HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005839aaly ,t ; Fonn Approvcd. OMB No. 2050-006S.Approvrl erplnr 1/31lrs ,a t. - A. B. c. oate Entered lnto Conpurer Oaia Enty Clerk lnitiajs Owner Was Contadad to Clan? Responsas. Commens Please &!e 6r onnr h ink a[ iterns .Eapt'Eigns, e'ln scctbn v. This tormrilJst be cornc€t€d lof eacn tocstirr a[aining unaerErors0 rbrage tanks. ttaEre t'ra1 fve (5) tanks 8re oyflr€d d tris telon, phit^c pythe 6rc*ngsha€ts, and staple cantiruation sheas to the brm. . Xoil,lqtlar h -qsltd !y F.d.El f- b. dr uid-grqrt. trrt lrrh.n l{t ur< to .ta rtgclt.a acil.,E. uE &nrE? t, lt a,l,ld T-1":!. grqrEd - ot U.y t, ttaa. r trr.a n rq{tt L!t. s dr, L, l.1taai. Th. Harnrbn oqr-rd b rcrdrri ty Sratn fGl d tr nrcici(b^Er!.En fts Fm u- .pCilAl r axL Tlu oa:ury DuEa of ae rzgfq.ur oqrri a E t cE lr<t GnrrdauneGErF€ tnrs Etat ara s iava 3ra<t cno!86 O' tr;!t rDlt SlElrr.i: 6 e!-cr€ :rrt Eta rnldilrB Et ErcEta i Ba qEr on ,r:flgytEnaDli r.erE I n Eta r,.+ ot s.tt trg=r. !q, IJ.r-ge. Fi.aa. o,te<Dri*!o1L v/ha ll.rr Ho(ltf Saoqr E? ot RCRA G rare6. ,Err- nd. un!-srsnaxE. m-= ot ulE-getrE lrils lral aga EflDd cJnslJEai tttutt.c:!y esgtlt- Sala or ier. $rcG ol tt sEaq d c!, rnE O.rI,,iIr . a) ir6torsrolrnt,ldrllqrf se.Eihl.6.qr l{oants!. lgga.strir.EFt 6E E dr !E ctt. .rr, t-to! rlrr -! !r udallqJfi, ErCaE,rr 15.€ tsr na faqr. !E . d caEllan, ot lfgtg6 ---.-1 j,g - - b) h t!. ae ot rr"7 ut TrqJr! srlea Err n rD i{E. l{orrnts t,198a. tsrr m tfig- a rr.6 Elrrdar. G, lllEn ft ari 3Jcn aflFfie<iDrv b.hn gta dE€rur.aD.t oi iE lla. . c, i, n .Sn. .g.rr7 E ruir. eI €ry lrG,r.r urn-!qr. e, crrrle- '.? lchty irbdnaEn q Ert 3r-aa cr!!3 (quy aJ"id E u nE fraH rr-rio Da ncruod). Wlul irntr An hcfrded? LlarE:a:rd s!q. afr E d.fol- !s e, ar.d moru.El 0l arE nar (1) 3 r.€&t E cErra,n n tcEjmrrto ol tsguarrt&carr.'l! (z) r*ur voerrr fna.<rrg sraa uEtEraJrt EEhg, 31* q' 66 ErrEt tr. gBrE Sdu-enE- 6 sE .!p!i11 rnr ErrO:1. Grsorr u=.nol.6dea fd sra 2- irElrr EirE--.d+h.luo<ir cr irrg6!E_ Itfltr Trnfe l[ Etdr.re? Trnc 6nq^.- t=r ,r grqr! n naartifa rcsfcr.ot Otrrln:sscr.d torn aogh.sirlt. ' 1. E rr d rGgrtal rrE, ol t,.l CO gilb.r s E --^V E- b Et lmoE i{l brngromnrort BJtEaj; 2- lrE tJsd b aE'rrg tllrp od br cOrrrnrpvr s qr frr ,rrI,rfiac 3D.E: t.t.rarE: a. !t9-a hdio- ,t dr&rg !.A-!ne h-) rBrrbE r,!c t r. HalJ[l G6Fifo SrJrry lc cl l$8, or G. li:rrro{.. I *,dpioair s.hry A€ ot f 97!, o,rri<n i m nFrEEa rtaair kiv rTut-t uE , SEa rES.s.rb morrra.nt gtt Erar 61'h!..g,r3: 6. EDffi Er C rGt. iEar crEr SlrEltrnr; 7. tl*arllEn fE, arirs: t. li!€ *rs a r-ocr!&r gs:r.mg l(E drEy,elrled E ori , Brspr€J46 s€ istr.mg ocr}G: t. EtEa E rt stuJil-, n u ul! .graJrE rr- (36 ts a ocr-i.,rL crB .mrcs!. grlL aian a i:E) d tra 3D.Ea afl ., ssJtD cEpn c Ea m s:Jrt€a ol h. A€r. tYtrr Srbreru An Carod? Tlrr rr:llcr-n ,ErurffiE rDcly E srr,gtq,t€ CD.f a E/nrB fiat CCfian racurt Xt a€k ThS rre.dC nny:r.G..ra oiru as nrrrltEB n aErr lot (!f ] o, fi. Ccnf.losrE+rrs;=rl 8.:rrr. Cq:rrsEr d ti)frr/Ada, t6BO(C€Rq-rJ. ingr cor] o, lE gJ*rr nlrrrcrt - ,rralEEr.a Eata l'f &n6. C olRCa/\ t lro .E-r, !r:!rJfi. lg- aJO oi or aJTy IrFr firrrd riilr rlO.d rt Crarg odEilo, llirtufl. arld EtEJn (60egilFdrr.rU rrt€ l a.7 EE Os fH t.rrra tEr a.tri.Ua). Wha fo,aanl/" S5a EiEf,r- balE D: DL' AI.3,{ A\T O F *l/IR O }}{ E\iTAL Q UA UTY DT!1SION OF Ei1/IRO\VE\TAL RESPONSE t68 SOR.::ji t9J0 *Tsi tsT FiroR SAl-: ltK: C=:'. LTA: 3..115 Yr.}rfi fo Xdt/4 l. Oarr oiurtrgrii su.!g. rnts 6 sqrr8ttfrba-l a[.r *1 oi oaa.tE\ atDr Ja.iJrty t. l g7t. nrf sdl a !r grEjtt als tE Dy lL, I, l9€5- 2- Oa- rO CrrE u76(g,qrr6 BD11€a lrnxS nD E ahr ya, g, 1986. mLr no?,y rrn x aF o, tsiqt t3 ar E ts tlto r.lsr. i t nr Sr-rrurc lEgb.D.l ol rry rnrgnrnrr D krq t.rld nbnnan D Sta rFrrTnilrc-t- - Frnatlr: &ry *rrlr€ ?.rE.Lrgty rdL b rultyc gtn& lbti#r dl.f b. rdaGt b . c*ilt F.latt rE to .rE d j!O.Af, tr.drflr lrrtEt ndlctsr b tEr llEa a kri&i t h. ldilrbr taffi.d- /-- d Notification for Underground Storage Tanks STATE USE ONLY IoNUMEER 9000018 f! n ru=w FAclLny -E-='Yry?---tr1-"ig'u,=_ No. ol ccnururation she€rs anacieda No.of ranks dtaciiry l. OWNEiSHIP OF rAr\KrS) fE si i-€iliEa r >re94q. aqr !ay1 _Maverr-K uounEry stores, Inc. S-1014 South Washington E#a?ri::rEffi :f ' Eat"etrr mT'in'E!r Afton,83110 Cra-€€ErLctutm [ ) Fdfl.arc*;6ltttu acktt Marrcrik Store lll42 -.-a-e-O.kEEitsl EPA Form 7530-r (Rcv. 2.92) Pnmed on Rqctd Paper .\ l)( OESCRImON OF UNOaCGf,CUNO STOaAGE TANKS (Corqngle lor cdr tank a tfiis locaioo.) Tank ldentification Nurter Tank r,lo. 1 Tank nro. 2 Tank No. ? Tank No. - Tank No. -t. Stalrs sl Tank (rnark ordy one) Cunendy in Use Terporadty OUt oi Use lh-.asEtt Perrranendy Ogt oi Use (-r.Is61l Amndmsrt sl lnformation 2 Date ol tnstaltation (rtEJyear) 3. Estinaad Total Cap*ity (gallors) 4. Mstena.l ol Consruairo (f.{art all trA appty) Asphait (bated or Eare Steel Cathodicdly Protecred Ste€t Epoxy Coated Steel Conposile (Se€{ witr Fiberglass) Fiberglass Reintorced Plastic Uned lrnenor Double Waild Pclyetny'ene Tank Jaciet Consete Excarratiqr Uner Ur*nom Otter. Please sp€crfy Has lank been repaired? xx ii 5. Piping (Ma6naJ) (Matt al tltat spply) Eare Sraet Gairanizec Seei Fiberglr.. Re,inlorcad Ptastc Copper Cathodcalty ProrEted - Oor.Ole Wdled Secondary Gontainment Ur*rrcwr Otrer, Please specify 6. PipinE fiy'pe1 (llerk 8! tha apply) Suclion: no valve at tank Sudion: valve al tank Pressure Graaty Feed Has piping been repaired? EPA Fortn 753G1 (Rat. 2-921 Pagn 3 J,D. # Qoooolg ^4 xt. CEFTIFICATION OF COIvIPLI NCE (COMPLETE FC,R AtL NEV{ ANO UFGMDED TANKS ATTHIS LOCAflOTg Tril ldrntilicrtqr Mrrt .T.r*ttb. 1 TrI(No.J-T.ri( t{o.J-Tenl No.T.na( t{o. _ l. hnallaion A. lnttallr certitlcd by lenk end plpng mrnd&!,rrr B. lnsaler certified or licersod by the imCem.nting eg.rEy C. lnsullatrn in+.ciod by a reg$ecd enginoe O. lnstalathn hspecled .nd aotrov.d by inplearntirg agerry E. Manutadref s irrldl.tim dr€ctdists haw b€qt @.npl3t€d F. Ano0rr method dlomd by State agmcl. Please spcily. 2. Release Oetrton (Mark all that apply) A. Manual lank gauging B. Tarrf tjghtness lening C. lnventory controls O. Aromatbtankgaqirp E Vaec nrnitcirlg F. Grqlndwaer rnonitoring G. lntrstitid rnoiltoring double watled ta/wpitrng H. lnterstitial nrcnitaing/secondary cotrlainnEnt l. AdDmatic line l€d( d€tElors J. Unc tiglfiess t$tirE K. Crfier rrthod dlouad by lrnfl om€nting eg€n€y. Please sp€crfy. TANK EirtrEEE t_l E E E PIPING tlE t-.-l EEE TAI{K EEEEEtln E [] E PIPING tItlE E EtlE TANK EtItlEtltltl f:l E E PIPING EEE EDE T TANK t_lEtIEtltrE E E E PIPING tltlEr EEE TAAIK EiIEEEEtI tl E E flEfl E EEE PIPING 3. Spill and Qerfi! Proteaion A. Ovrtill darbo hstall€d B. Sptl device innalled OATH: I cenify the inlorfidoo enceming instdlation thal is prwUed lnstallec DeVerl- Stoddard NrnrBuild ing Representat ive Pcirbn W"*,II-, ffrrtl uaa'Maverik Countrv Stores. Inc. CorryanY EPA Form 7530-l lB.t. 2-921 Prgr 5 -l}flrG Fonn Approvcd. '-- OllB No.205o'00G8. STATET'SEONLYNotification for Undetground Stoqge Tanks TYPEOF I{ONFICATION A. Dato Erilered lnbCorPuter B. DeEntyClerk hitials C. Olner Was Confacfed b Claity ResPonses. Conrnents J4 tto.oltanksdla<i[ty No. olconfrudon sh€€ts ata.fi€d Please @ggiolhjoB, aI ilerre er(cagt :candre' h secliotl v. Tltis torm nr,st Ue coftA--tocain onflrlnhg undeqtotnd sbragetanls. I rnore g'an fvb (O tanls are orvn€d d 6ft lclion. photocopythe blouuitp sh€€ts, arO stail'e contrualion sheG b fi€ lorm. tldrlcdoo b t!$*td b, ffid t.r lo? dur{eryund oilr trrr h; b; ,rl.d t" rirr rgrirra rutnlp .LE &ao-y 1. lill'.tfrd -r. h rh. orqtnd r d tlhr-!. f tac a rl5 rt D.o.N[tt h ro dl* Bt/ t' igra-iii. -*.Crbn rrqrirfta r-nqr*rc b, E cdoo t@ ol &o Brouo Co.Dwii.n d nronef e4 GCnA r drd. Th. D.irnary qrca d tr3 nodcain mrllr b E bo rid t'*rD utddtd,rd 6l! ita rro or trevr orc ftoloum or lurrhs eEur tt C iffaeO t a o. itilo.tisfun Fo pruiOc re ue usca on lerUy -iralrli"rrorus. oth rh..b..6oiandl rcoae pr lmdedgc. bcicl.or re@Lcliott fYho Lrr Idfy? Sccnn $dl ol RGRA eeenrgrde4 m*ie nd"'ds eremood. olrrs oi unarc.urn E *s lrlE 8a rgLrd orEro- rrrlEl rptty'O+mrea SrF or tid {gltis ol rrc si*rcr ol trci hts. Orilr llr-lE- e) h thc casc ol rn tttds.l.ltnd 6D.{. rnJ< h cc qr ililut$" !. tS'. a uo,riu ito,se Arr tnar. lty prrtor rlto ilL.t utaLyqrrdautg' ulri-tsea tr t c rr,l.. uer. or d6pl:irg ot rgdod eaonc. od b) h rre ca$d.r'ty inde.gtuntd.tne. grkhur brbrol{ovcaDr8. rssa. hrt t! h,Er = rie q, drrOaL. tlty-DGon rlD iln d 3'Idl tut( immc&rlybeSo tie Gcotttrrirn diE Ee c) i, nr. SED .egrcr.o tqliE. .ny Hty fid hGUId.tEst n, futels o a,fuyltrrnetoi cL*s1&m aot 1ortf mmaoa uu<hb.tn Joo n"6 b b. irdod.dl l{traTulr An hdudod? thdernrund orae tr* bdoftrdG !'tysr' orcomtinlionoltrrbnd0) bG.db omrn m ecam*ton ollogda!'d e.&rcs.i rt (4 xtc. idrme (ndfie onn*rd rnlgetqt'f eih-d !ro*scro.r bendahn groutd So.tL omf,crnmd.pltr Erl.3'Ehe: t. cash.. us.d ol. 6&l trl. md z hdrsrl chtgl* pcaaoc' hrtiddescin(1rc. Whr Trtb Alt Erdrdrd? Tar& Ignor,rd llur trc arund re mlsrtica o not'ficain Ois rrts scfud ton noti[cadtn rr: 1. hntr d tElrmLl rnts o, I J (E g.lo.c o. lc c.FdV l. d b..Ehe mob. txa b. tiql.DrunrdC FlrP€aq'-Z ;t*s-rla-ft.rr*re *air a br corsnptfir cr cr thc itrtb urhere sor:d: !.teflhina.s: a ;;St h&d- (rrctdog g$..ine tiG) ret'd rlla' nre Naurd Gls piii['s.i*, ea a r*8. ot 6-]E 6tr tiqru Pip.&r s'ldy A't ol 1979' o' r*o, i., iis nboar hc*y reuua urder 9rr *: 5. rrtrE in9q,rfi.Ir. Pn* Pottth c rgodE; a onr rti c g ffi cdLclio.r a,tr.tE 7- ltos{rcrEh Dlo6 tl8: i. rclid ;ddas6octd"d garrerirg rs eecdy lrht'd D ol aees drcEm adodshc ofdiril8;- -i. irt-.-diG sairdo n an unce.grunrd ln (sudr rs e basornt oelh"' rni.-nd-cit, ctdt c rrno0 t lre .Dra. rrr( bdtrr uFtt d tbon 0t' erlro olfie iot sta &i.t..E At Conld? Ih. mtficetbn re$irrslts'PCy b utder *;i.D,{" E {. tt tcoa!fi .qud arElm rhb ittdrb rny IEiE O.:tr,.a as nrzrrtoss ir ricton tot (1'l) ol lr. Cong't\ftCw Bn h;;d Rer.. Co.trrEail rtd tLt-ry f.td lso H*,19!-t--crOct of dr siilEa tt3rrod r tpioqs P rn'f &fr' C RCRAf&o ddE e*dm. d. cnro oa o. rry tcut |tr'8fufti,l'E liliirirnalt'olld[onotririuro aa prsrn (to doeoc Frtndnit eia rl.zporn6 pee cqlac hdl rDoolrr). wlrr.! To lldlY? S..d cqtrPlod ft.tns E: IDEO'DENN r ss ilomH l9s0 xGgB llHoonsAftl l(Eclil.lrill rl$ Itlrrn To lorly? t. Orngs ol undcOrulnd argc-lrnfs pucc or thrt hrw b;';;';e;iilidqt arg &tuv i. rcrr. hr afl h irergrum( ma noo! E n"t a icta z ifrnsc rtr trip urilorgouno olry tlrfs io rrc rhr l*rv ( iilil.-"irirs noty-tttin o arc d uirpfr tre s-1P E 3' I lt' $io ;ii; ffi1-i.6 o( rny lrrfoncos 6 l*ty elra ionuon o Str rgmcv inme<loly. hnJdo: Arw ornr rllo fnilhgfy * 5 ody c a&n*. tdl rr.iilrf J.i't roi.a r. ata iirrv u s osea 50,rn0 !ot'dil"-lrlie.d.dji f na ctri c toirtHr t-o Hordbo b ltbaJord. OrD-s.aanl.loctro I t1014 South liashington 831 10 Q|:tt .r. P!.trrraq Hrifr4 PtaErtncr. a OOr. Eifrl EPA Form 753G1 (RcY. 2-92) tr l{ANo oELIVERED @ ea,rrca*RrYdedPaPer tv.tilot Nlll{os tr FcdGorurrr:il E CocmdJ EI St&Gcrmirnt E$ Am" tr LocCGoyururrrt Tr*r ar localrd m lrd rUft rr hdrtRsv{boamdrrturthda Tglec rc orrcd !f ndw Amodcryr ndlon.tte.chdtddnl. Sebct lhe Appropdd. facfs DcctpOo )L\cassdon -Famhnrttt5rtr _FcdrC-tto*nry UI!e. Vt CONIACf PERSOiI N C}|AFGE CTArr[(S ffit. F.urrav fiH.or of Store 93#ttf center st.Ptm ]ln$r (loclrde Atr Code) 80L-295-55s7DevelopmentNo. Salt Lake Ut 840s4 Vlt Fr{ANCIAT RESPCINSAI.JTY I tru. rrf ttfimdd rcpon$nyrot;furr:rnshamdaorlh4OCFRStprtH Glt.*tl|hdAppl, f-X.fi S1hsr'o I-l coomodd harrr t-] Ecrnaedonenp l-1 GcrrreI-1 sr{ya'.., l-]sa r.r"l-lrnnrn o l-l omr iletrod Alorred seedf YUt CEHflFlCATP}l G.d rrd dgn Aroaqil-E { rodonr) Icrlfr,t * Ftalyof }rwta lhautprrcrefysarir..l6crl:t. rdn I DG..t o my iqiyd tan ilIvurt SrtheHrmdon a.olidhthbnd C d:l anclled Hrmdon b trr"srO. ltd ecftae. rcpoorDb b oti**rg tr. hrlndon, I b.fin ftc $c ]lartrrdffi0rdar a ortrt efioftrd rpcsrndr @ttg Dan L. l{.urrav/Director of Store EPA ectnales Ftac r4ofirg hrdm fcn& 6flr b anrqe $ nlnrbo gailtEhg &d ttdtei*p ne dda noeded errd €flddtg -td rcYiatp tre Cni Seml conrrsts rogaerg til-Urrden sGnrae o Cttd. tib4ndon Fo[cyBnndt Pf,tr223, U.S. Enniwrrltd Amaq-&qrcy. rt0l U Sueet, Wastrdgim D.C. Z0t6O. rrslrd 'A&nton DeC( Offi6r ia EPA'TIIs hm anrends lhe prorrlorrs nmcifoi mir as printed h iO CFR Prt 280, Appandr t Prerdos odlms d 0ls nfficdoo bnn rry be ured untile sr4Cc last EPA ForE 75!Gf (F3r. 2€2) --t D( DESCRImON OF UNOERGROT ND STOR GE TANG (Comdae br edr rr{< d lhls locdon.) Tar*ldentfcdonNunter Tart(t{ol Tert,}s. Z TdNo._S Td(nb.- Tar*tlo.:- l.StatlgorTr*(mrta{yar) Orennyht.bo Terpcadyotltof Use Gl-.aarat -l| Pernanenty otn ol use ah..a--ll Amendmgtcf lnbrmlion II 2. Da0ool lrts[don (npJyear) 3. Esfrn$dTotd Capdty 6anons) ,[. ilatsial d Corsfirclbn (tlad( Ctrtd apply) Asphd Coded or Bare Steel Cdtodcdy ftorecred Seel EPoryCod€d St€el Coqosm (Sed rft medass) Flbetglass Re*nlorced Plastic Lin€d lnterkx DodleWalled _ Polyefiy,leieTankJad<et Cmcrsb Ercryd*m tiner t t{(llown Odrer. Pleasespedry Hasiankbeen repdrd? 5. Pipir€ Uareriar)(tttlskalthdapdD Barc S:teel Gahranlzed Steel Fibeglass Rdnlorced Plaslic Copp€r Cafiodcdly Ptotecied DottleWaled Secondary Contahment ' t r{apwn Otrer. Please spe<ify 6.frhgfiype) (Urkdtte[8pply, Sucton: m v*o attank Sucdon: valve d tart( Pressure GrdilyFe€d Has piphg been repaired? EPA Forn 75i3o-t (BGY. 242)F.g: 3 Tar* ldsnt0cdon]{untr Td(]5J T.ra(t\b.J:Tar*ilo. <Tar*nb.-Tar*Itb. 7. $Detmo Aneiily c trrt SorodhGraaqrrttybyvofnm Geso*re Dled Gcotrol l(socene . HedngOfl Used Ol Odrer, Pleasespedly I-r tt tt llazardous &rbstalp CERCI-Ananr edlcr, CASrurter It/bttrc of Srrbetzrcis Please specifr TANIGOUTOF USE ON CHANGI INSERVICE l. ClosLrg dTank A Eslimaled dale last used @otdrflyeag B. Esfimdeddetankdos€d (rrrc..r@l C. Tartc was renrvedlronrgrornd D. Ta* ras dced h grurrd E Tar*fifl€drfllhhstmdild D€scribe F. Ctragnhrsrrlce rt EI 2. Sile Asscsnrril ConptaeC I Bddence d a teCr detecfed EPA Forn 75tO.1 lkt.2.C!21 F.go a '+ A, x[ CERnFEATION OF @iipuANOE (COMpt ErE FOR At I- NEW AND UFGRADED TANKS AT rHE LOCAIIOT\0 Tar*ldefficdooNnflfur r8r*No.l Tar*t'h2 Tad(ltn* 5 TarI( l,lo._Tar*ttb._ 1. hsiddion A. hsilaler cerdfi€d by tank and dphg rtarxrta.t ras B. hstaller certfisd or Icensed by lhe lmplementirB {€ncy C. hsiildim lupected by a rcSsrrcaeqgeree D. hsilaldon hspecfed and appoved by lrplemeotrB agpncy E ilanufac0rer's kstdldon cfteddsts hane be€n @flplst€d F. Andrer meftod dhred by $are ageioy. Pleasa sp€dty. 2. Rslease D€toctim (Mafi a[ trat apply) A" iraualianftsaugns B. TarI( tigtriness testing C. hu€nbryconfob D. AnUndictar*Saqgins E Vapormonlbdng F. Groundrraiermornodng G" hersfilid nuriloring do$le walled ta*e.{P.ng H. h€rslilial monitodqg/s€condary @nEinflEnt l. Arbmdctne ledrddecbrs J. LJnetgtfiesstesfing K OftermehodalloilBdby lmfl etnerdng Agoncy. Please seedry. TAi.IK tlEE CKtltlE tl E tl TAI{K DEtl Eflfl E E tl TAT{K tlEtlg EE tf t_l tl TAT.IK EEEflflEEn E E PIPING tlEE tl tltlE TAI.IK tlEEul t_lEE t:] E fl PrPrNc EflE ErfflE rtrtN(i t_lflE E wtlfl flflN{., t_lEE fl wEE rtrtNrs EEE L] wrlE 3. Spill and overfl Prdecilon A" ovqfifldevtehfifi€d fur7f" U B. Spldevlcahstalted Br*ldS OATk lcertfrthehhrrralion hsrare' //"-t'. , @.Eetntng hsnildionthdls puddedh cedionXlbtrrotofto bostd mybeldandlcrwledgs. i-reZ L EPA Form 75So.l (Rcv. 2€2)P.gs 5 Urc.InClrF,raHrEitt lrretlUQ ' lrlotltlcatlon for U nderground Storage Tan ks STATE USE OT.ILY D NUUBER ?COrt; t ( TY?E OF T{OTIFICATION DAIERECEITED --> -2_> -"1 t -Eltq:gg1--tr-i{ElDe@l_-No ot r"trkr "r r*tfiry - - =ffi.? Fm-lnrI'lo7rE-"fr,m-*-['"c- t 3tr:I#JH,,ffiflHocEssr$€ "ffifllffiJ,",f,l*dffiINSIRT'CTIONS Please all h.ems excefl-.slgndure.ln sec,lloo V. Thls lorm more than llve (S) tanks are owned a thiillrj-".1n1llrye_(5) ranks are owned a thb bcdbn, phiioJpylneetr, and slapte conllnualbn sheetg to lhe form. mustbecolnplffi F''bcaiil-;;d[idi,d;,srfi-#;;s;r#rr.r lf:",I::.1Y:-l^r,ltTl:-:::-:qdlt,a.plon,phorocopyrhetb[owrns I -,[:ffi?"H:I$,ffilxs*ffi,ffi,lH lffififfi.rffiffiHft]##,ms$* ._-lhe eilnry purpo0e ol fii! mtficedon progrun h to bcete,r., clnhr.bL tr#r''4q6r,**nm,HJn*F#F. ffi.,,,.r r*, or h rrre oon&-;;d;;ffiffi"i""r,"dr". hi[a, o, -_-!PIl,.t l{or[y? Seaion 9Oo2 ot BCRA, a! amerdod,,egulre! rret, unle3s fi ['',lStHlH',9,:T:'H'l,'"ff S:]tf f.l3l5iT#l$f H*il,-mean!- o rn fia c*e of ,' undergrornd rorege nnr rn urc on t{ovcmbcr g. tooa, o.uouehr hD u.. rtbr trer aai. eny p*;;rh" ;ffiiil.,o.rg.,rd .br"e.trnt uscd hr fie rorage, ,r,'oi,iirftoiiruiiffit lloo.r,"".. rllab) ln fia case ot rny uirdorground lbrag€ tud( h ule bolore t{onnt , t.rsr. bur ,D.tonee' rr tire m dai ciie, ;d'ffi;;;il;"d .udi hnhIrnnrediebt, belore he dilcontinue&rn'oi,nffi. " ""- -' ,,"3'|'yTr?'ffrffi i:ilgH';#,t;;iy.ffi giHffi fl l,"mTb bc lndudsdl, ffiffi,H$ ,,][[lITE#Hfl fffi]mffigm:: s nnd ae noudrrea t. fam a ,eCdend"t **.-:lr:!p edtom o, lc!! capsdly ulcd h, tbrhe,my frre! b mncom,norciet purpole!: *"riffi?,brrrdng hiadn! dl'hconrr.rvlpdn urem 0re pordset t. rcpdc Erlrr;,,"i#g[]H,fi#ffiffifls3 rhldtbrllnralUfolocin t. rurhce tnpqnirrnu,ptr, iryr&-. ornffiii-!. lDrm weto? c rrde ttr @lLftn arirrnr:- 7, fiil-fircugtr p'oou drt;t. thuid rapr q rltodoa.ffretq fro *tcif, daDd b ol c guprodudiut.ill edh.rire ernlinr: t ---- -q, reEr ,. lEr.gc tank! dn ard h u r,rrte'lrornd ror (edr !t e bcrelrrnf. oia,m{n*oil,ng. drrr, oor. or rmr1it ta'runeci&.ilftir rpon c rbon horurlace olfie lloor. Whrt Sub.t rE.. Arr Gornnd? Thc nodltcadon requlrem.ntr lpdy b unda?ground ltorase hnh! trarconbtn,.crtabd Jhn"-,rcr:ili, h.,,rA;;i- .'-. rubsrance detined as nazeraour fr sicion ro, diffiil'C*rpretrenrtwEnvilonmenbt Relponre. cc,D.il.tla, rd uii,iirv iJi rro tcencr-rl, rru,mnmm.muulffiis_ffi#, .nd 14.7 pounds - *; ilflffi,T'nd Dttro po cce'rr ritiiniriiirr Whrn To llotlfi? Send conplered bm! b: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE O ""'"O. I288 N. t460 w., P.O. BOX 16690 l SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84I ,16-0690 Iqilfi,'i#i'&hm3:,m.ffi,?i;i rn" a m r,"- I b, MEy t, i986. 2 Oumerrrtra,re{rtr,,ix',ii;i'ry;O*U'*.Id lrequirs_s nodrrcrdbn ol any enrrrinrnrr dtih]ry ;;fi;;tnrir"iiirii --" -' o'ov rrilorleoll D llcrlt, tend lnfunuqr b SlaD *.*, I Prmnhr: Any ornorrho b :hffiTtH,n r: Hriffiffi[j#ffiffiiHilffi I l. owNERSHtP oF TANK(S) Latitude P.O. BOX 457 louTH HTGHWAY 89 rc 83110 (307) 886-3851 Lonollude ([t.,rl.S.dbr t.rrr*Ocfr.lr I t Or'rr Ne,tl (C4oahn. hdtvhrC, Atilc feDncy. , Oh.' Enfltr) Frlty llemorCcrperrySi. ftidth. r. Sb-|, 8t,raraon0tpo.eqEffii Page I III. TYPEOFOWNER M.r]( ,{ LANDS El FederalGovernment El Commerclal tr State Govemment El Ptvae tr localGovemment Tanks are bcated on land wlthln an lndlan Reserualbn or on other trust landc. Tanks are owned by natlve Amerlcan nalbn, trlbe, or lndlviJud. Trlbe or Natbn:I I I I tr tr V. TY?EOF FACL.IrY -Trud<ltEfrrlnlPolt . :.; Solq* hc.Approprlale Faclllty thscriflbn t'" .3 Gas Stabn _ Rallrcad -Pdmleum Distributor -Federd- l{on-Mllhary -tltllltler - Ah Taxl (Airline) - Federal ' Mllliary - Resldenthl -Akaafl Orrner -lnduatdd Fam _Aulo Dealershlp Coilraaor -Otrer(Eplaln) VI. @NTACTPERSON IN C}IABGE OFTANKS Phono Number (lrr{ude Area Code) 260 (801) 295-s5s7 exr. 11742 Name JOSEPH SHAI{ JobTltle EXECUTIVE SALES Address 380 No . 200 I'les t , sulte Bountifrrl, Utah 84010 DIRECTOR vil. FINANCIAL RESPOI-|S|BIrY I haro met the llnarrlal responslblfi requlremenls ln acordance wlth rO CFR SubPart H Guaranlee Surety Bond Letto ol Ctedh _I It_ I I lstalcFunds I f-lTrust Fund I I-loher Merhod Albwed speclfy I Ched( A[ thal Apply lTl Seil lnsurance t_l -;; doc,menrs, and rhar based on my trqutry ot rtri; ffii;ffi;t-ffi;naeii r"spontible lor obtalnlru the lnlomdbn, I belleve thd he cnbmllled lnlormation b true.accurate, ald complete. Name and oll'rcialtitle ol owner or owne/a aulhorized representative (Prlnt) JOSEPII SHAI,I EXECUTIVE SALES DIRECTOR Signature Dale Slgned y',r/r, 2 EPA estimates public reporting burden lorlhis lorm l'o ave ;ilh;til il niaintalning thetata needed and completln E[ft, iliotm abn Pollcy -Branch PM-223' U'S' Erwironme 'Atr"irion Oesk o{licer ior EPA.'This lom amendslhe.pt ;'id;;;ihil nottixtton lorm mav be used while supplk rre 30 mlnutes Der response indudlru time br ieviqdng lnstruclbnr, - il;9rri&iryg_t:rysendcommdnt.,*"tl3.3:r$fol'lr?fl 5'"fod Prctecllon-lgency, /tot M Stre.t W99!!rptt JrliuJ *m""rtri torrir-ai p1nfu tn iO Cfn Fail 280, ApPendh l. Prevbus rs lasl. Pege lx. oEScRlPTtoN oF Uly'rRGRouND sToMGE TANKS (Comptere b' l rank atthb locdon.) Jank Hdntilication Numbet Tank No.J- Tank No. z Tank No. 3 Tank l{o. _ Tenk No. _ l. Status of Tank (mart only one) Gunently h Ure Temporarlly Orrt ol Uro lhihbara-rtl '"-T'iI"T1l: Amendmentd lnlomabn 2. Datc ol hslallallon (mo./year) 3. Esilmated Total Capacity (gallons) 4. Materlal of Constnr.tbn (llatk a[ that apply) Asphah Coated or Bare S:teel Cethodlcally protecied Steel Epoxy Coated Steel Composile (Steel with Fbergfass) Fiberylass Relnlorced phstic Lined lntedor Double Welled Polyethylene Tank Jdtet Concretc Excavation Llner unrnorm ] other, please.p*fyl Has tank been repalred? l- 5. Plping (Materlat) (Mafi ell that apply) Bare Steet Galvanked Slcd Fbeqlass Belnlorcrd phstk Coeeer Carhodhally Potacted Double Walted Secondary Conlainmenl Unknown olher, Please spedfy 8. Pplng Oype)(Matt all that apply) Suclbn: no valve at tank Suctbn: valve al trank Prelrurl Gravity Fccd Has pi,plng been repaired? Pagn 3 Tank Henllllcation Number Tank No. I 7. Subatance Cunently or Last Slored kr Greatest Quantity by Volume Gasollne Dbsel Gasohol Kemsene Heatlrg Oil Used Oll Hazadous Substance CERCI-A name and/or, CAS number r=-lr--lr--lr--lr----lt--lr-1 :::- - r-l X. TANKS OUT OF USE, OR O}IANGE IN SEBVICE : lr-l T---_l [f l[-r I r----r Il-- Ilr-l rr - = ==r---l [-r r--__-] t-----l --r-l l. Cbslttg ol Tank A Estlmated date last used (mo./daY/Year) B. Estimate date lank closed (mo./dayfiear) G. Tank was removed lrcm ground D. Tank was closed in ground E. Tank lilled with lnerl materlal Describe -lr-l 2. Sile Assessment GomPleted EvHence ol a leak detectcd ' \ xt. cERTtFtcATtoN oF cotirpL'-tE GoMplETE FoR ALL NEw AND upcR-D TANKS AT rHts LocATtoN) Tank Hentifpation Number ?aao/t I fant No. I l. helallalbn A lnrtaller ertiriod by tank and pplng manulclurers B. hdellel certilled or llceneed by tho lmplementlng agency .C. lnstallatlon lnspected by a leglslered engineer D. lnslallation lnspec,led and appoved by implementing agency E. Manulaclurer's lnstallation cher*- llsls have been completed F. Another method allowed by State agency. Please specily. f_t 2. Release Deteclion (Mark ail that apply) A. Manualtank gauglrB B. Tank tightness testing C. lnventory ontrols D. Anlomatic tank gauging E. Vapor monitoring F. Groundwater monitoring G. lnterstitial monitoring double walled tanUpiping H. lntsrstitial monitoring/socondary conlainmenl l. Automatic line leak deteclorc J. Llne tightness testing K. Olher method allowed by lmplementing Agency. please speclfy. P!PING rtl [] tIrtztl il t_lr flrtErl PIPING TANK t!Erflflfl r_l L:J [] fl tlflflrrEfl TANK tltlEtlflt:]E t:] tl tl Eflfl fl fltltl PlPltrlc Etltf tl fltlE 3. Spilland Overlill Protectbn A. Overlill device installed 8. Splll device instailed r-:l oATH: I ceriily the inlormation corrceming tngtallalbn thet b povued in sectlon Xl rs true lo fte best ol my bellcl ud kmu6dge. Paee 5 FOR TANKS IN UT RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO Kenneth Alkema . Division of Environmental Health P.O. Box 45500 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0500 STATE USE ONLYr.D Number ?nOOfi Date Received N-otificrlion is requircd by Fedcrrl le* for elt undcrground tanks lhrt hevc bccn uscd to .slore rcgulelcd substrnccs sinc€ Jrnurry l. 197{-, thrt rrc in thc ground rs of Mey t. 19t6. or thet ere-brought into use rftcr MiJ. t. 19t6. Thc informtti6o requcsted is rcguired by Scction 9002 ofthc Resource Conscrvetion rnd Recovery Act.(RiRA). rs rmcndcd. The priman'purpose ofrhis norification proliram is to locateand c\aluate under- ground tanks that stort or have storcd pctrolcunr or harardous subshnccx. lt is erpccted that the informarion 1'ou prolide will bc bascd on rcasonabll arailable rr'cords. or. in thc abscnce ofsuch records. lour kno*lcdge. bclief. or rccoilection. Who Musr Notify? Section 9ffi2 ol RCRA. as amcndcd. requircs rhar. unlcss excmpted. ou'ncrs ol'underground tanls that slorc rcgulated sub\lanccs must notif\. dcsignatcd Statc or ltlcal agencics o[ rhc cxisrcnce oi thcir tanks. Olncr mcans- (a) in thc casc ofan underground sroragr. tank in use on NorcmbcrE. 1984. or brought into use after that datc. anl person uho ou'ns an underground storagc tank used lor thc storagc. usc. or dispensing of regulatcd substances. and (i,) in the casc ol'anl underground srorage tank in use before Novcmber 8. 1984. but no longer in usc on that dale. anr';rrson u ho ou ned such tank immediatc'tv belbre the discontinuation of its usc. ll'hrt Trnks Are lncluded? U nderground storage ra nk is defincd as an) one or combination of tankr that ( | ) is used to conrain an accurnulation of'rcgulated sub- sta nccs." a nd ( 2 ) u hose vol ume ( includ ing con nccred undcrground piping) is l09i or more beneath the ground. Some esamplcr are undcrground ranks storing: l. gasolinc. used oil. or dicscl fucl. and 2. industrial sol\ents. pesricides. hcrbicides or fumigants. lVhrt Tenks Are Excludcd? 'Ianks rc'mored lrom rhe ground arc not subject to noiification. Other tanks ercluded l'rom notificarion are: t. fa rm or residential ta nks of I .100 ga llons or lesr capacirv used for storing moror l'uel for noncommcrcial purposes: 2. tanks used for storing heating oil for consumptire use on the premises uhcre stored: 3. septic tanks: ' 1.. piFtclinc-lacilitics (including gathcring lincs) regularcd undcr thc Narural (ias Piptlinc Safctl Act ol. 196ll. or rht' Harardour l-iqui-rl lrir^-linc Salc(\ Acr ol 1979. or u hich ir an int rarta tc piplinc facilirr rcgularcd undcr Sri rc la s s: 5. sudacc impoundmcnts. pits. ponds. or lagoonr: 6. storm uatcr or u'astc natcr collcclion svstcms: 7, flou -through proccss tanks: t. liquid traps or associarcd garhcring lines d ircct 11' relarcd ro oit or gas prod ucr ion and Sathering opcrations: 9. \torasr'tankr sitr surface of thr: lloor I._.rnrr['iankr.siruarerJ in an undcrground arca (such as.3,JralE'ifurr. ct'llar mineuorling. drilt. shali. or runncl)it rhc storagc (ank ir r.Uuatid upon o&borc rh,ir r.Uualtd upon orlborc rhc tYhrt Substrnccs Arc Covcred? The nlrri,ifalion Eround ilora8c tanks rhat contain rc)$r!16i1 \uhrtanc defined as hirardous in rccrion,16[ ilal ol' rh.'l I trf,undcr. .u 8.tr,r.. Rcspon:r. Compr:nsat ion a n{. ftia bi nr ironmcntal u ith thc cxccption ol [llr.l]]ii'.i]lT[ixiTrHffiHH:il[ir*ffi ,!l]rsil squarcrnchabsolutr'). (gRP - 1.ft 1 -,,:"Yi;1.il""J1';1,;;|i''.'"0notiricarionlB?irrshorrltrbc^9rtt3-Y6tn'grren ar rhc rop ot lhrs pagc. ^ta\@ r/r !\O'or-' ,"#I:il:,:"JIIi,,l;*ll::li:lf i:,f ,t$ilst\:.iXlgn*f:*l,ni.t,:,lx Ma1'tl. 19E6. 2. Ouncrs uho bring unde rgroullf,stq(g[}]]. into usc alicr Mar l{. 19116. must notifl u ithin .10 da) s of bringinS $($*\\ri='ro u.c Penrltirs: Any owner who knowingly frillfo notify or submits felse informrtion shell bc subjecl to e civil pcnrlry noi to .xcerd Slo.fix) for erch irnk for which notificrtion is not given or for which frlsa informrlion is submitted. lndicate number of continuation sheets altached Please t1'pe or print in ink all items except *signature'in Seoion V. This form must by compleled for erch location containing underground storage trnks. lf more than 5 tanks are owned at this location. photocopl'the reverse side. and staple conlinuation sheets to this form. Owner Name (Corporation, lndivldual. Public Agency. or Other Entily) (.ou;to ^ E, * &",nt-* s anc . (lf same as Section 1, mark box nere [ 1 Facility Name or Company Site ldentifier, as applicable Vernol /Vlo*J,k &,^"Jt,* \tr. - ttlL Street Address ?.o.Bax VSf - H*q89 County A.^o^ 1.,- Slreel Actdress or State Road, as applicable Y9o a)c-s* Aai"- City Stare ZIP Code 0-f*t-. te.lv. 8311o County/l-i^1"-L Area Code Phone Number3ar- gS6- 386(City (nearest) State ZIP CodeV-""rnl /-/tt. Bvoll Type ol Owner (Mart ail thet applyfi ) filcurrent E st"t" or LocarGov't [[ ttJfii"r"%! Fo,."'. tr [SgX?:S3,,f,.o "o tr 9#?ffi1]i, ) lndicate number of lanks at this location Mark box here it tank(s) are located on land within an lndian reservation or l-l on other lndian lrust lands Name (ll same as Section l, mark box hereOr.*. 0.r.".. tr Job Title S,.qatuiso'c Area Code Phone Number 60\-?1g7-5)b1 tr Mark box here only if this is an amended or subsequent notification fcr this location. I certily under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am lamiliar with the inlormation submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete Name and oflicial title ol owner or owner's authorized (eoresentative Za,^rvr-vr 4e C- \"A..'t lF\v.O"J:+^r ffi,,, L}'.,a-,,,r,* Date Sioned/:t o-96 EPA Form 7530-1 (11-85)_+€*- -Page1 ownerName(lromSecllon,rMLocatlon(lromSeclionll) ?too o /8 V.rn*'t'tr Page No. I ot I t"nl. Tank ldentilication No. (e.9., ABC-123), or Arbitrarily Assigned Sequential Number (e.9., 1,2,3...) Tank No. l- R Tank No. A-rut Tank No. 3- lV L Tank No.Tank No. 1. Status ol Tank (Mark att thal apptyg) Currently in Use Temporarily Out of Use Permanently Out of Use Brought into Use atter 5/8/86 .x1 rFt 2. Estimaled Age (Years) 3. Estimated Total Capacitv (Gallons)l2r.oOO B ooo 8.aoo 4. Material ol Construciion (Mark oneg) Steel Concrete Fiberglass Reinforced plastic .,' unknown .. Other, Please Specify rrr t--st 5. lnteinal Prolection (Mark att lhat apptylil : Cathodib Protection ,,. i lnterior Lining (e.9., epoxy resins). None Unknown Other, ptease Specify r:v-t rxr ryr 6. External Prolection (Mark ail that apptys) ,.,:;Iij; ::"fi:li:J:' Fiberglass Reinforced plislic Coated None Unknown Other, Please Specify [x-l f3 rrl rr D 7. Piping (Mari att that apptyg) Bare Steel Galvanized Steel Fiberg!ass Rei nf orced Plastic Cathodical ly Protected Unknown Other, Ptease Specify rrl r-rJ rYr 8. Substance Currently or Lasl Slored ^increatestoui"iiiiu=vt;iril -- a' Emptv (MarkaltthatapplyLi b' Pelroleum Diesel Kerosene Gasoline (including alcohol blends) Used Oil Other, Please Specify c. Hazardous Substance Please lndicate Name of Principal CERCLA Substance OR Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No. Mark box E if tank slores a mixture of subslances d. Unknown rKt r-xt tr 9. Addilional lnlormation (lor tanks permanently taken oul ol service) a. Estimated date last used (mo/yr) b. Estimated quantity of substance remaining (gal.) c. Mark box E if tank was f illed with inerl material (e.9., sand, concrete) EPA Form 7530-1 (11-85) Reverse t U.S. Govcrnmcnt Printing Otllc.: I tt6--{96.735 Page2 (Revised 01/01/97) FacilitY lD #?oooo t I Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified-below) by / r lll{'F [ 'nt t<rs^>( ,t of (companyname) n4av(r\Y Co"'ltY S'lorcs ' f,nc' Phone *tno\ lic'Sssl Address itv N' r<lt L"tc State r'df Zip $4os4 FACILIW INFORMATION . I Tank owner m^*lf Ct " "tf St' "t Phone * t go tt l jL ' ss S 7 [ ] sole proprietorship I I partnership fitcorporation nooress €g0 t^legf &,.*tc S*r;i -. - ...- CiVJ,5-t-&-State-!LZp grlogrl tes to LUST aeview TllQloL aooress 490 Wcs+ Main City- vtrntt DtaleJlL,v-s- contact person |p'rnts 2irll^q Phone * t golt olito' 5957 Jr^-- ^taarrra. 3 Number of regulated tanks at the lacility before closure:3 Number of regulated tanks at the facility fl@g closurei-q- TANKS CLOSED unleaded' diesel' waste oil' etc') rar.iknenaovenName Ti,n AcI c.jl^*';i:::Y_ TANKREMOVERName I l7v\ nr e phone *( Aoll g77- Ol9l Company L -1 ' Ib\ful'cc, f,^c' Addr"., 3 65 G Utrt ltoo to state-[f,- Zip 3{l 1 o soruGRouNDwArER SAMPLER Name ' '{u yE ' 'c 1^"t'+'-' ^ "":1" Company Address @state t,tr zip g4o5'l CLOSURE INFORMATION ly'l Fuelwas empried g{ Stuoge was\cfioved Tank was: [ ] Purged ffi lnerted. Method Use Location of Closure Records (lTank was cleaned. Method Used: For ln-Place Closure: tanks lilled with For Change'ln'service: S.ubstance lo be stored DISPOSAL SITES USED: Location Name Contact Name Phone *Date Amount rJ rfi 19s '7 71-.i115 Vs/"a Tank f f-! Tank(s)$s,rten (uycl;1 6/sf oz So gal Produci From Tank(s)$.lbo L'w, torr,,-rrr,Ll s/oz 3oo gal Contiaminated Water From Tank Cleaning t)lL. tnt Llg/,2 5 gal Sludge f).^lL" "[ac gal Contaminated Water From Excavation AlA 175,(q. (,olt bls - clt SOO Yds Conlaminated Soil $l*t^ln Lr"Jf,l! excavateO still on'site? Was Free product encountered during closure activities? AJ o Yes / No lf yes, please indicate thickness' Not apPlicable lnches SITE ASSESSMENT comptete the Facility site plat (closure Notice) and sample lnformation Table (closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other intormation;;;ll soiuiroundwater samples iaken lor closure' The samples must be consistentty ideniifieib, sampfe lD * on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report' [X] Compteted Facility Site Ptat (Closure Notice) is attached' ...^ ,r, c E r^,r rram rha ar The fo,owing must be incluoeo (enter ine 0i.1"n.., and direction (N,s,E,w) lrom the area of contamination or' where applicable' use oH for overhead, NP for notpresent): - - ain Tereohone - Erectricit -)/ eroperry Line * Buildings Water Un" _ie*er Une -,L_Natual Gas - Storm Drain -Telephone -tX Compteted SampiillnformationE-ble (Closure Notice) is attached' ixl clnifi.Jl.o ...rvt,.al environmental sample results are attached' iQi u;iil s"iicr"iiirication (usc) sample resutts are anached. i|i Cnain of Custody lorm is at99-h9d:. samptes werepioperty: fdl cottected txl Labeted [d] Packaged txl rransported []l Samptes were in.-ighitot the person in custody it atltimes or in a secured locked place' I certify under penalty of law that theclosure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R31 1' 202 (parts zso.szand280.72) and R31.rlii;'i,;;ill*g^:lv.oJiti6n"r sampres required bv R311-202 parts ffi .i;;1;;; ;"; ng i r'ios-z(a)(l ) were p rope rrv corl ected' t Signature of Certified Groundwater/Soil Sampler Futt name of certiried Sampler Ma* f ' ( hri<i( nq 'A oate - bf to f o?, rf contamination at the tacirity is confirmed, any person grgvioino remediar assistance ror a fee must be a certilied UST b"".rii"^t. rne cenirieJusT consultant providing assistance is: r r AA Evn rra?eCert. *4 ExP' date CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name .r tr(t I rw rru;'r v - - ? 