HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-011270
195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4840
Telephone (801) 536-4100 Fax (801) 359-8853 T.D.D. (801) 536-4284
Printed on 100% recycled paper
State of Utah
Lieutenant Governor
Department of
Environmental Quality
Kimberly D. Shelley
Executive Director
Brent H. Everett
October 9, 2024
Ryan Dunham
Site Assessment Manager
U.S. EPA Region 8, 8SEM-EM
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, Colorado 80202-1129
RE: State Painting Analytical Results Report
Dear Mr. Dunham:
Enclosed for your review is the Analytical Results Report (ARR) for State Painting (SEMS
ID# UTN000820797), located in West Valley City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The ARR focuses on
sampling performed on the West Valley City wetlands property (herein referred to as the Site),
located west and north-adjacent to the State Painting property.
A Removal Action was conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Emergency Removal Branch in May 2018 at the State Painting residential property located at
6594 Parkway Boulevard, West Valley City, Salt Lake County Utah. Removal activities included
collecting surface water and sediment samples from a stormwater retention pond at the Site.
Analytical results for metals in the surface water were as high as 757 micrograms per liter (µg/L)
for total arsenic and 764 µg/L for dissolved arsenic. Samples collected from sediment were as high
as 76.3 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). The Division of Environmental Response and
Remediation (DERR) developed a Site Inspection Work Plan in 2023 to evaluate unknowns
concerning potential off-Site contributors to contamination, the extent of arsenic contamination, and
the risk of exposure to human and environmental health.
Results from the DERR sampling in August 2023 indicate elevated arsenic concentrations
in surface water from two locations in the stormwater retention pond; one with concentrations of
390 g/L and 370 g/L for total and dissolved arsenic, respectively, and the other with
concentrations of 470 g/L and 450 g/L, respectively. The dissolved concentrations exceed the
Utah Standards of Quality for Waters criteria for aquatic wildlife for both acute (340 g/L; 1-hour
average) and chronic (150 g/L; 4-day average) parameters, and are significantly higher than the
Page 2
background concentration of 13 g/L. The corresponding arsenic concentrations in the sediment
were 44 and 43 mg/kg, which exceeds the Los Alamos National Laboratory Low Effect Ecological
Screening Level of 33 mg/kg for aquatic community organisms, and significantly exceeds the
background concentration of 5.8 mg/kg. Additional surface water and sediment samples from the
same locations were analyzed for inorganic arsenic, and the data indicates the presence of mainly
inorganic arsenic, which is more toxic than organic forms. Soil samples throughout the Site
contained relatively low arsenic concentrations, slightly exceeding the Regional Screening Level of
3 mg/kg for Industrial Soil (including the background concentration of 5.1 mg/kg), but this is not
uncommon for Utah soils.
The stormwater retention pond appears to be the only surface water body sampled at the Site
that exhibits significantly elevated concentrations of arsenic above relevant screening levels in both
the surface water and sediment, and the risk of contaminant migration to other areas is low. The
likely source of contamination is from arsenic-containing urban and rural stormwater runoff that
has been transported to the pond and accumulated over time. Although there is a potential risk of
human exposure at the stormwater retention pond, West Valley City will implement measures to
ensure public access in this area is limited. Further investigations under CERCLA are not warranted
at this time; therefore, the DERR recommends a designation of No Further Remedial Action
Planned for the Site.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (385) 391-8150, or via email at
Robin J. Keeler, Project Manager
Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
Enclosure: Analytical Results Report
ecc: Dorothy Adams, Executive Director, Salt Lake County Health Department
Ron Lund, Environmental Health Director, Salt Lake County Health Department
State Painting
Salt Lake County, Utah
May 2024
Prepared by:
Robin J. Keeler
Project Manager
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
State Painting
Salt Lake County, Utah
Approved: Date:
Robin J. Keeler, DERR Project Manager
Approved: Date:
Thomas Daniels, DERR Site Assessment Section Manager
Approved: Date:
Ryan Dunham, Site Assessment Manager, EPA Region 8
1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 2
4.0 SITE HISTORY ...................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Previous Investigations: State Painting ................................................................................. 3
5.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Sampling Methods ................................................................................................................. 7
6.0 DEVIATIONS FROM THE WORK PLAN ........................................................................ 9
7.0 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION ...................................................................................... 11
7.1 Waste Sample Locations ..................................................................................................... 12
7.2 Waste/Source Data Assessment ........................................................................................... 12
8.0 GROUNDWATER PATHWAY .......................................................................................... 13
8.1 Hydrogeology ...................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 Groundwater Targets and Conclusions................................................................................ 14
9.0 SURFACE WATER PATHWAY ........................................................................................ 16
9.1 Hydrology ............................................................................................................................ 16
9.2 Surface Water Targets ......................................................................................................... 17
9.3 Surface Water and Sediment Sample Locations .................................................................. 18
9.4 Surface Water and Sediment Analytical Results ................................................................. 18
9.4.1 Surface Water Results .................................................................................................. 18
9.4.2 Sediment Results .......................................................................................................... 19
9.5 Surface Water and Sediment Conclusions ........................................................................... 21
10.0 SOIL EXPOSURE PATHWAY ........................................................................................ 22
10.1 Geology ............................................................................................................................. 22
10.2 Soil Targets ........................................................................................................................ 22
10.3 XRF Soil Screenings and Soil Sample Locations ............................................................. 23
10.4 XRF Soil Screening Results and Soil Analytical Results.................................................. 23
10.5 Soil Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 24
11.0 AIR PATHWAY ................................................................................................................. 24
11.1 Meteorology and Air Pathway Background ...................................................................... 24
11.2 Air Pathway Targets and Conclusions............................................................................... 25
12.0 DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENT ................................................ 25
13.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 27
14.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 1. Site Location Map
Figure 2. Site Features Map
Figure 3. Sample Locations Map
Figure 4. XRF Locations Map
Figure 5. 12-Mile Downstream Surface Water Pathway
Table 1. Surface water and sediment analytical results for arsenic from the
stormwater retention pond, May 31, 2018
Table 2. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC)
significant sample results collected from the State Painting property,
March 28, 2018
Table 3. Soil sample analytical results for arsenic, chromium-6, and total chromium
from the State Painting Removal site, May 10, 2018
Table 4. Surface Water Analytical Results, August 2023
Table 5. Sediment Analytical Results, August 2023
Table 6. Surface Soil Analytical Results, August 2023
Table 7. Sample Locations, Descriptions, and Rationale
Table 8. XRF Arsenic Readings, August 2023
Table 9. Data Quality Objectives
Appendix A: Site Inspection Work Plan Field Activities Report
Appendix B: Field Data Entry, August 2023
Appendix C: Consent for Access to Property
Appendix D: Chain-of-Custody Records
Appendix E: Wetlands Park Draft Master Plan
Appendix F: Tetra Tech Data Validation Report
Appendix G: XRF Raw Data
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Under authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (CERCLA) of 1980, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986,
in accordance with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
(NCP), and through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Region 8, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of
Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), has prepared this Site Inspection Analytical
Results Report (ARR) for State Painting (EPA SEMS ID# UTN000820797), located at 6594
Parkway Boulevard in West Valley City, Salt Lake County, Utah. This ARR presents data on the
sampling performed on the West Valley City (WVC) wetlands property (herein referred to as the
“Site”), located west and north-adjacent to the State Painting property.
A DERR Site Inspection Work Plan (SIWP) was initiated after arsenic contamination was
discovered in a stormwater retention pond at the Site during an EPA Removal Action on the
State Painting property in May 2018. The Removal Action included removing and disposing of
spent blast material containing chromium and hexavalent chromium that was spread across the
property, several drums containing sandblasted lead-based paint, and other numerous containers
and drums consisting of hazardous substances that posed a risk to nearby residences and the
wetlands to the west and north of the property. During removal activities, surface water and
sediment samples were collected from the stormwater retention pond to analyze for total and
dissolved metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and semi-volatile organic compounds
(SVOCs). The analytical results for metals indicated elevated arsenic concentrations in the
surface water as high as 757 micrograms per liter (µg/L) for total arsenic and 764 µg/L for
dissolved arsenic (Table 1; Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate; MS/MSD). Arsenic
concentrations in sediment samples ranged from 68.6–76.3 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)
(Table 1).
This ARR presents new analytical data from sampling at the Site in August 2023, summarizes
pertinent results, discusses potentially hazardous conditions, describes data gaps, and determines
if further work under CERCLA is warranted at the Site.
The primary objective of the sampling performed at the Site was to determine the current status
and extent of arsenic contamination that could potentially pose a risk to human health and the
environment. The objectives of the sampling associated with this ARR were to:
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
• Evaluate arsenic concentrations in the surface water and sediment from the stormwater
retention pond, and characterize the main form of arsenic;
• Evaluate arsenic concentrations in the surface soil and additional surface waters and
sediments at the Site;
• Evaluate the potential sources of arsenic contamination and determine if arsenic
contamination from the stormwater retention pond is migrating or has the potential to
migrate off-site via the surface water and overland flow;
• Evaluate human health and environmental exposure routes and determine exposure risks
for surface water, soil exposure, and air pathways; and,
• Determine if continued assessment under CERCLA or another appropriate authority is
The Site is situated in the northwest corner of WVC in Salt Lake County, Utah, at approximately
40° 42' 38" North Latitude and -112° 02' 59" West Longitude (Esri Inc. 2022; Figure 1). The
WVC Parks and Recreation maintenance building is located on the Site at 2729 South 6750 West
(Figure 2). The Site consists of approximately 83 acres of wetlands composed of perennial and
ephemeral ponds owned by WVC, immediately west and north (downgradient) from the State
Painting property (Figure 2). A large portion of the wetlands is zoned as low-density residential
and limited agricultural uses (Salt Lake County Assessor n.d.). The stormwater retention pond is
a natural pond of approximately 3.3 acres and is used for flood control; however, it’s a playa and
dry most of the year, consisting of a salt residue layer that doesn’t allow for plant growth (WVC
Parks and Recreation, phone communication, June 8, 2022).
One ranch-style home is located on the west side of 6750 West across from the Parks and
Recreation building, and another home resides on the northwest corner of 6750 West and
Parkway Boulevard. The Magna Water Treatment Plant is located at the northern end of 6750
West on a no-through road, and two Magna City well fields are located to the west (Barton) and
east (Haynes) of the Site (Figure 2). The surrounding area consists of mixed rural, residential,
and commercial land. Small farms and older homes predominate the north side of Parkway
Boulevard near the Site, and a newer subdivision is located on the south side of Parkway
Boulevard. The Riter Canal and several commercial warehouses are located near the Site’s north
property boundary.
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Historical satellite imagery shows nearly no changes in the WVC 83-acre property since 1997
(Google Earth Pro n.d.). The land was historically used for agriculture and was acquired by
WVC Parks and Recreation in 2019. Prior to 2019, it was owned by the WVC Public Works
Department since 2000, but some parcels of the property were acquired over time during 2002,
2010, and 2013 (WVC Public Works, email communication, December 20, 2022). The Magna
Water Treatment Plant was built in 2008 and the WVC Parks and Recreation maintenance
building was built in 2019 (Google Earth Pro n.d.; Salt Lake County Assessor n.d.). Two
residential homes located on 6750 West were built in 1949 and 1951, and the development of the
subdivision south of Parkway Boulevard began in 2005 (Google Earth Pro n.d.; Salt Lake
County Assessor n.d.). The DERR was notified by WVC that construction on the property for a
public park will begin in the spring of 2024 and will include pavilions, walking trails, restrooms,
a learning barn, an equestrian arena, a 9-hole disc golf course, and other attractions.
4.1 Previous Investigations: State Painting
In July 2016, the independent contractor, State Painting, contracted with the Jordan Valley Water
Conservancy District (JVWCD) to perform tank painting and repair work that included the
removal of lead-based paint from the exterior of a one million-gallon steel water tank. All
abrasive and other associated waste material used for the paint removal was collected and stored
in six 55-gallon drums. The engineering firm Infinity Corrosion Group, Inc. (ICG) was hired by
JVWCD to act as Project Engineer and oversee State Painting’s work.
The UDEQ Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) received a call
from ICG on December 15, 2016, stating that six waste drums containing spent blast media and
lead-based paint from a JVWCD work site were improperly managed by State Painting. ICG
explained they instructed State Painting not to remove the six drums of waste from the work site
until they collected samples and received the laboratory analytical results for Toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for lead. State Painting informed ICG that two
samples were collected and submitted to American West Analytical Laboratories in November
2016; however, ICG discovered that State Painting removed the six drums from the work site
and transferred them to the State Painting property without receiving the laboratory results first.
The following outline of events were discussed in the SIWP (DERR 2023a) and are summarized
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
• On December 2, 2016, ICG collected six samples from the six waste drums at the State
Painting property due to not receiving analytical results from the laboratory that State
Painting submitted samples to previously.
• Laboratory records indicate the samples previously collected by State Painting were not
received by the laboratory until December 9. The analytical results for the two samples
collected indicated the TCLP for lead was below the regulatory level of 5 mg/L;
however, it was not known where the samples were taken from, and there was no
documentation on the Chain-of-Custody (COC) form for the date the samples were taken,
and may or may not have been received within the method-specific holding time
(DWMRC 2017a).
• On December 16, 2016, ICG submitted the samples they collected on December 2 to
American West Analytical Laboratories for TCLP lead analysis.
• On December 21, 2016, the DWMRC and Salt Lake County Health Department visited
the State Painting property. The DWMRC noted drums and buckets of unknown material
were stored in several outbuildings and trailers, and the six waste drums that were
removed from the work site were stored on a flatbed trailer. The resident reported her
son, the owner of State Painting, buried buckets and other materials behind her house and
disposed of toluene along the north end of the property. Additionally, she stated her son
spread spent blast media (Green Diamond grit) from the work performed on the interior
of the JVWCD water tanks onto their property to fill in low areas. The DWMRC
inspectors collected two samples of the spent blast media and one waste sample each
from three of the six drums for TCLP lead analysis.
• On December 28, 2016, ICG received the analytical results from samples collected on
December 16. Results indicated three of the six samples exceeded the TCLP regulatory
level of 5 mg/L for lead and therefore were characterized as hazardous waste. (DWMRC
• The analytical results from the samples collected by the DWMRC on December 21
indicated two of the three drums failed the TCLP for lead and therefore were
characterized as hazardous waste.
• The DWMRC issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) to State Painting on April 12, 2017,
outlining failure to obtain an EPA identification number from the Director prior to
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
transporting and storing hazardous waste, transporting hazardous waste without a
manifest, and disposing of solid waste without a permit (DWMRC 2017b).
• The DWMRC issued a NOV to JVWCD on September 22, 2017, which included an order
for JVWCD to develop a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for the State Painting
• The DWMRC reviewed the SAP prepared by Environmental Resource Management
(ERM) on behalf of JVWCD and it was finalized on March 15, 2018. The SAP aimed to
assess if contaminants within the ground media and one drum containing unknown
material were potentially hazardous, if concentrations exceeded the EPA Regional
Screening Levels (RSLs) for Resident Soil, and if there was a potential for groundwater
• On March 28, 2018, the DWMRC and ERM collected soil samples from the State
Painting property. The samples were analyzed for total metals, TCLP for metals,
hexavalent chromium (chromium-6), SVOCs, and VOCs. Analytical results showed all
chromium-6 concentrations (0.64–59.94 mg/kg) exceeded both the RSL for Resident Soil
and Dilution Attenuation Factor (DAF)-20 groundwater protection value, and total
chromium (171–1,560 mg/kg) was significantly elevated compared to chromium-6
concentrations in all samples (Table 2). Metals did not exceed TCLP values; however, it
was noted several metals were leachable, and other elevated concentrations of arsenic,
benzyl alcohol, cobalt, lead, and nickel exceeded either the RSL for Resident Soil, the
DAF-20, or both (Table 2). Several SVOCs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were
detected at low concentrations. Three waste samples were analyzed for VOCs but were
not detected above the reporting limit.
• Based on the analytical results, the DWMRC recommended further evaluation through
the EPA Emergency Removal Branch. The EPA On-Scene Coordinator and Superfund
Technical Assessment and Response Team (START) contractor, Weston Solutions,
mobilized to the State Painting property on May 9, 2018.
• On May 10, 2018, Weston Solutions collected a background soil sample and several soil
samples containing the spent blast media from the property. Analytical results showed
total chromium concentrations ranged from 2,130 mg/kg to 2,460 mg/kg, which was
approximately 100 times greater than the background concentration of 19.9 mg/kg
detected in a sample from an in-home daycare property located across the street (Table
3). Chromium-6 concentrations ranged from 0.847 mg/kg to 1.41 mg/kg, which exceeded
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
the Resident Soil RSL of 0.3 mg/kg (Table 3). Arsenic concentrations exceeded the
Resident Soil RSL of 0.68 mg/kg but were not notably high except for one concentration
of 18.5 mg/kg; the background concentration was 9.9 mg/kg (Table 3).
• On May 31, 2018, Weston Solutions collected surface water and sediment samples from
the WVC stormwater retention pond located along the western perimeter of the State
Painting property, and the samples were analyzed for total and dissolved metals, VOCs,
and SVOCs. Three surface water samples (including one field duplicate) detected total
arsenic at concentrations of 666 µg/L, 743 µg/L, and 703 µg/L, and the MS/MSD for
total arsenic was 757 µg/L (Table 1). Dissolved arsenic was detected at concentrations of
662 µg/L, 709 µg/L, and 701 µg/L; the MS/MSD for dissolved arsenic was 764 µg/L
(Table 1). Arsenic concentrations for three corresponding sediment samples were
detected at 74.3 mg/kg, 76.3 mg/kg, and 68.6 mg/kg; the MS/MSD was 74.3 mg/kg
(Table 1).
• On June 3, 2018, the EPA signed an Action Memorandum to initiate a cleanup of the
State Painting property. The cleanup involved the excavation and disposal of
contaminated soil as well as the collection and disposal of abandoned containers and
• Following the EPA cleanup, the DERR collected confirmation soil samples from three
different areas of the property on June 13, 2018. Each soil sample was a composite of
five aliquots taken at a depth of six inches or less below ground surface (bgs) and was
analyzed for total metals. Chromium concentrations in zones 1–3 were 0.044 mg/kg, 0.16
mg/kg, and 0.015 mg/kg, respectively; lead concentrations in zones 1–3 were 0.04 mg/kg,
0.033 mg/kg, and 0.033 mg/kg, respectively; and arsenic concentrations in zones 1–3
were 0.0094 mg/kg, 0.0092 mg/kg, and 0.0095 mg/kg, respectively. The results
confirmed there were no exceedances above the EPA RSLs based on a target cancer risk
of 10-6 and a target hazard quotient of 0.1 (DERR 2018).
• EPA contractors and equipment were demobilized, and the abandoned drums and
containers consisting of hazardous materials were shipped to an appropriate facility for
disposal in July 2018. Since the source of the arsenic found in the WVC stormwater
retention pond was unknown, the EPA recommended a follow-up investigation by the
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
7 State Painting – UTN000820797
Sampling was conducted at the Site on August 7, 9, 10, and 14, 2023. Sample locations are
shown in Figure 3 and XRF locations are shown in Figure 4. Field activities are summarized
•Due to the short window of available surface water, six surface water samples and four
sediment samples were collected at the stormwater retention pond first on August 7
(Tables 4, 5). The surface water samples included two samples for total metals, two
samples for dissolved metals, and two samples for inorganic arsenic analysis.
•Thirty in-situ soil scans for heavy metals were performed throughout the WVC property
with a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) unit on August 9.
•Sixteen surface water samples (eight samples for total metals and eight samples for
dissolved metals), eight sediment samples, and two soil samples were collected on
August 10 (Tables 4, 5, 6).
•Two surface water samples (one sample for total metals and one sample for dissolved
metals), one sediment sample, and three soil samples were collected on August 14
(Tables 4, 5, 6).
Field activities were coordinated by DERR Project Manager Robin Keeler and are documented
in the Site Inspection Work Plan Field Activities Report (Appendix A). Photographs and GPS
coordinates were taken at each sample location. All field data was entered into a Survey123
electronic form and documented on field data sheets as a backup (Appendix B). Consent for
access to properties owned by West Valley City was obtained from the City Manager prior to
field activities (Appendix C). COC forms and sample documentation were prepared using Scribe
software for samples shipped to the EPA’s contract laboratory, and a separate COC form and
sample labels for samples analyzed for inorganic arsenic were provided by Eurofins
Environment Testing Northwest (Eurofins Seattle). COC records are provided in Appendix D.
5.1 Sampling Methods
Water quality measurements were performed in the field with a Horiba U-50 multi-parameter
water quality meter at surface water sample locations on August 7 and 10, 2023. The Horiba was
auto-calibrated using a pH buffer standard 4.01 solution at the office prior to leaving for field
sampling. The Horiba, cap, and collection cup were rinsed with a spray bottle of deionized water
after measurements were performed at each water body.
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Surface water samples were collected 0–2 inches below surface water using a Masterflex® L/S®
peristaltic pump portable sampler. A short piece of 3/16” inner diameter by 3/8” outer diameter
silicone tubing was inserted into the pump head, and a .17” inner diameter by 1/4” outer diameter
polyethylene tubing was inserted into the ends of the silicone tubing. One end of the
polyethylene tubing was affixed to a garden rake with zip ties and was extended out into shallow
water to avoid sediment disturbance with our feet while collecting the water. The other end of
the tubing was used to collect water directly into 500 and 250-milliliter (mL) TraceClean® high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) sample bottles. Water was purged for approximately 30 seconds
before filling the sample bottles. After samples were collected for total metals, the polyethylene
tubing was removed from the end where water was collected and a disposable filter was inserted
into the silicone tubing to collect for dissolved metals.
Five mL of nitric acid was added to the samples after collection for preservation except for the
sample bottles for inorganic arsenic analysis, which were prefilled with hydrochloric acid for
preservation. All samples were labeled and placed in an ice cooler after collection. A water depth
measurement was taken with a water level gauge where water was collected and recorded on
field data sheets. All tubing, disposable gloves, and filters were disposed of in a garbage bag and
replaced for each different sample location to avoid cross-contamination.
Sediment samples were collected with stainless steel spoons 0–2 inches bgs where surface water
samples were collected except where sediment couldn’t be reached or was obstructed by sticks,
then it was collected at the banks. Small sticks and vegetation that were easily visible were
removed before placing the sediment in 8 oz. glass sample jars. Sediment samples collected for
inorganic arsenic analysis were placed in 4 oz. polypropylene bottles. All samples were labeled
and placed in an ice cooler after collection. Disposable gloves and spoons were replaced at each
different sample location to avoid cross-contamination.
Field screening with a Thermo ScientificTM NitonTM XL2 Goldd XRF Analyzer was used to
determine potential “hot spots” of elevated arsenic around the Site prior to collecting soil
samples (Figure 4). Locations were screened in areas near future walking trails and attractions
once the property is developed into a park according to the draft Master Plan provided by WVC
(Appendix E). Prior to scanning surface soil, two system checks and a standard test using a sand
matrix spiked with a known concentration of metals including arsenic were performed each time
the unit was turned on and after 20 shots. Surface soil was cleared of grass and small rocks prior
to being scanned, and the XRF trigger was held for a maximum duration of 120 seconds per
scan. All XRF locations were assigned a shot number, marked with pin flags, and photographs
and GPS coordinates were taken.
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
In order to determine sample locations for lab correlation, XRF results were sorted into low,
medium, and high range values from 30 XRF readings, and five locations were randomly
selected using the Microsoft Excel random number generator function. The background soil
sample was previously determined to be collected from the south side of Parkway Boulevard
near a residential area west of a drainage channel (SP-SO-05; Figure 3). Soil samples were taken
at a depth of 0–2 inches bgs using stainless steel spoons and placed into resealable clear plastic
storage bags labeled for identification. The storage bags served as a temporary container until the
soil was later sieved, returned to the bag, and scanned three times in the bag with the XRF to
obtain an average reading; then the sample was transferred into 8 oz. glass jars. Disposable
gloves and spoons were replaced at each unique sample location to avoid cross-contamination.
All samples were placed in a dry cooler after collection.
Deviations from the SIWP (DERR 2023a) are outlined below. These changes did not alter the
ability of this ARR to sufficiently describe conditions at the Site.
• The SIWP stated 12 surface water samples plus one field duplicate would be collected,
but it was later realized that the dissolved water samples were not accounted for and
needed their own sample ID number; the SIWP did not provide ID numbers for dissolved
surface water samples. All dissolved surface water samples were labeled with the same
assigned ID as total metals followed by “-DSLVD.”
• The dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality readings on the Horiba U-50 were not recorded
on data sheets for the surface water sample locations due to a torn membrane cap for the
DO sensor. A phone conversation with a Horiba representative confirmed this would not
affect other water quality parameters. Additionally, the water temperature sensor was not
manually calibrated prior to fieldwork, and the recorded values may have some degree of
• When arriving at the Site on August 7, the original sampling location for SP -SW-05, SP-
SW-05-DSLVD, SP-SE-05, SP-SW-06, and SP-SE-06 was dried up. The location for
these samples was moved approximately 300 feet southwest where there was enough
water to sample.
• The SIWP stated XRF readings would be taken from approximately 40 locations within
the WVC property, however, it was determined in the field that 30 locations were a
sufficient representation.
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
• Tables 5, 6, and 7 in the SIWP identifies SP-SO-02 as the MS/MSD, however, the
MS/MSD was incidentally taken with SP-SO-01 instead of SP-SO-02.
• The sediment samples for SP-SE-11 and SP-SE-12 could not be collected at the same
location as the corresponding surface water samples due to the bank and bottom of where
the water was being collected being covered with boulders. Therefore, the sediment
samples were taken approximately 20 feet upstream from the surface water location along
the bank.
• Sampling events were originally anticipated to take two days to complete but were
completed in four separate events. Only a couple of hours of field crew help were
available for the first sampling event, and the XRF scanning throughout the WVC
property took a full day to complete. Due to time and scheduling constraints, samples SP-
SW-02, SP-SW-02-DSLVD, SP-SE-02, retake of SP-SO-01 for the MS/MSD, and retake
of SP-SO-03 for the field duplicate were collected on the fourth sampling event.
• It was noted in the SIWP that every effort would be made to ship samples to the
laboratory the day after the field sampling event, however, it was advised by the EPA
Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) manager to ship all the samples together after they
were all collected. This did not include the samples for the inorganic arsenic analysis;
those were shipped to Eurofins Seattle laboratory earlier on August 10. The day after the
last sampling event was spent entering data into the Scribe software for the CLP samples;
therefore, the CLP samples were not shipped until two days after the last sampling event,
on August 16. All samples were stored in a sample-designated refrigerator until ready for
• The COC for Eurofins Seattle laboratory was incidentally never signed and dated by the
Project Manager. The analytical results are still applicable, but no qualifiers were applied
in the Data Validation Report due to this circumstance.
