HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-005097UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUry JAN !'- ,' January 15,2024 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECETPT NO.9590 940280342349 0369 94 Bryce Bird, Director Division of Air Quality Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake city, Utah 84114-4820 RE: MACT Subpart CC Report - Equipment Leaks - 2od Semiannual Report for 2023 Reference DOJ Case Number: 90-5-2-1-07689 Civil Action Case Name: USA et al V. Big West Oil Civil Action Case Number: 1:13-cv-00121-BSJ Dear Mr. Bird: In accordance with the reporting requirernents of 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CC, Big West Oil LLC (BWO) hereby submits the semiannual report under $63.655(dxl). This report also contains the information required per the Big West Oil LLC Consent Decree (No. l:13- CV-00 I 2 I ), Paragraph 1 05(c), which was entered on Novemb er 14, 2013 . BWO Consent Decree l:13-cv-00121-BCW: QV.L.l28 - Certification: I certiff under penalty of law that this information was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified persorurel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my directions and my inquiry of the person(s) who manage the system, or the person(s) directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. Please address any questions concerning this information to me directly at (801) 296-7763. Sincerely, ^klwRefinery Manager Eoclosue: Attachmmt I - l&kDAS - l€ks Detail Report (R304 l) 96-ENV-2373 B-2-10122 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparbnent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page I of8 MACT Subpart CC Report - Equipment Leaks - 2nd Semiannual Report Number of Subpart CC Leaking Valves: $60.a87a(c)(2)(D - 10,000 ppm leak definition Process Unit July August September October November December ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD Number of Subpart CC Leaking Pumps: $60.487a(cx2)(iii) - 10,000 ppm leak definition Process Unit August September October November December 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 July 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF AIR OUALITY J,\ll 2 ? 2l,?4 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 2 of8 Number of Subpart CC Leaking Compressors: $60.487a(c)(2)(v) - 500 ppm leak definition Process Unit July August September October November December 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD Number of Subpart CC Leaking Components Not Repaired as Required by $$60.482- za(d)(t),6O.ltz Process Unit July August September October November December 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE FGR GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 3 of8 Subpart CC Components on the Delay-of-Repair (DOR) Listing during reporting period lncludes comDonents reoaired and removed from the Process Unit DOR Component lnformation Leak Detection Date Date Repair Delayed Delayed Reason Date Off Delay lD No.Ghem State Class MSCC c-201 GV COMPRESSOR 09t29t2022 10t13t2022 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shutdown 01to112025 2nd Semiannual - MACT CC Periodic Report - $60.487a(c) Dates of Process Unit Shutdowns within reporting period: $60.487a(cX3) Process Unit July August September October November December ALKY 10t27-10129 BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS tU9-1r/r0 ISOM tU9-tt/10 LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU/AMINE/SWS TANKFIELD 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparhnent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 4 of 8 Subpart CC Revisions to Component Counts per $60.487a(b): $60.a87a(c)(a) Process Unit No. of Valves' per $60.487a(bX2) No. of Pumps' per $60.487a(bX3) No. of Compressors' per $60.487a(bx4) ALKY AMINE BUTAMER CRUDE GAS PLANT HDS LPG MIDW MSCC RAIL LOADING REFORMER SRU TANKFIELD 245 0 53 808 70 257 71 7 349 110 1242 5 2008 2 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 7 2 16 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 t No. of components represents the counts at the end ofthe reporting period End of Subpart CC - Equipment Leaks - Data 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 5 of8 LDAR Consent Decree - LDAR Report - 2od Semiannual Report ln accordance with the Big West Oil Consent Decree (CD) 1'.13-ctt-00'121-BCW (filed onO8l23l2013) the following reporting requirements per Part V.L.105.c are included in this MACT Subpart CC semiannual progress report: LDAR Recurring Training - BwO Consent Decree 1:13-cv-00121-Bcw Sv.L.91: gV.L.105.c(1) For personnel newly assigned to LDAR responsibilities: $V.L.91.a BWO provides site-speciflc LDAR training during the contractor onboarding process and site orientation prior to any work performed. For all personnel