HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005833UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROCRAM Adjustment Tracking Form FAC # FACILITY NAME: V kt, M,t LdlLWi4?f I owNER NAME: ;fuUut4 'W{LkDsW REASON FOR: (circle one) Adjustment Refund o.r.qfr"ip> Ail FunOffi FEE< b R d1r<rT?kr)rryt trtrK' €,t r, {-Df Ftsf,il/ t/P ')oo? '/ n', /"t.,,,?g C, tt\t.1 f1 0 Ll kaTt .l-rL t-rj?-f,/ ( )oov Zee o"rlrltlEOo\ t, \- ok.. or*Jr\€j- b"".*^,*ra...E! -*.o.* {'}r-aFB-€iF.., r.-h.a ca *^^-^-..Q ^,^/\ C,-:.l, QO'rr 6\^,-l)o^ o0 tv>t t te olo,, '-e-, lr*^Jh0 U '164r* -R.L-BILL?/ve}:' No BY: /'\ ,l.rn *llpl^b, eArE- ll- o t- c&- APPRov;rr'YK7 U \ OLENE S. \ -KER Governor GAYLE F. McKEACHNIE Lieutenant Governor State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Director ERRU-215-03 November 6,2003 Sandy Bradshaw 1045 Oberland Drive Midway, Utah 84049 Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Vacant Commercial Building, located at345} West 8600 South, West Jordan, Utah Facility Identification 'I{o. 4002353 '''1i' Dear Ms. Bradshaw: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on October 29, 2003, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Closure Plan Approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure PIan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Your closure plan indicates soil aeration as a possibility for remediation in the event contamination is found. If soil aeration is chosen, all requirements of the DERR regarding Corrective Action Plans must be met pnel to the commencement of any aeration activities. Contaminated soils must be safely stockpiled on site until approval for aeration is granted. Please contact the DERR if you have any questions. Re: I 68 North I 950 West . PO Box 144840 . Salt [.ake City, UT 841 I 4-4840 . phone (80 I ) 536-4100 . fax (801 ) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801 ) 536-4414. www.deq.utah. gov lltnh! Where ideas connect'" Facility D# 4002353 . Pagefr2 Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the environmental and Unified Soil Classification sample analysis data and Chain of Custody forms with the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. If during upcoming closure activities, it appears that a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions, as explained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. If you have any questions, please contact Victor Scherer at (801) 536-4240. Sincerely, , f\ Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary ruST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board BTJ/VES/hsp Enclosure(s) cc: Patti Pavey, M.S., Director, Salt Lake Valley Health Department Reed Scharman, West Jordan Fire Department Malcomb Dillman, Intermountain Environmental Consultants, Inc. La/29/2oA3 15:56 BAL26282\IEC INC -)PAGE 83 QompanV IilcrnottnhlnEavllonncitrllConrrkoatr rra Etp. Date Scot 2flXl Phone # A0|-262-t221 Addrcrr anlO Rdrrll Hrwk Brv Ciw Holhdrv StAtE UT Zip'/.ll7 SOIL/CROLTNDWATER SAMPLER Namc Mrtcotn Dttrmrn Cert. # CS00rI Exo. Datc uol Companv latrruorrtdnEnvlronocot4Coolultroi,Inc.Phone # Ula52-t226 Addrcss 4730 Lartrrtl Erwk Ery City ttoiledrv Shtc UT Zip &4117 Bcforc thc clorurc plrn.lr.rubmlttcd for rpproval, the locrt hcrtth rnd lire dcprrtmcrts wbere the facillty ts locrted murt be lol-tc!*: I/tty-foctltty b ln Bcanr, Carbon, Daris, Enery. Garfield. Grand, Iron, Kaic. Sott Lak, San Juan, wasarch, or woshington county contactDERR (USI) at (E0l)5364100 instcad of the locot health diitrict, 'You qtill avst contact the localfre department i4 rhese counties. coNTAcr LocAL IIEALTTI DtsrRrcr: Name of Disr. DERR ror sL Counw Datc eonnct DevldWlron Titlc Proicct Mrnrqcr Phone# 136-4100 CONTACT LOCAL FIBE !E,PT. Namc of DeDr. Werr Jordrr Datc Contact Rccd Schrrurn Titlc Flrc Mrnhrlt Phone# 23G7300 DISPOSA,L INFON,MATION Trnk(r) will bc disposct at FaciliW urcttqrn Mcnlr Recycllnf, LLC Address 422t Wcrt ?00 Sourh Citv setr l-rte Citv. ur State UT ZioS4lJ,a Contact pcruon Phonc# n*96f,9 Product llncc will cither be: El removcd ort] ctcaned. securcd in olace. and caoped- Vcot llner will cithcr be: El rcmovcd or El cteancd and securcd opcn. Ptplnr will be disposcd at: Facilitv Wcrtcrn Mcrrlr Rccvcnno- LLC Address 42?l w 700 s Ciw srtr Lrkc CIrv State UT Zio 84tO4 contact Derson Phone# 97*96f/) Tanl(s) will be emptlcd by: comDenv vJ Envlronnentrl Phone# s9s{lu Tank(s) will be cluncd bv: comoenv VJ Envlronmenr.ot Phone# 59$8lll Contsminated watcr in the rsnl/rinsare will be disroscd at Faciliw vJ Envlronmcntel Contact person Join Chrhtcnrcn Phone# 595-El5l Tank(s) will be: [-lpurged or D3 rendercd iuert by rhc followine mcthod: Dry lce Relldurl dudger will be disposed at the followine faciliw: vJ Envlronmenrat Address ls5 N loo wcrr Citv srlt Leke ctw Sute UT Zioa0lft Contact pcrson Johl Cbrlltcnrcn Phonc# lg5.8lsl FOR CLOSURE IN PLACE ONLY f] Approval tbr in-placc cloqqle has been granted by thc Locar Fire Dcpanmenr. Firc Dcpt.Phone#Contact Derson Datc [-l Approval for in-place closure has bcin granted by the Local Health Depanmcnt. Health Deot.Phonc#Conraet Dcrson Darc Lb/.21/26A3 15:5b 8ts12528it rEc rl.lc F f. r PAGE A2L \S,v t-./ F^ctl,itrydfl L+OO 2S3 I.HD USE OI.rrY STATE USE ONLY Date Rcc.civcd l4-2 Q -A 3 .Datc Mailed ro LHD Dale Rcceived Fro,m LHD Reviewcr/Date Appror "a ffi ME. ReviedDate n(*O ltlo SWz A cotrtrlctor msy prGpar€ this clouurc Plan CI thc owncr/operator's agcDt.- ln preparing thc closurc plan, the conrtrector must act withthc owner/operatodl knowlcdgc rno eppT oval. Ttre owner/opcrator must sign the closurc plan. Thic closur. Plan is submitted in complioncc wirh thc rcquiremenrs contained in 40 cFR 2E0 subpart G and R3l r-204 (u.A.c.) FAC ILITY II.{FO RIUATION tlndisllg 61g 5p.cinc dicrcl, wrste oil. ctc.) For wlrte oil trnkr: Have degrcastng or other typcs of solvenh been stored or mixcd wirh thc wastc oil?Ycs (idcnti$ ifknown)NoE Analysis for lcad or othcr contaminents may be rcquired prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other matcrial.diaposal faciliry.) NotKnown E (Check with your LA/.29/',2W3 1b:5b AALzc.zg.'