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Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah EPA Cooperative Agreement No. #96896101 EPA ACRES IDs# 237101 November 18, 2020 Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Prepared for: Salt Lake County Salt Lake City, Utah Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc Midvale, Utah Terracon Consultants, Inc. 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, Utah 84047 P [801] 545-8500 F [801] 545-8600 terracon.com November 18, 2020 Salt Lake County Economic Development 2001 South State Street, Suite S2-100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4575 Attn: Mr. Ruedigar Matthes P: 385-468-4868 E:RMatthes@slco.org Re:Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah EPA Cooperative Agreement No. #96896101 EPA ACRES Property ID# 237101 Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Dear Mr. Matthes: Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) is pleased to submit our report for Phase II Site Investigation activities completed at the above-referenced site. The report presents data from field activities that included the installation of soil borings for the collection of soil and groundwater samples. This investigation was approved by EPA under Cooperative Agreement #96896101 for Hazardous Substances commingled with Petroleum. The assessment was guided by a Sampling and Analysis Plan reviewed, amended and approved by EPA (September 2, 2020). Quality of data was guided by the EPA-approved Community-Wide Quality Assurance Project Plan Salt Lake Brownfields Coalition Assessments (Terracon, January 21, 2020). Terracon appreciates this opportunity to provide environmental support services to Salt Lake County. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Amy B. Findley Craig D. Eaton Senior Project Manager Consultant QA/QC Officer Andy King Benjamin Bowers Authorized Project Reviewer Environmental Department Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Brownfields Setting ..............................................................................................1 1.2 Site Description ....................................................................................................2 1.3 Previous Investigations ........................................................................................2 1.4 Standard of Care..................................................................................................5 1.5 Additional Scope Limitations ................................................................................5 1.6 Reliance ...............................................................................................................6 2.0 PHASE II SITE INVESTIGATION ........................................................................ 6 2.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................6 2.2 Sampling Process Design ....................................................................................6 2.3 Field Data Collection ............................................................................................8 2.4 Soil Sampling .......................................................................................................9 2.5 Groundwater Sampling ........................................................................................9 2.6 Field QA/QC Samples ..........................................................................................9 2.7 Equipment Decontamination ..............................................................................10 2.8 Site Restoration .................................................................................................10 3.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS........................................................ 10 4.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS.......................................................... 11 4.1 Soil Data Analyses .............................................................................................12 4.2 Groundwater Data Analyses ..............................................................................12 4.3 TPH-Fractionation Analyses ..............................................................................12 5.0 DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT ....................................................................... 13 5.1 Precision ............................................................................................................14 5.2 Bias and Accuracy .............................................................................................17 5.3 Representativeness ...........................................................................................19 5.4 Comparability .....................................................................................................20 5.5 Completeness ....................................................................................................21 5.6 Sensitivity...........................................................................................................22 6.0 DATA EVALUATION ......................................................................................... 23 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................. 24 8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 25 Table 1 - Summary of Soil Borings Table 2 - Analytical Method Summary APPENDICES Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1 – Topographic Map Exhibit 2 – Site Diagram Exhibit 3 – Soil and Groundwater Sampling Points Exhibit 4 – Soil Gas Sampling Points Exhibit 5 – 2019 Soil Sample Results Exhibit 6 – 2019 Groundwater Sample Results Exhibit 7 – 2019 Groundwater Gradient Map Exhibit 8 – Additional LSI Boring Locations Exhibit 9 – Summary of Soil Sample Results Exhibit 10 – Summary of Groundwater Sample Results Appendix B Soil Boring Logs Appendix C Data Summary Tables and DERR SSCL Calculator Output Appendix D Chain of Custody and Laboratory Data Sheets Appendix E 2019 Data Summary Tables 2015 LSI Report PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Salt Lake Brownfields Assessment EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96896101 Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 November 18, 2020 1.0 INTRODUCTION Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed a supplemental Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Site Investigation) at the Lelis Transmissions site located at 845 South Main Street in Salt Lake City, Utah (Exhibit 1; Appendix A). The site is identified in EPA’s online Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) as Property ID# 237101. In 2019, Terracon conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA; July 25, 2019) on the site as part of the Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment Grant with funding from the Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment Grant, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96835701. The property was approved for assessment by EPA under a Site Eligibility Determination Outline (EPA Region 8, April 4, 2018), designated as hazardous substances commingled with petroleum. A subsequent Phase II Site Investigation (Phase II Environmental Site Assessment; September 30, 2019) was completed following an approved Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP; August 19, 2019). Based on the impacts identified in the Phase II ESA, Terracon prepared a Remedial Alternatives Evaluation (July 20, 2020) to support redevelopment of the site by prospective developers by providing preliminary cleanup planning information. The Remedial Alternatives Evaluation identified the need for additional data pertaining to impacted soils and groundwater at the site. This Phase II Site Investigation was designed to collect the additional site information identified in the Remedial Alternatives Evaluation and was completed with funding from the Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment Grant EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96896101. 1.1 Brownfields Setting Salt Lake County (the Grantee) is a recipient of an EPA community-wide assessment grant to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct cleanup planning along with public outreach activities for eligible Brownfield sites located within County boundaries. Terracon prepared a Remedial Alternatives Evaluation (July 20, 2020) to evaluate options to remediate impacts reported at the site. The Remedial Alternatives Evaluation identified the need for additional data pertaining to soils and groundwater at the site. As part of the Brownfields Grant, this Phase II Site Investigation was conducted to gather the information necessary to further Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 2 define and evaluate impacts identified at the site. Site work was guided by a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) reviewed, amended and approved by EPA (September 2, 2020). Quality of assessment data was guided by the SAP and EPA-approved Community-Wide Quality Assurance Project Plan Salt Lake Brownfields Coalition Assessments (Terracon, January 21, 2020). 1.2 Site Description The site is located at 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah and is occupied by the Lelis Transmissions shop. The property is used as an auto repair facility. Commercial improvements at the site include an L-shaped 1-story building with mezzanine and approximately 7,400 square- foot automotive service/repair facility. The office/warehouse was used for storage of automotive parts and reference materials, the eastern part of the building is used for conducting automotive repair. The Lelis Transmissions site is identified as Salt Lake County Parcel ID 16-07-151-010 and in EPA’s online Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) as Number 237101. 1.3 Previous Investigations A Phase I ESA and two Phase II ESAs have been performed on the site located at 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, occupied by the Lelis Transmissions shop. Terracon had previously conducted a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) on the site in 2015 to evaluate the source of diesel contamination reported on the south-adjoining property. Soil and groundwater samples were collected in the vicinity of the former gasoline underground storage tank (UST) that was removed from the Lelis Transmissions site in 1991. Diesel-range and gasoline-range petroleum hydrocarbons were reported in soils and groundwater above the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Screening Levels on the Lelis site, but at concentrations less than those reported present on the south-adjoining property. The observed distribution and type of contaminant reported on the Lelis site was determined to likely have originated from an off-site source. A copy of the 2015 LSI report including the boring locations and analytical results of soil and groundwater samples is included in Appendix E. Suspect site features identified during the Phase I ESA are shown on Exhibit 2 (Appendix A). Boring locations installed during the 2019 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment are shown on Exhibits 3 and 4. Analytical results of the soil, groundwater and soil gas samples collected at the site were compared to the EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs), Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs) and Maximum Contaminant Levels for tapwater, as well as UDEQ Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater. A copy of the Data Summary Tables from the 2019 Phase II ESA is included in Appendix E. The following impacts were identified on the property through the course of the Phase II ESAs and the 2015 LSI: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 3 1.3.1 Soil Impacts n Widespread soil impacts were identified by petroleum hydrocarbons, primarily in the form of total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) and total petroleum hydrocarbons in the diesel-range (TPH-DRO). Exhibit 5 (Appendix A) displays the boring locations and results of the 2019 soil sampling event. § A total of eight soil sampling locations identified TRPH concentrations exceeding the ISL of 1,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), and four sampling locations identified TRPH concentrations above the Tier 1 Screening Level of 10,000 mg/kg. § A total of nine soil sampling locations identified TPH-DRO concentrations exceeding the ISL of 500 mg/kg, and three sampling locations identified TPH-DRO concentrations above the Tier 1 Screening Level of 5,000 mg/kg. § Four soil sampling locations identified total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (TPH-GRO) concentrations above the ISL of 150 mg/kg; three of these locations were adjacent to the former on- site gasoline UST. § None of the soil samples identified individual Utah-regulated petroleum hydrocarbon compounds [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, toluene, naphthalene (BTEXN) and methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE)] at concentrations above ISLs or Tier 1 Screening Levels. One soil sample reported a naphthalene concentration above the residential RSL of 3.8 mg/kg, but below the industrial RSL of 17 mg/kg and below the ISL and Tier 1 Screening Level of 51 mg/kg. n Soil impacts by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were not identified, other than one soil sample with a reported naphthalene concentration above the residential RSL but below all other Screening Levels. n A total of ten (10) soil samples collected from five (5) soil borings were analyzed for the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals. All soil samples reported arsenic concentrations above the EPA Industrial RSL. However, such exceedances are common throughout the Salt Lake Valley area where background values reportedly range from non-detect to 97 mg/kg (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1270; 1984). The arsenic concentrations reported in site soil samples ranged from 4.02 to 41.1 mg/kg. Based on these results, the reported arsenic concentrations in soil appear to be representative of natural background levels. n The concentration of lead reported at one soil boring (LT-B-15, near the oil/water separator) exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL. This same boring also reported the above- referenced naphthalene exceedance of the residential RSL. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 4 1.3.2 Groundwater Impacts n Free product was observed within the soil profile at two boring locations in the eastern and central portions of the site. The observed product exhibited a viscous oily appearance and did not appear to be associated with diesel fuel or gasoline. Exhibit 6 (Appendix A) displays the boring locations and results of the groundwater sampling event and Exhibit 7 displays the groundwater gradient. n Widespread groundwater impacts were identified by petroleum hydrocarbons, primarily in the form of TRPH and TPH-DRO. A localized occurrence of TPH-GRO was also identified during the 2015 LSI. § Two groundwater sampling locations identified TRPH concentrations exceeding the Tier 1 Screening Level of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/l). § A total of three groundwater sampling locations identified TPH-DRO concentrations exceeding the ISL of 1 mg/l, and four sampling locations identified TPH-DRO concentrations above the Tier 1 Screening Level of 10 mg/l. § One groundwater sampling location identified a TPH-GRO concentration above the ISL of 1 mg/l, adjacent to the former onsite gasoline UST. § None of the groundwater samples identified any BTEXN or MTBE constituent concentrations above ISLs or Tier 1 Screening Levels. n Groundwater impacts by VOCs were not identified above Screening Levels, other than two samples that reported concentrations of a VOC that were higher than the corresponding groundwater VISL. Trichloroethene and 1,4 Dichlorobenzene exceeded the Residential VISL, and naphthalene exceeded the Industrial VISL. n Two groundwater samples identified dissolved arsenic at a concentration above the MCL, and one of these also exceeded the Utah Ground Water Protection Standard (UGWPS). n The 2019 Phase II ESA included the completion of four of the borings as temporary piezometers to allow evaluation of the local groundwater flow conditions. Based on groundwater elevation measurements from the piezometers, the groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. 1.3.3 Soil Gas Sub-slab soil gas sample points were installed four locations throughout the site (Exhibit 4; Appendix A). Multiple VOCs were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits, but at concentrations below the corresponding residential and commercial VISLs. Although two of the groundwater samples reported concentrations of a VOC (Trichloroethene and 1,4 Dichlorobenzene exceeded the Residential VISL, and naphthalene exceeded the Industrial Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 5 VISL) that were higher than the corresponding groundwater VISL, the sub-slab soil vapor sample results did not indicate a potential vapor intrusion issue. 1.3.4 Remedial Alternatives Evaluation Terracon’s Remedial Alternatives Evaluation was developed with the understanding that the current owner seeks to perform sufficient cleanup to sell the property for redevelopment while retaining the existing buildings. The buildings would be incorporated into a future re-development for commercial/industrial use and could potentially include residential use. Based on the proposed redevelopment plan and land use, five remedial alternatives were evaluated: n Alternative 1: No Action n Alternative 2: Remove Contaminant Source Structures n Alternative 3: Mobile Dual-Phase Extraction (MDPE) n Alternative 4: Remove Impacted Soils n Alternative 5: TPH Fractionation and Development of site-specific cleanup Levels (SSCLs) A multiple-component approach involving Alternatives 2, 3, and 5 was recommended. With this approach, ongoing and/or future contaminant releases are prevented by removing the primary contaminant sources (Alternative 2), and targeted free product removal (Alternative 3) eliminates the remaining onsite source of groundwater contamination. Petroleum impacts to soil and groundwater are addressed through TPH fractionation and development of SSCLs, and remaining impacts are managed in place with appropriate controls such that no complete exposure pathways exist. The lead impacts will be addressed during the remediation effort with the removal of the oil/water separator and limited removal of impacted soils. 1.4 Standard of Care Terracon’s services were performed in a manner consistent with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time. Terracon makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the findings, conclusions, or recommendations. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the work of laboratories, regulatory agencies, or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of the report. These Phase II services were performed in accordance with the scope of work agreed with you, our client, as reflected in our proposal and consistent with ASTM E1903-19,Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. 1.5 Additional Scope Limitations Findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from these services are based upon information derived from the on-site activities and other services performed under this scope of work; such information is subject to change over time. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other constituents may have been latent, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 6 inaccessible, unobservable, non-detectable, or not present during these services. We cannot represent that the site contains no hazardous substances, toxic materials, petroleum products, or other latent conditions beyond those identified during this Phase II investigation. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at specific borings or wells or during other surveys, tests, assessments, investigations, or exploratory services. The data, interpretations, findings, and our recommendations are based solely upon data obtained at the time and within the scope of these services. 1.6 Reliance This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Salt Lake County. Any authorization for use or reliance by any other party (except a governmental entity having jurisdiction over the site) is prohibited without the express written authorization of Salt Lake County and Terracon. Reliance by authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in the underlying contract between Salt Lake County and Terracon. The limitation of liability defined in the terms and conditions is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability all relying parties unless otherwise agreed in writing. 2.0 PHASE II SITE INVESTIGATION 2.1 Scope This Phase II scope of work addresses the collection of soil and groundwater samples for further delineation of impacts and for analyses at critical locations using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) Fractionation. The TPH Fractionation results are evaluated using the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ); Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) Site-Specific Cleanup Level (SSCL) Calculator V1.2 (2015.10.22). These activities were conducted in accordance with a site-specific SAP that was prepared and approved by EPA for this site. The SAP established specific site objectives, sampling process design, and details regarding site-specific sampling and analyses, and was used in conjunction with the EPA-approved QAPP. 2.2 Sampling Process Design Six (6) soil borings were advanced using direct-push drilling equipment to allow for the collection of subsurface soil and groundwater samples. To further characterize soil impacts using TPH Fractionation, three (3) borings were advanced in the vicinity of the previous boring locations that reported the highest impacts in the 2019 Phase II investigation, and one (1) boring was advanced adjacent to a previous boring that reported the highest TPH-GRO impact in groundwater in the 2015 LSI. Exhibit 8 (Appendix A) shows the locations of the soil borings. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 7 n Boring LT-B-2: one soil sample collected from the interval reporting the highest impacts: 9 feet below grade surface (bgs). n Boring LT-B-5: one soil sample collected from the interval reporting the highest impacts: 8 feet bgs. n Boring LT-B-7: one soil sample collected from the interval reporting the highest impacts: 7.5 feet bgs. n Boring LT-B-19: one soil sample collected from the interval reporting the highest impacts: 10 feet bgs. n One groundwater sample was collected from each boring. Two (2) borings were advanced to further delineate the extent of impacted soils and groundwater: LT-B-17 and LT-B-18. n One soil sample was collected from each boring at the obvious zone exhibiting signs of impacts or at the capillary fringe if impacts not identified in the field. n One groundwater sample was collected from each boring. The soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of approximately 15 feet bgs to allow for sufficient water to collect groundwater samples. After sample collection was completed, each boring was properly abandoned by backfilling with bentonite clay pellets, adding water to hydrate the bentonite clay, and restoring the surface with native soil, asphalt, or concrete patch as appropriate to match the surrounding area. Samples were delivered to the analytical laboratory within holding times for all analytical methods to generate definitive analytical data, which are critical to this assessment. Table 1 below provides a summary description of the sample locations, sample types, sample naming convention, laboratory analyses, and sampling rationale. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 8 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF SOIL BORINGS Sample Location Rationale Sample ID Sample Matrix Analytes Former Boring LT-2 Fractionation Analyses of highest reported TRPH concentration LT-B-2A Soil DRO Fractionation, PCBs LT-B-2A GW Groundwater DRO Fractionation, PCBs Former Boring LT-5 Fractionation Analyses of high reported TRPH concentration LT-B-5A Soil DRO Fractionation LT-B-5A GW Groundwater DRO Fractionation Former Boring LT-7 Fractionation Analyses of highest reported TPH-DRO concentration LT-B-7A Soil DRO Fractionation, PCBs LT-B-7A GW Groundwater DRO Fractionation, PCBs LT-17 Delineation of impacts LT-B-17 Soil TRPH, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, lead LT-B-17 GW Groundwater TRPH, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO LT-18 Delineation of impacts LT-B-18 Soil TRPH, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, lead LT-B-18 GW Groundwater TRPH, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO LT-19 Fractionation Analyses of high reported TPH- GRO concentration and delineation of impacts LT-B-19 Soil GRO Fractionation DRO Fractionation lead LT-B-19 GW Groundwater GRO Fractionation DRO Fractionation TPH- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. GRO - Gasoline Range Organics. DRO - Diesel Range Organics. TRPH-Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (a.k.a. Oil & Grease).PCBs –Polychlorinated biphenyls. 2.3 Field Data Collection Following SAP approval, the public utility location service (Blue Stakes of Utah) was notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing drilling activities. A private utility location service was used to locate potential utilities and other subsurface obstacles in the immediate vicinity of each boring location. Terracon conducted the field investigation on September 11, 2020. The mechanized drilling services were performed by Utah-licensed well driller Direct Push Services; Terracon Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 9 environmental personnel directed and supervised the drilling activities, logged the soil borings, and collected field samples. During advancement of the soil borings, soils were continuously cored in 5-foot intervals and observed to document subsurface soil types, color, relative moisture content, and sensory evidence of environmental impacts. The soil samples were field-screened using a portable photoionization detector (PID) – Mini Rae 3000 PID equipped with a 10.6 eV ultraviolet lamp to evaluate the potential presence of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). The unit measures TVOCs in sample headspace air relative to parts per million calibration gas equivalents in air and identified simply as “PPM” on soil boring logs. Native soils consisted of silts, silty clay, and sand. Elevated PID readings, with stained soils and odors were identified in the field. Detailed lithological descriptions and PID readings are included on the soil boring logs provided in Appendix B. Groundwater was encountered between approximately 9 to 11 feet bgs during boring installation with a calculated gradient to the northwest. 2.4 Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected from each of the six (6) direct-push borings following the procedures detailed in Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 5, Geoprobe Sampling, which is provided in Appendix B of the EPA-approved QAPP. During advancement of the borings, soils were logged as detailed in SOP 1, Soil Sampling and Logging, provided in Appendix B of the EPA-approved QAPP. One soil sample was collected from each boring from the specified soil interval or the soil interval exhibiting the highest elevated PID readings. If no elevated PID reading was observed, one sample was collected from the interval most likely to contain environmental impacts as determined in the field by the sampling professional. 2.5 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples were collected from each of the six (6) of the direct-push borings following the procedures detailed in SOP 5, Geoprobe Sampling, provided in Appendix B of the EPA- approved QAPP. 2.6 Field QA/QC Samples Per the QAPP, field duplicate samples for soil and groundwater were collected at a minimum rate of 10 percent. A total of six (6) soil samples and six (6) groundwater samples were collected. For this investigation, two field duplicate soil and two field duplicate groundwater samples were collected, which represents a duplicate frequency of 33% per sample media. One duplicate Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 10 sample was analyzed for each laboratory analytical method, which represents the following duplicate frequencies per analytical method. n TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, TRPH, and total lead in soil:1 duplicate for 3 samples or 33.3% n PCBs in soil: 1 duplicate for 2 samples or 50% n TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, TRPH, and total lead in groundwater: 1 duplicate for 2 samples or 50% n PCBs in groundwater: 1 duplicate for 2 samples or 50% n TPH-GRO Fractionation in soil: 0 duplicates for 1 sample or 0% n TPH-DRO Fractionation in soil: 1 duplicate for 3 samples or 33.3% n TPH-GRO Fractionation in groundwater: 0 duplicates for 1 sample or 0% n TPH-DRO Fractionation in groundwater: 1 duplicate for 3 samples or 33.3% The duplicates were given a fictitious identification so that the laboratory would be unaware of their duplicate status. The two soil borings selected for duplicate soil sampling were LT-B-2A @ 9.5’ (duplicate sample ID LT-B-22 @ 9.5’) and LT-B-17 @ 10’ (duplicate sample ID LT-B-37 @ 10’). The two groundwater duplicate samples were collected from boring LT-B-2A GW (duplicate sample ID LT-B-22 GW) and LT-B-17 GW (duplicate sample ID LT-B-37 GW). Three trip blanks (laboratory supplied blank) were included in the shipments. 2.7 Equipment Decontamination Non-expendable sampling equipment was decontaminated at the beginning of the project and decontaminated between each sampling location. These items were hand-scrubbed in an Alconoxä and potable water solution and rinsed with potable water between sample locations. Drilling equipment was cleaned using a high-pressure washer prior to beginning the project and between boring locations. 2.8 Site Restoration After sample collection was completed, each boring was properly abandoned by backfilling with bentonite clay pellets, adding water to hydrate the bentonite clay, and restoring the surface with existing soil, asphalt, or concrete patch as appropriate to match the surrounding area. 3.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS All soil and groundwater samples (including field duplicates and trip blank) were placed in iced coolers. The samples were shipped in iced coolers under chain-of-custody protocols via overnight courier to Pace Analytical Laboratories in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee (a Utah-Certified laboratory). Soil Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 11 and groundwater samples analyzed for TPH-Fractionation were hand-delivered to Utah-certified laboratory American West Analytical Laboratory (a Utah-Certified laboratory) in Salt Lake City, Utah. Samples were analyzed using the following methods: TABLE 2 – ANALYTICAL METHOD SUMMARY Parameter Matrix (Solid/Liquid)Analytical Method No. of Samples1 TRPH Soil SW-846 9071B 3 TRPH Groundwater SW-846 1664A 3 TPH-DRO Soil SW-846 8015 3 TPH-DRO Groundwater SW-846 3511/8015 3 TPH-GRO Soil SW-846 8015D/GRO 3 TPH-GRO Groundwater SW-846 8015D/GRO 3 DRO Fractionation Soil SW-846 8270E 6 DRO Fractionation Groundwater SW-846 8270E 6 GRO Fractionation Soil SW-846 8260D 1 GRO Fractionation Groundwater SW-846 8260D 1 Total lead Soil SW-846 6010B 4 PCBs Soil SW-846 8082 3 PCBs Groundwater SW-846 8082 3 1Includes field duplicate samples. 4.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS The following sections summarize analytical results. A summary of the analytical results is provided in the Tables in Appendix C.1. Copies of the laboratory analytical reports and sample chain-of-custody records are provided in Appendix D. Primary constituent concentrations in soils were compared to current EPA RSLs for residential and industrial use scenarios, and to Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and Tier 1 Screening Levels. Primary constituent concentrations in groundwater were compared to EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), EPA VISLs, UDEQ-LUST ISLs and Tier 1 Screening Levels. The TPH fractionation analyses are based on EPA Methods 8260 and 8270 and are designed to identify hydrocarbon fraction ranges from C5-C6 aliphatic hydrocarbons to C22-C35 aliphatics in addition to specific associated VOCs and semi-volatile compounds. The maximum values from the fractionation analyses and primary constituent analyses were entered into the DERR SSCL Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 12 calculator, along with the appropriate site-specific input parameters. Overall, the fractionation results appear to be consistent with residual “heavy-end” or large carbon chain petroleum associated primarily with diesel and oils (including hydraulic oil). The calculator was run twice (once assuming commercial land use, and once with residential land use assumptions). For an overview of the fractionation results, please refer to the SSCL calculator output (Appendix C), which includes the maximum reported concentrations in each of the various C-ranges. The calculator requires a data entry for each chemical to be evaluated, and where analytical sample results were below the laboratory reporting limit (“non-detect”) the laboratory reporting limit value is entered into the calculator. 4.1 Soil Data Analyses Petroleum Hydrocarbons: The concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons reported in the delineation of impacts borings B-17 and B-18 reported concentrations of TPH-DRO and TRPH to exceed the UDEQ ISL. Boring B-17 additionally exceeded the ISL for TPH-GRO. Exhibit 9 (Appendix A) displays a summary of the soil sample results exceeding a UDEQ Screening level. Lead: Total lead was analyzed in soil in borings B-17, -18, and -19 to delineate lead impacts reported in boring B-15. Lead was not reported at a concentration that exceeded the EPA residential RSL. PCBs: Soil samples collected from boring B-7A did not report concentrations of PCBs that exceeded the laboratory detection limit. The soil sample collected from boring B-2A reported a low concentration of PCB 1254: the concentration reported was below the EPA residential RSL. 4.2 Groundwater Data Analyses Petroleum Hydrocarbons: The concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons reported in the delineation of impacts borings B-17 and B-18 reported concentrations of TPH-DRO that exceeded the UDEQ Tier 1 Screening level. Exhibit 10 (Appendix A) displays a summary of the groundwater sample results exceeding a UDEQ Screening level. PCBs: Groundwater samples collected from borings B-2A and B-7A did not report concentrations of PCBs that exceeded the laboratory detection limit. 4.3 TPH-Fractionation Analyses The maximum concentrations from the available site data were entered into the SSCL calculator for the various C-ranges and associated VOCs and semi-volatile compounds identified in soil and groundwater samples. A copy of the SSLC Calculator is included in Appendix C.2. In cases where the highest concentrations were below the laboratory reporting limit, the reporting limit was entered as required by the SSCL calculator. Although the SSCL calculator does not have entry cells available for measured sub-slab vapor concentrations, it does have entry cells for Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 13 concentrations in (indoor) air. Therefore, to allow a valid comparison of the sub-slab vapor concentrations with the calculated SSCL values for air, the measured sub-slab concentrations from the 2019 Phase II ESA were entered after conversion to estimated indoor air concentrations by applying a slab attenuation factor of 0.03 (33.33), consistent with DERR and EPA OSWER guidance. The data entries were identical for each of the two SSLC calculator runs, with only the land use assumption (commercial and residential) changed between the two runs. Using the commercial land use assumption, the output from the SSCL calculator showed no exceedances of SSCLs for any of the C-ranges or constituents that were detected, with one apparent exception. For aliphatics (C7-C8), the SSCL calculator indicates an apparent exceedance of the subsurface soil SSCL for the indoor air vapor inhalation pathway. Although the previous sub-slab vapor samples did not include fractionation analysis (so a directly measured vapor value for C7-C8 aliphatics is not available), the designated surrogate compound for this C- range (heptane) was analyzed in the vapor samples, and entry of its maximum measured value did not indicate exceedance of the SSCL for air (vapor). Additionally, the maximum concentration of C7-C-8 aliphatics in groundwater was well below the groundwater SSCL for the indoor air vapor inhalation pathway. For several PAH compounds that were not detected in the soil and groundwater samples, the SSCL calculator indicated apparent exceedances of SSCLs, but these were artifacts of the calculator’s algorithms. The SSCL calculator requires input of the detection limits for “non-detect” values, which resulted in calculated SSCLs that are much lower than the detection limits for these compounds. These compounds were not actually detected in the samples, and there is no indication that these compounds are present. Additionally, these apparent SSCL exceedances for PAH compounds are for exposure pathways that are incomplete at this site under current and future conditions, regardless of land use type. Using the residential land use assumption, the SSCL calculator generated similar overall output, but with three additional apparent SSCL exceedances based on maximum soil concentrations. These were for benzene, naphthalene, and alkyl benzenes (C9-C10), with each indicating apparent exceedances of the soil SSCL (for soil leaching to groundwater with groundwater ingestion), which is an incomplete exposure pathway under current and future conditions. Additionally, the maximum concentrations of benzene, naphthalene, and alkyl benzenes (C9- C10) detected in groundwater were below the respective groundwater SSCLs for groundwater ingestion. 