assisned LDAR responsibilities: SV.L.9l.b BWO personnel assigned LDAR responsibilities receive annual LDAR refresher training through a computer-based training (CBT) each calendar year. For all other Refinerv ooerations & maintenance oersonnel: tV.L.91.c Refinery operations & maintenance personnel complete LDAR refresher training through a computer-based training (CBT) each calendar year despite the required every three-year interval in the Consent Decree. lnitial LDAR training is completed with on- boarding of all personnel during the site-specific orientation prior to entering the facility. Contract emDlovees oerformino LDAR work: GV.L.91.d Contract personnel performing LDAR work received LDAR training with the site-specific orientation prior to entering the facility. LDAR Valve Monitorin BWO Consent Decree I : l3-cv-0012 I-BCW: $V.L.105.c(2) Process Unit List sv.L.105o(2)(a) Activer Count Sv L 1os.d2xc) 3'd Quarter W*ilfl,Li,g 4th Quarter Monitoring 2nd Semiannual Period Leak Repair Data Next Projected M21 Event Valves Valves M21 Leaks Valves M21 Leaks Late lnitial Late Effective Repair Delayed MMM/YYYY NTM DTM NTM DTM NTM DTM ALKY 1 180 22 1',t70 &oos 0 8 1171 legs_.. 0 3 0 0 4 MAN2024 _(3d Morllltl _ AMINE 203 0 203 0 0 203 0 0 0 0 0 JANl2024 BUTAMER 663 1 663 0 1 663 0 3 0 0 0 MAN2O24 CRUDE 1218 18 1215 &oos 8 2 1215 rcos 0 3 0 0 0 FEBt2024 (2d Mont[L- GAS PLANT 505 1 505 1 2 505 0 2 0 0 0 MAN2024 HDS 645 5 645 0 1 645 0 3 0 0 0 JANt2024 ('l3iMonthl.._ LPG 872 1 865 12-OOS 0 I 872 0 1 0 0 1 MAN2024 (3d Month) MIDW 93 1 93 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 JANt2024 --ffl-lu$tD MSCC 1137 23 1137 0 3 1137 0 1 0 0 0 FEBt2024 _ (2d Month) _ RAIL LOADING 106 0 106 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 JANl2024 /{s tr^nth\ REFORMER 2130 33 2130 2-OOS 0 5 2128 2-OOS 0 6 0 0 0 FEBl2024 (2d Month) SRU 68 1 69 3-OOS 0 0 69re 0 0 0 0 1 JANl2024 (l"t Month) TANKFIELD 2685 24 2684 lAOOS 3 1 2673 &oos 3 3 0 0 0 JANl2024 ( l "t Monlh) #-OOS ihdicdtes the serutce qwrterly method upeclion.|IOOS indicates the numbet oj componenls isolated Jrcm proces I Active counts rd7ect the cowt at the end ofthe reporting peiod. 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 6 of8 LD AR Monthly Pump Monitoring - BWO Consent Decree t:13-cv-00121-BCW: 9v.L.105.c(2) Process Unit List W L lo5.d2xa) Activer Gount sv.L.1os.d2xc) Pumps (LL) 3'd Quarter Monitoring w.L.105d2Xb) Pumps per Month 4u Mr Pur 'Quarter rnitoring w.L.105d2xb) nps per Month 2nd Semiannual Period Leak & Repair Data M21 Leaks Late lnitial !D.y Late Effective Repair DelayedJSoND ALKY 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 0 0 0 AMINE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --0 0 0 0 BUTAMER 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 0 0 0 CRUDE 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 2 0 0 0 cns plAr.lT 8 T_8 8 8 8 8 4 0 0 0 HDS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 LPG 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 3 0 0 1 tr,ttOW __ 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSCC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 0 0 0 RAIL LOADING 2 1 --T- 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 REFORMER 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 1 0 0 1 SRU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TANKFIELD 93 92 100s 92 92 91 91 89 2 0 0 0 indicates the number ofcoilponerls iplated frun process dnd not in VOC seni<lor schedu,ed uoilthly method 2l irepection. t Actite cowts rflect the comt at the end of the reporting peiod. Repairs not completed as required within Reporting Period for Delayed Repairs & Chronic Leakers BWO Consent Decree 1:13-cv-00121-BCW: SV.L.I No. Repairs not No. Chronic Leaker completed within the Repairs not required time frames completed at next under $V.1.103 turnaround as (Delay-of-Repair) requiredby$V.L.104 $v.1.105.c(2)O SV.1.105.c(2)(k) September December 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Department of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 7 of8 Cc: CERTIFIED MAIL RETIIRN RECEIPT NO. 9s90 940280342349 037076 Director, Air Enforcement Division Office of Civil Enforcement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code 2241-A 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C. 20460-0001 CERTIFIED MAIL RETI]RN RECEIPT NO.9590 940280342349 83 Director, Air Enforcement Division Office of Civil Enforcement Attn: Norma Eichlin c/o Matrix New World Eng. Inc. 26 Columbia Turnpike Florham Park, NJ 07932-2213 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 9590 940280342349 O37O9O Assistant Regional Administrator Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 CERTIFIED MAIL RETI.]RN R-ECEIPT NO.9590 940280342349 037106 Utah Division of Air Quality Multi Agency