HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005452leanHa o Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC I 1600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 435.884.8100 www.cleanharbors.com March2l,2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 841l4-4880 RE: Unresolved ManifestDiscrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number - UTD 981 552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen. In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit, 40 CFR 264.72(c) and R3l5-264-72(c), this correspondence serves as written notification offour (4) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: Manifest 0l70l2823FLE - Upon receipt of the shipment. it was discovered that one container was missing from line l. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. Manifest 017060435FLE - Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 3. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. Manifest 0l 8459824FLE - Upon receipt of the shipment. it was discovered that two containers were missing from line 3. and one container was missing from line 4. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. People and Technolop Creating a Befier Environmenl " I certifu under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system. or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. the inlormation submiued is, to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. true, accurate, leanHa 6 and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility offine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, c.-- William Simmons Facility General Manager III Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations I 1600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.83s 1 (c) 870.310.6029 Simmons.william@c leanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com PLrt llvrl or fl.lg No. 2S0{0J0ulfoRl x^aimu!yi ttE lAfEST 2 P.orct 1 J.8'rFqiEr.E- lma&a 23 FL 4ERA BELRDA NORIH r sounrOIA't IAIH CAIP ROAD UcKtTTRtCK C 9it25' At OAIT SIARI(EY 6*r! ELO CA 033@ A€RA E1{ERG1 tLC P O. EOX fitla -gt@ I u.s. o 3 qr.6e8ls:r?t)? L,EANl-I{ARBORS Buli-!ry err Ltl,o)ol,o p+5 Oea(4 tah+r&r ,3 a 10. Cdt)rlr tl. tc Otit 12. Llrl rl tb cdl Hlfeilffi'", r''n.. r!'EE, rdd, n o.t (rRoN la ao.,SfCb-, lEh,DbLl I x .rft tSu,(rrrj) $.us I 0^b5 P 181 I i T- I)PROFTLE I ct{m60!a ERC171 2ot 3 !t c€flFlcfiXrr.lrr lr n jSfne *.L,s-{ladd a sa.d@iI@,rIt crlltl tt -AlA.tdadttrt td h a0 cfR e.lE (.,.'8')oI enQ ca hwlbuS E.rF1lui U.6.F td.ffi b USr-t a-v 13 ll :lcTrr, I--l*ra'Orrry lL lbrErrtrccnigE t-l l-lt f-lr. a+.0"" US, I 0 h i'.ltdBtrrE.