'l ttr I Phone*(to() qo-?o('o i::::' state tr\r ziP ${ lo to A'ddress The site plat must be drawn to an aPpropriate scale. lt must show actual sampling loo^ons, substances stored in lankS, and othdr retevant inrormation. Tank and sample iu.,ltilication numbers must be consistent with th. -,,lormation given on p. 1 and 4 ol the closure notice Facility lD n loooo t$_ Drawn By Date fI NORTH P(rose *L e^doscl erTe fll^* I SCale: 1. = _Feet x ' Samgle location! (SS'1. ws'r. USC'I) ' Monitoring WolB ([0/V'r.l O . Soil bodnE (SB'r). or Geogtobo Boting (GP'l) a = WalerWells (domestic' livastck, clc') itope ot Sur{ace iogography: (N. NW, w. Sw' S' SE' E' NE) LnOUa" Ar Sire: -Resld€n$al - Commeroal - lndusrrial SurrounOing LandI-Resi<tentiat - Commercial - lnduslrial Sit Pl.t tilu3t lndlc.ta Actull Locrtion3 O': / CurGnt a lo,mer tank3, piping & dispensers ,. -y licaratims. ew monito'lng we'1t g 361 slockgiles r/ Localion & dcph ol a[ samplcs taken r/ Buildings. letrces. & p,oPeny boundaties / Utility ionduits (sewerr. 9a3' water' slorm drains, elecrtical elc.) r/ Oepth to groundwater (il encountered) '^-r.h*'-?l*t'jint,'*B;::{ic*H*'#;j'::l*tauemusrbeconsrsrenrwithComplete table tor all samples thalwel:^ -r-r ra,. ra rha tatr analvsls reoort.[""1:.;;,:"il;LH;;ii"n on the site prat and ln the lab analvsls ]eport' Analysls method(s)'Depth2 Compounds! SamPle I/Lab lD t{I ss- lqI se- I L Substance stored in tank Sample type' €lA gori b a^l €14 8?6u E Gos 5s j.e'T f lr, tII#t /5s \ ,s'/T Ittt4' \ (.{r s1:jl l,{I 55-L{5s lLl \tLtl s5-l \t,ft _llqI 95- t 95 t4t Gotoq is+ r,llvl <+, tt{) uSc- |- t4r usc - -} \l<c,1.5 ' \r'sr I\fd ffi"dt "t , pw1, or unified soil ctassification (usc)' ; ;;i;6th (n teet) uerow srade at which *Il!1"-Y^tl9F,i"3;=" 3 Efi#:P':"iHffi'"ffiib'ffiil'ffi"''';;'p'' rpx' BrExN' o*o''13b,, mod.,8020,4r3.r, etc). 4 Appropriate analysis ttiioOtJ6' contaminant compound(s) in each sample ( ''t' state certifieo uaooratory useo: /4o.rur+"ln S*ilr s Ant\y*l r" ( , noo,ess (tr{5 w*t ra o o ?*+!. -1 *v}ell h?L State uT zip (4111 Phone *($all q1'' Oo€o Contact Person K-o I \ Yn' r<'t prease exprain any unusuar or extenuating circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure: heownerofthetank(s)describedaio.veandthatlamfamiliarwiththe intormation on this torm and that it i" trr", ...urate and .orpiJil "iJ irril'r.r, $rrt $r" pti""oures described herein were foltowed during tank closure' , ^ n /' Signature ol UST Owner Return completed Closure Notice form' Factrtry orru 'ar '"- ;;',ih; SO Oayt of UST Closure to: analysis results' USC-samii" ttt'ttt' and Chain of Custody lon State ol U!e! D.eP!'-ol EnvironmentalQualitYrediation UST Section6[ff; 6iEnriionmental Response anc' r' P.O. Box 144840 . l'"i, U# .1&:?.,9f; t-' 1 4'4840 4 samPle 3 #E o BI|6 9 E- E o q. F a T IIa t- c -------1 --u-lT---ir-------'lJUST!__-_---J Li--v:t----r MAVERIK #142 :X-'o*l+J t+JE.Fa z. = DISPENSER ISLAND t12 USC-I r12 SS-r CONCRETE PAD NOTE: LOCATIONS ARE APPR0XIMATE North SCALE IN FEET UST CLOSURE DOCUMENTSEXPLANAIION -.-.--_ NATURAL GAS LINE f, r+z s-o S0lL SAMPLE L0CATI0N SITE MAP SHOWING SAMPLE LOCATIONS Aormlrrmn's Flnsr Smp WEn[( MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES, INC. 880 West Genter Slreet North Salt Lake, UT 84105/-.2913 Phone: (801) 93&5557 e)d.405 Fax (801) 93&1406, (801) $e0496 E-mail : dridino@mavedk.com RE: USC Soil Sample Description (Geologist Evatuation) Maverik Country Store #142 490 West Main, Vemal, Utah Facility lD# 9000018 142-USC-1 Poorly graded sand with clay; approximately 5o/o gravet, 1}o/o sitt and clay (predominantly clay), mostly fine- to mediumgrained sand, dark brown, moist (SP€C). 142-USC-2 Silty sand; approximately 75o/o fine- to mediumgrained sand, 25% silt and clay (predominantly silt), brown, moist (SM). Dennis Riding, PE & PG Environmental Manager Professional Geologist (\A/Y PG-3436) Utah Certified UST Consultant (#CC41) a - 16,45 Wcst 2200 Sou& . Salt Lakc City, Utsh 84119 . 800-973-6724 Analytical Repofl .# Ivne20,2002 Mr. Dennis fuding Maverik Country Stores 880 West Center Steet North Salt Lake, uT 84054-2913 (801) 936-5557 Fax: (801) 936-1406 Project:Vemal 142 Work Order: 0206040 Purchase Order: UST Removal Dear Mr. Dennis Riding, Thank you for using Mountain States Analytical, Inc. (MSAI) as your environmental infonnation resource. Our reports are designed to meet the Certified Laboratory Reporting Requirements of Utah Administrative Code Ft444-14-12(10) and the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP), Section 5.13. This is Report Number 0206040-1 and contains l8 pages of information for the 6 samples submitted to MSAI on Thursday, June 06,2002. Any sample receipt documentation detailed in the Work Order Receipt Summary of this report (e.g., Chain-of-Custody, Work Order Authorization, etc.) and/or analytical results noted as "see attached " are included by reference as attachments following page 18. For regulatory compliance reporting, individual pages or portions of this report may not be separated. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this report, please feel free to contact me at (801)973-0050 ext.3026 or by e-mail at rlarsen@msailabs.com. Mountain States Analytical, Inc.-&@ Rolf E.Iarsen Senior Project Manager Client: Maverik Cormtry Storcs Project Vemal t42 Project ID: Lrb Sample ID Client Semple ID Sample Summary Report Number: Drte Reported: WorkOrder: Addidonel Semple Information MatrL Analyticat Reporl W 0206040-l 06t20t02 0206M0 Date Collected 1645 Wcst 2200 South . Saft kkc Ciry, Utah 84119 , 8o&1973472/ 0206040-0lA 0206040-02A 0206040-03A 0206040-04A 0206040-05A 0206040-06A 142 SS-l 142 SS-2 142 SS-3 142 SS-4 142 SS-5 142 53-6 06t05t02 06t05t02 06t05102 06t05/02 06t05t02 06t05102 Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Individual pagcs or portioos ofthis rcpct may oot be scparated aod prescoted for regulatory complianca \ Holding Time Summary Client: Mavcrik C,ountry Stores Projech Vemal 142 Project ID: SemplelD ClientSemplelD 16{5 Wcst 2200 South . Salt kte City, Utah t4l 19 . t&9734724 Analytical Reporl,# Rcport Number: Dete Reported: WorkOrder: 020604G1 06t20t02 0206040 Date Collected 0206040-0lA 142 ss-t Peremeter Total Volatile Hydroca6ons Leechate Strrt Date End Date ET Prep Dete 06/0510215:20 IIT Analysls Date HT 0611310213:52 14 0206040-02A 142 SS-2 Pmmeter Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Leechete StertDate End Date EI Prep Dete 06lO5lO215:45 HT AnelyrlsDete ET 0611310220:56 14 0206040-03A 142 SS-3 Peremeter Toal Volatile Hydroca6ons Leachete Stert Date End Date HT Prep Date 06105t02 t53a IIT Analysis Dete HT 0611310214z18 14 0206040-04A 142 SS4 Paremeter Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Leachete Strrt Date End Date IIT Prep Date 06/05/02 l5:10 HT Anelysis Date IIT 0611310214:.45 14 0206040-05A 142 SS-5 Perameter Toal Volatile Hydrocarbons Leachate Start Drte End Dete Ef Prep Dete 06105102 15:15 ET Andysfu Date HT 06il8t02 t9;t9 t4 0206040-06A 142 55-6 Peremeter Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Leachate Stert Date End Date IIT Prep Date 0610510215:25 HT AnatysisDate HT 0611310215:39 14 ' - The rpcommendedholding time was exceeded Individual pages or portions ofthis rcport may not b€ s€parated and presented for regulatory compliancc. Client: Mr. Dennis Riding Maverik Country Stores 880 West Center Steet North Salt Lake, UT 84054-2913 (801) 936sss7 Fax (801) 936-1406 Projecfi Vemal 142 Project ID: PurcheseOrder: USTRemoval 020604G1 06t20t02 0206M0 020604G0tA 142 SS-l 06105t02 0610610208:20 Soil 24916 1645 Wcst 2200 South . Salt Lrkc Ciry, Urah 8r'-llg . EW973-6724 Anatyticat Reporl,#h Report Number: Drte Reported: WorkOrder: Lab Samplc ID: Client Semple ID: Date Collected: Date Received: Matrir: COC ID: Peremeter Result MDL PQL Units DF Dete Andyzed Analyst sw-t46 5035/8260&UT-DERR: TPH-GRO C6-Cl0 Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene Toluene m+p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogetes Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethaned4 Toluened8 Totd Voletile Hydrocerbong Solid" Medium Level 159 3u 0.05 0.651 0.05u 0.1 2.63 0.05 0.14 J 0.05 I1.8 0.1 3.49 0.r 0611310213:52 DJH 0611310213:52 DJH 061t310213:52 DIH 0611310213:52 DJH 0611310213:52 DJI{ 0611310213:52 DJH 0611310213:52 DJH 0611310213:52 DJH l0 0.5 0,5 2 0.5 0.5 I 0.5 mgKc mgKc mYKs mgKs mg/Kg mS/Kg mgKc mg/Kg 100 100 100 r00 100 100 100 100 128 102 132 Recovery Range 32-t63 48-161 42-165 % Recovery % Recovery % Recovery 100 06113t0213:52 DJH 100 0611310213:52 DJH 100 06113102 L3:52 DJH U - Not detected above the MDL J - Andyte detectcd below the PQL | - Result is greata thao the associated action level B - Analyte detected in the associarcd Method Blank E - Result is outside ofquantiution rangs S -Results outside normal recovcry limits R - RPD outside normal prccision limits Individual pages or portions ofthis report may not be scparated and prcsentcd for regulatory compliance. Client: Mr. Dannis Riding Mavedk Cormtry Storcs 880 West Centet Strect North Sdt Lake, uT 84054-2913 (801) 9365557 Fax (801) 9361406 ProJect Vemal 142 ProJcct ID: PurchrseOrder: USTRemoval 0206040-l 06n0t02 0206040 020604G02A 142 SS-2 0610s102 0610610208:20 Soil 249t6 1645 Wcgt 2200 South . Salt kkc City, Utah E4l 19 . E00-97r4724 Anatytical Repo.IW Report Numbcr: Dete Rcported: WorkOrder: Leb Semple ID: CIIeut Srmple ID: Dete Collectcdl Dete Recelved: Medr: COC ID: Penmeter Result MDL PQL Unitg DF Dete Analyzcd Anelyst SW{46 5035/t260B.UT-DERR: Totd Yolatile llydrocerbong Solid, Medium Level TPH€ROC6.CIO Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert-buryl ether Naphthalane Toluene m+p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethaned4 ToluenedS 2r: Surrogate spike recovery was outside acceptable limits due to dilution 7420 l4J l15 U 34.6 351 623 223 7.ls s (2r) 3.13 S(20 4.59 S (2r) 150 500 2.5 25 2.5 25 5 1002.s 25 2.5 25 550 525 Recovery Renge 32-r63 48-l6l 42-165 mg/Kg mg/Kg mglKg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg % Recovery % Recovery % Recovery 5000 0611310220:56 DIH 5000 06/1310220:56 DJH 5000 0611310220:56 DJH 5000 0611310220:56 DJH 5000 0611310220:56 DIH 5000 0611310220:56 DJH 5000 061t310220:56 DJH 5000 0611310220:56 DJH 5000 0611310220:56 DJH 5000 06/1310220:56 DJH 5000 06113t0220:56 DJH U - Not dacctedabovc the MDL J - Analye detected below the PQL r - Rcsult is grcatcr than the associated action lcvel B - Analytc detectcd is ths associ6tcd lvlethod Blank E - Result fu outsidc ofquantitation range S -Results outsidc normal recovcry limits R - RPD outside normal prccision limits Iadividual pagas or portions ofthis repct may not be separatcd and prcsentcd for rtaulatory compliancc. d'r-!l*.JJil$*ri8a. a Cllent: Mr. Dennis Riding Maverik Country Stores 880 Wcst Ccnter Sueet North Salt Iake, uT 84054-2913 (801) 9365557 Fax (801) 9361406 Projecfi Vemal 142 ProJect ID: PurchaseOrder: USTRernoval 0206040.1 06t20t02 0206040 0206040-03A t42 SS-3 06t05102 0610610208:20 Soil 249t6 16{5 f,icst 22(X) Soulh . Srlt Idtc Crty, Utah t4l 19 . 800-9736724 Analfiicat Reporr# Report Number: Dete Rcportcd: VYorkOrder: Leb Srmple II): Cltent Srmple ID: Dete Collected: Dete Received: Matrh: COCID: Peremeter Result MDL PQL Unih DF Drte Amlyzcd Anelyst TPH-GROC6-Cl0 Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene Tolueire m+p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogetes Bromofluorobenzane 1,2-Dichloroethane{4 Toluened8 SW{45 5035/8260B-UT-DERR: Totel Voletile Hydrocarbons, Soli{ Medium Level l5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 Recovery Renge 32-163 48-l6l 42-165 2r: Surrogate spike recovery was outside acceptable limits due to dilution r390 U 14.1 U 15.6 10.3 ll6 41.9 29.7 SQr) 23.3 S (2r) 30.0 S (2r) mgKS mgKs mgKg mg/Kg mg/Kg mYKg mgKs mC/KS % Recovery % Recovery % Recovery 50 2.5 2.5 l0 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0611310214:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 06/1310214:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 05/13/02 14:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 0611310214:18 DJH 06fi3102 L4:.18 DJH 500 500 500 U - Not detectcd abovc thc MDL J - And)te det€cted bclow thc PQL ' - Rcsult is grcater than thc associated action lcvel B - Amlytc detected in thc associated Method Bla* E. Result is outside ofquantitation range S -Rcsults outsidc normal recovcry limits R - RPD outside aonnal precision limits Individual pages or portions ofthis report may not bc separated and prcsented for regulatory compliance. Cllent: Mr. Dennis Riding Maverik Country Storcs 880 West Center Strect North Sdt Lake, UT 84054-2913 (801) 93655s7 Far (801) 9361406 Project Vemal 142 Project ID: PurcheseOrder: USTRemoval 020604G,1 06t20t02 0206040 0206040-04A t42 SS-4 06t05tu 0610610208:20 Soil 249t6 1645 Wcat 2200 Solilh . Sdt klc City, Utah t4l 19 ' t0n.9734724 Anatyticat RepotI# Report Number: Drte Reported: Work C)rder: Lab Semple ID: Cllent Semple ID: Date Collected: Date Recelved: Metrir: COC ID: Prremeter MDL PQL Dete Andyzed Analyst SW{45 5035/82608-UT-DERR: Total Yoletile Eydrocerbom' Soli{ Medlum Level TPHCROC5-Cl0 Benzene Ethylbcnzene Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene Toluene 61p-Xylenc o-Xylenc Surrogetec Bromofluorobenzetle 1,2-Dichloroethaned4 Toluene-d8 44.5 U 0.33 J U l.l8 0.ll J 2.27 0.67 J 60.9 57.4 65.7 6200.r I 0.1 I 0.2 4 0.1 I 0.1 I 0.2 2 0.2 I Recovery Range 32-163 48-161 42-165 % Recovery % Recovery % Recovery 06113102 14.45 0611310214:45 06113102 14:45 0611310214t45 06113102 t4:45 06113102 14:45 0611310214:45 0611310214:45 0611310214:45 0611310214t45 o6tr3t02 t4|45 DJH DJH DJH DJH DJH DJH DJH DJH 2N 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 mgKS mC/KS rnglKg mg/Kg mC/KS mgKg mgKg mgKs 200 200 200 DJH DJH DJH U. Not detccted abovc the MDL B ' Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J - Analye dctected bclow thc PQL E - Result is outside ofquaotitation range . - Rcsult is greater than thc associatcd actioa lcvel S -Results outside normal recovcry limits R - RPD outside normal prccision limits Individual pages or portions ofthis report may not be separated and presentcd for rcgulatory compliancc. Clleut: Mr. Dcnnis Riding Maverik Country Storcs 880 Wcst Center Steet North Salt Lakc, UT 84054-2913 (801) 93C5557 Fa* (801) 93Gt406 Projecfi Vemal 142 ProJect ID: PurcheseOrder: USTRernoval 020604G1 06120102 0206040 020604G05A 142 SS-5 06t05t02 0610610208t20 Soil 24916 1645Wcst2200South . Saltl*cCity,Utah 84119 . 8W971-6724 Analyticat Reporl# Rcport Numbcr: Drtc Reportcd: WorkOrder: LebSuple ID: Client Srmplc ID: Date Collected: Detc Recelved: MaHr: COC ID: Peremeter Rerult PQL Dete Anelyzed Anelyst SW-846 5035/8260B-UT-DERR: Total Volatile llydrocarbong Solid, Medtum Level TPH-GRO C6-Cl0 Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene Toluene m+p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethaned4 ToluenedS 38.4 U 0.15 J U 0.567 U r.62 0.848 l16 107 135 310 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.5 0.1 2 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.5 0.1 I 0.1 0.5 Recovery Range 32-163 48-l6l 42-t65 100 06/18/02 19:19 DJH 100 0611810219:19 DJH 100 06/18/02 19:19 DJH 100 06/18/02 19:19 DJH 100 06/18/02 19:19 DIH 100 0611810219:19 DJH 100 06ll8l02l9tl9 DJH 100 0611810219:19 DJH 100 06118102 t9:19 DJI{ 100 0611810219:19 DJH 100 06/1810219:19 DJI{ rngKe mgKs mgKg mgKg mgKg mgKE mS/KS mgKs % Recovery % Rccovery % Recovery U - Not daected above the MDL J - Analyte detectcd bclow thc PQL t - Result is grcat€r thau thc associatcd action lcvel B - Analyc daected in the associatcd Method Blank E - Result is outsidc ofquantitation rangc S -Results outside normal recovery limits R - RPD ouside normal precision limits Individual pages or portions ofthis rcport may not be scparatcd and prcscntcd for regulatory complianca 1 Cllent: Mr. Dennis Riding Maverik Country Stores 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, LII 84054-2913 (801) 9365557 Far (EOl) 9361406 Prolect Vemal 142 ProJect ID: PurchaseOrder: USTRemoval 020604G1 0il20t02 0206040 020604G,06A 142 55-6 06t0st02 06/06/02 08:20 Soil 249t6 16,45 Wcst 2200 South . Sdr r -r.c Ciry, Utah E4l 19 , E00-973-5724 Analytical ReprdW Report Number: Drte Reported: WorkOrder: Leb Semple ID: Cllent Semple ID: Date Collected: Drte Received: Metrir: COC ID: Prremeter PQL Units Dete Analyzed Anrlyst SW-845 5035/82608-UT-DERR: Total Yotattle Eydrocerbonq Solid, Medium Level TPH€RO C6-CIO Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert-buryl ether Naphthalene Toluene mrp-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogetes Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethaned4 Toluened8 2r: Sunogatc spike recovery was outside acceptable limits due to dilution 6@ U 6.86 U t2.s 0.80 J 56.0 22.8 26.1S(2r) 19.3 S(2r) 26.8 S(2r) 15 50 0.25 2.5 0.25 2.5 0.5 l0 0.25 2.5 0.25 2.5 0.5 5 0.5 2.5 Rccovery Renge 32-t63 48-l6l 42-t65 mg/Kg mglKg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mgKg mgKg mgKs % Recovery oZ Recovery % Recovery 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0611310215:39 DJH 061t310215:39 DJH 0611310215:39 DJI{ 0611310215:39 DJH 0611310215t39 DJH 0611310215t39 DJH 0ilt310215:39 DJH 0611310215:39 DJH 0611310215:39 DJH 0611310215:39 DJH 06113/0215:39 DJH 500 500 500 U - Not dctccted abovc thc MDL B - Aaatyte detectcd in thc associatcd Method BlaDk J - Analytc detectcd below the PQL E - Result is outside ofquaotitation range ' . Rcsult is grcater rhan thc associatcd action levcl S -Results outsidc aormal rccovery limits R - RPD outside normal precision limits Individual pages or portions ofthis rcport may not bc scparated aad prcscntcd for rcgulatory compliance. 1 Quatity Control Summary Anatyticat Report W ReportNumber: 0206MGl Dete Reported: 06120102 Work Order: 0206040 Cllent: Maverik Country Stores ProJecfi Vemal 142 Projec't ID: I 645 Wcrt 2200 South . Salt ldtc City, Ut8h t4 I t 9 . t0&971-6724 SW{46 565A260BUT-DERR: Totd Yoletlle Eydrocerbons, Solid, Medlum Level QC Type: laboratory Control Spike Semple ID: 020612sm14 Run ID: HP4-020612E Peremeter Benzene Chlorobenzene l,l-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surrogetes Bromofluorobenzene l2-Dichloroethaned4 ToluenedS Analysis Dete: 06112102 19,,31 Prep Batch ID: R31237 Spike True PercentParent Value Recovery SeqNo: 352684 Duplicete RPD Prrent RPD Llmit Low High Limit LtmttResult 5240 5530 6020 6090 5330 6500 8040 7180 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 105 lll t20 t22 107 130 l6l t4 134 130 160 134 137 r63 l6l r65 45 48 9 39 45 32 48 42 U -Not daectcd abovc thc MDL J - Analyte detectcd bclow thc PQL B - ADalytc detected ia the associatcd Mcthod Blalrt E. Result is outside ofquantitatioo rangc S -Results outsi& oormal rccovay limits R - RPD oueidc normal prccision limits NC - Not Cdculatcd: Duplicatc valuds) are lcss than the MDL l0 Individual pages or portioos ofthis report may not be scparatcd and prcsented for rcgulatory complianca 1 Quality Control Summary Anatytical Reporl ,#i ReportNumber: 020604O.1 Date Reported: 06120102 WorkOrder: 0206040 Client: Maverik Country Stores Projecfi Vemal 142 Protect ID: 16,45 Wcst 22m South . Salt lakc City, Ur.h t4t t9 . t00.97t-6724 QC Type: Method Blank Semple ID: 020612smb4 Run ID: HP4-020612E Premeter TPH-GRO C6-Cl0 Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl terrt-butyl ether Naphthalene Toluene m+p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates Bromofluorobenzene lp-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluened8 ResuIt Sptke Parent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Analysis Date: 06112102 19:58 Prep Betch ID: R31237 Units: pelKg SeqNo: 352685 Hlgh Dupllcete RPDLlmit Perent RPII Limit 20 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.3 163 l6l 165 True Percent Vdue Recovery Low Limit U U U U U U U U 6600 6950 74/;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t32 139 t49 32 48 42 U - Not detected above tbe MDL J - Aaalye dctected bclow the PQL B - Amlyte dctected in thc associarcd Method Blank E - Result is outside ofquantitation range S -Results outsidc normal recovcry limits R - RPD oucide aormal precision limits NC - Not Calculated: Duplicate valuc(s) arc lcss than the MDL Individual pagcs or portions ofthis rcport may aot bc s€parated and prcscntcd for regulatory compliance. 1 Quality Control Summary Anatyticat Repot! # ReportNumber: 0206fiG1 Drte Reportedr 06120102 Work0rder: 0206040 Client: Maverik Country Stores Project Vemal 142 Proiect ID: 16,45 Wcst 2200 Sorth . Sdt I -Lc Crty, Utlh t4l 19 . 8m"973{724 QC Type: Matrix Spike SampleID: 020606G,06ams Run ID: HP4-020612E Paremeter Benzenc Chloroberuene I , I -Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surrogates Bromofluorobenzene lp-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluened8 45 48 9 39 45 Result 4820 5210 4850 5590 5050 5910 6070 6740 Spike Perent U U U U U 0 0 0 AnelysisDete: 06l0lD20t52 Prep Betch ID: R31237 Units: qE|KS SeqNo: 352687 High Duplicate RPD Llmtt Perent RPD Limit 134 130 160 134 131 163 l6l 165 True Percent Low Ydue Recovery Limit s000 96.4 5000 105 5000 97.1 5000 ll2 5000 l0l 5000 I 18 5000 l2r 5000 135 32 48 42 QC Type: Matrix Spike Duplicate SempleID: 020606G06amsd Run ID: HP4-0206128 Perrmeter Benzene Chloroberzene l,l-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surrogetes Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethancd4 Toluene-d8 Analysirllrte: 0611210221:18 Prep Betch ID: R31237 Units: pgKC SeqNo: 352688 Eigh Duplicrte RPI) Limit Parent RPD LimitResult 4750 5270 4990 5430 4990 5890 6550 6900 Spike Parent U U U U U 0 0 0 4820 5230 4860 5590 5050 True Percent Vdue Recovery 5000 95.0 5000 105 5000 99.9 5000 109 5000 99.9 5000 ll8 s000 131 s000 138 Low Ltmit 45 48 9 39 45 32 48 42 134 130 160 134 t37 163 l6r 165 1.4 34 0.73 24 2.8 32 2.7 4l l.l 43 U - Not detected above the MDL J - Analytc detectcd below the PQL B - Aralyte detected ia the associarcd Mcthod Blatr& E - Result is outsidc ofquaatitation range S -Results outsidc normal rccovery limits R - RPD outsidc normal precision limits NC - Not Cdculated: Duplicate valuc(s) are less than tbe MDL Iodividual pages or portions ofthis rcport may not bc separated and prese'otcd for regulatory compliancc. t2 :. .,. . : ,-..r--\,.., i..; j:;.r.,L,.\!d$.r+.$&riEAfll4llia 8W9734724 Analytical Reporl # ReportN.nber: 0206MGl DeteReportedz 06120102 Work Order: 0206040 Quality Control Summary Client: Mavetik Country Stores Prolect Vemal 142 ProJect ID: 1645 Wcst 2200 Sourh . Salt l,,lc Ciry, Utah 84119 QC Type: Iaboratory Control Spikc Srmple ID: 020613s14 Run ID: HP4-0206138 Peremeter Benzene Chlorobenzene l,l-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surrogrtes Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 Anelysis Dete: 06113102 16:6 Prep Batch ID: R31240 UniB: pgKe SeqNo: 352717 High Duplicate RPDLtmit Perent RPD Limit 134 130 160 134 t37 163 l5l 165 Spike Parent True Percent Value Recovery 5000 89.0 5000 105 5000 95.5 5000 to7 5000 l0l 5000 t20 5000 109 5000 138 Low Limit 45 48 9 39 45 Result 4450 5260 4770 5330 5050 6020 5460 6910 32 48 42 U - Not detected above the MDL J - Aaalyte detected bclow the PQL B . Analye detccted in thc associatcd Method Blank E - Result is outside ofquaatitation raage S -Results outside normal rccovery limits R. RPD outside normal precision limits NC - Not Calculatcd: Duplicate valuds) arc less than the MDL Individual pagas or portions ofthis rcport may not bc separatod and preseorcd for rcgulatory compliancc. l3 1 Quality Control Summary Anatfiical Repor{ W ReportNumber: 020604G1 DeteReported: 06120lD Work Order: 0206040 Clienfi Maverik Cormtry Stores Proiece Vemal 142 ProJect ID: l645wcrtzt00sou6 . Sdrt k city,utah 84119 . 8w9714724 QC Type: MethodBlank Srmple ID: 020613sM Run ID: HP4-020613B Peremeter TPH€ROC6CIO Benzene Ethylbcnzene Methyl tert-buryl cther Naphthalene Toluene trt'pxylene o-Xylene Surrogetcs Bromofluorobenzsne l2-Dichloroethaned4 ToluenedS Andysis Date: Prep Betch ID: Spike Perent 0611310216:33 R31240 True Percent Value Recovery 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5000 t24 5000 ll4 5000 t4 Units: trgK1 SeqNo: 352718 Duplicate RPD Perent RPD Llmtt Low Hlgh Limit LinitResult U U U U U U U U 6220 5700 720o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.3 163 16t 165 32 48 42 0 0 0 U - Not dctcctcd abovc thc MDL J - Analyte detccted below the PQL B - Atralyte detected in the associatcd Method Blant E - Rcsult is outside ofquaatitation range S -Results outside normal recovcry limits R - RJD ouEidc nomal prccision limits NC - Not Calculatcd: Duplicate valuds) srp 16s thqn the MDL Individual pagcs or portions ofthis rcpct may not be scparatcd and prcseirted for rcgulatory compliancc. l4 Quatity Control Summary Analytical Reporl # ReportNumber: 020604G'l Drte Reportedt 06120102 Work Order: 0206040 Cllent: Mavcrik Country Stores Projecft Vernal 142 Project ID: 1645 Wcst 2200 South . Salt IrlG ciry, ut& E4l t9 . E0[-|9734724 QC Type: Matrix Spike SrmpleID: 0206080-0lcms Run ID: HP4-020613B Peremeter Benzene Chlorobenzene l,l-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluane Surrogrtes Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluened8 Anelysis Drte: 06113102 l9:@ Prep Betch ID: R31240 UniB: ttgK9 SeqNo: 352720 True Percent Low High Duplicete RPD Value Recovery Ltmtt Linit Perent RPD LtmitResuIt 3630 4620 3670 4500 4420 5600 4810 6170 Spike Parent U U U U U 0 0 0 5000 s000 5000 72.7 92.4 71.4 90.0 88.4 tt2 95.2 123 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 45 48 9 39 45 32 48 42 134 130 r60 t34 t37 163 l6l 165 QC Type: Matrix Spike Duplicate SampleID: 0206080-0lcmsd Run ID: HP4-0206138 Paremeter Benzene Chlorobenzene l,l-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surogete3 Bromofluorobcnzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 ToluenedS Anelysis llete: 06113102 19:,36 Prep Brtch ID: R31240 Unltr: ltgK9 SeqNo: 352721 True Percent Low Eigh Duplicete RPD Velue Recovery Limit Llmit Parent RPD LlmitResult 3660 4480 3910 4540 4420 Spike Parent U U U U U 0 0 0 5000 73.t 5000 89.5 5000 78.1 s000 90.8 5000 88.4 5000 104 s000 95.1 5000 ll9 45 48 9 39 45 32 48 42 t34 130 160 134 137 163 l6l 165 3630 4620 3670 4500 4420 0.62 34 3.2 24 6.3 32 0.86 4l 0.050 43 5210 4750 5930 U - Not dctected abovc the MDL J - Amlyc daectcd bclowthc PQL B - Analyte detected in thc associated Method Blank E - Result is outsidc ofquaotitation range S -Rcsults outside uormal rccovcer limits R - RPD outside normal prccision limits NC . Not Calculatcd: Duplicatc valuc(s) arc lcss than the MDL lndividual pages or ponions ofthis rcport may Dot bc separated and pres€nted for rtgulaory compliancc. l5 Quality Control Summary Analyticat Reporl W ReportNumber: 0206040-l Dete Reportedz Ml20l02 Work Order: 0206040 Clienfi Maverik Country Storcs ProJecft Vemal 142 ProJect ID: 1645 Wcst 2200 Sou6 . Salt t*c Crty, Utah t4l 19 . t00-973{724 QC Type: [aboratory Control Spike Semple ID: 020618$nl Run ID: HP{-020618C Peremeter Benzene Chlorobenzene l, l-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surrogetes l2-Dichloroethaned4 Toluened8 Analysis Dete: 06/18/02 17:58 Prep Batch ID: R31314 Sptke Perent 5000 5000 5000 Units: trgK9 Seq No: 353846 True Percent Low Eigh Duplicate RPD Value Recovery Limit Ltmlt Plrent RPD Limit 45 48 9 39 45 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 ResuIt 5030 5440 5050 5530 5270 l0l 109 l0t lll 105 124 t22 t4 t34 130 160 t34 t37 163 l6l 165 6210 6100 7180 32 48 42 U - Not detected abovc the MDL J - Analyte detcctcd bclow the PQL B - Anatf,tc daccrcd in thc associaed Method Blank E - Result is outside ofquantitation rangc S -Rcsults outsidc normal rccovcry limits R - RPD outside normal precision limits NC - Not Calculatcd: Duplicatc value(s) arc lcss than tte MDL Individral pages or portions ofthis rcport may not be s€parated and prcscnted for regulatory compliance. l6 84u9 .t00-973-5724 Anatyticat Reporl .#i ReportNumber: 020604G'l Dete Reported: 06120102 WorkOrder: 0206040 Quatity Control Summary Clicnt: Mavcrik Country Stores Project Vemal 142 Project ID: 1645 Wcat 2200 Sou6 . Sah I*c City, Utrh QC Type: Method Blank Semple ID: 0206l8smM Run ID: HP4-020618C Paremeter TPH€ROCGCIO Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene Tolucne m+p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogetes Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethaned4 ToluenedS Andysis Drte: 06/18/02 18:25 Prep Betch ID: R3l3l4 True Percent Vdue Recovery Units: pgKS SeqNo: 353847 Iluplicete RPI) Perent RPD LimttResult Spike Perent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Htgh LtDit 20 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.3 r63 l6l 165 U U U U U U U U 6500 5710 7470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 u4 t49 Low Ltmit 32 48 42 U - Not detected above thc MDL J - Atrdyte detcctcd below thc PQL B - Analytc detectcd in the associatcd Method Blank E - Result is outsidc ofquantitation raogc S -Rcsults outsidc lormal rccovery limits R - RPD ou6idc oomral prccision limits NC - Not Calculated: Duplicarc value(s) are lcss than thc MDL Individual pagcs or portioN ofthis re?ort may not be separated aod prescnted for rcgulatory compliancc. t7 . .-r .-i -.-t.- r.,r{r,i;fu Quality Control Summary Analyticat ReporI # ReportNumber: 020604S.1 Drte Reported: 06120102 Work Order: 0206040 Client: Maverik Country Stores Projecfi Vernal 142 Project ID: 1645 Wcst2200South . SaltlakeCtty,Utah 8/.llg . 9W973-6724 QC Type Matrix Spike SemplcID: 0206M0-05ams Run ID: HP4_020618C Paremeter Benzene Chlorobenzene I , l -Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Toluene Surrogetes Bromofluoroberzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene{8 Analysis Dete: 06118102 19:45 Prep Betch ID: R3l3l4 True Percent Vdue Recovery 5000 81.1 s000 88.6 5000 78.7 5000 95.0 5000 92.5 5000 I 13 5000 103 5000 130 Uni6: IL/KE Seq No: 353849 Duplicete RPI) Perent RPD LimttResult 4050 M30 3930 4750 4620 56/,0 5170 6520 Spike Perent U U U U U 0 0 0 Low Limit 45 48 9 39 45 32 48 42 t34 t30 160 t34 t37 163 l6l 165 High Limit QC Type: Matrix Spike Duplicate SampleID: 0206040-05amsd Run ID: [IP4_020618C Parameter Benzene Chlorobenzene I , I -Dichloroethene Trichlorocthene Toluene Surrogatec Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 ToluenedS AnalysisDete: 06/1810220:12 Prep Batch ID: R3 l3l4 Spike Truc PercentParent Value Recovery Units: ttElKE Seq No: 353850 Duplicate RPI) Prrent RPD Limit Low High Limit Llmit 45 48 9 39 45 U U U U U Result 4440 5020 4320 5270 5000 5000 88.7 5000 100 5000 86.3 5000 105 s000 99.9 5000 I 19 5000 106 5000 136 9.0 34 t2 24 9.3 32 l0 4t 7.8 43 134 130 160 134 t37 163 l6l 165 4050 M30 3930 4750 4620 5950 53 t0 6790 0 0 0 32 48 42 U - Not detected abovc the MDL J - Analye detccted bclow the PQL B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E - Result is outside ofquartitation range S -Rcsuls outsidc normal rccovcry limits R - RPD outside normal prccision limirc NC - Not Calculated: Duplicate value(s) arc less than the MDL Individual pages or portions ofthis rcport may not bc sepanted and prcseated for rcgulatory compliance. l8 =e =Eto-Jas B =o totI N T8 lr ),Ii isTE le :3 rE fc nr TE !t 9 toEAFi t E'Pr 9l ' q &{t{o o.o.dq,o 1t 0)x !=o =o T B ( !3Io d vl)3 ,r!l,t ooI oo =o I ot ,o ==oc EI tD 00 N o (o o o (, l a t N o!3 ?.o o.aIt!df !3.ocl zo:.s\A-l E! tf port !d g 2D 3o ;l i.1 . l,oco o* oo,oDt o=o*\IssIt ,(a 0,3t, .9 . an T 9la*It - tt I (i it' I a )J usI r' a P i,lI ^ tP UIn a { Ft, }J $u f lf Et' )r , IAut r, +)r ,nli I i s >\,I 2 Ir ,a oD o ;t ir I t 1tII i B ti el s3 i$Tr rt !Jrt II 89 !3 T6T I 6 Eit 6a!It tl i o hl s 1l $ F tr E I I I E o d 3t ot =o,It ,. \ t s ) )!ooo 8.@ sl}l _8 " OD a" ,r9,r A r, t ,r 0 ,r lro UTtut fr rO o oQ. r It ?: ? ? i ? T i 3$ E - E E F E B3 !aoo ?o =.o x x x x x Gr a b I Co m p o s i l e x A K ( ( x So I U =t LI ,g toc o oo o c,o o Aq u e o u s oo 3 3o aao E(l !. Io Co o3t - Or g a n l c Lh u i d Mu l t i - p h a s e - Nu m b e r ol Co n t i a l n e r s >( * Y * x x ,? . r a 2 3 aa 6 ,8 D d !.t !Ita tv ll r x ( ( ( ( tr . r . t 2 3 a a l 7 I 6t g r r l lA >( x * * 5 Pr . i . -2 3 {a l 7 t tf i s 9 Pr . r t2 l a 3 6 7 t {3o Pr . r . l 2 l a 5 a 7 i Pr . r - l 2 3 a 3 a r a ,ooo oa.E Pr . r rr a a a a r a tr . . lr a a a a T l jt roo H N D =Irt a C @o Pr . i . r 2 3 a J C 7 a Pr . r t 2 , . I a 7 t il:l ri in , ,5 i - ' :( o l ,F { :O l I ,t _- _ i >s :, :f OJ ;r 6' O de . -o f6e 96 {B30 - A\ l.lountaln States Analydcal, Inc. F Sample Rccdpt Ch€ddlst OlentNam: ffier: lVort Order ltlo.alc/.fiqo Grler Number; CoolerlnformaUon: fon-nray' rsn*O whlblo YdlowuO Y.llorflIltq ALAM: c-lo I lutlun ltlodcl 3 scrld tLA-;- Udlum l,lodc zl29 scalerserld ,- smearnesus: aftLty- tnncrPltg: o-t1- srmplec: d- tg. Tnnsport tndex readkpbrYellowll&Itronly) mR/fr Goolcr l{umlerl P, -antl- CmdUon of Shlpping Contalner: W/ @der Sealed (hped): Yes El l$y o'todyse*hesent lil" I:r" Codanh le[ Blrc le O None0 Otrcr: Stah of Coolant: Fozen Cl Partally FmIrJl'/ MelH o ;;w;;J/- rher716m€r3rtoi ZXit conectonFffiz ,? TempBanktnduded: vesy' ttoo Suface Ra<tloac0vlty RFidlrE Falr Q Damaged (cxPhln) (lf requlred) - mffi ilotApploHco PID Readlng--PPnt tlotAppllcableCl Seal Number: Paddng Desolfrm: @C Pr€sent: G)C Number(s): @C dgned (relinqd$Ed and received): @C agr€€s wlth sample labels: 'tst t{oo ourcr: - &?q Yfsgl I{o o ltlot Apdcaue a Yes'o No tr Not Apollcable o Sample lnformaUon: sampleslndudedlncooler: /4dSS't ,2.3ru,5, t' (att v'\ Cu*ody Seals Present: Samde ontshers lntact: Samples in proper @rtalner: Suficlent sample volume: All samfles recelved ln hold Ume: Water - \rOA's har/e zero hea@ace: Pepresencd with ll0: O tl,ot Apdlcable O OUterYes O IntxtQ vtsd Y6'F 'taEY6f, NOF BrokenEl NoO l,loO tloO NoO Seal Number(s) lbtss: Yes q NoO t'lotApflicable/ Prcar€sen ed wllh tb29o3: 6 Non-Pr€ser'\r€d: O Water - pH acceptable upon rccdpt Yes Q Mrred (see ommanB below) O Net Appllcablg/ tlNO! - HrS& =NaOH = ZnAC/NaOH = SlaEr - pH adjustrd: (MSAI Traddng No.) nNO!HISO{ Narsoor Othel HCL=- ac NoES: Cont nt! Inspcctcd tYerlllcd By: oro.t]l.)bJ2A- n'",:0053- Rwrcwod bv,# o.u, 6f4/oe- 9EPA DMSION OF EiMRONiiENTAL RESPONSE ANO REMEOhNON IEE NORTH I95O WEST SALT I.AI(E CTTY. UTAH O''I16 United States Envl ronmental Protec'tion Agency Washington, DC 20460 E l. ruew FAcrLtrY 0 ruumuer of tanks at facility E e. aNaeNoeD iE c. ct-osune O Number of continuation sheets attached Please tvoe or print in ink. Also, be sure you havesignatures in ink for sections-VlllEndFl. Complete a notification form for each location eontaining underground storage tanks. lf more than 5 tanks are owned at this location, you may photocopy pages 3 through 5 and use them for additional tanks. The primary purpose of this notificatio! Program is to locate and evaluate unddrgrourid'storage tank systems (USTs) that store or have stored oetroldum or hazardous substances. The information you provide will be based on reasonably available records, or in the absence of such records, your knowledge or recollection. Federat law requlres UST owners to use thls notlfication form for all USTs storlng regulatod substances that are brought lnto use after tlay 8, 1986, or USTJIn the ground as of May 8, 1986 that have stored regulated cubstances at any tlme rlnce January 1, 1 974. The lnformatlon requested ls roqulred by Sectlon 9002 of the Resource Congervatlon and RecoveryAct (RCRA), as amended. Who Must Notlffi Section 9002 of RCRA, as amended, require-s owners of USTs that store iegulated substances (unless exempted)!q I'^o]ify -^ designated State o-r local agencies of the eistence of their USTs. 