^l \\, lEc I].lc 1 PAGE 04 SITr eSSusSUnxa .A rite 8s3tsfincot must bc pcrformed for all UST closurcs and change_in-scrvice. Site a5ssssErcnts must bc pcrformed as outlired in 40 CFR280'72 and R3 I l-205 o'A'c'1' If coutamination ll suspcciJ, aalitrona samples musr b" couectcd at rhc rocariou where conreminatioo ismoct tiktly o tc preecar Ifg;undwsrcr it i*ouot.rd. a soii s;plc must be collected, in rhc unsatutated zone, in addition to each' gttundwatcr samplc' soil and grqurdwatcr samplcs rur, u" "n.rild fqr rhe.ornfound ,i"*n in thc following uable, using appropriare labmethods. Anrlydcrl Metlrodr for Envlrcnmentrl sempling at Undcrground storegc Tank sites in utah Substencc or Product Typc Gasoline CAteginary Compoun& ro be Analyzcd for Each Substancc or Produc.t Type _AILALYTICAL METHODSI SoIt Groundwetcr or Surfece Wrter Total Pctrolcum_Hydrocarbons (put8gtblg TpH as gasoline . Ilgtsg-glSt[tcr g -. -c_,p).. -. - -_ - - * _- -.- 1".1T!:. T"luenc, Ethyt bc,r;;; xrffi ;; fi-pHfii;il' -' - (BTEXI.I) e_qd MTBE EPA E0l5B orEpA t2608 EPA 80218 or EpA 82608 Diesel Total Pctroleum Hydrocurbons (gltrCarsbh TpH as dicsel l?-nx9-9r.g9p_ic-s. 9rq_ -9r)-. _.. -.-.-- EPA 8OI5B lcn1rll Tolucnc, Ethyl bcmcnc, Xyleaes, and Naphthalene(BTE)or)EPA E02lB es EpA t26OB Used OII Oil and Grcase (O&G) or . IeFl B:s.gvgp_l_c_ l-elr9_te_t1gl -r.ry_tg$$-gry. gBf_n _ . _ . .B^=:1":.T!g*,I,t yt urnzCnc, xireni, N"pnil,iiiii. - QTf;fU & MTBE; IId Halogcnatcd Volarile Organic Compounds ryOX) EPA 1664As1 EPA 1664A (SCT.) EPA E02lB or EPA E2608 New Oll Oil and Grrase (O&G) or Total Rccoverable Petro lcum Hydrocsrborc (TRPI{) EPA 1664.491 EPA 1664A (SGT') 0ther Typeof analyses will be based upon the subshnce or product stored, and ag approvcd by the Eiccutive Secretarv ruST) Mcthod will bc based upon thc substance or product tvoe Unknown Total Pekoleum llydrccarbons (purgeable TpH as gasoline EPA 80158 er EPA 82608 Total Perrolcum Hydrocorbons (pqggqflg TpH as diesel range organics Crr - Crs) iijlliry; i;iffi ;; E ;iii bii,',tr,il, xyf,,i;; ;a-N;e i, rHffi ;'' - - (BTEXN); a4d Halogenarcd Volatilc Organic Compounds(vox) EPA 80158 or EPA 82608 EPA E02lB ar EpA 82608 I rtc fouowing modificrtionr to rhcsc cenificd mcdrodr.arc considered acccprablc by thc Executivc s€creEry (UST):r Dual column confirmalion rnry not bc required for TpH ana nriiNn,r-rBE analysis.' *frtttl;:T':T:t scaledown technique mav be us.a ro, oqrcoui r"mpt.s, but only for rhc dererminarion of cxrractable TpH os dieset rangc. Hcxane may be urcd ar an exfitction solyent.o 'Silica Gel rrcatmcnt (sGT) may bc uscd in the determination of Totat Rccoverablc peroleum Hydrocarbons. NorE: The sample prcparation method and any modificarion(s) to a cenificd merhod must be rcponed by thc laborarory LA/29/2aa3 L5:55 IEC Il.lC ) PAGE E5 complertrc the Frcfllty slte Ptrt rnd srmplc Informrtlon Teblc on prgo 4 rnd 5 to provide rlte escemment iuformr,on. ONlr oon'luoauon st thc facility is culDcctGd or confumcd- the information T]t be reportcd to rhc Executive socretary (usr) at (g0l) 536-4I00 within 24 hourr. Th" Divisio;;FilfitiGlity mrilil;iiil ar (Eol) s3u-6l46if Free product is encouorcrcd or if surface watcrP"mfoactcd [f conlsrninrlistl is confirurid,.iy p" *;;#;; inihc ;;ediario, p.o..r. for a fee.must bc a ce.ifted usr Conrpletc table fora, samplcs to bc takcn a, Samplc* IruD.ttnca rtond ln trnlr Srmplc typar Dopthr Compoundat Analyrlr method(r)' t FEct ss 9r TPHATTBE/DTE'OI t0t5B/t02rB2Frotss9,TPE/MTEE/BTEXN t0l5D/t02tB3FEGIusc9tusc1Frclss2tTPH/IIIBE/BTDXN t0l3B/E02lB 3 Ftrl u3c 2l usc I 2 3 4 Soil (SS),. Grondwrrqr (GW). or Uni ficd Soil Classificarion (USC), 8.SBffrfiillgff"l5JtmX'i;*i*ffimmum siie ass'csument samples musr be raken at 0-2 feer berow rhc backfilunarive rcil interface. ^-d;pffi ilifr;ffi,t-d; t'i"fiil#;;?ltffi,Hlfl,;ilEsi 3x"?i,'Jio", rabrc on p 3) 4 La/29/2As3 15:55 8A1262811\IEC ItlC A PAGE A6 - . _Prctllty Slt Phl (Clorure plen) Tt-:':.ph mlst bc B*oP ur eppmprirtc idontificd ocatc. tt must show planacd sarrpling locarions, subsrenccs snored in tanks, and Aff#'iffinformslion' Taor and dmph idcntilicetion r"r*n,n*r u. ""ri.t*ifituitre inrorrnatioa givcn on p. I and 4 of rhc Nonh fr Scalc: l"=Fsct FENCETD r EJz CI X = Samplc locarions 1SS+, WS-*,,USC+;e = Monitoilng Wclts (MW-f.) : O = S_oil boriag (SB4), or Gcoprobe BoAnC (Cp+)o = Watcr WeIk (domc*ic, livotqclq erc.i Slope_of Surfrce Topognphy: 6X,tilV,W,SiV,S,SE E,NE) Land Usc ArSirq _Rmidcatiol _Comnrcrsial ' tnaurtriat Surmunding Lend: -Rcaidential _Cournocrciai--foarrUd -l A=T-/ r v't Y,smTlr;>d F,I lfl_ijlr <-{Ei,!x I UI 3n Sltc Plat Murr lndlcrtc Approrlmetc Locrllonr Of:,/ Curr.or & fonncr trnlg, piping & diepcnscrs.{ Locrtion of all ramplcr to bc teken./ Buildings, fenccq & propcrry boundariee V Utility conduits (scwen, gas. watcr, storm dr8ins. clecrrical, crc.) 't'l rFlzr)r"l:.aac)(o LAry3tZAA3 15:5 a 8AL262,BZ\ ./'a l-, IEC INC PA6E A7 I ccrdfy undcr pcndiy of lrw thrt I rn the owncr/opcrrtor of thc tank(r) refcrenced above rnd thrt I am frml,er rvtth thciulormrtlon on t[ir forn rnd ahrr it rt i"ni .""rrrti rnd comprcte, and further, thrt the procedures described hereln wi, be followedduring trak clorure. Full Namc of tank ^1 OI.ENES.WAIXER Govemor GAYLEF. McKEACHNIE Lieutetant Governor FFI" E 8$PY State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T lohnson Director ERRU-O83-04 May 28,2004 Sandy Bradshaw 1045 Oberland Drive Midway, Utah 84049 Re: No Further Action Letter for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Vacant Commercial Building, located at3450 West 8600 South, West Jordan, Utah Facility Identification No. 4002353, Tank No. I Dear Mr. Bradshaw: A review of the information you have submitted in the closure notice received on May 18, 2004, for the above referenced UST(s), indicates that no corrective action is required at the site at this time. The information you have submitted indicates that any detectable petroleum contamination at the site complies with state UST rules. Based upon these rules, there appears to be no threat to human health or the environment. Corrective action may be needed in the future if contamination is found that threatens human health or the environment. Please contact Victor Scherer at (801) 536-4240 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utatr Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board BTJ/VES/srb 168 North 1950 