HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006234'fi-\ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALTTY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. kavin Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D, Fre.rrtive Dire.ilt Kent P. Gray Direcaor 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City. Utah 841 14 ,':3 l0 (8urt 516-4ittrr (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web rlLE COPI ERRU-153-00 July 5, 2000 Michael Wolfe Downtown Storage 29 West 800 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 RE:Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Downtown Storage, 29 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4002263, Tank #1 Dear Mr. Wolfe A review ofthe information you have submitted in the closure notice received on June 28,2W0, for the above refere4ced UST(s), indicates that no conective action is required at the site at this time. The information you have submitted indicates that any detectable petroleum contamination at the site complies with state UST rules. Based upon these rules, there appears to be no threat to human health or the environment. Corrective action maybeneededinthe future ifcontaminationis foundthatthreatens human health ortheenvironment. PleasecontactRickSaathoffat(801)5364lS0,ifyouhaveanyquestionsregarding this matter. Sincerely,r4*A Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board A h$ f, ---_____: ETvIRONMENTAL ENi[RL .{fit 2 s 2000 lune 27,2000 Mr. Rick Saathoff, Project Manager UST Section Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 8411,4 RE: Closure Notice for Downtown Storage Site 29 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, UT Facility I.D. # 4002263 Dear Mr. Saathoff: I am submitting a Closure Notice for the single UST located on the Downtown Storage property at approximately 850 South Richards Street. The single steel, 1,000-gallon tank was closed in your presence on ]une 1, 2000. Results of the closure sampling are attached. The TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, and BTEXN were below method detection limits in both samples. The Unified Soil Classification described the soil as Cl-lean clay. No receptors (property lines, utility lines, buildings, etc.) are located within 35 feet of the former tank pit. Based on the results, I would like to request that no further action be taken at the site. Please call me if you have any questions or comments regarding this submittal Sincerely,rua Christopher J. Nolan Senior Geologist Utah-certified UST Consultant # CC 0118 cc: Michael Wolfe Attachments 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT LAKE CITY Closure Notice Analytical Results SALT LAKE Clry UT 841 06 TELEPH0NE: 801-466-2223 Fprx: 801 -466-961 6 EMERWILLE PHOENIX E-MAIL: ihi @ ihi-env.com DENVEB ENyIRIINMENTIT nffisE .T RF "_J UNDERGROUND ST( ^GE TANK PERII'IANENT CLOSURE NO iE @evised Olllltg7) Facility lD #_4002263 Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Chris Nolan of (company name) IHI Environmental phone # ( g}l \ 466_2223 FACILITY INT'ORMATION Tank Owner # (801) 521-0sss [ ] sole proprietorship Address [ ] partnership I X] corporation Facility Name Downtown Storase 84101 Contact person Mr.Michael Wolfe phone #(801)521-0555 Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: I Number of regulated tanks at the facility after closure: 0 TAI\KS CLOSED 29 W,est South 84 101 IRONMENTAL RISIIONSE & REMEDIATI()N ENTERED *Indicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be unleaded, diesel, waste oil, TANK REMOYER Name Jack Mark Cert.#_TR O[.,E2_Exp.Date 8ll/2000 Company E&GContractors Phone#(801 )975-9830 Address 2875 South Redwood city salt Lake ciw state-rJT_lip 84119 SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Christopher Nolan Cert. # . GS I l0l Exp. Date 8/01 State Use Samples to LUST Review Samples in LUST File # LUST Status Date Mailedto LHD Date Tank #1 2 n lrr ti n ft..l.tr Date Installed Ukn.I ,ul\ f. o 4uu t Capacity 1,000 gallon ,- Substance storedt Gasoline IEI - H Date last operated Ukn. Date closed -611/00 How closed (Removedlln place)Removed #(801\466-2223 1 Only Address 640 East Wilmineton Avenue Citv satt I-ate cltv state tJT Zip g4106 I II CLOSURE INFORMATION [] Fuel was emptied [ ] Sludge was removed [X] Tank was cleaned Tank was: [ ] Purged [X] Inerted Method Urqed'30 lhs Drv ice Location of Closure Records Mr.Michael Wolfe- D For In-Place Closure: tanks filled with_N4A_ For Change-In-Service: Substance to be stored N/A DISPOSAL SITES USED: Is any contaminated soil which was over-excavated still on-site? Yes No X Not applicable Was Free Product encountered during closure activities? No If yes, please indicate thickness, Inches SITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample Information Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample ID # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. tX] Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached. The following must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W) from the area of contamination or, where applicable, use OH for overhead, NP for not present): _Water Line_Sewer Line_Natural Gas_Storm Drain Telephone_Electrical Property Line_Buildings txl Completed Sample Information Table (Closure Notice) is attached. txl Certified lab analyical environmental sample results are attached. txl Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are