HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-005099UTAH DEPARTME}{T OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIry Januaryl5,2024 JAN ??',,',i.,,t CERTIFIED MAIL RETI]RNRICEIPrNo.es90e4028034234e0369e4 DMSION OF AIR OUALITy Bryce Bird, Director Division of Air Quallty Utah Deparbnent of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 RE: MACT Subpart CC Report - Equipment Leaks - 2od Semiannual Report for 2023 Reference DOJ Case Number: 90-5-2-1-07689 Civil Action Case Name: USA et al V. Big West OiI Civil Action Case Number: 1:13-cv-00121-BSJ Dear Mr. Bird: In accordance with the reporting requireme,nts of 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CC, Big West Oil LLC (BWO) hereby submits the semiannual report under 963.655(dX1). This report also contains the information required per the Big West Oil LLC Consent Decree (No. I : 13- CV-00121), Paragraph 105(c), which was entered on November 14,2013. BWO Consent Decree 1:13-cv-00121-BCW: QV.L.l28 - Certification: I certiff under penalty of law that this information was prepared under my direction or zupervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my directions and my inquiry of the person(s) who manage the system, or the person(s) directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. Please address any questions conceming this information to me directly at (801) 296-7763. Sincerely,kM RefineryManager ENlosw: AttscbDat I - tatDAS - Iat6 Ddail Rcpod (R304_l) 96-ENV-2373 B-2-10122 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparhrent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page I of8 MACT Subpart CC Report - Equipment Leaks - 2od Semiannual Report Number of Subpart CC Leaking Valves: $60.487a(c)(2xr) - 10,000 ppm leak definition Process Unit July August September October November December ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD Number of Subpart CC Leaking Pumps: $60.487a(c)(2xiii) - 10,000 ppm leak definition Process Unit July August September October November December 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 00000 00000 00000r 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparhnent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 2 of8 Number of Subpart CC Leaking Compressors: $60.487a(c)(2)(v) - 500 ppm leak definition Process Unit July August September October November December 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD Number of Subpart CC Leaking Components Not Repaired as Required by $$60.a82- ZatUt(t),00.192 Process Unit July August September October November December 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE FGR GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD 96-EW-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 3 of8 Subpart CC Components on the Delay-of-Repair (DOR) Listing during reporting period and removed from the Process Unit DOR Component Information Leak Detection Date Date Repair Delayed Delayed Reason Date Off DelaylD No.Chem Slale Class MSCC c-201 GV COMPRESSOR 09t29t2022 1011312022 Repair lnfeasible w/n Shr fdnrm 0110112025 2od Semiannual - MACT CC Periodic Report - $60.4S7a(c) Dates of Process Unit Shutdowns within reporting period: $60.a87a(cX3) Process Unit July August September October November December ALKY r0/2't-t0/29 BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS tt19-tyt0 ISOM n19-tt/10 LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU/AMINE/SWS TANKFIELD 96-EM/-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparbnent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 4 of8 Subpart CC Revisions to Component Counts per $60.487a(b): $60.487a(c)(a) Process Unit No. of