HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0047951 DAQC-133-24 Site ID 10119 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – CHEVRON PRODUCTS COMPANY THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Morris, Environmental Scientist DATE: February 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Location: 685 South Chevron Way, North Salt Lake, Salt Lake County, Utah Contact: Tony Pollock – 801-539-7162 Tester: Alliance Technical Group, LLC. Source: FCC Regenerator Vent FRS ID #: UT0000004901100003 AO# DAQE-AN101190106-22 dated September 26, 2022 Action Code: Tr Subject: Review of Stack Test Report dated January 29, 2024 On February 2, 2024, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received, via email, a stack test emissions report for testing of the Chevron Products Company’s FCC Regenerator Vent, located at the Salt Lake Refinery, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Testing was performed December 19, 2023, to determine compliance with AO Conditions II.B.1.f, II.B.1.g, and II.B.7.d for PM emissions. Source Test Date RM/Pollutant DAQ Result Test Result Limit FCC Regen 12/19/2023 5&202/PM 0.56* 0.58* 1.0* * lbs/1000 lbs coke burned DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The stack emissions testing report appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: The PM emissions should be considered to have been in compliance with the applicable limit at the time of testing. HPV: No ATTACHMENTS: Stack test report dated January 29, 2024 DAQ generated excel spreadsheets 6 , 3 Gcwonv DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Chevron encloses the results from the FCC Regenerator Vent PMl0 stack test completed December 19, 2023. Testing was conducted while the source was operating at the rate and/or conditions specified in the applicable approval order-Approval Order Number DAQE-ANl0l190106-22. During testing, the source combusted fuels, used raw materials, and maintained process conditions representative of normal operations, and operated under such other relevant conditions specified by the Executive Secretary. Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information contained in the report are true, accurate, and complete. Please contact Tony Pollock at (801) 539-7162 or DlTF@chevron.com if there are any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, Kyle Drach HES Manager Salt Lake Refincry Chevron Products Company 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, UT 84116 Tel 801 539 7200 January 29,2024 Mr. Bryce Bird, Division Director Utah Air Quality Board P.O. Box 144820 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake city, uT 84114-4820 Certilied Mail7018 0680 0001 4890 0338 2023 FCC Catalyst Regenerator Vent PM 10 Test Dear Mr. Bird: UTAH DEPARTMEI..IT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FiB _ ] Kyle Drach Allarc Source Test Report Chevron Corporation 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, uT 84054 Source Tested: One (l ) Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Unit Test Date: December 19.2023 Project No. AST-2023 -4659 Prepared By Alliance Technical Group. LLC 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley City, UT 84120 r-r T E(, ltl'..1 laj.\ t G n() t-l tl Source Test Report Test Program Summary Resulatorv Information Permil No. Source Information DAQE-ANl0tt90l06-22 Source Name One (l) Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Unit Contact Information Target Parameter PMIO Test Location Chevron Corporation 2351 North I100 West Salt Lake City, UT 841l6 Facility Contact Tony Pollock dltf@chevron.com (80r ) 539-7r62 Test Company Alliance Technical Group, LLC 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley City, UT 84120 Project Manager Charles Horton charles.horton@all iancetg.com (3s2) 663-7s68 Field Team Leader Ryan Lyons ryan. lyons@alliancetg.com (708) 214-4850 QA/QC Manager Kathleen Shonk katie.shonk@alliancetg.com (8t2) 4s2478s Report Coordinator Delaine Spangler delaine.spangler@alliancetg.com Analytical Laboratory Alliance Technical Group, LLC 5530 Marshall Street Arvada CO 80002 Eric Grosjean eric. grosj ean@alliancetg.com (303\ 420-5949 Chevron - Salt Lake City, UTAST:2023-M59 2 of58 Page i Sowce Test Report C e r I i fi c at i on State me nt Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) has completed the source testing as described in this report. Results apply only to the source(s) tested and operating condition(s) for the specific test date(s) and time(s) identified within this report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Alliance is not responsible for use ofless than the complete test report without written consent. This report shall not be reproduced in full or in part without written approval from the customer. To the best of my knowledge and abilities, all information, facts and test data are corect. Data presented in this report has been checked for completeness and is accurate, error-free and legible. Onsite testing was conducted in accordance with approved intemal Standard Operating Procedures. Any deviations or problems are detailed in the relevant sections in the test report. This report is only considered valid once an authorized representative of Alliance has signed in the space provided below; any other version is considered draft. This document was prepared in portable document format (.pdf) and contains pages as identified in the bottom footer of this document. dJ ilA 01t23t2024 Charles Horton, QSTI Alliance Technical Group, LLC Date Chevron - Salt Lake City, UTAST-2023-4659 3 of58 Page ii ta I T CIlN!CAI GBOLlir Source Test Reporl Table ofContents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.3 Site Specific Test Plan & Notification................... ................ l-l 3.I U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and 2 - Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate ..... 3-l 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3l3A- Orygen/Carbon Dioxide.... ........ 3-l 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content......... .................... 3-l 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 20lA and 202-PM <10 microns. .......3-2 3.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 313A.......................................3-2 LIST OF TABLES APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Calculations Appendix B Field Data Appendix C Laboratory Data Appendix D Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data Appendix E Process Operating Data Chevron - Sa.lt Lake City, UTAST-20234659 4 of58 Page iii 5 of58 T F rl ii I'l I (l A I (j G () i.i lj Source Test Report Inlroduction 1.0 Introduction Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) was retained by Chevron Products Company (Chevron) to conduct compliance testing at the Salt Lake City, Utah facility. Portions of the facility are subject to provisions of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Permit No. DAQE-AN10ll90l06-22. Testing was conducted to determine the emission rate of particulate matter less than l0 microns (PMIO) at the exhaust of one (l) Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit. l.l Facility Description Chevron Salt Lake Refinery is a petroleum refinery with a nominal capacity of approximately 50,000 barrels per day of crude oil. The source consists of one FCC unit, a delayed coking unit, a catalytic reforming unit, hydrotreating units and two sulfur recovery units. The source also has assorted heaters, boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, flares, and similar fugitive emissions. The refinery operates with a flare gas recovery system on two of its three hydrocarbon flares. 1.2 Project Team Personnel involved in this project are identified in the following table. Table l-l: Project Team 1.3 Site Speci{ic Test Plan & Notification Testing was conducted in accordance with the Site-Specific Test Plan (SSTP) submitted to UDAQ by Chevron. Chevron - Salt Lake City, UT Chevron Personnel Tony Pollock Regulatory Agency UDAQ Alliance Personnel Ryan Lyons Xander Krahn SupilaniMailei AST-2023-4659 6 of58 Page l-l 7 of58 put6rpe I E C I.i N I C A t G R O U P Sowce Test Report Summty of Results 2.0 Summary of Results Alliance was retained by Chevron to conduct compliance testing at the Salt Lake City, Utah facility. Portions of the facility are subject to provisions of UDAQ Permit No. DAQE-ANl0ll90l06-22. Testing was conducted to determine the emission rate and factor of particulate matter less than l0 microns (PMl0) at the exhaust of one (l) Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit. Table 2-l provides a summary of the emission testing results with comparisons to the applicable UDAQ permit limits. Any difference between the summary results listed in the following table and the detailed results contained in appendices is due to rounding for presentation. Table 2-1: Summary of Results Particulate Matter less than 10 Microns Data Concentration, grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb/hr Particulate Matter Data Concentration, grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb/hr 0.0015 0.27 0.023 4.0 0.0014 0.2s 0.017 3.1 0.0013 0.2s 0.0093 1.8 0.0014 0.26 0.016 2.9 otal Particulate Matter less than l0 Microns Data Concentration, grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb/trr Emission Factor, lb/l000lb coke burn off Permit Limit, lb/l000lb coke bum off Percent of Limit, 7o 0.024 4.3 0.78 0.018 J.J 0.60 0.01r 2.0 0.36 0.018 3.2 0.s8 1.0 58 rA walnut blast occurred at the beginning