affached. txl Chain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: [X] Collected [X] Labeled [X] Packaged [X] Transported txl Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. I certiff under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R311-202 (parts 280.52 and280.72) and R311-205 U.A.C., and that any additional samples required by R311-202 parts 280.52 and280.72 and R311-205-2(a)(1) were properly collected. Signature of Certified Groundwater/Soil Full name of Certified Date 6127100 If contamination at the facility is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name Chri Nolan Cert. #i CC 0l 18 Exp. Date 6/30/00 Company IHI Environmental Phone #(801\466-2223 itv Salt t-ake Ciw state UT Zip 2 Location Name Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)Atlas Steel John Spiegal 992-9669 61U00 Tank # Product From Tank(s)N/A None Contaminated Water From Tank Cleaning VJ Environment.J. Christensen s95-8 l 5 I 6lt/00 Gal 50 Sludge N/A None Contaminated Water From Excavation N/A Contaminated Soil N/A Address 640 F.asf Wilmi n rrfnn A rrpnr rc C 84106 garr,ITy srrr pr,ar (cr,osunr xou] The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. It must show actual sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. I and 4 of the closure notice Facility ID # 4002263 Drawn By christopher Nolan Date 6126/00 Scale: l"=-4__Feet NORTH x { x x x ( Y V FoF<€ L-r.J< Y Y VX 6z^sf 96 6f+vae ?*cz | -r*6 -l uE--l +t- tll H, v\ ?{ & *-'35/ - tal<firdi r"rar-z1..' (aerct;D) x a {.AyllF,Ci ffA'/A/40|./'r Property boundaries and receptors >35 feet in all directions Groundwater not encountered Samples SS-land SS-2 collected at 7 and 6.5 feet bgs x: o: o: locations (SS+, WS-#, Monitoring Wells (MW-#,) Soil boring (SB-#), or Geoprobe Boring (GP-#) Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Site Indicate ActualII Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers lI Excavations, GW monitoring wells & soil stockpilesfI Location & depth of all samples takenfI Buildings, fences, & property boundariesII Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical etc.)II Depth to groundwater (if encountered) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE,G2NE) Land Use At Site: _ Residential _ Commercial X Industrial Surrounding Land: _ ResidentiafX Commercial Industrial 3 Sample #tLabID-_Substance stored in tank Sample typet Depthz Compoundss Analysis method(s)r ss-l@ 7'Gasoline Soil 7 feet BTE)Ot,TPH- DRO,-GRO 82608,90158 ss-2@ 6.s,Gasoline Soil 6.5 feet BTE)C{, TPII GRO,TPH - DRO 82608,80158 asc-t@7,Gasoline Soil 7 feet USC Unified soil classification sov. Complete table for all samples that were taken for closure. Sample ID numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample ID numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. or 2 J 4 , o&G,etc). (8015 mod., 8020,413.1, etc).sample contactperson hone#(gol )263-g6g6 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure: I certiff unde.r penalty of law that I am the Owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with theinformation on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein were followed du tank closu Signature of UST Owner tr'ull name of Owner Return completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table, SoiUGroundwater sample lab analysis results, USC sample results, and Chain of Custody form within 90 days of UST Closure to: State of Utah Dept. of Environmental eualityDivision of Enviionmental Response arid Rernediation UST Section P.O. Box 144840 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 4 each State Certified Laboratory used: American West Analvtical Laboratories Address 463 West 3600 South City Salt l-ake Cit-v State_UT lip 84115 1 ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact: Chris Nolan Analyzed: June 2,2000 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Client: Industrial Health Incorporated Collected: June 1, 2000 Received: June 1,2000 Analysis Requested: USC Lab Sample ID: L41414-03A Field Sample ID: USC-I Site ID: Downtown Storage/00E-7072 Result USC Uniform Soil Classification CL-Lean Clay (807)26986t]5 ,ll Free (888) 26T8586 Fax (801) 26Y8587 5DfiReleased by: Laboratory Supervisor n___ _ ^ .ReportDate: 1une22,2000 page I ofl BLANK STIMMARY REPORT Client: IndustrialHealthlncorporated Lab Set ID: L4l4l4 Project: Downtown Storage/0OE-7072 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW8015B Method Blank ID: MBLK -2296 Analysis Date: June 20. 2000 Prep Date: June 13, 2000 Analytical Results A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TPH-E 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)2698686 'll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (80L) 25T8687 Units: mg/kg Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO) Reporting Limit Amount Detected 20 <20 Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: June 22,2000 Client: Industrial Health Incorporated Collected:June 1,2000 Received: June l, 2000 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW8015B Lab Sampl e lD: L41414-0 1B Field Sample ID: SS-1 @ 7' Site ID: Downtown Storage/008-7072 Analytical Results ORGAMC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Chris Nolan Analyzed: June 20, 2000 Extracted: June 15, 2000AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 TPH.E Units = mglkg Final Dilution Factor: I Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO) Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected <20 23 20 (801) 263-8686 ll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 High surrogate recovery observed. Method is in control as demonstrated by LCS recoveries. <oftReleased by Laboratory Supervisor Report Date:June 22, 2000 Page I of I Client: Industrial Health Incorporated Collected: June 1, 2000 Received: June 1,2000 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW80I5B Lab Sampl e ID : L4l4l 4-028 Field Sample ID: SS-2 @ 6.5' Site ID: Downtown Storage/00E-7072 Analytical Results ORGAMC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Chris Nolan Analyzed: June 20,2000 Extracted: June 15, 2000AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 163 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 TPH.E Units: mg&g Final Dilution Factor: I Compound Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO) Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected 25 (801)263-8686 ll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (80L) 263-8687 20 <20 High surrogate recovery observed. Method is in control as demonstrated by the LCS recoveries Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date:1une22,2000 Page I of I BLANK SUMMARY REPORT Client: Industrial Health Incorporated Lab Set ID L4I4I4 Project: Downtown Storage/008-7 072 Analysis Requested: SW 82608/503 0A-MBTEXN/Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons Method Blank ID: MB-VOC Analysis Date: June 13, 2000 Analytical Results MBTEXN/TPH.P AMERJCAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah u715 (801)26T8686 ,ll Free (888) 26}.8686 Fax (80L) 26T8687 Units: mg/kg Compound Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene TPH C5 to Ct0 (cRo) TPH Cl1 to C15 (DRO) Reporting Limit 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.02 0.01 Amount Detected < 0.0010 < 0.0020 < 0.0020 < 0.0020 < 0.0040 < 0.020 < 0.0i0 I Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: June 22,2000 Client: Industrial Health Incorporated Collected:June 1, 2000 Received: June 1,2000 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Chris Nolan Analyzed: June 13,2000 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Analysis Requested: SW 82608/503 0A-MBTE)GI/Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons Lab Sampl e lD : L4141 4-0 1 A Field Sample ID: SS-1 @ 7' Site ID: Downtown Storage/008-7072 Analytical Results MBTEXN/TPH.P Units: mg/kg-dry Final Dilution Factor: 2.87 Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: Amount Detected 23 (801) 25&8585 ,ll Free (888) 253-8686 Fax (801) 25T8587 Compound Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene TPH Cs to C10 (cRo) TPH Cl1 to Cl5 (DRO) 0.0029 < 0.0029 0.00s7 < 0.0057 0.0057 < 0.0057 0.0057 < 0.0057 0.011 < 0.011 0.057 < 0.057 0.029 <0.029 <,cA Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date:June 22, 2000 Page I of I Client: Industrial Health Incorporated Collected: June 1, 2000 Received: June 1,2000 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Chris Nolan Analyzed: June 13,2000 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3500 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Analysis Requested: SW 82608/503 0A-MBTE)G.{/Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons Lab Sampl e ID L4t4l4-02A Field Sample ID: SS-2 @ 6.5' Site ID: Downtown Storage/008-7072 Analytical Results MBTEXN/TPH.P Units = mg&g-dry Final Dilution Factor: 2.45 Reporting Limit 7o Moisture: 23 Amount Detected (807) 253-8685 ll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 253-8687 Compound Benzene .Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Naphthalene TPH Cs to C10 (cRO) TPH Cll to C15 (DRO) 0.0025 < 0.0025 0.0049 < 0.0049 0.0049 < 0.0049 0.0049 < 0.0049 0.0098 < 0.0098 0.049 < 0.049 0.024 <0.024 1i,+Released by: Laboratory Supervisor ReportDate: 1une22,2000 Page I ofl American West Analytical Labs WORK ORDER Summary 0l-Jun-00 Work Order L4I4l4Client ID: Project: Comments: IHIIoo t Downtown Storagel 008-7 07 2 QC Level: Sample ID Client Sample tD Collection Date Date Received Date Due Matrix Test Code Storage L4t4t4-0tA L4l4l4-0rB ss-l @ 7' ss-2 @ 6.5' USC-I 6nt00 6nt00 6/tst00 6/15/00 6/15t00 6/r5/00 6/ts/00 6/ts/00 6/15t00 Solids P.MBTX/TPH-S BTX.PREP TPH-S P.MBTX/TPH-S BTX-PREP TPH.S USC PurgeFridge bb( bb( PurgeFridge btx btx usc L4t4l4-02A L4t414-028 L4t4t4-03A Page 1 of 1 a I ) ) CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 4 tltl PROJECT NAME: CKLTS .",.t"t, 9ii1^<ff:zj REPORT MAILING ADDRESS: A?1Fr Ctf?E ^--DL-^IJ PROJECT NO: cDe - 7oaz SAMPLERS (Signature (Printed): BILLING ADDRESS ^1Hf9cc, ui- Field Sample lD Log Book Comp. o .E(! Eo(J o c;z .X (! o CL E(!a ANALYSES REMARKS uRush Regular REOUESTED TURN-AROUND TIME: SS-I -7 'l/o t}dD x 2 q$c I x cr)f Cc<:gurzi 9s-7a. 6-5 6/,/a l>s9 x L SaTL *x rEc- I 7,/,:ltu ({gaaL x q Received by: (Signature)Relinquished by: (Signatur€) ,/L lr- aflBB rbL,e\J (Printed)lEE (Printed)(Printed)Pged) k t?..,t r tl { ,< +U€Dso' \lr:5> IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIII I TIIIrIIr T TIIITITTIIITIIIIITTIIITIIIITIIITTTItrIll rITITTrITIITITIITTrIIllI IrIIIII III rr WH IIIIIIIITIII ITIrtr IIIITIrII lHt 640 E. Wilmington Avenue Sall Lake City, UT 84106 aol -466-2223 Fax: 80'l-466-9616 1260 45lh Street, Ste. L Emeryville, CA 94608 510-923-1661 Fax: 510-923-'1468 4015 North 44lh St. Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-840-9446 Fax: 602-840-4331 7114 W. Jeflerson Ave, Ste 302 Lakewood, CO 80235 303-980-8749 Fax:303-989-27,l6 Environmental White - tile; Yellow - client; Pink - lab I o,te I rime Grab l*" I o"t. lal' 1". ) ) ,a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. Leavin Govemor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director 168 North l9-50 West P.O. Box l-l-{8,10 Salt Lake Cir.v. Utah 841 l.l-4840 (801) 536-1100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-441-+ T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web rtLt $st\ RE ERRU-134-00 May 26,2A00 Michael Wolfe Downtown Storage 29 West 800 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Downtown Storage, 29 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4002263 Dear Mr. Wolfe The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on May 23,2000, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notiired 72 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Salt Lake City/County Health Department is no longer performing closure inspections. Please be sure the DERR office (not Salt Lake City/County Health Department) is contacted at least72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary OST). Our records indicate that the tank remover you intend to use has a certificate which expires within 2 months. Please ensure that your certified remover has a valid certificate during closure activities. Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. I Facility D# 4002263 Page 2 If during upcoming closure activities, it appears that a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions. as explained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Saathoff at (801) 536-4180. Sincerely, D-,.- Xrr/V/L Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/RTSfttsp Enclosures Tom Tallon, Salt Lake City Fire Department Chris Nolan, IHI Environmental cc: IHi ENUIROMENTRL Fax : 1-801-466-9616 Mag 23 2000 14:40 P.08 UNDERGROUND STOR.IGE TAI\IK CT.OSITRE PLAN (rcv, 01/01/97)FACILITY ID LHD USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Datc LHD Approved Date Mailed to State Closure Plan prepared at thc request of the ovmer/operaror (idmtified below) by Christoahet of (company name) I}II Environmemul - . Jhone # ( t}l \ 466-2223 _Address 640EaetlYilmindonAvenue ,-Clty - SaltlskeCirv State_[_,,.Zip Eal06. A Contractor may prepare this Closure PIan as the owna/operalor's agent, In preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operstofs knowledge and approval. lte owner/opemtor must Bigtr the Closure Plan. Thls Closurc Plan is submined in compliance with the rrquirements containcd in R3l l-202 Subprrt C and R3l l-204 (U.A.C.) FACILITY INF'ORMATION T"ok &orr hone #r 801 \ s2r 5 [ ] sole proprietorship [ ] partnership I X] corporation Address- 29 West 800 South City,.-- salt Lake cirL state IJT zip E4I0t Facility N"r" Address 29 west 800 south city ..-sslt Lake cirv state_ur -Zip E4l0I Contact peson honc #(Eol)s2r 55 Total number of regulated underground ranks at thit Total numbar of regulated underground tsuks at this site co be closed: I TANKSL9..FE C_LpSEp Tank #I Dste Instgllcd Priorto 1972 Capacity _Etrgq+fobably 500 to 2,000 gal. Substance stored'Go.colhe Date last operated Prior to t97z For warte oll tankr: Havc dcgrcrsing or other types of solvents bcsn siored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identify if k o*) . , ___llll No Notknown_ t lndic*tc thc aubstancc cach tank to bc waSte o Datc Rsceived Frcm Revie,w€r/Date Date Mailed to Review/Date Analysis for tead or other contaminantg may be requlred prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material, (Check with yourdisposal facility.) I IHi ENUIR0MENTRL Fax:1-801-466-9515 t"1a9 23 2OOO 14:40 p.09 TAIIK REMOVER Name _ Jeck Msrk .. . Cert, # IR _r82 Exp. DarBJIlZqgg_ Conpany E&G Conbocrors . phoae # ( t0J. ) 9J5-0g30 Address 2875 S. Redwood city____u-Bg-eitr_State T}T ,i^e4It9 SoIIJGRoUNDWATER. SAMPLER Narne- christo!@_c€rt. # cs lr0l Exp. Date E/01 Before thc clocurs Plqn fu rubEittcd for rpprovsl, ths locsl herltb ahd rire deprrtm!trts whcrG thc frcility iE locsted must be cont{ctrd. If the lecilily it tn Aact)et, cotbo,, Ener?, 6a4kld, Grand, Iron, Kqna, Sal, Ld*c, Sdn Juan, llosatch, or Woshington count .ontact DERR (US?) or (ELl)536-4lAO tuftad olrhe locql health dlstficl, You snll ,rrlot contect the local fift detatmenl tn theta oo;t,r.. CONTACT I,oCAL IIEALTII DISTRICT N8rns of DiEt. NA Dcte NA Contact NA TilIB one # ( tol ) CoNTACT LocAL FrRE DEPT. NE ne of D€pt. salt Lrkc citv D st t snstoo conEct .. Mik€ salEzrr Jitle--- HE4g[InEEeslgI-Fhone # ( 801 ) 7994103 DISLOSAL INTORMATION Tank(c) will be disposed atl Address 422 Sah Lake Citv stare uT z contact perBon .. .Lohn Spiesel - phone#(E0l ) 972_9669 Product llneg wi[[ either bE: . X rcmoved ol _0lealed. secured in placc, and crpped. Vent linee will either bei X removad or -_ slesned and securbd open, Plplng will bo disposed at:Atlas Stcel Atlas 700 South VJ ental conkt p.*on one # ( tol ) 5q5-El5l Tank(c) will be: ourgcd or_lender.d inefi by rhe following mcthod: DRy ICE R$ldurl sludgcr will bc disposed at the following facility Vf Fnvirnn ip *4 1167 Contact percon ._-- . Johp Chriitemen ph onc # ( 801 ) 595-8151 tl tl F1OR CI.oSUF.E IN.PLACE ONLJ Facility site Plat, saIuple InformatioD Table, sample resultr End chain of cuslocly forms arc included. Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local I.ife D€paflmatr, Fire Dept. ,.-- . Phonc #Lggl)__coaract pare [ ] Approval for in.plroc closura has beern granted by thc Locrl H€slth D€psrhent. Health Disrict Phone #(801 ) [ ] SubrtErce to be uscd to fill tanks c Compsny . IHI E[vrro nmtgl plrone # ( Eot ) 46czzz3 Addresr 640 Esst Wlmh$or AvEnue - Chy SdLtakE Citv Stato. ._ Ut . Ztp_l1Lgl_ Addross 4221 Wegt 700 South Ciry_SEEtske.er*__-____State_l{L_Zipj.l!4_ ConBctpeBon John Spieg6l phonc # L80t ) 972_9669_ TEnk(s) will b9 emptied by: VJ Environmentel phone#(Eol )5o5.Eljl Tank(s) will be clsnad by: vJ Environmmul phone # ( gol ) S9S-E|5I Contsmi[ited witer h the trnl/fiffrte will b€ disposGd st: z . IHI ENUIR0MENTRL Fax:1-801-466-9616 MaU 25 2OO0 14:40 COXTIUIXITTO NAIT'*N'' *, }E DISPOSED AT AN ACqEPTALLE F. ,ITY: P. 10 All malerisb ganartcd &om UST closures must be mmaged and dlsposcd in s murner that doec not place those materials in dircct contsct with the environrnent. On-site ttockpiling ofconta5rinaled soils may bc rcquircd prior !o Eny soil malagernert activities. ll, person providing remedial asslstanceifor alee, ircladlng aoalion ahd ovq-acalalion @fnorc ahan 50 yd3), mas, be a Certilied UST Cansultant. Contaminated soils gmer.t€d as psrt of tad< removal rrc to be dirpoeed at the following fecility: ity Salt Lske Cirv state 7 ip_,9llgL_CoDtsot person Dave Brooks Ph one#L&01 \ 973-2065 sttLAssEssMEtrr A site $EE8EEE!|I murt bc perfo]msd for ill UST clotureS rnd chrtrge.llr.servlce. Sitc asseacDent9 murt bE perfofmed as outlined in Rjll l-202, Pert 280.72 rnd Rtf 1.205 (U.A.C.). Il cortrphrtlon la rusp€cted. xdditionrl sqmples must be col€cted 4t the locqtlon whcre contaningtiou h moat llkelv to be orcr-rnt If groundwrt€r is encowtered. e coli iamDle nust bC collccted. ln tlte umstut3ted zono. ln sddition to4lch sroundwaler srmpla Soll end groundwater esmpres muit be inalyzed for the compoutrds shown ltr thc followitrg tablG, u8tng rpproprlete hb ncthode, Tho followirrE to tbEtc arc W th€ Exccurtyc Bocr$ErI (UBT)i B. C. NOTE: Dual colunn confimsriotr mEy not bc tcqulrcd for TpH &BTE)O.IIMIBE analysis, A mioD-exEsction or rcrle{owlt techEique may be ured for aquEous 3smplca, Hs(ane fiay be u6rd a! an aratrradotr solvcnL r Mctho ss20(0 Thc samplc prapantion method end sry modifrcation(s) to a certrfied method must bc rcpoficd by thc laboratory on thc fin8l snrlyticcl report. ds or tost prooedures allowed for Oil End Grcrsc (O&G) or Totgl Rccoverable PetrolEum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) 8rc 5520(b) or respectively. Complele the Frclllty Slte Plat and SsInplG Informrtlon Table on psges 4 rnd 5 to provide iitE sgsgsrment informa6on. CONTAIT{INATTON II{FORMATION If contamination at the &cility is Euspected or sonfinned, the lnformador mu3t be reported to the Ex€cutive Secretary (UsT) st (gOl )536'4100 within 24 hours. The Division of watEr Quality must be notified Et (801) !38.6146 ifFree product is encountered or ir surfac€ wstcr has be€n imPsEt€d. Ifcontaminetion is confirmed, sny poreon asrfuti;g in fte remediation proces8 for a fee must be s Certifi ed-UST CorEultant. 3 SubEtance or Produat Type Cotrtrminrnt Compoutrdr to bc Anclyzcd ANALYTICAL METHODS Gaeollne Total Petroleum Hy&oofitons (I"tD; ggl Benzcno, Totucne, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthslene, (BTEXN) and MTBB EPA EOl58 t e4d EPA E02lB lor 82608 Diesel Total PeEolEum Hyd$caftont OPH); E!f[ Benzene, Tolucne, Ethyl benzono, Xylcnce, ud Naphthalcne @TEXN) EPA 80158 fEE EPA 8021B or E260B Used Oil Oll and Grarsc (O&O) or Total RecoverEble p€Fol€um Hydrocarbons (TRPH); aod for Benz€nc, Tolucnc, Ethyl- benzsnc, Xylene3, Niph6rleno @TEXN) & MTBE; gqg[ Halogenated VolEtilE Orgaoic.-CsmpgqqlE (VOC's) EPA 1664 or s520 , g!4 EPA 80218 or E2608 Nerv Oil Oil rnd Grcgsc (O&C) or Totel Recoverable peholeum Hydrocatbonr (TRPIO EPA 1664 or 5520 Other or Unknown Tot8l Petoleum Hy&ocafbong (TPH); gld Bonzcnc, Tolueue, Elhyl benzene, Xylcnes, and Naphthatene (BTEXN)iEd Halogmated Volatilc Orguric Conpoundr (VOC'r) Sollr Groundwster or Surfsce Witer EPA t0158 ag{ EPA t02l B or 82608 ]HI ENU]ROI4ENTRL The site plat must bc drswn to and othcr rclevsnt informstion ofthe Closure Plan. Faoility ID# Fax:1-801-466-9616 t4ag 23 20OO !4:4I @ an EpproprlaG identificd scalE. It muEt show plsnned srurpling locationE, substalto€B stored h tanks,. Tauk and carnptc identification number: mu$ be consirient with the infonnation given on p. I and 5 P. 11 ,, g""10, 1d;[.Feet NORTII fuO So*.$ Sl'..f D*,-+,*. Slo".5.. LJ-.1"0n,. +$\) ,.IL.1 * S+r"n'r.. A'd'fur I CIrouo( \- )\ .+- tt) -.|'J si,s Tx tu Me fuu\ l*+ E.)' $",U 3 l{1 <J {Or.tn Fe.,,, la us( ss -zA ^ s(-l ; Utc't amP on3 (S€r: Monitoring wells (Mw+,),{poro lnste citioI|r Oftil C\IrIrnt & form* tankB, piping& diEpensers gfi Locttion of all sampleE to be taken li Buildi[E3, fcncca, & proplny boundrrics !f, utility onduite (se\rerc, gas, w8ter, storm drains{ electrical clc.) O = Soil boring (SB,#), or Geoprobc Boring (Op-n)a - Wstcr Wcllg (domesdc, livcstoch erc.) -rslopc ofsurfsce Topogrsphy: (N, Nw, W, SWISJSB, q Uel Lsnd UEe At Shs: _ Restdcntial _ Comffcrc-t8l _X_ tnduEEi.l Sunounding Laid: _ Rcsidential _ ComrrGrcial -X_ Induttrisl D^^{*,^ I Completc teble for alt rrrrrpler to be taken for ciilurc, S-AMPLE INIORMATION TAELE Mag 23 2000 14:41 P. 12 Ssmple #Subatrrce rtored ltr trnk Semple typer Depthr compoundF-Aq;ly8i8 Eethod(sf ss-l Unkrown SS 7 Rarge OrEirtricE snd Gacoline Range Orgsrics (TPH-DRO, T?H€RO)I etrd Benzsne, Toluone, Btlyl benzene, Xyleoes, and Naphrhelene (BTE)rN); Totd Petsohum Hydrocubonr Diesel EPA E0l5B eEdEpATr60B SS.2 Unknown SS 7', Toluene, Ethyl beuzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); TPH.DRO,Aru! Benzene,EOl58 end EPA E260BEPA USC.I Unknown USC 7 USC USC IIIIrI I or2Ain foet rcq!ird Regional groundwEter flow dircction:NW asscasmcr samplci mult bc takco at G2 fcct bclow thc bsckfill/nativc soil 3 ConElinEot c.mpoundc ro bc analyzcd for cach samolc (fiom ublc on o. tt.4 AppropriEtB Etlalyris mcthods fof coErsnlinanr sompciund(s) in euch EEtripEltollr t$le or p, 3). Approximate deptlr to goundwater in the viclnlry of &e tarksl_J!