HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-005153
Site ID 10119 (B5)
THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager
FROM: Rob Leishman, Environmental Scientist
DATE: February 21, 2024
SUBJECT: Chevron Products Company (Chevron), Major, NSPS, Title V, MACT,
Davis County – FRS # UT00000049001100003
INSPECTION TYPE: State Electronic Data Report (SEDR) Review
REVIEW DATE: February 21, 2024
SOURCE LOCATION: North Salt Lake/Davis County
SOURCE CONTACT: Tony Pollock – 801-539-7162
REGULATIONS: Approval Order (AO) dated 8/24/2022 – DAQE-AN101190106-22
EVALUATION: With the exception of sources that only monitor for opacity, quarterly report
memoranda will only address the findings of the quarterly report. Approval
Order and Title V permit conditions addressing continuous emission
monitoring requirements will be addressed in Chevron’s relative accuracy
performance specification test review memorandum.
Fourth Quarter 2023
% Monitor Availability (MA) Performance Test Dates
(N/A to Opacity)
Summary of Excess Emissions During Point
Source Operation
hrs. Channel MA CGA Lin RATA Point
Source Channel Hrs. Limitation
Boiler #7 2208 NOx 100% 11/06/23 08/16/23
Opacity 0.00 30 % -
Boiler #7 2208 O2 100% 11/06/23 08/16/23
Opacity 0.00 20 % -
2208 Opacity 100%
SO2 0.00 50 ppm -
1 8 2
Fourth Quarter 2023
% Monitor Availability (MA) Performance Test Dates
(N/A to Opacity)
Summary of Excess Emissions During Point
Source Operation
hrs. Channel MA CGA Lin RATA Point
Source Channel Hrs. Limitation
2208 CO 97% 11/06/23 08/14/23
SO2 0.00 25 ppm -
2208 NOx 97% 11/06/23 08/14/23
NOx 0.00 106 ppm -
2208 SO2 97% 11/06/23 08/14/23
NOx 0.00 80 ppm -
2208 CO2 97% 11/06/23 08/14/23
CO 1.00 500 ppm -
2208 O2 97% 11/06/23 08/14/23 Flare #1 H2S 0.00 162 ppm -
Flare #1 2208 H2S 98% 11/08/23 09/21/20 Flare #2 H2S 0.00 162 ppm -
Flare #1 2208 TRS 97% 11/08/23 Flare #3 H2S 0.00 162 ppm -
Flare #2 2208 H2S 94% 11/08/23 09/22/20 Fuel Gas Mix
Point H2S 0.00 162 ppm -
Flare #2 2208 TRS 98% 11/09/23 Fuel Gas Mix
Point H2S 0.00 60 ppm -
Flare #3 2208 H2S 99% 11/06/23 08/24/23 SRU Tailgas
Incinerator 1 SO2 44.00 250 ppm -
Flare #3 2208 TRS 100% 11/06/23 SRU Tailgas
Incinerator 2 SO2 31.00 250 ppm -
Fuel Gas Mix
Point 2208 H2S 98% 11/07/23 08/25/23
SRU Tailgas
Incinerator 1 2208 SO2 94% 10/09/23 08/15/23
SRU Tailgas
Incinerator 1 2208 O2 91% 10/09/23 08/15/23
SRU Tailgas
Incinerator 2 2208 SO2 97% 10/09/23 08/21/23
SRU Tailgas
Incinerator 2 2208 O2 97% 10/09/23 08/21/23
Excess Emission Report - Hourly Summary
Source Channel
FCC Regenerator Vent Opacity 0 0 0 0 0 30 % - 6min
FCC Regenerator Vent Opacity 0 0 0 0 0 20 % - 3hrRA
FCC Regenerator Vent SO2 0 0 0 0 0 50 ppm - 7dRA
FCC Regenerator Vent SO2 0 0 0 0 0 25 ppm - 365dRA
FCC Regenerator Vent NOx 0 0 0 0 0 106 ppm - 7dRA
Excess Emission Report - Hourly Summary
Source Channel
FCC Regenerator Vent NOx 0 0 0 0 0 80 ppm - 7dRA
FCC Regenerator Vent CO 0 0 1 0 0 500 ppm - hour
Flare #1 H2S 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm - 3hrRA
Flare #2 H2S 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm - 3hrRA
Flare #3 H2S 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm - 3hrRA
Fuel Gas Mix Point H2S 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm - 3hrRA
Fuel Gas Mix Point H2S 0 0 0 0 0 60 ppm - 365dRA
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 SO2 18 0 44 0 0 250 ppm -
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 SO2 0 0 31 0 0 250 ppm -
CMS Performance Summary - Hourly Summary
Source Channel Monitor
Boiler #7 NOx 0 0 0 1 0
Boiler #7 O2 0 0 0 1 0
FCC Regenerator Vent Opacity 0 0 0 2 0
FCC Regenerator Vent CO 25 0 30 6 0
FCC Regenerator Vent NOx 25 0 30 6 0
FCC Regenerator Vent SO2 25 0 30 6 0
FCC Regenerator Vent CO2 25 0 30 6 0
FCC Regenerator Vent O2 25 0 30 6 0
Flare #1 H2S 31 0 23 2 0
Flare #1 TRS 63 0 6 1 0
Flare #2 H2S 66 4 34 34 0
Flare #2 TRS 0 4 5 33 0
Flare #3 H2S 0 0 23 2 0
Flare #3 TRS 0 0 0 2 0
Fuel Gas Mix Point H2S 0 0 47 2 0
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 SO2 56 0 24 59 0
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 O2 27 0 103 59 0
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 SO2 32 0 23 1 0
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 O2 32 0 23 1 0
Type Code 280 (COMS Attenuator Filters) Procedure 3
Point Source & Location Attenuator
1-year or 5-
FCC Regenerator Vent -
Flue Gas
DHT200 /
14108330 2/21/23 12.90 0.90 22 Low 1 Year
FCC Regenerator Vent -
Flue Gas
DHT200 /
14108330 2/21/23 24.60 0.90 39.83 Mid 1 Year
FCC Regenerator Vent -
Flue Gas
DHT200 /
14108330 2/21/23 36.80 0.90 56.33 High 1 Year
Type Code 281 (Procedure 3 - COMS Filter Audit Calibration Error)
Source Location Audit Date
Opacity Monitor Response
(Average of 5) Mean Difference Calibration
Error (≤ 3%) Low Mid High
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas Duct 10/25/23 7 0.780 1.398
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas Duct 10/25/23 7 0.400 0.657
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas Duct 10/25/23 7 -0.890 1.052
Pollutant Concentration
Exceeded Span of CEM
Monitor Outage During
Point Source Operation
Sampling CEM Modifications
34 Hours 1128 Hours 0 Hours 0 Events
SUMMARY EVALUATION: Chevron maintains its CEMS as required in R307-170 and 40 CFR 60.13.