• The SIWP stated the surface water and sediment analytical results will be compared to
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Screening Quick
Reference Table (SQuiRT) ecological benchmark values; however, it was determined
since NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration decided to remove the SQuiRT cards
from their website because they are outdated, surface water samples were compared to
Utah Standards of Quality for Waters criteria for aquatic wildlife (Utah OAR 2023) and
sediment samples were compared to the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
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benchmarks for aquatic community organisms (RAIS 2022).
The contaminant of concern at the Site is arsenic. Arsenic occurs naturally in the earth’s crust,
and like many regions in the western U.S., a good portion of Utah soils contain elevated arsenic
concentrations due to the underlying parent rock materials. Arsenic is primarily obtained as a
byproduct of the smelting of copper, lead, cobalt, and gold ores. The U.S. ceased production of
arsenic in 1985, and most arsenic that is imported is used as a wood preservative for industrial
applications in the form of copper chromated arsenate (ATSDR 2007). Organic arsenic is used as
an herbicide primarily on cotton fields and turf and as an antimicrobial in feed additives for
poultry and swine. Inorganic arsenic pesticides have not been used for agricultural purposes
since 1993 (IARC 2012). Arsenic can become mobile and soluble when reduction conditions
occur in the soil during redox reactions, and it can be transported to surface waters during
surface runoff and also leach into the groundwater (ATSDR 2007). Arsenic is known to have
adverse effects on bird reproduction, egg hatchability, hatchling survivorship, and can cause
neurobehavioral disorders and death (Eisler 1988). Most human cases of adverse health effects
from exposure to arsenic are from inorganic arsenic, and breathing high levels can cause throat
and lung irritation, while oral exposure can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, neurological
effects, and reproductive effects, and ingesting very high levels can result in death (ATSDR
2007). Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water is linked to increased risks of cancer in
the skin, lungs, liver, bladder, and kidney. The IARC classifies arsenic and inorganic arsenic
compounds as “carcinogenic to humans,” and the NTP’s 15th Report on Carcinogens classifies
arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds as “known to be human carcinogens” (IARC 2012;
NTP 2021).
The DWMRC reported one soil sample collected from the State Painting property on March 28,
2018, had an elevated arsenic concentration of 44.4 mg/kg, but four other soil samples had
arsenic concentrations of less than 2 mg/kg (Table 2). Soil samples collected from the State
Painting property by Weston Solutions on May 10, 2018, showed the highest concentration of
arsenic was 18.5 mg/kg, and concentrations were less than 2 mg/kg in three locations (Table 3).
Additionally, several soil samples from May 10 were analyzed for TCLP for metals but were
either not detected above the detection limit or were well below the regulatory levels for defining
the characteristic of toxicity for hazardous waste. Surface water and sediment samples collected
from the stormwater retention pond on May 31, 2018, showed total and dissolved arsenic
concentrations were detected in the surface water as high as 757 µg/L and 764 µg/L,
respectively, and as high as 76.3 mg/kg in the sediment (Table 1).
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The surface water and sediment results from samples collected from the stormwater retention
pond in August 2023 showed lower arsenic concentrations compared to 2018. The dissolved
surface water results indicate arsenic concentrations exceed the aquatic wildlife benchmarks for
Utah Standards of Quality for Waters, with concentrations of 370 and 450 µg/L (Table 4). The
sediment sample results indicate arsenic concentrations exceed the Low Effect Ecological
Screening Level for aquatic community organisms, with concentrations ranging from 38–48
mg/kg (Table 5). Two surface water samples collected and analyzed for inorganic arsenic had
concentrations of 230 µg/L (SP-SW-04) and 370 µg/L (SP-SW-06) (Table 4). The corresponding
sediment samples analyzed for inorganic arsenic had concentrations of 48 mg/kg (SP-SE-04) and
38 mg/kg (SP-SE-06) (Table 5).
7.1 Waste Sample Locations
Twenty-four surface water samples (including two field duplicates), 13 sediment samples
(including one field duplicate), and 5 soil samples (including one field duplicate) were collected
from the Site in August 2023 to determine contaminant source areas, establish background
concentrations, and assess the risk of exposure to employees and future park visitors. Sample
locations were dependent on water accessibility and safety considerations. Sample locations,
descriptions, and rationale are provided in Table 7 and are shown in Figure 3. Photographs of
sample locations can be found in Appendix A.
7.2 Waste/Source Data Assessment
As specified by the EPA Hazard Ranking System (HRS), analytical results from field samples
are typically compared to analytical results from background samples and to the Sample
Quantitation Limit (SQL) for determining observed releases. An observed release by chemical
analysis is established when at least one hazardous substance in a release sample is significantly
increased above its background level (EPA 1992). When a sample concentration exceeds its
SQL, the following criteria are used for determining significance above the background level:
• If the background concentration is equal to or greater than its SQL (or its detection limit
if there is no SQL), the concentration in the release sample must be at least three times
greater than the background concentration; or
• If the background concentration is below its SQL, the concentration in the release sample
must be equal to or greater than the background SQL (EPA 1992).
The surface water, sediment, and soil samples collected on August 7, 10, and 14, 2023 were
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analyzed by the CLP, Chemtech Consulting Group. Surface water samples were analyzed for
total and dissolved metals under the EPA Superfund Analytical Methods (SFAM01.1) Statement
of Work, except for two surface water samples and two sediment samples collected from the
stormwater retention pond that were analyzed for inorganic arsenic by Eurofins Seattle under
method 1632A. Inorganic arsenic results can be used to compare to total organic arsenic results
to estimate how much of the total arsenic sample is in the form of inorganic arsenic, which is
generally more toxic than organic forms. The Data Validation Report for this ARR was
performed under the EPA START contractor, Tetra Tech, Inc.
Surface water samples were compared to the Utah Standards of Quality for Waters, numeric
criteria for aquatic wildlife, R-317-2-14 (Utah OAR 2023). The standards are based on dissolved
metals except for aluminum, which is based on total recoverable metals. Although the area
sampled does not have a designated beneficial use class, it’s known to be frequented by
waterfowl, shore birds, and other water-oriented wildlife, which would place it in Class 3D.
Hardness-dependent metals include cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, silver, and zinc. For these
metals, sample results for calcium and magnesium from each dissolved surface water sample
were incorporated into a hardness calculator, and conversion factors for the ratio of total
recoverable metals to dissolved metals were computed for acute and chronic values. The
maximum hardness per this criterion is 400,000 µg/L. The adjusted acute and chronic values for
hardness-dependent metals are noted in Table 4. For aluminum, the pH of all water bodies was
greater than seven and the hardness for all total aluminum samples was greater than 50,000 µg/L;
therefore, the chronic criterion does not apply.
Utah’s aquatic life criteria are very similar to the EPA's National Recommended Water Quality
Criteria - Aquatic Life Criteria Table. Although the sampled areas are not drinking water
sources, the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) is provided as a frame of reference in
Table 4. Sediment samples were compared to the LANL benchmarks for aquatic community
organisms using the Low Effect Ecological Screening Levels (ESLs) (RAIS 2022). The Low
Effect ESLs are very similar to the SQuiRT Probable Effect Concentration values for inorganics
in sediment. Soil samples were compared to the EPA’s RSL for Industrial Soil based on a target
cancer risk of 10-6 and a target hazard quotient of 0.1 (EPA 2024). Exceeding a given benchmark
does not constitute a confirmed threat to human or environmental health; rather, exceeding a
benchmark is an indication that a sampling location might warrant further consideration along
other site-specific factors.
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8.1 Hydrogeology
Groundwater in the Salt Lake Valley generally moves laterally from the mountain fronts in the
direction of the potentiometric surface gradient towards the center of the valley, where it
becomes confined by fine-grained sediments, and eventually flows west-northwest towards the
Jordan River and the Great Salt Lake (Thiros 1995). Four main aquifer systems consist of a
confined (artesian) aquifer, a shallow unconfined (water table) aquifer overlying the confined
aquifer, a deep unconfined aquifer between the confined aquifer and the mountains, and
localized unconfined perched aquifers. The confined aquifer and the deep unconfined aquifers
together constitute the principal aquifer, which is the primary source of groundwater withdrawn
from wells (Hely, Mower, and Harr 1971).
The confined aquifer consists of Quaternary deposits of clay, silt, sand, and gravel, which are all
hydraulically interconnected with individual beds ranging in thickness but can extend to more
than 1,000 feet in the northern part of the valley (Hely, Mower, and Harr 1971). The deep
unconfined aquifer along the margins of the Wasatch Range and Oquirrh Mountains consists of
thick, coarse-grained deposits with no confining layers; thus, it supplies much of its water to the
confined aquifer and is the primary recharge area in the valley for the principal aquifer (Baskin
1990; Thiros 1995). In the primary and secondary (downgradient) recharge areas, the direction of
groundwater moves from the land surface to the shallow unconfined aquifer, which is primarily
composed of clay, silt, and fine sand, and then moves to the principal aquifer. The Site is a
wetlands area where groundwater discharge occurs, e.g., the direction of groundwater flow
moves upward from the principal aquifer to the water table; however, groundwater recharge can
also occur seasonally.
Within the valley, information from well logs indicates a large portion of Tertiary deposits
consist of semi-consolidated clay, sand, and gravel intermixed with lava, and include cemented
layers of sand and gravel which yield a small quantity of water to wells (Arnow, Van Horn, and
Lapray 1970). Conversely, the overlying unconsolidated Quaternary deposits can be very porous
and permeable, yielding a large quantity of water to wells. Groundwater samples were not
previously collected at the Site or State Painting property; however, groundwater sampling
conducted in 2017 approximately two miles northeast at the CERCLA Bland Landfill site
(SEMS ID# UTN980635932) encountered groundwater at depths of 5.6–10.5 feet bgs, and local
groundwater flow was to the north-northwest (DERR 2022).
8.2 Groundwater Targets and Conclusions
There are 2,497 underground points of diversion located within four miles of the Site (UDNR,
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DWR 2020). Of these, 941 include municipal and/or domestic uses, excluding abandoned wells.
The Magna Water District operates two municipal drinking water well fields: the Barton Well
Field, located approximately one-quarter of a mile northwest (downgradient) from the
stormwater retention pond, and the Haynes Well Field, located approximately three-quarters of a
mile east (upgradient) from the stormwater retention pond (Figure 2). The wells draw water from
units as shallow as 100 feet bgs, generally drawing water from a gravel zone of 100–400 feet bgs
(UDNR, DWR 2009a). The Magna Water District is part of a blended water system that includes
purchased water from JVWCD and serves a population of approximately 32,100 people (DDW
2023). The Magna Water Treatment Plant located near the Barton Well Field incorporates
electrodialysis reversal (EDR), a process that uses an adjustable direct current field applied
across ion-exchange membranes to reduce total dissolved solids, naturally occurring arsenic, and
perchlorate concentrations in the water supply (Magna Water District 2021). Samples collected
from the EDR feed, EDR finished blend, and water treatment plant are routinely submitted to the
Utah Division of Drinking Water in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Arsenic
concentrations analyzed during 2018–2022 from the EDR feed indicated several groundwater
samples exceeded the EPA drinking water Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 μg/L,
ranging from 10 to 11.9 μg/L (DDW n.d.). Arsenic concentrations analyzed from the EDR
finished blend and water treatment plant during 2018–2022 showed levels below the MCL
except for one occurrence where the EDR finished blend had a concentration of 10 μg/L of
arsenic in 2018 (DDW n.d.).
In addition to Magna Water District, two wells operated by Kearns Improvement District (KID)
supply drinking water to communities within a three-mile radius south (upgradient) of the Site.
The system includes blended water from JVWCD. The KID conducts water quality sampling
quarterly from one combined pump station, and the two wells south of the Site are only used
during the summer (KID, phone communication, March 27, 2023). The 2022 and 2023 water
quality reports indicate the highest concentration of arsenic was detected at 6.2 μg/L and 5.1
μg/L, respectively (KID 2022; 2023).
There are four non-community non-transient water system wells operated by Kennecott Utah
Copper located within a two-mile radius northwest (downgradient) from the Site (Kennecott-
Section 21, Figure 2). Monitoring locations for the four wells were combined into one sampling
station in 2008, and sampling results from 2008 detected arsenic at 16 μg/L (DDW n.d.).
Sampling results during 2009–2012 detected a range of arsenic from 12 μg/L to 14 μg/L, and
results from sampling during 2014, 2017, and 2022, detected arsenic concentrations at 13 μg/L,
15 μg/L, and 10 μg/L, respectively (DDW n.d.). In 2012, Point of Use Arsenic Treatment Units
were established at several locations, where water undergoes reverse osmosis before being
dispensed. The units are sampled quarterly in accordance with Kennecott’s operation permit.
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During 2012–2022 arsenic concentrations at these units were either below the contract-required
detection limits or below the MCL of 10 μg/L; there was only one instance where sampling
results from one treatment unit detected arsenic at 11 μg/L in August 2013 (DDW n.d.). The
results from the quarterly sampling of the treatment units in February 2023 did not detect arsenic
above the contract-required detection limit (DDW n.d.).
The nearest private underground water well is located approximately one-quarter of a mile
southeast (upgradient) from the Site. The total depth of the well is 105 feet bgs with depth to
water at 16 feet bgs (UDNR, DWR 2009b). According to water rights records from the 1980s,
the well is used for irrigation and stock watering and is no longer used for domestic purposes due
to the public service connection with Magna Water District. A second private well is located
approximately one-half mile west of the Site. The total depth of the well is 100 feet bgs and
listed uses include irrigation and stock watering (UDNR, DWR 2009c). This well was sampled
in August 2008 under the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food State Ground Water
Program, and results detected arsenic below the MCL at a concentration of 5.2 μg/L (UDNR,
DWR 2009c). The Utah Division of Water Rights map server indicates that other numerous
private wells are located in downgradient residential areas west and north of the Site, but it’s
unlikely that homes continue to use private wells for drinking water due to public water supply
connections with the Magna Water District.
Due to the current low risk of arsenic exposure via the groundwater pathway within the four-mile
radius of the Site, groundwater samples were not collected as part of the SIWP.
9.1 Hydrology
The stormwater retention pond is a natural pond approximately 3.3 acres that receives less than
0.01% of WVC’s water runoff (WVC Public Works, email communication, December 20, 2022).
On average, the pond is approximately two feet deep during the first part of the year but dries up
during the summer months. There is one inlet that drains into the area located near the southwest
corner of the stormwater retention pond, but the pond does not have any outlets. Stormwater and
irrigation runoff near the pond flows east through a culvert south of Parkway Boulevard,
converges with an open drainage ditch near the southern subdivision, and flows north in an
underground tunnel into the wetlands area. An additional inlet drainage is located immediately
south of the Magna Water Treatment Plant and flows east into the wetlands area. Water then
flows into a larger pond complex just north of the stormwater retention pond. Within the city’s
35.5 square miles, approximately 20% of surface runoff drains into these larger perennial ponds,
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which are also fed by groundwater discharge (WVC Public Works, email communication,
December 20, 2022). Water flows out of this system and enters the Riter Canal, near the Site’s
north boundary (Figure 2). The Riter Canal receives water from urban and agricultural runoff
and from the North Jordan Canal, located approximately four miles southeast of the Site (SLCo
Public Works n.d.). Water in the Riter Canal flows west for approximately two miles, then
diverges north and enters the C-7 Ditch. Water in the C-7 Ditch flows north-northwest and
discharges into the Great Salt Lake, approximately 12 miles downstream from the Site (Figure
Lee Creek is located within a one-mile radius northeast of the Site (Figures 2, 5). The creek
originates in this area near the Riter Canal, flows northwest, and discharges into the Great Salt
Lake near Gilbert Bay, approximately ten miles downstream from the Site. Historical data on the
flow rate taken near the discharge point in April 2008 was recorded as 12 cubic feet per second
(USGS n.d.).
9.2 Surface Water Targets
The stormwater retention pond is located immediately east of the WVC Parks and Recreation
maintenance building (Figure 2). The building is located on a no-through road and currently
receives little traffic; however, the WVC wetlands property will be developed into a public park
which will receive numerous visitors in the future. This will increase the potential risk of human
exposure to the contaminated pond, particularly when the pond dries up during the summer
months. The ponds on the Site do not support fisheries, but are frequented by waterfowl,
migratory birds, sandhill cranes, deer, and other wildlife (WVC Parks and Recreation, personal
communication, October 3, 2022). Anglers were observed fishing in the Riter Canal north of the
Site during the August 10, 2023 sampling event. There are no surface drinking water intakes
within the 12-mile downstream target distance limit of the Site (Figure 5).
The nearby Lee Creek is protected for beneficial uses of infrequent primary contact recreation
and waterfowl, shore birds, and associated aquatic life (DWQ n.d.). The National Audubon
Society manages the 305-acre Lee Creek Natural Area along Gilbert Bay as part of the South
Shore Preserve and Gillmor Sanctuary. The Lee Creek Natural Area provides critical habitat for
nesting and migrating birds, including Snowy Plovers, American Avocets, Long-billed Curlews,
and Spotted Sandpipers.
The Lee Kay Ponds are east-adjacent to Lee Creek and are managed by the Utah Division of
Wildlife Resources as a non-fishing conservation area that requires registration to access for
public use (UDNR, DWR 2023). The surrounding facilities include a public shooting range in
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the southeast corner of the property, a dog training area, and a warm-water fish hatchery that
breeds Northern Pike northwest of the shooting range. The area is also used for bird watching;
there have been over 221 bird species identified in the area, including 18 rare bird species
(UDNR, DWR 2023).
9.3 Surface Water and Sediment Sample Locations
Twenty-four surface water samples (including two field duplicates and dissolved samples) and
13 corresponding sediment samples (including one field duplicate) were collected during the
August 7, 10, and 14 sampling events (Tables 4, 5). Sample locations are shown in Figure 3 and
are described in Table 7. Total and dissolved samples were collected from the stormwater
retention pond located west-adjacent to the State Painting property, from four other pond areas in
the wetlands complex north of the stormwater retention pond, from an open drainage channel
near an underground tunnel south of Parkway Boulevard, from a drainage area on the southwest
corner of the Site, from a downstream location in the Riter Canal near the northwest corner of the
Site, and from an upstream location in the Riter Canal, northeast of the Site.
9.4 Surface Water and Sediment Analytical Results
9.4.1 Surface Water Results
The Utah Standards of Quality for Waters criteria for aquatic wildlife are based on the dissolved
analytical results (except for aluminum) which are generally a better approximation of the
concentration that is bioavailable to aquatic organisms (Utah OAR 2023). All dissolved surface
water results presented high concentrations of magnesium (23,000–220,000 µg/L), potassium
(15,000–1,700,000 µg/L), sodium (160,000–17,000,000 µg/L), and calcium (9,900–120,000
µg/L) (Table 4, Appendix F). The magnesium concentration of 220,000 µg/L (SP-SW-05-
DSLVD) was greater than three times the background concentration of 60,000 µg/L (SP-SW-13-
DSLVD). Potassium concentrations of 1,000,000 (SP-SW-03-DSLVD) and 1,700,000 µg/L (SP-
SW-05-DSLVD) were at least 50 times the background concentration of 20,000 µg/L. Sodium
concentrations of 17,000,000 (SP-SW-05-DSLVD) and 11,000,000 µg/L (SP-SW-03-DSLVD)
in the stormwater retention pond also grossly exceeded the background concentration of 240,000
µg/L, but these elevated concentrations are typical of saline playas. The highest concentration of
dissolved calcium was 120,000 µg/L (SP-SW-12-DSLVD) but was not greater than three times
the background concentration of 110,000 µg/L.
Dissolved arsenic concentrations of 370 μg/L (SP-SW-03-DSLVD) and 450 μg/L (SP-SW-05-
DSLVD) were detected in the stormwater retention pond and were significantly higher than the
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background concentration of 13 μg/L (SP-SW-13-DSLVD). These concentrations also exceed
both acute (340 μg/L; 1-hour average) and chronic (150 μg/L; 4-day average) standards for
aquatic wildlife. Samples SP-SW-04 and SP-SW-06 from the stormwater retention pond were
analyzed for inorganic arsenic and were detected in surface water at 230 µg/L and 370 µg/L,
respectively. In comparing these values to the total arsenic values of 390 μg/L (SP-SW-03) and
470 µg/L (SP-SW-05), it can be estimated that about 59% ([230/390]x100) and 79%
([370/470]x100) of the arsenic concentration is comprised of inorganic arsenic. However, it’s
noted that total arsenic includes both organic and inorganic arsenic, and there is no separate
measurable concentration and associated detection limit for organic arsenic; therefore, the results
cannot definitively isolate how much of the total arsenic is organic, which may slightly
overestimate the toxic potential. The second-highest dissolved arsenic concentration was
detected in sample SP-SW-02-DSLVD at 37 μg/L, located in a drainage area near the stormwater
retention pond on the southwest corner of the Site. The concentration is just under three times the
concentration of the background sample (13 μg/L) and does not exceed aquatic wildlife
benchmarks. Other dissolved arsenic concentrations across the Site were generally much lower,
ranging from 7.2 to 20 μg/L.
Elevated total aluminum concentrations of 1,400 μg/L (SP-SW-11), 1,500 μg/L (SP-SW-12), and
1,100 μg/L (SP-SW-13; background sample) were detected in the Riter Canal and surpassed the
acute standard of 750 μg/L. Total aluminum concentrations in other surface water samples were
generally much lower, particularly in the stormwater retention pond (17 μg/L and 26 μg/L). No
other analytes in surface water were detected significantly above background concentrations and
did not exceed aquatic wildlife benchmarks where applicable.
Water quality readings taken from the stormwater retention pond show the average water depth
was 0.25 feet, average water temperature was 29.5 °C (85.1 ℉), pH was 9.5, average oxidation-
reduction potential (ORP) was 67.5 millivolts (mV), average conductivity was 33.5
microsiemens per centimeter (mS/cm), average total dissolved solids (TDS) was 20.6 grams/liter,
and average salinity was 21 parts per thousand (ppt) (Appendix B). The high salinity,
conductivity, and TDS levels in the stormwater retention pond are consistent with characteristics
of a salty playa. The pH, salinity, conductivity, and TDS were considerably lower at other water
bodies sampled (Appendix B).
9.4.2 Sediment Results
Elevated concentrations of magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium in sediment samples
generally correlated with elevated concentrations in the corresponding surface water samples,
although most of the sediment concentrations were not greater than three times the background
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samples. However, a magnesium concentration of 39,000 mg/kg was detected in sample SP-SE-
05 from the stormwater retention pond, which is exactly three times the background
concentration of 13,000 mg/kg (SP-SE-13), and a sodium concentration of 20,000 mg/kg was
detected from the same sample, which significantly exceeds the background sample of 380
mg/kg (Table 5, Appendix F). Additionally, sample SP-SE-03 from the stormwater retention
pond showed a significantly high concentration of 19,000 mg/kg of sodium. Other concentrations
of sodium that were greater than three times the background concentration were detected in
samples SP-SE-07 (2,500 mg/kg), SP-SE-08 (2,400 mg/kg), and SP-SE-09 (1,200 mg/kg).
Arsenic concentrations in sediment samples SP-SE-03 (44 mg/kg) and SP-SE-05 (43 mg/kg)
from the stormwater retention pond significantly exceeded the background concentration of 5.8
mg/kg by slightly more than sevenfold. These concentrations also exceeded the LANL Low
Effect ESL of 33 mg/kg. Samples SP-SE-04 and SP-SE-06 from the stormwater retention pond
were analyzed for inorganic arsenic and were detected in sediment at 48 mg/kg and 38 mg/kg,
respectively. Given the total arsenic value of 44 mg/kg for sediment sample SP-SE-03 and the
corresponding inorganic arsenic value of 48 mg/kg for sample SP-SE-04, it can be estimated that
all of the arsenic concentration is in the inorganic form ([48/44]x100). Likewise, in comparing
the total arsenic of 43 mg/kg for SP-SE-05 and corresponding inorganic arsenic of 38 mg/kg for
SP-SE-06, it can be estimated that most (88%) of the arsenic concentration is in the inorganic
form ([38/43]x100). Arsenic concentrations in sediment at other sample locations did not exceed
the Low Effect ESL, ranging from 5.8 to 16 mg/kg.
Chromium concentrations of 45 mg/kg (SP-SE-01) and 66 mg/kg (SP-SE-02) significantly
exceeded the background concentration of 13 mg/kg, but these concentrations did not exceed the
Low Effect ESL benchmark of 110 mg/kg. Copper concentrations of 280 mg/kg (SP-SE-01), 93
mg/kg (SP-SE-03), and 130 mg/kg (SP-SE-07) are greater than three times the background
concentration of 25 mg/kg, and the copper concentration of 75 mg/kg (SP-SE-08) is exactly three
times the background concentration. The copper concentration of 280 mg/kg also exceeds the
Low Effect ESL benchmark of 140 mg/kg. One lead concentration of 57 mg/kg from the
stormwater retention pond (SP-SE-05) significantly exceeded the background concentration of
18 mg/kg, but did not exceed the Low Effect ESL benchmark of 120 mg/kg. One manganese
concentration of 1,300 mg/kg from the drainage area near the stormwater retention pond (SP-SE-
02), significantly exceeded the background concentration of 390 mg/kg and exceeded the Low
Effect ESL benchmark of 1,100 mg/kg. One zinc concentration of 340 mg/kg from an open
drainage channel south of Parkway Boulevard (SP-SE-01) significantly exceeded the background
concentration of 57 mg/kg but did not exceed the Low Effect ESL benchmark of 450 mg/kg.
Other concentrations of metals in sediment were within acceptable screening limits.
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9.5 Surface Water and Sediment Conclusions
The analytical results demonstrate that the stormwater retention pond appears to be the only
surface water body sampled at the Site that exhibits significantly elevated concentrations of
arsenic above relevant screening levels in both the surface water and sediment. This shallow
playa undergoes seasonal cycles of drying and refilling, receiving mineral input from urban
runoff during wet periods followed by evaporation and accumulation of magnesium, potassium,
and sodium ions, leading to very high ion concentrations when the pond refills. This is
exacerbated due to the closed system of this pond where there is no outflow, and shallow water
yields less dilution and higher concentrations of pollutants. The alkaline conditions and high
ionic strength in this pond can prevent arsenic from binding to particles, allowing a large
proportion to exist in the dissolved phase. This could explain the similar concentrations of
arsenic detected in both total and dissolved samples. The data also indicates most of the arsenic
in stormwater retention pond is in the form of inorganic arsenic, which is generally more soluble
in water than organic arsenic. This coincides with the fact that the stormwater retention pond
collects stormwater runoff that carries pollutants from streets, agricultural lands, commercial and
residential lawns, and construction sites. Inorganic arsenic is the more toxic form and is of
greater concern from a regulatory and human/wildlife health perspective.
