HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004759DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TOOELE ARMY DEPOT/HEADQUARTERS 1 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT, BUILDING 1 TOOELE, UT 84074-5003 February 20, 2024 Subject: Performance Test Plan, 1236M2 Deactivation Furnace, Building 1320, Tooele Army Depot, Tooele Utah, EPA ID# UT3213820894. Doug Hansen Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (WMRC) P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Dear Mr. Hansen: In accordance with Module IV.G of the State of Utah RCRA Permit UT3213820894, TEAD-N is submitting the 2024 Performance Test Plan for the 1236M2 Deactivation Furnace that will be performed tentatively on the week of May 6, 2024. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Lonnie Brown of my staff at (435) 833-2526. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that quality personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, Erin Trinchitella Director, Base Operations Enclosure 1 2024 Performance Test Plan TRINCHITELLA.ERI N.JO.1153738838 Digitally signed by TRINCHITELLA.ERIN.JO.1153738 838 Date: 2024.02.20 11:50:43 -07'00' 840 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE 400 ● KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406 610.945.1777 ● WWW.COTERIE-ENV.COM HWC NESHAP CONFIRMATORY PERFORMANCE TEST AND RCRA COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION TEST PLAN FOR THE APE 1236M2 DEACTIVATION FURNACE FEBRUARY 2024 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TULSA DISTRICT TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Facility Overview .............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Hazardous Waste Combustor Overview .......................................................................... 1-2 1.3 Regulatory Overview........................................................................................................ 1-2 1.3.1 HWC NESHAP Overview ...................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 RCRA Overview ................................................................................................................ 1-2 1.5 Confirmatory Performance Test and RCRA Compliance Verification Test Overview ...... 1-2 1.6 Reference Documents ..................................................................................................... 1-4 1.7 Test Plan Organization ..................................................................................................... 1-4 1.8 Document Revision History ............................................................................................. 1-6 2.0 Feedstream Characterization ........................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Ammunition Items ........................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Waste Feed Selection for the Test Program .................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Fuel Oil ............................................................................................................................. 2-2 3.0 Monitoring .................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Continuous Process Monitoring Systems ........................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems ..................................................................... 3-2 3.3 Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff System ............................................................................. 3-3 3.4 Emergency Shutdown System ......................................................................................... 3-3 4.0 Historical Operating Conditions .................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Normal Furnace Operating Conditions ............................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Alternative Operating Condition Requests ...................................................................... 4-2 5.0 Confirmatory and RCRA CVT Operations ...................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Operating Condition 1...................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Condition 2 ....................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.3 Test Materials and Quantities .......................................................................................... 5-4 5.4 Test Schedule ................................................................................................................... 5-4 6.0 Sampling and Analysis ................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Waste Sampling and Analysis .......................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Spiking Material Sampling and Analysis .......................................................................... 6-1 6.3 Stack Gas Sampling and Analysis ..................................................................................... 6-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Final Replacement Standards for Existing Incinerators ................................................... 1-1 Table 1-2 RCRA Performance Standards .......................................................................................... 1-2 Table 1-3 Document Cross-Reference Table ................................................................................... 1-5 Table 1-4 Document Revision History ............................................................................................. 1-6 February 2024 Page ii Table 2-1 Characterization of Small Ammunition Items .................................................................. 2-1 Table 2-2 Characterization of Feed Items for the Test Program ..................................................... 2-2 Table 3-1 Continuous Process Monitoring Systems and Process Control Equipment .................... 3-1 Table 4-1 Average Values for Operating Parameters ...................................................................... 4-2 Table 5-1 Proposed Furnace Operating Conditions for Test Condition 1 ........................................ 5-1 Table 5-2 Proposed Feed and Spiking Program – Condition 1 ........................................................ 5-2 Table 5-3 Proposed Furnace Operating Conditions for Test Condition 2 ........................................ 5-2 Table 5-4 Proposed Feed and Spiking Program – Condition 2 ........................................................ 5-3 Table 5-5 Test Material Quantities .................................................................................................. 5-4 Table 5-6 Test Schedule ................................................................................................................... 5-5 Table 6-1 Stack Gas Sampling and Analysis Protocol ....................................................................... 6-2 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 APE 1236M2 Deactivation Furnace Process Schematic ................................................... 1-3 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Quality Assurance Project Plan Appendix B: Continuous Monitoring Systems Performance Evaluation Test Plan Appendix C: Source Test Plan for Relative Accuracy Test Audit and Process Control Equipment Audits TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 1-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This confirmatory performance test (CfPT) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) compliance verification test (CVT) plan is being submitted by the United States Army (US Army) for the hazardous waste incinerator operated at the Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) in Tooele, Utah. The incinerator is an Ammunition Peculiar Equipment Model 1236M2 (APE 1236M2) deactivation furnace. The furnace is subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWCs) codified in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 63 Subpart EEE and the RCRA hazardous waste regulations provided in Section 315 of the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) and documented in the facility’s RCRA Part B permit. This plan describes the CfPT and RCRA CVT that will be conducted to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP dioxin/furan (D/F) emission standard and the RCRA performance standards. It is being submitted in accordance with 40 CFR § 63.1207(e)(1)(ii) and Module IV.G.2 of the RCRA Part B permit as part of the requirements for these compliance demonstrations. 1.1 FACILITY OVERVIEW The US Army owns and operates the TEAD. The site consists of 23,610 acres, 35 miles west of the Salt Lake City International Airport. The facility includes over 1,100 storage, production, fabrication, and administrative buildings. Approximately 500 people are employed at TEAD. At this time, TEAD is considered an area stationary source of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as defined in Part A, Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, amended on November 15, 1990. The street address and identification number of the TEAD are: 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074-5000 EPA ID No. UT3213820894 All correspondence should be directed to the following facility contact: Lonnie Brown Environmental Engineer JMTE-BOV, Building 501 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074-5003 February 2024 Page 1-2 1.2 HAZARDOUS WASTE COMBUSTOR OVERVIEW The TEAD deactivation furnace is designed to thermally treat obsolete or unserviceable ammunition ranging from small arms through 20-millimeter items, as well as cartridge activated devices (CADs) and propellant activated devices (PADs). All items larger than 20-mm must be disassembled before being fed to the furnace. Feed materials for the deactivation furnace are loaded into a push-off box located in the feed room. From this push-off box, the materials travel on a feed conveyor through a concrete barricade wall and into a barricaded area, where they drop through a feed chute into the rotary kiln. Once in the kiln, the munitions are propelled through the unit countercurrent to the flue gas by the rotation of the kiln and spiral flights that line the inside of the kiln. Ash and metal components not entrained in the flue gas are discharged at the burner end of the kiln onto a discharge conveyor. The discharge conveyor moves the ash materials from the kiln to an adjacent accumulation area. Before disposal, the operators sort through the discharged materials to ensure that no unspent munitions are sent for disposal. Any unspent munitions are sent back through the deactivation furnace for further processing. From the kiln, the flue gas is transported to the cyclone, where sparks that could harm the downstream equipment are collected and discharged through a double tipping valve into a collection container for disposal. The flue gases pass through the cyclone and into the afterburner, which is designed to further heat the combustion gas, ensuring the required destruction of organic compounds. Following the afterburner, the flue gas passes through stainless steel ductwork to a high temperature ceramic baghouse. The baghouse is used to remove particulates and metals from the gas stream. An induced draft (ID) fan, located downstream of the baghouse, provides the motive force for the flue gas through the APE1236M2 incineration system. Figure 1-1 provides a schematic diagram of the APE 1236M2 deactivation furnace. 1.3 REGULATORY OVERVIEW Operations of the APE1236M2 deactivation furnace are regulated through RCRA and the HWC NESHAP. The RCRA requirements for the unit are contained in Module IV of the facility's RCRA Part B Permit and are based upon the regulations for incinerators promulgated in 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart O and UAC Section 315. The facility's Title V permit houses the HWC NESHAP requirements, incorporating the Federal standards that are promulgated in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart EEE. Many of the RCRA and Title V requirements are similar to one another. Therefore, compliance efforts, including emission tests, for these two regulatory programs are often combined. February 2024 Page 1-3 FIGURE 1-1 APE 1236M2 DEACTIVATION FURNACE PROCESS SCHEMATIC February 2024 Page 1-1 1.3.1 HWC NESHAP OVERVIEW On September 30, 1999, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) promulgated the HWC NESHAP under joint authority of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the RCRA, codifying the requirements in 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart EEE. On October 12, 2005, USEPA amended Subpart EEE to include revised standards for the “Phase I” sources (i.e., hazardous waste incinerators, cement kilns, and lightweight aggregate kilns) and to incorporate standards for “Phase II” sources (i.e., liquid fuel-fired boilers, solid fuel-fired boilers, and hydrochloric acid production furnaces that burn hazardous waste). The standards, which are based upon the maximum achievable control technology (MACT), regulate emissions of D/F, mercury, hydrogen chloride and chlorine (HCl/Cl2), semivolatile metals (SVM) – lead and cadmium, low volatile metals (LVM) – arsenic, beryllium, and chromium, particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC) from both new and existing sources. The deactivation furnace is subject to the HWC NESHAP emission standards for existing hazardous waste incinerators. The applicable emission standards for the furnace are summarized in Table 1-1 TABLE 1-1 FINAL REPLACEMENT STANDARDS FOR EXISTING INCINERATORS PARAMETER UNITS 1 EMISSION STANDARD Dioxins and furans ng TEQ/dscm 0.20 Mercury mg/dscm 130 Semivolatile metals mg/dscm 230 Low volatile metals mg/dscm 92 Carbon monoxide ppmv, dry basis 100 Hydrocarbons ppmv, dry basis 10 Hydrogen chloride and chlorine ppmv, dry basis 32 Particulate matter gr/dscf 0.013 Destruction and removal efficiency % 99.99 1 Emission standards corrected to seven percent oxygen. Periodically, facilities must sample unit emissions to verify compliance with the HWC NESHAP. Every 61 months, subject facilities must conduct a comprehensive performance test (CPT) to demonstrate compliance with all of the applicable emission standards and to establish operating parameter limits (OPLs) for the system. In between these CPTs, facilities must conduct confirmatory performance tests (CfPTs) to demonstrate continued compliance with the D/F emission standard. Pursuant to 40 CFR § 63.1207(b)(2) these CfPTs must be conducted when the source operates under normal operating conditions and must commence no later than 31 months after the start of the last CPT. February 2024 Page 1-2 1.4 RCRA OVERVIEW The TEAD RCRA Part B permit authorizes the deactivation furnace to operate as a hazardous waste treatment operation. Module IV of the permit provides performance standards for the furnace. These standards are summarized in Table 1-2 and are described below:  Section IV.B.1 requires a destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of 99.99 percent for each designated principal organic hazardous constituent (POHC).  Section IV.B.2 limits particulate matter (PM) emissions to less than 180 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter (mg/dscm), corrected to seven percent oxygen, or 0.08 grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf), corrected to seven percent oxygen.  Section IV.B.3 limits hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions to less than 1.8 kilograms per hour (kg/hr) or 4.0 pounds per hour (lb/hr).  Section IV.B.4 limits the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in the furnace exhaust to less than 100 parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppmvd), corrected to seven percent oxygen over an hourly rolling average (HRA) and 500 ppmvd, corrected to seven percent oxygen for more than one minute.  Section IV.B.5 limits the concentration of metals in the furnace exhaust. SVM are limited to less than 230 micrograms per dry standard cubic meter (µg/dscm) corrected to seven percent oxygen, LVM are limited to less than 92 µg/dscm corrected to seven percent oxygen, and barium is limited to less than 1,392 µg/dscm corrected to seven percent oxygen. TABLE 1-2 RCRA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PARAMETER UNITS 1 EMISSION STANDARD Destruction and removal efficiency % 99.99 Particulate matter mg/dscm gr/dscf 180 0.08 Hydrogen chloride kg/hr lb/hr 1.8 4.0 Carbon monoxide ppmv, dry basis (HRA) ppmv, dry basis (one-minute) 100 500 Semivolatile metals mg/dscm 230 Low volatile metals mg/dscm 92 Barium mg/dscm 1,392 1 All concentration-based emission standards corrected to seven percent oxygen. 1.5 CONFIRMATORY PERFORMANCE TEST AND RCRA COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION TEST OVERVIEW The protocol for the CfPT and RCRA CVT is designed to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F emission standard and the RCRA performance standards. Two test conditions will be performed: February 2024 Page 1-3  Condition 1 will be performed to demonstrate compliance with the HWC D/F emission standard and the RCRA DRE and CO standards. During the condition, the deactivation furnace will be operated within the HWC NESHAP and RCRA permit limits, at historically normal conditions, and the feed of chlorine will be elevated above historically normal levels. Adequate diphenylamine will also be provided in the waste feed to ensure proper measurement of the DRE.  Condition 2 will be performed to demonstrate compliance with the RCRA PM, HCl, SVM, LVM, and barium standards. During the condition, the deactivation furnace will be operated within the HWC NESHAP and RCRA permit limits, at historically normal conditions, and the feed of PM, chlorine, SVM, LVM, and barium will be elevated above historically normal levels. The test program will be coordinated by Coterie Environmental LLC (Coterie) under the direction of US Army personnel. Coterie is responsible for the test protocol development and implementation and will oversee the furnace operations and the stack sampling activities during the test program. Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC, (MAQS) will perform the stack sampling for the test program. MAQS will be responsible for all emissions samples collected during the test program, with oversight by Coterie. The emissions samples will be analyzed by Eurofins Environment Testing (Eurofins) in Knoxville, Tennessee. Additional information on the project team roles and responsibilities is provided in the quality assurance project plan (QAPP) in Appendix A. Prior to the CfPT, the US Army will perform the HWC NESHAP continuous monitoring systems (CMS) performance evaluation test (PET). The goal of the CMS PET is to demonstrate that the CMS associated with the furnace and used to demonstrate compliance with the D/F emission standard are operating in compliance with the standards presented in the HWC NESHAP and in the NESHAP General Provisions contained in 40 CFR §§ 63.1 through 63.15 and the RCRA permit. As described in 40 CFR §§ 63.8(c)(2) and (3), all CMS used in accordance with the HWC NESHAP shall be installed so that representative measurements of emissions or process parameters can be obtained. During the CMS PET, the US Army will verify that each CMS used to ensure continuous compliance with the D/F emission standard is correctly installed, calibrated, and operational. A copy of the CMS PET plan is included as Appendix B. In addition to conducting the HWC NESHAP CMS PET, the US Army will also conduct the process control equipment (PCE) audit required under Section 5.2 of Attachment 13 to the RCRA Part B Permit. This annual audit is required under the RCRA Part B permit to demonstrate proper calibration of all of the PCE used to demonstrate compliance with the RCRA standards. A copy of the PCE audit protocol is provided in Appendix C. The previous CPT for the furnace commenced on October 26, 2021. The CfPT must begin no later than 31 months after the date that the previous CPT commenced, which would be May 26, 2024. The RCRA CVTs are required biennially and, per Condition IV.G.1 of the RCRA Part B permit, are to be coordinated to align with the HWC NESHAP CPT and CfPT schedules. The US Army anticipates conducting the CfPT and RCRA CVT during the week of May 6, 2024. The testing is expected to take four days. The CfPT and RCRA CVT report will be submitted within 90 days after completion of all emissions testing. February 2024 Page 1-4 1.6 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Reference documents that have been used in developing this plan include the following:  UDEQ, TEAD North RCRA Part B Permit, issued 2 February 2017.  USEPA, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors, 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart EEE, September 30, 1999, and as amended through October 28, 2008.  USEPA, New Source Performance Standards, Test Methods and Procedures, Appendix A, 40 CFR Part 60.  USEPA, New Source Performance Standards, Performance Specifications, Appendix B, 40 CFR Part 60.  USEPA, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods, Third Edition, 1986 and updates (SW-846). 1.7 TEST PLAN ORGANIZATION This test plan has been prepared to meet the requirements of 40 CFR § 63.1207(f) and the TEAD RCRA Part B Permit. The remaining sections of the plan provide the following information:  Section 2.0 presents information on the furnace’s feedstreams.  Section 3.0 presents a description of the furnace’s CMS.  Section 4.0 presents a discussion on the historically normal operations of the furnace.  Section 5.0 presents a description of the proposed CfPT and RCRA operating conditions.  Section 6.0 presents a summary of the test sampling and analysis procedures.  Appendix A includes the QAPP.  Appendix B includes the CMS PET plan required by 40 CFR § 63.1207(e)(1)(ii).  Appendix C includes the PCE Audit protocol for the RCRA instrument audit. Table 1-3 presents a cross-reference table to use in comparing the test plan to HWC NESHAP requirements. February 2024 Page 1-5 TABLE 1-3 DOCUMENT CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE 40 CFR 63 REQUIREMENT LOCATION IN DOCUMENT 7(c)(2)(i) A test program summary, the test schedule, data quality objectives, and both an internal and external quality assurance program Sections 5 and 6, and Appendix A 7(c)(2)(ii) An internal QA program, including the activities planned by routine operators and analysts to provide an assessment of test data precision Appendix A 7(c)(2)(iii) An external QA program, including: application of plans for a test method performance audit (PA) during the performance test, and system audits that include the opportunity for onsite evaluation by the Administrator of instrument calibration, data validation, sample logging, and documentation of quality control data and field maintenance activities Appendix A 7(c)(2)(v) Additional relevant information requested after submittal of the site-specific test plan None requested 1207(f)(2)(i) A description of your normal HC or CO operating levels and an explanation of how these normal levels were determined Section 4 1207(f)(2)(ii) A description of your normal applicable operating parameter levels and an explanation of how these normal levels were determined Section 4 1207(f)(2)(iii) A description of your normal chlorine operating levels and an explanation of how these normal levels were determined Section 4 1207(f)(2)(iv) If you use carbon injection or a carbon bed [for D/F control], a description of your normal cleaning cycle of the particulate matter control device and an explanation of how these normal levels were determined Not applicable 1207(f)(2)(v) A detailed description of sampling and monitoring procedures including sampling and monitoring locations in the system, the equipment to be used, sampling and monitoring frequency, and planned analytical procedures for sample analysis Section 6 and Appendix A 1207(f)(2)(vi) A detailed test schedule for each hazardous waste for which the performance test is planned, including date(s), duration, quantity of hazardous waste to be burned, and other relevant factors Section 5, Tables 5-5 and 5-6 1207(f)(2)(vii) A detailed test protocol, including, for each hazardous waste identified, the ranges of hazardous waste feedrate for each feed system, and, as appropriate, the feedrates of other fuels and feedstocks, and any other relevant parameters that may affect the ability of the hazardous waste combustor to meet the dioxin/furan emission standard Section 5, Tables 5-1 and 5-2 1207(f)(2)(viii) A description of, and planned operating conditions for, any emission control equipment that will be used Section 5, Table 5-1 1207(f)(2)(ix) Procedures for rapidly stopping the hazardous waste feed and controlling emissions in the event of an equipment malfunction Section 3 1207(f)(2)(x) Such other information as the Administrator reasonably finds necessary to determine whether to approve the confirmatory test plan None requested February 2024 Page 1-6 1.8 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY The original version of this plan was submitted in February 2024. The nature and date of any future revisions will be summarized in Table 1-4. TABLE 1-4 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 0 February 2024 Original submittal TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 2-1 2.0 FEEDSTREAM CHARACTERIZATION The US Army incinerates obsolete and unserviceable ammunition items in the deactivation furnace at TEAD. Over 100 different ammunition items are currently slated for destruction in the furnace. These materials have all been manufactured following government specifications and are characterized in the Munitions Items Disposition Action System (MIDAS). They may contain a variety of HAPs, including regulated organic and inorganic compounds. Fuel oil is used throughout system operations to provide the necessary heat for destruction of the munitions. 2.1 AMMUNITION ITEMS The ammunition items processed in the furnace include various types of munitions, such as bullets, grenades, and detonating fuses that contain propellant, energetic, and pyrotechnic (PEP) material. Because of the dangers associated with sampling and analyzing explosives, the US Army does not rely on sample analysis to characterize the waste munitions. These materials have all been manufactured following government specifications and are characterized in MIDAS. Munitions characterizations in MIDAS include information on the reactive portions (i.e., the PEP material) and inert portions of each munition item. Any inert portions that are fed to the deactivation furnace do not combust; they remain as scrap material and exit the system through the kiln discharge. Therefore, the compositions of the inert portions are not considered when the feed rates of regulated constituents to the furnace. Table 2-1 provides typical ranges for the regulated constituents in the largest fraction of small ammunition items found in TEAD’s demilitarization account. This table is intended to provide a broad picture of the wastes that are likely to be incinerated within the immediate future. TABLE 2-1 CHARACTERIZATION OF SMALL AMMUNITION ITEMS PARAMETER MINIMUM (G/ITEM) MAXIMUM (G/ITEM) AVERAGE (G/ITEM) Propellant, explosive, and pyrotechnic 0.13 50 14 Mercury 0 0 0 Semivolatile metals 0 0.091 0.040 Low volatile metals 0 0 0 Chlorine 0 1.4 0.12 Barium 0 0.29 0.064 Particulate matter generation 0.045 12 4.3 February 2024 Page 2-2 2.2 WASTE FEED SELECTION FOR THE TEST PROGRAM Two different feed items will be utilized during the upcoming test program. For Condition 1, HC-25 FS propellant will be fed to the system. This item was selected to provide the targeted PEP and diphenylamine for the DRE and D/F demonstrations. For Condition 2, 20-mm incendiary M96 cartridges, carrying a Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC) A776, will be fed to the furnace. This item was chosen to provide the required particulate matter generation for the RCRA PM demonstration. It will also supply some of the required LVM and chlorine for the test condition. Table 2-2 provides a characterization of each of these feed items. If for some reason either of these feed items are unavailable for processing during the test, another item will be selected to provide the required feed contributions. TABLE 2-2 CHARACTERIZATION OF FEED ITEMS FOR THE TEST PROGRAM CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION IN FEED ITEM (LB/LB) HC-25 FS PROPELLANT A776, 20-MM INC Propellant, explosive, and pyrotechnic 1.0 0.171 Chlorine 0 9.77 x 10-5 Particulate matter generation 0.0164 0.0529 Semivolatile metals 0 1.02 x 10-4 Low volatile metals 0 0 Mercury 0 0 2.3 FUEL OIL No. 2 fuel oil is used as the primary fuel for the deactivation furnace. The fuel oil is used to raise the temperature of the rotary kiln and afterburner to the preset minimums before waste is introduced to the system and to maintain temperature during operations. The fuel oil may contain small levels of HWC NESHAP regulated metals. A certificate of analysis for the fuel oil is maintained at the TEAD. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 3-1 3.0 MONITORING Monitoring equipment for the furnace includes systems for process control and for stack gas analysis. This equipment enables the operators to maintain safe operation in compliance with the HWC NESHAP and RCRA OPLs. This section of the plan provides an overview of the CMS associated with the furnace. These CMS are comprised of continuous process monitoring systems (CPMS), or process control equipment (PCE), and continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS). More information on the CMS used for HWC NESHAP compliance can be found in the CMS PET plan, which is included as Appendix B. The RCRA PCE audit protocol in Appendix C provides more detail on the required RCRA PCE. 3.1 CONTINUOUS PROCESS MONITORING SYSTEMS 40 CFR § 63.1209(b)(1) and the RCRA Permit require that TEAD use CPMS/PCE to document compliance with the applicable OPLs. Under the HWC NESHAP, the CPMS must sample regulated operating parameters without interruption and must evaluate a detector response at least once every 15 seconds. One-minute average (OMA) values are calculated and recorded for each regulated operating parameter, and the appropriate rolling average is calculated from the OMAs. Table 3-1 lists the CPMS and PCE used to demonstrate continuous compliance with HWC NESHAP and RCRA requirements. Only those instruments marked with an asterisk (*) are required to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F standard. For the RCRA program, only those instruments that require an annual calibration audit are specified. TABLE 3-1 CONTINUOUS PROCESS MONITORING SYSTEMS AND PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT PARAMETER INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION PROGRAMMED SPAN CALIBRATION ACCURACY COMPLIANCE PROGRAM Charge feed rate * Waste feed scale 0 – 50 lb ± 2% of span HWC NESHAP, RCRA Kiln burner end temperature Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span RCRA Kiln feed end temperature Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span RCRA Kiln feed end draft Pressure transmitter -2 to 2 in. w.c. ± 3% of span HWC NESHAP, RCRA Enclosure pressure Pressure transmitter -2 to 0.05 in. w.c. ± 2% of span HWC NESHAP Afterburner temperature * Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span HWC NESHAP, RCRA February 2024 Page 3-2 TABLE 3-1 (CONTINUED) CONTINUOUS PROCESS MONITORING SYSTEMS AND PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT PARAMETER INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION PROGRAMMED SPAN CALIBRATION ACCURACY COMPLIANCE PROGRAM Baghouse inlet temperature * Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span HWC NESHAP, RCRA Baghouse outlet temperature Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span RCRA Baghouse differential pressure Differential pressure transmitter 0 – 30 in. w.c. ± 3% of span RCRA Stack gas velocity * Thermal mass flow meter 0 – 100 fps ± 5% of span HWC NESHAP, RCRA Stack gas temperature Thermal mass flow meter 0 – 1,200°F ± 2% of span RCRA 3.2 CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORING SYSTEMS Both 40 CFR § 63.1209(a)(1)(i) and the TEAD RCRA Part B Permit require that CEMS be installed to measure the concentration of CO in the exhaust stack. TEAD is also required to use an oxygen CEMS to continuously correct the CO levels to seven percent oxygen. Under the HWC NESHAP, these CEMS must meet the requirements of Performance Specification 4B of 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B for CO and oxygen CEMS. This specification requires a dual range CO monitor with span values of zero to 200 ppmvd and zero to 3,000 ppmvd. The HWC NESHAP also requires that any time an OMA CO value exceeds the 3,000 ppmvd span, the OMA value must be recorded as 10,000 ppmvd. As an alternative, facilities may use a CEMS with a third span of zero to 10,000 ppmvd to provide additional measurement capability at these elevated CO levels. The US Army utilizes a Horiba non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer to continuously monitor the CO concentration in the stack gas. The analyzer is dual range design with a zero to 200 ppmvd span value for the low range and a zero to 3,000 ppmvd span for the high range. The oxygen analyzer that is used to correct CO emission concentrations to seven percent oxygen is a Horiba paramagnetic analyzer. The analyzer has a span of zero to 25 percent oxygen by volume on a dry basis. The CEMS are maintained using a specified maintenance routine, which includes:  Routine maintenance  Daily auto calibrations  Quarterly absolute calibration audits (ACAs)  Annual relative accuracy test audits (RATAs) Any problems identified by the above tests are remedied through corrective action measures specific to the problem encountered. February 2024 Page 3-3 3.3 AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF SYSTEM 40 CFR § 63.1206(c)(3) and the TEAD RCRA Part B permit require that the US Army operate the furnace with a functioning system that immediately and automatically cuts off the hazardous waste feed when OPLs or emission standards are exceeded. An immediate and automatic cutoff is also required under the HWC NESHAP when the OMA of any CPMS exceeds the span value. Any malfunctions of the monitoring equipment or the automatic waste feed cutoff (AWFCO) system should also initiate an immediate and automatic cutoff of hazardous waste feed. In accordance with these requirements, the AWFCO system is designed to restrict the feeding of hazardous waste to the deactivation furnace should an OPL or CMS span value be exceeded or should the system itself fail. Due to safety concerns, any waste that has already been placed on the feed conveyor upon activation of the AWFCO system will continue to flow to the furnace after the AWFCO. However, the system will not allow any new materials to be added to the conveyor. 3.4 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN SYSTEM Emergency shutdown features are included to protect the equipment in the event of a malfunction. During an emergency shutdown, all waste feeds and fuel feeds are stopped. The trigger points for an emergency shutdown have been set independent of regulatory test conditions. These limits are based on equipment design and operating specifications and are considered good operating practices. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 4-1 4.0 HISTORICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS 40 CFR § 63.1207(g)(2) specifies that the CfPT must be conducted under “normal” operating conditions. Likewise, the RCRA Part B permit requires that the CVT be conducted within the operating limit values provided within the permit. Generally, the “normal” historical level helps to set the target for this test as well. “Normal” operating conditions are defined under the HWC NESHAP as follows:  Each operating parameter, including the PEP feed rate limit (FRL), must be held within the range of the average value over the previous 12 months and the maximum or minimum OPL, as appropriate.  Chlorine must be fed at the average rate over the prior 12 months or greater for the HWC NESHAP D/F demonstration.  CO emissions levels must be within the range of the average value to the maximum value allowed. For the RCRA parameters, the other constituent feed rate limitations (e.g., PM, chlorine, SVM, LVM, and barium) must be held within the range of the average value of the previous 12 months and the applicable FRL. 4.1 NORMAL FURNACE OPERATING CONDITIONS To establish the operating conditions for this test program, furnace operating data from December 2022 through November 2023 was reviewed. For each parameter, the average or “normal” value was determined by summing the HRA or OMA values recorded over the previous 12 months and dividing that sum by the number of HRA or OMA values recorded during that time. For constituent feed rates, TEAD does not use an averaging period in their feed rate determination; therefore, the definition of average is the same, except that the OMA feed rates are averaged instead of HRAs. The average value must not include calibration data, startup data, shutdown data, malfunction data, and data obtained when not burning hazardous waste. The following OPLs were established for the furnace to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F emission standard and the RCRA performance standards:  Maximum total hazardous waste feed rate (as PEP feed rate)  Minimum afterburner temperature  Maximum baghouse inlet temperature  Maximum flue gas flow rate (as stack gas velocity) For the RCRA Permit, the following additional OPLs and FRLs are required to demonstrate compliance:  Kiln exit (feed end) temperature February 2024 Page 4-2  Kiln rotational speed  Baghouse differential pressure  PM generation, chlorine, SVM, LVM, and barium feed rates The prior 12 months of operating data were reviewed to determine the average value for each of these parameters, as well as for the constituent feed rates and for the continuously monitored CO emissions. Table 4-1 presents the average value for each parameter over the period and the associated OPL for that parameter. The operating conditions for the CfPT and the RCRA CVT must be set within the averages presented in Table 4-1 and the maximum or minimum OPL, as appropriate. For those parameters with HWC NESHAP OPLs, those required to demonstrate compliance with the D/F standard are marked with an asterisk (*). TABLE 4-1 AVERAGE VALUES FOR OPERATING PARAMETERS PARAMETER UNITS AVERAGE 1 OPERATING PARAMETER LIMIT HWC NESHAP RCRA PEP feed rate * lb/hr 35 ≤ 132 ≤ 237 Chlorine feed rate lb/hr 0 ≤ 2.2 ≤ 2.2 PM generation rate lb/hr 4.9 65 64 SVM feed rate lb/hr 0.10 14 7.9 LVM feed rate lb/hr 0 19 13 Barium feed rate lb/hr 0.0076 - - - 19 Kiln exit (feed end) temperature °F 439 - - - < 680 Kiln rotational speed rpm 1.4 - - - 0.2 – 3.0 Afterburner temperature * °F 1,682 ≥ 1,607 1,601 - 1,811 Baghouse inlet temperature * °F 916 801 – 1,042 2 750 - 1,018 Baghouse differential pressure in. w.c. 13 - - - ≥ 3.5 in.w.c Stack gas velocity * fps 27 ≤ 44 ≤ 58 Carbon monoxide emission concentration ppmv, dry basis 3 1.5 ≤ 100 ≤ 100 (HRA) ≤ 500 (OMA) 1 Values shown represent the average of data collected from December 2022 through November 2023. 2 Only the lower limit is used to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F standard. 3 Values are corrected to seven percent oxygen. 4.2 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING CONDITION REQUESTS In some cases, it may not be possible to maintain unit operations between the historically “normal” value and the OPL as required under the HWC NESHAP. For these cases, 40 CFR § 63.1207(g)(2)(v) February 2024 Page 4-3 allows the Administrator to approve an alternative range for an operating parameter if the facility documents it may be problematic to maintain the required range during the CfPT. After reviewing the historical data and the system capabilities, the US Army requests one alternative be approved for the CfPT:  The US Army requests that the stack gas CO concentration be allowed to vary between zero and the RCRA and HWC NESHAP emission limitations instead of between the historically normal CO value of 1.5 ppmvd, corrected to seven percent oxygen, and the RCRA and HWC NESHAP emission limitations. The value of 1.5 ppmvd corrected to seven percent oxygen is within the allowable error of the CO CEMS and trying to maintain the CO above this value is technically infeasible during the test program. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 5-1 5.0 CONFIRMATORY AND RCRA CVT OPERATIONS The US Army intends to perform two test conditions to demonstrate that the furnace operates in conformance with the HWC NESHAP D/F and RCRA emission standards. This section of the plan establishes the furnace operating conditions that will be demonstrated during those tests. In addition, the preparation of materials to be fed during the testing, the amount of waste to be used, and a schedule for the testing are presented here. 5.1 OPERATING CONDITION 1 Condition 1 is designed to demonstrate operations of the furnace at a normal or higher PEP and chlorine feed rate and normal operating conditions. During Condition 1, the US Army will demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F emission standard and the RCRA DRE and CO standards. Triplicate sampling runs will be performed for the condition. Table 5-1 provides an overview of the planned operations for the test condition. Those items marked with an asterisk (*) are tied to the HWC NESHAP D/F demonstration. All flow rates and operating conditions presented below are estimated values; the actual conditions observed during the test may vary slightly from these values. TABLE 5-1 PROPOSED FURNACE OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR TEST CONDITION 1 OPERATING PARAMETER UNITS TARGETS ACCEPTABLE RANGE 1 PEP feed rate * lb/hr 120 35 – 132 Chlorine feed rate * lb/hr 0.14 0 – 2.2 Diphenylamine feed rate lb/hr 1.4 - - - 3 Kiln exit (feed end) temperature °F < 680 < 680 Kiln rotational speed rpm 0.2 – 3.0 0.2 – 3.0 Afterburner temperature * °F 1,635 1,607 – 1,682 Baghouse inlet temperature * °F 875 801 – 916 Baghouse differential pressure in. w.c. ≥ 3.5 in.w.c ≥ 3.5 in.w.c Stack gas velocity * fps 35 27 – 44 Carbon monoxide emission concentration ppmv, dry basis 2 ≤ 100 0 – 100 1 The acceptable range is established per 40 CFR § 63.1207(g)(2) as the range between the 12-month averages presented in Table 4-1 and the maximum or minimum OPL, as appropriate. In the case where RCRA and the HWC NESHAP both have applicable OPLs, the more restrictive OPL was chosen as the upper/lower end value. 2 Corrected to seven percent oxygen. 3 The diphenylamine feed rate is measured to calculate the RCRA DRE. The feed rate of it is not a normal OPL and therefore it does not have an “acceptable range” for the test program. February 2024 Page 5-2 In order to accomplish the feed rate values provided in Table 5-1, some level of waste feed spiking will be required. The chosen feed item, HC-25FS propellant, will not provide enough chlorine and diphenylamine to achieve the desired targets. Therefore, the US Army will spike surrogate compounds to supplement these feed requirements. Potassium perchlorate (KClO4) will be spiked to elevate the chlorine feed rate for the HWC NESHAP D/F demonstration, and diphenylamine will be spiked to provide adequate feed for the RCRA DRE calculation. Table 5-2 provides a summary of the planned feed and spiking program for Test Condition 1. TABLE 5-2 PROPOSED FEED AND SPIKING PROGRAM – CONDITION 1 FEED RATE FEED ITEMS PROP HC-25FS KCLO4 SPIKE DIPHENYLAMINE SPIKE Total item feed rate 120 lb/hr (2, 0.25-lb pkg, ev. 15 sec) 0.54 lb/hr (1, 4.1-g pkg/minute) 0.54 lb/hr (1, 4.1-g pkg/minute) CONSTITUENT FEED RATES (LB/HR) PEP feed rate 120 0 0.54 Diphenylamine feed rate 0.90 0 0.54 Chlorine feed rate 0 0.14 0 5.2 CONDITION 2 Condition 2 is designed to demonstrate operations of the furnace at normal or higher chlorine, PM, SVM, LVM, and barium feed rates and normal operating conditions. During Condition 2, the US Army will demonstrate compliance with the RCRA PM, HCl, SVM, LVM, and barium emission standard; no HWC NESHAP demonstrations are included in this test condition. Triplicate sampling runs will be performed for the condition. Table 5-3 provides an overview of the planned operations for the test condition. All flow rates and operating conditions presented in this plan are estimated values; the actual conditions observed during the test may vary slightly from these values. TABLE 5-3 PROPOSED FURNACE OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR TEST CONDITION 2 OPERATING PARAMETER UNITS TARGETS ACCEPTABLE RANGE 1 Chlorine feed rate lb/hr 0.49 0 – 2.2 PM generation rate lb/hr 45 4.9 – 64 SVM feed rate lb/hr 2.0 0.10 – 7.9 LVM feed rate lb/hr 3.0 0 – 13 Barium feed rate lb/hr 7.9 0.0076 - 19 February 2024 Page 5-3 TABLE 5-3 (CONTINUED) PROPOSED FURNACE OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR TEST CONDITION 2 OPERATING PARAMETER UNITS TARGETS ACCEPTABLE RANGE 1 Kiln exit (feed end) temperature °F < 680 < 680 Kiln rotational speed rpm 0.2 – 3.0 0.2 – 3.0 Afterburner temperature * °F 1,725 1,680 – 1,811 Baghouse inlet temperature * °F 960 919 – 1,018 Baghouse differential pressure in. w.c. ≥ 3.5 in.w.c ≥ 3.5 in.w.c Stack gas velocity * fps 35 28 – 44 Carbon monoxide emission concentration ppmv, dry basis 2 ≤ 100 0 - 100 1 The acceptable range is established per 40 CFR § 63.1207(g)(2) as the range between the 12-month averages presented in Table 4-1 and the maximum or minimum OPL, as appropriate. In the case where RCRA and the HWC NESHAP both have applicable OPLs, the more restrictive OPL was chosen as the upper/lower end value. 2 Corrected to seven percent oxygen. In order to accomplish the feed rate values provided in Table 5-4, some level of waste feed spiking will be required. The chosen feed item, the 20-mm M96 INC round, will not provide enough chlorine, LVM, or SVM to achieve the desired targets. Therefore, the US Army will spike surrogate compounds to supplement these feed requirements. The following surrogate spiking streams will be added:  Potassium perchlorate (KClO4) will be spiked to elevate the chlorine feed rate for the RCRA CVT  Chromium powder will be spiked to elevate the LVM feed rate for the RCRA CVT  Lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2)will be spiked to elevate the SVM feed rate for the RCRA CVT Table 5-2 provides a summary of the planned feed and spiking program for Test Condition 1. TABLE 5-4 PROPOSED FEED AND SPIKING PROGRAM – CONDITION 2 FEED RATE FEED ITEMS A776 – 20 MM INC KCLO4 SPIKE CR POWDER SPIKE PB(NO3)2 SPIKE Item feed rate 1,260 items/hour (7 items ev. 20 sec) 1.6 lb/hr (3, 4.1-g pkg/minute) 3.0 lb/hr (3, 7.5-g pkg/minute) 3.0 lb/hr (3, 7.5-g pkg/minute) CONSTITUENT FEED RATES (LB/HR) Chlorine feed rate 0.069 0.42 0 0 PM generation rate 37.3 0.87 4.8 2.0 SVM feed rate 0.072 0 0 1.9 LVM feed rate 0 0 3.0 0 Barium feed rate 7.9 0 0 0 February 2024 Page 5-4 5.3 TEST MATERIALS AND QUANTITIES Table 5-5 summarizes the quantity of materials required to conduct the testing. Triplicate runs will be carried out for each test condition. Each Condition 1 test run will require approximately 3.5 hours to complete, while each test run for Condition 2 will require approximately 1.5 hours to complete. An additional 15 minutes of run time will be required each day to start up the unit and establish the steady state conditions before the start of the test runs. Providing contingency for one extra test run for each condition, a total of 16 hours of feed materials are necessary for Condition 1 and 6 hours of feed materials are necessary for Condition 2. TABLE 5-5 TEST MATERIAL QUANTITIES FEED ITEM QUANTITY PROP HC-25FS 1,920 pounds A776 - 20-mm INC M96 projectiles 7,560 rounds Diphenylamine spike 960, 4.1-gram packets Potassium perchlorate spike 2,040, 4.1-gram packets Chromium powder spike 1,080, 7.5-gram packets Lead nitrate spike 1,080, 7.5-gram packets 5.4 TEST SCHEDULE The sampling effort will require one day for setup and four days for testing. During setup, sampling equipment and instruments will be prepared and calibrated, supplies will be brought onsite, and sampling locations will be prepared. Although the onsite activities will dictate the actual timing, a preliminary schedule is presented in Table 5-6. TEAD has allowed one-hour to start up the furnace in the morning, and another 15 minutes of run time to establish the steady state conditions before the start of the test runs. Steady state is defined as a condition when waste is being fed to the furnace and the afterburner temperature, stack gas velocity, and CO emissions remain stable with minimal fluctuation. Operating experience has shown that steady state can be achieved within 15 minutes when targeting normal operating conditions. If there is significant fluctuation at the end of the 15 minutes, the test will not begin until steady state conditions are achieved. February 2024 Page 5-5 TABLE 5-6 TEST SCHEDULE DAY START STOP ACTIVITY 1 - - - - - - Setup of sampling equipment and pre-test meetings 2 07:30 09:30 Establish steady-state conditions and prepare sampling equipment 09:30 13:00 Condition 1, Run 1 13:00 - - - Recover test run samples and prepare for next run 3 07:30 09:30 Establish steady-state conditions and prepare sampling equipment 09:30 13:00 Condition 1, Run 2 13:00 - - - Recover test run samples and prepare for next run 4 07:30 09:30 Establish steady-state conditions and prepare sampling equipment 09:30 13:00 Condition 1, Run 3 13:00 - - - Recover test run samples and prepare for next run 5 07:30 09:30 Establish steady-state conditions and prepare sampling equipment 09:00 10:30 Condition 2, Run 1 10:30 11:00 Recover test run samples and prepare for next run 11:30 13:00 Condition 2, Run 2 13:00 13:30 Recover test run samples and prepare for next run 13:30 15:00 Condition 2, Run 3 15:00 - - - Recover test run samples and break down sampling equipment TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 6-1 6.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Sampling and analysis performed during the test conditions described in Section 5.0 will demonstrate the performance of the furnace with respect to the HWC NESHAP D/F and RCRA emission standards. Each test condition will consist of three replicate test runs. For each run, samples will be collected using procedures described in the QAPP found in Appendix A. 6.1 WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Due to the hazards associated with dissembling munitions and analyzing explosives, samples of the waste feed item will not be collected during the test program. In lieu of sampling the waste, the feed item will be characterized using data contained in MIDAS. 6.2 SPIKING MATERIAL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS The spiking materials will not be sampled and analyzed during the test. These will be pure materials purchased for testing. The composition of the materials will be determined from supplier-provided material safety data sheets or certificates of composition. 6.3 STACK GAS SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS The stack gas will be sampled for diphenylamine, D/F, SVM, LVM, barium, HCl, and PM and will be monitored for CO and oxygen during this test program. The following stack sampling methods will be used:  USEPA Methods 1, 2, 3A, and 4 for determination of stack sampling traverse points, gas flow rate, composition, and moisture content during both conditions.  SW-846 Method 0010 for measurement of diphenylamine during Condition 1.  SW-846 Method 0023A for measurement of D/F emissions during Condition 1.  USEPA Method 29 for measurement of SVM, LVM, and barium emissions during Condition 2.  USEPA Methods 5 and 26A combined for measurement of PM and HCl emissions during Condition 2. In addition, the facility’s CEMS will be used to measure CO emissions during the test program. Table 6-1 provides more information on the stack gas samples to be taken, the parameters to be measured, the frequency of measurement, and the analyses to be conducted. Detailed information on each method is provided in the QAPP in Appendix A. February 2024 Page 6-2 TABLE 6-1 STACK GAS SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROTOCOL SAMPLING METHOD 1 SAMPLING DURATION ANALYTICAL PARAMETER ANALYTICAL METHOD 1 USEPA Methods 1, 2, 3A, and 4 Not applicable Traverse points, stack flow, composition, and moisture Not applicable SW-846 Method 0010 180 minutes (minimum) Diphenylamine SW-846 Method 8270C SW-846 Method 0023A 180 minutes (minimum) Dioxins and furans SW-846 Methods 0023A and 8290A USEPA Method 29 60 minutes (minimum) Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead SW-846 Method 6010C USEPA Methods 5 and 26A 60 minutes (minimum) Particulate matter and hydrogen chloride USEPA Methods 5 and 26A Facility CEMS (USEPA Performance Specification 4B) Continuous Carbon monoxide Facility CEMS (USEPA Performance Specification 4B) Facility CEMS (USEPA Performance Specification 4B) Continuous Oxygen Facility CEMS (USEPA Performance Specification 4B) 1 SW-846 refers to Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Third Edition. USEPA Method refers to New Source Performance Standards, Test Methods and Procedures, Appendix A, 40 CFR Part 60. USEPA Performance Specification refers to New Source Performance Standards, Performance Specifications, Appendix B, 40 CFR Part 60. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Appendix A Appendix A: QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN 840 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE 400 ● KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406 610.945.1777 ● WWW.COTERIE-ENV.COM QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN FOR HWC NESHAP CONFIRMATORY PERFORMANCE TEST AND RCRA COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION TEST FEBRUARY 2024 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TULSA DISTRICT TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 PROJECT TEAM SIGNATURE PAGE Facility: Tooele Army Depot, Tooele, Utah Unit ID: APE 1236M2 Deactivation Furnace Test Title: Confirmatory Performance Test and RCRA Compliance Verification Test This quality assurance project plan (QAPP) has been developed for the Hazardous Waste Combustor National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HWC NESHAP) confirmatory performance test and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) compliance verification test (CVT) to be conducted for the Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Ammunition Peculiar Equipment Model 1236M2 (APE 1236M2) deactivation furnace. This QAPP has been distributed to and read by the signatories. By signing, the signatories agree to the appropriate information pertaining to their project responsibilities provided in the QAPP. Performance Test Manager Lonnie Brown Tooele Army Depot Date Project Coordinator Michele E. Karnes, P.E. Coterie Environmental LLC Date Stack Testing Director Michael Krall Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC Date Notes: The individuals listed above: 1) have received, read, and agreed to the appropriate information pertaining to their project responsibilities listed and provided in this QAPP and 2) agree that no testing methods have been modified. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 LABORATORY SIGNATURE PAGE Facility: Tooele Army Depot, Tooele, Utah Unit ID: APE 1236M2 Deactivation Furnace Test Title: Confirmatory Performance Test and RCRA Compliance Verification Test This quality assurance project plan (QAPP) has been developed for the Hazardous Air Pollutants (HWC NESHAP) confirmatory performance test and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) compliance verification test (CVT) to be conducted for the Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Ammunition Peculiar Equipment Model 1236M2 (APE 1236M2) deactivation furnace. This QAPP has been distributed to and read by the signatories. By signing, the signatories agree to the appropriate information pertaining to their project responsibilities provided in the QAPP. Laboratory representatives have reviewed the methods specified in the QAPP and certify that all analytical methods will be performed in accordance with these requirements, and any deviations will be noted. Laboratory Project Manager Courtney Adkins Eurofins Environment Testing -- Knoxville Date Notes: The individuals listed above: 1) have received, read, and agreed to the appropriate information pertaining to their project responsibilities listed and provided in this QAPP and 2) agree that no testing methods have been modified. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Facility Overview .............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Confirmatory Performance Test and RCRA CVT Overview .............................................. 1-2 1.4 Quality Assurance Project Plan Organization .................................................................. 1-2 1.5 Document Revision History ............................................................................................. 1-3 2.0 Organization of Personnel, Responsibilities, and Qualifications .................................................. 2-1 2.1 Performance Test Manager ............................................................................................. 2-2 2.2 Project Coordinator ......................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Stack Testing Director ...................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Laboratory ........................................................................................................................ 2-2 3.0 Sampling Procedures .................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.4 Stack Gas Sampling .......................................................................................................... 3-1 3.4.1 Sampling Point Determination – USEPA Method 1 ............................................ 3-2 3.4.2 Flue Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate – USEPA Method 2 ....................... 3-3 3.4.3 Flue Gas Composition and Molecular Weight – USEPA Method 3A ................... 3-3 3.4.4 Flue Gas Moisture Content – USEPA Method 4 .................................................. 3-3 3.4.5 Diphenylamine – SW-846 Method 0010............................................................. 3-3 3.4.6 Dioxins and Furans – SW-846 Method 0023A .................................................... 3-4 3.4.7 Semivolatile Metals, Low Volatile Metals, and Barium – USEPA Method 29 ..... 3-6 3.4.8 Particulate Matter and Hydrogen Chloride – USEPA Methods 5 and 26A ......... 3-7 3.4.9 Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen – USEPA Performance Specification 4B ............ 3-8 3.5 Sampling Location ............................................................................................................ 3-9 3.6 Sampling Quality Control Procedures ............................................................................ 3-10 4.0 Sample Handling and Documentation .......................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Field Sampling Operations ............................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Field Laboratory Operations ............................................................................................ 