Vatvesl per $60.487aOX2) No. of Pumpsr per $60.487a(b)(3) No. of Compressors' per $60.487a(bx4) ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD 245 0 53 808 70 257 71 7 349 110 1242 5 2008 2 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 7 2 16 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ' No. ofcomponents represents the counts at the end ofthe reporting peiod End of Subpart CC - Eouipment Leaks - Data 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 5 of8 LDAR Consent Decree - LDAR Report - 2od Semiannual Report ln accordance with the Big West Oil Consent Decree (CD) 1:13-cv-00121-BCW (filed on 0812312013) the following reporting requirements per Part V.L.1 05.c are included in this MACT Subpart CC semiannual progress report: LDAR Recurring fvaining - BWO Consent Decree I:13-cv-00121-BCW gV.L.91: gv.L.l05.c(1) For personnel newly assigned to LOAR responsibilities: SV.L.91.a BWO provides site-specific LDAR training during the contractor onboarding process and site orientation prior to any work performed. For all personnel assigned LDAR responsibilities: SV.L,9l.b BWO personnel assigned LDAR responsibilities receive annual LDAR refresher training through a computer-based training (CBT) each calendar year. For all other Refinerv ooerations & malntenance oersonnel: 6V-L-gl-c Refinery operations & maintenance personnel complete LDAR refresher training through a computer-based training (CBT) each calendar year despite the required every three-year interval in the Consent Decree. lnitial LDAR training is completed with on- boarding of all personnel during the site-specific orientation prior to entering the facility. Contract employees performing LOAR work: SV.L.91d Contract personnel performing LDAR work received LDAR training with the site-specmc orientation prior to entering the facility. LDAR uarterlv Valve BWO Consent Decree I : 13-cv-0012f -B(lW: SV.L.105.c(2) Process Unit List W.L105.d2X.) Act Cor 5V.L1oa iver rnt ."{zxd 3rd Quat Monitor 5V.Lr06dzxb), ter ing O. (.) 4th Qua Monitor w_Ll05d2Xb). rter 'ing 2nd P R Semian eriod L( epair Di nual )ak rta Next Projected M21 Event Val'/es Valves M21 Valves M21 Leaks Late lnitial Late Effective Repair Delayed MMM/YYYY NTM DTM NTM Dru NTM DTM ALKY 1't80 22 1170 &os 0 8 1171 'oos 0 3 0 0 4 MARv2024 AMINE 203 0 203 0 0 203 0 0 0 0 0 JANt2024 BUTAMER 663 1 663 0 1 663 0 3 0 0 0 MAN2024 CRUDE 1218 18 1215 I 2 1215 €os 0 3 0 0 0 FEBt2024 GAS PLANT 505 1 505 1 2 505 0 2 0 0 0 MAN2024 HDS 645 5 645 0 645 0 3 0 0 0 JANtzuZ LPG 872 1 865 i2&s 0 o 872 0 1 0 0 I MAN2024 MIDW 93 1 93 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 JANt2024 MSCC 1137 23 1137 0 3 1137 0 1 0 0 0 FEB12024 RAIL LOADING 106 0 106 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 JANt2024 lld Monlhl REFORMER 2130 33 2130 2-G 0 5 2128 4G 0 6 0 0 0 FEBt2024 SRU 68 1 69 rcos 0 0 69 3@s 0 0 0 0 1 JANt2024 TANKFIELD 2685 24 2684 1&G 3 1 2673rcG 3 3 0 0 0 JANt2024 rct quarterl nerhod 2l spttion.,+-OOS indicat$ the Mbtr oI componills i&latd Ircn prcess ' Active cannls rdlect tlte cout at the qd dthe reporting priod. 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 6 of8 LDAR Mon tvua tnatcaes ue nuruer of componq$ Eouteo Jtun pruce's t Active counls relqt the comt qt the end of the rqoning p*iod thl M - BWO Consent Decree 1:13-cv-00121-BCW:.L. Process Unit List W.Lto5.C2X.) Activer Gount sv.Lr0s.