5.0 DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT All laboratory analytical data were subject to internal reduction and validation prior to external release of the data, as detailed in the laboratory’s Quality Assurance Manual. Following receipt of the laboratory analytical results by Terracon, the data were reviewed to evaluate compliance with Data Quality Indicators (DQIs) outlined in Sections D1, D2, and D3 of the QAPP. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 14 Documentation provided with the laboratory analytical results reports included a case narratives; analytical data with minimum method detection limits (MDLs) and reported detection limits (RDLs)reporting limits listed for all analyses; surrogate recoveries for GC/MS analyses with laboratory control limits; chain-of-custody records; and a quality control summary, including method blanks, matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates (MS/MSD) with control limits, laboratory control samples and duplicates (LCS/LCSD) with control limits; and application of data qualifiers where warranted. Assessment of the DQIs for Precision, Bias and Accuracy, Representativeness, Comparability, Completeness, and Sensitivity are presented in the following subsections. 5.1 Precision Precision was evaluated on the basis of relative percent difference (RPD) as a measure of reproducibility between LCS/LCSD pairs and MS/MSD pairs (analytical precision) and between field samples and field duplicate samples (field precision ). The RPD is calculated to evaluate precision using the following equation. RPD =ࢄ ିࢄ ቀࢄ +ࢄ ቁ ࢞ Where X1 and X2 are the reported concentrations of the samples being evaluated. 5.1.1 Analytical Precision A summary of the Quality Control assessment for analytical precision is presented below. n Laboratory Set L1262016 (Soil and Groundwater Samples): o The RPDs for the MS/MSD pairs associated with lead, TPH-GRO, TPH-GRO, and TRPH were within the laboratory control limits. o The RPD for the MS/MSD pair associated with PCB 1016 for Laboratory Batch WG1545652 was outside the laboratory’s control limits. As a result, a J3 flag was used to qualify this data. The affected analytes were not detected in any of the samples analyzed and the reported detection limits were two orders of magnitude below its residential RSL. It is not anticipated the analytical precision issue will affect the conclusions of this report and PCB 1016 in those samples is considered to be below the residential RSL. o The RPDs for the LCS/LCSD pairs associated with lead, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, TRPH, and PCBs were within the laboratory control limits. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 15 Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the MS/MSD and LCS/LCSD pairs and the evaluation provided above,analytical precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set L1262016 (Soil and Groundwater Samples). n Laboratory Set 2009349 (Soil and Groundwater Samples): o The RPDs for methyl tert-butyl ether, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene (MBTEXN) were within the laboratory’s control limits. o The RPDs for the MS/MSD pairs associated with analyses of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), part of the DRO Fractionation analytical suite, for Lab Set ID 2009349, Lab Sample ID 2009357-001BMSD, were within the laboratory’s control limits. o The RPDs for the MS/MSD pairs associated with analyses of PAHs for Lab Set ID 2009349, Lab Sample ID 2009349-003AMSD, were outside the laboratory’s control limits for anthracene and benzo(k)fluoranthene. For both anthracene and benzo(k)fluoranthene the laboratory stated the high RPDs were due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. For benzo(k)fluoranthene the laboratory also stated the matrix spike recovery indicated matrix interference, but that the method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Neither anthracene nor benzo(k)fluoranthene were detected in the samples analyzed. The highest RDL reported for anthracene, 7.5 mg/kg, is well below the SSCLs for anthracene calculated for the site (Appendix C). The highest RDL reported for benzo(k)fluoranthene, 7.5 mg/kg, is well below the SSCLs for benzo(k)fluoranthene calculated for the site (Appendix C), except for the soil leaching to groundwater pathway (SSCL s-leach). As benzo(k)fluoranthene was not reported in any of the groundwater samples, the exceedance of the SSCLs-leach by the RDL is not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report that benzo(k)fluoranthene is not anticipated to be present in either soil or groundwater at the site. Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the MS/MSD and LCS/LCSD pairs and the evaluation provided above,analytical precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set 2009349 (Soil and Groundwater Samples). 5.1.2 Field Precision A total of one soil and one groundwater duplicate pairs were collected and analyzed. A summary of the Quality Control assessment for field precision is presented below. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 16 Per the QAPP, analytical results for original samples and field duplicate pairs that are less than five times the laboratory’s Reported Detection Limit (RDL) in the analytical reports, were considered within control if the difference between the sample concentration and its duplicate was less than two times the RDL. When analytical results for the original sample and the field duplicate pairs are greater than five times the RDL, the duplicate pair was considered within control when the RPDs for the field duplicate pairs were within the QAPP’s control limits (50% for solid samples, 25% for groundwater samples). n Laboratory Set L2672016 (Soil Samples): o TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, and TRPH (Table C7.1) The RPDs calculated for TPH-DRO, TPH-GRO, and TRPH are considered in control because the RPDs were less than the 50% QAPP control limit. o Lead (Table C7.1) The RPD calculated for total lead is considered in control because the RPD was less than the 50% QAPP control limit. o PCBs (Table C7.2) Reported concentrations for most of the PCBs, except PCB 1254, were less than the RDLs for both the original and duplicate samples and were considered within control because the difference between the RDLs was less than two times the RDL. One PCB (PCB 1254) had detectable concentrations in both samples. This analyte is in control because both the original and duplicate were less than 5X RDL and the difference between the results was less than 2X RDL. Based on the results of the evaluation provided above,field precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set L1262016 (Soil Samples). n Laboratory Set L1262016 (Groundwater Samples): o TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, and TRPH (Table C7.3) TPH-GRO and TRPH are considered in control because both the original and duplicate were less than 5X RDL and the difference between the results was less than 2X RDL. TPH-DRO is in control because the calculated RPD is less than the 25% QAPP control limit. o PCBs (Table C7.4) PCBs are considered within control because PCBs were less than the RDLs in both the original and duplicate samples and the difference between the RDLs was less than two times the RDL. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 17 Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the field duplicate sample pairs and the evaluation provided above,field precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set L1262016 (Groundwater Samples). n Laboratory Set 2009349 (Soil Samples): o TPH-DRO Fractionation (Table 7.5) Most TPH-DRO fractionation components are considered in control because they were less than the RDLs in both the original and duplicate samples and the difference between the RDLs was less than two times the RDL. RPDs were calculated for C11-C12 aliphatic hydrocarbons, C11-C13 alkyl naphthalenes, C13- C16 aliphatic hydrocarbons, C17-C21 aliphatic hydrocarbons, and C22-C25 aliphatic hydrocarbons and they were considered in control because the RPDs were less than the 50% QAPP control limit. Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the field duplicate sample pairs and the evaluation provided above,field precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set 2009349 (Soil Samples). n Laboratory Set 2009349 (Groundwater Samples): o TPH-DRO Fractionation (Table C7.6) Most TPH-DRO fractionation components are considered in control because they were less than the RDLs in both the original and duplicate samples and the difference between the RDLs was less than two times the RDL. RPDs were calculated for C11-C12 aliphatic hydrocarbons, C13-C16 aliphatic hydrocarbons, C17-C21 aliphatic hydrocarbons, and C22-C25 aliphatic hydrocarbons and they were considered in control because the RPDs were less than the 25% QAPP control limit. Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the field duplicate sample pairs and the evaluation provided above,field precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set 2009349 (Groundwater Samples). 5.2 Bias and Accuracy Bias and Accuracy were evaluated through a review of the method blanks, trip blanks, percent recoveries for LCS/LCSD, and percent recoveries for MS/MSD summaries provided by the laboratory. Method blanks and trip blanks were considered within control (i.e.,accuracy ) if the constituents analyzed were less than the analytical method reporting limits. LCS/LCSD and MS/MSD analyses were considered within control if the percent recoveries were within the laboratory’s established limits (i.e.,bias ). A summary of the Quality Control assessment for Bias and Accuracy is presented below. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 18 n Laboratory Set L1262016 (Soil and Groundwater Samples): o Accuracy – Method Blank: All analytes in the method blanks were less than the laboratory RDLs. TPH-GRO was detected in the method blank for Batch WG1545597 in an estimated concentration below its RDL (J flag). One of the affected samples (LT-B-17@10’) was detected at 158 mg/kg, which slightly exceeds the UDEQ ISL of 150 mg/kg. Based on the very low detection of TPH- GRO in the method blank (0.0449 mg/kg), it is unlikely this would affect the conclusion that TPH-GRO exceeds its ISL in this location. o Accuracy – Trip Blank: A trip blank was analyzed for TPH-GRO. Results for TPH-GRO were less than the RDLs. o Bias – LCS/LCSD Percent Recoveries:The percent recoveries of the analytes in the LCS and LCSD for TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, TRPH, lead, and PCBs were within the laboratory’s quality control ranges. o Bias – MS/MSD Percent Recoveries:The percent recoveries for all the analytes in the MS and MSD were within the laboratory’s control limits for TPH-GRO, TPH- DRO, TRPH, lead, and PCBs. Bias and Accuracy are considered within control for Laboratory Set 2009349. n Laboratory Set 2009349 (Soil and Groundwater Samples): o Accuracy – Method Blank: All analytes in the method blanks were less than the RDLs. o Accuracy – Trip Blank: A trip blank was analyzed for TPH-GRO Fractionation. All results for TPH-GRO Fractionation were less than the RDLs. o Bias – LCS/LCSD Percent Recoveries:The percent recoveries of the analytes in the LCS for TPH-DRO and TPH-GRO Fractionation were within the laboratory’s quality control ranges. o Bias – MS/MSD Percent Recoveries:The percent recoveries for all the analytes in the MS and MSD were within the laboratory’s control limits for TPH-DRO Fractionation and TPH-GRO Fractionation, except for anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and pyrene in Lab Sample ID 2009349-003AMS/MSD. Phenanthrene’s recovery was also outside of the laboratory’s control limits in Lab Sample ID 2009349-003AMSD. The laboratory stated matrix spike recovery indicates matric interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. As Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 19 these constituents were not reported in any of the samples analyzed above their RDLs, this bias issue is not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report that they are not present in the soil samples collected at the site. The percent recoveries for MBTEXN in Lab Sample ID 2009031-009BMS/MSD were recorded as 0. The laboratory stated sample dilution required due to sample matrix. Surrogate and MS spiking compound recoveries were outside of the control limits as expected due to being diluted out. The percent recoveries for MBTEXN were within the laboratory’s control limits for Lab Sample ID 2009262- 001AMS/MSD and 2009399-002AMS/MSD, except for MTBE that recovered a little low in sample 2009399-002AMSD. MTBE was not detected in the samples analyzed above the RDLs. While one of the MS/MSD pairs had to be diluted and had poor recoveries, the other two were generally within the control limits. As such, recoveries for the MS/MSD pairs are considered within control. Bias and Accuracy are considered within control for Laboratory Set 2009349. 5.3 Representativeness Representativeness is a qualitative parameter most concerned with proper design and execution of the sampling program to produce data that accurately and precisely represent environmental conditions. Selection of analytical methods, sampling methods and locations representative of the media sampled were set forth in the SAP.Representativeness in the field was achieved by implementing the approved SAP and using appropriate sampling methods, sample containers, sample handling and preservation methods.Representativeness in the laboratory was achieved by using the proper analytical procedures, meeting sample holding times, and analyzing and assessing laboratory QA/QC samples. Field Representativeness Sampling was conducted in general accordance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and associated Standard Operating Procedures. Laboratory Representativeness Sample analyses followed the analytical methods listed in the SAP or equivalent EPA-approved methods or variations of the listed methods. Sample analyses were performed within the specified holdings times for all the project samples. TPH-DRO and TPH-GRO Fractionation analyses were conducted by American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL). AWAL was subcontracted by Pace Analytical for this work. AWAL is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah, and all analyses were performed in accordance with NELAP protocols. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 20 Representativeness is considered within control. 5.4 Comparability Comparability is a qualitative term expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another. The comparability goal was achieved using standardized sampling procedures in accordance with the SAP and QAPP, use of standardized and approved laboratory analytical methods, and reporting the analytical results in appropriate and consistent units. n Sampling was conducted in general accordance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and associated Standard Operating Procedures. Deviations from the SAP occurred during the sampling event and are discussed in Section 5.3. n Sample analyses followed the analytical methods listed in the SAP or equivalent EPA- approved methods or variations of the listed methods. n The units of measure reported by the laboratories were consistent with the units of measure used by the regulatory Screening Levels. n The number of field duplicates specified in the approved SAP was 10% of the field samples. o TPH-GRO:One field duplicate for three soil samples or 33.3%, which exceeds the 10% goal. One field duplicate for two groundwater samples or 50.0%, which exceeds the 10% goal. o TPH-DRO: One field duplicate for three soil samples or 33.3%, which exceeds the 10% goal. One field duplicate for two groundwater samples or 50.0%, which exceeds the 10% goal. o TRPH: One field duplicate for three soil samples or 33.3%, which exceeds the 10% goal. One field duplicate for two groundwater samples or 50.0%, which exceeds the 10% goal. o Lead: One field duplicate for two soil samples or 50%, which exceeds the 10% goal. o PCBs: One field duplicate for two soil samples or 50%, which exceeds the 10% goal. One field duplicate for two groundwater samples or 50.0%, which exceeds the 10% goal. Comparability is considered within control. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 21 5.5 Completeness Completeness is the ratio of valid measurements to the number of planned measurements, expressed as a percentage, and the completeness goal for the project is 90%. The sampling program is deemed to meet the DQIs for valid measurements, with the following exceptions. n Analytical Precision issue:The RPD for the MS/MSD pair for PCB 1016 was outside of the control limits . PCB 1016 was less than the RDL for the affected samples and this in not anticipated to affect the usability of the data and PCB 1016 in those samples is considered to be below the residential RSL. n Analytical Precision issue:The RPDs for the MS/MSD pairs for anthracene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were outside of the control limits.Sample non-homogeneity was suspected. Neither anthracene nor benzo(k)fluoranthene were detected in the samples analyzed and the RDLs were generally less than the SSCLs calculated for the site. Neither constituent is anticipated to be present in the samples analyzed. n Accuracy issue:TPH-GRO was detected in the method blank. One of the affected samples (LT-B-17@10’) was detected at 158 mg/kg, which slightly exceeds the UDEQ ISL of 150 mg/kg. Based on the very low detection of TPH-GRO in the method blank (0.0449 mg/kg), it is unlikely this would affect the conclusion that TPH-GRO exceeds its ISL in this location. n Bias issue:The percent recoveries for anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, phenanthrene, and pyrene were outside of the laboratory’s control limits, likely due to matrix interference. As these constituents were not reported in any of the samples analyzed above their RDLs, this bias issue is not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report that they are not present in the soil samples collected at the site. n Bias issue:The percent recoveries for MBTEXN were outside of the laboratory’s control limits in one sample due to sample dilution. While one of the MS/MSD pairs had to be diluted and had poor recoveries, the other two were generally within the control limits. As such, recoveries for the MS/MSD pairs are considered within control. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 22 While the above issues were identified, none were determined to affect the usability of the data. As such, the analytical data are acceptable for their intended use to evaluate constituent concentrations compared to applicable regulatory Screening Levels. 5.6 Sensitivity Sensitivity refers to the capability of a method or instrument to discriminate between measurement responses representing different Levels of the variable of interest. The sensitivity goal is for RDLs to be below comparative Screening Levels, which vary considerably by analyte and in value and applicability. Overall, the level of sensitivity was sufficient to allow the identification of soil and groundwater constituents above applicable regulatory Screening Levels. n Laboratory Set L1262016 (Soil Samples): o TPH-GRO (Table C.1):The RDLs were all less than the Utah ISLs and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels for analytes reported as less than the RDL. o TPH-DRO (Table C.1): The RDLs were all less than the Utah ISLs and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels for analytes reported as less than the RDL. o TRPH (Table C.1): The RDLs were all less than the Utah ISLs and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels for analytes reported as less than the RDL. o Lead (Table C.1): The RDLs were all less than the EPA RSLs for lead. o PCBs (Table C.2): The RDLs were all less than the EPA RSLs for PCBs. n Laboratory Set L1262016 (Groundwater Samples): o TPH-GRO (Table C.3):The RDLs were all less than the Utah ISLs and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels for analytes reported as less than the RDL. o TPH-DRO (Table C.3):The RDLs were all less than the Utah ISLs and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels for analytes reported as less than the RDL. o TRPH (Table C.3):The RDLs were all less than the Utah ISLs and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels for analytes reported as less than the RDL. o PCBs (Table C.4):EPA MCLs, Utah ISLs, and Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels are not established for PCBs. Several PCB RDLs were greater than EPA Residential VISLs. The MDLs were below these VISLs. However, these constituents were less than the RDLs in each of the samples. These are not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 23 n Laboratory Set 2009349 (Soil Samples): o TPH-GRO Fractionation (Table 2):RDLs for benzene exceeded SSCL Levels for leaching to groundwater. Benzene was not detected above the RDL in the sample. This are not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report. RDLs for C9-C10 alkyl benzenes and C7-C8 aliphatics exceed some SSCLs. However, the concentrations of these components in the affected sample is much greater than these Levels. o TPH-DRO Fractionation (Table 2):Several RDLs for PAH fractionation components exceeded SSCL Levels for leaching to groundwater and ingestion or inhalation. However, none of these PAHs were detected above RDLs in any of the samples. These are not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report. n Laboratory Set 2009349 (Groundwater Samples): o TPH-DRO (Table 4):Several RDLs for PAH fractionation components exceeded SSCL Levels for groundwater ingestion. However, none of these PAHs were detected above RDLs in any of the samples. These are not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report. o o TPH-GRO (Table 4):No RDLs of fractionation components exceeded SSCL Levels for groundwater. The DQIs for Comparability were achieved. As such,Comparability was deemed acceptable. 6.0 DATA EVALUATION Following is an overview of the identified contaminants in soil and groundwater to date. Subsurface soils and groundwater exceeding the UDEQ Screening Levels for TRPH and TPH- DRO were reported across the site. None of the soil or groundwater samples identified any BTEXN or MTBE constituent concentrations above ISLs or Tier 1 Screening Levels. Free product, likely associated with hydraulic oil, was reported in borings B-10 and B-15. Lead exceeded the EPA industrial RSL in soil in boring B-15 at 10’. Lead-impacted soils appear to be limited to this area as no other soil samples reported elevated lead and are likely associated with the oil/water separator. Two groundwater samples, B-12 (0.0392 mg/l) and B-16 (0.0963 mg/l) reported dissolved arsenic above the MCL of 0.01 mg/l. Boring B-16 additionally exceeded the UGWQS of 0.05 mg/l. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 24 The TPH Fractionation results indicate that the hydrocarbons present in soils and groundwater are predominately residual “heavy-end” or large carbon chain petroleum associated with diesel and oils (including hydraulic oil). Evaluation using the DERR SSCL calculator indicates several apparent exceedances of calculated SSCLs, but for exposure pathways that are incomplete under current and future conditions for both commercial and residential land use. Many of the apparent SSCL exceedances are artifacts of the calculator algorithms, which require input of the detection limits for “non-detect” values; this results in calculated SSCL values that are much lower than the detection limits for many compounds (i.e., the laboratory analyses do not indicate that the offending compounds are actually present). The exposure pathways for the apparent SSCL exceedances are incomplete because 1) site groundwater is not extracted and used for drinking water or for any other purposes; 2) the impacted soils are at depth and physically isolated from potential exposure by ingestion, inhalation, or dermal contact; and 3) the apparent exceedance of the subsurface soil SSCL for aliphatics (C7-C8), for the indoor air vapor inhalation pathway, is not supported by the groundwater data or the sub-slab vapor data. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Evaluation of the TPH fractions, site-specific conditions, and exposure pathways in the context of the planned site use (incorporation of the existing buildings into a future re-development) supports the remedial approach recommended in the Remedial Alternatives Evaluation. The overall remedial approach involves removal of contaminant source structures (hydraulic hoists, sump, floor drains), conducting targeted removal of free product to address the remaining onsite source of groundwater contamination, and reliance on the current understanding of the TPH fractions. The remaining TPH in soil and groundwater can be managed with controls such as restrictions on groundwater use, maintenance of existing physical barriers over the impacted soils at depth, and establishment of soil management procedures to be followed in the event of future excavation activity. Such controls would need to be specified in a Site Management Plan and Environmental Covenant under regulatory oversight and maintained during future site use to ensure that all exposure pathways remain incomplete. Terracon recommends consultation with the appropriate UDEQ agency for regulatory oversight, input, and approval on remediation and management of the site. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project 61197491 Task 34 ■November 18, 2020 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 25 8.0 REFERENCES Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) 2015 Limited Site Investigation Report, Lelis Transmissions, 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, Terracon Project No. AL157378, August 18, 2015. 2019 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Lelis Transmission, 845 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,July 25, 2019. 2019 Sampling and Analyses Plan, Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96835701, Hazardous Materials and Petroleum Grant for Salt Lake County, Lelis Transmissions, 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, August 19, 2019. 2019 Phase II Site Assessment, Sampling and Analyses Plan, Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96835701: ACRES ID No. 237101, Hazardous Materials and Petroleum Grant for Salt Lake County, Lelis Transmissions, 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,September 24, 2019; Revised September 30, 2019. 2020 Community-Wide Quality Assurance Project Plan, Salt Lake Brownfields Coalition Assessments, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96896101, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City, and Murray City, Utah,January 21, 2020. 2020 Remedial Alternatives Evaluation, Lelis Transmission, 845 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,July 20, 2020. 2020 Sampling and Analyses Plan, Salt Lake County Brownfields Coalition Assessments, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96886101, Hazardous Materials and Petroleum Grant for Salt Lake County, Lelis Transmissions, 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, September 8, 2020. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1270; Element Concentrations in Soils and Other Surficial Materials of the Conterminous United States 1984. APPENDIX A Exhibits TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UT (1/1/1998), FORT DOUGLAS, UT (1/1/1998), SALT LAKE CITY SOUTH, UT (1/1/1999) and SUGAR HOUSE, UT (1/1/1998). TOPOGRAPHIC MAP LELIS TRANSMISSIONS 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 61177082 DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: AT ABF ABF ABF Exhibits Sept 2019 Project No. File Name: Date: 1 Exhibit 1”=2,000’Scale: SUBJECT PROPERTY SITE DIAGRAM 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 61177082AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS LELIS TRANSMISSIONS 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UTDIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: AT ABF ABF ABF Exhibits Sept 2019 Scale: Project No. File Name: Date: AS SHOWN 2 Exhibit Legend Drains Hoists Sump Oil-Water Separator APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY Fo r m e r U S T B a s i n AS T Undocumented UST Removal (Adjoining Property) Sump Oil-Water Separator Parts Washing LT-B-8 LT-B-9 LT-B-10 LT-B-11 LT-B-12LT-B-13 (Refusal) Soil and Groundwater Sampling Points 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 61177082AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS LELIS TRANSMISSIONS 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UTDIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: AT ABF ABF ABF Exhibits Sept 2019 Scale: Project No. File Name: Date: AS SHOWN 3 Exhibit Legend Drains Hoists Sump Oil-Water Separator Soil Sampling Point Soil & GW Sampling Point APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY Fo r m e r U S T B a s i n AS T Undocumented UST Removal (Adjoining Property) Sump Oil-Water Separator with French Drain LT-B-1 LT-B-2 LT-B-3 LT-B-4 LT-B-5 LT-B-6 LT-B-7 LT-B-14 LT-B-15 LT-B-16 Soil Gas Sampling Points 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 61177082AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS LELIS TRANSMISSIONS 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UTDIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: AT ABF ABF ABF Exhibits Sept 2019 Scale: Project No. File Name: Date: AS SHOWN 4 Exhibit Legend Drains Hoists Sump Oil-Water Separator Soil Gas Sampling Point APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY Fo r m e r U S T B a s i n AS T Undocumented UST Removal (Adjoining Property) Sump Oil-Water Separator VP-1 VP-2 VP-3VP-4 ED ED ED ED ED EDED ED ED ED ED ED EDED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED Former UST Basin Undocumented UST Removal (Adjoining Property) AST Parts Washing LT-B-2 LT-B-4 LT-B-6 LT-B-1 LT-B-3 LT-B-5 LT-B-7 LT-B-11 LT-B-10 LT-B-9 LT-B-15 LT-B-14 LT-B-12 LT-B-13 (Refusal) LT-B-16 LT-B-8 PH. (801) 545-8500 terracon.com 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047 Exhibit61177082 Sep 2020 KCT ABF Project No.: Date: Drawn By: Reviewed By: N : \ G I S \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ M a p s \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I . a p r x 0 25 5012.5 Feet ³ 2019 Soil Sample Results Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT DATA SOURCES: ESRI WMS - © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS © 2020 HERE NOTES: ISL = Utah Department of Environmental Quality Initial Screening Level Tier 1 = Utah Department of Environmental Quality Tier 1 Screening Level³ 5 ED Soil Borings - September 2019 ED 2019 Soil Sampling Point > ISL ED 2019 Soil Sampling Point > Tier 1 Drain Oil-Water Separator Sump Hoist Storage Tank Feature Approximate Site Boundary @A @A @A @A @A @A @A@A @A @A @ALT-B-14 LT-B-15 LT-B-16 LT-B-3 LT-B-5 LT-B-9 LT-B-7LT-B-11 LT-B-12 LT-B-1 LT-B-10 PH. (801) 545-8500 terracon.com 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047 Exhibit61177082 Oct 2020 KCT ABF Project No.: Date: Drawn By: Reviewed By: N : \ G I S \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ M a p s \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I . a p r x 0 25 5012.5 Feet ³ 2019 Groundwater Sample Results Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT DATA SOURCES: ESRI WMS - © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS © 2020 HERE NOTES: ISL = Utah Department of Environmental Quality Initial Screening Level Tier 1 = Utah Department of Environmental Quality Tier 1 Screening Level³ 6 @A Groundwater Sample Point @A Groundwater Sample Point > ISL @A Groundwater Sample Point > Tier 1 @A Free Product; Groundwater Not Sampled Drain Oil-Water Separator Sump Hoist Storage Tank Feature Approximate Site Boundary & Former UST Basin Undocumented UST Removal (Adjoining Property) AST @A @A @A @A @A @A ED ED ED ED ED ED 9 0.5 f t 9 0.9 ft 90.8 f t90.6 f t 90.7 f t LT-B-7 LT-B-5 LT-B-3 LT-B-1 LT-B-13 LT-B-12 LT-B-6 LT-B-10 LT-B-4 LT-B-2 LT-B-8 LT-B-15LT-B-16 90.45 ft LT-B-14 90.60 ft LT-B-11 90.68 ft LT-B-9 90.97 ft PH. (801) 545-8500 terracon.com 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047 Exhibit61177082 Sep 2020 KCT ABF Project No.: Date: Drawn By: Reviewed By: N : \ G I S \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ M a p s \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I . a p r x 0 25 5012.5 Feet ³ 2019 Groundwater Gradient Map Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT DATA SOURCES: ESRI WMS - © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS © 2020 HERE NOTES: Groundwater elevations measured relative to an arbitrary benchmark of 100 ft. Gauged wells are highlighted in blue.³ 7 @A Soil & GW Sampling Point ED Soil Sampling Point Drain Oil-Water Separator Sump &Generalized Groundwater Flow Direction Groundwater Elevation Isocontours Hoist Storage Tank Feature Approximate Site Boundary ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED Former UST Basin Undocumented UST Removal (Adjoining Property) AST Parts Washing LT-B-2A LT-B-5A LT-B-7A LT-B-18 LT-B-17 LT-B-19 LT-B-16 LT-B-14 LT-B-15 LT-B-12 LT-B-11 LT-B-7 LT-B-6 LT-B-5 LT-B-4 LT-B-3 LT-B-2 LT-B-1 LT-B-9 LT-B-8 LT-B-10 LT-B-13 (refusal) © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS © 2020 HERE PH. (801) 545-8500 terracon.com 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047 Exhibit61177082 Sep 2020 AST ABF Project No.: Date: Drawn By: Reviewed By: N : \ G I S \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ M a p s \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I . a p r x 0 25 5012.5 Feet © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA ED Soil Borings - September 2019 ED Additional LSI Borings - September 2020 Drain Oil-Water Separator Sump Hoist Storage Tank Feature Approximate Site Boundary ³ Additional LSI Boring Locations Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT] DATA SOURCES: ESRI WMS - World Aerial Imagery, OpenStreetMap³ 8 ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED EDED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED EDEDED ED ED ED )RUPHU867DDVLQ 8QGRFXPHQWHG8675HPRYDOCGMRLQLQJ3URSHUW\ C67 3DUWV:DVKLQJ /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D/7D5HIXVDO /7D /7D /7D /7D /7D /7DC /7DC /7DC © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS © 2020 HERE PH. (801) 545-8500 terracon.com 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047 Exhibit61197491 Oct 2020 AST ABF Project No.: Date: Drawn By: Reviewed By: N : \ G I S \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ M a p s \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I . a p r x 0 25 5012.5 Feet © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA ED Soil Borings - September 2019 ED Additional LSI Borings - September 2020 ED 2019 Soil Sampling Point > ISL ED 2019 Soil Sampling Point > Tier 1 ED 2020 Soil Sampling Point > ISL Drain Oil-Water Separator Sump Hoist Storage Tank Feature Approximate Site Boundary ³ Summary of Soil Sample Results Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah DATA SOURCES: ESRI WMS - World Aerial Imagery, OpenStreetMap³ 9 @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A@A @A @A @A@A @A @A @A @A LT-B-18 LT-B-14 LT-B-15 LT-B-16 LT-B-19 LT-B-3 LT-B-2A LT-B-5 LT-B-5A LT-B-7A LT-B-9 LT-B-7LT-B-11 LT-B-12 LT-B-17 LT-B-1 LT-B-10 PH. (801) 545-8500 terracon.com 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047 Exhibit611974941 Oct 2020 AST ABF Project No.: Date: Drawn By: Reviewed By: N : \ G I S \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ M a p s \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I \ 6 1 1 7 7 0 8 2 _ L e l i s P h a s e I I L S I . a p r x 0 25 5012.5 Feet © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA @A Groundwater Sample Point @A Groundwater Sample Point > ISL @A Groundwater Sample Point > Tier 1 @A Free Product; Groundwater Not Sampled Drain Oil-Water Separator Sump Hoist Storage Tank Feature Approximate Site Boundary ³ 2020 Summary of Groundwater Sample Results Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah DATA SOURCES: ESRI WMS - World Aerial Imagery, OpenStreetMap³ 10 APPENDIX B Soil Boring Logs 0.4 2.9 3.5 6.1 8.8 9.9 11.9 13.0 14.8 15.0 LT-B-2A @ 9.5', 12:30 Collected Dupe = LT-B-22 @ 9.5', Time Stamp 13:25 LT-B-2A GW, 13:15 Collected Dupe = LT-B-22 GW, Time Stamp 13:41 FILL - CONCRETE FILL - SILTY GRAVEL FILL - SILT WITH GRAVEL , dark brown and black, contains coal fines SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SANDY SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL (ML), gray, wet, medium stiff, medium dense, staining, petro odor CLAY (CL), greenish gray, moist, stiff SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL (ML), gray, wet, medium stiff, medium dense, staining, petro odor CLAY (CL), brown, wet, medium stiff SILTY FINE SAND (SM), brown, wet, dense Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS GW 0.0 0.0 0.7 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 11 20 62 22 15 10 8.0 15 5.0 2.0 1.5 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 1 9 7 4 9 1 L E L I S T R A N S L S I B H G I N T 9 - 4 - 2 0 M L . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 845 S. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Hydrated Bentonite Notes: Project No.: 61197491 Task 34 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 09-11-2020 BORING LOG NO. LT-B-2A Salt Lake County Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 09-11-2020 Exhibit: CLIENT: 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions Phase II T34 C-1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 70 80 60 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.4 1.1 1.7 5.9 7.5 8.4 9.4 10.1 10.5 11.9 15.0 LT-B-5A @ 9', 15:57 LT-B-5A GW, 16:14 FILL - CONCRETE FILL - SILTY GRAVEL FILL - SILT WITH GRAVEL , dark brown and black, contains coal fines SILT (ML), brown, moist, stiff SILT WITH SAND (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILTY CLAY (CL-ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILT WITH SAND (ML), gray, moist, medium stiff, staining, slight petro odor CLAY (CL), gray, moist, stiff SILT WITH SAND (ML), gray, moist, stiff, slight petro odor SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff CLAY (CL), gray brown, wet, soft to medium stiff Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS GW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.8 1.5 2.4 11 32.8 23.8 4.3 6.3 5.3 5.3 1.8 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 1 9 7 4 9 1 L E L I S T R A N S L S I B H G I N T 9 - 4 - 2 0 M L . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 845 S. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Hydrated Bentonite Notes: Project No.: 61197491 Task 34 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 09-11-2020 BORING LOG NO. LT-B-5A Salt Lake County Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 09-11-2020 Exhibit: CLIENT: 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions Phase II T34 C-2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 70 80 60 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.4 2.5 7.7 12.4 15.0 LT-B-7A @ 9', 14:55 LT-B-7A GW, 15:07 FILL - CONCRETE FILL - SILTY GRAVEL SILT (ML), brown, moist, stiff CLAYEY SANDY SILT (ML), gray, wet, soft to medium stiff CLAY (CL), gray, wet, medium stiff Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS GW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 1.1 2.2 5.1 6.0 7.2 5.9 3.8 4.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 1 9 7 4 9 1 L E L I S T R A N S L S I B H G I N T 9 - 4 - 2 0 M L . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 845 S. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Hydrated Bentonite Notes: Project No.: 61197491 Task 34 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 09-11-2020 BORING LOG NO. LT-B-7A Salt Lake County Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 09-11-2020 Exhibit: CLIENT: 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions Phase II T34 C-3 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 80 80 95 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.4 1.0 3.6 4.9 7.5 9.3 10.5 12.2 13.5 14.8 15.0 LT-B-17 @ 10', 10:10 Collected Dupe = LT-B-37 @ 10', Time Stamp 11:05 LT-B-17 GW, 10:50 Collected Dupe = LT-B-37 GW, Time Stamp 11:15 FILL - CONCRETE FILL - SILTY GRAVEL SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILT WITH CLAY (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILTY CLAY (CL-ML), light gray brown, moist, medium stiff to stiff SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL (ML), gray, wet, medium stiff, medium dense, staining, petro odor SILT WITH CLAY (ML), brown, moist to wet, stiff SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL (ML), gray, wet, medium stiff, medium dense, staining, petro odor CLAY (CL), greenish gray, wet, stiff SAND (SP), gray, wet, medium dense, coarse Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS GW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.0 2.0 10 100 450 450 50 120 90 310 90 12 6.5 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 1 9 7 4 9 1 L E L I S T R A N S L S I B H G I N T 9 - 4 - 2 0 M L . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 845 S. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Hydrated Bentonite Notes: Project No.: 61197491 Task 34 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 09-11-2020 BORING LOG NO. LT-B-17 Salt Lake County Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 09-11-2020 Exhibit: CLIENT: 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions Phase II T34 C-4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 60 85 95 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.3 1.2 2.5 4.3 5.9 8.4 12.4 14.3 14.6 15.0 LT-B-18 @ 10', 09:12 LT-B-18 GW, 09:36 FILL - ASPHALT FILL - SILTY GRAVEL FILL - SILT WITH GRAVEL SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILT WITH CLAY (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILT (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff SILTY CLAY (CL-ML), gray brown, moist, soft to medium stiff CLAY (CL), gray, wet, medium stiff SAND (SP), gray, wet, medium dense CLAY (CL), gray, wet, medium stiff Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS GW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.5 1.2 7.0 32 68 2.5 6.5 3.2 5.8 0.9 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 1 9 7 4 9 1 L E L I S T R A N S L S I B H G I N T 9 - 4 - 2 0 M L . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 845 S. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Hydrated Bentonite Notes: Project No.: 61197491 Task 34 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 09-11-2020 BORING LOG NO. LT-B-18 Salt Lake County Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 09-11-2020 Exhibit: CLIENT: 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions Phase II T34 C-5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 95 85 95 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.3 2.5 3.9 9.2 10.4 12.0 15.0 LT-B-19 @ 10', 11:30 LT-B-19 GW, 11:48 FILL - ASPHALT FILL - SILTY GRAVEL FILL - SILT WITH GRAVEL , contains brick SILT (ML), brown, moist, stiff SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL (ML), gray, moist, medium stiff, medium dense, staining, petro odor SILT WITH CLAY (ML), brown, moist, medium stiff CLAY (CL), greenish gray, wet, medium stiff to stiff Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS GW 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.9 22 350 350 88 27 8.2 3.3 3.5 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 1 9 7 4 9 1 L E L I S T R A N S L S I B H G I N T 9 - 4 - 2 0 M L . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 845 S. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Hydrated Bentonite Notes: Project No.: 61197491 Task 34 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 09-11-2020 BORING LOG NO. LT-B-19 Salt Lake County Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 09-11-2020 Exhibit: CLIENT: 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions Phase II T34 C-6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 70 70 80 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) APPENDIX C Data Summary Tables Table C1 - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Total Lead in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte CAS Units Method ISLs Tier 1 RSL Residential RSL Industrial Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL TPH - OIL & GREASE mg/kg 9071B ###10000 NE NE 5030 38 115 4710 36.4 110 1400 40 121 NA TPH (GC/FID) HIGH FRACTION 68334-30-5 mg/kg 8015 500 5000 NE NE 2560 8.86 46.1 1610 8.49 44.1 688 4.66 24.2 NA TPH (GC/FID) LOW FRACTION 8006-61-9 mg/kg 8015D/GRO 150 1500 NE NE 158 0.71 3.26 219 0.66 3.02 90.1 0.77 3.56 NA LEAD 7439-92-1 mg/kg 6010B NE NE 400 800 8.56 0.24 0.58 12.4 0.23 0.55 12.8 0.25 0.61 9.12 0.24 0.57 Qualifiers (Q):None Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum at leaking underground storage tank sites. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential and industrial properties (May 2020; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). Lab Sample ID L1262016-07 L1262016-09 L1262016-11 L1262016-13 LT-B-18 @ 10'LT-B-19 @ 10' Matrix SS SS SS SS Client Sample ID LT-B-17 @ 10'LT-B-37 @ 10' NE:Not Established.NA:Not Analyzed.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. Bold value exceeds RDL. Color shaded value exceeds a screening level. 09/11/2020 09/11/2020Date Collected 09/11/2020 09/11/2020 Page 1 of 1 Table C2 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte CAS Units Method RSL Residential RSL Industrial Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL PCB 1016 12674-11-2 mg/kg 8082 4.1 27 <0.0373 0.0129 0.0373 <0.0388 0.0135 0.0388 <0.0421 0.0146 0.0421 PCB 1221 11104-28-2 mg/kg 8082 0.2 0.83 <0.0373 0.0129 0.0373 <0.0388 0.0135 0.0388 <0.0421 0.0146 0.0421 PCB 1232 11141-16-5 mg/kg 8082 0.17 0.72 <0.0373 0.0129 0.0373 <0.0388 0.0135 0.0388 <0.0421 0.0146 0.0421 PCB 1242 53469-21-9 mg/kg 8082 0.23 0.95 <0.0373 0.0129 0.0373 <0.0388 0.0135 0.0388 <0.0421 0.0146 0.0421 PCB 1248 12672-29-6 mg/kg 8082 0.23 0.94 <0.0186 0.0081 0.0186 <0.0194 0.0084 0.0194 <0.0210 0.0091 0.021 PCB 1254 11097-69-1 mg/kg 8082 0.24 0.97 0.0622 0.0081 0.0186 0.0272 P 0.0084 0.0194 <0.0210 0.0091 0.021 PCB 1260 11096-82-5 mg/kg 8082 0.24 0.99 <0.0186 0.0081 0.0186 <0.0194 0.0084 0.0194 <0.0210 0.0091 0.021 Qualifiers (Q): P: RPD between the primary and confirmatory analysis exceeded 40% EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential and industrial properties (May 2020; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). Client Sample ID LT-B-2A@9.5'LT-B-22 @ 9.5'LT-B-7A @ 9' Lab Sample ID L1262016-01 L1262016-03 L1262016-05 Date Collected 09/11/2020 09/11/2020 09/11/2020 Matrix SS SS SS Page 1 of 1 Table C3 - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Analyte CAS Units Method UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL TPH - OIL & GREASE ne mg/l 1664A 10 10 <5.10 0.74 5.1 <5.10 0.74 5.1 <5.15 0.747 5.15 TPH (GC/FID) HIGH FRACTION 68334-30-5 mg/l 3511/8015 1 10 12 0.123 0.5 12.3 0.123 0.5 10.3 0.123 0.5 TPH (GC/FID) LOW FRACTION 8006-61-9 mg/l 8015D/GRO 1 10 0.27 0.0314 0.1 0.16 0.0314 0.1 NA Qualifiers (Q): None L1262016-10 LT-B-37 GW 09/11/2020 mg/l: milligrams per liter.NA:Not Analyzed.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum at leaking underground storage tank sites. 09/11/2020 LT-B-17 GW L1262016-12 LT-B-18 GW 09/11/2020 L1262016-08 Page 1 of 1 Table C4 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte CAS Units Method VISL Residential VISL Commercial Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL PCB 1016 12674-11-2 mg/l 8082 0.0172 0.075 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 PCB 1221 11104-28-2 mg/l 8082 0.000527 0.0023 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 PCB 1232 11141-16-5 mg/l 8082 0.000163 0.000713 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 PCB 1242 53469-21-9 mg/l 8082 0.00035 0.00153 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00027 0.0005 PCB 1248 12672-29-6 mg/l 8082 0.000273 0.00119 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 PCB 1254 11097-69-1 mg/l 8082 0.000425 0.00185 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 PCB 1260 11096-82-5 mg/l 8082 0.000358 0.00156 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 <0.000500 0.000173 0.0005 Qualifiers (Q):None mg/l: milligrams per liter.NA:Not Analyzed.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Target Groundwater Concentration Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs) at residential and commercial properties (May 2020; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). L1262016-04 LT-B-22 GW 9/11/2020 Client Sample ID LT-B-2A GW LT-B-7A GW Date Collected 09/11/2020 09/11/2020 Lab Sample ID L1262016-02 L1262016-06 Page 1 of 1 Table C5 - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 ClientSampID LT-B2A @ 9.5'LT-B-5A @ 9'LT-B-7A @ 9'LT-B-19 @ 10'LT-B22 @ 9.5' SampID 2009349-003A 2009349-007A 2009349-009A 2009349-001A 2009349-005A CollectionDate 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Analyte CAS Units TestCode Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Benzene 71-43-2 µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA < 106 19.1 106 50 NA Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA < 106 35.9 106 50 NA Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA < 106 11.2 106 50 NA Naphthalene 91-20-3 µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA 472 56.3 106 50 NA Toluene 108-88-3 µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA < 106 32.5 106 50 NA Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA 210 50.0 106 50 NA C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA < 1,060 212 1,060 50 NA C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA 27,600 212 1,060 50 NA C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA 60,800 212 1,060 50 NA C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes µg/kg-dry 8260D-S NA NA NA 25,200 212 1,060 50 NA Acenaphthene 83-32-9 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 41.8 381 1 < 7,500 822 7,500 20 < 429 47.1 429 1 < 359 39.4 359 1 < 376 41.2 376 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 38.8 381 1 < 7,500 763 7,500 20 < 429 43.6 429 1 < 359 36.6 359 1 < 376 38.2 376 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 ¹@ 42.4 381 1 < 7,500 833 7,500 20 < 429 47.7 429 1 < 359 39.9 359 1 < 376 41.8 376 1 Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 47.9 381 1 < 7,500 941 7,500 20 < 429 53.9 429 1 < 359 45.1 359 1 < 376 47.2 376 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 61.4 381 1 < 7,500 1,210 7,500 20 < 429 69.1 429 1 < 359 57.9 359 1 < 376 60.5 376 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 65.5 381 1 < 7,500 1,290 7,500 20 < 429 73.7 429 1 < 359 61.7 359 1 < 376 64.5 376 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 60.3 381 1 < 7,500 1,190 7,500 20 < 429 67.9 429 1 < 359 56.8 359 1 < 376 59.4 376 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 ¹@ 51.4 381 1 < 7,500 1,010 7,500 20 < 429 57.9 429 1 < 359 48.5 359 1 < 376 50.7 376 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 49.2 381 1 < 7,500 968 7,500 20 < 429 55.4 429 1 < 359 46.4 359 1 < 376 48.5 376 1 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 65.3 381 1 < 7,500 1,290 7,500 20 < 429 73.5 429 1 < 359 61.6 359 1 < 376 64.4 376 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 72.1 381 1 < 7,500 1,420 7,500 20 < 429 81.1 429 1 < 359 67.9 359 1 < 376 71.0 376 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 46.5 381 1 < 7,500 915 7,500 20 < 429 52.4 429 1 < 359 43.8 359 1 < 376 45.8 376 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 56.6 381 1 < 7,500 1,110 7,500 20 < 429 63.7 429 1 < 359 53.4 359 1 < 376 55.8 376 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 ¹70.9 381 1 < 7,500 1,400 7,500 20 < 429 79.8 429 1 < 359 66.9 359 1 < 376 69.9 376 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 ¹71.3 381 1 < 7,500 1,400 7,500 20 < 429 80.2 429 1 < 359 67.2 359 1 < 376 70.3 376 1 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 < 381 76.2 381 1 < 7,500 1,500 7,500 20 < 429 85.8 429 1 < 359 71.9 359 1 < 376 75.1 376 1 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 8,900 76.2 381 1 11,400 1,500 7,500 20 < 429 85.8 429 1 54,000 71.9 359 1 7,890 75.1 376 1 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 2,040 76.2 381 1 < 7,500 1,500 7,500 20 < 429 85.8 429 1 1,020 71.9 359 1 2,160 75.1 376 1 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 13,100 76.2 381 1 16,400 1,500 7,500 20 < 429 85.8 429 1 90,400 71.9 359 1 12,100 75.1 376 1 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 202,000 76.2 381 1 543,000 1,500 7,500 20 7,190 85.8 429 1 192,000 71.9 359 1 222,000 75.1 376 1 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/kg-dry 8270E-S-3546 1,370,000 76.2 381 1 4,130,000 1,500 7,500 20 224,000 85.8 429 1 937,000 71.9 359 1 1,470,000 75.1 376 1 Qualifiers (Q): @ - High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference.1 - Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. MDL -Method Detection Limit.PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit.DF - Dilution Factor NOTE: Screening Levels are not included in this table. The highest concentration of each analyte in soil was compared to the Site-Specific Cleanup Levels (SSCLs) developed using the Utah Department of Environmental Quality's SSCL Calculator v1.2 (2015-10-22) (see Appendix C). Page 1 of 1 Table C6 - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 ClientSampID LT-B-2A GW LT-B-5A GW LT-B-7A GW LT-B19 GW LT-B22 GW SampID 2009349-004A 2009349-008A 2009349-010A 2009349-002A 2009349-006A CollectionDate 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Matrix Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Analyte CAS Units TestCode Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Result Q MDL PQL DF Benzene 71-43-2 µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 2.00 0.147 2.00 1 NA Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 2.00 0.164 2.00 1 NA Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 2.00 1.60 2.00 1 NA Naphthalene 91-20-3 µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 2.00 0.704 2.00 1 NA Toluene 108-88-3 µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 2.00 0.285 2.00 1 NA Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 2.00 0.575 2.00 1 NA C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 20.0 4.00 20.0 1 NA C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA 22.2 4.00 20.0 1 NA C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 20.0 4.00 20.0 1 NA C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes µg/L 8260D-W NA NA NA < 20.0 4.00 20.0 1 NA Acenaphthene 83-32-9 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.968 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.968 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.970 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.962 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.964 9.91 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.819 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.820 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.822 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.815 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.817 9.91 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.891 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.892 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.894 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.886 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.888 9.91 1 Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.694 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.695 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.696 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.690 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.692 9.91 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 3.06 9.95 1 < 9.95 3.07 9.95 1 < 9.97 3.07 9.97 1 < 9.89 3.04 9.89 1 < 9.91 3.05 9.91 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 2.52 9.95 1 < 9.95 2.52 9.95 1 < 9.97 2.52 9.97 1 < 9.89 2.50 9.89 1 < 9.91 2.51 9.91 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.964 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.964 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.966 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.958 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.960 9.91 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 1.54 9.95 1 < 9.95 1.54 9.95 1 < 9.97 1.55 9.97 1 < 9.89 1.53 9.89 1 < 9.91 1.54 9.91 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.782 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.782 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.784 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.777 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.779 9.91 1 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 2.25 9.95 1 < 9.95 2.25 9.95 1 < 9.97 2.25 9.97 1 < 9.89 2.23 9.89 1 < 9.91 2.24 9.91 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 1.18 9.95 1 < 9.95 1.18 9.95 1 < 9.97 1.19 9.97 1 < 9.89 1.18 9.89 1 < 9.91 1.18 9.91 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 1.08 9.95 1 < 9.95 1.08 9.95 1 < 9.97 1.09 9.97 1 < 9.89 1.08 9.89 1 < 9.91 1.08 9.91 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 2.03 9.95 1 < 9.95 2.03 9.95 1 < 9.97 2.03 9.97 1 < 9.89 2.02 9.89 1 < 9.91 2.02 9.91 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 0.877 9.95 1 < 9.95 0.878 9.95 1 < 9.97 0.880 9.97 1 < 9.89 0.872 9.89 1 < 9.91 0.874 9.91 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 1.20 9.95 1 < 9.95 1.20 9.95 1 < 9.97 1.21 9.97 1 < 9.89 1.20 9.89 1 < 9.91 1.20 9.91 1 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 1.99 9.95 1 < 9.95 1.99 9.95 1 < 9.97 1.99 9.97 1 < 9.89 1.98 9.89 1 < 9.91 1.98 9.91 1 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8270E-W-3511 432 1.99 9.95 1 511 1.99 9.95 1 587 1.99 9.97 1 115 1.98 9.89 1 416 1.98 9.91 1 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes µg/L 8270E-W-3511 < 9.95 1.99 9.95 1 12.1 1.99 9.95 1 46.3 1.99 9.97 1 < 9.89 1.98 9.89 1 < 9.91 1.98 9.91 1 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8270E-W-3511 461 1.99 9.95 1 698 1.99 9.95 1 801 1.99 9.97 1 135 1.98 9.89 1 448 1.98 9.91 1 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8270E-W-3511 395 1.99 9.95 1 1,840 1.99 9.95 1 12,100 1.99 9.97 1 131 1.98 9.89 1 413 1.98 9.91 1 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons µg/L 8270E-W-3511 1,360 1.99 9.95 1 22,000 1.99 9.95 1 110,000 1.99 9.97 1 1,020 1.98 9.89 1 1,250 1.98 9.91 1 Qualifiers (Q): None MDL -Method Detection Limit.PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit.DF - Dilution Factor NOTE:Screening Levels are not included in this table. The highest concentration of each analyte in soil was compared to the Site-Specific Cleanup Levels (SSCLs) developed using the Utah Department of Environmental Quality's SSCL Calculator v1.2 (2015-10-22) (see Appendix C). Page 1 of 1 Table C7.1 - Duplicate Pair - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Total Lead in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? TPH - OIL & GREASE mg/kg 9071B 5030 115 RDL 1 4710 110 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 6.6%Yes TPH (GC/FID) HIGH FRACTION mg/kg 6010B 2560 46.1 RDL 10 1610 44.1 RDL 10 Yes, RPD calculated 45.6%Yes TPH (GC/FID) LOW FRACTION mg/kg 6010B 158 3.26 RDL 25 219 3.02 RDL 25 Yes, RPD calculated 32.4%Yes LEAD mg/kg 6010B 8.56 0.576 RDL 1 12.4 0.552 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 36.6%Yes Qualifiers (Q):None RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC RPD Goal is less than 50% for solid samples. Original Sample Duplicate Sample Date Collected 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Lab Sample ID L1262016-07 L1262016-09 Client Sample ID LT-B-17@10'LT-B-37@10' Page 1 of 1 Table C7.2 - Duplicate Pair - Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? PCB 1016 mg/kg 8082 ND 0.037 RDL 1 ND 0.039 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1221 mg/kg 8082 ND 0.037 RDL 1 ND 0.039 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1232 mg/kg 8082 ND 0.037 RDL 1 ND 0.039 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1242 mg/kg 8082 ND 0.037 RDL 1 ND 0.039 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1248 mg/kg 8082 ND 0.019 RDL 1 ND 0.019 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1254 mg/kg 8082 0.057 0.017 RDL 1 0.024 P 0.017 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < 5 xRDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate results was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1260 mg/kg 8082 ND 0.019 RDL 1 ND 0.019 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. Qualifiers (Q): P: RPD between the primary and confirmatory analysis exceeded 40%. RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram.ND - Not detected above the RDL. RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC RPD Goal is less than 50% for solid samples. PCBs - Polychlorinated biphenyls Original Sample Duplicate Sample Date Collected 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Lab Sample ID L1262016-01 L1262016-03 Client Sample ID LT-B-2A@9.5'LT-B-22@9.5' Page 1 of 1 Table C7.3 - Duplicate Pair - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 25% for Water? TPH - OIL & GREASE mg/l 9071B ND 5.1 RDL 1 ND 5.1 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. TPH (GC/FID) HIGH FRACTION mg/l 6010B 12 0.5 RDL 5 12.3 0.5 RDL 5 Yes, RPD calculated 2.5%Yes TPH (GC/FID) LOW FRACTION mg/l 6010B 0.27 0.1 RDL 1 0.16 0.1 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < 5x RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate results was less than 2 x RDL. Qualifiers (Q):None RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. mg/l:Milligrams per liter.ND - Not detected above the RDL. RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC RPD Goal is less than 25% for aqueous samples. Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected L1262016-10 LT-B-17 GW LT-B-37 GW 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 L1262016-08 Page 1 of 1 Table C7.4 - Duplicate Pair - Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 25% for Water? PCB 1016 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1221 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1232 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1242 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1248 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1254 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PCB 1260 mg/l 8082 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 ND 0.0005 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. Qualifiers (Q):None RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. mg/l:Milligrams per liter.ND - Not detected above the RDL. RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC RPD Goal is less than 25% for aqueous samples. Original Sample Duplicate Sample Date Collected 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Lab Sample ID L1262016-01 L1262016-03 Client Sample ID LT-B-2A GW LT-B-22 GW Page 1 of 1 Table C7.5 - Duplicate Pair - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ACENAPHTHENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. ACENAPHTHYLENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. ANTHRACENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 1@ 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(A)PYRENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 1@ 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. CHRYSENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. DIBENZ(A,H)ANTHRACENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. Date Collected Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 2009349-005A LT-B-2A@9.5'LT-B-22@9.5' 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 2009349-003A Page 1 of 2 Table C7.5 - Duplicate Pair - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation in Soil Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? Date Collected Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 2009349-005A LT-B-2A@9.5'LT-B-22@9.5' 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 2009349-003A FLUORANTHENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. FLUORENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PHENANTHRENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 1 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PYRENE ug/kg SW8270E ND 1 381 RDL 1 ND 376 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. C11-C12 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/kg SW8270E 8900 381 RDL 1 7890 376 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 12.0%Yes C11-C13 ALKYL NAPHTHALENS ug/kg SW8270E 2040 381 RDL 1 2160 376 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 5.7%Yes C13-C16 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/kg SW8270E 13100 381 RDL 1 12100 376 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 7.9%Yes C17-C21 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/kg SW8270E 202000 381 RDL 1 222000 376 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 9.4%Yes C22-C25 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/kg SW8270E 1370000 381 RDL 1 1470000 376 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 7.0%Yes Qualifiers (Q) 1: Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. @: High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. ug/kg:Micrograms per kilogram.ND - Not detected above the RDL. RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC RPD Goal is less than 50% for solid samples. Page 2 of 2 Table C7.6 - Duplicate Pair - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Water? ACENAPHTHENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. ACENAPHTHYLENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. ANTHRACENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(A)PYRENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. CHRYSENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. DIBENZ(A,H)ANTHRACENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. FLUORANTHENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. Original Sample Duplicate Sample Date Collected 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Lab Sample ID 2009349-004A 2009349-006A Client Sample ID LT-B-2A GW LT-B-22 GW Page 1 of 2 Table C7.6 - Duplicate Pair - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation in Groundwater Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197491 Task 34 Analyte Units Method Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results ³ 5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Water? Original Sample Duplicate Sample Date Collected 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 Lab Sample ID 2009349-004A 2009349-006A Client Sample ID LT-B-2A GW LT-B-22 GW FLUORENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PHENANTHRENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. PYRENE ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. C11-C12 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/L SW8270E 432 9.95 RDL 1 416 9.91 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated ###Yes C11-C13 ALKYL NAPHTHALENS ug/L SW8270E ND 9.95 RDL 1 ND 9.91 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. C13-C16 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/L SW8270E 461 9.95 RDL 1 448 9.91 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated ###Yes C17-C21 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/L SW8270E 395 9.95 RDL 1 413 9.91 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated ###Yes C22-C25 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS ug/L SW8270E 1360 9.95 RDL 1 1250 9.91 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated ###Yes Qualifiers (Q) 1: Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. @: High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. mg/l:Milligrams per liter.ND - Not detected above the RDL. Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 3 SSCL Calculator Prepared for:SSCL Calculator Prepared by: Site name: Site address: Facility ID: Release ID: Contact name: Contact phone: Contact e-mail: Site-Specific Cleanup Levels* for Commercial/ Industrial Receptors Air Groundwater Soil SSCLair SSCLwing SSCLwesp SSCLwamb SSCLs-leach SSCLsesp SSCLsamb SSCLss (See Eq. D.1)(See Eq. D.2)(See Eq. D.3)(See Eq. D.4)(See Eq. D.5)(See Eq. D.6)(See Eq. D.7)(See Eq. D.8) Air Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Subsurface soil Subsurface soil Subsurface soil Surface Soil Inhalation Ingestion Indoor air (enclosed space) vapor inhalation Outdoor air (ambient) vapor inhalation Leaching to groundwater (groundwater ingestion) Indoor air (enclosed space) vapor inhalation Outdoor air (ambient) vapor inhalation Ingestion of soil, inhalation of vapors and particles, and dermal contact µg/m3 air µg/m3 air mg/L water mg/L water mg/L water mg/L water mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil Benzene (71-43-2)c 2.94E-01 2.94E-03 5.41E-01 2.58E+02 0.0014 LT-B-1 1.15E-03 5.29E-02 4.59E+00 3.32E+00 0.00684 LT-B-9 @ 9 Toluene (108-88-3)nc 5.22E+03 2.92E+00 1.02E+04 5.17E+06 0.0012 LT-B-4 2.34E+00 1.63E+03 1.42E+05 3.71E+03 0.113 LT-B-15 @ 10 Ethylbenzene (100-41-4)nc 1.06E+03 3.65E+00 2.18E+03 1.15E+06 0.000871 LT-B-14 5.91E+00 5.85E+02 5.07E+04 4.46E+03 0.214 LT-B-15 @ 10 Xylenes (1330-20-7)nc 1.06E+02 7.30E+00 2.10E+02 1.02E+05 0.00591 LT-B-14 1.27E+01 8.52E+01 7.39E+03 4.88E+03 0.21 LT-B-19 @ 10 Naphthalene (91-20-3)nc 3.14E+00 7.30E-01 3.22E+01 5.51E+03 0.0466 LT-B-14 1.77E+00 6.11E+01 5.30E+03 6.38E+02 10.5 LT-B-15 @ 10 MTBE (1634-04-04)nc 3.13E+03 1.83E-01 9.48E+03 9.73E+05 0.000415 LT-B-1 3.49E-02 1.64E+03 1.43E+05 2.33E+02 0.0005 ND, used half of RDL Alkyl benzenes (C9-C10) [average values]nc 2.19E+02 1.46E+00 4.72E+02 2.47E+05 0.02 ND 5.20E+00 2.83E+02 2.46E+04 1.72E+03 25.2 LT-B-19 @ 10 Alkyl naphthalenes (C11-C13) [average values]nc 2.19E+02 1.46E+00 2.11E+03 3.70E+05 0.0463 LT-7A 2.78E+01 3.14E+04 2.73E+06 1.04E+04 2.1 LT-B-2A Total PAHs (C12-C22) [average values]nc 1.10E+02 1.10E+00 1.66E+02 6.05E+04 0.00997 ND 1.85E+02 1.25E+04 1.09E+06 7.42E+03 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Aliphatics (C5-C6) [Hexane (110-54-3)]nc 2.19E+02 2.19E+00 3.50E+02 2.17E+05 0.02 ND 1.03E+01 2.69E+00 2.33E+02 2.47E+03 0.53 ND, used half of RDL Aliphatics (C7-C8) [Heptane (142-82-5)]nc 2.19E+02 2.19E+00 4.23E+02 2.62E+05 0.0222 LT-B-19 3.06E+01 5.46E+00 4.73E+02 2.47E+03 27.6 LT-B-19 @ 10 Aliphatics (C9-C10) [Nonane (111-84-2)]nc 1.06E+03 3.65E+00 2.39E+03 1.48E+06 0.02 ND 3.50E+02 9.06E+01 7.86E+03 4.46E+03 60.8 LT-B-19 @10 Aliphatics (C11-C12) [Undecane (1120-21-4)]nc 1.06E+03 3.65E+00 2.71E+03 1.68E+06 0.587 LT-7A 3.13E+03 1.13E+03 9.84E+04 4.46E+03 11.4 LT-5A Aliphatics (C13-C16) [Hexadecane (544-76-3)]nc 1.06E+03 3.65E+00 3.13E+03 1.94E+06 0.801 LT-7A 4.89E+04 2.06E+04 1.79E+06 4.58E+03 16.4 LT-5A Aliphatics (C17-C21) [Heptadecane (629-78-7)]nc 7.30E+03 7.30E+01 2.58E+04 1.60E+07 12.1 LT-7A 7.82E+07 1.99E+07 1.73E+09 9.29E+04 543 LT-5A Aliphatics (C22-C35) [Heptadecane (629-78-7)]nc 7.30E+03 7.30E+01 2.58E+04 1.60E+07 110 LT-7A 7.82E+07 1.99E+07 1.73E+09 9.29E+04 4130 LT-5A Highest Air Concentrations Remaining at the Site Air Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Date, etc.) Groundwater Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Date, etc.)Chemical Name (CAS #) Pr i m a r y C h e m i c a l s o f C o n c e r n To t a l P e t r o l e u m H y d r o c a r b o n F r a c t i o n s Highest Groundwater Concentrations Remaining at the Site Soil Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Depth, Sample Date, etc.) Highest Soil Concentrations Remaining at the Site Name: Company, Agency, other: Phone: E-mail: UST Consultant Cert. #: 801.746.5464 amy.findley@terracon.com Amy Findley 238 Terracon Consultants 801.746.5464 amy.findley@terracon.com Date prepared:9/28/2020 version 1.2 updated 10-22-15 845 South Main Street, SLC Not Established Not Established Amy Findley App C.2 - UDEQ SSCL Calculator CDE.xlsm Page 1 of 3 11/18/2020 3:35 PM Page 2 of 3 Site-Specific Cleanup Levels* for Commercial/ Industrial Receptors Air Groundwater Soil SSCLair SSCLwing SSCLwesp SSCLwamb SSCLs-leach SSCLsesp SSCLsamb SSCLss (See Eq. D.1)(See Eq. D.2)(See Eq. D.3)(See Eq. D.4)(See Eq. D.5)(See Eq. D.6)(See Eq. D.7)(See Eq. D.8) Air Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Subsurface soil Subsurface soil Subsurface soil Surface Soil Inhalation Ingestion Indoor air (enclosed space) vapor inhalation Outdoor air (ambient) vapor inhalation Leaching to groundwater (groundwater ingestion) Indoor air (enclosed space) vapor inhalation Outdoor air (ambient) vapor inhalation Ingestion of soil, inhalation of vapors and particles, and dermal contact µg/m3 air µg/m3 air mg/L water mg/L water mg/L water mg/L water mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil Highest Air Concentrations Remaining at the Site Air Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Date, etc.) Groundwater Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Date, etc.)Chemical Name (CAS #) Highest Groundwater Concentrations Remaining at the Site Soil Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Depth, Sample Date, etc.) Highest Soil Concentrations Remaining at the Site Acenaphthylene (208-96-8)nc 1.10E+02 1.10E+00 4.19E+03 4.29E+05 0.00997 ND 8.29E+00 2.88E+04 2.50E+06 7.75E+03 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Acenaphthene (83-32-9)nc 6.21E+01 2.19E+00 1.95E+03 2.09E+05 0.00997 ND 1.43E+01 1.15E+04 9.94E+05 1.22E+04 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Fluorene (86-73-7)nc 4.02E+01 1.46E+00 1.71E+03 1.69E+05 0.00997 ND 1.55E+01 1.66E+04 1.44E+06 8.91E+03 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Phenanthrene (85-01-8)nc 1.10E+02 1.10E+00 6.89E+03 6.38E+05 0.00997 ND 2.40E+01 1.40E+05 1.21E+07 8.12E+03 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Anthracene (120-12-7)nc 3.13E+02 1.10E+01 1.82E+04 1.70E+06 0.00997 ND 2.27E+02 3.49E+05 3.03E+07 7.32E+04 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Fluoranthene (206-44-0)nc 4.16E+01 1.46E+00 3.74E+03 3.36E+05 0.00997 ND 1.09E+02 2.59E+05 2.24E+07 1.06E+04 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Pyrene (129-00-0)nc 3.13E+01 1.10E+00 2.55E+03 2.28E+05 0.00997 ND 7.55E+01 1.63E+05 1.42E+07 7.89E+03 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Benz(a)Anthracene (56-55-3)c 1.17E-01 1.17E-04 7.68E+00 6.87E+02 0.00997 ND 3.19E-02 1.95E+03 1.69E+05 9.00E-01 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Chrysene (218-01-09)c 1.17E+00 1.17E-02 1.15E+02 1.03E+04 0.00997 ND 2.54E+00 2.34E+04 2.03E+06 8.92E+01 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Benzo(b)Fluoranthene (205-99-2) c 1.17E-02 1.17E-04 1.11E+00 1.01E+02 0.00997 ND 2.59E-02 2.28E+02 1.98E+04 8.91E-01 