West . P0 Box 1448/;0 . Salt hke City, UT 841 14-4840 . phone (801) 5364100 . fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801) 5364414. tvww.deq.utah.gov lltah! Wherc ideas conflect" B*rr shcd; -r-r.!yn,tteo lr,,fl Qec- ter-6 try iq%- aooY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK P gev.3l4l03, FACILITY ID# 40023s3 ilsn - noktuot"Date Processed iL- o,- - LUST ID# / Date to LUST Review Closure Notice of the identified below)Malcolm Dillman Phone # 801-262-8226of(name) Intermountain EnvironmentalConsuttants.Inc. Address 4730 Redtail Hawk FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Sandy Bradshaw Phone # X sole proprietorship E partnershiD | - ".,."".rn Address 1045 Obertand Drive City Midwav st^te uT I zio 840ae Facilitv Name Vacant Buildine and Address 3450 West 8600 South Contact person Sandv Bradshaw C,* *..r ro.Orn I ot^-^ * Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site hefore clos 1 ,oru, nu*b", orr"*.rrur.O und".*round,*, u CFI\/FN i ti vtr.0nrren ta r Capaciry (Gallons) Removed./ln Place: Change in Sen'ice (CIS)? *lndicate the specific substance tto..d lA\K REMOVER Name Matcolm Diltman Cert. # TR0233 Company Intermountain Environmental Consultants.Inc.Phone # 80l-262-8226 Address {730 Redtail Harvk Bav Zip 8al17 SOIL GROLIND WATER SAI\,IPLER Name llalcotm Dilrman Cen. # GSOOil Intermountain Environmental Consuttants. Inc.Phone # 801-262-8226 Address {730 Redtail Hawk Bav Zio 8at!,7 CLOSURE INFORMATION Fuelrvas emptied Tank rvas cleaned Method Used: Dry lce Locatton of closure Records: Sandy Bradsharv / 1045 oberrand Dr. )Iidrvay utrh g{0 For In-Place Closure: tanks Frlled with: n-Service: Substance to be stored: DISPOSAL SITES USED Location Name Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)Western Metal Recvclins 975-9669 til6103 Tank # Product From Tank(s)N/A Contaminated Water From Tank Cleanins N/A Sludge NiA Contaminated Water From Excavation N/A Contaminated Soil N/A STTE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample Information Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations,depths, and other information on all soiVgroundwater s.mp1"s taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample ID #on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. [t Completed Facility Site plat (Closure Notice) is athched. The following must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W) from the area of contamination or, where applicable,use OH for overhead, Np for not present): * ^^__P.li:t_Llf ,l0Esewer Line fO0Naturat Gas TsStorm Drain lQQTelephone 75'Electrical 30'properry Line 5, Buildings 5l lomp]eted sample Information Tabre (crosure Notice) is attached. $ lertified lab analytical environmentar sample resurts are attached.x Unifred Soil classification (usc) sampre results are attached. XCtrain of Custody form is attached. ,- jamqles were properly: I co[ected x tauetea I packaged I Transported lAl samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. ^ I certify under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R3ll-202 (parts280'52 and 280'72) and R311-205 U.A.C-, and that any additional samples required by R3tt-202 parts 280.52 and 280.72 and R31l-205-2(a)(l) were properly coilected. re of Certified Groundwater/Soil Full name of Certified Sam r Malcolm Dillman Date lUtTlo3 If contamination at the faciliry is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified uST Consultant. TheCertified UST Consultant providing assistance is: CTRTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name Cert. #CC Exp. Date Comoanv Address Ciw State Zio Phone # Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances 14gthe site assessment or closure: 1 rhe site plat myl be dravnlo "1, "oq-o,ol9"*iIff:iI":ti:ffi,S:T;',H:l',"1,,r,,,, r]""tion,, substances stored in tanks, andother relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with ihe information given on p. I and 4 of theClosure Notice. North il 15rScale: l"=eet LJ(Jz lrl l! z J c 2) U a q oooq IYz F LJJ(A (Jz a -J =m Dqalvn By: Malcolm Dillman Date: l1/17103 X = Samplc locations (SS+, WS+, USC+) o = Monitoring Wells (MW*,) O = Soil boring (SB#), or Geoprobe Boring (Cir+l a = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope .of Surface Topography: (N,NW,W,SW,S,SE,E,NE) Land Use At Site: _Residential _Commercial _IndustrialSunounding Land: _Residential _CommerciallnAustrlal Site Plat Must Indicate Actusl Locations Of: { Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers .{ Location of all samples to be taken ./ nuiHings, fences, & property boundaries .,/ Utility conduis.(sewers,-gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) { Deprh to groundwater (if encountercd) ',/ Excavations, GW monitoring wells d, soil stockpiles SAI}IPLE INFORMATION TABLE (Closure Notice) Complete table for all samples that were taken for closure. Sample ID numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample ID numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Sample # Substance stored in tank Sample tvner Depth2 Compounds3 Analysis method(s)a I 1060303 Gasoline SS 8'TPH/BTEXN/MIBE 80158 / 80218 11060304 Gasoline SS 8'TPH/BTEXN/MIBE 801s8 / 802rB 11060305 Gasoline usc 8'USC USC 11060306 Gasoline SS 2.5'TPII/BTEXN/MtBE 80158 / 80218 11060302 Gasoline USC 2.5'USC usc I 2 3 4 Soil (S.S). Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soil Classification (USC). final depth (in feet) below grade at which samples werc taken. Contamrnant compound(s) analyzed for each simple 1TpH. BTEX{, O&G, etcy. Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample State Certified Laboratory used Ufility Testins Laboratorv Address 40 West Louise Ave.Citv s. satt Lake State ut Zio 84115 Contact Person Drew Spencer Phone # 485-834r I certify under penalty of law that I am the Osner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein were followed during tank closure. of UST owner Full Name of owner Return completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table, SoiVGroundrvater sample lab analysis results. USC sample results, and chain of custody form within 90 days of UST closure to: State of Utah Dept. of Environmental Oualiw Division of Enviionmental Response aid Reinediation / UST Section P.O. Box 1.t4840 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake Ciry, Utah g4l144g40 4 1 40 West Louise Avenue P. O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165-0621 Phone (80't) 485-8941 A Utility Testing Laboratory Cllent: l.E.C. P.O. Box 65301 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165 Attn: Malcom Dillman Date Received: Oate Collected: Collection Time: 06-Nov{3 06-Nov-03 1'l:1 5 Project: Client Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysis: Matrix: Sample Received By: Bradshaw Property Dispencer USC 1 1-06-03-02 Unified Soil Classification ASTM 02488-90 Soil Drew Spencer Test Results Color of Sample: Dry Strength: Toughness: Plasticity: Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Classification: Description of Sample: Grey Very High High High Strong SC Clayey Sand with Gravel Particle Slze Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Fines Sleve (mm) < 76.0 <'19.0 < 4.0 <2.0 < 0.425 < 0.075 Percent Retained 5 55 40 Approved by:Oate of lssue:12-Nov-03 ,All analyses performed in clmpliance wilh National Environmental Laoratory Accreditation Conference (NEllC) siandards Page ,1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P. O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165-0621 Phone (801 ) 48$8941 Fax (801) 48+9211 Analytical Report Client l.E.C. P.O. Box 65301 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165 Aftn: Malcom Dillman Date Received: Date Collested: Collection Time: 1 1/06/2003 1 1/06/2003 1 1:15 Project: Glient Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysis: Matrix: Sample Recelved By: Bradshaw Property South 1 1-06-03-03 TPH (GRO & DRO) MBTEXN soil Drew Spencer arameter Reporting Test Results Limit (mg/Kg) Limit (mg/Kg) TPH GRO (G6 to C10) TPH DRO (G10 to G28) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 11t07t2003 't1t10t2003 11t07t2003 11107t2003 11t07t2003 11t07t2003 11t07t2003 11t07t2003 sw-846 8015B/5030B sw-846 80158 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 10.00 10.00 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.005 < 10.00 < 10.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 0.005 SW-846 Method 8021B second cplumn confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO 1 DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:12-Nov-03 A[ anatyses perbmred h omplianca wih Naftnd Environmental l-alorfry r\cccdibtion ConleEnc8 (NEI,AC) stendatds Page 1 of 1 a 40 West Louise Avenue P. O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165-0621 Phone (801) 485-8941 ,. +Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1\ 484-9211 Client l.E.C. p.O. Box 65301 Satt Lake City, Utah 8416s Attn: Malcom Dillman Date Received: Date Gollected: Collection Time: TPH GRO (C6 to G10) TPH DRO (G10 to C2s) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80158 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 8021B/5030B sw-846 8021B/5030B sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 Project: Client Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysis: Matrix: Sample Received By: Bradshaw Property Dispenser 11-0G03-04 TPH (GRO & DRO) MBTEXN soil Drew Spencer 11t06t2003 1 1/06/2003 1 1:15 111O7t2003 11t10t2003 11107t2003 11107t2003 11t07t2003 11t07t2003 11t07t2003 11tO7t2003 10.00 10.00 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01s 0.005 <'t0.00 <'t0.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 0.005 GRO & MBTEXN surrogate recovery outside accephnce ranges, indicating possible matrix interference SW-846 Method 802'lB second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO 1 DRO MBTEXN 1 1 Approved by:Date of lssue:12-Nov-03 Limit (mg/Kg) Limit (mg/Ks) AI ata'Fos petb.tttd in ompliancE sih Natonal Envionrmtal tabor&ly Accr€dibtio0 Confscnco (NEuC) sbndards ,Page 1 of 1 40 West Louise Avenue P. O. Box 6562'l Salt Lake City, Utah 84i65-0621 Phone (801) 485-8941 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory Client: l.E.C. P.O. Box 6530i Satt Lake City, Utah 8416s Attn: Malcom Dillman Date Received: Date Collected: Collectlon Tlme: 06-Nov-03 06-Nov-O3 11:15 Project: Client Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysls: Matrlx: Sample Recelved By: Fax Bradshaw Property South USC 1 1.06-03-05 Unified Soil Classification ASTM 02488-90 Soil Drew Spencer Color of Sample: Dry Strength: Toughness: Plasticity: Reaction wilh 1:1 HCI: Classlficatlon: Descriptlon of Sample: Tan Partlcle Slze Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Fines Sleve (mm) < 76.0 < 19.0 < 4.0 <2.0 < 0.425 < 0.075 Psrcent Retained None None Strong ML Sandy Elastic Silt 50 50 Approved by:Date of lssue:12-Nov{3 All anatys6 pGr'o'med h complbnce wilh l{ational Environmential laboratory Accredira&n coofertnc. (NELAc) stanGrds , , page I of 1 40 West Louise Avenue P. O. Box 6562.1 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165-0621 Phone (801) 485-8941 lst: Client: Date Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: TPH GRO (C6 to C10) TPH DRO (Ci0 to C28) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene Project: Glient Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysis: Matrix: Sample Received By: Bradshaw Property North 1 1-06-03-06 TPH (GRO & DRO) MBTEXN soil Drew Spencer sw-846 8015B/5o3oB sw-846 80158 sw-846 8021B/5o3oB sw-846 80218/5o3oB sw-846 80218/5o3oB sw-846 802.tB/5o3oB sw-846 80218/5o3oB sw-846 80218/5o3oB 10.00 10.00 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.005 < 10.00 < 10.00 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 0.005 DRO MBTEXN Approved by: Date of lssue:12-Nov-03 Analytical Report Utility Testing Laboratory t.E.c. P.O. Box 65301 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165 Attn: Malcom Dillman 1 1/06/2003 1 1/06/2003 11:15 11t07t2003 11t11t2003 11tO712003 11107t2003 11tO712003 11tO7t2003 1',U07t2003 11t07t2003 SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO 1 Test Limit AI ilJlses perfo'Itted h complianco wih Nafonal Envionmental LaborabryAcEcditatih confer€nce (NELAb) sbndads Page 1 of 1 I (!Eou, OO z- 7 0 7 qt r E ; +l B 6l +x - r 6l t -lhI EE El +s z. l , t i . : E OI UH . : ur 6! SB* H .€ O J E o \- 8 -) sLo: H3 tg -l -- l aj AU -J - ] c) dI \; lr i 't ) \1 0 E }i i 9 .