HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005561 WHEELER MACHINERY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN Prepared for Wheeler Machinery 4901 West 2100 South West Valley City, Utah 84120 Facility Identification No. 4001265 Release Site NPJ Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. 215 South State Street, Suite 500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Project SLC1090 March 29, 2024 Wheeler Machinery Investigation Work Plan Prepared for Wheeler Machinery 4901 West 2100 South West Valley City, Utah 84120 Facility Identification No. 4001265 Release Site NPJ Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. 215 South State Street, Suite 500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Brent C. Robinson, P.E. Lonnie Mercer, P.G. Senior Principal Utah Certified UST Consultant Principal Geologist Project Number: SLC1090 March 29, 2024 Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1 1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................1 1.2 Investigation Objectives ...............................................................................................1 2. INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES .........................................................................................2 2.1 Health and Safety Plan .................................................................................................2 2.2 Utility Surveying and Clearance ..................................................................................2 2.3 Drilling and Soil Sampling ...........................................................................................2 2.4 Well Construction .........................................................................................................3 2.5 Well Development ........................................................................................................3 2.6 Well Surveying .............................................................................................................3 2.7 Groundwater Monitoring ..............................................................................................3 2.8 Laboratory Analysis .....................................................................................................4 2.9 Sample Handling and Custody .....................................................................................4 2.9.1 Sample Containers and Labeling ......................................................................4 2.9.2 Sample Packaging ............................................................................................5 2.9.3 Chain of Custody ..............................................................................................5 2.10 Decontamination ..........................................................................................................5 2.11 Investigation Derived Waste ........................................................................................5 3. REPORTING .........................................................................................................................6 4. COST ESTIMATE ................................................................................................................7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Proposed Boring Locations Map LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Cost Estimate APPENDIX Appendix A: Subcontractor Bid Requests Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 1 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of Wheeler Machinery Company (Wheeler), Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Work Plan to summarize proposed investigation activities associated with a leaking underground storage tank (LUST) case. Investigation activities will be performed at the former H&E Equipment property located at 4899 West 2100 South, West Valley City, Utah (Site). The Site is identified in Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records as Facility Identification No. 4001265, and the proposed investigation activities are associated with Release Site NPJ. 1.1 Background Release Site NPJ was issued following DERR review of the Underground Storage Tank Permanent Closure Notice (Closure Notice) that was presented to DERR in October 2017. The Closure Notice provided a summary of tank removal activities for four underground storage tanks (USTs) used to store diesel fuel and associated soil and groundwater sampling results. Three soil samples and two groundwater samples were collected from the excavation during UST removal activities on October 3, 2017. The soil samples and one of the groundwater samples had results that were less than the DERR Initial Screening Levels (ISLs). One groundwater sample (identified as TH-3 in the Closure Notice) that was collected from the southeast corner of the UST excavation had a total petroleum hydrocarbons diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) analytical result (15.7 milligrams per liter [mg/L]) that exceeded the DERR ISL of 1 mg/L. The other analytes (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene [BTEXN], and TPH gasoline range organics [TPH-GRO]) for the TH-3 groundwater sample were less than their respective DERR ISLs. No ISL exceedances were identified in any of the other closure samples. This Work Plan is provided in response to letters dated November 22, 2022, and February 8, 2023, from DERR to Wheeler requesting that further investigation be conducted at the Site and that Wheeler Machinery submit a Work Plan and Budget (WP&B) to DERR. 1.2 Investigation Objectives The objective of this WP&B is to outline the proposed activities and estimated costs for investigation of potential soil and groundwater impacts associated with Release Site NPJ. The purpose of the proposed investigation is to characterize shallow soil and groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the former USTs. If the investigation results indicate that no further investigation or corrective action is warranted, the investigation report will provide information that will support closure of Release Site NPJ. Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 2 2. INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES 2.1 Health and Safety Plan Geosyntec will prepare a Site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) prior to implementation of the field work associated with this Work Plan. Elements of the HASP will include safety personnel, hazard analysis, emergency response procedures, decontamination, personal protective equipment (PPE), and monitoring. 2.2 Utility Surveying and Clearance Prior to subsurface investigation activities, each proposed boring location will be cleared to ensure safe drilling occurs. An underground utilities service (e.g., Blue Stake of Utah 811) will be notified to mark known underground utilities near the proposed locations. The boring locations also will be reviewed with Site personnel to assess potential conflicts with underground utilities. As an additional precaution, each borehole location will be cleared to a depth of 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) using a hand auger or air knife. Based on the results of utility surveying, boring locations may be modified from those depicted in this Work Plan. 2.3 Drilling and Soil Sampling Direct push and hollow stem auger drilling activities will be performed at the locations depicted in Figure 1. The proposed boring locations are based on the following rationale: • MW-1 and MW-2 will be located hydraulically downgradient from the former USTs. • MW-3 will be located near the southeast corner of the former UST excavation and proximal to the location of groundwater sample TH-3 that was collected during the 2017 UST closure sampling. • MW-4 will be located near the southwest corner of the former UST excavation. Soil borings will be advanced to collect soil samples and to install groundwater monitoring wells for collection of groundwater samples. Each boring will be drilled to an estimated total depth of 15 feet bgs. During drilling activities, soil cores will be collected at 5-foot intervals to observe and describe soil types and to screen for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a photoionization detector (PID). The soil core will be logged in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. One soil sample per boring will be collected and placed in clean, laboratory-supplied containers for laboratory analysis. Evidence of impacts (e.g., strong hydrocarbon odors and/or elevated PID readings) and the estimated depth of the capillary fringe will be used as a guide for the collection of soil samples. For example, a soil sample will be collected from the interval that has the highest PID reading at each boring and/or where petroleum hydrocarbon odors or staining are observed. Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 3 If evidence of impacts is not observed and PID readings are less than 10 parts per million at a soil boring, the soil sample will be collected at the estimated depth of the capillary fringe. 2.4 Well Construction After drilling to total depth, a 2-inch Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) monitoring well will be set in the open boring. Wells will be constructed with approximately 10 feet of well screen, which will be screened across the water table. At each well, a sand filter pack will be used to backfill the annular space between the well casing and borehole from total depth to approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screen. Hydrated bentonite chips will be placed above the sand filter pack to a depth of approximately 1 feet bgs. Wells will be completed at the surface with 8- inch flush mount traffic-rated well vaults. The well surface completion will be set in a concrete collar to match the existing grade. 