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The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Hansen Allen and Luce Attn: Lance Nielsen 859 W. South Jordan Parkway #200 South Jordan, UT 84095 Work Order: 19I0968 Project: Fruit Heights 9/30/2019 Approved By: Dave Gayer, Laboratory Director 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 9 Certificate of Analysis 19I0968-01Lab Sample No.: Name: Sample Site: Sample Matrix: Sample Date: Receipt Date: Sampler: Green Road Well Drinking Water Dan Jones 9/17/2019 10:00 AM 9/17/2019 11:00 AM Fruit Heights Comments: PO Number: Project: Source Code:Sample Point:Report to State: System No.:UTAH06017 DS001 DS001 Y Hansen Allen and Luce Minimum Reporting LimitParameter Sample Result Units Analytical Method Analysis Date/Time Flag Preparation Date/Time EPA Max Contaminant Level (MCL) Calculations -0.48Langelier Index @ 22 Deg. C None Calculation 09/30/201909/30/2019 185Hardness, Total as CaCO3 1.32 mg/L SM 2340 B 09/19/201909/18/2019 Inorganic 179Alkalinity - Bicarbonate (as CaCO3)1.0 mg/L SM 2320 B 09/20/201909/20/2019 NDAlkalinity - Carbonate (as CaCO3)1.0 mg/L SM 2320 B 09/20/201909/20/2019 NDAlkalinity - Hydroxide (as CaCO3)1.0 mg/L SM 2320 B 09/20/201909/20/2019 179Alkalinity - Total (as CaCO3)1.0 mg/L SM 2320 B 09/20/201909/20/2019 NDAmmonia as N 0.2 mg/L SM 4500 NH3 H 09/17/201909/17/2019 42Chloride 1 mg/L EPA 300.0 09/17/201909/17/2019250 10Color 0 Color Units SM 2120 B 09/17/2019 12:4709/17/2019 12:3015 557Conductivity 1 umho/cm EPA 120.1 09/24/201909/24/2019 NDCyanide, Free 0.016 mg/L SM 4500 CN-E 09/18/201909/18/20190.2 0.2Fluoride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 09/17/201909/17/20194 0.08MBAS Surfactants 0.08 mg/L SM 5540 C 09/19/2019 09:3509/19/2019 09:150.5 0.2Nitrate as N 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 09/17/2019 14:3809/17/2019 14:3810 NDNitrite as N 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 09/17/2019 14:3809/17/2019 14:381 NDOdor 0 0 - 5 Scale SM 2150 B 09/17/2019 12:4709/17/2019 12:303 7.2pH 0.1 SPHpH Units SM 4500 H-B 09/17/2019 15:0409/17/2019 13:55 0.02Phosphate, ortho as P 0.01 mg/L SM 4500 P-E 09/17/2019 16:3709/17/2019 15:08 45Sulfate 1 mg/L EPA 300.0 09/17/201909/17/2019250 336Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)20 mg/L SM 2540 C 09/18/201909/18/20191000 0.79Turbidity 0.02 NTU EPA 180.1 09/17/2019 16:0309/17/2019 15:505 Metals 0.1Aluminum, Total 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20190.2 NDAntimony, Total 0.0005 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.006 NDArsenic, Total 0.0005 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.01 0.029Barium, Total 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20192 NDBeryllium, Total 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20190.004 NDBoron, Total 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/2019 NDCadmium, Total 0.0002 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.005 53.5Calcium, Total 0.2 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDChromium, Total 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20190.1 0.0056Copper, Total 0.0010 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20191.3 0.09Iron, Total 0.02 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/19/201909/18/20190.3 0.0005Lead, Total 0.0005 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.015 12.6Magnesium, Total 0.2 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/2019 0.203Manganese, Total 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20190.05 Page 2 of 8 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070801-262-7299 Office www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 9 Certificate of Analysis 19I0968-01Lab Sample No.: Name: Sample Site: Sample Matrix: Sample Date: Receipt Date: Sampler: Green Road Well Drinking Water Dan Jones 9/17/2019 10:00 AM 9/17/2019 11:00 AM Fruit Heights Comments: PO Number: Project: Source Code:Sample Point:Report to State: System No.:UTAH06017 DS001 DS001 Y Hansen Allen and Luce Minimum Reporting LimitParameter Sample Result Units Analytical Method Analysis Date/Time Flag Preparation Date/Time EPA Max Contaminant Level (MCL) Metals (cont.) NDMercury, Total 0.00020 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.002 NDNickel, Total 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20190.1 3.9Potassium, Total 0.5 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/2019 0.0005Selenium, Total 0.0005 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.05 23.4Silica, (as SiO2) Total 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/2019 NDSilver, Total 0.0005 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.1 40.5Sodium, Total 0.5 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/2019 NDThallium, Total 0.0002 mg/L EPA 200.8 09/18/201909/18/20190.002 NDZinc, Total 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 09/18/201909/18/20195 Carbamates ND3-Hydroxycarbofuran 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019 NDAldicarb 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019 NDAldicarb sulfone 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019 NDAldicarb sulfoxide 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019 NDCarbaryl 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019 NDCarbofuran 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/201940 NDMethomyl 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019 NDOxamyl 1 ug/L EPA 531.1 09/19/201909/19/2019200 Herbicides ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex)0.440 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/201950 ND2,4-D 0.220 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/201970 NDDalapon 2.20 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/2019200 NDDicamba 1.00 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/2019 NDDinoseb 0.440 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/20197 NDPentachlorophenol 0.088 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/20191 NDPicloram 0.220 ug/L EPA 515.3 09/25/201909/24/2019500 Pesticides NDEndrin 0.022 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20192 NDHeptachlor 0.088 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.4 NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.044 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.2 NDLindane 0.044 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.2 NDMethoxychlor 0.22 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/201940 NDPCB-1016 0.20 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.2 NDPCB-1221 0.20 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 NDPCB-1232 0.20 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 NDPCB-1242 0.50 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 NDPCB-1248 0.50 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 Page 3 of 8 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070801-262-7299 Office www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 9 Certificate of Analysis 19I0968-01Lab Sample No.: Name: Sample Site: Sample Matrix: Sample Date: Receipt Date: Sampler: Green Road Well Drinking Water Dan Jones 9/17/2019 10:00 AM 9/17/2019 11:00 AM Fruit Heights Comments: PO Number: Project: Source Code:Sample Point:Report to State: System No.:UTAH06017 DS001 DS001 Y Hansen Allen and Luce Minimum Reporting LimitParameter Sample Result Units Analytical Method Analysis Date/Time Flag Preparation Date/Time EPA Max Contaminant Level (MCL) Pesticides (cont.) NDPCB-1254 0.50 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 NDPCB-1260 0.50 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 NDPCB - Total 0.50 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20190.5 NDToxaphene 2.2 ug/L EPA 508.1 09/19/201909/18/20193 Semi-Volatile Compounds NDAlachlor 0.44 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20192 NDAldrin 2.00 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDAtrazine 0.22 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20193 NDBenzo (a) pyrene 0.04 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20190.2 NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Adipate 1.30 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019400 NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate 1.30 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20196 NDButachlor 0.50 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDalpha-Chlordane 0.44 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20192 NDgamma-Chlordane 0.44 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20192 NDChlordane - Total 0.44 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20192 NDDieldrin 1.00 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDHexachlorobenzene 0.22 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20191 NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.22 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/201950 NDMetolachlor 0.50 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDMetribuzin 0.50 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDPropachlor 0.50 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/2019 NDSimazine 0.15 ug/L EPA 525.2 09/19/201909/18/20194 Volatile Organic Compounds ND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019200 ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 ND1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,1-Dichloroethene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20197 ND1,1-Dichloropropene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/201970 ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/201970 ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019600 ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 Page 4 of 8 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070801-262-7299 Office www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 9 Certificate of Analysis 19I0968-01Lab Sample No.: Name: Sample Site: Sample Matrix: Sample Date: Receipt Date: Sampler: Green Road Well Drinking Water Dan Jones 9/17/2019 10:00 AM 9/17/2019 11:00 AM Fruit Heights Comments: PO Number: Project: Source Code:Sample Point:Report to State: System No.:UTAH06017 DS001 DS001 Y Hansen Allen and Luce Minimum Reporting LimitParameter Sample Result Units Analytical Method Analysis Date/Time Flag Preparation Date/Time EPA Max Contaminant Level (MCL) Volatile Organic Compounds (cont.) ND1,2-Dichloropropane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,3-Dichloropropane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/201975 ND2,2-Dichloropropane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDBenzene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 NDBromobenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDBromochloromethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDBromodichloromethane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDBromoform 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDBromomethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDCarbon Tetrachloride 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 NDChlorobenzene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019100 NDChloroethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 2.1Chloroform 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDChloromethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/201970 NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDDibromochloromethane 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDDibromomethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDEthyl Benzene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019700 NDHexachlorobutadiene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDMethylene Chloride 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 NDNaphthalene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDn-Butyl Benzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDn-Propyl Benzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDsec-Butyl Benzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDStyrene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019100 NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDTetrachloroethene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 NDToluene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20191000 NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019100 Page 5 of 8 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070801-262-7299 Office www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 9 Certificate of Analysis 19I0968-01Lab Sample No.: Name: Sample Site: Sample Matrix: Sample Date: Receipt Date: Sampler: Green Road Well Drinking Water Dan Jones 9/17/2019 10:00 AM 9/17/2019 11:00 AM Fruit Heights Comments: PO Number: Project: Source Code:Sample Point:Report to State: System No.:UTAH06017 DS001 DS001 Y Hansen Allen and Luce Minimum Reporting LimitParameter Sample Result Units Analytical Method Analysis Date/Time Flag Preparation Date/Time EPA Max Contaminant Level (MCL) Volatile Organic Compounds (cont.) NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDTrichloroethene 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20195 NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/2019 NDVinyl Chloride 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/20192 NDXylenes, total 0.5 ug/L EPA 524.2 09/18/201909/17/201910000 Page 6 of 8 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070801-262-7299 Office www.ChemtechFord.com Page 6 of 9 Certificate of Analysis Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit. 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/Kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/Kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/Kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. Values reported in RED exceed Primary Drinking Water standards. Values reported in BLUE exceed Secondary Drinking Water standards . BLANK values in the MCL column indicate no standard. Data Comparisons Flag Descriptions SPH = Sample submitted past method specified holding time. Page 7 of 8 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070801-262-7299 Office www.ChemtechFord.com Page 7 of 9 Page 8 of 9 Page 9 of 9