HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005417Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,Utah August 31, 2015 Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601 Hazardous Substance Grant for Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Prepared for: Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Salt Lake City, Utah Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Consultants Inc. 640 E. Wilmington Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 P 801-466-2223 F 801-466-9616 terracon.com August 31, 2015 Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City P.O. Box 145518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Attn: Ms. Ashlie Easterling P: (801) 535-7244 E:ashlie.easterling@slcgov.com Re: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809201 Dear Ms. Easterling: Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) is pleased to submit the enclosed Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report for the above-referenced site. This assessment was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. PAL150187, dated April 17, 2015. This assessment was conducted under EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809201 for the Hazardous Substance Grant. EPA approved this property for assessment on the basis of written approval of Property Profile Form, dated February 6, 2015. This ESA is provided as part of Task 4 of the Cooperative Agreement Work Plan digitally approved by EPA on July 30, 2015. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. In addition to Phase I services, our professionals provide geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities services. If there are any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Ashley A. Scothern, E.P.Kent Wheeler, APR Staff Environmental Scientist Regional Manager Attachments TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... i Findings ....................................................................................................................................... i Opinions and Conclusions ........................................................................................................... ii Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Scope of Services........................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Standard of Care ............................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations, ASTM Deviations and Data Gaps ...................................... 2 1.5 Reliance ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Client Provided Information ............................................................................................. 3 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING ................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 5 3.1 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Sanborn Maps................................... 5 3.2 Historical City Directories ................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Site Ownership ............................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Title Search .................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations ..................................................... 7 3.6 Interviews Regarding Current and Historical Site Uses.................................................... 7 3.7 Prior Report Review ....................................................................................................... 8 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Federal and State/Tribal Databases ................................................................................ 9 4.2 Local Agency Inquiries .................................................................................................. 14 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE ....................................................................................................... 14 5.1 General Site Information ............................................................................................... 14 5.2 Overview of Current Site Occupants ............................................................................. 15 5.3 Overview of Current Site Operations ............................................................................. 15 5.4 Site Observations ......................................................................................................... 15 6.0 aDJOINING PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE ........................................................................ 19 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES ......................................................................................................... 19 8.0 DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ 19 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Exhibit 1 - Topographic Map, Exhibit 2 - Site Diagram APPENDIX B Site Photographs APPENDIX C Historical Documentation and User Questionnaire APPENDIX D Environmental Database Information APPENDIX E Credentials APPENDIX F Description of Terms and Acronyms Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. PAL150187, dated April 17, 2015, and was conducted consistent with the procedures included in ASTM E1527-13,Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The ESA was conducted under the supervision or responsible charge of Ashley A. Scothern, Environmental Professional. Ms. Scothern performed the site reconnaissance on May 1, 2015. Findings A summary of findings is provided below. It should be recognized that details were not included or fully developed in this section, and the report must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. Site Description and Use The site is an approximately 0.34-acre parcel (Parcel ID #15-02-204-007) owned by Schovaers Electronics. An approximately 6,000-square-foot industrial building occupies the site. An approximately 400-square-foot garage is present on the northwest side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary area. Schovaers Electronics currently occupies the site. The facility consists of a photo room, film tooling room, rout room, drill room, and plating room storage areas, and small office areas. The facility makes circuit boards using a plating operation. During the plating process, thin layers of metal are either adhered to or stripped away from the circuit boards. The plating tanks are mixed and drained in the plating room. Overflow water from the plating tanks drains directly on the wooden pallet flooring in the room, which is collected by the sump in the room. The sump is located next to the wastewater treatment system in the southeast corner of the plating room. The wastewater is treated then discharged into the sanitary sewer system. Historically, etchant from the plating room was observed to have leaked out of the building through the building’s seams and concrete flooring. Because of this, a liner was installed above the concrete slab in the plating room for more efficient discharge of overflow water into the sump. Historical Information The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The residences were demolished and the current commercial building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. Use of the site as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years represents a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable ii Records Review The site was identified as the Schovaers Electronics RCRA-SQG facility. This listing does not represent a REC to the site. The north-adjoining facility was listed as the Crown Plating Company, Inc. RCRA-SQG, FTTS, FINDS and UT NPDES facility. Based on numerous violations in the mid-1980s to early 1990s due to the known improper disposal of 1,1,1, trichlororethane (TCA) on the property boundary, this RCRA-SQG listing represents a REC to the site. Multiple other facilities were noted; however, the remaining facilities do not represent a REC to the site. Refer to Section 4.1 for more detailed information regarding the findings. Site Reconnaissance Numerous RECs were identified during site inspection. The site has been used as an electroplating facility for over 35 years. Based on the age of the wastewater treatment system, which includes the sump, and the visible seepage of spent etchant through the exterior walls and unknown seepage toward ground level, the electroplating operations at the site represent a REC. Adjoining Properties The site is adjoined to the north by an electroplating facility, to the east by a stone facility, and to the south by a vehicle repair shop. An industrial warehouse adjoins the site to the west. Indications of RECs were not observed with the adjoining properties. Opinions and Conclusions We have performed a Phase I ESA consistent with the procedures included in ASTM Practice E1527-13 at 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, the site. The following Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) or Controlled RECs were identified in connection with the site: n Impacts from adjoin properties: The north adjacent property has documented improper disposal of TCA very near or on the property line. This identified release represents a REC to the subject property. n Long-term industrial use:The site has been an electroplating shop for approximately 38 years. Evidences of releases from these industrial operations were widespread and included leaking and spilling. Below, we have listed observed RECs that are considered part of the long-term industrial use. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable iii REC/CREC/HREC Petroleum Hazardous Substances Potentially Combined Historical use of the site as a plating shop (38 years)X Historical solvent use X RCRA hazardous waste storage and disposal X Wastewater discharge / Sump system X Exterior staining associated with drum storage X Poor storage of hazardous materials and wastes X Recommendations Based on the scope of services, limitations, and conclusions of this assessment, Terracon recommends the following additional actions. n A subsurface investigation to determine if the identified REC has impacted the soils or groundwater at the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description Site Name Schovaers Electronics Site Location/Address 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, County, Utah Land Area Approximately 0.34 acres Site Improvements One approximately 6,000-square-foot warehouse building and one approximately 200-square-foot lean to shed. The site location is depicted on Exhibit 1 of Appendix A, which was reproduced from a portion of the USGS 7.5-minute series topographic map. A Site Diagram of the site and adjoining properties is included as Exhibit 2 of Appendix A. Acronyms and terms used in this report are described in Appendix F. 1.2 Scope of Services This Phase I ESA was performed in accordance with our Terracon Proposal No. APL150187, dated April 17, 2015, and was conducted consistent with the procedures included in ASTM E1527-13,Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The purpose of this ESA was to assist the client in developing information to identify RECs in connection with the site as reflected by the scope of this report. This purpose was undertaken through user-provided information, a regulatory database review, historical and physical records review, interviews, including local government inquiries, as applicable, user- provided information, and a visual noninvasive reconnaissance of the site and adjoining properties. Limitations, ASTM deviations, and significant data gaps (if identified) are noted in the applicable sections of the report. Services in support of client Brownfields revitalization are provided considering client’s previously EPA-approved Brownfield Cooperative Agreement and Cooperative Agreement Work Plan. ESA services also consider EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiries Rule: Reporting Requirements Checklist for Assessment Grant Recipients (EPA 560-R-11-030, February 2014). 1.3 Standard of Care This ESA was performed in accordance with generally accepted practices of this profession, undertaken in similar studies at the same time and in the same geographical area. We have endeavored to meet this standard of care, but may be limited by conditions encountered during performance, a client-driven scope of work, or inability to review information not received by the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 2 report date. Where appropriate, these limitations are discussed in the text of the report, and an evaluation of their significance with respect to our findings has been conducted. Phase I ESAs, such as the one performed at this site, are of limited scope, are noninvasive, and cannot eliminate the potential that hazardous, toxic, or petroleum substances are present or have been released at the site beyond what is identified by the limited scope of this ESA. In conducting the limited scope of services described herein, certain sources of information and public records were not reviewed. It should be recognized that environmental concerns may be documented in public records that were not reviewed. No ESA can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs in connection with a property. Performance of this practice is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs. No warranties, express or implied, are intended or made. The limitations herein must be considered when the user of this report formulates opinions as to risks associated with the site or otherwise uses the report for any other purpose. These risks may be further evaluated – but not eliminated – through additional research or assessment. We will, upon request, advise you of additional research or assessment options that may be available and associated costs. 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations, ASTM Deviations and Data Gaps Based upon the agreed-on scope of services, this ESA did not include subsurface or other invasive assessments, vapor intrusion assessments or indoor air quality assessments (i.e. evaluation of the presence of vapors within a building structure), business environmental risk evaluations, or other services not particularly identified and discussed herein. Credentials of the company (Statement of Qualifications) have not been included in this report but are available upon request. Pertinent documents are referred to in the text of this report, and a separate reference section has not been included. Reasonable attempts were made to obtain information within the scope and time constraints set forth by the client; however, in some instances, information requested is not, or was not, received by the issuance date of the report. Information obtained for this ESA was received from several sources that we believe to be reliable; nonetheless, the authenticity or reliability of these sources cannot and is not warranted hereunder. This ESA was further limited by: n The historical use of the site was not identified back to when the site was undeveloped, as the earliest ascertainable standard historical source identified the site as developed with residences in 1898. Based on the original non- suspect residential development of the site, this data gap is not deemed to be significant. An evaluation of the significance of limitations and missing information with respect to our findings has been conducted, and where appropriate, significant data gaps are identified and discussed in the text of the report. However, it should be recognized that an evaluation of significant data gaps is based on the information available at the time of report issuance, and an Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 3 evaluation of information received after the report issuance date may result in an alteration of our conclusions, recommendations, or opinions. We have no obligation to provide information obtained or discovered by us after the issuance date of the report, or to perform any additional services, regardless of whether the information would affect any conclusions, recommendations, or opinions in the report. This disclaimer specifically applies to any information that has not been provided by the client. This report represents our service to you as of the report date and constitutes our final document; its text may not be altered after final issuance. Findings in this report are based upon the site’s current utilization, information derived from the most recent reconnaissance and from other activities described herein; such information is subject to change. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, or not present during the most recent reconnaissance and may subsequently become observable (such as after site renovation or development). Further, these services are not to be construed as legal interpretation or advice. 1.5 Reliance This ESA report is prepared for the exclusive use and reliance of Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA). General public use of the document or its information is at the user’s risk. Reliance by any other party is prohibited without the written authorization of Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City and Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon). Reliance on the ESA by the client and all authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions and limitations stated in the proposal, ESA report, and Terracon’s Agreement. The limitation of liability defined in the Agreement is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability to the client and all relying parties. Continued viability of this report is subject to ASTM E1527-13 Sections 4.6 and 4.8. If the ESA will be used by a different user (third party) than the user for whom the ESA was originally prepared, the third party must also satisfy the user’s responsibilities in Section 6 of ASTM E1527-13. 1.6 Client Provided Information Prior to the site visit, Ms. Ashlie Easterling, RDA’s representative, was asked to provide the following user questionnaire information as described in ASTM E1527-13 Section 6. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 4 Client Questionnaire Responses Client Questionnaire Item Client Did Not Respond Client’s Response Yes No Specialized Knowledge or Experience that is material to a REC in connection with the site. X Actual Knowledge of Environmental Liens or Activity Use Limitations (AULs) that may encumber the site. X Actual Knowledge of a Lower Purchase Price because contamination is known or believed to be present at the site. N/A* Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information that is material to a REC in connection with the site. X Obvious Indicators of Contamination at the site.X * The client is not currently purchasing the property, but providing assessment as recipient of an EPA Brownfield Assessment Cooperative Agreement. This is consistent with eligible use of funding by cooperative agreement recipients to provide assessment services on eligible properties to promote Brownfields revitalization where real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Ms. Easterling stated that prior to a foundation liner being installed in the 1980s, possible leaking of acids into cracked concrete may have occurred. She also stated that the site is a small quantity generator due to the generation of filter cakes. A copy of the completed User Questionnaire is attached in Appendix C. 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING Physical Setting Physical Setting Information Source Topography (Refer to Appendix A for an excerpt of the Topographic Map) Site Elevation Approximately 4,230 feet (NGVD) USGS Topographic Map, Salt Lake City, North, Utah Quadrangle, 1963, photo-revised in 1969 and 1975 Surface Runoff/ Topographic Gradient Surface runoff and topographic gradient at the site is relatively flat. Closest Surface Water The Jordan River is approximately 0.53 miles west of the site. Soil Characteristics Soil Type UL – Urban Land Web Soil Survey http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/H omePage.htmDescriptionFill Geology/Hydrogeology Formation Qtg – Terrace Gravels Utah Geological Survey http://geology.utah.gov/apps/intgeomap/i ndex.htmlDescription Pebble and cobble gravel, sand and silt occurring a few to several tens of meters above modern flood plains. Estimated Depth to Approximately 8 to 10 feet below ground DERR Interactive Map Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 5 Physical Setting Information Source First Occurrence of Groundwater surface http://enviro.deq.utah.gov/ Bullough LUST (Facility ID #4001968) and Calder LUST (Facility ID #4000119) *Hydrogeologic Gradient Based on Terracon’s knowledge of the area, groundwater is generally less than 10 feet below the surface, and flows to the west if it is not influence by anthropological sources. * The groundwater flow direction and the depth to shallow, unconfined groundwater, if present, would likely vary depending upon seasonal variations in rainfall and other hydrogeological features. Without the benefit of on-site groundwater monitoring wells surveyed to a datum, groundwater depth and flow direction beneath the site cannot be directly ascertained. 3.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION Terracon reviewed the following historical sources to develop a history of the previous uses of the site and surrounding area, in order to help identify past uses for indications of RECs. Copies of selected historical documents are included in Appendix C. 3.1 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Sanborn Maps Readily available historical USGS topographic maps, selected historical aerial photographs (at approximately 10 to 15 year intervals) and historical fire insurance maps produced by the Sanborn Map Company were reviewed to evaluate land development and obtain information concerning the history of development on and near the site. Reviewed historical topographic maps, aerial photographs and Sanborn Maps are summarized below. Historical fire insurance maps produced by the Sanborn Map Company were requested from EDR to evaluate past uses and relevant characteristics of the site and surrounding properties. EDR provided Sanborn maps as summarized below. n Topographic map:Salt Lake City North, Utah, published in 1963 from 1962 aerial photographs; photo-revised in 1969 and 1975 from 1969 and 1975 aerial photographs (1:24,000) n Topographic map: Salt Lake City North, Utah, published in 1998 from 1997 aerial photographs n Aerial photograph: GeoSearch,1937, 1946, 1950, 1962, 1977, 1981, 1993, 1997, 2003, and 2014; all photographs were scaled to 1”=500’. / Google Earth Historical Aerials, 2006, interactive scale n Sanborn Fire Insurance Map(s):1898, 1911, 1949, 1950, 1986 n Previous Phase I ESA, Wasatch Environmental, June 2010 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 6 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs and Sanborn Maps Direction Description Site Residential development is visible (1898-1911). The site is vacant (1949-1950). The current warehouse building occupies the site (1962-1977). A rail spur is visible along the southern section of the site, which terminates at the west boundary area of the site (1986- 2009). The site is visible with the current warehouse and removed rail spur (2014). North The property appears undeveloped (1898). The property appears residential (1911- 1962). The south section of the warehouse is present (1977). The warehouse is expanded northward, comprising the current building configuration (1986-2014). East Jeremy Street and undeveloped property is visible (1898-1962). Due east of the site, undeveloped property is visible. Northeast of the site, the current stone facility building is visible (1962-1981). Some small exterior storage is visible in the undeveloped area of the property. The current commercial building is still present (1993-2003). The property appears to be used as an exterior storage yard of stone and other products associated with the building north of the yard (2006-2014). South Residential property occupies the south-adjoining property (1898). A railroad line is present. Residential property is visible south of the rail line (1911). Vacant property is visible south of the rail line (1949-1950). The rail line and residential property are visible (1962). The rail line and commercial buildings are visible (1977-2006). The rail line appears removed, and a vacant strip of property is visible, with commercial buildings present to the south (2014). West Residential property is present to the west (1898-1911). The property appears vacant (1949-1962). A commercial building occupies the property (1977-2014). 3.2 Historical City Directories The R. L. Polk City Directories used in this study were made available through the Salt Lake City Public Library (selected years reviewed: 1946, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1993, 1999, 2005, 2009, and 2015) and were reviewed at approximate five-year intervals, if readily available. Since these references are copyright protected, reproductions are not provided in this report. The current street address for the site was identified as 22 South Jeremy Street. Historical City Directories Direction Description Site No listing (1946-1952). General Cable Corporation, electrical supplies (1962-1972). Keyston Brothers, wholesale upholstery (1977). Bob Schovaers Tactile Signs 7 Engraving (1999). Schovaers Electronics Corporation (1982, 1993, 2005-2015). North 8 and 14 South Jeremy Street – No listing (1946-1962). Crown Plating Inc. (1967-1982, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 7 Direction Description 1993-2015). East 15 South Jeremy Street – No listing (1946-1957). Greater Mountain Chemical Company of Utah (1962-1972). The Soap Company (1977). Creed Laboratories (1982). Chembrite, chemical products (1993-1999). No listing (2005). Alexander Clark Enterprises, ornamental metal work (2009-2015). South 42 South Jeremy Street – Residential, sheet metal worker (1946-1952). Residential (1957). Rainbow Sales Company, janitorial supplies (1962). Western Broom Company (1967-1972). Laundry Equipment Parts, electrical repair (1977-1982, 1993-1999). Residential (2009). No listing (2005, 2015). West 25 South 900 West – No listing (1946-1967). Continental Industries of Utah carpet (1972). Indico Distributing, floor coverings (1977). Utah Paperbox Company (1993). Uinta Urethane Recyclers (2005). EPC International/Uinta Urethane Recyclers (2009). No listing (1999, 2015). 3.3 Site Ownership Based on a review of information obtained from the Salt Lake County Assessor’s records, the current site owner is Schovaers Electronics Corporation. 3.4 Title Search At the direction of the client, a title search was not included as part of the scope of services. Unless notified otherwise, we assume that the client is evaluating this information outside the scope of this report. 3.5 Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations Environmental lien and activity and use limitation records recorded against the site were not provided by the client. At the direction of the client, performance of a review of these records was not included as part of the scope of services and unless notified otherwise, we assume that the client is evaluating this information outside the scope of this report. The client provided a copy of the Commitment for Title Insurance (CTI). A copy of the CTI is provided in Appendix C. No environmental liens or Activity and Use Limitations were noted. 3.6 Interviews Regarding Current and Historical Site Uses The following individuals were interviewed regarding the current and historical use of the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 8 Interviewees Interviewer Interviewee/Phone #Title Date/Time Ashley Scothern Mr. Bob Schovaers (801) 521-2668 Owner/Owner Representative April 30 and May 1, 2015 Mr. Schovaers informed Terracon of the following details that occur at the site during daily work activities: n Daily operations are the manufacturing of electronic circuit boards n Hazardous materials in quantities greater than 5 gallons are stored and used at the site (such as caustic soda, flux, copper etchant, nitric acid, etc.) n There are floor drains and a sump system that discharges to an on-site wastewater treatment facility before discharging into the municipal waste system. n Mr. Schovaers stated the site has a Spill Prevention Plan; however, upon review of Mr. Schovaers’ files, the plan is internal and not a required SPPC Plan. n During the interview process, Mr. Schovaers stated that toluene was historically used at the site for approximately 10 years, starting in 1977. Mr. Schovaer was not aware of any pending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or notices of possible violations of environmental laws or liability or potential environmental concerns in connection with the site. 3.7 Prior Report Review Terracon requested the client provide any previous environmental reports they are aware of for the site. Previous reports were provided by the client to Terracon for review. n Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Salt Lake Redevelopment Agency Blight Study, North Temple Street Corridor, Blight Study Area N4 South Temple to 100 South and 800 West to 900 West, Salt Lake City, Utah Dated: June 21, 2010 Prepared by: Wasatch Environmental, Inc. For: Lewis Young Robertson & Burningham, Inc. The Wasatch Environmental Phase I ESA was conducted on an area known as N4 that included, but was not limited to, the site. Information pertaining to the site has been incorporated into relevant sections of this report; however, as the report was for a much larger area, details specific to the subject property are limited. An abridged copy of the Phase I ESA is provided in Appendix C. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 9 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW Regulatory database information was provided by EDR, a contract information services company. The purpose of the records review was to identify RECs in connection with the site. Information in this section is subject to the accuracy of the data provided by the information services company and the date at which the information is updated, and the scope herein did not include confirmation of facilities listed as "unmappable" by regulatory databases. In some of the following subsections, the words up-gradient, cross-gradient and down-gradient refer to the topographic gradient in relation to the site. As stated previously, the groundwater flow direction and the depth to shallow groundwater, if present, would likely vary depending upon seasonal variations in rainfall and the depth to the soil/bedrock interface. Without the benefit of on-site groundwater monitoring wells surveyed to a datum, groundwater depth and flow direction beneath the site cannot be directly ascertained. 4.1 Federal and State/Tribal Databases Listed below are the facility listings identified on federal and state/tribal databases within the ASTM-required search distances from the approximate site boundaries. Database definition, descriptions, and the database search report are included in Appendix D. Federal Databases Database Description Radius (miles)Listings CERCLIS The CERCLIS database is a compilation of facilities which the EPA has investigated or is currently investigating for a release or threatened release of hazardous substances pursuant to the CERCLA of 1980. 0.5 1 CERCLIS / NFRAP CERCLIS/NFRAP refers to facilities that have been removed and archived from EPA's inventory of CERCLA sites. 0.5 2 ERNS The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a listing compiled by the EPA on reported releases of petroleum and hazardous substances to the air, soil and/or water. Site IC / EC A listing of sites with institutional and/or engineering controls in place. IC include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. EC include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Site 1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 10 Database Description Radius (miles)Listings NPL The NPL is the EPA’s database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste facilities that have been listed for priority remedial actions under the Superfund Program. 1 1 NPL (Delisted) The NPL (Delisted) refers to facilities that have been removed from the NPL. 0.5 0 RCRA CORRACTS/ TSD The EPA maintains a database of RCRA facilities associated with treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) of hazardous waste that are undergoing “corrective action.” A “corrective action” order is issued when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. 1 2 RCRA Generators The RCRA Generators database, maintained by the EPA, lists facilities that generate hazardous waste as part of their normal business practices. Generators are listed as either large (LQG),small (SQG), or conditionally exempt (CESQG). LQG produce at least 1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or 1 kg/month of acutely hazardous waste. SQG produce 100-1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. CESQG are those that generate less than 100 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. Site and adjoining properties 2 RCRA Non- CORRACTS/ TSD The RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD Database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste. Unlike the RCRA CORRACTS/TSD database, the RCRA Non- CORRACTS/TSD database does not include RCRA facilities where corrective action is required. 0.5 0 State/Tribal Databases Database Description Radius (miles)Listings Brownfields State and/or Tribal listing of Brownfield properties addressed by Cooperative Agreement Recipients or Targeted Brownfields Assessments. 0.5 0 IC Sites included on the Brownfields Sites listing that have institutional controls in place. Site 0 LUST State and/or Tribal database of leaking underground storage tanks in the state of Utah. 0.5 24 SHWS The State of Utah does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list and Federal NPL list. 0.5 N/A SWF/LF State and/or Tribal database of solid waste facilities located within Utah. The database information may include the facility name, class, operation type, area, estimated operational life, and owner. 0.5 0 UST State and/or Tribal database of registered storage tanks in the State of Utah which may include the owner and location of the tanks. Site and adjoining properties 1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 11 Database Description Radius (miles)Listings VCP State and/or Tribal facilities included as Voluntary Cleanup Program sites. 0.5 1 In addition to the above ASTM-required listings, Terracon reviewed other federal, state, local, and proprietary databases provided by the database firm. A list of the additional reviewed databases is included in the regulatory database report included in Appendix D. The following table summarizes the site-specific information provided by the database and/or gathered by this office for identified facilities.Facilities are listed in order of proximity to the site. Additional discussion for selected facilities follows the summary table. Listed Facilities Facility Name And Location Estimated Distance / Direction/Gradient Database Listings REC, CREC, or HREC Schovaers Electronic 22 Jeremy Street Site CA HAZNET, RCRA-SQG, FINDS No, file review discussed below Crown Plating Company. 