HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-004981The pnrnrr_v grryorc of rhir norifrcrtion profrn ir to hctrc rnd crtluarc uadar-trouno trnlr thtt rto.r or h.rc ltottd ,tt.oilum or lrrardos tutruts. li bcrpcctcd rhrr rhc rnfornrrion you prordc rrll b. bu.d "';ro.Uy a;aiilarrcordr. or. rn rhc rbrcrrc of rrrh rtc'ordr. yor tmrrcdlr-. bcrir, or ricnirc,oc- - Wto llir Nodfy! Sccrroa tlt2 of I,CRA. .l .rrrcrjcd. ltqsrrci rtr.r. urrtr.erctnptcd. o-rtrfr oa u,rdcrt oond Unh thar ro't rElglrtC subdrrs murr naifvo..ran rcc sr.rc or-lcrr rtHErr of rha srurcilr ol rtrrr untr. orrn n*ril --!., :1 ilt ctta ot !n uilrcrtnound {o.ra! llnl rn rr ol Norrnbrr l. ll{ c :.::,TIl .'llo-,.*.{Er U.r d&r. .nI Frto.r ?ho otru.a uo.tcrt ound no.C ti,liu8o ror lic tlo'lE ur. or dllFataag of ltlulrrcd tlllnrrs" r-ndtut rn ltr clr oI tnv urtcrjrourtr $ollt3 ranl rn urc bfort llornricr t. lla.but no lonSer in rc an ritrr dlc. rny pcr:on ;fro orra rrrrr i* rmi;in H;tk driconnnutaron of ir rr.frht til! Ar hdd? Undc?3rourrd lont3 onl r dcfirrd D lny o.: orcombrntrtoa of rentt th.t t lt r rrcd io coaurn rn-s,rn uttr.6i-; -*-i]d;; rumcr.-end (21 rio.c roaurE (rrrludiq colrrtcd u,tcrgo,rru aoriirr " ntmorc baari rtr ?osrr. So.ttr crunplcr-er uucnrornd n*inrli-nii irnrli-ur.{ orr. o? da6ca fcr. &d t rndrarial tolEntt. plrinrr hcrriridcr n tuinryrr. W_b Tadt Ar Ert?.Trab r:rnottd fronr ilr jrorrra rlt noa st.cr ronortfic.lton. Olrt unlr crcludcd fiun acifgtroo erc: - l. fenn or rtrrdcaul natr of l. l0 ;llbo c Is cepciry u*d for rrcinj rnoor fclfor mrrootnrrcrl purporcr: i: llLli#_llt rorirq hcrtinlol forGmtulrFit rr oo tlE r.trrtr6 rl*rr rrocd: EilfiItrU#HH":tnlffil:s,,JHL,I5I..l,rf,,::_.IIg!!Fplirfrcrtiryltplroouiccr-irii"f,r.:-','i *rfrc mpounda$ni,. pi..ffi..;L;;J*' '{E rr l 1t:11n^:!.".or nrr ncr coatsr,on rniarr - iffi,ffi#T:fi,Hi:il:nx:;mtftorhnl. dntr. rh.rr. o? runmtt,r r* roajr uid,fjirii.o upo.r or.borc rtrrur{r: of rhc flc. *L S-s Alt Corl? Tl: norrfrrrron ,tlqur.rnrnts apgt!. ro ur(.,ffi ffill"T ff .n *na ;d;. til: Lr,,o- ini ru brra rx, n:3.:::S6frr:!tildp ll'"fi,ltr .'.TEfmf i, [::nm: :!=:.ryI=lltlllt.rl .r h.ardosr rrrtt urrdcr Subrutc C of fCnr rr .r..:r"Esffi !['ffi *T"..fl mffi i;*t-1.;1ffi,v{rar! tlrlr aLoarrEl ,*;i#,S:ftr":ilf.d nqirrotioo (onnr rlosu bc rcnt to rrr.ddrc'' ltt To-ildf t. Orrrn 61 g1gjryq,r.rd \ro.ra! Enlr rn u!€ o, thar h.\ € bccro&'. ar of oF'.rroa rficr Jrn.rery r--r97t. ii"il iliil;i-.r,u. mu$ no(rt r 5rMry l. lllc. i Orra rho btr6. rnurr acry i.t .. tod.;xffiHfilHlH.Tl raro u:s rfrer Me1 i b rrlc E rDrrEr rl :cE c-EaI E ilc =:.=I3.:'#!m.*ffi t.o.rfr luttt atollv lndicttc numb6 of continurdoo drcas .ttrcbd (lt.rr!... S.ctbn t. nt rt E,- EI t Frdl[ty tlnror Cornpeny Siit. tdcntitar. r..ppticrbb Plcrsc rypc or pnnrin inl rll irerr crcpr .r[nluc- in Saim V. Tb hr ur b colH bG lcloo GclliltrDdcrt otn ! rc4: udr lf morr rhrn 5 onir rrc orrncd ir rn.r'toclrionpnor<ropl thc rErcttc adc. rnd ilflc@nrinulion rh-r rc rhb form. N.rn (lt lrfll.lt Srrioo l.,nart bor ftf,t Ted 0viar r JoOTlt Dlvislon Gasollne Manager tr Mrrt bor hrr firy at thb b rn ftrtdd or.ub-qrmt rctillcruqr tc tha! roc.tion Arrco(b Plp0ilunrb.t303 7 40-9333 O.bsign dr- /6- g6 l-99n'! yld'r q9^mlty olqw th.t I h.ro pcrrnally cHmincd.nd rrn hmilhr with 0r. intormetion $/bmin d in thir end rl rttachaddocumcnts, rnd th.t be13t on rny inqui4i ol thc'lndividrr.t imrn dnE y ,lrpo't. bb ildfifiing-01. il6;.1iii6; ii,cri""" rhar rh6submrtted intormltlon BtnJa, accirnti. anOcomplcf. ---- ZlPCcts. Itrrt bor tren it hnr(31fltbcrUEOnlandwlthrn Fr rn lndhn nraiv!fion or lJ on othar lndian lru3t tandt Irr-tLAfar(,.t;aodEndrurmnirl)5r PO.Eor{60 SdrL-C.II. lXrraar6.@ APR 2 B 198 (Co.ro.trio. t,idavilra. a$aac egoacl. oof* Enrttyl The Southland Corporation StrQtAddr6a 7 167 S . Alron Way countY Arapahoe zlPcp,,.801r2 Arcr Codo Phqro Numbor303 740-9333 Typcof Ornr (tldrltulqt ll) @ currr',t fl surcratcovr E ffiE ro,'., EI [ffi,.o..o. tr fi*lil1, N.ma lrd orlici.l tiUa o, orrnar-or otnt'l authorLad rtg.rnlrttl.Ted Ovlarc Dlvisron- caEoli"e' I,i;r Ftgr SOIITEIAI-A COnfOnef rOrtrtlF-r a?o?,34 EPA Forn 7!liD.! (lt-tl R.vrr orbFEflvurt&at 'Lf,S232-tsr 2 .3r lL* tdmttc.don llc F{" A!C-r2!0, cArttrry L{,Id trqrttrt lftdr (.{L t:l-t fL*llc. I flrf lt2 fUtlo?lL*llo.llna( i& t'ffiIffi*" c{ln''oYhl'h UnonnryOudtb ' . Frnnrnrn0y0nduft I Brought lirb'urcrhr5/Ul!' rvll-l ttr-l rrt ttl-lr-l f\rr-ll-ll-ll-l l-Jr-l,-ll-l l-l 2.EdrlrdAofiLrrl a IfinldTotrl Cudil Gdonrl lb oao ln. Oao lo. oo o(Ir5lrlolCorlucilotr Sbd(trfrd,..Jt concrro Fib.Obn anlbr€dP!.dc Unlurown Olu.Phrspctty s 7/-P< rrlt-Il-rf-l F-lI-rl-ll-l _<7 '? lvl ttl-r II _s-'21 t-tl-tl-] ihfatdFt*ciorfrntiliryryfol crthoc'icftorouon- - IrituirrLlnang (a.g.,cpor.ylrim) tloar Urnm*n Otr.r.Ptospcify STI^P? r'+tl-rt-tr-] f-''F|I-lI-ll-l <> -43 r'--l - tl II tt <ryP? l-1l-lI-ll-l 3.CrtmJhqbfrr(tr,dril*to ,.ffilffi Fibrrglarn intbrecd ptdcCo.id Nor Unlrrcwn OUr.Plcsedfy r-r l-J II lt 0, rrll-l IIl-l l-] 1EJ. t-]1-rt-rt-lI-] t-ll-rt-]l-] T.Plphgpir*ttaaqol Bt lsbl GatraniadStcct Fibcrglass Rcinlorcctt Phstic c.$odE fiyftorsi.d Unknonn O$or, Ptcrspqjfy l-l I-1 t=r "*tm*ffiSffi n;ffi(rlllfrlJ.,qo.!/ --O,_ fsar Greth. (indrrdfiE Jcohot bt ntbl UsrrOt Otft.r,Ptcrspcafy e lSrhrftln Pl.G. truticatc t{rnc ol prinopel CEFCTA Su8mcc Ch..nac.t AbotnEt S.ryic. (CAS)ffo. Meil bor I il tml ttorE r mlrtur! o, f,roafnqr d. Uilno;r l-1l-1 r-!;-l l-] rlrl l-1l-]r= t-l r-l E=r-l - l-1 E= l-lt-] !. Arlcoond hrroltlrtoo (br lrtr ptnramoy trtan orrt ol aafllca) .. Ettim.t d d.tr Lrt ut d (mo/y?) b. Estameted qu.ntaty o, substln@ rcmatnang (grt.) c. M.rt box C il lenk wrc lillcd with incrt mltcrirl (c.9.. 3tno. concnil.) I I I / l-] ar lar-.rECaErIF*tI tCo2 ,A- zooot3S Notification for Underground Storage Tanks STATE USE ONLY Sam Agcrcy Nam ard Addms Division of Environental Response and Remediation 150 Norttt 1950 West Sdt Lake City, Uah 84116 ID NUMBER )ooo (3K TYPE OF NOTIFICATTON DArE RECETVED >lslqq A. NEW FACILITY X B. AMENDED C. CLOSURE A. Date Enter€d inro Computer llJFl B. Data Entry Clerk Initials P C. Owner was Contacted to Clarify Responses. Comments 3 No. of tanks at facility 0 No. of continuation sheets atached INSTRUCIIONS Please tvoe or orint in ink all items except "signaurre" in section V. This form must be completed for each location ssaglining underground storage tanks. Ifmore than five (5) anks are owned at this location, photocopy the following sheets, and staple continuation sheets to the form. Ndifietioo is required by Fc&rat l3w fa all un&rgrond trnls thar haw beetr Brd to 3ttre rcgular€d substares sire rilwy l, 194, rhar uc in thc grdnd s of May E, 19E6, q dnt ile brqrght imo ue after May 8, 1986. Thc infumtion requted is rcquired by Serion 90@ of the Rcsue Coroemtion ard R@very Act, (RCRA), u mendcd. Thc primry purpoce of this rDtifietion progru is !o lmtc ard eElutc undergrutd lanls that sttre tr harc stqcd pctdem a haadou substaEs. It is c)pccEd oEt drc infrnution 1ur pmidc will be based m Hombly aEilable rffids, tr in tlE &b6rre of sEh rffi&, pur lorowledgc, belief, tr mlletion. Who Mwt NotiBf Soctiotr 9m2 of RCRA, r mnded, requirc that unles cxempted ryrcrs of udffgmnd tanks that sttre rcgulated substams mut motiry dqsigEted State fi lcd agercis of thc existarce of their anks. eypl 6- a) in the 6e of il udergrsnd sbrage tank in ue on Nmmber E, !9t4, a brught into uc after that dab, ily penon who wrc u undergmnd sttrage tatrk 6cd ftr tlE stoEgc, ue, u dipcring of rcgulated substares, ard b) in the rue of my urdergrond storage tatrk in ue befw Nwember g, 19t4, but rc longer k ue on thal date, uy person who wned srch tank immediately beftre tlE disotrtinution of its ae,c) if the State agercy so require, my facility rhat hil undcrgorc uy changs to frcility inftrmtion tr tank sysrem status (only mrded tank infqmtim meds o bc irchded). Whar Tanb Are LEluded? Undcrgrord storage tank is dcfined a uy orc tr @mbimtion of anls that (l) is ued to milain u euulation of .regulaed subsam,' and @) wlme wlum (irclding mImted urdergund piping) is 10% tr me bcmth the ground. Some empl* rc undergroud tanb sttring: l. g8oliE, ued oil, tr disel fiEl, altd 2. iduEial solreil!, Fsticids, herbicid$ c fumigails. What Tanls Are Ercluded? Tanb rcnrrcd &om the grond [c rDt subjEt to rnifmtim. other ark ercludcd from ruifietion re: l. hrm c rsidential t8nh of l,lm galloN q lBs capscity ued fq stning mtor fipl ftr mmmmilcial purposs; 2. tanlc ued for sloring haaing oil fq @mumptive [e on the premiso wh€r€ sttred; 3. septic ada; 4. pipelir fcilitiB (irclding gathering lim) regulatcd urder ahc Nanral cB Pipclirc Safety Act of 196t, u the Haadous Liquid pipcliE Safcty Act of 1yr9, fi which is u iErstaE pipclirc facility regulaEd undcr StrE laws; 5. sufae impoudrenb, pirs, pords, u lagore; 6. stfim watrr fr wte mter olledon stBtcm; 7. flw-thrugh ms tank; 8. liquid traps r rsaiated gatherirg lirc dirctly rclat€d to oil tr ga prodrction and gathering qeation; 9. strage anls situatcd in u urdergrund ilE (srch I a bserent, ellu, mircwrking, drift, shaft, n tuml) if 0rc sffiagc EDk is situated upon n above the sufae of the flor. What Subsrares Are Crered? The mtifierion rcquiremcnE appty to undcr grmnd sttrege tanls that ontain reguletrd substalB. This ircldcs my sub8tam dcfiEd a hadors in setion l0l Q4) of tlrc ConprehcEirc Ewiromild RsIDEc, Comperatioo ard Liability Acr of 19tO (CERCLA), with rhc ereption of rhse subsam rcgulared r haadru mtcr urd€r Subtitlc C of RCRA. It slso irclude pcEolcm, e.g. cnde oil fi uy frrction thermf which b tiquid at statrdrd @diaioB of tcmperatue ard prusue (60 degres Fafuenheit and 14.7 poutds per sqwe irch absoluto). Where b Notiti? Scrd omplcted fcm tor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF EWIRONMEMAL RESPONSE I6t NORTH I9'O WEST IST FLOOR SALT LAKE CITY, I'TAH t4II6 When To Notiff? 1. Owrers of undcrgrond stqage tanh in uc or that haw been t ken ut of eention after Jmury l, lr4, but still in dE grond, mut ruify by MayE, l . 2. Owrcrc who brirE urdcrgrerd stqagc tan&s iilo wc after May t, 19g6, mut rDtify within 30 days of bringiry the tatrb into e.3. If th€ Statr requirB rctifietion of uy mndmnts to faciltiy scnd infqmtion ro Snr agercy imn€diately, Pelrlti6! Any owrer who kwingly fails to notiry or submits false infcmtion shall be subjet to a civil p€mlty rrt to ex@d $10,0ff) for oh tank fc which mtifietiotr is rDt giren c for which h.lrc irfcmtion i! lubmitr€d. rr. LocATroN OF TANK(S)I. OWNERSHIP OF TANK(S) EPA Form 7530-l (Rev.2-92) M. TYPE OF OWNER TV. INDIAN LANDS _ Federal Government X Commercial _ Stato Government _ Private _ Local Govemment Tanks are located on land widrin an Indian Reservation or on other trust lands. Tanks are owned by native American nation, tribe, or individual. Tribe or Namtion: V. TYPE OF FACILITY Select the Appropriate Facility Description X Gas Station _ Petroleum Distributor _ Air Taxi (Airline) _ Aircraft Owner _ Auto Dealership _ Railroad _ Federal - Non-Military _ Federal - Miliary _ Industrial Contractor _ Tnrcking/Tramport _ Utilities _ Residential _ Famr _ Other (Explain) VI. CONTACT PERSON IN CHARGE OF TANKS Name Bud Good Address Phone Number 7167 So. Alton Way, Englewood, CO (303)7&-9333 Job Title Environemtnal Mgr. Vtr. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Sate Funds Trust Fund Other Method Allowed Speciff Check All that Apply X Self Insurance Commercial Insurance Risk Retention Group I have met the financial rcsponsibility requirements in accordance with 40 CFR Subpart H YES ! Guaranteet- It^i _ Surety Bond I II X Letter of Crcdit VItr. CERTIFICATION (Read and sign after completing all sections) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all auached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submined information is true, accurate, and complete. Name and official title of owner ot owners authorized representative (Print) Shelly A. McMurtrey Signature -,u,10"hx01l o,irt^,r Date Signed al-lqa Paperwork Reduction\A,ct Notice '\ t \ EPA estimates public reporting burden for this form to average 30 minutes per response including time for reviewing instruction, gatheing and mainaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the form. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to Chief, Information Policy Branch PM-223, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 4Ol M Street, Washington D.C. 20460, marked "Attention Desk Offrcer for EPA. " This form amends the previous notification form as printed in ,lO CFR Part 280, Appendix I. Previous editions of this notification form may be used while supplies last. D(. DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (Complete for each tank at this location.) Tank ldentification Number Tank No. I Tank No. 2 Tank No. 3 Tank No.Tank No. l. Status of Tank (mark only one) Currently in Use Temporarily Out of Use (Remmber to fill0t stiotr X) Permanently Out of Use (Remmber o fill out setion X) Amendment of lnformation x x x 2. Dard- of Installation (mo./year)1984 1984 r984 3. Estimated Total Capacity Gallons)10.m0 10.000 10.000 4. Material of Construction (Mark all that apply) Asphalt Coated or Bare Steel Cathodically Protected Steel Epoxy Coated Steel Composite (Sterl with Fiberglass) Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Lined Interior Double lYalled Polyethylene Tank lacket Concrete Excavaton Liner Unkown Other, Please specciff Has tank been repaired? x x x NO NO NO 5, Piping Material (Mark all that applv) Bare Steel Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Copper Cathodically Protected Double Walled Secondary Containment Undnown Other, Please Specify x x x 6. Piping Tlpe (Mark all that apply) Suction: ,o vdvs 6t rank Suction: valve at tank Pressure Gravity Feed Has piping been repaired? x x x NO NO NO Tank Identification Number Tank No. I Tank No. 2 Tank No. 3 Tank No.Tank No. 7. Substance Currently or Iast Stored in Greatest Quantity by Volume Gasoline Diesel Gasohol Kerosene Heating Oil Used Oil Other, Please Speci$ x x x Hazardous Subsance CERCLA name and/or, CAS number Mixurre of Substances Please Specify X. TANKS OUT OF USE, OR CHANGE IN SERVICE 1. Closing of Tank A. Estimated date last used (mo./day/year) B, Estimate date f4nk closed (mo./day/year) C. Tank was removed ftom ground D. Tank was closed in ground E. Tank filled with inert material Describe: F. Change in service 2. Site Assessment Completed Evidence of a leak detected OATH: I certifr the information conceming installation that is prov in section XI is tnre to the best of my belief and knowledge. 2--t-94 Name Installer: P.E.S.I. 2440 South 3270 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Po Company XI. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE (COMPLETE FOR ALL NEW AND UPGRADED TANKS AT THIS LOCATION) 1. lnstalltion A. Installer certified by tank and piping manufacurres B. Insaller Certified or licensed by the implementing agency C. Installation inspected by a registered engineer D. Insallation inspected and approved by implementing agency E. Manufacurrer's installation checkliss have been completed F. Another method allowed by State agency. Please specifu. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES TANK x x x x x x : PIPING _r_x x x x x x_r__r_ PIPING x x TANK x_r__r__r___r_x_r_ PIPING x x TANK PIPING TANK PIPING2. Release Detection (Mark all that aPPIY) A. Manual ank gauging B. Tank tightress testing C. Inventory Control D. Automatic ank gauging E. Vapor monitoring F. Groundwater monitoring G. Intentital monitoring double walled ail/piping H. Intersital monitoring/secondary containment I. Automatic line leak deteclors J. Line tightness testing K. Other method allowed by knplementing Agency. Please speciS. 3. Spill and Overfill Protecfion A. Overfill device installed B. Spill device installed. EPA Form 7530-l (Rev. 2-92) UST Installation/Upgrade Notification L -. r.: fi f\I r r,r .J .j i.... , The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) rules (Utah Administrative Code R311-203-3) require that UST Insallers notifu the Executive Secreary, Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board, 30 days before insalling or upgrading any regirldted UST system. This form has been prcpared to assist you in providing this information. Before insalling or upgrading an UST system, please complete this forrn and return it to the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation at the address below. If any tanks or lines are rcmoved or replaced, a Closure Plan for those tanks or lines must be zubmitted and approved, and a site assessment must be performed at closure. Facility ID# (if not a new facility)2000138 [ ] New Installation I X ]Upgrade Date work will commence N/A Tank Orvner The Southland Corporation Phone #(303) 7'10-9333 Address 7167 Souttr Alton Wav Ciry Enslewood State_lJI_ Zip_80llz- re;'tl Z ;S'^ha! <tlr la- zod! t ,8' T7.riN u'tl at':\ Contactperson Budcood Phone#(303)_@[ Facility Name_7-Eleven Address 17 East Main Street City Delta SaE_UT_ Zip_?A(a4_ Contact Person Bud Good Phone #(303) 7,+0-933 Certilied Tank Installer Nsme Cert. #TL Exp. date_ Company Phone #( ) State_ Zip-Address Ctty Instatlation/Llpgrade Infonnation Tank # Install/Upgrade Capacity (gallons) Type (FRP, Steel, erc.) Substance to be stored Piping Type (Press., Suction, Gravity) Tank Leak Detection method Line leak detection method Form of Corrosion Protection Spill device to be installed (Y/N) Overfill device to be instaUed (Y/N) Unusual or extenuating circumstances #l Upgrade 10.000 STI-P3 Fuel Press. AGTS PLD Y Y #2 #3 Uosrade Usrade 10.000 10.000 STI.I3 STI-P3 Fuel Fuel Press. Press. ATGS ATGS PLD PLD nla nla YY YY NONEexpected: xt CERTlFlc TlOltl OF COMP. .{cE (OOIIPIETE FOR ALI- NEW Al.lD UFGR_jO TA}116 AT THIS trOCATlof.l} Trnk Hcndlicatbn Nun$er 1. h$elstbn A" hslaller ccrtficd b, tad( ad pphg manurdurtr! B. hdellcr ertlllcd or llacns.d b, th. lnplementirp recncy C. httallatlon laspected by a nglctemd enginccr D. hstalldion lnspected end appoved by Lnplemenfing agency E. llanuradurer,s lndelhbn cired<- lgts hslre bcen ompleted F. Anoher method a[oured by Statc agency. Please spcify. 2 Release Deteciion (Malk allihat apply) A Manualtankgauglng B. Tank tightn€ss testing C. lnventory onfob D. Aubmdic tenk gauging E" Vapor monitoring F. Grcundwater montodng G. lnterstitial monltoring.double wailed tank&birU H. lnterstiti,al monltorirqileecondary containment l. Aubmatic line leakdctccbn J. Lhc tightness tcsdng K other method atlowed by lmplementing Agency. Ftease spedty. TAT{K EwfltlflEErl E fl PIPIT{G tlEE tl wwE TAIIK WwrflflEfl tl fl E flEfl E w EEE E wwE TAI{K EflfltlEtlE E E fl PFllrlc tlEE E flfltl 3. SpIl and Overlill Prd.dbn A Ovcrfill device installed B. Spllldevicc turefl.d Prgo 5 XofItcrtlo b iCsH t, A.r.l li la dl rr.a.{Ei.a l.nf. lll.1 h.rt t-o u..d to tcr rrgrdat.a auiarE ar.E .Erory t. tfa, Gat .,r an ti. eJu.la r d Ir, 4. tlla, ll- rt ruiil hb lI. dl, Lr a.tt5. Th. Hattirbl oqrlaed b rtlrti !, 6.cb.r !E C orr irour Conr.r.a5.r .,rd Brcrry fa. tnCn$ r frra-. Tha omr.ry 9.rf. oa ni rEdfur !.Sr]lr G D tsco and adro un(rrlrqrn<, anL lrat aE'a oa iava aEao oat laJm ot Lilrr,Eta StElllrEL li E etrq.o lrrto. mlo,ttraErtq, o.wlr.H r Groa r-:5trr!i, .v.i.Db rtcD,G. s n lla aEr.Er o, iEr ,.GsE yor rrrrogr. trr[ or ra(oll-ErL Who L.r.l llo0rn Srctof,El oIRCRA ruraa.rE irrhd.u{- crarnB-, ilnirt of urEa.lrurd rrur hal aEa ,telltat ]at!Itc- lttlrrl rloly daee llr- Stla o. ld {rtor ol Gr rrsu O Oa, ants Orrtm-rr- .l h rh. crr. ol .rr uldallurrd aEQt llt h rr an l|ililf a. teOf . abudr hE l...rE l! (Ia. flt P.rr rl! frr rt orcgruri.Enea Enf ll.d b? lta.D.!o. lr. d dir.ft9 cl r?,oC rltsrrE art bl h 6. c!l. d.rr, rri.Arurd.Etea rrr n t.. tba l{orilr a. 198a. hJl rD b.!r a C. Or th.li5 rt, FEr fir d aJCh rrt mm.d..|, babr Ga dcarlnltEn C aa lI . cr arth. Sfr.el.laro r*ir ]ty Sny,t!i- ur5.Oqr..rV Cutg- b ldiv hbil.a.ro a rt.F..ll E 3 (artr ut E anr nlxtrrEo rcbbrclstd). Wtd frab l,r hclrdrd? tltrBurd 3De. ril a d.,H - rt' ar.r can!.taEr o, Et ,ta! (tr a l,.rl ! crrrla rr a.Eri.ltci ot 'iaeuLE..Jd3.rr.'.ri (a rlr tlftt. (naft orlad rdrttqrS lii.tel at6f a nro.r ba.rth n Gcad, 8oll. I.tncb.rt t cularn llts aEitg: 1. G.D51 u...!d. 6 d-a t .t rx, 2. iddr rcf,!. l-E.-,h.rod.hafuni,tlE SIr frafr !r €rCu{d? Tl5 riou- tsi 'I,C,E dr. nd3rq.q o mthrn Olr Iilt rcld toltt iofrEr.,l: l. lrtl a rri,.tad tnEol t.ro Fb.rs r..tFot lI- bEt,[ moEr t .l ba rErD.tuna6j lU'fi e anL utd b aEUtC I!I!E ca b. qrrnFr .3 or il gur- rr!|taDr'Il: Form Approv.d. OltB No. 2050{r06t. Approvrl .rplt . tr3t/95 t a.farr..: a. t r,.ai. hc*d- aagrfic c.nrhe lbt r.er-ad l,r- rr. ltr,ld 6G Pira'r S.hryrcd r$4. o, G. llrrrlrrl.tilrd Pir.aa!. s.r.(,ldc ter9. c, #r a tr hlrril. gdr gty rgifC ui.. SEr trs 5. ar5.ttEltctr.Ja. r!r. Frc. c LFt C taar! f, r r rGa rU dbcEr q,laitt 7.tl*orol{hp.rrrt : a. fiqri lrr d arG.t- ealr.flre lir fcly rabrad D oa a 0a3 Farclar rxt eflamg gilErr: t. E {. lrll3!.rd n an ur!a,g.ul.n ar- (3.rdr ar a blLttxll Gr3. rnirEtire[ ari.:rdf s unro il nr aa.ea rrt a.rlra uFlta.E! !r rlrllc. o, dr. ia.. ftt &*arrE &r Co(t.td? llr mrficrrn rqirrrra.ld, D urE, lrc'ld o.sa art n taDnan arfffi 3h,E. Ih3 ind.dr ny a.E E otr5.. llrt]IE! h.@r tot (ta) o, .t. c.nrldrfax' E nigtn-- nrF.r.. Gorrui,r rad taErt^dol llo GERCTAL rra fu rcEr ol !E rEa,rqddr llriar r- afif rc8^ i.:o itcfd- tsoot rtl...el. orra ol c rry t-in fu.E d*,r -Iqi'.t.ltllt drdtr C tnrPrlrr.t trd F-rt (CO Orgr Frtrrrr ]rO t.1.7 gqrc F...im hCr aLll,aL Slrr Iollaly? Srr.' stlC.tsbttl.Ei DEPARTMENT OF E}IVIRONMENfAL QUAUTY DMSION OF E}MR,ONMENTAL REIIPONSE t6t NoRTH 1950 WEST IST Fl,loR SALT IAXE CITY. UTAII 8'lt 16 wlri L Ldtft t. frn r ol uodauurd E er rr5 h lr. c tfii lr.r. b.ar af.a c,r d oF rr dufnt, t. l t a. but ad h tr $urt' ilr tEff !t L, a. t $a Z Oiltil rfD li[ sttrgut 3Dlter r*. irD c..1, 5 1 t3a iln.tollr*titlaFC !hdt! tr trllr r.rt' t I n SD ,rqr- rEnbtln ol u; r.rnrrcn..E3 D btty aa.n hbltndt o srr 4rr1i/l,/tfrl. Fmdrli: ln, crrtr &tcl4ty ldf 5 aollly s r..*,-lJar*r -rt t r,q- 5.dl Fllit tt lo.E .a tt0,ocb.drtd lcrfr&.r ic!lcr6. b d Clir t l!,rrr&i rrbr lds-h 5 .arl*54 Notification for Underground Storage Tanks - 7 No. ol tanks A tacjlity - No. ol contruation stle€ts 8ttadled A. Date Entered lnto Conpurer 8. Data EnEy Clert lnitids C. O*ner Was ConEcted b Claify Responsss. C6mments Please tlrpe o? 6rint in ink e[ ltenr rrcepl 'dgnstr.'ln seairn V. This lorm rrust be comCetd lor r.dr locrtin anlining wdeqrund 3b.sga tar{c. l, rtre than fve (5) tarkr lre own.d rt fi3 bcaton. photapy the bllotriq sheets, and staplc contiru.tioo shedr to Gr lornr. l. OWNERSHIP oFTAITIK(S) II.LOCATpNOFTANK(SI Qlrrra.,D (CcFilE\ E-Urd, P{tr19:r7, r O,: hft C5-8.drrlrrrtn I I *lllr-r--rrrEa- E-LEveN -SzPf # ZS o Bo -..8r?.o,hrAqI'I EAST MAIN -DrLrla Hr 6- EPA Form 753Gt (8.% 2.92) @ e,itwon?*tctedPaw III. TT?E OF qI'TtEF tv. tr F.nrrcorrnnrrl (cnt r-al tr stelrGovrrul:ra El P*ao tr locdGorrnr:tt Tearr er rocar al lrrr trtil gr rdrr Rurvabraqrorttrtnrsrlru. lJ TartrrnorrrjtsYnrtiwArri:en Ft ndirr. hbr. or rrivitrel. s TtibqNain: v.TY?EOFF C!.lw -AtTrdGftr.) -AtcrJtOrlr -&rsOfath Rrddrt0d Frnr crh, S.ad0t AFroPilt F.dlYtEP|iIr -Gas St iqr -Relrcad -Frdrd-1fl|ry;HrslEl _ConuEE _frudin/fmsport -Prtohrn BiAIE -F-d'ilsrfflry -tlltiD.)L vt COltlTAfiPEHltOill lN C}IARGE OFT IIIKS ArErr 62{/a N' a^relHt NGTG!.1 DE$veP CB 8o Z t 6 Nrnr ftrclf F-ooTE JobIIh fv\srNTArlc€' Supee V,SaQ Plsr ltlrrir (H0AtrrGdlt-r / - 8ao -4to- 5.+ 6,:F VII. FIMNCI^L BESPC'NSBIUTY chdrroiAfct I vl Sd harrrp l-1 GoarrnrdJru .r t-l snryodd I {963616 l-]rruan ro t-lou.r mtodArdsP.d, I llur rrtlrr lhrdd reecu&ny rt firnroBhsdruriltroCFBSttprlH Vllt CEIIIFICAflC{ G.d.n dgn rrlr @lt?a-le d 1d..11 il-,r--.an"*nn rh'prrcrrlycrentrrdrErnrlrnflr.{trotHcnr&rennJtEhttrrtdrrddL'l(hm:13 rn 11n Dsd ; Afisefrni frvunf t rmaCy rrynrl* 6r ourilrg trr hEnrdbn l b.fd. Oi o' gtrilLdHanndm btrrrrrre. lf oadrf. lLJhrldffiJGodaraorr-trffinPcadrPttttl Az,t ^ Sia.Pp*etANPadQ rAr rrrrEDr t DFID SflnR+s.,j OOSlend to /z3lq f Prprrort Brducilton Act llotla. EPArdnaaFrblc'teorllststtltttlt !rmb.1.ns.po+rff:,fgS:-:tff-lPgtSXillgg:iIffi'II' ^:1fggg1[l*H3",lggo"effi 'oi M-su'tt'1v1g';g1n*c:2:;311fg\raatrla IISla5l ruD,.Afrmton trd( oillc!, ta EpA..THc 'onn .''Irld3 ili,aubut nffiiad tmir'ar prm.d h ao cFR Pert zso. APg.ndr t PnUir,s .dlqt d thlr noticetoo En nuy bo urrd ufiflr 3tlpp0- hr- EPA Fon! 713S1 (8.r. 2't2l 42 tx. DEscRtprtoN oF uruoenanouNo SToRAGE TANKS (@mfletc lor edr tank a tlls lGaion.l tantr tto. t TarJr No. -Z Tank No. B Tar{r No' - Tanlr No' -GrTlll'-T-1. Stanrs ol Tank(ffim(odyono) Curendyin - PermanendY Out ol Use t-aar-rl Anrndmsrt ol lntormation Tenporadly otrt ol Use 2. Dat ol hstdldion (!D/Ye.rl 3. EslinaodTotal CapanY $dlons) 4. Matenal o, ConstrucUcn (iilark dl thd apply) AsPhall Coated or Bare Steel CatlrcticallY Rotocted Sle el EPoxY Coat€d Steel Conpo3ite (Sted $th Fibergie$! Fiberglass Reinlorced Pt astic tined lntenor Oouble Walled Polyethy'ene Tank Jad(st Cfi€reta Excavafiqr Uner Ud(,lom OOrr. Pleege rPecitY Hes tank been rePaired? ll NSlh,LlrD N&lNsfau.at) NAorre$g&s. @r*wr- IN}TALLOL N€!o,sPAlmc-ry (Mart eI thal apply) Ban Steel Galvanizd Steel Fiberglass Reinlorcad Plastic CoPPer CalhodcClY Prctded , M.Wdd Sccondery Gontdrunent l-l 6.PtpmSfiyF)(ilrt d $el epdy, Has pip&s been repeired? | l-l I f-l EPA Forn 753&1 (Ba. 2'921 Tank No-Tanlr l{o. -7. glbslanco C{rroalry or Lrsl Sllorrd ln Gredct Ou.rilityby Vdunr Gasolhc Diesel Gasohol Kecosene - Heaing Oil Used O! Otter, Ploase sPdfy ru I-t l-l_:_ I l-lt- Hazardous SubstetP CERCI.Angm alrdlot, CAS number fl Mxture ol Substancas Please speoty X.TANKS OUT OF USE. OR C}IANGE IN SERVICE 1. Cbsing olTsnk A Eslimaled dale last used Fotdcrytyesl B. Eslimate dat lslrkdos€d lnr.tda,ylyerlN- C. Tanlr was rclrulod lrcm gralnd O. Tar*wasdeodlngnmd E Tank fill.d rruilh hrl mduial Describe F. Changc ln rrvicr 2 Siite Arscsrrrnt Comdd.d Evihncr ol a leel drlrdod rl I EP Fottn 7530.1 leer. 2A2l Frera \ @NEw AND upcRAoED TAlrKsATTHrs LocATroN) Tank ldentifrcaton Nurter Tar* No. I TanlrNo--?:Tanlr No. L Tank No. - Tank No. 1. lnstdlaion A. lnstaller certilied rytank and - piphg manulacturss B. lnsuller crrlifed or licensed by the imCemermng agency C. lnstallatim inspeaed by a regasterqt e.€ancr D. lnsullatior inspeded and approved by irplenrnung agorlcY E. Manufa.n ers installalbn dl€ddists haw been completed F. Another me6od alk ured by State agrrcy. Ptease spafy. 2. Release Oetecton (Mart all that apply) A. Manuallankgaugir{, B. Tank tightne$ testing C. lnv€ntory control3 D. Aubmalic tank garrgang E Vaporrnnitaiqg F. Grq,ndraer rmr*toring G. lnterstilial nroritorinE double wdled tanVpiing H. lnterstitial monitaing/secondary containnEnl 1. Aubmatic tine lesl det€clors J. Une tightness tesdng K. Clfierm0ndallomdby lnpl.m€flting Agency. Please seedty. TANK EtrEEtlEE E G E TANK EEEEEtln E B tl PIPING tltlE E EBE TANK EEEEtlfltl L]g tl PIPING tEE al EgE TANK EtlEtlEtlE E E E TA}IK EEEEEEE E E tl PIPING EEtl t:]EE fI PIPING EEE E EgE EEE tlEE E 3. Spitl andOverfil heclim A. Ov€rfll dEYice hstall.d B. Spll device innaflod OATH: I c..tly th. hbrmdon otrmfing instellaton thn ir povkled h rccJon Xl ls lnrtsllcr: bclcl rnd fnowtodgc. 10-)?^ !(', EPA Fonn 7530-t lR.r. 2421 Prgr5 ,'or Usc Wiitr o^,r--11.2!K- h*r-D t Saa.lq --,ry,E brrtHbt.E . $A:,Ot ro,l l(0t a rtl lqt rart torqr^({ wrttr trrt trlt t(irt rt rot{trr I{.