RECOMMENDATIONS: All deviations appear to be a result of breakdown or process related problems
that do not warrant issuing a violation.
Chevron was in compliance during this reporting period. No further
enforcement actions should be taken.
Chevron’s NSPS monitoring system meets the performance standards of 40
CFR 60, Appendix B Performance Specifications.
FOR NEXT INSPECTION: Check DAS for daily zero and span drift.
Check the QC program to ensure that monitor drift is being tracked and that the
source can identify excessive drift.
ATTACHMENTS: Excel spreadsheet review
Troy Tortorich Chevron Products Company
Refinery Manager Salt Lake Refinery
685 South Chevron Way
North Salt Lake, Utah 84054
Tel 801 539 7200
January 29, 2024
RETURN RECEIPT #7018 0680 0001 4890 0321
Mr. Bryce Bird, Director
Division of Air Quality
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
4th QUARTER 2023 CEM REPORT - State Electronic Data Report (SEDR)
Dear Mr. Bird,
Chevron Products Company Salt Lake Refinery submits the Quarterly Report in ASCII Electronic Format
for the 4th quarter of 2023. This is in accordance with UACR 307-170 and applicable 40 CFR 60
subparts A, J, and Ja requirements. This report contains data on the following monitoring systems:
" Boiler 7 NOx.O2CEM
" FCC regenerator opacity COMS
" FCC regenerator CO, C02 NOx, SO2, and 0' CEM
" Fuel Gas H25 CEM
" Flare I H2S, TRS CEM
" Flare 2 H25, TRS CEM
" Flare 3 H25, TRS CEM
" SRU ISO2 and O2CEM
As per the EPA response letter attached, the approved alternative test method to the relative accuracy
test for H2S CEMS has been used at Flare I and Flare 2.
If you have any questions regarding the CEM Report, please contact Tony Pollock at 801-539-7162 or
dltf chevron.com.
I certifi under penalty of law that all information contained in the report is truthful and accurate and is a
complete record of all monitoring related events which occurred during the 4th quarter of 2023.
Troy 1'ortorich
Ms. Serena Yau
Chevron Salt Lake Refinery
685 South Chevron Way
North Salt Lake, Utah 84054
Dear Ms. Yau:
I am writing in response to your letter to EPA Region 8, dated October 27, 2020, in which you
seek an alternative test method for use on Flare1 and Flare 2 at Chevron’s Salt Lake Refinery
(Salt Lake) located in Salt Lake City, Davis County, Utah. It is our understanding that this
facility is subject to 40 CFR part 60, Subpart Ja, Standards of Performance for Petroleum
Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 14,
2007 (Subpart Ja). The Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), as the delegated
authority, must make the determination on any major alternatives to test methods and procedures
required under 40 CFR parts 59, 60, 61, 63 and 65. Your proposed test method alternatives and
our approval decisions are discussed below.
According to the information provided, Flare 1 and Flare 2 at Salt Lake are subject to section
60.107a(a)(2) of Subpart Ja, which requires that a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) continuous monitoring
system (CEMS) be used to comply with the emission limits found in section 60.103a(h) of
Subpart Ja. Section 60.107a(a)(2) of Subpart Ja also requires an H2S CEMS be installed,
operated and maintained according to 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, Performance Specification 7
(PS-7), and the use of Method 11, 15, or 15A of Appendix A-5 to 40 CFR part 60 or Method 16
of Appendix A-6 to 40 CFR part 60 for conducting the relative accuracy test. Following section
60.107a(a)(2), you are required to comply with the applicable quality assurance procedures in
Appendix F to 40 CFR part 60, specifically Procedure 1 (40 CFR 60, Appendix F), which
requires the annual relative accuracy test of each H2S CEMS.
Based on the information you provided, Flare 1 and Flare 2 are both equipped with a flare vapor
recovery (FVR) system. These FVR systems employ a water seal to prevent flaring, unless there
is sufficient pressure on the seal for flare gas to break through. The vapors that do not break
through the water seal are compressed and recovered. The FVR system prevents flaring the vast
majority of the time. The H2S CEMS are located downstream of these water seals which means
that when these water seals are intact, which is typical, there is no flare gas being sampled by the
H2S CEMS. This intermittent flaring makes conducting a relative accuracy test on an H2S CEMS
on Flare 1 and Flare 2 difficult. As a result of the difficulty associated with conducting a relative
accuracy test on these H2S CEMSs, you seek to use the alternative relative accuracy procedure
provided in section 16.2 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2 (PS-2) and
referenced as an alternative to the relative accuracy test in sections 60.107a(e)(1)(ii) and (2)(ii)
of Subpart Ja. The alternative procedure requested allows for the completion of the alternative
relative accuracy procedures found in section 16.0 of PS-2 in lieu of the relative accuracy test
procedures for an H2S CEMS specified in PS-7.
We have reviewed your request and the associated rule language and recognize that it can be
difficult to perform relative accuracy tests of the H2S CEMSs installed on these units that do not
consistently combust flare gas. Based on the information contained in your request on the
intermittent flare gas flows, we approve the use of the alternative testing approach found in
section 16.0 of PS-2, which allows cylinder gases to be used as an alternative to the relative
accuracy test for H2S CEMSs, with the following caveats for each test:
• This alternative test method is only approved for use on the two H2S CEMSs installed on
Flare 1 and Flare 2 at Chevron’s Salt Lake Refinery.