State Office Building 195 North 1950 West - 4th Floor Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 841l6 Delay-of-Repair List per $V.L.103 (Currently Leaking) BWO Consent Decree I :13-cv-00121-BCW: QV.L.105.c(2xe) Delav or Repair Summarv - AII Leakinq ComDonents Awaitinq Turnaround Process Unit ponent lD 3055 Gompone nt Class Chem State lnspection Date Delay of Repair Date Reason for Delay Expected Repair Date ALKY VALVE GV 911212023 912712023 Repair lnfeasible 12t30t2023 ALKY 3590 VALVE GV 9t12t2023 9t27t2023 ruprr lrfeasrble w/o Shutdown 12t30t2023 ALKY 3507 VALVE GV 9t13t2023 9t18t2023 Equipment is isolated from the process and does not remain in VOC service 11t30t2023 LPG 058800 VALVE LL 910512023 912012023 11t22t2023 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shutdown 1113012023 LPG 07-P-73024 PUMP LL 11t10t2023 Equipment is isolated from the process and does not remain in VOC service 11t22t2023 MSCC c-201 COMP GV 912912022 1011312022 Repair lnfeasible 0110112025 REFORMER 61-XV-6628 VALVE GV 11105t2020 11t20t2020 Repair lnfeasible w/o Shutdown 11t15t2023 96-ENV-2373 Mr. Bryce Bird Deparhent of Environmental Quality January 15,2024 Page 8 of8 Electronic Copies: imack@matrixneworld. com kim.vounioo@epa.gov jmarsieli@utah.eov UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIW JAN 22 2024 DIVISION OFAIR OUALITY Big West Oil LLC - North Salt Lake Refinery MACT Subpart CC - Equipment Leaks - l* Semiannual Report Attachment L Initial Attempt at Repairs on Valves - $V.L.96 BWO Consent Decree I : I 3-cv-00 I 2 I -BCW: gV.L. I 05.c(2)(i) LeakDAS - Leaker Detail Report (R304_l) Action Level: Intemal Leak (200 ppm) 96-ENV-2373 (o F-totI (uER0,*q6E5 ;o)(E(L q)c =(EoJ E_0,H6cLo R9 E'cLo96=Z N:p.=PE =cC,o =o o) o) 6(boo;; (" c.,N(\oo61 (\t oo$,t No) o, (Y) otoNoN CD o) G =ooo o.YooJ Lo o)c atf Eoo =Eo o- tsoo.o .9.-cF (aNo(\,t lr) o a.) c\toN ra,N O) 6) O) = (r)$looloN o) tro E = oE tr .E .9tr (,oF =ootr co uJ o .Eo tro ooClo t .g G CLot zto I()x UJ LLo uJa FILo Iox trJz UJo UJtt IU eo rOo(r, I lU (r)oo 2o tr oo N ooIo (L Ioo(oo Io ciz =tro ooF.Nt+to6tt FF .g .g .o (g(U(E686EE'E'EE cE EE;o ;o ;c) o tuEDztruJ =F(E-d, .nJ:=-t-E- -a9Ci^ZEoocLo-o 6(5<.N E=o-5F9zo--u6<N =.=XE(EF886 61 6l ttlttOc.i 6i ciY?C?Coo (f) c., (.,(\t$lNoooNNN NNSI cD 6) 6) o.oE (\I E'o.c o) = = 6ltN Y?o (r, (\,toN N CD tro E og c .Eo .c(,oF =ootr o UJ afoo 9 tt Eg o gE orr c -.o 8E oo $ Ef oot.. E6 3 "p' (f)No(\t N CD (aNoN i\N CD (f, No N F. o) o)o) (r) 6,to(\l AI O) YJm t (L FdI =fto ]Lo IU o o J lJJfIL IFfoa 1r)ot- Io o 2o oo o oo Io o- Io(o @o o oz =tro (7' t-F-Nto(o tt (5 O- E5 $E Eoo lf) rt o.oE Noo.c o = =o-t- Y? @q? N (")NoN o, N (')(\lo(\ N (\l co E J L oE OtrHE o=NE(o(r) Jlr ot I.JJx =IU o=\-oH&tro ]U ]UII 5x Noo 2OE L6)k'i()o oR8o9b EEACLH2o 6gE =EEEx& o'88 oo. tE 6q tD9!D\l=Eolr c -.9(U.=e.=.r -t$oI -olr $Fi oEt 0,lo?l .. iE Olo o*lEfiI (f)NoN (a N I (oNoN F. 8 0,(L o)cEo CLot sfNoN lr) ir, oo Eoo-o E. E CLo. @ cloE NEoc. o =(o ri.ifl (aNoN N (\l o=clooEgo69-s(Lo @ 'E(E fo o.E.E asootB o o oLiI o2 (U oo Jo o(o-orr)Fo(f) o .. (!g)o c.3 8'= oo sNoN (f, c.)(\loN \tN N o)o) = (r,6lo(\t (t N 3 I$o(v) E_ trooCLlvO.E6Et o 2!= E3E(!(EA6 otu5=oo.co: L+rE9E b €i(trEL=hi & pE (r,N o(\ o CD(u o- oiL(5 =ooq oYooJ L o o, .gofooo5ooLo. tsoo.o .9 F YIdEl Ffl.Dtsl;el+tr|e :El: .EliElPIol =ltI =lelLL rlHEIvplf,lllEIIl:lzl EEIot9l.l3ElCrlo 'El: aJl Bglol 2El =slx:l 'E8l ool. rtl iEl ;l 2Elo lll .l EEIotol -.1 E PFI (', lll *81 3 "p'l (') F-F- Olto(otiPP o 6- ES $E EEEL O.CL CLo)(o(ot (f) o. o.ooEE (\t (\tEEoos5oo, trl o(\l :.5frt.i=E&NR@=E6rSN C7'(\toN (\I N tolo(\t N (oNoN (9N N o)o) = (Y'NoN @ N co E =oE c .E .9c (,oF ==oot co lu !zJ(D U)a (L E) UJo U) U)toF z -e. foJ TL TUo TUz Lot(Ls (., IF No 2o oo oo)ooIo o_Ioo cf)oIo 6z =to (') (9NF.ri \toodt FF (5oau -gs(Eooc,EtrocE EE EE;o 5(J ;o oulEDZctJJ =F(oI-9oelE#2ECL-CLoor-o: i? B cLE:^o.a==a zo--ENA4NPE'EP6'6?6r86 =od= loooo+rbrii6Flo ro 1o ro 6(b(;(b(9 (O (A C)NN(\INooooNN(\I(\I (\tN(\t6t (') (D CD CD o .Uo tro (,o CLoE t,oL E CLot o gdootr6 o o .glI- tro 6.=q|.= oo fO@CLPF tl.9H6o8. u o2(E itt,oIo (r) @tr)(o o (v)6to(\,t ol o) 4.,NoN eo (Y)No(\t (o (\,I o) o,o) (oNo(\l N o) co E =oE c .E .9cc(,o =ooG tro lu o (l,oco ooooE toL EClot o.EA asootrt o Jo.: oLiI o a! .=q.= oo eo,onPF t,oora aEOoEt o .>(u o U'Io (!o $ C, t- YJdl uJoo JJtuI U) (LoF UJoo lrJzozooz u.lo uJtt LrJ-to (oo(o lrJ @oo 2otr oo ooIo o_Ioo(f)oIo ciz =E,o (q F.to4 F (E(u l9 -gcroEI'E EEo ;o Eo-o.or-N o.os NEoE o) = = l'- qD @I (r,(\toN o6t (D Y tszf c.)No(\t c) (\t I (v) Nocl r- €o (,(L o)CEoo. o)d $c{oN lo ir, oo Loootr 9_clo6E9<)@9-s(Lo o'E(Elo -ltofi,L trooALd"gEE,xooJ = E8EG(UXE6 hxEo o.6:h E 5Hi I El lttLf=i & gE F-N (ot P (oNonto o) (9NoN{o (v) 6lo(\t !t(\I O) o, O) = (0(\toN o) o) co E, tso E YtrJ(!gI'5 ='EFEco8 UJFoazt UJtoo llJ lU LL ltJ =a85t tr)oLt-oIl-- c.) S 29ELq,k'ioo oP8o9budE-\o)<o(oLo dg!, =E,.8 E& o'88 oo, tE 'Ro,5t E=5.2orL tr -.9a! .