HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005247DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TOOELE ARMY DEPOT/HEADQUARTERS 1 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT, BUILDING 1 TOOELE, UT 84074-5003 *I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. March 11, 2024 SUBJECT: Tooele Army Depot South Draft Final Groundwater Monitoring Plan, Revision 3, Tooele Army Depot South Area (TEAD-S), State/EPA I.D. Number UT5210090002. Mr. Doug Hansen Director, Division Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Dear Mr. Hansen: TEAD-S is submitting the Draft Final Groundwater Monitoring Plan (GMP), Revision 3. The GMP is a dynamic document that will be updated as needed as new information becomes available and as sites (e.g., SWMUs and Areas of Concern [AOCs]) are added or removed from LTM. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Tyson Erickson at (435) 833-3235. Sincerely, Lonnie Brown Chief Environmental Division *CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure DRAFT FINAL Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 Tooele Army Depot – South Tooele County, Utah March 2024 Environmental Remediation Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Contract No. W9124J-21-D-0006 U.S. Army Environmental Command Tooele Army Depot DRAFT FINAL Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 Tooele Army Depot – South Tooele County, Utah March 2024 Environmental Remediation Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Contract No. W9124J-21-D-0006 Prepared For: U.S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command Fort Sam Houston (MICC – FSH), U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC), and Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Prepared By: Brice Engineering, LLC 362 Pierpont Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 801-948-9319 PH www.BriceEng.com This page intentionally blank Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 i Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... III 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Facility Background .......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Project Authorization ....................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Purpose, Scope, and Objectives ....................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 Regulatory Framework .................................................................................................... 1-2 1.4.1 Groundwater Protection Standards (Non-Degradation Policy) .......................... 1-2 1.4.2 Potential Drinking Water Well and Surface Water Receptors ............................ 1-3 1.4.3 Alternative Method of Compliance with UAC R315-101 and R315-264............. 1-3 1.4.4 Utah Groundwater Quality Classification ........................................................... 1-3 2.0 BASEWIDE GROUNDWATER SYSTEM UPDATE ....................................................................... 2-1 3.0 BASEWIDE GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT APPROACH ....................................................... 3-1 3.1 GMP Decision Framework and Guidelines for Adding Sites ............................................ 3-1 3.1.1 Timeline and Decision Framework for the GMP ................................................. 3-1 3.1.2 Long-Term Performance Monitoring Decision Criteria ...................................... 3-2 3.1.3 Guidelines for Adding Additional Sites to the GMP ............................................ 3-2 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring Network Integrity ................................................................... 3-2 3.3 Monitoring Well Network Adequacy ............................................................................... 3-3 3.4 Groundwater Analytical Result Repository ...................................................................... 3-4 3.5 Investigative-Derived Waste Management ..................................................................... 3-4 4.0 SITE-SPECIFIC GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS .......................................................... 4-1 4.1 SWMUs in Long-Term Monitoring ................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 SWMUs 1 and 25 ................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.2 SWMU 13 ............................................................................................................ 4-6 4.1.3 SWMU 26 ............................................................................................................ 4-8 4.2 SWMUs/AOCs in Characterization or Corrective Action ................................................. 4-8 4.2.1 AOC 5 Open Storage Yard ................................................................................... 4-9 4.2.2 AOC 27 Classification Yard Burial ........................................................................ 4-9 4.2.3 SWMUs 21/22 ..................................................................................................... 