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DSHW-2023-209660 - 0901a06881286fd0
Northrop Grumman System Corp • 5000 South 8400 West WVC, UT 84120 • (801) 251-3098 September 25, 2023 Mr. Doug Hansen, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Re: RCRA Facility Investigation Closure Letter SWMU S-25 Site ATK Launch Systems LLC. - Bacchus UTD001705029 Dear Mr. Hansen: In July 2022 a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facilities Investigation Report (RFI) was submitted to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (the Division) for Solid Waste Management Units (SWMU) Sump 25 (S-25). This RFI found that the following constituents of potential concern (COPC) were above the residential Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) including metals, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Arsenic, Benzo(a)pyrene, Dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, and 2-Nitropropane. All these detections and additional detections of SVOCs and VOCs below the RSLs were in the top approximately 18-inches of clay liner. Pyrene was the only SVOC detected below the clay liner. No VOCs were detected below the clay liner. The maximum arsenic concentration below the clay liner was 12.6 mg/kg. The arsenic concentration is above the RSL of 0.68 mg/kg. However, the background threshold value according to the Evaluation of Background Soils for Metals and Dioxin at the Bacchus Facility submitted April 2014 is 9.98 mg/kg. This evaluation had detections of arsenic as high as 17.6 mg/kg. Additionally, the Division’s Technical Guide for Risk Assessments: Utah Administrative Code R315-101 (TGRA) Table 2 has a BVT for arsenic of 27.0 mg/kg. Due to the elevated concentrations of the above COPC, the July 2022 RFI submitted to the Division stating that ATK will excavate the clay liner and haul the waste to a State approved waste facility. August of 2023 ATK contracted with Flare Construction to remove 23 tons of the clay liner, approximately 16 cubic yards and hauled the liner to Clean Harbors Grassy Mountain Facility. After removal, samples were collected near the floor of the excavation along each of the corners. The following SVOCs were detected in the soils below the clay liner after remediation: chrysene, fluoranthene, and pyrene. Chrysene was detected in one location with a concentration of 0.25 mg/kg. The RSL for chrysene is 110 mg/kg and the dilution attenuation factor (DAF) groundwater RSL is 9.1 mg/kg. Therefore, chrysene is at acceptable concentrations. Fluoranthene was detected at two locations with concentrations of 0.13 and 0.22 mg/kg. The RSL for fluoranthene is 2,400 mg/kg and the DAF DSHW-2023-209660 Mr. Doug Hansen, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 2 | P a g e Northrop Grumman Systems Corp • 5000 South 8400 West WVC, UT 84120 • (801) 251-3098 groundwater RSL is 89 mg/kg. Therefore, fluoranthene is at acceptable concentrations. Pyrene was detected in one location with a concentration of 0.20 mg/kg. The RSL for pyrene is 1,800 mg/kg and the DAF groundwater RSL is 13 mg/kg. Therefore, pyrene is at acceptable concentrations. The University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratories Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) was used to create a total risk for the maximum detections for COPCs. An acceptable cancer risk is less than 1.0E-06 and an acceptable health risk is less than 1.0. According to the attached RAIS spreadsheet the cancer risk at the site is 4.03E-07 and the health risk is 5.45E- 02, both an order of magnitude below the acceptable risk. As the confirmation samples total risk were an order of magnitude below acceptable levels and COPCs were several orders of magnitude below RSLs, ATK petitions the Division for a closure of SWMU S-25 with a “No Further Action”. Please, feel free to contact Tim Jimenez with any questions at 801-251-2142 or timothy.jimenez@ngc.com. Sincerely, Kris H. Blauer Manager, Environmental Services cc: D. Urban, DWMRC Included: Attachment, Chemtech-Ford Laboratories results from confirmation sampling Attachment, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratories Risk Assessment Information System Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 16.2302 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 11.911 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 11.911 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 18.7762 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 18.4385 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 18.4385 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 216.108 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 209.7845 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 209.7845 ds (depth of source) m .5 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.194 n (total soil porosity) L pore/Lsoil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 8739875661.3597 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m3)93.77 93.77 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m3)68.18 68.18 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m3 - mass limit)68.18 68.18 As (PEF acres)0.5 0.5 As (VF acres)0.5 0.5 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 0.5 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BWres-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BWres-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 IFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Thetaa (air-filled soil porosity) L air/Lsoil 0.28396 0.28396 Thetaw (water-filled soil porosity) L water/Lsoil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident for Soil Key: IC = IRIS Current; IA = IRIS Archive; PC = PPRTV Current; PA = PPRTV Archive; O = OPP; AF = ATSDR Final; AD = ATSDR Draft; C = Cal EPA; XC = PPRTV Screening Level Current; XA = PPRTV Screening Level Archive; HC = HEAST Current; HA = HEAST Archive; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; SU = Surrogate; Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?VOC? RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m3) RfC Ref SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m3)-1 IUR Ref ABSgi ABSderm Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m3/kg) Barium 7440-39-3 No No 2.00E-01 IC 5.00E-04 HC --0.07 --- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No 1.00E-04 AF 1.00E-05 AF -1.80E-03 IC 0.025 0.001 -- Chloride 16887-00-6 No No ----1 --- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No ----0.013 --- Chrysene 218-01-9 Yes No --1.00E-03 IC 6.00E-07 IC 1 0.13 -- Fluoranthene 206-44-0 No No 4.00E-02 IC ---1 0.13 -- Fluoride 16984-48-8 No No 4.00E-02 C 1.30E-02 C --1 --- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No --8.50E-03 C 1.20E-05 C 1 --- Pyrene 129-00-0 No Yes 3.00E-02 IC ---1 0.13 2.38E+06 - Sulfate 14808-79-8 No No ----1 --- *Total Risk/HI -------- Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident for Soil Key: IC = IRIS Current; IA = IRIS Archive; PC = PPRTV Current; PA = PPRTV Archive; O = OPP; AF = ATSDR Final; AD = ATSDR Draft; C = Cal EPA; XC = PPRTV Screening Level Current; XA = PPRTV Screening Level Archive; HC = HEAST Current; HA = HEAST Archive; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; SU = Surrogate; Volatilization Factor Selected (m3/kg)DA Particulate Emission Factor (m3/kg) Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg)RBA HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref --8.74E+09 -1 ---1.87E+03 PHYSPROP 3.57E+03 YAWS --8.74E+09 -1 ---1.04E+03 PHYSPROP 2.29E+03 YAWS --8.74E+09 -1 ----- --8.74E+09 -1 ---2.92E+03 PHYSPROP 8.56E+03 YAWS --8.74E+09 -1 5.23E-06 2.14E-04 PHYSPROP 2.14E-04 7.21E+02 PHYSPROP 9.79E+02 YAWS --8.74E+09 -1 8.86E-06 3.62E-04 PHYSPROP 3.62E-04 6.57E+02 PHYSPROP 9.05E+02 YAWS --8.74E+09 -1 ---8.50E+01 EPI - --8.74E+09 -1 ---2.02E+03 CRC 5.40E+03 YAWS 2.38E+06 2.35E-09 8.74E+09 -1 1.19E-05 4.87E-04 PHYSPROP 4.87E-04 6.77E+02 PHYSPROP 9.36E+02 YAWS --8.74E+09 -1 ---5.63E+02 EPI - ---------- Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident for Soil Key: IC = IRIS Current; IA = IRIS Archive; PC = PPRTV Current; PA = PPRTV Archive; O = OPP; AF = ATSDR Final; AD = ATSDR Draft; C = Cal EPA; XC = PPRTV Screening Level Current; XA = PPRTV Screening Level Archive; HC = HEAST Current; HA = HEAST Archive; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; SU = Surrogate; Dia\ (cm2/s) Diw\ (cm2/s) Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Child Ingestion Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Child Dermal Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Child Inhalation Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/m3) Adult Ingestion Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Adult Dermal Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Adult Inhalation Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/m3) --112 1.43E-03 -1.23E-08 1.34E-04 -1.23E-08 --0.3 3.84E-06 9.10E-09 3.29E-11 3.60E-07 1.52E-09 3.29E-11 --74.3 9.50E-04 -8.15E-09 8.91E-05 -8.15E-09 --35.6 4.55E-04 -3.91E-09 4.27E-05 -3.91E-09 2.61E-02 6.75E-06 0.25 3.20E-06 9.86E-07 2.74E-11 3.00E-07 1.64E-07 2.74E-11 2.76E-02 7.18E-06 0.22 2.81E-06 8.68E-07 2.41E-11 2.64E-07 1.45E-07 2.41E-11 --16 2.05E-04 -1.76E-09 1.92E-05 -1.76E-09 --32.8 4.19E-04 -3.60E-09 3.93E-05 -3.60E-09 2.78E-02 7.25E-06 0.2 2.56E-06 7.89E-07 8.06E-08 2.40E-07 1.32E-07 8.06E-08 --12200 1.56E-01 -1.34E-06 1.46E-02 -1.34E-06 --------- Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident for Soil Key: IC = IRIS Current; IA = IRIS Archive; PC = PPRTV Current; PA = PPRTV Archive; O = OPP; AF = ATSDR Final; AD = ATSDR Draft; C = Cal EPA; XC = PPRTV Screening Level Current; XA = PPRTV Screening Level Archive; HC = HEAST Current; HA = HEAST Archive; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; SU = Surrogate; Adjusted Ingestion Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Adjusted Dermal Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Adjusted Inhalation Noncarcinogenic CDI (mg/m3) Ingestion Carcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Dermal Carcinogenic CDI (mg/kg-day) Inhalation Carcinogenic CDI (ug/m3) Child Ingestion HQ Child Dermal HQ Child Inhalation HQ Child Total HI Adult Ingestion HQ 4.34E-04 -1.23E-08 1.61E-04 -4.56E-06 7.16E-03 -2.46E-05 7.18E-03 6.71E-04 1.16E-06 3.27E-09 3.29E-11 4.32E-07 1.21E-09 1.22E-08 3.84E-02 3.64E-03 3.29E-06 4.20E-02 3.60E-03 2.88E-04 -8.15E-09 1.07E-04 -3.03E-06 ----- 1.38E-04 -3.91E-09 5.12E-05 -1.45E-06 ----- 9.68E-07 3.54E-07 2.74E-11 1.63E-06 5.45E-07 2.82E-08 ----- 8.52E-07 3.12E-07 2.41E-11 3.16E-07 1.16E-07 8.97E-09 7.03E-05 2.17E-05 -9.20E-05 6.59E-06 6.20E-05 -1.76E-09 2.30E-05 -6.52E-07 5.11E-03 -1.35E-07 5.11E-03 4.79E-04 1.27E-04 -3.60E-09 4.72E-05 -1.34E-06 ----- 7.74E-07 2.83E-07 8.06E-08 2.88E-07 1.05E-07 2.99E-05 8.52E-05 2.63E-05 -1.12E-04 7.99E-06 4.72E-02 -1.34E-06 1.75E-02 -4.97E-04 ----- ------5.08E-02 3.69E-03 2.80E-05 5.45E-02 4.76E-03 Output generated 22SEP2023:10:57:38 Site-specific Risk Resident for Soil Key: IC = IRIS Current; IA = IRIS Archive; PC = PPRTV Current; PA = PPRTV Archive; O = OPP; AF = ATSDR Final; AD = ATSDR Draft; C = Cal EPA; XC = PPRTV Screening Level Current; XA = PPRTV Screening Level Archive; HC = HEAST Current; HA = HEAST Archive; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; SU = Surrogate; Adult Dermal HQ Adult Inhalation HQ Adult Total HI Adjusted Ingestion HQ Adjusted Dermal HQ Adjusted Inhalation HQ Adjusted Total HI Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Total Risk -2.46E-05 6.96E-04 2.17E-03 -2.46E-05 2.19E-03 ---- 6.07E-04 3.29E-06 4.21E-03 1.16E-02 1.31E-03 3.29E-06 1.29E-02 --2.20E-11 2.20E-11 ----------- ----------- -------1.63E-09 5.45E-10 1.69E-14 2.18E-09 3.62E-06 -1.02E-05 2.13E-05 7.79E-06 -2.91E-05 ---- -1.35E-07 4.80E-04 1.55E-03 -1.35E-07 1.55E-03 ---- -------4.01E-07 -1.60E-11 4.01E-07 4.39E-06 -1.24E-05 2.58E-05 9.44E-06 -3.53E-05 ---- ----------- 6.15E-04 2.80E-05 5.40E-03 1.54E-02 1.32E-03 2.80E-05 1.67E-02 4.03E-07 5.45E-10 3.81E-11 4.03E-07 The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Attn: Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 Work Order: 23H2451 Project: S-25 Soils Sampling 9/5/2023 Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-NW Lab ID: 23H2451-01Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:30 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %8/30/238/29/230.1 CTF800093.2Total Solids Semi-Volatile Compounds mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,2'-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dimethylphenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.86 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND3 & 4-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.54 EPA 8270E/3570ND3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.07 EPA 8270E/3570ND3-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.86 EPA 8270E/3570ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.07 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.86 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthylene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.86 EPA 8270E/3570NDAniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAnthracene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 21Page 2 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-NW (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-01Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:30 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAzobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.61 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzidine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) anthracene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) pyrene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/231.07 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzoic acid mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzyl Alcohol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBiphenyl mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethoxy) Methane mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethyl) Ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDButylbenzylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDCarbazole mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDChrysene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenz (a,h) anthracene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenzofuran mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.54 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiethylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDimethyl phthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-butylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-Octylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiphenylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluoranthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluorene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachloroethane mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIsophorone mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNitrobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.86 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDn-Octadecane Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 21Page 3 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-NW (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-01Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:30 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPentachlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenanthrene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPyrene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 21Page 4 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-NE Lab ID: 23H2451-02Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:35 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %8/30/238/29/230.1 CTF800091.4Total Solids Semi-Volatile Compounds mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,2'-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dimethylphenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.88 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND3 & 4-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.55 EPA 8270E/3570ND3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.09 EPA 8270E/3570ND3-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.88 EPA 8270E/3570ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.09 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.88 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthylene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.88 EPA 8270E/3570NDAniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDAnthracene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 21Page 5 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-NE (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-02Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:35 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDAzobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.64 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzidine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) anthracene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) pyrene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/231.09 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzoic acid mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzyl Alcohol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBiphenyl mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethoxy) Methane mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethyl) Ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDButylbenzylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDCarbazole mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDChrysene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenz (a,h) anthracene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenzofuran mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.55 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiethylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDDimethyl phthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-butylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-Octylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiphenylamine mg/kg dry J8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/35700.13Fluoranthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluorene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachloroethane mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDIsophorone mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDNitrobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.88 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDn-Octadecane Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 6 of 21Page 6 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-NE (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-02Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:35 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDPentachlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenanthrene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.44 EPA 8270E/3570NDPyrene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 7 of 21Page 7 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-SE Lab ID: 23H2451-03Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:40 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %8/30/238/29/230.1 CTF800092.0Total Solids Semi-Volatile Compounds mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,2'-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dimethylphenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.87 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND3 & 4-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.54 EPA 8270E/3570ND3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.09 EPA 8270E/3570ND3-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.87 EPA 8270E/3570ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloroaniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.09 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.87 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthylene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.87 EPA 8270E/3570NDAniline mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAnthracene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 8 of 21Page 8 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-SE (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-03Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:40 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAzobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/231.63 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzidine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) anthracene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) pyrene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/231.09 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzoic acid mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzyl Alcohol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBiphenyl mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethoxy) Methane mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethyl) Ether mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDButylbenzylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDCarbazole mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDChrysene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenz (a,h) anthracene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenzofuran mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.54 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiethylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDimethyl phthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-butylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-Octylphthalate mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiphenylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluoranthene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluorene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachloroethane mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIsophorone mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNitrobenzene mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.87 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDn-Octadecane Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 9 of 21Page 9 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-SE (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-03Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:40 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPentachlorophenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenanthrene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenol mg/kg dry 8/31/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPyrene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 10 of 21Page 10 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-FD1 Lab ID: 23H2451-04Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:45 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %8/30/238/29/230.1 CTF800093.9Total Solids Semi-Volatile Compounds mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,2'-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dimethylphenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND3 & 4-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.53 EPA 8270E/3570ND3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/231.06 EPA 8270E/3570ND3-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloroaniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/231.06 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthylene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570NDAniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAnthracene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 11 of 21Page 11 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-FD1 (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-04Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:45 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAzobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/231.60 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzidine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) anthracene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) pyrene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/1/238/30/231.06 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzoic acid mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzyl Alcohol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBiphenyl mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethoxy) Methane mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethyl) Ether mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDButylbenzylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDCarbazole mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDChrysene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenz (a,h) anthracene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenzofuran mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.53 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiethylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDimethyl phthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-butylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-Octylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiphenylamine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluoranthene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluorene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachloroethane mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIsophorone mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNitrobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDn-Octadecane Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 12 of 21Page 12 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-FD1 (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-04Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:45 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPentachlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenanthrene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPyrene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 13 of 21Page 13 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-SW Lab ID: 23H2451-05Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:50 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %8/30/238/29/230.1 CTF800094.0Total Solids Semi-Volatile Compounds mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,2'-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dimethylphenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Chlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND2-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND3 & 4-Methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.53 EPA 8270E/3570ND3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/231.06 EPA 8270E/3570ND3-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chloroaniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/231.06 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitroaniline mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570ND4-Nitrophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAcenaphthylene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570NDAniline mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAnthracene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 14 of 21Page 14 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-SW (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-05Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:50 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDAzobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/231.60 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzidine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) anthracene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (a) pyrene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/1/238/30/231.06 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzoic acid mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBenzyl Alcohol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBiphenyl mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethoxy) Methane mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-chloroethyl) Ether mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDButylbenzylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDCarbazole mg/kg dry J9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/35700.25Chrysene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenz (a,h) anthracene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDibenzofuran mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.53 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiethylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDimethyl phthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-butylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDi-n-Octylphthalate mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDDiphenylamine mg/kg dry J9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/35700.22Fluoranthene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDFluorene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDHexachloroethane mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDIsophorone mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDNitrobenzene mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.85 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDn-Octadecane Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 15 of 21Page 15 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-SW (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-05Matrix: Solid Sample Type: Composite Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:50 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPentachlorophenol mg/kg dry 9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenanthrene mg/kg dry J-LOW-L9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/3570NDPhenol mg/kg dry J9/1/238/30/230.43 EPA 8270E/35700.20Pyrene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 16 of 21Page 16 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-EB1 Lab ID: 23H2451-06Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:55 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND1-Methylnaphthalene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,2'-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2325.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,6-Dichlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2-Chlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2-Methylnaphthalene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2-Methylphenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2-Nitroaniline ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND2-Nitrophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND3 & 4-Methylphenol ug/L J-LOW-L8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND3,3´-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND3-Nitroaniline ug/L 8/30/238/29/2325.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4-Chloroaniline ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4-Nitroaniline ug/L J-LOW-L8/30/238/29/2320.0 EPA 8270E/3511ND4-Nitrophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDAcenaphthene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDAcenaphthylene ug/L J-LOW-L8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDAniline ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDAnthracene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDAtrazine ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDAzobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (a) anthracene Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 17 of 21Page 17 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-EB1 (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-06Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:55 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) ug/L 8/30/238/29/2340.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzaldehyde ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (a) pyrene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzoic acid ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzyl Alcohol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBis (2-chloroethoxy) Methane ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBis (2-chloroethyl) Ether ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDBis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDButylbenzylphthalate ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDCarbazole ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDChrysene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDibenz (a,h) anthracene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDibenzofuran ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDiethylphthalate ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDimethyl phthalate ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDi-n-butylphthalate ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDi-n-Octylphthalate ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDDiphenylamine ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDFluoranthene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDFluorene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDHexachlorobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDHexachlorobutadiene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDHexachloroethane ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDIndene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDIsophorone ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDNaphthalene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDNitrobenzene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDPentachlorophenol ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDPhenanthrene ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDPhenol Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 18 of 21Page 18 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Sample ID: S25-EB1 (cont.) Lab ID: 23H2451-06Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/28/23 9:55 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Tim Jimenez Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Semi-Volatile Compounds (cont.) ug/L 8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDPyrene ug/L J-LOW-L8/30/238/29/2310.0 EPA 8270E/3511NDPyridine Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 19 of 21Page 19 of 21 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems - Bacchus Tim Jimenez PO Box 98 M/S X7H7 Magna, UT 84044 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: MP00210295 Line #4 8/29/23 11:15 @ 8.4 °C 9/5/2023 S-25 Soils Sampling Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Flag Descriptions J = Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). J-LOW-C = Estimated low due to low recovery of CCV J-LOW-L = Estimated low due to low recovery of LCS Project Name: S-25 Soils Sampling CtF WO#: 23H2451 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 20 of 21Page 20 of 21 Page 21 of 21