HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006482iiump & Irnp illc*ning 155 Narth 58$ Wcst Salt l-*ke (ii*y, titah 841lS Scrvic* Order i-lustrxrr*r t@$w&" *--* *-" B{}l.1st*niftrt: S694' Phone i ,'l}i]l '..&x"**'1 ,m,siw& l.t;1it"::':.1t, ii . ]'he {.i51'l AST tst iisf*rl l'rclrnv lrlr clt:ancl.l in ii.:currlarc* wrlh":l{} Cl-lt- S*i'lron ]5(1. .tttr"i all applicable l'edcral" ttate. rrd loc*l r-:cdcs. Thc -'u;nrirepirra{(}r{ir }::ted }-re},-rl.r'was el*anrd in;iccoriianet wtth allii;rpi].:rriric i*riertl. \iate. atld lixal r:oiles. 'I"lie i*:rtJrllefi.iri{ti?r'{ !} 1l.iritf rlrxls rl$prrs*ri ;.t{ 'l'h(: nxtlcriill cfintaincrirerl and lrlt rirr >i1,,: Drscription (iallons Sump &'lrap t.ileaning S.1..(:- Co*nt3, SWHf'l'rrmit \o. "*.T'itlrl'OTlt Disr:harpr I'trmit \o. t.;tafu l-,sed oil prrlnit lio. 042 [:51]fi't" Nu. fl-5$8-g-1 l&r.* 'Y-?r*=#r-7-'r ,/\. B. L. D. I s'rc v Address: -'i'{({e sdz *Nsp-d--- cit-r/staterr ip, &rM 6*#-*x ffi*t 4nuoi 2. tuli 1ol ,Y) 3. #aa* Shifing l{orltt srd S{ffiilhn Ni 12. thfi Ytlt/Vol. rs J. 1{. GEI{EfrtT88'S CEBTFICAI(1i|: I {sfiily flo rllatedab dese*tsd .bova 0o Sds manircst ar. rd o{Sloc1 i0 Gonsrab/s $ia Addres$ (il diltgrer,t &ar ailirE drw! Ysar J i-.z ,nporl to t,"S.Epo.l rlo{n U.S, 1< u.s.: 10 Treiry$dsr Acioo*led$no,tt qt R€eorg sl Mst€rials Day 'rear &utF IE 0.(,2r{ F !,t<rtfi Day 17a. Discrepancy lndixtion Spae n nOuantiry nTypg f ,unq*x, ': :".'.t.:..a t 1\:;t''t: 1/c. Sgr}3frre of Altemslo Facility {6. Gen€Iatorl iktolh Dat Y€af t I ).h J6f olriF m trJ I I It Sqnature "'7 ,f* -" 7.sg.t-r--r--/'! : / ,t.'/ ,:47<+ Ucnth 16$-BLC-* 6 1M98 (Rev. U06| Underground Storage Tank lnspection Verification Form MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC 880 W CENTER STREET NORTH SALT LAKE UT 84054 DENNIS RIDING IVIAVERI K #266 14416 S REDWOOD RD BLUFFDALE UT BRIAN NELSONOwner Contact: Facility Name: Street Address: Last lnspd: 1 1 l'l2l2oog (801) 335-3860 FacilitylD: 4002130 n4^- L 84065 (801) 446-1180 UTM Coordinates 420,285.26 4,482,4A5.02 onhoquad (mo) 1 m€ler lmas6 Comments: No tags. ln LD compliance Yes ln Operation Compliance: l'lo Tank Status: Date lnstalled/Capacity/Loc: Tank lvlaterial: Tank lvlodificalions: Pipe lvlaterial: Pipe lrodifications: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overfill Description Iank C P MeULast TesuPassed? Last Line CP TesuPassed?: Tank Release Detection: Last TTT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/lvodel lrin. Vol./Max. Cap.: Max. Monthly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDTfiype/Passed? Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: No Other: 1 E-Gen: No Cunently in Use Manifold: No 21911997 10,000 Southwest Fiberglass Reinior.€d Plastic Fibelllass Reinfor.ed Plastic Steel Flex in Sump Pressurize Perm RO by: 2/9/2007 Gasoline Regular 5 gal. Spill Bucke Automatic shutolf YES ATG 212211W7 TEl4000 Yes Veeder Root Simplicity CSLD 10% old 5% ne$,/ 45K 227,559 glmo 1. lronthly 2. ALD 9l8l2$5 Electronic Yes 9/8/2N5 TEI Model LT Yes Yes OtherType: Self-insurance Tank Status: Oate lnstalled/Capacity/Loc: Tank Material: Tank Modifications: Pipe Material: Pipe Modifications: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Typel Substance Stored: Spill/Overfi ll Desciption Tank C P l\reuLast TesuPassed? Last Line CP Tes Passed?: Tank Release Detection: Last T'fT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Min. Vol./Max. Cap.: Max. Monthly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: No Other: 3 E-Gen: No Currently in Use Manifold: No Agl1997 'l 0,000 North Fiberylass Reinforced Piaslic Fibsrglass Reiniorced Pbslic Steel Flex in Sump Pressurize Perm RD by: Gasoline Premium 5 gal. Spill Bucke Automalic shutoff YES ATG 212211997 TEl4000 Yes Veeder Root Simplicity CSLo 1Oo/" old 5o/" ne,t,r 45K 227,559 glmo L Monthly 2. ALD 9/8/ ns Electronic Yes 9/8/2lNS TEI Model LT Yes Yes OtheiType: Self-insur 2 E-Gen: No Tank Status: Currenuy in Use Manifold: No Datelnstalled/Capacity/Loc: 21911997 10,000 Southeast At/' vo 5)t'r1t'"\M P"r{*t,x n *^{ CSLD {i{& - .V m. al/ 3 A+-d otL' Tank Material: Tank Modifications: Pipe Material: Pipe Modifications: Pipe Flex Connectors Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Last l-fT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Min. Vol./Max. Cap.: Max. Monthly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: No Other: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Fib€rglass Reinfo,ced Plasilc Steel Flex in Sump Pressurize Perm RD by: Gasoline Regular ss I a't1d' 5 \J 212211997 TEl4000 Yes Veeder Root Simplicity CSLD 10% old 57o n€w 45K 227,559 glmo 1. Monthly 2. ALD 9/E/2(nS Eleclronic Yes 9/8/2an5 TEI Model LT Yes Yes OtherType: Self-insurance tt'. vc ta',-l +., ho^ e-1" w"4{- P o 5 5( o8/ Pd*) Pt t Spill/Overfill Description 5 gal. Spill Bucke Automatic sh Tank C P l\reyLast TesUPassed? YES Last Line CP TesyPassed?: Tank Release Detection: ATG Sb'e \ l,c ii'r t/L t,l Fl1lItvflkl OL B- d- tr-uk ,r\, @ 1) box'u- . U,PP tny+q!^tfi a v oy lpa *61a) lr., t-a-lt 5"1p1t abul- lal.0 yuxtu - rf1 tr r-r.6our,)q.q{q qL, ,$,4,_ l^)c&^-, b<yor' A,** l-L 6+ u/,t{ - Sor^".r2 turLil ar ;t.Page 8 of 10 Cr+ ax eQ Tuesday, November 03, 2009 6o*4 7tt vut6 -rW op- 4$ og,- GOr h"!' '-l'l'|";l Own€r Namo: Owner Address: Mr. Gary Astin March 18,2fi)9 Page2 3. Current-year tank tags are in place on the tank fill risers. Photographic documentation is attached, together with a work request letter and sewice order from Sump & Trap Cleaning who emptied the containment sumps. Maverik Store #304 11415 Solrth 7(X) East, Draper, FID 4001503 L. Current-year tank tags are in place on the tank fill risers. Photographic documentation is attached. Maverlk Store #333, f04l9 South 27fi) West, Sorilh Jordan, FID 4(m544 1. The spill containment buckets, fill risers, and fill fittinp togetherwith thevapor recovery risers, vapor recovery fittinp, and associated spill containment for all three USTs were replaced. 2. Current-year tank tags are in place on the tank fill risers. Photographic documentation is attached. Maverlk Store #352,46M West lrfr0iD South, Herrtman, Fm lfi:t374 1. Current-year tank tags are in place on the tank fill risers. Photographic documentation is attached. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. If this submittal is sufficient then please send me an acknowledgement that these compliance issues are resohed toyour satisfaction, via e-mail to driding@maverik.com if you like. Sincerely, Maveriko Inc. r Dennis Riding, PE & PG Environmental Director Attachments t I Photograph 1 - New spill containment bucket on UST 1 at store 266. Photograph 2 - Current-year tags in place on UST 1 at store 266 \ Photograph 3 - Current-year tags in place on UST 2 at store 266 Photograph 4 - Current-year tags in place on UST 3 at store 266 ..J ---tr L _l I-l l \ AM Q// 7 tt (G E ,y' \./,,i \ a rl l- - ) ) Shane Adolf, Sump & Trap Cleaning 801-595-8151 801-527-2159 Dennis Riding, Maverik 21Nov2008 2 AnvrNrunx's FrRSr Srop ynoEnr( MAVERIK INC. 88(J Wtst Ccnter Strcet North Salt t rke. LiT 3J05+2913 Phone: (80 t) 335-3860 Far: (E0l) 936-9-t02 E-mail: driding@maverik.com MemolFacsimile To: Phone No.: FmNo; From: Date: No. of Paga: Dear Mr. Adolf, Please schedule a service call to each of the following Maverik stores, to pump water and/or fuel out of the sumps and secondary containment spill buckets installed on the fuel tanks. This request is in response to recent inspections by Utah DEQ/DERR, and the comments from the inspectors are mentioned below. But please just check all of the sumps and spill buckets installed on the fuel tanls, and pump out any of them that need attention. Please also check for water in the tanks byprinting a status report from the Veeder-Root automatic tank gauge (push the "print" button and then read the line that reports on the presence of water). If you find emy water in the tanks, then please call me and I'll probably ask you to pump and dispose of it while you are there. Maverik Store #227. 2650 South Main Street in South Salt Lake. Utah DEQ/DERR inspector reported that the premium gasoline spill bucket was haHfull of water. Maverik Store #264. 27 07 W'est 12600 South in Riverton.Utah DEQ/DERR inspector reported that two of the spill buckets and two of the larger, submersible pump sumps contained water. Maverik Store #266, 14416 South Redwood Road in Bluffdale. Utah DEQ/DERR inspector reported that all three of the larger, submersible pump sumps contained water. Maverik Store #277. 3112 South Redwood Road in WestVallev City. Utah DEQ/DERR inspector reported that the two unleaded gasoline spill buckets were full of water and that all three of the larger, submersible pump sumps contained water. Page2 Maverik Store #291, L927 3230 West in Salt Lake Citv.Utah DEQ/DERR inspector reported that the south unleaded gasoline spill bucket was half full of fuel. Maverik Store #323. 2680 South 2000 East in Salt Lake City. Utah DEQIOERR inspector reported that the unleaded gasoline spill bucket was full of fuel. Maverik Store #326. 710 East 2700 South in Salt Lake Citv. Utah DEQ/DERR inspector reported that the unleaded gasoline spill bucket was half full of water. Thanl$ for you help, and please call me with any questions. Please let me know when you have completed the service calls. Dennis Riding Maverik,Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt l-ake, utah 8405 4-2913 801-335-3860 office 801-910-7061 cellular 801-936-9502 fax dridins@maverik.com Sump & T[ap Cleaning 155 North 500 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Service Order Date: ,r*", f :'24 ,o Customer: w. o. /^t 5 BOL/IVIanifest ' ,6092 (801) 595-8151 (80r) 521-2159 Fax e-mail: sump_trap_cleaning @ msn.com Z#2Generator: Address: y' CitylStatelZip: Generator Phone: 4 , .@4 <2 5 nPhone: Contact: (-/ -The recovery / monitoring or ground water will be processed in accordance with all applicable state and local regulations. -The UST /AST (s) listed below was cleaned in accordance with 40 CFR, Section 280, and all applicable federal, state, and local codes. -The sump/separator(s) listed below was cleaned in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local codes. _The fuel tank(s) listed below had bottom water removed. The sump/separator(s) materials disposed at The material containerized and left on site Description Gallons /q / R,n LolqA. B. C. D. All material is processed according to applicable federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to re-utilization, recycling, or disposal Sump & T[ap Cleaning Generator / Offeror: S.L.C. County SWMF Permit No. POTW Discharge Permit No.Title: Utah Used oil permit No.o42-96 USDOT No.654891 #*I U.AEPA ID No.uTo00000306'1 STC: 11 4g Department of Environmental Quality William J- Sinclair Acting Executive Direclor DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director FIL T COP Y State of Utah JON M, HUNTSMAN, JR, Goverdor CARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor Re ERRU-O16-09 February 2,2009 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Gr?zr^ a*l -iu * ttoa / o sl Dennis Riding Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 West Center Street North salt Lake, utah 84054 Notice of Non-Compliance for Underground Storage Tank Violations Maverik #266,located at 14416 South Redwood Road, Bluffdale, Utah Facility Identification No. 40021 30 Dear Mr. Riding: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act regulates Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and imposes certain obligations on the owner or operator of a facility having USTs. The Act specifically requires the owner or operator of a facility with USTs to meet the following requirements: Register the USTs and file an UST Notification form Pay annual registration fees Demonstrate and maintain financial assurance meeting federal and state requirements Obtain and maintain a Certificate of Compliance for each tank Meet specific technical and performance standards, including maintaining release detection on the tank and piping, maintaining corrosion protection, and maintaining spill and overfill protection Maintain adequate tank records Properly permanently close any UST not meeting these requirements At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the facility owned or operated by Maverik Country Stores, Inc., (you). This facility is located at 14416 South Redwood Road, Bluffdale, Utah. The designated Facility Identification No. is 4002130. This facility contains three USTs. 168 North 1950 West . Salt take City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144840 . Salt Lake City, UT 841l4-4840 Telephone (801) 5364100 . Fax (801) 359-8853 'T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 ww.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper a o a a a a a Facility ID #4002130 Page2 The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements. To achieve compliance, you must do all of the following within sixty (60) days of the date of this letter: Submit documentation to show that you have replaced the spill containment bucket for UST #1 (10,000 gallon Unleaded - southwest tank). At the time of the inspection, the spill bucket was cracked and damaged, and the upper support for the bucket and the surface lid was gone. Submit documentation to show that you have removed the water and/or product from the containment sumps at the submersible pumps for USTs #1, #2 (10,000 gallon Unleaded - southeast tank), and #3 (10,000 gallon Premium). Submit documentation to show that the current year tank tags are in place on the tank filI pipes. They were not in place at the time of the inspection. The Act gives the Executive Secretary (UST) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Board) the power to enforce rules made by the Board by issuing Notices of Agency Action and/or Orders. The Act, Utah Code Axn. $$ 19-6-407 and 19-6-408, also gives the Executive Secretary (UST) the power to assess a civil penalty of $1,000.00 if an owner or operator of an UST fails to register the tank, assess $1,000.00 for failure to pay fees within 60 days of due date, and assess. interest on the unpaid balance. Other violations of the Act may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000.00 per day. Failure to comply with the Utah UST Act and regulations may result in revocation of your Certificate of Compliance under Utah Code Ann. $ 19-6-414. This letter will advise you that your failure to comply with the requirements of the statutes and rules may result in the issuance of a Notice of Agency Action and/or Order and the assessment of a civil penalty. Please contact Gary Astin at (801) 536-4103 should you have any questions. Sincerely, Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board BTJ/GKA/lkg I 2 J A; Hato.s8R 8nrJ,€ it t*.F! -S J cA trt(}- 5 lrl .SJt,s rsHAslS s dooj f- .JU^)3-,60= -t J':o-, (- / qo \=/@o{ 6{ F q .r"d 'l'' I' ,i . _. _Et.T x ,, \ \ -t'' f-:l I\/I t-: q .{ l \' ( ,k ard L H .t!I ,7 7 J_.1 .l ( &trE loozt3o t'? "*k* %.1 VLStL) sytLt BoJ,* ur)t n t-,L Tlat+ - 6dn- 5n)' DLIZIL 2oo8- oobrol gb{ uu Su, FnI 1 <^r)* ff ^"*I 7-l. ,t - \ rt ; I r,. - t FI [, [" L,i tt>" \. t DttztL 2tPA' 60bsov [,,I W 1 " 12. 