=c.=Jb o eo) 5 pE N(f) Eoo,P .. a6Oo o*sil. (r,t-to d E (o F-to dt _ (r)EE .d PE oY> o CDo(L CDcI(EoJ E_oE_6o-oRi (u(s(E (E.!(EEEEEE'E'PE 9E gE;o 5() ;o ocL o,96=Z NXp.=PE q,o =o 1r) lo ri c.jc9o) o) c., (.,NNooNN(D O) o) o) oltlcDztrLu =F.E-C) ,nJ:<EI:-o()FdzE oo-oF Etr E T'cLd)=cLor=@cllEc Z,o--=N=dNp=J9tsE'6ts =co-(I)oo0, =oct= (L&o-(L @@co@ssJsq) o) o,ttrY?(f) (r, c., c) (" (v) c., d)NAINNoooo(\INNN @6@@ N(\INN (t) o =ooa ov(UoJ Lo o) .Et, =oo C)fEo o- EoooL .9. .c.F (Y'NoN co (\t t$loN N (o No $,t (o(\t N CD O) a.,(\toN @ (\t tro E) o E tr .g .9tr!dE<lF (o IF UJ U)tF-zotre t-ollJ ozt UJo UJt lr)o(f) I UJ No 2oEFE oo o (!o Co (,ooos oo.= a! CLot o 8ciootrt o o oLir tro (!.=c.=J9 G,o eo,@cLPF t,oo+, a!OoE E, ooIo o-oo(r)o o oz =tro o (U oo Jo o)(O @(f) o F tfrr)$ot e sta, 3 4 E $E $! $! o tJJcDzEt! =F(EI-99Ei-(,(,t,aazLO--oooxo o(E<.+ !,cLo=cLo==a zo--uN=dNE=JPtsE'ts?6E&6 =oci= ==== @@@@*stq!oootooo6;:J: (o(ro(')N$lNC\rc)ooo(\,INNN NNNN CD CD (D CD Y =f (')NoN (') ^l I c.)NoN F- iio o,I EDEEoo. o)t \tNoN lo id oo Eoo-ot o=EloaEgo6o(tr(LO o.E 'Elo I$oc')g tOoALdgEEt o 2-= E3E(!6.\6+rgv=o(E3=oo.o:L+.E96iLod)-= I ElntEL=hi & sE (f)N otocno(L F.N It ccg etgE XE(U x6 = E= t-(\I I I tr RgXE' EE Eo. CL ro ooo .EY U)FJo c0grF.= ul 6=9'ogooz6uro+6o E'o=o5rez,c)- -E6<o.t=.:x!1(EFco=ooo)()ci= roloo:qlY?F-t-o II: (f) (o (o(\1 (\l $toooN(\IN NN(\I NN6I CLoc $t!,o.c o = = 1r) :q F. ':- C)No o,t N N Eo.cloN(a c.)(\toN (\l st oi o =ooo ov(5oJ o o) .= art =ooo foo o. tsoo. E .t2 F tt(\toN o (r)NoN (o(\t 6t O)o) = (aNoN (\t C\I tro EYfILcoa o_ LIJ H.(!Ii .ez=tElrJ OJl-ooo I U)f,Jlr (L (L lu=AE5t d)oL (o F UJ (ooo 2o?E6k,ioo o a!+oo9b o-EAOXo;6tro d 9!r=s,'6xe o aEoo 9 t6 69 EEIEol! -.9 EE oo eO g pF \t !,oo'P.. ilo I o.go F*(\t (o d P $g $g o uJz tTJFIIFoZE =RqoIS E*EC(I)-EdN;p'6P a=EE ==ro (o:q!(Y) ro99o) o)(v) ("NNoosso) o, o) o) (aNoN (a (\l I (?,NoN F. ii6 oIL o)c oo. c,t $NoN\rr) id oo Eoo.otr o=trfoaEHo6o(E&o oo'=(Elo a Ito (Y) E_ tooar l-6.gEEt o ?!= E3PG(E,,{6 oaEt=OEo- LPc9itLOiD-i o ti(6EL=hJ & PE c.)N o 1r) oo)(u(L Eoi oo U) o-vooJ Lo o)c IA =ooo:fT'o o-toooL .9.-cF ooG o E o c .E .9EsooF \t$to totifooitPE ccceg eig Pg$E $E $E o UJcDzcuJgF(E-O.nJ:IEi -(uq,ci^zEoood):aos i? E cLExcLal=6 z,()--=s.E$$PE.EPEsBT =oc/= co lu o .Eo co (,o CIoc ==== NNNO)999Y?oro)o)oec?q?so) o) o) o) (r) (Y) (', (.) NNNNoooo(\INNN\tr\\o) o, o) (', Fzoo $(o F..s F kx IIJ LLooa =azox L,u o LrJ lrJ]LoJoo NOil3 $(f)oob9 2o oo oF.oo Io o- Io(or{o I(, oz =tro tro E) o :q tr .E .9tr !(.,oF =:aoE co IIJ o (lo !to.:o CLot o 8c5ootE o Jo +i o l! c -.9o.=oL oo e6,0cLPF t, "9aEoo8. tr (D 6 q, v,Io 3t.- Y F I(os CJ F (f,NoN F- o) (r,(\toN (\tN C') (a c\toN N o) o)o) = (Y)Nool\ O) ztooJo TL2 !t N Y UJ lJ-o =atoFO IIJtt TU Ffdt r,(orif It oo 2o F oo o@oo Io {L Io@ 8 I(, oz =tro (f, (r)i'- F-$\toodd FF (E(E(E (E(E-9 ooooEro9E PE 9E;o ;() ;o o u,EDZcul =FOI-9oEIE#2ECL-O-oo-os i? s Eo.0)xo-o==a z,(t--=NA4NEEJqP'5'6PETEE ====o)O)O)\f$\t* 'i.i rb 6 c;9! 9! ft q?oooo (f) (f' (f' ("N(\N(\IooooN(\INN F-NNNo) o) o) o) -9 Ffl 9 tE Eg o 8=1 .E_orr oOr(r) o3Poo o .. (!oo Eo 8'= oo (r)6loN F. C') c.,NoN N N o) r) NoN N O) O) O) = (Y)$loN\o) co E)L os E .E .9 c,s .JoF ==oot tro ul o Go g o (,oooE (r) coooJo1rz o(o Yo ILo uJo E IJJ too (, Lf,lrlY N@s.--tLL!J $(IQz FJ 2o oo Noo ao o- Io(o$oIo (,z =tro t, .g a! CLod o'88 oot=o o o ,9l! tro G'=c.=Jts o €OocLPT Itoof aEoo8. t, l o2(E ooIo oorO O)ooo o (o6lo(\ (a N I (r)NoN F- iio o(L o,c ooo E. slc{o c\l rO id oo Eoo-otr o =cloaEgo69s(LO @'E(o lo I\fo C9t_ Looa-! Ld.gEErroo) = E3EG(E,A6:L!1FoaEt=oo-m:LrE9atLoo_v I Ei(E EL=b -9 &, gE 3tot P tro\tott c.,otoN NN O) (Y) NoN N o o)o, = (f)No(\t\o) tro E = o E tr .EY'6coEFE Ld) uJFo F- LIJodoJ-()e(JE =Utz,o (9to so) YL Eo 2OEE6k'i C)o o88o?b dEAcl 8ts d 9E =E='Ex& o'98 oo. tt Eg ct8II -.e ol! c-E8'E oo r6, H PF 1r) !loo'P .. i6Oo o*Til (a F-F. Alto(otaEP g 6-I ESE5 $E (.,N o (o oo)(E(L $! $E $E o lJJoZc LlJgFOIC, .nJ:Z -j-E_ -99 =bz'EorYE3 i? & cLExcLa<=a z,o--tNAdNE =i E =co=oooq) =oci= NNN(Y)999q!@@@oY?Y?Y?9@aooo)(') c) (o (D(!NNNooooNNNN\\\\o) o) o) o) C OEocL ..r cL lr)(ool@ o. o.ooss NNEEoo oo == ==5frE}(iSfrR(!x :bd5 (7)$toAI to CD (f) (\,tosat)(\l o) cr)6to(\l F. CD (1l G;rtsooa oxooJ LLo o)c aDfooo =oo o. Eoo.o .9.-cF (9NoN O) O) o)O) = (oNo$ltt o tro E o E c .E .9cE(,oF (., F-F- (\trio(odtEI _(E 6-I E3qE $s Fzoo d!$(o F-s F kx lJJ LLooaozox UJo uJT! TLo)oo NN^bodR(')o,Or oi- 2otr C'o ot-oootro@$oI(, ()z =tro = o,ot co ul o (!o o t,o CIoE Eo.=lu CIot o'88 ooEao EEoo.oo.o(oro \t C! o. cLo6SE $,t (\lE' !'oo.cEoc) == s=t(LEE59(;SfR{R:bo)b o Jo .?lt co .E oo o CLF l,oto CLot o2o ooIo !(! co ols(o FrTr+P(o$ o..ooo tr lrJ = f m =f (aNo(\l (f, N I (7)(\to(\ l.