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Utah Division of Air Quality
2024 Annual Report
2024 Synopsis..................................................................................................................................6
Meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards......................................................................7
Air Quality Incentive Programs...................................................................................................... 8
Permitting......................................................................................................................................... 10
Air Quality Research Projects........................................................................................................11
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Planning..........................................................................................11
2024 Legislative Reports.................................................................................................................12
House Bill 220..............................................................................................................................12
Air Quality Standards.................................................................................................................. 14
Utah’s Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network....................................................................17
Photochemical Assessment Monitoring System (PAMS).........................................................19
Criteria Air Pollutants..................................................................................................................19
Ozone (O3).........................................................................................................................................19
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data.................................................................................21
Ozone Updates............................................................................................................................25
Northern Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area...................................................25
Southern Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area...................................................26
Uinta Basin Ozone Nonattainment Area..........................................................................27
Particulate Matter (PM).................................................................................................................. 28
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data.................................................................................29
Particulate Matter Updates......................................................................................................33
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)........................................................................................................................34
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data.................................................................................34
Carbon Monoxide (CO)...................................................................................................................36
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data.................................................................................37
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).................................................................................................................. 39
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data.................................................................................39
Lead (Pb)............................................................................................................................................41
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data.................................................................................41
Regional Haze................................................................................................................................42
Regional Haze Updates.............................................................................................................42
Climate Pollution Reduction Grant........................................................................................... 42
Division Organization..................................................................................................................44
Permitting Program......................................................................................................................44
New Source Review.........................................................................................................................45
Operating Permits (Title V)............................................................................................................47
Compliance Program................................................................................................................... 49
Major, Minor and Minor Oil & Gas Source Compliance........................................................... 49
Air Toxics, Lead-Based Paint, and Asbestos Section (ATLAS)................................................50
Lead-Based Paint..................................................................................................................50
Asbestos in Schools..............................................................................................................51
Asbestos NESHAP and State Asbestos Work Practices................................................ 51
Small Business Environmental Assistance 507 Program (SBEAP)......................................... 52
Enforcement Actions...................................................................................................................... 52
Emissions Inventories................................................................................................................. 53
Sources of Air Contaminants........................................................................................................ 54
Triennial Emissions Inventory......................................................................................................55
Air Quality Modeling....................................................................................................................60
Air Quality Research.................................................................................................................... 61
Assessing Global Background Ozone Transport Pathways to the Northern Wasatch
Front............................................................................................................................................. 61
Projecting the impacts of a shrinking Great Salt Lake on dust exposure along the
Wasatch Front.............................................................................................................................61
Temporal and Spatial Measurements of Surface-to-Boundary Layer Ozone using
Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS)............................................................................................. 61
Quanti cation of Halogen-Initiated Atmospheric Chemistry in the Wasatch Front...61
VOC to NOX relationships and Impacts of Smoke on Ozone in the Wasatch Front.....62
Improving Soil NOX Emission Estimates for the Wasatch Front.....................................62
Air Quality Incentive Programs..................................................................................................62
Vehicle and Equipment Incentive Programs..............................................................................62
Heavy-Duty Vehicle and Equipment Incentive Programs......................................................63
The Utah Clean Fleet Program................................................................................................63
Alternative Fuel Heavy-Duty Vehicle Tax Credit Program................................................66
Light-Duty Passenger Vehicle Incentive Programs..................................................................67
Conversion to Alternative Fuels Program.............................................................................67
Vehicle Repair and Replacement Assistance Program.......................................................68
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Projects................................................................69
Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Funding Assistance Program...............................69
Volkswagen (VW) EVSE............................................................................................................ 69
Wood Stove Conversion Program.................................................................................................72
State of Utah Charge Your Yard Incentive Program.................................................................72
Uinta Basin Grants and Special Projects.................................................................................... 73
Marginal Conventional Well Closure Program.....................................................................73
Thief Hatch Replacement Program........................................................................................73
FY18 Uinta Basin Targeted Airshed Grant............................................................................ 73
Discovery Trail Project..............................................................................................................74
Uintah School District Project.................................................................................................74
Ancillary Programs.......................................................................................................................74
Transportation Conformity...........................................................................................................74
Utah Air Quality Public Noti cations..........................................................................................76
Smoke Management in Utah.........................................................................................................77
Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance Programs...............................................................................78
Smoking Vehicles............................................................................................................................ 79
The mission of the Utah Division of Air Quality (the Division) is to safeguard and improve
Utah’s air through balanced regulation. The purpose of the Division is to achieve and
maintain levels of air quality which will protect human health and safety, and to the
greatest degree practicable, prevent injury to plant and animal life and property, foster the
comfort and convenience of the people, promote the economic and social development of
this state, and facilitate the enjoyment of the natural attractions of this state. It is the
responsibility of the Division to ensure that the air in Utah meets health and visibility
standards established under the federal Clean Air Act (CAA). To ful ll this responsibility,
the Division is required by the federal government to ensure compliance with the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
statewide and visibility standards at national parks. The Division enacts rules pertaining to
air quality standards, develops plans to meet the federal standards when necessary,
administers emissions reductions incentive programs, issues pre-construction and
operating permits to stationary sources, and ensures compliance with state and federal air
quality rules, statutes, and regulations.
The Division allocates a large portion of its resources to implementing the CAA. The Utah
Air Conservation Act (Utah Code §19-2) delegates rulemaking power to the Utah Air
Quality Board (Board) to promulgate rules pertaining to air quality issues. The Division
staff supports the Board in its policy-making role. The Board is comprised of nine members
representing local government, environmental groups, the public, industry, and the
Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality. The Board members have
diverse interests, are knowledgeable in air pollution matters, and are appointed by the
Governor with consent of the senate. The Director of the Division is the Board’s Executive
The Utah air quality rules de ne the Utah air quality program. Implementation of the rules
requires the Division’s interaction with industry, other government agencies, and the
public. The state air quality program is responsible for the implementation of the federal
standards under the CAA, as well as state rules for pollution sources not regulated by the
2024 Synopsis
Utah continues to meet the ne particulate (PM2.5) standards set by the EPA, even with the
strengthened annual standard implemented in 2024, and continued population growth
along the urban Wasatch Front. This success is attributable to almost two decades of work
that include industry emission controls, federal regulations, state rules, and behavioral
awareness. While this is a signi cant accomplishment, emerging concerns with other
health-based criteria pollutants, such as PM10 and ozone, are at the forefront of the
Division’s efforts.
The work to address PM2.5 during wintertime temperature inversions included reducing the
precursor emissions to PM2.5 - oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and volatile organic compounds
(VOC). Between 2011 and 2020 VOC emissions were reduced by 55%, and NOx emissions
reduced 46%. These same precursors combine in the summertime and are “cooked” in the
atmosphere by sunlight to produce ground-level ozone, which can cause severe respiratory
issues. Despite the signi cant year-round reduction of the precursors, ozone
concentrations over the last 14 years have remained stagnant. The Division is working to
understand this phenomenon through collaborative studies with academic and federal
partners, as well as enhanced monitoring of precursor species. Data from these studies will
provide an understanding of the complicated photochemistry in Utah’s airsheds and will
help inform future policy and rulemaking.
While ozone is an issue in the summertime along the Wasatch Front, it’s a wintertime
problem in the Uinta Basin due to emissions from oil and gas extraction. The EPA recently
reclassi ed the nonattainment area from marginal to moderate and will soon reclassify to
serious. Regulatory jurisdiction in the basin is complicated with the Division overseeing
~25% of the emissions from extraction on state lands, and EPA implementing the CAA on
Tribal lands that produce ~75% of the emissions. The Division will continue to navigate the
regulatory requirements in the coming year.
In addition to ozone concentrations above the standard, 50% of the Great Salt Lake (GSL)
lakebed or playa has been exposed over the last 40 years and with that comes the potential
for windblown dust where 80% of Utahns live. The GSL reached a record low water level in
2022, exposing approximately 2,072 km² (800 square miles) of playa. This exposed playa
can become a signi cant source of windblown dust, particularly when the surface crust is
weak or broken. To better understand the environmental impacts of this dust, the Division
is deploying PM10 monitors in areas closer to the GSL. Additionally, the Division is funding
a special study through the University of Utah to identify the communities most at risk
from GSL dust exposure. The Division has also been consulting with state academic and
federal scientists to guide its efforts in addressing concerns about windblown dust from
the GSL.
The Division continues to identify ways to effectively reduce emissions while maintaining
Utah’s excellent quality of life. The Grants and Incentives section was incredibly
successful in securing federal funding for incentive programs, winning a combined $247
million in grants in 2024, in addition to the millions of dollars secured in previous years
through funding sources like EPA Targeted Air Shed Grants and the National Clean Diesel
Program. The emission reductions from the various incentive programs bene t local
airsheds while encouraging behavioral changes.
The following is a brief list of notable air quality highlights from 2024:
Meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards
● The Northern Wasatch Front (NWF) ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA) includes Davis
and Salt Lake counties, as well as portions of Tooele and Weber counties. The state
of Utah submitted a revised moderate State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the area in
December 2024 to the EPA. These revisions aim to ful ll certain CAA requirements,
including emission reduction requirements known as Reasonable Further Progress,
by accounting for reductions in NOx emissions in addition to VOC emissions.
However, monitoring data from 2021 - 2023 showed that the area did not attain the
standard by the moderate attainment date. On December 9, 2024, the EPA issued a
nding of failure to attain and reclassi ed the NWF from moderate to serious
nonattainment status. This federal rulemaking was made without consideration of a
CAA section 179B(b) international contributions demonstration, which was
developed by the state and submitted to the EPA on December 12, 2024. With the
reclassi cation to serious nonattainment status comes a requirement to submit
another SIP revision that details how the area will continue to reduce emissions, and
implement additional statutory requirements under the new classi cation as the
area works towards meeting the health-based standard. The Division has already
begun the process of planning and preparing the serious SIP that will be submitted
to the EPA in early 2026.
● The Uinta Basin Ozone Nonattainment Area includes portions of Uintah and
Duchesne counties. At the end of 2024 the EPA made a nal decision on the
attainment status for the Uintah Basin Ozone Nonattainment Area that was different
from the decision they had proposed in April 2024. They denied the second one-year
extension request and reclassi ed the area from marginal to moderate status. This
decision was not only a change in direction, but also signi cantly delayed from
regulatory required timeframes such that the attainment date for a moderate ozone
NAA has passed and the area will most likely be reclassi ed to serious imminently.
This decision has the potential to signi cantly impact the area’s oil and natural gas
production growth. This year also brought the implementation of new federal
standards for new oil and natural gas sources as well as a required state plan to
address existing sources that should help with meeting required emission reductions
under the serious classi cation and help the area meet the ozone standard.
● In February 2024, the EPA promulgated a new NAAQS for annual PM2.5, lowering it
from 12.0 µg/m3 to 9.0 µg/m3. The Division has developed an initial designation
recommendation of attainment for the entire state and it will be submitted to EPA by
the Governor. The recommendation is based on ambient monitored values. The
Division continues to work with EPA to address comments for EPA to nalize the
redesignation of Provo and Salt Lake for the 2006 24-hr PM2.5 standard.
● The Regional Haze Rule requires Utah to address regional haze in each mandatory
CIA located within Utah and in each mandatory CIA located outside Utah that may
be affected by pollutants emitted from sources within Utah. The Division submitted
the second implementation period regional haze SIP to EPA in July 2022, which EPA
partially approved and partially disapproved on December 2, 2024. The Division is
currently reviewing EPA’s nal action and plans to amend the SIP in 2025. The
Division is also working on the Regional Haze Progress Report for submission to EPA
in Spring 2025.
Air Quality Incentive Programs
The Division’s Grants and Incentives Section oversees a variety of funding opportunities
that are available to individuals, businesses, government entities, and other organizations
for voluntarily reducing emissions. Programs include incentives for reducing emissions
from on- and off-road vehicles and equipment, yard care equipment, wood stoves, oil and
gas production, and encourage the adoption of transformative zero-emission technologies.
Funding for the programs come from a range of sources, including federal funding
opportunities, state appropriations, and settlement monies. The Division received multiple
new federal grant awards this year that include:
● Nearly $75 million through EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant, Phase II
Implementation Grant Program to support the Beehive Emissions Reduction Plan
in implementing locally-driven solutions that reduce emissions, support
communities, and advance clean energy.
EPA received nearly 300 applications from states, tribes, territories, local
governments, and coalitions of these entities, and Utah’s application was one of only
25 selected. The thoughtful feedback, engagement, and support of the many
stakeholders who participated in the planning process was key to the Division’s
The award will make a meaningful difference in Utah communities, funding
activities focused on transportation, including electric vehicles, chargers, and
e-bikes, yard equipment incentives, solar power generation, oil and gas methane
emissions reduction, and energy efficiency coaching and assessment programs to
reduce emissions across multiple sectors. Our Implementation Grant Application
Work Plan is available for a full list of the measures for which funding was
● $110 million through EPA’s Clean Ports Program (CPP) for the deployment of
zero-emissions vehicles and equipment at the Salt Lake City Intermodal
Terminal (SLCIT), owned by Union Paci c Railroad. Union Paci c Railroad will
be a signi cant partner through the implementation of this program. The CPP
funding will provide eet owners who operate at the SLCIT an opportunity to
receive 75% toward the cost of a new zero-emissions vehicles and equipment, and if
they elect to scrap an older vehicle or piece of equipment, they could receive up to
90% toward the purchase of new vehicles and equipment. Also included in the grant
is funding for a microgrid to help power the charging equipment that will be
installed at the SLCIT. Additionally, The Utah Inland Port Authority received a $2.4
million planning grant that they will use to develop an emissions inventory and do
community engagement work.
● $60 million ($42 million for electric school buses and $18 million for Class 6 & 7
electric trucks) from EPA’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) Grant. Funding
will be provided to eet owners to replace older school buses and Class 6 & 7 trucks
that operate a minimum of 50% of the time along the Wasatch Front, with new,
electric versions.
● The Legislature appropriated $3,236,000 to the Division during the 2022 general
session for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Systems to be purchased and
installed throughout the ozone nonattainment areas on the Wasatch Front. Sites at
Bountiful, Red Butte, Erda and the DEQ Tech center have been established. Approval
for a site at the current Lake Park monitoring site has been obtained and we are
working with DFCM to establish the needed infrastructure at this location. As the
data from these sites are collected, the modeling group is better able to model air
chemistry and to inform decisions on potential control strategies.