(2xc) Pumps (LL) 3r M PU o Quat onitor w.Ll05.c2l Tps per N {er ing b) onth 4t M Pu n Quat onitor sv.Llos.d2l nps per U ter ing b) onth znd L Semiannual Period eak & Repair Data M21 Leaks Late lnitial tD.y Late Effective Repair DelayedJSoND ALKY 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 0 0 0 AMINE 1 1 1 1 ,| 1 1 0 0 0 0 BUTAMER 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 0 0 0 CRUDE 17 17 17 17 17 't7 17 2 0 0 0 GAS PLANT 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 0 0 0 HDS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 LPG 12 12 12 12 12 12 't1 3 0 0 1 MIDW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSCC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 0 0 0 RAIL LOADING 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 REFORMER 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 1 0 0 1 SRU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TANKFIELD 93 92 92 92 91 91 89 2 0 0 0 and YOC seruict for tchedul ed nonthly ilelhod 21 inrDection. Repairs not completed as required within Reporting Period for Delayed Repairs & Chronic Leakers B1V0 Consent Decree 1:13-cv-00121-BCW: 6V.L.(k No. Repairs not No. Chronic Leaker completed within the Repairs not required time frames completed at next under $V.L.103 turnaround as (Delay-of-Repair) requiredby$V.1.104 July SV.1.105.c(2Xj) 0 $v.1.105.c(2)(k) 0 August _**rEn!-el October November 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Departrnent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 7 of8 Cc:CERTMIED MAIL RETTJRN RECEIPT NO. 9590 9402 8034 2349 O37O 76 Director, Air Enforcement Division OfEce of Civil Enforcement U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyMail Code224l-A 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C. 20460-000 I CERTIF'IED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 9590 940280342349 83 Director, Air Enforcement Division Office of Civil Enforcement Attn: Norma Eichlin c/o Makix New World Eng. Inc. 26 Columbia Tumpike Florham Park, NJ 07932-2213 CERTIF'IED MAIL RETTJRN RECEIPT NO. 9590 940280342349 O37O9O Assistant Regional Administrator OfEce of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 CERTIT'IED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO.9590 940280342349 037106 Utah Division of Air Quality Multi Agency State Offrce Building 195 North 1950 West - 4th Floor Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84116 Delay-of-Repair List per $V.L.103 (Currently Leaking) BWO Consent Decree I : I 3-cv-00 I 2 I -BCW: 6V.L. I 05.c(2)(s) Detay or Repair Summary - All Leaking Components Awaiting Turnaround Process Unit )omponent lD Compone nt Class Chem State lnspection Date Delay of Repair Date Reason for Delay Expected Repair Date ALKY 3055 VALVE GV 911212023 912712023 Repair Infeasible w/o Shutdown 1213012023 ALKY 3590 VALVE GV 9t1212023 9127t2023 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shutdown 12t30t2023 ALKY 3507 VALVE GV 9t13t2023 911812023 Equipment is isolated from the process and does not remain in VOC service 11t30t2023 LPG 058800 VALVE LL 9105t2023 912012023 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shutdown 1113012023 LPG 07-P-7302A PUMP LL 't1t10t2023 11t22t2023 Equipment is isolated from the process and does not remain in VOC service 1112212023 MSCC c-201 COMP GV 912912022 10t13t2022 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shutdown 0110112025 REFORMER 61-XV-6628 VALVE GV 11t05t2020 11120t2020 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shtrtdown 11115t2023 TJTAH DEPAFiT[4ENT OF E NVIMN 14 E NrAr- Q UAL I rY tr:\/lSlON OF AtR et_r\LtTy 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparhent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 8 of8 Electronic Copies: imack@rnaff ixneworld. com kim.vounioo@epa.eov imarsisli(autah.eov JAN 23 2024 DIVISION OF AIR OUALITY Big West Oil LLC - North Salt Lake Re{Inery MACT Subpart CC - Equipment Leaks - Iil Semlannual Report Attachment L Initial Attempt at Repairs on Valyes - $V.L.96 BWO Consent Decree I : I 3-w40 I 2 I -BCW: gV.L. I 05.