( n nlt l!a 56 TI g ,Ah-abA Fq,n8]&A ,t)adlq1t rr OESIGIIAIEO FACILlIY TO EPA's e-lrANtFESt SySTElr : I I I I I I Pleas€ !r al xt Genareor tclfxfl.dgeS li, n0 miaH fi.ri na5 occullo afief n tht ciir:rte,tslha or L 9KT\qO me Pf0caJt 0amrlInolhe- form oM8 tb. 2050{3! mtlerar ur{rFoRI lt^z RDous WASTE TAilIFESI ol(oo65/r38376 lDNulnber P.ge 1ol 5 (8oO)/1833718 3 170 04 F SAI'E r,t c ai,rr 68Ol €97 -3500 /t0gi5 S Cdfiy Roid 23€tfunot..C[( 73860 Cl€rn Hartors EtwironmerrCScri:as. lrrc,r4Do3932225 0 Clcrn Haitors Araao r Ltc 11SOO llodh Adur Ro.d - ' UrIll'ville. UT8/1029 J u r o 9 81 53 21,7 7 EP lD Hlnbr 9.$ US mroEspldt t.qrdr!r! Pd! Ouf {rily)) PttF slpn ! rbra Had 0.i! tO |trrb It Ioal O.ll[, u154 DO01 D002 nQ,rASTE AEROSO(,S.FI.AH i,AB LE,NOI(EACH LEXCEET}ITIG t ctPrctm.2.t o001 ooo2 DO0 5.7D00DO18 0?3 CF 00306 ooon DOOT DO,'8 0001xH"ffi#fF#Iffii.FrA H 8rE. rEAcH IoT 001 oootT DO'o1x ux1057. WASIE I,GIIERS. 2,r 3. ooG oo1t5 o001 t)002xt$f^6'ff ?iAHintEGAcH$or tlo. ut{1950. EXCEETXHG i 0r. 1 00154 P D005 o007 0018 Contract coattrt aq 1 2 IfrTA rxcaQ3.rEr!-EE ECl12625 23IS 1r5 515, aa3o ITTT-rrlE '3 cEf,ntr not:td t:11 addif'g ,d4.d.ttaE pont tloltld rhd cal fr2.27!a)(1aE.3€ne.ab.l {it(b)Lanlrry ger€rat r) c,ok UJ2 lrJd aI = lripdl lo L.l.s Expon h.n! llor.4ons39mluB Date tr s. A3 1& o.oer*E, rd*. Sp-€ -l trr,r"n n..at E erne ^.po",,Eru a.ir, LS:qA t&! Signarur. t l{1/tl H1412 Ht41 H1/t1 .&!91:5 .ots\i m l5i 18! CFrab. E (., *<a z(, o I !I EEETEIrtrrtrrtr@ I I * x EPA Fom 81tL22 1217 Ctefn H lEt6 lhe rpproDnre 5 arc cblotel€ Pem[6 lDt and ri! .c*B rte redr th. g.n*o, ,, "npffi.GUTED FACILIW TO EPAi Lc 2+0ott I e.tlANlFEsT757?SYSTEMPFW x ui1950. 17 UF(nI HAJATDd.II BIIE IITESI fiotftdo 3t a ID otD065438376 017050435FU 23. E{i.t clr Ha;tors Lolre tHountair Ltc 2a lrryt _ Canyar, i-t U.S. Em D Xurn 26 rtlFl. _ Co.E ttrr U.S. EP O llurt r 2!. Ca|EiltE2D l,/.S mTo..cttlql (idrif ptF Stiry! fl.,rE. Had O.., D ll]i]L,.rd FUfu GrqDi, rrll lD€ A. Totd OJrrtry 3r YYlstc Claba x 5. U,lr,011. f,l^slE &rTAfiE. 2.1 CF 19t DO02x6. RQ. Uil1950. ucEEDnc t r oT D00DOro08.25)CF 00974 P 7 3x7. UI1O13. WASIE CTRBOfl TXOXOe 2.2 004 CF fi)o20 P u111950. WASIE AEEOSOtS, H(It+t AHutBt E. 2.28. o01 @o12 P G u 1013. HASIE C{REol{ UOXTIE.2_29 002 00008 . wAsIE lfirRcrus oxtr]E. 22. (5.r),-0. ux1070 o02 DF oo008 P AEROSOTS.XOI+IAI ABLE.2.211. U[1960. WASrE 003 DF 00057 P x 12. U tO13, CtRG()t{ Doxltx,2.2 002 00008 P I 13. UI1950. AEROSOLS. t{OflfLAMMA8IE. 2-2 ooa12 P 