4-2 5.0 Analytical Procedures ................................................................................................................... 5-1 6.0 Data Quality Objectives ................................................................................................................ 6-1 6.1 Quality Control Parameters ............................................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Precision .............................................................................................................. 6-2 6.1.2 Accuracy .............................................................................................................. 6-3 6.1.3 Representativeness ............................................................................................. 6-3 6.1.4 Comparability ...................................................................................................... 6-3 6.1.5 Completeness ..................................................................................................... 6-4 6.2 Evaluation of Contamination Effects ............................................................................... 6-5 6.3 Performance Audits ......................................................................................................... 6-5 6.4 Corrective Action ............................................................................................................. 6-6 6.4.1 Equipment Failure ............................................................................................... 6-6 February 2024 Page ii 6.4.2 Analytical Deviations ........................................................................................... 6-6 6.4.3 Contamination .................................................................................................... 6-6 6.4.4 Procedural Deviations ......................................................................................... 6-7 7.0 Calibration Procedures and Preventative Maintenance ............................................................... 7-1 7.1 Sampling Equipment ........................................................................................................ 7-1 7.1.1 Pitot Tubes .......................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.2 Differential Pressure Gauges .............................................................................. 7-3 7.1.3 Digital Temperature Indicator ............................................................................ 7-3 7.1.4 Dry Gas Meter and Orifice .................................................................................. 7-3 7.1.5 Barometer ........................................................................................................... 7-3 7.1.6 Nozzle .................................................................................................................. 7-3 7.1.7 Continuous Emissions Monitors ......................................................................... 7-3 7.2 Analytical Equipment ....................................................................................................... 7-4 7.3 Preventative Maintenance .............................................................................................. 7-5 7.3.1 Sampling Equipment ........................................................................................... 7-5 7.3.2 Analytical Equipment .......................................................................................... 7-6 8.0 Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting .................................................................................. 8-1 8.1 Data Reduction ................................................................................................................ 8-1 8.2 Data Validation ................................................................................................................ 8-1 8.2.1 Review of Field Documentation .......................................................................... 8-2 8.2.2 Laboratory Review of Data ................................................................................. 8-2 8.2.3 Evaluation of Data Quality .................................................................................. 8-2 8.3 Data Reporting ................................................................................................................. 8-2 8.3.1 Management of Non-Detects ............................................................................. 8-3 8.3.2 Background/Blank Correction ............................................................................. 8-3 8.3.3 Rounding and Significant Figures ........................................................................ 8-3 9.0 Quality Assurance Reports ............................................................................................................ 9-1 10.0 References .................................................................................................................................. 10-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Document Revision History ............................................................................................. 1-3 Table 3-1 Stack Gas Sampling .......................................................................................................... 3-2 Table 4-1 Sample Custody Documentation Requirements.............................................................. 4-1 Table 5-1 Sample Preparation and Analysis Procedures for Stack Gas Samples ............................. 5-1 Table 6-1 Quality Control Objectives for Stack Gas Samples ........................................................... 6-2 Table 6-2 Blank Analysis Objectives for Stack Gas Samples ............................................................ 6-5 Table 7-1 Sampling Equipment Calibration Requirements .............................................................. 7-2 Table 7-2 Analytical Equipment Calibration and Quality Control Checks ........................................ 7-4 Table 7-3 Maintenance Activities For Field Sampling Equipment ................................................... 7-6 February 2024 Page iii Table 7-4 Maintenance Activities for Analytical Equipment ........................................................... 7-7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Project Organization ........................................................................................................ 2-3 Figure 3-1 SW-846 Method 0010 Sampling Train ............................................................................. 3-4 Figure 3-2 SW-846 Method 0023A Sampling Train ........................................................................... 3-6 Figure 3-3 USEPA Method 29 Sampling Train ................................................................................... 3-7 Figure 3-4 USEPA Methods 5 and 26A Sampling Train ..................................................................... 3-8 Figure 3-5 Sampling Location ............................................................................................................ 3-9 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 1-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This quality assurance project plan (QAPP) is being submitted by the United States Army (US Army) for the hazardous waste incinerator located at the Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) in Tooele, Utah. This unit is designated as the Ammunition Peculiar Equipment Model 1236M2 (APE 1236M2) deactivation furnace. The APE 1236M2 is subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWCs) codified in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 63 Subpart EEE and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requirements provided in the facility’s RCRA Part B permit. This QAPP describes the quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) program associated with the upcoming HWC NESHAP confirmatory performance test (CfPT) and RCRA compliance verification test (CVT). 1.1 FACILITY OVERVIEW The US Army owns and operates the TEAD. The site consists of 23,610 acres, 35 miles west of the Salt Lake City International Airport. The facility includes over 1,100 storage, production, fabrication, and administrative buildings. Approximately 500 people are employed at the TEAD. At this time, the TEAD is considered an area stationary source of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as defined in Part A, Section 112 of the Clean Air Act as amended November 15, 1990. The street address and identification number of the TEAD are: 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074-5000 EPA ID No. UT3213820894 All correspondence should be directed to the following facility contact: Lonnie Brown Environmental Engineer JMTE-BOV, Building 501 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074-5003 1.2 HAZARDOUS WASTE COMBUSTOR OVERVIEW The US Army owns and operates an APE 1236M2 deactivation furnace at TEAD. The furnace was designed by the US Army to incinerate and destroy ammunition ranging from small arms through 20-millimeter (mm) rounds, as well as cartridge activated devices (CADs) and propellant activated devices (PADs). Ammunition larger than 20-mm rounds must be disassembled prior before being fed to the furnace. February 2024 Page 1-2 The deactivation furnace consists of a rotary kiln, a cyclone, an afterburner, a high-temperature ceramic baghouse, an induced draft (ID) fan, and a stack. More information regarding the design and operation of the furnace can be found in Section 1.2 of the CfPT and RCRA CVT test plan. 1.3 CONFIRMATORY PERFORMANCE TEST AND RCRA CVT OVERVIEW The CfPT and RCRA CVT are designed to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F emission standard and the RCRA performance standards. Two test conditions will be performed:  Condition 1 will be performed to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP dioxin and furan (D/F) emission standard, and the RCRA destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) and carbon monoxide (CO) standards.  Condition 2 will be performed to demonstrate compliance with the RCRA particulate matter (PM), hydrogen chloride (HCl), semivolatile metal (SVM), low volatile metal (LVM), and barium standards. This test program is being coordinated by Coterie Environmental LLC (Coterie) under the direction of US Army personnel. Coterie is responsible for the test protocol development and implementation and will oversee the furnace operations and the stack sampling activities during the test program. Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC, (MAQS) will perform the stack sampling for the test program. MAQS will be responsible for all emissions samples collected during the test program, with oversight by Coterie. The emissions samples will be analyzed by Eurofins Environment Testing (Eurofins) in Knoxville, Tennessee. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN ORGANIZATION This QAPP has been prepared following the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) document entitled Preparation Aids for the Development of Category I Quality Assurance Project Plan. The QAPP will serve as an essential guidance by which the CfPT and RCRA CVT will be performed. The QAPP defines all aspects of QA/QC procedures and establishes sampling and analytical quality indicators that will demonstrate achievement of the test objectives. Additionally, this QAPP defines precision and accuracy criteria for the required measurements that will be used to demonstrate that all associated test data is of sufficient quality to demonstrate compliance. The remaining sections of the QAPP provide the following information:  Section 2.0 presents information on the project team  Section 3.0 describes the sampling procedures  Section 4.0 presents sample handling and documentation information  Section 5.0 discusses the analytical procedures  Section 6.0 presents the data quality objectives  Section 7.0 discusses calibration procedures and preventative maintenance  Section 8.0 discusses data reduction, validation, and reporting procedures  Section 9.0 discusses QA reports  Section 10.0 includes a list of reference documents for the QAPP February 2024 Page 1-3 1.5 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY The original version of this QAPP was submitted in February 2024. The nature and date of any future revisions will be summarized in Table 1-1. TABLE 1-1 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 0 February 2024 Original submittal TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 2-1 2.0 ORGANIZATION OF PERSONNEL, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND QUALIFICATIONS The US Army and their contractors will have specific and unique duties in the implementation of the test program. The project team duties are summarized below. A project organization flow chart is provided in Figure 2-1. The contractors selected for this project have established training programs that identify, ensure, and document that the personnel assigned to their tasks have appropriate knowledge, skills, training, and certifications to perform their duties. Any key personnel that become unavailable will be replaced by equally qualified personnel prior to test mobilization. This QAPP will be distributed to key project personnel for review prior to the test program. These personnel will sign the appropriate QAPP signature page. The US Army, through the Performance Test Manager, will:  Procure and prepare waste feeds.  Operate the furnace at the designated conditions.  Report all feed rates and the furnace process parameters. Coterie, through the Project Coordinator, will:  Serve as liaison with regulatory agencies and the test team.  Provide oversight for the project.  Perform a detailed QA review of all analytical results.  Prepare the final report. MAQS, through the Stack Testing Director and stack sampling field team, will:  Perform stack gas sampling.  Implement the QA program for the emissions testing and sample analysis.  Provide custody of all samples generated by the test efforts.  Transport the samples to the laboratories for analysis.  Prepare the stack sampling report and supporting documentation. The laboratory will:  Perform sample analyses.  Perform method and QAPP specified QA/QC.  Provide a complete laboratory report with a detailed case narrative. February 2024 Page 2-2 2.1 PERFORMANCE TEST MANAGER Lonnie Brown will serve as the TEAD Performance Test Manager. Mr. Brown will be responsible for directing TEAD personnel in the operations of the furnace during the test. He will also ensure that all necessary unit operating data is collected during the test. 2.2 PROJECT COORDINATOR Michele Karnes of Coterie will provide coordination and oversight during the test program. Ms. Karnes will ensure that all test team members communicate throughout the test program and that the objectives of the CfPT and RCRA CVT plan are met (i.e., test operating conditions, spiking rates, field sampling objectives). As the Project Coordinator, Ms. Karnes will also ensure that all test program data is validated and that all deviations are adequately addressed in the appropriate sections of the report. 2.3 STACK TESTING DIRECTOR Michael Krall of MAQS will serve as the Stack Testing Director for the test program. Mr. Krall will be responsible for technical supervision of the project, data interpretation, and overall report preparation and will coordinate with all laboratories and outside service providers. Mr. Krall, or a project manager who reports to him, will oversee the field crew during the testing, will be responsible for all aspects of sample collection, and will report any deviations immediately to the Performance Test Manager and Project Coordinator. The Stack Testing Director may or may not be onsite during the test program. 2.4 LABORATORY Eurofins will be the subcontracted laboratory. The point of contact for the laboratory will be Ms. Courtney Adkins. The laboratory is well experienced in conducting analyses per the methods described in this QAPP. Prior to test execution, the QAPP will be submitted to the laboratory for review and understanding of their project responsibilities. The laboratory representative will sign the appropriate QAPP signature page. The laboratory representative will be responsible for ensuring the laboratory follows all analytical methods specified in the QAPP in accordance with their standard operating procedure (SOPs), that a detailed case narrative is prepared that addresses all analytical deviations, and that a complete laboratory report is provided. February 2024 Page 2-3 FIGURE 2-1 PROJECT ORGANIZATION Lines of Responsibility Double line boxes indicated on-site responsibilities during testing Performance Test Manager Project Coordinator Stack Testing Director Stack Sampling Team Laboratories Lines of Communication TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 3-1 3.0 SAMPLING PROCEDURES This section provides descriptions of the sampling procedures to be used during the CfPT and RCRA CVT. 3.1 WASTE SAMPLING Due to the hazards associated with disassembling munitions and analyzing explosives, samples of the waste materials will not be collected during the test program. In lieu of sampling the waste during the test, characterization data contained in the government's Munitions Items Disposition Action System (MIDAS) database will be used to determine the concentrations of targeted parameters. The MIDAS characterizations were developed based upon the military specifications for the ammunition items. 3.2 FUEL OIL SAMPLING The fuel oil will not be sampled during the test program. A certificate of analysis for the fuel oil is maintained at the TEAD. 3.3 SPIKING MATERIAL SAMPLING The spiking material will not be sampled during the test program. This will be pure material purchased for testing. The suppliers will certify the spiking materials’ compositions with either certificates of composition or material safety data sheets. 3.4 STACK GAS SAMPLING The stack gas sampling will follow the methods documented in 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A (USEPA Methods) and Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846 Methods). Table 3-1 summarizes the sampling methods to be used for collection of stack gas samples. Brief descriptions of the specified methods are provided in this section. Any modifications to prescribed USEPA or SW-846 test methods are outlined in the sampling procedure descriptions below. February 2024 Page 3-2 TABLE 3-1 STACK GAS SAMPLING CONDITION(S) PARAMETER SAMPLING METHOD 1 SAMPLE FRACTION(S) 1, 2 Traverse points, gas flow rate, composition, and moisture USEPA Methods 1, 2, 3A, and 4 Not applicable 1 Diphenylamine SW-846 Method 0010 Filter Front-half methanol and methylene chloride rinse XAD-2 resin Impinger contents Back-half methanol and methylene chloride rinse 1 Dioxins and furans SW-846 Method 0023A Filter Front-half acetone, methylene chloride, and toluene rinse Back-half acetone, methylene chloride, and toluene rinse XAD-2 resin 2 Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead USEPA Method 29 Filter Front-half nitric acid rinse Nitric acid/hydrogen peroxide impinger contents and rinses 2 Particulate matter and hydrogen chloride USEPA Methods 5 and 26A Filter Front-half acetone rinse Sulfuric acid impingers contents and back-half rinses Sodium hydroxide impingers contents and rinses 1, 2 Carbon monoxide and oxygen Facility CEMS (USEPA PS 4B) Not applicable 1 SW-846 refers to Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Third Edition. USEPA Method refers to New Source Performance Standards, Test Methods and Procedures, Appendix A, 40 CFR Part 60. USEPA Performance Specification refers to New Source Performance Standards, Performance Specifications, Appendix B, 40 CFR Part 60. As shown in Table 3-1, multiple sampling trains will be operated during each test condition. This will require careful coordination of the sampling team‘s efforts. During each condition, two isokinetic sampling trains will be operated simultaneously. Adequate sampling ports are available to support this simultaneous sampling. Also, during each condition, the gas flow rate, composition, and moisture content will be determined concurrently with the isokinetic sampling trains. 3.4.1 SAMPLING POINT DETERMINATION – USEPA METHOD 1 The number and location of the stack gas sampling points will be determined according to the procedures outlined in USEPA Method 1. Verification of absence of cyclonic flow will be conducted prior February 2024 Page 3-3 to testing by following the procedure described in USEPA Method 1. The cyclonic flow check will be performed once for the test project. 3.4.2 FLUE GAS VELOCITY AND VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE – USEPA METHOD 2 The flue gas velocity and volumetric flow rate will be determined according to the procedures outlined in USEPA Method 2. Velocity measurements will be made using Type S pitot tubes conforming to the geometric specifications outlined in USEPA Method 2. Differential pressures will be measured with fluid manometers. Effluent gas temperatures will be measured with thermocouples equipped with digital readouts. 3.4.3 FLUE GAS COMPOSITION AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT – USEPA METHOD 3A The composition of the bulk gas and the gas molecular weight at the stack (concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen) will be determined by USEPA Method 3A. The stack sampling contractor will supply oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers and all other associated equipment. The analyzers will be calibrated according to the procedures outlined in the method. A continuous sample of stack gas will be withdrawn via a sample probe. The gas will be filtered and passed through a conditioning system for removal of particulates and moisture prior to being sent to the analyzer. The calculated molecular weight will be used for all isokinetic calculations. The measured oxygen concentration will also be used to correct emission concentrations to seven percent oxygen. 3.4.4 FLUE GAS MOISTURE CONTENT – USEPA METHOD 4 The flue gas moisture content will be determined in conjunction with each isokinetic train according to the sampling and analytical procedures outlined in USEPA Method 4. The impingers will be connected in series and will contain reagents as described for each sampling method. The impingers will be housed in an ice bath to ensure condensation of the moisture from the flue gas stream. Any moisture that is not condensed in the impingers is captured in the silica gel. Moisture content is determined by weighing the various sample fractions. 3.4.5 DIPHENYLAMINE – SW-846 METHOD 0010 The sampling procedures outlined in SW-846 Method 0010 will be used to determine the diphenylamine emissions from the stack during Condition 1. The sampling train will consist of a glass or quartz fiber filter, a coil condenser, a XAD-2 resin cartridge, and a series of impingers. The XAD-2 resin will be spiked, prior to testing, with the appropriate standards according to the procedures of the test method. The impinger train will include two impingers each containing 100 milliliters (mL) of deionized water, an empty impinger, and an impinger containing approximately 200 and 300 grams of silica gel. A recirculating pump will also be connected to continuously circulate cold water to the condenser and resin trap to maintain the resin trap temperature below 68 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). A diagram of the sampling train is presented in Figure 3-1. February 2024 Page 3-4 All sampling train components will be constructed of materials specified in the method and will be cleaned and prepared per method specifications prior to testing. The probe and filter temperatures will be maintained between 248 and 273°F. The sampling runs will be performed within ±10 percent of isokinetic conditions. A minimum of 105.9 dry standard cubic feet (dscf) of sample gas will be collected over a minimum of 180 minutes. Sample recovery procedures will follow those outlined in the test method. Recovery of the SW-846 Method 0010 sampling train will result in the sample fractions listed in Table 3-1. The filter will be packaged in a Petri dish for shipment, and the XAD-2 resin will be wrapped and shipped in the glass trap. All rinses will be collected and shipped in amber glass jars. FIGURE 3-1 SW-846 METHOD 0010 SAMPLING TRAIN 3.4.6 DIOXINS AND FURANS – SW-846 METHOD 0023A The sampling procedures outlined in SW-846 Method 0023A will be used to determine D/F concentrations in the stack gas during Condition 1. The sampling train will consist of a glass fiber filter and coil condenser followed by a XAD-2 resin trap and a series of impingers. A total of five impingers will be used in the sampling train. The first of these impingers will be empty and will be followed by two February 2024 Page 3-5 impingers each containing 100 mL of reagent water and another empty impinger. These impingers will be followed by an impinger containing approximately 200 to 300 grams of silica gel. A recirculating pump will also be connected to the sampling train to continuously circulate cold water to the condenser and resin trap in order to maintain the resin trap temperature below 68°F. A diagram of the sampling train is presented in Figure 3-2. In preparation for the sampling event, several labeled sampling standards will be introduced inside the resin to monitor sampling efficiencies as well as to provide insights to the sample preservation and storage conditions. Upon preparation of the spiked resin traps, a separate fraction of resin from the same batch will be spiked the same day using the same solutions used in the field sampling modules and will be refrigerated in the laboratory until the return of the field samples. At such time, the control resin will become the laboratory method blank. All sampling train components will be constructed of materials specified in the methods and will be cleaned and prepared per method specifications prior to testing. The probe and filter temperatures will be maintained between 223 and 273°F. The sampling runs will be performed within ±10 percent of isokinetic conditions. A minimum of 88.3 dscf (2.5 dry standard cubic meters (dscm)) of sample gas will be collected over a minimum of 180 minutes. The sampling train will be recovered according to the procedures specified in the method. The recovery of the sampling train will result in the sample fractions listed in Table 3-1. The filter will be shipped in a Petri dish, and all rinses will be collected in amber glass jars. The XAD-2 resin will be wrapped and shipped in the glass trap. The front-half and back-half sample fractions will be spiked with extraction standards. The XAD-2 resin and front- and back-halves of the sampling train will be analyzed separately for D/F by SW-846 Methods 0023A and 8290A (high resolution gas chromatograph/high resolution mass spectroscopy). February 2024 Page 3-6 FIGURE 3-2 SW-846 METHOD 0023A SAMPLING TRAIN 3.4.7 SEMIVOLATILE METALS, LOW VOLATILE METALS, AND BARIUM – USEPA METHOD 29 The sampling procedures outlined in USEPA Method 29 will be used to determine the concentrations of arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead in the stack gas during Condition 2. The sampling train will consist of a quartz fiber filter followed by a set of three to four impingers. If high moisture conditions are expected, the first impinger will be an empty knockout impinger. This impinger is optional and will only be used if necessary. The next two impingers will each contain 100 mL of a five percent nitric acid (HNO3) and ten percent hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2) solution. The final impinger will contain approximately 200 to 300 grams of silica gel. A detailed description of the types of impingers used in this sampling train can be found in USEPA Method 29. A diagram of the sampling train is presented in Figure 3-3. All sampling train components will be constructed of materials specified in the method and will be cleaned and prepared per method specifications prior to testing. The probe and filter temperatures will be maintained between 223 and 273°F. The sampling runs will be performed within ±10 percent of isokinetic conditions. A minimum of 60 dscf of sample gas will be collected over a minimum of 60 minutes. February 2024 Page 3-7 Sample recovery procedures will follow those outlined in the test method. The USEPA Method 29 sampling train will produce the sample fractions listed in Table 3-1. The filter will be packaged in a Petri dish for shipping. All other sample fractions will be collected in glass jars. The filter and front-half rinse and the contents and rinses from the HNO3/H2O2 impingers will be analyzed for the target metals. FIGURE 3-3 USEPA METHOD 29 SAMPLING TRAIN Note: If mercury is not an analyte, the fourth through sixth impingers are not required. 