14 Jeremy Street South-adjoining / cross- to down-gradient RCRA-SQG, INFDS, US AIR, FTTS, UT NPDES REC discussed below Creed Laboratories 15 South Jeremy Street East-adjoining / 100 feet / Up- gradient UST No, file review discussed below Bullough Insulation 50 South 800 West Southeast-adjoining / 100 feet / cross-gradient LUST No, file review discussed below Bullough Asbestos (former) 50 South 800 West Southeast-adjoining / 100 feet / cross-gradient CERCLA NFRAP No, file review discussed below The site was identified as the Schovaers Electronics RCRA-SQG facility (Facility ID #UTD088325769). According to the regulatory database, this facility is a small quantity generator that generates fewer than 1,000 kg but more than 100 kg monthly of D000 class (unspecified), corrosive waste and lead. Files reviewed at the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste indicated a compliance evaluation inspection was conducted on the facility in 1996. Based on the inspection by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, the facility was found to be in violation of their hazardous waste storage. Drums were observed without “hazardous waste” or container content labels, without accumulation dates, and the drums were left open. The remaining violations consisted of records keeping in the facility. The facility was lacking a Contingency Plan, Personnel Training Plan, and Preparedness and Prevention Documentation. Compliance inspections were conducted at the facility again in 2009 and 2014 (Appendix D). No violations were noted. Based on lack of violations in the 2009 and 2014 inspection, this RCRA-SQG listing does not represent a REC. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 12 The site was also listed as a CA HAZNET facility. This listing is derived from the California EPA agency and Terracon does not know the correlation between the listing and the site. The site was also identified as a FINDS listings, which is an EPA database for tracking regulated sites. These two listings for the facility do not represent a REC. The Crown Plating Company, Inc. RCRA-SQG facility (Facility ID #UTD009086372), FTTS and FINDS facility, as well as a UT NPDES facility (Permit #UTR000378) adjoins the site to the north. Terracon reviewed the facility’s regulatory files on record with the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. In the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, the facility was inspected and found to be in violation of improper storage of materials, drums and containers lacking labels, corroding drums, unsealed drums and disposal of hazardous waste from the facility without hazardous waste manifests to verify proper disposal occurred. Inspections conducted during this time frame also documented the cluttered nature of the storage at the facility. Of particular concern, was the storage and disposal of sludge produced from the rinse baths at the facility and the use, storage, and disposal of spent 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and methylene chloride. The TCA and methylene chloride were used at the facility for degreasing purposes. The hazardous waste inspections conducted during this time frame indicated the TCA was being disposed of through evaporation and by pouring the spent degreaser on the ground on the southeast section of the property, immediately adjacent to the site. Currently, the facility is classified as a small quantity generator. According to the most recent Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted in December 2013, this facility produces approximately 600 to 700 pounds of sludge monthly. The sludge is classified as a hazardous waste due to the amount of chrome (hexavalent chromium) it contains. Approximately 20 gallons of methylene chloride, used as a paint stripper, is also produced monthly. No violations were noted in the most recent compliance evaluation. Based on the violations noted in the inspections that occurred in the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, documented poor housekeeping practices, improper to absent drum labeling, and the improper disposal of hazardous waste onto the ground at the facility within 5 to 25 feet of the site’s northern boundary line, this RCRA SQG facility represents a REC to the site. The Creed Laboratories UST facility (Facility ID #4001520) formerly adjoined the site to the east. DERR records were limited; however, closure notice and closure plan documents for the facility indicated two 2,000-gallon diesel underground storage tanks were removed from the facility in September 1989. The closure plan noted one tank to contain diesel and the second tank to contain butyl CELLOSOLVE™, a glycol ether-based solvent. Two soil samples were collected at a depth during the closure and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and BTEX. Analytical results indicated constituents were not present above laboratory detection limits. Based on the clean closure and length of time since the UST closure, in Terracon’s opinion, this site does not represent a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 13 The Bullough Insulation LUST facility (Facility ID #4001968) had two underground storage tanks, one 4,000-gallon unleaded gasoline and one 3,000-gallon gasoline, and a dispenser removed from the facility in 1993. Two water samples were collected at approximately 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) and analyzed for TPH constituents and BTEX. Two water samples were collected from the east and west end of the tank pit area, at 10 to 12 feet bgs. Soils were screened in the field with a PID that indicated contamination was not present in soils and, therefore, soil samples were not collected or analyzed by the laboratory. Analysis of the water collected from the tank pit area indicated TPH and BTEX concentrations were well below current ISL levels. The site maps in the UST closure notice indicated the former tank pit area was located approximately 335 feet cross-gradient of the site. The site was closed by DERR In May 1995 through an internal memo. Based on the regulatory status, the minimal impacts present, the distance of the tank pit to the site and cross-gradient position of the facility with respect to the site, this former LUST facility does not represent a REC to the site. This facility was also identified as the Bullough Asbestos CERCLA NFRAP facility (Facility ID # UTN000802419). According to the regulatory database and DERR records, a removal assessment was conducted by the EPA in August 2004. There were two structures located on the property: one long white building and one metal storage structure. Observations along the north side of the metal structure found several patches of asbestos insulation residue. Removal of the substance was completed in October 2004, and facility records were archived in April 2006. Based on remedial efforts and type of contaminant, this former CERCLA NFRAP facility does not represent a REC to the site. The remaining facilities listed in the database report do not appear to represent RECs to the site at this time based upon regulatory status, apparent topographic gradient, and/or distance from the site. Unmapped facilities are those that do not contain sufficient address or location information to evaluate the facility listing locations relative to the site. The report listed six facilities in the unmapped section. Determining the location of unmapped facilities is beyond the scope of this assessment; however, Terracon identified one listing that was within close proximity of the site, the former Bullough Asbestos CERCLA NFRAP facility, which is discussed above. No other orphan listings in the database were identified as the site or adjacent properties. These facilities are listed in the database report in Appendix D. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 14 4.2 Local Agency Inquiries Agency Contacted Response Salt Lake County Health Department, Environmental Division / Email According to Ms. Ashley Hall of the Salt Lake County Health Department, no records were found for the site. Salt Lake City Fire Department / Salt Lake City GRAMA portal The Salt Lake City Fire Department does not have any records associated with the site. Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) EZ Records Search The site was not identified in the databases reviewed, which included information regarding releases to soil, groundwater and air. 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 5.1 General Site Information Information contained in this section is based on a visual reconnaissance conducted while walking through the site and the accessible interior areas of structures, if any, located on the site. Exhibit 2 in Appendix A is a Site Diagram of the site. Photo documentation of the site at the time of the visual reconnaissance is provided in Appendix E. Credentials of the individuals planning and conducting the site visit are included in Appendix F. General Site Information Site Reconnaissance Field Personnel Ashley A. Scothern Reconnaissance Date May 1, 2015 Weather Conditions High 60s, sunny and partly cloudy Site Contact/Title Mr. Robert Schovaer / Property Owner Representative Building Description Building Identification Building Use Construction Date Stories Approx. Size (ft²) East Section Office, film tooling, and photo room 1962 1 2,500 Center Section General and chemical storage 1962 1 500 West Section Rout, drill and plating room 1962 1 2,500 Garage Personal storage 1962 1 400 Site Utilities Drinking Water Salt Lake City Corporation Wastewater Salt Lake City Corporation Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 15 5.2 Overview of Current Site Occupants The site is an approximately 0.34-acre parcel (Parcel ID #15-02-204-007) owned by Schovaers Electronics. An approximately 6,000-square-foot industrial building occupies the site. An approximately 400-square-foot garage is located on the northwest side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary area. Schovaers Electronics currently occupies the site. 5.3 Overview of Current Site Operations The facility consists of a photo room, film tooling room, rout room, drill room and plating room storage areas and small office areas. Daily operations at the site include taking copper encapsulated circuit boards and imprinting specific client specification for components to the boards. Once the boards have been drilled, a photo-resist material is added to the circuit board. The boards are then dipped into various baths, according to the metal desired on the board. During the plating process, thin layers of metal are either adhered to or stripped away from the circuit boards. After this, the photo print is stripped from the boards. The plating tanks are mixed and drained in this area of the site building. Overflow water from the plating tanks and spent solutions drain directly on the wooden pallet flooring in the room, which is collected by the sump in the room. The sump is located next to the wastewater treatment system in the southeast corner of the plating room. The wastewater is treated then discharged into the sanitary sewer system. Historically, etchant from the plating room was observed to have leaked out of the building through the building’s seams and concrete flooring. Because of this, a liner was installed above the concrete slab in the plating room for more efficient discharge of overflow water into the sump. 5.4 Site Observations The following table summarizes site observations and interviews. Affirmative responses (designated by an “X”) are discussed in more detail following the table. Site Characteristics Category Item or Feature Observed Site Operations, Processes, and Equipment Emergency generators Air compressors X Hydraulic lifts Dry cleaning Photo processing X Ventilation hoods and/or incinerators Waste treatment systems and/or water treatment systems X Heating and/or cooling systems Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 16 Category Item or Feature Observed Paint booths X Sub-grade mechanic pits Vehicle repair or maintenance Pesticide/herbicide production or storage Printing operations Electroplating, chrome plating or galvanizing X Salvage operations Aboveground Chemical or Waste Storage Aboveground storage tanks Drums, barrels and/or containers ³ 5 gallons X MSDS Underground Chemical or Waste Storage, Drainage or Collection Systems Underground storage tanks or ancillary UST equipment Sumps, cisterns, French drains, catch basins and/or dry wells X Grease traps Septic tanks and/or leach fields Oil/water separators, clarifiers, sand traps, interceptors X Pipeline markers Interior floor drains Electrical Transformers/ PCBs Transformers and/or capacitors X Other equipment Releases or Potential Releases Stressed vegetation Stained soil Stained pavement or similar surface X Leachate and/or waste seeps Trash, debris and/or other waste materials Dumping or disposal areas X Water discoloration, odor, sheen, and/or free floating product Strong, pungent or noxious odors Exterior pipe discharges and/or other effluent discharges Other Notable Site Features Surface water bodies Quarries or pits Wastewater lagoons Wells Site Operations, Processes, and Equipment Air compressors One air compressor was observed in a small lean-to building on the northern exterior wall of the site building (Photograph 1). The air compressor was stored on asphalt-paved surfaces. Staining was noted on the compressor and on the asphalt paving. Due to the limited source and generally non-hazardous nature of compressor oil, this staining represents a de minimis condition to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 17 Photo processing After the circuit boards have been drilled, to place the components on the boards, a photo print is placed on the boards, prior to being plated. The facility developed film for the photo print prior to overlaying the film on the circuit boards. Silver by-product waste from this process is captured in 5-gallon containers and stored, prior to removal from the site, in the plating room. As the silver is captured and disposed of off site, photo processing at the site does not represent a REC to the site. Waste treatment systems and/or water treatment systems A wastewater treatment facility was observed in the southeast corner of the plating room, which is located in the southwest section of the site building (Photograph 2). The system consists of neutralization, clarification, settling and filtering of water used in the electroplating process before the water is discharged into the municipal sewer system. The wastewater treatment system is located on concrete flooring. Because the site has a long history of wastewater discharge and the system has been used for approximately 38 years, allowing for compromises in the discharge lines, the wastewater treatment facility is part of the long-term industrial use REC noted for this property. Paint booth One small paint booth was present in the photo room in the northeast section of the site (Photograph 3). Mr. Schovaer stated the paint booth is used for cleaning out silk screens by applying high pressure air to the silk screens for cleaning purposes. Minor staining was observed in the booth. Based on the minimal amount of staining and not using the booth as a paint booth, this paint booth does not represent a REC to the site. Electroplating The site is an electroplating facility. Once the circuit boards have been imprinted with the board design, the boards are then transferred to the plating room. Numerous baths are used in the electroplating process, such as gold, nickel, copper, solder ether (etchant), an acid cleaning line bath and an electrolysis copper line bath (Photographs 4 and 5). The solution in the plating facility either overflows the plating tanks or evaporates from the tanks. When the solutions in the tanks are low, the accumulated sludge is then removed and run through the wastewater treatment system and recycled or labeled as hazardous waste and removed. Based on the length of time the site has operated as an electroplating facility (~38 years), the use of the site as an electroplating facility represents a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 18 Aboveground Chemical or Waste Storage Drums, barrels and/or containers ³ 5 gallons Eight 55-gallons of etchant, one 55-gallon sulfuric acid, one 55-gallon Resolve 211 developer, and one 55-gallon flux were stored in the general warehouse area, west of the photo room (Photograph 6). Two 55-gallon drums of hazardous waste sludge were observed in the loading dock area of the facility (Photograph 7). Stored in the plating room were one 55-gallon drum of surfactant, one 55-gallon drum metal precipitate (hazardous waste accumulation at the site), one 55-gallon drum solder conditioner, one 55-gallon drum of nitric acid, one 55-gallon drum of caustic soda, one 25-gallon surfactant, and one 5-gallon container of nickel sulfate (Photograph 8). Numerous five gallon containers of spent enchant and spent silver from the photo process at the facility were observed along the northern wall of the plating room (Photographs 9 and 10). Also stored with the spent silver were numerous 5-gallon containers of copper sulfate, brightener, hydrochloric acid, solder stripper, and fluoric acid (Photograph 11). The drums and containers were stored on intact concrete flooring and wooden pallet flooring in the plating room. Staining was not observed under the drums. However, the very poor storage is indicative of potential releases. Generally, these releases would be contained and treated in the sump wastewater treatment system. However, the poor storage of the hazardous materials is part of the long-term industrial use REC noted for this property. Sumps, cisterns, French drains, catch basins and/or dry wells A sump is located in southeast section of the plating room, next to the wastewater treatment system (Photograph 12). The sump is used to capture the spilled solution from the plating tanks, which is then pumped to the waste water treatment system. The sump pumps the water into the wastewater treatment facility where the metals are filtered out of the water. Treated water is then discharged into the sanitary sewer system. Based on the age of the sump (~38 years) compromises to the system are most likely; therefore, the presence of the sump and wastewater treatment system is part of the long-term industrial use REC noted for this property. Releases or Potential Releases Stained pavement or similar surface Staining was observed on the northern section of the exterior area of the site. Although drums in the area were empty, noticeable drum imprints on the asphalt were present, indicating long-term storage of drums in the area (Photograph 13). Furthermore, staining was observed to have migrated north on the site from the drum storage area (Photograph 14). Staining was observed on asphalt surfaces that were cracked, allowing for staining to migrate vertically into the soils at the site. Based on the long-term staining, migration of the staining northward, and the cracked asphalt surfaces, the observed staining represents a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 19 Dumping or disposal areas During site inspection, Mr. Schovaer mentioned to Terracon that in the early 1980s etchant was visibly seeping out of the building’s southern exterior wall. Historically, a loading platform for the rail spur that entered the property was present along the southern wall. Due to this, the concrete slab for the building is elevated approximately three feet from ground surface (Photograph 15). Due to the visible seepage in the early 1980s, Mr. Schovaers installed a floor lining in the plating room. The extent of the release is unknown. The known release of the etchant with its associated metals is part of the long-term industrial use REC noted for this property. 6.0 ADJOINING PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE Visual observations of adjoining properties (from site boundaries) are summarized below. Adjoining Properties Direction Description North Crown Plating (8 and 14 South Jeremy Street) adjoins the site to the north (Photograph 16). East Jeremy Street and Heritage Forge Inc. (15 South Jeremy Street) adjoins the site to the east (Photograph 17). South Liberty Auto Work (42 South Jeremy Street) adjoins the site to the south (Photograph 18). West EPC International Warehouse (25 South 900 West) adjoins the site to the west (Photograph 19). Indications of RECs were not observed with the adjoining properties. 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Per the agreed scope of services specified in the proposal, additional services (e.g. asbestos sampling, lead-based paint sampling, wetlands evaluation, lead in drinking water testing, radon testing, vapor encroachment screening, etc.) were not conducted. 8.0 DECLARATION I, Ashley A. Scothern, declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in Section 312.10 of 40 CFR 312; and I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics ■ Salt Lake City, Utah August 31, 2015 ■ Terracon Project No. AL157312 EPA Cooperative Agreement #96809601, Hazardous Substance Grant Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 20 property of the nature, history, and setting of the site. I have developed and performed the All Appropriate Inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. __________________________ Ashley A. Scothern, E.P. Staff Environmental Scientist . APPENDIX A EXHIBIT 1 – TOPOGRAPHIC MAP EXHIBIT 2 – SITE DIAGRAM TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, Utah TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UT (1/1/1998) and SALT LAKE CITY SOUTH, UT (1/1/1999). 640 E. Wilmington Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 AL157312 Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: AS AS KW 1”=24,000 SF Ex.2 5-15 Project No. Scale: File Name: Date: 1 ExhibitAS APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY SITE DIAGRAM 640 E. Wilmington Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 AL157312AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS SLC RDA - Schovaers 22 S Jeremy PI, SLC 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UTDIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: ? ? ? ? ? ? Scale: Project No. File Name: Date: AS SHOWN 2 Exhibit APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY Crown Plating Liberty Auto Works Union Auto Heritage Forge Inc. EPC International Warehouse APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Schovaers Electronics Terracon Project No. AL157312 Date Photos Taken: May 1, 2015 Photo #1 Air compressor observed in a small lean-to building on the north exterior of the site building. Photo #2 Wastewater treatment system, located in the southeast corner of the plating room. Photo #3 Paint booth observed in the photo room of the site building. Photo #4 Various rinse baths observed in the plating room of the site building. Photo #5 Etchant bath present in the southwest corner of the plating room. Photo #6 Observed 55-gallon drums of etchant stored to the west of the photo room. Schovaers Electronics Terracon Project No. AL157312 Date Photos Taken: May 1, 2015 Photo #7 Observed spent enchant, stored in the loading dock area of the site. Photo #8 Drum storage of surfactant, caustic soda, etc,. observed in the plating room. Photo #9 Observed spent silver storage in the plating room. Photo #10 Representative photograph of spent enchant at the site. Photo #11 Product storage observed in the plating room. Photo #12 Sump location is underneath the wooden panel flooring. Pipe is showing the connection between sump and WWTS. Schovaers Electronics Terracon Project No. AL157312 Date Photos Taken: May 1, 2015 Photo #13 Observed staining migrating northward from the drum storage area. Photo #14 Drum storage (empty); however, note the drum imprints from long term storage and staining in the area. Photo #15 Red line shows approximate area where spent enchant was seeping from the plating room to the exterior of the building. Photo #16 North-adjoining Crown Plating facility, looking northwest from the east side of Jeremy Street. Photo #17 East-adjoining Jeremy Street and stone facility, looking northeast from the west side of Jeremy Street. Photo #18 South-adjoining vehicle service shop, looking south from the southeast boundary area of the site. Schovaers Electronics Terracon Project No. AL157312 Date Photos Taken: May 1, 2015 Photo #19 West-adjoining warehouse, looking southeast from the east side of 900 West. APPENDIX C HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION AND USER QUESTIONNAIRE CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land is located. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in the public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements are met. We shall have no liability to you because of this amendment. EXISTING DEFECTS If any defects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. If we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. If we have any liability to you for any loss you incur because of an error in this Commitment, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relying this Commimtent when you acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B We shall not be liable for more than the Amount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claims, whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Salt Lake City Redevelopment Blight Study Area N4 Wasatch Environmental, Inc. 1 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT SALT LAKE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BLIGHT STUDY NORTH TEMPLE STREET CORRIDOR BLIGHT STUDY AREA N4 SOUTH TEMPLE TO 100 SOUTH AND 800 WEST TO 900 WEST SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 1. SUMMARY Wasatch has been contracted by Lewis Young Robertson & Burningham (Lewis Young) to conduct Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) on behalf of the Salt Lake Redevelopment Agency (RDA) that address each parcel within the North Temple Street Corridor Blight Study Area. As required by RDA and subject to the limitations presented in Section 2, the purpose of this Phase I ESA is to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes described in ASTM E 1527-05, recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. The term “recognized environmental conditions” is defined by ASTM E1527-05 as: The presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include de minimus conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. According to information provided by Lewis Young, the blight study survey area consists of 514 parcels. For the purposes of conducting Phase I ESAs, the blight survey area has been divided into 20 areas as outlined on Figure 1 in Appendix A. This Phase I ESA report addresses “Area N4” (target property) located between South Temple and 100 South, and 800 West and 900 West as depicted on Figure 2. Area N4 is located within a mixed commercial and residential area bounded by South Temple to the north, 100 South to the south, 800 West to the east, and 900 West to the west. Jeremy Street extends north to south through the central portion of the target property. Our research, to the extent available, indicates that Area N4 was historically residential from the 1890s to the 1940s when commercial development began. Historical commercial uses are consistent with current activities. Several recognized environmental conditions have been identified associated with current and past uses within Area N4. Detailed discussion is presented in the following sections of this report. A summary of findings and opinions regarding potential impacts to the target property are presented in Section 8. Detailed discussion is presented in the following sections of this report. 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Detailed Scope of Work This Phase I ESA has been conducted in general accordance with ASTM E 1527-05 and consists of four components: 1) Records Review, 2) Site Reconnaissance, 3) Interviews, and 4) Report. There may be environmental issues or conditions at a property that parties may wish to assess in connection with commercial real estate that are outside the scope of the ASTM E 1527-05 practice. APPENDIX D ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE INFORMATION FORM-LBF-KXG tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Crown Plating and Schovaers Electronics 8, 14, and 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Inquiry Number: 4281472.2s May 01, 2015 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 119 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM GeoCheck - Not Requested TC4281472.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 8, 14, AND 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 COORDINATES 40.7688000 - 40˚ 46’ 7.68’’Latitude (North): 111.9158000 - 111˚ 54’ 56.88’’Longitude (West): Zone 12Universal Tranverse Mercator: 422708.8UTM X (Meters): 4513284.0UTM Y (Meters): 4233 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 40111-G8 SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UTTarget Property Map: 2001Most Recent Revision: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 20110720Portions of Photo from: USDASource: 4281472.2s Page 2 E38 PROGRESSIVE PLATING 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPL RCRA-CESQG Lower 619, 0.117, ENE H37 ALOHA CLEANERS 802 W 1ST SOUTH ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 612, 0.116, SE D36 HANSEN HOME CLEANING 911 S 1ST W EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 609, 0.115, SSW D35 ALLEN CLEANERS 909 S 1ST W EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 609, 0.115, SSW G34 SMETHURST LEONARD S 947 FOLSOM AVE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 604, 0.114, WSW F33 BRUCE HUSKEY 79 S 8TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 580, 0.110, SE F32 SUGDEN W L AUTO REPR 47 S 8TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 548, 0.104, ESE E31 MADSEN BOYD GARAGE A 10 N 8TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 524, 0.099, ENE D30 PARAMOUNT CLNRS & DY 902 S 1ST WEST ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 522, 0.099, SSW D29 CHICAGO CLNG CO 902 S 1ST W EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 522, 0.099, SSW D28 VOGUE CLQ & SHIRT LN 906 S 1ST W EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 522, 0.099, SSW D27 VOGUE COMMERCIAL & I 906 S 1ST WEST ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 522, 0.099, SSW D26 EXCELLENT CLEANEIS 880 W 1ST NORTH ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 477, 0.090, SSW D25 EXCELLENT CLNS 880 W 1ST N EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 477, 0.090, SSW F24 MELS LAUNDROMAT 56 S 8TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 461, 0.087, SE F23 BULLOUGH INSULATION 50 S 800 W UT LUST, UT UST Higher 444, 0.084, ESE 22 920 W SOUTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 431, 0.082, WNW E21 FLASH GORDON TRANSMI 1 N 8TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 423, 0.080, ENE D20 CALDER BROS. CO, INC 79 S 900 W UT LUST, UT UST Higher 415, 0.079, SSW D19 79 S 900 W EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 415, 0.079, SSW C18 867 EMERIL AVE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 380, 0.072, North C17 15 N 900 W EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 374, 0.071, NW B16 FAMILY DOLLAR 50 N 900 W UT LUST, UT UST Higher 277, 0.052, SW C15 1 N 900 W EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 276, 0.052, NW C14 TONYS AUTOMOTIVE GEN 872 SOUTH TEMPLE ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 250, 0.047, NNW B13 35 S 900 W EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 223, 0.042, WSW 12 51 JEREMY ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 177, 0.034, SSE 11 SPRINT P.O.P. 840 W SOUTH TEMPLE UT UST, UT TIER 2, UT Financial Assurance Lower 134, 0.025, NNE A10 SERVICE SALES CO WHO 15 S 9TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 119, 0.023, WNW A9 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PA 42 JEREMY ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 115, 0.022, SSE A8 CREED LABORATORIES & 15 JEREMY RCRA NonGen / NLR Lower 67, 0.013, NE A7 CREED LABORATORIES 15 JERMEY STREET ICIS, FINDS, UT UST Lower 67, 0.013, NE Reg UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE NPL, CERCLIS, US ENG CONTROLS, US INST CONTROL,... Same 2063, 0.391, East A6 CROWN PLATING CO, IN 14 JEREMY ST. UT NPDES TP A5 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY FINDS TP A4 CROWN PLATING CO., I 14 JEREMY ST. FTTS, HIST FTTS TP A3 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY STREET RCRA-SQG TP A2 CROWN PLATING CO. IN 14 JEREMY STREET RCRA-SQG, FINDS, US AIRS TP A1 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY CA HAZNET TP MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 8, 14, AND 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS 4281472.2s Page 3 M77 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 960 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 1198, 0.227, NW M76 955 W NORTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Cleaners Lower 1180, 0.223, NW M75 RED HANGER INC # 12 955 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 1180, 0.223, NW N74 757 W NORTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 1148, 0.217, NE N73 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 1148, 0.217, NE N72 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1148, 0.217, NE M71 BROWN LEE CLEANERS 963 N TEMPLE WEST EDR US Hist Cleaners Lower 1134, 0.215, NW K70 QUALITY OIL CO SER S 980 NORTH TEMPLE ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 1122, 0.213, NNW M69 STAR SERVICE PETROLE 955 N TEMPLE WEST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 1092, 0.207, NW K68 M. KENT FOOTE 935 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1088, 0.206, NW 67 25 S 1000 W EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 991, 0.188, West K66 NENOWS HERB SERVICE 935 N TEMPLE WEST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 961, 0.182, NW K65 CENTURY LAUNDRY 910 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT DRYCLEANERS Lower 952, 0.180, NNW K64 910 W NORTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Cleaners Lower 952, 0.180, NNW 63 STAR LAUNDRY 151 W 9TH SOUTH ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 941, 0.178, South L62 CLIFFS AMERICAN OIL 180 S 8TH WEST ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 925, 0.175, SSE L61 NENOW HERB SERV STA 180 S 8TH W EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 925, 0.175, SSE I60 905 W NORTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 920, 0.174, NNW I59 SMITH’S GAS & VIDEO 905 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT LUST, UT UST Lower 920, 0.174, NNW J58 CLEARWATER TRUCKING 738 W S TEMPLE RCRA NonGen / NLR Lower 898, 0.170, ENE J57 CARTOW 738 W SOUTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 898, 0.170, ENE K56 CHIPMAN FILLING STA 905 N TEMPLE WEST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 893, 0.169, NNW I55 CHEVRON USA 72184 RO 880 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 883, 0.167, North I54 875 W NORTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 864, 0.164, North I53 DAVID EARLY TIRE 875 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 864, 0.164, North I52 DAVID EARLY #5 875 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 864, 0.164, North J51 741 W SOUTH TEMPLE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 798, 0.151, ENE H50 CITY CAB CO. 710 W 100 S UT LUST, UT UST Higher 786, 0.149, SE J49 OPOULOS AUTOMOTIVE & 741 SOUTH TEMPLE ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 781, 0.148, East I48 SANITARY CLEANERS 71 N 9TH W EDR US Hist Cleaners Lower 735, 0.139, NNW 47 TABCO 940 WEST 100 SOUTH RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 730, 0.138, SW I46 WILFS CONOCO SERV GA 875 N TEMPLE WEST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 730, 0.138, North H45 MARSHON LAUNDRY SUPP 132 S 800 WEST ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 708, 0.134, SSE F44 PETERSEN REED B FILL 774 E 1ST SOUTH ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 697, 0.132, SE F43 EAST SIDE GARAGE 774 E 1ST S EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 697, 0.132, SE 42 JEREMY STREET LLC 123 S JEREMY ST ( 84 UT LUST, UT UST Higher 683, 0.129, South F41 TEXAS CO SER STA 776 E 1ST SOUTH ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 680, 0.129, SE F40 HICKEYS PHILLIPS 66 776 E 1ST S EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 680, 0.129, SE G39 955 FOLSOM AVE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 664, 0.126, WSW MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 8, 14, AND 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS 4281472.2s Page 4 102 S.L.C. FIRE DEPT. ST 273 N 1000 W UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2477, 0.469, NNW 101 AMERICAN BARREL COMP 600 WEST NORTH TEMPL CORRACTS, RCRA-CESQG, ICIS, FINDS Higher 2433, 0.461, ENE S100 SALT LAKE CITY INTER 600 WEST 200 SOUTH UT VCP Higher 2351, 0.445, ESE T99 NOYCE TRANSFER CO 736 W 300 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2336, 0.442, SSE T98 GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS 748 W 300 S UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 2330, 0.441, SSE T97 MARK STEEL 751 W 300 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2323, 0.440, SSE S96 UTA - CENTRAL DIVISI 610 W 200 S UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Higher 2246, 0.425, SE 95 QUESTAR REGULATED SE 1175 W 130 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2171, 0.411, WSW R94 DESERET PAINT 14 N. 600 W. CERC-NFRAP Higher 2061, 0.390, ENE 93 MYERS CONTAINER CORP 49 SOUTH 600 WEST CORRACTS, RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 2033, 0.385, East R92 UTAH POWER AND LIGHT 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE EDR MGP Higher 2001, 0.379, East R91 UTAH POWER AND LIGHT 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE UT INST CONTROL Higher 2001, 0.379, East Q90 FORMER RANCHO LANES 641 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT LAST Higher 1981, 0.375, ENE Q89 AIRPORT TRAX 650 WES 650 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Higher 1895, 0.359, ENE 88 EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPM 669 W 200 S UT LUST, UT UST, UT NPDES Lower 1883, 0.357, SE P87 MOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPL 1078 W 100 SOUTH EDR MGP Lower 1691, 0.320, WSW 86 GRANITE MILL IND. CO 1055 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1681, 0.318, WNW P85 MOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPL 100 SOUTH 1078 WEST CERC-NFRAP Lower 1680, 0.318, WSW P84 S.L. NORTH SERVICE S 1070 W 100 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1620, 0.307, WSW 83 OLD GAS STATION 180 S 1000 W UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1540, 0.292, SW 82 WONDER HOSTESS BAKER 708 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Higher 1395, 0.264, NE 81 VOGUE CLEANING & SHI 906 WEST 2ND SOUTH UT DRYCLEANERS Higher 1319, 0.250, SSW O80 RITE AID #6137 150 NORTH 900 WEST RCRA-SQG Lower 1292, 0.245, NNW 79 VIA WEST 118 S 1000 W UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 1230, 0.233, SW O78 FRESH MARKET 2383 140 NORTH 900 WEST UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 1218, 0.231, NNW MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 8, 14, AND 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 8 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: EPA IDDatabase(s)Site SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 N/ACA HAZNET GEPAID: UTD085325769 CROWN PLATING CO. IN 14 JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 UTD009086372RCRA-SQG EPA ID:: UTD009086372 FINDS Registry ID:: 110002159789 US AIRS EPA plant ID:: 110002159789 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 UTD085325769RCRA-SQG EPA ID:: UTD085325769 CROWN PLATING CO., I 14 JEREMY ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 N/AFTTS HIST FTTS SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 N/AFINDS Registry ID:: 110010918999 CROWN PLATING CO, IN 14 JEREMY ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 N/AUT NPDES Permit: UTR000378 DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS Land Use Control Information System Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS UT SHWS This state does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list and Federal NPL list. State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists UT SWF/LF List of Landfills State and tribal leaking storage tank lists INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal registered storage tank lists UT AST Listing of Aboveground Storage Tanks INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites UT BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Assessment Sites Listing ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations ODI Open Dump Inventory INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs UT CDL Methamphetamine Contaminated Properties Listing US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System UT SPILLS Spills Data UT SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data DOD Department of Defense Sites FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites US MINES Mines Master Index File TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems PADS PCB Activity Database System MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO Radiation Information Database RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RMP Risk Management Plans UT UIC UIC Site Location Listing INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing UT FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites UT UOPF Used Oil Permitted Facilities UT EWA Enforceable Written Assurances UT MMRP Military Munitions Response Program US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives UT RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 UT RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: Also known as Superfund, the National Priority List database is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund program. The source of this database is the U.S. EPA. A review of the NPL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/16/2014 has revealed that there is 1 NPL site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.391 mi.) 0 23 Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. A review of the CERCLIS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/25/2013 has revealed that there is 1 CERCLIS site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.391 mi.) 0 23 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP: Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. A review of the CERC-NFRAP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/25/2013 has revealed that there are 2 CERC-NFRAP sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ DESERET PAINT 14 N. 600 W. ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.390 mi.) R94 105 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ MOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPL 100 SOUTH 1078 WEST WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.318 mi.) P85 94 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: CORRACTS is a list of handlers with RCRA Corrective Action Activity. This report shows which nationally-defined corrective action core events have occurred for every handler that has had corrective action activity. A review of the CORRACTS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/09/2014 has revealed that there are 2 CORRACTS sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ MYERS CONTAINER CORP 49 SOUTH 600 WEST E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.385 mi.) 93 98 AMERICAN BARREL COMP 600 WEST NORTH TEMPL ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.461 mi.) 101 109 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-SQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. A review of the RCRA-SQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/09/2014 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-SQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ RITE AID #6137 150 NORTH 900 WEST NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.245 mi.) O80 90 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 RCRA-CESQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. A review of the RCRA-CESQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/09/2014 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-CESQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PROGRESSIVE PLATING 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPL ENE 0 - 1/8 (0.117 mi.) E38 63 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS: A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. A review of the US ENG CONTROLS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/18/2014 has revealed that there is 1 US ENG CONTROLS site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.391 mi.) 0 23 US INST CONTROL: A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. A review of the US INST CONTROL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/18/2014 has revealed that there is 1 US INST CONTROL site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.391 mi.) 0 23 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists UT LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Department of Environmental Quality’s Potential Leaking UST Sites. A review of the UT LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/20/2015 has revealed that there are 24 UT LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ FAMILY DOLLAR 50 N 900 W SW 0 - 1/8 (0.052 mi.) B16 55 Date Closed: 11/04/2013 Facility ID: 4002469 CALDER BROS. CO, INC 79 S 900 W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.079 mi.) D20 58 Date Closed: 01/12/2011 Facility ID: 4000119 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ BULLOUGH INSULATION 50 S 800 W ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.084 mi.) F23 59 Date Closed: 05/09/1995 Facility ID: 4001968 JEREMY STREET LLC 123 S JEREMY ST ( 84 S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.129 mi.) 42 66 Date Closed: 04/10/2013 Facility ID: 4001850 CITY CAB CO. 710 W 100 S SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.149 mi.) H50 69 Date Closed: 08/30/2007 Facility ID: 4001593 WONDER HOSTESS BAKER 708 W NORTH TEMPLE NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.264 mi.) 82 92 Date Closed: 06/19/2006 Facility ID: 4000190 AIRPORT TRAX 650 WES 650 W NORTH TEMPLE ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.359 mi.) Q89 97 Date Closed: 03/14/2011 Facility ID: 4002453 UTA - CENTRAL DIVISI 610 W 200 S SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.425 mi.) S96 106 Date Closed: 01/03/1996 Date Closed: 02/04/2002 Date Closed: 04/05/2010 Facility ID: 4001132 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ DAVID EARLY #5 875 W NORTH TEMPLE N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.164 mi.) I52 69 Date Closed: 11/20/2013 Facility ID: 4001899 CARTOW 738 W SOUTH TEMPLE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.170 mi.) J57 75 Date Closed: 07/17/2002 Facility ID: 4000179 SMITH’S GAS & VIDEO 905 WEST NORTH TEMPL NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.174 mi.) I59 77 Facility ID: 4000251 M. KENT FOOTE 935 W NORTH TEMPLE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.206 mi.) K68 80 Date Closed: 03/27/1991 Facility ID: 4001483 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 W NORTH TEMPLE NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.217 mi.) N72 82 Date Closed: 05/05/1995 Date Closed: 02/16/1994 Facility ID: 4000304 Facility ID: 4000575 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 960 W NORTH TEMPLE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.227 mi.) M77 88 Date Closed: 12/18/1990 Date Closed: 03/26/2012 Facility ID: 4001026 FRESH MARKET 2383 140 NORTH 900 WEST NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.231 mi.) O78 88 Date Closed: 03/17/1997 Date Closed: 08/30/2006 Facility ID: 4000211 OLD GAS STATION 180 S 1000 W SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.292 mi.) 83 93 Date Closed: 07/28/2003 Facility ID: 4002113 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ S.L. NORTH SERVICE S 1070 W 100 S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.307 mi.) P84 93 Date Closed: 04/18/1994 Facility ID: 4000627 GRANITE MILL IND. CO 1055 W NORTH TEMPLE WNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.318 mi.) 86 94 Date Closed: 06/19/1995 Facility ID: 4001638 EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPM 669 W 200 S SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.357 mi.) 88 95 Date Closed: 07/03/1995 Date Closed: 05/11/1995 Facility ID: 4001428 QUESTAR REGULATED SE 1175 W 130 S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.411 mi.) 95 106 Date Closed: 09/28/2011 Date Closed: 07/06/2005 Facility ID: 4000625 MARK STEEL 751 W 300 S SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.440 mi.) T97 107 Date Closed: 04/26/1995 Facility ID: 4001878 GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS 748 W 300 S SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.441 mi.) T98 108 Date Closed: 12/11/1997 Date Closed: 05/19/2003 Facility ID: 4000412 NOYCE TRANSFER CO 736 W 300 S SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.442 mi.) T99 109 Date Closed: 06/05/1995 Facility ID: 4000661 S.L.C. FIRE DEPT. ST 273 N 1000 W NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.469 mi.) 102 117 Date Closed: 12/27/1995 Facility ID: 4000856 UT LAST: The Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks database A review of the UT LAST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 03/11/2015 has revealed that there is 1 UT LAST site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ FORMER RANCHO LANES 641 WEST NORTH TEMPL ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.375 mi.) Q90 97 Date Closed: 4/10/2002 Facility ID: 4002292 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UT UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains a listing of Facility, Owner, Location & Tanks not Closed or Removed. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environmental Quality’s Facilities with at Least One Non-exempt Tank. A review of the UT UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/20/2015 has revealed that there are 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 UT UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ FAMILY DOLLAR 50 N 900 W SW 0 - 1/8 (0.052 mi.) B16 55 Facility ID: 4002469 CALDER BROS. CO, INC 79 S 900 W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.079 mi.) D20 58 Facility ID: 4000119 BULLOUGH INSULATION 50 S 800 W ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.084 mi.) F23 59 Facility ID: 4001968 JEREMY STREET LLC 123 S JEREMY ST ( 84 S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.129 mi.) 42 66 Facility ID: 4001850 CITY CAB CO. 710 W 100 S SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.149 mi.) H50 69 Facility ID: 4001593 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ CREED LABORATORIES 15 JERMEY STREET NE 0 - 1/8 (0.013 mi.) A7 46 Facility ID: 4001520 SPRINT P.O.P. 840 W SOUTH TEMPLE NNE 0 - 1/8 (0.025 mi.) 11 53 Facility ID: 4002172 DAVID EARLY #5 875 W NORTH TEMPLE N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.164 mi.) I52 69 Facility ID: 4001899 CARTOW 738 W SOUTH TEMPLE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.170 mi.) J57 75 Facility ID: 4000179 SMITH’S GAS & VIDEO 905 WEST NORTH TEMPL NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.174 mi.) I59 77 Facility ID: 4000251 M. KENT FOOTE 935 W NORTH TEMPLE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.206 mi.) K68 80 Facility ID: 4001483 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 W NORTH TEMPLE NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.217 mi.) N72 82 Facility ID: 4000304 Facility ID: 4000575 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 960 W NORTH TEMPLE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.227 mi.) M77 88 Facility ID: 4001026 FRESH MARKET 2383 140 NORTH 900 WEST NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.231 mi.) O78 88 Facility ID: 4000211 VIA WEST 118 S 1000 W SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.233 mi.) 79 89 Facility ID: 4002142 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries Sites included on the Brownfields Sites listing that have institutional controls in place. A review of the UT INST CONTROL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/02/2015 has revealed that there is 1 UT INST CONTROL site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER AND LIGHT 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.379 mi.) R91 97 Doc #: DERR-2011-008409 Facility Id: UTD980667240 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 14 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites UT VCP: Sites involved in the Voluntary Cleanup Program. A review of the UT VCP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/20/2015 has revealed that there is 1 UT VCP site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SALT LAKE CITY INTER 600 WEST 200 SOUTH ESE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.445 mi.) S100 109 VCP Number: VCP-C016 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. A review of the RCRA NonGen / NLR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/09/2014 has revealed that there are 7 RCRA NonGen / NLR sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TABCO 940 WEST 100 SOUTH SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.138 mi.) 47 67 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ CREED LABORATORIES & 15 JEREMY NE 0 - 1/8 (0.013 mi.) A8 51 DAVID EARLY TIRE 875 WEST NORTH TEMPL N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.164 mi.) I53 70 CHEVRON USA 72184 RO 880 WEST NORTH TEMPL N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.167 mi.) I55 73 CLEARWATER TRUCKING 738 W S TEMPLE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.170 mi.) J58 76 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 WEST NORTH TEMPL NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.217 mi.) N73 82 RED HANGER INC # 12 955 WEST NORTH TEMPL NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.223 mi.) M75 85 CONSENT: Major Legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (superfund) sites. Released periodically by U.S. District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. A review of the CONSENT list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/23/2015 has revealed that there is 1 CONSENT site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.391 mi.) 0 23 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 15 ROD: Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid the cleanup. A review of the ROD list, as provided by EDR, and dated 11/25/2013 has revealed that there is 1 ROD site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.391 mi.) 0 23 UT DRYCLEANERS: A listing of registered drycleaners. A review of the UT DRYCLEANERS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/20/2015 has revealed that there are 2 UT DRYCLEANERS sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ VOGUE CLEANING & SHI 906 WEST 2ND SOUTH SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) 81 92 Facility ID: UT0801054 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ CENTURY LAUNDRY 910 WEST NORTH TEMPL NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.180 mi.) K65 79 Facility ID: UT0801106 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. A review of the EDR MGP list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 2 EDR MGP sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ UTAH POWER AND LIGHT 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.379 mi.) R92 98 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ MOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPL 1078 W 100 SOUTH WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.320 mi.) P87 95 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16 EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. A review of the EDR US Hist Auto Stat list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 32 EDR US Hist Auto Stat sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ Not reported 51 JEREMY ST SSE 0 - 1/8 (0.034 mi.) 12 53 Not reported 35 S 900 W WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.042 mi.) B13 54 Not reported 79 S 900 W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.079 mi.) D19 57 SUGDEN W L AUTO REPR 47 S 8TH WEST ST ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.104 mi.) F32 61 BRUCE HUSKEY 79 S 8TH WEST ST SE 0 - 1/8 (0.110 mi.) F33 62 HICKEYS PHILLIPS 66 776 E 1ST S SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.129 mi.) F40 65 TEXAS CO SER STA 776 E 1ST SOUTH ST SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.129 mi.) F41 65 EAST SIDE GARAGE 774 E 1ST S SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.132 mi.) F43 66 PETERSEN REED B FILL 774 E 1ST SOUTH ST SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.132 mi.) F44 66 NENOW HERB SERV STA 180 S 8TH W SSE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.175 mi.) L61 78 CLIFFS AMERICAN OIL 180 S 8TH WEST ST SSE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.175 mi.) L62 78 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SERVICE SALES CO WHO 15 S 9TH WEST ST WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.023 mi.) A10 53 TONYS AUTOMOTIVE GEN 872 SOUTH TEMPLE ST NNW 0 - 1/8 (0.047 mi.) C14 54 Not reported 1 N 900 W NW 0 - 1/8 (0.052 mi.) C15 55 Not reported 15 N 900 W NW 0 - 1/8 (0.071 mi.) C17 56 Not reported 867 EMERIL AVE N 0 - 1/8 (0.072 mi.) C18 56 FLASH GORDON TRANSMI 1 N 8TH WEST ST ENE 0 - 1/8 (0.080 mi.) E21 58 Not reported 920 W SOUTH TEMPLE WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.082 mi.) 22 58 MADSEN BOYD GARAGE A 10 N 8TH WEST ST ENE 0 - 1/8 (0.099 mi.) E31 61 SMETHURST LEONARD S 947 FOLSOM AVE WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.114 mi.) G34 62 Not reported 955 FOLSOM AVE WSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.126 mi.) G39 65 WILFS CONOCO SERV GA 875 N TEMPLE WEST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.138 mi.) I46 67 OPOULOS AUTOMOTIVE & 741 SOUTH TEMPLE ST E 1/8 - 1/4 (0.148 mi.) J49 68 Not reported 741 W SOUTH TEMPLE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) J51 69 Not reported 875 W NORTH TEMPLE N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.164 mi.) I54 72 CHIPMAN FILLING STA 905 N TEMPLE WEST NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.169 mi.) K56 75 Not reported 905 W NORTH TEMPLE NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.174 mi.) I60 77 NENOWS HERB SERVICE 935 N TEMPLE WEST NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.182 mi.) K66 79 Not reported 25 S 1000 W W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.188 mi.) 67 80 STAR SERVICE PETROLE 955 N TEMPLE WEST NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.207 mi.) M69 81 QUALITY OIL CO SER S 980 NORTH TEMPLE ST NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.213 mi.) K70 81 Not reported 757 W NORTH TEMPLE NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.217 mi.) N74 84 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 17 EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. A review of the EDR US Hist Cleaners list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 17 EDR US Hist Cleaners sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PA 42 JEREMY ST SSE 0 - 1/8 (0.022 mi.) A9 52 MELS LAUNDROMAT 56 S 8TH WEST ST SE 0 - 1/8 (0.087 mi.) F24 60 EXCELLENT CLNS 880 W 1ST N SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.090 mi.) D25 60 EXCELLENT CLEANEIS 880 W 1ST NORTH ST SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.090 mi.) D26 60 VOGUE COMMERCIAL & I 906 S 1ST WEST ST SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.099 mi.) D27 60 VOGUE CLQ & SHIRT LN 906 S 1ST W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.099 mi.) D28 61 CHICAGO CLNG CO 902 S 1ST W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.099 mi.) D29 61 PARAMOUNT CLNRS & DY 902 S 1ST WEST ST SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.099 mi.) D30 61 ALLEN CLEANERS 909 S 1ST W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.115 mi.) D35 63 HANSEN HOME CLEANING 911 S 1ST W SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.115 mi.) D36 63 ALOHA CLEANERS 802 W 1ST SOUTH ST SE 0 - 1/8 (0.116 mi.) H37 63 MARSHON LAUNDRY SUPP 132 S 800 WEST ST SSE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.134 mi.) H45 67 STAR LAUNDRY 151 W 9TH SOUTH ST S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.178 mi.) 63 78 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SANITARY CLEANERS 71 N 9TH W NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.139 mi.) I48 68 Not reported 910 W NORTH TEMPLE NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.180 mi.) K64 78 BROWN LEE CLEANERS 963 N TEMPLE WEST NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.215 mi.) M71 81 Not reported 955 W NORTH TEMPLE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.223 mi.) M76 87 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4281472.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 18 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 6 records. Site Name Database(s)____________ ____________ BP PRODUCTS NO. AMERICA INC. SLC, RCRA-TSDF, CERC-NFRAP, CORRACTS, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, US FIN ASSUR, 2020 COR ACTION JENNINGS AND PASCOE SMELTER CERC-NFRAP, LEAD SMELTERS OLD SALT LAKE CITY FIRE STATION CERC-NFRAP BULLOUGH ASBESTOS CERC-NFRAP AMOCO REFINERY LEADED SLUDGE STORA CERC-NFRAP STANDARD SMELTING AND REFINING COM CERC-NFRAP EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 4 2 4 0 0 4 2 4 0 4 3 4 2 4 0 4 2 4 0 4 2 8 0 4 280 4 2 4 0 4 0 4 2 4 0 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 424 0 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 1 NR 0 1 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500CERCLIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List 2 NR NR 2 0 0 0.500CERC-NFRAP Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 2 NR 0 2 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 3 NR NR NR 1 0 0.250 2RCRA-SQG 1 NR NR NR 0 1 0.250RCRA-CESQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROL 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPERNS State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AUT SHWS State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UT SWF/LF State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 24 NR NR 12 9 3 0.500UT LUST 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500UT LAST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST State and tribal registered storage tank lists 15 NR NR NR 10 5 0.250UT UST TC4281472.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250UT AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500UT INST CONTROL State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500UT VCP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UT BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS HIST CDL Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLIENS 2 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT SPILLS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT SPILLS 90 Other Ascertainable Records 7 NR NR NR 6 1 0.250RCRA NonGen / NLR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 1 NR 0 1 0 0 1.000CONSENT 1 NR 0 1 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTRIS TC4281472.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTSCA 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1FTTS 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1HIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSSTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPICIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPADS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMLTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRADINFO 2 NR NR NR NR NR TP 2FINDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRAATS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRMP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT UIC 2 NR NR NR 2 0 0.250UT DRYCLEANERS 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1CA HAZNET 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1UT NPDES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT TIER 2 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000INDIAN RESERV 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT FUDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT Financial Assurance 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT UOPF 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT EWA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT MMRP 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1US AIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPEPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPRP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCOAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPCB TRANSFORMER EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 2 NR 0 2 0 0 1.000EDR MGP 32 NR NR NR 18 14 0.250EDR US Hist Auto Stat 17 NR NR NR 6 11 0.250EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT RGA LUST 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT RGA LF 123 0 0 29 52 35 9- Totals -- TC4281472.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database N/A = This State does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list. TC4281472.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation STOCKHOLDERSContact: UTD085325769GEPAID: 1999Year: S113185717envid: 99Facility County: .7500Tons: Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841041131Mailing City,St,Zip: 22 JEREMY STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8015212668Telephone: STOCKHOLDERSContact: UTD085325769GEPAID: 1999Year: S113185717envid: 99Facility County: 1Tons: Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841041131Mailing City,St,Zip: 22 JEREMY STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8015212668Telephone: STOCKHOLDERSContact: UTD085325769GEPAID: 2000Year: S113185717envid: 99Facility County: 0.75Tons: Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080033691TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841041131Mailing City,St,Zip: 22 JEREMY STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8015212668Telephone: STOCKHOLDERSContact: UTD085325769GEPAID: 2000Year: S113185717envid: HAZNET: Site 1 of 10 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 JEREMY N/A A1 CA HAZNETSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP S113185717 TC4281472.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 19 additional CA_HAZNET: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access 99Facility County: .9000Tons: Disposal, OtherDisposal Method: Not reportedWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841041131Mailing City,St,Zip: 22 JEREMY STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8015212668Telephone: STOCKHOLDERSContact: UTD085325769GEPAID: 1998Year: S113185717envid: 99Facility County: 1.0000Tons: Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080033691TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841041131Mailing City,St,Zip: 22 JEREMY STMailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8015212668Telephone: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 hazardous waste at any time waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1000 kg of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month and accumulates less than 6000 kg of Handler: generates more than 100 and less than 1000 kg of hazardousDescription: Small Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 08EPA Region: JOSEPHB@BURGOYNE.COMContact email: (801) 364-0201Contact telephone: USContact country: Not reported Not reportedContact address: JOSEPH L BROSCHINSKYContact: UTD009086372EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 14 JEREMY STREETFacility address: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Facility name: 06/11/2013Date form received by agency: RCRA-SQG: Site 2 of 10 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property US AIRSSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target FINDS14 JEREMY STREET UTD009086372 A2 RCRA-SQGCROWN PLATING CO. INC.1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1981Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: Not reported Not reportedOwner/operator address: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1981Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: Not reportedLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: Not reported Not reportedOwner/operator address: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/01/1984Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 14 JEREMY STREETOwner/operator address: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (999) 999-9999Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999 DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/operator address: CHARLES E & CLYED BROSCHINSKYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/02/1981Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: Not reported Not reportedOwner/operator address: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: F006. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Site name: 03/03/2004Date form received by agency: HN-3, HT, L, T, and VX. military, and chemical agents CX, GA, GB, GD, H, HD, HL, HN-1, HN-2, Residues from demilitarization, treatment, and testing of nerve,. Waste name: F999. Waste code: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: F006. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Site name: 03/02/2006Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: HN-3, HT, L, T, and VX. military, and chemical agents CX, GA, GB, GD, H, HD, HL, HN-1, HN-2, Residues from demilitarization, treatment, and testing of nerve,. Waste name: F999. Waste code: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: F006. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: YesTreater, storer or disposer of HW: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 06/21/2007 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/20/2007Date achieved compliance: 03/08/2007Date violation determined: TSD IS-Preparedness and PreventionArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/21/2007 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/20/2007Date achieved compliance: 03/08/2007Date violation determined: TSD IS-Container Use and ManagementArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: OPERATIONS IN WHICH CYANIDES ARE USED IN THE PROCESS. SPENT STRIPPING AND CLEANING BATH SOLUTIONS FROM ELECTROPLATING. Waste name: F009. Waste code: ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS IN WHICH CYANIDES ARE USED IN THE PROCESS. PLATING BATH RESIDUES FROM THE BOTTOM OF PLATING BATHS FROM. Waste name: F008. Waste code: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: F006. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: CROWN PLATING COMPANYSite name: 10/20/1980Date form received by agency: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Site name: 05/13/2002Date form received by agency: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/29/1988 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/29/1988Date achieved compliance: 02/17/1988Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 09/11/2001Date achieved compliance: 02/17/1988Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 09/11/2001Date achieved compliance: 06/11/1990Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 09/11/2001Date achieved compliance: 06/11/1990Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation EPAEvaluation lead agency: 09/11/2001Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 06/11/1990Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 09/11/2001Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 06/11/1990Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/11/2001Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/20/2007Date achieved compliance: TSD IS-Preparedness and PreventionArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 03/08/2007Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/20/2007Date achieved compliance: TSD IS-Container Use and ManagementArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 03/08/2007Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 11/18/2013Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/17/1986 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 04/25/1986Date achieved compliance: 03/12/1986Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of and settlements. regions and states with cooperative agreements, enforcement actions, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The system tracks inspections in Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the NCDB (National Compliance Data Base) supports implementation of the of the Clean Air Act. redesign to support facility operating permits required under Title V estimation of total national emissions. AFS is undergoing a major to comply with regulatory programs and by EPA as an input for the AFS data are utilized by states to prepare State Implementation Plans used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. information concerning airborne pollution in the United States. AFS is Aerometric Data (SAROAD). AIRS is the national repository for National Emission Data System (NEDS), and the Storage and Retrieval of Subsystem) replaces the former Compliance Data System (CDS), the AFS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Facility Environmental Interest/Information System 110002159789Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 06/05/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 04/25/1986Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 03/12/1986Evaluation date: EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training ActionsEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 02/17/1988Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 09/11/2001Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/17/1988Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/29/1988Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/17/1988Evaluation date: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedCurrent HPV: LOCAL GOVERNMENT ALL OTHER FACILITIES NOT OWNED OR OPERATED BY A FEDERAL, STATE, ORGovt facility: POTENTIAL UNCONTROLLED EMISSIONS < 100 TONS/YEARDefault classification: IN COMPLIANCE - INSPECTIONDefault compliance status: Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and ColoringNAIC code description: 332813North Am. industrial classf: PLATING AND POLISHINGSic code desc: 3471Sic code: 220Air quality cntrl region: Not reportedDunn & Bradst #: 08Region code: SALT LAKECounty: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 14 JEREMY STREETPlant address: CROWN PLATING COMPANYPlant name: 110002159789EPA plant ID: Airs Minor Details: AIRS (AFS): Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated CRITERIA AND HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT INVENTORY HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER operations. Environmental Quality (UDEQ) mechanism for compliance and permitting The CIM (Utah - Common Identifier Mechanism) is Utah’s Department of corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource discharge does not adversely affect water quality. requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1302Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1304Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1403Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1104Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1202Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1204Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1301Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1303Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1401Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1402Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: Historical Compliance Minor Sources: Not reportedPenalty amount: Not reportedDate achieved: Not reportedNational action type: Not reportedAir program: Not reportedPenalty amount: Not reportedDate achieved: Not reportedNational action type: Not reportedAir program: Not reportedPenalty amount: 00000Date achieved: Not reportedNational action type: SIP SOURCEAir program: Compliance and Enforcement Major Issues: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 TC4281472.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTurnover compliance: Not reportedRepeat violator date: ATTAINMENT AREA FOR GIVEN POLLUTANTDef. attainment/non attnmnt: IN COMPLIANCE - INSPECTIONDef. poll. compliance status: POTENTIAL UNCONTROLLED EMISSIONS < 100 TONS/YEARDefault pollutant classification: Not reportedPlant air program pollutant: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air program code: Compliance & Violation Data by Minor Sources: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1201Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: MACT (SECTION 63 NESHAPS)Air prog code hist file: 1203Hist compliance date: NO APPLICABLE STATE REGULATIONState compliance status: CROWN PLATING CO. INC. (Continued) 1000437674 NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: hazardous waste at any time waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1000 kg of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month and accumulates less than 6000 kg of Handler: generates more than 100 and less than 1000 kg of hazardousDescription: Small Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known.Land type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 521-2668Contact telephone: USContact country: Not reported Not reportedContact address: BOB SCHOVAERSContact: UTD085325769EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841040000 22 JEREMY STREETFacility address: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICSSite name: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Facility name: 02/16/1994Date form received by agency: RCRA-SQG: Site 3 of 10 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 JEREMY STREET UTD085325769 A3 RCRA-SQGSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.1000343583 TC4281472.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 12/10/2009Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/27/2014Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: Not Defined. Waste name: D000. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Site name: 03/24/1986Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Site name: 03/03/1990Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Site name: 03/31/1992Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP. (Continued) 1000343583 ManufacturerFacility Function: EPCRALegislation Code: Neutral Scheme, RegionInvestigation Reason: EPCRA, Enforcement, SEE ConductedInvestigation Type: NoViolation occurred: MOORE, WM.Inspector: 07/01/04Inspection Date: 08Region: 2004070113582 1Inspection Number: FTTS INSP: Site 4 of 10 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target HIST FTTS14 JEREMY ST. N/A A4 FTTSCROWN PLATING CO., INC.1008178265 TC4281472.2s Page 19 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ManufacturerFacility Function: EPCRALegislation Code: Neutral Scheme, RegionInvestigation Reason: EPCRA, Enforcement, SEE ConductedInvestigation Type: NoViolation occurred: MOORE, WM.Inspector: Not reportedInspection Date: 08Region: 2004070113582 1Inspection Number: HIST FTTS INSP: CROWN PLATING CO., INC. (Continued) 1008178265 corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110010918999Registry ID: FINDS: Site 5 of 10 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 JEREMY N/A A5 FINDSSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.1005529597 PRESIDENTFacility Site Contact Tile: JOE BROSCHINSKYFacility Site Contact Person: 8013640201Facility Oper Contact Phone: PRESIDENTFacility Oper Contact Title: JOE BROSCHINSKYFacility Oper Contact Person: PStatus Of Owner/Oper: 8013640201Facility Oper Phone #: 84104Facility Oper Zip: UTFacility Oper State: SALT LAKEFacility Oper City: 14 JEREMY STFacility Oper Address: CROWN PLATING CO INCFacility Oper Name: NON CONSTRUCTIONNonConstruction Storm Water: GROUND WATERState Water Body Name: 12/31/2015Expiration Date: 01/01/2012Issue Date: JOE BROSCHINSKYFacility Contact Name: UTR000378Permit: NPDES: Site 6 of 10 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 14 JEREMY ST. N/A A6 UT NPDESCROWN PLATING CO, INC S107869206 TC4281472.2s Page 20 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedGroup 4: AAGroup 3: Not reportedGroup 2: Not reportedGroup 1: 3471Primary SIC Code: GROUND WATERReceiving Water Body: SALT LAKE CITY CORPMuni Operating Storm Sewer System: 801-364-0201Facility Site Contact Phone: PRESIDENTFacility Site Contact Tile: JOE BROSCHINSKYFacility Site Contact Person: 801-364-0201Facility Oper Contact Phone: PRESIDENTFacility Oper Contact Title: JOE BROSCHINSKYFacility Oper Contact Person: MAINStatus Of Owner/Oper: 801-364-0201Facility Oper Phone #: 84104Facility Oper Zip: UTFacility Oper State: OTHERFacility Oper City: 14 JEREMY STFacility Oper Address: CROWN PLATING CO INCFacility Oper Name: STORMWATERNonConstruction Storm Water: GROUND WATERState Water Body Name: 12/31/2015Expiration Date: Not reportedIssue Date: JOE BROSCHINSKYFacility Contact Name: UTR000378Permit: 111 54 55 41Facility Site Long: 40 46 08 27Facility Site Lat: Not reportedDMR Cognizant Official Tele: Not reportedDMR Cognizant Official: Not reportedPermit Name: Not reportedPermit Type: Not reportedNot Received: Not reportedNo Exposure: Not reportedInactivated: 12/31/2015Date Coverage Expires: 01/01/2012Date Coverage Effective: 01/01/2012Date Coverage Issued/Renewed: 01/01/2012Date Noi Complete: 01/01/2012Date Noi Received: $550.00Amount Paid: 01/01/2012Date Signed: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYCertification Name: Not reportedFourth Sector: Not reportedThird Sector: Not reportedSecondary Sector: AAPrimary Sector: Not reportedGroup 5: Not reportedGroup 4: AAGroup 3: Not reportedGroup 2: Not reportedGroup 1: 3471Primary SIC Code: GROUND WATERReceiving Water Body: SALT LAKE CITY CORPMuni Operating Storm Sewer System: (801)364-0201Facility Site Contact Phone: CROWN PLATING CO, INC (Continued) S107869206 TC4281472.2s Page 21 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedAmount Paid: Not reportedDate Signed: Not reportedCertification Name: Not reportedFourth Sector: Not reportedThird Sector: Not reportedSecondary Sector: Not reportedPrimary Sector: Not reportedGroup 5: Not reportedGroup 4: Not reportedGroup 3: Not reportedGroup 2: Not reportedGroup 1: Not reportedPrimary SIC Code: GROUND WATERReceiving Water Body: Not reportedMuni Operating Storm Sewer System: Not reportedFacility Site Contact Phone: Not reportedFacility Site Contact Tile: Not reportedFacility Site Contact Person: Not reportedFacility Oper Contact Phone: Not reportedFacility Oper Contact Title: Not reportedFacility Oper Contact Person: Not reportedStatus Of Owner/Oper: Not reportedFacility Oper Phone #: Not reportedFacility Oper Zip: Not reportedFacility Oper State: Not reportedFacility Oper City: Not reportedFacility Oper Address: Not reportedFacility Oper Name: GRAMANonConstruction Storm Water: GROUND WATERState Water Body Name: 12/31/2016Expiration Date: 01/01/2012Issue Date: Not reportedFacility Contact Name: UTR000378Permit: 111 54 55 41Facility Site Long: 40 46 08 27Facility Site Lat: Not reportedDMR Cognizant Official Tele: Not reportedDMR Cognizant Official: Not reportedPermit Name: INDUSTRIALPermit Type: Not reportedNot Received: 0No Exposure: Not reportedInactivated: 12/31/2015Date Coverage Expires: 01/01/2012Date Coverage Effective: Not reportedDate Coverage Issued/Renewed: Not reportedDate Noi Complete: 07/28/2005Date Noi Received: $41.00Amount Paid: 07/28/2005Date Signed: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYCertification Name: Not reportedFourth Sector: Not reportedThird Sector: Not reportedSecondary Sector: 3471Primary Sector: Not reportedGroup 5: CROWN PLATING CO, INC (Continued) S107869206 TC4281472.2s Page 22 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -111.915389Facility Site Long: +40.768944Facility Site Lat: 801-364-0201DMR Cognizant Official Tele: JOE BROSCHINSKYDMR Cognizant Official: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Permit Name: General Multi-Sector PermitPermit Type: Not reportedNot Received: Not reportedNo Exposure: Not reportedInactivated: 12/31/2016Date Coverage Expires: 01/01/2012Date Coverage Effective: 01/01/2012Date Coverage Issued/Renewed: Not reportedDate Noi Complete: Not reportedDate Noi Received: CROWN PLATING CO, INC (Continued) S107869206 Not reportedSubstance: Not reportedSubstance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Substance Details: 10/04/89Date Finalized: Not reportedDate Deleted: 05/05/89Date Proposed: 08EPA Region: SALT LAKESite County: NoFederal Site: UTSite State: SALT LAKE CITYSite City: 84104Site Zip: FinalSite Status: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: Site Details: 225Category Value: Distance To Nearest Population-> 0 And <= 1/4 MileCategory Description: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 14Category Value: Depth To Aquifer-> 10 And <= 25 FeetCategory Description: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Category Details: 1989-10-04 00:00:00Final Date: NFederal: 08EPA Region: UTD980667240EPA ID: NPL: PRP ICIS ROD 2063 ft.CONSENT 1/4-1/2 US INST CONTROL East US ENG CONTROLSSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Region CERCLIS600 W SOUTH TEMPLE UTD980667240 NPL NPLUTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 23 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 71-43-2CAS #: BENZENESubstance: U019Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 95-48-7CAS #: METHYL PHENOL, 2-Substance: C643Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 91-57-6CAS #: METHYLNAPHTHALENE, 2-Substance: C636Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 106-44-5CAS #: METHYL PHENOL, 4-Substance: C613Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 129-00-0CAS #: PYRENESubstance: C385Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 208-96-8CAS #: ACENAPHTHYLENESubstance: C352Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 85-01-8CAS #: PHENANTHRENESubstance: C332Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 100-42-5CAS #: STYRENESubstance: C113Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Not reportedScoring: Not reportedPathway: Not reportedCAS #: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 24 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation in an industriali ed area, with Union Pacific Railroad property to the west South Temple Street in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The site is Barrel Co. Site covers about 2 acres east of 600 West Street and north of Conditions at proposal May 5, 1989): The Utah Power Light/American Summary Details: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: MORE THAN 15 SUBSTANCES LISTEDSubstance: Z999Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 1330-20-7CAS #: XYLENESubstance: U239Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 108-88-3CAS #: TOLUENESubstance: U220Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 206-44-0CAS #: BENZO(J,K)FLUORENESubstance: U120Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 105-67-9CAS #: DIMETHYLPHENOL, 2,4-Substance: U101Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 218-01-9CAS #: CHRYSENESubstance: U050Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 50-32-8CAS #: BENZO(A)PYRENESubstance: U022Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 25 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedParent ID: Not reportedNFRAP Flag: Not reportedSite Init By Prog: Not reportedUSGS Quadrangle: Not reportedRCRA ID: NSite Orphan Flag: 4.00000DMNSN Number: Not a Federal FacilityFederal Facility: 16020204USGC Hydro Unit: 7160SMSA Number: 08B4IFMS ID: 01Congressional District: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICShort Name: SALT LAKEFacility County: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: CERCLIS: UTState: SALT LAKE CITYCity: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.NPL Name: Narratives Details: Not reportedDeleted Date: 10/04/1989Final Date: 05/05/1989Proposed Date: FinalNPL Status: Site Status Details: 1989): EPA is considering various alternatives for the site. served by privatewells within the 3-mile radius. Status October 4, which serves an estimated 377,000 people. An additional 4,000 people are miles of the site provides drinking water to the Salt Lake City Water System, early1900s). Shallow ground water is connected to deeper water that within 3 phenolic compounds attributable to the creosote operations of the attributable to the barrel yard activities) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons and are contaminated. Among the compounds in shallow ground water are styrene conducted in 1987, soil 16 feet beneath the site and on-site monitoring wells site is now fenced, locked, and posted. According to EPA tests CERCLA Section 106 Administrative Order on Consent to secure the site. The under the Resource Conservation andRecovery Act. In July 1988, EPA issued a into drums, and transported the materials to disposal facilities regulated During 1987-88, American Barrel removed the barrels, emptied the contents contained wastes, and soil staining suggested that they may have leaked. heights up to 20 feet and supported by stones on the ground. Some drums still mostly empty 55-gallon barrels remained on-site, stacked on their sides to recycling plant from American Barrel. In mid-1987, an estimated 50,000 recycling plant a block south of the site. Meyers also purchased the American Barrel all drums fit for reconditioning and removed them to a the land for storing drums. In 1986, Meyers Container Corp. purchased from Solid and Ha ardous Waste. From the 1950s to 1988, American Barrel Co. leased the land during the early 1900s, according to records of the Utah Bureau of Light UP L), which operated a pole and tie creosote treating facility on Salt Lake City within 0.5 mile to the east.The property is owned by Utah Power southeast. A residential area is within 400 feet to the west, and downtown and Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad property to the immediate UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 26 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 01/01/81Date Completed: / /Date Started: DISCOVERYAction: 001Action Code: CERCLIS Assessment History: OPERATION ON UNKNOWN DATE AS BARREL STORAGE, RECYCLING, RECONDITIONING FACILITY. SODIUM CHROMATE, TRICHLOROETHANE, VARIOUS DEGREASERS & SOLVENTS. BEGAN HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORED: EMPTY BARRELS THAT AT ONE TIME CONTAINED MALATHION,Site Description: POWER & LIGHT(UTD9806667240) ALSO WAS ARCHIVED IN FINDS DATA BASE AMERICAN BARREL (UTD982584146) WAS DELETED AND COMBINED WITH UTAHAlias Comments: 201Alias ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAlias Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Alias Name: 203Alias ID: Not reported Not reportedAlias Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL COAlias Name: 202Alias ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 600 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEAlias Address: AMERICAN BARRELAlias Name: 201Alias ID: CERCLIS Site Alias Name(s): dalton.john@epa.govContact Email: Community Involvement CoordinatorContact Title: (303) 312-6633Contact Tel: John DaltonContact Name: 13000438.00000Contact ID: saenz.armando@epa.govContact Email: Remedial Project Manager (RPM)Contact Title: (303) 312-6559Contact Tel: Armando SaenzContact Name: 8000099.00000Contact ID: CERCLIS Site Contact Name(s): Not reportedSite FUDS Flag: Not reportedAlias EPA ID: 1996CC Concurrence FY: 09/30/96CC Concurrence Date: 49035Site Fips Code: / /Non NPL Status Date: Not reportedNon NPL Status: Not reportedRResp Fed Agency Code: Not reportedRBRAC Code: ACREDMNSN Unit Code: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: URSite Settings Code: OtherClassification: 08EPA Region: ORST Code: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 27 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 03/15/88Date Completed: / /Date Started: SITE INSPECTIONAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: State, Fund FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 04/09/87Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 05/10/82Date Completed: / /Date Started: SITE INSPECTIONAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 04/01/81Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 28 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Time CriticalUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: StabilizedPriority Level: 08/10/88Date Completed: 04/14/88Date Started: POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY REMOVALAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Admin Record Compiled for a Removal EventPriority Level: 07/10/88Date Completed: 07/10/88Date Started: ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDSAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/08/88Date Completed: / /Date Started: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ON CONSENTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 06/01/88Date Completed: / /Date Started: SITE INSPECTIONAction: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 29 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation / /Date Started: Notice Letters IssuedAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 10/04/89Date Completed: / /Date Started: FINAL LISTING ON NATIONAL PRIORITIES LISTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/21/89Date Completed: / /Date Started: ISSUE REQUEST LETTERS (104E)Action: 005Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 06/28/89Date Completed: / /Date Started: ISSUE REQUEST LETTERS (104E)Action: 006Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 05/05/89Date Completed: / /Date Started: PROPOSAL TO NATIONAL PRIORITIES LISTAction: 001Action Code: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 30 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/23/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: ISSUE REQUEST LETTERS (104E)Action: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/23/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: Notice Letters IssuedAction: 004Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/14/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: ISSUE REQUEST LETTERS (104E)Action: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/14/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: Notice Letters IssuedAction: 005Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/14/90Date Completed: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 31 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 08/10/90Date Completed: 04/19/90Date Started: REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY NEGOTIATIONSAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 04/19/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: Special Notice IssuedAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 04/19/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: Special Notice IssuedAction: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/23/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: Notice Letters IssuedAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 32 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 06/17/91Date Completed: 01/01/91Date Started: REMOVAL ASSESSMENTAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 01/03/91Date Completed: 10/23/89Date Started: NATIONAL PRIORITIES LIST RESPONSIBLE PARTY SEARCHAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 08/30/90Date Completed: 08/30/90Date Started: REMOVAL ASSESSMENTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 08/10/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ON CONSENTAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 33 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 05/19/93Date Completed: / /Date Started: ISSUE REQUEST LETTERS (104E)Action: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 05/18/93Date Completed: 08/14/92Date Started: TREATABILITY STUDYAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 05/01/93Date Completed: 08/05/92Date Started: AERIAL SURVEYAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 05/08/92Date Completed: / /Date Started: ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 05/08/92Date Completed: / /Date Started: RISK/HEALTH ASSESSMENTAction: 001Action Code: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 34 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/16/93Date Completed: / /Date Started: Special Notice IssuedAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Final Remedy Selected at SitePriority Level: 07/07/93Date Completed: / /Date Started: RECORD OF DECISIONAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Admin Record Compiled for a Remedial EventPriority Level: 07/07/93Date Completed: 01/02/92Date Started: ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDSAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/07/93Date Completed: 08/10/90Date Started: STUDY POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITYAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 35 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/23/94Date Completed: 07/16/93Date Started: REMEDIAL DESIGN/REMEDIAL ACTION NEGOTIATIONSAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/02/93Date Completed: 02/18/93Date Started: REMOVAL ASSESSMENTAction: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/16/93Date Completed: / /Date Started: Notice Letters IssuedAction: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/16/93Date Completed: / /Date Started: Special Notice IssuedAction: 004Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 36 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 04/01/96Date Completed: 09/18/95Date Started: POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY REMEDIAL DESIGNAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 04/26/95Date Completed: 07/23/94Date Started: CONSENT DECREEAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 04/25/95Date Completed: 09/30/93Date Started: POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY REMEDIAL DESIGNAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 12/02/94Date Completed: / /Date Started: Lodged By DOJAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 37 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 02/27/97Date Completed: / /Date Started: ISSUE REQUEST LETTERS (104E)Action: 004Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/30/96Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY CLOSE-OUT REPORT PREPAREDAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/30/96Date Completed: 09/18/95Date Started: POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY REMEDIAL ACTIONAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/30/96Date Completed: 07/23/94Date Started: POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY REMEDIAL ACTIONAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/30/96Date Completed: 09/04/90Date Started: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTAction: 001Action Code: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 38 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/26/01Date Completed: 06/01/01Date Started: FIVE-YEAR REVIEWAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 03/27/00Date Completed: 10/21/99Date Started: PREPARATION OF COST DOCUMENT PACKAGEAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/30/99Date Completed: 03/10/92Date Started: STATE SUPPORT AGENCY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/30/99Date Completed: 05/17/90Date Started: STATE SUPPORT AGENCY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 39 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: EPA In-HousePrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 07/26/11Date Completed: 12/01/10Date Started: FIVE-YEAR REVIEWAction: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 06/12/09Date Completed: / /Date Started: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ON CONSENTAction: 003Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Federal EnforcementPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDEOperable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 06/12/09Date Completed: 07/06/07Date Started: PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER AGREEMENT ASSESSMENTAction: 001Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: PrimaryPlanning Status: EPA Fund-FinancedPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/27/06Date Completed: 07/03/06Date Started: FIVE-YEAR REVIEWAction: 002Action Code: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 40 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Air StrippingEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: 07/07/1993Actual Date: Not reportedEvent Code: SALT LAKECounty: 08EPA Region: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: 0800680Site ID: UTD980667240EPA ID: 07/07/1993Actual Date: Not reportedEvent Code: SALT LAKECounty: 08EPA Region: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: 0800680Site ID: UTD980667240EPA ID: US ENG CONTROLS: 208 additional US CERCLIS Financial: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access 19526Page Number: 54Fed Register Volume: 05/05/89Fed Register Date: 41015Page Number: 54Fed Register Volume: 10/04/89Fed Register Date: Federal Register Details: For detailed financial records, contact EDR for a Site Report.: Not reportedAction Anomaly: Not reportedUrgency Indicator: Not reportedPlanning Status: Responsible PartyPrimary Responsibility: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit: Not reportedPriority Level: / /Date Completed: 09/30/96Date Started: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCEAction: 001Action Code: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 41 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: DisposalEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Pump And TreatEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)Engineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Other, (N.O.S.)Engineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Operations & Maintenance (O&M)Engineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Natural AttenuationEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: DischargeEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Carbon AdsorptionEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 42 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: 0800680Site ID: UTD980667240EPA ID: US INST CONTROL: Solidification/Stabilization (Ex-Situ)Engineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Soil Vapor Extraction (in-situ)Engineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Residuals Storage (Temporary)Engineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Residuals DisposalEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Physical SeparationEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Other, (N.O.S.)Engineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: IncinerationEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: ExcavationEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 43 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FRS 110002262015Program ID: 110002262015FRS ID: 08-2009-0153Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 122G1B Agrmt For Innocent LandownerEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEFacility Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: UtahState: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104Full Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL SITEAction Name: RE-POWERING UTD980667240-64022Program ID: 110002262015FRS ID: 08-2009-0153Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 122G1B Agrmt For Innocent LandownerEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEFacility Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: UtahState: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104Full Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL SITEAction Name: CERCLIS UTD980667240Program ID: 110002262015FRS ID: 08-2009-0153Enforcement Action ID: ICIS: Full-text of USEPA Record of Decision(s) is available from EDR. ROD: Executive. States District Court is available from EDR. Contact your EDR Account Full-text of the consent decree for this site issued by the United 19950426Entered Date: UtahDistrict: 94-1162Court Num: U.S. V. PACIFICORP D/B/A UTAH POWER AND LIGHT COMPANYCase Title: Not reportedSite ID: UTD980667240EPA ID: CONSENT: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 07/07/1993Complet. Date: 07/07/1993Actual Date: Water Supply Use RestrictionInst. Control: Not reportedEvent Code: SALT LAKECounty: 08EPA Region: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 44 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: RE-POWERING UTD980667240-64022Program ID: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: FRS 110002262015Program ID: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: CIM 490000015369Program ID: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: CERCLIS UTD980667240Program ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 122G1B Agrmt For Innocent LandownerEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEFacility Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: UtahState: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104Full Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL SITEAction Name: CIM 490000015369Program ID: 110002262015FRS ID: 08-2009-0153Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 122G1B Agrmt For Innocent LandownerEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEFacility Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Facility Name: UtahState: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104Full Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL SITEAction Name: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 TC4281472.2s Page 45 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UTAH POWER AND LIGHT UTAH POWER AND LIGHT UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SALT LAKE CITY CORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP MOUNTAIN FUEL RESOURCES MOUNTAIN FUEL RESOURCES IMACC CORP VARIAN IMACC CORP VARIAN IMACC CORP VARIAN EBASCO SERVICES INC EBASCO SERVICES INC EBASCO SERVICES INC DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD BOISE CASCADE CORP AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE CO INC AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE CO INC AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE CO AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE COPRP name: PRP: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: CIM 490000002998Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: ICIS: 67 ft. Site 7 of 10 in cluster A 0.013 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. < 1/8 UT USTSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NE FINDS15 JERMEY STREET N/A A7 ICISCREED LABORATORIES 1000201238 TC4281472.2s Page 46 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: NCDB I08#198509201691 3Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: RCRAINFO UTD089326235Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: NCDB D08#F-VIII-165CProgram ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: NCDB C08#WLS716Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: FRS 110011678755Program ID: CREED LABORATORIES (Continued) 1000201238 TC4281472.2s Page 47 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: FRS 110011678755Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: CIM 490000002998Program ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: NCDB D08#F-VIII-326Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: NCDB I08#199204141691 1Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: UtahState: 15 JERMEY STREET SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1132Full Address: CREED LABORATORIES & CHEMBRITE, INC.Action Name: NCDB I08#199111261691 2Program ID: 110011678755FRS ID: 08-1985-0031Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: FIFRA 14 AO For Comp And Penalties (Old)Enforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1132 15 JERMEY STREETFacility Address: CREED LABORATORIES (Continued) 1000201238 TC4281472.2s Page 48 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: RCRAINFO UTD089326235Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: NCDB I08#199204141691 1Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: NCDB I08#199111261691 2Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: NCDB I08#198509201691 3Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: NCDB D08#F-VIII-326Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: NCDB D08#F-VIII-165CProgram ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESFacility Name: NCDB C08#WLS716Program ID: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: CREED LABORATORIES (Continued) 1000201238 TC4281472.2s Page 49 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 595-1800Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 2983Owner Address: CREED LABORATORIESOwner Name: 4001520Facility ID: UST: Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated operations. Environmental Quality (UDEQ) mechanism for compliance and permitting The CIM (Utah - Common Identifier Mechanism) is Utah’s Department of corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource and settlements. regions and states with cooperative agreements, enforcement actions, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The system tracks inspections in Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the NCDB (National Compliance Data Base) supports implementation of the Environmental Interest/Information System 110011678755Registry ID: FINDS: 2842SIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: Not reportedFed Facility: CREED LABORATORIES (Continued) 1000201238 TC4281472.2s Page 50 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not a generator, verifiedClassification: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGSite name: 03/28/2001Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (999) 999-9999Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 15 JEREMYOwner/operator address: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG.Owner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (999) 999-9999Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 15 JEREMYContact address: JOHN DOEContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 JEREMYMailing address: UTD089326235EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 15 JEREMYFacility address: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGFacility name: 02/22/2007Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 67 ft. Site 8 of 10 in cluster A 0.013 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NE 15 JEREMY UTD089326235 A8 RCRA NonGen / NLRCREED LABORATORIES & MFG 1010335555 TC4281472.2s Page 51 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 11/21/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/26/1986Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 11/21/1985Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/26/1986 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/26/1986Date achieved compliance: 11/21/1985Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGSite name: 01/01/1980Date form received by agency: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG (Continued) 1010335555 LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERSType: 1985Year: LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS DISTRIBName: LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERSType: 1976Year: LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS DISTRIBName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 115 ft. Site 9 of 10 in cluster A 0.022 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE 42 JEREMY ST N/A A9 EDR US Hist CleanersLAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS DISTRIB 1014147524 TC4281472.2s Page 52 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation REPAIR SHOPSType: 1971Year: SERVICE SALES CO WHOL REPRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 119 ft. Site 10 of 10 in cluster A 0.023 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WNW 15 S 9TH WEST ST N/A A10 EDR US Hist Auto StatSERVICE SALES CO WHOL REPR 1014173191 PST FundMechanism: 4002172Facility ID: 2Region: UT Financial Assurance 2: Tier2 Facilities - 2127Map Label: 7096State Key: 4512042.5078199999UTM Easting Zone 12: 425354.77025100001UTM Northing Zone 12: Tier2 FacilitiesSite Program Description: Pending411Department Id #: 2127Site Program Id #: TIER 2: 0Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (913) 762-5957Owner Phone: SHAWNEE MISSION, KS 66207Owner City,St,Zip: PO BOX 7994Owner Address: SPRINTOwner Name: 4002172Facility ID: UST: 134 ft. 0.025 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4231 ft. < 1/8 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNE UT TIER 2840 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A 11 UT USTSPRINT P.O.P.U003194529 2001Year: LEES AUTO SERVICEName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2000Year: LEES AUTO SERVICEName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 1999Year: LEES AUTO SERVICEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 177 ft. 0.034 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4236 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE 51 JEREMY ST N/A 12 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015530173 TC4281472.2s Page 53 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2009Year: EL COMPADRE AUTO REPAIRName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2008Year: EL COMPADRE AUTO REPAIRName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2007Year: EL COMPADRE AUTO REPAIRName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2004Year: UNION AUTOName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2003Year: LEES AUTO SERVICEName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: 2002Year: LEES AUTO SERVICEName: 51 JEREMY STAddress: (Continued)1015530173 35 S 900 WAddress: 2012Year: EL COMPADRE AUTO REPAIRName: 35 S 900 WAddress: 2011Year: EL COMPADRE AUTO REPAIRName: 35 S 900 WAddress: 2010Year: EL COMPADRE AUTO REPAIRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 223 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B 0.042 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW 35 S 900 W N/A B13 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015442045 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1985Year: TONYS AUTOMOTIVE GENL REPAIR & BODYName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 250 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster C 0.047 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNW 872 SOUTH TEMPLE ST W N/A C14 EDR US Hist Auto StatTONYS AUTOMOTIVE GENL REPAIR & BODY 1014197068 TC4281472.2s Page 54 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1 N 900 WAddress: 2012Year: FLASH GORDON TRANSMISSION & CLName: 1 N 900 WAddress: 2011Year: GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UPName: 1 N 900 WAddress: 2009Year: GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UPName: 1 N 900 WAddress: 2003Year: FLASH GORDON TRANSMISSIONName: 1 N 900 WAddress: 2000Year: FLASH GORDON TRANSMISSIONName: 1 N 900 WAddress: 1999Year: GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 276 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster C 0.052 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW 1 N 900 W N/A C15 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015116212 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 550-6958Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 50 N 900 WOwner Address: FAMILY DOLLAROwner Name: 4002469Facility ID: UST: Morgan AtkinsonProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 84104Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 50 N 900 WOwner Address: FAMILY DOLLAROwner Name: 05/29/2012Notification Date: 11/04/2013Closed Date: MXTRelease Id: 4002469Facility ID: LUST: 277 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B 0.052 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SW UT UST50 N 900 W N/A B16 UT LUSTFAMILY DOLLAR U004191028 TC4281472.2s Page 55 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 15 N 900 WAddress: 2012Year: JUADARRANA AUTO REPAIRName: 15 N 900 WAddress: 2011Year: JUADARRANA AUTO REPAIRName: 15 N 900 WAddress: 2010Year: WGW AUTO PERFORMANCEName: 15 N 900 WAddress: 2007Year: W G W AUTO PERFORMANCEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 374 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster C 0.071 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW 15 N 900 W N/A C17 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015236341 2008Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2007Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2006Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2005Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2004Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2003Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2000Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 1999Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 380 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster C 0.072 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North 867 EMERIL AVE N/A C18 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015659365 TC4281472.2s Page 56 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: 2009Year: SANTA FE AUTO SERVICEName: 867 EMERIL AVEAddress: (Continued)1015659365 79 S 900 WAddress: 2012Year: AZTECA AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2011Year: AZTECA AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2010Year: AZTEC AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2005Year: AZTECA AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2004Year: AZTEC AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2002Year: AZTEC AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2001Year: AZTEC AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 2000Year: AZTEC AUTO REPAIRName: 79 S 900 WAddress: 1999Year: AZTEC AUTO REPAIRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 415 ft. Site 1 of 10 in cluster D 0.079 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSW 79 S 900 W N/A D19 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015634162 TC4281472.2s Page 57 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 489-3888Owner Phone: PROVO, UT 84605Owner City,St,Zip: PO BOX 50344Owner Address: CALDER BROS CO INCOwner Name: 4000119Facility ID: UST: Hong Lei TaoProject Manager: PROVO, UT 84605Owner City,St,Zip: 84605Owner Zip: UTOwner State: PROVOOwner City: PO BOX 50344Owner Address: CALDER BROS CO INCOwner Name: 03/24/1992Notification Date: 01/12/2011Closed Date: HLLRelease Id: 4000119Facility ID: LUST: 415 ft. Site 2 of 10 in cluster D 0.079 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84124 SSW UT UST79 S 900 W N/A D20 UT LUSTCALDER BROS. CO, INC.U003150674 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1971Year: FLASH GORDON TRANSMISSION AUTO REPAIRSName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 423 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster E 0.080 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE 1 N 8TH WEST ST N/A E21 EDR US Hist Auto StatFLASH GORDON TRANSMISSION AUTO REPAIRS 1014171522 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2003Year: AUTO COName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2002Year: AUTOCOName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2001Year: AUTOCOName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 431 ft. 0.082 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WNW 920 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A 22 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015675348 TC4281472.2s Page 58 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2012Year: AUTOCOName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2011Year: AUTOCOName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2010Year: AUTO COName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2009Year: AUTOCOName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2008Year: AUTOCOName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2007Year: AUTOCOName: 920 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2006Year: AUTOCOName: (Continued)1015675348 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 571-4200Owner Phone: SANDY, UT 84070Owner City,St,Zip: 171 E SHELLEY LOUISE DRIVEOwner Address: TIGER INVESTMENT LCOwner Name: 4001968Facility ID: UST: [Robin Jenkins]Project Manager: SANDY, UT 84070Owner City,St,Zip: 84070Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SANDYOwner City: 171 E SHELLEY LOUISE DRIVEOwner Address: TIGER INVESTMENT LCOwner Name: 12/01/1993Notification Date: 05/09/1995Closed Date: IJLRelease Id: 4001968Facility ID: LUST: 444 ft. Site 1 of 8 in cluster F 0.084 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4239 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ESE UT UST50 S 800 W N/A F23 UT LUSTBULLOUGH INSULATION (FORMER)U003149931 TC4281472.2s Page 59 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation LAUNDRIES-SELF SERVEType: 1971Year: MELS LAUNDROMATName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 461 ft. Site 2 of 8 in cluster F 0.087 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4239 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SE 56 S 8TH WEST ST N/A F24 EDR US Hist CleanersMELS LAUNDROMAT 1014143160 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1965Year: EXCELLENT CLNSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1961Year: EXCELLENT CLEANERSName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 477 ft. Site 3 of 10 in cluster D 0.090 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSW 880 W 1ST N N/A D25 EDR US Hist CleanersEXCELLENT CLNS 1014158167 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1971Year: EXCELLENT CLEANEISName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 477 ft. Site 4 of 10 in cluster D 0.090 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 SSW 880 W 1ST NORTH ST N/A D26 EDR US Hist CleanersEXCELLENT CLEANEIS 1014146896 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1971Year: VOGUE COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INCName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 522 ft. Site 5 of 10 in cluster D 0.099 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 SSW 906 S 1ST WEST ST N/A D27 EDR US Hist CleanersVOGUE COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 1014152821 TC4281472.2s Page 60 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation LAUNDRIESType: 1961Year: VOGUE CLQ & SHIRT LNDRYName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 522 ft. Site 6 of 10 in cluster D 0.099 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSW 906 S 1ST W N/A D28 EDR US Hist CleanersVOGUE CLQ & SHIRT LNDRY 1014159534 CLEANERS, DYERS AND PRESSERSType: 1926Year: CHICAGO CLNG COName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 522 ft. Site 7 of 10 in cluster D 0.099 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSW 902 S 1ST W N/A D29 EDR US Hist CleanersCHICAGO CLNG CO 1014144532 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1946Year: PARAMOUNT CLNRS & DYERSName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 522 ft. Site 8 of 10 in cluster D 0.099 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSW 902 S 1ST WEST ST N/A D30 EDR US Hist CleanersPARAMOUNT CLNRS & DYERS 1014156622 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1971Year: MADSEN BOYD GARAGE AUTO REPAIRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 524 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster E 0.099 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE 10 N 8TH WEST ST N/A E31 EDR US Hist Auto StatMADSEN BOYD GARAGE AUTO REPAIR 1014181700 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRERSType: 1931Year: REAR SUGDEN WILLARD L AUTO REPRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 548 ft. Site 3 of 8 in cluster F 0.104 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4240 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 47 S 8TH WEST ST N/A F32 EDR US Hist Auto StatSUGDEN W L AUTO REPR 1014173046 TC4281472.2s Page 61 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1936Year: SUGDEN W L AUTO REPRName: SUGDEN W L AUTO REPR (Continued) 1014173046 GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1971Year: BRUCE HUSKEYName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 580 ft. Site 4 of 8 in cluster F 0.110 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SE 79 S 8TH WEST ST N/A F33 EDR US Hist Auto StatBRUCE HUSKEY 1014160764 2006Year: ALEX AUTO SHOPName: 947 FOLSOM AVEAddress: 2004Year: ALEX AUTO SHOPName: 947 FOLSOM AVEAddress: 2003Year: ALEX AUTO SHOPName: AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1985Year: FLOYDS AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPRName: AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1976Year: FLOYDS AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPRName: AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1971Year: FLOYDS AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPRName: AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1965Year: FLOYDS AUTOMOTIVE REPRName: AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1961Year: FLOYDS ANTOMOTIVE REPAIRINGName: AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1951Year: SMETHURST LEONARD S AUTO REPRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 604 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster G 0.114 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4231 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT WSW 947 FOLSOM AVE N/A G34 EDR US Hist Auto StatSMETHURST LEONARD S AUTO REPR 1014180845 TC4281472.2s Page 62 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 947 FOLSOM AVEAddress: SMETHURST LEONARD S AUTO REPR (Continued) 1014180845 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1961Year: ALLEN CINSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1956Year: ALLEN CLEANERSName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 609 ft. Site 9 of 10 in cluster D 0.115 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSW 909 S 1ST W N/A D35 EDR US Hist CleanersALLEN CLEANERS 1014146335 CARPET AND RUG CLEANERSType: 1956Year: HANSEN HOME CLEANING RUGName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 609 ft. Site 10 of 10 in cluster D 0.115 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSW 911 S 1ST W N/A D36 EDR US Hist CleanersHANSEN HOME CLEANING RUG 1014149520 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1976Year: ALOHA CLEANERSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1971Year: ALOHA CLEANERSName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 612 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster H 0.116 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SE 802 W 1ST SOUTH ST N/A H37 EDR US Hist CleanersALOHA CLEANERS 1014150861 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEFacility address: PROGRESSIVE PLATING INC.Facility name: 04/28/1999Date form received by agency: RCRA-CESQG: 619 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster E 0.117 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE UTR000004937 E38 RCRA-CESQGPROGRESSIVE PLATING INC.1004789024 TC4281472.2s Page 63 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation F006. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 977-9928Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: WEST VALLEY CITY, UT 84119 2113 THERESA COVEOwner/operator address: JASON BROSCHINSKYOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: hazardous waste the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendarDescription: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 533-9106Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEContact address: JASON BROSCHINSKYContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEMailing address: UTR000004937EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 PROGRESSIVE PLATING INC. (Continued) 1004789024 TC4281472.2s Page 64 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No violations foundViolation Status: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: PROGRESSIVE PLATING INC. (Continued) 1004789024 955 FOLSOM AVEAddress: 2009Year: JA FAMILY AUTO SERVICEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 664 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster G 0.126 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW 955 FOLSOM AVE N/A G39 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015683702 GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1965Year: HICKEYS PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE STATION GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1961Year: PALMER PHILLIPS 66 SERV STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1956Year: PALMER PHILLIPPS 66 SERVICE STATIONName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 680 ft. Site 5 of 8 in cluster F 0.129 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SE 776 E 1ST S N/A F40 EDR US Hist Auto StatHICKEYS PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE STATION GAS STA 1014176498 GASOLINE AND OIL SERVICE STATIONSType: 1941Year: TEXAS CO SER STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 680 ft. Site 6 of 8 in cluster F 0.129 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SE 776 E 1ST SOUTH ST N/A F41 EDR US Hist Auto StatTEXAS CO SER STA 1014187548 TC4281472.2s Page 65 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 455-8800Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 663 S 600 WOwner Address: JEREMY STREET LLCOwner Name: 4001850Facility ID: UST: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 663 S 600 WOwner Address: JEREMY STREET LLCOwner Name: 04/09/2013Notification Date: 04/10/2013Closed Date: NAKRelease Id: 4001850Facility ID: LUST: 683 ft. 0.129 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4239 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 South UT UST123 S JEREMY ST ( 840 W ) N/A 42 UT LUSTJEREMY STREET LLC U000813267 GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1951Year: UNITED OIL CO GAS STAName: AUTOMOBILE GARAGESType: 1926Year: EAST SIDE GARAGEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 697 ft. Site 7 of 8 in cluster F 0.132 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SE 774 E 1ST S N/A F43 EDR US Hist Auto StatEAST SIDE GARAGE 1014175931 GASOLINE AND OIL SERVICE STATIONSType: 1946Year: PETERSEN REED B FILL STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 697 ft. Site 8 of 8 in cluster F 0.132 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SE 774 E 1ST SOUTH ST N/A F44 EDR US Hist Auto StatPETERSEN REED B FILL STA 1014182188 TC4281472.2s Page 66 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERSType: 1985Year: MARSHON LAUNDRY SUPPLIESName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 708 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster H 0.134 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE 132 S 800 WEST ST N/A H45 EDR US Hist CleanersMARSHON LAUNDRY SUPPLIES 1014143009 GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1965Year: FAIRWAY CONOCO GAS SERVICE GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1961Year: GARYS CONOCO SERV GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1956Year: WILFS CONOCO SERV GAS STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 730 ft. Site 1 of 8 in cluster I 0.138 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT North 875 N TEMPLE WEST N/A I46 EDR US Hist Auto StatWILFS CONOCO SERV GAS STA 1014175923 NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known.Land type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: Not reportedContact telephone: USContact country: Not reported Not reportedContact address: Not reportedContact: UTD117512152EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 940 WEST 100 SOUTHFacility address: TABCOFacility name: 01/01/1980Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 730 ft. 0.138 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SW 940 WEST 100 SOUTH UTD117512152 47 RCRA NonGen / NLRTABCO 1010335630 TC4281472.2s Page 67 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/14/1988Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 01/14/1988Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: TABCO (Continued)1010335630 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1956Year: SANITARY CLEANERSName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 735 ft. Site 2 of 8 in cluster I 0.139 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NNW 71 N 9TH W N/A I48 EDR US Hist CleanersSANITARY CLEANERS 1014152457 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINGType: 1985Year: OPOULOS AUTOMOTIVE & TOWINGName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 781 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster J 0.148 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 741 SOUTH TEMPLE ST W N/A J49 EDR US Hist Auto StatOPOULOS AUTOMOTIVE & TOWING 1014191365 TC4281472.2s Page 68 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (801) 594-6297Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 480 N 2200 W BLDG BOwner Address: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONOwner Name: 4001593Facility ID: UST: Hong Lei TaoProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 84119Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 480 N 2200 W BLDG BOwner Address: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONOwner Name: 11/21/1997Notification Date: 08/30/2007Closed Date: KHIRelease Id: 4001593Facility ID: LUST: 786 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster H 0.149 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SE UT UST710 W 100 S N/A H50 UT LUSTCITY CAB CO.U003149941 741 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2007Year: A 1 AUTO REPAIRName: 741 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 2000Year: A 1 AUTO REPAIRName: 741 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: 1999Year: A 1 AUTO REPAIRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 798 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster J 0.151 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE 741 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A J51 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015622468 01/24/1995Notification Date: 11/20/2013Closed Date: IUTRelease Id: 4001899Facility ID: LUST: 864 ft. Site 3 of 8 in cluster I 0.164 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North UT UST875 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A I52 UT LUSTDAVID EARLY #5 U003150371 TC4281472.2s Page 69 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: Not reportedOwner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 45340Owner Address: DAVID EARLY TIRE INCOwner Name: 4001899Facility ID: UST: Melissa TurchiProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45340Owner Address: DAVID EARLY TIRE INCOwner Name: DAVID EARLY #5 (Continued)U003150371 BLOOMINGDALE, IL 60108 LAKE STREETOwner/operator address: BFS RETAIL & COMMERCIAL OPERATIONSOwner/operator name: 04/14/2008Owner/Op end date: 01/01/1985Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHOwner/operator address: DAVID EARLYOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known.Land type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 328-1782Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NORTH TEMPLEContact address: JAMES BROADHEADContact: BLOOMINGDALE, IL 60108 LAKE STEETMailing address: UTD988070140EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 875 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility address: FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARESite name: DAVID EARLY TIREFacility name: 02/18/2010Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 864 ft. Site 4 of 8 in cluster I 0.164 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North FINDS875 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD988070140 I53 RCRA NonGen / NLRDAVID EARLY TIRE 1000472450 TC4281472.2s Page 70 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation DAVID EARLY TIRESite name: 04/14/2008Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 08/04/2008Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: StateLegal status: (801) 328-1782Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NORTH TEMPLEOwner/operator address: FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CAREOwner/operator name: 04/14/2008Owner/Op end date: 01/01/1985Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHOwner/operator address: DAVID EARLYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 08/04/2008Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 328-1782Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: DAVID EARLY TIRE (Continued)1000472450 TC4281472.2s Page 71 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110009507961Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 04/14/2008Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: DAVID EARLY TIRESite name: 11/12/1992Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: DAVID EARLY TIRE (Continued)1000472450 875 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2004Year: DAVID EARLY TIRE & SERVICE CTRName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 864 ft. Site 5 of 8 in cluster I 0.164 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North 875 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A I54 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015661053 TC4281472.2s Page 72 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: CHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRONSite name: 04/30/1991Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (206) 628-5200Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98111 PO BOX 220Owner/operator address: CHEVRON USAOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 363-8602Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEContact address: RONALD KINYONContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 WEST NORTH TEMPLEMailing address: UTD988071205EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility address: CHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRONFacility name: 08/18/2009Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 883 ft. Site 6 of 8 in cluster I 0.167 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North FINDS880 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD988071205 I55 RCRA NonGen / NLRCHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRON 1000657257 TC4281472.2s Page 73 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource of the Clean Air Act. redesign to support facility operating permits required under Title V estimation of total national emissions. AFS is undergoing a major to comply with regulatory programs and by EPA as an input for the AFS data are utilized by states to prepare State Implementation Plans used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. information concerning airborne pollution in the United States. AFS is Aerometric Data (SAROAD). AIRS is the national repository for National Emission Data System (NEDS), and the Storage and Retrieval of Subsystem) replaces the former Compliance Data System (CDS), the AFS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Facility Environmental Interest/Information System 110009508050Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 07/29/2009Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Not Defined. Waste name: D000. Waste code: CHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRON (Continued) 1000657257 TC4281472.2s Page 74 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1965Year: JACKS SERV GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1961Year: JACKS SERVICE GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1956Year: CHIPMAN SERV GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1951Year: CHIPMAN FILLING STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 893 ft. Site 1 of 6 in cluster K 0.169 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NNW 905 N TEMPLE WEST N/A K56 EDR US Hist Auto StatCHIPMAN FILLING STA 1014165742 5Closed Tanks: 5Total Tanks: (801) 486-6161Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 1800 S 300 WOwner Address: CLEARWATER CARTAGE INCOwner Name: 4000179Facility ID: UST: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 84115Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1800 S 300 WOwner Address: CLEARWATER CARTAGE INCOwner Name: 10/18/1993Notification Date: 07/17/2002Closed Date: IHVRelease Id: 4000179Facility ID: LUST: 898 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster J 0.170 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE UT UST738 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A J57 UT LUSTCARTOW U003149868 TC4281472.2s Page 75 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not a generator, verifiedClassification: CLEARWATER TRUCKINGSite name: 03/17/1983Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (999) 999-9999Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999 DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/operator address: STEVE LINDSEY AND OTHERSOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known.Land type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 539-8401Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110 P O BOX 87Contact address: STEPHEN LINDSEYContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110 P O BOX 87Mailing address: UTD980804454EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 738 W S TEMPLEFacility address: CLEARWATER TRUCKINGFacility name: 02/22/2007Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 898 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster J 0.170 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE 738 W S TEMPLE UTD980804454 J58 RCRA NonGen / NLRCLEARWATER TRUCKING 1010335763 TC4281472.2s Page 76 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/01/1985Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: CLEARWATER TRUCKING (Continued) 1010335763 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: (801) 685-9394Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84117Owner City,St,Zip: 4968 S SPRING RUN DROwner Address: RASSOUL & BAHMAN BEN DADGARIOwner Name: 4000251Facility ID: UST: Melissa TurchiProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84117Owner City,St,Zip: 84117Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 4968 S SPRING RUN DROwner Address: RASSOUL & BAHMAN BEN DADGARIOwner Name: 01/03/1995Notification Date: Not reportedClosed Date: IUQRelease Id: 4000251Facility ID: LUST: 920 ft. Site 7 of 8 in cluster I 0.174 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW UT UST905 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A I59 UT LUSTSMITH’S GAS & VIDEO U003150453 905 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2008Year: MOTIS AUTO PERFORMANCE INCName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 920 ft. Site 8 of 8 in cluster I 0.174 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW 905 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A I60 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015669832 TC4281472.2s Page 77 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1965Year: STARK GLENN AM SERV GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1961Year: NENOW HERB SERV STA GAS STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 925 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster L 0.175 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SSE 180 S 8TH W N/A L61 EDR US Hist Auto StatNENOW HERB SERV STA GAS STA 1014163110 GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1971Year: CLIFFS AMERICAN OIL GAS STATIONName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 925 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster L 0.175 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE 180 S 8TH WEST ST N/A L62 EDR US Hist Auto StatCLIFFS AMERICAN OIL GAS STATION 