({ U{r Il! tlrlro I l, toa n/ r(Zt tnrr(rrv^lllUttlrt trvrt.rtu{I,*1rttrri, ttC Bur: 5{t. t{,6rrr rf € tr t14, t,rtxfrd,ltlaricJoaElll4rl l{r4E eo C(u{rl i .5;d'd"Tilff&*,s. Aps*+$a &aO ga<t- I . c? 2?t n i.; :tt t**nJ SgJ rn'-.u}]s - 5b'J'fa( 5F$/( Wt),- ftrr*r4,i Bunf 3*el;'a? 6 I cqfl/,os-o o!,- , Ar{ rtsl Rfguurs 0o'E" 7v7 igud lad AWa**wFl'd &+(L=' o?sb "/ q^:rh. ;hs rffiO , t' L lql I 1t d+! ;So ,r!_l o tk_ 4B {1. 6b_ 'A-. EE =5Vd 3NT )lllv!,,t qTD/ 68'IfiBI 'IE :86 g6E T /EB i T I ZwtBl RECEIVED sEP r S 2003 f,l''',r*y *r'rriR, & Remediation September 9, 2003 Mr. William Moore State of Utah DERR 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: Leak Detection Method Dear Mr. Moore: Effective with this notice 7-Eleven, lnc. is changing the method of leak detection at severa! of our sites from Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR) to Continuous Statistical Leak Detection (CSLD) using the Veederoot TLS-350. Enclosed are updated 7530 forms for the following sites: 7-Eleven Store #Address Citv 25030 17 East Main St.Delta should you have any questions please feel free to call me (2s3) 796-7120. Sincerely, Randy Martin a <) ---.1 E nvi ro n menta[1M a n ager BD:rr Environmental Services Department / 1o22oJ*"mftt;rg Road, Suite 470 / portland,, oregon97223 9EPA unn€d stiates Environmental Protestion Agency Washington, DC 20460 STATE USE ONLY Form ArrprovgO. OMB Ito.2OSO-0068 Notification for Underground Storage Tanks ID NIJIITIBER: RECEIVEO: DATE ENTERED INTO COMPUTER: DATA ENTRY CLERK INITIALS: OWNER WAS CONTACTED TO CTABIFY RESPONSES, COi,MENTS: Q rrnon. ,.,-&*t Ahhn- Number o, conlinualion sheots attach€d Pl€as€ lpsgl enn!.in 'nlL. Abo, be suro ypu harre Sgnatrres h ink ror s6c{ionsvilr.and x. Complete a nolitcalbn lbm for eacfr bca&rn ontainirB undergrouncr storags tanks. lf nrore than 5 tanks are owned at this 6ca&rn, youmay photocopy pagss 3 flrough S and use them br adcf,tional hnks. The primary purpose ot this notificalion prograrn is tc locate and waluate llf€oynO stoEg€ tank systems (USTs) that slore or have storBct petroteum or hr"ardous substances. The infomalion lrou provido wifi Oe OaseO onreasonably availabl€ re@rds, or in lhe aDsgnce of such r€conls, your knowledge or recoll€ction. F.ederal law reguircs usr ownere to u"e rfirs nottffcation rorm fror art yl_T_" "t91lg regulated substance3-that are brought lnto uae atter-iiay O, 19991* USTs in rhe ground as ot t{ay 8, i!r86 thi have sbrcd regubied'lubatancca at eny Ome sinct.lanua4i l, 1974. The lnlormation - ruquested ls rlggird by Secdon gOOa ot lhe Rssource Cons€ryation andRocoveiy Asi (FCRA), a! a,nencld. Wlrc Must Notity ?Section 9OO2 ot RCRA, as amended, reguires owners ofy.STs ttat stgre reguhted substarces (unless exempteOl io nofify OeSgn"tJstate or local ag€ncies of the exstencd' of their USTi. 6rrner is d€nned as: ' ln the cass of an usr in us€ on t{o/ernb€r g, 1gg4, or bought into rrse arterqat da!e: any person who owns an UST us€d lor storag€, use, or dispensangof regulated subslances; or ' ln the case of an UST in use before November g, 1g&4. bur no ronger in use qn thatdate, arry p€Bon who oum€d the UST immediately Oelore G discontinuation. Also' if the stale_T requires, any iacirity hat has made any ctranges to fiacirrtyintorm?tgl or UST system statris, mujt submit a notifica06n foriionfy -- -' amended intnrmation needs to b€ indud€d). What USTs Are lncluded ?An UST ryslem is defined as any one orcombinaton of tar* tr'"t (1) rs us€d to iontiain an acc,muratdr otiegurareosubstances, and (2) whos€ votume_(indLding connected unOerground rpingl is1fflo or morc beneath the grurnd. Reguhted USTs soie peforcum orhe"erdous substances (see the lollowing "vvhat SuOsfandes,Cre Covered). WhatTanl€ Art E(cludcd Frpm Noliricaton ?. Iar{c r€fliov€d frcm tre gotnd bdorc May A, t9B6;' Farm or osidenlial tanks6f t,too gattons o',r, ress capacity sto.ing motor fuel tornoncomme,cial purposes;. Ianlc stonng h€aling oil tor use on he premises where stnred;. Seplic tanks;' Pip€line tacilit€s (induding gathe.ing rines) reguraled und€rth€ Naturar Gas 1!11ne sabv Act ot 1969, orthe Hazardous uqrid pip€line Safety Acl ol1979, cr ufii{*. is an inhaiate pipetine fadlity ,egirtateOt nOer Stad aG;. $rrlace impoundments, prS, ponAs, or tago6ns;-. $tcrm waterorwaste waiercittection q6[ems;. Fbw-thougrh pmcess tanks;' Lipid faps or associat€d gratremg lnes direcily related to oil or gas produclion and gath€rhg operalbns;. Tanks on or ebove th€ ioor of und€€rcund areas, sncfi as bas€rnenE orfunnels;. Tanks with a cepacity o, I lO gEflons or l€ss. whet SubstancGs fue covercd ?The notifcaiion requirsm€nts appry to usrscontainhg petror€um or certrin hazadous substances. iretoteum lriitiresgasoline' used oil, deser fuer, crude oir or any fraction trereor urtrm rriqrid "t$""qrd condrions orremperatlre ano pres6ure (60 d€grees raruenneiiano ir.zp^ott_ttds pgl lg19r€ ildr absotutel. nazadous sOsAnois alo thce lound in =HJ.91 04) ot fre-Compt€henrsve Envionmental Regonse, Conrpensatmano yaDilny $t of i9BO (CERCLA), with the exception d frose subsUncesregdal€d as hazanlos waste under SubtiUe C ot ifCnn. Wher! To Nottly ?Send compteted brms to: When To Nodry ? 1 . Orvners ol USTs in use or lhat have b€€n taken out of:X9"$1flg!):17!, urr sti-il in rhe ground. musl noliry ry r,,rav s, rgs6.z. e!,vnsrs who bnng USTS inlo l/p atter May 8. 1986, mu$ nod)r rlif,in SO dq/sot bringhg the UST into use. 3. [t fre State niquires n&fication of arryam€nctrn€nts b tadlity, send infomalion to State agsrry inmxrat€$ fll:ltbo : Iry ounef lvtto larowirgty hils to ndilV or gtrnits htse inbmatonry T.ry"cl p I dvit penatty rpt b sxc€€d Sl i,OOO for eactr tar* br unrkfino{iltcatim bnot Wen oiOruiriAr aSe i,rbmridi-b 9n en. Owner Name (Corporation, lndividual, pru16 lgisncy, or Olh€r Entry) s"*,Ad*J 7-Eleven, lnc. Gasoline Acctg. P. O. Box711 Dallas, TX 75221-0711 l, r€quircdDy Star6, givo the geographic tocarlon ol USTs by cbgrees, minutos, andseconds. Erarpre: tatirudo a2 .-So, tZ. H, Uongirgoe all ii, tt w Facility Name or Company Site ldentifio( as appticabte tr rt-a(krress is the sarne as in section r, check the box and proce€d ro s€clion il.l, a(tsioss is ditl€r6nt, 6nter addrGs betow: Street Addr€ss/? ec,-t nV,-; S,it' Numb6r (lnctude Area Code)253- -7?L-7/ Ep..!! F_orm TSgOt (Rov. 9{8 } Et€crronrc and pap"r r"**" """"p,"bt".t.rovtous edttons may be usecl while supptres lasi.Pa96 l ol 5 T tr tr tr cornmerciat p eri*t" Un[ed States Environmental Protection Agency Washing(on. DC 2(X60 Notification for Underground Storage Tanks Railroad F€deral - l.lon-lvlfl ihry Federal - Military lndustrial Contractor tr I Dr D r n tr tr tr Truckng/Transport Uliliiies Resirlenlial Fam O(h€r (EJplain) D st"orrno" n rrustruno I on* u"noo ((bscribe here) I cerlify un<ler pandty ol lawlhal ihave pecorury €xar$n€d and Irn hdlarwflh lho irtornatm srbrnlttecl h Seclbns ltrrough Xl of ths nolificatm lbm and ar as true, accurate, and complete. Name and ofncial t'te ol owner or owyl€/s authonzed reprBs€ntative (Priril) Randy Martin Environmental Manager 9EPA Federal Govemment Sbte Go/srrn€nt Local crorremm€nl Gas Station Petrcleum Distribulor AirTaxi (Aidine) Aircraft Orner Aulo Dealership n s"rr tnsurance E. *rnr"*a tnsurance E nirr Retentioo Group D m""f Go/emment Financial Teg EPA estimales public repo'tins burd.n for this torm ro ar"os" T:::11".:;ffiJ'**ffi"*til*TH"n l"rrctions, s.rha,ing and ,nahraining rhs dar,a nsedsd and cor,,ptsrins notilication lorm rnay be used while supplies last. rvrrrr s' Prxr* EPA Form TSl{}t (R.v.9€S) Eledronic and paperversions accedable.Prevous ettitrons may be us6d while supplies lasi. Fom Apprcveo. OMB No.20sO-Oo6B USTs are locatod on hnd u,ihh an lndan Res€natbn or on tusl lan(b oubile -]resenratioo boundades. I I USTs areomed bya Mtive Arnerban nalion orttbe. tr Tribe or Nalion $,fi€re USTs are located: Job Tite: Environmental Manager Address: 10220 SW Greenburg Rd. Suite 470 Portland, OR 97223 Phone Nurnber (ndde Area Co<le): a5* 7?c-7/ 70 qhb: Xn n n tr Mme: Randy Martin Et n"r" met the fnancial responsibility requirements (in accordance wilh 40 cFR subpan $ by usng U1e lollowing mecfianisms: Check All that Apply f] c**** I surety eono tr utterotcreoit fJ eono Ragng Test Pago 2 ol 5 9EPA 4. Mate?ial ol Constrrctlon (crl€ck all Ulat apply) Asphall Coated or Bare Sted Caftodin[y PEtec{ed Ste€l Coated and CahodicatV polected Steel Cornporite (St€el Chd wih Fibeq[ass) Fiberglass Rein orc€d ptastic Lined lnterior Ercanalbn Lirer Double Wall€d PolEthylene Tark Jad(et Concr€te Unlqlown l, Other, pteas€ spedry here Check box itlank tus aner been Epair€d 5. Plping Materiat (check all thst appty) Bare Ste€t Gah/anized St€€l Fibeq[ass Reinforced plaslic Copper Cafrodcalty plotect€d Douue Wall€d Sryxhry Contairment unloown Otl€r, ptease sp€dry 6. PipingType "Sale'suctbn(nowtveattank) (Check att that appM "U.S." Suction (vatve at tank) pressure Gravity Fesd Ched< box il pi6*ng has aner been repair€d Form Approved. OMB No.205e0068 NotificAion for Underground Storage Tanks Tank l.lo. I fanf Xo. 1. Status olTank (chectmvon€) Cunenty ln Use Temporarily Cbsed Pemanenty Closed Z Deorhltdhum (nrontvyear) 3. Ertmffi Totll C.paclty (gallons) trV n tr n tr D tr tr tr tr trY L] tr n tr tr n tr tr n D { tr tr tr tr tr tr n tr u tr n tr ! n tr D tr n tr T T xI tr! T tr n n tr tr tr D { n D n n tr n tr { n nx n n tr nW tr D tr tr tr tr tr tr T tr tr tr n n tr n tr tr tr ! tr tr D { tr n tr tr { tr tr tr A- tr tr tr D D tr n tr u u n D EPA Form 753G1 (hcv. $9El Eleamrc anct paper versbns acceptabt€.Previous edfiims miy Oe used ufrit€ q.ppties h['-' '-"Page 3 ol 5 9EPA Unit€d Statos Environmental Protection Agency Washingtm, rc 20460 I Form, I oMB r.ro.2 Notification for Tanks \pprorr€d. )5G0068 Tank ldentftcation Number TarrXft.. ,/Tanktlo. 2 Tankr.to. 3 Tank tlo.Tank ilo. 7. Substancc Currenty Storcd (or last Gasolln€ storud h lhc case ol cbscd tenks) Desel (Ch€d(dltEtappfy) Gasohol Korosen€ Healing Ol Us€d Ol ll Other, please sp€cify here XT tr tr D! V,a D tru tr il'a nnx tr tr T T tr tr tr D n Dn tr tr Hazadous SubsAnce CERCLA rwneancUor CAS number {a { ffi { tr T MixUre ol Substrarces Please spe@hem V d D n 8. Releaso[rct cdon (drcctall tntapply) Manual tank gEuging Tank fghtt€ss testing lnvenilory Confd Aubmalic tank gsughg Vapor monitodng Grounduater rnoniloring lnterslilial monito.ing Aubmalic line leak (bEcnors Un€ tightl€sstssffig l,lo rcbase rtetectbn reqrir€d (sucfr as scme types O, $clion pipitrg, emerg8ncy gEllgrabr E I(s or fr€ld corshrcted tanks) Otler mefrtod alowed by lmplqn€frtrtg agsncy (suci as SIR) Please gecif oher m€6od here TANK n n !d T T n n t PIPE n ! ! Dd { n TANK D n Dd D n T tr d PTPE tr D tr n6d u TANK tr tr trd tr tr tr tr { PIPE D D tr trilc D TANK tr tr T n tr tr tr D n PIPE n ! tr tr n tr tr TANK u D n n tr tr tr D tr PIPE u tr tr tr tr tr ! qS!A_Csc o Llsc n 9. Splll and orrwffl! ProEctlon Ovedill device instafi€d Spill dwice install€d w-D/il { dU { tr n n tr EPA Fortn 75:l0-l (Rcrr. 9€E) Electorib and paper versions acceptabb. PrariqJs €cnircns may be us€d u,tlile s.ppes nst Page 4 ol 5 \9EPA Unit€d Stiates Environmental Protection Agency Washingrton, trc 20460 Notification for Underground Storage Tanks 1. CIosUra or Chango ln Scnricc Estimated date the UST w8s last us€d torsbdng rB$/ht€d $bstances (monWrtay/year) Check box if ltris is a change in s€ruice 2. Tank Closure Eslirnated date tank dosed (rnnwrhy{ear) (check all that apply betow) Tank was nmored tom gourd Tank was dos€d in gnurnd Tank filled with inert mate.ial Dsscdbe the inert fill matedal h€rB 3. SlUAssoosmcnt Check box if lhe site ass€ssrnent was comfleted Ched< box if avilence of a leak was det€cled lnstallcr Ol Tank And Plping Mult ChGck All That lnstaller certitied by tank ard piping manulacturers lnstaller certiried or licensed by th6 impl€menting agency lnstalhtion inspected by a registorEd engineer lnstallation inspeci€d and apprwed by implementing agency Manulaclure/s instalbtion checklists have been completod Anothor melhod allorved bv State aoencv lf so, pteaie speci,f hor6 Signature of UST lnstailler Certirying proper lnslafiation ol UST System EPA Form 75il!,1 (Rcv. $9E) Electronic anct paper versions acceptaue. Prevbus €dlions may b€ us€d while $rpplies hst n tr tr T tr T tr tr T trr I D T tr n tr n ! nr I tr tr T tr tr tr u T Siignat re Comparry Dale Page 5 ol 5 UtarruST Program Release Detection Checklist lndicate below the corrosion protection methods in place for all UST system components.ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s). lV ofTanks E oennuee Address l1 E Wqt* for eact tank addltlonal Number of tanks at the lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. Tank is in use. lf not in use. oive date last used and deoth of oroduct in tank. Material of construction of tanks ll containment bucket is intact. clean. and free of oroduct. water. debris. Tvoe of Overfill Prevention device Overfill alarm (audible or visible) is properly located so delivery driver can hear or see it, and is clearlv identified. Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product. etc. ion tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter Cathodic Protection Testino. Date of last test: lmpressed Current System is checked for proper op'eratioh at least every 60 davs and the results of Dates of last three checks: Show readings Site Drawing North \n EEE \\ Comments White- DERR, Yellow- lnspfftor, Pink- Facitity/Owner Uta,. UST Program Automatic Tank Gauqinq lnterstitial Mon PIPING LEAK DETECTION n Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. lf all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. Piping method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatic Line Leak Detector and one other form ( Automatic Line Leak Detector. one other form of leak deiection. Tank 1 fank2 Tank 3 Tank 4*@o u@o ,6o MEO t)rL U2 UB P -a @.z t 5[-h .z r rtr$zr sL3.2.1 Itl Results: Cert. Number ur t 5/Test Method: VZ E Monthly monitoring. lndicate the fl .2 GPH Monthly Testing n lnterstitial Monitoring method used:f] SIR E GW Monitoring Show for the last 12 for each month. COMMENTS Type (Mechanical, Electronic, Other): Manufacturer and model ofeach leak detector: Date of tast teak detector performance "rr, 5l l{tGResutts: lndicate type of test: Simulated Leak, 3 gph, .2 gph, .1 gph (3, .2, .1- electronic LLD only) Tester name: fu*Wffue cert. Number UT TestMethod: TZ"llfYJtG? Type of lM Documentation: E Vapor Monitoring method used: t I ATG Shutdown T Circle Yes or No and identify by tank any exceptions to the answers oiven in the on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is for at least one vear after work is co ATG console or other equipment used to take readings and perform tests is accessible. and operati Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show results in table below. The probe is located at the lliXT"""lTi,l;'3,X0''lloou '"8'I P #2 #3 #4 The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a valid leak test. and the tank size is within the allowed and lower size limits.Third Party Minimum Level: 5 System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from any of the orimarv tank/oioino within one month of release Show results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 lndicate Pass, Fail, lnvalid, or No Results for each month. For ATG tests, show ttre level tested for each monlh, M Un" tightness testing. Datg of last linq tightngss tesl ! Same as above Tester name: >.Ulrcl+dThd Distribution: White- DERR, Yellow-lnspetor, Pink- Facility/Owner Ldatgim1205.doc ttnWv,uo, *'l#[]PJiR.",{,FffLli+9f,I[Bi,I,=,?IX!9u,u, TELEPHONE (s12) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-'1459puRposE: coMpLtANcE_._ _ .__ , . T,E$-T RESULT SUMMARY REPORT TEST DATE: 03/15/06 : : CLIENT: 7-ELEVEN, lNC. P.O. BOX 711 DALLAS, TX75221 i\'WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2241282 CUSTOMER PO: SITE:7-ELEVEN #25030 MARKET #1852 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA, UT 84624 MANAGER i {aot)aec<otz12141841-6714 1 TESTTYPE: TLD-1 Line Leak Detector T PRODUCT 'l MIDGR,ADE REG I'NLE,AD PREMII'M LINE ... ITIATERIAL FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGI,ASS DELMERY TYPE PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE TEST RESULT Ar,,E, -'','C D P P P FIIiIAL LEAK RATE (sph}ABCD 0.000 0.000 0.000 Leak Detector Test i/IANUFAC.TURER \rEEDERROOT VEEDERROOT \/EEDERROOT ITiANUFACTURERuoDE!#l, EI,EETRONI ELECTRONI BLBCTRONI IIODEL #SERIAL # L7 47 95 L7 47 97 L66720 MODEL #SERIAL #I'AI{UFACTURER MANUFACTURER owner oetaleo repon tnlormatron, vrstt www.tanknology.com , or contact your local Tester Name: DAVID MATHIE Technician Certification Number: UT OlSl Printed 03/1 6/2006'l 8:56 KOHLMEYER WORK ORDER NUMBER22412 82 SITE: 7-ELEVEN #25030 SITE DIAGRAM tttmgv 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451€334 FAx (512) 459-1459 TESTDATE: 03/L5/05 CLIENT:7-ELE\IEN, INC. 7-11 # 25030 DELTA, UTAH F I.U IUE a E LuFz l.Uo m NAw$E s VENT AEo& E l-q E] MID EE_] A l-ll-l IHIITHI HHUL FREM_ W=" MAIN STREET Printed 03/16/2006 1 8:56 KOHLMEYER FOR: 7-ELEVEN, lNC. 20819 72ND AVE. SOUTH SUITE 206 KENT WA 98032 Contact: RANDY MARTIN SITE: 7-ELEVEN #25030 MARKET #1852 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA UT 84624 BY:TANKNOLOGY -,.#4WTbnW CATHODIC PROTECTION COMPLIANCE SURVEY UST SYSTEM -W-OJ*rl Stephen Olenich Date: 04120104 (NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist #3222) Work order: 2230266 8900 Shoat Creek Blvd., Building 200 - Austin, Texas 78757 - P.O. Box 9429 - Austin, Texas 78766-9429 - (5121451-6334 - FAX (512)459-1459 04120104 Work order: 2230266 . COMPLIANCE SURVEY GOMPLIANCE SURVEY SAGRIFICIAL CP SYSTEM 7-ELEVEN, INC. T.ELEVEN #25030 MARKET #1852,17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA, UI 84624 I. SCOPE: A cathodic protection survey was conducted on 04/19/04, on the cathodic protection system for 7-ELEVEN, lNC. at 7-ELEVEN #25030, MARKET #1852,17 EAST MAIN ST, DELTA, UT. The purpose of this survey was to meet regulatory requirements for periodic testing, and, more importantly, to determine if the cathodic protection system at this facility meets NACE criteria for cathodic protection. This NACE criteria indicates if the system is functionally controlling corrosion. The cathodic protection system for the underground tanks consists of factory installed magnesium anodes such as the STI-P3 type. The UST facility consists of three 10,000 gallon STI-P3 tanks and associated fiberglass piping' II. RESULTS & ANALYSIS: The structure-to-soil potential measurements are tabulated on the survey data sheets, attached. The potential measurements for the underground tanks, with the cathodic protection system energized, ranged from -977 millivolts lo -1264 millivolts. III. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the survey indicate that the structure-to-soil potential measurements for the tanks did meet the -850 millivolts criterion for cathodic protection as established by NACE' IV. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that a structure-to-soil potential survey be conducted every three years by a qualified corrosion engineer. The cathodic protection system should operate with minimal maintenance and it is not recommended that any spare parts be kept on hand. V. DISCUSSION: Test Procedures: Description of test procedures utilized for this project are contained in the Appendix. STI-p3 Cathodic Protection System: The STI-P3 cathodic protection system is designed to . COMPLIANCE SURVEY 04120104 Work order: 2230266 protect the outside of the tanks only. The risers/piping are electrically isolated from the tank and are not included. The STI-P3 tank incorporates a good exterior coating and factory installed magnesium anodes. The magnesium anodes are provided to protect the surface areas on the tank where coating holidays exist and exposure to corrosion occurs. The surface areas are very small and do not require a large number of anodes for protection. When foreign structures are electrically shorted to the tanks (i.e. piping) the protective effect is depleted and the magnesium anodes for the tanks are consumed rapidly. This is why it is very important to maintain effective electrical isolation of the STI-P3 tank. At the time of this survey, no electrical shorts to the tank(s) tested were found. VI. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: Federal and State regulations require cathodic protection systems to be checked periodically. (Reference: 40 CFR, Part 280.31, "Operation and Maintenance of Corrosion Protection".) - All cathodic protection systems must be surveyed (tested)every three (3)years. - The cathodic protection system must be inspected and tested within six (6)months after any repairs to the UST system. (Reference: 40 CFR, Part 280.33, "Repairs Allowed".) - All impressed current systems must be inspected every 60 days to see that they are functioning properly. lnspections must be logged (documented)' - Within six (6) months after initial turn-on of an impressed current system, it is required that a General survey be conducted and any necessary adjustments made. ' APPENDIX: TEST PROCEDUR.04t20t04 Work order: 2230266 APPENDIX: TEST PROGEDURES ln order to determine the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system, structure{o-soil potential measurements were performed at representative locations throughout the subject area. These measurements were collected after the cathodic protection system was energized. These measurements are then evaluated to determine if an adequate level of cathodic protection has been achieved. The two (2) most common criteria for cathodic protection as established by the NACE standard RP-02-85 "Recommended Practice - Control of External Corrosion on Metallic Buried, Partially Buried, or Submerged Liquid Storage Systems" are as follows: 1. A negative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85 volts as measured between the structure surface and a saturated copper/copper sulfate reference electrode containing the electrolyte. 2. A minimum negative (cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100 millivolts measured between the structure surface and a stable reference electrode contacting the electrolyte. This polarization voltage shift is to be determined by interrupting the protective current and measuring the polarization decay. When the current is initially interrupted, an immediate voltage shift will occur. The voltage reading after the immediate shift shall be used as the base reading from which to measure polarization decay. These potential measurements were obtained, utilizing a copper/copper sulfate reference electrode and a Fluke, Model 87 Digital Multimeter. Ed,U) (LooGU)!Eo@U) (Loo o(. )orf )Ndo=o DD5,ueLNoEoLEoIIlDa=IiiNDI EcooF.EIEEoo Ecoo E'=ccoo EooEou Nsfo o(DY r. r , <t |o olo o)Y lo ,-EooEo) tr )t @@\t EIgcooB-t!ooJ zo (r ,oo t-t-o, trsto zo ooC oo C.9cfoo) '6,Co'a.9o.Eor!Fa LIUCLo1ii 'Eq,Fi: o7 .a !d 5" E * -, e zo o.=cozoEco& (o@No(r )NNotoIo={oo) toiit!oor,oroN{tzUJ uJJtUt- it tEGzoEoaIat (! ItvcGF E.9ococGts o=NIt IL oF =f!,CoooF 0,@EEUJ ood.oo(E oFU. co ]q6oo0) L x ^o ) oEY E' ) o. = -. 9 I \. 1loIl o-o-ao !tg)o-oo oIo.@o o.go o-o.go o,9o oI.oo o.oo oIo.oo Itc(EF(!FU) ]tc6F(LFU) tc(,F- (!Fa EcaoE=EEc ,-EalCcoo E'=coo Faz=FU) t, uF-si@@ItFlr JYu=oo0, ttog !-Ed)oEoE f:; ,,tD N$sf ro o$n g)Y or) ro EooEotr p+2 lr ) ro rtr @roto ,Y O)olr ) zo c' )o) (0(o i+@N zo st lr )o fof ,,D Eo o!c ; GQo o:Eb 3 za o: *a H za +t !tro]- Eood) IC(!F a.:ooo u oF =f!coooF o.@t6xuJ oodooE tLFU) co, tGoq0)F (olt I(oF EoDYcG o=NI t. l . oF =f!coOoF o) .gtExuJ CqcC (!Fo cc) 1qoU)oq) F- (IcGc i.q)c) -aCE+)6la()L)aEo '4 . ) (. ) c)+.oLFr I.-E-+)ctQa0ooI&L6l Fr !q)q) Ia6l +lcleq)L-at-Io.-+)oq) t,oLFrCJo I+)6tU September 1,2006 State of Utatr - DEQ Environmental Health 655 East 1300 North Logan, UT 84341 RE: 7-Eleven Inspections Dear Sir: In conjunction with your request for records for your upcoming inspections of our stores, enclosed are copies of the most current Line lLeak Detector Test, Cathodic Protection certifications and last 12 months of ATG reports for the following stores. 24299, 267 49, 24633, 23851, 25030 Should you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to call me at: 303-740-9333 x319. Sincerely, @zaaU/ Antony F. Mikulski Gasoline & Environmental Compliance Manager AFMjat Encl. 7-Eleven, Inc. Cityplace Center East / 2711 North Haskell Avenue / Ddlas, TX^75204-2906 . Mailing Address: Box 777 / Dallas,TX7522l-0711 214-828-7011 Locarion N3ms 7-ELEVEN 1852-25030 Address 17 E MAIN ST DELTA Srate UT 71084624 Number of tanks at the lndicate iI tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. The results ol the last two cathodic Dates ol last three checks:System is checked lor proper operation at least 60 davs and lhe results of the last three HEIba6e lndicate below the corrosion protection methods in place tor all UST system components. ldentify each dispenser by pump numbe(s)' Show readings for the mosl at!w'a Comments TANK LEAK Veeder Root TLS-350 CSLD No Manifold Circle Yes or No lor on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, and repair is lor al least one vear after work is console or other equipmenl used to take readings and perform tests is Documentation ol valid testing or monitoring is lf not in center, show tilt Tilt: #1 C) #2 C\lactors from lhe setuD reoort. probe is located at the yes tank was lilled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a leak test. and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits. is capable of detecting a release ol regulated PIPING LEAK OETECTION ALD LTTtr piping qualilies as Sale Suction. Documentation is available and veriliable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope ol piping. ll all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping. Piping method(s) used. Pressurized piping must have an Automatlc LIne Leak Detector and one Automatic Line Leak Detector. lndicate type oJ test: Line tightness testing. E Same as above Tester name: tr Monthly moniloring. lndicate the method used: Show results ol rype (Mechanicr(6ul) o*.n, ManuJacturer and model of each leak detector: Date ol last leak detector performance t""tr'7 1! 5^!] Results: ,** ::": ".* r ffi:'[' fr4)! fl,:]ff::""-'# : 11 Test Method: Results: D tr lnterstitial Monitoring. Type ol lM Documentation: GW Monitoring tr Vapor Monitoring or No Results lor each month. I l Eert. Numuer UT A tq / Test Method: ----T--- tr .2 GPH Monthly Testing tr SIR for the last 12 months. lndlcate White- DEHH, Yellow"lnspstor, Plnk- Owner Name 7-ELEVEN INC Location N6ms 7-ELEVEN 1852-25030 Address GASOLINE ACCTG.Address 17 E MAIN ST 6;1y DALLAS Stareil 7i6 75221 g;h, DELTA State UT 7ie84624 Contact BANDy MABIN phens (253) 796-7170 Contact BoB DENTNNo Phone Tank Number:1 2 3 Tank lnstallation Date 4116/1984 4116t1984 411611984 Capacity of Tank (in oallons)10000 10000 10000 lndicate if tank is siphoned or comDartmented. Show related tanks. Substance Stored Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Tank is in use.Currentlv in Use Currenily in Use Currenllv in Us( lf not in use, qive date last used and depth ol Droduct in tank. Current vear tank taqs are in place. Material of construction of tanks uatvanrc Cathodic uatvanrc Cerh^di^ Galvantc Caihodic Material of construction of oioino Fiberglass Fibsrglass Fiberglass Pipino tvpe Pressurized Pressurized Pressurized Type of Spill Prevenlion device. Note on form il tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 oallons. lf so, no spill prevention is required.Arrk Spill containment bucket is clean, dry, and free of product, water, debris.