3.4.8 PARTICULATE MATTER AND HYDROGEN CHLORIDE – USEPA METHODS 5 AND 26A The sampling and analytical procedures outlined in USEPA Methods 5 and 26A will be used to determine PM and HCl concentrations in the stack gas during Condition 2. The sampling train will consist of a Teflon mat or quartz fiber filter, one impinger containing 50 mL of 0.1 Normal (N) sulfuric acid (if necessary due to high moisture conditions), two impingers each containing 100 mL of 0.1 N sulfuric acid, two impingers each containing 100 mL of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, and an impinger containing approximately 200 to 300 grams of silica gel. If deemed necessary based on site-specific conditions (i.e., expected high HCl concentrations), an additional empty impinger may be placed between the acid and alkaline impingers to ensure that the HCl and Cl2 fractions are completely isolated. A diagram of the sampling train is presented in Figure 3-4. February 2024 Page 3-8 All sampling train components will be constructed of materials specified in the methods and will be cleaned and prepared per method specifications prior to testing. The probe and filter temperatures will be maintained between 248 and 273°F. The sampling runs will be performed within ±10 percent of isokinetic conditions. A minimum of 60 dscf of sample gas will be collected over a minimum of 60 minutes. Sample recovery procedures will follow those outlined in the test methods. Recovery of the USEPA Methods 5 and 26A sampling train will result in the sample fractions listed in Table 3-1. For the USEPA Method 5 portion of the recovery, the filter will be packaged in a Petri dish, and the probe rinse will be collected in a glass jar. All impinger rinses and contents associated with the USEPA Method 26A recovery will be collected and shipped in glass jars. FIGURE 3-4 USEPA METHODS 5 AND 26A SAMPLING TRAIN Note: If high HCl concentrations are expected, an additional empty impinger may be added between the acid and alkaline impingers. 3.4.9 CARBON MONOXIDE AND OXYGEN – USEPA PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION 4B The facility’s continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) will be used to measure the concentration of CO and oxygen in the stack gas during both conditions. A continuous sample of stack gas will be withdrawn via a sample probe. The sampled gas will be filtered and will be passed through a conditioning system for removal of particulates and moisture prior to being February 2024 Page 3-9 sent to the analyzer. The CO concentration will be reported in parts per million by volume dry basis (ppmv dry) corrected to seven percent oxygen. The HWC NESHAP requires that the CO and oxygen CEMS comply with Performance Specification 4B in 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B. In addition, the CEMS must be operated and maintained according to a written QA/QC program that complies with the requirements in the Appendix to the HWC NESHAP. Performance and calibration of the CEMS during the test program will follow the requirements of the QA/QC program and the continuous monitoring systems (CMS) performance evaluation test (PET) plan. 3.5 SAMPLING LOCATION All sampling will be conducted on the APE 1236M2 stack. Figure 3-5 provides a diagram of the sampling location. FIGURE 3-5 SAMPLING LOCATION February 2024 Page 3-10 3.6 SAMPLING QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES Specific sampling QC procedures will be followed to ensure the production of useful and valid data throughout the course of this test program. Prior to the start of testing, all sampling equipment will be thoroughly checked to ensure clean and operable components and to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. Once the equipment has been set up, the manometer used to measure pressure across the pitot tube will be leveled and zeroed, and the number and location of all sampling traverse points will be checked. At the start of each test day and throughout the testing, all sample train components will be checked to ensure that they remain in good condition and continue to operate properly. Electrical components will be checked for damaged wiring or bad connections. All glassware will be inspected to make sure no cracks or chips are present. All sampling trains will be assembled and recovered in a mobile laboratory to ensure a clean environment, free of uncontrolled dust. To ensure that the sampling trains are free of contamination, all glassware will remain sealed until assembly of the sampling train. Pre-test and post-test leak checks will be performed for each sampling train, as required by the respective test methods. Care will be taken to make sure that all sampling trains are being operated within the specifications of their respective method. At the end of testing each day, all sampling equipment will be sealed and covered to protect from possible contamination and weather damage. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 4-1 4.0 SAMPLE HANDLING AND DOCUMENTATION Sample custody procedures for this program are based on procedures from Handbook: QA/QC Procedures for Hazardous Waste Incineration (QA/QC Handbook) and Chapter One of SW-846. The procedures that will be used are discussed below. 4.1 FIELD SAMPLING OPERATIONS The stack sampling contractor will be responsible for ensuring that custody and sample tracking documentation procedures are followed for the field sampling and field analytical efforts. Documentation of all sample collection activities will be recorded on pre-printed data collection forms. Table 4-1 provides a summary of sample custody documentation requirements. TABLE 4-1 SAMPLE CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS CUSTODY DOCUMENT REQUIRED INFORMATION Sample data forms Sampler’s name or initials Date and time of sample collection Sampling technique Compositing technique (if applicable) Sample identifier Sampling location Chain of custody Unique identifier for each sample shipped Date and time of sample collection Sample preservation requirements Analysis and preparation procedures requested Signature of individual relinquishing sample custody Samples will be collected, transported, and stored in clean containers constructed of materials inert to the analytical matrix, such as glass jars. Only containers that allow airtight seals will be used. Amber glass will be employed when specified by the method. Sample tracking and custody forms, which include sample identification and analysis requests, will be enclosed in the sample shipment container. Upon receipt by the laboratory, information pertaining to the samples will be recorded on the sample tracking and custody form or an attachment to the form. The laboratory will note the overall condition of the samples, including the temperature of the samples upon receipt. The laboratory will also note any discrepancy in the sample identification between the sample labels and the custody forms. The signature of the person receiving the samples will be provided on the chain of custody (COC). February 2024 Page 4-2 If the laboratory notes discrepancies in sample identification labels and forms or suspects issues concerning sample integrity, the laboratory will contact the Stack Testing Director, who will then contact the Project Coordinator, as appropriate. In many instances, questions concerning sample labeling can be rectified through discussions between the Stack Testing Director and the laboratory. Some sample integrity concerns can be rectified using archived samples. If archive samples are not available, the sample integrity issues are discussed with the Stack Testing Director and the Project Coordinator, and appropriate actions are taken, as warranted by the specific issue. Every record pertaining to sample collection activities, including, but not limited to, stack sampling data sheets, process sample data sheets, sample tracking forms, sampling equipment calibration forms, balance calibration forms, and reagent preparation information will be submitted with the report to provide evidence that the samples were handled properly, taken at the correct time and in the correct manner, assigned a unique identifier, received intact by the laboratory, and preserved as appropriate. Adherence to the holding times indicated in Section 5.0, Table 5-1, will be noted in the laboratory analytical results. 4.2 FIELD LABORATORY OPERATIONS The stack sampling contractor will provide an onsite laboratory trailer for sample train assembly and recovery and documentation and recordkeeping activities. Sample tracking documentation, shipping records, reagent and standards traceability, and all sampling activity records will be maintained in the laboratory trailer. Documentation of onsite analytical activities, such as calibration, standards traceability, sample preparation steps, and raw measurement results will also be maintained onsite. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 5-1 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES The analyses used in this test program will follow SW-846 Methods and USEPA Methods as shown in Table 5-1. The table presents the referenced analytical method, the laboratory performing the analysis, the extraction and analysis holding time, and if required, the sample preservation and sample preparation method. Collection of these samples was described in Section 3.0. Note that Table 3-1 specified which samples are to be collected using which methods; Table 5-1 specifies the preparation and analytical methods to be used to evaluate each sample. TABLE 5-1 SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS PROCEDURES FOR STACK GAS SAMPLES PARAMETER ANALYTICAL METHOD 1,2 LAB PRESERVATIVE REQUIRED EXTRACTION HOLDING TIME ANALYSIS HOLDING TIME PREPARATION METHOD 1,2 Molecular weight USEPA Method 3A Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Moisture USEPA Method 4 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Diphenylamine SW-846 Method 8270C Eurofins ≤6°C 14 days 40 days following extraction SW-846 Method 3542 Dioxins and furans SW-846 Method 8290A Eurofins ≤6°C in the dark 30 days 45 days following extraction SW-846 Methods 0023A/8290A Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead SW-846 Method 6010C Eurofins Not applicable Not applicable 180 days USEPA Method 29 Particulate matter USEPA Method 5 Eurofins Not applicable Not applicable 180 days Not applicable Hydrogen chloride USEPA Method 26A Eurofins Not applicable Not applicable 28 days Not applicable 1 SW-846 refers to Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Third Edition. USEPA Method refers to New Source Performance Standards, Test Methods and Procedures, Appendix A, 40 CFR Part 60. USEPA Performance Specification refers to New Source Performance Standards, Performance Specifications, Appendix B, 40 CFR Part 60. 2 All methods will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s approved SOP. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 6-1 6.0 DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES The purpose of this test program is to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F standard and the RCRA performance standards applicable to the furnace. The US Army is committed to ensuring the data generated during this project are scientifically valid, defensible, complete, and of known precision and accuracy. These objectives can be best achieved by applying the requirements of USEPA accepted methodology as well as the more specific recommendations and guidelines for test burns. To ensure the consistency and adequacy of plans, reports, and overall data quality, guidance from Chapter One of SW-846 and the QA/QC Handbook has been integrated into the approaches and philosophies of this QAPP. Key measures of performance include the objectives for precision, accuracy, representativeness, completeness, and comparability (commonly referred to as PARCC parameters). This section presents project-specific data quality objectives for this test program. These objectives represent the level of data quality that would be considered acceptable for valid decision making, as measured in a manner that best reflects performance in the actual project matrices. These objectives will be communicated to the entire project team, including onsite sampling personnel and offsite contract laboratories. 6.1 QUALITY CONTROL PARAMETERS QC objectives include precision, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, and completeness. Typical parameters include matrix spike (MS) and MS duplicate (MSD) samples, laboratory control sample (LCS) and LCS duplicate (LCSD) samples, post digestion spike (PDS) and post digestion spike duplicate (PDSD) samples, field and sample duplicates, surrogates, standards, and spikes. Table 6-1 provides the project specific QC procedures for assessing accuracy and precision for critical measurement parameters. Critical parameters are those that directly relate to the demonstration of regulatory compliance. These tables list the parameter of analysis, the QC parameter, the QC procedure, the frequency at which accuracy and precision are determined, and the objective. February 2024 Page 6-2 TABLE 6-1 QUALITY CONTROL OBJECTIVES FOR STACK GAS SAMPLES ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS QC PARAMETER QC PROCEDURE2 FREQUENCY 1 OBJECTIVE 1, 2 CORRECTIVE ACTON Diphenylamine Precision LCS duplicate One per analytical batch £35% RPD Review results with laboratory, re-analyze sample portion archived by laboratory if appropriate Accuracy Surrogates Every sample 34-121% recovery LCS Two per analytical batch 76-128% recovery Dioxins and furans Precision LCS duplicate One per analytical batch £50% RPD Review results with laboratory, re-analyze sample portion archived by laboratory if appropriate Accuracy LCS Two per analytical batch 70-130% recovery Internal standards (isotope dilution) Every sample 40-135% recovery Surrogate standards Every sample 70-130% recovery Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead Precision LCS duplicate One per analytical batch £25% RPD Review results with laboratory, re-analyze sample portion archived by laboratory if appropriate Accuracy LCS Two per analytical batch 80-120% recovery PDS One per analytical sequence 75-125% recovery Particulate matter Precision Sample duplicate Front-half rinse sample £0.5 mg difference Review results with laboratory, re-analyze sample if appropriate Hydrogen chloride Precision MS duplicate One per analytical batch £25% RPD Review results with laboratory, re-analyze sample if appropriate Accuracy MS Two per analytical batch 90-110% recovery LCS One per analytical batch 80-120% recovery 1 Unless specified otherwise, the frequency and objective provided for each parameter are based on specifications in the analytical method. 2 LCS = laboratory control sample. PDS = post-digestion spike. MS = Matrix spike. RPD = relative percent difference 6.1.1 PRECISION Precision is a measure of the reproducibility of results under a given set of conditions. It is expressed in terms of the distribution, or scatter, of replicate measurement results, calculated as the relative standard deviation (RSD) or, for duplicates, as relative percent difference (RPD). RPD and RSD values are calculated using the following equations: RPD = |X1 - X2 | avg X × 100 February 2024 Page 6-3 RSD = STDEV avg X × 100 Where X1 and X2 represent each of the duplicate results. 6.1.2 ACCURACY Accuracy is a measure of the difference between an analysis result and the “true” value. Accuracy is expressed in terms of percent recovery (e.g., for surrogates, spikes, and reference material). Percent recovery for spiked samples, such as MS samples, is calculated using the following equation: %Recovery = SSR - SR SA × 100 Where: SSR = Spiked sample result SR = Sample result SA = Spike added Percent recovery for other QC parameters, such as LCS, surrogates, and standards, is calculated using the following equation: %Recovery = Measured Value True Value × 100 6.1.3 REPRESENTATIVENESS Representativeness is defined as the degree to which data accurately and precisely represent a characteristic of a population, parameter variations at a sampling point, a process condition, or an environmental condition. An appropriate sampling strategy that addresses collection of representative samples in time and space is crucial to subsequent decision-making and defensibility of the data. There are no numerical objectives for representativeness. The selection of suitable locations and sampling strategies, as described in this QAPP, and adherence to sample collection protocols are the bases for ensuring representativeness. 6.1.4 COMPARABILITY Comparability is defined as expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another. There are no numerical objectives for comparability. A representative sample whose results are comparable to other data sets is ensured primarily using standard reference sampling and analytical methods. Reported in common units, the results generated should thus be comparable to those obtained from other emissions tests and allow for consistent decision-making. February 2024 Page 6-4 6.1.5 COMPLETENESS Completeness is defined as “the amount of valid data obtained from a measurement system compared to the amount that was expected to be obtained under optimal normal conditions.” Completeness can be defined quantitatively using the following equation: %Completeness = No. of Valid Data No. of Data Planned × 100 In the overall project context, the target is 100 percent completeness, which for a valid test condition is defined as consisting of three valid test runs. A valid test run is one in which sufficient valid data are presented to make any necessary demonstrations and to enable the permit writer/reviewer to write appropriate permit conditions or to be confident about demonstration of compliance with a current permit or regulation. A run can be valid even though the completeness objective of 100 percent for the data package is not achieved. Given the possibility of human error (and other unpredictable problems) and the inability of collecting additional samples after a test is completed, the impact of achieving less than 100 percent completeness must be assessed in the specific situation, rather than arbitrarily rejecting all the useable scientific information for the run without such consideration. For example, satisfying the completeness objective for a single piece of analytical data includes providing documentation that proves the following:  An acceptable number of sub-samples were collected and composited  Compositing procedures were followed  The sample collection log was completed  Shipping documents and laboratory instructions were prepared and followed  The correct analytical procedures were followed  Any necessary modifications to methodology were documented and justified  Approved laboratory records were completed  Proper data reduction procedures were followed  Analytical instrument printouts were included. Clearly, the failure of a sampler to note the time a sub-sample was taken (where the previous and following sample times are noted) has less impact on the validity and acceptability of a data package than a failure by the laboratory to demonstrate that the analytical instrument was properly calibrated. Any errors or omissions in a data package will be identified and accompanied by a discussion of the potential impact on the validity of the data package, the conclusions of the report, and the demonstration of performance standards for the consideration and approval of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). February 2024 Page 6-5 6.2 EVALUATION OF CONTAMINATION EFFECTS Blanks will be collected throughout the test program to evaluate the effects of contamination on results. Blank samples of all reagents used in the stack sampling program will be collected. Field blanks will be collected during the test program if required by the respective method. Method blanks will be prepared and analyzed by the respective laboratories to evaluate the cleanliness of sample handling and preparation and overall laboratory practices. Table 6-2 provides the type and acceptance criteria for each stack gas blank to be analyzed. These blanks provide critical information on the potential contamination that may occur in test program samples. The results of blank analyses can prove very useful when attempting to understand anomalies in data, or generally higher than expected test results. TABLE 6-2 BLANK ANALYSIS OBJECTIVES FOR STACK GAS SAMPLES ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS BLANK TYPE FREQUENCY OBJECTIVE Diphenylamine Field train blank One per test program <Reporting limit Method blank One per analytical batch <Reporting limit Reagent blanks One set per test program Archived 1 Dioxins and furans Method blank One per analytical batch <Reporting limit Reagent blanks One set per test program Archived 1 Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead Initial calibration blank Following initial calibration verification <Reporting limit Continuing calibration blank Following continuing calibration verification <Reporting limit Method blank One per analytical batch <Reporting limit Reagent blanks One set per test program <Reporting limit Particulate matter Reagent blank One per test program <0.001 percent Hydrogen chloride Method blank One per analytical batch <Reporting limit Reagent blanks One set per test program Archived 1 1 The specified reagent blanks will initially be archived. These blanks will only be analyzed if sample contamination is suspected based on other analytical results. 6.3 PERFORMANCE AUDITS On September 13, 2010, the USEPA issued a final rule to restructure the stationary source audit program. The program requires that audit samples be analyzed along with the samples collected while testing for regulatory compliance. This analysis helps the regulatory agency determine the validity of compliance test results. The rule requires sources to obtain and use audit samples from accredited providers. The USEPA has approved the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) Institute (TNI) Stationary Source Audit Program to provide accredited audit samples. February 2024 Page 6-6 The USEPA suspended the audit program on May 28, 2019, due to a lack of sample providers. Therefore, the US Army will not obtain any audit samples for this test program. 6.4 CORRECTIVE ACTION During any testing project, simple or complex, there is potential that deviations from data quality objectives may occur. This section gives corrective action procedures to be used to mitigate such problems. 6.4.1 EQUIPMENT FAILURE Any equipment found to be out of calibration or operating improperly will be repaired or replaced before additional measurements are made. If equipment repair is done onsite, calibrations will be performed in accordance with the applicable methods prior to use. It may be necessary to transport equipment offsite for calibration. If calibrations cannot be performed, the equipment will not be used. If measurements are made with equipment subsequently found to be out of calibration or operating improperly, a detailed explanation of the cause of the malfunction will be provided. The effect of the malfunction on the data will be assessed, and the data will be qualified. 6.4.2 ANALYTICAL DEVIATIONS For analyses where a method QC check sample, such as a method blank, does not meet method specifications, the problem will be investigated to determine the cause as well as any corrective action that should be taken. Once the corrective action has been taken, the analysis will be re-examined to verify that the problem has been eliminated. In instances of out of specification spikes or calibrations, the samples involved will be re-extracted or reanalyzed if possible. In those instances where reanalyzing the sample is not possible, corrective measures will be taken to improve method performance prior to analysis of the next batch of samples. Results for samples where matrix interferences preclude meeting objectives for recoveries of surrogates or spikes will be evaluated for potential bias to calculated emission results. 6.4.3 CONTAMINATION The handling procedures for samples taken during this test program, from blank testing to sample collection and analysis, are designed to eliminate contamination by limiting their exposure to contaminants in the ambient air and other outside sources. If levels of contamination are present above the reporting limits in the analyzed blanks, the archived blank samples will be analyzed. Corrective action will be taken if the results of the field blanks are significantly different from those of the reagent blanks or trip blanks. This comparison will indicate whether high levels in the field blank are due to contamination from exposure to outside sources, contamination of reagent materials or, in the case of sorbent traps, from degradation of the traps. February 2024 Page 6-7 6.4.4 PROCEDURAL DEVIATIONS SOPs for the methods being performed will be available onsite during all testing. The US Army and the project team will determine an appropriate action in all cases where standard procedures cannot resolve the problem. The action will be implemented after approval from the representatives of the DEQ. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 7-1 7.0 CALIBRATION PROCEDURES AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE This section presents a brief discussion of calibration and routine maintenance procedures to be used for sampling and analytical equipment. Criteria for analytical calibrations are also included. Calibration procedures for each analytical method are discussed in detail within the methods. 7.1 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT All sampling equipment will be provided by the stack sampling contractor. The equipment will be calibrated prior to arrival onsite and after all testing has been completed. The sampling equipment calibration requirements and acceptance limits are listed in Table 7-1. The equipment will be calibrated according to the criteria specified in the reference method being employed. In addition, the stack sampling contractor will follow the guidelines set forth in the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume III, Stationary Source Specific Methods. When these methods are inapplicable, methods such as those prescribed by ASTM International (ASTM) will be used. Dry gas meters, orifices, nozzles, and pitot tubes are calibrated in accordance with these documents. The range of the calibration is specified for all environmental measurements to encompass the range of probable experimental values. This approach ensures all results are based upon interpolative analyses rather than extrapolative analyses. Calibrations are designed to include, where practical, at least three measurement points evenly spaced over the range. This practice minimizes the probability that false assumptions of calibration linearity will be made. In addition, it is common practice to select, when practical, at least one calibration value that approximates the levels anticipated in the actual measurement. Data obtained during calibrations are recorded on standardized forms, which are checked for completeness and accuracy. Data reduction and subsequent calculations are performed using computer software. Calculations are checked at least twice for accuracy. Copies of calibration forms will be included in the test or project reports. February 2024 Page 7-2 TABLE 7-1 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS STACK GAS PARAMETER QUALITY PARAMETER METHOD OF DETERMINATION FREQUENCY CRITERIA Gas flow Pitot tube angle and dimensions Calibrated in a wind tunnel or measurements with a vernier micrometer and angle indicator Pre-test and post-test To specifications in USEPA Method 2 Barometer Measurements with a NIST traceable barometer or calibrated vs. National Weather Service station Not applicable Not applicable Stack gas thermocouple Calibrated vs. ASTM mercury-in-glass thermometer or NIST standards Pre-test and post-test Within 1.5% as °R Isokinetic sampling trains Dry gas meter and orifice Calibrated against reference orifices or against a reference dry gas meter Pre-test and post-test 1. Y within 0.05 of pre-test Y 2. H@ within 0.15 of pre-test Probe nozzle Measurements with a vernier micrometer to 0.001 inches Pre-test and post-test 1 Maximum difference in any two dimensions within 0.004 inches Dry gas meter thermocouples Calibrated vs. ASTM mercury-in-glass thermometer or NIST standards Pre-test and post-test Within 1.5% as °R Trip balance Calibrated vs. standard weights Pre-test Within 0.5 grams Carbon dioxide and oxygen analyzers Analyzer calibration error test Checked using USEPA Protocol 1 calibration gases Before the test run and after any failed system bias or drift check ±2% of calibration span System bias test Checked using USEPA Protocol 1 calibration gases Before and after each test run ±5% of calibration span System drift check Checked using USEPA Protocol 1 calibration gases After the post-test system bias test ±3% of calibration span Carbon monoxide analyzer (Facility CEMS) Calibration drift check Checked using calibration gases Daily ±3% of calibration span Oxygen analyzer (Facility CEMS) Calibration drift check Checked using calibration gases Daily ±0.5% volume 1 If glass or quartz nozzles are used, only a pre-test calibration will be performed, as the calibration cannot change. 7.1.1 PITOT TUBES Each pitot tube is inspected in accordance with the geometry standards contained in USEPA Method 2 or calibrated in a wind tunnel. A calibration coefficient is calculated for each pitot tube. February 2024 Page 7-3 7.1.2 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Fluid manometers do not require calibration other than leak checks. Manometers are leak-checked in the field prior to each test series and again upon completion of testing. 7.1.3 DIGITAL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR One digital temperature indicator is used to determine the flue gas temperature, probe temperature, oven temperature, impinger outlet temperature, and dry gas meter temperature. The digital temperature indicator is calibrated with a reference thermocouple and potentiometer system that is calibrated against National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards or calibrated versus an ASTM mercury in-glass thermometer. The calibration is acceptable if the agreement is within ±1.5 percent in degrees Rankine (°R) in the temperature range of 460 to 1,600°R (0 to 1,140°F). 