- iio o(L o)c Eoo-oE \fNoN lf) r ii oo Eoo.otr .9_cfooEgo6g.e(LO o'E -glo 3 I\fofi,I tsooALdgEEt e e_= = EdH(E(E:6E\/1'oo3=Oo.corLrt9o he"tJ\,.8=rrrEL=ki & gE (')N o F. o)o)(u(L o (E =lEoo U) ol<(UoJ LLo o)c'6 =Eool1'o o_ Eoo. E .9,tF EoOE NE Y (L.! JC'a'=u)= oULa[lo =f,oo or o= IJ98)^ t EEIroo-5 53'ioo.z. 8>.= 29'cF9 (,oJ oIR8o9bU-EEACIXoEs d Y :Et =E='EE& F.6t (ot P F(\t 6t E c slg $E () ar0)8 E€6 x6 = E> Eo. CL (o @ oc,ooY U)FJodI E'L .E lIJ 6=-9 'ogdI0tz7^ ul o+ 6!l Eoo. N N !,cL(l)=cLa<=ocliEc Z.0)--=N=dN9,EJEPE'6? (l)ooQ) ====(L(L(L(L ra, ro 1r) c)Y? Y? Y? q? @@@o:r:llNNNN(o(')(r)r,NNNNooooN$INN(o (o (o (o o'88 * pE sH 8frF_orl tr -.9r s.ESo Y ro+ pF 3!, s€.. ino 3 o&o (')NoN (o (r)(\lo(\t (\l (.)(\loN N O) O) (.)oloN (o dIN s(L LLo Bo Fl!s rO @ s lJ- (L JzoF :$E to kzIo t TL osF o-ibd 2o ooJ oR8eb u9trEAO3e d 9!, =Ex& -g'88 oo 9 tt sE nf1F_orr co IU (') (oi.- F-\i i'oo FF .q .E .q(g.9 19(l)0)0).rroo EE 9E EE;o ;C) 5() o iU o1ct! =F(E-()rn -j-c_E#2ECL-CLoor-ox i? 3 E'cLd)xo-2ZF9Z.o--=NA4NE.EJEtsE'6P6886 =otr= ====(L(LtL(L (o(o(Y)$1r) l(, ra) (Y) fiairi&ioooo ni c.i cri c.j(?, (o (o (Y)ol(\tNNoooo6.INNN @coooNNNN o) cD o) (,) trox..=I'E oo(r) O PO@ qrcL 5 PF OE oo,P.. E6o o*f,il, (Y)(\to(\t @N o) (r)NoN (o o (?) c\l<)N (Y) o O) O) = (f,No(\toN o) o E = o c .E .9 g(,o =JooE tro UI zto JFFcloa[! t- tr) JFFdI Folaz (L =oo-a JIL uJto sIo rOoo 2o oo '9.EooOo9busdEAcr5e d 9!t =Ee8E& -g'98 oo 9 t6 sE EtIEol! c-8O.=(D.! ooo g $g o!,od,P .. aEo9 08 Fu ulofto tszf (r)NoN (') (\I I (f)NoN l'- iio oIL (,)cEoo.ot sNoN ro id oo Eoo.otr o=clooE9Oo9-E(Lo o 'E(E f() I\fo co tr_ Iioor.!LdgEE E,O@J = E8P(!(o,40) o(E3=Oo.corL E96rLOOi I El16 ELEb -3 & gE (.,N o @ oo)(E(L o(oF- l.-tt*oodd FF (E(U(E -g-Esoroc)ot,Eq5 E5 E,! o lrJozcUJ =Fcr-O, .nJlu -Fc,-_o(J E-a=Eo-o-cLP i? 3 !,cL(u=cL86E2z,d,--=N=<(\rP.=JE oF:t,(gr it6if6) =oct= ====@@@EHESCD (r' (Or**I o) coclco(qNN$rXoooNNNS lritt*tNGIC\IEbbb@ oNoN rr,N @ o (si o ah (n o.Y(UoJ Lo o)E'6 f EooJEIo. Eoo.oL .9. t- (')(\IoN 6 o) (')(\IoN(n AI 6 o)o) = (Y)NoNtN @ coi= j2 +cE.qFo =E-oUg ot o Io JlrUYe 5EYT,o TLoz F LL (oeo 29ELq,k,ioo o anxoo9b dE8fr8: dgE =o xp o'88 oo. cB ;io5E Ei1 -.e olL c-8 8:E .,o O s0, E ps t,oof..i!0o o*sil. (?, (oF- l-ti ttoottPI E g, 6OTJJ ij6FE O 2,,,EE PE <U;o ;o >z o lrJzutF-(, tr EE2ELCL-oo-33?!t(L oo=6a*ccE oz EEoo.= 664 (L(Lo- (Y)OO c'i F- r-q!::: (\t(troool (\t (\loooN6INto)o)NNN @@@ (f)No(\t (r, N I (v)(\toN F. iio o(L E')cEoo c)t $c{oN rJ)r r o oo Eo CLo E, o.E l o6Ega)@9rs(Lc) o'E(Elo I\fo aot_ troo|.rLd.EEEysE; L(JF(5(EA6L!1=o(Et=Oo-o-L+.E9 6tLOO)i 0 E:E & -fr,E J E, d< c.)$t o o)(, o)(s(L o (Ui ooa ov(UoJ o o)c'6 f DoofEo o. tsoo E .9..c.F co E J oE .E .9trE a,o F-$t (o dt $! $g $g F-(\l (o at oot o TIJcDztr LlJEF.o-O) ,^_J :U -F-5oEAzEo0,:aoE Str E tro lu o.8xcLo==a z(D- -tN=4NP.ZJ9PE'ro?(I)ooo) ====(L(Lo.(Lo)o)o)NY?99Y?()roroF. c.i ni <.i c.i(" (7) (O (A6l N (\l (\loo<)oNNNNla! ra, (, r() o) o) o, o) zJ Io 9,o Jdloa Bo (L =f(L xfJ lJ. lrJt.t uJz F f(Do 9,ulo tr!(r) N YL o-jb6 2o oo g a! 'bOo9b o.ERfr8r d 9!,=sesxp o aEoo, t6 Eg o 8* IL ol! Eo-l'E 8'= oo E EgEEooli .. a6O P o.go (?,NoNlo CD (r, C!oNo (f, O) (oNoNoN o) o)ct) = (?,$lo(\l rr) O) tro E = oE c .s .9cE(,o =oot co IIJ o a!o tro (,oooE !, .g GooE ztoz 1r)lo\t Y J E =Flro 3 U) FttoNt IUNz Ffdto U) 'JJo N YF Nao 2o oo o\tooIo (L IoN$oIo (,z =t,o (o (')t- t-\ttoodt FF (E(E(u (E(u6 ooo)ooEEE PE PE;o ;C) 5() otut:)ztr LJ.l =l-(sI_99 -FE,,E#2ECL-CLod)xo ESd*E Eo-o):o@==6 Z.o-.EN=4NE.=JPPE'6? q)oo0, ====o_(Lo_(L(\tNNcO'::Irs!o) o) o,::qtY?NNNN(f) (o (', (oNNN6IooooNNNN NN'IN (\ N C{ C\,t -g'88 ooE,=0)oEgo gf l=Eorr tr-3 8:EJE0,ooO e6) E PF ot,oof .. iloo o*f,il (f,NoOI N 6l (f,(\loN F.N N (f) 6loN F- (\l o) O) (t,$toN (\t (\l co E = os tr .E .9E.E(,o tro IIJ YJ(D zo(f,sY LLt3F ILo =o FtLlo tr LrjNz FfdIoa IJJo N$F rOoo 2otr oo o$oo Io (L IoN 3I(, oz =da oot o (!o co a,o CLos E .g a! CLotr o g8 ootr6 o o o iI tr -.9EEJts o rd,at, cLPR t,oof iE Olo&l trl I o2o oo Jo ooc{(r)ooo (9 zIo.o o =f (f,Nos C) ol (')NoN t- iio o(L EDcEoo. (1,u sc{oN lr) in oo Eoo.ot @ =clo6Ego6o6(Lo o.E(E fo =I$o (Y) E_ LooALdgEEE,OOJ = E3P(!(UA6 L.v=o(E3=oo-(Drr--Eq6tLOA).; a El(II ELEb _3 & gE (7)(\t oo o CDo(L (') c.,F. F.t$ootd FF c,auo G66666EEE9E 9E EE5() 5() ;o oulcDzc u.J =F6-()rnJ:U -Fc,_ -('(J\@2tr ooxo cLExcL6==6CIZEE z,d)--zN:^dNp.E;pPri'6P (l)oo0) ====(L(L(LO-(o@@F-Y? Y? Y? Y?oooN c.iriai<'j (9(O(f)(')(\t$tN(\toooo(\t $,t (\t (\t N6INN NNN(\I Fz 5 o-o o tzl oiL(U =.Eoo v) oY(UoJ o o)E'6 =Eoo =Eo o. tsoo-oL .9-cF (r,(\to N (Y) (\t I (v) NoN F- iio (l)(L cncEoo.