of Run 3. Chewon - Salt Lake City, UTAST-20234659 8 of58 Page 2-l 9 of58 F TAAI 'i.l I Source Test Reporl Testing Methodology 3.0 Testing Methodology The emission testing program was conducted in accordance with the test methods listed in Table 3-1. Method descriptions are provided below while quality assurance/quality control data is provided in Appendix D. Table 3-l: Source Testing Methodology 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and 2 - Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate The sampling location and number of traverse (sampling) points were selected in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. To determine the minimum number of traverse points, the upstream and downstream distances were equated into equivalent diameters and compared to Figure l-2 in U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. Full velocity traverses were conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 to determine the average stack gas velocity pressure, static pressure. and temperature. The velocity and static pressure measurement system consisted of a pitot tube and inclined manometer. The stack gas temperature was measured with a K-type thermocouple and pyrometer. Stack gas velocity pressure and temperature readings were recorded during each test run. The data collected was utilized to calculate the volumetric flow rate in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2. 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3l3A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide The oxygen (O:) and carbon dioxide (CO:) testing was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3/3A. One (1) integrated Tedlar bag sample was collected during each test run. The bags were collected from the positive pressure side of the sample pump and conditioner. They were collected through a manifold with a restriction (either rotometer or critical orifice) to ensure even filling throughout the course of the run. Samples were concurrent with the test runs. The bag samples were analyzed on site with a gas analyzer. The remaining stack gas constituent was assumed to be nitrogen for the stack gas molecular weight determination. The quality control measures are described in Section 3.5. 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content The stack gas moisture content was determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4. The gas conditioning train consisted of a series of chilled impingers. Prior to testing, each impinger was filled with a known quantity of water or silica gel. Each impinger was analyzed gravimetrically before and after each test run on the same analytical balance to determine the amount of moisture condensed. Chevron - Salt Lake City, UT Volumetric Flow Rate Full Velocity Traverses Integrated Bag / Instrumental Analysis Particulate Matter less than l0 microns AST-2023-4659 l0 of58 Page 3-l Source Tesl Reporl Testins Methodolon, 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 20lA and202 - PM <10 microns The PMIO testing was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 20lA and 202. The complete sampling system consisted of a stainless-steel nozzle, PMl0 in-stack cyclone, in-stack filter holder, pre- weighed quartz filter, heated stainless-steel probe extension, un-weighed Teflon filter, gas conditioning train, pump, and calibrated dry gas meter. The gas conditioning train consisted of a coiled condenser and four (4) chilled impingers. The first and second impingers were initially empty, the third contained 100 mL of de-ionized water and the last impinger contained 200-300 grams of silica gel. The un-weighed 90 mm Teflon filter was placed between the second and third impinger. The probe liner heating system was maintained at a temperature of 248 +25'F, and the impinger temperature was maintained at 68"F or less throughout testing. The temperature of the Teflon filter was maintained greater than 65'F but less than or equal to 85'F. Following the completion of each test run, the sampling train was leak checked at a vacuum pressure greater than or equal to the highest vacuum pressure observed during the run. The nitrogen purge was omitted due to minimal condensate collected in the dry impingers. After the leak check the impinger contents were measured for moisture gain. If condensate was collected in the first dry impinger, then the front-half of the sample train (the nozzle, probe, and heated pre-weighed filter) and the coil condenser was removed, and a glass bubbler was connected to the first impinger. If needed, de-ionized ultra-filtered (DIUF) water was added to the first impinger to raise the water level above the bubbler. Zero nitrogen was connected to the bubbler. and a 60-minute purge at l4 liters per minute was conducted. After the completion of the nitrogen purge the impinger contents were measured for moisture gain. The pre-weighed quartz filter was carefully removed and placed in container l. The front half of the filter holder and back-half of the PMl0 cyclone were rinsed six (6) times with acetone to remove any adhering particulate matter, and these rinses were recovered in container 2. All containers were sealed, labeled and liquid levels marked for transport to the identified laboratory for filterable particulate matter analysis. The contents of impingers I and2 were recovered in containerCPM Cont. #1. The back half of the filterable PM filter holder, probe extension, coil condenser, impingers I and 2 and all connecting glassware were rinsed with DIUF water and then rinsed with acetone, followed by hexane. The water rinses were added to container CPM Cont. #l while the solvent rinses were recovered in container CPM Cont. #2. The Teflon filter was removed from the filter holder and placed in container CPM Cont. #3. The front half of the condensable PM filter holder was rinsed with DIUF water and then with acetone, followed by hexane. The water rinse was added to container CPM Cont. #l while the solvent rinses were added to container CPM Cont. #2. All containers were sealed, labeled and liquid levels marked for transport to the identified laboratory for condensable particulate matter analysis. 3.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3/3A Cylinder calibration gases met EPA Protocol I (+/- 2o/o\ standards. Copies of all calibration gas certificates are included in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix of the report. Low Level gas was introduced directly to the analyzer. After adjusting the analyzer to the Low Level gas concentration and once the analyzer reading was stable, the analyzer value was recorded. This process was repeated for the High Level gas. For the Calibration Error Test, Low, Mid, and High Level calibration gases were sequentially introduced directly to the analyzer. The Calibration Error for each gas was within 2.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5%o absolute difference. AST-2023-4659 Chevron - Salt Lake City, UT Page 1-2 put6rpe TFCIiINiCAI CiROllP Sowce Test Report Testing Methodologv A Data Acquisition System with battery backup was used to record the instrument response in one (1) minute averages. The data was continuously stored as a *.CSV file in Excel format on the hard drive of a computer. At the completion of testing, the data was also saved to the Alliance server. All data was reviewed by the Field Team Leader before leaving the facility. Once arriving at Alliance's office, all written and electronic data was relinquished to the report coordinator and then a final review was performed by the Project Manager. Chevron - Salt Lake City, UTAST-2023-4659 l2 of58 Page 3-3 l3 of58 pult6rpe TECHNiCAL C:ROLJD Location: Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake Citv, UT Appendix A Example Calculations Source: Fluidized Catalytic Cracking flnit Project No.: 2023-4659 Run No./l\lethod: Run l/Method 20lA Meter Pressure (Pm), in. Hg AHPm = Pb+- where, 73.6 Pb j!g_= barometric pressue, in. Hg AH 0.440 : pressure differenhal ofonfice, in H2O R*TT-:in. ug Absolute Stack Gas Pressure (Ps), in. Hg PgPs = Pb+-nhere. 13.6 Pb-Z!L= bilometric pressure, in. Hg Pg_A: static pressue, in. HzO Ps 25.60 = in. Hg Standard Meter Volume (\'mstd), dscf L7.636xYxVmxPmVmstd =where, Y-..1!!!!= meter conection factor Vm 24.681 : meter volume, cf Pm_A: absolute meter pressure, in. Hg T.J4l-= absolute meter temperature, oR Vmstd 2l.156 : dscf Standard Wel Volume (Vwstd), scf . Vwstd = 0.04776 x Ylcwher€. !'lc 45.68 = volume of H1O colleaed, ml v*rtd...........I'i.il=t"f Moisture Fraction (BWSmsd), dimensionless (measured) VwstdDIAIC _ wher., (Vwstd + Vmstd) Vwstd-l!!= standard wet volume, scf Vmstd 21.156 = standild meter volume, dscf BWSmsd 0.092 Moisture Fraction (BWSsai), dimensionlcss (theoretical at saturated conditions) ,ou'"-(tr*3!ft)BWSsat = where, TS ps BWSsat Tm Ps s49.4 25.60 73.857 = stack temperature, oF = absolute stack gas pressure, in. Hg l4 of58 pultErrpe T EC i.,1 N I CA L- G P Ot-] I' Location: Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake Citv. UT Appendix A Example Calculations Source: Fluidized Catalvtic Crackine tlnit Project No.: 2023-4659 Run No.Method: Run l,Method 20lA Moistur€ Fraction (BWS), dimensionless BWS = BWSmsd unless BWSsat < BWSmsd wh€r€, BWSsat_fl![: moisture frachon (theoretical at satuated conditions) BWSnsd 0.092 = moisture fiaction (measured) BWS 0.092 Molecular Weight (DRY) (Md), lbflbmole Md = (0.44 x o/oCO2) + (0.32 x 0/oO2) + (0.28(100- o/oCO2 - o/oOZ)) wherc, COz I 8. I = carbon dioxide concentration, 7o O, Z: oxygen concentration. 