HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006766State of Utah CANY N. HERBERT Covernor SPENCER J. COX Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Kenneth H. Bousfield, P.E. Director October 5,2017 Kim Martin Card Campground 857 W South Jordan Parkway South Jordan, UT 84095 Subject: RTCR Sample Site Plan Approval for Card Campground UTAH03030 Dear Mr. Martin: The current RTCR sample site plan for UTAH03030 is approved as submitted to the Division of Drinking Water. If you have any questions or changes that need to be made please feel free to contact me at (801) 536-4150 or Pkeers@utah.gov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144830. Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 Telephone (801) 536-4200. Far (801) 5364211. T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.tleq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Lη″件 UTAH Oこ ,ARTMEヽ T oF ENViRONMENTAt Oむ Aこ tTY DR:Nκ :Ne WATER P03ox 144830 Sal Lake City,UT 84114‐4830 Phonc(801)53日 100 FaК 601)536‐4211 Ema"ddwrepoお @uね h`90V ―.d威 nttngwater.utah`9ov BACTERTOLOGTCAL $Ail.ptI S|TE pl.Ail As part of tte Revised Total Cdiform Rule, the location fom wtridr samples are bken is to be varied. All wabr systems are requfed b mainbin a qrnent badetiological sarple siting phn. the plan shors tre locations of all samph sites fiom wtrictr badeddogical tesb arc taken. Sarnple sibs are to be representatirre of all pressure zones and eadr water source of ttre distibution sFtem. The sample dan shouH be revised regularly and fo{odng any major construction projec{ impading he distihrton systam. ≠0■f3 WATER SYSTE鵬 $ystern Name:C.武 ガ.ん ヂムxで 言 System tt UTAH回 閉閥り観 Phone歳 」勧甕二亀ムと」L多 プ$feet Address: Mttmg Address: り毎 `ユ EntaL&塑 艘 螂 置 止 L島 … SeMce Conneclions:Served: SAMPLE COLLECTON Samples cdleded by:}sJ frr,ol r.,l l,lame of Laboratory: Maliing Add磯:Shte Lab Code: PhOne歳 域錘菫雄盤職性 Fax批 量短コ菫堕二 “Tfe Laborahryvrassentacopyof fris plan on: *8,, ) € * A Dtl Utah Dividon of Waterwas senla cooy of tris &asonal ls fte water operated seasondly?開 YES l「I N0 Dates of openation: Open: h.f-l, - d 7 Aosrr: /rt - gl * &.ll T $ystems, wttifi operate seasonally, are required to take an investigative samde prior lo opening to tre pgblic. Where willhat samde be hken? sampted: ". 4 ' e{ -MrlT - MAP OF SYSTEM Have you endosed\attached a map of the distrifution system showing the soure (wett, spring, etc), storage tankq beatnent facililieq,{lsbibution piping, routine samfle locations, and follow-up (repeat) map? Irl Yes trl No SAMPttE LOCAT:ONS Ihe following describes each routine sarnple location, what months 0re location will be sampled, and where follov,r-r.rp (repeat) samples will be taken in he event of a "p06itive' routine sample. Routine Samtte L●calon:Foflo*,rlo {repfft) S€mplp Locations: t. Hry* n}e # r< (rDutine sanple localbn nanre or ad&ess) z. hrrt P iq . (locatlon narn or admss up$Bm)(ho6et b, sbkhuet,eb.) Water samfles will be mlle&d from tris hcation during he mon$rs of {cilde}: 」an. 麓 Desciplion: 1麟 献 が∝ 鋼 QL 4h眈 Routine San,lo Locatbnt l, (localiB name or address) Descdption: 懺 刷 鵠 閣ξ 醐銀 わm tts賤 おn山 薔鴨 & 'StCttr Jan. ‐Feb: Man 歩転 ‐枢 May 」tn. 4. 騨転 ‐ Jd. I Aug. l sep. | 4詢 (漱 二 ocL Nov. Dec. Foi:ow・ up〔repeat)Sample Locations: 1. {twline sam$ localix mrnaaddrs} 2. $ocalion nane or addrecs LPse€m) (locdion nafite oraddress dcrrndeam) lSOuFCe) 穐∝饉ne Sa麟 Je L●磁b鵬 1. {ocation name a addrcss} Descriplion: Fd:聯 ub Frepeal samptt Lo醸 ons l. (outine sap* bcalh rBr€ oraddress) 2. lhOSeめ ,Snkね ucet etc〕 WateF Samples w∥be cO∥eed from thb localion durng 3. the monhs oflcirde) (location nane or address tpsteam) い ulle Or暴 _am) 1重 Otri Jan. Feb. Ma■ がQtr: Apr. :May Jun. 4. 鉾 C臓「 Jul. ‐ Aug. sep. 4ut Otr: Oct Nov. Dec. lSOurOe) Card lAlater System Area ^. ('TAH*r,?fi,qo *- Preston Valley Chokecherry Summer Home Area Chokecherry Picnic Area Pine Bluffs Summer Home Area Upper Card Summer Horne Area Card Guard Station Card Summer Horne Area IR!.1u* 5,iE Junipers ご .II=■|″‐・ ‐ n*o,