HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005736Where ideas connect Department of Environmental Qual ity Division of Environmental Response and 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box lzl4840 Salr Lake City, Urah 841 14-4840 (801) 536-4100 (801) 3-59-8853 Fax (801) s36-44r4 T.D.D. www.deq.utah.gov Remediation Michael O. kavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executivc Dircclor Brnd T Johnson Director Ft[t c0Py Re: ERRU-t54-03 July 2l ,2003 Drew L. Allen or Roddy Sharp l22l East 3300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tank (USTs) Tank Number I (2000 gallon abandoned gasoline UST) Proposed Brickyard Pet Clinic, located at l2l3 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4002345 Dear Sirs: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division o1' Environmental Response and Rernediation (DERR) on July 18, 2003, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. Local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees The Closure Plan Approval is effective for a period of one year l'rom the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected orlbund during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to thc Executive Secretary (UST) afier the closure is performed. Please submit the environmental and Unified Soil Classil'ication sample analysis data and Chain of Custody l'orms with the Closure Notice ils soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. If during upcorning closure activities, it appears that a confirnrecl petroleum release lras occurred, then thc conditions, as cxplained in thc attached notice, nray apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. v Facility ID# 4OO2345 Page#2 rf vou r-TEil$'T ffi"":;;', ""' Ha*is at (80r ) s364r 60' \-\ Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary ruST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board nrl@rrsn Enclosure(s) ^'\ . UNEERGROUND STORAGE TANI LOSURE PLAN (rev.3/4/03) LHD USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date mailed to State ^crlrrY D# 4@23r{5 STATE USE ONLY DateReceived +-l{<-o\ Date Mailed to LHD Date Received From LHD Closure Plan prepared at the request of the ovmer/gperator (identified below) by J. Frank Jrckson of (company nam!) AMEC Earth & Environmentat, Inc.Phone # (801) 26G0720 Address 4137 South 500 West City Salt Lake City I StateUr I Zio}ttn A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. In preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operator'f,knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in 40 CFR 280 Subpart G and R3l l-204 (U.A.C.) FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Brickyard Animal Hospital Phone # (801) 48G0123 [-l sole oroorietorshio n partnership X comoration Address l22l East3300 South Citv Salt Lake Citv state uT I Zio8arcfi Facility Name Proposed Brickyard Pet Clinic Address l2l3 East3300 South Citv Salt Lake Citv StateUT I Zio84t06 Contact person Roddy Sharp (Animal Hosp.); Steve Santelle/Sahara Const.Phone # (80r) E09-955? Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site I Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed I Removed/In Place,/ Change in rlndicate the specific substance stored in each tank tLo be closed (regular, For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other 6pes of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? NoEYes (identiff if known) Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material. disposal facility.) NotKnown ! (Check with your TANK REMOVER Name Gresory Nevilrr I wert. # TR Exp. Date 911t2004 Comoanv E.T.Technolopies Phone # (801) 977-0731 Address 3ll0 California Ave.. #D Citv Satt Lake Citv StAtE UT Zio 84t04 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name cresorv Neville Cert. # GS Exo. Date 9nnffi4 Company E.T.Technoloeies Phone # (801) 977-0731 Address 3110 California Ave., #D City satt Lake Citv State UT Zio &4104 Before the closure plan is submitted for approval, the local health and fire departments where the facility is located must be contacted. If the facility is in Beover, Carbon Dais, Emery, Gorfield, Grand, Iro4 Kane, Salt Lake, San Juan, ll/asatch, or llashington county contact DERR (UST) at (801)536-4100 instead of the local health district. You still must contact the localfrre department in these counties. CONTACT LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT: Name of Dist. Salt Lake Citv-Countv Date July 18,2003 Contact Paul Hardins,/DERR Title