Arsenic concentrations in the stormwater retention pond appear to have decreased since the
sampling in May 2018, which could be due to a seasonal difference in when the pond was
sampled; May would tend to have more spring precipitation and diffuse runoff than the normally
drier month of August and thus carry a greater influx of pollutants into the drainage areas.
Arsenic concentrations may also become displaced from flooding events or be redistributed in
the sediment load over time. Although arsenic concentrations were not found at the same levels
of magnitude in other sample locations and do not appear to be migrating, arsenic levels in the
stormwater retention pond pose a potential risk of exposure to humans and wildlife.
Total aluminum concentrations in surface water were elevated in the Riter Canal, including the
background concentration (1,100 µg/L), and exceeded the acute standard of 750 µg/L. These
concentrations were also significantly higher than the dissolved concentrations. The background
sediment sample for aluminum (6,300 mg/kg) was also higher than all the other sediment
samples except for SP-SE-01; 10,000 mg/kg. Total aluminum concentrations in water are
influenced by suspended particulate matter, which a large portion of aluminum is bound to,
resulting in a much higher concentration in the total versus dissolved samples. The Riter Canal
also likely receives a higher sediment load from erosion and stormwater runoff than the ponds,
resulting in higher total aluminum concentrations. The aluminum concentration of 10,000 mg/kg
in sediment was detected in a different canal; however, the corresponding surface water sample
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concentration was relatively low (120 µg/L; SP-SW-01). This is likely due to the low flow in this
canal, allowing for substantial deposition of aluminum-bound particulates that settle in the
sediment while only a small amount remains in the water. Other factors such as a more neutral
pH of 7.4 at this location can contribute to aluminum remaining in the particulate form and
accumulating over time. Calcium concentrations Site-wide were elevated in both surface water
and sediment samples (up to 120,000 µg/L in surface water and 110,000 mg/kg in sediment) but
were found at lower levels in the stormwater retention pond. Unlike aluminum, calcium tends to
remain in the dissolved phase rather than adsorb to particles, similar to the behavior of
magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
10.1 Geology
The Site is located along the northwestern edge of the Salt Lake Valley at an elevation of
approximately 4,241 feet above mean sea level, and the general topography slopes downgradient
to the northwest (EPA n.d.). The north-south trending intermontane valley lies on the eastern
edge of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province, and on the western edge of the Colorado
Plateau Province. The general geology of the valley is characterized by fine-grained sediments,
silts, and clays which were deposited from prehistoric Lake Bonneville, and by extensive
Quaternary and Tertiary deposits of conglomerates, sands, and silts deposited by the erosion of
and deposition from the surrounding mountain ranges (Hintze 1988). The mostly unconsolidated
saturated valley fill is more than 2,000 feet thick and is primarily composed of clay, silt, sand,
gravel, tuff, and lava (Hely et al. 1971).
Soils in the wetland area primarily consist of Lasil silt loam and Saltair silty clay loam from
lacustrine deposits, are strongly saline, and are characterized as hydrologic soil Group D; soils
having a very slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet (e.g., high runoff potential), and a very
slow rate of water transmission (USDA, NRCS 2019). Soil lithology recorded from the well
driller log on the nearest private underground water well located approximately one-quarter of a
mile southeast (upgradient) from the Site, consisted of clay (0–32 feet bgs), sand (32–40 feet
bgs), clay and hardpan (40–55 feet bgs), gravel (55–62 feet bgs), clay (62–78 feet bgs), gravel
(78–84 feet bgs), and rock and gravel (84–105 feet bgs) (UDNR, DWR 2009b).
10.2 Soil Targets
The nearest residences include two homes located approximately 360 feet west and
approximately 400 feet southwest of the stormwater retention pond. The State Painting
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
residential property is located approximately 400 feet southeast of the stormwater retention pond,
and two homes are located just east of the State Painting property. Several other homes are
located along the north side of Parkway Boulevard, and residential subdivisions are located on
the south side of Parkway Boulevard. It was noted in the EPA’s 2018 State Painting Action
Memorandum that an in-home daycare was operating across the street from the State Painting
property; however, the current status of the daycare operation is unknown.
The WVC Parks and Recreation maintenance building located immediately west of the
stormwater retention pond operates Monday–Friday and employs between 13–25 people
depending on the time of year (WVC Public Works, email communication, April 6, 2023). The
property is fenced off from the general public. There are no schools located within 200 feet of
the Site, but one school is located approximately 0.3 miles south (upgradient) from the Site and
one school is located approximately 0.7 miles northwest (downgradient) from the Site. Several
other schools are located 0.75 miles or more upgradient from the Site. Approximately 585 people
live within a quarter-mile radius of the Site (U.S. Census Bureau 2021).
10.3 XRF Soil Screenings and Soil Sample Locations
The XRF soil screening locations were based on areas where there was potential for a lot of foot
traffic or communal gathering once the property is developed into a park. Thirty XRF screenings
occurred during the August 9 sampling event. XRF locations are shown in Figure 4. Screening
zones included areas around the stormwater retention pond, north, northeast, and northwest of
the stormwater retention pond, north and west of the State Painting property, and near a playa on
the west side of 6400 West. Five soil samples (including one field duplicate) were collected on
WVC’s property during the August 10 and 14 sampling events. Sample locations are shown in
Figures 3 and 4 and are described in Table 7. The background soil sample (SP-SO-05) was
located on the south side of Parkway Boulevard near a residential area west of a drainage
channel (Figure 3). Two samples (including one field duplicate) were collected north of the
stormwater retention pond near a storage shed (SP-SO-03/04), one sample was collected in a
large field on the tail end of a playa west of 6400 West (SP-SO-02), and one sample was
collected in an open field north of a pond complex between SP-SW-08 and SP-SW-09 (SP-SO-
10.4 XRF Soil Screening Results and Soil Analytical Results
XRF readings were only evaluated for arsenic and are shown in Table 8. Raw data for all metals
is included in Appendix G. Corresponding soil analytical results are shown in Table 6. All soil
analytical results exceeded the arsenic RSL of 3 mg/kg for Industrial Soil, ranging from 3.9–8.5
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
mg/kg. The values for 30 arsenic XRF readings ranged from 4–15 mg/kg with a mean of 8
mg/kg. The maximum reading (15 mg/kg) was taken at the same location as soil sample SP-SO-
02 (Figure 4). The following comparisons of XRF arsenic results (based on the average of three
readings) versus fixed laboratory arsenic results taken from the same locations are closely
correlated, which suggests good confidence in the results:
XRF Shot # Sample ID # Arsenic – XRF
Arsenic – Laboratory
1223 SP-SO-01 11 6.7
1207 SP-SO-02 7 8.5
1204 SP-SO-03 4 3.9
1204 SP-SO-04 6 4.6
1198 SP-SO-05 6 5.1
10.5 Soil Conclusions
Low concentrations of arsenic were found in both XRF soil readings and soil analytical results.
Although all soil analytical results exceeded the arsenic RSL of 3 mg/kg for Industrial Soil
including the background sample (5.1 mg/kg), this is not uncommon for Utah soils; sampling
data from DERR historic site assessments showed the mean soil background level for arsenic
calculated from 18 sites in the Salt Lake Valley was 16 mg/kg (DERR 1999) and the background
soil sample collected during State Painting investigations on May 10, 2018, was 9.9 mg/kg.
Sediment sample results from the stormwater retention pond detected arsenic concentrations at
43 and 44 mg/kg, which will be exposed once the pond dries up. According to the city’s draft
Master Plan, a boardwalk will be constructed across the stormwater retention pond which may
help prevent direct contact with the soils. Additionally, WVC will be posting signs to keep off
the playa once the park is developed and accessible to the public (WVC Parks and Recreation,
personal communication, April 2, 2023). Aside from other playas on the Site that become
seasonal dry, the majority of areas are largely covered with thick vegetation and present a low
risk of exposure to soils.
11.1 Meteorology and Air Pathway Background
The Salt Lake Valley is located in a semi-arid climate where mountain ranges and the Great Salt
Lake strongly influence climate conditions. Long-term meteorological data recorded closest to
the Site was obtained from the Salt Lake City weather monitoring station. Over the time period
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
1991–2020, the normal daily maximum temperature was highest in the month of July at 94.0 ºF
and the normal daily minimum temperature was lowest in the month of January at 24.2 ºF
(NCEI-NOAA n.d.). Normal precipitation is 15.52 inches/year. The two-year 24-hour rainfall is
1.28 inches (NOAA n.d.). Although wind conditions are variable at the Site, winds generally
come from the north/northeast with an average speed of 8.3 miles per hour (NCEI-NOAA n.d.).
During winter months, heavy fog can develop under temperature inversions and persist for
several days. These conditions allow for the creation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in
secondary aerosols to build up and become trapped in valleys at unhealthy air quality levels.
11.2 Air Pathway Targets and Conclusions
Approximately 119,441 people live within a four-mile radius of the Site (U.S. Census Bureau
2021). In addition to employees who work at the WVC Parks and Recreation maintenance
building, the nearest residences live within 360–400 feet of the stormwater retention pond and
would be at the greatest risk of air exposure from windblown dust. Outdoor air samples were not
collected as part of this ARR. Wind direction varied throughout the sampling events in August
and was either calm or absent. Although high wind events could transport contaminated particles
from the stormwater retention pond to off-site areas, it was observed the high salt content in the
pond hardens into a micro crust on the soil surface once dry, and this could make particles less
susceptible to wind transport. The majority of other areas on the property are largely covered
with thick vegetation and no waste piles were observed. Human health risk from inhalation
appears to be low.
Samples were collected and evaluated in accordance with the DERR CERCLA Branch Quality
Assurance Program Plan (DERR 2023b) and relevant EPA guidance documents. A Stage 2B
Data Validation Report includes quality control (QC) laboratory analytical results for all samples
that were analyzed by Chemtech Consulting Group (Appendix F). The Data Validation Report
indicates no samples were qualified as “R” (rejected) and the results may be used as qualified
based on the findings of the validation effort. A Stage 2A Data Validation Report was performed
on samples analyzed by Eurofins Seattle for inorganic arsenic based on a standard level 2 data
package (results and batch QC samples). No rejection or qualification of results was required for
this data package and the results may be used as reported by the laboratory (Appendix F).
Quality assurance (QA) criteria are outlined in the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for the Site
(Table 9). The DQOs aimed to determine the extent of elevated arsenic contamination at the Site,
potential sources, and potential risks to human health and the environment. Data from this ARR
suggests that arsenic contamination is limited to the stormwater retention pond and can pose a
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
risk to human health and wildlife, but no definitive point source of pollution has been identified.
The QA/QC samples collected as part of this ARR included field duplicate samples for all
matrices and MS/MSD samples for all matrices. The analytical results for the field duplicate are
compared to the analytical results for the parent field sample to establish the relative percent
difference (RPD) to assess the limits of variability when results are greater than or equal to five
times the practical quantitation limit (reporting limit; RL). Control limits of 20% RPD for water
and 35% RPD for solid matrix samples are common and provide a means to objectively assess
precision (DERR 2023b). RPD is calculated as follows:
RPD = Absolute difference between duplicate results x 100 = %
Mean of duplicate results
If the parent sample and/or the duplicate sample is non-detect, the RPD is typically not
calculated. The validated results that were less than the method detection limit (MDL) were
reported as non-detect at the RL and received a “U” qualifier.
The RPDs for surface water sample SP-SW-11 and field duplicate SP-SW-12 were within the
20% limit except for lead, which was 65% (Table 4). Lead was given a J+ qualifier which
indicates results are estimated and may be biased high (Appendix F). The actual value is
uncertain, which could contribute to the observed variability between the parent and duplicate
samples. The high RPD could be due to surface water samples being highly heterogeneous, and
samples taken from the same location at the same time can have different concentrations of
analytes due to localized variations in water composition, sediment, or particulate matter.
Analytical method limitations could also be a factor; small errors in measurement or sample
preparation can lead to significant differences when the concentrations are low. The percent
recovery criteria for the parent sample and field duplicate SP-SW-11-DSLVD and SP-SW-12-
DSLVD were also not met, and the absolute difference between the two results was greater than
the RL for chromium. These results were qualified as estimated. The RPDs for sediment sample
SP-SE-11 and field duplicate SP-SE-12 were within the 35% limit. (Table 5). The RPDs for soil
sample SP-SO-03 and field duplicate SP-SO-04 were also within the 35% limit (Table 6).
For laboratory QC checks it’s noted the MS for soil sample SP-SO-01 was not within the criteria.
Lead had a negative percent recovery and the manganese percent recovery was above upper
acceptance limits (Appendix F). The MS for sediment sample SP-SE-07 was also not within the
criteria; copper and lead had negative percent recoveries and zinc and manganese parent
recoveries were below lower acceptance limits. The MS for total and dissolved surface water
samples were within the criteria. A MS/MSD was not requested for samples analyzed for
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
inorganic arsenic (SP-SW-04, SP-SW-06, SP-SE-04, SP-SE-06) because the speciation data is
being used for informational purposes and is not needed for legally defensible purposes. Method
blanks for the samples analyzed by Chemtech Consulting Group were not within the criteria for
several analytes in all matrices; these are described in detail in Appendix F. Method blanks for
solid and water inorganic arsenic analysis were non-detect. All laboratory duplicates and
laboratory control samples/laboratory control sample duplicates were within the criteria for both
analytical methods.
Investigations from the State Painting Removal Action in May 2018 included surface water and
sediment samples collected from the stormwater retention pond that revealed elevated
concentrations of arsenic. The August 2023 sampling conducted by the DERR was to further
assess the arsenic contamination at the stormwater retention pond, collect additional sampling
throughout the Site to determine the extent and possible migration of arsenic contamination, and
evaluate potential risks to human health and the environment. Key findings are summarized
• Arsenic concentrations in the surface water and sediment from the stormwater retention
pond were elevated, exceeding the aquatic wildlife benchmarks for Utah Standards of
Quality for Waters and the LANL Low Effect ESLs.
• The majority of the arsenic in the surface water and sediment from the stormwater
retention pond was inorganic arsenic, which is more toxic than organic forms.
• Soil samples contained low arsenic concentrations, slightly exceeding the RSL for
Industrial Soil, which is not uncommon for Utah soils.
• The XRF average readings for arsenic closely correlated with corresponding soil sample
• Surface water and sediment samples analyzed from other areas on the Site did not detect
the same magnitude of arsenic contamination that was found at the stormwater retention
pond and indicates no migration of the contamination.
There is no evidence that illegal dumping has occurred at the stormwater retention pond and the
source is likely from urban and rural stormwater runoff transported and accumulated at the pond
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
over time, or possibly from pesticide and herbicide applications formerly containing arsenic that
may have been used in the pond historically.
Determining the speciation of arsenic in the stormwater retention pond is of value in assessing
risks to human health and the environment because different forms of arsenic have varying
degrees of toxicity. For purposes of this ARR, arsenic speciation was not further characterized
into arsenite (As3+) and arsenate (As5+). The similar concentrations of arsenic in both total and
dissolved surface water results can be due to the alkaline conditions of the water (pH >7) where
arsenic is likely to exist in its more soluble forms, which leads to a larger proportion of arsenic
being present in the dissolved phase rather than bound to particles. Ionic competition from high
concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium can prevent arsenic from binding
to particles and could also be a factor. The pond may also receive stormwater runoff that may
contain fewer particulates compared to natural bodies of water. The specific hydrochemical
properties of the playa and the overall ionic strength of the water can influence the speciation and
solubility of arsenic.
Although surface water and sediment arsenic concentrations are elevated in the stormwater
retention pond, they are not indicative of a wide-scale release requiring remedial action. The
pond has no outlets, which reduces the likelihood of migration and risk exposure, and the
analytical data indicates there are no other heavily arsenic-contaminated areas at the Site.
Additionally, the stormwater retention pond will not be used for recreation, and no-trespassing
signs will be posted around the pond (WVC Parks and Recreation, personal communication,
April 2, 2023). No further sampling is planned for the Site; however, the DERR recommends
that WVC establish periodic monitoring to ensure public access is limited at the stormwater
retention pond.
Arnow, Ted, Richard Van Horn, and Reed LaPray. 1970. The Pre-Quaternary Surface in the
Jordan Valley, Utah. Geological Survey Research Paper 700-D. U.S. Government
Printing Office.
ATSDR: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 2007. Toxicological profile for
Arsenic. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiledocs/index.html
Baskin, Robert L. 1990. Selected factors related to the potential for contamination of the
principal aquifer, Salt Lake Valley, Utah. https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/wri904110
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
DDW: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water. 2023. “Public
Water System Population and Connections Report, Salt Lake County/Magna Water
District.” Inventory Update January 4, 2023. https://waterlink.utah.gov/deqWater/
⸻. n.d. “Drinking Water Chemical Analysis Report.” Accessed February 9, 2023.
DERR: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and
Remediation. 1999. “Inorganic Metals Background Soil Sample Data for Salt Lake
Valley Area and Other Utah Sites.” February 1999.
—. 2018. “Time-Critical Removal Action Letter Report – State Painting Removal Site, West
Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah.” December 13, 2018. DERR Facility File No. ERRC-
—. 2022. “Expanded Site Inspection Analytical Results Report – Bland Landfill, Salt Lake
County, Utah.” June 27, 2022. SEMS ID# UTN980635932.
—. 2023a. “Site Inspection Work Plan.” State Painting. Salt Lake County, Utah. June 2023.
DEQ File # DERR-2023-006559.
—. 2023b. “Quality Assurance Program Plan for Environmental Data Operations for the
CERCLA Branch.” Final Plan - Revision No. 2023.0. June 2023.
DWMRC: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management and
Radiation Control. 2017a. “State Painting Inspection Report.” December 21, 2016. DEQ
File # DSHW-2017-000759.
⸻. 2017b. “Notice of Violation and Compliance Order.” April 12, 2017. DEQ File # DSHW-
DWQ: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality. n.d. “Beneficial
Uses and Water Quality Assessment Map.” Accessed April 5, 2023.
Eisler, Ronald. 1988. “Arsenic Hazards to Fish, Wildlife and Invertebrates: A Synoptic Review."
Biological Report 85 (1.12). January 1988. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Laurel,
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Esri, Inc. 2022. ArcGIS Pro, 3.0.0. Redlands, CA.
EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1992. Hazard Ranking System Guidance
Manual. EPA 540-R-92-026. November 1992. Washington, DC.
—. 2024. “Regional Screening Levels (RSLs)- User’s Guide. Generic Tables. February 28, 2024.
—. n.d. “EnviroAtlas Interactive Map.” Accessed March 27, 2023.
Google Earth Pro. n.d. [Historical imagery time slider]. Accessed November 28, 2022.
Hely, Allen G., R.W. Mower, and C. Albert Harr. 1971. Water Resources of Salt Lake County,
Utah. Technical Publication 31. https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/70178859
Hintze, Lehi F. 1988. Geologic History of Utah. Brigham Young University Department of
Geology. Special Publication no. 7. Provo, Utah.
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer. 2012. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Arsenic, Metals, Fibres, and Dusts. Volume 100C.
KID: Kearns Improvement District. 2022 & 2023. “Annual Water Quality Report, Reporting
Year 2022, 2023.” https://www.kidwater4ut.gov/water-quality-reports
Magna Water District. 2021. “Magna Water District Consumer Confidence Report 2021.”
NCEI-NOAA: National Centers for Environmental Information-National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. n.d. “2022 Local Climatological Data Annual Summary
with Comparative Data.” Salt Lake City station (KSLC). Accessed April 18, 2023.
NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. n.d. “NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation
frequency estimates: UT.” Accessed April 19, 2023. https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
NTP: National Toxicology Program. 2021. Report on Carcinogens, Fifteenth Edition. Research
Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service. https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/roc15
RAIS: The Risk Assessment Information System. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
ECORISK database – Release 4.3. September 2022.
Salt Lake County Assessor. n.d. “Accessor Parcel Viewer.” Accessed September 26, 2022.
SLCo Public Works: Salt Lake County Public Works. n.d. Interactive Map. Accessed April 4,
2023. https://slco.org/flood-control/#
Thiros, Susan A. 1995. Chemical Composition of Ground Water, Hydrologic Properties of
Basin-fill Material, and Ground-water Movement in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Technical
Publication No. 110-A. https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/70179460
UDNR, DWR: Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights. 2009a. “Well
Information.” Map Server. Water Right No. 59-1925. Revised September 10, 2009.
—. 2009b. “Well Drilling Database.” Water Right Details. Water Right No. 59-4387. Revised
September 10, 2009. https://waterrights.utah.gov/wellInfo/wellInfo.asp
—. 2009c. “Well Drilling Database.” Scanned Documents. Water Right No. 59-4827. Revised
September 10, 2009. https://waterrights.utah.gov/wellInfo/wellInfo.asp
—. 2020. “Utah Points of Diversion.” Utah State Geographic Information Database. Updated
December 2020. https://opendata.gis.utah.gov/
—. 2023. “Lee Kay conservation area access.” Updated February 13, 2023.
U.S. Census Bureau: United States Census Bureau. 2021. Utah's State Geographic Information
Database, Utah Geospatial Resource Center (2020 Census Data).
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
USDA, NRCS: United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation
Service. 2019. “Web Soil Survey.” Soil Map. Last modified July 31, 2019.
USGS: United States Geological Survey. n.d. “National Water Information System: Web
Interface.” Accessed April 5, 2023. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-
Utah OAR: Office of Administrative Rules. 2023. Environmental Quality; Water Quality. Rule
2: Standards of Quality for Waters of the State. R-317-2, Table 2.14.2. January 25, 2023.
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Monterey Det
Magna Utah
Salt Lake County, Maxar, County of Salt Lake, Utah Geospatial Resource
Center, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA,
USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, USDA
Site Location m
0 1 20.5
Figure 1
Site Location Map
State Painting: UTN000820797
Analytical Results Report
West Valley City, Salt Lake County, Utah
Reference Scale: 1:90,000 Prepared By:
Robin Keeler 2/13/2023
Site Boundary
State Painting Property Boundary
Radial Distance Rings (Miles)
Stormwater Retention Pond
Municipal Drinking Water Well m
0 1,000 2,000 3,000500
Figure 2
Site Features Map
State Painting: UTN000820797
Analytical Results Report
West Valley City
Salt Lake County, Utah
Reference Scale:
Prepared by:
Robin Keeler
Riter Canal
Magna Barton (West)
Well Field
Magna Haynes (East)
Well Field
Kennecott- Section 21 Wells
Magna Water
Treatment Plant
Parks & Rec
Maintenance Bldg
Stormwater Retention Pond
Surface Water Sample
Sediment Sample
Soil Sample
State Painting Property Boundary
Site Boundary
0 1,000500
Figure 3
Sample Locations Map
State Painting: UTN000820797
Analytical Results Report
West Valley City
Salt Lake County, Utah
Reference Scale:
Prepared by:
Robin Keeler
Parkway Boulevard
Riter Canal
SP-SE-12 SP-SW-13
Stormwater Retention Pond
XRF Location
Soil Sample
State Painting Property Boundary
Site Boundary
0 1,000500
Figure 4
XRF Locations Map
State Painting: UTN000820797
Analytical Results Report
West Valley City
Salt Lake County, Utah
Reference Scale:
Prepared by:
Robin Keeler 1/2/2024
Riter Canal
Parkway Boulev
XRF #1198
XRF #1223
XRF #1204
XRF #1207
Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA, County of Salt Lake, Utah Geospatial Resource Center, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA,
Salt Lake
Kennecott Tailings Pond Number Two
2 1
Site Location
Mile Markers
Surface Water Pathway
Wetland Type
Freshwater Emergent Wetland
Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
Freshwater Pond
0 0.5 1
±Figure 5
12-Mile Downstream Surface Water Pathway
State Painting: UTN000820797
Analytical Results Report
West Valley City, Salt Lake County, Utah
Reference Scale:
Prepared by: Robin Keeler
Riter Canal
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Table 1. Surface water and sediment analytical results for arsenic from the stormwater retention pond sampling on May 31, 2018.*
Acute Chronic
Surface Water 5/31/2018 SPRS-SW-POND1-05312018 340 150 666 / 662 32.5 50 µg/L
Surface Water 5/31/2018 SPRS-SW-POND2-05312018 340 150 743 / 709 32.5 50 µg/L
Surface Water 5/31/2018 SPRS-SW-POND2-05312018D
(Duplicate)340 150 703 / 701 32.5 50 µg/L
Sediment 5/31/2018 SPRS-SD-POND1-05312018 74.3 0.996 3.07 mg/kg
Sediment 5/31/2018 SPRS-SD-POND2-05312018 76.3 1.01 3.1 mg/kg
Sediment 5/31/2018 SPRS-SD-POND2-05312018D
(Duplicate)68.6 0.979 3.01 mg/kg
*Data transcribed from ESC Lab Sciences Analytical Report, June 7, 2018.
¹NOAA Screening Quick Reference Tables, Threshold Effect Concentration values, 2008.
MDL = Method Detection Limit.
RDL = Reported Detection Limit.
µg/L = Micrograms per liter.
mg/kg = Milligrams per kilogram.
Original Result
(Total /
MS Result
MSD Result (Total / Dissolved)
MSD Recovery %
(Total /
RPD %³Unit
757 / 764 1,920 / 1,940 1,940 / 1,970 119 / 120 1.32 / 1.58 µg/L
74.3 230 230 102 0.109 mg/kg
²MS and MSD Recovery Percent Limits = 75-125%. ³RPD Percent Limits = 20%.
RPD = Relative Percent Difference.
MS Recovery %
(Total /
116 / 117
Arsenic Matrix Spike (MS)/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD)
Matrix Collection
UnitSample ID Arsenic Result
(Total / Dissolved)MDL RDL
Table 2. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) significant
sample results collected from the State Painting property, March 28, 2018.
Significant Sample Results*
(Values in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) dry wt.)
*Table obtained from the DWMRC Memorandum, April 24, 2018. Screening levels were derived from EPA’s
Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) Table.
1 Samples 1, 3, and 5 were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). No VOCs were detected.
DAF = Dilution Attenuation Factor (unit-less). DAF-20 is the EPA groundwater protection screening value.