_feet, State Certified Laboratory to be used:American est Anah4l Laboratori Address Connct 46t West 3600 rate UT Zip 84 115 Person Pst NotEboom_._ _ .. phon€ # ( gol ) 263.668L Please explain any unueuEl or ext uating circuruahncer expected regarding the gite a$ergment or cloEute: I certify urdGr p€nrlty ofls$' thrt I sm lhc owncr/op:rrtor ofth. tank(r) rrfcEnccd eboyc snd thct I strl frmlllsr with the lnform'tiotr oa this form rnd thst lt b truGr tscumtc rnd complGt?, rtrd furah8r, that thc proccdures dcrcrlbcd herriu will be followed durilg trnk clocur.. sig nsture of trllk owner Salt Lake Citv s Full Name of tank owner te 5 IHIENVIRII4ENTRL Fax:1-801-466-9616 The UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSURE PLAN (rev. 01/01/97)FACILITY ID # LHD USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date Mailed to State Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below)Christopher Nolan of (company name) IHI Environmental Phone # ( 801 \466-2223 Address 640 East 84106 A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. In preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in R3l1-202 Subpart G and R3l l-204 (U.A.C.) FACILITY INFOR]VIATION Tank Owner Downtown Storase Phone # ( 801 ) 521{555 STATE USE ONLY Date Received Date Mailed to LHD Date Received From LHD Reviewer/Date Approved Mgr. Review/Date Contact person Mr. Michael Wolfe Phone #(801)521-0555 Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site: I Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed: I TANKS TO BE CLOSED * Indicate the stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identifu if known) N/A No Not known_ Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material. (Check with your DTRR ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE & REMEDIATION IiAY24m -i Tank #I Date Installed Prior to 1972 Capacity Unknown; probably 500 to 2,000 gal. Substance storedt Gasoline Date last operated Priorto 1972 disposal facility.) BY ,5 t+/{-o [ ] sole proprietorship t I partnership I X] corporation Address 29 West 800 South City Satt Lake CiW State_UT Zip_84.1!.L_ Facility Name Downtown Storaee Address 29 West 800 South City Salt l-ake Ciw State_UT Jip_84.1_Q.!_ I SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name ChristopherNolan Cert.# GS 1101 . Date 8/01 Before the closure plan is submitted for approvalo the local health and fire departments where the facility is located must be contacted. If the facility is in Beaver, Carbon, Emery, Garfield, Grand, Iron, Kane, Salt Lake, San Juan, Wasatch, or Washington county contact DERR (UST) at (801)5j6-4100 instead ofthe local health district. You still must contact the local fire department in these counties. CONTACT LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT Name of Dist. NA Date NA Onnlqat NA #(801) CONTACTLOCALFIREDEPT. NameofDept. Saltlakecitv Date: 5lt5l00 Contact # ( 801 \799-4103 DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) will be disposed at:Atlas Steel Address 4221 West 700 South City Salt l-ake Citv State llT Zip 84104 Contact person John Spiesel phone# ( 801)972-9669 Productlineswilleitherbe:Xremovedor-cleaned,securedinp1ace,andcapped. Vent lines will either be: X removed or cleaned and secured ooen. Piping will be disposed at:Atlas Steel Tank(s) will be emptied by: Tank(s) will be cleaned by: 84104 Contact person John Spiesel phone # ( 801 )972-9669 #(801)595-8151 VJ Phone#(801 )595-8151 Contaminated water in the tank/rinsate will be disposed at:V.T Contact Phone#(801)595-8151 Tank(s) will be: purged or X rendered inert by the following method: DRy ICE Residual sludges will be disposed at the following VJ Environmental Address Contact person John Phone#(801)595-8151 84116 FOR CLOSURE IN-PLACE ONLY I ] Facility Site Plat, Sample Information Table, sample results and Chain of Custody forms are included. t I Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Fire Department. Fire Dept. Phone # t I Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Health Department. Health District Phone I [ ] Substance to be used to frll tanks # 2 ,A TANK REMOVER Name_ ' Jack Mark Cert. # T[ 182 Exp. Date 8ll/2000 Company E&G Contractors Phone # ( 801 ) 975-9830 Address 2875 S. Redwood City Salt Lake Citv State UT Zip 84119 Company IHI Environmental Phone # ( 801\ 466-2223 Address 640 East Wilmineton Avenue City Salt Lake Citv State tJT Zip 84105 CONTAMINATED MATERIALS MfiS\BE DISPOSED AT AI\ ACCEPTABLE FAA{,ITY: All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a manner that does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Arry person providing remedial assistancefor afee, including aeration and over-excavation (of more than 50 yd3), must be a Certified UST Consultant. State 84104 Contact person Dave Brooks Phone # ( 80r \973-2065 SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in R3ll-202,Part280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). If contamination is suspected. additional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most likelv to be present. If sroundwater is encountered. a soil sample must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each groundwater sample. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed ANALYTICAL METHODS Soil, Groundwater or Surface Water Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXN) and MTBE EPA 80158 ' and EPA 80218 t or 8260B Diesel Total Peholeum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN) EPA 80158 and EPA 80218 or 82608 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH); and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl- benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXI{) & MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 1664 or 5520 2 and EPA 8021B or 82608 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or 5520 Other or Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 80158 and EPA 80218 or 82608 hllowi to are Secretary QST):A. Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH & BTEXM4TBE analysis. B. A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples. C. Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory on the final analytical report. 2 Methods or test procedures allowed for Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) are 5520(b) or 5520(0 respectively. Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION INFORMATION If contamination at the facility is suspected or confirmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary (UST) at (80 I ) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. If contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. 3 Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility: ET Technoloeies Address 6030 West 1300 South City Salt Lake CiW A The site plat must be drawn to an appropr,ote identified scale. It must show planned samplrlg locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. I and 5 of the Closure Plan. Facility ID # Drawn Di0 2,.,,r Date Z t.u1.r 1"3 ''lO -Feet NORTH tr;O So**( S+r."f D^^{r"'^ S+o,.5.- 0.J-.Ln,u' * $ d { Dr^^{u,^* S+r"^.^kNl 0r*"1 +-q \DJ1 =t Ix tv Me ?*t.3 \- \)\ L*+ S+,Yo Ir $^ lx 3 t5 lovon Fe-^.e-- l^ Utr Ss -zA ^ st-l ;u\e-t X : Sample ws-#, usc-#) O : Monitoring Wells (MW#,) O : Soil boring (SB-#), or Geoprobe Boring (GP-#)a : Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) ,61 Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SWISJSO, E, NE) Land Use At Site: _ Residential _ CommerMf _X_ Industrial Surrounding Land: _ Residential _ Commercial X Industrial Site Plat Approximate ;l Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers g[ Location of all samples to be taken gl Buildings, fences, & property boundaries ri Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical etc.) /\ n Complete table for all samples to be taken for crosure. 2 Approx. depth in feet interface. SAMPLE INFOR]VIATION TABLE or grade. The required minimum assessment samples must be taken at 0-2 feet below the backfill/native soil 3 Contaminant compounds to be analyzed for each sample (from table on p. 3). 4 Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (from table on p. 3). Approximate depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks: l0 feet. Regional groundwater flow direction: NW State Certified Laboratory to be ,, " -,{.Americen \I/ecf Analvfical I.ehnratnrieq Analysis method(s)aSample #Substance stored in tank Sample typet Depth2 CompoundsJ SS.I Unknown SS 7 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel Range Organics and Gasoline Range Organics (TPH-DRO, TPH-GRO); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); EPA 80158 and EPA 82608 SS-2 Unknown SS 7 TPH-DRO, TPH-GRO; and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); EPA 80158 and EPA 82608 USC 7',USC USCUSC-I Unknown Contact person PatNoteboom Phone #(801)86 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances expected regarding the site assessment or closure: The UST yas used prior to 1972 fqrgasoline. We will also analyze for diesel range orsanics. I certify under penalty of law that I am the owner/operator of the tank(s) referenced above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it further, that the procedures described herein will be followed during tank closure. Signature of tank owner 5 Full Name of tank owner Closure Plan Review Summary Facility ID 4002263 Number of regulated tanks at this site not previously closed: Database: Certificate of Compliance lssued: No TANKS TO BE CLOSED Non-Notifier: 1 Closure Plan: YES I Tank# Type Date lnstalled Capacity Substance Last Used RmvcUln Place 1 Asphalt Coated or Bare Steel ll1ll9l0 500 Not Listed UNKWN RMVD TANK REMOVER Name:JACK MARK Ce rt. #: TR-TR-182 Exp. Date:8/u20!10 SOI UG ROU NDWATER SAMPLER Name:IHRISTOPHER J NOLAIi Cert. #: GSGLll0l_ Exp. Date: lf different from database: Tank Owner: Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Site Name. Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Remarks: * NON-NOTIFIER*; Original to R.S.; Cover ltr to file; Mark's ticket expires in August; PLAN NOT CURRENTLY SIGNED BY OWNER a15n00t Tuesday, May 23,2000 Page 1 of 1 a 42(677 4 srtztl Permanent Closure ln Facility lD ion Ll?,4i UTAH UST PROGRAM ll. Location of Tank(s)l. Ownership ol Tank(s) Surrounding neighborhoolffiheck the best residential l/tnduslrialtcommercial Zip CodeStateCity Facility Name Street Address description ol land use) Other Address L7 *. 6ar zip rfrw:r""utLArea Code Phone Number City D, State owner Name A*A Tank No._ranrruo.l Tank No._Tank No._Tank No._TANKS CLOSED lme1. Estimated Capacity (gallons) FRP, Composite) 3. Substance Stored 2. c?< /z*l /'/r-7c{ 4. Date last used I4. Date Closed 5. How closed (Rmvd,crs)ilr-t Cert. #:GS Expiration Date:GW & SoilSampler: Cert. #:TRUST Remover:Date closure plan N N @N 2. Product removed of closure plan is on Site: at: at:3. Sludge removed:N N Bv:Rinsate4. Tanks cleaned en obtained secured place, and ot o/o site inside tank obtained by: -6. Product lines were 5. Non-explosive 8. Soil disposal site:7. Tank Gain or span:- Calibration specs:- PID or FID meter readings (indicate location on the site plat.) Meter Type:- 1. Soil contamination is evident: Y N of contamination: 0-3 feet than 3 feet _ rqPr rDepth to water table:- S direction of surface2. Water contamination is evident: Y collected: - GW /S"tt3.#of 6. lnspector observed collection of samples QtAUSC 4. Certified Lab: 5. Analysis Methods TPH BTEX BTEXN O&G TRH HOC N lndicate location and depth ot samples on the site plat. 7.1 collected duplicate samples and submitted them to the State Lab for analysis: Y tf were collected: Y N Cert# 8. Contaminated soil overexcavated Distribution: While-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner ,^r"'4/b Revised 12\9 orioinal # of tanks - Closed tanks + New tanks = # of tanks remainino I TANK CLEANING AND REMOVAL: 1. Owner/Operator has an aPProved I site: CLOSURE INSPECTION SITE PLr.,F lD No ar)oq NORTH 5 )t 36 kLry ff location ol any raponed PIO or FID readlngs. Potential Receptors: Distance (in feet) to the nearest: Residences - Commercial buildings -Surlace water _ Underground: Sewer -Telephone line_ EJectrical line _, la' Property line-;!l Water line_ Storm drain_Other ( Active water well _ Natural gas line_ Comments sSi nature nsth Date e above-named facility on Cert# Whil€-OERR, Yellow-lnsp€clor. Pink-F L, IHI ENUIROMENTRL Fax: t-801-466-9616 Mag 23 2000 14:38 P.01 It-{[Edo zzdJ EITIvIBONMENTAT May 1.8,2000 Mr. Rick Saathoff, Project Manager UST Section utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah g4Ll4 RE: closure Plan for usrs at Two Downtown storage sites Dear Mr. Saathoff: I am submitting for your approval turo Closure Plans for UST's located on Downtown Storage properties, One tank is located at the 255 West 200 South location and one ul F. storage building on Richards Street at approximately 850 South. Both -of thes-e properties weie purchased rn Ig72 wilfr the gasolihe tanks in place. The tanks were never used by the current owner, Downtown Storage, 29 West 800 South, SLC, Utah, M1Of. The former location of the fuel dispenser is visible for each tar&. The tank sizes are unknown but are estimated between 550 galtons to 1000 gallons, There is no fuel in either tank, As we discussed, these tanks should qualify as "pre - Lgz4t" tanks and wewould like these Closure Plans to serve as-notificatron of these tanks to your office, as well as the tank registration, in piace of the USEPA "Notification for Underground. Storage TanksJ' Eased on the age of the tanks and the fact that the-potential owners never used this tank, welaiould request a waiver of any back tank fees. We would like to remove and dispose of the tank as quickly'as possible. I have included both TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO for the closure sampling. Allinformation from the former owners indicates that the tanks contiineE gasoline,.but the TPH- DRO analysis will insure that diesel fuel was not used.Each tank is located in a secured, fenced area that is marured during businesshours and locked.at night. This eliminates the chance that unknoirn parties could have used that tanks for waete oil disposal. 640EASrWlt[rlNcrcNAvENtrE SALTLAKECl]1,LIT84106 lErrnorue: oo'l-465-2220 FAx.801-a66.9616 E.MAIL ihi@ihi.envconr SALT LAKE Ct'rY EMEryv[LE pHOENtx DEN,ER lHI ENU]ROMENTFL l4a9 23 2OO0 14:38Fax : 1-801-455-9616 Pn) Mr. Rick Saathoff May 18, 2000 Page 2 Please call me if you have any questions or comments regarding this submittal. Sincerely, Christopher ]. Nolan Senior Geologist Utah-certified UST Consultant # CC 0118 Attachments: Ciosure Plans '^ Closure Plan Review Summary Facility lD 4002263 Number of regulated tanks at this site not previously closed: Database: Certificate of Compliance lssued: No TANKS TO BE CLOSED Non-Notifier: I Closure Plan YES I Tank # Type Date lnstalled Capacity Substance Last Used Rmvd/ln Place I Asphalt Coated or Bare Sreel lllll9l0 500 Not Listed UNKWN RMVD TANK REMOVER Name:JACK MARK Cert. #: TR-TR-182 Exp. Date:8/l SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name: THRISTOPHER J NOLAI ceft. #: GSG$.IIoL_ Exp. Date: Bfist2}Ll lf different from database: Tank Owner: phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Site Name. Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Remarks: * NON-NOTIFIER*; Original to R.S.; Cover ltr to file; Mark's ticket expires in August; PLAN NOT CURRENTLY SIGNED BY OWNER Tuesday, May 23,2000 Page I of 1