(t)i. sC!oN lo o oo Eoo.otr eEf o@Egoo9-qo-o o'E(U l() I$o c4tt_ Loo|.rLdgEEEita,rE6EL(])F(E(E^iit6 EXEOo.coILnEgok.9"ll<!riE=15 CLEb -3 & gE _ (') E-E E$E =o) cD(o(L oL(5 =.Eooa ov(UoJ LLo o) .Co:, Eoofoo!o. tsoo. E .9, !F F-nt (ot E Eo.o. E(\t CLoc NEo-co =(Lrt c..lloI(\t c)(\loN (o o YIdEl F=ltrl!l?EIlrl I -el(L .El EEI HPI =l9lulI(, IoltIolt*l iElYI 5lolilEIol Iz. I EEIotolJ.l 6ElFEIo 'EldElE E'lEIst .l * = olo = ;l sE e'l = ifil sOOl(',, *tlPi Hl *s 3l $I .gl e() lrl .l rEle-blc!I -.1g pFl = EIEgEt& g *u1 E (f) (oF- i'-\ttoott FF (u(u -g -gooOI'EE EE;() ;O fgtgFEJftL!rOocC\ :trLau '+ '6(-)'= UJ.caE tF IJJ k lrJIo IU lrJ LLtoL fifrtr,8 U)o-(oootI ?1ot.o 29ELq,k,ioo o-(!i6clo9bUEo-EACLEE5o g!,*.=E 'Ex& oLf'98 oo, tB to s3t?or! c-8 8:EJ}oo O eo)o ocLS PF o!,oo,P.. H6o o*sil. (a(',l'- F$\ioot+ FF (s(o(E o(E(uoooEE1'EE EE pE;o 5(J 5() o IUcDZE I.TJ =F(uIO.nJ:= -j-E__o(,r^@18 oo-o R S[ 3 EcLdJxo 40-etN;4NP.EJEPE'6?o Ei iit c) =otr= (L(LO-0- {tt(o(oc)(f)o+++ciooo(\t<'i c.i t.i 6i(7' (r, (.) (o61 (\t (\t Atoooo(!NNN ttttlO(\INNN oooct EooE$8NO ct cLooES N6lOEooE.Coo == ==(L(L 1r)lr)r9!(oooC\lrj c.i(a(r)st (\too(\l $t$roNNoo (') oto(\' lr)6lo (7' AIoN co (v) 6to(\t O)No o)o, = (oNo(\t $6ro (oolo 6,t 1r) No (r) NoN @ (?)NoN o,6t o o)O) = (a(\o(\r tAIo tro E = oE .E .9c.c(,oF ==oot U) d 5IL oN I-lro lr.tat UJF UJ J-out UJ lJ-toFo u.ltaox (f)oo II o-jbo 2o oo o(f)ooIo o- Iooo I(, qjz =tro tro lu o r!o Eo (,oooE t, .g a!oot -s'88 oo 9 trt Eg o 8iJP-orL -.9 E:EJS G)o O POo tDo-$ PF OE oo)P -- iEOo o*f,il (t)Nool (o 6l I (7)NoN F. iio c)(L o,cEoo. o)t \fNoN lo it, oo Eoo-otr o=cl@oE9o6g(U0-o @'E(Efo =Isfo(t)g trooALilgEEt o 2:EOEL(JFGIEA6L!J=ots3=Oo.corL+rC9 6!LOO-= I Eltt:EL=hi & sE c)(\l o(\l o(,, (o o- t-N (ot E $8 $E o lrJzt!FIIFoZE?* (L xo. =6ECo-E qE ooci= ==o-(Lt(.,t{ g?ro (oooc.i c.i(ac)NNooN$l @(E) oo $ $tro9(\t c)(\loN(o o (l, Lo =ooo ovooJ L o o).co =ooo3EIo. tsoo.oL .9. F (f,No N (7' (\t I o $,toN t- iio'coIL o)c Loo.od $NoN\ror ir, ooto CLou o.E lo689t)@9-E&o o '=(Elo -lto(9g EooCLbvO.E5E,J|jatthrCEEL () ts(E.E:b5 EXEodtD-h r 5HE 9 E]15 g.Eb -3 &. gE (.)(\l o(') o)o)(u(L (.)NoN Q(D (aNoN N(DdE Eo(f, o8o!!<ro = .:<6i(E oJ LLo oPct .=o Eoof =EL o_ o!NYNEEaoEF tro E =ocYJtrlE(!A:Eru=PE I C) U)6 (L fLo UJH=zdE&Jo dl 5(r)?(L (ooo 2OEFE oo oS8o95 EEACLHPo dg!, =E,E E& o'98 ooE=o)o toiE ?,8I -.,e_ oE e.ol 8:El otal IO rol E PFI o tloloft .. a! Ol 3 "e'l (.)t-tot E (') F.\iotI (u(E(u o-E-goq.roEEO8E 8E 8E -lJ -(J -(JaFJocD dlC =h(5!!0t z.JZEg E;[rJ o-o)+Ee i0 I EcLc,xo-o==o z,(D--=NA4N9E;!PE'6P=co=(l)OoO L(L(L(L rt(f, (r) (?) ot_ F- t- ijq?c?s?* (o060(\INNNooooNNNN o) o) o) cD (a6loN ct) (f,No(\l (oN O) (oNoN @ o) O) ct) = (') C{o(\t O) o E =oE tr .g ,9trE(,oF g 3oot co lu o Goco (,oooE t o,.=t!ctot o a!o o o o o oLiI tro .E oo o CLF E,oEo CLot Y -)d] =zJ I.JJz l-ftrloJ lrJtr :zo toz6 oJ Fa IU (f)oo 2o oo o O)o Iod rooF-oo oz =E,o '6 CLot o2o o U' Jo (r) (,Ir- F-!i tfo6 FF .(o .(E .g(E(E(5666E't,EEE EE EE5(J ;o;c) o uJoZcuJ =F(EIO.6J:<.FE..99Eoocloro-rrriqN tr .E .9trs(,o oLiI co !,oo=oa==6c-!lEE z,o--tNAdNp.EaptsE'6P =ca=(l)OoO =oci= (o@(oslscAl (\t $l (o999C (r, (Y) (r, (9N(\t$lNooooNNN(\I o) o) o) o) =oot co ut o oo tro (,ooos ttoL (') ^ro$l CD (',(\lo$t(o 6t o) (r)No$t(o o) o (!o o5o v(!o OeooNO@Foo o .. (!oo F o)o) = (aoloN o, !zJdtazJ tJJz Lot(L LIJ Yo troz6 oJ Fa lrJ =(r)oo 2o oo o o o- Ioot-oIo oz =E,o .: Geotr o (U oo o 8E oo Oroo1r,(l,OFoo o ..Goo F (f, No E (.)(\ I (oc{oN F. iio o(L o)EEoo. o,t sNoN r{) F il, (Uotoo-ot o=clooEgo69-s(L() o 'E(E t() r I$ofi) E_ ool.rLd.gEEtrooJ = E3EGIEA6 o(E3=oo.c0rt-+r;9E b €i1g O.=b _e & gE (f)F$ot F (EE&q,*E6cE \r5() o) E')6(L tro E = oE c .E .9cE(,oF CDc!(EoJ E-o)E6o.o8n E'o. o)9Z =Z N}iE.EPE6t =o ==rolr)(" (.)oi oi**oo(') ("NNooNN 1r)6o) o) ==oot o t!o oAIo(\t (o o) tto o (Eo o o o o g. iI E(U; o cha ota(UoJ o CD .E aDfooo =oIo. tsoo-q) .9,EF (Y'(\toNo(\ CD (t, NoNo C') o)o) (Y) o,tool lo CD YJ(DzJz si Yt-o U) ==Fdl uJo toFa IUz Ff, G) tr)N(O \2F(ooo 2o ooJ oNo Io (L Ioot-oIo oz =E,o (v) F.$oi e (u(E (u(!66EOC r.C6 x6o ;o c')F-\tot E (u (E o)t, EE: r\ CDc =(uoJ 0)cc E_(ncLo o(u c,61 U)FJoEDMcXEoz,JZE8 6uro+ 6!l Eo.o. @@(o E'Eo.oxo.oou^=EOEEOz,0)=z-=s6<s!5:{Es!aEEE6_ts6=-o=Es 8e- E I @o@o)o)(?)(o(Y)oocicici (b<b 6cicicici (') (') (o (o (')N(\lOlNnroooooNNNNNrol')lr)riri o) o) cD (', ct) (f)c{oN rf, CD .=oo.ot, (f,(\toNoN o) (f)6to(\lo o) O)o) = (?,(\oN rc) o) o 6 ooIo tr -.9gE oo Ogooo)o lOo o .. a!oo F coZEt=o.!o l IL5.8o.9Y= oo.oAF E U) =F c0 uJo toFeaEulo20,atFf(lsc{o*Fseo 2oe?E6k,i C)o o IEi(oo'rO o-Ega bI(9 9E =E,'- E& $E $E $ro$o t (aNo(\l co N I (')NoN F- ii6 o)(L E')trEoo.ot rt C\loN lr)- a, oo Eoo-o E.oulcDZcLuizF(UI-99 -F5o6zE0,-ostr R Eo=o-6F2zo- eE5<NEs9E6XccL=oo0,oc/= (L0-(L (r)IIq! @@Y?Y?9N(\I(O(') (o oNN(\Iooo(\I(\IN(o (o (.)O)o)O) o E8oo 9 tE sE 8tI -.e or! E -.9 s:El Jbt ototo -ol B PFI oEl oloflt .. iE Ol .P " p'l a I!+o cog trooALd.gEEE O ?t= EBEGGA6oo3=oo-(D:bEEfrJYiE=(ECL=h E & PE IcfooE9o6g -,E(LO o'E.(El() (')N o lo (l)g) (E(L F-(\t (ot E ccg ^o'. g E' XEs gE F-N 6dt c E3 $s Eo.o.o o.os NE'o.c o = ===(L0.(L (') (f) @Y? Y? Y? F-N@qo q? s? C) (' (Y' (Y)OO NNNoooN(\IN NNN NNN o)c)o(uY oF -Jo d] OL .