'Ownef is defined as: . ln the case of an UST in use on November 8, 1984, or brought into use after that date, any person who owns an UST used for storage, use, or dispensing of regulated substances; or . ln the case of an UST in use before November 8, 1984, but no longer in use on that date, any person who owned the UST immediately before its discontinuation. Also, if the State so requires, any facility that has made any changes to facility information or UST system status, must submit a notification form (only amended information needs to be included). What USTc Are lncluded? An UST system is defined as any one or combination of tanks that (1) is used to contain an accumulation of requlated substances, and (2) whose volume (including connected un?erground piping) is 107o.or more beneath the ground. Regulated USTs store petroleum or hazardous substances (see the following 1l/hat Substances Are Covered'). What Tanks Are Excluded From Notlffcatlon?. Tanks removed from the ground before May 8, 1986;. Farm or residential tanks of 1 ,1 00 gallons or less capacity storing motor fud for noncommercial purposes;. Tanks storing heating oil for use on the premises where stored;. Septic tanks;. Pipeline facilities (including gathering lines) regulated under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, or the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, or wtrich is an intrastate pipeline facility regulated under State laws:. Surface impoundments, pits, ponds, or lagoons;. Storm water or waste water collection systems;. Flow-through process tanks;. Liquid trapi or associated gathering lines directly related to oil or gas production and gathering operations;. ianks on or above the floor of underground areas, such as basements or tunnels:. Tanks with a capacity of 110 gallons or less. What Substances Are Covered? The notification requirements apply to USTS containino oetroleum or certain hazardous substances. Petroleum includes gasoline,-uied oil, diesel fuel, crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at itandard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute). Hazardous substances are those found in Section 10'l (14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liabiiity Act of '1980 (CERCLA), with th_e e_xge^p_lign of those subsiances regulated as hazardous waste under Subtitle C of RCRA. Where To Notlfi? Send completed forms to: STATE OF UTA}I DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE {68 NORTH 1950 WEST PO BOX I'14840 SALT LAIG ClrY, UTAII 8/'.l1+1840 When To Notlfy? 1. Owners of USTs in use or that have been taken out of operation after January 1,'1974, but still in the ground, mlst notify by l4ay 9: . 1irS6. 2. Owners wtro bring USTs into use after May 8, 1986' must notify within 30 days of bringing the UST into use. 3. lf the State requires notification of any amendments to facility, send information to State agency immediately. PenalUee: Any owner who knowingly fails to notify or submits false information shall be subjeit to a civil penalty not to exceed $11,000 for each tank for which notification is not given or for wtrich false information is given. lf required by State, give th€ geographic location ol USTS by degrses, minutes, and seconds. Example: Latitud€ 42" 36' 12" N, Longitudo 85" 24' 1T w Facility Name or Company Site ldentifier, as applicabl€ (Wutif f,o*^tfy Sfrtc # /'{ e o tf address is the same as in SecUoJ I, check th€ box and proco€d to section lll. tf address ls difforent, enter addre$ b€low: StrBet Addr€ss 440 VJt* llruiq cnv I strat€ I zio coo"/grnal I hT | $Llo?t Owner Name (Corporation, lndividual, Public Agenry, or Olher Entity) /VlaWlY C.ou,rtry S*tcc9 t f Ac , Str66t Addr€ss 3go ulcst Center S*cqf county DnVlgcitv I sr"r" lzip coa"' TVorrh Sall L^Vt I ,f t quo7( Phon€ Numb€r (lnclude Ar€a Cod€) Lqot) Q?t - SEiT EPA Form 7530-l (Rev. 1 1-98) Eloctronic and paper versions acceptablei I Provious editions may b6 used whil6 supplles last.t^ ' jl./Pag€ 1 of 5 9EPA Unlbd Strt s Envlronmental Protectlon Agency Walhhgbn, OC 204{,0 Notlllcatlon for Underground Storage Tanks E reoerat Govemment E g"t"Government dcorr"r.xd E] r-o""r Govemment E prir"," USTs ale located on land withln an lndian -ReservaUon or on trust lands outside U rEservation boundades. USTs ale orivned by a Native American trnaton or tlbe. Tdbe or Nation wtrere USTs are locatod: E frucringffransport E utniu". E Residential fl r"- d cas statlon E P"t ot*,, Distributor E nirroi(Aidine) E nircrait O,vner E mto Deatership El n"im"o E feOerat - Non-Mititary El reoerat- Mititary EI tnd*tri.t E cont"ao, Dc,rrri5 R;J:I Job Title: f,adronw,*4 XBe vJes+ Qnt<c St. Phone Number (lnclude Area Code): G't) 1sc'csSz have met the financial responsibility requirements (in accordance with 40 CFR Subpart H) by using the following mechanisms: Check All that Apply E s"r tnrr."n." E commer<;ial lnsurance E ni.r Retention Group E Guarantee El surety eono E tetterof Credit E Otno U"ttrod (descrtbe here) E lo""fGovemmeotFinancialTest E eonORailngTest I ceflify unde penally of law that l.have personally eremined and am familiar with ths information submitted in Sec{ions I through Xl of this nolmcafion formand all attached documenb, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the informition, I believ6 that th6 submitted information is truo, accurato, and complete. Name and ofiicial title of own€r or owne/s authorized r€prosentaWo (Print) {!\arts Ch"ir*,o$eq eaul. Comflla^{c Offccr. EPA estmates publlc roporting burdon hr thb bfm b av6rag6 30 mlnutos per rsspons€ lncludlng ume for revlewing instructlons, gatherlng and maintaining the data need€d end of thb nofrlcatm to{m imy be usod while suDDll€s hst EPA Form 7*ll).t (Rou ll-9E) Ebcfonb end paper versions a6ept8bl6. Prevbus editiom may be used whlle supplie3 le3t Page 2 of 5 9EPA Unlbd S-bb. Envlronmental Prctectlon Agency Wr$hgbn,OCa).q) Notlflcatlon for Underground Storage Tanks Tank ldentifi catlon Number 1. Sbtl.ofTank(checkonlyone) CunentlylnUse Temporarily Closed Permanently Closed 2. D.to of lnrtalldlon (month/year) 3. ElUmatod Total Gapaclty (gallons) 4. llaterlal of Conrtnrctlon (check all that apply) Asphalt Coated or Bale Steel Cathodically Potected Steel Coated and Cathodically Protected Steel Composite (Steel Clad with Fiberglass) Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Lined lnterior Excavation Liner Double Walled Polyethylene Tank Jacket Concrete Unknown lf Oher, please specfi here Check box lf tank has ever been repaired 5. Plplng talerlal (check all that apply) Bare Steel Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic CoPPer Cathodically Protected Double Walled Secondary Containment Unknown Other, please specfi 6. Ptplng Typo 'Safe'Suction (no valvo at tank) (Check all that apply) 'U.S.'Suction (valve at tank) Pressure Gravity Feed Check box ll piping has ever been repaired Tank No. I {d tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr d tr tr E,d tr tr tr tr Etd tr tr tr Dtd lctl8 (,? dd tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr d tr tr v tr tr tr tr ? tr tr TankNo. - tr B,d \ ql8 gF {d tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr d tr tr "d tr tr tr tr * tr tr Tank No. - tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Tank l,lo. - tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr EPA Form 75ltGl (Rcv. ll-98) Electronicand paper versions acceptable. Previous editions may b€ used while supplies last. Page 3 of 5 \.,\./ 9EPA Unltod Stat€s E nvl ron menffir$egfign Asen cy Notiftcatlon for Underground Storage Tanks Fom OMB No. Tank ldentification Number 7. Subrtance Cunently Stored (or lad rtored ln the case of cto$d t nkr) ( Check all that apply) rank No. -f- I rank No. --L I rank No. l- I rank No. - I rank No. -Gasorine I d d tr tr tr tr tr { tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Diesel | tr Gasohol I tr Kerosene I tr Heatins Oil I tr Used oil I tr lf Oher, please specify here Ha'ardous Substance CERCLA name and/or CAS number tr tr tr tr tr Mixture of Substances Please specify here tr tr tr tr tr 8. Release Detoctlon (check all that apply) Manual tank gauging Tank tighhess testing lnventory Control Automatic trank gauging Vapor monitoring Groundwater monitoring lnterstitial monitoring Automatic line leak detectorc . Linetightnesstesting No release detection required (such as some types of suction piping, emergency generator tanks or field constructed tanks) TAtlIK tr tr d. { tr tr tr TAI{K tr E/ d.d tr tr tr TANK tr a, * tr tr tr PIPE I TAI{K PIPE I TAIK d tr tr ? tr tr d tr tr tr-d tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr D tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr trtrtr tr tr tr tr tr orhermerhod alo,v€d by,rr"r"il*flr.n$i{, I tr tr tr tr tr Please specifo other method here 9. Spll! and Overfll Protectlon { Overfi ll devlce lnstalled Spill device lnstalled dr { tr tr tr tr tr tr tr EPA Form 75ilGl (Rev. ll-98) Electrcdc and paper vercions acceflable. Prevlous editions may be used wtrile supplies last. Page 4 of 5 .-" ..,..-i.-r'.r-d! ria*-;a - -. *. - - &''.. United Stateg Envlronmental Protection Agency Notlfication for Underground Storage Tanks rank No. t I Tank No. ? | Tank No. -3- I rank No. - lTank No. - 1. Clooure or Change ln Servlce Estimated date tre UST was last used for storing regulated substances (montlVdayfear) Check box if this is a change in s6rvic6 Estimated date tank closed (month/day{par) (check all that apply below) Tank was removed from gnound Tank was closed in ground Tank filled with inort matsrial Describe the inert fill material here Slte Arse$menl Check box il the site assessment was completsd Check box if evidence of a leak was detected t/,^i ' tr cl; {,t d tr tr tr tr a lEf ,t { tr tr tr tr \1fi l"l tr b/q/ot d tr tr tr tr lnclallsr Of Tank And Plplng Must Gheck Al That Appl$ lnstaller c6.tifi6d by tank and piping manufac{urers lnstaller certified or licensed by the implementing agency lnstallatlon inspec{ed by a registered engineer lnstallation inspocted atrd approved by implementing agency Manufac{ure/s installation drecklists havo boen comploied Anothor method allowod bv State agency lf so, Pleaie sPeciff here tr tr tr tr tr D tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Signature of UST lnstaller Cediling Props lnstallation of UST System EPA Form 753G'l (Rev. ll-98) Electronic and paper ve6ions acceptable. Provlous editions may be used wttile supplies last Page 5 of 5 UTAH UST PHOGRAM Permanent Closure lnsor Facility lDNo.loooo/{ n l. Ownershio of Tank(s)[. Location of rank(s] / ht" o*n",*^*" Mave, ) k Grfr,, g"oZ,Facility Name M.,, ,e r) kooo'""' tgo ,v"rf c -to / .d .f citv S.L r- state qf ,,pffiof,V l|'""'ooo'""" qqo \n/.sf /vl"r;\ s+..f citv ur .n, / state aJ- ZiP code ou. * Area Code Phone Number Contact Persontot q?A- s.tr>Srtto, _ residential giindustrial/commercial Other TANXS eLOAEO Tank No. J Tank No. 4 Tank No. ?Tank No.Tank No. 1. Estimated Capacity (gallons)12 ooo {Ooo {oan RF \FII 'EN2.Type (Steel, FRP, Composite)ft,1 l*ee I 9*o. I ME JE' V ].JJ 3. Substance Stored fitt e 0.o*. o.qdt JU l2 5 2m2 4. Date last used <,Uf. b 2-oo a h.h Zrtn')0Eo 4. Date Closed 6 /.r/a t 5/r/ot e /r/os tuluvtrtrEnl 5. How closed (Rmvd, inplace, CIS)[2 ,- -,K. ,^.r/k ^^-/ Orioinal #oftanks ? -Closedtanks 3 +NewtanksA =#of tanksremaininn O TANK C.LEA}IIHS AIIB EEiIQY,AL: GW & SoilSampler:Cert. #: GS Expiration Date: uSr Remover: k;,"^ #e -.ino t^)a\,/ cert. #: TRg g5:/Expiration Date: Ao^ I . 2na I 1. Owner/Operator has '.)/ an approved closure plan:N Copy of closure plan is on Site: @ N 2. Product removed: @ N By: O - ilo Disposed at: [)* il, M n, no, , {)i, nn*- / 3. Sludge removed: Y (O By : 0 o ll-U Disposed at: 4. Tanks cleaned: @N By:0u l/,,,Rinsate disposed at: Mu rro,.. O;to,u . / 5. Non-explosive atmospheie inside tank obtained by: - Purging X tnerting. LEL or v" (xygenootlneo: m" q Z t 2 7. Tank disposal site:T- Vus* " Verno/ e.soir disposatsite: O;r-frA C-A, L.^Jtil/ IS'ITE ASSESST|ENT: t PlDorFlDmeterreadings(indicatelocationonthesiteplat'):- Meter Type:Gain or span:_ Calibration specs: 1. Soil contamination is evident: z(fl N Depth of contaqination: 0 - 3 feet X greater than 3 feet _)a 3.#of samplescollected:-cW JtSoit 2USC 4.CertifiedLab: Mo__7dln S7r/., 4rr r/,r/_;../ s. enatysis trletnoos: ,@ gtex GEID o&c rRH Hoc other:/ 6. lnspector observed collection of samples: Y @ lndicate location and depth of samples on the site plat. 7. lnspector collected duplicate samples and submitted them to the State Lab for analysis: y (D 8. Contaminated soil overexcavated: @ N N/A lf yes, confirmation samples were collected: y ft) t ""tottsign ruu-? : ' .4.1 -- c"r.t* a4-rc Date: r / s,/o z Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner Revised 12\95 GLOSURE INSPECTION SITE lD No. Io [^"/Tr [a*/ location of anv reoorted PID or FID readinos PotentialReceptors:Distance(infeer)totheneares.. Residences .tC Commercial buildings t C Property tine 5 Active water welt rU4 Surface water /y'A Underground: Sewer -CO watertine 3O Naturatgastine / Telephone tine UF Etectricat tine Lt r( Stormdrain fZ Other(specify)_ .f 6 o Dlstribution:White-OERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 "-: . .^,!,.r:* 4. i.Ji-_\ ,i- 1: -.:-: t .:- -/ {-l- l.'i.1* i Michael O. Lravitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D- Executive Director Kent P. Cray Dircctor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box lzl48zl0 Salt hke Ciry, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 5364100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T,D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us I ILE Apil 17,2002 COPY ERRU-058-02 Mark Christensen Maverik Country Stores, Incorporated 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 RE: Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Maverik Country Store #142, 490 West Main, Vernal, Utah Facility Identification No. 900001 8 Dear Mr. Christensen: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on April ll, 2002, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified ?2 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. Please be sure the DERR office and the Tri-County Health Department is contacted at least 72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan Approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the environmental and Unified Soil Classification sample analysis data and Chain of Custody forms with the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. \-,\./ Secretary (UST) Haiardous Waste Control Board Facility ID+t 9000018 Page#2 If during upcoming Flgsgp activities, it appears that a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions, as e{plained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicaUle tules dnd n0gulations are complied with. If you have any questions, please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4100. KPGAfrIEIWhSp Enclosure Joseph B. Shaffer, M.A., M.B.A., E.H.S., Director, Tri-County Health Department John Harlan, John Harlan Construction UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSURE PLAN (rev. 10/04/99)FAcrlrry !D# 9 OoOo lg Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified betow) ov /l/lA,fk C lrct shn<U A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. ln preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operato/s knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in 40 CFR 280 Subpart G and R311-204 (u.A.c.) FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owne, (WAvCck Cr"n\u S*"rrc I phone # (Tot \ qgb - ?ES 7,, [ ] sole proprietorship [ ] partnership [Xlcorporation Address ?to \"Jrl* cxnJ<c S*rtt*civ fi)orh Sil* Loh state tl7 zip a4o5/ of(companyn^e1 /l4avffik Cpnt^fiV Shas,Tac. phone #(got\ q36-Sss7 Address nTo u)ett kn*tc C*u+ ( ciry Nor'rh <.1] hle State UT zip 8.{osi/ Facirity name (Ylau$iY c,.,n+rv S#Q, # t4? ooor"r, 4qo GJtq+ Moirl ' city \,/e rnal state [lT zip tYo78 contact o"rron Dronis P,liat phone # (Xo\ \ q%'€Ss 7 Total number of regulated underground taiks at this site 3 Received LHD Approved mailed to State Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed TANKS TO BE CLOSED Tank #I ?3 Type (Steel,FRP,etc.){'lte I Date lnstalled w8 Capacity 17K qY 8F Substance stored'Nt-?rru f\jL Arr I tuut Date last operated Removed/ln Placel Chanse in Service?knno,l,;fl ' lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) For waste oi! tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identify if known)No_ Not known Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required priorto disposal of contaminated soil or other material. (Check with your disposal facility.) . Review/Date YKA U I l2-l o TANK REMOvER Name Sohn [|r, tlo n Cert. # rR Ool O exo. aae 7f tf,f oS Company Joh( l{rr [n,\ Con:*r,^o*io r,l phone #(q35 ) ,lB - ?%s Address ?.0.6"Y tott City /crnrI State-lzll zip S{07 8 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Cert. # GS o r{tr =xp. aate bft 9 phone#(got | 156-sss7 9go L)as* Ctr*p e S+cect ) Company Address City State f zip 84oSq Before the closure plan is submitted for approval, the local health and fire departments where the facility is located must be contacted. lf the facitity is in Beaver, Carbon, Emery, Gaiietd, Grand, tron, Kane, Satt Lake, San Juan, Wasatch, or Washington county contact DERR (UST) at (801)536-4100 instead of the local health district You still must contact the local fire department in these counties. coNrAcr LocAL HEALTH DrsrRrcr Name or Dist. Tl,- Co-n+.{ (lr t+h oate 1f I f oa contact l\trcl^ B co,^rn ' Ti l" -Pho* # Qyffils CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Name of Dept. Co',"U[ Rr.il,ftt fn.fe.tf""s oate-IJ8Jo-:l- contact Do^ Alon, p Tiue phone *(_{fS) 1tr. 6ta{ DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) will be disposed at: Facility LCqt f SCrop 466r"., (ratl So"r l^ 'tSoo En:t city U?rhe ( state_ltT_ zip Stlo?8 Contactperson Horry EscC Phone#(q9s)?81-EltT Product lines will either be: X removed or - cleaned, secured in place, and capped. Vent lines will either be: X removed or - cleaned and secured open. As abotzPiping will be disposed at: Facility Address City. Contact person State_ Zip Phone # ( Phone#(gol \ qlb'E567 Phone # ( ) Tank(s) will be emptied by: company Tank(s) will be cleaned by: company Contaminated water in the tank/rinsate will be disposed at: Facility To\rr,, [krtr"^ (ou,,st: w>t4oa Contact person Tohu,,,$a.l^,n Phone n, {lr r f)$- zoE3 Tank(s) will be: purged o, * rendered inert by the following method: Residual sludges will be disposed at the following taclfity: 5o\r\ krtq\ Cr.^fu;ct{f a Address /r< aLo.le City Contact person State_ Phone # ( Zip. ) [ ] Approvarfor in-prace crosure n". o"" *-"n,. Fire Dept.Phone#_ Contact Date [ ] Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Health Department. Health District_Phone#_ Contact Date co*ror,*or=o ruer=*,ots trusl= olsposeo o, ott occeptlrte rl^-,r", All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a mannerthat does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Any person providing remedial assistance for a fee, including aeration and over-excavation (of more than 50 yd), must be a Certified IJST Consuttant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility: Address tl,ot E Soo AJ City l)t t n.l State Ull-o?Contact person Phone # (935\791- 6ot 8 SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in 40 CFR 280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). lf contamination is suspected. additional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most likely to be present. lf oroundwater is encountered. a soil sample must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each groundwater sample. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. A. Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH & BTEXN/MTBE analysis. B. A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples. C. Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory on the final analyical report. 2 Methods or test procedures allowed for Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoveiable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) are 5520(b) or 5520(0 respectively. Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample lnformation Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION I NFORMATION lf contamination at the facility is susoected or conf irmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary (UST) at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801)538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. lf contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. Contaminant Compounds to be AnalyzedSubstance or Product Type Soil, Groundwater or Surface Water Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); 4g! Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXN) and MTBE EPA 80158 t and EPA 80218 ' or 82608 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); 4{ Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN) EPA 8015B and EPA 80218 or 82608 EPA 1664 or 5520 2 and EPA 8021B or 82608 Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH); and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl- benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) & MTBE; and Halosenated Volatile Orsanic Comoounds (VOC's Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or 5520 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 80158 and EPA 80218 or 82608 I The following modifi'cations to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the Executive Secretary (UST): The site plat niust be drawn to an ln tanks, and other relevant lrrlon given on p. 1 and 5 olthe Closure P.,l{t. Facility lD #{Oooo lt Drawn By Dr.[ Ur/risr (n bo r ^DatE- 1I NORTH f(t grlg\,{[ qi+e Scale: .1 = -[Feet ?[,or.o tr.f ( \. X = Sample locations (SS-#, WS+' USC+) e = Monitoring Wells (MW-#') O = Soit boring (SB-#)' or Geoprobe Boring (GP-#) | = Water Wells (donrestic, livestock' etc.) Stope of Surface Topography: (N,I{!V,W'SW|'S-E'F NE) Land Use At Site: -Residential -Comnrercial Industrial S urroundi ng Land: -Res identiat -Commercial -Industrial Site Plat Must Indicate Approxlmate Locations Oft y' Current & former tanks, piping & dispensen y' Location of all samples to be taken y' Buildings, fences, & property boundaries / Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) Sample *Analysls method(s)' Itlt ss - t l,{t gs - { ASAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE Complete table for allsamples to be tqkr...lorclo60ie. Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unilied Soil Classification (USC)' Approx. depth in feet betow irade. ttre required minimum site assessment samples must be taken at 0'2 feet below the backfill/native soil interface' Contaminant compounds to be analyzed for each sample (from table on p' 3)' Appropriate analysis methods for contaminanl compound(s) in each sample (from table on p' 3)' 1 2 3 4 Approximate depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks: t feet. Regional groundwater flow direction:Ssa State Certified Laboratory to be used: Address t(rt(5 LJ<f Jloo (o,^Th citv gtlt Lak- Contact person Phone # (4ol \ 471' 0o5o please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances expected regarding the site assessment or closure: ( 0lrfrr,.,. oL,(r - t UI ! certify under penatty of law that I am the owner/operator of the tank(s) referenced above and that I am familiar with the lnformation on this lorm and that it is true, accurate and comptete, and further, that the procedures described herein will be followed durlng tank Signature of tank owner Full Name of tank owner ln t,"r" (41 zip re. oate 4 (tof ,7 -H*;?Mll-2ot) -l wrsl {''oT' BUITDING Iw-Jo PRODUCT ASPHALi urY-5o N0TE: LOCATIONS ARE APPR0XIMATE EXPLANATION MONIIORING WELL LOCATION ESTIMATED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION :ll: :.i^- ,/ ",'a-lL LOcAil0Ns LrJttJu. U) z MW-{ DISPENSER ISLAND CONCRETE PAD North SCALE IN FEET urY-2o , T-------'',ItUSTIL-_____-lT------ --____J Ll !:l---r VENTS MAVERTK #142 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FIGURE 3 -{-{-s- NATURAL GAS t_rtrrr tllmefifiGoumy Smrcshc Maverik Country Stores Inc. Phone: (801) 936-5557 xl22 FAX: (80r) 936-1406 e-mail mchristensen@maverik.com Tuesday, June 5,2001 BiIl Moore Utah Department of Environmental Quality 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Re: Compliance of Southern Utah Maverik Stores Dear Bill: RECEIVED a, DEO Hilr0morltal Eosgonso & Romeolaho I have listed below several sites under your jurisdiction that required additional information to maintain compliance with Federal and State Rules and Regulations: Vernal #142 (FID #9000018) 1. A three year Cathodic Protection Test is enclosed. 2. An annual functionality test on the leak detectors is not enclosed. I wilI send this to you as soon as possible. 3. A copy of the System, tank, and leak test setups is enclosed. St. Georee #229 GID #6000471) 1. A 0.2 gph montNy leak test on the lines since its changeover is enclosed. St. Georee #241 (FID #6000193) 1. A 0.2 gph monthly leak test on the lines since its changeover is enclosed. St. Georee #242 GID #6000194) 1. A 0.2 gph monthly leak test on the line since its changeover is enclosed. Hurricane #243 (FID #6000192) 1. A 0.2 gph monthly leak test on the lines since its changeover is enclosed. St. Georse #261 (FID #6000696) 1. A 0.2 gph monthly Ieak test on the lines since its changeover is enclosed. 1 -\ I hope this satisfles your request for additional compliance documentation for the above sites. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me. Sincerely,illilw Mark Christensen Environmental Technician Compliance Ofiicer a Veeder-Root Site ID:124400 Alternate Site ID:142 Site: Maverick Country Store 490 W. Main Vernal, UT 84078 Period: 0U0112001 to 0610412001 Customer: Maverik Country Str 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake City, UT 840s4 Report Created: 0610512001 04:50 PM In-Tank Results Line Leak Detection Results Line Product 1 UNLEADED 12K 2 PREMIUM 3 UNLEADED8K 1 UNLEADEDl2K 2 PREMIUM 3 UNLEADEDSK 1 UNLEADEDl2K 2 PREMIUM 3 UNLEADEDSK 1 UNLEADEDl2K 2 PREMIUM 3 UNLEADED8K 1 UNLEADEDl2K 2 PREMIUM 3 UNLEADEDSK Tank I 2 3 1 , 3 1 2 3 I ,, 3 -t ", 3 Date 01-31-2001 01-31-2001 _0.L-1s"2001--- Results Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Results Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Product UNLEADED 12K PREMIUM UNLEADED 8K Test Tvpe 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 cPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly Test Tyne 0.1GPH Annual 0.1GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.t GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.1 GPH Annual 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPH Monthly UNLEADED 12K PREMIUM UNLEADED 8K UNLE'ADED 12K PREMIUM UNLEADED 8K UNLEADED 12K PREMIUM UNLEADED 8K UNLEADED 12K PREMIUM UNLEADED EK 02-07-2001 02-07-2001 .L2^']47:2001 03-0s-2001 03-05-2001 o-tat?Q9_1_ 04-05-2001 04-05-2001 04-05-2001 05-24-2001 05-24-200t 05-24-200r Date 01-11-2001 01-11-2001 0t-29-2001 01-11-2001 01-11-2001 0t-29-200r 01-11-2001 01-11-2001 0t-29-2001 01-11-2001 01-11-2001 0l-29-2001 05-13-2001 05-01-2001 05-01-2001 vEEEDEFI-FI(CD(EDT Fue I lVfartagert,ent S ervice veeder-Root company 125 Powder Forest Drive Simsbury, cr 06070-2003 l-goo-gg7_7725 > l a A -. Appiieri H -. EnrrirormrerrtalE ,Semices, LC. F.O,8u,18tr trrr,Ilhh S{067 (&r) s{&?Er6 Wotftd.r _* .0JS_IlrtaTerhd 4-30-ml RESIJI,TS OF CATIIODIC PROTECTION TESTS USING A COPPER SUI,PHATE HALF-CMLL SihAd&rrr: rfiaYEnm #r42 490 UmST M*IN VENNAI",IITAE 4IA$$ MEAhIS A RSADING Otr'-.8St mv Otrl BET'TEfi.WAS MEASURED Ilorcr 6t ItqII, ul[lsT PART OTLINE ST]L FANT OTUIVE PTA.T OTLINE IBI ffi1 Tr3 Tr{ Ir5 IXt 6 IFCI Crdtrdic[lrntor{ftrn Il*str# fi*{01 CmmTT; STEEL TA}II{S AT{D SIEEL PROnUCT LIHETi TmoIEcTgD uIfftr IIITpRassED (-]uBfir:Ul'. IIETAIJC SWII\IG IOINTS AT PUMP & fJISPHNIIER. .dIJ". TEST pOINTs I]*IIII, sOil. TpI --9-c4 -.${8, Tpz -1.002 -.981, Tp3 -l.l6i -1.t24,Tp4 -l.ffi -.m, r}5 -1.201 -l.lg7, 1?6 -1.1$.4 .I.tr/?, Tr? -r.m8 -1.026, fFg -.86'/ -.859, Trg...$33 -.9.29, Trrt0 -.9?0 -.961 II:ROM T}IE TOLLOWING EQUIPME${T; }AfT OTLTNE r.AnT orunrs R/T]LEAST i PIS5 Icrfrr,$ign*rrl l; l It , l *. i- - -- i . - - - I - *- l lj i ! _. " 1* * * " _ t - -i ! i, l ; f l- - 1 - l - i- i lt i ! ,r J i l 'i i -t "' - r- - l- -- ! - - * - - r - - - I! r l l It , t li i t ) .. I- - - . - - " . .. . 1 - , . - - - i, . . *. - t - - - , 1I : : ii i i rl , : l _ : _: r Il f , i jr + *. . - * . - - , ; - - - l - t- - . * -' :l : _ j - i : l -f i ': r l i l i rl l : '' ' *- , - - i i' " i ;" ' t 'r ; l i l ! * "- - - ;- .- - - - - j - " - i- - . . - r - *; .- . ,1 1 , ' .r . 1 , : I __ . _ _ 1 " _ . " _ . " - " * " ,; i i r- * i . - - ' -i ' - -- r - " ' ;r i i , "i - " ' - " " - . *i | -' - I i: , i -, - t . - . . - . . . - i. - * - . - - - :. . . . - - - . . . . 1 _ . - - . . - l- . _ :. _ _ r . - . * " . * - - . -i - - r . - 1 - - ll l ; l i l ,_ j- _- . 1 _ _ ;_ _ , - _ *_ , _l _ _- _ : . " :! , i r l l l -r ' ' ' - - - ' i" l* - - l - l- 1- - - - - ,- r i -; l" i i "_ i_ " : _ r -i : _ i -. -- - - - - ; - -- i -; - i . - 1 " . , . l- il i i i i i l i ii i i t i l l -. - - * - :- - i_ i _l _, i _ 1_ [ -, - - - ; " 1 - . l t - l ii it l t i t i "- i -' i - ". -" , ' -- i " '1 l l l l ll r i ^" - ' - ) _ ' - - ' - F ' ^ _ - *- "' 1 - - :- - . - i- i - _ ' i , -1 - - - i I l, l ; , r -t i ir ir '' ' : :' . ' " - ; -i -f - - l " - i -| - - - " -- - '- ] - I - ! - : ": t - , - _ -- _I : i l _ 1 : . i II ._ - _ * - " 1 , . i 1= , * ' T : i il - _ ii l i - i * i ! i Michael O. Leavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Drector DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1,14840 Salr Lake Ciry, Urah 841l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-,t414 T.D.D. TO:Mark Christensen Maverik Country Stores Inc. 880 W. Center St North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 DATE: 3l2ll20ol FROM: William Moore tll t2) t3l RE: NON-COMPLIANCE OF UNDERGROIIND STORAGE TANKS AT MAVERIK #142,490 W MAIN, VERNAL, UTAH; FACILITY ID# 9000018. To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance, the facility must be in compliance with Federal and StateRulesandRegulations. AninspectionofyourfacilityonFebruary2T,200l,andareviewofourrecords has shown that the following information is lacking: Your last Cathodic Protection Test on your Impressed Current System on file was performed 6130198. Therefore, ensure another is performed on or before 61301200I and submit to DERR. Submit a copy of an annual functionality test for proper operation of the Yeeder Root Simplicity Electronic automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized lines associated with the three UST(s), performed within the last year. PCS has been doing on your other sites using Simplicity. The inspection documented you are using a Veeder Root TLS-350 Simpticity Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) System using CSLD Test Mode to monitor the Tank portion of the USTs, since January 2001. However, the following Problems have been documented in you use of this system: Submit a copy of the System, Tank, and Leak Test Setups for the Tanks and Lines. The Line Leak Detection does not indicate passing 0.2 or better tests for February 2001. There are no 0.2 or better tests for the Tanks for January 2001. The above information must be submitted to this office by 613012001. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. Continued non- compliance will result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $75 per tank to $ 150 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801)536-4100. a. b. c. c UTAH UST PROGRAM Facirity ,r11o.?Og"qOl8 Release Detection lnspection Checklist I. Ownership of Tank(s)l!. Location of Tank(s) t' * o*"".*"," /i,t +ttq rt K fn,, , -[n,,,f{ort.l FacilityName /\^\A^,i€nr K + t f:.ooo'"" &f,O ,.., C, ^J*" ' *.,i,^1::. ^/fi U /vta i^ ,fT lnlN'-*k .Ioff" hat(t Zip Code trrtnrv citv r/en.^.f stateu- Zipcode ?q0Td&{o,le'dde Phone,ryt4rY- f9l - Number ?.7L . 