14. uIt987. UASIE At cpttot s. [.o.s.. 3. FG I o01 DF 00013 P s.IlclQ-ltE€.:IQ-EU. 7 .tlctQ-rrEr.:IctrQ-trtttt E4trrs ECf tzc trtr2otlctr2s ut0 ol93,9Ir0 aI5 Lxs t-rlf o-lttEt tlctr2o zG'r.o_rrcrQ-ttll Bttta 2ISrr.rlctlQ-t tE.ctrza frsr2.txctQ-lrtl-! Etta, us,uto r3.r oo-rrB-E Ectlrc aIsSla.tr..!Dfl-{r. Ell2, us diaaEl v 35.0!.r.p!ncy I rt rlbJ! 5- ll1rl L- Elrrt dir1 un.rrtr 16.n Fl ( ct 2 10. H1'll 11. Hr..ll'12. Ht41 13. H141 1,t- l{Oao WE E Mr @ T EtrE EI tr E! *PPII t/L/2O21 Fsin OMB No 2050{039 PbaEs 0t LG 2/t009a7572 EPA Fclr E7G22A (Rsv. t 2-r7) PraEJr edlaE n ot deEckr fifl.lJ lai th nc'xrirr rcnir hr ud DESIGNATEOri acttot lhr rattr l[" (.l.rai ir rl-rirr.FACILITYT0 EPA's e. ANtFEST SYSTEU 001 ooooS 013 P o06 Please ot tG 2+00947572 *.w'fl u7i2021 OMB flo 2050-0039 017060135Fu 2!.UXIFORfl HAZARDOI.,S W,/TSIE IAIFES7 21 oxD065+38376(Conthu.6on 3h-q 2a Cen!?!li tra.Jr Ch.,l Harbois LOF Xo{Ita. t l-tc 3of5 25. Trfltort _ C6!., itsrp US 2! l.'lportr _ Colne.ltN'lle U.S EPA r0 Nlots 28 Coalllnars2la A. Totsr Oumt'ly 30. thl uoo2 uo19 J 15/+ I llJi. : *pl.'o*', tup.r srBq! r-r, r{6d oE o [nD.iE Prri! c,!, fl rry)) 1 cllRoHr U . SrL tDs .s_YER"I.PG I (D001 D005_7DO0 DO I 0 oo11.H}lS.O02a 053 CF 02823 P u159 DOOI DOO5 uoo2 u 019 u154x8lYEFN.3. PG I lDm7.003 o0087 P ut59 DOOI {)oo5 uo02 oo0t D035I71l{u WA'STE FTAMUAET E TIQU tos.l{,orcxtc..s_.USTEDru wHAZARMUSASIES CI{ARACIERISIrc OFIGMHlr 8 .ITY ETHYT EIHYT 001 CF ooo22 P u002 o0ql DO35x005CF00t57P u@2 u15,+ooolxstro05DF00038P DO18 o0G5 uo0?u15/t D00txru IlsIEO HAZARDOUS TASIES GHIIABITITY. BEI'ZEHN. 3. FG III CHANACIERISTIC OF o018) 001 CE 00092 P DO,.B DO35 D001 DO05 D007I21.7ufl31Ra.WSSIE5.sor.tos coflTAt t{tt{c [AMF t{A8t ELIOUID.-o.s,.H acHRotfl U",t-st vERl,II llFG fl)oo 7 Umrt301r..n6,t or 003 CF 00098 P DOl0 DO11 DOtE DOOlI1uNt79W&5IE oxtDtztxc sou D ,oI ,s_.fl,HUsIEDFDOUSI{AZA *ASTES CIIARACTERISNC IG IIITAOF Eltl m.5l-PG I DF o00,t0 P o00r.I 23- Ur3log. WASIE OROA rclt PEROXTDE TYPE F. LtQUtD. 5.2. DF 00005 P CF 18. HO40 19. Ho,to x oo038 v. $T 2/+. Ut{3249. WASIE MEIXclTE .$UO.TOX|C,r{.o.s.,6.r.. PG I llBsts leattqrt d6ecd, t5. HOilo 17. HOao ,rx tr-rlt-[rE E6tl2t2o-rll-llattR Eelr?t ll . ractD-tL EEi133zr.tcclo-Ilt Etattao !,an lI$9 2130. LXJ.o 3X5 23-LIUIO-tlt Ecl]'as2a,xalt-Dtrn EctaSl D(s 7IS,r.EtO.21,L t5. H0,t0 EDC'l2r Etstrlracll3l I{20 txto ss, zlro 32. 19 16. r.cfiD-llt l7 -rccnD-tlt LC . TCCXB-ttl d, F4oq- 2s El= f 6 ,(, ulo 20, r{040 21. HO/10 22. HO10 23. HO/tO 2/+. H040 EPA Forn 8rcGzq (Rev 12-1 /) prilous e&io6 alB obsotele. chatr Hrt{rr hr lhe aoorffirc orrr*J for a rifi ..cGot rlr€ r.r.. rr. r.