● The Division also received funding from the Legislature to install ambient air
monitoring systems in Wasatch and Summit counties. A site has been established in
Wasatch County and the data are available on the Division web pages or the UtahAir
mobile apps. A site in Summit County has been identi ed and the Division is
working through the process to be able to use the site for monitoring purposes.
● The Division issued 190 permits during 2024, with an average of 141 days to issue the
permit from application
● Title V permitting continued to draft re nery permits and issued Utah’s rst Title V
re nery permit on May 3, 2024. The re nery permits have been on hold since 1995
due to EPA SIP con ict issues, which were nally resolved in 2023. The remaining
three re nery permits will be issued as early as 2025.
● Title V permitting completed all but two renewal permits this year leaving the two
“extended beyond permit date” status. This rate of completed renewals is unmatched
in the nation.
● There were 1,060 site inspections conducted in 2024, 498 stack tests and continuous
emission monitoring reports were reviewed, 118 compliance actions were taken that
resulted in 30 warning letters, 28 no-further-action letters, and 28 settlement
agreements with a total assessed penalty amount of $2,841,357.
● The Division and EPA continued joint enforcement actions associated with oil and
gas facilities in the Uinta Basin. No additional consent decrees were nalized this
year, but signi cant progress has been made toward closing out the ongoing sites in
the coming year. A new joint enforcement action associated with engine compliance
in the Uintah Basin was initiated in December of this year as well.
● On September 30th, 2024, the EPA and the Department of Justice announced a
settlement with Ovintiv USA Inc., totaling over $16 million that resolved CAA
violations at the company’s oil and gas production facilities on the Uintah and Ouray
Reservation in Utah and Utah state lands. The settlement requires Ovintiv to pay the
U.S. and the state of Utah a civil penalty of $5.5 million. It also requires Ovintiv to
implement extensive compliance measures to achieve major reductions in pollutants
emitted from 139 of its facilities across the state.
The settlement resolves a civil suit, led jointly by the U.S. and the state of Utah,
alleging that Ovintiv failed to comply with federal and state requirements to capture
and control air emissions and comply with inspection, monitoring and
recordkeeping requirements from 22 of its oil and gas production facilities in the
Uinta Basin. These violations resulted in illegal emissions of VOCs, which contribute
to asthma and increase susceptibility to respiratory illnesses. Greenhouse gases,
including methane, were also released in large quantities, contributing to climate
Air Quality Research Projects
● The Department received a federal “Wild re Smoke Preparedness in Community
Buildings” grant ($854,000). The purpose of this grant is to enhance Utah’s resilience
to wild re smoke by 1) deploying indoor/outdoor low-cost PM2.5 and CO2 sensors at
Utah public schools, 2) developing air quality alerts, and 3) distributing air cleaners
and lters to public schools/preschools and residents in underserved areas.
● The Division is supporting ve studies that focus on addressing high summertime
ozone pollution along the NWF. Additionally, the Division is funding a University of
Utah project to learn more about the potential air quality impacts from a shrinking
GSL. In summary, these projects will enhance the Division’s scienti c understanding
and improve the technical tools the Division relies on for policy and rulemaking.
● The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration led a large-scale campaign
from July 15 to August 18, 2024, to increase understanding of ozone chemistry and
emissions sources. During the Utah Summer Ozone Study (USOS), the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deployed two mobile labs and an aircraft
equipped with an exhaustive suite of instrumentation to measure the meteorology
and ozone precursors driving harmful summertime pollution in the Salt Lake Valley.
During this study, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) also
deployed ozone LiDAR instruments to continuously scan vertical pro les of ozone at
select locations. Data collected during USOS will complement the Division’s existing
air monitoring efforts to paint a complete picture of ozone production. This study
will greatly inform the Division’s policy and ozone modeling efforts.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Planning
● The Division launched Utah’s Beehive Emission Reduction Plan in 2023 using an EPA
planning grant. The Division developed and submitted a priority plan to EPA in April
2024, which detailed stakeholder-driven CO2 and methane reduction measures for
Utah. The Division selected several projects from the priority plan to be included in
the implementation grant application and received $74.7M in funding to advance the
projects. In January 2025, the Division will kick off the third phase of the program,
the development of a comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is similar to the
priority plan but includes all sectors of the economy and measures that will have
both a near-term and long-term emissions impact, out to 2050. All interested
stakeholders may participate and submit emission reduction ideas. The
comprehensive plan will be submitted to EPA by December 1, 2025.
2024 Legislative Reports
House Bill 220
HB 220 was passed during the 2023 Utah Legislature General Session and directed the
Division to:
● Complete an air emissions inventory of point sources that emit halogens by
December 31, 2024.
● Complete a best available control technology emissions reduction plan to reduce
halogen compounds with an implementation date of December 31, 2026.
● Provide recommendations for a state standard limiting halogen emissions.
All required elements , including interim reports, recommendations, and inventories, can
be found at the Division’s HB 220 webpage.
The nal recommendations from the Division regarding a Best Available Control
Technologies plan to reduce compounds of halogens in the applicable geographic region
1) US Magnesium, a primary magnesium re ning facility located on the Southwest
edge of the GSL, installs a connection between their Chlorine Reduction Burner and
Chlorine Bypass Scrubber and use the Chlorine Bypass Scrubber to control
emissions during periods of maintenance on the Chlorine Reduction Burner;
2) the removal of maintenance limits from US Magnesium’s air permit; and
3) adding additional ongoing halogen testing requirements to US Magnesium’s air
permit including: Bromine, Hydrogen Bromide, and Hydrogen Fluoride.
At this time, the Division found that it could not make a recommendation for a state
standard limiting halogen emissions due to limitations in the best available science.
However, in the absence of the ability to make a speci c recommendation for a state
standard, the Division recommends:
1) continued investment in the scienti c studies necessary to ultimately set an
appropriate state standard; and
2) revisit the prospect of a state standard through the legislative process again in the
future when the state of the science can support setting such a standard.
SB161 Energy Security Amendments was passed during the 2024 Utah Legislature General
Session. Additionally, HB 3004 Energy Security Adjustments was passed during the 2024
Utah Legislature Third Special Session and these directed the Division to:
● Accept an alternative permit application for a modi ed Approval Order from
Intermountain Power Agency’s (IPA) Intermountain Power Project (IPP). IPA currently
operates under an approval order that is de ned as a transitional permit under this
bill. The Division would review and issue a new approval order which would
authorize the same new electrical generating capacity by the current approval order
without conditions or requirements to shutdown the existing coal generating units
as required under the current approval order DAQE-AN103270010-22.
● Issuance of a new modi ed approval order to IPA, based upon the alternative permit
application, will occur only if the supporting permit application meets all State and
Federal permitting requirements. IPA has not submitted an alternative permit
application as of December 31, 2024.
● Additionally, an alternative permit application prepared and submitted by the
authority (Decommissioned Asset Disposition Authority) will be evaluated as if IPA
had submitted the application. The Division will review the application and
determine the likelihood of issuing a new modi ed approval order considering
updated assumptions, modeling, and requirements established in rule by the
Division and may rely upon the reduction of capacity of the existing electrical coal
generation facility as necessary to ensure that the emissions of the new generating
facility do not exceed thresholds established by federal requirements which would
require new source review to consider this permitting action a major modi cation.
● The Division will provide the results of the summary evaluation conducted to the
Decommissioned Asset Disposition Authority within 30 days after receipt of the
alternative permit application. The alternative permit application was received on
December 31, 2024.The Division is currently reviewing the application and will
respond within 30 days of December 31, 2024.
Air Quality Standards
The CAA requires the EPA to set NAAQS for pollutants considered harmful to public health
and the environment. The CAA establishes two types of air quality standards: primary and
secondary. Primary standards are set to protect public health, including the health of
sensitive populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards
are set to protect public welfare, including protection from decreased visibility and
damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and buildings.
Standards are composed of a numerical value and a form (Table 2). The form may be a
statistical value, such as the 98th percentile calculation, or a rolling average over a
designated period of time that is then compared against the numerical value.
The EPA has established health-based NAAQS for six pollutants known as criteria
pollutants. The six criteria pollutants are carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone,
particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and lead. Each criteria pollutant is addressed in greater
detail later in this report. Table 1 provides a brief description of each criteria pollutant and
Table 2 provides a brief description of each criteria pollutant’s primary and secondary
standard. The EPA establishes the primary health standards after considering both the
concentration level and the duration of exposure that can cause adverse health effects.
Pollutant concentrations that exceed the NAAQS are considered unhealthy for some
portion of the population. At concentrations between 1.0 and 1.5 times the standard, the
general public is not expected to be adversely affected by the pollutant; however, the most
sensitive portion of the population may be affected. At levels above 1.5 times the standard,
even healthy people may experience adverse effects.
The Division monitors each criteria pollutant in the ambient air, as well as meteorological
conditions and several non-criteria pollutants for special studies at various monitoring
sites throughout the state.
Table 1: EPA Designated Criteria Pollutants
EPA Designated Criteria Pollutants
Name Sources Health Eects Welfare Effects
Carbon Monoxide
CO , a clear, colorless, odorless
Burning of gasoline, wood, natural gas, coal, oil, etc.
Reduces the ability
of blood to transport oxygen to body cells
and tissues. May be particularly
hazardous to people who have heart or
circulatory (blood vessel) problems and
people who have damaged lungs or
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2) (one
component of NOx) smog-forming
Burning of gasoline, natural
gas, coal, oil, and other
fuels; Cars are also an
important source of NO2
Can cause lung
damage, illnesses of
airways, and lungs
(respiratory system).
An ingredient of acid
rain (acid aerosols)
which can damage
trees, lakes, flora, and
fauna. Acid aerosols can
also reduce visibility.
Ozone (O3)
(ground-level ozone is the principal
component of smog)
Chemical reaction of
pollutants; Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs), and
Can cause breathing problems, reduced
lung function, asthma, irritated
eyes, stuy nose, and reduced
resistance to colds and other infections.
It may also speed up aging of lung tissue.
Can damage plants and
trees; smog can cause
reduced visibility.
Particulate Maer PM10, PM2.5) dust,
smoke, soot.
Burning of gasoline, natural
gas, coal, oil, and other
fuels; industrial plans;
agriculture (plowing or
burning fields); unpaved
roads, mining, construction
activities. Particles are also
formed from the reaction of
VOCs, NOx, SOx, and other
pollutants in the air.
Can cause nose and
throat irritation, lung
damage, bronchitis,
and early death.
Main source of haze
that reduces visibility.
Sulfur Dioxide SO2)
Burning of coal and oil
(including diesel and gasoline); industrial
Can cause breathing
problems and may cause permanent
damage to lungs.
Ingredients of acid rain
(acid aerosols) which can damage trees,
lakes, flora, and fauna.
EPA Designated Criteria Pollutants
Acid aerosols can also
reduce visibility.
Lead (Pb)
Paint (houses, cars), smelters (metal refineries);
manufacturing of lead storage baeries; note:
burning leaded gasoline was the primary source of
lead pollution in the U.S. until the federal
government mandated unleaded gasoline.
Damages the nervous systems,
including the brain, and causes digestive
system damage. Children are at higher
risk. Some lead-containing
chemicals cause cancer in animals.
Can harm wildlife.
Table 2: Ambient Air Quality Standards
Ambient Air Quality Standards
Pollutant Averaging Time Primary / Secondary Standard Form
Ozone (O3) 8 Hour Primary and
Secondary 0.070 ppm
Annual fourth-highest daily
maximum 8-hr concentration,
averaged over three years
Respirable Particulate Maer
24 Hour Primary and
Secondary 150 µg/m3 Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over
three years
Fine Particulate Maer PM2.5)
24 Hour Primary and
Secondary 35 µg/m3 98th percentile, averaged over
three years
Primary 9 µg/m3 Annual mean, averaged over three years
Secondary 15 µg/m3 Annual mean, averaged over three
Carbon Monoxide
1 Hour Primary 35 ppm Not to be exceeded more than
once per year
8 Hour Primary 9 ppm Not to be exceeded more than
once per year
Nitrogen Dioxide
1 Hour Primary 100 ppb 98th percentile of 1-hour daily maximum concentrations,
averaged over three years
Annual Primary and
Secondary 53 ppb Annual mean
Sulfur Dioxide SO2)
1 Hour Primary 75 ppb 99th percentile of 1-hour daily maximum concentrations,
averaged over three years
Annual Secondary 10ppb Annual mean, averaged over three
Lead (Pb) Rolling 3 month average Primary and Secondary 0.15 µg/m3 Not to be exceeded
Utah’s Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network
The Air Quality Monitoring Network currently operates monitors at 24 locations statewide.
Two of the monitoring sites have been established to ful ll the Utah Senate Bill 144, which
directs the Department of Environmental Quality to establish and maintain monitoring
facilities to measure the environmental impact from the Inland Port development project.
These sites are the Lake Park Site (LP) and the Prison Site (ZZ).
The Division’s monitoring stations are strategically situated to measure both local and
regional levels of air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), gaseous pollutants, and
meteorological variables. Currently, PM2.5 is measured at 23 locations, PM10 is monitored at
seven locations, O3 is monitored at 22 locations, NOX, NO, and NO2 are measured at 21
locations, CO is monitored at seven locations, and SO2 at four locations. Fourteen out of 19
PM2.5 monitoring sites use lter-based equipment, additionally; all the sites monitoring
PM2.5 and PM10 are equipped with continuous monitors. Meteorological parameters, wind
speed, wind direction, temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation are measured at
most sampling sites.
Moreover, the network includes stations that participate in the National Core (NCore),
Speciation Trends Network (STN), Chemical Speciation Network (CSN), Photochemical
Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), National Air Toxics Trends (NATTS), and
Near-road station EPA monitoring programs.