70 Md 30.98 = lb/lb mol Molecular Weight (WET) (Ms), lbflb-mole Ms = Md (1 - BWS) + 18.015 (BWS) where, Md-]!!!-= molecula weight (DRY), lb/lb mol BWS 0.092 = moisture fraction, dimensionless Ms 29 79 = lb/lb mol Average Velocity (Vs), ft/sec Vs = 85.49 x Cp x (AVttzlavg x where, Cp _QJ!_ = pitot tube coefficient A P' '4: velocity head of stack gas, (in. H3O)r 2 T.-!ql_= absolute stack temperature, oR Ps 25.60 : absolute stack gas pressure, in. Hg MtL= molecularweight of stack gas, Ib/lb mol Vs 753 = ft/sec Average Stack Gas Flow at Stack Conditions (Qa), acfm Qa = 60x Vs x As where, Vs _21!_ = stack gas velocity, fl:/sec As I l. I I = cross-sectional area ofstack, ft2qa@:a"nn Average Stack Gas FIow at Standard Conditions (Qs), dscfm Ps Qs = 17.636 x Qa x (1 - BWS) x _ls where, Qa__E4l_ BWS..........]]]2LP.4Ts 1009.1 : average stack gas flow at stack conditions, actn: moisture Aaction, dimensionless: absolute slack gas pressure, in. Hg: absolute stack temperature, oR Qs_![fu=dsctn l5 of58 N.ArGe Appendix A Example Calculations TEC''..lNiCAL GPOt.'D Location: Ch"".o, Corpo.ation - No.th Sorraa, ProjectNo.:ffi Run No./Illethod: Run l/Method 20lA Filterable PM10 Concentrstion (CFpuro). grain/dscf Mrpurc x 0.0154f_LFPM1O _ where, Murmu4:FPMI0mass, mg Vmstd 21.156 = standard meter volume, dscf CFpMlo 0.0015 = grain/dscf Filterabl€ PMl0 Emission Rate (ERepy16), Ib,/hr ERppuro : where, Cr.puroxQsx60 C"t''n -999.]L : FPMI 0 concentration' grain/dscf Qs 20,393 : average stack gas flow at standard conditions. dscfin ERFPMTo1!!:lb/hr Condensable PM Concentration (Ceu), grain/dscf f_LCPM _ where, Mcpu x 0.0154 Vmstd &l"4: condensable PM mrs, mg Vmstd 2L156 = standard meter volume, dscf Ccru 0.0229 = grain/dscf Condensable PM Emissiotr Rate (ERcpv), lb/hr Ccpr,lxQsx60 ERcpu =PM - 7JE+0B where, C"rr_99L= condensable PM concentration, grain/dscf Qr@= average stack 96 flow at standard conditions, dscfrn ER..";!!.]-=lbtu PMI 0 Concentration (Cpy1s), grain/dscf Mpuro x 0.0L54 Vmstd 7.0E + 03 Vmstd MPuru4: PMlomass,mg Vmstd 21.156 = standard meter yolume dscf Cpvrn 0.0245 = g'ainrdscf f_LPM1O _ where, l6 of58 N.ArGe TECHNiCAL. GROIJD Location: Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake Citv. UT Appendix A Example Calculations Source: Fluidized Catalvtic Crackins Unit Project No.: 2023-4659 Run No./l\{ethod: Run l/Method 20lA PMIO Emission Rate (ERpMro), lb/hr CpuroXQsx60ERpttro =to - 739 .u 96 where. Crmu _91[!| = PMl0 concentration. grain/dscf ar@= average stack gas flow at stmdard conditions, dscfin ERPMro;!!:lb/hr PMl0 Emission Factor (EFpy16), lb/klb coke burn off ERpurox 1.08+03 EFptutto = where, FR ERpMrg 4.28 : PMIO emission rate, lb/hr FR ;!!!.]-= coke bum-off rate, lb/hr EFrur, 0.78 = lb/klb coke bumoff l7of58 U'TAH DEPARTMFNT OF ENVTRoNMENf4LqUALIY FIB - Z ZoZt l8 of58 plltffiiEe : h(-' J^jlil qL ...iiq:1, Emissions Data Location Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake City, UT Source Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit Project No. 2023-4659 Parameter PMl0 Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Averase Date Start Time Stop Time t2/19123 9: l3 l0:46 t2119t23 t2n9t23 I l:35 13:33 12:50 14:55 INPUT DATA Run Time. min Coke Burn-Off Rate, lbihr Barometric Pressure, in. Hg Meter Correction Factor Orifi ce Calibration Value Meter Volume, ft'' Meter Temperature, oF Meter Temperature, oR Meter Orifice Pressure, in. WC Volume H2O Collected, mL Nozzle Diameter, in Area of Nozzle, ftr Filterable <PMl0 (Filter) Mass, mg Filterable <PM l0 Mass, mg Filterable >PMl0 Mass, mg Condensable PM Mass, mg Filterable PMl0 Mass, mg PMl0 Mass, mg (FPMI0 + CPM) 64.1 62.4 5,5 8 I 5,537 25.68 25.68 0.985 0.985 1.843 1.843 26.791 25.461 75.4 68.4 535. I s28.r 0.460 0.450 44.2 45.0 0.t79 0.t79 0.0001 8 0.0001 80.50 0.87 1.40 L l0 r.00 l.22 13.5 22.8 1.9 2.0 15.4 24.8 (0) (FR) (Pb) (Y) (^ H@) (vm) (Tm) (Tm) (A H) (Vlc) (Dn) (An) (Mrprraz.s) (Mrpmro) (Mepv) (Mcpu) (Mepr'rro) (Mpr..rro) 6l .8 5,481 25.68 0.98s 1.843 24.681 61.4 521.1 0.440 45.7 0.179 0.00018 L35 0.7 5 1.70 31.5 2.1 33.6 6l.3 5,547 2s.68 0.985 L843 24.911 68.3 528.0 0.450 45.0 0.t79 0.0001 8 0.75 I.t5 0.9s 23.4 1.9 25.3 CALCULATED DATA Standard Meter Volume, ft' Standard Water Volume, ft' Sampling Rate, acfm Moisture Fraction Measured Moisture Fraction @ Saturation Moisture Fraction Meter Pressure, in Hg Volume at Nozzle. ftj Isokinetic Sampling Rate, 7o (+l- 20%) DGM Calibration Check Yalue,o/o (+l- 5%) Particle Cut Diameter (PMl0), um (+/-l um) Reynolds Number Cunningham Correction Factor Gas Viscosity, mpoise 22.365 2.084 0.85 0.085 74.918 0.085 25.71 s4.738 99.1 4.5 10.0 2,028 1.143 276.06 2r.532 2.120 0.85 0.090 72.683 0.090 25.7 t3 52.7s2 103.2 3.8 10.0 20r8 1.143 274.87 (Vmstd) (Vwstd) (Qs) (BWSmsd) (BWSsat) (Bws) (Pm) (vn) (D (Yq") (Dso) (Nre) (c) (u) 2t.t56 2.154 0.84 0.092 73.857 0.092 25.7 I s2.092 106.4 3.5 r 0.0 2,000 1.143 275.23 21.074 2.122 0.84 0.091 69.273 0.091 25.71 51.425 t 04.3 3.5 10.0 2,025 l.l4t zI-t--t-t RECALCULATED DATA Cunningham Correction Factor Particle Cut Diameter, um Ratio of Dto and D56-1 (+/- 0.01) (cr) (Dro-r) (z) l.t4t 2.53 1.00 l.l4t 2.51 1.00 1.144 2.49 1.00 1.142 2.51 1.00 EMISSION CALCULATIONS Filterable PMI 0 Concentration, grain/dscf Filterable PMl0 Emission Rate. lb/hr 0.001 3 0.25 (Crpu,o) (EReprrro) 0.0014 0.26 0.0015 0.0014 0.27 0.2s Condensable PM Concentration, grain/dscf Condensable PM Emission Rate, lb/hr (Ccpu) (ERcprtr) 0.023 4.0 0.01 7 3.1 0.0093 1.8 0.016 2.9 PMI 0 Concentration, grain/dscf PMl0 Emission Rate, lb/hr PMl0 Emission Factor, lb/1000 lb coke burn off (Cpvro) (ERpvro) (EFprnrro) 0.024 4.3 0.78 0.01 8 3.3 0.60 0.01I 2.0 0.36 0.0r8 3.2 0.58 l9 of58 N.ffiipertc-\lrcAl_ _i,ic)u-. VFR Data Location Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake City, UT Source Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit Project No. 2023-4659 Parameter PMl0 Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Averase Date Start Time Stop Time Run Time. t2n9t23 9:13 l0:46 6l .8 t2fi9t23 12t19t23 I l:35 13:33 12:50 14 55 61.3 64.1mln 62.4 VELOCITY HEAD, in. WC Point I Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point l0 Point I I Point l2 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.92 0.92 0.95 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.98 l.0s 0.99 1.40 1.30 t.40 0.95 0.93 0.94 1.05 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.98 .30 .20 .20 .20 .20 .30 .30 .25 .20 .10 .t0 .30 .30 .23 .27 .02 .02 .06 .l I .08 .05 .03 .05 .09 CALCULATED DATA Square Root ofAP Pitot Tube Coefficient Barometric Pressure, in. Hg Static Pressure, in. WC Stack Pressure, in. Hg Stack Cross-sectional Area. ft- Temperature,'F Temperature, oR Moisture Fraction Measured Moisture Fraction @ Saturation Moisture Fraction 02 Concentration, oZ CO2 Concentration,o/o Molecular Weight, lb/lb-mole (dry) Molecular Weight, lb/lb-mole (wet) Velociry, fl/sec (in. WC)"' (cp) (Pb) (Pe) (Ps) (As) (Ts) (Ts) (BWSmsd) (BWSsat) (Bws) (o2) (co2) (Md) (Ms) (Vs) 1.013 0.76 25.68 -t.10 25.60 ll.ll 549.4 1009.1 0.092 73.857 0.092 2.20 18.t0 30.98 29.79 75.3 t.035 0.76 25.68 -t .15 25.60 I l.r I 54t.3 1000.9 0.091 69.273 0.091 1.69 18.67 31.0s 29.86 76.5 1.104 0.76 25.68 -l.r 0 2s.60 I l.il 551.3 t0t0.9 0.085 74.918 0.085 2.0t 18.68 3t.07 29.96 82.0 1.051 0.76 2s.68 -1.12 25.60 I l.l I 547.3 1007.0 0.090 72.683 0.090 1.97 18.48 31.04 29.87 77.9 VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATf, At Stack Conditions. acfm At Standard Conditions, dscfm (Qa) s0,223(Qs) 20.393 51,01 I 20.900 54,639 22,32t 5l,958 21.205 20 of 58 pult6rrEe Tf CiINICAL G Lmation Source F'luidizcd Prcjet No. Dat€ DEt Orientation: Htrimnral Duct Dcrisn:_Bgglqlg DiitancefrcmFarWalltoOutsideofPonl 61.00 in Nipplet ngthr 2l.m in D€pthofDmti 40.00 ir Width of DEt: 40.00 in Cross Smtional Arer of Duct: I 1.1 1 ftl Equivalent Diaden 40.00 in No. ofT6t Pois: 4 Numbcr of Rrrdingr pe. Point: ----l- DbtMcc A: {t3.3 ft Dilrrn* A DNr Diamlen.---fil6-(mur bc, 0.5, Dirr"* B,---lJI-rr Dhtrnce B DBI Dismlen: ----ii6-1musr br r 2; MidDm NMbcrof Travede Points: 12 ActualNumberofTraverucPoints: 12 M€asurcr (Inilial md Date): SPR l2118/23 Rerief,cr (lnitial ud lrrre): RJL I 2/l 8/23 Trrvese Point o/o oI Dirtuler Dktuce lrem iNid( srll frcm onsidc of I 3 { 5 6 1 8 9 l0 rl 16.1 50.0 ':_' 6.68 20.oo ,r_:, 27.64 4l.00 54:2 Method 1 Data FCUP - Nonh Sell LsL? LOCATION OF TRAVEASE POINTS Nuhhu of totdse pointt on d diaMe I J { 5 6 1 I 9 t0 ll t2 25.0 t6.7 12 5 t0.0 8 3 7.1 6.3 5.6 5.0 4.5 4.2 75.0 50.0 37.5 30.0 25.0 214 lE.lt t6.7 15.0 136 t2J - 83.3 62.5 50.0 41.7 35.7 31.3 27.A 25.O L8 20.8 87 5 70.0 58.3 50 0 13.8 3E.9 35.0 22.7 29.2',' '.' i: ,1, ;li ;il il iiii *Percent o/'skrck dtumtter fron inshlc vall to rrdverse poinl Slack Diagrm A= 83.3 fr B = t3.3 n. Deplh of Ducl = 40 in. Width of Ducl = 40 in Cross Sslioml Area Downstieam Disturbanae 2l of58 pultErlrce TECiNICAL GROUP Cyclonic Flow Check Location Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake City, UT Source Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit Project No. 2023-4659 Date l2ll9l23 Sample Point Angle (AP=O) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 Averase 5 22 of 58 ll/l6rrrce IFt--i.l f,l aj Al alri(f l,r' Method 4 Data Location Chevron Cornoration - North Salt Lake City. UT Source Fluidized Catalytic Crackins Unit Project No. 2023-4659 Parameter: PM10 Run I Date: l2ll9l23 Impinger No.I 2 3 4 Total Contents empty empty water silica Initial Mass, g 482.4 680.5 7 t5.l 983.3 2861 .3 Final Mass, g 508.2 692.6 7 t5.s 990.7 2907.0 Gain, g 25.8 l2.t 0.4 