(2Xi) LeakDAS - Leaker Detail Report (R304_l) Action L,evel = Internal Leak (200 ppm) 96-ENV-2373 (t, F'$oi F 6ERo*!6x6;o o) ED(EL (,, E c, 0)J E-o)b-ao- c, o6 ootr tr .E(, c)oF EcL o,96 Nhp.EPEoE =o ==O, o, tii(b99 CD(?)NNooN(\IooNNo)o tro uJ (t) NoN 1r) N c', (o(\loNoNo osloN 6o (f)No C{oN o, (D o) ztro Iox IU TLo UTa) FILo rox IU Z lU(, IIJt E ]U E.o roo(r) I uJ (ooo 2otr ooJ c{ ooo o-Ioo(OoIo (9z =tro ooF- F-t$oo FF ('(E6 o(E(5E66E!!9E qH EE5() ;o 5() tr .g .9qsooF o tIJoZc l.IJ!F(E:EOrnJlz -FE.-ouEXZEoooo=o @G<I.N cLExo9,:oF9 10--zNX?NE-=.-EPE6?cr6AiiD =C)E= (\t(\lN$\t\t\tOc.i c.i .i c;60bo cicici- r)(frcfroNNNNooooNNNN NNNNs=ssoro)o)o co uJ (f, c{oN (\t o) (f) oto (\.1 l'-No (f, C\toN F. (t) to -P'88 oo. tB sH (t9o:JPorL -€8tJE o O) CD $ eil: o .. (l,oo F (') olo6t N o, YJ cot o- EF tr! :)to tLou a C' J IIJfII IFloa tf)oI.- Io o ;I oo o oo Io o-o(ooo o (9z =tro (r) t'-I- (\l$oc)diPE -q6a E5 $E -l5l EI =ILI olcl-lecl sEl$plplaltIurlxl =lJ=loflHpltIolurlHIilslPIzloEl EEIotolJI.lREI?EIo5lEEI Hal9-l9l2 El I = fil s E -;"1 u $fl1 e e "6lss El * q ;l $o rll .l . gEl* solI *ol E PFI =o Bl& -g tstH E *u'l $ COEcL o.lo o' @\t oo sc Al (\lE!'oo55o0J == s= G) 6 :.3fr N:frRNR SNNN -s E8ooE=ooE3o a2a:1.Eolr c -.9(!.= -3,8o H EfI: o ...!(i)o F YJ F =3 sc{oN If, in Go Eoo-ou @=clooEgo6O6(Lo 'E -g)o Irf,or?g LooaaL6-.eEEx.o@) = E8E(!6AiDvLv=Gi(sS:afLm- L*.C9AILO.DJ O E](trELEk -r & gE o E o tr (E t)oN o N ot,)6 o_ o .Uo !,o oL (U =ooa ox(UoJ L o o) .c .J'3 ro (l)o =ooLo Eoo.o .o .c, l-- o tlo o o o Jo oL l.l. .9JItr oo L (6 CLot ..Yoo o P, YJdl =l- d) F- (r, tr =U) f.- (f, PoFtoF z v.:)oJ LL IIJo UJz f,f m N (t, l-1 (.)o 2o oo r,ooo Iod roo(ooI(, oz do o 6 an U' 5o o)ro (f) (') N|'- N ?9 EE .E O- o dlO)€ ifi@es $E El ElPYglRPelqd=lSSYilf HEI * * fr El H H dEl H H H *,El sqs frEl Es EsEs ?r El olfr I a k r A I tH E I = il =l s Ez = . =lu Y El s ir * ? plHI HIBl :l[l ila S I a EE t g I ,EEIE=''iEI 3 J *l = 3" = J *ls :EI F EE $ 8EI: EEI H HH h EEI $ Hq s s$ H Hq 2 ;lx E ,l* E fl$ E PI S afil s **l e * "6lE * "dlss Hl* s Hlr u ;l$ u *l$d fl d fil-.l .l s;l * g;l * -:l *:l s $Fl= s SEI=S ol- 3 olt E nFl$ B nEls CL E o) = oNoN cf, N I (9 NoN F. iio o(L o)cEoo. c)u EEoo.CL CLo(o@ it' (f) oo.oocc (\IN !E'oo€5oo, s= croN:. _@bc? (f) :-&RNR INsN o .. al,(,,o F \( FzD \tNoN tr) id (Uo Eoo-otr o =cf @@Eg g-6(Lo o E(!lo Itoctg ooNL6.EEEeljoor= E6Ea(EA6#L\/=d)j53:Oo.@-Lse96!l-OaD-; o Elrt ELEh _3 & gp t-N (o d E _omg E 66 0 Y> d) (E o- CDciz(goJ E -0)E_6cLo @:ss tro E os g "g.9c (,oF E'cLo96 =Z N=PEFEEI =o ==lr)() (f,('i99o, o) (?) (Y,NNooNNo) o) (n (t) g oo E, tro ut o .Uo tro (Y' No(\t o) o (t) GIoNto c,(\IoN+N ct) !,oL Lg'88 ootrd o(! 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LrtsrE96tLOO_i I Ei.nELEk: & gE t()\to I tro.+ottoE tr .g .9 ooF =:ootr Co "lflIEIal trlol olol cLlolcl "l (.,(\ o (o c,oo.L $$ $E $E o uJozc u.J!FOI3oE!: -q)9 =@zooxtI i? B oE=o96F240- -tNA4N!E;pPE'6?-co=oooo =oti= ==== NN$IOee99!6600NY?Y?9o@sg)(f, (f, (o (oc{N(\lNooooAINNN\\tr\oooo (e No(\l No c.,c{oN c\tot o) €)NoN N O) (l) o B o @a o!(UoJ o o)E 0,fooo =uo o_ Eoo.(t) .9.-cF o) CD (o NoN F. o, ()F- F-N\to@tdEP C' 6aI 83 EE $s IE C) cEooF \lJdI F crl lIJFoF IUotoJ Iooz (,tro o,s o- oo iotr oo orOoo Io o-o(osoIo (,z =tro c o.Eo- o. ^r cLo@(\ co oo,oosc c{NEEoo5€o 11) == ar5s3!dsq?o }INNRsbo)6 (9NoN lo o) o c\lo(\I !t 6' toL EA * flE s3 a9 3Eolr (f)NoN o) c\lo (o NoN o) o) o)o) = tro E oo H $fl = tr*3 8:EJ5 El o.. r!oo F Fzoo dls(o t--s F- F x lU tJ_oo U) U)zox UJo tUull!oJoo c{ N^!