• The alternative relative accuracy procedures approved herein are an alternative to the
relative accuracy test required by PS-7 and Procedure 1.
• When conducting the alternative relative accuracy test, you must follow the procedures
for performing the alternative relative accuracy test described in section 16.2 of PS-2 and
meet the criteria specified in section 16.3 of PS-2.
• The gas quality for the cylinder gases used to conduct the alternative relative accuracy
tests must meet the Protocol Gas requirements defined in section 16.2.4 of PS-2, to an
accuracy of at least 3 percent, or the cylinder gas material must be vendor certified as
traceable to a NIST standard at 3 percent accuracy if Protocol Gases are not available at
the concentration necessary for the alternative relative accuracy test.
• The alternative relative accuracy procedures must be performed periodically as defined in
section 60.107a(a)(1)(v) of Subpart Ja.
• A copy of this approval letter must be included in the report detailing the results of the
alternative relative accuracy procedures.
If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact Kim Garnett at 919-541-
1158 or garnett.kim@epa.go v.
Steffan M. Johnson, Leader
Measurement Technology Group
Digitally signed by STEFFAN
Date: 2021.01.12 08:43:07
cc: Rachel Agnew, Chevron (rachelagnew@chevron.com)
Kim Garnett, EPA/OAQPS/AQAD (garnett.kim@epa.gov)
Jeremy Marsigli, Utah DEQ (jmarsigli@utah.gov)
Laurie Ostrand, EPA R8 (ostrand.laurie@epa.gov)
Brenda Shine, EPA/OAQPS/SPPD (shine.brenda@epa.gov)
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Point Source Information Late Expired Cal. Gas Valid Cal. Gas Days Yes No
1 Type Code 100
(Company Information)Type Code Company Manager Company Name AIRS # Phone Number
1 100 Troy Tortorich 01100003 (801) 539-7162 Tony Pollock
1 100 0 0 0 0
1 Type Code 110
(Point Source Identification)Type Code Point Source
1 - 4 Year
Point Source
Operating Hrs. in
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 4 2023 2208
1 110 0 0 0
1 Type Code 200
(Monitor Identification)Type Code Point Source Channel Manufacturer Model No. Monitor SN Low Span High Span Installation Date
1 200 NOx Ametek Western Research9900 ZE-9900-10941-1 0 500 8/17/2018 F11007
1 200 O2 Ametek Western Research9900 ZE-9900-10941-1 0 21 8/17/2018 F11007
1 200 CO Siemens Ultramat 6 J6-783 0 1000 4/16/2020 K3223
1 200 CO2 Siemens Ultramat 6/Oxymat 6J7-447 0 25 4/16/2020 K3223
1 200 NOx Ametek Western Research9900 ZW-9900-S1334-10 200 4/16/2020 K3223
1 200 O2 Siemens Ultramat 6/Oxymat 6J7-447 0 10 4/16/2020 K3223
1 200 Opacity Sick/Maihak DHT200 0 100 10/5/2013 K3223
1 200 SO2 Siemens Ultramat 6E J6-783 0 200 4/16/2020 K3223
1 200 H2S Siemens Maxum Edition II #300194969000100 300 2/3/2010 V75220
1 200 TRS Atom FGA-100 140011 0 250000 11/5/2015 V75220
1 200 H2S Siemens Maxum Edition II #300194969000200 300 11/5/2010 V75120
1 200 TRS Atom FGA-100 140012 0 250000 11/4/2015 V75120
1 200 H2S Siemens Maxum Edition II #3001946900020 0 300 11/6/2019 D35014
1 200 TRS Atom FGA-100 18002 0 250000 11/6/2019 D35014
1 200 H2S Siemens Maxum Edition II #300195363800100 300 12/6/2009 V-113
1 200 O2 Ametek Ametek 9900 ZW-9900-S1332-10 21 9/1/2021 F-6550
1 200 SO2 Ametek Ametek 9900 ZW-9900-S1332-10 500 9/1/2021 F-6550
1 200 O2 Ametek Ametek 9000 AV9000WM-10235-1A0 21 12/16/2010 F-68250
1 200 SO2 Ametek Ametek 9000 AV9000WM-10235-1A0 500 12/16/2010 F-68250
1 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/0/1900 0
Type Code310
(Excess Emissions)
Type Code Channel
Total Hours of Excess
Excess Emissions -
% of Total
Operating Hours
RC 701 Hours -
RC 702 Hours-
Control Equipment
RC 703 Hours -
Process Problems
RC 704, 706, 707
Hours -Other Known
RC 705 Hours -
1 TRUE 310 Opacity 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 30 % 6min
1 TRUE 310 Opacity 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 20 % 3hrRA
1 TRUE 310 SO2 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 50 ppm 7dRA
1 TRUE 310 SO2 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 25 ppm 365dRA
1 TRUE 310 NOx 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 106 ppm 7dRA
1 TRUE 310 NOx 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 80 ppm 7dRA
1 TRUE 310 CO 1 0.05% 0 0 1 0 0 500 ppm hour
1 TRUE 310 H2S 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm 3hrRA
1 TRUE 310 H2S 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm 3hrRA
1 TRUE 310 H2S 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm 3hrRA
1 TRUE 310 H2S 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 162 ppm 3hrRA
1 TRUE 310 H2S 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 60 ppm 365dRA
1 TRUE 310 SO2 62 2.81% 18 0 44 0 0 250 ppm 12hrRA
1 TRUE 310 SO2 31 1.40% 0 0 31 0 0 250 ppm 12hrRA
1 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Point Source
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
Boiler #7
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #1
Flare #2
Flare #3
Fuel Gas Mix Point
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Fuel Gas Mix Point
Fuel Gas Mix Point
Flare #2
Flare #3
Flare #3
Fuel Gas Mix Point
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
Chevron Products Co.
