HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005412DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TOOELE ARMY DEPOT/HEADQUARTERS 1 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT, BUILDING 1 TOOELE, UT 84074-5003 March 20, 2024 Subject: PROPULSION SECTION GM WPU-6B TACTICAL (AMRAAM) Treatability Study, Tooele, Utah, EPA# UT3213820894 Doug Hansen Director of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control ATTN: Gabrielle Marini ck 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Dear Mr. Hansen: In accordance to Utah Admin Code R3 l 5-261.4(t).1, Tooele Army Depot North Area (TEAD-N) is notifying you no less than 45 days before it intends to conduct a treatability study. The installation will be performing a treatability study at the Rocket Static Fire Range to develop a secondary ignition system to treat Propulsion Section GM WPU-6/B Tactical (AMRAAM) rocket sections. Enclosed is a detailed description of the treatability study. I certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that quality personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact myself at (435) 833- 2526. Sincerely, Lonnie Brown Chief, Environmental Management Division Enclosures TREATABILITY STUDY DEMIL STUDY-Develop a secondary ignition system to treat PROPULSION SECTION GM WPU-6/B TACTICAL (AMRAAM) at the TEAD North Area (N) static fire pad. TEST PURPOSE: The Directorate of Industrial Operation at Tooele Army Depot (TEAD), Utah, is tasked to develop a secondary ignition system to treat PROPULSION SECTION GM WPU-6/B TACTICAL (AMRAAM) rocket sections at TEAD's North Area (N) static fire pads. OBJECTIVES: TEAD-N treated the PROPULSION SECTION GM WPU-6/B TACTICAL (AMRAAM) during normal operations and found that the rocket sections had a delayed ignition causing it to be wedged inside the rocket carousels. In doing so, cause damaged to the rocket carousel making it unusable as shown in figure 1. Figure 1-Damaged to the Rocket Carousel 1 MUNITION DESCRIPTION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TEAD-N contacted the manufactures, which they came up with a solution of placing 1 pounds of HC-25FS propellent into a cheesecloth (100% cotton bag) and placing 1 cheesecloth inside the front part of the rocket section. Then place the insulated forward plug on the front as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2-Configuration of the Front Section 2 Next place 1 pounds of HC-25FS propellent into a cheesecloth (100% cotton bag) and place 1 cheesecloth inside the back part of the rocket section as shown in Figure 3. Finaly, connect all the wiring for the electronic initiators. Figure 3-Configuration of the Back Section Verify everything is correct, then place the rocket section into the carousel and ignite the section. CHARACTERIZATION DATA The Propellant/Explosive/Pyrotechnic (PEP) components are derived from the MIDAS PEP Summary Reports and are listed below in Table la and Table lb. PROPULSION SECTION GM WPU-6/B (AMRAAM) PEP LBSPER SUMMARY ROCKET Butylated hydroxytoluene 0.000185 AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE 82.701087 BORON 0.000134 CALCIUM STEARA TE 0.000004 COBALT NAPHTHENATE 0.00000001 DI(2-ETHYLHEXYL)ADIPA TE 3.309272 DIBETANAPHTHYLPARAPHENYLENE 0.186250 DITRIDECYL THIODIPROPIONATE (P-711) 0.000093 IRON OXIDE 0.000278 GRAPHITE 0.000001 Hexamethylene diisocyanate 0.403995 HTPB (HYDROXYL TERMINATED POL YBUTADIENE) 6.243768 3 LAMINAC 4116 0.000009 LEADAZIDE 0.000236 METHYL ETHYL KETONE PEROXIDE 0.00000001 METHYL ETHYL KETONE 0.00000001 2,2'-METHYLENEBIS(4-METHYL-6-TERT-BUTYLPHENOL) 0 .000046 N-BIS B-HYDROXYETHYL GL YCOLAMIDE (BHEGA) 0.004110 HTPB (HYDROXYL TERMINATED POL YBUTADIENE) 0.000458 POLYISOBUTYLENE 0.000001 POLYESTER RESIN 0.000022 POTASSIUM NITRATE 0.000399 POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE 0.000009 RDX 3.725334 SILICON CARBIDE 0.74500 TEPANOL 0.000093 ZIRCONIUM 0.000009 Table la-PEP Components of the Rocket Section PROPELLENT FROM 30MM AMMO PEP SUMMARY 1 LBS BAG 2-NITRODIPHENYLAMINE 0.00009 DETERRENT COATING 0.03895 DIBUTYLPHTHALATE 0.03267 DIPHENYLAMINE 0.00765 GRAPHITE 0.00302 NITROCELLULOSE 0.64203 NITROGEN 0.13017 NITROGLYCERIN 0.08544 POLYESTER ADIP A TE 0.03900 POTASSIUM NITRATE 0.02092 Table lb-PEP Components of the Propellent from the 30MM OBJECTIVES: Performing these tests will determine if adding propellent to both the front and back end will allow for a clean bum. If the rocket section detonates or does not properly burn, then the test will be unsuccessful and TEAD will have to go back to the drawing board to come up with another solution. TEST LOCATION: The TEAD-N Static Fire Pad TEST DATE: Proposed dates for this test are from June-August 2024. 