+OdR (Q O)Q=oi- 2o oo oNoo Io E o(osfoI(, oz =do (r) t--F.Nstro(otdPts o'- OF€ ,ig E5 $E EEcL o.o-oo@()$ N o.ooaCC stNt, 1,oo5Eoo) == tr3e L@+:qddsFRN&sho)b -g EA * 'flBE9cl gE olr tt a!co -9v @F-YPEg(os o .. a!(,)o F d)NoN F. iio 0)(L oc o CL o)d. t IIJ =FD m =D !'NoN\lr) in oo Loo-ot o=cf o@8sO69.6oo o '=6 l() Irt g Loo6Lil.gEE = E33(?rsxb fL!/=(l.Et=clLo..h E rt-; a Ein1EL=hi & gE (f, N o F- o,(,) (5 IL L oc tr(g o tooF dt (U =ooa ovooJ o o)ca5 Eoo =oo o- tsoo. o) .9, .c,F o Go o o o,o e tI- o E oo I.- F. ZNN660rrt FF5 j o- CC'dfrfi frsfrsg$s $E$soU)ouIFAJ6=ml9Fo.=uJo o4J(JoeE 5_ozE6FCO oo+-o.L N-:fio-0J fiPE|r)o-5 5Br'Ooz cL E x cL A>2 E E E 5;z-=N6<NZEE.=EO -9ECO=Loooo oo ====Jo-o-o-o. tt)tr)lo(r)Y?igY?g?oao@@Ol.-'i: 'r ':: f{ Ic.i si c.i 6i o at"lac'ldc\ (\l $l c\toooo(LNNNNI(o(o@(oxssssv 6 6 oz =to co E = o e .go trtoo F- tro IIJ o (!o tro t, o,L .=(l, ILo E, -r(!oJ ooF o (u oa Jo Ne{ Y (L so (r,NoN (\l e)NoN N O)o) (o(\loal (o = (,NoN (o o.. auoo F otr mN l'o- LLo =U)FLrs(, @ \t u- .LJzo F +to k Io u. TL o$F oibco 2o oo tr)c{ oo E oo$oIo oz =do (')0F- F.\tVo6t4 FI .g .(E .E(,(5(5 666lC!EgE PE EE;o ;o 5() co E ! os &(,oF o IUoZclll =F(EI-9ocF_botsr;ZEoooor Io* i$ $ EcLoxo-@==6 40-rZE €* EE58E (L(L(L(L (.) (f, o *1olr)60 c.i <.i ri 'boooo ^i c.i ni .i(a (o (o (., OINNNooooNNNN @o@@6INNN C,roolo o a!o tro -P E8p9()oteg; orr C9oooNO<-Foo o.. aEoo F tr -.9.EE6,L oo (.J NoN @(\ o (f) $Io6t c.) o (f,otoNoo o) CD o EAoHoot=o o:6 o ii co (?) N(> NaNo zeo JFF cooaul Frtl JFF m Fof U)zo ooraI u- IIJtro so tr,oo 2o F oo @oo o E ooI(, oz =-E.o a=cf oo8go69so-() $Noq 1r) in oo tsoo-ot o 'E S!l(J I a! .= dtL oa \fo g LcoAL6.EEEE. at ?- = E8EG(E,{O6 EXEOo.@- LPEgi\l-OaD* es; _: & gE oOP$oooOFoo o ., a!oo F (f) $toN N iio o(L ocEoo.oE IJJo:)to F2:) (f,N o6 o)o)o(L co d)F- F.$$oott FF (5(u(E 666666EE!'EE gE PE5() 5(J ;o EIooolF- F- l- trl 3 3 = Eltr=lE s1 E Sl sEEsEs d Elxts 5lH 8lPXruJIE E Z x =l$ E 3 q#l8til eosg S IZ.rlE E E A;ls s s Enlo (L(Lo-ol* E E EEINYOII I I REI$SSs*ls s s # i* sEl so ols! s "-El ss El * drt rr oo 3l H5 Pl Eool trt -31 -lg=l o)e:t --El O eOI- pFl = e . nEl $* "u'l * o[ToZcul =F(EI-9o-t-c,__oc, \@2cooxoo2qcL Gq+ o-8xool=a zo--zN= dN.=E Ets EoooO) 66@999H(f)(oolSSSa! !' ooog?NNN^f,oooYNNN!] *tr:1NNN!J co6co d) (U =ooa o!(U 3 o o) C.of rooo =Eo o.Eoo"o ,o.cF coNoN (.) c{ I (e) NoN N ijo oo- o)cEo CLod vN(>q rO it) (I,otoo-ot *c:)ooEgO69(ELO 6'E -gfo r is c1g ooAL6.EEEM,O@J= ESEG(EA66 hxEOo.E-L p e9d7LO0,* Egs -r & gE tro E tro E Jootr o lno o:o o o oL iL- co .E oo zJ Io 9.o Jdtoo =@ (L :)(L xf,JlL UJ x.t IIJ2 F f mo U) UJoo(r) Ns (L oib6 2o F oo tr)ooo o- oNlifo I(, oz =tro .Eeot o2(E dt,tt, Jo .Y (U 6'J oooo(oF F- t'-c{Nqq FF cccE3 33 33$s $s $s (9N o o, oo)(E (L C'oF o tuoZcUJvF(5I_9o -t-EoE 6= Eoo-o E ES 3 ootr tr .E .ctr.tro(,F o.E:o-o==a 10-eAN=dNqEaptsE'6?6EBE (L(L(L(L O)o)or(\l{){?Y?Y?(, r() ro F-:::'r:r AIC{NN (Y) (f) (r) (O N$lc{(\1ooooNNCIN|r)rorr|r) o)o)o)o (o NoN |r) cr, (')No c\toeo (f) ol(f NoN o, o Go o o (Eo o o oL l& !,o oct B oo U) oLo(I) J o o) .Eo =1'(l)oJoIo. Eoo.(l) .9.EF (Y' Nool 6 o tro E oo o ..(Eoo F '6 o.ot Lo o)J o Oflc{ooolr)Foo o ,, (!oo F ztoz tr) lf)$\t JJ E =F LLo =a F TLoN tr uJNz F:)moatro Ns F Noo 2otr oo osoo o o- IoN$o(, oz tro o .>o ot) Jo -ttrlYgl RRm=l 33ZEI *t8EI P I\f,1Ycl tL crl 'c 'E 'E il'=l S66f fl Es qsEE ol =l2l fii.l-le,zE I €Hn I sES I - Eb3 =l E 2i F B $l s i3 * u)luIl:l$lFlS I a EE ae -l E E t il E f;I E EE E ol (I(L(L(L elN61 6t@ o-l$t{'o 9bl.ic.ic.i6iR Hl I SB Ir:INNNN X ahl Al st c{ c1l3 trI F NX Nlt(9l..tI ol n = olo = .HI N E EI F I ifil Hooli\ 9 "EI Ns El *s 3lE o trl .l*31-gElP otalolO *Ol E PFI =O EIE "gtstH.. a! Ol Xr 3 "e'l F (.)r!oN o N (9(\oat N iio o o-ocEo CLou vNoc{ tr) iri oo tsoo-ou Icf,ooEgOa9-6(Lo o'E(Ufo r" iqo .Qg LoofrLr.EEEu o p- = E3E(E(EAdPLs1=o(EE:CO.m-.. d)LgES A\LOaDYAEJ.:r:<(EF€ta:J6 -3 & gE oAI oo (, CD(, o_ ooF- t-rttoodt FF 6(ES 96(sodro!rEt9E EE gE;o ;o 5() o IUoZtrt!EF(gIOrnJ:U -FE_ -o(,*.41coorxo62ao-5 sfr 3 o.Exoor=ac-!zEczo-et'N=dNpE;pYE'6P-=s 89 E ====(LO.