HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006604UTAtt DEPA裁 =■Ettl oア
餞NVi象 ON粋 蕉lNITA場 会UAtittV
PO Box 144830
Salt Lake City, UT 841144830
Phone: (801)5364100
Fax: (801) 536-4211
Email: ddwreports@utah.gov
www.d rin ki n gwater.utah. gov
As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is to be varied. All water systems are
required to maintain a current bacteriological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which
bacteriological lests are taken, Sample sites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each water source of the
distribution system. The sample plan should be revised regularly and following any major construction prqect impacting the
distribution system.
System Name:Bear River WCD - Tremonton System #: UTAHIo][z][o][o ][ o]
Street Address:102 West Forest Street,B∥gham Ctty,UT 84302 Phone#:435‐723-7034
Mailing Address:102 West Forest Street,3rlgham City,UT 84302 Ema∥:Service Connections: +7 Served: 1so
Samples collected by: Roberi Thavne
Name of Laboratory: Brisham citv Labratory
Mailing Address:P O Box 1005,B轟 gham Cty,UT 84302
State Lab Code:UT00010 Phone#:435‐723‐3146 Fax#:435723‐7631
The Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan on: 6t't1t2018
Utah Division of Drinking Water was sent a copy of this plan sn;611112018
ls the water operated seasonally?I可 YES I瑚 N0
Dates of operation: 0pen:Close:
Systems, which operate seasonally, are required to take an invesligative sample prior to opening to the public. Where
will that sample be taken?
Location Date sampled:
Have you enclosed\attached a map of the distribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks,
heatment facilities, distribution piping, routine sample locations, and |?id Yes il~l No
The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up
(repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a 'positive' routine sample.
1.10800 W Sam口 e ttap
(routine sample location name or address)
2. 13170 N 10800 W, Bothwell, UT (Keegan Secrist)
(hose bib, sink faucet, etc.)(location name or address up-stream)
VVater samples witt be co∥ecled from this iocatton dunng 3.10775W13600N,8othwell,UT(B」
Reeder)the months ofrcircle):the months of (circle):
(location name or address down-stream)
1ま Qtr ttJan.1 轟IFeo. 鐵Mar.
2nd Qヒ 糠Apr. 轟May tt」un. 4.Newman&Back‐up Wdb
3に (漱 ‐1 難JJ.1 難AuO I■鐵Sёl
4h Q驚 轟Od. 翻Nov ttDec.
(locatjon name or address)
Sample Tap
(hOSe bb,Ы nk ttucet,eに)Water samples wi∥be co∥ected from this localon du"ng
the months of(cirCle):
(rOuttne sample localon name or address)
2.9830 W Point Lookout Dr,Bothwe∥,UT(Brad Parke)
|。CattOn namo or addttss upstream)
3,9670 VV Point Lookout Dr,Bothwe∥,UT(Cody E∥is)
0。CattOn name or addttss down‐stream)
4,Newman&Back‐up Wdに
1.12024ヽ 10000W.3othwel,じ T“∞00 W Sam●e Ta"
(hose bib, sink faucet, etc.)
Water samples will be collected from this location during
the months of (circle):
(rouiine sample location name or address)
2. 12144N10000W,Bothwe∥,UT(」eff iVers)
00Caお n name oradd“ss up‐sttam)
3.12024N10000W,3othwe∥,UT(ViCtOda Owensby)
Report Prepared by:
6/11/2018Signature and Title:
簿Jal`11難 |lb. 国Mar.
2nd Qャ 機Apr. 懇May tt」un.
31Q“ 甕J■■ 醸ハむ0.|●:霧 Slp.
1・ Q● 機Jan. 睡Feb. EIMar.
2nd Qヒ 轟Apr. 懸May ttJun.
3“Q載 鶴Jul・ 畿Aug. 機Sbp.
The following describes each routine sample location, whal months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up
(repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a 'positive" routine sample.
(routine sample location name or address)
2.9250 W Point L∞kout Dr.Bothwel,UT(Ryan Nay)
(hOSe bわ ,Ы ∩k fau∝t,elc)(localon name or address up-stream)
Water samples will be collected from this location during
the months of (circlel: - 3. 1 331 5 N 10000 W, Bothwelt, UT (Fred Manning)
(bcalion name or address down-stream)
1盛 Q崚 田」an. 自Feb. 菫Mar.
2nd Qヒ ロApr. □May EEJun. 4.Newman&Back‐up Wdb
3だ Q“ 饉 Jd. 轟ハug. 霧Sel.
4t Qtr: ffOct. flNov. [Dec.
Routine Sample Location:
1 . 12700 N 9800 W, Bothwell, UT (Palmer Trucking)
(location name or address)
(hOSe bb,lnkね ucet e裕)Water samples w∥!be co∥ected from this iocation durlng
the monlhs of(cirCie):
EIFeb. □Mar.
EEMay tt」un.
□Au9. 饉Sep.
(rOutine sam口 e loCaお n name craddress)
2.13435N100∞W,Bothwe∥.UT(Ban summers)
(bcation name or address upskeam)
3. 12380 N 10000 W, Boihwell, UT (Robin Lord)
(iocation narn or address down-sbeam)
4. Newman & Back-up Wells
(routine sample location namo or address)
(location narne or address up-stream)(hoSe bib,Sink faucet elC.)
Water samples w∥be co∥ecled lrom ths locatlon dunng 3.
the months of(cirCle):
lsreh f!.lan. [reu. [Mar.
2'u Qtr; flApr. il May il.tun. 4.
37d Qt「 鐵Jul. EIAug. 醸sep.
4h Qtr: EI1 0ct. Ell Nov. EIDec.
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