HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006797State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Cο νι″″ο′ SPENCERJ COX ιブ′″′ `″ α″′(フ Oν ι″″ο″ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Marie E Owens, P.E. Direclor October 30,2017 NIlerlyn Galloway Benson Culinary lmprovement E)istrict 441l W 3000 N Benson,UT 84335 SutteCt:RTCR Salnple Site Plan Approval for Benson Culinary ID UTAH03097 Dear ⅣIr/Ms.Galloway: The currcnt RTCR sample sitc plan for UTAH03097 is approved as submitted to the Division of Drinking Water.If you have any questions or changes that need to be rnade plcase feel frcc to contact mc at(801)536-4150 or Pkccrsの utah.gov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950ヽ Vcst・ Salt Lakc City,UT Mailing Addrcss: P O Box 144830。Salt Lakc City,uT 84114‐4830 Tclephonc(801)536‐4200・ FⅨ(801)536‐4211・ TDD(801)536-4414 "″ ″ノ “″“ ′α/1“)ソ Printed on 100,6 rccycled paper v__ tol\{tT UTAH DEPARTMENT af }lECEIVED ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITYDRtilKtlrtG 5[P 252017WATER Drlnlqinu wate PO Box 144830 Salt Lake City, UT 84'114-4830 Phone: (801) 536-4100 Fax: (801) 536-4211 Email : ddwreports@utah. gov www.drinkingwater.utah.gov BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SITE PLAN As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is to be varied. All water systems are required to maintain a current bacteriological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which bacteriological tests are taken. Sample sites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each water source of the distribution system. The sample plan should be revised regularly and following any major construction project impacting the distribution system. MAP OF SYSTEM Have you enclosed\attached a map of the distribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks, treatment facilities, distnlution piping, routine sample locations, and follow-up (repeat) map? ly)Yes [l .l No \/,- WAttER SYSTEM INFORMAT10N +O}q)q System Name:BENSON CULINARY WATER System #: UTAH[o][s][o][s][z] street Address. 441 1 wESr 3000 NoRrH, BENSON, UTAH 84335 Phone #: 435-881-1130 Mailing Address:Em0il: bcw@bensonwater.orq Service Connections: 24s ion Served: 750 SAMPLE COLLEC丁 :ON Samples collected by:BEAR R!VER HEALTH DEPARTMENT Name of Laboratory:BEAR RIVER HEALTH DEPARTMENT Mailing Address: 8s EASr 1800, NoRTH LoGAN, UTAH 8434'l State Lab Code: U r00s36 Phone #: 43s-7s2-6s82 Fax #: The Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan on: 0et21t2o17 Utah Division of Drinking Water was sent a copy of this plan s1'.0et21t2017 Seasonal ls the water operated seasonally?lrl YES [z] N0 Dates of operation: Open:_ Close:. Systems, which operate seasonally, are required to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the public. Where will that sample be taken? Location Date sampled: RECEiVEI SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Rou∥ne Sample Localon:Fdlow・ up lrepeat)Samde Loca∥ons: 1.DARRELL'S APP.,3400N.2400W.(#1)1.DARRELLiS APP.,3400N.2400W. Description: 00CalOn name o「address) FAUCET (hOSe bb,Ы nk faucet,etc) Water samples w∥l be co∥ected from this location during the months of(cirCle): (rOu輛 ne sam口 e bca10n name oraddress) 2.RCM DA:RY,3579N.2400W. (location name or address up-stream) 3.LDS CHURCH,3472N.3000W. ぐ。