4-9 4.2.4 SWMUs and AOCs Removed from Long-Term Monitoring Program ................ 4-10 4.2.5 SWMUs and AOCs with No Long-Term Monitoring Requirements .................. 4-13 5.0 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND WELL INSTALLATION METHODOLOGY ............................... 5-1 5.1 Groundwater Sampling Field Procedures ........................................................................ 5-1 5.1.1 Low-Flow Groundwater Sampling ...................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 HydraSleeve Groundwater Sampling .................................................................. 5-2 5.2 Quality Control Plan ......................................................................................................... 5-3 5.3 Laboratory Analytical Methods ....................................................................................... 5-3 5.4 Drilling Methods and Monitoring Well Installation ......................................................... 5-3 5.4.1 Drilling Methods and Selection Criteria .............................................................. 5-3 5.4.2 Monitoring Well Installation and Construction .................................................. 5-4 5.5 Well Abandonment .......................................................................................................... 5-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 ii Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 6.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 6-1 TABLES Table 4-1 SWMU 1 Long-Term Monitoring Program Table 4-2 SWMU 1 Well Data Table 4-3 SWMU 25 Long-Term Monitoring Program Table 4-4 SWMU 25 Well Data Table 4-5 SWMU 13 Long-Term Monitoring Program Table 4-6 SWMU 13 Well Data Table 4-7 SWMU 26 Long-Term Monitoring Program Table 4-8 SWMU 26 Well Data FIGURES Figure 1-1 TEAD-S Site Map Figure 1-2 Basewide Groundwater Quality Map Figure 1-3 General Groundwater Flow Direction and Drinking Water Wells Figure 1-4 Geology and Hydrogeology Block Diagram of TEAD-S Figure 1-5 Groundwater Recharge and Discharge Areas and Aerial Distribution of Well Screen Hydraulic Conductivities Figure 3-1 TEAD-S Monitoring Well Network Figure 4-1 Long-Term Monitoring Plan at SWMU 1 and the Buffer Zone Figure 4-2 Long-Term Monitoring Plan at SWMU 25 Figure 4-3 Long-Term Monitoring Plan at SWMU 13 Figure 4-4 Long-Term Monitoring Plan at SWMU 26 Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 iii Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS μg/L micrograms per liter amsl above mean sea level AOC area of concern bgs below ground surface Brice Brice Engineering, LLC btoc below top of casing CAMDS Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CMI Corrective Measures Implementation CMS Corrective Measures Study COPC contaminant of potential concern Cr(VI) hexavalent chromium CTA Combat Training Area CTC carbon tetrachloride DCD Deseret Chemical Depot DEHP bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate DFW definable feature of work DMM discarded military munitions DWMRC Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency g/cm3 grams per cubic centimeter g/mL grams per milliliter GMP Groundwater Management Plan HARR Hydrogeological Assessment and Recommendations Report HCE hexachloroethane HWMU Hazardous Waste Management Unit ID identification IDF Individual Disposal Feature IDW investigation-derived waste IRA Interim Remedial Action LNAPL light non-aqueous phase liquid LTM long-term monitoring MICC Mission and Installation Contracting Command mg/L milligrams per liter mL milliliters MW monitoring well NA not available NFA No Further Action No. Number ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED) Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 iv Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah NS not sampled ODP Old Demolition Pit PAL project action limit PCE tetrachloroethene PVC polyvinyl chloride QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QCP Quality Control Plan RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RFI Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Facility Investigation SOP Standard Operating Procedure SSL soil screening level SVOC semi-volatile organic compound SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit TDS total dissolved solids TEAD Tooele Army Depot TEAD-S Tooele Army Depot South TOC top of casing TPH-DRO total petroleum hydrocarbon – diesel range organics UAC Utah Administrative Code UBFAU upper basin-fill aquifer unit UDEQ Utah Department of Environmental Quality USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USAEC U.S. Army Environmental Command VOC volatile organic compound Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 1-1 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 1.0 INTRODUCTION Tooele Army Depot South (TEAD-S), formerly Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD), in Tooele County, Utah, has revised this Groundwater Management Plan (GMP) to provide guidance in groundwater management decisions in support of TEAD-S compliance objectives and use of groundwater monitoring as an alternative method of compliance with Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-101 and UAC R315-264-90 through 101. 