HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006581State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Gο ν′″″ο″ SPENCERJ COX ιたンた″α″′(]ο ッ′″″0′ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Execttlive Direclor DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Kenneth H. Bousfield, P.E. Director October 16,2017 Cary McFarland West Corilllne Water Co 8390 W I‐IWY 83 Brighaln City,UT 84307 SutteCt:RTCR Sallnple Site Plan Approval for West Corillne Water UTAH02022 Dear Mr/Ms.ⅣIcFarland: The current RTCR salnple site plan for UTAH02022 is approved as submittcd to the Division of Drinking Water.Ifyou have any qucstions or changes that need to be rnade please feel free to contact me at(801)536-4150 or]PkcersCDutah.2ov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 WestO Salt Lakc City,UT Mailing Addrcss: P O Box 144830・ Salt Lake City,UT 84114‐4830 Telephone(801)536‐4200 0 Fax(801)536‐4211・ TDD (801)536‐4414 ソ″ソJげ ″″tα hgο ッ Printcd on i00,6 rccyclcd Papcr ヒ |グ 9/1ト RECEIVED AU6 2 5 2017 Drinkinq机 ′al。「 Wヽ ″W.drinkingwater.utah.gov BACrER10LOGiCAL SAMPL:NG SittE PLAN As part ofthe Revised Total Co∥form Rule′the location from which samples are taken is to be varied_ All water systems are required to maintain a current bacteriological sample siting plan The plan shows the locations of a∥sample sites from which bacteriologicaitests are taken_ Samp:e sites are to be representative of a∥pressure zones and each water source ofthe distribution system The sample plan should be revised regularly and fo∥owing anv maJor construction projectimpacting the distribution svstem - INSTRUCTIONS - This reports consists of four pages (see tabs along the bottom). Only two pages, Syslnfo and Samplelist are filled out. The Syslnfo (this page) consists of specific information about the water system. The Samplelist page is where you enter in your source names and associated source numbers, as assigned by the DDW (see the inventory report for more information at waterlink.utah.gov), and sampling site addresses along with repeat sampling addresses and the associated source(s) for each sample site. As you enter the information into these worksheets, it is copied into the report page(s) on the other tabs (Samples 1-5 and Samples G10). lf you are required to take more than 5 samples per month, you'll need to print all three pages, WATER SYSTEM iNFORMAT10N Svstem Name: WEST CORINNE WATER CO.System# o2022 Phone#: 435-744‐5160Street Address: 4050 W HWY83 Mailing Address: PO BOX 37,CORINNE′UTAH,84307 #Servに e Conneclor 640 PopuhJon Served: 1275 Emゴ !:Carywe針 ∞∥nnewater SAMPLE COLLECT:ON otnerwrse, the report consists ot only the Syslnfo and Samples 1-5 pages. After compeletion, the report needs to be sent to the DDW (the SampleList page is for data entry only and doesn't need to be printed or sent in). The preferred method is via email to: ddwreports@utah.gov. Note that it's a Bac-T sampling site plan in プロ。/4ヽ Samples co∥ected b、 BEAR R:VER HEALTH D[PT Name of Laboratory: BEAR RIVER HEALTH DEPT. Phone/Fa: 435-792-6582 | Mailing Address: 83 EAST 1800 NORTH, TOGAN , UTAH, 84341 State Lab Code:17251B The Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan on: 8/23/2OL7 Utah Division of Drinking Water was sent a copy of this plan or 8/23/2OL7 Seasonal Systems К the water system operated seasonally?Y/N: N Dates of operation: Open:NA Close: NA Systems that operate seasonally are required to take an investigative sample before opening to the public. At what point/address will this sample be taken? Location: NA Sampling Date: NA MAP OF SYSTEM Have you enclosed\attached a map of the distribution system which identifies the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks, treatement facilities, distribution piping, routine & repeat sample locations ? System Name: WEST CORINNE WATER CO.System PDW#: 2022 Note: you must also enclose\attached a map ofthe distribution system which identifi es: - Source(s) (well, spring, etc.) - Storage tanks - Treatement facilities - Distribution piping - Routine & repeat sample locations Monthly Routine Sample sites (place an x in boxes belowl:Sites (block or specific addrcs) fd Assciated sourceasl !Cg!i!g Sample Point Oescdption - he bib. dnk faucet, ctc.Address 'oint Cod Oct Iov 3121N2800W 1-DS001 x x x Uo :AUCET [2I Down 3185 N HWY 13 2‐DSOЭl x =AuCET Down 2730N6400W 30S001 x x :AuCET Down 1995N2800W 4-DS001 x x x x :AuCET Down 5∞W6800W 5D5001 x x x :AuCET Down ←DS001 Down 7-DS∞1Down 8-DS001 Down 9‐DS001 Down 10-DS001 Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DDW Source SAMPLE SiTE PLAN 2017 ヽ 臨 SAMPLE SITE PLAN 2017 ● SAMPLE SITE#1-TULEVIEW DAIRY(3021N2800W) ● SAMPLE SITE#2-UTAH ON10N(3185 N HWY 13) 。 SAM PLE S!TE#3-HARPER DAIRY(2730N6400W) O SAMPLE SiTE#4-SM00T BROTHERS TRUCK!NG (1995N2800W) O SAMPLES:TE#5-CHLORINE SAMPLE S:T[ (500S6800W)