HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006647UTAH DEPAnI"ENI oF ENViRONMENTAL、QUAllTY DRINK:NG WATER PC)Box 144830 San Lake City,UT 84114‐4830 Phone:(801)536‐4100 Fax(801)53日 211 EmdL ddwrepoお @utah・ 90V www.d百 nkingwater.utah.9ov BACTERIOLoGICAL SAIIPLE SITE P|SN As pafi of the Revised Total coliform Rule, he location frorn uilridr samples are taken is to be vaded, All water systems are reqi,ir* to maintain a *nenio.aeriologfu sample siling plan. The plan_shovs he bcations of all sample sites from which baderiologkxl tests are taken. sampb-sites are to oe Lbresentative gI all pressure zones and each water source of the o[Guutioi iister. nre sampu prrn ir,orro be revised reluhrly and following any major construdion proiec{ impacting the distribution system. WATER SYSIM iNFORMA■ON Systemtlame: AJo€* La6*,rJ C-m{Sysね m tt UTAHlalBI∥[ll151 Phone#:“ζ '… b~2-1310StreetAddress,Lo?t* A- lzu € MJ∥ng AddЮ ss: SAMPLE COLLEC■ON Samメ eS ttected諄 名ひ「7、 “ ttotヽ ネしくaF・ い。 Name d bbttbり `Zι「 ・ムtrま ぜct lト バ2と ぃ Mai∥ng Addぃ ま | State Lb Cdc革 廻 ∝江 二 PhOne由 旦 曇 LIユ 圭 ジ ■FⅨ疵 The Laboratory was sent a copy of sris plan on: k {V | * Utah DMsion of Waterwas sent a copy of this Seasonal is the water operated seasona∥y? l「]YES Ⅲ0Dates of operation: Open: Systems,which operate seasondり ,are reqttred to take an hvettbaliVe samJe priOr to openhg to the puЫ た。Ⅷhere wi∥that sample be taken? Location Date sampled: MAP OF SYSTEM Have you enclosed\attached a map of he distribution system showing the source (well, spilng, etc.), storage tanks, keatment facilities, disbibution piping, routine SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive' routine sample. Routine Samp!e Locatio嘔 FdOル up(repeatl SamJe Loca額 ons Description:(, * L- (nue.+ (hOSe bb,gnk faucet etc) Water samples w∥be∞∥ected from this localion du∥ng lhe months of(drcle) 1. 仲面m mmpb欧 洒いuno or"dresl 心収 年の゛ιtiし いと (locatbn name oraddress uPstream) \rLtl o,tuw\aLL (location name or address do*rr'sfeam) i+. }A.-XeC\ (source) 2. 1ヨ Qt「 2nd Qtr: 3rd Qt「 4h Qtr: Jan. :ノ イヘpr 」ul. ノOd /'r"0. May I P"s., ,Nov. Mar. /.tun. Sep. fw" Follorruo (reoeatl Sam0le Locations: ?,ch;ct r. frcx-?a@*r,{-*}- (rurtine sample locatidr name or adlress) 哺bハ ーσ」altへ じL (location narc or addrcss utrstream) kk vr 6a.le,.laHe Routine SampL Locatbn: 多cし ヽ (locadon name or Description:1**k- &ccl,f (hOSe bb,曲 kね uCet elc.) Water samples w∥l be co∥ded frOm this i∝泊lon dunng the months of(ci由 〉 lSt Qtr: 2nd Qtr: 3rd Qtr 4h Qtri ヽan Apr. \」ul・ : ,OCt Feし `a■ 導¶ Fdbw・ u●(repeat)Samde Locatton= a. {rce! n Ua".\c.\d-u (localim nanr or ddmss dow+etem) μ、J1●Qtr: 2面 Ql「 3d Qtr 401 Qtr: Routine SamDle Locat:on: 11qZ じ,Description: 00Seblb,Snkね uは etc) Water samples wi∥be collmed輛 Юm this localion duing the months of(cirClel: 職 ■キ 」an. /Apr. 」ul. /Oct. (SOurCe) Rercrt PrePared lY' /ft4'tlder\,r*-l Signature and l日 」el ″″イだ `ヒ `22``″=?⊆ゎしt・ l Daほ 丘並・■ name o「address) レk SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. DesCri師 帆 うい平ぐ畝、ca_ゝ (hOSe昴 ,gnk枷 はelc) Water samples wi∥be∞∥ected from this location dunng the months of(drcle): Followuo {rcpcat} Samplc Locations: , ,tJ ..