R-RSL = EPA Residential Regional Screening Level for soil. (Target hazard quotient = 1.0)
Red values exceed either the R-RSL or DAF-20; bold red values exceed both .
ND = Not detected.
NA = Not applicable.
Waste 11
Waste 2
Waste 31
Waste 4
Waste 51
Waste 8
Arsenic 44.4 <1.78 <1.78 <1.78 <1.76 <1.76 0.68 5.8
Alcohol 9.97 1.63 7.0 ND 1.7 ND 6300 9.6
CrVI 0.8 0.93 0.64 0.79 7.91 59.94 0.3 0.013
Chromium 1540 1540 1560 1510 940 171 NA NA
Cobalt 21.4 18.9 19.8 21.7 20.7 31.9 23 5.4
Lead 51 5.8 3 13 158 734 400 280
Nickel 937 748 884 920 553 36.7 1500 520
Table 3. Soil sample analytical results for arsenic, chromium-6, and total chromium from the State Painting Removal site, May 10, 2018.*
Collection Date Sample ID Resident Soil
RSL (mg/kg)
(mg/kg)Qualifier MDL (mg/kg) RDL (mg/kg)
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA1 0.68 1.00 J 0.688 2.12
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA1D (Duplicate)0.68 1.28 J 0.683 2.10
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA2 0.68 18.5 ─0.677 2.08
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA3 0.68 1.25 J 0.675 2.08
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-BACKGROUND1 0.68 9.87 ─0.686 2.11
Collection Date Sample ID Resident Soil
RSL (mg/kg)
(mg/kg)Qualifier MDL RDL
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA1 0.3 0.847 J 0.677 2.12
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA1D (Duplicate)0.3 0.925 J 0.672 2.10
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA2 0.3 1.33 J 0.666 2.08
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA3 0.3 1.41 J 0.665 2.08
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-BACKGROUND1 0.3 U ─0.675 2.11
Collection Date Sample ID Resident Soil
RSL (mg/kg)
(mg/kg)Qualifier MDL RDL
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA1 ─2,460 ─0.148 1.06
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA1D (Duplicate)─2,240 ─0.147 1.05
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA2 ─2,130 O1V 0.146 1.04
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-AREA3 ─2,410 ─0.145 1.04
5/10/2018 SPRS-SO-BACKGROUND1 ─19.9 ─0.148 1.06
*Data transcribed from ESC Lab Sciences Analytical Report, May 17, 2018.
RSL = Regional Screening Level. Obtained from the EPA Regional Screening Levels Summary Table (target hazard quotient = 1.0), May 2023.
mg/kg = Milligrams per kilogram.
MDL = Method Detection Limit; RDL = Reported Detection Limit.
J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.
U = Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).
O1 = The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.
V = The sample concentation is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries.
─ = Not established.
Total Chromium
Table 4. Surface water analytical results in micrograms per liter (µg/L) for samples SP-SW-01–SP-SW-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/10/23 8/14/23 8/14/23
Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd
Aluminum --750 †------120 20 U 750 †------99 11 J
Antimony 6 --------2 UJ 2 UJ --------2 UJ 2 UJ
Arsenic 10 340 --150 --11 9.8 340 --150 --38 37
Barium 2,000 --------110 100 --------77 70
Beryllium 4 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Cadmium 5 --6.5 --2.03 1 UJ 1*UJ --3.2 --1.14 1 UJ 1*UJ
Calcium ----------77,000 74,000 --------37,000 36,000
Chromium 100 --------5.2 0.44 J --------3.5 3.1
Cobalt ----------0.7 J 0.61 J --------0.32 J 0.24 J
Copper 1,300 --49.5 --29.2 7.3 4.1 --23.9 --15.1 9 1.3 J
Iron ------1,000 --810 470 ----1,000 --580 290
Lead 15 --280 --10.9 1 U 1 U --125 --4.9 1 U 1 U
Magnesium ----------53,000 52,000 --------24,000 23,000
Manganese ----------290 280 --------270 220
Nickel ----1,509 --168 2 2.2 --786 --87 2.2 1.4
Potassium ----------19,000 19,000 --------33,000 32,000
Selenium 50 18.4 --4.6 --1.3 J 1.3 J 18.4 --4.6 --5 U 5*U
Silver ----34.7 ----1 U 1 U --9.2 ----1 U 1 U
Sodium ----------190,000 180,000 --------220,000 220,000
Thallium 2 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Vanadium ----------3.7 J 3.2 J --------7 6.2
Zinc ----378 --381 8.5 J-6.6 J+--197 --199 4.7 J-5.9 J+
Analyte MCL
µg/L VQ
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ VQ
Table 4. (continued) Surface water analytical results in micrograms per liter (µg/L) for samples SP-SW-01–SP-SW-13, August 2023.
8/7/23 8/7/23 8/7/23 8/7/23 8/7/23 8/7/23
Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
As Total Dslvd Inorg
Aluminum --750 †------17 J 12 J 750 †------26 J 18 J
Antimony 6 --------5.3 5 --------5.1 4.3 J
Arsenic 10 340 --150 --390 370 340 --150 --230 470 450 J 370
Barium 2,000 --------35 35 --------46 46 J
Beryllium 4 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Cadmium 5 --6.5 --2.03 1 UJ 2*UJ --6.5 --2.03 2 UJ 1*UJ
Calcium ----------11,000 12,000 --------9,800 J-9,900 J-
Chromium 100 --------1.2 J 1.4 J --------2.1 J 1.6 J
Cobalt ----------1.5 1.1 --------1.5 J 2.1
Copper 1,300 --49.6 --29.3 17 16 --49.6 --29.3 29 27
Iron ------1,000 --84 J 74 J ----1,000 --86 J 69 J
Lead 15 --281 --10.9 2.9 J+2 U --281 --10.9 2.3 J+2.6 J
Magnesium ----------140,000 140,000 --------230,000 220,000
Manganese ----------4.9 3.7 --------4.5 2.9
Nickel ----1,513 --168 2 2 --1,513 --168 5.3 2.8
Potassium ----------1,100,000 1,000,000 --------1,700,000 1,700,000
Selenium 50 18.4 --4.6 --5 U 5*U 18.4 --4.6 --10 U 10*UJ
Silver ----34.9 ----0.18 J 2 U --34.9 ----2 U 1 UJ
Sodium ----------11,000,000 11,000,000 --------18,000,000 17,000,000
Thallium 2 --------2 U 2 U --------1 U 1 UJ
Vanadium ----------15 15 --------15 15
Zinc ----379 --382 0.63 J 5 U --379 --382 10 UJ 10 U
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ
Table 4. (continued) Surface water analytical results in micrograms per liter (µg/L) for samples SP-SW-01–SP-SW-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23
Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd
Aluminum --750 †------77 14 J 750 †------93 20 U
Antimony 6 --------2 UJ 2 UJ --------2 UJ 2 UJ
Arsenic 10 340 --150 --21 20 340 --150 --12 11
Barium 2,000 --------91 83 --------72 65
Beryllium 4 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Cadmium 5 --5.3 --1.73 1 UJ 1*UJ --6.1 --1.93 1 UJ 1*UJ
Calcium ----------54,000 50,000 --------56,000 52,000
Chromium 100 --------4.7 1.4 J --------1.1 J 4.7
Cobalt ----------0.74 J 0.58 J --------0.43 J 0.41 J
Copper 1,300 --40.4 --24.3 5.7 4 --46.5 --27.6 4.2 2.3
Iron ------1,000 --430 340 ----1,000 --420 320
Lead 15 --225 --8.7 1.3 J+1 U --261 --10.2 1 U 1 U
Magnesium ----------49,000 48,000 --------59,000 59,000
Manganese ----------87 81 --------28 17
Nickel ----1,259 --140 3 1.9 --1,426 --158 1.6 2.3
Potassium ----------25,000 25,000 --------23,000 23,000
Selenium 50 18.4 --4.6 --5 U 5*U 18.4 --4.6 --5 U 5*U
Silver ----24 ----1 U 1 U --31 ----1 U 1 U
Sodium ----------220,000 210,000 --------250,000 250,000
Thallium 2 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Vanadium ----------4.2 J 4.1 J --------3.6 J 3.5 J
Zinc ----316 --318 3.3 J-5 U --357 --360 2 J-5 U
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ VQ
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
Table 4. (continued) Surface water analytical results in micrograms per liter (µg/L) for samples SP-SW-01–SP-SW-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23
Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd
Aluminum --750 †------130 20 U 750 †------130 20 U
Antimony 6 --------2 UJ 2 UJ --------2 UJ 2 UJ
Arsenic 10 340 --150 --8 7.6 340 --150 --7.9 7.2
Barium 2,000 --------120 94 --------80 76
Beryllium 4 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Cadmium 5 --5.9 --1.87 1 UJ 1*UJ --6.5 --2.03 1 UJ 1*UJ
Calcium ----------76,000 74,000 --------80,000 76,000
Chromium 100 --------0.6 J 8.6 --------4.1 0.63 J
Cobalt ----------0.54 J 0.33 J --------0.35 J 0.26 J
Copper 1,300 --44.7 --26.6 2.7 2 U --49.6 --29.3 2.7 1.6 J
Iron ------1,000 --540 420 ----1,000 --550 400
Lead 15 --251 --9.8 1 U 1 U --281 --10.9 1 U 1 U
Magnesium ----------44,000 42,000 --------53,000 52,000
Manganese ----------50 46 --------52 47
Nickel ----1,377 --153 0.98 J 1.9 --1,513 --168 4.2 1.1
Potassium ----------16,000 15,000 --------18,000 17,000
Selenium 50 18.4 --4.6 --5 U 5*U 18.4 --4.6 --5 U 5*U
Silver ----28.8 ----1 U 1 U --34.9 ----1 U 1 U
Sodium ----------160,000 160,000 --------190,000 190,000
Thallium 2 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Vanadium ----------1.3 J-0.97 J --------4.1 J 3.6 J
Zinc ----345 --348 6.1 J-8.5 --379 --382 3.8 J-5 U
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ VQ
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
Table 4. (continued) Surface water analytical results in micrograms per liter (µg/L) for samples SP-SW-01–SP-SW-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23
Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd
Aluminum --750 †------1,400 9.9 J 750 †------1,500 9.4 J
Antimony 6 --------2 UJ 2 UJ --------2 UJ 2 UJ
Arsenic 10 340 --150 --15 13 340 --150 --14 14
Barium 2,000 --------81 63 --------80 66
Beryllium 4 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Cadmium 5 --6.5 --2.03 1 UJ 1*UJ --6.5 --2.03 1 UJ 1*UJ
Calcium ----------120,000 110,000 --------120,000 120,000
Chromium 100 --------2.4 2.6 J --------2.4 0.27 J
Cobalt ----------0.85 J 0.39 J --------0.85 J 0.35 J
Copper 1,300 --49.6 --29.3 6.5 1.5 J --49.6 --29.3 6.7 1.4 J
Iron ------1,000 --2,000 550 ----1,000 --2,000 550
Lead 15 --281 --10.9 2.7 J+1 U --281 --10.9 5.3 J+1 U
Magnesium ----------63,000 60,000 --------62,000 62,000
Manganese ----------58 12 --------58 13
Nickel ----1,513 --168 2.5 2.8 --1,513 --168 2.5 1.2
Potassium ----------21,000 20,000 --------21,000 20,000
Selenium 50 18.4 --4.6 --2.6 J 2.3 J 18.4 --4.6 --2.5 J 2.5 J
Silver ----34.9 ----1 U 1 U --34.9 ----1 U 1 U
Sodium ----------250,000 240,000 --------250,000 250,000
Thallium 2 --------1 U 1 U --------1 U 1 U
Vanadium ----------9.4 6.9 --------9.4 7.1
Zinc ----379 --382 12 J-5 U --379 --382 10 J-5 U
Analyte MCL
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ VQ
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
Table 4. (continued) Surface water analytical results in micrograms per liter (µg/L) for samples SP-SW-01–SP-SW-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/10/23
Acute Acute
Calc Chrn Chrn
Calc Total Dslvd
Aluminum --750 †------1,100 20 U
Antimony 6 --------2 UJ 2 UJ
Arsenic 10 340 --150 --14 13
Barium 2,000 --------74 67
Beryllium 4 --------1 U 1 U
Cadmium 5 --6.5 --2.03 1 UJ 1*UJ
Calcium ----------120,000 110,000
Chromium 100 --------2.5 35
Cobalt ----------0.74 J 0.65 J
Copper 1,300 --49.6 --29.3 5.3 1.8 J
Iron ------1,000 --1,600 730
Lead 15 --281 --10.9 2.1 J+1 U
Magnesium ----------62,000 60,000
Manganese ----------46 170
Nickel ----1,513 --168 2.3 16
Potassium ----------20,000 20,000
Selenium 50 18.4 --4.6 --2.5 J 2.5 J
Silver ----34.9 ----1 U 1 U
Sodium ----------250,000 240,000
Thallium 2 --------1 U 1 U
Vanadium ----------8.7 6.8
Zinc ----379 --382 7.4 J-5 U
¹Obtained from the Utah Office of Administrative Rules, R317-2; Criteria for Aquatic Wildlife, updated January 25, 2023.
MCL = EPA Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water, obtained from RSL tables, May 2024. Sampled areas are not drinking water sources; the MCL is provided as a frame of reference.
Calc = Calculated standards based on hardness; applied to cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, silver, and zinc for each dissolved sample. Samples with the same values reflect a max. hardness of 400,000 µg/L.
Chrn = Chronic
† = Criterion based on pH equal to or greater than 7 and hardness equal to or greater than 50,000 µg/L for total aluminum.
VQ = Validation Qualifer
Dslvd = Dissolved
Inorg As = The sample was analyzed for inorganic arsenic only.
RPD = Relative Percent Difference
-- = Not established, and the chronic standard does not apply to aluminum according to the criterion.
UJ = The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit; RL); considered approximate due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
U = The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected at or above the associated value (RL).
J = The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample. Negative (-): may be biased low; positive (+): may be biased high.
Bold values = Exceeds benchmark for either acute or chronic or both; based on dissolved values except for aluminum.
Shaded columns indicate samples collected from the stormwater retention pond.
* = One or both water quality standards are less than the RL and exceedance is inconclusive.
N/A = Not applicable; RPD was not calculated because the parent sample and/or the duplicate sample was non-detect.
Analyte MCL
Utah Water Quality Standards¹
µg/L VQ VQ
Table 5. Sediment analytical results in milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) for samples SP-SE-01–SP-SE-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/14/23 8/7/23 8/7/23 8/7/23 8/7/23 8/10/23 8/10/23
Aluminum 58,000 10,000 1,900 3,000 3,600 4,400 2,300
Antimony --0.83 UJ 1.3 UJ 1.4 UJ 1.2 UJ 0.86 UJ 0.85 UJ
Arsenic (Inorganic)33 16 12 44 48 43 38 13 10
Barium 300 160 94 85 95 140 140
Beryllium --0.51 J+0.64 U 0.72 U 0.60 U 0.43 U 0.43 U
Cadmium 4.9 0.69 J-0.35 J-0.69 J-0.82 J-0.55 J-0.29 J-
Calcium --78,000 28,000 79,000 69,000 36,000 110,000
Chromium (Total)110 45 66 6.9 6.5 14 7.8
Cobalt --8.3 3.7 1.7 1.5 3.6 1.6
Copper 140 280 59 93 72 130 75
Iron 40,000 16,000 4,300 3,800 4,000 6,800 3,300
Lead 120 41 11 45 57 32 16
Magnesium --15,000 6,800 37,000 39,000 10,000 8,800
Manganese 1,100 320 1,300 160 150 160 J-220
Nickel 48 17 8.5 6.1 5.5 10 6.3
Potassium --3,400 720 3,700 4,300 2,700 2,200
Selenium 2.9 0.99 J 3.2*U 3.6*U 3*U 1.3 J 1.5 J
Silver 5 0.47 0.12 J 0.23 J 0.11 J 0.26 J 0.17 J
Sodium --1,000 560 J 19,000 20,000 2,500 2,400
Thallium --0.30 J 0.43 J 0.43 J 0.26 J 0.31 J 0.22 J
Vanadium --25 25 14 12 21 7.3
Zinc 450 340 95 40 31 81 J-58
Low Effect
Table 5. (continued) Sediment analytical results in milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) for samples SP-SE-01–SP-SE-13, August 2023.
8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23 8/10/23
Aluminum 58,000 2,100 5,400 5,400 5,500 2 6,300
Antimony --0.74 UJ 0.73 UJ 0.88 UJ 0.96 UJ N/A 0.96 UJ
Arsenic (Inorganic)33 7 13 7.3 6 20 5.8
Barium 300 62 140 130 120 8 180
Beryllium --0.37 U 0.37 U 0.78 J+0.48 U N/A 0.50 J+
Cadmium 4.9 0.23 J-0.43 J-0.34 J-0.34 J-0 0.41 J-
Calcium --58,000 77,000 72,000 67,000 7 63,000
Chromium (Total)110 5.1 10 11 11 0 13
Cobalt --1.1 2.7 3.3 3.7 11 6.2
Copper 140 49 50 28 23 20 25
Iron 40,000 3,100 5,700 7,400 7,900 7 11,000
Lead 120 9.7 18 15 14 7 18
Magnesium --12,000 22,000 14,000 17,000 19 13,000
Manganese 1,100 130 260 310 280 10 390
Nickel 48 3.6 7.6 8.2 9.8 18 15
Potassium --1,300 2,600 2,300 2,500 8 3,200
Selenium 2.9 1.8 U 0.65 J 2.2 U 2.4 U N/A 2.4 U
Silver 5 0.10 J 0.14 J 0.14 J 0.11 J 24 0.11 J
Sodium --1,200 960 520 620 18 380 J
Thallium --0.24 J 0.44 0.26 J 0.25 J 4 0.33 J
Vanadium --6.9 13 12 13 8 19
Zinc 450 39 65 49 44 11 57
¹Los Alamos National Laboratory ECORISK Database, version 4.3, September 2022. Values represent the Low Effect Ecological Screening Level for aquatic community organisms.
VQ = Validation Qualifer
Inorg As = The sample was analyzed for inorganic arsenic only.
RPD = Relative Percent Difference
-- = Not established
UJ = The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit; RL); considered approximate due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
J = The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample. Negative (-): may be biased low; positive (+): may be biased high.
U = The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (RL).
Bold values = Exceeds Low Effect ESL.
* = The Low Effect ESL benchmark is below the RL and exceedance is inconclusive.
Shaded columns indicate samples collected from the stormwater retention pond.
N/A = Not applicable; RPD was not calculated because the parent sample and/or the duplicate sample was non-detect.
Low Effect
RPD (%)
Table 6. Surface soil analytical results in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for samples SP-SO-01–SP-SO-05, August 2023.
8/14/23 8/10/23 8/14/23 8/14/23 8/10/23
Aluminum 1,100,000 4,400 3,400 2,400 2,500 4 3,100
Antimony 470 0.84 UJ 0.86 UJ 0.68 UJ 0.75 UJ N/A 0.83 UJ
Arsenic (Inorganic)3 6.7 8.5 3.9 4.6 16 5.1
Barium 220,000 110 77 69 73 6 120
Beryllium 2,300 0.42 U 0.43 U 0.34 U 0.38 U N/A 0.42 U
Cadmium --1.5 0.26 J-0.33 J-0.34 J-3 0.39 J-
Calcium --40,000 60,000 79,000 78,000 1 100,000
Chromium (Total)--7.9 6 5.5 7.4 29 8.5
Cobalt 350 2.4 1.7 1.6 2 22 2.3
Copper 47,000 150 19 12 14 15 25
Iron 820,000 6,600 4,400 3,700 3,600 3 4,700
Lead 800 100 7.6 9.9 12 19 12
Magnesium --12,000 13,000 18,000 19,000 5 17,000
Manganese 26,000 330 180 160 170 6 230
Nickel 17,000 6 4.4 4.4 5.2 17 6.1
Potassium --2,400 4,100 1,600 1,500 6 1,500
Selenium 5,800 2.1 U 2.2 U 1.7 U 1.9 U N/A 2.1 U
Silver 5,800 0.37 J 0.10 J 0.06 J 0.06 J 10 0.08 J
Sodium --240 J 11,000 770 640 18 360 J
Thallium 12 0.26 J 0.14 J 0.16 J 0.17 J 6 0.25 J
Vanadium 5,800 7.7 6.1 5.9 7.4 23 8.3
Zinc 350,000 77 19 44 47 7 47
¹Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Screening Level (RSL) for Industrial Soil, May 2024. Target cancer risk = 10 ¯⁶, target hazard quotient = 0.1.
VQ = Validation Qualifer
RPD = Relative Percent Difference
UJ = The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit); considered approximate due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
U = The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit).
J = The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample. Negative (-): may be biased low; positive (+): may be biased high.
-- = Not established
Bold values = Exceeds EPA RSL for Industrial Soil.
N/A = Not applicable; RPD was not calculated because the parent sample and/or the duplicate sample was non-detect.
RPD (%)
Table 7. Sample Locations, Descriptions, and Rationale.
Media Sample Number Location Rationale
SP-SW-01 / SP-SW-01-DSLVD In an open drainage channel near an underground tunnel south of Parkway Boulevard
and west of 6791 Parkway Boulevard.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-02 / SP-SW-02-DSLVD In a drainage area on the southwest corner of West Valley City property boundary,
east of 6750 West.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-03 / SP-SW-03-DSLVD Southwest side of the Site, east of 6750 West.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-04 Same location as SP-SW-03.For total inorganic arsenic analysis.
SP-SW-05 / SP-SW-05-DSLVD Middle area of the stormwater retention pond.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-06 Same location as SP-SW-05.For total inorganic arsenic analysis.
SP-SW-07 / SP-SW-07-DSLVD Wetlands pond north of the stormwater retention pond.QA/QC Laboratory Duplicate - MS/MSD Double Volume.
SP-SW-08 / SP-SW-08-DSLVD Wetlands pond north of the stormwater retention pond.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-09 /SP-SW-09-DSLVD Wetlands pond north of the stormwater retention pond.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-10 / SP-SW-10-DSLVD Pond near the west side of the West Valley City property.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-11 / SP-SW-11-DSLVD Downstream location of the Riter Canal, south of Beagley Road.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SW-12 / SP-SW-12-DSLVD Same location as SP-SW-11.QA/QC Field Duplicate of SP-SW-11.
SP-SW-13 / SP-SW-13-DSLVD Upstream location of the Riter Canal, south of Beagley Road.Background sample.
SP-SE-01 Collocated with SP-SW-01.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-02 Collocated with SP-SW-02.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-03 Collocated with SP-SW-03.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-04 Collocated with SP-SW-04.For total inorganic arsenic analysis.
SP-SE-05 Collocated with SP-SW-05.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-06 Collocated with SP-SW-06.For total inorganic arsenic analysis.
SP-SE-07 Collocated with SP-SW-07.QA/QC Laboratory Duplicate - MS/MSD Double Volume.
SP-SE-08 Collocated with SP-SW-08.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-09 Collocated with SP-SW-09.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-10 Collocated with SP-SW-10.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-11 Collocated with SP-SW-11.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SE-12 Collocated with SP-SW-12.QA/QC Field Duplicate of SP-SE-11.
SP-SE-13 Collocated with SP-SW-13.Background sample.
SP-SO-01 Open field in-between SP-SW-08 and SP-SW-09.QA/QC Laboratory Duplicate - MS/MSD.
SP-SO-02 In a large field on the tail end of a playa west of 6400 West.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SO-03 North of the stormwater retention pond near a storage shed.Determine presence/absence of contaminants.
SP-SO-04 North of the stormwater retention pond near a storage shed.QA/QC Field Duplicate of SP-SO-03.
SP-SO-05 South of Parkway Boulevard, near a residential area west of the drainage channel.Background sample.
Surface Water
Table 8. XRF Arsenic Readings, August 9, 2023.
Shot #Shot
1195 09:25 ------System check
1196 09:26 ------System check
1197 09:27 414 9 --Standard test using RCRA sand
1198 09:45 7 2 6 SP-SO-05
1199 10:11 12 3 --
1200 10:23 <LOD ----Less than Level of Detection
1201 10:37 12 2 --
1202 10:43 10 3 --
1203 10:55 14 5 --
1204 11:05 6 2 4 & 6 SP-SO-03 & SP-SO-04
1205 11:13 9 3 --
1206 11:23 9 4 --
1207 11:34 15 3 7 SP-SO-02
1208 11:44 8 3 --
1209 11:52 12 3 --
1210 12:03 7 3 --
1211 12:12 7 2 --
1212 13:50 ------System check
1213 13:51 ------System check
1214 13:52 420 9 --Standard test using RCRA sand
1215 14:03 7 3 --
1216 14:12 8 3 --
1217 14:20 8 3 --
1218 14:31 8 3 --
1219 14:39 7 2 --
1220 14:53 6 2 --
1221 15:00 6 3 --
1222 15:07 8 2 --
1223 15:18 9 3 11 SP-SO-01
1224 15:27 12 3 --
1225 15:35 4 2 --
1226 15:44 11 2 --
1227 15:52 8 3 --
1228 16:01 8 3 --
1229 16:08 7 2 --
1230 16:20 8 2 --
¹Average arsenic readings were only calculated for corresponding soil samples.
Table 9. Data Quality Objectives.
Step 1
Problem Statement
Step 2
Identifying the Decisions
Step 3
Decision Inputs
Step 4
Study Boundaries
Step 5
Step 6
Tolerance Limits on
Step 7
Optimization of Sample
During the State Painting
Removal Action, elevated
arsenic was detected in the
surface water and sediments in a
stormwater retention pond west-
adjacent to the State Painting
property. The source of the
arsenic is unknown. The DERR
will collect surface water,
sediments, soil samples, and
XRF field screenings to
determine the extent of elevated
arsenic contamination and
potential risks to human health
and the environment.
West Valley City will be
developing the wetlands
property (the Site) into a
public nature park. Further
evaluation is warranted to
assess if improper disposal of
wastes from the State Painting
site is responsible for the
contamination, if historic use
of agricultural pesticides is a
factor, or if other off-site
sources are contributing to the
arsenic levels found in the
stormwater retention pond.
Analytical data from collected
samples will be used to
determine arsenic
concentrations within the
stormwater retention pond,
wetlands ponds, Riter Canal,
inlet areas, and proposed
gathering areas for the future
park. Arsenic values are likely
to vary throughout the Salt
Lake Valley, but in order to
help determine risk exposure
from the stormwater retention
pond, DERR will request the
laboratory data be analyzed for
inorganic arsenic for the two
surface water and collocated
sediment samples collected at
this location.