5St7 E* /1-2- countY U ,.n{,r. h Contact Person At UST Location Phone #Certificate of Compliance on sitef@ No Certificate y""r, 2 erc I lll. Tank lnformation Complete for each tank. lf facility has more than 4 tanks, complete information for additional tanks on separate form. Number of tanks at facility:Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Current year tag is displayed @d No a'fE9 No /qd No Yes No Tank presently in use fds ) No dE No ^q No Yes No lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed iqr0 /qrD /qrD Capacity of tank (in gallons)/2L Y r r K Substance stored /-, A)(>.+t C>*J Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.)I s7!-^+)/ Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.).fr 9r ST Piping type (pressure, suction. gravity, etc.)Dr'0f af tV. Release Detection For Tanks lndicate the method(s) used for each tJnk. Complete the {ppropriate checkfisffor eaoh method used. Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form)476 4T6 47-la Emergency Generator tank (leak detection deferred) V. Release Detection FOr Piping lndicate method(s) used and complete appropriate tank checklists where applicable. Method used (complete separale form where applicable) Automalic Line Leak Detector type and model ,€e D /C.L'Z<) Date of last Leak Detector performance test t -/l..al rt-tl.-/\l / -1q-n I Test result (pass/fail)o&vl "4/r.,|.'J .O/+.4-i Date of last Line Tightness Tesl 't-24- o /' /-2 4-o t / -t4- ot Test result (pass/fail)P+s t Dnr/o4sl Name and company ol certified tester ,$p fie ) *tt//rotne,afr/ -t?,.r,ief _{/vl Cert. No. UT O /2 / No leak detection required (must answer "yes" to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suclion is released Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable Yes No Comments: ic rL T/o/68' j -'"{rr[ that I have inspected the above-named |acitity o" J -tJ - O / lnspector's Signature:Date: (monlh, day, year, time) J 47-O / Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection: f Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner LDchecklist.wpd 2/99 UTAH UST PROGRAM Facnrty r,xo. ?0gOo /8 Automatic Tank Gauoinq Manutacturer, name and modet numbe , ot "y.t ^, EuCo r+tp *ul {/il - 7/a0 Plaase cirele Yes or No lor each questlon for each tank lf taelllty has morc than 4 tanks, complste lnformatlon tor addltlonal tanks on separete torm. Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-slte (e.o.. ownar's manuall-G Yes )ld Yes -il6 Yes W Yes No Records on sate document that the system was properly instaled and calibrated (system and tank setup report). a Yes X Yes ,X6 Yes y Yes No System is maintalned in accordance with manufacturer's inslructions (rccords are available on site). G Ves ,DG Ves ,Xd Yes yd Yes No The probe is tocated at rhe cenler of the tank. !l no, Indicate tllt corectlon ,r* nffi the tank setup report. Yes @Tlli: Yes @ Tllr: ves @Tilr: Yes No Tllr: Devace can nleasurc the height of the product to the nearest il8 of an inch d"a No ffi) No 6A No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank llquld levels over the lull range ol the tank,8 internal helsht @No @No -Yes \ No Yes No A monltoring box ls present and there ls evidenco that the devlce ls worklng (i.e.,heO devlce ls equipped wlth roll of oaoer for resulls documentatlonl Yee .y Yes y{Yes jtd Yes No Documentation is avallablo demonstratlng that the Automaflc Tank Gauge prtormeaA a valid leak test at loa3t once a month tor the last 12 months Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No lf no, for which months was a valid test not portormed? (speclfy months and year, use space below if necesaary) 2./oo's/oo 2/@,3/e .t ./ttt z/ao' s/oo t / at The tank was filled to at Ieast the minimum level requlred by the manufacturer's equlpment protocol to ensure a valid leak test a Yes / No Yes / No Yes /No Yes No The tank capacity ls wlthln the upper and lower slze limits requlred by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensuro a valld leak test @No @*"@No Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a lalled test? tf yes, speclfy ln the space below the month, year, and what follow-up actlons have been taken. Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Documentation of perlormance claims for tho automatlc teak test reature ls available and shows the ability io detect leaks of 0.2 gph wlth 95% or greater probabllity of detection and 5o/" or less DrobablliW of false alarm (3rd Dartv certlflcrilonl- @Ho @*o e) *o Yes No lndicate month(s) ol invalid or massing test: lndicate month(s) ol any falled test: ^.{ro,^,r{ *1t f 7 ;4.'/, .rrto * f 4.*,,Oc-/ tr/ar/ )e<2coo Tei Ean/lt / ,tJ /yo/To<a/rttfr*< f S;uo4. l)rlv\?r/ ",t/KrtOt l,{ (5a r*Tnc4ry€.y7 Tat4J ,+re /.o n7 e:- Ay*r/*s/e . Et/€l/,'"E /o/.1 6 €^/co.?/ - ASI .ft llJo AttAL|*al ARe -1_+Esr Ral " tlS lnspector's Signature of Owner or Owner's Representatave present During r(!) Dlstrlbutlon: WhlteOERR, yellow.lnspector, plnk-Faclllty/Owner R.vbcd A8\gg UTAH UST PROGRAM Facility lD SPill, Overfill, and Corrosion Protection lnspeqtion Chectilist Please complete all intormation for eac-ll tank. Use additional torms as nec€ccary it the facillty tr"" ,rr. it "il tar*". -ETITILL TrIE,YEII I IL,N Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 ls the UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less? lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is nol required.Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment devir lhe environment? lndicate type: Containment sump at tank fill. ease of product into ill bucket >5 gal.,@No @) to @.) No Yes No. ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lndicate type : ffi:ffi (in vent line), AutorQaliTfficitrmDe), Alarm, or other @No Q9 No (g No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by ihe delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No CORROSION PROTECTION Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificiat Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). Tank/c Tank /. Tank/c Tank Piplng/c PipinO /a Plping/c Piping lndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact wilh soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metailic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) Sub-Pum9iL ""o.rjz Sub-PumpiL Sub-Pump Disp6nsrlr Dispenser/c Olsp€n$r IO Oiamnset rf tank or piping has been Tank lining upgraded, indicate date Tank cathodic protection upgrades were performed: Piping cathodic protection CATHODrc PEOTE{'TION,?ESTS fiscErd resukof the mqrt*eoaot.sanoaUt Ae r,lest., Reeord*lrelO**t'iffi The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafler).Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No rank. rester- , r^,Date AIZ:lq<volts volls volls volts Pipins. r""r", 0il4'\' ,^" 6lfl19(volls volts volts volts Flex. Tester Date Sub.Pump volts Sub-Pump volts Sub-Pump volls Sub.Pump volts Disp6n$r volls Oisponsr volls DlsF@r volls Dispen$r volls For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)@) No @No @No Yes No Comments: O lnspector's Signature: A. 'L/ /-,- Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present Durinq lnspection: i'ri-:r,*i-'t I Distribution: White-DEFlR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner Ldspillover.wpd 2/gg 1 ilIilorfiGormy mrcsha Mavorik Cnunlry StorgN trtc. Phoae: (!01)9f,{66? r12x FAX (80r)9:r6.140e 6ln!il: mdrrlstenson@Et{v?rik.Corn Famimile to: @Fax: From: Datc: Re: Pages: Rick, I have been out of the office for the past several days. Howcver, I did get your rlessage. Encloscd you will find Encompass Automatic Tank Gauge results from April through Dec:mber 2O00 The Encompass System was not tcsting January through March 2000, A Veeder Root ATG has beon rnstalled at this site in January 2001. You will find January and February tank rhd linc leak detection results. The lmprossed Current Cathodic PrOtection System Rectilier readingi can be oi,tained at tha rndividual storss, lt you have any question or concerns, please give mc a call. Sirrcerely, rts-J Rick Hallmark 435 722 0t43 l\'lar'k Christensen Tuesday, February 20, 2001 @ lC:4IAM Vernal lnspection 4, including this I,IAR I 9 2001 Mark Christensen Environmental TeC h aicia n / Compliance Aficer enclosures I ""t'I,,,,,,,RoNMEr,llAL i?ESP0Nsl g iiIfili1] i;' i r'''i' I ENIIRED 10'd 60 r-l 90, i 988 108 '3it 's3uols lxlilnm )itut^Yfi-urorl 9t:0r 10-02-u0 MAV142 Tank Test History OZI2:O1ZOOI tO:33:O0 AM 1?.91-00 o4:01;00 TANK 1 : Unteaded Reoular12-03-00 03:59:00 TANK 2: FrCmiurn -" 12-92-OO 02:'12:OO TANK 3: Unteaded Resutar 1 1-30.00 OO:54:00TANK 1: Unleideo ReE 1 1.28-0O 03:59:0O TANK 2: premium -- 11-27-OO 04:0O:OO TANK 3: Unteaded Requtar1O-27-o0 00:0BrOorANK 3: UnleaiiA ni[urar L.R. = O.O1 oph t .R. =0.oo dbh L.R. = 0,02 gph L.R^ = -0.03 ooh L.R. =0.00 oUh t-.R. =O.oo 6bh L.R. = o.06 sph L.R. =O.OO sph (0.2 cPH)(o.2 GPH)(0.2 GPH) (CSTT) (0.2 GPH) (0.2 cPH) (0.2 GPH)(o.2 GPH)lO-27-O0 03:59:OOTANK 2: premium i^*( PASSED. PASSED. PASSED. PASSED PASSED. PASSEf,. PASSED. PASSED.1o-27-. =0.O9 O9-25-OO 23:42:OOTANK 2: premiurn ' -- Og 25-OO O4:OO:OO TANK 1: Unteaded Regutar L.E. = -o.o2 sph L.B. =0.09 gph (0.2 cPH)(0,2 GPH)(0.2 cpH)(o.2 GPH) (csTT) (csTT) (0,2 GPH)(0.2 GPH) (CSTT) (0.2 GPH) (CSTT) (0.2 GPH) (0.2 GPH)(0.2 GPH)(0.2 GPH)(0.2 GPH) PASSED. PASSED, PASSED, PASSED. PASSED PASSED PASSED. PASSED. PASSED PASSED. PASSED PASSED. PASSEO, PASSED, PASSED, PASSED. 08-28-OO 02:3O:OOTANK 1: unreadid heiurerOE-27-OO 02:37:OOTANK 2: premium 08-22-OO 22:28:QQTANK 3: Unteadsd ReoO7-O9-00 12:26:O0TANK 3: unreaasd neE07-08.00 O3:59:O0TANK 2: premium 06"27-00 03:59:OOTaNK 2: Prerrium06-27-00 AZA2:OO TANK t: Unleaded Reo06-26-00 03:59:OoTANK 3: Unteaded Hi6urar05.27.00 04:45:OOTANK l: UnriaAed RtE05.26-00 01:53:00TANK 2: premium ()5'??-00 o3r59:0oTANK 3: Unteaded Requtar o,4-27-OO 03:35:00TANK 1; Unteaded Re6utir 04"26-oc- o2r49:OO TANK 3; Unteaded nsiutir04.26-00 23:43:0OTANK 2: premium L.R. =-o,06 riph L.R. =0.04 gph L.B. = 0.03 eph L.R. = -0.02 sph L.R. =0.02 ooh L.R. -6.62 [i6 L.R. =-O.O9toh L.R. =0.92 n16 L.R. =-O.Og sph L.R. =.0.03 gph L.R.:O.OO g-plr L.R.:0.04 gph L.R. =0.OO gph L.R. -0.00 gph ftg-J t0/20'd 80 t-l 90t:9t8t08 '3NI S3UOLS rUltlfl0i )lU3AYll-urrrl gtr0t l0-02-10 Page I ofl Q uor $ffitffiffii$iffi ilffi reEEffi nffiffiffiffi[ ffiffiffiruimm ffiffi{irlffiffiiltumt ItMli $iite Compliance .[tepori ncportinlPc.iodr i2l200l Curtomo'r Mrvcril l'-ouotry Sc 8E0 W (1111c3 51 Norrh snlr L[kc city, UT S,l0S4 l'eerter.Rout Sitc lD: l2,l{t 0 Alt rrrrt( Siit. IDi 142 In-Tank Results I-e.!r.k Produat T UNLEADEDI2K 2 PREMIUM 3 UNLEAI)ED 8K Line Leak Dctectlon Rcsults !..iae Producl I UNLEADED I2K 2 PREMIUM J UNLEADEDEK Sltc: Mavcrick Country Store 490 W. Main Vernal, UT 84078 D.3!p 02-t7-2001 0,1-07-2001 v2{7-2001 Dr.te 0r-ll-2001 0r.lt-2001 0r-29-2001 TcstBps 0.2 CPH Moathll' 0.2 GPH Monthly 0.2 GPII Monthly Tcst_IvJtc 0.f GPH Annuil 0.1cPI{ Annurl 0.1 GPH Annual &errrltr Passed Pessed Parscd Rssults Perscd Pessed Prssed r89-l t0/80'd 80t-l 90ri9e8108 '3N! S3XoIS rXlilnoJ )tUl^Yll-uro]j gt:0t t0-02-20 0e-e3-0 r 08:37 n -v()rcri rcDrlri[iti$ : lI^\rE:fJlU . -r\l l;ar(I/ 13J"11)l::$rVlf iyr;.i\tf . ,rJUurr\I !r. ".rlU-J 3{i0r"'€ ; I i:EivIi-lq li()HT[i :,. ci,.I lJtl{k,. :JrAl.i t[4064 I r:i e 4i TAHK I,,flSATKIN: MAr.tI{F, #{42 .tiifi V,,fiSIl{AlN lrlijrth],qf ... IJI.AH From-llAVERlK COUiITRY ST0RES. ltlC,1 8019! i .406 T-l18 P.02/C? F-782 ,rutipt,u ffi$ p)!il Y$lttN M.H:tu'I'At^ s uavtcBs, Lo.c. pt) Elilx 'r6it tttov. t fdiH s4lsffr 0s0t {i4{i,.rdi"esi !"=h.l*-S.y-l[J]h*mdf gg.l-r.,H"!""t$[.L!,,!".S,Jlu'r{:\"rt' pi:til::fiiiii()N TANK & l-li.l[: "iL,S f Rt :titii.-'l': SiLJMMAHY Vi nffl{ f}filt}l-.;tl 6 tit0fr8 "lllClllUfil*.$l: {3M Iuct.f D ?,uH7 vrtN .,t35([:J :)if TE"tl:'Gl'l # U]'ot2t I lhrlt: 5 lrAr.( I :'ii&ff:i i--iD:I,;I{( rLlS{OmtA'l', :F< OEf r il i: TIM[: SY$Tfihi I ILLEU Erft 'f$l'ftfiD: 't!"il!{ Iftil!{ Pfifif}rJg'f Tr\hlK Flt"t. YEltIf $rR(}0i.!ff;' !..!trlh t"Hl![t WATEI ! ltrl .----,--r;Sltztfftv --vAP"ffL-----tHl;--**.llE:[gg-!'({lt- LAltti-".. -" Firjt. [i/i ior tJ{.it- 1.,11 RA.'t. I'U]' Nit' T'YT pAjisi t;t$#1i.1*t"l-7' P ,rf,i:t tJniPucil./ F)/''SS :itLl',''J(.;l'!'/ P,.jiltP ..l/FE- tl ?Etl5 rrF{l:S$ PRl,;$: Trqi$t ilTJEHUTL :)YJf,: $[* t?l/lr(: ir;*BlitXlT LfdfiS l]IlttI:D AT ,i$ !,ltlt:.1J& t i.H -tl,flj! t r4l.{.,wEsr-.t!fiir .( r ,r t/ , r7 '.rr?'t r 64:ir_l i-.trrr..L{:.{.t.:i( ".(lllr ;I t<i\r.- E,qlj | .,.tUtl 4 tj 6: a{J(}t t'Knrr\l. htf :OftrAtr'{Osl : P{'ii f:(}Ft 'i;tllfi sYl$TIlf AlIl rtTnotl UtEf$ flr il|?rr trzr{r. Alf,l tl.t. .!'[ tlNlnr$ Ullfl!'lir lft . (5R trr IKI z8ll, I.SHL ($Ilt:!t. rt r'#f:-arr r t 1L.,.{;ff{f!fjtEl} THCTS${]ffiH $Ki!!AIl,!ftE:;ii.4.?rrfi1 Michael O. Leavitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executivc Dircctor Kent P. Gray Dircctor TO: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. :ll Paul Weissenborn, P.G. Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 DArE: ocgbel 1?,]P9',, -EROM: WiltiamMciore J J RE: NON.COMPLIANCE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT MAVERIK #142,490 W. MAIN, VERNAL, UTAH; FACILITY ID# 90m018. Tocontinuetomaintain avalidCertificateof Compliance, thefacility mustbe incompliance withFederal and State Rules and Regulations. An inspection of your facility on September 22, 1999, and a review of our records on October 19,1999, has shown that the following information is lacking: t I ] Document that you have inspected the Impressed Current Rectifier at least every 60 days to ensure proper operation. 12) Submit a copy of a precision line tightness test for the lines associated with all three UST(s), performed within the last year. t3l Submit a copy of an annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized lines associated with all three UST(s), performed within the last year. L4) The inspection documented you failed to obtainEncompass LeakTests forthe #l-12,000 gallon UST for the months of 9/98 and 8/99; and for the #2-8,000 gallon UST for the monthsof 9198,10/98, I li98; Ensure a back up Permanent Release Detection method is performed for any month where you fail to get proper release detection results. The above information must be submitted to thi s offrceby l2ll9l99. If it is not received by the date specified, wewill commence the revocation process ofyourCertificateofCompliance. Continuednon-compliancewill result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $75 per tank to $150 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801)536-4100. J ACILITY NAME St tbn: Vernsl #142 TANK LOCANON Addrur: 490 lVest Maln Vernal, UT t40?t Phono: t0tl7t9-57t7 County: TANK OWNER Nrno: Meverlt Couatry Siorce Addts: tto West CenierSl North Srlt LeIe, UT t4054 Phono: (t01) 295-5557 f,742 Gounty: Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) Monthly Report Maverik August 1999 Quantitative Methods: 1' A leak threshold, minlmum detectable leak rate, and calculated leak rate must be provided for each tanlr. If no! then the tank failed the SIR tesl 2. If the calculated leak rate for a tanl is greater than or equal to the leak threshold, the tanl thlled the sIR tesL3' If the minimum detectable leak rate for a tank is greater than the certified performance standard (02 gph) and the calculated leak rate is less than the leak threshold, the test is inconclusive for that month. USTMAN Contact John Hoover Slgnature (optlonal)Date: aglrctl9gg SIR Provldcr:USTMAN Irdustrl6,Inc.Phonc: (303) 9t6-mlf SIR Vcralon:95.2a Roport Dato: Wlt6ll999 Pcrlod Covcrcd:August, 1999 | nqurrco numbcr ol ureblc tnvcnrory dryr p.r rerrk 30 OurnUtrtvc ilcthod Thls [onth Lart llonth Two llonthr Ago Tank Numbcr Tank Contcnts Tank Cap!dty Lcek Thrcehold Crlculatcd Lcak Ratc MDL Par, Frll, lnconcludvc Pass, Fall, lnconcluslvc Pass, Fall, lnconcluslvc OAIJITONA OPE oPg OPE PF!PFI PF! t2l Unladcd 120r0 0.1 0.01 0.10 x x x 20t Prcmium t020 0.1 -0.tx)o.t2 x x x 322 Midgrede &m0 0.1 -0.03 0.m x x x Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) Monthly Report Maverik November, 199E Quantitative Methods: 1' A leak threshold, minimum detectable leak rate, and calculated leak rate must be provided for each tank. If no! then thetank failed the SIR tesl 2' If the calculated leak rate for a tank is greater than or equal to the leak threshold, the tank failed the SIR test3' If the minimum detectable leak rate for a tank is greater than the certified performance standard (0.2 gph) and the calculatedleak rate is less than the leak threshold, the test is inconclusive for that month. Addrusg: 490 West Main Verual, UT t4078 Phonc: 80ll7E9-S7Bj County: TANK OWNER Nanrc: Maverif Country Stores AddEqs: EtO West Center SL North Salt Lake, UT E4054 Phonc: $ot)295-ss57 f,742 Counly: USTMAN Industrieg Inc Requlred number ol usable lnvontory days pol tank: Ouantltatye Method Thls Month Last Month Two Months Ago Tank Number Tank Contents Tank Capadty Lcak Threshold Calculated Leak Rale MDL Pass, Fall, !nconcluslve Pase, Fall, lnconcluslvc Pass, Fall, lnconcluslve CIAI]LONS OPE GPE GPE PFI PF!PF! t2t Ualadcd 12010 0.1 -0.05 0.07 x x x 20t Prcmium 8020 0.1 -0.01 0.u x x x 322 Midgrade 8000 0.1 -0.23 0.05 {x x Monthly Staustical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) Report October, 1998 Maverik Country Stores Quantitative Methods: 1' A leak thrcchol4 mi[imum detectable leak ratg and calculated leak rate must be provided for each tank If no( then thetank failed the SIR test. 2' If the calculated leak rate for a tank is greater than or equal to the leak threshold, the tank failed the SIR test3' If the minimum detectable leak rate for a tank is grcater than the certilied performance standard (0.2 gph) and the calculatedleak rate is less than the leak threshold, the test is inconclusiye for that month. FACILITY NAME Statlon: Vemal #142 TANK LOCATION Addresr: 490 TYert Main Verual, III E4ffiE Phone: B0[ngg-'7E7 County: TANK OWNER Name: Maverik Country Stores Address: 880 West Center St North Salt Lake UT 84Ut4 Phone (801) 295-5557 x2742 County: SIR Provlder:USIMAN Indurtrier, Inc Phone: (3(B) 936{011 SIR Version:95.2t Report Date: ,In6frS Period Covered:October,1998 Required number of usable lnventory days per tank: 30 QUANTITATIVE METHODS Tank Number Tank Contents Tank Gapacity Leak Threshold This Month Last Month Two Months Aoo Galculated Leak Rate Min. Detectable Leak Rate Pass, Fail, lnconcluslve Pass, Fail, lnconclusive Pass, Fail, lnconclusive GALION GPE GPE GPE P F I P F I P F l2l ,nladed 12010 0.1 0.07 0.08 x x x 201 Premlum 8020 0.1 -0.03 0.11 x x x 322 Vlldgndc 8000 0.1 -0.01 0.05 x x x John Eoover Monthly S'-tistical Inventory Reconciliation (sIR) Report September, 1998 Quantitative Methods: l' A leak threshold, minimum detectable leak ratg and calculated leak rate must be provided for each tank rf not, then thetank failed the SIR test. 2' If the calculated leak rate for a tank is greater than or equal to the leak threshold the tank failed the sIR tesl3' rf the minimum detectable leak rate for a tank is greaterthan the certitied performance standard (0.2 gph) and the calculatedleak rate is less than the leak threshold, the test is inconclusiye for that month. Maverik Country Stores 490 West Main Vernal, UT g407g TANK OWNER Name: Maverik Country Stores 880 West Center SL North Salt Lake UT 84054 Phone: (801) 295-5557 fl742 SIR Provider:USTMAN Industrier, Inc Phone: (303) 9S6{0tf SIR Version:95.2a Report Date: ,J,ng9g Period Covered:1998 Required number of usable lnventory days per tank: QUANTITATIVE METHODS Tank Number Tank Contents Tank Capacity Leak Threshold This Month Last Month Two Months Aoo Calculated Leak Rate Min. Detectable Leak Rate Pass, Fail, lnconclusive Pass, Fail, lnconclusive Pass, Fail, lnconclusive GALLON GPE GPE GPE P F I P F I P F ! t2t Jnlcaded 12010 0.1 0.05 0.09 x x x 201 tcmlum 8020 0.1 -0.05 0.05 x x x 322 Vlldgmde 8000 0.1 -0.09 0.09 x x x Tracer Tight@ Precision Tank, Pressurized Line Tighhess and Leak Detector Test Certification Prepared for: Maverick Counfiy Store #142 490 West Main Street Vernal, Utah Prepared by: John Labrum Precision Testing Specialist I I 149 Sandy Gulch Road Sandy. UT 8.1094 John Labrum Pre c is i on T esti n g S pecial ist I I 119 Sondy Gulch Roud Soniv, UT EJ091 E0 I -J95-2606 E0l-57G9925 fitr Certification Date: 05116199 Facility ID: 9000018 ldaverick Cntry Store #142 490 West IVIain Street Vernal, Li"I 84078 Test Date: 04117199 Test Number 041799-2 Operator: John Labrum Utatr Certificate No.: UT0148 Pressurized Product Lines The above location has lsen tested using the ACURITE ru Pipeline Tester (model 00-16102). This pipeline leak detection system meets all requirements set forth by NFPA 329-87 and USEpA 40 CFR Part 280 and has received third party certification. Please see the enclosed Third Party Certificatiol fel dstails. Tlre rnechanical linc leak detectors at CFR 280.44(a). Line Leak Detectors the above location were tested in accordance with USEPA 40 Unleaded Reg. E Unleaded Reg. W Unleaded Prem. Tokheim Tokheim Tokheim 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi .000 .000 .002 Pass Pass Pass Unleaded Reg. E Unleaded Reg. W Unleaded Prem. Vaporless Mfg. Vaporless Mfg. Vaporless Mfg. LD2000 LD2000 LD2000 Functional Functional Functional Certified f*t*, ^^TRACER TIGHT@ TEST RESULTS Prepared for: Shirley Enviro Testing P.O. Box 219 Nebraska City, NE 68410 Testers St Lic. No:N/A 4n,0199 Job No: 113056 Maverick Country Store #142 490 WestMain Vernal, UT 84078 SYSTEM#PRODUCT slzE TRACER LEAK STATUS TAI\IK LINE Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Unleaded Premium Unleaded 12,000 8,000 8,000 N/A N/A NIA Pass Pass Pass c D A Soil permeability is greaterthan 18.2 darcys. SYSITM# AT INOCUI"ATION 04117199 H2O PROI) (in) (in) AT SAMPLING DEPTH XROM GRADE O4N5I99 TO WAIER TO TANKTABLE BOTTOM PROI) (in)(in) 820 (in)(itr) Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.75 34.50 46.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.88 31.25 59.13 t27 127 127 132 132 t32 Submiued by: /e.^^\ h lqL rtls f lt lz Itt f tt f z' ltt oA 0rn 0r'1 k"+r{ir c (-e^Jt 1s 3.5 q*p5 tl qrr( s j a,v^(S {fuN- e-ee rrJE 9:42 CPS-BILLINGS1 UTA}I TIAI/EHIK STORES UST CATT{OOIC PROTESTION SYSTEM SYSIEM ENERGIZAflON cATTtoDto PHOIECflON S€nWCES P. A4 #1 Upperht 0.92#2 0.s5#a 0.34#4 0.59#s 1.26 #5 TOP BT. 0.54#? 0.98#E 0.64#9 0.42#10 0.84 J.BOX SHU}.ITS RECNHEH INFOBMATION UNI\ERSAL EI.EOTRONICSModel UST ES SettalNumber 970679 Volts D.C.20 RAflNG Arnpe D.C.10 MTING A.G.lnput 12oCoarsc g Finc 2 MeterVolts MeterAmps Ac'tualVolts ActualAmps 16 7 14,27 7,1 (HEctlflershun$ Michael 0. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Dircctor Kent P. Gray Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. TO:Paul Weissenborn, P.G. Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 DATE: October 19,1999 FROM: William Moore tll I2l t3l RE: NON-COMPLIANCE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT MAVERIK #142,490 W. MAIN, VERNAL, UTAH; FACILITY ID# 9000018. To continue to maintain avalid Certificate of Compliance, the facility mustbe in compliance with Federal and State Rules and Regulations. An inspection of your facility on September 22,1999, and a review of our records on October 19,1999, has shown that the following information is lacking: Document that you have inspected the Impressed Current Rectifier at least every 60 days to ensure proper operation. Submit a copy of a precision line tightness test for the lines associated with all three UST(s), performed within the last year. Submit a copy of an annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized lines associated with all three UST(s), performed within the last year. The inspection documented you failed to obtain Encompass Leak Tests for the #1 - I 2,000 gallon UST for the months of 9/98 and 8/99; and for the #2-8,000 gallon UST for the months of 9198, 10/98, lll98: Ensure a back up Permanent Release Detection method is performed for any month where you fail to get proper release detection results. The above information must be submitted to this offtceby l2ll9l99. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commencetherevocationprocess of yourCertificateofCompliance. Continuednon-compliance will result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $75 per tank to $150 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801)536-4100. t4l UTAH UST PROGRAM Release Detection lnsoectio Facility ID Checklist /oooo /t l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tank(s) ".{/\ ownerName /l,quenK Grrrt, Sl.rt Facilitu Name /wAt/€.e/ K ^rrr"""prE;; iST streetAddress 4qo h/. Mz r"t 57- Citv A t, / State Zio Code' /-frroM nJ utstrlta1 7 3 t ro "'' l,b.rr./ "'^i"J- Z'"Yrtn rn Area Code tnone,"rrre, -countY o, n/-o- 4 Contact Person At UST Location Phone #{t-lsn^,, l'<-tzc)-=a.e -.t7Qz Certificate of Compliance on site?[ej No Certilicate year: ll!. Tank lnlofma{ion Complete brTachtank. ll facility has more than 4 tanks, complete information for additional tanks on separate form. Number of tanks at facility: 3 rant()Tan@ Tank@ Tank 4 Current year tag is displayed esl No fi".t No Gi No Yes No Tank presently in use 6$ No f€$ No 6"d No Yes No lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed ES*t rr,ta_/</qrc lqR/)/q9 0 Capacity of tank (in gallons)/9. K y/<r/< Substance stored . rr{yt (>xJ 6nt 6n< Material ol construction of tank (stee[F*, ]t"] t"-A-T s7-S7- Material ol construction ol piping (steel, FRP, e!9J-..-'..--"-t ,T <7-5T Piping type (56@E, suction, gruitiil itc.t Pr<7K ?,< lV.BeleaseDetectlonForTankshoicae$emettI@.6dft}reachtank.@,ropriatechecklistforeachmethodused. Emergency Generator tan[ (leak dltection defened) Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form) V. Release Detection For Plplng lnoicate method(s) useo and comptete appropriare tank checklists where applicable. Method used (complete separate lorm where applicable) Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model /Z€ A t a. r (P','-t r Date of last Leak Detector performance test 9-30-qo <J 8- go-c/6 8-30 "ge Test result (pass/tail)0d/ul nn)/1 odLr Date of last Line Tightness Test r:70 -q9 ?- zt"qa I tr-a-qQ Test result (pass/fail)Alnn NUUJ p it4 nameandcompanv otc'nitiedtester fl f kD €flttrr,nutt,a/J t,n/ i/tc(r ffi op ) No leak detection required (must answer'ye6.'to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suciion is released Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable Yes No €T 47- J, /c '41"A/14,R,havo inspecled the above-named lacility on lnspecto/s Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative present During lnspeclion: 2- Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner Revised 2/4/99 UTAH UST PROGRAM Automatic Tank Gauoin Faclrty ,r*r. 7c00o t 6 Manufacturer. name and model number oI svstem:€n/C 0 ntp 4 sJ ) Please circle Yes or No for each question lor each tank I laclllty has more than 4 tanks, complete lnlormatlon tor addltlonal tanks on separale form, Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.o.. owner's manual).6) r.ro rG-i No rG) uo Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and tank setuD reDort),@*o @to @No Yes No System is maintained in accordance with manulacturer's instructions(records are available on site). ?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf no, indicate tilt correction lactor lrom the tank setuD reDort. Yes No Ti[: -3 Yes No Tilt: - I S Yes No Tilt: A. Yes No Tilr: Device can measure the heioht ol the Droduct to the nearest 1/8 of an inch 6Ho 6) ruo 6) No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the lull ranqe of the tank's internal heioht lf€A No 6"; No ,f.3 No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll of oaoer lor results documentation)@O Ho @No @") No Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a valid leak test at least once a month for the last 12 monihs Yes flil Yes G)(7-@to Yes No ll no, for which months was a valid test not performed? (specity months and year, use space below if necessarv)-B' Lous The tank was filled to at leasl the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equiDment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @to @*o Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @No @No Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test? lf yes, specify in the space below the month, year, and what follow-up actions have been taken. Yes €A Yes @ t"" @ Yes No Documentation of performance claims for the automatic leak test leature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95o/o or greater probability of detection and 5/o or less probability ol false alarm (3rd partv certilication). @No eNo @No Yes No lndicate month(s) of invatid or missing resr, O q -?B , 8-qq @ ? 78, /098. //-?g lndicate month(s) ol any failed test: 'u-*L Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During lnspection: Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner Fevised 12\95 UTAH UST PROGRAM ll. Overfill. and Corrosion Protections Facirity ,orr,70000 {a Checklist Please complete all information for each tank. Use additional forms as necessary il the facility hae more than 4 tank$. SPILLIOVERFILL PREVENTION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. 11 yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes @ Yes @)Yes @j Yes No ls there a spill containment device that will prevent release of product into the environment? lndicate type: Spill bucket <5 gal., Spill bucket >5 gal., Containment sump at tank fill. e9 No eNo e, No Yes No ls there an over ention device installed on the tank? lndicate type : Balllloat(invenr .,), @arm, orother lspecriy; V e) No e) No (3, *o Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily segn. and heard by the delivery driver? ' 4 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate whdt is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No CORROSION FROTECTION Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), Internal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). 6 Tankt(-Tank 1( Tankic Tank Pipingi(PiplngIL Piping Piping lndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) Sub-Pump IC Sub.Pump i1- Sub-Pumpia Sub Pumo lc. Dispenser /C Dispenser Drspenser rf tank or piping has been Tank lining upgraded, indicate date upgrades Tank cathodic protection were performed: /;- Piping cathodic protection 19, CATHODIC PEOTECTIOH TE$TS Hecord results ot the most recent cathodic prstection tes! Record the lorarest reading tor each $n*pipirrg/flex sei The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No rank. rester- r^r" 6lq1 /-v6€ volts volts )volts Piping.Tester-o"r. {( \volts volts -)"<' volts Flex. Tester- Date _ Sub'Puorp -volts volts Sub Pump volts Sub-Pump volts Dispenser volts Drspenser ^ott" Dispenser volts Dispenser volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes N>/Y", No 'r"" *" )Yes No "o^^"n.rtrVoT TnK,.,f {tla.te /AC "{ ,^'tt/ace S'g H.4)( An.?olrf A//t< 3 - ?> U*€ec*ticr iAa<ciLt;d( - Ao6tL -zr rnspector's siqnature: ' RL AJ^?/*-4-et-frT)ala signature of owner or owner's Representative "r"""nffi/ Wh Distribution: White,DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink Facility/Owner Revised 2/4/99 try a€{.o* t'"'fuy o. i[So" Area Code Phone Numbsr Contact Person At UST Location Phone # Facilitv Name t l€v^,rrcr I tUo.ve,rt K StreotAddrcsa-. ^ , r-- tq, O L) n^c.t "zt S tt\a",r,r"( o* r.i'b9?h Cortificate of Compliance on site? Yo6 Sttntdf.e > Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspoction: cortify that I have inspected the abovo-named on 3- )- Distribution: White-DERR, Y X SIR as a method ol leak detection refers only to monthly monitoring ueing SlR. An annual test performed using SIR is considered a tank tightness test and should be reported on the tank testing and inventory control torm. Name and address ol SIR vendor:U5T/4AN i.iiiiLii:ii::i:li;iiiiilsi,iri iii tii4itjiriri:*ii.lts iHi ffii:i i*|ii :,friffii2i fi{ lnventory recordg lor product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are avallable for each operating day.@6)6?'rfi0 (tr4 @ Yes No Records include correct # of monthly water monitoring readinge..(G) N"rA No (f"Dr.ro Yes No Tank inventory is measured and recorded belore and after each fuel delivery. @*o @n"@No Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and ig available lor review. @No ANo @*o Yes No Dispenser pump has a curont calibration sticker oi appropriate calibration documentation. -)@No @No @ro Yes No The drop tube ln the fill pipe extends to within one foot of tank bottom.)ves fo)Yes 7ffi)ves (ff)Yes No SIR monitoring recordr are available for the part 12 months. lf no, indicate which months are missing in the comments section below.yes @)ves (Q ves @o)Yes No Are any months results reported as 'tail"? lf yes, specify which months in comments section below, ves @ Yes @ vesG'o)Yes No Are any months resulis reported as "inconclusive"? lf yes, specify which months in comments section below.@to @No @No Yes No Documentation of perlormance claims for the SIR method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks ol 0.2 gph with a 95o/o or groater probability ol detection and a 5olo or less probability of falee alarm (3rd party certification).@ No 3rd party certilication indicates the method has been approved for both tanks and lines.€o No The volume of product in the tank is measured using a:ATG ' ll a gauEe stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank.(r"",No lf a gauge stick is used, the bottom oI the gauge stick is: _--,-------:-.- rf,e-ceptable _Worn lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range ol the tank's internal height . No 1 Complete to appropriate sections of tf6 Af,G checklist.- , comments, INVE^{T\AV / e lrto el,Tor r utq flrcopd J //on, 6er,,r l{ttn /a t r d J Y\ere '?e.Ponfr"S '-- Arl Pii" t f O ^tSra R.nr*( J -Ta..st * [ ]c" 9b -TZ,.K {+ 5 5en qb + be. qL @4Ts ARd rv,aT A/ark//< ,qa LrsT 5,,{* -t f,.ro,.dr),^;r;,drr) bv /Lhr,aei( 6,i)o< 1fi51-ts1,) c,*tl. 51'< /^rfL* Or /nst 71rge,+el? ; /%T T ---f . I lnspector's Signature:-ru.nr -,/<Date: 3 *t0 -9'7 signatureofowne]o]owner.aRep'esentatlvePre3entDuringtnspec,,onM Distributlon: Whii&DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner iiiriii4lir ;iini i it! ! iii:IiinRrjji:ili\jL;jm4 in ii ! ti | 1 t; | | 1 1 : | 1 : 1 : : | |iii,.1,,i'.i,i# t pMiEl.,i i i:t-l.Liniii..::liiiiri*iii:t rla:iij,.,,,, ffiSEfl;,fri#]iffiAli SrnNii$rllltl*.rlIilql+i- . ji,Ifffl Sf E;#,::iiliir.Fii! i,..?!if E:iiii,iniiiii!;iriilii f,,{G[lliiiiiiiiiii.i,!] Tanlr I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tenk d The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes @ Yes O Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? Yes @ Yes @ Yes @)Yes No ls there an overfill prevenlion device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the type of device: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutotf (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Yes (}Yes (@ Yes @ Yes No For overlill alarm onty: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No $1i-#t1i.g$ffinifIffi Tank 1 Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). f FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this section. 