HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005663ecology Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control APR O 3 2024 Profile#~ WASTE/MATERIAL PROFILE FORM Note: Standard templates may be available on/lne for various common wom st~ms, Universal Waste, Recyclable Goods, and I.Db Packs. To see a list of templates cllclc J:iEBL A. GENERATOR/CUSTOMER INFORMATION .,, 1; •11-n I, ........ ,wo ~-'' 1. Genlrltor:[U8TECHN0LOGV MEDIA I l J lnvo1dni l11formatlan II the ume •pne,alor ffllllllnl ~ 2. Sita Addral:J3IOALUED INDUSTRIAL BLVD (_ P.O. raqulred far payment1 ,~ n:ulr. l aty:MACON 7 Phone: .....,,., -L lnvokq Company:lus 'TECHN0LOCW r.EDIA State: tM l Zlp:.11208 _ country: USA -- I, MlllkwAddress:,aWATERST -.. lnvaldnC Addra: IOI WATERIT J aty: 80UV-"8 J City& l801NAR I State:,OH JZ1~44112 I Countryt1USA -StawOH -~Zip:~ !Country: 1USA 4. Tedlnlcal Contllct:f.w:K SNYDER l 10. i:ustomw Contact: 108 IUDD ---s. Pbane: ___,,t1 JEmall:sm -:.cou 11. Phonr.j lllMIJ5.1111 Emal:' .. -~-·--.cc11 &. &anlnlor Status: 0 SQG O LQG O VSQG/CESQG (If~ complet,e Crifk;atfon SUpplfflwntJ _ Q_ Not Appllcabl1 7, EPA ID I: IGAR000081138 NAIQ gp: farmo I State ID I: (If appRcable} f - - B. WAS'TI/MAlERIAL STREAM • 14 -~ _J do(~,.;.11. i,.. HIBfJ L Comman Name: [SPENT BLAST MEDIA - (Please provide a sltell#.tr& fpr Rffllftdlatlon & IDW sites. UH addit/!!!10I form fl nece:ssart,) --2. Genarlllftl Proc:ul:~ QENERAlED FROM Bl.ABT 11E>1A ON AIRCRAFT AND PMTI s. ScuceCode:L -I_ Form c.le:' -c-. SHIPPING/PACKAGING INFORMATION L DOT'~Materlals1 C Yes g No ProperShlpplnjNlmc [8PBfTBLAST~ 2. Adcltlanll ~: (49 CfR J72.2tS, &f, .,_. or -uuu,r11 .. J. RQ: gYes r No RQRlnon,.J_ 1 --RQ'l1nlllald:! IUN/NAI{ Plddn, &roup:-..-iERG II : __J Hamel a., Sellcl#1 7!~ 13 !is.lad ,a -. 4. DOT'Spedll Pmnlt1 0 Yes Q No Permltl:1 I ! s. 24-HourEmerpncy Phone:) ii&. DOT lnhalltlon Han?O Yes r No 7. □Boxes Contafnv SIN:• I - l I J I - caritadner Type: □Bulk □Tatu []Pallet □Drums C]Cyllnder ----CJ Lib Pick (If 40 CFR 264.316/ifSCFR 173.U(b) Lob l'tJdc lnll'ffltDly lists required) []Combination Containers (e.g., Inner containers), Dlsalbe:J--- □Other, Describe: I _ __ _ .. Volume/Frequency: Volume: Unltl:j ~ I Fnquency: 0 Year O0.ulrterty O Monthly O 1 Time() Other,_Delatbe: [ -I D. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ,,__ '~11,'('! 'IJ•>l" , L -Phv5lcal D■lal 11tlon (tuJ. ,oil lN'Oter, PPE, debt&. sorbent., etc /nt:Jude 1"°" of contalM!r content.1[ debri~ mm tt. dimensions & w,Ua/tt.J Desalpllon Typical "') Min "'1 .... "', liusncBLASTMEDIA I ., 11 -I - I GLASS II.AST MEDIA I 10 l 11 --------1,-- !ALUMINUM OXIDE BLAST MEDIA 10 11 2. 