- '= -l - J d a;o; /oF$ o.oFoo- 0, , e. tUGzG'ouot)ftttl teO r' - - f; t \ (: -*Q:r €{ c. c oJ -v !ES E\:- < o, (g .o o 0, ) q)U0)x OJ6 .s o 0)C)U0) u. 0)G.! o !o.:o)U0)u, \cn a; a\ E- S 0) r d\ o(lcoo 0. , OJC' ooEoq) e. g(l@!ou \ t OLENE S. WnTKER Governor GAYLE F. McKEACHNIE Lieutenant Governor rILE COPTState of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brad T Johnson Diredor ERRU-215-03 November 6,2003 Sandy Bradshaw 1045 Oberland Drive Midway, utah 84049 Re:Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Vacant Commercial Building, located at 3450 West 8600 South, West Jordan, Utah Faci lity Identification No. 4002353 Dear Ms. Bradshaw: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on October 29, 2003, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Closure Plan Approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) befbre implementation. If contamination is suspected or founcl during closure activities, you must repoft it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Your closure plan indicates soil aeration as a possibility lor remediation in the event contamination is found. If soil aeration is choscn, all requirements of the DERR regarding Corrective Action Plans must be met prior to the commencement of any aeration activitics. Contaminated soils must be sal'ely stockpiled on site until approval lbr aeration is granted. Please contact the DERR if you have any questions. l6tlNorth l950Wcst . I'ollox 1441140 . Sfllllike (lity.tl't'ti4 ll4-.{84(}.phonc(tlol)536-41(X).lax(ttot)3-59-utt53 'l'.1).1). (li01 ) 5i6-4414. tltttr..dLq.ukth.grl' lltah! lNlttrc itltos cott ttrr t rt \- Facility D# 4002353 \/ Page #2 1-i iFt -.li "t t ! r+i'**ti .gji{ Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) after the closure is performed. Please submit the environmental and Unified Soil Classification sample analysis data and Chain of Custody forms with the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. If during upcoming closure activities, it appears that a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions, as explained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. If you have any questions, please contact Victor Scherer at (801) 536-4240. Sincerely, , f\b-Jl# Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board BTJ/VES/hsp Enclosure(s) cc: Patti Pavey, M.S., Director, Salt Lake Valley Health Department Reed Scharrnan, West Jordan Fire Department Malcomb Dillman, Intermountain Environmental Consultants, Inc. \-/ \-/ \-/ LAl23/2OA3 15:56 \ 8812528rP\IEC INC (rev.3/4/03)FACILIT LHD USE ONLY ETATE USE ONLY Date Rec.gived ld-l 4 -O3 -Datc Mailed to LHD Dgle Received From LHD Rrri.*.rrO"t, Aporor"a t (*(2 S-:K Mgr, RevicdDate<f,Fi'? llla SW: Address 4730 Redrrll Hrwk A Contractor may prGpare this Clozure plan as the owncr/oper4tor,s agcnt. - In preparing the Closurc plan, the Contractor must act wirhthe owner/operatot's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator ur-ust sign the Closure plan. This clogure Plan is submitted h compliancc with thc requirements contained in 40 cFR 2E0 Subpart G and R3 lr-zo4(u,A.c.) FAC U.,ITY II.IFO RII,IATION llndicuc hc spccifrcEEiGile csci trul[ ro bc closedl@.,wisre oil, ctc.) For wsste oil trnkr: Have degrcasing or othcr tlpes of $olvents been stored or mixed wirh the waste oil?Yes (identiff if known)N"E Not I(nown E (Check with yourf#y.--T#fiR or othcr contaminents may be required prior to disposal of contaminared soil or other matcriar. ta/29/2623 1.5:55 8aL262e2\ TANK REMOVER.Nemc Mrtsotu Dilnen SOIL/GROUNDWATER Bcfore the clocurc plrn.lr.rubqittef r9r approval, the locel herlth md fire depffitroeutr w[ere the facility b tocrted muct becontrctcd' If thelactlttv it r! Bewer, carbon,'iavis, !.^:ry. Ga(ietd, Grand, Iron, Kaie, sart Lake. san Juqn, |rcuauh, or washington county contdctDERR (usr) at (llDfie4too i*r""i iiiiifiJ"ineatttr diitri.t', PAGE 83 Address a730 kartul| Hewk CONTACT LOCAL IIEALTII DISTRICT: Name of Dist. Product llrcr will cither be: Vent llner will cithcr be: 41Zl W 700 s FOR CLOSURE IN PLACE ONLY 2 LA/29/2883 L5:55 861262A22\.\IEC INC PAGE A4 A site ssscrffnc[tt m6t bc performcd for all uST closuf, Tq change-in-sewice. site a$essmcnts must be pcrformed as outlired in 40 cFR1i:Ji-Tif#;?:# i.:h,it"::lg:i:.1'.j-1y"Tg: additionar samples.musr bc couected at the rocarion where conraminatron is4qnr rikcry ro bc preecar rrg;unaw*ol, *"o'ot red. a soii.".r,.'fi":HIiT,llH,lI*"iH:Tgil#JT;IJ,rixHffi:HT;i*" ,.'undwater sample' soil a;d gto*a'"uro ;;;fi il.ifi"ii,ltllI*r rr," .o,nfo,rnd;i;;" in the fouowing rable, using appropriate rabruethods. ' Thc foilowing modificationr to Ucsc cenificd medrI Dual column contirrnation mav n6r." *,.?5T:-t*:itll$ePtable by the Executivc Secretary (UST):ll"#.:*;HH::LX.;u1**l".ai*Hil"JfrHfr -lif#r::"?f;:' A micrc'sxtraction or scalcdown tec*il;;;1.';:ffiffi*ffiiJ5lflfu ror rbe deterninarion of extroctabre rpH as dieser ranse. I-Ti:'j!.'o.rco):. l"Icxane mey be urc{ as an et$action solvent.o 'Silica G:l rrcetuient (sGT) may bc used in tle octemirtation of Totar Rccoverabrc penoreum Hydrocerbons. x'' The samplc prcparation method and any modification(s) ro a certificd method must be reported by thc laborarory Anrlyflcel Methodr for Envlronmental srmpling at underground storrge Tank sites in utah LA/29/2683 L5:55 84L262822,1\ \ IEC INC PAGE 85 tll;f*t*Xl"*::l]^cly^'gY]-*ry.rleS and disposed in s manncr rhat does not place thosc marerials in direct contactd,H#ffii,o""i"'t""rp,r,,g-"r*ffi;d"I":ii:"ffi"d,il"ffiT,ffi;lirT'?*"#Hf"ffi,,HXr.;::i; soils reneratgd ag o8fi of tank rcraoval erc to aerAlioh dnd 50 vd). must be a UST Consultant. complete the FrcHIty sltG Pht rnd seuple Informrtlon Tablc on peger 4 end 5 to provide slte Gcescment informruon. sgNla![triATroN TNFORT{ ATIoN rr conEmlnotlon at t[c facility is susDccted or ca[Elllgd' the information T]rl b€ r€portcd to thc Executive Secrelary (uST) at (g0l) 536-4100 within 24 hourr' tt" pivisionir-waqrQualit), must b" notifiJ 1t (801) s38-6146 if Free product is encountcr,cd or if surface wotGrhae bccn impaced" [f conuurination is coafimia, any p".ron *rLtiis init. ;emedisrio; ;riless fo, a fee must be a cenifrcd uglC,onsultant. Completc table for all samples to be taken *, Sample* Subcirnce rtond ln tenk Semplc typct Dcpth2 Compoundet Analyrb method(rf I FEGI tls 9r TPHA{IBE/BTEI(N E0l58/802r8 2 Frcl ss 9t TPEIMTBE/BTEXN 8015B/8m18 3 FEd USC 91 USC 1 frcl ss 2t IrIUMTBE/BTEXIT t0lsf,/ulzlB 3 Fucl u8c ,) USC jffi$f;,ffimmiiffi."ff::JT;"-0-2feetbelowthcbackfill/nativesoilinterface. 