{.= ! a{ ..;\ a,t'l,r- - (rurline sample localim nane or address) z AJ aqL ava,\a^br\L (location name or addrcss up-sfream) 餞ιンヒ′G′itaし `L __ $ocation name or address down*fream) い面ne Samメ e10mlion nameoraddressl 算、「ぅ午Description: \u\9rcLL5;t^. Y PcL*i cl-\- (hoss bib, Eink faucat, eh') Water samples will be collected from this tocation during the months of (circle): (location name or address upsteam) .月 θへ沢hL「 Des面 山正 ろtWし C♂“Y(hOSe tお ,gnkttuet eし)Water samples wi∥be coleded from this:ocalion dunng the monhs of(dに b) Follo*up (rcpeatl Sample LocationE: ,. I\\r*\ a n',t,\oL\< (roiline sample tocatibn name or address) z. l[..tef, at'r'; \aloLc (localim name or addess up+froam) lSI Qtri Jan. 211d Qlr: /Apr. 3僣 Qtr: JUI. 4h Qlri /10ct. Rouune samp:e Location: 1ま Qtr 2nd Qtr: 3d Qtr 4」l Ql「 / trn. Aor. n;, Oc{. /u*. Jun. ,/ sep. ,Dec. Fd:o静 up irepeat〕Samde Locatton= (..t /tgdr.'(a"b\- (location narc u address doym-sbean) イ磯 ,盟 イ峨: :認:Rou∥ne Samde Loca∥o席 1餞 Qtr: 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtri 401 Qt「:h SAMPLE LOCAT:ONS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampld, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive' routine sample. Routine Sample Location:Fdbw‐up(reDeat〕Samtte Loca∥on緊 2.ルLト キ`CaJtぬ らtん (hOSe bb,Sinklaucet etc.) Water samples wi∥be co∥ectedお m this localion dunng the months of(cirCle) (locatim name or address upstream) lS Qtr 2nd(】E3d Qtri 40(〕『:ヽ」an. ・ Apr ヽ」ul. 1 0ct )駐 《:} 'ヽ dNOV・ :Dec. sample location name or address) namo or r\ab\-L dovrn-sbeam) Rou∥ne Samp:e Location: 1.lη q 2び 、ルマ′θJ (location name or addrcss) Description; Water samples wi∥be co∥ected from this locaton du∥ng the months of(cirClel: Fo∥ow・ up“epeat)Sample Locattons: 1. !ex! qqe'\1U& (muihe sample locatim nane oad&ose) Ner.)- &t)*.lcr.f,1a- $ocatirn nann o addess upsbeam) Nilu"tr &,,)ct" t,.U[+- (localion name or address dowNfream) a. y';\l-ac\. (source) 2. 1'Qtr 2nd Qt「 3rdミ 、 4h Qtr: Jan. :ノ Apr. 」ul. act, / reo. May /Aug. r Nov. Mar. /Jun Sep. /beC ぃい平鐘♂θ=(hOSe bib,Shklbttt etc) Fo∥o‐up rrepeatl sampie LocalionsI l. 鱗 年aO“:ヽ んしuし (mutiB sample localim nane aaddress) 2. fJ o,.u\ A.$&"\,iiVl& e x\w\ a,trx;\e,!i^e, (localirn name a address dom-strtdn) Routhe Samob Location: 1.l侵 り行 こ_ 矢らわDS・ (10CabOn namecaddressl Description:C..,,.-t- f*-eo+ (hose bb, siok faucet dc.) Waier samples will be collected from lhis location during the months of (circle): 1試 Qt「 2nd Qtri 3d Qtr: 4h Qtr: /Jan Feb. : Apr. 〆May 鋼 .ス1 武 cン 」 lSOurCe) SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a'positive' routine sample. うζにいに lhOSe bb,Shkね ucet etc) Water samples w∥be collected from this 10calion dunng the months of(drcle) Routine Samole Location : tQ r<*:'\:'\\.P O\ e'*" ..}-'l ' (localton name or addcss) (location narne or address up-slream) \J'g,o! a,lrrt hU{- Routine Samole Locatbn: r lt c',*,L{s:. !- ...F\q*L^Vol (looalim name o addrcss) 3,*L Q.rcr-L (hOSe ubi shk faucet,etc.) Water samples wi∥be co∥ected iom this iocalon dunng 0,4r.