7.1.4 DRY GAS METER AND ORIFICE A set of calibrated orifices is used to calibrate the dry gas meter and orifice. For the meter orifice, an orifice calibration factor is calculated using three different sized calibrated orifices. Each calibrated orifice is measured twice for a total of six measurements. Alternatively, a reference dry gas meter is used to calibrate the field dry gas meter over a range of five different meter pressures. For the dry gas meter, the full calibration provides the calibration factor of the dry gas meter. 7.1.5 BAROMETER The stack sampling contractor uses a purchased factory-calibrated NIST traceable barometer. The barometer calibrations are good for one year, and the barometer is disposed of when the calibration expires. Alternatively, the stack sampling contractor personnel will calibrate a barometer prior to arrival onsite against a National Weather Service station. 7.1.6 NOZZLE Nozzles will be calibrated onsite using a micrometer. At least three readings will be taken at quarter turns. The arithmetic average of the values obtained during the calibration is used. 7.1.7 CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORS The stack sampling contractor will supply CEMS to measure the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the stack gas. The monitors will be calibrated according to the procedures outlined in the respective test methods. The facility’s CEMS will be used to measure the concentrations of CO and oxygen in the stack gas. A calibration drift check is performed daily as required by the Appendix to HWC NESHAP. A RATA will also be performed on these CEMS concurrent with the CfPT test runs. February 2024 Page 7-4 7.2 ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Analytical equipment calibration and QC procedures and internal QC checks are included to ensure accuracy of the measurements made by laboratory equipment. Table 7-2 provides a summary of the calibration and QC checks included for each analytical method for this test program. TABLE 7-2 ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS PARAMETER QUALITY CONTROL CHECK METHOD OF DETERMINATION FREQUENCY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1 Diphenylamine Initial calibration Five levels, as per target list Initially and as needed 1. Compounds with linear response factor, RSD of initial calibration ≤ 15% 2. Compounds with non-linear response factor, CC or COD ³ 0.99 3. RRFs for SPCCs ≥ 0.050 4. RRF of calibration check compounds ≤30% RSD Continuing calibration Continuing calibration verification Every 12 hours following tune as required 1. Response factor for SPCCs: Same as initial calibration 2. Percent difference of calibration check compounds RRF from initial calibration: ≤20% Consistency in chromatography Internal standards Every sample and standard 1. Retention time relative to daily standard: ≤30 seconds 2. Area counts relative to daily standard: 50-200% Dioxins and furans Initial calibration Five high resolution concentration calibration solutions Prior to sample analysis 1. Mean RRF for unlabeled standards: <20% relative standard deviation 2. Mean RRF for labeled compounds: <30% relative standard deviation Calibration verification Midlevel standard At the beginning and end of each shift 1. Response factors within ±20% of the initial calibration mean RRF for unlabeled standards in beginning standard 2. Response factors within ±25% of the initial calibration mean RRF for unlabeled standards in ending standard 3. Response factors within ±30% of the initial calibration mean RRF for labeled standards in beginning standard 4. Response factors within ±35% of the initial calibration mean RRF for unlabeled standards in ending standard February 2024 Page 7-5 TABLE 7-2 (CONTINUED) ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS PARAMETER QUALITY CONTROL CHECK METHOD OF DETERMINATION FREQUENCY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1 Dioxins and furans (cont’d) Retention time window verification and gas chromatograph column performance Monitor retention times, verify gas chromatograph column performance At the beginning of each shift Compliance with SW-846 Method 8290A Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead Initial calibration Calibration blank with at least one standard Daily before analysis Analysis of second calibration standard ±10 % difference Calibration check Instrument calibration verification Following initial calibration ±10% difference with RSD <5% from replicate (minimum of two) integrations Serial dilution Five-fold dilution of sample digestate 1 per batch For samples >50x instrument detection limit, dilutions must agree within 10% Interference check Interference check sample A/AB analysis Beginning of sequence 1. <2x reporting limit for applicable analytes 2. Recovery ±20% (as applicable) Continuing calibration Continuing calibration verification Every 10 samples and at the end of the sequence ±10% difference with RSD <5% from replicate (minimum of two) integrations Particulate matter Calibration check Class S weights Daily ≤0.5 milligrams Hydrogen chloride Initial calibration Four levels Initially and as needed r ³ 0.995 Continuing accuracy check Instrument calibration verification Following initial calibration ±10% difference Continuing calibration Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ±10% difference 1 RSD = relative standard deviation. CC = correlation coefficient. COD = coefficient of determination. RRF = relative response factor. SPCCs = system performance check compounds. 7.3 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE To ensure the quality and reliability of the data obtained, preventative maintenance is performed on the sampling and analytical equipment. The following sections outline those procedures. 7.3.1 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT The potential impact of equipment malfunction on data completeness is minimized through two complimentary approaches. An in-house equipment maintenance program is part of routine operations. The maintenance program’s strengths include: February 2024 Page 7-6  Availability of personnel experienced in the details of equipment maintenance and fabrication  Maintenance of an adequate spare parts inventory  Availability of tools and specialized equipment. For field equipment, preventive maintenance schedules are developed from historical data. Table 7-3 gives specific maintenance procedures for field equipment. Maintenance schedules for major analytical instruments (e.g., balances, gas chromatographs) are based on manufacturer’s recommendations. TABLE 7-3 MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES FOR FIELD SAMPLING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES SPARE PARTS Vacuum system Before and after field program: 1) Check oil and oiler jar 2) Leak check 3) Verify vacuum gauge is functional Yearly or as needed: 1) Replace valves in pump Spare fluid Inclined manometer Before and after each field program: 1) Leak check 2) Check fluid for discoloration or visible matter Yearly or as needed: 1) Disassemble and clean 2) Replace fluid Spare fluid, O-rings Dry gas meter Before and after each field program: 1) Check meter dial for erratic rotation Every 3 months: 1) Remove panels and check for excessive oil or corrosion 2) Disassemble and clean None Nozzles Before and after each test: 1) Verify no dents, corrosion, or other damage 2) Glass or quartz nozzles, check for chips and cracks Spare nozzles Diaphragm pump Before and after each test: 1) Leak check, change diaphragm if needed None Miscellaneous Check for availability of spare parts Fuses, fittings, thermocouples, thermocouple wire, variable transformers. 7.3.2 ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT In addition to including QC checks in the analysis of test program samples, the laboratories also perform regular inspection and maintenance of the laboratory equipment. Table 7-4 lists some of the routine maintenance procedures associated with the analytical equipment to be used in this test program. February 2024 Page 7-7 TABLE 7-4 MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES FOR ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT PARAMETER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Diphenylamine Gas chromatograph/ mass spectroscopy 1. Redo tune 2. Replace filament(s) Dioxins and furans High resolution gas chromatograph/high resolution mass spectroscopy 1. Change rotary pump oil 2. Clean beam center/focus stack and outer source 3. Clean ion volume 4. Change source slit Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and lead Inductively coupled plasma 1. Check gases, vacuum pump and cooling water, nebulizer, capillary tubing, peristaltic pump, high voltage switch, exhaust screens and torch, glassware and aerosol injector tube 2. Clean plasma torch, nebulizer, and filters 3. Replace pump tubing 4. Clean and lubricate sampler arm 5. Clean power unit and coolant water filters Hydrogen chloride Ion chromatograph 1. Check pump and gas pressure 2. Check all lines for crimping leaks and discoloration TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 8-1 8.0 DATA REDUCTION, VALIDATION, AND REPORTING This section presents the approaches to be used to reduce, validate, and report measurement data. With respect to the test program, a quality team of companies and laboratories will be working together to ensure the success of this project. The team will make certain that:  All raw data packages are paginated and assigned a unique project number. Each project number will reflect the type of analyses performed.  The data packages contain a case narrative, sample description information, sample receipt information, COC documentation, and summary report. All associated QA/QC results, run/batch data, instrument calibration data, sample extraction/preparation logs, and chromatograms, etc. will be included in the final laboratory report. The report will also contain a list of validation qualifiers.  These data are assigned to a specific appendix in the stack sampling report for easy reference and data review. 8.1 DATA REDUCTION The methods referenced in this QAPP for field measurements and lab analyses are standard methods and are routinely used for such measurements and analysis. Data reduction procedures will follow the specific calculations presented in the reference methods. Extreme care will be exercised to ensure hand-recorded data are written accurately and legibly. Additionally, prepared and formatted data recording forms will be required for all data collection. This is an important aid to verify that all necessary data items are recorded. The collected field and laboratory data will be reviewed for correctness and completeness. The stack sampling contractor will reduce and validate the sampling and field measurement data that are collected. The sampling data will include flow measurements, calibrations, etc. Each laboratory will reduce all analytical results prior to submission. The analytical data will be used to determine concentrations and emission rates of the compounds of interest. The way the derived quantities will be reported is discussed in Section 8.3. 8.2 DATA VALIDATION Validation demonstrates that a process, item, data set, or service satisfies the requirements defined by the user. For this program, review and evaluation of documents and records will be performed to assess the validity of samples collected, methodologies used, and data reported. This review comprises three parts: review of field documentation, review of laboratory data reports, and evaluation of data quality. The Project Coordinator will have overall responsibility for data validation. February 2024 Page 8-2 The sampling and analytical methods for this program have been selected because of their accepted validity for these types of applications. Adherence to the accepted methods, as described in this QAPP, is the first criterion for validation. The effectiveness of the analytical methods as applied to this study will be evaluated based on project-specific quality indicators, such as audit samples, replicate samples, and matrix and surrogate spikes. 8.2.1 REVIEW OF FIELD DOCUMENTATION Sample validation is intended to ensure that the samples collected are representative of the population under study. Criteria for acceptance include positive identification, documentation of sample shipment, preservation and storage, and documentation demonstrating adherence to sample collection protocols and QC checks. As part of the review of field documentation, field data sheets will be checked for completeness, correctness, and consistency. 8.2.2 LABORATORY REVIEW OF DATA Laboratory raw data packages will include the following information:  A table of contents for the raw data; and  Numbered pages, correlating to the table of contents. The representative from each laboratory will approve all data results. The representative’s signature will be included in the report. This signature will indicate that all QA/QC expectations were met. If expectations were not met, the discrepancies will be explained in the laboratory case narrative. The laboratory representatives will discuss the QA/QC issues and include the impact of these issues on the data results in the case narrative. 8.2.3 EVALUATION OF DATA QUALITY Under the direction of the Project Coordinator, the project team will review and evaluate the reported data. Data quality will be assessed. Review of the laboratory reports will result in an evaluation of the following parameters:  Holding time for samples from date of collection to date of preparation and/or analysis  Sample storage conditions during the holding period prior to analysis  Tuning and calibration of instruments  PARCC parameter results and acceptance criteria  Blank sample analysis results. 8.3 DATA REPORTING The CfPT and RCRA CVT report will be submitted to the DEQ within 90 days of completing the testing, or an extension will be requested. Both electronic and hard copies of the report will be provided. February 2024 Page 8-3 All data will be reported in the appropriate units as applicable to the sample stream and the method of analysis. Emission results will be reported on a concentration and mass emission basis to allow comparison to the HWC NESHAP and RCRA performance standards. Specific procedures will be followed when reporting test results. This section describes the conventions for detection limits, blank correction, and the use of significant figures. 8.3.1 MANAGEMENT OF NON-DETECTS There are several specific situations that will arise in which calculations will need to be performed, but the analytical results are non-detects (at some level). Contracted laboratories are requested to achieve the lowest detection limits possible for each of the methods included in this QAPP. All detection limits shall be defined in the laboratory reports. No data results shall be reported as “ND” without a defined numerical value provided as the detection limit. The procedures for handling non-detects will be communicated to each laboratory and the stack sampling contractor. When dealing with detection limits and non-detect data, the following guidelines will be used:  Reporting limits (RLs), method detection limits (MDLs), reliable detection limits (RDLs), or estimated detection limits (EDLs) will be used to report stack gas analytical data, as appropriate.  For DRE calculations, a non-detect in the stack gas will be treated as the MDL.  For D/F emissions results, the SW-846 Method 0023A train will be operated for a minimum of three hours during each test run, and all non-detects will be assumed to be present at zero concentration, in accordance with 40 CFR § 63.1208(b)(1)(iii).  Any results that use non-detects will be reported as maxima (i.e., with a less-than sign – “<”). 8.3.2 BACKGROUND/BLANK CORRECTION Some of the methods specified for use in this test program allow background or blank correction. Every effort will be made to use reagents and sampling media of the highest quality to ensure no contamination is indicated in any of the blank samples. If background contamination is found, any background or blank correction will be carefully documented, and all calculations (e.g., emission rates) will be developed using both corrected and uncorrected data. All corrections will be performed according to the applicable method. 8.3.3 ROUNDING AND SIGNIFICANT FIGURES Observational results will be made with as many significant figures as possible. Rounding will be deferred until all resultant calculations have been made. The following rules will be applied in rounding data:  When the digit after the one to be rounded is less than five, the one to be rounded is left unchanged; and February 2024 Page 8-4  When the digit after the one to be rounded is greater than or equal to five, the one to be rounded is increased by one. Intermediate results will be presented in the final report at an appropriate level of significance (i.e., rounded), although the derived, or resultant, calculations will be based on unrounded intermediate data. Consequently, it may not be possible to precisely reconstruct the resultant calculations on any table from the rounded intermediate results due to rounding errors. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 9-1 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORTS Activities affecting data quality will be reviewed by the project team daily in the field, and as appropriate during non-field efforts. This will allow assessment of the overall effectiveness of the QAPP. These reviews will include the following:  Summary of key QA activities, stressing measures that are being taken to ensure adherence to the QAPP  Description of problems observed that may impact data quality and corrective actions taken  Status of sample shipment and integrity at time of receipt and progress of sample analysis  Assessment of the QC data gathered over that time period  Any changes in QA organizational activities and personnel  Results of internal or external assessments and the plan for correcting identified deficiencies, if any. The testing program will have multiple tiers of QA/QC reviews. The specific laboratory performing the analysis will review the data for which they are responsible, and the laboratory project manager will sign the analytical data reports. Any QA/QC anomalies will be discussed in the case narrative. The Project Coordinator will also review the laboratory data package to discuss how the QA/QC anomalies may impact the emissions calculations. Any data that is determined to be invalid will be stated in the final report, and the impact of the invalid data on the test program will be assessed. Through this multiple tier process, all stages of the testing program will be tracked, monitored, reviewed, and documented. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 10-1 10.0 REFERENCES ASTM. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, latest annual edition. USEPA. 1994. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume III, Stationary Source Specific Methods. Office of Research and Development. EPA/600/R-94/038C. USEPA. February 1991. Preparation Aids for the Development of Category I Quality Assurance Project Plan. Office of Research and Development. EPA/600/8-91/003. USEPA. 1990. Handbook: QA/QC Procedures for Hazardous Waste Incineration. Office of Research and Development. EPA/625/6-89/023. USEPA. November 1986 and updates. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods. USEPA 530/ SW-846. USEPA. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors, 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart EEE, September 30, 1999, and as amended through March 20, 2023. USEPA. New Source Performance Standards, Test Methods and Procedures, Appendix A, 40 CFR Part 60. USEPA. New Source Performance Standards, Performance Specifications, Appendix B, 40 CFR Part 60. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Appendix B Appendix B: CONTINUOUS MONITORING SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION TEST PLAN a 840 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE 400 ● KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406 610.945.1777 ● WWW.COTERIE-ENV.COM HWC NESHAP CONTINUOUS MONITORING SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION TEST PLAN FEBRUARY 2024 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TULSA DISTRICT TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Facility Overview .............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Hazardous Waste Combustor System Overview ............................................................. 1-1 1.3 Regulatory Overview........................................................................................................ 1-2 1.4 Continuous Monitoring Systems Overview ..................................................................... 1-2 1.5 Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems Overview ..................................................... 1-3 1.6 Plan Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................... 1-3 2.0 Continuous Process Monitoring Systems ..................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Total Hazardous Waste Feed Rate ................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Afterburner Temperature ................................................................................................ 2-2 2.3 Baghouse Inlet Temperature ........................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Stack Gas Velocity ............................................................................................................ 2-2 3.0 Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems .................................................................................. 3-1 4.0 Internal Quality Assurance Program ............................................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Installation Checks ........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Operational Checks .......................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3 Calibration Checks ........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.4 Internal Quality Assurance Program Schedule ................................................................ 4-2 5.0 External Quality Assurance Program ............................................................................................ 5-1 5.1 Test Personnel ................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Reduction of Test Data .................................................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Validation of Test Results ................................................................................................ 5-1 5.4 Reporting of Test Results ................................................................................................. 5-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Monitoring Requirements ............................................................................................... 1-3 Table 2-1 Summary of Continuous Monitoring Systems Equipment .............................................. 2-1 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Example CMS PET Checklists TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 1-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The United States Army (US Army) is submitting this continuous monitoring systems (CMS) performance evaluation test (PET) plan in accordance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 63 Section 1207(e)(1). This test plan describes the CMS PET that the US Army will conduct for the Ammunition Peculiar Equipment Model 1236M2 (APE 1236M2) deactivation furnace at their Tooele, Utah, facility. The furnace is regulated under 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart EEE, the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWCs). 1.1 FACILITY OVERVIEW The US Army owns and operates the Tooele Army Depot (TEAD). The site consists of 23,610 acres and is located 35 miles west of the Salt Lake City International Airport. The facility includes over 1,100 storage, production, fabrication, and administrative buildings. Approximately 500 people are employed at TEAD. At this time, TEAD is considered an area source of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as defined in Part A, Section 112 of the Clean Air Act as amended November 15, 1990. The street address of TEAD is: 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074-5000 EPA ID No. UT3213820894 All correspondence should be directed to the facility contact at the following address and telephone number: Mr. Lonnie Brown JMTE-BOV 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074-5000 (435) 833-2526 1.2 HAZARDOUS WASTE COMBUSTOR SYSTEM OVERVIEW The US Army owns and operates an APE 1236M2 deactivation furnace at TEAD. The furnace was designed by the US Army to incinerate and destroy ammunition ranging from small arms through 20-millimeter (mm) rounds, as well as cartridge activated devices (CADs) and propellant activated devices (PADs), all of which contain propellant, explosive, and pyrotechnic (PEP) materials. Ammunition larger than 20-mm rounds must be sectioned or disassembled prior to feeding into the furnace. February 2024 Page 1-2 The APE 1236M2 furnace consists of a rotary kiln, a cyclone, an afterburner, a high-temperature ceramic baghouse, an induced draft (ID) fan, and a stack. Feed materials for the furnace are loaded into a push- off box located in the feed room. From this push-off box, the materials travel on a feed conveyor into a barricaded area, where they drop through a feed chute into the rotary kiln. The flue gases exiting the kiln pass through a cyclone for the removal of sparks and then an afterburner, which is designed to heat the combustion gases and to provide destruction of organics. Following the afterburner, the flue gases pass through stainless steel ductwork to a high temperature ceramic baghouse and then the exhaust stack. An ID fan, located downstream of the baghouse, provides the motive force for the flue gases as they move through the incineration system. 1.3 REGULATORY OVERVIEW On September 30, 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) promulgated the HWC NESHAP under joint authority of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The HWC NESHAP is codified in 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart EEE. Originally, the HWC NESHAP regulated emissions from three equipment categories: hazardous waste incinerators, cement kilns, and lightweight aggregate kilns. These sources are referred to as Phase I sources. On October 12, 2005, USEPA amended Subpart EEE to include Final Replacement Standards for Phase I sources and to incorporate standards for Phase II sources (i.e., liquid fuel-fired boilers, solid fuel-fired boilers, and hydrochloric acid production furnaces that burn hazardous waste). The HWC NESHAP limits emissions from both new and existing facilities in each equipment category. The standards, which are based upon the maximum achievable control technology (MACT), regulate emissions of dioxin/furan (D/F), mercury, total chlorine (HCl/Cl2), semivolatile metals – lead and cadmium (SVM), low volatile metals – arsenic, beryllium, and chromium (LVM), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC) from both new and existing sources. HWC NESHAP requires facilities to continuously monitor both process operations and emissions to ensure that the HWC is operating in compliance with the standards at all times. 40 CFR § 63.1209(b)(1) requires that CMS be used to document compliance with the applicable HWC NESHAP operating parameter limits (OPLs). The performance of these CMS must be evaluated in conjunction with each comprehensive or confirmatory performance test. This evaluation is referred to as the CMS PET. Facilities must document the protocol for each CMS PET in a CMS PET plan and must submit the plan for review and approval along with their performance test plan. 1.4 CONTINUOUS MONITORING SYSTEMS OVERVIEW The HWC NESHAP specifies the operating parameters that must be monitored for the APE 1236M2 deactivation furnace. For this test program, the CMS of interest are those required to demonstrate compliance with the D/F emission standard in 40 CFR § 63.1209(k). A summary of these operating parameters is provided in Table 1-1 along with a description of the CMS used to determine and/or calculate the parameter’s value. February 2024 Page 1-3 TABLE 1-1 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS OPERATING PARAMETER MEASUREMENT METHOD Total hazardous waste feed rate (as PEP feed rate) Platform scale and weigh scale module Afterburner temperature Thermocouple and thermocouple meter Baghouse inlet temperature Thermocouple and thermocouple meter Stack gas velocity Stack gas mass flow transmitter 1.5 CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORING SYSTEMS OVERVIEW In addition to monitoring process parameters, facilities are also required by 40 CFR § 63.1209(a) to continuously monitor the CO or HC concentrations in the HWC’s stack gas to demonstrate compliance with the CO and HC standards. Additionally, facilities must use an oxygen continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) to continuously correct the reported CO or HC concentrations to seven percent oxygen. These analyzers must comply with the quality assurance (QA) procedures for CEMS contained in the Appendix to the HWC NESHAP and in Performance Specifications 4B (CO and oxygen) and 8A (HC) contained in 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B. The US Army has elected to continuously monitor CO concentrations in the system exhaust gas. The collected readings are continuously corrected to seven percent oxygen using measurements of the stack gas oxygen concentration. Each of these measurements is collected using the CEMS described in Section 3. 