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Type of Overfill Prevention device. Note on form if tank is filled by transfers ol less than 25 oallons. lf so. no overfill orevention is reouired.e.rt *[l Fl-*T lf an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard. and alarm is clearlv marked.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Corrosion Protection method used on tanks ,(tl Corrosion Protection method used on oioino Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors, swino ioints, etc.Arrenks. [ 5aetezt Ar disoense*: l/ aC f, Z, Enclosed containment sumos at tanks and disoensers Ai ranks: Yes / No At disoensers: YgS No Containment sumDs are sealed, free from water, product, etc.Yes No lndicate dates of uoorades- linino. tank or oioino cathodic orotection The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and everv three vears thereafter).Yes No Tank Tester Date volts volts volts volts Pioino Tester Date volts volts volts volls Flex Connectors/ Swing Joints Ar rank Tester Date Ar dismnsor volts volis volls volls volts volts volts volts For lmpressed Current Systems: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available (reouired everv 60 davs).Yes No tr Emergency generator tanks only; leak detection deferred. tr USTs temporarily closed and empty; leak detection not required. tr USTs temporarily closed, locked and secured. coMMENrs c? , -r-0 I I '";7*'n ^*n n ' j l3 l]r $$ Garv Harris- / insoected this racitttv on ? 9nn ? L Sionature: ,/\ Owner/ooerator name: sionature: Y (,r,-7-l I / "^-*r*/ Distribution: White DERR, Yellow- lnspector, Pink- Facilily/Omsr Ldch6ck0703.de I/AC(? A :n. Utah UST Program TouK?nd Piping Leak Detectir,.r Facility lD 2000138 tvletrod wed f or tanls: ATG [4ethod used f orpipino: ALD LTT lvlaruf acturer, nanB and nodel nunber of system USTMAN SIR Veeder Flnot Tr s-3so cSr D No Maniforrr Svstem3d patv cert. ava'lable Yes lrlo Ail Fbcords on site docunent thd the systemis properv installed, calibrated, md nainta'ned (systan and tank setup reports, mdntenatce recorG) .0v* ATG IM Bvice docurBnbtion b available on-s ite (ow ner's nanml, etc.).[ve/ tto Ail Quipnent used to acqlire dda, tale redings, perf ormtest is dequde, accessible and f mctional. lrcl. ATG corsole, dipstick, etc.6E* Ail Dcunentalion of valid testing or nonitoring is avail$le f or the hst '12 npnfrs. Show testino or nmitorhq results in orid below.Yes Nlo ATG The probe is locded atthe center d the hnk. lf not, tl're tilt correction factorf or erch tank is shown on the tark setuc report.Cu^r'n ATG The tark w as I illed to at least the nhinum levd reqdred by the nanufacturer's equipnent [otocol to ensurea vald leaktest and thetanksize iswithn theallowed tpper and lqrv er size lirits.\ Yes t{o E60 IM Secordary barrier is properly placed ard corstructed, designed f or gw consideratims, lns an acceptable pernBation rate, is conpatiUe w ifr the substance store( is nm-conodiUe, and is nd in the 25-yr f loodplain (per site assessnent). Yes M C MTG SIR hventory readings f or prodrct inp-rts ard w ithdrawals are properly obtairBd ard recorded. Fbadirgs are properly reconciled.Yes M CSR Fbcords include he proper runber of water readirgs, ard w der readings are used to adiust inventorv balances as necessarv.Yes t{o C MTG SIR An appropriate tark calbratim chart is used and is araildle f or review.Yes M CSlB Dspersers have current calbratiqr stickers or prorer cdibratbn daunBntation Yes Nlo CSlR Dop tdces are prcsent and extend to w lhin one f od of tle tankbottom Yes No Sho$, results of monitoring for each tank for the last 12 months. Indicate pass, tail, no results, or inconclusive. Moffr 7to3 8/03 9/03 1 0/03 1 1/03 12t03 1to4 a04 3l04 4l04 5l04 6104 #[r #L r #)7 # Tank and Line Tightrcss Testing, Line Led< IEtector Testirg:Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date of last tightness test f or tanls:Test results Mne andcertlicatim nunber d tester:Test ttrbthod Date of lat tightness test f o piphg:Test results Mne and certlicatim nunber d tester:r\<Test ltEthod Autonatic Line LeakDetector tvrc and rmdd k t0\tr E tr Date of last leak detector perf ornance test:Test results Safe Suction pping: Docunentdion is availsle and vedf iabb to show tlnt piping operates at less thm atnospheric pressure, has only me check vaMe (under punp), and has proper slope of rjplnq. Yes Nb Conrrents LI 6-1,\-CL ofPa€ r*-l \ utarr usr Program Release Detection Inspection Checklist €,4,q_t7efr, o 2oo136 Ownership of Tanks Locatlon of Tanks ,z * owner Name '|'e'UVelt , tn/(Location r.rare 7 e.EvN 2to3o Address itlZZB Sl^!. (,ref.th*ra" ?A Address l'7 EA\T t"tA,( SI cl* QctzntNo State CR zio9l223 ciy f)erTq state ur 2i"f,,4624 contact &:r, NNntri! pnoneJ0S'9'l'l 17t3 Location contact i)tn NIL pnone 43!- 6(,4 4cq Complete lor each tank. If the facility has morc than 4 tanks, complete the informatlon for addltlonal tanks on a separate form. Number of tanks at facility: .3 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank lnstallation Date 4' 16'84 4'rl.f,,t 4 -//,-P.a Capacity ol tank (in gallons)iO t oK)/0,cq)in, N0 lndicate if tank is siphoned or compartmented. Show related tanks. ^{c tlc NC Substance stored mIDG,ADE Rect hAhtrxe lz,?cnu (A{*u Tank is in use (Yes / No). lf not in use, give date last used I 'l -/ lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Answortho followlng for all tanks. Note any exceptlonE ln the last column. Cunent year tank tags are in place %s Material of construction of tanks f.rtrfe++ Material of construction of piping FRT> Piping type Pi<ds /.rr[ - t(wJ Type of Spill Prevention Device. Note if tank is filled by transfers of less than 25 qallons. lf so, no spill prevention is reouired.f 6x1g:flu Er IJEO rype or uvenilt Hrevenlron uevtce. Note tI tanK ts ttiled by transters ot less than 25 oallons. lf so. no overfill orevention is reouired.Awo tttuT#'i. q oililuutdut lt ll an overfill alarm is the primary overfill device: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard. and alarm is clearlv marked Yes (ttd Corroslon Protectlon. Answer the following for all tanks. Note any exceptions in the lasl column. Corrosion Protection method used on tanks Srrps Conosion Protection method used on piping M FRf) Corrosion Protection method used on flex connectors 'Bcdf Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers Yes ( l[o.t 6rztveu [*tr-;wrt. lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping cathodic protection. Cathodlc Protoctlon Testing. Show the reaults ol the most rccent lest tor each tank, llne, or flex connector. lhe results of the last two cathodic protectaon tests are available (within 6 months of installation and everv 3 vears thereafter)-Yes No rank rester G(lltrRT S(r{u-TZ A Alffi, ,^* 5 /Slt t _ /A4Z vorts - Df e vors - /eo4 vors voll Pioinq Tester tlA Dare volts volts volts volt Flex Connectors U [* subpump Tgster Datg Disnenser volts volis volts volt volts volts volls volt! For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipmenl operation checks are available. (required everv 60 days.)Yes No rcc,mments NOCthUteS fitcZ (nlf WttZtTo,t. lO*t> DtmEfifiort! nlDtAttntvr. I Pase / ot 2 t(nameti/AQN-D'l !r&W certiwna |rrspectedtheabove-namedfacitityon Oatet 4W 3'?C'C-3 rnsoector,s sionarure /tr/fuf *lte 3 h_C3 owner/operator name: Y //"r-T tA,r,t.n5 signature: X ,-rr"* Distribution: White-DERR.rev0902wpd Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Deteclion ?-rl ro ?oo I38 Method used for tanks: 5 r(i Method(s) used for pipiasi [-{oM€r? E?.', Manufacturer. name and model number of svstem: t i 5Ti"t\ ( rJ S-' Z iS System 3'o party cer1. availableCe\ No Clrcle Yes or No for each question. ln the last column, explain and identify bJ ta11tlny exceptions to the ATG IM Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (svstem and tank setup reDorts, maintenance records).Yes No ATG IM Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.).Yes NoIEquipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lnclude ATG console, dipstick, etc.GNosDocumentation of valid testing or moniloring is available for the last 12 months. Show i6clin^ ^r mnnitnrinn racr rlic in nrid halnrar @*" ATG The probe is located at the center of the tank, or, if not in the center, show the tilt faclor for each tank from the tank setup report" Center Tilt Factors: #1 #2 #3 #4 ATG The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed uooer and lower size limits. Yes No IM Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for groundwater considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non-corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr flood plain (per site assessment). Yes No ifis(lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readinos are orooerlv reconciled.f"rl) *" ICEFI Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventorv balances as necessarv.v". @ { nTC( t(LY)at N G) nro f Ful4t t- . rc@{ MTG An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review.(d *" rc(sEl Dispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.( yes) tto rcfSHl Droo tubes are oresent and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom.6B r.ro Show results of monitorino for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate Pass. Fail. No Results. lnvalid (ATG) or lnconclusive {SlR). Mol/r L-0i i- 03 t2 'cz rt- 07-tL) c'2 d1'07 0b o?(.)l 'crf d6 c2 i)J- ''J2 O.? .Lt2 (l'J cr ? #L t,P P i)t)l/12 l,t))I t>p #a l)l'i)i)/)l)i)j)/)l)t-P #3 p t)i)l)i)l)I)l)t'P P p # Tank and Line Tightness Tesling, Line Leak Deteclor Testlng:Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Date of last tiohtness test for tanks: ( Zq'Cl'L Test results /n':tz !l P4rr Name and certification number of tester: JotiN LtQuyA ur O i 4 t5 rest Method: NFtu\ 3?\' ?,'l 4 ^tO.A 4cCFt? ltr, Date of last tiohtness test for oioino: G ' 7'\ - t:'Z Test results Fl,rNt('ailt 6.firtrcr,v{kL {t^nU,,r;ne Name and certification number of tester: '.lo,W U4GQwwt ur o t{f. rest Method: ltgl- 4o CFP ?tf.44 (.4) Automatic Line Leak Detectors. lndicate type and t model number for each leak detector. (ffi#elfu H*$fusl];:H4finffiiI ME S I Date of last leak detector oerformance test: G '?4 C2-Test results (',qis Pnss l.r,s\ Safe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has onlv one check valve (under oumo). and has orooer slooe of oioino. Yes No Comments .- /'-7 Pana (- al .z^ Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facilily/Owner Ldall.wpd rev0302 Release Detection lnspection Checklist (- zo-obV Location of Tanks ,/. l"z.lr.-,r1 Phone Complete for each tank. ll facility has more than 4 tanks, complete information lor additional tanks on separate form. Number of tanks at facility: Capacity of tank (in gallons) Tank is in use (Y) or, if not in use, give date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Answer the following for all tanks. Note any exceptions ln the last colunm. Current year tank tags are in place Material of construction of tanks (steel, FRP, composite, etc.) Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, flex plastic, etc.) Piping type (pressure, safe/US suction, gravity, etc.) ype oI Sptil Prevention Device (<5 gal, >5 gal, cont. sump, etc. filled bv transfers of less than 25 if filled by transfers of less than 25 oallons. lf so. no overfill or overtill alarm: Alarm is located where it can be seen and heard. and Corrosion Protection. Answer the lollowing for all tanks. Note any exceptione in the last column. Method used on tanks (NM, CS, lL, lC, SA, NP) Method used on piping (NM, CS, lC, SA, NP) Method used on flex connectors (8, CS, NC, CP, NM, NP, N/A) Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subpump) and dispensers lndicate dates of upgrades- lining, tank or piping calhodic protection. Cathodic Protection Testing Complete for each tank. 6 months of installation and everv 3 vears thereafter). Tank Tester Date FIex Connectors sub pump Tester Date For impressed current system: The results of tne laslthreeEqlrpnrent (-// /t ( -21- 4-^444/L<_ Date Method used for tanks: Manufacturer, name and model number of tank anv: exreptions,to tha, snswsr in Ere'fi rstYes.or No lor each question' ln {!+ Iigt, col,umn, explain and Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and and tank setup reports, maintenance records). Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc. Equipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc. Documentation ol valid testing or monitoring is available for the last 12 months. Show The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt correction factor for each The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- and is not in lnventory readings for product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Readinqs are properlv reconciled. Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available lor review. have current calibration stickers or proper calibration and extend to within one foot of the tank bottom. Show results of monitorinq for each tank for the last 12 months. lndicate pass, fail, no results, or inconclusive. Tank and Line Tightness , €$ing, Lihe Leak [leteqtor Tesung: Date of last tiqhtness test for tanks: Name and certification number of tester: Date of last tiohtness test for oioino:4 - I + - Name and certification number of tester:l ltlr ^ lt_ . Date of last leak detector performance test 4 - [ Ll - Safe Suction piping: Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has onlv one check valve (under oumo). has orooer slooe ol oioi /*or',.\ c.tl S{rr Si Utah;tI$:t.Progrem Tank. Cnd.'P.ipitt,,Lea,h' DGt$ctiofi Ldall rev0201 .wpd -4* November 28,2001 Mr. Dave Wilson State of Utah DEQ/DERR 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84114 RE: 7-Eleven #25030, 17 East Main St., Delta, UT Dear Mr. Wilson: For your inspection at the above referenced site, enclosed please find the following documents: Line and Leak Detection Test dated 4128101 Statistical lnventory Reconciliation Report Oct. 2000 - Oct. 2001 3 Year Cathodic Protection Certification dated 513101 Should you have any question or need additional information please do not hesitate to call me at (208) 429-8466. Sincerely, HHOTIVE[) Nov 2 I 2001 DEO iriirronmenlll Resporrse & h'emediation BD:rr Environmental Services Department I 10220 S. \W. Greenburg Road / Suire 470 / Portland, Oregott 97223 Phone (503) 977-7713 / Fax (503) 245-3438 Work Order: 22L6252 5F1-" : John l-uhrum l)ccititn l'r:sillg Sp<.i u I it I i I Jv )iun,4 t,ul<.h Rntul Srrkri. { , \JorJ 3t)l-.t9t:htih Na, I '/, r,+).ilrr Crrtifitatiou [):rtr:: 04'-t0r'01 l-aciliry. ID: 100rir .'18 7.i:levea rJ-r0i0 t7 Eart Main Srrcet Orlta, I.'T EJ61.t ! csr Date: 04i28.j01 Iest Numhet: 04ltatll I Operat<rr: JtrlurLabr.rrrn tltulr ('erlilicate Ncr.: I. f0i.l8 Ilrr:rsu rize<t Prod uct l.inrs The abore location has irceu te$ted using lhe Hurner'Y Pipeline Tester. This pipelirrc leak dctection sy,stem nrers all requirernents ret tirrth bl,NIPA 3?9-87 and I- SF.PA 40 CFR Part 260 nnd has reL('ivcd third part 1' crililir:ati.)n. PL'ase see the encloxd Third Parrl.Cenificrtion ftrr drrrrils. lJnleaded Rcg Urridqde(l 1.ti4 Red Jscket Re<l lccltrrt Red Jackct 5(l psi 50 psi 50 psi ,000 000 .000I iJnlea.JeJ Prcrn.Pass Line t,esli Detectors Tht mecharical line luak rlclectrlrs at rhc atxlte location \r,.cre te$&d in sccordancc wifh IJSF.PA rfO ('[R 2E0.41(a). Unlcaded Reg. L nleaded Mid. Vlrporless !\I.D'rll,00 Furrctional FituctionalVaporh'ss Mfg I Unleaded Prcm. Va;nrks"- )vJfg. LD 20tX) Fun+tional ]tl:t Ceni6ed Tegtcr' Tanknology-NDE 8900 Shoal Creek, Building 200 Austin, Texas 7g757 , N0u-28-2A4L fi,.42 ?L4 84L 6?4? P.A2/L4 Octoberr 2000 Vecder-I{oot Scrvicts Comprny dhdtJslMA}'l 12265W, Duyaud Avc. 'Suirc 300't*gwood, CO 80228 l-u)0.2s3{0s4 . (!03) 985-801I r FN( (303) 986-8227 271I Nonh Hsskcll Avc. Dgllas, TX 7520/. 17 EASTMAIN ST DELTA, UT t46!4 SIR Provlder:USTMAN Phone: G03) 986-E0l I SIR Version:95.28 Report Date: LllrcA000 Tank Tank end Line Status Calculaisd Leak Rate ph Product Gegactty Grllor SEles Grllons Dellvsrlcs Grlloru I Pass -0.01 MI,JL 10000 772t 9005 2 Pass 0.02 RUL 10000 352 I0 410E6 3 Psss -0.05 PUL 10000 3528 3002 I)ocumcnt priat<l on: Novcmbcr 2tlr 200l Prgc:J N0u-28-2441 LLt42 THE SOUTHLRND CORP.'{ November,2000 ^' 2L4 84t 6?47 P.g3/!4 (214) t28-7E05 271 I Nonh Haslrell Ave, Dallu, TX ?520a r852.25030 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA UT t/1624 SIR Provider:USTMAN Phone: (303) 986-801 I SIR Version:95,28 Report Date: l?l5l2O00 Tanlc Trnk and Line Statur Calculaled Le.k Rate 9h Product CEpBcity Gdloru Saloa Grllor Dellvrrics Grlknr I Pass -0.01 MUL 10000 533S 4252 2 Pos 4.04 RI.JL 10000 28175 25007 l Prss -0.01 PUL r 0000 2512 1750 vcodcr-Root Scliccs Comprny dbI/USTMAI.I I 2265 W. Blyrud Avc. ' Suitc 300 . Lskolood, CO 80228 l -80G253-t054 . (303) 986.80 I I . F^)( O03) 986-t22? Documcnt printed on: Novcmbcr 2& l00l Pegc:l Company:7.Elcvcn, Inc.Phone: (214) t2t-7E05 Address:271I Nordr Haskell Avc. Dsllcs, TX 7520a N0u-28-2441 LLz42 THE SOUTHLRND CoRP. 2t4 84L 6?4? P.A4/L4 Itllrll]*\ rrrlafl{r]l}aa. ^.llbaferJ s6vr]rrrtr.vr \v-\, -sYrvr r December, 2000 vccdcr-Root Scrviccs Conprny dha/USl'MAN 12265 w. BaSnud Avc.'Suirc 300'Irlccrood, CO 8022E l -E00-253-E054 . (303) 986-E0l I . FAX (303) 'E6-t227 l? EASTtvIAIN ST DELTA,UT t4624 SIR Provlder:USTMAN Phone: (303) 986-8011 SIR Version:95.28 Report Dato: 0l/16/2001 Tank Tank and Une Status Cdculatcd Lrck REtc ph Product Capacity Grlhm Sales Gellons Delivcricr Gdlom I Pass 0.01 MUL 10000 4565 3750 2 Pass 0.0r RI,'L r 0000 25262 24505 3 Poss 0.0t PUL lomo 242t 2354 Documcat prirtcd oa: Nuvrobcr 28.2O01 Pr6cl NOV-a9-aAA| 17.42 THE1.r.Y-.7{\., _.SOUTHLRND CCIRP. Vcsdcr.Ront Scrvices Conrpmy dbi/USTMAN ln6sW. Bapud lw. r Suirc 300 . Bkcu/ood, CO 80228 l -t0G253-8054 . (303) 9t6-80 r I . FAX (303) 9868227 214 e4t 6?4? P.O5/t4 Phone: (214) 828-7E05 271I Norfi Haskcll Avc. Dsllas, TX 75204 17 EASTMAIN ST DELTA, UT 8462/ SIR Provider:USTMAN Phone: (303) 9t6-t0ll SIR Version:95.28 Report Date: 03/0512001 Tenlt Tcnk snd Line Statue Calculated Loak Rato arh Product CEpacity Grllols Sales GJlour Dellverles Gollots Psss 0.0r MUL 10000 4343 5179 2 Pess -0.0t RUL 10000 u484 24980 3 Pass 0.01 PUL r 0000 20rl 2504 f)ocurncnt priotrd on: Novcmbcr 2t, 2001 PegcC NOU-28-24a1. 1,T142 THE SOUTHLAND____xJ CORP. Febmary,200l VccdcFRoot Seviccs Comprny dbrArSTlvIAN 12265 W. Drylud Ave, 'Suitc 300'Llkcwood, CO 80228 l-80c253-8054 . (301) 18&801r . FA)( (J03) 98(4227 2L4 941, 6?4? P.66/L4\r- 271I North Hasksll Ave. Dallas, TX 75204 17 EASTT#.INST DELTA,UT 84624 SIR Provider:USTMAN Phoner (303) 986-801 I SIR Verslon:95,2D RepoiDate: 0311612001 Tank Tank and Llne Staluc Calculated Leak Ratc ph Product Capacity Grlloru Seles Gall6,tl5 DeliYerics 6dlolu I Pass 0.00 MUL r 0000 3798 2503 2 Prss 0.02 RUL r0000 20633 zzt0t 3 Pass 4.02 PIJL 10000 r 86S r500 Documort prlntcd on: Novcmbcr 2& 2ll0l Pegc:l N0u-28-2441 U.t42 THE SOUTHLRND CORP. 21,4 Ut 6?4? p.A?/LA.!-Y-7IV YE..v.-e- -, -_:::- March, 2001 Vcodrr-Roor Scrviccs Cornp$y dba/UST[lAN I 2265 w. Bcysud Avc, ' Suirc 300 . Iakcwood. CO 80228 l-t0G253.8054 ' O03) 986-801I r l:'Ax C303) eu6.s22? Company 7-Elcven, lnc. 271t North Haskell Ave. Dallas, TX 75204 17 EASTMAIN ST DELTA" UT 84624 SIR Provlder:USTMAN Phone: (303) 98G801 I SIR Vereion:95.28 Roport Date: C/,ll7l200l Tank Tank and Lina Siatus Calculated Lek Rare Fi Producrt Copadty Gill0rrs Sales Grlhu Deliverlet Grllotu Pass 0.00 MUL r0000 5929 7555 2 Pass 0.00 RUL 10000 29251 2750/, 3 Pass -0.04 PUL 10000 2672 3006 Document prlrrrcd on: Novqnbcr 2& 1001 Prgcd NOU-28-2AA1 11:43 Tl€ SoJTHI-AND CoRp.rtrt .rFtt t orr.rt !-. ar-_-.-:J 2t4 Ut 6?4? P.O8/L4 -s5v-!7\ev- \v--s, -r-rv. D 2001 Phone: (214) 828-78057.E!cl/cll, Inc. 271I North Haskcll Ave. Drllas, D( 75204 17 EASTMNN ST DELTA, UT 846U SIR Provlder:USTI,TAN Phona: (303) 986-801 I SIR Version;95.28 Reporl Date; O5ll6f200l Tank Tank and Line Slatus Calculated LeaI Raie 9h Product Gapaclry Grllom Sales Gollons Drlivcries GJlaar I Pasr -0,n Mt,L t0000 6693 5001 2 Pass 0.03 RUL I 0000 30840 28004 I Pass -0.05 PUL t0000 3r88 2554 vocdr-tbor Scrviccs Compury dbdUS'fMAN 12265 w. Belaud Aw.'Suirc 300'Isl'ceDod, CO 80228 r{0e253{054 . (303) 98&80t I . FA)( G03) 986-8227 Documcnt printcd ou: Novcnbrr ltr 200!Pagel NOU-28-2641 LLz43 THE SOUTHLFND CORP.21,4 8,4l. 6?4? P.A9/L4a,r-rrr.tl, rrf..ilrlrle. l.r r lrr]!il J r\!!s,rr!}r.rtu!rrrr \r[r,\,rr asl,lrr ] M1Y.2001 Phone: (214) 828.78057-Elcvcn, Inc. 271I Nonh llrskcll Avc. Dallas, TX 75204 17 EASTIvIAIN ST DELTA. UT 84tr,z SIR Provider:Lrsll4AN Phonc: (303) 986-8011 SIR Vorslon:95,28 Repon Dae: r,16ll?200l Tenk Tankend LineSt tu3 Calculated Lcalr Rste arh Product Crpaclty (irllrtrn Saloe (irlhm Dollvcrlcs (idhlla I Pss6 -0.01 MI,'L 10000 6960 901 8 .,Pass 0.00 R.UL !0000 336t8 379t7 3 Pass -0.02 PUL 10000 3289 4267 vccdcr-Roor Scniccs Comfany dba/t SIMAN 12265 w. Bryaud Avc.'Suirc 300 r l:lrcwood. CO 80228 r-800-253-t054 . (301) 986.801 I * FA)( (303) et6-t227 Documcnt prlnrcd ou: Novcrubcr 18,2001 Prt.rt NOU-28-2641 11:43 THE SOUTI{LNND CORP. Voodcr-Rmr Scwioc.s Compury dbJIJSTMAN 12265 w. Btlaual Avc.'Suitc 300'hkryood, CO 80228 l-800-2s3{054 i (303) 986.S01I . FA)( (303) 98&.SZ27 2L4 UL 6?4? P.L6/L4 r,lll,llf,|l( lrf-].t jrtel ltl t !tr]r,a, rl!tU{lrat]..{3.v8 \e5r, -wrv. . June,2001 7-Elevor, Inc. 27ll NorthHs*ellAvc. Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: (214) 828-7805 I7 EASTMAIN ST DELTA,UT E'624 SIR Providen USTMAN Phono: (303) 986-801 I SIR Verslonl 95.28 Report Date: 07lltl200l Tank Tanlt and Llnc Status Calculated Lsak Rate gPh Prodsct Gapaclty Gdlong Sales Grlloru Delivcrles Glllrrm Fass -0.01 MUL t0000 7325 5005 ,PEss {.03 RUL t0000 34347 3ts06 3 Pass .0.09 PUL I 0000 344t 2005 Documcnt printcd oo: Novrmber lt, l00l Pegc:l NOU-28-2441 Ll.43 SOLJTHLAND CORP. July,2001 Vecdcr.Roor Scliccs Con:prny dbe4lSTMAN 122(5 w. Brlnud Avc. ' Suitc 300 r l:lccwood. CO 80228 r {00.253.8054 . (303) 986.801 I r n^X G03) 98G8227 2t4 WL 6?4? P.LL/LAJHE (214) t28-780s 271I North Haskcll Ave. Dallss, fi 75204 t852 - 25030 17 EASTMAIN ST DELTA, OT 84624 slR Provlder:USNdAN Phonc: (303) 986-801 I SIR Version:95.28 Report DEte: 0E/15/2001 Tank Tenl md Llnr Strtus Galculated Lrak Rate grh Product Gapecity Gdlonr Saloe GElonc Dellverlec Gelhtu Psss -0.0r MUI,I 0000 81 80 9506 2 Pass 0.00 RI,JL r0000 3349 I 2805E 3 Pssc -0.06 PUL 10u00 359s 550t Docurncrrt priutod on: Novcnrbtr 2t, 2001 Prgc:l NOU-28-24@L L1,243 THE SOIJTHLRND CORP. tt-v-){ YEry"Y-' '- t Y-'Y Augustr 2001 214 UL 6?4? P.L2/1.4---r--- Veado.Roor Scwices Comprny db./t STMAN l2,il65 W. Brnud Arr. r Suite 300'Lrkwood. CO 80228 1.300-253-8054 . O03) r8680t I . EA)( (303) r8G8,,27 2?l I Nor$ Haskcll Avc. Ddlrs, TX 75204 17 EASTMAIN ST DELTA. UT 84624 SIR Provider;USTMAN Phone: (303) rEC8Ol I 3lR Verslon:95.28 Ropon Deb: 09lZV20Al Tank Tank and Llne Stetus Cnlculated Leak R.tc ph Product Capacity (idloni Sales Gallors Delhvotloo Grlhnr I Psss 0.01 MUt r0000 781 r rs06 2 Pass .0.02 RUL I 0000 3r672 36862 3 Pass 4.04 PUL 10000 3258 3503 Documcnt prlutod on: NovcmDcr 2& 2001 Prgcd NOU-28-2AA1 11:43 THE SUUTI-U-AND CORP. 2L4 84L 6?4? P.L3/14rrlrrrllx( rrf.rlr!3rts s t !.tf!r. J ---::^-:H.Y" \Y--" Sentember.2001,2001 SEE Cornpany:7-Elwen, Ina.Phone: (214) t28-7t05 Mdrsss:271 I Nonh Haskcll Avc. Dallas, TX 752M t852 - 2s030 17 EAST MATN ST DELTA,UT 84624 SIR Provider:UST},IAN Phone: (30.1) 986-8011 SIR Verslon:95.28 ReportDate: 10/18/2001 Tank Tank and Une Statuc Galculaied Lcak Rate 8('tr Produst Capacity Crllang Salec Gillons Deliveries Otllur3 I Prss 0.00 MUL r0000 7939 9503 2 Plss -0.03 RUL I 0000 12746 32105 3 Pass -0.06 PUL r0000 3t66 225t Pagc:l Vccdcr-Root Scrvic.cs Corapany db/t STMAN 12265 W. l4rsud Avc. ' Suia 300 t Lckcwood. C! 80228 1.80&,253-8054 . (303) 986-80t I . FAX (303) (r{t6-8227 Documcnt ;lrin(cd on: Novcmbcr 2t, 2001 271I North Hiskpll Ave. Dallas,'lX 752M N0u-28-2641 LLt44 THE SOJTHLRND CORP.2L4 8(41, 6?4? P.1,4/L4tra (2t4) 828.7805 Prgc:l -- --dtou;,itiir'ii 7-Elcvan, tnc vcadcr.Roor Soviccs Con.tp.ny dbyUSTMAN I 2265 W. Bayrud Ave. ' Suite 300 | lakewood. CO 80228 1.800.253.8054 . (303) 986.801 I . I'AX (3ot) 986-8227 I7 EASTMAIN ST DELTA,W 84624 StR Providor:USTMAN Phone: (303) 9E(r-801 I SIR Version:95.28 Report Date: llllglzlt(ll Tank Tank and Llnc Status Calculated Leak Rate ph Product Capacity Grllorts Salea Gdlone Deliverics Gsllons I Pass .0,03 MUL 10000 5823 551I )Puse -0.12 RUL r 0000 30693 3r813 3 Pass 0.00 PUL 10000 3403 3757 Documcn( printcd on: Novcmbcr 2t, 2001 TOTRL P.14 1 ..::11:. i, bTbn CATHODIC PROTECTION COMPLIANCE SURVEY UST SYSTEM FOR:7.ELEVEN, INC. 10220 S.W. GREENBURG ROAD SUITE 470 PORTLAND OR 97223 Contact: BOB DENINNO 7-ELEVEN #25030 MARKET #1852 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA UT 84624 SITE: BY: TANKNOLOGY /A///A6 Gilbert W. Schutza Date: 05/03/01 Corrosion Engineer Manager (NACE Cathodic Protection Specialist #410A) Work order: 2216252 8900 Shoal Creek Blvd., Building Z)0 - Austin, Texas 78757 - P.O. Box 9429 - Austin, Texas 7876G9429 - (512)451€334 - FAX (512)459-1459 coMPLtANCE SURVEY ^ 05/03/01 COMPLIANCE SURVEY SACRIFICIAL CP SYSTEM 7-ELEVEN, INC. 7-ELEVEN #25030 MARKET #1852,17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA, UT 84624 I. SCOPE: A cathodic protection survey was conducted on 0/,l3OlO1, on the cathodic protection system fOr 7.ELEVEN, INC. at 7-ELEVEN #25030, MARKET #1852,17 EAST MAIN ST, DELTA, UT. The purpose of this survey was to meet regulatory requirements for periodic testing, and, more importantly, to determine if the cathodic protection system at this facility meets NACE criteria for cathodic protection. This NACE criteria indicates if the system is functionally controlling conosion. The cathodic protection system for the underground tanks consists of factory installed magnesium anodes such as the STI-P3 type. The UST facility consists of three 10,000 gallon STI-P3 tanks and associated fiberglass piping. II. RESULTS & ANALYSIS: The structure-to-soil potential measurements are tabulated on Table l, attached. The potential measurements for the underground tanks, with the cathodic protection system energized, ranged from -1000 millivolts to -1064 millivolts. III. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the survey indicate that the structureto-soil potential measurements all meet the -850 millivolts criterion for cathodic protection as established by NACE. IV. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that a structuretosoil potential survey be conducted annualty by a qualified corrosion engineer. The cathodic protection system should operate with minimal maintenance and it is not recommended that any spare parts be kept on hand. V. DISCUSSION: Test Procedures: Description of test procedures utilized for this project are contained in the Appendix. GOMPLIANCE SURVEY A 05/03/01 STI-P3 Cathodic Protection System: The STI-P3 cathodic protection system is designed to protect the outside of the tanks only. The risers/piping are electrically isolated from the tank and are not included. The ST!