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Benzo(k)-Fluoranthene (207-08-09) c 1.17E-01 1.17E-03 1.35E+01 1.19E+03 0.00997 ND 3.78E-01 4.06E+03 3.52E+05 8.94E+00 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Benzo(a)-Pyrene (50-32-8)c 1.40E-03 1.17E-05 9.91E-02 8.77E+00 0.00997 ND 4.09E-03 3.24E+01 2.81E+03 8.94E-02 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Indeno(1, 2, 3-Cd)Pyrene (193-39- 5)c 1.40E-02 1.17E-04 6.77E+02 8.54E+02 0.00997 ND 2.52E-03 1.36E+04 1.71E+04 8.81E-01 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Dibenzo-(a, h)Anthracene (53-70- 3)c 1.40E-02 1.17E-04 1.71E+00 1.51E+02 0.00997 ND 2.31E-01 3.15E+03 2.73E+05 8.99E-01 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Benzo (g, h, i)-Perylene (191-24-2) nc 1.10E+02 1.10E+00 1.24E+04 1.10E+06 0.00997 ND 9.12E+02 9.64E+06 8.36E+08 8.41E+03 3.75 ND, used half of RDL Not used c Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used c Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used c Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used c Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used c Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used c Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not usedAd d i t i o n a l C h e m i c a l s o f C o n c e r n (c a r c i n o g e n t s ) In d i v i d u a l P o l y n u c l e a r A r o m a t i c H y d r o c a r b o n s ( P A H s ) App C.2 - UDEQ SSCL Calculator CDE.xlsm Page 2 of 3 11/18/2020 3:35 PM Page 3 of 3 Site-Specific Cleanup Levels* for Commercial/ Industrial Receptors Air Groundwater Soil SSCLair SSCLwing SSCLwesp SSCLwamb SSCLs-leach SSCLsesp SSCLsamb SSCLss (See Eq. D.1)(See Eq. D.2)(See Eq. D.3)(See Eq. D.4)(See Eq. D.5)(See Eq. D.6)(See Eq. D.7)(See Eq. D.8) Air Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Subsurface soil Subsurface soil Subsurface soil Surface Soil Inhalation Ingestion Indoor air (enclosed space) vapor inhalation Outdoor air (ambient) vapor inhalation Leaching to groundwater (groundwater ingestion) Indoor air (enclosed space) vapor inhalation Outdoor air (ambient) vapor inhalation Ingestion of soil, inhalation of vapors and particles, and dermal contact µg/m3 air µg/m3 air mg/L water mg/L water mg/L water mg/L water mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil mg/kg soil Highest Air Concentrations Remaining at the Site Air Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Date, etc.) Groundwater Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Date, etc.)Chemical Name (CAS #) Highest Groundwater Concentrations Remaining at the Site Soil Comments (e.g. Sample ID, Sample Depth, Sample Date, etc.) Highest Soil Concentrations Remaining at the Site Not used nc Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used nc Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used nc Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used nc Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used nc Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used nc Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used * - Site-Specific Cleanup Levels assume a Natural Attenuation Factor of 1 (i.e. no natural attenuation). c - carcinogen; nc - non-carcinogen Site-specific Parameters used in Calculations Parameter Comments Soil Receptor i Lgw Ls Pavement Precip. Soil Zone W Ad d i t i o n a l C h e m i c a l s o f C o n c e r n (n o n - c a r c i n o g e n t s ) Width of contaminated source area parallel to groundwater flow or wind direction Annual precipitation Is contamination present in the saturated zone? Is contamination beneath pavement or bare soils? Depth to contaminated soil Depth to groundwater Hydraulic gradient Select the most sensitive Receptor that is present at the site Soil type representative of site Description 20 Yes 85 Value Clayey silt Commercial/ Industrial 0.0074 11 8 UNPAVED: contamination beneath bare soils inches/year Not applicable ft Units Not applicable Not applicable ft-vertical/ft-lateral ft Not applicable ft App C.2 - UDEQ SSCL Calculator CDE.xlsm Page 3 of 3 11/18/2020 3:35 PM APPENDIX D Chain of Custody and Laboratory Data Sheets ANALYTICAL REPORT September 24, 2020 Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT Sample Delivery Group:L1262243 Samples Received:09/15/2020 Project Number:61187491 Description:Terracon project 61187491 Task 30 - Lelis LSI. Report To:Amy Findley 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 Entire Report Reviewed By: September 24, 2020 [Preliminary Report] Chris Ward Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 1 of 42 September 24, 2020 Chris Ward Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 1 of 42 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 5 Gl: Glossary of Terms 6 Al: Accreditations & Locations 7 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 8 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 2 of 42 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 2 of 42 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-2A@9.5' L1262243-01 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 12:30 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-2A GW L1262243-02 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 13:15 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-22 @ 9.5' L1262243-03 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 13:31 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-22 GW L1262243-04 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 13:41 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-5A @ 9' L1262243-05 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 15:57 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-5A GW L1262243-06 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 16:14 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-7A @ 9' L1262243-13 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 14:55 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-7A GW L1262243-14 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 15:07 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 3 of 42 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 3 of 42 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-19 @ 10' L1262243-15 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 11:30 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-19 GW L1262243-16 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 11:48 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time TRIP BLANK L1262243-17 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 00:01 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Subcontracted Analyses WG1543940 1 09/24/20 00:00 09/24/20 00:00 -Subcontract 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 4 of 42 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 4 of 42 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.CASE NARRATIVE Unless qualified or notated within the narrative below, all sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Chris Ward Project Manager Project Comments L1262243 -01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -13, -14, -15, -16, -17 contains subout data that is included after the chain of custody. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 5 of 42 Chris Ward Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 5 of 42 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions SDG Sample Delivery Group. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description The remainder of this page intentionally left blank, there are no qualifiers applied to this SDG. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 6 of 42 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 6 of 42 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Pace National is the only environmental laboratory accredited/certified to support your work nationwide from one location. One phone call, one point of contact, one laboratory. No other lab is as accessible or prepared to handle your needs throughout the country. Our capacity and capability from our single location laboratory is comparable to the collective totals of the network laboratories in our industry. The most significant benefit to our one location design is the design of our laboratory campus. The model is conducive to accelerated productivity, decreasing turn-around time, and preventing cross contamination, thus protecting sample integrity. Our focus on premium quality and prompt service allows us to be YOUR LAB OF CHOICE. * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace National. State Accreditations Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN-03-2002-34 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹n/a Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶90010 South Carolina 84004 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana ¹LA180010 Texas T104704245-18-15 Maine TN0002 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN00003 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 460132 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 9980939910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA Third Party Federal Accreditations A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable Our Locations Pace National has sixty-four client support centers that provide sample pickup and/or the delivery of sampling supplies. If you would like assistance from one of our support offices, please contact our main office. Pace National performs all testing at our central laboratory. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Gl 6 Al 7 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 08:50 7 of 42 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262243 09/24/20 09:27 7 of 42 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Pace National Chris Ward Dear Chris Ward: Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 12065 Lebanon Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 RE: American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 9/14/2020 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: _____________________________ Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 1 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-001B Client Sample ID:LT-B-19 @ 10' Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270E/3546 1130h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-S-3546 Units:µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/22/2020 1030h 9/17/2020 939hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 359 < 35983-32-9 Acenaphthylene 359 < 359208-96-8 Anthracene 359 < 359120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 359 < 35956-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 359 < 35950-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 359 < 359205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 359 < 359191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 359 < 359207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 359 54,000 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 359 1,020 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 359 90,400 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 359 192,000 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 359 937,000 Chrysene 359 < 359218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 359 < 35953-70-3 Fluoranthene 359 < 359206-44-0 Fluorene 359 < 35986-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 359 < 359193-39-5 Phenanthrene 359 < 35985-01-8 Pyrene 359 < 359129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 359 < 359 Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Cleanup, method 3640A, utilized for this sample. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/kg-dry 352.2 96.8 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 10-265341 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 2 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-002B Client Sample ID:LT-B19 GW Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270D/3511 1148h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-W-3511 Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/18/2020 1350h 9/15/2020 957hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 9.89 < 9.8983-32-9 Acenaphthylene 9.89 < 9.89208-96-8 Anthracene 9.89 < 9.89120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 9.89 < 9.8956-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 9.89 < 9.8950-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.89 < 9.89205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.89 < 9.89191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.89 < 9.89207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.89 115 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 9.89 < 9.89 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.89 135 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.89 131 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.89 1,020 Chrysene 9.89 < 9.89218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.89 < 9.8953-70-3 Fluoranthene 9.89 < 9.89206-44-0 Fluorene 9.89 < 9.8986-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.89 < 9.89193-39-5 Phenanthrene 9.89 < 9.8985-01-8 Pyrene 9.89 < 9.89129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 9.89 < 9.89 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 24.72 118 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 42-16429.1 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 3 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-003A Client Sample ID:LT-B2A @ 9.5' Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270E/3546 1230h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-S-3546 Units:µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/22/2020 1053h 9/17/2020 939hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 381 < 38183-32-9 Acenaphthylene 381 < 381208-96-8 Anthracene 381 < 381 ¹@120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 381 < 38156-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 381 < 38150-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 381 < 381205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 381 < 381191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 381 < 381 ¹@207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 381 8,900 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 381 2,040 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 381 13,100 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 381 202,000 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 381 1,370,000 Chrysene 381 < 381218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 381 < 38153-70-3 Fluoranthene 381 < 381206-44-0 Fluorene 381 < 38186-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 381 < 381193-39-5 Phenanthrene 381 < 381 ¹85-01-8 Pyrene 381 < 381 ¹129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 381 < 381 Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Cleanup, method 3640A, utilized for this sample. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/kg-dry 373.6 93.7 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 10-265350 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 4 of 31 @ - High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. ¹ - Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-004A Client Sample ID:LT-B-2A GW Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270D/3511 1315h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-W-3511 Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/18/2020 1413h 9/15/2020 957hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 9.95 < 9.9583-32-9 Acenaphthylene 9.95 < 9.95208-96-8 Anthracene 9.95 < 9.95120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 9.95 < 9.9556-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 9.95 < 9.9550-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.95 < 9.95205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.95 < 9.95191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.95 < 9.95207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 432 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 9.95 < 9.95 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 461 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 395 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 1,360 Chrysene 9.95 < 9.95218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.95 < 9.9553-70-3 Fluoranthene 9.95 < 9.95206-44-0 Fluorene 9.95 < 9.9586-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.95 < 9.95193-39-5 Phenanthrene 9.95 < 9.9585-01-8 Pyrene 9.95 < 9.95129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 9.95 < 9.95 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 24.86 118 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 42-16429.4 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 5 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-005A Client Sample ID:LT-B22 @ 9.5' Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270E/3546 1331h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-S-3546 Units:µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/22/2020 1201h 9/17/2020 939hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 376 < 37683-32-9 Acenaphthylene 376 < 376208-96-8 Anthracene 376 < 376120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 376 < 37656-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 376 < 37650-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 376 < 376205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 376 < 376191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 376 < 376207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 376 7,890 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 376 2,160 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 376 12,100 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 376 222,000 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 376 1,470,000 Chrysene 376 < 376218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 376 < 37653-70-3 Fluoranthene 376 < 376206-44-0 Fluorene 376 < 37686-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 376 < 376193-39-5 Phenanthrene 376 < 37685-01-8 Pyrene 376 < 376129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 376 < 376 Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Cleanup, method 3640A, utilized for this sample. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/kg-dry 368.2 90.6 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 10-265334 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 6 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-006A Client Sample ID:LT-B22 GW Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270D/3511 1341h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-W-3511 Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/18/2020 1435h 9/15/2020 957hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 9.91 < 9.9183-32-9 Acenaphthylene 9.91 < 9.91208-96-8 Anthracene 9.91 < 9.91120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 9.91 < 9.9156-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 9.91 < 9.9150-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.91 < 9.91205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.91 < 9.91191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.91 < 9.91207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.91 416 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 9.91 < 9.91 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.91 448 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.91 413 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.91 1,250 Chrysene 9.91 < 9.91218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.91 < 9.9153-70-3 Fluoranthene 9.91 < 9.91206-44-0 Fluorene 9.91 < 9.9186-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.91 < 9.91193-39-5 Phenanthrene 9.91 < 9.9185-01-8 Pyrene 9.91 < 9.91129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 9.91 < 9.91 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 24.78 115 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 42-16428.5 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 7 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-007A Client Sample ID:LT-B-5A @ 9' Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270E/3546 1557h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-S-3546 Units:µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor:20 Analyzed:9/22/2020 1428h 9/17/2020 939hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 7,500 < 7,50083-32-9 Acenaphthylene 7,500 < 7,500208-96-8 Anthracene 7,500 < 7,500120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 7,500 < 7,50056-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 7,500 < 7,50050-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 7,500 < 7,500205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 7,500 < 7,500191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 7,500 < 7,500207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 7,500 11,400 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 7,500 < 7,500 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 7,500 16,400 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 7,500 543,000 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 7,500 4,130,000 Chrysene 7,500 < 7,500218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 7,500 < 7,50053-70-3 Fluoranthene 7,500 < 7,500206-44-0 Fluorene 7,500 < 7,50086-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 7,500 < 7,500193-39-5 Phenanthrene 7,500 < 7,50085-01-8 Pyrene 7,500 < 7,500129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 7,500 < 7,500 Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Cleanup, method 3640A, utilized for this sample. The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/kg-dry 367.4 72.4 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 10-265266 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 8 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-008A Client Sample ID:LT-B-5A GW Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270D/3511 1614h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-W-3511 Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/18/2020 1458h 9/15/2020 957hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 9.95 < 9.9583-32-9 Acenaphthylene 9.95 < 9.95208-96-8 Anthracene 9.95 < 9.95120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 9.95 < 9.9556-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 9.95 < 9.9550-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.95 < 9.95205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.95 < 9.95191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.95 < 9.95207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 511 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 9.95 12.1 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 698 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 1,840 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.95 22,000 Chrysene 9.95 < 9.95218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.95 < 9.9553-70-3 Fluoranthene 9.95 < 9.95206-44-0 Fluorene 9.95 < 9.9586-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.95 < 9.95193-39-5 Phenanthrene 9.95 < 9.9585-01-8 Pyrene 9.95 < 9.95129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 9.95 < 9.95 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 24.88 103 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 42-16425.7 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 9 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-009A Client Sample ID:LT-B-7A @ 9' Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270E/3546 1455h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-S-3546 Units:µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/22/2020 1246h 9/17/2020 939hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 429 < 42983-32-9 Acenaphthylene 429 < 429208-96-8 Anthracene 429 < 429120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 429 < 42956-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 429 < 42950-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 429 < 429205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 429 < 429191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 429 < 429207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 429 < 429 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 429 < 429 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 429 < 429 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 429 7,190 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 429 224,000 Chrysene 429 < 429218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 429 < 42953-70-3 Fluoranthene 429 < 429206-44-0 Fluorene 429 < 42986-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 429 < 429193-39-5 Phenanthrene 429 < 42985-01-8 Pyrene 429 < 429129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 429 < 429 Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Cleanup, method 3640A, utilized for this sample. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/kg-dry 420.5 66.7 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 10-265281 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 10 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-010A Client Sample ID:LT-B-7A GW Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results SVOA Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8270D/3511 1507h 1446h Test Code: 8270E-W-3511 Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/18/2020 1521h 9/15/2020 957hExtracted: Method:SW8270E Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Acenaphthene 9.97 < 9.9783-32-9 Acenaphthylene 9.97 < 9.97208-96-8 Anthracene 9.97 < 9.97120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 9.97 < 9.9756-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene 9.97 < 9.9750-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.97 < 9.97205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.97 < 9.97191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.97 < 9.97207-08-9 C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.97 587 C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 9.97 46.3 C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.97 801 C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.97 12,100 C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 9.97 110,000 Chrysene 9.97 < 9.97218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.97 < 9.9753-70-3 Fluoranthene 9.97 < 9.97206-44-0 Fluorene 9.97 < 9.9786-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.97 < 9.97193-39-5 Phenanthrene 9.97 < 9.9785-01-8 Pyrene 9.97 < 9.97129-00-0 Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 9.97 < 9.97 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 24.93 147 Surr: Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 42-16436.6 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 11 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-001A Client Sample ID:LT-B-19 @ 10' Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results VOAs Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8260D 1130h 1446h Test Code: 8260D-S Units:µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor:50 Analyzed:9/15/2020 945h Extracted: Method:SW8260D Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Benzene 106 < 10671-43-2 C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,060 < 1,060 C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,060 27,600 C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,060 60,800 C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes 1,060 25,200 Ethylbenzene 106 < 106100-41-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether 106 < 1061634-04-4 Naphthalene 106 47291-20-3 Toluene 106 < 106108-88-3 Xylenes, Total 106 2101330-20-7 The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Sampling and analytical preparation performed by method 5030A modified for analysis of soil samples collected in 2 or 4 oz jars. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/kg-dry 2,656 109 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-1322,890 2,656 101 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-1252,670 2,656 103 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 70-1332,740 2,656 91.4 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-1232,430 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 12 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-002A Client Sample ID:LT-B19 GW Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results VOAs Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 1148h 1446h Test Code: 8260D-W Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/16/2020 1154h Extracted: Method:SW8260D Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Benzene 2.00 < 2.0071-43-2 C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0 < 20.0 C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0 22.2 C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0 < 20.0 C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes 20.0 < 20.0 Ethylbenzene 2.00 < 2.00100-41-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether 2.00 < 2.001634-04-4 Naphthalene 2.00 < 2.0091-20-3 Toluene 2.00 < 2.00108-88-3 Xylenes, Total 2.00 < 2.001330-20-7 The pH of the sample was >2. Analysis was performed within the 7 day holding time. Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 50.00 112 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 80-13655.8 50.00 97.6 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 85-12148.8 50.00 104 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 78-13252.0 50.00 101 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 81-12350.3 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 13 of 31 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Sample ID:2009349-011A Client Sample ID:Trip Blank Collection Date:9/11/2020 Received Date:9/14/2020 Analytical Results VOAs Fractionation by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 000h 1446h Test Code: 8260D-W Units:µg/L Dilution Factor:1 Analyzed:9/15/2020 744h Extracted: Method:SW8260D Analytical ResultCompound Reporting Limit CAS Number Qual Benzene 2.00 < 2.0071-43-2 C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0 < 20.0 C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0 < 20.0 C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0 < 20.0 C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes 20.0 < 20.0 Ethylbenzene 2.00 < 2.00100-41-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether 2.00 < 2.001634-04-4 Naphthalene 2.00 < 2.0091-20-3 Toluene 2.00 < 2.00108-88-3 Xylenes, Total 2.00 < 2.001330-20-7 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits QualUnits:µg/L 50.00 107 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 80-13653.6 50.00 99.6 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 85-12149.8 50.00 102 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 78-13251.2 50.00 102 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 81-12350.9 Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 14 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:LCS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:LCS-72481 Date Analyzed:09/22/2020 923h 09/17/2020 939hDate Prepared:8270E-S-3546Test Code: Acenaphthene 666.7 78.2 24 - 1103400SW8270E37.3522 µg/kg Acenaphthylene 666.7 82.4 26 - 1003400SW8270E34.6550 µg/kg Anthracene 666.7 77.5 40 - 1193400SW8270E37.8517 µg/kg Benz(a)anthracene 666.7 73.4 42 - 1143400SW8270E42.7489 µg/kg Benzo(a)pyrene 666.7 68.1 42 - 1193400SW8270E54.8454 µg/kg Benzo(b)fluoranthene 666.7 73.8 42 - 1193400SW8270E58.4492 µg/kg Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 666.7 40.8 11 - 1003400SW8270E53.8272 µg/kg Benzo(k)fluoranthene 666.7 71.6 45 - 1213400SW8270E45.9477 µg/kg Chrysene 666.7 76.2 26 - 1153400SW8270E43.9508 µg/kg Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 666.7 67.0 44 - 1223400SW8270E58.3446 µg/kg Fluoranthene 666.7 71.6 27 - 1203400SW8270E64.3477 µg/kg Fluorene 666.7 72.3 25 - 1103400SW8270E41.5482 µg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 666.7 64.9 43 - 1213400SW8270E50.5433 µg/kg Phenanthrene 666.7 76.3 40 - 1183400SW8270E63.3509 µg/kg Pyrene 666.7 76.6 38 - 1223400SW8270E63.6510 µg/kg Surr: Terphenyl-d14 333.3 75.0 26 - 143SW8270E250 µg/kg Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 15 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:MBLK Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:MB-72481 Date Analyzed:09/22/2020 900h 09/17/2020 939hDate Prepared:8270E-S-3546Test Code: Acenaphthene 340SW8270E37.3< 340 µg/kg Acenaphthylene 340SW8270E34.6< 340 µg/kg Anthracene 340SW8270E37.8< 340 µg/kg Benz(a)anthracene 340SW8270E42.7< 340 µg/kg Benzo(a)pyrene 340SW8270E54.8< 340 µg/kg Benzo(b)fluoranthene 340SW8270E58.4< 340 µg/kg Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 340SW8270E53.8< 340 µg/kg Benzo(k)fluoranthene 340SW8270E45.9< 340 µg/kg C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 340SW8270E68.0< 340 µg/kg C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 340SW8270E68.0< 340 µg/kg C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 340SW8270E68.0< 340 µg/kg C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 340SW8270E68.0< 340 µg/kg C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 340SW8270E68.0< 340 µg/kg Chrysene 340SW8270E43.9< 340 µg/kg Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 340SW8270E58.3< 340 µg/kg Fluoranthene 340SW8270E64.3< 340 µg/kg Fluorene 340SW8270E41.5< 340 µg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 340SW8270E50.5< 340 µg/kg Phenanthrene 340SW8270E63.3< 340 µg/kg Pyrene 340SW8270E63.6< 340 µg/kg Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 340SW8270E68.0< 340 µg/kg Surr: Terphenyl-d14 333.3 69.1 26 - 143SW8270E230 µg/kg Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 16 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:MS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009349-003AMS Date Analyzed:09/22/2020 1116h 09/17/2020 939hDate Prepared:8270E-S-3546Test Code: Acenaphthene 743.3 66.7 24 - 1103790SW8270E41.6496 µg/kg-dry Acenaphthylene 743.3 66.5 26 - 1003790SW8270E38.6494 µg/kg-dry Anthracene 743.3 0 40 - 119 ¹379 0SW8270E42.1< 379 µg/kg-dry Benz(a)anthracene 743.3 77.9 42 - 1143790SW8270E47.6579 µg/kg-dry Benzo(a)pyrene 743.3 73.1 42 - 1193790SW8270E61.1543 µg/kg-dry Benzo(b)fluoranthene 743.3 68.7 42 - 1193790SW8270E65.1511 µg/kg-dry Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 743.3 45.0 11 - 1003790SW8270E60.0334 µg/kg-dry Benzo(k)fluoranthene 743.3 32.4 45 - 121 ¹379 0SW8270E51.2241 µg/kg-dry Chrysene 743.3 28.0 26 - 1153790SW8270E48.9208 µg/kg-dry Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 743.3 62.8 44 - 1223790SW8270E65.0467 µg/kg-dry Fluoranthene 743.3 69.4 27 - 1203790SW8270E71.7515 µg/kg-dry Fluorene 743.3 62.7 25 - 1103790SW8270E46.3466 µg/kg-dry Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 743.3 62.2 43 - 1213790SW8270E56.3462 µg/kg-dry Phenanthrene 743.3 116 40 - 1183790SW8270E70.6861 µg/kg-dry Pyrene 743.3 123 38 - 122 ¹379 0SW8270E70.9914 µg/kg-dry Surr: Terphenyl-d14 371.6 102 26 - 143SW8270E378 µg/kg-dry ¹ - Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 17 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:MSD Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009349-003AMSD Date Analyzed:09/22/2020 1138h 09/17/2020 939hDate Prepared:8270E-S-3546Test Code: Acenaphthene 749.2 79.6 24 - 110 353820496 18.4SW8270E41.9596 µg/kg-dry Acenaphthylene 749.2 74.9 26 - 100 353820494 12.7SW8270E38.9561 µg/kg-dry Anthracene 749.2 18.4 40 - 119 35 ¹@38200200SW8270E42.5138 µg/kg-dry Benz(a)anthracene 749.2 106 42 - 114 353820579 31.1SW8270E48.0793 µg/kg-dry Benzo(a)pyrene 749.2 89.4 42 - 119 353820543 20.8SW8270E61.6670 µg/kg-dry Benzo(b)fluoranthene 749.2 68.5 42 - 119 3538205110.457SW8270E65.6513 µg/kg-dry Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 749.2 52.4 11 - 100 353820334 16.0SW8270E60.5393 µg/kg-dry Benzo(k)fluoranthene 749.2 46.8 45 - 121 35 @3820241 36.9SW8270E51.6350 µg/kg-dry Chrysene 749.2 33.0 26 - 115 353820208 17.1SW8270E49.3247 µg/kg-dry Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 749.2 73.7 44 - 122 353820467 16.7SW8270E65.5552 µg/kg-dry Fluoranthene 749.2 87.3 27 - 120 353820515 23.7SW8270E72.3654 µg/kg-dry Fluorene 749.2 67.8 25 - 110 353820466 8.57SW8270E46.6508 µg/kg-dry Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 749.2 69.6 43 - 121 353820462 12.1SW8270E56.8522 µg/kg-dry Phenanthrene 749.2 138 40 - 118 35 ¹382 0 861 18.5SW8270E71.11,040 µg/kg-dry Pyrene 749.2 131 38 - 122 35 ¹382 0 914 6.81SW8270E71.5979 µg/kg-dry Surr: Terphenyl-d14 374.6 91.6 26 - 143SW8270E343 µg/kg-dry @ - High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. ¹ - Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 18 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:LCS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:LCS-72429 Date Analyzed:09/18/2020 1305h 09/15/2020 957hDate Prepared:8270E-W-3511Test Code: Acenaphthene 50.00 116 72 - 12910.0 0SW8270E0.97358.1 µg/L Acenaphthylene 50.00 124 75 - 13010.0 0SW8270E0.82461.9 µg/L Anthracene 50.00 112 76 - 13810.0 0SW8270E0.89656.0 µg/L Benz(a)anthracene 50.00 105 76 - 13310.0 0SW8270E0.69852.4 µg/L Benzo(a)pyrene 50.00 101 67 - 14610.0 0SW8270E3.0850.3 µg/L Benzo(b)fluoranthene 50.00 102 63 - 14810.0 0SW8270E2.5351.1 µg/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 50.00 103 60 - 15310.0 0SW8270E0.96951.5 µg/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50.00 105 68 - 14810.0 0SW8270E1.5552.4 µg/L Chrysene 50.00 106 68 - 13910.0 0SW8270E0.78653.2 µg/L Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 50.00 103 61 - 15010.0 0SW8270E2.2651.3 µg/L Fluoranthene 50.00 117 76 - 14010.0 0SW8270E1.1958.7 µg/L Fluorene 50.00 114 65 - 13610.0 0SW8270E1.0957.1 µg/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 50.00 104 61 - 15010.0 0SW8270E2.0451.8 µg/L Phenanthrene 50.00 111 74 - 13610.0 0SW8270E0.88255.5 µg/L Pyrene 50.00 108 55 - 13610.0 0SW8270E1.2154.1 µg/L Surr: Terphenyl-d14 25.00 109 42 - 164SW8270E27.3 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 