HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006834State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Gο κ″ο″ SPENCERJ COX ι′ `″ た "α ″′(30ッ 0″″ο′ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Marie E Owens. P.E. Director October 19,2017 Lance Valentine Ross Springs 355 N Vernal Ave Vemal, UT 84078 Subject: RTCR Sample Site Plan Approval for Ross Springs UTAH050I0 Dearレlr/Ms.Valentine: The current RTCR sallnple site plan for UTAH05010 is approvcd as submitted to the Division of Drinking Water.If you have any questions or changcs that necd to be rnade please feel free to contact me at(801)536-4150 or Pkccrsの utah.2ov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 Westo Salt Lake Ciり ,UT Mailing Addrcssi P O Box 144830。Salt Lakc City,UT 84114‐4830 Telephone(801)536‐4200・ Fax(801)536‐4211・ TDD (801)536‐4414 ″″ll dげ ″lt′α″gο ν Printcd on i000/。recycled paper 9/21/2017 State of Utah Mail - FW: Flaming Gorge R.D. / site sample plan DDW Reports <ddwreports@utah.gov> FW: Flaming Gorge R.D. / site sample plan 1 message Pulham, Al -FS <apulham@fs.fed.us> To: "ddwreports@utah. gov" <ddwreports@utah. gov> +o<xi'rt#O(oi.t + osdlT tF o< ctq # oSa: ," s o 50>-> +OSo>L PA-*+' Wed, Sep 20,2017 at 1:28 PM "N )'-e4 I \-JCLr ----\: \tut'idit, I ゎらθlυ From: Pulham, Al-FS Sent: Wednesday, September 20,2017 1:25 PM To:'ddwreport@ut. gov' <ddwreport@ut. gov> Cc: Valentine, Lance L -FS <lvalentine@fs.fed.us>; Subject: Flaming Gorge R.D. / site sample plan Cain, Barry -FS <bcain@fs.fed.us> These are the site sample plans for the Flaming Gorge Ranger District on the Ashley National Forest. Please let me know if other information is requested. Thank you, Alan Pulham Facilities Specialist Forest Service Ashley National Forest p:435-781-5269 c: 435-790-5974 tt 435-781-5251 apulham@fs.fed.us '11 5 sth Ave - POBox 325 Dutch John, UT 84023 www.fs.fed.us Hfl,E https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AAYagpXOhQWWETjgvEZN9Fbl P54SvgjNRffq3uWLWs0_m2WQQfg/u/0/?ui=2&ik=2401283fbe&jsver=brc6-liYG6s.en.... 112 912112017 State of Utah Mail - FW: Flaming Gorge R.D. / site sample plan Caring for the land and serving people This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. lf you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately. 2 attachments Site sample plan#1.pdf 108K Site sample plan.pdf 36K https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AAYagpXOhQWWETjgvEZN9Fbl P54SvgjNRffq3uWLWs0_m2WQQfg/u/0/?ui=Z&ik=2401283fbe&jsver=brc6-liYG6s.en.... 212 SAbIPLE SITE PLAN WATm●SYSTE眈 /″だ 人 の を 二 ′r sYSTEM NO■ 」ANUARY FEBRUARY ,CLi Osこ 」 uncx Llas-J epnu C[rscJ MAY `′た 後′ tnt S,lo / 3 SEPTEuBER Sr/- t I ocroBER Ctasel NovEr.BER C/ose-J DECEMBER Site Description SITE rll SITE ″2SITE #3 SITミ 14 SITE ,5 JttL豊/イク′‐/lr.nre s, l. I I AUGuST ぐ′■_ メ / SAIIPLE SITE PLAN JUNE JULY :orr$R: :susrwt D R t P p/A/ G sPAru G sYsrEMNo., 050"?t 」ANuARI こ[。sc■ FEBRUARI .ClosoJ nrncn ClaseJ. 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""-l 5,^19[,4{c sr,wtlk coa$ AUcUST Srl. a I SAMPLE SITE PLAN 〔:| JANUART C!os< J FEBRUARY RCH ,/c″ノ__ APRIL 〔rン /c″′_MAY ∫′甚″JJuNE_ srl./3 Jur,t 5)1. t 1 C‐ Site aucusr s, lc dL SEPTEMBER NoVEMBER Ctosc-J DEcEMBER C/og at Descrlp tion srrE #2 ?.^lnoo*. Clnnr. - SITE‐13 SITE l14 SITE #5 Rパ ∴仏´″ 乙危∫こ wArER .sYsrEM: I trrtttlate sYsrEM No. z O54 2 O ocroBER Srlo d / strE I S*ar"*t e 7c..-r_ k D,"r-.,,. SAMPLE SITE PLAN 疇 RttYSTE臨 ズ ″c″″ど sYSTEM N∝:060′ス FEBRUttY .sた 二′ . MARCH ζ′≠こ″′ APRIL s/4 ″′W s′んセ 」mE __s′た ノィ J瞭 £た七 SEPTEDER ,た “3ocIoBER S, l. 14 1'′ソc ″ノNOVEMBER DECEH3ER Site DeecriptiOn SlT3,1 」こた ム.“sc i^10 SITE 12_2.詳 ′り。 “ +ヽ 拗 ・ SITE,3 ?es+´。.´" ≠^″SITE 14 〃yど ´a″≠ SITE_■5 RcsFr.´" 上 り ⊂SAMPLE SITE PLAN WATER SYSTEM: 」ANUARY LLos.t FEBRuARY C I osel MARCH r′ケsど1 APRIL ′ιOSご 」.MAY S′之″/stle '3 SYSTEM NO.:′び´ノろ 」UNE 」ULY Srlc. 'l ,た ノダ SEPTEMBER ∫′/4 /1 IR θ !夕 SC」 R ι 〔´5C」 Site Description: SITE +1 OCTOBER NOV―EDECEMBE SITE 12 SITE +3 SITE +4 SITE +5 SITE +6 AUGUST SAMPLE SITE PLAN 「 WATER SYSTE■1マ Oss pヽ ノA/6 SYSTEM NO.: `)し た '/´ JANUARY ,g/e 4 | MAY ,/c 二3_ 」WE___S//c ウ JULY - srl tl SEPTEMBER s, /e- --3 OCTOBER_____'■ ・ ノ NOVEMBER Srl.. 'l ⊂‐DEcEr,tsER_ q!.- dt Site Descrip t ion srrE #t /.larap Teenrmett r Pur+n r SITE fr2 SITE l13 sI{E #4 Skt, ll Lreek Ca,*, T,tar rJ- / Jrory' SITE l15 APRrL s,le- t I