-P3 tank incorporates a good exterior coating and factory installed magnesium anodes. The magnesium anodes are provided to protect the surface areas on the tank where coating holidays exist and exposure to corrosion occurs. The surface areas are very small and do not require a large number of anodes for protection. When foreign structures are electrically shorted to the tanks (i.e. piping) the protective effect is depleted and the magnesium anodes for the tanks are consumed rapidly. This is why it is very important to maintain effective electrical isolation of the STI-P3 tank. At the time of this survey, no electrical shorts to the tank(s) tested were found. VI. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: Federal and State regulations require cathodic protection systems to be checked periodically. (Reference: 40 CFR, Part 280.31, "Operation and Maintenance of Conosion Protection".) - All cathodic protection systems must" be surveyed (tested) every three (3) years. - The cathodic protection system must be inspected and tested within six (6) months after any repairs to the UST system. (Reference: 40 CFR, Part 280.33, "Repairs Allowed".) - All impressed cunent systems must be inspected every 60 days to see that they are functioning properly. lnspections must be logged (documented). - Within six (6) months after initialtum-on of an impressed current system, it is required that a General Survey be conducted and any necessary adjustments made. " To meet minimum regulatory requirements. lt is good practice to conduct such surveys annually. APPENDIX: TEST PROCE\URES 05/03/01 APPENDIX: TEST PROCEDURES ln order to determine the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system, structure-to-soil potential measurements were performed at representative locations thrbughout the subject area. These measurements were collected after the cathodic protection system was energized. These measurements are then evaluated to determine if an adequate level of cathodic protection has been achieved. The two (2) most common criteria for cathodic protection as established by the NACE standard RP-02-85 "Recommended Practice - Controlof ExtemalConosion on Metallic Buried, Partially Buried, or Submerged Liquid Storage systems" are as follows: 1. A negative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85 volts as measured between the structure surface and a saturated copper/copper sulfate reference electrode containing the electrolyte. Determination of this voltage is to be made with the protective current applied. 2. A minimum negative (cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100 millivolts measured between the structure surface and a stable reference electrode contacting the electrolyte. This polarization voltage shift is to be determined by interrupting the protective current and measuring the polarization decay. When the cunent is initially intenupted, an immediate voltage shift will occur. The which to measure polarization decay. These potential measurements were obtained, utilizing a copper/copper sulfate reference electrode and a Fluke, ModelST Digital Multimeter. =4* ^^ July 12,2000 Mr. David Wilson State of Utah DEQ/DERR 168 North 1950 West Salt !ake, City, Utah 84114 RE: 7-Eleven #25030, 17 E. Main St., Delta, Utah Facility lD #2000138 Dear Mr. Wilson: Per your letter of June 26,2000, enclosed is the documentation requested for the above referenced site. Specifically they are: o Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR) Reports-Last 6 months you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. , Bob DeNinno Environmental Manager BD:rr Encl. -- ,.-,'1 I Et'tvrR0tu,nrruTAL I?ESPLNSE & REMEDIATI0N JUL I 7 eOm Enviro.mental Services Department I 10220 S. V. Greenburg Road I Suite 470 / Portland, Oregon 97223 Phone (503) 977-7713 / Fax (503) 245-3438 Michael 0. Leavitt Govcrmr Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Execulive Dircctor Kent P. Gray Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 16E North 1950 West P.O. Box 144t40 RS^ Saltlake City, Utah li/.ll44t/i0 - l-'F r ' -(801)536{lffiVoice 'VEn(801)359-t853Fax JUN"^ -(t0r)s36{4r4r'D'D' F^.-' '<82000 Envit Date June 26,2000 r1nmenbtserylbes TO: RE: 7-Eleven,lnc. Attn: Bob DeNinno, Environmental Manager IO22O S.W. GREENBURG RD. STE.47O Portland, OR97223 Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 7-Eleven #25030 ,17 8,. Main St., Delta, Utah; Facility I.D. #2000138. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. Please send the following information to complete a compliance review, performed on May 3,2000: Submit evidence that proper monthly release detection is performed on USTs #1.2. & 3 by submitting the last 6 months of Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) records or another valid form of release detection Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing by August 2512000. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson aJ (801) 536-4100.Dg FACILITY NAiTIE Station: 1852 - 25030 TANK LOCATION Addrass: 17 EAIiTMAIN ST DELTAUT 81624 Fhono: County: IVULLARI) TANK OWNER Namu ?-Eleveo, Iuc. Addregs: 27ll North llurkcll Ave- Dallas, TX 75204 Phono: (214)82&7805 County: JUN-3Z-2AAZ 15t22 THE SUUIHLHN! LUr<r.6lh Ot4 OIr i T.uc/ u-. Statistical Invrtory Reconciliation ('-R) Monthly Report 7-ELEVEN, INC. - lggg May,2000 Qurntitttivc Metbods: l. A lenk threshold. uialmum dotccteblc leak rctg eud culculatcd leok rotc rnust bo providod for cocb tnn&. Ifnot, tban the innk feiled tlrc SIR. tcst 2. If the celculatcd lcali rrtr for r teql( ir gcotcr thrn or equal to thc lerk thrcrbold, dre tauk frllcd the SIR i.ccL 3. If the uinimum dcte.cteblc hrk rnte for o tonk io greater tlrarr thc crrtificd pcrformancc stnndrrd (0, mb) ond thc celculnbd lcok rutc iu lesr 6au tbc lcak thrxlrold, Orc tcst is incouclu*ivp for tbet moa$. USTMAN Contact Jemes O*agu Signature (optional)Prlnted Date: 06/30/2000 SIR Provider:USTMAN Tcdrnologie* Ilc.Phone: (309 986{0fl SIR Verglon:952a ReportDatc 06n5n000 Pcrlod Covered:May,2000 Roqulred number of urablo lnv.niory dryc per lrlrlc 30 Quantitetlvr Mcrhod Thls Monrh Lmt Monih Two Monthr Ago Tcnk Number Tank Cont ntt Tank Crpecity Lork Throrhold Cdcuhbd Lerk Rato MDL Prss. Frll. lnconclurlvo Pasr, Fril. lnconcluslvc Pur. Fdl, lnconclurivo Gullonsr GIE GPH CPE PF!P F PFI I MUL ,0000 0.10 4.04 0.05 x x x 2 RUL 10000 0.r 0 0.00 0.07 x x x J ,PUL I0000 0.10 0.08 o.tz x x x FACILITY NAME Stnlon: 1E52 - 25030 TANK LOCATION Addrer:: 17DASTMAINST DELTA.UT 8162. Phonr: counry: MILLARD TANK OWNER Nrma: 7-Elcrre\ Inc. Add?ott: 27ll NorrtEsskdlAve. Phone: (214) S28-?805 Dalles, TX 75204 County: 4rt Ei- i;rt' Statistical Inrnrtory Reconciliation (fu.) Monthly Report 7-ELE\MN, INC. - 1899 April, 2000 Quuntitative Methods: 1. A leak thrcclrclrt minimum dctect ble leak rotg arrd calculated lce* r8tt aust be provided for crch talh If rrol tLto the tnnlc failcd Oc SIR, tert 2. If tlre cotculutod ioak retc for a tauk ls grcubr than or c4ral to thr lcak tbreshold, thc tnok failed ttre SIR tcst 3. If Oe rrrlrrtraum detcctrblc IcaI ratc for t tnnk is grettcr tharr the certfied perforrornce rtoodcrd (02 Sph) :rud thc sdcuhtcd leak rotc lc lci$ tbeu the lcok tlrrglrol4 the lrst is iucorrclurive for thot uonth. USTMAN Contact Janrer Oscuge Signature (optlonal)Printed Date: 06/30/2000 JUN-3a-ZAAZ 15t23 ine :uutr1LHN! uuKr. SIR Provlder:USTMAN Tuhaologieg Inc.Phone: (303) 986€0lr SIR Vorrion:95.2e RcportDlto: 05/15/2000 Porlod Coversd:April,2000 Roquitad number ofutrble invontory dty3 per t!hk:30 Quantitailvc Mottrod Thl3 Month Lest Month Two Mont{re Ago Trnk Nqmbcr Trnk ContenG Tank C!paclty Ls0k Thraghold Cllcuhiod Loek Rrte MDL Prcr, Fdl. lnconclugive Pers. Fdl, lnconclueivr Pace. Feil. lnconclusive GoU,otls GPII GPH GPtr P F I P F PFI I MII 10000 0.1U 0.00 0.06 x x x 2 ,l(ur.10000 0.t0 0.00 0,06 x x x 3 PUL I 0000 0.10 4,04 0.10 x x x TOTRL P.B3 ru,v-t3-zaaa 15:54 214 841 b'(c ( r .oz./ 0o 7-ELEVEN, INC. - lggg Marchr 2000 Quautitative Met[ods: l. A lerk tlrcslrolrl, mlnlmum dctect.blc lcrl( rrtc, rnd celcuhtcd lcek rete uust bc providcd for coch trnl. lf Dol, tbcu the tenk failed rbc SIR tqst. Z. If the calcuhtcd lcsk ratc for n tlnk is tratcr thrn or cqurl to tba lcrk ihrcshold, ttc teok feilcd the SIR test 3. ltthe minlmum dctccttblc lcoti rrlc for a tsnk ls grcatcr ttro tle ccrtificd performence ttand.rd (0.2 gph) rnd thc celculrtcd Icak rate is lass then tlre lcrl< tbrcshold, thc tcst le lnconclusive for tbat moatb, USTMAN Contact Jamer Oscnge Signaturdoptional)Date: 06/13/2000 .|3-AAAA 15:54 THE SoUTHLRND CoRP. 214 t14L o'r4r r.o1./00 n (slr) MonthryRdfJfr" FACILITY NAME Statlon: 1 852 - 25030 TANK LOCATION Address: ITEASTMAINST DELTA, UT t{67A Phone; Countlr: MIIJ.ARD TANK OWNER Name: 7.Elevca, Iuc, Address: 271 I Nonh Hsskcll Avc. Phone: C2t4) EZE-7E05 Dallu, TX 75204 GountY: SIR Providef:USTMAN lndustrlcs, lrc.Phone: p03)986-8011 SIR Version:95.24 Ropoil Oalo: 06/13/2000 Period Covered:Much,2000 Rcguired numbcr of usablc lnvenlory day6 por tank:30 Ouantltatlve Melhod This llonth Lasi Month T\ro Monthc Ago Tank Number Tank Contents Iank Capacity Lcrh Thresholtl Calculetcd LeEI Ret. UDL Pass, Fall, !nconclusive Pasa, Fail, lnconclusive Ptss, Fail, !nconclusive GALLON GPI{GP}I GPH PFI PFI PFI I MUL r0000 0.t -{t.0t 0.(D x x x Itt,t-r 0000 0.1 0.00 0.I6 x x x 3 PUL 10000 0.1 -0.Lr 0.06 x x x JUN-13-2AAA 15:54 THE SOUTHLRND CORP. 2L4 84L b-Ai r.lstYto Statistical Inr atoty Reconciliation (-rR) Monthly Report 7-ELE\{EN, rNC. - lggg February,2000 Quantltadve Methods: l. A' leak thrcshold, minimuu deiectrble telli rtte, and calculated lcrf rnte must bc provided for cach tenlc lt uoq thcn thc tank failed t[e SIR tett. 2. lf the calculotcd lcek nte for ! tsttk is E:cater t[r! or cgu.l to the lcak thrcslrotd, the trnk frilcd thc StR tst.3' [f the mlnlrnum detccttbls lcak ratc for a tlnk is greatcr thrn the ccrtlficd pcrfonnolcc strudar.d (0.2 gph) eod thc calculated leak ratc ls lcsr that the lcek 6rcshol4 thc tcst is ioconctusivc for urot roath. USTMAN Gontact Jemcs Orcaga Signature.(optional)Date: 0611312000 Adtlress; 17 EASTMATNST DELTT! UT 84624 Phone; Goun6r: MILII\RD TANK OWNER Nams: 7-Elcvca, tnc Address: 27ll Norrh Harkolt Ave- phone: El4) &lt-7t05 Dsllas, TX 75204 County: SIR Provlder:USTMAN Industrtcq Inc.phone: (303) 98e80ll SIR Vcrslon:95.2t ReportDate: o6ngn000 Perlod Covered:February, 2000 ln"e,ri.o*nnu"rofueabtei*ffi Quantitailve Method Thlc ilonth Last Monlh Two lllonurs Ago Tank Number Tank Contenls Tank Capaclly Leak Threshold Calculated Lod( Rate iroL Prss, Fall, lnconcluslve Pass, Feit, lnconclusive Pass, Fail. lnconclr.rsive GALLON GPH GPH GPH PFI P F !PFI I MUL 10000 0.r -0.07 0.09 x x x 2 RUL 10000 0.1 -0.01 0.06 x x x 3 I,UL r0000 0.1 -0.02 0.05 x x x JUN.13-2AAA 75:54 THE SOUTHLRND CORP. Statistical Inv.)to.y Reconciliation tJU Monthly Report 7-ELEVEN, rNC. - lggg Januaryr 2000 Qusntltstlvc Mctbods: l. A leek ttrcslrold, mlnlnum dctcctrblc lcek retc, end crlcubtcd leek nte must bc providc4 for eecl tatr|(. If noq thea ttc tuk failed thc SfR scsL 2, If the calculsted le3l( rrte for r unk is grcntcr thrn or cqual to ttrc tcrk thrcshold, tbc tank failed thc SIR tcst3' lf the mintnum dctccteble tcrk ntc lbr a tark is grc.ter tban tlrc ccrtificd pcrformroce standerd (0.2 gph) ead the crlculrrcd lctk rrtc is lers ttrea thc letk ttrcshol4 the tcst iJ iEcoDclusivc for thlt Eoath. USTMAI{ Contact James Osatge Slgnature, (optionat)Date: o6n3t200o 2L4 a4I o(;.tt r.aq/0o FACILITY NAME StBtion: 1852 - 25030 TANK LOCATION Addrcss: 17 EIIST MAIN ST DELTA, U',r tMU Phone: County: MILLARD TANK OWNER Name: 7-Elcvcl, Ioc. Addruas: 27ll North Enskcll Ave. phone: (2r4) E2E-7E05 Dallas,'fx 75204 County: SIR ProYider:USTIUAN Iudustries, Inc.Pionc: p03) 986-80II SlR Version:95.2t R.poiDare: 06fi3tr,;000 Perlod Govercd:January 2000 Requlrod number of ucable inventoqr daya par tank:30 Quantltatlye Method This Uonth Last illonlh Ttro tlonttr Ago Tank Number Tank Contcnts Tank CapadV Leak Threrhold calculato., Leak Rate MDL Pasc, Fali, lnconclusive Pass, Fell, lnconcluelve Pass. Fail. hcondu3ivr GALLON GPH GPH GPH PFI PFI PFI I MUL 10000 0.t {.08 0.Is x x x 2 Itut.10000 0.t .0.06 0.0s x x x 3 NUL t0000 0.1 -t.09 0.1t x x x Michael O. Leavitt Govcrna. Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Excsrlivc Director Kent P. Grav Diredr DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF EIWIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 16E North 1950 West P.O. Box 1,14840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4E40 (t01) 536-410 Voice (E0r) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. TO: RE: Date June 26,2000 7-Eleven,lnc. Attn: Bob DeNinno, Environmental Manager IO22O S.W. GREENBURG RD. STE.47O Portland, OR97223 Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 7-Eleven Y25030 ,17 E. Main St., Delta, Utah; Facility LD. #2000138. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. Please send the following information to complete a compliance review, performed on May 3,2(XX): Submit evidence that proper monthly release detection is performed on USTs #1.2. & 3 by submitting thelast6months of Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) records oranothervalidform of release detection Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing by August 2512000, If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 5364100. l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tank(s) ,- lll. Tank lnfofmation Complete lor each tank. lf lacility has more than 4 tanks, complete inlormation for additional tanks on separate form. Number ot tanks at facility: Current year tag is displayed Tank presently in use lf not in use, date last used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed Capacity of tank (in gallons) Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.) Material o, construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.) Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.) lV. Release Detection For Tanks lndicate the method(s) used for each tank. Complete the appropriato checktist for each method used. Emergency Generator tank (leak detection defened) Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form) V. Release Detection For Piping lndicate method(s) us€d and complete appropriate tank checktists where appticable. Method used (complete separate torm where applicable) Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model Date of last Leak Detector performance lesl Date of last Line Tightness Test Name and company of certified tester No leak detection required (must answer'yes. to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable lnspecto/s Signature: Present During Inspection:Signature of Owner or UTAH UST PROGRAM Release Detection I Faciljly lD No.. 2 aAA t aA n Checklist hf'*. { ( ^*Rq Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Orwner Revised Z4l99 (.- Spill, Overfill, UTAH UST and Corrosion PROGRAM Protection lnspection Facility lD No. J ooat g8 Checklist Please complete all information for each tank. Use additaonal forms as necessary if the lacility has more than 4 tanks. SPILUOVERF|LL PREVENTTON .,\ ; Tar Tah( 2'T t/Tank 4 ls the UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less? lt yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No ls lhere a spill containment device that will prevent release of product into the environment? lndicate type: Spill bucket <5 gal., Spill bucket >5 gal., Containmentsumpattankfill. - re! No @) No @No Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lndicate type : Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other - (specrrv) Yd, No @No WNo Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No CORROSION PROTECTION Tanl(L/Tanl Tanf 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode Tank<A Tank <A Tank <.a, Tank (SA), or Not prolected (NP).Piping Ar'*l Pipingt/n Piping ,YA PiDirc lndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing ioints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically prolected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) Sub-PumpA Sub-P!mpA Sub-Pump t4 Sub-Pump DispenserA Dispenserft\Dlspenser /A Dispensor Tank lining lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date Tank cathodic protection upgrades were performed: Piping cathodic protection CATHODIC PROTECflON TESTS Record results of the most recent cathodic protection test. R€cord the lourest readino lor each tard<loioirxrlflex sel. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).@No @No @No Yes No -k-raii. tester 7an)llaalnay o"rc?-?f-?t 1q, N',n"7L, &r'""*11g 44^*volls Pipinq. Tester Date ,r'+ vorrs i* votrs //* vorts volts Flex. Tester Date Sub-Pump lt/L votts Sub-Pump ,/1 vors Sub-Pump -t/l votrs Sub-Pump volts Dispsnser ,/" votrs Oispenser ,L vors ,,/L votis Disp€@r volls For impressed currenl system: The results of the last three equipmenl operalion checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No co ^"nt",*./-a.s* -fr-oo '/zcJq n^larq att s7 l<-- TouiQS;l-d;L**. ,^r^. lnspector's Siq6:^.>--.,4.Date: t- 5:;; Signature or O*n" Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldspillover.wpd 2/99 t UTAH UST PROGRAM Facitity tluo.3atu t hi Automatic Tank Gauging Manufacturer, name and model number of system: Please circle Yes or No for each question lor each tank I racllity has morc than 4 tanks, complete lnrormatton ror additionat tanks on separate form. v*@ u*@ ran@ Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.9,, owner's manual).6) No @No ffi) Ho Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and iank setuD reDort).@No @No @No Yes No System is maintained in accordance with manulacturer's instructions(records are available on site). @No @No @No Yes No The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf no, indicate tilt correction factor from tha tank cehrr.l renori @NoTilt: 4.-Ar @*,Tilt: t.4 @NoTilt: .t Yes No Titr: Device can measure the heioht of the oroduct to the nearest 1/8 of an inch fe No (@ No GA No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liouid levels over the full ranoe of the tank's internal heioht ,f,iU No it6 No GJ No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is eouiooed with roll of oaoer for results documentation)@No @No @No Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a 1valid leak test at least once a month lor the last 12 months ves@)v"" @ t"" @ Yes No lf no, lor which months was a valid test not performed? (specify months and year, ,"" * soace below if necessarv) d*ly tfl The tank was lilled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's eouiDmeni orotocol to ensure a valid leak test @*"@*o @*'Yes No The lank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's eouioment orotocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @No @*.Yes No Have any ol the leak test reports indicated a failed test? lf yes, specify in the space below the month. vear. and what follow-uo actions have been taken. t"" @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Documentation ol performance claims for the automatic leak test fealure is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95o/o or greater probability of detection and 5o/o or less orobabilitv of false alarm (3rd Darty certification). @No @- No @*o Yes No lndicate month(s) ot invalid or missing test:+-y* t T*lv clg t /Yaf, qa Ai 4r, I)a-e- 4iel t T"tt 2 ooo '^ At( . n*lr.-r u,ta, ,r/^r had Pa.<t;r^qf4 t? f l*z .*fig.,;Lu^ F.n qi , So -ooa ,o nl F--L . Atl a*ho* y'at& ,""r-r"r'tra"^,7 il) \ \ \--- l1w aatA aat a.--..\#or-.ahr nr,i h^ lncQianalrrra ^t nwh6t Oistribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 12\95 jg'EPA untted statos ^ Environry,Blllo!91!9l Asency i\ Washtngon. DC 204G0 Fonn ADorovec OMB No 205GOO68 Notification for Undergr ound Storage Tanks ,'tate Agency Name anc, Adctress: I STATE USE ONLY ro NUMBER: z_aq9JEK DATERECETvED: A/n/(Y DATE ENTEBED rNro coMpurEF: '6 I Lql@ En. r.rewFAcrLrw -/lEa. N're^roEo lI c. c.osrne DATA ENTRYCLERK INITIALS: UV--J Numberollant$€ attacll,ty _ Number ot continuaion sheeE athched OWNEH WAS COiITACTED TO CIIEIFY RESPONSES. COI{MENTS lllllIlltlIL'fr I Ptease VDe or Dnnt rn ink . AEo. be sur€ lrou have stgnat res n ink ror sectons I Vlll and Xl. Compl€t€ a noliicatbn brm toreach location oontaining I underground storage tslnks. It more than S tanl€ aI€ o^,ned at this t6caton, pt, I may phorocopy pages 3 rlrough 5 ancl use them icr actclfional tantG. I I The pnmary purpose ot this nolification progEm ls to locate and araluate underground storage tank systems (usrs) that stor€ or have stored petroteum or hrTardous substances. The inronnaton you pro\ride will be basect on reasonably avalable records, or in tne aoserre ol suctr reoords, your knowledge or recolloctofl . Federal law rcguircs UST ownsrs to ure this notftc'tion lorm ior all 9_1T: "tqf,lg regutatcd subsrances ttat arc brought lnto use aftcr May a, 1986,. or USTs in the grouncl as ol Mly E, l$6 tlral hwc rbr.d r.gubildaubalances at any tirne rincc January i, 1974. Tho intodmtion ?Egu.stcd ls rcquircd by Scc-tlon 90(l2l ot trc B.rource Conrcwation andRccowry Ac? (RCRA), Mnendcd. Wtr_o Must Notity ?Secton 9002 of RCRA, as arnencled. ieguires ownars ofusrs that store regulat€d substances (unl€ss exemBed) to nitry oesgnrateo Stale or local ag€ncies of the exrstence of their USTS. lu*ref is OennEO as: ' rn the case ol an UST in rce on November g, 19E4, or bought into us€ att€rtt3t da!e, any person who ori,ns an usT us€d br storagE. use, or dispensing of regulatec, subsitances; or . h the case ot an UST in use Detore Novemb€r g, 1g&4. but no longpr in use on that date, any person who owneEl tle UST immsdiat€fy Oetore G drsconinualton. Also, it the srate so reguires, any hcilrty that has made any changes to racillty informatron or UST sysrem status, muat submit a nolificat;n to# lontyamended inrormaton needs to b€ tndud€d). What USTS Are lncluded ?An UST system ts defined as any one or combrnation of tanks that (1) B used to contain an am.rmulaton ot regulatecl substances, and (2) whose volume_(including connect€d undergrounj piptng) is 1096 or more beneah the ground. Regulated-USTs gore petroleum or ' hazardous substances (see the tollowrng nVhat Substances Are Covercd). Wllttfmks Are Erclurtcd Frcm Notllication ?. Tari<s 'Bmored tom th€ grcund b€tol€ May 8, 1996:. FamorrBsi(lenlial bnks-of f.tOOgattonso'r,fess.aoacrtystonngmororfu€l lor noncommecal purposes;. TanlG stonng heatng otl tor rse on the premEes u,here stored:. Septic tantG:. tipelin€ taqlfies (indudtng gBthenng tines) regutated unO€rlhe Natural GasPipelin€ Satsv Act ol 19O9. orttE Hazardous Lrqurd ppetrne Saterv Act ot 1979, or wlricti ts an intrastate ptpetin€ tacif,ty regutated under SUile Ews;. sudace impounctments, plts, ponds, or lagoons:-. Sorm water or waste waler coilecton sysims:. Flow.hrough piocess tanlc; ' Ltqrd traps or assochled gEthenng hnes directy related lo oil or gas producton and gah€nng operations;. TanlG on or abo/e lhe n@r of underg]ouncl areas, such as bas€ments or lunnels;. Tanks wiih a capactty ot f 10 gEllons or l€ss. Whlt SuBtancrs Arc CotGGd ?The nolifcation requirBments apply b USTS containrng petroleum or certatn hazadous substances_ petoleum rnauiOes gEsoline, used oil, desel fuel. crude dl or any tiacton thereol wtrich rs liquid at stanclaEl conditions ortemperatrre ancl presiure (60 degrees Fahrcnhei and 14.7pounds p€r Soclbn 101 (14) and Liatflity Act ot reguebd as WhcreTo ifouy Whcn To Nodty ? operation after 2. Oumes rvho 1986. ch),sof bnngng tre UST amendndnts o raarnv, s"m- iiioffidffi ;ffi 'fi#yffiUifi] Pcrulllc : Arry ou,neru,ho lglowngly bils to ndty or strnils tsEe infornslrrn sftel_l be $/!i€ctb a cMr p€nerty mt 6 exce€d $ri,ooo tor each ErI( brwtriirnolificalixr is not grven orbru,hich hbe inbnnalion is g,\rEit. JUN I 4 2000 , Ornee ol USTs in use ortlat lrave been tEken bul slifl rn the gound. must Owner Name (Corporaton. hduidual, p\6I6 Agcflcy, or olhcr Entty) ;,.",^..,r* 7-Elevgn, lnc' Gasoline Acctg. P. O. Box711 Dallas, TX 25221-0711 Countv ,-, r*yl{y Slare, gve lh€ g€ographrc tocatpn o, USTS by d.9rt6, ,ilnucs..nds6conos. ErampE: l3mu(b 42 . 36, 12. N, Longtude g5 ; Zl,1t. W urtudo_ bfigihd._ Faolrty Nam€ or Company Srte ld€nther. es apptEabE-f -LutvrN + Lbc,Zo E It adlrcss rs the sarae as rn seco0n l. check the box and proc€cd ro s€cnon il.ll a(tlrass rs dillorsnt. enter aoldrass belouy: Str.er A(hrcss\nEf\sT MA\N ST "** M \ LLA,q_{-r Crty Surre Zp Cooe Phone Number (tnctude Arsa Code) EPA Fom 7l?rtl ,E.v @ I Era^.h^.^ cty -\),6LTn Slare rlT Zrp CoOet'{tsZl"{ 5ll.!op+53&t (Rrv. 9{8 ) Elecrronrc anct paper versrons acceptable.Frevrous edttrons may be used whtte supptl€s last Pagetd5 " Notification for Underground Storage Tanks T tr n Federal Govemmenl Sbte Go\r6mm€nt Local Gorgmm€nl USTs are located on hnd within an lndian R€s€n,alion oron trusl hncls outsire Ies€n,albn boumhies. USTs are oumect by a MWe nmencan naton or fibe. Tribe or Nation wfi€re USTS arc located: Gas Slation Petroleum Distribrnor Air Taxi (Ai,tine) Aircrall Oivner Aulo Dealership f n"i,ro"o D f"O"o,. lrlon-Military D reoerat- Military D ,no** E con**, I r..*,ngrrr€rnsport D uuN". I n"s*n,", I r"- {I Ir l Job Tite: Environmental Manager Acklress: 7-Eleven, lnc. 10220 SW Greeburg Rd #470 Portland, OR97223 Phone Number (lndLde Area Cde): Phone: (fi3) 972-TT1AFax: (503) 245-3438 Check All that Appty !J Selt lnsurance e,lfrCommeroal lnsurance I n,.x Ber€nton Gloup i i Local Gwemment Finanqal Test iJt have met the financial responsibility rBqJitements (h accordance with 40 CFH Su@ri H) by using the lolltrving mecfianisnrs: E o*-** E surety aono [11 Leter ot creoit I aoto Rating Test I staprunas E rru$runo [} OnerUetroO (descdbe hera) subrflllted .n S€c-tions I |hlulgh Xl o, this nofficalion bm and all br obtaining lhe int'cnnatton, I b€liaro lhet lhe $brflm€d htornalXxt I certtly und€r p€nalty o, hw lhal I h8w pqEonaly €xlrnirql and arn famalar udth fle attactred doorm€nE. and that bas€d m my iquiry ol ttGe in(llrld.l8ls immediaicly is true. a61rrale. and complgte. Name and olficral ti0€ ol owner or o ,n€fs authonzed represenlalive (Prinl) Bob DeNinno Environmental Manager nolilicatron lorm may b6 used whrle supghes last. \w^ \?EPA EPA Fonn 75OOl (R.v. 9€!) Eledronrc anc, paper verstons acceptaDte Prevrous edttaons may be usrc, while supplEs lasl. \, Uniled StaEs Environmental Protection Agency_ Washrngron, DC 20460 Fonn ApP[oveor OMB No.205GOO68 PaoE 2 ol 5 un[rd sl,.l.stnviron rrental Protestion Agency Washn$on, DC 2(x60 1 Form Aooroveo. OMB No 205&0068 Notification for Underground Storage Tanks TankrdentficationNumber lTankr,b.LiTankr,,b.4 | 1. St ius ol Tank (cfred( mV one) Curreflty h Use Tempoadty Ctosed permanentry Closed K D tr il tr D rttr D :r Z Dlbo,tnrttlltnon (monf4r€a4 /l?s{/ //?8/ I /0 lto 4. Mltcriel o, Constucuon (ch€ck ail that apply) Asphall Coated or Bare Sleel Caflodtcab, Protected St€€l coated and cafpdicatty promaed steet compo{rte (stteet ctad wih F,b€rghss) Fibergilass Reintorced plestic Linecl lnterior Euvalhn Liner Double WaI€d Pq/EfU€n€ Taril(Jad(et Cmctete Unlmouyn I Oher, ploase sp€crry here Check box it tank has wer b€on rBpaircd -V tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Y tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr "ra tr u tr tr tr D tr tr tr =J -i--1 J J :']Jr tr r-.J - -r - ! t: -'] T r'"r LJ 5. Piping Mercrilt (chGck !l! thlt eppty) BarB Steet Garvanized Steel Fibergtass R€in orEed plasirc Copper Carlodcafyplot€cfed Do!6aeWald Ssfary Contairnent tre/ tr tr tr tr tr tr D { tr tr tr D tr trV tr tr tr tr n DI tr tr tr tr tr tr I D ! D ! tr tr tr 6. Plping Type (Check ail that appfy) "Sate' Sudi)n (no tai,3 al trr{() lJ.S." Suclion (valve ai tsr{() presqrre Gra,ity Fe€d Check box il ppng has eirgr bs€n,Epemd tre/ tr tr n e/ tr T trV tr tr tr D tr tr ! tr tr tr D tr EPA Form 753G'1 (Fcv. $tS_) FParon,c ano paperwepns acceptDte.Preuous edtbons may oe useo'unrr srpries,ae-- '-PagE 3 ol 5 9EPA \z unrt€d Stales -\- Environmental Protection Agency oua N,o.zo-s+oilsa_ Weshrngnon. DC 2O't50 Notlfication for Underground Storage Tanks Tank ldentificaton Number Tank l.,lo. L l^ I fanr. rrr. 41 I---j ranx tro 5 Tank M Tank tvo 7. Substlncc Cuncnty Stor.d (or hst Gasdine storld in lm casc ol cbrcd tanks) Diesel ( Ch€ck all tlat appty) Gasohol K€rosene Heatng Ot Us€d Oil l:*::i""**::: HazaEbus Substance CEBCI-A narne ancyor CAS number s tr T n T K D tr tr D tr ,r: I :J #- rliJ rl i:-]J r-ii- - -.] i -I I/t { _-- I i { Mixture ol SubsterEes Pleass sp€cily here i-] i 8. Rdasc D$ction (check all rlat apply) | *uatrankgBugmg Tank tighhess testing Inwrtory Confol Autornatc tank gaugmg vapor monitonng Grounch/ater monnonng hterstilbl rnonito.ing Aulornalic line l€ak Cbteclols Lrn€ tighfrross tssling No release cbtec{bn r€qrit€d (sidt as sfli€ ty?