-ra", oliSSrD FAclLlrY T0 EPA's e-}IANIFEST SYSTEIt CF f,ER)flA- 3. t6ll. Fc I 3, (5.1). HASIE18. (D00r) TGMTABlt'W,aExzEt El.3. FG ' lDola oo3 001 010 P Ptese ot EPA Fdm 870C-22A (Rev. 12,17) plevuJs ediuons,c obsotele. Ch.r Hettorr lal th. .os'tori{r lcrrl, ilf atld LG 2a00947572 *wt t/t/2021 Fonn otrB No. 2050{039utfoRl lt 2ARDOU| ll^SIE rA rEsl ?1. IldLd TEcldni (Codtr ultior 3q 0ID065438375 qern Harbo6 tone frount3in tLC 2.94 i of 5 2A Trrrl.ri _ Cff!' ikie D Nu.iber 2t. Tr&!po.b _- CcrDary t*-r U S. EmlO Nurnber 28 Contaners2la t IW 29.Iob Orra, 30. t t uo35 u04/t t,058x 27b -U.S. m- la.rEo (iErr'tr Frop.l Srhir ttn , tra{ k, D rtft .d Pl.*lr G.a, fd .|rn fffi*li&i-'t*Tff#iiBffiios. oRGAI{tC. X.O.S.. 0007. D0O8. D010, Dottl 011 CF 00132 P Ito72 u1?9 u150 u035 u036 u 0+3Ia.''IISIE t&t11,l@ ffiollf,stlDs.r.oJ_,trffi.atarEr),r-Im EOa oalct,wzOG,.Doa,m12dlto,I[1],m€m13&1a,7mtm15,.Era,&fi,*zr.DOAat 002 cr 00128 P U0/t4 uo52 u058 x 27. Ufl2588. PCSnCtDES. EROralalc, vERi cuuIR. g)t_tD. Toxtc. taos., fsoot r{6.t.PG 001 OF 00014 P o009x28. RQ. Ufl2O2{. otERcURYl. 6.1.-wtrsrE IERCUTY @ F(X[rtxi r(xlo. fto.sIt llt ooo9r 009 CF 00O/+6 P I 0035 uo3G U0/t3xrASIE.o_s DO14 29.iluftQ,0281 TOXTC LIQUIDS.t{oRGAuC.tsrGRSEI{lC.6YERI.PG.t I lD00/t.7o00DO06.Uo01D008.DO11,7.D013.00190015.o020 D02a 003 CF P uo{4 u052 udse uo35 u036 UO/t3x rxr E.lxtro,xlstE tre uqnc,,oaorm4. m:t. ffxE,Doo7, m. mta, m,.7,mle,mno.Doaa,@al Rre ro5.5larE*.6.1rETmrr,m1r.,mt3DO,,ia,003 CF 00286 P u(H./t u062 u058 u035 U 04,r u058 31. RQ. U1t2810. waStE roxtc uouf RsExrc. gtyERL e.r. pc ttt toordl DO1G. DO19. DO22. D{.21.DO26i| los. oRcAt{lc. H.os. . ooo5. ,o7. 0010 m, r 006 CF 00/t7I P uot2 u129 u150 u035 U0/+4 u058x32. RQ. UI2810. WASIE roxrc uo0t(ARSE rc. T IYERL S.r. pc ttt oool. 11016. OO19. OO22. OO24l os. oRGA C. [.O.S. DO06. DOO?. DO10. OO11,o29 CF o5,o9r P u072 u129 u150 I 33 r, 17-50_ coRn(I$IEUqJtDS. flos.. fft ERAI ()lt, WAIERI. 8, FG II oo1 DF 00007 3/t. Ul{3/t80, t_tfituM lo{t BATIERTES. 9 oot OM I P o, 3a 3t. 32.sd^iailfir hh(rstd' EC|ISS lXrOEncBg3 3r0 lLtlg3 &o8 153 2tr3s rixs lxs 25.l5CtC-llr 2f .r.cttc-at 2r.IICL-E 2t - D2U-Ulrn IElrsa Eag,Drf,C.LX2O zg_IiCCIC_tltDclrsa 2!a53 3o-tcclc_tr'lEtrst lJGi 3r -LCCtC-IttIf,CttSl 7Ls,zXlO 32 -!CCtt-Il, d ar,, Goa- z dF lno Dry 15 fi H rttrd coder (i ? , coe3 tr hafi,ous Yrt llsrrfit dlmrel E (J u-< ct 2I ulo 30- HO/to 31. HO40 3? HO40 3:1. H 0,lo 3,t. Hl/tt OESIGNATEDpif *ceei tL x.rh fu Erflfltot aJ shbrb€- FACILITY TO EPA's e.MANtFEST SYSTEM 