HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007290State of Utah SPENCERJ. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department ot Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Exeattive Director DTVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director November L,2023 Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208346214 DAQC-l196-23 Site ID I1436 (Bl) Lee Ware Kilgore Contracting, LLC P.O. Box 869 Magna, UT 84044 Dear Mr. Ware, Re: Compliance Advisory - Kilgore Conhacting,LLC - Westroc Incorporated Highland Aggregate and Concrete Plants, Approval Order (AO) DAQE-ANI14360002-16, Temporary Relocation Permit (TRP) DAQC -6 1 7 -23, Utah County On May 70,2023, a representative of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) conducted an inspection of Kilgore Contracting,LLC, Westroc Incorporated Highland Aggregate and Concrete Plants, located at 4600 West I1200 North, Highland City, Utah. The DAQ received records of excess diesel fuel consumption which may be violations of condition II.B.3.b of AO DAQE-AN114360002- 16, dated March 7,2016, and TRP DAQC-617-23,datedJune30,2023. Kilgore Contracting,LLC is required to comply with the above regulations. A written response to this letter is required within ten (10) business days of receipt of this letter. Additional details about the above observations and regulations are attached to this letter. Please contact Darriel Riddle at385-222-1357 or driddle@utah.gov if you have any questions about this letter. Sincerely, 4.4,4,;t Chad Gilgen, Manager Minor Source Compliance Section CG:DR:rh Utah County Health Department 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841144820 Telephone (801) 5364000. Fax (801) 5364099. T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 ww.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Potential Violation(s) On May 10,2023, an inspector from the DAQ observed Kilgore Contracting,LLC, Westroc Incorporated Highland Aggregate and Concrete Plants at 4600 West 11200 North, Highland City in Utah County, Utah. Following the inspection, records provided showed the following possible violation: an excess of diesel fuel consumed by a 545 kW Caterpillar diesel generator. Records reported a fuel consumption of 2,593 gallons from July 2022 - lune 2023 . The limit according to the AO and TRP is 2,400 gallons per rolling l2-month period. DAQC-1196-23 Page 2 AO Conditions/Rules AO DAQE-AN I I 4360 002-16 condition II.B.3.b states : The Crusher Engine shall not consume more than 2,400 gallons of diesel fuel per rolling 12- month period. [R307-401 -8] TRP DAaC{t?r3 strtes: "The relocated engine shall be compliant with the fuel consumption, diesel opacity limits, and fuel requirements, of Conditions II.B.3.b, ILB.3.c, II.B.3.d, and II.B.3.d. 1." The purpose of a Compliance Advisory (CA) is to document observations made by the DAQ. You are responsible for complying with the Utah Air Conservation Rules. There are possible administrative and civil penalties for failing to do so. Section 19-2-115 of the Utah Code Annotated provides that violators of the Utah Air Conservation Act and/or any order issued there under may be subject to a civil penalty of up to S10,000 per day for each violation. The written response to this CA will be considered in resolving the deficiencies documented in this letter. It may include information demonstrating compliance with the regulations or a schedule to bring your company back into compliance with the applicable regulations. The DAQ will review your response and this CA may be revised as a result of that review. Failure to respond in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of this CA will be considered in any subsequent enforcement action and the assessment of penalties. Possible DAQ actions to resolve a CA include: No Further Action Letter, Warning Letter, Early Administrative Settlement with reduced civil penalty, Settlement Agreement with civil penalty, or Notice of Violation and Order to Comply. This CA does not limit or preclude the DAQ from pursuing enforcement options conceming this inspection. Also, this CA does not constitute a bar to enforcement action for conditions that the DAQ did not observe or evaluate, or any other conditions found during future inspections. A meeting may be requested to discuss this CA. Please contact Daniel Riddle at385-222-1357 or driddle@utah.gov if you would like to request a meeting or if you have any questions about this letter. illil]ililtililt I'SPIiTRACI(NG# ilill l ililIIilililllll e3E5 tr{1,3 3?DAqc- t116'Ls ' Sender: Please print your name, addiess, and ZIP+l$c In thls UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY COMPLIANCE SECTION PO BOX 144820 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114.4820 First-Class Mall Postage & FeEs Pald USP9 PermltNo. G10 J zrlt =og zul St{tes Ser&ec\-J a C\J O I I I ! I iI rt;<Itr I l I tt t "',,,1,,,fi,i1r1{$ii,iifj,ilfi,fu,liiil,iiiiifi,lrii,i,Jiii,h,,,/i r Csn&tete items 1, 2, and 3. I Print vour name and address on the reverse so thit we can return the card to you' r Attach this card to the back of the or on the front if sPace Pgry'ls. 1, Articlo Addressed to: z. nrtlcte ttumUer (fransferfrom service ?u1,1 rl?[0 000e 0E3q Ea]'q I es rorm 381 1, ,tuty zo20 PSN 7530-02'000-9053 LEE WaiRE :- !+' _ _ ^\1" Ktr-GORE CONTRACTING, LLC\;;. 6'.b,PP P.O. BOX 869 MAGNA, UT 84044 lil]ffii ill lflil llll lllll llll lllll ll ll ll lll 9590 9402 7931 2305 6413 37 *a EI Adult signaturo .. -tr Adult Slgnature Hestrlcted Ddlvery tr C€rtifled Mail Rostricted Dsllvety tr Collect on Dellvery tr collect on Dsliverv Bestricted DellvEry Mall@ E lnsuredMailfl tnsured Mall HEstuicted D€lfuery :f,rI ruJI t m EoE ru E]Etrl E] rf,r!trl IT -IEf rL LEE WARE KILGORE CONTRACTING, LLC -P.O. BOX 869 -tr Priority Mail Express@ Il Reoistel€d Mailn tl Rdlster€d Mall Resblcted Dellvery w3K#er-ffiffi ilffi;;ffi fr ffi: @ *'' "*'"" u aPwPrid flcertmeauaitnesttaoooeri* s......- E Adult Stgnatu.o R€qulEd slgnatu* Fosrrrcr€d DeIv€ry $ ...........'.- MAGNA, UT 84044