1.1 Facility Background TEAD-S is located in Tooele County, Utah, approximately 35 miles southwest of Salt Lake City (Figure 1-1). The facility, previously known as DCD, encompasses 19,364 acres in the northern portion of Rush Valley. Designed and built in the early 1940s, TEAD-S has been used since that time for the storage, renovation, and disposal of many types of chemical weapons and material. Operations related to the disposal of the chemical weapons stockpile at TEAD-S began in 1996 and concluded in January 2012. The primary mission of TEAD-S for the storage and demilitarization of chemical warfare agents has been completed, and facilities at the installation related to demilitarization are being closed. Detailed information on site characteristics, including geology, soil, and hydrogeology, is presented in the Hydrogeological Assessment and Recommendations Report (HARR; Parsons 2013), previous GMPs (Parsons 2017a, 2018a, 2019a), and other site reports. Additional hydrogeological data may be retrieved from the U.S. Geological Society Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5154 (Stolp and Brooks 2009). 1.2 Project Authorization Brice Engineering, LLC (Brice) was contracted by the U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC) through the U.S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC) under Contract W9124J-21-D-0006 to revise the GMP. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B Permit has specific conditions requiring TEAD-S to perform corrective action investigations, including investigation and remediation, for each Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) and other corrective action sites identified in the permit. Most environmental investigations, removals, and site closures conducted at TEAD-S are being performed under a corrective action program and must be conducted in accordance with state and federal regulations and the RCRA Part B Permit. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) is the regulatory authority for RCRA environmental projects at TEAD-S. 1.3 Purpose, Scope, and Objectives The purpose of the GMP is to present a comprehensive basewide long-term groundwater monitoring program. The GMP references data and information collected during previous site investigations to develop and present a defensible program that allows for the future removal and addition of monitoring wells and sites from the long-term monitoring (LTM) program. The GMP is a dynamic document that will be updated as needed as new information becomes available and as sites (e.g., SWMUs and Areas of Concern [AOCs]) are added or removed from LTM. The objectives of the TEAD-S groundwater monitoring program are as follows: • Detect and monitor releases from known sources of contamination. • Evaluate groundwater flow patterns and contaminant migration pathways, define the extent of groundwater contamination, and ensure that the TEAD-S monitoring well network is adequate. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 1-2 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah • Collect reproducible data that accurately represents site conditions. • Monitor natural attenuation. • Evaluate potential risks to human health and the environment related to contaminants in groundwater and prioritize efforts to mitigate the most significant risks. • Provide recommendations to ensure RCRA compliance. • Provide recommendations including monitoring frequency, field procedures, laboratory analytical methods, well installation and abandonment, and quality assurance/quality control requirements. • Provide sufficient data to allow stakeholders to make technically sound decisions based on clearly defined goals and criteria. 1.4 Regulatory Framework This section outlines the appropriate federal and State of Utah legal and regulatory requirements for groundwater protection. TEAD-S operates under a RCRA Part B Hazardous Waste Storage Permit (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] Identification (ID) Number UT5210090002; UDEQ 1993) originally issued by the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board in 1993 and renewed in 2004 and 2015. Module VI of the permit was updated in 2020. The permit has specific conditions requiring TEAD-S to perform corrective action investigations for all SWMUs and other corrective action sites identified in the permit. As outlined in Module V of the permit, RCRA corrective action is composed of three distinct phases: RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI), Corrective Measures Study (CMS), and Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI). TEAD-S has several SWMUs and AOCs currently in the RFI, CMS, and/or CMI steps of the RCRA corrective action process, as described in Appendices A and B of Module V of the permit. Module VI of the permit discusses post-closure care requirements. This GMP will be incorporated into the permit as part of Module VI Section P by reference. 