Ca10n name oraddress down‐steam) 4.BENSON WELL,2000ヽ Ⅳ.4600N. (source) lS Qtr 2nd Qt「 3に Qtr: 4h Qtr ノ|」an. ´IApr ノJul. ノOct. Follow・ up(repeat)Samp:e Localons: 1.LDS CH∪RCH,3472N.3000W. (routine sample location name or address) Routine Sample Location: 1. Lps CHURCH, 3472 N. 3000 W. (#2) (location name or address) Wate「samples wl∥be collected from this localon dunng 3.SCOTT FALSLEV,3710N.3400W. the months of(clrCle): Description:HOSE BIBノ FAUCE丁 2.DARRELLiS APP.,3400N.2400W. (hOSe bib,Sink faucet,elc)(location name or address up-skeam) (location name or address down-st eam) 1゛ Qt「 」an ‐ィIFeb. 1 ‐Mar 2nd Qtr l lApr lィ I May , |」un. 4.BENSONヽ 〃ELL,2000ヽ Ⅳ.4600N. 3rd Qtr 」ul. /Aug. I Sep 4h Qtr Oct ノNov. Dec (rOuune sam口 e bcaJOn name oraddress) 2.DARRELLIS APP.,3400N,2400W. (location name or address up-stream) 3.LDS CHURCH,3472N.3000W. 00Ca10n name o「address down‐stream) 4.BENSONヽ ⅣELL,2000W.4600N. (source) Description: ぐ。cauOn name or address) S:NK (hOSe bb,Ы nk faucet,etc) Water samples w∥l be collected from this localon dunng the months of(clrCle): Rou∥ne Samp!e Location:Fo!low・ up{repeat)Sample Localons: 1.CRM DA!RY,3579N.2400W.(#3)1.CRM DA!RY,3579N.2400W. 1●Qtr 2nd Qt「 3配 Qtr 4th Qt「 」an. Apr. 」ul. Oct. |ノ ーMar. :レ |」un. |´ ISep. |ノ ーDec. ReportPrepared by: NICK GALLOWAY Signature and Title:Date: SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Rou∥ne Sample Localon:Follow‐up(repeat)Sample Loca∥ons: 1.LEE REESE,4443N.2400W (ブ ヂZ年)1. LEE REESE,4443N 24001A/ Description: ぐ。cauOn name or address) HOSE BIB (rOuune sam口 e bca10n name oraddress) 2. RAD REESE,4020N.240011V (hose bib, sink faucet, etc.) Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of (circle): ぐ。Ca10n name o「address up‐stream) 3.CRM DA:RY,3579N.2400W. (location name or address down-stream) 1゛ Qtr 2nd Qt「 3d Qt= 4h Qtr t Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Feb. ノMay Aug. Nov. I Mar. ‐」un l´ISep. IDec. 4.BENSON WELL,2000ヽ V.4600N. Rou∥ne Sample Localon:Follow・ up{repeat)Samp!e Localons: 1.JEFF RICKS,4273N 3200W。(#5)1 」EFF RICKS,4273N 3200W Description: 10Ca10n name oraddress) HOStt BIB (rOuune sam口 e bcalOn name oraddress) LDS CHURCH,3472N.3000W. (hOSe Ыb,Ы nk faucet,etc) Water samples wi∥be co∥ected from this localon dunng the months of(drcle): ぐ。Ca10n name oraddress up‐stream) JASON MUNK,4543N.3200W (location name or address down-stream) lSt Qtr 2nd Qtr 3だ Qtr 4h Qtr Feb. May z Aug. Nov. Mar. 」un Sep. Dec BENSON WELL 2000W.4600N. (source) Rou∥ne Sample Localon:Fdlow‐up lrepeat)Samde Loca∥ons: l NICK GALLOVVAY,441l W.3000N.lr6)1.NICK GALLOWAY,441l VV 3000 N 00Ca10n name oraddress) HOSE BIB,END OF LIN匡 (routine sample location name or address) Description:2. DS CHURCH,3472N.3000W. (hOSe b b,Sink faucet,etc) Water samples wl∥be collected from this localon dunng the months of(cirCle): (location name or address up-stream) 3.NA (location name or address down-stream) 1●Qtr 2nd Qt「 3d Qtr 4h Qtr ,/ Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Feb. May Aじg Nov. I Mar. I Jun イI Sep・ I Dec. 4.BENSON llVELL 2000W.4600N RECEiVED SEP 2 5 2017 Drinking Ⅵ′ater 剛 ttr] -..-_n,i ■ヽ十二 -----i-.---d. i I I.-I ,1 r,r