HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005525pei.org 49 Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities APPENDIX C-9 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTORS PERFORMANCE TEST )DFLOLW\1DPH2ZQHU $GGUHVV$GGUHVV &LW\6WDWH=LS&RGH&LW\6WDWH=LS&RGH )DFLOLW\,'3KRQH 7HVWLQJ&RPSDQ\3KRQH'DWH 7KLVGDWDVKHHWFDQEHXVHGWRWHVWPHFKDQLFDOOLQHOHDNGHWHFWRUV 0//' DQGHOHFWURQLFOLQHOHDNGHWHFWRUV (//' ZLWKVXEPHUVLEOH WXUELQHSXPS 673 V\VWHPV6HH3(,536HFWLRQVDQGIRUWHVWSURFHGXUHV /LQH1XPEHU 3URGXFW6WRUHG /HDN'HWHFWRU0DQXIDFWXUHU /HDN'HWHFWRU0RGHO 7\SHRI/HDN'HWHFWRU 0//' (//' 0//' (//' 0//' (//' 0//' (//' 0//' (//' 0//' (//' MLLD (ALL PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PSIG) 673)XOO2SHUDWLQJ3UHVVXUH &KHFN9DOYH+ROGLQJ3UHVVXUH /LQH5HVLOLHQF\ PO  OLQHEOHHGEDFNYRO XPHDVPHDVXUHGIURPFKHFNYDOYHKROG LQJSUHVVXUHWR]HURSVLJ 6WHS7KURXJK7LPHLQ6HFRQGV WLPHWKH 0//'KHVLWDWHVDWPHWHULQJSUHVVXUH EHIRUHJRLQJWRIXOORSHUDWLQJSUHVVXUH DVPHDVXUHGIURPSVLJZLWKQROHDN LQGXFHGRQWKHOLQH 0HWHULQJ3UHVVXUH 673SUHVVXUHZKHQ VLPXODWHGOHDNUDWHJSKDWSVLJ 2SHQLQJ7LPHLQ6HFRQGV WKHWLPHWKH 0//'RSHQVWRDOORZIXOOSUHVVXUHDIWHU VLPXODWHGOHDNLVVWRSSHG 'RHVWKH673SUHVVXUHUHPDLQDWRU EHORZWKHPHWHULQJSUHVVXUHIRUDWOHDVW VHFRQGVZKHQWKHVLPXODWHGOHDNLV LQGXFHG" <HV1R<HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R 'RHVWKHOHDNGHWHFWRUUHVHW WULS ZKHQ WKHOLQHSUHVVXUHLVEOHGRIIWR]HURSVLJ"<HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R 'RHVWKH673SURSHUO\F\FOHRQRIIXQGHU QRUPDOIXHOV\VWHPRSHUDWLRQFRQGLWLRQV"<HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R $´1RµDQVZHUWRHLWKHURIWKHDERYHTXHVWLRQVLQGLFDWHVWKH0//'IDLOVWKHWHVW ELLD (ALL PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PSIG) 673)XOO2SHUDWLQJ3UHVVXUH +RZPDQ\WHVWF\FOHVDUHREVHUYHG EHIRUHDODUPVKXWGRZQRFFXUV" 'RHVWKHVLPXODWHGOHDNFDXVHDQDODUP"<HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R $´1RµDQVZHUWRWKHDERYHTXHVWLRQLQGL FDWHVWKH(//'IDLOVWKHWHVW 'RHVWKHVLPXODWHGOHDNFDXVHDQ673 VKXWGRZQ" <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ Test Results 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO Comments: 7HVWHU·V1DPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7HVWHU·V6LJQDWXUHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  Precision Testing Technologies Inc.801-886-9224 Maverik #493 44 N Hwy 6 Delta UT 84624 2000747 Maverik INC 185 S. State Street Ste 800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 03/14/2024 1 Regular VR PLLD 4 35 2 4 4 4 2 Clear VR PLLD 4 33 2 4 4 4 3 Premium VR PLLD 4 37 2 4 4 4 4 Diesel VR PLLD 4 35 2 4 4 4 Saxon Usher UT420 pei.org 47 Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities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´1RµWKHV\VWHPKDVIDLOHGWKHWHVW Test Results 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO Comments: 7HVWHU·V1DPHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7HVWHU·V6LJQDWXUHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Precision Testing Technologies Inc.801-886-9224 Maverik #493 2000747 1 Regular VRTLS 350 11608 90.5" 4 4 4 4 75 7/8" 4 1" 4 4 2 Clear VRTLS 350 11608 90.5" 4 4 4 4 75 7/8" 4 1" 4 4 3 Premium VRTLS 350 11608 90.5" 4 4 4 4 75 7/8" 4 1" 4 4 4 Diesel VRTLS 350 11608 90.5" 4 4 4 4 75 7/8" 4 1" 4 4 Saxon Usher UT420 03/14/2024 PE I / R P 1 2 0 0 - 1 2 pe i . o r g 48 AP P E N D I X C - 8 LIQUID SENSOR FUNCTIONALITY TESTING )Dcilit\ 1DPe2Zner $GGress$GGress &it\ 6tDte =iS &oGe&it\ 6tDte =iS &oGe )Dcilit\ ,' Phone  Testing &oPSDn\Phone 'Dte This SroceGXre is to GeterPine Zhether liTXiG sensors locDteG in the interstitiDl sSDce oI 86T s\stePs Dre DEle to Getect the Sresence oI ZDter DnG IXel 6ee P(,5P 6ection  Ior the test SroceGXre 6ensor /ocDtion ProGXct 6toreG T\Se oI 6ensor 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting Test /iTXiG :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct ,s the $T* console cleDr oI Dn\ DctiYe or recXrring ZDrnings or DlDrPs regDrGing the leDN sensor" ,I the sensor is in DlDrP DnG IXnctioning inGicDte Zh\  <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o ,s the sensor DlDrP circXit oSerDtionDl" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o +Ds sensor Eeen insSecteG DnG in gooG oSerDting