7.4 45.7 Run 2 Date: l2ll9l23 lmpinger No.I 2 3 4 Total Contents empty empty water silica Initial Mass, g 498.6 655.0 742.8 959.8 2856.2 Final Mass, g 517.2 668. I 748.9 967.0 2901.2 Gain. e 18.6 t3.l 6.1 7.2 45.0 Run 3 Date: l2ll9/23 Impinger No.I 2 3 4 Total Contents empty empty water silica Initial Mass, g 482.9 682.2 715.5 990.7 2871.3 Final Mass, g 514.6 690.3 7 13.6 997.0 2915.5 Gain, p 31.7 8.1 -1.9 6.3 44.2 23 of 58 A/rErtr- Location: Date: Chevmn Comomlion - Norft Sdl Leke CiN. UT rzlrglzs I n*r lvauo Shfi Timc: 9:13 [dd Time: 10:46 Field Date source: I!g!!!!ggtf!llg!!iLqM!!!s unir f-;".rlo.,ZO:l<tSg ffi STACK DATA (EST,EOUIPMENT STACK I'ATA (EST)+/- 500F aH .OLUME CORRECTIOI Moissrci 10.0 % esl Bsrcmetrici 25,6t in Hg Stati. Press: -Ll in. WC Sta.k Prcsr: 25,60 in Hg CO2t l7 A o/" 02: lJ % NICO: EoJ % Md; 30.E6 lb/lb-mole Ms: 29.5E lb/lb-mole METER BOX: Ms-9 Y: 0.985 AH@ (in. WC): 1443 Pmb. ID/Mstcrial: Piloi lD Cp/Cp': Pitot Type Cp/Cp': Pitot Cp/Cp': Nozle ID/Irn (in.)l No. Pb/Time (min): 2455 ,a55 s-tyDe o.156 PM-r0-4 l2 Ts (oF): 550 Tm (oF): 80 Esl. Qr: 0,E24 cfrn EsL A: 274.60 mpoise T.s"____jgg_ Ts+soo 600 Est. Qs: 0.7E0 E!1. Qsr 0,E67 Esr, tl': 264.13 Est A: 2t4-87 Mid ! (c0: Mid 2 (cf): Mid 3 (cD: Tntrl I.n: LEAK CIIECKS FILTEA NO.STACK DATA (FTNAL} PE Mid I Mid 2 Post Irak Rrt (.fm): 0.m0 0.000 PMp V.c (in Hg): 15 - - 4 Pitol Tube: PASS PASS 93921 Pb: 25,68 in Hg Pg: -lJ in WC O2t L2 'k CO2: l8.l o/o 0.?56 DweI The Tot.l Tioc Dry Gas Meter Rcrding (rt') Pitot Tube AP (in. WC) G3 Temmreturus (oFI Orifice Press. AH (in. WC) Pmp (in. Hs) Gas TemDs (oF) o/o tso Ds lr0 uml Ds 12.5 ml DCM A Prcbe Filter ImD. Erir CPM Filter Amb.Amb.Amb.Amb.Amb.Amb. 7t 550 tdP.l ,00 60 75 AI 05 34 0:05:3,2t9 395 I2|55 5()oJ1 044 too loo I 993 250 05.34 0:l l:01 t?o 299 43 0 98.7 t0.01 252 3 05 34 0:16:41 223.800 )l0 5{t 511 0.15 o44 1 300 45 6(t 0 962 10.t2 256 B ()4:52 0.21.3,)7\ 96t I'555 n14 44 300 46 66 0.u8 942 245 O1:52 0.26:21 092 61 539 0 .15 o 4,1 4 300 .t1 o87 5(r 911 2.42 3 04:5 7 0r3l 2:22() 96tt oJ6 o41 too 47 1 ot4 991 2.50 CI 05:03 o362t 23t 945 0.99 (,1 558 0 .14 0 4,1 4 299 61 086 0l 993 249 2 05:o2 0r4l 233 985 098 iti oJ4 4J 4 68 oa trg !l0 0l 253 05 tn t 46.21 235.990 t) 91 63 5.13 ()..15 0.41 4 29().16 61 0.8{It8.6 10.04 DI 05 {)2 5 l:3{211 97 5 098 63 559 044 044 4 100 41 t097 t0 00 252 05 t2 0:56:12 719 qlS l05 0.,14 300 48 6E 0E4 104.4 to08 2.55 3 05 03 l:01:.1 212.045 o.99 517 015 044 I 300 50 (,9 0,t5 to8 f 9.97 2.50 l:01:4 244 07 (t Finrt DGM aa| 01 6 Max Yic. Ds, l0 uD Dso 2.5 um 24 of 58 AlHrce Locrtion: Date: t ..1 Chevron CorDorriion - North Salr Lake Cio. tlT -ru Field Data strrtTime: ll:3s source: j!gi4!!99.lqe!llligt$kino lrnir - End TiDe: 12:50 Proje(l No.:2q2!q59 | P.rmeter: lPMlo ST.I.CK DAT.1. (EST)EOUIPMENT STACK DATA (EST}+/- s{toF AH /OI,IIMF 'ORRF'TIOIMoistore: 9l % 61. B.romehicr 25.6E in HB Stati. Press: -Llo in WC St..k Preis: 25.60 in Hg COrr l8l % o2: 2J oh Ny'CO: 79J % Md: 30.9E lb/lb-mole Ms: 29.?9 lb,4b-mole ME .lH( Probe Il Pitor Pitot Ty Pi Nozl. l No. Pls/] IER BOX: M$.9 Y'!,2q!- D (io. WC): 1.E43 trttt"t""id, lEi--f-S5- Ts ('F): S49 Tm (oF): 6l EsL Qs: 0.823 crm E$t. A: 275J0 mpoise EsL AH: 0.45I in. WC Ts-50o 499 Ts+50o 599 Ert Qs: 0.7&) Elt Qs: 0.t66 Esr. A: 26,a.64 Est. A: 2Es.3i6 Es1. AH: 0.463 Est. AH: 0.,168 Mid I (cO: Mid 2 (cO: Mid 3 (cf): Totd lcn: ID Cp/Cp': pe Cp/Cp': ot Cp/Cp': D/Dn (in.): 2455 s-type 0.756 PM-I(L4 LEAK CHECKS FlI,TER NO.STACK DATA (FINAL} Pre Mid I Mid 2 Post Leak Ratc (cfm): 0.000 0.000 Puhp Vac (in Hg): l5 - - 5 PitorTxh.: PASS PASS 9389-C Pb: 25.68 in Hg Pg: -1.15 in. WC O2t 13 oA CO2: 1t.? % 0.756 l2 6i Dr ell The Tot.l Time Dry Gas Meter R6ding (rd) Pirot Tubc AP (in. WC) Gr! TefiDeratum (oF) Orifice Press. AH (in. WC) Pump Vac (in. Hg) Gs Temos (oF) % tso Ds Il0 uml D.o 12.5 uml DGM Averr?e Str.k Prob€Fiher lmn. Erit CPM Filrer Amb,Amb.Amb,Amb.Amb Amb. Ideel Actuel Ir5.50 ):{)5:5(245.552 140 7 559 0.45 0.45 4 J00 5(,65 o 8,i 9 Ul 44 2 {)5:38 ) I l:21 217 995 llo (t7 553 045 45 1{X)10 il 257 I 05:50 ) l7:l ,so r50 140 61 0t7 0.,15 4 30t 61 0.83 Ii9 8 I0 09 : -s5 BI (tr 49 l:22:l)'252 595 0.95 67 5.1l 046 0 4 t0 088 tt5a q67 38 2 04.16 l:2() 5,asn (45 o93 o47 0 100 50 68 0.tt0 05.9 t0.38 61 (tr 47 ) 3t 3 94 67 539 o11 0.4 300 50 68 O 8,1 t() 6 l0 02 5l CI 05:03 t:36:4 258 425 05 68 54t 045 4 300 r,8 ot4 T l0 02 52 )(M:56 ) 41 3 ?60 4t0 00 70 537 0.47 0 4 300 65 t) 8l t)4 4 t0 2l 60 3 lA:52 262 440 97 70 558 0J5 ,45 ?9R ln o 5l DI t)4:56 ) 51 2 UO 69 533 0.41 0.45 .,1 29<)65 o80 tol 2 I 0.34 65 2 0{:5(,)r5r):2 2(i 161)00 70 53 04R 045 4 100 086 lo ?980 42 ?tr{ 53 lr0l lr ?aix 415 tqR 70 525 ).48 0.,15 .{300 56 67 0.81 107 I 50 l:01I ll 210 433 Final DGMI 270 ,133 Max Vac. D.n 2.5 um 25 of 58 A/tfu Location: Dste: Chevron CorDorrtion - Nonh Srlr L.ke CiN. UTffi Start Timei 13i33 Source: Etrd Timc: 14:55 Projcct No.i Field Data STACK DATA (EST}EOI]IPMENT STACX DATA (ASTI +/- srF AH 'OI,tIME CORRECTIO Moi$ure: 9: u/o cst Brrometric: 25.6E in Hg Static Pr6ss: -1,15 in. WC Stack Press: 25.60 in Hg COli l8J % O{ L1 Y. Ny'CO: ?9.6 % Md: 3LO5 lb/lb-mole Ms: 29.86 lbAb-mole AH@ (in. WC)r r.843 METER BOX: M5-9 Y: 0.985 Probe lD/l!laterial; Pitot lD Cp/Cp': Pitot Type Cp/Cp': Pitot Cp/Cp': Nozzle lD/Dn (in.): No. Pts/Timc (min|: 2455 ,455 0.756 t2 Ts (of): 54t Tm ("F): 6E Est. Qs: 0.816 cfm Est, lr : 273.40 mpoise F.t' AH. O 4q? ih Wa Ts-SP 491 Ts+sf 591 Est, Qs: 0.773 Est. Qs: 0.E59 Es. p.: 262,91 8$.,r,i 28f.10 Mid I (cf): Mid 2 (c0: Mid 3 (c0: LEAK CHECKS FTI,TER NO.STACX DATA TFINAl,I Pre Mid I Mid 2 Post Leak Rrte (cfm): 0.000 o,0oo Pump Vac (in Hg): 15 - - 5 Piror Tuhe: PASS PASS 9390-C Pb: 25,6E in Hg Pg: -lJ rn WC O2t 2.0 'h CO2: l8-7 o/. ,E D*ell Tihe Tot.l Time Dry G.s Mete, Ref,ding (ft3) Pitot Tube AP (in. wc) Grs Temmr.tu16l"F) Orifice Press, IH (in. WC) Pump (in. Hs) Grs Temos ("F) % ISO Dro Il0 uml Dso 12.5 uml DCM Avemce Stsck Prob€filter lmD- Erit CPM Filter Amb.Amb.Amb.Amb.Amb.Amh. Iderl Acturl AI 05 3l )r05r3 I ?7 1 t*1 71 oJi ot5 l0 05 255 05:1 8 l0:48 )7i 715 )0 74 999 1\) 05 lfl i60()t\7t 549 0..16 0.46 291)66 085 98.7 10.00 2.52 RI 05 lfl )t ).)7t t0t I)74 555 0.45 0.46 5 299 55 61 0.87 l0t I 9.85 2..r6 05 18 26:41 280 ti0 2lt 75 545 046 046 5 301 68 0.t6 t00 5 986 2.16 05:3 1 32:12 Ittl 560 i0 't5 539 047 046 5 301 56 68 086 96t q17 246 CI 053 37:43 284 878 3()76 559 0{5 045 5 :100 56 69 088 981 979 211 05 24 43:07 287 130 25 7b r57 0t5 on6 5 300 57 69 090 l0t 7 9.6t)239 05 llt 4E.2.289 570 20 76 559 0J5 o46 5 i00 s7 10 0 9t)t04 5 961 2. i{t DI 05 04 53 2{2r)t r78 l0 77 i54 {t 45 5 100 s8 1l l lo0 7 l0 t9 260 05:04 58:3 ,91 gr5 l0 17 54 o r(!5 301 {a 7)086 to4 l 9.90 211 05:3 I I 040:il)7T 53r ol7 iol 7)0t ql r'l0 12 260 t.0.1 0l Finrl DGM:294 213 Max Vrc, D$ Ds l0 um 2.5 um 26 of58 I.. PARTME DIVISION OFAIR QUALITY FtB -Z ZOZI 27 of 58 Allionce Technicol Group, LLC Anolyticol Services 5530 Morsholl St. Arvodo, CO 80002 (720) 4s7-9s04 www.ollioncetg.com Anolyticol Loborotory Report Chevron Products Compony 2351 North ,l100 West Solt Loke City, UT 84116 Projecl No. 45T-2023-4659 28 of58 1 ot21 Certificotion Stotement Allionce Source Tesiing, LLC (AST) hos completed the onolysis os described in this report. Results opply only lo lhe source(s) tested ond operoiing condition(s) for lhe specific iest dote(s) ond time(s) identified within this report. All resulls ore inlended lo be considered in iheir enlirety, ond AST is not responsible for use of less thon the complele lesi report without writien consent. This report sholl not be reproduced in fullor in port withoul written opprovolfrom lhe customer. To lhe best of my knowledge ond obilities, oll informotion, focls ond test dolo ore correcl. Doto presenled in lhis reporl hos been checked for completeness ond is occurote, error-free ond legible. Any deviolions or problems ore detoiled in lhe relevont sections on lhe test report. This document wqs prepored in portoble documenl formot (.pdf) ond conioins poges os identified in the botlom footer of this document. Volidotion Signoiure The onolyticoldoto ond oll QC contoined wilhin this report wos reviewed ond volidoied by the following individuol. J a mes Davi d so n **Ein*i**'r*ffili--.$*:L@rffi"'*. Foxlt PDF Edio. V6rBionr t 1.2.7 Quolity Associote Dole 29 of58 2 ot21 Proiect Norrotive Anolyticol Method(s): Method 20lA - Determinoiion of PMl0 ond PM2.5 Emissions from stotionory Sources Meihod 202 - Dry lmpinger Method for Determining Condensoble Porliculqte Motter Emissions From Stolionory Sources Filteroble The filier(s) were either oven dried ond/or desiccoted per the method until q finol weight wos obtoined. The liquid froclions were extrocted if required, evoporoted ond cooled until q finol weighi wqs obtqined. These froctions were summed together to provide the totol Porticulote Motier collecled. Condensoble The filter(s) were extrocled per the method. The orgonic extroct wos odded to the orgonic rinse, ond the inorgonic extroct wos odded to the inorgonic rinse. The inorgonic froction wos exirocted with solvent per the method. Exirocts were combined with the orgonic rinse. The orgonic ond inorgonic frociions were evoporoted ond desiccoted until q finol weighi wos obioined. MDL The Minimum Delection Level (MDL) is 0.5 mg per froction. lf the meosured result for o froction is less thon the MDL, the MDL wos used in ensuing colculotions. Blonk Conection lf blonk conection is performed, only blonk volues returned higher thon the MDL ore used. lf o blonk returns o volue less lhon the MDL. no correclion is included. Custody: The somples were received by Ryon Gillett on 12/22/2023 in Arvqdq, CO. The somples were received in good condition with proper Choin-of-Custody documentoiion. No opporent contoiner problems were noted upon receipt. Prior 1o onolysis, ihe somples were kept secure with qccess limiied lo oulhorized personnel of AST. Number of Somples: 26 (2 On Hold) Lobeling: Acceptoble Anolysi: Cqrson Williomson - Loborotory Anolyst I Eric Grosjeon - Iechnicol Direcior Ryon Gillett - Loborolory Anolyst ll Equipment: Metller Toledo Bolonce ML- 1 04, SN 82l 7893065. This scole wos used for onolyticol determinotions of filters ond rinse vessels. Denver lnstruments Bolonce 18-6201 , SN I7904189. This scole wos used to meosure the tolol moss of rinse collected for blonk correction. Anolysis wos performed on lhe some bolonce os the ossocioted tore. Quincy Lob lnc oven, 30CG, SN G3-012673. Lob Reogents: Acetone Lot Number: 224521 Hexone Lol Number:224540 QC Notes: The somples met the minimum criterio esloblished by the relevont method. A blonk correction wos opplied per lhe melhod. Reporting Notes: M20lA-202-One FCC Unit-Run 3 Cont. I wos missing smoll pieces upon receipt. 