIi PERFORMANCE OF INSPECTION AND/OR. ANALYSIS IN COOD I:AI'rII AND ACCORDINC TO THE RULES OF TI{E TRADE AI,iD OF SCIENCE. Field Sample ID. Number: Magna Water - SS#1 West End Diesel Amount Detected. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Client: Petroleum Environmental Date Received: October 29,1990 Set Identification Number: 4376 Set Description: Four Soil Samples Analysis Requested: @rocarbons Lab Sample ID. Number: 4376-Method Blank Contact: Phil Sargent Received By: Elona Hayward ORCANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Method Ref. Number: EPA SW-846 #8015 (modified) (Exrraction - GCIFID) Date Analyzed: October 24,1990 Field Sample ID. Number: Method Blank (801) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 Anal al Results tS= Detection Limit: Amount Detected:Compound: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 2,000.<2,000 < Value = None detected above the specified method detection limit, or a value that reflects a reasonable limit due to interferences. 2. T = Trace. Detectable amount is lower than the practical quantitation limit for this compound. Analyzed by: Released by oate: )l L-c/o laboratory Supervisor Report Date 10/31/90 I of I T}IIS REPOKT tS PROVIDED POR THE EXCLUSTVE USE OF TIIE ADDRIISSET,. PRIVILEGES OF SUBSEQUI]I\IT USE OP T}IE NAME OII THIS COMPANY OR ANY MEMBER OF TTS STAFF. OR R,EPRODUCTION OF TIITS REPORT IN CONNECTION WITII TIIE ADVERTISEMENT, PROMOTION OR SALE OF ANY PIIODU T OR PROCESS OR IN CONNECTION WTTH THE RE-PUBLICATION OF TI,IIS RI,PORT FOR ANY PURPOSE TIIAN FOR THE ADDRESSEE WTLL BE GRANTED ON'I-Y ON CONTNACT. THIS COMPANY ACCEPTS NO RESTIONSIBILITY EXCEPT I:OR'I'IIE DUI] PERFORMANCE OF INSPECTION ANDIOR ANALYSIS IN GOOD I;AITII ^\DACCORDING TO THE RULES OF TIIE TRADE AND OF SCIENCE. I . r tr' Date: //-Z-72 --- Client: Peuoleum Environmentai Contact: Phii Sargent Date Received: October 29, 1990 Received By: Elona Hayward Lab Sample ID. Number: Field Sample ID: 4376-03 Magna Water SS#3 South End Waste 4376-04 Magna Water SS#4 North End Waste Analytical Results A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Sample Test: oil & Crease Oil & Grease Method Used: Detection Limil: mgkg Amount Detected; milke 190.-03 -04 413.1 4r3.t r 00. 100.(801) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 210. I 3-o .,, e /.---,) /,.\'Released laboratory Supewisor Report Date 10/31/90 I of 1 T}IIS REPORT IS PROVIDED POR T}IE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TIIE ADDRIISSETi. PRIVILEGES OF SUBSEQUENT USE OP T}IE NAME OP THIS COMPA}IY OR ANY MEMBER OF ITS STAFF, OR REPRODUCTION OT' THIS RAPORT IN CONNECTION WITTI TIIE .{DVIiRTISEMENT, PROMOTION OR SALE OF ANY PRODUC-T OR PROCESS OR IN CONNECTION WMH T}IB RE.ruBLICATION OF TIIIS REPORT TJOR ANY RJRPOSE T}IAN FOR THE ADDRESSEE WILL BE GRANTED OIiLY O\ CONTRACT. THIS COMPANY ACCEPTS NO RESI{,NSIBILITY EXCEPI I'OR'l'l IE DUII PERIOR.