Data collected at these stations is primarily used for the following objectives:
● Evaluating population exposure to air pollutants
● Tracking the spatial distribution of air pollutants
● Assessing historical trends in air pollution
● Supporting compliance with NAAQS (primary and secondary)
● Supporting air quality models and research studies
● Informing the general public of air pollution levels via mobile apps and web pages
● Developing SIPs and legislative air pollution control measures
● Tracking the effectiveness of air pollution control strategies
● Activating control measures during high air pollution episodes, such as restricting
wood burning during winter-time inversions
● Monitoring of speci c emission sources and air pollutants
Table 3 shows the monitoring station locations and monitored constituents for stations
operated in 2024.
Table 3: Utah Monitoring Network Stations
Utah Monitoring Network Stations
Station City Address CO NO2 O3 PM10 PM2.5 SO2 Met.
DEQ Tech
Center SLC 240 N. 1950 W. X X X X X X X
Island None North end of island X
Badger Island Tooele Great Salt Lake X
Bountiful Bountiful 1370 N. 171 W. X X X X X
Brigham City Brigham
City 350 W. 1175 S. X X X X
Copperview Midvale 8449 S. Monroe St. X X X X X X
Enoch Enoch 3840 N. Minersville Hwy. X X X X
Erda Erda 2163 W. Erda Way X X X X
Harrisville Harrisville 425 W. 2550 N. X X X X X X
Hawthorne SLC 1675 S. 600 E. X X X X X X X
Heber Heber 790 S. west of the
Wasatch Canal X X X X
Herriman Herriman 14058 Mirabella Dr. X X X X X
Hurricane Hurricane 147 N. 870 W. X X X X
Prison Site SLC 1480 N. 8000 W. X X X X
Lake Park West Valley
2782 S. Corporate Park
Dr. X X X X
Lindon Lindon 50 N. Main St. X X X X X X
Moab Moab 691 S. Mill Creek Dr. X X X X
Near Road Murray 5001 Galleria Dr. X X X X X
Price #2 Price 351 S. 2500 E. X X X X
Red Bue SLC 2195 Red Bue Canyon Rd. X X X X
Roosevelt Roosevelt 290 S. 1000 W. X X X X X
Rose Park SLC 1250 N. 1400 W. X X X X X X
Photochemical Assessment Monitoring System PAMS
The PAMS network is an ozone precursor monitoring network operated by state and local
agencies. The PAMS program was originally started in the early 1990s to meet the
requirements of Section 182(c)(1) of the CAA. Revisions to the PAMS requirements (40 CFR
part 58, Appendix D) were made as part of the 2015 Ozone NAAQS review. The Legislature
appropriated $3,236,000 to the Division during the 2022 general session for additional
PAMS to be purchased and installed throughout the ozone nonattainment areas on the
Wasatch Front. The Division now operates PAMS sites located at Red Butte, Erda, Bountiful,
Hawthorne, and the DEQ Technical Center as a temporary site. The objective of the PAMS
program is to produce an air quality database to be used to evaluate and re ne ozone
prediction models. In addition, the program will help identify and quantify ozone
precursors, establish the temporal patterns, and associated meteorological conditions to
assist and re ne the control strategies. The Division is measuring carbonyls,
meteorological parameters, speciated VOCs, and NO/NOX at the PAMS sites.
Criteria Air Pollutants
The CAA has three different designations for areas based on whether they meet the NAAQS
for each criteria pollutant. Areas in compliance with the NAAQS are designated as
attainment areas. Areas where there is no monitoring data, or insufficient data, are
designated as unclassi able. Lastly, areas that are not in compliance with the NAAQS are
designated as nonattainment. A maintenance area is an attainment area that was once
designated as nonattainment for a NAAQS, and has since demonstrated to the EPA that it
has attained and will continue to attain that standard for a minimum of ten years.
Most of the state of Utah has been designated as either attainment or unclassi able for
each of the NAAQS, with some criteria pollutants having a nonattainment or maintenance
classi cation as discussed below.
Utah Monitoring Network Stations
Smithfield Smithfield 675 W. 220 N. X X X X
Spanish Fork Spanish
Fork 2050 N. 300 W. X X X X
Vernal Vernal 628 N. 1700 W. X X X X
Ozone (O3)
Ozone is a highly reactive, colorless gas composed of three molecules of oxygen bonded
together. Ground level ozone is identical to ozone found in the stratospheric ozone layer
located ~15 miles above the earth’s surface. However, ozone found at these higher
elevations is generally considered good because it does not come into direct contact with
human activities and protects human health by shielding the earth from cancer-causing
ultraviolet radiation. In contrast, ground-level ozone is regulated by the EPA as a NAAQS
due to its harmful effects to human health. Ground level ozone is not directly emitted, but
is rather formed in the atmosphere by complex chemical reactions involving VOCs and
oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the presence of sunlight.
Major sources for both VOCs and NOx include vehicle exhaust, emissions from industrial
facilities, gasoline vapors, chemical solvent use, oil and gas production, wild res, and
biogenic emissions from natural sources such as vegetation.
Exposure to ozone has been linked to a variety of respiratory and pulmonary problems,
especially among susceptible populations. These health problems can include increased
susceptibility to respiratory illness like pneumonia and bronchitis, chest pain, irritation
and damage of lung tissue, irritation of the eyes, and aggravation of preexisting respiratory
issues such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Ozone production is a year-round phenomenon, with the highest concentrations generally
observed during the summer months when strong incoming solar radiation, high
temperatures, and stagnant meteorological conditions combine to drive the associated
chemical reactions. However, it has been found that under very unique circumstances,
high ozone levels can occur during the wintertime. In the Uinta Basin of Utah, wintertime
ozone is associated with the con uence of temperature inversions, snow cover, signi cant
VOC and NOx emissions associated with oil and gas production, and solar radiation
(sunlight). The maximum daily eight-hour monitored values for the Ouray monitor in the
Uinta Basin and the Hawthorne monitor on the Wasatch Front illustrate the timing of high
values in each area. Figure 1 shows that the Uinta Basin often experiences a greater
increase in ozone in the winter months than summer months, whereas higher values on the
Wasatch Front are typically only observed in the summer.
Figure 1: Daily Maximum 8-hour Ozone measurements at Hawthorne and Ouray
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data
In October of 2015, the EPA strengthened the primary and secondary ozone NAAQS from
0.075 ppm to 0.070 ppm, based on a three-year average of the annual 4th highest daily
eight-hour average concentration. The standard was reviewed again in 2020, and the EPA
chose to retain the standard at 0.070 ppm. In August 2018, the EPA designated portions of
the Wasatch Front, Utah County, and the Uinta Basin as nonattainment areas for ozone.
Figures 2-5 show the annual 4th highest 8-hour ozone concentrations at monitoring
locations throughout the state, in the Uinta Basin, and along the Wasatch Front. In each of
these gures, dashed lines indicate the NAAQS standard, with the red dashed line
indicating the current NAAQS of 0.070 ppm.
In 2024, the Division’s monitors showed sites that exceeded the 2015 standard more than
four times, and thus recorded a violation of the standard at 14 of the 15 monitoring sites
located in counties along the greater Wasatch Front. While the area continues to violate
the NAAQS, the relatively good years of 2022 and 2023 combine to result in an improved
three-year design value (DV), or the value which determines if an area is attaining the
standard. The area’s new DV is expected to further decrease from 0.077 ppm to 0.075 ppm,
representing a 2 ppb improvement.
The Uinta Basin experienced a strong and persistent atmospheric inversion in the winter
of 2023, leading to multiple exceedances of the 0.070 ppm standard at all monitoring sites
located within the basin. In 2024, the Uinta Basin did not experience any long term
temperature inversions with signi cant snow on the ground during the winter months, and
therefore did not experience any violations of the ozone standard. Almost all the
compliance monitors in the Basin did experience exceedances of the standard in July and
August, but did not see a 4th high value above 70; therefore, did not violate the standard.
These exceedances are likely attributable to nearby res.
Figure 2: 4th Highest Daily Maximum 8-hour Average Ozone
Figure 3: 4th Highest Daily Maximum 8-hour Average Ozone Uinta Basin
Figure 4: 4th Highest Daily Maximum 8-hour Average Ozone Wasatch Front
Figure 5: Three Year Average of the 4th Highest Daily Maximum 8-hour Average Ozone
Ozone Updates
On August 3, 2018 the EPA designated three regions of Utah as marginal Nonattainment
Areas (NAA) for the 2015 NAAQS at 0.070 ppm. These areas include the Northern and
Southern Wasatch Front, as well as the Uinta Basin (83 FR 25776).
Northern Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area
The NWF NAA includes all of Salt Lake and
Davis counties, as well as portions of Tooele
and Weber counties (Figure 6). After its initial
designation as a marginal area, the NWF NAA
failed to attain the standard by the attainment
date of August 3rd, 2021 and was subsequently
redesignated to a moderate NAA on November
7th, 2022 (87 FR 60897). As a moderate area, the
Division was required to develop and submit a
SIP showing how the state aimed to reduce
ozone forming emissions and meet the
standard. This moderate SIP revision was
approved by the Board on September 12, 2023,
and was submitted to the EPA later that month.
The document outlines the state's efforts to
meet all CAA requirements for a moderate NAA.
Given the substantial emission reductions
associated with previous PM2.5 SIP submissions,
a signi cant challenge facing the moderate,
and future SIP development, is identifying and
implementing reductions in anthropogenic VOC
emissions. As a result of these challenges, the Board
approved amendments to the moderate SIP which aim to ful ll the moderate emission
reduction requirements known as Reasonable Further Progress, by accounting for
reductions in NOx emissions in addition to VOC reductions. The Division submitted these
amendments to the EPA in December, 2024 for consideration.
Ozone monitoring data collected throughout the summer of 2024 continue to show
exceedances of the NAAQS in all four NWF counties, with the area experiencing a slight
increase in the number of exceedances as observed during the 2022 and 2023 seasons. As
the DV for the 2015 ozone standard is based on a three year average, data collected during
the summers of 2021, 2022, and 2023 resulted in a DV of 77 ppb, therefore the area did not
attain the standard by the moderate attainment date of August 3rd, 2024. On December 9,
2024, the EPA issued a nding of failure to attain and reclassi ed the NWF from moderate
to serious nonattainment status, with the effective date of January 8, 2025 (89 FR 97545).
This rulemaking was made without a public comment period, and without consideration of
a CAA section 179B(b) international contributions demonstration, which was developed by
the state of Utah and submitted to the EPA.
The reclassi cation to serious will require the submission of an additional SIP with further
emission reductions, as well as modi cations to other nonattainment area programs. These
changes include additional veri cation for the effectiveness of vehicle Inspection and
Maintenance (I/M) programs, and changes to NSR permitting. The Division has already
begun the process of developing a serious SIP to ful ll these requirements. This SIP
revision is anticipated to be presented to the Board in summer of 2025 for a proposal for
public comment. The Division then anticipates proposing the SIP revision for nal
adoption in approximately November of 2025, with a submission to the EPA in January of
2026. Ongoing SIP efforts include additional development of an area-speci c
photochemical model and further re ned emission inventories.
Due to the complexities of ozone formation, and challenges associated with addressing
ozone in the Intermountain West, the Division plans to continue to focus much of its
upcoming research efforts to better understand ozone along the Wasatch Front. These
efforts include a better understanding of how wild re and biogenic emissions impact
ozone formation, as well as identifying ways of improving photochemical models used to
predict ozone formation.
Lastly, the Division has developed and submitted to EPA a CAA section 179B(b)
international contributions demonstration for the NWF NAA. This demonstration showed
that anthropogenic emissions from international sources interfered with the NAA’s ability
to attain the standard, and contribute to violating the standard. Modeling for this analysis
was conducted by Ramboll, with funding covering the full project provided by the Utah
state legislature. This demonstration was submitted to the EPA on December 12, 2024, prior
to the January 8, 2025 effective date of the reclassi cation to serious nonattainment status
(89 FR 97545).
Southern Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area
The Southern Wasatch Front NAA includes the populated regions of Utah County along the
Wasatch Front. Monitored data collected during the summers of 2018, 2019, and 2020 show
that the area attained the NAAQS of 0.070 ppm by the attainment date of August 3rd, 2021.
As a result, the SWF NAA remains classi ed as a marginal NAA and the state is not required
to develop and submit a SIP for this area. However, given the proximity to the NWF and the
rate of population growth associated with this area, emission reduction strategies being
developed for the NWF NAA SIP could be extended to include the SWF. The Division will
submit a maintenance plan and request for redesignation to attainment as time allows.
Uinta Basin Ozone Nonattainment Area
The Uinta Basin NAA was designated nonattainment in August 2018 and is a unique ozone
NAA in many ways. It has a designation area based upon elevation including areas in
Uintah and Duchesne County below 6,250 feet above sea level. It is a rural area with a small
population, however the geography and weather conditions combined with the presence
of signi cant oil and gas production emissions of VOCs and NOx, creates occasional high
levels of ozone exceeding the standard. These ozone events occur in the winter months
during a cold air inversion trapping emissions in the basin with snow on the ground
re ecting the UV radiation from the sun creating the radiant energy needed to combine
VOC and NOx to ozone.
Reductions in oil and gas production in 2020 and potentially different weather patterns
due to climate change resulted in less incidents of ozone exceedances and allowed the
Division to request two one-year extensions to the original attainment date of August 3,
2021. The rst one-year extension was granted. In April 2024 the EPA proposed approval of
the second one-year extension and a determination that the area had attained the 2015
ozone standard and provided an opportunity to comment. On December 16, 2024 EPA
issued a nal rule that actually denied the second one-year extension request and
reclassi ed the NAA from marginal to moderate classi cation. The EPA stated that this
change in position was due to adverse public comment and re-evaluation of the ozone
exceedances in the winter of 2023. This decision has signi cant impacts to the area with
more stringent regulatory requirements to implement and meet. In addition, since the
moderate nonattainment date has passed, it is likely the area will quickly be reclassi ed
from moderate to serious with additional tightening of regulatory requirements. This
action occurred at the end of 2024, and the Division is just beginning to evaluate and plan
for the next steps for the area.
This year also brought the nalization and implementation of EPA’s new source standards
for oil and natural gas operations as well as a requirement for states to create and
implement plans to meet similar emission guidelines for existing oil and natural gas
sources, commonly referred to as the ‘OOOO (quad O)’ rules. These rules have the greatest
impact in the Uinta Basin since the majority of oil and natural gas sources are in the basin
and it’s experiencing signi cant growth. The rules will reduce emissions of VOCs and the
greenhouse gas methane and as such should help reduce the formation of ozone. The state
plan is due to EPA by March 2026 and full implementation by March 2029. The current
strategy has been presented through in-person meetings and a virtual meeting to solicit
input from stakeholders. That initial input was received by the Division in December 2024.
