HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006595State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Gο ッο″″ο′ SPENCERJ COX ιた,た 4a″′Gο ッ′″″ο″ Departlnent of Environmental Quality Alanヽ 4athcson Ex●ο″′71′D7raο ゎ″ DIVIS10N OF DRINKING WATER Maric E Owens,PE Dブ ′′ο′ο″ October 19,2017 Lad Neilson Nucor Steel PO Box 100 7285 W 21200N Plymouth,UT 84330 SutteCt:RTCR Sarnple Site Plan Approval for Nucor Steel UTAH02057 Dearヽ 〔r/ⅣIs.Neilson: Thc cllrrent RTCR sample site plan for UTAH02057 is approved as submitted to thc Division of Drinking Water.If you have any questions or changes that need to bc rnade please feel free to contact me at(801)536-4150 or Pkcersの utah.gov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water T灘 :臨 樹陽6鴫『Pぷ 篤3L:盤 宙ltt」(謝 l発 留14 ″ll″J″9″′α力gο ν Printed on 10096 rccycled papcr 編 Water System Name: Nucor Steel‐#02057 Water System Operator Lad Neitson Address: City,State: Phone: Population: Type ofSystem: Last Plan Update: P.0.Box 100 PlymoutL Utah 84330 435‐458‐2491 452 ‐ Non‐Tratts,Non‐Communi″ Scotember ll.2017 Nucor shall comply宙 th potable water monibdng requirements as set forth From the Utah Division oFDi患 hg WateL lhis modtodng Falis under: ● Distribution System Monito血g ● Disinfection By‐Product Stage 2 Mo面 toing e Sourcc MonitoHng The responsible persOn sLli be the Water Treatment Plant Operator mderthe Environmental Departnent. MOnitOFing Parameters,sampling魚 3quencies,and sampling deadlines are sp∝iltally set fo山 bythe Utah Di宙 sion oFDrinkin=Wtter as follo略:DISTRIBUT10N SYSTEM MONITORING DS001 0 BA‐RIOLOGICAL MONITORINGl l SAMPLE PER MONTH BETWEEN JAN 01 AND DEC 31 oeginning Aprill・ 2016) rbacted。1。gic sample is coliforln‐posidve,you must collect atleast 3“REPEAT' samples for each TC+within 24 hours.One atthc oH」nal Site,one upstream and one downstrealn hm ttt site as descibed in Appendix A.Also,cdl and have the lab tes“that were TC+sampled For E.Coli.Ifany repeat sample is TC+or EC+,calithe DDW(801)536‐ 4200 and tellthem your sarnples have t」ggered an assessment.This must be done by the end ofthe day that notiication ofthe results are acquired. Foilow the now chart providod in Appendix B. ● STAGE 2 DISNFECT10N BY‐PRODUCT SAMPLE PLAN ITHM&HAA SAMPLE DONE EVERY 3 YEARS DURRING THE 3RD QuARTER (PREFFERABLY AUGUSD P080X100 PLYMOυ TH じTAH 84330 'HO"E435 158 2300 FAX 435 458 230, WVVVV NSuTAH COM NUCOR STEEL PLYMOUTH UTAH . LEAD&COPPERMONITORINC: 5 SAMPLES EVERYTHREE YEARS All samplcs must be "FIRST DMW' ftom either kitchen or bathroom taps. "FIRST DRAW' means the water has not been used in the building for at least 6 hours prior to sample collection. Be sure to rccord thc results of analysis on forms provided by thc Division of Drinking Water, following the instruction on the back of the forms (the forms are colored grey for lead and yellow for copper). In addition a consumer notice must be posted with the sampling results as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after leaming the results. (Send a copy to DDW within 90 days of end of monitoring period.) Date last sampled: June 3, 2015 Next sample due: September 30, 2018 SOURCE MONITORING The Division of Drinking Water Source Monitoring Schedule is found in Appendix E. Individual analysis