(L(L(o@(ot- b666 ciddc.i ajc.icifi(')(r)(o(f) NNNNooooNNNN NNNN 6INNN cf)6to(\t N:' o q,(L l,)c=oo.ox Fz 5G (t, (, F =:) o (o =ooa oj (goJ g o (,) .g at,5ooo =Eo o- tsoo" E ,osF rtNoN tO it) Gotoo-ot o.E f, oaEgo69-s(Lo 'E(E f,() i I.f ctv oo6Lr.EHEg.on'J = E8P(!(E40,#E!/=o(E3:no.m..L+'E9aiLooJ 9 E:ilJEL=X3 &, gE - (f) oq ;:9t€ ogs : (nt)o(L oiL(U B ooo o-vo 0,J o o, o o(l)o =roo o- Eoo- (1) .9.c,F f-(\I (o dt o.oc N!oE o) =o- <. 9{lo,o.i (t,NoN (o ts ? EIB sr ElBBgEl! El i p t 5r E E EEIE =t ( E F El E E BEIE cl E s sE El E s r;r H El us usus y El esEs fl 5lE I H I EIH I 'fi fi I ; IE I EE -fi I B IB=lEEE,H=lE E=lE El $ iF s E pl $ E i plH I n I =lEl El cri I i I *ls; I ,. e H E sE I e E s I EEIEEFEEEIEEEEI B fil $ *$ E B Sl ; E 6 filq sl E qE il F al E I E ElE El H HH H E El $ H EEIE cl s ss s E sl s sy ,lu s ,l* s ,l*EEIB EEIB EEIS.EgIg ,EgIg .EEIgi :ln i :l* i El* s EIE s ElB 2 flEo;l o "r o;l tEl * t€l *-Er 'Et 'El * I;flsl;fls;;flg Eoo$@N (r)NoN N ijo c)(L o) Eoo.(, d \tNoN ro iu (Uoroo" 0)t Icl @oE9oa9(E(L (-) o 'E(E fo G" I LL;ooALa-.eEEtrooJ= E3Eft(EA66 hxEoo..o-L+re9 6tLOO-E 9 E:TBCLEhi & gE g) GI o C\l 0)g) C'(L t-(\t G)t e EE Eg$s $E oujZ uJf-IotroZEv* (L ETEC{)-zi\,'E 6;o=oo)t= (L(L{("st s?ro@oooi .i(') ('st C\too6lN(o(o oo oL(g B oo <t) ov(UoJ o o) .go ooo =oooEoo E .u,.CF U'oT Ezf r)(\IoN (, N COc{oN t- iio o& EDC o CL o) E. rtNoN tr) it) (sotoo- o)tr @?-c =)o@qa)U4Q69oo-o @ '=6:)o Iq (") E LooALr.EEEx.oaJ= E3E(!rEA6HL!1=o tuE=AO-E-& E9n._Loo.E 9 E]G, o.5E -3 & gE (o N o (o octo(I co E 3 os tr .g .9g 'tr(,oF g 3ootr tro lrl o (!o oE (o NoN (oo (f)N(>6I N(l)dE Eo00 u,8os<FoSLoi(tloJ L o oPcD .=o =Ed)o5 =p co o!xai( q) eaOrE F o 'EA gHootra o o +J oLiI c -.9r! .=o,LJE o ()(oF. t-$rootd FFY Jo .8.!.qzgc,(5oEELtlE)ttEanE5 E5E5 X @IrOJU)a6o) tO.=L(L ozlJZo Emoe-uEPfi[rJoE-LLoo+Es io E i Jo dt o 3 d. cLE;o9?@2,=o<ozo-rtN6<NZE='=EoEco=Foooc) oo ====J(L(Lo.(L t(r)(r)C9oc{t-r-r-;rs?Hei8 I(roooo C\| 6lNN=oooorNNNN oosEss(f,oro)oro9 (, oz =tro (l, (E Att(DI C) El El5l$ $ 5lEIE f EI El s o.:.EliI E E E=EIEl ss EsEE I El lftalI gE f; It_9otrtI Eb - 5 I EI $ EE $ U EItQtl;lI - E= o g II e 9 F e 5 IlF-E.. I el E EF E E El EI :::: .EI(ElvsvoGl Ol sici6irij;Cllcl9e99oel ElsHs$EEl ds=d* EEI s rfil s"Els * o6ls Eln s 3l*;l$ q ;l$:l d:lI5I- I5I- *"1 o *olpFl= E Egl=*il& *Elt "*'l S 3 "gl S YJdl U)zJ lUz (Lot(L lU :<o tr(,z 6 oJFa IU =(f)ao 2otr oo o o o- IooF.oIo oz =to 0)t o U' Jo oorr,ooo o F (f)c!oN (.) N I (oNoN N iio oo- CD E ooon OfloooooF (f)o o.. auoo $NoN lr)- iD oo Loo-(,t @ 'e fooEgOo9(E0-() 'E l9lo r tt+ c) c1g LooAL6".sEEuoar= E8E(!(EA6€r:v=o(Et=0O-6-!ef9 _9 b €i1g A.=b3 & gE g) F.\tot F .g.ERo*€baE -tl? ;i oo)6 o- co E:, o o !(E q) J E -0)E_6o6)8iJoot E'cL c)96 z NXD.=PE oo =() ==6r, (f) (., O, O,sso<> (Q(f)NC{o<)NN o@ oo tro u o oB ooa o:zttoJ o o) .Eofo(Dof:oo o. Eoo_o .aEF (f,NoNoN o) (.,(\Io6Io o) o) CD (oNoal @o (t GIoN bo tlg YJd!zJz t YFoa3 =Fd) lUo troFo I.IJz F:) co rON(r) I\zF ar)ob 2o F oo oc\l(> Iod IooF-o o ()z =E,o (f) F-$ot E (s6 (r6 oo!EE EEo;o (9 F.r+ot P 'i (E o PE;o o)c!(E (,) J o c -O5-oo- o) 6G oo? aFJootDE;uo, z,JZE8C-dtu o'-i0 Eoo6(oo (! o trt(,oF o .Eo o Jo oExoBP 5F9:o=26=z -EN5<616E EE F EET&85 co@@o)o)o(r)(rrooooo(bdi ociocici (f) (f, (o (f, (f) (\INNNNoooooNNN61c\Iqaaeeo) o, o) o) o) o (Uo o 'E8 ootr6 6 iI tr _-9==u_.