2008 7q*/ h { d 't1l "12 "Z@@sB ols?oa_g*z l1tj< dr"s T1?I JSrn 11L -vovlr{t (ro -rruiavw1 'fiw tary? , 1F^^^i far6d ar 'tr^t7 a z{0 orrl-"^4 d-,,5 1 &)nn ,,r8) er)zeoh st \ eeoz \ 74V I t n;t! 7 -4*i 'nA'r',+;:jt \ 1 \ i I ^/ \ \ '/ I r"th -<-_ _ .- l ,/ T I * ,/ f Mr. Gary Astin December 7, 2007 Page2 Qn"'d. {z-{ro{oz o,;ilUfi,*i" w- Fr" fu rloootz1. mmpliance inqpections done by the US EPA in other stateg EpA would have found the Haaec test to be sufEcient and wor.rld not have e),perted to see another cathodic protection s5ntem test until september 2Q 2009. Neverthelesg a reoent cathodic protection test has been completed anyway and the report is attached, although we do not recogrize the time period between October 29th and the date of this recent test as a lapse in the required testing schedule. Our position is that the Haztec test in 2006 cwen any "gap." 4. The 2007 compliance tags were attached to the fill port risers at the beginning of the year, but the plastic cable ties zubsequently failed and the compliance tags were apparently lost. we are in the process norr of distributing the 2008 compliance tegs, and so current compliance tags will be in place again shortly. Maverlk Storc #265, 675 l/Yest Hyde Park I^ane, Hyde PBrL, FID ,il1005EE 1. & 2, The spill buckets and zubmersible pump sump6 at the facility have been emptied, Maverlk Store #266, 14416 South Redrvood Rood, Blufidatg FID #{XDl30 1 . & 2. The spill brcket for the unleaded tank and the submersible pump sumps at the facility have been emptied. Maverlk Store #3St, llXl9 South 2700 West, South Jordan, FID #{1fi)544 1. The qpill buckets have been repaired, although it is possible that the repain wilt not tast due to the age ofthe spill buckets. If the repairs do not last, then we will replace the spill buckets in due course. The replacement of earlier model spill buckets involves the cutting of concrete, excavation work, installation work, backfilling and concrete restoration. It is often not possible to schedule and complete such a project and still meet the response deadline required in a typical non-compliance letter. 2' The spill bucket for the diesel fuel tank and the vapor recovery sump for the premium tank have been emptied. 3. It is our understanding that vapor recovery is not required for diesel fuel tanks. The vapor recwery riser mentioned in your letter was formerly in use when the tank contained midgrade (plus) gasoline. Now that the tank contains diesel fuel, the vapor recovery riser has been capped.4' we are in the process now of distributing the 2008 mmpliance tags, and so current compliance tags will be in place shortly. Veeder-Root FMS has mrrected the database to shon, line 3 as diesel instead of phs. Meverlk Stom #352,4604 West l26m South, HenlmrainrflID #tlOU2314 1. The spill buckets for unleaded tank 2 and premium tank 3 have been emptied.2. The west dispenser was checked and has been repaired. 1 JON M. HUNTSMAN, ]R. Govemor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Richard W. Sprott Exet:utive Director DIV ISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMED1ATION Brad T Johnson Director October 26,2007 Dennis Riding Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 W. Center St. North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 Re: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks (USTs) at Maverik #266, 14416 S. Redwood Rd., Bluffdale, Utah; facility ID #4002130. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on October 22,2007 , indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: At the time of the inspection, the spill containment bucket for UST #l (10,000 gallon Unleaded- southwest tank) had water and/or product in it. All spill buckets must be properly maintained, and must be kept dry and free of water, product, and debris, so they can function properly. Please document that the water and/or product have been removed from the spill bucket. At the time of the inspection, the containment sumps at the submersible pumps for all three USTs had water in then. All containment sumps must be kept dry and free of water, product, debris, etc., so they can function properly and protect metallic system components from corrosion. Please document that the water has been removed from the containment sumps. Please submit the requested information to this office by December 10r2007. If it is not received by this date, we will commence the process to revoke the Certificate of Compliance for the facility. If you fiave any questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 5364103. I 2. ep"t Ah-UL Gary Astin Underground Storage Tank Section 168 North 1950 West ' PO Box 144840 . Salt L,ake City, LlT 841 l4-484O. phone (80t ) 536-4100 . fax (801 ) 359,8853 T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 . www.deq.utah.gov Sincerely, tD 4002130 Release Detection T Program Checklist Uta,- ofL Location Useanks tr MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC Name MAVERTK #266 BLUFFDALE 880 W CENTER STREET 14416 S REDWOOD RD NORTH SALT LAKE 84054StateUT BLUFFDALE 84065State UT (801) 936-5557DENNISRIDING Contact SUZANNE 446-1180JENKINS each tank. Number of tanks Tank lnstallation 21911997 21911997 21911997 1 0000 or iJ Tank is in use.No No Yes No Yes No No Date last tank are rnCurrent No No Yes No Yes Material of construction of Reinforce Reinforce Rei nforce Material of Fiberglass Reinforce Fiberglass Reinforce Fiberglass Reinforce Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Prevention device intact etc.Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Overfi ll Prevention device driver can hear or see and isalarmorIS identified.Yes No Containment free from water etc.No The results of the last two tests are available n six months of Yes No Date of lastProtection Tester UT proper operation at least every Its of the last three checks are lmpressed Current Yes No Dates of last three checks: Corr. Protect. Method Sacrificial Anode lnstant Off 1 2 3 4 5 Tanks 6 1 2 3 4 5 Lines 6 1 2 6 o 5(aa's o ]l\ E rfr. iJ L ut- North UU p] €^144 to/2efo7 l.e Are A tlr- EI:: riH,NW 3 4 5 W Tank Flex 6 td)+t t Method:-i N I Disp. Flex lndicate below the corrosion protection method in place for each UST system component. ldentify each dispenser by pump number(s). Show readings test.for the most \,L 3 L rIL Comments Dil ,fr, - Utah -ST Program Automatic Tank Ga lnterstitial Monito lD 40021 !l tf ofL TANK LEAK DETEGTIoN ATG Tank method used:lnterstitial Mon Manufacturer, name and model of system: Veeder Root Simplicity CSLD No Manifold Circle Yes or No fof each question. ln the last column, explain and identify by tank any exceptions to the answers given in the first column. IM Type of Secondary Containment used:Type of lM Documentation used: ATG IM Records on site document that the system is properly installed, catiUrate{ operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is kept for at least one year after work is completed. No@ fn.,,Lli,Lu utaot/ ATG IM ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perfonn tests is adequate, accessible, and operational.No@ I I ATG IM Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below.@*o ATG @NoThe probe is located at the 7 center of the tank. \ lf not in center, show tilt factors from the setup report. Titr #1 b'oU #2 6,a4 #3 Loa #4 #5 #6 ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. ensure a valid No@ Third Party Minimum Level: {7,. IM System is capable of detecting a release of regulated suUstances frorn any portion of the primary tanUpiping within one month of release Yes No Shorv resultsof monitoring for each tanf highest product level tested foreach monlh. MoA/r 1ls 1 2l01 3la1 4la'l 5lo'7 6lo7 71e"7 8ke1 9leJ lole i 1',llot,12to 6 # 1"'z-P6ss -# 1ut-;c fl # 1?'a # # # P|PING LEAK DETECTION ALD Monthlytr Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atrnospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. Piping method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatic Line Leak Detector Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: Date of last leak detector .o{lJo 1 " - performance test i4rlo t frO Results: lndicate type of test: Simulated Leak, 3 gph, .2 gph, .1 gph (3, .2, .1- electronic LLD only) u@o rt,l@o ,J L PI,T, sL 3 .2 .'t s1 3.2.1 Cert. Number UT Test Method: M oMEO MEO sL 34.1 s1 3.2.1 s1 3.2.1 EO ME Tank 6 Type(Mechanical, Electronic, Other) Tester name: sL 3(4.1 fc.rt L?uct:. El-Automatic Line Leak Detector,Tank 1 fank2 other form of leak detection, Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank 5 Cert. Number UT Test Method: Results: tr Same as above . Tester name tr Line tightness testing. Date of last line tightness test: El-Monthly monitoring. lndicate the method used w. GPH Monthly Testing tr lnterstitial Monitoring. Type of lM Documentation D SIR tr GW Monitoring tr Vapor Monitoring Show results for month.12 months. lndicate or No Results for MoA/r 1t 2l 3l 4t 5l 6t 7l 8l 9l 101 11t 12t#l -:=#)t r€5r ''\ 't{'{..r }r V4 tL -v, lASt #j l,i(< -< # # # \. a(UT t; i COMMENTS UL t 7 A APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, L.C. PO BOX 182 ROY, UTAH 84067 (801) 546-7s46 T.E.I. SYSTEM 4OOO / T.E.I. LT3 / T.E.I. ULLAGE PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SU]\4I\4ARY INVOICE ADDRESS: MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES BBO WEST CENTER NORTH SALT LAKE, UTAH 84054 DATE:9-8-2005 TIME START: TIME SYSTEM FILLED OR TOPPED: TANK TANK PRODUCT CAPACITY TANK LOCATION: MAVERIK #266 14416 SOUTH CAMP WILLIAMS RD BLUFFDALE, UTAH TIME END: WORK ORDER # 05244 TECHNIGIAN: SM TECH #94027 VAN # 8502 STATE TECH # UT 0121 GROUNDWATER DEPTH: TANK FILL VENT PRODUCT LINE LEAK WATER INVAPOR LINE DETECTOR TANK PUMP TYPE TANK MATERIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0000 1 0000 1 0000 RYUL S/UL RYUL PASS PASS N/A PASS PASS N/A PRESS PRESS PRESS SWF SWF SWF N/T Nff Nff N/T N/T Nff PRODUCT LINES TESTED AT 50 LINE RATES (GPH} 1 RyuL -.000 2 s/ul -.000 3 4 5 6 PSI FOR 15 MINUTES ADDITIONAL INFORMATTON: VEEDEROOT PLLDS PASS 3 GPH FUNCTIONALITY TEST THIS IS A LINE I\4ODIFICATION TEST , BOTH R/UL LINES WERE MANIFOLDED INTO ONE LINE WITH ONE PLLD. rHrs sYsrEM fti9^lEIi?:^T,=r=IiSFIf"F^'3.?'i+iiE'IiB'uUXiE'Slg."'* PAR, 280' Digitally signed by Steven B. Martin cERrlFtED rEcHNlclAN SIGNATURE: E?=,i,ff:f;,[Xk[i::]'::r. DArE: e-8-2005 Date: 2005.09.12 12,,21:.47 -07'00' Reason: Document is certilied GVR ID: 124208 Site Id: 266 Site:Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Report Created: 1011012007 02:38 AM Tank Release Detection Results Tank Product Test Date Period Tlpe FMS Site Compliance Report Period: 1110112006 to 1011012007 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City, UT 84054 FullVol Result I 2 3 1 2 J I 2 J I 2 3 1 2 3 I 2 l UnleadedTank 1 Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED UnleadedTank I Premium Tank2 E. UNLEADED UnleadedTank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank 1 Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank 1 Premium Tank2 E. IINI-EADEI, UnleadedTank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED UnleadedTank 1 Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED 01t0'7t2007 01to7t2007 01t07t2007 02/07t2007 02t07t2007 02/07t2007 03t06t2007 03t06t2007 03t0612007 04tMt2007 04/0612001 04/o6t2007 05to6t200'7 05to6t2007 05t06t2007 06t06t2007 06106t2007 06t06t2007 07t06t2007 07to6/2001 07t06t2007 08t0u2(w 08104t2007 08t04t200'7 09t04t200'7 09t04t200'7 09t04t2007 10t08t2007 t0t08t2007 tot08t2007 1UO7t2006 11to7t2006 t1/o7/2006 1U07/2006 12tO7/2006 12/07t2006 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthiy 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 CPH Monthly 0-2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 01t200'7 01t200'7 07/2001 02tzN1 o2t2N1 02t2001 03t20u 0312001 03/2001 04/2007 04/2007 04/2007 05t2001 05t200'7 05t200'7 06/200'7 06/2007 06/2001 01t2007 ut200'7 0'7/200'7 08/2007 08/2007 08/2007 09t2001 09t2001 09tzUu lo/2007 totzNT 10t200'l 11t2006 11/2006 t1/200,6 12t2006 12t2006 't2/2006 62Vo 367o 6lVo 497o 427o 5l7o 48Vo 447o 527o 621a 44Vo 52Vo 56Vo 37Vo 607o 56Vo 4l%o 55Vo 48Vo 45?o 49Vo 597o 407o 58Vo 49Vo 32Vo 507o 55Vo 24Vo 52Vo 50?o 3OVo 53Vo 65Vo 367o 627o Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 2 3 2 3 2 J 2 3 2 l This repon docmlents tanl and litre tests perfomed at the above locution tbr the indicated date and period. This repotr Md the tests pedbmred are pan of lhe Maverik Country Storc monitoring aDd reponing program, and are itrtended to satisfy federal EPA UST relere detection atrd rccord keeping requirementsFuel Logistics Services VR101: Page 1 of2 Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 l-8D0-997-772s GVR ID: 124208 Site Id: 266 Site: Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Report Created: 1011012007 02:38 AM Line Release Detection Results Line Product Test Date Period Tlpe FMS Site Compliance Report Period: 1110112006 to l0ll0l2007 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City, UT 84054 Result 2 I 2 I 2 1 2 I 2 1 z I 2 I 2 W. TJNLEADED PREMALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. TJNLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. I]NLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREMALL DISP. W, UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP 0y06t200, oU06t2007 02t05t2007 02105t200'7 03t05t2007 03t05t2ffi1 04to4t2007 04t06/2m7 0y04n007 05t041200'7 06t06t2007 06t05t200'7 0'7105t2007 07to5noo1 08to4t2w 08t04t2007 09t0v2007 os/ol/2ffi'7 tot05t200, 10t0'il2w7 tyo'tzm6 tlt05tz006 12t07t2006 la05t2006 0u2007 01t2w7 02t2007 02t2007 03t2007 03t2m, 04t200"t 04t2007 05t2007 05t200'7 06t2007 06t200t 07t2007 07t2007 08t2007 08/2007 09l2N7 09t2007 1012007 10t2007 1v2006 1U2006 12t2006 ta2N6 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 2 I ) I 2 I 2 This rcpon docudrents tank and line tests perfbmd at the above location tbr the indicated date and period. This report and the tests perfbmled re pafr of the Maverik Country Storc nrooitodng and rcponing progrm, md are iilcnded to sadsry federal EPA UST rclede deEctioo and rc@rd keeping rcquirementsFuel hgistics Seruices VR101: Page 2 of? Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury' CT 06070-2003 l-8OO-997-7725 Alarm History Report Period: 11/01/2006 to 10/10/2007 Customer: Maverik, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, UT 84054-2913 Created: 1011012007 7:10 AM Alarm 266 02119107 08:33 266 02/12107 08:33 Auto-Dial Failed Alarm Auto-Dial Failed Alarm 02/26107 02:10 02/12107 19:50 Address: 14416 S. Camp Williams Bluffdale, UT 84065 8 Auto-Dial Failed Alarm, FMS recieved Auto Dial Failure Alarm" close 02/2612007 02:12" 8 Auto-Dial Failed Alarm, FMS recieved Auto Dial Failure Alarm" close 021 121200'1 19:52" ) ) Fuel Management Seruice vRl06: Page I ofl JON M. Hu,' ISMAN, JR. Governor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Dtrector DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director October 12,2006 To:Dennis Ridding Maverik Country Stores Inc. 880 W CENTER STREET North Salt Lake, utah 84054 Re:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Maverik #266, 14416 S. Redwood Rd, Bluffdale, Utah. Facility Identification No. 4002130 The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (ACT) provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance, if it is determined, that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules, and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks (USTs) at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on September 25r 2006, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance, you must do the following: Submit documentation to show that the STP sumps associated with USTs #2 (East [INL) and #3 (Prem.) are emptied and free from water. The above information must be submitted to this office by November 15, 2006. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536- 4138. 168 North 1950 West. PO Box I44840. Salt Lake City, UT 841 14-4840. phone (801) 536-4100 . fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801 ) 536-M14 . www.deq.utah. gov owner Name MAVERTK COUNTRY STORES tNC Location l13ms MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE 880 W CENTER STREETAddress Address 14416 S REDWOOD RD 6;ry NORTH SALT LAKE StateUT 7ip 84054 city BLUFFDALE state uT Zip 84065 Contact DENNts RtDtNG Phone (801) 936-5557 Number ol tanks at the facility: -{ SUZANNE Phone 1 446-1 1 80 Tank lnstallation Date ?,9h997 2t9t1997 2/911997 Capacity of Tank (in gallons) .I UUUU 1 UUUO 1 0000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compadmented. Show related tanks.fr.az lu^ l L.t )r?ha..1<,1 - Substance Stored uasoilile ffil "^,,r^^.., L&i uaSQilne rremtum Nodh Tank is in use.Currently in Use Currently in Use Currently in Use Yes No lf not in use, give date last used and depth of product in tank. Current year tank tags are in place.)6)No {fe3) No tO No Yes No Material of construction of tanks Fiberqlass Reinforced Fiberolass Reinforced Fiberolass Reinlorced Material of construction of piping Fihar^laec Pai^f^r^ad Fihar l.cc P6i^I^r^6d Fiha16lace Rpinfar.a.l Piping type Proecr rriu or{-Praeer rrizar{Preqqr rrized Type of Spill Prevention device 1- {-,,.J -\- -.> Spill coltainment bucket is intact, clean, and free of product, water, debris.Yes @ @No @s_ ruo Yes No Type of 9verfill Prevention device lr,_+,,k e- - Ovedill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so del ivery driver ca! hgar or see it, and is clearly identified Yes No N/A (-.etc.sealed free from water Yes ffi-o]/R The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within si4 months of installation and every three years thereafter).Yes No N/A Cathodic Protection Testing. Date of last test:Tester UT lmpressed Current System is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results of the last three checks are available.Yes No N/A Dates of last three checks lmpressed CurrentCorr. Protect. Method Sacrificial Anode lnstant Ofl Depolarized 1 2 Al11 J /1rfiTanks 4 1 /1/h 2 /Y/Yl J /{1\ Lines 4 1 Lf 2 ('i- J r)Tank Flex 4 I Ls., ,t/-/f 41 (q Disp. Flex lndicate below the for the most recent corrosion protection methods in place for all UST system components. ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s). Show readings test. Comments o g c a 0 D o C o (e L Ia )\ \ \'\ I zf^oson Name of 44 Ldcheckl 205.doc TANK LEAK DETECTION ATG Tank method used: t I ATG Shutdown Testinq Veeder Root CSLD No Manifold IM of Manufacturer name and model of ATG IM Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is kept for at least one year after work is completed. @*o ATG IM ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and ooerational.@*" ATG IM Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below.G)-N" ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank. If not in center, show tilt #3 #4No ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits.@*o Third Party Minimum Levet:) f 2 System isIM one month of release 1tol 2tDb 3tN 7to6 a ease any Mol/r 51.6 6to6 Yes No i,l,{, n;; 1ts.,.I sto 1 11#l -_>\-#?- #9 / # PIPING LEAK DETECTION flLD Monthly! Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. Piping method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatic Line Leak Detector and one other lorm of leak detection. ff, Automatic Line Leak Detector Type (Mechanical, Electronic, Other): Qp.z.r4t M o u MEO .2 .1 sL3.2.1 o MEO Tank 4 lndicate type of test: Simulated Leak, 3 gph, .2 gph, .1 gph Tester name: sL3.2.1 Test Method: Tank 1 Tank 3Tank 2 Manufacturer and model of each leaFletector: Date of last leak detector performance test: ?* A Results: .2,.1- electronic LLD only) Cert. Number UT 44 E'7- 8-DI-,Line tightness testing. Date of last line tightness test: Same as above Tester name:Test Method:Cert. Number UT Results: method used: Show results of tr .2 GPH Monthly Testing tr lnterstitial Monitoring. Type of lM Documentation tr SIR n GW Monitoring tr Vapor Monitoring lor Fail U Monthly monitoring. lndicate the monitori for the last 12 months. lndicate or No Results for each month. 4t _5/7l_613t 11tMo/Yr 1IDf,a -{=> elaF '10/ --12(#l -:> #/r4 #?f # COMMENTS I *I Distribution: While- DEBR, Yellow-lnspeclor, Pink- Facilitv/Owner Ldaloiml205.doc /a APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, L.C. PO BOX 182 ROY, UTAH 84067 (801) 546-7546 T.E.l.4000 / T_trt tT3/TFt I II I At?tr PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INVOICE ADDRESS: MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES 880 WEST CENTER NORTH SALT LAKE, UTAH 84054 DATE:9-8-2005 TIME START: TIME SYSTEM FILLED OR TOPPED: TANK TANK (:APACITY TANK LOCATION: IUAVERIK #266 14416 SOUTH CAMP WILLIAMS RD BLUFFDALE, UTAH TIME END: WORK ORDER # 05244 TECHNICIAN: SM TECH #94027 VAN # 8502 STATETECH # UT 0121 GROUNDWATER DEPTH: PRODUCT TANK FILL VENT PRODUCT LINE LEAK WATER IN VAPOR LI DETECTOR TANK PUMP TYPE TANK MATERIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0000 '10000 1 0000 R/UL S/UL R/UL PASS PASS N/A PASS PASS N/A PRESS PRESS PRESS SWF SWF SWF N/T Nff N/T N/T Nff Nff PRODUCT LINES TESTED AT 50 LINE RATES (GPH) 1 RyuL -.000 2 slut -.ooo 3 4 5 6 PSI FOR 15 MINUTES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: VEEDEROOT PLLDS PASS 3 GPH FUNCTIONALITY TEST THIS IS A LINE MODIFICATION TEST , BOTH RYUL LINES WERE MANIFOLDED INTO ONE LINE WITH ONE PLLD. rHrs sYsrEM iIr'^M1?:^T,'r=Ii-"$Fii"'o="'.?'Jr'ofE'IiE'utX.'E'Slg.t'* PARr 280' Digitally signed by Steven B. Martin cERilFTED TECHNTCTAN STGNATURE: EX;i:iH:fi;%xH;3it?1"3i,. DArE: e-8-2005 Date: 2005.09.12 12:21:47 -07'OO' Reason: Document is certified \-. App[_,IED -ENvrRo.NM_ENTAL srRVrcr s, L. c. PO BOX.t82 ROy, UTAH 84067 (80t) 546-7546 T.E.I. S TEM 4OOO / T.E.t. LT3 / T.E.l.LLAGE PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INVOICE ADDRESS: MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES 880 WEST CENTER NORTH SALT I-AKE, UTAH 84054 DATE:11-12-2004 TIITESTART: TIiIE SYSTEM FILLED OR TOPPED: TANK LOGATION: MAVERIK f266 1,1416 SOUTH CAMP WILLIAMS RD BLUFFDALE, UTAH TIME END: WORKORDER# 04359 TECHNICIAN: SM TECH # 94027 VAN # 8s02 STATE TECH # UT 0121 GROUNDWATER DEPTH: TANK TANK PRODUCT caDAeft.\/ TANK FILLVENT PRODUCT LINELEAK WATERINvLIE PUMP ryPE TANKRTMATE I 2 3 4 5 6 10000 10000 10000 R/UL S/UL R/UL PASS PASS PASS PRESS PRESS PRESS SWF SWF SWF N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T PRODUCT LINES TESTED AT LINE RATES (GPH) I 2 3 1 5 6 PSI FOR MINUTES ADDIIONAL INFORiiATION: VEEDEROOT PLLDS PASS 3 GpH FUNCT|ONAL|ry TEST THIS SYSTEiI AND METHOD iIEETS OR EXCEEDS THE C IN USEPA,rc, CFR PART 280, NFPA 329.87, AI{D ALL APPLICABLE ST AND LOCAL CODES. CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE:DATE: 11-12-2004 Alarm History RePort Period: 09/01/2005 to 08/31/2006 Customer: Maverik, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, UT 84054-2913 Created: 0910512006 3:00 PM Alarm Tvoe FMS Close Alarm Dev,. Label Dev. No.Alarm Status and CommentsSite ID Console Time 266 06113106 16:11 Tank Probe Out Alarm 266 04120106 00:12 PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm 06114106 03:21 Premium Tank 2 0412010602:23 W.UNLEADED Address: 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd., Bluffdale' UT 84065 2 Tank Probe Out Alarm, DIALED INTO SITE AND ALARM WAS CLEAR, T 2 TANK Premium Tank 2 PROBE OUT CLEAR 6-13-06 4:24PM I PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm, PvenF , Pon= , P l: , P2: Q I OTHER W. UNLEADED GROSS LINE FAIL CLEAR 4-20-06 12: l5AM. John peterson from Petroleum Equipment on site until 3:25 AM EDT testing dispensers. I PLLD Shutdown Alarm, I PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm, PvenF , Pon: , Pl: , P2= Ran gross line test(s), re-enabled line on FIRST attempt. I PLLD Shutdown Alarm, 2 PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm, Asc On Site. 2 PLLD Shutdown Alarm, Asc On Site. I PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm, Asc On Site. I PLLD Shutdown Alarm, Asc On Site. 2 PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm, Asc On Site. 2 PLLD Shutdown Alarm, Asc On Site. ) 266 0412010600:12 266 1011210506:04 266 1011210506:04 266 09108105 19:32 266 09108/05 19:32 266 09108105 19:28 266 09108/05 19:28 266 09108105 19:27 266 09108105 19:27 PLLD Shutdown Alarm PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm PLLD Shutdown Alarm PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm PLLD Shutdown Alarm PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm PLLD Shutdown Alarm PLLD Gross Test Fail Alarm PLLD Shutdown Alarm 04120106 02:15 l0ll2l05 08:29 I 0/12105 08:03 09108105 2l:32 09108/05 21:32 09108105 2l:28 09108105 2l:28 09108105 2l:28 09108105 2l:28 W. LINLEADED W. LTNLEADED W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP PREM ALL DISP W. L]NLEADED W, UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP PREM ALL DISP ) Fuol Management Sewice VRl06: Page I ofl GVR ID: 124208 Site Id: 266 Site:Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Report Created: 0910512006 02:04 PM Line Release Detection Results Line Product Test Date Period Tlpe FMS Site Compliance Report Period: 0910112005 to 0813112006 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City, UT 84054 , Result ) 2 2 W. UNLEADED PREMALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREMALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREMALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP W. UNLEADED PREMALL DISP. W. I.JNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREM ALL DISP. W. UNLEADED PREMALL DISP. o1t07t2006 0l/05/2006 ozto6t2006 ozt06/2006 03to6t2m6 o4t07/2006 05t05t2006 05t05t2006 06to4t2006 o6to6t2006 ut06t2006 07t04t2006 08/Mt2N6 08to7tzoo6 0yl7noo5 ogt17t2m5 Lot06t2005 10i06/2005 11tO4t2005 11t0612005 12t07t2005 t2/07t2005 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH MontNy 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH MontNy 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Montily 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0l/2006 0u2w6 02t2006 02t2006 03t2006 03t2006 aflt2006 04t20p,6 05t2006 05t2006 06t2006 06/2006 07t2006 0'7t2006 08/2006 08/2006 09/2005 09t2005 l0/2005 10i2005 tu2005 t1t20r5 12t2005 12t2m5 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 03to6t2006 o4t05t2006. 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I ) I 2 I 2 This repotr dtrunEnts tank atrd line tesls perfomed at the above l@ation lbr the iDdicaled daE and petiod. This rcpon and the tests p€rfomEd tre pa( ofthe Mavetil CouDtry Storc nronitoritrg and rcponing program, aDd are iiledded to satisfy lederal EPA UST relede detection and rccord keeping rcqliremenlsFuel Logistics Sewices VR101: Page 2 oI 2 Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 7-80O-997-7725 GVR ID: 124208 Site Id: 266 Site:Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale,Ir'T 84065 Report Created: 0910512006 02:04 PM Tank Release Detection Results Tank Product Test Date Period Tlpe FMS Site Compliance Report Period: 0910112005 to 08/31/2006 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City, UT 84054 Full Vol Result I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 J I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 J I 2 3 I 2 J I 2 J I 2 3 I 2 3 Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED UnleadedTank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED ljnleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED Unleaded Tank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED UnleadedTank I Premium Tank 2 E. UNLEADED 01t07t2006 01tu/2006 01t07/200,6 02t07t2006 02tut2006 0ao1t2N6 03tutzoo6 o3to7/20n,6 03t01t2006 Mt0'7t2006 04t0'7t2N6 o4to7/200/6 05t07/2006 05/o7t2006 05to7t2006 o6t07t2006 o6tut2006 o6t0'7t200,6 0'7t01t2006 0'7to712006 07to7t2006 o8t01t200,6 oSto'7tzm6 o8to7t2006 09/19t2005 09/t9t2m5 09figt2m5 toto7t2m5 10t07/2005 10t07t2005 I t/o1/2005 tt/o7/2005 tlto7/2005 t2to7/2005 t2/07/2005 t2t07t2N5 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 CPH Monttrly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0 2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 CPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH MontNy 0.2 CPH Monthly 01t2006 olt20M oll2006 02t2w o2t2006 02t2w 03t2006 03t20n,6 03t2006 04t2006 04t2w6 04/2006 05t2006 05/2006 05t2006 06t2006 06t2006 06t200,6 wt2006 07t2006 07t2006 08/2006 08/2006 08/2006 09/2005 09t2005 09t2005 l0/2005 l0/2005 l0/2005 I t/2005 I l/2005 I I/2005 tzt2m5 t2/2005 tu2005 517o 48Vo 527o 63Vo 57Vo 59Vo 5l% 347o 49% 5lVo 42Vo 527o 55Vo 63Vo 5l9o 537o 677o 47Vo 49Vo 41Vo 43Vo 527o 377o 6lVo 66Vo 45Vo 6l7o 59Vo 607o 63Vo 619o 44Vo 7 l1o 64Va 39Vo 68% Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed This repon deumnts tanf ed linc tests p€rfomed at th€ above leation for the indicated date and period- This rcpoil and the tesb perfonEd e pan of the Maverik Country Storc moniroring and repof,ing prcgranr. md arc iilended ro satisfy fe&ral EPA UST releGe detection and tterd keping tequirementsFuel lrgistics Senices VR101: Page I of 2 Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 l-800-997-7725 \.. t- State of lItah Division of Bnvironmental Response and Remediation Underground Storage Tanks D o c ume ntatio n of C one sp onde nc e lnitials/Date ,,,u&]il4/+5 Section MGR: _ Branch MGR: Facility lD 4002130 Project Manager Jason Wilde Facility Name MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE Date lssued Date Due Enforcement Action Compliance Records Sent to Archive llll4l2005 (Series 19803) Commenls O/O submitted all pertinent documents as directed bv DERR prior to inspection: All records meet resulatory requirements: Include: Monthlv tank and line tests, Annual line tests and alarm historv reports. llll4l200i 12:47:06Pl${ Owner Name MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC Location 116.s MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE 880 W CENTER STREETAddress Address 14416 S REDWOOD RD StateUT6;ry NORTH SALT LAKE 7ip 84054 city BLUFFDALE State UT Zip 84065 phsng (801) 936-5557Contact DENNTS RIDING Contact SUZANNE 801 446-1 1 80JENKINS Number of tanks at the facility:I I z z J J Tank lnstallation Date 2,911997 ?,9/1997 21911997 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)1 0000 1 0000 1 0000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks ^{D + Substance Stored Cuneqtlyrin Use Currently in Use Cunently in UseTank is in use. lf not in date last used and in tank tn of No No No Yes No Material of construction of tanks FrElnlilass Hernlorced Frberglass Hernlorceo FrDerElassHernlorced Material of construction of pipinq Fiberglass Reinlorced Fiberglass Reinlorced Fiberglass Reinlorced Pioino tvpe Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers ol less than 25 oallons. lf so. no soill prevention is reouired.