€s ot suclion piptng, emergency gpnerebr tanas or fi€kl conshjcl€d tanl(s) Ofi€r methocl alow€d !y impl€rn€nlhg agerEy ($rcfr as SIB) Pbass sp€dfy oh€rmetlql hsre TANK tr, tr trd I I T tr { tr tr D D wd x P|PE TANK I HPEtrltrl "/trtrlntrlntrlel*lvtr1. ill TANK tr tr tril tr tr T t tr tr D T Dtil T PIPE TANK tr tr T tr i tr tr D T PIPE D tr D tr tr D tr urx I HPEtrlrltri!lntrlntrlnDln lnItrDln r lr\<lk }ITL 9. Spill and o'rcrflll Probctlon Oy3 lill d€\rics instaIed Spill d€rrice rrrstallecl tt/r-J { /.B/#D tr tr tr EPA Form 7silo-l (Rcv. 9€E) EEcrronlc and paper ve'stons acceptabte. Previor.rs €dilions rnay be us€d nhile s.ppbos l8st. Pagp4 ol5 Unned S|ates Environ mental Protection Agency Washrngton, DC 20460 Notification lor Underground Storage Tanks ranr ruo. - i rTr No. - I ranr rrn i ranx r.rc lr"nx ru" 1. Clrsun or Chengc ln Scrvicc Estmated date trle UST rrvas tast us€d brsbnng regtdaEd substDc€s ( monw@y/year) Ch€ck box it lhis is a change in s€Mce 2. Tank Closure Eslirnated date tank do6ed (npnwday4/6ar) (ch€ck alt fl8t apply b€t4r) Tank was rmorccl lrom ground Tank was dos€d in ground Tank flled with in€rt ]rlaterhl Describe the inert fill rnaterial hor€ J LJ ,l J L] SiE AgscssrEnt Check box ilthe site 2esessn€nt was completed Check box il errijenca o, a l€ak rvas det€cted IJ tr tr tr lnrtaltcr Ol Tank And piping Murt Ctrcck All Thet Apply: T T D trr D lnstaller ceriilted by tank and ptping manutactureE lnstaller certifiod or licensed by the tmplementtng egency lnslallatDn rnspeded by a rsgislocd ergllneer lnstallatEn inspeded and approved by mplenrennng agorrsy Manufacturer,s installalpn ch€cklBls lrave becn cornpbtad Trr ! x tr ! T I T T tr trr I tr T D tr tr tr tr T IAnother rnet rod elloir€d by State aoertvI so, paecae specrtf ncr6 Signalure ot UST tnstaler Certifyng proper tnsOlbton ol UST System EPA Form 753&1 (Rcv. $gS) Etectronrc anct paper veBons acce@UePreuous editions may b€ us€d *t t" wpptns nS Pagp 5 ol 5 OCT-22-1999 1?:39 ,ITHE SOUTHLRIID CORP. \ 2t4 A4t 6?4? P.O2/@2 7'Eleven SIR Stores Release lnvestigation and Confirmation Steps I t\Kt-u Facility lDl r-Eteven, lnc. Address Clty StateMarket #7-Eleven # Month EndinE Grade(s)Details1200232185123E42416 EAST 2604 NORTH NORTH OGDEN UT e/30/99 RUL PASSEO PT-I 9I2SI990'100186 1 851 25472 405 NORTH MAIN LOGAN UT s/30/99 RUL PASSED PTT 1O/2Ol9940010461 851 26591 11 EAST 17OO SOUTH SALT I-AKE CITY UT 9/30/99 RUL PASSED PTT 1011719940009s81 852 '16449 TOOO SOUTH 3720 EAST SALI LAKE CITY UT 9/30/99 RUL PASSED PTT 8/26/99e0001031 852 23471 25OO WEST 5OO NORTH MAESER9000103 UT st30le9 PUL PASSED PT-f 10t20t992347125OO WEST 5OO NORTH__MAESER UT 9/30/S9 RUL PASSED PTT 1Ol19/9S20001 38 1852 25030 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA UT s/30/99 MUL PASSED Pfr 1OI2OI99 10t2z9s IOTRL P.02 7.ELEVEN,]NC.Page 4 acT-22-t999 1?:38 THE SOUTHLRND CORP. \- Datc: Qctober 22. 1999 Phone (214>8?E-ss93 FAX TRANSMITTAL Number of Pages Including Covcr page: ! Fn<#: (214)84t-6747 Plrone #. (2 I 4)84 l -6 592 Sincerely, 7-Eleven, Inc. (formerly, The Southland Corporation) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTITIENT corporate officc Cityplace Center East 271I N. Haskell Ave., I)allas, Texas 7slo4Mairing Address: p.o. Box 71 1, Daflas. Texas 7522r-071 r \-, 21"4 A4t 6?47 P.AVAZ lrivlRCl,lt,:EI\lTl:_ t:. SE & :ilTCD:rLiiiL-.:-U To: POSITION ON CALL, Utah Departmenr of Environmentaleuality Division of Environmentar Response and Remediation. s"rt L;k;airr, u,*Fa.r #: (B0l)s36-440! or (801)35e_8853 ph"";r,-i;; \62a_4ozs Fronr: Ken Hiltiard, Environmental Manager 7-Eleven. lnc.. Dallas. Texas mT 22m Re: Details on statistio,rrJ rnvcntory Reconcitiation (,.srR',) Results for September 1999*+:F***r****r++* l'.'r r*!rit +++++*****ir,+,t++**,r* **rrt++**i..*i*,r+*+**,tr ***rr+t**,r!i!r!a.++**++** *Ath: POSITION ON CALL; 7-Eloven, lnc' utilizes Statistical Invcntory Reconciliation ("stR) as the release detection method at anumber of its locations. Recently' 7-Eleven, Inc' repofted suspected releases based upon slR data for the previous month to thisagency (Note: Not all of the sites listccl may be undcr this agency s iurisdiction.). 'lihe purposo of this fa.x is to iuform the agency as to the results of investigations and preoision tankl.esting (rvhere required). 7-Eleven, Inc' is using this reporting format in the interest of efficiency becausc of the number of sitesthat it operates. Should you have any qucstions, please fecl free to contact me. Attashment: InvestigationDetailsReport Cc Vattch: Cindy Davis, 169l ilon Radle. 1g97 peggie Betz. 0l4gJohn Graves, lg5 t Andy Garcia. lg52 citlplaccccnterEast/2TtlNonhlIaskgltAv*""rnar*'|ffiigi;r*r-MuirinsAddress:lrorTlt/Ddllas,.tx7s2?t.o7lt Facilitv lD # 7-Eleven, lnc. Address Citv State Glede Month End 9/30r99 Reeulte' MOnm Eno 6t31t99 Reeulta'Market# 7-Eleven # '1200232 1851 23842 416 EAST 26()4 NORTH NORTH OGDEN UT RUL F F 0100186 1851 25472 405 NORTH MAIN LOGAN UT RUL F F 0r001 87 1851 26577 1395 NORTH MAIN LOGAN UT RUL I F 0100187 1 851 26577 1395 NORTH MAIN LOGAN UT PUL F P 01001 87 1 851 26577 1395 NORTH MAIN LOGAN UT MUL I P 4001046 1851 26591 11 EAST 17OO SOUTH SALT I.AKE CIW UT RUL F P 4000990 1851 267-44 109 S.300 EAST SALT LAKE CIry UT PUL I P 4000E80 1 851 26794 i09 S.3OO EAST SALT I-AKE CIry UT MUL I P 4001 338 1851 27126 114 WEST 13OO SOUTH SALT I.AKE CITY UT RUL t P 4001444 1651 29514 309 EAST 4OO SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY UT MUL F P 4000998 1 852 16449 TOOO SOUTH 3720 EAST SALT LAKE CITY UT RUL F F 9000103 1852 23471 25OO WEST 5OO NORTH MAESER UT RUL F F 9000103 1852 23471 25OOWEST 5OO NORTH MAESER UT PUL F F 1000289 1852 23E5'l 1196 WEST CENTER OREM UT RUL P 4001 01 5 1852 23901 4664 S. REDWOOD RD TAYLORSVILLE UT RUL F P 2000138 1852 25030 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA UT MUL F F 4001042 1852 25424 2287 EAST 33OO SOUTH SALT ISKE CIry UT MUL F P 4001020 1 852 25948 8OO2 SOUTH STATE MIDVALE UT MUL F P ocT-13-1999 15:38 ^ THE SoUTHLR|..|D CORP.2t4 A4L 6?4? P.A2/42,\ 7-Eleven SIR Stores with Non-Paasing Result 1 0/1 3/99 Stores that heve a Repeat Failure will be followed up with an erplanation or Prccision Tank Test within 7 or 1O daye, unlece a Precision Tank Test has already been dono within the last 60 days. * F= Fail, I= lnconcluglve, P = Paaa TOTAL P.A2 ocT-13-1999 15:34 THE SOUTHLAND CORP.2!4 e4L 6747 P.@L/@? \, ENVIRO NMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTIVIENT Corporate Office Cityplace Center East 271.I N. Flaskell Ave., Dallas. Tcxas 75204 Mailing Addres:,': P.O. Box 711, Dallas, Teyas 7522ll.-0711 Phone (214)828-5593 F'AX TRANSMITTAL Date: Octo.b..ef'"L3..129.9 Number of Pages including Cover Page; 2 lb; POSITION ON CALL. Utah Department of Environmenral Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, Salt Lake City. Utah Fax#: (801)536-4401 or (801)359-8853 Phone #: (303\620-4029 From; Ken Hillirrd, Environmental Mauager 7-Eleven. Inc. (formerly. The Southland Corporation). Dallas. Texas Fax#: (214)841-6747 Phono #: 1219841-6592 Re; Reporting of Stetistical Iovcntoty Reconciliation ("SIR') Results for Scptember 1999+++++***'|. ***tl********rl *r{.*tl**i,r *****!t**!0***+*+*++++++++*+**'t**{.+'t rl*I**rt't+**+*++++++++ Attn:POSITION ON CALL: 7-Eleven. Inc. (formerly, The Soutfiland Corporation) utilizcs Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (*SIR") ss the roleasc dctcction method at a number of its locations. By way of this faxed infonrtatiott- 7-Eleven, Inc. intends to inform the agency that rhe sites listecl on the anachment are reportable suspected relenses bascd upon SIR data for the previous month. Not all of the sites listed may bc undcr this agcncy's jurisdiction. 7-Eleven, Inc. is using this reporting fonnat in the iuterest of tirne and number of sites that is operates. Wbere required, precision tank tightness tests 8re being cornpleted. Results rvill be submitted to the a8pncy whcn complete. 7-Eleven. Inc, is also anvestigating the accorrnring records and cquipment for_ possible problems. i i Ellvln,::... :,:ii. ._ ? .._ ._-, .:,^.1 Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerell,,$t r3ts7 Environmental Attachment: Cc dattch: Manager Suspected Release Listing CindyDavis. 1691 RonRadle, 1897 John Graves, l85l Andy Garcia, I 852 Peggie Ectz,0147 Citl'placc Centcr Eusl. / 271 I Nu(h H:rskell Avcnue I Dgllas, TX 75204A906. Mailiag Adrlress: Box 7l t / Dull1l.l, rx 7t221-O7l I 2L4tg2S-o7rt euc-31-1999 t7t2? .-. Tt-lE S0UTHLQND CORP. 7-Eleven SIR Stores Release lnvestigation 2L4 eAL 6747 p.QltZZ and Confirmation StePs 1157 CALIFORNIAAVE 199E N MAIN ST. NORTH OGOEN I UT [ 7t31199415 EAST 2804 NORTH ILF, 23s4f 487 S REDWOOD RD, SALT IAKE CI 2321 S. REDWOOD RD 2321 S REDWOOD RD WEST VALLEY CITY 01 001 88 01 001 E7 i t31t9gSALT LAKE CIT SALT I.AKE CITY T I.AKE CITYTOOO SOUTH 3720 EAST 222 WEST 3OO SOUTH 17 EAST MAIN ST Dotails PASSED PTT E23l99 PASSED PlA U?4199 PASSED PIT 7I7I9g PASSED PTT EN2I99 PTT 8/20199 REPORTED TO UDERR 8I21Ig9 PASSED PTT 826/9S PASSED PTT 8f26/9S Tt gru?s PASSED PTT 8/23l9S PASSED PTT 8X26/99 PTT 8/26/9s PASSED PTf EMJqI PASSED PTT 7 PTT 8/4/99 PASSED 8/31/9s rOTRL P.A2 7.ELEVEN,INC.Page 4 ^ 1.4 euG-31-1999 L7t2? v e,41 6?4? rHE SOUTHLAND CORP.2t4 P.4L 674? P.OL/Ozv Phone (214)82t-5593 FAX TRAT{SMITTAL Date: Ausust 31. 1999 Nuurber of Pages tncluding Cover Page: 2 t:tG : I rg!,3 To: POSITION ON CALL, Utatr Departnent of Environmentsl Quality Division of Environmental Response aud Rernediation, Salt Lake City,rUtah Fax#: (801)536-4401 or (801)359'8853 From: Ken Hilliard, Envirounental Manager 7-Eleven, lnc., Dallas, Texas Phone #: (303)62-0-+tt2- Fax#: (214\841-6747 Phone #: (214\841-5592 Re: Detcils on Statittical Ioveutor-r, Reconciliation (*SIR") Results for July 1999 ** 'r* * * 't *i++ t*rl.+ i.t+t ++t '|++t+:t**++++++*a+ai'lt*tt**|lt *t*t* tllttl*tt}tl.+* ++**+ *+***tlttlatatl'F|lttt Ann: POSITION ON CALL: 7-Eleven, Inc. utilizes Statistical Invcntory Reconciliation ("SIR") as the releasc dctsction method at a number of its locations. Recently, 7-Eleven, lnc. reported suspected releases based upon SIR data tbr the previous month to this agency (Note: Not all of thc sites Iisted may be uuder this agency's jurisdiction,). The purpose of this fui is to intbrm thc agency as to the results of investigations and precision tank tcsting (where required). 7-Eteven, lnc. is using this reporting format in ttre interest of efficiency beqruse of the numbcr of sitcs that it operates. Should you have any questious, please feel free to contact me. vironmental Manager Attaclunent: Investigation Details Report Cc w/attch: Cindy Davis, 169l Ron Radle, 1897 Peggie Beta 0147 -I Jolur Graves, I E5 I Andy Garcia, 1852 Cirypl1cc Cenrcr Ersr / 271 I Norttr Haskcll Avenuc i Dallas- TX 75204-2906 . MailinS Addrcss: Bcx 7l I / DuJlus, 'I X ?5221-O7l I zl4lt2t.07 t I bu-') ffiil, 7-Eleven, Ine. (formerly, The Southlsnd Corporation) ENITIRONMTNTAL STRVICES DEPARTIVITNT Corporate Olfice Cityplace Center East 271 1 N. Haskell Ave., Dalias, Texas 75204 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7l l, Dallas, Tcxas 75221'0'1ll PUG-18-1999 17:58 THE SOUTHL .,) CORP. 7-L ,en SIR Stores with ?14 B4t 6747 P.62/22 Non-Passing .asult 8/18/99 6130/99 Results'Mafiot# 7-Eleven # SALT I.AKE CITY1157 CALIFORNIA AVE SALT LAKE CITY491 EAST 33OO SOUTH NORTH OGDEN SALT LAKE CITY 1998 N. MAIN ST. 416 EAST 2604 NORTH SALT I.AKE CITY WESTVALLEY CIry WESTVALLEY CIry2321 S. REDWOOD RD .I395 NORTH MAIN SALT LAKE CITY780 SOUTH 9OO WEST TOOO SOUTH 37ZO EAST TOOO SOUTH 3720 EAST SALT I,AKE CITYTOOO SOUTH 3720 EAST SALT I.AKE CITY904 EAST 39OO SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY82OO SOUTH 48OO WEST 17 EAST MA]N ST 17 EAST MAIN ST Storee that are Repeat Faiture will be followed up with an explanation or Pr,ecision Tank Test within 7 or 10 days untess a Preclslon Tank Test har already been done within the last 60 days. ' I = lnconclusive, F = Fail TOTFL P.Az AUG-18-1999 1?:58 Date: August 18. 1999 214 841 674? rHE SOUTHLRND CORP. \-, Pcggie BeE,0t47 \-, Phone (214)8ZE-5593 FAX TRANSMITTAL 2t4 e.AL 674? P.8t/A2 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENTcorpora'le'iffi ,ft T#:;:?:;:E:I;;lL1,*:"fflll;:;r.n",1"*7s2a4 Number of Pages Including Cover page: / To: PosITroN oN .ALL, utarrr Department of Environmentar euarityDivision "f !::r---rienrar Response and Remediation. Salt Lake cit,., utahFo<#: (g0t)S36{40r or (t0i)359-8853 phone #:(303)Gl0_aoz9 From: Ken Hillicrd, Environmental Manager 7-Elcvcn, Inc' (formerry, The southrand corporation), Daras, TexasFax #: (Zt4)g4L-6747 phone #: (zt4)B4t-65g2 Re: Reportiug of statistical rnventoryx,econcitiation (*sut,) Results for Julv lg$)*'r l*'jt'.t*!r t' ** + * **+**'tt* *rtti*!r* tit!rrtr+*++*** ** **ri* ** *i++ *+**i*J* *-*i i * +ri*++*+.,,f **r*irAur: POSITION ON CALL: 7'Eleven' Inc- (formerly, -flre southland Corporation) utilizes statistical luventory Reconciliatiou("sIR") as the release dctcction method at a number of its locations_ By way of this faced informatiorr, 7-Eleven, Inc. intends to inform the agenc,/ that t5e sites ristcd on theattachment are reportabte suspected releases based upon Sf[Jata for the prerriess monttr. Not all of thosites listed may be under this- agency's jurisdictio'. 'z-Erc.,ei. Inc. is usi'g r.his reporting format i' theinterest of time and number of sites,i",i. op"r"i.r.' -'-'*"' ' Whcre required, precision tank tighUress tests arc being completed. Results rvill be submitted to the ;::1,"J-,Hil,iiTo'""' 7-Elevcn' Inc' is ulso inr".tila"tiil d. accounting records and equipmenr for Should you have any questions, please feel frce to coutact me. Attachment: SuspectedRclcaseListing Cc dattch: Cindy Davis, 169l Ron Radle, lg97 John Graves, lg5l Andy Garcia, lg52 cityplrcc ccntcr Easr / 271r North Ilaskelr Avcnuc / I)orrrs, TxTszo4-zgo6. Mairing A<Jdrcss 2t4tE2E-07tt Sincere llor 7f I i Drllrs. TX75l2l-O1tl -Eleven SIR Stores with Non-Pesarng TNRCC Feclllhr lD f 7-Elevan. lnc- Addre.s Stal€ MOntn Ending Rosult Grade Ropoat FailureMarket #7-Eleven|} 4000s89 1851 12932 1157 CALIFORNIA AVE SALT LAKE CITY U''I 6/30'89 RUL 4001022 t85l 211X2 5519 tvl/EST 3500 SOUTH WEST VALLEY CITY ul'5r30/99 F RUL 3000183 1 851 22099 SOOWEST I515SOUTH WOODS CROSS U'I 6/3o/g9 F PUL 4001023 1 851 ?2796 1353 INOIANA AVE SALT IJKE CITY UT 6130/99 F RUL 12AO2ZS 1 851 22E(J1 35EO S. WASHING'TON BLVO.OGOEN ul'6/30/99 F RUL 0100185 1 851 23291 10 S. MAIN ST SMITHFIELD u1'0/30,99 F RUL 3000185 I 851 23550 1998 N. MAIN ST.I.AYTON u1'6/30/99 F RUL 1 200231 1 851 2357e 2041 WEST 5600 SOUTH ROY u't'8/30/gs F RUL 1200232 1851 23842 416 EAST 2604 NORTH NORTH OGDEN u1'5/30/99 RUL 4001 026 1 851 24573 960W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY ul'6/30/99 F RUL 4001027 1 851 251 16 2321 S, REDWOOD RD WEST VALLEY CITY ul'6/30/99 F MUL .oo1027 1 g5l 251 15 2321 S. REOWOOO RD WEST VALLEY CITY U:6/30/99 F RUL 0100186 1851 25472 405 NORTH MAIN LOGAN UT 6'30/89 F RUL 4001028 1851 25587 1690 SOUTH 900WEST SALT I-AKE CITY ul'5/:t0/99 F RUL 3000186 1851 26103 1771 NORTH MAIN SUNSET u'i-6130/s9 F RUL I 3000186 1851 26103 1771 NORTH MAIN SUNSET ul'6/30 '9 F MUL 0100167 1851 2e577 1395 NORTH MAIN LOGAN u'-6130/99 RUL 4001423 1851 27075 780 SOUTH 9OO WEST SALT LAKE CITY u''l'6130199 F RUL 4001423 1651 27475 780 SOUTH 9OO WEST SALT I-AKE CITY u1'6/30/99 F MUL 40014,04 1951 29514 309 EAST 4OO SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY U;6/30/99 F RUL t 4001444 1 851 29514 309 EAST 4OO SOUTH SALT IJ\KE CITY U-:6/30/98 F MUL r 4001444 1 851 2951.1 308 EAST 4OO SOUTH SALT TJCKE CITY u-.-6/30/99 F PUL i 4000998 1 852 154ttg TOOO SOUTH 37ZO EAST SALT IJKE CITY U':6/30/99 F RUL 4000998 r852 16449 TOOO SOUTH 3720 EAST SALT I-AKE CITY U"6/30/99 F MUL 4001034 r 852 22811 6398 S, HIGHLAND SALT I-AKE CITY U"6/30/99 F RUL 4001 034 1 8S2 22811 6398 S. H|GHIIND SALT I,AKE CITY U?6r30rs9 t-MUL 90001 03 1852 23471 25OO WEST 5OO NORTH MAESER ur 6/30/99 F RUL 400t013 1 852 237a6 SO15 SOUTH 7OO EAST SANDY U':6/3ty99 F RUL 9000105 1852 238X2 1OO N VERNAL AVE VERNAL u-l 6130/99 F RUL 4000987 't852 2384,4,82OO SOUTH 48OO WEST SALT LAKE CITY u-i 6/30/99 F PUL 4001014 1852 2384E 7800 souTH 1320WEST WEST JORDAN U';6,30/99 F RUL 1 000289 1 852 23E51 1 196 WEST CENTER OREM u-i 660/99 F RUL 1 000291 1852 24299 222WEST 3OO SOUTH PROVO u'r 6130199 F RUL 9000106 1852 24443 2500 s Ht/rY 40 NAPLES UT 5R0,99 F MUL 90001 06 1 852 24443 2500 s FlwY 40 NAPLES u'r 5/30/99 F RUL 20001 38 1e52 25030 17 EAST MAIN ST DELTA u'r 6/30/99 F RUL I 2000138 1 852 25030 17 EAST MAIN ST OELTA u'r 5/30/99 F MUL 4001040 r 852 25534 1851 E MURRAY.HOLLADAY RD SALT LAKE CITY UT 6/30/99 F PUL i 4001063 1 852 25760 895 EAST 4500 SOUTH SALT I-AKE CIW UT €/30/99 F RUL 4001 018 1652 ?5791 41 10 SOUTH REDWOOD ROAD TAYLORSVILLE UT €/30/99 i-RUL IHE SOUTHLAND CORP. . Stores that rre Repoat Failurc will be followed up wath rn expl.natlon or Preclslon Tanli Test within 7 or l0 days unlers a Precigion Tank Test has already been donr wlthln the lact E0 daye. 214 E41 6i4??.42/z? 7 !28tgg TOTAL P.A2 rUL-28-1?99 1.1:57 :14 841 5?4? THE SEUTHLEND CORP.2t4 84t 5747 P.At/22 \-\-/ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Corporate Oftice Cityaiace Center East 2711 N. Haskell Ave., Dallas, 'lcxas i5204 Mailing Addrcss: P.O. Box 7l '1. Dallas, Texas 75721-tl71l Pltone (214)t2t-5593 FAX TRANSMTTTAL Date: .Iulv 28. 1999 Number of Pages Iucluding Cover Page: ! To: POSITION ON CALL, Utah Depanment of Environmental Qualirl' Division of EnvironmcntalRcsponse and Remediotion, Salt Lake Ci5', IJ16y1 Fax iI: (80t)535-4401 or (801)359-t853 From: Keu Hilliard. Environmental Manager Phone #: (303)620-a029 7-Eleven, inc. (formerly, Thc Southland Corporation), Dallas, Texas Fax #: (214)841-6147 Phone #: (214)8al -6592 Re: Reporting of Stetisticel Inveutory Recouciliation ("SIR") Results for Junc 1999 rt**t'a*ri+t**r:}:|*+tt*++++***f+art++*a*|l*rl**tt+**+*+{.++++++***+**i*+++*t++******+*+++*'t' Attn: POSITION ON CALL; 7-Eleven. Inc. (formerly. The Southland Corporation) utilizes Statistica[ lnventory Reconciliation ("SlR-) ss the release detection method at a number of its locations. By rvay of this fored information, 7-Eleven.Inc. intends to inform lhe agency that the sites listed on the attachment are reportable suspected releases based upon SIR data for the previous month. Not all of the sites listed may be under this agency's jurisdictiou. 7-Elevett, lnc. is usirtg this reporting fbrmat in the intercst of time and number of sites that is oPerates. Where required, precision tank tighrress tests are being completed. Results rvill be subntitted to the agency when complete. 7-Eleven, Inc. is also investigating the accounting records and equipment for possible problems. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Attachment: SuspectedReleaseListing Cc w/anch: Cindy Dovis, 169l Ron Radle, lt97 John Graves. l85l Andy Carcia, 1852 Peggie Betz 0147 Crrvntrcc Ccntcr ELlt / l7l I North Hogkcll Avcnue I Dultus, 1'X 75204-2906 . Mailing Addrccq: B,rx 7l I / Dsllsr, TX 75221 -071 I 2r41828-071 r a .orlilio* CORPORATION January 28,1999 Mr. David Wilson StAtE Of UtAh DERR 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake city, uT 84114 RE: 7-Eleven #25030,17 East Main St., Nephi, UT Facility ID#2000138 Dear Mr. Wilson: Per the memo dated December 30, 1998, Southland is submitting the required documentation. Specifi cally, attached please find: | . Inventory Reconciliation Reports for all three tanks for the period January, 1998 through 6 k L . t;.tJ:l# forthe period September, 1998 through December, lee8 (s.I.R. was initiated (a.p- I as a leak detection method beginning September, 1998) , L . Copy of most recent tank and line precision tightness tests results dated I l/18/98 /(rr -)' --,A.t L/.VF ' Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Department 10220 S.\7. Greenburg Road, Suite 470. Portland, Oregon 97223 Phone (503) 977-7713 Fax (503) 245-3438 Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation Environmental Services DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box lzl4840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 l4-4840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414T.D.D. Michael O. lravitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. ExeutiVc Dimor Kent P. Gray Dirtor TO: RE: Date December 30, 1998 The Southland Corp. ATTN: BOB DENINNO PO BOX 7ll Dallas, Texas 7 5221-07 ll Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 7-ELEVEN 1E52.25030,17 E.Main St., Nephi,, Utah; Facility LD. #2000138 The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on November 25r 1998, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit evidence that proper Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is performed on USTs #1.2. 3 by documenting valid SIR test results for January through December 1998. Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by March 21 1999. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 5364100. UTAH UST PROGRAM Facility lD No. 2 - oa. r38 Release Detection lnspection Checklist 11. l,ooation of T,mk(e){,l. Ownership of Tank{s) Owner Name-f A. Sou*L- lo-J Co - r> Address' -- -iltt N Hqsk e tl Aue- City - Stale Zip Code lJcl(a s fr TSzz t At UST Location Phone # Facility Name -- +'f letle""r City ^ State Zip Code'T't+^ trT TVGz'| Countv,Mi Certiticate of Compliance on site?No Certificate Year: ald lll. Tank lnformation comptere tor each bnk lt,facltliy ias morG ftan .l hnks, compleb lnlormatlon for Eddttlond..tanlra on ggp.araiQ Q*n1r Number of tanks at lacility: ll not in use, date lasl used lf not in use, depth of producl in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed Material of construclion of tank (steel, FRP, etc.) Material of conslruclion of piping (sleel, FRP, lV. HeleaSe DetACtiOn For Tankg . hdlcate ms6od(r) ured for eaoh tank CsnpF-,F.ltp.,gpproEfate q!!ecklbtror:?99-h .tt!€d. Generator tank (leak detection deferred) lnventory Control/Tank Tightness Testing Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR) Other approved method (indicate name of V. Relea.e Detection'For Piping Compleb,gpng:chacKbtinc,oppielrf$tanr.cnsaHl*{*)lorcach me6od uflf*t Other approved method (indicate name of method) certifythatl inspectedtheabove-namedfacility on il otl zi 79 I ()P of Owner or Owner's Representative Present Distribution: White-OERR, Yellow-lnspstor, I ] UTAH UST PROGRAM Ove.rfill. and Csrrosion Protection lns Facility lO f.lr ion:GheclrliotI Ploase complete all lntormatlon for sach tank. Ue€ addiffonal torms as neoossary ll lhe faclllty ha* more than 4 taoks. SPILUOVERFILL PREVENTISN \Tank 1 l-ank 2 Ilrnk 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers ol 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes @ ves @ Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? (G) No No @No Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? If yes, indicate the type of device: Ball float (in vent line)..Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Sef No qg No \YeO No Yes No For overrill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? i/*Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No CORROSION PROTECTION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrilicial Anode t""* sA Tank 5A TankSA Tank (SA), or Not protected (NP).eioins il/A Pipins N pl Pipins N ful Pbins lndicate the type ol corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) sLb-Purp6 sLuPume B s's-Pump R 5r-6-Punp DisBsr B o***J3 O*", B OispoNq lf the UST is not protected, was the tank/piping installed before May 7, 1985? ll yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder ol this section. Yes rd No Yes r"* No Yes r"* No Yes r"nk No Yes Prdry No Yes PiPE No Yes Prd@ No Yes PrdE No The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within 6 months ol installation and every 3 years thereafter).No No @No Yes No Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. Tank Piping Flex Name o{ lester Test 9gs'4JG ?e s 7S,y qqs tlK volts nl ,+ volts ^1 4votts ill volts volts rf/ rt volts . voltsilk Al * volts volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)7r"" No 2- Yes No 7r"" No Yes No It the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. Nu,ut L<r s Do A/ot 5.., Co".. "{ f, - f ]t"J i s t)/ -./ [Jr^ r r.r^.^1,) Comments: rnsoector'ssionature:' At^'! p Cl,J)rk nala.Alo,t z< t< lt,> UPGRADE NOTIFICATION (Complete only for pre-1988 Tanks) , D;a n< Ki nq understandthatthefollowingmarkeditemsmustbecompletedby odil.*e) ) December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements:tr Spill prevention for tank(s)# ! Overfill prevention for tank(s)#tr Corrosion protection for tank(s) # o Corrosion protection for piping/flex assoc. with tank(s) # 7'r ,_ * (facility meets 199g upgrade requirements. siqnature of owner or owne/s ReDresentative Present Durino tnsoection: l//, -r--!tX'' "^ Distribution: White-DEBR, Yellow-lnspector,Revised 5/98 Automatic Flow Reetrictor (if yee, indicde model in commonts soctionl Automstic Shut-oft Device (if yes, indicste model in commentE sectionl I Continuous Alarm Sygtem (if yee, indicate model in commonts Records of last Line Leak Dstoctor performance tsst are available on-site Dato of last Line Leak Dotector porformsnce teEt Rosult of last Line Loak Dotector Records of last Line Tiqhtn€sg Test are available on'site Dat6 of last Lino Tightnoss TeBt Reruh of last Line Tiqhtness Test id S't'.:n6" rs <,(Utah Tester Certification Number: UT gZ (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklietl Groundwator Monitorins (if ves. use Groundwater Monitoring lnterstitial Monitorins (if yes, use lntorstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnventory Reconciliation ISIRI (if yos, ueo SIR chocklist) Other approvod method (if yes, use other mothod checklistl Records of last Line Tiqhtness Tost aro available on-site Date of last Line Tiohtness Test Result of last Line Tightness Test Groundwater Monitorins (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklistl lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lntorstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnventory Reconciliation ISIRI (if yos, u6o SIR checklistl Othor aDDroved method (if yes, use 6th€r mothod checklistl Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE. use commonts section below to document how it is verifiable. Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During co ^"nt", fi,al- t--. -.- 7=l-) I rt 1?" Pr* r{,lo* ;^ olt ln) 7A< Distiibution: White-DERR, Ysllow-lnsp€ctor, Plnk-F UTAH UST PROGRAM Automatic Tank Gauoino Faclllty lD No. Manulacturer, name and modet number ot system: TZDEL Er{,tS SSOO Please circle Yes or No for each question for each tank I lacillty has morc than 4 tanks, complete inlormation for additional tanks on separate lorm. 3 /ffi f-i( Tank 2 (hi Tank 4 Device documeniation is available on.site (e.o.. owner's manual).d--"o (G No eA No Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and tank setuD reDort). @No GNo GNo Yes No System is maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions(records are available on site). @No @"o @No Yes No The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf no, indicate tilt correction factor rrom the tank setup report.@Nolilt:'?,oT GNoTilt: i.q GNo Tilt:, . Lv Yes No Titt: Device can measure the heiqht o, the product to the nearest 1/8 ol an inch @No 6) Ho .6 No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the full ranoe of the tank's internal heioht (@ No Gsl No ANo Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll of paper for results documentation)@No @ro DNo Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a valid leak test at least once a month ror the last 12 months ves (fr}ves @ Yes @ Yes No lf no, for which months was a valid test nol performed? (specify months and year, use space below if necessary) Seo. I " /oqJ The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manulacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @No eNo Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak lest @*o @No GNo Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test? It yes, specify in the space below the month, year, and what follow-up actions have been taken. Yes (fltl-Yes 661 Yes G Yes No Documentation of perlormance claims for the automatic leak test feature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph wilh 95"/o or greater probability ol detection and 5% or less probabilitv ol false alarm (3rd Dartv certification). Sro @*o (teJ ruo Yes No lndicate month(s) of invalid or missing test:e..Le lo <,.1 - lndicate month(s) of any lailed test: Comments: -H,,t< o?.:.'a7 -T<={.. in .lor., F"6JJ/y o,>.?. Tt,oT,,tLt Lvlo lnspector's Signature: Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner Revised 12\95 Mr. William Moore Utah - DERR November 10, 1998 Page 2 The Southland Corporation S.I.R. Reporting Stores November {0, {998 7-Eleven Store #Address Catv 1851-12932qatnqq 1 157 Califomia Ave Salt Lake Citv 1 851 -19587 ?oanza 341'North Main Tooele 1851-22707?ooor<l 180 North Main Kaysville 1851-23099r{rr roes 21A2 S. State Street South Salt Lake 1851-23578tzqrzg r 2041 West 5600 South Rov '1851-25117utastozq 287 West 3300 South Salt Lake Citv 1851-25472otcn$6 405 North Main Logan 1851-26352t2-cgzzs 1900 West 6000 South Rov 1851-2669oqmne<4100 South 6400 West West Vallev Citv 1851-26718rr<r:ro.r t 2703 South 8400 West Magna 1851-26794qqnqqo 109'South 300 East Salt Lake City 1851-26999urrra,a q 175'East 800 South Salt Lake City '1851 -29512ua't-u >3634 West 3500 South West Vallev Citv 1852-16%5qoorq tq 10600 South 700 East Sandy 1852-22232uuttozz 5585 South 900 East Murray '1852-229334se q-"12288 South 700 East Draper 1852-22965urnrc to 3180 West 5400 South West Valley Citv 4852-2338Vt,<qt,n<z 5900 S. State Street Murray'1852-23746r"rpro r 3 9015 South 700 East Sq!dv'1852-23851laoozBe 12OO West Center Orem 1852-24633rooozq3 794 North State Street Orem 1852-24855ttxozqu 1620 North State Street Orem 1852-25O3Ozatz..t 17 East Main Street Delta 1852-25948ttootozo 8m2 South State Midvale 1852-26357rta,tozr 47OO South 4000 West West Vallev Citv 1852-27O28,.loro<o 6A32 South 900 East Murray !,\-. THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION November 10, 1998 Mr. William Moore State of Utah DERR 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: Change in Leak Detection Method Dear Mr. Moore: Effective with this memo, Southland is changing the method of leak detection at the attached referenced sites to Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR). Simmons Corporation is the vendor that Southland uses. A new tab will be placed in the Red Compliance Manual at the site indicating this change. Please call should you have any questions. DeNinno Environmental Manager Gary Altman Peggie Betz Andy Garcia Andy Poku Environmental Services Department 10220 S.\V. Creenbttrs Road. Suite 470, Portland, Oregon 97223 Phone t50.1) 977-:713 Fax (503) 245-3438 tq *E rt j'+ :I" T :i i .%trft ?", i:"o4* is r'ii"r\ i}.e,l h-# q,tu;*r,\w ".".! L :i""i +"#LEA DEPARTMENT OF E}.IVIRONME}.ITAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 Wast P.O. Box 144840 Salt kte City, Utah 84ll.l-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voicc (801) 359{E53 Fax (E0l) 536-4414 T.D.D. Michael O. Lcaviu Govcmor Diaone R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exccutivc Dirccrc Kcnt P. Gray Diffi RE: TO: Date December 12,1997 Southland Corp. Atfir: Bob Deninno 19033 W. Valley H*y., #D-104 Kent, WA 98032 Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 7-Eleven, 17 E. Main, Delta, Utah; Facility I.D. f200013E. The Utatr Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on Decrmber 3rlgyl, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Do OI\IE of the following: 1. Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control is performed on USTs #12. & 3 by: a. Documenting that the liquid volume in each UST is measured, each operating day, to within one- eighth inch, including measurement before and aftcr each delivery, and reconciled to daily withdrawals. b. Documenting that inventory records are reconciled monthly to detcrurine the total overage.or shortage for each UST, and the variance is compared to the allowable of 130 gallons plus one percent of the UST's monthly throughpul e. Documenting that the water in eaci UST is measured to within one-eighth inch, at least once per month, and the water mealiurements (converted to gallons) are used to cor:rect the monthly inventory reconciliations. Submit evidence that proper Automatic Tank Gaugng (ATG) is perfomed on USTs #1.2. & 3 by: a. Documenting that the ATG systcm performs and records a leak test at least once a month. b. Documenting that the tqnk is fiIIed [s ths minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid tcst. Or , Page2 Send leak detection records for USTs 1, 2, & 3 for tlu l*s 6 months. please rch5n a copy of this s@ memo with the above items to s@ processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by February l2r19ltt. If it is not reccived by the date specifred, we will commence the revocation prccess of your Cefficate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please cotrtact Drvtd Wilson at (801) 5364100. Phone Numbsr Contast Peroon At UST Location Phone # Addrese'---'-iz,t N. *.^.Lll Aa.Street Addrcsa 17 € te?qi.ai* ( it , tl\ ,!iitllr*- County ll Certificsto of Compliance on oite?Expirrtion drto: that I have inspected the above-named facility on I /Z,a_ 1 1 A17 i 1., o o Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector. Automstic Flow Restrictor (it ves, indicate modol in commonts seciionl Automatic Shut-off Device (if y6s, indiceto modol in commonta sectionl ) Continuous Alarm System lif yes, indicate model in commonts rection) Records of last Lin€ Leak Detector performance t6st lre availabls on-sito Dato of last Line Loak Dotector performance test Resuh of last Line Leak Deteclor Records of last Lins Tightness Tost aro available on-site Date of last Line Tightness Test Reeult of laet Line Tightness Teet Name and comoanv of certifiod te6ter: / l- . , .'z -Tlta L *toc ru Utah Tester Certification Number: UT Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundweter Monitoring checklistl lntorsthisl Monhorins (if ves, use lntorstitial Monitorins checklietl Statistical lnventory Reconciliation tslRl laf yes, u8e SIR checklietl Other approved method (if yes, use othor method checklistl Records of last Lino Tightness Test are available on-eite Date of last Line Tiohtness Test Result of last Line Tiohtnoss Test (if yes, use Vapor Monitorins checklistl Groundwater Monitorins (if yes, use Groundwator Monitorins checklist) lntorstitial Monitorins (if yes, use lnterstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnventory Reconciliation ISIRI (if yos, us6 SIR checklistl Other aDproved method (if yes, use bther method checklistl Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction is releesed Has only Ol{E check valve, located directly under All above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, use comments soction below to document how it is verifiable. Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During /t.k )-l<rk.s rZn+s-.^t/= Di3tribution: Whito-DERR, Yellow-ln:poctor, UTAH UST PROGRAM FacilitytDNo.2-"goo rJF Automatic Tank Gauging Manufacturer, name and model number ol system: Z -{.c- i Fl,r s Sfop Please circle Yes or No for each question for each tank I bcility has mo]e than 4 tanks, complete intormation for additional tanks on separate torm, Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-sile (e.o.. owner's manual).Yes /(D Yes rfJ Yes ffi')Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly installed and calibrated (system and tank setup report).@No e9 No @No Yes No System is maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions(records are available on site).d,o @*o @No Yes No The probe is located at the center of the tank. ll no, indicate tilt correction factor lrom the tank setup report.#n @*ollllr I a ,1 (YE) ruoYr o.ua Yes No Titr: Device can measure the heiqht of the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch 6) ruo Gl tto 6) ruo Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the lull ranoe of the tank's internal heioht *zD xo SA No deb No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll ol paper lor results documentation)@*o G9 ro @to Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a valid leak test at least once a month for the last 12 months 9-tt L Yes No tlan- Yes No Yes No Yes No lf no, for which months was a valid test not perlormed? (specify months and year, use space below if necessarv) *- A-l-- The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test 9.e<- Lt{.o-t.Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test j31^No @No @uo Yes No Have any ol the leak test reports indicated a lailed test? ll yes, specify in the space below the month, year, and what follow-up actions have been taken. Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Documentation of performance claims ,or the automatic leak test feature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95% or greater probability ol detection and 5/" or less probabilitv of false alarm (3rd Dartv certification). Yes d,Yes @97 Yes @ Yes No lndicate month(s) of invalid or missing test: . S-a L_io__ tnaicatemonth(s)of anyfaitedtest: A)p C.. l_-0 J<.1 n.I-J lnspector's Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative present During lnspection: ur.Iao) r *.-^k a^J z rz^,r-J +..{.i h*i( 4:. .A- ? ^Jz i), L.j-, ,fi.*.-r 4-r,5tb Distribution: White-DEBB, Yettow-lnspector, pink-Facitity/Owner Revised 12\95 , - urAH us.F.mftoGnaM, Overfill. and Gorrpsion Protection ln Faciliry tbm; Checklist Flc#o conpbb,dl,tnfornaton for qf,gh rank tlsc adtlftbnal lormt al n6c€$Slly f [!a,,-liil[ty has r.ner€ than /t taill€. SPILUOVERFILL .PREVENIr,ION Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by lransfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is nol required.Yes @ ves CNE)Yes @ Yes No ls lhere a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment?No No @No Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the type of device: B-g!j9C!i!.Ic!tliDe), Automatic shutoff (in fiil pipe), Alarm, or Other (specifu) &9 No 4:P No No Yes No For overllll alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm 6nly: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when lhe alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Y* No s E:Il9F.Lg , rH(}TECT|QN Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 lndicate the type of corrosion prolection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (tC), Sacrificial Anode TokSA T&k5'4 Tek5t+ Tek I (SA), or Not protected (NP).PpingA,lr . Piping AJ I,-I PipilgNn ,n9 lndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing ioints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in conlact with soil or water Sub-Pump A. Sub-Punp B."*;i:'Su Pump (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metaflic (NM) and Not protecled (NP) Oispoort-Dr*snsr /. Dispener /.Oi! lf the UST is not protected, was lhe tank/piping installed before May 7, '1985? lf yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder of this section. Yes r"nk No Yes Tank No Ygs r"nk No Yes ,nk NO Yes PiPing No Yes Pirns No Yes Pipns No Yes ,,ns No The resulls of the lasi two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years lhereafter).@) No Yes No Results of the most recenl cathodic protection test. Nameof tester: ci;^l. tb[*-sf Corft-z (or?,*")3nk ' T-n co'rzo"-ktl- Pi,ing Test oate: Lt- Z f- 5 f Ftex - - volts4-t4 o {.2 ^volts q.J-w'oll'volts ,7* volts volls1A y'lA volts volls Nl,* volts , , voltst)la N ) Aott'volls For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No YeS No Yes No It the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the relrofil was completed. Commenls: Z-y'-r'.,.* tt'-,ttu. /acoVe4t, lnspector's Signature: + -?- C) -J --Dare: {)-. I tiqa U PGRADE NOTIFIC{TlQi.|-](QsCIplele only f or p re-l 988 Tan ks) I K fi<4 L€ 3)td,*4 understand that the foilowing marked items must be compteled by (p.inl name) December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements:tr Spill prevenlion for tank(s)# tr Overtill prevention for tank(s)#tr Corrosion protection for tank(s) # E Corrosion protection for piping/flex assoc. with tank(s) # r d.Facility meets .1998 upgrade requirements. signature of owner or owner's Representative present Durtnq tnsDection: tACXt L(@*^.?1l Distribution: Whils-DERR, Yellow-lnspector,Rovissd 08/08/97 - EPA UST-DMS, Release 2.6, Facillty Screen 1 (T-L/6) Utah, Division of Environmantal Response & Remediation 01 Facility ID [2-000138] oz EPA ID lUTT9822s4989l03 Date Received [12-0]--951 04 Date Entered [01--15-95] 05 Clerk's Initials tcKAl 05 comments: [0]_> DENINNO FAX = 205-25L- 0809 ltl TYPE OF NOTIFICATTON: 07 New Facility t I 08 Amended txl 09 Closure t I Actual Tanks on file {10 Number of Tanks Listed on Registration Form t 3l Removed/Closed Tanks { I OWNERSHIP OF TAI{K(S) 11 Owner ID t 24s8) ^ 3) o1 Name: {ruu sourHLAND coRP. }Mailing Address: izzrr r. HASKELL AVE. I )ciry {oallas fPo Box "'} srare irx} zip code {tszz1-o7r-1}County {DALLAS l Phone l(zt+) a+L-5s92l, Change which field? EPA UST-DMS, Release 2.6, Facility Screen 2 G-2/6) Utah, Division of Environmantal Response & Remediation o1- Faciliry rD t2-OOO138r {THE SOUTHLAND CORP. } o2 03 04 07 10 II I,OCATION OF TANK(S) Name: I7-ELEVEN ]-852-25030 lStreet Address: [0]-> t7 E. MArN sT. ItrCity [DEI-,TA ] os State tUTl 06 Zip Code 184524- County [MILLARD ] OeL,atitude [ : : ] 0gLongitude [ : : I-,ega1 Description t l l l III TYPE OF OWNER1l-Federal t I 12 State t I13Loca1 t I L4 Commercial txl l-5Private t l IV INDIAN LANDS 1-6 Reservation/Trust L,ands t I 17 Owned by Tribe t l 18 Tribe/Nation: [ ] Change which field? ,\ ^TAIiIK DATA OWNER: THE SOUTHLAND CORP. LOCATION: 7-ELEVEN 1-852-25030 FACII-,ITY ID NUMBER: 20001-38 2000L38 OWNER ID NUMBER: 2458 2458 TAI{K ID NUMBER: 1- 2 STATUS: In Use r - -, In UseAGE: ii "*'/s1 13 CAPACITY: 10,000 Gallons 10,000 Gallons TAIIK MATERIAL: Cath. Steel STI P3 Cath. Steel STI P3 PIPE MATERIAL: FRP BOOTED STEEI-, FI,EX FRP BOOTED STEEL FLEX PfPE TYPE: Pressure Pressure SI]B. STORED; Gas MIDGRADE Gas REG. UNLEADED DATE CLOSED: Not Applicable Not Applicable HOW CLOSED: Not Applicable Not Applicable SITE ASSESSMENT: Not Applicable Not Applicable LEAKAGE EVIDENCE: Not Applicable Not Applicable TANK RELEASE DET. : TTT I . C. TIDEI-, EMS-3500 TTT I . C. TIDEL EMS-3500 PIPE RELEASE DET.: ALD LTT ALD LTT OVERFILL PROT.: Yes SPILL PROT.: Yes FACILITY ID NUMBER: 20001-38 OWNER ID NUMBER: 2458 TANK ID NUMBER: 3 STATUS: In UseAGE: 13CAPACITY: 10,000 Gallons TANK MATERIAL: Cath. Steel STI P3 PIPE MATERIAL: FRP BOOTED STEEL FLEX PIPE TYPE: Pressure SUB. STORED: GAS PREMIUM DATE CLOSED: Not Applicable HOW CLOSED: Not Applicable SITE ASSESSMENT: Not Applicable LEAKAGE EVIDENCE: Not Applicable TANK RELEASE DET.: TTT I.C. TIDEL EMS-3500 PIPE REIJEASE DET. : ALD LTT OVERFILL PROT.: Yes SPILL PROT.: Yes Yes Yes . .\CATION -ORESS: {LVANIC CATHODIC<ROTECT]ON INSPECT]ON hc.PORT fr:.7.rD 3 0 [fF"s#,*r"*. 2 Comm/tment to &ce//ence' 610 Erondywinc Plory.' r wesi Chesigr, Pe' 19380 tet 610/3*7AA2- F(g, 610/34+7092 )2 E cT l4-rn cnY, srATE - n ,- , ,'t - 1S fore- :T!".t h ' ' 4D'f 'LL- 'te51 '7-o o f,ulool. ,t . 6ra) e Tonk Electro Potentiols (m' ,./o Note: 1) To mokc thc rcquirtd eleclricol contoct with the tank for BT-1O ond STI-PS tqnks, thc technicion i: to use o wood or.plqstic polc with ftz wire connected to 'o bolt tfrot mokes 'quolity' contoct with the tsnk bottom. 2) Pteose complete this rcPort in o lcaible mcnner. IF ANY TANK POTENTIAL IS CONT]NUITY TES;, CURR=NT ON REV=RSE SIDE. .. Potentiols Recorded Potentials Reviewed Voltmeter Moke/Model f,: LESS THAN -850mv, PROCE=D R=QUIREMINT TEST, AND SCIL WITH =LECTRICALRESISTIVITY TEST by: Dqte: by, Dqte: r\n,l r[i q''Lno'u -4a,i * 5.1-oo* 2ooo t3K THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION October L, 1996 Mr. Bryan D. Whitaker Underground Storage Tank Branch Managsl State of Utah Deparhnent of Environmental eualrty Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West, 1st Floor Salt Lake City, Utah g4116 Re:change of Release Detection For All 7-Eleven Gasoline stores in utah Dear Mr. Whitaker: During the past few months, this office has received a number of non-compliance letters on theunderground storage tanla at many of The Southland Corporation's ("Soithland,s,,) operating7-Eleven gasoline stores. Most of the non-compliance issues involve the run time of the tests being conducted by theAutomatic Tank Gauge ("ATG"), and also question the percent of invlntory being used.Another related issue was the failure of the ATG to succerrfully conduct the required monthlyleak test. It has become evident to this office that circumstances at some stores do prevent the ATG fromtesting monthly. Also, although it is believed that the third party certification allows fortesting at varied levels and run times, until these issues can be resolved, effective immediatelyit has been decided to change the method of release detection from the ATG to annual tanktesting plus inventory reconciliation for all 7-Eleven gasoline stores in Utah. Southland will continue working with Utah to correct these perceived problems, and as soon asthey are resolved, it is Southland's intention to switch the gasoline stores in Utah back to theATG method of release detection. The ATGs witl remain in the stores and will continue to be monitored as part of ourcompliance program. They will, however, be marked so as to alert your inspector that theyare not currently the method of release detection. This letter should also be considered the response for any non-compliance letters receivedinvolving ATG issues, including the letters listed below from Mr. William Moore. Oit-vplacc Ccntcr Exsr / 27ll North Heskcll Avcrru" r trr,,Ij I[752(,.+_]9{)(r. M;rilirrs Atltlrcss: [Jox 7ll / l)Ill:rs. .r* ,rrr,_, ,.,, Sincerely, The Environmental Manager South/Central Region KII:cg Bob DeNinno, Southland, L. October l, L996 Mr. Bryan Whitaker Page rwo Non-Compliance 7-Eleven Store Facility ID Inspect Date Inspector lrtter Date #25534, Satt I-ake Ciry, UT #4001040 8116196 william Moore 8119196 {20137, Riverton, UT #4001C02 8120196 William Moore 8121196 #22567, Riverton, UT #4001005 8120196 William Moore 8122196 #22933, Draper, UT #4001009 8120196 William Moore 8128196 #23387, Murray, UT #400t037 8l2tl96 William Moore 8128196 #23850, Murray, UT #4001038 8121196 William Moore 8128196 #25948, Midvale, UT #40f1020 8l2Ll96 William Moore 8128196 #22232, Murray, UT #4001033 8122196 William Moore 8128196 f25760, Salt Lake City, UT #4001043 8122196 William Moore 8128196 #t8345, West Jordan, UT #4001001 8123196 William Moore 8129196 #22965, Taylorsville, UT #4001010 8123196 William Moore 8129196 n3844, West Jordan, UT #4000987 8123196 William Moore 8129196 #23848, West Jordan, UT #4001014 8123196 William Moore 8129196 #22967, Salt Lake City, UT #4001011 8127196 William Moore 8130196 #23746, Salt Lake City, UT #4001013 8127196 William Moore 8130196 #25946, Sandy, UT #40010t9 8127196 William Moore 8130196 #25791, Salt Lake City, UT #4001018 8129196 William Moore 8130196 #16345, Sandy, UT #40[l4l9 8129196 William Moore 913196 #27028, Murray, UT #4001050 8129196 William Moore 913196 #25117 , Salt Lake Ciry, UT #4001039 8130196 William Moore 914196 #23901, West Vatley City, UT #4001015 914196 William Moore 9112196 n6357, West Valley City, UT #400102L 914196 William Moore 9112196 #26690, West Valley City, UT #4000985 915196 William Moore 9111196 #295t2, West Valley City, UT #4001442 915196 William Moore 9112196 Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (2L4)841-6592. Judy Woodley, Southland, 0148 l,aura Picht, Southland, 0147 William Moore, UDERR ,QSds'- cc: Ron Radle, Southland, 188 ,\ Michael O. l,eavitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. ExEutivc Dirctor Kent P. Gray Dircctor DEPARTMENT OF E}WIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841144840 (801) 536-41ffi Voice (801) 359-E853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 7-Eleven #25030. 17 East Main St.. Delta, Utah; Facility I.D. #2000138. The Utatr Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on January 23. 1996, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and arc out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: l. Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years. The inspection report indicates the most recent cathodic protection test was performed on lllll92. The above information must be submitted to this office by April 15, 196. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4100. cc: John Wainwright, SECOR ozmr6Ett3rn TO: Ken Hilliard, Environmental Manager The Southland Corporation 2711 Notth Haskell Ave. Dallas, TX 75204 - -::._-:$;i":,an; i,.Q[1:":g-_ -- Date: February 27. 1996 From: Gary Astin ;;ilr:il;;=:-r-,--ro:: Distribution: White-DERR.Pink-Facility/Owner [X{iiifiiiii*+li1,.,-ffi*g,r' f itii#,fi flgi1}]fi#siii+r rii*ri#ig-iit+"fu ffi i{H_$,P,, ffi#ltit f,mtffi#$*ffiHr'{itq+ti,.i.+li}Lriiriljjljjjiiii irirr1iiiii i' ii: :i1: : : : :Ii :i i .. : :iiiiiriiii.-llli:liIlli$*iiiif iiiIJJi!iiil.i:i.i.:lllliiiiEiiiiitiilli ";iirrr.r ! ! ! ! ! !1 ! !1 ! ii: ! 4i4 lit litiut ltiillln! 1:iliiu.ril:i\fr G iilillluUiiitd&t lrIirii,ffi Tr^ll4)raak6l ro.1e)Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes @ Yes 6)Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? @ No @No @ No Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the type of device: Ball lloat (in vent line), Automatic shutotf (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) @) No @ No @ No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? G?No @ No @ No Yes No f#,P*ffiffiHl-Hlffi,U*limffiH. XiiffilIil+tiilniilirlri:illlrrlliiillilflNi111s111i;ft1f:1,.;11;.11;ii11++rrX'ii1iixif ranklil :,onulil tantli)Tank A lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Nonconodible material (FRP)TMK STt-04 fa*Tar*-+fenk Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). lf FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this section. Um ?a? um Llm um lf the UST is not protected, was the tanMine installed before May 7, 1985? lf yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder of this section. ee3 No c8 No G}No Yes No The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). G No @No G}No Yes No Results of the most recont cathodic protection test. Name of tester: TestDate: l-tl-q2 Tan* - 11b votts Tank _q1b votts Tart( - lO lO volts Tenk volts rP? velL Llm Llm - volts UM volts For impressed current system: The results of the last lhree/ equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. a:i UFGRfiD,E.;..NOffIFIG N t ftnna,'rlaft'a- orK(o rl,*f understand that the following marked items must be compteted by December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: ! Spill prevention for tank(s)# ! Corrosion protection for tank(s) #! Overfill prevention for tank(s)# requirements. Distribution: White-DERR, Y Pink-Facility/Owner Automatic Flow Ro8tractor lif ves, indicrto modal in commentr soctionl Automatic Shut-off Device (if vos, indicrto modol in commonta Continuoue Alarm Systom lif yec, indicate model in commontr Records of last Line Leak Detector pertormanco test aro available on-site Dste of lact Lino Loak Oetoctor performcnco tost Reeuh of last Lino Leak Detector porformanco tost Records of last Line Tiohtness Tost ar€ available on-site Dlte of lest Line Tiohtness T6st Recuh of lEst Lino Tiohtnoss Tost Name and comoenv of certified teeter:Utrh To8tor Certification Number: UT Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwetor Monitorins checklistl lntorstitisl Monitoring (if yes, uae lnterstitisl Monitorino checklietl StEtistacal lnventory Reconciliation ISIRI (if yes, use SIR Other approved method (if yes, use other mothod checklistl Records of last Line Tiqhtness Test ars available on-site D8te of last Line Ti Result of last Line Tiqhtnese Test lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use Ststistacsl lnvontory Reconciliation tslRl lif y6s, use SIR checklistl Other approvod mothod lif yee, use bther method checklist) Operates at loss thsn stmosphoric pr€aauro Slope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Has only OilE check valve, located directly under All above information on suction piping-.rir-lrEfiffBLE, use commonta soction bolow to docum€nt how lfiFverifiable. lnspector'e Signature: Signature of Owner or Ovffieprosentative Pres€nt During Di3tribution: White-DERR, Yellow , Pink-Facility/Owner :::::::::::I This method of leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tightness testing. lf the UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping are protected from corrosion and that spill and overfill prevention devices have been installedl the tank needs to be tightness tested annually. lf the UST is upgraded the tank needs to be tested every five years. lnventory records must be kept for each operating day. ::i::::::::::i:::ra: lJ[#:fli Record of last Tank Tightness Test available on-site C, No da No @No Yes No Date of last Tank Tightness Test q -r-qs '+ Result of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? @ Fail @ Fair @ Fair Pass Fail Type / Brand of test equipment used:l?'eerarlfr Name and company of tank tightness lesler: fi-y,n^lnav 11 t n Jlltl;oJ Utah Tester Certification Number: UT a?.1+ Documentation of performance claims for the Tank TightneJs'Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks ol 0.1 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection and 5% or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certification) @No lnventory volume measurements for regulated substance inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are recorded each operating day @No @ No @No Yes No lnventory is reconciled monthly (sum of daily over and short for each month is compared to 1 % of tank's flow through volume + 130 gallonsl @ No @ No @No Yes No Which months exceed the allowable over-short? {specify month and year} lnventory Control records are maintained and available for the past 12 months for each tank G)No G No @No Yes No Records include monthly water monitoring to the nearest 1/8"@ No @ No @No Yes No Monthly water readings are used to adjust monthly inventory balances @ No @ No @No Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available for review Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate documentation Gl No (a No @No Yes No A drop tube is present and it extends to within one foot of tank bottom G No @ No @No Yes No iiGNi Owner/operator can explain inventory control methods and demonstrate acceptable gauging techniques G No The volume of product in the tank is measured using a:s{jek o6ir- r$.h wt+h Gauge Stick 6Tb lf a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank @ No lf a gauge stick is used, the bottem of the gauge stick is:@ Worn lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range of the tank's internal height @ No lnspector's Signature:Date: Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspe[tor, Pink-Facility/Owner ::.1::::rlillll,,l,i,-1_!.itls[t#.4],.t drHti[lffffiffi :sin(#Kffii!w,t4 liii{i-**Ht1ll..il, Manufacturer, name and model number of ffi.f.IffiJ,flffi.