The current primary targets are
wildlife receptors that may
reside in or frequent the ponds
and wetlands, the downstream
Riter Canal, workers on the
Site, and the surrounding
residential properties.
Additionally, visitors will be
gathering in numerous areas
throughout the Site when the
park is developed.
If review of the analytical data
determines that the arsenic
concentrations within the West
Valley City wetlands property
poses a threat to human health
and the environment, then the
DERR will consult with the
EPA to determine if further
investigation is warranted.
West Valley City will also be
consulted to determine
appropriate measures to
protect human health at the
property, if needed.
Additionally, data may be
shared with other agencies
involved in the protection of
wetland resources.
Analytical results for surface
water will be compared to
Utah Standards of Quality for
Waters criteria for aquatic
wildlife, sediment results will
be compared to the Los
Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) benchmarks for
aquatic community organisms
using the Low Effect
Ecological Screening Levels
(ESLs), and soil results will be
compared to EPA’s Regional
Screening Levels for Industrial
Soil to determine the potential
risks, and if further work is
warranted at the Site. The
proximity of the Site to the
mineralized Oquirrh
Mountains will be considered
if variances are observed.
• Review the previous Data
Quality Objectives (DQOs)
step results.
• Develop data collection
design alternatives.
• Select the sample size that
satisfies the DQOs.
• Decide on the most
resource-effective design,
or agreed alternative; and,
• Document details and
decisions made.
Surface water samples,
sediment samples, soil
samples, and XRF field
screenings will be collected as
specified in the SIWP.
Additional opportunity
samples will be collected at the
discretion of the Project
Manager if field conditions
warrant the need for additional
samples. Samples should be
collected while the ponds still
contain water.
Sample locations were selected
based on several factors to
evaluate risk including:
proximity to known arsenic
contamination, proximity to
potential human health and
environmental targets, and
accessibility of the individual
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Site Inspection Analytical Results Report
State Painting – UTN000820797
Site Inspection Work Plan
Field Activities Report
State Painting
West Valley City, Utah
August 7–14, 2023
Prepared by:
Robin J. Keeler
Project Manager
DATE: August 7, 2023
FIELD CREW: Robin Keeler and Tom Daniels, DERR
WEATHER: 1050: Sunny, 79℉, calm wind from the west.
0930: Prior to leaving the office, a Horiba U-50 multi-parameter water quality meter was auto-
calibrated using pH buffer standard 4.01 solution. Due to a torn membrane cap for the dissolved
oxygen (DO) sensor, a scan calibration error for DO was displayed. Sensors were rinsed with
deionized water and recalibrated. A zero-point calibration error was displayed for turbidity.
Because of these errors, the DO and turbidity readings were discarded from the water quality
1050: Arrived at the West Valley City wetlands property, Parks & Recreation Maintenance
Building at 2729 South 6750 West. I gave a health and safety briefing on the Site.
1100: Arrived at the sample location for SP-SW-03 and SP-SW-04. West Valley City had a
heavy rain storm on August 3, so there was plenty of water at the Site to sample; however, the
Site's northeast corner was dried up. Since that area was predetermined for surface water samples
SP-SW-05 and SP-SW-06, and sediment samples SP-SE-05 and SP-SE-06, those sample
locations were moved approximately 300 feet southwest where there was enough water to
1108: I performed water quality measurements with the Horiba at sample location SP-SW-03/04
and entered data on the datasheet and in the Survey123 app. Tom set up equipment for collecting
1122: Tom collected sample SP-SW-03. I was trying to figure out why I couldn’t enter multiple
samples under the same survey in the Survey123 app; I had to exit the survey and add a new
sample for a new survey each time, and this didn’t seem right to me (it was later discovered that
it was, in fact, right).
1130: A disposable filter was placed on the pump tubing. Tom collected SP-SW-03-DSLVD.
Five mL of nitric acid was added to samples SP-SW-03 and SP-SW-03-DSLVD after collection.
1134: Filter was removed. Tom collected SP-SW-04 (total inorganic arsenic sample). The
container was prefilled with hydrochloric acid by Eurofins lab.
1137-8: Tom collected sediment samples SP-SE-03 and SP-SE-04. A water depth measurement
was taken with a water level gauge where water was collected.
1142: Completed sampling at first location and mobilized to location for SP-SW-05/06. All
samples were stored in an ice cooler. All tubing, disposable gloves, the filter, and the spoon used
to collect sediment samples were disposed of in a garbage bag, and the Horiba, cap, and
collection cup was rinsed with a spray bottle of deionized water.
1214: I performed water quality measurements with the Horiba. Tom collected surface water
samples SP-SW-05 and SP-SW-06 using the same procedures described above. Both samples
were collected unfiltered from the same location; SP-SW-06 was collected for total inorganic
arsenic. I believe SP-SW-05-DSLVD was collected after SP-SW-06, however, this is not how
the time was recorded on the datasheet.
1216: It was documented SP-SW-05-DSLVD was collected, but this time could have been for
1219: It was documented SP-SW-06 was collected, but this time could have been for SP-SW-05-
DSLVD. Five mL of nitric acid was added to samples SP-SW-05 and SP-SW-05-DSLVD after
collection. SP-SW-06 was prefilled with hydrochloric acid by Eurofins lab.
1221: Tom collected sediment samples SP-SE-05 and SP-SE-06. All samples were stored in an
ice cooler. A water depth measurement was taken with a water level gauge where water was
collected. All tubing, disposable gloves, the filter, and the spoon used to collect sediment
samples were disposed of in a garbage bag, and the Horiba was rinsed with a spray bottle of
deionized water.
12:38: Sampling at the Site was completed. All data was recorded on a datasheet and entered into
the Survey123 app. See separate documentation for all data. GPS coordinates and photographs
were taken for all samples.
12:48: Left the West Valley City wetlands property.
DATE: August 9, 2023
FIELD CREW: Robin Keeler and Hannah Tremble-Marty, DERR
WEATHER: 0925: Sunny, 72℉, calm wind from the east/southeast.
0825: Prior to leaving the office, a Horiba U-50 multi-parameter water quality meter was auto-
calibrated using pH buffer standard 4.01 solution. Due to a torn membrane cap for the dissolved
oxygen (DO) sensor, a scan calibration error for DO was displayed.
0925: Arrived at the first location to take an XRF scan for the background soil sample, SP-SO-
05. I gave a health and safety briefing. The XRF was powered on and two system checks were
performed. We used the RCRA sand matrix for the standard test. This was shot # 1197. Arsenic
(As) result was 414 ppm. Standard Deviation was 9.
0945: XRF shot #1198 (background soil sample location). Each shot was held for 120 seconds
per scan and recorded. All data was recorded on a datasheet and entered into the Survey123 app.
See separate documentation for all data and times. All XRF locations were marked with pin
flags, photographed, and GPS coordinates were recorded. It was determined in the field that 30
XRF shots were sufficient to determine the locations of soil samples.
1245-1345: Lunch break and charged cell phone for Survey123 app.
1630: Left site. The plan was to collect surface water samples and XRF soil readings today but
time only allowed for XRF soil readings; therefore, the Horiba was not used.
DATE: August 10, 2023
FIELD CREW: Robin Keeler, Hannah Tremble-Marty (until 1230), and Edoardo Tagliaferri,
WEATHER: 1019: Sunny, 81℉, wind from the south/southeast.
0836: Prior to leaving the office, a Horiba U-50 multi-parameter water quality meter was auto-
calibrated using pH buffer standard 4.01 solution. Sensors were rinsed with deionized water prior
to calibration. Received a scan calibration error for DO due to the torn membrane cap. Due to
this error, DO readings were discarded from the water quality measurements.
0915: Arrived at the West Valley City wetlands property, Parks & Recreation Maintenance
Building. I gave a health and safety briefing. Gathered equipment and mobilized to surface water
sample location SP-SW-07/-DSLVD.
1019: I collected samples SP-SW-07 and SP-SW-07-DSLVD. Hannah and Edoardo helped with
bottle labeling, preservation, water quality measurements, and entering data on datasheets.
Procedures were followed the same as on 8/7. All data was recorded on a datasheet and entered
into the Survey123 app. See separate documentation for all data and times. All sample locations
were photographed, and GPS coordinates were recorded. All samples were stored in an ice
cooler after collection and water depth was taken for surface water sample locations.
1245-1345: Lunch break and charged cell phone for Survey123 app.
2015: Completed last sample, SP-SE-13. Long day!! 28 samples collected, and also picked up
the majority of pin flags from the XRF locations that were not going to have corresponding soil
samples. Left site.
DATE: August 14, 2023
FIELD CREW: Robin Keeler
WEATHER: 1000: Sunny, 78℉, gentle breeze from the east.
Friday, August 11 was a shorter work day that was spent cleaning up and putting away
equipment from the August 10 sampling, sieving the soil samples, scanning the soil samples in
the clear storage bag with the XRF three times, and creating a spreadsheet to calculate the
average XRF readings. It was not realized until near the end of the work day that I missed
collecting the surface water samples SP-SW-02, SP-SW-02-DSLVD, and corresponding
sediment sample SP-SE-02, so these were collected today.
1000: Arrived at the West Valley City wetlands property, Parks & Recreation Maintenance
Building at 2729 South 6750 West. Gathered equipment and mobilized to sample location.
1009: The drainage area was dry. I collected surface water sample SP-SW-02 right at the mouth
of the culvert where there was still some water left. I did not collect water quality measurements
because there was not enough pH buffer standard 4.01 solution to calibrate the Horiba. I added 5
mL of nitric acid to SP-SW-02 for preservation. All data was recorded on datasheets and in the
Survey123 app. See separate documentation for all data and times. All sample locations were
photographed, and GPS coordinates were recorded.
1017: I placed a disposable filter on the pump tubing and collected SP-SW-02-DSLVD. I added
5 mL of nitric acid to SP-SW-02-DSLVD for preservation.
1021: I collected sediment sample SP-SE-02. A water depth measurement was taken with a
water level gauge where water was collected. All samples were stored in an ice cooler.
I walked the property and collected the rest of the XRF pin flags.
1205: Left site.
1640: Returned to the West Valley City wetlands property. After organizing data at the office, I
realized when collecting the soil samples on August 10, extra soil was not collected for the
MS/MSD and the field duplicate, so I recollected them.
1647: Collected SP-SO-03. (XRF shot #1204.)
1653: Collected the field duplicate, SP-SO-04.
1714: Collected SP-SO-01 and the MS/MSD of SP-SO-01. (XRF shot #1223.)
1736: Left site.
Surface Water/Sediment Samples:
SP-SW-03/ SP-SW-03-DSLVD, SP-SW-04:
SP-SW-05/ SP-SW-05-DSLVD, SP-SW-06:
SP-SW-11, 12/ SP-SW-11, 12-DSLVD:
Soil Samples:
SP-SO-03, 04:
XRF Locations:
Site Inspection Work Plan
State Painting – UTN000820797
Field Data Entry, August 2023
Type Sample ID
(ppt)Notes Lat/Long
11:22 RK, TD Surface
Water SP-SW-03 0.3 27.8 9.5 71 26.3 16.3 16 Total 40.710172,
11:30 RK, TD Surface
DSLVD 0.3 27.8 9.5 71 26.3 16.3 16 Dissolved Same as SP-
11:34 RK, TD Surface
Water SP-SW-04 0.3 27.8 9.5 71 26.3 16.3 16
arsenic analysis
Same as SP-
11:37 RK, TD Sediment SP-SE-03 0.3 Same location as
Same as SP-
11:38 RK, TD Sediment SP-SE-04 0.3
arsenic analysis.
Same location as
Same as SP-
12:14 RK, TD Surface
Water SP-SW-05 0.2 31.2 9.5 64 40.7 24.8 26 Total 40.710350,
12:16 RK, TD Surface
DSLVD 0.2 31.2 9.5 64 40.7 24.8 26 Dissolved Same as SP-
12:19 RK, TD Surface
Water SP-SW-06 0.2 31.2 9.5 64 40.7 24.8 26
arsenic analysis.
Same location as
Same as SP-
12:21 RK, TD Sediment SP-SE-05 0.2 Same location as
Same as SP-
12:21 RK, TD Sediment SP-SE-06 0.2
arsenic analysis.
Same location as
Same as SP-
Dissolved Oxygen readings were discarded due to a torn membrane cap for the sensor and turbidity readings were discarded due to a zero-point calibration error.
The water temperature sensor was not manually calibrated prior to fieldwork and therefore water temperature recordings may not be accurate.
Date Field Team Sample
Shot #
Deviation Lat/Long Notes
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1198 09:45 7 2 40.708225, -112.054214
Background soil sample location
(SP-SO-05). Calm east/SE wind.
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1199 10:11 12 3 40.710055, -112.050371
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1200 10:23 <LOD N/A 40.709309, -112.051803 Less than Level of Detection
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1201 10:37 12 2 40.709929, -112.049392
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1202 10:43 10 3 40.709994, -112.048429 Fence cut open; tire tracks
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1203 10:55 14 5 40.711074, -112.048131 Unit power save mode; no display
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1204 11:05 6 2 40.711221, -112.048915 By gray shed
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1205 11:13 9 3 40.711795, -112.049029 Fox seen; 78°F
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1206 11:23 9 4 40.712115, -112.048087 No wind
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1207 11:34 15 3 40.711927, -112.046095
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1208 11:44 8 3 40.712798, -112.045361
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1209 11:52 12 3 40.712759, -112.046526
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1210 12:03 7 3 40.714109, -112.047457
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1211 12:12 7 2 40.714624, -112.049199 Lunch break; charged equipment
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1215 14:03 7 3 40.709503, -112.050652 84°F
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1216 14:12 8 3 40.710527, -112.050446
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1217 14:20 8 3 40.710846, -112.049513
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1218 14:31 8 3 40.711324, -112.049685
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1219 14:39 7 2 40.711195, -112.050856
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1220 14:53 6 2 40.711471, -112.052152 Light breeze from the north
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1221 15:00 6 3 40.711901, -112.052016
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1222 15:07 8 2 40.712109, -112.051560 Calm wind from the west
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1223 15:18 9 3 40.712574, -112.050643 Deer seen
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1224 15:27 12 3 40.713183, -112.050596
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1225 15:35 4 2 40.714180, -112.050990
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1226 15:44 11 2 40.713711, -112.050247 Calm wind from the north
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1227 15:52 8 3 40.713343, -112.049530
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1228 16:01 8 3 40.712985, -112.049222
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1229 16:08 7 2 40.712525, -112.048725 No wind
8/9/2023 RK, HTM XRF 1230 16:20 8 2 40.711332, -112.047485 North of State Painting property
Date/Time Field Team Sample Type Sample ID
(mS/cm)NTU TDS
Shot #Lat/Long
8/10/2023, 10:19 RK, HTM, ET Surface Water SP-SW-07 0.23 22.5 7.9 179 1.2 3.3 0.8 0.6 40.712764, -112.048618
8/10/2023, 10:31 RK, HTM, ET Surface Water SP-SW-07-
DSLVD 0.23 22.5 7.9 179 1.2 3.3 0.8 0.6 Same as SP-SW-07
8/10/2023, 10:44 RK, HTM, ET Sediment SP-SE-07 0.23 Same as SP-SW-07
8/10/2023, 11:24 RK, HTM, ET Surface Water SP-SW-08 0.14 28.7 8.4 100 1.3 10.4 0.8 0.6 40.712661, -112.049536
8/10/2023, 11:27 RK, HTM, ET Surface Water SP-SW-08-
DSLVD 0.14 28.7 8.4 100 1.3 10.4 0.8 0.6 Same as SP-SW-08
8/10/2023, 11:40 RK, HTM, ET Sediment SP-SE-08 0.14 Same as SP-SW-08
8/10/2023, 12:14 RK, HTM, ET Surface Water SP-SW-09 0.4 35.8 7.6 71 N/A; cup
fell over 9.1 0.6 0.5 40.712173, -112.051166
8/10/2023, 12:19 RK, HTM, ET Surface Water SP-SW-09-
DSLVD 0.4 35.8 7.6 71 N/A 9.1 0.6 0.5 Same as SP-SW-09
8/10/2023, 12:21 RK, HTM, ET Sediment SP-SE-09 0.4 Same as SP-SW-09
8/10/2023, 14:23 RK, ET Soil SP-SO-01 1223 40.712570, -112.050650
8/10/2023, 16:00 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-10 0.5 31 7.6 -230 1.2 13.2 0.8 0.6 40.711662, -112.051745
8/10/2023, 16:05 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-10-
DSLVD 0.5 31 7.6 -230 1.2 13.2 0.8 0.6 Same as SP-SW-10
8/10/2023, 16:19 RK, ET Sediment SP-SE-10 0.5 Same as SP-SW-10
8/10/2023, 17:11 RK, ET Soil SP-SO-02 1207 40.711897, -112.046036
8/10/2023, 17:23 RK, ET Soil SP-SO-03 1204 40.711248, -112.048880
8/10/2023, 17:50 RK, ET Soil SP-SO-05 1198 40.708575, -112.053748
8/10/2023, 18:10 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-01 0.4 29.7 7.4 56 1.2 12 0.7 0.6 40.708421, -112.053754
8/10/2023, 18:15 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-01-
DSLVD 0.4 29.7 7.4 56 1.2 12 0.7 0.6 Same as SP-SW-01
8/10/2023, 18:25 RK, ET Sediment SP-SE-01 0.4 Same as SP-SW-01
8/10/2023, 19:05 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-11 1.1 26.3 8.1 97 1.5 79.3 1 0.8 40.714885, -112.050918
8/10/2023, 19:12 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-12 1.1 26.3 8.1 97 1.5 79.3 1 0.8 Same as SP-SW-11
8/10/2023, 19:16 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-11-
DSLVD 1.1 26.3 8.1 97 1.5 79.3 1 0.8 Same as SP-SW-11
8/10/2023, 19:19 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-12-
DSLVD 1.1 26.3 8.1 97 1.5 79.3 1 0.8 Same as SP-SW-11
8/10/2023, 19:30 RK, ET Sediment SP-SE-11 40.714927, -112.050907
8/10/2023, 19:35 RK, ET Sediment SP-SE-12 40.714929, -112.050753
8/10/2023, 19:58 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-13 0.6 26.3 8.2 106 1.5 66.6 1 0.8 40.714691, -112.039540
8/10/2023, 20:02 RK, ET Surface Water SP-SW-13-
DSLVD 0.6 26.3 8.2 106 1.5 66.6 1 0.8 Same as SP-SW-13
8/10/2023, 20:03 RK, ET Sediment SP-SE-13 Same as SP-SW-13
The water temperature sensor was not manually calibrated prior to fieldwork and therefore water temperature recordings may not be accurate.
Team Sample Type Sample ID Water
Depth (ft)
Shot #Notes Lat/Long
8/14/2023, 10:09 RK Surface Water SP-SW-02 0.47 Total metals. Sunny, 78°F,
gentle breeze from the east.40.709262, -112.051815
8/14/2023, 10:17 RK Surface Water SP-SW-02-
DSLVD 0.47 Dissolved Same as SP-SW-02
8/14/2023, 10:21 RK Sediment SP-SE-02 0.47 Same as SP-SW-02
8/14/2023, 16:47 RK Soil SP-SO-03 1204 Retook sample due to forgetting
to take field duplicate on 8/10/23 40.711248, -112.048880
8/14/2023, 16:53 RK Soil SP-SO-04 1204 Field duplicate of SP-SO-03 Same as SP-SO-03
8/14/2023, 17:14 RK Soil SP-SO-01 1223 Retook sample due to forgetting
to take MS/MSD on 8/10/23 40.712570, -112.050650
No water quality measurements were taken due to being out of pH 4 buffer solution needed to calibrate the Horiba.
Site Inspection Work Plan
State Painting – UTN000820797
Consent for Access to Property
Site Inspection Work Plan
State Painting – UTN000820797
Chain-of-Custody Records
Site Inspection Work Plan
State Painting – UTN000820797
Wetlands Park
Draft Master Plan
Site Inspection Work Plan
State Painting – UTN000820797
Tetra Tech Data
Validation Report
Tetra Tech, Inc.
1560 Broadway, Suite 1400, Denver, CO 80202
Tel 303.312.8800
November 20, 2023
Mr. Ryan Dunham
Site Assessment Manager
US EPA Region 8
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1129
Subject: Data Validation Report
State Painting Data Validation Final
EPA Contract No.: 68HE0820D0001
Task Order/Technical Direction No.: 68HE0823F0061/2361-2310-05
Document Tracking No. 1598b
Dear Mr. Dunham:
Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech) is submitting this data validation report for 5 soil samples (including one
field duplicate), 24 water samples (including 2 field duplicates), and 13 sediment samples (including one
field duplicate), collected at the State Painting Site. The samples were collected on August 7, 10, and 14,
2023, and were analyzed for total and dissolved metals by method SFAM01.1 by Chemtech Consulting
Group in Mountainside, New Jersey and for inorganic arsenic speciation by Eurofins Environment
Testing in Tacoma, Washington. The final laboratory data package was received on October 12, 2023.
Analytical data were evaluated in general accordance with the Tetra Tech Quality Assurance Project Plan
for Region 8 Site Assessment Task Orders, Revision 3, Superfund Technical Assessment and Response
Team, EPA Region 8 (March 2023) and the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) for Inorganic
Superfund Methods Data Review (November 2020).
No rejection of results was required for this data package. The results may be used as qualified based on
the findings of this validation effort.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this data validation report.
Environmental Chemist
cc: Didi Fung, Tetra Tech Program Manager
Clayton Longest, Tetra Tech Project Document Control Coordinator
TO/TD File
Page 1 of 7
Site Name State Painting Data Validation TO/TD No. 68HE0823F0061/2361-2310-05 Document Tracking No. 1598b-1
Data Reviewer
(name and date)
Maura McAleese
October 13, 2023
Technical Reviewer
(name and date)
Ellen McEntee
October 27, 2023
Laboratory Report No. MH0AA0 Laboratory Chemtech Consulting Group –
Mountainside, NJ
Analyses TAL Metals by Superfund Analytical Method Statement of Work SFAM01.1
Samples and Matrix Five soil samples (including a field duplicate sample)
Collection Date(s) August 10 and 14, 2023
Field Duplicate Pairs MH0AD5 (SP-SO-03)/ MH0AD6 (SP-SO-04)
Field QC Blanks None
This checklist summarizes the Stage 2B validation performed on the subject laboratory report, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance for Labeling Externally Validated Laboratory Analytical Data for Superfund Use (January 2009). Analytical data
were evaluated in general accordance with the Tetra Tech Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Region 8 Site Assessment Task
Orders, Revision 3 (March 2023), and the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) Inorganic Superfund Methods Data Review (November 2020).
No rejection of results was required for this data package. The results may be used as qualified based on the findings of this validation effort.
Data completeness:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
QC summary forms were not provided in the data package. The Sample Management Office submitted QC forms for this data
package, and it is assumed that these forms accurately reflect the laboratory analysis.
The chain of custody (COC) forms included samples that were not reported in this data package. Validation of these samples can be
found in other data validation checklists associated to CLP case number 50975.
Page 2 of 7
Sample preservation, receipt, and holding times:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Instrument Performance Checks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Initial Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Continuing Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Calibration Verification:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 3 of 7
Method blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The opening continuing calibration blank (CCB009) and closing CCB (CCB010) contained antimony, lead, and zinc at concentrations
greater than the method detection limit (MDL) but less than the reporting limit (identified as the CRQL in the lab report). CCB010
also contained beryllium at a concentration greater than the MDL but less than the reporting limit (RL). The initial calibration blank
analyzed 8/29/2023 also contained zinc between the MDL and RL.
• All antimony and beryllium results were between the MDL and RL; therefore, the sample results were raised to the RL and
qualified as nondetect (flagged U).
• All lead and zinc results were positive detections above the RL and greater than 10 times the concentration of the blank;
therefore, qualifications were not applied.
Field blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 4 of 7
Interference Check Samples (ICS) (ICP metals only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The ICS was assessed because the concentrations of one or more interfering analytes in all samples was greater than or within 80
percent of the concentrations of the interfering analytes in the ICSA.
The ICSA concentrations for arsenic, beryllium, and cobalt were positive and greater than the method detection limit (MDL).
• All beryllium results for were already qualified nondetect due to blank contamination and were not further qualified.
• The results for arsenic and cobalt were greater than ten times the ICSA concentration and were not qualified.
The ICSA concentrations for antimony, cadmium, and vanadium were negative with absolute values greater than the MDL.
• The results for cadmium in samples MH0AA1, MH0AD5, MH0AD6, and MH0AD7 were detected at less than ten times the
absolute ICSA concentration and were qualified as estimated, with possible low bias (flagged J-).
• The results for antimony in all samples were already qualified nondetect due to blank contamination and were further
qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
• All other results were greater than ten times the absolute ICSA concentrations and were not qualified.
Surrogates and labeled compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
A matrix spike (MS) was performed on sample MH0AA0. Lead has a negative percent recovery and the manganese percent
recovery was above upper acceptance limits. The parent sample results for the affected analytes were greater than four times the
concentration of the spike; therefore, no qualifications were applied.
While no qualifications were applied, data users should be aware that the matrix spike was not analyzed for aluminum, calcium,
iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These analytes are not required spike analytes by SFAM01.1.
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Post digestion spikes:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Serial dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A serial dilution was performed on sample MH0AA0 and is acceptable.
Laboratory duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A laboratory duplicate was performed on sample MH0AA0 and is acceptable.
Field duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Sample dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y Calcium was analyzed at a two-fold for samples MH0AD5, MH0AD6, and MH0AD7.
All other results were analyzed undiluted.
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Re-extraction and reanalysis:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y Samples MH0AD5 and MH0AD6 were reanalyzed due to dilutions performed due to high calcium concentration.
Second column confirmation (GC and HPLC analyses only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Internal Standards:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Analyte quantitation and MDLs/RLs:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Positive results greater than the MDL but less than the RL were qualified as estimated by the laboratory (flagged J). Results less
than the MDL were reported as non-detect at the RL (flagged U). MDLs and RLs are provided in the attached analytical data table
and electronic data deliverable. Elevated reporting limits are provided for samples with reported dilutions.
Tentatively identified compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Other [None]:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Overall Qualifications:
See results summary pages attached for changes to the laboratory qualifiers based upon this validation. The following is a list of qualifiers and
definitions that may be used for the validation of this data package:
J The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample.
J+ The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased high.
J- The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased low.
NJ The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte that has been “tentatively identified” and the associated value is the approximate
concentration of the analyte in the sample.