4 tZl2912483 15:56 eaL26282 \ IEC INC PAGE 85 ' rhe site plet must be-drawop y appopriarc iaentinlr*lfl:'ilfrltrl:3tffiI*1'rrr,r", rocarions, subsrsnces stored in tanks, and ^*il:!lf informstion' Tank a;a d;;1. identificatioi;;-# mrsr biconr"i*iilill the infonnation giveu on p. l and 4 of thc l"= _ Fcet t Aw-{egL@ r] rr1Zr)rfl FENCE ) v=ErnTtL>+ F,i tI--:l-,> <iEi,i, x I U]oofi ED t- EJ z, CI 'oac)(o X - Sanrplc locarioilr 1SS+, WS+,,USC+; O = Monitoring wcils (MVf-#.) ; O = Soil boriug (SB4), or Gcoprobc BoriaS (Gp-#)o = Wetcr Wella (domccic, livcctqc! erc.f -pc-of Srulircc Topog+hy,: (X,IiW,W,S{V,S,SE,E,NE) - -od Usc Ar Site: _Residcariot _Commcrcial InduatielSurrouding frnd: _Rceiacntiat _-Corrmcruiglltdu&iEt Sltc Plrt Muil Indtcrtc ApprorlmrE Locrllonr Of:./ Cuncnt & formc tsnks, piping & diepcnscrs{ Location of all a&Dple ro bc takenr/ auildings, fenccq & pmpcrry boundariea{ Utiliry colrduits (sewen, gas. watcr, sronn drains, clectical, erc,) La/?g/2aa3 15:55 {r 84L262e2\IEC INC PAGE 87 \ r ccrdfy undcr p.oartv of lrw thrt I rn the ownor/opGrrtor of the trnk(r) referenccd rbove and that I em frm,Ier rvrth theiaforurflou on t[it foru rnd thrr it-l' &;-.""rot rrc conplcte, rnd further, thrt the procedures described hereln wilt be fortoweddurilg trak clorure. 6 LOl2912a43 15:56\-.8412528zrq IEC INC PAGE Z1 \ ",47 P.O- Box 65301 t sarr l^ake city, urit ailos . Fax .',(glr ) 262-g225 .fr, \,y thlulcavr b \, il,n r.,zn trlrrr5t o oblcttz,-. t vt {orvnc,,{t.-r.', w\u,r'.-t *,r'k- uJ^D r t i -J."{[dl '\ir\r,^. 'J y,ccro [cr.1 t -""A + '( +l'* u Q u od,p<1 1'v- ) a-'b-V,t Jru*aLz'< l$.U -d tr Ullrrt ' Fc iaulein trfi.r. Cclrnrnt tr rlcolr R.Dly tr ptrrr n cycto t-)n"( {P +A/,a4 ^r'rA L ilun'iw* l/lry''(Ln,l'('W ,,ll'l " .ttv' l' I -,',-/ -/ ggt ze m La/29/2Aa3 15:56 8S126115 IEC INC PAGE A1 Intermouruain Env iruWual Qonsultants, Inc. 4730 South t2 Po' Box 6$aI'sa* Lake cti it;; illos . Fax. (a,r) 262-822s \trrulcr=.vr b \, il,nn.trtn tqrrr5t o oblctv,-. tn(oryr,r,,[,. w\llr^ to^k- abD (vl$<r-Q[, g,\ro^-. J ;,n;c-r [,r"1 rro" rQ, ? '(+1* a Puod'vl )'/v' ) o-.Jt h firo ;tEr h U oLe*aLE< Boru llfrG hn la tr Ulirrt . Fortrtrvbur tr;h...ecnrnrnf trDlcte n dy trP[oeren q/G!. W( {p +,4/,,od( J +/",) p '//a 1^,0*L ,t) ru t$.o{ -4 Ct2em La/29/29s3 l-5:55 .86L26i 15 IEC II.IC PAGE 02 FACILITY TD# -4OO 239 3(rcv.3/4/03) LHD USE OI.l.Ly STATE USE ONLY Qatc Mailed ro LHD Reviewcr/Date A Contractor rnay prcpare this Closur€ plan as rthc ovmer/opcratlis 6o*bage;Gil;;. ff."Itr[,)ff:1ffit]l,H r,#r.T:f,5,*:'*. Plan, the conrractor must acr wirh This closure Plan is submitted in compliancc with thc requirements contarued in 40 cFR 2E0 subpart G and R3 ,-zo4(u.A.c.1 FAcILnY I.IFoMITIoN spccific rubetenec eroh lanl ro bc (regular, unlcrdcd.wrsre oil. ctc.) :"j;:::::1,:::_]:'' degrcasing or other tlpes of solvents been stored or mixcd wirh trre wasre oil?Yea (identig if known) NoE f,lf,y.:itfJilfror othcr contarnintnts may bc rcquired prior to disposar of contaminated sou or orher matcriar. Not l(aown E (Check with your t8/29/2l/A3 15: 55 8A1262 ^5 IEC INC PAGE A3 Bcfore the clocure plrn.lr rubmitted for rpprov.l, the local heslth and fire departnents wbere the facillty Is locrted must becontrcted' If the lactlltv b-y Beaver' carbon" Dovis, !t:'y. Garfield. Granr, fu61, Kaie, sott Lakc, san Juan, lrasatch, or washington counry contactDERR (usr) at (80r)S3i-ttoo i*,"ri i1iiiiiJ"iieattn aiit i"t , DEPT. Nemc of Dept.lVerrJordru !22t Wcr.70t) South yarcr in the arnt/rinsate will be or Xl rendered iuert b:r rhc following mcrhod; Dry lce Address ISS N t00 wcrt FOR CLOSURE IN PLACE ONLY 2 La/29/289.3 1.5:55 gAL262t J IEC INC PAGE A4 A cite asseffitrcot mEt !e ncrfonned for all UST closu:r Tq change-in-scwice. Site assessmcnts must be pcrformed as outlired in 40 cFR1'*, ,#iHJr,lr:# fic')J:dilil;"" is suspected, qddiionat sampt"s mus, t" ""ii..,"a at the locarioo where conraminarion isgroundwarcr r"rpi". sril snd qroundw,r",.,#ljtL*^11o]l:i'pf must bi collccted, in the unsaturated zone, in addition to eachsroundwatcrsamprc' sol snigrou"a'"at"r;;;r;ff;;,iil.i1ff#LTJ:fi1fi*S:T"1flfl?:fli1ffiJffi:iffiff:".J,iare rabruethods. ' Thc following modificarions to rhcsc ccrtificd mahro Dual columa confirmrtian hrv 6Ar|.- *..1j_1T-t cortsidc(ed acccpablc by the Executivc Secreury (UST):I I ":l ""*H"::*y::ry:_ no, u.,.q", Jl*-#ffi ;T;S?ffifrT"TffJ' A micro'extrsction or scalcdown technique rnav u.*.a iorlqffi; ffiiJ,lYXit ,o, rhe detcrmination of cxtrscrabre TpH as dieser rangcorganicr (Cro - Cr).. Hexane mey be uccd as an ex$tction solvcnt.o 'Silica ccl rrcatncnt (sGT) may bc uscd in thc dctermirlation of rotar Rccoverabrc petroleum Hydrocerbons. NorE: The sample prcparation method and eny modification(s) to a cetrificd method must be rcported by thc laborarory Anrlytlcal Methods for Envlronmental sampling at underground storage Tank sites in utah LA/29/'2aa3 L5:58 BA1ZE2[a All mabrials Scncmtcd frora uST closureg Eust lc managcd and disposed in a manner that does not place thosc materials in direct contactwith thc enviruumcar o-u+itc 1rcc!;lid;;;a.inrt& roilr",n"v'* rcqurred-prioi;*,i .i1 mfnagcmcnr acrivities. Any person;rr* r.-rtrt, "rr r* an 50 yd). must be o certified I ItT t^n-..,r,--. IEC INC PAGE 85 of trnk rcmovpl erc to be disposed ar the followino fzci Comple& thc Frclllty sltc Plrt rnd srmpte Informrtlon Table on pages 4 end 5 to provide srte assersment iuformsron. [fcontaminationatth;f""i,iffiorconfirmcd.theinformationT}:1bereportedtothcExecutiveSccretary(UST)at(8ol)536- 4t00 within 24 hourc' Th" Divis.Tl;Fffa,.rQ*rity *ust u" ooudri 1,1aory s:a-'6reilrFiee product is encouutired or if surface war.rhas bccn impacted' [f contsmi'ation i, "onirnnia, .r,yp"** *riii"s i"'rh. t "o"ii*'pil-ess fo. a fee must be a ctEiIleq_usrC.onsultant. Completc table for all samples to be takeu * $ample * Subtlance riomrl ln ttnk Samplc typer Dcpthr CompoundaN Analyrb method(r). I Fo.l ss 9r TPIIA{IBE/BTEXN E0l5B/t02rB2Frclss9tTPE/MTBE/BTEXN E0l5B/t02rB3Fuclusc9tusc - t0tsBrt02lB 4 Frcl ss 2t TPII/MtEDtsTEXN 3 Fucl ugc 2)usc I 2 3 4 elffiffi Hqffi"fffi ffiffi ffi ff*f m;iro::X::JT"ar0-2ree,be,.