HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-005416Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,Utah July 8, 2022 Terracon Project No. 61227131 Prepared for: Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Salt Lake City, Utah Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Midvale, Utah Terracon Consultants Inc. 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 P 801-545-8500 F 801-545-8600 terracon.com July 8, 2022 Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City 451 South State Street, Room 418 PO Box 145518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Attn: Ms. Lauren Parisi P: (801) 535-7242 E: Lauren.Parisi@slcgov.com Re: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227131 Dear Ms. Parisi: Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) is pleased to submit the enclosed Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report for the above-referenced site. This assessment was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P61227131 dated March 21, 2022. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. In addition to Phase I services, our professionals provide geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities services on a wide variety of projects locally, regionally and nationally. For more detailed information on all of Terracon’s services please visit our website at www.terracon.com. If there are any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Kelly M. Shaw Tina Cheney Assistant Project Manager ESA Group Manager Attachments TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... i Findings and Opinions ................................................................................................................. i Significant Data Gaps ................................................................................................................. ii Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ ii Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Scope of Services........................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Standard of Care ............................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations, ASTM Deviations and Data Gaps ...................................... 2 1.5 Reliance ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Client Provided Information ............................................................................................. 3 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING ................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 5 3.1 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Sanborn Maps................................... 5 3.2 Historical City Directories ................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Site Ownership ............................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Title Search .................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations ..................................................... 7 3.6 Interviews Regarding Current and Historical Site Uses.................................................... 8 3.7 Prior Report Review ....................................................................................................... 8 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 10 4.1 Federal and State/Tribal Databases .............................................................................. 10 4.2 Local Agency Inquiries .................................................................................................. 15 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE ....................................................................................................... 15 5.1 General Site Information ............................................................................................... 15 5.2 Overview of Current Site Occupants ............................................................................. 16 5.3 Overview of Current Site Operations ............................................................................. 16 5.4 Site Observations ......................................................................................................... 16 6.0 ADJOINING PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE ........................................................................ 19 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES ......................................................................................................... 19 8.0 DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) APPENDICES APPENDIX A Exhibit 1–Topographic Map, Exhibit 2–Site Diagram APPENDIX B Site Photographs APPENDIX C Historical Documentation and User Questionnaire APPENDIX D Environmental Database Information APPENDIX E Credentials APPENDIX F Description of Terms and Acronyms Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P61227131 dated March 21, 2022 and was conducted consistent with the procedures included in ASTM E1527-13,Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The ESA was conducted under the supervision or responsible charge of Tina Cheney, Environmental Professional. Kelly M. Shaw performed the site reconnaissance on June 29, 2022. Findings and Opinions A summary of findings is provided below. It should be recognized that details were not included or fully developed in this section, and the report must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. Site Description and Use The site is an approximately 0.34-acre parcel (Salt Lake County parcel 15-02-204-007) with an approximately 6,000 square-foot building occupied by Dependable Appliance. Historical Information The site was residential as depicted on the 1898 Sanborn Map. By 1937 the homes were demolished, and the land was vacant. The present-day building was constructed in 1956 and was occupied by an upholstery shop, and then Schovaers Electronics from 1977 to 2017. The site has been occupied by Dependable Appliance since 2019. Phase II investigations were performed at the site in February of 2016 and January 2019 and impacts to soil and groundwater were identified which represent a Recognized Environmental Concern (REC) to the site. Adjoining the site to the north was vacant in 1898 and by 1911 was developed with residential housing. By 1965 the residences were demolished, and an industrial building was constructed that was occupied by Crown Plating from 1965 until 2021 when the company went out of business. The building is currently vacant. Adjoining the site to the east was Jeremy Street with undeveloped land beyond from at least 1898. By 1958 the present-day building to the northeast was constructed and was occupied by Greater Mountain Chemical Company of Utah from at least 1962 to 1972. By 1982 Creed Laboratories occupied the facility and Chembrite occupied it in the 1990’s and Heritage Forge conducted business at the location from at least 2009 to 2017. Adjoining the site to the south was residential from at least 1898. By 1911 the residences were demolished, and railroad tracks were constructed with residences beyond. By 1962 residences were demolished and an industrial building was constructed. The railroad tracks were removed by 2009. A concrete paved pedestrian walkway traverses the land followed by Liberty Auto. Adjoining to the west was residential in 1898. The residences were demolished, and the land was vacant by 1937. By 1971 a building was constructed and is currently occupied by E PC Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable ii International. RECs were identified with the historical use of the north adjoining a Crown Plating property. Records Review The site was identified on the RCRA (Facility ID #UTD088325769) and Brownfields (Facility ID 199723) databases. A Phase I and Phase IIs report were identified in connection with the Brownfields listing and are discussed in Section 3.7. Soil and groundwater impacts were identified at the site and represent a REC. The north-adjoining facility was listed as the Crown Plating Company, Inc. RCRA small quantity generator and a Brownfields facility. Based on numerous violations in the mid-1980s to early 1990s due to the known improper disposal of 1,1,1, trichloroethane (TCA) on the property boundary, this RCRA listing represents a REC to the site. The remaining facilities listed in the database report do not appear to represent RECs to the site at this time based upon regulatory status, apparent topographic gradient, and/or distance from the site. Site Reconnaissance During Terracon’s site reconnaissance heating and cooling systems, a sump, an interior floor drain, three pole-mounted transformers, and stained flooring were observed. The sump and staining represent a REC to the site, based on the long-term use of the site as an electroplating shop and the known soil and groundwater contamination on the site. Adjoining Properties Adjoining the site to the north is the former Crown Plating facility, adjoining to the east is East Jeremy Street followed by Heritage Forge, adjoining to the south is a pedestrian path followed by Liberty Auto and adjoining to the west is E PC International. RECs were not identified with the current uses of the adjoining properties. Significant Data Gaps No significant data gaps were identified. Conclusions We have performed a Phase I ESA consistent with the procedures included in ASTM Practice E 1527-13 at 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, the site. The following RECs or Controlled RECs (CREC) were identified in connection with the site: n Soil and Groundwater impacts at the site: Based on Terracon’s Phase II, dated January 9, 2019, soil and groundwater impacts were identified at the site. The impacts identified above unrestricted land use standards represents a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable iii n Long-term industrial use:The site has been an electroplating shop for approximately 40 years. Evidences of releases from these industrial operations were widespread and included leaking and spilling. Historical solvent uses, RCRA hazardous waste storage and disposal, wastewater discharge system, and staining are considered part of the long-term industrial use REC at the site. n Impacts from north-adjoining property: The north-adjoining property has documented improper disposal of TCA very near or on the property line. This identified release represents a REC to the site. Recommendations Based on the scope of services, limitations, and conclusions of this assessment, Terracon recommends the following additional actions. n Soils impacted above applicable screening levels may need to be removed and property disposed during construction or managed as part of future development. Impacted groundwater may need to be managed during construction and/or addressed through monitored natural attenuation or active remediation. Future development would need to address impacts in a manner that is consistent with the planned land use. Potential for vapor intrusion should be evaluated and mitigated. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description Site Name 22 South Jeremy Street Site Location/Address 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Land Area Approximately 0.34-acre Site Improvements An approximately 6,000 square-foot industrial building Anticipated Future Site Use Redevelopment for commercial or mixed-use Reason for the ESA Acquiring the site The location of the site is depicted on Exhibit 1 of Appendix A, which was reproduced from a portion of the USGS 7.5-minute series topographic map. The site and adjoining properties are depicted on the Site Diagram, which is included as Exhibit 2 of Appendix A. Acronyms and terms used in this report are described in Appendix F. 1.2 Scope of Services This Phase I ESA was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P61227131 dated March 21, 2022 and was conducted consistent with the procedures included in ASTM E1527- 13,Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The purpose of this ESA was to assist the client in developing information to identify RECs in connection with the site as reflected by the scope of this report. This purpose was undertaken through user-provided information, a regulatory database review, historical and physical records review, interviews (including local government inquiries, as applicable), and a visual noninvasive reconnaissance of the site and adjoining properties. Limitations, ASTM deviations, and significant data gaps (if identified) are noted in the applicable sections of the report. ASTM E1527-13 contains a definition of "migrate/migration," which refers to “the movement of hazardous substances or petroleum products in any form, including, for example, solid and liquid at the surface or subsurface, and vapor in the subsurface.” By including this explicit reference to migration in ASTM E1527-13, the Standard clarifies that the potential for vapor migration should be addressed as part of a Phase I ESA. This Phase I ESA has considered vapor migration in evaluation of RECs associated with the site. 1.3 Standard of Care This ESA was performed in accordance with generally accepted practices of this profession, undertaken in similar studies at the same time and in the same geographical area. We have endeavored to meet this standard of care, but may be limited by conditions encountered during Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 2 performance, a client-driven scope of work, or inability to review information not received by the report date. Where appropriate, these limitations are discussed in the text of the report, and an evaluation of their significance with respect to our findings has been conducted. Phase I ESAs, such as the one performed at this site, are of limited scope, are noninvasive, and cannot eliminate the potential that hazardous, toxic, or petroleum substances are present or have been released at the site beyond what is identified by the limited scope of this ESA. In conducting the limited scope of services described herein, certain sources of information and public records were not reviewed. It should be recognized that environmental concerns may be documented in public records that were not reviewed. No ESA can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs in connection with a property. Performance of this practice is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs. No warranties, express or implied, are intended or made. The limitations herein must be considered when the user of this report formulates opinions as to risks associated with the site or otherwise uses the report for any other purpose. These risks may be further evaluated—but not eliminated—through additional research or assessment. We will, upon request, advise you of additional research or assessment options that may be available and associated costs. 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations, ASTM Deviations, and Data Gaps Based upon the agreed-on scope of services, this ESA did not include subsurface or other invasive assessments, vapor intrusion assessments or indoor air quality assessments (i.e., evaluation of the presence of vapors within a building structure), business environmental risk evaluations, or other services not particularly identified and discussed herein. Credentials of the company (Statement of Qualifications) have not been included in this report but are available upon request. Pertinent documents are referred to in the text of this report, and a separate reference section has not been included. Reasonable attempts were made to obtain information within the scope and time constraints set forth by the client; however, in some instances, information requested is not, or was not, received by the issuance date of the report. Information obtained for this ESA was received from several sources that we believe to be reliable; nonetheless, the authenticity or reliability of these sources cannot and is not warranted hereunder. This ESA was further limited by the following: n The historical use of the site was not identified back to when the site was undeveloped, as the earliest ascertainable standard historical source identified the site as developed with residences in 1898. Based on the original non- suspect residential development of the site, this data gap is not deemed to be significant. n A small shed was observed on the north side of the building which was locked. The owners were not able to locate the keys to the shed and stated that there is an air compressor inside. Based on previous investigations at the site, this is not considered a significant limitation. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 3 An evaluation of the significance of limitations and missing information with respect to our findings has been conducted, and where appropriate, significant data gaps are identified and discussed in the text of the report. However, it should be recognized that an evaluation of significant data gaps is based on the information available at the time of report issuance, and an evaluation of information received after the report issuance date may result in an alteration of our conclusions, recommendations, or opinions. We have no obligation to provide information obtained or discovered by us after the issuance date of the report, or to perform any additional services, regardless of whether the information would affect any conclusions, recommendations, or opinions in the report. This disclaimer specifically applies to any information that has not been provided by the client. This report represents our service to you as of the report date and constitutes our final document; its text may not be altered after final issuance. Findings in this report are based upon the site’s current utilization, information derived from the most recent reconnaissance and from other activities described herein; such information is subject to change. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, or not present during the most recent reconnaissance and may subsequently become observable (such as after site renovation or development). Further, these services are not to be construed as legal interpretation or advice. 1.5 Reliance This ESA report is prepared for the exclusive use and reliance of Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City. Use or reliance by any other party is prohibited without the written authorization of Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City and Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon). Reliance on the ESA by the client and all authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in the proposal, ESA report, and Terracon’s Master Services Agreement. The limitation of liability defined in the Master Services Agreement is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability to the client and all relying parties. Continued viability of this report is subject to ASTM E1527-13 Sections 4.6 and 4.8. If the ESA will be used by a different user (third party) than the user for whom the ESA was originally prepared, the third party must also satisfy the user’s responsibilities in Section 6 of ASTM E1527-13. 1.6 Client Provided Information Prior to the site visit, Lauren Parisi, client’s representative, was asked to provide the following user questionnaire information as described in ASTM E1527-13 Section 6. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 4 Client Questionnaire Responses Client Questionnaire Item Client Did Not Respond Client’s Response Yes No Specialized Knowledge or Experience that is material to a REC in connection with the site. X Actual Knowledge of Environmental Liens or Activity Use Limitations (AULs) that may encumber the site. X Actual Knowledge of a Lower Purchase Price because contamination is known or believed to be present at the site. X Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information that is material to a REC in connection with the site. X Obvious Indicators of Contamination at the site.X Ms. Parisi stated the current owners bought the building in 1977 from a warehouse upholstery. Schovaers Electronics manufactured Printed Circuit Boards from 1977 to 2017. Dependable Appliances has rented the facility since 2019. A copy of the questionnaire is included in Appendix C. 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING Physical Setting Information Source Topography Site Elevation Approximately 4,225 feet above sea level USGS Topographic Map, Salt Lake City North, Utah Quadrangle, 1998 (Appendix A) Topographic Gradient Gently sloping towards the west Closest Surface Water Jordan River, approximately 2,800 feet west of the site. Soil Characteristics Soil Type Urban Land Web Soil Survey https://websoilsurvey.sc .egov.usda.gov/Description Urban land consists of soils that have been so altered by human development that the original soil characteristics are no longer distinguishable. Geology/Hydrogeology Formation Quaternary Terrace Gravels (Qtg) Interactive Geologic Map Portal https://geology.utah.gov/Description Pebble and cobble gravel, sand, and silt Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 5 Physical Setting Information Source Estimated Depth to First Occurrence of Groundwater 9-13 feet below ground surface (bgs)Terracon’s Phase II,Schovaers Electronics Facility, dated January 9, 2019Hydrogeologic Gradient West, southwest 3.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION Terracon reviewed the following historical sources to develop a history of the previous uses of the site and surrounding areas in order to help identify RECs associated with past uses. Copies of selected historical documents are included in Appendix C. 3.1 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Sanborn Maps Readily available historical USGS topographic maps, selected historical aerial photographs (at approximately 10 to 15-year intervals), and historical fire insurance maps produced by the Sanborn Map Company were reviewed to evaluate land development and obtain information concerning the history of development on and near the site. Reviewed historical topographic maps, aerial photographs, and Sanborn maps are summarized below. Historical fire insurance maps produced by the Sanborn Map Company were requested from EDR to evaluate past uses and relevant characteristics of the site and surrounding properties. EDR provided Sanborn maps as summarized below. n Topographic maps: Salt Lake City North, Utah,1951, 1963, 1969, 1975, 1998, 2014, 2017, and 2020 n Topographic maps: Salt Lake City South, Utah,1951, 1963, 1969, 1975, 1999, 2014, 2017, and 2020 n Aerial photographs: o EDR,1937, 1946, 1952, 1958, 1962, 1965, 1971, 1977, 1981, 1987, 1993, 1997, 2006, 2011,and 2016, 1” =500’ o Google Earth Pro, various years 1993 to 2021, varying scales n Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps:1898, 1911, 1949, 1950,and 1986 Historical Maps and Aerial Photographs Direction Description Site Residential as depicted on Sanborn Maps (1898-1911); vacant land (1937-1952); industrial/commercial building constructed (1958-2021) North Vacant land (1898); residential (1911-1962); residences demolished, industrial/commercial building constructed (1965-1987); building added on to (1993-2021) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 6 Direction Description East Roadway followed by vacant land (1898-1952); parking lot constructed on part of the land (1958-1977); gravel parking/storage lot (1981-2021) South Residential as depicted on Sanborn Maps (1898-1911); railroad followed by residential property (1937-1958); building constructed south of the railroad tracks (1962-2006); railroad tracks removed, land used as parking/storage (2009-2021) West Residential as depicted on Sanborn Maps (1898-1911); Vacant land (1937-1965); industrial/commercial building constructed (1971-2021) 3.2 Historical City Directories The city directories used in this study were made available through EDR (selected years reviewed: 1926-2017) and were reviewed at approximate five-year intervals, if readily available. Street listings not available prior to 1926. The current street address for the site was identified as 22 South Jeremy Street. Historical City Directories Direction Description Site 22 South Jeremy Street: Residential (1926); No listing (1930-1955); General Cable Corp Electric Supply (1961-1971); Keyston Bros Wholesale Upholstery (1976); Schovaers Electronics (1981-1994); Schovaers Electronics, Tactile Signs & Engraving (1999), Schovaers Electronics, Tactile Signs & Engraving, Gravure Platemaking (2001); Schovaers Electronics (2004-2017) 24 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-2017) 26 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-2017) 30 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-2017) North 10 South Jeremy Street:Residential (1926-1951); Vacant (1956); No listing (1961-2017) 12 South Jeremy Street:Residential (1926); Vacant (1951-1956); No listing (1961-2017) 14 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-1965); Crown Plating Company (1971-2017) East 15 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-1956); Greater Mountain Chemical (1961- 1971); Vacant (1976); Creed Laboratories (1981-1990); No listing (1994-1999); Chembrite Sizes (2001); No listing (2004); Alexander Clark Enterprises, Heritage Stone Supply INC, Heritage Forge (2009); Alexander Clark Enterprises (2014-2017) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 7 Direction Description South 28 South 800 West: No listing (1926-2017) 30 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-2017) 34 South Jeremy Street: No listing (1926-2017) 42 South Jeremy Street: Residential (1926-1936); JE Martin Sheet Metal Works (1941- 1946); Residential (1951-1956); Western Broom Company, Mrs. Marie Loft (1961); Western Broom Company (1965-1971); Comi Laundry, Laundry Equipment parts (1976); Laundry Equipment Parts (1981); Comi Laundry, Laundry Equipment Parts (1985); Laundry Equipment Parts (1990-1999); No listing (2001); Occupant unknown (2004); No listing (2009-2017) West 25 South 900 West: No listing (1926-1971); Indico Floor Coverings (1976); Indico Distributing Builders (1981-1985); Utah Paperbox Co. Warehouse (1990); No listing (1994-1995); Utah Urethane, Utah Paperbox Warehouse (1999); Utah Urethane (2001); E PC International (2004); No listing (2009-2017) 23 South 8th West: No listing (1926-2017) 25 South 8th West: No listing (1926-1965); Continental Industries of Utah (1971); No listing (1976-2017) 27 South 8th West: No listing (1926-2017) 3.3 Site Ownership Based on a review of information obtained from the Salt Lake County assessor’s records, the current site owner is Party of Six LLC. 3.4 Title Search At the direction of the client, a title search was not included as part of the scope of services. Unless notified otherwise, we assume that the client is evaluating this information outside the scope of this report. 3.5 Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations The EDR regulatory database report included a review of both Federal and State Engineering Control (EC) and Institutional Control (IC) databases. Based on a review of the database report, the site was not listed on the EC or IC databases. Please note that in addition to these federal and state listings, AULs can be recorded at the county and municipal level that may not be listed in the regulatory database report. Environmental lien and activity and use limitation records recorded against the site were not provided by the client. At the direction of the client, performance of a review of these records was not included as part of the scope of services and unless notified otherwise, we assume that the client is evaluating this information outside the scope of this report. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 8 3.6 Interviews Regarding Current and Historical Site Uses The following individuals were interviewed regarding the current and historical use of the site. Interviews Interviewer Name / Phone #Title Date N/A Bob Schovaers / 801-943-3569 Owner 6/27/2022 Kelly Shaw John Schovaers and Bob Schovaers Owners 6/28/2022 Mr. Schovaers completed and returned the Owner Questionnaire. Mr. Schovaers, owner, indicated that he has been familiar with the site since June 1977 and is aware of the previous Phase I and Phase II investigations that Terracon performed at the site and the results. Mr. Schovaers is not aware of any past, pending, or threatened environmental litigation. He is aware that impacts were identified during the Terracon Phase II investigation. Terracon interviewed John and Bob Schovaers, owners, during the site reconnaissance. Both have been familiar with the site since 1977 and have owned it since 2017 as “Party of Six” with their siblings. They have been renting the property to Dependable Appliance since 2019. According to Messrs. Schovaers they are both aware of impacts identified in the Terracon Phase II report and are aware of asbestos containing material on the site that has not been abated. The owners stated that no clean up measures were taken to remediate impact to the site. According to the owners the sump on site drains to the municipal sewer system and only water enters the sump. A small shed was observed on the north side of the building which was locked. The owners were not able to locate the keys to the shed and stated that there is an air compressor inside. 3.7 Prior Report Review Terracon requested the client provide any previous environmental reports they are aware of for the site. Previous reports were provided by the client to Terracon for review. Phase I ESA 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Dated: June 2, 2015 Prepared by: Terracon Consultants For: The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City The Terracon Phase I identified RECs with the site, including the north-adjoining property that had improper disposal of 1,1,1 trichloroethane (TCA) near the property line and the long-term use of the site as an electroplating shop and the site has been an electroplating shop for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 9 approximately 38 years. Evidence of releases from these industrial operations were widespread and included leaking and spilling. A subsurface investigation was recommended. Phase II ESA 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Dated: February 8, 2016 Prepared by: Terracon Consultants For: The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Terracon conducted a Phase II ESA to investigate the potential impacts to the site soil and groundwater. Soil impacts included hexavalent chromium concentrations above industrial and/or residential EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) in shallow soils across the site. Groundwater had been impacted by trichloroethene (TCE) in the western and northwest portion of the site above maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and/or vapor intrusion screening levels (VISLs), and hexavalent chromium below MCL and above the tap water RSL. Further evaluation was recommended to address the impacts and planned use of the site. n Phase I ESA Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Dated: February 14, 2018 Prepared by: Terracon Consultants For: Salt Lake County The Terracon Phase I ESA, dated February 14, 2018, identified RECs at the site including impacts from the north-adjoining property, long-term industrial use at the site, and soil and groundwater impacts that were identified in the 2016 Phase II report. Additional Phase II investigation was recommended to assess the vertical and horizontal extent of the soil and groundwater impacts. n Phase II ESA (Final) Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Dated: January 9, 2019 Prepared by: Terracon Consultants For: Salt Lake County The Terracon Phase II ESA, dated January 9, 2019, identified RECs at the site. Soil and groundwater impacts were identified exceeding EPA RSLs for both Residential and Industrial land. Soil impacts included bromodichloromethane and lead above the Residential RSL and TCE above Residential and Industrial RSLs in shallow soils and above Residential RSLs at depths up to a minimum of 10 feet bgs. Dissolved hexavalent chromium and arsenic were identified above the RSL for tap water in groundwater, but below MCL. TCE was reported Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 10 exceeding the EPA MCL and GWQS, as well as the Target Groundwater Commercial VISL. Naphthalene and TCE were detected in sub-slab soil gas samples. Concentrations of TCE exceeded the Target Sub-Slab Target Soil Gas Commercial VISL. Naphthalene exceeded the sub-slab Target Soil Gas VISL in two samples, one exceeded Commercial VISL and one exceeded Residential VISL. It was recommended that soils impacted above screening levels may need to be removed and properly disposed of during construction or managed as part of future development. It was further noted that impacted groundwater may need to be managed during construction, and/or be addressed through monitored natural attenuation or active remediation. It was recommended that future development would need to address impacts in a manner consisted with the planned land use in the area. 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW Regulatory database information was provided by EDR, a contract information services company. The purpose of the records review was to identify RECs in connection with the site. Information in this section is subject to the accuracy of the data provided by the information services company and the date at which the information is updated. The scope herein did not include confirmation of facilities listed as "unmappable" by regulatory databases. In some of the following subsections, the words up-gradient, cross-gradient, and down-gradient refer to the topographic gradient in relation to the site. As stated previously, the groundwater flow direction and the depth to shallow groundwater, if present, would likely vary depending upon seasonal variations in rainfall and the depth to the soil/bedrock interface. Without the benefit of on-site groundwater monitoring wells surveyed to a datum, groundwater depth and flow direction beneath the site cannot be directly ascertained. 4.1 Federal and State/Tribal Databases Listed below are the facility listings identified on federal and state/tribal databases within the ASTM-required search distances from the approximate site boundaries. Database definition, descriptions, and the database search report are included in Appendix D. Federal Databases Database Description Distance (miles)Listings SEMS (CERCLIS) Superfund Enterprise Management System / Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Information System 0.5 1 SEMS- ARCHIVE (CERCLIS / NFRAP) Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive / Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Information System/No Further Remedial Action Planned 0.5 1 ERNS Emergency Response Notification System Site 0 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 11 Database Description Distance (miles)Listings IC / EC Institutional Control/Engineering Control Site 0 NPL National Priorities List 1 1 NPL (Delisted) National Priorities Delisted List 0.5 0 RCRA CORRACTS/ TSD RCRA Corrective Action Activity 1 2 RCRA Generators Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Site and adjoining properties 4 RCRA Non- CORRACTS/ TSD RCRA Non-Corrective Action Activity 0.5 0 State/Tribal Databases Database Description Distance (miles)Listings Brownfields Brownfields Assessment Sites 0.5 10 IC Institutional Controls Sites Site 0 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks 0.5 27 LAST Leaking Above-ground Storage Tanks 0.5 1 SWF/LF Solid Waste Facilities/Landfills 0.5 0 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site and adjoining properties 1 VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program 0.5 4 In addition to the above ASTM-required listings, Terracon reviewed other federal, state, local, and proprietary databases provided by the database firm. A list of the additional reviewed databases is included in the regulatory database report included in Appendix D. The following table summarizes the site-specific information provided by the database and/or gathered by this office for identified facilities deemed by the Environmental Professional to have the potential to impact the site based on type of facility, distance, and anticipated gradient relative to the site. Facilities are listed in order of proximity to the site. Additional discussion for selected facilities follows the summary table. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 12 Listed Facilities Facility Name and Location Estimated Distance / Direction/Gradient Database Listings Is a REC, CREC, or HREC to the Site Schovaers Electronic 22 Jeremy Street Site Brownfields, RCRA-SQG REC, discussed below Crown Plating Company. 14 Jeremy Street South-adjoining / cross- to down-gradient Brownfields, RCRA-LGQ REC, discussed below Heritage Forge / Creed Laboratories 15 Jeremy Street East-adjoining/ up-gradient Brownfields, RCRA, UST No, file review discussed below Bullough Insulation 50 South 800 West Southeast-adjoining / 100 feet / cross-gradient LUST, CERCLA, SEMS ARCHIVE No, file review discussed below Schovaers Electronics The site was identified on the RCRA small quantity generator (Facility ID #UTD088325769) and Brownfields (Facility ID 199723) databases. According to the regulatory database, this facility was a small quantity generator that generated fewer than 1,000 kg but more than 100 kg monthly of D000 class (unspecified), corrosive waste and lead. Files reviewed at the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) indicated a compliance evaluation inspection was conducted on the facility in 1996. Based on the inspection by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, the facility was found to be in violation of their hazardous waste storage. Drums were observed without “hazardous waste” or container content labels, without accumulation dates, and the drums were left open. The remaining violations consisted of records keeping in the facility. The facility was lacking a Contingency Plan, Personnel Training Plan, and Preparedness and Prevention Documentation. Compliance inspections were conducted at the facility again in 2009 and 2014, and no violations were noted. Phase I and Phase II reports were identified for the site and are discussed in Section 3.7. Soil and groundwater impacts were identified and represent a REC. Crown Plating Company, Inc The north-adjoining facility was identified on the RCRA-LGQ (Facility ID #UTD009086372), and Brownfields (Facility ID 199141) databases. According to records provided by DWMRC, in the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, the facility was inspected and found to be in violation of improper storage of materials, drums and containers lacking labels, corroding drums, unsealed drums and disposal of hazardous waste from the facility without hazardous waste manifests to verify proper disposal occurred. Inspections conducted during this time frame also documented the cluttered nature of the storage at the facility. The storage and disposal of sludge produced from the rinse baths at the facility and the use, storage, and disposal of spent 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and methylene chloride. The TCA and methylene chloride were used at the facility for degreasing purposes. The hazardous waste inspections conducted during this time frame indicated the TCA was being disposed of through evaporation and by pouring the spent degreaser on the ground on the southeast section of the property, immediately adjacent to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 13 Currently, the facility is classified as a small quantity generator. According to the most recent Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted in August 2020, the facility was in violation for improper storage of hazardous materials, suspected hazardous materials on the floor of the facility, and unlabeled drums. A warning letter was issued in September 2020 and according to a letter from the DEQ on January 11, 2021 the violation case was closed as the facility had corrected the issues and were then in compliance. According to a RCRA Information Review, dated June 8, 2021, the facility was filing for an Unplanned Episodic Event to dispose of greater than usual waste amounts due to closure of the business. According to records the facility was disposing of 400 pounds of Cyanide Copper & Cyanide Bucess; 400 pounds of Acid Copper, 300 pounds of filter and 26 pounds of Nickel Strip Wash Sludge. Based on the violations noted in the inspections that occurred in the mid-1980s to the early 1990s and again in 2020, documented poor housekeeping practices, improper to absent drum labeling, and the improper disposal of hazardous waste onto the ground at the facility within 5 to 25 feet of the site’s northern boundary line, this RCRA facility represents a REC to the site. Creed Laboratories UST/Heritage Forge BF The Creed Laboratories facility (Facility ID #4001520) identified on the UST, RCRA, and Brownfields databases, formerly adjoined the site to the east. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records were limited; however, closure notice and closure plan documents for the facility indicated two 2,000-gallon diesel underground storage tanks were removed from the facility in September 1989. The closure plan noted one tank to contain diesel and the second tank to contain butyl CELLOSOLVE™, a glycol ether-based solvent. Two soil samples were collected during the closure and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX). Analytical results indicated constituents were not present above laboratory detection limits. Based on the clean closure, this listing does not represent a REC to the site. The former Creed Laboratories, also known as Chembrite, was also identified as a RCRA Small Quantity Generator (Facility ID #UTD089326235) that produced more than 100 kg but less than 1,000 kg of hazardous waste monthly. Chembrite formulated, packaged, and sold cleaning agents and detergents. Although the regulatory database and the EPA Notification of Regulated Waste Activity form did not list what type of hazardous waste was produced at the site, informal notes in the regulatory files for the facility indicated some of the wastes produced included halogenated and non-halogenated solvents, including 1,1,1 trichloroethane (TCA). Several inspections by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) occurred at the facility between 1985 and 1991. In the 1991 inspection, the DSHW noted the mixing vats were located over a floor drain, and overflow from the vats discharged into this drain. Furthermore, it was noted a channel had been cut in the floor by unknown liquid in the vats; it was surmised to be a strong acid solution. Only one violation was noted against the facility, which was due to the failure to file a hazardous waste notification. The owner of Chembrite stated that the facility did not generate or dispose of hazardous waste. Inspections conducted by the DSHW concurred with the owner, on the basis that the vats used in the production process of cleaning products and detergents were discharging into the sanitary sewer, which was approved by the City. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 14 However, in the last inspection, conducted in 1991, the DSHW recommended investigating the drains due to the questioning nature regarding proper connection of the drains to the sewer system. No follow-up investigation reports were in the file. The regulatory file was closed in 2001, indicating that the facility was no longer regulated by the DSHW. Terracon completed a Phase II (discussed below) that sampled for these chemicals of concern. The Heritage Forge Brownfields listing (Facility ID 199141) identified Phase I and Phase II reports prepared by Terracon, (Phase I ESA dated July 2, 2015 and Phase II dated January 6, 2016). The reports indicated the facility is a metal fabrication shop and stone production supplier. The Phase I identified a REC, based on the long-term industrial use of the site as a chemical laboratory and manufacturing facility, and the long-term use of chlorinated solvents. Sampling identified volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in one soil sample (HF-SB07) above screening levels, which was on the east side of the building and in groundwater in five sample locations. VOCs were detected in HF-SB10 groundwater sample, on the northwest corner of the Heritage Forge property (approximately 230 feet northeast, cross to down-gradient from the site. VOCs were not detected in the groundwater in the other three samples collected along the west side of the Heritage Forge property. In addition, Terracon conducted a Phase II at the Schovaers site in November 2015 and groundwater impacts were not identified in any of the boring locations located in the eastern half of the site. Based on the sampling results reviewed and gradient, this facility does not represent a REC to the site. Bullough Insulation/Bullough Asbestos The LUST facility (Facility ID #4001968) had two underground storage tanks—one 4,000-gallon unleaded gasoline and one 3,000-gallon gasoline, and a dispenser removed from the facility in 1993. Analysis of the water collected from the tank pit area indicated TPH and BTEX concentrations were well below current Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) levels. The maps in the UST closure notice indicated the former tank pit area was located approximately 335 feet cross- gradient of the site. The site was closed by DERR in May 1995 through an internal memo. Based on the regulatory status, the minimal impacts present, the distance of the tank pit to the site, and cross-gradient position of the facility with respect to the site, this former LUST facility does not represent a REC to the site. This facility was also identified as the CERCLA / SEMSARCH facility (Facility ID # UTN000802419). According to the regulatory database and DERR records, a removal assessment was conducted by the EPA in August 2004. There were two structures located on the property: one long white building and one metal storage structure. Observations along the north side of the metal structure found several patches of asbestos insulation residue. Removal of the substance was completed in October 2004, and facility records were archived in April 2006. Based on remedial efforts and type of contaminant, this former CERCLA SEMSARCH facility does not represent a REC to the site. The remaining facilities listed in the database report do not appear to represent RECs to the site at this time based upon regulatory status, apparent topographic gradient, and/or distance from the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 15 Unmapped facilities are those that do not contain sufficient address or location information to evaluate the facility listing locations relative to the site. The report listed four facilities in the unmapped section. Determining the location of unmapped facilities is beyond the scope of this assessment; however, none of these facilities were identified as the site or adjacent properties. These facilities are listed in the database report in Appendix D. 4.2 Local Agency Inquiries Agency Contacted/ Contact Method Response Salt Lake County Health Department / https://saltlakecountyut.nextrequest.com/ A response was received from the Salt Lake County Health Department on June 22, 2022. According to the response, no records were found for the site. Salt Lake City Fire Department / https://slcut.mycusthelp.com/ A response was received from the Salt Lake City Fire Department on June 23, 2022. According to the response received, no records were found for the site. Utah Department of Environmental Quality / https://enviro.deq.utah.gov Regulated facilities were identified on the DERR Interactive Map for the site and surrounding properties and are discussed in Section 4.1. Incident reports were identified for the north, east, and southwest-adjoining properties. The incidences do not appear to have a significant impact on the site. 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 5.1 General Site Information Information contained in this section is based on a visual reconnaissance conducted while walking through the site and the accessible interior areas of structures, if any, located on the site. The site and adjoining properties are depicted on the Site Diagram, which is included in Exhibit 2 of Appendix A. Photo documentation of the site at the time of the visual reconnaissance is provided in Appendix B. Credentials of the individuals planning and conducting the site visit are included in Appendix E. General Site Information Site Reconnaissance Field Personnel Kelly M. Shaw Reconnaissance Date June 29, 2022 Weather Conditions Sunny, 84 degrees Site Contact/Title Messrs. Bob and John Schovaers / Owners Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 16 Building Description Building Identification Building Use Approx. Construction Date Number of Stories Approx. Size (ft²) Dependable Appliance Appliance sales and service 1956 1 6,000 Site Utilities Drinking Water Salt Lake City Wastewater Salt Lake City Electric Rocky Mountain Power Natural Gas Dominion Energy 5.2 Overview of Current Site Occupants The site is currently occupied by Dependable Appliance. 5.3 Overview of Current Site Operations The site operates as an appliance sales and service facility. 5.4 Site Observations The following table summarizes site observations and interviews. Affirmative responses (designated by an “X”) are discussed in more detail following the table. Site Characteristics Category Item or Feature Observed or Identified Site Operations, Processes, and Equipment Emergency generators Elevators Air compressors Hydraulic lifts Dry cleaning Photo processing Ventilation hoods and/or incinerators Waste treatment systems and/or water treatment systems Heating and/or cooling systems X Paint booths Sub-grade mechanic pits Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 17 Category Item or Feature Observed or Identified Wash-down areas or carwashes Pesticide/herbicide production or storage Printing operations Metal finishing (e.g., electroplating, chrome plating, galvanizing, etc.) Salvage operations Oil, gas or mineral production Other processes or equipment Aboveground Chemical or Waste Storage Aboveground storage tanks Drums, barrels and/or containers ³ 5 gallons MSDS or SDS Underground Chemical or Waste Storage, Drainage or Collection Systems Underground storage tanks or ancillary UST equipment Sumps, cisterns, French drains, catch basins and/or dry wells X Grease traps Septic tanks and/or leach fields Oil/water separators, clarifiers, sand traps, triple traps, interceptors Pipeline markers Interior floor drains X Electrical Transformers/ PCBs Transformers and/or capacitors X Other equipment Releases or Potential Releases Stressed vegetation Stained soil Stained pavement or similar surface Leachate and/or waste seeps Trash, debris and/or other waste materials X Dumping or disposal areas Construction/demolition debris and/or dumped fill dirt Surface water discoloration, odor, sheen, and/or free-floating product Strong, pungent or noxious odors Exterior pipe discharges and/or other effluent discharges Other Notable Site Features Surface water bodies Quarries or pits Wastewater lagoons Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 18 Category Item or Feature Observed or Identified Wells Site Operations, Processes, and Equipment Heating and/or cooling systems A furnace and natural gas hanging heating units were observed during the site reconnaissance. According to the owners, there is an air conditioning system on the roof. No RECs were identified with the heating and cooling systems. Underground Chemical or Waste Storage, Drainage or Collection Systems Sumps, cisterns, catch basins, and/or dry wells A sump is located in the southeast section of the former plating room, next to the former wastewater treatment system. The sump was used to capture the spilled solution from the plating tanks which was then pumped to the waste water treatment system. The water from the sump was piped into the wastewater treatment facility where the metals were filtered out of the water. Treated water was then discharged into the sanitary sewer system. The former wastewater treatment process was removed leaving just the sump. The current tenant uses the sump to drain water from testing the appliances for leaks. The water is then drained to the municipal system. Based on the age of the sump (~40 years) compromises to the system are possible; therefore, the presence of the sump is part of the long-term industrial use REC noted for this property. Interior floor drains An interior floor drain was observed in a storage area. According to Messrs. Shovaers the floor drains discharge to the municipal sewer system. Potentially hazardous materials and/or petroleum products were not stored in the vicinity of the floor drains at the time of the site reconnaissance. Staining and/or releases to the floor drains were not observed during the site reconnaissance. The interior floor drain does not represent a REC to the site. Electrical Transformers/PCBs Transformers and/or capacitors During Terracon’s site visit, three pole-mounted transformers, owned and serviced by Rocky Mountain Power, were observed on the northern site boundary; however, no information with regard to PCB content of the transformer fluids was observed. Some transformers contain mineral oil which may contain PCBs. Rocky Mountain Power maintains responsibility for the transformers, and if the transformers were “PCB contaminated,” Rocky Mountain Power is not required to replace the transformer fluids until a release is identified. However, evidence of current or prior releases was not observed in the vicinity of the electrical equipment during the site reconnaissance. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 22 South Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah July 8, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■Resourceful ■Reliable 19 Releases or Potential Releases Trash, debris, and/or other waste materials Wood, plastic, and paper debris was observed in the northwest portion of the site. No hazardous materials were observed, and the debris does not represent a REC to the site. 6.0 ADJOINING PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE Visual observations of adjoining properties (from site boundaries) are summarized below. Adjoining Properties Direction Description North Vacant building (Former Crown Plating) East East Jeremy Street followed by Heritage Forge South Pedestrian path followed by Liberty Auto West E PC International RECs were not observed with the adjoining properties. 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Per the agreed scope of services specified in the proposal, additional services (e.g., asbestos sampling, lead-based paint sampling, wetlands evaluation, lead in drinking water testing, radon testing, and vapor encroachment screening) were not conducted. 8.0 DECLARATION I, Tina Cheney, declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in Section 312.10 of 40 CFR 312; and I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the site. I have developed and performed the All Appropriate Inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. __________________________ Tina Cheney ESA Group Manager APPENDIX A EXHIBIT 1—TOPOGRAPHIC MAP EXHIBIT 2—SITE DIAGRAM TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Jeremey Street 22 S. Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UT (1/1/1998) and SALT LAKE CITY SOUTH, UT (1/1/1999). 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 61227131 Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: KMS TC TC 1”=2,000’ EX 1 July 2022 Project No. Scale: File Name: Date: 1 Exhibit KMS APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY So u t h J e r e m y S t r e e t Heritage Forge / Creed Laboratories 15 Jeremy Street Brownfields, RCRA, UST Crown Plating 15 Jeremy Street Brownfields, RCRA E PC International 25 South 900 West Pedestrian Walkway / Former Railroad Tracks Liberty Auto 25 South 900 West SITE DIAGRAM Jeremey Street 22 S. Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES 61227131 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS KMS TC TC AS SHOWN EX 2 July 2022 Scale: 2 Exhibit Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: Project No. File Name: Date: KMS APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Site Photographs Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Date Photos were taken: June 28, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Photo #1 Looking west to site. Photo #2 Entrance/office area of building. Photo #3 Appliance sales floor. Photo #4 Appliance storage area/former plating room. Photo #5 Interior floor drain in storage area. Photo #6 Furnace and water heater. Site Photographs Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Date Photos were taken: June 28, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Photo #7 Ceiling mounted gas heater. Photo #8 Sump. Photo #9 Typical restroom. Photo #10 Looking west along north side of the site with pole mounted transformers along north boundary. Photo #11 Northwest portion of the site. Photo #12 Storage at northwest corner of the site. Site Photographs Jeremy Street ■ Salt Lake City, Utah Date Photos were taken: June 28, 2022 ■ Terracon Project No. 61227131 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Photo #13 Northwest portion of the site. Photo #14 Locked shed along northwest wall of the building. Photo #15 North adjoining Crown Plating. Photo #16 East adjoining Jeremy Street followed by Heritage Forge building and storage yard. Photo #17 South adjoining pedestrian trail followed by Liberty Auto. Photo #18 West adjoining E PC International building. APPENDIX C HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION AND USER QUESTIONNAIRE Client/User Required Questionnaire Responsive Resourceful Reliable Person Completing Questionnaire Name: Lauren Parisi Company: Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Phone: 801-535-7242 Email: lauren.parisi@slcgov.com Site Name Property Site Address 22 S. Jeremy Street Point of Contact for Access Name: John Schovaers Company: Schovaer s Electronics Phone: 801-652-1750 Email: john_schovaers@yahoo.com Access Restrictions or Special Site Requirements? ___No X Yes (If yes, please explain) Please let property owner know. Confidentiality Requirements? ___No X Yes (If yes, please explain) Please keep results confidential to property owner and RDA. Current Site Owner Name: John Schovaers (part owner) Company: Schovaer s Electronics Phone: 801-652-1750 Email: john_schovaers@yahoo.com Current Site Operator Name: Matt Oviatt Company: Crown Plating Phone: (contact through John) Email: Reasons for ESA (e.g., financing, acquisition, lease, etc.) Acquisition. Anticipated Future Site Use Commercial or mixed-use building will potentially reuse the existing structure on site. Relevant Documents? Please provide Terracon copies of prior Phase I or II ESAs, Asbestos Surveys, Environmental Permits or Audit documents, Underground Storage Tank documents, Geotechnical Investigations, Site Surveys, Diagrams or Maps, or other relevant reports or documents. ASTM User Questionnaire In order to qualify for one of the Landowner Liability Protections (LLPs) offered by the Small Business Relief and Brownfield s Revitalization Act respond to the following questions. Failure to provide this information to the environmental professional may result in significant data gaps, which may limit our ability to identify recognized environmental conditions resulting in a answer all questions in good faith, to the extent of their actual knowledge. 1) Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any environmental liens filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state, or local law (40 CFR 312.25)? ___No ___Yes ___ X Title search not completed (If yes, explain below and send Terracon a copy of the Chain of Title report.) 2) Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any activity and use limitati ons (AULs), such as engineering controls, land use restrictions, or institutional controls that are in place at the property and/or have been filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state, or local law (40 CFR 312.26)? ___No ___Yes ___ X Title search not completed (If yes, explain below and send Terracon a copy of the Chain of Title report.) 3) Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the site or nearby properties? For example, are you involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the site or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business (40 CFR 312-28)? ___ X No ___Yes (If yes, explain below) 4) Do you have actual knowledge of a lower purchase price because contamination is known or believed to be present at the site (40 CFR 312.29)? ___ X No ___Yes ___Not applicable (If yes, explain below) 5) Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the site that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases (40 CFR 312.30)? ___ X No ___Yes (If yes, explain below) 6) Based on your knowledge and experience related to the site, are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the site (40 CFR 312.31)? ___No ___ X Yes (If yes, explain below) The current property owners bought the building in 1977 from a company that warehoused upholstery. From 1977 to 2017 Schovaers Electronics manufactured Printed Circuit Boards. From 2019 to present we rent to Dependable Appliance who sells Appliances. Certified Sanborn® Map Report Inquiry Number: 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com 22 S. Jeremy Street 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT 84104 June 22, 2022 7026752.3 Certified Sanborn® Map Report Certified Sanborn Results: Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. page- The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million fire insurance maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow and others which track historical property usage in approximately 12,000 American cities and towns. Collections searched: Library of Congress University Publications of America EDR Private Collection The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™ Limited Permission To Make Copies Sanborn® Library search results Contact:EDR Inquiry # Site Name: Client Name: Certification # PO # Project 1986 1950 1949 1911 1898 06/22/22 22 South Jeremy Street 22 S. Jeremy Street Terracon 6949 South High Tech Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84104 7026752.3 Midvale, UT 84047 Kelly Shaw The Sanborn Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Terracon were identified for the years listed below. The Sanborn Library is the largest, most complete collection of fire insurance maps. The collection includes maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow, and others. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by the Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection. Results can be authenticated by visiting www.edrnet.com/sanborn. The Sanborn Library is continually enhanced with newly identified map archives. This report accesses all maps in the collection as of the day this report was generated. 8FD9-4075-ACCD 1 Maps Provided: 61227132 Certification #: 8FD9-4075-ACCD Terracon (the client) is permitted to make up to FIVE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request. This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2022 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. 7026752 3 2 page- Sanborn Sheet Key This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets. 1986 Source Sheets 1986 Volume 1, Sheet 69 1986 Volume 1, Sheet 70 1950 Source Sheets 1950 Volume 1, Sheet 69 1950 Volume 1, Sheet 70 1949 Source Sheets 1949 Volume 1, Sheet 69 1949 Volume 1, Sheet 70 1911 Source Sheets 1911 Volume 1, Sheet 69 1911 Volume 1, Sheet 70 7026752 3 3 page- Sanborn Sheet Key This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets. 1898 Source Sheets 1898 Volume 1, Sheet 53 1898 Volume 1, Sheet 54 7026752 3 4 0 Feet 300 600150 Certified Sanborn Map 1986 Site Name: Address: City, ST, ZIP: Client:Terracon EDR Inquiry:7026752.3 Order Date:06/22/2022 Certification # 8F D 9 - 4 0 7 5 - A C C D 8FD9-4075-ACCD Copyright 1986 Volume 1, Sheet 70 Volume 1, Sheet 69 Project Manager:Project No:1986 SANBORN MAP Drawn By:Scale: Checked By:File Name: Approved By:Date: 1986 7026752 3 page 5 0 Feet 300 600150 Certified Sanborn Map 1950 Site Name: Address: City, ST, ZIP: Client:Terracon EDR Inquiry:7026752.3 Order Date:06/22/2022 Certification # 8F D 9 - 4 0 7 5 - A C C D 8FD9-4075-ACCD Copyright 1950 Volume 1, Sheet 70 Volume 1, Sheet 69 Project Manager:Project No:1950 SANBORN MAP Drawn By:Scale: Checked By:File Name: Approved By:Date: 1950 7026752 3 page 6 0 Feet 300 600150 Certified Sanborn Map 1949 Site Name: Address: City, ST, ZIP: Client:Terracon EDR Inquiry:7026752.3 Order Date:06/22/2022 Certification # 8F D 9 - 4 0 7 5 - A C C D 8FD9-4075-ACCD Copyright 1949 Volume 1, Sheet 70 Volume 1, Sheet 69 Project Manager:Project No:1949 SANBORN MAP Drawn By:Scale: Checked By:File Name: Approved By:Date: 1949 7026752 3 page 7 0 Feet 300 600150 Certified Sanborn Map 1911 Site Name: Address: City, ST, ZIP: Client:Terracon EDR Inquiry:7026752.3 Order Date:06/22/2022 Certification # 8F D 9 - 4 0 7 5 - A C C D 8FD9-4075-ACCD Copyright 1911 Volume 1, Sheet 70 Volume 1, Sheet 69 Project Manager:Project No:1911 SANBORN MAP Drawn By:Scale: Checked By:File Name: Approved By:Date: 1911 7026752 3 page 8 0 Feet 300 600150 Certified Sanborn Map 1898 Site Name: Address: City, ST, ZIP: Client:Terracon EDR Inquiry:7026752.3 Order Date:06/22/2022 Certification # 8F D 9 - 4 0 7 5 - A C C D 8FD9-4075-ACCD Copyright 1898 Volume 1, Sheet 54 Volume 1, Sheet 53 Project Manager:Project No:1898 SANBORN MAP Drawn By:Scale: Checked By:File Name: Approved By:Date: 1898 7026752 3 page 9 EDR Historical Topo Map Report Inquiry Number: 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com with QuadMatch™ 22 S. Jeremy Street 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT 84104 EDR Historical Topo Map Report EDR Inquiry # Search Results: P.O.# Project: Maps Provided: Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. page- Coordinates: Latitude: Longitude: UTM Zone: UTM X Meters: UTM Y Meters: Elevation: Contact: Site Name: Client Name: 2020 2017 2014 1998, 1999 1975 1969 1963 1951 1928 1925 06/21/22 22 S. Jeremy Street Terracon 22 South Jeremy Street 6949 South High Tech Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Midvale, UT 84047 7026752.4 Kelly Shaw EDR Topographic Map Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Terracon were identified for the years listed below. EDR’s Historical Topo Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDRs Historical Topo Map Report includes a search of a collection of public and private color historical topographic maps, dating back to the late 1800s. 1 40.768658 40° 46' 7" North 61227132 -111.915786 -111° 54' 57" West Zone 12 North 422711.84 4513479.78 4233.00' above sea level This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2022 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. 7026752 4 2 page Topo Sheet Key This EDR Topo Map Report is based upon the following USGS topographic map sheets. - 2020 Source Sheets 2020 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 2020 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 2017 Source Sheets 2017 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 2017 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 2014 Source Sheets 2014 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 2014 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 1998, 1999 Source Sheets 1998 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1997 1999 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1997 7026752 4 3 page Topo Sheet Key This EDR Topo Map Report is based upon the following USGS topographic map sheets. - 1975 Source Sheets 1975 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1975 1975 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1975 1969 Source Sheets 1969 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1969 1969 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1969 1963 Source Sheets 1963 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1962 1963 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1962 1951 Source Sheets 1951 Salt Lake City South 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1950 1951 Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute, 24000 Aerial Photo Revised 1950 7026752 4 4 page Topo Sheet Key This EDR Topo Map Report is based upon the following USGS topographic map sheets. - 1928 Source Sheets 1928 Ft. Douglas 30-minute, 125000 1925 Source Sheets 1925 Ft. Douglas 30-minute, 125000 7026752 4 5 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 2020, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 2020, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2020 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 2020 2020 7026752 4 6 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 2017, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 2017, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2017 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 2017 2017 7026752 4 7 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 2014, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 2014, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2014 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 2014 2014 7026752 4 8 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 1998, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 1999, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 1998, 1999 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1998, 1999 1998, 1999 7026752 4 9 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 1975, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 1975, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 1975 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1975 1975 7026752 4 10 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 1969, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 1969, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 1969 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1969 1969 7026752 4 11 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 1963, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 1963, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 1963 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1963 1963 7026752 4 12 Project Manager: Project No. Drawn by: Scale: Checked by: File Name: Approved by: Date: Topographic Map page- TP, Salt Lake City North, 1951, 7.5-minute S, Salt Lake City South, 1951, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 1951 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1951 1951 7026752 4 13 The EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Inquiry Number: June 21, 2022 7026752.8 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com 2016 1"=500'Flight Year: 2016 USDA/NAIP 2011 1"=500'Flight Year: 2011 USDA/NAIP 2006 1"=500'Flight Year: 2006 USDA/NAIP 1997 1"=500'Acquisition Date: January 01, 1997 USGS/DOQQ 1993 1"=500'Acquisition Date: January 01, 1993 USGS/DOQQ 1987 1"=500'Flight Date: September 09, 1987 USGS 1981 1"=500'Flight Date: August 04, 1981 USDA 1977 1"=500'Flight Date: June 28, 1977 USDA 1971 1"=500'Flight Date: October 09, 1971 USDA 1965 1"=500'Flight Date: June 01, 1965 USDA 1962 1"=500'Flight Date: August 02, 1962 USGS 1958 1"=500'Flight Date: May 27, 1958 USDA 1952 1"=500'Flight Date: September 01, 1952 USDA 1946 1"=500'Flight Date: August 16, 1946 USDA 1937 1"=500'Flight Date: October 09, 1937 USDA EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package 06/21/22 22 S. Jeremy Street Site Name:Client Name: Terracon 22 South Jeremy Street 6949 South High Tech Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Midvale, UT 84047 EDR Inquiry #7026752.8 Contact:Kelly Shaw Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. Search Results: Year Scale Details Source When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2022 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 7026752 8-page 2 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 2016 7026752 8 page 3 2016 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 2011 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 2011 7026752 8 page 4 2011 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 2006 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 2006 7026752 8 page 5 2006 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1997 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1997 7026752 8 page 6 1997 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1993 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1993 7026752 8 page 7 1993 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1987 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1987 7026752 8 page 8 1987 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1981 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1981 7026752 8 page 9 1981 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1977 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1977 7026752 8 page 10 1977 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1971 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1971 7026752 8 page 11 1971 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1965 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1965 7026752 8 page 12 1965 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1962 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1962 7026752 8 page 13 1962 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1958 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1958 7026752 8 page 14 1958 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1952 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1952 7026752 8 page 15 1952 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1946 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1946 7026752 8 page 16 1946 Aerial Photograph 0 Feet 500 1000 2000 Project Manager:Project No: Drawn By:Scale: 1937 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Checked By:File Name: Date:Approved By: 1937 7026752 8 page 17 1937 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Final) Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96835701 Hazardous Materials and Petroleum Grant for Salt Lake County Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah ACRES ID #199723 August 13, 2018 Revised November 1, 2018 Final Version Issued January 9, 2019 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Task N Prepared for: Salt Lake County Salt Lake City, Utah Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Midvale, Utah TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Brownfields Setting ..............................................................................................1 1.2 Site Description and Background .........................................................................2 1.3 Standard of Care..................................................................................................3 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations ................................................................................3 1.5 Reliance ...............................................................................................................3 2.0 PHASE II SITE INVESTIGATION ........................................................................ 4 2.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................4 2.2 Sampling Process Design ....................................................................................4 2.3 Field Data Collection ............................................................................................6 2.4 Soil Sampling .......................................................................................................7 2.5 Groundwater Sampling ........................................................................................8 2.6 Soil Gas Probe Installation ...................................................................................8 2.7 Field QA/QC Samples ..........................................................................................8 2.8 Equipment Decontamination ................................................................................8 2.9 Site Restoration ...................................................................................................8 3.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS.......................................................... 9 4.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS............................................................ 9 4.1 Soil Data Summary ............................................................................................10 4.2 Groundwater Data Summary..............................................................................10 4.3 Sub-slab Vapor Summary ..................................................................................11 5.0 DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT ....................................................................... 11 5.1 Precision ............................................................................................................11 5.2 Bias and Accuracy .............................................................................................14 5.3 Representativeness ...........................................................................................16 5.4 Comparability .....................................................................................................16 5.5 Completeness ....................................................................................................17 5.6 Sensitivity...........................................................................................................18 6.0 DATA EVALUATION ......................................................................................... 18 6.1 Soil Sample Results ...........................................................................................18 6.2 Groundwater Sample Results ............................................................................19 6.3 Sub-slab Vapor Sample Results ........................................................................19 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................. 19 7.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................................19 7.2 Extent of Impacts ...............................................................................................20 7.3 Recommendations .............................................................................................20 8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 22 Table 1 – Summary of Soil Borings Table 2 – Analytical Method Summary APPENDICES Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1 – Topographic Map Exhibit 2 – Exterior Sampling Locations Exhibit 3 – Interior Sampling Locations Appendix B Soil Boring Logs Appendix C Data Summary Tables Table C1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Soil Table C2 Metals in Soil Table C3 VOCs in Groundwater Table C4 Dissolved Metals in Groundwater Table C5 Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Sample Results Table C6 Duplicate Sample Comparisons - VOCs in Soil Table C7 Duplicate Sample Comparisons - Metals in Soil Table C8 Duplicate Sample Comparisons - VOCs in Groundwater Table C9 Duplicate Sample Comparisons – Dissolved Metals in Groundwater Table C10 Quality Control Summary Appendix D Chain of Custody and Laboratory Data Sheets PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT (FINAL) SALT LAKE COUNTY BROWNFIELDS ASSESSMENT EPA COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. 96835701 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND PETROLEUM GRANT FOR SALT LAKE COUNTY SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 August 13, 2018 Revised November 1, 2018 Final Version Issued January 9, 2019 1.0 INTRODUCTION Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed a Phase II Site Investigation at the Schovaers Electronics site, located at 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, as described in the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, dated May 1, 2018. This Phase II Site Investigation was completed with funding from the Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment Grant. 1.1 Brownfields Setting Salt Lake County (the Grantee) is a recipient of an EPA community-wide assessment grant to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct cleanup planning along with public outreach activities for eligible Brownfield sites located within County boundaries. The Schovaers Electronics site is identified in EPA’s online Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) as Number 199723. This property was approved for assessment by EPA under a Site Eligibility Determination Outline (EPA Region 8, August 22, 2017), designated as hazardous substances commingled with petroleum1. As part of the previous Salt Lake City North Temple Brownfields Assessment Grant, Terracon conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on the site (Terracon, 2015) and an Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Survey (Terracon, 2016) was conducted to identify any material that may require special handling or disposal requirements during demolition. In 1 Previous assessments of this property as part of Salt Lake City’s Assessment Grant (#96809601) were conducted under an earlier Site Eligibility Determination Outline (SEDO) dated February 6, 2015, which had indicated Hazardous Substances as the known or suspected contaminant(s). The 2017 SEDO for this property, prepared by Salt Lake County under its Assessment Grant (#96835701), indicated the known or suspected contaminant(s) as Hazardous Substances commingled with Petroleum, although petroleum contamination has not been identified as a concern at the property. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 2 response to the Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) identified in the Phase I ESA, a Phase II ESA was performed under the grant by Terracon (Terracon, 2016). A second Phase I ESA was initiated in 2017 (Terracon, 2018) that recommended an additional site investigation be conducted to assess the vertical and horizontal impacts identified in the 2016 Phase II ESA. Definition of impacted soils and groundwater will be used to develop remedial strategies and/or management plans for future re-development of the property. This supplemental Phase II Site Assessment was guided by a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) reviewed, amended and approved by EPA (May 1, 2018). Quality of assessment data was guided by the SAP and EPA-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), (Revision 2, May 24, 2018). 1.2 Site Description and Background Site Name Schovaers Electronics (the site) Site Location/Address 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 General Site Description and Use The site is an approximately 0.34-acre parcel (Parcel ID #15-02-204- 007). An approximately 6,000-square-foot industrial building occupies the site. An approximately 672-square-foot garage is present on the northwest side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary area. The building is currently vacant. Terracon conducted an initial Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on the site in 2015. The Phase I ESA was compliant with Brownfields All Appropriate Inquiry and was performed in conformance with the scope and limitations of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Practice E1527-13 for the parcel located at 22 South Jeremy Street in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The purpose of the Phase I ESA was to identify RECs in connection with the site, including the building and other improvements located on the site at the time of the reconnaissance. Terracon’s 2015 Phase I ESA identified multiple RECs in connection with the property, and recommended a Phase II ESA be conducted to determine if the identified RECs had impacted the soils or groundwater at the site. Terracon conducted the recommended Phase II ESA in 2015. The investigation identified soil impacts in the form of hexavalent chromium in shallow soils across the site. Concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) and dissolved hexavalent chromium were reported in groundwater samples. The concentrations of dissolved hexavalent chromium appeared to be highest on the western side of the property. However, both TCE and hexavalent chromium were reported at sample locations along the northern property boundary. These results suggested that an off-site source of contamination may be present. The current investigation also encountered soil and groundwater impacts that appear to have emanated from on-site historical operations. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 3 A second Phase I ESA was initiated in 2017 (Terracon, 2018) that recommended an additional Phase II ESA be conducted to assess the vertical and horizontal extent of impacts to soils and the potential for migration of groundwater impacts onto the property reported in the 2015 Phase II ESA. 1.3 Standard of Care Terracon’s services were performed in a manner consistent with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time. Terracon makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the findings, conclusions, or recommendations. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the work of laboratories, regulatory agencies, or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of the report. These Phase II services were performed in accordance with the scope of work agreed with you, our client, as reflected in our proposal and consistent with ASTM E1903-11,Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations Findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from these services are based upon information derived from the on-site activities and other services performed under this scope of work; such information is subject to change over time. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other constituents may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, non-detectable, or not present during these services. We cannot represent that the site contains no hazardous substances, toxic materials, petroleum products, or other latent conditions beyond those identified during this Phase II investigation. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at specific borings or wells or during other surveys, tests, assessments, investigations, or exploratory services. The data, interpretations, findings, and our recommendations are based solely upon data obtained at the time and within the scope of these services. 1.5 Reliance This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Salt Lake County. Any authorization for use or reliance by any other party (except a governmental entity having jurisdiction over the site) is prohibited without the express written authorization of Salt Lake County and Terracon. Reliance by authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in the underlying contract between Salt Lake County and Terracon. The limitation of liability defined in the terms and conditions is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability all relying parties unless otherwise agreed in writing. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 4 2.0 PHASE II SITE INVESTIGATION 2.1 Scope The proposed Phase II scope of work described in the SAP was intended to gather the necessary data to bridge the gaps identified in the Terracon 2016 Phase II ESA, the Terracon 2017 Phase I ESA, and to aid with providing the information needed to develop an Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) for the site. These activities were conducted in accordance with a site-specific Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP, Terracon 2018) that was prepared and approved by EPA for this site. The SAP established specific site objectives, sampling process design, and details regarding site-specific sampling and analyses, and was used in conjunction with the EPA- approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP, Terracon 2018). 2.2 Sampling Process Design The sampling strategy for soil, groundwater, and soil vapor was designed to assess the vertical and horizontal extent of impacts to soils or groundwater at the site in order to augment the previous data as needed to develop cleanup planning documents for the site. Exterior borings were designed to assess the vertical extent of hexavalent chromium in areas where concentrations during the previous investigation were reported above the EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs). The interior borings were designed to assess the soil conditions below the building for the presence of metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in both soil and groundwater. Nine (9) soil borings (SE-SB-16 to 24) were advanced using direct-push drilling equipment to allow for the collection of subsurface soil and groundwater samples. The drilling and sampling locations are depicted on Exhibits 2 and 3; Appendix A. The soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of approximately 16 feet below grade surface (bgs) to allow for sufficient water to collect groundwater samples. After sample collection was completed, each boring was properly abandoned by backfilling with bentonite clay pellets, adding water to hydrate the bentonite clay, and restoring the surface with native soil, asphalt, or concrete patch as appropriate to match the surrounding area. Samples were delivered to the analytical laboratory within holding times for all analytical methods to generate definitive analytical data, which are critical to this assessment. Four (4) sub-slab soil vapor points were installed inside the building to allow for the collection of sub-slab soil vapor samples to assess the potential for vapor intrusion. Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary description of the sample locations, sample types, sample naming convention, laboratory analyses, and sampling rationale. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 5 TABLE 1 – SUMMARY OF SOIL BORINGS Sample Location Rationale Sample IDs Sample Matrix Analytes Northeast corner of property (exterior of building) Area where Cr (VI) was found above RSLs, assess vertical soil impacts SE-SB-16 2.5 ft SS Cr(VI), pHSE-SB-16 5 ft SS SE-SB-16 7.5 ft SS (Hold) SE-SB-16 10 ft SS (Hold) Southwest corner of property (exterior of building) Area where Cr (VI) was found above RSLs, assess vertical soil impacts SE-SB-17 2.5 ft SS Cr(VI), pHSE-SB-17 5 ft SS SE-SB-17 7.5 ft SS (Hold) SE-SB-17 10 ft SS (Hold) SE-SB-17 GW*GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH Drill Press/ Router Room (interior of building) Assess Northwest corner of building SE-SB-18 3 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-18 8 ft SS SE-SB-18 GW GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH Washout Booth (interior of building) Assess Northeast corner of building SE-SB-19 4 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-19 8 ft SS SE-SB-19-GW GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH General area/sewer lateral and effluent sample location (interior of building) Boring adjacent to sewer lateral and effluent collection point SE-SB-20 3 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-20 11 ft SS SE-SB-20 GW GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH Plate Room (interior of building) Floor sump connected to sewer line SE-SB-21 3 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-21 7 ft SS SE-SB-21 GW GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 6 TABLE 1 – SUMMARY OF SOIL BORINGS (Continued) Plate Room (interior of building) South wall, heavy staining SE-SB-22 3 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-22 8 ft SS SE-SB-22 GW GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH Plate Room (interior of building) Center of room adjacent to former acid tank and electrolysis copper tank SE-SB-23 3 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-23 10 ft SS SE-SB-23 GW GW 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pH Plate Room (interior of building) West wall, heavy staining SE-SB-24 2-3 ft SS 13 PP Metalsa, Cr(VI), VOCsb, pHSE-SB-24 8 ft SS a - 13 Priority Pollutant Metals. b – volatile organic compounds. SS – Soil Sample. GW – Groundwater Sample * - Sample not included in the SAP. TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLING Sample Location Rationale Sample IDs Sample Matrix Analytes Northwest part of building Assess vapor intrusion potential SE-VP-1 Soil Gas VOCs a (interior of building) Northeast part of building Assess vapor intrusion potential SE-VP-2 Soil Gas VOCsa (interior of building) Adjacent to sewer lateral Assess vapor intrusion potential SE-VP-3 Soil Gas VOCsa (interior of building) Plate Room Assess vapor intrusion potential SE-VP-4 Soil Gas VOCsa (interior of building) a – volatile organic compounds. 2.3 Field Data Collection Following SAP approval, the public utility location service (Blue Stakes of Utah) was notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing any drilling activities. A private utility location service was Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 7 used to locate potential utilities or other subsurface obstacles in the immediate vicinity of each boring location. On May 17 and 18, 2018, Terracon mobilized to the site to advance the borings. The mechanized drilling services were performed by a Utah-licensed well driller; Terracon environmental personnel directed and supervised the drilling activities, logged the soil borings, and collected field samples. During advancement of the soil borings, soils were continuously cored in 5-foot intervals and observed to document subsurface soil types, color, relative moisture content, and sensory evidence of environmental impacts. The soil samples were field-screened using a portable photoionization detector (PID) – Mini Rae 3000 PID equipped with a 10.6 eV ultraviolet lamp to evaluate the potential presence of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). The unit measures TVOCs in sample headspace air relative to parts per million calibration gas equivalents in air and identified simply as “PPM” on soil boring logs. The SAP identified boring SE-SB-24 for the collection of a groundwater sample. After boring installation, the borehole collapsed and a groundwater sample could not be collected. A second attempt was made to re-drill the boring, but it was unsuccessful. A groundwater sample was collected from boring SE-SB-17 in substitution. Fill was encountered in several of the borings extending to depths up to 7.5 feet bgs. Soil boring SE-SB-21 encountered black staining from 6.5 to 9.5 feet bgs. Native soils consisted of silts and clays and silty sand and sand. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 9 to 13 feet bgs. PID readings ranges from 0 to 6.3 ppm, with the highest observed reading recorded in boring SE- SB-21 @ 7 feet bgs. Detailed lithological descriptions and PID readings are included on the soil boring logs provided in Appendix B. The 2016 subsurface established a groundwater gradient across the property as being to the west-southwest. 2.4 Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected from direct-push borings following the procedures detailed in Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 5,Geoprobe Sampling, which is provided in Appendix B of the EPA-approved QAPP. n Sample locations SE-SB-16 and SE-SB-17 (Exterior): Four soil samples were collected from each boring at the predetermined depths of 2.5’, 5’, 7.5’ and 10’ bgs for vertical delineation of hexavalent chromium in soils. n Sample locations SE-SB-18 through SE-SB-24 (Interior): Two soil samples were collected from each boring. One soil sample was collected from soil exhibiting the most elevated PID readings. Where no elevated PID reading was observed, one Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 8 sample was collected at approximately 3’ below the floor slab, and the second sample between 7 to 11’ bgs based on field observations. 2.5 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples were collected from seven borings following the procedures detailed in SOP 5,Geoprobe Sampling located in Appendix B of the QAPP. n Sample locations SE-SB-17, -18, -19, -20, -21, -22, -23. 2.6 Soil Gas Probe Installation Sub-slab vapor samples were collected from four vapor pins installed within the concrete floor slab, following the procedures detailed in SOP-E.2120,Soil Gas Sampling – Sub-slab Pin Method located in Appendix C of the SAP. 2.7 Field QA/QC Samples Field duplicate samples for soil and groundwater were collected at a rate of 10 percent. For this investigation, two field duplicate soil and one field duplicate groundwater samples were collected. The duplicates were given a fictitious identification so that the laboratory would be unaware of their duplicate status. The two borings selected for duplicate soil sampling were SE-SB-17 (duplicate sample ID SE-SB-27) and SE-SB-24 (duplicate sample ID SE-SB-34). The groundwater duplicate sample was collected from SE-SB-22 (duplicate sample ID SE-SB-32). Field duplicates for sub-slab vapor samples were not planned. One trip blank (laboratory supplied blank) was specified for this site. The sample was included in the shipment with the samples submitted for analysis of VOCs. 2.8 Equipment Decontamination Non-expendable sampling equipment was decontaminated at the beginning of the project and decontaminated between each sampling location. These items were hand-scrubbed in an Alconoxä and potable water solution and rinsed with potable water between sample locations. Drilling equipment was cleaned using a high-pressure washer prior to beginning the project and between boring locations. 2.9 Site Restoration After sample collection was completed, each boring was properly abandoned by backfilling with bentonite clay pellets, adding water to hydrate the bentonite clay, and restoring the surface with existing soil, asphalt, or concrete patch as appropriate to match the surrounding area. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 9 3.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS All soil and groundwater samples (including field duplicates and trip blanks) were placed in iced coolers. The samples were shipped in iced coolers under chain-of-custody protocols via overnight courier to Environmental Science Corporation (ESC) analytical laboratory in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee (a Utah-Certified Laboratory). The soil gas sample canisters were placed back into laboratory-supplied shipping containers and shipped under chain-of-custody protocols via overnight courier to ESC. Samples were analyzed using the following methods: TABLE 2 – ANALYTICAL METHOD SUMMARY Parameter Matrix (Solid/Liquid)Analytical Method No. of Samples1 VOCs Soil SW-846 8260B 15 VOCs Groundwater SW-846 8260B 8 VOCs Soil Gas TO-15 4 Metals - Priority Pollutants + Cr(VI)Soil SW-846 6010B, 3060A/7196A, 7471 15 Cr(VI)Soil SW-846 3060A/7196A 5 Metals (13 Priority Pollutants) Groundwater SW-846 6010B, 6020B, 6020 8 Cr(VI) Groundwater SW-846 218.6, 7199 8 pH Soil SW-846 9045D 15 pH Groundwater Field test 8 1Includes field duplicate samples. 4.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS The following sections summarize analytical results. Comparative screening levels were listed in the approved SAP; however, since the date of the SAP approval, the US EPA has issued updated Regional Screening Levels (RLSs; May 2018). These updated RSLs are shown in the summary tables. Utah DEQ comparative screening levels remain unchanged. A summary of the analytical results is provided in Tables C1 through C5 (Appendix C). Copies of the ESC analytical reports and sample chain-of-custody records are provided in Appendix D. Constituent concentrations in soils were compared to current EPA RSLs for residential and industrial use scenarios, and to Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Initial Screening Levels (ISLs). Constituent concentrations in Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 10 groundwater were compared to EPA RSLs for tap water, UDEQ-LUST ISLs, Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Standards (UGWQPS; UAC-R317-6-2.1), EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs) Target Groundwater Concentration at a target cancer risk of 1X10-6 and target hazard quotient of 1. 4.1 Soil Data Summary VOCs A total of 14 soil samples (excluding duplicates) were analyzed for VOCs. Several VOCs were detected in very low concentrations that did not exceed a regulatory screening level. The concentration of bromodichloromethane (SE-SB- 21 @ 7) and TCE (SE-SB-22 @ 7 and SE-SB-24 @ 7) exceeded the EPA Residential RSL. The concentration of TCE reported from SE-SB-21 @ 7 exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL. No other VOCs were reported above an EPA RSL or other applicable screening level. Metals A total of 14 soil samples (excluding duplicates) were analyzed for the 13 priority pollutant metals and hexavalent chromium. An additional four soil samples were analyzed for hexavalent chromium only. Hexavalent chromium exceeded the EPA Residential RSL in four boring locations (SE-SB-16 @ 5, SE-SB-17 @ 2.5, SE-SB-19 @ 4 and 8, and SE-SB-23 @ 10). Depth of impacted soil ranged from 2.5 feet bgs to 10 feet bgs. All soil samples detected arsenic concentrations above the EPA Residential RSL, with 13 out of 14 samples also exceeding the Industrial RSL. Lead exceeded the EPA Residential RSL in sample SE-SB-21 @ 7. pH Soil pH ranged from 7.61 to 10.7. 4.2 Groundwater Data Summary VOCs TCE was reported in six of the seven groundwater samples. The concentrations reported exceeded EPA RSLs, MCLs, or UGWQSs. The concentration of TCE exceeded the EPA’s Target Groundwater Residential VISL in five of the seven groundwater samples, with four of those samples exceeding the Target Groundwater Commercial VISL. Three of the groundwater samples exceeding the Target Groundwater Commercial VISL were collected inside the building. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 11 Metals Six of the seven groundwater samples detected dissolved arsenic at a concentration above the EPA RSL for Tapwater. Five of the seven samples reported hexavalent chromium at a concentration exceeding the EPA RSL for Tapwater. pH Field-measured pH was reported at 7 for all borings selected for groundwater sample collection. 4.3 Sub-slab Vapor Summary VOCs Several VOCs were detected in very low concentrations that did not exceed a regulatory screening level. Napthalene was detected above the Target Sub-Slab Soil Gas Residential VISL in two vapor samples, with naphthalene exceeding the Target Sub-Slab Soil Gas Commercial VISL in one of those two samples. Trichloroethene was reported above the EPA Target Sub-Slab Soil Gas Residential VISL in all four samples, with three of those four samples exceeding the Target Sub-Slab Soil Gas Commercial VISL. 5.0 DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT All laboratory analytical data were subject to internal reduction and validation prior to external release of the data, as detailed in the laboratory’s Quality Assurance Manual. Following receipt of the laboratory analytical results by Terracon, the data were reviewed to evaluate compliance with Data Quality Indicators (DQIs) outlined in Sections D1, D2, and D3 of the QAPP. Documentation provided with the laboratory analytical results included a case narrative; analytical data with minimum detection limits and reporting limits listed for all analyses; surrogate recoveries for GC/MS analyses with laboratory control limits; chain-of-custody records; and a quality control summary, including method blanks, matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates (MS/MSD) with control limits, laboratory control samples and duplicates (LCS/LCSD) with control limits; and application of data qualifiers where warranted. Assessment of the DQIs for Precision, Bias and Accuracy, Representativeness, Comparability, Completeness, and Sensitivity are presented in the following subsections. 5.1 Precision Precision was evaluated on the basis of relative percent difference (RPD) as a measure of reproducibility between LCS/LCSD pairs and MS/MSD pairs (analytical precision) and between field samples and field duplicate samples (field precision). Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 12 Analytical Precision A summary of the Quality Control assessment for analytical precision is presented in Table C10 (Appendix C) and is further discussed below. n The RPDs for the LCS/LCSD pairs for lab set L995461 were within the laboratory’s control limits, except for naphthalene and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene for batch WG1114510 (groundwater sample analyses for VOCs by Method 8260B) and acetone for batch WG1114961 (soil sample analyses for VOCs by Method 8260B). Of the 378 constituents analyzed in the LCS/LCSD pairs, 375 (99.2%) were within the control limits for Precision. Each analytical batch was individually within the control limits. The LCS/LCSD pairs are considered within control for Precision. n The RPDs for the MS/MSD pairs for lab set L995461 were within the laboratory’s control limits, except for hexavalent chromium for batches WG1114983 and WG1117105 (soil sample analyses for hexavalent chromium by Method 3060A/7196A), 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether for batch WG1114510 (groundwater sample analyses for VOCs by Method 8260B), and 37 of the VOCs for batch WG1116592 (soil sample analyses for VOCs by Method 8260B). Of the 241 constituents analyzed in the MS/MSD pairs, 201 (83.4%) were within the control limits for Precision. Four of the analytical batches were outside of the control limits (WG1114983, WG1117105, WG1114510, and WG1116592). o Batch WG1114983: Hexavalent chromium in these 14 soil samples was generally reported at concentrations above its residential RSL or had LRLs that exceeded its residential RSL. As the Precision could affect the conclusions regarding these results,hexavalent chromium analytical results in soil should be considered qualified. o Batch WG1117105:Hexavalent chromium in soil sample SE-SB-24 (7) had a LRL that exceeded its residential RSL. As the Precision could affect the conclusions regarding these results,hexavalent chromium analytical results in soil should be considered qualified. o Batch WG1114510:2-chloroethyl vinyl ether was not reported above the LRL for the MS or MSD analyses. While the MS and MSD results were both non- detect, which is technically within control, neither analyses detected the spiked amount of this compound. The MS and MDS results were flagged with J6 (The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.). 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether was not reported in any of the groundwater samples analyzed above the LRL. Because this constituent was not detected and because regulatory screening levels have not been Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 13 established for this constituent, the MS/MSD pair Precision is not anticipated to affect the usability of the data for comparison to regulatory screening levels. The Precision for the MS/MSD pair is considered acceptable. o Batch WG1116592:One sample was affected by this MS/MSD pair Precision deviation in batch WG1116592, soil sample SE-SB-18 (8). As the constituents analyzed for this sample were reported as less than the method reporting limits (two J-flagged constituents reported at concentrations less than the reporting limits), the MS/MSD pair Precision is not anticipated to affect the usability of the data for comparison to regulatory screening levels.The Precision for the MS/MSD pairs is considered acceptable. n The RPDs for the LCS/LCSD pairs for lab set L995391 were within the laboratory’s control limits for all constituents analyzed (soil gas analyses for VOCs by Method TO- 15).The LCS/LCSD pairs are considered within control for Precision. n An MS/MSD pair was not analyzed or reported for lab set L995391 because MS/MSD analyses are not included in the TO-15 analytical method procedures for Precision. Field Precision A summary of the Quality Control assessment for field precision is presented in Table C10 (Appendix C) and is further discussed below. n Per the QAPP, analytical results for field duplicate pairs that are less than five times the laboratory’s reporting limit (LRL) were considered within control if the difference between the sample and its duplicate was less than the LRL (aqueous samples) or two times the LRL (solid samples). When analytical results for field duplicate pairs are greater than five times the LRL, the duplicate pair was considered within control when the RPDs for the field duplicate pairs were within the QAPP’s control limits (25% for aqueous samples and 50% for solid samples). The field duplicate pair constituent analytical results were within control for lab set L995461, except for the following. Field Duplicate Pair Analyses Constituents outside of Precision control limits VOCs in soil by Method 8260B for field duplicate pair SE-SB-24 (7) and SE-SB-34 (7): benzene, 1,2-dichloropropane, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, naphthalene, toluene, trichloroethene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3- trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and total xylenes Metals in soil by 6000/7000 Series Methods for field duplicate pair SE- SB-24 (7) and SE-SB-34 (7): mercury (Method 7471A) Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 14 VOCs in groundwater by Method 8260B for field duplicate pair SE- SB-22 and SE-SB-32: trichloroethene Dissolved metals in groundwater by 6000/7000 Series Methods for field duplicate pair SE-SB-22 and SE- SB-32: all constituents analyzed within the control limits Of the 161 constituents analyzed in the field duplicate pairs, 148 (91.9%) were within the control limits for Precision. Each analysis was individually within the control limits, except for VOCs by Method 8260B for L995461-08 (sample) and L995461-28 (duplicate sample), which had 83% of the constituents in control. In general, the constituents that were outside of the control limits for Precision were reported at concentrations well below their regulatory screening levels. Two constituents, 1,2- dichloropropane and trichloroethene reported concentrations closer to their regulatory screening levels. For these two constituents, the Precision could affect the conclusions drawn with regards to the regulatory screening levels. As such, 1,2- dichloropropane and trichloroethene results should be considered qualified. Matrix interference was likely the primary cause of the lower percentage of valid data for this analysis in soils.The Precision for the field duplicate pairs is considered acceptable, except for 1,2-dichloropropane and trichloroethene in soils, which are considered to have qualified analytical results. 5.2 Bias and Accuracy Bias and Accuracy were evaluated through a review of the method blanks, trip blanks, percent recoveries for LCS/LCSD, and percent recoveries for MS/MSD summaries provided by the laboratory. Method blanks and trip blanks were considered within control if the constituents analyzed were less than the analytical method reporting limits. LCS/LCSD and MS/MSD analyses were considered within control if the percent recoveries were within the laboratories established limits. A summary of the Quality Control assessment for Bias and Accuracy is presented in Table C10 (Appendix C) and is further discussed below. Lab Set L995461 n Trip Blank: The trip blank reported four constituents (acetone, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, toluene, and total xylenes), but the concentrations were less than the LRLs (i.e., J- flagged results).The Trip Blank is considered in control for Bias and Accuracy. n Method Blank: Constituents reported in the Method Blanks included tetrachloroethene and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene in batch WG1114510, hexachloro-1,3- butadiene and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene in batch WG1114542, and methylene chloride in batch WG1115967. The reported concentrations were less than the LRLs.The Method Blank is considered in control for Bias and Accuracy. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 15 n LCS/LCSD:The percent recoveries for constituents analyzed in the LCS and LCSD samples were within the laboratory’s control limits, except for the following: o Batch WG1115415: acrolein (LCS), 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (LCS and LCSD), and naphthalene (LCSD). o Batch WG1114961: 4-chlorotoluene (LCS). o Batch WG1115967: acetone (LCSD). o Batch WG1116592: 1,2-dichloroethene (LCS). Of the 886 constituents analyzed in the LCS and LCSD samples, 879 (99.2%) were within the control limits for Bias and Accuracy. Each analytical batch was individually within the control limits.The LCS/LCSD pairs are considered within control for Bias and Accuracy. n MS/MSD:The percent recoveries for constituents analyzed in the MS and MSD samples were within the laboratory’s control limits, except for the following: o Batch WG1114983 (soil): hexavalent chromium (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1117105 (soil): hexavalent chromium (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1113326 (groundwater): hexavalent chromium-low level (MS). o Batch WG1115713 (groundwater): hexavalent chromium-low level (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1114824 (soil): antimony (MS and MSD) and zinc (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1115667 (soil): antimony (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1114510 (groundwater): 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1115967 (soil): carbon tetrachloride (MS) and dichlorodifluoromethane (MS and MSD). o Batch WG1116592 (soil): p-isopropyltoluene (MS). Of the 482 constituents analyzed in the MS and MSD samples, 465 (96.5%) were within the control limits for Bias and Accuracy. For analytical batches WG1114983, WG1117105, WG1113326, WG1115713, and WG1114824, less than 90% of the data passed the QC criteria. o Hexavalent chromium was generally reported in soil at concentrations above its residential RSL or had LRLs that exceeded its residential RSL. As the Bias and Accuracy control could affect the conclusions regarding these results, hexavalent chromium analytical results in soil should be considered qualified. o Hexavalent chromium-low level was generally reported in groundwater at concentrations above the tapwater RSL. As the Bias and Accuracy control could affect the conclusions regarding these results,hexavalent chromium- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 16 low level analytical results in groundwater should be considered qualified. o Antimony and zinc concentrations reported in soil were orders of magnitude less than the residential RSLs.Bias and Accuracy control are unlikely to affect the conclusions regarding these results and they can be used for their intended purpose of comparison to the screening levels. o Regulatory screening levels have not been established for 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether or p-isopropyltoluene. As such, the Bias and Accuracy control is not anticipated to affect the conclusions of this report. o Carbon tetrachloride and dichlorodifluoromethane were not reported in soil above their LRLs, which were orders of magnitude less than the residential RSLs.Bias and Accuracy control are unlikely to affect the conclusions regarding these results and they can be used for their intended purpose of comparison to the screening levels. 5.3 Representativeness Representativeness is a qualitative parameter most concerned with proper design and execution of the sampling program to produce data that accurately and precisely represent environmental conditions. Selection of analytical methods, sampling methods and locations representative of the media sampled were set forth in the SAP.Representativeness in the field was achieved by implementing the approved SAP and using appropriate sampling methods, sample containers, sample handling and preservation methods.Representativeness in the laboratory was achieved by using the proper analytical procedures, meeting sample holding times, and analyzing and assessing laboratory QA/QC samples. Sample holding time requirements were achieved with the exception of pH.Per the DQIs in the QAPP, the Representativeness criteria have been met as the SOPs were followed, holding times were met (except for pH as mentioned above), and blanks reported constituents were less than the LRLs. 5.4 Comparability Comparability is a qualitative term expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another. The comparability goal was achieved through the use of standardized sampling procedures in accordance with the SAP and QAPP, use of standardized and approved laboratory analytical methods, and reporting the analytical results in appropriate and consistent units. n One trip blank (water matrix) was submitted with the 8 groundwater samples collected, which represents a frequency of 12.5% and exceeds the QAPP goal of 10%. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 17 n One field duplicate (water matrix) was submitted with the 8 groundwater samples collected, which represents a frequency of 12.5% and exceeds the QAPP goal of 10%. n Two field duplicates (soil matrix) were submitted with the 22 soil samples collected, which represents a frequency of 9.1%, below the QAPP goal of 10%. However, the number of field duplicates meets the two field duplicates that were specified in the approved SAP. n The units of measure reported by the laboratory were consistent with the units of measure used by the regulatory screening levels. n Samples were collected following the SOPs. With the exception of the frequency of field duplicate samples for the soil matrix, which was slightly below its DQI but equal to the number specified in the SAP, the DQIs for Comparability were achieved. It is not anticipated that another field duplicate pair would alter the conclusions of this report. As such,Comparability was deemed acceptable. 5.5 Completeness Completeness is the ratio of valid measurements to the number of planned measurements, expressed as a percentage, and the completeness goal for the project is 90%. The sampling program is deemed to meet the DQIs for valid measurements, with the following exceptions. n Results of hexavalent chromium in soil are considered qualified due to Analytical Precision and Bias/Accuracy not being within the control limits. n Results of hexavalent chromium in groundwater are considered qualified due to Bias/Accuracy not being within the control limits. n Results of 1,2-dichloropropane and trichloroethene in soil are considered qualified due to Field Precision not being within the control limits. Sample matrix interference and heterogeneity are considered to be the principal reasons that some of the QC samples did not meet DQIs.With the exception of the analytes listed above, the analytical data are acceptable for their intended use in identifying constituent concentrations above applicable screening levels. Based on the very limited number of qualified analytical results, the overall ratio of valid measurements to measurements collected exceeds the 90% goal established in the QAPP. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 18 5.6 Sensitivity Sensitivity refers to the capability of a method or instrument to discriminate between measurement responses representing different levels of the variable of interest. The sensitivity goal is for LRLs to be below comparative screening levels, which vary considerably by analyte and in value and applicability. For analytes in soil samples, the LRLs were below available screening levels with the following exceptions: the LRL exceeded the EPA Residential RSL for hexavalent chromium, thallium, and 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane. Overall, the level of sensitivity was sufficient to allow the identification of soil constituents above Residential and Industrial RSLs, and groundwater impacts above MCLs, UGWPSs, Target Groundwater VISLs and Target Sub-Slab Soil Gas VISLs. 6.0 DATA EVALUATION Following is an overview of the identified contaminants in soil, groundwater, and sub-slab soil vapor during the course of the current Phase II ESA. 6.1 Soil Sample Results The presence of hexavalent chromium in soils both outside and underneath the building was confirmed at depths ranging from 1 to 10 feet bgs. The concentrations reported in this investigation exceeded the Residential RSL but did not exceed the Industrial RSL. TCE was also identified in soils at 7 feet bgs at concentrations that exceeded the Residential and Industrial RSLs. The concentration of lead at 7 feet bgs exceeded the Residential RSL at one sample location (SE-SB-21). Naphthalene was detected in soil at two locations within the Plating Room at a depth of 7 feet. The detections were below State of Utah and EPA screening levels. As reported in the 2015 investigation and identified during this investigation, arsenic concentrations in soil samples collected throughout the site are higher than the industrial RSL of 3 mg/kg. However, such exceedances are common throughout the Salt Lake Valley area where background values reportedly range from non-detect to 97 mg/kg (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1270; 1984). The arsenic concentrations reported in site soil samples ranged from 4.62 to 17.5 mg/kg in the 2015 investigation, and from 1.6 to 52.9 mg/kg in the 2018 investigation. Based on these results, the reported arsenic concentrations in soil appear to be representative of natural background levels. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 19 6.2 Groundwater Sample Results Based on the results of this additional investigation, the presence of TCE in groundwater was confirmed at concentrations that exceed the MCL and Target Groundwater Commercial VISL. The presence of dissolved hexavalent chromium in groundwater was confirmed at concentrations that exceeded the RSL for Tapwater but below the MCL for total chromium. 6.3 Sub-slab Vapor Sample Results The results of the sub-slab soil gas samples collected from the interior of the building reported naphthalene and TCE were present at concentrations that exceeded the Target Sub-Slab Soil Gas Commercial VISL. TCE was detected in all four of the soil gas samples with three (VP-1, VP-3 and VP-4) exceeding the Commercial VISL and VP-2 exceeding the Residential VISL The highest concentrations were in the Plating Shop (VP-4) and along the sewer lateral (VP-3). Naphthalene was detected in sub-slab soil gas above the Commercial VISL along the sewer lateral (VP-3) and above the Residential VISL in the Washout Booth (VP-2). Based on the sub- slab soil gas sampling results, It appears there is a potential for vapor intrusion at this site. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusions Impacts to soil and groundwater exceeding EPA RSLs for both Residential and Industrial land use have been identified at the site. Soil impacts include bromodichloromethane and lead above the Residential RSL at 7 feet bgs, and TCE above the Residential and Industrial RSL at 7 feet bgs. Concentrations of hexavalent chromium exceeded the Industrial RSL in shallow soils and the Residential RSL at depths up to a minimum of 10 feet bgs. Dissolved hexavalent chromium and arsenic were reported above the RSL for Tapwater in groundwater, but below the MCL. TCE was reported to exceed the EPA MCL and UGWQS, as well as the Target Groundwater Commercial VISL. Both naphthalene and TCE were detected in sub-slab soil gas samples. Concentrations of TCE exceeded the Target Sub-Slab Target Soil Gas Commercial VISL in three locations within the building and the fourth exceeded the Residential VISL. The concentrations of naphthalene exceeded the Sub-Slab Target Soil Gas VISL in two of the samples. One exceeded the Commercial VISL and one exceeded the Residential VISL. The highest concentrations were from sample VP-3 located adjacent to a sewer lateral and collection point. The sewer lateral originates from a sump in the floor of the Plating Room. Use of small amounts of TCE (5 gallons or less) by Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 20 Schovaers has been documented. The origin of the naphthalene identified in two sub-slab soil gas samples is unknown but may be related to the undocumented subsurface fill throughout much of the site. Further investigation of naphthalene does not appear warranted at this time, as this compound has not been identified in groundwater and only two minor detections have been identified in soils. Addressing the sub-slab TCE soil gas will also address naphthalene in soil gas. 7.2 Extent of Impacts TCE was not reported in soil samples collected outside the building during the 2016 investigation from depths ranging between 9.5 to 14.5 feet bgs. TCE was reported in soil samples collected during this investigation inside the building from depths ranging between 3 to 10 feet bgs. The highest concentration of TCE reported in soil (45.2 mg/kg) and groundwater (0.0766 mg/L) was observed in boring SE-SB-21, adjacent to the sump located inside the building. Based on results from the 2016 investigation and this investigation, dissolved TCE concentrations in groundwater above the drinking water MCL are present beneath the western portion of the building and the western portion of the property outside the building footprint. As dissolved TCE was not reported along the up-gradient east-northeast property boundary in previous borings SE-SB-09, -12, -13, -14, -15, and the highest concentrations of TCE were observed inside the building, it appears that the subject property may be a likely source of TCE. Hexavalent chromium was reported in soils inside the building at concentrations exceeding the Residential RSLs, and outside the building exceeding both the Residential and Industrial RSLs, at various depths. The highest concentrations of hexavalent chromium observed in soils, exceeding the Industrial RSLs, were reported from the southwest side of the property. Hexavalent chromium was also present in soils on the south side of the property. The highest concentrations of dissolved hexavalent chromium were also reported on the west side of the property. Schovaers did not report the use of hexavalent chromium at the facility. Hexavalent chromium was reported in soils and in groundwater at the north-adjoining Crown Plating facility; however, the highest concentrations reported in soils and groundwater at the Schovaers property were not reported on the north side of the property. The concentrations of hexavalent chromium reported in soils and groundwater, and the calculated groundwater flow direction for both the Crown Plating facility and Schovaers, do not definitively support Crown Plating as the source. The source of hexavalent chromium on the Schovaers property is unknown. 7.3 Recommendations The 2015 Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Survey identified friable and non-friable asbestos- containing material and also identified several universal hazardous waste materials that would need to be properly disposed or recycled prior to demolition. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 21 Soils impacted above applicable screening levels may need to be removed and properly disposed during construction or managed as part of future redevelopment. Impacted groundwater may need to be managed during construction, and may need to be addressed through monitored natural attenuation or active remediation. Future development would need to address impacts in a manner that is consistent with the planned land use in the area. As the concentrations of TCE in groundwater and sub-slab soil gas exceeded both Residential and Industrial Target VISLs, the potential for vapor intrusion should be evaluated and mitigated. Planning for future redevelopment in the area must take into consideration the results of the investigations conducted at the site. In evaluating Brownfields re-use of the property, it may be appropriate to consider redevelopment-specific land use and contaminant exposures, including vapor intrusion mitigation. Evaluation might consider land use-specific and contaminant-specific risk assessments. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Schovaers Electronics 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID#199723 Terracon Project 61177082 August 13, 2018 (Revised November 1, 2018) (Final Version Issued January 9, 2019) Responsive Resourceful Reliable 22 8.0 REFERENCES Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) 2015 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Schovaers Electronics, 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,August 31, 2015. 2016 Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Survey, Schovaers Electronics, 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,January 18, 2016. 2016 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Schovaers Electronics, 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,February 2, 2016. 2018 Community Wide Quality Assurance Project Plan, Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96835701, Salt Lake County, Utah, Revision 2, May 24, 2018. 2018 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Schovaers Electronics, 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,February 14, 2018. 2018 Sampling and Analyses Plan, Salt Lake County Brownfields Assessment, EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 96835701, Hazardous Materials and Petroleum Grant for Salt Lake County, Schovaers Electronics, 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,May 1, 2018. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1270; Element Concentrations in Soils and Other Surficial Materials of the Conterminous United States 1984 APPENDIX A Exhibits J IN T E R I O R S A M P L I N G L O C A T I O N S Sc h o v a e r s E l e c t r o n i c s Sa l t L a k e C o u n t y B r o w n f i e l d s A s s e s s m e n t U. S . E P A C o o p e r a t i v e A g r e e m e n t N o . 9 6 8 3 5 7 0 1 - 0 Sa l t L a k e C o u n t y , U T 3 6/ 2 6 / 2 0 1 8 AR K 61 1 7 7 0 8 2 DM J AF BB B N. T . S . Pr o j e c t M a n a g e r : Dr a w n b y : Ch e c k e d b y : Ap p r o v e d b y : Pr o j e c t N o . Sc a l e : Fi l e N a m e : Da t e : Ex h i b i t Ex h i b i t 3 DI A G R A M I S F O R G E N E R A L L O C A T I O N ON L Y , A N D I S N O T I N T E N D E D F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N P U R P O S E S Of f i c e Pl a t e R o o m Dr i l l / R o u t e r SE W E R SE - S B - 1 9 SE - S B - 2 3 SE - S B - 1 8 SE - S B - 2 2 SE - S B - 2 4 SE - V P - 1 SE - V P - 2 Su m p SE - V P - 3 SE - V P - 4 Lo a d i n g D o c k Se w e r C o l l e c t i o n P o i n t SE - S B - 2 1 KE Y So i l B o r i n g - 2 0 1 8 Su b s l a b v a p o r sa m p l e - 2 0 1 8 Wa s h o u t B o o t h SE - S B - 2 0 APPENDIX B Soil Boring Logs APPENDIX C Data Summary Tables Method Analyte Units EPA RSL - Residential 1 EPA RSL - Industrial2 UDEQ ISL3 Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 61000 670000 ne <0.0153 J3 <0.0191 J3 <0.0178 J3 0.0169 J J3 <0.0175 J3 0.0417 J3 0.023 J J3 <0.0175 J3 <0.0162 J3 <0.0166 J3 <0.0156 J3 <0.0183 J3 0.0177 J J3 0.0211 J 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg 0.25 1.1 ne <0.00213 <0.00265 <0.00247 <0.00211 <0.00242 <0.00224 <0.00206 <0.00242 <0.00224 <0.00230 <0.00216 <0.00254 <0.00205 <0.00222 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 1.2 5.1 0.2 <0.000448 0.0178 <0.000521 <0.000445 <0.000511 0.0103 <0.000434 <0.000510 <0.000472 <0.000485 <0.000455 <0.000534 <0.000432 <0.000467 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg 290 1800 ne <0.00118 <0.00146 <0.00137 <0.00117 <0.00134 <0.00124 <0.00114 <0.00134 <0.00124 <0.00127 <0.00119 <0.00140 <0.00113 <0.00123 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 0.29 1.3 ne <0.000882 0.46 <0.00103 <0.000876 <0.00101 <0.000929 <0.000855 <0.00100 <0.000931 <0.000956 <0.000896 <0.00105 <0.000851 <0.000919 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg 19 86 ne <0.00669 <0.00837 <0.00779 <0.00665 <0.00764 <0.00705 <0.00649 <0.00762 <0.00706 <0.00725 <0.00680 <0.00798 <0.00646 <0.00698 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg 6.8 30 ne <0.00414 <0.00518 <0.00482 <0.00411 <0.00473 <0.00436 <0.00401 <0.00472 <0.00437 <0.00449 <0.00421 <0.00494 <0.00400 <0.00432 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 3900 58000 ne <0.00430 0.0067 J <0.00500 <0.00427 <0.00490 <0.00453 <0.00417 <0.00489 <0.00453 <0.00466 <0.00437 <0.00513 <0.00415 <0.00448 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 ne <0.00283 <0.00354 <0.00330 <0.00281 <0.00322 <0.00299 <0.00275 <0.00322 <0.00299 <0.00307 <0.00288 <0.00338 <0.00273 <0.00295 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 7800 120000 ne <0.00173 <0.00217 <0.00202 <0.00172 <0.00198 0.00191 J <0.00168 <0.00198 <0.00183 <0.00188 <0.00176 <0.00207 <0.00167 <0.00181 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg 0.65 2.9 ne <0.00121 <0.00152 <0.00141 <0.00120 <0.00137 <0.00127 <0.00117 <0.00138 <0.00128 <0.00131 <0.00123 <0.00144 <0.00117 <0.00126 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 280 1300 ne <0.000641 <0.000802 <0.000746 <0.000637 <0.000731 <0.000676 <0.000622 <0.000730 <0.000677 <0.000695 <0.000652 <0.000765 <0.000619 <0.000669 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 8.3 39 ne <0.000504 <0.000630 <0.000586 <0.000500 <0.000574 <0.000530 <0.000488 <0.000574 <0.000531 <0.000546 <0.000512 <0.000601 <0.000486 <0.000525 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg 14000 57000 ne <0.00121 <0.00152 <0.00141 <0.00120 <0.00137 <0.00127 <0.00117 <0.00138 <0.00128 <0.00131 <0.00123 <0.00144 <0.00117 <0.00126 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.32 1.4 ne <0.000464 0.0117 <0.000541 0.000929 J <0.000530 0.00185 J <0.000450 <0.000529 <0.000490 <0.000503 <0.000472 <0.000554 <0.000448 <0.000484 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg 110 460 ne <0.00156 <0.00195 <0.00181 <0.00155 <0.00177 <0.00163 <0.00151 <0.00177 <0.00164 <0.00169 <0.00158 <0.00186 <0.00150 <0.00162 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 ne <0.00103 <0.00129 <0.00120 <0.00102 <0.00117 <0.00108 <0.000998 <0.00117 <0.00109 <0.00112 <0.00105 <0.00123 <0.000994 <0.00107 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg 1600 23000 ne <0.00126 J4 <0.00158 J4 <0.00147 J4 <0.00126 J4 <0.00144 J4 <0.00133 J4 <0.00123 J4 <0.00144 J4 <0.00133 J4 <0.00137 J4 <0.00129 J4 <0.00151 J4 <0.00122 J4 <0.00132 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.0053 0.064 ne <0.00571 <0.00714 <0.00664 <0.00567 <0.00651 <0.00601 <0.00553 <0.00650 <0.00602 <0.00619 <0.00580 <0.00681 <0.00551 <0.00595 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg 0.036 0.16 ne <0.000588 <0.000735 <0.000684 <0.000584 <0.000671 <0.000619 <0.000570 <0.000669 <0.000620 <0.000637 <0.000597 <0.000701 <0.000567 <0.000613 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg 24 99 ne <0.00112 <0.00140 <0.00130 <0.00111 <0.00128 <0.00118 <0.00109 <0.00127 <0.00118 <0.00121 <0.00114 <0.00134 <0.00108 <0.00117 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 1800 9300 ne <0.00162 <0.00203 <0.00189 <0.00161 <0.00185 <0.00170 <0.00157 <0.00185 <0.00171 <0.00176 <0.00165 <0.00194 <0.00157 <0.00169 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg ne ne ne <0.00190 <0.00238 <0.00221 <0.00189 <0.00217 <0.00201 <0.00184 <0.00217 <0.00201 <0.00206 <0.00193 <0.00227 <0.00184 <0.00198 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 2.6 11 ne 0.00426 J 0.00402 J 0.00371 J 0.00361 J 0.00604 J 0.00416 J 0.003 J 0.00381 J <0.00233 0.00286 J 0.00278 J 0.00281 J 0.00421 J 0.00442 J 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 87 370 ne <0.000915 <0.00114 <0.00107 <0.000910 <0.00104 <0.000964 <0.000888 <0.00104 <0.000966 <0.000992 <0.000931 <0.00109 <0.000884 <0.000954 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 3.6 16 ne <0.000643 <0.000804 <0.000749 <0.000639 <0.000733 <0.000678 <0.000624 <0.000733 <0.000679 <0.000697 <0.000654 <0.000768 <0.000621 <0.000671 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.46 2 ne <0.000532 0.00105 J <0.000619 <0.000528 0.00115 J <0.000560 <0.000515 <0.000605 <0.000561 <0.000576 <0.000540 <0.000634 <0.000513 <0.000554 J4 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 230 1000 ne <0.000560 <0.000700 <0.000651 <0.000556 <0.000638 <0.000589 <0.000543 <0.000637 <0.000590 <0.000606 <0.000569 <0.000668 <0.000540 <0.000583 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 160 2300 ne <0.000772 <0.000965 <0.000899 <0.000767 <0.000881 <0.000813 <0.000749 <0.000879 <0.000815 <0.000837 <0.000785 <0.000921 <0.000746 <0.000805 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1600 23000 ne <0.00160 <0.00200 <0.00186 <0.00159 <0.00183 <0.00168 <0.00155 <0.00182 <0.00169 <0.00173 <0.00163 <0.00191 <0.00155 <0.00167 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 2.5 11 ne <0.00142 2.11 * <0.00165 0.0574 <0.00162 0.0699 <0.00138 <0.00162 <0.00150 <0.00154 <0.00144 <0.00170 <0.00137 <0.00148 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg ne ne ne <0.000783 <0.000979 <0.000912 <0.000779 <0.000894 <0.000825 <0.000760 <0.000892 <0.000827 <0.000849 <0.000796 <0.000935 <0.000756 <0.000817 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 1600 23000 ne <0.00196 <0.00245 <0.00228 <0.00195 <0.00223 <0.00207 <0.00190 <0.00223 <0.00207 <0.00212 <0.00199 <0.00234 <0.00189 <0.00204 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg ne ne ne <0.000759 <0.000948 <0.000883 <0.000754 <0.000865 <0.000799 <0.000736 <0.000864 <0.000801 <0.000822 <0.000771 <0.000905 <0.000733 <0.000791 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg ne ne ne <0.00171 <0.00214 <0.00199 <0.00170 <0.00195 <0.00180 <0.00166 <0.00195 <0.00181 <0.00186 <0.00174 <0.00204 <0.00165 <0.00179 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg ne ne ne <0.000887 <0.00111 <0.00103 <0.000882 <0.00101 <0.000935 <0.000860 <0.00101 <0.000936 <0.000962 <0.000902 <0.00106 <0.000857 <0.000925 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg 2200 9400 ne <0.000392 <0.000489 <0.000456 <0.000389 <0.000447 <0.000413 <0.000380 <0.000446 <0.000413 <0.000425 <0.000398 <0.000467 <0.000378 <0.000408 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 5.8 25 5 <0.000593 0.0238 <0.000690 <0.000589 <0.000676 0.0135 <0.000575 <0.000676 <0.000626 <0.000643 <0.000603 <0.000708 <0.000573 <0.000618 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg 1.2 5.3 ne <0.0142 <0.0178 <0.0165 <0.0141 <0.0162 <0.0149 <0.0138 <0.0162 <0.0150 <0.0154 <0.0144 <0.0170 <0.0137 <0.0148 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 1900 9900 ne <0.000966 0.00856 <0.00112 <0.000960 <0.00110 0.00401 <0.000936 <0.00110 <0.00102 <0.00105 <0.000982 <0.00115 <0.000932 <0.00101 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg ne ne ne <0.00261 0.0173 <0.00303 <0.00259 <0.00297 0.00895 <0.00253 <0.00297 <0.00275 <0.00283 <0.00265 <0.00311 <0.00252 <0.00272 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK) mg/kg 27000 190000 ne <0.0140 <0.0175 <0.0163 <0.0139 <0.0160 <0.0147 <0.0136 <0.0159 <0.0148 <0.0152 <0.0142 <0.0167 <0.0135 <0.0146 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg 57 1000 ne <0.00743 <0.00928 <0.00865 <0.00738 <0.00848 <0.00783 <0.00720 <0.00846 <0.00784 <0.00805 <0.00755 <0.00887 <0.00717 <0.00775 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) mg/kg 33000 140000 ne <0.0112 <0.0140 <0.0130 <0.0111 <0.0128 <0.0118 <0.0109 <0.0127 <0.0118 <0.0121 <0.0114 <0.0134 <0.0108 <0.0117 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg 47 210 0.3 <0.000330 <0.000413 <0.000384 <0.000328 <0.000376 <0.000348 <0.000320 <0.000376 <0.000348 <0.000358 <0.000336 <0.000394 <0.000319 <0.000344 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 3.8 17 51 <0.00349 0.11 <0.00406 0.00948 J <0.00398 0.042 <0.00339 <0.00398 <0.00368 <0.00378 <0.00355 <0.00417 <0.00337 <0.00364 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 3800 24000 ne <0.00132 0.0106 <0.00154 <0.00131 <0.00150 0.00734 <0.00128 <0.00150 <0.00139 <0.00143 <0.00134 <0.00158 <0.00128 <0.00138 8260B STYRENE mg/kg 6000 35000 ne <0.00306 <0.00382 <0.00356 <0.00304 <0.00348 <0.00322 <0.00296 <0.00348 <0.00322 <0.00331 <0.00311 <0.00365 <0.00295 <0.00319 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 2 8.8 ne <0.000560 <0.000700 <0.000651 <0.000556 <0.000638 <0.000589 <0.000543 <0.000637 <0.000590 <0.000606 <0.000569 <0.000668 <0.000540 <0.000583 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg 0.6 2.7 ne <0.000436 <0.000545 <0.000508 <0.000434 <0.000498 <0.000460 <0.000423 <0.000497 <0.000461 <0.000473 <0.000444 <0.000521 <0.000421 <0.000455 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg 6700 28000 ne <0.000755 <0.000944 <0.000879 <0.000751 <0.000861 <0.000796 <0.000732 <0.000860 <0.000797 <0.000819 <0.000768 <0.000901 <0.000729 <0.000788 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg 24 100 ne <0.000783 0.00908 <0.000912 <0.000779 <0.000894 <0.000825 <0.000760 <0.000892 <0.000827 <0.000849 <0.000796 <0.000935 <0.000756 <0.000817 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 4900 47000 9 0.00311 J 0.112 <0.00163 0.0172 0.00748 0.0848 0.00273 J 0.00388 J 0.00444 J 0.00329 J 0.00315 J 0.0028 J 0.00325 J <0.00146 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 63 930 ne <0.000699 <0.000875 <0.000814 <0.000695 <0.000798 <0.000736 <0.000678 <0.000797 <0.000738 <0.000758 <0.000711 <0.000835 <0.000675 <0.000729 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 24 110 ne <0.00539 <0.00675 <0.00628 <0.00536 <0.00616 <0.00568 <0.00523 <0.00614 <0.00569 <0.00585 <0.00548 <0.00644 <0.00521 <0.00562 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 8100 36000 ne <0.000308 0.00692 <0.000358 <0.000306 <0.000350 <0.000324 <0.000298 <0.000351 <0.000325 <0.000334 <0.000313 <0.000367 <0.000297 <0.000321 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg 1.1 5 ne <0.000988 <0.00124 <0.00115 <0.000982 <0.00113 <0.00104 <0.000958 <0.00113 <0.00104 <0.00107 <0.00100 <0.00118 <0.000954 <0.00103 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 0.94 6 ne 0.0114 45.2 0.0214 0.986 * 0.00915 1.54 * 0.0196 0.0143 0.000714 J 0.00142 0.00783 <0.000534 0.0135 <0.000467 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg 23000 350000 ne <0.000560 <0.000700 <0.000651 <0.000556 <0.000638 <0.000589 <0.000543 <0.000637 <0.000590 <0.000606 <0.000569 <0.000668 <0.000540 <0.000583 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.0051 0.11 ne <0.00571 <0.00714 <0.00664 <0.00567 <0.00651 <0.00601 <0.00553 <0.00650 <0.00602 <0.00619 <0.00580 <0.00681 <0.00551 <0.00595 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 300 1800 ne <0.00130 0.108 0.00179 J 0.0102 0.00403 J 0.0577 0.00159 J 0.00192 J <0.00137 <0.00141 0.00234 J <0.00155 0.00196 J <0.00135 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 340 2000 ne <0.00129 0.0534 <0.00150 0.00425 J 0.00161 J 0.0262 <0.00125 <0.00147 <0.00136 <0.00139 <0.00131 <0.00154 <0.00124 <0.00134 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 270 1500 ne <0.00121 0.0324 <0.00141 0.00309 J <0.00137 0.0196 <0.00117 <0.00138 <0.00128 <0.00131 <0.00123 <0.00144 <0.00117 <0.00126 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg 0.059 1.7 ne <0.000764 <0.000956 <0.000890 <0.000760 <0.000872 <0.000805 <0.000741 <0.000871 <0.000807 <0.000828 <0.000777 <0.000912 <0.000738 <0.000797 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 580 2500 142 <0.00535 0.309 <0.00623 0.0301 0.00856 0.212 <0.00519 <0.00609 <0.00564 <0.00580 <0.00544 <0.00638 <0.00516 <0.00558 * - 1,2-dichloropropane or trichloroethylene was reported at a concentration close to its regulatory screening levels in this sample. As these constituents were outside of their control limits for Precision in the field duplicate pair, their analytical results are considered qualified and may not be acceptable for comparison to the screening levels. 1 - Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for Residential soil (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 2 - Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for Industrial soils (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 3 - Utah Department of Environmental Quality Initial Screening Level for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil.bromodi Shaded value reported above laboratory reporting limit.Italized values exceed Screening Level. ne - not established. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram. Qualifiers - J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. 05/17/2018 05/17/201805/17/2018 05/17/2018 Table C1 - VOCs in Soil Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 SE-SB-19 (8) 05/17/2018 SE-SB-23 (3) SE-SB-23 (10) SE-SB-18 (3) SE-SB-18 (8)SE-SB-20 (3) SE-SB-20 (11) SE-SB-19 (4)Client Sample ID SE-SB-21 (3) SE-SB-24 (7) 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 L995461-05 L995461-07 L995461-08 Date Collected 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 Lab Sample ID L995461-01 L995461-02 L995461-04 SE-SB-21 (7) SE-SB-22 (3) SE-SB-22 (7) SE-SB-24 (3) L995461-13L995461-12 L995461-16 L995461-18 L995461-19L995461-09 L995461-10 L995461-15 Method Analyte Units EPA RSL - Residential 1 EPA RSL - Industrial2 Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier 3060A/7196A CHROMIUM,HEXAVALENT mg/kg 0.3 6.3 <0.716 <0.837 <0.834 <0.712 <0.692 <0.747 J3 J6 O1 <0.694 0.918 J <0.756 <0.776 1.5 J 0.855 J <0.692 <0.747 <0.702 1.16 J 0.844 J <0.779 6010B ANTIMONY mg/kg 31 470 <0.839 J6 <0.981 <0.977 <0.834 <0.811 <0.875 <0.814 <0.956 <0.886 <0.910 <0.853 <1.00 <0.810 <0.875 6010B ARSENIC mg/kg 0.68 3 5.74 52.9 8.78 6.05 3.46 20.8 3.63 21.4 11.9 9.83 17.5 5.62 6.25 1.6 J 6010B BERYLLIUM mg/kg 160 2300 0.622 0.78 1.38 0.612 0.353 0.666 0.351 1.24 0.457 0.524 0.544 1.04 0.335 0.135 J 6010B CADMIUM mg/kg 71 980 1.27 2.53 0.331 J 0.819 0.43 J 1.11 0.378 J 1.05 0.278 J 0.44 J 2.16 0.597 J 0.303 J 0.294 J 6010B CHROMIUM mg/kg 120000 1800000 15 19.3 31.1 16.3 14 15.1 20.3 28.2 14.2 15.4 17.7 23.4 11.6 6.72 6010B COPPER mg/kg 3100 47000 13.7 101 66.5 25.6 11.5 112 9.94 64.3 13.9 34.6 49 55.5 10.3 10.8 6010B LEAD mg/kg 400 800 51.8 508 51.5 143 36.5 295 30.6 62.8 11.6 19.2 299 29.7 12.4 7.31 6010B NICKEL mg/kg 1500 22000 17.1 10.6 25.4 11 9.15 9.93 8.44 39.4 11.2 12.9 10.1 21.9 8.82 5.03 6010B SELENIUM mg/kg 390 5800 1.75 J 1.16 J <0.964 <0.823 <0.800 1.06 J <0.803 1.87 J <0.874 2.53 <0.842 <0.988 1.07 J 0.944 J 6010B SILVER mg/kg 390 5800 <0.313 0.439 J <0.365 <0.311 <0.303 0.778 J <0.304 <0.357 <0.331 <0.340 <0.319 <0.374 <0.303 <0.327 6010B THALLIUM mg/kg 0.78 12 <0.727 <0.850 <0.847 <0.723 <0.703 <0.759 <0.705 <0.828 <0.768 <0.788 <0.739 <0.868 <0.702 <0.758 6010B ZINC mg/kg 23000 350000 94 J6 280 126 99.5 52.4 135 41.1 111 31.4 49.1 210 92 33.9 18.5 7471A MERCURY mg/kg 11 46 0.0836 1.42 0.0769 0.674 0.0278 0.991 0.0509 0.026 0.0155 J 0.0122 J 0.26 0.0163 J 0.0189 J 0.00652 J 9045D pH su ne ne 8.43 T8 7.64 T8 8.69 T8 10.7 T8 7.98 T8 7.61 T8 8.63 T8 8.18 T8 8.71 T8 8.37 T8 8.01 T8 8.19 T8 8.48 T8 8.31 T8 1 - Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for Residential soil (June 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 2 - Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for Industrial soils (June 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). Shaded value reported above laboratory reporting limit.Italized values indicate reporting limit above Screening Level. ne - not established. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram. su - standard unit. Terracon Project No. 61177082 Qualifiers: J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J6: The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. O1: The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. P1: RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. T8: Sample(s) received past/too close to holding time expiration. 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/201805/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 SE-SB-17 (5)SE-SB-18 (3) SE-SB-18 (8) SE-SB-16 (2.5) SE-SB-16 (5) Date Collected 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 SE-SB-19 (8)SE-SB-24 (7) SE-SB-23 (3) SE-SB-23 (10) SE-SB-20 (3) SE-SB-20 (11) SE-SB-19 (4) 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 L995461-24L995461-18 L995461-19 L995461-21 L995461-22 Client Sample ID SE-SB-21 (3) SE-SB-21 (7) SE-SB-22 (3) SE-SB-22 (7) SE-SB-24 (3) SE-SB-17 (2.5) L995461-16 L995461-23L995461-08 L995461-09 L995461-10 L995461-12 L995461-13 L995461-15 Table C2 - Metals in Soil Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Lab Sample ID L995461-01 L995461-02 L995461-04 L995461-05 L995461-07 Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Tapwater1 EPA MCL2 EPA VISL Residential Target Ground Water3 EPA VISL Commercial Target Ground Water4 UGWQPS5 UDEQ ISL6 Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier 8260B ACETONE mg/l 14 ne 22500 94500 ne ne <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 8260B ACROLEIN mg/l 0.000042 ne 0.00418 0.0176 ne ne <0.00887 <0.00887 <0.00887 <0.00887 <0.00887 <0.00887 <0.00887 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/l 0.000052 ne 0.00732 0.032 ne ne <0.00187 <0.00187 <0.00187 <0.00187 <0.00187 <0.00187 <0.00187 8260B BENZENE mg/l 0.00046 0.005 0.00159 0.00693 0.005 0.005 <0.000331 <0.000331 <0.000331 <0.000331 <0.000331 <0.000331 <0.000331 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/l 0.062 ne 0.62 2.6 ne ne <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/l 0.00013 0.08 0.000876 0.00382 ne ne <0.000380 <0.000380 <0.000380 <0.000380 <0.000380 <0.000380 <0.000380 8260B BROMOFORM mg/l 0.0033 0.08 0.117 0.51 ne ne <0.000469 <0.000469 <0.000469 <0.000469 <0.000469 <0.000469 <0.000469 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.0075 ne 0.0174 0.073 ne ne <0.000866 <0.000866 <0.000866 <0.000866 <0.000866 <0.000866 <0.000866 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l 1 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l 2 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000365 <0.000365 <0.000365 <0.000365 <0.000365 <0.000365 <0.000365 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l 0.69 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000399 <0.000399 <0.000399 <0.000399 <0.000399 <0.000399 <0.000399 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/l 0.00046 0.005 0.000415 0.00181 0.005 ne <0.000379 <0.000379 <0.000379 <0.000379 <0.000379 <0.000379 <0.000379 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.078 0.1 0.41 1.72 0.1 ne <0.000348 <0.000348 <0.000348 <0.000348 <0.000348 <0.000348 <0.000348 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.00087 0.08 ne ne ne ne <0.000327 <0.000327 <0.000327 <0.000327 <0.000327 <0.000327 <0.000327 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/l 21 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000453 <0.000453 <0.000453 <0.000453 <0.000453 <0.000453 <0.000453 8260B 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER mg/l ne ne ne ne ne <0.00301 <0.00301 <0.00301 <0.00301 <0.00301 <0.00301 <0.00301 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/l 0.00022 0.08 0.000814 0.00355 ne ne <0.000324 <0.000324 <0.000324 <0.000324 <0.000324 <0.000324 <0.000324 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/l 0.19 ne 0.26 1.09 ne ne <0.000276 <0.000276 <0.000276 <0.000276 <0.000276 <0.000276 <0.000276 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l 0.24 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000375 <0.000375 <0.000375 <0.000375 <0.000375 <0.000375 <0.000375 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l 0.25 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000351 <0.000351 <0.000351 <0.000351 <0.000351 <0.000351 <0.000351 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.00000033 0.0002 0.0000281 0.00034 0.0002 ne <0.00133 <0.00133 <0.00133 <0.00133 <0.00133 <0.00133 <0.00133 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/l 0.0000075 0.00005 0.000176 0.000769 0.00005 ne <0.000381 <0.000381 <0.000381 <0.000381 <0.000381 <0.000381 <0.000381 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/l 0.0083 ne 0.124 0.521 ne ne <0.000346 <0.000346 <0.000346 <0.000346 <0.000346 <0.000346 <0.000346 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.3 0.6 2.66 11.2 0.6 ne <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l ne ne ne ne ne ne <0.000220 <0.000220 <0.000220 <0.000220 <0.000220 <0.000220 <0.000220 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.00048 0.075 0.00259 0.0113 0.075 ne <0.000274 <0.000274 <0.000274 <0.000274 <0.000274 <0.000274 <0.000274 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/l 0.2 ne 0.00744 0.0312 ne ne <0.000551 <0.000551 <0.000551 <0.000551 <0.000551 <0.000551 <0.000551 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.0028 ne 0.00764 0.0334 ne ne <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.00017 0.005 0.00224 0.00978 0.005 ne <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 <0.000361 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.28 0.007 0.195 0.821 0.007 ne <0.000398 <0.000398 <0.000398 <0.000398 <0.000398 <0.000398 <0.000398 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.036 0.07 ne ne 0.07 ne <0.000260 <0.000260 <0.000260 <0.000260 <0.000260 <0.000260 <0.000260 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.36 0.1 ne ne 0.1 ne <0.000396 <0.000396 <0.000396 <0.000396 <0.000396 <0.000396 <0.000396 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.00085 0.005 0.00658 0.0287 0.005 ne <0.000306 <0.000306 <0.000306 <0.000306 <0.000306 <0.000306 <0.000306 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l ne ne ne ne ne ne <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 <0.000352 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.37 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000366 <0.000366 <0.000366 <0.000366 <0.000366 <0.000366 <0.000366 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l ne ne ne ne ne ne <0.000418 <0.000418 <0.000418 <0.000418 <0.000418 <0.000418 <0.000418 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l ne ne ne ne ne ne <0.000419 <0.000419 <0.000419 <0.000419 <0.000419 <0.000419 <0.000419 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l ne ne ne ne ne ne <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/l 1.5 ne 6.97 29.3 ne ne <0.000320 <0.000320 <0.000320 <0.000320 <0.000320 <0.000320 <0.000320 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.0015 0.7 0.00349 0.0152 0.7 0.7 <0.000384 <0.000384 <0.000384 <0.000384 <0.000384 <0.000384 <0.000384 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/l 0.00014 ne 0.000303 0.00132 ne ne <0.000256 <0.000256 <0.000256 <0.000256 <0.000256 <0.000256 <0.000256 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/l 0.45 ne 0.887 3.73 ne ne <0.000326 <0.000326 <0.000326 <0.000326 <0.000326 <0.000326 <0.000326 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/l ne ne ne ne ne ne <0.000350 <0.000350 <0.000350 <0.000350 <0.000350 <0.000350 <0.000350 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK) mg/l 5.6 ne 2240 9410 ne ne <0.00393 <0.00393 <0.00393 <0.00393 <0.00393 <0.00393 <0.00393 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/l 0.011 0.005 0.763 9.23 0.005 ne <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 <0.00100 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) mg/l 6.3 ne 555 2330 ne ne <0.00214 <0.00214 <0.00214 <0.00214 <0.00214 <0.00214 <0.00214 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/l 0.014 ne 0.45 1.97 ne 0.2 <0.000367 <0.000367 <0.000367 <0.000367 <0.000367 <0.000367 <0.000367 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/l 0.00017 ne 0.00459 0.0201 ne 0.7 <0.00100 J3 <0.00100 J3 <0.00100 J3 <0.00100 J3 <0.00100 J3 <0.00100 J3 <0.00100 J3 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/l 0.66 ne 2.43 10.2 ne ne <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 <0.000349 8260B STYRENE mg/l 1.2 0.1 9.28 39 0.1 ne <0.000307 <0.000307 <0.000307 <0.000307 <0.000307 <0.000307 <0.000307 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.00057 ne 0.00371 0.0162 ne ne <0.000385 <0.000385 <0.000385 <0.000385 <0.000385 <0.000385 <0.000385 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.000076 ne 0.00323 0.0141 ne ne <0.000130 <0.000130 <0.000130 <0.000130 <0.000130 <0.000130 <0.000130 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/l 10 ne 0.242 1.02 ne ne <0.000303 <0.000303 <0.000303 <0.000303 <0.000303 <0.000303 <0.000303 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.011 0.005 0.0149 0.0652 0.005 ne <0.000372 <0.000372 <0.000372 <0.000372 <0.000372 <0.000372 <0.000372 8260B TOLUENE mg/l 1.1 1 19.2 80.7 1 1 <0.000412 <0.000412 <0.000412 <0.000412 <0.000412 <0.000412 <0.000412 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.007 ne ne ne ne ne <0.000230 J3 <0.000230 J3 <0.000230 J3 <0.000230 J3 <0.000230 J3 <0.000230 J3 <0.000230 J3 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l 0.0012 0.07 0.0359 0.151 0.07 ne <0.000355 <0.000355 <0.000355 <0.000355 <0.000355 <0.000355 <0.000355 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 8 0.2 7.42 31.1 0.2 ne <0.000319 <0.000319 <0.000319 <0.000319 <0.000319 <0.000319 <0.000319 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l 0.00028 0.005 0.00521 0.0228 0.005 ne <0.000383 <0.000383 <0.000383 <0.000383 <0.000383 <0.000383 <0.000383 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.00049 0.005 0.00119 0.00743 0.005 ne 0.0766 0.00888 0.0107 0.000834 J <0.000398 0.00251 0.0195 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/l 5.2 ne ne ne ne ne <0.00120 <0.00120 <0.00120 <0.00120 <0.00120 <0.00120 <0.00120 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/l 0.00000075 ne 0.0223 0.0937 ne ne <0.000807 <0.000807 <0.000807 <0.000807 <0.000807 <0.000807 <0.000807 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.056 ne 0.248 1.04 ne ne <0.000373 <0.000373 <0.000373 <0.000373 <0.000373 <0.000373 <0.000373 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.055 ne 0.351 1.47 ne ne <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 <0.000321 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l 0.06 ne 0.175 0.733 ne ne <0.000387 <0.000387 <0.000387 <0.000387 <0.000387 <0.000387 <0.000387 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/l 0.000019 0.002 0.000147 0.00245 0.002 ne <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 <0.000259 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/l 0.19 10 0.385 1.62 10 10 <0.00106 <0.00106 <0.00106 <0.00106 <0.00106 <0.00106 <0.00106 1 - Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for Tapwater (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 2 - Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 3 - Environmental Protection Agency Residential Target Groundwater Concentration (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 4 -Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Target Groundwater Concentration (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 5 - Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Standards. 6 - Utah Department of Environmental Quality Initial Screening Level for groundwater. Shaded value reported above laboratory reporting limit. ne - not established. mg/l - milligrams per liter. L995461-20 SE-SB-21 SE-SB-22 SE-SB-23 SE-SB-20 L995461-25Lab Sample ID L995461-03 L995461-06 L995461-11 L995461-14 Qualifiers: J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. Date Collected 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Table C3 - VOCs in Groundwater ACRES ID #199723 SE-SB-19 SE-SB-18 L995461-17 SE-SB-17 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Client Sample ID Method Analyte Units EPA RSL Tapwater 1 EPA MCL2 UGWQPS3 Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier 6010B BERYLLIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.025 0.004 0.004 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 6010B CADMIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.0092 0.005 0.005 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 <0.000700 6010B CHROMIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l ne 0.1 0.1 <0.00140 <0.00140 <0.00140 0.00164 J <0.00140 <0.00140 <0.00140 6010B COPPER,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.8 1.3 1.3 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 6010B NICKEL,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.39 ne ne <0.00490 <0.00490 0.00531 J <0.00490 0.0059 J <0.00490 0.00707 J 6010B SELENIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.1 0.05 0.05 <0.00740 <0.00740 <0.00740 <0.00740 <0.00740 <0.00740 <0.00740 6010B SILVER,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.094 ne 0.1 <0.00280 <0.00280 <0.00280 <0.00280 <0.00280 <0.00280 <0.00280 6010B ZINC,DISSOLVED mg/l 6 ne 5 0.0155 J 0.0193 J 0.0225 J 0.00948 J 0.0219 J 0.0167 J 0.0203 J 6020 ANTIMONY,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.0078 0.006 0.006 <0.000754 0.000851 J <0.000754 <0.000754 <0.000754 <0.000754 <0.000754 6020 ARSENIC,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.000052 0.01 0.05 0.000637 J 0.00111 J 0.000613 J 0.000283 J <0.000250 0.00376 0.00114 J 6020 LEAD,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.015 0.015 0.015 <0.000240 <0.000240 <0.000240 <0.000240 0.000388 J <0.000240 0.000256 J 6020 THALLIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.0002 0.002 0.002 <0.000190 <0.000190 <0.000190 <0.000190 <0.000190 <0.000190 <0.000190 7199 HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM-LOW LEVEL mg/l 0.000035 0.14 ne 0.0000857 0.000217 0.0000572 J J6 0.000096 0.000116 <0.0000200 0.0000234 J 7470A MERCURY,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.00063 0.002 0.002 <0.0000490 <0.0000490 <0.0000490 <0.0000490 <0.0000490 <0.0000490 <0.0000490 na pH - field measured su ne ne ne 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 - Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for Tapwater (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 2 - Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 3 - Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Standards. 4 - The MCL for hexavalent chromium is based on the dissolved total chromium MCL, which assumes all of the chromium is hexavalent. Shaded value reported above laboratory reporting limit. ne - not established. mg/l - milligrams per liter. su - standard unit. SE-SB-22 SE-SB-23 SE-SB-20 L995461-25 SE-SB-17 ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Lab Sample ID L995461-03 L995461-06 L995461-11 L995461-14 Qualifiers - J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J5: The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. J6: The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. Date Collected 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 05/17/201805/17/2018 05/17/2018 Table C4 - Dissolved Metals in Groundwater Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah SE-SB-19 SE-SB-18 L995461-17 L995461-20 Client Sample ID SE-SB-21 Method Analyte Units EPA VISL - Residential1 EPA VISL - Industrial2 Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Result Qualifier TO-15 ACETONE ug/m3 1070000 4510000 233 35.7 312 E 24.3 TO-15 ALLYL CHLORIDE ug/m3 15.6 68.1 <1.25 <1.25 <1.25 <1.25 TO-15 BENZENE ug/m3 12 52.4 <1.28 <1.28 <1.28 <1.28 TO-15 BENZYL CHLORIDE ug/m3 1.91 8.34 <2.08 <2.08 <2.08 <2.08 TO-15 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/m3 2.53 11 <2.68 <2.68 <2.68 <2.68 TO-15 BROMOFORM ug/m3 85.1 372 <12.4 <12.4 <12.4 <12.4 TO-15 BROMOMETHANE ug/m3 174 730 <1.55 <1.55 <1.55 <1.55 TO-15 1,3-BUTADIENE ug/m3 3.12 13.6 <8.85 <8.85 <8.85 <8.85 TO-15 CARBON DISULFIDE ug/m3 24300 102000 <1.24 <1.24 <1.24 <1.24 TO-15 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/m3 15.6 68.1 <2.52 <2.52 <2.52 <2.52 TO-15 CHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 1740 7300 <1.85 <1.85 <1.85 <1.85 TO-15 CHLOROETHANE ug/m3 348000 1460000 <1.06 <1.06 <1.06 <1.06 TO-15 CHLOROFORM ug/m3 4.07 17.8 <1.95 <1.95 <1.95 <1.95 TO-15 CHLOROMETHANE ug/m3 3130 13100 <0.826 <0.826 <0.826 <0.826 TO-15 2-CHLOROTOLUENE ug/m3 ne ne <2.06 <2.06 <2.06 <2.06 TO-15 CYCLOHEXANE ug/m3 209000 876000 <1.38 <1.38 <1.38 <1.38 TO-15 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE ug/m3 ne ne <3.40 <3.40 <3.40 <3.40 TO-15 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE ug/m3 0.156 0.681 <3.08 <3.08 <3.08 <3.08 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 6950 29200 <2.40 <2.40 <2.40 <2.40 TO-15 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 ne ne <2.40 <2.40 <2.40 <2.40 TO-15 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 8.51 37.2 <2.40 <2.40 <2.40 <2.40 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 3.6 15.7 <1.62 <1.62 <1.62 <1.62 TO-15 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 58.5 256 <1.60 <1.60 <1.60 <1.60 TO-15 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 6950 29200 <1.59 <1.59 <1.59 <1.59 TO-15 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 ne ne <1.59 <1.59 <1.59 <1.59 TO-15 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 ne ne <1.59 <1.59 <1.59 <1.59 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/m3 25.3 110 <1.85 <1.85 <1.85 <1.85 TO-15 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/m3 ne ne <1.82 <1.82 <1.82 <1.82 TO-15 TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/m3 ne ne <1.82 <1.82 <1.82 <1.82 TO-15 1,4-DIOXANE ug/m3 18.7 81.8 6.34 <1.44 <1.44 <1.44 TO-15 ETHANOL ug/m3 ne ne 52.9 38.4 138 40 TO-15 ETHYLBENZENE ug/m3 37.4 164 11 <1.73 1.9 <1.73 TO-15 4-ETHYLTOLUENE ug/m3 ne ne 14.6 4.44 4.97 3.86 TO-15 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/m3 ne ne <2.25 <2.25 <2.25 <2.25 TO-15 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/m3 ne ne <1.98 1.98 <1.98 2 TO-15 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE ug/m3 ne ne <3.07 <3.07 <3.07 <3.07 TO-15 1,2-DICHLOROTETRAFLUOROETHANE ug/m3 ne ne <2.80 <2.80 <2.80 <2.80 TO-15 HEPTANE ug/m3 13900 58400 1.79 <1.64 1.99 1.71 TO-15 HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE ug/m3 4.25 18.6 <13.5 <13.5 <13.5 <13.5 TO-15 N-HEXANE ug/m3 24300 102000 <1.41 <1.41 <1.41 <1.41 TO-15 ISOPROPYLBENZENE ug/m3 13900 58400 14.5 <1.97 <1.97 <1.97 TO-15 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/m3 3380 40900 7.01 2.94 1.98 2.04 TO-15 METHYL BUTYL KETONE ug/m3 1040 4380 11.2 <10.2 <10.2 <10.2 TO-15 2-BUTANONE (MEK)ug/m3 174000 730000 5190 20.8 43.4 <7.37 TO-15 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)ug/m3 104000 438000 137 <10.2 <10.2 <10.2 TO-15 METHYL METHACRYLATE ug/m3 24300 102000 <1.64 <1.64 <1.64 <1.64 TO-15 METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER ug/m3 360 1570 <1.44 <1.44 <1.44 <1.44 TO-15 NAPHTHALENE ug/m3 2.75 12 24.4 <6.60 <6.60 7.24 TO-15 2-PROPANOL ug/m3 6950 29200 49.3 36.5 205 55.4 TO-15 PROPENE ug/m3 104000 438000 3.28 <1.38 <1.38 <1.38 TO-15 STYRENE ug/m3 34800 146000 <1.70 <1.70 <1.70 <1.70 TO-15 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/m3 1.61 7.05 <2.75 <2.75 <2.75 <2.75 TO-15 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/m3 360 1570 <2.72 <2.72 <2.72 <2.72 TO-15 TETRAHYDROFURAN ug/m3 69500 292000 11.7 5.82 5.51 4.04 TO-15 TOLUENE ug/m3 174000 730000 15 2.73 2.71 2.07 TO-15 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE ug/m3 69.5 292 <9.33 <9.33 <9.33 <9.33 TO-15 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 174000 730000 <2.18 3.55 6.59 <2.18 TO-15 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/m3 5.85 25.6 <2.18 <2.18 <2.18 <2.18 TO-15 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/m3 15.9 99.7 3050 1070 498 17.1 TO-15 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE ug/m3 2090 8760 59.6 6.62 6.83 5.43 TO-15 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE ug/m3 2090 8760 21.4 2.35 2.57 <1.96 TO-15 2,2,4-TRIMETHYLPENTANE ug/m3 ne ne <1.87 <1.87 <1.87 <1.87 TO-15 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/m3 5.59 92.9 <1.02 <1.02 <1.02 <1.02 TO-15 VINYL BROMIDE ug/m3 2.92 12.8 <1.75 <1.75 <1.75 <1.75 TO-15 VINYL ACETATE ug/m3 6950 29200 <1.41 <1.41 <1.41 <1.41 TO-15 M&P-XYLENE ug/m3 3480 14600 96.3 7.68 8.83 6.84 TO-15 O-XYLENE ug/m3 3480 14600 27.9 2.9 3.3 2.58 TO-15 1,1-DIFLUOROETHANE ug/m3 1390000 5840000 2.44 2.12 <1.08 <1.08 1 - Environmental Protection Agency Residential Vapor Instrusion Screening Level (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). 2 - Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Vapor Instrusion Screening Level (May 2018; Target Hazard Quotient=1). Shaded value exceeds laboratory reporting limit. ug/m3 - micrograms per meter cubed. ne - not established Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Date Collected Lab Sample ID 05/18/2018 L995391-02 05/18/2018 Qualifiers - E: The analyte concentration exceeds the upper limit of the calibration range of the instrument established by the initial calibration (ICAL). Client Sample ID SE-VP-3 SE-VP-4 SE-VP-1 SE-VP-2 L995391-04 Table C5 - Sub-slab Vapor Sample Results ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 05/18/2018 L995391-01 05/18/2018 L995391-03 Table C6 - VOCs in Soil Duplicate Pair Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Method Analyte Units Result Q1 RDL2 Result Q1 RDL2 8260B ACETONE mg/kg 0.0417 J3 0.0295 <0.0382 J4 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B BENZENE mg/kg 0.0103 0.00118 0.0694 0.00153 148% 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B BROMOFORM mg/kg <0.0295 0.0295 <0.0382 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.00191 J 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/kg 0.00185 J 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/kg <0.00589 J4 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/kg <0.0295 0.0295 <0.0382 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg 0.00416 J 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg 0.0699 * 0.00589 <0.00764 * 0.00764 >2xRDL 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/kg <0.00589 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/kg <0.00118 0.00118 <0.00153 0.00153 <2xRDL 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.0135 0.00295 0.0823 0.00382 >2xRDL 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/kg <0.0295 0.0295 <0.0382 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.00401 0.00295 0.018 0.00382 >2xRDL 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/kg 0.00895 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK) mg/kg <0.0295 0.0295 <0.0382 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/kg <0.0295 0.0295 <0.0382 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) mg/kg <0.0295 0.0295 <0.0382 0.0382 <2xRDL 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg <0.00118 0.00118 <0.00153 0.00153 <2xRDL 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/kg 0.042 0.0147 0.173 0.0191 >2xRDL 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.00734 0.00589 <0.00764 0.00764 <2xRDL 8260B STYRENE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B TOLUENE mg/kg 0.0848 0.00589 0.417 0.00764 132% 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg 1.54 * 0.00118 7.06 * 0.0611 128% 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/kg <0.0147 0.0147 <0.0191 0.0191 <2xRDL 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.0577 0.00589 0.327 0.00764 140% 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.0262 0.00589 0.143 0.00764 >2xRDL 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/kg 0.0196 0.00589 0.0989 0.00764 >2xRDL 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/kg <0.00295 0.00295 <0.00382 0.00382 <2xRDL 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/kg 0.212 0.00766 1.15 0.00993 138% 1 - Qualifiers: J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. *: 1,2-dichloropropane and trichloroethylene were reported at concentrations close to their regulatory screening levels. As these constituents were outside of their control limits for Precision , their analytical results are considered qualified and may not be acceptable for comparison to the screening levels. 2 - RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit 3 - RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC Goal is less than 50% for solid samples. RPDs greater than 50% are bold and highlighted in orange. 4 - For analytes reported at concentrations less than five times the RDL, the QA/QC Goal is less than two times the RDL for solid samples. Half the RDL was used for analytes reported less than the RDL. Pairs that exceed two times the RDL are bold and highlighted in orange. SE-SB-34 (7) 05/17/2018 Duplicate Pair RPD3 Date Collected 05/17/2018 SE-SB-24 (7)Client Sample ID L995461-28Lab Sample ID L995461-08 QA/QC Goals RDL Evaluation4 Tabble C7 - Metals in Soil Duplicate Pairs Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Method Analyte Units Result Q 1 RDL2 Result Q 1 RDL2 3060A/7196A CHROMIUM,HEXAVALENT mg/kg <2.33 J3 J6 O1 2.33 0.752 J P1 2.35 <2xRDL 6010B ANTIMONY mg/kg <2.33 2.33 0.903 J 2.35 <2xRDL 6010B ARSENIC mg/kg 20.8 2.33 14.4 2.35 36% 6010B BERYLLIUM mg/kg 0.666 0.233 0.901 0.235 <2xRDL 6010B CADMIUM mg/kg 1.11 0.584 0.974 0.588 <2xRDL 6010B CHROMIUM mg/kg 15.1 1.17 16.6 1.18 9% 6010B COPPER mg/kg 112 2.33 135 2.35 19% 6010B LEAD mg/kg 295 0.584 219 0.588 30% 6010B NICKEL mg/kg 9.93 2.33 13.3 2.35 <2xRDL 6010B SELENIUM mg/kg 1.06 J 2.33 1.03 J 2.35 <2xRDL 6010B SILVER mg/kg 0.778 J 1.17 0.646 J 1.18 <2xRDL 6010B THALLIUM mg/kg <2.33 2.33 <2.35 2.35 <2xRDL 6010B ZINC mg/kg 135 5.84 135 5.88 0% 7471A MERCURY mg/kg 0.991 0.0233 0.322 0.0235 102% Method Analyte Units Result Q1 RDL2 Result Q1 RDL2 3060A/7196A CHROMIUM,HEXAVALENT mg/kg <2.43 2.43 0.875 J 2.43 <2xRDL 1 - Qualifiers: J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J6: The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. O1: The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. P1: RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. 2 - RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit 3 - RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC Goal is less than 50% for solid samples. RPDs greater than 50% are bold and highlighted in orange. 