HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-007293System Name: System Number: Address: City, State, Zip: Name: Title: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: E-mail Address: Name: Company: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: E-mail Address: Name: Company: Address: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Name: 2Duration (hrs): Aug-22 Van@KingWaterResources.com Salt Lake City, UT 84121 2498 East Nantucket Drive 801.842.3495 GHAR Funding Phone No.: 8b. If YES, specify rule reference below [R309-511-4(1)(a)(i)-(iv)]: Phone No.: 9. State or Federal Agency Funding: 8a. Is the project exempt from the Hydraulic Model Report requirement? [see R309-511-4(1)(a)(i) through (iv)] David Reed Farr West, Utah 84404 801-782-3580 (x205) dreed@weberfd.com [ERC = Equivalent Residential Connection; SRF = State Revolving Fund] 801.620.1000 Nov-22 3. Professional Engineer (PE) Responsible for System Oversight (if applicable) 4. Professional Engineer (PE) Responsible for Design of this Project Begin Construction: Complete Construction: Talisman Civil Consultants 7. Anticipated Construction Schedule (if applicable): Advertise for Bids: 5. Local Fire Code Official & Required Fire Flow for Proposed Project NA Salt Lake City, UT 84115 801.743.1308 ryanc@talismancivil.com Snowbasin Groundwater Development Snowbasin is engaged in a groundwater exploration program that includes the drilling of three deep exploration wells to depths as deep as 2,200 feet below the ground surface. The purpose of the groundwater exploration program is to assess the geologic structure, lithologic conditions, and water quality of the target aquifers. Depending upon the findings of the groundwater exploration program, Snowbasin may provide engineering documents and other data to properly construct and permit Public Water Supply wells that will supplement Snowbasin's existing water supply. The submittal of plans and specifications for one or more wells, drinking water source protection, well performance data, and and grout seal certifications may be provided to the DDW as part of this project. Subsequent submittals to the DDW may include plans and specifications for equipping the wells including down-hole pumps, pump houses, water lines, water treatment, and other infrastructure required to build and certify the wells as drinking water sources. 1588 S. Main St. Ste. 200 PO Box Email completed form & documents to ddwpnf@utah.gov or mail to: Utah Division of Drinking Water P.O. Box 144830, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4830, (801) 536-4200 Huntsville, Utah Req'd flow (gpm): Loan # City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: 2,000 PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM (PNF) Utah Division of Drinking Water (DDW) Present No. of ERCs system is obligated to serve: No. of ERCs this project will add: 3,125 153 (@800 GPD) Population Served: 6. Project Description (provide a unique facility name, location, and sufficient details to specifically identify the project): DDW - Plan Review File No.: DDW - Date Received: Please provide the following information for a proposed Public Drinking Water Project. For a new public water system (PWS) also complete a New PWS Application Form (see DDW website). 1. Public Water System (PWS) Information Snowbasin Resort 29071 Submit (preferably by email) the completed PNF with plans and specifications to DDW. NA dratchford@snowbasin.com King Water Resources Bid Opening: https://deq.utah.gov/drinking-water/plan-review-program-tools Checklists for use in preparing plans for review by DDW are available at: Huntsville, Utah 84317 Ryan Cathey, P.E. Van F. King, PG Davy Ratchford PO Box 460 General Manager 2. Name and Address for Official Correspondence (Mayor, Public Works Director, Administrative Contact, etc.) Yes No Drinking Water Board (SRF or FSRF) Community Impact Board (CIB) None Other (Specify) DDW- Eng-0004 Page 1 of 1 3/22/2018