HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006227'a r{ To: From: Date: Subject: MEMORANDUM File Gary Astin October 13, 2000 Facility 4002258, former Precision Air, Salt Lake International Airport An abandoned 1,000 gallon UST was found at this facility during demolition of a building. The date of last use of the tank is unknown, but the facility was occupied by Precision Air beginning in 1981, and they reportedly had no knowledge of the tank. The UST was removed on August 8, 2000. At the time of closure, it contained approximately 800 gallons of water and a trace of product. Based on the information available, it is probable that the tank was last used before 19J4, and, because it contained little or no petroleum product at time of discovery, I recommend that the tank be considered as a pre-1974 tank with no fees due on it. rJ(, ) Lur_ fiA l-*( vS(' ge? tb'f l'^t wu p*b' 'nslalfil;9s6' ,,r1,,-,^- fi;Lq ,,t'a &tnby/, eil {i4t f tv&L ; "AL/'/o'/y-b i.,k sb4blf ; A8r Prnoli A' a'y'd '* 'yX-/Pr { ( +2 e. ( h*) app4a so 0a-( - N ,* u'( *t'i uru * [t*'74' memo.frm UNDERGROUND STORAG K PERMANENT CLOSURE NT'-'CE Revised 01101 Date Processed I Facility lD # 4092258 Only LHDDate Samples Samples LUST Status Mailed in to LUST LUST File# LUtl ,p Rrb 1tf u t{ Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Matt Crockett of (company name Kleinfelder !nc.Phone#(80@ Address 2677 East Parley's Way City Salt Lake State_!!!ah Zip 84109 FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner: Salt Lake City Department of Airports Phone#(801 )_575-3472 [ ] sole proprietorship [ ] partnership Ix ] corporation Address AMF Box 22084 Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84122 Facility Name Fo rmer Precision Air UST #2 Address 20 South 2400 West Salt Lake State_plab_ Zip 84116 Phone#( 801 ) 575-3472Contact person Patty Nelis Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: 1 Number of regulated tanks at the facility after closure: 0 TANKS CLOSED * lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste o il, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name Scott Maybeg Co Western Pipe Fabrication, lnc. Cert. # TR-0242 Exp. date 411102 Phone#(801 )298-4159 Address 267 West 1200 North SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Sean Valentine Kleinfelder C Centerville State Utah Zip 84104 Cert. # GS-1222 Exp. date 1/15/01 Phone#(801 )J66-6769 Address 2677 Easl State Utah Zip 84109 Tank #2 Date lnstalled Unknown t -^'.,rnnrrtl,lf NTA DERR RFSPONSE & R EMIDIATION Capacity 1,000 EI.ITERID 1 Substance stored'Assumed Regular (CT 6 zOOC I I Date last operated Unknown L -l Date closed 8i8l00 How closed (Removed/ln place) Removed 3 5 -8 | 57 -24.002/ 3 5 10P.269 lnc. Way Salt Lake City September 26,2000 CLOSURE INFORMATION Tankwas: []Purged txllnerted. MethodUsed: Location of Closure Records _Kleinfelder, lnc., 2677 Parley's Way, Salt Lqke City, Utah 84109 For ln-Place Closurer tanks filled with _NA For ChangeJn-Service: Substance to be stored NA DISPOSAL SITES USED: ls any contaminated soilwhich was over-excavated still _Yes X applicable Was Free Product encountered during closure activities? NO lf yes, please indicate thickness, _inches SITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. IX ] Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached. The following must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W) from the area of contamination or, where applicable, use OH for overhead, NP for not present): NP Water Line NP Sewer Line NP Natural Gas NP Storm Drain NP Telephone NP Electrical NP Property Line NP Buildings IX ] Completed Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) is attached. IX ] Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. IX ] Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. IX ] Chain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: IX ] Collected IX ] Labeled IX ] Packaged I X ] Transported IX ] Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. I certiff under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R3l l-202 (parts 280.52 afi 280.72) and R3l1-205 U.A.C., and that any additional samples required by R31l-202 parrs 280.52 arrd 280.72 and R3l l-205- 2(a)(1) were properly collected. Signatu re of Certifi ed G rou ndwater/Soil Sampler Full name of Certified Sampler Sean Valentine Date A9 'T) - oo lf contamination at the facility is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name Matt Crockett Cert. # CC-0108 Exp. Date_8/Q!0! Company Kleinfelder lnc Phone#(801 )_466-6769 Zip 84109City_Se!!_Lelg_State Utah J Location Name Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)Atlas Steel Dennis Valasquez (801) e75-966e 8/8/00 Tank#2 Product & Water From Tank(s)National Tank & Monitoring Greg Kehl (801) 280-3324 8/8/00 750 gal Contaminated Water From Tank Cleaning NationalTank & Monitoring Greg Kehl (801 ) 280-3324 8/8/00 50 gal Sludge National Tank & Monitoring Greg Kehl (801) 280-3324 8/8/00 gal Salt Lake City Water Reclamation Steve Kaltenbach (801)79e4041 8/31/00 1,700 gallonsContaminated Water From Excavation Lon Griffith (801 ) 973-2065 8/31/00 43.5 tonsContaminated Soil E.T. Technologies Address 2677 East Parley's Way [ ] Fuelwas emptied Ix ] Sludge was removed tx lTank was cleaned. N Po rsr Pole & Dorrn Rigger 0 Approdmats Scelo: 1' = 20' A- i!] p @ "^/ =8 ss3 (3.5 f,-) V6nt or Pmduct Plplng uscssl (6.5 fr) ws'l usc ss5 (8.s n) ss2 (s fi.) ws2 Appmxirnate l,0q) Gallon UST Location ss6 (8.5 fr) ApitroxirEte UmiE of over Excavation (9 fr.deap)Ea /-" Talaphone Pol6 & Box ^/ ! =o LEGEND #ssr (s.s t.) Soil Sampl$ (ssmple d6pth) SS1 through SS3 Cto€ul€ Samples SS4 thmugh 556 Conflrme0on Ssmpl6s ws2 Wat6r Sample from Excavaton (9 fsst in depth) Usc UniflsdSoilClassificatlonSampto ss4 (9 r.) + 351Od2l|2.dw KLEIN FELD ER Proi6ct Numbor 354157 -24.@2 Ifl Precision Air UST#2 20 South 2400 West Salt Lake City, Utah UST REMOVAL MAP PLATE 2 FACTLTTY SITE PLAT (CLOSURE NOTTCE) The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. lt must show actual sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. 1 and 4 of the closure notice Facility lD# 4002258 Drawn Sean Valentine Date 8/31/00 Scale: 1" -20 Feet 0 NORTH (See Plate 1, attached) locations = Monitoring Wells (MW4,) = Soil boring (SB*), or Geoprobe Boring (cP+) = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use At Site: Residential Cunent & former tanks, piping & dispensers Excavalions, GW monitoring wells & soil stockpiles Location & depth of all samples taken Buildings, fences, & property boundaries Utility conduits (sewers, gas, drains, electrical etc.) Depth to groundwater (if Commercial lndustrial Commercial lndustrial water, storm encountered) 4 SurroundingLand: Residential SAlVr, LE INFORMATION TABLE (Closurc Notice) Complete table for all samples that were taken for closure. Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample lD numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Sample #/Lab lD Sample typet Depthz Compounds3 ss#1/08-09-00-0rA Regular SS 8.5 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ss#2/08-09-00-02A Regular SS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ss#3/08-09-00-03A Regular SS 3.5 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ss#4/08-09-00-06A,B Regular SS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ss#5/08-09-00-07A,B Regular SS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ss#6/08-09-00-084 Regular SS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN/Lead usc#1/08-09-00-01B Regular USC 9 Feet usc#2/08-09-00-03A Regular USC 3.5 Feet ws#1/08-09-00-04A,B Regular WS 8.5 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ws#2/08-09-00-05A,B Regular WS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ws#3/08-31-00-l4c,B Regular WS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN ws#4/08-31-00-15C,B Regular WS 9 Feet TPH/MBTEXN Analysis method(s 80158/8021B 80158/8021B 80158/8021B 80158/80218 80158/8021B 80158/80218/6010B USC USC 8015B/8021B 80158/80218 80158/8021B 80158/80218 or (usc). 2 Final depth (in feet) below grade at which samples were taken. 3 Contaminant compound(s) analyzed for each sample (TPH, BTEXN, O&G, etc).4 Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (8015 mod., 8020, 413.1, etc). State Certified Laboratory Address 40 West Louise Avenue used: Utility Testinq Laboratory Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84165_ Contact person Anne Lewis Phone#(801) 485-8941 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure I certify under penalty of law that I am the Owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein were followed during tank closure. Signature of UST Full name of Owne Return completed Closure Facility and Sample Owner CaP r Date a) lab analysis results, USCTable, Soil/G sample results,Ghain of Gustody form within 90 days of UST Closure to State of Utah Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation UST Section P.O. Box 144840 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841144840 5Precair#2 - closure notice August 18,2000 Substance stored in tank l[| *LETNFELDER 1.0 EXECUTTVE SUMMARY On August 8, 2000 Kleinfelder removed one 1,000-gallon Underground Storage Tank (UST) from the former Precision Air facility located at 20 South 2400 West in Salt Lake City, Utah. This UST (designated UST #2) was discovered during demolition of the building and asphalt parking lot. One UST was previously removed from the site in January 2000 and was reported separately. The previous LUST site, ELCJ, has been closed with no further action required by DERR. At the time of removal, UST #2 contained approximately 750 gallons water and traces of what was believed to be regular gasoline based on previous site use. Neither Precision Air nor the Airport had prior knowledge of this tank. The property is owned by the Salt Lake City Deparhnent of Ailports. Precision Air occupied the site (which previously contained a building) from 1981 until April 1999. They reported never having used the tank during their occupancy of the building. Therefore, the last use of the tank would have been prior to 1981. The building was demolished in April 1999. The UST was pumped and cleaned prior to removal. The tank was in poor condition, with numerous perforations and voids. Subsurface soils were visibly stained and petoleum vapors were detected in grab soii samples. To address the observed impact, approximately 43.5 tons of soil was overexcavated at the time of removal and later disposed at E.T. Technologies. The tank excavation was backfilled with clean imported crushed rock and native soil. Approximately 1,700 gallons of groundwater was pumped from the excavation and discharged under permit to the sanitary sewer. Laboratory analysis of groundwater closure samples indicated that naphthalene and total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in groundwater slightly exceeded the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Tier 1 Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) levels for UST releases. However, following remedial action, two confirmation groundwater samples did not 35-8 l 57-24.002/35 I 0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. I of13 September 26,2000 IflxLETNFETDER contain total petroleum hydrocarbons or naphthalene in excess of the Tier I screening levels. Laboratory analysis of soil closure and confirmation samples indicated no petroleum constituents were detected above Tier 1 RBCA cleanup levels. Kieinfelder recommends no further remedial action for this release and requests the site be removed from the list of leaking UST sites. 35-8 l s7-24.002t3510R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 2of13 September 26,2000 15il xLETNTtLDER 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION This report summarizes the UST removal and remedial activities performed at the former Precision Air faciiity as related to UST #2. The site is located at 20 South 2400 West at the southem end of the Salt Lake City Intemational Airport (Plate 1). Precision Air formerly leased the property from the Salt Lake City Department of Airports, who owns the site. The site is currently vacant. The building previously occupying the site was demolished in April 2000. Kleinfelder has prepared this report for the Airport to document the UST removal activities and the disposal of petroleum impacted soil and groundwater removed from the site. 2,2 BACKGROLI-ND Dwing demolition of the Precision Air building, the airport confractor encountered the buried vertical fiIl port and product/vent lines connected to the subject tank. Removal of the surrounding asphalt uncovered the tank's fill port. Fuel types stored in the tank are undocumented, but it was believed to contain regular gasoline based on the nature of the site. The tank appeared to have been abandoned in place and was paved over with asphalt. Neither Precision Air nor the Airport had prior knowledge of the existence of the tank. The former UST Iocation is indicated on Plate 2, UST Removal Map. The site appears to qualiff for Tier 1 UST Closure Criteria based on distance to receptors. The Airport retained Kleinfelder to rernove the UST and direct overexcavation. Photographs of the UST removal activities are included as Appendix A. Kleinfelder removed another UST from the site in January 2000. A separate Closure Notice and removal report were prepared for that UST and were previously submitted to the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. That LUST file, ELCJ. has been closed with no further action required by DERR. 35-8 I 57-24.002t35 10F.269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc 3of13 September 26,2000 I I o r(1 I I i I :1 I I s 29 142 '; ,.i f ii t, T : ! i .S'A LT LAKE CI TY *::-::-::''-ower lil I AM 6 INTERNATIO,NAL __4,!B-P-_{3r ___ !2ii '=lr ---- I I ,I -= -J 3 I 1.?2A--I l- aa -il.'81 -l il cb --.J2220 3tA 422 I.rr{.: 2A , I rr's t.il: !.qF38 . ffi Ww 'i-t l!Ii t 6J t, -rI Il :B M a!r-'Ir .I il;;r]t .i[ Iri -Trajieli Park -i t Is7 :-.' :l:l:ji:P lI tstr: SITE I I I \.o 'a7-L .i ! 1-l 3 ITTH Towers .'i SOUTH I T I 4"i5 ,1, , z I I' + .. lr I. ,li il.' Ir(-' to,3 -1 BASE MAP: SALT LAKE CIry NORTH, UTAH U.S.G.S. 7,5 MINUTE QUADRANGLE PHOTOREVISED 1975 0' 1000, 2ooo, rE-- SCALE 1:24,000 i" = 2000, CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET SUPPLEMENTAL CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET 35'l0O164.pptt UTAH KLEINFELDER Project Number 35-81 57-24.00'l Ifl Precision Air Power UST Closure 20 South 2400 West Salt Lake City, Utah SITE LOCATION MAP PLATE 1 QUAORANGLE LOCAIION ffi I---.t I I I I I I I E=],= ilL iC I { i I a I I h ,' :-'. ..-' t g t I I I I I I I I I I )ir, a I Ifl xLEINFELDER 3.0 UST REMOVAL 3.1 INTRODUCTION Kleinfelder supervised the removal of one 1,000-ga11on UST from the former Precision Air site on August 8, 2000. A UDEQ UST Closure Plan was submitted and approved prior to performing the UST closwe. The tank was believed to contain regular gasoline. The tank was closed according to state and local regulations by certified personnel. A UDEQ Closure Notice has been prepared and submitted for the facitity as required by Utah Administration Code UAC R3l l-204-4. Copies of the closure plan and closure notice are included in Appendix B. Copies of the disposal receipts for the UST and liquids in the tank are included in Appendix C. 3.2 UST REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL Excavation of the UST was compieted by Mr. Scott Mabey of Western Pipe Fabrication, Inc. Mr. Mabey also acted as the UDEQ certified UST removo (TR-0242). Mr. Sean Valentine of Kleinfelder was the attending certified sampler (GS-1222). Plate 2 depicts the UST closure sample locations and position relative to existing facilities. The sample depths indicated are from ground surface at the time of Kleinfelder's sampling. The tank had apparently been abandoned and paved over. The tank contained approximately 800 gallons of water and a trace of product. The tank was in very poor condition with numerous perforations and voids. Impact to soils and groundwater were apparent at the time of the removal. Photographs of the tank and removal process are included as Appendix A. National Tank and Monitoring (NTM) pumped and cleaned the UST prior to its removal. NTM disposed the recovered product and washwater at its facility in West Jordan, Utah. The tank and piping were disposed at Atlas Steel in Salt Lake City, Utah. Copies of the disposal receipts are included in Appendix C. 35-8 1 s7-24.002t3s t0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 5of13 September 26,2000 N 2C PoYer Pole & Do,Yn Riggor 1 Apgroximatr Scalg: l' = 2g ssl (8.5 fr) wst usc ssil (3.s n.) usc ss6 (8.5 fr) Ver( or Prcduc-t Piping sss (E.5 n) ss2 (9 fr.) ws2 6i U' 1**/6g =8 Approximato 'l,000 Gallon UST Location Approximate Limits ot owr Excavslion (9 fl.d6€p)tra A- Tslephone Pole & Box 'p "/ LEGEND *ssr (g.s t) Soit Sampl63 (sample deplh) SSI 6rou9h SS3 Closure Samplss SS4 through 536 Confirmaton Samplss wS2 Watsr Samplo from Excavation (9 fgot in d6pth) USc Unm€d Soil Classification Sampls 3510d262.d'it9 PLATE 2 sgr (9 n)+ P riect Numb€r #4157 -24.OO2 IU PrBcision Air UST*12 20 South 2400 West Salt Lake City, UtahKLEIN FELD ER UST REMOVAL MAP Ifl *LETNFETDtR 3.3 CLOSURE SAMPLING Three soil and two groundwater closure samples were collected from the UST excavation in accordance with the Closure Plan. One soil sample was coilected from beneath the vent/product piping location at approximately 3 feet in depth. Two soil samples were collected from the ends of the UST excavation at approximately 8.5 to 9 feet in depth (at the groundwater interface). Two samples were collected from groundwater encountered in the excavation to comply with UDEQ site assessment protocol (UACR311-205-2). All soil and groundwater samples were coilected with clean, decontaminated sample equipment, placed in laboratory-supplied sample jars and immediately placed in a cooler on ice. The samples were transported to Utiiity Testing Laboratory under chain-of-custody documentati on. 3.4 REMEDIAL ACTION Due to the apparent soil impact, Kleinfelder directed overexcavation of 43.5 tons of soil immediately following the UST rernoval and closure sampling. The excavation iimits were determined by organic vapor measurernents conducted of the soils during overexcavation. This enlarged the excavation to approximately 19 feet by 24 feet by 9 feet deep. Based on the results of the groundwater confirmation sampling, limited groundwater remediation was performed prior to excavation backfilling. On August 31, 2000, the groundwater was flushed by dewatering the excavation for several hours. Approximately 1,700 gallons of water was removed from the site and disposed through discharge to the sanitary sewer. 