The implementation of OOOO will reduce emissions that contribute to both ozone
formation and climate change, and ultimately create parity of requirements for both state,
federal, and tribal jurisdictions. The Division continues to focus on pumpjack engines and
storage tanks for UB speci c emission reductions. Additionally, there are existing federal
grant opportunities associated with greenhouse gas reductions to assist in emission
reductions from the oil and gas industry.
Particulate Maer PM
Regulated particulate matter is a complex mixture of extremely small particles of solid or
semisolid material suspended in the atmosphere and is divided into two categories: PM10
and PM2.5. PM10 is a particulate less than ten micrometers in diameter, which is about
one-seventh the width of a strand of human hair. The coarse fraction of PM10, which is
larger than 2.5 microns, is typically made up of “fugitive dust” such as sand and dirt blown
by winds from roadways, elds, mining, and construction sites, and contains large
amounts of silicate (sand-like) material. PM2.5, or ne particulate, is a subset of PM10 that
measures 2.5 microns in diameter or less. Primary PM2.5 is directly emitted into the
atmosphere from combustion sources such as black carbon from cars and trucks, and soot
from replaces and woodstoves. These particles are so small that they can become
embedded in human lung tissue, exacerbating respiratory diseases and cardiovascular
problems. Other negative effects are reduced visibility and accelerated deterioration of
buildings. The majority of Utah’s PM2.5 is called secondary aerosol, meaning that it is not
emitted directly as a particle, but is produced when gasses such as sulfur dioxide (SO2),
NOx, and VOCs react with other gasses in the atmosphere, such as ammonia, to become
tiny particles.
Wintertime temperature inversions not only provide ideal conditions for the creation of
secondary aerosols, they also act to trap air in valleys long enough for concentrations of
PM2.5 to build up to levels that can be unhealthy. The smallest of particles that make up
PM2.5 are major contributors to visibility impairment in both urban and rural areas. Along
the Wasatch Front, the effects can be seen as the thick, brownish haze that lingers in our
northern valleys, particularly in the winter. The Division currently operates PM10 and PM2.5
monitors throughout the state to assess the ambient air quality with respect to the
standards for both PM10 and PM2.5.
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data
The EPA established the 24-hour air quality standard for PM10 in July 1987 as 150 μg/m3,
and the standard has been retained after reviews in 1997, 2006, 2012, and 2020. The
standard is met when the probability of exceeding the standard is no greater than once per
year for a three-year averaging period. In other words, four estimated exceedances within
a three-year period would constitute a violation. Salt Lake County and Utah County had
been designated nonattainment for PM10
shortly after the standard was
promulgated. Ogden City was also
designated as a nonattainment area due
to one year of high concentrations (1992),
but was determined to be attaining the
standard in January 2013.
SIPs were written and promulgated in
1991, and included control strategies that
were responsible for the marked decrease
in PM10 concentrations observed in the
early 1990s. Ogden City, and Salt Lake
and Utah Counties were officially
designated as attainment for PM10
effective March 27th, 2020. These three
former nonattainment areas are now
subject to the maintenance plans that
were approved by EPA and the areas must
continue to attain the standard for the
rst maintenance period of ten years.
High values of monitored PM10 sometimes result from exceptional events, such as dust
storms and wild res. The data from such events can be agged under the EPA Exceptional
Events Rule for exclusion by EPA when they cause a violation. While there have been
isolated high values in the past 14 years, none resulted in a violation of the NAAQS. Figure
8 shows the PM10 estimated exceedances at monitored sites in Utah since 2000.
Figure 8: PM10 Estimated Exceedances
The statistical form of the standard essentially allows for one exceedance per year,
regardless of how high the value may be. For this reason, it is often useful to look at the
second highest value collected at a particular location. Figure 9 shows the second highest
24-hour PM10 concentrations recorded at each station since 2000. The heavy dashed line
indicates the NAAQS.
Figure 9: PM10 Second Highest 24-Hour Concentration
The EPA rst established standards for PM2.5 in
1997. In 2006, the EPA lowered the 24-hour PM2.5
standard from 65µg/m3 to 35 µg/m3. In 2012, the
EPA lowered the annual standard from 15μg/m3 to
12µg/m3. In January of 2024 the EPA lowered the
annual standard from 12µg/m3 to 9µg/m3. The
24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS underwent a review in 2024
and the standard was retained. All standards are
evaluated by averaging monitored data collected
during a three-year period. This minimizes the
effects of year-to-year meteorological variability.
The 24-hour standard is met when the average of
98th percentile values collected for each of the
three years is less than or equal to 35 μg/m3 . The
98th percentile concentration for each year is
selected from all of the data recorded at a given
monitor, such that the values of at least 98
percent of all that data are of a lower
concentration. Figure 11 shows that all monitors in
Utah are currently in compliance with all 24-hr NAAQS.
For the 2024 annual NAAQS, set at 9µg/m3, all monitored locations meet the standard based
on the 2022-2024 three-year average of annual mean concentrations. Figures 12 and 13
show that all locations have met past annual standards and illustrate a downward trend in
the annual mean concentrations. This is interesting to note because trends in the annual
averages are not as easily obscured by short term meteorology as are trends in the 24-hour
values. This downward trend is likely also indicative of trends in 24-hour concentrations,
absent the in uence of year-to-year variability in the severity of wintertime inversion
Figure 11: PM2.5 Three-Year Average 98th Percentile 24-Hour Concentration
Figure 12: PM2.5 Annual Mean Concentration
Figure 13: PM2.5 Three-Year Average of the Annual Mean Concentration
Particulate Maer Updates
With the PM2.5 NAAQS lowered in 2006, Salt
Lake City, Provo, and Logan areas were
classi ed as moderate nonattainment.
Moderate SIPs were submitted to EPA;
however, Salt Lake City and Provo failed to
attain the 24-hour standard (35 µg/m3) as of
the statutory attainment date of December
31, 2015. As a result, EPA reclassi ed these
areas from moderate to serious NAAs.
Reclassi cation to serious nonattainment
required the Division to submit new SIPs.
The serious area SIP amendments reach
beyond the level of emission controls
determined to be “reasonably available”
which were included in Utah’s moderate
area SIPs, and achieve a level de ned as
the “best available.” The additional controls
implemented through the serious SIP,
coupled with favorable meteorology
brought the areas into attainment of the
standard by the attainment date of December 31, 2019.
Attainment of the standard does not mean the area is reclassi ed to attainment status. The
EPA must act to redesignate an area from nonattainment to attainment status. The CAA
outlines ve requirements that a nonattainment area must satisfy for redesignation to
1. attainment of the standard;
2. fully approved attainment SIP;
3. improvement in air quality is due to permanent and enforceable emissions
4. the state has met requirements applicable to the area under CAA Section 110 and
part D; and
5. a fully approved maintenance plan.
All regulatory requirements for redesignation have been met for all three areas, with the
maintenance plan being the core requirement for redesignating areas to attainment. The
plans demonstrate continued attainment of the standard through 2035 with an
intermediate year check in 2026. Eight years after redesignation, the Division is required to
submit a maintenance plan revision demonstrating attainment for the second ten-year
maintenance period. EPA nalized redesignation of the Logan, UT-ID nonattainment area
to attainment on June 18, 2021. The Logan area is now in the rst ten-year maintenance
period. In November of 2020, the EPA proposed to redesignate the Salt Lake City and Provo
PM2.5 nonattainment areas to attainment. EPA received adverse comments on the proposal,
and EPA and the Division continue to work through how to address the adverse comments
so that the areas can be redesignated to attainment.
Sulfur Dioxide SO2)
Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. In the atmosphere, sulfur dioxide is
easily converted into sulfates, which are detected as particulates. It is also converted into
sulfuric acid, the major acidic component of acid rain. It is emitted primarily from
stationary sources that burn fossil fuels such as power plants and re neries. SO2 is also a
byproduct of copper smelting. Diesel fuel and, to a lesser extent, gasoline contain sulfur
and are considered contributors to sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data
In 1971, EPA established a 24-hour average SO2 standard of 0.14 ppm, and an annual
arithmetic average standard of 0.030 ppm. Throughout the 1970s, the Magna monitor
routinely measured violations of the 1971 24-hour standard. Consequently, all of Salt Lake
County and parts of eastern Tooele County
above 5,600 feet were designated as
nonattainment for that standard. Two
signi cant technological upgrades at the
Kennecott smelter costing the company
nearly one billion dollars resulted in
continued compliance with the SO2 standard
since 1981. In the mid-1990s, Kennecott,
Geneva Steel, the ve re neries in Salt Lake
City, and several other large sources of SO2
made dramatic reductions in emissions as
part of an effort to curb concentrations of
secondary particulates (sulfates) that were
contributing to PM10 violations. More recently,
Kennecott closed Units 1, 2, and 3 of its
coal- red power plant in 2016, and it closed
Unit 4 in 2019, resulting in further SO2
emissions reductions.
Utah submitted an SO2 Maintenance Plan and
redesignation request for Salt Lake and
Tooele Counties to the EPA in April of 2005, but EPA
never took formal action on the request. Because of changes in the emissions in
subsequent years, and changes in the modeling used to demonstrate attainment of the
standard, in November, 2019, the state of Utah withdrew the 2005 Maintenance Plan and
redesignation request. The Division is currently working with EPA to develop a new
maintenance plan and redesignation request to address the 1971 standard. The Division
plans to contract with a consulting rm in early-2025 to develop a modeling plan and to
then implement that plan to provide the required modeling to support an updated
maintenance plan and redesignation request.
In 2010, EPA revised the primary standard for SO2, setting it at 75 ppb for a three-year
average of the 99th percentile of the annual distribution of daily maximum one-hour
average concentrations for SO2. On November 1, 2016, Governor Herbert submitted a
recommendation to EPA that all areas of the state be designated as attainment for the 2010
SO2 NAAQS based on monitoring and air quality modeling data. On January 9, 2018, EPA
formally concurred with this recommendation and designated all areas of the state
attainment or unclassi able. Figure 16 shows the most current measurements to compare
against the primary SO2, NAAQS of 75 ppb.
On December 10, 2024, EPA revised the secondary standard for SO2 from a 3-hour average
of 0.5 ppm (500 ppb) not to be exceeded more than once per year to an annual standard of
10 ppb, averaged over 3 years. As part of this rulemaking, EPA prepared an air quality
analysis for all monitor sites with valid SO2 data during the period of 2017 to 2013 and
“does not anticipate additional emissions reductions would be needed to meet the revised
secondary standard at monitors beyond those already needed to meet the current 1-hour
primary SO2 NAAQS.” Consequently, the Division does not anticipate any challenges in
meeting the revised secondary standard in Utah.
Figure 16: Three Year Average of the 99th Percentile of the Daily Maximum 1-hour Average SO2
Carbon Monoxide CO
Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas
formed by the incomplete combustion of
carbon-based fuels. Carbon monoxide is primarily
produced from on-road motor vehicles. Other
signi cant sources of carbon monoxide emissions
are wood burning stoves and replaces. Other
emission sources include industrial facilities,
construction equipment, miscellaneous mobile
sources, and other types of space heating.
Because motor vehicle emissions are the primary
source of carbon monoxide, the highest
concentrations occur during morning and evening
rush hours near high-traffic areas. The worst
problems occur when there are large numbers of
slow-moving vehicles in large parking lots, busy intersections, and traffic jams.
Historically, as exhibited in the CAA, it was the EPA’s presumption that all elevated carbon
monoxide levels were the result of mobile source emissions, and a state had to go through
a rigorous demonstration to prove otherwise. In Utah, areas of elevated carbon monoxide
concentrations were typically found near roadways. Carbon monoxide values are higher in
winter due to several factors, including cold weather resulting in motor vehicles running
less efficiently, wood burning and building heating, and temperature inversions which can
trap carbon monoxide and other pollutants.
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data
The EPA has developed two national ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide.
They are 35 ppm of CO averaged over a one-hour period, and nine ppm of CO averaged
over an eight-hour period. A violation of the NAAQS occurs with the second exceedance of
either standard at a single location in a calendar year. Once a location is in violation, it is
designated as nonattainment.
Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Provo were at one time designated as nonattainment areas for
carbon monoxide. Due primarily to improvements in motor vehicle technology, Utah has
been in compliance with carbon monoxide standards since 1994 (Figure 18 and Figure 19).
Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Provo were redesignated to attainment status in 1999, 2001, and
2006 respectively. Redesignated areas are required to complete two 10-year maintenance
periods to demonstrate the ability to maintain attainment of the standard. The
maintenance period for Salt Lake City ended in 2019 and in 2021, Ogden completed its
maintenance period, leaving only Provo in maintenance for carbon monoxide until 2026.
Figure 18: Carbon Monoxide Second Highest 1-Hour Concentration
Figure 19: Carbon Monoxide Second Highest 8-Hour Concentration
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2)
During high temperature combustion, nitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen to produce
various oxides of nitrogen, or NOx, a reddish-brown gas. One of the oxides of nitrogen, NO2,
is a criteria pollutant.
Oxides of nitrogen can react with other pollutants through secondary reactions in the
atmosphere to form additional pollutants of concern. In the summer along the Wasatch
Front, and in the winter in the Uinta Basin, photochemical reactions between NO2 and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) lead to the formation of ground-level ozone. In the
winter, NO2 can undergo a series of reactions to form nitric acid (HNO3) which then reacts
with ammonia (NH3) to form ne particulate matter (PM2.5). Both of these seasonal
scenarios can result in increased pollution and violations of the NAAQS. Utah continues to
have difficulty with both the ozone and particulate matter standards, and because of this,
the Division is mindful of the trend in NO2 concentrations as illustrated in Figure 20.
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data
The EPA has established two national standards for NO2 – an hourly standard and an
annual standard. The hourly standard is set at 100 ppb measured as the three-year average
of the 98th percentile of the annual distribution of daily maximum one-hour average
The annual NO2 standard of 53 ppb is expressed as an annual arithmetic mean (average) as
seen in Figure 21. The Division monitors the concentrations of NO2 at various locations
throughout the state.
As shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21, Utah has never exceeded the standards for NO2.
Figure 20: Nitrogen Dioxide 98th Percentile of Daily Max 1-hr Averages
Figure 21: Nitrogen Dioxide Annual Averages
Lead (Pb)
Lead in the ambient air exists primarily as particulate matter in the respirable size range.
Historically, the major source of lead emissions came from the burning of leaded gasoline.
However, because leaded gasoline for automobiles was completely phased out in the U.S.
by the end of 1995, lead from gasoline is no longer a signi cant problem. Currently, the
primary source of lead emissions in Utah is the extraction and processing of metallic ores.
Exhaust from small aircraft is another source of lead emissions in the state.
Utah has not exceeded the health standard for lead since the late 1970s, and the EPA
authorized the discontinuation of lead monitoring in Utah in 2005; however, in both 2008
and 2010, the EPA set new monitoring requirements for lead, and the Division resumed
monitoring in 2010.
NAAQS Standards and Monitored Data
On November 12, 2008, the EPA strengthened the NAAQS for lead. The previous standard
was a calendar quarter (three-month) average concentration not to exceed 1.5 μg/m3. The
new standard is 0.15 μg/m3 as total suspended particles (TSP), measured as a three-month
rolling average. The new standard included a new monitoring requirement, so the Division
began lead monitoring again at the Magna station near the Kennecott copper smelter. Data
was collected from January 2010 through June 2017, at which time the Division was able to
demonstrate the likelihood of violating the standard was so remote, it would no longer be
necessary to run the monitor. With EPA’s concurrence, the Magna lead monitor was shut
down in June 2017. The Division and EPA continue to monitor requirements, such as source
emission thresholds, population, and NAAQS revisions that may trigger the necessity to
resume monitoring lead in Utah.
Regional Haze
The Regional Haze Rule requires Utah to address regional
haze in each mandatory CIA located within Utah and in
each mandatory CIA located outside Utah that may be
affected by pollutants emitted from sources within Utah.
The objectives of the Regional Haze Rule are to improve
existing visibility in 156 national parks, wilderness areas,
and monuments (termed Mandatory Class I Areas or
CIAs), prevent future impairment of visibility by
manmade sources, and meet the national goal of natural
visibility conditions in all mandatory CIAs by 2064. Utah’s
CIAs consist of: Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon
National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Capitol Reef
National Park, and Zion National Park. More information
on Utah’s regional haze history and current developments
can be found here.
Regional Haze Updates
The Division submitted the second implementation period SIP to EPA in July 2022, which
EPA partially approved and partially disapproved on December 2, 2024. The Division is
currently reviewing EPA’s nal action and plans to amend the SIP in 2025. The Division is
also working on the Regional Haze Progress Report for submission to EPA in Spring 2025.
Climate Pollution Reduction Grant
On August 16, 2022, the In ation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) was signed into law. Among
other provisions, the IRA established funding for state greenhouse gas planning and
implementation efforts. This funding initiative, known as the Climate Pollution Reduction
Grants (CPRG) program, includes two phases.
Phase I provides formula planning grant funding for states ($3M each), metropolitan areas
($1M to each of the 67 largest areas), territories ($2M set-aside), and tribes ($25M set-aside)
to develop plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Phase II will provide $4.6B
nationwide in competitive implementation grant funding for government entities
participating in Phase I. Find more information at EPA’s CPRG program.
Governor Cox identi ed the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), as the lead
agency to receive CPRG funding to engage in emission reduction planning in Utah through
the Beehive Emission Reduction Plan initiative. In this capacity, DEQ will play a key role in
helping Utah secure broader emissions reduction-related funding under the IRA, the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and other sources. DEQ has extensive
emission reduction planning experience and is prepared to coordinate with partners to
ensure that funding is leveraged to support balanced, state-driven solutions that pave the
way for continued growth while maintaining a high-quality of life in Utah.
Through this program the Division developed a stakeholder driven Priority Plan which
outlined speci c measures for near term emissions reduction. These measures were tied to
“shovel-ready” projects that had quanti ed emissions and air quality bene ts. The Division
submitted a grant application to receive a CPRG Implementation Grant to fund a subset of
the shovel-ready projects identi ed in the Priority Plan.
EPA received nearly 300 applications from states, tribes, territories, local governments, and
coalitions of these entities, and Utah’s application was one of only 25 selected. The
thoughtful feedback, engagement, and support of the many stakeholders who participated
in the planning process was key to the Division’s success.
The award will make a meaningful difference in
Utah communities, funding activities focused
on transportation, including electric vehicles,
chargers, and e-bikes, yard equipment
incentives, solar power generation, oil and gas
methane emissions reduction, and energy
efficiency coaching and assessment programs to
reduce emissions across multiple sectors. Our
Implementation Grant Application Work Plan is
available for a full list of the measures for which
funding was requested.
The Division is beginning the development of the Comprehensive Plan phase of the CPRG
program in Q1 of 2025. This phase focuses on both near term and long term strategies to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2025 to 2050. The development of this plan will be
similar to the development of the Priority Plan with a continued focus on actionable
measures. This process will also be driven by stakeholder input which will continue
throughout the plan’s development in 2025.
Division Organization
Figure 22: Division of Air Quality Organization
Permiing Program
The Division’s Operating Permit Section, Major New Source Review Section, and Minor
New Source Review Section are responsible for implementing state and federal air
permitting programs that are intended to control air emissions from new and modi ed
stationary sources.
Permits are legally enforceable documents that specify the size and number of allowable
emission units, operational limits of permitted emission units, and emission limits for each
permitted source. Permitted emission limits can be emission limitations (mass or
concentration) or surrogate limits such as production rates, hours of operation, fuel
consumption, or a combination thereof. Opacity, the measure of opaqueness or
transparency of emission plumes, is also a common metric used to both limit and measure
source emissions. Permits include testing and monitoring requirements. The results of the
tests and the monitoring data are used to determine if a source of air pollution is operating
in compliance with the permit and the rules.
The Division issues two types of permits. New Source Review (NSR) permits, also known as
Approval Orders (AOs), are preconstruction-type permits for new and modi ed sources of
air emissions. These are issued by the New Source Review Sections and have been required
in Utah since 1969.
The Operating Permits Section issues the Title V Operating Permits to the “major”
stationary sources in the state, as required in Title V of the federal CAA. There are currently
76 of these sources. Operating permits consolidate all air quality related requirements from
numerous state and federal air quality programs into a single regulatory document. The
purpose of an operating permit is to clarify for the permit holder, as well as the Division’s
compliance inspectors, the wide range of requirements applicable to any regulated source
by placing those requirements into one consolidated document.
In addition, the Division’s permitting sections process a number of smaller actions such as
de minimis determinations for NSR, name changes, tax exemption certi cates for pollution
control equipment purchases, and soil aeration approvals.
New Source Review
Any new or modi ed source of air pollution in Utah is required to obtain an AO before it is
allowed to begin construction. For areas that are not in compliance with the NAAQS, a NSR
permit ensures that air quality is not further degraded from the existing levels by new
emission sources. In areas that are in compliance with the NAAQS, an NSR permit ensures
that new emissions do not signi cantly worsen air quality. These processes are outlined in
both state and federal rules.
The application for an AO, called a notice of intent (NOI), is reviewed to ensure that the
source installs appropriate state-of-the-art emission controls. For major sources in
nonattainment areas, state-of-the-art technology is known as lowest achievable emission
rate (LAER). For areas in attainment of the NAAQS and for minor sources in nonattainment
areas, state-of-the-art controls are known as the best available control technology (BACT).
Both LAER and BACT are case-by-case determinations of control technology for a speci c
source. BACT considers the technical feasibility of implementing the control, the cost, and
the environmental bene ts of the control equipment, while LAER technology considers
only technological feasibility and environmental bene ts. The general public and the EPA
are given an opportunity to review the proposed AO before it is issued. The Utah Air
Quality Rules specify the criteria indicating which sources must obtain an AO.
The Division NSR Sections review the Approval Orders to stationary sources that were
issued over ten years and older. Any new rules that now apply to the stationary source are
highlighted in the permit. The contact information is also updated in the permit to assist in
contacting the source in the future. Any grammatical or typographical errors are also
corrected. These reviews allow the Division to update the permitting database with
updated emission estimates and permitted equipment. These updates allow the Division to
pull accurate data and reports from the database to assist in air quality planning efforts.
The regulated community and general public can successfully track the NOI applications
through the permitting process in near real-time using the permitting dashboard
The dashboard provides transparency to the public of all the relevant permitting activities.
It also allows the regulated sources to view the permitting process ow for each submitted
NOI. The dashboard includes contact information, a ow chart of the permitting process
and where the NOI currently is in the approval process. The permitting dashboard assists
permit engineers with increased permit issuance frequency last year and it helps improve
communication between permitting engineers, the regulated community, and the public.
Operating Permits (Title V)
Congress created Title V of the CAA in 1990. This Title requires states to issue an operating
permit to the larger or “major” sources of air pollution within the state. Utah developed and
submitted a Title V program in 1994 and received approval from the EPA in 1995.
Operating permits are legally enforceable documents issued to air pollution sources after
the source has begun to operate. A primary purpose of the permit is to consolidate the
applicable requirements from the many and varied air quality programs such as NSR
permits, SIPs, federal New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), and Maximum Available Control
Technology (MACT).
The general public is given an opportunity to review the draft operating permits before
they are issued. In addition, the EPA has up to 45 days to review the proposed operating
permit. The criteria indicating which sources must obtain an operating permit are
speci ed in R307-415 of the Utah Administrative Code (UAC). As with the NSR permit or
AOs, potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Division prior to submitting the
necessary paperwork.
Another signi cant objective of the Title V program is to shift the compliance liability from
the regulating agency to the permitted source. Each year, the source must certify that it is
in compliance with all permit terms and conditions or indicate non-compliance issues.
False reports have criminal implications beyond the civil liabilities of other violations. In
addition, sources must report the results of monitoring at least every six months. Permit
provisions for monitoring, record keeping, and reporting are added or enhanced to ensure
compliance with the permit conditions and limits.
An operating permit has a life of only ve years. These permits, both initially and upon
renewal, are complex and care must be taken to ensure that federal requirements for the
Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rule (CAM) and any other new requirements, such as
new MACT Standards, are included.
Title V permitting completed the rst Utah re nery permit this year. The Utah re nery
permits have been on hold since 1995 due to EPA SIP con ict issues, which were nally
resolved in August 2023. The remaining 3 re nery permits are currently being drafted and
expected to be issued in the next 18 months.
Title V permit renewals continue to be completed within the regulatory time frames with
only 3 permits in “extended beyond permit date” status. This rate of completed renewals is
unmatched in the nation.
Compliance Program
The Compliance Program consists of four
sections: Major Source Compliance, Minor
Source Compliance, Minor Source Oil and Gas
and Air Toxics, Lead-Based Paint, and Asbestos
(ATLAS). These sections are responsible for
ensuring compliance with all air pollution
orders, permits, rules, and standards. This is
accomplished through inspections, audits of
stack tests and continuous emission monitoring
systems (CEMS), plan and report reviews,
accreditation and certi cation programs,
compliance assistance/outreach activities, and,
when necessary, enforcement actions.
Major, Minor and Minor Oil & Gas Source Compliance
The Major, Minor, and Minor Oil & Gas Source Compliance sections are responsible for
ensuring compliance at more than 4,500 facilities within the state. The Major Source
Compliance Section is responsible for inspections and report/plan reviews for the large
facilities, audits of stack tests and continuous emission monitoring systems, and any
associated enforcement. The Minor Source Compliance Section is responsible for
inspections and report and plan reviews at small to medium-sized facilities, audits, stack
tests, fugitive dust control, abrasive blasting, residential solid fuel burning, open burning,
and any associated enforcement. The Minor Oil & Gas Compliance Section is responsible
for inspections and report and plan reviews at oil and gas related facilities, audits, stack
tests and gasoline transport and lling station vapor recovery.
Table 4: 2024 Compliance Summary
Major & Minor Compliance Count
Source Inspections 791
On-Site Stack Test/CEM Audits 52
Stack Test/CEM Reviews 498
Emission Reports Reviewed 296
Air Toxics, Lead-Based Paint, and Asbestos Section ATLAS
ATLAS determines compliance with multiple regulations involving asbestos and
lead-based paint (LBP). ATLAS is responsible for the following programs:
Lead-Based Paint
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title IV, 40 CFR Part 745 and Utah Administrative
Code (UAC) R307-840, 841, and 842. Under this program, ATLAS performs regulatory
oversight of training providers, regulated projects subject to the LBP Activities Rule and
Major & Minor Compliance Count
Temporary Relocations Accepted 72
Fugitive Dust Control Plans Accepted 1437
Soil Remediation Report Reviews 22
Open Burn Permit Application Completed Online 8603
Misc. Inspections 217
Complaints Received 351
Wood Burning Complaints 32
Breakdown Reports Received 13
Compliance Actions Resulting from a Breakdown 0
VOC inspections 0
SCAN/Warning Leers 30
NOV's 8
Compliance Advisories 80
No Further Action Leers Issued 28
Selements 28
Penalties assessed $2,841,357.00
Total Inspections 1060
the LBP Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule, certi cation of individuals and rms, and
lead-based paint outreach activities.
Asbestos in Schools
TSCA Title II Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), 40 CFR Part 763 and,
UAC R307- 801-4. Under this program, ATLAS deals with the review and approval of AHERA
Management Plans, performs inspections of buildings subject to AHERA, and inspections
and asbestos abatement for structures subject to AHERA.
Asbestos NESHAP and State Asbestos Work Practices
40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M, UAC R307-214-1 and UAC R307-801. Under this program, ATLAS
deals with the certi cation of individuals and companies, review of asbestos project
noti cation forms, review of demolition noti cation forms, review of alternative work
practice requests, inspection of asbestos abatement projects, demolition of structures, and
asbestos outreach activities.