0c1or: e None OSll&ht o strong I OdorType: □Ammonia □Amines □Mel"Clptans SUifur l:"JC>runlc Acid I Other, Dela1be , - a. Physlc:11 Slate: ,lot ,o,:J I I Seiki I ; Dust/Powder □Debris r Slucke/Slutrv LlUaukl I Gas/Aarosol □Varies - 4. Color:GftAy l ISecxlmrt Colar I I s. Uquld phases: OSlngte ODouble Layer OMultl-layer ON/A &. Is It sollct 1111 .. the pelntftlts talt1 (40 CfR Port 264.314(1,}} 0 Yes (Solid} 0 No (Not SoHd} 11 tltse • polllbllty of lnddenbll lqulds from tnnpoll:lltlan10 Yes ONO 7, DH: {If solid, amll/de estimated pH If rnlMd 50:50 with Mte'J I "2 I 2.1-4.9 5~10 10.1-12.4 • , >12.S L FlahPalnt: r "F and/or D < 90°F f -90 -139"1' r 140 -199°F Cl ~ 200°F [7 Does Not Flash □ Flammable SoUd BTU/lb. v .. : 1and/or r <5000 BTU C' ~000 BTU , . Anlth.-.enyllllawn hwidllll/b'MtfflentlssueslfMMnlttllsmaterllffe&,.. .,_........, ..... ,,,_ .. .., ..... .,_ .,..,.,., ... ,,,•Jn•--~··•...,.,..,. .. tm,!pffJ/fc ,...~-•~~ .... , .. ,_n 0 Yes (i No (fy11s, Desalbe: _ _ __ _ _ Revision Date: June 30. 2022 ! L CHAMC'IIRIZATION a 01EM1CAL COMP011T10N 1uJe" ----'k t/ M~Sfl/;/ 1. USECXJlonTallCUllaman ·Wla/M ..... l'ypal O lndultrlll -0 ~lndultl'III UN/A TX-Codl:I I ............ llllldllllw.ta: OY• ONo PASlntc:odals):C _ -I _ z. 5talllW...c:adel: □None 7 1 11 11 11 II I [ 11 11 I l -lL J ! i l ! J l l J I I - I. RCRA WllteCOCIII: □None DODI l DOD7 ) IDODI I l J I r----i I I ~ r -, ·-__ ] i--I ,-I[ ii I L_J I I I I I I I - I I lfNcN,lllt .... fratlaaJ 1 ·-tf""IIIIIWW"•,1auJn•IYlllll91 Q Y•-~ No If yes, 1st re/ttl!.fla from «I CFR Port 25%.1. 3, or 4:1 -l 4. If FUDNODI, Am.• F019, n e,anklel UNd In the pnan? 0 Y• 0 No ('1,-Toto/ ondAmcnoble QI (901.0hOJJ} onol)lm ,equhd} s. ICnowltclle Is fram: 0 Lab ■nafysls (requite attadlment) [Z) SDS/MSDS (lf!qUlra attodttnentJ □ Procw/---■tor lcnowledp .. a.n1c■1a.n,a.111an (lndudlt11w..,.UHC'4 nus.aa,,mc111111-. 0SHA,.,....._...,., PFAS~--, CGnltltuent Unltl TQP Totall Typlcal Min Ma UHC Elaldl LDll Sllld 0 0 □ C ----0 0 □ D I S.i.ct 0 0 L_J D □ i,,tact 0 0 □ □ -----;.llat 0 0 □ □ -SeMICt 0 0 □ [J . --,Slllllle 0 0 I □ D --0 1 ,s... 0 0 □ -. : F. ADDIIIONALNIOPEIIB ONllll_.,,-. .. ...,.,...Qufteblm ... ---"' -.. ·--~---·- .. 1, bplmlva: 0 Yes .No 2. llalCIIIIIIWlldel:j \P P"' Q Yes 9Na L SIIOdc Sanlltlw1 0 Yu .No 4. RadMCyanlclll;J IPPffl 0 Yu 9No · s. RallaadhNI: 0 Yes 9Na &. f181C11wi1 nt1. .... 1o Ya .No (I/A alfflPlm ~ Wclllllf kaptllta Supplffl,rntJ DllalleJ 7. Mldlml/lnfacllaul/llohmnl WlltS 0 Yu 9Na I. ~ ........ (PCII): 0 Yes 8No n/ vts, mna,,ltM PCB Slml)lr,..d ,. Dlallnllltd/or,..._: O Y• .No 10. .,...,.,.,,_.,,,,.,. 0 Yes 9No tlndlldlaa Mimrnuml 11.'Ylopllorlc: 0 Yu 9No u. Tlmpntur9 Cllnlralled: 0 Yu 9No (For Trt>IIJOOl'tlllion OtlM 11, 1'hennlllf Unllllale: ("I v .. {:)No 14. lladlll...,_lorlllntm Q Yes 'Gl'No l5. Canipll1111d &a: 0 YH 8No II. Ulld GI: (per 40 a:R Part 2191 0 Y• .No (/fm,t:Offllill,tt'fiOJ.~lios t. "-~------lrlm,!rtJ tlf 11H. camolett UledOl ~d'A!mentJ 17. oidclm1 (Ult• s«M,,i E6} QYes 9No II. 1'nl: (IJ,a, -•~fotlontfll} O Y• 9No 19. OrpnlcParaddt, 0 Yes .No .. a.vt11n1 Q Ya .No 21. Ammanll/Ammanla CGmpaundl: OYes 4t) No 2Z. ........ PolytluorOlll:y ....... (PFAS)1 O Y• erto a AIINlltal: Ovu ~No lfY•= OFr11bla 0 Non-Fr11ble fr/rfabll. mofWIOI mustm padttl(Jed (lff«JCFR Patt6U50} 24. HamdaulSIICondary M---■I: (Pff«J CFR Patt llD.JOJ OY• ONo lfye,,.01 ClrtllythltthllWIM/mlllflll natl Ill l'lqUlnrwdld ...... ffllla r-vdirwd ...... Samnd■ryM■tarllllundar 40 CFR Put ZfiOAS ■nd/orl lffl • with lhlmlclllol•far-UIN-GMwrtftad l'KVCW'alullan. :IS. Are pllamamullcal---prolllad undartllls appnMI ■ullflc:t to• prwwwlpdod? OY• ONo ON/A Ill ve, co,npfeu; Pflatmocwtlcfll Qrrt.,R(at:/Ofl ~l!knti!nt) Revision Dim: June 30, 2022 I. REGULATORY INFORMATION 1. Vollllle 0;pnlc tonCllnlrllton; (hr 40 CFR Port 2&f.1083 I 255.10B4J O <500 ppmw O a50D ppmw S. If RCRA Hazardaul: 0 None Apply o WuteMtar ww-1• ma nJQ«JCFRPott 2lil.2 0 Nan-wutawmr m/rDC>WW 0 AIWnlUvlllNltmentSllndlnllfarlOII >50fll,alf; «ICFRl'ort2QUI 0 AllamltlvlTt•tnientSlandlrlllfardlbrtl .fOCFRPorta.Z(g}I ~>SOJlo/ ... ls>Ulndt.- □ I mnftrm dlllll'II C111110t l'UIOnlbty • leplrllad ffam non-dllll1I by llmple pt!Yllml or mechlnlcal muns. □ I mnftrm dlbrll t. nat been rnbcad/dlluled with non-dltn • ptcA!lllted In «1 CFR l'ott ZfU. 0 Wll&I fflNIILDRTIN111.-itStandlnls 4. Tl'Mtment IIUbcl~ (l/appllcablt) --- 5. Is the Ille ar Wllte/lNtal'IIII, 1ubject to NESHAP/MACT ltlndn(I)? Yes Nq ff.y,es, Pleue dlooNtha Part: 0 fl O 62 0 U SU _ of NISHAP MACI' ltlndarcll O A &. Is the Wllll9/matertal RCRA Hmrdoul c:ontalnlnl ltellene and orllfnatlns • a petroleum rallnery (SIC Zfll), dlmnlc:al manufacturllw plant (SIC 28001hru mt) or Colee by-product rea,very plant (SIC U12J? Yes _No • tCM,-W.C.. --,,_.,,.,,,_ L Is a apedflcfadllty or treatmant tec:hnalalY raquatld1 No 2. Recp1111ec1Tach11dap{ _ J a. 1hlrmal proa11111w: O Yes O No (If-yes. complete Thermal Suppltment) 4. Other apedftc restrtcllanl reqalllted: I s. Requestad us EcolGIY FaclUty: I --(I/ US Ecology Clllcaga, complm, mlnols Disposal Su l ] I certify that all Information (Including lt.tlchrnents) Is complete, factual and Is an accurate representation of the known and suspac:ted hazanb pertalnlnc to waste/material described herein. I authortr.t US EcolaaY'• penanntl to add supplemlntal lnfamlltlon to the Wlltll/Matarlll Proflle Fonn, provided I am contactllld and srant permission to do so. US ECOIOIV m■y require nt-tubmlttal of the W1ste/Materlal Profile fonn If substantial change ani determined necessary. I 1uthortze US Ealla&Y'• pencnllll toobtllrl I anple from ■nywute/mltlltll lhlpmmt far purposes of verfflcltlon and confirmation and understand that waste/matertal that does not conform to spec:tflcatlonl described In this Wute/Materlal Proftle Form may btl r.jected by US Ecofosy. I c:ertlfythlt I am familiar with the waste/material descr1bed herein tlwou,h analysts 1,wJ/or process lcnowledp and that all Information Is true, accul'l1B, representatlw and complete and that this Wute/Matetlal Profile Form was com In accordance with the lnstn.ldlons rovlded. I/I am• a,ent Odinf on behalf of the ,-ne,ato,; I aflo m,tlf1 that I,,,,..,,.,,,,,._, tDslfn .,,,.,,,,,, ~ ~ Plllfll ■nrt•d,t,__.. • ..,_,ondthatlemt,nduallldltMIIJkotlonln wrillflf llJNMI ,.,,-. PmtName: I '10.. ,J.. r~ Y.2 (£._ -- ntle:! (; l~ l! ~l I Date: Revision Date: June 30, 2022 Slplatunt: Testing For a Better Tomorrow Since 1960 -Certificate of Analysis - for US TECHNOLOGY MEDIA CORP 509WATERST BOLIVAR, OH 44162 Lab ID: 20101203 Sample Type: Solid Your Sample ID: 016-20 Method Analyte SW846_1311/6010 TCLP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLP Lead Lab ID: 20101204 Sample Type: Solid Your Sample ID: 017-20 Method Analyte SW846_ 1311/6010 TCLP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLP Lead Lab ID: 20101205 Sample Type: Solid Your Sample ID: 018-20 Method Analyte SW846_ 1311/6010 TCLP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLP Lead P.O. Box 706, 179 West Broadway, Dover, OH 44622 TEL: (330) 343-3711 FAX: (330) 343-9858 Email: rhlab@rhlab.us Ohio Laboratory Certification # 893 Result 1 .03 0 .35 0 .05 Result 0 .59 0 .15 <0 .01 Result 1.19 0.42 <0.01 Page 1 of 2 Final Report Report Date: 10/14/2020 Report Number: 119373-0 Chain of Custody#: 151365 Project Name: OCT.2020 WK 2 Date Sampled: 10/8/2020 1 :00 :00PM Date Received: 10/8/2020 Collection: GRAB Analysis Units MDL/PQL Date MG/L 0.01 10/13/20 MG/L 0 .01 10/13/20 MG/L 0.01 10/13/20 Date Sampled: 10/8/2020 1 :00:00PM Date Received: 10/8/2020 Collection: GRAB Analysis Units MDL/PQL Date MG/L 0 .01 10/13/20 MG/L 0 .01 10/13/20 MG/L 0 .01 10/13/20 Date