3.5 CONFIRMATIONSAMPLING After soii overexcavation, three soil confirmation samples were collected from the tank excavation at the south and east walls near the groundwater interface, and ftom the base of the excavation on August 8, 2000. The soil samples were collected from areas that appeared to contain the greatest impact from the petroleum release. Two groundwater confirmation samples 35-8 1 57-24.002t35 10R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 7 of 13 September 26,2000 a lfl TLETNFELDER were collected on August 31, 2000 foilowing dewatering and recharge of the excavation. Al1 sample locations are indicated on Plate 2. The laboratory analytical methods and results are discussed in Section 4.0. 3.6 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER DISPOSAL The 43.5 tons of petroleum-impacted soii were transported from the site and disposed at E.T. Technologies in Salt Lake City, Utah. The soils were fransported and disposed on August 3i, 2000. Disposal receipts from E.T. Technologies are included in Appendix C. Approximately 1,700 gallons of groundwater was pumped to the sanitary sewer (Salt Lake City Water Reclamation) on August 31, 2000. A letter confirming the discharge to Salt Lake City Water Reclamation is inciuded as Appendix D. ; 3.7 EXCAVATIONBACKFILLING The excavation was backfilled on August 31, 2000 with crushed rock to a depth of approximately two feet below grade. A geomembrane fabric was placed on top of the gravel, then the excavation backfill was completed with clean native soil. The soil was compacted in place with the backhoe bucket. 3 5-8t 57 -24.002/35 1 0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 8of13 September 26,2000 l{| TTETNtELDER 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS As indicated in Section 3.0, during the removal of the UST, Kleinfeider collected closure and confirmation samples from soiis and groundwater. Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls of the excavation at the groundwater interface at closure; and confirmation soil samples were collected foilowing overexcavation and dewatering. Sample locations and depths appear on Plate 2. The soils were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) compared to a gasoline and diesel standard by EPA Method 80158 and for MTBE and BTEXN by EPA Method 80218. Groundwater samples were collected during the tank closure and again after the remedial action. The groundwater samples were also analyzed for TPH and MBTEXI{. A sunmary of laboratory analytical results for the sampies follows. Complete copies of the laboratory analysis reports and chain-of-custody records are attached in Appendix E. 4.1 UST REMOVAL - SOL and GROUNDWATER SAMPLES The summary of analytical results for the UST closure and confirmation samples is presented in Table 4-1. The samples were analyzed by Utility Testing Laboratory in Salt Lake City, Utah. The results of analysis for closure samples indicate the following: Groundwater TPH as gasoline in both groundwater closure samples slightly exceeded the Tier I RBCA screening level. However, after dewatering the excavation and allowing recharge, both confirmation groundwater samples were below the Tier 1 screening level for TPH. a 35-8 I 57-24.002/35 1 0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfeider, Inc. 9of13 September 26,2000 *Sample also analyzed for total lead, result: 11 mg/kg 3 5 -8 t 57 -24.002 I 3 5 t 0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. Table 4-1. Precision Air UST #2 20 South 2400 West, Salt Lake City, Utah ) <25 <25 98 139 12917.3 6.2 <25WS#1:Tank Excav. West 9 feetPAo80800-04 109 106<25 <25 <25 949 feet 15.5 7.2PAo80800-05 WS#2: Tank Excav. East 4.5 <2 36.6 12.6 15.19.8 2.4 8.4WS#3; Tank Excav. Confirmation Sample 9 feetPA083100-01 20.05.9 <2 <2 <2 <69 feet 3.5 2.',|PA083100-02 WS#4: Tank Excav. Confirmation Sample 2051,000 700 10,000Federal MCLs 73,000 100103007,000 4,00010RBCA Tier 1 ) Soil Results <30 <10<10 <10 <10 <10 <10SS#1:West end UST 8.5 feet <10PAo80800-01 <10<10 <10 <10 <'t0 <309 feet <10 <10PAo80800-02 SS#2: East end UST <5 <5 <5 <15 <53.5 feet <10 <10 <5PA080800-03 SS#3: under UST (piping) <10 <10 <30 <10<10 <10 <10 <10PAo80800-06 SS#4: Center Overexcav 9 feet <'t0 <10 <30 <10<10 <10 <10SS#5: East Wall Overexc.8.5 feet <10PAo80800-07 <60 <60 <60 195 <608.5 feet 33.70 47.70 <60PAo80800-08'55#6: South Wall Overexc 200 100,000 70,000 1,000,000 2,00030100UDEQ RCLs 900 61,000 23,000 235,000 10,0001,500 5,000RBCA Tier 1 l0 of l3 September 26,2000 Groundwater Analytical Results a Soil 3 5 -8 t 57 -24.002/3 5 1 0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc a Ifl TLEINFELDER Naphthalene in both groundwater closure sampies slightly exceeded the Tier I RBCA screening level. However, after dewatering the excavation and allowing recharge, both confirmation groundwater samples were below the Tier 1 screening level for naphthalene. Depth to groundwater beneath the site is approximately 8.5 to 9 feet below grade with groundwater flow anticipated to be towards the northwest. No soil samples contained petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in excess of the Tier 1 RBCA screening levels. a The subsurface soils vary from dark gray sandy clay to a lean clay. l1 of13 September 26,2000 Ifl xLtrNFtrDrR 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Laboratory results for the Precision Air UST #2 confirmation samples indicate that no residual petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations exceed UDEQ RBCA Tier I cleanup levels in soil or grouirdwater. Petroleum-impacted soils were removed from the site and disposed at E.T. Technologies. Petroleum-impacted groundwatsr was pumped to the sanitary sewer. The UST excavation was backfilled and compacted. Kleinfelder recommends that no further remedial action be conducted at this site. 35-81s7 -24.002/35 I 0R269 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 12 of 13 September 26,2000 i AUG " ri 'i0\lit A Utility Testing Laboraiory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-0621 (80r ) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Profect No. 35-81 57-24.002 Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021 B second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD 8015B CRO USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT:10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Clrtr..:o1 8g-'-o Test No. 08-09-00-01 A Date Analyzed: 17 Aug 2000 CRO 1 1 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-01 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO2l B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s ye/Ke (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg GRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mgKg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results l.rglKg (pob) < 10 pglKg MIBE < 10 pglKg Benzene < l0 FglKg Toluene < 10 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 30 pelKg Xylenes, Total < 10 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE P4080800-01 SOIL SAMPLE P4080800-01 Date Analyzed 1 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 2.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director d.r*lr{ur; A t-ltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue F.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-062 1 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 August 23, 2OO0 C [r. r''- so ; ) Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Proiect No. 35-8157-24-002 Sample Collected: 0B August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm)SOIL Test No. 08-09-00-02 A Date Analyzed: 17 Aug2000 CRO 12 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-02 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:5 pelKg (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 10 pglKg MIBE < 10 pg/Kg Benzene < 10 prg/Kg Toluene < 10 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 30 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 10 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE PA080800-02 SOIL SAMPLE P4080800-02 Date Analyzed: 1 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 2.0 UTILITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director qnruD&''t'- A t-ltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake Citv, UT 84r 65-062 I (801) 48s-894 r Fax: (801\ 484-9211 August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Project No. 35-8157-24.002 Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021 B second column confirmation not confirmed. Ctr:iu cL So,\ Test No. 08-09-00-03 A Date Analyzed: 17 Aug2000 CRO 12 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-03 A MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:5 pelKg (ppb) SOIL Test Results ms/Ks (oom) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to C,u) Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 prglKg Toluene < 5 pg,/Kg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pB,/Kg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE P4080800-03 SOIL SAMPLE PA080800-03 Date Analyzed: 1 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director qr,*D&-u= TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS OPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: l0 mg/Kg (ppm)SOIL 1 A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Project No. 35-8157-24.002 Sample Collected: 0B August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 8OI58 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 1 0 mglKg (ppm) SOIL Co;],'n',.,"\-,,,.n Sr., I Test No. 08-09-00-06 B, A Date Analyzed: 17 Aug 2000 CRO 12 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-06 B Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:5 pelKg (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results pglKg (ppb) < 10 pgiKg MIBE < 10 pglKg Benzene < 10 pglKg Toluene < 10 lrgiKg Ethylbenzene < 30 pg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 10 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE PA080800-06 SOIL SAMPLE PAo80800-06 Date Analyzed 1 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 2.0 UTILITY TESTI NC LABORATORY M^D&a= A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84"t65-0621 (801) 4Bs-8941 Fax: (8011 484-9211 August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Project No. 35-81 57-24.002 Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-845 Method 8021 B second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS OPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW845 METHOD 80158 CRO US]NG PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm)SOIL Cn^t rr-w[.^^S'-'\ Test No. 08-09-00-07 B, A Date Analyzed: 1 7 Aug 2000 CRO 12 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-07 B MBTEXN SW.B46 METHOD BO2l B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pelKg (ppb) SOIL Test Results ms/Ks (oom) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < l0 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results pglKg (ppb) < 10 pglKg MIBE < l0 pgiKg Benzene < 10 pglKg Toluene < 10 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 30 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 10 pg/Kg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE P4080800-07 SOIL SAMPLE PA080800-07 Date Analyzed: 1 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 2.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director W.ru lddzuz 1 A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-062 r (801) 4Bs-8941 Fax: (801 \ 484-9211 August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Aftention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Project No. 35-8157-24.002 Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA 5W846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/KS (ppm)SOIL /1 l) i' c L O'... f+.'*,.Fr (r'^ tl I Test No. 08-09-00-08 A Date Analyzed: 21 Aug 2000 CRO l6 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-08 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s ye/Ke (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) 33.7 mglKg CRO (C6 to C,o) 47.7 mglKg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 60 pBlKg MIBE < 60 FglKg Benzene < 60 y{Kg Toluene < 50 ].rglKg Ethylbenzene 195 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 60 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE PAOBOBOO-OB SOIL SAMPLE Pdo80800-08 Date Analyzed 21 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 12 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director dtu* L02V//,b A Utility Testin€ Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention nne Hillard Subject niform Soil Classification ASTM Sample Collected: 0B August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 08-09-00-01 B Color of Samole: Brown/ Crey Toushness: Medium Plasticitv: High Descriotion of Samole: Lean clay Composition of Sample by Sieve Analysis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - ND COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - ND MEDIUM SAND <2.O mm - ND FINE SAND <0.425 mm - 5 7" FINES < 0.075 mm - 95 % - ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Air UST Removal #2 Project No. 35-8157-24.0O2 Customer l.D. P4080800-01 Drv Streneth: High Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (CL) qruDilz/l; Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 84165-0621 (80r ) 485-894 r Fax: (801) 484-9211 STM Mei Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 08-09-00-03 A Color of Sample: Light Brown Toushness: High Plasticity: High Description of Sample: Sandy fat clay Composition of Sample by Sieve Analvsis: AuBUst 23, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corinne Hillard Subiect:n iform Soil Classification COARSE CRAVEL FIN E CRAVEL COARSE SAND MEDIUM SAND FIN E SAND FIN ES . ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTING LABORATORY n Air UST Removal #2 Proiect No. 35-8157-24.002 Customer l.D. PA080800-03 Dry Strength: High Reaction with 1:1 HCI: StronB Classification: (CH) < 76.0 mm - ND < 19.0 mm - ND <4.0 mm-ND <2.0 mm - ND < 0.425 mm - 35 % < 0.075 mm -65 o/o @rr*/D&,ou Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: None A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-062 1 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801 \ 484-9211 "/t_ Test Results mg/L (ppm) 17.3 msll CRO (Cu to C,o) 6.2 mg/L DRO (C,o to C,r) Test Results FglL (PPb) <25 pgll MIBE <25 pgll Benzene < 25 pgll Toluene 9S.o VglL EthYlbenzene 139 prgll Xylenes, Total 129 ltglL Naphthalene LUr'-F.-.- | (6'yc'.t <-\-oOKleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Proiect No. 35-8157-24.OO2 Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-846 Method SO21B second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: 0.5 mg/L (ppm) WATER August 23,2000 Test No. 08-09-00-04 B, A Date Analyzed: l7 Aug 2000 GRO l6 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-04 B Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director WATER SAMPLE t^)(, t PAo80800-04 WATER SAMPLE PA080800-04 MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 2 ttilL (PPb)WATER Date Analyzed: I 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 12.5 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY qrrr,l//)&/'4 A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-062 1 (80'l) 48s-894',I Fax: (801) 484-9211 t\ ;-),^'[-=-'August 23,2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Test No. 08-09-00-05 B, A Date Analyzed: 17 Aug 2000 CRO 16 Aug 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-09-00-05 B Anne W. Lewis Laboratory Director WATER SAMPLE I,l..l.W.L PAo80800-05 WATER SAMPLE PAo80800-05 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 802'IB USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 2 VdL (PPb)WATER L l/-. {6,-lurr:' Test Results mg/L (ppm) 15.5 mg/L GRO (Cu to C,o) 7.2 mg/L DRO (C,o to C,u) Test Results pgll (PPbl < 25 Fg/L MIBE <25 pglL Benzene < 25 pgll Toluene 93.9 pgll Ethylbenzene 109 VglL Xylenes, Total 106 FglL Naphthalene 'i-\-'-'C' Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air UST Removal #2 Project No. 35-8157-24.O02 Sample Collected: 08 August 2000 Sample Received: 09 August 2000 Sample Received By: Adam Luther Comments: EPA SW-845 Method BO2l B second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USING PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 0.5 mg/L (ppm) WATER Date Analyzed: 1 7 Aug 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 12.5 UTI LITY TESTINC LABORATORY t//*rPtffizt+ ffi PROJECT NO.'.:,*:.:I:-- \r.--5 Y 1'( /--,v. .":-..-.. F ' ),.' -'- .::tt-)' L,P NO. (PO. NO. SAMPLERS: (Signatur6/Number) '-,,,.t * . -... .,, .,t:.,- .,...\31-.,,,*,,,i" -! -;:1 -*i NO. OF coN- TAINEFS ryPE OF coN- TAINEHS RECEIVING LAB: DATE MM/DD/YY SAMPLE I.D. TIME HH-MM-SS SAMPLE I.D.MATRIX 1 "2.\..':,\ -r.i i i,,,.4.>, - - r'l r-;n <, a; - < - \(. r-.d \'r*2 'V:.-,-\ 2 i \ '\-'\ .-. -.--. 'I I ->i 3 \L;it -'\..'l tlt t.\ i )<f ^.. 4 | -,:ru{u -+-.'.x--1-, r,,- i",'-)t I\ 'rr-.1, f1r--i -,Q I 6 \ t-r.-3 .-'.-.,(Lr-4\\:,,- 7 I 't \\\'x I I l (-l- 't; i '. r .,)i- 9 l0 1'l 1' 13 14 16 17 t8 19 20 Felinquished by: (Signature)Date/Time .\. i:\ 'r', i,$..4\ -t Rsc6 , i .l ri" I lnstructionYRemarks:Send Results To: - r-,,:'. r---'' {;r- (-..r- --.'i-'-"' \--rY "ri -'' KLEINFELDER 2677 EAST PARLEY'S WAY -SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84109-1617 (801) 466-6769 / ' -r tu,-.L- -rr r i:. +-. \* -r\C s \,.-' .\\, \ - )! <- {rtr"r,r\-;:-,r"'t Relinquished by: (Signature)Dale/Time Rocaived by: (Signalurs) Relinquished by; {Signature) ;"i / Dater'Time i,i,,/l;,i,1 ,, ;J;ti' Received ,or Laboratory by: lsignature),ilrt ,i '.! ) ) .!i I i;51$CHAIN OF CUSTODY KL.rNI..DL,., ...-l_::,.,-. ffi**t{F#,.g pRoJEcr*rrr[h RoLLogESorF,ELD -oE-F SAMPLE CONTAINERSAMPLEDESCRIPTION NOTES FILTERED?,,, 1-1,.;r,,1,.::, . 'Y/N MATRIX (soll, etc)DATE Oa2-rs-2 l.o e929 -o>\\92 \o\zz--o -o1c2 1 , Labo Page \ ot \- fol TIME FIELD SAMPLE NUMBEB SAMPLE \U\O 59't 99- L 9a \\ /v t\ -\,\\ % r-rn*^ ,O9 99'2 \59-1 \y \J \J U - J'5 l'9 \\\\\ \(\c I I L I gg-b I I \J ) ) Chain - of - Custod Y No.: *\9 A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 September 13, 2000 Ldr.f* f,r'.;ql'i;r-- fr-: i -CA Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air #2 Proiect No. 35-8157-24.002 Sample Collected: 31 August 2000 Sample Received: 31 August 2000 Sample Received By: Dhitinut Ratnapradipa Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. pH > 2.0. TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 0.5 mg/L (ppm) WATER 'l i Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 0B-31 -00-4 05 Sept 2000 CRO 1 1 Sept 2000 DRO Dilution Factor g5sd = 1.0 Test No. 08-31-00-14 C WATER SAMPLE (^J(, 7> PA0831 00-01 WATER SAMPLE PA0831 00-01 MBTEXN 5W.846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 2 Ve/L (PPb)WATER Test Results mg"/L (PPm) 9.8 mg/L CRO (C6 to C,o) 2.4 mg/L DRO (Cro to C,u) Test Results lrgll (PPb) 8.4 ;rgll MIBE 4.5 ;rgll Benzene < 2 pgll Toluene 36.6 pglL Ethylbenzene 12.6 p{L XYlenes, Total 15.1 pg/L NaPhthalene c Date Analyzed 05 Sept 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1'0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY 6; tuf Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 55621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (80'l) 484-9211 September 'l 3, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way salt Lake city, utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Corrine Hillard Subiect: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Precision Air #2 Proiect No. 35-8157-24.002 Sample Collected: 31 August 2000 Sample Received: 31 August 2000 Sample Received By: Dhitinut Ratnapradipa comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021 B second column confirmation not confirmed. pH > 2. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH). GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 8OI58 CRO USING PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:0.5 me^ (ppm) WATER Test No. 08-31-00-1 5 B. C Date Analyzed: 12 Sept 2000 CRO I I Sept 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 08-3 r -00-15 B WATER SAMPLE L.Jl,lJ{ PA083100-02 WATER SAMPLE PA083'100-02 MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 8021 B USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 2 pgll (PPb) WATER Test Results mg/L (PPm) 3.5 mg/L CRO (C6 to Cro) 2.1 mlL DRO (Cro to Crs) Test Results FglL (pPb) 5.9 pglL MtBE < 2 pglL Benzene < 2 pg/L Toluene .2 Vgll Ethylbenzene <6 pilL Xylenes, Total 20.0 p{L Naphthalene Date Analyzed: 1 2 Sept 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY -fir/- Tina May Quality Assurance Manager (wt ffi KLrrNFrrDhn PROJECT NO. -,&,,9-7 . :i.\'t . e:r:L i1:6 <1r-\'.'i..:'-t f 't=--'( PROJECT NAME NO.(PO. L.P NO- ,! '., - r .----.-'-'t';,--. ..''1r;'i 7'=-'', SAMPLERS: RECEIVING LAB: \i l.', 'J:' ---" -1:ir,'\., ,," !," ,1.:,",..;- ,,- i i r'] MATBIX NO. OF coN- TAINERS OF TYPE coN- TAINERSDATE MM/DDTYY SAMPLE I.D. TIME HH.MM.SS SAMPLE I.D, \-p &-L-t {"-rN {t:)vc*r\ot?-, e-,\1 ,,:,lrtx !Oa \\+(2-x1\r \ f,2 J 4 6 7 I 10 t1 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dats/Tim6 Receivsd by: (Signatur6).B€linquished by: (Signatu.e)'.\ Darerrimt'-'- *'-.by: (Signature)Relinquished by: (Signalu16) KLEINFELDER 2677 EAST PARLEY'S WAY SALT LAKE CIry, UT 84109-1617 (801) 466-676e -/ t, \rr t'--'<.. "'f ;' -'- . Send Results To: Attn: lnstructionYFemarks: Daley'Time :.1$,\.,- I'f.,\g- D{: (Signatur6)Rec6iv6d ror laboratory.Relinquishedby:.(Signaturgl . . IIItIII ) r.:1i 552.'. M-60 CHAIN OF I .t'r Ifl KLEuu:ELDTF KLETNFELDER sAMpLE coNrRoL Loc PRoJEcr NAME: rn'{ >}z PRoJEcr ygnngEnl?ri'q,,\91'2* '€e2- DATES ol FIELD woRK I eE-?\'ee SAMPLE DESCRIPTION " SAMPLE CONTAINER NOTESDATETti,lE LOCATION MATRIX (soll, etc) CONTAINEB :. fYPE A^b \uroa thdy;NtA,...\z-o *r\oN,\)a \\\-9 tt -Cl L^r10,^(z t/t.-ll ) Chain - of - Custody No.:#24 - Page \ of \ FIELD ,-t'l, i,.fE NUMBER \{-,1,- ) ) ('lient: Kleint'elder-SLC Datc Sanrpled: August 8, 2000 [)ro.ject: 35-81 57-24.00? Lab Sample ID: L42471-0lA TOTAL METALS Analytical Rcsults Units ?r..,i-,'.Y An uiT d') L'i i'-. *i e INORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 453 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Contact: Corinnc Ilillarcl Datc Rcceivccl: ,,\uqust 19. l(XX) Field Samplc ID: PA080800-08 Date Analyzed Method Used Iteporting Limit Anrount Detccted Lead mg/kg 8/30100 60108 5.0 n (807)26}.8686 bll Free (888) 263-8685 Fax (801) 26U8687 /LzReleased by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Datc: ,\ugrtst 30. 2(XX) l)age I rtf I QC SUMMARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L42471 35-8157-24.002 Sample ID: Batch ID: Analyte LCS-2970-ICP 2970 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount August 30, 2000 Low %REC Limit ICP METALS (Total) Upper Limit RPD ( Result %RPD Units: Lead mC/kg t23 100 0 t23 75 125 ( Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: August 30, 2000 QC STJMMARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L42471 35-8157-24.002 Sample ID: Batch ID: L42471-0lAMS 2970 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount August 30, 2000 Low %REC Limit ICP METALS (Total) -Qualifiers ( Analyte Result Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit Units: Lead mg/kg 128 100 ll n7 75 125 Sanrple ID: Batch ID: 4!e!v!e-- L42471-0lAMSD 2970 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount August 30,2000 Low %REC Limit ICP MBTALS (Total) Result Upper Limit %RPD RPD _ Li1r,rj!__ __Qu al i fi ers 20 Units: Lead mg/kg t29 100 ll ll8 0.'178 ( Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: August 30, 2000ADfi American West Analytical Labs WORK ORDER Summary 29-Aug-00 Work Order L42471 Client ID: Project: Comments: KLEIOO 3s-8157-24.002 Extreme Rush 24 hour ffi, W,ffi ,tfl..,,::tffi ;:,:,, .,."9,g, ol,.o, oo o,u Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Date Received Date Due Matrir Test Code Storage L4247t-0tA PAO80800-08 8/8/00 8t29t00 8/31/00 8/31/00 Solids 3051 ICP.S rush rush d,- 8AilP1.E8l Stipp€dot ,t otar I 6 rrop.fiq,A Prrart 6rA Lrvnfs: orCtllrd 3 Tcmpcrilrrr ,"h')'e I Bocoued (lmp0pody 0 ploLabelrud Y lffsc: I Y ( ( v A,olor: Page 1 ot 1 I I ll Ifl KLEINFETDER 4e+7 I PROJECTNO,\.Fr^-re-^S'l'1*'2- SECEIVING IAB: INSTFUCNON o -oo- ol oz o3 o ou ob rr\rr\-<=5* (s ( -qe<^!€- <1 -.. .\ 9r1t -"\= \a KLEINFELDER 2677 EAST PARLEY'S WAY.S4LT LAKE CtTy, UT 84109- 1617(E0l) 466-6769 NO, S,\MPEBS. {Signatu./Numbe, SAMPLE I D TIME HH.MM.SS NO, ot coN- IAINERS coN- IAIIEFS OF TYPE \\re o -e2- o2 \\?o O -o7\czo -.4 XIXIIKIIIKXIITIIIrIIIKTIIEIII,!tll{xIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITESIIIIrIIIIIIIIITIITII EggatzIIIIKIllIilk EANNKE/z/xEEEKIIII,KNITLXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII==IIIIITIIIIrrIIIIII E EIrIIII IIIIIIII HwaIIIIrIrIITITNIr-rI IIII I I Ifq!E-IGIE RUtrtrE III[ N!E!agKIrIIIIIII ! E E! E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Ezl II IrIIrrI I r I III IISrr IIIIrII IIr I I- rI I II q,/rII E IIII II III II II Ir I I I 'TP_T[oi:'")I Aa,/:/ ( I Ig TransmittalKTEINFETDER An employee owned company To Mr. Garv Astin Date Ftle Copies 09/2s/00 3s-8157-24.002 UIAh DERR, UST DCPI.I 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Subject UST Closure Notice for Precision Air Site UST #2 We are sending flAuached I tlnder separate cover Please find attached the UST Closure Notice for the Precision Air site UST #2 located at South 2400 West in Salt Inke Cin. Please note, Kleinfelder, Inc. will be submittins a detailed UST Closure Report for the proiect in the near Via: Messenger \ First Class Mail Air - FedEx - United Parcel - Air Freieht Please call me with As Requested For Approval For Your Use For Review & Comment By Coinne Hillard I oct 6 2ooo BY AL RESPONSE &REMIDIATION Copyneht 1997, Kleinfelder, Inc. (U:\Airport\managerne,nt\hans.doc)" K"LEtNrEroen i677 East Parley'sWay, Salt Lake City, UT 84.l 09-161 7 (801) 466-676s (aor)+oo'-ezaafax- ,l*- 8qe. State neighborhood:description of land use) au - IrE Code Phone Zip Code-_City Other -Street Facility Tant ru0. t Tank No._Tank No.- \4frNo.-Tank No._ 1. Estimated tar-l 2.Type (Steel, FRP, Composite)Sk -l 3. Substance Stored (l-s 4. Date last used U\r.vk 4. Date Closed s.t Gloo 5. How closed (Rmvd, inplace, CIS)Zv^.r.1 I d + New tanks G- Closed tanksOrioinal # of tanks # of tanks remainino GW & SoilSampler:Cert. #: GS IZZL 1lt{@vration Date Cert. #:TR Lq Z rzltrI (iration Date:UST Remover: 'l . Owner/Operator has an of closureureN is on Site: Y N 2. Product at: 3. Sludge removed:\1 D at:(,.r- By:\\Rinsate disposed at:\\4. Tanks cleaned: 5. Non-explosive inside tank obtained LEL or %n obtained:Pu I 6. Product lines were: - Cleaned, secured in and Removed site 7. Tank 8. Soil disposalsite:site PID or FID meter readings (indicate location on the site plat.) MeterType:GainorSpan:-CalibrationSpecS:- d 1. Soil contamination is evident:N 2. Water contamination is evident:to water table: *6 '\rd: t1-direction of surfaceN 3. # of samples collected: - GW Soil - USC 4. Certified Lab: L+i 5. Analysis Methods BTEX O&G TRH HOC 6. lnspector observed collection of on the siteofN lndicate location and and submitted them to the State Lab forcollected du7 8. Contaminated soil overexcavated confirmationtfN N/A les were collected: Y N Cert#Date:nature: Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 - - --- *.,rrqme_Sel+ __ Address --T,TAH UST PBOGFA[4 f\-.rrty ID Na, lre : IAIII(S Cl0seo Depth of contamination: 0 - 3 feet * greater than 3 feet }( v ss A 4'/.' SITE PLA- \- lD No NOBTH v ,c C}-c ( A \ Show locations of all buildings, streets, tanks,piping and dispenser :l'rJ (+1 (1^r :1A 3'f '?o-.^,U.1 'vcol Nru[-u location and depth o, ail sampres coilected by tne samprer and the inspector. Arso indicate the rl 0. ss @q Potential Receptors: Distance (in feet) to the nearest: Residences - Commercialbuildings 25O t Property tine l(Xl I Waterline tCrJt Storm drain - Active water well _-l Naturatg". rin" t()o i Other (specify)_ Surface water - Underground: Sewer Telephone line -. Electrical line - t-ear/: ++<# ,l-(I\At) r{ ti I certily name) 2 *[xloo c",rTl the above-named facility on ( mnth, day, year, tiru) Date: Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALTTY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDTATION Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt L,ake City, Utah 841 l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web rIL E COPY ERRU-180-00 July 28, 2000 Patty Nelis Salt Lake City Department of Airports AMF 8ox22084 Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84116 RE:Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Former Precision Air, 20 South 2400 West, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4002258 Dear Ms. Nelis: The Closure Plan forthe above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on July 21, 2000, has been approved subjecr ro the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. L,ocal agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Salt Lake City/County Health Department is no longer performing closure inspections. Please be sure the DERR office (not Salt Lake City/County Health Department) is contacted at least 72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary ruSD. Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. If duringupcoming closure activities, it that a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions, as may applyto yoursite provided all the applicable rules and reguiations are If you have any questions, please contact Gary Astin at (801) 536-4103 Sincerely Facility ID# 4002258 Page 2 KPG/GKA/hsp Enclosures ,#pu Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary OST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board cc Mike Salazar, Salt Lake City Fire Department Matt Crockett, Kleinfelder LNDERGROLIND STORAGE TANK C\ilSURE PLAN (rev.0tl0ll97)I;CILITY ID# M02258 LHD USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date mailed to State Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Matt Crockett of (company name)Kleinfelder, Inc Phone # (801) 466-6769 Address 2677 East Parley's Way City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84109 A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. In preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in R31l-202 Subpart G and R3ll-204 (U.A.C.) FACILITY IMORMATION Tank Orvner Salt Lake City Department of Airports Phone # (801) 575-3472 f] sole proprietorship ! partnership I corporation Address AMF Box 22084 City Salt Lake Facility Name Former Precision Air State Utah Zip 84122 STATE USE ONLY Date Received Date Mailed to LHD Date Received From LHD Reviewer/Date Approved Mgr. Review/Date ? Address 20 South 2400 West Contact person Patti Nellis Total number of regulated underground tanls at this site 1 Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84116 Phone # (801) 575-3472 Tank #2 Date Installed Unknown Capacity 1,000 Substance stored.**Assumed Regular Date last operated Unknown to waste*:* The Airport previously sampled the tank contents for solvents. None were detected. For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? of cqntauuilated soil or other material. (Check with your Not known Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required prior to disposal facility.) 35-8t57-24.002\ Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. ENIEilt 1 BY JUL 2O July 27,2000 1 Yes (identify if known) No TANK REMOVER Name Scott MaybEd Cert. # tF.-fu2 Exp. date April 1, 2OO2 r' Company Western Pipe Fabrication Phone # (801) 298-4159 Address 267 West 1200 Norttt City Centerville State Utah Zip 84014 SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Ed Larrat Cert. # GS-1059 Exp. date Dec.15, 2W / Company Kleinfelder, Inc Phone # (801) 466-6769 Address 2677 East Parley's Way Ciry Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84109 Before the closure plan is submitted for approval, the local health and fire departments where the facility is located must be contacted. If the facility is in Beaver, Carbon, Emery, Gafretd, Grand, Iron, Kane, Sah lake, San luan, lilrasatch, or Washington county connct DERR (UST) at (801) 536-4100 insteod oI the locat health disticr. You still mast contact the local fire deoartment in these counties. CONTACT LOCAL HEALTII DISTRICT Name of Dist State of Utah UST Section Date 7/26100 Contact Gary Astin Title Project Manager Phone # (801) 536-4100 CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Name of Dept-Salt Lake City Fire Date 7126100 Contact Mike Salazar Title Hazmat InsPector Phone # (801) 799-4190 DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) will be disposed at: Facility Atlas Steel Address 422lWest700 South City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84104 Phone # (801) 975-9669 product lines will either be: X removed or cleaned, secured in place, and capped. Vent lines will either be: X removed or cleaned and secured open' Piping will be disposed at: Facility Atlas Steel Address 4221West 700 South City Salt Lake state utah Zip 84104 Phone # (801) 975-9669 Tank(s) will be emptied by: comPanY Tank(s) will be cleaned by: comPanY National Tank & Monitoring Phone # (801) 280-3324 National Tank & Monitoring Phone # (801) 280-3324 Contaminated water in the tanh/rinsate will be disposed at: Facility National Tank & Monitoring Contact Greg Kehl Phone # (801) 280-3324 Tank(s) will be: purged or X rendered inert by the following method:Dry Ice Residual sludges will be disposed at the following facility: Address 4152 West 8370 South CitY West Jordan State Utah zip National Tank & Monitoring Contact person Greg Kehl 84088 Phone # (801) 280-3324 FOR CLOST]RE IN.PLACE ONLY I Facility Site Plat, Sample tnformation Table, sample results and Chain of Custody forms are included. ! Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the L,ocal Fire Department. Fire Dept.Phone #Contact Date ! Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Health Department.. Health District Phone # Contact ! Substance to be used to fill tanks Date 35-8157-24.002\ Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 2 }uly 27,2W COM'AMINATED MATERIALS MU$T4E DISPOSED AT AN ACCEPTABLE FAL'il,ITY: All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a manner that does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Any person providing remedial asststance for a-fee, inctrding aeration and over-excavation (of nnre than 50 yd), must be a Certifi ed U ST Cons ultant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility: E.T. Technologies Address 6030 West 1300 South City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84104 Contact person Dave Brooks Phone # (801) 973-2065 SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in R3LL-202, part 2E0.72 and R3L1-205 (U.A.C.). If contamination is suspected. additional samples must be "oll""tud "t th" location where contarnination is most likelv to be present. If groundwater is encountered. a soil samDle must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each groundwater sample. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. SUBSTANCE CONTAMINANT COMPOUNDS TO BE ANALYSED soI GROUNDWATER or STIBSURFACE WATER Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene,(BTEX), and MTBE 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8240 8015 Modified and EPA602 or 624 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene,, Naphthalene (BTEXN) 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8240 8015 Modified and EPA602 or 624 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons (TRH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 413.1 or 418.1 and EPA 8020 or 8240 and EPA 8010 or 8240 EPA 413.1 or 418.1 and EPA 602or 64 and EPA ffil or 624 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons (TBH)EPA 413.1 or 418.1 EPA 413.1 or 418.1 Other or Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Berzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Or other EPA methods as approved by the Executive Secretary 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8240 and EPA 8010 or 8240 8015 Modified and EPA 601 or 624 and EPA 601 or 624 Complete the Facitity Site Plat and Sample Information Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION INFORMATION If contamination at the facility is suspected or conflrrmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary (UST) at (S0l) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. If contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. rAlternative methods allowed for 413.1 are 1664 or 5520(b), and 418.1 may also use 5520(0. Note that analytical method numbers can change or be replaced (e.g. 8240 can be replaced by 8260). Check with the DERR, your certified sampler, or your analytical laboratory if you have questions. 35-8ts7-24.0[,2\ Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc 3 Iu,ly 27,2000 ANALYTICAL METHODS' V FACILITY SITE PLAT The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. It must show planned sampling locations, substances stored in tanls, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. 1 and 5 of the Closure Plan. Facility ID # 4002258 Drawn By Matt Crockett Date July 2000 NORTH See Plate 1, attached. X : Sample locations (SS-#, WS#, USC#) @ = Monitoring Wells (Mw#) O = Soil boring (B-#) O = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use at Site: _Residential _Commercial _ Industrial Surrounding Land: _Residential _Commercial _Industrial 3s-81s7-24.002\ Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. Site Plat Must Indicate: y' Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers y' Location of all samples to be taken rz Buildings, fences, & property boundaries r/ Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical) 4 Jt:Jy 27,2ffi0 Power Pole & Do^rn Rigger !5i,u5c -a I6]ot6 A-"^/ o e U' 66' =oo!tsl Vent or Product Piping Dlrcussr/ scurpLll ,etlh wla{ Crcokctt tlzzloo oN soil sa*.fi utd cnu .o{u san1Q u}llt^L tutcoa ol eacL u,,a ()ilp 1z/r&. SS3 -)tl (ar, hlce,^ oltk pd,-i/ouot Ptr,lt|' le l*fu r urSl 56( \, tC Approimate 1,000 Gallon UST Location * urfZt ssz tra Telephone Pole & Box A-*r/ Ifl KLEINFELDER Projoct Numb€r 354157-24.002 v6 =ott (O N Approdmate Scale:'l' = 2O 351Od2E2.dtrE Former Precision Air 20 South 2400 West Salt Lake City, Utah SITE PLAN PI.ATE 1 Complete table for all samples to be taken for clostrre. KLEINFELDER SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE @ooz Sample #SuHance stored in tank Sample tlAer Depth'Compoundd ws #1 Regular Groundurater -5 feet TPH/-IUBTEXN 80158/t0218 ws #2 ReEular Crror.ndwater -5 feet TPH/METEXN 80158/802i8 ss #1 Regular Soil - 5 feet EOI5B/tO21B/USC t)'-*o ss #2 Regular Soil -5 feet TPTVMBTEXN E0l5B/t021B fur/ ss #3 Regular Soil -2 fwt TPHiMBTEXN r0158/8021B/USC w (ss),or (usc). 2 Approx. DePflr in feet below grade- All suples rre to be t'km at G2 feet below rhc backfill/oative Eoil iff€rfsce. 3 Conraminant comJrounils to be analyzed for each sample (from hble ou p. 3). 4 Appropriate analysis merhods for conta.minant compormtl(s) in each silnple (from table o,n p. Approximate tlcpth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks: 5 feet. Regionsl groundwater flowdirection: Notr-nortbwest 3). ReuiEn/ Sowp7 hlDQ rudd U {^( {-^^- l(bl^ {rllar- tlzt(n Utility LaboratoryState Certilicd laboratory to be used: Address 40 Wesr l.ouise Avenue City Salt LakE State Utah Zip 84165 Contad person Ann Lewis Phone # (E0l) 4t5-8941 Please explain any unUSUal Or extenuating circumstances expected rcgarding the site ass€ssmetrt or closure: Tank No. 2 was disco,vered dring demolition of the former Precision Air buildins aud adjacent parkiug lot. This tanl< is locarcd south of rhe fonner tuilding I certlfy under penslty of law thet I am the omer/operstor of the tank(s) referenccd ebove and thet I am familiar with thc iuformation on thls form and that it is true, accurate and completee and firrther, that the proceduret descrlbed hereln will be followed during the rank closure. Signature of tank otrn€r Full Name of tenk owner 35-Et 57 -U.W2\35 I 0M 106 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 5 Date luly 27,2000 o7/27/Oo THtr 13:34 FAX 801 466 6788 TPH/MBTEXN \, SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE Complete table for all samples to be taken for closure. Analysis method(s)aSample #Substance stored in tank Sample typer Depttr?Compounds3 8015/8020ws #l Regular Groundwater -5 feet TPH/MBTEXN ws #2 Regular Groundwater -5 feet TPH/MBTEXN 8015/8020 ss #1 Regular Soil -5 feet TPH/MBTEXN 801s/8020/usc SS #2 Regular Soil -5 feet TPH/MBTEXN 801s/802260 -2 feet TPH/MBTEXN 8015/8020/USCss #3 Regular Soil I 2 J 4 Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Approx. Depth in feet below grade. All samples are to be taken at 0-2 feet below the bactCill/rutive soil interface. Contaminant compounds to be analyzed for each sample (from table on p. 3). Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (from table on p. 3). Approximate depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks: Regionalgroundwaterflowdirection: North-northwest State Certified Laboratory to be used: Utility Testing Laboratory 5 feet. Address 40 West Louise Avenue City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 8416s Contact person Ann Lewis Phone # (801) 485-8941 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances expected regarding the site assessment or closure: Tank No. 2 was discovered during demolition of the former Precision Air building and adjacent parking lot. This tank is located south of the former I certify under penalty of law that I am the owner/operator of the tank(s) referenced above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete, and further, that the procedures described herein will be followed during the tank closure. Signature of tank owner Full Name of tank owner 3s-8t57-24.002\ Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. 5 JluJy 27,2C0t0 07/27/OO TIITT 13:34 FAX 801 466 6788 PROJECT NO: Date:oo INI r**LEINFELDER &W&W KLEINFELDER E oor @@L & To:From: fuitdddq,Inc. 26n MPqrIGr's Ws! fuUltltGq, Auh 81109 Plone: t0716ffi169 Fe 00I16G67EE Totrl prges: Gnduding sover sheet) ENIERID Rc: Far #; *t R UNDERGROUND S!-RAGE TANK PERMANENT CLOSURE }!-.{ICE (Revised 01/01r97) Facilaty lD #_4@2201 feeld rt oo Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Rov McDonald of Kleinfelder. lnc. Phone#(801)466€769. Address 2677 East Parlev's Wav City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84109 FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Salt Lake DeDartmen t of AirDorts Phone #(801) 57 72 I lsole proprietorship I lpartnership Ix ]corporation Address AMF Box 22084 CiV Salt Lake state utah zip 84109 Facility Name Former Precision Air amples to LUST Review- L4.5 {lo5rr. 3. UST Status ate Mailed to LHD amples in LUST File # ate Processe 6 Address@ City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84109 Contact person Patti Nellis Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: L Number of regulated tanks at the facility aECI closure: 0 TANKS CI. OSED * lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name Scott Mavbee Compan Western Pioe abricat,onE Address 267 West 1200 North City Salt Lake Company Kleinfelder lnc ,477 tr^.t g^rl 35-8't 57-24.001 \35 1 01031 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, lnc Cen. # f R-242 Exp. date 4/1/2000 Phone #( 801 )57 Phone# ( 801 ) 2984159 State Utah zipg109_ date 1/15/01 Phone#( 801 ) 466€769 State Utah Zip 84109 Tank #1 Date lnstalled Unknown Capacity 1,000 Aviation Gasoline Date last operated Greater than 20 years ago Date closed 12108t99 How closed (Removed/ln place) Addre City Salt Lake January 26, 2000 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Sean Valentine Cert- # GS-1222 Exp. 1 Substance stored Removed II ttlt I I CLOSURE INFORMATION I x ] Fuel was emptied I I Sludge was removed Tank was: [ ] Purged Ix ] lnerted. Method Used I x ] Tank was cleaned Drv lce Location of Closure Records Kleinfelder. I c For ln-Place Closure: tanks filled with NA For change-ln-Service: Substance to be stored NA Phone #Date AmountContact NameLocation Name Tank # .45 ton (801)975-9669 1i,9/99Dennis Valasquez Atlas SteelTank(s) (801)280-3324 lAa/99 100 galGreg KehlNational Tank & MonitoringProduct From Tank(s) 750 gal(801)280-3324 1U8t99National Tank & MonitoringContaminated Water From Tank Cleaning galSludge galContaminated Water From Excavation (801)973-2065 1l3too 77 yd3Lon GrilfithE.T. TechnologiesContaminated Soil II ls any contaminated soil which was over-excavated still on-site? X Yes - No - Not applicable Was Free Product encountered during closure activities? No lf yes, please indicate thickness, -lnchesSITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistentty identified by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. I x I Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached. The following must be included (enler the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W from the area of contamination or, where applicable use OH for overhead, NP fot not present): .]?gEwater Line-!|5llsewer Line-z5_q Natural Gas _NL Slorm Drain -l)E-Telephone .l2tl Eleclrical :39-[ Propedy Line -.]LL Buildings I x ] Completed Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) is attached- I x ] Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. I x I Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. Ix ] Chain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: Ix ] Collected Ix ] Labeled Ix ] Packaged Ix lTransported [r ] Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. I certify under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordanco with R31l-202 (parts 280.52 and 280.72) and R3ll-205 U.A.C., and that any additional samples required by R311-202 parts 280.52 anq Signature of Certified Groundwater/Soil Sampler Full name of Certified Sampler Sean Valentine Date O\- 2e-oo lf contamination at the hcility is conlirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name Corinne Hillard Cert. # CC-0079 Exp. date 6/30/00 Company Address Kleinfelder. lnc.Phone # (801) 466.6769 2677 East Parlev's Wav State Utah Zi 35-81 57-24.001 \35 1 0LO3 1 Copyright 200O Kleinfelder, lnc. 2 City Salt Lake January 26, 2OOO 84109 Greg Kehl 28O.72 and R3l1-205-2(aX1) were properly collected. -- FACILITY SITE PLAT (CLOSURE NOTlu.t The sile plat must be drawn lo an appropriate identified scale. It must show actual sampling localions, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sampie identification numbers must be consistent with lhe information given on p. 1 and 4 of the closure notice Drawn B RoY M cDonald Date 1t25t00Facility lD # x s a pl lo c at io s ( S s- *, s- #. u s c t\ te PI at it st ln dt at e ct tl al L at lo n 3 o A IA o_ ni tori n {, el ts { M -* ,) y' Cuffent & lormer tanks, piping & dispensers O = Soilboring (SB*), or Geoprobe Boing (GP+) a = walerWells (domestic, livestock, etc.) / Excavations, GW moniloing wells & soil stockoles/ Location & deplh of all samples taken 35-81 57-24.OO1 \351 01031 Copyright 20OO Kleinfelder, lnc. lt Scale: 1"= _Feet NORTH *See attached Plate 1* January 26, 2O0O Surroundin SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE {Closure Notice) complete table for all sample8 that were taken for closure, Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent with th( sample lD numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Sample #/Lab lD Substance stored in tank Sample tyPe' Depth2 Gompounds'Analysis method(s)a PA120899-01 PA120899-02 Soil 7.5', - 8',TPH/MBTEXN/VOX EPA801 5/8260/USC\601 0B Gasolane 7.5' - 8'TPH/MBTEXNA/OX EPA801518260 PA120899-03 Gasoline Soil ?',-3 TPH/MBTEXN/VOX EPA8015/8260/USC PA120899-04 PA120899-05 Gasoline Soil z -J TPH/BTEXN EPA8015/8021 Gasoline 6.5'EPA8015/8260 PA120899-06 Gasoline Soil 7',EPA8015/8260 PA120899-07 PA120899-08 Gasoline Soil 6.5'TPH/BTEXN EPA8015/8260 Gasoline Water 7',TPH/MBTEXN/VOX EPA8015/8260 I Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW, or Unjlied Soil Classilication (USC). 2 Final depth (in feet) below grade at which samples were taken. 3 Contaminant compound(s) analyzed tor each sample [fPH, BTEXN. O&G, etc). 4 Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (8015 mod., 8020, 413.'!, etc). State Certified Laboratory used American West lvfical r/ Buildings. \--rs & prop€rty boundarie3 / Utjlity conduils (sewers. gas, water, sto(m drains. electric€l etc )/ Depth to groundwaler (rfencountered) Addres 4Al \tuacf 1600 S.lflth City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84109 Contact person Sleve Gea Phone #( 801 ) Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances encountered dunng the site assessment or closure: Robin Jenkins (DERR) was on site durino closure activities and approved over excavation. After overexcavation on 1208/99 sidewa samples PA120899-05. 06 and 07 were collected. Water began to oond int he east end of the excavation and PA120899-08 wa collected The hcilitu had a historv of aircraft maintenance.was added and aDoroved to closure samoles. I certify under penalty of law that I am the Owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the informatio. on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein were followe, during tank closure. Signature of UST Ownel of C)wner -a-Aprr#--Full nam Date Return completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site Plat and Sample lnformaton Table, SoiUGroundwater sample lab analysis results USC sample results, and Chain of Custody form within 90 days of UST Closure to: 35-8 1 57-24.001 \35 1 0103 1 Copyright 2OOO Kleinfelder, lnc. 4 January 26, 2000 Slope ol Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S. SE\-,IE) Lancl Use At Slle: -Residental - Comd|ercral - lndustrial Land: _R6dential _ Commercial _ lnclustrial Gasoline Soil Soil TPH/BTEXN TPH/BTEXN ProjectNumber 35-8157-25.001 Ifl Salt Lake lnternational Airport Precision Air 20 South 24OO West Salt Lake City, Utah SITE PLAN UST Concrete Slab P4120899-06 @7', PA120899-08 @7'(water) Limits of Excavatlon PA120899-02 @7.5t8' P4120899-07 PA120899.01 @6.s' @7.5'-8',PA1 20899-03 @2'-3' Product Piping PA120899-04 @2',-3', N PA120899-05 @6.5' Former Dispenser Location Preclsion Air Building 0 5' 3519d329.dwg PLATE 1 KLEIN FELD ER PAGE 8Lhl: P: F: I ij I I I i i; I I I. t ',,'.,,,,I ...r:::," l: 'i':.-j':'i':: I l I I I I I t: 'r'" *'ntr i.i f;g Hf;D-f f,f, n FIz-{ H1H tr D{ m I ,; E,q -F-*3e FI T * B E f=- E E t E !E: f; Ea HE,TEqr Ett EF E I I i I I , I I III I II I I I II I I Ff;G* $H . EE EIe. E F E E tfi B E5 FIE, tH = E E'U' Elna o !{rit ,f, E F(n .>" Efr aD F{ =I|#e,:JtrH€ fi . .. .."..:.1 : i .,J i -.i , . . .i.-! ,'.: t. !..' EHt"t ffitrrrt I .Hn,\'lr! { a lt .{ D,n-ETt tJt =.- B IA)o E I l I I I I I I t I I I i I I I I I t I I I I I l l I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I g g,Dig E ;-;J V.,i+EiiorltD JHH J\IN) 3+g 3S a m{ \ I I I I I II I I I I It I I I I \ \ T \ +fls5 *aEE l$3s= - \rHt/tx D-li-- B.r, 'lvl -{<lr'lFo o o t o ,1 -{ @5o5 ! .oEt= .5 ).,,= EX EH a*FLTUr -{ :11 a t-J AC tJt zouo I \I\ e1 ,/. -'i IU './. -I . .. .: ,:' : 'l-- "'.;. ': I I I i II I I I I I t II CERTIFICATE OF TANK WASHING PRESENTED TO Department of Airports This Is To Certiff That The One 1,000 Gallon Tanks Located At 2400 W. North Temple Sfieeq Salt Lake City, Utah, Has Been Properly Washed And 750 Gallons Of Water And 100 Gallons Of Fuel Were Recovered For The Purpose Of Recycling. Greg D. Kchl: On Behalf Of ID# on42ooo Inc. rsg 00€s P ) ) NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST E.T. TECIINOLOGIES INC. E.T. TECHNOLOGIES INC. SOILS REGENERATION SITE SALT I-AKE VALLEY I,ANDFILL 6030 w. 1300 souTH (8ol) 973-206s SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 1. DATE SHIPPED C) \ t OZ t ()'{} 2. DArE REcETvED 3. WASTEGENEBATOR(S)INFORMATION: GENERATOR 1 ADORESS l,\^tt- i,.\ ?ZLt.+ STATE ZIP COOE z'qt't z PHONE e'i 4 ADORESS STATE ZIP CODE PI{ONE STATE ZIP COOE PHONE CITY ,r{..'t, i.-e, GENERATOH 2 CITY CITY 4.CERTIFICATION: lcertify that lhe wasle load(s)iisted below (Section 5) were collrled hom the WaCe Generatorg listed other sources are induded in this shipnnt; To tht best ol my krcw-in Seclion 3 ol this doorment. No olher substarrce or wasile lrom any ledEo, the inlormetion given in this Manifest is a true and acorrate description ol the waste malerial. I further adrrwledgc receipt ol the ship rnent lrom the Waste Generators located in Sec{ion 3 above. TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME LUe{,, "l-''; ( "tn,.-i-. DRIVER NAME (Please Pdnt) DRIVER SIGNAruRE L,l I i/ DATE COI'TAIIIER CODE3:A.SIIIPTR.EK B-FAM C=D.BARELS E-DlIrP F.OIDf,R WASTE TYPE OODE3: G-fiClGNSl'lIP H-9{OPSlJltP I-YADSJI,P J-SEPIE/SEII|IGE X=$t LIOII{ER DESCR!PflO}{ OF WASTE lt/lA,TERNLS Addlional tlosdiflions or Specid HandlirB lnslructions: TOTALq,lAilTTY 260 Grls. Lbr. Grls. Gelr. IVASIE IT?ECOt{TAINERw srE@oc/ PROFTLEM'I/BER E-Kilu- \\:\1 6. - THIS FOB OFFICE USE OIIL . ,' .:., .- , ,.,, /,.; J,'r"'d -o:. Signature ot' g.f. Representativi: CrossWeigttt 1) 2l 3) PriodTonClassTare We(Xht NetW€tlht )-1, i 6 t) *r't/lIR.rcK 'fr/SCAE},rcUSE NIThLSr-(OEPGALAREAIEXET'/ t ////+77 Dete : Price No.97555 Ii GENERATOR 3 ADORESS tudh.,p!, . Lt. ta.a tot Cedied By: Pa, noalt p.r .nnutt) tor dl P-l drx .cc.unl. (30 d.r. dtrr drr ol lltrold.l od '.roo-l. . Ti[r Tille GET.IERATOR 3 I E.T. TECHI{OLOGIES INC. SOILS REGENERATION SITE SALT LAKE VALLEY I-ANDFILL 6030 w. 1300 sot Tll (8ol) 973-206s SALT LAI(E CITY, UTAH 84104 NON.HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST r. DATE sHtppEo O\ r O9 r OO 2. DATE REcEtvED 3. WASTEGENERATOR(S)INFORMATION: GENERATOR 1 /.ADORESS ,lri ti' [:u.y,':- iiti cl GlTY '-"u-.1 Lr. i STATE ,/T ztP coDE .t.cti t;' PHoNE GENERATOR 2 AOORESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE GENERATOR 3 AOORESS STATECITY zrP cooE PHONE Crv' a,47 4. TRANSPORTATIONCERTIFICATION:lcertify thal lhe waste load(s) listed below (Seclion 5) were collected lrom the Waste Generators listoc in Seclion 3 ol this doqment. No other substance or wasile lrom any othr sources are irduded in this shipmeril. To the be3t ol nry kmw- ledge, the inlormation given in this Manilest is a true and accrrrate desoiption ol the waste maledd. | fuithe adtmwledge receipt ol the shi6 menl lromthe Waste Generators located in Section 3 above. TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME DRIVER NAlt/|E,,(Please Print) D SIGNAruBE DESCRIPTION €L E-DtllP F-O[€R DATE COIITAIXEA CODE3: A'SIIIPTR.EK B-Mll C.TAI|(ER D' UTSIE ?YPE CODES: G- DESGRIPTIOT{ OF WASTE Hr${CtPStlF l=YAfI)$JttP J.SEPIE/SEMGE Xr L-O*GR TOTAL OTIAI{ITTY Lbr. Geli. Lbr. Gels. Addtbnal Decoipliont or Special HandirB lnst t c-tions: PMfltE E.Ur-k 265 Oi E@ . t,.. :.,.-./ -J-0d. i., Signature a g.f. RePresenlalive: Gross Weighl 1) 2) 3) {0 PricaPilrdTonOassilelWeighlTare Weight -2 dszozDoct?zo *t/4IH.EK 'o/$AEHCT,}SENITnLS4/r:'/W?r?2 AREA OFFICE USE Y Oate TLV , ., .,' E.T. TEETINOLOGIES INC. . '-.,. -j' :' 6. GENEBATOR'S CERTFICATION: Lunb, itx to P., . n a[om.rroollGllm t... lot opeld bt E.T. Tdrnobob, Itr. p.r anon0l (t!3 p., .oruir)lor .ll pd dra .Gccunl. (30 dara dlar daL o, lrt,olc.l and ,a-oa-L /:;ic- Da* 4 \ai -,11 .. : 1 ' E.T. TECHNOLOGIES lN@ir+i-,No.9 7 5 5'3 NON.HAZABDOUS WASTE MANIFEST E.T. TECHI{OLOGIES INC. SOILS REGENERATION SITE SALT LAKE VALLEY LANDFILL 6030 w. 1300 SoUTH (801) 973-206s SALT IAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 3. WASTEGENERATOR(S)INFOHMATION: 2. OATE RECEIVED AODRESS ,.i. rr.'lF OCt 4,.' ,t, ,'\.t-r 7)u 4GENERATOR 1 ctw .., :..i' .i L.a i.-r*-STATE ZIP COOE '.