Phone# (80r) $ffi08 CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Name of Deot. Salt Lake Citv Fire DeoL Date Julv 18.2003 Contact Ted Johnsoi Title Inspector Phone# (801) 799-4f50 DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) will be disposed at: FaciliW Western Metals Recycling Address 422lWest 7fi) South City Salt Lake Citv State UT Zio84104 Contact person Scale House Phone# (80r) 975-9669 Product lines will either be: X removed or I-l cleaned. secured in place, and capped. Vent lines will either be: X removed or [-l cleaned and secured open. Pioins will be disposed at Facility Western Metals Recyclins Address 4221West 7fi) South Citv Salt Lake Citv State UT ZioS4lM. Contact nerson Scale Housc Phone# (801) 975-9669 Tank(s) will be emotied bv: comoanv E.T. Technoloeies Phone# (801) 977{731 Tank(s) will be cleaned by: company E.T. Technologies Phone# (801) 9774731 Contaminated water in the tanldrinsate will be disposed at: FaciliW E.T. Technolosies Contact Derson Gresorv Neville Phone# $0ll 9774731 Tank(s) will be: [-l oureed or X rendered inert bv the followins method: Drv ice Residual sludges will be disposed at the following facility: E.T. Technologies Address 3ll0 California Ave., #D Citv Salt Lake Citv State UT Zio 84104 Contact Derson Gresorv Nevillc Phone# (801) 977-0731 FOR CLOSURE IN PLACE ONLY l-l Apnroval for in-place closure has been sranted by the Local Fire Department. Fire Dent.Phone#Contact Derson Date [-l Aooroval for in-place closure has been santed by the Local Health Department. Health Dept.Phone#Contact Derson Date srrn assisstrrnxr .A.site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in 40 CFR 280.72 and R3l l-205 (U.A.C.). If contamination is suspected, additional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most likely to be present. If groundwater is encountered, a soil sample must be collected, in the unsaturated zone, in addition to each groundwater sample. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. Analytical Methods for Environmental Sampling at Underground Storage Tank Sites in Utah Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed for Each Substance ANALYTICAL METHODS' or Product Type Soil, Groundwater or Surface Water Gasoline Total Pefioleum Hydrocarbons (pgggblg TPH as gasoline range organics Cr - Cro) EPA 80158 or EPA 82608 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXM andMTBE EPA 80218 or EPA 82608 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractable TPH as diesel range organics Crn - Crn) EPA 8OI5B Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN)EPA 80218 or EPA 82608 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664A or EPA 1664A (SGT*) Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) & MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds NOX) EPA 80218 or EPA 82608 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Peholeum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664.A or EPA 1664A (SGT*) Other Type ofanalyses will be based upon the substance or product stored. and as approved by the Executive Secretary ruST) Method will be based upon the substance or product type Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (purgeable TPH as gasoline range organics C" - Ctn) EPA 80158 or EPA 82608 Totat Petroleum Hydrocarbons (plf&able TPH as diesel range organics Crr - Crs) EPA 80158 or EPA 82608 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene @TEXN); and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX) EPA 80218 or EPA 82608 I The following modifications to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the Executive Secretary (UST): . Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH and BTEXNMTBE analysis. . A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples, but onlv for the determination of extractable TPH as diesel range organics (Cro - Czs). r Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent. o rSilica Gel Treatment (SGT) may be used in the determination of Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory CONTAMINATED MATERIALS MIJ. BE DISPOSED AT AN ACCEPTABLE FA .ITY: All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a manner that does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Any person ct more than 50 vt), must be a Certified UST Consultant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disnosed at the followine facility: E.T. Technologies Address 3ll0 California Ave., #D Citv Salt Lake Citv State UT I Zioe4rU Contact Derson