R The sample result is rejected as unusable due to serious deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria. The analyte may or may not
be present in the sample.
U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit).
UJ The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit), which is considered approximate
due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 4400 3.1 17 mg/kg 4400
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.65 J 0.060 0.84 mg/kg 0.84 UJ
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 6.7 0.061 0.42 mg/kg 6.7
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 110 0.16 4.2 mg/kg 110
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.27 J 0.054 0.42 mg/kg 0.42 U
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 1.5 0.059 0.42 mg/kg 1.5
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 40000 5.4 430 mg/kg 40000
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 7.9 0.071 0.84 mg/kg 7.9
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 2.4 0.023 0.42 mg/kg 2.4
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 150 0.11 0.84 mg/kg 150
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 6600 3.0 8.5 mg/kg 6600
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 100 0.13 0.42 mg/kg 100
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 12000 7.9 430 mg/kg 12000
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 330 0.17 0.42 mg/kg 330
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 6.0 0.11 0.42 mg/kg 6.0
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 2400 37 430 mg/kg 2400
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.1 U 0.53 2.1 mg/kg 2.1 U
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.37 J 0.066 0.42 mg/kg 0.37 J
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 240 J 43 430 mg/kg 240 J
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.26 J 0.038 0.42 mg/kg 0.26 J
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 7.7 0.065 2.1 mg/kg 7.7
SP-SO-01 MH0AA0 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 77 0.10 2.1 mg/kg 77
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 3400 3.2 18 mg/kg 3400
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.34 J 0.062 0.86 mg/kg 0.86 UJ
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 8.5 0.063 0.43 mg/kg 8.5
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 77 0.16 4.3 mg/kg 77
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.19 J 0.055 0.43 mg/kg 0.43 U
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.26 J 0.061 0.43 mg/kg 0.26 J-
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 60000 5.6 450 mg/kg 60000
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 6.0 0.073 0.86 mg/kg 6.0
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 1.7 0.023 0.43 mg/kg 1.7
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 19 0.11 0.86 mg/kg 19
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 4400 3.1 8.9 mg/kg 4400
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 7.6 0.14 0.43 mg/kg 7.6
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 13000 8.3 450 mg/kg 13000
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 180 0.17 0.43 mg/kg 180
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 4.4 0.11 0.43 mg/kg 4.4
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 4100 38 450 mg/kg 4100
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.2 U 0.54 2.2 mg/kg 2.2 U
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.095 J 0.068 0.43 mg/kg 0.095 J
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 11000 45 450 mg/kg 11000
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.14 J 0.040 0.43 mg/kg 0.14 J
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 6.1 0.067 2.2 mg/kg 6.1
SP-SO-02 MH0AA1 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 19 0.10 2.2 mg/kg 19
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 2400 2.8 16 mg/kg 2400
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.25 J 0.049 0.68 mg/kg 0.68 UJ
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 3.9 0.050 0.34 mg/kg 3.9
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 69 0.13 3.4 mg/kg 69
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.17 J 0.043 0.34 mg/kg 0.34 U
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.33 J 0.048 0.34 mg/kg 0.33 J-
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 79000 D 9.8 780 mg/kg 79000
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 5.5 0.058 0.68 mg/kg 5.5
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 1.6 0.018 0.34 mg/kg 1.6
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 12 0.088 0.68 mg/kg 12
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 3700 2.7 7.8 mg/kg 3700
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 9.9 0.11 0.34 mg/kg 9.9
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 18000 7.2 390 mg/kg 18000
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 160 0.14 0.34 mg/kg 160
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 4.4 0.088 0.34 mg/kg 4.4
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 1600 34 390 mg/kg 1600
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 1.7 U 0.43 1.7 mg/kg 1.7 U
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.058 J 0.054 0.34 mg/kg 0.058 J
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 770 39 390 mg/kg 770
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.16 J 0.031 0.34 mg/kg 0.16 J
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 5.9 0.053 1.7 mg/kg 5.9
SP-SO-03 MH0AD5 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 44 0.082 1.7 mg/kg 44
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 2500 2.9 16 mg/kg 2500
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.27 J 0.054 0.75 mg/kg 0.75 UJ
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 4.6 0.055 0.38 mg/kg 4.6
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 73 0.14 3.8 mg/kg 73
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.21 J 0.048 0.38 mg/kg 0.38 U
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.34 J 0.053 0.38 mg/kg 0.34 J-
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 78000 D 10 790 mg/kg 78000
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 7.4 0.064 0.75 mg/kg 7.4
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 2.0 0.020 0.38 mg/kg 2.0
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 14 0.098 0.75 mg/kg 14
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 3600 2.8 7.9 mg/kg 3600
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 12 0.12 0.38 mg/kg 12
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 19000 7.4 400 mg/kg 19000
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 170 0.15 0.38 mg/kg 170
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 5.2 0.098 0.38 mg/kg 5.2
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 1500 34 400 mg/kg 1500
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 1.9 U 0.47 1.9 mg/kg 1.9 U
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.064 J 0.059 0.38 mg/kg 0.064 J
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 640 40 400 mg/kg 640
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.17 J 0.035 0.38 mg/kg 0.17 J
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 7.4 0.059 1.9 mg/kg 7.4
SP-SO-04 MH0AD6 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 47 0.090 1.9 mg/kg 47
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 3100 3.0 17 mg/kg 3100
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.23 J 0.060 0.83 mg/kg 0.83 UJ
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 5.1 0.061 0.42 mg/kg 5.1
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 120 0.16 4.2 mg/kg 120
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.24 J 0.053 0.42 mg/kg 0.42 U
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.39 J 0.059 0.42 mg/kg 0.39 J-
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 100000 D 10 830 mg/kg 100000
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 8.5 0.071 0.83 mg/kg 8.5
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 2.3 0.022 0.42 mg/kg 2.3
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 25 0.11 0.83 mg/kg 25
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 4700 2.9 8.3 mg/kg 4700
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 12 0.13 0.42 mg/kg 12
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 17000 7.7 410 mg/kg 17000
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 230 0.17 0.42 mg/kg 230
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 6.1 0.11 0.42 mg/kg 6.1
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 1500 36 410 mg/kg 1500
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.1 U 0.52 2.1 mg/kg 2.1 U
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.083 J 0.066 0.42 mg/kg 0.083 J
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 360 J 41 410 mg/kg 360 J
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.25 J 0.038 0.42 mg/kg 0.25 J
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 8.3 0.065 2.1 mg/kg 8.3
SP-SO-05 MH0AD7 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 47 0.10 2.1 mg/kg 47
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Site Name State Painting Data Validation TO/TD No. 68HE0823F0061/2361-2310-05 Document Tracking No. 1598b-2
Data Reviewer
(name and date)
Maura McAleese
October 17, 2023
Technical Reviewer
(name and date)
Ellen McEntee
October 30, 2023
Laboratory Report No. MH0AA2 Laboratory Chemtech Consulting Group –
Mountainside, NJ
Analyses Total metals by Superfund Analytical Method Statement of Work SFAM01.1
Samples and Matrix 11 water samples (including a field duplicate sample)
Collection Date(s) August 7, 10, and 14, 2023
Field Duplicate Pairs MH0AB6 (SP-SW-11)/ MH0AB8 (SP-SW-12)
Field QC Blanks None
This checklist summarizes the Stage 2B validation performed on the subject laboratory report, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance for Labeling Externally Validated Laboratory Analytical Data for Superfund Use (January 2009). Analytical data
were evaluated in general accordance with the Tetra Tech Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Region 8 Site Assessment Task
Orders, Revision 3 (March 2023), and the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) Inorganic Superfund Methods Data Review (November 2020).
No rejection of results was required for this data package. The results may be used as qualified based on the findings of this validation effort.
Data completeness:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
QC summary forms were not provided in the data package. The Sample Management Office submitted QC forms for this data
package, and it is assumed that these forms accurately reflect the laboratory analysis.
The chain of custody (COC) forms included samples that were not reported in this data package. Validation of these samples can be
found in other data validation checklists associated to CLP case number 50975.
Page 2 of 8
Sample preservation, receipt, and holding times:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Instrument Performance Checks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Initial Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Continuing Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Calibration Verification:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 3 of 8
Method blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Initial calibration blank (LB127047ICB022), continuing calibration blanks (CCB004, CCB005, CCB007, and CCB008), and preparation
blank (PBW006) contained analytes with positive and negative analyte concentrations with absolute values between the method
detection limit (MDL) and reporting limit (identified as CRQL in report). Nondetects and results greater than 10 times the blank
concentration for positive blanks and results greater than 10 times the RL for negative blanks were not qualified. The below table
summarizes the blank results and sample qualifications.
Analyte Contaminated Method Blanks Sample Qualifications
Antimony Positive detections in CCB004, CCB005,
CCB007, and CCB008
Antimony in samples MH0AA6, MH0AA8, MH0AB0, MH0AB2, MH0AB4, MH0AB6, MH0AB8, MH0AC0, and MH0AC2
was detected between the method detection limit (MDL) and reporting limit (RL). The results were raised to the RL
and qualified as nondetect (flagged U). These results were further qualified as estimated (flagged UJ) due to a
negative ICSA result.
Beryllium Positive detections in CCB004, CCB005,
Beryllium in sample MH0AB8 was detected between the MDL and RL and was raised to the RL. The result was
qualified as nondetect (flagged U).
Cadmium Negative detections in CCB005, CCB007,
CCB008, LB127047ICB022 Cadmium was nondetect in all samples; therefore, the results were qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
Positive detections in CCB04
Negative detections for CCB007, CCB008
and PBW006
The preparation blank and bracketing CCBs associated with sample MH0AA4 contained negative concentrations of
calcium and the sample result was less than 10 times the RL; therefore, the result was qualified as estimated,
possibly low bias (flagged J-).
Lead Positive detections in CCB004, CCB005, and
Lead in samples MH0AA8, MH0AB0, MH0AB2, MH0AB4, and MH0AC2 were detected between the MDL and RL;
therefore, the results were raised to the RL and qualified as nondetect (flagged U).
Lead in samples MH0AA2, MH0AA4, MH0AA6, MH0AB6, MH0AB8, and MH0AC0 were greater than the RL but less
than 10 times the concentration of the blanks; therefore, the results were qualified as estimated, possibly high bias
(flagged J+).
Positive detections in CCB005, CCB007,
CCB008, and LB127047ICB022
Negative detections in CCB004 and
Samples MH0AA6, MH0AA8, MH0AB0, MH0AB2, MH0AB4, MH0AB6, MH0AB8, MH0AC0, and MH0AC2 had positive
detections between the MDL and RL and were associated with CCBs and preparation blank with negative results;
therefore, the results were qualified as estimated, possibly low bias (flagged J-).
Sample MH0AA2 result had a positive detection above the MDL but less than 10 times the RL. The sample is
associated to a preparation blank with negative results and CCBs with positive results; therefore, the sample result
was qualified as estimated (flagged J).
Samples MH0AA4 result was nondetect. The sample is associated with the preparation blank with negative results
and CCBs with positive results; therefore, the sample result was qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
silver, and
Positive detections for copper in CCB008
Positive detections for manganese and
potassium in CCB005, CCB007, and CCB008
Positive detections for silver and
manganese in CCB004
Positive detection for sodium in CCB005
Associated sample results were nondetect or greater than 10 times the concentration of the blanks for the affected
analytes; therefore, no qualifications were applied.
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Field blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Interference Check Samples (ICS) (ICP metals only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The ICS was assessed because the concentrations of one or more interfering analytes in all samples was greater than or within 80
percent of the concentrations of the interfering analytes in the ICSA. The ICS A results for arsenic and beryllium were positive and
greater than the MDL, and antimony, cadmium, and vanadium were negative with an absolute value greater than the MDL. The
following qualifications were applied:
• Cadmium results in all samples were nondetect and qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
• Antimony results in samples MH0AA6, MH0AA8, MH0AB0, MH0AB2, MH0AB4, MH0AB6, MH0AB8, MH0AC0, and MH0AC2
were qualified nondetect due to blank contamination and were further qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
• Vanadium in sample MH0AB0 was detected at less than 10 times the ICSA concentration and was qualified as estimated,
with possible low bias (flagged J-).
• Beryllium in sample MH0AB8 was qualified nondetect due to blank contamination; therefore, the result was not further
• Results greater than 10 times the absolute ICS A result were not qualified, and nondetected results associated with a
positive ICSA result were not qualified.
Surrogates and labeled compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Criteria Exceedance/Notes
A matrix spike (MS) was performed on sample MH0AA6 and is acceptable. While no qualifications were applied, data users should
be aware that the matrix spike was not analyzed for aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These analytes
are not required spike analytes by SFAM01.1.
Post digestion spikes:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Serial dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A serial dilution was performed on sample MH0AA0 and is acceptable.
Laboratory duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A laboratory duplicate was performed on sample MH0AA6 and is acceptable.
Field duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
N The parent and field duplicate samples exceeded RPD limits for lead. The sample results were qualified as estimated (flagged J).
However, the results were previously qualified J+ for method blanks, so that qualification was used.
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Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Sample dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The following dilutions were performed:
• 2-fold dilution for aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, nickel, selenium, silver, vanadium, and zinc for sample MH0AA4.
• 2-fold dilution for lead and thallium for sample MH0AA2.
• 5-fold dilution for potassium for sample MH0AA2.
• 10-fold dilution for potassium for sample MH0AA4.
• 50-fold dilution for sodium for samples MH0AA2 and MH0AA4.
Re-extraction and reanalysis:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y Samples were reanalyzed due to dilutions performed due to high concentrations of target analytes.
Second column confirmation (GC and HPLC analyses only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Internal Standards:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y MH0AA2 and MH0AA4 initial analysis had several internal standard failures. These samples were reported from diluted analyses
with acceptable internal standard recoveries. No qualifications were applied.
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Analyte quantitation and MDLs/RLs:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Positive results greater than the MDL but less than the RL were qualified as estimated by the laboratory (flagged J). Results less
than the MDL were reported as non-detect at the RL (flagged U). MDLs and RLs are provided in the attached analytical data table
and electronic data deliverable. Elevated reporting limits were provided for samples with reported dilutions.
Tentatively identified compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Other [None]:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 8 of 8
Overall Qualifications:
See results summary pages attached for changes to the laboratory qualifiers based upon this validation. The following is a list of qualifiers and
definitions that may be used for the validation of this data package:
J The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample.
J+ The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased high.
J- The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased low.
NJ The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte that has been “tentatively identified” and the associated value is the approximate
concentration of the analyte in the sample.
R The sample result is rejected as unusable due to serious deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria. The analyte may or may not
be present in the sample.
U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit).
UJ The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit), which is considered approximate
due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 120 8.3 20 ug/L 120
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.65 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 11 0.11 1.0 ug/L 11
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 110 0.60 10 ug/L 110
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 77000 23 500 ug/L 77000
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 5.2 0.16 2.0 ug/L 5.2
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.70 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.70 J
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 7.3 0.77 2.0 ug/L 7.3
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 810 21 200 ug/L 810
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 0.88 J 0.057 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 53000 21 500 ug/L 53000
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 290 0.13 1.0 ug/L 290
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 2.0 0.11 1.0 ug/L 2.0
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 19000 27 500 ug/L 19000
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 1.3 J 0.95 5.0 ug/L 1.3 J
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 190000 190 500 ug/L 190000
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 3.7 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 3.7 J
SP-SW-01 MH0AB4 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 8.5 0.19 5.0 ug/L 8.5 J-
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 99 8.3 20 ug/L 99
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.37 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 38 0.11 1.0 ug/L 38
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 77 0.60 10 ug/L 77
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 37000 23 500 ug/L 37000
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 3.5 0.16 2.0 ug/L 3.5
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.32 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.32 J
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 9.0 0.77 2.0 ug/L 9.0
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 580 21 200 ug/L 580
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 0.5 J 0.057 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 24000 21 500 ug/L 24000
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 270 0.13 1.0 ug/L 270
1 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 2.2 0.11 1.0 ug/L 2.2
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 33000 27 500 ug/L 33000
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5.0 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 220000 190 500 ug/L 220000
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 7.0 0.19 5.0 ug/L 7.0
SP-SW-02 MH0AC2 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 4.7 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 4.7 J-
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 17 J 8.3 20 ug/L 17 J
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 5.3 0.15 2.0 ug/L 5.3
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 390 0.11 1.0 ug/L 390
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 35 0.60 10 ug/L 35
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 11000 23 500 ug/L 11000
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 1.2 J 0.16 2.0 ug/L 1.2 J
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 1.5 0.048 1.0 ug/L 1.5
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 17 0.77 2.0 ug/L 17
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 84 J 21 200 ug/L 84 J
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 2.9 D 0.11 2.0 ug/L 2.9 J+
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 140000 21 500 ug/L 140000
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 4.9 0.13 1.0 ug/L 4.9
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 2.0 0.11 1.0 ug/L 2.0
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 1100000 D 140 2500 ug/L 1100000
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5.0 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 0.18 J 0.16 1.0 ug/L 0.18 J
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 11000000 D 9500 25000 ug/L 11000000
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 2.0 UD 0.52 2.0 ug/L 2.0 U
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 15 0.19 5.0 ug/L 15
SP-SW-03 MH0AA2 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 0.63 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 0.63 J
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 26 JD 17 40 ug/L 26 J
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 5.1 D 0.30 4.0 ug/L 5.1
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 470 D 0.22 2.0 ug/L 470
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 46 D 1.2 20 ug/L 46
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 2.0 UD 0.32 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
2 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 9800 D 46 1000 ug/L 9800 J-
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 2.1 JD 0.32 4.0 ug/L 2.1 J
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 1.5 JD 0.096 2.0 ug/L 1.5 J
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 29 D 1.5 4.0 ug/L 29
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 86 JD 42 400 ug/L 86 J
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 2.3 0.057 1.0 ug/L 2.3 J+
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 230000 D 42 1000 ug/L 230000
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 4.5 D 0.26 2.0 ug/L 4.5
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 5.3 D 0.22 2.0 ug/L 5.3
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 1700000 D 270 5000 ug/L 1700000
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 10 UD 1.9 10 ug/L 10 U
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 2.0 UD 0.32 2.0 ug/L 2.0 U
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 18000000 D 9500 25000 ug/L 18000000
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 15 D 0.38 10 ug/L 15
SP-SW-05 MH0AA4 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 10 UD 0.38 10 ug/L 10 UJ
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 77 8.3 20 ug/L 77
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.83 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 21 0.11 1.0 ug/L 21
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 91 0.60 10 ug/L 91
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 54000 23 500 ug/L 54000
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 4.7 0.16 2.0 ug/L 4.7
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.74 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.74 J
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 5.7 0.77 2.0 ug/L 5.7
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 430 21 200 ug/L 430
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 1.3 0.057 1.0 ug/L 1.3 J+
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 49000 21 500 ug/L 49000
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 87 0.13 1.0 ug/L 87
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 3.0 0.11 1.0 ug/L 3.0
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 25000 27 500 ug/L 25000
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5.0 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 220000 190 500 ug/L 220000
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
3 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 4.2 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 4.2 J
SP-SW-07 MH0AA6 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 3.3 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 3.3 J-
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 93 8.3 20 ug/L 93
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.5 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 12 0.11 1.0 ug/L 12
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 72 0.60 10 ug/L 72
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 56000 23 500 ug/L 56000
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 1.1 J 0.16 2.0 ug/L 1.1 J
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.43 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.43 J
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 4.2 0.77 2.0 ug/L 4.2
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 420 21 200 ug/L 420
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 0.93 J 0.057 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 59000 21 500 ug/L 59000
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 28 0.13 1.0 ug/L 28
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 1.6 0.11 1.0 ug/L 1.6
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 23000 27 500 ug/L 23000
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5.0 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 250000 190 500 ug/L 250000
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 3.6 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 3.6 J
SP-SW-08 MH0AA8 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 2.0 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 2.0 J-
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 130 8.3 20 ug/L 130
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.3 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 8.0 0.11 1.0 ug/L 8.0
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 120 0.60 10 ug/L 120
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 76000 23 500 ug/L 76000
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 0.60 J 0.16 2.0 ug/L 0.60 J
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.54 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.54 J
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 2.7 0.77 2.0 ug/L 2.7
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 540 21 200 ug/L 540
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 0.93 J 0.057 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
4 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 44000 21 500 ug/L 44000
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 50 0.13 1.0 ug/L 50
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 0.98 J 0.11 1.0 ug/L 0.98 J
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 16000 27 500 ug/L 16000
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5.0 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 160000 190 500 ug/L 160000
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 1.3 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 1.3 J-
SP-SW-09 MH0AB0 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 6.1 0.19 5.0 ug/L 6.1 J-
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 130 8.3 20 ug/L 130
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.51 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 7.9 0.11 1.0 ug/L 7.9
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 80 0.60 10 ug/L 80
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 80000 23 500 ug/L 80000
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 4.1 0.16 2.0 ug/L 4.1
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.35 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.35 J
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 2.7 0.77 2.0 ug/L 2.7
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 550 21 200 ug/L 550
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 0.61 J 0.057 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 53000 21 500 ug/L 53000
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 52 0.13 1.0 ug/L 52
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 4.2 0.11 1.0 ug/L 4.2
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 18000 27 500 ug/L 18000
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5.0 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 190000 190 500 ug/L 190000
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 4.1 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 4.1 J
SP-SW-10 MH0AB2 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 3.8 J 0.19 5.0 ug/L 3.8 J-
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 1400 8.3 20 ug/L 1400
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.74 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 15 0.11 1.0 ug/L 15
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 81 0.60 10 ug/L 81
5 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 120000 23 500 ug/L 120000
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 2.4 0.16 2.0 ug/L 2.4
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.85 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.85 J
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 6.5 0.77 2.0 ug/L 6.5
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 2000 21 200 ug/L 2000
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 2.7 0.057 1.0 ug/L 2.7 J+
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 63000 21 500 ug/L 63000
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 58 0.13 1.0 ug/L 58
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 2.5 0.11 1.0 ug/L 2.5
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 21000 27 500 ug/L 21000
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 2.6 J 0.95 5.0 ug/L 2.6 J
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 250000 190 500 ug/L 250000
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 9.4 0.19 5.0 ug/L 9.4
SP-SW-11 MH0AB6 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 12 0.19 5.0 ug/L 12 J-
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 1500 8.3 20 ug/L 1500
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.73 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 14 0.11 1.0 ug/L 14
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 80 0.60 10 ug/L 80
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 0.1 J 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 120000 23 500 ug/L 120000
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 2.4 0.16 2.0 ug/L 2.4
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.85 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.85 J
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 6.7 0.77 2.0 ug/L 6.7
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 2000 21 200 ug/L 2000
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 5.3 0.057 1.0 ug/L 5.3 J+
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 62000 21 500 ug/L 62000
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 58 0.13 1.0 ug/L 58
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 2.5 0.11 1.0 ug/L 2.5
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 21000 27 500 ug/L 21000
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 2.5 J 0.95 5.0 ug/L 2.5 J
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 250000 190 500 ug/L 250000
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 9.4 0.19 5.0 ug/L 9.4
SP-SW-12 MH0AB8 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 10 0.19 5.0 ug/L 10 J-
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Total Aluminum 1100 8.3 20 ug/L 1100
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Total Antimony 0.7 J 0.15 2.0 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Total Arsenic 14 0.11 1.0 ug/L 14
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Total Barium 74 0.60 10 ug/L 74
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Total Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Total Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Total Calcium 120000 23 500 ug/L 120000
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Total Chromium 2.5 0.16 2.0 ug/L 2.5
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Total Cobalt 0.74 J 0.048 1.0 ug/L 0.74 J
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Total Copper 5.3 0.77 2.0 ug/L 5.3
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Total Iron 1600 21 200 ug/L 1600
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Total Lead 2.1 0.057 1.0 ug/L 2.1 J+
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Total Magnesium 62000 21 500 ug/L 62000
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Total Manganese 46 0.13 1.0 ug/L 46
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Total Nickel 2.3 0.11 1.0 ug/L 2.3
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Total Potassium 20000 27 500 ug/L 20000
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Total Selenium 2.5 J 0.95 5.0 ug/L 2.5 J
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Total Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Total Sodium 250000 190 500 ug/L 250000
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Total Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1.0 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Total Vanadium 8.7 0.19 5.0 ug/L 8.7
SP-SW-13 MH0AC0 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Total Zinc 7.4 0.19 5.0 ug/L 7.4 J-
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Site Name State Painting Data Validation TO/TD No. 68HE0823F0061/2361-2310-05 Document Tracking No. 1598b-3
Data Reviewer
(name and date)
Maura McAleese
October 19, 2023
Technical Reviewer
(name and date)
Ellen McEntee
October 30, 2023
Laboratory Report No. MH0AA3 Laboratory Chemtech Consulting Group –
Mountainside, NJ
Analyses Dissolved metals by Superfund Analytical Method Statement of Work SFAM01.1
Samples and Matrix 11 water samples (including a field duplicate sample)
Collection Date(s) August 7, 10 and 14, 2023
Field Duplicate Pairs MH0AB7 (SP-SW-11-DSLVD)/ MH0AB9 (SP-SW-12-DSLVD)
Field QC Blanks None
This checklist summarizes the Stage 2B validation performed on the subject laboratory report, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance for Labeling Externally Validated Laboratory Analytical Data for Superfund Use (January 2009). Analytical data
were evaluated in general accordance with the Tetra Tech Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Region 8 Site Assessment Task
Orders, Revision 3 (March 2023), and the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) Inorganic Superfund Methods Data Review (November 2020).
No rejection of results was required for this data package. The results may be used as qualified based on the findings of this validation effort.
Data completeness:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
QC summary forms were not provided in the data package. The Sample Management Office submitted QC forms for this data
package, and it is assumed that these forms accurately reflect the laboratory analysis.
The chain of custody (COC) forms included samples that were not reported in this data package. Validation for these samples can
be found in other data validation checklists associated to CLP case number 50975.
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Sample preservation, receipt, and holding times:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Instrument Performance Checks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Initial Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Continuing Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Calibration Verification:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Method blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Initial calibration blank (LB127047ICB022), continuing calibration blanks (CCB004, CCB005, CCB006, CCB007, and CCB008), and
preparation blank (PBW008) contained analytes with positive and negative concentrations with absolute values between the
method detection limit (MDL) and reporting limit (identified as CRQL in report). Nondetects and results greater than 10 times the
blank concentration for positive blanks and results greater than 10 times the reporting limit (RL) for negative blanks were not
qualified. The below table describes blank detections and sample qualifications.