=J9 oo OeooCD -ONFlr)o o .. (!oo t- oE t,0,! o) (t' ao Jo oL lt o)o) (f, CIoN ro c', tloE (oNoN lr)o (')6lo6toN o) (o N(> N- o) str)\to E g HE HES ES ES o IJJoZctUieF(Er3o -t-c_e9.AZE orYXss R E:o6E-.2z0--u5<N =-!XE6Fco-ooo (L(L(L o:: r: t{@@{?Y?9NNC.) (r)(Y)0(\INNooo(!NN @(o(oooo oNo Io (L ooNoI(, oz =do 6.E f ooEgooo6(Lo o 6 irr;oIc) 6 'E(E fo a6ILot Eo S'e oo Oeoorooc!Ftr,o o..og,a F I<.o eog ooAL6.gEEuoo)= EBE$(E,\6PLVEo (E3--oo.c0..L*.E9AiLOO5 0 xJ =A=cj g sE (fJ GIoN F- iio q) o- (r,EEoo.q) d \t NON rC) iD oo Eoo- 0) M (f) C! or, C, CD6 o- FN 5t a CEg P,8E XOgEg FN 5t F c ,l 3xo Eg c(, o tr (,o Eo" CLo o o)o6:a a 5odtoF-.= Lr.ly7(r=_e6gcoatz6!xoL (gY Eooxo9EH9zo-.EN6<N X=.=XFE6===s 89 s (L(L(I(L(Y) (O r' @Y?Y?Y)Y?F- F. l'- @ooooc"i c.i ci t'i(fr(o(f,(oC\I(\tN(\Ioooo(\I(\INN NNNN NS,NN Eo.o.r,F.$t ootr =o ut oL(5 3 ooa ota(oo) o o,.so =Eoo,Eo o- tsoo.(I) .9,.CF co6toN N N $(\toNo (o NoNoN N o)o, = tro E oo oo F 1'oEo CLoe, (f) F.\to (,Ct (E$E6ro rcEE 9E5();o oLPTAosooe.=o o o YJ cozJ !toz $I(,zo oJt o J E, IFloa (f,o 2o oo o Io (L IooF-o o ()z =dcl o ->($ o aD Jo o uJz UJFTIt-_otzB=oqoq.a(L *ECE oE F6 O0, dd dd oo, c., (')NNooNN(o (oo)o) x GoJ OsooF-Ot-Ft-o o .. (!oo F (9NoN N ijo o)(L CDc ooot vNostr) iD (Eo Eoo-otr IcfooEBO6g-(E(Lc) o '=6fo I.+ g LooAL6"gEEu o ?'= E8E$(E,{66 hxEao.m.. L*.E9dlLOa) SYiE=TBELEks & sE oN o (o o CDs(L ooF- i.-$$oot+ FF 6(sGO 6Oo!rDooro13!EEEE sE eE EE;o 5() 5() 5() *l -l .5El [6:z6lHf;I E i ilEIg =l { ( 9 sl =.El oP * 3.El fi gl EE s, Ei F tlEI FIPl r Pl3l s il gEIFFFgEIHI HI$l $lg l*. Heo s I gEIeFE3EIJ*l E 3 E J*l $q$E$Hq = sl s fr fle a#l s a#l s n "dls * "dlss El* s 3l* 2 EIE s ;lso tLJ o rJ.l.l .l gfil * ggl * *:l *:li EFI= g $Fl= = *El$ u *ElH oolu lrlozoZc Lll c lrjEF=F(EIGI-9(9_99-F-t--5<r-EoE aiz*62do.rYdorY do<N6< qE6o,EEE E?6F:zg:2"0slE<N5<E =E F EH*ccLieos 6& g 3&. (L(LO-(L(L(L ttftNorN ra) .o loi"j'i'irbodcistq!flsstN(\tN(f)()(.)(fr('rr)(f)(oo NN6INNNooooooNNNNNN ororo@@@ @@@@@o o) G' =oo U) o-v(U 0)J o o) .Eo5 lf 0)ofoo o. Eoo" G) ,o -c.l- (f,NoN F. .6 o o(L o)cEo CL rt)E sc\loN (o o) (Uoroo- o)tr o.E f @qE9o69-6o-Q o ' (Elc) Iif, +", ; .-r L6.EEEEO@r= E3E$(E,\q)HLs/=o.E<:no.m..L .F, e99. :8_9JX6-{1!LfEj & sE (, N o h- o CD(I, o- oi([; ooo o (t,oJ o o).c art =]J(l)o5E eo- tsoo.o .oEF *lclgl Bs =l !+ $il coEI E T Itrl(Ul olc'El $cEl Ef $g Inlol(f, IttP*. I fiolJel EE =l E E E s Pl x iE YlHIololcl:l-lo.oo.NIPEE 2 I E 5N E EI E EE olJl=== ol rL{LlL = Fl g eP.:. (Y) cD ol Yol AiGi ;oEl t.roeE El I 88I BI S SSs El s ss9I2 rl r E H$.l sEl s * eHls s Hl _ -lNJloqflB o lrl .l -81-g,El * oloIO ro)l! sFl =x ElmO ljt ci.. H6ls 3 "els $c\IoN |r) h) oorooov. a'i f,oaoooaoa9-e(Lo E(Elo ; t:f cflg ooALT.EEEu o P:tr_eE'6 EXE*.t-v=otES=CIo.6-L- *r c9f,!a-oaD.; o Eln O.=b -: & gE (f) N o6 od) C'(I co E o E c .g .9c (JoF =)ootr co "].Elol EIol olol aLlolcl "l d, (U; ooa o.l<(EoJ Lo o).so:,o(l,() foo o.too-o .aEF (.) C\oN F- (Y)(\t <)N C{N (f,NoN N o,o) o6toN N o E8ootrE 0):o oJdto @N(o u..l o at) =2 F x IU o UJ uJIL rD oo oJooo @ GI @ UJ (f) eo 2o ooJ o$c{o Io (L Ioo(ooIo (,z =tro o2 G dt, @ Jo ooF- F.$$oott FF (uG6 (5N(s o0ro)EE!oE orE oEsti s8 sii tro E: oE o UJoZs l.uvFGI-9oEI -q0taatooYo N S& e tr ooF =5 @oe. oE:oa==@ ao-.E N=dNE.=.-EPE.6P =coE(l)oorl) ====oboo*s:qc?(f) co (', |r)9999 (o (f, (f, c)NN(\t6looooNNNN 6600 o Ito tro (., atoNo (f) 6loN ao (f) NoN @ c -.9gE oa Oec)oCDO(oFo 6' .. t!oo F (o Noc!botr -9 E8ooE,E ztozJzotrol U)o =f(L E IIJJ 6dtu,tr e.[!(L o. trF U) c{(o o. Noo 2o F oo o$ooo o- Ioo(oo o (,z =to o 6 @ Ut Jo (.)o |- F.$\toott FF 'E'-Z(E(!t-U 66F EE EE <3;o;o >2 o utzt!FrIFotsEzBBVNoq\tt<.NN[L o.oz. ccE otNNd!p;?Y'6E6R ==E |r)@@ oo<brb'ii o,6o,(f) o (aNNNoooNNN @ NN @@6 c .g .9 .E(,oF tro lrJ (o o.lo N (Y) co (.)