2.5 Well Development The purpose of monitoring well development is to remove fine-grained materials or drilling fluids introduced into the borehole during drilling activities, enabling hydraulic connectivity between the well and the surrounding formation. The wells will be developed using a combination of pumping and surging. Water quality parameters (pH, temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation-reduction potential) will be periodically measured and recorded during well development activities. Depth to water measurements will also be recorded periodically during and after well development. Well development will be considered complete when purged groundwater is visibly clear or more than 5 borehole volumes of groundwater have been purged from each well (as calculated from the maximum standing water elevation measured in the well). 2.6 Well Surveying Following well installation, the wells will be surveyed relative to a local datum to enable evaluation of groundwater flow direction using groundwater level data. The well survey will be performed by Geosyntec using laser level survey equipment. The monitoring wells will be surveyed at the ground surface and top of casing for vertical control. 2.7 Groundwater Monitoring Groundwater monitoring will be performed at least 72 hours after well development to allow the wells to equilibrate. Groundwater levels will be measured to the nearest 0.01 foot using an oil- water interface probe. Measurements of the depth to light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) (if present), depth to water, and total well depth will be recorded for each well. Well gauging measurements will be referenced to the surveyed mark on the top of each well casing. One groundwater sample will be collected from each monitoring well using a peristaltic pump and disposable tubing. The tubing intake will be placed at the approximate midpoint of the saturated screen interval. Groundwater samples will be collected using low flow sampling procedures. During well purging, water levels will be measured to record drawdown of the water column, and the pumping rate will be adjusted to minimize drawdown (typically less than 0.33 feet). Well Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 4 purging will generally be maintained at a constant rate between 100 and 500 milliliters per minute (mL/min) at each well. Water quality parameters will be measured every 3 to 5 minutes with an in-line water quality meter equipped with a flow-through cell. Well purging will be considered complete when three consecutive readings meet the following criteria: • Temperature: ± 1 degrees Celsius (°C) • pH: ± 0.1 standard units • Specific conductivity: ± 3% • Dissolved oxygen: ± 10% • Oxidation-reduction potential: ± 10% After well purging, a groundwater sample will be collected by filling sample bottles (laboratory- supplied, 40-mL containers with hydrochloric acid preservative) directly from the pump discharge tubing at a sampling rate that does not exceed the purging rate. If LNAPL is detected during well gauging at a thickness greater than or equal to 0.01 feet, a groundwater sample will not be collected. Geosyntec assumes that groundwater monitoring activities will be completed in one field day. Well gauging measurements and water quality data will be recorded on field sampling logs. 2.8 Laboratory Analysis The soil and groundwater samples will be submitted for analysis to Pace Analytical Laboratory’s (Pace’s) Mt. Juliet, Tennessee laboratory, which is certified by the State of Utah Department of Health and is a National Environmental Accreditation Program (NELAP) accredited laboratory. A total of two field duplicates and two trip blanks will be collected: one of each during the soil sampling event, and one of each during the groundwater monitoring event in accordance with DERR requirements. Soil and groundwater samples will be submitted to the laboratory for analysis of the following: • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons – Diesel Range Organics (TPH-DRO) by USEPA Method 8015 • BTEXN and methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) by USEPA Method 8260. 2.9 Sample Handling and Custody 2.9.1 Sample Containers and Labeling Upon collection, all samples will be placed into laboratory-supplied sample containers. Clean, disposable, nitrile gloves will be worn during sample handling to prevent cross-contamination between samples. Sample labels supplied by the laboratory will be filled out and affixed to all sample containers. Sample container labels will include the following information at a minimum: • Unique sample identification number • Sampling date and time of sample collection (24-hour format) Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 5 • Sampler’s name or initials 2.9.2 Sample Packaging After labeling, each sample will be placed in a cooler containing wet ice to reduce the sample temperature to approximately 4 (±2) °C during storage and transport to the laboratory. The samples will be packaged and shipped in general accordance with laboratory specified procedures. 2.9.3 Chain of Custody A Chain of Custody (CoC) form will be completed to track sample control and possession from the time of collection through laboratory analysis. While the samples are in the custody of the field staff, they will not be left unattended at locations where the samples may be tampered with. A sample is considered to be in custody if the following conditions have been observed: • It is in possession or view of the person in custody. • It is locked in a secure area. • It is placed in an area restricted to authorized personnel or it is placed in a container and secured with a custody seal. The analyses to be performed will be designated on the CoC form, including the quantity and types of containers that comprise each sample and other pertinent sample information. One CoC form will accompany each sample shipment. The duplicate copy of the CoC record will be retained by the sampler. 