Sampled: 10/8/2020 1 :00 :00PM Date Received: 10/8/2020 Collection: GRAB Analysis Units MDL/PQL Date MG/L 0.01 10/13/20 MG/L 0 .01 10/13/20 MG/L 0 .01 10/13/20 Analyst TS TS TS Analyst TS TS TS Analyst TS TS TS Client: US TECHNOLOGY MEDIA CORP LablD: 20101206 Sample Type: Solid Your Sample ID: 019-20 Method Analyte SW846_ 1311/6010 TCLP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLP Lead Whitney Griffin, QA/QC Manager Result 5.23 1.73 <0.01 Results relate only to items tested . Samples tested as rece ived. This report may not be reproduced except in full with the approval of Ream and Haager Laboratory, Inc . Page 2 of 2 Final Report Report Date: 10/14/2020 Report Number: 119373-0 Date Sampled: 10/8/2020 1:00 :00PM Date Received: 10/8/2020 Collection: GRAB Analysis Units MDUPQL Date Analyst MG /L 0.01 10/13/20 TS MG /L 0.01 10/13/20 TS MG /L 0 .01 10/13/20 TS I\ I I II II/// ,,,, GER 111 , .......... ~ ~ PA893 ::. = SEPAO = = STATE = P.O. Box 708, 171 Wut Broadway, Dover, OH 44822 TEL: (330) 343-3711 FAX: (330) 343-9858 J'wDuDdlUtlfDm -Certificate of Analyals - for US TECHNOLOGY MEDIA CORP &OIWATERST BOLIVAR. OH 44182 Lab ID: 19030831 Sample Type: Sold Your Sample ID: POLY FILL 024 Emall: rhl1b0rfll1b.ua Ohio Laboratory Certlllc:allon # 883 lllthod Analym RNult ------------------ SW&48 _ 1311'8010 TCLP Clldmlian 1.88 TCLP Chromium 13.0 TCLP I.Nd 2.69 Raulll rer• only 1D llama lilltlld. 8amplea t.tad • received . 'Ttu rwport may not i. niproduced 1XC1Pt In full with the approval ol RNm and Ha■gar L■boram,y, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Fln■I Report Report Om: 3120fl019 Report NLNnbtr: 84721-0 Chain of Custody t: Projlct N ■me: POLY FILL 024 Date Sampled: 3151'2019 8:43:00AM Date Recelvacl: 3/8/2019 Collec:tlon: GRAB Analyall Unlta IIDUPQL Dn MG/I.. MGIL MGIL 03115118 03/111118 03/15119 '11G WG WG 1-: '\ \ 11<0 '\\ff'\ I \ I Uomm1em11tDn • Certificate of Analysis - for US TECHNOLOGY MEDIA CORP 50IWATERST BOLIVAR. OH 44182 Lib ID: 19030832 Sample Type: Solid Your Sample ID: ASPHALT 001 Method Allllyte SW848_13111B010 TCLP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLPLNd J01eph Arnold, QA/QC Manager P.O. Box 708, 171 West Broadway, Dover, OH 44822 TEL: (330) 343-3711 FAX: (330) 343-88SI Emall: rhl■b@rhlab.ua Ohio Lllboralory Certfflcatlon # 893 0.488 3.12 0.412 Fln1I Report Repo,t Date: 3/20Q019 Report Number: 84722-0 Chain of Cuatody I: Project Name: ASPHALT 001 Date lulplld: 31612019 8:44:00AM Dateileeelwd: 3/M019 Colllctlan: GRAB MllfJal9 Unllll ID.JPQL DD MGIL MGIL MGJL 03/115119 03/111119 03/115118 RNultl relata only to lwlw teei.d. 8.