30 of58 3of21 Clty,slol. GNOUI Proj.cl No. :hevron Producls Compony ;olt Loke Cily, Ut 841 l6 \sT-2023-4659 :PA Method 201 A ftonl Hqlt Fllq Lqb lt D39107 D39t t3 D39r r 9 Fl.ld lI M20lA-202-One FCC Unit-Run I Cont. I M20lA-202-One FCC t.lnii-Run 2 Conl. I M20lA-202-One FCC Unil-Run 3 Conl. I FllLr lt 9392Fotl 9389 Foil 9390 Foil FllLr lqr., I r.0285 1.0330 1.0627 DqL - D.3lccolo 12122/23 12122t23 12t22/23 Ilm. - D.rlccoio 8:20 8i20 8:20 DqL o, w.lghlni 12127 123 12/27 /23 l2/27 /23 t2/27 /23 12127 /23 t2t27 /23 Ilm. of l{alchlnr 5,1 7 11128 5:17 I l:28 5i17 11128 flltq Wclcht, r r.0300 1.0299 I .0339 1.0336 L051 5 r .0613 FD,.r Pl Mc, mC r.35 0.75 0.50 >PMlo nn$ Lqb lt D39108 D39t I 4 D39t 20 Rcld lt M20l A-202-One FCC Unit-Run I Cont. 2 M20l A-202-One FCC Unit-Run 2 Coni. 2 M2OIA-202-One FCC Llnit-Run 3 Conf. 2 B.okei lt 32635 32s96 32598 E ok , lot., r 3.9083 3.9250 3.7956 B.qkcr Ac.lont, i 46.92 3t .80 Acalona Mor!-21.60 43.00 28.m DqL - D.3lccolor 12/27 /23 t2/27 n3 12127 /23 nm. - D.3lccolor l3:00 l3;00 I3:00 Dolo ol W.lghln!t2/28123 t2/D/23 t2/28/23 t2/29 /23 12/28/23 12/29 /23 Ilm. ot W.lghln!l3:26 8i21 l3:26 8:21 13126 8i2l Wdghl, e 3.9099 3.9 t0l 3.92s8 3.9260 3.7964 3.7967 >PMl0 Mqr3, mC 1.70 0.95 t.(x, <EPM l0 Rlns. tob ll D39t 09 D39t I 5 D39t2l Flold lt M20l A-202-One FCC Unil-Run I Conl. 3 M20lA-202-One FCC unit-Run 2 Conl. 3 M20l A-202-One FCC Unil-Run 3 Cont. 3 B.ok.r lE 32627 32636 32633 Eoqker lqra, e 3.8763 3.90r0 3.8960 Bcqkcr Ac.lon.. !28.38 36.50 8.n Aq.lon. ,'is3, r 24.50 32.60 39.30 Dol. - D.3lccoior t2/27123 t2/27 /23 t2/27 /23 Ilmc - Dcalccqlor l3:00 l3:m l3:00 Dot o,W.lghin!12t28123 t2/29 t23 t2/28123 t2/29/23 t2/28/23 t2/29 123 Ilmc ol W.lghln!13t26 8i21 13i26 8t2l l3:26 8:21 W.lghl, f 3.8769 3.8772 3.90t9 3.9023 3.8973 3.8975 PMlo Lto$. mo'o.7s l.t r l.rO 8lonk Con.cLo No 'The lolol resulls hove been colculoted bosed on MDL volues for ony somple froclions which wqe below lhe MDL 3l of58 4ot21 Clly.s ?Iol.cl :hewon Producls Compony ioft Loke Cily, UI 841 l6 \sr-20u.4659 :PA Method 201 A Ac.iom llonk lob ll D39l 30 ll.ld la M20l A-202 Acelone Bhnk Ldcr lI 32628 l.dkf, ia., !3.8920 laokar Ac.iona, !.69 Acafona lloar, !8940 DoL - Dellccold t2t27tB Ilrna - D.rlccqlo(1300 Dqt o,W.lghln!1ztB/23 taa23 Tlrn. ol w.lghln!1326 8:21 Wclghl, a 3.6v25 3.E924 SolY.nt Uonk M6t, rigr o.o 32 of58 5 ot21 CIcnl ,rl.lhod Chevron Products Compony Sott Loke Cily, UI 84I I 6 A5I-202}4659 EPA Meihod 202 I.ion fft.r Lob lD D39r i0 D39r r6 D39)22 Fl.ld lt M20l A-202-One ECC Unit-Run I Cont. 4 M20l A-202-One FCC Unit-Run 2 Conl. 4 M20l A-202-One FCC Unit-Run 3 Conl. 4 Orgonlc Frocllon lob lD D39r r2 D39r r8 D39t24 ticld lD M20l A-202-One FCC UnitRun I Conl. 6 M20l A-202-One FCC Unit-Run 2 Coni. 6 M20lA-202-One FCC UnitRun 3 Conl. 6 Baqkar lD 32604 Bcokar lorG, €3.9112 3.8727 B.ok.r Solv.nl, !298.0 240.9 210.4 Solv.nl Mo3!, I 294.1 237.O 266.5 Dot - D.rlccolo 12t28/23 12/28/23 12128/23 Ilmc - Dc.lccolo 4:25 Dot. ol W.lghlnt t2/29 /23 | /2/2A t2/29123 1 /2/24 t2/29/23 t t2/24 nm. ol W.lghln(8: l6 7.4 |8:l6 741 8:l 6 7Al lvCsht, r 3.9192 3.9191 3.8639 3.8638 3.a784 3.8785 Orgonlc Pl ,t^qtr, mg'8.0 6.4 5.f lnqgtric Frqclion Lob lt D39l I I D39t I 7 D39t 23 Fiald ll M20l A-202-One FCC Unit-Run I Cont. 5 M20lA-202-One FCC Unit-Run 2 Conl 5 M20l A-202-One FCC Unil-Ru. 3 Cont. 5 Bcqk.l lf 3t 622 3r 638 3r631 Baokcr lora, t 64.6204 88.958r 66.4661 Bcqk.r Wotd, !494.2 484.6 397.8 Wqlq Mqsr, (425 6 399.6 331 3 H. . D.rlccqlo 12t28t23 \2128/?3 t2/28/23 IIm. - D.iiccdlo 6:37 6:37 6:J/ Oot. ol Wclchlnr t2/29 t23 1 /2/24 t2/29/23 | /2/24 12/29/23 | /2/24 Im. ol \ry.lghln!8:39 8:39 8:39 Walght, r 64.6458 64.6461 88.9769 8.9773 66.47 56 66.47& lnorgonlc Mosr, mg 25.6 l9.l 9.1 llonk Corr.clc.Yes Told Pril Mo$, mi 31.5 23.1 13.5 'All froctions were onovzed ond returned volues greoler thon the MDL 01 0.5 mg. 33 of 58 6of21 Cliy, Stqlo ProJ.cl No. M.lhod Chevron Producls Compony Solt Loke Cily, UT 841 l6 ASr-2023-4659 EPA Melhod 2O2 Teflon tillq llonkt ;l.ld Iroln Slonk ?]ool Blonk tob lD D39127 N/A tlcld lD M202 FT Recovery Blonk Conl.4 N/A Orgonlc trocllon Blonks flrld lroln Blonk Pr@, Blonk Lob ll D39129 D39126 Fl.ld lE M202 FT Recovery Blonk Cont. 6 M2O2 FI Pr@l Blonk Conl. 6 Beoks lD 32&2 32634 BGokcr lore, !3.8577 3.9130 Eaoker Sokanl, 9 t5r.3 145.1 Solvenl M6i, !147.4 141.2 Dolc . D6lccolq t2/28123 t2/27 /23 nme - Derlccolq 4i25 l3:00 Dote ot W.lghln(t2/29 /23 1t2/2a t2/28/23 12/29/23 Tlme., Wclghln{8:16 7:41 l3:32 8:22 wclghl, {3.860r 3.8599 3.9134 3.9r38 Orgonic Mc$, mg zo 0.6 lnorgonlc trocllon llonks tlcld lroln Blonk Prool Blqnk Lob lI D39 r 28 D39r 25 fl.ld lI BGokd lI M202 FI Recovery Blonk Conl. 5 M202 FT Proof Blonk Cont. 5 3r 64r 31 624 Eekal lore, I 64.6320 85.9304 Bekq Wds a t8 1.6 n7.5 l{old lrlo$. (I17.O 121.6 Dolo - Dclccoto t2/28/23 \2t t23 Ilma - D$lccolo 6:37 6:37 DolG ot Welghlni | 12t24 | /3/24 t2/29 /23 | /2/24 Tlm. ot Welghln(l3:53 8:18 8:39 7:27 welght, I 64.6331 64.6329 85.9305 85.9301 lndgonlc Mors, [ig'1.0 0.5 34 of58 7 of21 Ilo -.'J( r$88 .!E oI : No DoE eu?xaH/auola)v - asutu lua^lor )! JnE - q)1e) alPsuapuo't t ) uoual Lrrurtg - latllj nd:'! o oE auolalv - asutu S Z; n( auola)V - asuru 0l; I^() auola)v - asutu 0! < y\,t t t zl.ieno uluJ/? -laqujnN ielllJ oL > I l( ii auola)v - asulu alzzoN aqoJ( JAqurnN lleg tallt ooE auolalv - esuru alzzol 4Jeno u,u, /, - JaqtunN /alt. !o o auola)v - asutu aFzoN aqori zuPno ujuttg - jaqutnN lallt. otot- ot gI 6!a E a a a a e a o ebEio i!o on 3 ft (! E.96Uoo -cl rt e beg€ -cfozv cfe l 5 o cf o N ,,? or\l ad c f @ o o o c E Ed F o g Eao o F c! oco o - 3 o c c r oo >fcc cc 66 9. o oc ad o b6 Efz I E6I n I a d E U ,E D) e EfF 2 €E Y9 -dPB<.BEfi '.J6hgE1 .9EF ER E oo 6!oi ->u{'@UY !o+ta,ll :fU IFo I .s(ocU o ? oN ts- oz c .9 o I 'EI ( 35 of58 Callbra0m Certllcats lD NA1 548{38{30823-ACC-USL MottlorToledo, LLC '1900 Polaris Parkway Columbus, OH 43240 1.8OO.METTLER Cusbmer fifcnffr6l METTTER TOTEDO Accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) CALIBRATION CERT #1 788.01 ISO 17025 Accredited ANSI/NCSL 254G1 Accredited Accu racy Cal i bration Gertificate Alliance Source Testing 5530 Marshall St Corpany: Addrcss: Clty: Zip / Pctal: Siiate / Prwlnca: Weighing Device Arvada Contad:Eric Grosjean 80002-3108 Colorado Manufacfuircn trlodel: Serial No.: Buildlng: Floor: Room: Mettler Toledo ML'104/03 B21 7893065 5520 Lab 1 120 s 0.000'l g lnstument Type: Asset Numben Temlnal Model: Termlnal Serial No.: TcmlnalA8sol No.: Wggllns-lntllrrqlt *.**---_ _ _vA_--_ N/A N/A N/A Prccedure Callbraflon Guldellne: METTLER TOLEDO Work lnetrucdon: ASTM E898 - 20 30260953 v1.6'l This calibration certificate including procedures and uncertainty estimalion also complies with EURAMET cA18 v 4.0. This calibration certificate contains measurements for As Found and As Left calibrations. The sensitivity/span of the weighing instrument was adjusted before As Lefl calibration with a built-in weight. ln accordance with EURAMET cg-18 (11/2015), the test loads were selected to reflect the specific use of the weighing device or to accommodate specific calibration conditions. As Found Start 21.'l 'C End: 20.9 'C i Start: 21.0 '/o End: 21.O o/o As Left Start: 20.8 'C End:20.7 "C Start: 21.0 % End: 20.0 % Environmental conditions have been verified to ensure the accuracy of the calibraiion. This certificate is issued in accordance with the conditions of accreditation granted by A2LA, which is based on ISO/IEC '17025. laIA has assessed the measurement capability of the laboratory and its traceability to recognized national standards, As Found Csllbraton Oat6: As lelt Callbraton Dats: ls6ue Dalo: Rcqucctcd Next Callbrafion Dato: 08-Mar-2023 Authodzed A2LA Slgnabry:/- ('. i-:- ''- - \' 08-Mar-2023 08-Mar-2023 Chris Carson 31-Mt-2024 Software Ve6ion: Report Ve6ion: 2.1 6.32 Fom Number: 4F1702Lr1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original documsnt and may not be partially .eprodu@d without the written permission of the i$uing albration laboratory. Page 1 of 5 9of21 36 of58 Calibration Certificate lD NAI 548{38{30823-ACC-USL METTTER TOTEDO Service Measurement Results Repeatability Test Load: 100 g 1 i 100.0003 g -t 100.0000 g o a As Found As Left100.0001 g 100.0000 g 1 (Tesl Pornl) >6d 100.0002 g i _, "_- _.*__L03.9903_9i 10 i too.oooz st*-.*-^.