HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005960CORRECTIVE ACTION SECTION – SITE VISIT REPORT SITE NAME: _Universal Exhaust_________________________ DATE: __04__/__22__/_2024_______ EPA ID #: _________________________________________ UTCA ID#: __UTCA-0001___________ LOCATION: _1433 West 3500 South, West Valley, Utah__________________________________ PROJECT MANAGER: _Ethan Upton________________________________________________________ SITE STATUS ___ Active Investigation ___Ongoing Cleanup Activities ___Confirmation Sampling _X_ Long-term Institutional Controls in-place [Site Management Plan (SMP), Environmental Covenant (EC), and/or Post Closure Plan (PCP)] ___ Long-term Groundwater Monitoring OTHER (describe): PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT _X_Drive-by (windshield survey) ___Sample Observation &/or Collection ___Site Investigation ___Cleanup Activities Inspection _X_Confirm Current Land Usage ___ Confirm Cleanup Completed ___ Confirm Integrity of Engineering Controls _X_ Confirm Compliance with SMP/EC D2# for SMP/EC: DSHW-2008-001878 & 2009- 020792 ___ Post-Closure Permit Verification ___ Document Change in Land Usage OTHER (describe) FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Site continues to be used as a commercial/industrial facility. The facility to the northeast appears to be used as a repair shop while the parcel to the southwest appears to be a cement manufacturing facility. No undisturbed soil or construction activities were observed during the inspection. SAMPLE COLLECTION Were Environmental Samples Collected per the approved Sampling & Analysis Plan? YES ___ NO ___ N/A _X_ COMMENTS: Is the Work Being Performed in a Manner Consistent with the Approved Workplan(s)? YES ___ NO ___ N/A ___ Unknown (Drive-By Inspection Only) _X_ COMMENTS: CURRENT LAND USAGE ___ Residential _X_ Commercial _X_ Industrial ___ Mixed Commercial w/ Residential ___ Under Construction &/or Development ___ Other: __________________________________ COMMENTS: FUTURE LAND USAGE ___ Residential ___ Mixed Commercial w/ Residential _X_ Commercial ___ Other: (describe below) _X_ Industrial ___ Unknow at this time COMMENTS: POST-CLEANUP SITE VISITS Is the Completed Cleanup Remedy Still Protective Based on Current Land Use? YES ___ NO ___ Unknown (Drive-By Inspection Only) _X_ COMMENTS: LONG-TERM INSTITUTION CONTROL(S) VERIFICATION Are Components or Restrictions of the SMP, EC &/or PCP Currently Being Complied with? YES _X_ NO ___ Unknown (Drive-By Inspection Only) ___ COMMENTS: SITE VISIT CONCLUSIONS Site appears to be in compliance with the current SMP and EC. RECOMMENDATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS (PHOTOS, MAPS, FIGURES, TABLES, etc.) YES _X_ NO ___ SIGNATURE: