HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-004986L :Mg i€ mso.qEl. r@ar Etrc l:trtm rixll tFmiSgl |lotification for Underground Storage Tanks STATE USE ONLY S6raa9@r@daaoG ID NUMBER TYPE OF NOTIFICATION DATE RECEIVED : A. NEW FACILITY E B. AMENDED : C. CLOSUHE A. Date Entereo lnto Comouter B. Data Entry crerk rnitars iftscgssElil8 C. Owner Was Contadeo to 'A/7-.' ctarify Responses. cor,neil[|O Z 2 1990 No. of tanks at facilrty -Z-uo. of ""^rr"tr; sneers anacneo? INSTRUCTIONS Please tyoe or orint in ink all items except "signature" in secton V. This torm must be completed for each location containing underground storags tanks. lf more lhan five (5) tanks are owned at thts locatlon. photocopy the foilowrng she€ts, and staple continuatron sheets to the form. tfficdon l. rtqnartd by fuaiC l.u lor lll undcrgEund t.nkt th.t hav. bca.t ulad to nola rrgullEd tulatancaa Jtr Januty f. 19E4. that am in th.grlurtd .a o, Uay 0, 1980. or tha ln! brosgm anto u...ft.r l/Ly E, 19E6. Tha inionnad.rn r.gu.i.d it rtquand by Sacuon 9@l ot th. R..ourc. Cont.iln|on.rl(l Rccovrry Act, (RCRA), .! !nr.nd.d. T}le gflmary purposa ot fiis nomrcauon program rs to tocaro an6 evatuato umergrcund tanks that $or€ or have stor€d oetrolsum or ha:aroous Suostances. ll is srDecleo that n6 rntormaoon you grovlde wrtl b€ b:uiso on reasonaoly avalado Gcoros. or rn lh6 absonc€ ol sucn rsc!r6s, your l(nowteoge. oetret. or re@lEcllon. Who ihr.i Notlty? Seaion 9002 ot RCRA. .r:i amended. requues rhat. unless erempEO. oiners ol un@rground tanks that $ore r€gulat€o subs&lnoes must nody des.gnaleo surte or local ago.rcreri ol the el|$enca ot th€lr tanks. owner ,raSfli- a) in the caso of an underground $orage tank an use on Novamoor 8, tg&t. ot bmugm rnlo uso atter tha dato. any p€Gon who owns an undg(rround sto,ags tank uli€o lor lho $oraEe. use, or clisp€nsrirg ot regulat€d subsEnces. and bl in lhe casa of any undergrtund storage lank rn use botore Nov€moer 8. 19&{. but no longer ls us€ on ma date. any person wno owned sucn tank immeoraely belore the dlscoilrrxla0on ol rls use. c) at the sulre agencr 30 roqurrss. any tacility lhil has unoefgone any cnarigas to taolity rnlormatton or tank sy$em status. Whaf Tanlr Ar. lnclud.d? Undergrouncl storage tank rs clefineo as any one or comunanon ot tanks lhat ( t ) is usaro lo contatn an acoJmutatton o, "regulatoo suostancas.'ancl (2) whos6 volume (rncdiding conn€ded unoerEround gtomg) ts l07o or more Dgneam m€ groum. Some eramoles aro underground tantG stonng: l. Gasoline. us€d oil. or dtesel tuel. and Z indushat sotvents. pes0odes. h€ruo(Es o, fumrgants. What T.nlr Art Ercludad? fanks Iamotred rrom the ground are not subpcr to notficatron. Other tanks orduded lrom nortication are: 1. tarm or rBsdenrlal lanks ol 1.100 gallons or te$ cagaory used lor $onng morcr fuol loi non@mmeroal purpos{rs: e lanks usod lor stonng heaDng oal lor consumprv€ use on the promlsos where sbrEd: 3. segoc lanks: 4. grpolino lacilitis (inducring gah€nnq lines) regulaled undct ttta Nalural Gas Pipolin€ Sarety Act ot 1968. or the Hazar(bus troud Pip€lrn€ Sarev Aci ol 1979. or wnldr ts an rnra:iuile ptpolrno raolity reguraleo urroor State |ars: 5. surlace rmpoundmcour. grs, 9onos. or lagoons: 6. $orm watet or wage water @rledon systems: 7. tlow-through procsss tanks: 8. liqut(l tra96 or:tssooaed ganennE ltnes ouoclly r€lat€d to o[ or gas croducuon arl(, gath€nng oPefa0ons: 9. stora€€ tanks srruat€d tn an unoerErcund ar€a (such iis a oas€menl. cellat. mtn€ro.l(ng, dntt. shatt. or runndl rt th6 slorage tanx ts $tuato ugon or aoov€ lne surtaca ol th6 floor. Whtt grhanc.. Alt Covartd? Th6 no0ticaton reourromenGr aDpl), to unoor Eround $orago tanlG thal comain regurated subsBnces. This ittdu(bs any suamnco dsti.red a! hazadous rn s€€lton 101 dlid th. corilgrarr€nsve Erwlronmenial Response. Compensauon ano q@Iffi lhot tgg0 (CERCI-AI. wrrn th€ oxcagson ot those Substancs reEulared as nalaroous *lnr umer subtile c ol RCM. lt arso andutalr qrrrobum, €.9-.. crude orl or ahi.rracton ttiulot wnrcn rs ticrutd al sta rctaro @noruons ol temgerature ano pressure rE.-qaEoij6anrenne,t aln 14.7 pouncr oor souarg rnqr aDsoruret. .t . - f [./X,wh-t ro No*rv? seno cow;;:'?T_::,' '" Q .,. .,r , o "- QO *o oi'i,ofru:, ,, iso wlrcn To t{otlry? 1. owners oi unoergrouno ,rofln/rr39r.l?/fuOrrtnat have 5€on raxen our o, oo€rarrcn atrer January I . 1974. bur strll'ihffSrpirir{d)musr norrw Dy May 8. 1986. a Oiln€rs wno bnng unoargrouno storage tankS{rt& Dl* ane? Mav L 1986. must notty $rhin 30 days ot Dnn$ng rne ranxs rnto us6. 3. Itlr(AEnte reourros nouticatron ol any aunenomens ro taollty seno rnlormatron ro Stal6€gency rmm€0lill6lY. Pen tti.a: &ry owr.r uho knowanEly laila lo nolily or tubmatt l.ls. in o'lrtdon thdl ba rubl.ct to t ciyil p.n.tty not to.rc..d 3'10.000 tor..ch trnl ro? rlrdr nofillcltlon ir not giy.n o? lor which lrlra anlottttttion i! 3ubitilt d. I. OWNERSHIP OF TANK(S)II. LOCATION OF TANK{S)a 7.7 OO Wes t Ora naru rco@,ar@ rffit@J. Putr &sq. d OtE Enr&l UDOT, Diyision of Maintenance Srdlde 4501 So. Salt Lake City, I.rtah B4l,19 iil Sa A iC o^ | .aE Er Frt .qtilnrC@ftSiffi. rtrea lG6 rctffit 500 North Mn i reef Sevi er &v. a m,IE tsct!6 d taE i rm d Seta d oerG. a'^utG. a€ '@ Erffi ui .2 :€ Larrtude3S .57 28 N Longrrude 111 .51 3 3 nS Salt Lake :lc C6a CMs r 801) 96s- 4769 Ph{,{@rtffi tQfut L., III. TYPE OF OWNER IV.INDIAN LANOS Tanxs are Ecateo on lano w[hin an lndian Resewation or on other tru$ lands. tr Tanxs are owneo oy native American natlon. inbe. or inoivioua = V. TYPE OF FACILITY I Tribe or Nation: l- E Fxiera Gov't. HState Govemmem I Uocat Govemmenl Commercral Private ! - Contrador _ Trucking/Transoon _ Resoential _ Farm _ Other (Exptain) Sel€ci the Apprognae Faciiity Oescnptron _ Gas Station _ Petrol€um Distnbuor _Air Taxi (Aidine) _AircrartOmor _Auto OeaEctrip _ Railroad _ Loeal Govemmenl Y Stanr Govemment - F€doral - Military -Commerod_ lncusfral - Federal - Non-Military - Utilities VI. CONTACTPERSON IN CHARGE OFTANKS Phone Number (lndude Area Code) ( 801) s29 - 7 222 Nama Job Title Address Larry Crane Station Supervisor See Location VII. FIMNCIAL RESPONSIBILIW lhare mt accorlan .n-*-^I*"il'* Self lnsurance Commercial lnsuranca Risk Retemon Group ,t the finaneal responsrbility requiremenE in ce wilh 40 CFR Subpan H i I I ,- Guaranree I I Surery Bond | - Lener of Creoit -'+ state Funds Other Methoo Alloweo Soeofy Vlll. CEFflFICATION (Read and sign after comgleting all secttons) I ceruty under penatty ol lry that I have personally examined and am tamiliar wrth the informatron submittect in thts ano all attached documsnts. and thal bascd on nry inqriry of those indrvrduals immeoiately responsble for ootarnrng lhe informanon. I believe tnat the submined inlormation is true.acalrate, and completo. Oate Signeo s- 7 -? Nanre and olficial tide of owner : Signanrre or owne/s authorizeo represenative (Print) Daniel Hsiao, Div. of Iviaintenance 0;,t/lb^o EPA estimates public reponing burden for this form to irverage 30 minutes per resoonse including Ime tor revrewrng rnstrudlons. gathoring ard mainAinang th€ <taia nee(ed and complAing and reviewng the form. Send commenE regardin_g tlis_9ulU_en estmale to eniet. tntormaion Policy Brardr PM-,B, U.S. Erwircnmentat Protection Agensy.4Ol M Straet. WashinElton D.C.20460. matt€d 'Attention Desk Offrcer ior EPA.'This torm amends the prwrous notilication forir as pnnted in 40 CFR Pan 280. Appendir l. Previous edfions of this notificaion lorm may be used while suppibs las;t lX' DESCRIPTION OF UNDEFGROUNO STORAGE TANKS (Comprere for each tank at this tocation.) Tank ldentification Number fank No. 1 Tank No. 2 Tank No. _ Tank No. Tank No. Stiatus ot Tank (mark only one)Cunently in User Temporanly Out of Usel {HilFEEftusoIII, Permanently Out of User (nffitEilu@txl: Amendment of lnformauonr tv lr 2. Dats of lnstaflation June 1990 June 1990 3. Estimated Total Capacrty (gailons) 6 . o o o 8^000 Asphault Coated or Bare Steeti Cathodiacally Protected Steet r Epoxy Coated Steetr Composite (Steel with Fibergtass) r Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic I Lined lntenor I Oouble Walled I Polyethylene Tank Jacket r Concrete r Excavation Liner r unfnown i : Other, Please Speoty i Has tank been repaired?r 4. Material ol Construction (Mark all that apply) I,l ,l I I: tl x lxi I I I I I I I T I 5. Piping (Material) (Mark all that apply) Bare Steetr Galvanized Steelr Fiberglass Reinforced plastic r I Copper i Cathodicaily proteaed r Double Walled r Secondary Containment r Unknown r Other, Please Specify I ,Xl I t, lr lr I : I I I I I 6. Piping (Type) (Mark all that apply) Suction: no valve at tank, i;r-- Suction: valve at tant i i I Pressurer i X I Gravrty t"o, ---l Has piping been repalred ? | | | t-x r Tank No. r Tank No. .r Tanx No. - Tank No- - ianx No' - 7. Substance Cunenqv or t-ast Stored ln Greatest Quantry by Volume Gasoline 0ieset Gasonol Kerosene x Heating Oil Us6cl Oil Other. Please Speoty r Hazarlous Subsfrnca CERCLA name and/or. CAS number Mixture of Subsances Ptease Speefy X. TANKS OUTOF USE. OR CHANGE IN SERVICE 1. Closing oi Tank A. Estimated &re la$ usd $noJdayry€€rl 8. Esilmae date tank dosed (moJdayryeao C. Tank was removed trcm grountl D. Tank was dosad in grcund E. Tant tilled fftt inert material Describe l,r irl F. Change in serur:e I Evtrenca ol a leak detected I \ffi*c offi Tank ldentification Number Tank No. L Tank No. 2 , Tank No. Tank No. - i Tank No. - 1. lnstallation lnstaller certified by tank and piping manufacturers B. lnstaller certified or licensed by the implementing agency C. lnstallation inspected by a registered engineer D. lnstallation inspected and approt d bry implementing agency Manutact ro/s installation check- lists have b€€n compl€tod Another method allowed by State agency. Pleass specfu. F. il- r-tl!rtt ii-l iil--];r l- ,l1ll i lt 2. Release Oetection (Mark ail that appty) A. Manual tank gauging B. Tank tightness testing C. lnvantory controls TANKxx PIPING 1,ff}":#"ffi;*aq) G. lnterstitial moniloring double wafled tanUpiping LKx rytr tr H.lnterstitialmonrtodng/secondary X-' containment l. Automatic line leak detectors i J. Line tighhess testing _ i K. Oher method allowed by , i , ilmplementing Agency. Please Specrty. TANKxx[KEmmm m ! :l I PIPING EwEr4 * TANK r rItrtltrrlE lt PIPINGi TANK I -i- l':iI, t-lr-I 'l Ilt:ril I I I I PIPING llr i: It, TANK I PTPTNG I Etl t_ltrE EE ! EEr Il........-lr-i'li l t-i-lir,: -l+ I It--]lr--'lIrll 3. Spill and Overfill Protection A. Overfill device instatled B. Spill devica installed best o, my belief ard knowledge.information conceming installation that is \-, 9Y ";"{*)*M ' veil* 'L %-ry*ffi^(dN'***tr}il*)\crry Q\'rD/r FoR I RETURil Kenneth Alkema iffi I *."'*fB Lqi'fltt:*llffi:ff:-zffiZo Notificrtion is rcquircd by Fcdcnl hw for rl! undcryroud trnls dret hevc bccn u!.d to 3torc rctulrtcd rubctmccs sincc Jenury I, l9?{. thrt erc in ihc arormd u of Mry t. 19t6, or tht erc brou3ht into uc rftcr Mry t, 19t6. Thc informrtion rc$lcrcd brcquircdby Scction9002ofthc RcsourccConservetionend Rccovcry Act,(RCRA)r. rs rmcndcd. The primary purpose of this notification program is to locate and evaluate under- ground tanks that store or have stored petroleum or hazardous substances. lt is expected that the information you provide will be based on rcasonably alailable records. or. in the absenct of such records. your knowledge. belief. or recollection. Who Must Notify? Section 9002 of RCRA. as amended. requires rhar. unless exempted. owners of underground tanks that storc rcgulated substances must notify designated State or local agencies of the existence of their tanks. Owner means- (a) in the case of an underground storage tank in use on November 8. 1984. or brought into use after that date. any person who owns an underground storage tank used for the storage. use. or dispensing of regulated substances. and(ir) in the case ofany underground storage tank in use before Novembcr 8. 1984. but no longer in use on that date. any person who owned such tank immediately beforc the discontinuation of its use. lYhrt Tenks Arc Includcd? Underground srorage tank is defined as any one or combination of tanks that ( l) is used ro conrain an accumularion of 'rcgulited sub. stances." and (2) whose volumi (including connected underground piping) is 1016 or more beneath theground. Some examples arc underground tanks storihg:-t.gasoline. used oil. or diesel fuel. and 2, industrial solvents. pesricides. herbicides or fumiganrs. Wht Trnks Are Excludcd? Tanks removed from rhe ground arc not subjecr ro noiification. Other tanks excluded from notification are: t. farm or residential tanks of I . 100 gallons or less capacity used for storing motor fuel for noncommercial purposes: 2. tanks used for storing heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored: 3. septic tanks: 4. pipeline facilities (including gathering lines) regulated under the Natural Cas Pipeline Safety Act of l!)68. or the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Salerl' Acr of 1979. or which is an intrastate pipeline facility regulated under Srare laws: 5. surface impoundments. pits. ponds. or lagoons: 6. storm water or waste water collection systems: 7. flow-through process tanksl t. liquid traps or associated gathering Iines directly relared to oil or gas production and gathering operations: 9. storage tanks situated in an underground area (such as a basement. cetlar. mineworking. drift, shaft. or tunnel) if the srorage tank is situated upon or abol.e rhe surface of the floor. Wh.t Sub.lrncc Are Covcrcd? Thc notification requiremenrs appl1, ro under- ground storage tanks that contain regulared substances. this inctudei ini, substance defined as hazardous in section l0l (14) of rhe Comprchensire Enr:ironmenral Response. Compensation and Liability Acr of 1980 (CE RCLA ). wit h rhe exce prion of those substances regulated as hazardous waste under Subritle C of RCRA. lr also includes petroleum. e.g.. crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid ar standard conditions of.temperature and pressure (d) degrees Fahrenheit and i4.7 pounds Jxrquare inch absolute). Whcrc To Notify? Completed notificarion forms should be senr ro rhe address given at the top of this page. Whcn To Notify? l. Owners of underground storage tanks in use or that hat e becn taken out of operation after Januarr' l. 1974. bur still in the ground. must notilv br. Ma1 t. 1986. 2. Ownert uho bring rinderground storage tank"s into use afrer Mar i. 1986. must notify within 30 days of bringing the tanks into use. Peneltics: Any owner who knowingly feils to notify or submits felsc informrlionshll bc subject to r civil penrlty not to rxcecd Sl0,lXXl for erch trnk for which notilicrtion b not 3ivcn or for which frkc lnformrtion b submlttcd. Please type or print in ink all items except 'signature'in Section V. Thb form mu$ by completed for erch locrtion contrining underground storrge trnks. lf more than 5 tanks are owned at this-location. photocopy the reverse side. and staple continuation sheets to this form. lndicate numhr of continuation sheets attached (Corporation, lndividual, Public Agency, or Other Entity) Utah Daortment of Traneoortation City State ZlPCode Richfield Utah 84ZOf Area Code Phone Number8or 8c5-824r Type of Owner (frcr* ell thel e$y lf, ) I current S st"t"o,LocatGov't tr BtJyBi?S{"I ro.,", tr [ABX*Sfl,,l,o no tr 3#?{:l}1, (lf same as Section 1, mark Uox nere E ) Facility Name or Company Site ldentifier, as applicable Stati-oa 333 Street Address or State Road, as applicable )OO North Main City (nearest) State ZtP Code Mark box here if tank(s) are located on land within r-r an lndian reservation or lJ on other lndian trust lands Name (lf same as Section l, mark box here Lamy Crane Job Title Station Foreman Area Code Phone Number8or 895-824r tr Mark box here only it this is an amended or subsequent notification for this location. l.certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attacheddocuments, and that based on my inquiry ol those individuals immediately responsible forobtaining the information, I believe tnat tfresubmitted information is true, accurate, and complete. Name and oflicial title of owner or owner's authorized represontative CarI Johnson SafetyAosg Control Mgr. EPA Form 7530-1 (1 owngr..Nems (lrom secton l)Locatlon (lrom Sectlon Il)Pagp No. -ot- Tank ldentllication No.(e.9., ABC-123), or Arbitrarily'Asdgned Sequentlal Number (e.9., 1,2,3...) Tank No. I Tank No.a Tank No.a Tank No. \+ Tank No.6 1. Status ol Tank(Markatlttnlawtya) CurrentlY in Use ' Temporarily Out of Use Permanently Out of Use Brought into Use after 5/8/86 E=t F E:t-t E 2. Estimated Aqe flearcl IA ZA z ZI 5 3. Estlmated Tota! Gapaclty (Gallons)tu *rr t-to66 7m I O66 4. Materlalolconstructlon Steel(Markone8') concrete Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Unknown Other, Please Specify :I EI E EI 5. lntemal Protectlon(Markatlthatapryg) CathodicProtection' - Triterior Lining (e.9., epoxy resins) None Unknown Other, Please Specify E-l E E:E-l EI 6. Extema! Protectlon (Markattthatapptyg) ^ .c.1'lfoProtection' Painted (e.9., asphaltic) Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Coated None Unknown Other, Please Specify EI EI EI E EI 7' PiPing Bare steer(Markallthatapp,ya) Gatvanized Steet Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Cathodically Protected Unknown Other, Please Specify E t-- lEI r:E= y"tong S.Substance.Qune$V.or$gr_!9*a a. Empry in Grcatest Quantity by Volume b. petroteum(MarkalltlntaPryB) Dieset Kerosene Gasoline (including alcohol blends) Used Oil Other, Please Specify c. HazardousSubstance Please lndicate Name of Principal CERCLA Substance OR Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No. Mark box tE if tank stores a mixture of substances d' Unknown frr l\.^li.- oll tu , T-_l t{*li*oll E tu tu E:l b EI_F E 9. Addltional lnlormatlon (lor tanks permanently laken oul ol servlce) a. Estimated date last used (mo/yr) b. Estimated quantity of substance remaining (gal.) c. Mark box tE if tank was filled with inert material (e.9., sand, concrete) UWI sq' 'rar 1 Ffg€& EPA Form 7530-1 (11-85) Reverse t u.3. Gorrnmrnt ttlntlng Otllcr: t!lHtl.7tl Page2 FoR . ! RETURN Kenneth Alkema lH I**'flf8 H'fl"dt:#ffi::H- Notificrtion is requircd by Fcdenl hw for att underground tenks thrt hvc bccn glcd !o s!g]e reryhtcd substmccs since Jrnuery I, 1974, thrt rrc in the grourd rs of Mry t, 19t5, or thrt rre bro_utlt into rrsc efter Miy t, 19t6. Thc informrtion rcquestcd isrcquircd by Sccfion9002 of the Rcsource Conscnrtionend Recovery Act,(RtRA), rs rmcndcd. The primary purpose of this notification program is to locate and evaluate under- ground tanks that store or have stored petroleum or hazardous substances. lt is expected that the information you provide will be based on reasonably available records. or. in the absence of such recbrds. your knowledge. belief. or recoilection. Who Must Notify? Section 9002 of RCRA. as amended, requires that, unless exempted. owners of underground tanks that store regulated subsiances must notifv designated State or local agencies of the existence of their tanks. Owner means-l(a) in the case of an underground storage tank in use on November 8. 1984. or brought into use after that date. any p€rson who owns an underground storage tank used for the storage. use. or dispensing of regulated substances. aid(ir) in the case ofany underground storage tank in use before November 8. 1984. but no longer in use on that date. any person who owned such tank immediately before the discontinuation of ils use. tYhrt Trnks Are lnchdcd? Underground storage rank is defined as anv one or combinllion of tanks rhar ( I ) is used io conrain anlccumulation of -reguldred sub- stances." and (2) whose volumi (including connecred underground piping) is lOlc or more beneath the_ground. Some exampleiare underground ianks stdrihg:I. gasoiine. used oil. or diesel fuel. and 2. indusrrial solvenrs. peiticides. herbicides 6r furfuigants. Whrt Trnls Arc Excludcd?,Tanks removed from the ground are not subject to notification. Other tanks excluded from notification are: l. farm or residential tanks of I . lfi) gallons or less capacity used for storing motor fuel for noncommercial purposes: 2. tanks used for storing heating oil forconsumptive use on the premises where storedl 3. septic tanks: 4, pipeline facilities (including gathering lines) regulated under rhe Natural Cas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968. or the Hazardous Liquicl Pipeline Safet) Acr ol 1979. or which is an intrasrate pipeline faciliry regulared under Stite laws: 5. surface impoundments. pits. ponds. oi lagoons: 6. storm r+ater or waste water collection systems: 7. flow-through procrss tanks: t. liquid traps or associared gathering lines directly relared to oil or gas production and gathenng operatlons: 9.. storage tanks situated in an underground area (such as a basement. cellar. mineworking. drift. shaft. or tunnel) if thi storage tank is situated upon or above rhe surface of the floor. Whrt Substrnces Are Covered? The notification requiremenls appl1, to under- ground storage tanks that contain regulated substances. fnis inctudes'dni' substance defined as hazardous in section l0l ( 14) of rhe Comprehensive Enrironminral Responsr. Compensarion a nd Liabiliry Act of 1980 ( CE RCLA ). u it h the exception of those substances regulated as hazardous waste under Subtitle C of RCRA. lt also includes petroleum. e.g.. crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid ar srandird conditions of temperarure and pressurel60 degrees Fahrenheir and i4.7 pounds pei square inch absolute.;. . Where.To Notify? Completed notification forms should be sent ro the addressgrlen at the top ol thls page. When To Notify? l. Owners of underground srorage tanks i n use or t har har e becn taken out of operation after Januarl l. 1974. bur still in the sround. must noril\ h\ May 8. 1986. 2. Owners who bring underground srorage tanks into use afrer Miv i. 1986. must notify within 30 days of bringing rhe tanks iito use. Ptneltics: Any owner who knowingly feils to notify or submits frlse informrtionshrll be subje.ct to e civil penrlty not to excocd S10,000 for erch trnt for whichnofficrtion is not given or for which frlse informrtion is submitied. lndicate number of continuation sheets attached Please type or print.in ink all items except *signature" in Section V. Thb form mu$ by completed for eech locrtion containing underground stonge trnks. lf more than 5 tanks are owned it this'location. photocopy the reverse side. and staple continuation sheets to this form. (Corporation, lndividual, Public Agency, or Other Entity) UDOI StatLon 373 citY s"lirr" utfft"846fP4coo" Type of Owner (rt ad( ail thet awtyw ) I current @ stateorrocatcov,t tr tJyli?SrtI Fo,,", tr t$Xllgfl,,f,.o.no. tr 3#:g!;1, (lf same as Section 1, mark box trere S 1 Facility Name or Company Site ldentifier, as applicable Street Address or State Road, as applicable lndicate number of tanks at this location Mark box here if tank(s) are located on land within an lndian reservation or on other lndian trust lands Name (lf sameassection l, mark box nere El )Larry Crane Station Area Code 8or Phone Number 529-7222 Job Title Foreman tr Mark box here only if this is an amended or subsequ€nt notification for this location. l.certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attacheddocuments, and that basgd on my inquiry of those-individuals immediatety reiponsiute ioi oolai;inglhe l;i;fft;iionl ioeu"re thar thesubmitted information is true, accurat6, aild complete. Name and official title of owner or owner's authorized representative Dale Sylvester Dist. .#1 Saf ety Coordinat 7s30-1 (11-85) Tank ldentilf calion No. leg'diaC -1.Z3i7, or Arbitrarily Assigned Sequential Number (e.9., 1,2,3...) Tank No. I Tank No. 9 Tank No.3 Tank No.4 Tank No.F 1' Status ol rank currently in Use(Mark all thatapilya) Temporariryout of Use Permanently Out of Use Brought into Use after 5/8/86 [K-l ffl rrr q-1 fv1 2. Estlmated Aoe ffeare)tq.d tqb.)I qn5 t 7L€)t?8.1 3. Estlmaled Total Capacltv (Gallons)2tbtt a. )tt b u ooa 3A00 / aoa 4. Materlalol Constructlon Steel1Ma*one8.) concrete Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic Unknown Other, Please Specify a/tv 5. lniernal Protectlon (Mark ail that appty$) cathodic Protection' - Triterior Lining (e.9., epoxy resins) None Unknown Other, Please Specify f7 rxl r-.71 6. Ertema! Protection (Ma*attthatapptya) ^ TTf':Protection' Painted (e.9., asphaltic) Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Coated None Unknown Other, Please SPecifY r7].7 fv-1 7' PiPing Bare steel(Ma*allthatapplyB) Gatvanized Steet Fi berglass Rei nf orced Plastic Cathodically Protected Unknown Other, Please SPecify rx]T lrrr f7-1 rF rKl 8. Substance.Cunentlyorlast Stored a. Empty in Greatest Quantity byVolume b. petroleum(MarkallthatapilyB) Dieset Kerosene Gasoline (including alcohol blends) Used Oil Other, Please SPecifY c. HazardousSubstance Please lndicate Name ol Principal CERCLA Substance OR Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No. Mark box E if tank stores a mixture of substances d. Unknown aE1 .C,,,/ fr|A aE1 8.,/ O; L rFl rrr .6-t rrl *<.) ArL l_Ft E il 9. Additional lnlormatlon (for tanks permanently taken out ol service) a. Estimated date last used (mo/yr) b. Estimated quantity of substance remaining (gal.) c. Mark box tE if tank was filled with inert material (e.9., sand, concrete) ,r) uDo* L, ';*;:;fi"cronrrl sari(- ,"n""".jJhgnr ' EPA Form 7530-1 (1 1-85) Reverse t u.S. Gowrnmsnl I'rlntln, Ottt6r t!!C-ttl6'735 Page2 | :a Jwncr Nrmc (lrom Scc-tlon l)UDOE Locellr T (lrom Scctlon ll)PagcNo.]otlergatSaIina t. : Tank ldentilication No. (e.9., ABC-123), or Arbitrarily Asrigned Sequentlal Number (e.9., 1 33-l Tank No.L TankNo.Tank No.Tank No.Tank No. 1. Status ol Tank ryr.d(.tt tr'tepp,y'J) r-,*::f3tl}ffi furmanentlyoutof t se Bought into Use atter SE/S q t-] I-] t-]t-l r-1 I-] 2 ErffmatedAse (Yeanl t98,3 3. Erfimated Total Caoadty (Gallmr)zt DAa tl. Mslcrl8l of Construclhr(rrlad(or,,lil, --' stel Concree Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic Unknown Other. PleaseSpcify l-]E l-]t-]l-]l-] l-lI-] I-]t-] r-] r-]t-]1-] 5.lntemal ProtecUm (Ma* atl that applyg). Cathodic Protecliql- ldteriorLining (e.g..epoxyrcsins) None Unknorn Othe( PteaseSpecify rrl l-]t-]r-.|r-] 6. Extemal Protec{lqr (Ma*ailthatapptys) *,fff;:X"ffi Fiberglass Reintorced Plastic Coated None Unknourn Other, Please Specify l-] t--ll-] 7' PiPing Baresteel(Ma* all thatapprya) Gatmnized steel Fibergtass Reinlorced Plastic Cathod ically Protected Unknown Other, PleaseSpecify r)Ct t-]l-1 l-]l---ll-] r---.l 8. Subslance Currenlly or last Stored inGrealesrouantitybivoturne - -a Empty (Maftailthatapptygi - b' Petroleum Diesel Kerosene Gasoline (including alcohol blends) Used Oat Other, Please Specily c. HazardousSubstanca Please !ndicate Name ol Principal CERCLA Substance oa Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No. Mark box El il tank stores a mixture of substances d. Unknovm rFl l-l rrll--] n r---l r---] E rl tr l--I Tf l---_l 9. Additional tnlormation (lor tanks permanently taken out ol service) a. Estimated date last used (mo/yr) b. Estimaled quantity of subslance remaining (gal.) c. Mark box E if lank was filled with inert materia! (e.9.. sand, concrete) I I I I I r-_--|l----_.| EPA Form 753O-f (lf-85) Reversc tU.3.Gcfirme at ktntlBt Ofrld: ttta-{t3-rtt Page 2 FOR I RETURN KennethAlkema iffi | comPLnREn Lq,'##ffr:x* STATE l.D. Number T'SEONLY,nrt Notillcrtlon lr rcquir:d by Fcdcnl hw for rll undrrrround trr*r drrt hrvc bcanut d t_o $ora rrtublcd rubstrrt jncc Jenurry t, t9a. fh.t rrt in thc grornd u oI Mey t. l9!5. or rlrrt rn bror4ht imo rrc rftcr Miy t, t9E6. Thc irtramrOin nqraca b rcqufud by Sccdon 9002 of-thc Rcrourcc Cmcivrdon ud Rccovrry Acq (n'CnAI.. rmcodtd. Thc primary purposc of rhis norification program is to locatc and cvaluatc under-ground tanks that storr or hal'c stored pdtrolcum or hazardous subetancrr. !t is expccted that the information you provide will bc bascd on reasonably availablc rccords. or. in thc abscnct of srrch recbrds. your knowledgc. belief. or recoilcction. Who Musr Nodfy? Secrion 9002 of RCRA. as amended. rcquires thar. unlcss excmpted. owners of underground tanks that storc rtculstcd subsianccs must notifv dcsignatcd Statc or local agencies of thc existcncc oI thcir unks. Oryrrr mcans-l _ (a) in.thc casc of an undcrground sroragc tank in usc on Noraembcr 8. 19t4. or brought into usc after that datc. any pcrson who owns an underground storagc tank uscd for thc storagc. usc. or dispensin! of regulatcd subsunccs. a-nd _ (ir) rn thc casc ol any underground storage unk in usc bcforc Novcmbcr 8. 1984. but no longcr in usc on rhar datc. any pcrson iho owncd such tank immcdiarcly bcfore the discontinuation of its usc. lVhrf Tenlr An lnchdcd? Undcrground storagc unk is dcfincd as.ny onc or combination of tanks that ( | ) is usrd io contain anlctumulation of .rcruhrcd sub sunces.'and (2) whose volumc (including conncocd undcrground pipirig) is l07p or morc bcncath ihc.ground. Somcexamples-arc underground rinks srdrihg:-i.gsoiinc. uscd oil. or diescl fuel. and 2. indusrrial solvcnts. pesticides. herbicides 6r fu-miganrs. Whrt Trnts Arc Ercludcd? Tanks removed from the ground arc not subject ro notification. Othcr tanks excludcd from notilication arc: - l. farm or rcsidcnrial tanks of l.100 gallons or lcss capacitl,uscd for sroring motor fucl for noncommcrcial purposcs: 2. tanks uscd for storing heating oil forconsumptive usc on the prcmiscs where storcd: 3. scptic tanks: 4. pipcline facilities (including gathering lines) rctularcd under rhe Narural Gas Pipclinc Safety Act of 1968. or rhi Hazardous Liquia Pipclinc Safery Acr of 1979. or which is an intrastare pipeline facilily regulatcd under Stite laws: 5. surfacc impoundmenrs. pits. ponds. oi lagoons: 6. storm *aler or uaslc water collection syritems: 7. flow-through proccss tanks: t.liquid traps orassociatcd gathering lincs dirtcrly rclatcd to oilorgr.s produoion and galhcnnS opcrations: 9.. storage tanks siruatcd in an underground area (such as a bancmcnt. ctllar. mincworking. drift. shaft. or tunnel) if the srorage tank is siruatcd upon or aborc thc surfacc of the floor. Wh.t Sub.trlu Arr Covcrcd? Thc norification rcquiremenrs apply to under- * gro_un{ storagc tanks that conrain rcgulaled subsranccs. this includiiny subriunce*dcfirrd as hazardous in scction l0l (14) of thc Comorchcnsilc Enriironmcnml Responsc, Compcnsarion and Liabiliry Acr of 1980(CERCLA). wirh rhc exceorion of thosc substancrs rcguhtcd as hazardous waste under Subtitle C of RCRA. lr also includcs pctrolcum. c.g.. crudc oil or any fraction thcrcof which is liquid ar srandard conditions of.tempcraiurc and prcssurcj60 dcgrccs Fahrcnhcit end ii.7 pounds pcr sr;uare inch absolutc;. llYlr.rc To Nofffy? Complered notifrcation fonns should bc srnt to thc addrcss gircn at thc top of this pagc. lVhcn To Notlfy? t. Owners of underground storage tanks in uric or that hale becn la-ken .out ^of o-pcration afier Janua4 l . 1974. but stil-l in the ground. must norifl. b1, May 8. 1986. 2. Owncrs who bring underground storage ranh into use after Mi1.tt. 1986. must notify within 30 days of bringing the ranks inro usc. hnrhic* Any owncr rrlrc tnowinjly feib to notifv c obmib frbc infonrntborbll b. $biGct to r civll pcn lty not to crcccd 3m.m0 fa cr.b trrt for rhlchnolfibtion b not jrcn or for rhic-h fekc intormrtbn b ertmLfrd. Please type or print in ink all items except "signature' in Section V. Thb form muil by complGfcd for clch locrtion contrinint undcryround stonp trnk. lf more than 5 tanks arc owned irr thisiocation. photocopy the reverse side. and staple continuation sheets to this form. lndicate number of continuation shcets attached Typeof Owner (ltt*ol,tht rifly[f,)' ' I crrr"nt @ stateorrocatcov'r tr Bt6:"rS,tI ro-", tr tffillSflr,,.o.^o. tr g#m, Name (Corporation, lndividual, Public Agency, or Other Entity) Utah Deoartnent of Tranaoortation City State ZtP Code Richfield Utah 84?01AreaCode PhoneNumber8or 8c5-824r Name (lf same as Section l, mark box here E ) LarrT Craae Job Title Station Forenaa AreaCode PhoneNumber8or 896-8241 E Mark box here only if thls is an amended or gubsequ€nt notilication lor this location. I.certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attschedoocuments, and that based on my inquary of thoso individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the informatlon, I belie\re that thesubmited information is true, accurate, ahd complete Name and oflicial title ol owner or owne/s authoriz€d repr€sontetiut Carl Johasoa Safcty/,ogs Coutrol !llr. (lf same as Section 1, mark box here Facility Name or Company Site ldentifier, as applicable StatLon 113 StrB€t Addr€ss or Stgte Road, as applicable 5OO North Main County Sevier City (nearest)ZlPCode Mark box here if tenk(s) are located on land within an lndian r€servation or on other lndian trust lands Form 7530-1(11-85) UMT I/Loc.0on (lrom Scctlon !l) 11 Page No. -d-Pegpl s*./.raOwnerNeme (lrom Sccilon l) Tank ldentilicatlon No. (e.9., ABC-1Z!), or Arbitrarily Asslgned Sequenthl Number (e.9., 13,3...) Tank No. I Tank No.) Tank No.3 Tank No.\t Tank No.4 1. Statusof Tank(Ifta,,(attillr,te,{|lyB- currentlY in Use' Temporarily Out of Use Permanently Out of Use Brought into Use after 5/8/86 I:l EI T- -l F r*-l 2. Estimated AEe flears)I 2t 2 'zz 5 3. Estlmaled Total Caoadtv (Gallonr)*v>**n LlOoo ?rvra t bt'r 4. Matedal ol Condructlon Steel(Me*oneB) concrete Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic Unknown Other, Please Specify :T EI EI EI 5.lntemal Proteclton (Mark atl that ap1ryg) Cathodic Protection' - Iriterior Lining (e.9., epoxy resins) None Unknown Other, Please Specify E E E:l E=l EI 6. ExlemalProlecllon (Markattt'rrt.pptyu) ^ .c."tlfi"Protection' Painted (e.9., asphaltic) Fibcrglass Fleinfci'ced Plastic Coated None Unknown Other, Please Specify EI El EI E E 7' PiPing Bare steer(Ma*allthatepd|/a) oatvanizeo steet Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Cathodically Protected Unknown Other, Please Specify E t:t E r, l Y'tone S.Substance.QunentlyorLastStorcd a. EmplyinGrcatestOuantltfbyVolume - *(Madcattthatawygi b' Peiroleum Diesel Kerosene Gasoline (including alcohol blends) Used Oil Other, Please Specify c. HazardoucSubstancc Please lndicate Name of Principal CERCLA Substance OR Chemicat ahqtract Service (CAS) No. Mark box tl if tank stores a mixture ol substances d. Unknown rb , l-l llo'li*oil tu tu E: b EI=E E ri I 9. Addltlonat lnlormallon (lor tankt permanently taken out ol rervlce) a. Estimated date last used (mo/yr) b. Estimated quantity of substance remaining (gal.) c. Mark box t! if tank was f illed with inert material (e.9., sand, concrete) EPA Form 7530-1 (11-8lt) Reverse t u.a Ocnnrrm Flntlnt Otflc.! laaa-a..'rtl Fage2 State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Direaor To: Steve Canning Utah State Fuel Network PO Box l4ll52 Salt Lake city, utah 84141-1152 From: William Moore, Environmental Scientist H*::;",iED .i;i ' i 1007 DEQ brronmsnut nulPt"il Re: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333, 500 North State Street, Salina, Utah. Facility Identification No. 20N209 Dear Mr. Canning: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (ACT) provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance, if it is determined, that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules, and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks (USTs) at the above facility. The inspection on April 10, 2007, and a compliance review performed on April 13,2007, indicate you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance, you must do the following: Submit a copy of a current (performed in the last 12 months) precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with both USTs. ,X, Submit a copy of a simulated leak test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors' on the pressurized product lines associated with all both products in the USTs performed within the last 12 months. -X fne inspection documented you are using a Red Jacket ST-1401 Automatic Tank Gaugingt (RtC) system, to perform I-eak Tests on the tank portion of the UST system. However, the inspection also documented that the ATG was indicating the current date as in 2OO2 and no tests available in the memory. The records on site were missing for September 2006, and for February and March 2007. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on both USTs, by: 168 North 1950 West. PO Box 144840. Salt Lake City, UT 841 14-4840. phone (801) 536-4100. fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 . wvw.deq.utalt. gov Page2 a. Documenting repair and reprogramming, or replacement of this ATG system. The above information must be submitted to this office by Mav 13. 2007. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. Continued non-compliance will result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $100 per tank to $300 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. In addition, if you fail to submit the required documentation as requested, you will be charged $70.00 per hour for time and travel as allowed by statute, for eyery follow up inspection necessary to document compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4106. Steven Canning - Re: Sq!11a -U_PO-f_. , .= _. - Page 1 I From: William MooreTo: Steven CanningDate: 5l10lo7 9:11AMSubject: Re: Salina UDOT I have extended an additional 30 days (6t13t07) >>> Steven Canning 5t1Ot2OO7 8'41 AM >>> Bill the Non-compliance letter you sent to me concerning salina uDoT, facility #2ooo2og dated April 13,just arrived on May 9. So I am asking for an extension of time to provide the ihformation you needed. So you know what is going on ltem 1 &2 are being done ASAP And item # 3 I have ordered a new ATG TLS300 c and as soon as it arrives here Todd will install it. Thanks Steve Canning From: Steven CanningTo: Steven Canning; William MooreDate: 5110107 8:41AMSubject: Salina UDOT Bill the.Non-compliance letter you sent to me concerning salina uDoT, facility #2ooo2og dated April 13,just arrived on May 9. So I am asking for an extension oi time to provide the ihformation you needed. So you know what is going on ltem 1 &2 are being done ASAP And item # 3 I have ordered a new ATG TLS3OO c and as soon as it arrives here Todd will install it. Thanks Steve Ganning f.eg""-tJ Appl-,o+xTXyypgty.qltTAl . sftv_r c E s, L. c.po Box rez no{[iAH ffiiiii6il?tr1]iuiTEIC. TEIThesesystemsmeetallrequirementssettortnbyUSEPAoo.,*ffi!iir,.,,,on. PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY INVOICE ADDRESS: STATE FUEL NETWORK PO BOX 141152 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84141-1152 TANK LOCATION: UTAH DOT # 333 5OO NORTH STATE SALINA, UTAH WORK ORDER # 07.I56 pEQ tD# 2000209 TEGHNICIAN: SM TECH # 94027 STATE TECH # UT 0121 GROUNDWATER DEPTH: N/A DW TKS DATE: 6-26-2007 TIME START: 15:00 TIME END: '16:30 TANK TANK PRODUCT TANK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6000 8000 R/UL DSL PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PUMP ryPE PRESS PRESS TANK MATERIAL DWF DWF PRODUCT LINE LEAK WATER IN K PASS PASS 0.0" 0.0. PRODUCT LINES TESTED ATSO PSI FOR 15 MIN LINE RATES (GPH) 1. R/uL -.ooo 4. 2. DSL -.ooo 5. 3. 6. rEr 5ooo NoN VoLuMETRrc rtr ^-.rE r.'ooooro.rr.r*,.ro**r.r@rp * E ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : , "Tg,llXI:f l"# j.{i i'::ii.' Date: 2007 .06.28 21 :,46: 1 3 _08,00, Reason: Document is certified All tests we.e pe,form tightness testing' these resutts canfiot ue gru."ni;i. iii;; # no wananties expressed, written or impried. DATE: 6-26-2007 STATE FUEL NETWORK PO BOX 141152 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84141-1152 (801) 619-7232 Facility Name and Site Address: UTAH DOT # 333 5OO NORTH STATE Facitity tD#2000209SALINA, UTAH Purpose: Regular___-Reinspection___-Complaints Annual lnspection _X___ ACTION TAKEN Storage tanks properly labeleE Fillcaps and undergrounO storage covers_ffi Fuelfilters on pumps Octane posted on pumps Security seals intact Dispenser Contin uity Test GAS STATION INSPECTION REPORT 6-26-2007 FOR INSPEGTION Unleaded Plus___ gallons Diesel_ 6_ gallons Date: !o o J b- Eo oo'6' u Eo a.J: (u U) 'if, q) ooF Loo Ef,z 1-2 MOTOR FUEL PRODUCTS USED Regular- gallons Unleaded Regular-.[__ gallons Unleaded premium__ gallons Product was returned to fuet storage tanks. Water tests/Fuel storage lnspection Remarks: lnspected by: Steven B. Martin UTO1Z1 Applied Environmental Services L.C. Received by: ^ HEIGHT hIATER TEMP I ; I i I ir SALINA UDOT ,HAY 28, ?otr? 3:tr5 At"t LEAK TEST REPOET T I :DIESEL PROEE SERIAL NU[,I 18?558 TEBT STAETING TII'IE: t"lAY 28, 2D07 l2:05 At.l = 5S.O INCHES= 0.0 It€Hes= 50j8 F" TEST LENGTH = 8..0.. HRS STRT VOLLf1E = 5533.7 GAL PERCENT VoLL[.lE = ?0.6 LEAK TEST RESULTS RATE = -0.03 GAL,,HR THRS = -0. l3 GAL,'HR O.2O GAL,,HF TEET PASS xxxxxENDxx.xxx SALINA UDOT f-1AY 28, 2007 3:05 AI,r f I LEAK TEST REPORT T z:UNLEADED PROBE SERIAL NIJN 287559 TEST STARTIFS TII"IE:HAY 28, 200? tz:05 AH fiEiFH', : if,,f; jilslEs TEST LENGTH = g.0 HRS Elf;l'ilfl'ffi1*i.o!' ' : 6?i;i LEAK TEST RESULTS ififiE : :3:13 31ir;f;U.?U GAL,,HR TEST FASS xxr{xxENDxxxf,*- TNFORM TANK PASSIATEST REPORT Site: Salina UDOT Station # 333 TANK NUMBER LABEL prir^\on 7l2l2OO7 10:41:25AM %FULL VOL 1 DATE DIESEL TIME REPORT VOLUME Gal Hours 7t2t2007 712t2007 7t2t2007 6t18t2007 6t4t2007 5t21t2007 5t21t2007 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 12:05:0OAM 12:05:00AM 12:05:0OAM 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM TANK 3.0 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.1 gal/hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I hr Fullest Last 0.1 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 4,370.12 4,370.',t2 4,370.12 3,329.13 5,322.60 5,839.20 5,839.20 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 55.73 55.73 55.73 42.46 67.88 74.47 74.47 NUMBER LABEL 2 DATE UNLEADED TIME REPORT TYPE VOLUME Gal DURATION %FULL VOL Hours 7t212007 7t212007 7t2t2007 6t't812007 5t21t2007 5t21t2007 5t2',U2007 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 12:05:00AM 3.0 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.1 gal / hr Fullest Last 0.1 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I hr 3,606.25 3,606.25 3,606.25 3,976.01 4,874.57 4,874.57 4,874.57 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 60.12 60.1 2 60.12 66.29 81.27 81.27 81.27 Page 'l of '1 WARRANTY REGTSTRATTON AND CHECKOUT FORM (WRACO) The warantv is not valid unle*l,hip reqistration form is comoleted and retumed to Veede.{oot within 14 davs of installation. /ou must attach Svstems Setuo lnformation Printout T, PLEASE COMPLETE the INTRINSIC SAFETY CHECKLTST on back Dordes REQUIRED DATA Fom wifi be rstumed if ALL rgquircd data is not completed. FOLD I FOLD I () vEEDER-Roor 6th Ave' @ Bums Crossing phone: (goo) g73..3313 P.O. Box 1673 Artoona, pA 16603 Fax (800) 234-5350 CI,'STOMER INFORMATION O Buriness Catsgry at ilslallaiio{l locatbn: rOil Company E IC-Sto." tf sC'ovemmenp@ rUtility trI sTelephone EI 6Trucking E zRenlalCar'6 eAirport g1 Under!rcund SreeTank t] Abovegrcund SbragsTank t] Otter (pbas Bpodfu) he\B t don tained h th€ prcpsr oporation ol tlb ogulFrHil: YES _ NO _ rlame (PRINTED): Sionature:Date: Title: LINE LEAI( IDENTIFICATION rrr ApplrceeLEr EI Check here if site has been upgraded with Line Leak FORM NO. (i.e. &4848{Hn1) LINE LEAK SERIAL NUMBER CHECKVALVE SERIiAL NUMBER PIPE TYPE (STEEL, FIBERGI-ASS, ETC) TNSTALLATTONLOGATTON 0 Cil Brdnd: (a, /, - n t .r7-*- Site #: Comoahy Name: \ddr6ss l', NJstzte itore Manage( it<l,re Phqne # IECONDARY CONTAINMENT VACUUM SENSING (lFAPPLICABLE) P.iNt ;ensor.serial numbers from console'Diag' Smart Sensor Menu or record rrial numbers from sensor housings. trI Check here if site has been upgraded with vaanum Sensing ieoondarv contalnment vacuum sensor senal numDell uNLr t I t'l 2 2 l2 3 23 x, 4 t1 A 5 t5 !5 t6 t6 36 t7 t7 l7 IE t8 38 l9 p t9 t0 t0 i0 l0 IN=STATION DLAGNOSTIGS IISDI 1iF APFLTcABLE) EI Check here lf Site has been upgraded'with ISD laoorFlow tleter Sensoi and Pressure Sensor *rial numbers ONLY t2 t3 t4 t0 t5 11 t6 Pressure Sensor SN: .drrtify.lhatSrir s.)tstfir has:tEen lnstalled in a@ordance with the as spedfied ln $e,publislEd Veqder-Root Site Prep and lnstallation l,hEvejalso r6ad all,of the wai'irings and I certif, lhat thero are no rCeitification # b.e le1relZ3rl cer{fted to perlorm rtartuF rnit lS0 cerdfied fur lS0 trI Check here if site has been upgraded to add TL$.RF FmNo.57701+586, Rev. I iISPESITI{G DISTEgI'IOR COPY u 1 '/l SYSTEI.i SET,UP HAY 16.2OB7 I:I8 PM SYSTE},I UNITSu.s. SYSTET,I LA]SUAGE EI'IGLISH )l' SYSTEI-I DATEzTIME FORI1AT I-,ION DD Y/\Y HH:T{"I:SS X}'I TIt,lE TI},IE IdnE SHI.FT SHIFT SHIFT,stfiFr DISABLED NEEDED tIRf{ NEEDED I.JRN NEEDED hJRN TANK $ER TSI DISABI;,ED TA,M( Al{N TST DISABLED t ttE Ptn rsr DISAELED LINE .AI*IN TST DISAELED I DAt{I.l.C.ln 51 -rPPfilLED SJART ,mTE APR I.IEEKsIffi ,11us. PRIi{T TC \YOLUIES E}}\BLED .i TE},IP COI,IPEI.ISAT I ON VALTE (DEG F ): 60.0 S,T{CK HE.iGFrr oFFSET RE-DIRECT LOCAL PRI i{TOIN DISAELED PROTqCOL PREFIX sYsrEH SECURTTY coDE : 000000 TANH CTIART SECURITY DISAELED,.- \, .. t CL'STOT,I ALARflS DISAELED E.NrI'T'lt'lE2rt0 *1 EURO S COI,II,IUN I CAT I ONS SETUP PORT SETTINGS: ( STOPEIT :ISTOF DATA LENGTH: 7 DATA FS-232 SECURITY CODE : DISABLED DIAL TYPE : TONEANSI/ERON : I RING HODEII SETUP STRING :.., DJAL" TotlE _l i{TERVAL : SBz 5?;fEirF* oF r.1ES;=_ArjE AUTO DIAL ALARI{ SETUP I T{-TAI'IX SETUPcot"tHBoARD : I (Fi{,toD) BAUD RATE i 24OD iItBlry : oDD J COITI EOARD '..EftI/.Qr RATE.... PARITY'"rr STOP BIT 2 (RS-232) 1200 '! oDD"''-'-' 'I STOP INPUT ON INPUT OFF T I :DIEEEL PRODUCT CODE THERI,HL {:OEFF TAI-IK DIAI1ETER TANH PROFILE FULL VOL67.3 INCH VOL44.9 INCH VOL22.4 TNCH VOL NAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LI14IT HIGH PRODUCT DELIVERY LINIT LOt^, PRODUCT I .0t14700 89.75 4 PTS 7E4t 5402 397 I r 150 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. I^IATER r^tARNING f ,.,HIGH I^JATEP LII1IT: .t.E { j {1 DATA LENGTH: 7 DATARS-2q2 BECURITY CODE : DISABLED AUTO TFAI{SMIT SETTI I.IGS: AIJTO LEAK ALARf,l LIHIT DISABLED AUTO HIGH KIATER LINIT DISABLED AUTO OVERFILL LII4IT DISABLED AUTO LOt^, PRODI.JCT DISAELED AI.JTO THEFT LIMIT DISAELED AUTO DELIVERY START DJ-SAELED ALITO DELIVERY END DISAELED LEAH ALARI"I LII"IIT: SUDDEN LOSS LI]"IIT: TANK TILT i, PROBE OFFSET Y 7E4t 92% 7?.t3 9Z?; 72t3 tol,{ 784 l50tl 99 2tr0 0.50 0.00 AUTO EXTERNAL DISAELED AI.TTO EXTERNAL DISABLED AUTO EEI,ISOR FUEL ALARI{ DISABLED ALTTO SET{SOR hIATER ALARI.I DISABLED AUTO SENSOR OUT ALARM DISABLED RECEIVER SETUP: NONE AUTO DIAL TII"IE SETUP: NOI'lE SIPHON I'IA1'IIFOLDED TANKST$: NONE LINE I-IANIFOLDED TANKST$: NONE LEAK I'1IN PERIODIC: 3I]9;q_-- I zgEP LEAX MIN ANNUAL : PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDAFD ANI'IUAL TEST FAIL ALART'I DISABLEI] PERIODIC TEET FAIL ALARM EI'IAELED-_. GE{]SS TEST FAIL ALARI.I DIEABLED ANI'I TEST AVERAGII{G: PER TEET AVERAGING: TAI']li TE,ST I-IOTIFY: OFF TI.'IH TST EIF,HOI..I EEEA}|:OFF TiELIVERY DELAY' : 5 I"III.IPutlp THEEEHOLD : t t]. t]0jn o% 0 OFF OFF i l \ l I LEAK HIN PERIODICi'- \-_ LEAK MIN ANNUAL PERIODIC TE T TYEEANDARD ANNUAL t*lrt#orsAELED PERIODIC ,Tffi|NABLED cRoss rEsrAISk D15AELED I B}H IEBT TVEEffiIffiI 8FF TANK TEST I'IOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON EtrTRX:OFF B',fii'F[[,BEbt[ I 'E tL[ 30nr', r799 t/, 0 ilffi,,i'iiit \l \ *ali$iit[i I tia 1 ]\ ffi:t lffifl utt i iiE+ 1 ',L;-o^'slzE: 4'o lN' il mr,rrmgu's*''i i"z \\ ffi-gt'ffiih,Io'i liil, I\\ H,GH PRoD,cr i ,ZTa l t i\ DELTVERY Lrl4rr ; LY; i '\\ "#FJ'#H*il'';]1 \\l ir,pun:::rJJl^l:Y hlY*ffiE \ i I i i !Ett{_r!sl r"rErH0D TEST I,''EEI(LY : ALL TAI'IK MON START TINE : I2:tI5 AI"I TEST RfITE :0.20 GAL.IHR DURATION : 3 HOURS TST EARLY STOP:DISAELED LEAK TEST REPORT FORI'IAT ENHAI..ICED \ LI AU I D-SENSOF-SETUP NONE EXTERNAL-INPUT SETUP NONE ourPUr_RELlY ?EIUI _ _ #.t"l: $lj JON M. nI/NTSMAN, JR Govemor GARY HERBERT Lieutenant Governor State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director Date: April 13,2007 From: William Moore, Environmental Scientist To:Steve Canning Utah State Fuel Network POBox 141152 Salt Lake city, utah 84141-1152 Re: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333, 500 North State Street, Salina, Utah. Facility Identification No. 2000209 Dear Mr. Canning: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (ACT) provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance, if it is determined, that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules, and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks (USTs) at the above facility. The inspection on April 10, 2007, and a compliance review performed on April 13,2007, indicate you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance, you must do the following: 1. Submit a copy of a current (performed in the last 12 months) precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with both USTs. 2. Submit a copy of a simulated leak test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with all both products in the USTs performed within the last 12 months. 3. The inspection documented you are using a Red Jacket ST-1401 Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) system, to perform lrak Tests on the tank portion of the UST system. However, the inspection also documented that the ATG was indicating the current date as in 2002 and no tests available in the memory. The records on site were missing for September 2006, and for February and March 2007. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on both USTs, by: 168 North 1950 West . PO Box 1M840 . Salt lake City, UT 841 l4-484O. phone (801) 536-4100 . fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 . www.deq.utah.gov Page2 a. Documenting repair and reprogramming, or replacement of this ATG system. The above information must be submitted to this office by Mav 13. 2007. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. Continued non-compliance will result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $100 per tank to $300 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. In addition, if you fail to submit the required documentation as requested, you will be charged $70.00 per hour for time and travel as allowed by statute, for every follow up inspection necessary to document compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4106. Release Detection I UtahdST Program Ghecklist lndicate below the corrosion protection methods in place for all UST system components. ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s). show readings Location ofTanks E oenRUse s 1*L state(fr- zio 7 L{ lt pnone QLTI Z9Z Number of tanks at the lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmentqd. Shg'/v3lgteql lf not in use, qive date last used and depth of product in tank' Overfill alarm (audible or visible) is so deliverv driver can hear or see it, and is The results of the last two cathoqE-ple!99!!enl99!q ale six months of installation and every three Testino. Date of last test: Dates of last three checks:lrnprdsed current system is checked for proper operation at least every 60 davs and the results ofthe last three checks are available' for the most recent Site Drawing North 6ry Distribution: White- DERR, Yellow- lnsp*tor, Pink- Facility/Owner Ldcheck1205.doc UtalrUST Program Automatic Tank Gau lnterstitial Monitorin TANK LEAK ATG Shutdown Testi ATG Continuous Testinq I I lnterstitial name and model of to the answers qiven in the first column.Yes or No for each Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is for at least one year after work is l/@/u 1'5 lYcA) z- {aA I noP* ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. The probe is located at the yes center of the tank. lf not in center, show tilt Tilt: #l-, #2 ^ #3 #4 The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from any ioino within one month of release results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. For ATG tests, show the ( n Automatic Line Leak Detector.Type (Mechanical, Electronic, Other): Manufacturer and model ofeach leak detector: Date of last leak detector performance test: _ Results: lndicatetypeoftest: SimulatedLeak,3gph,.2gph,.lgph(3,.2,.1-electronicLLDonly) Tester name:Cert. Number UT PIPING LEAK DETECTION tr Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. Piping method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatic Line Leak Detector and leak detection. Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 JJ'O Uo MEO MEO sL 3 .2 .'1 s1 3.2.1 s1 3.2.1 s1 3.2.1 Test Method Date of last line tightness test: I Same as above Tester name:Cert. Number UT Test Method: E Monthly monitoring. lndicate the method used: tr .2 GPH Monthly Testing E lnterstitial Monitoring. Type of lM Documentation: n SIR E GW Monitoring n Vapor Monitoring for the last 12 months.or No Results lor each month. COMMENTS Distribution: White- DERR, Yellow-lnsptrtor, Pink- Facility/Owner Ldatgim1205.doc ' Uti UtT,rP,rogret!! Release Detection lnspection Ghecklist ',FecitltYlD .ZW'?"61 Paoe t of L, Ouvnershin of Tanks lffin,,dTank8,',,,,, -,, 5,slate'use owner Name Sfafg FUW Nflrloe<LocationName Lll>OT * 333 Address ArrN. Sfe{€ SAlrtC,Via Address fu16.5rAtZ 5T. city SOUI te<e Crff State C,lT- zio 8l4'll+city SAJ^JA , stare ur zio E4G54 Contact SfeVE C*r.trlurr phoneSol'611'tz3z contact Legal CA\G phone Complete-for each tank. f the facillty has morc Sran isur lenks: oomolclarfn,:hfffi,lbr ,,le*b:an,a,strirarab lrm. Number of tanks at the facilitv: 2-Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date 5lz+l4o ,pilqn Capacity of Tank (in sallons)6,@ Ot Q5 lndicate if tank is siohoned or compartmented. Show related tanks.^IO F.lO Substance Stored GAsut^tg DIEfu Tank is in use.6s1 No [-esl No / Y., No / Yes No lf not in use, qive date last used and deoth of oroduct in tank- Answor the following for,alltenks; Current year tank tags are in place.G1 No fiA\ No Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks F,PP trzP Material of construction of oioino FAP FPP Piping type fVass tress Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no spill prevention is reouired.6uw Buctc-T I Spill containment bucket is clean, dry, and free of product. water. debris.Yes I No /es I No Yes No ..Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons. lf so, no overfill prevention is required.fu)-ntAT EktLR$T lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard, and alarm is clearlv marked. N/AYes' No v"ffo *o Yes No Yes No Cor on Protec{lon. 'Answer the following forrall tanlis' Corrosion Protection method used on tanks FR"tre? Corrosion Protection method used on oioino €a"Ftzt> Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors. swino ioints. etc.Attanks: BAf AtdisDensers: /OT Enclosed containment sumps are present at tanks and dispensers Attanks: 16;l 'No Atdismnsgrs: Yes /n-J Containment sumps are sealed, free from water. oroduct. etc.MA No Cathodic Protoe'tion Toetlng, hqw,the t?sirlk,, The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter).Yes No ila I.\ Tank Tester UT Date volts volls volts volts Piping Tester UT Date volts volts volts volts Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints At tank Tester UT Date At disDenser volts volts volts volts volts volts volts volts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available (required every 60 days).Yes No E Emerqencv generator tanksEmergency gener only;deferred. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. r tfuuA J.. fteCoe inspected this racititv on n/ zz/oS sisnature: tllfuZ- ldds Nameof owner/operatorreor4sentative: ,/ l-:Al/. lt inCs**J -ff'n Distribulion: White- DERR, Yelldv- tnspector, pink- Facility/Owner LdcheckoSo4.doc '.it ltffi s1 Site Drawing North f frt Lueo ClASoo,P ?*g DTSPR lo,o*P turqr fttLs RECEIVE i{CI\i '1 i', iilU.} ilAt / 6hdt E,iw w)d 0E& Facility/Owner Ut--. UST Program lntersfitialAutomatic Tank ANK LEAK DETECTION Method used for tanks: [ ]Automatic Tank Gauging Shutdown Testinq 1A Automatic Tank Gauging Continuous Testinq I lnterstitial Monitorino Manufacturer, name and modet of system, XCD &cfagT Sf ,401 Documentation of performance claims (t-[i4lparty certification) for the system is availabte. EeA NoCircleYesorNoforeach@lainandidentiffbytankanyexceptionstoth9answeFoivinintt'EnEi"t,t,'n. IM Type of Secondary Containment used:Type of lM Documentation used: ffiJrrr,r Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setuo reDorts. maintenance records).GJ *o /ffiJrn,r Device documentation is available on site (owner's manual, etc.)GNo S6arrce te\ CA@taS rtAl'tt(t-: ffil rr',r ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is adequate, accessible, and operational.(re1 *o IA1GI rn,r Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below.F""J *o tffil The probe is located at the ffil center ofthe tank. r'"" I No lf not in center, show tilt Tilt: #1 factors from the setup report. #2 #3 #4 6ia The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank gize is within the allowed upper and lower size limits.@No Third Partv Minimum Level: IM System is capable of detecting a release of regulated su6st ncesTrorn any portion of the primarv tanUoioino within one month of release Yes No IM lf observation wells are part of the system, wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tamoerino.Yes No nla IM (Bladder or excavation liner) Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, is always above groundwater, and is not in the 25-yr flood plain (per site assessment). Yes No nla Show results of monitoring for each tank to highest product level tested for each month. Mol/r to[or 7 lor 8/os *lor GloY shs 4los slot L/or tlo<tZlo,l ^lul#l ?n5s U^rfi Pa€s -:>#2 lass 0rtr 't{€&sr + #4 # PIPING LEAK DETECTION Method(s) Used (Automatic line leak detector and one other method are required for Pressurized piping): f4Aulomalb Line Leak Detector ;,.]tine Tightness Testing I jlnterstitial Monitoring rvi6 or lM Documentation Statistical lnventory Reconciliation'I I Vapor Monitoring i i Groundwater Monitoring-i ] .2 GpH Monthly T Safe Suction Piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one checkvalve (under,qump), and has proper slope of piping. yes No Results of laFtrlin-E.l.i€Jht0ess test are available: t V J N Results Tester name and cert. number: 9&{eNv.S'/ca uT OlZl Test Method: il/n, Type (M- Mechanical E- Electronic S- Sump Sensor): Manufacturer and model of each leak I?l Fx rV Results of last leak detector test are available: lY I N - Results 05 Tester name and cert. numoer: St+l 4 /hPfttd)eNV. Sv6. ur otzl Test Method: f1?tt lA Show results of monitoring for piping for the last 12 months. lndicate lnwlid, or No Results for each month. coMMENrs ,l^/.T rlr tfc*q) O( ttt lNR Aubp ilt futL l dm nr EwrctU /. at tr tr tr Emergency generator ; leak detection deferred. USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. COMMENTS Distriburion: Whit+ OERR, Yello*Ldch4k0804.d@ Name STATE FUEL NETWORK 5OO N STATESTAddress ATTN STEVE SALTZGIVER SALINA State UT Zio 84654SALT LAKE CIry State UT Zio 84114 CANNTNG phone (801) 619-2292 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartrnented. Show related tanks. lf not in use. qive date last used and depth of product in tank. Material of construction of tanks device. Note on form if tank is filled by of less than 25 oallons. lf so, no spill orevention i device. Note on form it tank is filled translers of less than 25 lf so. no overfill orevention is primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it and alarm is clearlv marked. Protection method used on flex Enclosed containment sumps are present at tanks and Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc. results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months ol installation and every three Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints Tester UT ol the last three equipment Utah UST Program ^. Iank and Piping Leak Detu-tion Facitity lD zooozos Ivlehod used f q tanks: ATG tvletlpd used f or pipim: ALD LTT lVlaruf acturer, nanB and nodel nunber of svstem Red Jacket ST 1401 with CSLD 3d partv cert. available Yes No Girde Yes or lrb for ard ldentifv bv tank the answer lnthe first olumn. Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis proper! instdled, calibrated, and naintained (svstern and tank Dvice docurrenhtion b available on-site (owner's nanual, Quipnent used toacquire dda, tale readings, perlcmtest is adequde, accessible and f mctional. lrnl. AIG corsole, dipstick, etc. Dcunentalion of valid testing or nonitoring is available f q the hst 12 nontrs. Slnw bsting or nmitorhq results in orid below. The probe is locded atthe center d the hnk. lf not, tB tilt correction factorf or eac hnk is shown on the tar* Ihe tank w as f illed to at least the nhinumlevd reqr.lred by the nanufacturer,s equipnent protocol to ensure a vald leaktest and the tanksize is w itlin the allowed rpper and loru er size lirits.96t Secordary barrier is proper[ placed ard constructed, designed f or gw ideratims, has an acceptable pernealion rate, is conpatide w ih the substance stored, is nm-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnEnl hvenbry readings f or prodrct inp.rts ard w ithdrawals are properly obtairBd ard Fbcords include he proper runber of water readirBs, ard w der readings are used to inventorv balances as necess An appropriate tank calbratim chart is rced and is auailable f q revis/r/. Ds have current calbratio'r stickers s calibratbn daunBntation. Dop tdces are and extend to w lhin ore I od ol tlB tank bottom Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate pass. fail. no results. or inconclusirc. Tar{< and Line Tightness Testirg, Llne Led< lbtector Testirg: Date of last tiohness test f or tanks: Nane andcertlicatim nunber d tester: s test fq -,? -OJ Nane and certlicatim nunber d teste+: Date of last leakdetector perf ornance test:-1 -of Safe Suction piling: Docunentdion is available and verif iabb to show tfat pipng operales at less than atnospheric pressure, has only me cleck valve (under punp), and has propa slope of dping. ^ tr Emergency generator tanks only; leak detection defened. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. CoMMENTS 7?r.lrs * ?eua A(8, DaneG-uIAUE|. Utah UST Program Releaae Detection lnspection Checklist FacilitY lD ?,W?Og Paoel of 3 Ownership of Tanks Lodh olTanke El4tate use owner Name LITAI{ StATe FE€T 6?s Locationruame UDOT (fa'N # 333 Address Address too Nc\. STAT€ ST. citv SALT (Are Ct',t srate llT zi"g4ll4 citv SALINA state ur 2,"t.4654 contact STEV€ CANN l,..lc. prrone 8ol '@l-fiZ contact STever.I &rururr.lG prroneSol '691'f ZtZ Comolete lor each tank. f the facilltv has more than lour tanks. comolete the lnformatlon lor addltlonal tanks on a seDarate form. Number of tanks at the tacilitv: 7 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date s- z+-90 l-A-go Caoacitv of Tank (in oallons)6000 Eaoo lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks.NO NO Substance Stored (ea. cres Dtdeu Tank is in use.fGl No ,61 No Yes No Yes No lf not in use. oive date last used and deoth of oroduct in tank. tnswer lhe followlno for all tanks. Current vear tank taqs are in place.ffi;l No tGl No -Yes No Yes No Material of construction of tanks FRP 9R-P Material of construction of oioino FR.?FA? Pipinq tvpe ?t@ss Pn6s Type of Spill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 oallons. lf so. no soill orevention is reouired.fuic*er BvLvor Soill containment bucket is clean. drv. and free of oroduct. water. debris.GlNo TYed No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on lorm if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 oallons. lf so. no overfill orevention is required.BAufrarr za:u-6.upr lf an overlill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard. and alarm is clearlv marked.lGI No Yes No Yes No Yes No lon Protectlon. Answer the lollowlno for all tanks. Corrosion Protection method used on tanks fE"trEP Corrosion Protection method used on oioino trw rE? Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swinq ioints, etc.Arranks: B6(Atdisoensers: kbT Enclosed containment sumos at tanks and dispensers Attanks: -r%;l No At dispenseE: YeS m'r Containment sumos are sealed. free from water. product. etc.fGl No lndicate dates of upqrades- lininq, tank or pipinq cathodic protection r..IorSe Cathodlc Protectlon Testlnq. Show the results ol the most recent test rr each hnk. llne. or flex connector/gwlnq lolnt. The results ol the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and everv three vears thereafter).Yes No tb Tank Tester Date volts volts volts volls Pioinq Tester Date volts volts volts volts Flex Connectorsi/ Swing Joints Ar rank Tester Date At disDenser volts volts volts volts volts volts volts volts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment oDeration checks are available (required everv 60 davs).Yes No Site Drawing (North 6 ) Sto*uxt Drt(d,t,a Arrec*aa. f,{KCEIVED j.,;i * i 7,00{ UEU - nvrroH'r,ff.1r4 t #fi ilse & Rcmedntio n t\l'-- qWtfl3-fuuttA Utah UST Program to 2w Automatic Tank Gauging lntefrliliql_lvlgll!9l! rarux ueax DETECT|ON ,/ ,/M9!hog_ure{o!qq!: [/)turomarE relk 9_e!9q9L ],.$_hutdown ;/_l Qotweulsstrns -_l L!I'!e,E1L!E!V19!!9!!9- Ilpe ql SecondatY Contai Tvoe of lM documenlalion used Manulacturer, name and model ot system: (LD .lk[€T Documentation ol perlormance clairns (third party certilication) lor the system is available Yes No to the answers qiven in the first column. monlhs. Show results in table below ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level requrred lo en. rr' , jit l{I El "'@_1e3!]g$.qaq!9-194 size is withrn the allowed upper qrrd lowe' : -:' timits' System is capable of detecting a release of regulated subslances from anyIM IM Yes No ion ol the within one month ol release IM (Bladder or excavalion Show resulls monitoring tor Gaoh lank last 12 months.PaC;Fail, lnvalid, or No Results tor each month' For ATG tests' lorrd each month. Mol/r PIPING LEAK DETECTION Meth.od(s) Used (Automatic line leak detector and one other method are required for Pressurized Piping): -iz;;iil;illinJ u."i'6"t".to, | ,rfLine Tightness Testins I J lnterstitial Monitoring 14.7 cen Monthlv Testing i'istatisticat tnventoryReconciliationi'lV"porflonitoring [ ]GroundwaterMonitoring[ ]Other coMMENrs INLL, tNr,NlLustne .PWtt lunp t/Nwuil uNfi 4llbt€ lruL- ,tNtT },€\ N6( TesT PtPttid bfiecrtog t{o$Tt(1. +f^rtce Tecd -(--,4te |UAN^ALS lf not in cenler, show tilt Tilt: #1 lactors lrom the The probe is located at the yes center of the tank. tf observation wells are part of the system, wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed lor groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is iompatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible' is always above , and is not in the 25-yr llood plain (per site assessment). Sale Suctlon PlPlng:is available and veriliable to rne nf ninino show that piping operates at less than Yes No atmospheric pressure, has only one check Line Tiohftoas T,63moi Li]te Laak Detodor TsstiD$,Tankl I Tank2 Iank 3 Tank 4 ;,,"1 ?PN )ZT (lW6/.8 rWt4l,nQtzl lsss Merhod: I PsLl.lt.rvs /S t"'1,il Automatic Llne Leak Detectors: lndicale type, madulaglqgf,r, and model for each leak detector M- Mechanical E- Electo[iU \ S- Sump Sensor 1rt{ E s P l[]E s P MES MES ;;;;t;E- rester name and cert. number: 5w1 c)oz4- (sffttal 5 v,,t vttr,lfi or2l kstuetnoa, fi 6t fri lt/'l'N mi. tnOicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or Nt,^Resrttls lor.qgc{t month: SxnPSo o @ Ges{Dl6s€t DISPR aAtoude o uS [brY gq jhow locations ol all buildings,slrs€ts, tanks, \lso indicato the location ol PID iesidences fu'+ pl*w stor lluuttna lurface Water Line omments: ?6' I U'fl.UfY L,.ra (Ur.rrxr< rrnarr.O) and dispenser islands. lndicate location and depth o, all samples collecled by the sampler and the inspector. tltl rrcco EAwtPntsr.tt (*ga &r.l o FIlrs Yellow{nspoctor, certity that I inspected the above-named Closurepz rovo2ol.wPd I Utah UST Program Release Detection lnspection Checklist E#"a*r ID 0a l Ownership of Tanks Locatlon of Tanks -4* owner Name ATAil SaTe tLe€T O'F4 Location Name hUen 33 3 Address Address 56 rup Stlte<r city SLC srate UIT zip B+UA citv €ALtnlA state Ur zioEr&€4 contact Sfeve SALZGTV€R Phone Locationcontact 'too> kt$& pnoneEol 58O-rlt4 Complete for each tank. It the taclllty has more than 4 tanks, complete the lnformation for addltlonal tanks on a separute fonn. Number of tanks at facility: 2 Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date 5-24- 9 o s-2q-qo Capacity of tank (in gallons)G, ooo 8,c6O lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks.FtO NO Substance stored 6Asawe.ut D,6€L Tank is in use (Yes / No). lf not in use, give date last used Yes v€s lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Answer the following lor all tanks. Note any exceptions ln the laet column. Current year tank tags are in place VES Material of construction of tanks trRP Material of construction of piping FPP Piping type Ress .T:FIT'Eh I ype oI liplll Hrevenlron uevrce. Note rl lanK rs Irlleo Dy translers oI less than 25 oallons. lf so. no spill prevention is reouired.Bucucr rrlly Type of Overfill Prevention Device. Note if tank is filled by translers of less than 25 qallons. lf so. no overfill orevention is required.BrtLTU*T irAY r ? m3 ll an ovenrll alarm rs tne pnmary ovenrll devrce: Alarm ts located wnere it can be seen and heard. and alarm is clearlv marked g=f--x"Enylronmsnhr o.?^I3" , b--- Coroelon Protection. Answer the following lor atl tanks. Note any erceptlons ln the laEt column. er; Corrosion Protection method used on tanks EIZP Corrosion Protection method used on piping rR.P Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors $-arvteS9 /)^lat /f Jzllry Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Gi 6.) lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection NA'i6 Cathodlc Protection Teeting. Show the results ol the most rpcent test lor each tanlq llne, or flex connec.lor. I he results ot the last wvo cathodic proteclion tests are available (within 6 months of installation and everv 3 vears thereafter).Yes No ;r/* Tank Tester Date volts volts volls volts Pipinq Tester Date volts volts volls volls Flex Connectors subpump Tester Date DisDenser volts volls volts voltr volts volts volts voltl For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment ooeration checks are available. (reouired everv 6o davs.)Yes No Comments Page L otL r(name) HgrzuO l. (qaC certify that I inspected the above-named facilitv on (date) Afff yrq e ffi+1 S h lO < rnspector,ssiqnature /ff1@A.Date/ r/r/os Owner/Operator name:rr//Lrv4 Siqnature:,./rf h"/ Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspect6r, Pink-F Ldcheck.wpd rev0902 Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Detection Facilrw to 1oa7og Method used for tant "' ATti Method(s) used for pipins: ALI) L7T- Manufacturer, name and model number of svstem: ?er> i,Rc t<Ci 5T '461 '^ /C 5 System 3'd party cert. availablefYggl No Clrcle Yes or No for each ouestion. ln the last column. exolaln and ldentllv bv tank anv exceotlons to the en3wer ln the llr6t column. Ere lir'rr Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (svstem and tank setuo reoorts. maintenance records).@*o liel rnlt Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.).Yes /-No lePrn S{c.luu If,{Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequale, accessible and functional. lnclude ATG console. diostick. etc.@*o fr-r-1 -l Jocumentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show 'aalina ar mani+nrina raor rllc in nrid halnrrr ffil ruo hrl The probe is located at the center of the tank, or, if not in the center, show the tilt factor for each tank from the tank setuo reDort. Center Tilt Factors: #1 f2 #3 #4 GFffi -> o'9lz 6.183 FT fhe tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's 3quipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed rooer and lower size limits. @*" IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed lor groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr llood plain (per stqq!9999rne!!L Yes No IC SIR MTG lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Beadinos are orooerlv reconciled.Yes No IC SIR Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiUst inventorv balances as necessarv.Yes No IC SIR MTG An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available lor review'Yes No IC SIR Disoensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.Yes No tc SIB Droo tubes are Dresent and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom.Yes No Show results of monitorinq tor each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass, Fail, No Results, lnvalid (ATG) or lnconclusive (SlR). Mol/r floL 6/oz ?loz 61nL L)laL to /ot-tt/oz tlloz I /t3 z/o3 3/03 4 /o3 # TLG)P P ?NQ ?^/( 7 P {)P P r # 20)P NA p D ?NR P p p P P P # # Tank and Line Taghtnoss Testing, Llne Leak Detector Testing:Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date of last tiqhtness test lor tanks: 1' I - Ot-Test results ?? Nameandcertiricationnumberottester: APgtttO€UV.hlcf. fieftfhmt$t 0t2! t"rtu"tn"* frFl fu ltilN Date ot tast tiqhtness test for pipins: ilq hZ Test results P p Name and certification number of tester: hpcao q'N WcS {feW ilArzU^ftT 0 IZL TestMethod: lb frt fultrlN Automatic Line Leak Detectors. lndicate type and model number for each leak detector.Wffi&E ffVs1 <ftFur"slffiwr Il4-f E s RLDWA{ Frt,t IUI E S l?coJacvsT C3o-@o Date of last leak detector oerformance test: Cl -'l 'O>Test results f)P Safe Suction piping: Documentation is available and veriliable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has onlv one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. -,Yes No,r//* Comments fJ€-GfulLrtL-f#.rr l * fian,B xttza, z1'r(av{a<*€atr: erc2-11u.(.ffi l-NL. NR &R 6lOZ,6rnutNG^ l$cud) ouT 0F ftla>, C0,.1-t> lWT 4€tilrlayffon, A(Tea PoutqzBL,rynD kt(rfl d* rAmrfroe. .il <ame k alOZ. ,Jk/ Paoe 2 otL Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, sire Plar.wpd o8/o2 : UTAH UST PROGRAM Faqittty tD No. .-==r ?e1 Release Detection tnspection checktist EJi)t m l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tan(s) {*l\ i;i":I"?+= k Ft--tepsl €nl 6sr-Facilitv Name' t-+y'oT 9+*. 3SZ Address"---ifZ t)et* 13?oo S-_J.n Street Address-"--d;; Al. s#-J-<-c'hn-n..State Zio Code 6q ",i-ot -l)-\City _ State Zip Code C.-ll n.- t t*-.1 fqL{t-l Ar6a CoAe -Pnone Number County 9^c ;t'z- r Contact Person At UST Location , Phone #7>AA F:-,c G"r ) $ga .. {-r r+Certificale of Compliance on site(i6$ No Certificale Year: ) ">ol lll. Tank lnfOrmatiOn Complete for each tank. lf facility has more than 4 tanks, compl€te information for additircnal lanks on separate torm. Number of tanks at facility: Z Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Current year tag is displayed d6A No @No Yes No Yes No Tank presently in use (.jq) uo eB No Yes No Yes No lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed rlr-.* I qo t- " 1l 47n Capacity of tank (in gallons)L C-o.c a._ c)<2.o Substance stored c^-V.rb,r\) t-/l-z Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.)€f'!" O-;Cft? -{}L) Material of construction of piping (steel, FBP, etc.)€{LL t), t Fr<(ov) Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.)f,sYs<v.4-rt *<ss q E lV. Release Detection For Tanks lndicate the method(s) used tor each tank. Complete the appropriate checklist for each nethod used. Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form)4r e--Itrc- Emergency Generator tank (leak detection deferred) V. Release Detection Fof Piping lndicate method(s) used and complete appropriate tank checklists where applicaHe. Method used (complete separate lorm where applicable)L*T LILO IT.T ALO Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model l-J'=r-. L*/t-,1.r. , L Date of last Leak Detector performance test ,1 ',[, o>o {l r, l.r -.,., Test result (pass/fail)r'?csl ,?-'ss Date of last Line Tightness Test ql r,l z eoo qI ,, Iz .,-., Test result (pass/fail),4e,< <rtc-s ( Nameandcompanyof certifiedtester (J,-. * ly.,.l<n lAn,"l:n) €rr,s:tr,,t*r{-.i eo'.u .?1 Cert. No. UTa(l I No leak deleclion required (must answer "yes" to all questions b'elow) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No Slope ol piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable Yes No €-.4 tL/that I have inspected the above-named facility on )aLc.- c \ la :-=-. ( 4 : ec'g$*, (lmh, &y, y€a( tre) I n.,-. 1'h-^-L i2 .2..*.. Ise1-),.,ainn Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-LDchecklist.wpd 2/99 UTAH UST PROGRAM Facinty1p6.2o ooZog Automatic Tank Gauqinq Manulacturer, name and modet number or syster, l.<i iT.o. L* 5f / Y o / Please circle Yes or No for each queslion lor each tank I lacllity has more than 4 tanks, complete intormation for additional tanks on separate rorm. Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.o.. owner's manual).ztYO tto /6 tto Yes No Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and tank setuD reDort).9*o @to Yes No Yes No System is maintained in accordance wilh manufacturer's instructions(records are available on site).@ro @Ho Yes No Yes No The probe is located at lhe center ol the tank. ll no, indicate tilt correction tactor from the tank setuD reDort. Yes @Tilt: O . e Yes e Tilt: 2-e Yes No Tilr: Yes No Titt: Device can measure the height ol the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch @no trA No Yes No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liouid levels over the full ranoe of the tank's internal heioht ,b No ,,feO uo Yes No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i,e., the device is eouiooed with roll of oaoer lor resulis documentation)@*o @*o Yes No Yes No Documentation is available demonslrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a valid leak test at least once a month for the last 12 months Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Yes No lf no, lor which months was a valid test not perlormed? (specify months and year, use space below il necessary) l\es Oo ftf-. *lac-r. @ |P,Vt. cto The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @*o Yes No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @"o @*o Yes No Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test? lf yes, specify in the space below the month. vear. and what follow-uo aciions have been teken- ves d(6 Yes 6-Yes No Yes No Documentation of perrormance claims lor the automatic leak test leature is availabte and shows the ability to detect leaks ol 0.2 gph with g5% or greater probability o, detection and 5o/o or less probability of ,alse alarm (3rd parv certification). 4Pn'z#\ No Yes No Yes No fndicate month(s) of inr"lrd or ri""in9 t""tr , ( h ,4 na | -r.e.-e _ N./z-r ,.1 :L.- k r4r lndicate month(s) of any failed test: Comments: lnspector's Signature;4- Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection: Distribution: White-DERR, Yettow-tnspJctor, pink-Facility/Owner Revised 12\95 t# Manufacturer and model of monitoring system:-fu3)S--L.f Srrclei Date installed: lnterstitial space is monitored (Check one): ( I Manually on a monthly basis 0(Automatically: continuously ( l Automatically: on a monthly basis ::s}Iii*:l:i:l:lll:;:::i::::::.:.::ri :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:,:i.:}i: System is capable of detecting any release of stored regulated substances from any portion of tn 6r6-"dt@ffiwithin one month of the release (verify number and location of tank and piping sensors) \- -@ No Documentation of performance claims is available (third party certification)(6)No lnstallation records are available on-site (manufacturer's checklist)G)No Maintenance and calibration documents and records are available and indicate appropriate maintenance procedures for the system have been implemented G No lf observation wells are part of release detection system, observation wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tampering (answer for each well) A) lrtn Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank is fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring d@tto (Bsr tto Yes No Yes No lndicate type of secondary containment for tank (double-walled, bladder, lined excavation, etc.l )u )-, Product lines are fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring 66s6 .>*- <e4 Yes No Yes No Indicate type of secondary containment for lines (double-walled. lined excavation, etc.)-t )-r Monitoring box, if present, is operational (mark for each tankl @no r€b ruo Yes No Yes No lf monitored manually, equipment used to take readings is accessible and functional fl l-a.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Documentation of monthly monitoring is available for the last I2 months (sensor .,",r. ,rjor,., manual inspections, etc.)@ruo @ruo Yes No Yes No lf a leak was detected or the system has recorded a leak alarm, indicate the month and year. Provide additional information as necessary in the comments section on investigation/repair. 4o le.L' d l.a vo le*ktpl* It the tank is fitted with an internal bladder: The bladder is compatible with substance stored and will not deteriorate in the presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Excavation is linad with an impervious artificial material {if yes, answer tho following questions): Secondary barrier is always above groundwater Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the secondary barrier is not always above groundwater, secondary barrier and monitoring system are designed for use under such conditions Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is constructed from artificially-constructed material and will allow permeation at a rate of no more than 1 O'8 cm per sec for the regulated substance stored Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is compatible with the regulated substances stored and will not deteriorate in presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is non-corrodible or protected from corrosion Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is situated outside the 25 year floodplain Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No l::a::::::::: Comments:7' --T<'-..-O.- -\ tz )tf)ata. k-v7 lo/ Signatureofownero,o*n",,,R",,"""Ku.PresentDuringlnspect,^..W Distribution: White-DERR, yellow-lnspector, UTAH UST PROGRAM Facility lD No@.jct, Spill, Overfill, and Corrosion Protection lnspection Checklist Please complete all inlormation for each tanli Use additional forme as neoeasary lf the lacility has more th6n 4lanks. SPILUOVERFILL PREVENTION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tenk 4 ls the UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less? lf yes, spill and overtill prevention is not required.Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Yes No ls there a spill containment devic twiltprevent release ol Droduct into w@dt.,spill bucket >5 gat.,the environment? lndicate typ Containment sumD at tank fill. Spill @'to &No Yes No Yes No ls.therq an overfill prevention device installed on the ta2t2lndicate type : fitl ttoat (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in litl pipe17fta6fu Omer lspecify) rrSia- t-ll ; " '-^Wo.rt,-tr- 9*"P*"Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily sedn and heard by the delivery driver?@No qYe$ No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?<46er ruo (Jqi No Yes No Yes No CORROSION PROTECTION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode 'ffit,^Tank AJ ..^. Tank Tank (SA), or Not protected (NP).Piping7N,x PipingAl,-Plping Pipang lndicate the type ol corrosion protection on Flex conneclors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containmenl (TC), Not in contact with soil or ( water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) ?w ffi Sub'Pump 56-Pump ffi Wa:Oisp€nsr Ol$eEer Tank lining lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate dale Tank cathodic protection upgrades were perlormed: Piping cathodic protection CATIIODIC PROTECTION TESTS Becord results of the most recent ca*roc[c protedion test. R€cotd ttro lowes reading for each tarddrdrirwlflex set. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank. Tester Date volts votts volis votts Piping, Tester Date volls volls volts volts Flex. Tester Date Sub-Pump volts Sub-Pump volls Sub-Pump volls Sub-Putrp volls Dispe@r volis Oiwnser volts Dbpelg volts OiFMr volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Comments: lnspector's Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During lnspection: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner 2199Ldspillover.wpd State Zip Code Area Code r Phono Numbor[kot) .rzg- tcqz Contast Per5on At UST Location Phone # ko<n Ca-a.tin Facilitv Name Sto€t Addrc68 , I.-S-ao N S/-k €*?.f < ->i.c / Certificate of Compliance Ctty a State Zp Codc'S-lino ttl-t -Pvr-r.l commenls. l-.1e1^<, A:T'b a^-l )io-- l.'-h*a*gs ks'l-t^ -' J<. s'l-J*{ ^l .-ro^i {'or,''^ t Gu"( Q.--L'ns.t--<-- celiiatatlhavainspectedtheabovo-namedfacitity on 4?.. Za9? //-'eo lnspector's Signature: *l -2 .\-/zd,*,al.}: . t oatg, t*n-, -2.o Signature of Owner or Owner's Repr€sontativ€ Present During lnspecti Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-ln3Doctor, Automatic Flow Restrictor (if y6s, indicato model in comments soctionl Autom8tic Shut-off Device (if yes, indicate model in comment8 sectionl ) Continuous Alarm System (if yos, indicate model in commonts sectionl Records of last Line Leak Detoctor performance tost aro aveilable on-site Date of last Line Leak Detector Rssult of last Line Leak Detector porformanco tost Records of last Line Ti Date of last Lino Tiohtness Tsst Rerult of last Line Tishtness Test Name and compsny of certifiod tester: Lzal,'al E^r'*n*n{-l 9...u:..Utah Teeter Certification Number: Uf A zl (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklictl Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwate, Mgnitoring checklistl lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnventory Reconciliation lslRl (if y6s, us€ SIR checklistl Other approved mothod (if yes, use oth€r mothod checklist) Records of last Line Tightness Test are available on-site Date of last Line Tightnoss Test Result of last Line Tiqhtness Test Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklistl Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwatsr Monitoring checklistl lnterctitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnventory Reconciliation ISIRI (if y€s, use SIR chocklistl Other approved method (if yes, use 6th6r mothod checklistl at le6s than atmospheric pr€ssuro Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Has only ONE check valve, located All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, use comments section b6low to document how it is verifiable. co ^.n", Kz) --J-,.V -+ i€- l. I +*, +o. s /.-t-J Signature of Owner or Owner's Bepresentative Present During Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspbctor, uffitIffiPXOC .hclllty,lD ilo; Checklist sFlffiliillliiL$ls i;,'it+1,::::1ir : i :irlltrii Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank ?Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes Yes @ Yes lo Yes I No I ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment?,@ No @No Yes No IYes I No i ls lhere an overfill ryg,snliond€vicelAstalled on lhe tank? lf yes, indicate Jbg;[Le of device( Ball float (in vent lQa), Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe),'-{tan\d oner giatrqf--tritT{,\ ^ \ )p^ + ) 4 4t-,,^ dP *o ryNo Yes No t"/*o -For overflll alarm only: ls the alarm located where il can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?G) No GNo Yes \ r.ro ves/ No For overrlll alarm 6nly: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?No @*o Yes No YeS No eonnosrcN FE mBxi Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode Tmkil r-r - Tm*A)^Tsk TUI (SA), or Not protected (NP).?iphs A) r-,PiphcN*r Pphs Pbhg lndicate the type ol corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contacl with soil or water Sub-PunpTc-SuFPurp l(_Sub.Purp Sub. Pwp (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-meiallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) ,B*,o*ff'Disnor Dispmsr lf the UST is not protected, was the tanldpiping installed before May 7, '1985? lf vcc aar:oclan nralcnllan Ic n6l "Mrrlr.r{ rrntll lt+ ,, lOOn. Yes rtnk No Yes Ttnk No Yes T"nk No YeS T",K No do not complete the remalnder ol thls sectlon.Yes PiPnc No Yes PiPnc No Yes Pipns No Yes PiPne No The results of the last two cathodic proteclion tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafleo.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Results ol the most recent calhodic protectlon test. Name of tester: Tank Piping Flex Tesi volts volts volls volls volts volts volts volls volts volls volts volts For lmpressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. tnspector'ss,gn",rr"'>4 * =L )zr*-L- Date: /n-z,rzi) tqgi UPGRADE NOTIFICATIOII (C6mplete only for pre-l988 Tanks) understand that the tollowing marked items must be completed by (pranl nam) December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: tr Spill prevention for tank(s)# tr O,verfill prevention for tank(s)#tr Corrosion protection for tank(s) * D Corrosion protection for piping/flex assoc. with tanxlsl * .-44 , , ,/ @adtity meets 1998 upgracts refluirem?ts. SignatUreofownerorownersRepresentatiVePresentDuringlnspect"n,WtA7,/fu1l2L,/?i Oistribution: While-DERR, Ysllow.lnspector, Pink.F Rovised O8/0U97 UTAH UST PROGRAM FactlttytDNo. z-.s>-,"* 7 Automatic Tank Gauging Manufacturer, name and model number ot ty.t ^, kA -tt-1 o"1.,<*STt q., I Please circle Yes or No for each question for each tank ff hcility has more than 4 tanks, complete intormafion lor addltional tanks on separate torm. Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.q.. owner's manual).,f"D ruo dJ Ho Yes No Yes No @*o,E*o Yes No Yes NoRecords on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and tank setuD reDorl). System is maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions(records are available on site).@to -"rO ruo Yes No Yes No The probe is located at the center ol the tank. lf no, indicate tilt correction factor from the tank setup reoort. @ruo Tilr: @*o Tilr: Yes No Titr: Yes No Titt: Device can measure the heiqht of the Droduct to the nearest 1/8 of an inch :Xes-)No ,deO no Yes No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the full ranEe of the tank's internal heioht {eB tto 6Ho Yes No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll of paper for results documentation) 4-\ --YeslNo @*o Yes No Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a valid leak test at least once a month lor the last 12 months pNo @No Yes No Yes No lf no, for which months was a valid test not performed? (specify months and year, use space below il necessary) The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equiDment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @t"@w Yes No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufaclurer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @*o @ruo Yes No Yes No Have any ol the leak test reports indicated a failed test? lf yes, specify in the space bel.x, the month, year, and what rollow-up actions have been taken. .u--ffi ) Yes No Yes No Documentation ol performance claims lor the automatic leak test feature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95% or greater probability ol detection and 5/" or less probability ot ralse alarm (3rd Dartv certification). €Ho @uo Yes No Yes No lndicate month(s) of invalid or missing test: lndicate month(s) of any failed test: Comments: lnspector's Signature: Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative present During lnspection:?)>ru[, Oistribution : White-DERR, yellow-lnspector,Bevi$d 12\95 UTAH UtT PROGBAM pqcli1y rD l.lg.H=*A. Helease Detection lnspeolion Checklist ii#.*J €ry4/\fr^/ l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location ofTank(s) Owner Name"'ii.1'"stl-- Ft .* rz-'-*'^t AOOTeSS--{t.- <*+-- O€{\r. 6l,l.- ret"t" Z,oCoO"'(zc. t{*-< frtiq Area Code Phone Number?e ll 9)&- )6'{J Contact Person At UST Location Phone #{Jeu-^ C<n., i n pscilitvNameb,(*.-( t ) r) oT S}.. r z 7 Citv - State Zip Code51 ,r,,e r. (-l*-at^ f,q ZLL County- \,?Jt< - Cortificate of Compliance on site@ No ""nO;E4 lll. Tank lnformation Complete for each tank. ll laclllty has morc than 4 ianks, complote inlormatlon lor addltlonal tanks on separEts torm. Number of lanks at facility: ?- Current year tag is displayed lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank Month and year tank installed :"^ qtr n l-..L- nl f- re i Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.) Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.) lV, Release Detection For Tanks lndlcate rneilrod(s) uaed tor each tank corndoto tlra approprlate Emergency Generalor tank (leak detection defened) V. Release Detection For Piping complqte plplng checldlst and approprlab tank checklbt(s) for each Other approved method (indicate name of melhod) Comments: L,,ls,'^., 4rC, d>. n--.^lt^i., ]-<sl-,'-? f ,'^k.gA H^l ,*-^;.k^i-l --_.---/- that I inspected the above-named facititv on */, -O,#r,Jr7,r1,*, ,O' .'* Distribution: Whil+DERR,Revisod 08/0€Y97 :::..::tD:,,'.i :: )::il: Iiir;, ll i iilil.ii\.,r* {.qlii *i ,'."1n FffiylB,,!{ilffi#ffiffi# :s ii,'i, ffi,ff ff'jliflli{,,iil,,iitiiii*iiii;:,::i,:1i,::.: ''J" , Tank 1 Tank 2 Tenk 3 Tank 4 The UST syslem is filled by transfers or 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yesr--ft-o)ves(fu €r Yes; No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device thal will prevent release of product into the environmenl?@No @No Yer No Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device inslalled on the tank? lf yes, indicate the type of device: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in lill pipe), Alarm,orOlher(specity) - 4-Y"i'--.[ta QB No 'r No Yer No For overllll alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?YeS No Yes No /es No Yer No For overllll alarm 6nly: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate whal is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No YeS No /es No t"{ No eO,eBO.$P,$f . Fffi C$ffii,: Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrilicial Anode /vH fnkAl,-t Tmk Tst (SA), or Not protected (NP).llShsN i-., PbnsnJx^Pbhs Pphg lndicate ths type of conosion proiection on Flex connectors and/or Swing ioints: Booted (B), Total containmenl (TC), Not in contact with soil or water Sub.Pu,r? lL- Sub.Purpn<Sub.Purp SuEPqnp (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected {NP) Di.p$&,Tc Oi!p$stT<-Disosr Oirp6$r lf the UST is not protected, was lhe tanUpiping installed before May 7, 1 985? ll yes, corroslon protectlon is not requlred untll Dec. 22, 1 998; do not complete the remalnder ol thls sectlon. Yes r'nk No Yes rtnk No Yes r"nk No Yes T"nk No Yes P'Pnc No Yes PiPne No Ygs P'p.ne No Yes Pipne No The results of the last two cathodic protection lests are available. (within 6 monlhs of installation and every 3 years thereafler).Yes No Yes No Yes No Y€S No Results of the mosl recent cathodic protection test. Tank Piping Name of tester: Tesl Data' volls volts volts volls volts volts volts volls Flex volts volts volts volls For lmpressed current sy3tem: The results of lhe last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No YeS No Yes No lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. Commenls: U'FGRADE NOTIFICATION (Cbmplete only for pre-1988 Tanks) understand that the following marked items must be completed by (prinl n.m) December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1 998 upgrade requirements:tr Spill prevention for tank(s)# O Overfill prevention lor tank(s)#D Corrosion protection tor tank(s) # tr Corrosion protection tor pipinglflex assoc. wilh tank(s) # /J I / ./Aiacility meets 1998 upgradqrequirelrenls. Signatureofownerorowne/sReDresentativePresentDUrinolnsDecli"^.-ffi|]^'Yfu.[lz,l/tr Oislribution: WhiteDERR, Y6llow-lnsp€ctor,08/08/97 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if ves, indicate model in comments soction) Autometic Shut-off Device (if yes, indicate model in commonta seaion) ! Continuous Alarm Svstem (if ves, indicate model in commonts sectionl Records of last Line Leak Dotoctor Dorformance test ar6 available on-eite Date of last Line Leak Detector performance test '3l zi /€S Result of last Line Leak Detector Records of last Line Tightnoss Test are available on-site Date of last Line Tightness T€st Result of last Lino Tightness Test Name and comDanv of certilied tester: .-A- a t i:*.^{.1 /sr-Utah Teeter Cortificataon Number: UTcslz Vapor Monitorins (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklietl Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklistl lnterEtitial Monitoring (if yes, use lntorstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation tslRl (if yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use othor mothod checklistl Records of last Line Tightness Test ar6 available on-site Dato of last Line Tightness Test Result of last Line Tightness Test Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklistl Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklistl lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnvgntory Reconciliation tslRl (if y6s, usa SIR checklistl Other approved method (if yes, use 6th€r mothod checklist) Operates at less than atmosphoric pressure Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Has only OilE check valve, located All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, us6 comments section b6low to document how it is verifiable. co ^"nt , K-)-T^ .L.* lz -l- ),-1- .1-: ,,/n.r t=^4* Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Pros€nt During lnspection: Oistribution: Whit6-DERR, Y UTAH UST PROGRAM Facility lD Ns. z--oeszac-l Automatic Tank Gauging Manuracturer, nameandmodetnumber o, "y"r", L1.<- J. r - 4o--l TLS - g :-o Please circle Yes or No for each question for each tank ff hcility has more than 4 tanks, complete information for addltional tanks on seParate form. Tank 1 fank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.o.. owner's manual).@11o 40 no Yes No Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and tank setup report).@*o @No Yes No Yes No System is maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions(records are available on site). ,.@ru6 @no Yes No Yes No The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf no, indicate tilt correction lactor from the tank setup report. 'VA-No Tili: Guo Titr: Yes No Tilr: Yes No Titr: Device can measure the height of the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch 4"Ouo @No Yes No Yes No Bqvice monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the full ranqe of the tank's internal heioht .@No @ tto Yes No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll ol paper for results documentation) g;?No @No Yes No Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge perlormed a valid leak test at least once a month for the last 12 months @"o ->,-- Yes) No Yes No Yes No lf no, for which months was a valid test not performed? (specify months and year, use space below il necessary) The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test 1'G;Pruoa 9*o Yes No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer'g equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test F*o @*o Yes No Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test? lf yes, specify in the space below the month, year, and what follow-up actions have been taken. ves @ yves@ Yes No Yes No Documentation of performance claims for the automatic leak test feature is available and4 shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95o/o or greater probability of detection - and 5o/o or less probability of false alarm (3rd Dartv certificationl. G.No @No Yes No Yes No lndicate month(s) of invalid or missing test: lndicate month(s) of any failed test: Comments: lnspector's Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During Oistribution: White-DERR, yeilow-lnspector, pink-Facitity/Owner Revised l2\95 SPEED MEMO To:D)'"-lL wi \ Se-a- DEQ / DERR 168 North 1950 West, lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 From: Steven L. Canning Fleet Services, Tank Management 1380 WestNorthTemPle Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (801) s2t-2706 Fa:< (801) 535-2914 CSMOTOR. SCAI.INING@EMAIL. STATE.UT.US Subject:uO a 3B-5 DeQ. d z<radz-O1 cLr^-\:1.>tl1 Find attache.d this divisions response to the compliance issue concerning the above mentioned facility. Thank you for yo,r heip and support in dealing with these issues' L #1: A ,"e^! e.&k.,{ (to hc.s 6.g+-) "Utt l ."l- VI/1JY.\l! LA-)W fl Haruo DELIvEREo #2: #3: {A; Thanks Again, Steve Canning , t^{ Michael O. Lcaviu Crovcmc Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Erccutivc Dirccbr Kent P. Gray DiGlor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1,14840 Salt [^ake City, Utah 841144840 (801) 536-4100 Voie (E0l) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Date February 27,1998 TO:Steve L. Canning Utah State-Fleet Services 1380 W. North Temple Salt t,ake City, UT 84116 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333, 500 N. State St., Salina' Utah; Facility I.D. #2000209. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary ruSD may revoke a Certificate of Compliancp if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performi a compliance review for the underground storage tankg at the above facility. Thank you for your response received December 5, 1997 to the speed *rrr- sent October 6, lgg7. To achieve compliance you srill must do ONE of the following: Submit evidence that proper Interstitiat Monitoring is performed on USTs #l& 2 by documenting that the interstitial probes are pnoperly functioning (print a probe status report at least once a month). Submif prob" ,totut reporls for December 1997 and January, February, and March 1998' OR Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #1, & 2 by: Documenting that the ATG system perfornrs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. Documentirrg tt "t the tank is lilled to the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment p-to"ot to ensure a valid trx;L Submilvalid lcak tests for aA USTs for December 1997 and January, February, and March 1998. O/1 please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by A[Anr1998. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact D/lid ytY2lt<801 ) s3 6-4 I 00. cc: Steve Saltzgiver, Fleet Services Bruce Costa, Central Utah Public Health 4 Wrg -4--lq;,-Tk $!\' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF E}.TVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt lake City, Utah Ml14-4840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. \ Michael O, Lravitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D.- ExeutiYc Dirrctor Kent P. Gray Dircctor Date February 27,1998 TO:Steve L. Canning Utah State-Fleet Services 1380 W. North Temple salt Lake city, uT 84116 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333, 500 N. State St., Salina, Utah; Facility I.D. #2000209. The Utatr Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secrctary OST) may rcvoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. Atthe request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. Thank you for your response received Decentber 5, 1997 to the speed memo sent October 6, 1997. To achieve compliance you still must do ONE of the following: Submit evidence that proper Interstitial Monitoring is performed on USTs #l&2 by documenting that the interstitial probes are properly functioning (print a probe status report at least once a month). Submit probe status reports for December 1997 and lanu.ary, February, and March 1998. OR Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on USTs #1, & 2 by: a. Documenting that the ATG system performs and records a valid leak test at least once a month. b. Documenting that the tank is lilled to the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid tesL Submil valid leak tests for all USTs for December 1997 and lanuary, February, and March 1998. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by Apn127,1998. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. cc: Steve Saltzgiver, Fleet Services Bruce Costa, Central Utah Public Health SPEED MEMO Date: 168 North 1950 West, lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utatr 84116 From: Steven L. Canning Fleet Services, Tank Management 1380 WestNorthTemPle Salt Lake city, utah 841l6 (8ol) s2t-2706 Fa:< (801) 535-2914 csMoroR SCAIINING@EMAIL. STATE-UT.US uDDt{t3eB, D@ L-..-=.i ['f DEQ / DERR Find attached this divisions response to the compliance issue concerning the above mentioned facility. Thank you for your help and support in dealing with these issues' #3: IA: Thanks $Bain, Steve Canning / v o..mii:,,;;;;1x,,+,,;,;,^,,1i,tu,',x+,;i,, !M .B pspARTMENT oF ENVTRoNMENTAL QUALITY<-, 1 orvtstoN oF ENVTRoNMENTAL RESpoNsE AND REMEDIATIoN lI Michael O. L,caviu $ l6E North 1950 Wcst covcrm $ p.O.Box l44g4o Diannc R. Nielson, Ph.D. .ff Salt Lake City, Utah 841144840 Exccurirc Dirccbf # (g0l) 53641fl) voicc Kcnt P. Gray # taotl 359{853 FaxDi*ln H <nl53G44l4T.D.D. Date October6,1997 Steve L. Canning Utatr State-Fleet Services 1380 W. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: ,. Non<ompliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333, 500 N. State St, Salina, Utatr; The Utatr Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (USD may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance wittt dl state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on Septcmb er 3, l9fil, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit evidence that proper Interstitial Monitoring is performed on USTs #1& 2 by documenting that the interstitial pnobes are properly functioning (print a plgF status report at least onoe a month). Submit probe status report for the last six TO: Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items submitted to ttris omcefii':icismuer 6;lNlS If it is not n revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you assistance, please contact D/vrd WAon/4 (801) 5364100. [J$(frn- speed processing. The above information must be by the date specified, we will commence the questions conceming this matter or need any *rYs r ,yr'J'l*"I-t<{ .,Pu ) we this cc: Steve Saltzgiver, Fleet Services Bruce Costa, Central Utah Public Health o€?r. ,{ -\v- - 9,,J' ^.tN- 6** *^,f,e",,-.0\-'.f t"*- \l''{ Notiflcation for Underground Storage Tanks TYPE OF NOTIFICATION E] A. NEW FACILITY No. ol tanks at facility _ No. of continuation sheets anached -l',*-.,'.,'n.' t- '...,-. . lt --r. J'"- I. CITJNESSHIP OF IANK(S) Or,- iw.:J.n,rr,@,r!ro! r!* rira c Gv Edr. Please rvoe or onnt in ink all items axcept -signature- in seclion v. This lormmust be complered for eaar rocation containing underground sitorage tanks. rfmore rhan five (5) tanks are owned at nis bcalion, pn&ocopy the littow;ngshe€ts, and staple contlnualion sheets to the form. . l,bttllcrtioa l! rtquirtd by f"c€crrJ lrr lor rll uodcrground t.nk, t rrlhrvr bccn urad to ttolt tlgulrtH ,.Jbrancaa dnca &-nury .t, lgo/t, U'at :111ng. gr-ound er ot r&y E, tgaf . or thrr ,r. oro,rgit into ur. rrtx Ly t,19€5. ThG intonnlrion .!gu6iad it rlauirld U,y S".rili SeZ ol ll1. Acaour!..Cons.raaton and Recovcry Ad. (RCRA),.,.;O;.. The pnrzrdry puroose ct ints jic:lica:lon progtam rs to locara afid evaluar€unce,g€uno tanks:nat siore cr:ia"e sicreo ;a!;g1gr[r o, nazarccus suos.,,Jtca3.It rs ercecao i|.lar ti:e rnfafl:airc;: ycu alcvrce wril 5e !a:i€€ on reasonaatyavariaare reccros. or rn tne acseic3 ct sr:i rec3rcs, your xnQwEcge. b€[rel. oarecarlle€:ion. Who Mult Notify? S*;rcn !€.:2 3f HCRA. as afie.l(t€d. ,equires fid. ufli€sseremcned. owne6 o, unoergrcLicc:anx-s tfia! Siore r€lulelad subsErrces,riJsinotfy cesrgnared srale or rocar ace,',cEs ot ln€ err$s;cs or fiar Enxs. orn€rm€in9- a) in the case o, an unceGE.JFa s:araga tank in usa on l{oven:lcr !1. ,gg4, O,brougi:i into use aner inai cate. any Eerson wnc oms an une€rlr?uno s:cragel;lnk us€c tof lie s:orage. us€. or Stsraflstng ol reluiiled siJisiaic€s. and _ --b) :n ne case ot any uncergriu,.:c Scragg ranl in ss! Eerore Nc.refa€r g.19.g but no tonger is us€ on fia! aaiE. efiy-p€fs.rn wno owneo Sudl tankini:meotatety betore iie ctscanDnuaDcn of ils use. . o.ll fie.Staia agency so rec,Jrras. any taaiiry EEI ha.5 uricerg3ne any crrangesla taclii, rnfoffi3:ien cr 13nx sysieii siarus. what Tanxs Ara lncluded? ui6argrcur6 siorage lank rs definec a:, eny onaor Ffrornanon ol lanks ii:3( ( i ) rS ,Jsec :a ccn:atn an] aermuranon ci -regutated suEslanc3s.'anc l2l wncse voriifie lrneuctng canneced uncergGunc o,o,nst i" :1a-"-.-:"-....1"-i"-":"]l:grounc. Scne gxai:cies "." u*".g-u* ranl€ sionng:I. (tasctrne. usea crl. or creser fuet. ai.c z rftrustnal sovents. pesi,cces.haroredes Ot lumrgan'S. Whal fank! Ar! Erctud.d? farxs removed irom iit€ grEunc are nor ssbFctlo nciicatron. Otner, ianrs Srcluca5 trc:,:: ncBircr1on are: 1. farm or rasrdeaillat tinl(s cl t.tCC gajtoqt orl€6s ca.oaoty used rarsionngrnoror fuel tor floncom.naical guracses: 2. tanrs usec fol sloing noanng oil tor cansumgtry€ us€ on tne prsfiLt rswl't9re store6: 3. saol:c lanxs: I (,.ro,'a/',,l ralat8l lIl- tlrll irHFi STATE USE ONLY ro NUMBEF 2@o OATE BECEIVED A. Date Entered lnto Computer B. Oata Entry Clerk lnirials C. Orner Was Contaaed to Clarity Hesponses. Comments a. Cipalinc laolrnes (itrduding gafienng lines) rGgutated unds, ri. NaB.aI Gas Pipetine Salety Ac: ol i968. or rr€ Ha:arcous Li:ud Pip€In. Sateiy lq o1 1979. o, wlllan €:rn intE €rB gp€l'ne laolity regutaleo sr{Gr State t.lrs: 5- suriaca rmi€und,rk nts. gtrs. poncs. or lagoons: 6- siorm waler o? was:a warer collea::on systerns: 7. low.fi roug:l,r.ceSS tanks: & lioulo racs or assccralea galnenng hnes olrecily r?Ete,J to orl or gas Producon an6 Eaii:enng ccefaions: 9.stcragg tanxs s:::.rate€ In an rndetgicuno erea lsu-! as a Uasemen:.:eita.. mmeworkrng, cri. st'iar. or !.jnnet) ri :!:e s:iragE !an( ls $:rai6 ulon or a!c"e irie srjrtacr o, lie lloor. Wh.sl Sql'tanc€a Arc &vercd? The nodfcaton (xrJtremenui aogty:E u.ca. ground sareg8 Enks i:at ccfan rE€utated suosiaices. inis inciuoos any substarEa c€iinea as lE:araous in s€cton 101 (14) ol tr6 Comorrnalntv? Envirormenat Eespo.ls€. Compans:oon ar€ Liatiliry Ac! o, tgEO (CEiCtAl, stn tia itcsaion oi E:ose slrbsiaice3 ragutstad ilt niqrtooss ra,:ne uroE Solrea c c, I RCFA n also iodudes pei!'i+Jrn, e.E.. -JCe orl or 3ny h?caon nareot wft6 rs Iou'd a Saridaro canorions ef lemp€raEre anc p.essure (60 degrccs Fenrennert att 11.7 pouncs ,{r sQuare r,Ei illsaiute). U'lr{t To t{otify? S€m campr€rec lcniis !o: Whan To Notify? 1. Gans5 61 uncaryrcunct 3tolaEE Enxs rn us€ or rra! iave b€e,1 laten oul ci oclerSnon aiEr Januan, l. 1974. iut 3llll tn ne g:ounc. Fru:fi l:ai:ry Dy May 8. 1965. 2- Grrrers rno Dnng uncangrsunc sto€ge ianxs rnlo usa ati3r f,lay I, t986. fiusi nor;f wrtnn 30 days ol inn$ng ne tanxs tnic tjs€.3. It m€ State rectr/rres noircatron or any a:ienomefis io laexty seno rniormaron ro Siae rEency imrnecia!eiy. Pcr:eltks: .Aiy oxncf wno lnoHingly lail! to notily or rubmilt t.l:ra hilornrrtlon rhrlt b. iubicct to r civil ptnrtty not lo.rc..d:1O.mO tor.rcn Ent ,ot rhich notlllc.tion ir not givrn or lor rtrich trlx inrormrtioo it $brnin!d. ll.LOCATION OF TANK{S) ar.-sS<:r, -*O.-rrI O-hFrgrr-qrsrun.rle,{F l,lrrorya quh r{& lr}+ag rl lt rl-En at !r. rk Laltude Longitude ': tr Fcdtral Got/L E Commerciat Eg," Gorremmcnt E Privara fr trx:,l Goremmarrt Name and otlicialtitle of owner iorpwne/s authorEed representative (prinil i S[crs'ey..-L .Cacvrv\\r,n4'r I i Date SigneC r./1 (qZ burden for this formh avo,:lgo 30 minutests,"4 €s0fiElt6s puolic reponing burden for this formlo avo,:lgo 30 minutes petsrasponse induding time lor raviewing insfirtions, galngring and rnaintaining_tha data nee(ed and completing ind reviawing tire lorni. Send commints reganding this burden rtlmata to Chief, lntormation Policy Brand PM-223. U-S- Envirinme-nral Protecrion-Aqency. 4Ot M Stre€t. Washiriston 6.C.20460..marksdGtrisf, lntormation-Policy Brand PM-223. U-S- Environmenral Protecrion Agency. 4Ot M Stre€t. Washingrton D.C.2Oa6O..marked i{ttention Oask Officer lor EPA'This form amends the previous notilicatioi lonir as printed in a0 CFFI Part 280. Appendir t. Prcvious editions of this notjfrcation lorm may be used whila *ppiies hst \ III. TYPE OF S€l€d fie Appropiaae Fadlilq- Dcsoiption _Gas Stadon _Petrolzum Disdhnor _AirTaxi (Airtirn) _ Aircraft Orner _Arrto Deaftirship _ Railroad Tenls en @on land rithln an lrdlan Bcsor,rairn d m dhor hJst lards. tr Tanrc arc'orrred by natfue Arnorican ndion. tsibo. or hdvkfd tr lTtibe or l{illon: _c.,m-aaor -Truck ny'fransport _ LJlilities -Fesidential -Futtt V. TYPE OF FACLTTY -Loca, Govemment -Stata Go,9nment - Federal - ttton-Uititary - Federal - Mittary -Comrnercial_ lndusilial VI. CONTACT PERSON IN CI-I,ARGE OFTANKS VII. FINANCLAL HESPONS IBI UTY I have met fie financial respqsib@ requiremants in acccrdanca with 40 CFR SubF t H Guerafltee Surety Bond Letter sf Credit !,f, ou,.' (Exphin) -ll O(}flil^ffi Phone Number (lndude Area Code) i ' Trust Fund Name r. Job Trtle Address f^*.1 .*^-, S{J;$p*,Eo+* *rt, l**k"+(60r) az-r-lz -T Check All that Apply ffiLs* tnsurance -l Commercial lnsurance Flisk Retention Group Vlll- CEBTIFICAT1ON (Fead and sign dter completing alt se<iions) l.certify under penalty ol hw that I have personally eramined and am familiar with the inlormation submined in this and a[ anacired doo.lments. and that based on my inquiry of fiosi indMduals immediately responsible lor obtaining the inlormation, I believe that tlle submitted inlormation is true.ac.urate, aird complete. l,-l i-l t: D( OESCRIffiON .rf UNOERGROUNO I Tzrf-ldrfifia)on Numbor Tanf XoJ TTOR GE TAlll€ (Cornplere tor cacfi tank d this localioa) ll - Tank llo. + Tank No. _ Tenk No. _ Tank Ib. Stallr qlTank (marlc only ona)I-r r-t l-t Ii-lii--r-t rli-- irF-l|] Ir-r ll I Z0ara of lnstaltaion b,ao 5. Piping (Materiat) (Mafk all that apply) 1. r{,LIDnat ot g{rnsfruction i i -(t ark att rrat apply) I It_r _ Aspiuuh Coated or Bare sreeri I ---_l I f----l Cathodiacaly proteoed s,*,1 [ ----__l i i l j, Epoxycoatedr,"",l FI i ,-:] . Composite (Steetwith Fibergtass) f l__:' i .__-j FibersrassFreinrorcedprastici i xx r ii -xrsxj Lr'neclnieriorl I iii i:_ Doubrewaredl DCE i lT r y I potyethytene Tank Jacket i f-l I l-l concretel l-l i t-l Excavation un"rl [-l I l-] Unknownl l--lifl other, Ptease Speifyi f ----_-l ; f--l t __l _ Has tank been repaired, i iE I if-l rl Irlr_r_llill'l-l I f iif-f-llr-ii i._:_lr':,tl-iilir--rli-i--li,i: I-lll-lli r r i-ir i-lIl :ll ii-lli-lii-l-lll-llf 'i-lit ,ii ': -: - It-lt-ir':l f--lli ii--t-lit---ii-il'li-l! i,l:-rr-llril'-i- ;il:__i' l-ll::' Il-i-- Il-'- 6. Pipins [rype) i(Mark sll that appty) I i suction: no rarve ar iank I i--l i ri-..-r Suction: rralve at ranf< | I I I Pressurel f lo'ry-] i Gravitv r* I i-l I':- Has piplns been repaired, i l=-Ti-O--l i I I I I I II: l -.--_, Tank tdcntttlcadon Numbor \-,Tgrk t Tzt*t I ra)r-<o.-Tenk No.-T.rf(t{d,-?'-r 7. Substence Cunan0y or lest Stored ln Grcatasl Ouafidty by Volume Czasollnc Dbsol Gasohol lGrosslre lleatirg Ot Us€d Oil Otrer, Please Spodfy Hazardous S.rbsAnca CEFCLA name andor. CAS number t-tt, l-ll-ll--l +E+- I Mixnrre of Substances Please Spedfy I i X TANKS OUTOF USE. ON CHANGE IN SERVICE l. Closing of Tank A- Esiimated date lasi used (mo.rday{ear) -i-- B. Estimate dare Enk dosed (mo-/Ca.v{ear) I C. Tank was removed from ground O. Tank was dosed in ground E- Tank filled with inen material Describe F. Change in service t- Ir . =il Ii-lit- 2. Site Assessment Completed d I -iiT i, Evidence ol a leok deteded I t# It , .a,i_ - :':. -X1.65gnp1sATrcN OF ner.nNCe ICOUn-ffe FORAu.NFfl ANO ITSFADED TAI'll(3 ATTHIS LOCATION) Tank ldcntilication Numbcr l. lnstallation A. lnstall€r c8rttfredry Enk and ... fiping rnanulaarers 8. hnaller cartified or lcansed by tta implementing qarcy C. lnsallation inspactad by a regisered u:6,ir:ner D. lnstallaion lnspectad and approvd by implementing a€en6y E. Manufaalre/s installation dreck- lists hava be€n compl€tad F. Another method allowed by State egetnt. Pleasa Wdtt. f-l lr rl 2 FleleasS Detedion (Mark all that appty) A. ManualtEnk gauging B. Tank tightness testing C. lnventory canrols D. Automaric tank gauging E. Vapor moniioring F. Grounciwater monitoring G. lnterstitial monitoring double walled tant/piping H. lnterstitial monitoringlsecondary containment l. Automatic line leak detector:s J. Une tighiness testing K. Other method allowed by lmplementing Agency. Plqse SgAcjfy.. l->e^^ea^-\k Vl/anil,ot 3. Spill and Overfill Protection A. Overfill devica insialled B. Spill device instalted rl Ii! , : Ii_i-lro\Ps IiiTrsIii lTva- iry's'lr- /, OATH: I cartify the th€ intormation conceming installarion rhat is rylideO iF's€crion X is true tgD€!€Et of my beliel and knowledge' rnsralrer: t) -. A^&rrca,,r , . ', /-,",.-,- Z.<1"-- :lz191=-.&. _==== t-""W*..\ [i+\ SPEED MEMO ,^,"fl!,",[q'1 ro, E; \\- l$cqtg--- DEQ / DERR 168 North 1950 West, lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 From: Steven L. Canning Fleet Services, Tank Management 1380 West North TemPle Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (801) s2t-2706 Fax (801) 535-2914 \l 5u5;..1. J'.r"ofton UOD( " zaac zos Srli,n,- o0tlrt * Lo@ZOn "",-'d l((e d.ftX * z@o2,Ce crOC( E Find attached this divisions response to the compliance issue concerning the above mentioned o;[l2^ks ScJ" L---S-t! D xaruo DELIvERED c s MoroR. s CANNING@EMAIL. STATE.UT' U S (- *.So o '(-eBz- qJgq ro !t*-/J*,Jl \:."..., tr0a-t 4 rod aeooTo e,,/.; - * 7@OZ:O Thanks Again, Steve Canning / spM".o*pr Mich&lO. Iravitr(brtrlrc Diatrrc R. Nielsoo, Ph.D. ErlcltriEDircca IGot P. GrayDitda Statiof utah DEPARTMENT OF EI.IVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AI{D REMEDIATION l6t Nonh 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Sall I*e City, Utah E4l l,l4t/to (EOl) 53641(X) Voicc (801) 359-tE53 Fax (80r) 5364414 T.D.D. August 14,1997 ERRU-378-97 CERTIF'IED MAIL RETTJRN RECEIPT REOT'F^STED Steve L. Canning Utah State-Fleet Services 1380 W. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: FACIury ;, ;;*zo: MH*r ze1/zwozo,,r)#); r/*ror6-&\fr1, and 2000210 (LJDOT #334). t- l. t "r.\. (\tFtoa- Dear Mr. Canning: The site plaS you submitted with regards to underground storage of petroleum products on your site has been reviewed and a determination has been made. As Executive Secretary (UST), it iras been determined that the unregulated heating oil tanks on your above referenced facilities are located such and of simitar product t)?es as the regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) system, that it would be difficult to accurately determine which of the tanks may be the source of a release, should a release occur. As such, you must perform one of the following: l) Upgrade your unregulated USTs to the December 22,1998 standards for regulated USTs and obtain coverage under the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund on those unregulated tanks and maintain compliance as a regulated UST within the next 60 days, OR; 2) Properly permanently close your regulated USTs by submitting a properly completed closure plan, obtain approval, and close the regulated UST systems as approved within 60 days of this letter, OR; 3) For the reglaprd UST system, obtain coverage for financial environmental liability unO"r un optio;al method, meeting the requirements at 40TFR subpart H, within the next 60 days. v Facility ID No' s ?Jo0203, 2000208, 2000209, 20002 I 0 Page2 \-/ If you fail to perform one of these options, we will begin the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance and coverage under the PST Fund for you regulated UST. If you allow your coverage under the PST Fund and Certificate of Compliance to be revoked you will be required to remove the regulated UST or come into compliance, and may be assessed penalties. Sincerely, b*ltJAL.0 <(-\_ Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utatr Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/DJWem cc: Steve Saltzgiver, Fleet Services Bruce Costa" Central Health Department TJNDERGROT'ND FT'EL TANK SYSTEM REMOVAL SPECIFICATIONS for UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JUNCTION IT{AINTENANCE STATION 326 255WestCenterstreet'Junction,PiuteCounty'Utah SePtember l9rl997 PART I GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: Performed by Tank Remover/Contractor A. This section oovers cleaning removing and disposing of existing underground fuel storage tanks and associated piping appurtenances and backfill ofexcavation' B. Contractors involved with any underground tank activities shall have a State of Utatr tank remover certfficate for such activities- Contractor shall provide proof of underground tank remover certificate to Owner or Owner's Representative before beginning any work. C. Contractor shall provide list of equipment to be used on tank removal site to Owner or Ownet's representative before beginning any work' D. Contractor shall be responsible for contacting Blue Stakes for the location of any and all utilities (Blue Stake Phone Number t-800-562-41I l)' E. No welding, brazing or open flames on or around existing tanks during entire tank closure process, including cutting torches' F. Contractor shall place T.Io SMoKING" signs at each tank removal site. signs shall be removed at comPletion of Project G. Contractor shall be responsible for mainaining an orderly work area at all times, as to not intemrPt dailY traffrc flow. H. Contractor is not authorized to conduct remediation activities under this contract. All remediation activities must be coordinated with a State-Certified UST Consultant I. Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation and submittal to the Ovmer any and all documentation neeied for a tank removal to include but not limited to, Closure Plan, Closure Notice, Environmental Sampling and Environmental Sampling Analysis Results as-well-as Payment of any and all Fees associated with this removal. J. Site Specific Conditions: Junction trDOT Maintenance Station 326, Located at 255 West -Genter Street, Junction, Piute€egnty, Utah. Two 3,000 Gallonsteel Heating Oil Tank$ \[iffiTteel Product and Vent?ipiilg. As shown on attached sitedmving. I.O2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. The work associated with cleaning removing and disposing of underground fuel Anks Page I of5 1 generally consists of the followittg: l. Tank sYstem cleaning 2. Tank sYstem removal 3. Placement and compaction of backfill material 4. Tank sYstem disPosal 5. Placement of finish surface material' B. Contractor shall be responsible for oleaning, removing, and the Proper disposal of tank contents, including sludge and rinsate. Conhactor shall provide documentation of disposal oftankcontentstotheownerorownet'srepresentative. C. Contractor shall be responsible for all excavation in conjunction with the tank system removal. D. Contractor shall furnish and be responsible for all backfill and surface finish materials placement in conjunction with the ank system removal' E. contractor shall be responsible for removal and proper disposal of all tank system components, excavated soils not used as backfill, asphalt, concrete or other materials dispiaced or removed in conjunction with the work' F. Contractor shall perform such independent investigation as he deems.necessary to satisff himself as to the surface and subsurface conditions to be encountered and the procedures to be used in the performance of this project I.O3 RELATEDDOCTJMENTS: A. The following publications and regulations of the issues listed below, but referred to n"ron"r Uv dsic designation only, ior, " part of this specification-to the extent indicat€d by the refe-rences Orereto. Publications shown shall be the latest edition. 1604 Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks UTAH STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH R450-204 Underground Storage Tank Removal 3. NATIO}IAI FTRE PROTECTION ASSOCIAIION (NFPA) 30 Flammable and Combubtible Liquids Code 329 Underground kakage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids l. 4. Page 2 of5 ^ Excavation and Trpnching Operations PART 2 PRODUCTS (NONE) PART 3 EXECTITION 3.01 TAI.IK DEFT ELING: (Performed by Ovmer) A. Owner will defuel existing fuel tanks. Contactor shall notiS Owner 72 hours prior to @mmencement of removal operations to allow Ovmer time to defuel existing fuel tanks. 3.02 TAI{K CLEANING: @erformed by Tank Remover/Contractor) A. Tank cleaning operations will commence upon removal of soil overburden by Contractor. Tank cleaning shall be done with the tank in the ground' 3.03 TANK REMOVAL: A. After existing unk has becn dcfueled and cleane4 tank removal shall proceed as follows: l. Disconnect electrical circuit to fueling system at breaker box. 2. Excavate to toP of tank. 3. Tank cleaning operation performed by Tank Remover/contractor. 4. Drain existing fuel line back into tank' 5. Remove and cap all pipes (except vent) from tank' 6. purge tank down to ZV/o of lower oplosive limit, or inert tank until oxygen is reduced to or below ltrl" by tank volume' 7. Remove and cap vent pipe, leaving a l/tn opening for expansion of ank atmosPhere. 8. Excavate and completely remove tank' g. Inspection of tank and excavation by Ovmer or Owne/s Representative' 10. Collection of all environmental samples by Contractor. And delivery to a State of Utah Certified Laboratory for analysis' I l. Backfill and compact excavation. B. =6irt a"tor shall remove explosivi a6lbphere from ank usinffib ofthe methods defined' l. purge tank according to API Recommended Practice 1604. Tank shall be purged to}}Yo of the lower explosive limit or below' Page 3 of5 1 2. Inert tank atnosphere with inertgas according to API Recommended Practice 16O4. Inert gas shall be nitrogen or carbon dioxide (in dry ice form). Oxygen shall be reduced to l0%o by volume or below. C. Tank and piping excavation shall not be backfilled until Ovmer or Owner's Representative authorizes Contractor to backfill. D. Contractor shall backfill and compact excavation. Backfill materid shall be placed in 6' lifu and compacted to 95Yo density, unless specified othenrise by Ovmer or Ownet's Representativi. Backfill material to be reViewed by Owner or Owne/s Representative. E. Asphalt placement shall be in compliance with the practices and recommendations of UpOf Sinaara Specifications for Road and Bridge Constnrction - Sec. 402 and Sec. 704 and other related UDOT specifications and standards. Asphalt which is not placed in accordance with recommended practices, as determined by the Site Manager, shall be removed and replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor. Asphalt schedules for removal will be sawcut to establish a clean joint. Placement of new asphalt will be roller compacted to form a smooth and uniform surface with the surrounding and adjoining design mix surfaces. Asphalt suppliers design mix shall be pre-approved by LJDOT prior to installation on State Projects. 3.04 EXPLOSION MONITORING: (Performed by Tank Remover/contractor) A. Tank atmosphere shall be monitored by a combustible gas indicator if the tank has been purged with air, or by an oxygen indicator if tank has been inerted using an inert gas. In the case of purging, tant<s shall-be inerted to 10% oxygen by volume or below. No work shall Ue conducted on anks until one of these limits is achieved. Tank Remover/Contractor shall perform this task. 3.05 TANK DISPOSAL: (Performed by Tank Remover/Contractor) A. Contractor shall transport removed fuel tanks from site to salvage yard. Tanks shall be transported to salvage yard within 30 days of tank cleaning. Contractor shall obtain a bill of lading or invoice-from salvage yard. A bilt of lading or invoice shall be turned overto Owner at the completion of project for each tank removal' B. Each bill of lading or invoice shall contain the following minimum information: l. Date tank was received. 2. Site number. 3. Tank size in gallons --4- Statement "Tank will not be reused as a storage tank''- 3.06 FUEL SPLL CLEANUP: (Performed by Tank Remover/Contractor) A. Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup of spills of fuels, sludges and rinsate that result from operations of the Contractor, Contractor's employees or Sub-contractors. Page 4 of5 B. In the event of a fuel spill in ex@ss of 5 gallons, the Owncr shall bc notified immediarcly. The Contractor shall take measure necessary to prevent migration of the spill to ttrc environment. 3.07 EI'wIRONMENTAL SAMPLING: (Performed by Contractor) A. Environmental sampling will be performed by the Contractor as outlined in R3l l'202,Part 280.72 and R3ll-205 (U.A.C.) PART 4 MEASTJREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.OI METHOD OF MEASIJREMENT: A. Measurement for payment shall be for each tank system removed and the excavation backfilled. B. Measurement for payment for the removal of contaminated soil and subsequent backfilling and compaction Jtrait be by unit prices through amendment of this conEact. 4.02 BASTS OF PAYMENT: A. payment for all work performed under this section will be made at the lump sum price quoted for each tank system removal in the Bid schedule. No separate pa5rment will be made for backfill. PROJECT CONTACTS: Owner / State of Utah, Fleet Services Steven L. Canning UST Program Specialist 1380 WestNorttrTemPle Salt t ake City, Utatr (8ol) s2l-2706 Site Contact / I-en Mills Station Supervisor Utah Departnent of Transportation Junction Maintenance Station 326 255 West Center Street Junction, Piute CountY, Utah (801) s77-2873 JuncriHO:Rcm Page 5 of5 i'r'l -a,;l F CA*3 ^.+ /a;r; fre fuh- ?t #Abt& ,-^rL ?4o fl- -1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ET.TVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION l6E Norfr 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt kke City, Utah 8411,1-4840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359{E53 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. . "ii!'i, i! Michael O. kaviu Govcrnor Diaone R. Nielson, Ph.D. Brccutivc DkElor Kent P. Gray Dincctor TO: RE: Date October 6,1997 Steve L. Canning Utatr State-Fleet Services 1380 W. North TemPle Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333, 500 N. State St, Salina, Utah; Facility I.D. #2000209. The Utatr Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the rpquest of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performet a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on Septemb er 3, 1997, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of iompliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit evidence that proper Interstitial Monitoring is per{ormed on USTs #l&2 by documenting that the interstitial probes are properly functioning (print a probe status report at least once a month). Sabmil probe status reports for the last six months' please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to thistffi"" by December 6rL9W. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. cc: Steve Saltzgiver, Fleet Services Bruce Costa, Central Utah Public Health -- ---/J - 7 "* 3 ,L, Area Code Phone Numbor Certificate of Complirnce on ehe? Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Prosent , Pink-Facility/Owner ilt..a!t|i, ,rr!lftj.::::, Manufacturer and modetor monitorins "y"t ^, '%e-+(e- (4rr4 TLS-dSd ( Date instaled: 7777- lnterstitial space is monitored (Check one): ( ) Manually on a monthly basis ( ) Automatically: continuously k{Automatically: on a monthly basis iUriUtH*::#m ji jffi ::ftlui:ffi iilacH':,ffi iffi il;''i ,,.i,.,.,.i:,:iii td,XS!:ililiiu System is capable of dotecting any release of stored regulated substances from any portion of the primary tank or piping within one month of the release (verify number and location of tank and piping sensors)I No Documentation of performance claims is available (third party certification)&/No lnstallation records are available on-site (manufacturer's checklistl Yes IG Maintenance and calibration documents and records are available and indicate appropriate maintenance procedures for the system have been implemented Yes @ lf observation wells are part of release detection system, observation wells are plearlv markd fr,rd secured to avoid unauthorized access and tampering (answer for each wel| 7La %g/*2- Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No E,* Tank is fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring f"pruo (6 no Yes No Yes No lndicate type of secondary containm€nt for tank (double-walled, bladder, lined excavation. etc.l DLII t2lu Product lines are fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring r{.?no ,v#)ruo Yes No Yes No lndicate type of secondary containment for lines (double-walled. lined excavation, etc.)D t1/DW Monitoring box, if present, is operational (mark for each tank)(V60 rvo fE r'ro Yes No Yes No lf monitored manually, equipment used to take readings is accessible and functional Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Documentation of monthly monitoring is available for the last manual inspections, etc.) 1 2 months (sensor status reports,);r.v €,L.C Ye,@ v." {y Yes No Yes No lf a leak was detected or the system has recorded a leak alarm, indicate the month and year. Provide additional information as necessary in the comments section on investigation/repair. lf the tank is fitted with an intornal bladder: The bladder is compatible with substance stored and will not deteriorate in the presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Excavation is lined with an impervious artificirl materiat (if yos, answor the following questionst: Secondary barrier is always above groundwater Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the secondary barrier is not always above groundwater, secondary barrier and monitoring system are designed for use under such conditions Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is constructed from artificially-constructed material and will allow permeation at a rate of no more than 1 O'8 cm per sec for the regulated substance stored Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is compatible with the regulated substances stored and will not deteriorate in presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is non-corrodible or protected from corrosion Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is situated outside the 2S year floodplain Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ::i:i::i::::::::::::::i::::::,::::i:i::i:ii:t:.i:::::::::::::::::::;;iiii:iiii::::::::i:i::::::::::::,:,,i:i::::::;:i:::::!:!:!:i:iarlaIIiFE Comments: lnspector's Signature: Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During Oistribution: d *i4lr,id$li lliijii I liiljlli{tiiiliiiillii;:i : !r,,:,,, !i ! !i lr1ra,;dilidiiillr! 3-#hl#ffiriUitertdilffiffi Tank I fank )Tank 3 Tank tl The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes ffi'L,/ /)Yes r No\*z Yes No Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevont release of product into the environment?(Y' No /uN No Yes No Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the typ94t$evice: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutotf (in fill pipe), flarm)or Other (specify)\. (fr No (:"3' No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? (;j) No Gt' No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?(>'""(,i.'No Yes No Yes No tt: Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank I lndicate the typs of corrosion protection: Nonconodible material (FRp), Composite steel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Nol protscted (NP). t, FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this section. FKT r'{.?T.r*Tar* rif rql Llm UM lf the UST is not protected, was the tanMine installed before May 7, 1985? Il yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder of this section. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Results of the most recent cathodic prolection test. Name of tester: Test T.r* volts Td volts Trd( volts Tar* volts LlrF volts Um volts LID volts LTE volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. ' iiiniiiriiixlltiltiiilrl; UP,$:E4P,El4ofiFIe*:f loN (pdd lme) understand that the following marked items must be completed by December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: ! Spill prevention for tank(s)# ! Overfill prevention for tank(s)#! Conosion protection for tank(s) # ! Corrosion protoction for piping assoc. with tank(s) #1998 upgrade requirements. .Z?Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During meets Distribution:ellow-lnspector Distribution: White- @ Michael O. L€avin Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Excutivc Dir*tor Kent P. Gray Dircclor 1 FILE $OPY 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMITTITAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTALRESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 Nonh 1950 West P.O. Box lzl4840 Salt kke Ciry, Utah 841144840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-E853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. August 14,1997 ERRU-378-97 CERTIFIED MAIL RBTURN RECEIPT REOT]ESTED Steve L. Canning Utah State-Fleet Services 1380 W. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: FACILITYIDs#2000203 (UDOT #326),2000208 (LJDOT #332),20W2O9 (LJDOT #333), and 2000210 (LJDOT #334). Dear Mr. Canning: The site plats you submitted with regards to underground storage of petroleum products on your site has been reviewed and a determination has been made. As Executive Secretary OST), it has been determined that the unregulated heating oil tanks on your above referenced facilities are located such and of similar product types as the regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) system, that it would be difficult to accurately determine which of the tanks may be the source of a release, should a release occur. As such, you must perform one of the following: Upgrade your unregulated USTs to the December 22,1998 standards for regulated USTs and obtain coverage under the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund on those unregulated tanks and maintain compliance as a regulated UST within the next 60 days, OR; Properly permanently close your regulated USTs by submitting a properly completed closure plan, obtain approval, and close the regulated UST systems as approved within 60 days of this letter, OR; For the regulated UST system, obtain coverage for financial environmental liability under an optional method, meeting the requirements at 40 CFR subpart H, within the next 60 days. l) 2) 3) U Facility ID No's ?ffi0203, 2000208, 2@0209, 2000219- Page2 --:' If you fail to perform one of these options, we will begin the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance and coverage under the PST Fund for you regulated UST. If you allow your coverage under the PST Fund and Certificate of Compliance to be revoked you will be required to remove the regulated UST or come into compliance, and may be assessed penalties. Sincerely, F r*-pala^L ^,[-vC__ Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utatr Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/DJW/em cc: Steve Saltzgiver, Fleet Services Bruce Costa, Central Health Department U MEMORANDT]M TO: Dale Marx, Section Manger Underground Storage Tanks Division of Environmental Response and Remediation THROUGH:Randy Taylor, Manager Leaking Underground Storhgi FILE COPY Division of Environmental Response and Remediation FROM: Edward Fall, Project Manager ru? Lraking Underground Storage Tank Section Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DATE:July 8, 1997 SIIBJECT: PST Fund Recommendation for Underground Heating Oil Tanks Facility ID#2000209 t DOT Station #333, Salina, Utah Review of attached site plan and available information concerning soil conditions, groundwater depth and flow in the Salina area indicate the following: Location of heating oil USTs (assumed) is 130 feet down gradient of UST fueling facility but only 80 feet down gradient of dispensers. Available information indicates local groundwater depth is between 25 and 30 feet below grade flowing to the west or northwest. Native soils are layered but generally granular. Were significantreleases to occur from the heating oil or new fueling USTs, contaminant migration would be largely vertical to the groundwater table. With the limited distance between the two systems, it is quite possible that releases from the UST systems could migrate beneattr the heating oil tanks and commingle with releases from those systems. Because the chemical signature of heating oil (a grade of diesel) would be nearly identical with ttrat of diesel fuel, distinction between system releases would be difEcult if not impossible. On the basis of the system configurations shown and uses intended, it is my recommendation that the facility owner be requird to place the heating oil USTs at this site on the PST Fund. F:\ERR\UST\EFALL\USTRLESU-209\PSTMMO tlI;:liets | . ll . t I r, ' t f "artI l1 I l-----. L-_- \-. 2-OOo>o7uDOr 4frT7ON ?4ua4, Ut*il flcury T-D t % QcAcE- /"=?D/- F-uec ebPhwilo ttrPoxlr,*orou otr cttutbNme{z l*' '1, FaEc D/OPENz-1G- Zgt 4N o .--_ CottcgeE 7AD A*utatu Loc4no^t OF fidAnuO 6t11-UbT+ \,/ i itTE'a'] i i{},'9, i co/uctr-E /y'Atrur 1r*no,rt VE{,E d-(- G$'+9a '\> 7 WT .A\ FACILIIYNAITIE FACILTTYADDRESS Check Only One 3ACItr1Ty p6 )Ooo zitjT PETROLET]M STORAGE TANK FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION Complete one form for each facility Retrun completed form by l\[ay lrl997 2000209 / 2 UST Salina UDOT 333 500 North State Street Salina, Sevier CountY, Utah L5N -\r- B I choose to continue to participate in the PST Tnrst Fund. O Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration fonn by May l, 1997. O Submit the Fiscal Year 1998 Facility Throughput Declaration (blue form) by May l, 1997. O AII tanks including aboveground stor4ge tanks (ASTs) located at this facility may be required to participate in the PST Tnrst Fund. O Indicate number of ASTs, if any, located at this facility & tr I eloose another Financiat Assurance Responsibitity MeelanismG) Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May 1, 1997. By June L5,1997, submit acceptable financial assurance documents and $1000 processing fee per mechanism (Use the exact format required by federal regulation,40 CFR Part 280, Subpart H.). O Indicate your Company's " Fiscal Yeat'' sading date o a sler:er.rr L. C"-\.,..,\.n n SA*\"- oS rA..\. / Fbe,+ Secvite5 u L-21ob q[\n\q"t * SEI{D NO PAYMENT AT TIIIS IIME'F hint name of owner/operator or Michael O. Leavitt Governor Ravlene G. Ireland [rtjIlgifui*S$tg, David G. Fletcher Director Mr. Gary State of Division 158 North SaIt Lake DFO / DERR BECEIV:D i'r,lR 2I ffi n HqNo DELIvERED State of IJtah Department of Administrative Services Division of General Services B-38 State Capitol Building $Sltlake City, Utah 84114 {edrYsse-sot+ (801) 538-1773 FAX Astin Utah, Department Of Environmental- Quality of Environmental Response and Remediation 1950 West, 1st Floor Cit.y, Utah 84116 Dear Gary: In response to your letter dated 2/15/96, concerning Non-compliance of UST,s at the Salina UDOT Station #333. This site is l-ocated at 500 North State Street, Salina, Sevier County, Utah. The DEQ ID number is 2000209. A copy of said letter is attached for your convenience. Your let.ter states "The following must. sti11 be submitted t.o close the compliance action:" Item # 1 - Overfill A1arm,' If an ATG overfill alarm is used as a tank's overfill prevention device, the alarm must be clearly audibl-e and/or visible t.o the delivery driver and must be clearly marked to indicate what it. means when the al-arm sounds or lights up. If there is an outside beII or buzzer which activates when t.he ATG system alarm activates, the beLl/buzzer needs t.o be marked with a sign which says what it. is and what it means when it goes off. Please submit documentation to show the outside alarm is clearly marked and identified...ResponEe - The Salina IIDOT Station #333 has been equipped with two tlpes of overfill prevention devices. First; The Veeder-Root TLS-250i Tank Monitor, this tank monitor is equipped with an Overfill Limit feature which will warn of a potential owerfill condition. A printout showing alarm trce, tank nr-rnber, producE, date and time. By Ala::zr Cause IrED indicators that flash when an alarn eondition is detected. In additionr €r1 audible alarm will beep when any Eensor alarn condition is detect,ed. Secondi Ttre UST'E are fitted with a Float Vent Valwe aE shown on the attached inf o:rrration copied f ron the Site Operational Manual. It.em # 2 - fnterstit.ial Monitoring, If you use the Veeder-Root TLS-25OL for interstitial monj-toring, it monitors the system }J|AR :1 I t996 DFO / DT3R RECEIV!D D xaruo DELIvERED contj-nuously. The system does rmaIly show any "results", it just alarms if it detects anything. To document you are performing proper interstitial monitoring, you need to show that the system is properly set up and functioning, and show that for each month no alarms were noted, or if any were noted, that they were invest.igated and corrected. For this system, you. should have the following reports printed out and kept at the facility or available at the facility for inspection: l-) Sensor Status Report.; 2) Tank Alarm History Report and Sensor Alarm History Report; 3) Sensor Alarm Report; and 4) System SeLup Parameters, Sensor Setup Parameters, and Tank Setup Parameters Reports... Response - Find attached copies of the above mentioned reports. Hopefully this information is what is needed Lo maintain compliance at this facility. If I can answer any questions concerning this or any other facility owned and/or operated by the Division of General Services / USt Program please call me at (801) s2t-2706. Steven L. Canning UST Program Specialist State of Utah, Department of Administrative Services Division of General Services, UST Program l-380 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 841,1,6 AstnM2Sb ^ Thank You Stete 0f tTtah a @ooz, o2/L6/96 15:14 r.eX 801 (3e L773 We acknowledge receipt of the followirtg irrformation: It) fire following Release Detection documents: Michaol o. lraviu lf teg North 1950 Wcst""'"*'"d';; ii po.Borl4a840 girR tS 96 Dicnnc R. Nictsoa, Ph.D. 11 Slt t-t" Citv. Utth 84114'4840 I L'v ' Y r\cgniyc Dingl(tr + (g0l) 5364100 voice Kcnr P. Grly il fsotl:sg's&53 Fer Diroiro( i' (S0l) 536-+414 T-D-D. ttAGf LITI I;D.'*:, 20002)9- TO: Stcve Canning state of utah/Gencral senrices Datp: 2lt5l9'6 1380 west North Temple 'Froa:':]ClaryrAstin Salt Lake CitY, UT 84115 RE: underground storage Tanks at UooT #333. 500 North statc st.- saline Uutr::Facility'ID#2(XXE(D' 6e-p) V) The following must still be submitted to close the compliaocc action: Item #1. Overfifl alarm- If an ATG overfi]l alarm is used as a tark's overfi.ll preveution dcvice, the alarm must be clearly audiblc and/or visible to the delivery driver and uust be cleuly marked to indicale what il means when the alarm sounds or Iights up- If therc is an outside bell or buzzu which activates when the ATG system alarm activares, the bell/b,,'zer nieds to be marted with a sign which says what it is and what it in@ns when it goes off. ptease submit documenution ro show the outsidialarm is clearly ma*cd and identified. (I plan to be iu the area arorrnd the 12th of March. I can stop by the faciliry to sec if there is auother type of overfill device in place- If so, the wall alarm would not need to ue iaentified.) Item #& Intersfrtial Mouttortug- If you use the vceder-Root Tls-250i for intcrstitial monitoring, it monitors the sysrcm continuously. Ths systcm does not normally show arry ,tesulLs": it just alarrus if it detects anyttring- To doculnEut you arc perfqrming proper interstirial moniorilg. you need to show that rhe syscm is properly set up and fi.raotioning, alld show that for each month no alarms were uoted, or if any were note4 that they were investigatcd 8nd corrected. For this sysEm, you strould have the following rcporte printed out and kept at the facility or available a 9g frSry for inspection: :i) a seruirr ,srrrrs :nrr;;a 1rcrJ"tia,.ootu. This shows thc stans of each sensor at the time the re,?ort is pun ted tz\TrlntcAtarrltiltstoii'Niporr rsensarAlarmiltstory'Reporttoshowthealarmhistoryforeachmouth. These - would not necessarily have to bc printed each month if there [e uo alarms. but t]re infomration to show the status for each morrrh n""0" to be kept. iB) rsensor.,tlazn repottsrfor any atsrms which ru&y @cur. and documentation of investigarions of those alarms. ft*) Syslem Seq.Parrlmercrs, Sensor Senp Param&iis;'and Tar* Setup parameters rcports{ These should be dooe once and kepl and repriuted if any setlp parameter$ are changed' Thare are the reports you sent iu with the leuer of 7/18/95- Plcase submit copiesrof 'thc:Sea+at Status Report for tbE curtcnt monrh and currdui copies of the Ta* Alanfl History Repon and the'Sanso rAlr',ini'Illsrory Repot't' This will satisff the cununt cumpliance actiou. fire following Release Detection documents: If you have any questions. please call me at (801) 536-4100.rkaorvl!tn 0215/96 I I I Fbat Valve Extractors 1 I I I A7g-qrl Float Vent Valve Extractor Assembly The A79O01 Assembly consists of the extractor fitting body, extractor cage, and the A75O02 float vent valve. The extractor fitting mounts on the under- ground tank flange and secures and positions the float vent valve in the tank. A2" porl on the litting accommodates the tank vent line. The float vent valve can be removed from the tank, using the 456O002 extractor wrench, without the need for excavation. Overfillprotection is provided as the float vent valve is designed to close at approximately 95% of tank capacity. As the valve doses, product flow rate from the delivery vehicle is dampened to prevent sudden line shock. When the valve is fully closed, flow rate is reduced by 99%. ln the event ol overfill, a standard Vs" bleed hole provides pressure relief for cornpressed air in the tank. The A79{01 Assembly is recom- mended for use in conjunction with Dual Point Vapor Recovery systems, and where underground vent piping of similar products may be manifolded. ln these applications the float vent valve will reduce product crossover. (See also A75). Features a heavyduty cast iron body, galvanized lor rust protection. Vent Tank Riser Bleed Model No. Port Connection Connec{ion Weight Hole A79{01 A79{06 A79{08 A79011 Model No. Z Female NPT 4" Mate NPT 4" MateNPT Z, Female NPT 4'Mde NPT 4" Male NPT Z Female NPT 4" Male NPT 4" Male NPT Z Female NPT 4" Male NPT 4" Mde NPT 1672lbs. YB" 1672lbs. tlrd' 16/z lbs. N/A 16% lbs. 1/e" 479{01 7',A79-006 7',A79{08 7',A79011 7', Materials Body: Cast lron, Gahanized Cage: Stainless Sted Tube: Alurninum Ball Float Stainless Steel Replacement Assemblies 4@26: Extractor Fitting Body 4@28: 2" ExtractorCage 'A7$002: Float Valrlre 45@002: Z' ExtractorWench 491723: Test Plug *See also page 31 for A75 detail. 'tg' 19" 18" 2d' g' 6', 6', 14', 3Y2" 3Y2" 3Y2' 3Y2" 3Y2' 3Y2' 3Yz' 3Yz" ' r': i-i i.' if, ! I i1- i :i.jiIl+IrIIr +i iil rii:iLi_:ii..it ftili. i ,:' '=, n r-...a i ,-.i !:,,:,::, ::rtL5 U!_!_l:f !jIIl'. iil I i.i:_.iilt f r_rf Lri. rJ Ii.j!_:HI::, i,i*Tr:.,+r. r IrIr_iErI! 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Ir i Hi'iITIF; : ':rl, t:.1'.1 i i'iljiif i "iriii'. TILT'ilItEIFl: tr . 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E: :l[: Hil ;fiiiuF;:::ir i.j$rTfFj IrfTf:_:T;F-F i 7, i,_t.;rg :J: :tr! *ii ;f i.rir_tF.: :jn iji+TIF.: nITIr_:T;!-i1 i i, i'i._iljr ::r: +i Fi,l ;ftiir:rE r_:Hirtiiifi_ .i ;Ii.iHUFJ 4,rti*TfF; IrfTfrjT;FF + r i'].-trl ,* = l,J Fi'l ;Eti=rlF.: 4,:r :--i_!EL I!fTIr_:Tiul i*, it.-lu!: +r. Hfi ;fi.ii,JFi 4fi ii*TEF; NrTI,-:Tiil:- i i, i,_],-irli: *i tii'l ;i. ij:_:;;_-tF.: iijiii.ji.iF-L = ,fit!r-rF: Iir'*Ffi.j EfiiIirEi:jl p. i._t?r:r+; i i Ff'.| l,-\;Ei.{5r_rE E$r rJpEtj Eti,iEuFirul I r i,_].-t[i4: i i Fi.l ;f i.i:;L-rFi r-:H*i.ii.jf i_ i ;f i.iirlF,: i.ii L-rFf i.i ::; F-i.j:_:; i-ir=:lui- I i i,l._ri14: i i Fi,i ;f i'j :lr_-rF-_l r_:Hrri.ji.if L I ;Iiiir:rF.: f*!lFfi.i :;Iii=*F.:i:-l! t. i i'-l--+::r+: i i Fi,i ,f i.j:-;:_rF; L-:Hiiiji.jf L :_:: ;Ii{i;!F.: F* :JFf i.i if i.j:_:;i-;i: 'i.:L Ir ii'-ll:I+: i r, Fi,l 'L'jI L:HF!:tr_: i Tni.j,jf : nI i$iilFLfi = .i:,-.:.i: I: ESEL:'r1 f .r._+. :; i ri:::= ::r,:::i i.i:]i"ii i;;;.;i:: 1+++. ii ir:r5,-r. ::::'l t-r-.-.:E iiI.:rr ri+.i.i: 'Er_rIr:_ir_:T-: X: lStl -i-t:r -:r :f ii i:_{ J Ui.i r_[1r,IL: l!--i!..1 1 ijr!rjT ET=t i*rr #'j._ _, =!i.rr: i.i*. ET*T[ E i = _'t:.:t := _,'10: iiiJ Ii'i T UF:Y F.:f F uF.: T:lF: 1i', 1']if f . '-1 ,:. 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Tr''i-!i''I .-'r rl ll L-.-. T ili..i ii ;r' !! ! L r_'L ! [:'it ri,']. = i +:i=. E r-':1. !..i':,': i= i..i..iT r:-t_.L j. T._r._': j. t i -?T i = i_,. !-:l: i:i:''.:l. :''t:! i::," I . *!-:E i15,'-ri Ii+:::.*. F'FirJIr!-ir-.T- I It: I=:il-lt:l-i EE',;'I5I tli.i i-f rr'F-L: rli i - 1{i P F:r_r E:f t'ilFi ri i,i I T I F;.:; : ir T -,-.-:.!-r i L.:,LL..=Etr: I *.L r.iul.jEF-F: [11,**,.r-iF;,_,JIT i:jltf i..:riL[i.irjTii :+i. i: 'il I .-,Lta i flt- rrrri.i,.La-r el i. S,tJfCIE'::LIIT C']IIE'F-l'hLEt{riTH ?h. \ I I i'F:l_;I:I F i:iF:*i'iI-t IF:i: T ir' i-i L; '=, I,li:ri ::IF; :,.iL i.ii_r1,191p,'.:rf ilil,', :-.IE:-!_!IT r_::_:Iri l:.1ij a ii.i!-!H iJi lJiLLaiiJatt Fr:r-rEf t'HF.:Hiif Tf F.:I: .!-t T i,:: tri :1f f i ::i:_ i.ji-iiiEf F.:'*f *[rl. t_:I F.'i::!_iI T r_.'_rlrl tjri f!_fi.i!jTH ,l:r, l-r,i :l: f + i.i Ir. F:Ir :_:i+ F,*:_: I T ii i.i i .. :+ i-if :::;;iiF:-I::; = : i L ii i:_.-rLL- r-: rl1 I r,,l . 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I I.IPUT LlI.{ -iriH 1 I i'-iE'-] E: rlE -Itt'l i EHT. II.iFUT I- . -iljl- E I 1'-1!* 4: I t, Ft'l Ttlt{i,.; ? :::::: r-lr/EFIF i LL -----l -iuti 14 I 1 '-l'-{r, I i i: 84 ntl t{tJi/ E:I+r ii+i+i!: 57 Al.l l.irJiJ '-f r i.J!:j 4: 57 Pl'l LUI.I LiiiIT -iAi-i 1:l, 1i+i+fi: E i Ff,l llr-l,./ iBr 1'-i!5 '-l: E:l-r Pl'l rlrjT EE, 1!._i5 irlr 54 AH :::T1. : l:l::1. ::::T i :::::: :::T]:: ] 5Ei.i:_+r-rR 1A rJFEt{ :{Ei.{:-1r:rF;r:rjT i,i, 1i:i+rlr 1rl: 45 Atl 5Et{:_irlE 1A FUEL ITETEI-:TfrljG 15, 1-_r'_ll:r 1E: i:I+ Atl 5Ei.i5uE i f{ I.IATEFI IIfTEI-:TIrIJG '-1r 1-_+ir]r :l+: ;g pH 5u.t-,.^1.*EEffi I -tl-Hr.l,l "!1.,.: I UltT l{Ll'UF; I' li,i= iigt i ::. ! t. r r..3 r r. r.... itit i;:'._tEt'ir i t!x ': *q :lrtr ,'1i.. ;:*a :' .j'i, i --.-.- ' L! : _.i-._ f 4;: . =,:::I4[:. *.:; =..i q i; T._:: : :i ':: =':l ,r,,:, i -::t:-1;r . I: i: I t-{ :: ,.{t 15;t'|1 34t tlli i 35'i. ilt i.lE 1E64 tlHE 1387. 44 . u:] 13Be \ t'14 I egE \ i.lh i Egg I!l'li lHtH I ! iq- i!i.i _..._:.: i:iiIii, x--: -.-..-, : L_i ., : f 4:::,, i' -:.iEi t._: . iitl: i =:1,.! 1 i i j-. i .-. -.- -i l.i.-r 1 ._.r r. 'i'i._r i L:_!L t'l+ L I'=t:{ i,i= i.:.,:,n i,ir-- i'=',]tn i,il i.:'.f,,=,a L -j!_: i,j;'.: i .l i,l: . i: + i,j_::'::' i'-:.;..rf a ,:!.:l-HF.:f'I H I 5Tr:'F; 1' FIEFr-lF:T El{T. I t'{FUT ur.{ -iHH L r 1'-]E'J E: tjtE -ltl'l ], l EEtiSrJE rlHf{t{t'{EL E^ EEi.iSrJFl Eri I'IATEF; TIETEIT -lUL 15, 1ir9r3 E: 4a Al,l EEI.iEUE EA rJFEt{ Eti.iSr_rFl -iUL E r 1---r,-jt] 4: ia PH :::::: ::::::: r 5Ei.i5UE iA FUEL IIETTUT 5EF EE, 1'-lirl l_+: :-?E AH SEiiirJE i+n I,IATEF; NtTII.:T 5EF 17, 1r-;'_ltr E: i.-1 f{f.l SEfiSuE :I.tn tlnTEF; IrtTft_:T frtjG 15, i,-j:{Lii: 4E Pl'l ::T::: :::T::: ] 5EH:_;r.tF; 4A tIATEF: ITETET_:T5EF 4 r 199r:r i rr: EE Fl',1 SEI.iEUFJ 4A FUEL IIETEIJT -ilil i 4, 1'-li+E '-i: 46 AH iEHSr_lF; 4fr I.]HTEFI NETEI-:T-ilil 1E r 159rlri i: titi Ai'l ::T::: :::T::: I :-;Et'{5r-rE 5A UFEI.{ EEI.iSUFj -iljl E r 1.J---rr:r IJFEI.I 5Et.{5UR -llil E r 159Er 4: ia Ptl 5Et{5uE riHAt'{tifL E 5Ei'{5lJE F,t{ UFEH EEi.iSI-IF; -iUL E r 1!gr:r 4: i e, Ptl :::::T.:::T::: :. EEi-i5uE 7n uFEt'{ :-+EtiEt-tF: -iUL E I 1--+-,etl 4: ir Fr'l EEi.iirrE r-:H*til.ifL E iEi.iEUF: EA 0FEt'{ EEt'iEr-tFr -iuL .i, 1!!r:r 4: iE Ptl SLrttl r_:HFfrr_: i Tfit{rjE* uF EAHFLEE = Ir:rlI Tnt{F. E II I ESEL r_:r:r Ehi, 5E 485. E 1riE i4:3i.i7 i44f,EEri4 i 444. 71 i r]r59. E5 '::E EPI. 7rJ E7 i . 4 ir_:E 1E5. '_lE E i 4i. e,Ur FE'llrlir-:T- I Ir:i5t:t-Etl-i FlElr'i E I tlt{ Lf !'EL:tli-iEr TfrHH 'c I' I EEEL EEE I AL t.{UT.lEEE rjIErjUIT ljlJIlE LEt{rjTH 6aA t> tlTl:1t:l74 Uit:t i '-ih. 1:1t:1 PFjIJEE FTTEAI.lETEFJS : THHiI. E IIi EEEL 5EF; i rlL Htjl'1EEF: t:if t:tt:tf 4 u I F;r-U i T t::UIrE ut:t i LEI{GTH '-iE. t:tF-r FFII-IEE FfiEAT.IETEFIE : TAHH. H III ESEL SEFl I AL t{Ui'lEEF; ultrt:ti+ r; I FluU I T r-.UIrE tit:1 i LEf-{rjTH :iE, uit:t 5 THi.{ItAF:It r-:frPfrrj i T$iti r-: t * uF Ef{f.lFLEE = Erlr TAtitj; 'c TII ESEL UtIt EE-,-t. Sljt r-:E 14:33. 1ut t_:4 i 444. E4 L:h E7:-i. hE '::E 185. 9rlr Trri.{H. E IIi EiELIrr:r i i EIri 1'_+5Iri 7Et,It'i 7:-+t Ir4 731Ir5 748ItE 75 iIr7 145 tit:t i 5I ti i r4EI,lr i Eh4t'l:i l EEetl4 i EEt]r H5 1eE9 t.tE 1E9E Irii i i'_15.IrHr rEr,.Irli:J 7ii.I'H4 7H7.IiHE 7+:J.Irlir, i4E,Irl.:f f 4E. ['l]'li i5,_i. Ertllii i:i87. E! 485. EF, i 447. 5E 185'-i. '_1E E7i,4F, e 14:r. EE UU r:t lt f.t!r rJ8 IJE FF;I]EE FAEAI.IETEFjS : H* 1e8E 1,15 t eE9 l,lb t z9B H7 lEgE THt{tr. E III ESELIrB 1 1EIrl 1Y5 t'li 1I'E 7eI, IIHEIrE 73t IrH'3Ir4 7:{ 1 trH4IrE 748 Ir){5Irh 751 trtiEIr7 7+5 I|HT l,ltlt 15i t'11 34h HH 1 I'lE l EF-,4 tlHE H3 iEEe r,l4 l EBB H5 lEEt I'lh l EgEt'rI l etg ITLHFJT'1 H i ETI.IFIT E}iT. I I.IFUT -lfit{ 1 : 1._1i1! E: tlE Af'l UFF r_rUEFtF i LL -iuH 14, 1!'-+E 11:u4 t{t'l tjr:ri/ E:l{r iiy;i '-i: 57 Af,l t{l-lti --+ I i.-1,-1:i 4: 57 Ftl LIJI.I LII'1IT -tHti i:Irr ii+!7 :s: E 1 Ff.l tirlil iLir i:{95 '-1: E:_1 Ft'l uriT Erlr r 1'_l'-i5 i t3: 54 Atl :::TT. : ]:I::T. T::::: ::T::T :T::T:: i SEI.IEIJE 1A 'JFEt{ EEtlSr-rF; 0riT 16' t99t-1 1Er: 45 Atl LiEHST:rFj 1fr FUEL IIETEI-:T HUG 15, 1!',_lEr 1E: i i Af.l rlEt{5rlFr 1n I.IHTEFI IIETEIjTfiUG --r r 1!'_lrJ -1: EE Ftl EEt{EllE r-:Hf{t'{t{EL E ..t rtr rt tir a a a r t a t r t.t t t s SEHsUE EA t,IATEF: tIETEIjT -iUL 15, 1!i+u rr: 4r, f{t4 5EI.{5UFJ EA 0FEt{ :-iEti:_+r]rFl -lUL E r 1y'-rB 4: it Ftl :::::: ::::T:: .l EEt'{5t-lF; :sA FUEL IIETEIJT L1EF EE, 1:r:{rl E: :]t]r nf.l SEHirr_rFt If{ t.IHTEF; TIETEIjT 5EF 17, 1'-lir]r E: E'-l frl.l 5Eii5r-rF; 'Jr{ I.IATEFI IIETEIjT HUU 15, 1!'-]t:r :I+: 4E ptl :::::T :::T::: ] SEHEr-rF: 4f{ t.IHTEF: IIETETTEEF 4 r 1!i+rr i r]r: EE Ft'l SEHEr-rF; 4H FUEL TIETEtjT -iUL 14, 1g:{t:l :{: 4F, Atl EEH:_.;rJE 4A I.IATEFI IIETEIjT_rul 1E, 1,-1,-181i: gl Af,l :::::: :::T::: T riEr.iSL-rFj 5A rJFEt{ EEtiErlrFl -lUL E I 1lgrjr 4: ia Ptl t:.Jrlll r t P-,2 B'Z r{t'l tr itT -lUL E r4: 1e, Fr,l THI.{H. E II I EEEL I t..lPUT l tgtl i^, i -,. '. TAI-{}i. E Iri ESELNE 118 Ir l 1'_i5 lrli i Ire 7Eh trliE Ir:_l 7Jh lrlliIr4 7:l+ 1 IrH4IrE 74ii trHEIrh 751 IrHhIr7 745 IIHT HB 15ill1 348 HH I HE 1er.4 HHE I.I3 l EBE l.l4 1el1t4 H5 leEY I'lr, l eYEtl7 l Ei+E 1'-iE. l:tt:t FEt,. rtl-t f ..-1!:. r' 't f tr f . If,. 74:{. tlrE 74E. utE a 1e - -if Et.-1. f 't :{hr:r. t:rE 1tut7. Er, 1i+5. Et:t 7Ea. rlrlr ?.-r.-r ? If.-1tr. f.t f ra f . lE 74::{. r:rE 748. t:tE a-iE --{f .t.-t, f .t -:..J l. ,:. l 1tt:lE. '-i i ^ SEt'{SuR 'ruHHEL 5 EEI.i5'JR 5A rJPEt{ EEI'iEt-lFt*lUL E I 1,qgrl 4: ir, PH EEI.iSUE I]HfrHi.iEL F, LiEtisUR bf{ uPEt{ 5Et{5rrF: -lUL E r 1i;9Er 4: i a Fl'l :::::T.::::T::.1. . . = i;EHEr-rE 7A I]FEH 5EI.{5UE -lUL e ! 1,-lir]r 4: i t, PI'l 5Et'{5rJE rjHfrt'it'{EL H 5Et'i5rrR BA UFEH :{EI.{5I:IE -lUL ?t l tgE 4r ia Pl,l ELtll,i rjfrFAt-: I TAHIjE* uF SAIIFLEE = 14= i THt{t{: E N I ESEL 'iB Ehy. 5E 4EE. E irie 1433. th 1447. r,Eri4 i 444. 71 i EEF, EEr_:h :37:l+. E._t ET 1 . 4 i 'iE 1E5. 9E E 14'i. EiS4ch.ulv- ) Owner Name"i"1' '1"''<+ k fk. L a,, ",es t r*-FacilitY *"t"r, o-r fr sg= Address t . .-. .^""'Z<( <Ak /2 I i 6lJ.-Street Addrcss-""^W rV t*=-+r City- _ State. ZipCode'SLL ULQ )rvtt1 City State Zio Codceol i n <- l-l.1-\ ficru-s-c{ Area Code Phone Number County <2-' ie- 1- Contact Person At UST Location Phone #L.s-,- ca--e J-za 'Tzzz-Cortificatlof Compliance on en Nrrahar af trnkn .t fr^ilitv. 2-Trnk I fral ?TAe 3 Trnt a Tank lictar{ an Cartificeta of Comnlienea -,6J Na 6) Na Na Na -,.G? Na .G) Na Yar Nn No lI nnr in rraa r{lfa l.cl rrcAd lI aa+ in r..a ,{a^+lr af nrn;{rra+ ia rrnL lin iaahaal Manlh rnr{ va+ lr^L { - t44O E - t <Qc- Crnrcifw af tnnk lin aallanrl G.o-a Gon o ua(z-)o-l );..r+ Mrtarirl ^f ^6^rl.rreli^n ^f frnL lctral FFIP rt^ I da9bcd+\tPct ^o'e&.vqt<c'4 Metariel of canrfrrre?ian of ninino lctaal FRP- arn I /R/Fl rz Diaiaa rraa laraaor [a .. rdi^^ -r.r,ift,*ltS..e-a.t!<-r'.<- Fmaraancv Generetor tenk llaak .let.ntinn r{afarradl lnvaalaru llantral/Tlnlr Tiahtnarc Tactina Arrlamttic Trnk Gattaina -..nr:Ii!-i)EtfiMrnrret rrntr G*aina lti4ts1i#Hll v'n^i M^nirorind llill'1'-!,I- )Ul Groundwatar Monitorino lnterstitirl Maniforina St.ticti.rl lnv.nf6rv Elaannniliatinn lSlFll Othar ennravad method lindineta nema of methn.ll Automatic Lina Laak Deleclor I ina Tiahtnacc Tartind Vaoor Monitorino Groundwater Monitorino lntarstitiel Moniiorino Statistical lnventorv R€concilietion tslRt Other aoorovad method lindicata nama of methodl I have inspectod tho above-named facility on fra t 7(, llaG, A:ootl*. _ lmon{, d.y. F, trt lnspector's Signature:oate: Fl-.-zQr./l7k Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspsaor, Pink-Facility/Owner +ii ];;!t;rirr r :.ll: lil,+ iiiiliiiilNtii;.{+iIsi:ililii,.,,,,,,i:,:i',' ', :, ,, i.,,l::i:l]lfjl;llil..:l:iliillHili$i lil+ir:il .l tt:::::iij,.i::.,::.,,::::::::::::::i:ii:::ii:::liiiil:lj:iiiliii*r-PlfrJrtl#X'+lirlf ,,i.HiJ :ili j:.r:rli:iii,iii: jiiiriiri,l+ii++i j jiLltfi ifi fiHffiIffi il$ iiffi LMI:ii::::::::::::iii:li:::::::::::::,r'i:i'r':'::,:::,1.i:]:irll Tenk I Tank )Tcak a Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes Yes @ Yes t" Yes No ls there a spill containment buckgt or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? No @No Yes lo Yes lo ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the tyrElar-Cqvice: Ball ,loat (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), (Eglotn"r (specify) @No @No Yes o Yes ,lo For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? No No Yes o Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what js meant when the alarm sounds? {,i ,,n k?i a< ,'- < A t lC). . Yes No {- *.lr*< o( Yes No ^\/a.{,b- Yes nl"Yes ho r:rlli: . rih lrl!,r,!rri;:i:lt+iit:r.r::ri).rlli:lli:jl'i.:.i.+11.:iiiit::::1:::::!::::::!!::,.!!!!!: $$..Hft Tqnk I Tank 2 Tnnk 3 Tenk A lndicate the type ol corrosion protection: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite st€el (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protectod (NP). It FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of thls section. Tr* {20 Tar*it?T.il rd* {p/€(P UA UM ll the UST is not protected, was the tanMine installed before May 7, 1985? lf yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder o, this section. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereatter). Yes No Yes No Yes i ruo Yes No Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. Name of tester: T6st Td volts Td volts | ,ort. Tr volts Um volts UM volis volts U volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes I ruo lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. Comments: lnspector's rrnn rurrr--* Dale: fi-..'Lr, lai L UFGRADE..NOTIFIC ION understand that the following marked items must be completed by December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: ! Spill prevention for tank(s)# ! Overfill prevention lor tank(s)#I Conosion protection for tank(s) # ! Corrosion protection for piping assoc. with lank(s) # _ ,/ *f,acility meets 1998 upgrade requirements. Signatureolownerorowne/sRepresentativePresentDuringlnspecti Pink-Facility/Owner Distribution: White-DERR, yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner ffiE.ffi,riffiffi ffiffi El,.ilii:t:.an-$..qIiii ffirl*iiill+++i+ Manufacturer and name of monitoring system: Date system installed:d* r1fio lnterstitial space is monitored (Check one): ( ) Manually on a monthly basis (PfiAubmatically: continuously ( ) Automatically: on a monthly basis System is capable ol detecting any release ol stored regulated substances lrom any portion of the primary tank or piping within one month ol the release @ No Documentation of perlormance claims is available (third party certification),rG)No lnstallation records are available on-site (manufacture/s checklist),@ No Maintenance and calibration documents and records are available and indicate appropriate maintenance procedures for the system have bssn implemented @ No lf observation wells are part ol release detection system, observation wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tampering (answer lor each well) N g ,.-q lL5- Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No tii,-\.i,i,,:,j:i iiiiitiiiti:i!:#ii :l:::l:als(::I:rlliilirli:*i jtiitiiisiliiii iiliflcI.lFi$Jiii:,Tank 4 Tank is fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring l@r.ro 6*o Yes No Yeq No lndicate type ol secondary containment for tank (double-walled, intemal bladder, lined excavation, etc.)4,.)-, Product lines are fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring a{e?ruo 4e no YeS INo Yes No lndicate type ol secondary containment for lines (double-walled, lined excavation, etc.)Au A-, Documentationofmonthlyreadingsisavailableforthelast'l2monthsa.7-i llUf<;sCL<-Yes No YeS No Yes No Yes No Monitoring box, if present, is operational (mark for each tank)7N 7@ No d6! t'to Yes No Ye No lf monitored manually, equipment used to take readings is accessible and functional Yes No Yes No Yes No sNo tf the tank is litted with an internal bladder: The bladder is compatible with substance stored and will not deteriorate in lhe presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yesl No v/ s tto Excavation is lined with an impervious artificial material (if yes, answer the following questions): Secondary barrier is always above groundwater Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the secondary barrier is not always above groundwater, secondary barrier and monitoring system are designed lor use under such conditions Yes No Yes No vef ruo Yes No Secondary barrier is constructed from artificially-constructed material and will allow permeation at a rate of no more than 1 0a cm per sec tor the regulated substance stored Yes No Yes No Yer No Yr sNo Secondary banier is compatible with the regulated substiances stored and will not deteriorate in presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yer No Y€No Secondary barrier is non-corrodible or protected from corrosion Yes No Yes No Y€;No ;No Secondary barrier is situated outside the 25 year floodplain Yes No Yes No ;No sNo Groundwater, soil moisture, and rainfall will not adversely atfect the liner's ability to collect and contain regulated substances or the ability ol the selected release detection methods to operate effectively Yes No Yes No Yes No rs No comments: (^rre^k /-i-^*-ar^L ou dJ.-;l;Llc AJc: a/r/a-.na<c af L^l-C;lu'- /^J.t n.r} +p Le ze..<e.+Lo' /.-i'Lo--it. E .-.)t &,: ?.t* iZ. n--n{l, .*i r.,5;l< - .- lnsDecto/s siqnature: 4r^ - 2 t! )z' .' +Date:./Llt. Z9.lSciA-/rSignatureolownerorowne/sRepresentativePresentDUringlnspec Distribution: White-DERR, rflvtLta I otaE rllI ractmy tu No. Z-.>@2e1 the l@tlon of any r€ponod PID or FID .Efrrgs" N \ I :L /' \,-( Potenual Receptors' lndbate dlstance 0n feet) to the nearesx Residences Lco * commerc-lat bulldings ,." ,_ Underground vlilill* <p'- tot( Adive wator well n- Surlace walet t)zri Other t 6-z (J ##'v ""j,ify r,{l Inspecied the abov+named tacitiry on ^,. u Tfadfr?#.-ef ,otu lnspec{o/s Srgn run Dilne:@ -- '^ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1,14840 Salt Lake Ciry, Utrh 841 144840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-,t414 T.D.D. A Michael O. lravitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutive Diretor Kent P. Gray Diretor TO: Steve Canning State of Utah/General Services 1380 West North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 FACTLTTY r.D.#JgggnL Date: 2ll5lq6 From: Gary Astin RE: Underground Storage Tanks at UDOT #333. 500 North State St.. Salina. Utah; Facility ID# 2000209. We acknowledge receipt of the following information: l/) The following Release Detection documents: Line tightness and leak detector tests. Veeder-Root TLS-250i manual and printouts. l/) The following must still be submitted to close the compliance action: Item #1- Overfill alarm- If an ATG overfill alarm is used as a tank's overfill prevention device, the alarm must be clearly audible and/or visible to the delivery driver and must be clearly marked to indicate what it means when the alarm sounds or lights up. If there is an outside bell or buzzer which activates when the ATG system alarm activates, the belUbuzzer needs to be marked with a sign which says what it is and what it means when it goes off. Please submit documentation to show the outside alarm is clearly marked and identified. (I plan to be in the area around the 12th of March. I can stop by the facility to see if there is another type of overfill device in place. If so, the wall alarm would not need to be identified.) Item #2- Interstitial Monitoring- If you use the Veeder-Root TLS-250i for interstitial monitoring, it monitors the system continuously. The system does not normally show any "results"; it just alarms if it detects anything. To document you are performing proper intentitial monitoring, you need to show that the system is properly set up and functioning, and show that for each month no alarms were noted, or if any were noted, that they were investigated and corrected. For this system, you should have the following reports printed out and kept at the facility or available at the facility for inspection: I) a Sensor Staus Repon for each month. This shows the status of each sensor at the time the report is printed. Z)TankAlam History Report and Sensor Alarm History Reportto show the alarm history for each month. These would not necessarily have to be printed each month if there are no alarms, but the information to show the status for each month needs to be kept. 3) Sensor Alaim reports for any alarms which may occur, and documentation of investigations of those alarms. 4) Sysrem Setup Parameters, Sewor Setup Parameters, and Tank Setup Parameters reports. These should be done once and kept, and reprinted if any setup parameters arc changed. These are the reports you sent in with the letter of 7118195. Please submit copies of the ,Seruor Status Report for the current month and current copies of the Tank Alarm History Report and the Sensor Alarm History Report. This will satisfy the current compliance action. If you have any questions, please call me at (801) 536-4100.rchowl.frm 01115r'96 Slef,e .;i',:5-l l1dtl-i Michael O. Leavitt Governor Raylene G. Ireland Execu!rr€ D,rector David G. Fletcher Director Department of Administrative Division of General Services B-38 State Capitol Building salt Lake city, utah 84114 (801) s38.3014 (801) 538.1773 FAX July 18, 1995 Mr. Gary Astin State of Utan, Department Of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 158 North 1950 West, 1st Floor Sal-t Lake City, Utah 84L15 Dear Mr Astin: In response to your letter dated 13 April 1995, concerni-ng Non- compliance of UST's at the Loa UDOT Station #33L, the Salina UDOT Station #333, and the Junction TIDOT Station #325.A copy of said Ietter j-s attached for your convenience. Your let.ter states "Based on what I saw at t.he salina and Loa facilities, and on the inspection report for the ,funcLion facility, these are the compliance issues which need t'o be addressed": LOA UDOT STATION # 331, DEQ facility ID number 2000205 Item #1 The overfill alarm beII needs to have a sign. -.Response Find at,tached. a copy of the Gilbarco Tank Monitor 3 systen starE-up an6 Operating Instructions, this manual e:qtlains all- tank monitor functions, including the overfill alarn be1I' Item #2 It appears that the interstitial monitoring is functioning, but the monitoring records were not on site...Responee - Find attached a copy of the Tank MoniEor start-uP print out including a tank inventory on ilr:ne 26, 1995. IEem #3 you should hawe available all records to documenL proper installation and setup of the AT/interstitial monitoring system...Responee - Again find attached the Gilbarco Tank Monitor 3 System St,art-up and operating Instructione and a coPy of the systan set-up print out. ^ SALINA UDOT STATION # 333 DEQ Facility ID number 2000209 A11 items are the same as Loa above. JUNCTION UDOT # 326, DEQ Facility ID number 2000203 *I wrote previously about this facility and you sent copies of several documents. There were no copies of the AT systemj-nstallation checklist or the system reports already mentioned... Reeponse - Find att,ached copy of the Veeder-Root TLS-350 Tank Monitor and AT Systen Set-up printout and a copy of the Veeder-Root System Operating Instructions. Hopefully this informat,ion is what is needed to maintain compliance at this facility. If I can answer any questions concerning this or any other facility owned and/or operated by t.he Divisj.on of General Services / USf Program please call me at (80L) s2]--2705. Thank You - --J[_\tu/xx St.even Lr. Ci State of Utah, Department of Division of General Services, 1380 West North Temple SaIt Lake City, Utah 84116 Asrnj 18b Administrative Services UST Program : i DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIR 168 Nonh 1950 West lsr Floor. P.O. Box l4J8.lO ' Salr Lake Ciry. Urah 8.rl l.tJ8.l0 (801) 536J100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (80r) 536-+11.r T.D.D. SE AND REMEDTATION D # 2000203. ?000206. 2 Date: 4/L3 /95 From: Garv Astin llichacl O. lraviu Covcrnor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Erecurtvc DiMtor Kent P. Cray Dir€ror /"f ,^ { L'dtf,\AY\eA\\ ^ L,\.y: tl.<(lszzz*) \ co 6Ar ,4r:7wy I. State of Uta]n/FIeet Services l-380 West North TempleSalc Lake Cirv, ur BAL1-G RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT facilities ar Loa (2000206). Salina (2000209). and Junction (2000203), Utah; I have recently been involved in compliance inspections for the USTs at the above facilities. From the inspections, it appears that there are some compliance issues which need to be addressed, and also some informational issues.It has been somewhat difficult to conduct the inspections and follow up on compliance issues due to a lack of information being available. At the Salina inspection, it was difficult to determine exacrly whar leak detection methods were being performed. No actual monitoring records were available. The notification form for the facility (a copy of the leak detection page is enclosed) indicates seven different merhods are in place on the tanks and Ftve different methods are in place on ihe piping. From the information available on sire it ttre time of the inspection. it was difficult to determine what is being done. I believe that rhe local (Central Utah Public Health Dept.) inspectors in each case contacted the supervisor on site prior to the inspection. Would it be bener to have them contact you betbre thev inspect so you can make the necessarv records available'l I believe I recall hearing that you had told someone in our office that it would be best to contact you to arrange for the inspections rather than contact the on-site supervisor. if so, the actual method or methods being used at each facilitv could be determined beforehand. Based on what I saw at the Salina and Loa facilities, and on the inspection report for the Junction faciiity, these are the compliance issues which need to be addressed: Loa. IIDOT#331, facility ID #2000206, inspection done 3122/95. The facility has a Gilbarco Tank Monitor 3 automatic tank -sause/interstitial monitoring system. l) The overFrll alarm bell needs ro have a sign or other identification nearby to indicate rvhat it is and what it means if the alarm goes off. 2) It appears that the interstitiai monitoring is functioning, but the monitoring records rvere nor on site. Since this ryrt.. continuouslv monitors the interstitial space. there may not be a printed report thar is regulariy produced. You should. however. have some recorded documentation that the svstem has been checked monthly, the sensors are functioning, and that there have been no alarms noted. or that the cause of any alarms which occurred have been corrected. This svstem appears to be verv close to the TLS-250i in design. If so. there should be some repons thar can be pnnred to satisfy this requirement. The "sensor Status Report." "Tank Alarm History Report." and "sensor Alarm History Repon" should all be run and saved to coverthe previous l2 months. and should be made avaiiable for inspection.I have enclosed copies of the pages from the TLS-250i operaring manual which discuss rhese repons and how rorun them. 3) You should have available all records to documenr proper installation and ,.rrp of the ATG/interstitial monitoring svstem. and records of maintenance and calibration of the svsrem. Copies of rhe manuthcturer's installation checklist. the "Tank Serup Parameters" and "system Setup paramerers" repons. and the repons mentioned in #2 above should satisfy this requiremenr. :'-:ec :n 'ec,,creo cacet .r done 3121195. The facility has a Veeder Root TLS-250i ATG/inrcrstitiel monitoring system. #s l, 2, and 3 in the Loa section above all apply to Salina also. Junction, LJDOT #326, facility ID #2000203, inspection done 12t23194. I wrote previously about this facility and you sent copies of several documents. There werc no copies of the ATG system installation checkliss or the system rePorts already mentioned. Bascd on the inspection report, I don't know if this faciliry uses interstitial monitoring or autornatic tank gauging only. If it uses only ATG, we still need copies of the installation checklists and the "Tank Setup Parameters" and "system Senrp Parameters"reports. Please send these items to me at the address above as soon as possible. Give me a call at 536-4103 if you have any questions. . (X/t3/9J 9:l3oar :v6xO 2a50Ga EilE@6r89':sr.r rtJo.t rFdrdgl - l.lotification for Underground Storage Tanks :;A7E ,JS= CNLY )IraGGEEil D NUMBEF / /.r-r) 2('td SAIE =EaE:'.'=li/PE.3F NOiiFiCATICiJ r -A.NEW FACIL /I 3. AI"IENDED - :. CLCSUFE laie ir:erec rr:o Ccrcuier. lata En:rv Cierx rnnrais rACAE C. _l i SFN BY-_- llo. ot tanKs al taclutv j )io. ot ccnltnualton s;ieets aiiacneo TNSTRUCTIONS 3wner lvas Contaqeo to -tianrv Fesocnses. ccmrnerl[J6 2 2 1990 Please uoe or onnt tn tnK all ttems exceot 'slgnature' n seclton V. This torm must be comDteteo for eacn locatton contatnrng unoer_orouno storagg tanks. lt more tnan five (5) tanlG ar6 owneo at ihts toca$on. pnotocooy me iouowrng sneeE. and staotg connnuauon sneets to tne rorn. Noliilcrtion It nxlut.td by furfd ltw ror ltl und.rlfloun.t tantt thrtn.v. Erit ulao to rtoaa rlgtutatad tuonancar lrnca Januuy r. lgga, thst anr rn th.9rqrn6 ta o, Hay t. l!1E5. or tnlr rnr Onougnt rnio ut .tt.' ll.y 6. 19€5. Th. lnronntuon rt(rt,.ttao t!,tqutnro DV S.cDon 9@:! ol tha g€ourc. Cona.trnton em Rocovrry Acf. (RCRA). ilt ar?Ln6rxt. -:e cnmalv gurDos€ ot ilrs notrnc:luon orootam rs to rocale atro ovatuata -noe.-Ercuno tanxs rnat $or€ or nave storeo o€troteum or nazarEous Suoslances. :: rs €roecteo lnal tne rntotma0on vou orov|oa wtrt o€ oatseo on reasona3ty 3vafiaoaa ,eccros. or rn tn6 aosenco ot sucn recoros. ycut xnowt€oqe, cetrel. ot 'ecot€clton. Who Mun Notlry? Seclon 9002 ol RCRA. as arnonoeo. reout,es tn:tt. untess eremole(l. ofne's ol utro€rgrouno tanxs tnat stora regutateo 3uosEnce! must 4OnfY Oeggnareo sEte or rocat agencl.:i or rna errstence ot lnerr tanxs. ownermeans- at tn tne c:sa ol an undergrouno stcraqe ranx rn us€ on N6y366g7 g. 19u4. ot orougm rnlo uso an6r fiat oato. anv o€lson wno owns an unoelgrourlo sloftlge :anr( usac, ror mo stotagS, use. ot otso€n$ng ot reguEiloo suostalres. ano 5l tn tne c:lso ot any umorgrouno norage tanx tn use o€tora Novemo€l E. '9tI4. Dut no rong€r rs us€ on ma oat6. any oe6on wno owneo su61 tanx ,mmeoradv o€lore tne ors@nfinuaoon o, tts use. c) rl me Slate agcncr So rgourt€s. anv taofitv tnat nas uno€rcone anv cnancas': ?aortw rnrormaiton ol tanx system slarus. wlr.rt Tanxt ara lnctuald? unoergTound storage tanx rs deineo as anv one :: ccriotnanon oi lanxs mat ( 1 ) rs us€o to canlatn an aeJrnutalton ct -relq1"rao :ucslancas.'ano t2l wnose lroturnc ltn(:uolng ennecleo unoeforouno ototno, rs ':o'. o. n:ore osn€atn me grouno. Some eramores are unoarorouno :an.s stbnnci. Gasoilne. !seo oil. croresot lu€r. and z inoustnal sovonts.oesllclces. ^eroroot}s or tumtgants. Whi Trnxr Ara €tclu6od? fanks remoreo trom ne orouno are not slJotecl :o nolncaron- Ctn€r tants erouoaxt trom noincatton ar€: 1. larm ot resnennal tanrs Ol I .l O0 Oatl6ns Or tess g;pacry useo rol Stonng TOtot nJ8t tor noncornmerqat oqrEs,as: z'.anls us€o tor Stonng naa0nq otl lol cansurnowa use on tne ortt?usesinffe storeo: 3. saoDc:anxs: I, oroorne laolrtre3 lrriouotnq gatnenng ttnEsl reouurtoo umar na ttarurar Gas t'D€xne Salew Act or t968. or rne Fa:aroous Lrouto Proetrna Salev Ad ot j979. cr wtuCn rS an rnrasutte OrO€lne laonv regutat3O unoe( Slate €wS: 5. sunace rmmunom€.rrui. orui. ooncs- or racoons. 6. storm walor or wasle water caileciton systems: 7. flow.rnrouon orocess tanxs: a. rroulo lr:los or lrssooaleo ganenng irnes ctrecly r€tateo Io oI cr cas :rooucron ano gatnenng oo€fa0ons: 9. slorag€ tanrs smJateo rn an unoererouno area lsucn as a oaslmant. cera/. -rn€wonilfiq, dnt. Snan. or runneil rt lne storage tanx rs siluate umn cr alove tne Suna@ o, me fbor. Whn 9ib:ttncaa Atl C€vmd? Tle nortrcallon reourrotrlnts alrotv to unoer grouno $oraqe tanxs tnat comarn regurareo suosrincas. fhr3 rocrlJEta3 anv slrutumce oenneo a3 na.zaExxJs rn sec:ton rOt tlrpt nc Comoroncngr[ Eluronmenal Flesoonso. Comoansaron ano t-dblu( ltlot r960 (CEFCiit. wrrn ne erctoIo,r ol tlroso Suostarrl's ,eoulaleo a5 nalat@us waata urloar suotltle c c:l FiCFA. tt aEo rncuoels oet lreurn. e.9.. cruoe ort or ari'i*racror tn!.aot wnrcn rs rrouKl al starEai, conot0ons ot temcleratute ano ore3sura r60 @qoet'Eanrennert arE 14.7 oourxr oor sou:ut rrct aosorutal. .- ".*, t l./X,wh.f. ro Norify? s€{'. _u;;::{ : , ,u,c -. .. - '" cc -.Jr., r,i ,..' L)1,-,. .rii !C//17, o, , wh.n ro iloorv? r. awners cr u"".rn,.u",".11. iln*rjrl+Ont[ ::ar .a,,e :een raxen ou o, oo*"lon "n.i ,.nu"* ' -'gz1- oriir',t','ftrs.ffrfl,d]-ut, n"r,* ':v Mav 6. l-q86. 2 Srners wno crno lncerorouno sioraoe tanr5/*{0 W afiet',tat r:v Mav 6. 1-q65. z. L\rne6 wno clno lncerorouno sioraoe tanrs',{tlo gr2 afier "ta'3. 1986. must nontv srnrn 30 oavs cr 3:norng ine lanxs rntc use. 3. ,li&6rare :eourres nontc:ltron o! anv arenomenis lo ractxry seno rnrormaron ro SlaieQcenc; irnra€otiuery. ttrnaniG: Any ow,r.r wno rnowrngly ,8rli to notrly o, tuorntr ,alra irrlo.r?Enon thrll ba ruortcl to I crvrl oan.tty nor io arqttt 3't0.000 tor aacn lrnl ,or whrc,t nofirlceoon lt not gtvan or ror wntcn lttta rnlonnatron r! t('olnrnad. OWNEHSHIP CF iANK(S) :w&.CEarS e@ ;!r&G,OtL a4nyr LiD0T. Dir-i-ci"on or l'laintenance -l5tr1 So. L L(tNg b1119 ii-r:--Lliie I S(r1l oo.5-l-69 ll. l-ccA;lcN cF :ANKis) I Fa at l€ --. -ar *. -ra :r&r(blEdsoCt ttre. TInnT \l:':rr6n.n,'a (trtinn =---:t-56trPO ilorrrrer 500 \ort: \lain Street Salina Utair 3lo5j :.n :J:a ::@ Se vi e:: :la .rq@ 5. r qaqrf E.16 C l!E..@€ E S2'a d oat6 -t&t6 aE r irE J: .i :: : -00 if est Sai Larttuoe.)S ;- lS l; :t@rr@ !aa@l :rc€. Uongrruoe l11 51 53 ,,1 IInnT ,lLi-D-t.el XI.CEHTIFICATION OF CCMPI-IAI : (CCMPLETE FOH ALL NEW AND UPGHAT -D TANKS AT THIS LOCATION) I, Tanx loentilieauon NumD€r ianx No. 1 ? " ianx No. - Tank No. Tank No. - A. lnsta{er cenifieo bv tanx ano prprng manutacrurers B. lnstabr cerfified or licenseo oy :ne imglem€nrng agency C. lnsallatron rnsoected by a regmered engm€€r 0. lnstallaton insoxred ano appfot 6d by implemonong agencY E. ManutactJrels installaton cnecx- lisils have b€€n complet€d F. Another method allowed by State ag6n6/. Please soe@. 2. Release Oetectron lManr al lhat aDoryt A. Manual tank gaugrng B. Tank tightness tssung C. lnventOry controls D. Automaric tanK gauging E. vapo*omon"(pfu65 F. Groundurater monflonng G. lnterstrtial monrtoring doubla warteo tanl/piprng H. lnterstrtial mon[oring[seconoary contatnment l. Automarlc line leak datec{ors J. Line tigharess testing K. other method atlowed by lmptementng Agency. Please Soeciy. 3. Sorlland Overtill Protecton A. Overiill device insalled 8. Soill device rnsalled x T T T T T Y T I I I TANK I I l, - I I ;ANKxxxx- *xxx TANKxxxxExx_ rr PIPING; TANK PIPING; TANK PIPING| :- lj i :l tl-- ,I I IExx { ft I i *xt l_ f ti t' -n-T information concam,ng rn$allation that is provrded Posnron best of my belief and kttovleoga. AE,PI. I EI) ENWAR.o)I\I}'1EDITAI, SEl} I CES , AEg SYSIB}T I I PBBCISIOII TAttX, t LITE IEST REST'LI8 SUITIIARY IIInvoice Addrcgs: FLEET SERVICES PO BOX 14II15 SALT LAKE, UTAII 84114 Datc: 1-20-95 Tinc Start: Facility Phonel: Contact: Taak Location: UTAH DOT *333 5OO NORTH STATE SALINA, UTAII 1N L.C- PO BOX 182 ROY, UT 84057 ( 801) 546-7s46 I{.O.1: 50024 I.D. Number: Technician: SM Tech.l : 90189 Vanl : 8502 08:00 End:09:00 CountY: Groundwater DePth: Bluc Prints: DateiTiue sYstem was fiIIcd: Tank Fill/YentTank Capacity Product Tank Vapor Lines 1 R/UL N/T N/T 2 DSL NiT N/T 3 4 5 6 Product T:ee Of Vapor I-nches.-of - Et DP Line - hecovery- llater/Tank TYPe PASS TBN PASS TBN TaakMaterial DWF DWP Additional Inforoation: PRODUCT LINBS TESTED AT 50 PSI FOR 15 MINUIBS R/I'L -.OOO GPH DSL -.OOO GPH LINB IEAK DETECTORS FUNCTION PROPERLY SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: 08:00 Bled Product.Linee: N/A Bled Vapor Lineg: NiA Bled Vent lines: N/A Bled Turbine: NiA Bled Suction hrnp: N/A Risers Installed: N/A a ) This systeE and rethod reets or exceeds the criteria in USBPA 40CPR part 280, NPPA 329-87 and all applicable stat,e and local codes. b) Any failure listed above may require further action. check with all reg;ulatory ageociea. Copyright (e) 19E9 by AES, Inc. Technician Licenee No. : U:t 0121 Certified Technician Signature : H Date : /ZC; ff t\B_I. it r !r l' rtiit r' * ' . l.t' : It lr l o.!oo(! IJo(,oooEooo cj jU, oU J E9 utU) lr l=oE. N -( l , v - ?o r 9 3 € fi = d t ! ox p I : go = 6 o J ED -- A E *o A ; E to . E I oo oaot,aao C\ loF= "i E tr i (DoU) lr )o\IONI Fvc\ loo\o CEooH rr ul l l o cn l uJ rz u] l (d Eq q 2r r Co l u ) l oo l ( / ) l o< l < t E" l " l ,- l , . l tU ! \. 1 zz l z l \= l l =, . 1 , . 1 - ': 2 \r l \. J Tz l z l Fl l .l l E; I Ei FO l e ) 9 l l ) ( 9 u,Na _- . - -_ r : . s - . F :. t tr ,3-9ooct .9o()6oanc)o(EOjcJ ) UJIUJ0,IJ J=o=2IJ JoLU0- FaLUFV-tUJzaaOLU ffo- lJ -oulFOtJ -Ftr IJ JO :i HF1arlHHU]E{&oootnan (7 ) ao*Hoo4Er b rc,2 1 fe=nn:c'ian I FiC:I.:TY iNSF==;: CN FCA!{ I Fae:l:ty * :-t'', la:a zfF te=..l r r 3isFa.is=i re=.i I r-oF AF, t , aa -aF-. .rF l;cac: Uai.zes Hcses nnc i\o=::l: Ue:^: :c=I Chec:r UaL.re Unce:'3:gcenser- i:.: =: s r.,r N/3 Dis:enE=-Ir ll-'l e c l< Fr=cuc: onlyt,lacor (c:-ax ia! ) lr=uc: & Uacor- I trreElEm I S U N/'P Sys:eo(s)l ,t - -,6-: .-- t ,: rt . I ;::: tlcv=r L - l. =; t I l-:a e Ieqg =:: i Cac ieai '/ I Check Drcc iri=s ;''L. I IaF-. an V,'= C:ve:^I =,-l I i:51C|.1? I Svs: en i.rce: 3aiance Svs: e tt t ris:: s; 3.rs! am L;,-3Cr.:=:,i -J^5F=- t i'l I Cc-Qxia1 &- V acc:lt / Q t- - a ':,'= C:,o 3eal .- _ i.' ,' A Dry 3r: ak N/F, -,re-.66 -rre-rd Cl:eck Hose T,res: Secerat a Frccrlc:I I I 3r:=:=m 3 U Nlz'P D:scenEE:^ I Facs Seai s _ I Be!l.o'..rs (3octe) tse1iol,rs Sc!^::1 cs Cna^i oa C .r < - : a i e t r =: =i-=ili\r;a Ma\r::i== r l.r.F- I r:rr.lta I I I I I I I I I N Y Eiec:r'snis Tanx Esuges ins;aiie'i ,:- !Fe:-ar: onal ;In: ers:::rlal, it4onicer: in:ral iEe C=er-e=: ona \ c N l_::l::cR:NG ,ie'.:-s_ I I o:'.e:' ir4on t".'';r:::;;;;:i wNl lFo<-F' . l irFial-5 irrao. - -z-f -+e i --.rdF I -'. t-.-.t, Z,-Cscs L:c:{ec I --'- .,Zt'/t 52.1rc,-, /-'- =-2ai=r::: I 1 - __,| ''l (- '-L i zu i\la- I,noe:n-. - ir.-.5Iri3 I D ,C- Y - '/a:: i.l - i\lc - l:esai: C - C:.'':e:' : - !s.;::,i:'c:J'r'yi U - Unsar:gfac::r'.2: N,/F i - i--r:':!-: J - UnlaeCeg: ivl - rrtlC 3:,.AC_.: 7ut .rb=, a - _- - - - - . . . - * - .. _\ a rJ , lJ .) r i v^ - i N; -> \ J i .i-_ J '- ' - j tj , /' + V, ,7.D\. / ?- ' 1 - i : - . , . E , t r l i =, . i t - = -' r . .4 i C, iO i ?( - z - -i z' i i :l =, - - - - - , r. - [ ; l. - t . - . >' / , r{ ar^l -{1 " -i+ THr.ltr: 1 LII.{L EAIIEII Ff;rJIrUr_:T tjUIrE I H i UH I'IHTEF; L i I,i i E. 'J I I.iUHEq [tir'EF;FiLL Lii,iiT:5:'-'iE rjHLLrJtiX LrJii Lil.'iiT: SrJrJ uriLLr_rtii THEFT LiI'IiT:4 rjAllrti.ii IrEL i !'EFt'/ FtEF,r_rFlT Ir I'JATEF FIJEL FIJEL FIJEL IILY: 'J H i HLITES TAf.iir. r-:AFAt-:i Tf :5!'-r:j UHLLr_rtiE FtjELI]I UfrLLUi.iE FUELrjr EfrLLLri.i::,= FIiELrJ utrL!_Lri.i5 FuEi_IJ UALLI]I..I5 FUEL i:,,'4 HE i tiHT tiHFHr_:i T.i':.Iui'.; u:rLLrJt.iE FtiELrjr rinLLrJi.i! FIiEL 'J UHLLIJI,iS FLiELu unLLrJr.iS FUELrjr ufrLLutiS FtiEL i,ri HE j UHT r_:trFAr_:I T f :i i irI unLLr_rtiE FtiELIJ IjALLIJI.iS FUELB UALLUI.]E FUELrjr UHLLr-rtii FUELI]I UALLIJI.iS FUEL i,..'+ HE i tjHT rI.HFHrl:i Ty: i 1'.17 rjnLLrlt{5 FUELIJ IjITLLUI.{:; FUELu UHLLt-tt'{E FUELIJ GALLITI.{5 FUELljr UHLLr-rt{::; FUEL THi.ii-l Ir i Hl'lETEFt :'-ii. rjrrr i l.iuHEi THi.JF: TiLT TIIIITEFI : r]r. l]rUr i l.irl:HE,:: l,tr-tti i Fr-rLItEIr Tsl.iH.!;: t'it-t;19 TAi.{tr. E II I ESEL PF;t-tttUuT rjUIrE E H i riH TJATEF; L i l"ii T: E. t:1 I tir-:HEE IiHTEF t]ti"EF;FiLL LIl'1iT: TAi.iH. tri Hl'tETEF;:'3i. tittl ItlrjHEE THlitr. T ILT frIrIrEF; : r]r. rlrtl I l.{UHE:j; NHt'i i Fr-r1-1r911 Tnt{lr:i: l'{r-rHE IlrlrT 5T; r. i,:rr #:l:j: SrJrJ t{a. ETFTTE it, SHL i tig, LiTHH UHLEI-{IInF: rl:Lrlrr]:tr': . t'ifiY 1E, i'-i,_+a '_1: i,-i Al'1 SHLiTIilltiti f,irJIrE :;THFtTIIi:jirELEII EHliTIrUtil.i I'i1115 :j;TrlrF : IIi EfiELEII HUTU FF;iI.iT : if : iB Af'l filjTrl FFI i tiT : i IIi:;HELEII rjtuTu FFI i l..iT : i Iri:::r19191, iEuilF; I T''i rI:r-r-rE: r:1 Ll r:1 r:'r r:1 r:i FIE!-AY r-.r-rtjF i GtjFlrrT i r-ri'i FILY i F;L.I H i I'IATEF; tir_r liu t-lir'EF;F I LL YEi .i'E! 7rJ57 riALLrJf.lS LrJti LII'1iT: St]rrr rjFtLLr:ri.i::; THEFT LII'1iT:4 rjALLrJi.iE EEL i tr'EFIY F;EFr-rF;TrJ H i I.jUTEE TFli.iir. uHF,Hr_: i TT :7841 riHLLrttiil]r Efillr:ri.i:jrJ titrLLui.i:jrJ u$rllui.i5r:r tjALLrttii i,',4 HEiGHT UHFHr;t==4 rjtrl-LrltiErJ urilLttt'i:;tJ uriLLljf.]:jrJ tjriLLtltiEljr UFrLLtlt.iS i '''E HE i GHT t-:frFIl-: 4ri1rJ! tjALLUHErJ UALLr_rt{!;rJ UALLI-IH::;r]r ljfrLLrJHirjr rjALLUl.{5 FLIEL FIJEL FLiEL IILY: FIJEL FLiEL FUEL FLiEL FUEL i T'T' : FIJEL FUEL FUEL FUEL FUEL Ill. FUEL FUEL FUEL FUEL FUEL ( L L I I I rJ <- \J ,"4 HE i UHT [:HFHr]:i Ty: i 5::5 UHLLrlrl.i:i; FUELU EfrLLLrt{::; FUELu EriLLr:rt.l:j Fl_tE1_I] IJALLUH! FUELrJ UALLr_rHE FI_lEL Lu LiHiT tirlr THEFT ALI'I I{IJ EliT. i HFUT tit-r EEii FLIEL l.irr 5Ei.i t.lATEF; l.iu :jEl..l [rl_lT fir-t ti rJ t'j r]r firJ firlr l'i t-r l.i tlr E}iTEF;I.IAL i I..iF,LiT HLHFIi': III SAELEII 1e !i1r.;_rr:iil i GrjF;AT i r_rr: EEI'{:lrJFl LA 5u-,o ,\i::;El.ii;rJFj Et\ *,b/,,//.' t EEl.{:i;tltF; -.lA *rn/ ,--7> z 5; El.{5r-rFl 4u j,,4r|.t/ /.,,./' - !r_r I .t I E T..l r:rti #:tii !,li:., - l.il=. ETA-1A E t.. EAL I I.{A, UTAi i iii;'EI.iTUF; Y F;EF.r-rF;TI'IAY 1 ! 1'-],-jE E: t:t4 Al'1 THl.iil. i . o IJiiL EAIIEIIirr4l GHLLr:rtiI FtiELi i 57 tlHLi LiLLATjE 4E. 74 i tjr-:HEi FtjEL r]r. rjr I lir-:HEi tifrTEF 5E. 5 IIEUFIEE!; F THi.iir. E III L::;LL 4 i i5 UFtLLUi.iE FUELiTrIt, GHLE IjLLTTGE 47. tjh i l,iUHE:j; FtjEL E. r]r i i.ir_:1i95 I,IHTEE5i. ,_1 IIEI:F;EEE F I],f T 5T; t, i,:rr f :=ii.i f UtJ t'i,:'. STHTE -t . EriL I l.{4, tjTriH I iii,, Ei.i Tr_rFlT F; Epr_rF; Tt'iFtY i, 1,-i,-tE, 7: itjr Al'1 TAiiir. 1 l-it'jLEAITEII E7i'-l GnLLr_ri.ii; FLiEi_iE5'.r rjALE LiLLur:E4i . E1 ii.jrl:HE:-; FUELrJ.rJ itiuHE:: tiHTEFt 5E. h IIEGF;EEE F T*i.iir. E r-=ti E:1EL:jEEI Gr:iLLr_riiI F!jEi_:j'-i=h UriL:]. LiLLHTjE 44. E'-l i i.iuHE:: FIjEL r]r, rjr i i.jUHf :; tjriTEFl =:J.E IIIGF;TIE F IUJT 5Ta t, i sp-, *r:i::i 5t:rtlt ti,:. ETATE Et _EAL i tifr, _rIol I l'.i',;' El'iTtlr F;'r' F; EFrlrFl Tr'iAY 5, i,-1..1E 7: iu Ai'j THi.iH. i LitiL EAITEII EE i'-i rjirr-Luti= FLiIi;:7'-i GiiLi LiLLnGE 4rJ. if i i.ir_:HEi FLif i r:r. rjr i tjUHE:: tjATEF 5E. E IIEGFIEES F THi.iir. E N i ESELif:ii u*L!-ui'i:: FLiI:- 4 i u! unL:; tjLl_FtuE4ir.5i ii.ir-:HEi FufL tjt. t:r i i.il_:HEi li]:iTE"tr =:J. 5 IItUF;f EE F Iu_rT ET.= r i *r-r #!i;: SrjrEr tj,:, ETHTE it, _5:L:r':' _t'l*: i ii',,i Ei.iTr-r F;T F:EF r_r Fl TfiFtY E r i'-r'-i* f : iljt ff i'i Tril.il; 1 IJi.JLEAIIEII E=t,7 uliLLr-ri.j:j; Ft_iEii4i;i riiiLE i_iLLFlriE i'-r. 1,'3 i l.ir_:HE5 FLTEL r:1. l:1 i i.ir_:HE::; t,jfrTEF5i. B IITGFIEE!; F TAi.iil: i iIi EEELii;i 1 riALLIi.ii FLiEL4it,t:r rjALi LiLLATjE 48. 14 i liuHE!; FIiEL rJ. rJ I l..ir_:HE:i; t'jnTEF 5:j. 7 trEuFlEE:: F Ilr_rT 5T.= t i,:,i-: #i:ii.Ir3rr l.ir,. :i Tr+TE i r,. _!HL i'tjH r _UT*H i i'.ii;'Ei.iTrlrF; f Flf F,r-rFlTi'iHT E, i,-r,ji f : i:B frl'1 Tri..iir. i lii.iLEnIrEIl i::i1 rirjtLl_uliE FLiE!_ :i i EI riHLr tiLLHr;E 4r. 4i ii.irl:HE': FrjEL rr. U ii.irl:HE::; l,jHTEF.iE. E, IIEUFIEE! F Txi'ii;. E IIi E::EL:j:'ji;E: rlHLLr]ri.j:l; FrJEr_i.-rt]r:j rlHL! t_iLLrirjE +5. irr: i i.irl.HE:j; FLTEL 'J. IJ I I.iIjHEi I,]HTEF =.j. i r-TEGFIEEI F IruT ET; t i c,r; #ii;i5[rrr ti,:, ET$+TE i t . _5:.1trl, _L!rHH i i'iir'f i.jT[rF;'f FlEpr_rFlTl'ii+'i' 4, 1!'-ii ,=: itlt ff i'i TFli.iil: i lii'iLEnIrEn Et,7E; UHLI_r:ri.j:: FLifi_i::Eu unLi; Lii_LnGE 4$. 'iE i i.jr-iiEi FLiEL u. tJ i l.ir-HE!; tiATEFl 5E. 7 IIEGF;EE! F THiiir. E IIi ESELiE;i.-1 rlHLLr_ri.i:i; FLiEr_ 4t:r 1E GnL:I; LiLLAGE 44. :r7 i t.iuHE= FtjEL u. rJ i l.ir_:HEi t,.lHTEFri:j. 4 r-rEuF;EEi F !!rI 5f;ii*ir #::;i:i: !:illr_ii,i. irrirr E t..;nL I t{Fr. tjT*H I,lI ET.= r i,:rr +i*l,,i IUF t{,i. iTnTE i;..I;ALiI.{A! LiTAH !,.,T ET; t, i nrr #ii IirF ti,:. ETATE ::;:inL I t{f{:' LiTAH I itiif i.iTr_rF;i, FlEF,r_rF;TriHT 7, i'_-r,-jrf : jtl Hri THi-iir. i Lii'jL EHIrtIl._.=-.'-i.;tr:,i' lj-:_Li!ii:j f Lif i_.j+ji u.ri_:: Lrir_-r.ifi'.i. E -r i ijrjijEi iiiil_i' U iijr::ilJ':: r,i*ii=::,;. u Irf GFlEr= i - Tr+i.jir. E n i r,:.ri5' . L.-:t_L i:-::i ;:.i,_lI:l.ii: Fif il . j,i=.= rj;i_i iliir+r:i+i. i = ii.jrt:H.-r,-iiiii _!r. rr i i.iiHf :j i,t*ri=5:j. Er Irl::Ftiri i - i iiilEi.iTr_rF; y F;EFr_rF; T f iAY '-f : i'-:,-rE7: :jr:r Ai'i TAtiH. i LIi.iL EFiIIEII E11E uFtLLrriii FLirL _ i5=h uALi LiLLArl-iE. EE i r.jr_:HEi Fiiii _r:1. t:r i i.itiHEi ti*iEf:5i. i ITEGFIEE5 F T*iiir. E IIi EiELiSIJIJ G*LLIJi.ji FUEi-4!4 i rjriLE ljlLnGE+i. 4t:1 ii..iriHEi fiifi r]r. E ii.iliHti t,i*TEF.:54. i IrEUF;EEE f .i. liii Eli Tr-rFr y F: EF, r_r F; rt'iAY 11, 1.-1,-18 7: itlr Af'l Trii.ii;. i lJtiLEAIrEIr !:J4h UAI-LUi.ii FUE -:JE5E r]HL:; LiLLHuii7. i'-i i i.jrI:HE:j; Ffiifr]r.r]r itiUHE:; ti*TE5i. E IrEuFlEEi F Trii.ii{: E N i ESEL ir!E i Gni_Lui.i:i FLiI44hrJ Grtli LiLLATiE 4r:1. iE i i-ir-:HEE FLiEL r::i. t:1 i til_:HEi tiATE54. + IIEUF;EE! F Trii.ii;. i Lii.jl_ EHr.-rEIr :- .-''-l Ii4+I .I'J S t.- -. r._rI U. t:t il: i.-. .-, . i i iii;'f l.iTrlrF.:T F.:f F r_rF.:Tiii:i':' E:, i,j.-ri7: :ii.r ':ii i i'iir' Ei.i T rlr F; T F; EF,r_r F; T f iH'l i llr r i,-i,-1t, 7: itlt Ai'i TAi.iir. ilitiLEAnEIl E4r:1i Ufri_l-rli.i:j FLiEI_if'-rt UHLi LILLfrrjE:i7. ;ii ii.ir-:HEi FLiELI:1.E iiir_HEi tiATEF;5i. q ITEGFIEE!; F Tfitit{. E IIi ESEL!4h! GltLLui.ii FUEL4i7E rjriLi LiLLAGE4i.trI iiir-:HEi FLTEL r:r. r:r I i.ir_:HEi HHTEFI. 4. E IrEr;FlEEi F -l r-. ?r:: a i '- : -. + i -.- ii.-r.-,.-.&.._. i ._, i .