Boiler #7
Boiler #7
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #1
Flare #1
Flare #2
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #1
Flare #2
Flare #3
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
1 Type Code 300 (CMS
Performance Summary) Type Code Channel
Point Source Operating
Downtime - % of
Total Operating
Total CMS
RC 721 Hours -
RC 722 Hours -
RC 723 Hours -
QA Calibrations
RC 724 Hours -
Other Known
RC 725
Hours -
1 TRUE 300 NOx 2208 0.05% 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 TRUE 300 O2 2208 0.05% 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 TRUE 300 Opacity 2208 0.10% 2.2 0 0 0 2.2 0
1 TRUE 300 CO 2208 2.77% 61.25 25.25 0 29.75 6.25 0
1 TRUE 300 NOx 2208 2.77% 61.25 25.25 0 29.75 6.25 0
1 TRUE 300 SO2 2208 2.77% 61.25 25.25 0 29.75 6.25 0
1 TRUE 300 CO2 2208 2.77% 61.25 25.25 0 29.75 6.25 0
1 TRUE 300 O2 2208 2.77% 61.25 25.25 0 29.75 6.25 0
1 TRUE 300 H2S 2208 2.48% 54.75 30.5 0 22.75 1.5 0
1 TRUE 300 TRS 2208 3.16% 69.75 62.5 0 6 1.25 0
1 TRUE 300 H2S 2208 6.22% 137.25 66.25 3.5 34 33.5 0
1 TRUE 300 TRS 2208 1.90% 42 0 3.5 5.25 33.25 0
1 TRUE 300 H2S 2208 1.10% 24.25 0 0 22.75 1.5 0
1 TRUE 300 TRS 2208 0.07% 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 0
1 TRUE 300 H2S 2208 2.21% 48.75 0 0 46.75 2 0
1 TRUE 300 SO2 2208 6.27% 138.5 56.25 0 23.75 58.5 0
1 TRUE 300 O2 2208 8.57% 189.25 27 0 103 59.25 0
1 TRUE 300 SO2 2208 2.52% 55.75 31.75 0 23 1 0
1 TRUE 300 O2 2208 2.52% 55.75 31.75 0 23 1 0
1 300 0 0 0 0 0 0
Type Code 250
(Performance Specification
RATA Results)
Type Code Channel
Date of Most Current
Date of Preceding
Months Between
Units of
Measurement CEM Value Reference Method
accuracy Pass/ Fail
1 365 Days 250 NOx 08/16/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 0.074 0.075 2.25% P
1 365 Days 250 O2 08/16/23 08/16/22 12 0 4.826 4.828 0.33% P
1 325 Days 250 SO2 08/14/23 09/23/22 12 ppm 16.9 15.667 9.07% P
1 326 Days 250 NOx 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 ppm 41.532 42.389 3.51% P
1 326 Days 250 CO 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 ppm 26.918 26.433 2.06% P
1 326 Days 250 CO2 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 ppm 17.28 16.978 1.93% P
1 326 Days 250 O2 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 0 2.12 2.12 1.31% P
1 0 Days 250 H2S 09/21/20 09/21/20 12 ppm 8.9 5.81 3.30% P
1 0 Days 250 H2S 09/22/20 09/22/20 12 ppm 8.29 5.39 2.93% P
1 373 Days 250 H2S 08/24/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 0 2.26 1.60% P
1 374 Days 250 H2S 08/25/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 0.04 1.95 1.25% P
1 364 Days 250 SO2 08/15/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 107.369 114.978 7.91% P
1 364 Days 250 SO2 08/15/23 08/16/22 12 lb./hr. 1.743 1.992 3.10% P
1 364 Days 250 O2 08/15/23 08/16/22 12 0 4.084 4.133 5.00% P
1 334 Days 250 SO2 08/21/23 09/21/22 12 ppm 132.091 135.895 5.82% P
1 334 Days 250 SO2 08/21/23 09/21/22 12 lb./hr. 3.251 3.407 10.41% P
1 334 Days 250 O2 08/21/23 09/21/22 12 0 7.17 7.844 3.00% P
1 0 Days 250 0 01/00/00 01/00/00 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0
1 Type Code 260
(CGA Results)Type Code Channel Date Audit Point No. Cylinder ID
Cylinder Expiration
Type of
Units of
Measurement CEM Value Cylinder
%Pass/ Fail Range - High or
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 NOx 11/06/23 1 AAL073503 08/02/29 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 135.4 137.6 -167.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 NOx 11/06/23 2 CC97975 10/29/26 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 272.4 276.1 -132.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 11/06/23 1 XC014765 05/01/26 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 5.1 5.1 34.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 11/06/23 2 CC506900 05/22/26 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 8.1 8.1 -45.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 CO 11/06/23 1 CC92361 04/27/28 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 249.1 249 -240.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 CO 11/06/23 2 ALM011670 02/26/27 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 545.5 546.6 -120.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 CO2 11/06/23 1 CC232281 02/24/28 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 6.5 6.6 -105.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 CO2 11/06/23 2 CC487479 03/02/28 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 13.9 14 -40.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 NOx 11/06/23 1 CC320573 01/03/31 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 55.5 55.8 -47.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 NOx 11/06/23 2 CC262317 10/15/26 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 111 111.1 -9.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 11/06/23 1 EB0109000 08/17/26 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)% 5 5 0.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 11/06/23 2 CC504376 03/01/27 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)% 8.1 8 50.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 SO2 11/06/23 1 CC733445 08/22/30 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 55.9 55.08 145.