conGition" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o :hen SlDceG in the test liTXiG Goes the sensor trigger Dn DlDrP" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o :hen Dn DlDrP is triggereG is the sensor SroSerl\ iGentiIieG on the $T* console" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o $n\ ´1oµ DnsZers inGicDtes the sensor IDils the test Test Results PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil Comments: Tester·s 1DPe BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Tester·s 6ignDtXre BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Precision Testing Technologies Inc. Maverik #493 2000747 03/14/2024 Clear STP Clear Disp 1-2 Lines Disp 3-4 Lines Disp 5-6 Lines Disp 7-8 Lines Disp 9-10 Lines Disp 11-12 Lines Saxon Usher UT420 PE I / R P 1 2 0 0 - 1 2 pe i . o r g 48 AP P E N D I X C - 8 LIQUID SENSOR FUNCTIONALITY TESTING )Dcilit\ 1DPe2Zner $GGress$GGress &it\ 6tDte =iS &oGe&it\ 6tDte =iS &oGe )Dcilit\ ,' Phone  Testing &oPSDn\Phone 'Dte This SroceGXre is to GeterPine Zhether liTXiG sensors locDteG in the interstitiDl sSDce oI 86T s\stePs Dre DEle to Getect the Sresence oI ZDter DnG IXel 6ee P(,5P 6ection  Ior the test SroceGXre 6ensor /ocDtion ProGXct 6toreG T\Se oI 6ensor 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting Test /iTXiG :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct ,s the $T* console cleDr oI Dn\ DctiYe or recXrring ZDrnings or DlDrPs regDrGing the leDN sensor" ,I the sensor is in DlDrP DnG IXnctioning inGicDte Zh\  <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o ,s the sensor DlDrP circXit oSerDtionDl" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o +Ds sensor Eeen insSecteG DnG in gooG oSerDting conGition" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o :hen SlDceG in the test liTXiG Goes the sensor trigger Dn DlDrP" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o :hen Dn DlDrP is triggereG is the sensor SroSerl\ iGentiIieG on the $T* console" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o $n\ ´1oµ DnsZers inGicDtes the sensor IDils the test Test Results PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil Comments: Tester·s 1DPe BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Tester·s 6ignDtXre BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Precision Testing Technologies Inc. Maverik # 493 2000747 03/14/2024 Disp 13-14 Lines Saxon Usher UT420 PE I / R P 1 2 0 0 - 1 2 pe i . o r g 48 AP P E N D I X C - 8 LIQUID SENSOR FUNCTIONALITY TESTING )Dcilit\ 1DPe2Zner $GGress$GGress &it\ 6tDte =iS &oGe&it\ 6tDte =iS &oGe )Dcilit\ ,' Phone  Testing &oPSDn\Phone 'Dte This SroceGXre is to GeterPine Zhether liTXiG sensors locDteG in the interstitiDl sSDce oI 86T s\stePs Dre DEle to Getect the Sresence oI ZDter DnG IXel 6ee P(,5P 6ection  Ior the test SroceGXre 6ensor /ocDtion ProGXct 6toreG T\Se oI 6ensor 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting 'iscriPinDting 1onGiscriPi nDting Test /iTXiG :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct :Dter ProGXct ,s the $T* console cleDr oI Dn\ DctiYe or recXrring ZDrnings or DlDrPs regDrGing the leDN sensor" ,I the sensor is in DlDrP DnG IXnctioning inGicDte Zh\  <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o ,s the sensor DlDrP circXit oSerDtionDl" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o +Ds sensor Eeen insSecteG DnG in gooG oSerDting conGition" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o :hen SlDceG in the test liTXiG Goes the sensor trigger Dn DlDrP" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o :hen Dn DlDrP is triggereG is the sensor SroSerl\ iGentiIieG on the $T* console" <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o <es 1o $n\ ´1oµ DnsZers inGicDtes the sensor IDils the test Test Results PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil PDss )Dil Comments: Tester·s 1DPe BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Tester·s 6ignDtXre BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Precision Testing Technologies Inc. Maverik #493 2000747 03/14/2024 Reg INT Regular Lift Prem INT Premium Lift Clear INT Clear Lift Diesel INT Diesel Lift Prem STP Premium Reg STP Regular DSL STP Diesel Saxon Usher UT420S