\IANCE OF INSPECIION AND/1OR ANALYSIS IN GOoD I;AlTtl AND ACCORDINO TO TIIE RULES OF TI{E TRADE AND OF SCIENCE. INORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT /- \orman H. Bangerter DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bureau ol Solid & Hazardous Waste 288 North 1 460 West. P O Box 1 6690 Salt Lake Cily. Ulah 841 1 6-0690 (80r ) 538-61 70 Governor Suzanne Dandoy, M.D.. M.P.H. Executlve [)iro( tor Kenneth L. Alkema t)irecn)r ocl 3 0 1990 Brent Huish Magna Water Company 2711 South 8600 West Magna, UT 84044 Re: Closure Plan for Underground Storage Tank(s) located at 8910 W. 3500 S., Magna, Utah Facility Identification No. 4001650 Dear Mr. Huish: The closure plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Bureau of Environmental Response and Remediation on October 11, 1990, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. I-ocal health and fire departments must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. These agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. Enclosed is a copy of the "Closure Notice" form which must be received by the Executive Secretary before the closed tanks can be removed from the fee billing list. Please provide all of the requested information on the Closure Notice form and submit the form together with the sample analysis data when this information is available. Any deviation from an approved closure plan must be reported to the Bureau of Environmental Response and Remediation immediately. Any proposed change in the Closure Plan must be approved before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the Bureau of Environmental Response and Remediation within 24 hours of discovery. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Thiros at 538-6338. Sincerely, 4J- L"n fr tP Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid andHazardous Wastes Committee Enclosure Y.,PG lJUl /cc Shw\ust\cc\tnk-cls.3 cc:Kent Miner, Salt Lake City/County Health Department Salt I-ake County Fire Department Scot Barlow, Petroleum Environmental S^..\e - \ rnAS\ N 6a..NA' \tV€- b r-"-s\.- f\' s '\\t'q\^'' rQ oL .\\ passr\\e-- Thel o..\7 htr<- 30 uoys to ! c-*^p\-L .A",.<- 1cN - fl^6^Ls - S.r qGE IANK CLOSURE PLAN (rev. il/89) STAIE USE oNLy / Date Recei ved o / Rev i ewerl0ate Rev'iewed / Reviewer Recommendat'ion lNS. / EHt'1 Rev'iew/Date u losure Add res s 1..{ a. Na-{\^-e-c-!- Sl".c-z i p 8'tttl SITE INFORHATION Owner Name Address 2 ? I t Sou\^ I 0A r*)asl zip 8+o \\tel. # ZSO-\\8 Site Name Address 81tO uJ t SsAd S^-\n- ft€nA z'ie 8tt0\\ (contact person )8"e.,.,\ Ho *S\^tel..1+eso rr8 (found on b'i1ling forms , j digit g) 4OOrbSn / Number of tanks at thjs site to be closed Z-.- TAN I N FORMA TTON Pian prepare d by Scor Bper-o,; or aaL - 6'tc L Pel-\e-r.,. G..,r,-o".*er.kl tu t .