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 SO2 11/06/23 2 SG914942BAL 08/02/29 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 112.1 110.1 184.00% P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/08/23 1 CC102694 10/12/24 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 67.3 68.99 -245.00% P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/8/23 2 ALM035540 10/14/24 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 145 157 -8 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 TRS 11/8/23 1 CC97784 12/16/24 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 12,276 12,526 -2 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 TRS 11/8/23 2 EB0140133 9/21/25 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 26,156 27,571 -5 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/8/23 1 ALM040013 6/30/24 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 66 70 -5 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/8/23 2 CC192822 6/9/26 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 147 159 -7 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 TRS 11/9/23 1 CC66003 12/26/24 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 12,392 12,533 -1 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 TRS 11/9/23 2 EB0140133 9/21/25 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 27,446 27,571 0 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/6/23 1 ALM042146 5/28/26 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 67 70 -5 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/6/23 2 CC192822 5/28/26 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 146 157 -7 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 TRS 11/6/23 1 CC231302 4/26/25 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 2,434 2,491 -2 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 TRS 11/6/23 2 CC260070 12/17/24 EPA PROTOCOL II GASppm 5,493 5,553 -1 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/7/23 1 ALM032841 3/8/24 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 68 70 -3 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 H2S 11/7/23 2 CC47722 3/9/24 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 156 162 -4 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 10/9/23 1 ALM054666 4/26/27 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 5 5 -1 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 10/9/23 2 EB0089076 8/7/28 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 8 8 -2 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 SO2 10/9/23 1 CC107467 8/29/30 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 130 126 3 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 SO2 10/9/23 2 EB0134129 11/22/29 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 252 252 0 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 10/9/23 1 ALM054666 5/31/30 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 5 5 0 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 O2 10/9/23 2 CC741651 8/23/29 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 8 8 0 P High
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 SO2 10/9/23 1 CC356043 11/1/27 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 134 123 9 P Low
1 Valid Cal. Gas 260 SO2 10/9/23 2 ALM047181 2/1/27 EPA Traceability Protocol (Sept. 1997)ppm 247 250 -1 P High
1 260 0 1/0/00 0 0 1/0/00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Type Code 270
(Linearity Test Results)Type Code Channel Date Audit Point No. Cylinder ID
Cylinder Expiration
Type of
Units of
Measurement CEM Value Cylinder
%Pass/ Fail Range - High or
1 270 0 01/00/00 0 0 01/00/00 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0
Point Source
Point Source
Point Source
Point Source
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #1
Flare #1
Flare #1
Flare #2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #1
Flare #2
Flare #3
Fuel Gas Mix Point
Boiler #7
Boiler #7
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Boiler #7
Boiler #7
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #3
Flare #1
Flare #1
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #3
Fuel Gas Mix Point
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
Boiler #7
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Boiler #7
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
Flare #3
Flare #3
Fuel Gas Mix Point
Fuel Gas Mix Point
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
Boiler #7
Boiler #7
Flare #3
Flare #3
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
FCC Regenerator Vent
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #1
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Type Code 210
(Pollutant Concentration
Exceeded Span of CEM)
Type Code Channel Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Hours
1 34 210 H2S 11/13/23 15:31 11/13/23 15:31 0.00
1 34 210 H2S 11/13/23 15:43 11/13/23 15:43 0.00
1 68 210 H2S 10/12/23 2:43 10/12/23 2:46 0.05
1 TRUE 210 H2S 10/12/23 3:21 10/12/23 3:28 0.12
1 210 H2S 10/12/23 13:53 10/12/23 13:58 0.08
1 210 H2S 10/12/23 14:09 10/12/23 14:13 0.07
1 210 H2S 10/12/23 14:20 10/12/23 14:36 0.27
1 210 H2S 10/12/23 15:43 10/12/23 15:50 0.12
1 210 H2S 10/18/23 14:17 10/18/23 14:43 0.43
1 210 H2S 11/13/23 15:23 11/13/23 15:31 0.13
1 210 H2S 11/13/23 15:34 11/13/23 15:38 0.07
1 210 H2S 11/13/23 15:41 11/13/23 15:46 0.08
1 210 H2S 11/28/23 10:04 11/28/23 10:08 0.07
1 210 H2S 11/28/23 10:23 11/28/23 10:46 0.38
1 210 H2S 12/17/23 23:17 12/17/23 23:21 0.07
1 210 H2S 12/17/23 23:40 12/17/23 23:59 0.32
1 210 H2S 12/25/23 3:19 12/25/23 3:28 0.15
1 210 H2S 11/13/23 13:30 11/13/23 14:57 1.45
1 210 SO2 11/14/23 10:15 11/14/23 10:59 0.73
1 210 SO2 11/16/23 4:52 11/16/23 4:55 0.05
1 210 SO2 11/16/23 5:00 11/16/23 5:06 0.10
1 210 SO2 11/16/23 5:07 11/16/23 5:46 0.65
1 210 SO2 11/16/23 6:58 11/16/23 7:02 0.07
1 210 SO2 11/16/23 8:16 11/16/23 15:55 7.65
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 2:53 11/21/23 3:12 0.32
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 3:27 11/21/23 4:05 0.63
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 4:36 11/21/23 5:04 0.47
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 12:15 11/21/23 12:30 0.25
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 12:41 11/21/23 12:56 0.25
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 13:20 11/21/23 14:20 1.00
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 23:38 11/21/23 23:49 0.18
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 23:51 11/21/23 23:55 0.07
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 23:57 11/22/23 0:01 0.07
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 0:04 11/22/23 0:12 0.13
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 0:13 11/22/23 0:37 0.40
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 0:39 11/22/23 0:46 0.12
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 1:17 11/22/23 1:29 0.20
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 1:33 11/22/23 1:36 0.05
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 1:40 11/22/23 1:45 0.08
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 1:46 11/22/23 2:09 0.38