4 - For analytes reported at concentrations less than five times the RDL, the QA/QC Goal is less than two times the RDL for solid samples. Half the RDL was used for analytes reported less than the RDL. Pairs that exceed two times the RDL are bold and 05/17/2018 L995461-24 Lab Sample ID L995461-08 05/17/2018 05/17/2018 SE-SB-27 (5) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected L995461-29 SE-SB-17 (5) Date Collected SE-SB-24 (7)Client Sample ID RPD3 Duplicate Pair 05/17/2018 SE-SB-34 (7) L995461-28 Duplicate Pair QA/QC Goals RDL Evaluation4 QA/QC Goals RPD3 RDL Evaluation4 Tbale C8 - VOCs in Groundwater Dulpicate Pair Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Method Analyte Units Result Q 1 RDL2 Result Q 1 RDL2 8260B ACETONE mg/l <0.0500 0.05 <0.0500 0.05 <RDL 8260B ACROLEIN mg/l <0.0500 0.05 <0.0500 J4 0.05 <RDL 8260B ACRYLONITRILE mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 8260B BENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B BROMOBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B BROMODICHLOROMETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B BROMOFORM mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B BROMOMETHANE mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 8260B N-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B SEC-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B TERT-BUTYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B CHLOROBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B CHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 8260B 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER mg/l <0.0500 0.05 <0.0500 0.05 <RDL 8260B CHLOROFORM mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 8260B CHLOROMETHANE mg/l <0.00250 0.0025 <0.00250 0.0025 <RDL 8260B 2-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 4-CHLOROTOLUENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 J4 0.005 <RDL 8260B 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B DIBROMOMETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B DI-ISOPROPYL ETHER mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B ETHYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B ISOPROPYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 2-BUTANONE (MEK) mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 8260B METHYLENE CHLORIDE mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 8260B 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 8260B METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B NAPHTHALENE mg/l <0.00500 J3 0.005 <0.00500 J4 0.005 <RDL 8260B N-PROPYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B STYRENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B TETRACHLOROETHENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B TOLUENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 J3 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B TRICHLOROETHENE mg/l 0.00888 0.001 0.00666 0.001 29% 8260B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 8260B 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE mg/l <0.00250 0.0025 <0.00250 0.0025 <RDL 8260B 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,2,3-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B VINYL CHLORIDE mg/l <0.00100 0.001 <0.00100 0.001 <RDL 8260B XYLENES, TOTAL mg/l <0.00300 0.003 <0.00300 0.003 <RDL 1 - Qualifiers: J3: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4: The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. 2 - RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit 3 - RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC Goal is less than 25% for aqueous samples. RPDs greater than 25% are bold and highlighted in orange. 4 - For analytes reported at concentrations less than five times the RDL, the QA/QC Goal is less than the RDL for aqueous samples. Half the RDL was used for analytes reported less than the RDL. Pairs that exceed two times the RDL are bold and highlighted in orange. Date Collected 05/17/2018 Duplicate Pair QA/QC Goals RPD3 Lab Sample ID L995461-06 Client Sample ID SE-SB-22 L995461-27 SE-SB-32 05/17/2018 RDL Evaluation4 Table C9 - Dissolved Metals in Groundwater Duplicate Pair Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Method Analyte Units Result Q 1 RDL2 Result Q 1 RDL2 6010B BERYLLIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.00200 0.002 <0.00200 0.002 <RDL 6010B CADMIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.00200 0.002 <0.00200 0.002 <RDL 6010B CHROMIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 6010B COPPER,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 6010B NICKEL,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 6010B SELENIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.0100 0.01 <0.0100 0.01 <RDL 6010B SILVER,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.00500 0.005 <0.00500 0.005 <RDL 6010B ZINC,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.0193 J 0.05 0.0207 J 0.05 <RDL 6020 ANTIMONY,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.000851 J 0.002 0.00103 J 0.002 <RDL 6020 ARSENIC,DISSOLVED mg/l 0.00111 J 0.002 0.00119 J 0.002 <RDL 6020 LEAD,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.00200 0.002 <0.00200 0.002 <RDL 6020 THALLIUM,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.00200 0.002 <0.00200 0.002 <RDL 7199 HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM-LOW LEVEL mg/l 0.000217 0.00006 0.000191 J5 0.00006 <RDL 7470A MERCURY,DISSOLVED mg/l <0.000200 0.0002 <0.000200 0.0002 <RDL 1 - Qualifiers: J: The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J5: The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. 2 - RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit 3 - RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC Goal is less than 25% for aqueous samples. RPDs greater than 25% are bold and highlighted in orange. 4 - For analytes reported at concentrations less than five times the RDL, the QA/QC Goal is less than the RDL for aqueous samples. Half the RDL was used for analytes reported less than the RDL. Pairs that exceed two times the RDL are bold and highlighted in orange. RDL Evaluation4 QA/QC Goals RPD3 05/17/2018 Duplicate Pair L995461-27 SE-SB-32 Date Collected 05/17/2018 Client Sample ID SE-SB-22 Lab Sample ID L995461-06 Table C10 - Quality Control Summary Schovaers Electronics Property - 22 South Jeremy Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ACRES ID #199723 Terracon Project No. 61177082 Precision (Analytical) Lab Set Batch Analyses Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control L995461 WG1114929 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1114983 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 1 1 100.0% 1 0 0.0% L995461 WG1115505 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1117105 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 1 1 100.0% 1 0 0.0% L995461 WG1113326 Wet Chemistry by Method 7199 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1115713 Wet Chemistry by Method 7199 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1115429 Mercury by Method 7470A 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1114852 Mercury by Method 7471A 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1115745 Mercury by Method 7471A 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% L995461 WG1114824 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 12 12 100.0% 12 12 100.0% L995461 WG1115667 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 12 12 100.0% 12 12 100.0% L995461 WG1115384 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 8 8 100.0% 8 8 100.0% L995461 WG1115388 Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 4 4 100.0% 4 4 100.0% L995461 WG1114510 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 67 65 97.0% 67 66 98.5% L995461 WG1114542 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 67 67 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1115415 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 67 67 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1114961 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 65 64 98.5% - - - L995461 WG1114961-3 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 2 2 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1115967 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 64 64 100.0% 64 64 100.0% L995461 WG1115967-6 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 1 1 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1116592 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B - - - 65 28 43.1% Total for Lab Set L995461 378 375 99.2% 241 201 83.4% Batches with less than 90% of the constituents in control are bold and highlighted in orange. Precision (Analytical) Lab Set Batch Analyses Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control L995391 WG1114526 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 68 68 100.0% - - - L995391 WG1115083 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 2 2 100.0% - - - Total for Lab Set L995461 70 70 100.0% 0 0 - Batches with less than 90% of the constituents in control are bold and highlighted in orange. Precision (Field) Lab Set Sample / Duplicate Analyses Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control L995461 L995461-08 / L995461-28 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 65 54 83.1% L995461 L995461-08 / L995461-28 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 1 1 100.0% L995461 L995461-08 / L995461-28 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 12 12 100.0% L995461 L995461-08 / L995461-28 Mercury by Method 7471A 1 1 100.0% L995461 L995461-24 / L995461-29 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 1 1 100.0% L995461 L995461-06 / L995461-27 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 67 66 98.5% L995461 L995461-06 / L995461-27 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 8 8 100.0% L995461 L995461-06 / L995461-27 Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 4 4 100.0% L995461 L995461-06 / L995461-27 Wet Chemistry by Method 7199 1 1 100.0% L995461 L995461-06 / L995461-27 Mercury by Method 7470A 1 1 100.0% Total for Lab Set L995461 161 149 92.5% Analyses with less than 90% of the constituents in control are bold and highlighted in orange. Bias Lab Set Batch Analyses Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control Constituents Analyzed Constituents in Control % In Control L995461 WG1114929 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 2 2 100.0% 2 2 100.0% L995461 WG1114983 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 2 2 100.0% 2 0 0.0% L995461 WG1115505 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 2 2 100.0% 2 1 50.0% L995461 WG1117105 Wet Chemistry by Method 3060A/7196A 2 2 100.0% 2 0 0.0% L995461 WG1113326 Wet Chemistry by Method 7199 2 2 100.0% 2 1 50.0% L995461 WG1115713 Wet Chemistry by Method 7199 2 2 100.0% 2 0 0.0% L995461 WG1115429 Mercury by Method 7470A 2 2 100.0% 2 2 100.0% L995461 WG1114852 Mercury by Method 7471A 2 2 100.0% 2 2 100.0% L995461 WG1115745 Mercury by Method 7471A 2 2 100.0% 2 2 100.0% L995461 WG1114824 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 24 24 100.0% 24 20 83.3% L995461 WG1115667 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 24 24 100.0% 24 22 91.7% L995461 WG1115384 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 16 16 100.0% 16 16 100.0% L995461 WG1115388 Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 8 8 100.0% 8 8 100.0% L995461 WG1114510 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 134 134 100.0% 134 132 98.5% L995461 WG1114542 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 134 134 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1115415 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 134 130 97.0% - - - L995461 WG1114961 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 130 129 99.2% - - - L995461 WG1114961-3 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 4 4 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1115967 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 128 127 99.2% 128 128 100.0% L995461 WG1115967-6 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 2 2 100.0% - - - L995461 WG1116592 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 8260B 130 129 99.2% 130 129 99.2% Total for Lab Set L995461 886 879 99.2% 482 465 96.5% LCS/LCSD Pairs MS/MSD Pairs Field Sample/Duplicate Pairs LCS/LCSD % Recoveries MS/MSD % Recoveries LCS/LCSD Pairs MS/MSD Pairs APPENDIX D ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE INFORMATION FORM-LBC-KXG ®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com 22 S. Jeremy Street 22 South Jeremy Street Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Inquiry Number: 7026752.2s June 22, 2022 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 248 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-5 Physical Setting Source Map A-11 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-13 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC7026752.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2020 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS TC7026752.2s Page 1 of 3 F38 SUMMERHAYS BROTHERS 905 E 1ST S EDR Hist Auto Higher 639, 0.121, SW G37 FAMILY DOLLAR 50 N 900 W UT LUST, UT UST Lower 620, 0.117, NNW G36 UTE CAR WASH INC 50 NO 900 W EDR Hist Auto Lower 620, 0.117, NNW 35 ALOHA CLEANERS 802 W 1ST SOUTH ST EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 590, 0.112, SE F34 VOGUE COMMERCIAL & I 906 S 1ST WEST ST EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 589, 0.112, SW E33 GORDON FLASH TRANSMI 12 N 8TH W EDR Hist Auto Lower 585, 0.111, NE C32 JIMS BEELINE SERV 79 S 8TH W EDR Hist Auto Higher 579, 0.110, ESE E31 BROWN CAL BODY SHOP 10 N 8TH W EDR Hist Auto Lower 576, 0.109, ENE D30 PARAMOUNT CLNRS & DY 902 S 1ST WEST ST EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 571, 0.108, SW E29 PROGRESSIVE PLATING 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPL RCRA-VSQG Lower 556, 0.105, ENE C28 SUGDEN W L AUTO REPR 47 S 8TH WEST ST EDR Hist Auto Higher 535, 0.101, ESE E27 GOLDEN EAGLE REFINE 7100 WEST SOUTH TEMP RCRA-VSQG, FINDS Lower 500, 0.095, ENE C26 REAR SUGDEN AUTO SER 47 S 8TH W EDR Hist Auto Higher 491, 0.093, East D25 EXCELLENT CLEANEIS 880 W 1ST NORTH ST EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 490, 0.093, SSW 24 TOMS AUTOMOTIVE AUTO 15 N 900 WEST ST EDR Hist Auto Lower 468, 0.089, NW B23 SPIKES AUTOMOTIVE 867 EMERIL AVE EDR Hist Auto Lower 448, 0.085, North E22 FLASH GORDON TRANSMI 1 N 8TH WEST ST EDR Hist Auto Lower 443, 0.084, ENE C21 MELS LAUNDROMAT 56 S 8TH W EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 436, 0.083, ESE D20 CALDER BROS. CO, INC 79 S 900 W UT LUST, UT UST Higher 366, 0.069, SSW C19 BULLOUGH INSULATION 50 S 800 W UT LUST, UT UST Higher 362, 0.069, ESE B18 SPRINT P.O.P. 840 W SOUTH TEMPLE UT UST, UT Financial Assurance, UT TIER 2 Lower 347, 0.066, NNE A17 SERVICE SALES CO WHO 15 S 9TH WEST ST EDR Hist Auto Lower 135, 0.026, WNW A16 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL 35 SOUTH 900 WEST US BROWNFIELDS Higher 133, 0.025, SSW A15 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PA 42 JEREMY ST EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 125, 0.024, SSE A14 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBE 42 SOUTH JEREMY STRE US BROWNFIELDS Higher 125, 0.024, SSE A13 CREED LABORATORIES 15 JERMEY STREET UT UST, FINDS, ECHO Higher 107, 0.020, East A12 15 SOUTH JEREMY STRE 15 SOUTH JEREMY STRE US BROWNFIELDS Higher 107, 0.020, East A11 CREED LABORATORIES & 15 JEREMY RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 107, 0.020, East A10 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREE 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREE US BROWNFIELDS Lower 92, 0.017, NNE A9 14 SOUTH JEREMY STRE 14 SOUTH JEREMY STRE US BROWNFIELDS Higher 28, 0.005, NNE A8 CROWN PLATING COMPAN 14 SOUTH JEREMY STRE RCRA-LQG, FINDS Higher 28, 0.005, NNE Reg UTAH POWER & LIGHT/A 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE NPL, SEMS, US ENG CONTROLS, US INST CONTROLS, ROD,...Same 2050, 0.388, East A7 22 S JEREMY STREET - 22 SOUTH JEREMY STRE US BROWNFIELDS TP A6 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY CA HAZNET TP A5 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY STREET FINDS, ECHO TP A4 SCHOVAER ELECTRONICS 22 S JEREMY ST 840 W FINDS TP A3 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY RCRA-SQG TP A2 SCHOVAERS ELECTRONIC 22 JEREMY FINDS, ECHO TP A1 22 S JEREMY STREET - 22 SOUTH JEREMY STRE FINDS TP MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS TC7026752.2s Page 2 of 3 Q77 UTA - CENTRAL DIVISI 610 W 200 S UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Higher 2217, 0.420, ESE P76 NOYCE TRANSFER CO 736 W 300 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2210, 0.419, SSE 75 MYERS CONTAINER CORP 49 SOUTH 600 WEST CORRACTS, RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 2205, 0.418, East O74 DESERET PAINT 14 N. 600 W. SEMS-ARCHIVE Higher 2188, 0.414, East 73 QUESTAR REGULATED SE 1175 W 130 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2115, 0.401, WSW O72 UTAH POWER AND LIGHT 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE UT INST CONTROL Higher 2078, 0.394, East O71 UTAH POWER AND LIGHT 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE EDR MGP Higher 2077, 0.393, East N70 FORMER RANCHO LANES 641 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT LAST Higher 1930, 0.366, ENE 69 EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPM 669 W 200 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1882, 0.356, SE N68 AIRPORT TRAX 650 WES 650 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Higher 1861, 0.352, NE 67 GRANITE MILL IND. CO 1055 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1843, 0.349, WNW 66 GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS 748 W 300 S UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 1776, 0.336, SSE 65 OLD GAS STATION 180 S 1000 W UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1683, 0.319, SW M64 MOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPL 1078 W 100 SOUTH EDR MGP Lower 1682, 0.319, WSW M63 S.L. NORTH SERVICE S 1070 W 100 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1632, 0.309, WSW 62 WONDER HOSTESS BAKER 708 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Higher 1501, 0.284, NE 61 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 960 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1373, 0.260, NW 60 VOGUE CLEANING & SHI 906 WEST 2ND SOUTH UT DRYCLEANERS Higher 1317, 0.249, SSW K59 CENTURY LAUNDRY 910 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT DRYCLEANERS Lower 1152, 0.218, NNW K58 RED HANGER #12 955 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT DRYCLEANERS Lower 1144, 0.217, NW K57 RED HANGER INC # 12 955 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1144, 0.217, NW 56 CITY CAB CO. 710 W 100 S UT LUST, UT UST Higher 1141, 0.216, ESE L55 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1139, 0.216, NE L54 FLYING J 757 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1139, 0.216, NE L53 MINIT-LUBE #1020 757 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1139, 0.216, NE I52 CHEVRON SOIL REMEDIA 880 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1091, 0.207, North I51 ELJ GROWTH #4211 880 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 1091, 0.207, North K50 M. KENT FOOTE 935 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1048, 0.198, NNW J49 CARTOW 738 W SOUTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 1001, 0.190, ENE J48 CLEARWATER TRUCKING 738 W S TEMPLE RCRA NonGen / NLR Lower 1001, 0.190, ENE I47 SMITH’S GAS & VIDEO 905 WEST NORTH TEMPL UT LUST, UT UST Lower 948, 0.180, NNW 46 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_T 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST US BROWNFIELDS Lower 931, 0.176, West I45 DAVID EARLY TIRE 875 WEST NORTH TEMPL RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 899, 0.170, North I44 DAVID EARLY #5 875 W NORTH TEMPLE UT LUST, UT UST Lower 899, 0.170, North 43 JEREMY STREET LLC 123 S JEREMY ST ( 84 UT LUST, UT UST Higher 754, 0.143, SSE H42 955 WEST FOLSOM - SW 955 WEST FOLSOM AVEN US BROWNFIELDS Lower 724, 0.137, WSW H41 947 W FOLSOM - MARBL 947 WEST FOLSOM AVEN US BROWNFIELDS Lower 671, 0.127, WSW F40 TABCO 940 WEST 100 SOUTH RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 663, 0.126, SW F39 ALLEN CLEANERS 909 S 1ST W EDR Hist Cleaner Higher 656, 0.124, SW MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS TC7026752.2s Page 3 of 3 87 S.L.C. FIRE DEPT. ST 273 N 1000 W UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2573, 0.487, NNW 86 QUESTAR GAS COMPANY 1140 W 200 S UT LUST, UT UST, UT Financial Assurance Lower 2462, 0.466, WSW Q85 SALT LAKE CITY INTER 600 WEST 200 SOUTH UT VCP Higher 2432, 0.461, ESE R84 ALTA GATEWAY II 565 WEST 100 SOUTH UT VCP Higher 2429, 0.460, ESE 83 OLD COACH USA STATIO 553 W 100 S UT LUST, UT UST Higher 2410, 0.456, ESE R82 CENTRO CIVICO MEXICA 155 SOUTH 600 WEST UT VCP Higher 2365, 0.448, ESE R81 CENTRO CIVICO MEXICA 155 SOUTH 600 WEST US BROWNFIELDS Higher 2365, 0.448, ESE P80 MARK STEEL 751 W 300 S UT LUST, UT UST Lower 2334, 0.442, SSE 79 AMERICAN BARREL COMP 600 WEST NORTH TEMPL CORRACTS, RCRA-VSQG, ICIS, FINDS, ECHO Higher 2261, 0.428, ENE R78 CENTRO CIVICO MEXICA 145 SOUTH 600 WEST UT INST CONTROL, UT VCP Higher 2260, 0.428, ESE MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 34.5 kV 4 2 4 0 4 2 4 0 4 4 2 4 0 4 2 4 0 4 2 8 0 4 280 4 2 4 0 4 2 4 0 0 4 2 4 0 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 42 4 0 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Lists of Federal NPL (Superfund) sites 1 NR 0 1 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL LIENS Lists of Federal Delisted NPL sites 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Lists of Federal sites subject to CERCLA removals and CERCLA orders 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500SEMS Lists of Federal CERCLA sites with NFRAP 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500SEMS-ARCHIVE Lists of Federal RCRA facilities undergoing Corrective Action 2 NR 0 2 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Lists of Federal RCRA TSD facilities 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Lists of Federal RCRA generators 1 NR NR NR 0 1 0.250RCRA-LQG 1 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250 1RCRA-SQG 2 NR NR NR 0 2 0.250RCRA-VSQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROLS Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPERNS Lists of state- and tribal hazardous waste facilities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AUT SHWS Lists of state and tribal landfills and solid waste disposal facilities 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UT SWF/LF Lists of state and tribal leaking storage tanks 27 NR NR 15 9 3 0.500UT LUST TC7026752.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500UT LAST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST Lists of state and tribal registered storage tanks 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST 14 NR NR NR 9 5 0.250UT UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250UT AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries 2 NR NR 2 0 0 0.500UT INST CONTROL Lists of state and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 4 NR NR 4 0 0 0.500UT VCP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP Lists of state and tribal brownfield sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UT BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 10 NR NR 1 3 5 0.500 1US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500IHS OPEN DUMPS Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS HIST CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS CDL 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UT PFAS Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLIENS 2 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT SPILLS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT SPILLS 90 Other Ascertainable Records 7 NR NR NR 6 1 0.250RCRA NonGen / NLR 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS TC7026752.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPEPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTSCA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTRIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSSTS 1 NR 0 1 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRMP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRAATS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPRP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPADS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPICIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMLTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCOAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRADINFO 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOT OPS 1 NR 0 1 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000INDIAN RESERV 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUSRAP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS AIRS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250ABANDONED MINES 4 NR NR NR NR NR TP 4FINDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOCKET HWC 2 NR NR NR NR NR TP 2ECHO 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000UXO 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FUELS PROGRAM 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT EMI 3 NR NR NR 3 0 0.250UT DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT EWA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT Financial Assurance 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT FUDS 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1CA HAZNET 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT MMRP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT NPDES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT TIER 2 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT UIC 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT UOPF 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMINES MRDS EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 2 NR 0 2 0 0 1.000EDR MGP TC7026752.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 11 NR NR NR NR 11 0.125EDR Hist Auto 7 NR NR NR NR 7 0.125EDR Hist Cleaner EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT RGA LF 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUT RGA LUST 108 0 0 34 30 35 9- Totals -- NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database N/A = This State does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list. TC7026752.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access electronically submit data directly to EPA. is an federal online database for Brownfields Grantees to US EPA Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110069239531Registry ID: FINDS: Site 1 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET N/A A1 FINDS22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS 1023534125 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 JEREMYAddress: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Name: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110010918999DFR URL: 110010918999Registry ID: 1005529597Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110010918999Registry ID: FINDS: Site 2 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target ECHO22 JEREMY N/A A2 FINDSSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.1005529597 UTD085325769EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Handler City,State,Zip: 22 JEREMYHandler Address: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Handler Name: 19860324Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA-SQG: Site 3 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 JEREMY UTD085325769 A3 RCRA-SQGSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.1000343583 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation D002Waste Code: Not DefinedWaste Description: D000Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20000915Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: STOCKHOLDERSOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Mailing City,State,Zip: JEREMYMailing Address: Handler ActivitiesActive Site Indicator: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: 08EPA Region: 801-521-2668Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Contact City,State,Zip: 22 JEREMYContact Address: LEON SCHOVAERSContact Name: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP. (Continued) 1000343583 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 334412NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICSHandler Name: 19940216Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Handler Name: 19920331Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Handler Name: 19900303Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP.Handler Name: 19860324Receive Date: Historic Generators: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: STOCKHOLDERSOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: CORROSIVE WASTEWaste Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP. (Continued) 1000343583 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation AFPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20140827Evaluation Date: EBEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20091210Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: BARE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD MANUFACTURINGNAICS Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP. (Continued) 1000343583 additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access OSHA ESTABLISHMENT Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110070272824Registry ID: FINDS: Site 4 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SLC, UT 84104 Target 22 S JEREMY ST 840 W N/A A4 FINDSSCHOVAER ELECTRONICS CORP 1024370482 requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110069995353Registry ID: FINDS: Site 5 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target ECHO22 JEREMY STREET N/A A5 FINDSSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 1022961844 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 JEREMY STREETAddress: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONName: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110069995353DFR URL: 110069995353Registry ID: 1022961844Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access discharge does not adversely affect water quality. SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION (Continued) 1022961844 CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1998Year: 0.75Tons: D99 - Disposal, OtherDisposal Method: 181 - Other inorganic solid wasteCA Waste Code: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1998Year: 0.75Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: 792 - Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsCA Waste Code: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1999Year: 1Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: 792 - Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsCA Waste Code: CAT080033691TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1999Year: 1.75Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillDisposal Method: 792 - Liquids with pH <= 2 with metalsCA Waste Code: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 2000Year: 22 JEREMY STMailing Address: 8015212668Telephone: STOCKHOLDERSContact: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841040000City,State,Zip: 22 JEREMYAddress: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORPName: HAZNET: Site 6 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 JEREMY N/A A6 CA HAZNETSCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93476652Manifest ID: 19941215Receipt Date: 10/19/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19941207Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1994Year: Additional Info: 28 additional CA HAZNET: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access 7.1096Tons: R01 - RecyclerDisposal Method: solution (pH >= 12.5) with metals)) 132 - Aqueous solution with metals (< restricted levels and (AlkalineCA Waste Code: CAD983650490TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1996Year: 0.8428Tons: R01 - RecyclerDisposal Method: 181 - Other inorganic solid wasteCA Waste Code: CAT080033681TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1997Year: 2.0641Tons: R01 - RecyclerDisposal Method: solution (pH >= 12.5) with metals)) 132 - Aqueous solution with metals (< restricted levels and (AlkalineCA Waste Code: CAD097030993TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1997Year: 0.688Tons: R01 - RecyclerDisposal Method: solution (pH >= 12.5) with metals)) 132 - Aqueous solution with metals (< restricted levels and (AlkalineCA Waste Code: CAD983650490TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1997Year: 1.1467Tons: R01 - RecyclerDisposal Method: 121 - Alkaline solution (pH >= 12.5) with metalsCA Waste Code: CAD983650490TSD EPA ID: UTD085325769Gepaid: 1997Year: 0.9Tons: D99 - Disposal, OtherDisposal Method: -CA Waste Code: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10/16/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19940726Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 440Waste Quantity: 1.8348Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93476292Manifest ID: 19941006Receipt Date: 3/26/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19941004Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93476292Manifest ID: 19941006Receipt Date: 3/26/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19941004Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 550Waste Quantity: 2.2935Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93476652Manifest ID: 19941215Receipt Date: 10/19/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19941207Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0.2293Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93459722Manifest ID: 19940622Receipt Date: 3/26/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19940620Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93459722Manifest ID: 19940622Receipt Date: 3/26/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19940620Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 55Waste Quantity: 0.2293Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93460318Manifest ID: 19940728Receipt Date: 10/16/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19940726Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93460318Manifest ID: 19940728Receipt Date: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UTR000000505Trans EPA ID: 99170473Manifest ID: 20000228Receipt Date: 5/17/2000 0:00:00Creation Date: 20000203Shipment Date: PQuantity Unit: 1500Waste Quantity: 0.75Quantity Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: 792 - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAT080033681TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAT080033691TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTR000000505Trans EPA ID: 99170493Manifest ID: 20000823Receipt Date: 12/13/2000 0:00:00Creation Date: 20000811Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 2000Year: Additional Info: GQuantity Unit: 220Waste Quantity: 0.9174Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93066385Manifest ID: 19940512Receipt Date: 3/25/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19940509Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93066385Manifest ID: 19940512Receipt Date: 3/25/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19940509Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 55Waste Quantity: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation GQuantity Unit: 385Waste Quantity: 1.6054Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: FLD984241729Trans EPA ID: 95438491Manifest ID: 19950819Receipt Date: 4/1/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950818Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: FLD984241729Trans EPA ID: 95438492Manifest ID: 19950918Receipt Date: 4/3/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950915Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 330Waste Quantity: 1.3761Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 95720140Manifest ID: 19951207Receipt Date: 7/26/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19951205Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1995Year: Additional Info: PQuantity Unit: 2000Waste Quantity: 1Quantity Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: 792 - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAT080033681TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAT080033681TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 95357930Manifest ID: 19950504Receipt Date: 4/2/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950502Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 55Waste Quantity: 0.2293Quantity Tons: H01 - Transfer StationMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 95357930Manifest ID: 19950504Receipt Date: 4/2/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950502Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 95456765Manifest ID: 19950615Receipt Date: 4/2/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950609Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: H01 - Transfer StationMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 95456765Manifest ID: 19950615Receipt Date: 4/2/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950609Shipment Date: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96311511Manifest ID: 19961230Receipt Date: 5/20/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19961223Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1996Year: Additional Info: GQuantity Unit: 330Waste Quantity: 1.3761Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009444392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93477072Manifest ID: 19950216Receipt Date: 3/29/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950214Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: H01 - Transfer StationMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: CAD009444392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93477072Manifest ID: 19950216Receipt Date: 3/29/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19950214Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 19 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96129021Manifest ID: 19960809Receipt Date: 5/30/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19960805Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 330Waste Quantity: 1.3761Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96326436Manifest ID: 19960920Receipt Date: 5/20/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19960916Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, 121 - Alkaline solution (pH >12.5) with metals (antimony, arsenic,Waste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96270573Manifest ID: 19961018Receipt Date: 5/20/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19961015Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 220Waste Quantity: 0.9174Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, 121 - Alkaline solution (pH >12.5) with metals (antimony, arsenic,Waste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96270585Manifest ID: 19961118Receipt Date: 5/20/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19961113Shipment Date: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 20 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 95720139Manifest ID: 19960119Receipt Date: 10/9/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19960117Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96052364Manifest ID: 19960318Receipt Date: 10/16/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19960307Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96264520Manifest ID: 19960501Receipt Date: 10/29/1996 0:00:00Creation Date: 19960425Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96264521Manifest ID: 19960701Receipt Date: 5/30/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19960626Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 220Waste Quantity: 0.9174Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 21 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CAD097030993TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD097030993TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96410603Manifest ID: 19970519Receipt Date: 9/12/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19970514Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1997Year: Additional Info: PQuantity Unit: 1500Waste Quantity: 0.75Quantity Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: 792 - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAT080033681TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTD988075669Trans EPA ID: 96863928Manifest ID: 19990128Receipt Date: 4/1/1999 0:00:00Creation Date: 19990115Shipment Date: PQuantity Unit: 2000Waste Quantity: 1Quantity Tons: D80 - Disposal, Land FillMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: 792 - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAT080033691TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTR000000505Trans EPA ID: 99170410Manifest ID: 19990730Receipt Date: 9/21/1999 0:00:00Creation Date: 19990716Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1999Year: Additional Info: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: CAD009466392Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 22 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96311263Manifest ID: 19970122Receipt Date: 5/30/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19970116Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 275Waste Quantity: 1.1467Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, 121 - Alkaline solution (pH >12.5) with metals (antimony, arsenic,Waste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96270700Manifest ID: 19970217Receipt Date: 5/30/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19970213Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 330Waste Quantity: 1.3761Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD097030993TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 96794240Manifest ID: 19970423Receipt Date: 7/17/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19970416Shipment Date: YQuantity Unit: 1Waste Quantity: 0.8428Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: 181 - Other inorganic solid waste OrganicsWaste Code Description: CAT080033681TSDF EPA ID: CAD980584510Trans EPA ID: 93443540Manifest ID: 19970513Receipt Date: 7/17/1997 0:00:00Creation Date: 19970508Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 23 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93061967Manifest ID: 19931118Receipt Date: 9/14/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19931115Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1993Year: Additional Info: PQuantity Unit: 1800Waste Quantity: 0.9Quantity Tons: D99 - Disposal, OtherMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAT080033681TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAT080033681TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTD988075669Trans EPA ID: 96863690Manifest ID: 19980302Receipt Date: 5/8/1998 0:00:00Creation Date: 19980217Shipment Date: PQuantity Unit: 1500Waste Quantity: 0.75Quantity Tons: D99 - Disposal, OtherMeth Code: F006RCRA Code: 181 - Other inorganic solid waste OrganicsWaste Code Description: CAT080033681TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTD988075669Trans EPA ID: 96863674Manifest ID: 19981015Receipt Date: 12/17/1998 0:00:00Creation Date: 19981001Shipment Date: UTD085325769Gen EPA ID: 1998Year: Additional Info: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD983650490TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 24 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 19930723Receipt Date: 9/11/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930721Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 55Waste Quantity: 0.2293Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: 792 - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTD000716399Trans EPA ID: 93271631Manifest ID: 19930825Receipt Date: 9/11/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930818Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UTD000716399Trans EPA ID: 93271631Manifest ID: 19930825Receipt Date: 9/11/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930818Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 440Waste Quantity: 1.8348Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans 2 EPA ID: UT0000028928Trans EPA ID: 93061967Manifest ID: 19931118Receipt Date: 9/14/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19931115Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 165Waste Quantity: 0.688Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 25 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 88298573Manifest ID: 9/1/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930308Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans EPA ID: 88298574Manifest ID: 19930514Receipt Date: 9/7/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930512Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 440Waste Quantity: 1.8348Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF Alt EPA ID: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans EPA ID: 88298574Manifest ID: 19930514Receipt Date: 9/7/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930512Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 220Waste Quantity: 0.9174Quantity Tons: R01 - RecyclerMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans EPA ID: 93271630Manifest ID: 19930723Receipt Date: 9/11/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930721Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 55Waste Quantity: 0.2293Quantity Tons: T01 - Treatment, TankMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: 792 - Not reportedWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans EPA ID: 93271630Manifest ID: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 26 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation GQuantity Unit: 110Waste Quantity: 0.4587Quantity Tons: - Not reportedMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans EPA ID: 88298573Manifest ID: 9/1/1995 0:00:00Creation Date: 19930308Shipment Date: GQuantity Unit: 330Waste Quantity: 1.3761Quantity Tons: - Not reportedMeth Code: D002RCRA Code: code 121 for a list of metals 132 - Aqueous solution w/metals (< restricted levels and see wasteWaste Code Description: CAD008488025TSDF EPA ID: UTD981552425Trans EPA ID: SCHOVAERS ELECTRONICS CORP (Continued) S113185717 upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: US BROWNFIELDS: Site 7 of 17 in cluster A Actual: 4233 ft. Property SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Target 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREET N/A A7 US BROWNFIELDS22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 27 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: 2/8/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/21/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 42834Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 28 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 29 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 30 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: 8/31/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 3/12/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2200Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 31 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 32 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 33 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 34 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 35 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 36 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 37 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 38 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: 1/9/2019Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 2/15/2018Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 28206Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 39 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 40 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 41 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: 2/14/2018Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 1/1/2018Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 1970Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 42 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 43 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation mid-1900s. The residences were demolished the the current commercial boundary. The site was residential from at least 1898 to the north of the building. A small weedy area is present on the western side of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw Use: The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ft HVAC unit, and containers of chemicals in use at the site. Former fluorescent light tubes, light ballasts, CFCs in refrigerator and materials of concern include asbestos-containing materials, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contaminant concern. Building and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the hexavalent chromium (in soil and groundwater). Arsenic levels in soil Property impacts appear limited to TCE (in groundwater) andHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915773Longitude: 40.7686284Latitude: 0.34Parcel size: 1.502204007e+13Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 22 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERSName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 44 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Schovaers ElectronicsCurrent Owner: 1/4/2019Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 9/3/2018Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Cleanup PlanningAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 10260Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199723Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: It has been used as an electroplating facility for the past 38 years. upholstery business before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. occupied by an electrical supply company and then a wholesale building was constructed by 1962. The site building was originally 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 45 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.34Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 46 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: electroplating facility for the past 38 years. before Schovaers occupied the building in 1977. It has been used as an electrical supply company and then a wholesale upholstery business constructed by 1962. The site building was originally occupied by an residences were demolished the the current commercial building was The site was residential from at least 1898 to the mid-1900s. The the building. A small weedy area is present on the western boundary. of the site. Paved parking areas are located to the east and north of industrial building. A 400 sq ft garage is also present on the nw side The site is an approximately .34 acre parcel with a 6,000 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: 22 S JEREMY STREET - SCHOVAERS (Continued) 1018272986 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: DIMETHYLPHENOL, 2,4-Substance: 105-67-9CAS Number: U101Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: CHRYSENESubstance: 218-01-9CAS Number: U050Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: NPL: 37.93Site Score: -111.90658Longitude: 40.770342Latitude: 1989-10-04 00:00:00Final Date: NFederal: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: 800680Site ID: UTD980667240EPA ID: 8EPA Region: NPL: CONSENT PRP 2050 ft.ROD 1/4-1/2 US INST CONTROLS East US ENG CONTROLSSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 Region SEMS600 W SOUTH TEMPLE UTD980667240 NPL NPLUTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 47 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: PYRENESubstance: 129-00-0CAS Number: C385Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: ACENAPHTHYLENESubstance: 208-96-8CAS Number: C352Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: PHENANTHRENESubstance: 85-01-8CAS Number: C332Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: STYRENESubstance: 100-42-5CAS Number: C113Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: MORE THAN 15 SUBSTANCES LISTEDSubstance: Z999Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: XYLENESubstance: 1330-20-7CAS Number: U239Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: TOLUENESubstance: 108-88-3CAS Number: U220Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: BENZO(J,K)FLUORENESubstance: 206-44-0CAS Number: U120Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 48 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CERCLA Section 106 Administrative Order on Consent to secure the site. The under the Resource Conservation andRecovery Act. In July 1988, EPA issued a into drums, and transported the materials to disposal facilities regulated During 1987-88, American Barrel removed the barrels, emptied the contents contained wastes, and soil staining suggested that they may have leaked. heights up to 20 feet and supported by stones on the ground. Some drums still mostly empty 55-gallon barrels remained on-site, stacked on their sides to recycling plant from American Barrel. In mid-1987, an estimated 50,000 recycling plant a block south of the site. Meyers also purchased the American Barrel all drums fit for reconditioning and removed them to a the land for storing drums. In 1986, Meyers Container Corp. purchased from Solid and Ha ardous Waste. From the 1950s to 1988, American Barrel Co. leased the land during the early 1900s, according to records of the Utah Bureau of Light UP L), which operated a pole and tie creosote treating facility on Salt Lake City within 0.5 mile to the east.The property is owned by Utah Power southeast. A residential area is within 400 feet to the west, and downtown and Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad property to the immediate in an industriali ed area, with Union Pacific Railroad property to the west South Temple Street in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The site is Barrel Co. Site covers about 2 acres east of 600 West Street and north of Conditions at proposal May 5, 1989): The Utah Power Light/American Summary Details: 3Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: BENZO(A)PYRENESubstance: 50-32-8CAS Number: U022Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: BENZENESubstance: 71-43-2CAS Number: U019Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: METHYL PHENOL, 2-Substance: 95-48-7CAS Number: C643Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: METHYLNAPHTHALENE, 2-Substance: 91-57-6CAS Number: C636Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 2Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: METHYL PHENOL, 4-Substance: 106-44-5CAS Number: C613Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 49 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: SEMS Detail: Currently on the Final NPLNPL: NFF: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: 49035FIPS Code: 02Cong District: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: SEMS: FinalNPL Status: 10/04/1989Final Date: 05/05/1989Proposed Date: NPL: 05/05/89Date Proposed: 10/04/89Date Finalized: NFederal Site: FSite Status: 0800680Site ID: 08EPA Region: NPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.NPL Name: NPL: 225Category Value: Distance To Nearest Population-> 0 And <= 1/4 MileCategory Description: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 14Category Value: Depth To Aquifer-> 10 And <= 25 FeetCategory Description: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: NPL: 1989): EPA is considering various alternatives for the site. served by privatewells within the 3-mile radius. Status October 4, which serves an estimated 377,000 people. An additional 4,000 people are miles of the site provides drinking water to the Salt Lake City Water System, early1900s). Shallow ground water is connected to deeper water that within 3 phenolic compounds attributable to the creosote operations of the attributable to the barrel yard activities) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons and are contaminated. Among the compounds in shallow ground water are styrene conducted in 1987, soil 16 feet beneath the site and on-site monitoring wells site is now fenced, locked, and posted. According to EPA tests UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 50 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1993-05-18 04:00:00Finish Date: 1992-08-14 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: TRTSTUDYAction Name: TSAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1990-08-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1990-08-30 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: RV ASSESSAction Name: RSAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA Perf In-HseCurrent Action Lead: 2016-09-23 05:00:00Finish Date: 2016-03-01 05:00:00Start Date: 4SEQ: 5 YEARAction Name: FEAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA Perf In-HseCurrent Action Lead: 2011-07-26 05:00:00Finish Date: 2010-12-01 05:00:00Start Date: 3SEQ: 5 YEARAction Name: FEAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 51 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1993-05-01 04:00:00Finish Date: 1992-08-05 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: AIR SRVYAction Name: ASAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1992-05-08 04:00:00Finish Date: 1992-05-08 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: ECO RISKAction Name: JFAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 2006-09-27 04:00:00Finish Date: 2006-07-03 04:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: 5 YEARAction Name: FEAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1993-09-02 04:00:00Finish Date: 1993-02-18 05:00:00Start Date: 3SEQ: RV ASSESSAction Name: RSAction Code: 00OU: NFF: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 52 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1989-05-05 04:00:00Finish Date: 1989-05-05 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PROPOSEDAction Name: NPAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1996-09-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1996-09-30 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PCORAction Name: CMAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1988-03-15 05:00:00Finish Date: 1988-03-15 05:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: SIAction Name: SIAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1992-05-08 04:00:00Finish Date: 1992-05-08 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: R/H ASMTAction Name: EDAction Code: 01OU: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 53 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1991-06-17 04:00:00Finish Date: 1991-01-01 05:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: RV ASSESSAction Name: RSAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1989-10-04 