HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005283leanHar o Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC I 1600 Nonh Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 435.884.8100 www.cleanharbors.com March15,2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov RE:Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number - UTD 981 552177 Dear Mr. Hansen. In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit, 40 CFP. 264.72(c) and R315-264-72(c), this correspondence serves as written notification of three (3) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: Manifest 019221115FL8 - Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 3. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. Manifest 018315990FLE - Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 2. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. Manifest 019143793FL8 - Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, "People and Technolog) Crealing q Better Environment " Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City. UT 84114-4880 leanHar @ and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submiuing false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, 4^il*- Bryan Lunt Facility Operations Manager Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC 1 1600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.8309 (c) 801.589.0246 Lunt.Bryan@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com 2qoPle.ls€Ot{B l{o. 2050S39 urFoRr [ :aflxrus WASIE IAiIFEST 1 Garrfrd t0 Nu$ar cAS1111110r9 2 Frge r ol 3 Elrrrgafi, 800-483-3718 15990 FLE lonhaaIrlt r Trr5m 0183 CLEAN I{AffBORS ENVIRONMENIAL SERI/ICES, INC.22il ffiborne, uc Ba A lft\(^617BUREAUffireEt-es OF SANTTAION UTYLNAEI SER'I/ICES ovtsroN.BLVOE.WASHI2649 NGTON LOS 90023CAAt{GELES,tJit \ar. r lA 1r? '1tr 5 tlA c.m,rh/! pru?: e13) 486-3278 ATTtt BEIiUnMN GEE U.S EPA 11600 NOHTH APTUS ROAD GRANTSV|T I F, uT 84929 ,h,-{,+35) 884-8100 . 9a $. US mT lb.dlnll (rxl,hg ftqr 9i4.0 t5rr. t{add Cls, O rLrni.. l! PtdrE G,ap ('f -r)) ,1. ToEl 12. .lft x ' uNjaar,t\f,(^Jvg'l9D AgD I cAt t^JAlTf., ^1, o S, &yr.n6.s AsS rs€e,e\6E),6.>,PC,"s aR ?I D7 1o r ; P 2 NcN-$.!\}\ \\Ea.re$ q8 \JAS<€,, /rr.rr,,t r flac<) S"-.ssf brP-o 'r /oo 9&sjt75e !a SrcC lLr*l.E lGh-ddB rn Add'br l,ldEhi H:;*::il*-bil:".iI,""" E&or.r.Ic.frt, [Bl !E c.dlls3 ol!'E d,.iflrtfi c.nl mhtttln drE ffi EPAldrb..dgr;lr olcd.r.6r ! o.tt, ltd 0r {6@ tri,iri!.Er sEllrll r,6.6ed n l! cFR 262.2{.} (d r rn . [F quraty cerft'lr) or t!) (l r ,n a grdr qra$tt gerEr&) ! !r. 4o 3 -(, = Erpo4 iun LJ-S %2,t lla!9oata $iatrIe (ff erpoG otr) 16 ! r,-,o u s 2t? r7 rr,ltlogl Acgl)itrflEnl d R... pr C r&h.Ae, Foto z.{F I 'rr.$o.b. 2 Prrfdlrp.d [rrE 0n t6o Lrr$ .a.Lly (d USEPA0Nrrmb.r fr,. C'bolmrhd.arsra E *o,ft- l& S{..t o d llft.I f Erir Id C.lr.-.) I I ldr 0rr lz !9 rbardo, rrid R4on ra..