2.10 Decontamination Non-dedicated soil and groundwater sampling equipment (e.g., direct-push rods and tips, hand augers, etc.) will be decontaminated between borehole locations by first washing in a solution of Alconox and potable water, then rinsing with potable water, and finally rinsing with distilled water and air drying. The oil-water interface probe used during groundwater monitoring will be decontaminated prior to use at each well by washing with an Alconox detergent and rinsing with distilled water. Decontamination activities will be conducted in a manner to contain and capture liquids and other waste materials. Waste associated with decontamination activities will be managed in accordance with procedures described in Section 2.11. 2.11 Investigation Derived Waste Investigation derived waste (IDW) will consist of consumable field supplies (paper towels, miscellaneous paper products, etc.), disposable PPE items (nitrile gloves), purge water, decontamination water, and drilling cuttings. Consumable field supplies and PPE will be collected and disposed of as non-hazardous solid waste. IDW will be segregated (solids and liquids), containerized in 55-gallon drums, labeled, and temporarily staged at the facility’s waste storage area pending offsite disposal based on the analytical results. Off-site transport and appropriate treatment or disposal of IDW will be arranged by Geosyntec and performed with appropriate waste management documentation. Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 6 3. REPORTING Upon completion of the sampling activities, a summary report will be prepared to document the field activities completed under this Work Plan and present the investigation findings. The report will include sample location figures, data summary tables, laboratory analytical reports, boring logs with PID readings, well completion and well development logs, and associated supporting materials. It will also include recommendations for the path forward for Release Site NPJ. Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 7 4. COST ESTIMATE This WP&B is based on 2023 Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund cost guidelines. The estimated costs for reimbursement from the PST Fund are $21,057.60, as detailed in Table 1. Bid solicitation was performed in accordance with the Utah PST guidelines for consultant services exceeding $5,000. The scope of the proposed work and estimated costs are based on the following assumptions: • Four monitoring wells will be installed at the proposed locations in accordance with the methods described herein. • Geosyntec will provide oversight of a survey of subsurface utilities to be performed by Ground Penetrating Radar Systems (or a similar qualified subcontractor). • Pacific West was selected to perform drilling and monitoring well installation, as they were the lowest cost qualified bidder. Appendix A provides a summary of bids received from qualified drilling contractors. The initial bid scope included the installation of three monitoring wells and was changed to four monitoring wells after communication with the DERR. Direct Push Services has not yet responded with a revised bid including four monitoring wells. Regardless, Pacific West maintains the lowest bid and is, therefore, selected. • Geosyntec will provide field representatives to oversee and conduct field activities, including drilling, monitoring well construction and development, soil and groundwater sampling, and waste management. Estimated costs for Geosyntec oversight are based on one day to complete drilling, soil sampling, and well construction activities, one day for well development, and one day for groundwater sampling. • During drilling activities, 4 soil samples will be collected for laboratory analysis. • A groundwater sampling event will be performed in accordance with methods described herein. One groundwater sample will be collected from each well (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) for laboratory analysis. • Soil and groundwater samples will be analyzed by Pace National (or a similar qualified laboratory) for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH); benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX); and methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE). • All laboratory analyses will be performed under standard turnaround times. • Costs for profiling, transportation, and disposal of investigation-derived waste (soil cuttings, purge water, and decontamination water) generated during drilling and sampling activities are based on anticipated volumes and assumed non-hazardous waste classification. Wheeler LUST Investigation Work Plan_March 2024 8 Should the scope deviate from