*.lffifJ XrjllrH rank@ rank@ ran!@ Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (s.9., manufacture/s brochures, owne/s manual)@No @No @No Yes No Rocords on sit€ document that the system was installed, calibrated, and maintained according to the manufacture/s instructions (if no explain below) @No GNo @No Yes No A probe is present in the tank (checked by inspection)@No @No @No Yes No Device can measure the height of the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch @No @No @No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the full range of the tank's intemal height deDNo @No @No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll of paper for results documentation) @No @No @No Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge was in leak test mode at least once a month lor the last 12 months @No @No @No Yes No lf no, which months are missing? (specify months and yeao The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacture/s equipmenl protocol to ensure a valid leak test t<9. - 4l ./, @No @No @No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacture/s equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @No @No Yes No Have any of the leak tesl reports indicated a failed test. ll fail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Documentation of performance claims for the automatic leak test feature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with g5% or greater probability of detection and 5olo or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certification) @No @No @No Yes No comments: Sa-r^" alc- {l.:g* anclo*-d lnsosctor's Sionaturg:ffiCu Signatureofowneroro*n€isnepresentativePres€ntDuringlnspection,@a Distribution: White-DERB, Y€llow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner 1 ^\z ooo t7< THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION March 8, 1996 Mr. Kent P. Gray, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West, lst Floor salt Lake city, utah 84116 Re: Cathodic Protection Test Results Dear Mr. Gray: Recent compliance inspections have noted that cathodic protection (CP) test results were not available or have failed for the below listed stores. Accordingly, attached please find the CP tests which passed for these stores. Facility ID # 4000999 2000138 440rc42 7-Eleven Store # Compliance Tnspector LSs2-)*rs6 t-l 3{e, 1852-25030 %'Ca.y Astin 1,852-25424 In the future, these tests should be found in the "red" in-store compliance manual located near the Tidel Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG). Sincerely, The Hilliard Environmental Manager South/Central Region KH:cg OEA z DEffi :,frt4ps Ciryplace Center East ,/ 2711 Nonh Haskell Avenue / Dallas. TX 75204-2906 . Mailing Address: Box 711 / Dallas, TX 75221-0711 21+828-7011 .GALVANIC CATHODIC ^ROTECTION' INSPECTION REPORT 'rC,1TION #:J..rD 3 0 . .ORESS: CTTY, STATE uorrDro pomponie,s lh cofporoted 2 Commdment to Excellence- 610 Brond:nrinc Plorry., r Wcsi C-hetca Pe- 19380 Tet 610/3*7002- Fc 610/3p7992 '.A I N d .? a'.4 "fr f/;o 6rc9e Tonk Electrolvte Potentiols Note: 1) To makc the rcquircd electricsl eontqet with the tank for gT-1O ond STI-P3 tonks, the teetrnieiqn is to u- q wood or plcstie polc with f t 2 wirt connested to i bott tirct mokri 'quolity' contast with the tqnk bottom. D Plcese complete this report in o- legible monner. IF ANY TANK POTENTIAL IS CONT]NUITY TES;, CURRENT ON REV=RSE SIDE. . "- Potenfiols Reeorded Potcntials Reviewed Voltmeter Moke/Model f,: LESS THAN -850mv, PROCEED REQUIREMENT TEST, AND SCIL , ;'.1-. ;. i 4LtnT /r 7* - t WTIH ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TEST by: Dqtc: blt Dote: ;'", i',,.,:t11 .r,l:1"'^'','+i' {, i -, ;rfi i"1 <L {fir DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DryISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. I-eavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutive Dircctor Kent P. Gray Dirctor TO: 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt t ake Ciry, Utah 841144840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (80r) 536-4414 T.D.D. Ken Hilliard, Environmental Manager The Southland Corporation 2711 North Haskell Ave. Dallas, TX 75204 RECEIVED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MAR 0t 1996 THE SOUTI'|I.AND DALLAS OONP()AATiUfi' TTXAS Date: February 27. 1996 From: Gary Astin RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at 7-Eleven #25030. 17 East Main St.- Delta, Utatr; Facility I.D. #2000138. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At ttre request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on January 23. 1996, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are ouiof compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Submit documentation to show that you have had a qualified cathodic protection tester test your cathodic protection system within the last three years. The inspection report indicates the most recent cathodic protection test was performed on lllll92. The above information must be submifted to this offrce by April 15. 1996. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions conceming this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4100. cc: John Wainwright, SECOR O2l27M*t3m ^^,l ffii 4''lSlotu UTAH DERR/LUST RE Release Site No. Orl LldUk Facility ID No. aO@138 Project Manager O-IH Potential PST Funded Site? Vdj .SSFSSMENT REPORT Date Receive d l2 -l 1 9 Date Assigned Phone:?6b-z/oo Date Confirmed_ Spill Report/Info received Av Ahi I Tav/or Name of reporting pany Company Name Secor Name of RP (current o/o) Name of Release l,ocation Release site street address 7- Eleten tf a o3o Type of Release: _ (piping: suctior/pressurized) _ tank (corrosion/fittings) _ FUMES: DAMAGE: Cty: Oe))a spilUoverfill oump island Age (Years) and Construction of Tank(s), Piping Release Date(s)Confirmed? Estimated Amount Method of Determination: _ failed TTT (vol iT w/ leak rate of gal,/hr: _ Leak Detector Alarm - Inventory loss (- gal); - failed LTT (volumetric/other) w/ leak rate of _ gaLlhr _ Field Instrumentation (ModeUType ) w/ maximum readings of _ units - Permanent Closure (in-place/removal) w/ - soil staining; - odors; -sheen on H,O; _ Analytical _ Analytical Results; Soil (melKg) B_, T_, E_, X_, N_, TPH_, O&G_, TRPH _ Analytical Results; Water (u_e/L) B_, T_, E_, X_, N_, TPH_, O&G_, Solvents_ Substance Released: - Gas (UUReg,l -Diesel -Waste Oil -New Oil _Other (specify) Native Soil Type ; Depth to connminated soil (ft below grade) Depth to Groundwater (GW) (ft below grade); LocaL/Regionai GW flow dir. Slope direction of local topography ; Separation distance from soil contamination to GW (ft) _ Distance/Direction to nearest water well (tt) /-; Dist.lDir. to nearest surface water (ft) I Dist./Dir. to nearest utility conduits (ft): -/-Water; -/-Sewer; -/-Gas; -/-Storm drain; -/_ElectricDist./Dir. to nearest structure/building (ft): -l-.; Dist./Dir. to nearest property boundary (ft) / Current Land Use: -Residential; Commercial: -Inciustrial; _Other (describe) Surrounding Land Use: Residential; -Commercial: -Industnall -Other (describe) Misc.: Annual precipitation (incheVyear) _; Ground Cover at Site: RELEASE IMPACTS _Home* _Business* _Utilities* _Outdoors _Soils _Water _Other (specify) -Soils - Groundwater (--ft BLS) -Surface Water* -Drinking Water* -Utilities*_Land Surface* _Biota/Wildlife* _Free Product* _ 3rd party impacts* Utah State Risk Manager notified of 3rd party impacts (direct/potential) on: I / by: Agencies Notified/On-Site: LHD _DEQ/DERR _DEQ/DE _Fire Dept. _EPA _Other* fiIay indicale the need for emergency abatement action(s) & other agency involvement INITIAL ABATEMENT/CORRECTTVE ACTION PERFORMED Estimated volume of contaminated soil removed.4eft in-place (cubic yards or tons) Disposal location used Number and type of confirmation samples collected Estimated volume of contaminated groundwater removed (gallons) Disposal location used Number and type of confirmation samples collected Was the e;tent and degree of contamination defined (YesAIo)? If "No", describe future work planned at the site: Aq+o Qcr,l dekc*ed , Pce-niu ,r1 antc or)etl +ail< - Aelpc*erJ Cr,i lu ro Atnch site map showing depths, locations & results of all environmental samples collected as well as other relevant info, +) )-. (/- {z*- fr. oro^ -. , ,/ , ,r,',4/ o,-/,-,7_6< - i't 9z-^ Ttca / ,-4 ,/ /- ^ SECOR I n te r t t ctt itt t ta I I r t co$tcnut ed December 1,1995 Mr. Kent Gray Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Department of Environmental Quality 168 North 1950 West - lst Floor Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Re: Suspected Tank Failure Reporting at 7-Eleven Store No. 25030 17 East Main Street, Delta, Utah; Facility ID 2000138 SECOR Project No. T0999-192-41 Dear Mr. Gray: On behalf of The Southland Corporation, this letter is formal notification that a suspected tank tightness test failure was recorded at 7-Eleven Store No. 25030,located at 17 East Main Street, Delta Utah. This condition was originally reported by phone to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation on December l, 1995 at approximately 3:15 pm by SECOR International Incorporated (SECOR). The premium unleaded gasoline tank automatic tank gaugrng system has recorded failures on subsequent tightness tests. A precision tightness test has been scheduled for the morning of December 5 1995. SECOR will notify the DEQ of the results of that test. Please feel fiBe to contact me if you have any questions regarding this site or the release, by calling the ,SECOR office at 801 -266-7 I 00. Sincerely, S E C O R I ntcnutional I nc orp o raledfu-tM 4anetS. Roemmel, CPG Project Manager cc: Ken Hilliard, The Southland Corporation John P. Wainwright, SECOR 23842rct 4001 Soutb 700 Eust, Stritc 250. Sctlt lcrke Citv. ttT I'i4107-2178 (801 ) )66-71(x) (tiol ) )b6--t iti I:L\ DERR EI'IVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE & REMEDIATIOIJ I ^^ StrCOR Intern ctt ion ct I I n co tpo ratcel January 9,1996 Mr. Doug Hansen Department of Environmental Quatity Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West - lst floor .salt Lake city, LIT 84116 Re: Results of Precision Tightrress Test at 7-Eleven Store No. 250i0 17 E. Main Street, Delta, Utah Release Site 02I4JGK; Facility ID 2000138 Dear Mr. Hansen: As a follow up to the reported suspected release at the above-referenced 7-Eleven store, the results of the subsequent tightrress tests are attached to this letter. The precision test was conducted on December 5, 1995 by Tanknology Corporation Intemational (Tanknology) on the premium unleaded tank system in response to successive failed tightness tests run with the Tidel automatic tank gauging (ATfi) system, 'Ianknology conducted tests on the tank, lines, and leak detectors. The tank and lines tested tight and the leak detector passed the test. Sincerely, S E C O R I nte rnalio nal I nc orp orated Roemmel, CPG Attachment John P. Wainwright, SECOR 400lSoutb700llcrst,stite250.sdltl.ukeCity.Lil tJ4107-217u (801)266-7100 ftJ)t)266-711tit:tt,\ DEC-15-1995 L4.t4 A IHE SOUIHLITND CURP. l.'T{N KN OLOG y COR POBATION TNTER NATTO NAL: '. . 9226 |bllrtd. Hd,rre\ trs ,?O.$EaO. prFa O6t |!r{d8 f^I Or 3t 8gOz25S Certificate of Tightness gcllct, OrrJer #: 16183f: Test Dale: LA/OS/93 nd storage tank system(s) tested and found tlght for: SOUTHLAND CORP, 250eo 7-l t 17 E, I'IAIN DELTA, UT Aqe24 r Line(s) only,1 Leak Detector(s) only. lLt) Ei4 L b(q( f.0t/94 1 067 GERALD EGGLESTON 05/96 UT-Of32 GERALD EGBLESTON' 0E./27 vdid a0ywt6 Cooonlc9ol totr 3.i Yantct t.Dill tg, lSrt l.-ttabr0nr a ttltlcalha arrt{.tlL . ..:'t' i: n't .t; .. .'I.!u .i :I ,.?.,;. .. 't t. t T:-:.'-'fiIQ ' . : -._'...::l-: tt;.'i 1i:i;::ii:'::s: .: i-. ..:. i ii! .i,ii!i:',+ i: r1 i:{' '.-rl r :'::*llt tt i: r. :';,.i,.:":?:.i.. : ..i\::..j,. ..1 ' ':, i ::...11:. r.,r:..j-... lll..: a rr.l:iJ: i -li.i:+:r:: :i c ::...ii{r,i:il ..: :.::.'{.:: -+jj..: -)jr:ir\'-.r larw Ei l g .$F i! 3 5A . = er a Et = F.=ir i (Uotr l rtIF-J+S .d 6 Joor P OE o€ EEcocQ)EE tr g OJ .P -E+E .= Os5 6\I6cIc zg H. o rn t lEg ff . 9 E '7-. o *, 8 uJ 6 l, - e a! rr t Y =f ; ! 66 '6 8 sp lJ . f oao8 n. E zE - ? o-2F ,g , E g ir vt 7 ,C T' R OD z Z \ 96 6 T - S E - N U f 'd u o l oN u ] H l n o s fH l i' l f- l !r , rB t' +r o) is 5 Y( o = io o 0 . r. J tr ' )+o=U) Ftroo.UI tr ,FoUIF=+.oP:,os I,. ' . { ,, ! l i' . :< t- -a<I -tJ(E .: f e c. r ,o:f rg l NF = >: -J,a c F ,J Et ! ,r Z t! ( tc E DU l. t oz. !. . . q+I -DI NN U'U'oi8Et ( b {€o, E 6b 1Eor ( l l .9 29E 'r J l, V ) Lc'J a\ u, 3*F* x@ '- c, 5s 3x ff i i.U) -s a5 ,, r o '= (o ' 9i t -Ec0ID6LLo-tr -trolYGLoIrLo(,I ti , 5t E { II , 3r E II TI l8 r ir E 3 _t II!i ni .. I IiIi ; Lr ltE II6I$ A ot=doTGll .o.ctE* r, , - ^ a 7 EE -l LE: 9p .. : 74 9 f" j or ir : O $dt€ d !t ' l r* J *, t t r l J i4 n , a - ' r uJ .J !r JRN-45-1996 tzt4tso* lbl 73b THE SOUTHLRND CORP. Owner: 9-ou4/ ahe(2t4 B4t 6?4? P,A3/43sltc* SosO When OWNEB or tocat regulatlons requlre tmmedlate reports of system fallure-Comptete the followlngr REPORTED TO: or.RegdabryAgenc,y Fero tl Eqq laToa O(rf / uT- ott cen'edreslBrs"o-9 "// DaeTestng Comflebdn Dec /.f TOTRL P.A3 ^ Personai Communication Documentadon Form DERR Fax #: (801) 359-8853 Dar-' Su rLt'EL Time: 1"0o signurur", 'l^rr.f^ #o'* - Facility ,r' 9ooot78 Spttt to: €SCrk Contact's y1un"t 5".$DOero-,cl Company Name: 96CoL b ?-t( fvlL Telephone No.:2a6 _?10o 05/3L/95 14:05 FAI 80t-\ss sts3 DIY Er.iv RESP REI{*- liEsIE9E FUEL ECU \UST lnstallation/l.Jpgrade Notit, \;n I Ncw lnsra[ruon I x I Upgradc TankOwnar The Sguthland Corporation 16 ooz The Urah Undcrground Storage Tank (UST) rules (Utah Administrative Code F1311-Zo3-3) reqirtra thar UST lnsalles notify the Erecutive Secptary, Utah Solid and Hazardous Wasta Control Boerd, 3O drys belore insultlng ar upgrading rny' regutated UST systcm. This lorm has bagn prepared to sssist you ln providing rhis lrrformatloru Betom lttEEllng or '\ r Flamediation at the address bclow. lt eny tanks or lines ara tenloyrd or replacsd, I Closun Plen lor horc trnls or llnes must be submitled rnd approved, and a site assessmcnt must be pedormed at closurc. zc)(x)t3g Faclllty lD* (ll not a new fasility) 25030 D,t6wortwlllcommencr JulY, 1995 5. Phons*( 3031 740-9333 Address 7167 South Alton Way CIV r"gf.rooa $atc-.,!O Zp-1Qsl!- Cotrtac{ Prrson ln cherge ol Feeility Nama,7-11 Store Addrcgs 17 East Main citu Delta sErte rx Zp3!524 '_ Phonet(801 ) 864-4017 known at this tiue.' . To'be notified .,. soon as contractor is selected Ceil f TL Erp- dste- Phone * ( s.ata zo- Contast pctsoq I Not Certifird Tank lnarallgr Name as Company Address ln*allati on/U pgrade lnlormation Tank +r lnstalUupgrade Gapacity (gallons) Type (FRP. Steel. eta) Substancc to be stored :.Piplng Typ.e (Press., Suclion. Gravity) Tank Leak DetEction mcthod Line leEk ddeaion mathod . Form of Conosion Protection Spill device to be lrrsndled (YN) I Uoerade' 10 .000 - Uperade 10 ,000 Upgrade 10,000 Gasoline Press. ATG Gasoline Press. ATG Gasoline ''Press. . ..ATG A A Over{illdevice to be installed (Y/N) y Unusual or ertcnurtlng circumrtanccs arpected:To install flex connectors at I Y MPDts and S.T.P. rs AL RESPONSI & R,:^ Mall completed lorm to:lJta]r Department of Environmcntal Ouality Division of Errvironrnental Besponea rnd Remsdbtion 168 North 1950 Wesr. lst Fler Salttaks Clty, Utrh 84116 Bcdd By- Noticr 6rntTo O/O 'Hh r,lDEsEt3 ule Onltr Detr Rsc'd ,orlHio,u, May 15, 1995 coRPoRArloN Mr. William Moore State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West, lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Re: Change of Contact Dear Mr. Moore, This will confirm my phone conversation with you in which you were notified that I am the contact for The Southland Corporation (Southland) for all environmental issues in the State of Utah. J'v6$ Effective immediately, please address all correspondence to the following: 1 Mr. Ken Hilliard Environmental Manager The Southland Corporation 2711 North Haskell Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone # (214)841-6592 Fax # (214)84t-6727 As an additional item, if possible, could a copy of all correspondence be addressed to Southland's environmental consultant at the following address: Mr. John Wainwright Phone # (801)266-7100 Senior Project Manager Fax # (801)266-7118 SECOR International, Inc. 4001 South 700 East, Suite 250 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107-2t78 Please disseminate to all appropriate DERR personnel. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. ) fincerely, ,/'/ rszfutfruLAND coRPoRATIoN - --/.', / ' ,%.' tKen Ffiuiard / / Environmental Manager ) Central Region cc: Gary Davies, Southland Bob Vasquez, Southland Bud Good, Southland John Wainwright, SECOR (.rrrr.i.r.t. (.(rrr(r [:.,\r / ]-tl \,rrrlr Fl.r.kcll .{rcntrc / I).rll.s, f},*,1i1-,',, ,,,. \l.rrlrn,: .\.i.ir RONMENTAL RESFONSE & REiViEDIATiCI I Oistribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facitity/Owner Distribution: White-DERR, yellow-lnspector, pink-Facility/Owner {*rrtiiiri#l ffi. ir,iiiiilij jr#ii This method of leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tightness testing. lf the UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping are protected from corrosion and that spill and overfill prevention devices have been installed) the tank needs to be tightness tested annually. ll the UST is upgraded the tank needs to be test€d every five years. lnventory records must be kept for each operating day. ilii:l::'i:i:ii:iiiiiiiiii:i:iili::ii'ii::iriiii;iiri;ii:li.i:lilillllii:ill.',1:iiilll::il::::r.1.iriiir.;:r.r.irriijjj::j:ji riii,i iliiiiiiiinliiiiiiiitiiiixilt$#Nl$,!!illffiltlli.Til8sffi liuE$m l$Fj iiiiili;i;li;;Ji ::iiii;iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiil,ffi,r,F,#iiiiiiiililir Record ol last Tank Tightness Test available on-site Yes @ Yas @ Yes @ Yes No Date of last Tank Tightness Test .* - 2f' 1 I ? -lr1-Q* Result of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have beon taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? @ Fait @ Fait @ Fair Pass Fail Tank Tishtness Tssting method: A U-lo"no* ic- Ti-nk- Ga-r-tetina Name and company of tank tightnoss toster: sEr6r2 , n':;1i;::1 f^-V7.-;yyr^nrester Certification Number: UT ot ,tZ Documentation of performance claims for the Tank Tightness Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph with 95o/o or greater probability of detection and 5% or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certification) (9 No iiiiiiii:'siiiirliiiL!l:iliiir iii*?r,-qLliir-iiiij ',',,,l:,::i jll.il,l RX:tr;j:ri;;li lnventory volume measurements lor regulated substance inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are recorded each operating day @ No @ No CO No Yes No lnventory is reconciled monthly (sum of daily overages and shortages for each month is less than 1olo of tank's flow through volume + 130 gallons) @ No 6 No @No Yes No ll no, which months were not? (specify month and year) lnventory Control records are maintained and available for the past 12 months for each tank Ca;7y.rnettl [.re-lorrt @ No @ No @No Yes No Records include monthly water monitoring to the nearest 1/8'@No @ No flA No Yes No Monthly water readings are used to adjust monthly inventory balances @ No @ No @No Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used lor converting product level measurement to gallons and is available lor review @No @ No @No Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate documentation @3 No @ No @No Yes No The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one loot of tank bottom fO No @ts No (5) No Yes No Owner/operator can explain inventory control methods and figures recorded @ No Books appear used and evidence of recent entdes is apparent @ No Owner can demonstrate acceptable gauging techniques @ No The gauge stick is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank @ No The ends of the gauge stick are flat and not worn down @ No The gauge stick is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 ol an inch over the full range of the tank's internal height @ No *[xiiiFixiii*ffi ;iiiiin:$fi i*ffi co ^"*", Reeoda ore llepl al SLC OfiL- lnspector's Signature:Dats: / ^ /a'qq Signature of owner or owner's Representativo Present During tnspect ion //'l '- o-l - Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspeclor, Pink-Facility/Owner Manufacturer, name and model number ol Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.9., manufacfure/s brochures, owne/s manual)F6! No (oNo @No Yes No Records on site document that the system was installed, calibrated, and maintained according to the menufacturE/s instructions (if no explain below) @No @No 6No Yes No A probe is pr€sent in the tank (checked by inspection)@No @No @No Yes No Device can measure the height of the product to the nearest 'll8 of an inch @No @No @No Yes No Device monitors the in-tank llquid levels over Ure full range of the tanks intemal height (3No @No @No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll of paper for results documentation) @No @) No @No Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge was in leak test mode at least once a month lor the last 12 months @No @No @No Yes No lf no, which months are missing? (specify months and year) The tank was filled to at least ihe minimum level required by the manufacfure/s equipment protocol to onsurs a valid leak test tSl/'- q, % @No @No 6No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturo/s equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test @No @No @No Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test. lf fail, specify in comments section what actions have been trakon to corroct the problem. Has DERR been notified? Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No Documentaiion ol performance claims for the automatic leak test feafure is available and shows the ability to detect leaks ol 0.2 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection and 5% or less probability ol false alarm (3rd party certificatlon) @No @No @No Yes No Comments: lnspecto/s Signature: signature ol owner or owner's Representiative presenr During lnspecti o, ,/r/ 4t .-.-,:r4d4k- Oistribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Own€r ,HBI"ll*hi,tN,##.;fl.I,,1iii$s$Eiii'I# iill;iiiiriil,::iiiiiiiiii;lilili!i!!,!llirl1ii1r.;i:iiiririiiir:]llliIir:Iirrl ,SHIIUOVEHIfllsEi]$rilg,rT+trlffi-$El-Tg r Tank'l Tenk )Tqnk a Tank I The UST system is filled by transfers of no more than 25 gallons at one time. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes (9 Yes @ Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment?@@ @@ &@ Yes No An overfill prevention device is installed on the tank. lf yes, indicate the type of device in the space below. @ No G)No @ No Yes No Ball float valve (in vent line) Automatic Shutoff valve lin {ill ninal I rd-(\t t-1 \u a-( Overfill Alarm \zO3 va-q va< Qther Svstem (soecifu tvoe) For overlill alarm only: ls th€ alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the detivery driver? ivt Sidc_ a-tarwr Yes @ Yes G]Yes @ Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?@ No @ No @ No Yes No frtt$iffiiijiffi[1# Tlnk I Tank )Tank 3 Tank 4 Tanks and/or lines are made ol a noncorrodible material (such as fiberglass) or are made of steel clad with a noncorrodible material. ll yes, cathodic protection is not required. Td(b No fu* @ No Ter* @ No Td* Yes No Um G}No Lim @ No Llm €&No Um Yes No Tanks and/or lines are made of unprotected bare steel and were installed prior to May 7, 1985. lf yes, cathodic protection is required on or by December 22, 1998. Tar* Yes (od Ta.* Yes @ Yes 6b Tmk Yes No Yes @ Yes @ Llm Yes @ Ure Yes No lndicate type of cathodic protection: lmpressed Current (lC) or Sacrificial Anode (SA)Satti€.,ilA^,J.. The results ol the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (Tests are required within six months of installation and every three years thereafter). 36/,0p Yes @ Yes (0 Yes @ Yes No Results (in volts) of most recent cathodic protection test. Name of person who performed test: f.EClL) Acc+q$u_Tt testoate: Ji.noo;tvll,l442 ,r,' q1L votts Tar* - 1 9L vofts Tar* - lOlO votts Td volts FR.? volts UM volts UM volts um volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are availablo. (Equip. check required every Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lnspector's u/-L L Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative present During Distribution: White-DERR, yellow-tnspector, pink-Facility/Owner CUSTOMER: SOUTHLAND CORP (7-11) SITE lD: 25030 ADDRESS: 3146 GOLD CAMP DRIVE ADDRESS: 17 E MAIN CITY:RANCHO CORDOVA CITY: DELTA 1nn^/?x STATE: CA ZIP: 95670 STATE: UT ZIP: o-v vvt JU Testinq Evaluation Report The USTest 2000 System declares a tarrk to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshold of .05 gallons per hour and lras a probabilily of false alarm of <1% and a probabilily of detection of >99%. TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 SYSTEM INFORMATION VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER FUEL TYPE REG UNLD FUEL TYPE PLS UNLD FUEL TYPE SUP UNLD TANK TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER IN WATER IN WATER OUT WATER OUT WATER OUT SYSTEM RESULTS LEVEL t LEVEL t LEVEI-,,I ULLAGE ULLAGE *I ,. LEAK,,, , DETECTOR PASS N/A LEAK DETECTOR PASS N/A :: :ILEAKI :I:]:::: : ] ,,iDETECT6R,.','., PASSiNA LINE ,PASS/.OOO LINE PASS/.OOO ,:LINE:' ,' 'i',PASS/.000 VAPOR II N/A VAPOR II N/A VAFOR ll ,,,, TANK 4 TANK 5 TANK 6 SYSTEM INFORMATION VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER FUEL TYPE FUEL TYPE FUEL TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER IN WATER IN WATER OUT WATER OUT WATER OUT SYSTEM RESULTS LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL : ULLAGE ULLAGE ULLAGE LEAK oEtecToR LEAK DETECTOR ,, lffi(,, :,, :DETECtOR,: LINE LINE ,L]NE VAPOR 1I VAPOR II VAPOR II ATG functional: YES tr NO O ' Produr:l line and rnechanical line leak rleteclor tesls orrly. TECHNICIAN: DALE slMMoNS cERTrFrcATtoN #: _u$TjE_q_6 _DATE:sgp-tqnt_Uerl4;!