\ a,uct;\abLe (routine mmple location name or address) J["*I alc,;teblL (location name u address uPsfeam) ,[)q.r.I- adct;tobLche months of(drcle〉 lS Qtr Jan. 雷計 /::[ Routine Samole Location: 1. L-n rp.,wt Lara.,.. C;H S.ax,i-,-' (location Mne or a<drcss) I Description: ,vt< . ciA S :un f- e,"'.lcc'l- (rOume samplelomlon n帥 o oradd日 、)蠅ρヵ■^」 どい`k(localim narr or addrcss upstam) 3 k\r-*L ar&t-\obLe @ ら町 1. (hose bb, eink hucat eb.) Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of (cirde): Fo∥ow‐up freDeatl Sample Locations: Description: /tutur. Jun. /sep. , Dec. (location nane or address dourn-steam) 1●Qt「 2nd Qtri 3に Qtri 4h Qtri /,tan.I Apr. /lul. Oct. Description: (locatbn mrm or addtBss dor*sfuoam) fln r >"ad Fdbw・ up lrepeat〕SamJe Loca∥on= 1゛ Qtr 2nd Qt「 3に Qtr 4訥 Qtr: /澪|/JJ・ : 10ct. Feb. /May Aug. /Nov. /Man /sep. Dec. SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow'up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a'positive' routine sample. Routne Samole Locatlon: ,hw"Cwr4o* {;a* ULr*i (localion name u addrcs) 00Se bb,jnkね ucet配)Water samples wi∥be comected from this 10caton dunng the months of(cirCle): 餃tXぞAt,曇―αよ武ユしに (location name u address upsteam) [ocation name or addrcss down-steam) Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of (circle): 盤 /辮41‐燃i(hOSe bb,SnklauoOt elc.) でic去 畑a)し しじ (localion name or address dovn-steam) (SOurCe) Routine Samole Location: - -/- 1. fuvtrfucu**9 (locatilm name or address) 1.___三 二 重 ■土 =婆 =全 二 L型 峯 望 隼 =___ Desc∥師0正 ¨鰺られい (location name or address up-sbeam) Water samples wi∥be collected from this localon dunng the months of(cirCle〉 (location name or address dom-sfmm) (hOSe bb,gnk fau∞t etc) Report Prepared by: Signature and Titld Daじ 立 Fdbwoup lrepeat)SamJe Locattons Description: 1獣 QL ヽR 2nd Qに :Apr. 3rd Qtr `ヽ」ul. 401 Qt「: :Oct. Feb. ¬ay Aug. Nov.ヽ p・ Dec ,-V Vaotx. ヽ Roulne Sample Loca∥on:Fdbw・ up lrepeaO Sampに Locattons: Description: 1餃 Qtr: 2nd Qtr 3“Qtr 4h Qtri Fdbw・ up freDeat)Samde Loca∥on収 Feb_ ′Mar. ′May .Jun.AuO /Sep ′Nov. :Dec. SAMPLE LOCAT:ONS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be hken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. ・摯鳴縣癬qttQ蛉 ‐雌ヘ addFeSS) もじ斗aも 藁 S,oL- Q.u.-+ (mutine sample location name u address) f.rgl'tw Lu-q- 00seub,snk伽 は山〕 Water samples wi∥be∞∥ecled ttЮ m llls localion dunng the monhs of(drde) (location nane u address upsteam) (rouline sample locatio name or address) ?***o, 9r'n F 00Se Ыb,Snkね u軌 に)Water samples win be cOllected from this:oCaton du∥ng the months of(drcle): (locatkm name or addross utrstoam) I){."^l a.q at\at'k_ ●OSe bbi gnk hu醜 etC→ Waler samples w∥be co∥ected from this localion du∥ng the months of(drcle) (localbfl nare or addrcss dovrn-sfre8m) IJan。 ノFeb. 1/い r. : May l Jd・ /攣 ・ 4. A/,. XCC\ (routine samplo location name or address)||Folbttup〔repean Sample Loca∥ons 驚 `墨 1紋 Qtr: 2nd Qtr: 3●Qtr 4ul Qtr (hcation nare or address dorn-sbeam) Rou∥ne Sample Loca∥on:Fdbw・ uD(reDeat〕Sampに Loca∥Ons 3. 11 (10CatOn name or address down‐strem) Feb. /Mar. 郵4 Rouune sample Location: Description:1, nY l-artc<-l lSI Qtr: 2nd Qtr: 3“Qtri 4h Qtri Fdbw・ up frepeat〕Samde Localon= kゝ Qン ト久vば しЪL