Analyte Contaminated Method Blanks Sample Qualifications
Antimony Positive detections for antimony in CCB004, CCB005,
CCB006, CCB007, and CCB008
Antimony in samples MH0AA7, MH0AA9, MH0AB1, MH0AB3, MH0AB5, MH0AB7, MH0AB9, MH0AC1,
and MH0AC3 were detected at less than the RL. The results were raised to the RL and qualified as
nondetect (flagged U).
Cadmium Negative detections in CCB005, CCB006, CCB007,
CCB008, LB127047ICB022, and PBW008
All sample results for cadmium were nondetect; therefore, the sample results were qualified as
estimated nondetect (flagged UJ).
Positive detections in CCB04
Negative detections for CCB006, CCB007, CCB008 and
The preparation blank and bracketing CCBs associated with sample MH0AA5 both contained negative
concentrations. The result for sample MH0AA5 was less than 10 times the RL; therefore, the result
was qualified as estimated, possibly low bias (flagged J-).
Lead Positive detections in CCB004, CCB005, CCB006, and
The lead results for samples MH0AA3, MH0AA7, MH0AA9, MH0AB1, MH0AB3, MH0AB5, MH0AB7,
MH0AB9, MH0AC1, and MH0AC3 were detected between the MDL and RL. The results were raised to
the RL and qualified as nondetect (flagged U).
Positive detections in CCB005, CCB006, CCB007,
CCB008, and LB127047ICB022
Zinc in samples MH0AA7, MH0AA9, MH0AB3, MH0AB7, MH0AB9, and MH0AC1 had positive
detections between the MDL and RL. The samples results were detected between the MDL and RL;
therefore, were raised to the RL and qualified as nondetect (flagged U).
The zinc results for MH0AB5 and MH0AC3 results were greater than the RL but less than 10 times the
concentrations of the blank; therefore, the sample results were qualified as estimated, with possible
high bias (flagged J+).
silver, and
Positive detections for beryllium in CCB004, CCB005,
and CCB007
Positive detections for copper in CCB008
Positive detections for manganese in CCB004 and
Positive detections for potassium in CCB005, CCB006,
CCB007, and CCB008
Positive detections for silver in CCB004
Positive detection for sodium in CCB005 and CCB006
Associated sample results were nondetect or greater than 10 times the concentration of the blanks
for the affected analytes; therefore, no qualifications were applied.
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Field blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Interference Check Samples (ICS) (ICP metals only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The ICS was assessed because the concentrations of one or more interfering analytes in all samples was greater than or within 80
percent of the concentrations of the interfering analytes in the ICSA. The ICSA results for arsenic and beryllium were positive and
greater than the MDL, and antimony and cadmium were negative with an absolute value greater than the MDL. The following
qualifications were applied:
• Cadmium results in samples MH0AA3, MH0AA5, MH0AA7, MH0AA9, MH0AB1, MH0AB3, MH0AB5, MH0AB7, MH0AB9,
MH0AC1, and MH0AC3 were nondetect and are qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
• Antimony results in samples MH0AA7, MH0AA9, MH0AB1, MH0AB3, MH0AB5, MH0AB7, MH0AB9, MH0AC1, and MH0AC3
were qualified nondetect due to blank contamination and were further qualified as estimated (flagged UJ).
• Results greater than 10 times the absolute ICS A result were not qualified, and nondetected results associated with a
positive ICSA result were not qualified.
Surrogates and labeled compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
A matrix spike (MS) was performed on sample MH0AA7 and is acceptable. While no qualifications were applied, data users should
be aware that the matrix spike was not analyzed for aluminum, calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, and sodium. These analytes
are not required spike analytes by SFAM01.1.
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Post digestion spikes:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Serial dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A serial dilution was performed on sample MH0AA7 and is acceptable.
Laboratory duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A laboratory duplicate was performed on sample MH0AA7 and is acceptable.
Field duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The percent recovery criteria were not met, and the absolute difference between the parent sample and field duplicate result was
greater than the RL for chromium. Therefore, the parent sample and field duplicate results (MH0AB7 and MH0AB9) were qualified
as estimated (flagged J).
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Sample dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The following dilutions were performed:
• 2-fold dilution for antimony, barium, cadmium, lead, silver, thallium for sample MH0AA3
• 2-fold dilution for aluminum, arsenic, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, selenium,
vanadium, and zinc for sample MH0AA5.
• 5-fold dilution for potassium for sample MH0AA3
• 10-fold dilution for potassium for sample MH0AA5
• 50-fold dilution for sodium for samples MH0AA3 and MH0AA5
Re-extraction and reanalysis:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y Samples were reanalyzed due to dilutions performed due to high concentrations of target analytes.
Second column confirmation (GC and HPLC analyses only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Internal Standards:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
MH0AA3 analyzed 8/25/2023 4:31:00 PM percent relative intensities for terbium and bismuth were outside acceptance criteria.
The associated analytes were reported from a reanalysis with acceptable relative intensities; therefore, no qualifications were
MH0AA5 analyzed 8/25/2023 4:38:00 PM percent relative intensities for scandium, yttrium, terbium, and bismuth were outside
acceptance criteria. The sample was reanalyzed at a dilution and percent relative intensities for yttrium, terbium, and bismuth
were still outside acceptance criteria. Antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, selenium, silver, and thallium results were
reported from sequences with relative intensities that were outside acceptance criteria; therefore, the sample results were
qualified as estimated (flagged J/UJ).
Analyte quantitation and MDLs/RLs:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Positive results greater than the MDL but less than the RL were qualified as estimated by the laboratory (flagged J). Results less
than the MDL were reported as non-detect at the RL (flagged U). MDLs and RLs are provided in the attached analytical data table
and electronic data deliverable. Elevated reporting limits were provided for samples with reported dilutions.
Tentatively identified compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Other [None]:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 8 of 8
Overall Qualifications:
See results summary pages attached for changes to the laboratory qualifiers based upon this validation. The following is a list of qualifiers and
definitions that may be used for the validation of this data package:
J The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample.
J+ The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased high.
J- The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased low.
NJ The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte that has been “tentatively identified” and the associated value is the approximate
concentration of the analyte in the sample.
R The sample result is rejected as unusable due to serious deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria. The analyte may or may not
be present in the sample.
U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit).
UJ The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit), which is considered approximate
due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 12 J 8.3 20 ug/L 12 J
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 5.0 D 0.3 4 ug/L 5.0
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 370 0.11 1 ug/L 370
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 35 D 1.2 20 ug/L 35
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 2.0 UD 0.32 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 12000 23 500 ug/L 12000
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 1.4 J 0.16 2 ug/L 1.4 J
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 1.1 0.048 1 ug/L 1.1
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 16 0.77 2 ug/L 16
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 74 J 21 200 ug/L 74 J
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 1.1 JD 0.11 2 ug/L 2.0 U
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 140000 21 500 ug/L 140000
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 3.7 0.13 1 ug/L 3.7
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 2.0 0.11 1 ug/L 2.0
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 1000000 D 140 2500 ug/L 1000000
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 2.0 UD 0.32 2 ug/L 2.0 U
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 11000000 D 9500 25000 ug/L 11000000
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 2.0 UD 0.52 2 ug/L 2.0 U
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 15 0.19 5 ug/L 15
SP-SW-03-DSLVD MH0AA3 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 5.0 U 0.19 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 18 JD 17 40 ug/L 18 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 4.3 0.15 2 ug/L 4.3 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 450 D 0.22 2 ug/L 450 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 46 0.6 10 ug/L 46 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 9900 D 46 1000 ug/L 9900 J-
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 1.6 JD 0.32 4 ug/L 1.6 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 2.1 D 0.096 2 ug/L 2.1
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 27 D 1.5 4 ug/L 27
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 69 JD 42 400 ug/L 69 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 2.6 0.057 1 ug/L 2.6 J
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 220000 D 42 1000 ug/L 220000
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 2.9 D 0.26 2 ug/L 2.9
1 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 2.8 D 0.22 2 ug/L 2.8
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 1700000 D 270 5000 ug/L 1700000
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 10 UD 1.9 10 ug/L 10 UJ
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 17000000 D 9500 25000 ug/L 17000000
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 15 D 0.38 10 ug/L 15
SP-SW-05-DSLVD MH0AA5 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 10 UD 0.38 10 ug/L 10 U
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 14 J 8.3 20 ug/L 14 J
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.85 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 20 0.11 1 ug/L 20
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 83 0.6 10 ug/L 83
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 50000 23 500 ug/L 50000
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 1.4 J 0.16 2 ug/L 1.4 J
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.58 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.58 J
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 4.0 0.77 2 ug/L 4.0
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 340 21 200 ug/L 340
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.78 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 48000 21 500 ug/L 48000
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 81 0.13 1 ug/L 81
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 1.9 0.11 1 ug/L 1.9
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 25000 27 500 ug/L 25000
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 210000 190 500 ug/L 210000
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 4.1 J 0.19 5 ug/L 4.1 J
SP-SW-07-DSLVD MH0AA7 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 1.8 J 0.19 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 20 U 8.3 20 ug/L 20 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.49 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 11 0.11 1 ug/L 11
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 65 0.6 10 ug/L 65
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
2 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 52000 23 500 ug/L 52000
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 4.7 0.16 2 ug/L 4.7
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.41 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.41 J
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 2.3 0.77 2 ug/L 2.3
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 320 21 200 ug/L 320
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.39 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 59000 21 500 ug/L 59000
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 17 0.13 1 ug/L 17
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 2.3 0.11 1 ug/L 2.3
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 23000 27 500 ug/L 23000
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 250000 190 500 ug/L 250000
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 3.5 J 0.19 5 ug/L 3.5 J
SP-SW-08-DSLVD MH0AA9 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 0.50 J 0.19 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 20 U 8.3 20 ug/L 20 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.28 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 7.6 0.11 1 ug/L 7.6
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 94 0.6 10 ug/L 94
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 74000 23 500 ug/L 74000
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 8.6 0.16 2 ug/L 8.6
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.33 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.33 J
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 2.0 U 0.77 2 ug/L 2.0 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 420 21 200 ug/L 420
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.55 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 42000 21 500 ug/L 42000
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 46 0.13 1 ug/L 46
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 1.9 0.11 1 ug/L 1.9
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 15000 27 500 ug/L 15000
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 160000 190 500 ug/L 160000
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
3 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 0.97 J 0.19 5 ug/L 0.97 J
SP-SW-09-DSLVD MH0AB1 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 8.5 0.19 5 ug/L 8.5
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 20 U 8.3 20 ug/L 20 U
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.53 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 7.2 0.11 1 ug/L 7.2
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 76 0.6 10 ug/L 76
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 76000 23 500 ug/L 76000
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 0.63 J 0.16 2 ug/L 0.63 J
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.26 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.26 J
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 1.6 J 0.77 2 ug/L 1.6 J
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 400 21 200 ug/L 400
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.19 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 52000 21 500 ug/L 52000
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 47 0.13 1 ug/L 47
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 1.1 0.11 1 ug/L 1.1
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 17000 27 500 ug/L 17000
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 190000 190 500 ug/L 190000
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 3.6 J 0.19 5 ug/L 3.6 J
SP-SW-10-DSLVD MH0AB3 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 2.9 J 0.19 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 20 U 8.3 20 ug/L 20 U
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.64 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 9.8 0.11 1 ug/L 9.8
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 100 0.6 10 ug/L 100
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 74000 23 500 ug/L 74000
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 0.44 J 0.16 2 ug/L 0.44 J
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.61 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.61 J
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 4.1 0.77 2 ug/L 4.1
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 470 21 200 ug/L 470
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.24 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 52000 21 500 ug/L 52000
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 280 0.13 1 ug/L 280
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 2.2 0.11 1 ug/L 2.2
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 19000 27 500 ug/L 19000
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 1.3 J 0.95 5 ug/L 1.3 J
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 180000 190 500 ug/L 180000
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 3.2 J 0.19 5 ug/L 3.2 J
SP-SW-01-DSLVD MH0AB5 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 6.6 0.19 5 ug/L 6.6 J+
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 9.9 J 8.3 20 ug/L 9.9 J
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.68 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 13 0.11 1 ug/L 13
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 63 0.6 10 ug/L 63
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 110000 23 500 ug/L 110000
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 2.6 0.16 2 ug/L 2.6 J
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.39 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.39 J
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 1.5 J 0.77 2 ug/L 1.5 J
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 550 21 200 ug/L 550
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.22 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 60000 21 500 ug/L 60000
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 12 0.13 1 ug/L 12
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 2.8 0.11 1 ug/L 2.8
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 20000 27 500 ug/L 20000
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 2.3 J 0.95 5 ug/L 2.3 J
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 240000 190 500 ug/L 240000
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 6.9 0.19 5 ug/L 6.9
SP-SW-11-DSLVD MH0AB7 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 0.94 J 0.19 5 ug/L 5 U
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 9.4 J 8.3 20 ug/L 9.4 J
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.70 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 14 0.11 1 ug/L 14
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 66 0.6 10 ug/L 66
5 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 120000 23 500 ug/L 120000
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 0.27 J 0.16 2 ug/L 0.27 J
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.35 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.35 J
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 1.4 J 0.77 2 ug/L 1.4 J
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 550 21 200 ug/L 550
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.26 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 62000 21 500 ug/L 62000
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 13 0.13 1 ug/L 13
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 1.2 0.11 1 ug/L 1.2
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 20000 27 500 ug/L 20000
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 2.5 J 0.95 5 ug/L 2.5 J
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 250000 190 500 ug/L 250000
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 7.1 0.19 5 ug/L 7.1
SP-SW-12-DSLVD MH0AB9 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 1.7 J 0.19 5 ug/L 5 U
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 20 U 8.3 20 ug/L 20 U
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.70 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 13 0.11 1 ug/L 13
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 67 0.6 10 ug/L 67
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 110000 23 500 ug/L 110000
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 35 0.16 2 ug/L 35
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.65 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.65 J
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 1.8 J 0.77 2 ug/L 1.8 J
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 730 21 200 ug/L 730
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.20 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 60000 21 500 ug/L 60000
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 170 0.13 1 ug/L 170
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 16 0.11 1 ug/L 16
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 20000 27 500 ug/L 20000
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 2.5 J 0.95 5 ug/L 2.5 J
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
6 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 240000 190 500 ug/L 240000
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 6.8 0.19 5 ug/L 6.8
SP-SW-13-DSLVD MH0AC1 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 0.49 J 0.19 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Dissolved Aluminum 11 J 8.3 20 ug/L 11 J
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Dissolved Antimony 0.35 J 0.15 2 ug/L 2.0 UJ
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Dissolved Arsenic 37 0.11 1 ug/L 37
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Dissolved Barium 70 0.6 10 ug/L 70
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Dissolved Beryllium 1.0 U 0.091 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Dissolved Cadmium 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 UJ
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Dissolved Calcium 36000 23 500 ug/L 36000
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Dissolved Chromium 3.1 0.16 2 ug/L 3.1
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Dissolved Cobalt 0.24 J 0.048 1 ug/L 0.24 J
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Dissolved Copper 1.3 J 0.77 2 ug/L 1.3 J
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Dissolved Iron 290 21 200 ug/L 290
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Dissolved Lead 0.18 J 0.057 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Dissolved Magnesium 23000 21 500 ug/L 23000
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Dissolved Manganese 220 0.13 1 ug/L 220
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Dissolved Nickel 1.4 0.11 1 ug/L 1.4
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Dissolved Potassium 32000 27 500 ug/L 32000
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Dissolved Selenium 5.0 U 0.95 5 ug/L 5.0 U
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Dissolved Silver 1.0 U 0.16 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Dissolved Sodium 220000 190 500 ug/L 220000
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Dissolved Thallium 1.0 U 0.26 1 ug/L 1.0 U
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Dissolved Vanadium 6.2 0.19 5 ug/L 6.2
SP-SW-02-DSLVD MH0AC3 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Dissolved Zinc 5.9 0.19 5 ug/L 5.9 J+
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Site Name State Painting Data Validation TO/TD No. 68HE0823F0061/2361-2310-05 Document Tracking No. 1598b-4
Data Reviewer
(name and date)
Maura McAleese
October 13, 2023
Technical Reviewer
(name and date)
Ellen McEntee
October 30, 2023
Laboratory Report No. MH0AC4 Laboratory Chemtech Consulting Group –
Mountainside, NJ
Analyses TAL Metals by Superfund Analytical Method Statement of Work SFAM01.1
Samples and Matrix 11 sediment samples (including a field duplicate sample)
Collection Date(s) August 7, 10 and 14, 2023
Field Duplicate Pairs MH0AD2 (SP-SE-11)/ MH0AD3 (SP-SE-12)
Field QC Blanks None
This checklist summarizes the Stage 2B validation performed on the subject laboratory report, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance for Labeling Externally Validated Laboratory Analytical Data for Superfund Use (January 2009). Analytical data
were evaluated in general accordance with the Tetra Tech Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Region 8 Site Assessment Task
Orders, Revision 3 (March 2023), and the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) Inorganic Superfund Methods Data Review (November 2020).
No rejection of results was required for this data package. The results may be used as qualified based on the findings of this validation effort.
Data completeness:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
QC summary forms were not provided in the data package. The Sample Management Office submitted QC forms for this data
package, and it is assumed that these forms accurately reflect the laboratory analysis.
The chain of custody (COC) forms provided samples that were not reported in this data package. Validation of these samples can
be found in other data validation checklists associated to CLP case number 50975.
Page 2 of 7
Sample preservation, receipt, and holding times:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Instrument Performance Checks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Initial Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Continuing Calibration:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Calibration Verification:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 3 of 7
Method blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The opening continuing calibration blanks (CCB009, CCB010, and CCB011) contained antimony, lead, and zinc at concentrations
greater than the method detection limit (MDL) but less than the reporting limit (identified as the CRQL in the lab report). CCB009
and CCB011 contained beryllium at concentrations greater than the MDL but less than the reporting limit (RL). The initial
calibration blank analyzed on 8/29/2023 contained zinc between the MDL and RL. Results greater than 10 times the blank
concentration or nondetect were not qualified. The following qualifications were applied:
Antimony and beryllium results for samples MH0AC5, MH0AC6, MH0AC7, MH0AC8, MH0AC9, MH0AD0, MH0AD1, and
MH0AD3 were between the MDL and RL; therefore, the sample results were raised to the RL and qualified as nondetect
(flagged U).
• Antimony in samples MH0AC4, MH0AD2, and MH0AD4 were detected between the MDL and RL; therefore, the sample
results were raised to the RL and qualified as nondetect (flagged U).
• Beryllium in samples MH0AC4, MH0AD2, and MH0AD4 were detected at greater than the RL but less than 10 times the
blank concentration and were qualified as estimated, with possible high bias (flagged J+).
• Lead and zinc sample results were detect at concentrations above the RL and greater than 10 times the concentration of
the associated blank; therefore, qualifications were not applied.
Field blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Interference Check Samples (ICS) (ICP metals only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The ICS was assessed because the concentrations of one or more interfering analytes in all samples was greater than or within 80
percent of the concentrations of the interfering analytes in the ICSA. Arsenic and beryllium were detected at positive
concentrations, and antimony, cadmium, and vanadium were detected at negative concentrations with absolute values greater
than the MDL. The following results were qualified.
• Beryllium results in samples MH0AC4 and MH0AD2 was detected at less than 10 times the ICSA concentration and was
qualified as estimated, with possible high bias (flagged J+). All other results for beryllium were qualified nondetect due to
blank contamination and were not further qualified.
• Cadmium results in all samples were detected at less than ten times the absolute ICSA value and were qualified as
estimated, with possible low bias (flagged J-).
• Antimony results in all samples were qualified nondetect due to blank contamination and were further qualified as
estimated (flagged UJ).
• Results greater than 10 times the absolute ICS A result were not qualified, and nondetected results associated with a
positive ICSA result were not qualified.
Surrogates and labeled compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
A matrix spike (MS) was performed on sample MH0AC8. Copper and lead had negative percent recoveries and the parent sample
results were greater than four times the concentration of the spike; therefore, no qualifications were applied. Zinc and manganese
percent recoveries were below lower acceptance limits and results were less than four times the concentration of the spike;
therefore, the parent sample results were qualified as estimated, possibly low bias (flagged J-/UJ).
The data users should be aware that the matrix spike was not analyzed for aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and
sodium. These analytes are not required spike analytes by SFAM01.1.
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Post digestion spikes:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Serial dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A serial dilution was performed on sample MH0AC8 and is acceptable.
Laboratory duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A laboratory duplicate was performed on sample MH0AC8 and is acceptable.
Field duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Sample dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A 2-fold dilution was performed for calcium for samples MH0AC4, MH0AC9 and MH0AD1.
All other results were analyzed undiluted.
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Re-extraction and reanalysis:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y Samples were reanalyzed due to dilutions performed due to high concentrations of target analytes.
Second column confirmation (GC and HPLC analyses only):
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Internal Standards:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Analyte quantitation and MDLs/RLs:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Positive results greater than the MDL but less than the CRQL were qualified as estimated by the laboratory (flagged J). Results less
than the MDL were reported as non-detect at the RL (flagged U). MDLs and RLs are provided in the attached analytical data table
and electronic data deliverable. Elevated reporting limits are provided for samples with reported dilutions.
Tentatively identified compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
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Other [None]:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Overall Qualifications:
See results summary pages attached for changes to the laboratory qualifiers based upon this validation. The following is a list of qualifiers and
definitions that may be used for the validation of this data package:
J The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample.
J+ The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased high.
J- The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased low.
NJ The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte that has been “tentatively identified” and the associated value is the approximate
concentration of the analyte in the sample.
R The sample result is rejected as unusable due to serious deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria. The analyte may or may not
be present in the sample.
U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit).