--^--.k Eccentricity 44 3d. 2d tC a O 100.0001 g 100.0000 g 99.9999 g 100.000't g a \/a .ao o dc. Oo toOn o100.0002 g 0.000@ g 6 The "d" in the graph repres€nts th€ readability o{ the range/interval in which the test was performed. The resuhs of this graph are based upon the absolute values of the differences from the mean value- Tsst Load: 50 g As Found fu Lcfi The "d" in the graph represents the readability of the range/interval in which the test was performed. Software VeEion: Report Vercion:2.16.32 Form Number: AF1702Lr1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reprodu@d without the written permission of the issuing calibration laboratory. Page 2 of 5 10 ot 21 37 of 58 Callbration Cortllcats lD NA 1 548{38-030823-ACC-USL METTTER TOIEDO Service Enor of lndlcaflon As Found As L€fi i 1 ' N/A 0.00009 : o.oooog 0.00009 ' o.18rg t---, -- .*-"*-""'-"**: 1 2 N/A ] 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.0000 g , 0.20 mg 2f*- - --------J -" i s 20g | 20.0000s 20.0000s I o.oooog 0.20ms t 2 If-;;** *^ ---_1 --*;;;**-1****;;;*---*:--*;"""*'-*-I ----*;* -**---"!*;.-:; -----4o s --l *r0^000G* *-r--);oooo s *-*: * *-;0000; - * l*****o2o ,s -* -:;--:".*+.*_*-**..*.-.r.-...,.--,...--j.*_5 60 S I 20.0000 9 20.0000 9 0.0000 9 ' 0.20 m9 2-,,* -+_2izlzi-*..-'"t 2 l o Aa Found a tuLeft For improved legibility of the graphics only increasing measurement points are shown and measurement points close to zero are not displayed. Calibration Points [g] The uncertainty stated is lhe expanded uncertainty at calibration obtained by multiplying the standard combined uncertainty by the coverage factor k - which can be larger than 2 according to ASTM E898 and EURAMET cg-18. The value of the measurand lies within the assigned range of values with a probability of approximately 95%. The user is responsible for maintaining environmental conditions and the seltings of the weighing instrumenl when it was calibrated, E c o 6c o a U Software VeEion: 1.23.'1.70 Report Ve6ion: 2.1 6.32 Form Number: AF1702Lr1.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reprodu@d without the wrilten permission o, the issuing calibration laboratory. Page 3 of 5 11 of 21 38 of 58 Cdbrdon C€rtic& lD NA1 METNER TOTEIX) Service Teet Equlpment All weights used for metrological testing are tracoabl€ to national or intemational standards, The weights were calibrated and cerlified by an accredited calibration laboratory. Wc[htSctl: OIMLE2 Weirht Set No.: Certificate Numben Ramarfts 421 Date of lssue: Calibration Due Date: 07-Deo.2O22 22063534S1 31-D6e.2O23 Vahre oftho buift-in weight adjusted Performed a linearity adjustnent End of Acondlbd Sccdon The information below and any attachments to this calibration certificate are not part of the accredited calibration. SofrYv8E VeBkil: I 23.1.70 R€pdt Vffikn:216.32 Fom t*/mbff AFl702Lrl.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This ia an original documenl and may nol be pailially rspDdu6d yithout the wrlltsn psmisslon of trl6 bsuing calbBtiq hboEtory. Page 4 of 5 12ot2'l 39 of58 Callbraflm C€rdflcab lD NA 1 548{38{30823-ACC-USL MffTLER TOTEDO Service Measurement Uncertalnty of the Welghlng lnstrument ln Use Stated is the expanded uncertainly with k=2 in use. The formuh shall be used for the estimation of the uncertainty under consideration of the errors of indication. The value R represents the net load indication in the unit of measure of the device. Temperature coefficient for the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in use: Temperature range on site for the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in use: Llneartsatm of Un6rtalnty Equetion 2.0. 10-6 tK To optimize the stability of the linearization, besides of the zero load only increasing measurement points with a t6st load of 5% of the measurement range or larger are taken for the calculation of the linear equation. Abeolutc and Rda&c Mcasurumcnt Unccrblnty in Uac for Varlous Nct lndicaUont (Examdcs) 4K !. aEo f 0 0001 0 001 As lrfl 01 l Rc8dng lgl 0 01 0.0120 g Sonware VeEion:'123.1.70 Report Vsio: 2,'16.32 Fom Numb€r: AF1702111.0 O METTLER TOLEOO This is an original document and may not be partially reprcdu@d without the written p€missis or lhe issuing @lbration laboratory. Page 5 of 5 13 ot 21 40 of58 Atadrmant b Callbratlon CcrUfrcatc: NAI 548438430823.ACC-USL Manufacturer Tolerance Ass6ssment METTTER TOTEDO Service Man ufactu rer Toleran@ Assessment Assessment done without considering measurement uncertainty. The measurements from the attached calibration certificate were assessed against METTLER TOLEDO tolerances defined in SOP Test and Measurement Procedures for METTLER TOLEDO balances, Document: 10000018502. Overall As Lefi { { { { { As Found { { { { N/A Repeatability Eccentricity Linearity Sensitivity Measurement ResulE Repeatabllity Tost Load: 100 g 100.0003 g 100.0001 g 2 100.0002 g 100.0000 g 3 100.0002 g 100.0000 s 4 100.0002 g 100.0000 g 5 '100.0001 g 100.0001 g 6 100.0002 g '100.0000 s 7 100.0002 g 99.9999 g I 100.0000 s '100.0001 g 9 100.0003 g 100.0001 g t0 100.0002 g 100.0002 g S-tanded De\rlaton 0.00009 s 0.flXn6 s Tolerance O.Ooolog {o.ooo'lo g { Software V€reion: l 23.1.70 Repo( Vereion:2.16,32 Fom Numb€r: AF1702Lrl.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original documenl and may noi bs parttally reprcdu@d without the writton permission of the i$uing €lbration laboratory. Page 1 of 2 14 ol 21 4l of58 AtEdrmcnt b Callbration Cortficatc: NA I 548{38430823,ACC-USL Manufacturer Tolerance Assessmenl MffTIER TOTEDO Service Eccentricity Tet Load:50 g Madmum Dwlalbn 0.0001 g 0.flXX) s Tol€ranca 0.0fi130 g {o.qn3os { The maximum deviation is determined as the absolute value of the largest deviation from the center. Linearity - Diturential Method As Found 2 N/A 20.0000 g 20.0002 9 0.00006 g 3 20g 20.0000 g 20.0002 s 0.00012 s 4 4og 20.0000 g 20.0001 g 0.00008 g 5 60g 20.0000 g 20.0001 g 0.00004 g 6 8og 20.0000 g 20.0001 s 0.00000 q 8 N/A '100,0000 g 100.0003 g N/A The As Found Sensitivity Tolerance is only valid if the device has been adjusted before the tesL As Lstt ,lncarlty Oavlauon 0.00012 g -lncadty Tolcrancc 0.0002 o { .lnoerlly DevlaUon 0.00000 g -lnclrlty Tolcranca 0.0002s { The values in column "Deviation" and the "Linearity Deviation" 'This point was used to satisfy the sensitivity requirement. lon!ltlvlty Ocvlallon 0.0003 g lenrlllvfty Tolcrancc N/A lenrltlvlty Oevlatlon 0.0001 g tcn!ltlvlty Tolcrancc O.oOO8 s { are zero point offset and sensitivity error compensated. 2 N/A 20.0000 g 20.0000 s 0.00000 s 3 20g 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.00000 g 4 40s 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.00000 g 5 6og 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.00000 g 6 8os 20.0000 g 20.0000 s 0.00000 g 8-N/A 1 00.0000 s 100.0001 s N/A Software Ve6ion: 1 23.'l,70 Report Vereion: 2.'l 6.32 Fom Number: AF1702Lr1.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may nol be parlially reprcdu@d without the written permission ol the i$uing €Ibraiion laboratory. Page 2 ol 2 15 ol 21 42 of58 Callbraton Csrtllcato lD NA 1 548{39{30823,ACC-USL MefrlerToledo, LLC 1900 Polaris Parkway Columbus, OH43240 1.8OO.METTLER Customer METTTER TOLEDO Accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) CALIBRATION CERT #1788.01 ISO '17025 Accredited ANSYNCSL 2540-1 Accredited Accuracy Calibration Gertificate Alliance Source Testing 5530 Marshall St Company: Addmoa: CltY: Zlp / Pctal: S-tate / Prwlnce: Weighlng Devica Arvada Contad:Eric Grosjean 800023108 Colorado Manufacfursr Model: Serlal No.: Bulldlng: Floor: Room: Denver T8-6201 1 79041 89 5520 Lab 1 6200 g 0.1 g lnstrumentType: Asset Numben Temlnal Model: Tormlnal Sorlal No.: TeminalAsset No.: Weighing lnstrument _ N/A N/A NiA N/A Prccedurc Callbntlon Guldellne: METTLER TOLEDO Work lngtuction: ASTM E898 - 20 30250953 v1.6't This calibration certificate including procedures and uncertainty estimation also complies with EURAMET cal8 v 4.0. This calibration certificate contains measurements for As Found and As Left calibrations. The sensitivity/span of the weighing instrument was adjusted before As Left calibration with a buih-in weight. ln accordance with EURAMET cg-18 (1 1/2015), the test loads were selected to reflect the specific use of the weighing device or to accommodate specifi c calibration conditions. As Found I Start:20.8 "C End: 20.5 "C Start: 20.0 % End:21.O % As Left I Start:20.1 'C End:20.1 'C Start: 20.9 % End:.21.OVo This certificate is issued in accordance with the conditions of accreditation granted by MLA, which is based on ISO/IEC 17025. A2LA has assessed the measurement capability of the laboratory and its traceability to recognized nalional standards. Environmental conditions have been verified to ensure the accuracy of the calibration. As Found Celibra0ol Deto: As L'6ft Callbratlon Dde: le6ue Date: Rcqueabd Noxt Cellbratlon Datc: 08-Mar-2023 Auhorizsd A2l-A Slgnatory: 08-Mar-2023 08-Mar-2023 Chris Carson 31-Mar2024 Sofiware VeEion: Report Vffiim: 2.16-32 Fom Number: AF1702111.