_xg4 0 L0o/t9g Leak Detection lnspection Checklist l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tank(s) , Owncr Namo (Corportdon, lncllvldu.l. Publlc Ag.ncyr o. oor.?.ntlty): ''',o-4h la^ ,[ (o. tr 'r', J- u .', Stra.t Addr!3t----diZ'F No,*t^ t)asLi "q{-^ un;+ bz{ Counry Clty.,n - Stat, Zgcorl,o WrlJz r- , (aa/a.a cta ZO zr L Cont cl Porton At UST er eppllceblo Numb.r ol T.nkt .t Thll locadon: Frclllty lDr, Z- O oo l3 g Pbase complm ail nbnna[on to7 each anl( It t1l3 le&ry hes mor! t .ta r 4 trnl(t.Ill. Tank lnformation rEo! qIfrEE o. Erlqrr5gr rq E*.r E.^. rr urr. ,snry.,o..Ms sE. ! 8.. olesse onffioov fiir oaoe and comol€te fie nbrmaton tor all acldtttonsl l8nkg. Tank oresenrly in uso lf not. dat6 last us€d lt €mpti€d. venfy 1' or l6ss of produci in tank Month ano Year Tank lnstall€d (E-€srimate or K-knot,w|l Matenal of Consndion (E-€$imate or K-knotflnl Caoacrt-v ot Tank (in sallons) (E-6rimal6 or K-knownl Subslance Stored (E-€$amate or K-known) lV. A. FleleaSe DeteCtiOn FOf TankS Checrt thc relero cletrctqr m€OroCI(s) used lbr c6.rr tBnk or N/A t nqtc rrquqo. Manr.alTank Ciar.rging (mly fortanks under 1.00(, gat.) Manr.ralTank @ugirq and Tank Tightls T€slit|g (only lortanks underamo gBl.) Tank Tiglnness T6lng and lnverilory comrol Other aoproved mefiod (lrrite in name ol mdtod) lV. B. Release DeteCtiOn For Piping ch€d( th. rtlcer da6on rrdroct(s) rJ..d lc prptng . t Ch€ck Ono Type o( Piplng lor each Tarik Automatic Line l,-Eak Detectors, and lV. C. Corrosion and Spill/Overfill Protection Conosion protection inslallod (indicate date) Spill/Ovarfill protoction anstall€d (incticirto datel V. Site lnformation ,-!.-.1 G€neralsdeobservationsendcommens(vrcin,tyobsefvations'goundwabr wra.*-l A)o ,,ir) /^k zz. f?fotkrt t (z-u ()- Unnslc-that I ha,e impoccd tr. abore named laciliV on m' f nh=l%kl{o c-- SJs I 3.f C.\ I \o srG$r \l)\ Facrlrty lD #: PfeSSUfiZgd Piping A morrloct must be 6al€ctad from Eh slt Wh€re appflcable indlcata dab o, lsst test It this relrty h8 nro'lulsn 4 tanks, pleasD photocopy thrs F*?e 8nd cornpm t1e infurmeton lor all adclitional otping. Set 1 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tsnk 4 Automattc Flow Restrictor Auomaltc Shutdf Devic€{),,4Z il"o- tl zi r il-- rt q? Contrnuours Alarm System and Set 2 Annual Une Tighfi€ss Te$ing f)- rt o'?/=. tt.q<,O:.' it 4 ? Vamr Monilonng lf Vapor MonitorinE, docJmontation of mornnry monttonng ts available lrner$rtial Monitonng ll lrterst[ial Monitorirp. documemailon oil momhly monitonng is available Ground-Watr Mmitoring lf Ground-Wat€r Monnoring. doatrnerilalion of monhly rnc,nttoring is availabte Olher Approved Mdlod (sp*ify in comments ssdionl Suction Pioinq', tndtclb dsb ot rnoct rant b.t Une fighhacs TdlnE (r€quirBd 6y€ry 3 y6ars.f Vaoor Mmitfring S€condary @ntainrnent wat1 lnterstitial Monitonng Ground-Wat€r Monitorino Other Aoororred Mdlod (sp€crfy in comm€nts sedionl No Leak oetecilon Rcqulrcd (must annver yc! to lll of thr followlng questlons) Op€rates at lcs fian almclspfiaric pr€ssurE Has only one cfieck valye. whidl is locatec, dirsctly under pump Slope of piping allorvs product to drain back iilo tank wh€n suctim r€laas€cl All abov€ information on suction ptparE is venfiable On th6 back of U1is shest. please sk€tch the site. notlng all piping runs. tanks (lnctucting siz8 & sub$ances stord) and localion of wells and their distance from tanks and piping. comments: '1^' ,,,", fz.-L.-*r.,l -',1^lnr'.s ,,/t n^ ':--n. '.J /('l- ln J<"i-or, ,..,'/,'- zi^nr ur{ ,'--.'..- ,^ ''..o/) ),1<. l.- ,.-. il5 o' in :) sr"''St"s. ,Ne y't^oller^< r"z, ,-le l, lnspeclor's Signatrc: srde-5 rrl \-, t *-bvu^ 2ttl-,rt. ACI1 qr FacdityrD* z-east (t-itar"n" f []-l Mand&trer. narneandnrode{number ,or*rr,, 7' ,\e I 1nn 5" 3;oo' E?l{u{r" l'k*?:{er',-ti Please answer yes or no for each question Devtco documentation is available at s[6 (e.9.. mandacturer's brochur€s. own€rs manuatl,yqi rcl r< Devics can measure hoighl o, produa lo nearGt onHighth of an inch.y€s I ')4 not oocumenataon shou6 that water in bonom ot tank is ch€ck€ct monthly to n€ar6t one-€ighrt ot an inch. Y€s I .+/-rnl Device will declare a leak on the basis of inverlory r€conciliation if discr€pancy €xce€ds 1% or rlow-through, plr.s 130 gallorE on a monthly basis. yes I '"rtrl DoqJmontation is available that t16 ATG was in lest mode a minimum ol once a monh.y€61 >no Ch€cked for presence of gauge in tanks.YesL.'<--nol Ch€ck€d for prG€nca of monitoring box and €vicrence that clevica is workng (i.e.. devi6 is equipped with roll of paper br results docurnontatim). Y6l*nol Owner/operabr has clocum€ntation ori file v€rifying m€6od meets minimum F,€rformancs$andards d .20 gph with probability of der€dion ot 950,6 and probability ot false alarm ot 5o/o for automatic tank gauging (9.9.. results she€ts und€r EPA's 'Stanclard T€st Procsdur€s ror Evaluating l-eak Det€ction Metlrcls'). Y€s [-i=nol Ch€d(ed croqJrn€ntatlon i1at system was irstalled. calibrat€d. and maintain€d accoroing to rnanuf acilJrers irsfirtiors. y€s t I1oI F Maintenance r@rds are available upon r€quest.y6[nol x- Monitoring and tGtlng reccds are available forfi€ pasl 12 rnonfis. 2,,,2 )- - )n--s y€s no ft-e ys*er, { a\''^l u/?"* )4' €)*. i'if,)5(p+ ' ' /r s /', i,,,,,,'.1{, :g. ^ I / s e-1 /-/.."-r^[ //nt€ ,AF- ,,,Ju u,)s l J.: Cornments: ,/ae *ez-L,ru as ,7pr --),fi.) /4 Z, f , n'l-/)t-;/"4/1 Q *hl ,,,L\ *i-i,-7(ez-c45. /*^/C!' art< .i-r<^A- L*' -iirarT ,!- t'L<cl, /-- .r^L.- *)f'1^ z lza*1--.,i ,ls/-'rl.-. /-t lnsp€sbr'ssignatre:4t q -gi Dab: srGo-a 1 FACILITY ID. PST PROCESSING CHECKLIST 2acuzx Year q I Non-Marketer Discount NotUnacceptable Acceptable Applicablr ,-/ Previous LUST Form Pollution File fncluded Inci-dence vtNz dAJ TTT - Verify tank/Iinesvs registered - Documentation ok? - Rate ok? VlY/N Y/N Y/N Fund Paid .FY9L Y/N ,r/*)ttz Fees Paid FY 88? FY 89? FY 90? FY 9 ]-? -/v ,y Compliance Compliance Outstanding? - Leak detection required? - Notification up to ciate & _ Application? complete ? Date eualified Review completed and certj.ficate issued suPPoRT \CE \CHECKLI ST. PST by 2000138 PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND APPLICATION FACILITY INFORMATION:LOCATION OF TANKS: Owner Name: 7-ELEVEN sALES coRpoRATr0N FacilityName: 7-ELEVEN 25030 City Cou City: nettaCounty: JuabState: ,T^H unty: snlr uxu rte:State:- u Street Address-: +27 LAwNDALE DRrvE SALT LAKE CITY 84115 Street Address: rZ Easr iiain Phone: Contact rr rul rE. (8011262_6484 UOntaCt PerSOn: JoHN p. cHtRBy Phone: TYPE OF OWNER: [x ] Marketer, or non-marketer with annual monthly throughput greater than 10,000 gallons. [ ] Non-marketer with annual monthly throughput less than'10,0b0 gallons (Must veiify). DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: lge res4 1eB4 - reE-uapacrry 10 . 000 10 .000 10 .000 +Aft{t_ ISF__Substance TANK TIGHTNESS TEST U?4H DEPT. OF HEALTHPFAI I nf FAllrlErJnr'.!{a::a,Y r3!_5r ## CERTIFICATE OF REGiSTRATION h. I All Underground Storage Tanks (UST) at this facility have been registered. W OU registration TANK Fees have been'paid. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: is tle applicant currently in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local UST regulations I x ] Yes t I No -- lf "No" please describe item(s) of non-compliance: PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENT(S) |ayq .you gvg_r had a pollution incident at your facility?[ ] Yes -- lf "Yes" please provide LUST (L-eaking Uniderground Storage Tank) lnformation: [* ] No - !f "No" please attach a letter stating that under customary business inventory practice standards you are not aware of any release fiom any tank(s) at this facility. PST FUND FEES t ] Full payment for every tank at this facility is included with this application. [x ] Quarterly payment(s) for every tank at this facility are includeO witn this application. I certify under penalty of law that the above representations made by me are true and correct. Applicant's signature :Date signed: W ':z PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND CHECKLTST. 1. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: fifl All Underground Slorage Tanks (USTs) have been registered - Form 7530 (Revised 9-89). S Registration Tank Fees have been paid - 1988/1989 = $2SAank/yr, 1990/1E91 : $4S/tank/yr 2, COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: I I Tanks inetalled before 1965 or unknown: release detection by Dec. 1989. [ ] Tanks instslled '196$'1988: releas€ detection to be completed by my compliance date. [ ] Release detection completed upon installation. ffi t am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. PST FUND FEES .. ANNUAL FACTLITY MONTHLY THROUGHPUT: I an q marketer, or I am a non-marketer with annual facility monthly throughput greaterq 10,000 gallons. I I SZSO payment/tank: Fiscal year (July t, 1990 - June 30, 199i). t I Quarterly payments @ $62.50/tank (Due the tst day ot Jut, Oct, Jan, and Apr). I I I 3m a non-marketer with annual legI-E qonthly throughput tess than 1O,OOO gallons. [ ] I have completed the APPLtcATlomR NoN:MARKETECs DtsCouNT forr;- I I $125 payment/tank: Fiscat year (July 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991). I t Quarterly payments @ $3l.25ltank (Due the lst day ot Jul, Oct, Jan, and Apr). 4. TANK & LINE TIGHTNESS TEST - ACTIONS REQUIRED AFTER TEST: 4(nt systems pass the tank and tine tightness test$'fi1 am submitting the results of the taiX tightness test and a copy of the fietd report [ ] A,lltanks do not J'f.eet^the rgq_qleqents set by rule regarding tank tightness testing. [ ] I have contacted the State UST office and will submitividenlce of a-pran for revievV. 5. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS: ffihave completed the PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS forM 'y\tt customary business inventory practice standards, I am aware of any release from the tank. 6., INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ASSURANCE records at I have obtained financial responsibility requirements for the first g25,0OO/release: b/sr,r tnsurance '( |nirr retention group I I Guarantee I I Letter of Credit I I Commercial lnsurance I I Surety Bond I I CIher: I have obtained independent third-party financial assurance by my compliance date. I will obtain independent third-party finincial assurance by my compliarice date. rsee explanati)ns under "Hot r do I get started?" FTEUTI IJI #2000138 PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS To:Mr. Deruris Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazardous Wastes Committee Dear Mr. Downs: As required by paragraph 26-14e4O4 of the Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a release of petroleum. Additionally, based on "customary business inventory practices standards", I am not aware of any release of petroleum from my tanks. qR, I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). signature of owner/operator Failure to repoft Previous releases could void.'rour coverage under the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. -98 UrED 16:12 SOIJTHLtrlHD 1,IKTG \P - 82 : ;'l I t S.I B II. tTY rhe Southland Corporation hereby certlftes bhat lt i.s inco'rtolianee wtbh bhe requi, rements of Sut-rpar! H of 40 CFR part ZgO. The f inanc i'aL as.Eurance meehanism usei to demonstrate f tnaneialre$oonsi.blli.ty under Subpart H of 40 eFp part 2BO ls as tlollowg: T r revocabre standbv [,etter of cr:eri it \o. ez sdg, t ssurrd byNCNB Texas Natlona't- Sankr on Jantrary 24, 1gg9 t r)t)rsuant to40 CFR 280.99r EQ .lemonstrabe Einanciat - responsihtti tv foci.akinq -correebiue aeLlon aacl/or compensatinq thirri par|.i;;!or bodity lnjury and property aamaqe ciuse,.l rrv. i""i;;;;;ireleases 1n t.he amount oE a't 'i.east $i, f, O'O',000. 00 -t';;; oecurrence and fi2r000,000.00 annual aqgreoaEe. THF: SOT'THI.A}.ID CORPORATTON lv: rlame: 'ri ttefnaEes U.e'eh 16-. lq8;-- - 9'NATE Of,' TEXAS COI'NTY OP NATLAS s s s hruiiiA C. i:i: j.:l;:,'i-i), li i''rrr Pu':li0 i6 3;1d li:i' [:i"; r,;.I;rltiilU.f My Cm:rnisii'rn E;:;,;r';3 L -.\r .:uBggRIBED AND sr,rORN ro BEFoRE MF: rhts Mray of//"LJkdg-, 1989. --t ^ /) ltv Com,n t ti ton Expt res ! :' BFSGR3I : TAr{r$oLoqy coRpoRAnoN TNTERNATIO}{AL 5225 Hollister, Houston, Texas llO4OA294 Certificate of Trghmess Phone: (713) 690-TANK Scrvice 0163r * 13 3 71 . Fax: (713) 690.2255 TrltdrE L2/L4/90 [ ] PipirB only. Ouan- unltgtqr5 rEat l*ffiD E rd hrn t1trk [;"Jrank(s) & PlpirB,I I Tank(s) OnV, Ouan- Tank owner/Address southland 7t67 s. Alton way Enslewood, co Test SIE Address Tank sizes & products EsEd Tank #1 lOK RITN, Tank tt? t OK nnr:- rank tt? 1nr errr\, 8011 2 PipirB Tested Lines: 1A ,2A,3A. reg Robbins #64 5/10-/q?Gdbtrt_!'eflmm v (artr SU. S. P.t.nt . #224, Crn dlm P.t.nt . il05695, Eurog.D prt nt ApCl:. f 6*IANKNotGY & Vacufcct rc tradcmrk! of T^llt(tlq.06y CCnpmfftOt NftillfnOul VCEonlywih CoOaeSal ttE Sss YurTd Td nft E ffi ltr{lbatin rd * bc&r fi*tgr Formcert.A,ES reF 1'-i a-' JN - 'l rqql i co ; @q , @o tr ) = cD 9 31 f i E ;- >< -o , <l ^ =$ g gc ul .- .9 - E aB oi =t r . . e E 9 E: 6 i ki 3 &- = 5 Hs E E o- = ( o :- 5= a EE () : ( D (6 C >( o a -o 8e ; €E Ja c9 sB E* d Y' a : FL I z @: ;' i ; <E \ ;: F cX > c LU A I Ed o c- g sEo< HtrFlF ,( n \r n o65aoJor=:i ocD J -^ . ^ooa ) o. = s6 L! :6e a9 F ,; (J Yl uJ 0- E :YAU J AJ F zoo- _JFi !O r. r . t fFaa 06 l II 6tNIol (D l NI,l=l6l o- I I -t ot rl *l(r I lr I ol U, . Fg o. P -' 5 a. : tu 2 FOaZ ur ii =6 0) ia6o ) N Ac , Y< zo - <l r tZ n.:(Eo.oootr .9oo=(EoozoFzuJ==oo @F{:Etz=c\ tOtozeaouJO(r r, . l Ja(,oJozvzF lF t! u I o= c f f g =" ? ? : <: I <a ^ y zl sq : iE = l e s E' , g E* + l a - - o .1 o" I <: oo - : Z Eu i a E = ;E f i i ; T gC E E = E -_ F ,i o o( r 66 t< cE S j b ! ._ F QE oc ( 3e B3 6a - A E 6E E u3 5 !; c-J IIIIIJdEdddI>{ ' r{HdIT.9cosc\s(CccFFFft+0c+V. trIt=tL frFoc. jdrr l c. ltdcat l ,- ig+{5o1oaoEEo)O'=o)a crcrcroIcsr-(rCr oot$NFio6oN?lol oo l ot Ln l 'l{to(ro=o tt ' coCN F{toaaFg,oo. UJG, (5z-FoUJFYzl-:FoUJF=os c)coo-l-i -{q:dqIddoHOTJdtd1dqdo+l1,r { -l (o.jNJdol -{rt+) l tlol ,looEEEg) t-L-=cl 1, tr (0Fl +)oaoEoofO lu li IIcoo3o oc ?:Doi 1r I I It t M' idrw lo I I a A,o P h. I ii E \ (} ar t ==sC o.oqo I I i i I I i i I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 10 o o h' I'h IClA It It _ lof-F ,a io i; iOl> to - io . l-lo lalv t li ' i l- r I i" , IIII IH ll * li L ll ^il ri il ll u LF il t ii iN . ir iuIt l I i- t lr il >o 6'=lo lr ir - la is iolsln lu I I {D z,x -{ tr t Q{oo =Emz-lo 2o oo o D o3o o-t .loI,E - -1 \rDo -t-{rno{ J F -{Dzx {moJzov rn!oE -{p o I{r G lv t t I -- t i- o8 - li = 5 [ , t i= ; E t B l= s; " Ff f i Jl lJt t >o t O i I := _ _ l _ i rl l r; t iH- = l, = l s s.BL(t r B \\E, \ -{xo a,=zmo -{ It ta mI o o'T t fI rF I -a q,@ h:&a ^r z 'T t !.P (. )€ihEGo 6'o :!o o UI oc h {C m9 oz -ong *e Hg df i A <t ) E, f ql \ =mdt rg a ;h '. r Lr -- r ! ES oa-U,q at I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 1ElI s ht ]- - \ Iir it / i I I r- -D I \i l^f{ fv (4 , }1 (' tz B U I $v{D fhln i' - t lr t lu ft '3 I p \A ct J Jl oUl - z a ;' E Es I@ o (! to _ - o 'P ; E lr o 11 6 -l - ,: - cl l - < {L <E >E 9 q :9 ( D . I l !l -g () o _ ir i (3 E 3; E i i 3 z q' ; u ' : ue :F F' +I -] - r \U\\ xzo oo U' fn ofn =Poz I Cz =,: l E I i' a I I I I I :- $ i- S ) lv oo :C )3i E 3 er -o S, . ^J J id ; g i f o 99 E .. t r N- ( J ;A B T E JN : B E 3e -s ; B !r e .l r l r 59 oE t o e t9 ( ! rt cl , 6 eO = g; si E 33 : i s t tt s = o> < + :: ' t $: E I ! A= A I Y6 , 5 Hs = ag :i D XONTTOR WELI^S D"pthl llletcr | | Lq NgIDcti)rr ix i i Location Diagram -1 -t\1 1t-.L -tlvltr ti 5T i*l[s- | I F,^t ,\O --,q, :----llriiPertr and t-abor usad Iil,ii---_-rl|'lil-- ,rr % L ii rcguletioar orCivncrlleffiiiffiffiF]Reported to: Tirr N {SaBtNs Tarrrn Hi.xfr-#--:, 6ood Vacetcct(tE) Cerilflcrrlot Nr.lbcr ,, l:-j,.'l q! -Deta Terri.r5 Conpletcd Form:TcrtDrtr lzTg tt?d, I I / Customer 5o '.t-r+t-6ill r+ L fo 3 o LINE TEST LOG 1337) I z- -l'l - qD s.o.# Date KNOLOG rccH(orooY Fon r^fir5 ^t o ?xttF €xvttolir€xr Ts-uk No./--Line No.z*Product ? t- ii ll ilPipine Material - s@- Test Pressure 50 psi Calib.Multiplier ,1P:12- rfl rt r61 ba;zq V;f <&o'1 Z it __: iluNAr LiNE tIGHrxEss RF.TE: d - , FAIL I I rl :l il ,t rl tXIorPASS tl Product /ttt-ilTaak No.I l-iue No.fi ,l iifiping Material 5r&'z-'--. Test Pressure 5a gsi Calib.Multiplier il ,ao>n<1 iicoupnrssioNlZ.rrEar.L""-a- --- -- Tert Pr"sJ;;Pres.Level _-i 7. IilLrJeil iiTEST ii I.EVELA Voluue AreA ii --il _.__-__ LINE TEsT ___il ri-llil{is-ns-lis-;i: Lg"s!-*JsystA-r-}&l}ed+Epis$-{--9.f.il-A --ii,i yo;o:- istart llr.i i*ffiEl fiffinnm4; ffi ii..-.--rl il/?'' lu - !.- -;!!:. -/- ' - ,4--;- *-*:32--..-,-c-t 73': ---- -:i j[ l"t {zi 4 iJi,-:U__i_J__i .or1Il]-_.1_. ii,o-f -5 lil* I::rurffiil i6l ii'__l ||FINALLINETIGHTNESS RATE: _ fl -, FAIL t I or pASS X Ill a ;i Comments: ,ll'.ffi...---='.'..'".ffi-- :-:ffiffi:-:l+l-.n:Erz:-jffi:-'ffi=:ffi:,::==::lJFORI{ No.: LincTcrtt,og. t/t9 l,i-#T*yr ffi";BFG; i i ,\. il _ &_.re -- ,iMit.rioE Rcadilari Level im _--;l:i it'o-z :sta* *l#E_"@_lltt',Q I i :J , FAlt" I L;;--E-ssffi,i iTaak No. il Line No.Product iiPipiag Material ;l Test Pres.sure __ psi Calib.Multiplier Ffffi:T=i:=::=:::=::':==::::=:=::::==-..=.: j:::=;--=:=:- ii lgry Rr s s r o Ni;-z ;;F;.;til;i - Test Pr;.-i;".ITESTLEVELAVolume A LINE TEST ir--. i LevelA, V;Ir,_ql$_Ei;cted ffii_ il 1i ---,i ,l --il :l ,i-- I ,i t.jlFINArLm 'lCom-ents: Technician _ oou4 TIGHTNESS RA,[E:_,FAJLl VecqTcst ccnirJ Ior PASS I No.; LinaTatLot. l/69t. DEC_ TAI.IKNOLOGY CORPORA 5225 HolllStgr, Hougton, Toxas 77040-6294 Phoner (713) rtifiCile of Tlghme$S scrytca ordgr * ., 13 3 Un*grurd *rqgE E* syens} hfid fid hnd lgltloc [ 6nl Tank(s) & Pipitu,I I Tank(s) Only, ouan. Tank Owner/Address Sout,hl?+d 7167,,j?. A1ron.,l{?v Endler{.ood, cO 8011 2 Test Slte Address Soulhrand #25Q30 17 E. -Main st., ne tta. ur ne42 Tank slzee & produots teshd Plplng Testeo Llnes: 1A,2A,3A. reg Robblns#64 5/to/q2 riffitrffi,,%i XIE.C_TE-98 TIJE $.o.#lj3"1t .s B:=6 Numb Dcpth Strtor hod.Dctect NOT fxt "jr looation Diagram o[_ I l-.L. :l:l ---*l {.aryE.,.Brr- 5T: Prrrts and l^nbor urcd -l--.hlg a$-.lrn!{h --ai:iffi _El=!*iJg3lBE:--,::Efi :E-r --8.8.*__ ,.d,"*n=_*-Asfmit"4..l* -kfrq&er--rtE+ffi rFft.-illi'..'.'.'.-4*kft+'n.-%_--Ek.Bs. ry.{-+-q.-,,.++k r-*tufr.kh,- Reported ,il, to: rS Ns Nrso ooo./ Vrcntcct(tn) CartLflcrtlol Nrnbor -*-Lr-:!--*-Drtc Trrriu6 complctcd ForruTerrDrh t/f,g P. B5a LINE TEST LOG S.O.# lg37) Cu*tomer 9ovr,'n{++a.lrt,,Tf:.jlf%ll--h. -=*ffi Date Jg-:jl:-'A _*----LLq*_-4tE__g-r_,}.-egifl *_ur__e,.J3J_**G.* Ta.nk No. -,-.--,-j: _ *Llue No,"-A Product R t* llPining Material -5ffi1L* Test Pressure -e-- psi Calib.Multiplior .fg:I_?_- il co r,fpRFs B itJfiIffi-Eo:Ei ;;i :H:" _:_a* t TEffi lfrEt}-**;!.J€yp=t* ffir.[:s- Lioe No,Product /rtr. itIt0 {L- Commeuts:*-,FAILI Ior fESS-Fl EG- r" B-?ra -rtJE E :58 ---'Piping Material -#,: - Test hersure -P-- psi Calih.Multiplter :,r"gi3- l#"j*+:*s-+1iiE::ij-:3::=E:-r:l!i-$1rif*i:..=".---ri.; ?':-,j':';r,ti? aii!itr.-ts,E*:1t:E€3Eii=li-c=ffi!:fi:uE5H'Eti5.---.]Ej.,!r.-?==;il- rl lll'ank No.[,ine No.Product I ...ri tiatrrxt F. 64 -E*ricFi+,{ Pi'ping Marerial CTIfiFRESsid TEST Zero Pres,L.eyel I.RVNLA Test Pres.teyei Volume A Te*t Pressure *.-- psi Calib.lHultiplier 1 il Ir ti lt t! Tcchuiciat *Lg_cr!_, VesqT.sr Ccnii r FQ{(l,l No.l Liu+Tc.tLoS,l/[y J,e*^I?:.tuil-IFltlPtl H,r\.i48 I I l-. Dalaaaa Flalaa*ian lnan^alian I I vv i I rsrEclr)g ygtglrllvl I r: lr)lrgvtr\r! I i 4lt8l20Lt Tanks IG- lAil - ['*-Fil- fNrA F,il - fY"' lAa- Tanks lY*- Fil * rc- lAr - lG- fil * lNf- hil - l-Y"' lAil * Fil* Comments Tanks lG- lAil * lc- Fii-- Corrosion Protection Tanks are protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the tank subpumps are protected from corrosion? Containment sumps are sealed, free from water, product, etc? The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within six months of installation and every three years thereafter)? ; Follow Up on Corrosion Protection Spill/Overfill Detail: Tanks have a Spill Prevention device or are exempt from this requirement? Are you able to visually inspect the spill containment bucket(s) for functionality? (i.e. are the buckets clean enough to see cracks, etc?) Is the spill containment bucket(s) intact? If the spill containment bucket(s) is not intact, does it have a potential to release product to the environment? r Follow Up on Spilfoverfill Piping LD Detail: Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a line leak detector? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line tightness test or valid monthly monitoring? Piping is U.S. suction? The database has been verified and updated? Follow Up on Piping Leak Detection Financial Responsibility The database has been verified and updated? Financial Responsibilty Method is ok? Follow Up on Financial Responsibility Piping is protected from corrosion? Flex connectors at the dispensers are protected from corrosion? Impressed current system is checked for proper operation at least every 60 days and the results of the last three checks are available? Have you updated the database with the current Cathodic Protection test? The database has been verified and updated? Is the spill containment bucket(s) able to contain a spill? (i.e. is there water, product, debris, etc in the spill bucket to prevent it from containing a spill?) Tanks have an overfill device or are exempt from this requirement? If an overfill alarm is being used is it properly located so the delivery driver can hear or see it and is clearly identified? The database has been verified and updated? Do all of the pressurized piping systems have a valid annual line leak detector test? If using monthly monitoring, have you entered the results in the table below? U.S. suction piping has a valid line tightness test every 3 years? Ownership of Tanks Name l7-ELEVEN tNC DALLAS rW arc.Westfall@7-1 1.com Inspection Date: Detail: Detail: lc;- l%:- INA lAil - Tanks lY.*;- V Tanks l^il Piping qualifies as Safe Suction. (Documentation is available and verifiable to show that piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure, has only one check valve (under pump), and has proper slope of piping. If all these criteria are met, no leak detection is required on the piping.) Inspector: Record Created by: Time Record Created: lnspection Date: i LD substanlial: i Op"t Substantial: I Contact IMARC Phone l(702) 270-7123 Facility ID #: 2000138 Location of Tanks 7-ELEVEN 1852-25030 17 E MAIN ST 43s) 864-4017 IG- fil - lffi*-l\il* Tanks l€r-* fiii-- f*- fiil-* f- lAil * f-hil- SEANWARNER swarner 411812011 3:22.52 PM 4118t2011 irl i,L Page 1 of 5 Facility ID #: 2000138 Inspection\.,t 4lt9lzDLl- lTank LD-ATG/IM Detai! : i lATG/IM - Leak Detection Method Used? I itfU - fype of Secondary Containment Used? I IIM - Type of Documentation Used? IIM - System is capable of detecting a release of regulated substances from lany portion of the primary tank/piping within one month of release? I IATGiIM - Records on site document that the system is properly installed, lcalibrated, operated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, I maintenance records)? Written documentation of calibration, maintenance, land repair is kept for at least one year after work is completed? I I ]ATG/IM - ATG console or other eguipment used to take readings and perform ]tests is adequate, accessible, and operational? I llfCTtm - Documentation of valid testing or monitoring is available for the last j12 months? Show results in table below. I I IATG - The probe is located at the center of the tank? If not in the center, yshow tilt factcirs from the setup report. I llfC - fn" tank was filled to at least the minimum level required to ensure a lvalid leak test, and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size llimits? The database has been verified and updated? i_fJ Fdbw y_p gl Enk leak detection I Fi--F,- lAil * f,, - FaE;,T- IN/A|iltr'- lil'/A- l%;- lc;- Fii-* lc;- IV;-{- Page 2 of 5 Facilitf ID #: 2000138 , I Mo7yr, oqltql, o5/to t z Inspection oate 1o/r illzott o6lro ozro- oslro 0e/10 10110 11l10ii 12110 0u11 02lti',, 03111 Tank#.1 P PiP P P P P P P P P P P P P P.P P P P P P P P I Show results of monitoring for the last 12 months. Pass(p), Fail(f), Inconclusive(i) or No results(nr). (Tank Results in first bo:t, line results in second) Show resutts of monitoring for the last 12 months. Pass(p), Fail(O, Inconclusive(i) or No results(nr). (Tank Results in first box, line results in second) Mo/yrl$@|=bilio 06/101 0z1ili_ bb7io,; 0e/i0 ioliollrm.-uii:i orirr oztr7, osni, pjrii prp;, p:pr, elelii;e,,e p p itiP;ili p,p'p P P p,ltiii Show results of monitoring for the last 12 months. Pass(p), Fail(f), Inconclusive(i) or No results(nr). (Tank Results in first box, line results in second) Page 3 ol 5 Facility ID #: 2OOO138 lTank Status: lR Vendor TG Vendor/Model Vol./Max. Cap.: Monthly Thruput: Release Detection: ALDTffype/Passed? LTT/Method/ Passed? : Yes Other . Vol./Max. Cap.: Monthly Thruput: Pipe Belease Deteclion: Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: Yes Other Inspection\-z: 4lLal2}lrl i E-Gerr: l.io Currently ln Use Manifold: No v lDate lnstalled/Capacity/Loc: 4/1611984 10,000 West I jTank Material: Galvanic cathodic Prolection (STIP3) lTank Modifications: None Line CP TesVPassed? ank Release Detection: TTT/Method/Passed?: No Other E-Gen: No ank Status: Date lnstalled/Capacity/Loc : Tank Material: ank Modilications Pipe Material: Modilications: Pipe Flex Connectors: Type: Stored: Description ank C P MeULast TesUPassed? YES 12i16i2009 Yes Line CP TesVPassed?: ank Release Deteclion:ATG USTMAN SIR Veeder Root '10% old 57o new 227,559 glmo 1. LTT 1i10i241 1 TTT/Method/Passed?: Vendor TG Vendor/Model ALDT/Type/Passed? 1,10i201 1 Tanknology ATG USTMAN SIR Veeder Root '10% old 57" new 227,559 glmo 1. LTT 1,10,'2011 1110t2011 No No TLS.3sO CSLD N 45K ALD Yes Yes Tanknology ALD Yes Yes Currently ln Use Manifold: No 4116/1984 10,000 Center Galvanic Calhodic Proteclion (STlP3) None Fiberglass Beinlorced Plaslic None Booted Steel Flex' Pressurize Perm RD by:12/2211998 Gasoline Regular 5 gal. Spill Bucke Automatic shutoff /Vo TLS-350 CSLD N 45K Page 4 ol 5 ^!hcility ID #:2000138 ^Inspection l I lTank Status: I Date tnstattedlCapacity/Loc : lTank Material: iTank Modifications: lPipe Material: Modifications: Flex Connectors: Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overf ill Descriplion Tank C P MeVLast TesVPassed? Line CP TesVPassed?: Tank Release Detection: TTT/Method/Passed?: Vendor TG Vendor/Model Vol./Max. Cap.: . Monthly Thruput: Release Detection: ALDT/Type/Passed? LTT/Methodl Passed? TFund: Yes Other: Cunently ln Use Manifold: No 4l'1611984 10.000 East Galvanic Cathodic Proteclion (STlP3) None Fiberglass Reinlorced Plastic None Booled Steel Flex Pressurize Perm RD by:1212211998 Gasoline Premium 5 gal. Spill Bucke Automatic shutoff YES 12i16i2009 Yes ATG iVo USTMAN SIR Veeder Root TLS-350 CSLD N 10% old 57" new 45K 227,559 g/mo 1. LTT 2. ALD 1i1A2U 1 Yes 1l 10i201 1 Tanknology Yes No OtherType: I i I I l 1 I I Page 5 of 5 ,*545r ..AL 0o$SIs(