HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005816 Form AMR-14 BP CHWMF Post-Closure Inspection Report Annual Groundwater Level Monitoring Salt Lake City, UtahDate:Time:FacilityInspector:WeatherConditions:Response Required:Immediate?:Yes()No ()Reporting?Yes()No ()Approved:Date: FacilityCoordinator Well ID Elevation Top of PVC (ft) Installed Depth of Well (ft) Measured Depth to Water (ft) Total Depth (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) S-16 4219.45 23.6 S-21 4213.14 22.6 S-26 4212.00 22.5 S-31 4219.45 25.0 S-32 4219.13 25.0 S-33 4219.26 25.4 WQ-1 4214.06 44.6 WQ-2 4213.97 44.3 WQ-3 4214.08 44.7 WQ-4 4214.88 44.9 WQ-5 4214.89 44.4 TN-1A 4212.84 26.2 TN-2A 4212.26 25.7 TN-3A 4211.91 25.6 TN-4A 4212.64 25.4 TN-5A 4212.38 25.9 GW-1 4213.46 23.6 GW-2 4212.83 23.6 GW-3 4212.67 23.7 GW-4 4213.28 23.4 GW-5 4212.90 23.7Measure water levels in all wells listed in the followingtable Gauge ID Top of Gauge Elevation (ft) Measured Distance to Water (ft) Surface Water Elevation (ft) SG-2300* * SG-2300 is a stream gauge for the Northwest Drain Canal located on the bridge at 2300 North.The monitoring well network is used to evaluate groundwater flow directions. Are there fewer than three monitoring wells downgradient of thefacility?()Yes orNoThis item is a reporting response. If the question has been answered "Yes'', notify the FCimmediately.Record any maintenance or repairs performed and thedates. Form AMR-15 BP CHWMF Post-Closure Inspection Report Annual Monitoring Well Integrity Tests Salt Lake City, UtahDate:Time:FacilityInspector:WeatherConditions:ResponseRequired:Reporting?Yes()No ()Approved:Date: FacilityCoordinatorMONITORING WELL FUNCTION TESTS Surface Seal IntegrityTest Well ID Visual Signs of Seal Cracking? Initial Depth to water (ft)* Depth to water after 15 min of water applied to seal at surface (ft)* Difference in measured depths (ft)* S-16 S-21 S-26 S-31 S-32 S-33 WQ-1 WQ-2 WQ-3 WQ-4 WQ-5 TN-1A TN-2A TN-3A TN-4A TN-5A GW-1 GW-2 GW-3 GW-4 GW-5 * Complete these columns only if seal cracking is visually observed.1.Is the difference in measured depths for any of the wells greater than 1 inch (0.2ft.)? Yes ()No ()Form AMR-16 BP CHWMF Post-Closure Inspection Report Annual Monitoring Well Sediment Inspection Salt Lake City, UtahDate:Time:FacilityInspector:ResponseRequired:Reporting?Yes()No ()Approved:Date: FacilityCoordinatorMeasure water levels in all wells listed in the followingtable Well ID Elevation Top of PVC (ft) Installed Depth of Well (ft) Current Measured Depth to Bottom (ft) Difference Between Installed and Current Depth to Bottom·(ft) S-16 4219.45 23.6 S-21 4213.14 22.6 S-26 4212.00 22.5 S-31 4219.45 25.0 S-32 4219.13 25.0 S-33 4219.26 25.4 WQ-1 4214.06 44.6 WQ-2 4213.97 44.3 WQ-3 4214.08 44.7 WQ-4 4214.88 44.9 WQ-5 4214.89 44.4 TN-1A 4213.46 26.2 TN-2A 4212.83 25.7 TN-3A 4212.67 25.6 TN-4A 4213.28 25.4 TN-5A 4212.90 25.9 GW-1 4213.46 26.2 GW-2 4212.83 25.7 GW-3 4212.67 25.6 GW-4 4213.28 25.4 GW-5 4212.90 25.9Doanyofthesewellshaveameasureddifferencebetweentheinstalleddepthandcurrentdepthtobottomofthe well of 2 feet ormore?Yes ()No ()Ifmorethan2feetofsedimenthasaccumulatedinthemonitoring wells,notifytheFCimmediatelyandevaluate formaintenance. Form AMR-21 BP CHWMF Post-Closure Inspection Report Semi-annually Inspection of Site Security Salt Lake City, UtahDate:Time:FacilityInspector:WeatherConditions:Response Required:Immediate?:Yes()No ()Reporting?Yes()No ()Approved:Date: FacilityCoordinator AnswerSECURITYSYSTEMYes or NoFenceIntegrity Are there breaks in the fence around the CHWMF which arelarge enough for a person or child topassthrough?