017060/t35Ftf 00053 x P 00013 f,l . r{sa-rr Ecrl5afa-r.ln-IttE aMtraT ieas€ pdrt or EPA Fomr 8t00-n Camrro.ld0ffta(rgaa tlrt m ftltLa olutgt ilI Ocqrltd l.lhtta ohr iirh. rh fia,ooaaa fiinfltsl. (Rct 't2-11)ediDns ob6oleo. TO EPA's e.tuANtF EST SYSTE oi,8 No. 450{039u{roRx slaRoors TIA.SIE XA"IfESI l. Cimrald cAROOO2a2103 Pagc t or 1 3. ATlIf7lr food 5 ,dlrdtiig SA .650| 20Lt978 har mdry18Ef H.rto7 hilp.ltUl, Alm.d.. Cl9{502 1801 Hrtor 8ar p.rtnr Al-r:d1cr 3{802 t1o038322250EnviuunrJ$rrtir'. tm,Cbx ll:.to?s EPA Clel Hrtrs Arrfonh ttcU€OO lorth Adr' no.dsrrrra|., uT 8to29 U.S EPA l0 irr,tur uTD981552177 I D.srylala facftr 10 Co.,tiErs h. u.S. @T O6dirjon l.crrdE pr rld P.dnC c.dp (f rrrD 9rorrE i5m, thad Ct $. D Nu'Iter 11 IoEJqrfift 12 Unt 13. wESE C4d6 DOG}55r.x WASIEuI1928.I EIHYI.rroiltg0I tf,BROTIDC,EIIIYI,EHB.{.3.a3l.FG 001 DF DOOr D00:l LdI (3LFCll 2 a 001 P 181I 3 oo2 DF 0020 P G2mz nDo0gm$rE,g)trDs. 0.ts t €Eilq' ,lo dcm ool CF ? ,. al TICTD -c&rst6a2a UI 1IEtIE2tl5EElr3!EtE{1?1 r5 CERIFTA.IEi ta tult fie rnds'il,i., Eao.iy.hs ol aP|ld aerfrd CFR :.f,,22\a)(b) Got- u.l!zllt(9 Lt n Gat6 F = !e*,ru* u.s h u.5. !ra,ou. 11 t8 cr.lcapaq tr f tra ororpercr ndaaoa Spe D "j'*E*-n"Dortacq"*,t U,S EPA rD ltumblr 9 (.0.. 8oao 2 HOtO ltoao HOa020Ooi*t rt = o -!2 o t Ch:I|naEt tB ttr a?r.!ga!r. Ftltls aa 16 - rolga rit [3a tha grirrlor E $irt l!:,D€2t{r070t896 Ffl +a3€71A DOO100006P DF 00003 00200 Pbes 4 Pr?*x odir6 atroOffi *.trY L/Um21 Focn OLlS t{o. 20a0{)39 t G 24009{7572 (Condn{.ton Stt.t) 2a G.nartuas ilrne Cban Hrbo.r Loru t{owi.in Ltc 0170C0{3tiFtt L Tr.dif,oxo068a38376 uirGr {^z R00us n$tE r xrElr 2.Pa,. 5of5 A Ir!U.l, _ CqlIart trrr IJS :6. rl.tdl3r _ corFry ilrti 2r Cd{a'n!n. 29. Toail 0uetty 30. U,rt 3l lthsrs ca.s D016I 2n.-U S DOI &.r!En (n t-! Pr!g, Srryf I c.I!dOE tOXlnD.r,rd P*! Go$ (a rr)) UOUTD H o.s..e.,H))PG9.I 001 ct 00015 P I I -T DO()zt DOOs IDOO6 x TrcO7.slt lERl-9. FG t OOOa OF 00018 P uoo/oooS oo10 DOO{lJ90u ooo6xsuESTA CES. 0007 t IQU x.oID,aRsExs..sl ttc.PG IYER),9.I {D0o,rDO05o0060008o0101.D01 D018 D025 D0261 035 CF 04309 P t ool l,xloa DOL0 38. '{Ofl I)oT REGUTA]ED 00a CF o0012 P Io_ T- 001 or 00013 P oo2 cf 00r.66 P l I I ; I I oaLtEE 38. H0a0 39. Ho+o oav 3a oi xl I 35. HO40 36. H0+0 37. HO,lo St.IACnC-!ac.tlclc-t u5 txto, x&tolr3 3r[3S. SI: O 3t. tf,crc-a, 37 . Lcrc-llt!r.r^ttrll Etrrl EtlTrr.Ir 5ofaw 3(9 cr ao. Ho40 l,a IIIIII rrrr , EPAFqft 8mZ lttEv 1?.1 cla.r lttri.lg h.' tia l!rtfiiatr ttrtr frr ard dl aca. rit ra,'r th ,cr.fr.' ai DESIGNAIED FACTLTIYTO EpA's e.JIDi,MAIIIFEST SYSIEM 001