'fr,1p ,t7p iP Td Um Al /) um A,/ P /vP tlm lf the UST is not protectsd, was the tanMine installed belore May 7' 1985? lf yes, corroeion Protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder of this section.@No @No t@ No Yes No The results ol the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter)' Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. Name ol tester: Test Date: Ta* volts Td volts Tank volts Tank volts ure volts Llm volts Llm volts Ure volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. Ml "zC -SqJle'q /-,'( l)ft)(?Jt df fia1ns rntha / /1 d UPGRADE NOT.IFIOffiION 't.rL't €-t ) CtLl C- J.=(=!=!,1{'t cc < understand that the following marked items must be co+pleted by December 22, lgg|in order to meet the 1998 upgrade reQuirements: fSr,', prevention for tank(s)# ->)t. z-l Ffconosion protsction for piping assoc. with tank(s) #Z Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative Present During Facilitnmeets 1 998 upgrade requirements. Distribution: White-DERFl, ,< Set 1 Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if yes, indicate model in comments section below)uf.c s UeJ (t e-r Automatic Shut-otf Device (il yes, indicate model in comments section below)tr'? o J Continuous Alarm System (if yes, indicate model in comments section below)no Records of last Line Leak Detector performance test available on-site Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Leak Detector performance test Result of last Line Leak Detector performance test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Set 2 Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site .6 No @ No 6)No Yes No Date of last Line Tightness Test '1-r-?b a-r-7[7- I,-7L Result of last Line Tightness Test 60 r^it ffiA Fair ,,fdB) Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation tslRl (if yes, use SIR checklist) /Othe, approred method (if yes, use other msthod checklist) Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site Yes\ No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Tightness Test Result ol last Line Tightness Test Pass Fail \".. Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlRl (if yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) No tsa*::oataetloh:Boqillrad,tmutti{fiawer Vsr'td elt::ol::fts,,Iotlowlng quortlons}J:::N Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No ..-llco"No Yes No Yes No Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction released Yes No Yes No )ls- No Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Yes No Yes No hNo All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, use comments s€ction Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes N> Comments:Ze e(EaT I€r /e s 5 rl,laa,tQc tun -It/( s4r rnspecror'ssisnature: V/(\ J. \1, [ (*r^-,^--h - - o^r.; 3-7-97 Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative Present During l-t:4. .t / Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, June 8, 1999 Mr. William Moore Utah Department of Environmental euality Division of Environmental Response and ilemediation 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: Non-Compliance, Maverik #142, Verna!, Utah (FlD #90000iS) 880 west Center St. North salt Lake, Utah 84054 801-295-55 57 Dear Mr. Moore: We are in receipt of your memorandum dated May 4, 1999. ln that letter you requested information related several items of non-compliance. These items are described below. 1. MTCF report is enclosed. 2. Design Evaluation documentation is enclosed. 3. The 3 to 6 months testing data are not on file and their performance may have been overlooked by Corrpro. The most recent test (performed by AES) is enclosed. 4. A site plat is included with the MTCF report. lnformation regarding anocje placement will be obtained, at latest, upon our next trip to the site (for groundwater monitoring activities). We appreciate your continued assistance as we seek to comply with all applicable regulations. lf you have any questions, or require additional information, please feelfree to call Mark Christensen (x122) or me (x102) at 801/936-5557. Sincerely, Maver'fi Country Stores, lnc.6tZ; Paul R. Weissenborn, P.G. Environmental Manager Utah Certified UST Consultant #CC0086 cc: Project Files .lll-9m [ffi MAVERJK COI.JNTRY STORES, INC. uteh site LD.* ?o@o | 8 Date of Site Assessment: Date of Tightness Test: Date of CP Sytem energized: Date of post-activation potentials: ASTM ES 40.94 UST T]PGRADE COMPLETION REPORT June 4, 1997 Jvrc2Z,1997 June 16, 1997 Corrpro Companies, Inc. "A commiment to Excellence" 505 North 24th Street Billings, Montana 5910L Tel 406-24&7 17 0 c 8Cf-IAA7 L7 0 Fax40G248-73M The following is a summary of the results of ASTM ES 40-94 testing used for the upgrade of existing UndJrground Storage Tanks, in accordance with state of Utah ruling on ES 40 procedures as provided by Corrpro Companies, Inc. UST Owncr:Maverik Counby Stores, Inc. 880 West North Center Steet North salt Lake, UT 84054 Maverik CounfiY Stores, Inc. Maverik Store #142 490 West Main Vernal, UT 84078 lvffcfo Mean Time to Corrosion Failure Site Name: Approved Method: Section I Pemits The following permits were obtained in accordance with Utah state regulations prior to commencing with the UST upgrade(s): companylnstallationPemitHolder: Maverikcountrystores- company Permit #z 4El_Expires: 7lt7l98- Tenklnstatlation fermit*;l8i-14 Dete of Issuez-4llll97- Local Permi(s) & #: N/A Date of notilication of DERR for Site Assessment:Tt"fu Date of notification of DERR for CP Upgrade: . N/A AaoariKr submitte.d the required amended UST notificatiot /2 -/b signed by the Certified Installer who perfomred the work. 1997 . The form is Section 2 Corrosion ExBert Certification All phases of work were conducted under the responsible supervision of a qualified corrosion e*pert. The corrosion expert certified to the UST owner that all personnel performing the assessment were qualified to do so. Corrpro's corrosion expert did certifu to the UST owner that all work was performed in strict a"coidance with Corrpro Protocol, the ASTM ES 40-94, and the Utah state approval. Corrpro notified the O/O of the requirement for a permanent form of release detection (not inctuding Inventory Contol with tightress testing) and the owner has implemented the -PAM I ATG method. A copy is attached on Appendix II. Section 3 Safetv & Resulation All Corrpro personnel and their subordinates have complied with all applicable federal, state, and local healttr, safety codes and regulations' Section 4 PreSitc Assessment prior to upgrading the UST's were tested for tightness in accordance wittr Utah regulations, at the .1 gallon pk hour rate. Testing was conducted by a Utah state certified Tester' The UST information was obtained by a Corrpro c€rtified corrosion tester working under the direction of a certified conosion expert. If site work not done by a certified corrosion tester, person was Corrpro certified by ttrJCorrpro Corrosion E*pert, to conduct MTCF Site Assessment. (r Corrosion Expert ry4CE #:. Corrosion Tester: -.lono Kellercman m- NACE #: -N/A-The site specific information includes, but is not limited to; ntune, address, phone number of location; o*r, address, phone number of owner/operator(s), number and capacity of tanks teste4 the location and ilirnensions of the UST's, age and material construction, product(s) stored in eactL type of filI around tanks, leak and repair histories, where available, and site plans and insallation spec's. where available. Where rite pl*t/ spec's. are not available, Corrpro personnel have made rsite sketch. Alt information is presented on Appendix I, MTCF Report data. lnformation was obtained from the strnounding area, such as foreign structures, utilities, existing waterways, lakes, sfieams, etc. See Appendix I, MTCF Report Data' Section 5 Site Asspssment Alt testing was conducted under the responsible supervision of Corrpro's corrosion expert. Sray cunent/ interference corrosion was tested for during the site assessnent. See Appendix I for results. Tark backfill resistivity was measured using a Nilson model 400 soil resistance meter coupled to a single calibrated resistance rod. Resistivity measurexne,nts were conducted in each soil bore, at two foot increments to the bottom of each bore. See Appendix I for results. Structure-to-soil potentials were measured with reference to a coppo-copper sulfate electrode coupled to a digital volt meter. See Appe,ndix I for results. The presence of corrosion directly below the fill riser was tested using a mechanical probe. The probe was equipped with a measuring device capable of detecting pits to a minimum resolution of 1/16 inch. Pitting was not detected. The extent of piuing was: <.0625" 2 Borehole tests were conducted in the tank backfill material. Soil samples were sent to Warren Rogers Associates in Providence, Rhode Island where they were tested in accordance with ASTM ES 40-94 and industry standards. The results of all test methods used are included in the MTCF report. Soil pH was measured. Soil moisture content was measured in the backfill. Electrical continuity tests were conducted. Chloride ion conce,ntratiorU sulfide ion concentration, and sulfate ion concentation were tested for at the lab. All pertinent datais presented prreview on Appendix I, MTCF Report Data. Hydrocarbon concenfration, REDOX potential, current requirernen! coating resistance, coating efficienry, and wall thickness tests were not required using the MTCF method. The results of any of these tests, if accomplishe4 are prese,nted on Appendix [V. Not Included One soil sample of every ten is subjected to an independent QC analysis. If not passing, all samples collected since last successful QC me re-analyzed. The results of such testing, if accomplishd is presented on Appendix V. ' Field testing was conducted by.John Kellersman IIL who is certified by Corrpro Companies, Inc.'s corrosion expert as competent to conduct MTCF field data collection. No suspected corrosion activity was noted on the UST's. All structural and electrochemical characteristics measured or observed in field or lab testing results were compatible with tho effective use of corrosion protection. These tanks &\S the ASTM ES 40-94 analysis. Any significant evidence of corrosion activity was documented by the corrosion expert. (fi ffi E & 6 ffi tT t! EI [s ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi H E m ffi m I Section 6 Model Analvsis The statistical malysis model was based on a sufficient sized database with various factors that are accounted for statistically to reach a confidence level of .99. The procedure is based on an evaluation of all data gathered insitu. The mathematical formulation of the procedure conforms to accepted physical and electrochemical charactoistics of the tank corrosion process, wittr independent validation. Parameter estimates are based on a minimum of 100 sites where a minimum of 200 tanks were excavated and evaluated by a qualified corrosion e>Qfi. The current database contains not less than 50 sites where the Site Assessme,lrt was performed and a Mean Time to Corrosion Failwe was calculate4 thar are within the geographical region of Utah and surrounding Intermountain States. Additional sites are added to the database regularly, to continuously upgrade the predictive model. This procedure meets the standards of statistical and elecrochemical admissibility. The database contains representative samples of both leaking and non-leaking UST's. This model is specific as to soil type and incorporates the depth of ground water and rainfall in the immediate geographic area of the testing. The standard deviation of predicted mean time to corrosion failure is less than or equal to 1.5 years. This model generates a probability of corrosion failure based upon a comparison of actual tank age versus expected leak-free life. See Appendix I, MTCF Data The conclusiotrs are based upon the expected leak-free life of a tank at the specific site, as determined by the data analysis. The report provides the expected leak-free life and present and future probabilities of corrosion failure for all tanks investigate{. The report includes a listing of'tanks whose age is more than the expected leak-free life, where the probability of corrosion perforation is less than .05. The tank is currently leak-free. The ability to detect is )95o/o_. Thresholds of the tightness test used are_.l (See Appendix ltr.) Hydrocrbon tests were not conducted, as they were not necessary. The tank age is not less than the expected leak-free life of the tanks. The present probability of corrosion perforation 11tess than .05. Cathodic Protection data is presented on Appendix IV. Section 7 Exuerb Detemination The analysis was reviewed and the final upgrade determination made by the corrosion expert on each tank tested for upgrading. The corrosion expert submitted a copy of the report to the owner/operator after reviewing the analysis, which includes a determination of the upgrading suitability made for each UST that is signed by the iqn expert who is listed with DERR as allowed to sign for Corrpro. tr Signed Date 2- f -fZ iI ..ffa l[r".;'6;;"a 'A Commltment to Excellence' 610 Bnndywine Perkwry \(est Chcster, PA 19380 T el 6t0 / 34 +7002, Fa.r 610 / 3 4+7 092 CORROSION EVALUATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (oNE 12,000 GALLON GASOLINE TANK AND TWO 8,000 GALLON GASOLINE TANKS) MAYERIK STORE VERNAL NO. 142 490 WEST MAIN YERNAL, UTAH JUNE 4,1997 On May 4'h lgg7, Corrpro Companies, Inc. performed an engineering analysis on underground storage tanks at the above referenced location. There were ttuee (3) gasoline storage tanks evaluated, one 12,000 gallon and trvo 8,000 gallon. Aii resring anci anaiysis was pertbrmed in accordance with ASTM Standard ES 40-94 "Altemative Procedures for the Assessment of Buried Steel Tanks Prior to the Addition of Cathodic Protection" as outlined in EPA OUST Interim Guidance Memo on Integrity Assessment of Bare Steel Tanks dated October 21,1996. Based on the results of the corrosion evaluation recently completed on the underground tanks, these tanks satisfy the requirements of ASTM Standard ES 40-94 and are acceptable for upgrading with cathodic protection. The following plan for upgrading ofthe tanks with cathodic protection is required. The probabilitv of pittine corrcsion is less than 0.05. l) Prior to any upgrade activities, assess the tanks using ASTM Practice E 1430 or a method that has been certilied in accordance with Federal EPA requirements to establish that the tanks are not leaking. 2) Install cathodic protection to provide corrosion protection to the exterior surfaces of the tanks and associated steel piping. 3) Implement an approved monthly monitoring leak detection system. 4) Assess the tanks again, approximately six (6) months after the cathodic protection system has been in operation, using ASTM Practice E 1430 or a method that has been certified in accordance with Federal EPA requirements to insure the continued leak free condition of the tanks. 5) Submit the corrosion evaluation report, evidence that the tanks have been properly tested and are leak free and cathodic protection system test data to the regulatory authorities as evidence that the tanks have been satisfactority upgraded with cathodic protection ArElroreo Eosbn Clevdad Geneva Lafayotb lrldaysia Oc6/| City Sal Frtlcisco Sitte4d! A[arta CgSry Deroit Horg Kong Ljsbon Ulwarkr Philaddphia S, Oago SbcHt Ot Ta Bdrin Otrtotto Dhahra! lbusho t ndoo ifill.agolb Phcnir S.do Vmuvlt EiUings Cirrago Edrrcnron iakata Lo6 Ang€les t.lor Oloas Regrna Shaldr Wahingbn, DC Corrosion evaluation field testing at the underground storage tank location consisted of collecting site information, performing soil borings and recording data relative to the electrical properties. Chemical tests were conducted in the laboratory on the soil collected from the borings. AII data were then analyzed by Corrpro Companies, Inc. and Warren Rogers Associates including the use of a computer model to calculate and complete a Mean Time to Corrosion Failure (IvlTCFo) analysis for the tanks. Attached is a copy of all the test data obtained and analped during the corrosion evaluation and the results ofthe MTCF analysis. Since the tanks evaluated are older than l0 years old, in order to meet the regulatory requirements for upgrading with cathodic protectiorq the tanks must be assessed for corrosion holes by a method which is approved by the implementing agency. Corrpro Companies Corrosion Evaluation which is performed in accordance with ASTM Standard ES 40-94 "Alternative Procedures for the Assessment of Buried Tanks Prior to the Addition of Cathodic Protection" has been approved by many of the implementing agencies. If using this method, to be acceptable for upgrading with cathodic protectiort l) The probability of corrosion failure must be less than 0.05, or 2) The probability ofpitting corrosion must be less than 0.05. The following conclusion resulted from MTCF Analysis recently completed on the underground tanks: o The probability of pitting corrosion, based on the results of the corrosion survey on the underground tanks, is 0.032. NOTE: The results derived are entirely dependent on the assumption that the tanks are leak free at this time. The calculation of the probability of pitting corrosion is based on the assumption that a recently conducted test, whose probability of detection is 0.99, found the tanks to be leak free. The leak free condition of the tanks shou.ld be verified by the owner/operator prior to the installation of cathodic protection. Since the probability of pitting corrosion is less than 0.05, these tanks satisfy the requirements of ASTM Standard ES 40-94 and are acceptable for upgrading with cathodic protection. MrcF@ is a Sertice Mark of Corrpro Companies, Inc., Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Afiice. m l4206o4.rpt Maverik Store Vernal No. 142 Vernal, UT Jvllre 4,1997 ETatll8cioEEaCa.Eo.EhE^e=IIE:otIFcItoo!c;E!cEoqoceoooooo66eAEllfbioE.eooooEo ig5E rb EO ->!E=obE to 6 Eo t E6 E5E : =o o !r =Ei 3 :E E E E6 Zn R $ 5E Es s & EE :* a I. T E rE 8 Fe ! €€ E cl gEE t 8s g 38 8 Ef r T . 6tAo E :E B 6 cE -t o - ! u E= E 8 E G. e c x 6: : ' E , t s -e F 9 t i i ! Ea 8. , z z z -76^ 9 EEEE or E EO -oE. E EE oIEo oEo 5ctEo Es 8o Eo Eo ECLA6 YOst o! oo ot (4 , N(r , Nc) (, ftoo. Joz =GG Joz !oCC L o> o0, tl , od,U' 6d,U) t, ;- 9g*s €\(" tN @\(i tN o\(r !N oeooco6 sav )xE N(l(\xE NlOotxE oc.9.!o oI(\ l E Eao Eooa,I FoulB trutzUJo ofi t* .gc(EF (\ t (" , otocIE8Gt-toE€Ixoc.9{,o8t.c t8coE:,oco(,orJiDb-,oIEeEco.JoEo. .98E(!o.c tCDcEEEend,6tal , uJ=Ft) -. 8 EeootD(! .r !o(,=osEEEEE g88E E. O EERt N .. f, . g 7 E€ v- cE b8 ai >\ 6 Z: . rs €E E PE oU EE oo!c(! qo) I€e Ji!lir Jt$r c oleE =EE( , EE (, ao, t.9 bg }E=o 8R9! o. O t (\ t (7 )ocl =oEE * s EE g E tr soo (, tto =E Go szo) (DC"c, oEGzc-9.Er,o NtcizJzE,ul ollloNtsJztII J?o(J $ z =: < o9 i s ,a t i E5 E ' $E e E zol- e# ;E ,. u. t = EE = Hb o 3 ;E E ? E' t .5 fr <o e - E ;H R E E Ei ; A H sl dt -h\'. ) l)tSBssEPNEsJta ,a$9t)TB$iP$taaS |. \s5aaSt :Sir I el.ii '\ ) ,r i lr lJr{L lr JY- eeh= i6 . . gJ Y e, oz<5 iEEEF>OE o. > .F co ll l *a i uJ ur dt r Ioz<5 i5Et r , 6o . r- >OE o. > NU ' *a i lr . l lt J dG E 5IEoII5tta3tAtr'IE5iiI,EIIIFs t!otro-UI Jo-ulEozo u. l. l od ru 9 r3cg u e He r a Iih E os6 3 o. F I I I ;g d _ gB oR F P= 8 ,r l E Jv o- P F P= g r. lJ OJ ru U rg '! 0 O? r OF F eg u s HU 6 HE e E zz z> =^ lh E o Ol s r Ol s e s6 ; o- F u t ;E g sE PE E ,r l E J! J o- Q E P= 8 N $" EE o c, (o I U'Ea EE t, 8(o:Eo g' g EEOE o. = (r t rf t c) (o(\ t -CL aoIcN E^ o2CE D 6Eg> 86€s so@ds1\qN ciiI!I356o-{tIsst2s 1 iez' J t< -. 2 l<!g o.=atJoaO l!Eozo -Igtolt=G,oFdol05 z z z z 2 2 o (!o=ococIE.g(!troa) -:o. 6oo GooEo!2o=cDcoqo= (\o=otog.c t an-(Uoao.! 4E!(Erl , J (\ooco-ctlg(E(!ao.a.=(!ELC' G, (!oatootts(!(!ocsCLo-=o G.ottco.eltg(!o6ooCLoc.9(!=(!og (\g=CLoLF z z z z z Ut (\oC) .s0,oc(E ,] noEItoU'o6)o.Fr-€(! lDzc-g&Go't ro.EUIoo (\c,0, .E0) tJc(U :! 2oG. ltooc,0dl=15Jat !td,66)oo=gBE(!C) G.€(! lDC,!,cooo(E ;l =:l G.€(Eoco)3o(0=0,4'a!oo- s.€(Eoco!(EoE(!o.t;.E=o63 (\ !t-e6o.E0o(,oot, IG3lo.EJ q.go6EE! c.ao- Nq)&' IE$EF!rE 2Ig=trolt=ltEaD st\ lt t s.ITqa3\a 1 t>. 610 Brud,'rioc Pkvy.. Vcst Chestcr, PA 193E0 T d 6t0/ 3*7@2.Fu, 610/y+70C2 CORROSION ENGINEERING EVALUATION OF TTNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS I I Andror{o B6bn Oet,6ta1d Gl(Eya t@ tldarsh oosatgv S€nFrrretco Si]|e+.€ I Alata CCery Ootdt llonglooe tilbdt ff,nadoc FftH.lplia Satoi.eo StctEtotTa i BdrC.r Ctrrto0 thdrr! lloEbo tfidori mrmTe PfElir S.d. Vmrs ' B11;p3 qric{o Ednpnbn J*al1a LcAne.les tlorolcals Ragim ShtiCt Washhbn.OC a1 t TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 DATA ANALYSE 2.1 Cathodic Protection 2.2 tnternal'Conditions 2.3 Corrosion Model 2.4 Probability of Corrosion 4.0 DISCUSSIONANDRECOMMENDATIONS 5.0 ECONOMTCS APPEITTDIXA: TestProcedures APPEIIIDD( B: Satisticd Model Page I Page2 Page 8 Page9 1.0 1 INTRODUCTION Corrpro Companies, Inc. performed a corrosion engineering evaluation of underground storage tanks. For the corrosion evaluation, soil boring tests, electical field testing, and chemical soil sample analyses were performed to complete a Mean Time to Conosion Failure (MTCFo) analysis, and to calculate probability of corrosion failtue values. Site risk information was recorded with respect to adjacent utilities, surrounding buildings and water supplies. The tanks were internally sticked to determine the depth of the tank bottoms, the presence, if any, of internal water and the degree of roughness on the internal tank surfaces immediately below the fill pipe. Test holes were drilled within one foot of the side wall of the tanks to the depth of the tank bottoms. Tank-to-soil potentials and soil resistivity measurements were recorded in place at various depths within the borings. Soil samples were collected at trvo feet below glade, mid-tank depth and at tank bottom. The mid+ank and tank boffom samples were then sent to a soils laboratory for measurement of moisture content, pH, chloride ion cbncentation, sulfide ion concentation, and conductivity. The aeration of the soil was qualitatively asseised by type and texture. All corrosion evaluation test procedues are firther described in Appendix A. fr{ICFo b a Sert'ice Mark of Conpro Companies, Inc., Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademsk Ofrc". 2.0 .a DATA AI\IALYSIS The data collected were evaluated by the Warren Rogers Associates computer model to establish the Mean Time to Corrosion Failure (MTCF) analysis. Other significant information, including age of the tanls, area classification and any indication of internal corrosion should be used in the development of a tank management progam. Cathodic Protection Tank-to-soil potentials are obtained and recorded at various depths in each test boring to establish the tank-to-soil potential profile from grade to below the tank bottom. Reference cell placement is important when collecting data on underground storage tanks especially when the area over the top of the tank is covered with asphalt or concrete thereby limiting the areas available for cell placement. In the test borings, the reference cell can be placed near the tank/soil interface minimizing the enors which can be associated with the reference cell placed on asphalt or concrete over the tank. These tank-to-soil potentials are used to determine the existence and evaluate the effectiveness of cathodic protection systems on the tanks being evaluated. If no evidence of cathodic protection is found on the tanks, the tank-to-soil potentials are used to evaluate the corrosion pattem on the underground tank. Properly interpreted and'correlated with other measurements, tank-to-soil potentials give an indication of the severity of both galvanic and electrolytic corrosion cells. In-situ soil resiitivity measurements of the tank backfill material in contact with the tanks are also obtained at various depths within each boring' Conosivity is often an inverse function of resistivity with tow resistivity soils usually more corosive than high resistivity soils. However, serious corrosion can also be associated with high resistivity soils, particularly where soil composition is not uniform. Variations in resistivity indicate variations in soil composition which are conducive to galvanic gorrosion. 2.1 2.2 In addition to being used along with soil characteristics in the corrosion evaluation analysis of the tank, both resistivity and tank-to-soil potential data obtained during the evaluation can be used in the design of a site specific cathodic protection system for the tank systems if a cathodic protection system is recommended for future installation. Internal Conditions Although the investigative procedures employed during the study are primarily directed to site evaluations and underground corrosion, some internal tank information is also collected. These data are gathered by sticking the tank, through the fill, with a gauge stick equipped with water indicating paste and a "feeler gauge" to determine the presence of intemal water and the degree of roughness on the internal surface of the tank directly beneath the fill. In underglound storage tanks, the area of the internal swface of the tank most susceptible to internal corrosion is the area directly beneath the fill riser. The presence of an electrolyte (water) in the tank is necessary for corrosion activity to occur. Generally, if water is present at the bottom of a tank, corrosion will occur on the internal tank surface beneath the water until the corrosion cells become polarized, resulting in very slow rates of corrosion. However, directly beneath the fill riser, the turbulence caused by product deliveries and the daily sticking of the tank tends to disturb the polarized corrosion cells, exposing new steel to the electrolyte and accelerating the corrosion activity in this area. If the area of the tank beneath the fill is found to be smooth and no water is present in the tank, this indicates in most cases that internal corrosion is not occurring to any significant extent in the tank being evaluated. 2.3 Corrosion Model Following completion of the field survey and laboratory soil sample testing, all information was evaluated by the Warren Rogers Associates computer model to determine the Mean Time to Conosion Failure (MTCF). The MTCF is the average age at which a steel tank with no corrosion protection would be perforated from external conosion in the particular environment found at the tank site. Input parameters include: t Soil Properties 1. ResistivitY (conductivitY) 2. pH 3. Sulfide Ion Concentation 4. Chloride Ion Concentation 5. Moisnre Content 6. Aeration * Stnrctue-to-Soil Poteritials Each parameter is individually weighted in accordance with the significance of the particular variable on the rate of conosion on underground storage tanks (see Appendix A). The presence and severity of stay DC earth currents are also atalyzed based upon the electical measurements recorded at the site' Where noted" stray currents will often accelerate the corrosion activity on the tank system and have an adverse influence on the expected tank life' 2.4 Probability of Corrosion The conosion of underground tanks falls into two general categories. The first of tlrese two processes is uniform corrosion. This occurs when no anomalies exist on the tank surface or in the backfill in immediate contact with the tank. Corrosion thereby occurs uniformly over the tank surface, without pitting, until the corrosion cells are polarized, resulting in very slow rates of corrosion. Tanks with uniform corrosion will typically outlast the useful life of the facility at which they are installed. This condition exists at approximately twenty three per cent of all steel tank systems. The second of these two processes is pitting corrosion. This occurs when anomalies such as abrasion or mill scale occur on the tank surface, or exist in the backfill in direct contact with the tanks, (e.g. cinders, clumps of clay, unremoved shoring, depolarizing agents). In this instance, pitting corrosion differs from uniform corrosion in that points of concenEated corrosion occur on the tank surface. Pitting corrosion is not uniform and allows high rates of corrosion to continue, until perforation of the tank ultimately results. This condition is observed in seventy seven per cent of the systems evaluated. Conditional probabilities of corrosion failure due to point (pitting) corrosion are calculated for each tank site based on the MTCF and the actual age of the tank(s). Based on the corrosion process information discussed above, an initial probabitity of 0.77 is assigned to the occulrence of point (pitting), as opposed to uniform corrosion on the underground tanks. Where soil moisttre contents are found to be low at the time of the corrosion evaluation, a second series of calculations is also performed assuming saturated soil conditions. This is to account for seasonal variations in the water table and soil moisture. Following the completion of the statistical modeling (see Appendix B) which incorporates the corrosion characteristics of the soils in contact with the underground tanks, the MTCF and the conditional probabilities that the tanks would be leaking if pitting corrosion prevailed are calculated. These conditional probabilities 6sume that there is no corrosion protection being afforded to the external surfaces of the tank and that corrosion is occgrring on the tank by the pitting mechanism (i.e. worst case). Since trniform corrosion occurs on 23 percent of turderground tanks and pitting corrosion o.n77 percent, every time a tank is tested and found to be tight, the probability of uriform conosion increases by an amotutt determined by the conditional probability of corrosion failure at that time, while the probability of pitting corrosion decreases. After the completion of a tightness tesl in which the tanks are reported as tight, and when the conditional probability of conosion failure is at or near unity (certain), the unconditional probability of pitting corrosion becomes largely dependent on the accuracy of the test method used. If no additional tightness tests axe completed and no corrosion protection is applied to the tanks, the probability of conosion failure will gradually increase with time until the tanks are tested again and found tight or corrosion protection is applied to the tanks. The actual rate of increase in the probability of pitting corrosion from the time of the test is dependent on how many years past the Mean Time to corrosion Failure (MTCF) the age of the tank is at the time of the tightness test. The firther that the age of the tank is past the MTCF, the slower the probability of pitting conosion will increase after each test if the tanks test tight. Installation of a cathodic protection system on a tank system which is presently tight will maintain the probability of corrosion failtre for the tank system in the futue at the probability value calculated for the tanks at the time the cathodic protection system was initially energized. The maintaining of this probability of pitting corrosion value will occtr as long as the cathodic protection system is properly installed, is adjusted to provide an adequate level ofcorrosion protection to all external surfaces ofthe tank and associated piping, is continually in operation and is periodically monitored, adjusted and maintained. /\ ^ Implemenation of monthly monitoring lealc detestion utili-ing a volumertric method on the tank systems in conjuction with the installation and operation of a cathodic protection system will result in the lowering of the probability of pitting conosion with time. The rate of decrease will depend on probability of corrosion failure at the time cathodic protection was installed and placed into operation. t 3.0 DISCUSSION Ai\iD RECOMMENDATIONS Not withstanding the Federal, State and Local regulations regarding undergrorrnd tanks, the development of a comprehensive tank management program requires an evaluation of both safety and economic considerations. The next phase of the tank program should consist of the preparation of a tank management plan and a budget to implement this plan based on the results, data and recommendations presented. For owners with more than one tank site, priorities can be established in accordance with the probability of corrosion failtre and all the additional information available for the site including the data collected at the site for this corrosion evaluation. This additional information would include, but not be limited to, future plans for the site, stray current, internal conosion, environmental risks, etc. In all cases, good planning will save considerable monies in the upgrade phase of the project through proper staging and coordination. If tightness testing has not been recently completed at each of the tank sites, tightress testing should be undertaken to confirm if the systems are presently sound. If a leak is detected, repair or replace, evaluate the degree of environmental contamination and take appropriate action as required. If the system is sound, immediate upgrading including rerofitting with external cathodic protection is recommended. In the final tank management plan, consideration should be given to internal corrosion protection (lining), monitoring w'ells, inventory contol systems and overfilVoverspill protection. The decision as to whether or not these additional elements will be included is largely based upon considerations for reducing exposure to public liability, and regulatory requirements. By comparing the probability gf corrosion failure values, planning and budgeting for upgrades can be spread over time to yield the greatest return on the investnent. 