=FB -:> fQ No fe) ruo CO No Yes NoSpill containment bucket is clean, dry, and lree of product, water, debris.k,\___&Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is lilled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. ll so, no overfill prevention is required *.Yes No#/t*"-Yes No lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearly marked. Corrosion Protection method used on tanks Alt^'Y >.Corrosion Protection method used on pipinq At disoensersl tuAt tanks:xl tCorrosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swing ioints, etc. AT NoNoATEnclosed containment sumps are present at tanks and dispensers The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereaftel) are etc.Containment free from water, volts volts voltsI f SvottsUT DateTank Tester voltsAl / /l*,"volls voltsDateUTPiDinq Tester volts volls voltst\I Y ',ors voits volts volts volts Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester Al tank At dispenserUT Date Yeffio-For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available (required every 60 days). rl iln.,tlllfrrc€rN ,to,n,. raciritv on 4l'lX / AqiII/S e of owne S I I n _Lt 7pL{|w t . oft*(r5 A N K tr generator tr USTs temporarily tr USTs temporarily COMMENTS leak detection deferred. empty; leak detection not required. and secured. Ntk --e Yes No . tL tk +er-Ne_t trH Fr ATG Automatic Tank Gau 1.. 4002130 of -7-' !D (- Utah UST Program lnterstitial Monitori Method used for tanks: TANK LEAK D Automatic Tank Shutdown Testi Automatic Tank Continuous T Manufacturer, name and model of system Veeder Rloot Simplicity CSLD \ln Alanifald No Documentation of performance claims the is available. Circle Yes or No for each question. ln the last column, explain and identify by tank any exceptions to the answers given in the first column. IM Type of Secondary Containment used:Type of lM-Doeumentation used: Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). '@ *oATG IM ATG IM Device documentation is available on site (owner's manual, etc.) ATG IM ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and operational.@*" ATG IM Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. ATG Yes NoThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not in center, sho\q-fllf factors from the setuo reoort. Tilt: #1 #2 #3 #4 ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits.(A-,ru"Third Party Minimum Level: IM System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from any portion of the primary tanUoioinq within one month of release Yes No IM lf observation wells are part of the system, wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tamoerino.Yes No nla IM (Bladder or excavation liner) Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, is always above groundwater, and is not in the 25-yr flood plain (per site assessment). Yes No nla 10t04 11t04 1/05 or Mol/r 9t04 12t04 2105 3/05 4t05 5/05 6/05 8/05 tests, 7105 #I A a7\ #il l1 lc I #I )tl t L-/ / I I \ #( Safe Suction Piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atrnospheric pressure, has only one check deteqtq.r and one other method are required for Pressurized lXpine Tightness Testing [ ] lnterstitial Monitoring Piping) PIPING LEAK DETECTION ALD Used (Automatic line leak c Line Leak Detector Monthly lM Documentation Groundwater .2 GPH valve and has of Yes No N ES MES Results of last line Test Method Type (M- Tester test are cert. IE-EI S- Sump Sensor) leak Test Date Automatlc Line Leak Detectorc Results of last leak detector are N \ Test date:Tester name and cert. number:UT Test Method: for piping for the last '!2 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results fcr each month.I /r--610$f-Mol/r 9t04 10t04 't1t04 1_2104/.1/05 2105 n -\,1 4t05 1 8/05 #tl t r/\ #I ,I \( # COMMENTS I Ldatoim0SO4.doc &d *o f"r )ruo lvlu Line Tiohtnass Tasllno- Llna Laak flelerJarrTacllnd:Tank-L--faak 2 -'^ Tan[.H-A-4ankU Resulls 2 I M E S._M _E -S_ Manufactut .,,jrv ff sroS 4 .tr J-/11 )/< L \ ?*14'st I -l 4- z t=,p a,ppr,r] ENVIRoNMENTAL sLwtc PO BOX 182 ROY, UTAH 8'1067 (80r) 5'16-7546 ES, L.C. INVOICE ADDRESS: MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES 880 WEST CENTER NORTH SALT LAKE, UTAH 84054 DATE:9-8-2005 TIiIESTART: TITE SYSTET FILLED OR TOPPED: TANK LOGATION: MAVERIK #266 14416 SOUTH CAMP WILLIAMS RD BLUFFDALE, UTAH TIIilE END: WORK ORDER # 05244 TECHNICIAN: SM TECH # 9rO27 VAN # 8502 STATE TECH # UT 012,I GROUNOWATER DEPTH: TANX TANK PRODUCT l:ApacrTv TANK FILLVENT PRODUCT LINELEAK WATERIN VAPOR LINE DETECTOR TANK PUII'P TYPE TANK i,ATERIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 10000 10000 '10000 PRESS PRESS PRESS SWF SWF SWF N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRODUCT LINES TESTED AT 50 LINE RATES (GPH) PSI FOR 15 MINUTES R/UL -.000 s/uL -.000 ADDITIONAL INFORiiATION: VEEDEROOT PLLDS PASS 3 GPH FUNCTIONALITY TEST THIS IS A LINE MODIFICATION TEST , BOTH RYUL LINES WERE MANIFOLDED INTO ONE LINE WTH ONE PLLD. THIS SYSTE AND IIETHOD EETS OR EXCEEDS THE CR,TERIA lN USEPA ,lO, CFR PART 280, NFPA 329{7, AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES. Digitally signed B. Martin cn=Stoven B. c=US Oate: 2005.09.'l CERTTFIED TECHNIClAN SIGNATURE: Reason -07'00' DATE: 9-8-2005 T.E.I. SYSTEM 4OOO ' T.E.I. LT3 / T.E.I. ULLAGE PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY R/UL S/UL R/UL PASS PASS N/A PASS PASS N/A State of Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Underground Storage Tanks D o c ume ntation of C ore s p o nde nc e t'l nL1 lnitials/Date*Ju 4t44 Section MGR: _ Branch Facility lD 4002130 Project Manager Jason Wilde Facility Name MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE Date lssued Date Due Enforcement Action Compliance Records Sent to Archive (Series 19803) Comments All records submitted prior to inspection tUt6t2004 1111612004 3:09:19 PM /n Facility lD 4002130. Utah U$T Program Release Detectit^ lnspeltion Checklist Pase )* 2 Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks E state use owner Name MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC Location xsms MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE Address 880 W CENTER STREET Address 14416 S REDWOOD RD City NORTH SALT LAKE StateUT Zip 84054 6ry BLUFFDALE State uT zip 84065 p66ns (801) 936-5557Contact DENNTS RIDING Contact suzANNE Phone (80'1) 446-1 180JENKINS Complete for each tank. lf the facllitv has more than four tanks. comolr <s on a seoarate fr Number of tanks at the facility:1L 2\3ia Tank lnstallation Date 2t9t1997 2t9t1997 2t9t1997 Capacity of Tank (in gallons)10000 1 0000 1 0000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks.A(O --'*F ------19 Substance Stored Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Tank is in use \/€3----> lf not in use, qive date last used and deoth of product in tank.'tJli --F Current year tank tags are in place.fr")No ({"? No rt"J No Yes No Material of construction of tanks FibeE{-ass Reinforced Fibe7glass Reinforced Fibetlfass Reinforced Material of construction of piping Fiberglass Reinforced Fiberglass Reinforced Fiberglass Reinforc€d Piping type Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required.77fi --E Spill containment bucket is clean, dry, and free of product, water, debris Yes s1-9)6"9 No (%D No Yes No A5oType of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overfill prevention is required. *--+ lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearly marked.YES NO**--*-Yee-@ Yes No Corrosion Protection method used on tanks ,!4n---Cx-- Corrosion Protection method used on piping ilttl --.>/ Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swino ioints. etc. Enclosed containmenl sumps are present at tanks and dispensers At tanks:No At No Containment sumps are sealed. free from water. oroduct. etc.+ Cathodic Protectlon Testlnq. Show the results of the most recont test 1 The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter).,Nlfir Tank Tester UT Date tl /w volts volts volts Piping Tester UT Date N/W volts volts volts \olts volts volts voltsFlex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester At tank At disoenserUT Date volts volts voltsvolts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available (required every 60 days). \YdLtr/- / | s[X"r\t' tilfl*toe/teotnisraciritvon Jl / tt/ ht siqnatur6-A--7 lU tt ruame of owtrlooerator representatir", )C' )z bt',, rt lla r ra u ?- sionature: D( I"-D^i^^,, .C,n Jwtazrz^- tr Emergency generator tanks only; leak detection deferred. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. Site Drawing North I COMMENTS rrrl z L-/tlz }ITN. lr ai".on.oo [/ r Utah UqT Program tD 4OO2'130 Automatic Tank Ga lnterstitial Monitori of TANK DETECTION Method used for tanks: I I Automatic Tank Gauqinq Shutdown Testinq I I Automatic Tank Gauqinq Continuous Testinq I I lnterstitial Monitoring Manufacturer, name and model of svstem: Documentation of performance claims (third party certification) for the system is available. Yes No Circle Yes or No for each question. ln the last column, exolain and identifo by tank any exceptions to the answers qiven in the first mlumn. IM Type of Secondary Containment used:Type of lM Documentation used: ATG IM Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records).Yes No ATG IM Device documentation is available on site (owner's manual, etc.)Yes No ATG IM ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and operational.Yes No ATG IM Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below.Yes No ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank.Yes No lf not in center, show tilt Tilt: #1 #2 #3 #4 factors from the setuo reoort. ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed uDper and lower size limits.Yes No Third Party Minimum Level: IM System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from any oortion of the primary tanUoioinq within one month of release Yes No IM lf observation wells are part of the system, wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tamoerino Yes No nla IM (Bladder or excavation liner) Secondary banier is properly placed and constructed, designed for groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-conodible, is always above groundwater, and is not in the 25-yr flood plain (per site assessment). Yes No nla Show results of monitoring br eactr tank fur the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnrralid, or No Results br each rnonth. For ATG tesb, show the hlohet oroduct level terted foreach month. MoIYr 't2103 1t04 2t04 3104 4t04 5104 6104 7104 8t04 9/04 10t04 '11t04 # PIPING LEAK DETECNON ALD MOnthIy Method(s) Used (Automatic line leak detector and one other method are required for Pressurized Piping): [ ]Automatic Line Leak Detector [ ] Line Tightness Testing [ ] lnterstitial Monitoring Type of lM Documentation I I Statistical lnventory Reconciliation I lVapor Monitoring [ ] Groundwater Monitoring [ ] .2 GPH Monthly Testing Safe Suction Piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under oumo), and has proper slooe of pipinq.Yes No Llne Tlohtne$ T$tlns. Llne Leak Detector Testing:Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Results of last line tiqhtness test are available: Y N Results Test Date Tester name and cert. number:UT Test Method: Automatlc Llne Leak Detectors Type (M- Mechanical E- Electronic S- Sump Sensor):MES MES MES MES Manufacturer and model of each leak detector: Results of last leak detector oerformance test are available: Y N Results Test date:Tester name and cert. number:UT Test Method: Shcnr results of monitoring fo piping for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. Mof/r 't2t03 'U04 2t04 3104 4t04 5t04 6t04 7 t04 8/04 9/04 10t04 11t04 # # #t (COMMENTS 1 ATG Veeder Root se ic,-n Owner Name MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE Address 880 W CENTER STREET Address 14416 S REDWOOD RD NORTH SALT LAKE UT zi 84054 C BLUFFDALE State UT 84065 Contact MARK CHRISTENSEN ex pnone (801) 936-5557 Contact susrE MILLEB Phone 801 446-1 1 80 than a Tank Number:1 2 J Tank lnstallation Date 219t1997 21911997 2/911997 ol Tank 1 0000 1 lndicate if tank is or com Show related tanks Substance Stored Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Tank is in use.in Use Currentl in lf not in use,date of in tank. Current tank are tn Material of construction of tanks Material of construction of Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Type of Spill Prevention on if tank is filled by transfers than 25 ons. lf no IS red ill containment bucket is and free of Yes No No Yes No Type of Overfill on if tank is filled by fltransfers of less than 25 lons. lf so no overfill revention uired. lf an overfill alarm is the Alarm is located where it can heard and alarm is cl marked.ES Yes No Corrosion Protection tanks Protection method used on t, Corrosion Protection used on flex swt etc. Enclosed containment at At No At No Containment s are free lrom water,etc.No lndicate lin tank or cathodic The results of the last two cathodic tests are available (within six months of installation Tank Tester Date volts volts volls Tester Date volls volts volts Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints At tank volts volls volts Tester At volts volts volts volts Systems: The results equipment Yes Nochecks are available 60 tr Emergency generator leak detection deferred. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. Site Drawing (North i ) & (I L COMM ry U TZ )t flon {',-'z ah t'l 4) ,Jt ,n il'U Distribulion: Whit+DERB,Yellow. lnspector, Pink- this fac Ldcheck0703.doc 4or*(t^l t9 d Piping lrlethod used f or pipirB: ALD Monthlylr4etrod rced f or tanls: ATG lVlaruf acturer, nane and nodel nunber of system Veeder Root System3d party cert. available ies MSimolicitu Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis properly installed, calibrated, and naintained and tank npintenance records ATG IM Bvice docunBnhtion 's available on-site (owner's nanml, etc.)t\ps No Ail Quipnent used to acqdre dda, tale readings, perf orm test is adequde, accessible ard f unctional. lrpl. ATG corcole, dipstick, etc.f\M Ail Dcunentalion of valid testing or nonitoring is availdle lor the hst 12 npntrs. Show bsting or nmitorhg results in grid below.Yes Nlo K ATG the probe is locded atthe center d the bnk. lf not, the tilt correction factorf or each Enk is shown on the tark setrp report. No19 ATG The tmk w as f illed to at least the nhimtm levd required by the nanuf acturer's equipnent protocol to ensure a vald leaktest and the tanksize is w ithin the allowed rpper and loar er size lirits. Yes M lA K IM Secordary barrier is poper! placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consiGratims, has an acceptable perneation rate, is conpatiUe w ih the substance store( is nm-conodide, and is nd in the25-yr f loodplain (persite assessnEnt). Yes 1\o C MTG SIR hventrry readings f or prodrct inpts ard w ithdrawals are properly obtained ard recorded. Badirgs are properly econciled.Yes f{o Fbcords include he proper runber of water readirgs, ard w der readings are used to adjust inventory balances as necessary. C MTG SIR An appropriate tank calbratisr chart is Lsed and is arail$le f or reviqiv Yes Nlo csR Dspersers have current calbratim stickers or proper calibratbn dmunBntation.Yes M IC SR Dop tdres are present and o(tendto w lhin orB loot of the tankbottom Yes Nlo Shqr results of mmitoring for each ta!k for the Iast 12 months. Indicate pass, fai!, no results, or inconclusive N[offr 1010,'t1to2 12J02 1/03 a03 3/03 4t03 5/03 6/03 7t03 8/03 9/03 #L -,&.