19 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:MBLK Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:MB-72429 Date Analyzed:09/18/2020 1242h 09/15/2020 957hDate Prepared:8270E-W-3511Test Code: Acenaphthene 10.0SW8270E0.973< 10.0 µg/L Acenaphthylene 10.0SW8270E0.824< 10.0 µg/L Anthracene 10.0SW8270E0.896< 10.0 µg/L Benz(a)anthracene 10.0SW8270E0.698< 10.0 µg/L Benzo(a)pyrene 10.0SW8270E3.08< 10.0 µg/L Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10.0SW8270E2.53< 10.0 µg/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 10.0SW8270E0.969< 10.0 µg/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene 10.0SW8270E1.55< 10.0 µg/L C11-C12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 10.0SW8270E2.00< 10.0 µg/L C11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes 10.0SW8270E2.00< 10.0 µg/L C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 10.0SW8270E2.00< 10.0 µg/L C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 10.0SW8270E2.00< 10.0 µg/L C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 10.0SW8270E2.00< 10.0 µg/L Chrysene 10.0SW8270E0.786< 10.0 µg/L Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 10.0SW8270E2.26< 10.0 µg/L Fluoranthene 10.0SW8270E1.19< 10.0 µg/L Fluorene 10.0SW8270E1.09< 10.0 µg/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 10.0SW8270E2.04< 10.0 µg/L Phenanthrene 10.0SW8270E0.882< 10.0 µg/L Pyrene 10.0SW8270E1.21< 10.0 µg/L Total C12-C22 PAH Summation 10.0SW8270E2.00< 10.0 µg/L Surr: Terphenyl-d14 25.00 105 52 - 174SW8270E26.2 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 20 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:MS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009357-001BMS Date Analyzed:09/18/2020 1606h 09/15/2020 957hDate Prepared:8270E-W-3511Test Code: Acenaphthene 49.63 113 72 - 1299.93 0SW8270E0.96656.3 µg/L Acenaphthylene 49.63 129 75 - 1309.93 0SW8270E0.81864.2 µg/L Anthracene 49.63 110 76 - 1389.93 0SW8270E0.88954.5 µg/L Benz(a)anthracene 49.63 103 76 - 1339.93 0SW8270E0.69351.0 µg/L Benzo(a)pyrene 49.63 99.5 67 - 1469.93 0SW8270E3.0649.4 µg/L Benzo(b)fluoranthene 49.63 102 63 - 1489.93 0SW8270E2.5150.9 µg/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 49.63 104 60 - 1539.93 0SW8270E0.96251.5 µg/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene 49.63 98.7 68 - 1489.93 0SW8270E1.5449.0 µg/L Chrysene 49.63 105 68 - 1399.93 0SW8270E0.78051.9 µg/L Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 49.63 104 61 - 1509.93 0SW8270E2.2451.5 µg/L Fluoranthene 49.63 115 76 - 1409.93 0SW8270E1.1857.0 µg/L Fluorene 49.63 112 65 - 1369.93 0SW8270E1.0855.4 µg/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 49.63 103 61 - 1509.93 0SW8270E2.0251.0 µg/L Phenanthrene 49.63 107 74 - 1369.93 0SW8270E0.87553.1 µg/L Pyrene 49.63 108 55 - 1369.93 0SW8270E1.2053.7 µg/L Surr: Terphenyl-d14 24.81 114 42 - 164SW8270E28.2 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 21 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSSV QC Type:MSD Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009357-001BMSD Date Analyzed:09/22/2020 945h 09/15/2020 957hDate Prepared:8270E-W-3511Test Code: Acenaphthene 49.64 120 72 - 129 259.93 0 56.3 5.32SW8270E0.96659.4 µg/L Acenaphthylene 49.64 127 75 - 130 259.93 0 64.2 1.80SW8270E0.81863.1 µg/L Anthracene 49.64 106 76 - 138 259.93 0 54.5 3.06SW8270E0.89052.8 µg/L Benz(a)anthracene 49.64 106 76 - 133 259.93 0 51 3.56SW8270E0.69352.9 µg/L Benzo(a)pyrene 49.64 102 67 - 146 259.93 0 49.4 2.73SW8270E3.0650.8 µg/L Benzo(b)fluoranthene 49.64 116 63 - 148 259.93 0 50.9 12.0SW8270E2.5157.4 µg/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 49.64 98.8 60 - 153 259.93 0 51.5 4.86SW8270E0.96249.0 µg/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene 49.64 116 68 - 148 259.93 0 49 15.9SW8270E1.5457.4 µg/L Chrysene 49.64 103 68 - 139 259.93 0 51.9 1.35SW8270E0.78051.2 µg/L Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 49.64 102 61 - 150 259.93 0 51.5 1.53SW8270E2.2450.7 µg/L Fluoranthene 49.64 110 76 - 140 259.93 0 57 4.65SW8270E1.1854.4 µg/L Fluorene 49.64 104 65 - 136 259.93 0 55.4 6.60SW8270E1.0851.8 µg/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 49.64 101 61 - 150 259.93 0 51 1.78SW8270E2.0350.1 µg/L Phenanthrene 49.64 110 74 - 136 259.93 0 53.1 2.77SW8270E0.87654.5 µg/L Pyrene 49.64 110 55 - 136 259.93 0 53.7 1.34SW8270E1.2054.4 µg/L Surr: Terphenyl-d14 24.82 115 42 - 164SW8270E28.6 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 22 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:LCS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:LCS-72398 Date Analyzed:09/14/2020 1201h 8260D-STest Code: Benzene 1,000 113 70 - 1401000SW8260D18.01,130 µg/kg Ethylbenzene 1,000 116 52 - 1401000SW8260D33.81,160 µg/kg Methyl tert-butyl ether 1,000 100 71 - 1281000SW8260D10.51,000 µg/kg Naphthalene 1,000 106 43 - 1351000SW8260D53.01,060 µg/kg Toluene 1,000 112 54 - 1321000SW8260D30.61,120 µg/kg Xylenes, Total 3,000 120 44 - 1421000SW8260D47.13,590 µg/kg Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 2,500 101 70 - 132SW8260D2,530 µg/kg Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 2,500 89.3 70 - 125SW8260D2,230 µg/kg Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 2,500 97.7 70 - 133SW8260D2,440 µg/kg Surr: Toluene-d8 2,500 88.9 70 - 123SW8260D2,220 µg/kg Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 23 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MBLK Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:MB-72398 Date Analyzed:09/14/2020 1140h 8260D-STest Code: Benzene 100SW8260D18.0< 100 µg/kg C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,000SW8260D200< 1,000 µg/kg C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,000SW8260D200< 1,000 µg/kg C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,000SW8260D200< 1,000 µg/kg C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes 1,000SW8260D200< 1,000 µg/kg Ethylbenzene 100SW8260D33.8< 100 µg/kg Methyl tert-butyl ether 100SW8260D10.5< 100 µg/kg Naphthalene 100SW8260D53.0< 100 µg/kg Toluene 100SW8260D30.6< 100 µg/kg Xylenes, Total 100SW8260D47.1< 100 µg/kg Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 2,500 107 70 - 132SW8260D2,680 µg/kg Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 2,500 93.5 68 - 125SW8260D2,340 µg/kg Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 2,500 100 70 - 133SW8260D2,500 µg/kg Surr: Toluene-d8 2,500 96.4 61 - 123SW8260D2,410 µg/kg Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 24 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009031-009BMS Date Analyzed:09/14/2020 1244h 8260D-STest Code: Benzene 2,000 0 70 - 140 S20,000 0SW8260D3,600< 20,000 µg/kg Ethylbenzene 2,000 0 52 - 140 S20,000 0SW8260D6,750< 20,000 µg/kg Methyl tert-butyl ether 2,000 0 71 - 128 S20,000 0SW8260D2,100< 20,000 µg/kg Naphthalene 2,000 0 43 - 135 S20,000 0SW8260D10,600< 20,000 µg/kg Toluene 2,000 0 54 - 132 S20,000 0SW8260D6,120< 20,000 µg/kg Xylenes, Total 6,000 0 44 - 142 S20,000 0SW8260D9,420< 20,000 µg/kg Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 5,000 94.0 70 - 132SW8260D4,700 µg/kg Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 5,000 110 70 - 125SW8260D5,500 µg/kg Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5,000 56.0 70 - 133 SSW8260D2,800 µg/kg Surr: Toluene-d8 5,000 78.0 70 - 123SW8260D3,900 µg/kg S - Sample dilution required due to sample matrix. Surrogate and MS spiking compound recoveries are outside of the control limits as expected due to being diluted out. Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 25 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MSD Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009031-009BMSD Date Analyzed:09/14/2020 1304h 8260D-STest Code: Benzene 2,000 0 70 - 140 35 S20,000 0 0 0SW8260D3,600< 20,000 µg/kg Ethylbenzene 2,000 0 52 - 140 35 S20,000 0 0 0SW8260D6,750< 20,000 µg/kg Methyl tert-butyl ether 2,000 0 71 - 128 35 S20,000 0 0 0SW8260D2,100< 20,000 µg/kg Naphthalene 2,000 0 43 - 135 35 S20,000 0 0 0SW8260D10,600< 20,000 µg/kg Toluene 2,000 0 54 - 132 35 S20,000 0 0 0SW8260D6,120< 20,000 µg/kg Xylenes, Total 6,000 0 44 - 142 35 S20,000 0 0 0SW8260D9,420< 20,000 µg/kg Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 5,000 94.0 70 - 132SW8260D4,700 µg/kg Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 5,000 86.0 70 - 125SW8260D4,300 µg/kg Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5,000 44.0 70 - 133 SSW8260D2,200 µg/kg Surr: Toluene-d8 5,000 66.0 70 - 123 SSW8260D3,300 µg/kg S - Sample dilution required due to sample matrix. Surrogate and MS spiking compound recoveries are outside of the control limits as expected due to being diluted out. Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 26 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:LCS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:LCS VOC-2 091520A Date Analyzed:09/15/2020 705h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 20.00 109 78 - 1252.00 0SW8260D0.14721.8 µg/L Ethylbenzene 20.00 102 67 - 1302.00 0SW8260D0.16420.4 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 20.00 105 58 - 1312.00 0SW8260D1.6021.1 µg/L Naphthalene 20.00 100 55 - 1282.00 0SW8260D0.70420.0 µg/L Toluene 20.00 105 69 - 1292.00 0SW8260D0.28521.0 µg/L Xylenes, Total 60.00 104 66 - 1422.00 0SW8260D0.57562.1 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 106 80 - 136SW8260D52.8 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 96.5 85 - 121SW8260D48.2 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 102 78 - 132SW8260D50.8 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 50.00 101 81 - 123SW8260D50.4 µg/L Lab Sample ID:LCS VOC-2 091620A Date Analyzed:09/16/2020 700h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 20.00 99.0 78 - 1252.00 0SW8260D0.14719.8 µg/L Ethylbenzene 20.00 92.9 67 - 1302.00 0SW8260D0.16418.6 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 20.00 96.9 58 - 1312.00 0SW8260D1.6019.4 µg/L Naphthalene 20.00 91.4 55 - 1282.00 0SW8260D0.70418.3 µg/L Toluene 20.00 96.0 69 - 1292.00 0SW8260D0.28519.2 µg/L Xylenes, Total 60.00 94.2 66 - 1422.00 0SW8260D0.57556.5 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 107 80 - 136SW8260D53.7 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 96.4 85 - 121SW8260D48.2 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 103 78 - 132SW8260D51.6 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 50.00 102 81 - 123SW8260D51.1 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 27 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MBLK Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:MB VOC-2 091520A Date Analyzed:09/15/2020 725h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 2.00SW8260D0.147< 2.00 µg/L C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L Ethylbenzene 2.00SW8260D0.164< 2.00 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 2.00SW8260D1.60< 2.00 µg/L Naphthalene 2.00SW8260D0.704< 2.00 µg/L Toluene 2.00SW8260D0.285< 2.00 µg/L Xylenes, Total 2.00SW8260D0.575< 2.00 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 111 80 - 136SW8260D55.5 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 100 85 - 121SW8260D50.0 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 104 78 - 121SW8260D51.8 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 50.00 102 81 - 123SW8260D51.0 µg/L Lab Sample ID:MB VOC-2 091620A Date Analyzed:09/16/2020 719h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 2.00SW8260D0.147< 2.00 µg/L C5&C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L C7&C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L C9&C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L C9&C10 Alkyl Benzenes 20.0SW8260D4.00< 20.0 µg/L Ethylbenzene 2.00SW8260D0.164< 2.00 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 2.00SW8260D1.60< 2.00 µg/L Naphthalene 2.00SW8260D0.704< 2.00 µg/L Toluene 2.00SW8260D0.285< 2.00 µg/L Xylenes, Total 2.00SW8260D0.575< 2.00 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 115 80 - 136SW8260D57.3 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 28 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MBLK Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:MB VOC-2 091620A Date Analyzed:09/16/2020 719h 8260D-WTest Code: Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 102 85 - 121SW8260D51.2 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 107 78 - 121SW8260D53.4 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 50.00 104 81 - 123SW8260D51.9 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 29 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MS Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009262-001AMS Date Analyzed:09/15/2020 823h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 2,000 120 78 - 1252000SW8260D14.72,400 µg/L Ethylbenzene 2,000 110 67 - 1302000SW8260D16.42,210 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 2,000 116 58 - 1312000SW8260D1602,310 µg/L Naphthalene 2,000 106 55 - 1282000SW8260D70.42,130 µg/L Toluene 2,000 119 69 - 1292008540SW8260D28.510,900 µg/L Xylenes, Total 6,000 115 66 - 1422000SW8260D57.56,900 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 5,000 105 80 - 136SW8260D5,270 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 5,000 95.1 85 - 121SW8260D4,750 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5,000 102 78 - 132SW8260D5,100 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 5,000 100 81 - 123SW8260D5,000 µg/L Lab Sample ID:2009399-002AMS Date Analyzed:09/16/2020 1036h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 20.00 93.7 78 - 1252.00 0SW8260D0.14718.7 µg/L Ethylbenzene 20.00 86.7 67 - 1302.00 0SW8260D0.16417.3 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 20.00 62.1 58 - 1312.00 0SW8260D1.6012.4 µg/L Naphthalene 20.00 80.1 55 - 1282.00 0SW8260D0.70416.0 µg/L Toluene 20.00 90.8 69 - 1292.00 0SW8260D0.28518.2 µg/L Xylenes, Total 60.00 87.9 66 - 1422.00 0SW8260D0.57552.7 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 107 80 - 136SW8260D53.7 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 96.7 85 - 121SW8260D48.4 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 103 78 - 132SW8260D51.6 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 50.00 102 81 - 123SW8260D51.0 µg/L Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 30 of 31 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 3440 South 700 West All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Client:Pace National QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact:Chris Ward Project:Lelis Transmissions Phase II, T34 / TERRDUT-61197491 T34 Lab Set ID:2009349 Dept:MSVOA QC Type:MSD Analyte Units Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC RPD Ref. Amt % RPDLimits RPD Limit Qual Reporting LimitResultMethodMDL Lab Sample ID:2009262-001AMSD Date Analyzed:09/15/2020 843h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 2,000 103 78 - 125 3520002400 15.5SW8260D14.72,050 µg/L Ethylbenzene 2,000 93.2 67 - 130 3520002210 16.9SW8260D16.41,860 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 2,000 101 58 - 131 3520002310 13.9SW8260D1602,010 µg/L Naphthalene 2,000 93.0 55 - 128 3520002130 13.5SW8260D70.41,860 µg/L Toluene 2,000 96.4 69 - 129 35200854010900 4.26SW8260D28.510,500 µg/L Xylenes, Total 6,000 95.5 66 - 142 3520006900 18.4SW8260D57.55,730 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 5,000 107 80 - 136SW8260D5,360 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 5,000 99.9 85 - 121SW8260D5,000 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5,000 102 78 - 132SW8260D5,100 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 5,000 101 81 - 123SW8260D5,050 µg/L Lab Sample ID:2009399-002AMSD Date Analyzed:09/16/2020 1056h 8260D-WTest Code: Benzene 20.00 82.2 78 - 125 352.00 0 18.7 13.1SW8260D0.14716.4 µg/L Ethylbenzene 20.00 76.3 67 - 130 352.00 0 17.3 12.7SW8260D0.16415.3 µg/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 20.00 54.4 58 - 131 35 ¹2.00 0 12.4 13.3SW8260D1.6010.9 µg/L Naphthalene 20.00 70.6 55 - 128 352.00 0 16 12.6SW8260D0.70414.1 µg/L Toluene 20.00 79.6 69 - 129 352.00 0 18.2 13.1SW8260D0.28515.9 µg/L Xylenes, Total 60.00 77.1 66 - 142 352.00 0 52.7 13.1SW8260D0.57546.3 µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 105 80 - 136SW8260D52.6 µg/L Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 96.5 85 - 121SW8260D48.2 µg/L Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 101 78 - 132SW8260D50.6 µg/L Surr: Toluene-d8 50.00 98.9 81 - 123SW8260D49.5 µg/L ¹ - Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/23/2020 Page 31 of 31 ANALYTICAL REPORT September 22, 2020 Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT Sample Delivery Group:L1262016 Samples Received:09/15/2020 Project Number:61187491 Description:Terracon project 61187491 Task 34 - Lelis LSI. Report To:Amy Findley 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 Entire Report Reviewed By: September 22, 2020 [Preliminary Report] Chris Ward Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 1 of 37 September 22, 2020 Chris Ward Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 1 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 6 Sr: Sample Results 7 LT-B-2A@9.5' L1262016-01 7 LT-B-2A GW L1262016-02 8 LT-B-22 @ 9.5' L1262016-03 9 LT-B-22 GW L1262016-04 10 LT-B-7A @ 9' L1262016-05 11 LT-B-7A GW L1262016-06 12 LT-B-17 @ 10' L1262016-07 13 LT-B-17 GW L1262016-08 14 LT-B-37 @ 10' L1262016-09 15 LT-B-37 GW L1262016-10 16 LT-B-18 @ 10' L1262016-11 17 LT-B-18 GW L1262016-12 18 LT-B-19 @ 10' L1262016-13 19 TRIP BLANK(S) L1262016-14 20 Qc: Quality Control Summary 21 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 21 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A 22 Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B 23 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 24 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO 26 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 29 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 30 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 32 Gl: Glossary of Terms 34 Al: Accreditations & Locations 35 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 36 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 2 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 2 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-2A@9.5' L1262016-01 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 12:30 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 WG1545652 1 09/19/20 01:16 09/19/20 12:50 MTJ Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-2A GW L1262016-02 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 13:15 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 WG1545735 1 09/19/20 13:28 09/20/20 15:35 MTJ Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-22 @ 9.5' L1262016-03 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 13:31 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 WG1545652 1 09/19/20 01:16 09/19/20 13:03 MTJ Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-22 GW L1262016-04 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 13:41 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 WG1545735 1 09/19/20 13:28 09/20/20 15:49 MTJ Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-7A @ 9' L1262016-05 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 14:55 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 WG1545652 1 09/19/20 01:16 09/19/20 13:15 MTJ Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-7A GW L1262016-06 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 15:07 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 WG1545735 1 09/19/20 13:28 09/20/20 16:03 MTJ Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-17 @ 10' L1262016-07 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 10:10 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B WG1546738 1 09/21/20 07:00 09/22/20 09:20 MBP Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG1544405 1 09/17/20 07:43 09/18/20 11:10 TRB Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO WG1545597 25 09/17/20 21:36 09/19/20 00:18 JAH Mt. Juliet, TN Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 WG1545691 10 09/19/20 01:14 09/19/20 11:29 JN Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 3 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 3 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-17 GW L1262016-08 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 10:50 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A WG1546743 1 09/21/20 07:25 09/21/20 15:05 AMG Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO WG1545929 1 09/19/20 19:10 09/19/20 19:10 DWR Mt. Juliet, TN Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 WG1544058 5 09/17/20 09:26 09/18/20 21:23 KME Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-37 @ 10' L1262016-09 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 11:05 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B WG1546738 1 09/21/20 07:00 09/22/20 09:20 MBP Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG1544405 1 09/17/20 07:43 09/18/20 11:18 TRB Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO WG1545597 25 09/17/20 21:36 09/19/20 00:41 JAH Mt. Juliet, TN Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 WG1545804 10 09/19/20 07:56 09/20/20 16:35 JN Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-37 GW L1262016-10 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 11:15 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A WG1546743 1 09/21/20 07:25 09/21/20 15:05 AMG Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO WG1545929 1 09/19/20 19:31 09/19/20 19:31 DWR Mt. Juliet, TN Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 WG1544058 5 09/17/20 09:26 09/18/20 21:49 KME Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-18 @ 10' L1262016-11 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 09:12 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B WG1546738 1 09/21/20 07:00 09/22/20 09:20 MBP Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG1543995 1 09/16/20 14:07 09/17/20 20:37 EL Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO WG1545597 25 09/17/20 21:36 09/19/20 01:04 JAH Mt. Juliet, TN Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 WG1545804 5 09/19/20 07:56 09/20/20 16:09 JN Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-18 GW L1262016-12 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 09:36 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A WG1546743 1 09/21/20 07:25 09/21/20 15:05 AMG Mt. Juliet, TN Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 WG1544058 5 09/17/20 09:26 09/18/20 22:15 KME Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time LT-B-19 @ 10' L1262016-13 Solid Mark Lilly 09/11/20 11:30 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG1546458 1 09/21/20 15:29 09/21/20 15:36 KBC Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG1543995 1 09/16/20 14:07 09/17/20 20:40 EL Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 4 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 4 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time TRIP BLANK(S) L1262016-14 GW Mark Lilly 09/11/20 00:00 09/15/20 08:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO WG1544967 1 09/18/20 07:24 09/18/20 07:24 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 5 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 5 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.CASE NARRATIVE Unless qualified or notated within the narrative below, all sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Chris Ward Project Manager Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. Batch Analyte Lab Sample ID WG1544058 o-Terphenyl L1262016-12 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. Batch Analyte Lab Sample ID WG1545691 o-Terphenyl L1262016-07 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 RPD between the primary and confirmatory analysis exceeded 40% Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG1545652 L1262016-03 PCB 1254 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG1545652 (MSD) R3572231-4 PCB 1016 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 6 of 37 Chris Ward Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 6 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 L1262016 LT-B-2A@9.5' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 12:30 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 91.2 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time PCB 1016 U 0.0129 0.0373 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 PCB 1221 U 0.0129 0.0373 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 PCB 1232 U 0.0129 0.0373 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 PCB 1242 U 0.0129 0.0373 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 PCB 1248 U 0.00809 0.0186 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 PCB 1254 0.0622 0.00809 0.0186 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 PCB 1260 U 0.00809 0.0186 1 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 92.8 10.0-135 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 81.2 10.0-139 09/19/2020 12:50 WG1545652 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 7 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 7 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 L1262016 LT-B-2A GW Collected date/time: 09/11/20 13:15 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time PCB 1016 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 PCB 1221 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 PCB 1232 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 PCB 1242 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 PCB 1248 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 PCB 1254 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 PCB 1260 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 33.0 10.0-128 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 79.0 10.0-127 09/20/2020 15:35 WG1545735 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 8 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 8 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 L1262016 LT-B-22 @ 9.5' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 13:31 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.6 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time PCB 1016 U 0.0135 0.0388 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 PCB 1221 U 0.0135 0.0388 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 PCB 1232 U 0.0135 0.0388 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 PCB 1242 U 0.0135 0.0388 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 PCB 1248 U 0.00842 0.0194 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 PCB 1254 0.0272 P 0.00842 0.0194 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 PCB 1260 U 0.00842 0.0194 1 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 93.4 10.0-135 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 82.1 10.0-139 09/19/2020 13:03 WG1545652 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 9 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 9 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 L1262016 LT-B-22 GW Collected date/time: 09/11/20 13:41 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time PCB 1016 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 PCB 1221 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 PCB 1232 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 PCB 1242 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 PCB 1248 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 PCB 1254 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 PCB 1260 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 59.3 10.0-128 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 77.7 10.0-127 09/20/2020 15:49 WG1545735 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 10 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 10 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 L1262016 LT-B-7A @ 9' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 14:55 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 80.8 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time PCB 1016 U 0.0146 0.0421 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 PCB 1221 U 0.0146 0.0421 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 PCB 1232 U 0.0146 0.0421 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 PCB 1242 U 0.0146 0.0421 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 PCB 1248 U 0.00914 0.0210 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 PCB 1254 U 0.00914 0.0210 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 PCB 1260 U 0.00914 0.0210 1 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 84.5 10.0-135 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 76.5 10.0-139 09/19/2020 13:15 WG1545652 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 11 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 11 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 L1262016 LT-B-7A GW Collected date/time: 09/11/20 15:07 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time PCB 1016 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 PCB 1221 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 PCB 1232 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 PCB 1242 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 PCB 1248 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 PCB 1254 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 PCB 1260 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 28.1 10.0-128 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 69.5 10.0-127 09/20/2020 16:03 WG1545735 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 12 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 12 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 07 L1262016 LT-B-17 @ 10' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 10:10 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 86.8 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH - Oil & Grease 5030 38.0 115 1 09/22/2020 09:20 WG1546738 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Lead 8.56 0.240 0.576 1 09/18/2020 11:10 WG1544405 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 158 0.708 3.26 25 09/19/2020 00:18 WG1545597 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)97.8 77.0-120 09/19/2020 00:18 WG1545597 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 2560 8.86 46.1 10 09/19/2020 11:29 WG1545691 (S) o-Terphenyl 166 J1 18.0-148 09/19/2020 11:29 WG1545691 Sample Narrative: L1262016-07 WG1545691: Surrogate failure due to matrix interference 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 13 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 13 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 08 L1262016 LT-B-17 GW Collected date/time: 09/11/20 10:50 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH - Oil & Grease U 0.740 5.10 1 09/21/2020 15:05 WG1546743 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 0.270 0.0314 0.100 1 09/19/2020 19:10 WG1545929 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)104 78.0-120 09/19/2020 19:10 WG1545929 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 12.0 0.123 0.500 5 09/18/2020 21:23 WG1544058 (S) o-Terphenyl 125 31.0-160 09/18/2020 21:23 WG1544058 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 14 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 14 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 09 L1262016 LT-B-37 @ 10' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 11:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 90.6 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH - Oil & Grease 4710 36.4 110 1 09/22/2020 09:20 WG1546738 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Lead 12.4 0.230 0.552 1 09/18/2020 11:18 WG1544405 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 219 0.656 3.02 25 09/19/2020 00:41 WG1545597 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)96.9 77.0-120 09/19/2020 00:41 WG1545597 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 1610 8.49 44.1 10 09/20/2020 16:35 WG1545804 (S) o-Terphenyl 62.4 18.0-148 09/20/2020 16:35 WG1545804 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 15 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 15 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 10 L1262016 LT-B-37 GW Collected date/time: 09/11/20 11:15 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH - Oil & Grease U 0.740 5.10 1 09/21/2020 15:05 WG1546743 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 0.160 0.0314 0.100 1 09/19/2020 19:31 WG1545929 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)110 78.0-120 09/19/2020 19:31 WG1545929 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 12.3 0.123 0.500 5 09/18/2020 21:49 WG1544058 (S) o-Terphenyl 159 31.0-160 09/18/2020 21:49 WG1544058 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 16 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 16 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 11 L1262016 LT-B-18 @ 10' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 09:12 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 82.6 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH - Oil & Grease 1400 40.0 121 1 09/22/2020 09:20 WG1546738 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Lead 12.8 0.252 0.605 1 09/17/2020 20:37 WG1543995 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 90.1 0.773 3.56 25 09/19/2020 01:04 WG1545597 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)97.9 77.0-120 09/19/2020 01:04 WG1545597 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 688 4.66 24.2 5 09/20/2020 16:09 WG1545804 (S) o-Terphenyl 67.5 18.0-148 09/20/2020 16:09 WG1545804 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 17 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 17 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 12 L1262016 LT-B-18 GW Collected date/time: 09/11/20 09:36 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH - Oil & Grease U 0.747 5.15 1 09/21/2020 15:05 WG1546743 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 10.3 0.123 0.500 5 09/18/2020 22:15 WG1544058 (S) o-Terphenyl 267 J1 31.0-160 09/18/2020 22:15 WG1544058 Sample Narrative: L1262016-12 WG1544058: Surrogate failure due to matrix interference 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 18 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 18 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 13 L1262016 LT-B-19 @ 10' Collected date/time: 09/11/20 11:30 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.1 1 09/21/2020 15:36 WG1546458 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Lead 9.12 0.236 0.568 1 09/17/2020 20:40 WG1543995 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 19 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 19 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 14 L1262016 TRIP BLANK(S) Collected date/time: 09/11/20 00:00 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction U 0.0314 0.100 1 09/18/2020 07:24 WG1544967 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)102 78.0-120 09/18/2020 07:24 WG1544967 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 20 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 20 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1546458 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1262016-01,03,05,07,09,11,13 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572950-1 09/21/20 15:36 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.000 L1262005-12 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1262005-12 09/21/20 15:36 • (DUP) R3572950-3 09/21/20 15:36 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 87.4 88.6 1 1.45 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572950-2 09/21/20 15:36 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 21 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 21 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1546743 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664A L1262016-08,10,12 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572767-1 09/21/20 15:05 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l TPH - Oil & Grease U 0.725 5.