= ... i i_i J: g.;: .;i ;i ItJx i'i,:' . i, T:; TI t r- .!Hi- i i.jH: LiT*:J- IujT 5T; i i,:r-; +ii_::iirlrrlr i.i,:. ET*TE E t,.!;HLitiHr LiTnH nuT 5T; r, i,:,i-: f :j:ii 5r]*jr ti,:, =THTE :-; r, _x:L jtrl, -urHH i i'ii;'f i'iTr]rFlT FlEF,r_rFlT i'it+'i' i E, i'-1,_{i f : ::t-l fjti'1 TAi.iir. i Lil'iLEFtIrEIrEi'-r:j GrrLi_r_-ri.i!; FLiEi:jIrJi rjALi LiLL_FiGEiE. 5'-l ii.iriiiEi FLiEL rJ. rJ il..ir-'HEi tiATEFi:j;. 7 IIEGF;EE!; F THiiir. i IIi EiEL!i:ji UHLLr_ri.ii FLiEr_ 4=. E rjALr LiLLgr;E:1'i. 4i Itir_:HEi FLTEL r:1. r:1 I l.ir-:HEi HriTtF 54. t, IIEGF;EE:J F iEi.! It i La iL ':, .a- !:" :l' ':; tri i i. C !- j. ! i ,-, r;.-.E-iii!I r::iIi r:;Li r_ir_r_*ii- , Ei i t'.i!::Hl-r FLiELtJ. u ii.jr-iiEr i,inTEFI.:i. ! Irf r;p.:EE:-; F IIIJT 5T; Strr]r i.i,r, 5AL I t{A t t, i,:rr -i._=,:]; STFITE E t.. UTAH nrJT ETe Fut:r tj,:,, EAL I tiA r . ,.^'. ?, I r_l Fr '::: ::i ETFTTE i;. LiTAH TrrtiH. 1 Ul'{LEAITEII EEEi.--,7?E '-r I I '-l ._'._r. i r:, rl. E EJ.-r.t. E UHLLTJI.iE FLiriALE ljLLArj i i.irjHEi FLiE I t'ir-:HE! ,* T IIEGF;EE5 F i iii;Ei,iTr_rF;./ F;EFr_rF; TrllY 1I, 1 :i,.jt, '' ! itl Ai"l TAl.iir. i UIiLEAITEIT iiI! ri$iLLrri.ii FLiEi_.-':'rii riFrLi LiLr-ric;;t'.*E iiirjiiE! ftifI _rj. !r i iirjHEi r,i*iin5:j.E IrEuF;EEE i -'' THi.iir. EIIi ESEL ri F, i ':r :JE. EE t:t, t]t qri !:''-' I a '-t -n,_,=:!,1 ; i .= i l. 'ji.i #:j:ji !t:t'l _ ti,:. iTiiTE ! r.E*i- i i-iFt, LiTHH i. i.ii; Ei.{ T r_r F; y F; Er- rlrF; Tl,1AY 15, 1 ,-j.-rE 7: iu Ai'l TAtii;. 1 Lil'iLEAIrELl iil l UHLLr-rtii FLiEL -,:'7!7 r,ALE Lii_LriGi-:jrr,. rirlr iiir_-:HEi -tjia _rl, Fr itir-:HEi U*iffi54. tjt IrEuF;EEi F - Tsi.iH. E N i EIEL :-i t:t'l d 4 i47:i7. 71tl. t:j .-l '-l . t: UfiLl-rji.it FLiELIjHL! ULLAI:E i i.JIjHEi FL,EL i t'ir-:HE:i tinTEFtIIfUF;EE! F riHLLrJi.iE FtiEL UFlLE LiLLrrIjE i iirjHEI FLiEi i i'ir-:HEE t'iATEFt IIEUF;EEE F !,f T ET; t, j. *i-r ri:i::: !urr tin. ETTiTE i;t i l.ir;' Ei.j Ttlr F;.r' Fl EF r_r F; TI'iri'i' if, i,-i,_iif : ;lE] ni'i THi.iir: i Lii.iLEr:rIrEIl E i 74 rjr:rLLUi.ji FLiI:. _ XEE4 U:iLi Ui-LfiGEi:.Ei Ii.ir_:HEi Fliiau. t]t i i'irjHEi tjATEi5+. i IrEUF;EE! F THi.iir. E IIi ESEL E'-j 1r, +'-rE:, !E. ritE t:1, t:1 ._t .-I . ._l GriLLrri.ii FLiEt]HLE LiLLTiGE i tirjHEi FLTEL I l'ir-:HEi liriTE IIEUF;EE5 F GHLLUi.ii FLiEL UHLE LiLLHGE J I.iuHEi FUEL i i.iL-:HEi tiATEF IIEI]FIEE5 F THiiir. E r-Ii EEEL ; rrrr, 4E:l:-- :jE. 7i tlt. t:j 5:--. Er !r_-rT itT; i i *i-i #ii;: Ir'JrJ ii,:, ETTiTE E t,,EALitiA! LiTfrH i iiiiEiiTr-rF; y FIEFr_rF: fi'iriT 14, i i,-i*f : .ru AFI Tniiir. i LIi.iLEAItEII ii11 GFrLI-r_ri.ii FLiEi_ _ !rlr Erii_i tjlLfici-:j:t. ,.j,-i i iiuHE:-; Fiiil _,j. ir itirjHEE r,rniEr;f ::;. :-r IrEr;FlEEi i - .i i.ir," Eii T r]r F; i, F; EF, r_r F; TI'iriy i_, i,-j,-iE, 7: :jt] ni'i TAi.iir. i LiiiLEAIrEIl iii:, riiii_i_utii FLiE!_ _ !77i UHLE r-rr_t_nuiii. rE iiiriiiEi -UiL _rJ. r,..t I i.ir--:HEi ti*iirl54.E IrEr;FIEEi F - TAi.iir. i III- EiEL .-, l_ t_ I 4hiu l]r. rlr TAiii;. E fr L L;LL irjr,-j4 474 7'=,= a..-, I . t'1 t:1. I:1 .-I .-l . t: IJIiLLIJi.JS FLiELGHL! LILLAIjE I i.irjHEi FLiEL I tiriHEi tiHTEFl IrEr;FtEEE F GHLLrlri.i:: FLiELGHL! ULLHGE i I.iUHEi FLIEL i l'{rjFiE! TJATEF; IIEUF;EEi F 1 a !UT ET.= t i,:,rr #:J:j:j!!E tin. ETATE E;.EALiI.{A! UTAH i l.i!iEHTuF;? F;EFuF;TI'lnY l p, 1.-T,.tt,7: IrIr AN TAi.{ir. 1 UHLEAIIEII i 1I4 rirtLLrri.i:: FriEL _ !EE4 rigLE tjLLFiCE-i=.E1 Ii.irjHEE Friir_ _r:_j. li i tir-:HEE U*if p; 54. :i ITETEF;EEE i . Tni-ii{: E IIi EEEL E.J 1E 4'-jE= :j..c,. l:-tE tit , l:-t q-E E.-t .-I a ._l UHLLUi.JE FIjEi- IJITLE IJLLFIIjE Il'ir-:l-iEE FUEL I i'irjHEE l,inTEF; IIEI]F;EE5 F n'f T 5T.= t, i *r: #:j:i:j _5Bur ti,l. ET*TE E r., EAL I I.iA, UTAH i IiiIEi.JTuF; Y F;EFr]F; Tt'inY 1E, i.-l,-tr_, 7: 3r:r AH THtiir. 1 UI.iLEAIIEII i i 1l..i Gnlluf.ji FUEL _ IEE'-r rjfii_E ljLLrir:- 34. 4I i i.irjHEE -tjil _r.i. F-r i tiriHEE HniEf; =4. 5 IrEr;F;EEE F TAi.ii;. e II I ESEL E7'-i'-i 5rJ4E:j4. ,-jI ljr. tjt sl .-l r f' rj-HLLutiS FIjELIJALE ULLAIjE I lir-:HEE FUEL i t'{rjHEE t'IAf EFl IIEUF;EE5 F 1 VEEDER-ROOT SYSTEM START-UP AND OPERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONS TLS-250I AND TLS-2501 Plus! FOUR.TANK INVENTORY t fH l: t TLS-2504 Four-Tank System TLS-2504 Metric Four-Tank System TLS-250| PIus! Four-Tank System SYSTEMS MONITOR AND INTERSTITIAL LEAK SENSOR Manual Number 576013-578 - tr @ This manual contains start-up and operating instructions for the lollowing systems: 794191-102 (without printer) 794191-122 (with printer) 7 9417 1 -202 (without printer) 794171 -222 (with printer) 794195-102 (without printer) 794195-122 (with printer) i --C* System Start-Up and Operating Instructions TIS-2SOi and TIS-2SOi \_ rs., Inventory Monitor and SECTION 6 - LEAK DETECTION THE TIS.25Oi WLL FLINCTION ACCURATELY II'ITH ONLY CERTAIN APPRO\ED FLUIDS. see Section 4.M. of this manual for rhe list of approved fluids. . A. Inventory Control Good inventory control practices are the first line of defense against theproblems that can be caused by leaking underground tanks. TI-S-2b0i sy,rr"*. can. through their inventory reports, provide the required information forstored products to help an operator accurately prepare inventory controlrecords. The American perroleum Instirute publication. -Recommended Practice for Bulk Liquid stock conrrol at Retail ourlers,- provides guidance tooperators of underground tanks on the requirements for maintarning controlof inventories. B. Leak Sensing The TLS'250i leak Sensors moniror the annular space and piping sumps indouble'rvall tanks for the presence of liquid. up to eight iunro"r, mav beconnected to a single console. The front-panel LEDs and audible alarm r,r'ill indicate a ..Sensor-out- condi-tion if a sensor fails or is disconnected. \!hen a liquid or sensor-out condition is derected. an audible alarm and flashing alarm-cause LED indicarors are rriggered. The flashing LEDs indicate the type of alarm - liquid or sensor-out - and identi[. u'hich sensor in the s!'stem has detected the condition. A Sensor Alarm printout will occur (in sysr.ems equipped with the optiona.lprinter) shor.r'ing the sensor location. alarm type. and the date and time of theoccurrence. The audible alarm can be reset immediately using the LEAK ALERT RESETbutton. However. rhe flashing LED Ararm cause indica,o., "nJ displayannunciators cannot be reset until the alarm condition has been correctedand the operating mode keyswirch turned to the ALARII RESETposirion anoback to NORIIAL. If a secondar.l' condition exisrs after the eause of the primary indication hasbeen correcred. the alarm indicarors for thar condirircn will be trrgg"r"a. L Alarm Causes. Two tlpes of alarm causes can be detected by the sysrem. uquid LeaI( - Liquid has been detecred by the sensor in the annurarspace or piprng sump. The ..Fuel L€ak" LED rvill flash. Sensor out - The system has detected an open sensor circuit indicatrnga failed or disconnected sensor. 2. A.larm Indicator Rates. The rare at rvhich the LEDs flash and the audible alarm beeps'aries according ro the type of alarm. A liquid leak indicarion will cause therapid flash and beep. A sensor out indication ryill be slower. 3. Alarm Indication Priorities. Alarm indicarions are priorirized b1- the TLS-250i according ro their degree of se'eriry. If more than one alarm condition rs derected [y,a srnge sensor. rhe more serious condition will supersede all others. The order ofalarm priority is: l) Liquid Leak. 2) Sensor Out. If a seconda4'condition exisrs after the cause of the primary indicationhas been correcred. the alarm indicarors for that condiiion rvill betriggered. 36 Intersti(-,kak Sensor --- SENSOF: ALAF:I'1 SENSOF] .:[A rUEL DETEI::T JUI'I 78, l'fiL 7 z LB F'F'l t { ( ^ TLS-25Oi and TI.S'2soi Start - Up and Operatilg -Inslryctionslfo"i,# u"d tnterstitial Leak Sensor,SYstem Plus! InventorY NIhl I SECTION ? - SYSTE}I REPORTS A. G-eneral TLS-]50iprrlridesprintedreportsoninr'entoq.statuSandbulkdelir'eries ,no.."n llelp speed shilt changes and aid in cietecttnq inr,entorl'losses. TheTLSalsofeaturesreportsandindicatorsthataddextrasecuritl.to 1'our fueling oPeration. The follorving is a brief description oi these reports' B. RePort DescriPtions l. Inventory Status RePort' The lnventory Status Report can be printed b1'clepressing the PRINT but.ton rvhiie the s)'stem is in the NORIIAL mode' The prinrout fio.iaes complete information on all tanks and includes station header. dare and time' tank number and pro<-iuct' gallon-s of fuel' ;il;!.. inches of fuel. inches ol rvaler' and temperature of fuel' This report may also be printed automaticaill" three times a da1" using the programmable Auto-Print Time feature' 2. Sensor Status RePort' The Sensor Status Report can be printed rvhile the sy-stem is in the \oRIlAL mode uy a"pi"..ing the FLNCTION button until the "A" annunciator "pplu"^in the displal' and depressing the PRINT burton.Thereportrvillshorr.thestatusofeachSensorinthesy.stem and the external inPut' 3. Automatic Inventory Increase Report' TheAutomat,iclnl'entor]'lncreaseReportisprintedrvithinone minute l unless un ini=ntoty Increase Delal'Time has been entered - see Section 1.1.) ;i tn" to'nptution of a bulk delivery to a tank' Informationshoo'n-onthereportiS:Stationheader:tanknumberand p.oOu., taUet: staiting and ending dates: times' r'olumes and rem- peratures: and net inventory increase' I}IPoRT.\YT:TheAutomariclnr,entoryIncreasefeaturemeasuresbeginntne andendingvolumestocaiculatenetr.olumeincrease.ITDoEsNoT COYPENSATE FOR FLEL DISPENSED DURING EITHEB TIIE BL'I.K DELTVERY OR TIIE N!'ENTORY L\ICBEA^SE DEI'AY TI}TE' ThelasrlnventoryIncreaseReportcanbereprintedbydepresstng the PRINT button rvhile Ihe system is in the NORMAL mode and the Delivery \'olume FLTI{CTION is selected' Veed er --Flr:'r:'t ii5 f,',1,,,,,16J q.v ['-rY geE t Dr S i n,s b.,r Y r.:.'l- Ct1t'i7lt (.:(13I A5 L-17(tt-t I NVEI'.ITL]F:Y E:EI..,OE:.I JUN 3, t',j'31 11:t-tt-i F'M TANI':. I F.F:EM I UM UNLEADED 47-71 riALS r-jF:O5S A3:'4 rjALS NE'f i:+.; I;ALS ULI-AI3E +a . r:: I N|::HES ruEL- i, . ,i I N|::HES t^IATEI? AL.2 DEI3F:EES F TANI':. : F:E-r3UL-AF: UNll-g6t-lEf) :i t,iri rir\l-ii rlFlcSS :(:),]I ISALS NET f iitrl riALS ULLAT]E Z= . iS l Nr::}"{ES FUEL--i,:- IN'::HES t^tATEF: Ab. 1 DEI-JF:EES [: SEl.lSOFr STATUS SEI'ISOE: :A NOE:MI\L SEI.ISOFI 4A FUEL SEITISOF: 6A i\IOF:FIAL SENSOE: BA NOF:HAL EXTEF.ITIAL INF.. STATUS OF,EN rANF:. T F.F:EI'lI UN UNLEADET) I NVENTOFIy I Nlt-:E:EASE JUn.l 18, t')',:)l a. il tr,|rlU. !U7t-t':j r-jALLOt'tS FUEL =8.7 DEI::F:EES f' JUN 18, L'1',:3L 3: 3') F l'l 5685 T]ALLONS t'UEL 6(). .I DEIJE:EES F 127e NET INr::ti:EAsE :17 H iB:Ert?*?i:iirtfi*1,""*i',ffi"ffi*tor and rntersi _rr r.eak sensor {. Indicator Reporrs. The TLS-250i sysrem has proqrammable indicaror limits thar canrvarn of sudden losses due to rheft. of a potential overfill during bulk delivery. low fuel in'entory'. and a high E,arer condition in a tank. Inaddition. its leak sensors r'ill dete,-'t a fuel leak. *.arer leak or sensorout condition. \vhen an indicator limit is exceeded or a reak sensor alarm istriggered. an au[omatic p.nrour occurs shor'ing the rype of indicatoror alarm. date and time. a. Theft Indicator derecrs a rapid drop in inventory during the shutdown mode. b. overhll Indicator rvarns of a potenrial overspill during bulkdelivery b), a tank rruck. c. Low Limit Indicator rvarns r'hen inventory-drops belorv preset rorrlimit amounts. d. High ll'ater Indicator rr.arns when water limit.level exceeds a preser e. External Input On warns tha[ an external derice. such as a lineieak detector. has alarmed. External Input off rvarns that an external device. such as a lineleak detector. has returned to its normal state. Sensor Alarm shorvs rhe sensor number and rlpe of alarmcondition. t ----THEFT ALrtrF:{'---- TAN},:: 1 F't;:gY11g* UNLEADED JUfl ':0, L,1,it3:36 AM --OVEF:FILL ALAFjM-- rAN},:: .: FTEI3ULAF.: UNLEADED JUN 21, 1,3,31 5: 38 F'l'l --LOI"J LII'4IT ALAFTF1-- TA|!li. :: F:EI3ULT\F: UNLEADED JUN .:1 , !,9131.'i: 14 API --HII3H I.JATEFJ ALAFII'I-- TAN}'I 6 PF:EHIUI'I UNLEADED JUN !5, 19,3111:ii.l AM EXT. IFIF.UT OT.I JUN '!7, 1,1,)t ') z t-vf PM EXT. INF'UT OFF -- JUN L7 , L'1'3 L'). (-t') F'n --- SENSOF: ALAF:M :-- SENSOFT +A FUEL DETET::T JUN L6,7991 7: 18 FM C ( s. 38 -^ ' S y stem Sta rt' Up and Operating,lns truc^tions TIS-25Oi and TI5.25Oi PftcsJ Inventory Monitor and lnterstitial Leak Sensor ).l Tank Narm History RePort. Th+ Tank Alarm History Report is an operational report thar includes the last three occurrences of each type of indicator for each tank' The ,"poa, shos's the date and time of each occurrence lor each tank' The Tank Alarm History Report is inclu<Jed in the Diagnostic mode for securitl' reasons. \iode 6. Sensor.\larm History RePort' The Sensor Alarm History Report includes the dates and times of the last three occurrences oi"u"tr t1'pe oisensor alarm for all sensors in the s!'stem. The Sensor Alarm Historl'Report is included in the lor securitl' reasons. Diagnostic - D ALAF:M HISTOFIY F]EFOF:T EXT. INF'UT ON JUN 17 , L',)'.)L '3 z t-t') F'l,1 JUN '.1, t',1',)L 4: ':'5 FM JUN A, |',1')l 1(:): :5 AN -- EXT. iNF'UT OFF JUN t7, Lg',JI '3: t-t'3 PM JUN '3, L19L 4: i5 F'M JUN 6, 19',)L 1r-t: !5 AI'1 LEAIT JUN 4, L',l',1| i: rlrlt AM JUN I , 19',31 3: tltl AM H I IJH IIATER JUN 'r'5, tg')L 1 1: 1i4 AM --_--OVEF:F ]LL JUFI 'i'1 , L')')L 5:38 FM ---- Lot^l LIMIT ----- JUN ':'1 , LA'JL '3: 14 Al'l THEFT JUN !r-)r l'!')L 3:36 AM ALAF:I,I HISTOT':Y F:EF.OE:T SEI.ISOF: I]:HANNEL TI SENSOF;: SENSOF: 4A FUEI.- DETEI::T JUtl lit, t'-i'r t 7 z LB F'l'l 5El.l5OFl "{A OF'EN 5EI..]SOE: l"1r\,/ l--;t-t , 1,3'l I l1:.1)'AI'l :19 lUl 9y*"g -Start-Up and Operating Instructions ITI TIS'250i and TIS'25\-Yrs.'irrrentory Monitor and Intersn-.l Irak Sensor 7. S1'stem Serup Paramerers Report. There are til'o reports showing setup parameters not related toindiridual tanks. a.' The first report sho*'s all slstem setup paramerers exeept auro- transmit paramerers. To print this reporr: l. Turn Operaring \Iode ke1'su.itch to SETUP position. 2' Lsing the FLNCTION button. serect the funcrion code ror an' s!.stem setup parameter shorr.n on the report. 3. Depress rhe PRINT button. All serup parameters sho*.n on the report rvill be prinred. tr::ALENDAF: rI:LOrI:1," :JUL 4, t,3,)L 8: 31 FN LEA},:. DETEI:T S. :IT: 11:tjr-r F'M LEAI'; DETEI::T 5 F: 6: r)r-r AH AUTE F -]IIlT 8: t)ti AM AUTO F.F]INT..2.+:tjr-r FM AUTO PF:INT 3:1!: Ot) AN SEI::UF] I TY I::0DE '(r rJ r-rrj rJ rj FJELAY I::ONF IIJUF;ATION : F]LY 1 F;LY .i. LEAI:: RLt't YES YESHI hJATEFJ NO NOOVEF:FILL NO YESLO LIMIT NO NO THEFT ALM YES NO EXT. I NF,LJT NO NO SEN TUEL YES YES SEN OUT NO YES EXTEFTNAL INFUT ALAFTH D I SABLED :EIS:Fi_ r::oNF I r3uPl rl ol SENSOF: 1:,A SENSOF: 4A SENSOF: 64 SENSOFI 8A ( ( l0 I System St"ft and operating Instructions NfTIS'25or and TIS-plooi Plus! Inventory Monitoiand Intlrstitial Leat< Sensor ht '( 0" b. The second report sho*'s auto-rransmir parameters. To prinr this-l report: l. Turn the Operaring llode ke.v*srvitch ro SETt'p posrion. 2. Using the FLD{CTION button. select the function code for anr. auto-transmit parameter. 3. Depress the PRINT burron. AII auto-transmit setup paramerers n'ill be printed. 8. Sensor Setup Parameters Report. The Sensor Setup Parameters Reporr rer.eals the status of the u'ater audible alarm and n'arer alarm delar. time for eacit sensor in the s!'stem. a. Turn the Operating -\Iode ke1,'srvirch to SETUP position. b. Using the FLNCTION button. seiect funcrion code -A. c. Depress the PRINT burton. The sensor serup paramerers for all sensors in the system rvill be printed. AUTO-TE:ANSI'IIT F.AE:M5: HESSA13E $F:ESEVD$ $WATFt*#:S sovFL#+l$ $LOLV*#$ $THFT#*$ sDLST#*$ $DLND##$ $EXTNON$ SEXTOFF$ $FUEL#*$ 60uT **$ $F.:ESEVD:T $FIESEVDS $FTESEVD$ TXl"l FrF'T DIS DI5 DIS DiS DIS DI S DIS DI5DIS DISDIS DISDIS DIS DIS DIS DIS Di5DIS DISDIS D I5DIS DIS DIS DiS DIS DIS AUTO.-F;EPEAT TIME: 6(:t MINUTES TFTANSI''IIT DELAY TIME:5 SEI::ONDS SENSOFT SETUF, F,AE:I'1S: WATEE: AUDIBLE ALAF]M: SENSOFT IA DISABLED I'ATEE: ALM DELAY TIME SENISOF: 1A t].5 HFIS ( .ll lYll System Start-Up and Opo-zting Instructions fil TI.S'2SOi and TIS-25Oi\-asJ Inventory Monitor and Intersti\r/ I-eak Sensor 9. Tank Setup Paramerers Report. Tank setup Paramerers Report includes all serup information related to specific tanks. The report is prinred b1'tank and includes: producr Label and Product Code: High \\'arer Limit: Or.erfill Limit: Lorr.\blume Limit: Thefr Limit: Thermal Coefficienr: Deliverl' Report Dela1. Time: Tank Capacities: Tank Diameter: Tank Tilt Adder: and }lanifolded Tank Configuration. To print the Tank Setup Paramerers report: a. Turn Operating ltode kel.srvitch to SETUP position. b. Depress the FL:I{CTION button to selecr anvtank serup paramerer function code. c. Depress the TAlriK burton to selecr the desired tank. d. Depress the PRINT burton. All setup informarion for rhat tank *.ill be prinred. TANI,:. 1 F'F:EI'I IUM UNLEADED FF:ODUt::T I:ODE 1 H I t3H I^JATEF: L I I'4I T: 4. (] INI]:HES NATEF: OVEFIFILL LIMIT:':r5(:)(:) TjALLONS FUEL LOW LII'IIT: 1(,()(:) TjALLONS FUEL THEFT LIMIT: -99 T3ALLONS FUEL LEAlr. LIMIT:_:..-5 ISALLONS FUEL THEFiMAL I]:OEFF: -() . (j(:)(j6,-J t=L/ t:iL/ DE|S F DELIVEF.:Y E:EFOFTT DLY:1 HiNUTES TANI.; I::AF'AI:: J TY 1(:)ij(:!(:) rlALLOt{S FUEL(J ISALLONS FUEL{J IJALLOI\IS FUEL(l T]ALLONS FUELO TjALLONS FUEL 3/ + HEIISHT I::APAI::ITY(:) GALLONS FUELI) ISALLONS FUELtl) Ir-ALLONS FUEL(J IJALLONS FUEL() Ir=ALLONS FUEL L /'Z HE I riHl' r::AFAr::i TY() I3AL.LONS FUEL(l TSALLONS FUEL() IJALLONS FUELt) ISALLONS FUEL(I EALLONS FUEL I / 4 HE I IJHT I::AF.AI::I TY() IJALLONS FUEL(J IJALLONS FUELO EALLONS FUEL() IJALLONS FUELI) GALLONS FUEI- TAN}.. D I AHETEF::.J6.O(l INr;:1-1E5 TANI,:: TILT ADDEF::(:).C)(:) IN|::HES NANIFCILDED TANI'IS: t ( t2 Michael O. Leavitt Govcrnor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. ExEutivc Dirccior Kent P. Cray Di16tor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DryISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor P.O. Box lzl4840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (80r) 536-4414 T.D.D. Date: From: Facility I.D.# 2OOO2O3. 2000206." M:zW TO:(lorrc Cann i ncr State of Utah/Fleet Services 4/L3/95 1?RO lirla<l- Norl-h Temole eal r T,ake ei tv. IIT 84115 Garv Ast,in RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Junction (2000203), Utah; I have recently been involved in compliance inspections for the USTs at the above facilities. From the inspections, it appears thaithere are some complLnce issues which need to be addressed, and also some informational issues. It has been somewhat difficult to conduct the rnspections and follow up on compliance issues due to a lack of information being available. At the Salina inspection, it was difficult to determine exactly what leak detection methods were being performed. No actual monitoring records were available. The notification form for the facility (a copy of the leak detection page is enclosed) indicates seven different methods are in place on the tanks and five different methods are in place on the piping. From the information available on site at the time of the inspecrion, it was difficult to determine what is being done. I believe that the local (Central Utah Public Health Oept.) inspectors in each case contacted the supervisor on site prior to the inspection. Would it be better to have them contact you before they inspect so you can make the necessary records available? I believe I recall hearing that you had iold someone in our office ihat it would be best to contact you to arange for the inspections rather than contact the on-site supervisor. If so, the actual method or methods being used at each facility could be determined beforehand. Based on what I saw at the Salina and Loa facilities, and on the inspection report for the Junction facility, these are the compliance issues which need to be addressed: 7r,v Loa, UDOT #331, faciliry ID #2000206, inspection done ZryigS. The facility has a Gilbarco Tank Monitor 3 automaric tank gauge/intirstitial monitoring system. l) The overf,rll alarm bell needs to have a sign or other identification nearb-y to indicate what it is and what it means if the alarm goes off. 2) It appears that the interstitial monitoring is functioning, but the monitoring records were not on site. Since this system continuously monitors the interstitial space, there may not be a printed repoft that is regularly produced. You should, however, have some recorded documentation that the system has been checked monthly, the sensors are functioning, and that there have been no alarms noted, or that the cause of any alarms which occurred have been conected. This system appears to be very close to the TLS-250i in design. If so, there should be some reports that can be printed to satisfythis requirement. The "Sensor Status Report," "Tank Alarm History Report," and "Sensor Alarm History Report" shoutd all be run and saved to cover the previous l2 months, and should be made available for inspection. I have enclosed copies of the pages from the TLS-250i operating manual which discuss these reports and how to run rhem. 3) iou should have available all records to document proper installation and setup of the ATG/interstitial monitoring system, and records of maintenance and calibration of the system. Copies of the manufacturer's installation checklist, the "Tank Setup Parameters" and "system Setup Parameters" reports, and the reports mentioned in #2 above should satisfy this requirement. Pflnted on recycled Paper an ?l .bitity tO #2OOO2O9, inspection done3l26l95. The facility has a Veeder Root TLS-250i IG/interstitial monitoring system. #'s 1,2, and 3 in the Loa section above all apply to Salina also. Junction, UDOT #326,facility ID #2000203, inspection done 12123194. I wrote previously about this facility and you sent copies of several documents. There were no copies of the ATG system installation checklists or the system reports already mentioned. Based on the inspection report, I don't know if this facility uses interstitial monitoring or automatic tank gauging only. If it uses only ATG, we still need copies of the installation checklists and the "Tank Setup Parameters" and "System Setup Parameters"reports. Please send these items to me at the address above as soon as possible. Give me a call at 536-4103 if you have an, questions' o4ttws tt2sun ^:ug |€ 203,<x,6a lsar €l'! *I9r :ollr ralo-t rA.ili,{lgl STATE USE ONLY t{odttcrdd i. ,tqul.td by Frdcrd lrw lo? lll und.OEund t.ntt thlth.ya b-n u!.d to no.a raeuLtcd lubrtanc.. rincr liauuy t. 196a. thai il?I!h.gryund.t o, U.y & 1986. or rhlr.r. brougil aaro u...n.r ltry 6,t!186. Th. in o,tn t*ra n.qu.e.d aa r.qul,.d W SrcOon gooll ol thc FcrorrcrConaorauoo and Racoy.ry Aa,t, (BCRA), er rrnonorO. Ih8 Oomary gjoosa oi thls nomrcaton progrinn ts to toc:tre ano evauate irrxre(gnouftt tanks tha $oro or navo stored o€rror€um o7 na:arEous Suostances.It rs ororcieo that ln6 mbfmaDon you Drouoe mll be baseo on roasonacty avalaoao t€coros. or ln rn€ aOsenoB oi sucn rs@r6s. your xnowl€oEe, oetret. o,re@lEcuon. Who llu.t Notlty? Secton 9002 o, RCRA. as aman6ed. ,e{lurres mat untes3 eremoleo. otxngrs ol unoarrgrou,td tanks rnal stor6 regulaleo suosEnoo! musl norty oegqnateo srato or toca agqroe!] ot ln€ onstonce ol tnof tanks. ownerm€iUtS- at tn fie casa o, an u,rdefground stoctge tanl( rn use on Novomoer g. .t g&a. o, orougril mto use attor tra ctato, any person who owns an unoe(rrouno srorago tank us€o ror me sroraEe, uso. or orsg€n$ng ol regulat€d suostancas. and b) in the case o, any unoefgrouno storage tank In us€ Dolore N@emoor g. I 9&4. btJt no longet ls us€ on na dal€. any p€rson wno owneo 3uch tant( immeotaroty o€fore the dEcontlnuaoon ol tts use. c) rt the stato agenql 30 roournos. any faqlity that has unoe€one any cnangas ro taolity rnrormalon ot tanh system status. wh|t Tsnlr Art lncludad? underground storag€ tank rs d€ftneo as any one or comoftloon ot tanl(s mat ( t ) rs uls€o to contatn an a@Jmutatton ot -regutateo suostancss.'and (2) whce votume (tndudnE @nne6ed unoerEround oromg, rsl07o or more Doneam lhe groum. Some eramotes are unoergrourxt ranrc $onnE:l. Gasohne. useo otl. or otesd lud. am Z inoustnat soMenrs. gesrEroes. neroG(bs or fumqants, What T.nkr Art Erclud.d? fanks remolred ,rom the ground are not suol€crlo nouhcatton. oth€r ranks erduo{xt rmm notficatton are: t. tarm or resl(lental tanks ol r .100 Eailons o, tess caoaory usoO tor $onng motor fud fol noncommefoal gJrDosSS: Z lanks us€d lor $onng haaong otl tor consumguvo us€ on tho gre(f[ses wnefo storB6: 3. segoc tanxs: 4. grp€line ,acilitre3 (induclrng gafi€nng tanes) regutared um.r fre ilarud Gas Pigoxn€ Sarety Aa ol r 968. or mo Hazaroous tJourdpioexn. Serery Ad ot t929. or $,fich ts an tnra$ale 9lgotme raottry regulaloo umrr state laws: 5. surtace tmgounonronut. grts. gonos. ot tagoons: 6. slorm water or waste water corteci'on sysiems: 7. tlow-tnrougn prooasr lanxs: E. toutd raos or assoqaoo ganenng trnes otrocuy r€latoo lo ox or gas ,rfilucuon ano gamenng op€falons: 9. slorag€ tanks snuateo tn an unoerErcuno ar€a (such as a oaliement. cettar.,ntn€uorkt'tg. dntl. shatl. ot runnel| rl lne storage tanx ts sluate uDon ol aoove tn6 sunaoe ot lhe thor. Whrt Subcfaarc.' Are Covcrud? The nortttcatton reoutr€mants aooty to unoer grou,rd $oraEe tllnl(3 that @man regutareo suosrillc€s. This ndtE.3 any suqmnor oeline6 a:t hazarbus rn sscrron tol u$lct rnc cornprene'tslve ErMmn.flontal Resoonsc. Comoensaoon ano LdIEi$ lt+ot r9g0 (CERCul. wrrn "., 0t 6.ol?o*lr. o \,srj? wh.n To ilortty? 1. cwners or unoergrouno ooftrler3olfrfurr1nar have ceetr taken out ol oooraton afier January I. 197.1. but sntr'iif,fyeroi'{d)musr nolrw Dv May 8. !986.2. Ofln€rs wno onng unoergrouno srorage uni96tErlia aner Mav 8. t986. must nonry wltiln 30 days ot onngtng tne tanxs rnro use. 3.-rf {rQBarereoures nonlrcatton o, any amonomenG to tachty s€no tnlormanon ro Srald€gencv rmtn0(tlillOlY. PGn ltiar: Any ounar who knowtngly lailt to notity o. lubmt! t.ltainlornraion rhtll ba tuulacf to r cryll pan.lty not to arord 3.!O.OOO ror aachttnlor riirrr noilrlc.don ia not Eavcn o? lor which ,rtt inlonuion at!uimiltcd. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks Strr^ecti|rELoe DATE RECEiVEDTYPE OF NOTIFICATION A. Date Entereo tnto Comourer B. Data Entrv Cierk rn,mrs ifi00 C. Owner Was Contacteo to sF_8'fwuwner YYas uontacleo lo t..1 ctanfy Resoonses. CommeJ[r0 2 - A. NEW FACILITY r B. AMENDED : C. CLOSURE 2 tto. of tanks al tacihty Z-rur " r .;r, "rfi n?"Ffri.-n *- Please tyoe or prinr in ink all items except "signature" in sectron V. This formmust be clmpleted tor each location containing underground storage tanls. lf more lhan five (5) tianks are owned at thrs locairon. pn6tocopy the f6rlorvrng sheets. and $aple continuaton sheets to the form. I. OWNERSHIP OF TANK(S)II. LOCATION OF TANK(S) Otrr i.D rcmrars t8!u. Pda AgE q olk EnrrvtUDOT. Division of Maintenance r'saricc.r -tsEr^?a - 3^a r F9.e tsat 6 C tru a rm t slla i Oagrc 6,@6 aE E E.ffi ui .A :r. '2 n tst. 65. 2.. t rW Latrtude3g -57 2g N .qhaCmaESOffi.Dreo -500 North llain Street " XI.CEHTIFICATION OF COMPLI, ,E (COMPLETE FOR ALL NEW AND UPGfu .D TANKS AT THIS LOCATION) Tank ldennfication NumDer Tanx No. 1 Tank No. 2 Tank No. _ Tank No. _ : TankNo. _ 1. lnstallation A. lnstaller cenitied by tank and prprng manufacrurers B. lnstaller certilied or licensed by the implementing agency C. lnstallation inspected by a registered enginaer 0. lnstallation insp€ctod anct approtred by implememinE agency E. UlanulactJrB,,s inshlatbn cfred<. lisB have been cornpletetl Another method allorired by State agen6y. Please specrfy. l- lr 'trl .ilr i il i-lij t..-..=._ lr 2. Release Oet€ction (Mark afl that apply, A. Manual tank gauging B. Tank tighhess testing C. lnventory controts tanh/papang J. Line tighfrGs testing K. Oher method allowed by lmolementina Aacnarr Plaleo Qp.fi, TANKxx ;PIPING i TANKxx;ixrixrL-lmiEiftratrirXr .f,,, H. lnterst,tial mondoring/secondary Xcontainment l. Automatic line leak deteciors 0. Automatc tank gauging . )t E. vam-o"no""4f,lp 5 " D +F. Groundrrater monitoring PIPING lJwEt4d TANK IPIPINGi TANK PIPING -l I i lril:'r_.' i-i -, rl; il ll l:, r r ,T, r i l,-l-l i-r rlrll:r,li ttt' t|liti, l:'_r, t-: - rl TANK PIPING I Irii EiEiEiEIEiIt_ti[lEli- lri llr, 3. Spill and Overfill Protection A. Overfill device installed B. Spill device installed I I best ol my belief and knowle<tge.inlormation conceming installation thal is Distribution: White-DERR, Y Pink-Facility/Owner i.+riri;r::::::::.i:irr.'riJ:::rr,:jij,i,ii:iiiit:jjfi:iii::i:::Ii:,,ri1j,."fl;:ii:.1:ijii::i:::,:::,iir r.. r r.,r.',,lli ii ]r,r,l ,,r,,rriinliu:rfli:liriflfiiiiiiinrlir:iiiili :i:iii:,:i:::::,,:,i:r,,,::::i::::::ll: ii ! iiil:lilluuii! l! i i! liii! iiiiiti llllllll:tiuutitiil.illllliillllll:::',lriiiiilllll:: i: !::::l 1: l: ! ii:::::::::iiri ff,:l lfllv Set 1 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if yes, indicate model in comments section below)itls vZS Automatic Shut-off Device (il yes, indicate model in commonts section below) Continuous Alarm System (if yes, indicate model in comments section below)U r-S ttz. S Records ol last Line Leak Detector pedormance tost available on-sito .6J No /{@ No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Leak Detector performance test -Zo-€t{- 20- 9< Result of last Line Loak Detector perlormancs test .6"r) r"it Rr.it Pass Fail Pass Fail Set 2 Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site rG) No t6> No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Tighlness Test I'co-Q (l-'2-o- c73 Result of lasl Line Tightness Test {p&>r^ir .GQ rat Pass Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist)It13 v,rs Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlR] (il yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) iii::iii;i:lijiiiitrii:ltrii]:i:i:il:::i:,:"i,:!:j!1:l*l,:,,::::::::::::::,:,ii:i Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Tightness Test Result of last Line Tightness Test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlR] (if yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) l,ldi i}kr.lit_iij (m#.:Aqgft,yrqro:$}:1tr; iifi#*i li Operates at l6ss than atmospheric pressure Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction released Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, use comments section Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Comments:q /*-t-s t_ /?J lnspector's Signature:Oate:r*t^r Z-irt??( Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative Present During lnspection: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner iiii.l:.iiii:i;iiiiiiiii:r:]',:iiiiiiiiiiaiiilllli;::i::ii::iiiiiiiir:::iii::ii.ii.T,iiiiliii#i,iill'i}r"rrillri,: i r!,r,.,'i. : --, t : : : : : :it:t;itilitl:l::tr :ji1l:ii:i::,:i;tlliili:::::::::::j:1.ll..rrj.i ,,rr,.j:i'rr.-it:.1,,'iij,lr.il.ii liliiliill!i!!iillllriill!!!!!!!!!!ilijili.iiii!::i::lIirirr:riliiijlriilrliiili nSpl llIiOffi ffi IlXiilfi itU, j':ir:l:ll:1r:.::l:r:r::,. r,,,,,,l,url:ri,;::rj;,,'t:rijiijjiiil:::lilriil:iijr.li'i'11i:Iii{tliiililti't+iiiit:t [+'frr*i*iXnXiiiiirlriffi ft $#rts,ffiEHffi eiil$iil#f iililfiriiiilfifi iliiix[[ ;;::,::::;r,irrr:rrirrlrlf;riiliirflliri:Iiijjil#$llil$S$lid:i+irEHdfrlllfr#liIi iSPIIT---EI,'ffi ERH.S$S, mHiltl Tank I Tank 2 Tnnk 3 Tank L The UST system is filled by transfers of no mor€ than 25 gallons at one time. lf yes, spill and overfill prevontion is not required. Yes I ves (6)Yes No Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment?@No @No Yes No Yes No An overfill prevention device is installed on the tank. lf yes, indicate the type of device in the space below. No No Yes No Yes No Ball floai valva lin vent linal Arrtomatic Shrrtoff valva fin fill nina) Overfill Alarm lr< f U<S Oth6r Svstem (soecifv tvoe) For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can b6 easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? @No @No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm onty: ls the alarm cleady marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? 1gy.lb h L, ah*|" nr{,l-t"'@ yes ,t@ Yes No Yes No $#'H,H,.#EG iiiiii;r.].i.,r.riiiiii;iiiiiiiS$I :i :i,itirlilrltirj!,ilrlrlil,is{fri;ti:',l'lij;lil;il::,.ri:li:r',:11iir,i::iiriiifrjiFriiiiliiilli: ,i:11:lliliil:iiiljlllljlllijliri!,,,i:..''n_,,j.r.jjri:,.::::.:,,,.r:::jni::t:::11:it:!.j1!11i:l:ij:iij:;:j::a::: :lltlrlllllliltl!!l!!:j,in:r::::n:. lili,:iijilll:jjllilliilri:r::i::r::::li;:::j:i;ltljlr:: !rlUI...tit!:ttl!!!#*ifiniil$[fiiir{$iiiiffi iilHii:iiii :i liiiiiffi Tank I fank )Tank 3 Tank L Tanks and/or lines are made of a noncorrodible material (such as fiberglass) or are made of steel clad with a nonconodible material. ll .6# *"(€P No f.r* Yes No Ter* Yes No yes, cathodic protection is not required.LlrE 61"9 No &) No Llm Yes No Um Yes No Tanks and/or lines are made of unprotected bare steel and were installed prior to May 7, 1985. lf yes, cathodic protection is required on or by December 22, 1998. Tar* Yes No Td Yes No Tenk Yes No Ta* Yes No Um Yes No Um Yes No LIm Yes No Um Yes No lndicate type of cathodic protection: lmpressed Cunent (lC) or Sacrificial Anode (SA) The results of the last two cathodic protection tosts are available. (T€sts are required within six months of installation and every three years thereafle0. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Results (in volts) of most recent cathodic protection test. Name of person who performed test: Test Date: T.r* volts Tar* volts Tar* volts Ta.* volts volts UE volts Llm volts Um volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Eliiii'.IiiXi :iXi:::i jiiririi,iiiiiiiiixii n co^"nt, d\)1.-l 'rL l-,-,-L a"I--,--_-. .4o.r-r,Le /-o, .k<I r-)t "t-l<rY , za< :L r<,nco^ ?-- a/o, *- lnspector's Signature: Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative present During Distribution: White-DERR,Pink-Facility/Owner iilliiir:liii:ltrtff...6..11lit$-lljii 'ffi'iffiiiffii"i|f#ttiiffi .E;liiiiiii}iiir{iiiffi iffi,F,,Blsffi ,i:iiiIr tii*iattrjt,,:+ 1.F::ril:!!!!!!iiii Manufacturerandnameof monitoring syste^, l)ee .Izl €a.r* T/ S -Z# i Date system in"tal"a, lnterstitial space is monitored (Check one): ( ) Manually on a monthly basis ilLlutomatically: continuously ( ) Automatically: on a monthly basis System is capable of detecting any release of stored regulated substiances from any portion of the primary tank or piping within one month of the release No Documentation of performance claims is available (third pafi certification)Yes ,<{O lnstallation records are available on-site (manufacture/s checklist)804 Yes @ Maintenance and calibration documsnts and records are available and indicate appropriate maintenance procedures lor the system have been implemented ( oe L - l-- , Yes No lf observation wells are part of release detection system, observation wells are clearly marked and secured to avoid unauthorized access and tampering (answer for each well) lla v,z ll < * Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No .:!i!lrrI:AIIK'lIl:::l iililiiiiiil ::l:lit:t i iffiakii Tank is fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring 6^.;@.o Yes No Yes No lndicate type of secondary containment for tank (double-walled, intemal bladder, lined oxcavation, etc.)).-s -),) Product lines are fitted with secondary containment and interstitial monitoring /.9No 6Qno Yes No Yes No lndicate type of secondary containment for lines (double-walled, lined excavation, etc.),) r^l ),s Documentation of monthly readings is available for the last 12 months v0q vesfiQ veG Yes No Yes No Monitoring box, if present, is operational (mark for each tank)ffQ^to ;reA)to Yes No Yes No lf monitored manually, equipment used to take readings is accessible and functional Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the tank is fitted with an internal bladder: The bladder is compatible with substance stored and will not deteriorate in the presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Excavation is lined with an impervious artificial material (if yes, answer the foltowing questions): Secondary barrier is always above groundwater Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the secondary barrier is not always above groundwater, secondary banier and monitoring system are designed for use under such conditions Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is constructed from artificially-constructed material and will allow permeation at a rate of no more than 10'cm per sec for the regulated substance stored Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is compatible with the regulated substances stored and will not deteriorate in presence of that substance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is non-corrodible or protected from corrosion Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Secondary barrier is situated outside the 25 year floodplain Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Groundwater, soil moisture, and rainfall will not adversely affect the liner's ability to collect and contain regulated substances or the ability of the selected release detection methods to operate effectively Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No l.tXiffi iiiiiiirtiriXfiffi:ttiiii$liffi co ^"nt", fxr; ^ J-*o-.*, z*n .le - L*. ; ^-.1 k.. /n ^ k f <r sk*- &*^{/gu.-la-. - t*.o. I, no* k-r-^fn ^fr)n-q4/ is ,y'.t<e -l L, Tt,< *z<o N^ ^j^:-.---. -1. Distribution: White-DERR,Pink-Facility/Owner ^ N t Na+frr,n ^ f,e -l e fq + I I \r \)o \- I :L oof ^,fr -) t W'a.o'i|€-ff) '"' \, \- )('1't ..' / ( I*i. II Department of Administrative Services Michael o *:;lil i Division or General Services. B-38 Srate Capitol Buitdingn,r,"l.:.Y:"1'S,,,:.?"1 sarr Lake city, utah 84114 David G ,,BT"*J . [33]1333.?9]3 *, April 21, 1-994 Department of AdministrativeDivision of General ServicesB-38 State Capitol B1dg.Salt Lake City, Utah 841_L4 ./,1. ,.. : '-"iJ.; - rl.1':," # &u -#ffi Hessonsc e Rc'ottd"Bii^ffi' Department Of Environmental QualityDivision of Environmental Response and Remediation 158 North 1950 West, 1st FloorSalt. Lake City, Utah 84t1,5 Dear Mr Harris: This letter and attached information is in response to your LeEterof Non-compliance of underground etorage tanks at the Salina UDOTstation # 333, located at 500 North state street, sal-ina, sevierCounty, Utah. DEQ ID # 2000209. A copy of said letter dated 4/07/94is attached for your information. The following is this divisions response to each item l-isted inyour notice: 1) Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gaugingperformed on UST's #f and #2 byta) Documenting that. the ATG system performs a leak testonce a month...A copy of the site inventory record, ehutdown Mode for Tank Test ie attached.b) Documenting that the ATG system is properly instalred andfunctioning...A copy of the TLS-250i Operating instructions,Veeder-RooE Site Preparation and Installation fnstructionsand Resulte of US EPA Standard Evaluation VoluneEric TankTightnees Testing Method for the TLS-250i, which is inetalledaL the Salina IIDOT Station. Hopefully this is what is needed to maintain compliance at theSalina UDOT Station # 333. If I can answer any quesLions concerning,this or any other facility owned and/or operJted by the Division ofGeneral Services / Fleet. Services, Tank Management please ca1I meat (801) s38-387'7. Services / Fleet Services (ATG) is at least showing Thank You teven L. C Har i sA21 ffitmt* q)f, t}*mfu DEeARTMENT oF ENvTRoNMENTAL epfiWrol:Ui,fl[ DrvrsroN oF ENvTRoNMENTAL nesgffiDrATroN Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Ex€utivc Dir@ttr Kent P. Gray Dircct6 APR -8 9b 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt Lake City, utah 84116 (801) 5364100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D.F"eil ,, . 1!$arlr!'. t'Jw .::t !r . ^'i'... -...{'tUtiu, ..,i l.ft ,rr q ' -/-'i,\_'i t1--.' ,.,,,"i1,.: R i'a I 'lrr'r ,'ll ";':_. ' ',^i'i:l:' ' APRIL 7,1994TO: UTAH DMSION OF GENERAL SERVICES ATTN: DAVID FLETCI{ER B-38 STATE CAPITOL BUILDING SLC, UTAH 84114 Qlt^^ UD/T {SZZ RE: Jrlon=compliance-of -underground-storage tanks at UDOT #3j3, Utah Facility I.D.#.2-O0OZA9- - The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (USD may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on 15 FEBRUARY 1994, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: .{ Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on UST(s) # !-Lbv: -(\-s zs; .x, Documenting that the ATG system performs a leak test at least once a month. ,h. Documenting that the ATG system is properly installed and functioning. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by 7 JUNE 1994. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact GARY. IIARRIS at (8or) s36-4100. c++- Printed on recycled paper ,;,:,];F" h .,'i !r1-'1 .-.- i.= ..,i.6F:EE5 FUEL F 4IbE I.{ET I I.JUF;EAEr' Itr:tT ETs r, i,lrr #:ji:1 5Er:r t{,1. -HTr{TE E t. _=1L jHI, _uTFrH i i'i'r'Ei.i TrlF: Y EEpr_rFlT t'iHF: :lrl, l IFti: 4E Fi'i THi.iir. i lii.iLEnIrEIl :]EE5 GALLIJT.JE FIJfi- E i i'J Er{LL1 ULL$rCf54. i.:{ I }.{riHEE FUEL r]r. rlr It{rjHE5 HnTEFt47=i IIEGF:EEs F Tfri.iir; E IIi EEEL fEt:r--+ GALLIJt{5 FljfLE:JE Gr{LE ULL$TGEEi. 4E I I.{IjHEE FIJEL r:r. r:r I t{t_:HEE tjFtTEF; 5111, :r ITETjFTEEE F :jHUTlil_rtIi.i i'irlnE ETHFIT i,!lr F; :-l rl , i ,-j,_j:l :_1: 4E Ff,i l;Ii-irlLE TAi.iir. TEET i:HUTIilJiitj iirJIrI ETrjF i,iHE: !i, i,_1._t:-f : l:tg $rfi IUJT 5T.= r i *rr #:l:j:l Ir:rEr i.i,r. ETfrTf :j t =SriLIi.in! liTnH j ij',.,'FijTr_rF:'i' F:IF'r_rF'T i,i- F: :l i , i '-l'-1 ::r 7: .1fr fii'i Tiiiiir. i ui.iLt$rIrtn --ir-tr-t* .-.{ i.iiLl't =4. t, i il. F:t +,'r I T*iiir. r' IrI tEf i- -i r-:a.' fiPl f ':,':...iL.-IT ,1,.j, , t u t:! , !:l .-r U r .-t rifiLLt_rriE Fufi Grjti-i i_iLL*Gf I i.irjHf :j Fi_ig1 i i'ir-:Ht! ijuTtFl Itf tlFlEf ':; F GirLLrii.il; FUfl_ GgL::; uLLHrjt I t.iuHE:: Fr_igi I i.ir-HE!; tjHTIFl IIEIJF:TT! F Iil_rT !iT.= i i ,:r ri ii:::::::l 5t:ttlt i'.iu = :-;T*Tf t r. _ =:,_ jn,::, _!_irHH .ii.iiif i.iT[rFl'i, F;f F,uFiT i'!-F: :.:i, i'-l!I: ;; : +,r Ft'l liii.iir. i i_!tiLfHIrEIl ::Er:r4 r i't+ =r. EE FJ . !_1 .+i,I l'iti.iii: nI!II5fL i ._t Er i:i ai.:i :_:1. i.r l:t . [t IrJ. 4 U*Li-t-ti'.i:l: FUfirltiL::: i_ii_LfiUt l i,ir::HI!; FLif i i i'it-Hf :I; ij*TtF;IrfrlFrff,r f i: H L i i_i i.j i:i i i_l L'L i5i{i i_, i_tLt Hlji i i.iiHf !; ri_if L I i..ir-:Hr:I, iiHTtFi Irf r_:Ftf E::; F i: -ilr_illrl_3i,;1; i,.it_tIif :l;TiiE:T I'lHFj :I: i :, t,l,l:l: :::: 4:I: F,f,.i :j, : i.i:li_I THr.lir. 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F IllT iT.: i i,:,r-r #:l:j:1 It:ttit i.i,;, - :=;T$f TE !;t , SriL I i.iH: i-!THH ^TLS.250i OPERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONS FOUR-TANK INVENTORY MONITORING and INTERSTITIAL LEAK SENSING SYSTE]UI AilD EIGHT-TANK INVENTORY MONITORING, LEAK DETECTION and INTERSTITIAL LEAK SENSING SYSTETil Manual No. 576013-60l KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS INCREMENI - SETUP mode only After cursor is set, depress INCREMENT button to advance digit to desired number. CURSOR - SETUP mode only Depress button to move cursor (flashing digit) to digit to be changed. LEAK ALERT BESEI - Four-Tank System NORMAL MODE - Depress once to shut-off and reset audible alarm (will not shut off alarm LEDs). When audible alarm is inactive, depress once to test LEDs and audible alarm. SETUP MODE - When on the -A or -B setup codes, depress to reset sensor configuration. DIAG MODE -Depress to set the TLS-250| system in Sensor Checkout Mode. LEAK ALERT FESEI - Eight-Tank System NORMAL MODE - Depress once to shut-off and reset audible alarm (will not shut off alarm LEDs) except when displaying the Leak Rate function. When audible alarm is inactive, depress once to test LEDs and audible alarm, except when displaying the Leak Rate function. When Leak Rate shown on display, depress twice to start leak detect test for all tanks. Or, depress once, then select tank # and depress again for single tank test. SETUP MODE - When on the -A or -B setup codes, depress to reset sensor configuration. DIAG MODE - Depress to set the TLS-250i system in Sensor Checkout Mode. E PRINT Set display to information to be printed using keyswitch, FUNCTION, IArVK buttons. Depress PRINT button once for printo.ut. FUNCTION Depress button to advance di TANK Depress button to advance di f unction. [PF' i" ALARM CAUSE LED INDICATORS ALARM CAUSE LED INDICATORS The TLS-250| has on its f ront panel eleven Alarm Cause LED lndicators that will flash when an alarm condition is detec- ted. Three of the LEDs -Fuel Leak, Water Leak (not active in this model) and Sensor Out -indicate the type of alarm condition sensed. The other eight will show which sensor in the system has detected the condition. ln addition, an audible alarm will beep when any sensor alarm condition is detected. The audible alarm can be reset immediately using the Leak Alert Reset button. However, the LED Alarm Causelndicators cannot be reset until the alarm condition has been corrected and the keyswitch ALARM RESET has been activated. Two types of alarm causes can be detected by the system. LIQUID LEAK - Liquid has been detected by thesensorintheannular spaceor piping sump. SE TSOF OUT - The system has detected an open sensor circuit indicating a failed or disconnected sensor. ALARM LOCATIONS Positions 1 - 8 indicate which sensor has detected an alarm condition. ALARM INOICATION RATES The rate at which the LEDs f lash and the audible alarm beeps varies according to the type of alarm. A fuel leak indication causes a rapid f lash and beep, a sensor out indication will be slower. NOTICE rF SYSTEM ALARMS, CALL ( ) _-FOR SERVTCE, CALL ( ) /NCREMENT \ I TUNCnON cuRSoF \\ \ I ll rry-t-- /\ LEAK ALERT RESET I \ PRINT ALARM CAUSE FUEL LEAK OWATER LEAK OSENSOR OUTara3asa7 a2 a4 a6 t8 12003 Replaces l1778 PIITIEDVC6 ,{^ 91 OPERATING MOE IS The Operating Mode keyswitch proriE6, access to the various modes required to setup, operate and service the TLS-250i. ln the NORMAL mode all inventory and sensor status may be viewed on the display and using the PRINT button, printed by the optional printer. ln the SETUP mode, allsetup parameters may be entered, ,'V*eO on the display and changed if required. The DIAGNOSTIC mode reveals important in- formation about the system which is helpful while servicing the equipment. Tuming the keyswitch to the ALARM RESET position will reset the flashing display and alarm relays after an alarm condition has been detected. The ALARM RESET position will not reset the Alarm Cause LEDs currently aclivated by a signal trom an lnterstltlal sensor. The lollowing is a explanation of the inventory, setup and diagnostic information accessible using the Operating Mode keyswitch. NORMAL ALARM RESET SETU P DIAG. (' KEYSWITCH POSITION 1{0Rt[AL SETUP 0tAGil0sflc Format' Funcllon HH:MM Time ol Oay GGGGGG FUel Volume GGGGGG TemPerature- Compensated Fuel Volume"' GGGGGG Ullage lll.00 Fuel Height l.D. Water Height FFFF.D FuelTemperature GGGGGG Delivery Volume t GGG.DD Leak Rate NNN Sensor Status "A" Sensors NNN Sensor Status "B" Sensors Code tormal* OA HH:MMOB MM-DOOC YYYY14 HH:MM 'lB HH:MM 1C 0.n 2A HH:MM28 HH:MM2C HH:MM3 l.D.3A GGGGGG38 GGGGGG3C GGGGGG t 3AB GG.o t 3BC SNNN.0 3ABC MM4 GGGGGGH GGGGGGHA GGGGGGHB GGGGGGHC GGGGGG4A GGGGGGE GGGGGGEA GGGGGGEB GGGGGGEC GGGGGG48 GGGGGGL GGGGGGLA GGGGGGL8 GGGGGGLC GGGGGG4C GGGGGGP GGGGGGPA GGGGGGPB GGGGGGPC GGGGGG5 lll.DD6 SII.DD7 nnnnnn8 CCC9 nnnnnn9A RRRRRB98 RRRRRR9Cn9AB MMMgBC SSSgAC -n 9ABC n n -A n HH.H Function Time o{ Day Month and Day Year Shutdown Mode (Leak Oelect) Start Timet. Shutdown Mode (Leak Detect) Stop Time" Leak Report Typet Auto Print Time #'l Auto Print Time #2 Auto Print Time #3 High Water Alarm Limit 0verlill Alarm Limit Low Level Alarm Limil Thelt Alarm Limit Leak Alarm Limit Thermal Coellicient lnventory lncrease Bept.Delay Time 1.00 Height Volume Capacity 0.95 Height Volume Capacity 0.90 Height Volume Capacity 0.85 Height Volume Capacity 0.80 Height Volume Capacity 0.75 Height Volume Capacity 0.70 Height Volume Capacity 0.65 Height Volume Capacity 0.60 Height Volume Capacity 0.55 Height Volume Capacity 0.50 Height Volume Capacity 0.45 Height Volume Capacity 0.40 Height Volume Capacity 0.35 Height Volume Capacity 0.30 Height Volume Capacity 0.25 Height Volume Capacity 0.20 Height Volume Capacily 0.15 Height Volume Capacity 0.10 Height Volume Capacity 0.05 Height Volume Capacity Tank Diameter Tank Tilt Manifolded Tank Conliguration Product Code and Producl Label System Security Code Relay #1 Conliguration Relay #2 Configuration Auto-Transmit Message ilode Auto-Transmit Repeat Time Auto-Transmit Delay Time Temperature-Compensated Volume Generator 0FF Mode and Leak Report Enable (Emergency Generator Velsions 0nly External lnput Alarm Enable Audible Water Alarm Disable/Senso Type Selection and Water Alarm Dplev Time - "A" Sensors Code Format' Function 0 IIBRBR Product lD. Rev. Level1 XXXXXX Probe Serial Number2 XXX Probe Circuit Bd. Code3 XXX.XX Probe Length3A XXXX Probe Oate Code4 XXXX.XX 10tt Standard Capacitance Value + # of samplesXXXX 8tt Dry Calibration ConstantsXXXX 8tt Wet Calibration Constants XXXX.XX Updated Dry VariablesA XXXX.XX Updated Wet Variables No Display. Used lor Tank Alarm History Reports No Display. Used lor Sensor Alarm History Reports. XXXX.XX l0 Slow Capacitance Values + # Use lilCBEttlElT button to advance through Capacitance and Calibration Values for Functions 4-9. Use lllGBEMEl{T button to advance through Capaci- tance and Calibration Values lor Functions 4-9. 