-l'.: .' z PHONE 11.1 - )i+72 GENERATOB 2 STATE ZIP COOE PHONE STATE zrP cooE PHONE ClTY GENERATOR 3 ctw 1. TRANSPORTATION CERTIFICATION: I certify that the waste load(s) listed below 5) wrre collecled lrom the Waste Generalors listec in Sectign 3 ol thir document. No other substance or weste lrom any other sources are induded in lhis shipmeti. To the baat ol my kmw- bdge, the inbrmation given in lhis Manilest is a true and accrrrale description ol lhe mste msleriel. I lurther adurwledge reccifl ol the ahig ment lrom the Wasle Generalors located in Srlion 3 above. co]lrrlllEi coDES:A.S.lilPTFLEK B-RAf,'l C- YC, D.MRRB.S E'DtllP FTGIIER TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME DRIVER NAME (Please Printl DRIVER SIGNAruRE DATE fASfE TYPE COOES: G-ICTCHEN S,ilP H-SIIOPSJMP l=Y RDE MP J.SEPIIC/SEMGE KISOL .O'IHER OESCRIPT|ON OF WASTE MATERIALS Additional Doscriptions or Special HandlirB lnslruclions: TOTALqNXITTY ofif,e)t. 'Lbr. Galc. Grls. W^SIE TYPE wlsrE@oE, Ptr,FtE,'TT/B€R CONTAI'IER E \,(BU.\\?q1 6. - TIII9 POFIK)N FOF OFFICE Signature ol E,T C*ossWeQht 1) 2l 3) Pri#TonOassNetWsightTare WePhl 2asf a_ZtJoaF@ )* //nrFLEr( I / SCALEHCUSE NITIALS .-//,ry?fd?2 OSPGA ONLY q o Price { 1. DATESHIPPeo C\ I C7 I OC AODRESS ADDRESS I turlrr.? o9sa- b, E.I. T.drnoboirr, Itt t.5if p.r monlt (itA p.t .nnutr) to, dl Pd .hx .ccouittt (30 d.ra fitle Tiie Tillo llwob.) .nd |lr..r-b NON.HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST E;T. TECHNOLOGIES' INC. E.T. TEcHNor-ocres ttc. SOILS REGENERATIoI{ SITE SALT I.AKE VALLEY I.ANOFILL 6030 w. 13oo sot TH (801) 973.206s SALT I.AKE CIw' UTAH 84104 f.to 7552 1. DATE SHIPPED a\2.DATE RECEIVED 3.WASTE GENERATOR(S) INFORMATION: GENERATOR 1 .r.t. i.,' t I ,... .,lr-!-,.t.',-lt, ADDRESS liV\f-: l')t-; 7) t-tj4 CITY ,tl.'ttl t. i .hl cu STATE U-1 GENERATOR 2 AOORESS CIT.\/ STATE GENERATOR 3 ADDRESS STATE zrP cooE ",4 r i;PHONE ":, 'i'',' -, "i t ZlP CODE PHONE CITY ZIP CODE PHONE a.TRANSPORTATION CERTIFICATION: I certily that the waste load(s) lisled below (Section 5) were collected lrom the Wado Generalors listed in Seclion,S ol lhis documed. No olher substarrce oi waste lrom any other sources are induded in this shipment. To the best ol nry kmw- ledgo, the inlormation given in this Manilest is a true ard acanrate descriplion ol the waste matsrial. I fudher adtmwledgo rcceipt ol the ship ment ,rom lhe Wasle Generators located in Sec'tion 3 above. TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME DRIVER NAME (Please Pdnt) DRIVER SIGNATURE COlltlltlEB CODE9: A.gllPTnEK B WASTE COOES: G.XIIClGllStllP OF WASTE.MATERIALS g>,r\r^r\ I C.TAN(ER O E FRES E-tUllP F=OIlfF l-YAE)SJllP J.S€WIGE K.$L L.OIHER IOTALCI'A}IITTY !. Lbs. Grlr. Grls. Addtond #ct4 Descigions or Soecial tq Handiry lnstuclions: DATE @t{T^lt{ER WASIE IYPE wrsrE@oc/ FIOfT F iITSER p-\\?\f?b \< 6. 1) 2l 3) Oass PricdTon -["rr,l6ntTare >- l>trr )v'I PHn/cffi'DTIPGAAFEA7-C SCAE}ICI'SE NITIALS Conpan, o Gross ' Tlle USE OIILY - Date { Price t i I twti.?to D., . h.t... tot p.. .nonlh (ttrl p.r maultr,lor dl prt llrx rcor.ot.(30 d.r..r1., d.L o, lilolc., .,rd r.Ioa-L *,CrfotA t,L .4u. * Signature AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES BLANK SU Y REI'ORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set tD: L39407 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8 157-24.001 Analysis Requested: BTEXN/TPH by SW8a6 SOZll8015 tvlodified Method Blank ID: MB-498 Analysis Date: December 13.1999 Prep Date: December 13, 1999 Analytical Results BTEXN/TPH.E453 West 36fi) South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686 TollFree(888)26TW Fax(801) 263-W7 Units: mdkg (ppm) Compound Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Naphthalene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Reporting Limit 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 20 Amount Detected < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 <20 /-Released by: Laboratory Supen isor Report Date: Dccember 22, 1999 This .eport ir prcvidcd ,ot the qclusivc u! of lh. .dd.?ss. Ptivil€tcs o, subsguent ur o, thr na6c o, this comprny or .ny m.mb€r o, its rtalf, or nproductirn ol thir Eport in ffitim .^-r.r-. Gi.6h-'^v:.4^h.6t*dn3ibililyer66tt6rrbiuco..fo.mrn.?oi,^Gn..ri^6.nil^rrn^lvririnddr.irhr^dac.ordinotorh.h,l-^rlMkilrJolebw 1 BLANK S ARY REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set D*'. L39407 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80l5 Modified Method Blank ID. MB-514 Analysis Date: December 17, 1999 Prep Date: December 15, 1999 Analytical Results TPH-E AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 453 West3600South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 2598585 TolIFree(888)26}8685 Fax(8ol) 26}8687 Units: mdkg (ppm) Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Q->t Reporting Limit Amount Detected <2020 Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: December 22, 1999 This .epo.t is prcvid.d ,q ahr .rcluriv. u o, th. rddrc. PriviLtes of tubt i6t u o, thc oma o, thir cmp.ny or rny mombc of itr rt.fr, o, [productbn o, thir Eport in cotrlGtim with th. .dvcrtiEd.nt, proootid ot s!" o, any prDdEt q Pffi, 6 in @ffitim with th. G?ublicrtion oa lhir Epo.l br .ny PurPor othar th.n ,q thr .ddre will br gnntcd only 6 .ontr.<1. Thi3 o6g.iv .(@tr D GFtribility .rapt iot lha du. Pcrromtrr ol inr;xtia end /or rmlysir in good ,.ith .nd lcodinS lo lh. ru16 o, iha trada rnd o, riare. Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set tD L39407 Project Precision Air UST/3 5-8 t 57-14 001 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80l5 Modified Method Blank ID: MB-561 Analysis Date: December 20,1999 Prep Date: December 20,1999 r:!M ': _3,0 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL t-ABORATORIES Analytical Results TPH.E46i West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah &4115 (8,Jt)26TW 'IlollFree(888)269W Fax(80t12614587 Units: m/L (ppm) Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Reporting Limit Amount Detected < 5.05 Released by: Laboratorv Superv'isor Report Date: December 22, 1999 This report rs povidcd lor thc €rclusive u* ot lhc .ddresw. Priviletet o{ rubeguenr u$ ol the ^.hc of thi! comp.^y oa .ny 6.mbct oI it3 atrfr, c nproductirn of thit r?ort in ffitim ront.a(t This ompanv ..eptt no .Btpnsibility .rapt for rhc du. perlorm.n(( oI inspection and /or analvsis in good ,.ilh rnd t@dint lo th! ru16 o, tha ttade tnd o, riare. I i I I AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ORGANIC ANALYSIS RE,PORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received. December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80l5 Modified Lab Sample ID: L39407-0lB Field Sample ID: PA120899-01 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 17, 1999 Extracted December 15, 1999 TPH.E Units: mdkg (ppm) Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected 290 28 20(wt)26vw TolI Free (88E)26W Fax(801)26YW7 Released a? Laboratory Supervisor Rcport Datc:Dcccmher 22, 1999 Page I ot'I This report is pDvid.d ,c th. Grclusivc uE o, th. rddtK. Priyilcg6 o{ $bt qwil w o, ih. um o, lhit cmprny or rny ncmbcr ol its rtrff, or cprcduction ol ttts nport in comdm with thr .dvcrtirm.na, pmmoaim or xL o, .ny produci q pro, u in onrucris wilh tha Gpublicatbn o, this Eport lor rny purpo* other then lor lhc .ddGn will ba t etcd only m .ont.acl. This tum9anv accpt! rc Grmsability lrapl fd lha dE Patrotnrft€ ol inrpc<tion .ndlor an.lysb in tood lrith end rcordin3 to thc ru16 of tht tr.d. tid o, sicc.. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATOzuES 4.(3 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 1 ORGANIC AN YSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received: Decernber 9, 1999 Analysis Requested TPH by SW80l5 Modified Lab Sample ID: L39407-028 Field Sample [D: PA120899-02 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35 -8157-Z4.OOt Analytical Results Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 17, 1999 Extracted: December 15, 1999 TPH.E Units = m/kg (ppm) Comoound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected <20 26 (807)25TW TollFree(888)26*W Fax(801) 25Yffi7 20 Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Rcporr Datc: Dccsmbcr 22. lggg pagc I ot I This report 15 providad ,o. th€ exclu.ive u* o, tha .ddrers. Priviletcs o, sub*guent u* o, tht ^.hc ol thiJ Gompr^y or rny 6cr66 o, it rtrrr, a Eptpductirn oI thir cport in @Gai6 with tlp rdvtriirmna, pomoiion o, 3l€ o, .ny Producl q pra6, o, in (onn6tion wrth thG e-public.lion o, this Eporl io! rny purpoee othcr tlrrn lor tha tddre wiU b t utld dly m cmuacl. Thit rcmp.nY .cept3 rc ..rponsibility crepr ,o. lh. due ;nrformancr oI r6o..lion .nd /o. .nalysis in good ,.ith .td acordi^3 fo t rc ruLr o, th. tta& arn o{ ricre. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ,[63 West 36(X) South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 1 ORGANIC AN YSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80l5 Modified Lab Sample ID: L39407-038 Field Sample ID: PA120899-03 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: Decernber 17, 1999) Extracted. December 15. t999 TPH.E Units: mdkg (ppm) Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Laboratory Supervisor <20 Rcport Date: Dcccmber 22, 1999 Pagc I ol- I cmprny d .ny mcmb.r o, itt tt.ff, or rprcdudion of thi! npo.t in coretio^ Reporting Limit 7o lVloisture: Amount Detected t6 (ffiL)25UW TollFree(888)?SW Fax(801) 26YW7 ./; thr [m. of this Released by Gpubltrtion o, thi3 rcport for rny purpoa olh.r thrh for thc rddrc wrll bc grenrcd only on .ndlo. .n.lylrs in good ,.ith .nd .cordint lo th" rula of thr trrdc rnd ol *icncr 20 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1163 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received: December 9, l9g9 .Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80l5 N{odified Lab Sample ID: L39407-048 Field Sample ID: PA120899-04 Site [D: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 17, 1999 Extracted: December 15, 1999 TPH.E Units: mdkg (ppm) Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon <20 Report Date: Deccmber 22,1999 Pagc I of I Reporting Limit 7o Muisture: Amount Detected 15 (801) 26&.86,85 TollFree(888)263-8686 Fax(801) 26tW7 20 Released by Laboratory Supervisor Thii aeport rs providad lor lhc exclusave u* o, the addres Prrvrle6es ol sub*quant uE oa wilh the .dvcrli*ment, promotion or 91. or.ny produ(t o. p.a.s. or rn connGction with th. .ontr.(t Thi3.omgrnv.cc€ple no.6@nsibililv "reor ro. th, drrp oerro.m:nee ol rnso.ction lhc nrme oI lhis comp.ny or rny mcnb.. o, ilt rtrff, q nprcduction o{ rhit rtFll in mtkn republic.tion o, thi, cport br tny purporc olh.r ahtn ,or thc rddtre will b. !ruttd mly 6 .nd /or in.lv3;s in rood frith end rccordinB to th. ru16 o{ thc t.ad. .od of ricm. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORTES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Collected. December 8, 1999 Received: December 9, l99g Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 13, 1999 Extracted. December 13, 1999 Analysis Requested: BTE)fi{/TpH by SW846 80zl/8015 Modified Lab Sample ID: L39407-05A Field Sample ID: pA120899-05 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8152-24 001 Analytical Results BTEXN/TPH.E Units = mdkg (ppm)-dry Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected < 0.10 3l (801) 2698586 Toll Free (888)26ffi Fax(801) 263868.7 Compound Benzene Toluene 0.10 010 < 0.10 Ethylbenzene 0.10 < 0.10 Total Xylenes 0. r0 < 0.10 Naphthalene 0.10 < 0.10 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Released by:n Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: Dcccmber 22, 1999 pagc t ot' I Thir Eport is prcvidcd d th. €rclu5ivc ur of thr rddros. Privilcger oI subscqunt uE oI ahc mmc of this omp.ny or .ny mcmbGr ot its ltalr, ot rpmduction oI this tcport in conEhs with lh! tdvarti*nGnt, pmmotid or rL o, any prod$t q pEs, a in omEtiff with lhc rc-publicrlion o{ lN! Epo.l ,or .ny purPoE olh.r thrn ,or OE addrc will bG gr.nt.d only on .ontr.(t. Thi! mmo.nv .ca9t3 rc Gponsibility crapt for th. du. gcilotm.re o, iBp€tion .nd /or .MlEir in aod hith erd raordint lo thc rullt o, tha ttrda atld o, rie^Q. 20 t20 Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received: December 9. 1999 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzeci: December 13, 1999 Extracted December 13, 1999 AMERICAN WEST ANAL\TICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt lake City, Utah 84115 Analysis Requested. BTEXI{/TPH by SW846 8021/8015 Modified Lab Sample tD: L39407-06A Field Sample ID: PA120899-06 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35 -8157-Z4.OOL Analytical Results BTEXN/TPH-E (8ot)26rW TollFree(888)263-8ffi Fax(8Ol) 26}W7 Units = melkg (ppm) Compound Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Naphthalene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Rcleasedor, -Q--\. Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 32 0.10 0. l0 0. l0 0.10 0. l0 4420 Laboratory Supervisor Rcport Datc: Dcccmbcr 22, 1999 Pagc I of I This reporl rs provid.d lor the cx(lusive u* o, th€ eddes*r. PrivdeBs ol 5ub*quent u* o, thc umc ol thir mptny G tny nGBbGr ot itt tt.ff, or Eptoductirn ol thir npo.t in coffitim wilh thc .dv€rtirm.nt. p.omotioa ot el. o_t .ny Ptoducl or prccs. or in connection with thc Fpublic.tim oa thia npon 60r my poryorc orh.r th.n til lh. rddr will 5c gnrlfcd only 6-^-.'i-r rhi<.^h6'nv,...-t.^a.,rmnr;bililv.rentr^.rh./,,.Ferformanr.oIi^<n.rli6^rn.l/^rrnrlvsi3inrftdhith.ndaacordiiatotherul.rofth.hrd..ndolriam I ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES t163 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 13, Extracted: December Ii. I 999 I 999 Analysis Requested: BTE)O{/TPH by SW8a6 8021/8015 Modified Lab Sample ID: L39407-07A Field Sample ID: PA120899-07 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35 -BlS7-24.001 Analytical Results BTEXN/TPH.E (8nJD26}.8686 TollFree(888)26W Fax(801) 26TW7 Units: mglke @pm)-dry Compound Benzene Toluene Ettrylbenzene Total Xylenes Naphthalene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon 0.10 0.10 0. l0 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 <0.I0 < 0.10 < 0.10 62020 Rereasedrr&>. f.o' Laboratory Supervisor Report Datc: Deccrnbcr 22,1999 Pagc I ol' I This repolt i! p.ovid.d ,tr thc .r€lcivc r o, lha addrc. Privilegca of sub*qEnl u* o, th. Mma o, this cmpeny or rny m.nb.r o[ its rl.fr, or Ep.oduction o, thir ruport in connEtih with the .dvr.ii*m.nl, promtifi or eb o,.ny Ptedu€t q pc6. ot in conn€ctiil with tht rt-public.tion o, lhir cporl ,o. .ny pu.po* othrr th.n ,or thG .ddGK will b. tr.nr€d only on cont..ct- This om9.nv .ccpt! rc Glrdbility.raPt ,o. th. du. p€tforh.nc€ o, in.pktio^ .nd/or anrlvsis in lood ,.ilh rnd .ccotdinl lo lhc rul.5 of th. [.d. .nd ol eien.e 7o lVloisture: 32 Amount Detected Reporting Limit 0.10 AMERTCAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 45!l West3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ORGANIC AN ALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received. December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80l5 Modified Lab Sample ID: L39407-088 Field Sample ID: PA120899-08 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24 001 Analytical Results Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 20. 1999 Extracted: December 2C, 1999 TPH-E Units = m/L (ppm) Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Reporting Limit Amount Detected < 5.05.0(ffiL)253-8ffi TollFree(888)26TW6 Fax(801) 263{i68.7 Relcased by Laboratory Supervisor Report Datc: Dcccmbcr22, lggg Page I ot'I Thi5 report rs p.ovided lor lhe erclusive u* o, lhe .ddre3*. Privile8es ot subrgu.nl u* of thr uma o, this Mpany or .nt mcmbcr of itt rtatf, or Epmduction o, thit nport in cffitio wiih lh€ .dverti*ment, prcmotion o. slc o, .ny producl o. p.Ee$, or in @nrErtim wirh th. Fpublkarion ol tN3 cpo.l fos rny putpo.. ollit thrn br OE tddm will b. tr.ntcd only m -^6.'!-r ni<-^d6.^w,..,nr<^o.p.mn.ibilirv.'..^tt^.rh..l'r.n.rlo.mrn.?dfin<ontion.nd/or.n.lvririn.6dr.ith.^daccotdinltolh.rul6orth.tr.d.rndorki.ne AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES BLANK SUMMARY REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Lab Set lD: L39407 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #82604/50304 Method Blank ID: MB VOA Analytical Results Analysis Date: December 13,1999 HALOGENATED COMPOIJNIDSrt63 West 3500 South SaltLake City, Utah 84115 (ffi7)26}8686 TollFrce(88E)26W Fax(801) 26TW7 Units: Velke Compound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromofomr Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroform Chloromethane o-Chlorotoluene pChlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifl uoromethane I,l-Dichloroethane l2-Dichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethene hans I,2-Dichloroethene cis l2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloroprcpane cis l,3-Dichloropropene trans lp-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride l, l, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane l, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1 ,l, l -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Reporting Limit Amount Detected <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <50 <2.0 < 5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 2 ) 2 5 2 2 2 50 2 5 2 ) 2 2 2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 This rcport is prcvid.d ,or thc etcluriy. uE of th. .ddrc. Ptivihtet o, subrqunt u* ol thc mme ol this comp.ny or any mcmbcr ol ils sl.rI, o. ap,odu(tbn 01 rhrs r"port i^ conGdm with tha advcrti*ment, prcmtion ol sh ol any produ<t or ptffi. o in conncclio with thc republic.tion o, thir cpod ior an, Pu.Pos othlr th.n ror thc.dd.eik will b€ tnnt.d only on rmtr.ct This.onp.nv!(ept!^or6pon3ibility.raplro.th.d@P"r{otmrneofi^rpcclio^.ndlor.^alvrisingoodr.ith.nd.ccordiniloth..ul.!oflh.lrrde.n.lol<i.nre AMEzuCAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES BLANK SUMMARY REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set ID: L39407 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analysis Requested: Purge &Trap hy GCAvIS SW846 #82604/5030A Trichlofluoromethane 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane Laboratory Supervisor <2.0 <2.0 < 1.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 4.0 <20 Report Date: December22, 19919 2 2 I 2 2 ,)/- 2 2 4 20 4ffi West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (nD26e8r85 Tolltree(888)269-W Fax(801) 263-W7 Vinyl chloride Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgable Released by: with tfE .dvrrlr*ment, Promotion or sl€ o, .ny Producl o, Pc6, otin onr<tim with th. Gpubtic.tirn of rhd Eporr ,or rny purpor dh.r th.n ,o; l|t. rddrc will 6G gnntcd only o.n^tr..l Thi(-{rmo.nvi.."or(nor"<dnribililver.eg?rorth.duegerrorm.^eorin3oaiornd/orrnelytisi^r6d-raitha,tdt(gdingtothcrul6ortlEt..drtttdorrirre. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES BLAM( STIMMARY REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set lD: L39407 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW845 #8260A/5030A Method Blank ID: MB VOC Analytical Results Analysis Date: December 14,1999 HALOGENATED COMPOT'NDS 463 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (8pu26v8r85 Toll Free (888) 25$8686 Fax(801) 2SYW7 Units: pelkg Compound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chloroberzene Ctrloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroform Chloromethane o{hlorotoluene pChlorotoluene Dibromocbloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichloroberzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifl uoromethane l,l-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethene trans I 2-Dichloroethene cis l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis 1,3-Dichloropropene trans l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride l, l, I 2-Tetachloroethane 1,1,2 2-T etrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene I , I ,l -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlofluoromethane Reporting Limit Amount Detected <2.0 <2.0 --2.0 < 5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <50 <2.0 < 5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 50 ) 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 This r.port is prcyidcd ror ih..rclsivc u* o, tht.ddrcs. Ptivilet€s or sub$qlmt u! or afu um. ol thir comp.ny or rny mcmber o, its rt.rI, or Eproductbn o, thir rpo.t in conGtiq with tlE .dvcrliem€nl, pronotiq ot el. o, .ny Ptoduct or pGGs. ot in <omcaion vilh lhr cpublic.tion oI this rcport ior rny PurPo* other th.n ,or th. .dd..rs will ba gr.ntcd only od @ntract. This ohprny .capts no r6fDndbility crapl for thc duc pcrformrre of insoartifi and/or .n.lviii in tood faith .nd .ccordint lo the ru16 o, tlE trad. .nd o[ ri.nce AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES BLANK STA4MARY REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set ID: L39407 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8157-21.001 Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #82604/5030A 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 253-8585, TollFree(888)263-8686 Fax(8Ol)25}.8687 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Vinyl chloride Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgable Petroleum <2.0 < 1.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 4.0 <20 Report Date: December2Z, 1999 2 i 2 2 2 2 2 4 20 Released by:? Laboratory Supervisor Thisreport$p.ovidedrorthecx<lusrveu*olth..ddters. Privil€terorsubragwntEorthaumcolthirmpenyoranyncmbGrofittrlarf,q[pEducti(holthiirpo.tinco.iGtiff with the advcrrrrmcnr, p.omolion or ele oI .ny Producl o. p.GGs, o, in co@ction with lhc Gpublt.tbn ot thit rport 50. any purpol orhrr thrn loi rhc rddrc will bc gsmtcd only m contr..t This .(tmg.nv .....1r ^o rei@nsibililv .rccpt ,or th. due p.rfo.m.E o, i^r?<ti6 .ndlor .Dly$t i^ Bood taith rnd rcordini to tlt ru16 oa tlE trada rnd o{ si?E. ORGAMC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Collected: December 8, 1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Contact: Roy McDonald Analyzed: December 14, 1999 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL t.A.BORATORIES Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #82604/5010i\ Lab Sample ID: L39407-0lA Field Sample ID: PA120899-01 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157 -24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOI]DIDS {59 West 35m South Sdt take City, Utah 84115 Units -- t-rg/kgdry 18 l8 l8 45 l8 l8 l8 450 18 45 18 l8 18 18 l8 l8 18 t8 l8 l8 l8 l8 t8 18 18 l8 l8 l8 t8 7o Moisfure: Amount Detected <18 < 18 < 18 <45 <18 < l8 < l8 < 450 < 1g <45 < l8 <18 <18 < l8 < l8 < 18 < l8 < l8 < lg < l8 < 18 < 18 <lg <lg < 18 < 18 < l8 < 18 < lg 28 (fii)26TW Toll Free (888) 2598685 Fax (801) 2638687 Comoound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Cblorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroforrn Chloromethane o-Chlorotoluene p-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene I ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifl uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane l,l -Dichloroethene trans l,2-Dichloroethene cis l,2-Dichloroethene I,2,-Dichloropropane cis l,3-Dichloropropene trans 1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride l, l, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane l,1,2,2-Tetracl oroethane Rcpon Datc: Decembcr 22, 1999 lhi. r.Porl E Provid.d ro. th..rdunv. s- ot tlE.ddlt.c. Priril.t t oa sbrqe @ o, rl! Mm. or thi. o6p.nt o. .ny n.h!.r ol ,rt i.Ir, or nprodsdbn ot thi. Ep.rt in olrGiid*irh th. ..lv.rli-h.nl, Pmlim.. -L.,t.n, p..dsd d pe6. sir onrdim with rh. a-psbli(.ri6 ol rhi. Eporr lor.n, pu.p@ orh.r rh:. tor lhr.<tdtt'k wil * a.rnt.rl o,nr 6.o.k..r Thi. .omP..v ..<.Pt m EPonlibilny.rcpl ror lh. d!. p..io.n.neo, i^rr<ri6. ..d /o. ...lFi. in rood t.nh.nd...or<Iin: ro rh. rur.r or th. krd...d.t ki.n.. Reporting Limit Lab Sample ID: L39407-0lA Field Sample ID: PA120899-01 Site lD: Precision Air UST/35-8 I 57-24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES tt53 West3600 South Sdt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 26$8585 Toll Free (888)26}ffi6 Fax(801) 26}.8f87 Units = pglkg-dry Compound 'fetrachloroethene l, l, I -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlofluoromethane 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane Vinyl chloride Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgable Petoleum Hydrocarbons Released Reporting Limit l8 l8 18 l8 l8 l8 8.9 18 t8 l8 18 l8 18 36 180 7o Moisture: Arnount Detected 28 <18 <18 <lg <18 <lg <lg < 8.9 <18 <18 260 35 <18 110 <36 420 ,r Laboratory Supervisor Rcport Datc: Dcccmbcr 29,1999 Thiile porr s ptovded tor th( crclusive ur ot thc rddc*. Priyitltcr o, $blaqwnt u o{ th. Bnc o, this MP.ny or-.n, acnbCr o, with th. .dvc;tr*F€nt, promotion or el. o, .ny p.oduct d prs, d in @tGti6 witi lrra cpublication o{ thit EPoft ,or rny PutFL 6^ .-<mn<ibilitv .reDt ,or th. d@ o.rro.m.@ of i^ao<lion a.d/or .ulysis i^ tood ,aith and tccqdin; it. r..ff, d [production o, thir Eport in orctiff oth.r th.n ,or ah. rddrc eill ba Srutad only 6 AIVTERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 453 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 253-8585 TollFree(888)26?ffi Fax(8Ol) 263&7 Compound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroforrr Chloromethane o-Chlorotoluene p-Cblorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifl uoromethane l,l-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethene trans l,2-Dichloroethene cis l2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropare cis' 1,3 -Dichloropropene trans 1,3 -Dichloropropene Methylene chloride l, l, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2 -T etrachloroethane ORGAMC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Contacr: Roy McDonald Collected:December 8, 1999 Analyzed: December 14,1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #82604/5030A Lab Sampl e lD: L39407 -02A Field Sample ID: PA120899-02 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMpOUNIDS Units: pglkg-dry 26 Reporting Limit 2.7 2.7 2.7 6.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 67 2.7 6.7 2.7 2.7 )1 ., ,| 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 7o Moisture: Amount Detected <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 < 6.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <67 <2.7 < 6.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 Report Datc: Deccmbcr 22,1999 This report is prcvided ro. th..rclusiv. u! o, th..ddrc. Privil.tes o,3ubrqwnt u* oI thc nrne ol thig Gomp.ny or.ny member of ils 5tafr, or rprcduction ol tN3 rcport in ffitim with thr .dw,ri!6!nt, p.o6ori6 o. eb oa.ny product d pcc$. a in conmtiO with th. ,*public.tion ot lhir cporl ,o( .nI pu.pos olh.. th.n ,or th. .ddEE will bc grentrd only o .6^r'r.t Thi< .6mo.nr ..c.otq o rapnribilitv trcpl ,o. lh. du. rarotmanc€ o, in3oactron a6dlor r^.lvrir i^ sfird f.ith .nd .c(ordint lo th. ruler of ,h. tredc rnd of *icncc Lab Sample ID: L39407-02A Field Sample ID: PA120899-02 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.00i Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 453 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (n\26vw Totl Free (8E8)263-8ffi Fax(801) 26YW7 Units: pdkg-dry Compound Tetrachloroethene l, l, I -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Vinyl chloride Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgable Peholeum Hydrocarbons Reporting Limit 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 5.4 27 7o Moisture: Amount Detected 26 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 < 1.3 <2.7 <2.7 4E <2.7 <2.7 <2.7 < 5.4 48 Released Supervisor Report Date: Dcccmber 29, l9()9 Thrs report rs provided lor the exclusiv. u! o, tlts eddrr- Privil.tet o, $bt qu.nl uE o[ tlr. Mm. or lhi3 cmp.ny ot rny nclrbar o, il3 rt.ft, or EpFdudion o, thi3 npori in (mdo with rhe .dvrrrrrme^t, promotion ot el. o[ .ny produEt q pcil, q in @ruEiim wilh tlu rpublicrlion oI lhit Epott 60r rny PurPor oth.r then for lhr tddnrG will bc tr.ntcd onlr 6..r..,,,-' r!,! nnr"!@nsibililvrreotforth.du.p.rform.ncroti^srdion.ndlor.n.lv3iiingoodl.itltatld.cotdinttothcrul.softh.tr.d..ndor<ir'E ORGAMC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Contact: Roy McDonald Collected:DecemberS, 1999 Analyzed: December 13, 1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: Pwge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #82604/5030A Lab Sample ID: L39407-03A Field Sample ID: PA120899-03 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.00i Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOLJIYDS Units = Feikg_dr,, 1 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORA.TORTES 4di West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah &4115 16 (801) 2598586 TollFree(888)263-8ffi Fax(801) 26TW7 Comoound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroform Chloromethane o-Chlorotoluene p-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifl uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane I ,l -Dichloroethene trans 1,2-Dichloroethene cis l,2-Dichloroethene l2-Dichloropropane cis 1,3-Dichloropropene trans 1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride l, l, 1,2-Tetrachioroethane 1,1,2,2 -T etrachloroethane 2.5 2.5 2.5 6.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 62 2.5 6.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 licport Datc: Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 < 6.2 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <62 <2.5 < 6.2 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 December 22. 1999 This .epo.t is provided ,or lhe Gxclusiv€ u$ of th. .ddr.3G- P,ivilcges o, subrquGna ur o, thc n.me o, this comptny or eny mcmbe. o, its starf, o. rprcduction o, tNr rpoit in ciGtihpilh lhr .clvr.ti*m.nt. prcmotion ot gla o, any Paoducl d PtG, oi in cowctim uith tha rc-public.tion o, thir Eport lor rny purpo* olh.. th.n Io. thG addon will bc arentrd onty m conlr.cl. This comp.^y .ct pts no BPon3ibility .repl ,or th. due pcrfo.m.rc o, in3prction rnd,/or rn.lvsis in Eood ,.ith .nd .ccordi^g to th. rul.3 o, th. tr.d. .nd o, *i.nc. Lab Sample ID: L39407-03A Field Sample ID: PA120899-03 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOTJI\DSAMERICAN WEST Unirs: pg/kg-dry ANALYTICAL LABOzuJTORIES Reporting Limit 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 25 %o Moisture: Amount Detected <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 < 1.2 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 < 5.0 <25 l6 453 West 3600 South Salt LalG City, Utah 84115 (801) 2598686, Toll Free (888)26W Fax(801) 26ffi7 Compound Tetrachloroethene l, l, I -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlofluoromethane 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane Vinyl chloride Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgable Peholeum Hydrocarbons ' Low Quality concol recoveries were observed. A duplicate analysis was performed with the sarr.eresult, indicating a matix effect. Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Rcport Date: Dcccmbcr ?9. 1999 This reporr rs provided lor the exclusiv€ u* ot lhr .ddrc. Privilcges of nbeqEnt u o, lh. Mmc o, thB comp.ny or rny mambcr of it! 3t.fI, tr Eproduclioo o, thit nport in conGtim wrrh rhe advrrrieme nt, promotion or eL o, .ny P.odwt q ptg. q ir ocriil with th. Gpublic.tion o, lhi. Eporl ,o. .ny purpoa. oth.. th.n 60r th..ddrc will bc gnnrGd uly il .,!atra.r Thrr '(,mo.nv ..cepls ^o resrcnsibilily exepr lor rha du pat omrmc ol inspoction rnd/or emlysir in qood lrifh erd rcordina to lhc ru16 or lha t..dc rnd of sicre. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Contact: Roy McDonald Collected:December 8, 1999 Analyzed: December 1,3,1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #82604/5030A Lab Sample ID: L39407-044 Field Sample iD: PA120899-04 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOT'NDS rlffi West 3500 South Units = pglkg-dry Salt t ake City, Utah 84115 Reporting Limit 2.4 2.4 2.4 s.9 2.4 2.4 2.4 s9 2.4 5.9 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 7o Moisture: Amormt Detected <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 < 5.9 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <59 <2.4 < 5.9 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 l5 (eol)25vW TollFree(888)263-W Fax(801)26}.8687 Compound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroforrr Chloromethane o-Chlorotoluene p-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifl uoromethane I , l -Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethene trans 1,2-Dichloroethene cis l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis l,3-Dichloropropene trans l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride l, l, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-T etrachloroethane Rcport Date: December 22, 1999 This report is p,ovidcd lor th. erclusiv. ur g, th. add.6s. Privile8es ol subequnt us o, thc ume ol this (cmp.ny or .ny menbet ol ilr sl.ft, or Eprodudion o, thi3 E[Drt in coorEtii with the adverti*6ent, prcmotion or sli! g, any product or pq6. or in conn€ction with th€ r-publrc.tion o, tlus report lor eny purpo* othet thrn ,or thc rddre will ba trutad only 6 contaact. Thi s .om pa n y .ccepts no r6Pontibility lrcpt tor th€ due perform e nce ol inspcction a nd /o, a na I v3i s i n gtrd f a i lh , nd a cco.dina to the ru lei oI lha trada and ol riare. Lab Sample ID: L39407-044 Field Sampie ID: PAI20899-04 Site ID: Precision AiTUST/35-8157.24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOUNDSAMERICATI WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 25&8686 Toll Free (888) 253-8586 Fax(801) 26TW7 Units: pgikg-dry Comoound Tetrachloroethene l, l, I -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlofluoromethane 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane Vinyl chloride Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Prugable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Reporting Limit 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 t.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 4.8 24 o/o l\Ioisture: Amount Detected <2.1 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.1 <2.4 < 1.2 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 < 4.8 <24 l5 ' Low Quality control recoveries were observed. A duplicare analysis was performed with the sarr,ercsult, indicating a matrix effect. Released by:/ Laboratory Supervisor ltcport Datc: Dcccmber 19. 1999 This rcporl rs provid.d lor ahe .rclsriy. ue oI th. .ddrc. PrivilcAes ol rubrqrnt u oI tfi. uoc oI thL compeny or eny mcmbcr ol il! rt.rr, or Eproduction o, thir slport in GonEtif wrrh rhe advrrrr*m.nt, premotim or ab of .ny p.oduct q pcx, c in onmtim wattr tha Gpublac.tion of lhir Eporl ,or rny purpo! olh.r thrn ,or Or .ddrc will br tr.ntcd only 6 .ontra.r Thr( :omo.nv .cepts ^o .6po.3ibility "rapl tor lh. dur pc.rorhare oI iup<ti6 end/or eulvsir in :@d f.ilh tnd rccordint to thc rul.3 ot thc tr.da .^d of <i?na AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 36fl) South Sdt Lal<e City, Utah 84lls ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Contact: Roy McDonald Collected:December 8, 1999 Analyzed: December 14,1999 Received: December 9, 1999 Analysis Requested: Purge & Trap by GC/MS SW846 #8260fu5030A Lab Sample ID: L39407-08A Field Sample ID: PA120899-08 Site ID: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS Units: pgll- (801) 25$8685 TollFree(888)?bTW Fax(801) 263'ffi7 Compound Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinylether Chloroform Chloromethane o-Chlorotoluene p-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichl orodifl uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans 1,2-Dichloroethene cis l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis 1,3-Dichloropropene trans 1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride 1, l, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2 -T etachlo roethane Reporting Limit 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 50 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2-O 2.0 2.0 2.O 2.0 2.0 2.0 Amount Detected <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <50 <2.0 < 5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 5.6 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Rcport Date: December 22, 1999 This report i! provided lor the crclurivc u! of tlE.ddr6s. Privilete. ol subsqucnt ur ol thc nrme ol th6 comp.nv or eny membcr of its $.f,, d rprcductbn o, thir c?ct in cffitifl wilh lhs .dverti*oenl. p.omotion ot elc of rny producr u pcr, or in conncttion with th€ re-publi(ation oI this ..poi ,or .ny puttD- othar than ,ot lha addtu will ba tr'ufd 6ly m Lab Sample ID: L39407-08A Field Sample ID: PA120899-08 Site ID: Precision Air UST/]5-8157-24.00t Analytical Results HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS "*o*t$ units = pg/L ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Compound Tetrachloroethene 1, l, I -Trichloroethane l, 1,2-Trichloroethane 453 West 3600 South Trichloroethene salt I.ake .,o,Ji* Trichlofl uoromethane 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane Vinyl chloride Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene (wl)ztx8ffi Toluene Toll Free (888 ) 263r8ff6 EthYlberuene Fax (801) 253-8f8.7 o-Xylene m & p Xylene Naphthalene Total Purgable Petoleum Hydrocarbons Reteased o,Q*D r Laboratory Supervisor Reporting Limit 2.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 20 Amount Detected <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 1.0 <2.0 <2.0 2,100 7.4 18 50 6.8 1,400 Rcport Date: Dcccmbcr 29, 1999 Thi3 rePorl is Provided ,q th! uclusiv. ur of ahr rddm*. PriviLt6 e, subxquGnt u* oI tha Dnr oI this cmpeny or .ny m.mblr oI its rt.ff, or Gproductbn of this nport in conGtiswilh lhc .dvc.lirmrnt, Pomoti6 ot eb or lny Prcducl q Ptqa, qin @nmctim rith tha rpublic.tion o, thit Eport fo. .ny purpox othcr rh.n foi lllc rddmn *ill * gnnt.d only on.onttrct Thir .omg.nY.ccepts no GPontibilily.rept ror th. duc p.rfo.6.ro, inig<tion.nd/or rnalysis in Bood ,.ith.nd rccording to thc rul.s of th! tr.d..nd ot <icncc & ,d"h#ffiffi,*ffi .: l:'li: :ii\,LIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L39407 Precision Air UST/3 5 -8 | 57 -24.00 | Sample ID: Batch ID: 4ndvte---- LCS-56I 56r Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount Decembcr 20,1999 Low %REC Limit TPH-E Result Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit QualifiersUnits: mg/L (ppm) Toluene Released by 14.94 20 0 74.7 70 130 ( Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: Dccember 23, 1999 ( l,',' '' QC SUMMARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC t-39407 I'recisiorr Air UST/3 5 -Bl 57 -24.00 I Sample ID Ilatch ID: 4ld&-_ LCS-498 49S Analysis Date: .Amount Original Spiked Amount December 13, 1999 Low %REC Limit TPH-E Result Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit QualifiersUnits: Toluene mg/kg (ppm) 17.98 20 0 89.9 70 130 ( ( e<1-, Report Datc: Decembcr 23, 1999 QC SIJMIVIARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L39407 Precision Air UST/35 -8157-24.001 SamplelD: L39392-09CAMS Batch ID: 498 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount December 13,1999 Low %REC Limit TPH-E Result Upper Limit %PJD RPD Limit QualifiersAnqly_!g_ Units: mg/kg (ppm) Toluene 18,29 20 0 9t.4 50 150 Sample ID: Batch ID; @ L39392-09CMSD 498 Analysis Date: Amount Original December 13, 1999 Low %REC Limit TPH.E Result Spiked Amount Uppcr Limit %RPD RPD Limit 50 r50 2.299.920019.97 Units: mg/kg (ppm) Toluene 30 SampleID: L39407-01BMS Batch ID: 514 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount December 17, 1999 Low %P.f'C Limit TPH-E Result Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit QualifiersAtqlvl" --Units: mglkg (ppm) foluene 18.73 20 0 93.7 50 150 Sarrrple ID: L39407-01 BMSI) Batch ID: 5 l4 Analysis Date: Amount Original December 17, 1999 Low %REC Limit TPII-Ii (Anqlre --Result Spiked Amount Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit QualifiersUnits: mg/kg (ppm) Toluene 18.62 20 0 93. I 50 150 0 30 t{2---->? Report Date: December 23, 1999 "'1''. 'ia 'n, Wj*fu;l:!ff :fl: ( Oualifiers .:.1 QC ST'MMARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L39407 Precision Air UST/35 -8157-24.001 Sample ID: Batch ID: Analye L39426-0lBMS R949 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount December 13, 1999 Low %REC LimitResult Upper Limit HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS RPD ToRPD Limit QualifiersUnits: Fglkg Trichloroethene Toluene Chlorobenzene Benzene l,l -Dichloroethene 19.3 20.34 18.47 19.32 19.88 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 t22 127 145 t37 150 0 0 0 0 0 9s.6 l0l 91.4 95.6 98.4 67 63 53 6l 63 Sample ID: Batch ID: L39426-01BMSD R949 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount December 13,1999 Low %REC LimitResult Upper Limit HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS RPD ToRPD Limit Qualificrs4qalvlg--Unis: pClkS Trichloroethene Toluene 18.62 20.01 19.43 18.57 21.2s 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 92.2 99 96.2 92 105 0 0 0 0 0( Chlorobenzene Benzene I , I -Dichloroethene Released by: 0.892 0.413 1.27 0.986 t.67 25 25 25 25 25 Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: Dcccmber 22, 1999 ( ffi.,w #r.QC SUMI\{ARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L39407 Precision Air USTi35 -8157-24.001 Sample lD: Batch ID: Analyte LCS VOA R949 Result Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount Deccmber 13, 1999 Low ToREC Limit Upper Limit IIALOGENATED COMPOUNDS RPD ToRPD Limit Qualificrs ( Units: pg/kC Trichloroethene Toluene Chlorobenzene Benzene I , I -Dichloroethene 19.46 20.04 18.76 19.74 20.31 t20 123 128 127 158 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 97.3 100 93.8 98.7 102 77 70 73 75 66 Released b1':A.b uLil"'ys6;;f Report Date: December 22, 1999 ( WORK ORDER Summary I 0-Dec-99 Work Order L39407 Client ID: Project: Comments: KLEIOO Precision Air UST/3 5-8 I 57 -24.00 I PA Rush - Level I QC QC Level: QC I Snmple ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Date Received Date Due Matrix Test (.orle Stornge UJJ o_ = CD lrJE J- cf) H CJ@ ]k t_39407-0 I A t-39407-0 I B L39407-02A t.39407-028 L39407-03A L39407-038 L39407-04A L39407-048 t.39407-05A t,39407 -07 A t.19407-08A I .r9107-088 1..r9+07-09A 1..19{(}7-098 I .r9.1()7- l()A I i9.107- I0ll PA I 20899-0 I PA120899-02 PA r 20899-03 PA I 20899-04 PA I 20899-05 PA r 20899-06 PA I 20899-07 PA r 20899-08 sT I 20899-() I t2/8t99 t2t9t99 t2t20t99 t2/20t99 t2t20t99 t2t20t99 t2/20/99 t2t20t99 12t20t99 t2t20/99 t2t20t99 t2/20t99 t2t20t99 12t20t99 t2120/99 t2t20t99 t2120/9e t2t20t99 t2t20t99 12120t99 t2t20tL)9 t2t20t99 I 2'l{) ,)() l?i20tv) 12;20 9() 12,'?{)'9() l) t1o.99 I 2/l(l/r)') 12t20t99 Solids Watcr VOX/N4 B'l'lrXN-S \zOC F'ridee Bl'x-l,ttDl, TI)I I-S VOX/lvlUTIXN-S VoCFridge BTX-PREP TP}{.S VOX/N4BTEXN-S VOCFridge B]'X.PREP TPH.S VOX/MB'tl:XN-S VOCFridge BTX.I'REP 1'PI-t-S l]'l'X-l)Rlil'} htx liidgc ll'lx/l l'll-S htr fridge ll lX-l'l{l;l' htr liiclgc BTXfl Pll-S bts tiidge BI'X-PREP bts lridge BTXr.l'l'll-S htr liidge VOX Nltl ll:XN- \'()CFriclgc RI X-l'ltlrl') \\' l:tr liidge I l'l l-\\ lrtr li itlle \/OX \ll] ll.\N- \'OClrritlgc R l'X-l'lil:l' \\ lrtr liirlgc l'l'l l-\\ htr, liitlgc \'o\ \llII I x\-\ \ ()( l:rirl:.rc lt I \-l'l{l l' I l,l I-S page ) 2 119107-06A ) s I ll()ti9e-02 Solrtls lofl American West Analytical Labs -t I rsr 1r"I.EINFETDER j:/, ,i Ii- r,,u ,' >\ r"t PROJECT NAME Q-*tsq-'^ RECEIVING tAB: -.*-9s t, r *-t\s ) ) * zq;-.,'r L.P NO. (PO. NO. SAMPLE I.D.MATRIX NO. OF coN- TAINERS I OF TYPE coN- TAINERS INSTFI UCTION9FIEMAFIKS DATE MM/DDTTY SAMPLE I.D. NME HH.MM.SS \"2 x V x1 I -)g/yt \1\o pglot3gg-or t ..\\ I I x x xI i \7eo I -03 X x I3\\ 9? I I I \\o9 O\x >L *.l \ 6\g -o9 I x X5 I I \960 'oc x x6: I 7 I I \9r9 - o-l A Ur,v x 8 It.\,1.)\coo v^ 4 oz \:,C 7 \oN x x x I iilz)n r ?\,\o fr,\t-u*gg -o\\\,O c \oN x x x \aDZ /7 -A)9*t \\\oz x x x10 ll 12 13 l.l 15 l6 t7 18 19 20 -/-. Dat./Time\4d"lvle R.calvad by: lSlgnaturs) VacJ-*.-- tqP OaldTlm tzlqletlt,'n R.c.tu d by: (Slgnrruro)a;4 , ,,o/elcffim.,V{n lrr;z{ ,ad& Laborllory by: (Sign.tun)bJ'*^-*ile fu-TueP+*evtutP lnilructionYRomerl(s: ,J uucpa-,jj>- _ LAKE CITY, UT 84109-1660 466-6769 Send Flesults To: >a6t) Attn: WAY ) -\..- R6linquish6d by: (Slgnaturc) b.* - uF a SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Date Sampled: December 08, 1999 Lab Sample ID: L39406 Analvsis Reouested: Unified Soil Classification Analvtical Results Contact: Roy lt,lcDonald Datc Received: December09, 1999 lvfcthod Rcf. Nunrber: D2488-84, X4.2 453 West 3600 South Salt Lake Ciry Utah 84115 (ffit)263-886 Toll Free (888)263-8f86 Fax(801) 26Tffi7 Rcleased by Lab Samole ID.: L39406-OlA L39406-02A L39406-O3A Field Sample ID.: Precision Air/35-8 I 57 -24.W1 YTCrr !:'uo\- Ti I Precision Air/35-8 I 57 -24.W01 USC #2 Precision Ai/3 5-8 I 57 -24.W0 L USC #3 Classification: I-ean Clay (CL) Sandy l.ean Clay (CL) Clayey Sand (SC) lofl Eptlduction o, thit Eport ir otlGtid ,or lhc rddm will b. grtnt d only m This r€porl rs prcvrded Report Date 12113199 tht ilmc o[ ihit mprny or rny ocobc] o, it! rt.ft, tr oth.r thrnwilh lhe.dvrrli*m€nl. Laboratory Supervisor Elrublicrtion o{ lhir rporl 60r.ny purpo* i-I /^. in'lv.i. i. # ,iilh rnrl rffieinr af American West Analytical Labs WORK ORDER Summary dK 09-Dec-99 Work Order L39406 Client ID: Project: Comments: KLEIOO Precision Air/35-8 I 57-24.00 I PA Rush QC Level:GCi Sample ID Client Samplc ID Collection Dnte Drte Reccived Datc Duc Matrix Test Cotle Stornge L39406-0lA L39106-02A L39106-03A USC #I USC #3 USC #4 t2t9t99 t2t20t99 t2/20t99 12t20/99 Soliclst2t8t99 USC USC USC usc/tclp tusc/tclp usc/tclp ) Page 1 ot 1 *l -i ) Ifl 35-4t57- 2Afreol TEINTETDER PNOJECT NAME 0(! PFOJECT NO RECEIVING LAA: Tests,c^t *.L ,4-o+rr, r.r--., 2€$ /-- ) ) (PO NO 2-t52 {slgn.i'rdNuntbl4 TYPE OF coN. TA$ERS INSTFIJCTIONs/REMAFKS OAIE s*"ar,.o7 IWE Htt-MM-S3 SAMPI€ r.o. coN- TANEAS NO OF vIDla/n tL:+u*# I 4ru I w ,iJit*lt:r7 LE<-*3 4tu I Et\A X 3 tl:of u+a++4uu I 6+4 ( tl 5 6 0 I r8 r9 2A F.lhquirh.d byr (Slcn.lu.l F.linqush6d by: (Slgn.hr.) @trM@ R.c.fvd ts L.bordo.y by: /r: ,rA-,ffiD aOO-*a-+vP -r/ ?oy v<L@z-*-"-P *#} EqST PABLEY'S WAYSUII??OF SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84109-1660 (801) 466-6769 -2J.77 KLEINFELDER DFJA I rIIT IIIIII IIIII II IrIIII rIIT IIII IIIIIIII IIrrII ItIII IIIIIII SrIIIII IIIII2IIIIIII IIIIIr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIv ITI IIIIIIIIIITIII IIIrISIIIrIIr III III IIIIIII II EIII III II IIII wz IIII IIIIIII I sIIII IIIrIIIII 1IIIIIIIr IIIIIII IIIIIIIIITrIIIIIIIIIrIIIT r- l/' I 2 tt AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 4di West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 TOTAL METALS Analytical Results INORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SlC Contact: Roy McDonald Date Sampled: December 8, 1999 Date Received: December 28, 199 Project: Precision Air UST/35-8157-24.001 Lab Sample ID: Field Sample ID:L3958s-01A PA120899_01 Units Date Analyzed Method Used Reporting Lirnit Amount Detected (EO1) 2598685, TollFree (888) 25$8686 Fax (801) 26ffi7 Lead Released by ms/ks lA29l99 60108 5.0 t7 ? Laboratory Report Date: December 29, lggg page I of t This .epo.t is provided lo. th€ .rclusiv. us ol the .ddr€s*. Prrviletes o, lubequent ux o, th! mmc oI this cmprny ot .ny mcob". o, itr ttrlr, fi npEdudon o, dfu nPod ir cmGtis with th. rdvcrti*ment, promotion o. sl. o, .ny producl or prces, or in connaclion wiah rhr republicrtion ot lhir EID'I br.ny purpora otts thrn tot tha addtraE will bc grmtcd mly o .dntrrrt Thir-.'no^nvac.pot!nor6Dnsibrli,v"'..otF6.thcdUeoptform.nc?o[i^sor.tio^.ndlorrn.lv3i3in:oodr.ith.ndrccordinatoth.tulBoftlEtrtdrrndofxicre. X' r. 6b${ -i{:L'j .+#ii/ -:i+,j ijt. rl ":ti QC SUMI\{ARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L39585 Precision Air UST/3 5 -81 57 -24.00 | Sample ID: Balch ID: Ana L39585-0 r AMS 624 Analysis Date: Amount Original Spiked Amount December 29,1999 Low %REC Limit ICP METALS (Total) Result Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit Qualifiers Units: Lead mg/kg l19 100 l7 102 75 125 (SampleID: L39585-0lAMSD Batch lD: 624 Analysis Date: Amount Original December29, 1999 Low %REC Limit ICP METALS (Total) Result Spiked Amount Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit OualifiersAnalylg- Units: mg/kg Lead Released by: 128 100 l7 lll 75 t25 z.tt 20 ( Report Date: December 29, 1999 It '!: .*h ffi,ffiW"ffiw*,4n:-fi'gt- ,R'r.H* 14 QC STJMI\{ARY REPORT CLIENT: Work Order: Project: Kleinfelder-SLC L39585 Precision Air UST/35 -8157-24.001 Sample ID: LCS-624 Batch ID: 624 Analysis Date: Amount Original December29, 1999 Low %REC Limit ICP METALS (Total) Result Amount Upper Limit %RPD RPD Limit mglkg l.t4 100 0 l.14 80 120 s ( Released by: Supervisor ( Report Date: December 29, 1999 Units: Lead 7 m{.'sffl 1 IAmerican West Analytical Labs OC WORKORDERSUmmaT KLEIOO Prccision Air UST/35-8 157-24.001 QC Level: QC I Extreme Rush 24 hourExtremE Rush 24 hour - Level I QC fiou .6C 28-Dec-99 Work Order L39585 Client lD: Project: Commenls: Samplc lD Clio'|a Ssmple ID Collcctlon Drte D!tc Rcc€ived Dllte Due Mitrir Test Code Storag. L39585-0t A PA 120899-0t t2t8/99 t2t28t99 3 051 ICP.S Solids RUSHFridge RUSHFridge ) Page 1 ol l t/l l/00 l/ /00 I ) m a- I Client Address o cr) N Io (o N I oo Phone/Fax Contact Project Name t&. Project Number/P.O.# c ^cl .ocsl ,) 15 c 0 o- ln N o) 01 CD RL o o ! Al\'llr,RlCAN WEST ANALVTICAI, LABORATORIES 461 Wesl 3600 Soulh Snlt Lake City, tltah b4t ls CTTAIN OT'Lab PageCUSTODY gslp O / .>E i, Oi Sampld I I (80 r ) 253$686 Far (80t) 263-868? Iil II tlr LABOhATORY US wEne; 1 Shipped or hand tuole.i. 2 Ambient or Chille fuo(es Recelved Broken (lmproperly Sealr Y A,loles: Propaly Preserv, Y Nolei: Recehcd tluhln Holding TirEs Y A/olesl COC T.pe Wr.: 1 Prelent on Oulor YN 2 Unbrok€n oo Out Package YN 3 Pr€seot on Samp YN Unbroken on Sar YN Noles: Discrepancies Betwe Lab€ls and COC l/ores.' II Clly State lip 5-I 3 Temperatur! )Lab lD No. (Lab Only)Sample lD lf,oo o)=oo o E Eo oo .x a:o = =IEob a{,,ct! coo o o6 EIz Y \N rOt\COMMENTS /n t;-o& 1i-at l2 .* -f1 5 I I Rellqdshcd By: Srgr,.furl Ortaflimc PRINTNAME Rccelled By: S&rrrrrun Oalor'Timc PRINT NAME lr;2,OelrflimG. rz/zs/qq PRINT NAME <.- Raceived By: Signaturu I Orl6mmr Special I nstruc'tions: PRINT NAME I Circle One: ,TAT I LEVEL of QC ,,i' ; I I , LL"''i INVIRONiYIENTAL RlS. ir.lSE & Rii ENTE-:] Ifl KLEINFELDER '\ti enlDloyee of'ned comDanv & Remediation Trans Date File Copies To Ms. Robin Jenkins 8Y 35-8157-24.001 IUtah Div. of Env. 168 Nonh 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Subject UST Closure Notice for Precision Air Stte We are sending fiAuached I Under separate cover find attached a cow of the Closure Notice for the Air site located at 20 South 2400 West in Salt Inke Cin note. Kleinfelder. Inc. will be submittinp a detailed UST for the Droiect in the near As Requested For Approval For Your Use For Review & Comment Please call me with any questions. '7 (- L---zr2.z By Coinne Hillard Copvrlgbtt$9?,d{leirfdder26rzT t.ist Parley's Way, Sa,t Lar<e Cirv, LrT 84'l 09-1 61 7 (801 ) 166-(t769 {BQl1ji\*i@frt}ita@ement\trans.doc) Via: Messenger \ First Class Mail Air - Fed Ex United Parcel - Air Freight a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION \Iichael O. l*avitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director TO 168 North I 950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt lake Cilv. Utah 841 14-.18.10 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. PATTI NELIS SALT LAKE DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS AMF BOX 22084 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84L22 Enclosed is information regarding: Tank Notification Form Tank Closure Plan Tank Closure Notice Certified Tank Installers Certified Tank Removers Certified Tank Testers Certified Groundwater & Soil Samplers State Certified Labs Other: Facility l.D. # _400225 I Date: t2/23 /99 From: Garv Astin Utah UST Administrative Rules R31 I Utah UST Act EPA UST Regulations 40 CFR 280 PST Fund Information Releaselleak [nformation MUSTS for USTs Bitling Information kak Detection Information I Message: Enclosed is a fee invoice for UST registration fees for the tank at Former Precision Air, 20 South 2400 West, Salt Lake City (facilitylD# 4002258). We have waived the PST Fund assessments, so the invoice is for the registration fee only, with interest on the fee amounts also removed. Please call if you have any questions. If you have any questions, please contact me at (801) 536-4103 Sincerely, Speedmemo.wpd 12123199 ll:.40 ANI CIrf"'-Jn,p[.e'[rn' ttsro, Faa prin up,rl- {.r Ft(8E-ao' Fze a{e,r^od r(,t\ou?A, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM Ad tTr Form uSIADrSiT (RE1/ E/l o/90) rL f s8 Date: tzlzolq #: 'luzz ADDRESS: OWNER: Re-bill t t4^ {3 () (cirde one or more) CHARGES qr-{ --fes-NoReason for : ADJUSTMENT REFLIND Fzt4 2Fq)I o ture: oz lll oz lrlrlil r((v 7 OF REQUIRED) Mamger OFREQTIRET, M.S.C. I 44- (Jil U lrlFtrl lrlo t<z o 2 ,! '. ..a I MEMORANDUM Kent P. Gray. Executive Secretary. (UST) ,/ Dale Marx. UST Branch Manager QIl\ Therron Blatter, UST Section Manager -j/_- Gary Astin tfs- December 13,1999 .i-1 TO RE THROUGH FROM: DATE: Waiver or Determination of Non-Collectability FACTS OWNER: Salt Lake City Department of Airports FACILITY NAME: Former Precision Air FACILITY ID#: 4002258 DATE TANKS CLOSED: l2tglgg DATE LAST USED: Approx. 1981 DATE OWNER ACQUIRED OWNERSHIP: Property owner since before 1981, never operated tank FEES OWED: 52.460.47 FI-IND OWED: $3,776.26 RECOMMENDATION (/). Deem fee interest amounts uncollectible in accordance with Executive Secretary policy described below, because fee and fund amounts were incurred before current owner obtained ownership, tanks were not operated after current owner obtained the tanks, and the current owner closed the tanks within a reasonable period of time after acquiring them, or becoming aware of their existence. Waive penalty for non-payment of registration fees because no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July 1, 1991. (/). Waive fund fees, interest and penalties. because no fuel has been dispensed from the rank on or after Jull'1. 1991. 0 a LEGAL AUTHORITY Under the policy adopted by the Executive Secretary on June 7, 1994: The Executive Secretary will n,it issue a Certificate of Compliance unless all past- due PST and registration fees, interest and penalties, are brought current, regardless of whether there has been a change in ownership. The Executive Secretary may decline to exercise his discretion to actively pursue collection of past-due PST and registration fees, penalties and interest. if the current owner (who has never operated the tanks) closes the tanks within a reasonable time period. 2. Under the 1994 amendments to the Underground Storage Tank Act The Executive Secretary may waive any penalty (not registration fees and interest) assessed under l9-6-408(5d) Utah Code (registration fee) if no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July l, 1991. The Executive Secretary may waive all or part of the fees (by implication this includes penalties and interest) required for a petroleum storage tank, under Utah Code $ 19-6-41l(10) if no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or afrer July I, 1991. COMMENTS Recommend waiver of PST Fund due and non-collect on registration fees interest due. Cost of collection would exceed the amount to be collected. Airport never operated the tank. but has been propertv owner. It is anticioated that the aimort Dav the resistration fee nrincioal amount for fv I a b. a. b. waiver.frm Deember 13, 1999 (l:53PM) MEMORANDUM Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary, (UST)TO: THROUGH: FROM DATE Dale Marx, UST Branch Manager QIf\ Therron Blatter, UST Section Manager I(b cav Astin gfv December 13,1999 RE Waiver or Determination of Non-Collectability FACTS OWNER: Salt Lake City Department of Airports FACILITY NAME: Former Precision Air FACILITY ID#: 4W2258 DATE TANKS CLOSED: l2l8l99 DATE LAST USED: Approx. 