Table 5: 2024 ATLAS Activity Summary
Activity Count
Asbestos Demolition/Renovation NESHAP Inspections 239
Asbestos AHERA Inspections 224
Asbestos State Rules Only Inspections 72
Asbestos Notification Forms Accepted 1999
Asbestos Telephone Calls 3824
Asbestos Individuals Certifications Approved 1367
Asbestos Company Certifications/Re-Certifications 121
Asbestos Alternate Work Practices Approved/Disapproved 41/0
Lead-Based Paint LBP Inspections 27
LBP Notification Forms Approved 2
LBP Telephone Calls 678
LBP Leers Prepared and Mailed 61
LBP Courses Reviewed/Approved 1
Small Business Environmental Assistance 507 Program
The CAA 507 Programs consist of three parts: A Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) to act as
an advocate for small business, a Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
(SBEAP) to provide technical support, and a Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel
(CAP) to provide feedback and help identify small business issues. The SBEAP helps small
businesses understand and comply with state environmental regulations including air
quality rules. The SBEAP continues to assist small businesses by providing web resources,
responses to email and telephone inquiries, and assistance with permitting through a
pre-design program. The Division’s CAP sunsetted due to 2022 legislation. The SBEAP CAP
has successfully been combined with the Division’s Industry Stakeholder Meeting.
Enforcement Actions
The following enforcement actions may be taken depending on the magnitude of the
alleged violation(s), prior compliance history, and degree of cooperation of an alleged
● Warning Letter – a noti cation sent to violators to resolve minor, and/or rst-time
● Early Settlement Agreement – a less formal administrative resolution of an alleged
violation(s) in which the Division and the recipient agree in writing to speci c
actions taken to correct the alleged violation(s). Any stipulated penalties are
Activity Count
LBP Course Audits 1
LBP Individual Certifications Approved 286
LBP Firm Certifications 153
Notices of Violation Sent 0
Compliance Advisories Sent 109
Warning Leers Sent 61
Selement Agreements Finalized 14
Penalties Agreed to $30,895.00
discounted by 20% to encourage quick resolution. Supplemental Environmental
Projects or payment to the DEQ Environmental Mitigation Fund may be used to
offset a portion of any cash payments for stipulated penalties. All collected cash
penalties become part of the State General Fund.
● Notice of Violation and Order for Compliance – a formal, traditional declaration of a
violation(s) which involves the Attorney General’s Office. The cited violation(s)
become nal after 30 days, unless formal appeal procedures are followed.
● Settlement Agreement – a resolution of a Notice of Violation and Order for
Compliance. The Division and the recipient agree to speci c actions taken to correct
the potential violation(s). No discounts of stipulated penalties are offered. The
Division legal costs may also be collected. Supplemental Environmental Projects
may be agreed to, or payment to the DEQ Environmental Mitigation Fund to offset a
portion of any cash payments for stipulated penalties. All collected cash penalties
become part of the State General Fund.
Most enforcement actions are resolved through Warning Letters or Early Settlement
Agreements. In rare instances, Notices of Violations and Orders for Compliance are used. In
the extremely rare instance where the aforementioned enforcement actions fail to resolve
a compliance issue, procedures are in place for Board hearings, administrative law judge
review, or formal judicial action. Environmental criminal cases are referred to the
appropriate law enforcement agency.
Emissions Inventories
The Inventory Section has the primary responsibility to collect and collate emissions
inventories in order to understand the origins of the various contaminants detected in the
air. This includes both historic inventories and projection inventories, re ecting current
and proposed control strategies. The data is used for SIP planning purposes as well as to
meet EPA inventory reporting requirements. Every three years, EPA develops the National
Emissions Inventory (NEI), and requires each state to submit its inventory data into the NEI
directly. To do so, the Division collects information about the quantity and characteristics
of the various air pollutants released by all emission sources in the state. In addition to
these triennial inventories, emissions information is also collected annually from the
largest industrial sources to meet the fee requirements of Title V Operating Permits of the
CAA, or requirements in various sections of the SIP. Finally, additional detailed inventories
are prepared, as needed, for special projects such as SIP development and to quantify
emissions during speci c seasonal air pollution episodes. Once collected, the inventory
information is reviewed, quality assured, analyzed, stored in the Division’s data system and
the NEI, if required, and made available to the public. Inventories entirely collected by the
state, such as the point source inventory, are generally available two years following the
year of collection; however, inventories dependent on EPA-controlled calculations are
available an additional six months later. For example: the 2020 point inventory was
collected in 2021, and became available in 2022 and area and mobile NEI inventories
became available in 2023. The Division uses this emissions information to review trends
over time, as input data for air quality modeling analysis and as an indicator of the
effectiveness of existing and projected control strategies.
Sources of Air Contaminants
Emission inventories are typically organized into three types of sources: Point, Area, and
Mobile. Point sources are stationary industrial or commercial sites, such as power plants,
re neries, and manufacturing facilities. Air pollutants released from these sources are
reported directly to the Division’s staff through the State and Local Emissions Inventory
System (SLEIS). The mobile sector consists of emissions from non-stationary sources such
as cars, trains, and aircraft.
Mobile emissions are further broken down into on-road and non-road categories. On-road
mobile sources primarily consist of personal and commercial cars and trucks, and
contribute the largest part of the mobile source emissions. Non-road mobile sources
consist of a diverse group of heavy construction equipment, small engines (e.g.
lawnmowers and snow blowers), trains, and aircraft. Estimating emissions from mobile
sources requires understanding vehicle emission characteristics and model years. It is also
necessary to know how they are driven, where they are driven, and the distances they are
Area sources are generally much smaller stationary sources, and due to their greater
number, are generally accounted for in a group. However, as the NAAQS become more
restrictive, it is necessary to start tracking emissions more closely from smaller industrial
sources. Additionally, as mobile source emissions drop, area sources are quickly becoming
the largest source of emissions. Home heating, agricultural burning and tilling,
construction, residential and commercial energy generation, wild res, and biogenics
(emissions from vegetation) are examples of area source categories.
The upstream oil and gas inventory is part of the area source inventory, but because oil
and gas companies submit an inventory for their facilities, it is assigned its own sector.
Triennial Emissions Inventory
Under current federal law, Utah is required to collect a statewide emission inventory every
three years. The 2020 triennial inventory is the most recent statewide inventory available.
The 2020 triennial inventory covers 485 individual point sources, 154 area categories, 66 oil
and gas categories, 36 on-road categories, and 56 non-road categories. The 2020 inventory
introduces a new sector, EPA Point Source, of which there are 10 individual sources. Table 6
shows total emissions, by county, of the criteria pollutants, CO, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, and
VOCs. Figures 23 through 28 show the 2020 triennial emissions inventory in six pie charts,
displaying the relative proportion of emissions generated within source categories.
The gures in the charts represent statewide annual emissions and should not be
compared to the inventories used in the PM2.5, ozone, or other SIP revisions, which are
seasonal and area speci c. Biogenic and wild re emissions produced from
non-anthropogenic (non-human) natural activity are usually estimated as segments within
the area source category, but have been listed separately due to their unique nature and
Biogenic emissions dropped from 2017 to 2020 primarily due to an updated model and
inputs. EPA calculates these emissions, and updated their Biogenic Emission Inventory
System from BEIS3.61 to BEIS4, and their Biogenic Emissions Landuse Database from
BELD5 to BELD6. Updates included changes to where vegetation and associated biogenic
emissions are located in Utah based on new land use characterization, and improved
characterization of leaf area index and other biogenic emissions parameters from
meteorological datasets. In Utah, these updates resulted in a decrease in biogenic
emissions relative to the previous version used in 2017. Wild re emissions increased from
2017 to 2020 as there were comparatively more wild re events in 2020 than 2017. Volatile
chemical products (VCPs) in the area source sector are calculated using the VCPy
framework in the 2020 NEI, resulting in increased VOCs from this sector in 2020 relative to
2017. Additionally, the 2020 data will re ect emissions during the beginning of the
COVID-19 Pandemic, and users should assess how representative this data is for Utah.
Table 6: 2020 Triennial Inventory
2020 Triennial Inventory (tons/year)
County Name CO NOx PM10 PM2.5 SO2 VOC
Beaver 5,246.31 1,353.96 2,249.81 457.13 14.10 9,730.44
Box Elder 20,387.94 3,720.20 7,493.25 1,885.51 198.99 11,140.95
2020 Triennial Inventory (tons/year)
Cache 10,114.76 1,887.99 9,918.69 1,536.28 42.37 8,442.05
Carbon 5,297.67 1,770.68 3,381.89 515.69 453.50 8,946.23
Dagge 8,067.06 1,151.70 1,310.55 691.92 55.77 5,142.96
Davis 24,398.15 4,520.89 3,555.43 963.84 150.00 7,865.66
Duchesne 408,129.63 10,049.47 43,779.45 33,719.89 2,558.44 117,651.65
Emery 11,693.20 15,142.35 4,350.68 1,073.73 4,586.07 8,842.06
Garfield 4,291.98 839.25 1,819.04 258.31 3.39 15,677.73
Grand 6,633.88 2,086.44 1,477.92 228.06 5.98 11,687.13
Iron 14,805.42 2,603.51 4,306.03 1,127.44 60.51 16,336.73
Juab 25,667.06 2,021.57 3,951.08 2,228.74 193.14 12,384.97
Kane 7,251.24 916.79 2,592.24 543.96 31.40 15,169.62
Millard 40,534.98 13,449.94 8,285.74 4,336.92 2,509.22 19,137.66
Morgan 2,537.05 2,522.97 1,452.93 239.15 339.48 4,309.60
Piute 4,210.57 254.90 1,075.66 382.11 18.34 4,780.83
Rich 1,869.92 299.42 1,838.68 265.00 0.53 2,754.13
Salt Lake 97,262.51 19,028.07 19,695.36 4,770.16 744.67 21,808.76
San Juan 8,646.90 1,734.10 4,235.02 736.01 53.18 20,831.41
Sanpete 5,249.63 854.47 5,596.78 876.01 17.74 8,465.95
Sevier 13,883.46 1,310.59 5,480.16 1,451.15 86.80 10,593.16
Summit 9,624.72 2,334.80 4,477.24 853.14 143.35 8,977.34
Tooele 15,912.04 3,948.68 4,069.67 1,415.37 114.56 11,198.63
Uintah 13,330.49 8,675.53 6,018.75 1,261.54 142.84 58,166.35
Utah 47,868.48 7,134.80 15,834.65 3,523.41 177.14 20,130.26
Wasatch 7,145.98 916.44 5,405.15 906.09 23.40 7,729.39
Washington 23,008.65 3,370.40 5,682.84 1,354.59 123.44 14,518.10
2020 Triennial Inventory (tons/year)
Wayne 1,712.73 364.01 886.75 140.47 0.81 5,064.79
Weber 19,040.89 3,628.92 5,847.75 1,314.53 48.72 7,784.88
Total 863,823.29 117,892.84 186,069.20 69,056.18 12,897.90 475,269.43
Portable 144.61 459.67 119.80 30.58 16.65 25.45
Grand Total 863,967.90 118,352.51 186,189.00 69,086.76 12,914.55 475,294.87
Figure 23: CO 2020 Triennial Emissions Inventory By Sector (in tons/year and percentage of total inventory)
Figure 24: PM10 2020 Triennial Emissions Inventory By Sector (in tons/year and percentage of total inventory)
Figure 25: PM2.5 2020 Triennial Emissions InventoryBy Sector (in tons/year and percentage of total inventory)
Figure 26: VOC 2020 Triennial Emissions Inventory By Sector (in tons/year and percentage of total inventory)
Figure 27: NOx 2020 Triennial Emissions Inventory By Sector (in tons/year and percentage of total inventory)
Figure 28: SO2 2020 Triennial Emissions Inventory By Sector (in tons/year and percentage of total inventory)
Air Quality Modeling
The Technical Analysis Section uses advanced air quality models to prepare attainment
demonstrations for SIPs and to meet other federal regulatory requirements. Using
computer models, advanced data visualization and statistical techniques, the modeling
team evaluates the impacts of control strategies as well as new and existing sources of air
pollution on air quality in Utah’s nonattainment areas. The modeling work also helps
improve our understanding of the coupling between source emissions, meteorology, and
chemistry, all of which are drivers of air pollution formation in Utah valleys. Findings from
this work help us better understand past and current pollution episodes and better predict
future pollution events. The modeling team is committed to continued improvement of
their technical expertise and skillset. The team uses available air monitoring data, most
recent model developments, sophisticated analysis methods and programming languages,
and ndings from projects funded through the Division’s “Air Quality Research'' program to
inform and continually improve the air quality modeling platform. This includes re ning
emission inventories, meteorological processes, and chemistry pathways. The team also
works closely with local researchers, the EPA, and model developers to further re ne the
air quality models they use to better predict air pollution episodes and identify effective
regulatory control strategies.
Air Quality Research
Assessing Global Background Ozone Transport Pathways to the
Northern Wasatch Front
This project uses high-resolution modeling to explore how international and regional
ozone is transported into the NWF. By analyzing vertical transport patterns, the study will
provide a mechanistic understanding of ozone levels in the area, supporting regulatory
planning. The ndings are crucial for re ning air quality models and informing future
policy demonstrations. (Ramboll, $98,012)
Projecting the impacts of a shrinking Great Salt Lake on dust
exposure along the Wasatch Front
This project examines the dust exposure risks from the receding GSL, using models to
simulate dust emissions and transport across the Wasatch Front. This project will evaluate
the impact of different water levels on dust exposure, providing the Division with data to
determine dust source contributions and identify communities at risk. (University of Utah,
Temporal and Spatial Measurements of Surface-to-Boundary Layer
Ozone using Uncrewed Aerial Systems UAS
Using drones and portable ozone monitors, this research will capture detailed pollutant
data near the GSL to complement existing ground and airborne measurements.