5 6 7 7I 8A VEEDER.ROOTlIT Envrronmenrar Prooucrs f:I 125 POWOER FOHEST OR STMSBUBY CT 060 0-2003 U S A (203) 651-2700 -B n HH.H Audible Water Alarm Disable/Senso Type Selection and Water Alarm Delay Time - "8" Sensors -C nnnnnn Relay fl l Sensor Alarm Function -AB nnnnnn Relay #2 Sensor Alarm Function . Some lormals may differ for metric versions. ln all cases, G (Gallons) will be L (Liters), I (lnches) will be mm (Millimeters) and F (" Fahrenheit) will be C (" Celsius) "shutdown Mode Four-Tank Systems only. Leak Detect Eight-Tank Systems only' "'Optional inventory report feature selectable in Setup Mode. t Eight-Tank only. I tt These numbers may vary up to 33 for 0.1 Capacitance Probe. VEEDER-RO} SITE PREPARATION AND I NSTALLATION I NSTRUCTI ONS Manual No. 576013-579 Four-Tank (Dlrect-Con nect) System Technlcal Manual 14-213 leeued: 6,/9t Supereedee: 6,/90 TLS-250I AND TLS-250I Plus, INVENTORY MONITOR AND INTERSTITIAL LEAK SENSOR t. VEEDER.ROOT Environmental Products ffiveroenmor f,* Site Preparation and InsL.ration TLS-250i and TLS-250I Pltts! Tank Manual Level Sensing System \./ ATTENTION INSTALLER: READ THIS IMPOBTANT SAFETY INFORMATION BEFORE BEGINNING WORK This product is to be installed and operated in the highly combustible environment of a gasoline storage tanlc It is essential that you carefully read and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual to protect yourself and others from serious i\iury, explosion, or electrical shock. For safety reasons, we have taken particular care in the design of this product to limit the power in the wiring to the fuel tanks and to keep that wiring physically se- parated from anyotherwiring. It isyour responsibilityto maintain the effectiveness of these safety features by installing this product in accordance with the instruc- tions and warnings which follow. Your failure to do so could create danger to life and property. Leaking underground tanks can create serious envi- ronmental and health hazards. It isyour responsibilityto install this product in accordance with the instructions and warnings found in this manual. Failure to install this product in accordance with the instructions and warnings found in this manual will re- sult in voiding of all warranties connected with this product (see Section 8). I NOTE: THE INSTALLER OF THIS PRODUCT llii snoulD REMovE TIIE FRoNT pANEL KEyANDf pnnsBNT IT To AN AUTHoRIZED usER To pRE- VENT MISUSE OF THE PRODUCT. WABNINGS: EXPLOSION COTJLD OCCTJB IF OTIIEBWIBES SIIABE TL9260l OB TL$26O1 PIugIPBOBE AND SENSOBWIBE @NDIJITS OBU/IBING IBOI'GIIS. CONDTIITS AND WIBING TBOUGHS FBOM PBOBES AND SENSOBS TO TIIE MONITOB MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY OTIIEB WIBES. IMPBOPEB SYSIEM OPEBATION COTJLD BE. ST]LT IN INACCT'BAIE INVENTOBYCONTBOL OB I'NDEIECTED POIENTIAL ENVIBONMEN. TAL AND HEALTH HAZABDS IF PBOBE. AND SENSOB.TO.MONITOB WIBE BTTNS EXCEED 1,000 FEET. BIINS OVEB 1,000 FEET ABE NOT UL APPBOVED FOB TIIIS APPLICATION. PBOBE. AND SENSOB.TO.MONITOB WIBES MUST NOT EXCEED l,(X)O FEET. EXPLOSION AND,/OB EQIIIPMENT DAMAGE COIJLD OCCUB IF CONDTIITS DO NOTENIEB TIIE MONITOB THBOUGH THEIB DESIGNAT. ED PBEFOBMED KNOCKOUTS. EXPLOSION COTJLD OCCI'B IF TIIE MONITOB IS INSTAIIED IN A VOII\TII,E, COMBUSTI. BLE OB EXPI.oSTVE (CLASIS I, DTVISION I OB DTVISION II) ATMOSPIIEBE. DO NOT INSTALL MONITOB IN A VOI.ATII.E, COMBUSTIBI.E OB EXPLOSTVE ATMOSPHEBE. IN INSTAIII\TION OF THIS PBODUCT, COM. PLYWITII TIIE NATIONAL EI.ECTBICAL CODE; FEDEBAI' STATE AND LOCAL CODES; AITID OTHEB APPLICABLE SAFETY CODES. TO AVOID EI.ECTBICAL SHOCK WIIICH COI]LD KILLYOU, BE SUBEAC POWEBTOTHE MONI. TOB IS OFF DT'BING INSTALI"ATION. CABEFTJIIY BEAD THE INSTAIII\TION IN. STBUCIIONS AT{D \ilABMNGS FOTJND IN THIS MANUAL FAILUBE TO DO SO COT'LD BESLILT IN TJNDETECIED POTENIIAL ENVIBONMEN. TAL AND HEAI,TH IIAZABDS. FAILTJBE TO COMPLYWITH TIIESE BEQTIIBE. MENTS COT'LD BEST'LT IN DEAIU, SEBIOUS PEBSONAL INJUBY, PBOPEBTY LOSS, OB EQIIIPMENT DA]IIAGE AIYD T'NDEIECTED PG TENTIAL ENVIBONMENTAL AND EEALTH IIA'ZABDS. UA I#HH,N oF coMPoNENr{i MAY IM- - PelB INTBINSIC sArETY. CIBCUITBY WITHIN TIIE PBOBE, SENSOB AND CONSOI.E BABBIEB FOBM AN IhI'TBIN. SICALLY SAFE, ENEBGY.LIMITED SYSIEM. TEIS SYSTEM MAKES TIIE TI^s PBOBE A]\ID SENSOB INTBINSICALLY SAFE FOB USE IN A CI.ASIS I, GBOTIP D IIAZABDOUS LOCATION. THE TLS260I AND TL9260[ PIUaIPBOBE AND SENSOB WIBING IS IIVTBINSICALLY SAFE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO VEEDEB. BOOTS MONITOB FOBM NI'MBEB 794I. tlt a I o TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION General Product Description Damage Claims Return Shipping SECTION 2. SITE PBEPARATION Probe Riser Pipe Installation . Sensor Riser Pipe Installation Monitor l,ocation Selection Inside Conduit Installation ........ Probe and Sensor Conduit Installation Probe and Sensor Junction Box Installation Manhole Installation SECTION 3. MONITOB INSTALLATION A. Probe and Sensor Wiring InstallationB. Power Wiring InstallationC. MountingD. Power Wiring ConnectionsE. Probe and Sensor Wiring ConnectionsF. Alarm Relay WiringG. External Input WiringH. EIA RS-232 InterfaceI. PeripheralEquipment Requirements SECTION 4. CAPACITANCE PROBE INSTALLATION Tank Diameter Measurement Riser Pipe Cap Preparation Installation SECTION 5. MAGNETOSTBICTIVE PBOBE INSTALLATION (For Uee with TI^S-2EOi Plusl only) FloatAssemblies .........9TankDiameterMeasurement .... llRiserCapPreparation .... llInstallation ....... lZ Site Preparatior. -nd Installetion Manual llf TLS-250i end TLS-260i Ptns! Tank Level Sensing System ffl SECTION 1. INTBODUCTION A. GENEBAL l. This manual contains site preparation and installation procedures for the TLS-260i and TLS-250iPlzs/Inventory Monitor and Interstitial Leak Sensor Four-Tank (Direct- Connect) System, designed and manufactured by Veeder-Root Company, 125 Powder Forest Drive, Simsbury, CT 06070-2003. Telephone (203) 651-2700. 2. When a vertical bar I appears aqiacent to text or illustra- tions, information has been added or changed at the last issue date. B. PBODUCTDESCBIPTION. 1. Monitor Operating Temperature Range: 32oFto 119.F(0"C to 45oC). Monitor Storage Temperature Range: 15oF to 113.F (-10"C to 45"C). Probe Storage and Operating Temperature Range: lboF to 113'F (-10'C to 45'C). 2. The TLS-250i and TLS-250| Plus! Four-Tank System in- corporate a Series 7842, U72, or 8473 Digital Sensing Probe that mounts vertically in each fuel tank, Series 7g4B Interstitial Leak Sensors installed in the tank annulus and piping sump, a wall-mounted Monitor with or without optional printer, LCD display and Alarm-Cause LED indicators. 3. The probe electronics and monitor continuously measure the capacitance of the probe, convert this information into liquid level and volume, and display the results for the selected tank. 4. The interstitial leak sensors monitor the interstice for the presence of either hydrocarbons, which could indicate a leak, or water. C. DAMAGE CI.AIMS. 1. Thoroughly examine all components and units as soon asreceiv"4. The disital sensinf probe is a precision instru- ment. Because internal damage eustained in transit mav 1161 fs vilible, carefully inspecf the exterior of the probe fo-r dents. Disregard rattling sounds caused by wires and other external parts in the probe. Examine the iirterstitial sensorfor sharp crimps, flate or breaks in the elements. If damaged, w1rte q complete and detailed description of the damage on the face of the freight bill. Have tire carrier,s agent sign the description. 1 A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I 7 I 8 8 A. B. C. A. B. C. D. SECTION 6. INTERSTITIAL LEAK SENSOB INSTALI,ATION A. Riser Pipe Cap PreparationB. EquipmentPreparationC. Installation of Float Switch in Fiberglass TankD. Installation of Float Switch in Steel TankE. Secure Sensor Installation SECTION 7. PIPING SUMP SENSOR SWITCH INS-TALI,ATION A. GeneralB. Installation SECTION 8. WARRANTY CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Limitations of Liability Inspection !-imitation of Remedy and Warranty . . .Limitation of Damages Limitation of Actions Collateral PromisesInterpretation . . . NOTE: Insist that the carrier's agent verify the inspec-tion and sign the description. l3 l3 l3 t4 T4 rli t4 t4 2. ImmediatclV notifu the dllivering carrier of damage or loss.I'his notifrcation may be given either in person or bvtelephone. Written confirmahon must be maiied within 4"ghours. Railroade and motor carriers are underetandativreluctant to make adjustments for damaged -"r"t ""ai.i,unless inspectcd and reported promptly. * 3. Risk of loss, or damage to merchandise remains with thebuyer. It is the luyer's responsibility to file tcGim;lh ;i;;carrier involved. 4. Immediately a.dvi-se your Veeder-Root representative,distributor, or the factory so that we may asiist you. D. RETURN SHIPPING. All shipments of Veeder-Rootproducts must be prepaid. If the probe is damaged, ""1u*-lt i"rne. onglnal .+i.pp_lrlC - container with shock absorbingmaterial provided. Veeder-Root will accept no liability foi $gmgse caus"3 bv-rltploper-packing. Aaa"i"" itie ship-;J"itoVeeder-ll,oot Cgr_L_?5 Powder Forest Drive, p.O. Bbx 2008,Simsbury, CT 06070-2008. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 16 t6 l6 l6 l6 16 16 I O AppENDrx^ iJBffirll,lEx+If* sHEEr . . . . . . . tZ SECTION 2. SITE PBEPABATION .tlr WABNING: IN INSTALLATION OF TIIIS PBODUCT,2.'I COIIPLY WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTBICALI copn; FEDERAT., srArE, AIIID LocAr, coDES; AND OTIIEB APPLICABLE SAFETY CODES. rlr WARNING: TO PBOTECTYOT BSELFAND OTIIEBSU'i rnou BErNc sTBUCK By vEHICLES DuRrNcI wonr, BLocK oFF yotrn woBK ABEA DTIBINc INSTAII,ATION OR SEBVICE. FAILTIRE TO COMPLY WITH IIIESE WABNINGS COT]LD BEST'LT IN DEATH, SEBIOUS PEBSONAL INJUBY, PBOPERTY LOSS, AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE. A- PBOBE BISER PIPE INSTALLA'UON. (See Figure l, "Capacitance Probe Installation Requirements" and Figure 2, "Magnetostrictive Probe Installation Requirements") IMPORTANT: For maximum height-to-volume accuracy, se- lect the threaded hole closest to the middle of the tank and install a 4-inch riser pipe (ANSI pipe, sch. 40). Standard procedures for installing a fill pipe can be used. Instructions are based on a 4-inch riser pipe, however, the capacitance probes will also flt a S-inch riser. 1. If the tank is buried, excavate the portion of the tank that contains the riser hole. 2. Remove the bung from the hole and install the riser pipe. NOTE: The top of the riser pipe must be threaded to accept a 4 x 8 NPT cap adaPtor ring.IIli Site Preparation and lnstMtion Manual TLS-250i &nd TL$250r Phts! Tank Level Sensing System 3. Install a standard adapter ring and riser cap on the riser Pipe. ^--l NOTE: The cap should be a locking cap, "Evertite" or llii equi ralent, with standard ring adafter. the cap must f Uri drilled and tapped to receive cable grip. (see Section 4.B and Section 5.C). Kits consisting of a 4-inch cap, adaptor ring, and plug for the cap are available from Veeder-Root. For each probe riser, order one Kit Number 3L202O-952. B. SENSOB BISEB PIPE INSTALLATION. (See Figures 3 and 4 for dimensions and installation requirements.) tt:! f.lOfp, If tank is at a tilt, install the sensor in the low fl endofthetank. 1. Standard Procedures for installing a fill pipe can be used. Instructions are based on a 2-inch riser pipe. 2. Ifthe tank is buried, excavate the portion that contains the bungs available to accept a riser pipe. 3. Remove the plug from the hole. Then, install the riser pipe in the hole. The top of the riser must either have a 2-inch- 14NPT pipe thread or accept a standard Schedule 40 2'- l4Ntrl adapter ring (as supplied in Veeder-Root Kit No. 312020-928). Ensure that there is enough clearance be- tween the top of the riser and the manhole cover to allow room for the 2-wire cable supplied with the sensor. ,r.! XOfn, Veeder-Root Riser Cap Kit No. 312020-928 can fl Ue used with either threaded or unthreaded riser pipes' 4. Install a standard adapter ring and/or pipe cap on the riser pipe. In addition, make sure there will be enough clearance between the top of the installed riser cap and manhole cover to allow room for the two-wire probe cable to pro- trude from the cap. - - - I NOTE: Ii ttre ttrreaded adaptor ring is used, install with [^ii prop"r adhesive (ie., TtsC cement). Use thread sealer, f illoi" N)IrEsrvE;when installingine riser cap' o, I tr urtruuuorr -lr MANHoT F I I coNcRETE sLaB r I OR PACXTO EAFIH I 2 COFO GAIP SE^LS I P€R NFPA 30 SUPPIIEOWIIH PROSE Nola: lncrea*thisminimumdimeosaonalthetank diamete. d@s not fratch the probe length. (Erample: A 7'6" dia. bnk will 0E an 8' prcb€ Theexlraprobeheightwillbelodged in re fi*r pipe. whtch must be 6" longer than lhe minimum in orclerto provide room.) Figure2. Magnetostrictive Probe InstallationRequirements (for TLS-205i Plusl systems onlY) NETICF caAtN SE^L seE sHEm€4 Nolai lncrea*lhisminimumaliMsion itthetank diareter dG not match the probe length. (Erample: A 7 6" dia. bnk will u* an 8' probe. The ext6 probe height will be lodged in lhe ris pipe, which mst be 6" longer than the minimum in ord€rto provide r@m.) Figure 1. Capacitance Probe Installation Requirements. a a' Site Preparation and Installation Manual TLS-250i and TLS-250I Phts! Tank Level Sensing System H (o C. Figure 3. Sensor Dimensions and Installation Requirements - Fiberglass Tank. Figure 4. Sensor Dimensions and Installation Requirements - Steel Tank. .2E1 DrA. 4 PLACES PROB€ WIRES ONLY KNOCK- OUTPATTERN 1/2' -44' r.P.s. FRONT KNOCKOUT POWER INPUT 2.WIRE CONNECTION 120 V !c. g)/60 Hz FROM Up TO I PROBES 5 A @r (TOTAL t6 wtRES MAx.) {KEEP SEPARATE FROM PROAE WIRING} t20 V ac POWER INPUT ONLY KNOCKOUT PATTERN PROBE WIRES ONLY KNOCKOUT PATTERN FOR 3/4" - 1" t_P.S.FOR t/2',1 - 3/4" t.P.S Figure 5. Monitor Dimensions and Installation Requirements MONITOB LOCATION SELECTION. WABNING: IMPROPER SYSTEM OPEBATION COTJLD BESTJLT IN INACCT'RAIE INVENI'OBY CON.TBOL OB TJNDETECIED POTENTIAL ENVIBON. MENTAL ND HEALTII IIAZABDS IF PBOBE- AND SENSOB-TO-MONITOB WIBE BI,NS EXCEED 1,000 FEET. BTJNS OVER I,OOO FEET ARE NOT T'L AP. PROVED FOB THIS APPLICATION. PBOBE. AND SENSOB.TO.MONITOB WIRE MUST NOT EXCEED 1,OOO FEET. WARNING: EXPLOSION COULD OCCIJB IF THE MONITOB IS INSTALLED IN A VOI"ATILE, COM- BUSTIBLE OB EXPLOSIVE (CII\SS I, DryISION I OB DIVISION II) ATMOSPHERE. DO NOT INSTALL MONITOB IN A VOII\TILE, COMBUSTIBLE OB EX- PLOSTVE ATMOSPHEBE. FAILTJRE TO COMPLY WITII THESE \ilABNINGScoul,D BESITLT IN DEATII, SERIOUS PEBSONAL INJURY, PBOPEBTY LOSS, AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE. tlt tl Select a mounting location on the inside wall of an en- closed building. Be sure the monitor will be protected from severe vibration, extremes in temperature and humidity, rain, and other conditions which could harm the equip- ment. In addition, consider the ease of routing inter- connection conduit and power conduit when selecting a Iocation for mounting the monitor. 3 ,C, Nl Site Preparation and InslEilation Manual El TLS-250i and TLS_21OL plus! Tank Level sensing system INSTDE CONDI.IIT INSTALI,ATION. Install rigid metal conduit or raceway for monitor poYqr iio* it Jpower panel to the monitor location' Conduit .rit ufign *ith the designated qow.er knockout, as shown in Figur6 5. Power wiring must be installed in a separate conduit from probe wiring. Instalt a wiring trough as shown in Figure 6. Run rigid metal conduit for probe and sensor wiring from ii'," .3"it"i to the wiring tiough, as shown in Figure 5' Conduit must enter the monitor uhereknockouts a'repro' ;AA *; other conduit entry is permitted' Always keep pioL" .nA "ensor wires in a separate conduit or trough from all other wiring. WARNING: EXPLOSION COLILD OCCUR IF OTHER WIBES SIIARE TI^S-250i OR TIS-250i Plus.r PROBE AND SENSOR WIRE CONDUITS OR WTRING TBOUGHS. CONDUITS AND WIRING TROUGHS FBOM PROBES AND SENSORS TO THE MONITOR MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY OTHER WIRES. WARNING: EXPLOSTON AND,/OR EQIIPMENT DAM- AGE COTJLD OCCUR IFCONDTIITSDO NOTENTEB TTTN UONTTOR THROUGH THEIR DESIGNATED PBEFORMED KNOCKOUTS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE WABNINGS COI'LD RESI.]LT IN DEATH, SERIOUS PERSONAL TNJURY, PBOPERTY LOSS, AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE. D. l. 4. Wiring between the probes, sensors and the monitor is desigied such that el-ectrical powertothe p-robe and sen- .or iires is limited so that there is insufficient energ/ present to ignite the fuel. To maintain this safety feature, probe and sensor rvires must be installed in separate cort- buits from all other wiring. Never run these wires in the same conduit or wiring trough as power wires. E. PROBE AND SENSOB CONDI'IIT INSTALI"ATION. l.dr$lr,u;m:,l,lxlt ]P*t'' PruslFour'rank svs- t O rt WARNING: PEOBE- AND SENSOB-TO-MONITORUZ wrnn MUsrNorExcEED l,000FEET. IMPBoPER( svsrnM opERATIoN coulD BESLTLT IN INACCU- RATE INVENTOBY CONTBOL OB UNDETECTED POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH HA. ZARDS IF PROBE. AND SENSOR.TO-MONITOB WIRE RI]NS EXCEED I,OOO FEET. RI.]NS OVER I,OOO FEET ABE NOT I.JL APPROVED FOB THIS APPLICATION.l. Dig trenches as necessaryto install conduit from the mon-- ito"r to each probe and sensor location' Probe and sensor wiring musf enter the monitor through the knockouts focat8a at the right-hand side or bottom of the monitor case, (See Figure 5.) 2. Lay l/2 inch rigid metal conduit from each probe and- .",i.ot Junction-box to a junction box or wiring trough located inside the building. I NOTE: Wiring from separate TLS probes and TLS sensors llSi rnuv be run in the same conduits or troughs providing they f are powered bY the same monitor' rrr WARNING: EXPLOSION COLILD OCCUB IF OTHER u7 wlnes SHABE TI^$250i oR TIs-250i Phts! PRoBE f AND sENSoR wIBE coNDUITS oB wIBING inoucHs. coNDUITS AND wTRING TBoUGHS rNOU PBOBES AND SENSORS TO TIIE MONITOB MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY OTHEB WIBES. Lay a single 3/4 inch rigid metal conduit from the junction box or wlring trough to the TLS monitor location' The conduit can enter the manhole through the bottom or the side, but the end ofthe conduit should be high enough to reduce the chance ofwater covering thejunction box during heavy rain. Run I /2 inch rigid metal conduit between breaker box and TLS monitor location. 2. 3. tVt tlt o 4. ffird ,nr {[r * dMto , fn *-o'rs "ro *.e,"c cotc',"" "s Figure 6. TLS-250i and TLS-250i Ptus!Four-Tank System Wiring Installation Diagram 4 ,^| Site Preparatior. *nd Installation Manual TLS-250i and TLS-250i Plus! Tank Level Sensing System H F. PROBE AND SENSOR JUNCTION BOX INSTAL. |) LATION. (See Figures I and 2.) Install a weatherproof U electrical junction -box with gasketed cover on the end of each conduit run at the probe and sensor locations. Gasketing or sealing compound must be used at each entry to the junction box to ensure a waterproof junction. The interior of the junction box must be a minimum of l6 cubic inches. [Jse one of the following approved units or equivalent: Manufacturer: Appleton Electric Co. l70l W. Wellington Av. Chicago, IL 60657 Phone: (312) 327-7200 Description Parl No.oty Junction Box Cover. Junction Box Gasket. Junction Box J BDX.75 JBK.B JB-GK.V 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Crouse-Hinds Co. Syracuse, NY 13221 Phone: (315) 477-7OOO Oescriplion Parl No-Qtv. Junction Box Cover, Junction Box Gasket. Junction Box GBFX-139 GRF.1O GASK.643 1 1 1 B. POWER WIRE INSTALI"ATION. Pull four (4) color- coded wires for line, neutral, barrier ground (must be #12 AWG or larger) and chassis ground between power panel and TLS Monitor. CAUTION: DO NOT CONNECT POWER SUPPLY WIRES TO A LIVE CIRCUIT UNTIL ALL OTHER PROBE AND MONITOR WIRING IS COMPLETE. C. MOUNTING. (See Figure 5 for dimensions and mount- ing requirements.) l. Locate and mark mounting points (4) at the location selected in 2.C. 1. (See Figure 5, "Monitor Dimensions and Installation Requirements".) BE SURE TO CONSIDER THE WEIGHT OF THE TLS MONITOR AND THE MOUNTING SURFACE MATERIAL WHEN SELECTING A MOUNTING FASTENER. 5. If the fastening device requires an insert in the mounting surface, drill the appropriate holes and install the inserts. Loosen the four slot-head screws on the right and left edges of the front panel and swing the panels open. Locate the hinged intrinsically-safe barrier cover, remove the two scre\l,s and open the cover. (See Figure 7.) Mount the monitor through the four mounting holes in the back of the monitor case. Connect power and probe/sensor conduits in appropriate knockouts. -E__F 4. G. MANHOLE INSTALT.A,TION. ll'l NOTE: Ensure that there is a sufficient amount of f| gravel under the manhole for proper drainage. Install a l4-inch minimum diameter approved manhole at each probe and sensor location. Offset the probe or sensor riser pipes in the manholes for ease of junction box instal- lation and wiring. Leave enough space between thejunction box and the manhole Iiner so that the junction box can be rernoved if necessary. SECTION 3. MONITOR INSTALLATION A. PROBE AND SENSOR WIRING INSTALLATION. Pull two conductors of color-coded, THWN stranded copper wire between the monitor and each probe and sensor location (Since up to four probes and eight sensors will be wired through the single probe wiring conduit, be sure to use a different color-code for each connection). The wires must be of a type designed for use in the presence ofgasoline and oil, and must be between AWG l8 and AWG 14. The conduit must be properly sealed in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFI'A 70) and the Automotive and Marine Service Station Code (NFPA 30A) since they pass from a Class I, Division I or Division II area into a non-hazardous area. 1,! NOTE: Label or color code all held w'iring to ensure f| polarity. I MPORTANT: IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU IDENTIFY AND MAINTAIN THE REI,ATIONSHIP OF INTERSTITIAL AND PIPING SUMP SENSORS TO THEIR POSI. TIONS ON THE TERMINAL STRIP IN THE CON- SOLE DURING THE WIRING PROCEDURE. FAIL. URE TO DO SO COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER IDENTIFICATION OF A LEAK LOCATION! YOU MUST MAINTAIN A VARIFIABLE REI.ATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SENSOBS AND PROBES IN TANKS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS ON THE WIRING STRIP. APPENDIX A PBOVIDES A FORM TO RE. COED DATA TO HELP YOU IDENTIFY THE WIRING SCHEME. 'c Figure 7. IJarrier Cover ) D. tn Site Preparation and Inslir{ation Manual TLS-250i and TLS-2iOi Plus! Tank Level Sensing System POWER WIRING CONNECTIONS. WARNING: IN INSTALT,ATION OFTHIS PRODUCT' COMPLY WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; FEDERAL, STATE' AND LOCAL CODES; AND ANY OTHEB APPLICABLE SAFETY CODES. IN ADDITION, TAKE NECESSARY PBECAT]TIONS DT]B. ING INSTALLATION, SERVICE AND REPAIR TO PREVENT PERSONAL INJUBY, PROPERTY LOSS AND EQI.IPMENT DAMAGE. .th WARNING: TURN OFF POWER TO THE SYSTEM9,/l snpoRE opENING THE FRoNT pANELS Tof av61p sHocK FRoM THE powEn slrppI,y. rN ADDITION, POWER TO THE SYSTEM MUST BE TURNED OFF BEFOBE OPENTNG OB SECURTNG THE BARBIER COVER. IF HIGH VOLTAGE IS SHORT- ED ACROSS ANY BABRIER PROBE TERMINAL, EXPLOSTON OR FIRE COTJLD RESTJLT. Power Supply Rating: Input power: (Ll, N, G); 120 VAC, 50/60h2, l00W Max. Output power: Alarm relay contacts, resistive load -I l5 VAC,2A Max. or,24O VAC,2A Max. or, 24VDC,2A Max. L Connect with # l2 AWG (or larger) conductor the Barrier Ground (Terminal 5 on the power supply wiring strip) to the earth ground bus on the power panel being used to supply AC line voltage to the TLS-250i or TLS-250| PLus! monitor. ---l NOTE: If connecting to a subpanel, be sure there is anllii au.tt Ground connection between the subpanel andf tfre ."in po*u, panel in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 2. Connect the power wires to terminals Ll and N on the line filter located in the monitor. 3. Connect a chassis ground wire between the power panel Earth Ground and the middle terminal of the line filter (Chassis Ground). This ground connection does NOT provide adequate ground protection for the barrier mo- dule. The instructions contained in Paragtaph I must be followed regerdless ofwhat other ground connections are installed. 4. Connect the power supply wires in the power panel to a separate dedicated breaker. 5. Check to be sure that the electrical resistance between Barrier Ground (Terminal 5) and a known good Earth Ground is less than I ohm. E. PROBE AND SENSOR WIRING CONNECTIONS. l. Connect the two color-coded wires from each probe and sensor to the appropriate terminals on the barrier. (See Figure 8, "Probe and Sensor Barrier Strip.") 2. Close barrier cover and tighten screws. F. ALARM RELAY WIRING. The TLS-250i and TLS-250I P1zs./ have two programmable alarm relays. Terminals ( I, 2, 3 and 4) are provided on the power supply strip to connect these relays to external alarm systems or devices. (See Figure 9, "External Alarm and External Input Wiring Diagram.") Arry or all of the TLS-250i or TLS-250i Plus! alarm indicators carr be programmed to trigger one or both alarm relays. (See TLS-250i and TLS-250i PJaslOperating Manual, "Alarm Relay Con figu ration," for programming instructions. ) I. To utilize Alarm Relay # l, connect the external device to n terminals I and 2 on the power supply strip iaccordance rvith Figure 9, "External Alarm and External Input Wiring Diagram," and with instructions furnished with external device. 6 ]|,,",o* *I..n.oo .J ]],,.,", ! . l ttnto^ t I ', *.on.l -' I., *.o* -J tI..n.,ro -l Figure 8. Probe and Sensor Barrier Strip 2. To utilize Alarm Relay #1, connect the external device to terminals 3 and 4 on the power supply strip in accordance with Figure 9, "External Alarm and External Input Wiring Diagram," and with instructions furnished rvith external device- DO NOTCONNECTAI.ARM RET.AYSTOA DEVICE THAT DRAWS MORE TTIAN 2A! NOTE: Output power: Alarm relay contact, resistive load - I l5 VAC, 2,A' max.; or 240 VAC, 2A max.; or 24 VDC, 2A max. IVARNING: AI.ARM RELAYS CANNOT BE USED FOR FLOW CONTEOL. AI,ARM RET.AYS PROVIDE ONLY A MOMENTABY CLOSI.IRE AND CANNOT ACTUATE FLOW CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS VALVES AND PUMP MOTOB REI,AYS. G. EXTERNAL INPUT lryIRING. The TLS-250i and TLS- 25Oi Plus!can accept a dry-contact switch closure input from an external device such as a line leak monitor or monitoring well. I. Connect a shielded cable consisting of two l8 AWG con- ductors between terminals 2 and 3 on the TB- I of the main board and the customer-supplied dry contact switch (see Figure 9). iul "l t1l ,s I ,r l-ll'l 10l --,1 I 7 6 5 4 3 2 ,l IIji w 2. Ground the cable shield to terminal 3 on the TB-1 of the main board. Site Freparar- -.r and Installation Menu&l TIS-250i and TLS-250I Plw! Tank Level Sensing System H o Figure 9. External Alarm and External Input Wiring Diagram H. EIA BS-232INTEBFACE. The EIA RS-232 interface is designed to connect to modems for transmission of data over telephone lines. It can be used for direct local attachment of terminals if the run is no more than 50 feet. In practice, cable runs longer than 50 feet have performed satisfactorily; how- ever, since the RS-232 specification requires operation up to 50 feet, direct connect cable runs greater than 50 feet are not warranteed for proper operation. .th IVARNING: RS-232 CABLE BIrNS LONGERTIIAN 60'Yl Co[,LD BESIJLT IN DATA ERRoBS oB CoMPo.T NENT DAMAGE oB BoTII. I. PEBIPHERAL EQTIIPMENT REQTIIBEMENTS. Any peripheral equipment connected to the RS-232 serial port must meet the following criteria: l. Peripheral equipment must be UL listed. 2. The equipment must have an EIA standard RS-232C or RS-232D communications protocol. 3. The equipment must NOT be installed over a hazardous area. SECTION 4. CAPACITANCE PROBE INSTALI"ATION ...1 NOTE: Series 7842 "Cap 0" Digital Sensing Probe may !tl| be used with the standard TLS-250i systems or ther TLS-250i PJuslsystem. The series 8472"Cap 1", Digital Sensing Probe may only be used with the TLS-250i Plzsl system. .IIt IVABNING: TO PBOTECT YOIJBSEI,F AND OTHEBS fu{ rnou BEING sTBUCK By vEHrcLEs DTJBTNG. WOBK, BLOCK OFF YOTIB WOBK ABEA DTJBING INSTALI.A'TION AIYD SEBVICE. .Ih IVARNING: TO AVOID ELECTBICAL SHOCK fu! wtttctt corJLD KrLL you, BE st BE AC powERI TO THE TLS MONITOB IS OFF DUBING INSTALI"ATION. A. TANK DIAMETEB MEAST]BEMENT. Perform the following procedure to ensure that probes are installed in the proper tanks (see Figure 10, -Iank Diameter Measurement"). Inaccurate readings will result if probes are not the correct length for the given tank diameter. 1. Measure the distance from the bottom ofthe tank to the top of the probe riser pipe (a). 2. Measure the distance from the bottom ofthe probe riser pipe to the top of the probe riser pipe (b). 3. Subtract (b) from (a) to determine the correct tank di- ameter (c). Figure 10. Tank Diameter Measurement. 4. Make sure the probe length (Dimension "A", Figure ll, 'Capacitance Probe Dimensions" is correct for the tank diameter. t'di NOTE: The cable shield should be grounded ONLY at terminal 3 on the TB-1 of the main board - NOTAT THE SUITCH END! RECEIVE TRANSMIT AUX. RECEIVE PRINT COMMON +r2 v-Dc 2.5 mA MAX. ALARM RELAY I ALARM RELAY 2 Figure I l. Capacitance Probe Dimensions. Site Preparation and ro"thlltion Manual TI,S-26fi and TLS'26Oi Phts! Tank Level Sensing System \, ! n. BISEBPIPECAPPBEPABATToN. r8 N.P.T. +.062 1.625 Figure 12. Probe Riser Cap Modification. C. INSTALI.ATION. Install each probe as follows (see Figure 13, "Capacitance Probe Installation Requirements"). rt WARNING: TOAVOIDELECTBICALSHOCKWHICHIZ coul,D KILLyou, BE suRE AC PowERTo rHE? moNtton Is oFF DLIRING rNsrALr"arIoN. l. Turn OFF power to the TLS-250i or TLS-250i Plzsl system. CAUTION: DO NOT INSTALL THE PROBE IF ANY LIQUID OTHER THAN THE PRODUCT TO BE DIS. PENSED IS IN THE TANK. FAILURE TO COMPLY CAN RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE, INACCURATE INVENTORY CONTROL, OR UNDETECTED POTEN. TIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH HAZARDS. The riser pipe cap must have a %'tapped ho-le for na'ssagg 9! proUe *ire". Capkits with pre-drilled holes^for a standard 4' iiser pipe are available from Veeder-Root. Order Kit Number 3l2O2O-952, one for each Probe. If a kit has not been ordered, perform the following: rIT WARNING: DO NOT PEBFOBM DBILLING AND 97t rltpptNc pBocEDuBEs rN A HAzABDous ABEA.f pp111,1NG AND TAPPTNG cAN cAUsE SPARKS AND IGNITE VOI"ATII,E FTIMES AND LIQTIIDS FOT.IND IN A CI"ASS I, GBOI]P D IIAZABDOUS LO- CATION. FAILT'BE TO COMPLY COT]LD BESTJLT IN DEATII, SEBIOUS PEBSONAL INJT]BT PBOPEBTY LOSS AND EQTIIPMENT DAMAGE. 1. Use a standard 4'tank locking cap, "Evertite" or equiva- lent, with standard ring adaPtor. 2. Drill and tap the cap for a il/e x l8 NPT cord grip thread (see Figure 12,'Probe Riser Cap Modification"). 3. Install awater-tight cable bushing in the 3A'threaded hole in the top ofthe cap. Use an appropriate thread sealant to ensure water-tightness. Also install a water-tight cable bushing in the probe junction box in a similar manner' Figure 13. Capacitance Probe Installation Requirements' 2. Make sure any liquid other than the product to be dispensed has been pumped out of the tank. CAUTION: CAPACITANCE PROBES CONTAIN A GLASS CYLINDER WHICH CAN BE BROKEN IF THE PROBES ARE DROPPED OR STRUCK DURING HAN. DLING AND INSTALLATION. IN ADDITION, ALL PROBES ARE SENSITIVE MEASURING DEVTCES AND SHOULD BE HANDLED CAREFULLY AT ALL TIMES. CAUTION: HANDLE PROBESCAREFULLY! STRIKING OR DROPPING PROBE WILLRESULT IN LOSSOFCAL- IBRATION AND COULD CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE. 3. Be sure there is no sludge in the bottom of the tank' Sludge can clog the water-entry hole near the bottom ofa capacitance probe, resulting in inaccurate water height readings from the Probe. 4. Attach the probe cable connector to the mating plug on the top of the probe. Be sure the connector is attached securely by hand tightening the locking ring. 5. Hook the open end link of the strain relief chain to the attachment point provided on the probe cable. Crimp the link closed to prevent accidental detachment. 6. Carefully lower probe into the riser pipe until it gently touches the bottom. 7.Feed the two-wire probe cabte (furnished with each probe) up through the cap bushing and in through the junction -box bushing. Leave enough slack in the cable between the cap and junction box to allow the cap to easily reach the riser pipe. In addition,leave enough slack under the riser cap to permit connection to the probe and to allow the probe to rest on the bottom ofthe tank' I tt' xrtruuu ore IMANrc(E Itl cNeEYE s^B I I @PAC([O t^Ali I Z CGOCCTpS:ets I 4q NrpA & supplt€O ura mO6E Jurclr@ @x uTn r!6 CUBC rrcH s4c arsEB orMErsroil$oulo6E a ro- IHE rcIiOM Of s*ouLa 4 cAPACTTANCI Pf,OBE Noia: lrccethis minimum dimensioo il lhe tank diafiEter d@3 not maich lhe probe length' tf{molG: A 7 6' dia lank wrll u9 an 8' ;rcbe. Ths €xtra grobe heighl wi I I b€ lodged ;o the rier pipe. whrch musl b€ 6" longer thanlheminimum in ord€rto provider@m ) O ^Site Preparatirrn and Installation Manual TLS-250i and TLS-250i Plus/ Tank Level Sensing System lltht 8. Using wiring nuts, connect the wires from the probe cable to the probe field wires in the junction box (see Figure 14, 'T\.vo-Wire Probe Field Wiring Diagram"). Be sure to ob- serve proper polarity between the probe and monitor wiring during installation. llil NorE: sEAL wrRE NUT coNNECTToNS AT THrs f TIME USING epoxysealant, furnished with each probe. WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX(I PER PROBE) Figure 14. TWo-Wire Probe Field Wiring Diagram. 9. Tighten the cable bushing nuts on the probe riser cap andjunction box to ensure a water-tight seal at the probe cable entry. 10. Secure the riser locking cap to the top ofthe riser pipe. A padlock may be installed for added security. 329394{03 Ballast Ring D1 used with: ethanol, jet fuel, kerosene, dieeel #2, methanol, M85 The following liquids do not use a water float, as water is not measurable in the liquid: ethylene glycol (antifreeze), wastewater, windshield washer fluid, waste oil. 3. To inetall ballaat ring on the water float: a. Press in the three tabe on the water float mounting tube above the water float, and elide the water float over the top of the tube. See Figures 15 and 16. Figure 15. Water Float. SECTION 5. MAGNETOSTRICTIVE PBOBE INSTALI"ATION (for use with TLS-250i Plw! only) .III WARNING: TO PBOTECTYOTJBSELFAND OTHEBS V/I FRoM BEING sTRUCK BY VEHICLEs DTJBINGI WORK, BLOCK OFF YOUB WOBK AREA DT]RING INSTALI.ATION AND SERVICE. .llt WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK fi wtttclu coul,D KILL you, BE suBE AC pownn-I TO THE TLS MONTTOB IS OFF DURING INSTALII\TION. CAUTION: FLOATS MUST BE AT BOT,IOM OF PROBE SHAFT BEFORE STANDING THE PROBE UPRIGHT. SIGNIFICANT FUEL AND WATER FLOAT DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF FLOATS ARE ALLOWED TO FALL PREELY DOWN PROBE SHAFT. A. FLOATASSEMBLIES 1. Remove the probe, fuel float and water float from the pack- ing material. Place the probe on its eide. 2. lVater Float Ballast Ringe: Ballaet rings muet be added to the water float of magneto- etrictive probes to ensure proper float action. The ring type varies with the fluid being meaeured. Float ballaet rings are available for the following liquids: 329394-001 Ballast Ring Gl used with: aviation gas, regular unleaded gasoline, premium unleaded gasoline, leaded gasoline, gasohol 329394{02 Ballast Ring Ll ueed with: motor oil, toluene, xylene, fuel oil il4, gear oil 90W, hydraulic oil, tranemission fluid, turbine oil Figure 16. Water Float Disassembles and Ballast Ring. b. Slide the product ballaet ring over the top of the water float mounting tube. ...1 NOTE: The ballast ring must be placed over the watertlii:f il",::il?',lH#il'l:,1;lH'*t's',xtT[:'' c. Slide the water float over the top of the water float mounting tube and press until the tabe enap to secure the water float. See Figure 12. 31;l NOffr To modify the water float assembly for liquids!f where water meaeurement is not possible: a. Press in the three locking tabs on the water float mounting tube and elide the water float up off of the tube. See Figures 15 and 16. b. Only the water float mounting tube will be used inplace of the water float aesembly for the products where water measurement is not possible (See Figure 20). WATER FLOAT MOUNTING TUBE LOCKING ,TABS BALLAST RING r(oRoER\ SEPARATELY) - Site Preparation and InstEllation TLS-250i and TLS-21Oi Plus! Tank Manual Level Sensing SYstem WATER FLOAT WATER FLOAT MOUNTING TUBE BALLAST RING Probe Assembly for Products Requiring Water Measurement Figure 19 Figure 17. Water Float Assembly. 4. Turn the black plastic boot at the bottom of the probe shaft lz'4 turn, and firmly pull from the probe' (See Figure 18, "Removal of Boot from Probe Shaft.") 5. Gently slide the fuel float onto the probe shaft, magnet-side up. Th" float should move freely on the probe shaft' (See Figu.e 19, "Probe Assembly for Products Requiring Water MLsurement," or Figure 20, "Probe Assembly for Products not Requiring Water Measurement'") NOTE: The luel ['lotrt tti ust lre placed magnet side u p ttr effectivety measure luel. 'l'he magnet is lot'ated in rhe narrow cylindrit'al etttl of the fuel float The uider ta- pered etrd is th<'bottotn ol tht'fltlirt. Figure 20. Probe Assembly for Products not Requiring Water Measurement' 6. Gently slide the water float or the water float mounting- tube onto the probe shaft, magnet-end first, ballast-end last. The float oi tube should move freely on the probe shaft' (Refer to l'igures 19 and 20.) IIJi t]E STIItE TO SLIDI.]'I'IIE MAGNE'I'F]ND OF..IHi] FLOA] ON FIRST! CAUTION: INSTALl.'lH!l F l,OAl'S MAGNEl''SIDI'l [.P IF'IHI.]\' ARF] INS'I\I-I,t.]I) INC()RRF](Il'LY. IN(-0R. ItEC'f FI IF]L HI.]IGII'f .\NI) WATF]Ii HEIGTI'T RI']ADI\C}S \\'ILL ITESI.'I,'I. CAIITION: WHEN sLll)lNGTHE FLOAT ONTO THE I'ROI]F] SHAF"|, I}E C.{ITEI.'[II, NOT TO I}IIF]AK AN\' OF .I'HE MAGNE'I' RI'TL]\1'IoN F-INGERS. T}IIS (]OL-Lt) RESIJL'| IN IMI'IIOPEIi MOVEME\T OF'I}IE F'LOAT AND INACCT]RATE READI NGS. ?. Replace the boot, and turn until the boot's bosses snapinto the probe detents. (Refer to Figure 19 or 20') 8. Gentty slide the floats to the bottorn of the prtlbe shaft' CAUTION: WITEN SLIDING'lHFl I"LOAT ONTO THE PROt]E STIAFT, BE CAREFT]L NOT TO I]REAK ANY OF THE MAGNET RETENTION I"INGEIIS. 'IHIS COULD RESI'L'I IN IMI'ROPER MO\'EMENT OF THE FLOAT AND INACCLiRATE READINGS. CAUTION: FLOATS \{L'ST llE AT IIO'I"I'OM OF PRO}IE SHAFI' uOFORFI STA.T"DING THE I'ROUE IIPRIGHT' SIGNIFICANT FUEL AND WA'TER FLOAT DAMAGE WILL OCCL]R IF FLOATS ARE ALI,OWED TO FALL FREELY DOWN PROBE SHAF"I Figure 18. Removal of Boot from Probe Shaft' 10 e ll ^Site Preparau-rr &nd Installation Manual TI^S-250i and TLS-260i PtuslTank Level Sensing System H B. TANK DIAMETER MEASTJBEMENT. Perform the following procedure to ensure that probes are installed in the proper tanks (see Figure 21,.,Iank Diameter Measurement"). Inaccurate readings will result if probes are not the correct length for the given tank diameter. l. Measure the distance from the bottom ofthe tank to the top ofthe probe riser pipe (a). 2. Measure the distance from the bottom of the probe riser pipe to the top of the probe riser pipe (b). 3. Subtract b from a to determine the correct tank diameter (c). PROEE RISER PIPE Figure 21. Tank Diameter Measurement. 4. Make sure the probe length (Figure Z2,"Magnetostrictive Probe Dimensions') is correct for the tank diameter. C. BISERPIPECAPPBEPARATION. The riser pipe cap must have a 3/8" tapped hole for passageof probe wires (see Figure 28, "probe Riser Cap Mbdific;-tion"). Cap kits with pre-drilled holes for a standard 4" riserpipe are available from Veeder-Root. Order Kit Number 3l2O2O-952, one for each probe. Figure 23. Probe Biser Cap Modification. If a kit has not been ordered, perform the following: .l[ TVARNING: DO NOTPEBFOBMDBILLING, FILING, rA GRINDING AI\ID TAPPING PBOCEDT'BES IN A IIA.I ZABDOUS ABEA. DBII-I-ING, FILING, GBINDING AND TAPPING CAN CAUSE SPABKS AND IGNIIE VoLATTLE FImES AND LIQUIDS FOUND IN A oLASS I, cBotrp D IIAZABDOUS LOCATION. FAIL UBE TO COMPLY COI'LD BESI.ILT IN DEATH, SERIOUS PEBSONAL INJUBE PBOPEBTY LOSS AND EQTIIPMEI\I'T DAMAGE. l. Use a standard 4'tank locking cap, "Evertite" or equiva- lent, with standard ring adaptor (without lugs). 2. Check for lugs on the ring adaptor. Ifpresent, these lugs will interfere with the float installation and the adaptor ring must be replaced or modified (see Figure 24, "Ring Adaptor Modification"). To modiS the ring, first remove it from the HAZARDOUS are4 then file or grind offthe lugs. Once the floats fit, install adaptor on riser pipe. Drill and tap the cap for a B/8 x l8 NpT cord grip thread (see Figure 2g "Probe Riser Cap Modification"). Install a water-tight cable bushing in the B/g, threaded hole in the top of the cap. Use an appropriate threadsealant to ensure water-tightness. Also initatt a water_tight cable bushing in the probe junction box in a similar manner. Figure 24. Ring Adaptor Modification. A = LENGTH OF PHOBE (Tank l.D.) 4' (1.22 ml 5' (1.52 m) 5'.4" (1.62 m) 6' (1.83 m) 2.0 m7' (2.13 m) 7',6" (2.28 ml 8' (2.44 m) 2.5 m 9' (2.74 ml 3.0 m10' (3.05 m) 10'6" (s.20 m) 1 l' (3.35 m) 3.5 m Figure 22. Magnetostrictive Probe Dimensions. v Site Preparation and Installation Manual TLS-250i and TLS-2ioDi Plus! Tank Level Sensing System D. INSTALI"ATION. Install each probe as follows (see F igure 25, "Magnetostrictive Probe Installation Requirements'): Figure 25. Magnetostrictive Probe Installation Requirements. WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK WHICH COI]LD KILL YOU, BE SI.JBE AC POWEB TO TIIE MONITOB IS OFF DTJRING INSTALI.A.TION. 1. Turn OFF Power to the TLS system' Make sure any liquid other than the product to be dispensed has been pumped out ofthe tank' Be sure there is no sludge in the bottom of the tank' Studge can interfere with proper operation of the water float. CAUTION: HANDLE PROBES CAREFULLY! STRIKING oi onopptNc PRoBE wtLL RESULT IN Loss oF cAL- TSREITON AND COULD CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE. Attach the probe cable connector to the mating plug on ln" top of tire probe' Be sure the connector is attached """r'rt"ly by hand tiShtening the locking ring on the probe cable connector. 6. Hook the open end link of the strain relief chain to the attachmeni point provided on the probe cable' Crimp the Iink closed to prevent accidental detachment' Place floats at bottom of probe before standing the probe on end. SPEC MAGNgTOSTEICTIVEt Pao6E Not€: lncrea$ this minimum dimension if the tank diameier d@s not malch lhe probe length' ieiamole I 7 6" dr! Enk will ue an 8 ;;obe. The extra pro* heighl will m bdged ;n lre rr*r orE. whrch must be 6'longer than the mrnimum rn or@r lo prdr(b r@m') CAUTION: HANDLE PBOBES CAREFULLY! STRIK. ING OR DROPPING PROBE WILL RESULT IN LOSS OT CELTENETION AND COULD CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE. CAUTION: DO NOT ALLOW PROBE TO FREEFALL ENOUON SHARPLY IMPACT THE BOTTOM OF THE TN,NX. SHOCKTO THE PROBE FOOTWILL RESULT IN SE!'ERE PROBE DAMAGE. Carefully lower probe into the riser pipe until the boot rests on the bottom ofthe tank. 7. 8.Feed the two-wire probe cable (furnished with each pr.U"l up through the cap bushing- an-d i1 through the iunction Uox UuJtring. Leave enough slack in the cable tetween the cap and junction box to allow the cap to "."ifyt"*t the iiser pipe. In addition, leave enough slack under the riser cap to pLrmit connection to the probe and to allow the probe to rest on the bottom of the tank' Using wiring nuts, connect the wires from the probe cable to it Z ptoUJfield wires in the junction box Q9e Figure 26' fVo-Wi." Probe Field Wiring Installation Diagram")' Be sure to to observe proper polarity between the probe and monitor wiring auling installation' The conduit must be properly seale-d in accordance with the National Electri- "a boAe (NFPA 70) and the Automotive and Marine Service Station Code (NFPA 30A) since they pass from a Ctass t, Division I or Division II area into a non-hazardous area. 9. t2 2. WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX (1 PER PROEE) TO MONITOB Figure 26. Ttvo-Wire Probe Field Wiring Installation Diagram. :i3.j fl ,.} q IIJi NOTE: SEAL WIRE NUT CONNECTIONS AT THIS TIME USING epoxysealant, furnished with each probe' I 0. Tighten the cable bushing nuts on the probe riser cap and juiction box to ensure i water-tight seal at the probe cable entry. I l. Secure the riser tocking cap to the top of the riser pipe' A padlock may be installed for added security' 4. t2 ^Site Preparatior. and Installation Manual Nf TLS-250i and TLS-260I Phts! Tank Level Sensing System El C. SECTION 6. INTERSTITIAL LIQTIID SENSOB INSTALI,ATIONA- BISER PIPE CAP PBEPABATION. The riser pipe cap must have a l/2'-14 NPT tapped hole for pzrssage of sensor wires. Kits with pre-drilled caps are available from Veeder- Root. Order Kit No. 312020-928, one for each sensor. qi I"?T' Kit No' 3t2020'e28 is ror a standard 2-inch B. EQUPMENTPREPARATION. ...1 NOTE: The wires between the monitor and each inter-lll? stitial sensor switch location must be of a type designedlf for use in the presence of gasoline and oil, and must be between AWG 14 and AWG 18. The conduit must be properly sealed in accordance with the National Elec- trical Code (NF PA 70) and the Automorive and Marine Service Station Code (NFpA B0A) since they pass from a Class I, Division I or Division II area into a nonha- zardous area. .lll WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTBICAL SHOCK vll wIJtcIil coULD KrLL yOU, BE SURE AC POWEB TOI THE MONITOR IS OFF DTIRING INSTALI,ATION. l. Turn OFF power to the TLS-2b0i or TLS-2b0i plzslsystem. 2. Make sure no liquid is present in the annular space. ,,,t NOTE, Do not install the sensor if any liquid is present $| Xi"rff "nnular space. Failure to comily will Iead to an INSTALI.ATION OT FLOAT SWITCH IN FIBERGI,ASS TANK. To ensure the sensor will reach the bottom ofthe annular space, the splice between the leader cable and the sensor must be I foot from the bottom of the riser pipe (refer to Figure 3). First measure the sensor riser pipe from the bottom ofthe pipe to the top. Subtract I foot from the riserpipe measurement, then measure that distance up the leader cable from its connection to the sensor; mark the leader cable. The leader cable will be secured in the cordgrip at the point that is marked. CAI.ITION: DO NOT USE A KNIFE OR OTHER SHARP OBJECT TO MARK THE LEADER CABLE. MARK THE DISTANCE WITH A MARKER, TAPE, OR A TWIST TIE. fIOTE: To ensure proper operation of the float switch, it is important that you order and install the correctly sized sensor in your fiberglass tank. This ensures the float switch will rest as close as possible to the bottomofthe tank annulus. Refer to Figure B. 2. Feed the sensor into the riser pipe until the sensor reaches the top cavityofthe tank and rests at the beginningofthe annulus, as shown in Figure 2?. NOTE: The sensor's float is designed with a bend tocontrol direction of installation in your tank annulus. Red dots are painted on the top ofthe switch and 4 feet up rences during installation. When installing the sen- sor, the sensor, as position refethe switch will first appear to be upside-down, with the dot on the switch facing the bottom (see Figure 27). "fhe switch will rest right-side-up at the bottom ofthe tank (see Figure 2g),with the reference dots facing in toward the tank. NOTE: PULL-COBD INSTALLATION METHOD. To en- sure proper installation ofthe sensor using a pull-cord, the reference marking 4 feet up the sensor should facetoward the pull-cord. An eyelet has been provided atthe end of the sensor switch for pull-cord installation (see Figure 27). POSITION REFERENCE DOT (RED) 4 FEET FROM SENSOR SWITCH PULL CORD PULL-CORD EYELET POSITION REFERENCE DOT (RED) Figure 27. Sensor Switch Position at Top of Tank Annulus Annulus Before continuing, veriff correct switch positioning by connecting an ohm meter to the two-wire cable of theinterstitial sensor. The ohm meter should read 0 ohms(continuity) at this point. If the meter reads l00k ohms,the float switch is in the wrong position and must be reinstalled correctly. If the switch reads 0 ohms, continue to feed the switch into the annular space, until the switch reaches the bottom of the tank (the splice between the sensor and leader cable should be I foot from the bottom ofthe riser pipe). Verify the switch is in the correct position by connecting the ohm meter to the two-wire cable. The ohm meter wi.ll read 100k ohm if the sensor is properly installed. o, a IIJi rrf, IIdi 3. 