1.6 PLAN PURPOSE AND SCOPE The US Army has prepared this CMS PET plan following the regulations codified in 40 CFR § 63.1207. With this CMS PET, the US Army will demonstrate that the CMS used to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP D/F standard are operating in compliance with the standards presented in the HWC NESHAP and in the NESHAP General Provisions contained in 40 CFR §§ 63.1 through 63.15. More specifically, the US Army will, in accordance with 40 CFR §§ 63.8(c)(2) and (c)(3), demonstrate that all CMS used to comply with the D/F standard are installed such that they can obtain representative measurements of the process or emissions parameter. This will include verification of proper installation, operation, and calibration of each CMS used to demonstrate compliance with the D/F emission standard. This CMS PET plan includes both an internal and external QA program, as required by 40 CFR § 63.8(e)(3). The internal QA program specifies the procedures that will be used to verify correct installation, calibration, and operation of each CMS device prior to the confirmatory performance test (CfPT). The external QA program provides information on data validation and documentation measures for the CMS PET. February 2024 Page 1-4 The remaining sections of this plan are organized as follows:  Section 2.0 provides a detailed description of the CMS.  Section 3.0 provides a detailed description of the CEMS.  Section 4.0 provides a summary of the CMS performance evaluations that will be conducted (internal QA program) and presents a schedule for the CMS PET.  Section 5.0 provides information on the data validation and reporting procedures (external QA program).  Attachment A provides detailed procedures and recording forms for the CMS PET. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 2-1 2.0 CONTINUOUS PROCESS MONITORING SYSTEMS Section 1209 of the HWC NESHAP requires facilities to use CMS to document compliance with the required OPLs. These CMS must sample regulated operating parameters without interruption and must evaluate the detector response at least once every 15 seconds. For each regulated operating parameter, one-minute averages (OMAs) must be calculated, and the appropriate rolling average must then be calculated from the OMAs. A summary of the CMS employed to meet the D/F monitoring requirements for the furnace is provided in Table 2-1. A description of each of these CMS is provided in the sections that follow. Due to the use of spare parts or replacement monitors, the actual manufacturer or model number of the CMS used at the facility may differ from that described in this plan. However, should this occur, the replacement instruments will perform equivocally to those described herein. TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF CONTINUOUS MONITORING SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT MEASURED PARAMETER TAG NUMBER INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION PROGRAMMED SPAN CALIBRATION ACCURACY Total hazardous waste feed rate (as PEP feed rate) HourlyFeedRate Waste feed scale 0 – 50 lb ± 2% of span Afterburner temperature AfterBurnerTemp Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span Baghouse inlet temperature BaghouseInletTemp Thermocouple 0 – 2,200°F ± 2% of span Stack gas velocity StackVelocity Thermal mass flow meter 0 – 100 fps ± 5% of span 2.1 TOTAL HAZARDOUS WASTE FEED RATE The total hazardous waste feed rate must be continuously monitored per 40 CFR § 63.1209(k)(4) to demonstrate compliance with the D/F standard. The US Army monitors and complies with a limit on the total feed rate of PEP to the incinerator to satisfy this requirement. Although permitted to be an hourly rolling average (HRA) limit under the HWC NESHAP, TEAD complies with the PEP feed rate limit at all times, limiting the feed of any item to be below the permitted feed rate limit. The PEP feed rate is determined from the waste composition and the weight of each charge. The weight of each charge of munitions is measured using a Hardy Instruments Model HI 4050-PM-DC-EIP-N2-N3 waste feed scale. The weight measurements are used in conjunction with the waste composition data to determine the total PEP feed rate. Table 2-1 provides the programmed range and calibration February 2024 Page 2-2 accuracy for this device. Calibrations on the scale are performed weekly following site-specific and manufacturer recommended procedures. 2.2 AFTERBURNER TEMPERATURE The temperature of each combustion chamber must be continuously monitored per 40 CFR § 63.1209(a)(7), (j)(1), and (k)(2) to demonstrate compliance with the D/F standard. The continuous measurements must be used to calculate OMAs, and an HRA must be calculated from the OMAs. The HRA values are compared to the OPL to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP. The US Army measures the temperature of the afterburner to comply with this requirement. The afterburner temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) using a Wilcon Industries Type K thermocouple. Table 2-1 provides the programmed range and calibration accuracy for the device. The thermocouple is connected to a PLC thermocouple input card. The thermocouple is calibrated annually in accordance with 40 CFR § 63.1209(b)(2)(i). 2.3 BAGHOUSE INLET TEMPERATURE The temperature at the inlet to the initial PM control device must be continuously monitored per 40 CFR § 63.1209(k)(1) to demonstrate compliance with the D/F standard. The continuous measurements must be used to calculate OMAs, and an HRA must be calculated from the OMAs. The HRA values are compared to the OPL for the baghouse inlet temperature to demonstrate compliance with the HWC NESHAP. The gas temperature at the inlet to the baghouse is measured in °F using a Wilcon Industries Type K thermocouple. Table 2-1 provides the programmed range and calibration accuracy for the device. The thermocouple is connected to a PLC thermocouple input card. The thermocouple is calibrated annually in accordance with 40 CFR § 63.1209(b)(2)(i). 2.4 STACK GAS VELOCITY The flue gas flow rate or device production rate, or another appropriate surrogate for gas residence time, must be continuously monitored per 40 CFR § 63.1209(k)(3) to demonstrate compliance with the D/F standard. The US Army monitors the stack gas velocity to satisfy this requirement. The continuous measurements must be used to calculate OMAs, and an HRA must be calculated from the OMAs. The stack gas velocity is measured in feet per second (fps) using a Kurz thermal mass flow meter. Table 2-1 provides the programmed range and calibration accuracy for the device. The flow meter is calibrated annually following manufacturer recommended procedures. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 3-1 3.0 CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORING SYSTEMS The stack gas CO or HC concentrations must be continuously monitored with a CEMS to satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR § 63.1209(a) and to demonstrate compliance with the CO and HC standards. The continuously measured values must be corrected to seven percent oxygen using measurements of the stack gas oxygen concentration that are also collected using a CEMS. The US Army monitors CO and oxygen concentrations in the incinerator exhaust stack to comply with these requirements. HWC NESHAP requires that the CO and oxygen CEMS comply with Performance Specification 4B in 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B. These CEMS must also be configured as follows:  CO CEMS: A minimum of two ranges, with span values of zero to 200 parts per million by volume (ppmv) for the low range, and zero to 3,000 ppmv for the high range.  CO CEMS: Anytime a reading of the CO monitor exceeds 3,000 ppmv, the CEMS must record the value as 10,000 ppmv, unless the monitor is configured with three spans and the third span ranges from zero to 10,000 ppmv.  Oxygen CEMS: A single range with a span value of zero to 25 percent oxygen by volume on a dry basis. The US Army monitors CO concentrations in the stack gas using a Horiba infrared analyzer, configured with dual range spans of zero to 200 ppmv, and zero to 3,000 ppmv. Stack gas oxygen concentrations are measured using a Horiba paramagnetic analyzer. The analyzer is configured for a span of zero to 25 percent oxygen by volume on a dry basis, consistent with HWC NESHAP requirements. The analyzers themselves are not mounted directly on the stack. Instead, samples of stack gas are extracted through a sample probe and are relayed via a sample pump through heated sample transfer lines and a sample conditioning unit down to the analyzers, which are housed in an environmentally controlled shelter. All elements of the sample extraction, transfer, and conditioning system satisfy the applicable installation and measurement requirements in Performance Specification 4B. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 4-1 4.0 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 40 CFR § 63.8(e)(3) requires that the CMS PET plan include an internal QA program that specifies the procedures that will be used to conduct the CMS PET. Additionally, the CMS PET plan must provide a schedule for the program’s implementation. This section provides an overview of the required program and the anticipated test schedule. Details on the internal QA program activities are provided on the CMS PET checklists in Attachment A. 4.1 INSTALLATION CHECKS During the CMS PET, installation checks will be performed on each of the HWC NESHAP required CMS to verify that they are installed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and plant internal standards. The checklists in Attachment A provide the installation checks that will be performed for each CMS. Examples of the installation checks include verifying proper orientation of the CMS, checking the electrical wiring, and looking for evidence of corrosion or excessive buildup. 4.2 OPERATIONAL CHECKS Operational checks will also be performed on each of the CMS to verify that they are operating properly. The operational checks specific to each CMS are detailed on the CMS PET checklists in Attachment A. These operational checks will vary depending upon the diagnostic capabilities of the instrument. For those CMS equipped with internal diagnostic test routines, the US Army will activate the routine, if necessary, and will review the instrument display for error codes after the diagnostic test is complete. Absent such a diagnostic routine, the US Army will simply observe the CMS during normal unit operation and will confirm that changes are registered with known changes in process conditions. For the CEMS, a relative accuracy test audit (RATA) will be conducted following the procedures described in Performance Specification 4B of 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B. A protocol for the RATA will be provided under separate cover. 4.3 CALIBRATION CHECKS In addition to verifying proper installation and operation of each CMS, the US Army will also check the calibration of each CMS during the CMS PET. The US Army will perform complete calibrations of the CMS if the calibration checks indicate the potential for an unacceptable amount of bias in the instrument readings. The checklists in Attachment A provide information on the instrument-specific calibration procedures. For the CEMS, the US Army will assess the daily calibration and zero drift of each CEMS. During the daily calibration check, the stack gas sample stream is temporarily turned off and calibration gases are injected into each analyzer. A zero-level calibration gas is used to test the baseline response of each February 2024 Page 4-2 CEMS. A span gas is then used to test the response of the instrument at the high end of its range. This assessment is performed automatically each day by the CEMS and will continue during the CMS PET. Should any adjustments to the CEMS be required, they will be performed manually by the US Army following site-specific and manufacturer recommended procedures. 4.4 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM SCHEDULE The activities designated for the internal QA program will require careful planning and substantial time to complete. In fact, in some cases, it may be necessary to shutdown the furnace in order to complete the CMS PET activities. To ensure completion prior to the CfPT, the US Army will perform the CMS PET in the month prior to the CfPT. All tasks will be initiated no later than two weeks prior to the CfPT to allow time for corrective actions to be implemented in the event that any installation, calibration, or operational check is not successful. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Page 5-1 5.0 EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM The external QA program required by 40 CFR § 63.8(e)(3)(i) and (ii) includes those procedures utilized to validate the data collected during the CMS PET and to document the CMS PET activities. The primary goal of the external QA program is proper collection and organization of test data followed by clear and concise reporting of the test results. Details on the external QA program for this CMS PET are provided in this section. 5.1 TEST PERSONNEL The CMS PET activities described in this test plan will be performed by facility instrumentation staff or qualified contractors. The personnel involved in each program element will be documented on the CMS PET checklists in Attachment A or will be detailed in the contractor’s test logs and report. 5.2 REDUCTION OF TEST DATA The data collected during the CMS PET will be compiled following test completion and will be included in the CMS PET report. Extreme care will be exercised by test personnel to ensure that all manually recorded data are written accurately and legibly. To help increase the quality and uniformity of the test data, all CMS PET activities will be documented on pre-printed data recording forms. Examples of these checklists are provided in Attachment A. 5.3 VALIDATION OF TEST RESULTS After the CMS PET is performed, the facility will review the data recorded by the test personnel. When evaluating the data, the facility will make sure that the specified procedures were followed, the necessary forms were completed, and the results of each CMS installation, operation, and calibration check were successful. 5.4 REPORTING OF TEST RESULTS The results of the CMS PET will be compiled and will be summarized in the CMS PET report, which will be prepared by a qualified contractor. The CMS PET report will provide the result of each CMS installation, operation, and calibration check, and will also include, as an appendix, the completed CMS PET checklists and/or contractor test report. The CMS PET report will be submitted as an appendix to the CfPT report. TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Attachment A Attachment A: EXAMPLE CMS PET CHECKLISTS February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST INSTRUMENT TAG MEASURED PARAMETER DEVICE TYPE CMS PET COMPLETED? HourlyFeedRate Total hazardous waste feed rate Platform scale and weigh scale module AfterburnerTemp Afterburner temperature Thermocouple BaghouseInletTemp Baghouse inlet temperature Thermocouple StackVelocity Stack gas velocity Thermal mass flow meter COCorrectedForO2 Stack CO concentration Non-dispersive infrared analyzer Oxygen Stack oxygen concentration Paramagnetic analyzer February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE PLATFORM SCALE AND WEIGH SCALE MODULE TAG NUMBER HOURLYFEEDRATE INSTALLATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Review specifications for environmental conditions in the Hardy Operation and Installation Manuals and make certain that the operating conditions for the scale meet these requirements. Check the area around the scale and make sure there is not a build-up of debris on, around, or under the scale. Verify that the load cells are properly installed and confirm that nothing is binding the load cell or in contact with the cell that may prevent 100 percent of the applied load from passing through the load cell. Confirm that the platform scale has all rubber boots or strips installed per the Operation and Installation Manual. Verify that the scale is properly leveled. Examine the cable connections to make sure that the cable is not pinched and is clear of the feet, cover, and overload stops. Make sure that all electrical wiring conforms to appropriate plant and manufacturer recommended practices. OPERATIONAL CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Initiate an instrument self-test, check for displayed error codes, and complete repairs or maintenance as needed. CALIBRATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Check the weigh scale system calibration following the hard calibration method provided in the Hardy Operation and Installation Manual. *Note: Installation and operational checks should be conducted prior to instrument calibration. COMPLETED BY: February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST FOR AFTERBURNER THERMOCOUPLE TAG NUMBER AFTERBURNERTEMP INSTALLATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Verify that the thermocouple input connections are made correctly and are firmly secured. OPERATIONAL CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Verify that the temperature reported by the thermocouple responds to known changes in temperature. CALIBRATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Check the thermocouple calibration against a reference thermocouple. The reference thermocouple will be pre-calibrated using NIST traceable mercury-filled thermometers. * Note: Installation and operational checks should be conducted prior to instrument calibration. COMPLETED BY: February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST FOR BAGHOUSE INLET TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TAG NUMBER BAGHOUSEINLETTEMP INSTALLATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Verify that the thermocouple input connections are made correctly and are firmly secured. OPERATIONAL CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Verify that the temperature reported by the thermocouple responds to known changes in temperature. CALIBRATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Check the thermocouple calibration against a reference thermocouple. The reference thermocouple will be pre-calibrated using NIST traceable mercury-filled thermometers. *Note: Installation and operational checks should be conducted prior to instrument calibration. COMPLETED BY: February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST FOR STACK GAS MASS FLOW METER TAG NUMBER STACKVELOCITY INSTALLATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Make sure that the transmitter is mounted such that the flow arrow points in the same direction as the stack gas flow. Confirm that grounding practices comply with recommendations provided in the Kurz User’s Manual. Make sure that all electrical wiring conforms to appropriate plant and manufacturer recommended practices. Make certain that the power supply meets the specifications provided in the User’s Manual. OPERATIONAL CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Initiate an instrument self-test, check for displayed error codes, and complete repairs or maintenance as needed. CALIBRATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Compare the readings on the flowmeter to those obtained by a stack tester during a flow RATA using USEPA Method 2. * Note: Installation and operational checks should be conducted prior to instrument calibration. COMPLETED BY: February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST FOR STACK GAS CARBON MONOXIDE CONCENTRATION INFRARED ANALYZER TAG NUMBER COCORRECTEDFORO2 INSTALLATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Check the physical mounting and operating environment of the analyzer and make sure that they conform to appropriate manufacturer specifications. Make certain that the analyzer is not installed near equipment that may emit electromagnetic interference (EMI) or, if it is, that proper precautions are taken to ensure that the EMI does not affect the operation of the instrument. Check all tubing and joints and filters, making sure that they are clean and free from excessive buildup. Make sure that the calibration gases are properly connected to the unit, the supply lines are pressurized, and regulators are set to the proper pressure. Confirm that the sample gas flow rate to the analyzer is within the range recommended by the manufacturer. Make sure that all electrical wiring conforms to appropriate plant and manufacturer recommended practices. OPERATIONAL CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Conduct a relative accuracy test audit. CALIBRATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Review daily calibration drift test results. Perform adjustments as necessary. *Note: Installation and operational checks should be conducted prior to instrument calibration. COMPLETED BY: February 2024 Attachment A CMS PET CHECKLIST FOR STACK GAS OXYGEN CONCENTRATION PARAMAGNETIC ANALYZER TAG NUMBER OXYGEN INSTALLATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Check the physical mounting and operating environment of the analyzer and make sure that they conform to appropriate manufacturer specifications. Make certain that the analyzer is not installed near equipment that may emit electromagnetic interference (EMI) or, if it is, that proper precautions are taken to ensure that the EMI does not affect the operation of the instrument. Check all tubing and joints and filters, making sure that they are clean and free from excessive buildup. Make sure that the calibration gases are properly connected to the unit, the supply lines are pressurized, and regulators are set to the proper pressure. Confirm that the sample gas flow rate to the analyzer is within the range recommended by the manufacturer. Make sure that all electrical wiring conforms to appropriate plant and manufacturer recommended practices. OPERATIONAL CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Conduct a relative accuracy test audit. CALIBRATION CHECK TASK DATE COMPLETED COMMENTS Review daily calibration drift test results. Perform adjustments as necessary. *Note: Installation and operational checks should be conducted prior to instrument calibration. COMPLETED BY: TOOELE ARMY DEPOT February 2024 Appendix B Appendix C: SOURCE TEST PLAN FOR RELATIVE ACCURACY TEST AUDIT AND PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT AUDITS Source Test Plan for the 2024 Relative Accuracy Test Audit and Process Control Equipment Audits Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace, APE 1236M2 US Army Material Command Tooele Army Depot 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074 Prepared For: Coterie Environmental, LLC 1150 First Avenue, Suite 501 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Prepared By: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC 990 West 43rd Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211 For Submission To: Utah Division of Air Quality 195 N 1950 W Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Document Number: GP043AS-036949-PP-796 Proposed Test Date: May 6th and 7th, 2024 Submittal Date: February 2nd, 2024 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Review and Certification I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this document is complete and accurate and conforms to the requirements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-04. Signature: Date: February 2, 2024 Name: Timothy Wojtach Title: Account Manager GP043AS-036949-PP-796 2 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Summary of Test Program ............................................................................. 5 1.2 Applicable Regulations and Emission Limits ...................................................... 7 1.3 Key Personnel .............................................................................................. 8 2.0 Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions................................................................ 9 2.1 Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment ..................................... 9 2.2 CEMS Description ......................................................................................... 9 2.3 CMS/Instrument Description ........................................................................ 10 2.4 Flue Gas Sampling Location ......................................................................... 10 2.5 Operating Conditions and Process Data ......................................................... 11 2.6 Plant Safety ............................................................................................... 12 2.6.1 Safety Responsibilities ........................................................................ 12 2.6.2 Safety Program and Requirements ....................................................... 13 3.0 Sampling and Analytical Procedures ..................................................................... 14 3.1 Test Methods ............................................................................................. 14 3.1.1 EPA Method 1 .................................................................................... 14 3.1.2 EPA Method 2 .................................................................................... 14 3.1.3 EPA Methods 3A and 10 ...................................................................... 15 3.1.4 EPA Method 4 .................................................................................... 16 3.1.5 EPA Performance Specification 4B ........................................................ 17 3.1.6 Waste Feed Scale Audit ...................................................................... 17 3.1.7 Pressure Sensor Audits ....................................................................... 17 3.1.8 Temperature Sensor Audits ................................................................. 17 3.2 Process Test Methods .................................................................................. 18 4.0 Quality Assurance and Reporting .......................................................................... 19 4.1 QA Audits .................................................................................................. 19 4.2 Quality Control Procedures .......................................................................... 19 4.2.1 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance ................................................ 19 4.2.2 Audit Samples ................................................................................... 19 4.3 Data Analysis and Validation ........................................................................ 19 4.4 Sample Identification and Custody ................................................................ 20 4.5 Quality Statement ...................................................................................... 20 4.6 Reporting .................................................................................................. 20 4.6.1 Example Report Format ...................................................................... 20 4.6.2 Example Presentation of Test Results ................................................... 21 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 3 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot List of Appendices A Supporting Information ...................................................................................... 23 A.1 Units and Abbreviations.............................................................................. 24 A.2 Accreditation Information/Certifications ........................................................ 32 “S” Field Work Safety Plan ....................................................................................... 34 List of Tables 1-1 Summary of Test Program and Proposed Schedule .................................................. 6 1-2 Summary of Part 60 RA Requirements .................................................................... 7 1-3 Test Personnel and Responsibilities ....................................................................... 8 2-1 CEMS Information ............................................................................................... 9 2-2 CMS Information ............................................................................................... 10 2-3 Sampling Location ............................................................................................. 11 4-1 Example RATA Results ....................................................................................... 22 List of Figures 3-1 US EPA Methods 2 and 4 Sampling Trai ............................................................... 15 3-2 US EPA Methods 3A and 10 Sampling Train .......................................................... 16 4-1 Typical Report Format ....................................................................................... 