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially repoducd without the written psrmission of th€ issuing alibration hboratory. Page 1 ol 4 16of21 43 of58 Callbraflon Cerflflcate lD NA 1 548439{30823-ACC-USL METTTER TOTEDO Service Measurement Results Repeatability Test Load: 2000 g 1 I 1999.9 g 2000.0 g 2 1999.9 g 2000.0 g 3 1999.9 s 2000.0 g 4 1999.9 g 2000.0 g 5 1999.9 g 2000.0 g 6 1999.9 g 2000.0 g O As Found O As Left 1 {Test Pornt) >6d /td. 3d 2d. 1d. ooo ooo 4 The "d" in the graph represents the readability of the range/inlerval in which the tesi was performed. The results of this graph are based upon the absolute values of the differences from the mean value. Eccentrici$ Tost Load:2000 g i u"rtrr. : I D"rt"ton i 0.1 I o.'1 g The 'd' in the graph represenls the readability of the range/interval in which the test was performed. Enor of lndlcatlon Ag Found As Lsfi As Found 3 i 3000.09 i ZSSS.SS i -0.1g ' 0.129 Software Vesion: Report VeGion: 2.'16.32 Fom Number: AF1702Lr1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be pa.tially reprodu@d without the written permission ol the issuing €libration laboratory. Page 2 ol 4 17 of21 44 of 58 Calibration Cortllcato lD NA'1 548{39{30823.ACC-USL MEITTER TOTEDO Service tu LEll o n"roril t rcuet For improved logibility of the graphics only increasing measurement points are shown and measurement points close to zero are not displayed. :6-0 l0oo 30cc Jaloc ri0(r'J Calibration Points lgl The uncertainty stated is the expanded uncertainty at calibration obtained by multiplying the standard combined uncertainty by the coverage factor k - which can be larger than 2 according to ASTM E898 and EURAMET cg-1 8. The value of the measurand lies within the assigned range of values with a probability of approximately 95%. The user is responsible for maintaining environmental conditions and the settings of the weighing instrument when it was calibrated. Test Equlpment All weights used for metrological testing are traceable to national or international standards. The weights were calibrated and certified by an accredited calibration laboratory. 6l: co o .9Elc- =o eu.l -. Welght Sot 1: OIML Fl Weight Set No.: Certificate Number: Remarks 685 Date of lssue: Calibration Due Date: 12-Jan-2023 2206/2893-1 31-Jan-2025 N/A End of Ad€dited Secton The information below and any attachments to this calibration certificate are not part of the accredited calibration. Software VeEion: 1.23,1.70 Repod VeEion: 2.1 6.32 Fom Number AF1 702Lr1,0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reprodu@d without th9 written permission ot the issuing €libration laboratory. Page 3 of 4 18 ot 21 45 of58 Callbotm Cerdllcab lD NAI 548-039{30823.ACC-USL METTLER TOTEDO Service Measurement Uncertalnty of the Welghlng lnshrment ln Use Stated is the expanded uncertainiy with k=2 in use. The formula shall be used for the estimation of the uncertainty under consideration of the errors of indication. The value R represents the net load indication in the unit of measure of the device. Temperature coefficient for the evalualion of the measurement uncertainty in use: Temperature range on site for the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in use: Llnoartsaton of Uncertalnty Equatm 6.0.10-6/K To optimize the stability of the linearization, besides of the zero load only increasing measurement points with a test load of 5% of the measurement range or larger are iaken for the calculation of the linear equation. Abcolub and Rdatrc Mcaaunment Unccrtalnty ln Usc furVadous Nct lndlcaUons (Examdcs) 6K Sofiwac VeEion: 123.'1.70 Report Ve6io: 2.16.32 Fom Number: AF'1702L[1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This i8 an original documenl and may not b6 partially reprodu€d without ths wtiiten permission of the issuing €libEtion laboratory. Page 4 ol 4 19 ot 21 46 of58 Atbdrmcnt b Callbraton Certficab: NA1 548439430823-ACC-USL Custom Tolerance Assessment MEITLER TOTEDO Service Custom Tolerance Assessment Assessment done without considering measurement uncertainty. One or more of the measurements from the attached calibration certificate were assessed against customer{efined tolerances, Overal! As Left { { { {Error of lndication Measurement Resulb Repeatability Repeatability Eccentricity As Found { { { { Teat [oad: 2flD g Stan&rd D.vleuon 0.00 c 0.00 g Tolaranoc 0.10 s {0.10s { Eccentrldty Teat Load: 20fl) g MaDdmum Dcvirtlon 0.1 g 0.1 g Tolonanca o.3s {o.3s { Soflwar€ V66ltn: 1 23-1.70 Reporl Vereion: 2.'16.32 Fom Numbor: AF1702Lr1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be parlially reprcdued without the wrilten permlssion of lhe issuing calbration laboratory. Page I of 2 20 ot21 47 of58 Atrtadrmcnt b Callbrailon Gcrtf,cab: NA 1 548{39430823-ACC-USL Custom Tolerance Assessment MEITTER TOTEDO Service Enor of lndication As Found 2 | 1000.09 i ees.gs AB Lfr Soflware Ve6ion: l23.1.70 Report Ve6ion:2.1 632 Fom Number: AF1702Lrl.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be parlially reprcdu@d without the wrilten permlssion of th€ i$uing m[bration laboratory. Page 2 of 2 21 ot 21 48 of58 49 of58 anl6rce Location Chevron Corporation - North Salt Lake City, UT Method 3/3A Data Source Fluidized Catalytic Crackins flnil Project No. 2023-4659 O. Data CO. Data Date/Time 12fi9t23 9:00 AM Date/Time 12figt23 9:00 AM Make/lVIodel/SN Servomex 1440D t4204 Servomex 1440D 1415c-2 Parameter Cylinder ID Cylinder Concentration, o/o Analyzer Concentration. 7o Cylinder ID Cylinder Concentration. 7o Analyzer Concentration. 7o Zero Gas EB0 I 67070 0.00 0.03 EB0l 67070 0.00 -0.02 High Range Gas cc721597 24.00 24.01 cc721597 23 70 23.75 lllid Range Gas cc737000 10.96 10.9'7 cc737000 l0 9t 10 93 Concentration Span, %o 24.0 23.7 Accuracv 0.5 0.5 Run No.Run I Run 2 Run 3 Parameter O2o/o CO2oh Ozoh CO2o/o O2o/o COyVu Date/Time t2/t9/2023 l0:56 12n9t2023 l2:59 12fi9/2023 l5:00 Analysis #l Average 2.20 18. l0 1.69 18.67 2.0t r8.68 220 18. l0 1.69 t8 67 2.01 18.68 50 of -58 PJI.A Accreditation #62730 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-551 -81 50 PGVP Vendor lD # G12020 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lO Number: Cylinder Pressur6: coA# Customer PO. NO.: Customer: )c721597 127907 1900 PS|G )c721597.20200810-0 Certification Date: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previou3 Certifi cation Dates: )at1aDo70 )at16t20za :(:771597 70?OOa10 )9E499520 standard has been certified per the May 2012 EPA Traceability Protocol, Document EPA-600/R-121531 , procedure G1. SMART-CERT Concentrefion Uncailalnty Analydcal Prlnclplo A$ayod On 10.18 % *0.1204 1162940025 04t03t2020 11629E0025 07t23t2020 This is to certrfy the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstituie of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing proess. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otherwise noted. This calibration certificate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas Services. lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. , l1 >/,^--. /i.4h i/ Jasmine Godfrey Analytical chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Version 02-J, Revised on 2018-09-17 5l of58 PJIJI@bdlxba Accreditation #52754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-551 -81 50 PGVP Vendor lD * G12O23 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Pressure: coA # Custom6r PO. NO.: Customer: 1c737000 125371 1900 PS|G )c737000.20230822-0 Certification Date: Expiration Oate: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certifi cation Dates: )9t15t2023 ,9t13t2031 )c737000.20230622 I 03691 046 This calibration standard has been certified per the May 2012 EPA Traceability Protocol, Document EPA-600/R-121531, Gl, SMART.CERT Certified Goncentration(s) Dioxide Concertrafion r0.el% 10.96 % Uncertalnty 10.09 % *O.02 o/o An lydcd Principle FTIR MPA Asrayed &r osn9r2023 09t15t2023 Nitrogen Balance Analytical Meaaurement Data Available Online, cc737012.20230228 E80004315.20201022 017'146467 04t29t2023 1 162980025 0911412023 This is to certify the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/tesl was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95yo confidence level of the measurement, unless otherwise noted. This calibration certiflcate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced other than in full, withoul written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas Services. lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. . ,li* * ''L4, Jasmine Godfrey Analytical Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Version 02-J, Revised on 2018-09-17 52 of 58 A/t6tre Location Chevron Corooration - North Salt Lake Citv. UT QA Data Source Fluidized Catalvtic Cmckins Unit Project No. 2023-4659 Parameter PMl0 Date Nozzle ID Nozzle Dismeter (in.) #l #2 #3 Dn {Averase) Difference Criteria t2/18t23 PM-104 0.1 78 0.t79 0.181 0 179 0.003 I 0.004 in Date Pitot ID Evidence of dafr^ue2 Evidence of mis-llionmpnl! Calibration or Da^oir raa-irad 12fi8123 24ss no llo no Date rroDe or Reference Indicrted Difference Criteria lzt't8123 2455 100.0 10t.0 0 2%o + 1.5 % (absolute) Field Balance Check Date t2n8t23 12t19t23 Balance ID 5A283ssl3 5A2835513 Test Weight tD SLC-I KG.I SLC-I KG-I Certified Weight (g)1000.0 t000 Measured Weight (g)999.4 999.5 Weight Difference (g):0.6 0.5 Date Earomelnc Prssure Evidence of Reading Verified Calibration or pahciFF6drrid Wcathcr Station Location t2,l8t23 Weather Station NA Yes NA SLC Date Nleter Box ID Positive Pressure Lmk Chmk t2^8123 M5-9 Pass Rugent Lot#Field Prep oerformed Field Lol Date By ACETONE 216543 No NA 72/7912023 RJL HEXANE 202786 No NA 12/le/2023 RJL Postt6t Purce Run I Run 2 Run 3 Florv Rate (lprn): l4 Flow Rate (lnnr) 14 Flow Rate (lDml: 14 Clock Time Temperatue Clock Time Tenrneral Clock Time Temoerahlre ll:18 l2: l8 67.0 660 l3: l0 l4 r0 65.0 l5:00 t6.00 69.0 700 53 of 58 Qwlity $urce funpling Systezr,s & Accessorics S-type Pitot ID: Standard Pitot ID: Cp(std): Part Number: Test Velocity (fps): Wlnd Tunnel Location: Customer: Date: 14-Feb-20 Personnel: BR cp(actual):l 0.156 I 2455 RE2-20 o.99 p6"r(in Hg): 29.08 50 T(oF): 5a w.rG ror.rt, ilc Tunnel Size: 3O" x 36' Alllance Sourcc Tcctlng, LLG UJo a a NOTES: 1. Pltot calibrated wlth an Enylronmental Suppty Go. Pltllo caclonc. 