Coordinated with the 2024 Utah Summer Ozone Study (USOS), the project will gather
crucial information on ozone and other pollutants to address research goals on ozone
sources and vertical oxidant exchange. (Utah State University, $99,586)
Quantification of Halogen-Initiated Atmospheric Chemistry in the
Wasatch Front
Focused on the unique atmospheric chemistry of Salt Lake City, this study investigates the
in uence of regional halogen emissions on ozone and particulate matter. By measuring
chlorine-induced reactions with volatile organic compounds, researchers will quantify the
extent of halogen-driven oxidation. The ndings will provide essential data on how
regional industrial emissions contribute to air quality issues. (Weber State University,
VOC to NOX relationships and Impacts of Smoke on Ozone in the
Wasatch Front
To meet ozone standards in the Wasatch Front, this project analyzes the role of local and
non-local emissions, especially from wild res. Researchers will assess wild re impacts on
ozone and PM2.5 levels using satellite and in-situ data, and study ozone sensitivity to NOX
and VOCs through formaldehyde-to-NO2 ratios. Insights from this work will inform
emission reduction strategies for high ozone days. (University of Washington, $71,138)
Improving Soil NOX Emission Estimates for the Wasatch Front
This study examines the impact of soil nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions on air quality in the
NWF, with a focus on re ning NOX emissions modeling. By updating inputs in the
Berkeley-Dalhousie Soil NOX Parameterization (BDSNP) for the MEGAN biogenic emissions
model, the project aims to improve NOX emission estimates. Results will enhance
understanding of soil contributions to air pollution, aiding in regulatory strategies for
cleaner air. (Ramboll, $40,980)
Air Quality Incentive Programs
The Grants and Incentives Section develops programs that offer incentives to industry,
government entities, eet owners, and private citizens to voluntarily reduce emissions.
Funding for these programs comes from various sources, including settlement agreements,
legislative appropriations, and federal grants. The following sections provide a summary
of each program. More information on these programs is available online here.
Vehicle and Equipment Incentive Programs
As vehicles continue to be the largest contributor to the air quality challenges we
experience along the Wasatch Front, the Division offers a variety of programs to
incentivize businesses and individuals to upgrade their vehicles to cleaner alternatives.
Heavy-Duty Vehicle
and Equipment
Incentive Programs
The Utah Clean Fleet
The Utah Clean Fleet Program
provides incentives to owners of heavy-duty diesel eets operating in Utah's
nonattainment areas. These incentives encourage the replacement of older vehicles and
equipment with newer, cleaner, or electric alternatives. Funding for the program comes
from multiple sources.
● EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA)
● EPA’s Targeted Airshed Grant Program
● Volkswagen (VW) Environmental Mitigation Trust
The Division received new awards in 2024 that will provide additional funding
opportunities for heavy-duty diesel eet owners to transition their eets to cleaner
alternatives. These awards were received through the following programs:
● EPA’s Clean Ports Program
● EPA’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Grant Program
● EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant, Phase II Implementation Grant Program
The DERA program, funded by the EPA, has provided the Division with over $30 million in
federal funding since 2008. This funding is used to replace school buses, delivery vehicles,
refuse haulers, and heavy nonroad equipment with newer, more environmentally friendly
models. Currently, there is $4 million available in the program.
Eligibility for funding is based on several factors including vehicle classi cation or
equipment tier level, engine model year, remaining useful life, ownership, location of
operation, and level of use. Scrapping older vehicles and equipment is also a requirement
for eligibility. Awards are granted on a rst-come, rst-served basis and provide the
following funding levels:
● Up to 25% for new diesel vehicles and equipment
● Up to 35% for new California Air Resources Board Low-NOx vehicles and equipment
● Up to 45% for new electric vehicles and equipment (including charging units)
EPA’s Targeted Airshed Grant Program for School Buses and
Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the Logan, Utah-Idaho Nonaainment Area
In 2017, the Division received over $3 million for the Logan, Utah-Idaho Nonattainment
Area for heavy-duty diesel truck replacements. This funding has resulted in the
replacement of 37 diesel school buses and heavy-duty diesel trucks. Participants included
Cache County/Logan City School District, and the cities of Cache County, Hyrum, Logan,
and Nibley.
VW Environmental Mitigation Trust
In 2015, the United States EPA issued two notices of violation of the CAA to Volkswagen
Group (Volkswagen or VW), the German automotive manufacturer. The EPA asserted that
VW-installed software activated emissions controls only while undergoing emissions
testing, but rendered certain emissions controls inoperative during normal driving
conditions. Consequently, approximately 500,000 2.0-liter diesel vehicles (models 2009 to
2015) and 90,000 3.0-liter diesel vehicles (models 2009-2016) sold across the U.S. emitted
between nine and 40 times the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions allowed by federal law.
Utah received approximately $35 million from a nationwide settlement with VW for
violations of the CAA. Utah’s portion will help offset excess nitrogen oxides (NOx)
emissions from the approximately 7,000 VW, Audi, and Porsche vehicles in the state
affected by the automaker’s violations.
Governor Herbert designated the DEQ as the lead agency to administer these monies.
DEQ’s responsibilities as lead agency include the development of an Environmental
Mitigation Plan (EMP). On behalf of the DEQ, the Division oversaw this process and invited
1 The Volkswagen Group collectively includes Volkswagen AG, Audi AG, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Porsche AG, and
Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Notice of Violation from Phillip A. Brooks, EPA Air Enforcement Division to David Geanacopoulos
and Stuart Johnson, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. (September 18, 2015); Notice of Violation from Susan Shinkman, EPA Office
of Civil Enforcement to David Geanacopoulos and Stuart Johnson, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. and Joseph Folz and Walter J.
Lewis, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (November 2, 2015).
the public to provide input on the EMP and worked with an advisory committee on
The VW settlement included a prescribed list of categories for NOx mitigation projects. The
Division crafted an EMP using these guidelines, input from the public, and
recommendations from an advisory committee. Final selection of Eligible Mitigation Action
(EMA) categories were based on the advisory committee’s recommendations, public input,
and the Division’s goals to:
● achieve signi cant NOx reductions that work toward fully mitigating the excess
lifetime NOx emissions from the non-compliant VW vehicles and contribute to the
state’s ongoing goal of attainment of the NAAQS;
● maximize the amount of emissions reductions for each dollar spent;
● bene t areas in Utah that bear a disproportionate amount of the air pollution
● stimulate emerging vehicle technologies that result in long-term emissions bene ts;
● provide economic and health bene ts to the citizens of Utah.
The plan focuses the $35 million settlement funds on upgrades to government-owned
diesel truck and bus eets as well as the expansion of electric vehicle (EV) charging
equipment. Funding allocations are as follows:
● Class 4-8 Local Freight Trucks and School Bus, Shuttle Bus, and Transit Bus: 73.5%
● Light-Duty, Zero EVSE: 11%
● Administrative Costs: 8.5%
● Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) options: 7%
Applications for funding were available from October 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018.
Government entities as de ned in Utah Code § 63G-7-102(4) and federal government
agencies were eligible to apply.
In late 2018, the Division received 50 applications for the Class 4-8 Local Freight Trucks,
School Bus, Shuttle Bus, and Transit Bus categories and 25 applications for the Light-Duty,
Zero Emissions Vehicle Supply Equipment category with combined projects totaling over
$71 million. Projects were prioritized and selected based on their reduction of nitrogen
oxides (NOx), cost-per-ton of NOx reduced, and value to the nonattainment areas and
community bene ts. Successful projects for the Class 4-8 Local Freight Truck, School Bus,
Shuttle Bus, and Transit Bus categories are shown in Table 7 below. Successful projects for
the Light-Duty, Zero-Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment are shown in Table 8. Awardees
were originally given three years to complete their projects. Due to speci c and individual
circumstances, some awardees were granted additional time to complete their projects.
Remaining funds resulting from projects being completed under budget and accrued
interest will allow for a second round of funding to occur in 2025.
More information on the VW Settlement is available here.
Table 7: State of Utah VW Settlement Awards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
State of Utah VW Selement Awards
Class 4 8 Local Freight Truck, School Bus, Shule Bus, and Transit Bus Categories
Awardee Replacement
Type Award Amount # of Vehicles
Eligible Mitigation
Action Category
Bountiful City Diesel to Diesel $145,000 2 Class 8 Local Freight Truck
Canyons School District Diesel to Diesel $826,000 14 School Buses
Jordan School District Diesel to Diesel $138,992 2 School Buses
North Salt Lake City Diesel to Diesel $108,741 1 Class 8 Local Freight Truck
Orem City Diesel to Diesel $1,070,000 5 Class 8 Local Freight Truck and Shule Bus
Park City Municipal Corp Diesel to Electric $3,129,449 5 Transit Buses
Pleasant Grove City Diesel to Diesel $410,112 5
Class 8 Local Freight Truck
Class 4 7 Local Freight Trucks
Salt Lake City Corp Diesel to Diesel $956,503 7 Class 8 Local Freight Truck
Salt Lake City School District Diesel to Electric $699,660 4 School Buses
Salt Lake Urban Search
and Rescue Diesel to Diesel $86,740 1 Class 8 Local Freight Truck
Tooele County School
District Diesel to Diesel $132,000 2 School Buses
UDOT Diesel to Diesel $2,604,948 22 Class 8 Local Freight Truck
Utah Transit Authority Diesel to Electric $13,079,240 20 Transit Buses
Alternative Fuel Heavy-Duty Vehicle Tax Credit Program
The state offers an income tax credit for buying a qualifying new natural gas, 100% electric,
or hydrogen-electric heavy-duty vehicle. These vehicles, de ned in Utah Code 59-7-618.1
and 59-10-1033.1, are commercial Class 7 and 8 vehicles that have never been titled or
registered. Class 7 vehicles have a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001–33,000
pounds, while Class 8 vehicles exceed 33,000 pounds GVWR. These vehicles typically have
three axles, but some have ve to support heavy trailers. Examples include ve-axle
tractor-trailers (semis), cement trucks, dump trucks, and refuse haulers. A commercial
driver's license is required to operate Class 7 and 8 trucks.
The Utah legislature authorized the credit during the 2021 General Session for the tax year
2021 through 2030. The following table shows the tax credit for each tax year.
Table 8: Tax Credits Per Tax Year
Tax Year Credit
2021 $15,000
2022 $13,500
2023 $12,000
2024 $10,500
2025 $9,000
2026 $7,500
2027 $6,000
2028 $4,500
2029 $3,000
2030 $1,500
Light-Duty Passenger Vehicle Incentive Programs
Conversion to Alternative Fuels Program
The Conversion to Alternative Fuel Grant Program was created by HB87, passed during the
2016 General Legislative Session. This program allows businesses that convert vehicles to
run on natural gas, propane, or electricity to apply for a grant of up to $2,500 to offset the
cost of installation. The business is then required to pass along the savings to the owner of
the eligible vehicle being converted.
The program has over $45,000 remaining from the original appropriation and began
accepting applications in October 2016. Participating businesses include: AGA Systems,
Inc., Wasatch Clean Energy, CNG Technology of Utah, and KJ’s Garage LLC, doing business
as The Lancer Garage.
Vehicle Repair and Replacement Assistance Program
The EPA awarded the Division around $7 million between 2017 and 2019 through its
Targeted Airshed Grant Program. This funding was used to establish vehicle repair and
replacement assistance programs (VRRAP) in the Logan, Utah-Idaho, and Salt Lake City,
Utah nonattainment areas. These programs provide nancial assistance to individuals
whose vehicles fail emissions tests, helping them either replace or repair their vehicles.
The amount of assistance depends on household size and income, as well as whether the
vehicle is replaced or repaired, and can be as high as $5,500 for replacements and $1,000
for repairs.
The Logan VRRAP was completed in early 2024, with 1,191 vehicles repaired and 259
replaced. These actions are expected to result in an annual emissions reduction of 17.89
tons of NMOG, NOx, and PM, and a lifetime emissions reduction of 128.30 tons. As of
September 30, 2024, the Salt Lake City VRRAP had repaired 416 vehicles and replaced 226,
with an anticipated annual emissions reduction of 3.68 tons and a lifetime emissions
reduction of 43.57 tons.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment EVSE Projects
Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Funding Assistance Program
During the 2019 general legislative session, the
state legislature appropriated $4.9 million to
incentivize the installation of electric vehicle
supply equipment (EVSE) throughout the state.
The EVSE incentive program allows businesses,
non-pro t organizations, and other governmental
entities, excluding state executive branch
agencies, to apply for a grant that reimburses up to
50% of the purchase and installation costs for a
pre-approved EVSE project. Funds can be used for
the purchase and installation of both Level 2 or DC
fast charging EVSE.
The program began accepting applications on
September 16, 2019. As of December 3, 2024, 124
projects totaling just over $4,173,107 have been completed, with 535 Level 2 and 69 DC fast
EVSE installed throughout the state. The Division has pre-approved an additional 14
projects encumbering approximately $816,893 of the funds. All funds have been allocated.
Volkswagen VW EVSE
As a result of the VW settlement described above, the Division awarded more than $3.8
million to 18 government entities to install one single-port, 91 dual-port Level 2, and 26 DC
fast chargers for electric vehicles throughout Utah. Since the launch of the program in
2019, 89 Level 2 and 28 DC fast chargers have been installed. The following table provides
project details.
Table 9: State of Utah VW Settlement EVSE Awards
Light-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment Category
Awardee/Locations Award
Number of
Number EVSE
Dollars Paid
for Projects
Clinton City
Loc. 1: Civic Center Park
Loc. 2: Center Park
Loc. 3: Powerline Park
$60,129 Level 2 3 Dual-port 3 Dual-port $46,808.38
Davis Technical College Loc.: DATC Campus $49,000 Level 2 3 Dual-port
1 Single-port
3 Dual-port
1 Single-port $46,037.00
Utah DFCM5
Loc. 1: MASOB6
Loc. 2: Regional Building 2
$49,401 Level 2 11 Dual-port 12 Dual-port $49,401.00
Kamas City Loc.: City Oice $41,227 Level 2 1 Dual-port In Process In Process
Kaysville City
Loc. 1: City Hall
Loc. 2: 100 E. 200 N.
Loc. 3: 300 N. Flint St.