4. 5. POSITION REFERENCE DOT (RED) PULL-CORD EYELET Figure 28. Sensor Switch Position at Bottom of Tank l3 lf Site Preparation and Instalh#oo Manual fil TIS-250i and TLS-26OL Pltts! Tank Level Sensing System D. INSTALI,ATION OF FLOAT SWITCH IN STEEL TANK. l. To be sure the sensor will reach the bottom of the annular space, first measure the sensor riser pipe from the bottom of the pipe to the top. Then measure the same distance up the leader cable from its connection to the sensing ele- ment and mark the leader cable. CAUTION: DO NOT USE A KNIFE OR OTHER SHARP OBJECT TO MARK THE LEADER CABLE. MARK THE DISTANCE WITH A MARKER, TAPE, OR A TWIST TIE. 2. Lower the float switch assembly into the riser pipe until the float switch touches the bottom of the tank. Refer to Figure 4. 3. Keeping the cable taught, secure the sensor assembly in place by attaching the griP cord. ...1 NOTE: The float switch assembly should not hang by lliil the cable, but should rest lightly on the bottom of the!r sanft supporced by the cable. E. SECI]RE SENSOB INSTALI,ATION. l. Secure the riser cap to the riser pipe. 2. Tighten the cable bushing nuts on the riser cap andjunc- tion box to ensure a water-tight seal at the cable entry. 3. Using wire nuts, connect the two-wire sensor cable to the field wires in the sensor junction box. Be sure to observe color codes for proper polarity hookup to the TLS moni- tor. (Refer to Figure 29, '"TLS-250i and TLS-2501 Plus! Four-Tank (Direct-Connect) Systems Sensor Wiring Instal- lation Diagram.") (Direct-Connect) System Sensor Wiring Installation Diagram NOTE: DO NOT SEAL WIRE NLIT CONNECTIONS AT THIS TIME. Epoxy sealant, furnished with each sensor, should only be installed after warranty check- out by an authorized Veeder-Root TLS/ILS distributor. SECTION 7. PIPING STJMP SENSOB S\MITCH INSTALI,ATION The sump sensor switch comes with the following hardware necessary to mount it within the piping sump: I - PVC Mounting Sleeve I - Aluminum 90o Mounting Bracket I - Cord GriP 2 - #6'20 (0.312'long) Sheet Metal Screws A. GENERAL. The sump sensor switch can be mounted in either of two ways: - on the sensor junction box using the mountin$ bracket and sleeve supplied (Figure 30) or, - by cementing the PVC mounting sleeve directly to the side of a fiberglass containment sump (Figure 3l). Before you install the sump sensor switch, there are several important requirements to consider. l. The sump sensor switch must be positioned as close to the containment sump outer wall as possible. 2. The sump sensor switch must be mounted as far away from the submersible pump as possible to minimize the risk of fuel contacting and contaminating the sensor while the pump is being serviced. 3. The sump sensor switch must be mounted in a true verti cal position to ensure proper operation ofthe float switch contained inside. There must be at least one inch of clearance between the bottom of the mounting sleeve and the base of the sump. The sump sensor switch, when installed, must rest on the base of the sump. Make sure no liquid exists in the piping sump. To mount the sump sensor switch using the mounting bracket (Figure 30): Attach the mounting bracket to the mounting sleeve using the two #6-2O 0.312" long screws furnished. NOTE: Screw holes drilled in the mounting sleeve are closer to one end than the other. Check the distance from the top of the junction box to the bottom of the sump to determine which way you will mount the bracket. You must leave some space between the bot- tom of the mounting sleeve and the base of the sump. B. INSTALI"ATION. .rh WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK 9,/l wlttctt cot LD KrLL You, BE suBE AC PowEB Toff trrB MoNIToR Is oFF DT RING INSTALLATIoN. 1. Turn OFF power to the TLS-250i or TLS-250i Ptzslsystem. -rh CAUTION: DO NOT INSTALL THE SUMP SENSOR III swTTCH IF THERE IS ANY LIQUID IN THE PIPING* suvrp. FAILURE To coMpl.y cAN RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE OR UNDETECTED POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH HAZARDS. ll 4. 5. .,I P 2. 3. IIJi WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX (1 PER PROBE) 1/2" RtGtD CONDUIT Figure 29. TLS-250i and TLS-250i Plzs.r Four-Tank )4 ^ b. Remove one of the plugs from the top of the junction box. c. Position the mounting bracket on top of the junction box aligning the hole in the bracket with the threaded hole in the box. d. Install and slightly tighten the cord grip to hold the mounting bracket in position. Turn the bracket so the mounting sleeve is as close to the outer sump wall as possible and fully tighten the cord grip. e. If necessary, carefully bend the mounting bracket so that the mounting sleeve is in a true vertical position. Using a level, check the mounting sleeve to conhrm that it is vertical. f. Carefully slide the sump sensor switch into the mounting sleeve until it rests on the sump base. g. Feed the leader cable through cord grip on thejunction box. h. Tighten the cord grip nut to ensure a water-tight seal at the cable entry. i. Using wire nuts, connect the two-wire cable to the field wires in the sensor junction box. Be sure to observe color codes to maintain proper polarity hookup with the TLS monitor. Refer to Figure 6,'TLS-250i and TLS- 25Oi Plus! Four-Tank System Wiring Installation Diagram." ...1 NOTE: DO NOT SEAL WIBE NUT CONNECTION [!|r mrn EPoxY AT THIS TIMEI Epoxy sealant fur-r nished with each sump sensor switch should be installed only after warranty checkout by an autho- rized Veeder-TLS distributor. 4. To mount the sump sensor switch by cementing the PVC mounting sleeve to the sump wall (fiberglass sumps only) (Figure 31): a. Select a position for the mounting sleeve in the sump as far away from the submersible pump as possible. NOTE: The mounting sleeve must be mounted far enough into the sump to allow the sump sensor switch, when installed, to rest on the base of the sump and be mounted at least one inch up from the base. b. Mark a line on the sump wall indicating the top of the mounting sleeve. c. Apply cement approved for use with PVC and the sump wall material generously in a line running the complete length ofthe sleeve. d. Using a level, position the sleeve vertically at the mark indicated on the sump wall and press it firmly to the side of the sump. BE SUBE THE SLEEVE IS VEBTICAL. e. Hold the sleeve in position until the cement has hardened. f. Install and connect the sump sensor switch following instructions in Section 7.B.3.f. through 7.8.3.i. Site Preparation &nd Installation Manual TLS-260i end TLS-260i PlnslTank Level Sensing System H o LEADER CABLE SUMP WALL JUNCTION BOX Figure 30. Tlpical Bracket Mounting Figure 31. Mounting Sleeve Cemented to Sump Wall IIJi 15 Site Preparation and l\gtatlation Manual TLS-250i and TLS-2IoOL Ptrts! Tank Level Sensing System SECTION 8. WARBANTY CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY A. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. We warrant that this product will be free from defects in material and workman- ship for a period of one ( I ) year from the date of installation or fifteen ( l5) months from date of invoice, whichever occurs hrst. During the warranty period, we or our representative will repair or replacd the product, if determined by us to be defective, at the location where the product is in use and at no charge to the purchaser. We shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the user. This warranty applies only when the product is installed in accordance lvith Veeder-Root's specifications, and a War- ranW Beglistration and Checkout Form has been filed with Veeder-Root by an authorized Veeder-Root Distributor. This warranty will not apply to any product which has been sub- jected to misuse, negligence, or accident; or misapplied; or used in violation of product manuals, instructions or warn- ings; or modified or repaired by unauthorized persons; or improperly installed. B. INSPECTION. You shall inspect the product promptly after receipt and shall notify us at our Simsbury office in writing of any claims, including claims of breach of warranty, within thirty days after you discover or should have dis- covered the facts upon which the claim is based. Your failure to give written notice of a claim within the time period shall be deemed to be a waiver of such claim. C. LIMITATIONOFREMEDYANDWARRANTY. Thepro- visions of Paragraph A are our sole obligation and exclude all / other remedies or warranties, ex press or implied, including \1'arran- ties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTI- CULAR PURPOSE, whether or not purposes or specifications are described herein. We further disclaim any responsibility whatsoever to you or to any other person for injury to person or damage to or loss of property or value caused by any product which has been subjected to misuse, negligence, or iccident; or misapplied; or used in violation o[ product man- uals, instructions or warnings; or modified or repaired by unauthorized persons; or improperly installed. D. LIMITATIONSOF DAMAGES. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages, losses or expenses arising from this contract or its perfoimance or in connection with the use of, or inability to use, this product for any purpose whatsoever. E. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. No action regardless of form arising out of this contract may be commenced more than one year after the cause of action has accrued, except an action for nonpaYment. F. COLLATEBAL PROMISES. There are no representa- tions, warranties, or conditions express or implied, stat utory or otherwise except those herein contained, and no agree- ments or waivers collateral hereto shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by you and accepted by us at our Simsbury office. G. INTEBPRETATION. Rights and liabilities arising out of any contract rvith us shall be determined under the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in Connecticut. Warranty revised March 21, 1991 0 VEEDER.ROOT Environmental Products 125 Powder Forest Drave, Post Office Box 2003, Simsbury, CT 06070-2003 TEL: (203) 651-27OO, FAX: (203) 651-2750 AUSTRALIA: Cheltenham. Victona . 576013-579 l1963Replaces BRAZIL Sao Paulo . CANADA Elobicoke ' l 1668 FBANCE: Rungis . SCOTLANO: Dundee ' $EST GERMANY: Neuhausen/Filder KC5 ':1.'i" el I'l I I I I F3- APPENDIX A- SYSTE M WIRI. IDE NTIFICATION SIIEET oi .i t I I I , I I I I I , FOUR.TANK Sensor Channel AI Monltor Sensor Locatlon At Tank Sensor Fleld Wlre Color Code Or Number Code Probe Channel AT Monltor Probe Fleld Wlre Color Code Or Number Code Example: Tank 1 Wall Tank 1 Sump 1 + 1 +GND 2 +GNDGND 3 + 2 +GND 4 + GNDGND 5 + 3 +GND 6 + GNDGND 7 + 4 +GND 8 + GNDGND EIGHT.TANK Sengor Ghannel At ESA Module Sensor Locatlon At Tank Sensor Fleld Wlre Color Code Or Number Code Probe Ghannel AI ESA Module Probe Fleld lVlre Color Code Or Number Code Erample: Tank 1 Wall Tank 1 Sump 1A + 1 +GND 1B + GNDGND 2A + 2 +GND 28 + GNDGND 3A + 3 +GND 3B + GNDGND 4A + 4 +GND 48 + GNDGND 5A + 5 +GND 5B + GNDGND 6A + b +GND 6B + GNDGND 7A + 7 +GND 7B +GNDGND 8A + 8 +GND 8B + GNDGND , o UEEDEB.ROOT Environmental Products 125 Powder Forost D,ive, Post Oflice Box AnO3, Slmabury, CT 0@7G200t TEL: (203) 651-27(Xl, FAX: (?03) 65r-2750 AUSTBALTA: ChdE$.ln, rractori! . BRAZIL: Sao Prulo . CANAOA: Etoblcot . FnANCE: RumL . SCOTIINO: Dund.. . WEST GEBUANY: t{.uhru!.o/Filder 57601&579 ll0&3 Replaces 11668 rcoffisr HI TE VEEDER-ROOT CHNICAL MANUAL ADDENDUM Addendum P/N 57@73-789 pfOdUCt T5-40,450i Eight-Tank Sptem Operating---- Date October 11 t99t Reference Manual p/N s760134y2ts83 This addendum sheet is issued to describe the special characteristics of the product mentioned above. Special features or alterations in the Standard Specifications are as follows: Add attached repors as an appendix to the manuals listed above. Alterations to the reference installation instruction manual should be made as follows: Add as an appendix the following Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation for: o Volumetric Tank Tightness Testing Method for Series M72 and 8423 Digitat Sensing probes. . Automatic Tank Gaugng Sptem for Series 7842,8472 and 8473 Digital Sensing probes. VEEDER.ROOT Environmental Products 125 Powder Forest Drive, Post office Box 2003, simsbury, cT 06070-2003 TEL: (203) 651-2700, FAX: (203) 651-2750 AUSTRALIA: cheltenham, victoria ' BRAZIL: sao Paulo ' CANADA: Etobicoke . FBANCET Rungis . scorLANo: oundee . wEsr GERMANY: Neuhausen/Fitder Form No. 11924/Job No.12075 Printea in U-SA 1 Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation Volumetric Tank Tightness Testing Method This form tells whether the tq3k tightness testing method described below complies with the perfgrmance requiremetrts of the federal underground storage tank regulatiou-The evaluation was 991duqeg by_the lg{nlneulmanufacnuer or a consultant to the manufacnuer accorrting to the U.S. EPA's "Standard Test Procedure for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Volumefoc Tank Tiqltu3ss Testing Methods.'The futl evaluation report also inctudes a form describing the method and a fglp 5rrmmarizing the teSt data- T*e 9lrmjF Hiog this leak detection s)6tep should keep this form on EIe to prove compliance with the federal regulations. Ta* owuers should check riith State and local aleacies to irrk" s*.this fsg6 satisfies their requirenetrts. Method Descrlption Name nitorinq S Version Vendor ci tance ) Veeder-Root 125 Powder Forest Drive Box 2003 This method, which dedares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshold of o.9z t -gallon per hour, has a proOaOitity of talse alarms tp(FA)l of l_g-. 10 %. The conesponding probability of detection tP(D)l of a 0.10 gallon per hour leak is 99 yo. Therefore, this method EIdoes f]does not meet the tederal performance standardsesta!,.slgd lythe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (0.10 jatton per hour at p(D) of 95%and P(FA) of 57d. 06070-2003 (203) 6sL-2700 Evaluatlon Results Test Condlfions Durlng Evaluaflon The evaluation testing was conducted in a 10,000 -gallon Elsteel nnOergtass tank that was 96 inches in diameter and 324 inches long. The tests were conducted with the tank 95 percent full. The temperature difference between product added to fill the tank and product already in the tank ranged from - 11. 39 oF to 7. 07 op, with a standard deviation of 5.71 oF. The product used in the evaluation was diesel Volumetric TTT Method - Besults Form Page 1 of 2 Volumetric TTT Method TLS-zs0zTLs_zsotrns-ssoysrc;en 8472 Digital Sensing T@ ltoring Systems a a a o a Limitations on the Results The performance estimates above are only valid when: o The method has not been substantially changed. o The vendor's instructions for using the method are followed. . The tank is no larger than 15.000 gallons. I iquid level . system as an o .,flT#,T,flUtHJ?t#*di',AE lliit',tJa.:,itlL',Bi,fli ".lE,,Jau& is,f,B-,r"K rur r . is at least 8.25 hours. The temperature of the added product does not differ more than8.57 degrees.Fahrenheit from that already in the tank. The waiting time between the end of "topping off," if any, and the start of the test data collection is at least hours. The total data collection time for the test is at least Z hours. Large vapor pockets are identified and removed (for methods that overfillthe tank). This methoO E can flcannot be used if the ground-water level is above the bottom of the tank. other limitations specifted by the vendor or determined during testing: This svstem operates in conjunction with an ATG svstem. If the groundwater level is above the bottom of the tank, a non-tight tank is detected by means of continuous mo l in the bqttom of the tank by an ATG System. Sa ability to detect leaks. lt does not test the equipment lor satety hazards. Certification ol Results I certify that the volumetric tank tightness testing method was operated according to the vendor's instructions. I also certify that the evaluation was performed according to the standard EPA test procedure for volumetric tank tightness testing methods and that the results presented above are those obtained during the evaluation. MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Kansas City, M0 64110 (816) 753-7600 The tank contains a product identified on thg method description form. rhe tank is at reast e5 * percent,r,,. .ll!rH:i:: H:t;,lt?.l'ffi,i'l?..il' srgnature Aori I 25. 1991 Volumetric TTT Method - Results Form Page 2 ot 2 1 Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation Volumetric Tank Tightness Testing Method This form tells whether tbe tank dgbtness testiug method described below complies with the performance requirenenr of the federal underground storage ta* reguladon-The evaluatiou was Pldrrg"q by the equip_roe',luasufacturer or a cousultant to the manrfaslsl'gi sccoirling to the U.S. EPA'S 'StasdardTest Procedure for Evaluating I€ak Dercction Methods: Volumefo,cTagk Tightuless Testing Methods.'Tbe fuIl evaluation reporr also iududes a form descr&iug the method and a foro srnnarizins thc test data TaEk gueeF qtrg this leak d:tection systeErsbould keep this foro, ou EIe to prore co6pliange with the federal regulatious. TaDk owueni should checkwith State and local ageucies to make sure this form sa8Ees their requirenetrts. Method Name Description TLS-250/TLS-250i/TLS350 UST Monitorino Svstems Version 8473 Diqital Sensins Probe (l.lagnetostrictive) Vendor Veeder Root Simsbur 05070- 2003 651-2700 Evaluaton Besutts This method, wftictt declares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshold of 0.069 _gallon per hour, has a probability of false alarms PFA)] of ' t.o %. The conesponding probability of detection [P(D)] of a 0.10 gallon per hour leak is 99 Yo. Therefore, this methoO EJdoes n does not meet the tederal performance standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencry (0.10 gallon per hour at P(D) of 957" and P(FA) of s7d. Test Condltlons Durlng Evaluatlon The evaluation testing was conducted in a 10,000 galton Elsteet flnbergtass tank that was 96 inches in diamaer and 324 incfies long. The tests were conducted with the tank 95 percentfull. The temperature difference between product added to fillthe tank and product already in the tank ranged from - 11. 39 oF to 7.07 op, with a standard deviation of 5.71 oF. The product used in the evaluation was Volumetric TTT Method - Results Form di esel Page 1 of 2 v Volumetric TTT Method TLS-250/TLS-250i /TLS-350 UST Moni tori ng Systems Version 8473 Digital Sensing Probe (Magnetostrictive) Umitations on the Results The performance estimates above are only valid when: . The method has not been substantially changed. o The vendor's instructions for using the method are followed. . The tank is no larger than 15.000 gallons. . The tank contains a product identified o" Fr"n!rfi.t?tod???t$?[.b{$.* below the. The tank is at least 95* percent full. Associated testing (at MRI ) of the ATG demonstrated that the method is valid when the tank is 50-95% full.o The waiting time after adding any substantial amount of product to the tank is at least a-?s hours. o The temperature of the added product does not ditfer more than8.57 degrees Fahrenheit from that already in the tank. o The waiting time between the end of "topping off," if any, and the start of the test data collection is at least NA hours. o The total data collection time for the test is at teast hours. . l-arge vapor pockets are identifted and removed (for methods that overfiltthe tank). o This methoo E can n cannot be used if the ground-water level is above the bottom of the tank.See other limitations below.* o other limitations specified by the vendor or determined during testing: 1 iquid level . system as an I evel conti nuous abillty to detect leaks. lt does not test the equipment for salety hazards. Certilication ol Results I certify that the volumetric tank tightness testing method was operated according to the vendor's instructions. I also certify that the evaluation was performed according to tne standard EPA test procedure for volumetric tank tightness testing methods and that the resutts presented above are those obtained during the evaluation. Kansas City, Missouri 64110 (816) 753-7600 MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Volumetric TTT Method - Resutts Form an ATG system. If the oroundwater is above the bottom of the tank, a non-tight tank is detected by means of Dr. J.D. FIora. Jr./Mr. G. Joe Hennon Page 2 ot 2 ^ Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation Automatic Tank Gauging System (ATGS) This form tells whether the automatic tank gauging systen (ATGS) described below complies with the performance requirements of the federal undeiground storage tank regulation- The evaluation was conducted by the equipmeut manufacturer or a consultant to the manufacnrrer accordiug to the U.S. EPA's'rstandaid Test Procedure for Evaluating I-eak Detectios Methods: AutomaEc Tank Gaugrng Systems." The full evaluation report also includes a form describing the method aud a form summarizing the test data Tank owners using this lgak detectiou systep should keep this form ou frle to Prove compliance witb tbe federal regulations. Tark owuCrs should checkririth State and local agencies to make sure this fss6 satisfies their requirements. ATGS Description Name TLS - 250/TLS - 250ilTLS - 350 UST Monitoring Systems 7842 Digital Sensing Probe (Capacitance)Version number Vendor Vopdon -Pnnt 125 powder Forest Drive, P.0. Box 2003 Simsbury CT 06070-2003 (203) 651-2700 (c'ty)(state)(zp)Fhone) Evaluatlon Results This ATGS, which declares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshold ef 0.10 gallon per hour, has a probabilrty of f,alse alarms IP(FA)] of L Yo. The conesponding probability of detection tP(D)l of a 0.20 gallon per hour leak is 99 V". The minimum water level (threshold) in the tank that the ATGS can detest is 1.40 inches. The minimum change in water level that can be detected by the ATGS is 0.040 inches (provided that the water level is above the threshold). Therefore, this ATGS Eldoes fldoes not meet the lederal performance standards established by the U.S. Environmenlal Protec.tion Agency (0.20 gallon per hour at P(D) of 957o and P(FA) ol 5Vo1, and this ATGS Eldoes E Ooes-not hbet tne teOerat performarici standard of measuring water in the bottom of the tank to the nearest 1/8 inch. inches in diameter and 3?4 inches long. The temperature ditference between product added to fillthe tank and product already in the tank ranged from -8. 4 op 1s 6. 1 oF, with a standard deviation of 5.6 0F. The tests were conducted with the tank product levels "/ofull. Test Conditions During Evaluation The evaluation testing was conducted in a The product used in the evaluation was ATGS - Results Form 10,000 gallon Elsteel Enbergtass tank that di esel and Page t of2 Name of ATGS TLS-Version nce ) Umitations on the Results Thejerformance estimates above are only valid when:o The method has not been substantially changed- . The vendor's instructions for installing and operating the ATGS are followed. o The tank contains a product identified on the method description form. o The tank is no larger than 15.000 gallons. o The tank is at least 50 percent fult. . The waiting time after adding any substantial amount of product to the tank is hours. o The temperature of the added product does not differ more than8.4 degrees Fahrenheit from that already in the tank. o The total data collection time for the test is at least 5 hours.. other limitations specified by the vendor or determined during testing: abiltty to deteqt leaks. lt does not test the equipment for safety hazards. Certillcatlon ot ResuG f .t"ttity that the ATGS was installed and operated according to the vendor,s instructions andu1at the resuits presented on this form arethose ooaineo d-rrirg trt;;A;ition. iiGo ;",riiythat the evatuation was performed according to oni of ne iol6;ilg; E stanOarO EPA test procedure for ATGS fJaftemative EPA test procedure for ATGS Midwest Research Institute Kansas City, Missouri 641f0 (816) 7s3-7600 ATGS - Results Form Page 2 ot 2 Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation Automatic Tank Gauging System (ATGS) This form tells whether the autonatic tank gauging qysten (ATGS) described below complies with the performance requirenetrts of the federal undeiground storage tank regulation- The evaluatiou was couducted by the equipmeut manufacturer or a consultatrt to the manrifacnuer sssqldins 1s the U.S. EPA's "srandaid Test Procedure for Evaluating Irak Detection Methods: Automafic Tank Gauging Systemq." The full evaluation report also-includes a form describiug the method and a form surnmarizing the test data TaDk owners using this leak detectiou syste6 should keep this form ou frle to Prove compliance with the federal rigutations. Tank ownirs should checkriltU State and local aleucies to i,ake sure this f9s6 satisfies their requiremeuts. ATGS Descriptlon Name TLS-250/TLS-250i/TLS-350 UST Monitoring Systems VerSiOn number 84-^ Digita'l Sensing Probe (Canacitance) Vendor Veeder- Root 125 Powder Forest Drive, P.0. Box 2003 (street address) 203) 551-2 Evaluation Results This ATGS, which declares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshofd of o. tzo gallon per hour, has a probabilty of false alarms tP(FA)l ot 0.2 7o. The conesponding probability of detestion [P(D)] of a 0.20 gallon per hour leak is 99 o/o. The minimum water level (threshold) in the tank that the ATGS can detect is t. SZ inches. The minimum change in water levelthat can be detected by the ATGS is 0.027 inches (provided that the water level is above the threshold). Therefore, this ATGS E does E does not meet the federal performance standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protec$on Agency (0.20 gallon per hour at P(D) of 95% anO FtfO ot'sUo1, and this ATGS E]does E Ooes not hbet the tederat performance standdrd bf measuring water in the bottom of the tank to the nearesl 1/8 inch. Test Conditions During Evaluation Theevaluationtestingwasconductedina 10.000 gallon Esteel Enbergtasstankthat *as 96 inches in diameter and 324 inches long. The temperature difference between product added to fillthe tank and product already in the tank ranged trom -8. 4 op 1s 6. 1 oF, with a standard deviation of 5. 6 oF. The tests were conducted with the tank product levels and 95 % tull. The product used in the evaluation was ATGS - Results Form d'iesel Page 1 of 2 \-\-, Svstems ital Sensi Probe (Ca ci tance Name of ATGS Version 8472 Di Limttations on the Results The performance e$imates above are only valid when:. The method has not been substantially changed. o The vendor's instructions for installing and operating the ATGS are followed. . The tank cortains a product identified on the method description form. . The tank is no larger than 1.5,000 gallons. o The tank is at least 50 percent full. o The waiting time after adding any substantiat amount of product to the tank is 8.3 hours. o The temperature of the added product does not differ more than 8- 4 degrees Fahrenheit from that already in the tank. o The total data collection time for the test is at teast 2 hours. o other limitations specffied by the vendor or determined during testing: > Safety dlsclaimer: Thls test procedure only addresses the lssue of the ATG system,s ablllty to detect leaks. lt does not test the equlpment lor satety ha-ards. Certltlcatlon of Results !.ce.tity that trte ATGS was installed and operated according to the vendor's instructions and thal the results presented on this form are those obtained d-uring the evaluation. t also certify that the evaluation was perbrmed according to one of the foflofring: E stanOard EPA test procedure br ATGS E anemaive EPA test procedure br ATGS Midwest Research Institute Kansas City, Missouri 64110 ATGS - Results Form (crty, state, zp) Page 2 ot 2 1 Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation Automatic Tank Gauging System (ATGS) This form tells whether the automatic tank gauging systen (ATGS) described below complies with the performance requirements of the federal underground storage tank regulatiou- The evaluation was conducted bv thb eouipmeut manufacrurer or a consultant to the manufacturer ssssldins gs the U.S. EPA's'rstandaid Test Procedure for Evaluating Irak Detectioo Methods: Automafic Tank Gaugiug Systems." The full evaluation report also-iscludes a form describing the method aod a form surnmarizing the test data. Tank owDers using this leak detection systeq should keep this form on EIe to Prove compliance with the federal r5gulations. Tank ownirs should check ririth State and local alencies to foake sure this form satisfies their requirements. ATGS Descriptlon Name TLS-250, Version number , 8473 Dioital Sensing Probe (Mgonetostrictive) Vendor Veeder- Root 125 Powder Forest Drive, Evaluatlon Results This ATGS, which declares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exc€eds the threshold dt o. ogs gallon per hour, has a probabilty of false alarms tP(FA)l of < 0. 1 7". The conesponding probability of detection tP(D)l of a 0.20 gallon per hour leak is 99 Y"- The minimum water level (threshold) in the tank that the ATGS can detect is t. aZ inches. The minimum change in water tevelthat can be detected by the ATGS isO.024 inches (provided that the water level is above the threshold). Therefore, this ATGS E does fJdoes not meet the lederat performance standards established by the U.S. Environment3l Protec$on Agenry (0.20 gallon per hour at P(D) of 95% and p(FA) otiV"1, and this ATGS LIJ does lJ does not meet the lederal performance standdrd bf measuring water in the bottom of the tank to the nearest 1/8 inch. Test Conditions During Evaluatlon The evaluation testing was conducted in a 10,000 gallon E steet E Rbergtass tank that was 96 inches in diameter and 324 inches long. The temperature ditference between product added to fillthe tank and product already in the tankrangedtrom -8.4 opls 6.1 oF,withastandarddeviationof 5.6 oF. The tests were conducted with the tank product levels 50 and 95 "/ofu\:. The product used in the evaluation was ATGS - Results Form Box 2003 TLS- 250/TLS- 250i /TLS- 350 Moni tori di e sel Page t of z \- Name of ATGS TLS-250/TLS250i/TLS-350 UST Moni tolilg_.SJs'!ems Version Raz: nt gt tat Sensi ostri cti ve.l- Limttations on the Results The performance estimates above are only valid when:. The method has not been substantially changed. o The vendor's instructions for installing and operating the ATGS are fotlowed. o The tank contains a product identified on the method description form. . The tank is no larger than 15,000 gallons. o The tank is at least 50 percent full. o The waiting time after adding any substantial amount of product to the tank is 8.3 hours. o The temperature of the added product does not differ more than8.4 degrees Fahrenheit from that already in the tank. o The total data collection time for the test is at least 2 hours. o other limitations specified by the vendor or determined during testing: ablllty to detest leals. lt does not test the equlpment lor saferty hazartls. CertlllcaUon ol Results !.c"ttity that the ATGS was installed and operated according to the vendor's instructions andthal the results presented on this form ara those obtained o-*ing the eviluation. I also certifythat the evaluation was performed according to one of the foilofrng: E stanOard EPA test procedure for ATGS D anemaive EPA test procedure for ATGS Midwest Research Institute Kansas City, Missouri 64110 (crty, state, zp) (816) 753-7600 G. Joe Hennon/J.0. Flora, Jr. ATGS - Results Form (pnone numDer) Page 2 ot 2 TtS- 2 50i Four-Tank System Statement of Compliance with Federal EPA RegUlation 40 CFR Part 280 The Veeder-Root TLS-250i Four-Tank System Tank Level Sensor, when properly installed, complies with the technical standards for inventory control in Section 280.43 of U.S. E.P.A. Regulation +O-Cf,n Part 280. The TLS-250i Four-Tank System is capable of measuring the level of product over the full range of each tank's height to within 0.1 inches. The above performance claims were determined in the following manner: I ) Testing over a five-year period in each of two test facilities located at the Veeder-Root Engineering buildingin Hartford, CT. First is an outdoor inst,rumented underground tank test facility consilting of 5ne 6,005gallon fiberglass tank and one 5,000 gallon steel tank with the capability of automatic, aroind-the-ciock testing. Second is an instrumented test tank located inside in which the product level can be controlled to0.001 inch and the product temperature can be varied over the range of 20"F to l20"F and maintained towithin 0.01"F. 2) Testing over a four-year period in a commercial service station located in Hartford, CT, containing fourunderground tanks and purchased by Veeder-Root for the sole purpose of testing TLS systems. " 3) Engineering analysis of numerous inventory records obtained lrorn hundreds of customer-owned underground tanks. On a regular basis, Veeder-Root engineers obtain data via direct phone lines andmailed-in printouts from a large number of the more than 30,000 tanks in which the TLS was installed at. thetime of this statement. The data are regularly analyzed to monitor the long term perforrnance of the TLS system. Summaries of results of the above testing are available at Veeder-Root Clornpany in Simsbur-y, Connecticut. The TLS-250i, when properly installed, complies with the technical standards for interstitial monitoring for tanks and piping in Sections 280.43(g),28O.44(a) r+,hen used with the Veeder-Root sump sensor switch, and 280.44(c) of U.S. E.P.A. Regulatioh 40 CFR Part 280. The TLS-2b0i, when used in the interstitial space of a double-walled underground storage tank, can detect a release through the inner wall in any portion of the tank that routinely contains product. The TLS-2b0i, when used in the interstitial space of double-walled piping, can detect a release from any portion of the underground piping that routinely contains regulated substances. The above performance claims were determined in the following marlnel': I ) Qualification t'esting performed by the Technical Services and Quality Assurance groups of the Tracetek Product Group of Raychem Corporation in Menlo Park, California. 'l'his testing involiecl eitensive exposureof interstitial sensors to all the materials specified to be sensed under conditions of varying quuntitiur, varying concentrations, varying temperatures and varying lengths of time under laboratoiy conaitions. 2) LaboratorytestingofinterstitialsensorsbytheVeeder-RootCompanyEngineeringDepartmentandeuality Assurance Department to verify compliance with Federal regulations. * 3) Field testing at numerous service stations under actual operating conditions by Veeder-Root Company. Summaries of results of the above testing are available at Veeder-Root Company in Sirnsbur-y, Connecticut. VEEDER.ROOT Environmental Products 125 POWDER F0RESI DB. Srtr,tSAUny Cr OOOzO OOS US n rZOSt 6512700 PRINTED l'r.t I rN ilQ iSuer* q:t iliah 2Cc0zc1 i Michael O. kavin Govcrnu Danne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Erccutivc Dircctq Kent P. Gray DiEcla DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTALRESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Sdt Lakc City, Utah 84il6 (801) 5364100 (E0l) 359-8E53 Fax (Eol) 5364414 T.D.D. APRIL 7,1994 TO:UTAH DIVISION OF GENERAL SERVICES ATTN: DAVID FLETCTIER B.38 STATE CAPITOL BUILDING SLC, UTAH 84114 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at UDOT #333. Utah Facility I.D.#_2C/|/|i2Og- The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance withall state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on 15 FEBRUARY 1994. indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is performed on UST(s) # LLby: a. Documenting that the ATG system performs a leak test at least once a month.b- Documenting that the ATG system is properly installed and functioning. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by 7 JUNE 1994. If it is not rcceived by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact GARY HARRIS at (801) 5364100. Printed on recycled pap€r Q,, o i l)-''"' R-18 i \.,rr St i ,, 19at^it (^f ' ,.v 0,," ',\ (-, | \z rt " " r$v\ 13 t $ Leak Detection lnspection Checklist I. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tank(s (ll::mc u Sccdon t, chcck hcru Feclllty Xrm. o. Co.np.ny Stt ldF.clltty-Xrm. or Comprny Snr tarnliffifrir rppttebtott0oT # 332 /1--h €/*9e nl . ; t" +e' -" '--'- \zt?'/ ,'l:".^ ,tLzl C,,,\^u-- Numbor ol T.na(. rt Thlr l-ocadoa: ! -'-' <.tl L-Lt LiE' vl--.L, f ii;q Contrcl Pcrton At UST Loc.don Phoncr 7ZT-ZZL Ill. Tank lnformation Pleesa compreb erl inrormaoon ror aach tanx. r, t ris tacrhty nE moffiIi.ple8s. 9nobcopy{tris pag6 and comots,ts tro infurmalon'lor all additonal tankr. Tank Oressmly in tJs€ ' lf no?. date last us€d lf empried. verify 1' or l6ss ot product in tank Month ano Year Tank lnstalled (E-€stimate or K-knownt Matenal of Consnrrion (E-e$imale or K-knownl Caoacry of Tank (in gallons) (E-€$imate or K-knownt Substance Stored (E-e$imate or K-knownl lV. A- Release Detgction For Tanks Check thc mteasc d€tocdon m€trocl(s) usod tbr orch tBnk or N/A It nqlr rDquirsd; Mantal Tank Gauging (only flr ranlc undsr 1.000 gal.l lranu?l Tank Gauging and Tank Tightn€ss T€sting (onry for 6nks und6r 4000 gal.l Tank Tgmn€ss Tsting and lnvernory Conrol othef aoproved mdtod (write in name o( methodl lV. B. Release Detection For Piping ch€ckrfi.r€rcrs.dsroctonmsfioct(slr.rcadrorpiping. Check One Type ot Piplrp for each Tank Automatic Une t-eak DEtectors, and (check one of th6 following) lV. C. Corrosion and Spill/Overfill Protection Conosion proraction installd linaicate aalFl - y'1 Spill/Overfill protection insta,l€cl (indicalo ctatel _ V. Site lnformation General srt8 observations and comments (vrcinrty obs€rvations. ground wetsr levol, etc.) 5-'Gc<- *-k .o-,n.| *^k- unL.o*.,-l- o.1 /--- i.r*4-rc i-/'e ^- /a-* ,'a4o-*^-l-te<*^f e Lt-i a <'cl C^//4tc1f. 4)uri aa 5, t-<tt)hz"( (alt- - csrtify that I have inspectecr the abore nsrn€d facitity on frb /13fi!31,-h]iJz: 7o/* $ \... (N L0 \" a B r0q Leak Detection for Piping Iy rfirVt,'<E t v r' t "'-, a <-i1j-,, i, h lrtob PfgsSufizgd Piping Ametpd mustDosol€ctsdfrom@hset.whoraappllcabtoindtcatedabof lsstt6stltthistaqttyhasmorotian4 tanks. pl€sss ohotocopy this pago 8rd complats the inlormaton for ajl additicnal orping. Contrnuous Alarm System Annual Line Tighfress Tssing I -, lZo lf Vapor Monitoring. doqJmentation of mornnty monrtonrq rs available lf lrnersrtral Monibnng. documenlarlon ot monrhly monalonng is availabls lf Grour6-Watsr Monnoring. docurn€firatron ol momnly rnonrtorir€ is available gth€r AFrpror€d Msfiod (sp€crty in comm€nts s€dronl S u cti o n P i p i n q,,, ' t.rolcaig dslB ol m6t r@flt tgsrt Ljne Tiglnns T6thg (required evry 3 years.) S€condary Containment with I nterniti al M on rtonng Other AoorEn/ed M€thocl (sp€crfy in comments sectionl No Leak Detecton Requlred (must answer ye3 io all of the lollowlng questlons) Operates at 16 trtan atmosph6nc prssurg HaS only one cfieck valve. which is lcca:ed direoly under pump SloO€ ol piping allows product lo drarn back into lank wh€n suclion r€lgas€ct All abov€ inbrrnation on suctron prping rs veflfiable On rne back of lhis sheet. pleas€ skstch thB sile. notlrE all plping runs. tanks (lrcluding size & subsances $orBdl ancl localioo of wells and their distance from lanks and piping. comm€n.=: -A.z ,4Tr- l".s 4z ('-r'-.f,i,Lr, + l"rlJ-hz 1,nlt|<-^(i, ,/,..*r-u<.- ?1 c /-?SL -.ru)z ,,tr-,'n4--r-, )-, o-,- /zj J- -,.s^i It c,rz ,-,'-,,^Ja..l ta-,L Q.4ntL /-1 ,/,- rL"r' a:-,,e..,tn- *-sr"a*,t.srz-/{-'4,k,.^',-'t.\''" P 4, Ilo.-''.n/ ,hr.ne col/ *.t ,n-r{ t rz.< rr.-,.r^.^J 'L, ,,,' ,^Prl /nl-lls t^)t-s .t'<u(/aiA<'A! /-t-t V-*r"> v4. < rtol rruni t././e l:t r7,r..; -7. rh< la'.'L- zi"4-at+''j) r b-l /) 0-n<\<- corsrytharrhav€rnsp€crscrtheabcnonam6dtacrtrtyonEtllc',t?7."!..=rZ: :1it- ltffiay'Fr'tn 1-"-gr. y ,l--'z'o.4--"- ^..^ frl /{ 'a4'/ v, ( <e r1u r i^rf.. /-.r\ UL' /z - L9 , u' ,'.tf ' lernk.\ ,,4 4et€-conL'l"S 5-'fl (-ctrsf ' ^ 1,nal/ a*o-^l- o{ {^tf f*^k' /'n *t-' by /hau c- k ula f /4 a'-7/a 7tz 5" i//(5ru.? T7'z- a') L) a'{ 2. -^/*)..J 5--/ lna's /o*{o ^ , fzi ; '4. /' u" 44rP f''<i rslt7?r s 7o lt "1'tA *{, lf ^o rf^- I -------7 N\,,)4^- sq g7o{ ro3i'{u,a ,t,$i::; u'i,"'1;\ tt \ '':::-\)a kw o / L^0' I 11 )J-.-'- ;1 ) ^ Facrlrty lD *. Z- DC't" 7 c'' 7 Manulactrrer. narne and rnodel number o{ q/$Pm: 0 * Please answer yes or no for each question Oevics documemation is available at sil8 (e.9., mandacturer's brochures. ownars manuall.y€6l ^ no Device can m€asurs h€ighrt o{ product lo near€st one+ighh of an inch.ves [_21 nol Documentation shows that water in bonom ol tank is checked monthly to nearest ono-€rghth of an inch. yesl +noI Device will d€clare a l€ak on the basis of invernory r€corrcilialion rt discrepancy exce€ds 17" of flo$/-through, plrJs 130 gallors on a rnornhly basis. ve6l"7-noI Documemation is availabte thal lhB ATG was rn le$ rnoc,g a minimum of once a rnonth.yes I nol \z- Checked for presenca of gauge tn tanks.yes I .".nol Checked for presence o( monnoring box and evrderrc€ that devics is working (i.e.. device is equipped wilh roll o( paper br results docum€ntationl. yas I ts-nol Owner/operator has documernation on file verifying methocl me€ts minimum p€rformancg sanoards of .20 gpn with prooability ot det€dion ol 95o/" and prcbability ol tals€ alarm of 57" for ar-nomatic tank gaugir€ (€.9.. results she€6 under EPA's 'Stanclard Test Procedures for Evalualing L€ak Oetsdion Metrhods'). Yesl >,<not Checked docLtm€fitation flat system was rnsall€d. calibral€d, and rnaimain€d according to manufacturers i rstnraiors. yes I nol Maintenancs recorcls ar€ available upon request.yes I nol x Moniloring and tGtlng records are available lor lh€ past 12 rnontts.y€s nole+ +- sia nail rc : . ;<+224.-2- *i+. 4/-R- Tccfi'ZC.\ Sta&e 0f &ltah Department of Administrative Services 3120 Stale Office Building Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14 801-538-3010 MEMORANDUM To: Bill Moore From: David G. Fletcher Date: August 7, L99t Re: Facility 2000209 arrd20[fl210 Certification The Division of Fuel Dispensing requests that Certificates of Compliance be reissued for facilities with ID 2W209 and2h0210located at the DOT maintenance yards in Salina and Mt Pteasant be reissued. Our understanding is that these certificates were sent directly to the facility, but our contact with these facilities indicates that they have not received the ,o b- certificates for some reason. Because the tanks are very low on fuel, we request that the U -6 certificates be reissued as expediently as possible. V u/ If you have any questions, please call me at 538-3553. Lf ^-ra-n(cc: Bryan lilhitaker, DERR Daniel Hsiao, UDOT Noman H. Bangerter Govemor A]ice Shearer Executive Director At Year Cl I FACILITY ID. A(T".,.' '^.(? PStr PROCESSING CHECKLIStr Unacceptable NotAcceptable Applicable Non-Marketer Discount Previous W4.::.: Pollution rile Included Incidence (l fii i-,)-2-t: FI R f'>r:'- atu','=-q( cu.r" _/&lx L/ TTT - Verify tank/1inesvs registered - Documentation ok? - Rate ok? l-/Y/N Y/N Y/N l;b"lqo"/-7 Fund Paid FY 9]- Fees Paid FY 88? FY 89? FY 90? FY 9L? v- IJ Y/N Compliance Cornpliance outstanding? - Leak detection required? - Notification up to date & _ Application? vtx) '/ eru v' compretez dtN +ffieeSSED BY Date Qualified Revj-ew completed and certificate issued SUPPORT \CE \CHECKLI ST . PST Iby Faciliry Name Project Manager Memorandum of project Manager Recommendation ^ rlDof /t-Facility lD &oO,?O ? Leak ID &ffR tr LUST Site Closure I alo* to join pST Fund tr Dis-Allow to join pST Fund Evidence used for this determination follows the PST application processing protocol, and includes: Project Manager Signature 1 Facility Name Project Manager Memorandum of Project Manager Recommendation Facility ID Irak ID ?uo?oJ lnB tr LUST Site Closure tr Allow to join PST Fund M Dis-Allow to join PST Fund Evidence used for this determination follows the PST application processing protocol, and includes: Orna4Project Manager Signature PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND APPLICATION FACILIry INFORMATION:LOCATION OF TANKS: Owner Name:Faciiity Name: U-pof .frn . 3SsStreet A.ddressl Counry. Phone: Contacr TYPE OF OWNER: 6oc> /Vc. SThftr Caoacity E-. *-=.- I rrsvFr .-- t' 'u\v \r'\ t\r vevrlqr reE (,7t t"Lr.rE Dl€-eV TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ...-.".--: ^.., ,' ] l.1Marketer.crnon.marketerwithann,uarrnonthlythroUgnputgreatert@ !d Non-marketer with annual monthly throughput ieis iriin io,oto sjiironi 6r,rus1Girvi. DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: Tank # I - ^Yvtt All Unoerglgung.ql.oJage Tanks (U All registration fANK Fees have 6een'paid. - r COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATTONS: CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION X,l.*llicanr currenty in. comptiance *itni\zl Yes i I No -- lf "No" please describe item(s) of non-compliance: PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCTDENT(S |ayq you ever had a porlution incioent at voi I Yes -- lf "Yes" please provide LUST (Gaxing Un'derground Storage Tank) lnformation: X No -- lf "No" please attach a letter stating that under customary business inventorypractice standards you are not Eware of any release tiom lny iinxlsy ai this facility. PST FUND FEES i4 Full payment for every.tank at thii I Quarterly payment(s)-for every tank at thiJticii,tv are inctudad ffith thii ipptication. I certify under penalty of law that the above representations made by me are true and correct. Applicant's signature :Date signed: 'z -l ?- 7) \, PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK \-'l FUND CHECKLIST' 1. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATTON: All Underoround Slorage Registrati6n Tanx reeinave oJ* parcj - r-s6ali9e9 : $zs^rn klyr, 1990/1991 = $45itanklyr 2. COMPLIAN€E WITH UST REGULATIONS: [] l am in complian [ ] Tanks installed belore 1965 or unknown: releare ctetection by Dec. 1989. I I Tanks installed 196$'1988: release deteaion to be completed by my comptiance date. U Release detection completed upon installation. [ ] I am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. ILITY MONTHLY THROUGHPUT:il l am a marketer, or t :han 10.000 gattons; I I SZSO payment/tank Fiscar year (Jury 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991). [ | Quarterly payments @ $62.50/tank (Due the 1st day of Jul, oct, Jan, and Apr). I I I am a non-marketer with annual FFrl-rU- monthly throughp_u_t !e9s tlan 10,ooo gallons.[ ] I have completed the APPLlcAiioffiR I'ioN:illihxerrns DtscouNr form. I I $tzs payment/tank: Fiscaryear (July 1, r99o - June 30, r991).[] ouarterly payments @ $31.25/tank (Due the lst day of Jul, oct, Jan, and Apr). .. ACTIONS REQUIRED AFTER TEST: tllyTrys.p.ass the t.nx "noI am suommtng the results of the tanx tigntness test and a coov of the fielrt rcnnrt All tanks do not meet-the requirements set by rule regarding tank tightness testing.I have contacted the state uSr otrice ffi;il;il;;i;ridence of a ptan for review. 5. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCTDENTS: il1!.y. qompteted th" pn unoer customary business inventory practice iunoaios, I am a*ire of iny release from thetank. 6' INDEPENDENT FINANCI@E freep r"c"tO" "t v for the first $2S,O00/release: I Sell lnsurance [ ] Guarantee I Risk retention group I t Letter ot Credit [ ] Commercial lnsurance [ ] Surety Bond I I Oher: I I have obtained independent third-party financial assurance by my compliance date.I I will obtain independent third-pani nnincrar ilLffiatbt ,i cJ#,priance date. 'See explanations under "Hop do I get started?, PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS Uosr ^^;*(J B I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). signature of owner/operator Failure to report previous releases could void ]rour coverase under the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. F*urr n * &ooo Lo1 =r/ f To:Mr. Deruds Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazardous Wastes Comminee Dear Mr. Downs: As required by paragraph 26-L4e404 of the Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not bem a release of petroleum. Additionally, based on "customary business inventory practices standards", I am not aware of any release of petroleum from my tanls. I I' I T-tni,. HLtd11:trr itm) ilopv'r- ignt Lea.l:'l=t-e=t :on'i'7=t'r:ms. Tan!,: test i ng =v=t em vEt-5 i ort -i. i ?. *1 1?.86. i?87. LgSE r-e 1 ea.sed {r= i ?:',/ 37I I ze=t rLtn c-i .r.4 x I I I I I I I I I I l I I otrera.i-ot-' s cGrnfnents : Tan[,: TeEt ,-.Sate ir time .