1.4.1 Groundwater Protection Standards (Non-Degradation Policy) The State of Utah Risk-Based Closure Standards (UAC R315-101) contain a non-degradation provision that is applicable to a responsible party where risk management decisions support leaving hazardous constituents at a site greater than background levels. Per UAC R315-101-3, that section specifically states: “The responsible party shall not allow levels of contamination in groundwater, surface water, soils and air to increase beyond the existing levels of contamination at a site where site management commences.” The non-degradation requirement is considered by UDEQ to be applicable to Army remedial activities regarding groundwater under the corrective action permit for TEAD-S; therefore, applicable to all TEAD-S SWMUs. This UAC R315-101-3 non-degradation requirement in Utah is reflective of a traditional non-degradation statement, which requires resource protection and prohibits any further degradation of the quality of groundwater from existing conditions or from background. Water quality beneath TEAD-S ranges from Class IA pristine groundwater (total dissolved solids [TDS] less than 500 milligrams per liter [mg/L]) to Class IV saline groundwater (TDS greater than 10,000 mg/L) water quality (Figure 1-2). However, water quality standards do not specify the management of saline waters, other than requiring a plan that is protective of human health and the environment. Therefore, the UAC R315-101-3 non-degradation provision is the primary goal of groundwater management in the western and southwestern portions of TEAD-S where poor groundwater quality (i.e., Class III or IV) exists and Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 1-3 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah where there is no pathway for contaminant migration to higher quality groundwater at depth. For regions with higher quality groundwater (Class I or II) in the northeast areas of TEAD-S (e.g., SWMU 26), the protection of drinking water resources is the primary goal and non-degradation is a secondary goal. 1.4.2 Potential Drinking Water Well and Surface Water Receptors Review of Utah’s Division of Water Rights databases for domestic or municipal drinking water wells indicates that few receptors are located downgradient of TEAD-S. Many drinking water wells nearby are located upgradient, to the northeast of TEAD-S in the Ophir, Utah vicinity. In addition, two Army-owned wells are located at TEAD-S (Wells 1 and 2); however, because they are located upgradient of any SWMUs or AOCs, impacts from the installation are not a concern. Three drinking water wells (water right numbers 15-4096, 15-79, and 15-5138) were identified as downgradient or cross gradient of TEAD-S to the northwest and west (Figure 1-3). Information on these three wells, including ownership, can be found in Appendix A of the TEAD-S GMP Revision 2 (Parsons 2019). Future impacts to these wells are unlikely, based on the distance of these wells from TEAD-S and because the intakes of the wells are deeper, in a higher quality groundwater aquifer than the shallower, poor quality first water encountered in the western portion of TEAD-S. Furthermore, the existing boundary wells are appropriate to monitor for any contaminants of potential concern (COPCs) that are at and/or migrating offsite toward these wells. If COPCs are detected in boundary wells near these wells, then additional assessment should be performed, including searching for wells classified for other uses, such as irrigation or stock water in the area. Groundwater does not discharge at TEAD-S (i.e., no springs or wetlands are present). The only surface water present at or in the vicinity of TEAD-S is temporal from ponding rain or snowmelt or intermittent flows of ephemeral streams (Ophir, Mercur, and Faust). Following heavy precipitation events, the stream banks of Faust Creek may overflow and cause local flooding; and a shallow lake that occupies several hundred acres forms from rainwater (not groundwater discharge) in a low area in the western portion of DCD during periods of elevated precipitation (Parsons 2013). Thus, no surface water exists that is a potential receptor of impacted groundwater. 1.4.3 Alternative Method of Compliance with UAC R315-101 and R315-264 This GMP has been developed to establish criteria for groundwater monitoring at TEAD-S as an alternative method of compliance with UAC R315-101 and UAC R315-264-90 through UAC R315-264-101. The installation-wide groundwater management program uses the findings of completed studies including results of RFI, CMS, CMI, and LTM phases. During these activities, the presence and extent, including fate and transport of groundwater contaminants present, quality of groundwater, impacts to deeper water- bearing zones, potential risks to human health and the environment were assessed. This GMP focuses on sites in the LTM phases of the RCRA corrective action process to continually verify that there are no risks to human health and the environment and migration of contaminated groundwater off-base is mitigated. 