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 2:13 11/22/23 5:46 3.55
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 12:06 11/22/23 21:58 9.87
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 22:24 11/22/23 22:28 0.07
1 210 SO2 11/22/23 22:32 11/22/23 22:46 0.23
1 210 SO2 10/16/23 16:48 10/16/23 16:58 0.17
1 210 SO2 10/20/23 11:37 10/20/23 11:40 0.05
1 210 SO2 10/29/23 12:07 10/29/23 12:12 0.08
1 210 SO2 10/29/23 16:58 10/29/23 17:01 0.05
1 210 SO2 11/13/23 15:22 11/13/23 16:01 0.65
1 210 SO2 11/15/23 13:43 11/15/23 13:49 0.10
1 210 SO2 11/16/23 1:58 11/16/23 2:02 0.07
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 4:19 11/21/23 4:27 0.13
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 7:22 11/21/23 7:42 0.33
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 8:09 11/21/23 8:39 0.50
1 210 SO2 11/21/23 8:44 11/21/23 8:51 0.12
1 210 SO2 11/26/23 23:12 11/26/23 23:16 0.07
1 210 SO2 12/12/23 19:29 12/12/23 19:32 0.05
1 210 0 1/0/00 0:00 1/0/00 0:00
1 Yes
1 33.78 TC 220 Hours 1127.95 TC 220 Hours 0.00 TC 230 Hours 0.00 Events 0.00 Hours 0.00 Events 0.00 0.00
1 1127.95 TC 300 Hours 0.00 TRUE
None Reported None Reported None Reported None Reported None Reported None Reported
Point Source
Flare #2
Flare #2
Type Code 550
(Changes in Operation in
Control Equipment When
CEM Data Not Available)
Type Code 500
(Boiler Operating Days
w/o 18 Hours of Data)
Type Code 450
(Data Excluded)
Type Code 210
(Pollutant Concentration
Exceeded Span of CEM)
Type Code 220
(Monitor Outage
During Point Source Operation)
Type Code 230
(Manual Sample - Alternate
Sampling During Monitor
Type Code 240
(CEM Modifications)
Type Code 530
(Excess Emissions During
Emergency Conditions)
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #3
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #1
Flare #1
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
Flare #2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Relative Accuracy Overview
Point Source Channel
Date of Most
Date of
Months Between
Measured CEM Value Reference Method
Accuracy Pass/ Fail
Boiler #7 NOx 08/16/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 0.074 0.08 2.25% P
Boiler #7 O2 08/16/23 08/16/22 12 4.826 4.83 0.33% P
FCC Regenerator Vent SO2 08/14/23 09/23/22 12 ppm 16.9 15.67 9.07% P
FCC Regenerator Vent NOx 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 ppm 41.532 42.39 3.51% P
FCC Regenerator Vent CO 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 ppm 26.918 26.43 2.06% P
FCC Regenerator Vent CO2 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 ppm 17.28 16.98 1.93% P
FCC Regenerator Vent O2 08/14/23 09/22/22 12 2.12 2.12 1.31% P
Flare #1 H2S 09/21/20 09/21/20 12 ppm 8.9 5.81 3.30% P
Flare #2 H2S 09/22/20 09/22/20 12 ppm 8.29 5.39 2.93% P
Flare #3 H2S 08/24/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 0 2.26 1.60% P
Fuel Gas Mix Point H2S 08/25/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 0.04 1.95 1.25% P
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 SO2 08/15/23 08/16/22 12 ppm 107.369 114.98 7.91% P
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 SO2 08/15/23 08/16/22 12 lb./hr. 1.743 1.99 3.10% P
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 O2 08/15/23 08/16/22 12 4.084 4.13 5.00% P
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 SO2 08/21/23 09/21/22 12 ppm 132.091 135.90 5.82% P
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 SO2 08/21/23 09/21/22 12 lb./hr. 3.251 3.41 10.41% P
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 O2 08/21/23 09/21/22 12 7.17 7.84 3.00% P
NSPS CGA Fourth 2023
Audit Gas Ranges Audit Gas Ranges
AP1 Low AP2 Low AP1 High AP2 High
Boiler #7 NOx 11/6/23 500 137.6 100 to 150
Boiler #7 NOx 11/6/23 500 276.1 250 to 300
Boiler #7 O2 11/6/23 21 5.1 4 to 6
Boiler #7 O2 11/6/23 21 8.1 8 to 12
FCC Regenerator Vent CO 11/6/23 1000 249 200 to 300
FCC Regenerator Vent CO 11/6/23 1000 546.6 500 to 600
FCC Regenerator Vent CO2 11/6/23 25 6.6 5 to 8
FCC Regenerator Vent CO2 11/6/23 25 14 10 to 14
FCC Regenerator Vent NOx 11/6/23 200 55.8 40 to 60
FCC Regenerator Vent NOx 11/6/23 200 111.1 100 to 120
FCC Regenerator Vent O2 11/6/23 10 5 4 to 6
FCC Regenerator Vent O2 11/6/23 10 8 8 to 12
FCC Regenerator Vent SO2 11/6/23 200 55.08 40 to 60
FCC Regenerator Vent SO2 11/6/23 200 110.1 100 to 120
Flare #1 H2S 11/8/23 300 68.99 60 to 90
Flare #1 H2S 11/8/23 300 156.9 150 to 180
Flare #1 TRS 11/8/23 250000 12526 50000 to 75000
Flare #1 TRS 11/8/23 250000 27571 125000 to 150000
Flare #2 H2S 11/8/23 300 69.7 60 to 90
Flare #2 H2S 11/8/23 300 158.8 150 to 180
Flare #2 TRS 11/9/23 250000 12533 50000 to 75000
Flare #2 TRS 11/9/23 250000 27571 125000 to 150000
Flare #3 H2S 11/6/23 300 70.46 60 to 90
Flare #3 H2S 11/6/23 300 157.1 150 to 180
Flare #3 TRS 11/6/23 250000 2491 50000 to 75000
Flare #3 TRS 11/6/23 250000 5553 125000 to 150000
Fuel Gas Mix Point H2S 11/7/23 300 70.36 60 to 90
Fuel Gas Mix Point H2S 11/7/23 300 161.6 150 to 180
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 O2 10/9/23 21 5.09 4 to 6
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 O2 10/9/23 21 8.05 8 to 12
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 SO2 10/9/23 500 125.7 100 to 150
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 SO2 10/9/23 500 251.6 250 to 300
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 O2 10/9/23 21 5.04 4 to 6
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 O2 10/9/23 21 7.97 8 to 12
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 SO2 10/9/23 500 123.2 100 to 150
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 SO2 10/9/23 500 249.5 250 to 300
Type Code 280 (COMS Attenuator Filters) Procedure 3
Point Source Location
Certification Date
Certified Attenuator
SECR, or
Corrected Opacity
Low, Mid, & High
1-year or 5-year
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas
Duct DHT200 /14108330 2/21/23 13 0.8996 22
Low 1 Year
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas
Duct DHT200 /14108330 2/21/23 25 0.8996 39.83
Mid 1 Year
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas
Duct DHT200 /14108330 2/21/23 37 0.8996 56.33
High 1 Year
Opacity Monitor Response (Average of 5)
Low Range Mid Range High Range