-16/?tti?t:f 1::33:15 ,Iompanv narne Sheer'Strltctltre Tantr ID - UDOT Diesel Ta.ni: i-=catisn - 5(lC) North l'lain Sal ina, Utah (UDOT 'JaragB +f,f,f,) F.rodr_tc+_ rn ta.nk 1+" Die=eI Cir=t,=rler contact Nei 1 Blosch Phone nutrnbet' (An1) 4ae'-57f,tj 5t r-eei_./ buti 1di ng acidrEss - 13(:t +ia=.t . f,t)-=.tl Soutth Citv. state. = iFr etc SaIt Lai':e City' Utah 841i5 f,urstorner F. O # N,/A -,'Tan[; canacity (ga1lonsi ?t:ti'-tt-tz Tani.: dierlet-er (inrhes) - ?t't/ Fi 11 diarneter ( inches) - 4 Fi11 '.-o tanl': toP iinches) - jl Obgerved AF I f,?. (l(l Observed ternperat-ure (F) - f5'i:i,(:] Cor- rerted AF I !{i91 . (l{l Coef of eiiFans i c-1n ( F ) Dr ii - (i ' 1:)(:i(-)478? Are ia.nl:5 inter-ccnnected - n All valves cls='ed Y I= veni- re=trict-ed n E+-=e1 or fibergi*'== t-a'ni' + App rc:t i inste aqe - new Vapor retrcvel'y sYst-'am - =t-age i I - Watet- ta.bie ( if l:'nowl-ri - :(:' i nc he= of watar t n t ani': (i /- Surct icn. IgrbII-e or- f.'i'= -r''tmp ,(.!- tdeather a.nd t-'=rnperatutre - :-L'!nnv ii-J Test condutcted br- F'a'f-rrcl': Ei1=r'lorf-h +()(:t5? Test wit-nessed b,Y none Commenf-s -Fe-t Re-r-r I' ts produtct elevation 1n t-a.ni': iin rnches) - 11(-)'()(:l tesit r-Lrn on i-t6/?t-t/it-r a.t L4: t-t5:55' The leveI data for r-hrs ana. lyEls. starts at 14t l:igi f,5 and en'j-= at 15r L?: The ternperat-rrre Oata For this a.na1v=i= Etart= at 14: "1: f,l =nd en{= at The voltage change ior a c-:. Iibratic:n volr-rme r:f 5() mL wa's t-"'-\qZ voit-= Direct readinge tal:.err :i.t t-he shgw an autditor Probe riiai.tile t-his tg a Qro35 i=veI '-ii::il-r'i3 =n,fD,::t.nt= nf the =elect-edof i-r. ()44 mV r n 7i-i m i nuttes cf ?4 ml_ 1 n 7(-) m i nurt e= anaLvsis trerraC aln,l t h -=E:':]n':r= afti l5 =ei:c,r'i:l= Tal: 1rr! ail l-_he rni:=:-mer';j.a-.e cla'i= tn-i-tr r:ansrriet-S. l:iOn by EPr+Erriii-t! = iBa=-. l--qLt-at-e a=qr-===,ier. ;--,i: ':.2'i? I nn i-imr Clve= :tn ;iLdrr-lt- r]l"L'lll'!r '-=-'ii:':' 'r of -t-i. t-ttjB volt-=.r irc:itt- - ThUrs. lne A.*O== prrdutC: ';'--iiLtmE: L= drC'DpInq fl r'rrl-i't-tct-tr' i\,J: ii7 . _ i;,r;: .:Oet-ffCfgnt u:f aiiL:AnSi'--1n* ':ile =;'i':':l ilf :--Er-rioerA:Lr'i'E L= deci-=a.=e i.-;;1;;"-"+- n.i iril,/hr , lr-rbti-=rct i ng tne compltted t'ernperai-utt-e voir-tme ft-odut=t vslt-trrre change Yields a'LenrDer-a'tt-tt-e r=1- ;1(v=tr^ trorrplies with N.F,F.A. *f,39 criteria (+/- (J. t,_/ System does not trcarnDIy t^rith N, F. F'. A. *f,3? crit-eria /-/ PiPing leah indicated /-/ Tanh leail indicated i / Test inconclutsrve: .; -i Ar r ot- VaPor traP r ndicat'ed i'-/ TemPerature i nstabi l itY i -i i mP roPer i nst-a I l at i on :est ,:onducted by Fatricil E1L=r+or-f-h +t(:)(:15?i siqnatutt'e: tsst witnessed by ntrnei slgnatt-ti'el ,:na.nLrE iram t-he 'Jt-tr== corre=ted va1,-tme cha.nge (13 EFH} <+/- iJ. i:!5 EF'H) W I I Camments: I I I I I I I I t I tqBb. 1997.1?88 r-e i ease d (:rS/.:j./ B-r- llat-aqe #f,f,f,) 841 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;> Tani. Frrr_rri itor itirir _inn.vr-1qht Leai: Def_ectrnn S.y=tems.Tanl.,: test i nq _;f s+upffr ver-s i cn ?. 1i:' te=t r-Lrn *1 oDerator's cornments: Tanl,: ?t L:. ne Te=t ,/Da.te iqr t rme - t_tb/?t_r/q() 1a: ltj: !7Company nar"ne - Sheer Strurctr_tr-eTa.n[,: iD UDOT UnleadedTant: Loca.t i on - I{:}(i N, l,l.r i n_ Sa 1 i na. Utah ( UDr_rTFrodt-rct in ta.nl,: Unleaded-Cu=toiner- contsct Nei 1 Eloscn F'hane nLlrnber (B(i1) 4o5_S7f,r-rStreet/bLrilding a.trdre5s 1BO r+est fi(:i::rj Solri,_hCit-.f. state. 31trr etc Ealt Lal:e CitV, Uta.hCurst omer F,. CI + N,/ATant: canacity (gal tonE) 6,.-ti-ii-t/Teni: Cranreter- ( i nches) ?(l /-Fiil di.:.rneter- (iriches) 4FilI t-s tank t_cp (inches) - -r4Ct,=erved AF,i AB.2(:, Cb=.=rved temperat_lu-e iF) 7f . (:Ii) Corr-ect=C AFI - li,7?.t_tt:iCsef of e:.:pa.nsion (F) or- 0 i:). i:)(jr:,7(:l(l(jAre tanl:s i nter-cannect.ed nAll valves cLased yIs vent r-estr rcted - nSteei or- fiberglcl.Ss tanl: -a1,,Htrtrroi: i rnate aqe newVapor- recDverv .=y=.tEm =taqe i I!+Ja.t=r table i if I:: nDf^,n) - :(:iInche= cif wat_er tn t_.:.nl: {:} Sttc t t c,n. Tr-rr o r i-re 1.;;- l.la purnp (t i4ear- her aiil-t_=,r,r:er-atr_tre w r ndy ZATe=t ronductei by Fatricl: Ellswsrth +iij(:!5?Ta=-. t^ritneE,=ed lV l.ler I Elc,gchComrri*nts -I-e-t ]eer=r-tLt- Fr-sdr-tci- elevatron tn tani:: (rn inches) _ 114.r_rr:i test- r'-rn nn Dai?t_t/?t-t a.t 1,=:4.1 : "7.The Level daf-a For this analvEi= Etar-i--s .rt i7:r-tg::,7 and end=- at 1!; i_:-:; l.i.Tha" temtreratr-rr= data For thi= ana. lys1s Etsrt= et t7:13:37 ;.nd entr= a.f_ 1E; riE:55 The voltaee chanee for- a cal i bre.t ion ',,olurrne rtf 5() mL wag (j. (:)74 vrir= i'ir-ect readin4s t*q!'.en at the endE,r-rrnl--= r,f :h= =eiected an;i1\/sr::, E;=i-j,ri,rl=iiltlr"r '3'n aLlcl itL-lf- DI'-oL'e rnan?e af (:i.1f,= mir' 1!-r r-t:, ili rii-r.t-e= aind :,.a =EC,=rr -,J=:n1= r= a qrn== i=r'i=i:nFfi!," af ?i. mL in Er:) rrin,-rtes and rrE EECcln:= la'l: rnq a'11 t-ha inr-Erni+:rJl;its ria.t.r into cirniildere.;10n by E,er.ior-m:Ln! =- : - -.,-- =:'':: :?:":.:ri-=?I-E-;::riln r:'i 1?"'€iI uin r-:m= GrvE= in ;r-rcJit;; o.=u*"i,==..-\_:. * ; ) v,trL.t-=1,|-.tcl,_l:._. ItsrL.ts. thg (JI-n=F n,--.,..lrrrt ,...,r.'l rrm,-r i.- {!--.E- - _._ | - :n:rl=+-=* !i-!-\,;.rr,rr,= --i 4.''.1' iliL-'jf'r- ,;1 I .or-rE\,=:rnq :n= =nri:DLrLet'1:eintrEretui=- i,=i.Ltnle ril=-1fl{E frorl +-hE flt-D==' ,-OOr,aa toi,-,*= -nanae Yl-::s + i.enrtrF-€.titt-e ;Oi't-ect'e'j vtlt-trne chanq= | :+ Lb7 rrii.-ii-:surr rr-@-. 'r/ a l4 Svst=rn trofntrlieE wrth N.F.F.A. +if,"+ criterrE' ('+i'i:)'(J5 EF'H) I f i Sy=tem ,Joes net cL.1rliplv with li-F-P-ii' *f,"9 crrtet-ia l+l- (:)'(:r5 GF'Hi: | /-/ PrPinq L*ai'. indicai'ed I i !' Tant': leal': i ndica.t-ELl I i / r*=r- inconclrtsive: I t'_ ,r Air or- \iapurr- f-ra.tr indicEt-ed I ,j ,i Temr'et-etutre in='ta'rilitv- l r-, ii.'rprr--ner- in='t=r.lietr':n --est condtrcf-ad bv F'+.tt-i=i,: E1 lsr+':ri-h #(lt-)5?i 5itrnat-ttr-e: I t-est r.ritness='J hv' i'.ler I 3i'3schl -=i'!nat-itra: I iomrnent-=: I I t I I I I I I I WlM I I t I I I I I :l I I I I I I I t I I TNDUSTRIAL HEALTH INCORPORATED 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT I.AKE CITY, UTAH 84106 (801) 466-2223 Scp ,J, Ar^n o-".n S BI.ISICSS Hn'Er'D, rsl) 4t,L - 5730 Liegrffiixr &Srlt"{. Ande0rEckvale, Oo F.;rrabUeCrekVaVq 0 t fu rnp Make: Submersible/Suction:S,h rurs. I L r.tunberdEli+erserst I Was Tank Ardtof l..ltilzed to Confirm Status ot Check Valve? L(->l.s PressuredLipr.* VJ PE' Time , Pressure Difference s/ r, iL 2. 1:a5 Totat Difference, h RESULTS: I TotalCharBeinirches ( [ = Raile Vrllnn Wa ) x 60nin (nin) )x 2005-ml*Time ( inch hour Alklwable =95 mUhour 38 Line Test lnlonnation 1-30-90 (.025 gals.) - Suciion (.Ot g"lr.i - Disctnrge --- Tester, Cert. No. JDare: Jlrt^t"' Zo /? ? 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t uDoT rf-3, ) BT.T'^ESSAD'RESS' r*o ,*r+ *:o s^nt< .st ,+ gr,f *!:*yJ, Hs'Er'D, (-gol) q-Gb- 5?3o Liregrmficdixl D,c,st { L,^a- INDUSTRIAL HEALTH INCORPOBATED 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT I.AKE CITY, UTAH 84106 (801) 466-2223 ArdeCtpckval€r J.Ertradde Check Vafve: - lI tunrp Make: submersible/&rc{ion: So bn^ts ,Lh- " ? t ?trcO "LNlnberd Otperses. Was Tark Ardtof utiEzed to Confirm Status ol Check Vapef DO Press.Iredlrprr* *S aS r Time Pressure 'fS nt,e 17s RESULTS: Total Cterpe in irrJres (.t z5 ) =Rde(n'thr) (af 61{ Allourable = 95 mUhour - 38 mt/trour x2065-d*Time ( )xinch (nin) (.025 gals.) - Suction (.01 gals.) - Dsclnrge - l, t, Total Ditference: /6 $0 nin hourx *t,r7bs /,v- Une Test lnlonnation 1-30-90 @6q Tester, Cert. No. Facility ID No. i}{SPECTTON -i nspector I nspector OvJne r, l.Jame: Street:aCrty:Lt Tank Location Name: Street:city: Phone: Phone zLp Longitude Cert. # CE,YED D"t" 1;^)a-7A f 'r,-,-4E'u''n T"r,"ffi11'*"'* rn'on" "'' "S{l/?fl- Stei County Latitude f.lame: Company: Certifie oundwate llame: Company: Type of Closure Substance stored Tank Information Original #Tank No. Age of Tank Capacity Type: FRP, Stee1, Composite Substance Date Last Used Date . Closed How Closed? Enptied? Sludge Removed? Cleaned? for Change-in-service Temporary Permanent cert.# 63 -AO){ f] anu.,qe-rn-service ,--:\ ^\ ,,^\ved Ta,*ksi 3 ) -New Tanks ;2 ,\ : currenl f \ffi_Y-: IJ Purged or Inerted? Facility rD N". )00o e)cl @ New or Upgraded: Is Corrosion protection System maintained?. rs the Leak Detection system sti]1 being monitored?. . Greater than 3 months: Are Vent Lines Open? Are Lines, Pumps and Manways Capped and Secured? Over L2 months: Has a Site Assessment been done? Has the O/O applied for an extentj-on? If Yes, Expiration Date: Has the tank been upgraded to new corrosion and LeakDetection standards?. . . Permanent Closure or Chanqe-In-Service General: Does O/O have an approved Closure plan? Has the Fire Department been Notified of Closure?.......,/. Has Fire Department given approval to Close in place?. . \. . Has Fire Department been notified for change-in-service... were Product Lines: Removed t-/ secured/capped in place Site Assessment: Were Soil and Ground Water samples taken? ,r/'u t{hat Methodology !/as used for Sample },naIysis?801s nodi.f ied L 413. L t/ other Were Unified Soil Classification Sauples raken? ....(.. Name of- State Certified Lab Name Street State Samp tl/ - Was the Excavation scannedIf Yes, What were theGain or Span setting, ,y >ao o)01 tsacilrty rD No. @ r*ith a PID or FID meter?Readings, Make of Meter,and Calibration Specs. Are there Any signs that indicate eontamj-nation to soil-or Ground water? ...lV.O.t.flFE//W .......1 Was Bureau of Solid & Hazardous Waste Notified ofContamination? Was Bureau of Air euality Notified ofif emissi-on from the conlaminant is to Was Bureau of Water potlution Control Contaminated take p)-ace? Notified of Soil _,/_ t/ LGround Water Contamination? Contractors: Staxe L4 f zLp Place where Tank was . Disposed: Name Jr L NStreet State Name of fndividuaL who removed Product: Companycity sATjM Phone 5a ? -7>?2 Name of Individual who Cleaned Tank: \? " ,rRL- )< DqVELVP EffcompanyStreet ^i +., state vruJ Place where piping wa$ Disposed: \?!? companyStreetDtfeeE /^i +., state v4LJ _zlp P1ace where Name CompanyStreet State Companycity Phone Place Name Street State Phone where was D I/E L Company ,city Phone :*" was Disposed: ZlD 4 PIace Name Street State Pl-ace Name ontarn zip where Contaminated Water was Facility rD y16. *ru#toao 4la were D j-sposed: Companycity Disposed: Company Cityztp Phone is different than indicated on the Closure pIan, please Street State If any of the aboveexplain why: where 5 Phone q z DEPARTI!,IENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONI,{ENTAL HEALTH Bureau oi So d & i-]azarcous Wasle 288 Norlh 1 460 Wesl P O Box 1 6690 Sall Lake C,tv. l.llah 8.11 16 0690 ,801 r q38 61 -C .;--(' a't a1 -) C -) I :.,,rman H. l]angerter , ;, ^.. I r)r 5Llzann(. i )iin()o\'. \l t).. \1 I'.H :l\!, lIt\o l)lr, r r()r a..irrclir i,.{lkema I rrr,v.r,'r MAY 5 19900- Daniel Hsiao Utah Department of Transportation 450L South 2700 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84124 Re: Closure Plan for Underground Storage Tanks located at 500 North State Street, Salina, Utah Facility Identification No. 2000209. Dear Mr. Hsiao: The closure plan, received by the Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste, on March 30, 1990 for the above referenced facility has been approved as proposed. Local heaith and fire departments must be notified 72 hovs beforqilosure Uegini. Closure of underground storage tanks referred to in the closure plan may commence after notifying these agEncies. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form which must be received by the Executive Secretary before the closed tanks may be removed from the fee billing list. Please fill out all the requested information on the Closure Notice form and submit the form after all the sample analysis data and other information is available. Any deviation from an approved closure plan must be reported to the Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste immediately. If you have any questibns, please contact Paul Zahn at 538-6170. Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Wastes Committee Enclosure c: Central Utah District Health Department Bgg"r Foisy, D.E.H. District Engineer Salina City Fire Departnent DP.D/PZ/ds BSHWTTNK-CLOZ/43 EGKHoFF, wATsoN & PR^roR ENGINEERING - LL2L East 390O South, C-10O'- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84T24 ,ilrtJ*-q 8ry1p-0u4o wE ARE SENDTNG you ffmacneo E Under separate cover via TO LETTE .I OF TRANSNflITTAL the following items: tr ShoP drawings tr CoPy of letter tr Prints E Change order n Hans tr Samples -. tr Specifications * Ta rn L rlo*tt >, P[o*t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fi ro, approval fl For Your use I As requested n Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted E Returned for corrections tr For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ArrENrroN AgT ,5r'2*ti(801) 26r-0090 REMARKS ",rn o, hra Nir)al' pnoarfi2t+j F7tn, our la otllt t, crctosufaa tr. not t3 aotad, kindtyt not,ty us 't onc'' BSHW-0863-2-3 IN ORDER TO EXPEDITE THE REVIEW / OF YOUR CLOSURE PLAN. PLEASE FILL / IN ALL BLANKS COMPLETELY. THIS / CLOSURE PLAN SUPERSEDES PRIOR VERSIONS / UNDERGR0UND ST0RAGE TANK CLOSURE PLAN (rev. ll/89) STATE USE ONLY Date Received Revj ewer/Date Revj ewed Rev'i ewer Recommendat i EHM Review/Date Closure Plan prepared by Karen Nichols of EWP Enqineerjnq Tel # 261-0090 Address ll2l East 3900 South. C-100 SLC. UT Zip 84124 SITE INFORMATION 0wner Name UDOT Address 4501 South 2700 West Salt Lake Citv. Utah Zip 84119 Te1 # 965-4116 Site Name SaIina UDOT Maint Sta #333 Address 500 No. State St. Salina. Utah Zip 84554 (Contact Person) Lamy Crane Tel #$01]rSZ9-7ZZT Tank Location Identification Number (found on bilfing forms,7 digit #) 2000209 Number of tanks at this site 3 Number of tanks at this site,to be closed 3 TANK INFORMATION Tank #: Age of Tank Capaci ty 3K Gal Subs. Stored Gasol i ne Date last used Active 4K Gal 500 Gal Diesel Waste Oil Act'i ve Act i ve SITE PLAT ATTACHED Located on the p1 at shoul d be bui 1 d'i ngs, tanks, 1 i nes, dispensers, underground util'ities, proposed sampl ing Iocations, sampl ing depths, substance stored in tanks and other important features. CL0SURE N0TICE F0RM This must be filled out and returned to the Bureau when cl osure 'is compl eted. t 727 ID ' 542-/N4, LrdH No. A,D.of /4AhvT jTA. orawn By SITE PLAT 4-/ul.Oate: ?-6-?a - W- H. 5oo elt.? g'or I I I ,vJ I I I VENT LNEO l (\ \ ( I \ \ ( I \ I \ I \ I \ $ I \ I \ I *n U.O.o,f TPA|LER fueaET CJNE @43rE aEL TAAIK s47 s*g uNtG oFaAvnfio^l 1r*y' qe* e .(- fQap 744141t19 ,b+/ ?'&uower74l € TANKgasrw./ozo 5r* z 2'Et-otlaaf'7uloF 774NK gotsrw/fuzo %#7(u,r.c) ,r* / 5' aglzvl! exatto: 9lRFE ( p,r*/sob 5-4-* < (u.a.c.) 4,' *b 2t ElrtduTTul'- cF 771^lK ?ra.r ( u.oc.) //,t2-'-t-b-'-' /'/ 5@ Not77/ ,T+TE ,7. t/.2.a.f n4//vr477* 77? Building, etc. out'lines Tank & Line outlines Potentiometri c Surf ace Creeks, Rivers Monitoring l.lells Sample Locations Eore Hole (BH-#) Water Wells (domestic, -t-t-t- = felephone: 0rains; (Mh,-#. uw-#, PZ-#) (ss-#. HS-#, vs-#' As-#) -P-P-P- =-d-d-d- = Q= l= != E= Power: F rench I ivestock. etc. ) -g-g-g- = Gas;Lines: -s-s-s- = Sewer: -w-w-w- =l.Jater: BSH!{-7 767U-8 . IANC XANDTEB Name Lynn Sorenson Certificate # TH-0083 Address 1040 N0rth 300 West Spanish Fork, Utah Zi p 84660 S0IL/GR0UND SAMPLER Name Richard t.liedeman E}{P Enqineerinq Certificate # (after 12/31/89) GS-0039 Address 1l2l East 3900 South Suite C-100. Salt Lake Citv. Utah Zip 84724 DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) w'ill be disposed at: Facil ity A & J Ueldinq Address 665 West 100 South. Salina. Utah Contact Jim Schade Tel. # (801)s29-3991 Product lines will either be X removed or _ secured in place and capped. Vent lines will either be X removed or _ secured open. Piping to be disposed at: Facility A & J t,leldinq Address 665 West 100 South. Salina. Utah Contact Jim Schade Te1. # [80])529-3991 Tank will be emptied by.(company) and cleaned by Tri -K Devel ooment (company) The tank will be either purged or rendered inert by the following method: Triole Rinsed - Total of 150 lbs. drv ice for 3 tanks If tanks are to be closed in-place, has approval been obtained from the Fire Dept. _yes _no. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY If found, contaminated soils are to be djsposed at the following facility: Salina Citv Landfill address 600 E. Main St. Salina. Utah contact Scott Holt tel. # 529-3450 If found contaminated water js to be disposed at the following facility: Tri-K Develooment address American Fork. Utah contact Cal Kesl ar tel . # 756-4296 Residual sludges are to be disposed at the following fac'ility: Tri-K Development address American Fork. Utah contact Cal Kesl ar tel . # 756-4296 IF CONTAMINATED SOILS ARE TO BE AERATED, CONTACT BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY FOR ANY NECESSARY PERMITS AT 538-6108. IF CoNTAMINATED GRoUNDIIATER IS FoUND, CoNTACT BUREAU OF ITATER POLLUTION CoNTROL FOR ANY NECESSARY PERMITS AT 538-6146. Sevjer County Health C0NTACT L0CAL HEALTH DISTRICT Name of Dist. Richfield. Utah Date 2-21-90 Contact Roqer Folsy Title Di stri ct Eng'ineer Tel # (801) 896-5451 CONTACT L0CAL FIRE DEPT. Name of Dept. Salina Fire Dept(votunteer)Date 2-20-90 Contact Jim Maxwell Title Fire Chief Tel # 529-3450 Bus# 529-7613 SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed on all tanks to be closed. At a minimum, protocol found in R450-205 UAC should be followed during closure assessment. Groundwater sample lab analysis to be used: X 8015, (modified), X EPA 413.1 other 602 Soil sample, lab analysis to be used: x 8015, (modified), x EpA 413.1 other 8020 State Certified Laboratory to be used: American West Analvtical Laboratories Address 463 west 3600 south. Salt Lake citv. utah Zip 94t07 Tel # 263-8685 Contact Steve Getz CONTAMINATION INFORMATION In the event that contamination is detected or susoected you must report a release to the Executive Secretary, SoIid and Hazardous Wastes Committee at 801-538-6170. If contamjnation is suspected or detected a qual ified environmental consultant should assist you in your remediation. In the event contamination is found the environmental consultant will be: Company Eckhoff. llatson and preator Enqineering address l12l East 3900 South. e-100.City Salt Lake Citv State Utah zip 84124 tet. # (8Ot) 261-0090 ID tt ?-ecxl)o'i'F \ Lompllance #^lspense Date ? 4. InspecEor [rUlr",ov< Closed Out INITIAL INSPECTION & COMPLIANCE SUMMARY FORM Tank 0wner _Ind. _dba _ Corp. _Other Oate(acqu'ired/Inc. ) NAME J i)o'T- l. lz t4-s< ') i izffi STREET CITY COUNTY/STATE 7TP CONTACT _Ind. _dba _Corp. *& 333 PHONE 0ther Date(acqui redlInc. ) FACILITY NO. TITLE Tank Ooerator BUSINESS NAIi{E STREET CIT CONTACT IITLE V IOLATION/ COMPL IANCE W17/ss 0\ 7{' ?n / t trso / P4 Llf - to 12/61 DAT'E Action Date I t-<-'z-< Act i on l^ tf -' Suspense Date [2 -u-*4 Pena I ty I ST CONTACT 2NI) CONTACT 3RD CONTACT 4TH CONTACT N0v ORt)ER FILE EPA REFERRAL N0v ORDER CLOSE OUT $ $ $ $ $ $FINAL ASSESSHENT Prooerty 0wner Ind.dba NAl.lE Corp.0ther v Oate(acqui red/Inc.)_ STREET CITY STATE ztP ACQU I RE0 In Compliance? # ( Y/t{)TANK # STATUS AGE UAPACITY MATER IAL INTERNAL EXTERNAL PIPING SUBSTANCE LAST USEO CLOSURE CERTI FICATIOI{ RELEASE OET. [)ATE t)UE SPILL/OVERFI LL RELEASE DATE Financial Resoonsibi 1 itv METHOO INSURER POLI CY EFFECTIVE [)ATE CO}I]iIENTS: it^l-7 548U L,J , DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Norman H. Bangerter 1 GNrnoi suane Dandoy, M.D., M.P.H. Bureau of solid & Haza'dous waste Exfrum Dimbr 2gg Nonh t 460 Wesl. p.O. gox 16690 Kennerh L A.tkema satt Lake ctiy, utah 841 16-0690 Dremr (801 ) 538-6170 BSHW-7666U-l Nov 0 4 l9E6 Carl Johnson utah Department of Transportation, District 0fficeP.0. 8ox 700Richfield, Utah B47Ot RE: Underground Storage Tank Fee Assessment Dear Mr. Johnson: I havc cncloscd photo copies of the.bills you reguested and encJosed newnotification forms for your-to update your files. Last fiscal years billings show remittance shortages of $25 to $t00 for eachof these facilili:t: ouilng your updater, vo, must document reasons for theseshortages in order to make inl-inunges in the fee assessment. If the tanks being considered berong to .the Highway patror, indicate by:facilitv, the number, age; iipi.ity, ano iruriin.e stored in the tanks so theproper billing adjustments can be transferred to that office. If the tanks being considered were properly taken out of service or'c'losed,, indicati: - Iu.jlity & Facitity r0 No.- Iulk d9€,-capacityl subitance stored- Date of closure- How c'rosed ( removar or f i r red with inert sol id)- Condition of tank on c.losure- Condition of soils on closure (contamination?)- Disposal of tank, if removed II.;::ll3l'i;riil1 u .ow or the rocar Fire or Hearth ,epartments Il:n;":ifiIir3i;H ffl;,ffiio,H:I.r;,,:l:l:. bi I ring for the same faci rity, ^t In all cases, an anended form is reguired jn addition to the regulreddocumentation for each. tlith the adove do-cumentation and amenddents, weshould be able to get the problems sorted out and the files in order. If you have any guestions, please call tllilliam iloore at (g0l) 53g-6170. Si ncerely, lrlJ-r_ qc) ilark T. El I i s, EHil Underground Storage Tank Section Bureau of Solid & Hazardous l{aste llTE/ffilds a\ ! ,TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SAMUEL J TAYLOR CHAIRMAN WAYNE S. Wtt\iTEHS VICE CHAIRMAN B. LAVAUN COX TODTJ G, WESTON JAMES G. LARKIN ELVA H. ANDERSON SECRETARY i EUGENE H. FINDLAY, CPA DIRECTOR GENE STURZENEGGER, P.E 4SS/STANT DIRECTOR STERLING C. DAVIS, P.E. Disttict Dircctot If you UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFORTATION 708 SOUTH IOO WEST RICHFIELD, UTAH 8470I November 15,1988 Mark T. E1lis Bureau of Solid & Hazardous Waste UST 288 North 1460 West, P.O. Box i6690 Salt Lake Ciry, Urah 84116-0690 RE: Underground Storage Tank Fee Assessment Dear Mr. E1lis, In response co your ietter of i'{ovember 4, i988. f. have reinventorieci thefacilities within our department. Enclosed are the amended notificationof each of our facilities where storage tanks contain regulated substances. Last fiscal year billings remittance shortages at various facilities,reflect those tanks used for stori-ng heating oil. We have corrected theinvoices for FY 89 to reflect the same. r have transfered the documentation of tanks belonging to the HighwayPatrol to their office. Also, r instructed theu to send an amended nlfifila+inn t^ \,^!rr ^€€i^^ -^ ^rn^^' Iri11i-ac ^^.r'lJ La a^-+ r^ +L.^i?ri i i!= , JU pi UpUi Uiiiiii$,U vvu-g vU JUii! Lij e..v4tagency. They have two tanks currently in use, one is located in Kanecounty at the Port of Entry. The other tank is located at the uDor maintenance yard in Salina, both tanks are used to store gasoline. r hope this information will assist you in updating your fiIes. have any questionsr please give me a call at 896-BZ4L. "it:W" Carl Johnson Safety Coordinet{rr Enclosures State of Utah UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4501 South 2700 Wesl Salt Lake Crty. Utah 841 1 9-5998 (801 )-965-4000 llenrporttdon Conrnlsllon Samuel J. Taylor ('hairman Walne S. Winters . \'ice Chairme R. Lavaun Cox Todd G. Weston James G. Larkin Elva H. Anderson Secrelar\. Governor Eugene H. nndlay. C.P.A. Exe( uurc I)rr(tor Gene Sturzenegger. P.E. Assisunt f)ircctor May 8, 1989 Brent Bnadford, Director Erecutive Secretary Wah Solid Fhzardous lt{astes Committee 288 t{orth 1450 l{est Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-0690 RE: Underground Storage Tank Fee Assessments Dear Mr. Bradford: Thank you for your letter dated April 20, 1989. V{e appreciate the information you provided. My understanding is that UDOT has not changed any UST status since December 22, L988. It is obvious that a different number of UDOTfs USTs have been recorded between UDOT and the Department of l-lealth prior to that date. Fbwever, it is a good time for us to update the records now. We would like to work with Mr. WiLliam Moore to update the records at your most convenient time. If you have any questions, please contact me at 965-4618. Sincerely, 0*r"t //ut* Daniel Hsiao, P.E. Division of Maintenance cc: E.H. Findlay, CPA, Director Department of Transportation GeraLd Barrett, P.E. Engineer for Maintenance RECEIVES MAY 101989 ,, *.Y,'ils?frol ii,:1i.15 " '' an equal opportunity employer 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bureau ot Sohd & Hazardous Waste 288 Norrh 1 460 Wesr, P O Box I 6690 salt Lake crty. uiah 841 1 6-0690 (801 ) 538-6r 70 documentat'ion consists of : A signed affidavit from the company authority.or individualowner/operator, or; A signed affidavit and copies of comp'leted work orders from thecontracting company who removed the tanks, oFi A report from a witnessing local Fire or Health Oepartment, or; A report from a witnessing State Health Department personnel. , \-orman H. Bangerter Co\ernot Suanne Dandoy. M.D. M.P.H. ExPcuuve I)ire.br Kenneth L. A]kema Dir(mr Proper t. 2. BSHW-g1 80U-1 AP,1 2 0 i989 Eugene H. Findlay, CPA Executi ve 0i rector Utah State Department of Transportatjon 450'r s. 2700 W. Sa I t Lake Ci ty, UT 84.| '19-5998 Re: Underground Storage Tank Fee Assessments [)ear Mr. Findlay: You have notified the Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Haste of the original number of underground storage tanks billed as regulated tanks on al'l your Utahfacilities. You have subsequently submitted a printout not'ifying this officethat substantially fewer regulated tanks exist at many of your Utah faciljties. fhe Attorney General's off ice has informed us that you are 'liable for a'lltanks you originally notified on up unti.l the time that you sufficient)y document the reasons why each tank you have deleted from your newnotifications should be considered exempt or closed. This must be done on a tank by tank basis because each tank is separately reg'istered and accountedfor from the time it was installed until it is properly disposed or given exempt status. Proper closure-cons'ists of removal of the tank from the ground or, if approvedby your loca'l fire department, filling the tank with an inert solid (i.e. cement or sand). Please refer to 40 CFR, Part 280 Subpart G (attached) and R450 204 UCA. 3. 4. 4/a Included in the documentation(s) must be the following: 'l . 0wner name, address, and phone number.2. Facj I ity )ocation ( Faci I ity I0 No. )3. Tank Identification (Name and Address, Tank Age and Capac'ity, Materialthe tank is made of, and Substance previously stored).4. 0ate of Closure (l'lonth, t)aV, year). 5. Approved method of closure and how completed.6. Condition of Tank when removed (i.e. clean, rusted,'if it has holes and hole size in nrn).7. Site Assessment including soil contamination, groundwater conditions,presence of tree product, etc.8. contractor(s) name, address, phone number, and certificate number.9. Where the tank was 0isposed (if removed). 4!_!uqh, Vou must-pay all fees assessed during fiscal year'1988. Fiscal year.l989 fees may stilI be adjusted depending on the documentatjon you submitaccounting for the difference in the number of tanks. The fees assessed on the NOTICE 0F VIOLATION #8902644 have already beenadjusted since 0istrict 2 has cooperated and supplied that documeitation on most of their facilities. A review of information supp'lied by the otherdistricts did not sufficiently document the djfferences in the number oftanks, only that they now had fewer tanks. If you have questions on a specific facility and what documentation js required for a specific situation, please contact t,li'lliam Hoore at (80t) 538-6r 70. Sincerel Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Wastes Committee c: Suzanne Oandoy, 0irector, Department of Health Ken Alkema, 0irector, Environmental Health BCB/W4/ds ----- / , ,< ,/(-.)*,2/.r Bradf ord, r0i rector \orman H. BanSerter G()vernor Eugene H. Findlar'. C.P A. Ex({ uuve Dlrector (lent SrurzenegSer. P E. {ssrsunl Diasaor cc: Howard Richardson, Daniel Hsi.ao, w/o Gerald Barrett, P.E. Engineer for Maintenance ftanrportrtlon Counlrelon Samuel J. Taylor Charman wayne S. winters lice Charman Rl kuaun co* Todd G. W+'ston Janes G. Larkin Yr^:, "*-y'-/bi" t,ra "rt /. f' '', _ a.-, w/o attacl'ment attacfments State of lltah UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4501 South 2700 West salt Lake cily. urah 841 1 9-5998 (801 )-965-4000 Sincerely, /reZ--* March V, 1989 Ms. Suzanne Dandoy, M.D., M.P.H. Executive Director 288 North 1450 West SaIt Lake City, Utah 84115 Dear Suzanne: Re: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fees As you know, the UDOT has sent a request for corrected statements of the fees. The request was dated February L4, L989. Please see tl-e attacl'ment. March 1, L989, I received a 'rNotice of Vlolationrr fox not paying the fees. l{ould you please send me the corrected statements, and I wiII pay tle fee as soon as I receive them. The Division of Maintenance will handle all the UST items for the UDOT. Mr. Danie} Hsiao, P.E., is tfe person to contact concerning any questions you might have. Mr. Hsiaots phone nurnber Ls 965-4678. I am looking forward to l'rearing from you. Attaclment EqT:-Mj''*'.T:ri:r MAR ? rc89 CF:ICE OFE":. -ECT'J UT^,r u.-, ). -ri,-,].,i_ ,.1 MAR ] 4 1989 Utah Depi. of Health Bureau of Sclid & Haz:r.;,,.is ur'a:1.,an equal opportunrty employer htw+ \ormanH.1Hfr: ="'"""'.:11:i';f::: 'Pn. Srurzencfs;::rE; ^ State of Utah UTAH DEPARTMENT OF IRAI{SPORTATION 4501 South 2700 Wesl Salt Lake Crty. Ulah 841 I 9-5998(8on-eos.4oot) February 14, 1989 Ms. Suzanne Dandoy, M.D., M.p.H. Executive Director 288 tbrth 1460 west SaIt Lake City, Utah 84115 t) Vy''o14zal-- Dear [1*,#doy: Re: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fees Tlnnk you for the UST registration fee staterents. Iwill send the dues as soon as tle statements have been corrected. I have noticed some mistakes have been made in tfEstaterents. Our Departnent has I00 less USTs than the Health Departrnentrs staterents inoicEF Current UST inventory is attacled for your information, ard the Departnent of FEa1thts staterents are attacled as we]-[. Please revise tlue statements so we can send tlB correct amount. The Division on Maintenance will handle aI1 tfe UST related items. If you need additionaL informauion please contact Mr. GeraId Barrett, P.E., Engineer for Maintenanceat (80I) 965-4LL6. If possible, a |tsunmarized statementrt for eachhighway district would certainly be helpful. The Maintenance Division can lelp to identify each district bythe station nunber. TfrryctdcCou5c Samuel J. Taytor (:ham.n Wayne S. Winters vi.. ClEma ' R. Lavaun Cox Todd G. \lesron .James G. brtin Elva H. Anoerson i,arelm' Sincerely, // t' /-%j--,/" .,/e.n. Findray, cpA./ Direetor Howard Richardson w/o attachents Gerald, Barrett w/o attaclments Gary LLndLeY wlo attacffients Daniel Hsiao w/o attaclrnents:1 eouar oooonunrrv employer Page No. cL/13/89 Nearest Station City a SALT LAKE SALT LAITE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAIiE CLINTON CLINTON OGDEN OGDEN BRIGHA}I BRIGHAI'I tsRIGHAI'I BRIGHA}I CLEARFIELD CLEARFIELD HU:{TSVILLE HUNTSVILLE }IORGAN iTORGAN SNOWVILLE PARK VALLEI PARK VALLEY SNOWVILLE BOTHWELL BOTHWELL REVERS IDE RIYERSIDE COLLISTO\ COLLINSTO\ IT'ELLSVILLE WELLSVILLE LOGAN LOGAN CACHE JCT CACHE JCT LANE TOWN L.{KE TOh'N RANDOLPH RANDOLPH OGDEN OGDEN OGDEN LOGAN STI}I}1IT LOGAN SLII'I}IIT SARDINE SL'}I}IIT SARDfI\iE SLIIIIIIT TOOELE TOOELE UDOT Underground Storage Tank attachment page 1 of 5 revi sed L/L3189 Tank Tank Internal External Substance;\ge llaterial Protection Protection Stored. 000 iJ00 000 000 000 t21 t21 r22 LLL LLO 104 L L+ 1 2.1 . L.J 125 r26 126 131 't Dl 131 131 11 32 132 :jj .J.j '! 11 i.lJ 135 135 136 36 36 36 J' lJ / -tJ, 1J ''',72 712 112 1-!5 r.{5 i{o 1{8 o o'lLA L 22r 7 7 7 I 7 22 22 2 otr 32 J/- 32 c^JL JJ 16 15 15 33 33 28 35 28 i5 .tJ 1 t .1. .ic 35 JJ 55 22 ,oLL 45 l5 9q 25 {4 -t4 10 10 10 15,trLJ 32 32 20 steel s teel steel s teel steel s teel steel steel steel s teel steel s teel s teel s teel s teel s teel steel s teel steel s teel steel steel s teel s teel steel plastic plas t ic steel s teel s teel steeI s teel steel s teel steel s teel s teel s teel s Leel plastic plast ic plas tic s teel s beel s teel steel s tee-l-plastie none none none none none unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknorvn unknown unknown unknown unhnown unknown I ining e athodi c: unknot{rr unknown unknorvrr unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknorvrr unknown unknown l inirrg I in ing l ining unknown unknorvn unknown unknown unknown none painted painted painted painted painted unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown ,rnknown unknorin rtnknorvn unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unltnown unknowrr unknown unknowrr ca thod i c trnknot"'rt unhnown unknown unknor.rrr unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unkrrown r:Oated c-oated c-oated unknown unknorvn unknown unknown painted none diesel gaso 1 ine gasol ine gasol ine gasol ine gasol ine diesel gasol ine di esel gasol ine di esel diese I di esel gasol ine di esel gasol ine diesel gasol ine di esel gasol inegasol ine diesel di ese Igasoline diesel di ese I gasol- i ne di ese I gasol ine gasol ine di esel gaso I i ne gasol ine gaso 1 ine diesel gasol ine di esel gasol ine di esel gasol inegasol ine di esel gasol inediesel gaso I ine diesel diesel gasol ine Page No. 0t/13/89 \earest Station Citv GRANTSVILLE GRANTSVILLE TOOELE TOOELE WEST VALLEY SALT LAKE SALT LAKE CENTERVILLE CENTERVILLE I^JEST JORDAN I{EST JORDAN IiEST JORDAN WEST JORD.{N }ltiRRAY }IURRAY Si\LT LAI(E SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SNYDERVILLE SNYDERVILLE SNYDERVILLE WANSHTP I{ANSHIP I{ANSHIP I.JANSHIP IiA}IAS Ii.\MAS IiAI'IAS IiAMAS ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO SALT LAKE SALT LAKE RICHFIELD RICHFIELD RICHFIELD RICHFIELD RICHFIELD RICHFIELD GLENDALE GLENDALE GLEl{DALE YT. CARMEL }IT. CARMEL TROPIC steel s teel steel s teel steel s teel s teel s teel s teel unknown unknown unknown unknown steel s teel steel s teel unknown unknown steel s teel s teel s teel s teel s teel steel unknown rrnknorvn unknown rrnknown s teel s teel s teel steel steel s teel steel s teel s teel s teel s teel s teel- s teel- s teel s teel s teel s teel plastic none none I ining I ining Iining unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknowrr unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unkrrown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown none none none none none none cathodic cathodic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown 1 ining painted painted painted painted coatedpainted painted unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown rlnknown unknol. rr painted pai nt ed unknown unknown paint ed painted painted unknown unknorun unknown unknown painted painted painted painted painted painted pa i nted painted painLed painted painted pa in ted pain ted painted painted pain ted pai-nted painted painted pa inted painted coated attachment page 2 of 5 revi sed ll13l89 gaso I i ne diesel diesel gasol ine dieseldiesel gasol ine diese I gasol ine diese I gasol ine dies el gasol ine diese I gaso I ine diesel gasol inegasol ine di esel diesel kerosene kerosene di esel gaso I ine diesel gasol ine gasol ine di ese I di esel diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel di esel gasol ine di esel diesel gasol ine gasol inegasol ine used oil di esel gasol ine gasol ine gasol ine diesel diesel UDOT Linderground Storage Tank Tank Tank Internal External SubstanceAge -Yaterial Protection Protection S tored 222 222 223 223 221 225 225 226 226 231.cl oQ1 :31 .\r!, ooo -J.) -JJoa tLOa 231 235 235 aJC 236 iJO 236 :36 -J / -J r -J I 238 238 238 238 2,15 215 300 300 300 300 300 300 321 ,121 321 322 322 3 2.1 30 30 L2 72 1 LI 17 + { o 8 LO 22 22 21 21 30 30 21 24 5 5 Z+ 2.1 28 LO 28 28 30 I i 30 19 i9 2 2 5 24 L l0 t0 40 {0 ,10 i0 Page No. 0t/13/89 Nearest Station Ci ty LIDOT L-nderground Storage Tank attachment page 3 of 5revised L/L3/89 Tank Tank Internal External SubstanceAge llaterial Protection ProtecLion Stored 321 321 324 325 325 325 326 326 326 327 327 328 328 328 331 331 331 331 332 ,eo 333 333 eqe 33{ 334 334 JJ+ 'J J'+ JJ{ 100 {00 {00 127 121, 422 .t22 123 {23 423 t21 124 121 724 131 131 431 132 t ooAJL TROPIC ESCALANTE ESCALANTE PANGUITCH PANQUETCH PANQLITTCH JLINCTION JUNCTTON JUNCTION SEVIER SEVIER GUNNISON GLINNISON GUNNISON I(OOSHAREM KOOSHARE}I LOA LOA HANKSVILLE HANKSVILLE SALINA SALINA SALINA lIT. PLEASANT }TT. PLEASANT }IT. PLEASANT }1T. PLEASANT }1T. PLEAS,\NT }IT. PLEAS.\NT PRICE PRICE PRICE BLUFF BLUFF BLANDING BLANDING MONTICELLO YONTICELLO MONTICELLO MOAB MOAB LASAL LASAL THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON GREEN RIVER GREEN RIVER steel s t,eeL steel s teel steel steel s LeeI s teel s teel s teel steel steel steel steel steel s teel s teel steel steel s tee l- steel steel steel s teel s teel unknown unknown rlnknor.rn s teel steel steel s teel s teel steel s teel steel s teel s teel steel steel s tee-L plastic plas tic 1:1as t i c steel s teel plastic plastic unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown none unhnown unknown unknown unknown ca Lhodic cathodic unknown unknown rrnknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown urrknown ',tnltnor''nunknown unknown unknowrr unknown none none cathodic cathodic none none none none none unknown unknown I ining none none 1 in ing I ining painted painted painted painted painted pa in ted painted painted painted pa inted painted painted pai nted painLed painted pa in ted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted pa in ted painted pa in Led painted pain ted painted painted painted unhnown painted painted painted painted pa i nted pain ted pa i nted pa in Led painted coated coated coated painted pa in ted coated coated gasol ine diesel gasol ine di esel gasol ine used oil used oil diesel gasol ine gasol ine di esel gasol i ne di esel used oiI di esel gasol ine gasol ine diesel diesel gasol ine dieselgasoline used oil diesel gasol ine diesel di esel gasol ine used oil gasol ine di esel used oi1 gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel di esel diesel gasol ine gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine gasol ine di esel 2 28 28 22 22 iJ c 23 J 13 13 t-ii 28 28 28 28 22 22 28 28 5I 9 30 30 30 o 14 74 JZ ZJ 23I ,l 1i ooOL 10 26 26 1 10 c 13 13 15 UDOT Underground Storage Tank attachment page 4 of 5revised L/L3/89 Tank Tank Internal External SubstanceAge )laterial Protection Protection Stored Page No. oL/t3l89 )iearest Station City 133 133 433 133 433 134 134 135 435 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 52L 52L 522 522 523 523 521 521 525 525 526 326 527 527 527 531 531 532 532 532 533 533 534 534 534 535 535 535 536 536 536 621 HUNTINGTON HUNTING?ON EIUERY EMERY EMERY WELLLINGTON WELLINGTON COLTON COLTON CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR ST. GEORGE ST. GEORGE HURRICANE HURRICANE BERYL JCT BERYL JCT CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR PAROWAN PAROK'AN BEAVER BEAVER BEAVER }IILFORD }IILFORD COVE FORK COVE FORK COVE FORK GARRISON GARRISON FILL}IORE FILLMORE FILL}IORE HINCKLEY HINCKLEY HINCKLEY SCIPIO SCIPIO SCIPIO EUREKA 2, J 1i 17 14 14 2l 27 J4 32 10 JZ i 1 1 10 10 25 25 19 19 12 t2 16 16 oo 23 10 20 20 1 1 10 22 22 20 20 30 30 8 2 2 30i 31 31 25 plastic plas tic steel s teel steel s teel s teel s teel steel s teel s teel s teel s teel plastic plas tic plas t ic steel s teel s teel s teel s teel steel steel s teel s teel s teel steel s teel s teel stee] s teel plas tic plastic s teel steel s teel steeL s teel s teel steel s teel plastic plas t ic s teel steel s teel s teel s teel I ining I ining none none none none none none none unknown unknown unknown unknown 1 i ning I ining 1 ining unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unhnown unknown unknown unknown I ining I ining unknown unknown unhnown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown l ining l ining unknown unknown unknown unknown I ining coated coated painted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted coated coated coated painted painted painted painted unknown unknown painted painted unknown unknown unknown unknown painted painted painted coated coated painted painted painted unknown unknown painted painted painted unknown unknown painted painted painted painted painted gasol- ine diesel gasoline gasol ine di esel gasol ine di esel gasol ine diesel gesoline gasol ine gaso I ine di esel gasol ine di esel used oiI gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel diesel gasol ine gasol ine diesel di esel gasol ine di esel gaso I ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel diesel gasol ine used oiI gasol irre diesel gasol ine used oi1 d iesel gasol ine di ese 1 used oil di esel gasol ine empty gasol ine a a\ UDOT Underground Storage Tank attachment page 5 of 5 revised LlL3l89 Tank Tank Internal ExternaL SubsLanceAge llaterial Protection Protection Stored Page No. 07/13/89 NearestStation City 621 622 622 623 623 s24 624 628 628 631 631 632 632 633 633 635 635 636 636 637 637 637 637 641 641 Total of EUREKA NEPHI i{EPHI LEHI LEHI SANTAQUIN SANTAQUIN LEVAN LEVAN HEBER HEBER HEBER HEBER TABIONA TABIONA ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELT UANTLA }TANILA VERNAL VERNAL GREENDALE GREENDALE OREI-I OREM 217 Tanks steel steel steel steel s teel s teel steel steel steel steel s teel s teel steel s teel s teel plas tic s teelplastic steel steel steel s teel steel plas tic plast ic I inine Iining lining I ining I ining I ining 1 ining lining 1 ining I ining I ining I ining I ining L ining I ining I ining lining none 1 ining 1 ining I ining I ining 1 ining none none painted painted painted cathodic cathodicpainted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted painted coated painted coated painted painted painted painted painted coated coated diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine dieselgasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine dieselgasoline diesel gasol ine diesel gasol ine di esel JCT JCT 25 24 24 15 1 30 30 30 30 25 ,R 2L 2t i6 16 7 I 10 10 23 23 23 23 3 3 Ownership of Tanks Piping is protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the dispensers are protected from corrosion? Impressed current system is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results of the last three checks are available? Have you updated the database with the current Cathodic Protection test? The database has been verified and updated? Is the spill containment bucket(s) able to contain a spill? (i.e. is there water, product, debris, etc in the spill bucket to prevent it from containing a spill?) Tanks have an overfill device or are exempt from this requirement? If an overfill alarm is being used is it properly located so the delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearly identified? The database has been verified and updated? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line leak detector test? If using monthly monitoring, have you entered the results in the table below? U.S. suction piping has a valid line tightness test every 3 years? I nspector: Record Created by: Time Record Created: lnspection Date: LD Substantial: Oper Substantial: Comments SEANWARNER swarner 412112011 2:10:58 PM 4121t2011 "{l'e T LAKE CIry Facility ID #: 2000209 Corrosion Protection lB4 1 14 ING@UTAH.GOV (43s) s29-7222 NG Inspection Date Detail: 412112017 Tanks |Y*- lAil * lG- Fil - lM Fil- INA Fn - Tanks |Y;- 1n"r-r rc-hil- rc-hil* ffiLc * lAil - Tanksilc- F-- ffi' lAr * IAr * Tanks Tanks are protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the tank subpumps are protected from corrosion? Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc? The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter)? i i^nollow Up on Corrosion Protection Spill/Oveffi!! Detail: Tanks have a Spill Prevention device or are exempt from this requirement? Are you able to visually inspect the spill containment bucket(s) for functionality? (i.e. are the buckets clean enough to see cracks, etc?) Is the spill containment bucket(s) intact? If the spill containment bucket(s) is not intact, does it have a potential to release product to the environment? i] fottow Up on Spill/Overfill Piping LD Detail: Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a line leak detector? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line tightness test or valid monthly monitoring? Piping is U.S. suction? The database has been verified and updated? [ ] follow Up on Piping Leak Detection Financial Responsibility The database has been verified and updated? Financial Responsibilty Method is ok? rc. IY"t lG-lAil - rc-ffi- lG- lAil * trtAil- lAil * rehil*Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. (Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. If all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping.) il'"r- Detail: IY*- fra- Location of Tanks Contact'ISTEVE Phone l(801) 619'7232 lY"*;**- IAil -ilY*- F * INA IAil * Tanks lG;-fffi Tanks L-l Follow Up on Financial Responsibility Page 1 oi 4 Facility ID #:2000209 Inspbction DLt 4l21t20t,l U lTank LD-ATG/IM Detail : rAfG/lM - Leak Detection Method Used? I IM - Type of Secondary Containment Used? I rIM - Type of Documentation Used? l IIM - System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from jany portion of the primary tank/piping within one month of release? I IATG/IM - Records on site document that the system is properly installed, icalibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reporb, I maintenance records)? Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, land repair is kept for at least one year after work is completed? IATG/IM - ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform ]tests is adequate, accessible, and operational? I iATG/IM - Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last i12 months? Show results in table below. I IATG - The probe is located at the center of the tank? If not in the center, ishow tilt factors from the setup report. Tanks f;r * ti,- I i l. i lnfC - ffre tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a lvalid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size llimits? l ithe database has been verified and updated? L Ffq!- ypjl,."It{ detection f,A-ffi;- |fiffi'- lffi/A- {-/^ * ilY.*;- lY"'- xffi- W f,Y"*;- tr I Page 2 ot 4 ,\ 10/10,, 11110 I 1217A 01/rli Facility ID #: 2OOO209 ,^ Inspectr-on Da. ' 4l2ll20ll it.,dirffiffiilillvro -06ti0l- 0tt10i.- 08nn: 0e7i0l.'-lr 02111i i 03i 11 PiNA:rp nrnlP:NA.Ij!|,r!_NA P NA ryB!!A,1.!!A,| !!AIP,ryA:: I l!l;!!-NA Show results of monitoring for the ]ast 12 months. Pass(p), Fail(f), Inconclusive(i) or l{o results(nr). (Tank Results in first box, line results in second) *llii gstro, oel10 L0/10,..1V1.0j', !?tri ojit_l ll"*t 12 Show results of monitoring for the last 12 months. Pass(p), Fail(f), Inconclusive(i) or No results(nr), (Tank Resutts in first box, line results in second) Page 3 of 4 Inspection Dr ,4l2tlzotl \JFacility ID #: 20OO2O9 l lTank Status: I i Date lnstalled/Capacityi Loc: iTank Material: I iTank Modifications: iPipe Material: lPipe Modifications: lPipe Flex Connectors: JPipe Type: isubstance Stored: I j Spill/Overf ill Description lTank C P MeVLast Test/Passed? lLast Line CP TesUPassed?: iTank Release Detection: i Last TTT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Min. Vol./Max. Cap.: Max. Monthly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDTffype/Passed? Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: Yes Other: Tank Status: Pipe Modifications: Pipe Flex Conneclors: Type: Stored Description ank C P MeVLast TesVPassed? Line CP Test/Passed?: ank Release Detection: TTT/MethodiPassed?: lR Vendor TG Vendor/Model Vol./Max. Cap.: x. Monthly Thruput Release Detection: ALDTffype/Passed? LTTiMethod/ Passed? TFund: Yes Other: i E-Gen: No Currently ln Use Manifold: No 5/2411990 6,000 North Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic Double-Walled Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Double'Walled Booted Steel Flex Pressurize Perm BD by: 512312000 Gasoline Begular 5 gal. Spill Bucke Ball float valve YES ATG 51412010 TEI 5000 Yes Veeder Boot TLS-300 CSLD N '10% old 5% new 45K 227,559 1. LTT 3t 1t241 1 3i 1 i2011 No 2. ALD Yes TEI Model LT Yes OtherTvoe: 2 E-Gen: No Currently ln Use Manifold: No 512411990 8,000 South Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic Double-Walled Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Double-Walled Booted Steel Flex Pressurize Perm RD by: 512312000 Diesel 85 Biodiesel 5 gal. Spill Bucke Ball float valve YES ATG 51412010 TEI 5000 Yes Veeder Root TLS-300 CSLD N 10% old 57. new 45K 227,559 1. LTT 2. ALD 3!1,2011 Yes 3!1i2A11 TEI Model LT Yes No OtherType: 'l I Date lnstalled/Capacity/Loc: lTank Material: lTank Modifications: I lPipe Material: I I _l Page 4 ot 4