1.4.4 Utah Groundwater Quality Classification Decisions regarding groundwater management and protection impact the quality of the groundwater being managed. Groundwater quality has been considered during the development of the installation- wide groundwater management program for TEAD-S. Investigation, monitoring, and remediation efforts are necessarily prioritized according to the greatest risk. The intrinsic value, or quality, of the groundwater resource in question plays a significant role in determining the beneficial use of groundwater resources, with a higher priority being given to groundwater of higher quality and groundwater in recharge areas. The quality of groundwater in the State of Utah is regulated by UAC R317-6, Ground Water Quality Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 1-4 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Protection, and UAC R317-6-3 establishes the classification of Utah groundwater based on the concentration of TDS. Six main classes of groundwater quality are identified and consist of the following: • Class IA constitutes “pristine groundwater” and contains TDS concentrations ranging from 0 to 500 mg/L. • Class IB constitutes “irreplaceable groundwater” and represents a source of water for a community public drinking water system for which no reliable supply of comparable quality and quantity is available because of economic or institutional constraints. • Class IC constitutes “ecologically important groundwater” and represents a source of groundwater discharge important to the continued existence of wildlife habitat. • Class II groundwater is considered “drinking water quality groundwater” and has TDS concentrations ranging from 500 to 3,000 mg/L. • Class III is considered “limited use groundwater” with TDS concentrations of 3,000 to 10,000 mg/L. • Class IV groundwater is classified as “saline” with TDS concentrations greater than 10,000 mg/L. Groundwater quality classes presented in this document follow this State of Utah classification. The highest quality groundwater (Class IA where TDS is less than 500 mg/L) coincides with the Ophir Creek groundwater recharge area and is likely related to groundwater recharge coming from the Oquirrh Mountains (Figure 1-4). A second area of Class IA groundwater at TEAD-S occurs in the southeastern quadrant of the installation near Mercur Creek and is also likely related to groundwater recharge from the Oquirrh Mountains. Areas of the poorest groundwater quality (Class IV where TDS is greater than 10,000 mg/L) occur along the western and southern boundaries of TEAD-S, which have been identified as former groundwater discharge areas (Figures 1-4 and 1-5). Regions of Class II and III groundwater are present in between the regions of Class IA and Class IV groundwater (Figure 1-2). Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 2-1 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 2.0 BASEWIDE GROUNDWATER SYSTEM UPDATE Each version of the TEAD-S GMP updates the previous version, and this is the third revision. The previous versions of the TEAD-S GMP are referenced in the bullets below. The first three versions of the TEAD-S GMP reported on the implementation of the recommendations of the HARR (Parsons 2013). With the maturation of the basewide LTM program, reiteration of these data and the addition of new data and analysis in the GMP have proven cumbersome. Data and analysis presented in previous versions of the GMP will no longer be included in this or future revisions of the GMP. Therefore, the previous versions of the GMP will remain a useful repository of site data that can be referenced as needed, similar to any other site report. Future data collected as part of RFIs or LTM will be documented in appropriate RFI and annual LTM reports, respectively. These reports will be referenced within the GMP, as needed, to provide a defensible program that allows for the future removal and addition of monitoring wells and sites from the LTM program. • Final Groundwater Management Plan, Tooele Army Depot South (Parsons 2017a) • Revised Final Groundwater Management Plan, Tooele Army Depot South (Parsons 2018a) • Final Groundwater Management Plan, Revision Two, Tooele Army Depot South (Parsons 2019a) In addition to the organizational changes to the GMP, this section summarizes site-specific updates made in this GMP Revision 3. Site-specific updates made to the GMP include: • Groundwater at SWMU 2 was shown to have met the non-degradation requirements outlined in UAC R315-101, and LTM at SWMU 2 was discontinued per the recommendations of the 2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (Brice 2023). A more detailed discussion of the decision is included in Section • Updates of other SWMUs: ­ SWMUS 1 and 25: Removal of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from monitoring requirements per the results and conclusion of the 2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (Brice 2023); update on the ongoing status of the CMIP ­ SWMU 13: Documentation of changes to LTM program per the Request for an Alternative Remedy Strategy at SWMU 13 (Parsons 2019) and 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (Brice 2024) ­ SWMU 26: Documentation of completion of CMI and