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3572767-2 09/21/20 15:05 • (LCSD) R3572767-3 09/21/20 15:05 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH - Oil & Grease 20.0 20.0 20.0 100 100 64.0-132 0.000 34 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 22 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 22 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1546738 Wet Chemistry by Method 9071B L1262016-07,09,11 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3573022-1 09/22/20 09:20 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TPH - Oil & Grease U 33.0 100 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3573022-2 09/22/20 09:20 • (LCSD) R3573022-3 09/22/20 09:20 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% TPH - Oil & Grease 2000 1830 1620 91.5 81.0 80.0-120 12.2 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 23 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 23 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1543995 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1262016-11,13 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3571730-1 09/17/20 19:22 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Lead U 0.208 0.500 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3571730-2 09/17/20 19:25 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Lead 100 102 102 80.0-120 L1261414-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1261414-01 09/17/20 19:27 • (MS) R3571730-5 09/17/20 19:35 • (MSD) R3571730-6 09/17/20 19:38 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Lead 100 8.07 106 102 97.8 93.7 1 75.0-125 3.96 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 24 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 24 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1544405 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1262016-07,09 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572178-1 09/18/20 10:47 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Lead U 0.208 0.500 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572178-2 09/18/20 10:50 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Lead 100 102 102 80.0-120 L1262059-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1262059-01 09/18/20 10:52 • (MS) R3572178-5 09/18/20 11:00 • (MSD) R3572178-6 09/18/20 11:02 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Lead 119 4.63 111 118 89.7 95.1 1 75.0-125 5.56 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 25 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 25 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1544967 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO L1262016-14 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572325-4 09/18/20 03:30 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction U 0.0314 0.100 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)108 78.0-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3572325-2 09/18/20 02:28 • (LCSD) R3572325-3 09/18/20 02:48 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 5.50 6.03 5.37 110 97.6 72.0-127 11.6 20 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID) 96.4 97.2 78.0-120 L1260983-02 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1260983-02 09/18/20 07:45 • (MS) R3572325-7 09/18/20 15:08 • (MSD) R3572325-8 09/18/20 15:29 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 5.50 U 1.88 1.76 34.2 32.0 1 10.0-160 6.59 22 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID) 98.8 97.5 78.0-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 26 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 26 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1545929 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO L1262016-08,10 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572778-3 09/19/20 16:48 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction U 0.0314 0.100 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)110 78.0-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572778-2 09/19/20 16:06 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/l mg/l %% TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 5.50 6.47 118 72.0-127 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID) 98.8 78.0-120 L1263218-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1263218-01 09/19/20 21:15 • (MS) R3572778-6 09/20/20 01:04 • (MSD) R3572778-7 09/20/20 01:25 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 5.50 U 4.68 5.26 85.1 95.6 1 10.0-160 11.7 22 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID) 100 101 78.0-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 27 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 27 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1545597 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015D/GRO L1262016-07,09,11 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572122-2 09/18/20 15:55 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 0.0449 J 0.0217 0.100 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID)97.1 77.0-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572122-1 09/18/20 15:09 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% TPH (GC/FID) Low Fraction 5.50 5.67 103 72.0-127 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene(FID) 106 77.0-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 28 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 28 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1544058 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 L1262016-08,10,12 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3571677-1 09/17/20 15:07 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction U 0.0247 0.100 (S) o-Terphenyl 111 31.0-160 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3571677-2 09/17/20 15:27 • (LCSD) R3571677-3 09/17/20 15:47 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 1.50 1.46 1.60 97.3 107 50.0-150 9.15 20 (S) o-Terphenyl 127 125 31.0-160 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 29 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 29 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1545691 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 L1262016-07 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572319-1 09/19/20 06:40 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction U 0.769 4.00 (S) o-Terphenyl 73.0 18.0-148 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572319-2 09/19/20 06:52 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 50.0 38.1 76.2 50.0-150 (S) o-Terphenyl 99.8 18.0-148 L1261986-03 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1261986-03 09/19/20 07:05 • (MS) R3572319-3 09/19/20 07:18 • (MSD) R3572319-4 09/19/20 07:31 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 48.5 1.44 37.6 41.0 74.6 80.7 1 50.0-150 8.65 20 (S) o-Terphenyl 97.5 102 18.0-148 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 30 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 30 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1545804 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 L1262016-09,11 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572433-1 09/19/20 20:09 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction U 0.769 4.00 (S) o-Terphenyl 72.4 18.0-148 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572433-2 09/19/20 20:22 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 50.0 31.7 63.4 50.0-150 (S) o-Terphenyl 55.3 18.0-148 L1262018-07 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1262018-07 09/19/20 21:51 • (MS) R3572433-3 09/19/20 22:03 • (MSD) R3572433-4 09/19/20 22:16 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction 50.0 8.79 35.1 38.9 52.6 60.2 1 50.0-150 10.3 20 (S) o-Terphenyl 48.9 47.1 18.0-148 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 31 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 31 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1545652 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 L1262016-01,03,05 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572231-1 09/19/20 09:56 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg PCB 1016 U 0.0118 0.0340 PCB 1221 U 0.0118 0.0340 PCB 1232 U 0.0118 0.0340 PCB 1242 U 0.0118 0.0340 PCB 1248 U 0.00738 0.0170 PCB 1254 U 0.00738 0.0170 PCB 1260 U 0.00738 0.0170 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 77.3 10.0-135 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 68.5 10.0-139 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572231-2 09/19/20 10:09 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% PCB 1260 0.167 0.0935 56.0 37.0-145 PCB 1016 0.167 0.0923 55.3 36.0-141 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 83.5 10.0-135 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 72.4 10.0-139 L1263573-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1263573-01 09/19/20 10:21 • (MS) R3572231-3 09/19/20 10:33 • (MSD) R3572231-4 09/19/20 10:46 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% PCB 1260 0.222 U 0.145 0.103 65.3 46.5 1 10.0-160 33.5 38 PCB 1016 0.222 U 0.170 0.116 76.6 52.3 1 10.0-160 J3 37.7 37 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 70.6 49.7 10.0-135 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 72.8 57.5 10.0-139 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 32 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 32 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1545735 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method 8082 L1262016-02,04,06 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3572483-1 09/20/20 12:23 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l PCB 1260 U 0.000173 0.000500 PCB 1016 U 0.000270 0.000500 PCB 1221 U 0.000270 0.000500 PCB 1232 U 0.000270 0.000500 PCB 1242 U 0.000270 0.000500 PCB 1248 U 0.000173 0.000500 PCB 1254 U 0.000173 0.000500 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 31.5 10.0-128 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 75.3 10.0-127 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3572483-2 09/20/20 12:37 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/l mg/l %% PCB 1260 0.00250 0.00207 82.8 42.0-131 PCB 1016 0.00250 0.00216 86.4 36.0-135 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 80.2 10.0-128 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 70.2 10.0-127 L1263058-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1263058-01 09/20/20 12:51 • (MS) R3572483-3 09/20/20 13:04 • (MSD) R3572483-4 09/20/20 13:18 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% PCB 1260 0.00250 U 0.00220 0.00227 88.0 90.8 1 20.0-142 3.13 27 PCB 1016 0.00250 U 0.00229 0.00230 91.6 92.0 1 11.0-160 0.436 38 (S) Decachlorobiphenyl 80.5 83.8 10.0-128 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 81.5 82.9 10.0-127 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 33 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 33 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions (dry)Results are reported based on the dry weight of the sample. [this will only be present on a dry report basis for soils]. MDL Method Detection Limit. MDL (dry)Method Detection Limit. RDL Reported Detection Limit. RDL (dry)Reported Detection Limit. Rec.Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. SDG Sample Delivery Group. (S) Surrogate (Surrogate Standard) - Analytes added to every blank, sample, Laboratory Control Sample/Duplicate and Matrix Spike/Duplicate; used to evaluate analytical efficiency by measuring recovery. Surrogates are not expected to be detected in all environmental media. U Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. Limits These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. Original Sample The non-spiked sample in the prep batch used to determine the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) from a quality control sample. The Original Sample may not be included within the reported SDG. Qualifier This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. Result The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state “ND” (Not Detected) or “BDL” (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1 Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. P RPD between the primary and confirmatory analysis exceeded 40%. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 34 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 34 of 37 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Pace National is the only environmental laboratory accredited/certified to support your work nationwide from one location. One phone call, one point of contact, one laboratory. No other lab is as accessible or prepared to handle your needs throughout the country. Our capacity and capability from our single location laboratory is comparable to the collective totals of the network laboratories in our industry. The most significant benefit to our one location design is the design of our laboratory campus. The model is conducive to accelerated productivity, decreasing turn-around time, and preventing cross contamination, thus protecting sample integrity. Our focus on premium quality and prompt service allows us to be YOUR LAB OF CHOICE. * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace National. State Accreditations Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN-03-2002-34 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹n/a Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶90010 South Carolina 84004 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana ¹LA180010 Texas T104704245-18-15 Maine TN0002 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN00003 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 460132 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 9980939910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA Third Party Federal Accreditations A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable Our Locations Pace National has sixty-four client support centers that provide sample pickup and/or the delivery of sampling supplies. If you would like assistance from one of our support offices, please contact our main office. Pace National performs all testing at our central laboratory. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 11:45 35 of 37 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61187491 L1262016 09/22/20 12:05 35 of 37 APPENDIX E Previous Reports Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 9390 <126 22700 96.9 J 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 4700 <5.04 Na Na 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 <13.2 <0.630 Na Na 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 <0.0264 0.00118 J Na Na 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 <0.0264 0.000379 J Na Na 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 0.0812 J <0.00630 Na Na 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 <0.132 0.00128 J Na Na 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 0.0323 J <0.00378 Na Na 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne <1.32 0.0446 J Na Na 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne <0.264 <0.0126 J3 Na Na 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 0.0225 J <0.00126 Na Na 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 0.0116 J <0.00126 Na Na 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne <0.0660 <0.00315 Na Na 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 0.00901 J <0.00126 Na Na 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.0149 J <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne <0.264 <0.0126 Na Na 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne <0.264 <0.0126 Na Na 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 0.0258 J <0.00126 Na Na 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne <0.132 <0.00630 Na Na 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne <0.0660 <0.00315 Na Na 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 0.00604 J 0.000392 J Na Na 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne <0.0264 <0.00126 Na Na Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected 08/28/2019 08/28/2019 08/28/2019 08/28/2019 Client Sample ID LT-B-1 @ 8.5'LT-B-1 @ 13.0'LT-B-2 @ 9.0'LT-B-2 @ 14.5' Lab Sample ID L1134155-05 L1134155-06 L1134141-07 L1134141-08 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q <125 60.3 J J6 P1 872 2620 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na 08/28/2019 08/30/2019 08/30/2019 LT-B-3 @ 4.5'LT-B-3 @ 14.5'LT-B-4 @ 11.5'LT-B-4 @ 13.5' 08/28/2019 L1134141-04 L1134141-05 L1134961-07 L1134961-08 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 20500 <132 15700 61.5 J Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 LT-B-6 @ 7.5'LT-B-6 @ 14.5' 08/27/2019 LT-B-5 @ 8.0'LT-B-5 @ 14.5' L1134161-03 L1134161-04L1134161-02L1134161-01 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 16600 <126 Na Na 6090 1.34 J 188 1.57 J 0.345 J <0.632 <0.730 <0.617 0.00117 J 0.000714 J 0.00332 B 0.00136 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.001 J <0.00126 0.000452 J V3 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.0126 <0.00632 0.0015 B J V3 <0.00617 0.00149 J 0.00065 J 0.0026 J V3 0.00117 J 0.0129 <0.00379 0.00136 B J V3 <0.00370 0.102 0.0447 J 0.0274 J 0.0378 J <0.0118 J3 <0.0126 <0.0146 <0.0123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 <0.00617 0.00176 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.00128 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.000276 J <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 <0.00617 <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 <0.00617 <0.00295 <0.00316 <0.00365 <0.00308 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 <0.00617 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.000763 J <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 <0.00617 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.000794 J <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.00201 <0.00126 0.000302 J V3 <0.00123 0.0218 0.00752 J <0.0146 0.00818 J <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 <0.00617 <0.0118 <0.0126 <0.0146 <0.0123 0.00297 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 0.000545 J <0.00126 0.00396 V3 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 <0.00590 <0.00632 <0.00730 J4 <0.00617 <0.00295 <0.00316 <0.00365 <0.00308 0.0248 <0.00126 0.00205 B V3 0.000354 J 0.0127 <0.00126 0.00154 V3 <0.00123 0.00757 <0.00126 0.000717 J V3 <0.00123 <0.00118 <0.00126 <0.00146 <0.00123 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 08/30/2019 08/30/2019 LT-B-7 @ 7.5'LT-B-8 @ 12.5'LT-B-7 @ 14.5'LT-B-8 @ 2.5' L1134161-05 L1134161-06 L1134961-05 L1134961-06 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 4530 64.5 J 986 142 5370 <5.15 1860 491 1.47 <0.644 0.413 J <0.649 0.00684 0.00126 J 0.000937 J 0.00165 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 0.00191 0.000404 J 0.000583 J <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 0.00528 J <0.00644 0.00569 J <0.00649 0.00756 0.0012 J 0.000977 J 0.00123 J 0.00798 0.000949 J 0.00627 0.00113 J 0.131 0.0508 J 0.191 0.129 <0.0112 <0.0129 <0.0127 <0.0130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 0.00732 <0.00129 0.00233 <0.00130 0.00459 <0.00129 0.00129 <0.00130 0.000655 J <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 <0.00280 <0.00322 <0.00319 <0.00325 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 0.00048 J <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 0.000917 J <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 0.00348 <0.00129 0.000619 J <0.00130 0.00607 <0.00129 0.00271 <0.00130 0.0293 0.0119 J 0.0354 0.0248 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 <0.0112 <0.0129 0.00424 J 0.00382 J 0.013 <0.00129 0.00228 0.000457 J <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 0.000469 J <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 <0.00560 <0.00644 <0.00637 <0.00649 <0.00280 <0.00322 <0.00319 <0.00325 0.0121 0.000341 J 0.0113 0.000478 J 0.00126 <0.00129 0.00526 <0.00130 0.00831 <0.00129 0.00373 <0.00130 <0.00112 <0.00129 <0.00127 <0.00130 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 LT-B-9 @ 14.5'LT-B-10 @ 10.0'LT-B-9 @ 9.0'LT-B-10 @ 14.5' L1134161-07 L1134161-08 L1134161-09 L1134161-10 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 7890 539 5030 J3 J6 123 J 676 1220 978 8.09 0.891 V3 0.39 J 0.509 J <0.632 0.00262 V3 0.00107 J 0.00096 J <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 0.00119 V3 0.000886 J <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 0.00192 J V3 0.0156 <0.00599 <0.00632 0.00313 J V3 0.00134 J 0.00119 J <0.00632 0.00552 V3 0.0197 0.000888 J <0.00379 0.0748 V3 0.06 J 0.103 0.0322 J <0.0113 <0.0132 J3 <0.0120 <0.0126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.00113 0.00381 0.00165 <0.00126 0.00236 V3 0.00256 0.00257 <0.00126 <0.00113 0.000415 J 0.000949 J <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.00282 <0.00331 <0.00300 <0.00316 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 0.00227 <0.00120 0.000715 J <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 0.00196 <0.00120 0.00106 J <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 0.000695 J V3 0.00131 J <0.00120 <0.00126 0.00526 V3 0.00502 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.0113 0.00925 J 0.0109 J <0.0126 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.0113 <0.0132 <0.0120 <0.0126 0.00232 V3 0.00469 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 0.0134 V3 0.00137 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 0.00176 V3 0.00125 J <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00564 <0.00661 <0.00599 <0.00632 <0.00282 <0.00331 <0.00300 <0.00316 0.00877 V3 0.0365 0.000811 J <0.00126 0.0027 V3 0.00525 0.000438 J <0.00126 0.00728 V3 0.012 <0.00120 <0.00126 <0.00113 <0.00132 <0.00120 <0.00126 08/28/201908/28/2019 08/30/2019 08/30/2019 LT-B-11 @ 8.5'LT-B-11 @ 12.5'LT-B-12 @ 8.5'LT-B-12 @ 16.0' L1134961-01 L1134961-02L1134141-02L1134141-01 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 7730 <131 1990 109 J 5170 <5.23 3220 52.4 115 <0.654 884 18 <0.111 0.00107 J <0.193 0.00173 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 0.0473 J <0.00131 0.214 0.00245 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 0.219 J <0.00654 10.5 0.193 <0.556 0.00123 J 0.113 J 0.00171 J 0.201 J 0.000913 J 1.69 0.023 <5.56 0.0275 J <9.64 0.0543 J <1.11 J3 <0.0131 J3 <1.93 <0.0126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 0.592 <0.00131 13.9 0.0732 0.475 <0.00131 13 0.0624 0.123 <0.00131 3.01 0.0147 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 <0.278 <0.00327 <0.482 <0.00315 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 0.18 <0.00131 2.4 0.0301 <0.111 <0.00131 0.251 0.00178 <0.111 <0.00131 0.559 0.0083 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 0.000684 J <0.193 0.000383 J <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 0.0571 J <0.00131 1.47 0.00935 0.0467 J <0.00131 34.4 0.18 <1.11 <0.0131 <1.93 0.0189 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 <1.11 <0.0131 <1.93 <0.0126 <0.111 <0.00131 6.4 0.0391 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 0.0543 J 0.00199 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 0.211 0.00591 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 <0.556 <0.00654 <0.964 <0.00631 <0.278 <0.00327 <0.482 <0.00315 0.153 0.000438 J 92.5 1.45 0.0938 J <0.00131 37.3 0.81 0.0406 J <0.00131 35.7 0.225 <0.111 <0.00131 <0.193 <0.00126 08/28/2019 08/28/2019 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 LT-B-15 @ 10.0'LT-B-15 @ 14.5'LT-B-14 @ 9.0'LT-B-14 @ 19.5' L1134155-01 L1134155-02 L1134161-12 L1134161-13 Table C1 - Soil Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 9071B TRPH mg/kg Ne Ne 1000 10000 3546 TPH-DRO mg/kg Ne Ne 500 5000 8260B TPH-GRO mg/kg Ne Ne 150 1500 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 0.9 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 Ne Ne 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 23 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 0.3 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 51 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 25 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 142 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 Ne Ne 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.064 Ne Ne 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 Ne Ne 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/kg 27000 190000 Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 Ne Ne 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/kg 33000 140000 Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 Ne Ne 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.01 0.11 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.06 1.7 Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1:Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. P1:RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. V3:The internal standard exhibited poor recovery due to sample matrix interference. The analytical results will be biased high. BDL results will be unaffected. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at underground storage tank sites.TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons. TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics.TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit.Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Date Collected Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Result Q Result Q 6050 137 2740 <5.19 2.03 <0.648 0.00356 0.00152 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 0.000805 J 0.00044 J <0.00124 <0.00130 0.00425 J <0.00648 0.00366 J 0.00146 J 0.00174 J 0.00114 J 0.0678 0.0492 J <0.0124 <0.0130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00618 <0.00648 0.00186 <0.00130 0.00199 <0.00130 0.000959 J <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00618 <0.00648 <0.00618 <0.00648 <0.00309 <0.00324 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00618 <0.00648 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00618 <0.00648 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 0.000536 J <0.00130 0.00086 J 0.000358 J 0.0173 0.0117 J <0.00618 <0.00648 <0.0124 <0.0130 0.0012 J 0.000296 J <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00124 <0.00130 <0.00618 <0.00648 <0.00309 <0.00324 0.00107 B J 0.00114 B J <0.00124 0.000539 J 0.000863 J 0.000465 J <0.00124 <0.00130 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 LT-B-16 @ 10.0'LT-B-16 @ 14.5' L1134161-14 L1134161-15 Table C2 - Soil Sample Analytical Results 13 Priority Pollutant Metals Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Lab Sample ID L1134155-01 L1134155-02 L1134161-07 L1134161-08 L1134161-12 Client Sample ID LT-B-14 @ 9.0 LT-B-14 @ 19.5'LT-B-9 @ 9.0'LT-B-9 @ 14.5'LT-B-15 @ 10.0' Date Collected 08/28/2019 08/28/2019 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 6010B ANTIMONY mg/kg 31 470 <2.22 <2.61 <2.24 0.972 J 28.7 6010B ARSENIC mg/kg 0.68 3 4.02 6.5 9.53 15.1 8.92 6010B BERYLLIUM mg/kg 160 2300 <0.222 0.185 J 0.152 J 0.487 <0.386 6010B CADMIUM mg/kg 71 980 0.43 J 0.385 J 0.238 J 0.602 J 22.8 6010B CHROMIUM mg/kg 0.3 (a)6.3 (a)13.9 14.8 12.5 21.3 34.9 6010B COPPER mg/kg 3100 47000 7.12 33.5 9.42 34.6 385 6010B LEAD mg/kg 400 800 17.6 12.4 12.7 23.2 1280 7471A MERCURY mg/kg 11 46 <0.0334 <0.0392 0.0107 J 0.0232 J 0.23 6010B NICKEL mg/kg 1500 22000 6.05 12.7 9.78 20.6 18.5 6010B SELENIUM mg/kg 390 5800 1.69 J 3.1 0.844 J 1.91 J <3.86 6010B SILVER mg/kg 390 5800 <1.11 <1.31 <1.12 <1.29 0.263 J 6010B THALLIUM mg/kg 0.78 12 <2.22 <2.61 <2.24 <2.58 <3.86 6010B ZINC mg/kg 23000 350000 23.2 37.4 28.1 65.1 805 Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). (a) The total chromium results were compared to the Chromium VI RSLs. Ne:Not established.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<2.22 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Table C2 - Soil Sample Analytical Results 13 Priority Pollutant Metals Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Res. EPA RSL Ind. 6010B ANTIMONY mg/kg 31 470 6010B ARSENIC mg/kg 0.68 3 6010B BERYLLIUM mg/kg 160 2300 6010B CADMIUM mg/kg 71 980 6010B CHROMIUM mg/kg 0.3 (a)6.3 (a) 6010B COPPER mg/kg 3100 47000 6010B LEAD mg/kg 400 800 7471A MERCURY mg/kg 11 46 6010B NICKEL mg/kg 1500 22000 6010B SELENIUM mg/kg 390 5800 6010B SILVER mg/kg 390 5800 6010B THALLIUM mg/kg 0.78 12 6010B ZINC mg/kg 23000 350000 Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. EPA RSL: Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). (a) The total chromium results were compared to the Chromium VI RSLs. Ne:Not established.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<2.22 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. L1134161-13 L1134961-01 L1134961-02 L1134961-05 L1134961-06 LT-B-15 @ 14.5'LT-B-12 @ 8.5'LT-B-12 @ 16.0'LT-B-8 @ 2.5'LT-B-8 @ 12.5' 08/27/2019 08/30/2019 08/30/2019 08/30/2019 08/30/2019 Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q <2.52 <2.40 <2.53 <2.92 <2.47 5.82 10 11.5 41.1 4.51 0.484 0.382 0.852 0.327 0.595 0.451 J 0.224 J 0.188 J 0.351 J 0.128 J 19.1 13.8 21.7 8.58 17.2 26.1 9.82 48.3 18.4 19 20.5 14.1 28.6 24.1 14.2 0.0106 J 0.0167 B J 0.0216 B J 0.0707 B 0.0175 B J 17 9.6 19.9 7.72 13.6 2.35 J <2.40 <2.53 <2.92 <2.47 <1.26 <1.20 <1.26 <1.46 <1.23 <2.52 <2.40 <2.53 <2.92 <2.47 53.9 29.4 79.3 48.6 42.5 Table C3 - Groundwater Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Lab Sample ID L1134155-07 L1134141-06 L1134161-17 Client Sample ID LT-B-1 GW LT-B-3 LT-B-5 Date Collected 08/28/2019 08/28/2019 08/27/2019 Method Analyte Units EPA MCL EPA VISL Res. EPA VISL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 UGWQS Result Q Result Q Result Q 1664A TRPH mg/l Ne Ne Ne 10 10 Ne 108 1.96 J 2.42 J 8015 TPH-DRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 431 0.741 0.789 8260B TPH-GRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 0.379 J 0.186 B 0.166 B 8260B BENZENE mg/l 0.005 0.00159 0.00693 0.005 0.3 0.005 0.0014 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00224 0.00978 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/l 0.00005 0.00018 0.00077 Ne Ne 0.00005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.7 0.00349 0.0152 0.7 4 0.7 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/l Ne 0.45 1.97 0.2 0.2 Ne 0.000415 J Na Na 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/l Ne 0.00459 0.0201 0.7 0.7 Ne 0.00397 J Na Na 8260B TOLUENE mg/l 1 19.2 80.7 1 3 1 0.000443 J Na Na 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/l 10 0.385 1.62 10 10 10 0.00216 J Na Na 8260B ACETONE mg/l Ne 22500 94500 Ne Ne Ne <0.0500 Na Na 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/l Ne 0.00732 0.032 Ne Ne Ne <0.0100 Na Na 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.62 2.6 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/l 0.08 0.00088 0.00382 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B BROMOFORM mg/l 0.08 0.117 0.51 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.0174 0.073 Ne Ne Ne <0.00500 Na Na 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.00042 0.00181 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.1 0.41 1.72 Ne Ne 0.1 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.08 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 23 96.5 Ne Ne Ne <0.00500 Na Na 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/l 0.08 0.00081 0.00355 Ne Ne Ne <0.00500 Na Na 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.26 1.09 Ne Ne Ne <0.00250 Na Na 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.0002 2.8E-05 0.00034 Ne Ne 0.0002 <0.00500 Na Na 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.124 0.521 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.6 2.66 11.2 Ne Ne 0.6 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.075 0.00259 0.0113 Ne Ne 0.075 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00744 0.0312 Ne Ne Ne <0.00500 Na Na 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00764 0.0334 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.007 0.195 0.821 Ne Ne 0.007 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.07 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.07 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.1 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.1 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.005 0.00658 0.0287 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/l Ne 6.97 29.3 Ne Ne Ne 0.00107 Na Na 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/l Ne 0.0003 0.00132 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.887 3.73 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/l Ne 2240 9410 Ne Ne Ne <0.0100 Na Na 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.763 9.23 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00500 Na Na 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/l Ne 555 2330 Ne Ne Ne <0.0100 Na Na 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 2.43 10.2 Ne Ne Ne 0.000531 J Na Na 8260B STYRENE mg/l 0.1 9.28 39 Ne Ne 0.1 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00371 0.0162 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00323 0.0141 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.242 1.02 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.0149 0.0652 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.07 0.0359 0.151 Ne Ne 0.07 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.2 7.42 31.1 Ne Ne 0.2 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00521 0.0228 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.00119 0.00743 Ne Ne 0.005 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.00500 Na Na 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne 0.0223 0.0937 Ne Ne Ne <0.00250 Na Na 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.248 1.04 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.351 1.47 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.175 0.733 Ne Ne Ne <0.00100 Na Na 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/l 0.002 0.00015 0.00245 Ne Ne 0.002 <0.00100 Na Na 8260B ACROLEIN mg/l Ne 0.00418 0.0176 Ne Ne Ne <0.0500 J4 Na Na 8260B 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne <0.0500 Na Na Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. EPA MCL: Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water (May 2019). EPA VISL: Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level target groundwater concentrations at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater at underground storage tank sites.UGWQS:Utah Ground Water Quality Standards. TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons.TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics. TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/l: Milligrams per liter. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Table C3 - Groundwater Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Method Analyte Units EPA MCL EPA VISL Res. EPA VISL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 UGWQS 1664A TRPH mg/l Ne Ne Ne 10 10 Ne 8015 TPH-DRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 8260B TPH-GRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 8260B BENZENE mg/l 0.005 0.00159 0.00693 0.005 0.3 0.005 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00224 0.00978 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/l 0.00005 0.00018 0.00077 Ne Ne 0.00005 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.7 0.00349 0.0152 0.7 4 0.7 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/l Ne 0.45 1.97 0.2 0.2 Ne 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/l Ne 0.00459 0.0201 0.7 0.7 Ne 8260B TOLUENE mg/l 1 19.2 80.7 1 3 1 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/l 10 0.385 1.62 10 10 10 8260B ACETONE mg/l Ne 22500 94500 Ne Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/l Ne 0.00732 0.032 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.62 2.6 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/l 0.08 0.00088 0.00382 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/l 0.08 0.117 0.51 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.0174 0.073 Ne Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.00042 0.00181 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.1 0.41 1.72 Ne Ne 0.1 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.08 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 23 96.5 Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/l 0.08 0.00081 0.00355 Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.26 1.09 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.0002 2.8E-05 0.00034 Ne Ne 0.0002 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.124 0.521 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.6 2.66 11.2 Ne Ne 0.6 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.075 0.00259 0.0113 Ne Ne 0.075 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00744 0.0312 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00764 0.0334 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.007 0.195 0.821 Ne Ne 0.007 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.07 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.07 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.1 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.1 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.005 0.00658 0.0287 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/l Ne 6.97 29.3 Ne Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/l Ne 0.0003 0.00132 Ne Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.887 3.73 Ne Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/l Ne 2240 9410 Ne Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.763 9.23 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/l Ne 555 2330 Ne Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 2.43 10.2 Ne Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/l 0.1 9.28 39 Ne Ne 0.1 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00371 0.0162 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00323 0.0141 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.242 1.02 Ne Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.0149 0.0652 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.07 0.0359 0.151 Ne Ne 0.07 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.2 7.42 31.1 Ne Ne 0.2 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00521 0.0228 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.00119 0.00743 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne 0.0223 0.0937 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.248 1.04 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.351 1.47 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.175 0.733 Ne Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/l 0.002 0.00015 0.00245 Ne Ne 0.002 8260B ACROLEIN mg/l Ne 0.00418 0.0176 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. EPA MCL: Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water (May 2019). EPA VISL: Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level target groundwater concentrations at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater at underground storage tank sites.UGWQS:Utah Ground Water Quality Standards. TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons.TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics. TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/l: Milligrams per liter. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. L1134161-18 L1134161-19 Na LT-B-7 LT-B-9 LT-B-10 08/27/2019 08/27/2019 08/28/2019 Result Q Result Q Free Product 1.95 J 2.86 J Na 2.84 1.3 Na 0.347 J 0.36 J Na <0.00100 0.000535 J Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00300 <0.00300 Na <0.0500 <0.0500 Na <0.0100 <0.0100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00250 <0.00250 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00100 0.000281 J Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na 0.00027 J 0.000551 J Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 0.00261 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.0100 <0.0100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.0100 <0.0100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00500 <0.00500 Na <0.00250 <0.00250 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.00100 <0.00100 Na <0.0500 J4 <0.0500 J4 Na <0.0500 <0.0500 Na Table C3 - Groundwater Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Method Analyte Units EPA MCL EPA VISL Res. EPA VISL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 UGWQS 1664A TRPH mg/l Ne Ne Ne 10 10 Ne 8015 TPH-DRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 8260B TPH-GRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 8260B BENZENE mg/l 0.005 0.00159 0.00693 0.005 0.3 0.005 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00224 0.00978 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/l 0.00005 0.00018 0.00077 Ne Ne 0.00005 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.7 0.00349 0.0152 0.7 4 0.7 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/l Ne 0.45 1.97 0.2 0.2 Ne 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/l Ne 0.00459 0.0201 0.7 0.7 Ne 8260B TOLUENE mg/l 1 19.2 80.7 1 3 1 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/l 10 0.385 1.62 10 10 10 8260B ACETONE mg/l Ne 22500 94500 Ne Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/l Ne 0.00732 0.032 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.62 2.6 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/l 0.08 0.00088 0.00382 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/l 0.08 0.117 0.51 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.0174 0.073 Ne Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.00042 0.00181 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.1 0.41 1.72 Ne Ne 0.1 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.08 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 23 96.5 Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/l 0.08 0.00081 0.00355 Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.26 1.09 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.0002 2.8E-05 0.00034 Ne Ne 0.0002 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.124 0.521 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.6 2.66 11.2 Ne Ne 0.6 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.075 0.00259 0.0113 Ne Ne 0.075 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00744 0.0312 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00764 0.0334 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.007 0.195 0.821 Ne Ne 0.007 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.07 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.07 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.1 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.1 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.005 0.00658 0.0287 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/l Ne 6.97 29.3 Ne Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/l Ne 0.0003 0.00132 Ne Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.887 3.73 Ne Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/l Ne 2240 9410 Ne Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.763 9.23 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/l Ne 555 2330 Ne Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 2.43 10.2 Ne Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/l 0.1 9.28 39 Ne Ne 0.1 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00371 0.0162 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00323 0.0141 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.242 1.02 Ne Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.0149 0.0652 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.07 0.0359 0.151 Ne Ne 0.07 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.2 7.42 31.1 Ne Ne 0.2 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00521 0.0228 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.00119 0.00743 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne 0.0223 0.0937 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.248 1.04 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.351 1.47 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.175 0.733 Ne Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/l 0.002 0.00015 0.00245 Ne Ne 0.002 8260B ACROLEIN mg/l Ne 0.00418 0.0176 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. EPA MCL: Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water (May 2019). EPA VISL: Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level target groundwater concentrations at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater at underground storage tank sites.UGWQS:Utah Ground Water Quality Standards. TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons.TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics. TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/l: Milligrams per liter. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. L1134141-03 L1134961-03 L1134155-03 LT-B-11 LT-B-12 LT-B-14 08/28/2019 08/30/2019 08/28/2019 Result Q Result Q Result Q 208 8.9 <5.38 234 42 1.27 0.385 J <0.500 0.415 J 0.000843 J 0.000333 J 0.00137 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.000871 J <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.00165 J <0.00500 0.0466 0.000513 J 0.000434 J 0.00112 0.00505 <0.00300 0.00591 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00100 0.000396 J 0.00524 <0.00100 0.000825 J 0.00569 <0.00100 0.000519 J 0.00242 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.000766 J 0.00811 0.0176 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00250 <0.00250 <0.00250 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.00208 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.000388 J 0.0105 0.0211 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.00524 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.0101 0.0066 0.00461 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.00088 J <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.000465 J 0.00428 0.000376 J <0.00100 0.00143 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 0.000496 J 0.000564 J 0.0137 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.000384 J <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 0.00145 0.000756 J <0.00100 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00250 <0.00250 <0.00250 0.00293 0.000436 J 0.0208 0.000518 J <0.00100 0.0136 0.000983 J <0.00100 0.00336 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.0500 J4 <0.0500 <0.0500 J4 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 Table C3 - Groundwater Sample Analytical Results Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Method Analyte Units EPA MCL EPA VISL Res. EPA VISL Ind. UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 UGWQS 1664A TRPH mg/l Ne Ne Ne 10 10 Ne 8015 TPH-DRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 8260B TPH-GRO mg/l Ne Ne Ne 1 10 Ne 8260B BENZENE mg/l 0.005 0.00159 0.00693 0.005 0.3 0.005 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00224 0.00978 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/l 0.00005 0.00018 0.00077 Ne Ne 0.00005 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.7 0.00349 0.0152 0.7 4 0.7 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/l Ne 0.45 1.97 0.2 0.2 Ne 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/l Ne 0.00459 0.0201 0.7 0.7 Ne 8260B TOLUENE mg/l 1 19.2 80.7 1 3 1 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/l 10 0.385 1.62 10 10 10 8260B ACETONE mg/l Ne 22500 94500 Ne Ne Ne 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/l Ne 0.00732 0.032 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.62 2.6 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/l 0.08 0.00088 0.00382 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOFORM mg/l 0.08 0.117 0.51 Ne Ne Ne 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.0174 0.073 Ne Ne Ne 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.00042 0.00181 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.1 0.41 1.72 Ne Ne 0.1 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.08 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 23 96.5 Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/l 0.08 0.00081 0.00355 Ne Ne Ne 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.26 1.09 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.0002 2.8E-05 0.00034 Ne Ne 0.0002 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.124 0.521 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.6 2.66 11.2 Ne Ne 0.6 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.075 0.00259 0.0113 Ne Ne 0.075 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00744 0.0312 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00764 0.0334 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.007 0.195 0.821 Ne Ne 0.007 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.07 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.07 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.1 Ne Ne Ne Ne 0.1 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.005 0.00658 0.0287 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/l Ne 6.97 29.3 Ne Ne Ne 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/l Ne 0.0003 0.00132 Ne Ne Ne 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.887 3.73 Ne Ne Ne 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK)mg/l Ne 2240 9410 Ne Ne Ne 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/l 0.005 0.763 9.23 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)mg/l Ne 555 2330 Ne Ne Ne 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 2.43 10.2 Ne Ne Ne 8260B STYRENE mg/l 0.1 9.28 39 Ne Ne 0.1 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00371 0.0162 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.00323 0.0141 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/l Ne 0.242 1.02 Ne Ne Ne 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.0149 0.0652 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.07 0.0359 0.151 Ne Ne 0.07 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.2 7.42 31.1 Ne Ne 0.2 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.005 0.00521 0.0228 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.005 0.00119 0.00743 Ne Ne 0.005 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/l Ne 0.0223 0.0937 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.248 1.04 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.351 1.47 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l Ne 0.175 0.733 Ne Ne Ne 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/l 0.002 0.00015 0.00245 Ne Ne 0.002 8260B ACROLEIN mg/l Ne 0.00418 0.0176 Ne Ne Ne 8260B 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER mg/l Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J4:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. EPA MCL: Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water (May 2019). EPA VISL: Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level target groundwater concentrations at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0).UDEQ:Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater at underground storage tank sites.UGWQS:Utah Ground Water Quality Standards. TRPH:Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydocarbons.TPH-DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel-range organics. TPH-GRO:Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline-range organics.Na:Not Analyzed.Ne:Not established. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/l: Milligrams per liter. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. Na L1134161-20 LT-B-15 LT-B-16 8/27/2019 08/27/2019 Free Product Result Q Na <5.44 Na 0.494 Na 0.396 J Na 0.000347 J Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na 0.00257 J Na 0.000647 J Na 0.00223 J Na <0.0500 Na <0.0100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00500 Na 0.0017 Na 0.00216 Na 0.000822 J Na <0.00100 Na 0.00345 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00500 Na <0.00500 Na <0.00250 Na 0.000584 J Na <0.00100 Na <0.00500 Na <0.00100 Na 0.00763 Na <0.00100 Na 0.00125 Na <0.00500 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na 0.000792 J Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na 0.00154 Na 0.00062 J Na <0.0100 Na <0.00500 Na <0.0100 Na 0.00498 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00100 Na <0.00500 Na <0.00250 Na 0.00444 Na <0.00100 Na 0.000947 J Na <0.00100 Na <0.0500 J4 Na <0.0500 Table C4 - Groundwater Analytical Results Dissolved 13 Priority Pollutant Metals Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA MCL UGWQS Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q 6020 ANTIMONY,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.006 0.006 <0.00200 0.00142 J <0.00200 0.00308 6020 ARSENIC,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.01 0.05 0.00381 0.0392 0.00597 0.0963 6010B BERYLLIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.004 0.004 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 6010B CADMIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.005 0.005 0.00113 J 0.000828 J 0.000995 J <0.00200 6010B CHROMIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.1 0.1 0.00196 J <0.0100 0.00161 J 0.00193 J 6010B COPPER,DISSOLVED mg/l 1.3 1.3 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 6020 LEAD,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.015 0.015 0.000289 J 0.000351 J 0.000398 J 0.000768 J 7470A MERCURY,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.002 0.002 0.000152 J <0.000200 0.000299 J3 J6 0.000177 J 6010B NICKEL,DISSOLVED mg/l Ne Ne 0.00543 J <0.0100 <0.0100 0.00742 J 6010B SELENIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.05 0.05 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 6010B SILVER,DISSOLVED mg/l Ne 0.1 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 6020 THALLIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.002 0.002 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 6010B ZINC,DISSOLVED mg/l Ne 5 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 Qualifiers (Q) J:The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3:The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J6:The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. EPA MCL: Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water (May 2019). UGWQS:Utah Ground Water Quality Standards. Ne:Not established.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL).mg/l:Milligrams per liter. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. LT-B-12 Date Collected 08/27/2019 Lab Sample ID L1134161-19 L1134961-03 08/30/2019 Client Sample ID LT-B-9 L1134161-20 LT-B-16 08/27/2019 L1134155-03 LT-B-14 08/28/2019 Table C5 - Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sample Analytical Results Volatile Organic Compounds Lelis Transmissions - 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task ZZ Method Analyte Units EPA VISL Res. EPA VISL Com. Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q TO-15 ACETONE ug/m3 1070000 4510000 40.6 105 81.6 67.2 TO-15 ALLYL CHLORIDE ug/m3 15.6 68.1 <0.626 <0.626 <0.626 <0.626 TO-15 BENZENE ug/m3 12 52.4 0.728 0.697 0.765 1.3 TO-15 BENZYL CHLORIDE ug/m3 1.91 8.34 <1.04 <1.04 <1.04 <1.04 TO-15 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/m3 2.53 11 <1.34 <1.34 <1.34 <1.34 TO-15 BROMOFORM ug/m3 85.1 372 <6.21 <6.21 <6.21 <6.21 TO-15 BROMOMETHANE ug/m3 174 730 <0.776 <0.776 <0.776 <0.776 TO-15 1,3-BUTADIENE ug/m3 3.12 13.6 <4.43 <4.43 <4.43 <4.43 TO-15 CARBON DISULFIDE ug/m3 24300 102000 <0.622 <0.622 <0.622 <0.622 TO-15 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/m3 15.6 68.1 <1.26 <1.26 <1.26 <1.26 TO-15 CHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 1740 7300 <0.924 <0.924 <0.924 <0.924 TO-15 CHLOROETHANE ug/m3 348000 1460000 <0.528 <0.528 <0.528 <0.528 TO-15 CHLOROFORM ug/m3 4.07 17.8 <0.973 <0.973 <0.973 <0.973 TO-15 CHLOROMETHANE ug/m3 3130 13100 0.56 2.74 0.426 0.423 TO-15 2-CHLOROTOLUENE ug/m3 Ne Ne <1.03 <1.03 <1.03 <1.03 TO-15 CYCLOHEXANE ug/m3 209000 876000 1.16 1.45 2.4 0.891 TO-15 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE ug/m3 Ne Ne <1.70 <1.70 <1.70 <1.70 TO-15 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE ug/m3 0.156 0.681 <1.54 <1.54 <1.54 <1.54 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 6950 29200 <1.20 <1.20 <1.20 <1.20 TO-15 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 Ne Ne <1.20 <1.20 <1.20 <1.20 TO-15 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 8.51 37.2 <1.20 <1.20 <1.20 <1.20 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 3.6 15.7 <0.810 <0.810 <0.810 <0.810 TO-15 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 58.5 256 <0.802 <0.802 <0.802 <0.802 TO-15 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 6950 29200 <0.793 <0.793 <0.793 <0.793 TO-15 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 Ne Ne <0.793 <0.793 <0.793 <0.793 TO-15 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 Ne Ne <0.793 <0.793 <0.793 <0.793 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/m3 25.3 110 <0.924 <0.924 <0.924 <0.924 TO-15 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/m3 Ne Ne <0.908 <0.908 <0.908 <0.908 TO-15 TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/m3 Ne Ne <0.908 <0.908 <0.908 <0.908 TO-15 1,4-DIOXANE ug/m3 18.7 81.8 <0.721 <0.721 <0.721 <0.721 TO-15 ETHANOL ug/m3 Ne Ne 282 E 154 89.8 65.3 TO-15 ETHYLBENZENE ug/m3 37.4 164 1.56 2.43 3.09 24.7 TO-15 4-ETHYLTOLUENE ug/m3 Ne Ne 3.77 6.81 8.69 20.7 TO-15 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/m3 Ne Ne 1.39 1.21 1.5 1.5 TO-15 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/m3 3480 14600 2.35 1.83 2.47 2.44 TO-15 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE ug/m3 174000 730000 <1.53 <1.53 <1.53 <1.53 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROTETRAFLUOROETHANEug/m3 Ne Ne <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 TO-15 HEPTANE ug/m3 13900 58400 3.92 1.51 1.94 1.43 TO-15 HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE ug/m3 4.25 18.6 <6.73 <6.73 <6.73 <6.73 TO-15 N-HEXANE ug/m3 24300 102000 2.06 8.27 8.26 3.91 TO-15 ISOPROPYLBENZENE ug/m3 13900 58400 <0.983 <0.983 <0.983 <0.983 TO-15 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/m3 3380 40900 18.7 1.89 B 1.69 B 13.7 TO-15 METHYL BUTYL KETONE ug/m3 1040 4380 <5.11 <5.11 <5.11 <5.11 TO-15 2-BUTANONE (MEK)ug/m3 174000 730000 5.7 13.2 12.1 6.72 TO-15 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)ug/m3 104000 438000 7.47 <5.12 <5.12 <5.12 TO-15 METHYL METHACRYLATE ug/m3 24300 102000 <0.819 <0.819 <0.819 <0.819 TO-15 METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER ug/m3 360 1570 <0.721 <0.721 <0.721 <0.721 TO-15 NAPHTHALENE ug/m3 2.75 12 <3.30 <3.30 <3.30 <3.30 TO-15 2-PROPANOL ug/m3 6950 29200 11.7 23 14.9 8.52 TO-15 PROPENE ug/m3 104000 438000 <0.689 <0.689 1.53 <0.689 TO-15 STYRENE ug/m3 34800 146000 1.32 <0.851 <0.851 <0.851 TO-15 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/m3 1.61 7.05 <1.37 <1.37 <1.37 <1.37 TO-15 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/m3 360 1570 309 260 36 11 TO-15 TETRAHYDROFURAN ug/m3 69500 292000 <0.590 4.32 4.31 4.27 TO-15 TOLUENE ug/m3 174000 730000 11.4 10.6 12.4 29.9 TO-15 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 69.5 292 <4.66 <4.66 <4.66 <4.66 TO-15 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 174000 730000 <1.09 1.11 <1.09 <1.09 TO-15 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 5.85 25.6 <1.09 <1.09 <1.09 <1.09 TO-15 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 15.9 99.7 7.51 <1.07 <1.07 2.71 TO-15 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE ug/m3 2090 8760 11.7 8.61 10.6 41.6 TO-15 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE ug/m3 2090 8760 2.27 2.28 2.88 22.4 TO-15 2,2,4-TRIMETHYLPENTANE ug/m3 Ne Ne 1.13 <0.934 1.78 1.32 TO-15 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/m3 5.59 92.9 <0.511 <0.511 <0.511 <0.511 TO-15 VINYL BROMIDE ug/m3 2.92 12.8 <0.875 <0.875 <0.875 <0.875 TO-15 VINYL ACETATE ug/m3 6950 29200 <0.704 <0.704 <0.704 <0.704 TO-15 M&P-XYLENE ug/m3 3480 14600 7.04 13.6 17.1 413 TO-15 O-XYLENE ug/m3 3480 14600 3.03 4.12 5 124 TO-15 1,1-DIFLUOROETHANE ug/m3 1390000 5840000 18.9 1.5 1.44 1.95 Qualifiers (Q) B:The same analyte is found in the associated blank. E: The analyte concentration exceeds the upper limit of the calibration range of the instrument established by the initial calibration (ICAL). EPA VISL: Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level target groundwater concentrations at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2019; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). Ne:Not established.<:Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). ug/m3:Micrograms per meter cubed. Gray shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. Color shaded value exceeds screening level. Bold italicized RDLs (e.g.,<0.0660 ) exceed one or more of the screening levels. 08/29/2019 Client Sample ID LT-VP-1 L1134965-01 L1134965-02 L1134965-03 L1134965-04 LT-VP-2 LT-VP-3 LT-VP-4 Lab Sample ID Date Collected 08/30/2019 08/29/2019 08/29/2019 Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah August 18, 2015 Terracon Project No. AL157378 Prepared for: Lelis Transmissions Salt Lake City, Utah Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Consultants, Inc.640 East Wilmington Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 P [801] 466-2223 F [801] 466 9616 terracon.com August 18, 2015 Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Attn: Mr. Brian Lelis P: 801-531-0111 Re: Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Terracon Project No. AL157378 Dear Mr. Lelis: Terracon is pleased to provide this report regarding the Limited Site Investigation (LSI) activities conducted at the above-referenced site. Terracon has performed the LSI pursuant to our proposal PAL150267, dated May 26, 2015. We appreciate the opportunity to have performed these services for you. Please contact our office at (801) 466-2223 if you have questions regarding this information or if we can provide any other services. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Benjamin B. Bowers Andy R. King, P.G. Environmental Department Manager Senior Project Manager Environmental Services ARK/BBB/ta Attachments Copies:Addressee (1electronic, 1 hard copy) N:\Projects\2015\AL157378\PROJECT DOCUMENTS (Reports-Letters-Drafts to Clients)\AL157378 LSI report.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................1 1.1 Site Description ....................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Background ..............................................................................................1 1.3 Scope of Work .....................................................................................................1 1.4 Standard of Care..................................................................................................2 1.5 Additional Scope Limitations ................................................................................2 1.6 Reliance ...............................................................................................................2 2.0 LIMITED SITE INVESTIGATION .....................................................................................3 2.1 Environmental Soil Borings ..................................................................................3 2.2 Subsurface Soil Sampling ....................................................................................3 2.3 Groundwater Sampling ........................................................................................3 3.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS .....................................................................4 4.0 LSI DATA EVALUATION ................................................................................................4 4.1 Results for Soil Samples ......................................................................................5 4.2 Results for Groundwater Samples .......................................................................5 5.0 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................5 APPENDICES Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1 – Topographic Map Exhibit 2 – Site Diagram Appendix B Soil Boring Logs Appendix C Tables Table 1 Summary of Soil Analytical Results Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Appendix D Chain of Custody and Laboratory Data Sheets LIMITED SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT Lelis Transmissions 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. AL157378 August 18, 2015 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description Site Name Lelis Transmissions Site Location/Address 845 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah General Site Description The site is occupied by three joined buildings that are used by the Lelis Transmission automotive repair facility. The remaining portions of the site are covered with an asphalt parking lot. Exhibit 1 (Appendix A) presents the site location on a portion of the USGS 7.5-minute series topographic map. Exhibit 2 is a site diagram that indicates the approximate locations of the soil and groundwater sampling points in relation to pertinent site features. 1.2 Project Background The property is located at 845 South Main Street, Utah, and is occupied by the Lelis Transmissions shop. Terracon understands that a subsurface investigation was conducted on March 12, 2015, on the south-adjoining properties (857 and 865 South Main Street) as part of a potential property transaction. During the investigation, diesel contamination was discovered in the soil and groundwater on the adjoining properties at concentrations above regulatory limits. A petroleum release was reported to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on March 25, 2015, and the DERR responded with a request to investigate the area of the former underground storage tank (UST) that was removed from the Lelis Transmission site in 1991. 1.3 Scope of Work Our scope of services involved conducting a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) to assess whether subsurface soil and/or groundwater beneath the site in the area of the former UST remain above regulatory limits and assess the level of impact to the site’s soil and groundwater. The LSI was conducted through a series of drilled borings to allow the collection of subsurface soil and groundwater samples for laboratory analysis for the type(s) of contaminants most likely to be present at each proposed boring location. Terracon’s LSI included advancement of three soil borings to groundwater to collect soil and/or groundwater samples. Our work scope was designed to assess the potential presence of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene (BTEXN), methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE); total petroleum hydrocarbons – diesel Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 18, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157378 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 2 range organics (TPH-DRO), and TPH -gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO) to determine the impact to soil and groundwater at the site in the vicinity of the former gasoline UST and the adjoining building to the south. 1.4 Standard of Care Terracon’s services were performed in a manner consistent with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time period. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the work of laboratories, regulatory agencies or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of the report. These LSI services were performed in accordance with the scope of work agreed with you, our client, as reflected in our proposal, and were not restricted by ASTM E1903-11. 1.5 Additional Scope Limitations Findings, conclusions and recommendations resulting from these services are based upon information derived from the onsite activities and other services performed under this scope of work. Such information is subject to change over time. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other constituents may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, non-detectable or not present during these services, and we cannot represent that the site contains no hazardous substances, toxic materials, petroleum products, or other latent conditions beyond those identified during this LSI. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at specific borings or wells or during other surveys, tests, assessments, investigations or exploratory services; the data, interpretations, findings, and our recommendations are based solely upon data obtained at the time and within the scope of these services. 1.6 Reliance This LSI report has been prepared for the exclusive use and reliance of Lelis Transmissions and government entities having jurisdiction over the site. Use or reliance by any other party is prohibited without the written authorization of the client and Terracon. Reliance on the LSI report by the client and all authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions and limitations stated in the proposal, LSI report, and Terracon’s Agreement. The limitation of liability defined in the Agreement is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability to the client and all relying parties. Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 18, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157378 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 3 2.0 LIMITED SITE INVESTIGATION 2.1 Environmental Soil Borings Prior to drilling, the public utility location service (Blue Stakes) was notified at least 48 hours prior to drilling as required by law. In addition, a subcontracted private utility location service was used to identify and mark subsurface utilities in the area of each boring location. Terracon’s LSI field activities were conducted on May 28, 2015. As part of the approved scope of work, Terracon advanced three environmental soil borings at locations judged most likely to detect the presence of contaminants, if present. The approximate boring locations are shown on Exhibit 2 (Appendix A). All borings were advanced using direct-push drilling equipment. After completion of sampling at each boring, the boring was properly abandoned by backfilling with bentonite clay pellets, adding water to hydrate the bentonite clay, and restoring the surface with quick-set concrete patch as appropriate to match the surrounding area. Mechanized drilling services were performed by a State of Utah-licensed Monitoring Well Driller, using a direct-push drilling rig under the supervision of a Terracon Environmental Field Geologist. Mechanized drilling equipment was cleaned using a high-pressure washer prior to beginning the project and before beginning each soil boring. Soil samples were collected continuously from all soil borings, using a five-foot macro-core sampler. Soil samples were observed to document subsurface soil types, color, moisture content, and sensory evidence of environmental impacts. The soil samples were also field-screened using a portable photoionization detector (PID) – Mini Rae 2000 PID to evaluate the potential presence of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). The subsurface materials encountered generally consisted of fill material underlain by silts, clays, and gravels. Groundwater was encountered at depths of approximately 10 below grade surface (bgs). Detailed lithological descriptions and PID readings are included on the soil boring logs provided in Appendix B. 2.2 Subsurface Soil Sampling Terracon's LSI soil sampling program generally involved (unless otherwise specified) collecting and submitting for laboratory analysis one soil sample from each of the soil borings. Soil samples were collected from the zone exhibiting the highest potential for environmental impact based on field observations and PID readings. If no elevated PID readings were observed, the sample was collected from the capillary fringe zone, from the interval exhibiting a change in lithology, from the bottom of the boring, or from the interval of most likely environmental impact as determined in the field by the sampling professional. 2.3 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples were collected from each of the borings (converted to temporary groundwater sampling points using direct-push tooling with a retractable well screen), using a Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 18, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157378 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 low-flow peristaltic pump. A section of dedicated polyethylene sample tubing was inserted into the drive point. The sample tubing was connected to a dedicated section of flexible polyethylene hose at the surface. This tubing was passed through a low-flow peristaltic hose pump used to develop the sampling point, as needed to reduce turbidity, and to purge the water column within the tool. Following probe development, the peristaltic pump was used to collect a groundwater sample directly into the appropriate laboratory-provided containers. 3.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS All soil and groundwater samples were collected and placed in laboratory-prepared glassware and placed on ice in a cooler. The samples and completed chain-of-custody forms were shipped via overnight courier to Environmental Science Corporation analytical laboratory in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee (a Utah-Certified Laboratory). The soil and groundwater samples collected from the borings were analyzed on a standard turnaround by laboratory test methods as appropriate for the type(s) of contaminants most likely to be encountered at each location. This included BTEXN, MTBE, TPH-DRO, and TPH-GRO. Samples were analyzed using the following methods: Analysis Sample Type No. of Samples Laboratory Method MTBE, BTEXN and TPH- GRO Soil 3 EPA Method 8260 MTBE, BTEXN and TPH- GRO Groundwater 3 EPA Method 8260 TPH-DRO Soil 3 EPA Method 8015 TPH-DRO Groundwater 3 EPA Method 8015 The executed chain-of-custody form and laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix D. 4.0 LSI DATA EVALUATION Please refer to Table 1 (Appendix C) for a summary of the laboratory analytical results for all soil samples. Please refer to Table 2 (Appendix C) for a summary of the laboratory analytical results for all groundwater samples. The executed chain-of-custody form and laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix D. Tables 1 and 2 also include comparative regulatory screening levels. For petroleum constituents that were detected, the regulatory screening levels included Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and Tier 1 Screening Levels established by the DERR. Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 18, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157378 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 5 4.1 Results for Soil Samples TPH-DRO was detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-1, B-2, and B-3 at a depth of 10 feet bgs at concentrations of 4,530 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), 2,810 mg/kg, and 3,820 mg/kg, respectively. The concentrations of TPH-DRO reported in these samples are above the ISLs of 500 mg/kg, but below the Tier 1 limit of 5,000 mg/kg. TPH-GRO was detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-1, B-2, and B-3 at a depth of 10 feet bgs at concentrations of 152 mg/kg, 179 mg/kg, and 209 mg/kg, respectively. The concentrations of TPH-GRO reported in these samples are above the ISLs of 150 mg/kg, but below the Tier 1 limit of 1,500 mg/kg. No other constituents were detected above laboratory reporting limits and/or applicable screening levels in any of the soil samples analyzed. 4.2 Results for Groundwater Samples TPH-DRO was detected in the groundwater samples collected from soil borings B-1, B-2, and B-3 at concentrations of 1,500 milligrams per liter (mg/L), 6.8 mg/L, and 9.5 mg/L, respectively. The concentrations of TPH-DRO reported in these samples are above the ISL of 1 mg/L, but below the Tier 1 limit of 10 mg/L, with the exception of the groundwater sample from B-1, which also exceeds the Tier 1 limit. TPH-GRO was detected in the groundwater sample collected from soil boring B-1 at concentrations of 7.2 mg/L. The concentration of TPH-GRO reported in this sample is above the ISL of 1 mg/L, but below the Tier 1 limit of 10 mg/L. No other constituents were detected above laboratory reporting limits and/or applicable screening levels in any of the soil samples analyzed. 