#4 ?/?_E #I ?te -tL# and Line Tark 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 r,{/ml TlJt, I Test resultsDate of last t igltness test f or tanks: Mne andcertlication nunber d tester: Date of last ess test ftr Test results Mne andcertlicatim nunber d tester:Test Nlethod AutonEtic Line Leak Detector type and rnrdd Test resultsDate of last leakdetector perforrrance test: Safe Suction pping: Docunentation is avail$le and verif iabb to show that piping oprates at less than atrmsplerie-. lcressurq has only one check valve (under punp), and has proper slope of piping.--*'Ytss-------1b-- {?ConnBnb I I h@Z ot2 Ttuuuut I )02't30 lcirde Y,r-r exceptions [,"t.." C SIR Yes l\o Test lvbthod Tank Release Detection Results Tank Product Test Date I W. UNLEADED 1110512002 2 PREMTUM 1110512002 3 E. LTNLEADED 1110512002 I W. UNLEADED 1210512002 2 PREMTUM 1210512002 3 E. LINLEADED I2IO5I2OO2 I W. LINLEADED 0I/05/2003 2 PREMTUM 01/05/2003 3 E. LINLEADED 0I/05/2003 I W. UNLEADED O2IO5I2OO3 2 PREMTUM 0210512003 3 E. LT{LEADED O2IO5I2OO3 I W. L,T.ILEADED 0310512003 2 PREMTUM 0310512003 3 E. LINLEADED O3IO5I2OO3 I W. LINLEADED O4IO5I2OO3 2 PREMIUM 0410512003 3 E. UNLEADED O4IO5I2OO3 I W. LTNLEADED 0510512003 2 PREMIUM 05/05/2003 3 E. LINLEADED O5IO5I2OO3 I W. UNLEADED 0610512003 2 PREMTUM 0610512003 3 E. LINLEADED 0610512003 I W. UNLEADED O7IO8I2OO3 2 PREMTUM 0710812003 3 E. LI{LEADED 07/08/2003 I W. L,\JLEADED 08/05/2003 2 PREMIUM 08/05/2003 3 E. LINLEADED 08/05/2003 I W. LNLEADED 0911512003 2 PREMTUM 0911512003 Period nt2002 1v2002 t1t2002 tzt2002 12t2002 t2t2002 0l/2003 0 1 /2003 01t2003 02t2003 0212003 02t2003 0312003 03/2003 03t2003 04t2003 04t2003 04t2003 0s/2003 05/2003 05/2003 06t2003 06t2003 06t2003 07 t2003 0712003 07t2003 08/2003 08/2003 08/2003 09t2003 09t2003 Full Vol 56% 40% 62% 63% 43% 66% 38% 33% 57% 660/o 46% 72% 6t% 52% 1r% 66% 52% 64% 39o/o 34', 54o/o 57o/o 47% 68% 65% 40% 690/o 49% 4lo/o 68% 52% 43% Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Tvpe 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 CPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly This rcpolt documcnts tank and linc tests pcrformcd at the abovc location for thc indicated datc and pcriod. This rcport ancl thc tcsts pcrlonncd arc part ofthe Mavcrik Country Storc monitoring and rcporting program, and arc intcndctl to satisfy fcdcral EPA UST rclcase dctcction and record keeping rcquircmcnts.H vEEDER-TT(O(DT F ttezl lVtzr tczgez rrre t rt Se rvice vR l0t t24208 266 Maverik Country Store 144 l6 S. Carnp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Strcet North Salt Lake City uT 84054 Period: lll0ll2002 to l0/31/2003-R ID: ID Created: l1/05/0313:08 Vccdcr-Root Cornpan;- 125 Powdcr Forcst Drivc Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 l-800-997-7725 F*IS Site Compliance Re,:port I 2 l E. UNLEADED W. LINLEADED PREMITJM E. LINLEADED 09fi5t2003 I 0/05/2003 I 0/05/2003 t0t0512003 Line Release Detection Results Line Product Test Date I W. UL DrSP. r-4 1110212002 2 PREM ALL DISP. \IIO4I2OO2 3 E. UL DrSP.5.6 11104t2002 I W. UL DrSP.l-4 1210212002 2 PREM ALL DISP. I2IO2I2OO2 3 E. UL DISP.5.6 1210212002 I W. UL DrSP.l-4 01/05/2003 2 PREM ALL DISP. OIIO3I2OO3 3 E. UL DrSP.5,6 0l/03/2003 I W. UL DrSP.l-4 02104t2003 2 PREM ALL DISP. O2IO4I2OO3 3 E. UL DrSP.s.6 0210412003 I W. UL DISP.I-4 0310212003 2 PREM ALL DISP. O3IO2I2OO3 3 E. UL DrSP.s.6 03102t2003 I W. UL DrSP.l-4 0410312003 2 PREM ALL DISP. O4IO5I2OO3 3 E. UL DrSP.s,6 0410512003 I W. UL DISP.I-4 0510312003 2 PREM ALL DISP. 05/03/2003 3 E. UL DrSP.5.6 0510512003 I W. UL DrSP.l-4 0610212003 2 PREM ALL DISP. 0610412003 -1 E. UL DrSP.s.6 0610412003 I W. UL DrSP.r-4 0710612003 2 PREM ALL DISP. O7IO8I2OO3 3 E. UL DrSP.5,6 0710612003 0912003 1 0/2003 1 0/2003 I 0/2003 Period 1v2002 11t2002 lrt2002 12t2002 t2t2002 12t2002 0 1 /2003 0 I /2003 0l/2003 02t2003 02t2003 02t2003 03/2003 03/2003 03/2003 0412003 04t2003 0412003 05/2003 05t2003 05/2003 0612003 06t2003 06t2003 07 t2003 07 t2003 0712003 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly Tvpe 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 55% 55o/o 38% 57% Passed Passed Passed Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed This rcporr docunlcnts tank and linc tcsts pcrformcd at the above location for the indicated date and period. This rcpon and thc tcsts pcrfomcd arc pan of the Mavcrik Country Store monitoring and rcponing program, and arc intcndcd to salisly fcdcral EPA UST rclcasc dctcction and rccord kccping requiremcnts. ry/EL?I vEETDEII-FT(O(OT F uel lufa r t.ctgSetftre|tt ServiceVRI{)I t24208 266 Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake CitY uT 84054 Period: 1110112002 to l0/31/2003-R ID: ID: Created: ll/05/0313:08 Vccrlcr-Rixrt Corlparry 125 Powdcr Forcst Drivc Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 l-800-997-7725 rFM$l$ite Complian0e Report 08/03/2003 08/03/2003 08/03/2003 09t14t2003 091t4t2003 0911412003 10t02t2003 10t04t2003 t0t04t2003 08/2003 08/2003 08/2003 09/2003 09t2003 09t2003 1 0/2003 l 0/2003 I 0/2003 I 2 3 I 2 -1 I 2 -1 W. UL DISP.I-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.I-4 PREM ALL DISP E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.I-4 PREM ALL DISP E. UL DISP.5.6 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 124208 266 Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Blufldale, UT 84065 Customer: Maverik CoLlntry Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City uT 84054 Period: 1110112002 to l0/31/2003-R ID: ID: ort Created: ll/05/03 l3:08 This rcporr documcnts tank and linc tcsts pcrformed at the abovc location for the indicatcd datc and pcriod. This rcport and thc (csts pcrfonncd are part ofthc Mavcrik Country Store monitoring and rcporting program, and arc intcndccl to satisly fcclcral EPA UST rclcasc detcction and rccord kceping rcquiremcnts. ryIf=rl \/EEEDEFI-FI(O(O'T F tt.<: I lt4tt t tczge: trt er', t Sazrwic<:\ titlt Vccdcr-Root Conrpanl 125 Powdcr Forcst Drivc Simsbury. CT 06070-2003 l-800-99'7-7725 FMS $ite;Compliance Repolt Owner lqnp MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC Localion lqpp MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE Address 880 WEST CENTER ST Address 14416 S REDWOOD RD City NORTH SALT LAKE sate UT zp 84054 City BLUFFDALE , _ state UT Zip 84065 Contact [\4ARK CHRISTENSEN ex Fhone (801) 936-5557 Location cmtact 19ff ,K*WL2 plep (801) 446-1180 Nunber d tanks at f acility 1 'additioml tanks 2 Tank lnstallation Date 21911997 21911997 21911997 Capacity of tark (in gallons)1 0000 1 0000 1 0000 Substance stored Gasoline Gasoli ne Gasoline Tank is in use (Y) or, if nd in use, give date last Lsed Currently in Use Currently in Use lf nd in use, depth of prodLrct in hnk (in inches) Cunent year tank tags are in place Material d corstruclion of tanks (steel, FRP, conposite, etc.)rroergrass Helnlorceo Plastic rroergrass Hermolceo Fr0erglass Hernlorced PlasticPlastic tvlaterial d corctructon of piping (steel, FRB f lex plastic, etc.)Fiberglass Fleinlorced Plestic Fiberglass Beinlorced Plastic Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic Hphg type (pressure, safe/US suction gravity, eb.)Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Type of $ill Prevention Ds/ice (.5 gal, >5 91, cmt. sunp, etc.) Note if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gallons. lf so, no sprll reqtired.z5qrr- Type of Overf ll Prevention Devbe (slutof f, ball float, alarrn dc.) Mte if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overf ill required.5 ^o,For overfill alarm: Ahrm is locabd w here it can be seen and heard, and alarmis clearly narked +€s-*l!o-* l\tlehod rced m tanks (Ntr{ CS, lt- C, SA, ND I/ehod tsed on pipirg (NI\4 CS, C, SA, Nfl N ,'1 fi/ehod used m f lex connectors (8, CS, NC, Ce NM NP, f\yA) Enclosed containrnent sunps at tanks (subptnp) and dispersers es No lndbate dates d upgrades- linirp, tark or pping cathodc prdectim. of he o tc are ava lhin 6 npntls of irstalldlon and everv 3 Vears l\b Tank Tester Dde llping Tester Dde lI// Flex Connectors Tester Sub punp DispenerDte I \olts \olts !dts \olts \ol ts \,olts \.dts \olts For impressed current system: The resulb of tlre lastthree equipnnnt opaation checks are avaihble. (requied every 60 days.)Yes M t I I ngqt otL I \ -7--"7 Utah UST Program * Release Detection lnspection Checklist Facility lD 4002130 Ownership of Tanks Location of Tanks Currently in Use AnEwerthe folloWirqg forsll tanks- lste any e)ceptions ,in the la*t column. ,w, Gorrosion Protection. Answerthe followLrg forall lanks. lste xryelceptbns inthe I6t column. Cathodic Protection Testing Com plete for each tank. ""1r I f 1 10,000 rogram Nlethod used f or piping: ALD lvlonthlyIvlefrod rced f or tanls: ATG lt/laruf acturer, nane and nodel nunber of system Veeder Root System3d party cert. avdlable Yes MSimolicitv n, Ail Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis pruperty installed, calibrated, and naintained (systan and tanksetup reports, nnintenance records).NoG) ATG IM Dv ice docunenhtion b available on-s ite (ow ner's nanral, etc.)tGJw Ail Quipnent used to acqdre dda, tale readings, pertamtest is adequde, accessible and f mctional. lrpl. ATG corsole, dipstick, etc.Ilo{9 AI bcunBntation of valid testing or nonitoring is available f or the hst 12 nnntrs. Slrow testing or nmitorhg results in grid below.I{o@ ATG The pobe is locded at the center d the hnk. lf not, the tilt correction factorf or erch tank is show n on the tark setrp report. (9Nb ATG The tank w as f illed to at least the nhimlmlevd required by the nanufacturer's equipnent potocol to ensure a vald leaktest and the tanksize is w itlin the allowed rpper and lory er size lirits. No€t IM Secordary barrier is proper[ placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consieratims, has an acceptable perneation rate, is conpatiUe w itr the substance stored, is nm-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnent). Yes M IC MI-G SIR hvenlory readings f or prodrct inptts ard w itMrawals are properly obtaired ard rccorded. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled.Yes Nb IC SlR Fbcords indude he proper runber of water readirgs, ard w der readings are usedto adjust invertory balances as necessary.Yes t{o C MTG SIR An apropriate tank calbratim chart is wed md is auaildle f or revisnr Yes M CSB Dspersers have current calbratim stickers or proper cdibratbn drcunpntation Yes M CSB Dop tr-lces are pesent and extend to w lhin orB f od of the tank bottom Yes Nlo Shorar results d monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate pass, fail, no results, or inconclusive tvloffr 11/01 1UO1 1lo2 a02 3l02 4t02 5102 6l02 7lo2 8102 9l02 10t02 #l x _Jb #P/p 7lP -!>olrl.f/p r> # Tank and Line Tightness Tt Ibtector Tmk 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date of last tightness test f or tanks ,A/ (a(r/l1t/Test results Mne andcertlicatim nunber d tester:I Test lvbthod: Date of lmt tightness test f or piphg:tL,\crlTllAl Test resutts IMne and certlicatim nunber d tester:Test ltEthod Aubnatic Line Leak Detector tvpe and npdd ll.? TtLD Date of lat leakdetector perf orrrance test:a/ z /,bZ Test results 75o -e>(( - r t Safe Suction pping: Docunentdion is available and verif iabb to show tlnt pi6ing operates at less than atnospheric prgssure, has only me check valve (under punp), and has propa slope of pping. Yes Nb Conrrents Z"?I%.c Cirde Ye the l*t column, eroldn and o the answer in the first column. 7 d# e oa),t3 o Site: Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Report Created: lll30l200l 11:06 AM Veeder-Root Site ID: 124208 Alternate Site ID:266 In-Tank Results Tank I 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 Product W. UNLEADED PREMIUPI E.I.]NLEADED W. UNLEADED PREMTUM E.I]NLEADED W. T]NLEADED PREMIUM E. UNLEADED W. UNLEADED PREMIUM E. UNLEADED W.I.JNLEADED PREMIUM E. UNLEADED W.I.JNLEADED PREMIUM E. UNLEADED W. T]NLEADED PREMIUM E. TJNLEADED W. T]NLEADED PREMIUM E. UNLEADED W.I'NLEADED PREMIUM E. UNLEADED W. UNLEADED PREMIUM E.I.]NLEADED Test Date 02-26-2001 02..26-2AAt 02-26-2001 03-05-2001 03-05-2001 03-0s-2001 04-27-2001 04-27-200t 04-27-2001 05-28-2001 0s-28-2001 05-28-2001 06-2s-2001 06-25-2001 06-25-2001 07-t2-2001 07-12-2001 07-t2-2001 08-27-2001 08-27-2001 08-27-2001 09-17-2001 09-17-2001 09-17-2001 10-18-2001 10-18-2001 10-18-2001 1 1-30-2001 I l-30-2001 I 1 -30-2001 Test Tvpe 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH llIon+hly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly %Full Vol unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown 50 38 6l 62 39 67 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Results Passed DEO lesponse & BBmGdiatiol Results Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Pasred Passed Passefipp - ? 2001Ybv J Passed Line Leak Detection Results Line Product Test Date Test TvPe tuis r$ort docJ?l(erUI",D[SPx[e4"sts performed at t0?*5e?&llon for the indicated da$ffiffiStnnual This report and the tests performed are part ofthe Maverik Country Store monitoring and reporting program, and are intended to satisff federal EPA UST release detection and record keeping requirements.H \TEEEDEFI.FT(OGDT F ue I 7V artager/tertt S erviceVR101 Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 1-800'997-7725 Period: 0210112001 to 11/30/2001 Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City UT 84054 Site: Maverik Country Store 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd. Bluffdale, UT 84065 Period: 02l0ll200l to lll30l200l Customer: Maverik Country Store 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City UT 84054 Report Created: l1/30/2001 11:06 AM Veeder-Root Site ID:124208 Alternate Site ID:266 , 3 I ,, 3 I ., 3 I 2 3 I , 3 I 1 3 I , 3 1 , 3 I 2 3 I ) 3 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.|-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.