1 4.0 ECONOIWCS Cathodic protection is the only effective and economical meilul of conosion contol for existing underground steel tank systems. Once integrity verificatiorS inventory analysis, etc, is completed" a cathodic protection system strould be included in the management plan for all tanls which are to be maintained. The instatlation of cathodic protection should also be coordinated with other planned activities at the site such as installation of overfill and overspill protection, leak monitoring and automatic inventorY contol sYstems. The application of a comprehensive corrosion contol system to existing tanks, where the systems are presently tight or made tight by internal lining, is the most economical alternative. mtcfrpt {i. ' ,''1. ', ' t ,r+.].'....,-l,',..,..l.:li..-..,,.:'.1,.;....,i,;i.;:-.:.':..i-...,,''. .:,'..,:..,",;',: !'',: i..:,, .'1:jrr,.,-.,,.;f':ij ;;. *",:{.i.,;"::l'- .':,',.. -. _'_ _ _ . ' .' '- t. 'i - :'., !. .3, | !-.6i.-; t- . ..i r-.;r... ..- "'t" " ;t'" '!',.: .:' , ..i. ; 1 I i TEST PROCEDURES I,'IYDERGRO TJND TA}.IK SYALUATION The collection of accurate corrosion data requires attention to test procedures and equipment to ensure the recording of reproducible data. .Test methods incorporated in the investigation for the evaluation of corrosion on underground tanls and the design of cathodic protection systems include the following: Soil Resistivity Stnrcture-to-Soil Potential Stray Current pH Chloride Ion Sulfide Ion Moisture Content SOIL RESISTIVITY Resistivity is a common parameter for evaluating the corrosiveness of soil. Resistiviry is the inverse of conductivity and is measured in the units of ohm' centimeters. Corrosivity is often an inverse function of resistivity with low resistivity soils usually more corrosive than high resistivity soils. Serious corrosion can also be associated with high resistivity soils, particularly where the soil composition is not uniform. Variations in resistivity indicate variations in composition which are conducive to galvanic corrosion. Resistivity profiles in test holes are performed using a 318" diameter by 1 foot long single probe. The length and dimensions of the probe ensure oPtimum contact with the surrounding undisturbed soil which is often not accomplished with using conventional single probe aPParatus. 1 u. A Nilsson Soil Resistivity Meter, Model 400 measurements. The meter incoqporates a 97 interference from stray DC or 60 Hertz AC. STRUCTI.'RE.TO. S OIL POTENTIAL is used for direct resistance Hertz generator to eliminate Structure-to-soil potentials are DC voltages used to evaluate the corrosion pattern along underground tanks. Properly interpreted and correlated with other measurements, structure-to-soil potentials give an indication of the severity of both galvanic and electrolytic corrosion cells. Measurements must be recorded with a high input resistance voltmeter. The negative terminal of the meter is connected to the tank and the positive terminal to a saturated copper/copper sulfate reference electrode placed in contact with the soil. Copper sulfate half-cells are used for underground corrosion testing because they are stable and yield reproducible results. 'Cell placement is important when collecting the data. When test borings are made, the reference electrode can be placed near the tanlr/soil interface. [pically the test hole is drilled one foot from the edge of the tank to a depth of two feet below the tank. Tank-to-soil potentials are then recorded at various depths to establish the potential profile from grade to below the tank. Structure-to-soil potentials are typically recorded with a Beckman, Model HD 110. This instrument is designed for corrosion testing and has an internal resistance of. 22 megohms. STRAY CI]RRENT Stray DC earth currents can emanate from the operation of DC transit systems, cathodic protection rectifiers, welding and DC motors. When discharged from the surface of a steel tank, these curents will consume approximately 1 gram of metal per ampere-hour. Concentrated electrolytic corrosion can cause rapid deterioration of underground tanls. uI. w. The presence of sEay current is detected through the use of structure-to-soil potential measurements. The strucrure-to-soil potentials are taken and recorded over a period of time, using a 516C Polycorder, microcomputer data logger manufactured by Omnidata International, Inc. Fluctuations in potential indicate the presence and magnitude of exposure to stray current. oH pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. For ferrous materials of construction, pH in the range of 4 to L0 has little eflect on the rate of corroiion under oxidizing conditions at ambient temperatures. Acid soils are more conducive to ferrous corrosion because at pH values above 10, the steel readily polarizei which tends to passivate the corrosion cells. At pH values below 4, the rate of corrosion accelerates rapidly. The method used to meastue pH is ASTM Standard Test Meth oaOZglF-ll with an accuracy of t0.01. Soil samples are dissolved in distilled rvater and placed in a centrifuge to remove the suspended solids. The supernatant is then tested with a glass-calomel pH electrode in conjunction with an Orion Research Model 601 A meter. Liquid samples are tested directly without dilution. CIILORIDE ION Chloride ions are depolarizing agents and cause corrosion pitting of many common materials of construction. ASTM Standard Test Method D512-81 is used to measure the chloride ion concenration with an accuracy of t05 ppm. This method utilizes an ion selective electrode and an Orion digital ionalper. The chloride ion concentration for soil samples is measured from the supernatant extracted for the pH testing. Liquid samples are tested directly. v. I I I i vI.SIiLNDE ION Sulfide ions present in the soil are indicative of anerobic conditions. Urider these conditions, sulfate reducing bacteria can greatly accelerate the rate of corrosion on ferrous materials. The bacteria reduce sulfates to sulfides and in the process oxidize iron.' Soil samples are tested for the Presence of sulfide ions to an accuracy of t1 ppb. The solution extracted from the soil sample is tested through the use of a specilic ion probe (silver/sulfide electrode) in conjunction with an Orion Research Digital Ionalyzer. The test procedure exceeds the requirements of EPA Standard Test Method 376.L. vII. MOISTT.'RE CONTENT When soil sagples are'collected, they are immediately sealed in sample jars to prevent evaporation and/or contamination. Moisture content of the samples is determined using ASTM Standard Test Mbttrod D22-16-80. A part of the soil sample is weighed, dried for 24 hours in an oven at 110oC, then weighed again. The moisture content is calculated from the weight loss to an accuracy of tO.LVo. The moisture content is a significant parameter in defining the corrosivity of a soil environment. For underground tank evaluations, test borings allow f9r a determination of the variations in moisture content with depth. The depth of the water table is also noted on the boring logs when encountered. r ,1r. :, , .. rif i:Vi.,:,;.:. .,, :'l: ;,r,.,i;ii; r, ., l:;i:'ii:lil.tffi; ffi.ir"' . i',:1i '"++l:iiiis*it-l r' ., , ,.i'"r'1 ri;1ifi'fli:' - : "' I r 'i.:.lt':.:rli-i:,i' rt i r''i :''. .),:. .'r, ' r *:rL:: Il,i. ::::1., .l.ltti:!9i). ,d n. ..i..,i. ( STATISTICAL MODEL UNDERGROT'ND TAIYK EVALUATI ON Warren Rogers Associates (WRA) developed the procedures for defining site specific leak probabilities for the American Petroleum Institute in 1979. At that time, the API initiated a study of the problem of leaking tanks in order to address the concerns of the major oil companies, who were experiencing leaks frequently and incurring substantial remediation and clean-up costs. Although the major oil companies were committed to upgrading their tank populations, they recognized that they needed some means of prioritizing their actions. Because such upgrading programs are expensive and time consuming, they are necessarily a multi-year undertaking. Moreover, it was apparent that preliminary programs, which involved replacement in descending order of age, were inadequate. In the course of such a program, fifty five per cent of the tanks removed were sound, and many tanks which were younger were leaking. Data gathered by the API supported the conclusion that replacement by age was inefficient. Leaks were found in systems as early as three years after installation, and tanks over thirty five years old were excavated and found to be totally intact. In short, the age at which tanks were discovered to be leaking was randomly distributed over time. Consequently, the API requested that *ne smtistically evaluate the physical processes which affected the rate of deterioration of tank systems. Attention was directed to the problem of external corrosion, which is the dominant cause of failure of unprotected steel tank systems. Physical examination of excavated tanls revealed that the process of external corrosion proceeds in two distinct ways, with important consequences for tank life. The factor which distinguishes these two processes is the presence or absence of anomalies on the tank surface or in the backfill. The first of these two processes is uniform corrosion. This occurs when no anomalies exist on the tank surface, or in the backfill, in immediate contact with the tank. Corrosion thereby occurs uniformly over the tank surface, without pitting until the corrosion cells are polarized, resulting in very slow rates of corrosion. Tanla with uniform corosion will typically outlast the useful life of the facility at which they are installed. This condition exists at approximately twenty three per cent of all steel tank systems. The second of these two processes is pitting corrosion. This occurs when anomalies such as abrasion or mill scale occur on the tank surface, or exist in the backfill in direct contact with the tanks, (e.g. cinders, clumps of clay, unremoved shoring, depolarizing agents). In this instance, pitting corrosion differs from uniform corrosion in that points of concentrated corrosion occur on the tank surfac.e. Pitting corrosion is not uniform and allows high rates of corrosion to continue, until perforation of the tank ultimately results. This condition is noted in77 per cent of the systems evaluated. The physical processes which cause corrosion are well known. They are electrochemical in nature, can be chemically or biologically induced, or can be the result of an externally generated DC current source. The most important soil variables in determining the rate of chemically or biologically induced corrosion are electrical resistivity, acidity, moisture content, chloride concentration and sulfide concentration. What had not been established was the precise mathematical nature of the way in which the process occurs. Once the rate of corrosion is established, then the Mean Time to Corrosion Failure (trrITCF) could be determined. To support the investigation, data was gatt erea on tank leak incidents by the API in the United States and the Petroleum Association for the protection of the Canadian Environment (PACE) in Canada. In all, data on tank leak status and the values of the variables noted above were collected at over 2,000 facilities. A preliminary review of the data, however, showed that none of the supposedly causative variables, taken independently, bore any immediate obvious relationship to the age at which leaks were observed. The model which was developed from this initial data resulted in a procedure which predicted age to leak within 2.5 years, when the values of the relevant variables at a site are known. In addition, the probability of leak at any tank age could then be established. Subsequent controlled experiments with Corqpro Companies, Inc. permitted extensive refinemens in both data gathering and analysis. While the original data was drawn from a very limited geographical area, these later investigations disclosed that there were important geographical effects to be accounted for. In addition, the effect of stray DC currents was incoqporated into the model. This allowed refinements in the estimation of the Mean Time to Corrosion Failure (MTCF), that reduced the estimated error to 15 years when regional models were applied. The data base used in this study includes test resultsfrom 70,000 tanks atzz,N}locations in North America. 0015.dhk ^ 'i'tlr ''l l ;'ri ri.,., ,,,,1 .i , ,'i "'l:, ,t i,r:.,,,;i r. L i ,'li :r MAV142 : ICoMPASS MAV142 1^ PAIt'l 1: Ultrasonic Lt/26/97 10:18:13 AI,l 7t/26/97 10:18 Page Comm Port = 2 I Release:2.0b 8/t/97 PAM 1: Ultrasonic Firmware Revision Level: 2.300 System Alarm Normal TAIiIK 1: Unleaded Regular Site A1arm Normal Probe Status Normal Tank is sEab1e. Tank Test Status Tota1 Tank Tests this Month: 1 Total Tank Test.s last Month: 0 Failed on LL/3/97 02:55. Product = Unleaded Regular Inventory = 2880 G recorded at t/L/90 00:00 Product Depth = 27 5/8 in Temperature = 53.90 F. WaterDepth=0in Wat,er = 0 G capacity = ]-2032 G Diameter = 95.0 in Tank Description = UNLEADED Inventory Probe = Ultrasonic: LT 96 in. Tank Tilt Offset = -3 in Dipstick Offset = -3 in overfill Volume = 1-0829 G Reorder Volume = (Disabled) L,ow Inventory Volume = (Disabled) Critical Water Level = 3 in l-st Alert Water Level = (pisabled) ANK 2: Premium Site Alarm NormaI Probe Status Normal MAV142 Tank is stable. Tank Test Status Total Tank Tests this Month: 1 Total Tank Tests last Month: 0 Passed on tt/t/97 04:34. Product = Premium rnvent,ory = 3835 G recorded at l/L/90 00:00 Product Depth = 46 L/4 in Temperature = 52.9o F. WaterDepth=0in Water = 0 G capacity = 8020 G Diameter = 95.0 in Tank Description = PREMIUM Inventory Probe = Ultrasonic: LT 96 in. Tank Tilt Offset = -L 7/2 in Dipstick Offset = -1 l/2 in Overfill Volume = 7218 G Reorder Vo1ume = (Disabled) Low Inventory Volume = (Disabled) Critical Water Level = 3 in l-st Alert Water Level = (Disabled) TANK 3: Unleaded Regular Site Alarm Normal Probe Status NormaI Tank is stable. Tank Test Status Total Tank Tests this Month: l- Tota1 Tank Tests last Month: 0 Passed on LL/2/97 03247. Product = Unleaded Regular rnventory = 2532 G recorded at l/t/go 00:00 Product Depth = 33 '7/8 in Temperature = 55.70 F. WaterDepth=0in Water = 0 G CapacitY = 8020 G Diameter = 96.0 in Tank Description = UNLEADED 2 InvenEory Probe = Ultrasonic: LT 96 in. I PAIv! 1: Ultrasonic LL/26 / 97 1o :18 :13 AI"1 Page 2 ^- MAV142 PAI,I 1: Ultrasonic Page 3 LL/26 / 97 10 :18 :13 AIvt Tank Tilt Offset = 2 inDipstickOffset=2in Overfill Vo1ume = 72Lg G Reorder Volume = (Disabled) Low Inventory Vo1ume = (Disabled) Critical WaEer Level = 3 in 1st Alert, Water Level = (Disab1ed) "t,-;:i..j i -r r.'.\ i- . rl.,i ", :,'. AppLrED EN-VIRONMEI\TTAL SERVICES, L. C.po Box ttz Roy, rrTAlt t{0tz oo{l ile75{5 T,E.f, SYSTEH {OOO 'T,EJ, LT3 'T.EI. T'LIIGE PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST REs1'LTS St.,MMARI' r 'l{VOrcE ADDRESS: TAI\IK LOCATTON: WOEK OFDER t 80288 i; RteRm COUNTTTy5:TORES MA\ERIK#i42 SSOWESTCENTER 49O'AESTIIAN TECHNIGIAN: STil oRTH SALT L,/AlG, UrAH 840{t4 VERML, UTAII TECH 'gltzl vAI{ 'S(}2 STATE TEGH ' UT(lI2t DATE: &2+97 TmESTART: 2t}fll6lIl TIMEEM): 03:00024 GROUMIWATERDEPTH: l0'+ -lttlE S:YETEIf, FILLEO ORTOPPED: &?2-97 ,TAI{K TA'.IK PRODUCT TANK FILL VENT PRODUCT LINE LEAI( WATER IN PUilIP TATIIK TTATERIAL I crpecnv vapon Itte oErectoR mnx rwe l- r 12000 RruL PASS PASS PASS PASS 0.0' PRESS SV\fS m00 snx- PAss PASS PASS PASS 0.0' PRESS Sli\E 3 8000 RruL PASS PASS PASS PASS 0.0' PRESS 31 'S pRoDUCT LrNES TESTED AT 50 PSI FOR !! IullNuTES hIE RATES (GPH) I l2K R/tL-.000 8K S/IJL-.000 3 8K FUUL..(l()O : AT}OMOi{AL NFORMATION : I I I(E T}IIT $TSIEI AIIO IET}IOO IEETS Oi EXCEEOS TIIE CTITEiIA IX USEPA'0. CTR PAfiT 2IO. trPA !a!fl. AIIO AtL APPLICIIL9STATE AIO tOGAt CT}0C3. h>/ 6^8. E.,at\a A E APPLIED EilVIRONMEilTAL S SERVICES, L.C. P.O. Bor lE2 Roy, thh E40674{82 180,u f,i'.-716,6 T.E.I. ULI.^AGE TEST DATA SHEET Site: i/lAVERlK rl42 4gO WEST MAIN I/ERML, UTAI.I wro#80288 +todudrWc-ffige Size#Ctfib. Level:s.rr-;E=Jt1r-E Telt Start Timc Test End Time ifest Result EPrsslFaiE 12K R/IJL 1838 1.5 02:16 O2:.17 PASS 8K SruL I 139 1.5 02:20 O2:,21 PASS 8K R/UL 1404 1.5 02:31 O2:32 PASS I certiff thil the aboye ullage bsts uerc conducted on this date according to the equipment manufactrrefr procedurcs and limitafionr and tfte rcsultr as listed are to rry lrnowledge tnre and correcL Signaftrre:StaE Uc. fr uT 0121 The test datr colbction time period must be one ({l minute. The tffit parsfiail thresholtl i3 0.02 GPH ar iderffied by a noi:e rignal ratio of 1to2 at a vlcuum of I pri. P.O. Box 182 Roy,lJtch t4067 (E0{, *-7ffi A Applied E Envlrcnmental E Servlces, L.C. Frcilitv: MAVERIK #142 AES FACILITY INSPECTION/AUDIT FORM Tert Dde: E2tl-97 Wor[ * 8m88 490 WEST MAIN \rEFlML, UTAII Status trl-Not Pre5enl s-seflEfbctorJ [FUnsAlfictory Fil CoYer: S Fl[ Cap: S Fill Cap Seal:;[- Drop Tr.rbe: S V/R Cover: N VIR Seal: N VIR Dry Break: N Sub Pump: S Sub Pump Cover: S Overfill: _-r Trroe C-Coaxlal FPrEE€um F-Flext>oual A-Angh Cnech i,l-Mdallc IrFNo Slege I \l-Veillcitl Cneck S-Sucllon Fill Tlpe: C Product Une Type: P Turk tiurfrrg Joint Tlpe: M Disp Swing Joint Tlpe: M Status iFNol Pre6ent S-SatlEtlclory LJ-Un6ailsflctort lmoact Valve: S Vertical Check Valve: N/A Fill Spill Containment: -|Dispenser Containment: N Sub Pump Containment: N Staoe ll & Ealance Al- AEElEt System Type: N/A Number of Oisp. Hoses Regular: 4 6 Plus: - Premium: 2 2 Diesel: Cornmentr: Comoliance Detail: flist itemr tlrat need immediate attention.l NONE It H I I I dg C)mflB{ Fr r Ec ) E> s- l "t m iE q EE p HE # gH C) Ef i c n =[ o 9! - 7 D- il E o ,4 . '= -l tr r r i CN -{ \ff iTxIt .{+$) ff iTebr Catt l= l = l c l * I I 1" 1 le F l* * H I If i H I H I I rr Fl - -Y -F fi fi E { lu E lu ; H r- t- t- f; E lH lH li l EE ,x N l, F G' s a Ur ll o ao o:,P =oef c C)N ID i, Tm! - Xmxo a ll l oz i, < 1o =3 mz{Dr l, ,mv 6 m af rr h ET -r <H5 .! . r Ost 6S 5Ioh) v ID.lo =J =Jo JBott7olio)-a-aIr]o J * I- t H .TE I ESYE}'TErvl 4A@A FINRI-YET I ET ETHEET lNK INFORMATIONT Fnoduct t R/UL Cepeetty I 18OOO FRODUET INFORMRTIONT EOMFUTER RNRLYSIS RESULTST Lrvrl Retr (BPH) 'TrmP. Retr (BPH) r i FLnr,L Rrtr (6PH) r wclll €l@ea€i Drtrt O6/83/97 Tlmrr 83tlOt t4 Dlemrtr (ln.) t 95 Produet Lrvrl (ln. ) t 75" ebovl trnk bottom. ,3 I 84.7 Sprelfte Brevlty t O.738 Blll. ' t0l6e Corf. of ExPenrlon I O.OOOBAIB lletr on Trnk (ln.) I O'r rbovr trnk bottom. Ster^t lng TlmP. (F) r 79.879 Rool ut lon (BrI lonr) t O. OO41935 Hmd Frgrurr (FBI) r E.O et trnk bottom Drltr Trmp. (F/Hr. ) r -O. l40O -o.957 -o.969 IIIIT..IIT o. oL? T E H F i Lr Ur L 0 60 g030 Ti me-mi nut es 120 150 .TE I ETYETEM +EO(A F|NFII_Y€I I €I EIHEE'I' RNK INFORI{ATIONrFroduet r R/ULCrpreity r SOOO r RODUET INFORMRTIONT Dlemrtm (1n.) r 95 Froduct Lrvrl (ln. ) r 76r' rbovr tenk bottom. ,3 r 8E.BBprelflc Brrvlty r O.733 BeIr. - B86lEorf. of Expenrlen r O. OOO6BSItJrtm on Trnk (ln. ) I O'r rbovr tenk bottom. Etmt lng Trmp. (F) r 75. 174Rrrolutlon (Brllonr) r O.OOe7368 Hred FRurunr (pSI) r Q.O rt tenk bottomDrltr Trmp. (F/Hr. ) r -O.O87O COMtrUTER RNRLYSIS RESULTST htct{} Boae€ Drtrr O6/83/97 Timcr P3r tOr 14 Lrvrl Rrtr (BFH) r Trmp. Retc (BPH) n Flnrl Rrtr (EPH) r -o.393 -o.409 III'IIIIII Q. Oel T E H p l I Ir-. tr it L 0 60 g030 Ti me-mi nut es t20 180 .TE I TYESTEM 4(aGg FIN'II-YEI I ET BHEET , RNK INFORIIATION IProduet t B/ULCrprelty r BOOO trRODUCT INFORMRTIONT ^OMPUTER RNRLYSIE REBULTBT Lrvrl Rrtr (BPH) I Trmp. Rrtr (BPH) r Flnel Retr (gPH) - wct{r BtaeBg Drtrr O6/83/97Tlmrr ESr lOr l.t .Dlrmrtm (tn.) t 93 Fnoduet Lrvrl (ln. ) t 73't ebovr trnk bottcm. tl . BE.E Bprclftc Bnrvlty t O.733 Blll.- 6596 Eorf. of Exprnrlon I O.000679I l,lrt.r on Trnk (ln. ) I 0" rbovr trnk bottom. Stentlng Trmp. (F) I 76.518 Rmolutlon (BrIlont) t O.OOSOOOO Hred Fnmrunr (PBl) t 1.9 rt trnk bottom Drlte Tlmp. (F/Hr. ) t -O. lO73 -o.436 -o.480 trtttrarrr o, o4e T E tl p 60 g030 Ti me-mi nut es 120 180 i't;irr" . i :1': ltit.,'. I.,-,,, .,t,r,1, , fllr ::i;11 1i.1!:t''1.'ri r : ,,.i;1,,,,i ,i l'",,11rl' ]t., it, ,' ,i ',,;r:r.;,tl ';,, , r' ,: ji:. l. ,,:, .:r.l -:. .i : j ,- .rri..:).:.-1 i. ",:!'.,.j,,,,t.ri,.,1 , . :, r. "iqli'.', ,.'1.)ri;:^.;'$11 :; ,;; .,, c-:' . ",r,'l -i r',.1i; :, ,,.,,:i, . r;-;,t " 1i't i:il'' \ .1 . (oTN@c h EE tu t (D F 66?. t r ? Q- Z u, UI E ( ) 64 ( ^ 9- =. &. pt $ z< 5 w fi * : r EE f i E () - - S a( ) z OF -t u F: Z <u ) o Ut (,sqrl |q=oh(, tf roq\(JastE ov=-()- If_ _ Il, - oO .r O oO -o tt )Yz.F .J E, LUtIF (t ) () hL U z. G. LU oO l- t r . ar - EH o- \i E, / (5oJ6 (\ I sr+Lu&.oFU) \<E,ui= l- I d ..... 'r '..1 ',r i1 ,r I i. l': i i ,1i .1,;tii1it,ti .i;,. il ,1 ,, " . I I ii: i; .,"t fl J l,-I UST Installat,ion/Upgrade Permit t I ,.8rls lodlltcrglon Cert. I LL Cert. I TL r \ r.r i.trlG az.c. Uf 2y Cortlthd tltt.ll.a't on_Project, (Irlcluding subcont,ract,ed coqnnies covered under this permic andNane D,tvtrAl \Tlr^^qtb cerE. r ,,. dO-7 e*p. a"." Drr. roll r1l1 ccra.. (. P. Pa.,.e \q/( D.rarrror q,gl-14 Exp. date E:<o. date rrctllty rDl,.(l! !.,8 r a.r trclllry) qooooi0 t V/ rr".^11/Replace t>Q upgrade trsl O. .r Address P.O. BOX 8008 cicv AFTN sgug" W conEacgp.r"orDNWW@ffi phone*(801 )295-5557 lrclllty COI]NTRY STORES . INC..,L Addr ConcacE, ToEal IosEallatlon Tank. Fee/ permiE c*5rccto6s &ll'rAUErraual or- cxGaBuat,lEg s<\ (r.-rvyc4t v/o Pe,r-tt CFI SanlEa fDt,olvcd Ltl llrtellrtloa / Ilboredc Tank *L 3 Ins ca1 I /Upgrade Ub"*--+ Capacity (gallons)|2.000 8, ooD D.ooo I)/?e (FRP, SE,ee1, ec,c.)9l SubsEance t,o be SE,ored 6as ?1,.r (*s 9Lt^has in, Piping I)1Pe (Press. Sucsion, Gravity)F P P Inscall/Upgrade Whac? lTank, Lines, C.P.,..c/P Clp LlD#rPt i trutrc.F' Irll coDlot,.d tor! to: Straie Use OnIy: Date CKI salE Lake crcy, pr.a} 84115 Apprc'red * eq t-l/tt lQ7 App. "-jttoe f 6Cco* UEah DeparEment, of EnvironatenEal Qualify Division of EnvironmenEal Response and Remediac:on 158 Norch 1950 wesE,, lsE, Floor ,, (NL DaE.e ?ErniE. Maiied 4/tde- r'r .,.li.,ti '!:;.) ti,ljii ::, "':i' ' '',:i , , ::. .: ) t.D. # Qoooolt CODY Trr* ldrngftcrton Mffibr Trrf(l{o.-!-Td( No.-L-T.ra(t{o. l-Tz{t No-T.r{r No._ t. hnClstion A. lffitelcr c.rtif.d by trnk t,ld pgng rn nddJrIt B. lnsuller cartifd or li<rnlc<t by the imflcmcctilp .gcney C. lnstallatiqr inspraod by a rog:!ilafed cnginre O. lnsulato hspocled and aofw.d by implcmntq, ag.ncy E. Manulararei's ilrsidlefpn dl€dJisr haw bem completed F. Arrofier m€thdl dlomd by Stete egmcy. Please spcify. 2. Release Daecron (Mari .ll lhat apply) A. Manual tank gaugirlg B. T.ru( tightness tesling C. lnventorl corools D. tutornatic tank gauging E Vapor ntnitcing F. Grqrndflaor nrcnitoring G. lnterstitial rnonitoring double walled laf,rvPitrng H. lntersttial nnnilcing/secondary comainnEnt l. Auomatic line leal d€telors J. Unc tightress testirq K. Cter nEthod dlouad by lmpemerting egency. Please spcity. rANK lPrPrNG EitrlEIEIrrltlEIEElrnlr E tl EEfl I TA}.IK IPIPING tIIflEEEE EEE E t:] E flIErllE TANK EEEEEtltl tl E E PIPING EtlE -tlEE TANK EtlEEEEtr E E E PIPING r t-lE t_l ETE TAITK tIEEEtlEE E E E PIPING tlEfl ErlEE 3. Spill anO Qorfi! Prote<lion A. Ovdill devica hsfalled L Spil devica hstalled OATH: tcrrtily the inlorntrton eraming insldladon h.t is ProrrU.d lnsralec DeVerl Stoddard NrnrBuilding Representative Pcitbn "iiirierik Country Stores. Inc. CocPury rrd lqto*{adge. EPA Fonn 753O,1 (R.v. 2€2)P.gr 5 9. , EdEt $ Fd H g fi ?, 6 EE H E Q- > 3 6( ) z- OF -[ u l- - )z 5- +N !9 o ) fiSD t ll l (D F a63t r r ? (J - z UJ ur E ( ) 46 ( , ) tr r (,Lfrqas1. . t,U, r hoe\sIt3 o!f=-I- 7z - MLU .O rItr t | -' o nn H2 r- r lJ - J o-xE, r ' (\ J tf+LI . JuoFa:<d. LU=oO r0 oO oO T'- June 4, 1997 Maverik Country Stores, Inc. 880 West Center Street North Satt Lake Crty, Uf 84054 C,orroro Gom[ades Incorporated 'A Commltment to Excelbnce' 610 Bnadlvinc PerLway Vesit Chcstcr, PA 19380 T el 610/ 34*7002, Fax 610/ 34+7092 Attention: Reference: Mr. Dan Munay Underground Storage Tank Conosion Evaluation lqn1l4ry o_f Bgsults for Nine Stores OgdenNo. 163, Price No. 249 TremontonNo. l44,NorthOgdenNo. 153, W. JordanNo. 159, Providence No. l8l, Cedar City No. 244, Cedar City No. 245 afi Dear Mr. Murray: Corrosion (Ir[TcF)evaluations in accordance with ASTM Standard ES 40-94 uAlternative Procedures for the Assessment of Buried Steel Tanks Prior to the Addition of Cathodic Protection" have been completed on underground storage tanks at the above referenced nine locations. Individual reports for each location are enclosed. A sumrnary of the resuhs for all nine locations and the requirements for upgrading of the tanks with cathodic protection is as follows: The probabilitv of corrosion failure or orobabilitv of oittine corrosion is less than 0.05. Tanks satisfu the requirements of ASTM ES 40-94 and are acceptable for uosradins with cathodic protection. Vernal No. 142 I - 12,000 Gallon ard2 - 8,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks TremontonNo. 144 I - 12,000 Gallon and2 - 8,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks North OgdenNo. 153 I - 12,000 Gallon and I - 8,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks Cedar City No. 245 3 - 12,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks Price No. 249 3 - 10,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks l) Prior to any upgrade activities, assess the tanks using ASTM Practice E 1430 or a method that has been certified in accordance with Federal EPA requirements to establish that the tanks are not leaking. 2) Install cathodic protection to provide corrosion protection to the exterior surfaces of the tanks and associated steel piping. 3) Implement an approved monthly monitoring leak detection system. Chv€lad oofdt 0hahrat Ed.no.lhn Andor4o Boshn Alerta 4q8*en Chabfio tlillnrgs O|bago Geoova llong Kottg llqjsbo J*ata Lrarotto Lisbon Loodoo Lo6 Ar@€s l{daysia lllwarkeo Unncillis t{ar Odezrs Ocsar Oty Phildolphia Pft6{rir Regina Sar FEEbco Shgf,,! SntDisgo SbctbnorTcSodo VrouYr Shrid Wahineto, DC \*-* Mr. DanMurray Maverick Country Stores, Inc. June4,1997 Page2 4) Assess ttp tanks aga& approxirnately six (6) months after tbe cathodic protection systemhas be€n in operation, using ASTM Practice-E la30 oi a method that has been certified inaccordance with Federal EPA requirements to insure the continued leak free condition ofthe tanks. 5) Submit the corrosion evaluation report, evidence that the tanks have been properly testedand are leak fiee an{ clhodic protection qrstem test data to the regulatory authorities asevidence that the tanks have been satisfactorily upgraded with cathoiic proLction. ? west Jordan No. 159 - 2 - 12,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks ogden No. 163 I - 12,000 Gallon and l -g,000 Gallon Gasorine TanlsProvidence No. l8l 2 - IZ,OOO Gallon Gaso[n; Taoks cedar city No. 244 3 - 10,000 Gallon Gasoline Tanks NOTE: Atl corrosion evaluation results derived are entirely dependent on theassumption that the tanks are leak free at this time. Thu ."l.ulation of theprobability of pitting corosion is based on the assumption that a recently conducted test, whose probabitity of detection is 0.99, found the tanks to be leakfree' The leak free condition of the tanks should be verified by theowner/operator prior to the installation of cathodic protection. Also enclosed is a copy of "Corrosion Engineering Evaluation of Underground Storage Tanks,,,which describes the corrosion evaluation test procedtres, analysis of thJdata and the results ofthe evaluation. Please feel free to contact John Forsland (406-248-7170) or me at onr philadelphia office (610-344-7002) ifyou should have any comments, questions or require any additional information. Thomas E. Mehalick Manager, UST Services cc: John Forsland MTCF is asenice Mark of corrpro companies, Inc., Registered in the u.s. patent and rrademuk aflice. mrc{60{.lE CORROSION EVALUATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (oNE 12,000 GALLON GASOLINE TANK AND TWO 8,000 GALLON GASOLINE TANKS) MAVERIK STORE VERNAL NO. 142 490 WEST MAIN YERNAL, UTAH Boston Cleveland Cieneva Cdgry Defoil Hong Kong Chadotte Dhahran Houston Chaago Edrnonton Jakata Lafayette Mdaysia Ooeat Ciity Usbon Milrarke Philad€ldia London Minneagolis Phoenix Los Angoles i,lew orleans Regina *A Cotnmlttnent to Excellence" 510 Brandywine Parkway 'West Che*er, PA 19380 T el 610 / 3447002, Fa,x 610 / 34+7092 Sar Frarcisco Sitlg4ote Sauego SbcktonotTa Seatte Vancouver Shariah Washingbn, DC Corroro Comfianies Incorporated JUNE 4,1997 On May 4'h lgg7, Corrpro Companies, Inc. performed an engineering analysis on underground storage tanks at the above referenced location. There were three (3) gasoline storage tanks evaluated, one 12,000 gallon and two 8,000 gallon. All testing and analysis was performed in accordance with ASTM Standard ES 40-94 "Alternative Procedures for the Assessment of Buried Steel Tanks Prior to the Addition of Cathodic Protection" as outlined in EPA OUST Interim Guidance Memo on Integrity Assessment of Bare Steel Tanks dated October 21,1996. Based on the results of the corrosion evaluation recently completed on the undelEround tanks, these tanks satisfy the requirements of ASTM Standard ES 40-94 and are acceptable for upgrading with cathodic protection. The following plan for up$ading ofthe tanks with cathodic protection is required. The probabilitv of pittine corrosion is less than 0.05. l) Prior to any upgrade activities, assess the tanks using ASTM Practice E 1430 or a method that has been certilied in accordance with Federal EPA requirements to establish that the tanks are not leaking. 2) Install cathodic protection to provide corrosion protection to the exterior surfaces of the tanks and associated steel piping. 3) Implement an approved monthly monitoring leak detection system. 4) Assess the tanks again, approximately six (6) months after the cathodic protection system has been in operation, using ASTM Practice E 1430 or a method that has been certilied in accordance with X'ederal EPA requirements to insure the continued leak free condition of the tanks. 5) Submit the corrosion evaluation report, evidence that the tanks have been properly tested and are leak free and cathodic protection system test data to the regulatory authorities as evidence that the tanks have been satisfactorily upgraded with cathodic protection Ancho.4e AUanta Bahrain Billings Corrosion evaluation field testing at the underground storage tank location consisted of collecting site informatio& performing soil borings and recording data relative to the electrical properties. Chemical tests were conducted in the laboratory on the soil collected fiom the borings. All data were then analyzed by Corrpro Companies, Inc. and Warren Rogers Associates including the use of a computer model to calculate and complete a Mean Time to Corrosion Faftre (MTCFo) analysis for the tanks. Attached is a copy of all the test data obtained and analyzed during the conosion evaluation and the results of the MTCF analysis. Since the tanks evaluated are older than l0 years old, in order to meet the regulatory requirements for upgrading with cathodic protectiorq the tanks must be assessed for corrosion holes by a -.tnoa which is approved by the implementing agency. Corrpro Companies Corrosion Evaluation which is lerformed in accordance with ASTM Standard ES 40-94 "Alternative procedures for the Assessment of Buried Tanks Prior to the Addition of Cathodic Protection" has been approved by many of the implementing agencies. If using this method, to be acceptable for .rpgruding with cathodic protectioq l) The probability of corrosion failure must be less than 0.05, or 2) The probability of pitting corrosion must be less than 0.05. The following conclusion resulted from MTCF fuialysis recently completed on the underground tanks: o The probability of pitting corrosion, based on the results of the corrosion survey on the underground tanks, is 0.032- NOTE: The results derived are entirely dependent on the assumption that the tanks are leak free at this time. The calculation of the probability of pitting corrosion is based on the assumption that a recently conducted test, whose probability of detection is 0.99, found the tanks to be leak free. The leak free condition of the tanks should be verified by the owner/operator prior to the installation of cathodic protection. Since the probability of pitting corrosion is less than 0.05, these tanks satisfi the requirements of ASTM Standard ES 40-94 and are acceptable for upgrading with cathodic protection. MTC9 fs a Serttice Mark of Corrpro Companies, Inc., Registered in the U.S. Parent and Trademark Afice. m l420604.rpt Maverik Store Vernal No. 142 Vernal, UT lune 4, 1997 66ooagts6ooE.TE5tIbEEoEoo6I:oco=.FEIo6o6cgoEEcaooo.dc.96ooEo=!GooaEoEbct.9oogaEo 9, E =!ob <o :>ozE, q .9 6 oo o EE 5 c6 C E! oc c Eg 9 >9 9 8x B EE E 6E q -E 5 6t r c EE O 7. 9 5 o= 6 go DEs e Ic E do . 9EE E EX 8 E SE =p - i t A. E . E P= 86 0 bo a 9d E8E E PE E c- e ,E - o :E ; og o =; E u EE E E E EE 8 . E E -Q o o P S -9 FF fi ! EaEe z z z -76- 9 EEEE ot s co -oE- 9 EoE5 5oEo ooEo ooEo Ei 8cj ooc; 8o .Ltarto! oo (\ I (r ) $t (r ) (\ t (t ) (,5tloG Joz =d(L Joz .t oEo . t! > d)oU' 0,d,o oll ,o iE o\(r tN o\(t ) (\ l @\at ,N otr "9ll tco.Eo t@(t ,xE Nro(\ tx(o(r ) Nl4 INxE og.9t!o 8ool oooo 8oo co(!(,9 F(/ ,H tUJFzUJo F(r t UJ it!E(! 6t (i t oootr€!tcoo=.v , (,(! lt(!Ec,o.xoc.9oooooEttoocooEo(,oE(1 ,b-5al ,EeEc.9uooo- .98E(Eo.c tct ) .EE'Gct ) CL=et(t t6\iouJ=Fo.g3Eoo)oo(! .qo)o=ooE :t .! z T8 -obo ', , cOE A-658t .N - .E o z qE vr c = q6 k eo A >6 fi E€ = ri n o dx il 9= tr , FE ooJca! 