*,0.**csoi,in,erraceAppropriltc rnelj'sis mat LA/23/'2aV3 15:55 841262t1 IEC Il.lC PAGE b6 Thc sib plat must bc dnwnp r1 aperoprirr idcntifiLr*lfl:'fJr:tffit"fiIi:?"rplrg rocarions, subsrsoces stored in tauks, sndItffi!ffilinformstion' T.ot aill d"il iLtirrcsuoo o.,ou* i*r x consirtsrxt;itni,. inrorr*tioa given on p. r and 4 of thc Nonh fr Scalc: l"=Feet FENCEtD 1- EJ z. CI la=-/ - a,/,rrl Ttl---tiG <{Ei.!x Iuloof,l Imz r-)rfl o., 'o ac)(o X - Sasrplc locarioos 1SS+, WS+,,USC+1 O = Monitoring wclls (MW-#.) ; O = Soil boriag tSg+), c Gcopr,obe Boriq (Gp-*yo = Wetcr WelL (domcrtic, livcctgclq crc.f llq:f s:*e Toqosr+hy: 6x,xrv,w,Siv,s,sE"E,NE)Lrrd Urc_Ar_Sirc: _Reridcatiat _Coranrcrcisl la;luotsid Surmunding frrrA: Jcridcnriafuo.mc*irf-_fnaudA Sltc Pht Murr Indlcrtc Approrlmrta Loce$onr Of:r/ Cuncut & fosa6 t,t ., pipurg & dirycnscrs{ LocStion ofall earnplcr to bc takcn{ Buildhgs, fcnccq & pmpcny bouudariec{ U.tiliry coduiB (lcwcra gr8. watff, rtorm drdns,clecticd, crc,) LUt tL)t luuJ J,C; CO OU.t Zbzil IEC Irc PAGE A7 "#ffifl""tlffiff*lil:[ifl,:[:Hlf[rfi;1,'h:"rJi']#ffft:ililr*r'Jii:[IiHH,*H"o.rorrowed durilg trak cloaure. pdM IOZO^or fdarnsotoreuMo/IlrlrcPj-)iurd rolcadsul-MollaA'uu3o-allqM :uorlnqulsro ,\ alo t eoEd 4// ( Y N :polcolloc ora^ soldues uorteruruuoc 'so^ ll \W N :pale^pcxara^o sE^ Ios peleurureluoc ( y A :srs[1eue Jo] qe-] slEls aLll o] ruor.l] pauuqns pue se;dues elecr;dnp pa]colloc.rolcedsu '1e;d eys eql uo se;dues 1o qldap pue uollecol alecrpul *( .E :se;dues Jo uorlcalloc poruosqo rolcedsu ,/ / :raLllo coH HdUI eto {AW Wy (Hj, : spor..llarv sls{leu\ )Jt-ls?a "l / 4'f ./ :qet pauruac :osn< :lrog( :69 popattoc sa;dues to raqurnN :{qder6odol ocelns ;o uorlcarrp ado;g:alqpl JaleM o1 q1de6 (.*) ^ :luepr^a sr uorleurueluoc iale/ry' nfy laal g uer.ll ralBore leel e - 0 :uorleurupluoc lo r.lldao (dr/ ^ :luapr^o sr uorleurrueruoc llos :sceds uorlerqrleo:ueds ro uteg:adll relal :('leld eys eql uo uorlpoo; agectput) sOutpeet Jalau Oll to Olc :luaurssessv ails -/- {"/'4 \t(t :e1rs;esodsrp 11ogo)4f,0 ,'}ilAl$ Qn"Ja -r:Eft-l :asrs;esodsrp 1ue1 '7slr1a)J >7+il2n QA ?/?J-)Acn:alrs;esodsrp 'penowe.y paddec pue'eceld ur po.rnces'pauealc -:ero/t^ saurllonpo.rc " I , l- :paurelqo ua6fxg Z4i-f=f\ '6uruaul - 6ut1n4z'r- :Iq peu;e1qo luq aptsut alaqdsoule antsoldxa-uo1r -lol*dWt"urA )O ofg lO :1e pasodstp atesuru?z!'uvt.wut)Jtt AN?|-() :^EN O :Paueelc s)uel :1e pesodsr64 aY :Ag N A :po^or.!ei e0pn15 :1e pesodsl6 Br)@ctZd qn - h/)A :IE N :pa^oruai pnpord *6):aIS uo sr ueld ernso;c 1o [do3* (g :ue;d ernso;c penoldde uE seq .roleredgpaurtro S 0/ VOaleo uotlertdx= €2'ZO Ul-:#'uoo /'Un W ll'U W l''' t I t/ vw :ra^ouau ISn h0/ ! :eleo uotletldxlI lOA sg :#'uoc-\l/Uw ll t \l \^/t l2-r IVW Lepwes [oS ?Me :tslroueu puD 6utuealC IUEI Dululeuer sluel ]o # = O sluel maN +stuel pasotC / stuet lo g leurOpg/ qn4,/rai(SlC 'acetd ut 'pnug) pasolc MoF 2-0/q / / t,posolS alPC QAU dJUposn lsEl alPC 3n/\x-rynpaJols ecuElsqns )a'dt=(eilsoduioo'393'1eagg) ed[1 Q QU'I(suo11e6) fircede3 'oN IlBl'oN {uBI'oN luEI.ON IUBI'oN iluElpe$olc quel rotrro /4 ,,p)awwoc ,rJ:J'uT,:il",,..,f:::'J'r"": /tgsls?.t" ,€ fi auoqd r"-)Yso\nlg h(/,lvg lcEluoc I d\O ttV otz In alels luWiub -).5761 u3N7h o,, JII arels I'{ffi7roffi4f1^}!3 Jl'r-tt5 OOgb m Og 179 ssarPPV)Al.it $ l'f ';"oV$., > htr l ssarPPV "C//\{ /V t "Dfe'/'t tVO ) 1ru4 ty l\. arueN uorleco"l^rY*Y :, Pveltl rlQrV VS Clrf atuep rau^^o (S)IUBI lo uollB3o'l(s)IuBl lo dltlsrou,lno € St go 0 i 'or ^r!I!c8r uolpedsul ernsolS luauEuJed tllVU9OUd lsn HVIn pd/v| t0ZO^or ZdoJnsolCl-luld 9"l,f Y;f.;?L!'-lXtrf,-..I\. 271?o/l / :a1eq f zta wec'rfdY "'l' '/ /ernteu6lg s,rolcedsul | :(e1ep) uo l{1r;rce1 paueu-o^oqe oL{} pelcedsur I lBrl Itruec W@ }rp I'lgJ't i(\ (orueu) | 11.,= ; t-'qrntVS *-Prn17'*?W 'trT/'/'',"',? 7 .',u"n',:Z 4/A/l/11 ,,/rr^/ ) Via/,)/Gr"/ //Y i<:t/t/vu;{'t lt.rtb rn71 'vr', L{_,"r^u.<l-,LO ^lU ?-f-,r.rrl Clwr i.) i! () :sluor.lltuoc i- :Jaqlo I ?rJ uteJo rxJolseull lECUlCAlf I l'.'av'."4r,,' eun OUOq6OlOf O N aun seo lernleNO /u aun ralPMt) N sun Ja^ eSlr'N lole6acelns p rl lleM rolpM e^[cvi.l l nt ,e€ eun Iyedol6nr,l r0h s6u;p1;ng letcroururoC3f{ socuaptsau :lsarei,{r ar11 ol uolpillp FuB (raef uil acuEts}p a1eteqpt4 -srot@qg ;eilueqod 'sourpEoJ olJ ro old pauooai Aup lo uollEcol ot{} o}pctpul oslv tt) q\tl r?t .1, =.,.. o+ r":{> !--%-*% :1,11' tr) ?sn I I ,{ I r-J \t'n"5 o0e7g',1:i.v! I-J rJ ocsbE t;,rl { il- .)rrtv) VA lstd,qltBitrH[$B*;a,:ffi ,: ;',;. :. :. iL:1,1-u :,rfrl e ,' :' " ; r,', uollced$ul aln$$j$t $ffi#r t reumg/1r1rce .ru,;,r,rrr*q, 15:56 . earz'2Bf, yffbrr=].1il1, (rcv.3/4/03)FAcILrry w* _4oO 239 3 PAGE Z2 LHD USE ONLY STATE USE ONLY Date Receivcd /2-l 4 -O ? Datc Mailed ro LHD Date Rcceived From LHD R"ri.o,.rrO"t. Arpror"a I (-O StlK Msr. RevicwD*e--Y.,tt lllo 5Wz Closurc Plsn prcparcd ct the rcquest of A contrsctor may prcparc this closurc Plan as the owncr/operator's agcnt. In preparing the closure plan, the conrecbr mu't act wirhthe ovrner/opcrato/s knowledge and appmvat, The owner/ip".i"ioirtt sigrr the ctoeure plan. This closurE Plan is submitted in compliancc wilh thc requiremenrs contained in 40 cFR 2E0 subpart G aud R3 n-204(u.A.c,y FACILITY IXTONMATION # 43s-7stt63l Address lOaS Obcrhnd Drtvc at thjs site !o !e closcd I storcd in e.ctr un For wtstc oil trnkr: Have degrcasing or other types of solvents been storcd or mixcd wirh the waste oil? Yes (idcntig if known)NoE Analysis for lcad or othcr contamiosnts may be rcquired prior to disposal of contaminated soil or orher mgtcrial-disposat faciliry.) Not lfuown E (Check with your "gS 6o+ 3ao6 Lc Cr\^ 32 cr6 f .' 86010 <l * $i-.,.-,... \ ru/:d/26v3 15:5b ILL; INL;PAGE 83 contxctcd. Ilrhefoctrttv it i1 Bcavcr, Carbon,'iavis,!.