= llJ G=-9 'o gtDoz6pd)+t0 8x OEzb 6< E'6co.oo)oE Eo-o roF.N CLo =Noo.c o = =(L (a Y? F. q? (a (r,(\loN N N (oNoat N $t $No(\t rr, (r)(\to6t (o(\t (\I o)o) = c.,(\toN C\I N o (Ei ooa o.YooJ g Lo o,c'at f, Eoo =ooLo. Eoo-o .9.-cF co E J.!oE tr .Ev(,Jtr(DE o+o s()z $I ozo oJtE 3& t-Ffoo (f) a 2oE LObno o .E =o'rO o-EA cr. =2b Io 9!t_=E,'ex& o'88 oo, tt Eg'o 3ri5F_olr tr-E 8:EJb o O rOo 0lo,-I PP ot,oo'P.. a6Oo o*f,il, (at-to d F .o .q(o(uE6E' E'9E EE;o ;o o IJJz tJJFrIF_oEZ&Eoq(o <..L *EEE o = t6 0) (1) =cl 6d 6oi (', (?,NNooNN(o (o(,)A c.,(\to(\I (r, (\t I (Y)NoN F. fio o(L EDc oo.ot $NoN r.r) id oo tsoo.ot o=clooE9oa9-eo.o o al,'E(ofo I\fo (Y) 9 trooAL6gEEEit'hJE6ELOFG(EAiB o(E5=Oo-(I)!h r 6H-= a El.EEL=hi & pE (oN o @ o cn(u(L (') (f)N t'-trtood4 FF (E(o$o (o6(u(6 Eqr6EE'EE'E'B.E s.E s.E s.E -9 -(J -L, -LJ ootU uloZoZEtJlcLUE,F-=F(o1 (oI(l).nC).nJ:ZJ}/ -|--F-6tr-6trE 6= h 6=doYAorYg str b str c!8:c!889 5F96Ez,o-z,o eE-=N6<N6< !?Eg!{EPE6tsE'6 =ccL=ccL(r)oo(l,oq, (L0-(L(L(L(L ttt(\t(\tc\t 1(' 1r) t()i'i rb .b c, ci cis!c!g!s*tN$lN(f)(r(?)(r) (7) (r) (f, (r, (Y)6l(\lc\tN(\tNoooooo(\IN6,INNNrr,roro(o(()(o @coco6coco (7'otoN(o 6 o(E =ooa oY(UoJ o o)c,6 =EooJoIo. Eoo.o! .9,.c.F (.,NoNo(Y' @ (Y) NoNo(\,t @ o,o) = c.,(\to(\I rr) @ co E) oc .E .9 c)o o uJ YJcI tuoa =zJ Fof,a (L =(L ood(L 06x:fJ LL IUtr Ff, tr! T.IJo() !-oNI(L (Ooo 2otr oo o .Etro(o9busdEACL69.S: dgE =o =.;x& o E8oo, tr6 Eg o 8f orr co 8:EJt ol -.1o,.9*l :El oto.Ft.. iE olo o*lFel (Y) F.!tod E (f) F-tot P .sl t .e$E fi E.B E. q5 tr .E .9trE(,oF oot co lu !,o o Go o =o o,o g. iI Eo .E oo YJdt luo U) =zJ Fola (L =(L oot(L 06xlJ LL ]UE F:f tr) UJo $oNI(L (r,oo 2o oo ot-(f,oIo o- IooNoIo oz =Eo .= a!o.ot o2(U oo Jo ! a!oJ oF*OrFs o .. a!oo F (f) 6to c\I (r, N I (f, C!oN N i,o o(L EDcEo CL c,t 3 Ito (Y)t_ EooALd.gEEE O 2)= E8EG(EA6PL!1=o(EE:Oo.c0rh r 5Hi e E:(trLr:i & pE sNoN ro r il, oo Eoo-ot ==oot o IIJz UJFIotr_ocz oxo ()cLHtrE cr:oa=acEc o- =E.-EP.E9EBE E=E<rr9\i{\JOotPc;NY\tc.iPfi(r) (o8N8sx$Pb9cob@ 6.E looE9O6g(50-o (7)otoN @ @ (9No6loc) @ (')6toNoN ao oo'=(Elo O)o, (f) No(\t(, @ ooo = =f c.,N o|- (, o)(g(L s$|o]f,\ttootdPT g Oa p I sg =E O:'5E ES EDcEooJ E_(,E- 6 E"cLoo dEU E'o.o)clo=6 z N:NPEEEPE6b6 ===(L(Lo(o(oo) ri c.i c.iq?q?*at ol(r)(.r(')6t N $,tooo(\l (\l (\I (v) (?, to C!N$I 6COO (r, NoN lo(\t @ oLo =ooa o.Y(UoJ L o o)c an5 EoolooLo-too" E .o-cF (9(\oN F. o) (Y'(\o(\t @N 6 o) O) (r)$lo(\l (t(\I ao co E J oE tr .g .9c (,o lr,o(f) jx oo$ o=l!o oYT,5 )zo iUoocc! o C\l 29EF9 oo o (!:oo9b u9o-E.AcrEPo Io 9!t =E='ieo6t -9'88 oo 9 td Eg o EE1EorL c-36E o,o rOO eO(f, !DCLJ PF XE o0,P .. iEOo o*fil (Y) o,toAI c., N I (a No(\l t- iio o)(L o,c Eoo.ot $NoN rr) o oo Eoo-otr o?-clooE9o6o6(Loaa o'E -glo =Isfo cr)g trooALdgEEv.oorEOqLC)F(Ea6^iii6 EXEoo.co: L+rE9gt x e_9rx(Eg p- g€ (')(\l oo oo)(E(L 0)L(E =ooa oYooJ LLo o,c'6) Eoo =Eo o- tsoo.o ,9,cF (r,(\loN\ (.,NoN N(\t c7,No(\t N o,o) = (.)(\toN F. tro E oE G .9 (,oF =oot Co U o Go tro ooctoE Eo a!Clou. oJclo@c!(o UJoa3 2 =F xul o IU IU LL G) =oooJooo@N(o lJJ (f,oo 2otr (,o o$c{oIo o_ Ioo(ooIo oz =E,o (aoF- F-!C ttootd FF (u(!(E o(E(E866EE'E'EE EE gE;o ;o ;() olrlozcul =F(u--9o-FE_-E)!2Ci^ZE o(t):(o6-:qoN(u<.6 cLExoo==o 1(D- -E$ Ef $ii=.=5EEqEo6do =ocr= lolr)rr(oJl:q?(f) (t (') lo9999 (7' (7' (') (A SINNNoooo(\INNN (v) (?, (f) (o (f) NoN (f, (')No 6,to (r,sto(\l @ O)o) = (f)(\loN (t, oc 'EHocz 2(!A.eLCa5JoU)F (L =l(L t UJJ6trttu G.t=ul;.(L6 EdFo &I(L Noo 2o:E6k,ioo o .!Yclo95 o-E8i8:(i 9E =E=Ex& o aEoo. tE Eg EiJ -.e olL c-8O.=c.= (,o O ro E PF o!, 0,o+,.. H6 3 op' (f) (9F- F-t\i66da FF (EGIJJ66F!, !, z,,,, E5 E5 =g o t,Jz uJF-otroEkzCL()--oa-NcDqNNfr o. cL 7,o@=ccE (., !NNd!,8 ZEE668 ==ci ro(o(o(o (odd 'ij 'ij6oioico (9 (',NNNoooE$s!(o NN @@@ afioo 9 t6 Eg agI orL c-8 8:EJ9oo O roo ocLg nF -t oof.. E6o o+sil. (')No(\t N @ (f,(!oN (9 co (',(\oat N @ O)o) = c.)(\loN(o o r.lJ EzooE@=}\ L!96\:,, c oa; Fd}Etq\gSFF l!ooazt LrJFF =(L=a= ttFI(L z (.) 6F o-j =62OE LO'k'ioo oI a!i(oN?bu-EEACL6o8: d 9!t =oe8EE 0,L9.EA oHoo, tB sH 'i8f5F_ol! o I'E J5 oo O e(lo oa-E PF ot,oo)P.. aloc, cl+fil, E lrJ =EolI. UT& =:) d)(\IoN (f) N I (') (\,to $,t F- iio o(L E')c oo.oE. sNoN r() r it) (Eoto CL o)t o=cloooaoao6gs(L() o.E(g fo =I$o(, E_ ooAL6.gEEOLOOJEoqL.(JFGG,r,6 o(E5:Oo.corL+.E9 6tLOO_= I El(BCLEki & gE (oN o o) oo)(E(L (f)F$ot F 6 (E6o ;o o)E =(go) E-o)-i^oo.o$i !,cLo96 =Z N:PEtsE6t =() ==(o(o 6i o.iq? q?oo (o (',N(\loo$t (\l N6t @@ (f)No$t N @ co E =.!o E cF6z.o o.c3,8 (LoFzo JJ ]U-atl!=o68&o UJtutL @(r) @ uJ f-- S 29ELq,k'ioo o (E6ct 5EtrEACL =ogE d 9!, =E,'6 E& o 8cioo. tE =o;tai1Eorr tr-3 8:EJT o O eo,O !DCL1r) .(, >r (ortl o0,'P .. ilo P o,go oot"- F-t{oott FF EEg(E(s(E6oEOEEEE PE 9E;o 5() ;o U)FIocDd)c =!;o!!az,JZ P6 ^Edtrrqoo+o 6-(E}l\r cLE:cL z,o- -EN=dNE'Y.