1981 DATE OWNER ACQUIRED OWNERSHIP: Property owner since before 1981, never operated tank FEES OWED: $2.460.47 FUND OWED: $3,776.26 RECOMMENDATION (/). Deem fee i41er9qt amounts uncollectible in accordance with Executive Secretary policy described below, because fee and fund amounts were incurred before current owner obtained ownership, tanks were not operated after current owner obtained the tanks, and the current owner closed the tanks within a reasonable period of time after acquiring them, or becoming aware of their existence. Waive penalty for non-payment of registration fees because no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July I , 199 I . (/). Waive fund fees, interest and penalties, because no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July 1, 1991. 0. LEGAL AUTHORITY 1. Under the policy adopted by the Executive Secretary on June 7, 1994: The Executive Secretary will not issue a Certificate of Compliance unless all past- due PST and registration fees, interest and penalties, are brought current, regardless of whether there has been a change in ownership. The Executive Secretary may decline to exercise his discretion to actively pursue collection ofpast-due PST and registration fees, penalties and interest, ifthe current owner (who has never operated the tanks) closes the tanks within a reasonable time period. 2. Under the 1994 amendments to the Underground Storage Tank Act: The Executive Secretary may waive any pglgty (not registration fees and interest) assessed under 19-6-408(5d) Utah Code (registration fee) if no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or afterJuly 1, 1991. The Executive Secretary may waive all or part of the fees (by implication this includes penalties and interest) required for a petroleum storage tank, under Utah Code $ 19-6-411(10) if no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July l, 1991. COMMENTS Recommend waiver of PST Fund due and non-collect on registration fees interest due. Cost of collection would exceed the amount to be collected. Aimort never qperated the tank. but has been property owner. It is anticinated that the airnort will oav the resistration fee nrincinal amounf for fvl 2000. a. b. a. b waiver.frm December 13, 1999 (l:53PM) Date: I #: 4o0zzrg I F I Facili ADDRESS: OWNER: S L htr afu. \ !gl O t 'vll/t _ *. \oltt' t8-zut (cirde one or more) Reason for : 'tf - L REFUND DELETE CHARGES Re-bill :fes-No oz trl U o z trl UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM Form AqntantMauger OF REQL,IREII M.S.C. asrA6jsr Gw E/to/yr) 7 4.A El EI lli z zptrt!& FzEl 2Fo D o o& U trlFtrl Fz D 24 ) .-..---F--_. -: :,-)*..5r*affi.!ffi1, ,1.?, r;4iis.;{tu::rq- w M - "'t'Eol+ LaLe Ci{o., Stateurffi' Owner Name Address Zip CodeTttlzz -City^..' t At State ZipCode-5at+ t-ake Li{< ur ffig11b -sunounding nelghborno@tion of tand use) teh,lai residential industrial/commercial {- ,,- CA,tbFacility Name Street Address-- - Zo 5oo{{,- 24oo TANKS CLOSED Tant<l No. I Tank No._Tank No._Tank No._Tank No._ 1. Estimated Capacity (gallons)lmh 2.fype (Steel, FRP, Composite)S{ee-i 3. Substance Stored L?)aocN,r 4. Date last used (?)lSurl ari' ., ll.| ,U4. Date Closed rdshs Qo*.rueal5. How closed (Rmvd, inplace, CIS) (t GW & Soil Sampler: Sea^ t/nl*{l*.Cert. #: GS t ZZZ Expiration Date: I lO( 5-tt Mrrt o Cert. #: TR Zq?- Expiration Date: alOOUST Remover: closure plan Y N By: N Copy of closure plan is on Site: * l'lon.2. Product removed:N 1. Own has an 3. Sludge removed: @ N By: tr r\ Disposed at:rl t{rl @ru Bv:'t Rinsate disposed at:rl4. Tanks cleaned:t 5. Non-explosive atmosphere inside tank obfained by: - Purging jtnerting. LEL or % Oxygen obtained: 6. Product lines were: - Cleaned, secured in plqce, and capped -r4Remo l site: AttaS Ste.( 7. Tank disposal site:A.iJas (+{r{8. Soir disposalsite: T, lU Stalgik/ /1a si(€- of contamination 0 -3 teet -V7 reater than 3leel V PID or FID meter readings (indicate location on the site plat.) Calibration specs:_Meter Gain or 1. Soil contamination is evident:N 2. Water contamination is evident:N t wateto I Ut^J - 7direction of surface 3. # of samptes cottected: - GW '{ soit 3 usc Auvror.'cq f,,Jrs!4. Certified Lab: 5. Analysis Methods @r 6=ii>@>BTEX O&G TRH HOCTN lndicate location and depth of samples on the site plat.6. lnspector observed collection of samples: N N/ lgs were collected: Y N n VUh.klo and submitted them to the State Lab for 8. Contaminated soil overexcavated: 7. lnspector collected licate ln Si Date:Cert# Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 UTAH UST PROGRAM Facility lD No. *t; ".:Z sy Permanent Closure Inspection l. Ownership of Tank(s) Contact Person P,L. Nrlisq)l <1-<-?t{?L TANK CLEANING AND REMOVAL: Antr, nal-;. tt U otlf{q{A{rt{d CLOSURE INSPECTION SITE PLA-. NOHTH Facil lD No O\lt\ cal r( t|E{7 L1 r.r z, I*'l ofl t'gS- lur,lrya 12 t ull{k*,,-a!'( \ !ri( sa*{lt I ilo 6rrt- nh ; [i[g 1* r-i*1 t\b uu,N ii * o L,[ dJ ^\l-tt ,r- tulA -Jt {.r fad' St J +urc 55 t *ut ttlwr/t 'il-t''.. ' :'[,I*'tr'f' d,DP 1F:*13i,*1". .( it 2- s5 r zrlodtL8 TO gt16 b 1. s, PID or FID a 5'l oo Potential Fleceptors: Distance (in feel) to the nearest: 7Flesidences---L Commercialbuildings .? Surface waler ---:- Underground: Sewer 4'1Telephoneline-----..rl- Electricalline---l- .d '*Hk ltui" 6!al Property rine-f!! water tine-?- Storm drain-f- Naturat sas rinerlrtt t, Stde / b/"! Other (specily) 1 Active water well ____L Comments a" f,ro-l t(5 l*X) a a oA cts r'-l * tla T["l ( @nln, d.y, yea,, t'ft) Date: ,alglqq6r* ft^h*cen# ( I AA 1i +i certify that I inspected the above-named facility on lnspector's Siqnalure: Distribulioni While-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facilily/Owner Revised 5/98 I DEPART}4ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALMY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. I-eavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Grav Director 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box t.l-18-10 Salt Lake City'. Utah 8+ I 1.1--1840 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Far (801 ) 536-.t-r t+ T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web r ILE 88PY ERRU-383-99 December l,1999 Patti Nellis Salt Lake City Department of Airports AMF Box 22084 Salt Lake City, Utah 84122 RE: Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Former Precision Air,20 South 2400 West, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4002258 The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on November24,l999, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Salt Lake City/County Health Department is no longer performing closure inspections. Please be sure the DERR office (not Salt Lake CitylCounty Health Department) is contacted at least 72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. Dear Ms. Nellis: Facility ID # Page 2 If during upcomin_e closure activities, it appears that a conhrmed petroieum release has occurred, then the conditions, as explained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. If you have any questions. please contact Gary Astin at (801) 536-4103. Sincerely, D n<* f_ Kent P. Gray, Executive S (usr) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/GKA/hsp Enclosures CC Tom Tallon, Chief. Salt Lake City Fire Department Roy McDonald, Kleinfelder lncorporated ^. UIIDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSURE PLAN (rev. 01/01/9/)FACILITY ID#ff"r,?,X"flfr LIID USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date mailed to Stale Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Roy McDonald of (company name)Kleinfelder Inc Phone # (E0l) 466-6769 Address 2617 East Parley's Way City Salt kke state utah Zip 84109 A Contractormay prcpare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. In preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submiaed in compliance with the requirements contained in R311-2@ Subpart G and R3ll-204 (U.A.C.) FACILITY INTORMA'TION Tank Owner Salt l,alce City Department of Airports Phone # (fi|) 575-3472 E sole pro,prietorship ! partnership [l corporation Address AMF Box 22OU City Salt Lake State Utah Zip Ul22 Facility Nome Former Precision Air STATE USE ONLY Date Received Date Mailed to LHD Date Received From LHD Reviewer/Date Approved rt Mgr. Review/Date ttl 7al fr Address 20 South Z0O West City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84116 Phone# (80l>575-3472Contact person Patti Nellis Total numberof regulated rmderground tanks at this sirc Total number of regulated undergromd tanks at this site to be closed 1 I Tank #I \!nv 2, Date Installed Unknown Capacity l,(x)o Substance stored'**Assumed Regular Date last operated Unknown * Iillicate thc specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, erc.) 't* Will bc saryled for solvents. For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other tlpes of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identifrif known)No Not lsrown Analysis for lead or other cotrtaminants may be required prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material. (Check with your disposal facility.) 35-8157-25.001\3519M201 Copyright 199 Kleinfelder, lnc 1 November 23,1999 TANK REMOVER Name Cen. # TR-24? Company Western Pipe Fabrication Address 267 West 1200 North City Centerville State Utah SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name 'E&Larrat-- 5a,rn Uala,rf ue- cert. # Company Kleinfelder, Inc. Address 2677 East Parley's W ay City Salr Lake state ulah CONTACT LOCAL ImALTII DISTRICT Name of Dist. State of Utah UST Sbcrion Co act Gary Harris Title Project Maaager CONTACT LOCAL ['IRE DEPT. Name of Dept.salt Lake city Fhe Contact Mike Salazar Tide Hazmat Inspector DISPOSAL INTORMATION Tank(s) wiU be disposed at: Facility Atlas Steel Scott Maybe Zip 84Ot4 I ZZLGS-rc5+ Exp. date Illed++eo$.'Idt Exp. date April 1,2000 Phone # (801) 466-6769 Z\P 84109 Scul.ptet cl^ar4r p?r Grlr.,^e tfr't(al..( ltlzclqq. g k/r Before the closure plan is submitted for approvat,'the local hbalth aod fire departments 'where th;facility is contacted. II the Jacitty it h Bea\/eL Carbon, Emery. C'ad.ld, @ond, Iron, Kare, Salt l,ake, San luan, Wasdch, or Washingtoa coa y al (801) 53641N instead of the local health disticl. You still nusl contact the local fire deparl e in thete coulties. located must be co toc, DERR (USD Date 10\26\99 Phone # (801) 5364160 Date 10\26\99 Address 4221 WesI 700 South City Salt l,ake State Utah Contact person Tank(s) will be emptied by: company Natioual Tank & Monitoring Tank(s) will be cleaned by: company National Tatrk & Monitoring Contaminated water in th€ tanldrinsate will b€ disposed at: Facility National Tank & Monitoring Co act Greg Kehl Tank(s) will be: purged or X rendered inert by rhe followin! method: Residual sludges will be disposed at the following facility: National Tank & Monitoring Zip WI04' Phone # (801) 95-9669 Product lines will either be: X removed or cleaned, secured in place, and capped. Yent lines will either b€: X removed or cleaned and secured open. Piping will be disposed at: Facility Atlas Steel Address 4221 West 700 South City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84104 Phone #(801) 9s-9669 Phone # (WD 2n33U Phone # (W) 280-3324 Phone # (801) 280-3324 Dry Ice Address 4152 West 8370 South City West Jordan State Utah Zip 84088 Co act person Greg Kehl FOR CLOST'RE IN.PLACE ONLY Facility Site Plat, Sample lnformation Table, sample results aad Chain of Custody forms are included Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the lrcal Firc Department. Fire Dept. Phone # Contact Date ! epproval for in-place closure has becn granted by the Local Health Department.. Health District E Substance to be used to fill tanks Phone #Co act 35-8 157-25.001\35 t9M20t Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. November 23, 1999 Phone # (801) 2984159 Phone # (801) 7994190 CoDtact person Phone # (801) 280-3324 Date ) ,A\ A. CONTAMINATED MATERIALS MUST BE DISPOSED AT AN ACCEPTABLE FACILITY: All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a manner that does not place those materials in direct contact with ttre environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Arry person providing remedial assistance for a fee, including aerarton and oyer-excavation (oI more than 50 yd), must be a Cenified UST Consultant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility E.T. Technologies Address 6030 West 1300 South Ciry Sdt kke state utah Zip 84104 Contact person Dave Brooks Phone # (801) 973-2065 SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST clmures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be perfomed as outlined in R311-202, Part 280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). If contamination is susoected. additional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most likelv to be oresent. If sroundrvater is encountered. a soil sample must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each eroundwater samole. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. STJBSTANCE CONTAMINANT COMPOIJNDS TO BE ANALYSED ANALYTICAL METHODS' SOL GROLTNDWATER or ST]BSURFACE WATER Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzene. Toluene. Ethylbenzene. Xvlenes (BTEX). and MTBE 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8240 8015 Modified and EPAfi2or 624 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXIO 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8240 8015 Modified gg! EPA 602 or 624 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons (TRH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) Halosenated Volatile Orsanic Compounds OOC's) EPA413.l or4l8.l and EPA 8020 or 8240 and EPA 8010 or 8240 EPA 413.1 or 418.1 andEPA ffi)or624 aDd EPA 601 or 6?4 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons (TRH)EPA4l3.l or4l8.l EPA 413.1 or 418.1 Other or Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXIO Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Or other EPA methods as approved by the Executive Secretary 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8240 and EPA 8010 or 8240 8015 Modified and EPA ffil or 6V4 andEPA @l or A4 Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. C ONTAMINATION INFORMATION If contamination at the facility is suspected or conl@!, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary @ST) at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. If contamination is conftrmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. I Alternative methods allowed for 413.1 are 16il or 5520(b), and 418.1 may also use 5520(f1. Note that analytical method numbers can change or be replaced (e.g. 8240 can be replaced by 8260). Check with the DERR, your certified sampler, or your analytical laboratory ifyou have questions. 35 -8157 -25 .001 \35 1 9M20 I Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. 3 November 23,1999 FACILITY SIIE PLAT The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. It must show planned sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent wm tne information given on p. I and5 of the Closure Plan. Facility ID # Unknown Drawn By Roy McDonald Date 10\25\99 NORTii 3cN_ lt'= lo' usT LocxTtoN 1;tN?AUOP ws*zr 5s* L s*5. ?rPlrtq' u5<_ gNf*ve-D sf+us<- D6Pra,5g7wTca{1a:Ere. 52AB FREarSloN AtR Etrrlarruq X = Sample locations (SS#, WS+, USC-#) I = Monitoring Wells (MW"ff) O : Soil borins (B#) O = WaEr Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, N'W, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use at Sitc: _Residential _Cornmercial _ Irdustrial Surrounding Land: _Residential _Commercial _Industrial 35-8157-25.001\3519M201 Copynght 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. 4 r/ Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers y' Locatioir of all sarnplcs to be talcen rz Buildings, fences, & property boundaries / Utility conduits (scwen, gas, water, storm drains, elecnical) October 27, 1999 ]./s*l r-ss*1 ,u1c SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE Complete table for all samples to be taken for closure. Sample #Substance stored in tank Sample typer Depth2 Cmpounds'Anatysis method(s)' ws #r Regular Groudwater -5 feet TPH/VOC/MBTEXN 8015/8260/USC 'ws #2 Regular Groundwater -5 feet TPH/VOC/MBTD(N 8015/8260 ss #l Regular Soil -5 feet TPH/VOC/MBTEXN 8015/8260 ss #2 Regular Soil -5 feet TPH/VOC/MBTEXN 8015/8260 ss #3 Regular Soil -2fwt TPH/VOC/MBTEXN 80t5l%fi/ o5c- ss #4 Regular Soil -2 feet TPH/VOCA4BTEXN ffi15182ffi/ Usr- I Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soil Classification (USC). 2 Approx. Depth in feet below grade. All samples are to be taken at 0-2 feet below the backfill/native soil interface. 3 Contaminant comporurds to be analyzed for each sample (from table on p. 3). 4 Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (from table on p. 3). Approximate depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks: 5 feet. Regional groundwater flowdirection: North-northwest American West Analytical LaboratoryState Certified Laboratory to be used: Address 463 West 3600 South zip 84115 Contact persotr Steve Getz Phone # (801) 263-8686 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances expected regarding the site assessment or closure: A concrete pad with qprelqus aqpgnser pon *"s Orerve0 on me nom sU o City Salt Lake State Utah on size and contenB of the UST, Kleinfelder added 8260 analysis to closure samples- I certify under penalty of law that I am tte owner/operator of the tank(s) referenced above and that I am familiar with the information on thls form and that it is hre, accurate and complete, and further, that the procedures described herein will be followed during the tank closure. Signature of tank owner ( Full Name of tank owner 35-8157-25.001\3s 19M20r Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. 5 October 27, 1999 ^ Ifl KLEINFETDER An etnployee ow'ned contpanv 168 North 1950 West Transmittul To Mr. Date File Copies 11/23/99 3s-8157-24.001 I Salt lnke City. Utah 84 116 Subject UST Closure Plan We are sending flAttached I tlnder separate cover The following : Foryour review and approval, please find attached an UST Closure Plan for one I 000 pallon pasoline UST near the C Airport. We would like the removal On Wednesday December 8, 1999 We have submitted our permit to the Fire Dept. It was unclear to us whether the DERR project manager would be you or Gary Haris Please forward this olan if aoorooriate. Via: Messenger \ First Class Mail Air - FedEx United Parcel Thank you.Please call me with any questions. 466-6769 _ A ir Freight Corinne Hillard hlo\/ 24 s copyffdtrE lDffiFkPttftldea1l7. East Parley's way, salt Lake City, ur B4109-161 7 (Bo1) 466-67qQl$alid66,ffi{&ft0{nt\transl0-98.doc) iEii{TAI-