-nplN teellld • recelwd. Thll nipart may not be IIIPf'Oducec:I except In full with the approval of RMm and H■1ger L■boratoly, Inc. Page 1 of 1 WG WG WG -Certificate of Analysis - for US TECHNOLOGY MEDIA CORP 509 -WATER ST BOLIVAR, OH 44182 Lab ID: 19062138 Sample Tr,e: Solld Your Sample ID: #1 lllthod Analyta SW848_ 1311111010 TClP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLPLNd Lab ID: 19062139 Sample Type: Solld Your Sample ID: #2 llldlod Analytil SW848_1311/8010 TCLPcadmium TCLP Chromun TClPLead LlblD: 19082140 Sample Tr,e: Solid Your Sample ID: #3 llldlod Analyll SW848_ 131118010 TCLP cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLPl.ead P.O. Box 708. 178 West Broadway, Dover, OH 44122 TEL: (330) 343-3711 FAX: (330) 343-88&8 Email: rhl ■bGl'tllab.1.111 Ohio L.llboratory Cettlllcatlon # 893 ~ 0.292 0.043 0.053 ANlllt 12.2 0.208 0.022 R...it 7.28 0.127 <0,010 Page 1 of2 Fln ■IR-,ort R9poft Date: 6r.2412019 Report Number: 90530-0 Chain at Cuatlody I: Projllc:tName: IMF Date lamplld: 611312019 5:30:00PM Dita RM:lmd: 8/1812019 CoH1c:llon: GRAB ~ Unltll IIDUPQL Datil MGIL 0.01 08/21/111 MGJL 0.01 08/21/111 MGIL 0.01 08/21/111 Dita Sampled: 8/13/2019 6:30:00PM Date Rlc:IIYed: 8/18'2019 Collac:tlon: GRAB Anllywle Unlla IDJPQL Datil MGIL 0.01 08/'21119 MGIL 0.01 08/21119 MGIL 0.01 08/21/19 Date lamplecl: 6/13/2019 5:30:00PM Dita Recalved: 8/1 B/2019 Colllctlon: GRAB Anllylla Units Ml)LAtQL Om MGJL 0.01 08/21/19 MGII. 0.01 08121/19 MGIL 0.01 08fl1l18 Analyat WG WG WG Anai,.t WG WG WG Anllpt WG WG WG J-: '\ \ II« I '\ \ U '\ I \ I -Certificate of Analysla • far US TECHNOLOGY MEDIA CORP 50IWATERST BOLIVAR. OH 44162 Lab ID: 19082186 Sample Type: Solld Your lampla ID: #1 llathocl Analytll SW848_131118010 TCLP Cadmium TCLP Chromium TCLPl.ud Lab ID: 19092166 lampla Type: Solid YourlamptelD: #2 llelhod Analyla SW848_131118010 TCLPCadmlum TCLP Chromium TCLPI.Nd P.O. Box 706, 171 West Broadway, Dover, OH 4"22 TEL: (330) 343-3711 FAX: (330) 343-9858 Emall: rhlab@rhlab.ua Ohio Laboratory Certlflmllon # 893 Rallt 0.688 0.104 0.071 Rea&llt 13.2 0.710 0.080 Page 1 of2 Fln1I Report Report Ila: 911912019 Report Number: 98286-0 Chain of Cuatady t: Project Name: PENTAl,C Date Sampled: 911312019 12:30:00PM Date Recelftd: 911612019 Collectlon: GRAB .wr,ala Unllll IIDUPQL 01111 MG/L 0.01 09/18/111 MG/I.. 0.01 08/11'19 MG,\. 0.01 08118/111 Data Sampled: 9/1312019 12:30:00PM Date Recemd: 911612019 Collection: GRAB Analya unna IIDlJPQL Dall MGA. 0.01 08/18119 MGIL 0.01 08/1&/19 MGIL. 0.01 Oll/111119 ~ WO WG WG Anllyat WO WO WO