04:00:00Finish Date: 1989-10-04 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: NPL FINLAction Name: NFAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1982-05-10 04:00:00Finish Date: 1982-05-10 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: SIAction Name: SIAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1999-09-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1990-05-17 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: ST COOPAction Name: MAAction Code: 01OU: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 54 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: EQual: 1993-07-07 04:00:00Finish Date: 1992-01-02 05:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: ADMIN RECAction Name: ARAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: VQual: 1988-07-10 04:00:00Finish Date: 1988-07-10 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: ADMIN RECAction Name: ARAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1988-06-01 04:00:00Finish Date: 1988-06-01 04:00:00Start Date: 3SEQ: SIAction Name: SIAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 2001-08-01 04:00:00Start Date: 3SEQ: ST COOPAction Name: MAAction Code: 00OU: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 55 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1996-07-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1990-09-04 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: CIAction Name: CRAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1999-09-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1992-03-10 05:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: ST COOPAction Name: MAAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1981-04-01 05:00:00Finish Date: 1981-04-01 05:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PAAction Name: PAAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: RQual: 1993-07-07 04:00:00Finish Date: 1993-07-07 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: RODAction Name: ROAction Code: 01OU: NFF: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 56 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: 1996-09-30 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: OMAction Name: OMAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: 2001-09-26 04:00:00Finish Date: 2001-06-01 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: 5 YEARAction Name: FEAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 2021-09-23 05:00:00Finish Date: 2020-08-03 05:00:00Start Date: 5SEQ: 5 YEARAction Name: FEAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1981-01-01 05:00:00Finish Date: 1981-01-01 05:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: DISCVRYAction Name: DSAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 57 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1995-04-25 04:00:00Finish Date: 1993-09-30 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PRP RDAction Name: BEAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: SQual: 1988-08-10 04:00:00Finish Date: 1988-04-14 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PRP RVAction Name: BBAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: 1996-09-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1995-09-18 04:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: PRP RAAction Name: BFAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: 1996-09-30 04:00:00Finish Date: 1994-07-23 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PRP RAAction Name: BFAction Code: 01OU: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 58 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Media: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: GroundwaterContaminated Media: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: Record of DecisionAction Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: SIte: St PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1987-04-09 04:00:00Finish Date: 1987-04-09 04:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: PAAction Name: PAAction Code: 00OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: 1993-07-07 04:00:00Finish Date: 1990-08-10 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PRP RI/FSAction Name: BDAction Code: 01OU: NFF: FNPL: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Site Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: 0800680Site ID: 08Region: EPA OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: 1996-04-01 05:00:00Finish Date: 1995-09-18 04:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: PRP RDAction Name: BEAction Code: 01OU: NFF: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 59 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 60 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 61 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 62 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ROD: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: GroundwaterContaminated Media: 07/07/1993Actual Date: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: Record of DecisionAction Name: UTD980667240EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: US INST CONTROLS: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: GroundwaterContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: SoilContaminated Media: UTD980667240EPA ID: -111.906580Longitude: +40.770342Latitude: NSuperfund Alternative Agreement: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1993Fiscal Year: NFederal Facility: 07/07/1993Action Taken Date: Record of DecisionAction Name: 01Operable Unit: 1Action ID: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 63 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKECounty: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: AMERICAN BARREL SUPERFUND SITEName: 19950426Entered Date: UtahDistrict: 94-1162Court Num: U.S. V. PACIFICORP D/B/A UTAH POWER AND LIGHT COMPANYCase Title: UTD980667240EPA ID: CONSENT: 14 additional PRP: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access PACIFICORP PACIFICORP PACIFICORP MOUNTAIN FUEL RESOURCES MOUNTAIN FUEL RESOURCES IMACC CORP VARIAN IMACC CORP VARIAN IMACC CORP VARIAN EBASCO SERVICES INC EBASCO SERVICES INC EBASCO SERVICES INC DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD BOISE CASCADE CORP AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE CO INC AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE CO INC AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE CO AMERICAN BARREL AND COOPERAGE COPRP Name: PRP: FinalNPL Status: 1993-07-07 00:00:00Action Completion: 1SEQ ID: SITEWIDE-1Operable Unit Number: GOVT ROD for PRP RemedyAction: 800680Site ID: 8RG: UTD980667240EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: UTAH POWER & LIGHT/AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) 1000238438 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 64 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOperator Type: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOperator Name: PrivateOwner Type: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Mailing City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETMailing Address: Handler ActivitiesActive Site Indicator: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: JOSEPHBROSCHINSKY@GMAIL.COMContact Email: 801-599-5841Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Contact City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETContact Address: JOSEPH L BROSCHINSKYContact Name: UTD009086372EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Handler City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETHandler Address: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20210714Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA-LQG: 28 ft. Site 8 of 17 in cluster A 0.005 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNE FINDS14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET UTD009086372 A8 RCRA-LQGCROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 65 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPTWaste Description: F006Waste Code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYLWaste Description: F005Waste Code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,Waste Description: F002Waste Code: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: CHROMIUMWaste Description: D007Waste Code: CADMIUMWaste Description: D006Waste Code: CORROSIVE WASTEWaste Description: D002Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: Click Here for Biennial Reporting System Data: 2001Year: Click Here for Biennial Reporting System Data: 2003Year: Click Here for Biennial Reporting System Data: 2005Year: Biennial: List of Years NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoManifest Broker: NoRecycler Activity Without Storage: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20210720Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 66 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 19810102Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: CHARLES E & CLYED BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 19810102Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETOwner/Operator Address: 19840501Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETOwner/Operator Address: 19840501Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 19810101Date Became Current: OtherLegal Status: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: POTASSIUM CYANIDE (OR) POTASSIUM CYANIDE K(CN)Waste Description: P098Waste Code: COPPER CYANIDE (OR) COPPER CYANIDE CU(CN)Waste Description: P029Waste Code: OPERATIONS IN WHICH CYANIDES ARE USED IN THE PROCESS. SPENT STRIPPING AND CLEANING BATH SOLUTIONS FROM ELECTROPLATINGWaste Description: F009Waste Code: ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS IN WHICH CYANIDES ARE USED IN THE PROCESS. PLATING BATH RESIDUES FROM THE BOTTOM OF PLATING BATHS FROMWaste Description: F008Waste Code: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 67 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20130611Receive Date: Historic Generators: MELISHA@PROPERTYSELLERSSOLUTIONS.COMOwner/Operator Email: 435-219-0855Owner/Operator Telephone: CENTERVILLE, UT 84014Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1310 WEST 233 NORTH SUITE 201Owner/Operator Address: 20200626Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: PROPERTY SELLER SOLUTIONSOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 19810102Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETOwner/Operator Address: 19810101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 19810101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETOwner/Operator Address: 19840501Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 14 JEREMY STREETOwner/Operator Address: 19840501Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 19810102Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: 19810101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: JOSEPH L. BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 68 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20040303Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20020513Receive Date: NoElectronic Manifest Broker: NoNon Storage Recycler Activity: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20210714Receive Date: NoElectronic Manifest Broker: NoNon Storage Recycler Activity: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20210608Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING COMPANYHandler Name: 19801020Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 69 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19860317Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: 19860407Scheduled Compliance Date: StateViolation Responsible Agency: ObservedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19860425Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19860312Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: EPAViolation Responsible Agency: UnverifiableReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19900611Date Violation was Determined: LDR - GeneralViolation Short Description: EPAAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: ELECTROPLATING, PLATING, POLISHING, ANODIZING, AND COLORINGNAICS Description: 332813NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CROWN PLATING CO. INC.Handler Name: 20060302Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 70 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 71 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: EPAAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19880229Date of Enforcement Action: 002Enforcement Identifier: 19880229Scheduled Compliance Date: StateViolation Responsible Agency: ObservedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19880229Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19880217Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 72 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JGPEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20070621Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20070320Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20070308Date Violation was Determined: TSD IS-Container Use and ManagementViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20210106Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: EPAViolation Responsible Agency: UnverifiableReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19900611Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: EPAAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: EPAViolation Responsible Agency: UnverifiableReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19900611Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: EPAAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: EPAViolation Responsible Agency: UnverifiableReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19880217Date Violation was Determined: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 73 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JGPEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20070621Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20070320Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20070308Date Violation was Determined: TSD IS-Preparedness and PreventionViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: JAMEnforcement Responsible Person: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 20200901Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: 20200804Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 74 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 19860407Scheduled Compliance Date: 19860425Actual Return to Compliance Date: XXXEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19860312Evaluation Date: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: R8MPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: EPAEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19900611Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 75 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: R8MPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: EPAEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19900611Evaluation Date: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: R8MPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: EPAEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19900611Evaluation Date: AFPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20010911Evaluation Date: R8MPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training ActionsEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19880217Evaluation Date: 20010911Actual Return to Compliance Date: R8MPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: EPAEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19880217Evaluation Date: 19880229Scheduled Compliance Date: 19880229Actual Return to Compliance Date: RDPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19880217Evaluation Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850605Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 76 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110002159789Registry ID: FINDS: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20070320Actual Return to Compliance Date: JGPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20070308Evaluation Date: 20200930Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: 20070320Actual Return to Compliance Date: JGPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20070308Evaluation Date: AFPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20131118Evaluation Date: 20210106Actual Return to Compliance Date: JAMEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20200804Evaluation Date: CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 77 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated operations. Environmental Quality (UDEQ) mechanism for compliance and permitting The CIM (Utah - Common Identifier Mechanism) is Utah’s Department of corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource OSHA ESTABLISHMENT discharge does not adversely affect water quality. requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of AIR EMISSIONS CLASSIFICATION UNKNOWN and settlements. regions and states with cooperative agreements, enforcement actions, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The system tracks inspections in Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the NCDB (National Compliance Data Base) supports implementation of the of the Clean Air Act. redesign to support facility operating permits required under Title V estimation of total national emissions. AFS is undergoing a major to comply with regulatory programs and by EPA as an input for the AFS data are utilized by states to prepare State Implementation Plans used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. information concerning airborne pollution in the United States. AFS is Aerometric Data (SAROAD). AIRS is the national repository for National Emission Data System (NEDS), and the Storage and Retrieval of Subsystem) replaces the former Compliance Data System (CDS), the AFS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Facility CROWN PLATING COMPANY INCORPORATED (Continued) 1000437674 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 78 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy HoldingCurrent Owner: 8/31/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 4/17/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 1150Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199722Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: has been Crown Plating. of the building. The original and sole occupant of the site building 1986 and the site building was expanded to the current configuration site by 1967. The residence on the north SECTION was demolished by two residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the area is located east of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-009 ACRES ID 199721). In total, the Use: This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership. will need to be addressed during any remodeling or demolition. Former tubes and ballasts, HVAC coolant, and containers of chemicals in use A small quantity of asbestos containing floor tile, plus lightingHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.9157845Longitude: 40.7689897Latitude: 0.22Parcel size: 1502204006Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATINGName: US BROWNFIELDS: 28 ft. Site 9 of 17 in cluster A 0.005 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNE 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET N/A A9 US BROWNFIELDS14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 79 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.22Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: CyanideOther contams found description: YOther contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 80 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 40.7689897Latitude: 0.22Parcel size: 1502204006Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATINGName: 13.19Unemployed Percent: 402Unemployed Number: 10.73Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.58Meidan Income Percent: 1785Meidan Income Number: 4963Meidan Income: 28.26Below Poverty Percent: 861Below Poverty Number: Crown Plating. building. The original and sole occupant of the site building has been the site building was expanded to the current configuration of the 1967. The residence on the north SECTION was demolished by 1986 and residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the site by located east of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 two industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking area is sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 sq ft (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-009 ACRES ID 199721). In total, the two This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 81 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy HoldingCurrent Owner: 2/8/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/19/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 23829Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199722Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: has been Crown Plating. of the building. The original and sole occupant of the site building 1986 and the site building was expanded to the current configuration site by 1967. The residence on the north SECTION was demolished by two residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the area is located east of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-009 ACRES ID 199721). In total, the Use: This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership. will need to be addressed during any remodeling or demolition. Former tubes and ballasts, HVAC coolant, and containers of chemicals in use A small quantity of asbestos containing floor tile, plus lightingHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.9157845Longitude: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 82 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.22Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: CyanideOther contams found description: YOther contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 83 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation two residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the area is located east of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-009 ACRES ID 199721). In total, the Use: This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership. will need to be addressed during any remodeling or demolition. Former tubes and ballasts, HVAC coolant, and containers of chemicals in use A small quantity of asbestos containing floor tile, plus lightingHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.9157845Longitude: 40.7689897Latitude: 0.22Parcel size: 1502204006Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATINGName: 13.19Unemployed Percent: 402Unemployed Number: 10.73Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.58Meidan Income Percent: 1785Meidan Income Number: 4963Meidan Income: 28.26Below Poverty Percent: 861Below Poverty Number: Crown Plating. building. The original and sole occupant of the site building has been the site building was expanded to the current configuration of the 1967. The residence on the north SECTION was demolished by 1986 and residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the site by located east of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 two industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking area is sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 sq ft (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-009 ACRES ID 199721). In total, the two This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 84 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy HoldingCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199722Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: has been Crown Plating. of the building. The original and sole occupant of the site building 1986 and the site building was expanded to the current configuration site by 1967. The residence on the north SECTION was demolished by 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 85 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.22Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: CyanideOther contams found description: YOther contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 86 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 13.19Unemployed Percent: 402Unemployed Number: 10.73Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.58Meidan Income Percent: 1785Meidan Income Number: 4963Meidan Income: 28.26Below Poverty Percent: 861Below Poverty Number: Crown Plating. building. The original and sole occupant of the site building has been the site building was expanded to the current configuration of the 1967. The residence on the north SECTION was demolished by 1986 and residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the site by located east of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 two industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking area is sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 sq ft (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-009 ACRES ID 199721). In total, the two This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: 14 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018272964 A small paved parking area is located east of the building and a An approximately 9,250 sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. 199722). In total, the two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. the same ownership. (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-006, ACRES ID renovation. Former Use: This parcel is part of a combined site under of chemicals should be properly disposed during remodeling or were found. Fluorescent light tubes and light ballasts and containers slightly exceeds the MCL. No asbestos containing building materials normal for Salt Lake Valley shallow groundwater, but one sample tapwater RSLs. Arsenic concentrations in groundwater are generally concentrations in groundwater are very low, below the MCL, but above Lake Valley and do not represent contamination. Cyanide screening levels. Arsenic concentrations in soil are normal for Salt soil, below industrial screening levels but above residential above tap water RSLs. Low concentrations of hexavalent chromium in Very low concentrations of TCE in groundwater, less than the MCL butHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915665Longitude: 40.769053Latitude: 0.13Parcel size: 1502204009Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATINGName: US BROWNFIELDS: 92 ft. Site 10 of 17 in cluster A 0.017 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNE 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET N/A A10 US BROWNFIELDS8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 87 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy Holdings, Inc.Current Owner: 2/8/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/19/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 23829Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199721Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: occupant of the site building has been Crown Plating. the current configuration of the building. The original and sole section was demolished by 1986 and the site building was expanded to Crown Plating occupied the site by 1967. The residence on the north time between 1898 and 1911 two residential properties were built. weedy, overgrown area is present to the west of the building. Some 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 88 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.13Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: CyanideOther contams found description: YOther contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 89 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Crown Plating occupied the site by 1967. The residence on the north time between 1898 and 1911 two residential properties were built. weedy, overgrown area is present to the west of the building. Some A small paved parking area is located east of the building and a An approximately 9,250 sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. 199722). In total, the two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. the same ownership. (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-006, ACRES ID renovation. Former Use: This parcel is part of a combined site under of chemicals should be properly disposed during remodeling or were found. Fluorescent light tubes and light ballasts and containers slightly exceeds the MCL. No asbestos containing building materials normal for Salt Lake Valley shallow groundwater, but one sample tapwater RSLs. Arsenic concentrations in groundwater are generally concentrations in groundwater are very low, below the MCL, but above Lake Valley and do not represent contamination. Cyanide screening levels. Arsenic concentrations in soil are normal for Salt soil, below industrial screening levels but above residential above tap water RSLs. Low concentrations of hexavalent chromium in Very low concentrations of TCE in groundwater, less than the MCL butHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915665Longitude: 40.769053Latitude: 0.13Parcel size: 1502204009Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATINGName: 13.33Unemployed Percent: 400Unemployed Number: 10.78Vacant Housing Percent: 119Vacant Housing Number: 58.75Meidan Income Percent: 1763Meidan Income Number: 4162Meidan Income: 28.36Below Poverty Percent: 851Below Poverty Number: Crown Plating. building. The original and sole occupant of the site building has been the site building was expanded to the current configuration of the by 1967. The residence on the north section was demolished by 1986 and two residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the site present to the west of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 area is located east of the building and a weedy, overgrown area is sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-006, ACRES ID 199722). In total, the This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 90 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy Holdings, Inc.Current Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199721Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: occupant of the site building has been Crown Plating. the current configuration of the building. The original and sole section was demolished by 1986 and the site building was expanded to 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 91 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.13Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: CyanideOther contams found description: YOther contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 92 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation occupant of the site building has been Crown Plating. the current configuration of the building. The original and sole section was demolished by 1986 and the site building was expanded to Crown Plating occupied the site by 1967. The residence on the north time between 1898 and 1911 two residential properties were built. weedy, overgrown area is present to the west of the building. Some A small paved parking area is located east of the building and a An approximately 9,250 sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. 199722). In total, the two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. the same ownership. (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-006, ACRES ID renovation. Former Use: This parcel is part of a combined site under of chemicals should be properly disposed during remodeling or were found. Fluorescent light tubes and light ballasts and containers slightly exceeds the MCL. No asbestos containing building materials normal for Salt Lake Valley shallow groundwater, but one sample tapwater RSLs. Arsenic concentrations in groundwater are generally concentrations in groundwater are very low, below the MCL, but above Lake Valley and do not represent contamination. Cyanide screening levels. Arsenic concentrations in soil are normal for Salt soil, below industrial screening levels but above residential above tap water RSLs. Low concentrations of hexavalent chromium in Very low concentrations of TCE in groundwater, less than the MCL butHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915665Longitude: 40.769053Latitude: 0.13Parcel size: 1502204009Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATINGName: 13.33Unemployed Percent: 400Unemployed Number: 10.78Vacant Housing Percent: 119Vacant Housing Number: 58.75Meidan Income Percent: 1763Meidan Income Number: 4162Meidan Income: 28.36Below Poverty Percent: 851Below Poverty Number: Crown Plating. building. The original and sole occupant of the site building has been the site building was expanded to the current configuration of the by 1967. The residence on the north section was demolished by 1986 and two residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the site present to the west of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 area is located east of the building and a weedy, overgrown area is sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-006, ACRES ID 199722). In total, the This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 93 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CyanideOther contams found description: YOther contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy Holdings, Inc.Current Owner: 8/31/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 4/17/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 1150Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199721Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 94 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation This parcel is part of a combined site under the same ownership.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.13Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 95 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 13.33Unemployed Percent: 400Unemployed Number: 10.78Vacant Housing Percent: 119Vacant Housing Number: 58.75Meidan Income Percent: 1763Meidan Income Number: 4162Meidan Income: 28.36Below Poverty Percent: 851Below Poverty Number: Crown Plating. building. The original and sole occupant of the site building has been the site building was expanded to the current configuration of the by 1967. The residence on the north section was demolished by 1986 and two residential properties were built. Crown Plating occupied the site present to the west of the building. Some time between 1898 and 1911 area is located east of the building and a weedy, overgrown area is sq ft industrial building covers both parcels. A small paved parking two sites are .35 acres under the same owner. An approximately 9,250 (Combined with Parcel 15-02-24-006, ACRES ID 199722). In total, the 8 SOUTH JEREMY STREET - CROWN PLATING (Continued) 1018273025 NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG.Owner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Mailing City,State,Zip: JEREMYMailing Address: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: 999-999-9999Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Contact City,State,Zip: 15 JEREMYContact Address: JOHN DOEContact Name: UTD089326235EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Handler City,State,Zip: 15 JEREMYHandler Address: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGHandler Name: 20070222Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 107 ft. Site 11 of 17 in cluster A 0.020 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 15 JEREMY UTD089326235 A11 RCRA NonGen / NLRCREED LABORATORIES & MFG 1010335555 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 96 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGHandler Name: 20070222Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGHandler Name: 19800101Receive Date: Historic Generators: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 15 JEREMYOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG.Owner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 15 JEREMYOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG.Owner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20070307Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG (Continued) 1010335555 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 97 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 19860326Scheduled Compliance Date: 19860326Actual Return to Compliance Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19851121Evaluation Date: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19851121Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19860326Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: 19860326Scheduled Compliance Date: StateViolation Responsible Agency: ObservedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19860326Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19851121Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: No NAICS Codes FoundNAICS Codes: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: CREED LABORATORIES & MFGHandler Name: 20010328Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: CREED LABORATORIES & MFG (Continued) 1010335555 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 98 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4/17/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2200Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199141Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by site for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ft containers of chemicals and paint in use at the business. Former Use: light ballasts, coolants in 2 refrigerators and 3 HVAC units, and include asbestos-containing roofing tar, fluorescent light tubes and indicate contamination of concern. Hazardous building materials of a couple semivolatile organic compounds were detected but do not primarily located in the building floor drains. Minor concentrations extending to the northwest corner of the site. Metals contamination volatile organic compounds in groundwater under the building and Primary impact to site posed by low to moderate concentrations ofHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915029Longitude: 40.768737Latitude: 0.98Parcel size: 15022260020000, 15022260070000Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WESTAddress: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGEName: US BROWNFIELDS: 107 ft. Site 12 of 17 in cluster A 0.020 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WEST N/A A12 US BROWNFIELDS15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 99 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.98Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: YIC Category Proprietary Controls: YInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy LLCCurrent Owner: 8/18/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 100 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WESTAddress: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGEName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the site in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: YSelenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 101 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YIC Category Proprietary Controls: YInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy LLCCurrent Owner: 4/27/2018Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 2/5/2018Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 1970Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199141Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by site for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ft containers of chemicals and paint in use at the business. Former Use: light ballasts, coolants in 2 refrigerators and 3 HVAC units, and include asbestos-containing roofing tar, fluorescent light tubes and indicate contamination of concern. Hazardous building materials of a couple semivolatile organic compounds were detected but do not primarily located in the building floor drains. Minor concentrations extending to the northwest corner of the site. Metals contamination volatile organic compounds in groundwater under the building and Primary impact to site posed by low to moderate concentrations ofHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915029Longitude: 40.768737Latitude: 0.98Parcel size: 15022260020000, 15022260070000Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 102 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.98Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 103 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Primary impact to site posed by low to moderate concentrations ofHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915029Longitude: 40.768737Latitude: 0.98Parcel size: 15022260020000, 15022260070000Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WESTAddress: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGEName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the site in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: YSelenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 104 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: YIC Category Proprietary Controls: YInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy LLCCurrent Owner: 6/1/2018Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 2/12/2018Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Cleanup PlanningAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 9603Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199141Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by site for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ft containers of chemicals and paint in use at the business. Former Use: light ballasts, coolants in 2 refrigerators and 3 HVAC units, and include asbestos-containing roofing tar, fluorescent light tubes and indicate contamination of concern. Hazardous building materials of a couple semivolatile organic compounds were detected but do not primarily located in the building floor drains. Minor concentrations extending to the northwest corner of the site. Metals contamination volatile organic compounds in groundwater under the building and 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 105 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.98Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 106 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ft containers of chemicals and paint in use at the business. Former Use: light ballasts, coolants in 2 refrigerators and 3 HVAC units, and include asbestos-containing roofing tar, fluorescent light tubes and indicate contamination of concern. Hazardous building materials of a couple semivolatile organic compounds were detected but do not primarily located in the building floor drains. Minor concentrations extending to the northwest corner of the site. Metals contamination volatile organic compounds in groundwater under the building and Primary impact to site posed by low to moderate concentrations ofHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915029Longitude: 40.768737Latitude: 0.98Parcel size: 15022260020000, 15022260070000Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WESTAddress: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGEName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the site in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: YSelenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 107 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: YIC Category Proprietary Controls: YInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy LLCCurrent Owner: 1/6/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 8/27/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 49682Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199141Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by site for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 108 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: YSelenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.98Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 109 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation North American Datum of 1983Datum: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by site for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ft containers of chemicals and paint in use at the business. Former Use: light ballasts, coolants in 2 refrigerators and 3 HVAC units, and include asbestos-containing roofing tar, fluorescent light tubes and indicate contamination of concern. Hazardous building materials of a couple semivolatile organic compounds were detected but do not primarily located in the building floor drains. Minor concentrations extending to the northwest corner of the site. Metals contamination volatile organic compounds in groundwater under the building and Primary impact to site posed by low to moderate concentrations ofHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915029Longitude: 40.768737Latitude: 0.98Parcel size: 15022260020000, 15022260070000Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WESTAddress: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGEName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the site in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 110 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: YIC Category Proprietary Controls: YInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy LLCCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199141Acres Property ID: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 111 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: YSelenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.98Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 112 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199141Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by site for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ft containers of chemicals and paint in use at the business. Former Use: light ballasts, coolants in 2 refrigerators and 3 HVAC units, and include asbestos-containing roofing tar, fluorescent light tubes and indicate contamination of concern. Hazardous building materials of a couple semivolatile organic compounds were detected but do not primarily located in the building floor drains. Minor concentrations extending to the northwest corner of the site. Metals contamination volatile organic compounds in groundwater under the building and Primary impact to site posed by low to moderate concentrations ofHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915029Longitude: 40.768737Latitude: 0.98Parcel size: 15022260020000, 15022260070000Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake CountyRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET 16 SOUTH 800 WESTAddress: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGEName: 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the site in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 113 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: YIC Category Proprietary Controls: YInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Jeremy LLCCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96835701Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: HazardousGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 114 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 28.06Below Poverty Percent: 885Below Poverty Number: Heritage Forge, a metal fabrication shop and stone products site. detergents. Since the mid-2000s, the site has been occupied by for 19 years, formulating and packaging cleaning products and occupying the site. Creed Laboratories and Chembrite occupied the site in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then Creed Laboratories began Chemical Company of Utah for approximately 10 years. The Soap Company building was constructed. The site was occupied by Greater Mountain building. The site was undeveloped until 1957 when the existing The site is an approximately .98 acre parcel with a 6,192 sq ftProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: YSelenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: YNickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: YCopper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: YCadmium contaminant found: YArsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.98Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 115 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.94Unemployed Percent: 408Unemployed Number: 10.42Vacant Housing Percent: 120Vacant Housing Number: 58.24Meidan Income Percent: 1837Meidan Income Number: 6791Meidan Income: 15 SOUTH JEREMY STREET_HERITAGE FORGE (Continued) 1018272969 has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated operations. Environmental Quality (UDEQ) mechanism for compliance and permitting The CIM (Utah - Common Identifier Mechanism) is Utah’s Department of corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource and settlements. regions and states with cooperative agreements, enforcement actions, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The system tracks inspections in Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the NCDB (National Compliance Data Base) supports implementation of the Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110011678755Registry ID: FINDS: 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 595-1800Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 2983Owner Address: CREED LABORATORIESOwner Name: 4001520Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 S JEREMY STAddress: CREED LABORATORIESName: UST: 107 ft. Site 13 of 17 in cluster A 0.020 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 ECHOSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East FINDS15 JERMEY STREET N/A A13 UT USTCREED LABORATORIES 1000201238 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 116 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 15 JERMEY STREETAddress: CREED LABORATORIESName: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110011678755DFR URL: 110011678755Registry ID: 1000201238Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; CREED LABORATORIES (Continued) 1000201238 -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2450Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 209762Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: have occupied the site for the past 10 years. equipment parts supplier, and electrical repair. The current tenants sheet metal worker, janitorial supply company, broom company, laundry constructed west of the house in 1950. Historical occupants include: in 1898 with two residences. The current automotive shop was section is occupied by L Auto Work. The site was originally developed occupied by Liberty Auto, the center is residential, and the west automotive repair and residential purposes. The east section is Former Use: The site has one 4,800 square foot building used for RECs or CRECs. No additional investigation is warranted at this time. history as an auto repair shop. The Phase I ESA did not identify any This site was selected for a Phase I ESA because of its 10 yearHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915709Longitude: 40.768174Latitude: 0.16Parcel size: 1502205005Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 42 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTOName: US BROWNFIELDS: 125 ft. Site 14 of 17 in cluster A 0.024 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE 42 SOUTH JEREMY STREET N/A A14 US BROWNFIELDS42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTO 1018163601 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 117 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: -Soil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: NCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Mr. German Lopez, et al.Current Owner: 1/6/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 11/24/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTO (Continued) 1018163601 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 118 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1897Meidan Income Number: 9167Meidan Income: 27.9Below Poverty Percent: 913Below Poverty Number: site for the past 10 years. supplier, and electrical repair. The current tenants have occupied the janitorial supply company, broom company, laundry equipment parts house in 1950. Historical occupants include: sheet metal worker, residences. The current automotive shop was constructed west of the Auto Work. The site was originally developed in 1898 with two Auto, the center is residential, and the west section is occupied by L and residential purposes. The east section is occupied by Liberty The site has one 4,800 square foot building used for automotive repairProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: -Media affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.16Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTO (Continued) 1018163601 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 119 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NVideo Available: NCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Mr. German Lopez, et al.Current Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 209762Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: have occupied the site for the past 10 years. equipment parts supplier, and electrical repair. The current tenants sheet metal worker, janitorial supply company, broom company, laundry constructed west of the house in 1950. Historical occupants include: in 1898 with two residences. The current automotive shop was section is occupied by L Auto Work. The site was originally developed occupied by Liberty Auto, the center is residential, and the west automotive repair and residential purposes. The east section is Former Use: The site has one 4,800 square foot building used for RECs or CRECs. No additional investigation is warranted at this time. history as an auto repair shop. The Phase I ESA did not identify any This site was selected for a Phase I ESA because of its 10 yearHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.915709Longitude: 40.768174Latitude: 0.16Parcel size: 1502205005Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 42 SOUTH JEREMY STREETAddress: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTOName: 12.68Unemployed Percent: 415Unemployed Number: 10.19Vacant Housing Percent: 121Vacant Housing Number: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTO (Continued) 1018163601 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 120 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.16Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: -Soil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTO (Continued) 1018163601 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 121 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.68Unemployed Percent: 415Unemployed Number: 10.19Vacant Housing Percent: 121Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1897Meidan Income Number: 9167Meidan Income: 27.9Below Poverty Percent: 913Below Poverty Number: site for the past 10 years. supplier, and electrical repair. The current tenants have occupied the janitorial supply company, broom company, laundry equipment parts house in 1950. Historical occupants include: sheet metal worker, residences. The current automotive shop was constructed west of the Auto Work. The site was originally developed in 1898 with two Auto, the center is residential, and the west section is occupied by L and residential purposes. The east section is occupied by Liberty The site has one 4,800 square foot building used for automotive repairProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: -Media affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: 42 SOUTH JEREMY_LIBERTY AUTO (Continued) 1018163601 LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERS1981 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS D LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERS1976 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS D Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 125 ft. Site 15 of 17 in cluster A 0.024 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE 42 JEREMY ST N/A A15 EDR Hist CleanerLAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS DISTRIB 1014147524 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 122 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERS1990 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS D LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT DEALERS1985 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS D LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PARTS PARTS DISTRIB (Continued) 1014147524 543 Iron Rose Place, LLCCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 209722Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Repair, automotive repair facilities, began occupying the site. residential, until about 15 years ago when El Compadre and Mutual included a distributing company, Rooter-man services, and originally occupied by a construction company. Other tenants have warehouse building was visible by 1977. The site building was additions to the building were constructed in 1970. The current used for residential. A ware house was constructed before 1962, and time. Former Use: From approximately 1898 until 1950 the site was any RECs or CRECs. No additional investigation is warranted at this repair shop for the past 15 years. The Phase I ESA did not identify This site was selected for a Phase I because it has been an autoHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.916211Longitude: 40.768169Latitude: 0.26Parcel size: 1502205014Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 35 SOUTH 900 WESTAddress: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIRName: US BROWNFIELDS: 133 ft. Site 16 of 17 in cluster A 0.025 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSW 35 SOUTH 900 WEST N/A A16 US BROWNFIELDS35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE RE 1018273008 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 123 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: 0.26Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.26Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: -Soil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: NCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIR (Continued) 1018273008 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 124 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 40.768169Latitude: 0.26Parcel size: 1502205014Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 35 SOUTH 900 WESTAddress: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIRName: 12.44Unemployed Percent: 391Unemployed Number: 10.14Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 58.32Meidan Income Percent: 1833Meidan Income Number: 15150Meidan Income: 28.09Below Poverty Percent: 883Below Poverty Number: began occupying the site. ago when El Compadre and Mutual Repair, automotive repair facilities, company, Rooter-man services, and residential, until about 15 years construction company. Other tenants have included a distributing visible by 1977. The site building was originally occupied by a building were constructed in 1970. The current warehouse building was A ware house was constructed before 1962, and additions to the From approximately 1898 until 1950 the site was used for residential.