21 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 4 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Summary of Test Program Coterie Environmental, LLC contracted Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC (Montrose) to perform a CEMS RATA on the Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace, APE 1236M2 at the US Army Material Command at the Tooele Army Depot facility located in Tooele, Utah. The tests will be conducted to determine compliance with the RA requirements listed in Appendix B of 40 CFR 60. The specific objectives are to:  Determine the RA for the gas velocity and O2 and CO CEMS used to monitor the gas stream at the Deactivation Furnace  Determine the CD for the CEMS1  Evaluate the accuracy of the sensors used to measure the pressure at three (3) points in the process  Evaluate the accuracy of the sensors used to measure the temperature at six (6) points in the process  Evaluate the accuracy of the scale used to measure the hourly waste feed rate  Conduct the test program with a focus on safety Montrose will provide the test personnel and the necessary equipment to measure emissions as outlined in this test plan. Facility personnel will provide the process and production data to be included in the final report. A summary of the test program and proposed schedule is presented in Table 1-1. 1 Data for the CD will be provided by Coterie Environmental, LLC/Tooele Army Depot GP043AS-036949-PP-796 5 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Table 1-1 Summary of Test Program and Proposed Schedule Test Date Source Name Activity/Parameters Test Methods No. of Runs Duration (Minutes) May 6, 2024 Kiln Feed End Baghouse (Differential) Enclosure Draft Baghouse Inlet Baghouse Outlet Kiln Feed End Kiln Burner End Afterburner Pressure Audit Pressure Audit Pressure Audit Temperature Audit Temperature Audit Temperature Audit Temperature Audit Temperature Audit Direct Comparison to Reference Manometer for Pressure Audit Direct Comparison to Reference Temperature Sensor for Temperature Audits NA NA Waste Feed Scale Mass Audit Direct Comparison to Certified Weight Set NA NA May 7 and 8, 2024 Bldg 1320 Deactivation Furnace Gas Volumetric Flow Rate (temperature and velocity) O2 CO EPA 1, 2, 3A, 4 EPA 3A EPA 3A, 10 21 21 21 To simplify this test plan, a list of Units and Abbreviations is included in Appendix A. Throughout this test plan, chemical nomenclature, acronyms, and reporting units are not defined. Please refer to the list for specific details. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 6 of 48 9-12 9-12 9-12 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 1.2 Applicable Regulations and Emission Limits The results from this test program are presented in units consistent with those listed in the applicable regulations or requirements. The reporting units and emission limits are presented in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Summary of Part 60 RA Requirements Parameter/Units Regulatory Reference Allowable Part 60 Oxygen (O2) 2 % volume dry PS-4B ≤ 20.0% of RM or ≤ 1.0% O2 Gas Velocity ft/s PS-6 ≤ 20% of RM or ≤ 10% of AS Carbon Monoxide (CO)2 ppmvd @ 7% O2 PS-4B ≤ 10% of RM or ≤ 5% of AS or |dm| +CC ≤ 5 ppmvd CO 2 As referenced in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart EEE, Appendix A, Sections 5.1 and 6.1. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 7 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 1.3 Key Personnel A list of project participants is included below: Facility Information Source Location: US Army Material Command Tooele Army Depot 1 Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 84074 Project Contact: Michele E. (Gehring) Karnes, P.E. Lonnie Brown Role: Principal Environmental Engineer Company: Coterie Environmental, LLC Tooele Army Depot Telephone: 610-945-1777 801-941-0678 Email: Michele.Karnes@coterie-env.com Lonnie.d.brown33.civ@mail.mil Agency Information Regulatory Agency: Utah Division of Air Quality Telephone: 801-536-4000 Testing Company Information Testing Firm: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC Contact: Timothy Wojtach Title: Account Manager Telephone: 303-670-0530 Email: TWojtach@montrose-env.com Test personnel and observers are summarized in Table 1-3. Table 1-3 Test Personnel and Responsibilities Role Primary Assignment Additional Responsibilities Account Manager Coordinate Project Post-test follow up Field Project Manager Operate mobile lab Facility interface, test crew coordination Field Technician Execute stack platform responsibilities Preparation, support PM GP043AS-036949-PP-796 8 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 2.0 Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions 2.1 Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment The US Army owns and operates the APE 1236M2 at the TEAD. The furnace was designed by the US Army to incinerate and destroy ammunition ranging from small arms through 20-millimeter (mm) rounds. Ammunition larger than 20-mm rounds must be sectioned or disassembled prior to feeding into the APE 1236M2. The system burns waste munitions that contain propellant, explosive, and pyrotechnic (PEP) materials. The APE 1236M2 consists of a rotary kiln, a cyclone, an afterburner, a high-temperature ceramic baghouse, an induced draft (ID) fan, and a stack. 2.2 CEMS Description The CEMS analyzers are presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 CEMS Information Analyzer Type Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Range CO Analyzer Horiba GI-749L U6RDT828 0-200 ppmvd 0-3,000 ppmvd O2 Analyzer Horiba GI-749L U6RDT828 0-25% vd GP043AS-036949-PP-796 9 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 2.3 CMS/Instrument Description The CEMS analyzers are presented in Table 2-2. Table 2-2 CMS Information Analyzer Type Measurement Device Manufacturer Model No. Range Stack Gas Flow Insertion Mass Flow Meter Series 454FTB Kurz 756054F32D4A000M01A 015B0537 0-100 ft/s Baghouse Differential Pressure Pressure transmitter Foxboro IDP10-D22A11F-M1B1 0 – 30 in. H2O Rotary Kiln Feed End Pressure Pressure transmitter Foxboro IGP20-D12A11FM1B1 -2 – 2 in. H2O Enclosure Pressure Magnahelic Dwyer 605-00N -2.0 - 0.05 in. H2O Baghouse Inlet Temperature Thermocouple United Electric MI1573KGPF14L11.5 0 – 2,200°F Baghouse Outlet Temperature Thermocouple United Electric MI1573KGPF14L11.5 0 – 2,200°F Rotary Kiln Feed End Temperature Thermocouple United Electric MI1573KGPF14L11.5 0 – 2,200°F Rotary Kiln Burner End Temperature Thermocouple United Electric MI1573KGPF14L11.5 0 – 2,200°F Afterburner Temperature Thermocouple United Electric MI1573KGPF14L11.5 0 – 2,200°F Stack Temperature Insertion Mass Flow Meter Series 454FTB Kurz 756054F32D4A000M01A 015B0537 0 – 1,200°F Hourly Waste Feed Rate Waste Feed Scale Hardy Instruments HI 4050-PM-DC-EIP-N2-N3 0 – 50 lb 2.4 Flue Gas Sampling Location Actual stack measurements, number of traverse points, and location of traverse points will be evaluated in the field as part of the test program. Table 2-2 presents the anticipated stack measurements and traverse points for the sampling locations listed. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 10 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Table 2-2 Sampling Location Sampling Location Stack Inside Diameter (in.) Distance from Nearest Disturbance Anticipated Number of Traverse Points Downstream EPA “B” (in./dia.) Upstream EPA “A” (in./dia.) APE 1236M2 Exhaust Stack 19.5 102/5.2 300/15.4 Velocity: 16 (8/port) Gaseous: 3 The sample location is verified in the field to conform to EPA Method 1. Gaseous pollutant traverse points are located at 16.7, 50.0 and 83.3 percent of the stack inside diameter from the stack wall per PS-4B. See Appendix A.1 for more information. 2.5 Operating Conditions and Process Data Emission tests are to be performed while the source/units and air pollution control devices were operating at the conditions required. The unit will be tested when operating at greater than 50% of the maximum rated capacity of PEP. Plant personnel are responsible for establishing the test conditions and collecting all applicable unit-operating data. Data to be collected includes the following parameters:  O2 CEMS, %  CO CEMS, ppmvd and ppmvd @7% O2  Stack gas velocity, ft/s  PEP Feed rate, lb/hr GP043AS-036949-PP-796 11 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 2.6 Plant Safety Montrose will comply with all safety requirements at the facility. The facility Client Sponsor, or designated point of contact, is responsible for ensuring routine compliance with plant entry, health, and safety requirements. The Client Sponsor has the authority to impose or waive facility restrictions. The Montrose test team leader has the authority to negotiate any deviations from the facility restrictions with the Client Sponsor. Any deviations must be documented. 2.6.1 Safety Responsibilities Planning  Montrose must complete a field review with the Client Sponsor prior to the project date. The purpose of the review is to develop a scope of work that identifies the conditions, equipment, methods, and physical locations that will be utilized along with any policies or procedures that will affect our work  We must reach an agreement on the proper use of client emergency services and ensure that proper response personnel are available, as needed  The potential for chemical exposure and actions to be taken in case of exposure must be communicated to Montrose. This information must include expected concentrations of the chemicals and the equipment used to identify the substances.  Montrose will provide a list of equipment being brought to the site, if required by the client Project Day  Montrose personnel will arrive with the appropriate training and credentials for the activities they will be performing and the equipment that they will operate  Our team will meet daily to review the Project Scope, Job Hazard Assessment, and Work Permits. The Client Sponsor and Operations Team are invited to participate.  Montrose will provide equipment that can interface with the client utilities previously identified in the planning phase and only work with equipment that our client has made ready and prepared for connection  We will follow client direction regarding driving safety, safe work permitting, staging of equipment, and other crafts or work in the area  As per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart A, Section 60.8, the facility must provide the following provisions at each sample location: o Sampling ports, which meet EPA minimum requirements for testing. The caps should be removed or be hand-tight. o Safe sampling platforms GP043AS-036949-PP-796 12 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot o Safe access to the platforms and test ports, including any scaffolding or man lifts o Sufficient utilities to perform all necessary testing  Montrose will use the client communication system, as directed, in case of plant or project emergency  Any adverse conditions, unplanned shutdowns or other deviations to the agreed scope and project plan must be reviewed with the Client Sponsor prior to continuing work. This will include any safe work permit and hazard assessment updates. Completion  Montrose personnel will report any process concerns, incidents or near misses to the Client Sponsor prior to leaving the site  Montrose will clean up our work area to the same condition as it was prior to our arrival  We will ensure that all utilities, connection points or equipment have been returned to the pre-project condition or as stated in the safe work permit. In addition, we will walk out the job completion with Operations and the Client Sponsor if required by the facility. 2.6.2 Safety Program and Requirements Montrose has a comprehensive health and safety program that satisfies State and Federal OSHA requirements. The program includes an Illness and Injury Prevention Program, site- specific safety meetings, and training in safety awareness and procedures. The basic elements include:  All regulatory required policies/procedures and training for OSHA, EPA and FMCSA  Medical monitoring, as necessary  Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and chemical detection equipment  Hazard communication  Pre-test and daily toolbox meetings  Continued evaluation of work and potential hazards  Near-miss and incident reporting procedures as required by Montrose and the Client Montrose will provide standard PPE to employees. The PPE will include but is not limited to; hard hats, safety shoes, glasses with side shields or goggles, hearing protection, hand protections, and fall protection. In addition, our trailers are equipped with four gas detectors to ensure that workspace has no unexpected equipment leaks or other ambient hazards. The detailed Site Safety Plan for this project is attached to this test plan in Appendix “S”. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 13 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 3.0 Sampling and Analytical Procedures 3.1 Test Methods The test methods for this test program have been presented in Table 1-1. Additional information regarding specific applications or modifications to standard procedures is presented below. 3.1.1 EPA Method 1, Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary SourcesEPA Method 1 is used to assure that representative measurements of volumetric flow rate are obtained by dividing the cross-section of the stack or duct into equal areas, and then locating a traverse point within each of the equal areas. Acceptable sample locations must be located at least two stack or duct equivalent diameters downstream from a flow disturbance and one-half equivalent diameter upstream from a flow disturbance. 3.1.2 EPA Method 2, Determination of Stack Gas Velocity (Type S Pitot Tube) EPA Method 2 is used to measure the gas velocity using an S-type pitot tube connected to a pressure measurement device, and to measure the gas temperature using a calibrated thermocouple connected to a thermocouple indicator. Typically, Type S (Stausscheibe) pitot tubes conforming to the geometric specifications in the test method are used, along with an inclined manometer. The measurements are made at traverse points specified by EPA Method 1. The molecular weight of the gas stream is determined from independent measurements of O2, CO2, and moisture, which are used in calculations of stack gas velocity. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: o S-type pitot tube coefficient is 0.84 o RATA will be performed for stack gas velocity, feet per second (ft/s) The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 14 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Figure 3-1 US EPA Methods 2 and 4 Sampling Train MANOMETER BY-PASS VALVE (fine adjust ) AIR TIGHT PUMP VACUUM GAUGE MAIN VALVE (coarse adjust ) THERMOCOUPLES DRY GAS METER ORIFICE GAS EXIT VACUUM LINE VACUUM LINE ADAPTOR ICE BATH 100 mL CONDENSING REAGENT (standard tip) 100 mL CONDENSING REAGENT (modified/no tip) Empty (modified/no tip)200-300g Silica Gel (modified/no tip) THERMOCOUPLE SAMPLE LINE PROBE MANOMETER THERMOCOUPLE TYPE “S” PITOT 3.1.3 EPA Methods 3A and 10, Determination of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Carbon Monoxide Concentrations in Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedures) Concentrations of O2, CO2, and CO are measured simultaneously using EPA Methods 3A and 10, which are instrumental test methods. Conditioned gas is sent to a series of analyzers to measure the gaseous emission concentrations. The performance requirements of the method must be met to validate the data. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: GP043AS-036949-PP-796 15 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot o A dry extractive sampling system is used to report emissions on a dry basis o A paramagnetic analyzer is used to measure O2 o A nondispersive infrared analyzer is used to measure CO2 o A gas filter correlation nondispersive infrared analyzer is used to measure CO o Calibration span values are 21.03% O2, 17.69% CO2, and 6.007 ppmvd CO o Minimum Required Sample Duration: 21 minutes Figure 3-2 US EPA Methods 3A and 10 Sampling Train Sample / Calibration Gas Exhaust Exhaust Sample / Calibration Gas O2 AND/OR CO2 ANALYZER CO ANALYZER DATA OUTPUT DAS SIGNAL SIGNAL SAMPLE CONDITIONING SYSTEM WITH PUMP EPA Protocol Calibration Gases MASS FLOW CONTROLLER / CALIBRATION GAS MANIFOLD CALIBRATION GAS LINE STACK GAS STACK WALL HEATED SAMPLE LINE HEATED FILTER "SAMPLE” AND “BY -PASS" ROTAMETERS WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVES THREE WAY VALVE BY-PASS “BIAS” ROTAMETER WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVE “ANALYZER” ROTAMETERS WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVES SAMPLE PROBE 3.1.4 EPA Method 4, Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gas EPA Method 4 is a manual, non-isokinetic method used to measure the moisture content of gas streams. Gas is sampled at a constant sampling rate through a probe and impinger train. Moisture is removed using a series of pre-weighed impingers containing methodology- specific liquids and silica gel immersed in an ice water bath. The impingers are weighed after each run to determine the percent moisture. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: GP043AS-036949-PP-796 16 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot o The reference method is used to measure moisture o Moisture sampling is performed as a stand-alone method at a single point in the centroid of the stack o Minimum Required Sample Volume: 21 scf The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1. 3.1.5 EPA Performance Specification 4B, Specifications and Test Procedures for Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources This specification is to be used for evaluating the acceptability of carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen (O2) continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) at the time of or soon after installation and whenever specified in the regulations. The CEMS may include, for certain stationary sources, (a) flow monitoring equipment to allow measurement of the dry volume of stack effluent sampled, and (b) an automatic sampling system. The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-2. 3.1.6 Waste Feed Scale Audit The scale used to measure the Waste Feed Rate will be audited with a certified weight set. Certified weights will be placed on the scale and the results will be recorded. Certification sheets for the weight sets will be included in the final report 3.1.7 Pressure Sensor Audits The readings of the pressure sensors installed on the process will be compared to the readings obtained on a calibrated reference pressure transducer. The results of the reference device and the process sensor will be recorded. Certification sheets for the pressure transducer will be included in the final report. 3.1.8 Temperature Sensor Audits The readings of the sensors installed on the process to monitor the Baghouse Inlet and Outlet, Feed Inlet, Burner Inlet and Afterburner temperatures will be audited using a thermocouple calibration device. The device sends electrical signals to the temperature sensors, simulating different temperature settings. Certification sheets for the pressure transducer will be included in the final report. The readings of the sensor installed on the process to monitor the Stack temperature will; be audited as part of the gas velocity RATA. The reading of the process temperature will be directly compared to the reference stack thermocouple readings obtained during the RATA. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 17 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 3.2 Process Test Methods Data will be collected for the seven-day calibration drift (CD) per the requirements of PS 4B, §4.2. All data will be collected by facility personnel and presented in the test report. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 18 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 4.0 Quality Assurance and Reporting 4.1 QA Audits Montrose has instituted a rigorous QA/QC program for its air quality testing. Quality assurance audits are performed as part of the test program to ensure that the results are calculated using the highest quality data available. This program ensures that the emissions data we report are as accurate as possible. The procedures included in the cited reference methods are followed during preparation, sampling, calibration, and analysis. Montrose is responsible for preparation, calibration, and cleaning of the sampling apparatus. Montrose will also perform the sampling, sample recovery, storage, and shipping. Approved contract laboratories may perform some of the preparation and sample analyses, as needed. 4.2 Quality Control Procedures Montrose calibrates and maintains equipment as required by the methods performed and applicable regulatory guidance. Montrose follows internal procedures to prevent the use of malfunctioning or inoperable equipment in test programs. All equipment is operated by trained personnel. Any incidence of nonconforming work encountered during testing is reported and addressed through the corrective action system. 4.2.1 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Each piece of field equipment that requires calibration is assigned a unique identification number to allow tracking of its calibration history. All field equipment is visually inspected prior to testing and includes pre-test calibration checks as required by the test method or regulatory agency. 4.2.2 Audit Samples When required by the test method and available, Montrose obtains EPA TNI SSAS audit samples from an accredited provider for analysis along with the samples. Currently, the SSAS program has been suspended pending the availability of a second accredited audit sample provider. If the program is reinstated, the audit samples will be ordered. If required as part of the test program, the audit samples are stored, shipped, and analyzed along with the emissions samples collected during the test program. The audit sample results are reported along with the emissions sample results. 4.3 Data Analysis and Validation Montrose converts the raw field, laboratory, and process data to reporting units consistent with the permit or subpart. Calculations are made using proprietary computer spreadsheets or data acquisition systems. One run of each test method is also verified using a separate example calculation. The example calculations are checked against the spreadsheet results and are included in the final report. The “Standard Conditions” for this project are 29.92 inches of mercury and 68 °F. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 19 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot 4.4 Sample Identification and Custody No samples are required to be recovered for this test program. 4.5 Quality Statement Montrose is qualified to conduct this test program and has established a quality management system that led to accreditation with ASTM Standard D7036-04 (Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies). Montrose participates in annual functional assessments for conformance with D7036-04 which are conducted by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). All testing performed by Montrose is supervised on site by at least one Qualified Individual (QI) as defined in D7036-04 Section 8.3.2. Data quality objectives for estimating measurement uncertainty within the documented limits in the test methods are met by using approved test protocols for each project as defined in D7036-04 Sections 7.2.1 and 12.10. Additional quality assurance information is included in the appendices. The content of this test plan is modeled after the EPA Emission Measurement Center Guideline Document (GD-042). 4.6 Reporting Montrose will prepare a final report to present the test data, calculations/equations, descriptions, and results. Prior to release by Montrose, each report is reviewed and certified by the project manager and their supervisor, or a peer. Source test reports will be submitted to the facility or appropriate regulatory agency (upon customer approval) within 45 days of the completion of the field work. The report will include a series of appendices to present copies of the intermediate calculations and example calculations, raw field data, laboratory analysis data, process data, and equipment calibration data. 4.6.1 Example Report Format The report is divided into various sections describing the different aspects of the source testing program. Figure 4-1 presents a typical Table of Contents for the final report. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 20 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Figure 4-1 Typical Report Format Cover Page Certification of Report Table of Contents Section 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions 3.0 Sampling and Analytical Procedures 4.0 Test Discussion and Results 5.0 Internal QA/QC Activities Appendices A Field Data and Calculations B Facility CEMS and Process Data C Quality Assurance/Quality Control D Regulatory Information 4.6.2 Example Presentation of Test Results Table 4-1 presents the typical tabular format that is used to summarize the results in the final source test report. Separate tables will outline the results for each CEMS parameter/set of units and compare them to their respective RA requirements. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 21 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Table 4-1 Example RATA Results Run No. Date Time RM CEMS Difference Run used (Y or N) Unit Load (units) 1 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 2 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 3 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 4 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 5 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 6 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 7 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 8 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 9 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 10 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 11 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX 12 XX/XX/XXXX XXXX-XXXX XX XX XX X XX Averages XX XX XX X XX Standard Deviation XX Confidence Coefficient (CC) XX RA based on mean RM value XX % RA based on difference plus CC XX units RA based on absolute difference XX units GP043AS-036949-PP-796 22 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Appendix A Supporting Information GP043AS-036949-PP-796 23 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Appendix A.1 Units and Abbreviations GP043AS-036949-PP-796 24 of 48 @ X% O2 corrected to X% oxygen (corrected for dilution air) |CC|absolute value of the confidence coefficient |d|absolute value of the mean differences ºC degrees Celsius ºF degrees Fahrenheit ºR degrees Rankine " H2O inches of water column 13.6 specific gravity of mercury ΔH pressure drop across orifice meter, inches H2O ΔP velocity head of stack gas, inches H2O θ total sampling time, minutes µg microgram ρa density of acetone, mg/ml ρw density of water, 0.9982 g/ml or 0.002201 lb/ml acfm actual cubic feet of gas per minute at stack conditions An cross-sectional area of nozzle, ft2 As cross-sectional area of stack, square feet (ft2) Btu British thermal unit Bws proportion by volume of water vapor in gas stream Ca particulate matter concentration in stack gas, gr/acf CAvg average unadjusted gas concentration, ppmv CDir measured concentration of calibration gas, ppmv cf or ft3 cubic feet cfm cubic feet per minute CGas average gas concentration adjusted for bias, ppmv CM average of initial and final system bias check responses from upscale calibration gas, ppmv cm or m3 cubic meters CMA actual concentration of the upscale calibration gas, ppmv CO average of initial and final system bias check responses from low-level calibration gas, ppmv Cp pitot tube coefficient Cs particulate matter concentration in stack gas, gr/dscf CS calibration span, % or ppmv CS measured concentration of calibration gas, ppmv CV manufactured certified concentration of calibration gas, ppmv D drift assessment, % of span dcf dry cubic feet dcm dry cubic meters Dn diameter of nozzle, inches Ds diameter of stack, inches dscf dry standard cubic feet dscfm dry standard cubic feet per minute dscm dry standard cubic meters Fd F-factor, dscf/MMBtu of heat input fpm feet per minute fps feet per second ft feet ft2 square feet g gram gal gallons gr grains (7000 grains per pound) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT GP043AS-036949-PP-796 25 of 48 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT gr/dscf grains per dry standard cubic feet hr hour I percent of isokinetic sampling in inch k kilo or thousand (metric units, multiply by 103) K kelvin (temperature) K3 conversion factor 0.0154 gr/mg K4 conversion factor 0.002668 ((in. Hg)(ft3))/((ml)(°R)) kg kilogram Kp pitot tube constant (85.49 ft/sec) kwscfh thousand wet standard cubic feet per hour l liters lb/hr pounds per hour lb/MMBtu pounds per million Btu lpm liters per minute m meter or milli M thousand (English units) or mega (million, metric units) m3 cubic meters ma mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, mg Md molecular weight of stack gas; dry basis, lb/lb-mole meq milliequivalent mg milligram Mg megagram (106 grams) min minute ml or mL milliliter mm millimeter MM million (English units) MMBtu/hr million Btu per hour mn total amount of particulate matter collected, mg mol mole mol. wt. or MW molecular weight Ms molecular weight of stack gas; wet basis, lb/lb-mole MW molecular weight or megawatt n number of data points ng nanogram nm nanometer Nm3 normal cubic meter Pbar barometric pressure, inches Hg pg picogram Pg stack static pressure, inches H2O Pm barometric pressure of dry gas meter, inches Hg ppb parts per billion ppbv parts per billion, by volume ppbvd parts per billion by volume, dry basis ppm parts per million ppmv parts per million, by volume ppmvd parts per million by volume, dry basis ppmvw parts per million by volume, wet basis Ps absolute stack gas pressure, inches Hg psi pounds per square inch psia pounds per square inch absolute psig pounds per square inch gauge GP043AS-036949-PP-796 26 of 48 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Pstd standard absolute pressure, 29.92 inches Hg Qa volumetric flow rate, actual conditions, acfm Qs volumetric