1014165798 LAUNDRIESType: 1941Year: STAR LAUNDRYName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 941 ft. 0.178 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4240 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT South 151 W 9TH SOUTH ST N/A 63 EDR US Hist CleanersSTAR LAUNDRY 1014148123 CENTURY LAUNDRYName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2006Year: CENTURY LAUNDRYName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2005Year: CENTURY CLEANING BARNName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2003Year: CENTURY LAUNDRYName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 952 ft. Site 2 of 6 in cluster K 0.180 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW 910 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A K64 EDR US Hist Cleaners 1015105261 TC4281472.2s Page 78 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2012Year: CENTURY CLEANING BARNName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2011Year: CENTURY CLEANING BARNName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2010Year: CENTURY LAUNDRYName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2009Year: CENTURY LAUNDRYName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2009Year: CENTURY CLEANING BARNName: 910 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2007Year: (Continued)1015105261 Not reportedComments: Not reportedMailing City/State/Zip: Not reportedMailing Address: Not reportedCoResidential?: 0# Machines: Not reportedDate of Last Inspection: TrueNot Regulated: FalseOut of Business: Not reportedDate Installed: UT0801106Facility ID: DRYCLEANERS: 952 ft. Site 3 of 6 in cluster K 0.180 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW 910 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A K65 UT DRYCLEANERSCENTURY LAUNDRY S106515194 GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1965Year: NENOWS HERB SERVICE GAS STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 961 ft. Site 4 of 6 in cluster K 0.182 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NW 935 N TEMPLE WEST N/A K66 EDR US Hist Auto StatNENOWS HERB SERVICE GAS STA 1014163111 TC4281472.2s Page 79 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 25 S 1000 WAddress: 2008Year: R Z AUTO SERVICESName: 25 S 1000 WAddress: 2007Year: R Z AUTO SERVICESName: 25 S 1000 WAddress: 2006Year: R Z AUTO SERVICESName: 25 S 1000 WAddress: 2005Year: SUPREME AUTO BODY AND REPAIRName: 25 S 1000 WAddress: 2004Year: R Z AUTO SERVICESName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 991 ft. 0.188 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 West 25 S 1000 W N/A 67 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015362282 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: (801) 596-1000Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 2160 S STATE STOwner Address: M KENT FOOTEOwner Name: 4001483Facility ID: UST: [Robin Jenkins]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 84115Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 2160 S STATE STOwner Address: M KENT FOOTEOwner Name: 08/11/1989Notification Date: 03/27/1991Closed Date: FGLRelease Id: 4001483Facility ID: LUST: 1088 ft. Site 5 of 6 in cluster K 0.206 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW UT UST935 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A K68 UT LUSTM. KENT FOOTE U003150413 TC4281472.2s Page 80 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1965Year: STAR SERVICE PETROLEUM GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1961Year: FAIRGROUND SERVICE GAS STAName: GASOLINE STATIONSType: 1956Year: FAIRGROUNDS FLYING A SERVICE GAS STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 1092 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster M 0.207 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4225 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NW 955 N TEMPLE WEST N/A M69 EDR US Hist Auto StatSTAR SERVICE PETROLEUM GAS STA 1014175922 GASOLINE AND OIL SERVICE STATIONSType: 1941Year: QUALITY OIL CO SER STAName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 1122 ft. Site 6 of 6 in cluster K 0.213 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NNW 980 NORTH TEMPLE ST W N/A K70 EDR US Hist Auto StatQUALITY OIL CO SER STA 1014168247 CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1965Year: GLOBE CLNSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1961Year: GLOBE CLNSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1956Year: GLOBE CLEANERSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1951Year: SANITARY CLNS & DYERSName: CLEANERS AND DYERSType: 1946Year: BROWN LEE CLEANERSName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 1134 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster M 0.215 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4225 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NW 963 N TEMPLE WEST N/A M71 EDR US Hist CleanersBROWN LEE CLEANERS 1014144419 TC4281472.2s Page 81 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5Closed Tanks: 5Total Tanks: 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: (801) 296-7716Owner Phone: NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054Owner City,St,Zip: 333 W CENTER STOwner Address: FLYING J INCOwner Name: 4000304Facility ID: UST: [Jim Martin]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 84119Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1385 W 2200 SOwner Address: Q LUBE INCOwner Name: 02/10/1994Notification Date: 02/16/1994Closed Date: ILWRelease Id: 4000575Facility ID: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054Owner City,St,Zip: 84054Owner Zip: UTOwner State: NORTH SALT LAKEOwner City: 333 W CENTER STOwner Address: FLYING J INCOwner Name: 07/26/1991Notification Date: 05/05/1995Closed Date: GZORelease Id: 4000304Facility ID: LUST: 1148 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster N 0.217 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE UT UST757 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A N72 UT LUSTMINIT-LUBE #1020 U003544846 757 WEST NORTH TEMPLEContact address: JOE MONTOYAContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 WEST NORTH TEMPLEMailing address: UTD988069233EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 757 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility address: MINIT-LUBE #1020Facility name: 08/06/2007Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1148 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster N 0.217 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE FINDS757 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD988069233 N73 RCRA NonGen / NLRMINIT-LUBE #1020 1000472385 TC4281472.2s Page 82 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 08/02/2007Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: Not Defined. Waste name: D000. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: MINIT-LUBE #1020Site name: 10/25/1990Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (999) 999-9999Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999 DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/operator address: QUAKER STATE MINIT-LUBE INCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known.Land type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 355-1385Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 MINIT-LUBE #1020 (Continued)1000472385 TC4281472.2s Page 83 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110009507881Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: MINIT-LUBE #1020 (Continued)1000472385 JIFFY LUBEName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2010Year: JIFFY LUBEName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2009Year: JIFFY LUBE INTERNATIONAL INCName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2008Year: JIFFY LUBE INTERNATIONAL INCName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2007Year: JIFFY LUBE INTERNATIONAL INCName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2006Year: JIFFY LUBEName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2005Year: JIFFY LUBEName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2003Year: Q LUBEName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2000Year: Q LUBEName: EDR Historical Auto Stations: 1148 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster N 0.217 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE 757 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A N74 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015626915 TC4281472.2s Page 84 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2012Year: JIFFY LUBEName: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2011Year: (Continued)1015626915 (999) 999-9999Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999 DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/operator address: TERRY OVERMOEOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1980Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 355-6935Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110 P.O. BOX 1114Owner/operator address: TERRY OVERMOEOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1980Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 355-6935Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 955 WEST NORTH TEMPLEOwner/operator address: RED HANGEROwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 08EPA Region: BRADO@REDHANGER.COMContact email: (801) 355-6935Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110 P.O. BOX 1114Contact address: BRAD OVERMOEContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110 P.O. BOX 1114Mailing address: UTD056917370EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 955 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility address: RED HANGER INC # 12Facility name: 06/26/2014Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1180 ft. Site 3 of 5 in cluster M 0.223 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW FINDS955 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD056917370 M75 RCRA NonGen / NLRRED HANGER INC # 12 1000116751 TC4281472.2s Page 85 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: RED HANGER INC # 12Site name: 10/14/1986Date form received by agency: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: RED HANGER INC # 12Site name: 05/14/2009Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: RED HANGER INC # 12 (Continued)1000116751 TC4281472.2s Page 86 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005197599Registry ID: RED HANGER INC # 12 (Continued)1000116751 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2012Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2011Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2010Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2008Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2007Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2006Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2005Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2003Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2002Year: RED HANGER CLEANERSName: 955 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 2001Year: RED HANGER CLEANERS STORESName: EDR Historical Cleaners: 1180 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster M 0.223 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW 955 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A M76 EDR US Hist Cleaners 1015108483 TC4281472.2s Page 87 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Self-insuranceMechanism: 4001026Facility ID: 2Region: UT Financial Assurance 2: 1Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (214) 415-0146Owner Phone: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 4001026Facility ID: UST: Mike PecorelliProject Manager: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: 75221Owner Zip: TXOwner State: DALLASOwner City: PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 07/28/1999Notification Date: 03/26/2012Closed Date: KZRRelease Id: 4001026Facility ID: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: 75221Owner Zip: TXOwner State: DALLASOwner City: PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 02/13/1989Notification Date: 12/18/1990Closed Date: FCSRelease Id: 4001026Facility ID: LUST: 1198 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster M 0.227 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW UT UST960 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A M77 UT LUST7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 U003150448 SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1850 W 2100 SOwner Address: ASSOCIATED FRESH MARKETS, INC.Owner Name: 09/18/1991Notification Date: 03/17/1997Closed Date: HCERelease Id: 4000211Facility ID: LUST: 1218 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster O 0.231 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW UT UST140 NORTH 900 WEST N/A O78 UT LUSTFRESH MARKET 2383 U003150373 TC4281472.2s Page 88 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation InsuranceMechanism: 4000211Facility ID: 2Region: UT Financial Assurance 2: 4Closed Tanks: 6Total Tanks: (801) 973-4400Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 1850 W 2100 SOwner Address: ASSOCIATED FRESH MARKETS, INC.Owner Name: 4000211Facility ID: UST: Mike PecorelliProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 84119Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1850 W 2100 SOwner Address: ASSOCIATED FRESH MARKETS, INC.Owner Name: 05/31/2002Notification Date: 08/30/2006Closed Date: LOIRelease Id: 4000211Facility ID: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 84119Owner Zip: UTOwner State: FRESH MARKET 2383 (Continued)U003150373 Self-insuranceMechanism: 4002142Facility ID: 2Region: UT Financial Assurance 2: 0Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (801) 617-2921Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 118 S 1000 WOwner Address: VIAWESTOwner Name: 4002142Facility ID: UST: 1230 ft. 0.233 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4231 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SW UT Financial Assurance118 S 1000 W N/A 79 UT USTVIA WEST U003167791 TC4281472.2s Page 89 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/08/1997Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (717) 730-8225Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 900 WESTOwner/operator address: RITE AID CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/08/1997Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (717) 761-2633Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: CAMP HILL, PA 17011 30 HUNTER LANEOwner/operator address: RITE AID CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: hazardous waste at any time waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1000 kg of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month and accumulates less than 6000 kg of Handler: generates more than 100 and less than 1000 kg of hazardousDescription: Small Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: 08EPA Region: SSCAIATI@RITEAID.COMContact email: (717) 730-8225Contact telephone: USContact country: CAMP HILL, PA 17011 30 HUNTER LANEContact address: STEPHANIE A CAIATIContact: CAMP HILL, PA 17011 30 HUNTER LANEMailing address: UTR000011866EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 150 NORTH 900 WESTFacility address: RITE AID #6137Facility name: 09/15/2014Date form received by agency: RCRA-SQG: 1292 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster O 0.245 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW 150 NORTH 900 WEST UTR000011866 O80 RCRA-SQGRITE AID #6137 1014927833 TC4281472.2s Page 90 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation M-CRESOL. Waste name: D024. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: MERCURY. Waste name: D009. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: RITE AID #6137Site name: 11/15/2011Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: SALTS NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL)-,(S)-, &. Waste name: P075. Waste code: SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS GREATER THAN 0.3% WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS GREATER THAN 0.3% (OR) WARFARIN, & 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4-HYDROXY-3-(3-OXO-1-PHENYLBUTYL)-, & SALTS,. Waste name: P001. Waste code: M-CRESOL. Waste name: D024. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: MERCURY. Waste name: D009. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: RITE AID #6137 (Continued)1014927833 TC4281472.2s Page 91 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No violations foundViolation Status: SALTS NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL)-,(S)-, &. Waste name: P075. Waste code: SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS GREATER THAN 0.3% WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS GREATER THAN 0.3% (OR) WARFARIN, & 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4-HYDROXY-3-(3-OXO-1-PHENYLBUTYL)-, & SALTS,. Waste name: P001. Waste code: RITE AID #6137 (Continued)1014927833 Not reportedComments: Not reportedMailing City/State/Zip: Not reportedMailing Address: Not reportedCoResidential?: 0# Machines: Not reportedDate of Last Inspection: TrueNot Regulated: FalseOut of Business: Not reportedDate Installed: UT0801054Facility ID: DRYCLEANERS: 1319 ft. 0.250 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSW 906 WEST 2ND SOUTH N/A 81 UT DRYCLEANERSVOGUE CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDRY S106515151 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (814) 502-4000Owner Phone: OGDEN, UT 84402Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 108Owner Address: INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATIONOwner Name: 4000190Facility ID: UST: Melissa TurchiProject Manager: OGDEN, UT 84402Owner City,St,Zip: 84402Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OGDENOwner City: P O BOX 108Owner Address: INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATIONOwner Name: 07/11/2005Notification Date: 06/19/2006Closed Date: LZHRelease Id: 4000190Facility ID: LUST: 1395 ft. 0.264 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4236 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE UT UST708 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A 82 UT LUSTWONDER HOSTESS BAKERY THRIFT SHOP U003150386 TC4281472.2s Page 92 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 539-1590Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner City,St,Zip: 622 W 500 NOwner Address: SALT LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICESOwner Name: 4002113Facility ID: UST: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner City,St,Zip: 84116Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 622 W 500 NOwner Address: SALT LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICESOwner Name: 04/10/2001Notification Date: 07/28/2003Closed Date: LJJRelease Id: 4002113Facility ID: LUST: 1540 ft. 0.292 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SW UT UST180 S 1000 W N/A 83 UT LUSTOLD GAS STATION U003150682 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 558-7837Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 45360 M/S DNR 206Owner Address: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICESOwner Name: 4000627Facility ID: UST: [Rocky Stonestreet]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45360 M/S DNR 206Owner Address: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICESOwner Name: 12/03/1990Notification Date: 04/18/1994Closed Date: GKBRelease Id: 4000627Facility ID: LUST: 1620 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster P 0.307 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW UT UST1070 W 100 S N/A P84 UT LUSTS.L. NORTH SERVICE STATION U003149851 TC4281472.2s Page 93 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationPriority Level: 10/02/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: SITE INSPECTIONAction: Not reportedPriority Level: 10/02/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: ARCHIVE SITEAction: Not reportedPriority Level: 10/01/83Date Completed: / /Date Started: DISCOVERYAction: Low priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 12/01/84Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History: 13002897.00000Person ID: 13385448.00000Contact Sequence ID: CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationNon NPL Status: Not on the NPLNPL Status: Not a Federal FacilityFederal Facility: 0800693Site ID: CERC-NFRAP: 1680 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster P 0.318 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW 100 SOUTH 1078 WEST UTD980807234 P85 CERC-NFRAPMOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPLY CO.-OPERATIONS CTR 1003026130 4001638Facility ID: UST: [Rocky Stonestreet]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 90 SOUTH 400 WEST STE 200Owner Address: THE BOYER COMPANYOwner Name: 11/26/1990Notification Date: 06/19/1995Closed Date: GIXRelease Id: 4001638Facility ID: LUST: 1681 ft. 0.318 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4224 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 WNW UT UST1055 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A 86 UT LUSTGRANITE MILL IND. COMPLEX U003150418 TC4281472.2s Page 94 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 366-7156Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 90 SOUTH 400 WEST STE 200Owner Address: THE BOYER COMPANYOwner Name: GRANITE MILL IND. COMPLEX (Continued) U003150418 Alternate Name:UTAH GAS AND COKE CO. Years of Operation: 1906-1929 Manufactured Gas Plants: 1691 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster P 0.320 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 WSW 1078 W 100 SOUTH N/A P87 EDR MGPMOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPLY CO 1008409003 2Total Tanks: (801) 526-2000Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140Owner City,St,Zip: 669 W 2ND SOwner Address: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT COOwner Name: 4001428Facility ID: UST: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140Owner City,St,Zip: 84140Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 669 W 2ND SOwner Address: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT COOwner Name: 10/12/1990Notification Date: 05/11/1995Closed Date: GHTRelease Id: 4001428Facility ID: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140Owner City,St,Zip: 84140Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 669 W 2ND SOwner Address: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT COOwner Name: 09/21/1989Notification Date: 07/03/1995Closed Date: FHIRelease Id: 4001428Facility ID: LUST: 1883 ft. 0.357 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4231 ft. 1/4-1/2 UT NPDESSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140 SE UT UST669 W 200 S N/A 88 UT LUSTEIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO.U003150660 TC4281472.2s Page 95 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -111.91073Facility Site Long: 40.763483Facility Site Lat: Not reportedDMR Cognizant Official Tele: Not reportedDMR Cognizant Official: Not reportedPermit Name: CONSTRUCTIONPermit Type: Not reportedNot Received: 0No Exposure: Not reportedInactivated: 08/22/2015Date Coverage Expires: 08/22/2014Date Coverage Effective: Not reportedDate Coverage Issued/Renewed: Not reportedDate Noi Complete: 08/22/2014Date Noi Received: $150.00Amount Paid: 08/22/2014Date Signed: Lonnie KimbellCertification Name: Not reportedFourth Sector: Not reportedThird Sector: Not reportedSecondary Sector: Not reportedPrimary Sector: Not reportedGroup 5: Not reportedGroup 4: Not reportedGroup 3: Not reportedGroup 2: Not reportedGroup 1: Not reportedPrimary SIC Code: Jordan RiverReceiving Water Body: Salt Lake CityMuni Operating Storm Sewer System: Not reportedFacility Site Contact Phone: Not reportedFacility Site Contact Tile: Not reportedFacility Site Contact Person: 801-509-1801Facility Oper Contact Phone: Not reportedFacility Oper Contact Title: Lonnie KimbellFacility Oper Contact Person: MAINStatus Of Owner/Oper: 801-509-1801Facility Oper Phone #: 84119Facility Oper Zip: UTFacility Oper State: SALT LAKE CITYFacility Oper City: 3441 S. 2200 W. #103Facility Oper Address: Arnell-West, Inc.Facility Oper Name: STORMWATERNonConstruction Storm Water: Jordan RiverState Water Body Name: 08/22/2015Expiration Date: Not reportedIssue Date: Not reportedFacility Contact Name: UTR368515Permit: NPDES: 2Closed Tanks: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO. (Continued) U003150660 TC4281472.2s Page 96 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 287-3064Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130Owner City,St,Zip: PO BOX 30810Owner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 4002453Facility ID: UST: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130Owner City,St,Zip: 84130Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: PO BOX 30810Owner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 02/24/2011Notification Date: 03/14/2011Closed Date: MTHRelease Id: 4002453Facility ID: LUST: 1895 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster Q 0.359 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 ENE UT UST650 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A Q89 UT LUSTAIRPORT TRAX 650 WEST U004179164 4/10/2002Date Closed: FalseFederal Registered: AST w/RP LeadSite Type: LKERelease ID: 4002292Facility ID: LAST: 1981 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster Q 0.375 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ENE 641 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A Q90 UT LASTFORMER RANCHO LANES S106560674 DERRDivision: SuperfundPGM: CERCLA BranchBranch: Chad GilgenPM: LUR Final - Environmental CovenantTitle: 03/21/2011Doc Date: Final ReportsSub Program: DERR-2011-008409Doc #: UTD980667240Facility Id: INST CONTROL: 2001 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster R 0.379 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A R91 UT INST CONTROLUTAH POWER AND LIGHT AMERICAN BARREL CO. S117449560 TC4281472.2s Page 97 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation POWER CO. Years of Operation: 1871-1908 Alternate Name:SALT LAKE CITY GAS CO; UTAH LIGHT AND RAILWAY CO;UNION LIGHT AND Manufactured Gas Plants: 2001 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster R 0.379 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A R92 EDR MGPUTAH POWER AND LIGHT 1008409002 Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): corrective action priority CA075LO - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a lowAction: 19970904Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): CA077LOAction: 19970904Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): CA076LOAction: 19970904Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): considerations corrective action work at the facility, or other, administrative facility, the degree of risk, timing considerations, the status of (IN). Reasons for this conclusion may be the status of, closure at the inappropriate (NF) or (2) there is a lack of technical, information other than (1) it appears to be technically, infeasible or amenable to stabilization activity at the, present time for reasons CA225NR - Stabilization Measures Evaluation, This facility is, notAction: 20000901Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: CORRACTS: 2033 ft. 0.385 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 East RCRA NonGen / NLR49 SOUTH 600 WEST UTD035348325 93 CORRACTSMYERS CONTAINER CORP 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 98 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): CA006OUAction: 19990824Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): CA070NO - RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Not NecessaryAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): Exposures Under Control has been verified CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current HumanAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified CA750YE - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes,Action: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): CA050 - RFA CompletedAction: 19850515Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Not reportedNAICS Code(s): CA100 - RFI ImpositionAction: 19850315Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD035348325EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 99 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: MYERS CONTAINER CORP.Site name: 02/28/1992Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: MYERS CONTAINER CORP. #1Site name: 02/25/1994Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 581-1905Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 51 SOUTH 600 WESTOwner/operator address: MR. ED EISEMOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 08EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (801) 322-3529Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 49 SOUTH 600 WESTContact address: JOHN MAUSSHARDTContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 SOUTH 600 WESTMailing address: UTD035348325EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 49 SOUTH 600 WESTFacility address: MYERS CONTAINER CORPFacility name: 02/22/2007Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 100 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Igration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes, Migration ofEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: RFA CompletedEvent: 05/15/1985Event date: RFI ImpositionEvent: 03/15/1985Event date: Corrective Action Summary: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE(BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: MYERS CONTAINER CORPSite name: 08/18/1980Date form received by agency: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 101 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 18000 Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/05/1992 Enforcement action date: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDER Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/05/1993Date achieved compliance: 11/05/1991Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: the facility, or other administrative considerations. risk, timing considerations, the status of corrective action work at conclusion may be the status of closure at the facility, the degree of there is a lack of technical information (IN). Reasons for this it appears to be technically infeasible or inappropriate (NF) or 2- stabilization activity at the present time for reasons other than 1- Stabilization Measures Evaluation,This facility is not amenable toEvent: 09/01/2000Event date: CA006OUEvent: 08/24/1999Event date: CA077LOEvent: 09/04/1997Event date: action priority. CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a low correctiveEvent: 09/04/1997Event date: CA076LOEvent: 09/04/1997Event date: RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Not Necessary;Event: 09/16/1996Event date: changes at the facility. re-evaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of significant reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be expected to be under control at the facility under current and contained in the EI determination, current human exposures are Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of information Current Human Exposures under Control, Yes, Current Human ExposuresEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: significant changes at the facility. determination will be re-evaluated when the Agency becomes aware of remains within the existing area of contaminated groundwater. This monitoring will be conducted to confirm that contaminated groundwater migration of contaminated groundwater is under control, and that at the facility. Specifically, this determination indicates that the determined that migration of contaminated groundwater is under control review of information contained in the EI determination, it has been Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified. Based on a MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 102 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/07/1984 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/15/1985Date achieved compliance: 06/12/1984Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/07/1984 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/15/1985Date achieved compliance: 06/12/1984Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 08/03/1990 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/13/1990Date achieved compliance: 08/03/1990Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: 18000 Paid penalty amount: 18000 Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/05/1992 Enforcement action date: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDER Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/05/1993Date achieved compliance: 11/05/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: 18000 Paid penalty amount: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 103 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/03/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 08/28/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 09/20/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 06/01/1990Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/13/1990Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 08/03/1990Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/05/1993Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 11/05/1991Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/05/1993Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 11/05/1991Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: 3500 Final penalty amount: 3500 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/15/1985 Enforcement action date: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDER Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/15/1985Date achieved compliance: 06/12/1984Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 TC4281472.2s Page 104 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/15/1985Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 06/12/1984Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 04/04/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation: 05/06/1985Evaluation date: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 Not reportedPriority Level: 06/24/88Date Completed: / /Date Started: DISCOVERYAction: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationPriority Level: 09/23/92Date Completed: / /Date Started: SITE INSPECTIONAction: Not reportedPriority Level: 09/23/92Date Completed: / /Date Started: ARCHIVE SITEAction: Higher priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 04/14/89Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History: 13002897.00000Person ID: 13385214.00000Contact Sequence ID: CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationNon NPL Status: Not on the NPLNPL Status: Not a Federal FacilityFederal Facility: 0800005Site ID: CERC-NFRAP: 2061 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster R 0.390 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE 14 N. 600 W.UTD988066023 R94 CERC-NFRAPDESERET PAINT 1003877301 TC4281472.2s Page 105 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 558-7837Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 45360 M/S DNR 206Owner Address: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICESOwner Name: 4000625Facility ID: UST: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45360 M/S DNR 206Owner Address: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICESOwner Name: 07/06/2005Notification Date: 07/06/2005Closed Date: LZDRelease Id: 4000625Facility ID: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45360 M/S DNR 206Owner Address: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICESOwner Name: 09/21/2011Notification Date: 09/28/2011Closed Date: MVORelease Id: 4000625Facility ID: LUST: 2171 ft. 0.411 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84139 WSW UT UST1175 W 130 S N/A 95 UT LUSTQUESTAR REGULATED SERVICES - SALT LAKE OPERATIONS U000559047 Mark CrimProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130Owner City,St,Zip: 84130Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: PO BOX 30810Owner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 03/21/1990Notification Date: 01/03/1996Closed Date: FPDRelease Id: 4001132Facility ID: LUST: 2246 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster S 0.425 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. 