UJ The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit), which is considered approximate
due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 10000 3.1 17 mg/kg 10000
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.79 J 0.06 0.83 mg/kg 0.83 UJ
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 16 0.061 0.42 mg/kg 16
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 160 0.16 4.2 mg/kg 160
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.51 0.053 0.42 mg/kg 0.51 J+
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.69 0.059 0.42 mg/kg 0.69 J-
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 78000 D 11 850 mg/kg 78000
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 45 0.071 0.83 mg/kg 45
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 8.3 0.022 0.42 mg/kg 8.3
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 280 0.11 0.83 mg/kg 280
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 16000 3 8.5 mg/kg 16000
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 41 0.13 0.42 mg/kg 41
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 15000 7.9 420 mg/kg 15000
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 320 *0.17 0.42 mg/kg 320
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 17 0.11 0.42 mg/kg 17
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 3400 37 420 mg/kg 3400
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.99 J 0.52 2.1 mg/kg 0.99 J
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.47 0.066 0.42 mg/kg 0.47
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 1000 42 420 mg/kg 1000
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.30 J 0.038 0.42 mg/kg 0.30 J
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 25 0.065 2.1 mg/kg 25
SP-SE-01 MH0AC4 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 340 *0.1 2.1 mg/kg 340
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 1900 4.5 25 mg/kg 1900
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.61 J 0.092 1.3 mg/kg 1.3 UJ
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 12 0.093 0.64 mg/kg 12
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 94 0.24 6.4 mg/kg 94
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.24 J 0.082 0.64 mg/kg 0.64 U
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.35 J 0.091 0.64 mg/kg 0.35 J-
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 28000 7.8 620 mg/kg 28000
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 66 0.11 1.3 mg/kg 66
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 3.7 0.035 0.64 mg/kg 3.7
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 59 0.17 1.3 mg/kg 59
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 4300 4.3 12 mg/kg 4300
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 11 0.2 0.64 mg/kg 11
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 6800 12 620 mg/kg 6800
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 1300 *0.26 0.64 mg/kg 1300
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 8.5 0.17 0.64 mg/kg 8.5
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 720 53 620 mg/kg 720
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 3.2 U 0.81 3.2 mg/kg 3.2 U
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.12 J 0.1 0.64 mg/kg 0.12 J
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 560 J 62 620 mg/kg 560 J
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.43 J 0.059 0.64 mg/kg 0.43 J
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 25 0.1 3.2 mg/kg 25
SP-SE-02 MH0AC5 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 95 *0.15 3.2 mg/kg 95
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 3000 4.2 23 mg/kg 3000
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.58 J 0.1 1.4 mg/kg 1.4 UJ
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 44 0.1 0.72 mg/kg 44
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 85 0.27 7.2 mg/kg 85
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.22 J 0.092 0.72 mg/kg 0.72 U
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.69 J 0.1 0.72 mg/kg 0.69 J-
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 79000 7.3 580 mg/kg 79000
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 6.9 0.12 1.4 mg/kg 6.9
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 1.7 0.039 0.72 mg/kg 1.7
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 93 0.19 1.4 mg/kg 93
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 3800 4.1 12 mg/kg 3800
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 45 0.23 0.72 mg/kg 45
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 37000 11 580 mg/kg 37000
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 160 *0.29 0.72 mg/kg 160
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 6.1 0.19 0.72 mg/kg 6.1
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 3700 50 580 mg/kg 3700
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 3.6 U 0.91 3.6 mg/kg 3.6 U
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.23 J 0.11 0.72 mg/kg 0.23 J
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 19000 58 580 mg/kg 19000
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.43 J 0.066 0.72 mg/kg 0.43 J
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 14 0.11 3.6 mg/kg 14
SP-SE-03 MH0AC6 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 40 *0.17 3.6 mg/kg 40
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 3600 3.7 21 mg/kg 3600
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.55 J 0.086 1.2 mg/kg 1.2 UJ
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 43 0.087 0.6 mg/kg 43
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 95 0.23 6 mg/kg 95
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.16 J 0.076 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 U
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.82 0.085 0.6 mg/kg 0.82 J-
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Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 69000 6.6 520 mg/kg 69000
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 6.5 0.1 1.2 mg/kg 6.5
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 1.5 0.032 0.6 mg/kg 1.5
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 72 0.15 1.2 mg/kg 72
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 4000 3.6 10 mg/kg 4000
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 57 0.19 0.6 mg/kg 57
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 39000 9.7 520 mg/kg 39000
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 150 *0.24 0.6 mg/kg 150
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 5.5 0.15 0.6 mg/kg 5.5
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 4300 45 520 mg/kg 4300
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 3 U 0.75 3 mg/kg 3.0 U
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.11 J 0.094 0.6 mg/kg 0.11 J
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 20000 52 520 mg/kg 20000
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.26 J 0.055 0.6 mg/kg 0.26 J
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 12 0.093 3 mg/kg 12
SP-SE-05 MH0AC7 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 31 *0.14 3 mg/kg 31
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 4400 3.2 18 mg/kg 4400
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.54 J 0.062 0.86 mg/kg 0.86 UJ
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 13 0.063 0.43 mg/kg 13
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 140 0.16 4.3 mg/kg 140
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.31 J 0.055 0.43 mg/kg 0.43 U
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.55 0.061 0.43 mg/kg 0.55 J-
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 36000 5.6 440 mg/kg 36000
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 14 0.073 0.86 mg/kg 14
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 3.6 0.023 0.43 mg/kg 3.6
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 130 0.11 0.86 mg/kg 130
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 6800 3.1 8.8 mg/kg 6800
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 32 0.14 0.43 mg/kg 32
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 10000 8.2 440 mg/kg 10000
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 160 *0.17 0.43 mg/kg 160 J-
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 10 0.11 0.43 mg/kg 10
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 2700 38 440 mg/kg 2700
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 1.3 J 0.54 2.2 mg/kg 1.3 J
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.26 J 0.068 0.43 mg/kg 0.26 J
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 2500 44 440 mg/kg 2500
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.31 J 0.04 0.43 mg/kg 0.31 J
3 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 21 0.067 2.2 mg/kg 21
SP-SE-07 MH0AC8 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 81 *0.1 2.2 mg/kg 81 J-
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 2300 3.5 20 mg/kg 2300
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.37 J 0.061 0.85 mg/kg 0.85 UJ
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 10 0.062 0.43 mg/kg 10
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 140 0.16 4.3 mg/kg 140
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.15 J 0.054 0.43 mg/kg 0.43 U
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.29 J 0.06 0.43 mg/kg 0.29 J-
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 110000 D 12 980 mg/kg 110000
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 7.8 0.072 0.85 mg/kg 7.8
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 1.6 0.023 0.43 mg/kg 1.6
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 75 0.11 0.85 mg/kg 75
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 3300 3.4 9.8 mg/kg 3300
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 16 0.14 0.43 mg/kg 16
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 8800 9.1 490 mg/kg 8800
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 220 *0.17 0.43 mg/kg 220
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 6.3 0.11 0.43 mg/kg 6.3
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 2200 42 490 mg/kg 2200
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 1.5 J 0.54 2.1 mg/kg 1.5 J
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.17 J 0.067 0.43 mg/kg 0.17 J
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 2400 49 490 mg/kg 2400
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.22 J 0.039 0.43 mg/kg 0.22 J
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 7.3 0.066 2.1 mg/kg 7.3
SP-SE-08 MH0AC9 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 58 *0.1 2.1 mg/kg 58
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 2100 3.3 18 mg/kg 2100
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.26 J 0.053 0.74 mg/kg 0.74 UJ
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 7 0.054 0.37 mg/kg 7.0
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 62 0.14 3.7 mg/kg 62
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.12 J 0.047 0.37 mg/kg 0.37 U
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.23 J 0.052 0.37 mg/kg 0.23 J-
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 58000 5.7 460 mg/kg 58000
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 5.1 0.063 0.74 mg/kg 5.1
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 1.1 0.02 0.37 mg/kg 1.1
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 49 0.096 0.74 mg/kg 49
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 3100 3.2 9.1 mg/kg 3100
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 9.7 0.12 0.37 mg/kg 9.7
4 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 12000 8.5 460 mg/kg 12000
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 130 *0.15 0.37 mg/kg 130
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 3.6 0.096 0.37 mg/kg 3.6
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 1300 39 460 mg/kg 1300
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 1.8 U 0.46 1.8 mg/kg 1.8 U
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.099 J 0.058 0.37 mg/kg 0.099 J
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 1200 46 460 mg/kg 1200
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.24 J 0.034 0.37 mg/kg 0.24 J
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 6.9 0.057 1.8 mg/kg 6.9
SP-SE-09 MH0AD0 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 39 *0.088 1.8 mg/kg 39
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 5400 3 16 mg/kg 5400
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.25 J 0.053 0.73 mg/kg 0.73 UJ
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 13 0.053 0.37 mg/kg 13
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 140 0.14 3.7 mg/kg 140
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.3 J 0.047 0.37 mg/kg 0.37 U
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.43 0.052 0.37 mg/kg 0.43 J-
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 77000 D 10 820 mg/kg 77000
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 10 0.062 0.73 mg/kg 10
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 2.7 0.02 0.37 mg/kg 2.7
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 50 0.095 0.73 mg/kg 50
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 5700 2.9 8.2 mg/kg 5700
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 18 0.12 0.37 mg/kg 18
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 22000 7.6 410 mg/kg 22000
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 260 *0.15 0.37 mg/kg 260
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 7.6 0.095 0.37 mg/kg 7.6
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 2600 35 410 mg/kg 2600
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.65 J 0.46 1.8 mg/kg 0.65 J
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.14 J 0.058 0.37 mg/kg 0.14 J
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 960 41 410 mg/kg 960
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.44 0.034 0.37 mg/kg 0.44
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 13 0.057 1.8 mg/kg 13
SP-SE-10 MH0AD1 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 65 *0.088 1.8 mg/kg 65
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 5400 3.4 19 mg/kg 5400
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.37 J 0.063 0.88 mg/kg 0.88 UJ
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 7.3 0.064 0.44 mg/kg 7.3
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 130 0.17 4.4 mg/kg 130
5 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.78 0.056 0.44 mg/kg 0.78 J+
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.34 J 0.063 0.44 mg/kg 0.34 J-
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 72000 6 480 mg/kg 72000
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 11 0.075 0.88 mg/kg 11
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 3.3 0.024 0.44 mg/kg 3.3
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 28 0.11 0.88 mg/kg 28
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 7400 3.3 9.5 mg/kg 7400
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 15 0.14 0.44 mg/kg 15
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 14000 8.9 480 mg/kg 14000
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 310 *0.18 0.44 mg/kg 310
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 8.2 0.11 0.44 mg/kg 8.2
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 2300 41 480 mg/kg 2300
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.2 U 0.56 2.2 mg/kg 2.2 U
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.14 J 0.07 0.44 mg/kg 0.14 J
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 520 48 480 mg/kg 520
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.26 J 0.041 0.44 mg/kg 0.26 J
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 12 0.069 2.2 mg/kg 12
SP-SE-11 MH0AD2 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 49 *0.11 2.2 mg/kg 49
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 5500 3.6 20 mg/kg 5500
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.37 J 0.069 0.96 mg/kg 0.96 UJ
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 6 0.07 0.48 mg/kg 6.0
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 120 0.18 4.8 mg/kg 120
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.38 J 0.061 0.48 mg/kg 0.48 U
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.34 J 0.068 0.48 mg/kg 0.34 J-
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 67000 6.2 500 mg/kg 67000
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 11 0.082 0.96 mg/kg 11
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 3.7 0.026 0.48 mg/kg 3.7
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 23 0.12 0.96 mg/kg 23
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 7900 3.5 9.9 mg/kg 7900
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 14 0.15 0.48 mg/kg 14
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 17000 9.2 500 mg/kg 17000
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 280 *0.19 0.48 mg/kg 280
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 9.8 0.12 0.48 mg/kg 9.8
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 2500 43 500 mg/kg 2500
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.4 U 0.6 2.4 mg/kg 2.4 U
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.11 J 0.076 0.48 mg/kg 0.11 J
6 of 7
Sample ID CLP ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 620 50 500 mg/kg 620
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.25 J 0.044 0.48 mg/kg 0.25 J
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 13 0.075 2.4 mg/kg 13
SP-SE-12 MH0AD3 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 44 *0.12 2.4 mg/kg 44
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7429-90-5 Aluminum 6300 3.6 20 mg/kg 6300
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-36-0 Antimony 0.35 J 0.069 0.96 mg/kg 0.96 UJ
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-38-2 Arsenic 5.8 0.07 0.48 mg/kg 5.8
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-39-3 Barium 180 0.18 4.8 mg/kg 180
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-41-7 Beryllium 0.5 0.061 0.48 mg/kg 0.50 J+
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.41 J 0.068 0.48 mg/kg 0.41 J-
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-70-2 Calcium 63000 6.3 500 mg/kg 63000
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-47-3 Chromium 13 0.081 0.96 mg/kg 13
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-48-4 Cobalt 6.2 0.026 0.48 mg/kg 6.2
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-50-8 Copper 25 0.12 0.96 mg/kg 25
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7439-89-6 Iron 11000 3.5 9.9 mg/kg 11000
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7439-92-1 Lead 18 0.15 0.48 mg/kg 18
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7439-95-4 Magnesium 13000 9.2 500 mg/kg 13000
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7439-96-5 Manganese 390 *0.19 0.48 mg/kg 390
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-02-0 Nickel 15 0.12 0.48 mg/kg 15
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-09-7 Potassium 3200 43 500 mg/kg 3200
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.4 U 0.6 2.4 mg/kg 2.4 U
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-22-4 Silver 0.11 J 0.075 0.48 mg/kg 0.11 J
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-23-5 Sodium 380 J 50 500 mg/kg 380 J
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-28-0 Thallium 0.33 J 0.044 0.48 mg/kg 0.33 J
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-62-2 Vanadium 19 0.074 2.4 mg/kg 19
SP-SE-13 MH0AD4 SFAM01.1 7440-66-6 Zinc 57 *0.11 2.4 mg/kg 57
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Site Name State Painting Data Validation TO/TD No. 68HE0823F0061/2361-2310-05 Document Tracking No. 1598b-5
Data Reviewer
(name and date)
Maura McAleese
October 20, 2023
Technical Reviewer
(name and date)
Ellen McEntee
October 27, 2023
Laboratory Report No. 580-130470-1 Laboratory Eurofins Environment Testing – Tacoma,
Analyses Inorganic arsenic speciation by EPA Method 1632A
Samples and Matrix Two sediment samples and two water samples
Collection Date(s) August 7, 2023
Field Duplicate Pairs None
Field QC Blanks None
This checklist summarizes the Stage 2B validation performed on the subject laboratory report, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance for Labeling Externally Validated Laboratory Analytical Data for Superfund Use (January 2009). Analytical data
were evaluated in general accordance with the Tetra Tech Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Region 8 Site Assessment Task
Orders, Revision 3 (March 2023), and the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) for Inorganic Superfund Methods Data Review (November
No rejection or qualification of results was required for this data package. The results may be used as reported by the laboratory.
Data completeness:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Arsenic speciation was requested on the chain of custody (COC); however, arsenite (As3+) and arsenate (As5+) were not
individually reported. The client was contacted and stated that only total inorganic arsenic was required for this project.
The electronic data deliverable provided is an outdated Scribe EDD format. Laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) was also
not provided in the EDD. The LCSD data can be found in the data package. Revisions were not requested at the time of this
validation effort.
Page 2 of 4
Sample preservation, receipt, and holding times:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
N The “relinquished by” section of the chain of custody was not signed and dated. Results were not qualified.
Method blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Field blanks:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Surrogates and labeled compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Laboratory duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Y A laboratory duplicate was performed on sample SP-SE-04 and is acceptable.
Page 3 of 4
Field duplicates:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Sample dilutions:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
The following dilutions were performed:
• 3,000-fold dilution for samples SP-SE-04 and SP-SE-06
• 500-fold dilution for sample SP-SW-06
• 250-fold dilution for sample SP-SW-04
Re-extraction and reanalysis:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Analyte quantitation and MDLs/RLs:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Page 4 of 4
Tentatively identified compounds:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Other [None]:
Criteria Exceedance/Notes
Overall Qualifications:
See results summary pages attached for changes to the laboratory qualifiers based upon this validation. The following is a list of qualifiers and
definitions that may be used for the validation of this data package:
J The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample.
J+ The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased high.
J- The analyte was positively identified; the associated value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample and may be
biased low.
NJ The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte that has been “tentatively identified” and the associated value is the approximate
concentration of the analyte in the sample.
R The sample result is rejected as unusable due to serious deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria. The analyte may or may not
be present in the sample.
U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit).
UJ The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected at or above the associated value (reporting limit), which is considered approximate
due to deficiencies in one or more quality control criteria.
Sample ID Method CAS #Analyte Lab_Result Lab_Qual MDL RL Units Val_Result Val_Qual
SP-SE-04 1632A 7440-38-2 Inorganic Arsenic 48 3.3 4.8 mg/Kg 48
SP-SE-06 1632A 7440-38-2 Inorganic Arsenic 38 3 4.2 mg/Kg 38
SP-SW-04 1632A 7440-38-2 Inorganic Arsenic 230 8.6 13 ug/L 230
SP-SW-06 1632A 7440-38-2 Inorganic Arsenic 370 17 25 ug/L 370
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Site Inspection Work Plan
State Painting – UTN000820797
XRF Raw Data
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Ti Ti Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 633.14
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 639.08
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2002.04 298.37
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 649.25
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5735.71 212.64
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2156.38 356.76
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 623.99
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 567.03
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 3946.48 273
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 1462.41 380.79
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 748.44
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2307.15 346.38
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 1689.31 367.69
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2584.77 346.11
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 1167.56 332.99
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 617.89
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 1487.53 351.3
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 654.67
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 607.46 352.08
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7573.29 302.17
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 556.55
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5592.11 256.48
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 3038.12 336.35
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2737.65 350.22
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 3755.14 326.64
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4473.51 307.72
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5752.05 205.57
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 572.82
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2039.93 378.21
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 658.72
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6612.92 193.31
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2388.82 330.45
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Cr Cr Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 260.38 32.94
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 42.73
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.95
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 68.51 32.23
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.1
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 35.22
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 51.43 27.96
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 38.94
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 27.01
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 37.94
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 51.99
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 33.73
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 34.95
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 33.98
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 34.16
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 309.86 33.3
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 36.15
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 45.74
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 51.53 24.37
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 30.72
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 36.78
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 25.49
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 33.02
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 35.87
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 32.58
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.44
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.44
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 38.97
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 36.3
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 44.82
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 19.42
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 32.89
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Mn Mn Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 70.91 22.7
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 164.35 25.34
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 314.62 22
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 201.5 29.33
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 130.76 14.2
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 379.83 26.03
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 323.8 27.32
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 156.17 23.12
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 319.16 21.02
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 318.11 26.51
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 121.96 28.41
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 313.08 24.27
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 462.66 27.38
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 399.54 25.64
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 204.65 21.76
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 77.56 22.6
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 349.19 26.29
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 240.12 28.33
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 294.62 24.51
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 359.77 26.09
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 187.8 23.12
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 170.87 18.02
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 235.64 22.98
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 169.58 22.99
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 376.01 25.3
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 490.1 25.69
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 133.51 14.25
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 110.68 21.88
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 420.44 27.41
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 235.39 28.75
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 152.55 13.81
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 442.96 26.57
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Fe Fe Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 13874.55 101.43
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5776.67 72.75
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8535.29 69.28
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 3956.51 69.84
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4205.49 41.59
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9852.21 82.16
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 14080.89 102.07
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4142.81 58.45
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6722.28 60.21
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9324.56 85.11
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4288.92 73.06
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8855.25 77.24
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 12503.2 90.64
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 10586.77 82.7
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5444.66 60.97
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 14013.15 100.4
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8282.65 78.61
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6410.16 79.3
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7122.39 70.66
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7439.24 77.31
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5534.03 65.37
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5058.5 54.05
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7287.08 72.66
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5511.37 68.59
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8026.75 74.11
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 10157.33 77.88
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4115.3 41.29
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 2466 45.81
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 11324.72 89.12
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5978.8 79.85
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4602.32 41.46
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 11504.03 87.13
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Co Co Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 47.25 27.48
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 30.32
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 28.09
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 28.78
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.16
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 32.65
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 40.89
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 24.84
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 24.19
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 34.55
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 45.67 21.12
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 30.94
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 36.31
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 33.22
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 24.86
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 59.07 27.29
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 31.62
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 37.4 22.08
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 28.51
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 31.21
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 26.89
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.86
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.19
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 27.99
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.86
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 31.36
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.93
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 19.94
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 36.03
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 32.65
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.14
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 35.13
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Ni Ni Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 19.31
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 41.87 14.37
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 15.04
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 23.61
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 10.77
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 20.76 11.65
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 82.68 13.43
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 33.45 13.15
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 13.63
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 18.44
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 25.26
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.47
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.14
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.3
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.21
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 18.9
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.88
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.97
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.01 11.91
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 15.98
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 23.84 12.53
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 13.27
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.73
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 18.03
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.23
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 14.88
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 10.49
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 19.23
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.89
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 22.03
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.79
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.45
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Cu Cu Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 14.83 6.19
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 46.02 7.76
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 150.33 7.33
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.73 8.9
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 73.29 4.86
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 121.47 7.79
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 14.26 6.15
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 17.71 6.48
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 171.29 7.38
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 158.5 9.05
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 35.9 9.26
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 104.47 7.37
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 143.58 8
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 147.92 7.94
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 88.67 7.07
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 10.45 5.95
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 114.81 8.05
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 42.33 8.02
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 105.41 7.6
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 184.66 9.49
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 26.13 6.41
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 106.7 6.59
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 127.98 8.09
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 58.62 7.48
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 157.53 8.3
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 156.97 7.67
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 81.2 4.98
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 17.52 6.43
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 137.73 8.22
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 27.69 8.05
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 101.31 4.99
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 50.11 6.25
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Zn Zn Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 41.84 4.24
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 37.91 4.57
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 109.34 4.91
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 37.88 5.28
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 52.5 3.12
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 67.87 4.6
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 60.55 4.63
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 41.09 4.31
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 109.69 4.79
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 81.86 5.29
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 22.44 4.84
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 70.83 4.62
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 108.38 5.36
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 105.83 5.24
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 68.22 4.56
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 42.21 4.18
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 95.19 5.4
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 45.63 4.96
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 83.83 4.98
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 175.05 7.1
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 29.26 3.83
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 140.38 5.41
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 160.07 6.51
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 63.48 4.99
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 93.05 5.12
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 144.64 5.66
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 61.02 3.29
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 18.5 3.62
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 89.17 5.16
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 37.35 4.89
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 84.69 3.52
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 95.49 5.05
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes As As Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 414.28 9.42
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6.99 2.48
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 12.11 3.07
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.99
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 11.53 1.87
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9.63 3.13
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 14.42 2.36
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5.6 2.24
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9.13 2.84
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9.15 3.79
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 14.56 3.06
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8.44 3.32
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 12.22 3.33
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.35 2.84
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.18 2.47
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 419.61 9.3
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.35 2.63
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8.1 2.67
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.61 3.36
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8.15 3.08
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6.8 2.15
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5.92 2.19
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5.98 2.62
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8.22 2.41
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8.51 3.44
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 12.2 2.75
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4.25 1.61
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 10.79 2.25
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.81 3.3
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.87 2.79
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6.88 1.83
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.94 2.32
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Se Se Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 438.82 6.55
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.91
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.34
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.22
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.57
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.67
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.8
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.27
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.77
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.42
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.58
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.58
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.5
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.52
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 442.9 6.47
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.64
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.56
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.61
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.68
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.25
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.53
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.66
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.55
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.43
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.75
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.62
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.09
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 0.97
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.48
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Rb Rb Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 54.41 1.79
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 28.77 1.6
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 48.36 1.45
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 16.27 1.58
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 24.12 0.96
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 57.06 1.72
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 43.64 1.62
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 27.79 1.48
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 28.01 1.16
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 51.86 1.76
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 34.67 1.93
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 49.49 1.6
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 71.68 1.84
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 56.29 1.65
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.42 1.35
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 56.4 1.78
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 36.37 1.52
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 34.76 1.74
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.07 1.39
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.37 1.46
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 29.56 1.44
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 23.24 1.14
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 31.43 1.41
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 33.68 1.57
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 42.75 1.53
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 50.96 1.52
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 19.37 0.89
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 23.58 1.37
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 63.7 1.81
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 38.88 1.85
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 23.64 0.9
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 52.11 1.62
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Sr Sr Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 78.42 2.17
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 570.68 5.54
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 175.27 2.56
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 596.79 6.51
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 242.51 2.49
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 293.41 3.54
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 192.47 3.07
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 567.6 5.21
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 105.82 2.03
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 216.57 3.3
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 278.36 4.61
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 152.35 2.64
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 174.6 2.78
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 158.32 2.64
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 184.5 2.86
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 80.46 2.16
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 354.54 4.02
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 479.34 5.29
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 304.53 3.63
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 172.87 3.03
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 262.2 3.55
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 256.42 3.03
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 174.93 2.9
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 321.42 4.09
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 189.88 2.92
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 154.56 2.5
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 76.21 1.56
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 191.77 3.18
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 195.77 3.01
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 236.17 3.99
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 93.01 1.6
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 204.94 2.97
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Zr Zr Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 311.39 5.98
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 206.9 6.7
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 148.11 4.51
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 104.82 7.1
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 44.87 3.43
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 147.08 5.16
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 166.75 5.36
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 213.99 6.33
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 93.31 4.03
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 232.17 5.85
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 539.66 9.21
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 244.82 5.42
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 321.28 5.76
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 278.25 5.48
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 179.75 5.13
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 306.38 5.86
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 135.36 5.4
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 191.04 6.72
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 145.23 5.21
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 101.1 5.09
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 231.24 5.85
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 64.14 4.21
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 176.1 5.28
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 180.93 5.96
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 200.09 5.27
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 202.75 4.9
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 69.71 3.34
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 184.08 5.65
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 346.11 6.09
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 267.84 7.07
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 44.14 3.08
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 136.24 4.88
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Pd Pd Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 12.92 2.77
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.13
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.09
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.58
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.4
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.47
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5.36 2.56
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.88
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.87
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.72
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.89
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.42
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.42
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.34
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.39
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 10.78 2.7
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.58
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 4.87 2.92
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.57
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.28
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.79
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.83
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.4
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.74
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.36
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.08
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.37
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.89
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.54
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.36
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.27
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.31
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Ag Ag Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 315.6 5.5
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 44.35
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.21
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 12.7
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.96
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.93
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 65.98
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 40.17
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.84
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.34
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 72.57
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.8
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.87
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.63
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.81
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 306.28 5.38
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.1
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 52.93
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 15.82
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.56
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.06
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.76
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.87
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.32
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.68
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.16
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.91
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 42.21
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.05
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.85
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.68
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.63
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Cd Cd Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 458.6 6.59
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9.67 4.52
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.04
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.69
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.93
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.67
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 10.35 4.1
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.63 4.23
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.75
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.1
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 27.98 5.46
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.59
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.53
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.42
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.58
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 450.99 6.46
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.85
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 19.07 4.76
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.75
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.48
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.14
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.66
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.66
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.09
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.51
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.04
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.89
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 11.6 4.27
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.78
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.26
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.7
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.37
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Sn Sn Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 9.46
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 26.12 6.59
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.14
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 10.9
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.4
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.06
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 31.88 6.04
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 19.79 6.15
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.62
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.66
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 46.65 7.89
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.89
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.94
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.67
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.95
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 9.23
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.3
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 42.6 6.93
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.32
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.51
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 12.54 5.93
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.44
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.03
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.71
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.73
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.09
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.33
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 27.48 6.2
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.24
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 10.42
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.03
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.64
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Sb Sb Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 10.41
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 27.41 7.28
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.98
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 12.27
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.13
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.02
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 36.1 6.64
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 24.85 6.83
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.51
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.7
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 68.25 8.79
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.85
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.9
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.56
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.89
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 10.16
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.31
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 47.61 7.66
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.22
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.5
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 17.45 6.61
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.36
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.03
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.72
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.69
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.97
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.08
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 35.21 6.89
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.18
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 11.62
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.74
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 8.57
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Ba Ba Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 721.1 23.96
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 664.04 26.16
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 27.78
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 178.63 27.99
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.08
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 142.1 21
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 759.28 24.01
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 443.26 23.86
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 25.83
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 196.49 22.62
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 728.12 30.8
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 85.51 20.65
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 283 21.16
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 102.48 20.34
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 97.12 20.65
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 670.01 23.43
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 77.61 21.65
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 604.03 26.87
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 214.24 21.43
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.06
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 320.86 22.84
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 25.27
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 31.07
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 33.36
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 29.92
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 27.77
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 20.93
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 535.84 24.17
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 245.92 21.75
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 314.44 26.91
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 19.56
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 30.23
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes W W Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 19.1
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 21.7
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 14.45
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 25.26
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 10.68
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.68
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 18.94
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 19.63
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 14
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 18.97
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 26.01
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.48
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.32
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.7
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 18.75
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.91
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 22.2
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.09
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.77
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 18.44
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 13.8
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.61
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 18.88
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.3
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 15.08
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 10.63
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 19.37
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 17.79
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 22.89
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 9.84
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 16.4
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Au Au Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 14.74
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 10.47 4.73
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.72
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.61
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.56
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.44
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.95 4.14
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.08
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.42
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.2
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 12.01 5.69
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.6
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.67
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.24
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.3
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 14.5
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.68
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.18
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.76
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.28
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 6.08
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.41
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.55
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.86
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.42
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.88
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.5
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 7.76 4.27
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.66
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 7.23
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.35
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.26
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Hg Hg Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 3.72
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.93
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.61
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.58
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.92
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.04
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.41
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.51
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.52
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.39
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.74
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.06
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.1
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.98
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.98
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard <LOD 3.65
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.17
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.13
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.13
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.19
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.39
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.53
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.17
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.44
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.98
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.73
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.94
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.54
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 3.23
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.26
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 1.81
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 2.94
Reading No Time Type Duration Units Sequence Res EScale Shape Time Notes Pb Pb Error
1195 Invalid System Check 118.48 cps Final 184.88 7.33 1
1196 Invalid System Check 89.2 cps Final 156.41 7.35 4
1197 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 470.71 10.9
1198 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 6.16 3.47
1199 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 95.65 4.26
1200 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.89
1201 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 25.54 2.54
1202 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 73.76 4.37
1203 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 5.41 3.09
1204 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.78
1205 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 84.72 3.98
1206 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 112 5.33
1207 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 5.99
1208 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 94.39 4.67
1209 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 92.84 4.62
1210 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 59.97 4
1211 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.39 3.47
1212 Invalid System Check 70.8 cps Final 181.48 7.33 1
1213 Invalid System Check 69.65 cps Final 155.16 7.35 4
1214 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final RCRA Standard 468.99 10.73
1215 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 30.99 3.69
1216 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 9.31 3.7
1217 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 93.47 4.73
1218 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 55.02 4.31
1219 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.51
1220 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 28 3.09
1221 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 35.87 3.71
1222 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 8.46 3.33
1223 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 104.11 4.85
1224 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 58.07 3.79
1225 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 13.91 2.31
1226 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final <LOD 4.49
1227 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 86.46 4.66
1228 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 10.38 3.87
1229 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 35.36 2.57
1230 Invalid Soil 120 ppm Final 21.16 3.24