4 TEST QUANTITIES: NUMBER WEIGHT OF TOTAL PER EACH TEST PEP MUNITIONS TESTED (lbs) (lbs) PROPULSION SECTION GMWPU-6/B 9 97.32 875.7 TACTICAL (AMRAAM) Propellent from 30MM 18 1 18 Table 2-Test Quantities This Treatability Study will destroy approximately 893.7 lbs (405.4 kg) of non-acute hazardous waste (see Table 2). This is below the 2,200 lbs (1000 kg) limit allowed by the Treatability Study Exemption Rule 40 CFR 261.4 (e)-(f). As shown in Table 4, no more than 550 lbs (250 kg) of"as received" hazardous waste will be subject to initiation of treatment in a single day as required by 40 CFR 261.4 (f)(3). To avoid the air modeling requirement established in the Air Order, TEAD will only test one rocket section an hour making it less than 200 lbs an hour. STATIC FIRE OPERATING CONDITIONS: The Static Fire Range will be conducted under safe operating condition, but due to the weather condition always changing and the sensitivity of the test TEAD is not going to operate in weather restriction established by the RCRA Permit but still be restricted to no more than 550 lbs (250 kg) a day and one rocket section per hour. WASTE DISPOSAL: The ash collected from the test will be treated as hazardous waste pending results of the analysis. Ash samples will be drawn and analyzed to determine a suitable disposal method. The ash will be collected into marked containers and delivered to the 90-day collection yard pending appropriate disposal procedure. The remaining material will be sent off to be recycled. GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS ; From this activity we will determine if the items described herein can be safely processed at a sustained production rate using Static Fire and to determine what proper parameters will be used to provide a viable option for destruction oflisted components. EMISSON GENERA TED Table 3a shows the emission generated from burning the 1 lb bags of 30 mm propellent during the test. Table 3b shows the emission generated from burning the rocket sections described above. Table 3c is the combined emissions generated during the test. 5 PROPELLENT PEP EMISSON IN LBS NUMBER TOTAL EMISSON IN COMBUSTION GENERA TED FROM BAGS OF LBS GENERA TED PRODUCT 1 LB BAG OF PROP. PROP. USED DURING TEST Particulate Matter 0.015 18 0.26 NOx 0.24 18 4.33 Table 3A-Shows the emission generated from burning the 1 lb bags of 30 mm propellent. (Source: Generated from modifying the furnace feed rate model assuming no pollution abatement system ) EMISSON IN LBS NUMBER OF TOT AL EMISSON ROCKET SECTION GENERATED ROCKET IN LBS PEP COMBUSTION FROM 1 ROCKET SECTION GENERATED PRODUCT SECTION USED DURING TEST Particulate Matter 93 .60 9 842.38 Chlorine 24 .96 9 224.60 Semi-volatile metals 0.00168 9 0.0015 NOx 11.35 9 102.16 SOx 5.49E-06 9 4 .94E-05 Hazardous Air Pollutants l.68E-08 9 l.51E-07 Table 3b-Shows the emission generated from burning the rocket sections (Source: Generated from modifying the furnace feed rate model assuming no pollution abatement system ) EMISSONLBS EMISSON LBS TOT AL EMISSON GENERATED GENERATED IN LBS TOTAL PEP FROM ROCKET FROM GENERATED COMBUSTION SECTION TEST PROPELLENT DURING TEST PRODUCT TEST Particulate Matter 842 .38 0.26 842.64 Chlorine 224.60 0 22 4.60 Semi-volatile metals 0.0015 0 0.0015 NOx 102.16 4.33 106.49 SOx 4.49E-05 0 4.94E-5 Hazardous Air Pollutants 1.51E-07 0 1.51E-7 Table 3c-The combined emissions generated during the test. PROPOSED TESTING SCHEDULE The testing will be accomplished in 4 days . The first day will be a set up process to review procedures and operations. Then later that day at least one rocket will be tested. Then a review will be done on the effectiveness of the secondary ignition system. This will be continued into the next day until a max of 3 rockets section are ignited daily. The fourth day is established as a 6 contingency test day so if the other days could not process their daily quota, then this will be makeup day up to 3 rocket sections as shown in Table 4. Max Allowed Waste Day/Stage Total Weight Waste Exceeding Items Processed Allowed (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) Day 1 Safety Feed ~3 305 550 0 Day 2 Safety Feed ~3 305 550 0 Day 3 Feed Recipe ~3 305 550 0 Day 4 Feed Recipe ~3 305 550 0 Table 4-Proposed Testing 7