1/4-1/2 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SE UT UST610 W 200 S N/A S96 UT LUSTUTA - CENTRAL DIVISION U003149964 TC4281472.2s Page 106 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Self-insuranceMechanism: 4001132Facility ID: 2Region: UT Financial Assurance 2: 8Closed Tanks: 15Total Tanks: (801) 287-3064Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130Owner City,St,Zip: PO BOX 30810Owner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 4001132Facility ID: UST: Morgan AtkinsonProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130Owner City,St,Zip: 84130Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: PO BOX 30810Owner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 04/04/2001Notification Date: 04/05/2010Closed Date: LJPRelease Id: 4001132Facility ID: Morgan AtkinsonProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130Owner City,St,Zip: 84130Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: PO BOX 30810Owner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 12/06/2000Notification Date: 02/04/2002Closed Date: LIERelease Id: 4001132Facility ID: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISION (Continued) U003149964 [Evan Sullivan]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 84104Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 751 W 300 SOwner Address: MARK STEELOwner Name: 01/05/1993Notification Date: 04/26/1995Closed Date: HYMRelease Id: 4001878Facility ID: LUST: 2323 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster T 0.440 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST751 W 300 S N/A T97 UT LUSTMARK STEEL U000813286 TC4281472.2s Page 107 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 521-2670Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 751 W 300 SOwner Address: MARK STEELOwner Name: 4001878Facility ID: UST: MARK STEEL (Continued)U000813286 Self-insuranceMechanism: 4000412Facility ID: 2Region: UT Financial Assurance 2: 4Closed Tanks: 5Total Tanks: (801) 802-6954Owner Phone: OREM, UT 84057Owner City,St,Zip: 730 N 1500 WOwner Address: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS INCOwner Name: 4000412Facility ID: UST: [DeAnn Rasmussen]Project Manager: OREM, UT 84057Owner City,St,Zip: 84057Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OREMOwner City: 730 N 1500 WOwner Address: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS INCOwner Name: 11/16/2001Notification Date: 05/19/2003Closed Date: LLXRelease Id: 4000412Facility ID: [Evan Sullivan]Project Manager: OREM, UT 84057Owner City,St,Zip: 84057Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OREMOwner City: 730 N 1500 WOwner Address: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS INCOwner Name: 11/26/1990Notification Date: 12/11/1997Closed Date: GHQRelease Id: 4000412Facility ID: LUST: 2330 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster T 0.441 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/4-1/2 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST748 W 300 S N/A T98 UT LUSTGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC.U003150663 TC4281472.2s Page 108 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (801) 467-6304Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner City,St,Zip: 1217 BRICKYARD RD #102Owner Address: WILLIAM L EMMELOwner Name: 4000661Facility ID: UST: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner City,St,Zip: 84106Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1217 BRICKYARD RD #102Owner Address: WILLIAM L EMMELOwner Name: 08/01/1990Notification Date: 06/05/1995Closed Date: FYYRelease Id: 4000661Facility ID: LUST: 2336 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster T 0.442 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST736 W 300 S N/A T99 UT LUSTNOYCE TRANSFER CO U003149889 Not reportedEPA Cerclis Archive Date: Not reportedDate Of Termination: 02/02/2007Date Of Completion: 04/29/1999Date Of Agreement: 03/22/1999Date Of Application: COC/SMPStatus: KRISTEN (LEIGH) ANDERSONProject Manager: 17.00Site Acreage: VCP-C016VCP Number: VCP: 2351 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster S 0.445 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 600 WEST 200 SOUTH N/A S100 UT VCPSALT LAKE CITY INTERMODAL HUB S105429897 19971003Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: CORRACTS: 2433 ft. 0.461 mi.FINDS Relative: Higher Actual: 4239 ft. 1/4-1/2 ICISSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE RCRA-CESQG600 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD000818211 101 CORRACTSAMERICAN BARREL COMPANY 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 109 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): Corrective Action at the facility or area referred to CERCLA CA210SF - CA Responsibility Referred To A Non-RCRA Federal Authority,Action: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified CA750YE - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes,Action: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): CA076LOAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): corrective action priority CA075LO - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a lowAction: 19970904Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): considerations corrective action work at the facility, or other, administrative facility, the degree of risk, timing considerations, the status of (IN). Reasons for this conclusion may be the status of, closure at the inappropriate (NF) or (2) there is a lack of technical, information other than (1) it appears to be technically, infeasible or amenable to stabilization activity at the, present time for reasons CA225NR - Stabilization Measures Evaluation, This facility is, notAction: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 110 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 08EPA Region: JEFF.TUCKER@PACIFICORP.COMContact email: (801) 220-2989Contact telephone: USContact country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 WEST NORTH TEMPLEContact address: JEFF TUCKERContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NORTH TEMPLEMailing address: UTD000818211EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility address: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility name: 02/18/2010Date form received by agency: RCRA-CESQG: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): CA077LOAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19960916Original schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): CA050 - RFA CompletedAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): CA070NO - RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Not NecessaryAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: UTD000818211EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation 221112NAICS Code(s): Exposures Under Control has been verified CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current HumanAction: 19960916Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 08EPA Region: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 111 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: Not reportedLegal status: (999) 999-9999Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999 DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/operator address: EISEN EDWARDOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/15/1987Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 220-2989Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NORTH TEMPLEOwner/operator address: PACIFICORPOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/15/1988Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (801) 220-2989Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NORTH TEMPLEOwner/operator address: PACIFICORPOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: hazardous waste the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendarDescription: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 112 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE(BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OFONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID,. Waste name: F004. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYSite name: 08/18/1980Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYSite name: 05/21/2007Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 113 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 09/04/1997Event date: CA076LOEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: significant changes at the facility. determination will be re-evaluated when the Agency becomes aware of remains within the existing area of contaminated groundwater. This monitoring will be conducted to confirm that contaminated groundwater migration of contaminated groundwater is under control, and that at the facility. Specifically, this determination indicates that the determined that migration of contaminated groundwater is under control review of information contained in the EI determination, it has been Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified. Based on a Igration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes, Migration ofEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: changes at the facility. re-evaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of significant reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be expected to be under control at the facility under current and contained in the EI determination, current human exposures are Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of information Current Human Exposures under Control, Yes, Current Human ExposuresEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: CA077LOEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: Action at the facility or area referred to CERCLA. CA Responsibility Referred To A Non-RCRA Federal Authority, CorrectiveEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Not Necessary;Event: 09/16/1996Event date: RFA CompletedEvent: 09/16/1996Event date: Corrective Action Summary: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE. Waste name: U220. Waste code: 2-BUTANONE (I,T) (OR) METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK) (I,T). Waste name: U159. Waste code: ACETIC ACID, ETHYL ESTER (I) (OR) ETHYL ACETATE (I). Waste name: U112. Waste code: BENZENE (I,T). Waste name: U019. Waste code: 2-PROPANONE (I) (OR) ACETONE (I). Waste name: U002. Waste code: SLOP OIL EMULSION SOLIDS FROM THE PETROLEUM REFINING INDUSTRY.. Waste name: K049. Waste code: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 114 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NON-FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 04/09/1990Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/08/2004Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 05/17/2007Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 05/27/1987Date achieved compliance: 05/27/1986Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/01/1987Date achieved compliance: 08/01/1986Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: the facility, or other administrative considerations. risk, timing considerations, the status of corrective action work at conclusion may be the status of closure at the facility, the degree of there is a lack of technical information (IN). Reasons for this it appears to be technically infeasible or inappropriate (NF) or 2- stabilization activity at the present time for reasons other than 1- Stabilization Measures Evaluation,This facility is not amenable toEvent: 10/03/1997Event date: action priority. CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a low correctiveEvent: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 115 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: RCRAINFO UTD000818211Program ID: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: FRS 110000619947Program ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 106 AO For Resp Action/Imm HazEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility Address: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: UtahState: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116Full Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHTAction Name: FRS 110000619947Program ID: 110000619947FRS ID: 08-1988-0066Enforcement Action ID: 8EPA Region #: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 106 AO For Resp Action/Imm HazEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility Address: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: UtahState: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116Full Address: UTAH POWER & LIGHTAction Name: RCRAINFO UTD000818211Program ID: 110000619947FRS ID: 08-1988-0066Enforcement Action ID: ICIS: StateEvaluation lead agency: 05/27/1987Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 05/27/1986Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/01/1987Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/01/1986Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 TC4281472.2s Page 116 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110000619947Registry ID: corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110031319927Registry ID: FINDS: Not reportedSIC Code: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 84104Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1990 W 500 SOwner Address: SALT LAKE CITY FLEET MANAGEMENTOwner Name: 03/15/1990Notification Date: 12/27/1995Closed Date: FOZRelease Id: 4000856Facility ID: LUST: 2477 ft. 0.469 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4224 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW UT UST273 N 1000 W N/A 102 UT LUSTS.L.C. FIRE DEPT. STATION #7 U003150403 TC4281472.2s Page 117 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 535-6904Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 1990 W 500 SOwner Address: SALT LAKE CITY FLEET MANAGEMENTOwner Name: 4000856Facility ID: UST: [Mike Pfeiffer]Project Manager: S.L.C. FIRE DEPT. STATION #7 (Continued) U003150403 TC4281472.2s Page 118 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) Count: 6 records. SALT LAKE CITY 1015737026 BP PRODUCTS NO. AMERICA INC. SLC,1700 NORTH 1200 WEST 84103 RCRA-TSDF, CERC-NFRAP, CORRAC RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, US FIN ASSUR, 2020 COR ACTION SALT LAKE CITY 1003877403 OLD SALT LAKE CITY FIRE STATION 2ND WEST 7TH SOUTH 84101 CERC-NFRAP SALT LAKE CITY 1009463065 BULLOUGH ASBESTOS 800 WEST 50 SOUTH 84104 CERC-NFRAP SALT LAKE CITY 1003877567 AMOCO REFINERY LEADED SLUDGE STORA 1280 N 800 W 84103 CERC-NFRAP SALT LAKE CITY 1003877829 STANDARD SMELTING AND REFINING COM CORNER OF DUPONT AVE. AND CARO 84116 CERC-NFRAP SALT LAKE CITY 1003877825 JENNINGS AND PASCOE SMELTER STATE RD 89 (BECK STREET) & 80 84116 CERC-NFRAP, LEAD SMELTERS TC4281472.2s Page 119 To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update:Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 12/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 04/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 12/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 04/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4281472.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal Delisted NPL site list DELISTED NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 12/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 04/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 04/02/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 07/21/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 04/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 04/02/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. TC4281472.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/09/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/29/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/29/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 303-312-6149 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/29/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 303-312-6149 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/29/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 303-312-6149 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/29/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 303-312-6149 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4281472.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/19/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 02/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/19/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 02/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 12/03/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 48 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 02/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal ERNS list ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 09/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/06/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS: This state does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list and Federal NPL list. State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4100 Last EDR Contact: 02/02/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Data Release Frequency: N/A TC4281472.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: List of Landfills Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/16/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/08/2014 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-538-6170 Last EDR Contact: 04/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: Sites with Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 01/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4115 Last EDR Contact: 04/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LAST: Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank Sites A listing of leaking aboveground storage tank locations. Date of Government Version: 03/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/20/2015 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4141 Last EDR Contact: 03/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 09/23/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 01/08/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 01/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/11/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4281472.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 01/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 184 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 04/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 01/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/11/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 01/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: List of Sites with Underground Storage Tanks Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST’s are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 01/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4115 Last EDR Contact: 04/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly AST: Listing of Aboveground Storage Tanks Aboveground storage tank site locations. TC4281472.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 03/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/20/2015 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4100 Last EDR Contact: 03/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/27/2014 Number of Days to Update: 271 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 04/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 09/30/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 01/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 01/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/11/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 09/23/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). TC4281472.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/14/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 01/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/11/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 01/29/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 04/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls Sites included on the Brownfields Sites listing that have institutional controls in place. Date of Government Version: 02/02/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4100 Last EDR Contact: 02/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 09/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/01/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/06/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 04/02/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Sites List The purpose of the program is to encourage the voluntary cleanup of sites where there has been a contaminant release threatening public health and the environment, thereby removing the stigma attached to these sites which blocks economic redevelopment. Voluntary cleanup of these sites will hopefully result in clearing the pathway for returning these properties to beneficial use. TC4281472.2s Page GR-8 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 02/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4100 Last EDR Contact: 02/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS: Brownfields Assessment Sites A Brownfields site means real property, the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant, controlled substance or petroleum product. Date of Government Version: 02/06/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/20/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4100 Last EDR Contact: 02/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 12/22/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 03/24/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 04/23/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4281472.2s Page GR-9 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 02/02/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 02/25/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 03/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CDL: Methamphetamine Contaminated Properties Listing Utah Administrative Rule 19-6-901 Illegal Drug Operations Site Reporting and Decontamination Act requires local health departments to maintain a list of properties believed to be contaminated by the illegal manufacture of drugs. The following properties were reported to the Salt Lake Valley Health Department by a complaint or report from a law enforcement agency and the Department has determined that reasonable evidence exists that the property is contaminated. Date of Government Version: 02/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/25/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 16 Source: Salt Lake Valley Health Department Telephone: 801-468-2750 Last EDR Contact: 02/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 02/25/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 03/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4281472.2s Page GR-10 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Local Land Records LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 02/18/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/18/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 12/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/30/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 69 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually SPILLS: Spills Data Incidents reported to the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Date of Government Version: 04/23/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/23/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 51 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4100 Last EDR Contact: 04/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SPILLS 90: SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch Spills 90 includes those spill and release records available exclusively from FirstSearch databases. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded after 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 90. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/11/2013 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/29/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 303-312-6149 Last EDR Contact: 03/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4281472.2s Page GR-11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact: 02/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 04/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 06/06/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2014 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 03/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact: 03/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 74 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 03/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 146 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 02/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4281472.2s Page GR-12 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 12/30/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/31/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact: 03/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 01/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 03/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 02/23/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 02/23/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. TC4281472.2s Page GR-13 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4203 Last EDR Contact: 04/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-5088 Last EDR Contact: 04/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 04/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 12/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 03/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4281472.2s Page GR-14 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 02/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/27/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 04/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 01/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/27/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: EPA Telephone: (303) 312-6312 Last EDR Contact: 03/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 04/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. TC4281472.2s Page GR-15 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/19/2013 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 02/24/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Biennially UIC: UIC Site Location Listing A listing of underground injection control wells. Date of Government Version: 03/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: 801-538-5329 Last EDR Contact: 03/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly DRYCLEANERS: Registered Drycleaners A listing of registered drycleaners. Date of Government Version: 01/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/21/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4437 Last EDR Contact: 04/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies NPDES: Permitted Facilities Listing A listing of Division of Water Quality permits. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/30/2015 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-538-6146 Last EDR Contact: 03/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/29/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TIER 2: Tier 2 Facility Listing TIER 2 contains locations of Tier II facilities under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Qualifying facilities report on hazardous and toxic chemicals and are labeled either tier I or tier II. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/31/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4152 Last EDR Contact: 03/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 04/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. TC4281472.2s Page GR-16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 03/07/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/02/2011 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 02/18/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 02/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/25/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/26/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 04/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/17/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 02/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/25/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 04/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: N/A TC4281472.2s Page GR-17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/31/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 03/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/31/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 03/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 03/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 02/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Financial Assurance 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial assurance information for underground storage tank facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay Date of Government Version: 12/10/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/11/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/21/2015 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4141 Last EDR Contact: 03/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites Formerly used defense sites. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Utah AGRC Telephone: 801-538-3665 Last EDR Contact: 01/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/11/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2012 Number of Days to Update: 83 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 01/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/11/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4281472.2s Page GR-18 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 03/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH DOE: Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 04/15/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 1: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 01/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-538-6794 Last EDR Contact: 04/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies EWA: Enforceable Written Assurances EWA contains locations of potential Enforceable Written Assurance sites. EWAs will generally ensure to property owners or prospective property owners that there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. EWA locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/31/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4167 Last EDR Contact: 03/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies UOPF: Used Oil Permitted Facilities DSHW Permitted Used Oil Facilities contains locations in Utah of all Used Oil Facilities: Marketers, Porcessoors, Transfer, Transport and Off-specification Permitted by UDEQ Division of Hazardous Waste (DSHW) ? Used Oil Section. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/31/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-538-9408 Last EDR Contact: 03/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies MMRP: Military Munitions Response Program Environment.MMRP contains locations of Military Munitions Response Program sites. MMRP manages the environmental, health and safety issues presented by unexploded ordnances (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM) and munitions constituents (MC). Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/31/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-539-4164 Last EDR Contact: 03/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4281472.2s Page GR-19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 88 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 02/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/25/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. TC4281472.2s Page GR-20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environmental Quality in Utah. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/16/2014 Number of Days to Update: 199 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environmental Quality in Utah. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/03/2014 Number of Days to Update: 186 Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/27/2015 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8651 Last EDR Contact: 02/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/25/2014 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: 717-783-8990 Last EDR Contact: 04/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4281472.2s Page GR-21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 03/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/29/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Oil/Gas Pipelines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including some oil, but primarily gas pipelines. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Child Care Provider List Source: Department of Health Telephone: 801-538-9299 Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetlands in Utah Source: Automated Geographic Reference Center Telephone: 801-537-9201 Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. TC4281472.2s Page GR-22 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4281472.2s Page GR-23 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING APPENDIX E CREDENTIALS Environmental ■ Facilities ■ Geotechnical ■ Mat erials ASHLEY SCOTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ms. Scothern has seven years of experience working exclusively in conducting ASTM-compliant Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESAs). She has completed well over 200 environmental assessments for a variety of entities, including the transportation industry, municipal, state and federal government agencies, and financial institutions. Ms. Scothern has assessed a broad range of properties from large acreage summer camps, agricultural field properties, and large tracts of undeveloped land located along railroads to more complicated sites, such as salvage and recycling yards; a former coal loading facility; a small municipal airport, industrial facilities; multi-tenant strip mall properties, and investigations conducted on and near former smelters and within rail yards in locations throughout the western US. PROJECT EXPERIENCE JP Morgan Chase – Bloom Recyclers, Ogden, Utah Ms. Scothern conducted an investigation on a large metal recycling f acility in Ogden, Utah. The investigation focused on a facility that recycled iron, metal, vehicles, and copper. Issues evaluated at the site included impacts to soils at the site due to poor surface coverage of soils in the vehicle crushing area, an unlined stormwater pond located next to the car crushing area, poor chemical storage, and leaking hydraulic equipment, such as bailers and other facility related equipment. As part of the investigation process, several governmental entities were contacted; aerial, city directory, and Sanborn maps were reviewed for historical purposes; and a regulatory review was performed. A limited subsurface investigation was recommended to sample soils in the area of the stormwater pond, near the oil/water separator located in the vehicle crushing area, in the area of a leaking hydraulic bailer, and leaking vehicle parts storage area. School Institutional Trust Lands Administration – Undeveloped Parcels Totaling 2,550 Acres, Green River, Utah Ms. Scothern was the environmental assessor for the investigation of approximately 2,550 acres of undeveloped property located west of Green River. The property was divided into eight large tracts of land, two of which were accessible for inspection by vehicle. The remaining parce ls had to be assessed by foot. Ms. Scothern worked closely with SITLA during this inspection to properly identify the property during inspection. Some areas were located down deep ravines and therefore were not accessed by foot. Due to the vast amount of land, the scrutiny of historical aerial coverage and topographic map coverage was essential. Ms. Scothern also worked with the Utah Oil, Gas, and Mining Division to identify any mining activities on the subject property. Education B.S., Environmental Studies, University of Utah, 2006 Certifications AHERA: Building Inspector OSHA 40-hour Hazwoper Supplemental Education Environmental Due Diligence – Principles & Practice; EPA Method 9 Visible Emissions Evaluation; OSHA Lead & Construction Work History Terracon Consultants, Inc., Environmental Scientist, September 1, 2012-Present IHI Environmental, Inc., Environmental Assessor, 2008-2012 Nova Environmental, Project Manager, 2007 Environmental ■ Facilities ■ Geotechnical ■ Mat erials Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission – Hadden Property, Myton, Utah Ms. Scothern was the environmental assessor for the investigation of 140 acres of undeveloped property. Ms. Scothern contacted and inspected the property with a representative of the Ute Indian Tribe. The property consisted of two non-contiguous parcels, which were transected by the Duchesne River. ATVs were used to inspect a majority of the site, which also meant crossing the river to access the west parcel. The majority of the east parcel was traversed by foot. The inspection focused on flood areas by the river and those areas not easily viewable by historical aerial photography. As the subject property was tribal land, few regulatory records were available from the tribe; however, historical i nformation gained through interviews was invaluable. This project was a unique opportunity in which Ms. Scothern worked with the Utah Commission on Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation and the Ute Indian Tribe. This Phase I ESA was conducted to preserve the open space and wetlands of the area. Emery Refining, LLC – Former Atlas Dirty Devil Mining and Coal-loading Facility and Surrounding Undeveloped Property, Green River, Utah Ms. Scothern was the environmental assessor for the investigation of a form er coal-loading facility in Green River, Utah. This site included investigation of a 40-acre facility that stored and loaded coal onto rail cars. The remainder of the project also evaluated 480 undeveloped acres. Coal was still present at the time of inspection, as well as piles of coal ash from a combustion fire. The undeveloped portion of property was traversed by vehicle, following unpaved roads and visually assessing areas of the property that was visible from existing roads. Historical aerial photographs, railroad maps, the County’s historical department, and the property owner’s knowledge were essential in identifying potential fueling areas for the trains. As specified by the ASTM Standard E 2247-02 regarding large tracts of forestland or rural l and, all the areas of the property need not be visually observed, emphasizing the special attention in gathering historical information on past use. Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission – Hadden Property, Myton, Utah Ms. Scothern was the environmental assessor for the investigation of 140 acres of undeveloped property. Ms. Scothern contacted and inspected the property with a representative of the Ute Indian Tribe. The property consisted of two non-contiguous parcels, which were transected by the Duchesne River. ATVs were used to inspect a majority of the site, which also meant crossing the river to access the west parcel. The majority of the east parcel was traversed by foot. The inspection focused on flood areas by the river and those areas not easily viewable by historical aerial photography. As the subject property was tribal land, few regulatory records were available from the tribe; however, historical information gained through interviews was invaluable. This project was a unique opportunity in which Ms. Scothern worked with the Utah Commission on Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation and the Ute Indian Tribe. This Phase I ESA was conducted to preserve the open space and wetlands of the area. Summit Land Conservancy – Osguthorpe Round Valley Ranch, Park City, Utah Ms. Scothern conducted an investigation on an approximately 120-acre ranch. Approximately half of the property, which was a cultivated agricultural farm, was inspected from boundary area s. A steep incline, snow cover, and gated areas, limited inspection of the western area of the subject property. Historical aerials and interviews with local and government agencies to verify past uses of the property were employed. Through regulatory research of the surrounding area, it was concluded that three large NPL sites from historical mining in the area adjoined or were in near proximity of the subject property. These sites are vast tracts of land, which included impacted waterways , as well as surface and subsurface contamination. The subject property was also determined to fall within Park City Soil Ordinance boundaries with land-use restrictions. Due to the close proximity of these historical mining sites in relation to the subject property, subsurface sampling was recommended to investigate if soils and groundwater at the site had been impacted. This assessment was also completed for open space land designation. Environmental ■ Facilities ■ Geotechnical ■ Mat erials NAI Real Estate c/o the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Camp Gualala, Annapolis, California Ms. Scothern was the environmental assessor for a youth camp located in the redwood forest of California. The subject property encompassed 440 acres, of which approximately 10 to 15 acres were developed with the youth camp. The visual inspection focused on the developed camp area. Numerous environmental features were located on the camp property, such as water tanks, septic systems, a maintenance shop , and several non-suspect camp buildings. California regulations were researched in terms of water qualit y and permit status. This project presented a unique opportunity to work with another state’s regulatory requirements and state divisions. Again, a detailed review of historical aerial photographs and the identification of other historical resources were essential for evaluating a large majority of the camp’s undeveloped property. Truman Arnold Companies – Million Air Properties, Provo Municipal Airport Ms. Scothern was the environmental assessor for the investigation of Provo Municipal Airport, Utah. As the environmental assessor, Ms. Scothern investigated the main terminal building, maintenance and storage hangars, and an AST farm area. The site was also a closed LUST site and historically part of a trap and shooting range. Issues identified at the sit e included lack of secondary containment in the AST farm area, possible soil and groundwater impacts from the historical on -site LUST, possible soil impacts from the former use of the area as a trap and shooting range, connection of a maintenance floor dra in to the city system, and observed staining from stored fueling hoses and a compressor. Further investigations were recommended to evaluate if soil and groundwater impacts were present in the AST farm area and in the former LUST area. A scope to verify the maintenance floor drain connection to the city wastewater discharge system was recommended, as well as investigations to determine if impacts were present at the property due to staining in the hose storage area. Last, IHI recommended, due to the industrial use of the property since the 1940s, if the property were redeveloped, the developer should be aware of the possibility that impacted soils may still be present at the site, and to properly classify and dispose of any encountered impacts. As part of the investigation process, several governmental entities were contacted; aerial, city directory, and Sanborn maps were reviewed for historical purposes; and a regulatory review was performed. Geotechnical Ŷ Environmental Ŷ Construction Materials Ŷ Facilities KENT R.WHEELER, PG REGIONAL MANAGER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Wheeler’s responsibilities include providing environmental-related consulting services encompassing a wide range of projects, from Superfund liability associated with property transactions and hazardous waste cleanups to groundwater and soil-contaminant investigations. His expertise lies in the compilation and evaluation of hydrogeologic data, including subsurface soil and groundwater information, synthesizing the data with potential release scenarios and developing integrated management strategies. The development of innovative risk-based remedial strategies have provided substantial savings to a diverse group of clients, including prospective sellers and purchasers of real estate, industrial, and commercial clients with CERCLA, RCRA, and LUST issues. Mr. Wheeler has extensive experience interacting with regulatory agencies, including EPA, Utah Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), Utah DERR, Utah DSHW, and Utah DAQ. He interacts closely with clients, lawyers, and regulatory personnel on a routine basis, acting as Senior Project Manager on many large environmental projects. He has managed CERCLA Investigations and Removal Actions, RCRA Facility Investigations and Remedial Actions, SMCRA Mine Reclamation projects, LUST Investigations and Corrective Actions, Air Quality Permitting actions and provided review and consultation to legal counsel on numerous large- scale property investigations. During his tenure, Mr. Wheeler has provided expert witness services on a variety of cases, including mine reclamation, groundwater contamination, snow hydrology, and geology. PROJECT EXPERIENCE RCRA Closure of Arsenic Release at Silicon Chip Manufacturing Plant As Assistant Project Manager, Mr. Wheeler oversaw the remedial investigation at the Crystal Specialties facility and authored the feasibility study for the cleanup of approximately 1,000 yds.3 of arsenic- contaminated soils. Mr. Wheeler assisted in the development of an innovative cleanup method and presented it to the regulatory agency overseeing the cleanup. The approval of this method reduced the volume of soils needing to be disposed by over 30 percent. Mr. Wheeler was promoted to Project Manager for the implementation of the CAP, where the arsenic-contaminated soils were excavated, screened and disposed of at an approved facility. The entire CAP was completed within three months. Mr. Wheeler designed a long-term monitoring program that met RCRA requirements for statistical validation of contaminant trends. Voluntary Closure of Oil Pipeline Pump Station Mr. Wheeler was the Senior Project Manager of a subsurface investigation and remediation effort of a former pumping station for an oil pipeline outside Salinas, California. The facility had been a pumping station along a crude oil pipeline in the early 1900s. The site investigation included defining soil impacts and groundwater impacts, and determining the extent Education M.S., Watershed Sciences, Colorado State University, 1987 B.S., Geology, Western State College, 1983 Supplemental Education USGS Finite Difference Groundwater Modeling: OSMRE Advanced Hydrology & Cumulative Hydrologic Impacts; State of Utah ASTM LUST Risk-Based Corrective Action Registrations Professional Geologist, Utah, #5274992-2250 Work History Terracon Consultants, Inc., Regional Manager, September 1, 2012-Present IHI Environmental, Inc., Manager, Environmental Services & Senior Hydrogeologist, 1989-2012 EnviroSearch, Senior Hydrogeologist, 1988-1989 State of Utah, Division of Oil, Gas & Mining, Reclamation Hydrologist, 1987-1988 Geotechnical Ŷ Environmental Ŷ Construction Materials Ŷ Facilities of a free product plume. Over two acres of land were impacted from the surface to over 25 feet below ground surface (bgs). A Risk Assessment was used to establish Action Levels and a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) was prepared which eliminated the exposure pathways and protected groundwater. Approximately 12,000 yds3 of the most highly impacted soils were excavated and mixed with less impacted soils; this material was placed above groundwater and capped with low permeability soils to stop infiltration. This project was performed for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Costs for using traditional remediation technologies ranged from $850,000 to $1,500,000. Mr. Wheeler’s innovative approach cost the client less than $350,000. Methane Extraction and Monitoring During the development of a large regional mall in Provo, Utah, methane-bearing soils were encountered underlying the footprint of the building. The site had to be investigated and the extent and source of the methane plume determined. A soil vapor extraction system was then designed and installed, while allowing construction activities to continue. Mr. Wheeler oversaw the engineering and construction plans and oversaw the installation and operation of the system. Through the active extraction process, methane concentrations were reduced to safe levels in all targeted areas of the development and a passive extraction system is now in place. Complex Property Transactions As the Senior Environmental Professional and senior reviewer for all property transactions for the last 15 years, Mr. Wheeler has overseen the completion of thousands of Phase I ESAs and Limited Site Investigations (Phase II SI). The property issues have included CERCLIS and RCRA sites, leaking underground storage tanks, construction waste landfills, suspect lease operations, Brownfields, wetlands issues, vapor intrusion, and groundwater impacts from on- and off-site sources. The sites were impacted by a wide variety of contaminants, including PCE and TCE, PCBs and PNAs, lead, arsenic, mercury, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Mr. Wheeler works closely with many attorneys, corporate managers and regulatory personnel in evaluating risks associated with potential property acquisitions. Working in this environment, Mr. Wheeler recognizes the need to identify and quantify risks quickly, and identify workable solutions. RCRA Hazardous Waste Identification and Disposal Mr. Wheeler was the Project Manager for the cleanup of an aerospace manufacturing facility that had declared bankruptcy. This cleanup involved characterizing and disposing of over 5,000 gallons of liquid hazardous wastes and caustic chemicals and chlorinated solvents, as well as the characterization and disposal of approximately 50 unmarked drums containing hazardous wastes. This project was performed for Wells Fargo Bank. Lead/Arsenic Remediation Mr. Wheeler managed this CERCLA project from the initial identification of the site during a Phase II ESA through the final closure of the site, using a Non-time Critical Removal Action overseen by EPA. This site involved the identification, assessment, and remediation of a mile-long railroad yard that was impacted by high levels of arsenic and lead. Because this rail yard was a key component in the Utah Transit Authority’s light-rail project in Salt Lake City, it had to be completed within 18 months of the initial contact with EPA. By using a Brownfields approach of “starting with the end in mind,” this project was designed and managed in a manner that resulted in savings of over $6 million to the client. In addition the project was completed within 18 months, from the initial site investigation through the completion of the Removal Action. Mr. Wheeler worked closely with EPA and Utah DERR personnel throughout the project to ensure the timely closure of the property. This expedited timeframe required almost weekly, if not, daily contacts with the client, legal counsel, EPA, UDEQ-DERR, and several PRPs, including Union Pacific Railroad and ASARCO, as well as property owners along the right-of-way. EPA cited this site as an example of how to expedite the investigation and restore CERCLA sites. Geotechnical Ŷ Environmental Ŷ Construction Materials Ŷ Facilities PCE Plume Investigation and Remedial Action Mr. Wheeler acted as the Senior Project Manager for the voluntary RCRA investigation of a large PCE plume in Salt Lake City. The plume extended approximately one half mile from the facility under adjoining properties. The investigation included designing a Sampling Plan that not only defined soil impacts in the source area to a depth of over 50 feet, but a network of monitoring wells that were sufficient to define a ¼ mile-long groundwater plume. Additionally, because of the high concentrations, vapor monitoring was required in residential houses to ensure de minimis exposures to homeowners. This initial stage also included the design of a removal action of source material that extended over 30 feet below the ground surface. Mr. Wheeler worked with the State to allow the majority of the soil to be disposed of as non-hazardous wastes, resulting in significant savings. VCP Cleanup Mr. Wheeler acted as the Senior Project Manager for the remediation and closure of the former Utah Barrel facility, through the Utah Voluntary Cleanup Program. This cleanup was negotiated and implemented on a fast track, allowing the client to get tax credits and LEEDS credits for the development. The innovative design of the remediation allowed the removal and disposal of PCB, lead- and arsenic-impacted soils, as well as the remediation of a petroleum-contaminated groundwater plume, in less than 8 months. The ability to complete this work from site investigation to remediation under the oversight of the VCP in this short time frame is what allowed the project to be financially viable. Key Bank Tower Building Implosion During the redevelopment of the City Creek Center in downtown Salt Lake City, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recognized that imploding the Key Bank Building would result in huge cost and time savings. However, at that time the State Division of Air Quality had an “unofficial” hold on issuing permits for building implosions in the Salt Lake air shed. Mr. Wheeler was retained to write and obtain the permit, and oversee the air quality monitoring, before, during and after the event. He was selected as the Senior PM by the LDS Church because of his strong relationships with the regulatory agencies and his knowledge and proven abilities to move projects through the regulatory system. APPENDIX F DESCRIPTION OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description ACM Asbestos Containing Material. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, three varieties of which (chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite) have been commonly used as fireproofing or binding agents in construction materials. Exposure to asbestos, as well as ACM, has been documented to cause lung diseases including asbestosis (scarring of the lung), lung cancer and mesothelioma (a cancer of the lung lining). Regulatory agencies have generally defined ACM as a material containing greater that one (1) percent asbestos, however some states (e.g. California) define ACM as materials having 0.1% asbestos. In order to define a homogenous material as non-ACM, a minimum number of samples must be collected from the material dependent upon its type and quantity. Homogenous materials defined as non-ACM must either have 1) no asbestos identified in all of its samples or 2) an identified asbestos concentration below the appropriate regulatory threshold. Asbestos concentrations are generally determined using polarized light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy. Point counting is an analytical method to statistically quantify the percentage of asbestos in a sample. The asbestos component of ACM may either be friable or non-friable. Friable materials, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure and have a higher potential for a fiber release than non-friable ACM. Non-friable ACM are materials that are firmly bound in a matrix by plastic, cement, etc. and, if handled carefully, will not become friable. Federal and state regulations require that either all suspect building materials be presumed ACM or that an asbestos survey be performed prior to renovation, dismantling, demolition, or other activities that may disturb potential ACM. Notifications are required prior to demolition and/or renovation activities that may impact the condition of ACM in a building. ACM removal may be required if the ACM is likely to be disturbed or damaged during the demolition or renovation. Abatement of friable or potentially friable ACM must be performed by a licensed abatement contractor in accordance with state rules and NESHAP. Additionally, OSHA regulations for work classification, worker training and worker protection will apply. AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AST Aboveground Storage Tanks. ASTs are generally described as storage tanks less than 10% of which are below ground (i.e., buried). Tanks located in a basement, but not buried, are also considered ASTs. Whether, and the extent to which, an AST is regulated, is determined on a case-by-case basis and depends upon tank size, its contents and the jurisdiction of its location. BGS Below Ground Surface Brownfields State and/or tribal listing of Brownfield properties addressed by Cooperative Agreement Recipients or Targeted Brownfields Assessments. BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes. BTEX are VOC components found in gasoline and commonly used as analytical indicators of a petroleum hydrocarbon release. CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (a.k.a. Superfund). CERCLA is the federal act that regulates abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Under this Act, joint and several liability may be imposed on potentially responsible parties for cleanup-related costs. CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System. An EPA compilation of sites having suspected or actual releases of hazardous substances to the environment. CERCLIS also contains information on site inspections, preliminary assessments and remediation of hazardous waste sites. These sites are typically reported to EPA by states and municipalities or by third parties pursuant to CERCLA Section 103. CESQG Conditionally exempt small quantity generators. CFR Code of Federal Regulations Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms (cont.) Term/Acronym Description CREC Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition is defined in ASTM E1527-13 as “a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (for example, as evidenced by the issuance of a no further action letter or equivalent, or meeting risk-based criteria established by regulatory authority) , with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). A condition considered by the environmental professional to be a controlled recognized environmental condition shall be listed in the findings section of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report, and as a recognized environmental condition in the conclusions section of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report.” DOT U.S. Department of Transportation EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ERNS Emergency Response Notification System. An EPA-maintained federal database which stores information on notifications of oil discharges and hazardous substance releases in quantities greater than the applicable reportable quantity under CERCLA. ERNS is a cooperative data- sharing effort between EPA, DOT, and the National Response Center. ESA Environmental Site Assessment FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Hazardous Substance As defined under CERCLA, this is (A) any substance designated pursuant to section 1321(b)(2)(A) of Title 33, (B) any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance designated pursuant to section 9602 of this title; (C) any hazardous waste having characteristics identified under or listed pursuant to section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (with some exclusions); (D) any toxic pollutant listed under section 1317(a) of Title 33; (E) any hazardous air pollutant listed under section 112 of the Clean Air Act; and (F) any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture with respect to which the EPA Administrator has taken action under section 2606 of Title 15. This term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise listed as a hazardous substance under subparagraphs (A) through (F) above, and the term include natural gas, or synthetic gas usable for fuel (or mixtures of natural gas and such synthetic gas). Hazardous Waste This is defined as having characteristics identified or listed under section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (with some exceptions). RCRA, as amended by the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1980, defines this term as a “solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may (A) cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (B) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed.” HREC Historical Recognized Environmental Condition is defined in ASTM E1527-13 as “a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted residential use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). Before calling the past release a historical recognized environmental condition, the environmental professional must determine whether the past release is a recognized environmental condition at the time of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is conducted (for example, if there has been a change in the regulatory criteria). If the EP considers the past release to be a recognized environmental condition at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted, the condition shall be included in the conclusions section of the report as a recognized environmental condition.” IC/EC A listing of sites with institutional and/or engineering controls in place. IC include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. EC include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. ILP Innocent Landowner/Operator Program LQG Large quantity generators. LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank. This is a federal term set forth under RCRA for leaking USTs. Some states also utilize this term. MCL Maximum Contaminant Level. This Safe Drinking Water concept (and also used by many states as a ground water cleanup criteria) refers to the limit on drinking water contamination that determines whether a supplier can deliver water from a specific source without treatment. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets. Written/printed forms prepared by chemical manufacturers, importers and employers which identify the physical and chemical traits of hazardous chemicals under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard. NESHAP National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Federal Clean Air Act). This part of the Clean Air Act regulates emissions of hazardous air pollutants. NFRAP Facilities where there is “No Further Remedial Action Planned,” as more particularly described under the Records Review section of this report. NOV Notice of Violation. A notice of violation or similar citation issued to an entity, company or individual by a state or federal regulatory body indicating a violation of applicable rule or regulations has been identified. NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Clean Water Act). The federal permit system for discharges of polluted water. NPL The NPL is the EPA’s database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste facilities that have been listed for priority remedial actions under the Superfund Program. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration or Occupational Safety and Health Act PACM Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material. A material that is suspected of containing or presumed to contain asbestos but which has not been analyzed to confirm the presence or absence of asbestos. Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms (cont.) Term/Acronym Description PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl. A halogenated organic compound commonly in the form of a viscous liquid or resin, a flowing yellow oil, or a waxy solid. This compound was historically used as dielectric fluid in electrical equipment (such as electrical transformers and capacitors, electrical ballasts, hydraulic and heat transfer fluids), and for numerous heat and fire sensitive applications. PCB was preferred due to its durability, stability (even at high temperatures), good chemical resistance, low volatility, flammability, and conductivity. PCBs, however, do not break down in the environment and are classified by the EPA as a suspected carcinogen. 1978 regulations, under the Toxic Substances Control Act, prohibit manufacturing of PCB-containing equipment; however, some of this equipment may still be in use today. pCi/L Pico Curies per Liter of Air. Unit of measurement for Radon and similar radioactive materials. PLM Polarized Light Microscopy (see ACM section of the report, if included in the scope of services) PST Petroleum Storage Tank. An AST or UST that contains a petroleum product. Radon A radioactive gas resulting from radioactive decay of naturally-occurring radioactive materials in rocks and soils containing uranium, granite, shale, phosphate, and pitchblende. Radon concentrations are measured in Pico Curies per Liter of Air. Exposure to elevated levels of radon creates a risk of lung cancer; this risk generally increases as the level of radon and the duration of exposure increases. Outdoors, radon is diluted to such low concentrations that it usually does not present a health concern. However, radon can accumulate in building basements or similar enclosed spaces to levels that can pose a risk to human health. Indoor radon concentrations depend primarily upon the building's construction, design and the concentration of radon in the underlying soil and ground water. The EPA recommended annual average indoor “action level” concentration for residential structures is 4.0 pCi/l. RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Federal act regulating solid and hazardous wastes from point of generation to time of disposal (‘cradle to grave”). 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq. RCRA Generators The RCRA Generators database, maintained by the EPA, lists facilities that generate hazardous waste as part of their normal business practices. Generators are listed as either large (LQG), small (SQG), or conditionally exempt (CESQG). LQG produce at least 1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or 1 kg/month of acutely hazardous waste. SQG produce 100-1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. CESQG are those that generate less than 100 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. RCRA CORRACTS/TS Ds The USEPA maintains a database of RCRA facilities associated with treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) of hazardous materials which are undergoing “corrective action”. A “corrective action” order is issued when there is a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. RCRA Non- CORRACTS/TS Ds The RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD Database is a compilation by the USEPA of facilities which report storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste. Unlike the RCRA CORRACTS/TSD database, the RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD database does not include RCRA facilities where corrective action is required. RCRA Violators List RAATS. RCRA Administrative Actions Taken. RAATS information is now contained in the RCRIS database and includes records of administrative enforcement actions against facilities for noncompliance. RCRIS Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System, as defined in the Records Review section of this report. REC Recognized Environmental Conditions are defined by ASTM E1527-13 as “the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: 1)due to any release to the environment; 2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment.De minimis conditions are not recognized environmental conditions.” SCL State “CERCLIS” List (see SPL /State Priority List, below). Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms (cont.) Term/Acronym Description SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures. SPCC plans are required under federal law (Clean Water Act and Oil Pollution Act) for any facility storing petroleum in tanks and/or containers of 55-gallons or more that when taken in aggregate exceed 1,320 gallons. SPCC plans are also required for facilities with underground petroleum storage tanks with capacities of over 42,000 gallons. Many states have similar spill prevention programs, which may have additional requirements. SPL State Priority List. State list of confirmed sites having contamination in which the state is actively involved in clean up activities or is actively pursuing potentially responsible parties for clean up. Sometimes referred to as a State “CERCLIS” List. SQG Small quantity generator. SWF/LF State and/or Tribal database of solid waste/Landfill facilities. The database information may include the facility name, class, operation type, area, estimated operational life, and owner. TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TRI Toxic Release Inventory. Routine EPA report on releases of toxic chemicals to the environment based upon information submitted by entities subject to reporting under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act. A federal law regulating manufacture, import, processing and distribution of chemical substances not specifically regulated by other federal laws (such as asbestos, PCBs, lead-based paint and radon). 15 U.S.C 2601 et seq. USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USC United States Code USGS United States Geological Survey USNRCS United States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resource Conservation Service UST Underground Storage Tank. Most federal and state regulations, as well as ASTM E1527-13, define this as any tank, incl., underground piping connected to the tank, that is or has been used to contain hazardous substances or petroleum products and the volume of which is 10% or more beneath the surface of the ground (i.e., buried). VCP State and/or Tribal facilities included as Voluntary Cleanup Program sites. VOC Volatile Organic Compound Wetlands Areas that are typically saturated with surface or ground water that creates an environment supportive of wetland vegetation (i.e., swamps, marshes, bogs). The Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1) defines wetlands as areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. For an area to be considered a jurisdictional wetland, it must meet the following criteria: more than 50 percent of the dominant plant species must be categorized as Obligate, Facultative Wetland, or Facultative on lists of plant species that occur in wetlands; the soil must be hydric; and, wetland hydrology must be present. The federal Clean Water Act which regulates “waters of the US,” also regulates wetlands, a program jointly administered by the USACE and the EPA. Waters of the U.S. are defined as: (1) waters used in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters subject to the ebb and flow of tides; (2) all interstate waters including interstate wetlands; (3) all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, etc., which the use, degradation, or destruction could affect interstate/ foreign commerce; (4) all impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the U. S., (5) tributaries of waters identified in 1 through 4 above; (6) the territorial seas; and (7) wetlands adjacent to waters identified in 1 through 6 above. Only the USACE has the authority to make a final wetlands jurisdictional determination.