|-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.L-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.I-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.l.4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.l-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.l-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.l-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 W. UL DISP.l-4 PREM ALL DISP. E. UL DISP.5,6 Required by 3l-DEC-01 Required by 31-DEC-O1 02-25-200r Required l.ry 3 I -DEC-01 Required by'31-DEC-O1 02-25-2001 03-24-2001 04-rs-2001 05-25-2001 05-25-2001 0s-07-2001 06-25-200r 06-08-2001 06-08-2001 07-08-2001 07-08-2001 07-08-2001 08-09-2001 08-25-2001 08-11-2001 09-16-2001 09-02-2001 09-02-2001 10-16-2001 10-16-2001 l0-08-2001 tt-29-200r Lt-29-2001 tt-29-2001 0.1 GPH Annual 0.f GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.i GPH Annual 0.1 GPII Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPII Annual 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed This report documents tank and line tests performed at the above location for the indicated date and period. This report and the tests perfomed are part of the Maverik Country Store monitoring and reporting program, and are intended to satisfy federal EPA UST release detection and record keeping requirements. NIfrrl vEEEDEFI-FI(O(OT F ttel fvaltcagerrtertt S e rvice vR101 Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 l-800'997-7725 Loc Owner 56n= MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC Locatim y6ne MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE Addess 880W CENTER STREET 14416 S REDWOOD RDAddress City NORTH SALT LAKE Sate UT Zip 8405A Oty BLUFFDALE State UT ZiP 84065 Confiact MARK CHRISTENSEN Fhone (801) 936-s557 Tank lD Nrrben MILLEF 446-1 1 80FhorB 1 2 J Location Contact susrE Tank lnstallation hte 219t97 49197 219197 Gapacity of tank (in gallons)10000 10000 '10000 Gasoline GasolineSubstance stored Gasoline Currently in Use Currently in Use Currently in Use lf nd in use, depth of prodrct in bnk (in inches) Cunent year tank tags are in place Mabrial d corstruclion of tanks (sted, FRP, conposite, etc.)Plastic Frberglass Hernlorced Plaslic l-rDerglass Hernlorced Plastic Irrlabrial d corstruclion of piping (sted, FRE f lex plastic, etc.)Fiberglass Fleinforced Fiberglas Plastic Plastic Reinforced Fiberglass Reinlorced Ptphg type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, eb.)Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Type ot Sill Peventon Ds/ice (<5 gd, >5 gal, cmt. sun?, etc.) t\ob if filed bytransfers d less than25 gdlons. Jf so, no spill reqlired.574-- Type of Oerf ll Prevention Devbe (stutoff, ballfloat, darrq dc.) Mte if f iled by transf ers d less than 25 gdlons. lf so, no overf ill required.A, C,g'g,gq$Dz*r lusc For overfill alarm Ahrm is located w lere it can be seen and heard, and alarmis clearly narked Mehod r.sed on tanks (NM CS, ll- lC, SA, NP) Yes M tvlehod rced m pipirS (1$4 CS, C, SA, NB N4ehod rced m f lex connectors (B, CS, NC, CP, NM NP, wA) Erclosed containnBnt surrps at tanks (subprp) and dspersers lndbate dates d upgrades- linirg, tark or pping cathodc prdectim. Cathodic Protection Tesiing Com plete for each:tanlc The resdts of he last tw o cathodic protectim tests are availdle (w thin 6 nnntls of irstalldion and every 3 years thereaf ter). DdeTank Tester Piping Tester Dde <t Zoo ( tEha- G* a\ r(qtb ( Mow.rrJ{, ,qe t\slor Yes tlo Yes Nlo S$rclts Sub \olts Sub \olts Sub \olts DdeFlex Tester \oltsDisp.\olbDisp.!dtsDisp.Disp.\olts For impressed current system: The resulb of the lastthree equipnert opaation checks are avaihble. (requied every 60 days.)Yes M Connenb t%ge deJason ner's du nspector st rg,/ A Utah UST Program Release Detection lnspection Checxlist Fscitiulp 4002130 Ownercfiip of Tanks Completeforeachtank. lf facilityhamorethm4tmks,ompleteinformationforadditiona! tanksonsepratefiorm. Tark Statrc: Answsr thG followirg far all tanks. lbta my eleptions in th6 l6t coluurrt, ,,, : , Corrosion Probction. Answer the follow ing for all tanks, lste any erceptbns in the last colum n A h /4 MqJMethod used for tanks:used for Manufacturer, name and model number of cert. available Yes No3'd All Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records).Yes No ATG IM Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.).Yes No Ail Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc.Yes No Ail Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show testinq or monitorinq results in qrid below.Yes No ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt correction factor for each tank is shown on the tank setup report. Yes No ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. Yes No IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per site assessment). Yes No IC MTG SIR lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Fleadings are properly reconciled.Yes No IC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adjust inventory balances as necessary.Yes No IC MTG SIR An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review.Yes No IC SIR Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.Yes No IC SIR Drop tubes are present and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom.Yes No for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate pass, faal, no results, or inconclusive.Show results of Mol/r # # # Date of last test for tanks:Test results Tank4 Name and certification number of tester:Test Method: Date of last tightness test for piping:Test results Name and certification number of tester:Test Method U,7 €and model l-jDate of last leak detector Test resultstest: Y| '---?Sale Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric ly one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping.pressure, has on Yes No Comments I ,ro" .e ot ? Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldall.wpd - :,,' Tank2,r /r( Underground Storage Tank lnspection Verification Form Owner Name: Owner Address: MAVERIK COUNTRY STOBES INC 88O W CENTER STREET NORTH SALT LAKE UT 84054 Facility Name: Street Address: Facility lD: 4002130 MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE 14416 S REDWOOD RD BLUFFDALE UT 84065 Tank lD/Alt lD: Tank Status: Date I nstalled/Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Modificationsll Pipe Material: Pipe Modilicalionsl: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overf ill Description Tank C P MeVLast TesVResult: Last Line CP TesVResult: Tank Release Detection: Last l-fT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDT/Type/Passed? Dale LTT/Method/Passed? PSTFund: No Other: 1 1 E-cen: No Currently in Use Manifold: No 219197 10,000 Fiberqlass Feiniolced Plastic Fibelglass B€in ol.ed Plasiic Steel Flex in Sump Pressurized Perm RD Date: Gasoline UNLEADED Yes NESCO/AZI Encompasswith ALD LTT OVERDUE Mechanical Yes 2l20lo0 TEI Model LT Yes Yes OtherType: Self-insurance Tank lD/Alt lD: Tank Statusi Date lnstalled/Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Modificationsl: Pipe Material: Pipe Modificationsl: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overf ill Description Tank C P MeYLast TesVResult: Last Line CP TesuResult: Tank Release Detection: Last T'rT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Method/Passed? PSTFund: No Other: 3 3 E-Gen: No CurrenUy in Use Manifold: No 2t9197 10,000 Fibsrolass Fieinlorced Plastic Fibo€lass Feinlored Plastic Steel Flex in Sump Pressurized Perm RD Date: Gasoline PREMIUM Yes Yes NOT REO'D NOT REQ'D NOT REO'D TEI 4OOO Yes NOT REO'D NOT REQ'D ATG NOT REQ'D TEI 4OOO NESCO/AZI Encompasswith ALD LTT OVEBDUE Mechanical Yes 2l2Ol0O TEI irodel LT Yes Yes OtherType: Self-insur Tank lD/Alt lD: Tank Status: Date lnstalled/Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Modificationsl: Pipe lvlaterial: Pipe l\rodilicationsl: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overf ill Description Tank C P Met/Last Test/Result Last Line CP TesVResult: Tank Release Detection: Last TrT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Pipe Release Detectionl Date ALDT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Method/Passed? PSTFund: No Other: 2 2 E-cen: No Currently in Use Manifold: No 219t97 10,000 Fib€,olass Fe nlor.ed Plasnc Fib€rqlass neinloeed Plastic Steel Flex in Sump Pressurized Perm RD Date: Gasoline UNLEADED PLUS YeS NOT REQ,D NOT REO'D ATG NOT REQ'D TEI 4OOO Yes NESCO/AZI Encompasswith ALD LTT OVERDUE Mochanical Yes 2l20l01 Yes Yes OtherType: Self-insurance Thursday, October 18, 200'l Page 1 ol 1 UTM Coordinates 420,334.53 4,4A2,27A.Oa Hand H€rd GPS wih Ease slaton ln LD compliance: M ln Operation Compliance: M Last tnspection Date: ?t2lloo co'redions Comments: State ilutah DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATIO 168 North 1950 West P.O Box 14480 salt Lake city, utah 84114-48480 (80r) s364100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web Michael O. Leavitt Govemer Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Dirstor Kent P. Gray Dir€ctor Wednesday, July 26, 2000 TO: Underground Storage Tank owner: MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC 880 W CENTER STREET NORTH SALT LAKE UT RE: Inspection of facility located at:MAVERIK #266 BLUFFDALE 14416 S REDWOOD RD BLUFFDALE UT 840s4 FacilityI.n.ffi 84065 At the request of the Executive Secretary ruST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The following component(s) were inspected according to DERR protocol (check all that apply): 1. Release Detection requirements for all tanks and lines 2. Spill and overfill protection requirements. 3. Corrosion protection requirements. owner or owner's ve present during inspection: Date:7->)40 S x x Note verifies witness of inspection only and implies nothing about agreement with compliance related issues. b,.^wLal,tq i 7o r 7o{a,€\tT T,+{71 ,i (f,(( w4rz. d Date: 30-0f,-00 l3:18 IfWOICE AIX}RES{I: TTAUEPIK CCI.$TTRY E.".SRES 6UTJyvE$1UEIq'EH NORTH SALT I.A'G. [.TAH S4054 OArE: 2-2&2{100 TltilE f,IAET: -,,],. NT'E ST':SIEtT FILLED OR TOPPEO: TA}.IK TAI{I( CAFAC]lrv TANK LOGATION: MAI€RIK#?ffi r r Ar.rlalrr a rlar aIr+I IO EIJTJ I II U\MF WILTJAI'II, FIIJ BLUFFD.ALE. UTAH woRl( oRDER I 00033 -at sratrrrItt",tlnilLulnt: sm TEcltlJggJEInr#85@ STATETEGHT rrf til2t GROUNDWA1ER DEPTH: Fron-MAVERIK C0UIIIRY ST0RES. ltlc, 8019361406 T-047 P.06/08 APPLIED dNYIP-OF.BIEMIAL SDx.VICE S, L. C. PO BOX 182 RoY, UTAfi t{Oii, {8ttl5,'*6-1546 T,E,L. qysrEF 4000 I T.E,!, LTS .r'r,E,!' trL!..AGE PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMfulARY F-0?7 TITiNE END: PRODT.ICT TA,til( FI-LVEiIT PROT,[,CT LhIE LEAI( WAER N DK'TEGTOR TAI}T PI'TF TANfi H'IIERIAL TYPEvaFctf,t I 2 3 4 5 A fofftr rorm 'f 3900 Rf,JL S/UL Rit - PRE'SS PRESS PREES sltiF S}1/F cttE IUr irr rdT N'T MT Nrr ,t I' PftODUCT Lii{ES TES1ED Aii LINE FIATES (GPHI 'l l*l Ffl ll - r1r1a 2 #2 S,UL ,01,3 J #J RJUL..UU5 I Fl 6 AODIIIONAL lNFOft frtATlON .39 t st t-oH ]j irtr\aulEs TTTIS SYSTEil A}ID TIETHOD ITE'IS OR ilrPf; r?t+I. ello _crl T'IE M U€EPA'IO, CfRPAfiT t0, trtB tgcAl co0Es_ ..Eqr-|Grgl1 A.Etrttt rFlr tr +tJ-lr rra rrre.',r-n . tt tr,.t a r-\-l tttr+-ta\.r .riirislr a rrfti,|iraTEr 't ?.l Tlrfrrl,ll.l r r-r a--a.(J-auul', t P^gS PASS F SS PASS PASS PAS5 12-2 12-O 12-O 't 1-2 11-1 11-0 1 0-0 1 0-0 1 0-0 o9-2 09-2 09- 1 o8-2 o8-2 o8-0 07 -1 o7-1 o7-0 o6-0 o6-0 o6-0 06- 1 06- 1 06-o 05-2 05-2 05-2 04-16-O0 04-o2-o0 04-o1-o0 22:1 8:00 TANK O2:00:OO TANK Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Premium U n leaded Premium U n leaded U n leaded U n leaded Premium U n leaded U n leaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Beg Unleaded Regular Premium (CSTT) (o.2 GPH) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (o.2 GPH) (CSTT) (0.2 GPH) (0.2 GPH) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (o.2 GPH) (CSTT) (CSTT) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH) CSTT) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH) CSTT) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH) CSTT) O.2 GPH) o.2 GPH) CSTT) O.2 GPH) o.2 GPH) CSTT) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH) PASSED FAILED. FAILED PASSED FAILED FAILED. PASSED PASSED. PASSED. PASSED PASSED PASSED PASSED PASSED FAILED. PASSED PASSED PASSED. PASSED. PASSED. PASSED. PASSED PASSED. PASSED. PASSED PASSED. PASSED. FAILED PASSED. PASSED. PASSED PASSED. PASSED. FAILED FAILED. PASSED, PASSED PASSED. PASSED. MAVERIK #266 Tank Test History 7l17I2OOO 2:37:00 pM 3-99 4-99 1 -99 5-99 4-99 1-99 9-99 1-99 1-99 5-99 2-99 7 -99 7 -99 o-99 3-99 o-99 o-99 1 -99 6-99 2-99 1-99 9-00 2-OO 8-OO 5-O0 4-O0 4-OO 23: 21: 23: o3: 22: 03: 03: 22: 23: Q2: o1: :OO :OO :OO :O0 :00 :00 :O0 :00 :00 :00 :00 TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK 43 o2 ).7 59 47 59 59 o8 51 22 23 55 57 47 59 o1 10 59 0O:'14 02:Q2 01:58 01:09 02:1O 03:59 22:58 03:59 03:59 23:11 O1:52 O1:51 O1:35 OO:38 06:18 2 1 2 ? 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ? 2 1 ? 1 2 J 2 1 2 1 3 a 2 1 1 3 2 5 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 Regu lar Reg Reg Regu lar Regu lar Regu lar L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L. R. = L.R. = L. R. = L. R. = L. R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L,R, = L. R. = L.R. = L. R. = L. R. = L. R, = L.B. = L.R. -- L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = PH PH PH PH o.2 G o.2 G 0.2 c 0.2 G -0.O1 sph 0.1 3 gph 0.1 8 gph 0.1O gph O.1 2 gph O.'14 gph O.05 gph O.09 gph O.10 sph -0.O2 sph0.01 sph0.09 gph 0.02 gph 0.01 gph 0.26 gph -0.O5 gph -0.01 gph -0.03 gph -0.03 gph -0.02 gph 0.02 sph-0.01 gph 0.09 sph-O.06 gph -0.01 gph -O.01 sph-O.04 gph 0.25 gph 0.O6 gph 0.03 gph 0.O9 sph0.09 sph0.07 gph 0.13 gph 0. '15 gph 0.10 gph 0.O7 gph O.02 gph O.09 gph 23:08:00 TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TAN K TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK Regu lar Reg Reg Regu lar Regular Regular Regular Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg u lar Reg Reg u lar Reg Regular Reg Regular o1: 23: 00: o3: o2: o4: 03: :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 23:44:00 TANK 0'l :56:00 TANK 01 :59:0O TANK CSTT) 03-03-00 03-01 -00 o3-01 -00 02-20-oo o2-02-00 o2-o2-OO o1-19-00 o1-03-00 o1-o1-00 :0O :0O :0O :0O :0O :0O :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :OO :O0 :O0 L.R. = L.R. = L.R. = L. R. = L. R. = L. R. = 30-05-00 l3:18 From-lIAVERll(C0IJI{TRY SIoRES. [{C, s019361406 MAVERIK #266 T-047 P 07/08 t-02t Tank Test History 51261200,0 9:59:OO AM (csTT) O3:59 01r23 10-01-99 09-04-99 09-o1-99 09-o1-99 oa-27-99 08-20-99 12-23-99 1 2-04-99 1 2-01-9S 1 I -25-99 1 1 -02-99 'l 1-o1-99 1 0-o9-99 10-01-99 08-o3-99 07-24-99 o7 -22-99 07-10-99 o6-29-99 06-09.99 06-01-99 o5-24-99 22:18:OO 02:00:00 O3:59:OO 21:O2tOo o1 :53:Oo O3:59:OO 22:47:OO 03:59:OO TANK 2: TANK 3: TANK 1 : TANK 2: TANK 3: TANK 1 : TANK 2i TAN Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Premium Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Premium unle6ded Unleaded Unleaded Premium Premium Unleaded Unleaded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Unle6ded Premium Unleaded Unleaded Unle6ded Pr€mium Unleaded Unl€aded Pr€mium Regular Regular Regular R€gular Regular Regular Regular Regular Heg O.2 GPH) O,2 GPH) CSTT) 0.2 GPH} 0.2 GPH) CSTT) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH} o.2 GPH) o.2 GPH) CSTT) CSTT) PASSED FAILED, FAILED. PASSED FAILED. FAILED, PASSED PASSED. PASSED. PASSED. PASSED, PASSED, PASSED PASSED FAILED. PASSED PASSED PASSED PASSED PASSEO PASSED, PASSED PASSED PASSED PASSED FAILED. PASSED. PASSED FAILED PASSED, PASSED PASSED FAILED PASSED FAILED PASSED PASSED PASSED PASSEO, :OO TAN :OO TAN :OOTAN ;OOTAN :OOTAN :OOTAN 03:59 Ol r53 O3:59 23:08 01 :55 23t57 02:26 04:18 03:59 23:25 00:49 23:54 23:37 02:ol 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K t\ K K K K K K K L.R. = -0.01 Sph L.R. = o.13 9ph L.R. = O.21 9phL.R,:0.10 gph L.R.:0.13 gph L.R. = 0.14 sph L.R. - 0.05 sph L.R. - O.09 gph L.R.