+rrtr, ual'Dd cd.. (i. ,.rG t ir2r6.4, cB !!ar.it dilFd, ra ,€ctdrr t .rnr) l-toqo 1 Hcqo 20 o.tJl.ld Friily Oirhl or CF !, C.tf(do,r olrectrtloth.z,lrtlI,! n.!rb con Bd 3y !E m-if6roxcrl .t nold h r!€rr 18s ^ ( E H 2I o -b 4AQe,n EPA Form e 7@22 :Rev. 12.171 ediixls ae ot6olele DESIG 0 FACILTTY TO EPA's e.MAl,llFEST SYSTEM uS EPIO tt, t- I 7 rrrlF.il 2 C.olp.ly ll.nt U S €P^lollr& UTDSE'I552177 I 327 torr oa..irrytIt 0t 5aitr u s.: I...". E*tR.ttllc' nnE Pleasc nl rrt0r eckn0$!dg?6 lfia 0o neleflal eh3nge nir cccurrd ennef In $re lStnctcttsflct or tn tne F,r6ce.6 geflelitllnglgii ffi|. ous No. za:oo:s UNIFORI 1IAZARDOUS IlASrc TANFEST 1 . C.rvao. lO luiEf c4R000210377 2 P.9. I ol 1 I Emig.r,cy RosFll3. Pho.. {soo) 48+3718 a. tllllffi hchno xllnt . 019143793 FLE Ad{B6s {Id blgrltlan m, n9 €ddcsg SAM E trAl G Clean H arbo15 EnvirEnmearal Serva ce5,lnc. irGt t&dy ller1e r! Silc Ar,.Els le. UT84029 6 r6n!0fi€.1Cff an, trrno / Ilznapdrar 2 Corpani Nari. Clern Herbors Aradooite LL{:'1i6O0 orth Aotus Road 17,+4 Sefl Sidr Sr Los Angel.c. CA 9OO17 "fr''i8'$Jgl 9e !D US mT OGdFr (idrf P'!F S..ry.C Her. Eirri Cbs D una.r ,n PdrE S!r, lt y,11 Toai 0!rr, t2 url x urt1654. N|COIINE. 6.1. F6 tl 00r.OF 00001 P 1 II I llocE 5t t2l4 SiEll Hrdhm lchr6o.b rn,Cdrdorul _trrut. l' -lir(c-z,rar.!i (iii;-r51 -ri5 t'6 cons gnrunl ,e tury rn..orl?ldy d!..rbd.DovG t fic pmo.r 3hptag irnle. ard r. dllJtu Fdad, Erpon... cst,fo lral 0r. co.rEE ot $E ccn9gftndt cc.rfom lo i. l.nDs ot ab .frdea EPAAEtnoitedlrDnt o{ Cdila{ c.nrly,rt ur. r.r ohiDi&! st bmnl i,edltrd fi a0 crR 262 271a1 (d Iar a h{€ $E1lrr g6.f,r.tor) or (D) (ar .n a flllcr qurrygrrrc.) E i,It l5 GEitf,AIoPSaOmmR'S Ctmf Eln(,.: I hotbr deda,e 'ul lle cootsds ol ao luzt!(2 cerDr.brs,OkDrs P.n!dly!.d t{art HAl'IIY NEYAREZ OBO RIIEAID 7-y fi? Y*- )n2a; r I 1- = 16 rl|ln-dslErnr' L,l r&d bu s Irat,.rL ilni,l tb .rEt drt O.ts lcrrf U S ETon rrcF U Str l7 Tdrrrodff A.rnffaadgn#r d Reerd d ilalalatsd,t! c.o z. F E".** l+ritd R.b€s tluna, 18a DE{,lre6c, dcAo. sp@ C!..rry lprun r*-'!r,rt"oo, t8b Aler* Fi{,hy (, c,.€r?r!,US €PAo t(rni.. '& 19 HazrdaJ. W6re R6po.t a&nafoi. r,&Aod C.d.r ( e codo. ro. t :J{oJs Ec. tr-lr.nl- dis@rrr. md eqrt{.r.br6) HO/t0 2 20 oi!€ne f ad.r O.rtr o. Operalo. Cer!6.don ot,eoapi C hudor6 m*n.h !o€,Ed b, tlc ir iicsl €Iird.5 id!. nIleF lla \ =o o 2 at I I a Jo en EPA Fom g7@22 (Rev 12'17) Prevour ed tofls re obsol€te Cleaf lilrtor; hlt tne :p9r!pnere pemi6 l0r an 6 al|l !cJepl lh€ r.ltle rne gefl€Etor i€ 6nippln9 FACILIIY T0 EPA'r .-nAt{IFESI SYSIETt.iwR2400a90276 PPw I IJSE Dltrt urD987qJ521;: I 331 3 ry Uordr Day Y&, L, l.r" 1,. S$al!re i I I oav :E:::' ." ::; :i ,:; '-;r .rd ii f'l!:r a: :i!.lEi ':-:: .1lit;€C e'::Eri ii: cliSlat-.ilil: : cr :i: :rE :;i::6; J:ieEi';:9 iI Plso oiiit o. lyF. Fqn '1 :.',r3:ais: PPvuls am obqle. 0*lg No. 2G5G0039 D UTIFORT HAZAROq'S WASIE TAI{IFEST Z P.C. I ol 2 {80o) 48s3?18 3 FLE0I2 t Gettr*.Durfr!.zno4931AOO9 'd|!c ndns)dlb!.'l -5At'lL L!