flow rate, standard conditions, scfm Qstd volumetric flow rate, dry standard conditions, dscfm R ideal gas constant 21.85 ((in. Hg) (ft3))/((°R) (lbmole)) SBfinal post-run system bias check, % of span SBi pre-run system bias check, % of span scf standard cubic feet scfh standard cubic feet per hour scfm standard cubic feet per minute scm standard cubic meters scmh standard cubic meters per hour sec second sf, sq. ft., or ft2 square feet std standard t metric ton (1000 kg) T 0.975 t-value Ta absolute average ambient temperature, ºR (+459.67 for English) Tm absolute average dry gas meter temperature, ºR (+459.67 for English) ton or t ton = 2000 pounds tph or tons/hr tons per hour tpy or tons/yr tons per year Ts absolute average stack gas meter temperature, ºR (+459.67 for English) Tstd absolute temperature at standard conditions V volt Va volume of acetone blank, ml Vaw volume of acetone used in wash, ml Vlc total volume H2O collected in impingers and silica gel, grams Vm volume of gas sampled through dry gas meter, ft3 Vm(std)volume of gas measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscf Vma stack gas volume sampled, acf Vn volume collected at stack conditions through nozzle, acf Vs average stack gas velocity, feet per second Vwc(std)volume of water vapor condensed, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vwi(std)volume of water vapor in gas sampled from impingers, scf Vwsg(std)volume of water vapor in gas sampled from silica gel, scf W watt Wa weight of residue in acetone wash, mg Wimp total weight of impingers, grams Wsg total weight of silica gel, grams Y dry gas meter calibration factor, dimensionless GP043AS-036949-PP-796 27 of 48 AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy ACDP air contaminant discharge permit ACE analyzer calibration error, percent of span AD absolute difference ADL above detection limit AETB Air Emissions Testing Body AS applicable standard (emission limit) ASTM American Society For Testing And Materials BACT best achievable control technology BDL below detection limit BHP brake horsepower BIF boiler and industrial furnace BLS black liquor solids CC confidence coefficient CD calibration drift CE calibration error CEM continuous emissions monitor CEMS continuous emissions monitoring system CERMS continuous emissions rate monitoring system CET calibration error test CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGA cylinder gas audit CHNOS elemental analysis for determination of C, H, N, O, and S content in fuels CNCG concentrated non-condensable gas CO catalytic oxidizer COC chain of custody COMS continuous opacity monitoring system CPM condensable particulate matter CPMS continuous parameter monitoring system CT combustion turbine CTM conditional test method CTO catalytic thermal oxidizer CVAAS cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy De equivalent diameter DE destruction efficiency Dioxins polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) DLL detection level limited DNCG dilute non-condensable gas ECD electron capture detector EIT Engineer In Training ELCD electrolytic conductivity detector (hall detector) EMPC estimated maximum possible concentration EPA US Environmental Protection Agency EPRI Electric Power Research Institute ES emission standard (applicable limit) ESP electrostatic precipitator EU emission unit FCCU fluid catalytic cracking unit FGD flue gas desulfurization FI flame ionization FIA flame ionization analyzer FID flame ionization detector FPD flame photometric detector FPM filterable particulate matter ABBREVIATIONS GP043AS-036949-PP-796 28 of 48 ABBREVIATIONS FTIR Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy FTPB field train proof blank FTRB field train recovery blank Furans polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) GC gas chromatography GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy GFAAS graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy GFC gas filter correlation GHG greenhouse gas HAP hazardous air pollutant HC hydrocarbons HHV higher heating value HPLC high performance liquid chromatography HRGC/HRMS high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectroscopy HRSG heat recovery steam generator IC ion chromatography ICAP inductively-coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy ICPCR ion chromatography with a post-column reactor ICP-MS inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy IR infrared radiation ISO International Standards Organization kW kilowatts LFG landfill gas LHV lower heating value LPG liquified petroleum gas MACT maximum achievable control technology MDI methylene diphenyl diisocyanate MDL method detection limit MNOC maximum normal operating conditions MRL method reporting limit MS mass spectrometry NA not applicable or not available NCASI National Council For Air And Steam Improvement NCG non-condensable gases ND not detected NDIR non-dispersive infrared NESHAP National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants NG natural gas NIOSH National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health NIST National Institute Of Standards And Technology NMC non-methane cutter NMOC non-methane organic compounds NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds NPD nitrogen phosphorus detector NSPS New Source Performance Standards OSHA Occupational Safety And Health Administration PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCB polychlorinated biphenyl compounds PCWP plywood and composite wood products PE Professional Engineer PFAS per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) PI photoionization PID photoionization detector PM particulate matter GP043AS-036949-PP-796 29 of 48 ABBREVIATIONS PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter POM polycyclic organic matter PS performance specification PSD particle size distribution PSEL plant site emission limits PST performance specification test PTE permanent total enclosure PTM performance test method QA/QC quality assurance and quality control QI Qualified Individual QSTI Qualified Source Testing Individual RA relative accuracy RAA relative accuracy audit RACT reasonably available control technology RATA relative accuracy test audit RCTO rotary concentrator thermal oxidizer RICE stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine RM reference method RTO regenerative thermal oxidizer SAM sulfuric acid mist SCD sulfur chemiluminescent detector SCR selective catalytic reduction system SD standard deviation Semi-VOST semi-volatile organic compounds sample train SRM standard reference material TAP toxic air pollutant TBD to be determined TCA thermal conductivity analyzer TCD thermal conductivity detector TGNENMOC total gaseous non-ethane non-methane organic compounds TGNMOC total gaseous non-methane organic compounds TGOC total gaseous organic compounds THC total hydrocarbons TIC tentatively identified compound TO thermal oxidizer TO toxic organic (as in EPA Method TO-15) TPM total particulate matter TSP total suspended particulate matter TTE temporary total enclosure ULSD ultra-low sulfur diesel UV ultraviolet radiation range VE visible emissions VOC volatile organic compounds VOST volatile organic sample train WC water column WWTP waste water treatment plant GP043AS-036949-PP-796 30 of 48 Ag silver Se selenium As arsenic SO2 sulfur dioxide Ba barium SO3 sulfur trioxide Be beryllium SOx sulfur oxides C carbon TCDD tetrachlorodibenzodioxin Cd cadmium TCDF tetrachlorodibenzofuran CdS cadmium sulfide TGOC total gaseous organic concentration CH2O formaldehyde THC total hydrocarbons CH3CHO acetaldehyde Tl thallium CH3OH methanol TRS total reduced sulfur compounds CH4 methane Zn zinc C2H4O ethylene oxide C2H6 ethane C3H4O acrolein C3H6O propionaldehyde C3H8 propane C6H5OH phenol Cl2 chlorine ClO2 chlorine dioxide CO carbon monoxide Co cobalt CO2 carbon dioxide Cr chromium Cu copper EtO ethylene oxide EtOH ethyl alcohol (ethanol) H2 hydrogen H2O water H2O2 hydrogen peroxide H2S hydrogen sulfide H2SO4 sulfuric acid HCl hydrogen chloride Hg mercury IPA isopropyl alcohol MDI methylene diphenyl diisocyanate MeCl2 methylene chloride MEK methyl ethyl ketone MeOH methanol Mn manganese N2 nitrogen NH3 ammonia Ni nickel NO nitric oxide NO2 nitrogen dioxide NOx nitrogen oxides O2 oxygen P phosphorus Pb lead PCDD polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans Sb antimony CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE GP043AS-036949-PP-796 31 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Appendix A.2 Accreditation Information/Certifications GP043AS-036949-PP-796 32 of 48 Accredited Air Emission Testing Body A2LA has accredited MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES In recognition of the successful completion of the joint A2LA and Stack Testing Accreditation Council (STAC) evaluation process, this laboratory is accredited to perform testing activities in compliance with ASTM D7036:2004 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies. Presented this 4th day of February 2022. _______________________ Vice President, Accreditation Services For the Accreditation Council Certificate Number 3925.01 Valid to February 29, 2024 This accreditation program is not included under the A2LA ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement. A merican Association for Laboratory Accreditation GP043AS-036949-PP-796 33 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot Appendix “S” Field Work Safety Plan GP043AS-036949-PP-796 34 of 48 SITE SAFETY P LAN BOO KLE T Project:_____________________ Cus tomer :___________________ Loca tion:____________________ Units :_______________________ Cl ient Project Manager:______________________ Revisio n Date:June 29th, 2023 PROJ-000TBD Coterie Environmental TEAD Deactivation Furnace/PCE Timothy Wojtach GP043AS-036949-PP-796 35 of 48 Page 1 of 2 Site Safety Plan and JHA Purpose and Instructions Purpose Employee safety is the top priority of Montrose Environmental Group.All employees must be trained to assess and mitigate hazards.The District Manager and Project Manager are responsible to ensure all hazards have been properly identified and managed.All employees have Stop Work Authority in all situations wh ere an employee f eels they or their co-worker cannot perform a job safely or if there is a task for which th ey have not been adequately trained. The Site Safety Plan (SSP)has been developed to help assist Montrose test crews with identifying physical and health hazards and determining how the hazards will be managed. Additionally,the SSP will help each crew manage the safety of the employees by providing emergency procedures and information.The booklet contains a several safety forms that may be required in the field. Instructions The SSP consists of t he following: communicated to all employees,signed,and posted. Supervisor/CPM will ensure that this Emergency Action Plan Form is completed, CPM will maintain a roster and be respo nsible for accounting for all employees.The Job to work commencing.In the event of an emergency situation/evacuation,the Job Supervisor/ emergency and evacuat ion procedures,assembly/rally points,alert systems,and signals prior the Emergency Act ion Plan form and ensure that all employees are familiar with the facility 4.Emergency Action Plan -The Job Supervisor/Client Project Ma nager (CPM)will complete observed plus applicable PPE that may be required. administrative controls that a crew can use to reduce or eliminate the hazards they have 3.Hazard Control Matrix -contains useful information on both engineering and with t he toolbox topic and signatures can be added to the SSP packet. the hazard analysis is required daily for t he duration of the test.An additional sheet of paper modified when conditions change.A toolbox meeting with a daily topic in addition to a review of sign on the Job Hazard Analysis form in agreement and sign in Section 10.The JHA is t o be Each team member has the option to discuss making changes or adding to the JHA and must Section 9 will require at least three tasks,hazards and controls be identified for the project. form for accuracy,making any corrections required and complete the remainder of the JHA. complete the JHA form through section 8.Upon arrival at the test site,the team will review the daily hazard review with sign off by the team.The client Project Manager is responsible to task/site’s particular hazards and controls.The form also includes a daily toolbox topic and 2.A Job Hazard Analysis is a standardized,two-page,fillable form that is used to evaluated the prior to the test. 1.A Pre-Mobilization Test Plan –To be completed in it’s entirety by the client project Manager AQS-FRM-1.13R1 Extended Hours Formc. Heat Stress Prevention Form Based on Heat Indexb. MEWP Lift Inspection Forma. Additional Forms,as applicable5. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 36 of 48 Page 2 of 2 Site Safety Plan and JHA Purpose and Instructions The SSP is a living document.The Project Manager should continually update their SSPs as new information and conditions change or if new hazards are presented. Each completed SSP should be maintained with the Test Plan in the office for a period of 3 years.There will be an audit process developed for the Site Safety Plans. AQS-FRM-1.13R1 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 37 of 48 Page 1 of 2 PRE-MOBILIZATION TEST INFORMAT ION Source Type:New Source:____Revisit:____Prj#/Date/Tech:__________________________ Co al Fired Electric Utility:____Ethanol Plant:____Chemical Mfg.of _________________________ Ce ment/Lime Kiln Plant:____Specialty Mfg.of:___________Other:_______________ Anticipated Effluent Composition –check all that apply and fill in expected concentration in ppm/% CO NOX SO2 VOC other If oth er,explain:_______________________________________________________ Flammable:_______Toxic:________Corrosive:_______Dust:__________ Engin eering Controls to be Implemented: ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Safety Equipment Required: Personal gas monitors:____ Re spir atory Protection: Ha lf Face____Full Face____HEPA Filters____Supplied Air:_____(Safety Dept.Approval) Approximate Flue Gas Temperatures,(F) below 210 210 to 450 450 to 950 above 950 other If oth er,explain:_______________________________________________________ Approximate Duct Pressure,(iwg): below -3 -3 to +3 +3 to +7 above +7 other If oth er,explain:_______________________________________________________ PROJECT NAME/LOCATION :______________________PROJECT #:____________________ TEST DATE:______________________PROJECT MANAGER:___________________ TEST SCOPE:_________________________________________________________________ SITE CONTACT:Name:_____________________Contact Phone:_________________________ AQS-FRM-1.17 X PROJ-027746/August 2023/DSmith X ~8% CO2, ~10% O2, <1 ppmv CO TEAD Deactivation Furnace RATA/PCE Audit PROJ-000TBD May 6, 2024 Timothy Wojtach Gas Velocity, O2 and CO RATA on Deactivation Furnace and PCE Audits Michele (Gehring) Karnes 610-945-1777 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 38 of 48 Page 2 of 2 PRE-MOBILIZATION TEST INFORMAT ION Sampling Location:Stack Port ____Duct Port ____ Approximate Sampling Platform Height,(ft) Effluent Chemic al Regulatory Limits Gas Name Chemical Formula Cal OSHA PEL1 (ppm) Cal OSHA STEL2 (ppm) NIOSH REL TWA3 (ppm) Cal OSHA Ceiling (ppm) IDLH4 (ppm) Carbon Monoxide CO 25 200 35 200 1,200 Nitric Oxide NOx 25 ND5 25 ND 100 Sulfur Dioxide SO2 2 5 2 ND 100 Hydrogen Chloride HCl 0.3 2 ND 2 50 Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 10 15 10 (10 min.)C 50 100 California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)based on an 8-hour shift; 2:Cal OSHA Short-term Exposure Limit (STEL)based on a 15-minute period; 3:National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Recommended Exposure Limit (REL)Time -weighted Average (TWA)based on an 8-hour shift; 4:Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH); 5:Not Defined (ND); C:Ceiling Limit -Maximum allowable human exposure limit for an airborne or gaseous substance,which is not to be exceeded,even momentarily. Prepared by: Reviewed by:Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Additional Information: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ De scribe how equipment will be mobilized to the sampling location: Other:_____________________________________________________________________________ Guardrails:____Toe plate:____Engineered Tie Off Points:____Heat Shield:____ Elevators:____L adders:____MEWP Lift:____Scaffold:____Equipment Hoist:____ Ac cess and Protection: If oth er,explain:_______________________________________________________ below 6 6 to 50 50 to 100 above 100 other AQS-FRM-1.17 2 Timothy Wojtach Date: January 29, 2024 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 39 of 48 Job Hazard Analysis 1 of 3 1. Client Rep Job Preparation Job Site Walk Through Completed Site Specific Training Complete Safe Work Permit Received from Client 2.Facility Information/Emergency Preparedness If non-emergency medical attention is needed, call: AXIOM #: 877-502-9466. Plant Emergency # Certified First Aid Person: EMS Location Evacuation Routes Rally Point Severe Weather Shelter Location Eye Wash & Safety Shower Location Operational: Yes No Source Information: (list type): Stack Gas Temp. (oF)Stack Gas Press. ("H2O)Stack Gas Components: Stack Gas Inhalation Potential?Yes No If yes, see List of Hazard Chemicals. 3.Error Risk Time Pressure Remote Work Location > 12 hr shift Working > 8 consecutive days Lack of procedures Extreme temps, wind >30mph Personal illness/fatigue Vague work guidance Monotonous Activity First day back after time off Multiple job locations Other: 4.Physical Hazards Hazard Controls Dust Hazards Dust Mask Goggles Other: Thermal Burn Hot Gloves Heat Shields Other Protective Clothing: Electrical Hazards Connections Protected from Elements External GFCI Other: XP Rating Requirement Intrinsically Safe Requirement Inadequate Lighting Install Temporary Lighting Headlamps Slip and Trip Housekeeping Barricade Area Other: Hand Protection Cut Resistant Gloves Pinch Pts.General Electrical Impact Resistant Other: Potential Hazards for Consideration Secondary Permits Hot Work Confined Space Excavation Working from Heights Falling objects Fall protection Drop zone protection Platform load ratings See also Sect. 7 Scaffold inspection Ladder inspection Barricades for equipment Electrical Exposed wire/connector Verify equipment grounding Arc Flash Lifting Crane lift plan Rigging inspection Tag lines used Hoists in place Respiratory Unexpected exposure Chemical Dust (combustible)PEL provided See also Sect. 8 Cartridges or supplied air available Gas detection equipment 5.Required PPE Hard Hats Safety Glasses Safety Toe Shoe/Boot Hearing Protection Safety Spotter Hi-Vis Vests Harness/Lanyard*Goggles Personal Monitor Type: Metatarsal Guards Hot Gloves Face Shield Respirator Type: Nomex/FRC Other PPE: Client Contact Name Date Facility SSP Writer PM If the heat index is expected to be above 91°, fill out the Heat Stress Prevention Form. All hazards and mitigation steps must be documented. If this JHA does not cover all the hazards identified, use Section 9 to document that information. AQS-FRM-1.18 Coterie Environmental TW Michele (Gehring) Karnes, P.E.5-6-24 TEAD Lonnie Brown GP043AS-036949-PP-796 40 of 48 Job Hazard Analysis 2 of 3 Additional Work Place Hazards 6.Critical Procedures – check all that apply – *indicates additional form must be completed or collected from client Heat Stress Prevention*Confined Space*Roof Work Scaffold Cold Weather Work Hazardous Energy Control*Other: 7.Working From Heights Fall Protection Fixed Guardrails/Toe boards Fall Prevention PPE Warning Line System Falling Objects Protection Barricading Netting House Keeping Tethered Tools Catch Blanket or Tarp Fall Hazard Communication Adjacent/Overhead Workers Contractor Contact Client Contact 8.Other Considerations Environmental Hazards - Weather Forecast Heat/Cold Lightning Rain Snow Ice Tornado Wind Speed Steps for Mitigation: Electrical Safety Planning Plant Hook up:110V 220/240V 480V Generator Hard wired into panel Electrical Classified Area: Yes No Trailer Grounded: Yes No Plug Type Electrical Hook Up Responsibility: List of Hazardous Chemicals Other Chemicals: Acetone Nitric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Compressed Gases Hexane Sulfuric Acid Isopropyl Alcohol Flammable Gas Toluene Hydrochloric Acid Liquid Nitrogen Non-Flammable Gas H2S Carbon Monoxide Steps for Mitigation: Wildlife/Fauna in Area Poison Ivy Poison Oak Insects:Wildlife: Personnel w/ known allergies to bees stings or other allergens?Yes No 9.Observed Hazards and Mitigation Steps Task Potential Hazard(s)Steps for Mitigation ● 1 1 2 2 3 3 ● 1 1 2 2 3 3 ● 1 1 2 2 3 3 ● 1 1 2 2 3 3 Exposure Monitoring MEWP* AQS-FRM-1.18 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 41 of 48 Job Hazard Analysis 3 of 3 10.JHA REVIEW: Crew Names & Signatures 11.Daily JHA Meeting & Review Items to review: ● Change in conditions ● Extended work hours ● Daily Safety Topic ● New workers or contractors ● Occurrence of near misses or injuries Printed Name Signature 2 Discussion TopicDay Initialing demonstrates that site conditions and hazards have not changed from the original SSP. If changes did occur, make the necessary updates to this JHA and add notes as applicable in Section 9. Initials 9 8 7 6 3 Date Printed Name Signature Date 5 4 11 10 AQS-FRM-1.18 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 42 of 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 Local Hospital/ Clinic Telephone Number: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MEG Job Supervisor/ CPM's Telephone Number: Plant's #1 Contact Person's Name: Plant's #1 Contact Person's Telephone Number: MEG Job Safety Supervisor's Telephone Number: Plant's Emergency Telephone Number: Emergency Ops Radio Channel: The Fire Extinguisher is Located: Eye Wash and Safety Shower Location: The First Aid Kit is Located: Page 1 of 2 The Job Supervisor/ Client Project Manager (CPM) will ensure that all employees are familiar with the facility emergency and evacuation procedures, assembly/ rally points, alert systems, and signals prior to work commencing. In the event of an emergency situation/ evacuation, the Job Supervisor/ CPM will maintain a roster and be responsible for accounting for all employees. The Job Supervisor/ CPM will ensure that this Emergency Action Plan Form is completed, communicated to all employees, and posted. •You must follow the client’s emergency action plan first, and notify your Supervisor immediately. •If incident is life threatening, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELLY •If non-emergency medical attention is needed, call AXIOM Medical number: 877-502-9466. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FORM MEG Job Supervisor/ CPM's Name: MEG Job Safety Supervisor (if applicable): Evacuation Routes: Severe Weather Shelter Location: Plant's #2 Contact Person's Name: Plant's #2 Contact Person's Telephone Number: Designated Assembly Point Location: AQS-FRM-1.11 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 43 of 48 1 2 4 5 Signature:Date:Printed Name:Signature:Date: EVACUATE:____________________________________; OTHER:_______________________________________; Alarm Tones: EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FORM AND EVACUATION ASSEMBLY MAP REVIEW:Crew Names and Signatures Printed Name: Draw the evacuation and assembly map here Page 2 of 2 EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND ASSEMBLY MAP 3 Designated Shelter(s)Description: Designated Assembly Point(s)Description: YES or NO Facility Name: Facility Alarm (Circle): FIRE:_________________________________________; CHEMICAL/GAS:_______________________________; SHELTER-IN-PLACE:_____________________________; AQS-FRM-1.11 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 44 of 48 Serial Number: Make:Rented or Owned: •Check “Yes” if an item is adequate,operational,and safe. •Check “No” to indicate that a repair or other corrective action is required prior to use. •Check “N/A” to indicate “Not Applicable.” Yes No N/A ☐☐☐ 2.Hydraulic fluid level is s ufficient,with the platform fully lowered ☐☐☐ 3.Hydraulic sys tem pressure (see m anufacturer specs)is acceptable. If the pressure is low,determine cause and repair in accordance with accepted procedures as outlined in service manual. ☐☐☐ 4.Tires and wheel lug nuts (for tightness)☐☐☐ 5.Hoses and cables (i.e.worn are as or chafing)☐☐☐ 6.Platform rails and safety gate (no damage p resent)☐☐☐ 7.Pivot pins secure ☐☐☐ 8.Welds are not cracked and structu ral members are not bent or broken ☐☐☐ 9.Warning and instructional labels are legible and secure,and load capacity is clearly marked.☐☐☐ 10. Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual is present inside the bucket ☐☐☐ 11.Base controls (switches and push buttons)can be properly operated ☐☐☐ 12.Platform conditions are safe (i.e.not slippery)☐☐☐ 13.Fire extinguisher is present,mounted a nd fully charged,loca ted inside the bucket ☐☐☐ 14.Headlights,safety strobe light and back-up alarm are functional ☐☐☐ 15.Workpla ce is free of hazards (overhead powerlines,obstru ctions,lev el surface ,high wind s, etc.)*Do not operate if winds are 20 mph,unless otherwise specified by manufacturer recommendations. ☐☐☐ Operator Name &Signature Location Date Ground Control Name &Signature Location Date Harness Inspections: Printed Name Signature Date Printed Name Signature Date Printed Name Signature Date Da ily MEWP Lift Inspection Form Page 1 of 1 atthe beginning of each shift or following 6 to 8 hours of use. All c hecks must be completed prior to each work shift,before operation of the MEWP lift.This checklist must be used MEWP Lift Model #: loose hoses,etc.)–if some thing can be easily loosened by hand then it is not sufficient. 1.All MEWP lift components are in working condition (i.e.no loose or missing parts,torn or Items to be Inspected AQS-FRM-1.16 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 45 of 48 Page 1 of 1 001AS-SAFETY-FM-3 Extended Hours Safety Audit Project Number: Date: Time: When a project is expected to extend past a 14-hour work day, this form must be completed to evaluate the condition of the crew, and the safety of the work environment. Permission to proceed into extended work hours must come from a District Manager (DM) or Regional Vice President (RVP). Technical RVPs can authorize moving forward , if they are in the field or if they are managing the project. 1. Hold test crew meeting Test crew initials: The test leader should look for signs of the following in their crews: • Irritability • Lack of motivation • Headaches • Giddiness • Fatigue • Depression • Reduced alertness, lack of concentration and memory The test leader should assess the environmental and hazardous concerns: • Temperature and weather • Lighting • Working from Heights • Hoisting • PPE (i.e. respirators, etc.) • Pollutant concentration in ambient air (SO 2, H2S, ect.) • Reason for extended hours • Reason for delay ▪ Production limitations • Impending Weather 3. Contact the client The PM , DM or RVP must discuss with client any identified safety concerns, the client’s needs and mutually agree on how to proceed. Discussion should also include the appropriate rest period needed before the next day’s work shift can begin. The DM and/or a RVP must be informed on the final decision. Final Outcome: Approver: During this time,they can come to an agreement on how to proceed.Itemsto discuss include: extended work period. If the DM is the acting PM on the job site, they must contact the RVP. The PM must contact either the DM or RVP to discuss the safety issues that may arise due to the Notify DM or RVP2. GP043AS-036949-PP-796 46 of 48 Page 1 of 1 001AS-SAFETY-FM-5 Heat Stress Prevention Form This form is to be used when the Expected Heat Index is above 91°F,and is to be kept with project documentation. Project Manager (PM):Expected High Temp: Date(s):Expected Heat Index: 1.Review the s igns of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke 2.If Heat Index is above 91°F: •Provide cold water and/or sports drinks to all field staff (avoid caff einated drinks and energy drink s which can increase core temperature). o Bring no less than one gallon of water per employee •If e mployee(s)are dehydrated,on blo od pressure medication or not acclimated to heat, ensure they are aware of the heightened risk for heat illness •Provide cool head ban ds/vests/etc. •Have ice available to employees •Implement work shift rotations and breaks,particularly for employees working in direct sunlight. •Provide as much shade at the jobsite as possible,including tarps,tents or other acceptable temporary structures. •PM should interview each field staff periodically to evaluate for signs of heat illness 3.If Hea t Index is above 103°F: •Emp loyees must sto p for drinks and breaks every hour (about 4 cups/hour) •Emp loyees are not permitted to work alone for more than one hour at a time without a break offering shade and drink s •Employees should wear cool bands and vests if working outside more than one hour at a time •PM should interview each field staff every 2 hours to evaluate for signs of heat illness GP043AS-036949-PP-796 47 of 48 Coterie Environmental, LLC 2024 Building 1320 Deactivation Furnace CEMS RATA Source Test Protocol Tooele Army Depot This is the Last Page of This Document If you have any questions, please contact one of the following individuals by email or phone. Name: Timothy Wojtach Title: Account Manager Region: Great Plains Region, Denver Office Email: TWojtach@montrose-env.com Phone: 303-670-0503 ext. 14304 Name: Craig Kormylo Title: District Manager, VP Technical Region: Great Plains Region Email: CKormylo@montrose-env.com Phone: 303-810-2849 GP043AS-036949-PP-796 48 of 48