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: -Media affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIR (Continued) 1018273008 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 125 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: NCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: 543 Iron Rose Place, LLCCurrent Owner: 1/8/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 11/24/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2450Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 209722Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: Repair, automotive repair facilities, began occupying the site. residential, until about 15 years ago when El Compadre and Mutual included a distributing company, Rooter-man services, and originally occupied by a construction company. Other tenants have warehouse building was visible by 1977. The site building was additions to the building were constructed in 1970. The current used for residential. A ware house was constructed before 1962, and time. Former Use: From approximately 1898 until 1950 the site was any RECs or CRECs. No additional investigation is warranted at this repair shop for the past 15 years. The Phase I ESA did not identify This site was selected for a Phase I because it has been an autoHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.916211Longitude: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIR (Continued) 1018273008 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 126 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: 0.26Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.26Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: -Soil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIR (Continued) 1018273008 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 127 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.44Unemployed Percent: 391Unemployed Number: 10.14Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 58.32Meidan Income Percent: 1833Meidan Income Number: 15150Meidan Income: 28.09Below Poverty Percent: 883Below Poverty Number: began occupying the site. ago when El Compadre and Mutual Repair, automotive repair facilities, company, Rooter-man services, and residential, until about 15 years construction company. Other tenants have included a distributing visible by 1977. The site building was originally occupied by a building were constructed in 1970. The current warehouse building was A ware house was constructed before 1962, and additions to the From approximately 1898 until 1950 the site was used for residential.Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: -Media affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: 35 SOUTH 900 WEST_EL COMPADRE AND MUTUAL ENGINE REPAIR (Continued) 1018273008 REPAIR SHOPS1971 SERVICE SALES CO WHOL REPR Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 135 ft. Site 17 of 17 in cluster A 0.026 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WNW 15 S 9TH WEST ST N/A A17 EDR Hist AutoSERVICE SALES CO WHOL REPR 1014173191 PO BOX 7994Owner Address: SPRINTOwner Name: 4002172Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 840 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: SPRINT P.O.P.Name: UST: 347 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B 0.066 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. < 1/8 UT TIER 2SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNE UT Financial Assurance840 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A B18 UT USTSPRINT P.O.P.U003194529 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 128 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 819Report Year Link: 1994Report Year: 4469Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1993Report Year: 4468Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1992Report Year: 4467Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1991Report Year: 11184Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1990Report Year: 11097Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: TIER 2: 4512042.5Longitude: 425354.770Latitude: Tier2 FacilitiesSite Program Description: Tier2 Facilities - UT002127Map Label: Pending411Department ID: 819State Key: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 840 W. SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS CO, SALT LAKE CITY POPName: UT002127DER ID: TIER 2: Self-insuranceMechanism: TrueFederal Regulated Tank: 4002172Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 840 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: SPRINT P.O.P.Name: Financial Assurance 2: 0Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (913) 762-6021Owner Phone: SHAWNEE MISSION, KS 66207Owner City,St,Zip: SPRINT P.O.P. (Continued)U003194529 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 129 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 18718Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 2003Report Year: 1055Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 2002Report Year: 4477Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 2001Report Year: 4476Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 2000Report Year: 4475Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1999Report Year: 4474Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1998Report Year: 4473Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1997Report Year: 4472Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1996Report Year: 4471Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: 1995Report Year: 4470Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: SPRINT P.O.P. (Continued)U003194529 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 130 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone (except resellers)SIC Description: 4813SIC Code: 2006Report Year: 24779Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone (except resellers)SIC Description: 4813SIC Code: 2005Report Year: 22781Report Year Key: Pending411Department ID: UT002127DER ID: 819Report Year Link: Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone (except resellers)SIC Description: 4813SIC Code: 2004Report Year: SPRINT P.O.P. (Continued)U003194529 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 571-4200Owner Phone: SANDY, UT 84070Owner City,St,Zip: 171 E SHELLEY LOUISE DRIVEOwner Address: TIGER INVESTMENT LCOwner Name: 4001968Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 50 S 800 WAddress: BULLOUGH INSULATION (FORMER)Name: UST: [Robin Jenkins]Project Manager: SANDY, UT 84070Owner City,St,Zip: 84070Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SANDYOwner City: 171 E SHELLEY LOUISE DRIVEOwner Address: TIGER INVESTMENT LCOwner Name: 12/01/1993Notification Date: 05/09/1995Closed Date: IJLRelease Id: 4001968Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 50 S 800 WAddress: BULLOUGH INSULATION (FORMER)Name: LUST: 362 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster C 0.069 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4238 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ESE UT UST50 S 800 W N/A C19 UT LUSTBULLOUGH INSULATION (FORMER)U003149931 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 131 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 489-3888Owner Phone: PROVO, UT 84605Owner City,St,Zip: PO BOX 50344Owner Address: CALDER BROS CO INCOwner Name: 4000119Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84124City,State,Zip: 79 S 900 WAddress: CALDER BROS. CO, INC.Name: UST: Hong-Lei TaoProject Manager: PROVO, UT 84605Owner City,St,Zip: 84605Owner Zip: UTOwner State: PROVOOwner City: PO BOX 50344Owner Address: CALDER BROS CO INCOwner Name: 03/24/1992Notification Date: 01/12/2011Closed Date: HLLRelease Id: 4000119Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84124City,State,Zip: 79 S 900 WAddress: CALDER BROS. CO, INC.Name: Hong-Lei TaoProject Manager: PROVO, UT 84605Owner City,St,Zip: 84605Owner Zip: UTOwner State: PROVOOwner City: PO BOX 50344Owner Address: CALDER BROS CO INCOwner Name: 12/13/2019Notification Date: NWHRelease Id: 4000119Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84124City,State,Zip: 79 S 900 WAddress: CALDER BROS. CO, INC.Name: LUST: 366 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster D 0.069 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84124 SSW UT UST79 S 900 W N/A D20 UT LUSTCALDER BROS. CO, INC.U003150674 LAUNDRIES-SELF SERVE1965 MELS LAUNDROMAT Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 436 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster C 0.083 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4239 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 56 S 8TH W N/A C21 EDR Hist CleanerMELS LAUNDROMAT 1014158853 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 132 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation General Automotive Repair Shops1975 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP General Automotive Repair Shops1974 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP General Automotive Repair Shops1973 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP General Automotive Repair Shops1972 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP General Automotive Repair Shops1971 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1971 FLASH GORDON TRANSMISSION AUTO General Automotive Repair Shops1970 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP General Automotive Repair Shops1969 GORDON TRANSMISSION & TUNE UP Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 443 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster E 0.084 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE 1 N 8TH WEST ST N/A E22 EDR Hist AutoFLASH GORDON TRANSMISSION AUTO REPAIRS 1014171522 General Automotive Repair Shops2008 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2007 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2006 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2005 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2004 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2003 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2002 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2001 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops2000 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops1999 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops1998 SANTE FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops1997 SILVA HUGO General Automotive Repair Shops1996 SANTA FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops1995 SANTA FE AUTO SERVICE General Automotive Repair Shops1994 BYRDS AUTO & TRUCK SVCS INC AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1990 SPIKES AUTOMOTIVE Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 448 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B 0.085 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE (County), UT 84101 North 867 EMERIL AVE N/A B23 EDR Hist AutoSPIKES AUTOMOTIVE 1014187394 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1981 TOMS AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPR Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 468 ft. 0.089 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE (County), UT 84116 NW 15 N 900 WEST ST N/A 24 EDR Hist AutoTOMS AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPR 1014178195 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 133 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CLEANERS AND DYERS1971 EXCELLENT CLEANEIS CLEANERS AND DYERS1965 EXCELLENT CLNS CLEANERS AND DYERS1961 EXCELLENT CLEANERS Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 490 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster D 0.093 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4236 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 SSW 880 W 1ST NORTH ST N/A D25 EDR Hist CleanerEXCELLENT CLEANEIS 1014146896 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRERS1926 REAR SUGDEN AUTO SERVICE CO Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 491 ft. Site 3 of 5 in cluster C 0.093 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4237 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT East 47 S 8TH W N/A C26 EDR Hist AutoREAR SUGDEN AUTO SERVICE CO 1014196573 NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOperator Type: MERRILL MAUGHNOperator Name: PrivateOwner Type: VALLEY OIL TRANSPORTATIONOwner Name: NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054Mailing City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 540227Mailing Address: Handler ActivitiesActive Site Indicator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: ADMIN@GOLDENEAGLEOIL.COMContact Email: 801-298-8222Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Contact City,State,Zip: WEST SOUTH TEMPLEContact Address: MERRILL MAUGHNContact Name: UTR000004077EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Handler City,State,Zip: 7100 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEHandler Address: GOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC..Handler Name: 20080507Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA-VSQG: 500 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster E 0.095 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE FINDS7100 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE UTR000004077 E27 RCRA-VSQGGOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC..1001225946 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 134 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 801-298-8222Owner/Operator Telephone: NORTH SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84054Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 540227Owner/Operator Address: 19980101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: GOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC.Owner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: CHROMIUMWaste Description: D007Waste Code: ARSENICWaste Description: D004Waste Code: Not DefinedWaste Description: D000Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20140916Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: GOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC.. (Continued) 1001225946 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 135 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: GOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC..Handler Name: 20080507Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: MAPLE OIL PRODUCTS, INC.Handler Name: 19980312Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: MAPLE OIL PRODUCTS, INC.Handler Name: 20070716Receive Date: Historic Generators: 801-298-8222Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84127Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 27605Owner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: VALLEY OIL TRANSPORTATIONOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-298-8222Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84127Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 27605Owner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: VALLEY OIL TRANSPORTATIONOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-298-8222Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 7100 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEOwner/Operator Address: 19980101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: MERRILL MAUGHNOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-298-8222Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84127Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 27605Owner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: VALLEY OIL TRANSPORTATIONOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: GOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC.. (Continued) 1001225946 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 136 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110005210501Registry ID: FINDS: EDEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20070712Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: ALL OTHER SUPPORT ACTIVITIES FOR TRANSPORTATIONNAICS Description: 488999NAICS Code: SPECIALIZED FREIGHT (EXCEPT USED GOODS) TRUCKING, LOCALNAICS Description: 48422NAICS Code: STATIONS AND TERMINALS) PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MERCHANT WHOLESALERS (EXCEPT BULKNAICS Description: 42472NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: MAPLE OIL PRODUCTS, INC.Handler Name: 20010521Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: GOLDEN EAGLE REFINERY, INC.. (Continued) 1001225946 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 137 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1936 SUGDEN W L AUTO REPR AUTOMOBILE REPAIRERS1931 REAR SUGDEN WILLARD L AUTO REPR Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 535 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster C 0.101 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4240 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 47 S 8TH WEST ST N/A C28 EDR Hist AutoSUGDEN W L AUTO REPR 1014173046 NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: JASON BROSCHINSKYOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Mailing City,State,Zip: WEST SOUTH TEMPLEMailing Address: Handler ActivitiesActive Site Indicator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: 801-533-9106Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Contact City,State,Zip: 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEContact Address: JASON BROSCHINSKYContact Name: UTR000004937EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Handler City,State,Zip: 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPLEHandler Address: PROGRESSIVE PLATING INC.Handler Name: 19990428Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA-VSQG: 556 ft. Site 3 of 5 in cluster E 0.105 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE 777 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE UTR000004937 E29 RCRA-VSQGPROGRESSIVE PLATING INC.1004789024 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 138 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No Evaluations FoundEvaluations: Evaluation Action Summary: No Violations FoundViolations: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: No NAICS Codes FoundNAICS Codes: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: PROGRESSIVE PLATING INC.Handler Name: 19990428Receive Date: Historic Generators: 801-977-9928Owner/Operator Telephone: WEST VALLEY CITY, UT 84119Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 2113 THERESA COVEOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: JASON BROSCHINSKYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPTWaste Description: F006Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20000915Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: PROGRESSIVE PLATING INC. (Continued) 1004789024 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 139 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CLEANERS AND DYERS1946 PARAMOUNT CLNRS & DYERS CLEANERS, DYERS AND PRESSERS1926 CHICAGO CLNG CO Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 571 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster D 0.108 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SW 902 S 1ST WEST ST N/A D30 EDR Hist CleanerPARAMOUNT CLNRS & DYERS 1014144532 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1971 MADSEN BOYD GARAGE AUTO REPAIR AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1961 BROWN CAL BODY SHOP AUTO REPR AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1956 BROWN CALVIN D AUTO REPR Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 576 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster E 0.109 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ENE 10 N 8TH W N/A E31 EDR Hist AutoBROWN CAL BODY SHOP AUTO REPR 1014174956 Gasoline Service Stations1970 MIKE & SAMS BEELINE Gasoline Service Stations1969 MIKE & SAMS BEELINE GASOLINE STATIONS1965 JIMS BEELINE SERV GASOLINE STATIONS1961 BEELINE SERV STA Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 579 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster C 0.110 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 79 S 8TH W N/A C32 EDR Hist AutoJIMS BEELINE SERV 1014174773 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1965 GORDON FLASH TRANSMISSION & TUN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1961 GORDON FLASH TRANSMISSION AUTO Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 585 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster E 0.111 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT NE 12 N 8TH W N/A E33 EDR Hist AutoGORDON FLASH TRANSMISSION AUTO REPR 1014190260 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 140 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1972 VOGUE CLEANING DYEING & LDRY* Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1971 VOGUE CLEANING DYEING & LDRY* CLEANERS AND DYERS1971 VOGUE COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL S Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1970 VOGUE CLEANING DYEING & LDRY* Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1969 VOGUE CLEANING DYEING & LDRY* LAUNDRIES1961 VOGUE CLQ & SHIRT LNDRY Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 589 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster F 0.112 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 SW 906 S 1ST WEST ST N/A F34 EDR Hist CleanerVOGUE COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 1014152821 Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1977 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1976 ALOHA CLEANERS CLEANERS AND DYERS1976 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1975 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1974 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1973 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1972 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1971 ALOHA CLEANERS CLEANERS AND DYERS1971 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1970 ALOHA CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1969 ALOHA CLEANERS CLEANERS AND DYERS1965 ALOHA CLNS CLEANERS AND DYERS1961 ALOHA CINS CLEANERS AND DYERS1956 ALOHA CLNS CLEANERS AND DYERS1951 ALOHA CLNS CLEANERS AND DYERS1946 ALOHA CLNRS Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 590 ft. 0.112 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SE 802 W 1ST SOUTH ST N/A 35 EDR Hist CleanerALOHA CLEANERS 1014150861 Carwashes1988 UTE CAR WASH INC Carwashes1987 UTE CAR WASH INC Carwashes1986 UTE CAR WASH INC Carwashes1985 UTE CAR WASH INC Carwashes1983 UTE CAR WASH INC Carwashes1982 UTE CAR WASH INC Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 620 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster G 0.117 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CY, UT 84116 NNW 50 NO 900 W N/A G36 EDR Hist AutoUTE CAR WASH INC 1021482249 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 141 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 550-6958Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 50 N 900 WOwner Address: FAMILY DOLLAROwner Name: 4002469Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 50 N 900 WAddress: FAMILY DOLLARName: UST: Morgan AtkinsonProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 84104Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 50 N 900 WOwner Address: FAMILY DOLLAROwner Name: 05/29/2012Notification Date: 11/04/2013Closed Date: MXTRelease Id: 4002469Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 50 N 900 WAddress: FAMILY DOLLARName: LUST: 620 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster G 0.117 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 NNW UT UST50 N 900 W N/A G37 UT LUSTFAMILY DOLLAR U004191028 GASOLINE STATIONS1951 SUMMERHAYS BROTHERS GASOLINE ST GASOLINE AND OIL SERVICE STATIONS1941 CONTL OIL CO SER STA Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 639 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster F 0.121 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SW 905 E 1ST S N/A F38 EDR Hist AutoSUMMERHAYS BROTHERS GASOLINE STA 1014173359 CLEANERS AND DYERS1961 ALLEN CINS CLEANERS AND DYERS1956 ALLEN CLEANERS Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 656 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster F 0.124 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. < 1/8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT SW 909 S 1ST W N/A F39 EDR Hist CleanerALLEN CLEANERS 1014146335 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 142 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: TABCOHandler Name: 19800101Receive Date: Historic Generators: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20140916Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: 08EPA Region: UTD117512152EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Handler City,State,Zip: 940 WEST 100 SOUTHHandler Address: TABCOHandler Name: 19800101Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 663 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster F 0.126 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SW 940 WEST 100 SOUTH UTD117512152 F40 RCRA NonGen / NLRTABCO 1010335630 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 143 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19880114Evaluation Date: DGVEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19880114Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: No NAICS Codes FoundNAICS Codes: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: TABCO (Continued)1010335630 Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contamination concern. and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the below regulatory screening levels. Arsenic levels reported in soil Oil&Grease were also found in the fill materials at concentrations material under the building and in the yard. Other metals and semivolatile organic compounds that occur in the shallow fill of note appear to be confined moderate levels of lead, thallium, and very low levels, far below regulatory screening levels. Soil impacts Styrene and two phthalate compounds were detected in groundwater atHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918398Longitude: 40.767916Latitude: 0.15Parcel size: 1502202034Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 947 WEST FOLSOM AVENUEAddress: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECASTName: US BROWNFIELDS: 671 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster H 0.127 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4231 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW 947 WEST FOLSOM AVENUE N/A H41 US BROWNFIELDS947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 144 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Vasilios KarposCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199724Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: of an automotive repair facility for approximately 25 years. the past, the property has included residential use, and was the site the current site occupants. They manufacture marble resin statues. In small storage yard is south of the building. Marblecast Products are 1977. A small paved parking area is north of the building, and a warehouse approximately 5,000 square feet, built in approximately chemicals used by the business. Former Use: The site has a one story light ballasts, coolant in one refrigerator, and some containers of Building materials of concern are limited to fluorescent light tubes, 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 145 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.13Past use industrial acreage: 0.02Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 146 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 199724Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: of an automotive repair facility for approximately 25 years. the past, the property has included residential use, and was the site the current site occupants. They manufacture marble resin statues. In small storage yard is south of the building. Marblecast Products are 1977. A small paved parking area is north of the building, and a warehouse approximately 5,000 square feet, built in approximately chemicals used by the business. Former Use: The site has a one story light ballasts, coolant in one refrigerator, and some containers of Building materials of concern are limited to fluorescent light tubes, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contamination concern. and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the below regulatory screening levels. Arsenic levels reported in soil Oil&Grease were also found in the fill materials at concentrations material under the building and in the yard. Other metals and semivolatile organic compounds that occur in the shallow fill of note appear to be confined moderate levels of lead, thallium, and very low levels, far below regulatory screening levels. Soil impacts Styrene and two phthalate compounds were detected in groundwater atHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918398Longitude: 40.767916Latitude: 0.15Parcel size: 1502202034Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 947 WEST FOLSOM AVENUEAddress: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECASTName: 12.23Unemployed Percent: 396Unemployed Number: 9.88Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1878Meidan Income Number: 13273Meidan Income: 27.91Below Poverty Percent: 904Below Poverty Number: approximately 25 years. residential use, and was the site of an automotive repair facility for marble resin statues. In the past, the property has included Marblecast Products are the current site occupants. They manufacture the building, and a small storage yard is south of the building. built in approximately 1977. A small paved parking area is north of The site has a one story warehouse approximately 5,000 square feet,Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 147 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Vasilios KarposCurrent Owner: 8/31/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 2/6/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2150Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 148 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation the building, and a small storage yard is south of the building. built in approximately 1977. A small paved parking area is north of The site has a one story warehouse approximately 5,000 square feet,Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: YSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.13Past use industrial acreage: 0.02Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 149 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 48847Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199724Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: of an automotive repair facility for approximately 25 years. the past, the property has included residential use, and was the site the current site occupants. They manufacture marble resin statues. In small storage yard is south of the building. Marblecast Products are 1977. A small paved parking area is north of the building, and a warehouse approximately 5,000 square feet, built in approximately chemicals used by the business. Former Use: The site has a one story light ballasts, coolant in one refrigerator, and some containers of Building materials of concern are limited to fluorescent light tubes, Salt Lake Valley and do not represent a contamination concern. and groundwater are consistent with naturally occurring levels in the below regulatory screening levels. Arsenic levels reported in soil Oil&Grease were also found in the fill materials at concentrations material under the building and in the yard. Other metals and semivolatile organic compounds that occur in the shallow fill of note appear to be confined moderate levels of lead, thallium, and very low levels, far below regulatory screening levels. Soil impacts Styrene and two phthalate compounds were detected in groundwater atHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918398Longitude: 40.767916Latitude: 0.15Parcel size: 1502202034Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 947 WEST FOLSOM AVENUEAddress: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECASTName: 12.23Unemployed Percent: 396Unemployed Number: 9.88Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1878Meidan Income Number: 13273Meidan Income: 27.91Below Poverty Percent: 904Below Poverty Number: approximately 25 years. residential use, and was the site of an automotive repair facility for marble resin statues. In the past, the property has included Marblecast Products are the current site occupants. They manufacture 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 150 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: YOther metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Vasilios KarposCurrent Owner: 2/3/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/19/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 151 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 9.88Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1878Meidan Income Number: 13273Meidan Income: 27.91Below Poverty Percent: 904Below Poverty Number: approximately 25 years. residential use, and was the site of an automotive repair facility for marble resin statues. In the past, the property has included Marblecast Products are the current site occupants. They manufacture the building, and a small storage yard is south of the building. built in approximately 1977. A small paved parking area is north of The site has a one story warehouse approximately 5,000 square feet,Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: YSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.13Past use industrial acreage: 0.02Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 152 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.23Unemployed Percent: 396Unemployed Number: 947 W FOLSOM - MARBLECAST (Continued) 1018273032 -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2150Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199725Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: approximately 5 years. tenants identified would be a printing operation that operated for building. Several tenants have occupied the site. The only suspect By 1956, the site was redeveloped with the current warehouse 1911. By 1949, the southern section was being used as a "junk yard". been developed as residential with two garages on the south side by south side of the building. The site was undeveloped in 1898, but had is north of the building and a paved storage area is located on the 450 sq ft, second story studio apartment. A small paved parking lot of two parcels. It has a 7,950 sq ft warehouse, and an approximately chemicals. Former Use: The site is approximately .25 acres, comprised ballasts, CFCs in cooling systems, and some containers of paint and identified asbestos containing materials, florescent light tubes and Utah screening level is 1000 mg/kg. A building materials survey within fill materials at a depth of 1.5 to 2 feet below surface. The Soil concentrations in the storage yard ranged from 85 to 2500 mg/kg environments. This does not indicate a concern regarding arsenic. they exceed some regulatory criteria that are applicable in other levels that are naturally occurring in Salt Lake Valley, although indicate concern. Arsenic was found in both soil and groundwater at in a soil sample but were well below any screening levels that would volatile organic compounds (naphthalene and Phenanthrene) were found Traces of one volatile organic compound (2 Butanone) and two semiHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918506Longitude: 40.767916Latitude: 0.25Parcel size: 1502202004, 1502202005Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 955 WEST FOLSOM AVENUEAddress: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANERName: US BROWNFIELDS: 724 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster H 0.137 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4231 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW 955 WEST FOLSOM AVENUE N/A H42 US BROWNFIELDS955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 153 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: YPetro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: -Video Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Swaner Properties, IncCurrent Owner: 8/31/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 3/31/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 154 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1878Meidan Income Number: 13273Meidan Income: 27.91Below Poverty Percent: 904Below Poverty Number: printing operation that operated for approximately 5 years. have occupied the site. The only suspect tenants identified would be a was redeveloped with the current warehouse building. Several tenants southern section was being used as a "junk yard". By 1956, the site residential with two garages on the south side by 1911. By 1949, the The site was undeveloped in 1898, but had been developed as and a paved storage area is located on the south side of the building. studio apartment. A small paved parking lot is north of the building a 7,950 sq ft warehouse, and an approximately 450 sq ft, second story The site is approximately .25 acres, comprised of two parcels. It hasProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 155 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 33043Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199725Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: approximately 5 years. tenants identified would be a printing operation that operated for building. Several tenants have occupied the site. The only suspect By 1956, the site was redeveloped with the current warehouse 1911. By 1949, the southern section was being used as a "junk yard". been developed as residential with two garages on the south side by south side of the building. The site was undeveloped in 1898, but had is north of the building and a paved storage area is located on the 450 sq ft, second story studio apartment. A small paved parking lot of two parcels. It has a 7,950 sq ft warehouse, and an approximately chemicals. Former Use: The site is approximately .25 acres, comprised ballasts, CFCs in cooling systems, and some containers of paint and identified asbestos containing materials, florescent light tubes and Utah screening level is 1000 mg/kg. A building materials survey within fill materials at a depth of 1.5 to 2 feet below surface. The Soil concentrations in the storage yard ranged from 85 to 2500 mg/kg environments. This does not indicate a concern regarding arsenic. they exceed some regulatory criteria that are applicable in other levels that are naturally occurring in Salt Lake Valley, although indicate concern. Arsenic was found in both soil and groundwater at in a soil sample but were well below any screening levels that would volatile organic compounds (naphthalene and Phenanthrene) were found Traces of one volatile organic compound (2 Butanone) and two semiHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918506Longitude: 40.767916Latitude: 0.25Parcel size: 1502202004, 1502202005Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 955 WEST FOLSOM AVENUEAddress: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANERName: 12.23Unemployed Percent: 396Unemployed Number: 9.88Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 156 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: YPetro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: -Video Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Swaner Properties, IncCurrent Owner: 1/29/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/16/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 157 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 9.88Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1878Meidan Income Number: 13273Meidan Income: 27.91Below Poverty Percent: 904Below Poverty Number: printing operation that operated for approximately 5 years. have occupied the site. The only suspect tenants identified would be a was redeveloped with the current warehouse building. Several tenants southern section was being used as a "junk yard". By 1956, the site residential with two garages on the south side by 1911. By 1949, the The site was undeveloped in 1898, but had been developed as and a paved storage area is located on the south side of the building. studio apartment. A small paved parking lot is north of the building a 7,950 sq ft warehouse, and an approximately 450 sq ft, second story The site is approximately .25 acres, comprised of two parcels. It hasProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 158 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 199725Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: approximately 5 years. tenants identified would be a printing operation that operated for building. Several tenants have occupied the site. The only suspect By 1956, the site was redeveloped with the current warehouse 1911. By 1949, the southern section was being used as a "junk yard". been developed as residential with two garages on the south side by south side of the building. The site was undeveloped in 1898, but had is north of the building and a paved storage area is located on the 450 sq ft, second story studio apartment. A small paved parking lot of two parcels. It has a 7,950 sq ft warehouse, and an approximately chemicals. Former Use: The site is approximately .25 acres, comprised ballasts, CFCs in cooling systems, and some containers of paint and identified asbestos containing materials, florescent light tubes and Utah screening level is 1000 mg/kg. A building materials survey within fill materials at a depth of 1.5 to 2 feet below surface. The Soil concentrations in the storage yard ranged from 85 to 2500 mg/kg environments. This does not indicate a concern regarding arsenic. they exceed some regulatory criteria that are applicable in other levels that are naturally occurring in Salt Lake Valley, although indicate concern. Arsenic was found in both soil and groundwater at in a soil sample but were well below any screening levels that would volatile organic compounds (naphthalene and Phenanthrene) were found Traces of one volatile organic compound (2 Butanone) and two semiHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918506Longitude: 40.767916Latitude: 0.25Parcel size: 1502202004, 1502202005Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 955 WEST FOLSOM AVENUEAddress: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANERName: 12.23Unemployed Percent: 396Unemployed Number: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 159 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: YSoil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: YPetro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: UInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: -Video Available: UCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Swaner Properties, IncCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 160 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.23Unemployed Percent: 396Unemployed Number: 9.88Vacant Housing Percent: 115Vacant Housing Number: 57.98Meidan Income Percent: 1878Meidan Income Number: 13273Meidan Income: 27.91Below Poverty Percent: 904Below Poverty Number: printing operation that operated for approximately 5 years. have occupied the site. The only suspect tenants identified would be a was redeveloped with the current warehouse building. Several tenants southern section was being used as a "junk yard". By 1956, the site residential with two garages on the south side by 1911. By 1949, the The site was undeveloped in 1898, but had been developed as and a paved storage area is located on the south side of the building. studio apartment. A small paved parking lot is north of the building a 7,950 sq ft warehouse, and an approximately 450 sq ft, second story The site is approximately .25 acres, comprised of two parcels. It hasProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 955 WEST FOLSOM - SWANER (Continued) 1018273033 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 161 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 455-8800Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 663 S 600 WOwner Address: JEREMY STREET LLCOwner Name: 4001850Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 123 S JEREMY ST ( 840 W )Address: JEREMY STREET LLCName: UST: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 663 S 600 WOwner Address: JEREMY STREET LLCOwner Name: 04/09/2013Notification Date: 04/10/2013Closed Date: NAKRelease Id: 4001850Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 123 S JEREMY ST ( 840 W )Address: JEREMY STREET LLCName: LUST: 754 ft. 0.143 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4240 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST123 S JEREMY ST ( 840 W ) N/A 43 UT LUSTJEREMY STREET LLC U000813267 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 875 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: DAVID EARLY #5Name: Avery HolyoakProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45340Owner Address: DAVID EARLY TIRE INCOwner Name: 01/24/1995Notification Date: 10/28/2021Closed Date: IUTRelease Id: 4001899Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 875 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: DAVID EARLY #5Name: LUST: 899 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster I 0.170 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North UT UST875 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A I44 UT LUSTDAVID EARLY #5 U003150371 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 162 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 45340Owner Address: DAVID EARLY TIRE INCOwner Name: 4001899Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 875 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: DAVID EARLY #5Name: UST: Avery HolyoakProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45340Owner Address: DAVID EARLY TIRE INCOwner Name: 09/12/1996Notification Date: 11/18/2021Closed Date: NWYRelease Id: 4001899Facility ID: DAVID EARLY #5 (Continued)U003150371 NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: DAVID EARLYOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Mailing City,State,Zip: EAST 3300 SOUTHMailing Address: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: 08EPA Region: 801-486-4324Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Contact City,State,Zip: 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHContact Address: JOHNNY SKAGGSContact Name: UTD988070140EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Handler City,State,Zip: 875 WEST NORTH TEMPLEHandler Address: DAVID EARLY TIREHandler Name: 20080414Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 899 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster I 0.170 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 ECHOSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North FINDS875 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD988070140 I45 RCRA NonGen / NLRDAVID EARLY TIRE 1000472450 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 163 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHOwner/Operator Address: 20080414Date Ended Current: 19850101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: DAVID EARLYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-328-1782Owner/Operator Telephone: BLOOMINGDALE, IL 60108Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 333 EAST LAKE STREETOwner/Operator Address: 20080804Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: BFS RETAIL & COMMERCIAL OPERATIONSOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: BENZENEWaste Description: D018Waste Code: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: IGNITABLE WASTEWaste Description: D001Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20080414Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: DAVID EARLY TIRE (Continued)1000472450 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 164 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CAREHandler Name: 20100218Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: DAVID EARLY TIREHandler Name: 19921112Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: DAVID EARLY TIREHandler Name: 20080414Receive Date: Historic Generators: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHOwner/Operator Address: 20080414Date Ended Current: 19850101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: DAVID EARLYOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: DAVID EARLYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1612 EAST 3300 SOUTHOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: DAVID EARLYOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-328-1782Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 875 NORTH TEMPLEOwner/Operator Address: 20080804Date Became Current: StateLegal Status: FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CAREOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: DAVID EARLY TIRE (Continued)1000472450 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 165 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 875 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: DAVID EARLY TIREName: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110009507961DFR URL: 110009507961Registry ID: 1000472450Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access operations. Environmental Quality (UDEQ) mechanism for compliance and permitting The CIM (Utah - Common Identifier Mechanism) is Utah’s Department of corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110009507961Registry ID: FINDS: EDEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20080414Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRNAICS Description: 811111NAICS Code: TIRE DEALERSNAICS Description: 44132NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: DAVID EARLY TIRE (Continued)1000472450 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 166 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: NCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Freeman Ventures, LLCCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 209761Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: 1981. use of the building has been primarily automotive repair work since current site building was constructed in 1981 for contractors. The repair tenants. The site was developed residential in 1898. The building is currently occupied by up to five, smaller automotive occupies the western area of the site, and the remainder of the approximately 14,680 square for automotive repair. Tire Express Former Use: The site comprises two parcels, improved with one RECs or CRECs. No additional investigation is warranted at this time. auto repair shop, since 1981. The Phase I ESA did not identify any This site was selected for a Phase I ESA because of its history as anHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918694Longitude: 40.7686009Latitude: 0.5Parcel size: 1502201008; 1502201009Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 25 SOUTH 1000 WESTAddress: 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESSName: US BROWNFIELDS: 931 ft. 0.176 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 West 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST N/A 46 US BROWNFIELDS25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESS 1018163576 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 167 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.5Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: -Soil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESS (Continued) 1018163576 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 168 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation This site was selected for a Phase I ESA because of its history as anHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.918694Longitude: 40.7686009Latitude: 0.5Parcel size: 1502201008; 1502201009Property Number: AssessmentGrant Type: Salt Lake City CorporationRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 25 SOUTH 1000 WESTAddress: 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESSName: 12.4Unemployed Percent: 338Unemployed Number: 5.83Vacant Housing Percent: 49Vacant Housing Number: 57.37Meidan Income Percent: 1564Meidan Income Number: 15502Meidan Income: 25.53Below Poverty Percent: 696Below Poverty Number: primarily automotive repair work since 1981. constructed in 1981 for contractors. The use of the building has been developed residential in 1898. The current site building was by up to five, smaller automotive repair tenants. The site was of the site, and the remainder of the building is currently occupied square for automotive repair. Tire Express occupies the western area The site comprises two parcels, improved with one approximately 14,680Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: -Media affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESS (Continued) 1018163576 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 169 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Groundwater affected: -Drinking water cleaned: -Drinking water affected: -Controled substance cleaned: -Controled substance found: -Asbestos cleaned: -Asbestos found: -Air cleaned: -State/tribal NFA date: -State/tribal program ID: -State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: NPhoto Available: NVideo Available: NCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Freeman Ventures, LLCCurrent Owner: 2/5/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 11/24/2015Start Date: 96809601Cooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase I Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative AgreementAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2450Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 209761Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: 1981. use of the building has been primarily automotive repair work since current site building was constructed in 1981 for contractors. The repair tenants. The site was developed residential in 1898. The building is currently occupied by up to five, smaller automotive occupies the western area of the site, and the remainder of the approximately 14,680 square for automotive repair. Tire Express Former Use: The site comprises two parcels, improved with one RECs or CRECs. No additional investigation is warranted at this time. auto repair shop, since 1981. The Phase I ESA did not identify any 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESS (Continued) 1018163576 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 170 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Selenium contaminant found: -Pesticides contaminant found: -No contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: -Mercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: -SVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: -Pesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: -Future use commercial acreage: -Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: 0.5Past use industrial acreage: -Past use commercial acreage: -Surface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: -VOCs cleaned: -VOCs found: -Surface water cleaned: -Soil cleaned up: -Soil affected: -Sediments cleaned: -Sediments found: -Petro products cleaned: -Petro products found: -PCBs cleaned up: -PCBs found: -PAHs cleaned up: -PAHs found: -Other contams found description: -Other contaminants found: -Other metals cleaned: -Other metals found: -Other cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: -No media affected: -Lead cleaned up: -Lead contaminant found: -Groundwater cleaned: 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESS (Continued) 1018163576 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 171 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12.4Unemployed Percent: 338Unemployed Number: 5.83Vacant Housing Percent: 49Vacant Housing Number: 57.37Meidan Income Percent: 1564Meidan Income Number: 15502Meidan Income: 25.53Below Poverty Percent: 696Below Poverty Number: primarily automotive repair work since 1981. constructed in 1981 for contractors. The use of the building has been developed residential in 1898. The current site building was by up to five, smaller automotive repair tenants. The site was of the site, and the remainder of the building is currently occupied square for automotive repair. Tire Express occupies the western area The site comprises two parcels, improved with one approximately 14,680Property Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: -Indoor air media cleaned up: -Building material media cleaned up: -Media affected indoor air: -Media affected Bluiding Material: -Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: -SVOCs contaminant found: 25 SOUTH 1000 WEST_TIRE EXPRESS (Continued) 1018163576 6Total Tanks: (801) 685-9394Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84117Owner City,St,Zip: 4968 S SPRING RUN DROwner Address: RASSOUL & BAHMAN BEN DADGARIOwner Name: 4000251Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 905 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: SMITH’S GAS & VIDEOName: UST: Porter HenzeProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84117Owner City,St,Zip: 84117Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 4968 S SPRING RUN DROwner Address: RASSOUL & BAHMAN BEN DADGARIOwner Name: 01/03/1995Notification Date: IUQRelease Id: 4000251Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 