the assumptions listed above, Geosyntec and Wheeler will advise DERR of the scope changes and associated cost increases for PST Fund reimbursement. FIGURE SITE MAP West Valley City, Utah 84120 SOURCE: Salt Lake County, Aerial Date: 2023-05-24 4901 West 2100 South LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 14-24-227-010-0000 MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 TH-2 TH-1 TH-3 Dispenser Islands Proposed boring locations Sampling locations from UST closure sampling in 2017 Inferred groundwater flow direction (north) based on previous investigations TH-4 MW-4 TABLE Hours Title Code Description Rate Total --Work Plan and Budget preparation --Fixed Fee $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 Subtotal $ 2,200.00 Item Quantity Unit Rate Total --Subtotal -- Item Quantity Unit Rate Total Mileage --Mile Subtotal -- Task Total $ 2,200.00 Hours Title Code Description Rate Total 2 Senior Project Manager P101 Project Management, Direct Work Activities of Lower Level Staff, Client Relations $ 169.00 $ 338.00 24 Field Eng/Geol P104 Pre-Field Scheduling and Coordination, Field Preparation Activities, Site Reconnaisance, Daylighting and Drilling Oversight $ 101.00 $ 2424.00 2 Field Eng/Geol P104 Field Preparation Activities (Well Development) $ 101.00 $ 202.00 10 Field Eng/Geol P104 Well Development and Surveying $ 101.00 $ 1010.00 2 Field Eng/Geol P104 Field Preparation Activities (Groundwater Sampling) $ 101.00 $ 202.00 4 Field Eng/Geol P104 Groundwater Sampling $ 101.00 $ 404.00 Subtotal $ 4,580.00 Item Quantity Unit Rate Total 1 Bid $ 5835.00 $ 5835.00 1 Bid $ 900.00 $ 900.00 Lab Groundwater Analyses (Pace)6 MBTEXN/DRO (8260, 8015)$ 85.00 $ 510.00 Lab Soil Analysis (Pace)6 MBTEXN/DRO (8260, 8015)$ 85.00 $ 510.00 ET Tech Profiling, Transportation, and Disposal of Waste 1 Soil cuttings, decontaminated water, and purged groundwater from field activites $ 900.00 $ 900.00 Subtotal $ 8,655.00 Item Quantity Unit Rate Total 1 Fixed Fee $ 450.00 $ 450.00 1 Day $ 95.00 $ 95.00 3 Day $ 25.00 $ 75.00 Survey Equipment (theodolite and rod)1 Day $ 50.00 $ 50.00 2 Day $ 55.00 $ 110.00 2 Day $ 40.00 $ 80.00 Peristaltic Pump 2 Day $ 30.00 $ 60.00 3 Day $ 15.00 $ 45.00 100 Per Foot $ 0.50 $ 50.00 Mileage 80 Mile $ 0.67 $ 53.60 Subtotal $ 1,068.60 Task Total 14,303.60 OTHER DIRECT COSTS Health and Safety Plan (Task Hazard A li)Photo-Ionization Detector (PID) Oil/Water Interface Probe Water Quality Meter (pH, conductivity, t t) Disposable Drilling/Sampling/Monitoring S li Traffic Safety Equipment Tubing (<1/2 in vinyl or nylon) Task 1 - Work Plan and Budget Preparation LABOR Task 2 - Environmental Sampling Drilling Contractor Private Utility Locator LABOR SUBCONTRACTORS None Anticipated SUBCONTRACTORS OTHER DIRECT COSTS Hours Title Code Description Rate Total 2 Senior Project Manager P101 Final report document review $ 169.00 $ 338.00 4 Professional Eng/Geol P102 Report Review $ 147.00 $ 588.00 16 Project Manager P103 Report Preparation (preliminary data review, analysis) $ 118.00 $ 1888.00 16 Field Eng/Geol P104 Data Compilation (tables, charts, graphs, maps) $ 101.00 $ 1616.00 2 Administrative Assistant P109 Document Formatting and Proofing, Office Management $ 62.00 $ 124.00 Subtotal $ 4,554.00 Item Quantity Unit Rate Total --Subtotal $- Item Quantity Unit Rate Total --Subtotal $- Task Total $ $ 4,554.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 21,057.60 None Anticipated None Anticipated SUBCONTRACTORS OTHER DIRECT COSTS Task 3 - Reporting LABOR APPENDIX A 215 South State Street, Suite 500 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 PH 801.618.0483 www.geosyntec.com SLC1090/Wheeler Drilling Bid Request March 8, 2024 Mark Anderson Pacific West Environmental & Infrastructure 3131 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, TX 76082 Subject: Request for Bid – Wheeler Machinery Drilling and Monitoring Well Installation Dear Prospective Bidder: On behalf of Campbell Companies, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. (Geosyntec) is requesting a proposal for drilling and monitoring well (MW) installation activities at Wheeler Machinery (Wheeler) located at 4901 2100 S, West Valley, Utah. Details regarding the project background and scope of work are outlined below. SCOPE OF WORK The proposed scope of work involves the installation of four monitoring wells and four soil samples. The proposed locations for the MWs are labeled as MW-1 through MW-4 in Figure 1. Health and Safety During field activities, crews will be required to attend and participate in a daily tailgate safety meeting prior to commencing work each day. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times during field activities. The drilling contractor will be responsible to identify and provide PPE for its employees, and appropriate PPE may include hard hat, high-visibility safety vest, steel toed boots, hearing protection, and appropriate gloves. The drilling contractor will also provide traffic controls (traffic cones, etc.) during field activities. Mobilization Geosyntec will provide oversight during field activities and will coordinate mobilization dates and times with the drilling contractor. The drilling contractor will mobilize and demobilize a drilling rig, field crew, support vehicles, and all required equipment and materials to complete the scope of work. SLC1090/Wheeler Drilling Bid Request Subsurface Clearance The drilling contractor will need to comply with subsurface clearance procedures and requirements. Geosyntec will procure a third-party utility locating survey to identify subsurface utilities in the drilling location areas. Public utility notification (Blue Stake of Utah 811) will be conducted by Geosyntec and the drilling contractor, as appropriate. After saw cutting/coring asphalt, the drilling contractor will clear a borehole using hand auger, air knife or hydrovacuum excavation methods to a depth of at least 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) at each drilling location. Drilling The drilling contractor will be responsible for drilling operations. Direct Push drilling methods will be used to advance three borings: each will be cleared to 5 ft below ground surface (bgs) using a hand auger or air knife, then drilled to a total depth of 15 feet below ground surface. Drilling tools should be selected to provide the necessary diameter for drilling tools and MW installation. Continuous soil cores will be collected from one boring at 5-foot intervals to a total depth of 15 feet below ground surface during drilling activities. The drilling contractor will provide soil cores to Geosyntec field personnel for description of soil types and screening for organic vapors using a photoionization detector (PID). Soil lithology is assumed to be relatively uniform and will therefore only be classified at one of the borings. One soil sample will be collected from each boring. Well Construction After drilling to total depth, a 2-inch Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) monitoring well will be set in the open boring. Wells construction will include approximately 10 feet of well screen with .010-inch slotted casing from 5-15 feet below ground surface, 10/20 silica sand from 4-15 ft bgs, hydrated bentonite chips from 2-4 ft bgs, and concrete from 0-2 ft bgs. Wells will be completed at the surface with 8-inch flush mount traffic-rated well vaults. Each well will be developed by surging and pumping. Decontamination and Investigation-Derived Waste Management Drilling equipment will be pressure washed prior to each boring to minimize the potential for downhole cross contamination. The drilling contractor will be responsible to provide a temporary decontamination pad or a decontamination trailer for drilling equipment decontamination activities. SLC1090/Wheeler Drilling Bid Request The drilling contractor will be responsible for transferring investigation-derived waste (IDW) into 55-gallon drums for soil cuttings, decontamination water, and purge water. Geosyntec will arrange for provision of drums through a third-party waste management contractor, which will provide off-site transport/disposal of IDW. Utilities and Site Cleanup Water and electricity will be available at the Site, and the drilling contractor will need to coordinate with Wheeler and Geosyntec to access these utilities. The drilling contractor will need hoses and electrical cords to connect to these utilities. The Site is paved, and the drilling contractor will take reasonable precautions to prevent build-up of soil on the pavement during drilling and well construction activities, including the use of plastic sheeting at the borehole and/or washing down the pavement following drilling activities. REQUIREMENTS FOR BID RESPONSE Bid responses will address the requirements outlined in the proposed scope of work, including any modifications, additions, or exceptions. Geosyntec will subcontract directly with the successful bidder, and the drilling contractor will need to meet the requirements of Geosyntec’s Supplier Portal. Bids will be signed, dated, and submitted by e-mail to me at annie.brown@geosyntec.com, no later than close of business on March 13, 2024. Please contact me if you need additional time to respond to this bid request. Prospective bidders will be notified of the project award. Please contact me at (801) 491-8842 if you have any questions regarding the information provided in this bid request. Sincerely, Annie Brown Senior Staff Professional Attachment: Figure 1 SLC1090/Wheeler Drilling Bid Request FIGURE 1 Site Map SITE MAP West Valley City, Utah 84120 SOURCE: Salt Lake County, Aerial Date: 2023-05-24 4901 West 2100 South LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 14-24-227-010-0000 MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 TH-2 TH-1 TH-3 Dispenser Islands Geosyntec proposed boring locations Boring locations from UST Permanent Closure Notice, 2017 Inferred groundwater flow direction (north) based on previous investigations TH-4 MW-4 RMEC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. | 476 WEST 325 SOUTH, BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 84010 TEL: (801) 467-3661 | www.rmec.net | EMAIL : INFO@RMEC.NET RMEC PP23E-3801-Rev1 March 13, 2024 Annie Brown Senior Staff Professional Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. 