reports arc locatcd in thc Potable Watcr Binder following this plan. Bacteriological Sampling Site Maps arc located in Appendix A ofthis plan. Thc Bear River Health Department will be contracted to sample each month from a different site on the map. A record of the Bear River Health Depsrtment bacteria monitoring is found in the Potable bin&r following this plan. Lead and Copper sampling sites are listed in Appendix D ofthis plan. Individual lead and copper analysis reports art kept in the Potable binder following this plan. In addition to the aforcmentioned monitoring plan, Nucor shall comply with one sampling of TTHM's and ILAAS's every threc years. This record and the analyical report are found in the Potable binder following this plan. Also, free chlorine residual shall be measurcd three times (minimum) per week. The sampling site shall be from thc potablc tap locatcd on the south insidc wall of thc Water Trcatment Plant. A daily record of free residual shall be kept on the wall near the chlorine sampling sile. These reports shall then be filed in the Potable Water Binder under *Quarter Chlorine Report" PO EOX 100 PLYMOUTH, UTAH 84330 PHOiJE 435 458 2300 FAX 435 458 2309 WWW NSUTAH COM APPENDIX A Bacteriological Sampling Site Locations System Name: Nucor Steel SyslemNumber: 02057 Contact Person lnforlnation System Owner:-@$!99! Billing Address: PO Box 100 PivttЮ u山 L UT 84330 System Manrger:ヽ熱 r Treament oDentOr―Lad Neilson Managcr Address: PO Box 100 Pl:vmouth- UT 84330 Telephone (contact # in case ofbad samplc):Lad Ncilson (43i 458-2491 Instructions for sampling at Nucor Steel: r When aniving, check in at the gate and sign in. . Explain to the Truck Scale Attendant or Clerk wfto you are and your purpose. r Ask the Truck Scale Attendant or Clerk to contact the water systems manager, Lad Neilson (458-2491) so that he is aware that you are here and can assist ifneeded. No Nrme/Locetion MaF#Follow‐up Loo3110n Site#1Maintenancc Omce sink2 lonics&Site 72 Cafeteda Sink2 Site l&Site 8 Sage Clinic DFi祠 鳳ng Fountain2 Site 8&Site 44 Main Orlce Break Room Sink3 Site 3&Site 55 Main Orl∝Bathr。。m Sink(men'SOr wo"en's)Site 3&Site 96 Train Scale4 Ionics&Site 77 Truck Scalc4 Ionics`L Site 68 Roli Sho,Sink2 Site 2&Site 39 Melt Sho,Ofrtcc Sink2 She 3&Site 5 10 MeltShop BMkroom Sh止1 Site 8&Site 7 rPPE = Personal Prolective Equiprnent PO BOX 100 PLYIv10uTH uTAH 84330 PHONE 435 458 2300 FAX 435 458 2300 ソ′WW NSuTAH COlvl APPENDEX B●TCR Flow Chartl {.'n*tin$r r* ith routixr nrcnlttrring rchedule. urc*rtiing t{i }r}ur sampl* sitini pl*n. . iil.-'.1! l, ,.i1:'rii i:', ri,'''rll., in. !\\{f r{. flr}\'i 'l-,.i .:r. i t1 l..l- t .t.'.,.i, ii ,".1e i r, l.\irti', ll f i,:f..rrf -;".t , no, edc th,' ii ,ri 'i,1, ! ..r:lp!:.! t,■.二m,1嗜 く 一―― ‐ 一 一 ―)1:・ ,ゃ F`呼etい attplF i,1`す+(pr T(l iS rFtS議 輸1)ギ 麟lH〕13u‐醜:llntdiatel)and lで l the猥 卜●u ttiぼ 事綾 CI!1響 la織鸞 ヽキ鍮 ぜnt.lhel)妙 ヽF ttill hel「 卜・uヽ 1轟 鷲|ヽ ⅢⅢ Ⅲζ●ⅢSSCS岬 曽t ij rtttlLil餞 tl . λ(1『1' Vttu mユ ト朧鸞ヽc tO cOInPly、ith otれ な了 rtutrゞ nlff匈 て、liぃ 纂]Fdじ 卜al(・ ,sarnplr tc.gt i》liblitヽ 中tiliriltion、R(|な 。rt114cttinメ 1: `A重 .ι .1義 ●DD■:Yttu籍 群せⅢ摯 晨 、薇 褻It'diふ 轟 、ttB軸 11禁 治緩:.1薦 1轟 、:h,。FttI轟 ll.