()I*GateLockAre the locks missingordamaged?()I*Posted WarningSignsAre the signs in place (every 300 ft along fence)andreadable?()R*R means that this item is a reporting response; I means this item requires an immediateresponse.If the Fence Integrity or Gate Lock questions are answered yes, notify FCimmediatelyIf the Posted Warning Signs question is answered no, notify FCimmediately.Record any repairs, maintenance or investigation activities and datesconducted. Form AMR-22 BP CHWMF Post-Closure Inspection Report Semi-Annually Cover and Evaporation Pond Area Inspection Salt Lake City, UtahDate:Time:FacilityInspector:WeatherConditions:Response Required:Immediate?:Yes()No ()Reporting?Yes()No ()Approved:Date: FacilityCoordinator AnswerCOVERYes or NoAre there any trees or shrubs growing onthecover?()R*Are there any holes or gullies erodedpartiallythrough the cover larger than 10squarefeet?()R*Are there any holes in the cover which exposethe waste?()R*Are there any obvious depressions in thecoversurface with settlement of 6 inchesormore?() R*Are there any areas along the perimeter ofthecover which show visible signsofseepage?()R*Are there burrows present large enough toindicatethe presence of largeburrowinganimals?()R*R means that this item is a reportingresponse AnswerRUN-ON RUN-OFFCONTROLSTRUCTURESYes orNoGeneral Drainage onSite Is there ponded water at any location withinthecomplianceboundary?()R*EP DrainagePipes Are drain pipes to south drainage canalblocked with debris, sediment orvegetationgrowth?()R* Are one-way valves on drain pipes stuck orunable toberotated?()R*GasVentsAre vent riser pipes damagedorcracked?()R*R means that this item is a reportingresponseIf any of the above questions are answered "yes", notify the FC immediately and schedule formaintenance.Record any activities and maintenance or repairs performed anddates. Form AMR-31 BP CHWMF Post-Closure Inspection Report Evaluation of Annual Groundwater Detection Monitoring ResultsDate:Time:Facility Inspector:Date ofSampling:ResponseRequired:Immediate?:Yes ()No()Approved:Date: FacilityCoordinatorExamine laboratory analytical reportforms.Do the results from any of the sampled compliance point wells (Wells WQ-1 through WQ-5, and S-16) equal or exceed the following Concentration Limits for the indicatedparameters?Yes()No() DetectionMonitoringParameter ConcentrationLimit(µg/I) 1,1Dichloroethane 5 1,1Dichloroethylene 5 Chloroform 5 1,1,1Trichloroethane 5 CarbonTetrachloride 5 Benzene 5 Toluene 5 Ethylbenzene 5 Xylene(total) 5 Total Chromium 100 Total Arsenic 10 Total Barium 2000 Total Cadmium 5 Total Selenium 50 Total Iron 300If Yes, indicate well number and concentration reported and notify the FCimmediately.If Yes, follow the procedures of Section 2.2 of the Post-Closure Care and MonitoringPlan. Form AMR-41 BP CHWMF Annual Training Certification FormThe following personnel have reviewed the post-closure plan and applicable operations that are scheduled to occur during the period ofJanuary1,toDecember31,. Training consisted of verbal review and classroom instructions on the followingsubjects:Post-ClosurePermitPost-Closure Care and Monitoring Plan,including:Post-Closure Groundwater Detection MonitoringPlanContingency Plan for Post-Closure Care andMonitoringPotential maintenanceoperationsGroundwater monitoringrequirementsInspection and reportingrequirementsMaintenancerequirementsContingencyPlanSecurityPertinent BP and OSHA Health and SafetyRegulationsGeneral requirements of the permit for theCHWMFFacilityCoordinatorDateAlternateFacilityCoordinatorDateFacilityInspectorDateAlternateFacilityInspectorDate