8ot ist5ii :t$t o s5EE i= t Eg o ao) c.9 E8 L EbEo ot l lt og. ! O- a! (,o N(r )qo =o =LEE s = i sE E EB s F €8 6 0 CEoo o to sE =.Eo zo)O!olo oEozcoo(,3 GI Ic,zze. UJ ort r8.oNtsJzt, IJ J?aO$ z Eg E = -t Q . i .E ' H 5 $E e $ zoF 2E .n S .. l u = EE = Hb o 3 $E t i Ee .5 ?, G( , = . E c. - - J - ;g R E E EE E A E Nfq) .h r U2q)s\rU7sF$-t{q)oLI .F ) =eohTeS\\o 'd o .L\u)q) .S rtBa. d-sEPNTE.a \TB$&P$St\ r .r IEi -h' , .S?a )EE! etirjEi \igr-B o?s d5 t- Ezo - H> ot r o- > ,f r8 ur ul JE , oE ul:Eb=EO traz oo.EEE o oz<5 i5EEF>OE o. > rf cr t a It zi l! u. t dt r I uJ?a b=6* r! v taz oo.Eft t r - o oz( -r r i5EEF>OE o. > ,t r N( , l {t ai ul lt l dt r - :a6=E6 G 8c,os ooci@o) t\ ooci \tNo) oocj (o l\ oqo(ooo ooc,mtAI saz oo. El\t(o Eo(o ooF.N(o oooi@lO oo$I ooriNlO I 4o- l: ur = ct (\ t t (o @ o oz<5 s- E ;rOE o. > ,f , -U l rt a uJ ul t dt r - ?a bEEO d oocioI\t oqo(o l\ ooci ()o(' ) ooc; (o(oo, ooci (\ t (no ooci6co (o(\ l rt z oo. oodrOro c,oF. (v ) lo oq(\ t c7 ) lo oq* oodrr t (, ood(o lr ) -EE o (\ t t (o @ o 5dB=F?3Is!6IU!!ta.tII3Itato,6o=FI 5TEob5otiod3TtIIatI,a€Eailtdtt ll J .J lJ -otro. lJ loEll . lFozo 9&o=F<t t '. o ;iE< ;zE< !u r o.=aDJooutEozo rr . lJ olu9 TP 'ocg r e HH 6' HE E E IEE o,, { 6 4 o. F u r ;g g ', E J! J o- Q E o= o F= E l (. l ,r r F J! J o- R E o= o F= I D rc ul . l OJ ru U TE 'o O- - O- - fi s i s HH 'a HE e E zz z> Ift E o Ol : - OI : - 56 ; o. F u t ;6 9 ,r . t ^E JS J aR E P= 8 ,r r E J! J o. P E P= g N $. ET6- oao $. EE o 8qIoood Ba 59EEOE o9 o) lOt\ I (o(oo, l 4o a@IcN c^o= caEg g> .E e o- -- soc()st\qt\ z z z z z z U) G.ooEococ.E(UcoC'=CLIoo (ro'dcoaa ,o=CDcoEo= (!ooEo-c IIg(E.Ebo,a 2 .CJ(gI (!oocool!s(E(!ao,g.c .=(ECLotr tr .ooCo-g,oso(!oE.ECLoo (!otnooatgor!t,ooCLoE.9(E=(Eog G.CLEfCLoo!o.F z z z z z o G.d,e.gIc(U6i5EooU)ooo-Fr.€(!ozEgo- (Eo.Eo6) uJoo (\o,e._ c0,oc([ai5G.€.Uo)coE=o=oEoo0,oo-5IT'oE(Eo G.€(!oc=Eco(. ,o=(o IJ:f, (r€(!ocoio(U;-9 llooo- tr .€ooco.YsoE(u0,Eo;.!EoIt rB G. !,.eEo.Eeoo6'o!tg(E -g lc5 g.oo6ECD .g.go- =o=tolt=G,odolo5 '( \ r E)&' IES$EEsrF{E =oF-dolI -=UTEo $t\ It t s \)EtrssE lar.!fr Annlle{!- E ^'irr,it"onmental\:ar.r'?lL) beft1CeSr L.t-. I! rn D* tG/}I.V. gUA lU lloyruteL &ff7 @r) s{e?Els Wort,Hrr 285 D*rTsted 6-30-99 RESULTS OF C.{THODIC PROTECTION TESTS USING A COPPER,SULPHATE IIALF-CELL f,itr Addr:rr: MA\ERB,#142 49Q WE*cT r&IN I/ERNAL, UTAH A PASS MEAT{S A Tt3Af,Itr\..G OT -.850 MV OR BETTER. W-AS MEA,SURED rRoM TrrE TOLLOI*:I}{G EQUIPMENT: I R/trtwrsr I r*ss -r.loe I PAS5 -.921 P}.RT OF'LINE I :?T nPf ft\Tg' Ia-L!4 vL Lbtv ITI( 1 TVIla l' flr, J TK4 !F,/eIAL t' TIT6 I h.Fd { AsI .r.{ls -l.U:/,n aFd Ma.FJl.5l --rt $raE? nn?nm IrAiLr uf llrll.s I I &,iJ1 EAST PASS -i.02i PASS -.8$i PJI3,T OFLII{E PA,I(T Ui( LIN.E, (:o,nrrnanl.! SI'EEL T.AIlfItii A}ID liT!:EL f'BODUCT LINXS PI(OTECT!:'D WI'[E IMPRE$SEB CI.IRBJNT. ME.TALIC SWING IOINTS AT PI-MP .$. NISPEXVSL:-t. I fr.6+ Anf nr I.r.-lJ- r u.c .l-lr\-E I II fa'f{f ra^}{. * J,l- f}-^r-arl n-rU L.l V,grr'kl 4 rVlalsuaa Tcrt* # iSt{Ol Tertrr $ignat..x DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. Leavitt .:., 168 North 1950 West Govemor ,, P.o.Box 144840 Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. ,ii Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14-4840 Executive Director (g0l) 536_4100 Voice Kent P. Gray (801) 359-8853 FaxDircctor (8ol) 536-4414 T.D.D. TO: Paul Weissenbom Maverik Country Stores Inc. 880 West Center Street Norrh salt Lake, utah 84054 DATE: 514199 FROM: William Moore RE: NON.COMPLIANCE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT MAVERIK STORE #142,490 W. MAIN, VERNAL, UTAH, FACILITY ID# 9000018. To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance, the facility must be in compliance with Federal and State Rules and Regulations. The file on this facility indicates you installed impressed current on these USTs and lines, followed by a late "MTCF" evaluationby CORRPRO. Wereceivedthe amendedNotifications fromMaverikforthe impressed currentinstallations. However, areview of ourrecords has shown thatthe following information is STILL lacking: tll Submit a copy of the FULL CORRPRO "MTCF" reports in the format approved in the MTCF approval in Utah.It should also contain: Submit a site plat indicating where each anode was placed with reference to the USTs, piping, buildings and other underground utilities for the impressed current system installed. Submit a copy of the Corrosion Experts design evaluation and certification for the impressed current system installed. Submit a copy of the Corrosion Protection Tests that are to be performed between 3 to 6 months from the date of install of the impressed current system. The above information mustbe submitted to this office by 6/11/99.If itis notreceivedby the date specified, we will commence the Revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. Continued non- compliance will result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $75 per tank to $150 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions conceming this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801 )536-4121. .+riat ,i* -$ ..i , .,i k, ' +L , -. s* ru -" " -t - tr l .t qr'.r 4..:!, =t,, I:,,idd-t ii t jli ls:..Egsr rix.r+{ +i. i$l.+i};i. Michael O. Leavit Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executivc Director Kent P. GrayDirtm DEPARTMENT OF ET.IVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDI.ATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box l,l4E4O S'dt Irke City, Utah 841144840 (801) 53641(X) Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. TO: Dan Murray Maverik Country Stores Inc. 880 West Center Street North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 DATE: 116198 FROM: William Moore RE: NON-COMPLIANCE OF T NDERGROT ND STORAGE TAI\KS AT MAVERIK STORE #142, 490 W. MAIN, VERNAL, UTAH, FACILITY ID# 9m0018. To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Comptance, the facility must be in compliance with Federal and State Rules and Regulations. The file on this facility indicates you installed impressed current on these USTs and lines, followed by a late 'MTCF'evaluation by CORRPRO. We received the amended Notifications from Maverik for the impressed culrent installations. However, a review of our records has shown that the following information is still lacking: tl] Submit a copy of the CORRPRO "MTCF" reports and the evaluation. l2l Submit a site plat indicating where each anode was placed with reference to the USTs, piping, buildings and other underground utilities for the impressed current system installed. t3l Submit a copy of the Corrosion Experts design evaluation and certification for the impressed current system installed. t41 Submit a copy of the Conosion Protection Tests that are to be performed befween 3 to 6 months from the date of install of the impressed current system. The above information must be submitted to this office by 316198.If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of yourCertificate of Compliance. Continued non-compliance will result in the fees on your Certified USTs to be increased from $75 per ank to $150 per tank and failure to pay the additional fee can result in lapsing of your UST Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact William Moore at (801)536-4121. srat$lr Limh DEPARTMENT OF EIWIRONMENTAL QUALTTY DTVISION OF ET{VIRONMENTAL RESPONSE A}.ID REMEDIATION MichclO. LcevinI Oolrlru Dirnnc R. Niclso, Ph.D. ErocrdvcDitcc IGatP. GrayDirrri l6E No(t l950w6r P.O. nox 14484{l Sa[ k&c Ctty, Ut$ t4l144t40 (t0l) 536.{l(X) Voie (t0l) 359-tt53 kr (tor) 5364414 T.D.D. September 2,1997 TO: Maverik Country Stores Dan Murray 880 West Center North Salt Lake, UT 84054 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Maverik Country Store #142, 490 West Main, Vernal, Utah; Facility I.D. #9000018. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on March 7 , 1997, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Document that proper Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is performed on USTs #1 (12,000 gallon gasoline), #2 (8,000 gallon gasoline), and #3 (8,000 gallon gasoline) by submitting monthly SIR reports for the following months: January 1997 through the Present. 1 The above information must be submitted to this offrce by October 15, 1997. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Therron Blatter at (801) 536- 4t4t. O9Ml9Il ll57ilta '"i1";l* EI xar,rooErm I ' 2,,1:l Cumulative (SIR) Summary Report January, 1997 - July, 1997 Maverik Trnk Jen Fcb Mer Apr Mry Jrnr ftt Au! Sep Oct Nov Dec l20l0l t2022t P P P P P P PPPP PPPP l24l0l t24221 t24302 P P P PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP P INC INC t25tzt 12520t rF. P P P PPPPINC PPPPP t27tot 127221 P P INC INC P PINCP P P P P INC P l30r2l 130201 130302 IFiINCPPPP PPPPPP.F'PPPPP INC .F* INC l32l0l 132202 13232t IFI ND ND PNDND INC INC P ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND PPPINC t34t2t t3420t 134322 INC INC INC INC PPPPPP P INC PP PP l3512l 135201 PPINCPPPP PPPPPPP l36l2l 136201 136302 INC INC INC P INC INC INC P PNDNDND P INC INC PPP ND ND ND t37t2t 137201 INC INC P PNDND P ND P ND P ND P ND l38l2l 138201 PPPPPP'FT PNDNDNDNDNDND tcl2l L{,2OI t+n22 P P P INCPP INC INC P PPP P P P P P P P P INC usrMAN Industries, Inc. * underground storage Tank Management L2265W. Bayaud Ave. * Suite ll0 * Lakewoo4 co 80228 * l-800-253-8054 * (303) 986-8011 * FAx (303)986-8227 P .PASS INC - INCONCI,USTVE .F. - trAIL ND -NODATASUBMITTED 0Et2st97 Dedicated to protecting the environment Prge: Michael O. Leavitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. : ,.'.i'\,. !!1''fiiI ' ...:i ]i ,,:. ':t .,, !! :! iit!, ,, , .,,*;? ,E ,jli DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Irke City, Utah 841144840 Exeurirc Dirccttr t tgotl s:o+100 voice Kent P. Gray iii (801) 359-8853 FaxDircctor ii tgotl sroaal4 T.D.D. September 2,1997 TO: Maverik Country Stores Dan Murray 880 West Center North Salt Lake, UT 84054 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Maverik Country Store #142, 490 West Main, Vernal, Utah; Facility LD. #9000018. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on March 7, 1997, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Document that proper Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is performed on USTs #l (12,000 gallon gasoline), #2 (8,000 gallon gasoline), and #3 (8,000 gallon gasoline) by submitting monthly SIR reports for the following months: January 1997 through the present. The above information must be submitted to this office by October 15,1997. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Therron Blatter at (801) 536- 4141. @l@l9l ll57am Owner Name )...'re; Addraesit'(', ?Y.r tfT ciu .1\{ ro "n tt\^ty I 3 f'f30" Area Code Phone Number Contact Porson At UST Location Phonc I Facilitv Nama rtj?,f vTcr i M*Ve,f\ K l"-"^--'"'+1t't r^l nnr, , * [, { City. , r State Zo Codc\lcr"1 /,rI r rT 9U;\-7Cf. Cartificat€ of Complirnce on site? Yes 1 +'r u,r,arJp b Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During lnspection: Distiibution: White-DERR, Yellow-lmpGctor, pink-Facility/Owner ,1 ff::l:.U-: Trnk I Tzak )Trnlr I faak A The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. ll yes' spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes A"Yes I Yes @ Yes No ls lhere a spill containment bucket or another device that will prsvenl release of product into the environment? Yes (D Yes @ Yes '[,Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? ll yes' indicate the type of device: Ball tloat (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Yes @ Yes Qo)Yes tNe)Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank I Taak D Trnk I faak A lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite steel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not prot€cted (NP). l, FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this sectaon. '7up ip ^rth Td( tJ.E ^/P Ltr ^/P NT} LIE lf the UST is not protected, was the tanMine installed belore May 7, 1985? ll yes, corrosion protection is not required until llec. 22' 1998; do not complete the remainder ol this section. .@ No @No tO No Yes No The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Results of the most recent cathodic proieclion test. Name of tester: Test Date: Td volts ld* volts Ttr* volts Tr* volts h volts LkE volts LtE volts L.lE volts For impressed current syetem: The results of the last thr€e equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. comments: A fifi ?fi,v--J J < j ,7 j'J o,+r /4 rYal ?-rfu /tt-t* a / /t ) o*" 3.7, q 7 UPGRADE NOTIFICATION t ')t.tLrL '),t i,!-'!rt'understand that the lollowing marked items must be completed by lL) (Pndlm) December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements:'p[Spirr prevention for tank(s)# -? fCorrosion protection lor tank(s) # t1?l(-)YOverlill prevention tor tank(s)#-.,jr fltonosion protection for piping assoc. with tank(s) #IZ -7 t-l Facility.meets 1998 upgrade rsquirements. 4 , , i.-+-Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection:-l-.Q -, \. Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspebtor, Pink-Facility/Owner : I 1 I I ! >: -,.,,,',.ii',,,,,:.UTAH US-T PROGRAM,,,r,1,,,r.tlil RgteasC,,beiicuon,.,roi., plping P.ressuiEed,PlplnU It itv Set 1 Tank I Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if yes, indicate model in commenE seclion below)llp ",!€:il e-r Automatic Shut-off Device (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) jtt o J Continuous Alarm System (if yes, indicate model in comments section below)/?o Records of last Line Leak Detector performance test available on-site u€;) No d./ No (-)Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Leak Deteclor performance test DY-tu1 il . 7 -9qa '7-f 7c 7 "e-?a Result of last Line Leak Detector porformance test ,n t' (lllr't -rf*s Fait ,'P"ii Fail dJ Fair Pass Fail Set 2 F't Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site ,--X'es, No ffei No 6J No Yes No Date of last Line Tiohtness Test '7 t -it r1 / ," i_' / k7 ?" 3 -'./'/ Result o! last Line Ti-qhtness Tesl r?ass / Fail ^P6O Fait ,ftrSt Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist)Ii Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlR] (il yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) Sucffi ,,ahd.',erati!t,,no*iPffi g,'!i Records of last Line Tightness Test available on-site Yes'1 No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of last Line Tightness Tesl Result of last Line Tightness Tesl Pass Fail \ass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlR] (if yes, use SIR checklist) Other approved method (if yes, use other method checklist) Iffiryiii:ffi,iixti;x Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No -Y€s- No Yes No Yes No Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction released Yes No Yes No *-tee- No Yes No l{as only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Yes No Yes No YeL No All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, uss comments section Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes N-i.' ,r,,'J/)f "/n S J /'i.ia,., u fi, /- u,...14( v lfrr --, t /.r J,'1 \() ' 1 Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative present During Date:_ 1 7 -7 "i7 Distribulion: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facitity/Owner : -. UTAH UST PBOGRAM Frcrrrty ,o*.-t?i"7% llonth$ S-ta$$fical lntenloly Beconciliation (SlR} SIR as a method of leak detection relers only to monthly monitoring using SlR. An annual test performed using SIR is considered a tank tightness test and should be rePorted on the tank testing 8nd inventory control torm. Name and address of SIR vendor:ill.'t J r/.!li/ ,::i . .ri;:,:ii:lr :-:1rr::::ri:1t,. ,,t: .i,t ,, .. :, . . , ,.1i ., :.:: , '.. ...ii+:.q!.fffi1ffi$'f6ffire rlf.ltrorrttufi'foIitrnlttJ, -Tml I T.r*2 Tenl $Tenk{ lnventory recorda lor product inPut!, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are available lor each oPersting dey'@,6),Gi}-o rfa (D Yes No Record3 include correct * ol monthly water monitoring readinga..@Ho d.O xo fes) ruo Yes No Tank inventory ig measured and recorded belore and after each fucl delivery. @no @no (3 *"Yes No Appropriate calibration chart i3 used for converting product level measurement to gallonr and ir availablc lor review. r@ *o ,A No @*o Yes No Dispenser pump hal a curcnt calib.ation sticker or appropriate calibration documentatlon. -)(9 No @No @*"Yes No The drop tubc in the ,ill PiPc ertends to within onc loot ol tank bottom.vea dD Yer fffl vea ifQ Yes No SIR monitoring recordr arc availablc for thc p.tt 12 montht. ll no, indicate which months are missing ln the comments section below.Yes (f[6)ves f)ves rtJ)Yes No Are any months resulte rePorted as "tail"? ll yes, specily which months in comments section below. ves (@ v"" @ ves i.llD Yes No Are any months results rePorted as "inconclusive'? ll yes' sPecily which months in comments section below.Ito ,I9 NO (9No Yes No -- :!Pl€ee tru ft*iore.qtt$tq$q! Documentation of perlormance claims for the SIR method ig available and shows the ability to detect leaks ol 0.2 gph with a 957o or greatu probability ol detectlon and a 5% or lels probability ol false alam (3rd party certificadon). i9 No 3rd party certification indicater thc method has been approved lor both tankg and lines.v;?No The volume ol product in the tank ir measured using a:6;,;;;a ATGl .t- ll a gauge stick i8 used, it il long enough to reach the bottom ol the tank. .".r,;,tr '8 i""-)No ll a gauge stick is used, the bottom of the gauge stick is:, Acc6gilible Worn inch over the full range ol the tank's internal height. ll a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to ille nearest l/8Jf an ('t€)No I Complete to appropriate sections of tf ATG checklist ^^mmanra. !-' ,, . , ,, -' ,- 11 {) ,:1 , i, ./ .. , ., f ,., ! 4-i.it S ,:l-<r N fl't II lu) ,..: . ( .i-. .,r;7 f'; )T ^t Drot e j : Dete: t -*^: -,) -7 /,i,,1 Signature of Owner or Ovvner'g Representative Present During lnspection:' ,l.f ;.1 Dirtrlbutlon: lthiteDERR, Yollow-lnsp6ctor, Plnk-Facllity/Ownol 3o l-b.^u^s a (b'.,fawt ;)ECEIVE D-, *taz Regor'Tt-t\ Qn- +\,, ^*$O ?rW: -1,''J',','l-',I,',1"j,t#li,T*'Jii#fi :i* The V€fft M,l,lEr,K (.*.^t,y J-tcu^e {t gOOOoigCo,agl.at,,: o'+ in Vernc^\.. p novr bEL If6r LcrT -I &potrg',1. Be<,r 0rltsp [a.rg ":crJ proc es.i tt oxt Ta^r dS S*/ qL ^c;*,^.t.rDr-\ vJ E n< l--rT kcor,)l r "fG X ft-1p-,re \,n {v\Aact{ . -t'^"-ItQ$'s"{" -G..^^s v,r€r< hi,{k {* 0.;*.{"*[7 "* p";t b.rouu" +h"/€ Ttf PWkk S{o^e t{adM>srr k,es 7 r --I--Ll fa.Lt O+uJ .ayrs-5h Ls & [(o*r et*-., -t. t- M*ua .f (b AtUva p.rLs " P. ,n !- " GFt . Tt{e s E Ar< € Nic l.'os e'\. . -6"**T_t-[e S t R 1 0or"t.^a'a,frs AA"E Cr{\t€FfToY 4 u^or,f,ort ^J f6r yo r e,^,tLe,t- \qq| As Ctt"rr, R.ecor\-l t"l+-rg TRa Stto-,-., t(o,t{hr kreRE pep..dre\ :,1 i2apo.r -ti^k # | \a. gh )? \.. gb. s (R Re po^rs I.r{ not avo.ta[t. A-t O trRce t4eb. bn [o., J 6"? (4rerr k Qu +"k,. ,O (^st- si+<. tnct.,^.6Ef "-\ S iA -(A S^ i * U"Z, ldrt ,116r*.4u !ll.Y -'i :t,']l Q"-k- \- / \ FACIUTY ID# FACILITYNAI\,IE FACIIITY ADDRESS Check Only One PETROLET]M STORAGE TANK FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILMY DECLARATION Complete one fom for each facility Return completcd form by IVIay 1,1997 flq11e,,'l< e t'/ 2 4Qo n' 'n I , LrT (1':7( tr I choose to continue to participate in the PST Trust Fund. O Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May l, 1997. O Submit the Fiscal Year 1998 Facility Throughput Declaration (blue form) by May 1,1997. O All tanks including aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) lobated at this facility maybe required to participate in the PST Trust Ftutd. O Indicate number of ASTs, if any, located at this facility I choose another Financial Assurance Responsibility Mechanism(s) Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaratiou form by May 1, 1997. By June 15,1997, submit acceptable financial assurance documents and $1000 processing fee per mechanism (Use the exact format required by federal regulation, 40 CFR Part 280, Subpart H.). O Indicate your Company's " Fiscal Yeat''ending date 3- sr o o C .,, ,. Print na:ne of owner/operator or lrbr'bol?morrA/ /hf PhoneTitle b-b ^?7 authorized representative Signature * SEND NO PAYMENT AT TIIIS TIME * FACILITY IDIf PETROLET]M STORAGE TANK FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION Complete one form for each facility Retun completed form by IVIay lrt997 FAC[ffYNAI\,IE FACILITYADDRESS Check Only One VrzuBL , r,- F1o78 a o o I choose to continue to participate in the PST Tmst Fund. Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May l, 1997. Submit the Fiscal Year 1998 Facility Throughput Declaration (blue form) by May l,lgg7. All tanks including aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) located at this facility may be required to participate in the PST Trust Fund. O Indicate number of ASTs, if any, located at this facility a o I choose another Financial Assurance Responsibility Mechanism(s) Submit this Financial Responsibility Declaration form by May 1, 1997. By June 15, 1997, submit acceptable financial assruarce documents and $1000 processing fee per mechanism (Use the exact format required by federal regulation,40 CFR Part 280, Subpart H.). O Indicate your Company's " Fiscal Yeat''ending date Etr. ',X 2?,r<rds Z Title q Phone /-Scs -?" X hint name of owner/operator or authori4ed representati ve 6rZil-*u * SEND NO PAYMENT AT THIS TIME *APR 3 0 ,9e7 t \ r.r t.trlG -USt' -.r.nsta11at,ion/Upgrade permr E t I D.trlc, lodlllcrtlon IB'ETl Pho!. I lacllity IDls(tf Dot . tr.r !.clil.ty)t V/ r^"rulJ./Replace fxt upsrade Tt8I ol,a.s yA\TEQTL qnIINTRV ST oUOr.". contacE p"."orDN WM G N.S.L. OFFIC pnor,. * t.9LlZgt:riiT- rrclllty MAVERIK STORES . INC. 'I' subcont,ract,ed coqranies covered under this permic and insurtnce): cert,. il v. dD7 Exp. dace eert. * lfL Exp. date Cerc. li TL E:<p. da rorrrt *, 4.gl-14 -".".U@ Phone l* Drt. rort 1111 cooa.. (. P. Pa.,.q Addres CiEy. Conl.act, per \17( UDuru8l or- axtasuat,lag clscuattsacaa arDccEld:Tnn-. L,^ - l-!a-.uri*'LILFC tr,-n-i;ruA Total tallaEton ?ank Fee/permiE, s QwQ Ccstltlad flrt.t'1.r.! on - Tut. IqvolvGd la f!.trllaclop / rrDgrad. Tank *L 3 InsEaIl /Upgrade ),F+*.--> Capacity (ga11ons)P.NDO 8, ooo 0,ooo q/pe (FRP, St,eel , eEc. )rl + Subscance Eo be SEored 6ss ?1,.,CtrS ?H.hes 3u, Piping B@e (Press. SucE,ion, Gravity)P P P nsralI/Upgrade Whac? Tank. Lines. c.P.,..C/P Clr LlD#.a Ft i ,*trc.F I Ir11 co5llotc6 torr tor Strale Use Only: Dat,e cK* salE Lake ClE,y, gr.ah 84115 Appro,red a eq t-l/tt lQ7 App.z3Yloc /$Gco* Utah DeparcmenE, of EnvironnenEal euality Division of EnvironsrenEal Response and Remediac:on 158 NorEh 1950 West,, lst Floor ,v (NZ Dar,e ?ermir Maiied tiltdq- Michael O, Leavitt GolE mr Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exlcltive Dir€clot Kent P. Grav DirEctri DEPARTMENT OF E}WIRONMENTAL QUALITY DryISION OF ENIVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION l6E North 1950 Wesr P.O. Box l,l484() Salt Iake City, Urah E4l 14-4840 (801) 536-410 Voice (801) 359-E853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. q -(l-q-? '^.fl..- {q lL blc.t , uT ?4054 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator: The Division of Environmental underground stgrage tanks (USTs 3nd Remediation (DERR) has received notification that one or more associated lines / full systems ) will be ( installed lgorfr?Eftt+ , Vev*q\ , Utah, facility Iil+ r( Before regulated USTs can receive deliveries of fuel and be put into operation, they must qualify for the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund and receive a Certificate of Compliance. To qualify the tanks for the Fund and receive a Certificate of Compliance or maintain your current Certificate of Compliance, you must do the following: 1. Register the changes in the tanks using EPA form 7530-1, Notification for Underground Storage Tanks (Enclosed). Tanks installed after December 1988 must have the following in place when installed: leak detection on tanks and piping (including automatic line leak detectors on all pressurized piping), spill and overfill devices, and conosion protection. The Utah Certified Tank Installer must siem pase 5 of the form 2. New T or Systems Only: Complete the PST Application (yellow) and Previous Pollution Incidents forms from the enclosed PST Fund application packet. You must indicate on the PST Application the type of financial assurance you will use for your share of eligible cleanup costs for each release covered by the Fund. 3. . Conduct a tank and line tighfiress test and send a complete copy of the results to the DERR. The tightness test must be conducted by a Utatr certified UST Tester for any new tank, line or system installed.. A list of certified UST Testers is included in the PST Fund application packet. All portions of the tank and piping system which could contain product must be tested. must-e..r'd DEBR fer autherizatiolr of e oftE:ffiiiE iIEEiE ] 16 lEsnng ur?oss for ncw USTs: eorltf,enhe nFRR .rfic' at (801) 536 4100; 24 hours ir advarce; rc zEimEE for mi autho izatiorr: ,/F ?4. , New ]rrlks or Systems Only: Pay UST registration fees and PST Fund fees for all new tanks installed. These il^y{:"gistration fee- $135 per tank; PST Fund fee- $250 per tank. These fees must be paid before a 't lffertifrcate of Compliance can be issued. v \-, L6lt0r0 q'ar .uf,nuopces ry?I etercrs punortEPuo az1%" asno,,qmdaruf aqlaroJeq,ffi :lX"f fffJJi',f;slfiTi"tlg:]ffi '#*:]Hs.';T,y,"rff:1 'uuv epoc qs6) 1cV 4rej ,aarors pun;;Erepun wn eq,L 's1uq rno{ ;o esn eID Jo ssol plo^u no,(-d1eq ptn ,."rori .W rfrfiprf Ui^ tlo"**rtnhu ra,1to PtlB sIIuoJ paPaau eqlJo uopelduroc {1eurr1 'elqucgdde ueqn ecuugdtuo3Jo elucglua3 ? ens$ 111n\ UUSC arp'pe^Foal sI uopuuoJtrl frsseJau eql ueq/Ufssarpps a^oqB eW 1u UUSC aql ol queu,(ud aa; fua puu 's11nsan Nq'suuoJ eI$ Pues 'paplduroc aIB srusll eloq? eql ueWU[ MRUERIK COUNTRY STORE .--' TEL : 80 t-292- 1 406 Jan t7 97 14:2? N0.007 P.01 lilaueil[GounW Sbrcs,lnG. trlavcrl[ (lrunt ry .ltoros, lnc. 880 w- (bn(er Strcct Not'th Salt IaIe, UT SIOFA Phona: 801/206666? Dx. 88{ l'axr 8ol/roh,lo€ E.mAII: PAULWBMAVERII(.(X )M lb: BillMooreFrom: PaulR-Weissenborncc: FllesDate: Friday,January 17, 1997 SubJect: Impressed CurrentSrslems Thts memorandum is to tnform you that installatlon of lmpresscd current systems is scheduled for the followlng stores: tlao 1. tTKo 2. ,nL g. dL 4. dr s. tqell 6. I tf1 7. l'1 fo 8. lctT I 9. rq(t 10. t1.sl tt. g4.l't1t L2' Cedar CitY #244 Price +249 /-- Sprittgvilld #258 Bouutiful (!g9 , Riverton6yF) West Jordan #159 North ogden *153 Cedar Clty ,+245 Vernal #142 Provldence #ltl Ogden #163 carland@ FID# 6000189 5000169 1000374 3000024 4000134 400013? 1200017 6000188 9000018 0100030 1200018 0100034 - ,Yec4l>c,< *<' P ' *q{> q. r( c< lt 'l \ivr'td- -z'l1;- ' ' ^tL\ lq.'tj ,',^..1 --q3l 7vc<d Pec .C c' F. +tt{' .1cq{'l erkrt' qqt,' \ .t '1 't - l^"t+ Lq,.- aeJ 7'ttat-ltll l,\.d Vftqs It ls our understandillg that permtts will be requtrcd on all of these locations except 258, 130, 140, and 144. Please let us know lfyour flles lead you to a dllferent urderstanding. Thank you for your conttnuod assistance' Paul... | /dttat& Michael O. Leavift Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exrcuivc DiEtc _ Kent P. Gray Direttr State cf tltah DEPARTMENT OF E}WIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt trke City, Utah 84116 ) 5364100 (E0l) 359-E853 Fax (Eol) 536"4414 T.D.D. IO AUGUST 1995 TO: MAVERIK COUNTRY STORE, 490 W. MAIN VERNAL, UTAH 84078 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at MAVERIK STORE Facility I.D. # 9m0018 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on 0![$-, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Documenting that drop tubes extending to within one foot of the tank bottom have been installed in UST(s) #1.2.3 . Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by 10 OCTOBER 1995. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Gary llarris at (801) s36412r. Prinled on recycled pap€r ARr 60t- c'vAflcnt *"o"3oJ tg L s rb / Contact Person At UST Location Phone # Facility Name Street Address /1,1a t tcz*/-t Ll 44.A o L,J,,\- I have inspected the above-named facility on K.1 Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative Present During x $\ ,r. r$. I\ t Distribution: White-DERR, $\ Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, \ *,' ..,j Tenlr I laalr )Tank 3 Tanlr tr The UST system is filled by transfers of no more than 25 gallons at one time. lf yes, spill and overlill prevention is not required. Yes p Yes p Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product lnto the environment? Yes @ Yes r@ Yes @ Yes No An overfill prevention device is installed on the tank. lf yes, indicate the type ol device in the space below. Yes ,@ Yes lo Yes @ Yes No Ball float valve (in veni line) Arrtomalic Shrilolf valva lin fill ninal Ovarlill Alarm Othar Svslam lcnaaifu hrnal For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tnnk I lank 2 Tnnk 3 Tnnk I Tanks and/or lines are made of a noncorrodible material (such as fiberqlass) or aro made ol steel clad with a noncorrodible material. It Tr* Yes dG)v"" @ ,r"'* @ Td Yes No yes, cathodlc protectlon ls not requlred. i Llra Yes @),""'- 6 Yes (fi'\Llm Yes No Tanks and/or lines are made ol unprotected bare steel and were installed prior to May 7, 1985. ll yea, cathodic proiection lg requlred Tr* /Tx.s'\ No 6.ts No Tar* /@$, No Trt* Yes No on or by December 22, 1998.ttr (@, No @* *o LIE @No tJ.E Yes No lndicate type of cathodic protection: lmpressed Current (lC) or --Sacrificial Anode (SA) The results of the last two cathodic protsction tests are available. (fests are required within six months of installation and every three _ years thereafter). YeS No Yes No Yes No Yes No Results (in volts) of most recent cathodic protection test, Name of person who performed Test Ts* volts Tl* volts Td volts Td* volts LJrE volts tlm volts ttE volts UE volts For impressed currenl system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lnspector's Signature of Owner or Owne/s Representative Present During lnspection: tJ-- Distribution: WhiteDERR, This method ol leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tighhess testing. lf th6 UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping aro protectsd lrom conosion and that spill and overfill prevention devices have been installed) the tank needs to be tighhess tested annually. lf the UST is upgraded the tank needs to be tested every live years. lnventory records must be kept for each operating day. Record of last Tank Tightness Test available on-site Date ol last Tank Tightness Test Result of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? Tank Tighhess Testing method:u sfa4l s/ Name and company of tank tghrress t€ster: US Tn ( A ,\/Utah Tester Certification Number: UT ? Documentation of perlormance claims for the Tank Tightness Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection and 5olo or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certiflcatlon) lnv€ntory volume moasuromenls lor regulated substance inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are recorded each operating day lnventory is reconciled monthly (sum of daily overages and shortages lor each month is less han 'l% of tank's frow through volume + 130 gallons) ll no, which months were not? (specify month and year) lnventory Control records are maintained and available for the past 12 months for each tank Records include monthly water monitoring to ihs nearest 1/B' Monthly water readings are used to adjust monthly inventory balances Appropriate calibration chart is used lor converting product level measurement gallons and is available for review Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriato The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one foot of tank bottom Owner/operator can explain inventory control methods and figures recorded Books appear used and evidence of recent entries is apparont Owner can demonstrate acceptable gauging techniques f #- Zou.t I i,, The gauge stick is long enough to roach the bottom of the tank The ends ol the gauge stick are flat and not wom down The gauge stick is marked legibly and the product level can be detsrmined to the nearest 1/8 of an ith over the full range of the tank's intemal height "o ^"nr. y'(Ay€rzr K /: t Foun>)nq 7; y'r" l,(/t-t€^/ STtcKrJ Signature ol Owner or Orne/s Representative present During lnspection: Distribulion: White.DERR, \'|-+'; "* .Lr,-{ (:, ,ytk Leak Detection lnspection ecklist Ottnyftlry (Corporedon, lndlvldurl, Publlc Agory, or dror liltyf: La*rh* q /*-r,vt*i, -/rL,u..uq:r.il. 4s1 (s rl,- Contrct Pcnon At UST LocrUon PhonoI St !.'.1g7/D Frc[fi w, 4oz:z2o I K ' p urno r Socdq! l, chcck h.!. _ )irttttylllgrc,ComplryStr!d orOttorltir ,--{- (Q oa b' thb pagp td compleb thc intornelin forrll addilionsl tenk$ '",,i:,,, ' It rpt, datg lasr lJsecl lf 6mptled, verify I' or less of procrrrct ln tar{< Month arld Year Tar* lnslall€c, (E-6lrnate a K-knotwt) Mabrial of Cons;ruciim (E-esrlrnate a K-lapvyn) of Tank (in gallons) (E-€stirnate a K-krown) lV. A. Felease Detection ForTanks ch€d(ficnblrdluc{ionrmthdtOri{,oroatt r.-nlrrn-"r"o,rrr"a ManualTank @uging (only for tanks undor 1,000 Marual Tank @uging anct Tard< Trgffiress Tdirp (mly br tanks uncler 2,(}m gal.) Tank Tigtrtness T€Sting and lnvenrory Oorltrol Olrer approved rn€thocl (write in narne d nrdrod) lV.B.ReleaseDetectionForPipingGre*lhcrrbasodgtEctim'ndEd(st''.dbPlrir'g.j Ched< OrcType o, Pifing foroech T.nI Automatic Une L.eak Detecto6, and (check one of the ficllowinol lV. C. Corrosion and Spitt/Overfill Protection , _ nri.u t\rr_,t{-,. ,,1! Conosion protection installed (indicate ciate) Spill/Overfill pot€ction instarl€d (indicsfe crats) V. Site lnformation Generdsiteobsorvationsandcornments(vioinrlyobservdions.grorndurabrletel.dJ ElV.Fih,:,,r.,,, .,..i . tlFQtrC,hi:-,'' i ii; lnspecior's Signaturo : I haw inspectd the above n med hcility on 7Z-({'7.3 std,5e-t nventory Control and Tank Tightness Testing FacititytDf '*072O/ Mstrod crtank tghEts bstng: Name and addr€ss ol tank tghh€ss t€sbr -'a(-o/- rr:,.Please,,c*omplete,ra!l,inf ormatjonfor,each,tank ,1:,,, , ,., lf lhE facili-$ has rnoru lhan 4 bnl€, pteasa pnoUcopy lhis page ard conrph6 the intumaiion lbr all addiliond tenks. , ,, Date of last tiank tighh€ss tesl Did tank pass tesn lndicale yes or no. lf no, specify in comm€nts section below the status of the lank or what actions have been taken (e.9., has state b€en ncrtifi€d?) of deliverle arrd sales balance wlth claily of liquid volume in tank arc maiirtiained and avai lable. Overaga or shortag€s are les than 1% + 130 gals of tank's llow thro.gh volume. lf no, whictl months rvere notrl can explain invenbry control ancl flgur6 usod and tecorded. Books appear us6d and evidence of r€csnt enties is apparent. Books are reconciled monhly. Appropriate callbralim chart ls tsed for calculatlrp volurne. Disperser pump6 have q.rnent calibratiott- stickerB.