905 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: SMITH’S GAS & VIDEOName: LUST: 948 ft. Site 3 of 5 in cluster I 0.180 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW UT UST905 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A I47 UT LUSTSMITH’S GAS & VIDEO U003150453 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 172 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 6Closed Tanks: SMITH’S GAS & VIDEO (Continued)U003150453 20070305Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: STEVE LINDSEY AND OTHERSOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110Mailing City,State,Zip: P O BOX 87Mailing Address: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: 08EPA Region: 801-539-8401Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110Contact City,State,Zip: P O BOX 87Contact Address: STEPHEN LINDSEYContact Name: UTD980804454EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Handler City,State,Zip: 738 W S TEMPLEHandler Address: CLEARWATER TRUCKINGHandler Name: 20070222Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1001 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster J 0.190 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE 738 W S TEMPLE UTD980804454 J48 RCRA NonGen / NLRCLEARWATER TRUCKING 1010335763 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 173 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: No NAICS Codes FoundNAICS Codes: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: CLEARWATER TRUCKINGHandler Name: 19830317Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: CLEARWATER TRUCKINGHandler Name: 20070222Receive Date: Historic Generators: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: STEVE LINDSEY AND OTHERSOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: STEVE LINDSEY AND OTHERSOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: CORROSIVE WASTEWaste Description: D002Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: CLEARWATER TRUCKING (Continued) 1010335763 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 174 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850201Evaluation Date: CLEARWATER TRUCKING (Continued) 1010335763 5Closed Tanks: 5Total Tanks: (801) 486-6161Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 1800 S 300 WOwner Address: CLEARWATER CARTAGE INCOwner Name: 4000179Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 738 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: CARTOWName: UST: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 84115Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1800 S 300 WOwner Address: CLEARWATER CARTAGE INCOwner Name: 10/18/1993Notification Date: 07/17/2002Closed Date: IHVRelease Id: 4000179Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 738 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: CARTOWName: LUST: 1001 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster J 0.190 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ENE UT UST738 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A J49 UT LUSTCARTOW U003149868 2160 S STATE STOwner Address: M KENT FOOTEOwner Name: 08/11/1989Notification Date: 03/27/1991Closed Date: FGLRelease Id: 4001483Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 935 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: M. KENT FOOTEName: LUST: 1048 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster K 0.198 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW UT UST935 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A K50 UT LUSTM. KENT FOOTE U003150413 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 175 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: (801) 596-1000Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 2160 S STATE STOwner Address: M KENT FOOTEOwner Name: 4001483Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 935 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: M. KENT FOOTEName: UST: [Robin Jenkins]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115Owner City,St,Zip: 84115Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: M. KENT FOOTE (Continued)U003150413 ELJ GROWTH #4211Name: UST: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103Owner City,St,Zip: 84103Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 569 NORTH 300 WEST SUITE COwner Address: ELJ GROWTH, LLCOwner Name: 09/18/1991Notification Date: 03/17/1997Closed Date: HCERelease Id: 4000211Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: ELJ GROWTH #4211Name: Michael PecorelliProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103Owner City,St,Zip: 84103Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 569 NORTH 300 WEST SUITE COwner Address: ELJ GROWTH, LLCOwner Name: 05/31/2002Notification Date: 08/30/2006Closed Date: LOIRelease Id: 4000211Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: ELJ GROWTH #4211Name: LUST: 1091 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster I 0.207 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 North UT UST880 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A I51 UT LUSTELJ GROWTH #4211 U003150373 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 176 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PST FundMechanism: TrueFederal Regulated Tank: 4000211Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: ELJ GROWTH #4211Name: Financial Assurance 2: 4Closed Tanks: 6Total Tanks: (801) 803-8105Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103Owner City,St,Zip: 569 NORTH 300 WEST SUITE COwner Address: ELJ GROWTH, LLCOwner Name: 4000211Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: ELJ GROWTH #4211 (Continued)U003150373 NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: CHEVRON USAOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Mailing City,State,Zip: WEST NORTH TEMPLEMailing Address: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: 801-363-8602Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Contact City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEContact Address: RONALD KINYONContact Name: UTD988071205EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Handler City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEHandler Address: CHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRONHandler Name: 20090818Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1091 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster I 0.207 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 ECHOSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103 North FINDS880 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD988071205 I52 RCRA NonGen / NLRCHEVRON SOIL REMEDIATION 1000657257 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 177 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 206-628-5200Owner/Operator Telephone: SEATTLE, WA 98111Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: PO BOX 220Owner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: CHEVRON USAOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 206-628-5200Owner/Operator Telephone: SEATTLE, WA 98111Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: PO BOX 220Owner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: CHEVRON USAOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: BENZENEWaste Description: D018Waste Code: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: CORROSIVE WASTEWaste Description: D002Waste Code: IGNITABLE WASTEWaste Description: D001Waste Code: Not DefinedWaste Description: D000Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20090818Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: CHEVRON SOIL REMEDIATION (Continued) 1000657257 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 178 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource of the Clean Air Act. redesign to support facility operating permits required under Title V estimation of total national emissions. AFS is undergoing a major to comply with regulatory programs and by EPA as an input for the AFS data are utilized by states to prepare State Implementation Plans used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. information concerning airborne pollution in the United States. AFS is Aerometric Data (SAROAD). AIRS is the national repository for National Emission Data System (NEDS), and the Storage and Retrieval of Subsystem) replaces the former Compliance Data System (CDS), the AFS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Facility Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110009508050Registry ID: FINDS: EDEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20090729Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: No NAICS Codes FoundNAICS Codes: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: CHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRONHandler Name: 19910430Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: CHEVRON USA 72184 RONALD KINYON CHEVRONHandler Name: 20090818Receive Date: Historic Generators: CHEVRON SOIL REMEDIATION (Continued) 1000657257 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 179 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103City,State,Zip: 880 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: CHEVRON SOIL REMEDIATIONName: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110009508050DFR URL: 110009508050Registry ID: 1000657257Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA CHEVRON SOIL REMEDIATION (Continued) 1000657257 NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: QUAKER STATE MINIT-LUBE INCOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Mailing City,State,Zip: WEST NORTH TEMPLEMailing Address: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: 08EPA Region: 801-355-1385Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Contact City,State,Zip: 757 WEST NORTH TEMPLEContact Address: JOE MONTOYAContact Name: UTD988069233EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Handler City,State,Zip: 757 WEST NORTH TEMPLEHandler Address: MINIT-LUBE #1020Handler Name: 20070806Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1139 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster L 0.216 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 ECHOSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE FINDS757 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD988069233 L53 RCRA NonGen / NLRMINIT-LUBE #1020 1000472385 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 180 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: MINIT-LUBE #1020Handler Name: 20070806Receive Date: Historic Generators: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: QUAKER STATE MINIT-LUBE INCOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: QUAKER STATE MINIT-LUBE INCOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: BENZENEWaste Description: D018Waste Code: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: Not DefinedWaste Description: D000Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20070808Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: MINIT-LUBE #1020 (Continued)1000472385 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 181 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 757 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: MINIT-LUBE #1020Name: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110009507881DFR URL: 110009507881Registry ID: 1000472385Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110009507881Registry ID: FINDS: EDEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20070802Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: No NAICS Codes FoundNAICS Codes: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: MINIT-LUBE #1020Handler Name: 19901025Receive Date: MINIT-LUBE #1020 (Continued)1000472385 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 182 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4Closed Tanks: 4Total Tanks: (801) 296-7716Owner Phone: NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054Owner City,St,Zip: 333 W CENTER STOwner Address: FLYING J INCOwner Name: 4000304Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: FLYING JName: UST: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054Owner City,St,Zip: 84054Owner Zip: UTOwner State: NORTH SALT LAKEOwner City: 333 W CENTER STOwner Address: FLYING J INCOwner Name: 07/26/1991Notification Date: 05/05/1995Closed Date: GZORelease Id: 4000304Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: FLYING JName: LUST: 1139 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster L 0.216 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE UT UST757 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A L54 UT LUSTFLYING J U004281681 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: MINIT-LUBE #1020Name: UST: [Jim Martin]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 84119Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1385 W 2200 SOwner Address: Q LUBE INCOwner Name: 02/10/1994Notification Date: 02/16/1994Closed Date: ILWRelease Id: 4000575Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 757 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: MINIT-LUBE #1020Name: LUST: 1139 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster L 0.216 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE UT UST757 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A L55 UT LUSTMINIT-LUBE #1020 U004281691 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 183 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5Closed Tanks: 5Total Tanks: (801) 975-4699Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 1385 W 2200 SOwner Address: Q LUBE INCOwner Name: 4000575Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: MINIT-LUBE #1020 (Continued)U004281691 1Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (801) 594-6297Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 480 N 2200 W BLDG BOwner Address: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONOwner Name: 4001593Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 710 W 100 SAddress: CITY CAB CO.Name: UST: Hong-Lei TaoProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119Owner City,St,Zip: 84119Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 480 N 2200 W BLDG BOwner Address: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONOwner Name: 11/21/1997Notification Date: 08/30/2007Closed Date: KHIRelease Id: 4001593Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 710 W 100 SAddress: CITY CAB CO.Name: LUST: 1141 ft. 0.216 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ESE UT UST710 W 100 S N/A 56 UT LUSTCITY CAB CO.U003149941 BRAD OVERMOEContact Name: UTD056917370EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Handler City,State,Zip: 955 WEST NORTH TEMPLEHandler Address: RED HANGER INC # 12Handler Name: 20140626Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1144 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster K 0.217 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4225 ft. 1/8-1/4 ECHOSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW FINDS955 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD056917370 K57 RCRA NonGen / NLRRED HANGER INC # 12 1000116751 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 184 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,Waste Description: F002Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20140708Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: N/AGroundwater Controls Indicator: N/AHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: No NCAPS rankingCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOperator Type: RED HANGEROperator Name: PrivateOwner Type: TERRY OVERMOEOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110Mailing City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 1114Mailing Address: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: BRADO@REDHANGER.COMContact Email: 801-355-6935Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110Contact City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 1114Contact Address: RED HANGER INC # 12 (Continued)1000116751 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 185 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: RED HANGER INC # 12Handler Name: 20140626Receive Date: Historic Generators: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: TERRY OVERMOEOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-355-6935Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 955 WESTOwner/Operator Address: 19800101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: RED HANGEROwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-355-6935Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 1114Owner/Operator Address: 19800101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: TERRY OVERMOEOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-355-6935Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84110Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: P.O. BOX 1114Owner/Operator Address: 19800101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: TERRY OVERMOEOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-355-6935Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 955 WESTOwner/Operator Address: 19800101Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: RED HANGEROwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, RED HANGER INC # 12 (Continued)1000116751 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 186 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RED HANGER INC # 12Name: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005197599DFR URL: 110005197599Registry ID: 1000116751Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110005197599Registry ID: FINDS: No Evaluations FoundEvaluations: Evaluation Action Summary: No Violations FoundViolations: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: DRYCLEANING AND LAUNDRY SERVICES (EXCEPT COIN-OPERATED)NAICS Description: 81232NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: RED HANGER INC # 12Handler Name: 20090514Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: RED HANGER INC # 12Handler Name: 19861014Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: RED HANGER INC # 12 (Continued)1000116751 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 187 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 955 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: RED HANGER INC # 12 (Continued)1000116751 GSLast Inspection Report: 2014FFY: Converted to hydrocarbon. All PCE machines removed.Comments: 888-14Date of Last Inspection: UT0801107Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 955 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: RED HANGER #12Name: DRYCLEANERS: 1144 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster K 0.217 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4225 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW 955 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A K58 UT DRYCLEANERSRED HANGER #12 S126280599 TrueNot Regulated: FalseOut of Business: UT0801106Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3350City,State,Zip: 910 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: CENTURY LAUNDRYName: DRYCLEANERS: 1152 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster K 0.218 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW 910 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A K59 UT DRYCLEANERSCENTURY LAUNDRY S106515194 TrueNot Regulated: FalseOut of Business: UT0801054Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104-1116City,State,Zip: 906 WEST 2ND SOUTHAddress: VOGUE CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDRYName: DRYCLEANERS: 1317 ft. 0.249 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4241 ft. 1/8-1/4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSW 906 WEST 2ND SOUTH N/A 60 UT DRYCLEANERSVOGUE CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDRY S106515151 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 188 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 4001026Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 960 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573Name: UST: Michael PecorelliProject Manager: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: 75221Owner Zip: TXOwner State: DALLASOwner City: PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 07/28/1999Notification Date: 03/26/2012Closed Date: KZRRelease Id: 4001026Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 960 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573Name: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: 75221Owner Zip: TXOwner State: DALLASOwner City: PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 02/13/1989Notification Date: 12/18/1990Closed Date: FCSRelease Id: 4001026Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 960 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573Name: Lauran OrtmanProject Manager: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: 75221Owner Zip: TXOwner State: DALLASOwner City: PO BOX 711Owner Address: 7-ELEVEN INCOwner Name: 10/14/2016Notification Date: 03/21/2017Closed Date: NLQRelease Id: 4001026Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 960 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573Name: LUST: 1373 ft. 0.260 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NW UT UST960 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A 61 UT LUST7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 U003150448 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 189 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (214) 415-0146Owner Phone: DALLAS, TX 75221Owner City,St,Zip: 7-ELEVEN 1851-24573 (Continued)U003150448 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (814) 502-4000Owner Phone: OGDEN, UT 84402Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 108Owner Address: INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATIONOwner Name: 4000190Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 708 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: WONDER HOSTESS BAKERY THRIFT SHOPName: UST: [Melissa Turchi]Project Manager: OGDEN, UT 84402Owner City,St,Zip: 84402Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OGDENOwner City: P O BOX 108Owner Address: INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATIONOwner Name: 07/11/2005Notification Date: 06/19/2006Closed Date: LZHRelease Id: 4000190Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 708 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: WONDER HOSTESS BAKERY THRIFT SHOPName: LUST: 1501 ft. 0.284 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NE UT UST708 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A 62 UT LUSTWONDER HOSTESS BAKERY THRIFT SHOP U003150386 SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45360Owner Address: DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, L.L.C.Owner Name: 12/03/1990Notification Date: 04/18/1994Closed Date: GKBRelease Id: 4000627Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 1070 W 100 SAddress: S.L. NORTH SERVICE STATIONName: LUST: 1632 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster M 0.309 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW UT UST1070 W 100 S N/A M63 UT LUSTS.L. NORTH SERVICE STATION U003149851 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 190 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 558-7837Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 45360Owner Address: DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, L.L.C.Owner Name: 4000627Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 1070 W 100 SAddress: S.L. NORTH SERVICE STATIONName: UST: [Rocky Stonestreet]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: S.L. NORTH SERVICE STATION (Continued) U003149851 Alternate Name:UTAH GAS AND COKE CO. Years of Operation: 1906-1929 Manufactured Gas Plants: 1682 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster M 0.319 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4227 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 WSW 1078 W 100 SOUTH N/A M64 EDR MGPMOUNTAIN FUELS SUPPLY CO 1008409003 4002113Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 180 S 1000 WAddress: OLD GAS STATIONName: UST: [Dale Urban]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner City,St,Zip: 84116Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 622 W 500 NOwner Address: SALT LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICESOwner Name: 04/10/2001Notification Date: 07/28/2003Closed Date: LJJRelease Id: 4002113Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 180 S 1000 WAddress: OLD GAS STATIONName: LUST: 1683 ft. 0.319 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4232 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SW UT UST180 S 1000 W N/A 65 UT LUSTOLD GAS STATION U003150682 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 191 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 539-1590Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner City,St,Zip: 622 W 500 NOwner Address: SALT LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICESOwner Name: OLD GAS STATION (Continued)U003150682 4Closed Tanks: 5Total Tanks: (801) 802-6954Owner Phone: OREM, UT 84057Owner City,St,Zip: 730 N 1500 WOwner Address: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS INCOwner Name: 4000412Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 748 W 300 SAddress: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC.Name: UST: [DeAnn Rasmussen]Project Manager: OREM, UT 84057Owner City,St,Zip: 84057Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OREMOwner City: 730 N 1500 WOwner Address: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS INCOwner Name: 11/16/2001Notification Date: 05/19/2003Closed Date: LLXRelease Id: 4000412Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 748 W 300 SAddress: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC.Name: [Evan Sullivan]Project Manager: OREM, UT 84057Owner City,St,Zip: 84057Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OREMOwner City: 730 N 1500 WOwner Address: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS INCOwner Name: 11/26/1990Notification Date: 12/11/1997Closed Date: GHQRelease Id: 4000412Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 748 W 300 SAddress: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC.Name: LUST: 1776 ft. 0.336 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4228 ft. 1/4-1/2 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST748 W 300 S N/A 66 UT LUSTGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC.U003150663 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 192 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PST FundMechanism: TrueFederal Regulated Tank: 4000412Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 748 W 300 SAddress: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC.Name: Financial Assurance 2: GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS,INC. (Continued) U003150663 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 521-4781Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111Owner City,St,Zip: 101 SOUTH 200 EAST, SUITE 200Owner Address: THE BOYER COMPANYOwner Name: 4001638Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 1055 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: GRANITE MILL IND. COMPLEXName: UST: [Rocky Stonestreet]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111Owner City,St,Zip: 84111Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 101 SOUTH 200 EAST, SUITE 200Owner Address: THE BOYER COMPANYOwner Name: 11/26/1990Notification Date: 06/19/1995Closed Date: GIXRelease Id: 4001638Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 1055 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: GRANITE MILL IND. COMPLEXName: LUST: 1843 ft. 0.349 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4223 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 WNW UT UST1055 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A 67 UT LUSTGRANITE MILL IND. COMPLEX U003150418 03/14/2011Closed Date: MTHRelease Id: 4002453Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 650 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AIRPORT TRAX 650 WESTName: LUST: 1861 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster N 0.352 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 NE UT UST650 W NORTH TEMPLE N/A N68 UT LUSTAIRPORT TRAX 650 WEST U004179164 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 193 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 287-3064Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 200 S 669 WOwner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 4002453Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 650 W NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AIRPORT TRAX 650 WESTName: UST: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 200 S 669 WOwner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 02/24/2011Notification Date: AIRPORT TRAX 650 WEST (Continued) U004179164 [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140Owner City,St,Zip: 84140Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 669 W 2ND SOwner Address: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT COOwner Name: 10/12/1990Notification Date: 05/11/1995Closed Date: GHTRelease Id: 4001428Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140City,State,Zip: 669 W 200 SAddress: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO.Name: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140Owner City,St,Zip: 84140Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 669 W 2ND SOwner Address: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT COOwner Name: 09/21/1989Notification Date: 07/03/1995Closed Date: FHIRelease Id: 4001428Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140City,State,Zip: 669 W 200 SAddress: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO.Name: LUST: 1882 ft. 0.356 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4230 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140 SE UT UST669 W 200 S N/A 69 UT LUSTEIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO.U003150660 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 194 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 526-2000Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140Owner City,St,Zip: 669 W 2ND SOwner Address: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT COOwner Name: 4001428Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140City,State,Zip: 669 W 200 SAddress: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO.Name: UST: EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO. (Continued) U003150660 4/10/2002Date Closed: FalseFederal Registered: AST w/RP LeadSite Type: LKERelease ID: 4002292Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UTCity,State,Zip: 641 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: FORMER RANCHO LANESName: LAST: 1930 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster N 0.366 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ENE 641 WEST NORTH TEMPLE N/A N70 UT LASTFORMER RANCHO LANES S106560674 POWER CO. Years of Operation: 1871-1908 Alternate Name:SALT LAKE CITY GAS CO; UTAH LIGHT AND RAILWAY CO;UNION LIGHT AND Manufactured Gas Plants: 2077 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster O 0.393 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. Client Plot 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A O71 EDR MGPUTAH POWER AND LIGHT 1008409002 CERCLA BranchBranch: Katie CranePM: LUR Final - Environmental CovenantTitle: 03/21/2011Doc Date: Final ReportsSub Program: DERR-2011-008409Doc #: UTD980667240Facility Id: SALT LAKE CITYCity: 600 W SOUTH TEMPLEAddress: UTAH POWER AND LIGHT AMERICAN BARREL CO.Name: INST CONTROL: 2078 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster O 0.394 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. Client Plot 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 East 600 W SOUTH TEMPLE N/A O72 UT INST CONTROLUTAH POWER AND LIGHT AMERICAN BARREL CO. S118628265 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 195 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 011-008409.pdf AMERICAN%20BARREL%20CO/Final%20Reports/Institutional%20Controls/DERR-2 %20Branch/18%20-%20Salt%20Lake/Superfund/UTAH%20POWER%20and%20LIGHT%20 http://eqedocs.utah.gov/Viewer.aspx?file= DERRDivision: SuperfundPGM: UTAH POWER AND LIGHT AMERICAN BARREL CO. (Continued) S118628265 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 558-7837Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: P O BOX 45360Owner Address: DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, L.L.C.Owner Name: 4000625Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84139City,State,Zip: 1175 W 130 SAddress: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICES - SALT LAKE OPERATIONSName: UST: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45360Owner Address: DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, L.L.C.Owner Name: 07/06/2005Notification Date: 07/06/2005Closed Date: LZDRelease Id: 4000625Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84139City,State,Zip: 1175 W 130 SAddress: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICES - SALT LAKE OPERATIONSName: USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84145Owner City,St,Zip: 84145Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: P O BOX 45360Owner Address: DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, L.L.C.Owner Name: 09/21/2011Notification Date: 09/28/2011Closed Date: MVORelease Id: 4000625Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84139City,State,Zip: 1175 W 130 SAddress: QUESTAR REGULATED SERVICES - SALT LAKE OPERATIONSName: LUST: 2115 ft. 0.401 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4226 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84139 WSW UT UST1175 W 130 S N/A 73 UT LUSTQUESTAR REGULATED SERVICES - SALT LAKE OPERATIONS U000559047 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 196 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation St PerfCurrent Action Lead: 1988-06-24 04:00:00Finish Date: 1988-06-24 04:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: DISCVRYAction Name: DSAction Code: 00OU: NFF: NNPL: DESERET PAINTSite Name: UTD988066023EPA ID: 0800005Site ID: 08Region: St PerfCurrent Action Lead: NQual: 1992-09-23 04:00:00Finish Date: 1SEQ: SIAction Name: SIAction Code: 00OU: NFF: NNPL: DESERET PAINTSite Name: UTD988066023EPA ID: 0800005Site ID: 08Region: EPA Perf In-HseCurrent Action Lead: 1992-09-23 04:00:00Finish Date: 1SEQ: ARCH SITEAction Name: VSAction Code: 00OU: NFF: NNPL: DESERET PAINTSite Name: UTD988066023EPA ID: 0800005Site ID: 08Region: SEMS Archive Detail: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationNon NPL Status: Not on the NPLNPL: NFF: 49035FIPS Code: 02Cong District: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 14 N. 600 W.Address: DESERET PAINTName: UTD988066023EPA ID: 0800005Site ID: SEMS Archive: 2188 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster O 0.414 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4236 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 East 14 N. 600 W.UTD988066023 O74 SEMS-ARCHIVEDESERET PAINT 1003877301 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 197 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation St PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 1989-04-14 04:00:00Finish Date: 1SEQ: PAAction Name: PAAction Code: 00OU: NFF: NNPL: DESERET PAINTSite Name: UTD988066023EPA ID: 0800005Site ID: 08Region: DESERET PAINT (Continued)1003877301 UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19850315Actual Date: INVESTIGATION IMPOSITIONCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19970904Actual Date: CA PRIORITIZATION-LOW CA PRIORITYCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19960916Actual Date: NECESSARY DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR AN INVESTIGATION-INVESTIGATION IS NOTCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19850515Actual Date: RFA COMPLETEDCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: CORRACTS: 2205 ft. 0.418 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4236 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 East RCRA NonGen / NLR49 SOUTH 600 WEST UTD035348325 75 CORRACTSMYERS CONTAINER CORP 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 198 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation JOHN MAUSSHARDTContact Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Handler City,State,Zip: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTHandler Address: MYERS CONTAINER CORPHandler Name: 20070222Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: additional CORRACTS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access YSoil Release Indicator: 19970904Actual Date: OVERALL CA RANKCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19970904Actual Date: EBOCSCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19990824Actual Date: OPERABLE UNITCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19960916Actual Date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-YES, APPLICABLE AS OF THIS DATECorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 19960916Actual Date: DATE HUMAN EXPOSURES CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-YES, APPLICABLE AS OF THISCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD035348325EPA ID: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: MYERS CONTAINER CORPName: YSoil Release Indicator: 20000901Actual Date: STABILIZATION STABILIZATION MEASURES EVALUATION-FACILITY NOT AMENABLE TOCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 199 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation D002Waste Code: IGNITABLE WASTEWaste Description: D001Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20070308Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: YesGroundwater Controls Indicator: YesHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: LowCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: YesNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: NoSubject to Corrective Action Universe: YesCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOwner Type: MR. ED EISEMOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Mailing City,State,Zip: SOUTH 600 WESTMailing Address: Corrective Action ActivitiesActive Site Indicator: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: 801-322-3529Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Contact City,State,Zip: 49 SOUTH 600 WESTContact Address: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 200 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Historic Generators: 801-581-1905Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 51 SOUTH 600 WESTOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: MR. ED EISEMOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-581-1905Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 51 SOUTH 600 WESTOwner/Operator Address: PrivateLegal Status: MR. ED EISEMOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYLWaste Description: F005Waste Code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYLWaste Description: F003Waste Code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,Waste Description: F002Waste Code: LEADWaste Description: D008Waste Code: CHROMIUMWaste Description: D007Waste Code: CORROSIVE WASTEWaste Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 201 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19840907Date of Enforcement Action: 002Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19850315Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19840612Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: OTHER PERSONAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS REPAIR AND MAINTENANCENAICS Description: 81149NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORP. #1Handler Name: 19940225Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Large Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORP.Handler Name: 19920228Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORPHandler Name: 19800818Receive Date: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORPHandler Name: 20070222Receive Date: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 202 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateViolation Responsible Agency: ObservedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19930205Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19911105Date Violation was Determined: LDR - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: 18000Final Amount: 1Final Count: 18000Paid Amount: 18000Final Monetary Amount: Pollution Prevention and ReductionSEP Type Description: PPRSEP Type: 19930307SEP Actual Date: 19930307SEP Scheduled Completion Date: 11000SEP Expenditure Amount: 1SEP Sequence Number: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDEREnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19920205Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: ObservedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19930205Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19911105Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCEEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19840907Date of Enforcement Action: 003Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19850315Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19840612Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: WRITTEN INFORMALEnforcement Type: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 203 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850506Evaluation Date: 19850315Actual Return to Compliance Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19840612Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: 3500Final Amount: 1Final Count: 3500Final Monetary Amount: 3500Proposed Amount: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDEREnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19850315Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: StateViolation Responsible Agency: DocumentedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19850315Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19840612Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCEEnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19900803Date of Enforcement Action: 004Enforcement Identifier: 19900815Scheduled Compliance Date: StateViolation Responsible Agency: ObservedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19900813Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19900803Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: 18000Final Amount: 1Final Count: 18000Paid Amount: 18000Final Monetary Amount: Pollution Prevention and ReductionSEP Type Description: PPRSEP Type: 19930307SEP Actual Date: 19930307SEP Scheduled Completion Date: 11000SEP Expenditure Amount: 1SEP Sequence Number: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDEREnforcement Type: NoCorrective Action Component: StateEnforcement Responsible Agency: 19920205Date of Enforcement Action: 001Enforcement Identifier: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 204 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19840612Evaluation Date: 19900815Scheduled Compliance Date: 19900813Actual Return to Compliance Date: XXXEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19900803Evaluation Date: 19930205Actual Return to Compliance Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19911105Evaluation Date: MTWEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19900601Evaluation Date: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850404Evaluation Date: 19930205Actual Return to Compliance Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19911105Evaluation Date: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850920Evaluation Date: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850828Evaluation Date: 19850315Actual Return to Compliance Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19840612Evaluation Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19850703Evaluation Date: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONEvaluation Type Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 205 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 19850315Actual Return to Compliance Date: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: MYERS CONTAINER CORP (Continued) 1000369022 1Closed Tanks: 1Total Tanks: (801) 467-6304Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner City,St,Zip: 1217 BRICKYARD RD #102Owner Address: WILLIAM L EMMELOwner Name: 4000661Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 736 W 300 SAddress: NOYCE TRANSFER COName: UST: [Shelly Quick]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106Owner City,St,Zip: 84106Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1217 BRICKYARD RD #102Owner Address: WILLIAM L EMMELOwner Name: 08/01/1990Notification Date: 06/05/1995Closed Date: FYYRelease Id: 4000661Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 736 W 300 SAddress: NOYCE TRANSFER COName: LUST: 2210 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster P 0.419 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST736 W 300 S N/A P76 UT LUSTNOYCE TRANSFER CO U003149889 UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 200 S 669 WOwner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 03/21/1990Notification Date: 01/03/1996Closed Date: FPDRelease Id: 4001132Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 610 W 200 SAddress: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISIONName: LUST: 2217 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster Q 0.420 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. 1/4-1/2 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 ESE UT UST610 W 200 S N/A Q77 UT LUSTUTA - CENTRAL DIVISION U003149964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 206 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Self-insuranceMechanism: TrueFederal Regulated Tank: 4001132Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 610 W 200 SAddress: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISIONName: Financial Assurance 2: 8Closed Tanks: 15Total Tanks: (801) 287-3064Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 200 S 669 WOwner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 4001132Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 610 W 200 SAddress: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISIONName: UST: Morgan AtkinsonProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 200 S 669 WOwner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 12/06/2000Notification Date: 02/04/2002Closed Date: LIERelease Id: 4001132Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 610 W 200 SAddress: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISIONName: Morgan AtkinsonProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 200 S 669 WOwner Address: UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITYOwner Name: 04/04/2001Notification Date: 04/05/2010Closed Date: LJPRelease Id: 4001132Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 610 W 200 SAddress: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISIONName: Mark CrimProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Owner City,St,Zip: 84101Owner Zip: UTA - CENTRAL DIVISION (Continued) U003149964 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 207 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12/18/2018Date Of Completion: 04/14/2016Date Of Agreement: 10/09/2015Date Of Application: COC/SMPStatus: JOSEPH KATZProject Manager: 0.38Site Acreage: VCP-C087VCP Number: SALT LAKE CITY, UTCity,State,Zip: 145 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO, PARCEL BName: VCP: entro%20Civico%20Mexicano/IC%20Agreements/DERR-2018-013542.pdf %20Branch/18%20-%20Salt%20Lake/Voluntary%20Cleanup%20Program%20(VCP)/C http://eqedocs.utah.gov/Viewer.aspx?file= DERRDivision: Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP)PGM: CERCLA BranchBranch: Joseph KatzPM: Recorded Environmental Covenant FinalTitle: 09/19/2018Doc Date: IC AgreementsSub Program: DERR-2018-013542Doc #: C087Facility Id: SALT LAKE CITYCity: 145 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: INST CONTROL: 2260 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster R 0.428 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE UT VCP145 SOUTH 600 WEST N/A R78 UT INST CONTROLCENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO S118344377 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19960916Actual Date: NECESSARY DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR AN INVESTIGATION-INVESTIGATION IS NOTCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19960916Actual Date: RFA COMPLETEDCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: CORRACTS: 2261 ft.ECHO 0.428 mi.FINDS Relative: Higher Actual: 4235 ft. 1/4-1/2 ICISSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 ENE RCRA-VSQG600 WEST NORTH TEMPLE UTD000818211 79 CORRACTSAMERICAN BARREL COMPANY 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 208 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WEST NORTH TEMPLEContact Address: JEFF TUCKERContact Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Handler City,State,Zip: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEHandler Address: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYHandler Name: 20100218Date Form Received by Agency: RCRA-VSQG: 19960916Actual Date: OVERALL CA RANKCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19960916Actual Date: EBOCSCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19960916Actual Date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-YES, APPLICABLE AS OF THIS DATECorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19960916Actual Date: DATE HUMAN EXPOSURES CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-YES, APPLICABLE AS OF THISCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19971003Actual Date: STABILIZATION STABILIZATION MEASURES EVALUATION-FACILITY NOT AMENABLE TOCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19960916Actual Date: REFERRED TO A NON-RCRA AUTHORITY-REFERRED TO CERCLACorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: 19970904Actual Date: CA PRIORITIZATION-LOW CA PRIORITYCorrective Action: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: UTD000818211EPA ID: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 209 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation F002Waste Code: Hazardous Waste Summary: NoSub-Part P Indicator: NoExporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoImporter of Spent Lead Acid Batteries: NoRecognized Trader-Exporter: NoRecognized Trader-Importer: 20140916Handler Date of Last Change: NoSignificant Non-Complier With a Compliance Schedule Universe: NoAddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoUnaddressed Significant Non-Complier Universe: NoSignificant Non-Complier Universe: YesGroundwater Controls Indicator: YesHuman Exposure Controls Indicator: NoInstitutional Control Indicator: NoEnvironmental Control Indicator: LowCorrective Action Priority Ranking: NoTSDFs Only Subject to CA under Discretionary Auth Universe: NoTSDFs Potentially Subject to CA Under 3004 (u)/(v) Universe: NoNon-TSDFs Where RCRA CA has Been Imposed Universe: YesSubject to Corrective Action Universe: NoCorrective Action Workload Universe: No202 GPRA Corrective Action Baseline: StoragePermit Progress Universe: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Renewals Baseline: Not on the Baseline2018 GPRA Permit Baseline: StorageTreatment Storage and Disposal Type: NoCommercial TSD Indicator: NNHazardous Secondary Material Indicator: ---Active Site State-Reg Handler: NoFederal Universal Waste: NoUniversal Waste Destination Facility: NoUniversal Waste Indicator: NoOff-Site Waste Receipt: NoUnderground Injection Control: NoSmelting Melting and Refining Furnace Exemption: NoSmall Quantity On-Site Burner Exemption: NoRecycler Activity with Storage: NoTransfer Facility Activity: NoTransporter Activity: NoMixed Waste Generator: NoImporter Activity: NoShort-Term Generator Activity: PrivateOperator Type: PACIFICORPOperator Name: EISEN EDWARDOwner Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Mailing City,State,Zip: NORTH TEMPLEMailing Address: Handler ActivitiesActive Site Indicator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: PrivateLand Type: 08EPA Region: JEFF.TUCKER@PACIFICORP.COMContact Email: 801-220-2989Contact Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101Contact City,State,Zip: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 210 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENEWaste Description: U220Waste Code: 2-BUTANONE (I,T) (OR) METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK) (I,T)Waste Description: U159Waste Code: ACETIC ACID, ETHYL ESTER (I) (OR) ETHYL ACETATE (I)Waste Description: U112Waste Code: BENZENE (I,T)Waste Description: U019Waste Code: 2-PROPANONE (I) (OR) ACETONE (I)Waste Description: U002Waste Code: SLOP OIL EMULSION SOLIDS FROM THE PETROLEUM REFINING INDUSTRY.Waste Description: K049Waste Code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYLWaste Description: F005Waste Code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID,Waste Description: F004Waste Code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYLWaste Description: F003Waste Code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,Waste Description: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 211 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 20070521Receive Date: Historic Generators: 801-220-2989Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLEOwner/Operator Address: 19870215Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: PACIFICORPOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: OtherLegal Status: EISEN EDWARDOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-220-2989Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLEOwner/Operator Address: 19870215Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: PACIFICORPOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: OtherLegal Status: EISEN EDWARDOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 999-999-9999Owner/Operator Telephone: DATA NOT REQUESTED, UT 99999Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: DATA NOT REQUESTEDOwner/Operator Address: OtherLegal Status: EISEN EDWARDOwner/Operator Name: OwnerOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-220-2989Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLEOwner/Operator Address: 19880215Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: PACIFICORPOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: 801-220-2989Owner/Operator Telephone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116Owner/Operator City,State,Zip: 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLEOwner/Operator Address: 19880215Date Became Current: PrivateLegal Status: PACIFICORPOwner/Operator Name: OperatorOwner/Operator Indicator: Handler - Owner Operator: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 212 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateViolation Responsible Agency: Not ResolvedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19870527Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19860527Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: StateViolation Responsible Agency: Not ResolvedReturn to Compliance Qualifier: 19870801Actual Return to Compliance Date: 19860801Date Violation was Determined: Generators - GeneralViolation Short Description: StateAgency Which Determined Violation: YesFound Violation: NoFound Violation: NoFound Violation: Facility Has Received Notices of Violation: FOSSIL FUEL ELECTRIC POWER GENERATIONNAICS Description: 221112NAICS Code: List of NAICS Codes and Descriptions: YesCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorFederal Waste Generator Description: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYHandler Name: 20100218Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYHandler Name: 19800818Receive Date: NoCurrent Record: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Exporter: NoSpent Lead Acid Battery Importer: NoRecognized Trader Exporter: NoRecognized Trader Importer: NoLarge Quantity Handler of Universal Waste: Not a generator, verifiedFederal Waste Generator Description: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYHandler Name: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 213 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: 24765Program System Acronym: -111.908276Longitude in Decimal Degrees: 40.77152Latitude in Decimal Degrees: 106EA Type Code: Administrative - FormalEnforcement Action Forum Desc: ICISProgram System Acronym: SALT LAKEFacility County: CERCLA 106 AO For Resp Action/Imm HazEnforcement Action Type: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEFacility Address: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: UTAH POWER & LIGHTAction Name: 110000619947FRS ID: 08-1988-0066Enforcement Action ID: ICIS: 19870527Actual Return to Compliance Date: CDREvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19860527Evaluation Date: SMHEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20040108Evaluation Date: 19870801Actual Return to Compliance Date: CDREvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation Type Description: YesFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19860801Evaluation Date: R8MPEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: NON-FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: EPAEvaluation Responsible Agency: 19900409Evaluation Date: EDEvaluation Responsible Person Identifier: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation Type Description: NoFound Violation: StateEvaluation Responsible Agency: 20070517Evaluation Date: Evaluation Action Summary: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 214 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYName: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110000619947DFR URL: 110000619947Registry ID: 1000360561Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110031319927Registry ID: Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System: Click Here: 110000619947Registry ID: FINDS: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANYFacility Name: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 215 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84113City,State,Zip: 600 WEST NORTH TEMPLEAddress: ABANDONED SITEName: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110031319927DFR URL: 