215 S State Street Suite 500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Transmitted via email to: annie.brown@geosyntec.com SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR SUBSURFACE DRILLING & MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION SERVICES - REVISED RE: WEST VALLEY CITY PROPERTY Wheeler Machinery 4901 West 2100 South West Valley City, Utah 84120 Dear Ms. Brown: RMEC Environmental, Inc. (RMEC) is pleased to provide Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. (Geosyntec) with the following proposal to perform subsurface drilling and monitoring well (MW) installation services at the above-referenced property in West Valley City, Utah. SCOPE OF WORK As per our prior correspondence and Scope of Work (SOW) details as outlined in the RFB (Request for Bid), Geosyntec (client) has asked RMEC (drilling contractor) to perform direct push drilling at the property. Based on the SOW, RMEC proposes to perform the following tasks:  RMEC will conduct soil explorations at targeted locations at the direction of Geosyntec personnel using a Geoprobe 6620DT track-mount direct push rig at four (4) boring locations down to a maximum depth of 15-feet below ground surface (bgs), or a point of refusal if shallower than 15-feet bgs. RMEC to hand clear each boring location to 5-feet bgs using a hand auger and provide concrete/asphalt cutting as needed at each location. Geosyntec to complete public and/or private utility clearances prior to drilling activities at the site.  RMEC to provide continuous soil cores at 5-foot intervals using dedicated soil liner cores at each boring location at the direction of Geosyntec. Geosyntec personnel to log borings and screen soils/collect samples.  RMEC will perform installation of four (4) 2.0-inch inside diameter (ID) schedule 40 (sch40) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) permanent monitoring wells (MWs) by advancement of Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Page 2 of 3 March 13, 2024 RMEC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. | 476 WEST 325 SOUTH, BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 84010 TEL: (801) 467-3661 | www.rmec.net | EMAIL : INFO@RMEC.NET 3.75-inch outside diameter (OD) direct push probe rods and 3.75-inch OD expendable points to allow for adequate annular space to construct 2.0-inch diameter MWs.  Each MW to be constructed using 10-foot lengths of 2.0-inch sch40 0.010-inch slotted PVC well screen and 5-foot lengths of 2.0-inch sch40 PVC riser casing to ground surface. A 10-20 sand filter pack to be emplaced within the annular space of each borehole from 4- 15 ft bgs with a hydrated bentonite chip seal from 2-4 ft bgs and concrete from 0-2 ft bgs.  RMEC will also provide a locking j-plug and well pad finish consisting of an 8-inch diameter traffic rated flush mount well vault cover with a cement pad. The pad is to be constructed at an angle to provide surface water drainage away from the cover.  Following completion of each MW, RMEC to perform development at each well by the surging and pumping method using a peristaltic pump and new ¼-inch polyethylene and tygon tubing at each well location. Up to 25 gallons per well to be removed or until the well runs dry.  RMEC to decontaminate tooling and equipment prior to mobilization and between each boring, as necessary using either a hand brush or pressure washer with an Alconox detergent. RMEC to provide a temporary decontamination pad for decontamination activities and ensure the prevention of build-up of soil on the pavement during drilling and well construction activities by use of plastic sheeting at each borehole and/or washing down the pavement following drilling activities.  RMEC to provide four (4) 55-gallon Investigative Derived Waste (IDW) drums for soil and groundwater (up to 3 IDW drums for development/purge and decontamination water and 1 IDW for soils). RMEC will be responsible for transferring IDW for soils, decontamination water, and purge water into appropriate drums. RMEC understands the IDW drums are to be temporarily stored onsite and off-site transport/disposal of IDW will be coordinated by Geosyntec.  Prior to MW installation, RMEC will coordinate with Utah Division of Water Rights (UDWR) to obtain necessary authorization, Start Cards and well permits for the non- production MWs up to two (2) weeks prior to drilling activities. Following successful installation of the MWs and completion of fieldwork, RMEC will submit a Well Drillers report for each MW.  All necessary permits (Right-of-Way, Utah 811 Bluestakes and/or Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)) permits to be completed by the client prior to any subsurface activities to be performed at the site. COMPENSATION The total estimated cost for this work, based on the above Scope of Work, are detailed on the attached Project Estimate Sheet provided in Exhibit A. Total costs are estimated to be $9,097.10. CLOSING Thank you for the opportunity to bid on these services. If you accept this proposal—please provide RMEC with written authorization to begin work on this project by signing the authorization on the following page. Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Page 3 of 3 March 13, 2024 RMEC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. | 476 WEST 325 SOUTH, BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 84010 TEL: (801) 467-3661 | www.rmec.net | EMAIL : INFO@RMEC.NET Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jamie Russell Project Manager RMEC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A – Project Estimate Sheet On behalf of Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., I accept the RMEC proposal PP23E-3801-Rev1, dated March 13, 2024, along with the terms and conditions and I hereby authorize RMEC to begin work on the project by signing below: Name Title Signature Date EXHIBIT A - PROJECT ESTIMATE SHEET Project:Proposal #:RJR Scope Description:Date:Check By: RJR # Units Cost # Units Cost # Units Cost 1 Project Setup, Oversight, Scheduling and UDWR Coordination Drilling Program Project Manager (PM) incl. well permitting, UDWR correspondence hours 6 135.00$ 810.00$ Asphalt Cutting Services (4 well locations) LS 1 880.00$ 880.00$ Admin hours 1 61.00$ 61.00$ 2 Travel and Conduct Fieldwork Daily Rig Rate (GeoProbe 6620DT track rig) days 1 2,100.00$ 2,100.00$ Mobilization / Demobilization LS 1 275.00$ 275.00$ Lead Driller days 1 750.00$ 750.00$ Drillers Assistant days 1 700.00$ 700.00$ Crew Travel (2 crew members, 1 roundtrip) hours 2 65.00$ 130.00$ Mileage (1 vehicle - 2 roundtrips)miles 85 0.660$ 56.10$ 3 Monitoring Well Construction, Installation & Well Development Well Construction Materials (2-inch MWs: 10-ft sch40 PVC 0.010 well screen and 5-ft risers, 10-20 silica sand filter pack, bentonite chip seal, 8" traffic rated flush mount, locking well cap) ea 4 320.00$ 1,280.00$ Field Supplies and Consumables (soil sample liners, 3.75" probe rods for 2.0-in MW installs, hand auger, equipment decontamination, well completion materials) LS 1 525.00$ 525.00$ Well Development / Purging ea 4 75.00$ 300.00$ Environmental Technician (ET - inclusive of travel and well development)hours 10 75.00$ 750.00$ Investigative Derived Waste (IDW) 55-gal Drums ea 4 120.00$ 480.00$ SUB-TOTALS LABOR Sub-Total 2,451.00$ 5,896.10$ ESTIMATED TOTAL 9,097.10$ 3/13/2024 PROJECT ESTIMATE SHEET Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. - WVC Drilling & MW Installation Services 23E-3801_Rev1 Estimated By: (1) Mobilize to WVC, Utah, (2) complete 4 soil boring to 15-ft bgs and convert each boring into a permanent monitoring well (MW) to 15-ft bgs using a direct push Geoprobe rig, (3) decon equipment between borings and (4) perform well development and purging at each MW. M/E Sub-Total Proposal assumes four (4) soil boring to 15-ft bgs and four (4) 2.0-inch sch40-PVC MWs to 15-ft bgs using a Geoprobe 6620DT rig. MWs to be constructed using 2.0-inch, 10-ft sch40 PVC 0.010 slotted well screen, 10-20 silica sand filter pack, hydrated bentonite chip and concrete seal within 8-inch diameter traffic rated flush mount vault at each boring location. RMEC to decon equipment prior to mobilization and between each boring location. Traffic control cones to be provided by RMEC and MW permits and associated Start Cards to be submitted by RMEC. Well development and purging to be completed by RMEC. Daily Rig Rate is inclusive of crew and equipment up to one (1) day of drilling services based on a 10-hour per day on site basis. Total Cost Equipment Task / Item #Work Description Units Labor Direct Costs & Materials 3,465.00$ 2,431.10$ 3,201.00$ 3/13/2024 Project Estimate Sheet 23E-3801_Rev2 Page 1of 1 20-1339913 | www.directpushservices.com Direct Push Services LLC PO Box 25784 Salt Lake City, UT 84125 (801)230-1721 sean@directpushservices.com Estimate ADDRESS Annie Brown Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. 215 S State St Suite 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ESTIMATE #230167 DATE 03/04/2024 EXPIRATION DATE 06/30/2024 P.O. NUMBER SALES REP 4901 2100 S, West Valley City,Sean Bromley DATE ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT 7822 DP Rig 1 2,250.00 2,250.00 Mob/Demob Drill rig/Vac/Materials 1 250.00 250.00 Coring Asphalt/Concrete 3 110.00 330.00 Vac Daylighting/Collect Hand auger samples as needed.3 450.00 1,350.00 MC 60 in PVC liner 6 15.00 90.00 2" monitoring wells with 10' .010 pre-pack screens installed at 15' with Direct Push Dual Tube. Complete with sand, bentonite, 8" flush mounts, and concrete apron. 3 950.00 2,850.00 Perform well development by surging and purging. Assume approximately 25 gallons of purge volume for each well during development. 1 65.00 65.00 55 Gallon drum (1 per location for well development if needed) 3 130.00 390.00 Quote for drilling at a commercial property located at 4901 W 2100 S, West Valley City, UT 84120. -3b 0-15' to collect continuous soil and install 2" monitoring wells. -Core Asphalt/Concrete and Daylight 0-5' with Vac -After collecting soil cores set 2"x15' with 10' .010 screen, sand, bentonite, and complete at the surface with 8" flush mounts. -Develope each well by surging and pumping 25 gallons each and some in 55 gallon drums. TOTAL $7,575.00 Accepted By Accepted Date