HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-004445Chevron Troy Tortorich Salt Lake Refinery Refinery Manager Chevron Products Company 685 S Chevron Way North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Tel 801 539 7200 Fax 801 539 7130 January 29, 2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 7021 2720 0001 4083 6906 Director, Air Enforcement Division Office of Regulatory Enforcement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code 2242-A 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20460-0001 Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc. Case No. C 03-04650 (N.D. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to Paragraph 115 of the Consent Decree, this letter, along with all of its attachments, constitutes Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery's semi-annual progress report for the period ending December 31,2023. The reporting requirements for each subject area outlined in Paragraph 115 of the Consent Decree are provided as follows: 1. Progress report on the implementation of the requirements of Section V (Affirmative Relief/Environmental Projects of the Consent Decree at the Salt Lake City Refinery): This information is contained in Attachment I. 2. A summary of the emissions data for the Salt Lake City Refinery that is specifically required by the reporting requirements of Section V of the Consent Decree for the period covered by the report: The Salt Lake City Refinery is no longer required by the Consent Decree to report spec (tic emissions data. 3. A description of any problems anticipated with respect to meeting the requirements of Section V of the Consent Decree at the Salt Lake City Refinery: None. 4. A description of all SEPs being conducted at the Salt Lake City Refinery in accordance with Paragraph 109 of the Consent Decree: The Salt Lake City Refinery has completed all SEPs 5. Any such additional mailers as Chevron believes should be brought to the attention of EPA and UDAQ: None. 6. BWON materials required to be submitted by Paragraph 82 of the Consent Decree: This information is provided in Attachment 2. 7. LDAR information required to be submitted by Paragraph 97 of the Consent Decree: None Director, Air Enforcement Division Office of Regulatory Enforcement January 25, 2024 Page 2 If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact auren Vander Werifat (801) 539-7386 or lvanderwerff chevron.com. CERTIFICATION I certi1' under penalty of law that this information was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my directions and my inquiry of the persons who manage the system, or the persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the inforniation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. Sincerely, fry Troy Tortorich Attachments cc: Via E-Mail: Refine CD ERG.com marinathomas(agutah.aov foley.patrick(Wepa.gov CERTIFIED MAIL NO 7021 2720 0001 4083 6918 Bob Gallagher U.S. EPA Region 8 Montana Office 10 West 15th Street, Suite 3200 Helena, MT 59626 CERTIFIED MAIL NO 7021 2720 0001 4083 6920 Marina V. Thomas, Utah Assistant Attorney General Environment/Health & Human Services Division Utah Attorney General's Office 195 North 1950 West P0 Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0873 Attachment I Affirmative Relief! Environmental Projects Implementation Progress Report for the period of 7!1!2023 through 12!3112023 Section VA. - NOx Emissions Reductions from FCCUs Item to be Reported CD Reference Status Establishing NOx Emission Limits: EPA will use the data collected during the ¶ 13.b. Other than during periods of startup, shutdown, or baseline period, the Optimization Period, and malfunction pursuant to ¶13.c., the Chevron Salt Lake the Demonstration Period, as well as all other City Refinery complied with the emission limits pursuant available and relevant information to establish to ¶13.b. limits for NOx emissions from the Salt Lake City FCCU. EPA will establish a short term (i. e., 24- hour or 7-day rolling average) and long term (365-day rolling average) concentration-based (ppmvd) NOx emission limit as measured at 0% 02. Chevron shall immediately (or within ninety (90) days, if EPA's limit is more stringent than the limit proposed by Chevron) operate the FCCU so as to comply with the EPA-established emission limits. Demonstrating Compliance with FCCU NOx Emission Limits: Chevron shall install, certify, calibrate, ¶ 15 The NOx and 02 CEMS continue to be calibrated, maintain and operate NOx and 02 CEMS maintained and operated according to the CD required by ¶15 in accordance with the requirements. provisions of 40 C.F.R. § 60.13 that are applicable to CEMs and Part 60 Appendices A and F, and the applicable performance specification test of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Appendix B. With respect to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F, in lieu of the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F § 5.1.1,5.1.3 and 5.1.4, conduct either a Relative Accuracy Audit ("RAA") or a Relative Accuracy Test Audit ("RATA") on each CEMS at least once every three (3) years. " Conduct Cylinder Gas Audits ("CGA") each calendar quarter during which a RAA or a RATA is not performed. consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. 003-04650 (ND. cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment I Page 3 of 25 Section V.B. - S02 Emissions Reductions from FCCUs Item to be Reported I Co Reference I Status Compliance with Specific S02 Emission Limits Chevron shall either: ¶ 16.d.i., Other than during periods of startup, shutdown, or 1. by no later than 12/31/2008 comply with a It 16.d.ii malfunction pursuant to ¶16.e., the Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery complied with the emission limits of25 final 502 limit of 25 ppmvd @ 0% 02 on ppmvd @ 0% 02 on a 365-day rolling average and 50 a 365-day rolling average basis and 50 ppmvd @ 0% 02 on a 7-day rolling average. ppmvd @ 0% 02 on a 7 day rolling average basis through feed hydrotreating and 502 reducing catalyst additives; or 2. by no later than 12/31/2010, comply with a final 502 limit of 25 ppmvd @ 0% 02 on a 365-day rolling average basis and 50 ppmvd @ 0% 02 on a 7 day rolling average basis through installation and operation of a wet gas scrubber. Demonstrating Compliance with FCCU S02 Emission Limits Chevron shall install, certify, calibrate, ¶ 20. The 502 and 02 CEMS continue to be calibrated, maintain, and operate all 502 and 02 CEMS maintained and operated according to the CD required by ¶20 in accordance with the requirements. provisions of 40 C.F.R. § 60.13 that are applicable to CEMs and Part 60 Appendices A and F, and the applicable performance specification test of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Appendix B. With respect to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F, in lieu of the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F § 5.1.1, 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, Chevron shall conduct either a Relative Accuracy Audit ("RAA') or a Relative Accuracy Test Audit ("RATK) on each CEMS at least once every three (3) years. Chevron shall Conduct Cylinder Gas Audits ("CGA") each calendar quarter during which a RAA or a RATA is not performed. Hydrotreater Outages ______________________________________________ No later than December31, 2004, Chevron ___________ ¶ 21. To the extent that the Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery experienced a Hydrotreater Outage during the reporting shall submit to EPA and the appropriate period, the Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery complied Plaintiff-Intervenor, for approval by EPA, a with the requirements of the approved Hydrotreater plan for the operation of the FCCU (including Outage Plan dated November 20, 2007 and ¶21 associated air pollution control equipment) requirements. during Hydrotreater Outages in a way that minimizes emissions as much as practicable. Chevron shall comply with the approved plan at all times, including periods of Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction of the hydrotreater. Consent Decree, U.S. v. chevron USA Inc., case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 25 In the event that Chevron asserts that the basis for a specific Hydrotreater Outage is a shutdown (where no catalyst changeout occurs) required by ASME pressure vessel requirements or applicable state boiler requirements, Chevron shall submit a report to EPA that identifies the relevant requirements and justifies Chevron's decision to implement the shutdown during the selected time period. ¶ 21. Not applicable for this reporting period. Section V.C. - PM Emissions Reductions from FCCUs CD Item to be Reported Reference Status " Chevron shall continue to control and may Section V.C. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to operate further reduce particulate matter ("PM") an electrostatic precipitator to control PM emissions. emissions from its Refineries by the operation and optimization of electrostatic precipitators _____________________________________________________ ______________ Final PM Emission Limits " By no later than 4/10/2005, Chevron shall ¶ 23. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery verified compliance with the emission limit of 1.0 pounds of PM comply with an emission limit of 1.0 pounds of per 1000 pounds of coke burned on a 3-hour average PM per 1000 pounds of coke burned on a 3 basis for the FCCU by stack test conducted August 16- hour average basis. 17, 2023. PM Testing for FCCUs " Chevron shall follow the stack test protocol ¶ 23A. See status for 1123. specified in 40 C.F.R. § 60.I06(b)(2) to measure PM emissions on the FCCU. " Chevron shall conduct annual PM stack tests at the FCCU. " Upon demonstrating through at least three (3) annual stack tests that the PM limits are not being exceeded at the FCCU, Chevron may request EPA approval to conduct tests less frequently than annually at the FCCU. Opacity Monitoring at FCCUs " Chevron shall install, certify, calibrate, ¶ 25. The COMS continues to be calibrated, maintained, and operated according to the CD requirements. maintain, and operate all COMS required by this Consent Decree in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 60.11, 60.13 and Part 60 Appendix A, and the applicable performance specification test of40 C.F.R. Part 60 Appendix B. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment I Page 5 of 25 Section V.D. - CO Emissions Reductions from FCCUs CD Item to be Reported Reference Status CO Emissions Limits for Salt Lake City FCCU " By no later than April 10, 2005, Chevron shall ¶ 27. Other than periods of S/U, S/D, or malfunction pursuant meet an emission limit of 500 ppmvd CO to ¶ 28, the Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery complied corrected to 0% on a 1-hour average basis with the emissions limits in ¶ 27 with the exception of the following. On December 14,2023, CO emissions from the FCC exceeded the emission limit due to the unit operating in abnormal conditions to correct a sulfur issue. Demonstrating Compliance with CO Emissions Limits " Chevron shall install, certify, calibrate, ¶ 29. The CO and 02 CEMS continue to be calibrated, maintain, and operate all CO and 02 CEMS maintained, and operated according to the CD required by ¶29 in accordance with the requirements. provisions of 40 C.F.R. § 60.13 that are applicable to CEMs and Part 60 Appendices A and F, and the applicable performance specification test of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Appendix B. With respect to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F, in lieu of the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F § 5.1.1, 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, conduct either a Relative Accuracy Audit ("RAA") or a Relative Accuracy Test Audit ("RATA") on each CEMS at least once every three (3) years. Conduct Cylinder Gas Audits ("CGA") each calendar quarter during which a RAA or a RATA is not performed. Section V.E. - NSPS Applicability to FCCU Regenerators Item to be Reported CD Reference Status " By June 30, 2006, Chevron's FCCU Catalyst ¶ 31. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is monitoring and Regenerator shall be an affected facility under reporting under and as required by NSPS Subparts A NSPS Subpart J for S02, and Chevron shall and J for PM, CD, S02 and Opacity. comply with the applicable requirements of NSPS Subparts A and J for S02. " By April 10, 2005, Chevron's FCCU Catalyst Regenerator shall be an affected facility under NSPS Subpart J for PM, Ca, and Opacity and Chevron shall comply with the applicable requirements of NSPS Subparts A and J for PM. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA /nc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 25 Section V.F. - NOx Emissions Reductions from Heaters and Boilers CD Item to be Reported Reference Status Installation of NOx Control Technology " Chevron shall select one or any combination of ¶ 32. Refer to the NOx Control Plan previously submitted per the following "Qualifying Controls" to satisfy ¶ 35 of the CD requirements. the requirements oflJ33 and ¶37: a. SCRorSNCR; b. Current Generation or Next Generation Ultra-Low NOx Burners; c. other technologies which Chevron demonstrates to EPA's satisfaction will reduce NOx emissions to 0.040 lbs. per mmBTU or lower; or d. permanent shutdown of a heater or boiler with revocation of its operating permit. " On or before June 30, 2011, Chevron shall use ¶ 33. Complete. Qualifying Controls to reduce NOx emissions from the heaters and boilers listed in Appendix B by at least 2777 tons per year, so as to satisfy the inequality in ¶33. " Chevron shall submit a detailed NOx control ¶ 35. The Annual NOx Control Plan update was submitted on plan to EPA and Plaintiff-Intervenors for review June 27,2023. and comment by June 30, 2004, with annual updates (covering the prior calendar year) on June 30 of each year thereafter until termination of the Consent Decree. " By no later than June 30, 2011, heaters and ¶ 37. Complete. boilers with Qualifying Controls shall represent at least 30% of the total maximum heat input capacity or, if less, the allowable heat input capacity, as shown in Appendix B, of all heaters and boilers greater than 40 mmBTU/hr at the Salt Lake City Refinery. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 25 Beginning no later than 180 days after ¶ 38. Not applicable for this reporting period. installing Qualifying Controls on and commencing operation of a heater and boiler that will be used to satisfy the requirements of ¶33, Chevron shall monitor the heaters or boilers as follows: a. For heaters and boilers with a capacity greater than 150 mmBTU/hr (HHV), install or continue to operate a NOx CEMS; b. For heaters and boilers with a capacity greater than 100 mmBTU/hr (HHV) but less than or equal to 150 mmBTU/hr (HHV), install or continue to operate a NOx CEMS, or monitor NOx emissions with a predictive emissions monitoring system ("PEMS") developed and operated pursuant to the requirements of Appendix C of this Consent Decree; c. For heaters and boilers with a capacity of less than or equal to 100 mmBTU/hr (HHV), conduct an initial performance test and any periodic tests that may be required by EPA or by the applicable State or local permitting authority under other applicable regulatory authority. The results of the initial performance testing shall be reported to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff- Intervenor. Chevron shall use Method 7E or an EPA- approved alternative test method to conduct initial performance testing for NOx emissions required by subparagraph 38.c. Monitoring with a PEMS that is required by ¶38 shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Appendix C. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 25 Beginning no later than 180 days after ¶ 39. No exceptions to report. installing Qualifying Controls and commencing operation of a heater or boiler that will be monitored by use of a NOx CEMS that is required by ¶38, Chevron shall install, certify, calibrate, maintain, and operate all CEMS in accordance with the provisions of 40 C.F.R. § 60.13 that are applicable to CEMs and Part 60 Appendices A and F, and the applicable performance specification test of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Appendix B. With respect to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F, in lieu of the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Appendix F § 5.1.1, 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, conduct either a Relative Accuracy Audit çR.AA") or a Relative Accuracy Test Audit ("RATA") on each CEMS at least once every three (3) years. Conduct Cylinder Gas Audits ("CGA") each calendar quarter during which a RAA or a RATA is not performed. Units with Qualifying Controls installed before Date of Entry that are subject to ¶39 shall comply with ¶39 by June 30, 2004. " Chevron shall retain all records required to ¶ 41. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to retain support its reporting requirements under this required records regarding NOx emission reductions Section V.F. until termination of this Consent from heaters and boilers. Decree. " If Chevron transfers ownership of the Salt ¶ 42. Not applicable for this reporting period. Lake City Refinery before achieving all of the NOx reductions required by ¶33, Chevron shall notify EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff- Intervenor of that transfer and shall submit an allocation to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff- lntervenor for the Salt Lake City Refinery's share of NOx reduction requirements ofJ33 that will apply individually to the Salt Lake City Refinery after such transfer. If Chevron chooses, such allocation may be zero. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 25 Section V.G. - 502 Emissions Reductions from and NSPS Applicability to Chevron Heaters and Boilers and Other Specified Equipment CD I Item to be Reported Reference Status NSPS Applicability to Heaters and Boilers and Other Specified Equipment Upon Date of Entry, all heaters and boilers ¶ 43.a., The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is monitoring and shall be affected facilities, under NSPS Appendix D. reporting under and as required by NSPS Subparts J Subpart J, and shall comply with the applicable and A. requirements of NSPS Subparts A and J for fuel gas combustion devices, except for those heaters and boilers listed in Appendix D, which shall be affected facilities and shall be subject to and comply with the applicable requirements of NSPS Subparts A and J for fuel gas combustion devices by the dates listed in Appendix D. By date listed in Appendix E, all equipment ¶ 43.b. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is monitoring and listed in Appendix F shall be affected facilities, Appendix E reporting under and as required by NSPS Subparts J under NSPS Subpart J, and shall be subject to and A. and comply with the applicable requirements of NSPS Subparts A and J for fuel gas combustion devices. Elimination I Reduction of Fuel Oil Burning Effective on the Date of Entry, Chevron shall ¶ 44. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has continued not to burn fuel oil in any combustion units except that not burn Fuel Oil in any combustion unit at its Chevron may burn HF polymer at the Alkylation Plant, Salt Lake City Refinery except that Chevron fuel oil during natural gas curtailment and training, or may burn HF polymer at the Alkylation Plant, torch oil in FCCU regenerators to assist in starting, fuel oil during Natural Gas Curtailment and restarting, hot standby, or to maintain heat balance. training, or Torch Oil in FCCU regenerators to assist in starting, restarting, hot standby, or to maintain regenerator heat balance. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 25 Section V.1-I. - Sulfur Recovery Plants NSPS Applicability CD Item to be Reported Reference Status Sulfur Pit Emissions " Chevron shall continue to route or re-route all ___________ ¶ 46. ______________________________________________ With the exceptions noted below, sulfur pit emissions sulfur pit emissions so that they are eliminated, were controlled and monitored during the reporting controlled, or included and monitored as part period. of the SRP's emissions subject to the NSPS SubpartJ limit for 502, orto applicable On November15 and 16, a steam system leak repair emissions limits under Paragraph 48 by no caused the SRU 1 sulfur pit emissions to be routed to later than the first turnaround of the applicable the atmosphere for approximately 16 hours and 34 Claus train that occurs on or after June 30, minutes. On November21, SRU 1 sulfur pit emissions 2004 or by December31, 2006 (whichever first were routed to the atmosphere for approximately 7 occurs). hours due to the plant shutting down unexpectedly. In several instances, the SRU 1 pit vent inadvertently opened due to a plugged pressure indicator line, but in no event was it the result of positive pressure in the pit. Because the pit did not experience positive pressure during these events, Chevron believes this instrumentation issue did not result in any associated emissions from the sulfur pit. Each event, which typically lasted a few minutes was remedied by unplugging the clogged pressure indicator line. These events occurred on the following dates: July 8, July 13, August11, September13, September 24, November 18, and December 4 for a total of 9 hours 33 minutes. In several instances, the SRU 2 pit vent inadvertently opened due to a plugged pressure indicator line, but in no event was it the result of positive pressure in the pit. Because the pit did not experience positive pressure during these events, Chevron believes this instrumentation issue did not result in any associated emissions from the sulfur pit. Each event, which typically lasted a few minutes was remedied by unplugging the clogged pressure indicator line. These events occurred on the following dates: July 23, August 10, August26, September 10, October16, October22, November 10, November 17, November21, and December29_fora_total_of5 4_minutes. _____________________________________________ ____________ Compliance with NSPS Emissions Limits at the Salt Lake City SRP " Chevron shall be an affected facility under ¶ 47.a. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery SRPs are affected NSPS Subpart J and shall comply with all facilities under NSPS Subpart Ja and have complied applicable provisions of NSPS Subpart A and J. with all applicable provisions of NSPS Subparts A and Such SRP shall comply with 40 C.F.R. Ja. §60.104(a)(2) at all times except during periods of startup, shutdown, or malfunction of the SRP and SRU, or during malfunction of the TGU. " Effective on the respective date on which the ¶ 47.b. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery monitored all SRP becomes an affected facility pursuant to emissions and reported all excess emissions as Paragraph 47.a, Chevron shall monitor all required by NSPS Subpart Ja. emissions and shall report excess emissions from the SRP under and as required by NSPS Subpart J. " At all times, including periods of startup, ___________ ¶ 47.c. _____________________________________________ The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery, to the extent shutdown and malfunction, Chevron shall, to the practicable, has operated and maintained its SRP, extent practicable, operate and maintain its SRU, TGU, and incinerator in accordance with good air SRPs, SRUs, and TGUs and any supplemental pollution control practices as required in 40 C.F.R. control devices, in accordance with good air 60.l 1(d). Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment I Page 11 of 25 pollution control practices as required in 40 CF.R. §60.11(d). Optimization _________________________________________________ " Chevron shall continue to maintain its Best ____________ ¶ 50 b Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to use its Practices Team as a means to optimize Sulfur Best Practices Team (now called a Business Recovery Plant operations. Improvement Network (BIN)) to optimize Sulfur Recovery_Plant_operations. _____________________________________________ ____________ Good Operation and Maintenance " Chevron shall comply with the PMO Plan at all ¶ 51.a. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery complied with the PMO times, including periods of Startup, Shutdown Plan at all times, including periods of Startup, and Malfunction of its SRPs. Chevron's Shutdown, and Malfunction of its SRPs. Chevron Salt changes to a PMO Plan related to minimizing Lake City Refinery is complying with the most recent Acid Gas Flaring and/or S02 emissions shall PMO Plan submittal dated March 2g, 2023. be summarized and reported to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-Intervenor on an annual basis. _____________ _____________________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 25 Section Vi. - Flaring Devices - NSPS Applicability CD Item to be Reported Reference Status Good Air Pollution Control Practices _________________________________________________ On and after the Date of Entry, Chevron shall ¶ 53. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery at all times and to at all times and to the extent practicable, the extent practicable, including during periods of including during periods of Startup, Shutdown, Startup, Shutdown, and/or Malfunction, implements and/or Malfunction, implement good air good air pollution control practices for minimizing pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. emissions consistent with 40 C.F.R. §60.11(d). _____________________________________________ ___________ Refinery Fuel Gases " By no later than December 31,2006, Chevron ¶ 54.a. As previously reported, Chevron has certified shall: compliance with and accepted NSPS J applicability for 1. Certify compliance with applicable NSPS 26 of 26 Flaring Devices in Appendix F. requirements and accept NSPS Subpart J applicability for at least 50% of the Flaring Devices identified in Appendix F; and 2. Submit a schedule of activities that Chevron will undertake to ensure continuous compliance with applicable NSPS requirements as soon as practicable at all other Flaring Devices. _____________________________________________________ " Except for a maximum of three flares, Chevron _____________ ¶ 54.a. See response in ¶54.a. above. shall certify compliance with applicable NSPS Subpart J requirements and accept NSPS Subpart J applicability for all those Flaring Devices not previously addressed under Paragraph 54.a.i. by December31, 2008. For any remaining flares, Chevron shall certify compliance with applicable NSPS Subpart J requirements and accept NSPS Subpart J applicability for those Flaring Devices by December 31, 2010. Section V.J. - Control of Acid Gas Flaring Incidents and Tail Gas Incidents CD Item to be Reported Reference Status Investigating and Reporting _________________________________________________ By no later than forty-five (45) days following _____________ ¶ 57. No acid gas flaring incidents occurred during this the end of an Acid Gas Flaring Incident reporting period. occurring after the Date of Entry, Chevron shall submit to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-Intervenor a report that sets forth the information in ¶57. _____________________________________________________ " To the extent that completion of the ______________ ¶ 57.viii. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met the implementation of corrective action(s), if any, requirements of ¶ 57.vUi during the reporting period. is not finalized at the time of the submission of the report required under this Paragraph, then, by no later than thirty (30) days after completion of the implementation of corrective actions(s), Chevron shall submit a report identifying the corrective action(s) taken and the dates of commencement and completion of implementation. ______________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 25 Corrective Action In response to an AG Flaring Incident ¶ 58.a. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met the occurring after the Date of Entry, Chevron requirements of ¶ 58.a. during the reporting period. shall take, as expeditiously as practicable, such interim and/or long-term corrective actions, if any, as are consistent with good engineering practice to minimize the likelihood of a recurrence of the Root Cause and all Tail Gas Incidents For Tail Gas Incidents, Chevron shall follow the same investigative, reporting, corrective action and assessment of stipulated penalty procedures as those outlined in Paragraphs 57 through 64 for Acid Gas Flaring Incidents. Those procedures shall be applied to TGU shutdown, bypasses of a TGU, and unscheduled shutdowns of a Sulfur Recovery Plant or other miscellaneous unscheduled Sulfur Recovery Plant events which result in a ¶ 66.a. The Salt Lake Refinery had a Tail Gas Incident on November 21, 2023. The Refinery has met the requirements of ¶ 57 for Tail Gas Incidents during the reporting period. Section V.K. - Control of Hydrocarbon Flaring Incidents Item to be Reported CD Reference Status For Hydrocarbon Flaring Incidents occurring ¶ 67. The Refinery has met the requirements of ¶1 67 for after the Date of Entry, Chevron shall follow Hydrocarbon Flaring Incidents during the reporting the same investigative, reporting, and period. corrective action procedures as those outline in paragraphs 57 and 58 for Acid Gas Flaring Incidents; provided however, that in lieu of analyzing possible corrective actions under Paragraph 57.v and taking interim and/or long- term corrective action under Paragraph 58.a for a Hydrocarbon Flaring Incident attributable to the Startup or Shutdown of a unit that Chevron has previously analyzed under this Paragraph, Chevron may identify such prior analysis when submitting the report required under this Paragraph. _____________ _____________________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (N.D. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 25 Section VL. - Benzene Waste NESHAP Program Enhancements CD Item to be Reported Reference Status Current Compliance Status ____________________________________________ By no later than 12/31/2005, the Salt Lake City ____________ ¶ 68.c. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to Refinery shall comply with the compliance comply with 40 C.F.R. §61.342(e), herein referred to option set forth at 40 C.F.R. §61.342(e), herein as the 6BQ compliance option. referred to as the GBQ compliance option. One-Time Review and Verification of Each Refinery's TAB _______________________________________________ " Based on EPA's review of the BWON ¶70.b. Not applicable for this reporting period. Compliance Review and Verification Report(s), EPA may select up to 20 additional waste streams at each Refinery for sampling for benzene concentration. Chevron will conduct the required sampling and submit the results to EPA within sixty (60) days of receipt of EPA's request. ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall submit an amended BWON ______________ ¶ 7Db. Not applicable for this reporting period. Compliance Review and Verification Report within ninety (90) days following the date of the completion of the required Phase Two sampling, if Phase Two sampling is required by EPA. Implementation of Actions Necessary to Correct Non-Compliance or to Come Into Compliance " Within 60 days after receiving any notification ¶ 71.d. Not applicable for this reporting period. of disapproval or request for modification from EPA, Chevron shall submit to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-Intervenor a revised plan that responds to all identified deficiencies. ___________________________________________________ ______________ Carbon Canisters _______________________________________________ " By no later than seven (7) days after the _____________ ¶ 72.d. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery monitors for installation of each secondary carbon canister, breakthrough between primary and secondary carbon Chevron shall start to monitor for breakthrough canisters at the frequency specified in 40 C.F.R. between the primary and secondary carbon §61.354(d) and monitors at the outlet of the second canisters at times when there is actual flow to canister on a monthly basis and is in compliance with the carbon canister, in accordance with the this requirement for this reporting period. frequency specified in 40 C.F.R. §61.354(d), and shall monitor the outlet of the secondary canister on a monthly basis or at its design replacement interval (whichever is less) to verify the proper functioning of the system. " Chevron shall replace the original primary ¶ 72.e. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to replace carbon canisters (or route flow to an the original primary carbon canister immediately appropriate alternative control device) when breakthrough is detected between the primary immediately when breakthrough is detected and secondary canister and is in compliance with this between the primary and secondary canister, requirement for this reporting period. The original secondary carbon canister (or a fresh carbon canister) will become the new primary carbon canister and a fresh carbon canister will become the secondary canister. " Beginning no later than January 1,2004, ¶ 72.f. Not applicable for this reporting period. Chevron shall monitor for breakthrough from single carbon canisters each business day (Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays) there is actual flow to the carbon canister. ______________ ___________________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 25 " Chevron shall replace the single carbon ¶ 72.f. Not apphcable for this reporting period. canister with a fresh carbon canister, discontinue flow or route the stream to an alternate, appropriate device immediately when breakthrough is detected. ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall maintain a supply of fresh ______________ ¶ 72.g. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery maintains a supply carbon canisters at each Refinery at all times. of fresh carbon canisters at the Salt Lake City Refinery. _____________________________________________ " Records for the requirements of Paragraph 72 _____________ ¶ 72.h. Records for the requirements of ¶ 72 are maintained shall be maintained in accordance with 40 in accordance with 40 C.F.R. §61.356(j)(10). C.F.R. §61.356(j)(10). ____________________________________________ ____________ Annual Program ____________________________________________ " By not later than June 30, 2004, Chevron shall ____________ ¶ 73 Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to establish an annual program of reviewing annually review process information for the Salt Lake process information for each Refinery, City Refinery to ensure all new benzene waste including but not limited to construction streams are included in the Refinery's waste stream projects, to ensure that all new benzene waste inventory. streams are included in each Refinery's waste stream inventory. ___________________________________________________ ______________ Laboratory Audits ____________________________________________ " Chevron shall conduct audits of all laboratories ____________ ¶74. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has a program in that perform analyses of Chevron's Benzene ¶ 74.c. place to audit any laboratory used for analysis of Waste NESHAP samples to ensure that proper benzene samples prior to such use. analytical and quality assurance/quality control procedures are followed. The Chevron Technology Center conducted an audit " During the life of this Consent Decree, of Micro-Methods laboratory on February 16,2023. Chevron shall conduct subsequent laboratory audits, such that each laboratory is audited The Chevron Technology Center conducted an audit every two (2) years. of Chemtech-Ford laboratory on March 15, 2023. Benzene Spills ____________________________________________ " Beginning on Date of Entry, for each spill at ____________ ¶ 75, Spills continued to be reviewed to determine each Refinery, Chevron shall review such whether the benzene quantity must be included in spills to determine if more than 10 pounds of the refinery TAB and in the uncontrolled benzene benzene waste was generated in any 24 hour quantity calculation. period. Chevron shall include the benzene generated by such spills in the TAB and in the uncontrolled benzene quantity calculation for each Refinery, as and to the extent required by Subpart FE. Training _______________________________________________ " By no later than January 1, 2004, Chevron _____________ ¶ 76.a. All employees asked to pull benzene waste samples shall develop and begin implementation of between July 1 and December31, 2023 have annual (i.e., once each calendar year) training completed annual computer-based training covering for all employees asked to draw benzene proper sampling techniques. waste samples. ___________________________________________________ " By no later than December31, 2005, Chevron ______________ ¶ 76.b. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to train all shall complete an initial training program operators assigned to operate BWON control regarding procedures for operating control devices. devices for all operators assigned to this equipment. During the semi-annual period from July Ito December 31, 2023, operators new to BWON control Comparable training shall also be provided to devices received on-the-job training prior to their any persons who subsequently become assumption of this duty. operators, prior to their assumption of this duty. ___________________________________________________ " 'Refresher" training in these control device ______________ ¶ 76.b. Not applicable for this reporting period. procedures shall be performed on a three year cycle. _____________ _______________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (N.D. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 25 As part of Chevron's training program, ¶ 76.c. All employees of contractors asked to pull benzene Chevron must ensure that the employees of waste samples between July ito December31, any contractors hired to perform the 2023, have been properly trained during this semi- requirements of this Paragraph are properly annual reporting period. trained to implement all applicable provisions of this Consent Decree. Waste Slop/Off-Spec Oil Management _______________________________________________ " At a mutually agreed upon time, Chevron shall ____________ ¶ 77.a. Not applicable for this reporting period. submit revised schematics that reflect the Parties' agreements regarding the characterization of these oil streams and the appropriate control standards, if necessary. ___________________________________________________ " All waste management units handling non- _____________ ¶ 77.b. All waste management units handling non-exempt, exempt, non-aqueous benzene wastes, as non-aqueous waste met the applicable control defined in Subpart FF, shall meet the standards during this reporting period. applicable control standards of Subpart FF. ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall include all aqueous _____________ ¶ 77.c. All WMU handling benzene waste at the Chevron Salt waste/slop/off-spec oil streams in the TAB. All Lake City Refinery either meets the control standards WMU handling benzene waste shall either of Subpart FF or count toward the 660 limit. meet the control standards of Subpart EF or count toward the 6B0 limit. ___________________________________________________ _____________ End of Line Sampling (6 Mg Compliance Option) ___________________________________________ " If changes in processes, operations, or other ___________ ¶ 78.b. Not applicable for this reporting period. factors lead Chevron to conclude that its approved EOL Plan may no longer provide an accurate measure of the refinery's quarterly "end of line" benzene determination and/or its uncontrolled waste stream, Chevron shall submit a revised EOL Plan to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-Intervenor for EPA approval. " Chevron shall commence sampling under its ____________ ¶ 78.c. The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has taken and EOL Plan during the second calendar quarter analyzed at least three representative samples from of 2006. each proposed sampling location consistent with the approved EOL Plan. The Lime Pond is out of service Chevron shall take, and have analyzed, at and not sampled, per the EOL. least three representative samples from each approved sampling location. Chevron shall use the average of all samples and approved flow calculations to make its quarterly "end of the line" benzene determination and in estimating a calendar year value for each Refinery. _______________________________________________ " If the quarterly benzene determination _____________ ¶ 78.d. Not applicable for this reporting period. exceeds 1.5 Mgfyr or if the estimated calendar year value exceeds 6 Mg/yr, Chevron shall prepare and provide to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-lntervenor a written summary and schedule of activities necessary to minimize benzene wastes at such Refinery so as to ensure that it complies with the 6 BQ compliance option that calendar year. This summary and schedule are due no later than sixty (60) days after the close of such quarter. ______________ ___________________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment I Page 17 of 25 After at least 8 quarters of sampling under an ¶ The. Not applicable for this reporting period. approved EOL Plan, Chevron may submit a report to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff- Intervenor that places uncontrolled aqueous waste streams at a Refinery into three categories: (a) consistently <0.05 Mg/yr benzene that may not warrant continued sampling; (ii) consistently >0.05 Mg/yr benzene but with low variability that may warrant less frequent sampling; and (Hi) all others that are consistently >0.05 Mg/yr benzene. _______________________________________________ ____________ Miscellaneous Measures ____________________________________________ " By December 31, 2005, Chevron shall: ___________ ¶ 80 Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to count all groundwater remediation wastes toward its Manage all groundwater remediation wastes at ¶ BOa. Benzene Quantity as required by the BWON. each of its Refineries in appropriate waste management units under and as required by Chevron performed monthly visual inspections of the Benzene Waste NESHAP controlled drains subject to Subpart FE during this reporting period. Conduct monthly visual inspections of all ¶ BOb. Subpart FE water traps within the Refinery's individual drain systems _______________________________________________ ____________ Projects/Investigations _______________________________________________ " Chevron may conduct a study of the ____________ ¶ 81.b. Not applicable for this reporting period. effectiveness of the benzene and VOC limits under Paragraph 72.c. This study shall last no less than two (2) years and must be performed in accordance with the guidelines established in Appendix J. Chevron shall submit a schedule and statement of work to EPA at least 90 days prior to beginning such work. Chevron shall submit a report to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-Intervenor summarizing the results of the study within ninety (90) days of completion and may request a revision of the limits under Paragraph 72.c based upon the results of that study and any other relevant information, including similar studies that may be performed by or for others. _______________________________________________ ____________ Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Section V.L ____________________________________________ " Chevron shall submit, as and to the extent ¶ 82. See below. required, the following materials in the progress report(s) for the quarter in which the following identified activities occurred or are required: ___________________________________________________ " BWON Compliance Review and Verification _____________ ¶ 82.a. Not applicable for this reporting period. Report as amended, if necessary ( lOb). ____________________________________________ " Schematics of waste slop/off-spec oil ___________ ¶ 82g. Not applicable for this reporting period. movements, as revised, if necessary ( 77.a.) _______________________________________________ " EOL Plans and revised EOL Sampling Plans, if ____________ ¶ 82.i. Not applicable for this reporting period. necessary (3jJ 78.a and 78.b) ____________________________________________ " Plan to ensure that uncontrolled benzene does ___________ ¶ 82j. Not applicable for this reporting period. not equal or exceed 6 Mg/yr-or is minimized-based on projected calendar year uncontrolled benzene quantities as determined through EOL sampling (f78.d) _____________ ___________________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 25 " Results of the study of breakthrough" in ¶ 82k. Not applicable for this reporting period. carbon canisters (J8I .b) _______________________________________________ " Identify all laboratory audits completed during ____________ ¶ 82.1. Not applicable for this reporting period. the preceding calendar year under ¶74.a, including the laboratory audited during that quarter, a description of the methods used in the audit and the results of the audit, in the progress report for the 4th quarter of that year. " Describe the measure taken that calendar ¶ 82.m. Refer to ¶ 76 for general information regarding quarter to comply with the training provisions BWON training activities during the semi-annual ofJ76 period. " Provide all quarterly "end of line" benzene ____________ ¶ 82.n. See Attachment 2. determinations and a summary of supporting sampling results for the preceding calendar year under ¶78 in the progress report for the 4th quarter of that year. The report shall include a list of all waste streams sample and the results of the benzene analysis for each sample ___________________________________________________ " Describe the actions that Chevron is taking to _____________ ¶ 82.o. Not applicable for this reporting period. identify and correct the source of the potentially elevated benzene quantities and/or to ensure continuing compliance with the Benzene Waste NESHAP under and as provided in ¶78. ____________ _______________________________________________ Section V.M. - Leak Detection and Repair ("LDAR") Program Enhancements CD Item to be Reported Reference Status Written Refinery-Wide LDAR Program ____________________________________________ " Chevron shall update each such program as ___________ ¶ 83. Not applicable for this reporting period. may be necessary to ensure continuing No update this reporting period. compliance. ___________________________________________________ _____________ Training _______________________________________________ " For personnel newly-assigned to LDAR ____________ ¶ 84.a. All personnel newly assigned to WAR responsibilities responsibilities, Chevron shall require LDAR receive training prior to beginning LDAR work. training prior to each employee beginning such work _______________________________________________ " For all personnel assigned LDAR ____________ ¶ 84.b. All personnel assigned to LDAR responsibilities responsibilities, Chevron shall provide and receive annual training. require completion of annual LDAR training or require its LDAR contractor to provide such training (initial annual LDAR training for all such personnel will be completed not later than December 31,2004) ___________________________________________ " "Refresher' training in LDAR shall be ___________ ¶ 84.c. Refresher training was performed in 2023. performed on a three-year cycle. ___________________________________________________ _____________ LDAR Audits ________________________________________ " Chevron shall retain a contractor(s) to perform ___________ ¶ 85.b. Not applicable for this reporting period. a third-party audit of the Refinery's LDAR program at least once every four years. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 25 Chevron shall conduct internal audits of each ¶ 85.c. Not applicable for this reporting period. Refinery's LDAR program by sending personnel familiar with the LDAR program and its requirements from one or more of Chevron's other Refineries or locations to audit another Chevron Refinery. _______________________________________________ " Chevron shall complete an internal LDAR audit ____________ ¶ 85.c. The Salt Lake Refinery completed a third-party by no later than two years from the date of the internal audit in January 2024. The audit report and completion of the third-party audits required in corrective actions will be submitted in the semiannual Paragraphs 85.a and 85.b. report covering January 1,2024 through June 20, 2024. _____________________________________________ " Chevron shall perform an internal audit of each ____________ ¶ 85.c. The Salt Lake Refinery completed a third-party Refinery's LDAR program at least once every internal audit in January 2024. The audit report and four years. Chevron may elect to retain third- corrective actions will be submitted in the semiannual parties to undertake the internal audit, report covering January 1, 2024 through June 20, provided that an LDAR audit at each Refinery 2024. occurs every two (2) years. _______________________________________________ ____________ Implementation of Actions Necessary to Correct Non-Compliance " If the results of any of the audits conducted ¶ 86. Not applicable for this reporting period. pursuant to Paragraph 85 identify any areas of non-compliance, Chevron shall implement, as soon as practicable, all steps necessary to correct the area(s) of non-compliance and to prevent, to the extent practicable, a recurrence of the cause of such non-compliance. ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall retain the audit reports _____________ ¶1 86. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is retaining the audit generated pursuant to Paragraph 85 and shall reports generated pursuant to ¶ 85 and maintains a maintain a written record of the corrective written record of the corrective actions Chevron Salt actions that Chevron takes in response to Lake City Refinery has taken in response to deficiencies identified in any audits. deficiencies identified in any audits. " In the quarterly report submitted pursuant to ¶186. Not applicable for this reporting period. the provisions of Section IX of this Consent Decree (Recordkeeping and Reporting) for the first calendar quarter of each year, Chevron shall submit to EPA and the appropriate Plaintiff-Intervenor the audit reports and corrective action records for audits performed and actions taken during the previous year. ___________________________________________________ _____________ Internal Leak Definition for Valves and Pumps ___________________________________________ " By no later than June 30, 2005, Chevron shall ___________ ¶ 87.a Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is using an internal utilize an internal leak definition of no greater leak definition of 500 ppm VOC for valves. than 500 ppm VOCs for each Refinery's valves, excluding pressure relief devices. ___________________________________________________ " By no later than June 30, 2005, Chevron shall _____________ ¶ 87.b Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is using an internal utilize an internal leak definition of no greater leak definition of 2000 ppm VOC for pumps. than 2000 ppm for each Refinery's pumps. ___________________________________________________ ______________ Reporting, Recording, Tracking Repairing and Remonitoring Leaks of Valves and Pumps Based on the Internal Leak Definitions ____________________________________________ " Chevron shall record, track, repair and re- ____________ ¶ 88.b. All leaks in excess of the internal leak definitions of ¶J monitor all leaks in excess of the internal leak 87 are recorded and tracked using the LDAR definitions of Paragraph 87 at such time as Monitoring Database. those definitions become applicable. " Except as provided otherwise in this Section LDAR Monitoring Database records indicate that first V.M, Chevron shall make a first attempt at attempts at repair, remonitoring, and delay of repair repair within five (5) calendar days and either requirements have been satisfied. complete repairs and re-monitor leaks or place such component on the Refinery's delay of repair list within thirty (30) days. _____________ _______________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 25 " By no later than March 31,2004, Chevron ¶ 89. LDAR Monitoring Database records indicate that shall promptly make an "initial attempt" to Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery made an initial repair any valve that has a reading greater attempt at repair and remonitored within 5 calendar than 100 ppm of VOCs, excluding control days on all valves with a reading greater than 100 valves and components that LDAR personnel ppm. are not authorized to repair. " Chevron or its designated contractor shall re- monitor, within five (5) calendar days, all valves that LDAR personnel attempted to repair under this Paragraph. _______________________________________________ _____________ LDAR Monitoring Frequency ____________________________________________ " When the lower internal leak definition for ____________ ¶ 90.a. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is monitoring pumps pumps becomes applicable under Paragraph at the internal leak definition monthly. 87.b and unless more frequent monitoring is required by applicable federal, state and/or local requirements, Chevron shall monitor pumps at the internal leak definition on a monthly basis. ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall monitor valves at the internal ______________ ¶ 90.b. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is monitoring light leak definition on a quarterly basis (other than liquid and gas/vapor valves at the internal leak difficult to monitor or unsafe to monitor valves), definition on a quarterly basis, with the exception of those in process units in which the Sustainable Skip Period Monitoring Program of Consent Decree Appendix K has been implemented and those classified as difficult to monitor. _________________________________________________ " Chevron may implement the Sustainable Skip ______________ ¶ 90.c. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has implemented Period Program set forth in Appendix K of the skip monitoring for the qualifying process units as set Consent Decree at the Salt Lake City Refinery, forth in ¶ 90.c. and Appendix K. " Chevron shall have the option of monitoring ____________ ¶ 90.d. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has not used this affected valves and pumps within process option for turnaround or shutdowns during this unit(s) after completing a documented reporting period. maintenance, startup, or shutdown activity without having the results of the monitoring count as a scheduled monitoring activity, provided that Chevron monitors according to the following schedule: ___________________________________________________ " For events involving 1000 or fewer valves and ______________ ¶ go.d.i. Not applicable for this reporting period. pumps, monitor within one (I) week of the documented maintenance, start-up, or shutdown activity; ___________________________________________________ " For events involving greater than 1000 but ______________ ¶ go.d.ii. Not applicable for this reporting period. fewer than 5000 valves and pumps, monitor within two (2) weeks of the documented maintenance, start-up, or shutdown activity; " For events involving greater than 5000 pumps _____________ ¶ 90.d.Ui. _______________________________________________ Not applicable for this reporting period. and valves, monitor within four (4) weeks of the documented maintenance, start-up, or shutdown activity. _______________________________________________ _____________ Electronic Monitoring, Storing and Report of LDAR Data ____________________________________________ " Chevron has and will continue to maintain an ¶ 91.a. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to use the electronic database for storing and reporting Sky Bridge program for storing and reporting LDAR LDAR data. data. " By no later than January 1, 2004, Chevron _____________ ¶ 91.b. The required documentation is maintained on file. shall maintain operational specifications for the data logger, software and monitoring equipment it elects to use under this Consent Decree. _______________________________________________ " Chevron shall use dataloggers and/or _____________ ¶ 91 .b. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery is utilizing electronic data collection devices during all dataloggers for LDAR monitoring. LDAR monitoring. ______________ ___________________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (N.D. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 25 Chevron, or its designated contractor, shall ¶ 91.b. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery uses its best efforts use its/their best efforts to transfer, by the end to transfer the data from the electronic data logging of the next business day electronic data from device to the database system by the end of the next electronic data logging devices to the business day. In cases where data transfer and/or electronic database of Paragraph 91.a. For all other issues hinder transfer to the database system, monitoring events in which an electronic data and manual entry of monitoring data into the Sky collection device is used, the collected Bridge database is necessary, records of such entries monitoring data shall include a time stamp and are maintained. identify the operator/monitoring technician and the monitoring instrument used ___________________________________________________ " Chevron may use paper logs where necessary _____________ ¶1 91.l. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has utilized paper or more feasible (e.g., small rounds, re- logs only for instances of retesting, small rounds, or monitoring, or when data loggers are not when data logger/serial data transfer difficulties are available or broken), and shall record, at a encountered. minimum, the identity of the technician, the date, monitoring starting and ending times, and an identification of the monitoring equipment. " Chevron shall use its best efforts to transfer _____________ ¶1 gl.b. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery uses its best efforts any manually recorded monitoring data to the to transfer manually recorded data to the electronic electronic database of Paragraph 91.a within database within the seven-day timeframe. seven days of monitoring. _______________________________________________ ____________ QA/OC of LDAR Data ______________________________________ " By no later than March31, 2004, Chevron (or __________ ¶ 92. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to a third party contractor retained by Chevron) maintain procedures for QAQC reviews of all data shall have developed and begun implementing generated by LDAR monitoring technicians. The procedures for quality assurance/quality monitoring data is reviewed for QA/QC on a quarterly control ("QA/QC") reviews of all data basis and includes number of components monitored generated by LDAR monitoring technicians. per technician, time between monitoring events, and " Chevron shall ensure that monitoring data abnormal data patterns. provided by its contractors is periodically reviewed for QA/QC by the contractors. " At least once per calendar quarter, Chevron shall perform a QA/QC review of each contractor's monitoring data which shall include, but not be limited to: number of components monitored per technician, time between monitoring events and abnormal data patterns. ___________________________________________________ _____________ WAR Personnel ___________________________________________ " Chevron shall continue to maintain a position ___________ ¶ 93. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to at each Refinery that is responsible for LDAR maintain this position. management and that has the authority to implement LDAR improvements. ___________________________________________ ___________ Adding New Valves and Pumps ___________________________________________ " By no later than June 30, 2004, Chevron shall ___________ ¶ 94. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to establish a tracking program for maintenance maintain a tracking program for maintenance records records (e.g., a Management of Change to meet CD requirements. program) to ensure that valves and pumps added to the Refinery during maintenance and construction are integrated into each Refinery's LDAR program. _______________________________________________ ____________ Calibration/Calibration Drift Assessment _______________________________________________ " Chevron shall conduct all calibrations of LDAR _____________ ¶ 95.a. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery utilizes methane as monitoring equipment using methane as the the calibration gas in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part calibration gas, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. 60, EPA Reference Test Method 21. Part 60, EPA Reference Test Method 21. _____________ _______________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (N.D. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report. July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 25 " By no later than January 1, 2004, Chevron ¶ 95.b. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to: shall conduct calibration drift assessments of LDAR monitoring equipment at the end of I Conduct calibration drift assessments of LDAR each monitoring shift, at a minimum, monitoring equipment at the end of each " Chevron shall conduct the calibration drift monitoring shift, at a minimum. assessment using a calibration gas with a 2. Conduct the calibration drift assessment using a concentration approximately equal to the calibration gas with a concentration approximately applicable internal leak definition, equal to the applicable internal leak definition. " If any calibration drift assessment after the 3. Re-monitor all components that were monitored initial calibration shows a negative drift of more after the initial calibration if the drift assessment than 10% from the previous calibration, shows a negative drift of more than 10% from the Chevron shall re-monitor all valves that were initial calibration. monitored since the last calibration that had a reading greater than 100 ppm and shall re- monitor all pumps that were monitored since the last calibration that had a reading greater than_500_ppm. _______________________________________________ ____________ Delay of Repair _______________________________________________ " By no later than January 1,2004, Chevron ____________ ¶ 96.a. See below. shall take the following actions for any equipment that it intends and is allowed to place on the "delay of repair" list under applicable regulations: _______________________________________________ " Require sign-off by the unit supervisor within ____________ ¶ 96.a.i. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to require thirty (30) days of identifying that a piece of sign-off by unit supervisor for equipment qualifying for equipment is leaking at a rate greater than the delayed repair. applicable leak definition) that such equipment qualifies for delayed repair under applicable regulations, ___________________________________________________ " Include equipment that is place on the "delay _____________ ¶ 96.a.ii. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has included of repair" list in Chevron's regular LDAR equipment on the "delay of repair" list in Chevron's monitoring, regular LDAR monitoring. " Use its best efforts to isolate and repair pumps ____________ ¶ 96.a.iH. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery continues to use identified as leaking at a rate of 2000 ppm or best efforts to isolate and repair pumps identified as greater leaking at a rate of 2000 ppm or greater. " By no later than June 30, 2004, Chevron shall ____________ ¶ 96.b. See below. take the following actions for any equipment that it intends and is allowed to place on the "delay of repair" list under applicable regulations: ___________________________________________________ " For valves, other than control valves and _____________ ¶ 96.b.i. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met this pressure relief valves, that qualify to be on the requirement for the current reporting period. "delay of repair" list, use the "drill and tap" method (or an equivalent), rather than place a valve on the "delay of repair" list, if it is leaking at a rate of 50,000 ppm or greater unless Chevron can demonstrate that there is a safety or major environmental concern by attempting to repairing the leak in this manner. ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall perform the first "drill and tap" _____________ ¶ 96.b.i. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met this (or equivalent repair method) within fifteen requirement for the current reporting period. days and a second attempt (if necessary) within thirty (30) days after the leak is detected. " After two unsuccessful attempts to repair a ______________ ¶ 96.b.i. ___________________________________________________ Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met this leaking valve through the drill and tap (or requirement for the current reporting period. equivalent) method, Chevron may place the leaking valve on its "delay of repair" list. _____________ _______________________________________________ Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 23 of 25 For valves, other than control valves and ¶ 96.b.ii. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met this pressure relief valves, that qualify to be on the requirement for the current reporting period. "delay of repair" list, use the "drill and tap" method (or an equivalent), rather than place a valve on the "delay of repair" list, if it is leaking at a rate of 10,000 ppm or greater unless Chevron can demonstrate that there is a safety or major environmental concern by attempting to repairing the leak in this manner. _______________________________________________ " Chevron shall perform a first and (if necessary) _____________ ¶ 96.b.ii. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has met this a second "drill and tap" (or equivalent repair requirement for the current reporting period. method) as soon as practicable but not later than 90 days after such leak was detected. " If a new valve repair method not currently in Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has not used any use by the refining industry is planned to be ¶ 96.c. new valve repair methods not currently in use by the used by Chevron, Chevron will advise EPA refining industry. prior to implementing such a method or, if prior notice is not practicable, as soon as practicable after implementation. ___________________________________________________ ______________ Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for this Paragraph _______________________________________________ " Consistent with the requirements of Section IX ¶ 97.a. See below (Recordkeeping and Reporting), Chevron shall include the following information in the progress report(s) for the quarter in which the identified activity occurred or was required: _______________________________________________ " An identification of the individual at the _____________ ¶97.a.iv. Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery has identified an Refinery responsible for LDAR performance as individual responsible for LDAR performance. Kyle required by ¶93 Drach (ElSE Manager) is the responsible individual listed_in_the_LDAR_program. _________________________________________________ " A copy of each Refinery's LDAR program ______________ ¶ 97.a.vfli. Not applicable for this reporting period. under ¶83 ___________________________________________________ " Chevron shall identify each audit that was ______________ The Salt Lake Refinery completed a third-party audit conducted under Paragraph 85 in the previous ¶ 97.b. in January 2024. The audit report and corrective calendar year, including an identification of the actions will be submitted in the semiannual report auditors, a summary of the audit results and covering January I, 2024 through June 20, 2024. the actions that Chevron took or intends to take to correct identified deficiencies. ___________________________________________________ " In Each Report due under 40 C.F.R. § 63.654, ______________ ¶97.c. The information outlined in ¶97.c.i - ¶97.c.ix. has Chevron shall include the information on LDAR been included in all MACT semi-annual reports and monitoring outlined in ¶97.c.i -1J97.c.ix. ____________ was submitted January 15, 2024. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1, 2023 through December31, 2023 Attachment 1 Page 24 of 25 Section V.N. - Incorporation of Consent Decree Requirements into Federally Enforceable Permits Item to be Reported CD Reference Status Obtaining Permit Limits for Consent Decree Emission Limits that Become Effective After Date of Entry " Except as set forth below in Paragraph 9Gb, ¶ 99.a. On January 7,2015, the Chevron Salt Lake City as soon as practicable, but in no event later Refinery submitted a permit application for the final than the later of ninety (90) days after the FCCU NOx limits. All other necessary applications effective date or establishment of any emission have been submitted to Utah Division of Air Quality to limits and standards under Section V of this incorporate applicable emission limits and standards. Consent Decree or fifteen (15) days after the Date of Entry of this Consent Decree, Chevron shall submit applications to the appropriate The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery does not have a Plaintiff-Intervenor to incorporate those final Title V permit. A Title V application has been emission limits and standards in federally submitted (a reapplication was submitted on January enforceable minor or major new source review 31, 2020) and the incorporation of any emission limits permits or other permits (other than Title V shall be in accordance with the State of Utah's Title V permits) which are federally enforceable. Upon rules. issuance of such permit or in conjunction with such permitting, Chevron shall file any applications necessary to incorporate the requirements of the permit into the Title V permit of the refinery. _____________ ___________________________________________________ Section XVIII. - Termination Item to be Reported CD Reference Status certification of Completion: Paragraph 236 ____________________________________________ Chevron may certify completion of the following _____________ ¶ 236 The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery submitted a Consent Decree (CD) Sections: certification of completion on December 17, 2008 " Section V.A.: FCCU for CD Section VIII. As of the conclusion of this " Sections V.8 - V.E.: FCCU reporting period, EPA has not yet responded. " Sections V.F - V.G.: Heaters and Boilers " Section VIII: Supplemental Environmental The Chevron Salt Lake City Refinery submitted a Projects termination package on July 16,2020. As of the conclusion of this reporting period, EPA has not yet responded. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Chevron USA Inc., Case No. C 03-04650 (ND. Cal.) Salt Lake City Refinery Semi-Annual Progress Report, July 1,2023 through December 31, 2023 Attachment I Page 25 of 25 Attachment 2 Attachments Related to Benzene Waste NESHAP Program Enhancements The following BWON information required to be submitted per Paragraph 82 is included in this Attachment: " Summary of all EOL benzene determinations and a summary of supporting sample results for the period of 1/1/23 through 12/31/23 (82n.) including: o A list of all waste streams sampled o The results of the benzene analysis for each sample Salt Lake Refinery BWON LOt Sampling Results 2023 The following table summarizes the results generated pursuant the NSR Consent Decree between Chevron USA and the United States of America. Supporting documents are available at the facility. 1st Quarter 2ndQuarter ___________ 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter __________ U Description Avg. Concentration' (ppml Flow (Mg) Benzene lMgl Avg. Concentration' (ppm) Flow (Mg) Bensene (Mg) Avg. Concentration' (ppm) Flow lMgl Benzene (Mg) Avg. Concentration' (ppm) Flow (Mg) Bensene (Mg) EOL Samples _______________ _________ __________ ______________ _________ _________ _______________ _________ _________ 1 Sour water Stripper Effluent _______________ 0.005 __________ 73,813 __________ 0.00 0.0025 79,716 0.00 0.0025 82,925 0.00 0.0005 67,673 0.00 4 volatilization Calculation5 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.12 5 Ume Pond 0.001 __________ 0 0.00 0.003 - 0.00 0.003 - 0.00 -- -- 0.00 6 Biological Contractors (controlled) to Clarifiers (uncontrolled) 0.01 488,447 0.00 0.00 457,403 0.00 0.00 469.256 0.00 0.00 480,511 0.00 7 Spent Caustic Tank Effluent 2.35 19 0.00 1.40 12.58 0.00 3.45 18 0.00 1.86 27 0.00 8 LACTSump 0.148 35 0.00 0.012 54 0.00 0.103 SO 0.00 0.644 42 0.00 9 Miscellaneous Uncontrolled Waste Shipped 0ff-site From Waste Group Records 0.00 From Waste Group Records 0.00 From Waste Group Records 0.00 From Waste Group Records 0.00 10 Miscellaneous Uncontrolled Waste into Process (Slop bA) or Collection Box (lOB) 4.55 454 0.00 0.86 454 0.00 2.31 363 0.00 1.05 2449 0.00 11 Uncontrolled Wastes to Collection Box4 0.00 __________ 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 Coker Drill Water 0.01 8,505 0.00 0.00 8.600 0.00 0.00 8,694 0.00 0.00 8,694 0.00 13 North Tank Field Remediation5 0.02 22,871 0.00 0.01 7.656 0.00 0.00 22,871 0.00 0.01 143,338 0.00 14 Desalter 7.0 45,08S 0.31 9.3 46,47a 0.43 17.3 44,414 0.77 21 43,726 0.90 Collection Box 2.2 529,428 1.16 2.0 495,276 0.99 1.9 504,011 0.97 2.3 518,647 1.19 - - EOL Total1 0.23 0.62 0,12 0.13 Notes 1. Average Concentration is the mean bencene concentration of at least three samples taken in accordance with BWON regulations. For line items that are a combination of multiple streams, the average concentration is weighted by flow. 2. Total EOL Bencene Quantity for the refinery is the sum of EOL points 1,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, and 12. 3. This sample is not counted in the EOL total because it is represented in the collection box sample (EOL 11). It is sampled because it has the potential to add more than 0.05 Mg/yr to the GBQ. 4. Per the EPA letcer dated November 5,2007 concerning approval of the Salt Lake Refinery's EOL Plan, EOL 11 is calculated by subtracting the amount of benzene from the Desalter Effluent, EOL 14, from the quantity of bencene measured at sample point EOL 11, the collection box. 5. volatilization Calculation - Henry's Law equilibrium calculation is performed on a quarterly basis. nenzene emissions are estimated at 6.3% of bencene flowing through the collection box. 1st QTR 2023 EOL # EOL sampte location benzene concentration I benzene concentration 2 benzene concentration 3 avg benzene concentration Pt tag if needed flow (gpm) quantity (Mg) benzene quantity notes: Point lb SWS #2 effluent <0005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 67FC122 151 73,813 0.0004 Point 4 volitalization calcualtion 0.1263 Point 5 lime pond 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 0.00 0 0.0000 The True pond was taken out of service with the Alky plant retrofit Point 6 RBCISBC to outfall <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 09F1430 996 488.447 0.0024 Point? spent caustic effluent 2.61 1.11 3.34 2.35 19.03 0.0000 Point 8 LACT sump 0.05 0.30 0.09 0.15 35.11 0.0000 Point 9 uncontrolled waste off site 0.0000 Point 10 uncontrolled waste into process 1.82 9.96 1.86 4.55 453.60 0.0021 COSC pump out of service in January Point 11 uncontrolled Collection Box Wastes 0.0940 Collection box minus desalter and accounting for RTO downtime Point 12 caller drill water <0.005 <0.005 0.092 0.005 8505.00 0.0000 Point 13 t4or1h Tank Field Remediation 0.016 0.017 0.019 0.017 0.00 22,871 0.0004 Point 14 desalter 5 10 6 7 21 FC 533 21FC539 91.96 45,085 0.3140 cotection box 2.45 2.03 2.13 2.19 09FC104 1079.86 529,428 1.1601 total 0.225 2nd QTR 2023 benzene benzene benzene avg benzene P1 tag if benzene EOL # EOL sample location concentration I concentration 2 concentration 3 concentration needed flow (gpm) quantity (Mg) quantity notes: Point lb SWS #2 effluent <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 67FC122 161 79.716 0.0004 volitalization Poinl4 calcuattion 0.1169 The lime pond was taken out of service with Point 5 lime pond <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 0.00 0 0.0000 the Alky plant retrofit Point 6 RBC/SBC to outfall <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 09F7430 923 457,403 0.0011 Point 7 spent caustic effluent 1.49 1.36 1.35 1.40 12.58 0.0000 Point 8 LACT sump 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 53.93 0.0000 uncontrolled waste off Paint 9 site 0.0000 uncontrolled waste Point 10 into process 2.03 0.31 0.25 0.86 453.60 0.0004 COSC dewatering Collection box minus Uncontrolled desalter and accounting Point 11 Collection Box Wastes 0.499 far RIO downtime Point 12 coker drill water <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 8599.50 0.0000 North Tank Field Point 13 Remediatian 0.012 <0.005 0.005 0.009 0.00 7,656 0.0001 21FC533 Point 14 desalter 6 10 12 9 21FC539 93.76 46,478 0.4319 collection box 2.09 2,09 1.85 2.00 09FC104 999.09 495,276 0.9924 total 0.618 3rd QTR 2023 EOL It EOL sample location benzene concentration I benzene concentration 2 benzene concentration 3 avg benzene concentration Fl tag if needed flow (gpm) quantity (Mg) benzene quantity notes: Point lb SWS #2 effluent <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 67FC122 166 62.925 0.0002 Point 4 volitalization calcualtion 0.1189 Point 5 lime pond <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 0.00 0 0.0000 The lime pond was taken out of service with the Alky plant retrofit Point 6 RBCISBC to outfall <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 09F1430 936 469.256 0.0012 Point? spent caustic effluent 3.90 2.82 3.62 3.45 17.88 0.0001 Point B LACT sump 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 50.13 0.0000 Point 9 uncontrolled waste off site 0.0000 Point 10 uncontrolled waste into process 2.41 2.30 2.21 2.31 362.88 0.0008 COSC dewatering Point 11 Uncontrolled Collection Box Wastes 0.0020 Collection box minus desalter and accounting for RTO downtime Point 12 coker drill water <0.005 <0005 <0.005 0.003 8694.00 0.0000 Point 13 North Tank Field Remediation - - - 0.000 0.00 22,671 0.0000 Point 14 desalter 16 24 13 17 21 P1536 342,429.29 44,414 0.7678 collection box 1.76 2.32 1.70 1.93 09FC104 1005.67 504,011 0.9728 total 0.123 4th QTR 2023 EOL # EOL sample location benzene concentration 1 benzene concentration 2 benzene concentration 3 avg benzene concentration P1 tag if needed flow (gpm) quantity (Mg) benzene quantity (Mg) notes: Point lb SWS#2 effluent <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.001 67FC122 135 67,673 0.0000 Point 4 volitalization calcualtion 0.1 224 PointS lime pond 0.000 0.000 0.000 - 0.00 0 0.0000 The lime pond was taken out of service with the Atky plant retrofit Point 6 RBCISBC to outfall <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 09FT430 936 480.511 0.0012 Point? spent caustic effluent 2.350 1.470 1.750 1.857 27.22 0.0001 PointS LACT sump 0.68 0.50 0.75 0.64 42.15 0.0000 PointS uncontrolled waste off site 0.0000 Point 10 uncontrolled waste into process 0.55 0.18 2.42 1.05 2449,42 0.0026 COSC dewatering Point 11 Uncontrolled Collection Box Wastes 0.0020 Collection box minus desalter and accounting for RTO downtime Point 12 coker drill waler <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.003 8694.00 0.0000 Point 13 North Tank Field Remediation 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.011 0.00 143,336 0.0016 Point 14 desalter 21 21 20 21 21Fl536 0,00 43,726 0.9037 collection box 2.72 2.06 2.14 2.30 09FC104 1034.87 518,647 1.1911 Total 0.128