悽 :電 t■0■藤 颯鰺ヽ|' T〔 や肇 ,中 鷲■n,.iC・ 卸 嬌:"彎 |%‐ . ‐ . . ,. . ‐ ● ヨC■・・IIout:n,ら 4d.TI●表華口ぞ書t,3r琴 》l●′ ● ThF p無 ヽ饉 |:、tO毎 時 議n■11■時姜 夢∥議‐rゃ q111″d ttp(籠 tta“酔 FOI崚 養議還薔ntt t(,loutine ta軸 ゴ■:撼 =, ‐ ● Th■Pw,鶴 |!tt寺 摯 't警「==di撃 摯r・ 攀■V「婆響at梓 'pl■1111+ : ‐ . With:n30 da、ゝfttt■r.√oll l●=Fn■d YOur,WSh,i tFi曖 ■rP,al■a,1“=lm■nt,3`,mpletP1 3,賛 う =■'● ■t ir韓ヽ口1に 'liい0tuじ 1,ltt■d to l●t‐St31蓋 :り し・颯 ,(1議 惑thttttatぉ 職贅rni S,書 t卜 ■RTC禽 鐵 ゞ罐饉こ織 Lttvti l&2譲 雌i襲 鶴me燿 ■3角 難 Corrediveユ c1lon ヽ111.ぽ ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ ● ″o「挙■o reで ,et■,rl 4446. l" al, ri,.' l.tl,1 r' .rt:{til-:i l')-":j{}it an,i ir*-al ii.rrltir })r-;.;.;1i11i..11 i}Il th:.S.irr-]'tl.,i:.r\ \i.,tr lr', ri'Ul: { r i ti ,- i',iJ ol thr n.\ bu.intr. r1.;i .rntJ:r}l :'-rrh entitl ),,u r,..rir..! rn } i\ Appendix C Bacteriological Sampling Site Map Nucor Stee!, Plymouth, UT Wrll 15 Mrl+llp try' Semob PolntsA PO BOX 100 PLYMOuTH uTA"84330 PHONE●35 458 2300 FAX 433 463 2309 VVWW NSuTAH COM Well 15 Makc-up Water ″彎.pa ′ら゛と5 PO BOX,00 PLYMOUTH uTAH B4330 'HOIIE 435 458 2300 FAX 435 458 2309 V′VVW NSLITAH COu MAP 2 (Cafeteria & Safety Office) PO BOX 100 PLYMOuTH.uTAH 04330 FHONE 435 458 2300 FAX 436 450 2309 V゛ VVVV NSuTAH COヽ, MAP3 (MAIN OFFICE) P080X100 PLYMOUTH,UTAH 84330 PHONE 435 458 2300 FAX 435 458 2309 WVVW NSuTAH.COM MAP4 (Truck Scales & Train Scales) PO BOX 100 PLYMOurH uTAH 84330 PHONE 435 458 2300 FAX 135 458 2309 ヽV'VVV NSuTAH COM l. Ionics Sink 2. Maintenance Women's Restroom sink 3. Maintenance Air Shop Sink 4.Safew Omce sink 5。Main Oα ice Break Room Sink 6. Melt Shop Break Room Sink P060X100 PLYMOUTH,じ TAH 34330 FHONE 435 458 2300 FAX 435 458 2309 WWVV NSUTAH COLl Copperand Lead Samp!e Site Map " * All samples muse be "First Draw" collectlons ,9hop-+r* r{ F+rt+{ Fr Locabon1 :ONICS Lab Sink □Mri rnanca wmcn's Radroom Sink3 Maintoo3nce Ar Sho,Snk4 Satew Omce stnk Main Omlce BI●●kR●m ShkL Molt Shqp Breok room Sink 声電it`:=:: 珊彗1∵(t DF●l●M●助 け f RACTERIOLOGICAL聞 ON!TOR!NG Water Monltoring Report l Rotnilne Man詢 ly DisinLctlon ByProduct SLge 2聞 onltorlng COLiFORM fК 〕RI04r012016 UTAH02057 DSo01 Semph MR001 !oNiCS PLANT o77202016 olr01r2019‥1231J2019 Please ttmple h A噌 出t Other DIs∥budon Monbrlng LLAD AIVり じ0「FER DS001 5 Rouune MONITOR:NG REQUIREttENTS BY FACiL:TY 11202010 ol′o12o20‐ 10700o16 09F18P013 0働 曖4燿 D16 0働 曖∥″詢16 05曖∥荘Ю10 0"016 06r01尼 018‐09r30燿 018 晟侶1留 lI:1輩 :駕 1:11 01′01尼 o17‐1“112017 01101″Ю17‐12た,1″Ю19 olrol加 11_1鶴 1′2019 01r012017‐0鍋 1燿 017 olrol燿 o14‐1鶴 12010 01701尼 017‐1鶴 12017 017012017‐12お 12019 01r012017‐1231燿 019 01r012017‐12r312019111111Routne Routna Routna Routns Routne Ro麒 ine Rottne R●哺 ne Rmun● R日 耐ne 3 VearS Qua由 ゥ9理 ■ Yea∥ソ 3 Yoar3 9 Veaロ 6Y― 2015 10r0412016 12だ XV2010 05″ンリ2016 112腋 010 12舶 〔V2010 ARSEN:C Quartedy 3YeaB Yearly- 3 Y6are 3 Years 3 Years 鰊 :“C°MPLル 4J PES■CIDESCOMPL SuLFATEISOD:UM,TDS V00COMPL Open Compllance Schedule 月鮨けD“●(a□瞑M",71252.2●l員 鵬綺暉「4●●●voJ υ調 ′pr7 Ar″10,■7FFI Samp:o CJlnt _五 百 … Samplo Label Routns 3 Year3 lD Site Last Sample lNext Sampte Due Analyte Narne :D Sample Count Type Frequelrcy Last Sampled Next Sarnple Due `山鵬002 川WЮ 飩°MPL/r脚 PESTiC:DES‐COMPL SuLFATEISODIUM,TDS VO∝OMPL VMS003 Srlrnple Count i lvpn 唯L郷 Name Sarnph.. Courrt Type Frequency Last Sirmpted Next Sarnplc Drrc111111 TyFe R,qⅢrod Acl宙 uos lsovonけ icroa轟 1 lT扁 SAMPLINO SiTE PLAN SuBMIT「AL