^:ry, Garlierd, "^;;, ,;;;,';;i. #,t: #i:X,t;X:i:X,:,';,":;::;::::lr ron,o,DERR (usT) at (a0t)fie4t00 instcai of tii tiJ"ln"ot* o,i,,,ii 4ddrcsr f?so Rcdtell Hewk Cert. # CS00tI Inrcrmlrunrrln Envlronmcntrl Coorultenrt. Inc, l.ff:,:f ,r;";r;!)::,:',:X:::T:,^jpl-li1lrh" !",1l:"Ih and nre dcpartmrutr where the faci[ty L rocrted must be Contact Drvld Tytlron ,Address 4221 Wot ?00 Sourh Vent llner will cithcr Address 42I W ?00 S Contarlinated warer in the Phone# J95-81 at the fol I YJ Environmentat FOR CLOSURE IN PLACE ONLY 8a1252824 Srrr ASSESSMEN'f A eite ass€ssmcut mu[t bc performcd for all UST closures and change_in-gervice. Site assessmcnts must be pcrformed as outlined in 40 CFR280'72 and R3l 1-205 (U'A'c'). If coutamination is suspccted, addiiionat samples must bc collectcd st rhe locarioa where contaminarion ismoct likcly to bc preeent If groundwatcr is encounter"d. a soii sample must be coltccted, in the unsaturated zone, in addition to eachgroundwatcr samplc' soil and groundwarer samplcs *uiiu" "nffia-for rhe.o,npouna, ,iro*n in thc following ueblc, using appropriate labmeftods. ' The following modificrrions to thcsc cenificd merhods.are considered accepable by the Execudve secreurv (UST):r Dual column confirmation mry not bc required for TpH ana gtEiN/prrBE analysis.' ifit:tJ;[ltlllllt scale-down technique mav be uscd for oqu*, samples, but onlv for rhe determinarion of extrodable TpH os diesel ranqc. Hcxane may be uecd as an exraction solvent.o 'Silica Gcl rrcetment (scr) may bc uscd in the d?termination of Torsl Recoverablc perroleum Hvdrocorbons. NorE: The sample prcparation method and any modification(s) to a certified rnerhod rnust be rcported by the labora:ory :.a/29/21A3', 15:56 IEC INC PAGE 04 Anrlytlcol Methodr for Envlronmentel Sampling at Underground Storage TanI Sites in Utah La/25/2os3, 15:55 earzszB2fr IEC INC PAGE O5 Contaminated soils rcncrated c! nart of to be disposed ar the following faciliw: compleh ihc Frcfllty slte Ptrt rnd srmplc Informetlon Table on pe3es 4 rnd s to provide slte rcsemmenr itrform.flon. If contaminati"n at lb; f*iffifficd or ce8lirmcd, the information must be reportcd ro rhc Execurive sccrerary (uST) at (g0l) 536-;f3#}"fl,5*|1*'-"-::N:5:{$:1yrri,;t";iil at (80r) $i*14; iG; product is encountcred or irsurrace watcr lT"ffilfoacted- ucont&niDetion is conrirurid, any p",=on;;i'G;'d"'i#tt1ffi;ffirll:::Hff.::Bt:E;li[Hi Completc table for a[ samplcs to be taken * Sample* $uorttnce rSomd ln tenk Semplc typct Dcpthz Compounde3 Analyrlr method(r)' I Frrl ss 9'TPHAITBE/BTEM!E0t58/802rB 7 Frcl ss 9'.TPII/MTDE/BTEXN t0l5B/t02tE 3 F[Gl USC 9.USC 4 Frcl ss 2t TPH/I}TtBf/BTEXN 80tsB/t02lB 3 Fud U3C USC I 2 3 4 9*,*::l-, -.-"S.ry11q-p q; F;,,y ;il ii} li[t #iiip il'l$'r"?tx'xl'*{fyhT.yTf :?.*,isJffi fl*:i:if y:.c.}in fcor bc tow. fhoe. irri ic-qi ii*ffi fi ffi ;; itr iitr r*.n, r, l3.f g9.'.1I:p!_y-rgleicachsampiJ[Eoiiitiurt-6i-ill).,af,:t:y:nlpmples must be raken at 0-2 feer below rhc backfilr.rnative soil interrbce Appmx. Appropri8re anerysis merhoda r"'-"',i"iariiiiii;ffir,J;;jiliilffi; ill#piJir"n, rebrc on p. r) -1 |Lo/29/2a93. 15:55 aarzs?8\IEC Il.lC PAGE A6 . . -Fecltlty Sltc Phr (Clorurc phn)The sitc plat must be drawng eI eppopriarc idendfiJ scali.*ii ,riJrm* planacd samplys locarions, subsrsoces stored in tsaks, and[ffJ:!ff] informrtion' T.oL aid nitpl" rdcntincatioi ir^il.'n*r uccooristeniill,u it. inmr*.uon given on p. r and 4 of rhc SCAIc: l"=_Feet tA-s_ _{pg{L _S*a"-{ _ -l A=T -/ f (Ar,rr!-Ll-F J i'IG)' <-lE2,:x I(,oo CI tDCr EJ z.c) FENCE -lrIZr) rT X = Sample locarions (SS+, WS+,'USC+) O = Monircring Wclls (IvflM-f.) O = Soil boring (SB-#), or Gcoprobe Borirt8 (Gp+)o = Watcr Wells (domcstic, livcatgcl, etc.) Slopc of Srulircc Topognphy: (N,NW,W,SW,S,SE E.NE) Lend Usc Ar Sirc: _Residantiel _Comrncrcial _Induonial Surmunding Land: _Rccidcntial ;-Commcrcia[_Iadurfial ShG Plrt Murr Indlcete Approrlmrae Locrtlonr Of: .J Curr.nt & formcr taats, piping & diepcnscrs./ Locstion of all samplcs ro bc takcn ''t/ Buildings, fcrrccl, & propcny boundariee{ Urility conduils (scwerr, gaa. wato, ctorm dnins, elcctical, erc.) LU/15/ zavJ 15: bb uur2blur \ IEC INC PAGE A7 ircuuts[ancss I ccrtlfy undcr pcnahv of lrw thrt I em the owncr/operrtor of thc trnk(s) refcrenced above rnd that I rm frmlllar rvlth theinformrtlon on this form rnd thrr it rt li,i t""orati end comptcte, and further, that the procedures described hereln will be followedduriug trak clorurc. Full Namc of tank ow[er Mr. gz:/lss3 15:55 eatzs.28\IEC I]{C PAGE ZL Intermount?in Envirunnewal Consultants, Inc. 4730 South 1200 East, naUa" P'0. Box 65301 , Sart lake city, vrit sllos . Fat.'(gLt') 262-g225 n"q.',\V ,t)ruJ +/",) p '//a 1^,0*L \i1r-icc.^1 b \, l,t rr,.,r,r {r1rrr5l o o\cl cvv,", trt (cirtruf r.-l ut,\i*.."t *^[ u&0 ( r ):,i..{0.{ \.,\t",,- J 1,*c*c [ *, \ e*, A + '( +1"' u Q v,toLu<1 /'u^ --l -"^.hV,t Jnr*aL*< ItDtru ?qmr bt.t tr uorrt ' For ilvbw trtt aro ccrurrnt tr Dlcuo Rrply E pta.ro R.clllcl. Dpr'( {p +K/' od( //'('f"':,' ,,0 ) I,l . ,.s1 i". t)'''' I I ii' ' lr i. r , ll' , !.,..l r ltt ' .t( t r' . tt() '\ ltrl't I llI tl 1 (. I l$.U *4 ,{ TO: THROUGH: THROUGH: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ^ MEMORANDUM Brad T. Johnson,I)irector $4 Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Dale Mar\t' UST Branch Manager Therron Blatter, Section Manager -{foUnderground Storage Tank SectlonY Victor Scherer, Project M^o g"rl ( Underground Storage Tank Sect$ November 51 2003 Waiving of Historical PST tr'und and UST Registration Feers Non-notified tank removall facility 4002353 On 10-29-03 the DERR received a closure plan for facility 4002353. A 50O-gallon tank was found at the property as a result of an environmental site assessment performed at the property last month. The current owner who purchased the property in 1980 was unaware of the tanks existence until the site assessment was performed. Per DERRts request the ownerrs consultant verified the tank empty of product. It is my recommendation that alt previous registration fees (except fiscal year 2004) and atl PST fund fees be waived based on the following circumstances : 1) The UST has been empty and unused for at least 23 years. Once the owner was aware the tank existed he quickly contacted the DERR for proper instruction for tank removal and sampling and continues to work vigilantty to close the tank following all federal and state UST rules and regulations; 2) The current owner did not install the UST and was unaware the tank ever existed on his property. The UST was never used and never contained product since the property was purchased in 1980. 3) The usr located on the property has never been on the psr fund.