Gresory Neville Phone (801) 9774731 Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION INFOR]VIATION If contamination at the facility is susoected or confirmed. the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary QST) at (801) 536- 4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. If contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. SAMPLE INFORMATION TABI,E Complete table for aI samples to be taken for closure. Sample # Substance stored in tank Samp.le type'Depth2 Gompounds3 Anatysis method(s)' I Regular ss ^6'-Et TPH, MBTEXI\8260B 2 Regular ss ^5t-8'TPH,MBTEX}I 82608 3 Regular USC ^6'{t Unilied Soil Classification ASTM D-2488{4 I Soit (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Uqified Soil Classification (USC). z l-oorbi?eotrr ir fdii*l;;'Aide. ririiequii.d miir-imriin-iiie asi'essment samples must be taken at 0-2 feet below the backfilUnative soil interface. f C6fitaminarit compounds to 5e analvzed fof each sample (from table on p. 3).i d;roi;i"6 anitislJ mettrods for cbntaminant compound(s) in each sarirple (from table on p. 3)' Facility Site Plat (Closure Plan) The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scall. tt must show planned sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and samplc identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. I and 4 ofthe Closurc Plan. North il Scale: 1,,= efeet \N\ q. 6c\.F{o EtA R \)t\q[l\ s E ) \R (tpv,pc, I pr* Yln i'art f*re's Derc*1 V,( 5r o52.,t3<-lq T,,, ll,L}PE lo*teLLlrt€e Ovggjte0 ?eoel'+ 5Togr. 96uAL 37o o hutF etqvar Exc*nnt'o'J l_lVrtrT3 ID:: 7-., ?-17- Sitc Plat Must Indicatc fpprorimetc Locrtions Of: ./ Currcnt & former tanks, piping & dispenscrs ./ Location of all samples to bc taken ./ truitdings, fcnces, & property boundaries ./ Utitity conduits (sewcrs, gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) X = Samplc locations (SS-#, WS4, USC4) 6 = Monitoring Wells (MW4,) O = Soil boring (SB4), or Gcoprobc Boring (GPa) o = Water Wells (domcstic, livcstoclc, ctc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N,NUW,SW,S,SE,E,NE) Land Usc At Sitc: -Rcsidential -Commercial -IndustrialSunounding Land: -Residcntial -Commercial -Industrial Regional groundwater flow direction: Westerty State Certified Laboratory to be used: Amerigan West Analytical Laboratory Address 463 West 36fi) South Citv Salt Lake citv State UT I Zio 84115 Contact Person Elona Hayward Phone (801) 263-E685 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances expected regarding the site assessment or closure: Tankwasdiscoveredduringconstructionexcavationactivities.SitereportedIyo,,'previou'ly to an active sidewalk Former owner says the tank is a qasoline tank last used aporoximatelv 30 yeers aso. I certify under penalty of law that I am the owner/operator of the tank(s) referenced above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete, and further, that the procedures described herein will be followed during tank closure. Full Name of tank owner L. TNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMANENT CLOSURE NOTICE (rev.3/4/03) FACILITY to* 4nO23( f . State Use DateProcessed 2l Aira O3 lbv 6H Date Mailed to LHD s LUST ID# Date to LUST Review Closure Notice name) AMEC Earth & Address 4137 South 500 West J. Frank Jeckson Tank Owner sole oropri Address l22lEast3300South Address l2l3 East 3300 Soutb Total number of regulated Total number of regulated u TA}IKS CLOSED FACILITY IIVTORIVTI,TION tanks at this site before closure I tanks at this site after closure 0 Removed/In Place/ Change in substance stored in each tank to be closed , unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVERName Greqorv Neville Cert. # TR0244 Exp. Date 9ll2,w4 Company E.T. Technologies Phone # (801) 977-0fr Address 3ll0 California Ave., #D Ciw Salt Lake Citv StAtE UT ZioE4l04 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Gregorv Neville Cert. # GS0237 Exp. Date 9nn004 Comoanv E.T. Technolosies Phone # (801) 977-0731 Address 3ll0 California Ave., #D Citv Salt Lake City State UT Zip84104 CLOSI]RE INT'ORMA'TION Tank was cleaned ffiFuel was emptied X Sludge was removed }l Tank was: I Purged [-J Inerted X Method Used: Dry Ice Location of Closure Records: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. For In-Place Closure: tanks filled with: For Change-In-service: Substance to be stored: DISPOSAL SITES USED Locat- \ame ContactName \Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)Western Metals Recvclinc Scale House (801) 97s-9669 