=0.10 sph L.R. = O. l0 sph L.R. = -0.04 gph L.B. = -0.03 gph L.R. = o.02 gph L.R. = 0.01 gph L.B. :0.26 sph L.R. = O.O0 sph L.R. =0.O7 Sph L.F. =-o.o5 OphL.R.:-0,05 sph L.R. = -0.O4 sph L.R. = 0.02 sph L,R. = -0.02 sph L.R. - 0.O6 sph L.R. - O.O4 gph L.H. = -0.O4 Sph L.B. = O.13 9ph L.R. = o.o3 9ph L.R. = o.O2 gph L.B. = 0,25 gph L.R. = 0.06 sph L.R. = 0.o7 gph L,R. = O.oB gph L.R.=0,13 sph L.B. - O.OB gph L.R.-0.13 gph L.H. =0.o1 9ph L.R. = 0.03 sph L.R. = 0.07 sph L.R. :0.09 gph 1 2 J I 2 23:28 02:41 01:50 21 :56 :0OTAN :00 TAN :OO TAN :OOTAN :OO TAN :0O TAN :00 TAN :oO TAN OO TAN OO TAN OO TAN OO TAN OO TAN OO TAN OO TAN OOTAN OO TAN OO TAN OOTAN OOTAN OO TAN OO TAN Regular Reg Reg Reg Begular Reg Beg 0.2 GPH) Regular fiegular Heg Regular Bes Reg Beg Reg (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (0.2 GPH) (CSTT) (CSTT) (CSTT) (csTT) 0.2 GPH) 0.2 GPH} CSTT) CSTT) O.2 GPH} CSTT) CSTT) CSTT) CSTT) CSTT) CSTT} CSTT) CSTT) 0,2 GPH) O1:09 02:10 01:17 23:O2 23:11 O2:50 O1:46 O1:35 O6:1 I nE- t 2-oo 05-03-99 05- 1 9-OO 05-03-oo 05-02-oo 04-23-OO 04-16-00 o4-o2-oo 03-19-00 03-19.00 03-08-00 02-23-00 02-20-oo 02- 1 4-OO 01-28-OO 01 - t 9-00 0 r -01-oo 03:1 I 23:10 OOTAN OO TAN OO TAN Heg Reg Trnk Yearly SIR Summary Report Maverik January, 2000 - Apri[ 2000 LEGEND.->P . PASS INC. INCONCLUSTVE rF.. FAIL ND . NO DATA SUBII,TITTED J|ll F.b M.r ADr Mty Jro Jrl Aug Scp Oca Nov lr.c 259 t 21 259201 268121 26E201 26832t 269101 26922t 269321 270101 27022t 270321 21\2t 27 t201 27 t321 272121 21220t 212121 P P P INC P P INC INC P P INC P P INC P P P P PPPP PPPP PPPP PP Castledsle f260 - 2t5 East Maln - Crstledrle - UT zil12t 260201 /-\ , Iluffdale #266 r! 2oetzt 26620t 26612t l,1416 S. Camp Wllliams Rd - Fluffdrle - UT oyERTON #267 - p.o' Box 750 - oVERTON - NV 26712t 26720t 261321 P P P P P P P INC P P P P P P P INC Winnemucca ll26t - 863 E. Wlnnemucca Blvd _ Winnemuccr - NV P P INC P P INC P P P P P P P P P P P P P INC P Clinton #269 - 1800 N. 1036 West - Clinton _ LIT INC P INC P P P P P INC INC P tNC INC P P P P P P P INC II/ICCAJ,L #27I . 622 NO. 3RD STRXET - MCCALL - II) P INC INC CoTTONWOOD #272 - 690 W. HWY. 89A _ COTTONWOOD - AZ INC P NAMPA #273 . 2516 WEST KARCEER RD. . NAMPA . ID tNc P P P INC P INC ND ND 273t2t 213221 2?130t INC ND ND INC ND ND INC Mountain View #274 - Htghway 410 & 7th - Mountain View - \My 274t21 27420t 21432t P P P P TNC USTMAN Techologies, Inc. r Undergrould Storage Tark Maragement 12265 w. Bavaud Ave. ' Suite t l0 ' Lakewood, co aozzg . l-8oo-253-8054 r (303) 986-80I I * FAx (303) 986-822206lo1t20oo Dedicated to protecting the environment p.go, t Lovell #270 - 2ll W. Mah St, - Lovell - Wy a a Yearly SIR Summary Report Maverik January, 1999 - December, 1999 Tank LEGEND ->P . PASS INC - INCONCLUSIVE rFT. FAIL ND . NO DATA SUBNTITTED Jan Feb Mrr Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec est PP P P P P PP PP PP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ?*FrP 25422t P P Ephraim #251 - 89 North Main - Ephraim - UT 25712t P P 25720t P P Springville #258 - 309 North Main Street - Springville - UT 258 I2I P P INC *Fr 25820lPppp Burley #259 - 1209 East Main - Burley - ID 259I2IPPPP 2592OIPPPP Castledale #260 - 285 East Main - Castledale - UT 26012IPPPP PPPP 14416 S. Camp Williams Rd - Fluffdale - UT INC 26620r 26632t rFr IFI P P P P P P P P P P rF* .F+ *Fr P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P TNC ? P INC INC P P INC P P P P P P +F. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P INC P P P TNC P P P INC rFr P *F. rF* PP P .F.INC 26020t Fluffdale #266/\---356+4-/INC INC P P P P P P P P *F. P P P P P P INC INC P INC INC P P INC P INC INC P INC INC P INC P P P INC INC P P INC P P +F* P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P rINC ? rNc P rNc i- oVERTON #267 - p.O. BOX 750 - OVERTON - NV 26T12IPINCPPINC 26720IPPPPP 267321 P INC P INC *F* Winnemucca #268 - 863 E. Winnemucca Blvd - Winnemucca - NV 268121 *Fr INC INC P *F* 268201 .Fr .Fr *F* *F. *F. 268321 *F* *F* *F* P *F* Clinton #269 - f800 N. 1036 West - Clinton - UT 26910IPPPPP 269221 P INC P INC tNC 269321 INC P INC INC P Lovell #270 - 211 W. Main St. - Lovell - WY 2TOIOIPPPPP 270221 P INC *F* INC P 270t21 P INC INC rFr *Fr MCCALL #Z7I - 622 NO.3RD STPJET. MCCALL . ID 2TII2IPPPPINCIFTTNC 2Tl2OlPPPPrFr*FrP 2TI32IPPPPPPINC coTToNwooD #272 - 690 W. HwY. 89A - COTTONWOOD - AZ 2'I2I2IPPPINCINCP}FI 2722OIPPPPPPP USTMAN Technologies, Inc. * Underground Storage Tank Management 12265 W. Bayaud Ave. * Suite I l0 * Lakewood, CO 80228 {' l-800-253-8054 * (303) 986-801I t FAX (303) 986'8227 0l/2El2000 Dedicated to protecting the environment Page: 8 TNC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P INC *F* *F* P INC P P P INC P P P P INC INC P rNC ? P P P P P P P P TNC? TNC P P rNCT .Fr P rFr +Fr P P a FACIIJITY ITJ.t-ka)z1 30 USTs 2trs PST PROCESSING CHECKIJIST Year q) Not Appl icabl e Non-Marketer DiscounL Previous PolluEion Incidents LUST File Form Included Y /@---"- @ N \./ TTT - Verify tsank/ lines vs registered - DocunentaEion ok? - Rate ok? Y/N / v/N / Y/N "/" aid 1 P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 3 4 5 5 1 QL-'Q2-o3-Q4-01_Q2-Q3-Q4-o1_Q2_Q3-,Q4_ Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4-QL-Q2-Q3-Q4-.\-t 6) r\? aL Q1_Q2_Q3-Q4 -' Fees Paid 93 94 95 96 97 FY -EI FY FY FY 88 89 90 97 92 FY FY FY FY FY Compl j-ance - Compliance OuLst.anding? - Leak detection required? - Spi11/overfi11 required? - Corrosion protsection required? - Notification up tso date & complete? - application submitted? Date QualifiedDate Issued N N N N N .-' -7- Review completed and certsificate issued by lo Dslproc. frn A5/1A/95 Unacceptable Acceptable -t uno -FY -FY-FY- rr -FY_FY _FY \---' lr/ - Y/N ".'' Michael O. Leavin Gorcrr Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Ex€cld\€ Dir€cbr Kent P. Gray DL€cror Srarnof {Jrah \N RONMENTAL QUALITY {ENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Paul Weisenbourn Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 FROM:William Moore Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND for the three new UST(s), is incomplete. The following additional information is required before your application can be processed. tll A copy of a Tank, and Line Tightness, and Lrak Detector Tests performed within the last 6 months, with copies of field reports, must be submitted to DERR. 12)You must document what form of Release Detection you are properly performing on your: (X ) Tanks and/or (X ) Product Lines. t3l - A Notification Form, registering your tanks, needs to be filled out and submitted (use Form 7530 (Revised 9-89)). This form must be signed by the Utah Certified installer who installed the systems. You have not completed the form declaring "PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS." Please complete the enclosed form. You have not completed the "PETROLELIM STORAGE TANK FLIND APPLICATION" form. Please complete the enclosed form. Annual REGISTRATION FEES remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $405.00. This would cover the fiscal years 1997. Facility LD. # 4002130 DATE:2lIA97 t4l tsI t6l t7) t8I Annual Fees for the PETROI,EUM STORAGE TANK FLIND remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $750.00. TESGiie cover the fiscal years 1997. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. Please note that you will not be covered under the PETROLET M STORAGE TANK FUND, or allowed to receive product, until the above-mentioned items are completed. If you are currently a LUST site, and your Fund application has been approved, any further releases will be covered by the Fund. If you have any questions concerning this, please Response and Remediation at (801)536-4100. noN e frEr4EDu Division of Environmental February 25,1997 t MAVERK CIT'NIRY STORES, INC. 880 W€st C€nt6r St. North Sat Iab City. &ah 84081 801-295-565'/ RE: PSTF Memo, Maverik #266, Bluffdale, Utah (FlD #4002130) Dear Mr. Moore: Enclosed are the items requested in your memorandum dated February 12, 1997. Required fees are included. The site will utilize an Encompass automatic tank gauge system and line leak detectors to perform tank and line leak detection. With this submittal, it is our understanding that our application for coverage under the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund is complete. We appreciate your continued assistance as we seek to comply with all applicable regulations. lf you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 801/295-5557 ex. 934. Sincerely, Maverik Country Stores, lnc. Paul R. Weissenborn, P.G. Environmental Manager Utah Certified UST Consultant #CC0086 Mr. William Moore Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 841'16 I I I Facility lD * 4(nLl30 This tetteL or an equivalent, must be signed and ncluded with your aPplication and lees. PBEVTOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS To:Mr. Kent P. Gray Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid & Hazardous Waste Control Board Dear Mr. Gray: As by paragraph ,t9-6-413 of the Utah Underground Storage Tank Act' I have pertormed a trank and line test on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a of petoleum. AdditionallY, based on 'customary business inventory practices standards' I am @l! ol any ol petroleum from my tanks. OR I have had the following releases of pefoleum (detailed bdow also mention any action you took to clean up the release). signafure of owner/operato r Faitwe to Eport previous teteas* autd wid ywr average un&t tle Petoleum Storage Tank Fund. oi p3.p9,trn 05/lg9a OWNER OF T Owner Name Address Facility lD # PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND APPUCATION Facility Name Address City Co unty Zp Code State City County State Contact Zp Code Phone Contact Person I TYPE OF OWN Marketer, or non-marketer with facility average monthly throughput greater lhan 10,000 gallons. I I Non-marketer with facility average monthly thrcughput less than 10,000 gallons (must vedfy). DESCRIPTTON OF UND U D RAG KS h l\S -ilq t, tD,6d!) dhs TANK TIGHTNESS TEST Tank # PasJFail I ?a*\}P6S 3 =6- L CERTIFICATE OF tr All Underground Storage lanks (USTs) at this facility have been registered. All tank registration fees have been Paid. COMPLIANCE WM{ UST BEGULATIONS ls the applicant curEntly in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local UST regulations? t Kl yes I I No lf 'No' please describe item(s) of non'compliance: PREVIOUS POLLIMON I CIDENTS Has a pollution incident ever occured at your lacilM [ ] Yes ll Yes' please provide LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) information: t[ r'ro NT I have met the financial responsibility requirement ,or the first $25,000 per release by the tollowing method: 1N t t*€elt lnsurance [ ] Risk Retention Group I certify under penalv ol law t t Guarantee [ ]Commercial lnsurance [ ]Surety Bond Letter made by me are true and Owner/Opetator the Date signed z- 4n7,t Phone Tank # Age Capacity Substance t t lf 'No' please attach a letter s ning that under customary business inventory practic€s standards you are not aware of any release from any tank(s) at this facili$. The PREIIOUS POULffiON INCIDENTSlorm may be used. Credit il Other PETRO 'JM STORAGE TANK FUNO CHEC'- ISTTT 1 c c OF BEG N All Underground Storag e Tanks (USTs) have been registered- EPA lorm 7530-1 (Revrsed 292). IXJ Tank registration lees have been Paid- Fi scal Years 1988'89= $25llanvYr',Fiscal years 199G'92' $45/tanldyr Subseque nt fiscal yearF $60 or $'t35/tanlc/yr. 2. co LIAN U REG I am in compliance with release detection requirements. I am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. OLEUM RA PST Fund fees have t I Fiscalyears 1 D D been paid. gS1-iii= $iSOlt" nklyr.or$12,llanuyr. (with non'marketerdiscount') plusaPplicable process fees.'n.*ivr"ilsg4= slso/tanuyr. or $7s/tanloyr. (with non-marketer discount') plus applicable process fees. 'Sr-U""qu"nt fis."l years= Based on facility throughput S5O, $150 or $175/tank/yr plus applicable process fees. ' For non-marketer discount t l I am a non-marketer with facility averagernonthly througlpl{l9iil1{-]i:000gallons' i j I have comptetedthe AppLtciTtoN FbR N2N-MARKETER D/scoUNrform(s). 4. TAN ANO TI I All systems Pass the tank and line tightness tests. I am submitting th e results of the tank and line tightn ess tests and a copy ol the field report. tlAlltanksdonotmeettherequirementssetbyruleregardingtanktighhesstesting. i i i ;;;;;;;6t d rre state UbT otnce anct wiit submit evidence of a plan for review. P o I have completed the PRilIOUS POLLUTION //,JCIDENIS f orm, which states whether under customary business inventory practices standards I am awa re of any release lrom the tank' 6.ET.IT I have met the financial method: ttS6tt lnsurance [ ] Risk Retention GrouP U E responsibility requi rement lor the first $25'000 Per release bY the following I I Guarantee [ ] Letter ot Credit [ ] Commercial lnsurance [ ] Surety Bond [ ] Other "See explanations under'How do I get started?' Uf Install-ation/Upgrade Pe^it /,Nclr PalDlt t I Pcnlt uodl.flcatLoa I Certs Cert. Cert 463-t?rustellatl,oD lddlcs o Phoa. * Ccrtlf,icd Iar't on Pro Name FaciliEy rD*f not. a,t lit.y) Tark Contact per Eacillty Contact, Ilnucual or cxtaauatJ,ng ci,rcunata!,cc8 a:.pacted! NO: *Exp. da Exp. da*aL # 3L-- Exp. da v. 60{," sfso fqt {_ yy' rn=.rt1/Replace t I upgrade Ci STaE t*t. z,n.".Ft c7 I Ci SEa z Phone * (_) ToEal Installation Tank Fee/Permit 6oo.oO UrO A Taaka fDvolvcd ia Iastallation / t Dqredc Tank *I ?--3 Install /Upgrade T^.r1r ll - Capacity (gaI1ons)l0K loK l0K Type (FRP, Stee1, etc.)€ee FK?trK? Subst.ance to be Stored Cfi-s o t-LxiL- - Piping T)4)e (Press Suctsj-on, Gravitsy)'pfes s ll tl Install/Upgrade What? (Tank, Lines. C.P.. ... )ru{f;tl l(tt Ttrpa of fnatallatLon/IrDdrad.. DeecrLDtlon lilirllb.r {u"hlJL Aed s w4l< ur()-l-L,-3 €. 8, ?, *a.rnJca Ar'*;!- 0 /iffi(ies,I 158 North 1950 WesE, 1st, Floor Sa1E. Lake City, U.tah 84115 Date Approved & ,a glb(qL App. By Ut.ah Department. of Envi-ronrnent.al eualj.ty Division of Environmental Response and RemediaEj-on /lh.* a State Use Only cK+t1.t L Date Permit. Mailed (lula I I Date work will commen." <rl ' 2C - ? A t(rll c@D1ct.d lorD to! APPLIED EhIVIRONI},IEhTTAL SERVICES. L. C. PO BOX {E2 ROY, UIAH 0,f067 (S0tl 5lrG-7S{6 T.E.t. SYSTET .O00 / T.E.t. LT3 PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INYOICE ADORESS: I{A\ERIK COUNTRY STORES 880 I&EST CENIER NORTH SALT LAHE, UT 84054 DATE: 2-22-97 IME START: TIME SYSTEM FILLED OR TOPPED: TANK LOCATION: MAVERfl( #268 I4I75 SOUTH REDWOOO ELUFFOAI-E. I,JTA}i woRK OROER r 80036 TECHNICIAN: Sltl TECHr94027 vAN !}8502 STATETECH' UT OI21 l6:30 l-2r}'S7 TIME END: 20:00 GROI,JNDWATER OEPTH- 10'+ TANK TANK PROOUCT TANK FILL VENT PROTXJCT LIIVE LEA'( WATER IN PUMP TANK i/I,ATERIAL ,| ? 