*-E*&=*orb- Tank Location Ident j f j cati on f.l.uf6-eq Number of tanks at thjs sitel\ ./\-7 Tank #: I ' Age of tank 2"Ot"s Capacity 4oOO Subs. stored UCSd,_ Oate I ast used 1178 /'Z 2D r.s l,0oo Or\ t? 78 SITE PLAT ATTACHE0 Located on the plat should be buildings, tanks, 1ines, dispensers, underground util'ities, proposed sampling locations, samp)ing depths, substance stored in tanks and other important features. CL0SURE N0TICE FORM This must be filled out and returned to the Bureau when closure is completed. ,^ v o<-' Cert'ificate #TH_ OTANKOLERName tqt 2. No-{\.e.-\c- Sl.SLC- U T zip 8.t\\loAdd res s S0IL/GROUNOWATER SAMPLER Name Certif icate # (after 12/31/89) 63 - o r ao Add res s r1{2. Aoc*\".Ge<.-[c Sl- SLC- ,tJ T-ztp tsL{ L \o DISPOSAL INFORHATION Tank(s) w'il1 be d'isPosed at Fac'i 1i ty Address Tel. # Lt ?l t^)TTnns tO\ contact -?3 - B lotos Product l'ines will e'ither be X removed or -secured in place anc capped' Vent l'ines wi I I either be I removed or -secured open ' piping will be disposed at: FacilitV A.rto Ne-u S{ee-\ "< address SA €- as to..t€-contact tel. # sC Tank will be emptied by 9e,\co\eo'.,.. Enutc'ovt'"nen\*\ SesuteaS, T'n'o (company) and c 1 eaned by SA.r\n e-( company) . The tank w.iII be either purged or rendered inert by tne foIiowing meihod U( If tanks are to be closed'in-place, has approval been obtajned from the Fire Oept ves no 1 F TI ST BE LLED T COMPL YFLOt^JI If found, contam'inated soils are to be d'isposed at the fo1)owing facility: o' E.Tl TeArr+o\o€res add res s 30 [re-ST I 300 S o "t\^tr!<-8tr { contact If found C.*A7 A"t"eSeE tel ' # 113- aoh5 , contaminated ritr. is to be d'isposed at the following facility 6.T.Te\..a\o1re-S address contact t AS \^.re-o1 e'l . Residua'l sludges are to be d'isposed at the following fac'if ity:6..T. TeAn",,o\og,e-s Sr.^c AS t9 contact tel. IF CoNTAI.{INATED SoILS ARE To BE AERATE0, coNTAcT BUREAU oF AIR QUALITY FOR ANY NECESSARY PERMITS AT 538-6I08 add res s /n IF CONTAI.IINATEO GROUNOI,IAIER IS FOUN[), CONTACT EUREAU OF WATER PoLLUIION coNTRoL FoR ANY NECESSARY PERMIIS AT 538.6'I46 CONTACT Conta ct L0CAL HEALIH DiSTRICT Name st. SL tr'Lof 0i Title (r(0ate lO-S-J6 C0NTACI L0CAL FIRE 0EpI. Name of Oept Groundwater sample lab analysis t other Soi I sample, other ter ;53\-ts.t? 811ContactT'itle Frce- Fnu \&te I #'{tog - SiTE ASSESSMENT A sjte assessment must be performed on all tanks to be closed. Ar a minimum, protocol found jn R450-205 UAC should be fol lowed during closure assessment. o be used : ,/ gol5 (mod'if jed l, /tpA 413.1 C la u y,'t alJ/ S"r+ B*Cf"pr: lab analysis to be used: / BO15 (mod jf jed), /tpA 413.1 State Cert jf ied Laboratory to be used: Aor.e-n<.n*,. We.s{- A*q\y\.c-A\ L{ts a- Address l{3 h.le-r-*boa S 5L a zip tstt tts tel #3- glotlto contact coNTAMINATi0N INF0RMATION In the event that contamination i s detected or susD cted , you must report a release to the Execut'ive Secretary, Solid and Hazardous l,^Jastes Committee at B0t -538-6.l 70. If contamjnation js suspected or detected a qualified environmental consultant shculd assist you in your remediation. In the event contam'ination is found ihe environmentaI consultant will be: Company 4) Rsnrc-n 6 e.ole-A^nrrc-{\6L address I 2sr w ,.L Co\. C.6 A..re-City state uT- zjp Erlro'{ tet. # 17a -8{oa SL C-oo,^\I F.re- Oate lo-5 -?O - C.