HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006631∪TAH DEPARTM■NT o′ ENVi資 0資 MENTAな 0じ AL:TY DR:NK:NG WATER PO Box 144830 Salt Lake City, UT 841144830 Phone: (801)5364100 Fax (801) 5364211 Email: ddwreports@utah.gov www.d rinkingwater.utah.gov BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SITE PLAN As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is to be vaded. All water systems are required to maintain a cunent bacteriological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which bacteriological tests are taken. Sample sites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each water source of the dishibution system. The sample plan should be revised regularly and following any major construction project impacting the distribution system. WATER SYSTEM:NFORMAT:ON System Name:Bear River WCD - Collinston System#iUTAH[ol[21[Ol171191 Phone#:435‐723‐7034Street Address:1 02 WeSt Forest Street,B19ham City,UT 84302 Mailing Address:102 West Forest Street,3rlgham City,UT 84302 Email: Service Connections: 2s lation Served: 90 SAMPLE COLLECT10N Samples collected by: Robert Thavne Name of Laboratory: Brisham citv Labratorv Mailing Address:P O Box1005,B"gham City,UT 84302 State Lab Codei UT00010 Phone#:435‐723-3146 FaX #: 43s-723-7631 The Laboratory was sent a mpy of this plan on: 6t11t2018 Utah Division of Drinkinq Water was senl a coDV of this plan sn;6/11/2Q1Q Seasonal ls the water operated seasonally?回 YES I珂 NO Dates of operation: Open:_ Close: Systems, which operate seasonally, are required to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the public. Where will that sample be taken? Location Date sampled: MAP OF SYSTEM Have you enclosed\attached a map of the distribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks, treatment facilities, distribution piping, routine sample locations, and SAMPLE LOCAT10NS fhe following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Rou∥ne Sample Location:Follow・ up(repeat)Sample Lcca∥ons: 1.11730N3400W D¨ow∥e uT tthane Page Sampb ra0 1. Shane Page Sample Tap Description: (location name or address) Sample Tap (hoSe bb.gnk fau∝t,elc) Water samples w∥ibe co∥ected from th:s location duttng lhe months of(drcle): (routine sample location name or address) 1 1575 N Hwy 38, Deweyville, UT (Ronal Taylor) (bcauOn name or address up‐stream) 11820N3400W,Deweyv∥le,UT(ヽ Ⅵ∥iam Bingham) (location name or address down-sbeam) Deweyville Town 1'Qtri 2nd Qt「 3だ Qtr: 41h Qtri 口Jan. EIApr. EIJul. 自Oct. 醸Feb. □Mar. 目May ttJun. 目Aug. 鶴Sep. □Nov. 識Dec. 4. Follow-up (repeat) Sample Locations: '1. Eldon Johnson (rOuune samle loca10n name oraddress, 2.12565N3400W,Co∥inston,(」ames Ririe) (location name or address up-stream) (locatron name or address down-steam) (source) Routine Sample Location: 1. 12776 N 3400 W, Collinston (Eldon Johnson) {location name or address) Description: Sink Faucet {hOSe bb,Shk laucet,elc) Water samples will be collected from this location during rha mnnthc nf inirntal. " 3. 13410 N Hwy 38, Collinston (Lorin Bingham)the months of (circle): 1ま Qtr: El」an, 自Feb. 自Mar 2nd QL ttApr. 田May ttJun. 4.DeweyⅥ∥e Town 3“QL EllJヴ . EIIAug.1目 Sep 仲Qtr: II10ct. 国Nov. 翻Dec (source) Rou∥ne Sample Loca∥on:Fol:ow・ up(repeat)Samp!e Loca∥ons: 1. 12090 N Hwy 38, Collinston (Hillside Recycling)1. Hillside Recycling (location name or address)(routine sample location name or address) Description: Sink Faucet 2. 11595 N Hwy 38, Deweyville, (Hunter Barrus) (hose bib, sink faucet, etc.)(location name or address up-stream) (locaton name or address down-stream) 1・ Qヒ 自」an. 選Feb ttMar. 2nd Qtt EllApr. 自 May tt」un. 4.DeweyM∥e Town Water samples will be collected from this location during thc mnnthe nf lnirntp\. - 3. 12000 N Hwy 38, Collinston (Grover Excavation)the months of (circle): 3に QtE ttJd. 霧Aug. 菫sep. 4h QtE El10a. 翻Nov. 田Dec. Report Prepared by: 6/11/2018Signature and Title: SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Water samples wl∥be co∥ected from this locaton du“n9 3.14046N3100W,ConinstOn(R!chard Corbldge) the months of(cirCle): Routine Sample Location: 1. 3046 W 13555 N, Collinston (Brandon Lemonds) Description: (bcation name or address) Sample Tap lhOSe Ыb,lnk fau∝teに ぅ 1゛ Q競 醸Jant ttFeb. 機Mar 2nd Qtr ttApr. EllMay 奮:Jun. 4.Deweyv∥ie Towh3"Q= 彗J正 目~o. 騰Sol. 4h Qtr: 難 Oct. 彗 Nov. 騰 Dec. Folow…up(repeat〕Samp!I Localons: 1.Brandon Lemonds (rOuttne samle loCaton name oraddress) 2,2955 VV 13555 N,Col"nston(T」Rupp) (location name or address up-skeam) (location name or address down-stream) (source) Routine Sample Location: 1.14550N3100W,ConinstOn(N.Booster Station) 3“Qt:1 霧‐Ju‐. 翻Auo.‐ 機Sep. 4h Qtr 猥OCt. 薇Nov. □Dec. Fo∥ow・ uo(repeat)Samptt Loca∥ons: 1.N Booster Station (source) (location name or address)toutine samp,e location name or address) Description: Sample TaP 2.14185N3100W,Co∥inston(Gretchen Alexander) lhOSe Ыb,Snkね ucet,et→(locaiion name or address up+tream) ' (bcdion name oraddressdown+team) 1■0年 ||‐機‐10。:■‐懇Fe,3 ‐轟‐Mar 2“QtE EIApr. 翻May ttJun. 4.Deweyv“b Town Water samples wⅢ be∞∥ected frOm this iocatton dunng 3.2785 W Hwy 38,CO∥inston,(J∥:Marbie):ho monih●of Fcirclol・the months of (circle): Rou∥ne Sample Location: 1. (location name or address) Description: 脂鷺瀧嘗i酬 el「 醐lectedお mmた bcttOn duttng 3. 11ま Qlri ttJan. 懸Fё b. 餞Mlr. 2nd Q競 議Apr. 轟May tt Jun. 4. 3d Qt: 磁Jd, 自Aug. 餞Sё p. 4h Qに 議Od. 盤Nov. 懸Dec. Fdbw‐up lrepeatt Samde Loca∥ons: 1. (mutina sample location name or address) (location name or address up-sbeam) (location name or address downstream) (source) Legend 購 Tanks 圃 Pump Station Pressure Zones Zone :D 菫1 観2 類鳳艤3 ‐…¨…‐PrOposed Pipeline BRWCD…COLLiNSTON WATER PROJECT CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT‐NEW TANK OPT:ON