(\IoN N @ o,o) (o c{oN N o oNoNo @ c*8 8'EJE o Oeoowo6Ft-o o ,.6oo F llor UJzo @t-(o (9 J(, U) F c0 E. =F LLoo U)zt tUFF =La rFI(L zo (oF o"1 =a2o F oo o c\l c\to o o- Ioo @o o (9z =E.o -9g8ooEaoclE9 83 ol! tr-B 8:EJ9oo oooF-OF-F(r,o o .. (!oo F (f) No C{ ir iio.E o(L r,,EE o CL(, d u ]U Etolt. UItr F =f rt N(f, N tf) ai oo Eoo-ou .E f 8gO69-e(Lo q 'E Slfo i t/)s ooALO.EE3u o ?: = E8PSIEAa)ULSJ=oaE<=0tL6-Lec9r:l-oAD:,AEJJX6- G:IJ.fAj & sE o(\ o d) ro ED(o rL (f) F.$od ts 6 (s6E EE: /\ !tNoN ro in ootoo-ot El Elsr gls s glE? EIE * El5"1.1t ttp tl $ $$lEl5 E5 EE s El s5 EE s5 fr 8r'u*".'E'l.'u'".'i.l Es E I EA H I€4 E 3 =l F frE E I;lip $ d= gl g iF =- g pl#""1 al$slml s E i 5i I a g E a F IE * N z I N E * N z I:::':l::::E:l;E E E Xl * ** ! I sl3B E H SI ::T I ; SISB n 3 El I EB I 3 ElSS S e q S SS S B q =ds;dsEtI s afil r s "il= e "6lss Hlx s 3l* 4 Els q Elfi6 El 6tr1 scl * r+l *-Er ila -"1 o e6B $Fl = 8afl=:i*ls;isl,F trr- $^u"l S o,c =(E o)J E.9b-(/)o-0) @-o Eo- o,96 NXPE8565 =o ==@(o c.i 6ictoc, ci (f) (f,(\tNooGTN NN @@ oi([ =o al, U) o.YooJ Lo o,.co =E(t)oloo o- Eoo. C' .o F e.lrl =tolt UJx, =3 Icf @a8gQ69-srLo .E .E:) (_) ;. I<f(3 a.og oo.lL6.EEEu. o 2-= E8EG(E,r.C,€r-v=o(ES=o(Lm-&+rt9d\LOoJ 9 E]16 q.=b -3 & gi $lotfot E 666c)qaoNsb pb Eb E]E 5E f,E5€ -s5 -sE Noo)6 o- $rorl-ot ts tro E tt E c .E .9tr3ooF ! Jootr o TUozcul!FG:f3oEi_o(JE;xZEO-OooYo 6o<.o o.ExcL6<=6 zo- -tNA4NPEJEPE'6P==g 8E g ====r)ro()ol:tlT: (f)g?s?ee ooooNNNNooooNNNNoooo.INNN NNNN oi (I, BlEoo U) o-v(o o)J o o) .Eof Eoo roo o. Eoo E .ocF $c{oN $ af)NoNr)st N c', O) co UI (9NoN oN N (o C!o(\t o(\t N YJ d)zJ I.IJ(,u Io CJ) o (L )o E. tuJ o-o UJt E,ulo.(L EFa N(o Io. rOoo 2otr ooJ osooo o-oo(oo o oz tro F- (ONF.$(oo+tTP .65 cQIU06l o t6!) E Z,t,tH3 PE <6v> 5() >z oulz t-llF :Eo tr(,EEZoooo=Nsgoroq.NN(L oo:@@=ecE o!NN4EEPP'6 ooo E&rL LNN :oo:d99 c.i <rl Nor,N3SHNNa9P EIo9bl sHEIx-lH Hd' :ElE g6 EIE sE o ElO ;O a Fl =toltIolFIol l]lItIo-lEtr=Io\-l,looloE"l (JlIIxtx} |o €= I3 96 I:.. INzlE EEIol :sl+.El+bolg?o-lo56l A EEI$sElol..12 Bl I E pls ,lo iEI Ho ol i.iE5l\I "l-s elsu ;l$ o lll .l gEl * ol O *rlg PFI = El* 3 EEI$ o Ec, o ga ootao)oEgo a,a:t olL c*3 E:EJ90,o orocal ooFo(o o..(Eoo F tul =tolI. lrJu t25 c.)No E r) N I (.) 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CD E oo o,tr =t lI. )<2 F Ezf tfNoN ror iu ootoo-ot o--c:) @oEgQ69-s(Lo o 'E(! fo i eog LooALd.EEEtroor= E3E(E(E46#Lv=otgt:0(Lm-l*+rU9AtLOo.E 9 EJtu EL=h _3 &, gE _o o02 i:Ft€ o Eg N(,(,,(s TL c,g (U =ooa o.Y(s c)J Lo o)c t, =Eoo3roIo.Eoo-I .o-cF Eo.o o,o(9 oq C NEoE c) =L o)9 rJ) s!r+ (t(\toN lr)b -la uE El$ $a El* Ei EIE E= el JEIAEI $s $$$EE El $E $i$EE 5l Eu ; I *E r I E Ez E t =l * Efr $ =l$ ;E $ q El e ip E ; Elt "1.' H "l[l El eo E F E Ss I u E H E sr Ie EE e 6 =l E €E E F -rc Ep- s E El E sr E u ;l E EE E 9 I = EE E I .li ee ! e fl f !$ t e E,s s: E E EI & iE E q ?II sE I fi El $ S$ H fi Ele $e e g e"l s s3 s g sl g ,l* g =l*E EIs E EIB gt| $ g+I $s "El= * "dlEs El* s EI* 4 Els q EIE6Elonl cl cl s;l * g5l * E eAI= p eAI= ;*glB;*El$ FrN (ott (f) No(\l F- iio.E c)o-o Eoo. (1,d =E ILvz F Ezf $NoN rr) iri (sotoo-otr a.E f aoEg o6 IL() o'E(Efo ; I frls aoI\Ldr.EEEEOar= E6ErItEA6€r-vtso(U9:CIo-co..L-49,r L. O aDJ 9 EJG A.=3 -3 &, gE F.N (ot e o(\I o (f)N 0) EDo(L FJ t!F J:< .-:f oEd = aE s6 E r.rr = LJ -o :; 2Es - 0-fi g. =o o IUzulFIo troZEv*?3(LN (aNoN t- iio o)(L g) ELoo. o)d sE sg$s $s EBtrc0r-u LP'6Po=oq) ==o-(Lo, F-9Y?lO F-s! s!rt rt(o (ool (\looNNlrr()oo (t) (ot oo U) ox(E (l)J LLo o)cof 1., 6)o =oo o.Eoo. E .an t-- =tr ll Yz Ezf $NoN 1r) id (Uo Eooot o=cf o@Egaoo6(Lo 6'E(Elo I$o g ooa!L&fiEstr.8E.6 EXE!Es1=o(Et=Oo.m-L e9E b €itn ELEkj & sE