-c 1?4C tr.'t Li E6lr. Steet Phoenir AZ 8S07 H@r {EOA 25FG155 Clgan H aiboas EiyiioBmenralSsi'Jice5. iac.MAE,!3932225O U tlean Harbors Aratsonite LLC 11600 ilqdrA6rlJ3 Eo3d Grantsvifie. UT 84029 U.S. Eh\Ill{ttL urD9515S2I7; 8. 14351 884,8100 10. CqHri IyE S u s. u}T Dedirr (rdir Prw sltd! rri..l6 ch. D n .. d hairCd.! (,.t0I P001DF 1 ut{ 2924. HAsrE Ft AuMAatE LreulD{i, coRRogvE. N.os. acElt; ACID. I|EIHAXOU. 3. '81. FE ll D lr!00r+6 F005003x Uli129/t- WTSIE TOLUET{E.3 FG tl P001P'llUXlS93. B&flE FIAMt IAEI-E ttQUlot. N.6.S,. {ISOPROP'T At(:rHoLl. 3,P6 li utraxlJr{.i3rEaa]ll:-e6;i 1E5 1I55 |i.dtof; i , eis I ra-,figfffi :tt3 t -LE.EI.- TEE-B-lg EEe*130 3.LrE1-XrtE-HA6 ER+1128 l5 Egli, ar!ddtad fitr3 daF!td nicEirHCArXnl rrtGCXER (n'soFf€noR',s !ralf6rt!, b {EfEt{dc.d,srdlcrR{0 a (b1 {ollrulc6r*('llillag!Cllrlttdo,{60llrl elG) co oaulzuo JL2 16 u.s. E e,pdt tr. u ".0-{tuepoll3 6$. Erentn u.s. 1I.r.Ep.t A&1o*qrsrl d R.d9ld lffir uonh Day 16. Oil(IE9d)cl x{irlo. See..D Orflilt Va Ern -lnf\co GCcr IroE te 9€lrr, IH uAu 61 lrcl?az1 DXta,.." J,S EPA lorGdrlb4 F 19 H.irldoi! Wsli fuEon srsrE)Cod6 [3. H040'l H 0i+0 7t lrodo dopge2[.Frf]cesln.H ClaB E6fo -e glo EPA rorltl ir€;it 'iri;!3e gern'|s tI and \ilr 3:.!et! rit l'ntlE if s i'neis'1i l',- LITY IO EPAS FIilANIFEST SYSTEM 12 Udt1 Iotqrr$t, DO0l _199000c0003I D00l o00lo02ttrx P-t-+.r'T(I04, x yn nknl& a H040 PtgE OI EPAFqm 8?q)'22 (Rer. 12-17) PEYlrs odb6 ,3offi. Fom oMB tb. m50rrc39 oESIGNATED FACIUTYT0 EPA s o-UANIFEST SYSTEM UIFORI HAAE)CUS USIE I^lsEET (C..nirdd| $..9 t0 Cle3n H;rtors An-:ofl a LLC 25. r6€loltr _ C.d'|F ry lg1l u.s. U,a EEAID Xon$c26. Trat'porf _ Cdrpilt LrrE t$_ zt. U.s 00T Daqitn FdnBFo! 9lnrf lh.ld o= D x'rt .,.r b! Oco(irl 00i5. UN?810. HASTE TOXIC tlOU!05- OR6fitllr-. N-O.s. oTETHYL ISOEUTYL I(EIOHE. PHE {YLLIERCUFtC AC-EIAIET. 5.t. PG lil 6. N/A U&'LGT.MIJE,D P 7. UN2922, Yi&5IECORFOS{EL|QUTES. roxli. fl -O-5.-TEORC A+rD,SOfiUlr HYOROXID€).6, {6.Li. PG ri 00,100 P001B- UN 1835, WASIE TETRAMET}IYIAUIUONIUIS HYDROXIOA 8. FG II 001 DF 9. il43082. Hi/ARDOUS WAS]E. UQUTD. r{.O5-. (PACXTNG 9. P€i ul 00012 P rO. OIi OOT REGUI.AIEO MAIERIAL. ($ODIU CAREOIIAIE! 60b s#P11. NOI{ DOI REGUIAIEo lrlAIERlAt a0!t3 W4STE ttoli l{AznnDotrs. fiofl 0.o_T. BEciitArEE mAIERIAL, (iOr,lTAl t{E&S. USEI} MOIOROtu :J9 Ils lji-q,246 2ts9 3 tc.r!-E:r: aEfll1 1xg9l'0.tu:l-lgl&.-E ?rE t1-1221-xE Et-lll :iBE .-? !Fl1-ErtEP-tgE :iss l!fi{ rrtlufI!sld 3. L?11-!nf.r ! Ml-5tit ScrI.!! e - l?z:- u trr-lltnc t ts r, "rrt-r.ro' $€8t-." d SiIare ll.8v S{dr! (ornejo GPdated Lirrn- G t! Qt-Ftec+ &aaL-lnt0--uH |'aAD OelAg ee.qpgr Vanes- .d ridtOe (!, cd..36 kafor\^tS! R.C.ri Ea E 13. HfiO1a H04011. H04010. Htt[0 mm IIGEGGhICEEErEIIIIII EIIII II I r IIII rIr EE @III EE E EM E E EI @E @ E E' E E E rE rI I III EEE===I EEEE===EEE===III=III ;:!.r,1}lriborr iet lh€ Eootsodale D€mil, for rnd cill rccegl th:nr{c tha telt€,atel i5 shiBoine ATtlnaqa{ ann o 2L Cc.tE!3l.ll*Od.. 12. NCT,I DOT REGUIAIEO MA1ERIAI