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas
Duct 10/25/23 7 0.780 0.002 0.006 1.398
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas
Duct 10/25/23 7 0.400 0.004 0.003 0.657
FCC Regenerator Vent Flue Gas
Duct 10/25/23 7 -0.890 0.006 0.002 1.052
Source Location Audit Date Mean Difference Standard Deviation
Error (≤ 3%)
Type Code 281 (Procedure 3 - COMS Filter Audit Calibration Error)
Point Source Channel Audit Date Low Span Audit Gas Used High Span Audit Gas Used
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Monitoring Information TC 210, 230, & 240
Type Code 210
(Pollutant Concentration Exceeded Span of CEM) - 500 (All)
Sum of Hours Column Labels
Row Labels (blank) H2S SO2 Grand Total
(blank)0 0
Flare #1 0 0
Flare #2 2.4 2.4
Flare #3 1.45 1.45
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 27.57 27.57
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 2.37 2.37
Grand Total 0 3.85 29.93 33.78
Type Code 230
(Manual Sample - Alternate Sampling During Monitor Outage) - 500 (All)
Sum of Hours Column Labels
Row Labels (blank) Grand Total
(blank)0 0
Grand Total 0 0
Type Code 240
(CEM Modifications) - 100 (All)
Count of Channel Column Labels
Row Labels (blank) Grand Total
Grand Total
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Type Code 220
(Monitor Outage During Point Source Operation) - 600 (All)
Sum of Hours Column Labels
Row Labels 724 723 721 722 Grand Total
FCC Regenerator Vent
Quarterly Audit 2.20 2.20
Quarterly Audit 4.50 4.50
Daily Validation 29.25 29.25
Routine checks found system had low flow, cleared any plugging. 1.75 1.75
Cleaned sample box and probe. Replaced ammonia scrubbers, filter and
coalescing filter. 0.50 0.50
Cal Drift Due to sample system plugging 24.75 24.75
NOx Analyzer in fault. Repaired, calibrated and validated.0.50 0.50
Quarterly Audit 4.50 4.50
Daily Validation 29.25 29.25
Routine checks found system had low flow, cleared any plugging. 1.75 1.75
Cleaned sample box and probe. Replaced ammonia scrubbers, filter and
coalescing filter. 0.50 0.50
Cal Drift Due to sample system plugging 24.75 24.75
NOx Analyzer in fault. Repaired, calibrated and validated.0.50 0.50
Quarterly Audit 4.50 4.50
Daily Validation 29.25 29.25
Routine checks found system had low flow, cleared any plugging. 1.75 1.75
Cleaned sample box and probe. Replaced ammonia scrubbers, filter and
coalescing filter. 0.50 0.50
Cal Drift Due to sample system plugging 24.75 24.75
NOx Analyzer in fault. Repaired, calibrated and validated.0.50 0.50
Quarterly Audit 4.50 4.50
Daily Validation 29.25 29.25
Routine checks found system had low flow, cleared any plugging. 1.75 1.75
Cleaned sample box and probe. Replaced ammonia scrubbers, filter and
coalescing filter. 0.50 0.50
Cal Drift Due to sample system plugging 24.75 24.75
NOx Analyzer in fault. Repaired, calibrated and validated.0.50 0.50
Quarterly Audit 4.50 4.50
Daily Validation 29.25 29.25
Routine checks found system had low flow, cleared any plugging. 1.75 1.75
Cleaned sample box and probe. Replaced ammonia scrubbers, filter and
coalescing filter. 0.50 0.50
Cal Drift Due to sample system plugging 24.75 24.75
NOx Analyzer in fault. Repaired, calibrated and validated.0.50 0.50
Flare #1
Quarterly Audit 1.50 1.50
Daily Validation 22.75 22.75
Loss of communication between analyzer and DCS. Restarted analyzer.
Reran Validation 30.50 30.50
Quarterly Audit 1.25 1.25
Loss of communication between analyzer and DCS. Restarted analyzer.
Reran Validation 31.50 31.50
Analyzer cal drift, replaced excimer envelope and revalidated 0.75 0.75
Replaced filter, millivolts dropped which was fixed by replacing the
excimer envelope. 6.00 6.00
Analyzer cal drift, replaced detector assembly. Recalibrated and
validated. 2.25 2.25
Validation drift caused by communication error, reset system and reran
validation.28.00 28.00
Flare #2
Quarterly Audit 3.50 3.50
Daily Validation 28.75 28.75
Validation drift caused by carrier gas leaking out. Pressure checked
system, bottle appeared to be leaking. Replaced H2 bottles.
35.25 35.25
Misc. Cal Drift 0.50 0.50
Sample drier not holding temperature. Replaced air heater in sample
box. 5.25 5.25
CEMS fuse failed. Replaced fuse, rebooted analyzer and reenabled daily
validation. 28.75 28.75
Analyzer offline for shared CGA 1.25 1.25
High value on H2S validation failed, placed analyzer in hold and
adjusted Chromes on GC. Revalidated and passed. 30.50 30.50
Loss of power to CEMS which caused loss of signal. 3.50 3.50
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Sum of Hours Column Labels
Row Labels 724 723 721 722 Grand Total
Sample drier not holding temperature. Replaced air heater in sample
box. 5.25 5.25
CEMS fuse failed. Replaced fuse, rebooted analyzer and reenabled daily
validation. 28.75 28.75
Analyzer offline for shared CGA 1.25 1.25
Loss of power to CEMS which caused loss of signal. 3.50 3.50
Attempted CGA, but had HMI issues. Had to try a CGA on the next day. 3.25 3.25
Flare #3
Quarterly Audit 1.50 1.50
Daily Validation 22.75 22.75
Quarterly Audit 1.50 1.50
Fuel Gas Mix Point
Quarterly Audit 2.00 2.00
Daily Validation 45.50 45.50
Calibrate/Revalidate 0.50 0.50
Analyzer had air leak. Turned off air briefly which caused down-time
status to come in. 0.50 0.50
Air leak in the analyzer, which caused bottle to run out early. Replaced
leaking fitting and put back in service. 0.25 0.25
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1
Quarterly Audit 1.25 1.25
Daily Validation 22.00 22.00
Cal Drift Due to sample system plugging 29.50 29.50
Calibrate/Revalidate 0.50 0.50
Slight daily validation drift, adjusted SO2 zero and span. Calibrated then
revalidated. 1.25 1.25
Daily validation drift on SO2 and O2. Recalibrated and revaildated. 26.75 26.75
Analyzer offline during calibration of O2 0.50 0.50
Took system offline for CEM PLC upgrade. The O2 and SO2 analyzers
were reading, but did not validate during the PLC upgrade because the
signals that normally initiate the drift check were removed due to the
PLC upgrade. In the future, Chevron will make its best efforts to have
an alternative method of completing daily validations during extended
maintenance periods, such as manually initiating and recording drift
check validations.