-E9EEP q)oo0) =otr= ====(LtL(Lo- rr) lo rf, NNNNtitirbos?s?c?i ("(o(f)(',N(\lN(\looooNNNN F- F- F- F- o (! =ooa o.Y(UoJ o o)c thJoc,ofUo CL EoooL .9 F (')NoN ro (D (aNoN(o$l @ o)o) = (t,(\lo(\t N @ (,NoN\ (oNo 6,t NN (aatoN (\a o)o, = (f) NoN F- flco(LE4=oo,c Otr r!E.Etit c.EbE L UJ F LL @troFo lrJtr9=-tf t5odz tr @E &.o{zL N6pb o(J OI 29ELq,k,ioo oo6&roN9EU-trE8fr8! d 9!, =E,'dx& oL9 E8oo. tE E(t,iE BI aor! tr -.9 8:EJSoo O eOo oar.E PTotoof.. iEOo o*f,& (7'N 3t F (o(E(5 (ES-g oooI' E' E'5 EE E.E oFJoo) tOC!l;E2)zxOEco dUJ.E Olroi0 B Eo:cL6Fezo--=6<c.I =-!x!1(EFco=oo(I)()E= ===PP N6(idP1o ro :JorojPSB Fssx\\F lr) (i Y?q) (7)(\to(\l F. trul =c.o lJ.ultr =:) (f)Noc! (o ol (f,(\toN F. Uo oc E')c oo(, E. $No C\l lJ) id oo tsoo-ot 6--clooEgo69-e(L() oo'E(Elo Isfo C')g ooALdgEEE O 2:coEr.(JFGtE,r.6!v=o(E5=Oo.co-L+.E9E b €iTBCLEhE & gE 3tI P 3rt?t (t)N ooNoct)o(L cccooooooeb Eb sbf E f E f q-5& -5& -5k o IUozc ujLF(u--9oEIc.99cLIAZL oo:ao 6(u<.o o.8xo.o==o z,o--tN=dNq=;ptsE'6tsESSE rorr)roo -.q:J::(?)g?q?q?e (r)C)(o(O(\,tNN(\looooN(\,tN6toooo(\lNNSt(\ratN$t oi([ =Eo an U) o.Y(UoJ o o) .Eofooo foIo. tsoo. E .9EF (?,NoNoN N r{' $lo(\l{ (f, a,to6t roN N o)o) = (oNoNo(\t (\t tro E = oc c .g .9 s c)oF =oot tro UJ o a!o tro (,o CLg, E t,o.= .U CLot o 'EAosootrt o =o t, o iI Eo g 1El(,tcll -.1Q ILIPFI olol6,ft aE OloEl E,I I YJdIzJ UJot Ioa6 (L f(Lt lrJJo(D IUtr trtuIL(L -tFa N(o I(L rooo 2otr oo osooIo o- Ioo(ooI(, oz =do o .>o oo o O)(')oo(o (9 F. (')N t..$99 t- l- (u< F(5UJoE 6 Fotg .E Z.r,t ,$s EE =9 co E = og E .E .9cs(,o o u.lz UJF-otr EE9ooooxN(tAo) (C) q. NNI ao=oa=ccE q) =6tAt4EEP?'EEE3 ==n ===f,(LIL NNN :<)o6C9c.r(\lN(" ("NS8xssaP3 tro (9No C\t (.) (o No(\t c.) O)o, o =o.i oLiI tro G.=ol.:Jb o (f,NoN @ (o (o(oJo(L x uJJo oo U) =zotoFo uJto F- k C)xxxx1 8> P6 2o tr oo (oo5o o_ Io (ooIo oz =tro (ot-to dt o(s(u(u6EE'EE EEo ;o Eo.o.o o. al, =NEo-co = = (r,*$(7' ct (.,No $,t N co (l) (U o U' 5o ooo(r) o(oF o, o .. aE(,o F (f)(\toN (9 N (Y) NoN F- iio oo- EDcEoo.ot sNoN rr) il, oo Eoo-otr o--clooEgO6o6(Lo oo'=(E fo =Isto(, E_ LooALd.gEEE,OOJ = E6PoG.\66 kxEoo.o:h r 5H-v I EltaELE:i & pE (?,(\ o olocn(u(L c,L(U =lEo(tt U) o!oo -JLLo o)c ]Dfooo:JI'o o- tsoo_oL .9.-cF tro E = otr tr .E .9tr ooF ==ooG tro UI o auo tro (,o CLo t,o '6 CLot od Jo = =zFl!N oJg) TUJ(L =U) u.lz =Yooo U) ooFzxJO @colfl*z)-7 S8 2o oo G.(\' c\.c..Io o. Ioot-oI(, oz =do -9 E8oo 9 *d sE 8tIEolL co g€ o @ rO5 ps E!,oo) lr,.. H6 3 "g (Y)oloN i-N F- c')No6,t @ (r)No(\l o o)o) = (f) NoNt-Nt- s3{ti60dtPP cccooooo.ngE gE gE.5E 5E 5E oulEDztrLll =F(5-0)an -Fe_ -o(JCrhzEooo0)-o-s i3 E cLBxcLa==a zo--uN=dNp.=ipPE'roP6t8-, =ocl= ====(L0-(L(L tt{ottt;i;je.it! ft 9! s!(\rNNol(" (o (', (r)(\t $l (\t NooooNNNN F- F- F- F-(\INNN t- t- h- F\ tro E o c .E(, tr (,oF ==oot tro lrr o Go tro ooctos t .go CLoE lJ-o FdI YJ LLo u.lzoot o(.)otr lU 5 lLa (, J UJf,IL (o E:z e.-6Lt 5h ci lL 2o oo d)o)ooIo (L Ios@oI(, (,z =E,o afioo 9 tE sE gf1Eorr co (!.=o.! oo O eo,o oo.H PF ott oo+,.. H6 3 o&o (r,6lo6to o (')No(\t lr, No c.,NoN ro o o)o) = (')No(\lo o t\N (ot a trcO .rC)6 x6E' XEE gs F.N 6i e E slg $E E CLo. (ot o)oooY (/)FJo @CDL .E [TY26=_e6gdlcrz6TJo+ =(EY cLExcL96F9z,(D--=N=4NpEaptsE'6P =co=(I)oo0, =on= F.ooolr,rb ,ij .ii (baq?q?q? (a (a (, c.,NN(\INoooo(\I6INNoooo oooo Eo. CL $o)v 8=qb(LEoP -, ai YJtrco .g d':o-E9E 6 \2FoF TL f(L o o=iO20) =tkza (ooo) I(L eo 2oEl-o oo o (!iio 96 o-EA.L69 bt(, 9!' =E='EE& ifioo 9 tt 6C gE orr co sE o O eOq pF 5!r olo.Pt.. E6t 3 "p'l =tr. l!vz Ezf (f,Nos c., N I (f)NoN h- iio oo- o)cEoeot lifNoN to ooo Eo CLot o=cfooE996o(E(Lo o'E -glo =I\to (Y)g Loo..tLd.gEEEit.hJa6EL(JFG6,r,6E!.J=o(Et=Oo.corL-rt9o kgoil<!ri!=tsEL=hi & gE NN (o 4 F _(f) 0)0) x9t€ ox6 (\E= No ED(g(L Eo.o. O)oo o.oE ntEo.co = =(L O)Iro(\t + (?)(\toN|{'o EGi o an U) o.l<(UoJ L o o,c,6 f,oo() fEo o- tsoo.(t) L ,9, !F c7, C\toN ro o (f)NoNo(\,to (o(\oN o o O)o) (f,(\lo(\t ra, o oJolL = oaz =Fd) lr, F.IF =aFl!oro LrJt oz UJJ co IFtoz NZot-o 2o oo g38 96 dE8t o(, 9!r =oagEp -g'98 oo., trt ie\J +fE3 Joll co G.=lot.=tJ9to, Iol - rl@ oo.t8 PFI lr, Eld,ld'flt .. i! Ol P "p'l I F.(\ (o t FT(\l q i c R3XE' EE Eo.o. (,oo(uY U)F)o d] CDL.E UJ 6=e6gdI7tZ,-^ [lo)+;0 o IIJ o.Exo.a==acllEc z,o- -tN=dNp.=;EPE'6P==o6ato ====(L0-(L(L rolr,lo(c)s! f{ ct 9{{'l.!+rr)9999(\NNN (?, r, (.) (ONNNNoooo(\.INNN @@@@ oooo ccd) ar(lJ6 x6!t xoE EE Eo. CL !too (',No(\l @ o (Y)No(\I (\t (?, NoN (7' No o)o) = (f, No$t @ o oo f.-IzJ sYJ 5 kooa B Yo t UJ(L (L z o, 1r) IYF UJa F TL 1r, (ono-bco 2o oo F.N @t e I,-N (oti $! $E $s co ut o IJJoZct!EF(E=-99.F-Eo*6zEoor-oI i? N cLE=o-@==6cilEc z.o)-.ENA4Np.E;etsE'6PE586 =oci= ====(Lo-0-0_o)o)o)(')':: ':: r -.q6@@Ost*Y? (f, (o (o (aNOlN(\tooooNNNN(') (', r, (.) oooo ge8 9budEEAo d 9!,=s='Ex& o'88 s pE sE gfI -.e_ orr tro 8'= Jb E rd,H PEo)to zlo6, lr,.. H6 E ofl' =tr lJ. Yz =3 (f)NoN (.) 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