3 I 5 6 r0000 r0000 r0000 R,UL SAJL R/UL PASS PASS PASS PASS PI6S PASS PASS PASS PASS 0.0' 0.0' 0.0' PRESS PRESS PRESS SWF SWF SWF }UT N/T NIT PROOUCT LINES TESTED AT LINE RATES JGPHI 1 RJUL EAST -,OOO GPI.I 2 5,,U1,.0C0 cPH 3 R^iLWEST-.!Uil cpH 1 5 6 50 PSI FOR 15 MINUTES AODffiONAL INFORMATION: TANKS TESTED ON 1-29S7 & UNES TESTEo ON 2-20_s7 THIS SYSTTI AXO IETUOO IIEETS OR.EXCEEOS TIIE CATTERiA III USEPA .o, CfR PAffr 2 ,rfpa 3zt{7. A,.O atL appltcAalE STATE ano Loini-tii-ois CERTIFIEO TECHITIICI.AI{ SIGHATURE :DATE: 2-22-97 .t 1 ,Eqcility Number: \ o oz l7o INSTALI,ATION INSPECT ION ll.rfOS or il.s (J I Business ooly I Tank only Same rs Scction I: -pany Site ldentifier. as applicablebr G. City F treet Contact ! Property fl Business only flTank onl-'- Owner Narne (Corporation. Individual. Public Agency' or other Zip C.ode rl ress State Countv entlty) Cert #:UST INSTALLER Companl': o 7 1-- Tank No. 3 Tank No. Tank No. o * Ner.+'Tanks- Removed Tanksvious Tanks Tank No. t Tank No. -> Dl. Estimated Total Capacity (gallons) 2. Type: FRP, Steel. Composite 3. Suhstance Stored lV{nA)*.1. New or Used (must be recertified) fl Tightness Test and Inventort' Control E GIY I\lonitoring I lllanual Tank Guaeing E]Oth.t- . Type: FRI'. Coated Steel. Composite I Automatic'I'ank Guaging ! Interstitual Nlonitoring 5. Ty'pe of leak detection !Vapor Ivlonitoring 2. Ty'pe: Suction, Pressure. Graritl' fl Tightness Test and Inventorv Control E GW IUonitoring l. Spill device installed (T1'Pet Other! I\'Ianual'fank Guaeing 3. T1'pe of leak detection apor fl Automatic Tank Guaging fl Interstitual lVlonitoring (2. Overfill device installed (T1Pe) SPECIFICATIONS Distance from tank(s) to nearest property line (5' miflimum) Distance from tank to nearest structure (5' plus 45'from surface to tank) Estimated dePth to groundn'ater Do tanks have at least 18" spacing between tanks (stable conditions)? If unstable walls, are tanks spaced at least l/2 times the diameter of the tanks from each other? Can groundwater raise into the bottom of the tank excavation (must anchorl? Does depth of installation conform to planned Anchoring, Surface and TralTic conditions' groundwater conditions and piping run slope requirements? Has TanX and Piping Cathodic Protection svstems been checked to verify theJ" are working ProPerl!'? Does the amount of Tank Deflection meet specifications? ft. ft. fr. I\D YES IiO N/A I.Ownership of Tank(s)II. Location of Tank(s) TANK PIPING GENERAL \-,FACILITY SITE PI-AT \-,Facillty lD No. NORTH\^r- d_t'g-fiaFt-_*r*_}B {tloo t =.--, ..- I I!t I I il -T J-i) 'c 3s .l { t =F] I I - G Show rocaljcns ot all Dulldtngs. streets. tanKs. ptptng ano Orsoenser tslanos. lnolcate locallon anO Cecln o, all samples co the tocauon or anv regonec, PIO or FID reaolngs. ecrec Dy tne and rrEpector. AIso indicate A Potentral Receptors- lndicate distance (in feet) to the nearest: Residences Active water well - Surlace water - Buried utilitiesBuildings Other e , (./t^4*,J*v,-l-- C,onr,n\r- q s!, ( L,rLt Con"-er**f t^J \ o"t an^S S\^ ts Date: ( the above.named facilitY on cert#- 1b a Lnaret lnsoectors S t u U US fnstallation/Upgrade Pe,-.,it NO: gtat * u, 6@{Exp * TL Exp *TL Exp " rfsofqt I NGw PalrEit,t I Pcnl.t rrrodLficatlon ,1r*.t Servic,<^,.Ll 63-/?IDsCallatloD e lddrca C Pbotr. li Datse work will commence Facilj,ty ID*fnot,a 1i ty) Tank Addres Contact. per Eacility Addres Contact I UDusual oa e:lt6auatl,sg circu.nctaaccs o<Dactad: CerE CerE, Cert daE daE dat I I tn..ut1/Replace Ci ci t I upgrade Stat Phone Sta z Phone * (_) Tota1 Insta1latsi.on Tank Fee/PermiE.6oo.oO a UJO O Tapks Involycd lE lastallatioa / Illrgrade Tank #I 7-3 Instal 1 /Upgrade x;tll - Capacity (gallons)l0lK lo l<t0K Type (FRP, St.ee1 , eE.c. )€R" ?rk?tr&? SubsE.ance t.o be Stsored Cfts o r-L*t €- - - Piping T)G)e (Press.. Suction, cravicy)pfes s.ll tl Inst.a11 /Upgrade What.? (Tank, Lines, C.p., ... )vtwt l(lt of fnstallatlon/trrErad8 De6criDtioB lnrDber 'fus4at-l- tLtul s wql<- uJo.,lL 3 €.3,P . U*rrJr-s ( v*r-4*S,I Ual,l c@DlctGd fo::D to! Sa1t. Lake City, U.tah 84115 Date Approved & ,a SIW(qL App. By /tA_ Ut,ah Department, of Environmental QualiEy Division of Environment.al Response and RemediaEion 158 NorEh 1950 West., 1st Floor State Use Only: CK#11,1L U Date Permit Mailed (l-tloe I Ccrtificd Igrtaltcr,t on projecr:1 Name |,Ua*nc l.OuLLctL<- J V), ,?ot1L DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box lzt48zt0 salt Lake city, utah u1144840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) s364414 T.D.D. Michael O. Leavitt Cownror Dianne R.Nielson, Ph.D. Executirc Dk€cbr Kent P. Grav oirct& Paul Weisenbourn Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, utah 84054 Facility I.D. # 4002130 DATE: 2ll2l97 t1l 12) t31 t4l tsl t6l t7l FROM: William Moore Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND for the three new UST(s), is incomplete. The following additional information is required before your application can be processed. A copy of a Tank, and Line Tightness, and l€ak Detector Tests performed within the last 6 months, with copies of field reports, must be submitted to DERR. You must document what form of Release Detection you.re properly performing on your: (X ) Tanks and/or (X ) Product Lines. A Notification Form, registering your tanks, needs to be filled out and submitted (use Form 7530 (Revised 9-89)). This form must be signed by the Utah Certified installer who installed the systems. You have not completed the form declaring "PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS." Please complete the enclosed form. You have not completed the "PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND APPLICATION" form. Please complete the enclosed form. Annual REGISTRATION FEES remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $405.00. This would cover the fiscal years 1997. Annual Fees for the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FTIND remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $750.00. This would cover the fiscal years 1997. t8l Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. Please note that you will not be covered under the PETROLELIM STORAGE TANK FUND, or allowed to receive product, until the above-mentioned items are completed. If you are currently a LUST site, and your Fund application has been approyed, any further releases will be covered by the Fund. If you have any questions concerning this, please call the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation at (801)536-4100. r,...n :i '11i ri., ,li: .'"",,, r ,i;li ,i-,';,,., ,, i ii' .. i f- r tii']l DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. kavitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Dirfftor Kent P. Grav Dirmttir 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 salt Irke ciry, utah 841144840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. ERRU-33-97 January 17,1997 Mr. Dan Murray Maverik Country Stores, Incorporated 880 West Center North Salt L,ake, Utah 84054 RE: Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) located at Maverik#266 l.ocated at 14175 S. Redwood Rd., Bluffdale, Ut.FacilitytofF Dear Mr. Murray: According to the provisions of the Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (Act), Utah Code Unannotated (UCA). Section 19-6-412, all owners and operators of petroleum underground storage tanks must have a Certificate of Compliance by July l, 1991 . Any petroleum distributor who delivers to a tank that does not have a Certificate of Compliance will be subject to a civil penalty of up to $500 per occurrence (19-6-416, UCA). The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) has received your request to receive one delivery of fuel to test your tanks at the above reference facility. This letter is NOT a Certificate of Compliance but allows you to obtain petroleum products for testing your tanks. This letter applies to fuel being delivered from Maverik on or about February 9, 1997, through February 15,1997. A Certificate of Compliance cannot be issued for the non-complying tanks. If after our review, your tanks are found not to be in substantial compliance with federal and state rules and regulations, a certificate cannot be issued. If you require further assistance, please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4106. Sincerely, Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/TVETU/jd + .v gF-::/ ,,'/ T'NDERGROI,'ND STORAGETAAIK PROGRAT{ Forzr , DaE: I 7=nil< (drdco:caur) Reason for : ADFTSIMENT REFIJND DELETE CHARGES Q^-q*tTl Locl-nu- o^<- +,("J ne-UileKves-No C 4 EF T c ttl r.l U(r, lrr oz ILIT& t2teEaFp o (, E (J o TEIFtg -ltao oz _--i.: -,r;-ir:.. a ,,i-'r"-, ': ... -. -'.$rt- ; &. (__/. -^.i .11- . . r r.i:i;.:r;.?.rt.i. j "-s.rif 1 :-:_c2 :-t- '-j .an. r-:].:Br&i I . ;'5'-l",'.ii..'.r.5-tr-i'-:-.-. :-- :!'.:r^:Zt'r ::-t : i :j..i16 = -. f -.,.,- i-ll-;;:,.-*i.i1;.:#EFffi r.. illr:*,t -:r-.ti...-,fi; : .a,...-l_:. = -j.'C+i;:.ir ;/.: :';;;' :... ,:,--?:fi;;#+i#i- .-.1T:.:.<a:,ri-; 4*:,i ,;t; lil E. ii E:.ra , #;it**i;ffi l.t :!q+d sffi-ffi iiffiffi *I r A' E'{: .+ {t + !?:- j.i.^-+:ftir.L..!+*jrrf 4.:;ES*--#at.$# '-''---'-...i , (;, -+. it Fac(lity Number:Toozt 3a INSTALII\TION INSPECTION s Movudlc 6u^{r, S{rvas Sr." Agency, or Street Address County Zip Code Area Code Phone Number Contact Person At UST l.ocation City Stete Phone# VNa Strcet at re Slte ldentifier, as appllcableFacllity Name or (If same as '* VJqllac,'tnolu,,^ Gsl. r Ser,;.Cert #: 4i rLooorTANK INSTALLER:Company: D o 3 3Previous Tanks - Removed Tanks + New Tanks TankNo. I TankNo. A-- TankNo. 3 TankNo. TankNo.TANK INORMATION 1. Estimated Total Capacity (galtons)ood o 2. Type: FRP, Steel, Composite 3. Substance Stored c 4. New or Used (must be recertified) 5. Type of leak detection PIPING INFORMATION Nd( r,t^ 1. Type: FRP, Coated Steel, 2. Type: Suction, Pressurg Gravity 3. Type nf leak detection GENET{AL INFORMATION 1. Spill device installed 2. Overfill device installed Distance from tank(s) to nearest property line Distance from tank to nearest structure (5' plus 45 from surface to tank) Estimated depth to groundwater Do tanks have at least 18" spacing between tanks (stable conditions)? If unstable walls, are tanks spaced at least l/2 times the diameter of the tanks from each other? Does depth of installation conform to planned Anchoring, Surface and Traflic conditions, groundwater conditions and piping run slope requirements? Has Tank and Piping Cathodic Protection systems been checked to verify they are working properly? Does the amount of Tank Deflection meet specifications? ft. ft. fr. YES SPECTFICATIONS I 3o 79'r ? certlfy that I have inspected the above named facility on lnspector's Signature: 6".19 (Fior@) T ootb. d.y, yca. tir Date: I Et ^FACILITY SITE PLAT Faclllty lD No. NORTH I't4oct 5"4'^ J-toc '5|*^*' {w*s RJ*,$2l 'Qtfl,',,s U\J t !' rm \rrf \ Potential Receptors- lndicato distance (in teet) to the nearest: Underground utilities Active water well - Residences Surlace water _ Commercial buildings Other S{ &ULudYT tu .l bisi fi4ats ) fsrus\ b - [ rcla \ cerlily that I inspecled the above.named facility on Cert# ( ffirh. d!y, )0r, !m)(Dfitlm) lnspector's l'lala. ) I the location o, any r€poned PID or FID roadirEs. I Ft-)i US'fnst.allation/Upgrade Pe- it 4 N.r P.mlt Iastallatloa C t I Pcral.t uodlfl.catloa eu Ccrtifl6d IDatallcr.! on proiect:, Name U\la*nt- LDULLbC<-. t No:463-/? zrp- u. 6o0{Exp " sfsofqt c1 I {_ Cert CerE CerE. PhoEc * u Facility ID#f not a-1iEy) Ta,lk {r Addres Cont.act. Eacillty Cont.act pers Ulurual or cxtcDuatLag cLrcuaetaDccr c:qrectcd ! + * * TL Exp Exp dat daE. dat.TL t I upsrade DLd Phone SIaE Phone # (-) Total Installation Tank Fee/Permit 6oo.oO ,ry' ,.,,trurl/Replace t3o7 t zci ci.U)O d TankE lDvolvcd :ln In3t'e].lat:lon / IrDcrrade Tank *I L 3 Install /Upgrade T^tll - CapaciEy (gallons)l0K loK l0 K TlDe ( FRP, St.eel , et.c . )€R?trR- ?trk? Subst.ance to be Stored Cftsoc LxtL- - Piping I'ype (Press SucEion, Gravity)pfes s.ll tl fnst.aLl/upgrade what? (Tank, Lines, C.P.,... )ffiwt l(lt fyDc of lastallatioE/UDqrado Deecrr,DEioa Dlrrrbor {ut*a-r!- ^9, s wqLg LDo-!-l*3 €.8 , ? , *a-tJcs A^-il- |t/d l*te!. (v*l.-eS I lfar,I c@Dlct.d for.a to!Ut.ah Department. of Environmental QualiEy Di.vision of Environmental Response and RemediaEion ll- 168 Nort.h 1950 west, lsts Floor Salt Lake CiEy. U-tsah 84116 state Use only: Date Approved & ,6 glU(lC App cK#t1Yb By a Date Permit, Mailed (luloe Dat.e work will commen"" * ';)C'? A " ' ,, .. "l . ,, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. lravitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutivc Dirctor Kent P. Cray Diretor 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1214840 Sdt Lake Ciry, Utah 841 14-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-44t4 T.D.D. Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator: The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation received notification that one or more underground tanks (USTs) (tanks / associated Before regulated USTs can receive deliveries of and be put into operation, they must qualify for the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund and receive a Certificate of Compliance. To qualify the tanks for the Fund and receive a Certificate of Compliance or maintain your current Certificate of Compliance, you must do the following: Register the changes in the tanks using EPA form 7530-1, Notification for Underground Storage Tanks (Enclosed). Tanks installed after December 1988 must have the following in place when installed: leak detection on tanks and piping (including automatic line leak detectors on all pressurized piping), spill and overfill devices, and corrosion protection. The Utah Certified Tank Installer must sign page 5 of the form to certify a proper installation. 2. New Tanks or Systems Only: Complete the PST Application (yellow) and Previous Pollution Incidents (green) forms from the enclosed PST Fund application packet. You must indicate on the PST Application form the type of financial assurance you will use for your share of eligible cleanup costs for each release covered by the Fund. 3. Conduct a tank and line tightness test and send a complete copy of the results to the DERR. The tightness test must be conducted by a Utah certified UST Tester for any new tank, line or system installed.. A list of certified UST Testers is included in the PST Fund application packet. All portions of the tank and piping system which could contain product must be tested. To receive a delivery of fuel for testing, you must contact DERR for authorization of a one-time delivery for testing purposes for new USTs. Contact the DERR office at (801) 536-4100,24 hours in advance, to ,urange for this authorization. 4. New Tanks or Systems Only: Pay UST registration fees and PST Fund fees for all new tanks installed. These are: registration fee- $135 per tank; PST Fund fee- $250 per tank. These fees must be paid before a Certificate of Compliance can be issued. Dare , O-Zt*?C From , U' l/t/a*+- ID# When the above items are completed, send the forms, test results, and any fee payments to the DERR at the above address. When the necessry information is received, the DERR will issue a Certificate of Compliance when applicable. Timely completion of the needed forms and other requirements will facilitate the process and help you avoid loss of the use of your tanks. The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (Utah Code Ann. tg-64o1 etseq.) requires that a certificate of compliance be issued for new tanks before they are put into use. Please call the DERR UST office at (801) 536-4100 if you have any questions. Undergiound Storage Tank Section mwinsd.ltr 07O2196