56.75 56.75
Quarterly Audit 2.50 2.50
Daily Validation 103.00 103.00
Misc. Cal Drift 0.50 0.50
Daily validation drift on SO2 and O2. Recalibrated and revaildated. 0.50 0.50
Took system offline for CEM PLC upgrade. The O2 and SO2 analyzers
were reading, but did not validate during the PLC upgrade because the
signals that normally initiate the drift check were removed due to the
PLC upgrade. In the future, Chevron will make its best efforts to have
an alternative method of completing daily validations during extended
maintenance periods, such as manually initiating and recording drift
check validations.
56.75 56.75
O2 drifted on validation. Recalibrated and revalidated 26.00 26.00
SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2
Quarterly Audit 1.00 1.00
Daily Validation 22.75 22.75
Validation drift caused by communication error, reset system and reran
validation.31.75 31.75
Calibrate/Revalidate 0.25 0.25
Quarterly Audit 1.00 1.00
Daily Validation 23.00 23.00
Validation drift caused by communication error, reset system and reran
validation.31.75 31.75
Boiler #7
Quarterly Audit 1.00 1.00
Quarterly Audit 1.00 1.00
Grand Total 229.70 459.00 432.25 7.00 1127.95
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
SO2 *
SO2 Type Code 410 (SO2) - 6000 (All)
SO2 *
SO2 Count of Magnitude of Emissions Column Labels
SO2 Row Labels 701 703 Grand Total
SRU 1 shutdown and start up that was preplanned. This was for
repairing a 600# steam line which required a unit shut down. The
refinery does not have a history of emmissions associate with this
SO2 SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 18 18
SRU1 trim air analyzer stopped reading. This caused high
temperature alarms and high SO2 alarms which informed
operations of abnormal conditions. The SRU1 unit shut down.
Operations contacted analyzer team which repaired analyzer. Once
repaired, operations safely brought the unit back on line. The
refinery does not have an emissions history associated with this
SO2 SRU Tailgas Incinerator 1 44 44
SWS2 column had several flooding events. Column swings caused
ammonia gas flow to SRU2 to swing as well. Trim air demand
analyzer was unable to respond quickly enough causing incomplete
combustion of acid gas. This led to process related SO2
exceedance. The refinery does not have a history of emmissions
associated with this cause.
SO2 SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 7 7
Amine 2 regenerator OH pressure control valve was open due to
an instrument issue. Once it was closed, an excess flow went to
SRU 2, which couldn't handle the extra volume. SO2 was high until
the operator added liquid oxygen to handle the extra volume. The
refinery does not have a history of emmissions associated with this
SO2 SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 12 12
SRU1 had the Trim air demand analyzer stop reading. This caused
excess SO2 to build in the SRU1 unit which was diverted to the
SRU2 to stabalize the process in SRU1. This caused an excess SO2 in
the SRU2 unit. Operations followed procedures to stabalize the
SRU1 unit and SRU2 unit. The refinery does not have a history of
emissions associated with this cause.
SO2 SRU Tailgas Incinerator 2 12 12
SO2 Grand Total 18 75 93
NOx d *
NOx d Type Code 421 (Daily NOx Emissions) - 500 (All)
NOx d *
NOx d Count of Reason Code Column Labels
NOx d Row Labels Grand Total
NOx d Grand Total
H2S/TRS Type Code 430
(H2S) - 6000 (All)
H2S/TRS Count of Magnitude of Emissions Column Labels
H2S/TRS Row Labels Grand Total
H2S/TRS Grand Total
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
CO *
CO Type Code 440
(CO) - 6000 (All)
CO *
CO Count of Magnitude of Emissions Column Labels
CO Row Labels 703 Grand Total
CO FCC Regenerator Vent
While making adjustments to the unit, lowering feed and removing
black wax to meet plan, the regen temperature cooled down which
caused the CO to climb above the limit. The Unit Operator added
HCO and ensured there was enough excess O2 to stabalize CO
1 1
CO Grand Total 1 1
VOC/THC Type Code 460 (VOC/THC) - 6000 (All)
VOC/THC Count of Magnitude of Emissions Column Labels
VOC/THC Row Labels Grand Total
VOC/THC Grand Total
O2 *
O2 Type Code 470
(TRS as O2) - 6000 (All)
O2 *
O2 Count of Magnitude of Emissions Column Labels
O2 Row Labels Grand Total
O2 Grand Total
Chevron Refinery EER 4Q2023
Type Code 500
Before February 28, 2005 (Boiler Operating Days w/o 18 Hours of
Data) After February 28, 2005 (90% Operating Hours For each 30 BOD)
- 500
Count of Channel Column Labels
Row Labels Grand Total
Grand Total
Type Code 510
(F-factor, Equations & Conversion Factors) - 500 (All)
Count of F-factor Column Labels
Row Labels Grand Total
Grand Total
Type Code 520
(Minimum Data Not
Obtained <22/30 BODs) - 500
Count of Channel Column Labels
Row Labels Grand Total
Grand Total
Type Code 530
(Excess Emissions During Emergency Conditions) - 500 (All)
Count of Date Column Labels
Row Labels Grand Total
Grand Total
Type Code 540
(Fuel Pre-treatment Credit SO2) - 500 (All)
Count of Date Column Labels
Row Labels Grand Total
Grand Total
TypeCode 550
(Changes in Operation in Control Equipment When CEM Data Not
Available) - 500
Column Labels
Row Labels Grand Total
Grand Total