5.0 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS A petroleum release was reported to the DERR on March 25, 2015, at the adjoining property located south of the site. The DERR responded with a request to Lelis Transmissions to investigate the area of the former UST that was removed from the site in 1991. This LSI involved collecting subsurface soil and groundwater samples for laboratory analysis for the type(s) of contaminants most likely to be present at each area of concern. TPH-DRO was the contaminant with the highest concentrations identified in the soil and groundwater of this investigation. Lelis Transmissions previously had a gasoline, not a diesel UST, and that UST was closed by removal from the site in 1991. The highest TPH-DRO concentrations in the soil and groundwater at the site were identified at soil boring B-1, located immediately adjacent to the building located south of the site. The two soil borings advanced Limited Site Investigation Report Lelis Transmissions ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 18, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157378 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 6 down-gradient and adjacent to the former gasoline UST location had levels of TPH-DRO and GRO in the soil above ISLs, but below Tier 1. The TPH-DRO levels were significantly higher than the TPH-GRO at this location as well. TPH-GRO and other gasoline constituents were not detected in the groundwater at concentrations above ISLs near the former UST. The observed distribution of contaminants appears to indicate an off-site contaminant source. It is Terracon’s opinion that the TPH-DRO and TPH-GRO contaminants identified during this investigation did not originate from the site, but possibly from the adjoining property to the south or from another location further up-gradient from the site. As such, Lelis Transmissions does not appear to be the responsible party and should not be required to conduct further investigation or corrective action at this time. Terracon recommends that if subsurface soils or groundwater that are disturbed during future construction activities exhibit staining, noxious odors, sheens, or any other abnormalities that suggest the potential presence of contaminants, then proper procedures should be followed with respect to worker health and safety, and any impacted soil or groundwater encountered should be properly characterized, treated and/or disposed in accordance with applicable local, state or federal regulations. Terracon appreciates being of service to you on this project. If you have any questions, require additional information, or need additional assistance, please contact us. APPENDIX A Exhibits TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UT (1/1/1998), FORT DOUGLAS, UT (1/1/1998), SALT LAKE CITY SOUTH, UT (1/1/1999) and SUGAR HOUSE, UT (1/1/1998). SITE LOCATION Lelis Transmissions LSI 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 640 E. Wilmington Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 AL157378 DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: JK ABF BBB ABF Ex 1 6/9/15 Project No. File Name: Date: A-1 Exhibit 1”=24,000 SF Scale: SITE DIAGRAM 640 E. Wilmington Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 AL157378 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS Lelis Transmissions LSI 845 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: JK ABF BBB ABF Ex 2 6/9/15 Scale: Project No. File Name: Date: AS SHOWN 2 Exhibit APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY B-1 B-2 B-3 Ma i n S t r e e t Lelis Transmission APPENDIX B Soil Boring Logs 0.3 1.0 6.0 8.8 9.3 10.3 11.3 15.0 CONCRETE FILL - SILTY GRAVEL SILT (ML), brown CLAYEY SILT (CL-ML), brown SILTY GRAVEL (GM), stained gray CLAY (CL), gray SILTY GRAVEL (GM), gray CLAY (CL), gray, saturated Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS SS 0 2 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 2 0.9 20 30 100 30 20 8 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G A L 1 5 7 3 7 8 _ L E L I S T R A N S M I S S I O N S . G P J T E R R A C O N 2 0 1 2 . G D T 8 / 1 7 / 1 5 845 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Borings backfilled with bentonite chips upon completion 640 Wilmington Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah Notes: Project No.: AL157378 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 5/28/2015 BORING LOG NO. B-1 Lelis Transmissions Salt Lake City, Utah Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 5/28/2015 Exhibit: See Appendices for description of laboratory procedures and additional data (if any). CLIENT: See Appendices for description of field procedures. See Appendices for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. B-1 PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E 10' While Drilling WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 70 80 100 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.3 2.5 7.0 9.5 11.0 15.0 ASPHALT CONCRETE FILL - SILTY GRAVEL (GM), with brick debris CLAYEY SILT (CL-ML), brown SILTY CLAY (CL-ML), brown GRAVELLY SILT (ML), gray, wet, peto odor -saturated CLAY (CL), gray Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS SS 0 0 0 1 2 20 70 40 15 10 5 2 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G A L 1 5 7 3 7 8 _ L E L I S T R A N S M I S S I O N S . G P J T E R R A C O N 2 0 1 2 . G D T 8 / 1 7 / 1 5 845 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Borings backfilled with bentonite chips upon completion 640 Wilmington Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah Notes: Project No.: AL157378 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 5/28/2015 BORING LOG NO. B-2 Lelis Transmissions Salt Lake City, Utah Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 5/28/2015 Exhibit: See Appendices for description of laboratory procedures and additional data (if any). CLIENT: See Appendices for description of field procedures. See Appendices for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. B-2 PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E 10' While Drilling WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 20 90 100 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 0.3 2.5 8.8 10.8 11.3 12.0 15.0 ASPHALT CONCRETE FILL - SILT (ML), brown, with brick and asphalt debris SILT (ML), brown, moist SILTY GRAVEL (GM), gray, petro odor, stained CLAY (CL), gray GRAVEL (GP), gray, saturated CLAY (CL), gray Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS SS 0.2 0.2 0.5 5 15 40 70 100 70 20 15 7 6 4 LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G See Exhibit A-2 TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G A L 1 5 7 3 7 8 _ L E L I S T R A N S M I S S I O N S . G P J T E R R A C O N 2 0 1 2 . G D T 8 / 1 7 / 1 5 845 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Borings backfilled with bentonite chips upon completion 640 Wilmington Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah Notes: Project No.: AL157378 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 5/28/2015 BORING LOG NO. B-3 Lelis Transmissions Salt Lake City, Utah Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 5/28/2015 Exhibit: See Appendices for description of laboratory procedures and additional data (if any). CLIENT: See Appendices for description of field procedures. See Appendices for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. B-3 PROJECT: Lelis Transmissions MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e PI D ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E 10' While Drilling WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 70 70 100 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) APPENDIX C Tables B-1 5/28/2015 10 4,530 152 <0.0068 <0.0110 <0.0074 0.0339 <0.183 <0.0053 B-2 5/28/2015 10 2,810 179 <0.014 <0.022 <0.015 0.1590 0.213 <0.011 B-3 5/28/2015 10 3,820 209 <0.027 <0.043 <0.03 <0.07 0.124 <0.02 500 150 0.2 9 5 142 51 0.3 5,000 1,500 0.9 25 23 142 51 0.3 NOTES:mg/kg Milligrams per kilogram GRO Gasoline Range Organics PPM Parts per million PID Photoionization detector TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Values in bold exceed DERR Initial Screening Levels Values in underlined bold exceed DERR Tier 1 Screening Criteria Benzene Toluene PID Reading (ppm)Napthalene Table 1 DERR Tier 1 Screening Criteria (mg/kg) MTBE Laboratory Results (mg/kg) Summary of Soil Analytical Results Lelis Transmissions Terracon Project No. AL157378 DERR Initial Screening Levels (mg/kg) EthylbenzeneSample ID Date Collected Total Xylenes Salt Lake City, Utah Sample Depth (feet)TPH-DRO TPH-GRO B-1 5/28/2015 1500 7.2 <0.0033 <0.0078 <0.0038 <0.011 0.0108 <0.0037 B-2 5/28/2015 6.8 <0.110 0.000584 <0.00078 <0.00038 0.00152 0.00214 <0.00037 B-3 5/28/2015 9.5 <0.11 0.00147 <0.00078 <0.00038 <0.0011 0.0103 <0.00037 1 1 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 0.2 10 10 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 0.2 NOTES:mg/L Milligrams per liter GRO Gasoline Range Organics PPM Parts per million PID Photoionization detector TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Values in bold exceed DERR Initial Screening Levels Values in underlined bold exceed DERR Tier 1 Screening Criteria Terracon Project No. AL157378 Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Lelis Transmissions Salt Lake City, Utah DERR Initial Screening Levels (mg/L) DERR Tier 1 Screening Criteria (mg/L) Sample ID Date Collected Laboratory Results (mg/L) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBETPH-DRO NapthaleneTPH-GRO APPENDIX D Chain of Custody and Laboratory Data Sheets ANALYTICAL REPORT June 09, 2015 Terracon - Draper Sample Delivery Group:L767871 Samples Received:05/29/2015 Project Number: AL157378 Description:Lelis Transmissions Report To:Ben Bowers 640 E Wilmington Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Entire Report Reviewed By: June 09, 2015 [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Technical Service Representative Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by ESC is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures: 060302, 060303, and 060304. 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.esclabsciences.com June 09, 2015 Daphne Richards Technical Service Representative ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.TABLE OF CONTENTS ¹Cp: Cover Page 1 ²Tc: Table of Contents 2 ³Ss: Sample Summary 3 ⁴Cn: Case Narrative 4 ⁵Sr: Sample Results 5 B-1 10FT L767871-01 5 B-1 L767871-02 6 B-2 10FT L767871-03 7 B-2 L767871-04 8 B-3 10FT L767871-05 9 B-3 L767871-06 10 ⁶Qc: Quality Control Summary 11 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 11 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 12 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 18 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO 19 ⁷Gl: Glossary of Terms 20 ⁸Al: Accreditations & Locations 21 ⁹Sc: Chain of Custody 22 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 2 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 2 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time B-1 10FT L767871-01 Solid Mark Lilly 05/28/15 10:16 05/29/15 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analysis Analyst date/time date/time Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO WG792769 20 06/04/15 09:29 06/04/15 15:37 CLG Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG792700 1 06/01/15 11:26 06/02/15 06:43 MEL Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B WG793311 25 06/03/15 22:54 06/04/15 21:05 MCB Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time B-1 L767871-02 GW Mark Lilly 05/28/15 10:38 05/29/15 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analysis Analyst date/time date/time Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 WG792767 500 06/02/15 18:51 06/03/15 15:43 JNS Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B WG793041 10 06/07/15 14:19 06/07/15 14:19 MCB Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time B-2 10FT L767871-03 Solid Mark Lilly 05/28/15 10:52 05/29/15 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analysis Analyst date/time date/time Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO WG792769 20 06/04/15 09:29 06/04/15 15:17 CLG Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG792700 1 06/01/15 11:26 06/02/15 06:43 MEL Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B WG793311 50 06/03/15 22:54 06/04/15 21:25 MCB Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time B-2 L767871-04 GW Mark Lilly 05/28/15 11:10 05/29/15 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analysis Analyst date/time date/time Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 WG792767 1 06/02/15 18:51 06/03/15 14:22 JNS Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B WG792344 1 05/30/15 08:50 05/30/15 08:50 MCB Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time B-3 10FT L767871-05 Solid Mark Lilly 05/28/15 11:25 05/29/15 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analysis Analyst date/time date/time Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO WG792769 20 06/04/15 09:29 06/04/15 15:27 CLG Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG792700 1 06/01/15 11:26 06/02/15 06:44 MEL Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B WG793311 100 06/03/15 22:54 06/04/15 21:45 MCB Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time B-3 L767871-06 GW Mark Lilly 05/28/15 11:35 05/29/15 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analysis Analyst date/time date/time Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 WG792767 1 06/02/15 18:51 06/03/15 14:41 JNS Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B WG792344 1 05/30/15 09:10 05/30/15 09:10 MCB 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 3 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 3 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Technical Service Representative 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 4 of 22 Daphne Richards Technical Service Representative ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 4 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 L767871 B-1 10FT Collected date/time: 05/28/15 10:16 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 92.7 1 06/02/2015 06:43 WG792700 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 152 4.60 13.5 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Benzene U 0.00680 0.0270 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 1,2-Dichloroethane U 0.00660 0.0270 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 1,2-Dibromoethane U 0.00860 0.0270 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Ethylbenzene U 0.00740 0.0270 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.00530 0.0270 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Naphthalene 0.183 0.0250 0.135 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Toluene U 0.0110 0.135 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Xylenes, Total 0.0339 J 0.0170 0.0809 25 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 (S) Toluene-d8 98.8 88.7-115 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 91.4 76.3-123 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 107 87.2-117 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 183 J1 69.7-129 06/04/2015 21:05 WG793311 Sample Narrative: 8260B L767871-01 WG793311: Non-target compounds too high to run at a lower dilution. Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO Result (dry)Qualifier MDL RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time DRO W/ SGT 4530 15.0 86.3 20 06/04/2015 15:37 WG792769 (S) o-Terphenyl 0.000 J7 50.0-150 06/04/2015 15:37 WG792769 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 5 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 5 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 L767871 B-1 Collected date/time: 05/28/15 10:38 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 7.20 1.10 5.00 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Benzene U 0.00330 0.0100 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Ethylbenzene U 0.00380 0.0100 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.00370 0.0100 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Naphthalene 0.0108 J 0.0100 0.0500 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Toluene U 0.00780 0.0500 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Xylenes, Total U 0.0110 0.0300 10 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 (S) Toluene-d8 105 90.0-115 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 101 79.0-121 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 112 80.1-120 06/07/2015 14:19 WG793041 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time DRO w/ SGT 1500 12.0 50.0 500 06/03/2015 15:43 WG792767 (S) o-Terphenyl 0.000 J7 50.0-150 06/03/2015 15:43 WG792767 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 6 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 6 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 L767871 B-2 10FT Collected date/time: 05/28/15 10:52 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.9 1 06/02/2015 06:43 WG792700 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 179 9.20 28.1 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Benzene U 0.0140 0.0563 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 1,2-Dichloroethane U 0.0130 0.0563 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 1,2-Dibromoethane U 0.0170 0.0563 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Ethylbenzene U 0.0150 0.0563 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.0110 0.0563 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Naphthalene 0.213 J 0.0500 0.281 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Toluene U 0.0220 0.281 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Xylenes, Total 0.159 J 0.0350 0.169 50 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 (S) Toluene-d8 99.0 88.7-115 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 92.7 76.3-123 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 110 87.2-117 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 159 J1 69.7-129 06/04/2015 21:25 WG793311 Sample Narrative: 8260B L767871-03 WG793311: Non-target compounds too high to run at a lower dilution. Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO Result (dry)Qualifier MDL RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time DRO W/ SGT 2810 15.0 90.0 20 06/04/2015 15:17 WG792769 (S) o-Terphenyl 55.8 J7 50.0-150 06/04/2015 15:17 WG792769 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 7 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 7 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 L767871 B-2 Collected date/time: 05/28/15 11:10 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction U J3 0.110 0.500 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Benzene 0.000584 J 0.000330 0.00100 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Ethylbenzene U 0.000380 0.00100 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000370 0.00100 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Naphthalene 0.00214 J 0.00100 0.00500 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Toluene U 0.000780 0.00500 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Xylenes, Total 0.00152 J 0.00110 0.00300 1 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 (S) Toluene-d8 99.9 90.0-115 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 95.3 79.0-121 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 80.1-120 05/30/2015 08:50 WG792344 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time DRO w/ SGT 6.80 0.0250 0.100 1 06/03/2015 14:22 WG792767 (S) o-Terphenyl 101 50.0-150 06/03/2015 14:22 WG792767 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 8 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 8 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 L767871 B-3 10FT Collected date/time: 05/28/15 11:25 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 91.5 1 06/02/2015 06:44 WG792700 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 209 18.0 54.6 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Benzene U 0.0270 0.109 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 1,2-Dichloroethane U 0.0260 0.109 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 1,2-Dibromoethane U 0.0340 0.109 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Ethylbenzene U 0.0300 0.109 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.0210 0.109 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Naphthalene 0.124 J 0.100 0.546 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Toluene U 0.0430 0.546 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Xylenes, Total U 0.0700 0.328 100 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 (S) Toluene-d8 100 88.7-115 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 92.8 76.3-123 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 109 87.2-117 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 149 J1 69.7-129 06/04/2015 21:45 WG793311 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO Result (dry)Qualifier MDL RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time DRO W/ SGT 3820 15.0 87.4 20 06/04/2015 15:27 WG792769 (S) o-Terphenyl 45.9 J7 50.0-150 06/04/2015 15:27 WG792769 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 9 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 9 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 L767871 B-3 Collected date/time: 05/28/15 11:35 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction U J3 0.110 0.500 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Benzene 0.00147 0.000330 0.00100 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Ethylbenzene U 0.000380 0.00100 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000370 0.00100 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Naphthalene 0.0103 0.00100 0.00500 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Toluene U 0.000780 0.00500 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Xylenes, Total U 0.00110 0.00300 1 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 (S) Toluene-d8 101 90.0-115 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 95.7 79.0-121 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 80.1-120 05/30/2015 09:10 WG792344 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l date / time DRO w/ SGT 9.50 0.0250 0.100 1 06/03/2015 14:41 WG792767 (S) o-Terphenyl 98.4 50.0-150 06/03/2015 14:41 WG792767 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 10 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 10 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG792700 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L767871-01,03,05 Method Blank (MB) (MB) 06/02/15 06:42 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.000100 L767871-03 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) 06/02/15 06:43 • (DUP) 06/02/15 06:43 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %% % % Total Solids 88.9 88.5 1 0.446 5 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) 06/02/15 06:42 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 99.9 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 11 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 11 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG792344 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B L767871-04,06 Method Blank (MB) (MB) 05/30/15 00:45 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction U 0.108 0.500 Benzene U 0.000331 0.00100 Ethylbenzene U 0.000384 0.00100 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000367 0.00100 Naphthalene U 0.00100 0.00500 Toluene U 0.000780 0.00500 Xylenes, Total U 0.00106 0.00300 (S) Toluene-d8 99.7 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 94.7 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 80.1-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 05/29/15 22:44 • (LCSD) 05/29/15 23:04 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% Benzene 0.0250 0.0234 0.0244 93.5 97.7 73.0-122 4.36 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0248 0.0256 99.2 102 80.9-121 3.01 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0243 0.0239 97.0 95.7 70.1-125 1.39 20 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.0219 0.0222 87.7 89.0 69.7-134 1.50 20 Toluene 0.0250 0.0231 0.0238 92.3 95.1 77.9-116 3.01 20 Xylenes, Total 0.0750 0.0742 0.0760 98.9 101 79.2-122 2.33 20 (S) Toluene-d8 99.9 101 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 96.0 95.2 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 99.8 80.1-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 05/29/15 23:25 • (LCSD) 05/29/15 23:45 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 5.00 4.39 5.44 87.7 109 62.3-131 J3 21.3 20 (S) Toluene-d8 98.9 97.3 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 94.2 93.5 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 108 80.1-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 12 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 12 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG792344 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B L767871-04,06 L767704-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) 05/30/15 02:47 • (MS) 05/30/15 01:06 • (MSD) 05/30/15 01:26 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% Benzene 0.0250 ND 0.0253 0.0236 101 94.4 1 58.6-133 7.09 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 ND 0.0258 0.0243 103 97.1 1 62.7-136 6.22 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 ND 0.0262 0.0237 105 94.9 1 61.4-136 9.94 20 Naphthalene 0.0250 ND 0.0231 0.0210 92.6 84.0 1 61.8-143 9.73 20 Toluene 0.0250 0.000446 0.0243 0.0229 95.3 89.8 1 67.8-124 5.78 20 Xylenes, Total 0.0750 ND 0.0773 0.0720 103 96.0 1 65.6-133 7.08 20 (S) Toluene-d8 100 99.5 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 74.2 74.9 79.0-121 J2 J2 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.6 101 80.1-120 L767704-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) 05/30/15 02:47 • (MS) 05/30/15 01:46 • (MSD) 05/30/15 02:06 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 5.00 ND 5.33 5.37 107 107 1 44.3-147 0.580 20 (S) Toluene-d8 98.6 98.5 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 73.6 74.8 79.0-121 J2 J2 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 106 109 80.1-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 13 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 13 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG793041 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B L767871-02 Method Blank (MB) (MB) 06/07/15 11:59 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction U 0.108 0.500 Benzene U 0.000331 0.00100 Ethylbenzene U 0.000384 0.00100 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000367 0.00100 Naphthalene U 0.00100 0.00500 Toluene U 0.000780 0.00500 Xylenes, Total U 0.00106 0.00300 (S) Toluene-d8 104 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 106 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.0 80.1-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 06/07/15 09:38 • (LCSD) 06/07/15 09:58 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% Benzene 0.0250 0.0277 0.0276 111 110 73.0-122 0.340 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0239 0.0243 95.7 97.1 80.9-121 1.52 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0267 0.0269 107 108 70.1-125 1.09 20 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.0245 0.0260 97.9 104 69.7-134 6.14 20 Toluene 0.0250 0.0255 0.0254 102 102 77.9-116 0.530 20 Xylenes, Total 0.0750 0.0722 0.0715 96.3 95.3 79.2-122 1.03 20 (S) Toluene-d8 105 105 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 103 104 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.5 95.2 80.1-120 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 06/07/15 10:38 • (LCSD) 06/07/15 10:58 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 5.00 3.79 4.37 75.8 87.5 62.3-131 14.4 20 (S) Toluene-d8 104 104 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 97.3 99.9 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 107 80.1-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 14 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 14 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG793041 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B L767871-02 L767919-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) 06/07/15 13:59 • (MS) 06/07/15 12:19 • (MSD) 06/07/15 12:39 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% Benzene 0.0250 0.0620 0.0438 0.0852 0.000 92.8 1 58.6-133 J6 J3 64.2 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.000684 0.0275 0.0260 107 101 1 62.7-136 5.40 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.00771 0.0384 0.0355 123 111 1 61.4-136 7.86 20 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.00109 0.0297 0.0287 114 111 1 61.8-143 3.30 20 Toluene 0.0250 0.00120 0.0289 0.0275 111 105 1 67.8-124 4.82 20 Xylenes, Total 0.0750 0.0139 0.0818 0.0880 90.6 98.9 1 65.6-133 7.34 20 (S) Toluene-d8 104 105 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 104 101 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.0 95.6 80.1-120 L767919-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) 06/07/15 13:59 • (MS) 06/07/15 12:59 • (MSD) 06/07/15 13:19 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 5.00 0.742 4.76 4.66 80.4 78.3 1 44.3-147 2.20 20 (S) Toluene-d8 104 103 90.0-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 101 102 79.0-121 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 106 80.1-120 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 15 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 15 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG793311 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B L767871-01,03,05 Method Blank (MB) (MB) 06/04/15 17:42 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction U 0.183 0.500 Benzene U 0.000270 0.00100 1,2-Dibromoethane U 0.000343 0.00100 1,2-Dichloroethane U 0.000265 0.00100 Ethylbenzene U 0.000297 0.00100 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000212 0.00100 Naphthalene U 0.00100 0.00500 Toluene U 0.000434 0.00500 Xylenes, Total U 0.000698 0.00300 (S) Toluene-d8 98.8 88.7-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 92.8 76.3-123 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 105 87.2-117 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 69.7-129 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 06/04/15 15:41 • (LCSD) 06/04/15 16:01 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Benzene 0.0250 0.0241 0.0210 96.4 84.0 72.6-120 13.8 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0250 0.0270 0.0238 108 95.3 78.7-123 12.5 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0216 0.0186 86.2 74.6 67.2-121 14.5 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0257 0.0228 103 91.3 78.6-124 11.8 20 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0246 0.0205 98.4 82.1 70.2-122 18.1 20 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.0246 0.0204 98.2 81.5 69.9-132 18.6 20 Toluene 0.0250 0.0227 0.0206 90.7 82.6 76.7-116 9.32 20 Xylenes, Total 0.0750 0.0759 0.0682 101 90.9 78.1-123 10.6 20 (S) Toluene-d8 95.9 101 88.7-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 95.6 95.6 76.3-123 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 106 108 87.2-117 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 104 69.7-129 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 16 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 16 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG793311 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B L767871-01,03,05 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 06/04/15 16:22 • (LCSD) 06/04/15 16:42 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 5.00 4.12 4.04 82.4 80.9 61.5-138 1.92 20 (S) Toluene-d8 97.9 97.2 88.7-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 94.0 93.1 76.3-123 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 103 104 87.2-117 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109 107 69.7-129 L767936-04 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) 06/04/15 19:03 • (MS) 06/04/15 19:24 • (MSD) 06/04/15 19:44 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Benzene 0.0250 ND 0.0158 0.0157 63.3 62.8 1 47.8-131 0.860 22.8 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0250 ND 0.0159 0.0153 63.6 61.3 1 50.2-133 3.69 23.6 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 ND 0.0143 0.0137 57.1 54.9 1 47.1-129 3.91 22.7 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 ND 0.0150 0.0140 59.8 56.1 1 44.8-135 6.41 26.9 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 ND 0.0159 0.0157 63.8 62.7 1 50.4-131 1.70 24.8 Naphthalene 0.0250 ND 0.0104 0.00997 41.7 39.9 1 18.4-145 4.45 34 Toluene 0.0250 ND 0.0147 0.0144 58.6 57.6 1 47.8-127 1.82 24.3 Xylenes, Total 0.0750 ND 0.0440 0.0409 58.7 54.6 1 42.7-135 7.26 26.6 (S) Toluene-d8 99.0 101 88.7-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 99.4 100 76.3-123 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 101 105 87.2-117 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 101 69.7-129 L767936-04 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) 06/04/15 19:03 • (MS) 06/04/15 20:04 • (MSD) 06/04/15 20:24 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% TPH (GC/MS) Low Fraction 5.00 ND 2.88 1.98 57.6 39.6 1 10.0-147 J3 37.0 26.4 (S) Toluene-d8 99.8 99.7 88.7-115 (S) Dibromofluoromethane 100 98.4 76.3-123 (S) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 102 104 87.2-117 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 99.4 69.7-129 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 17 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 17 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG792767 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3511/8015 L767871-02,04,06 Method Blank (MB) (MB) 06/03/15 11:51 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l DRO W/ SGT U 0.0247 0.100 (S) o-Terphenyl 96.6 50.0-150 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 06/03/15 12:10 • (LCSD) 06/03/15 12:28 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% DRO W/ SGT 1.50 1.36 1.40 90.4 93.4 70.0-130 3.30 20 (S) o-Terphenyl 103 105 50.0-150 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 18 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 18 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG792769 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 3546/DRO L767871-01,03,05 Method Blank (MB) (MB) 06/04/15 13:26 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg DRO W/ SGT U 0.769 4.00 (S) o-Terphenyl 111 50.0-150 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 06/04/15 13:35 • (LCSD) 06/04/15 13:45 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% DRO W/ SGT 60.0 52.2 57.2 87.0 95.4 50.0-150 9.21 20 (S) o-Terphenyl 97.3 107 50.0-150 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 19 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 19 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.GLOSSARY OF TERMS Abbreviations and Definitions SDG Sample Delivery Group. MDL Method Detection Limit. RDL Reported Detection Limit. ND,U Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). RPD Relative Percent Difference. (dry)Results are reported based on the dry weight of the sample. [this will only be present on a dry report basis for soils]. Original Sample The non-spiked sample in the prep batch used to determine the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) from a quality control sample. The Original Sample may not be included within the reported SDG. (S)Surrogate (Surrogate Standard) - Analytes added to every blank, sample, Laboratory Control Sample/Duplicate and Matrix Spike/Duplicate; used to evaluate analytical efficiency by measuring recovery. Surrogates are not expected to be detected in all environmental media. Rec.Recovery. SDL Sample Detection Limit. MQL Method Quantitation Limit. Unadj. MQL Unadjusted Method Quantitation Limit. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J1 Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside upper control limits. J2 Surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; values are outside lower control limits. J3 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J6 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. J7 Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 20 of 22 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 20 of 22 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE.ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:04 21 of 22 Our Locations Alabama 40660 Alaska UST-080 Arizona AZ0612 Arkansas 88-0469 California 01157CA Colorado TN00003 Conneticut PH-0197 Florida E87487 Georgia NELAP Georgia 1 923 Idaho TN00003 Illinois 200008 Indiana C-TN-01 Iowa 364 Kansas E-10277 Kentucky 1 90010 Kentucky 2 16 Louisiana AI30792 Maine TN0002 Maryland 324 Massachusetts M-TN003 Michigan 9958 Minnesota 047-999-395 Mississippi TN00003 Missouri 340 Montana CERT0086 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Nevada TN-03-2002-34 New Hampshire 2975 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 New Mexico TN00003 New York 11742 North Carolina Env375 North Carolina 1 DW21704 North Carolina 2 41 North Dakota R-140 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Oklahoma 9915 Oregon TN200002 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Rhode Island 221 South Carolina 84004 South Dakota n/a Tennessee 1 4 2006 Texas T 104704245-07-TX Texas 5 LAB0152 Utah 6157585858 Vermont VT2006 Virginia 109 Washington C1915 West Virginia 233 Wisconsin 9980939910 Wyoming A2LA A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 EPA–Crypto TN00003 AIHA 100789 DOD 1461.01 USDA S-67674 State Accreditations Third Party & Federal Accreditations ESC Lab Sciences is the only environmental laboratory accredited/certified to support your work nationwide from one location. One phone call, one point of contact, one laboratory. No other lab is as accessible or prepared to handle your needs throughout the country. Our capacity and capability from our single location laboratory is comparable to the collective totals of the network laboratories in our industry. The most significant benefit to our “one location” design is the design of our laboratory campus. The model is conducive to accelerated productivity, decreasing turn-around time, and preventing cross contamination, thus protecting sample integrity. Our focus on premium quality and prompt service allows us to be YOUR LAB OF CHOICE. ESC Lab Sciences has sixty-four client support centers that provide sample pickup and/or the delivery of sampling supplies. If you would like assistance from one of our support offices, please contact our main office. ESC Lab Sciences performs all testing at our central laboratory. 1. Drinking Water 2. Underground Storage Tanks 3. Aquatic Toxicity 4. Chemical/Microbiological 5. Mold n/a Accreditation not applicable ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Draper AL157378 L767871 06/09/15 16:09 21 of 22