110031319927Registry ID: 1000360561Envid: AMERICAN BARREL COMPANY (Continued) 1000360561 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 521-2670Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 751 W 300 SOwner Address: MARK STEELOwner Name: 4001878Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 751 W 300 SAddress: MARK STEELName: UST: [Evan Sullivan]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 84104Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 751 W 300 SOwner Address: MARK STEELOwner Name: 01/05/1993Notification Date: 04/26/1995Closed Date: HYMRelease Id: 4001878Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 751 W 300 SAddress: MARK STEELName: LUST: 2334 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster P 0.442 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4229 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 SSE UT UST751 W 300 S N/A P80 UT LUSTMARK STEEL U000813286 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: US BROWNFIELDS: 2365 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster R 0.448 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 ESE 155 SOUTH 600 WEST N/A R81 US BROWNFIELDSCENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 216 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 217 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 218 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 219 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 220 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 221 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96849001Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: CleanupGrant Type: Centro Civico MexicanoRecipient Name: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 222 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 223 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Assessment Funding: EPACleanup Funding Source: 198046Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: 9/5/2019Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: 10/25/2017Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: CleanupGrant Type: Centro Civico MexicanoRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 224 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96849001Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: US EPA - Brownfields Cleanup Cooperative AgreementCleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 225 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 226 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: 12/18/2015Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/16/2015Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: YAccomplishment Count: Phase II Environmental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - TBA FundingAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 33300Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 227 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 228 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 229 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 230 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 231 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: 0.4Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 232 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 233 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 234 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 235 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 236 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: -Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: -Start Date: 96849001Cooperative Agreement Number: -Accomplishment Count: -Accomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: Cost ShareCleanup Funding Entity: -Assessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: -Assessment Funding Source: -Assessment Funding: Centro Civico mexicanoCleanup Funding Source: 40000Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: 9/5/2019Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: 10/25/2017Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: CleanupGrant Type: Centro Civico MexicanoRecipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 237 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 238 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 239 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: 4/29/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 10/16/2015Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Cleanup PlanningAccomplishment Type: Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - TBA FundingAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 2000Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 240 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 241 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Hazardous & PetroleumGrant Type: -Cleanup Funding Entity: US EPA - TBA FundingAssessment Funding Entity: -Redevelopment Start Date: -Redev. Funding Entity Name: -Redev. Funding Source: -Redevelopment Funding: EPAAssessment Funding Source: 28100Assessment Funding: -Cleanup Funding Source: -Cleanup Funding: -Acres Cleaned Up: -Completed Date: -Redev Completition Date: -Start Date: -IC Data Access: 215961Acres Property ID: North American Datum of 1983Datum: and metals are present. historically industrial including foundaries and machine shops. PAHs 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. The area was cultural, recreational and office space. Former Use: The property is and civic center. The civic center will include educational, project that includes multi-family senior affordable housing, retail, Centro Civico plans to redevelop the property for a new multi-useHighlights: Entrance Point of a Facility or StationPoint of Reference: -Map Scale: Address Matching-House NumberHCM Label: -111.907694Longitude: 40.765895Latitude: 1.22Parcel size: 15-01-108-005, 15-01-108-006, 15-01-108-007,Property Number: TBAGrant Type: R8 TBA - Utah (STAG Funded)Recipient Name: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101City,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANOName: 1 additional US BROWNFIELDS: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 242 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NSurface Water: -Past use residential acreage: -Past use greenspace acreage: -Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: -Cleanup other description: NVOCs cleaned: YVOCs found: NSurface water cleaned: NSoil cleaned up: YSoil affected: NSediments cleaned: NSediments found: YPetro products cleaned: YPetro products found: NPCBs cleaned up: NPCBs found: NPAHs cleaned up: YPAHs found: -Other contams found description: NOther contaminants found: NOther metals cleaned: YOther metals found: NOther cleaned up: -Unknown media affected: NNo media affected: NLead cleaned up: YLead contaminant found: NGroundwater cleaned: YGroundwater affected: NDrinking water cleaned: NDrinking water affected: NControled substance cleaned: NControled substance found: NAsbestos cleaned: YAsbestos found: NAir cleaned: 9/6/2018State/tribal NFA date: C087State/tribal program ID: 3/10/2016State/tribal program date: NIC in place: -IC in place date: -IC Cat. Enforcement Permit Tools: -IC Cat. Gov. Controls: -IC Cat. Info. Devices: -IC Category Proprietary Controls: NInstitutional Controls Required: -Photo Available: -Video Available: YCleanup Required: NDid Owner Change: Centro Civico MexicanoCurrent Owner: 4/29/2016Completion Date: PrivateOwnership Entity: 12/18/2015Start Date: n/aCooperative Agreement Number: NAccomplishment Count: Supplemental AssessmentAccomplishment Type: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 243 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1 additional US BROWNFIELDS: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access 11.56Unemployed Percent: 307Unemployed Number: 20.46Vacant Housing Percent: 326Vacant Housing Number: 61.02Meidan Income Percent: 1620Meidan Income Number: 1726Meidan Income: 37.48Below Poverty Percent: 995Below Poverty Number: shops. PAHs and metals are present. area was historically industrial including foundaries and machine The property is 1.22 acres with a building used as a civic center. TheProperty Description: -Past Use: Multistory -Unknown media cleaned up: NIndoor air media cleaned up: NBuilding material media cleaned up: NMedia affected indoor air: YMedia affected Bluiding Material: 0Future Use: Multistory -Unknown contaminant found: NSVOCs contaminant found: -Selenium contaminant found: NPesticides contaminant found: NNo contaminant found: -Nickel contaminant found: YMercury contaminant found: -Iron contaminant found: -Copper contaminant found: -Chromium contaminant found: -Cadmium contaminant found: -Arsenic contaminant found: -Unknown clean up: NSVOCs cleaned up: -Selenium cleaned up: NPesticides cleaned up: -No clean up: -Nickel Cleaned Up: -mercury cleaned up: -Iron cleaned up: -Copper cleaned up: -Chromium cleaned up: -Cadmium cleaned up: -Arsenic cleaned up: -Superfund Fed. landowner flag: -Future use industrial acreage: 0.84Future use commercial acreage: 0.38Future use residential acreage: -Future use greenspace acreage: -Past use industrial acreage: 1.22Past use commercial acreage: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO (Continued) 1018273086 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 244 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 09/02/2020Date Of Agreement: 01/23/2020Date Of Application: ACT/RAStatus: JOSEPH KATZProject Manager: 0.84Site Acreage: VCP-C101VCP Number: SALT LAKE CITY, UTCity,State,Zip: 155 SOUTH 600 WESTAddress: CENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO, PARCEL AName: VCP: 2365 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster R 0.448 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4234 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 155 SOUTH 600 WEST N/A R82 UT VCPCENTRO CIVICO MEXICANO, PARCEL A S125898796 2Closed Tanks: 2Total Tanks: (801) 369-5662Owner Phone: OREM, UT 84097Owner City,St,Zip: 770 NORTH 532 EASTOwner Address: WP WEST ACQUISTIONS, LLCOwner Name: 4001801Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102City,State,Zip: 553 W 100 SAddress: OLD COACH USA STATIONName: UST: Molly ParkerProject Manager: OREM, UT 84097Owner City,St,Zip: 84097Owner Zip: UTOwner State: OREMOwner City: 770 NORTH 532 EASTOwner Address: WP WEST ACQUISTIONS, LLCOwner Name: 10/05/2021Notification Date: OCCRelease Id: 4001801Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102City,State,Zip: 553 W 100 SAddress: OLD COACH USA STATIONName: LUST: 2410 ft. 0.456 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4237 ft. Client Plot 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102 ESE UT UST553 W 100 S N/A 83 UT LUSTOLD COACH USA STATION U003379088 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 245 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 02/08/2021Date Of Agreement: 11/13/2020Date Of Application: ACT/RAStatus: JOSEPH KATZProject Manager: 3.40Site Acreage: VCP-C107VCP Number: SALT LAKE CITY, UTCity,State,Zip: 565 WEST 100 SOUTHAddress: ALTA GATEWAY IIName: VCP: 2429 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster R 0.460 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4237 ft. Client Plot 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 565 WEST 100 SOUTH N/A R84 UT VCPALTA GATEWAY II S127284912 2/2/2007Date Of Completion: 04/29/1999Date Of Agreement: 03/22/1999Date Of Application: COC/SMPStatus: KRISTEN (LEIGH) ANDERSONProject Manager: 17.00Site Acreage: VCP-C016VCP Number: SALT LAKE CITY, UTCity,State,Zip: 600 WEST 200 SOUTHAddress: SALT LAKE CITY INTERMODAL HUBName: VCP: 2432 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster Q 0.461 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 4233 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT ESE 600 WEST 200 SOUTH N/A Q85 UT VCPSALT LAKE CITY INTERMODAL HUB S105429897 USTProject Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111Owner City,St,Zip: 84111Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 333 South State StreetOwner Address: Questar Gas CompanyOwner Name: 02/08/2018Notification Date: 02/26/2018Closed Date: NQVRelease Id: 4001800Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 1140 W 200 SAddress: QUESTAR GAS COMPANY FUEL STATIONName: LUST: 2462 ft. 0.466 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4224 ft. 1/4-1/2 UT Financial AssuranceSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WSW UT UST1140 W 200 S N/A 86 UT LUSTQUESTAR GAS COMPANY FUEL STATION U000558847 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 246 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Self-insuranceMechanism: TrueFederal Regulated Tank: 4001800Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 1140 W 200 SAddress: QUESTAR GAS COMPANY FUEL STATIONName: Financial Assurance 2: 0Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 324-5111Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111Owner City,St,Zip: 333 South State StreetOwner Address: Questar Gas CompanyOwner Name: 4001800Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104City,State,Zip: 1140 W 200 SAddress: QUESTAR GAS COMPANY FUEL STATIONName: UST: QUESTAR GAS COMPANY FUEL STATION (Continued) U000558847 3Closed Tanks: 3Total Tanks: (801) 535-6904Owner Phone: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 1990 W 500 SOwner Address: SALT LAKE CITY FLEET MANAGEMENTOwner Name: 4000856Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 273 N 1000 WAddress: S.L.C. FIRE DEPT. STATION #7Name: UST: [Mike Pfeiffer]Project Manager: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104Owner City,St,Zip: 84104Owner Zip: UTOwner State: SALT LAKE CITYOwner City: 1990 W 500 SOwner Address: SALT LAKE CITY FLEET MANAGEMENTOwner Name: 03/15/1990Notification Date: 12/27/1995Closed Date: FOZRelease Id: 4000856Facility ID: SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116City,State,Zip: 273 N 1000 WAddress: S.L.C. FIRE DEPT. STATION #7Name: LUST: 2573 ft. 0.487 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 4224 ft. 1/4-1/2 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 NNW UT UST273 N 1000 W N/A 87 UT LUSTS.L.C. FIRE DEPT. STATION #7 U003150403 To streamline review, fields that are "Not Reported" are omitted from this report. TC7026752.2s Page 247 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) Count: 4 records. SALT LAKE CITY S121450070 DALTON’S EDGE MULTI-FAMILY 1040 SOUTH 400 WEST UT VCP SALT LAKE CITY U003832879 CONSTRUCTION NEAR SUBWAY SANDWICH APPROX 100 N 300 W, NW CORNER 84103 UT LUST, UT UST SALT LAKE CITY S107596879 NORTH TEMPLE LANDFILL INTERSECTION OF I-80 AND 7200 UT VCP SALT LAKE CITY S127484925 POLICE MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION PMAA PARLEYS CANYON EXIT 134 ON I-8 UT VCP TC7026752.2s Page 248 UT AIRS Division of Air Quality Department of Environmental Quality 04/26/2022 04/27/2022 05/17/2022 UT AST Listing of Aboveground Storage Tanks Department of Environmental Quality 03/03/2022 03/04/2022 05/27/2022 UT BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Assessment Sites Department of Environmental Quality 11/09/2021 11/11/2021 02/02/2022 UT CDL Methamphetamine Contaminated Properties Listing Salt Lake Valley Health Department 02/16/2022 03/01/2022 05/27/2022 UT DRYCLEANERS Registered Drycleaners Department of Environmental Quality 04/19/2022 04/20/2022 05/16/2022 UT EWA Enforceable Written Assurances Department of Environmental Quality 03/07/2022 03/16/2022 06/13/2022 UT FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites Utah AGRC 07/19/2021 07/19/2021 10/07/2021 UT Financial Assurance 1 Financial Assurance Information Listing Department of Environmental Quality 12/31/2020 03/23/2022 06/21/2022 UT Financial Assurance 2 Financial Assurance Information Listing Department of Environmental Quality 03/03/2022 03/04/2022 03/21/2022 UT INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls Department of Environmental Quality 01/19/2022 01/20/2022 04/05/2022 UT LAST Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank Sites Department of Environmental Quality 03/03/2022 03/04/2022 05/27/2022 UT LUST Sites with Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Department of Environmental Quality 01/11/2022 01/12/2022 04/01/2022 UT MMRP Military Munitions Response Program Department of Environmental Quality 03/02/2022 03/16/2022 06/13/2022 UT NPDES Permitted Facilities Listing Department of Environmental Quality 03/08/2022 03/10/2022 06/06/2022 UT PFAS PFAS Site Information Listing Department of Environmental Quality 04/12/2022 04/13/2022 05/16/2022 UT RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List Department of Environmental Quality 07/01/2013 01/16/2014 UT RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tan Department of Environmental Quality 07/01/2013 01/03/2014 UT SHWS This state does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CE Department of Environmental Quality UT SPILLS Spills Data Department of Environmental Quality 01/10/2022 01/13/2022 04/05/2022 UT SPILLS 90 SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch FirstSearch 07/31/2011 01/03/2013 02/11/2013 UT SWF/LF List of Landfills Department of Environmental Quality 10/07/2021 10/12/2021 01/10/2022 UT TIER 2 Tier 2 Facility Listing Department of Environmental Quality 12/31/2021 03/16/2022 06/13/2022 UT UIC UIC Site Location Listing Department of Natural Resources 01/19/2022 01/19/2022 04/13/2022 UT UOPF Used Oil Permitted Facilities Department of Environmental Quality 12/06/2021 12/07/2021 02/24/2022 UT UST List of Sites with Underground Storage Tanks Department of Environmental Quality 01/11/2022 01/12/2022 04/01/2022 UT VCP Voluntary Cleanup Sites List Department of Environmental Quality 12/27/2021 02/11/2022 05/10/2022 US 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List Environmental Protection Agency 09/30/2017 05/08/2018 07/20/2018 US ABANDONED MINES Abandoned Mines Department of Interior 03/10/2022 03/10/2022 06/14/2022 US BRS Biennial Reporting System EPA/NTIS 12/31/2019 03/02/2022 03/25/2022 US COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data Department of Energy 12/31/2020 11/30/2021 02/22/2022 US COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List Environmental Protection Agency 01/12/2017 03/05/2019 11/11/2019 US CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library 12/31/2021 01/14/2022 03/25/2022 US CORRACTS Corrective Action Report EPA 02/28/2022 03/02/2022 03/17/2022 US DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations EPA, Region 9 01/12/2009 05/07/2009 09/21/2009 US DOCKET HWC Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing Environmental Protection Agency 05/06/2021 05/21/2021 08/11/2021 US DOD Department of Defense Sites USGS 06/07/2021 07/13/2021 03/09/2022 US DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeli 01/02/2020 01/28/2020 04/17/2020 US Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions EPA 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US ECHO Enforcement & Compliance History Information Environmental Protection Agency 01/01/2022 01/04/2022 01/10/2022 US EDR Hist Auto EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR, Inc. US EDR Hist Cleaner EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR, Inc. US EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR, Inc. US EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST Environmental Protection Agency 08/30/2013 03/21/2014 06/17/2014 US ERNS Emergency Response Notification System National Response Center, United States Coast 06/14/2022 06/15/2022 06/21/2022 US FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing Environmental Protection Agency 05/25/2021 06/24/2021 09/20/2021 US FEDLAND Federal and Indian Lands U.S. Geological Survey 04/02/2018 04/11/2018 11/06/2019 US FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing FEMA 10/14/2021 11/05/2021 02/01/2022 TC7026752.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date US FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System EPA 05/13/2022 05/18/2022 05/31/2022 US FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fu EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxi 04/09/2009 04/16/2009 05/11/2009 US FTTS INSP FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fu EPA 04/09/2009 04/16/2009 05/11/2009 US FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 12/01/2021 02/15/2022 05/10/2022 US FUELS PROGRAM EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing EPA 02/17/2022 02/17/2022 05/10/2022 US FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Department of Energy 07/26/2021 07/27/2021 10/22/2021 US HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing Environmental Protection Agency 10/19/2006 03/01/2007 04/10/2007 US HIST FTTS INSP FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Lis Environmental Protection Agency 10/19/2006 03/01/2007 04/10/2007 US HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System U.S. Department of Transportation 03/21/2022 03/21/2022 06/14/2022 US ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System Environmental Protection Agency 11/18/2016 11/23/2016 02/10/2017 US IHS OPEN DUMPS Open Dumps on Indian Land Department of Health & Human Serivces, Indian 04/01/2014 08/06/2014 01/29/2015 US INDIAN LUST R1 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 1 04/28/2021 06/11/2021 09/07/2021 US INDIAN LUST R10 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 10 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN LUST R4 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 4 05/28/2021 06/22/2021 09/20/2021 US INDIAN LUST R5 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA, Region 5 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN LUST R6 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 6 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN LUST R7 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 7 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN LUST R8 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 8 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN LUST R9 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Environmental Protection Agency 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Environmental Protection Agency 12/31/1998 12/03/2007 01/24/2008 US INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations USGS 12/31/2014 07/14/2015 01/10/2017 US INDIAN UST R1 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA, Region 1 10/14/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN UST R10 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 10 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN UST R4 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 4 05/28/2021 06/22/2021 09/20/2021 US INDIAN UST R5 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 5 04/06/2021 06/11/2021 09/07/2021 US INDIAN UST R6 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 6 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN UST R7 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 7 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN UST R8 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 8 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN UST R9 Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land EPA Region 9 10/12/2021 11/15/2021 02/08/2022 US INDIAN VCP R1 Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing EPA, Region 1 07/27/2015 09/29/2015 02/18/2016 US INDIAN VCP R7 Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng EPA, Region 7 03/20/2008 04/22/2008 05/19/2008 US LEAD SMELTER 1 Lead Smelter Sites Environmental Protection Agency 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US LEAD SMELTER 2 Lead Smelter Sites American Journal of Public Health 04/05/2001 10/27/2010 12/02/2010 US LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Environmental Protection Agency 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US LUCIS Land Use Control Information System Department of the Navy 02/08/2022 02/11/2022 05/10/2022 US MINES MRDS Mineral Resources Data System USGS 04/06/2018 10/21/2019 10/24/2019 US MINES VIOLATIONS MSHA Violation Assessment Data DOL, Mine Safety & Health Admi 03/21/2022 03/22/2022 03/25/2022 US MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System Nuclear Regulatory Commission 03/11/2022 03/15/2022 06/14/2022 US NPL National Priority List EPA 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens EPA 10/15/1991 02/02/1994 03/30/1994 US ODI Open Dump Inventory Environmental Protection Agency 06/30/1985 08/09/2004 09/17/2004 US PADS PCB Activity Database System EPA 01/20/2022 01/20/2022 03/25/2022 US PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database Environmental Protection Agency 09/13/2019 11/06/2019 02/10/2020 US PCS Permit Compliance System EPA, Office of Water 07/14/2011 08/05/2011 09/29/2011 US PCS ENF Enforcement data EPA 12/31/2014 02/05/2015 03/06/2015 US PCS INACTIVE Listing of Inactive PCS Permits EPA 11/05/2014 01/06/2015 05/06/2015 US PRP Potentially Responsible Parties EPA 01/25/2022 02/03/2022 02/25/2022 TC7026752.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date US Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites EPA 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System EPA 04/17/1995 07/03/1995 08/07/1995 US RADINFO Radiation Information Database Environmental Protection Agency 07/01/2019 07/01/2019 09/23/2019 US RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated Environmental Protection Agency 02/28/2022 03/02/2022 03/17/2022 US RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators Environmental Protection Agency 02/28/2022 03/02/2022 03/17/2022 US RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators Environmental Protection Agency 02/28/2022 03/02/2022 03/17/2022 US RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Environmental Protection Agency 02/28/2022 03/02/2022 03/17/2022 US RCRA-VSQG RCRA - Very Small Quantity Generators (Formerly Conditionall Environmental Protection Agency 02/28/2022 03/02/2022 03/17/2022 US RMP Risk Management Plans Environmental Protection Agency 04/27/2022 05/04/2022 05/10/2022 US ROD Records Of Decision EPA 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing Environmental Protection Agency 01/01/2017 02/03/2017 04/07/2017 US SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System EPA 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US SEMS-ARCHIVE Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive EPA 04/27/2022 05/05/2022 05/31/2022 US SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems EPA 01/19/2022 01/19/2022 04/11/2022 US TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System EPA 12/31/2018 08/14/2020 11/04/2020 US TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act EPA 12/31/2016 06/17/2020 09/10/2020 US UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Department of Energy 08/30/2019 11/15/2019 01/28/2020 US US AIRS (AFS) Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem ( EPA 10/12/2016 10/26/2016 02/03/2017 US US AIRS MINOR Air Facility System Data EPA 10/12/2016 10/26/2016 02/03/2017 US US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Environmental Protection Agency 02/23/2022 03/10/2022 03/10/2022 US US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs Drug Enforcement Administration 02/22/2022 02/23/2022 05/10/2022 US US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List Environmental Protection Agency 02/21/2022 02/23/2022 05/24/2022 US US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information Environmental Protection Agency 03/21/2022 03/21/2022 06/14/2022 US US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Drug Enforcement Administration 02/22/2022 02/23/2022 05/10/2022 US US INST CONTROLS Institutional Controls Sites List Environmental Protection Agency 02/21/2022 02/23/2022 05/24/2022 US US MINES Mines Master Index File Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health A 02/01/2022 02/23/2022 05/24/2022 US US MINES 2 Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Mines Database Listing USGS 05/06/2020 05/27/2020 08/13/2020 US US MINES 3 Active Mines & Mineral Plants Database Listing USGS 04/14/2011 06/08/2011 09/13/2011 US UXO Unexploded Ordnance Sites Department of Defense 12/31/2020 01/11/2022 02/14/2022 NY NY MANIFEST Facility and Manifest Data Department of Environmental Conservation 01/01/2019 10/29/2021 01/19/2022 PA PA MANIFEST Manifest Information Department of Environmental Protection 06/30/2018 07/19/2019 09/10/2019 WI WI MANIFEST Manifest Information Department of Natural Resources 05/31/2018 06/19/2019 09/03/2019 US AHA Hospitals Sensitive Receptor: AHA Hospitals American Hospital Association, Inc. US Medical Centers Sensitive Receptor: Medical Centers Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services US Nursing Homes Sensitive Receptor: Nursing Homes National Institutes of Health US Public Schools Sensitive Receptor: Public Schools National Center for Education Statistics US Private Schools Sensitive Receptor: Private Schools National Center for Education Statistics UT Daycare Centers Sensitive Receptor: Child Care Provider List Department of Health TC7026752.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date US Flood Zones 100-year and 500-year flood zones Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) US NWI National Wetlands Inventory U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service UT State Wetlands Wetland Inventory Utah Geological Survey US Topographic Map Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map U.S. Geological Survey US Oil/Gas Pipelines Endeavor Business Media US Electric Power Transmission Line Data Endeavor Business Media STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC7026752.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING St Acronym Full Name Government Agency Gov Date Arvl. Date Active Date APPENDIX E CREDENTIALS Kelly Shaw, GIT Geologist PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Kelly Shaw joined Terracon Consultants, Inc. in March 2021. Working under the guidance of Terracon’s environmental staff, which includes geotechnical engineers, geologists, geoscientists, and environmental scientists, she has experience in environmental site assessments, soil, and groundwater sampling. Her specific background includes geotechnical fieldwork and reporting, construction observation, environmental fieldwork, and reporting. She has worked on over 100 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), including residential properties, restaurants, agricultural properties, retail and industrial properties, railroad right-of-ways, and gas stations and auto shops in California, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Large, Confidential International Corporation – Utah and Idaho Kelly served as Project Manager on several Phase I ESAs throughout Utah for this large, confidential international corporation. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site investigations and interviews, and authored the reports. Parc View Apartments – West Jordan, Utah Kelly served as Project Manager on this Phase I ESA in West Jordan. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted the site investigation and interviews, and co-authored the report. Large, Confidential International Nonprofit Corporation – Throughout the United States Ms. Shaw served as Project Manager on several Phase I ESAs in Utah and Idaho for this large, confidential, nonprofit international corporation. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site investigations and interviews, and authored the reports. Dewar Plaza – Rock Springs, Wyoming Kelly served as Project Manager on Phase I ESA in Rock City. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted the site investigation and interviews, and co-authored the report. University of Utah – Several locations in Utah Kelly served as Assistant Project Manager and Project Manager for several Phase I ESAs for the University of Utah. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site investigations and interviews, and authored the reports. Providence Hall – Herriman, Utah EDUCATION B.S., Geology, California State University - Fullerton, 2015 REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS OSHA 40-hour HAZWOPER Utah Groundwater and Soil Sampling Utah Asbestos Certification #ASB-7607 Salt Lake County Pre- Demolition Building Inspector Utah PBI 172 Kelly Shaw, GIT (continued) Kelly assisted on two Phase I ESAs for Providence Hall. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site investigations, and authored the reports. CalTrans – Various locations in Southern California Kelly reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site investigations, performed subsurface investigations, and assisted in report preparation. Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), LAX – Los Angeles, California Kelly worked on several projects at LAX proper and several properties held by LAWA. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site inspections, p erformed subsurface investigations and construction observations, and assisted in report preparation. Los Angeles County Metro and Orange County Metro – Various locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties Kelly worked on several Los Angeles and Orange Counties for Metro projects. She reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site inspections, performed subsurface investigations, and assisted in report preparation. Christina (Tina) Cheney ESA Group Manager PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Christina (Tina) joined Neil O. Anderson and Associates, a Terracon Company, in 2004. In 2014 she began working for Terracon's Salt Lake City office. Working under the guidance of Terracon's professional engineering staff, which includes geotechnical engineers, geologists, and geoscientists, she quickly gained extensive experience in environmental site investigations and remediations. Her specific expertise includes environmental site assessments; surface and groundwater contamination assessments, prevention, monitoring, and control; risk assessments and risk reduction recommendations; and other areas of expertise relating to hazardous substances and/or hazardous waste management. Tina has 17 years of experience performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs). She has conducted over 1,000 studies, including auto shops/gasoline stations, residential properties, dairies, restaurants, industrial properties, medical facilities, retail properties, and agricultural properties. These studies have been conducted in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Washington, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Indiana, and Florida and have followed ASTM Standard E1527-13 and EPA's All Appropriate Inquiry Standard. Phase I ESA report completion is often needed to complete the sale of commercial property. For fewer suspect properties, she has performed and managed the Transaction Screen Process, ASTM Standard E1528-14, and Regulatory Database Reviews, understanding the limits of those studies' recommendations were sometimes needed to transition to a Phase I ESA when Potential Environmental Conditions should be more thoroughly researched, evaluated and discussed. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Salt Lake City Corporation – Salt Lake City, Utah Tina has managed Phase I ESAs for Salt Lake City Corporation since her time in Salt Lake City. She has served as a Project Manager on the project and as Group Manager. She reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews, conducted site inspections, and authored reports. Salt Lake County – Salt Lake City, Utah Tina has managed Phase I ESAs for Salt Lake County, including Brownfield Projects. She has served as a Project Manager and Group Manager on these projects. She reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews, conducted site inspections, identified recognized environmental conditions, and authored reports. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Brigham Young University, Recreation Management & Leisure Services, 2002 Associate of Science, Ricks College, Electronics Engineering Technology, 1999 Associates of Science, Ricks College, Computer Systems Technology, 1999 REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS Former Registered Environmental Assessor #30103 (2008-2012) AHERA: Building Inspector Christina (Tina) Cheney (continued) Large, Confidential International Nonprofit Corporation - Throughout the United States Tina has managed Phase I ESAs in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Florida, and Indiana for this large, confidential nonprofit international corporation. She reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted site inspections and authored the reports. Confidential – National (2019) Tina managed a multi-site portfolio project for a local law firm with sites in thirteen states. The project started with Phase I ESAs, and follow-up Phase II sampling for soil vapor, asbestos, and mold sampling. University of Utah – Several locations in Utah Tina served as Project Manager and Group Manager for several Phase I ESAs for the University of Utah. She has reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and co-authored the reports. Murray City RDA - Murray, Utah Tina served as Project Manager and Group Manager for several Phase I ESAs for the City of Murray. She has reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and authored the reports. Windermere Real Estate – Several locations in Utah Tina served as Project Manager and Group Manager for several Phase I ESAs for Windermere Real Estate. Recognized environmental conditions were identified at some of these locations, and a Phase II ESA was recommended. She has reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and co-authored the reports. Wadsworth Development Group – Several locations in Utah Tina served as Project Manager and Group Manager for several Phase I ESAs for Wadsworth Development Group. She has reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and authored the reports. Sears Phase I ESAs - California, and Utah Reviewed historical and county records, federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and co-authored the reports. Recognized environmental conditions were identified and, a Phase II ESA was recommended on several sites. Tina served as Project Manager for several concurrent Phase I ESAs for several Sears' stores in California and Utah. Ensign Group, Senior Care Facilities - Various Locations in Utah Tina served as Project Manager for several concurrent Phase I ESAs for senior-care facilities in Utah. She reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and authored the reports. Confidential Project – Downtown Salt Lake City, Utah Tina served as Project Manager for this project. She reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and authored the report. She identified a former gas station at the site. Recognized environmental conditions were identified, and a Phase II ESA was recommended. Christina (Tina) Cheney (continued) Parkway Commons - Murray, Utah Tina served as Project Manager for the Phase I ESAs and limited sampling. Sampling included radon, lead in water, and asbestos. She reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews and authored the report. Wells Fargo Bank - Various Locations in Utah Tina served as Project Manager for several Phase I ESAs throughout Utah for Wells Fargo Bank. She reviewed historical and county records and federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews, and authored the reports. Visual and limited sampling for asbestos was included in some of the reports. Cobalt Phase I ESAs - Salt Lake City, Utah Reviewed historical and county records from federal, state, and local agency databases, conducted interviews, and co-authored the report. Recognized environmental conditions were identified, and, a Phase II ESA was recommended on several sites. Tina served as an assistant for several concurrent Phase I ESAs for several industrial properties in the Salt Lake Valley. Madera High School - Madera, California Provided environmental assessment for the construction of a new high school in Madera. Neil O. Anderson & Associates acted as the premier agent in performing the Initial Study, Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) Removal Action (RA) Reports for the site. Tina reviewed the Initial Study and worked with the Project Manager on the write-up of the PEA Workplan, PEA, RA Workplan, and RA report. Chinchiolo Stemilt Groundwater Monitoring - Stockton, California Tina served as a staff scientist on this project, which involved quarterly and annual monitoring of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. Responsibilities included creating groundwater contour maps from groundwater data collected from on-site monitoring wells, calculating the flow direction and hydraulic gradient of groundwater at the subject property, analyzing and interpreting analytical data, and compiling the quarterly and annual reports. APPENDIX F DESCRIPTION OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description ACM Asbestos Containing Material. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, three varieties of which (chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite) have been commonly used as fireproofing or binding agents in construction materials. Exposure to asbestos, as well as ACM, has been documented to cause lung diseases including asbestosis (scarring of the lung), lung cancer and mesothelioma (a cancer of the lung lining). Regulatory agencies have generally defined ACM as a material containing greater that one (1) percent asbestos, however some states (e.g. California) define ACM as materials having 0.1% asbestos. In order to define a homogenous material as non-ACM, a minimum number of samples must be collected from the material dependent upon its type and quantity. Homogenous materials defined as non-ACM must either have 1) no asbestos identified in all of its samples or 2) an identified asbestos concentration below the appropriate regulatory threshold. Asbestos concentrations are generally determined using polarized light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy. Point counting is an analytical method to statistically quantify the percentage of asbestos in a sample. The asbestos component of ACM may either be friable or non-friable. Friable materials, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure and have a higher potential for a fiber release than non-friable ACM. Non-friable ACM are materials that are firmly bound in a matrix by plastic, cement, etc. and, if handled carefully, will not become friable. Federal and state regulations require that either all suspect building materials be presumed ACM or that an asbestos survey be performed prior to renovation, dismantling, demolition, or other activities that may disturb potential ACM. Notifications are required prior to demolition and/or renovation activities that may impact the condition of ACM in a building. ACM removal may be required if the ACM is likely to be disturbed or damaged during the demolition or renovation. Abatement of friable or potentially friable ACM must be performed by a licensed abatement contractor in accordance with state rules and NESHAP. Additionally, OSHA regulations for work classification, worker training and worker protection will apply. AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AST Aboveground Storage Tanks. ASTs are generally described as storage tanks less than 10% of which are below ground (i.e., buried). Tanks located in a basement, but not buried, are also considered ASTs. Whether, and the extent to which, an AST is regulated, is determined on a case-by-case basis and depends upon tank size, its contents and the jurisdiction of its location. BGS Below Ground Surface Brownfields State and/or tribal listing of Brownfield properties addressed by Cooperative Agreement Recipients or Targeted Brownfields Assessments. BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes. BTEX are VOC components found in gasoline and commonly used as analytical indicators of a petroleum hydrocarbon release. CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (a.k.a. Superfund). CERCLA is the federal act that regulates abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Under this Act, joint and several liability may be imposed on potentially responsible parties for cleanup-related costs. CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System. An EPA compilation of sites having suspected or actual releases of hazardous substances to the environment. CERCLIS also contains information on site inspections, preliminary assessments and remediation of hazardous waste sites. These sites are typically reported to EPA by states and municipalities or by third parties pursuant to CERCLA Section 103. CESQG Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators CFR Code of Federal Regulations Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description CREC Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition is defined in ASTM E1527-13 as “a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (for example, as evidenced by the issuance of a no further action letter or equivalent, or meeting risk-based criteria established by regulatory authority) , with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). A condition considered by the environmental professional to be a controlled recognized environmental condition shall be listed in the findings section of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report, and as a recognized environmental condition in the conclusions section of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report.” DOT U.S. Department of Transportation EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ERNS Emergency Response Notification System. An EPA-maintained federal database which stores information on notifications of oil discharges and hazardous substance releases in quantities greater than the applicable reportable quantity under CERCLA. ERNS is a cooperative data- sharing effort between EPA, DOT, and the National Response Center. ESA Environmental Site Assessment FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Hazardous Substance As defined under CERCLA, this is (A) any substance designated pursuant to section 1321(b)(2)(A) of Title 33, (B) any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance designated pursuant to section 9602 of this title; (C) any hazardous waste having characteristics identified under or listed pursuant to section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (with some exclusions); (D) any toxic pollutant listed under section 1317(a) of Title 33; (E) any hazardous air pollutant listed under section 112 of the Clean Air Act; and (F) any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture with respect to which the EPA Administrator has taken action under section 2606 of Title 15. This term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise listed as a hazardous substance under subparagraphs (A) through (F) above, and the term include natural gas, or synthetic gas usable for fuel (or mixtures of natural gas and such synthetic gas). Hazardous Waste This is defined as having characteristics identified or listed under section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (with some exceptions). RCRA, as amended by the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1980, defines this term as a “solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may (A) cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (B) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed.” HREC Historical Recognized Environmental Condition is defined in ASTM E1527-13 as “a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted residential use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). Before calling the past release a historical recognized environmental condition, the environmental professional must determine whether the past release is a recognized environmental condition at the time of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is conducted (for example, if there has been a change in the regulatory criteria). If the EP considers the past release to be a recognized environmental condition at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted, the condition shall be included in the conclusions section of the report as a recognized environmental condition.” Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description IC/EC A listing of sites with institutional and/or engineering controls in place. IC include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. EC include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. ILP Innocent Landowner/Operator Program LQG Large Quantity Generators LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank. This is a federal term set forth under RCRA for leaking USTs. Some states also utilize this term. MCL Maximum Contaminant Level. This Safe Drinking Water concept (and also used by many states as a ground water cleanup criteria) refers to the limit on drinking water contamination that determines whether a supplier can deliver water from a specific source without treatment. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets. Written/printed forms prepared by chemical manufacturers, importers and employers which identify the physical and chemical traits of hazardous chemicals under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard. NESHAP National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Federal Clean Air Act). This part of the Clean Air Act regulates emissions of hazardous air pollutants. NFRAP Facilities where there is “No Further Remedial Action Planned,” as more particularly described under the Records Review section of this report. NOV Notice of Violation. A notice of violation or similar citation issued to an entity, company or individual by a state or federal regulatory body indicating a violation of applicable rule or regulations has been identified. NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Clean Water Act). The federal permit system for discharges of polluted water. NPL The NPL is the EPA’s database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste facilities that have been listed for priority remedial actions under the Superfund Program. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration or Occupational Safety and Health Act PACM Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material. A material that is suspected of containing or presumed to contain asbestos but which has not been analyzed to confirm the presence or absence of asbestos. PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl. A halogenated organic compound commonly in the form of a viscous liquid or resin, a flowing yellow oil, or a waxy solid. This compound was historically used as dielectric fluid in electrical equipment (such as electrical transformers and capacitors, electrical ballasts, hydraulic and heat transfer fluids), and for numerous heat and fire sensitive applications. PCB was preferred due to its durability, stability (even at high temperatures), good chemical resistance, low volatility, flammability, and conductivity. PCBs, however, do not break down in the environment and are classified by the EPA as a suspected carcinogen. 1978 regulations, under the Toxic Substances Control Act, prohibit manufacturing of PCB-containing equipment; however, some of this equipment may still be in use today. pCi/L picoCuries per Liter of Air. Unit of measurement for Radon and similar radioactive materials. PLM Polarized Light Microscopy (see ACM section of the report, if included in the scope of services) PST Petroleum Storage Tank. An AST or UST that contains a petroleum product. Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description Radon A radioactive gas resulting from radioactive decay of naturally-occurring radioactive materials in rocks and soils containing uranium, granite, shale, phosphate, and pitchblende. Radon concentrations are measured in picoCuries per Liter of Air. Exposure to elevated levels of radon creates a risk of lung cancer; this risk generally increases as the level of radon and the duration of exposure increases. Outdoors, radon is diluted to such low concentrations that it usually does not present a health concern. However, radon can accumulate in building basements or similar enclosed spaces to levels that can pose a risk to human health. Indoor radon concentrations depend primarily upon the building's construction, design and the concentration of radon in the underlying soil and ground water. The EPA recommended annual average indoor “action level” concentration for residential structures is 4.0 pCi/l. RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Federal act regulating solid and hazardous wastes from point of generation to time of disposal (‘cradle to grave”). 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq. RCRA Generators The RCRA Generators database, maintained by the EPA, lists facilities that generate hazardous waste as part of their normal business practices. Generators are listed as either large (LQG), small (SQG), or conditionally exempt (CESQG). LQG produce at least 1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or 1 kg/month of acutely hazardous waste. SQG produce 100-1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. CESQG are those that generate less than 100 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. RCRA CORRACTS/TS Ds The USEPA maintains a database of RCRA facilities associated with treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) of hazardous materials which are undergoing “corrective action”. A “corrective action” order is issued when there is a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. RCRA Non- CORRACTS/TS Ds The RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD Database is a compilation by the USEPA of facilities which report storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste. Unlike the RCRA CORRACTS/TSD database, the RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD database does not include RCRA facilities where corrective action is required. RCRA Violators List RAATS. RCRA Administrative Actions Taken. RAATS information is now contained in the RCRIS database and includes records of administrative enforcement actions against facilities for noncompliance. RCRIS Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System, as defined in the Records Review section of this report. REC Recognized Environmental Conditions are defined by ASTM E1527-13 as “the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: 1) due to any release to the environment; 2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment. De minimis conditions are not recognized environmental conditions.” SCL State “CERCLIS” List (see SPL /State Priority List, below). SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures. SPCC plans are required under federal law (Clean Water Act and Oil Pollution Act) for any facility storing petroleum in tanks and/or containers of 55-gallons or more that when taken in aggregate exceed 1,320 gallons. SPCC plans are also required for facilities with underground petroleum storage tanks with capacities of over 42,000 gallons. Many states have similar spill prevention programs, which may have additional requirements. SPL State Priority List. State list of confirmed sites having contamination in which the state is actively involved in clean up activities or is actively pursuing potentially responsible parties for clean up. Sometimes referred to as a State “CERCLIS” List. SQG Small Quantity Generator SWF/LF State and/or Tribal database of Solid Waste/Landfill facilities. The database information may include the facility name, class, operation type, area, estimated operational life, and owner. TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TRI Toxic Release Inventory. Routine EPA report on releases of toxic chemicals to the environment based upon information submitted by entities subject to reporting under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act. A federal law regulating manufacture, import, processing and distribution of chemical substances not specifically regulated by other federal laws (such as asbestos, PCBs, lead-based paint and radon). 15 U.S.C 2601 et seq. USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USC United States Code USGS United States Geological Survey USNRCS United States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resource Conservation Service UST Underground Storage Tank. Most federal and state regulations, as well as ASTM E1527-13, define this as any tank, incl., underground piping connected to the tank, that is or has been used to contain hazardous substances or petroleum products and the volume of which is 10% or more beneath the surface of the ground (i.e., buried). VCP State and/or Tribal facilities included as Voluntary Cleanup Program sites. VOC Volatile Organic Compound Wetlands Areas that are typically saturated with surface or ground water that creates an environment supportive of wetland vegetation (i.e., swamps, marshes, bogs). The Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1) defines wetlands as areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. For an area to be considered a jurisdictional wetland, it must meet the following criteria: more than 50 percent of the dominant plant species must be categorized as Obligate, Facultative Wetland, or Facultative on lists of plant species that occur in wetlands; the soil must be hydric; and, wetland hydrology must be present. The federal Clean Water Act which regulates “waters of the US,” also regulates wetlands, a program jointly administered by the USACE and the EPA. Waters of the U.S. are defined as: (1) waters used in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters subject to the ebb and flow of tides; (2) all interstate waters including interstate wetlands; (3) all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, etc., which the use, degradation, or destruction could affect interstate/ foreign commerce; (4) all impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the U. S., (5) tributaries of waters identified in 1 through 4 above; (6) the territorial seas; and (7) wetlands adjacent to waters identified in 1 through 6 above. Only the USACE has the authority to make a final wetlands jurisdictional determination.