-l*, SA \t L^V4- c-'{/ fr a! SITE PLAT LocationlO No ._1OO lbSD Drawn By S"orBatr4o!^) \- t)ate: lO-5 'lD -$ $ J-s-fix r.< ]iN.trf I s .il )'='\) -.i4 -d,tg =g srt 1J U Lda >.t dd L5gVl Ld atE rl scj * ssxl E Ssrla rJS C. OL --z NOTE: Indicate sample locatjons and depths. Indicate tani< number that corresponds with jnformation given on page'l of the Closure Plan. A = -r-zsrT J.tr*r< \66-es -t-tIst [ev BuiIding, etc. outJines 0 = Monjtoring !,Je))s (MW-#' ) Tank & tine out]ines X = Sample Locations (SS-#, wS-#') Creeks, Rivers t] = Water Wells (domestjc, livestock, etc.) -s-s-s- - Sewer; -p-p-p- = Power; -t-t-t- = Te'lephone; -g-g-9- = Gas; -tr-w-w- =t,Jater; -d-d-d- = French Drains; Li nes : s -)-zs5 $l+i' --\ UTAI{ DEPARTMEUI. Invoice No- Inv Date Deacription Grose Amount 9/L4/9O TNDERGIROUND TANK FEE 485.00 ffiHCHIVE* SEP 18 1990 - Utah Dept. ot i.teatt:.. Bureau cf Solil, & liazaro,:1.;s ,ii;:i OF HEALTH Discount o002393 485 - O0 Net Amount 485. OO 485 - OO /b?') :9' t+ F,YJf F/y'c 93' t I WATER COMPANY AN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2711 SOUTH 8600 WEST 2s0-2118 MAGNA, UTAH 84044 1no PryOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY.FIVE AT.ID NO,/IOO DOLT,ARS TOTHE ORDER OF DATE e/r{/eo UTN{ DEPARTT{ENT OF HEALTH HTREAU Or. SOLID ANn ITAZARDOUSHAgm (usr) 288 NORll{ 1480 lrEsr P-O- BOX 16690 wTnLSPire !rrr. r: r IToBt$tl99sg,,tqgo I t l. ZONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAGNA OFFICE MAGNA. UTAH 84044 31.5/1240 CONTROLNO. 2393 2393 AMOUNT $485-OO oo roo 'liu,' ,10.ab) t /6;aF!?c.fY//' iD i!0. 4 o0l h5-r, Iank oLrner _Ind. I,IAHI STRIET INITIAL :NSPECi:ON & CCIlPLIANCE SUI{I.IARY FORH comoiiance # I suspense 0ate C losed out Corp. _other oate(acquireo/Inc.)_ l,U IiITY/TATE L,L{0q IITLE dba 1 ,S C ITY C O!ITAC I Tant oDe ra t EUSINESS NAI{E STR EE I CITY coflTACr or Ind.d ba _ Corp. other OU IITLE ql 10,lc81,p t/1,RULE oate( acqu i red / lnc.) _ ACILITY NO. zlP t)ATE Suspense oate Pcna I ty S YIOLAIION/ cor|Pt IAncE 1ST Cot'tTAcT 2il0 coltTAcl 3RD COIITACT 4TH COIITACT t{0v ORDER FILE-AG EPT REFIRNAL CLOSE OUT Actlon oate Actl on (ti'.t iu,9lt lqok, FIt{At AssEsst{ErT i t t rtqftfErt PHONE PHOI{E xl*?lqo t_ STREET "Itl -]ATE :]P ACOU I REt) iAilK # SIATUS AGE CAPAC ITY HATER IAL : I{TERIIAL :XTERNAL PIP!NG SUBS IANC E IAST IISFN . CLOSURE CERTI F ICATI ()N RELEASE ()ET. OATE OUE SP I LL/OVERFILL RELEASE OATE ffp;ll d.i,al t htn L.oh < tito-tr ? In Comoliance? # (Y/il) d) ? 1 .) l]- /^000 tY, hoao ffi-itQl,.:' Financia I Resoonsibi I itv METH.' Rute #(s) :NSURER-Policy #-Eff. 0ate COHI{Et{TS: BSHh'-7 7 57U -2 5 -2 6 propert',r 0wner _ind. _dba _ corp. 0ther Date( acoui reo /lnc.) - :'rAl{E r)i r uJ