07-21-2003 Tank #l Product From Tank(s)Thermal Fluids Robert Vausn (801) 296{6ll 07ab2003 40 eal. Contaminated Water From Tank Cleanine Thermal Fluids Robert Vausn (801) 295-661 I 07-zt-2m3 l0 pal. Sludee 0 Contaminated Water From Excavation 0 Contaminated Soil 0 SITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample Information Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soiUgroundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample ID # on the site plat table, and lab analysis report. fi Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached. The following must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W) from the area of contamination or, where applicable, use OH for overhead, NP for not present): l0' WWater Line llScwcr Line \lNatural Gas 25' SStorm Drain @felephone OHElectrical I 5' SProperty Line 55' NE Buildings I Completed Sample Information Table (Closure Notice) is attached. I Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. I Uninea Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. XCtrain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: I Colected X tabeled fi Packaged [l Transported I Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. I certify under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in 280.52 and 280.72) and R;tl1-205 U.A.C., and that any additional samples required by R3f l-202 accordance with R3ll-202 (parts parts 280.52 and280.72 and Rlll- 20$2(a)(1) were properly collected. If contamination at the facility is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTAIYT re of Certified Groundwater/Soil Samoler Full name of Certified Name James F. Jackson Cert. #CC97 Exo. Date 0l-31-2004 Comoanv AMEC Eerth & Environmentel. Inc.Address 4137 South 500 West Citv Salt Lake Citv State UT ZioE4t23 Phone # (8011266-0720 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances exDected regarding the site assessment or closure: UST was discovered during construction excavation ectivities No olfactory or vusual cvidcncc of a relcase was observed. A short section of pipe, epproximately 4 feet in Iensth. was rttachcd to thc vent end of the UST. rhe site plat must be drawn to an approprin"ntirffH[:tf ;ffS"fifiJ:l!?,,o,,a,.ations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and Sarnpr, rdentification numbers must be consistent with ...c information given on p. I and 4 of the Closure Notice. Scalc: l"= 70 Y"ct North I t Ns il\ 6t .F!to EN R rl)t\q. l\ G F.) e (tBv,pt, I pt* Pln tttl f*p's lere*1 ,t-\€ br*feo-LIP€l ovgqqe.+D bvtel-+ 5top.F,. tepeL 37oo hu4t lrqeer 0xc*tnno'J LtrrarTl ID:: F. Jackson Date:07-22-2003 X : Samplc locations (SS#, WS+, USC+) p = Monitoring Wells (MW4,) E = Soil boring (SB#), or Geoprobc Boring (GP#) o = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N,NW, $SW,S,SE,E,NE) Land Use At Site: _Residential _Commercial _lndustrial Surrounding Land: _Residential _Commercial _Industrial Site PIat Must Indicate Actual Locations Of: ./ Cunent & former tanks, piping & dispcnsers .J Location of all samples to be taken { Buildings, fences, & property boundaries ./ Utitity conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) { Oepth to groundwater (if encountered) i Excavations, GW monitoring wells & soit stockpiles SALE INFORMATION TABLE (CIosuTe NC^} Complete table for all samples that were tak" .or closure. Sample ID numbers on the table r. - be consistent with the sample ID numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Sample # Substance stored in tank Sample tvoel Depth2 Compounds3 Analysis method(s)4 ss-rw Regular SS 8'-10'TPH-GRO, MBTEXN 82608 ss-28 Regular ss 8'-10'TPH-GRO, MBTEXN 82608 ss-2E Regular usc 8'-10'USC ASTM D-2488-84 I) 3 4 Soil (SS), Grou1d{ale{ (cW), 9r Unifred Soil Classification (USC). Final depth (in feet) bclow grade at which samoles were taken. Contaminani compirund(s) Inalyzed for each simplc (TPH, BTE)OI, O&G etc). Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample State Certified Laboralqqauled t{merican West Anatyticat Laboratories Address 463 lYest 3600 South City satt Lake citv State ur Zio84ll5 Contact Person Elona Hayward Phone # raort 263{686 I certiff under penalty of law that I am the Owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein were followed during tank closure. Full Name of owner Brickyard Animal Hospital 0 Return completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site PIat and Sample Information Table, SoiUGroundwater sample lab analysis results, USC sample results, and chain of custody form within 90 days of UST closure to: State of Utah Dept. of Environmental Oualitv Division of Enviionmental Response aia Reineaiation / UST Section P.O. Box 144840 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84114-4840 4 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 841l5 ^ Client: AMEC Earttr & Environmental Collected: July 21, 2003 Received: July 21,2003 AnalysisRequested: USC Lab Sample ID: L56357-028 Field Sample ID: BAH-SS-2E Site ID: Sahara I 95-944 Result Contact: FrankJackson Analyzed: Jttly22,2ffi3 USC Uffirm Soil Classification GW Well graded gravel with sand (80r) 263-8686 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 ,mail : awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: Report Date:Iuly 22,2003 Page I of3 abofatory Supervisor ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPU^TT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 841 l5 Client: AMEC Earth & Environmental Collected: July 21, 2003 Received: July 21,2003 Analysis Requested: SW8260B/5030A Lab Sample ID: L56357-0lA Field Sample ID: BAH-SS-IW Site ID: Sahara 195-944 Analytical Results Contact: Frank Jackson Analyzed: Jluly 21,2003 8260-S.MBTEXN/TPII Units = mglkg-dry Final Dilution Factor: Compound 2.4s 7o Moisture: 8.3 Analytical Result 106 o/o l0l Vo l0l V" 102 Vo <0.N22 < 0.001I <0.m.22 <0.0022 <0.N22 <0.0022 <0.u2 <0.u2 (80 r ) 263-8686 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 mail: awal@arval-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofl uorobenzene Surr: Dibromofl uoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene, Total Naphthalene TPH C6 to ClO (GRO) TPH Cl I to Cl5 (DRO) Reporting Limit 7t-136 7Gt25 8t-r22 85-123 0.0022 0.001I 0.0022 0.m.22 0.0022 0.0022 0.022 0.022 Released by: Report Date:July 22,2003 Page 2 of3 orat6ry Supervisor ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPU^J AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: AMEC Earth & Environmental Collected: July 21, 2003 Received: July 21, 2003 Analysis Requested: SW8260B/5030A Lab Sample ID: L56357-024 Field Sample ID: BAH-SS-2E Site ID: Sahara I 95-944 Analytical Results Contact: Frank Jackson Analyzed: Iuly 2I,2003 8260.S-MBTEXN/TPII463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 841 l5 (80 I ) 263-8686 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 .mai[: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Units = m/kg-dry Final Dilution Factor:2.45 7o Moisture: 8.9 Analytical Result 103 o/o 102 0h 100 o/o 103 Vo <0.m.22 < 0.001I < 0.0022 <0.N22 <0.0022 <0.m.22 <0.022 <0.u2 Compound Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofl uorobenzene Surr: Dibromofl uoromethane Sun: Toluene-d8 Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene, Total Naphthalene TPH C6 to ClO (GRO) TPH Cl I to Cl5 (DRO) Reporting Limit 7t-t36 7G125 8t-122 85-123 0.0022 0.001I 0.0022 0.0[.22 0.0022 0.0022 0.u2 0.022 Released by: ry Supervisor Report Date:luly 22,2003 Page 3 of 3 o oo o o oo u0 bI I bo EA C € E LK lr . I! lL g1 oo o o o oo b o s o b o u L! E E c. o - ! L o . r, o. F. rtzzxx rt l E1 FFeg 22 a Z ! < ,h ' g n 2 oO o O r l H> E > 4 oa o @ t u ) 6l r-C. l t- - oU)6 .. ) ci ci c' l oo o o o N c{ 6l C. l a. l dN a . l N c . l < \ \ \ rr r - t ' - r - 3 lr l ot ll (a v) (A u) J- l c0 coNC I ** F l 6n n ro a, ) a. , \3 9 \ O 6h h JJ J f, g $ E f , ==eal l ct i t=ect<rEct cl l c- ra t cn \ora tJlroL !\ J J. } ( .S h \o{> c\ 7 .\ \+ * rl F C)a o(,Io&()6 i:0)0) 11Uo (,oI(uoUoa(neQ o$ <- N $=o\ o ,A E O\ - C) i: hGX a lr )O :. : c) .l ' .: Lclad8 r. I il ,A \i HoV: il = '/ i 2 IJ E56 a l. cg !lG(J+)c!ax+,ac)6CJLrc) I O) jc) CTl- td -1-n\$d)\t. . ,t \ l-!\ \e tr JJ,+ )t!$.. J{\$t, ' o;OEu aFztu==oo TJ \l\lr. r J tr FLtr roUJ CEEooEooUJ (roz)oz- oo z- z oC I @a tu r, r J DO uJ o !u r </ , a b a 5 ^ r. ! r F YZ ZE= . , zz z OO u J oo ( r ) c0otr l UJ ()u. l (r cDou. l-9.)o=Ju. l (f otr ,oor, uCEgzYotr ,FoJglt - cooUJo@tuzF= clo-@oo :) lr J zu J fouJ u, cr cE -l ! i l d -e q d I I .t p ' = ' = ; oo o c E c r l+ uJ u. J u uJ () o - o - r r o - o- (L o_ O- - O - zo @ o o \tasl JS ., 1 ci r" u o_o-=aLr lFo dlouloouJzF= (Do-@oo fu J Zr ! =oUJ UJ CE TE zoF=Eoltzozo-o-=U) z. gE o- o =r<=a> LUo C{ - \, ^ r- r ) o\ \- r Lo v, Ll . ' IlF lzle tu ) Ilarc r ul)l=a Fu. , LI . J-a orroLUcEoFa,LLozIo IJ\N rl ht \l IIIII ri ^l i .r l \ici aa I \ N\- t \a o tH .o ES I !E 6 8r C. R O 5; H = .o ; d ! FE i, 6 ,' E u ur 1- 6 z z UI 6 T T @ uJ ^ z55B UJ O -* cr L otcooul Iroo))otLo-ao