HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006635State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Gο ッ `″ ο′ SPENCERJ COX ιた27′σ″α″′GOッ ι′″ο″ Departrnent of Environmental Quality Alan Mathcson Exeω rrvι D′″ε′ο″ DIVIS10N OF DRINKINGヽ VATER Maric E Owcns,PE D1/aο ′ο″ October 19,2017 John Pitcher Cornish Town Water System 4788 W 14300 N Cornish, UT 84308 Subject: RTCR Sample Site Plan Approval for Cornish Town Water UTAH03005 Dear lИ r/ⅣIs.Cobum: Thc cllrrent RTCR sample site plan for UTAH03005 is approved as submitted to the Division of Drinking Watcr.If you have any questiOns or changcs that need to be rnade please feel free to contact me at(801)536-4150 or Pkcersの utah:2Ωv Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950ヽ Vcst・ Salt Lよ c Ciり ,UT Mailing Addrcss:P O Box 144830。Salt Lよ c Ciり ,UT 84114‐4830 Tclcphonc(801)5364200・ Fax(801)536‐4211・ TDD (801)5364414 ″″″J″″ン′α力gο ν Printed on 100°O recycled papcr DR:NK:NG WATER PO Box 144830 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 Phone: (801) 536-4100 Fax: (801) 536-421'1 Email : ddwreports@utah.gov www,drinkingwater.utah,gov BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SITE PLAN As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is to be varied. All water systems are required to maintain a current bacteriological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which bacteriological iests are taken. Sample sites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each waler source of the distribution system. The sample plan should be revised regularly and following any major construction proiect impacting the distribution system. 五 ク kb≦ |ハo ゝ `=` WATER SYSTEM INFORMAT10N System \lgrng comlsh rown System#:∪TAHIo11311111。|卜 〕 Phone#: 435‐754・ 3067Street Addressi 14300 N 4800 W Mailing Address: 4788 w 14300 N Emall:cornlshtownha∥Ogma∥∞mService Connectrons:Served: SAMPLE COLLECT10N samples collected by: John pver Pitcher Name of Laboratory:Bear River Health Oepartmsnt Malling Address: State Lab Codel 85 East 1800 North North Logan,utah 84341 PhOne #: 43s-7e2.6s82 Fax #: The Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan s1' et27tn17 Utah Division of Drinkinq Water was sent a copy of this plan on'.0et27t2017 Seasonal ls the water operated seasonally?[l YES 〔7〕NO Dates of operation: Open:Close: Systems, which operale seasonally, are required to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the public, Where will that sample be taken? Location Date sampled: MAP OF SYSTEM Have you enclosed\attached a map of the dislribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks, treatment facilities, dislribution piping, routine sample locations, and SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Water samples wi∥be co∥ected from this bcalon du∥ng 3.13458N4500W ,he monthミ nf rrirrl。、ヽthe months of (circle): Rou∥ne Sample Lccalo■:1 12200N5600W (location name or address) Description: -Outside Faucet (hOSe bib,Sink laucet,etc) 1"Qtr /」an. ‐ Feb. Mar. 2nd Qtr /Apr May Jun 4. 3rd Qtr /Jul. Aug Sep. 4th Qtr /Oct、 Nov. Dec. Fol!ow・ up〔repeat)Sample Loca∥ons: 1 12200N5600W (rOulne sam口 e5caじ 。n name oraddress) 2. 14300N4800W (location name or addres ulstream) (location name or address dorrn-stream) lsource) Rou∥ne Sample Loca∥on: 1 13458N4500W (location namo or address) Description: Sink Faucet (hOSe bib,Sink faucel,etc) lSI Qtr 」an. Feb. /Mar. 2nd Qt「 Apr. May l/Jun, 4. 3rd Qtr Jul Aug. /Sep. 4h Qt「 Oct Nov /Dec Follow・ up(repeat)Sample Localons: 1 12200N5600W (routine sample localion name or address) 2. 14000N4800W (location name or address up-stream) (location name or address dorrn-stream) lsource) Water samples will be collecled kom this location durinq the mnnthc nf /rirnta\. - 3. 13459 N 4500 Wthe months of (circle): Routine Sample Loca∥oni l. 14300N4800W (location name or address) Description: Outsidefaucet (hOSe bib.Sink laucet,etc) lSI Qtr 」an /Feb Mar 2nd Qtr Apr /May Jun 4. 3rd Qtr 」u1 /Aug sep 40 Qt● Oct. /Nov. Dec Folbw・ uo(repeat)Samde Localons: 1. 12200N5600W (rOuttne sampに bcauon name Or address) 2. 14300N4800W (location name or address up-strsam) (location name or address do$rn-stream) (source) Water sam口 eS Wi∥be colttcted from thも bcalon dunng 3.13458N4500W ,ho mnnthc nfrrir.1。、.the months of (circle): Report Prepared by: Signature and Title: Mishetl Gundersen ´で響 、C・ は :。9/27/2“7 1淑|踊