-€;2-Th€ drop tube in tn lill pipe extgnds to within one bol ot tanti bottom. Owner can dernonsfate corslsterrcy in dipGticking lschniquG. Monthly water readings ar€ us€d in calqJlating montrly inrrentory balancs. The dipstick is lorq errcugh to raach the botbm of th€ tank. Tfre ends of the gar.rge stlck are flat and nc,t wtrn down. The dipslick is marked legibly and th€ product level can be determined to u€ nearqit on+eiffi of an inch. The tank has been tested within the year arxC has passed the tighfr€ss t6t (if nscsssary). A third-party certification of the tank tightn€ss test method is available. Tank test€r complied with all certification r€quirements. Moniloring and tesling are maintained and available for ths past 12 rnonths. fr.lrr,l C; ./*.rork Oa"L Facility lDf /npnr; t { A rn€illrod must be sd€ctd tom each sa. Wlrqp apdlcaUte irdbsb d& of I8t bst tt lhb bcllity has nrore llrn 4 Set 1 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank { Aulomatic Flor Resridor Automatic ShrJt-off Device L/'t---z (ul ./ Continr.rcus Alarm Srrstem and Set 2 Annual Une Tightness Testing lr''t/u*'/ Vapor Monitoring tf Vapor Moniloring, docurnentation cf rnonhly rnonitoring is available lnterstitial Mmitorirlg f lnterstitial Moniioring, docurnentation of nnnthly monitoring is available Grouncl-Wat€r Monitorlng f Grounc,-Water Monitoring, documentation d rnnhly rnoriiroring is avallable Ofier Approvecl MEtlocl (specify ln commenE s€cllm) Une Tightness Testirp (required every 3 )rears.) / Vapor Mmitoring / Secondary Cornainrnent with lntsrstitial Mmitorlng/ Ground-Water Monitorino / Other Approv€c, Method (specfy ln commends€ction) No Leak Detectlon Requlred ,/(must answer yes to all of the followlqf quesllom) Operates at l€ss than atrnGpheric pri6sur€ Has only one check valve, wlrich i/located directly urder pi.rmp / Slope of piping allows product td drain back into tank when suciion released All above information on suclion piping is verifiable On the back of this sheet, pleas€ sketch the site, nolhg all plping runs, tanks (lrrcluding size & substances slored) and|ocalionofwellsandtheirdistanc6fTomtanksand=pipiiu;._'.'...,,.,..'...,. 4ry',,-,o i)*u,/r-" c r lzta/z"r') *" *.*r/*Z&L; certily that I have lnspectsd lhe abore named lacility an /Z-/s--7-7 mo,ilr\ &y, r.r, ffr o*: 17 -r5--7= Sloo5g-5 \n-.- t, PST CHECKLIST Uru, Q I Non-Marketer Di scount Previous Pollut.ion Inc.idence - LUST F.it e y /&) - Form Included On $4ITT1qFE' y:'lru,rlr{r,.., - Documentation ok? - Rate ok? Fund Paid - FY 91? Compl j ance - Fees Paid - FY 88? - FY 89? - FY 90? - FY 9I? Y/N Y/N Y/N --/ ! a -/ /"a fl &"-*u o#-,' tdh / 91. Y /6P 1-/ ,/,/vru-@/x>t An-{ Y/N Y/N - Compl iance 0utstanding? - Leak Det. Required & in use? - Notificatjon up to date & complete? FACTLTT/ rD. 70O&)K Not Unacceptabi e Acceptabl e Appl j cabl e 2_25-r?/ SHIJ\SUPPORT\C0LLEEN. E\checkl i st. pst /r- i FACILXTY L D. # Norman H. Bangerter Govemor Suzanne Dandoy, M.D., M.P.H. Extruuve Director Kenneth L. Alkema Dir4tor - , i-**.* DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bureau of Envrronmenta Resoonse and Remedtation 288 North 1460 West P O Box 16690 Salt Lake Crty. Utah 841i6,0690 (801 ) 538-6338 '1 ,1 TO: DATE FROM: Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND is incomplete. The following additional information is required before your application can be processed. [ ] The results of your Tank / Line Tightness Test and a copy of the field report need to be submitted to this office. [ "J A Notification Form, registering or upgrading your tanks, needs to be. filled out and submitted (use Form 7530 (Revised 9-89). ' , . .,, , .' , t [ ] Annual Tank Fee Assessments remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $-.Thiswillcoverthefiscalyear(S)'88'89'90'9].(circletheapplicable). [ ]You have not completed the form declaring "PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS". Please complete the enclosed form. [ ] Annual Fees for the PETROLEUM submit a check for $ amount for the current [ ] Your "APPLICATION following reasons: quarter only would be $ FOR NON-MARKETER DISCOUNT" is defective for the STORAGE TANK FUND remain unpaid. Please . This would cover the fiscal vear '91. The [ ] The release # schedule to the satisfaction Executive Secretary (UST). [ ] Other (below): been characterized or maintained its cleanup , ]our project manager, and the has not of Please note.that you will not be covered under the PETRoLEUM SToRAGE TANK FUND until the above mentioned items }ra coPpleted.-If your are curently a LUST sitg and your F\nd application hasbeen approve$ qoYlrttter releases will be covered Uy tne nrna. ttyou trave any questioiri concerningthiq please ealt the Bureau of Environmental Responie and Remediition at 538{338. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bureau ot Solrd & Hazaroous Wasle 288 Nonh 1 460 Wesr. p O Box I 6G9O Salt Lake C,lv. Ulah 841 I 6-0690 {801 ) 538,61 70 ^1 PAcrLrrYLD.# 4 tiCC)i( Norman H. Bangerter Gowrnor Suzanne Dandoy. M.D.. M.p.H. Exmuuk l)trector Kennerh L.{.lkema Diretor 4t tLt z. €.,,,L z f nlQ' t amount for [ ] Your ,,APPLICATION following rquons: FOR NON.MARKETER DISCOUNT'is defective for the Dffi I_Li_Cil FROM: 1,,, I /'Lc-< Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND is ;:T['.,t'r:0.*t following addiTional information is i"quireo before your application can ffIme results of yoyl Tank / r-rne Tightness test and a copy of the field repoft need tobe submitted to this office . /, n-." :f ", i'-r(.,::-.: g _,. ,c li / *,t _ _ , ..b ,n , tlr., S t l; i;:;-' ' t ] A Notificatiot lotttl registering or. upgrading your tanks, needs to be filled out andsubmitted (use Form ZSSO tn."jsed 9-g9). ] Annual rank Fee Assessments remain.unpaid. prease submit a check for$ ' This *ili;;; ti. irr."r v.""<Jj 'ig ts ,s0 ,gt (circle the appricable).rli.Ll"::ff i..,!Tfl :'::1,'* j'Hecraring'?REvrouspoLLUrroNrNcrDENrs.. ' ffi ff:*i:1'r*rRolEuM rr*g:TINK FU. ND remain unpaid. preasethecurre@ril;J;. T! would cover the fiscat yr.r;q'r. The [ ] The release # :lT:1" to treGiiEffin o'i3f no, been characterized or maintained its cleanuExecutive Secretary (UST).your project manager,and rP the [ ] Other (betow): IJ:t';lt*ur:Yl aot n" eovc ff1pp.*. *ffi#tF",iHlH,r* ffi:?y,**yg qrK .. ND unt, thehffim;rffiffiHffimrth\niise;ilffi ;ffiTrm"r"rffiffi'"ffi Ot rg/;.t T|k($ r'(1"Data Ghart lor Tank System Tightness Tcst ' tt rJt; ( i i{. C..t il,tf,.gldres 4* nr;a_fi'",{ !""\. ,""? ilo id Rapctmlativt Ltapio.taHF l. owirEn 2. OPERAIOR 3. BEASOI{ FOR IESI lErplrin fdDl .. WHO BEOUESTED IESI AiIIt WHEI{ 5. TAilK I|Vo|VED tL.ddlbnd lh. 5, nl.lral,old.d lmlr 8. TNSTATIAI|0il OAIA UI{OERGROUI.ID WAIER FITL.UP ARRAiIOEl,lfIIIS Frpr!!6lalr[l.L9,rona LLglEoa tr(lt {,iJ U*e E. p_. A. Requlations__ 'L|-tUt--l-(l ' ! Vcr ril,t, F5 ir'11 'L;/ t/.1 7()7F rilb Cmp.ny d Ailfi1ba O.ta Prrrprtk la6 9rdfrii. ertrota.Ll.Ilm 7. 8. Ocpihtothcwstertabte { Irnt! to ba liilod --.e-- hr. " -"-- O"t" Arr.nood by Erlra p.odwt to 'lop otf and,un iol iBtr. ltor and rho to trovadr? Cm$d., NO Lcrd. Ir lha rda, ovar tha tf*? Dr. frr" ld.pnara PLEASE PRTNT Sfors ldmlity by 9rrQc!roo ,<,{[aLT .Brand/Suprli.t e Et\Fo l{orlh tosrda dnveway Ror, ol staron. etc Covr Cadece f, Comllr. Elad foD. Ernh. dc 4" Sira. Tilalill mato. Orop tubca. Rrmote Frlt3 flrmrntl o, othar contacl lor notE! d inquary -tal.gnon COI{IRAGIOR. MCCHANICS. an, othar cootrGto, SYolY.d t0.OIHER l1{F0RMAlroit OR REMAEKS J$rf II. IEST RESUI.TS r;b wrrr mrdl on lh. rboyr |rnk ryrlsmr ln lccorduc. wlth l!.l proccdurta prcrcdbod lor!r dctalld on dllchad trll chrl! wlth r6utt3 ar lo0orr: fren Lesrrge-Jrd'i.1fuEertT-l{,ae{ 13. nfr f tPJ.ttry or! lln br* 3Fl.rnt w... L.l.d oo lho drto(r) dtoilr Tb.. hdcrtrd er -ndd: ln..t ot Gil.f...|rDfhd b, !r.il.Uand Fh hobctton A..odrdoo p.mphh &!f ?acltiiialtril ,. qteve Lvona cf,irrb.iton r 3 24QU3 52- e .Tohn M. , Lynns - c.,1sc.1m, 324OL4O52 12.sEitson P.O.Box 391 Collbran Co.81624 PTEASE PRINT I. OWNER 2. OPERAIOR 3. REASON FOR IEST lE$lrin fullyl 1. WHO REOUESIED IEST AND WHEN Froo.dy l)f l-araf F 5, IANX INVOTVED tac tddllbn.l $nc. br m.nltold.d l.nh 'l)Jl1T?'*""'c.g&lly -/IZ,gL 0rand:Su@hc, 7 /1/ L Aporor All. ? ltlxl/tlbf,lrtra S-hc/ 6. INSIALTAIION DATA L6rlion ."ilt I 1 rvont,,n"'a",iri,"*"y Rear ot lltlrcn ?lc CovG, (4'te' tft Concrrtc Blact loD Errlh llc Fills t4" Siar filf;ftll nete. OroDlub6 Famot? Fitl3 v6lB .L" sirG. M!nrloldcd S.Dho6 pa lrriich lmtt? Plr?. f*ralPR,, grclbr. narua.ItLLlltm 7. UNOERGROUNO WAIER 8. Fru.-uP ARRANGEMENIS 9. CONIRACIOR. MECHANICS. any olhar coalrtclo, lnvolvad IO. OIHER INFORMAIIOiI OR REMARKS II. IESI RESUTIS t2. SENSoR CERIIFICAIION /lt'i ' 't'*.*r*"rffii:#e-,': 2,(2. _S.,lrl t{o ol niJad oeprh lo the mler tabh '/-n'- pG xmcrc Etlrr Drodwl lO 1og Otf' rnd run lrnl trst? How a^d tho tO fxdrdar CS!r&, NO L.rd Nm! rdahoia ' ilfr;;;.' ;o^i;;; ; ;; ,i;;;;;;-aiii;c,;; ;; ;'h;'; 6 b; il,*d *ho iil-e;; tAE f.tlt weTr m.d. on lh. rboy. llnt lytlGmr h lccor&ncc wlth lGtt procadrrra DGcdbrd tor 't det.llcd on ritrch.d L.l ch.rtr wllh raulb I lollowr: -__\.Irehi L!rt.g. tnd'cllca-Il'Ii: l-_,pn_Z-----l= _-- 13. nrr f lPJ.tU thtl-Oilr.. ltr* trtonr. re.. lil.d o.r Or d.l.(t) drwn. lh.. hdcrlrd r ,ltghl, n!..1 [I nll,a& .tl-lhh.d t' Gall.0ood Flrr holoctfon lr.odrllon Prmphh ellrchnrcirn' Intermountain Manufacturl.ng Ine. dba, sEavc_ I{yo-nq lhtcfFount!$4..I,etq pptEaul;n c.'n0c.,ion,3-24ol-!322-- D r-t Erav "JIt'1?H111-^l' T;. I l;trv I tl(t N- f '{z aata Ghart lor Tqnk SysP.m Tightness Test P.O.Box 391 Cotlbran Co. Ot624 2 .TOhn M. Ly^nS c.rnncdi', 324Ot4052 Addrra c .t I - fenap r'{L Data Ghart lor Tank System Tightness Test ,) ', r h'li, r. owrtn *r*E ,-anrF 'laD.6.lrlrirYa :t"t)Cf4P}tt:r nmrcralatm l.Loarom 2. OPERAIOR 3. BEASON FOR IEST lErpl.ln Fully, {. WHO REOUESTEO IESI ANO WHEN 5. IANK ITIVOLVEO tL.ddhbn l[a.. fr. m.rrrold.d i.nlr 6. titsTAt-tAlroN DAIA UNOERGBOU}ID WAIER FIt[.UP AREAiIGEMEt{IS 4! e,.:' (:_9t { :y-5 M F_ y'Z) ",1, , 1 fd.Dl!o.t. - E. P. -A. RegulaLions Cmrrny d Altillt€ir t. E. oGpth to rh. w.rd r.brr --e.- ranr3 ro ba riflGd - h, - -.- orr. Ar]anesd by Erlra prodsl lo'1o, otf'rnd run lant tlailr ll,ow and iho to groyrd!, Consr(tr NO Laad. E lha rilar ofl lh! lanl? [r- ilib t a.Oima $.alr?lDf,eaaa rbo( PumCt ,?'elalg1: TdC grcrbr. n ilola, fd.glro,ra PTEASE FRINT ldanlily by Orlclion Pl:;l v Br.nd Suppl€r a1tln( l{orlh rnsrda d,rvaway. tlGar ot ltrtron, llc qn Slr T'tGftll male Orop lub6. Remola ftllr fErminal or olh€. co.lrct lor notrco o. anquiry l'Loqr. 9. CONIRACTOR, MECHAI{rCS, aay olhar conlr.Glot hrclv.d I(,. OIHEB INFORMATION OR REMARKS ,')€' Addilonal nto,malaon on tny rlaoa rboyr ortroala o, olh!6 to bG aoyrgd ,ho ta3tho rr n pfogtaS3 o, coopldad vitnoB oi ob|.ma pro- aIingtrd. rr forb wrrc mada on lho rbovc lank rytl.mt h accordmct wllh lGal proccdrnr pocdbrd lor.t daldl.d on lttrcrr.d lctl .rrrrlr r[h ]6ulb r. lollorr: lanl ldanlrtrBtrcn II. IEST RESULTS 12. SENSoR CERIIFICAIIOIIt2/?#- zc{7 !.dat rrb. ol tn md San-a Iight L.rt.qe todEAld)_ffPjLvw_--E*?- 13. nfr f t9J.ttry lh.! !r" trr* tr.ldttt r.r,. h.l.d on lh. drl.(.) rlrorn. ttE . hdcd.d - Tehf n .f !t crildr oAlfhrd Dy frlldood ft Plohclo.r Arodr0on Prmphlel &!3, fmlnlci.il ,. Steve Lvons cf,rncdbnr 32!9113-5a- z .Tohn M- Lyons cxtric.rio, 324014052 o. Compmy. !y: Intermountain Manufacturlng Inc. dba P.O.Box 391 Collbran Co.8L624 *jt e,Eqe /a((2'l., E*ri(dd(dn lt;"t,lxi4ir $ qle1futln,,,,t t/pr ,t,t i' df €(,),:'F' r temrm,.d"Jili,4 . .rAroi ,or nn fii f' tl roattlrt aacr rntra tttrta /sA v/r NL tt nralrutrall ,' ,.t: l;r.,i /.,7.t," llrt i 7 COrCtUIOLl, larlaa xC Crorlaart 'VlE r.r I ;7.' .t , ,1 'i'r r.. 'i,'t i,1tI tttt ra0uatttO tt, tt"'t'' ' = , , ",a lncur nllilrcnott, F'uIlflY lJ)' ' PETHOLEUIvI StohaGe taNx FUND APPLIcATIoN FACILITY INFORMATION:LOCATION OF TANKS: Ownef Name: Maverik Countrv Stores.Inc. Street Address Phone: 801-295-5557 Phone:Contactffinf Joe shaw Contacl Facility Name: Street Address: 490 west MainCity: vernat County: uintah State: Contact TYPE OF OWNER: fi Marketer, or non-marketer with annual monthly throughput greater than 10,000 gallons. [ ] Non-marketer with annual monthly throughput less than 10,0(X) gallons (Must verify). DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: Tank # Age z3 lt // Qapa.city R,6 tzc,e,o n O6Substance tua rr--rr- n TAn^ TANK TIGHTNESS TEST Tank # Pass/Fail .Lz37*o E?<s F.< CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION IXI All Underground Storage Tanks (UST) at this facility have been registered. t{l All registration TANK Fees have been paid. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: ls the applicant currently in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local UST regulations l(l VdS [ ] No ---lf "No'please describe item(s) of non-compliance: PREVTOUS POLLUTION INCIDENT(S) Have you ever had a pollution incident a! yotll facility? t I Yes -- lf "Yeso plebse provide LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) lnformation: Xl No - lf 'No'please attacl.r a letter stating that under customary business inve.ntory. , .praitice standards you are not aware of any release from any tank(s) at this facility. PST FUND FEES I I Full payment for every tank at this facility is included with.this application. bd Ouaheity payment(s) for every tank at this facility are included with this application. I certlty under penalty of law that the abore representatlons made by me are true and correct. Applicant's signature: J3. . ', Date signed: b'tl-Qo M All Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) have been registered - Form 7530 (Revised 9-89). [d Registration Tank Fees have been paid - 1988/1989 : $2sltank/yr, 1990/1991 : $4S/tank/yr 2. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: ,,,',,:,, : :,, pglH0tEthil StOnAGEr,taruK FUND Cl{MKLlSt' 1. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: P I am in compliance with release detection requirements. I I Tanks lnstalled belore 1965 or unknown: release detectlon by Dec. 1989. I t Tanks lngtalled 196$1988: release detectlon to be completed by my compllance date. I I Belease detectlon completed upon lnstallatlon. (l am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. 3. PST FUND FEES .. ANNUAL FACILIW MONTHLY THROUGHPUT: l#;|"{B,Bfii:i,:",1i:t l am a non-marketer with annualfacility monthly throushput sreater I I $zSO paymenVtank: Flgcal year (July 1, 1990 - June 30, t99t). ld Quarterly paymentr @ $62.50/tank (Due the lst day ol Jut, Oct, Jan, and Apr). [] ! pm a non-marketer with annualfacility monthly throughput less than 10,0O0 gallons. [ ] I have completed the APPLICATION FOR NON-MARKETERS DISCOUNT form. I I ttZS payment/tank: Flscal year (July l, 1990 - June 30, t991). I I Quarterly payments @ $f .2snenk (Due the lst day ol Jul, Oct, Jan, and Apr). All systems pass the tank and line tightness tests. ! am submitting the results of the tank tightness test and a copy of the field report. t I Alltanks do not meet the requirements set by rule regarding tank tightness testing. [ ] I have contacted the State UST office and will submit evidence of a plan for review. 5. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS: ld I have completed the PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS form which states whether under customary business inventory practice standards, I am aware of any release from the tank. 6. INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Keep records at vour facilitv): ( I have obtained financial responsibility requirements for the first $25,0oo/release: ftsett lnsurance I I Guarantee [ | Commerclal lnsurance I I Surety Bond [ | Blsk retentlon group I I Letter ot CreOtt I I Other: [ ] I have obtained independent third-party linancial assurance by my compliance date. [ ] I will obtain independent third-party financial assurance by my compliance date. 'See exflanatlons under "Holfl do I get started?,, 4. TANK & LINE TIGHTNESS TEST -- ACTIONS REQUIRED AFTER TEST: PMUIT IIL ' PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS To: Mr. Dennis Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazardous Wastes Committee Dear Mr. Downs: As required by paragraph 26-14e4O4 of the Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a release of petroleum. Additionally, based on "customary business inventory practices standards", I am not aware of any release of petroleum from my tanls. aR, I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). signature of owner/operator *J . b{ II sQ N g i I]rl ii l! l! ' !: !bIIIIt!ILpITII!IIttIsITEE:f:t irItEI lEgriI Fi o0)Foo6t trE' I FEc,o3t , !tE l-Lol-Gt CJGI (t r tr t-[\-+ ItItI! tI !II!l.lt tt ;!ltIiEI l1Ei s!T! ;r!I !lgr IEIIIIF IIItt oz3oGPn ii j p OE=> ri zo5Js< .p e =6 td O. -- !! = E! =l : tITb,rlII E! -5 E .E o6 ! ts g E EE ; . Es E E oi oFzu=u *3 2 Jd IGr<d FEE= ?o il zet =H Eo- ra=E AE ' t 6s 1 €F E ei tsEFuF =e g FC _= = -E 5 H F= e o= o <i EoF6Ueoc. . l Fz.Ed eh faFi Ez=o fi d h/ M, . ! . b. rd Sr d i , 17 , FI I T . U P FO R TE S T sc r wd . , Mn /) Hd . ru . u D Y bf , " 18 . SP E C I A L CO N D I I I O N S AN O PR O C E O U R E S TO TE S T TH I S TA N K O -d 6 ; - I6 . CA P A C I T Y D *r . ., - , f] Lh . r . ) se br d ', h rv r l r Dr o . a . rt nr - r . ' " - a u E or * "n - I to r rr w a u a : cr r a fl uc r r y hr r ^ , i n g o. r . D -* - * . n ^ r F+ o o /1 4 . r > / u 7 - - _ Bv 6r &c u ' d . - A ?/ ' G; o . c x r c u d ' . x , b b a v /L , - O& r . ,n 6 B hr / - /6+ 1Q A . ' /e ) _( ) _ 2_ " _ a - 6 - fr D o I l Ur " l v - Za i - e l ? EB r b 12 ' m & r to h M6 l r . * ! h. s i . x bn f r ol bd a B. . ! u r . i l o O d l 6 l h hm u . t 6h s& & 6E t Ud . d Ed @. h bt En u. tu i n @ Jr o r r b l a r d tf f i . bl i t- b . le , @d r u l . @ d d b tu h A H L n l . , : lr r d 6 d{ b rh . 2 ! 21 . VA P 0 R RE C 0 V E R Y SY S I E M [- ] s . c " ' [- ] s , q . , 6n d P. l Gr n i y -, , . . , . , . . . . . . , . . . . .. . . . ", . , , * , /c ' ) ? *, 6 7 C> a S O/ . qr > - 2- -d ! . 4 . , Ja _. , 7/ . , 6 7. / 7E O ( , /f 2 q 9. f ) 2 r , , a 2 ld a. i l r y h Br 6 d ia u n r cr r q c rr iq r h r x l n r r 'T : f l x : . : " , . 21 c , FO R TE S T I N G WI T H WA T E R ,, T. b t r c r D w. r , t. @ r t u tu oc d r b E* ,- r . . "o a ". , - r. '. D *E I lr ) " t- / ' l. g t . l' f ", , _J _ f ^ f{ ^ o 24 b . CO E T F I C I E N T OF EX P A N S I O N RE C I P S O C A I . ME T H O O aF o, 6 d d Bd o @ L . Em r r o F ,- . . . . . lt u qr d b r b . , . . . . . . . . . , . l. r r y n w . d S d . . . . . . t, t n. .W c. B . r h . .r c b h @ to d, d di l o d to 0f , b @m F r f f kf t ,m o d EM E ii r h tm td r. l r ro x. r . P . a . & sf f i lt z . a h6 !r . t d tD t. d nN l G m , rt r d h l ai o f f Sh n ff i . . 2s . Gt _ , (b ) _ , tC d q q s { t , h hl l t h d . r m h k Mm t t l r r n hd r a @ d 26 . ta t c . f r z | v a 7 , 34 e . - . ve t u o q . F . r 6 , D ) ff i f i r n * (c ) - - s* - . vd u f r d q a h m r n l ,O l 7 t 8 / p _ Bb Ed o r y F d r f , d Qq r . b a & M c 6 . Er t d f\\\lN.l\ !iaE33!IE ], t / r y t i " ' t ' ' ,0 / 7 'lueuuorllua \r' aJt aat @lltqprd vd l N lq pe{alqllse s. qr.nrC lol uolrF.U rqt ol oulprotl Fel asutqtnryrl.qlpqFtrquFl.iumwqtrnptdpurryal l-l UO 'tlal t lo uoltllu0d .t?r!pu! ol p.gueN! pu q tlql 020 uot?t{qnd Yd'JN lq poqqqx$ aa ilDnlc tEl udtrxrd ql ot ou|profi N6{ rrs.t u.*t .lq @trlr 6uoNq paFrd pue ryrlli{ :t@@Pts z olul lBuolupPv uBqc stso lsel IuBl l-d l?aourqSeunto^laN t .qt ot tJDord ,o laot lu! ,ol llIEan ,o lIterluod$, lua ounilr lo! iaog pErodrout nulInauoJ qlreH @lrla ,u ro trntEl palElpul gqt lo nniar t at luauuor^ua aql oluo{nfldeNlUoda, tru! loIUq[rdcqt pua prarrq O.ltdu!lu! psatrrroqurFiolpuselet.aEr^prIpFrFUUtotualBtrl $qt to ,opredo ,o/pug ,auro aqt p lt$q!auod$, aql sr n c/0,(b +-ara74. -/r/lutll tlr /'-azr*t/a lqdulpd - Y d'J'I -"1 lueurut srll Arr !,;9! talt !1ril ol uoc stul t)ir,E a.".:t tur g?o'- b0Q t-7+)' rc?'-Qat)'Itvo'lU"))5*.,1 Ilr'rtL'rrA Jto{t0'-t t0'lIPss b5) Cttrtc/*t bco')o0'r700' f0l/t 5ltt-r)'))7't6tl'ittt lu--Lltt'-ctI frltt) l,Q0'tol L'f,tIt 11uu)oc'tcJt/'1.t) l-t >/-,o.)d,a),CIot I 02',-.50tr'*o00,tt, sl))a! it,5 r'f,,t,CIbl ./JO'_rt t'-z/d'1,l+tsl)ut tJ/tf 'f,tc(tat YU' 't:; 'fo,) 0' (-qlts/,)ro'f,'l7'c'(tI /u0'{o/ o'lt/UO'I(t-ttl0t0'l.(JLV 't,t'ct9t ct't o -LI U,Ir15bt90'lo rf,'Itl'a /5l L0a'7ti/:)9l!u' tuit -5bt/lO'Jt('ztl't Ilt I LU( 1act'-Llo 'tti-/5/.;ot 0'tJof,Jl t'.uL'r ILl)0$.r ?il\ sauElw [rr 0 ml ,hil, !iIITI!'IFII!IIItls$rlIi i:il l ei iI st !II[iIi liII ilIII!;rtI !ttl !CII i! ,t ir Qq, t-oooE' ) FEqlaU' llE(gFLoLtl , CJ (Ecla !; ld IslslIttI ttir5, II!I -e g F6 _= = E5 H E= E o= o ci .t E .B o6 aE= i , E= s i! oi Ff r E= -e = thEH Eo- r>zi ot s I 6S i EF C ?t 't s 2= ^o=z i<JG :J e E< d Et i=i i =l l FJUeFF GoFGHoa. , =EUd &b >a!i Ez=o ds{ zoE5s< _e = d &. . b dh t l O g. - * E r- r w - - . . " n , , fl ar y . r y ae c r r c oe . D *- . * * - . t @/ " * t L / r r + - _ ). 6 a a e a 16 . CA P A C I T Y 15 . TA I I ( TO IE S T Eo / *, o r - * lr t a * 'c 4 * { g , ; , ^ ro t , G. n f f i Oh .. Bd a 17 . FI I I - . U P FO R TE S I \N *- * " BW c ) tr d r - d , i . ?- q Oa "i * r y oo -. r o r '' c ' v od @ " i q( . @ ld f f i hq II " / _ l( _Z A v _ 6 -r 1 f 4 r tr _ =J l, EE $ $ : ' 18 . SP E C I A L CO I I U I I O I { S AN D PR O C E O U R E S TO IE S I Si ' d . . f u f f i . f f i t r d ' c d , @ h t { EI bd r t u d h * 6 @ b d b r . . td @ d 6 d S b & l h E a t u . ff i . d b i l f f : t. h n i M 6 d * a tu ih d l d il d @ r * r @ d , ,- D *d /t )- " (- / / st t . t, f , " , tl " _3 _ d , o, n. M c M d h . h to bd k e y d f f i b fr l a b f h a F i t h r B r . a a a n t { . . d r h E I { t b f u Fd ru b b@ a . k h @ d . l t d s t e h h d TA I ' l l ( D* - . * ff ,* r * r - , . o - n . * . , D *5 * rr , ,* ", - , ., . . r - 1" ; / - -. - : -a -n / e t - = -7 , l- - tr . n t u d, to td 29 zt . vA p o B fl E c o v t n y sy s T E M D" r . , fJ " , o . , 21 b . Co E F f l C t E t { T 0F EX P A i t S t o i l RE C I P R O C A L ME T H O O Ir r F a * a .. . . . . .. . . . . . 6n rQ ry o * r € @ w . . , . , . . .. . - - ? , " t@ . 6 h rd l- , - i Ai r * o u h . . . , , , .. . . . . . ". 7 a Y@ d w d w . . . . . . (' / ., o- - u ^ , . . . . 1 - . . . t. , . r . -/ ( , M^ ' r . o ' ' 6D - nv * // / / *. 1 9 - 27 / / , |( t / ., t a 6 6 6 l ld d q f f l y h hd Wt d cn r F , n t' * " ' " ' , Ti : H . : . , . 21 c . FO R TE S T I i l G WI I H WA T E R r- r& b c r D hr l f f i h f r h u h r* c . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . _t , tu o. . . . , . . . , . , . , , , , , , , . , . .* $ ' * t Et - E* r, . m r - c o G b r i l r $ 19 . TA N I ( II E A S U R E M E I I I S TO R TS T T AS S E i I B t Y kM d E b r - . e$ - b f rd - r y . . /, 2 ?- __ q 9 _ tr ' ) 20 . EX T t [ S r o i l t{ o s E sE n t i l c rd q b e ' r o ' . . . . . . . . . . '3 l- . , ^ Ed b o f f i b a ' n E . \- kr d 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // n 'i t s o b d 6 . h c d il b d t r 22 . ta . w o r . b f f i b _t - f f : 23 . m- , ' r ' . r y o , . * d . " * :f r t r - * Co E F f l C l E l l I 0f EX P A l l s l o l l (C o m p l l t e at t r r ch c u l a t l o n ) 24 a . oa r e r . r 6 MA t r 04 , . . . . . . . . . . . l@ - f f i .. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _i tu h t t r y M -- . 4 @- a 2 r o- t , aO r , tn t* 4, . . . . . . ff i h d U F h 16 Lh 1 .. . . , . , . , , . . . . , Ld c G b t h 1 6 H, b N. F P . a . n hh 1! . 2 . a d ar . 2 jd h td nd d m r . A - f u .h & tu u rt , - . zs . FI - , 0l _ _ - - td d o s h hf i t H d . r f f i b Md 0 a r l , li r l w r a c ao . tr t l t l o { 6 { L ? , zr f f _ wr i q a F . r t a a F l Dl h F . r h B _. ( c ) . * vh d r y h * b l * . -- O l J J - d 3 L - -" " vh t u ! . F c A t hE a . b a f f i h nr r , ' 0 / 6 .t!u ,o[ndo/reuao tuil tueuuoir^u. \rr eql ot rcnoord to aror lur,ot lnnqal ro luFttdo, lua aunrrr loulaop patrrodrotul lprlntuot qtaaH'ualtlr $ql to arnEt 9als5rrur tql lo nna6, r rr luauuoxrua eqt or uo{n[datq!trodarlu! lolUrqriad aqt pur prrEq pe{dur Iu, lo 3otrrroqlna tsaol put alltiaar^pe llaprptou! ol uotal! lrqt to rot?rodo rolpu? rauao aqt ro lt{nrllodsa, a(t i n 6ZC uo[Dfiqnd Yd J N rq paqqlqataa !r rlr.trC ltal uolalaaid aql ot ouDrotct tial lreutqolllulaqlpatlttaquat.lroo{puaqPnpord0u.lull t I UO'[al a lo uoltalulad .trrlput or 9.90.rvt ld al llcL 6zc uolitlqnd v d J N lq peqaflqa[r ra lrratrC laal @r}rrd a{t ot 6urprorJa . tq6[ Flsl ulaq oq 4[lt oulpurq lrnpord p[ IueI X tu.uetlls z otul tsuoilppv lrsrlc Eleo ttel {uel l-d l!12 ,A frzv/,r'./y'TV qettu lE4nq?J -+#:+N tt;6& (tturorua: O(DNIqdurd*f,nl:rr:' r istl sEulu$no qlllqulco.Ir(1OUDer.a /-,1q:7 aJd ay L00'_:/ /> / u (o'L v,t tUto' flt)t:l(ll0 r'l;lt)t('I rurL.:,r [) / i/, -t 6'9 ' -2t0'sIttra:IlpJ'otrcl. !. Itriu/ 't , Lr:.i '.d/0'Sl+c i'it,g'I, r/'i/t6v ) -5'r liu'r:t)'r4 /0'l-tlr tl) ):5t d,ill't ittr5) b'i Lfe fi. oo'-9t",)i tt/l'r)1. e 'o t 5,ill'e ,)(:h{j I (')t') ttr)'iJ rJ'fli/-t rlreo0't.llLl, Istql iot' 1'iiLl'l:2,'', l'. I Ir,'l "tUAL'-{ 'rl i'tt1Ut )-lJ' tL0t)'1.i rr)' t.(-l.LJ'iur(.'55ta,lt'tI5E8i lo o '-ct0 IUi 0 't.It-)uoa0'tJ5 t',5 rC',TI,,CIyt)dg t 2tO',-//()'/!J'Irt5ttt(J l-.ttL'JO)'TItt)l)t5t 6o0'-l zJ') t o'1.Ittttt.(Io)t,(lLtAIv/d1 t t0'l-6t-t tlJ ).J l.).j.t5 t7(tt'z ILI50vl 1 t iltt AD, @ o0,Foo0)EE' FEc,ootl l Fc)L(t r CJ tt r |E tr l .. 1\+ ,t s IIti IIIliiiIIIIIl IIiitItlII! 1! NNdi ]T ItIIltIIIIFIIt6ls!l ii tr r- l !iil ri IIIt IIIii,IItIt:IbIrltl t =c l, A !i sz=o Iol \lnlII,I 6E FE _= = E5 H ts = E o= o ct a 'd -E oa l 5! 1 E , E {1 " EE i I si F== r! 2 JdJEE< d' ozloG9e iE p 5- ri -otr5Js< cE=oo =o o: ! ze@o .i FeFF 5 !l =i l =I I ut Go- ra=E q* i <o e EF g ai GoFGCIc. i F6E=Be G<9G 'H tu i i , ' ( ca o Sl a r r 15 - TA N K IO TE S I il r s t -! a t' - A V : : iq E ' i O ,^ / &d . 6 . M. d 6u - 0 17 . fI T t . U P FO R TE S I I8 , SP E C I A L CO N D I T I O N S AN O PR O C E O U S E S TO TE S I TH I S TA N K 56 e d r re h B * e tu &d . - q a / o d . h be €4 D * tr - . 0 *. n t *e .u . o *r n . r . i t L- ] m . . - . * . * . ' " - " - ta l ' ot ( J d , f r L l , vM 6 r y F . t t I { , a l fr o d * t u 2t . vA P o B ff E c o v E n Y SY S T E M n" * . , 24 b . Co E t F r C t E i l T 0F EX P A N S I 0 N RE C I P B O C A T ME T H O O ly & d fr d u d a Pr . . . c . . .r ro p d ls l '. D *S l€ 3 " =; "__ i L " a" bk { .. . 7* (r ., 6( ., .4 J - , 67 1 {t . r t ' u ' ( 24 c . FO B TE S T I N G WI T H WA T E B h r. 6 b c r o a6 d 9i l 6 t d ? O t- D * r, . n r r , co . b Lm rs rh .b ! . cr l . ! r . l o . r. ro E ld E C) Et cd t M b .. r . b [ . h . F r i r ! . p r - . u r . . d . . r $ . r r h 6 h ! t b b r F q d tu k bc o m p . . . . l . l d t h p r - . n 6 o t . s M d r . r . l . t & r . i l F€ r 4 lo NE P . . I hr h +3 l a d 1r 2 d rt r t. i l m. . u t . c r u , o r r4 a d t &r . U . . F l f f bl nd s - . 0I _ tu l l d d . r F . & E 31 7 (c ) s* v& d @ h i l b r "| i l r z ? _ 1 ^. , , d L ( vc m c n 4 a F d g n U @@ r . r o a @ D E . rc E t . l Irl IE a *S J : f i : . ' J T - - - - d ?( ^ Oh ld k G. e. r m l m . r b . . b r . r. ! r p6 . u r . b rl tn ! . fo u , ft l d . u r . d6 . o l Dd y b do ! * r . r h o. r . kd d . lr c r o . E r @ : I l. l o u . FU n d rd . r{ ! n d ? 2 h. S r b 12 - oe r to o bn m ol d rt ) t , t / 16 . CA P A C I T Y ' tL & o Mt u - a y ' 6d h cr y t , &d n. I d h Et " . - * b rm r w a , , r c t m D* * . * - - . E ** r - - , n Eo n . - il F d / 0_ _ l5 a . EB I E F oI A G R A M 0F TA I { K fl E t D Il i f i r r -! t _ z 2 z _ tu l M . u . t u e i l b ru.@oltt aqt ol tJnpod to agt trua Dl luqtll ro i(Hnlauolr€, true aunsaa lou aaop patardrocut iluanna@3 qlgaH 'uallll !,qt lo arnlcl Flsr'pur aql lo [n$r a aa luouuorl^ua eql ol uortnt|odatqa!d.rlu3p ll0q6aodaqtPua Pr.l3q PaIdol lua to 5i'tloqlns tcrol puP aEtr asr^9s l|.lqpeuut ol uals& s,qt to rot€redo io/puo rauilo eqt p lxtqliuodsl aql 3 il 6tC@lttln'd VdJN lq p.q.[qilr n.truc lral !ot.t-€ .{l ol oulp&.r. t..l rirulq6[ {urt a{t pa[al sq qtala 6ur|pdq tanrord pua tu3l I I ao 'raal a lo uotatlurad .lar!9ut ol Fpuatut t@ q aql a?c uoil.tilqnd 'vdJN lq p.q.[q.ls at alalrC tsat uqatDrd aql ol 6uDro].! I lq6{ Ftsl u..q ..{ @r.lr 6ulputq ""r-",1.""".:;t+ olul |tuoluPPv u3q3 stBO l3al {uel I-d rotlraoo/rauao Z fAaeul u0slncl3c zl,-r'/-l'6zE'oN;qdurcd 'YdJN,ql ^q laulrsll.J r r rara Ia lu.uru!'lof sltll 3)ur, crtoroqllP.838 (f ?'-9)9t+tLQP ltlt l,'J 3gl olrt th'0ph,t/tztt€;l'.:/:) 1lp"-/ 7P tl-)-t-ft3do' l-oQh'0Arl1.1?1)te:'i'J) glgt+ooprl-0+I tl? lc''.tfl2 t'to31''/llt)ot;H 1/ a'-110'+,+?.! b?lot:t-Or J''P.lt'lJIftJt?-:) )l et al)o-]l-o..l-l3J))\)'lQt;'t.f!tt,lflt?);,! ,)?'+ooo+o1-I t!,ilo)l. i''L 'oht'tlrilfr'hl ) lp'-t?o'))rI3t')'/o|l-O)ti't'/f 'r:/f)llatecl) l/o',09'+P+og8 tt')p'l-1r'0lt tl/i,l)t'/dzl ) vit'^nol+)t.Q3)'old ttil t'OAZ'/)fit,//Q':3J /oc)-) 40'.)-l.t-A/.8'olp'oA-itoll',/),'il4'/*',ll ))Qt-Ito:.)t..tLlil p'.1-,J,'-7 t9J2 tt)-_v t;c?oh'g) J QQI-t2?-)/+-/1t'9,:or'l5.57 '.'tr,,'lt) 'zth?-etfl t/_.9 ho'+ -I;;r'nil- ('Fp[u X.!{ lo {ltoal pt.snl rs.l topur p! & &[6 to r[.Fp pD{ .rr, p 7 $umroe rslr l0 001 1 Jordan ,the northsouth tank line fJl' DBA INTERMOUNTAIN LEAK DETECTION Maver i k CountryJoe ShawP. O. Box 26tloods Cross Stores Inc - 440a7 Dear Sir: The follouing is a summary of the product containmentsystem tishtness testing done at stores *g4, *143 , *L6z ,*7r, *14o , *L27 , *t42, *159, *Laz, *174, *L7L, *13o, f168,*145, *163, f153, *L79, *L7o, *184, *L44, *165, *44, *180,*160, *4L, in Utah during LggO- j-('L't-'15 at Maverik country store * 34 in Moab ,the middle tankIine tested 'TIGHT' e +-ooo1 gph,the south tank line tested'TIGHT'O --OOO5 gph, the north tank Iine tested "TIGHT" e-OOS5 gph - t((t"'a'lt. At Maverik country store *L43 in Roosevelt ,the easttank rine tested 'TTGHT' e --oo4o gph,the middre tank rinetested 'TIGHT. O -.OO5O gph, the uest tank line tested'TIGHT' e --OO3O gph. i:Cl('rl'l AL l{averik Country store f L67 in orem ,the north tankIine tested 'TTGHT' e -.oo4o gph,the middle tank Iine tested"TIGHT'O --oOaO gph, the south tank line tested.TIGHT'o+.OO5O sph. 'iit l;'-{ At Flaverik country Store * 14o in Riverton ,the middletank Iine tested ,TIGHT" e +.OOOO gph,the west tank linetested 'TTGHT' e -.oo1o gph, the east tank rine tested"TIGHT" e +-OO1O Sph. ll(('t'-lt: At ltaverik country store s Lz7 in Heber ,the north tankIine tested 'TIGHT. O +.OO10 gph,the souLh tank line tested'TIGHT'e +.OOOO gph, the west tank line tested.TIGHT. e - OO6O s,ph - l(ccil8 At Maverik country store * L4? in vernal ,the west tankIine tested 'TIGHT. O +.OO1O gph,the east tank line tested"TIGHT'o +.oo3o gph, the middle tank Iine tested.TIGHT. e+.OO2O sph - tt('(Cl'),-l At Haverik Country Store * 159 in Hesttank Iine tested .TIGHT. e +-OO1O gph,thetested 'TIGHT. e --OO7O gph- P.O. Box 391 Collbran, CO 81624 Toll Free 1-800-824-2853 ln Colorado 487-gS5ZPAGE 7 4OCdl33 At Maverik Country Store * Laz in Hurray ,the east tankIine tested 'TIGHT' O +-OO1O gph,the west tank line tested'TfGHT' e -.OO2O gph- -ICOO l'7b At Maverik Country Store * L74 in SL ,the south tankIine tested 'TIGHT" e +-oooo gph,the middle tank Iine tested'TIGHT'e +-oooo gph, the north tank Iine tested'TIGHT'e+.OOOO sph. .CCCliS At I'laverik Country Store * L7t in SL ,the south tankIine tested 'TIGHT' e +-oooo gph,the middle tank Iine tested'TfGHT'e +.oo2o gph, the north tank Iine tested "TIGHT" e+ . OOOO s,ph - I )CCCCZTt At Haverik Countrytank Iine tested'TfGHTtested 'TIGHT. e +-OoOO'TIGHT' e +-OOOO sph- Store * 13O in Bountiful ,the north' O +.OOOO gph,the middle tank Iinegph, the south tank Iine tested ICCIO'CZ1 - A_t Haverik Country Store * L6a in Bountiful ,the easttank Iine tested'TIGHT, e +-OoOO gph,the west tank linetested 'TfGHT' e --OO95 glph- lCC.C.C26. A!, l'laverik Country Store * 145 in Centerville ,the southtank line tested "TIGHT' e +.oO35 gph,the north tank linetested 'TIGHT" e -.OO1S gph. lzcCe'\6 At Haverik Country Store * L63 in ogden ,the north tankline tested "TIGHT. e +-OOOO gph,the south tank Iine tested'TIGHT' e --OO4O glph- iZccc'lf At Flaverik country store * 153 in ogden ,the south tankline tested 'TTGHT' e --oo7o gph,the noith tank Iine tested'TIGHT. O +-OOOO gPh- 3Cf'.'<:Ct.2tl . o!. l'laverik Country Store * L79 in CIearf ield ,the wesLtank Iine tested 'TIGHT. e -.OO7O gph,the east tank Iinetested 'TIGHT' e -.OO1O Sph- ]tccc'?-:l At i'laverik Country Store * L7o in Layton ,the south tankline tested 'TIGHT' e +-oooo gph,the north tank line tested'TIGHT" e -.OO1O gph, the east tank Iine tested "TfGHT" e+ -OOOO sph - 7C,CL\ JO At Haverik Country Store * LA4 in Layton ,the east tankILne tested 'TIGHT, O +-OOOO gph,the west tank Iine tested'TIGHT" e +.oooo - PAGE 2 -r16'6-lC1il at Maverik country store * t44 in Garland ,the southtank line tested'TIGHT'e +-oooo gph,the middle tank Iinetested 'TTGHT' e +.oooo gph, the north tank rine tested"TIGHT' e --OO3O Sph. )|COO3C At Haverik Country Store * 181 in Losan ,the west tankIine tested "TIGHT' e +.oooo gph,the east tank Iine tested'TfGHT' e --OO1O Srph- ^\ LCCLS 3 At Haver i k cou nrr ytank Iine tested -TIGHT tested "TIGHT. e +-OO1O"TIGHT' O -.OO1O srph. Store * 44 in Smithfield ,the north' e -.OO4O gph,the middle tank Iine9ph, the south tank Iine tested ICOL)TL At Haverik Country Store * 18o in Richmond ,the southLank rine tested "TrGHT" e +.oooo gph,the north tank rinetested 'TIGHT' e +-oooo sph- )tAoObl At Maverik country store * 160 in Randolph,the northtank rine tested 'TTGHT' e -.oo15 gph,the south tank rinetested 'TIGHT' e -.OO5O Sph. /LC.CO >( At Maver i k Cou nrr ytank Iine tested "TIGHTIine tested "TIGHT. e +'TIGHT" e +,OO1S Srph. Store * 41 in Richfield ,the south' e -.OO35 gph,the south west tank -OOO5 gph, the north tank Iine tested Thank you for having rntermountain Leak Detectionperform your precision Eishtness testing- Si ncerely John M Lyo ns PAGE 3