2. G, lc only valld when ured wlth PH1O cydono. 3. G, lo only vatld wtt{r 1' cpcdng fr6m PH1O cyclonc. Cp(s)=*,"rrr\m tDeviation = {Cp(s) - AVGCp(s)} lmust be <0.010} Standard deviation of the deviations must be less than 0.02 for both sldes. Pltot tubG S/X 2455 wer crllbrebd ln rccor{rnce wlt{r t{rr CFn 40, Pelt GO APp.ndh A, tlGthod 2, Sccilon lO. 2lL4|2O2O - DatC wrrnrr. environsupply.com 54 of58 o.500 o.510 o.523 o.a77 0.873 o.880 o.748i o.7s7 4.763 -0.008 0.001 o.oo8 Slgnature 708 E. Club Blvd., Durharn" North Carolina 27744 919-956-9688 FAX: 919{82-0333 AtErrce DGM Calibration-Orifices Document lf ar20 004 Revisior 230 Effective Dat€1/25/:3 lssu nq Departmenl Tech Sery ces Pag(lofl Equipment Detail - Dry Gas Meter Console lD: w5-9 Meter S/N. 20035541 Critical Orifice S/N 1330 Calibration Detail nitial Barometric Pressure, in. Hg (Pb) :inal Barometric Pressure, in. Hg (Pbr) \veraqe Barometric Pressure, in. Hq (Pb) 25.84 25.81 25.83 lritifcal Orifice lD (Y) (' Factor, ftt R''2 / in. wC min (K) /acuum Pressure, in. Hg (Vr) nitial DGM Volume, ft3 (Vmr) :inal DGM Volume, ft3 (VmF) Total DGM Volume. ftj (Vm) 1330-31 0.8429 '13 0 60.233 71.254 11 021 1330-31 1330-25 a.il28 '15 0 94.fl9 98.955 8.776 1330-25 1330-19 0 5186 160 121.102 128 055 6 953 1330-19 08429 0.673 0 519 13.0 72.479 83 508 11 029 15.0 111.485 120.285 8 800 16.0 128.05 5 134 893 6.838 \mbient Temperature, 'F (Ta) nitial DGM Temperature, 'F (Tm) :inal DGM Temperature, 'F (TmF) \veraqe DGIV Temperature, "F ( Tm) 71 68 68 68 71 68 69 69 72 70 71 71 72 71 71 71 73 11 72 72 71 72 73 73 Elapsed Time (O) Meter Orifice Pressure, in. WC (AH) Standard Meter volume, ft3 (Vmstd) Standard Critical Orifice Volume, ft3 (Vc0 Meter Correction Factor (Y) Tolerance Orifice Calibration Value (AH @) Tolerance Orifice Cal Check '10 00 340 9 6065 9.4492 0.984 0 002 1.867 0 025 10.00 3.40 9.6044 9.4492 0.984 0.001 1 865 0 023 10 00 2.14 7.5857 7.5352 0 993 0 008 1.798 4.044 10.00 2.1A 7.5992 1.5352 0.992 0.006 1.797 0.046 10 00 130 5 9850 5.8028 0.970 0 016 1.869 4.027 10.00 1.30 5 8750 5.8137 0.990 0 004 1.859 0.016 0.88 132 130 \/leter Correction Factor ft1 0.985 )rifice Calibration Value (AH @)1.843 )ositive Pressure Leak Checl Yes Equipment Detail - Thermocouple Sensor Reference Calibrator Make. OMEGA Reference Calibrator Model: CL23A Reference Calibrator S/N. T{97207 Calibration Detail Reference Temp Display Temp.Accuracy Difference 7o 0 68 100 464 528 560 2 68 '100 462 528 560 -0.4 0.0 00 2 0 0 223 240 213 683 708 133 225 250 275 685 110 7)\ -0.3 -03 -03 2 2 2 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 760 860 960 1,060 1,160 1,260 1,360 1,460 1,560 1,660 302 401 500 601 703 803 903 1,004 1,103 1,203 762 86'1 960 1,061 '1,163 1,263 1,363 1,4U 1,563 i,663 -03 -0 1 0.0 -0'l -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -02 2 1 0 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 Personnel Stacey Cunninqham 55 of 58 Calibration By Calibration Date Reviewed By RYAN LYONS 10/30/2023 56 of58 8 St q oi ai c t P (, NO x @ ot = tr ) ro l o = or o o, B E NO x ci ie E <r p b FE H oqF. -No?oc!@rOrO tr ) rr ) t(oNoN9q , i- cD NG o 57 of 5 8 @aNso?oqlr )@rOf. - t-c. io(f )N$lr ) lr ) o( f ) ro d) ; c" i rr(t (f ) NC ! oo$s cD -- o) x H *x - E 5- $c? t-(oqoq@rovt-c. loa?@$Lf ) (o t r ) sg ? o r (f ) (o NNoo NN \ o) -- o, NH $X F h E- i= Bttr [r JN s! (D ' r 9? - . <z o - $< NooC)O=trtruJN (o J@< 9Z -. << o \ $> tuoNos(JoLLoolJ - -9 oF ^ -o H l! U J = sH - JFoF tI 9>p0 E- o F- C o:>o al (l ) il E =6t (E T =; J (Ooi (f )N oo N =E G -N :t t r tr)tr UTAH DEPA.RTMEI.IT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FiE DIVISION OF AIR QUALTTY 58 of58 Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Chevron Corporation - Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit Company Contact:Tony Pollock Contact Phone No.(801) 539-7162 Source Designation:Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit Test & Review Dates Test Date: 12/19/2023 Review Date: 2/12/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.2484 0.0014 Test Information Equivalent Diameter (ft.)As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 3.33 11.09 0.9850 1.843 0.756 25.68 -1.1 0.179 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Alliance Technical Group, LLC Contact: Shamit Nakra Phone No.: 385-252-7553 Project No.: Rectangular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Chevron Corporation - Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 12/19/2023 12/19/2023 12/19/2023 12/19/2023 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Rectangular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.00075 0.00135 0.0315 As ft^2 11.09 11.09 11.09 Run 2 0.00115 0.00075 0.0234 Pbar 25.68 25.68 25.68 Run 3 0.0014 0.0005 0.0135 Pq (static)-1.10 -1.10 -1.10 Run 4 Ps 25.60 25.60 25.60 Avg. Ts F 549.42 541.25 551.25 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 17.40 18.10 18.70 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 1.90 2.20 1.70 gr./dscf 0.0015 0.0014 0.0013 0.0014 N2+C 80.70 79.70 79.60 lbs/hr 0.2603 0.2427 0.2421 0.2484 Md 30.86 30.98 31.06 lb/1000 lb coke burn off 0.047 0.044 0.043 0.045 Ms 29.71 29.83 29.99 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.76 0.76 0.76 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 24.68 24.88 26.79 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 45.70 45.00 44.20 gr./dscf 0.0238 0.0180 0.0102 0.0173 AVG. Tm F 45.17 52.50 55.92 lbs/hr 4.1647 3.2313 1.9625 3.1195 Vm std 21.83 21.69 23.20 lb/1000 lb coke burn off 0.76 0.58 0.35 0.56 Vw std 2.15 2.12 2.08 Bws 0.09 0.09 0.08 S Bws 1.00 1.00 1.00 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.01 1.03 1.10 Vs 75.45 76.57 81.93 F factor used scfm wet 22465.31 22984.17 24351.82 acfm 50197.78 50941.64 54511.94 Qsd dscfh 1226998.12 1256360.28 1340870.93 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.179 0.179 0.179 An 1.75E-04 1.75E-04 1.75E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 Total Test time 60.00 60.00 60.00 Time @ point 5.00 5.00 5.00 Coke Burn-Off Rate lb/hr 5481 5547 5581 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Chevron Corporation - Fluidized Catalytic Cracking UnitFlow & Moisture Test Date 12/19/2023 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 11.09 25.68 -1.10 25.60 549 17.40 1.90 80.70 30.86 29.71 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 87.0314 0.9850 0.76 24.681 45.70 45.17 21.828 2.151 0.0897 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.013 75.45 22,465 50,198 1.23E+06 12 0.179 60 5.00 0.440000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 219.395 1.20 0.44 560 39 39 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 221.605 1.20 0.44 554 43 43 508.20 482.40 25.8 3 223.800 1.20 0.44 537 45 45 692.60 680.50 12.1 4 225.961 0.92 0.44 555 46 46 715.50 715.10 0.4 5 227.955 0.92 0.44 539 44 44 990.70 983.30 7.4 6 229.960 0.95 0.44 535 44 44 0.0 7 231.945 0.99 0.44 558 45 45 8 233.985 0.98 0.44 554 45 45 Isokinetics 112.9 9 235.990 0.97 0.44 543 46 46 Test Date 12/19/2023 10 237.975 0.98 0.44 559 47 47 Start Time enter 11 239.985 1.05 0.44 552 48 48 End Time 12 242.045 0.99 0.44 547 50 50 Run 1 13 244.076 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Chevron Corporation - Fluidized Catalytic Cracking UnitFlow & Moisture Test Date 12/19/2023 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 11.09 25.68 -1.10 25.60 541 18.10 2.20 79.70 30.98 29.83 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 81.3559 0.9850 0.76 24.881 45.00 53 21.690 2.118 0.0890 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.035 76.57 22,984 50,942 1.26E+06 12 0.179 60 5.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 245.552 1.40 0.45 559.0 50.0 50.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 247.995 1.30 0.45 553.0 51.0 51.0 517.20 498.60 18.6 3 250.250 1.40 0.45 539.0 51.0 51.0 668.10 655.00 13.1 4 252.595 0.95 0.45 541.0 51.0 51.0 748.90 742.80 6.1 5 254.645 0.93 0.45 539.0 50.0 50.0 967.00 959.80 7.2 6 256.485 0.94 0.45 539.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 7 258.425 1.05 0.45 541.0 52.0 52.0 8 260.480 1.00 0.45 537.0 53.0 53.0 Isokinetics 109.6 9 262.440 0.97 0.45 558.0 55.0 55.0 Test Date 12/19/2023 10 264.440 1.00 0.45 533.0 55.0 55.0 Start Time 11 266.360 1.00 0.45 531.0 56.0 56.0 End Time 12 268.435 0.98 0.45 525.0 56.0 56.0 Run 2 13 270.433 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Chevron Corporation - Fluidized Catalytic Cracking UnitFlow & Moisture Test Date 12/19/2023 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 11.09 25.68 -1.10 25.60 551 18.70 1.70 79.60 31.06 29.99 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 88.3448 0.9850 0.76 26.791 44.20 56 23.201 2.080 0.0823 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.104 81.93 24,352 54,512 1.34E+06 12 0.179 60 5.00 0.46 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 271.482 1.30 0.46 559.0 50.0 50.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 273.735 1.20 0.46 557.0 54.0 54.0 514.6 482.9 31.7 3 275.920 1.20 0.46 549.0 55.0 55.0 690.3 682.2 8.1 4 278.101 1.20 0.46 555.0 55.0 55.0 713.6 715.5 -1.9 5 280.330 1.20 0.46 545.0 55.0 55.0 997.0 990.7 6.3 6 282.560 1.30 0.46 539.0 56.0 56.0 0.0 7 284.878 1.30 0.46 559.0 56.0 56.0 8 287.230 1.25 0.46 557.0 57.0 57.0 Isokinetics 109.8 9 289.570 1.20 0.46 559.0 57.0 57.0 Test Date 12/19/2023 10 291.878 1.10 0.46 554.0 58.0 58.0 Start Time 11 293.925 1.10 0.46 544.0 59.0 59.0 End Time 12 296.055 1.30 0.46 538.0 59.0 59.0 Run 3 13 298.273 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1