Loc. 4: Kaysville Operations
$69,988 Level 2 9 Dual-port 9 Dual-port $69,572
Lehi City Loc.: City Hall $16,755 Level 2 1 Dual-port 1 Dual-port $16,775
Murray City Power Loc.: Murray Park Rec. Center
Level 2 2 Dual-port 2 Dual-port
$141,992.86 DC Fast
Chargers 1 1
Orem City
Loc.: City Hall $308,269 DC Fast
Chargers 4 4 $270,675
Provo City Loc. 1: Provo City Center Loc. 2: Recreation Center Loc. 3: Academy Library Loc. 4: Public Works Complex Loc. 5: Provo Power Complex Loc. 6: Rock Canyon Loc 7: North Park
$752,500 Level 2 20 Dual-port
16-Dual-port 4
Dual-Port In
S.L. Co. Health Dept. Loc.: S.L. County Environmental Health Department
Level 2
8 Dual-port 8 Dual-port
$577,771.88 DC Fast
Chargers 2 2
Light-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment Category
Sandy City
Loc.: City Hall $118,982 DC Fast
Chargers 3 3 $118,982
Saratoga Springs Loc.: Municipal Campus $26,788 Level 2 3 Dual-port 3 Dual-port $26,788
South Salt Lake City
Loc.: City Hall $136,517 Level 2 4 Dual-port 4 Dual-port $79,586
Timpanogos Cave National Monument Loc.: Visitor Center
$10,966 Level 2 1 Dual-port 1 Dual-Port $7,860.80
Loc 1: Calvin Rampton Loc 2: Garden City Loc 3: Castle Dale City Museum Loc 4: Monticello Visitor Center Loc 5: Blu Maintenance Station Loc 6: Richfield Admin. Oice Loc 7: Kanab Loc 8: The Fork Rest Area Loc 9: Grassy Mtn Rest Area8 Loc 10: UDOT Price District Oice
Level 2 11 Dual-port 18 Dual-port
DC Fast
Chargers 16 17
Utah Valley University Loc 1: Orem Main Campus Loc 2: Lehi Campus Loc 3: Aux. Services Building
$99,000 Level 2 6 Dual-port 5 Dual-port $96,616
Weber State University
Loc 1: Campus Services Bldg.
Loc 2: Hurst Center
Loc 3: Reed K. Swenson Bldg.
Loc 4: Dee Event Center
$143,694 Level 2 4 Dual-port 4 Dual-port $76,912
West Valley City Loc 1: City Hall Loc 2: West Valley City Fitness Center
$140,564 Level 2 4 Dual-port Withdraw Withdraw
Total $3,832,106
Level 2 91 Dual-port
1 Single-port
89 Dual-port
1 Single-port
DC Fast
Chargers 26 28
Notes: 1. (based on vendor bids at time of application submial - November, 2018 ) 2. Included in Project Proposal 3. As Proposed in Project Proposal 4. by Project Completion Date 5. Division of Facilities and Construction Management
Light-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment Category
6. Multi-Agency State Oice Building 7. Utah Department of Transportation 8. West Bound and East Bound
Wood Stove Conversion Program
The Wood Stove Conversion Program (WSCP), which ran from December 2017 to early
2024, was a Division initiative aimed at improving air quality by helping residents,
especially low-income households, transition from wood-burning to cleaner-burning
devices. The program was initially funded by a $9.5 million Targeted Airshed Grant from
the EPA, with the Salt Lake, Provo, and Logan nonattainment areas each receiving $3.2
million for conversions.
In 2019, the state legislature recognized the importance of replacing wood-burning devices
and provided additional funding for the WSCP. By its completion in early 2024, the
program had funded 4,121 projects and resulted in a total emission reduction of 57.57
tons/year of particulate matter, volatile organics, hazardous air pollutants, carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia.
State of Utah Charge Your Yard Incentive Program
The Charge Your Yard Incentive Program, launched in 2023, provides licensed yard care
businesses in Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, and Weber counties with funding to upgrade
their gas-powered string trimmers and leaf blowers to battery-powered electric
equipment. Since its launch, the program has given over $900,000 to 333 lawn care
businesses, enabling them to replace 1,204 string trimmers, 457 leaf blowers, 104
chainsaws, 31 hedge trimmers, and 23 edge trimmers.
The program gives participants a $500 credit for each piece of equipment they recycle, up
to a maximum of $3,000 per business. These credits can be redeemed as discounts at
participating retailers for the purchase of battery-powered electric equipment. This year’s
participating retailers are Al's the Chainsaw King and Wilkinson Supply.
Funding for the program comes from multiple sources, including the Clean Air Fund, GM
Ignition Switch Settlement, and reappropriated funds from a scal year 2020 Woodstove
Conversion legislative appropriation. Additionally, the new CPRG Implementation Grant
award provides $3,000,000 over ve years for yard equipment incentives to residents in
ozone nonattainment areas. This residential program is expected to launch in the Spring of
Uinta Basin Grants and Special Projects
The Division has been developing two new grant programs and other special projects in
the Uinta Basin using new funding sources that became available in 2023 and 2024. This
funding comes from a U.S. Department of Energy grant award, an EPA CPRG
Implementation Grant award, and oil and gas penalty funds.
Marginal Conventional Well Closure Program
The Division received $2.7 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a new
program for oil and gas producers in the Uinta Basin. This program encourages the
voluntary and permanent plugging and abandonment of marginal conventional wells
(MCWs). Over the past year, signi cant progress has been made in program planning,
including a solicitation for a contractor to partner with the Division to conduct the
plugging and abandonment work.
Thief Hatch Replacement Program
In late 2025, the Division expects to launch the Thief Hatch Replacement program which
will provide $2,928,000 for replacing an estimated 2,440 thief hatches at approximately 800
facilities over four years. Development of the program, funded through the new CPRG
Implementation Grant award, began in late 2024.
FY18 Uinta Basin Targeted Airshed Grant
The Division submitted its nal report for the FY18 Targeted Airshed Grant to the EPA in
October 2024. The $5,000,000 grant was intended to fund the replacement of natural gas
pump jack engines with electric engines. Despite outreach efforts and stakeholder
engagement with oil and gas producers, utility providers, and other organizations to raise
awareness about air quality challenges in the Uinta Basin, the Division was unable to fund
any projects.
Discovery Trail Project
Through penalty funds from oil and gas operations, the Division supported the successful
completion of the Discovery Trail project in Vernal, Utah, in partnership with Vernal City
with the Division providing funding assistance of $230,000. Funded through a collaborative
effort involving the Division, Vernal City, and other partners, the project addressed a
long-standing challenge of vehicle idling and congestion at Discovery Elementary School.
By constructing a 0.51-mile asphalt trail, accompanied by 770 feet of sidewalk, the
Discovery Trail connects residential neighborhoods to the school, offering a safe and
accessible pathway for walking and biking. This route eliminates the need for students
and parents to rely solely on vehicular transportation, signi cantly reducing emissions.
Prior to the trail’s construction, parents in the area faced long wait times and idling lines of
vehicles during student drop-off and pick-up, particularly in winter and summer months.
With the Discovery Trail now in place, an estimated 100 students—representing up to 17%
of the school’s population—have a safe and direct walking route, potentially eliminating 40
to 50 vehicle trips daily. These reductions play a crucial role in mitigating localized
emissions and improving the Uintah Basin’s overall air quality, which continues to face
unique challenges related to its airshed.
Uintah School District Project
The Division partnered with Uintah School District to replace ten diesel school buses with
new electric school buses to enhance air quality and reduce emissions in Uintah County.
The effort also supported the installation of DC fast chargers and Level II chargers, along
with essential electrical infrastructure to power the district’s new electric school bus eet.
The Division provided $957,000 in funding to supplement an award of $3.75 million from
the 2022 EPA Clean School Bus Rebate program. Additionally, the Division provided
$541,000 to fund the infrastructure build, which was further complimented by a $200,000
grant from the 2022 EPA Clean School Bus Rebate program.
Ancillary Programs
Transportation Conformity
Transportation planning in Utah is a collaborative effort combining shared local and
statewide transportation goals to identify and prioritize transportation projects. Projects
are coordinated by Utah’s four urban metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) – Cache,
Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), Mountainland Association of Governments
(MAG), and Five County Association of Governments – along with the Utah Department of
Transportation (UDOT) and Utah Transit Authority (UTA). MPOs are responsible for
evaluating transportation alternatives, developing transportation plans, and distributing
local and federal transportation funds. Plans developed include: long-range Regional
Transportation Plans (RTPs), examining long-term transportation needs over a 20-year
period; short-range Transportation Improvement Plans (TIPs), immediate project
implementation covering a 4-year period.
MPOs located in non-attainment and/or maintenance areas have the responsibility to
ensure that the current RTP and TIP conform to transportation emissions budgets
established within the Utah SIP, through a process known as transportation conformity.
The Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration review
conformity determinations along with the RTP and TIP in consultation with the
Interagency Consultation Team including EPA and others to ensure that the relevant
planning and air quality regulations have been adequately addressed. The Utah
Department of Transportation (UDOT) is responsible for transportation conformity within
isolated rural non-attainment areas when a non-exempt FHWA/FTA project(s) needs
funding or approval.
Current MPO Conformity Determinations:
● CMPO established conformity for 2025-2030 TIP and 2050 RTP, July of 2023.
○ Cache County, Utah PM2.5 1st maintenance period.
● MAG established conformity for 2024-2029 TIP and 2050 RTP, June 2024.
○ Provo/Orem City CO 2nd maintenance period.
○ Utah County PM10 1st maintenance period.
○ Utah County PM2.5 serious non-attainment area.
○ Southern Wasatch Front, UT Ozone marginal non-attainment area.
● WFRC established conformity for 2025-2030 TIP and 2050 RTP, May 2024.
○ Salt Lake County and Ogden City PM10 1st maintenance period.
○ Salt Lake PM2.5 serious non-attainment area.
○ Northern Wasatch Front, UT: Ozone moderate non-attainment area.
● UDOT was not required to establish conformity for the Uinta Basin, UT: Ozone
marginal non-attainment area.
Utah Air Quality Public Notifications
The Division provides air quality forecasting on its webpage for the current and next two
days. The Air Monitoring Section (AMS) provides air pollution information based on the
daily air quality status. The AMS data is used to determine the relationship of existing
pollutant concentrations to the NAAQS. There is a three-tiered air quality alert system
including unrestricted, voluntary action, and mandatory action. This system is used to
implement winter and summer controls on the use of solid fuel burning devices, re places,
and motor vehicles, and to advise the public and industrial sources to act to reduce their
pollution footprint during these events.
The forecast call determines which restrictions are in place for a given county. In addition,
the webpage advises the public as to current air quality conditions using the standard Air
Quality Index (AQI) categories including good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive groups,
unhealthy, and very unhealthy. Each advisory category listed on the webpage is
accompanied by a health protection message that recommends actions affected groups
can take to mitigate the effects of pollution on them and links to the AQI website for
further information. The AMS advisory is calculated for ve major pollutants including
ground-level ozone, particulate pollution (particulate matter), carbon monoxide, sulfur
dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. The outreach program information consolidated in the
three-day forecast includes the Summer and Winter Control Programs and Choose Clean
Air information.
The Division also sponsors an electronic mail server (Listserv). Subscribers are
automatically noti ed by e-mail when unhealthy air pollution levels are forecast
throughout Utah and when action alerts are issued. The National Center for Automotive
Sciences and Technology at Weber State University developed a mobile app called
UtahAir for the Division. It provides similar information directly on smart phones and
other mobile devices. The application is free and can be downloaded from both the
Android and Apple app stores.
During the PM2.5 wintertime inversion season, instead of waiting until an area is
exceeding a standard, action alerts are called when Division meteorologists see that an
area is in the early building stages of an inversion that will likely lead to pollution
concentrations at or above the trigger level of 25µg/m3. The program runs annually from
November through early March. In addition to the burning restrictions, residents are
encouraged to drive less and are directed to information on other ways they can reduce
Similarly, in the summertime, action days are announced whenever the probability of
exceeding the ozone standard is forecasted to be high. High temperature and stagnant air
masses contribute to this probability. Residents are encouraged to minimize driving
whenever the ozone or PM standards are approached.
Smoke Management in Utah
Utah’s rst Smoke Management Plan (SMP)
was written in 1999. The plan is designed to
meet the requirements of Title R307, state
administrative rule for air quality, Regional
Haze Rule, 40 CFR 51.309(d)(6), and the
policies of the EPA Interim Air Quality
Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires.
The signatories to the SMP are: US Forest
Service, Bureau of Land Management,
National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife
Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the
Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands.
The SMP serves as an operational plan for the state administrative rule, R307-204 Emission
Standards: Smoke Management, by providing direction and operating procedures for all
organizations involved in the management of prescribed re. R307-204 establishes by rule
the procedures and the permitting process that land managers are required to follow to
mitigate the impact of smoke on air quality and visibility in the state.
The following table provides a ve-year view of the number of prescribed burn days and
acres burned across Utah.
Table 10: 2024 Five-Year Review of Prescribed Burn Days and Acres Burned in Utah
Figure 29: 2024 Utah Prescribed Burn Days
Each dot in Figure 29 represents a prescribed re burn day in Utah in 2024 for a total of 249
Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance Programs
In the early 1980s, Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) programs were introduced as a necessary
strategy to achieve the ozone and carbon monoxide NAAQS. These programs have been
highly effective in improving air quality and have played a crucial role in reducing
emissions that contribute to ozone and carbon monoxide. The continued operation of these
Year Acres Burned Number of Prescribed-Burn
Ignition Days
2020 5,636 120
2021 11,819 245
2022 17,750 268
2023 27,470 295
2024 25,267 249
programs is essential for the Wasatch Front to remain in compliance with these standards
and to achieve the 2015 ozone standard. The county health departments are responsible for
administering these programs. The most recent I/M program was implemented in Cache
County Utah, and has been running smoothly since January 1, 2014.
Smoking Vehicles
Excessive smoke emissions from vehicles can contribute to poor air quality. To promote
clean air, several local health departments operate programs that educate and notify
people about smoking vehicles. During the 2015 General Legislative Session, two bills were
passed to enhance these programs in Utah:
● HB17 clari ed that visible emissions from gas or certain diesel-powered vehicles are
not allowed on Utah roads.
● HB110 gave the Utah Division of Motor Vehicles the authority to suspend a vehicle's
registration if it does not meet air emissions standards.
● The Division worked with the local health departments, the Utah Division of Motor
Vehicles, and the Utah Highway Patrol to develop a method of enforcing these laws.
If you spot a vehicle producing excessive smoke, you can report it through your respective
county health department:
● Cache County: 435-792-6570 or click here to report online.
● Davis County: 801-525-4975 or click here to report online.
● Utah County: 801-851-7600 or click here to report online.
● Weber County: 801-399-7140 or click here to report online.