HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006749State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Cο ν `″ ″ο″ SPENCERJ COX ιた″″″″′Gο ““ ο″ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Kenneth H. Bousfield, P.E. Director October 5,2017 Kim Martin Lewis M Turner 857 W South Jordan Parkway South Jordan, UT 84095 Subject: RTCR Sample Site Plan Approval for Lewis M Tumer UTAH03028 Dear Mr. Martin: The current RTCR sample site plan for UTAH0328 is approved as submitted to the Division of Drinking Water. If you have any questions or changes that need to be made please feel free to contact me at (801) 536-4150 or Pkeers@utah.gov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 Non 1950 WestO Salt L」(e Ciり ,UT Mailing Address:P O Box 144830・ Salt Lakc City,UT 84H4‐4830 Tclcphonc(801)536‐4200 0 Fax(801)536‐4211・ TDD (801)536‐4414 ″″″J″9“″力gο ッ Printed on i000/O recycled paper し■A葉 OE'ART率 豊∥T oF ENV:RO■卜1こ NTAL Qじ AL_:Tγ DRiNK:NG WATER P0 Box 144830 Salt Lake City, UT 841144830 Phone: (801)5364100 Fax {801)53M211 Email: ddwreports@utah.gov www.drinkingwater.utah. gov BACTERroLpGtCAf."iAltPLE Sm PIAN As part of te Revised Total Colfform Rule, the location tom wtridr samples are bken b to be varied. All water systems are re{uhed b maintain a cunent kcteridogical sampb siling pbn. Ihe plan sture tre localions of all samph sites from wtrich baderidogkd tesb are bken. San$e sibs are to be representative ol all pressure zones and eadr water sourcr of tre distibulbn system. The sample plan shouH be redsed regularly and folonirq any m{r construdirx prcriec{ impading tre distlhrton rystem. 1/¬|| づ″ "oL(へ|WATER SYSTE鶴 :NFORLAl10N 徊 f System tt UTAH∥HE囲 旧 Phone#:角 』′,議 感・3ゴ %イ MailingAddress: &bS. P.s'o* aJ Plqsetl &orEr.: ilf ttae*swit: frrtrpreg Ll- Service Conneclions:Served: SAMPLE COLLEC■0翼 samplesdleded av: 31a"t S,ntobsa*l -* Shte Lb Codc曲 隧 空 禦 協 The Laboratoγ waS Sentacopy ofttis lan on: 8湾 ‐■∫´よδノ7 Wateruras senta cooy of Sris plan on:_6d - 1{ - Phone* Q.,qr-l.rl,grtf rax#: 4.4f T.{J"rS7A Seasonal ls fie wateroperated seasonallf "YES ∥NO Datesofoperation:Open: Clf-lf-l? Close: 0?"/<l-/T . Systems,which Opente seasondり ,are ttqttred to take an hvesligttve sam口 e面 o「t00pening tc he publico whe鶴 wi∥that samが e beね ken? Date sampled: G 5:-22. I al 7 MAP OF SYSTE離 Have you endosedbLched a map ofhe distibution system showing he source(wdl,Sp再 ngt etc.),stoneね nks, treatnent塾 り両es,dStFibutbn,メ ng,「ouline sampe●Ca10ns,and fol:ow・ up(repeat)ma′∥Yes FI No SAMPLE LOCA70NS the following describes each routine sam$e locatjon, what months tre localion will be sampled, and where hllow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a 'positive" routine samfle. Routtne Sample Loca饉 o■:F●il●I“prrepal縫 鶴ple回 。■:1._菫 立』∠_島 4額1. Desgipl」13Hn: (mulloe sanple localim mne oraddress) gi{, tf 5* (hoe bib, s!* huoet e{c,} Water samples wf,l be colleded from tiris localion during he monhs of (cirde): (ocathn nane oraddress r&sf€am) sln*9 (locatbn name or address dourrrsbeam) 1●針 がQtri 3Fd眈 ゆ鐘 Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Rottne sample Lo劇 oni l.1. {hcalion nannoraddre}(orXlne saryle locatim narc oraddress) Description:2. ihcebe.rfikhuet ets") Water samples will be mllected {rom flris localbn during the mon$s of (cirde): {IocstiN name or address ugsfream) 3. (ocation name or afiress dovrftifrsam) 1載 鐘 2nd Q掟 騨眈 中眈8 ‐Nov. 4. (SOu睦)RoLttne Samole Location: 1. Folittup rrepal samJO麟 嘲臨=1. floceliot name oraddrm)(ouline sample localidl narrE orsddress) Desciplion: 熾熙嘗瀧∵酬medぉ m lhiB lo“おn“薔" & 1誠 Cttr ‐」an. Feb. ‐Ma■ が眈 Apr. May 」un. 4. 3饉 《凛 Jd. Aug. sep. 40(】= oct NOv. Dec. (ocation neme oraddress t+s[Eam) (hcation mnn or address doun&eam) (SOu職} 犠 こ6 S:十 二'1 …響冬 Cι 6手 二な 二1 4ず