HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006644State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Gο ν `″ ″ο″ SPENCERJ COX ι′ `″ た″α″′(]0ッ `′ ″ο′ Department of Environmental Quality AIan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Marie E Owens. P.E. Direclor October 30,2017 Gary Larsen Nlillville City 5H E300S Millville,UT 84326 SutteCt:RTCR Sarnple Site Plan Approval for Millville City UTAH03012 Dear Mr/Ms.Larsen: The cllrrent RTCR sample site plan for UTAH03012 is approved as submittcd to thc I)ivision of Drinking Water.If you have any questions or changes that necd to bc rnadc please feel free to contact me江 (801)536-4150 or Pkeersの utah.gov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 Wcsto Salt Lake City,UT Mailing Addrcssi P O Box 144830。Salt Lakc City,UT 84114‐4830 Tclcphonc(801)536‐4200・ Fax(801)5364211・ TDD(801)536‐4414 ″″″J″ク″′α力″ッ Printcd on 10000 rccyclcd paper "∥L巨D PO Box 144830 Sal Lake Cty,UT 841144830 Phonα o01)536-“00 Faκ 601)536-4囲1=:二 :l ill::″メ■|:● ●1:∵,ft●:ヽ ,|,1111, D費 INKlNG WATER υ『:「lKing vvater Email:ddwrelo威 sOutah.9ov ―.drlnkingwater.utah.9ov BACTER10LOGiCAL SAMPLE SiTE PLAN q_各 Ot‐■ As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is lo be varied. All water systems are required to maintain a curreni bacteriological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which bacteriological tests are taken. SamplJsites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each water source of the diskibution system. The sample plan should be revised regularly and following any major mnstruction project impacting the distribution system. 誅 WA丁 [IR‐SYSTEM INFORMA丁 10N System Name: 針ЮdAddЮ ss KIら Fさ Ъ00も 、 MJ∥ng Addttss'、0、も。まЪOR 91亀 ab ion Served: 2 crDo System#:UTAHplblldill回 Phone#:■て`ヽ■ヽOヽ Oq2J SAMPLEICOLLECT10N Samples collected by: Name of Laboratory: Malm9 Address t%Eヽ き,900 kliギ ヽ Loα 饂 併i34■21 State Lab Codei l■■■ヽゞ Phone#:為 6ゞ ―¬q2-し ゞ92 Fax#: The Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan on: <1 - 2O - \1 Utah Division of Drinkrnq Water was sent a copy of this plan on:ヽ■0-1 Seasonal ls the water operated seasonally?珈0 Dates of operation: Open:Close: Systems, which operate seasonally, are required to take an investigative sa ing to the public. Where will that sample be taken? Location MAP OFiSYSIEM Have you enclosedヽ atlached a map ofthe dist百 bulon system showing the source(well, treatment facilities, distribution piping, routine RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2017 Drinking Water SEP 22 SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive' routine sample. Roulne Samp:e Localon:Fo!:ow・ up(repeat)Sample Localons: 1.い ぃ。ヽ 1.S OOヰ (routine sample location name or addres) 4jo N. /o() l:,Description: Water samples will be collecied from this location during べt (location name or address up-sbeam) o N. ,i,oE- the months of(clrCle): ‐Φ・ ‐‐tj。「:Feb` :May :Augi lNov. :MaF I」un ,Sepl :Dec 00CajOn name or address down‐stream) |:Apr. :~::」ul:| :‐ ・・10ct (hose bib, sink faucet etc.) Routine Samp:e Localon:Fo:low・ up(repeati Sample Localons: 1.1. (location name or address)(routine sample location name or address) Description: (hOSe Ыb′Jnk faucet etc) Waler samples wi∥be co∥ecled from this localon dunng the months of(cirCle)i (location name or addres up-steam) (location name or addres down-stream) lSt Qt■ | : 2nd Qt「 | 31d Qt「 | | 4th Qtri l 1」an.:Feb l May :Aug‐ ,Nov :Apr. :」J. 1 0ct (source) Routine Sample Localon:Fo!low・ up(repeat)Sample Localons: 1.1. (location name or address)(routine sample location name or address) Description: (location name or address up-stream)(hose bib, sink faucet, etc.) t Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of(cirCle): ■11110●:|||■|IⅢ 2nd Qt「 ::Apr. (location name or address down-stream) 1‐Feb. :May lハ ug: :Nov43111Qtr 4h Qtr Jul. Oct (source)