changes to LTM program ­ SWMUs 21/22: Discussion of ongoing RFI Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 2-2 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah This page intentionally blank Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 3-1 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 3.0 BASEWIDE GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT APPROACH The HARR (Parsons 2013) provided a comprehensive evaluation of the hydrogeological characteristics and assessed the existing groundwater monitoring program at TEAD-S. The HARR also recommended additional actions to improve the groundwater monitoring program. This section presents the updated basewide groundwater monitoring program approach for TEAD-S following implementation of the HARR recommendations. The TEAD-S monitoring well network is shown on Figure 3-1. SWMU-specific monitoring is discussed in Section 4. 3.1 GMP Decision Framework and Guidelines for Adding Sites Over the years multiple SWMUs have been identified and investigated. The majority of the SWMUs have been closed and/or their historical activities have not impacted the underlying groundwater; therefore, No Further Action (NFA) is necessary for assessing the SWMU as a potential source of groundwater contamination. Several of the historical activities at the SWMUs may have impacted groundwater including the following sites with ongoing groundwater evaluations: • SWMU 1 (groundwater impacted – CMI and LTM ongoing) • SWMU 2 (removed from LTM, refer to Section 4) • SWMU 5 (removed from LTM, refer to Section 4) • SWMU 13 (currently in post-closure LTM) • SWMU 25 (groundwater impacted – CMI and LTM ongoing) • SWMU 26 (currently in post-closure LTM) • AOCs (groundwater impacts suspected at AOCs 5, 23, and 27) The remainder of the SWMUs that have been identified as potentially having a contaminant source area that may pose risk to groundwater are currently in RFI or CMI phases. If a new source is suspected, assessment of the source area should be performed in accordance with the Post-Closure Permit and the migration to groundwater assessment criteria specified in the Risk Assumptions Document (AQS 2017). If a new groundwater contaminant source area is discovered, then the existing monitoring well network will be evaluated; if necessary, new wells will be installed, assessed, and monitored to define the source. 3.1.1 Timeline and Decision Framework for the GMP The TEAD-S groundwater management program is a dynamic program established to ensure the groundwater beneath TEAD-S is monitored and managed using the best available information. Thus, the program must be flexible and evolve as new information becomes available and/or as the characteristics of the groundwater system beneath TEAD-S change (e.g., groundwater elevations, contaminants etc.). Therefore, it is necessary for this GMP to be dynamic as well. The GMP will be updated as needed, specifically as SWMUs are added or closed or as the Post-Closure Permit is modified. In addition, the adequacy of the GMP will be evaluated internally each fall as part of the post-closure annual inspection process. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 3-2 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 3.1.2 Long-Term Performance Monitoring Decision Criteria The decision framework for assessing whether LTM of groundwater for each SWMU or combination of SWMUs where LTM of groundwater is in place will follow the goals of the Post-Closure Permit and any specific conditions outlined in Module VI. In general, LTM will be considered complete and will be discontinued when stakeholders agree that ongoing monitoring is unnecessary. LTM decision criteria will include determining if: • There is statistically defensible groundwater data that is representative of the aquifer in question. • There is any remaining impact to groundwater, and if so, if there is a risk to human health or the environment associated with the impact. • The condition of the groundwater (quality, constituents present, etc.) is well understood and unlikely to change. • LTM is required to continue based on UAC R315-264. In addition to ceasing LTM, the above criteria may be used to reassess the LTM program originally outlined in an SWMU site-specific closure plan, including which wells to monitor, constituents to analyze, and/or frequency of monitoring. The evaluation of an SWMU LTM program and discussions made regarding changes required should occur as part of the site-specific LTM reporting program. 3.1.3 Guidelines for Adding Additional Sites to the GMP As investigations and remedial activities continue at TEAD-S, additional sites (e.g., SWMUs, Hazardous Waste Management Units [HWMUs]) may need to be added to this GMP. When a site transitions to the LTM phase, a revision to the GMP should be prepared to document the LTM program associated with site. The GMP revision will be performed after the site has been fully characterized and after completion of remedial efforts, if performed. The final SWMU RFI, corrective measures completion report, or HWMU closure report should evaluate the need for LTM at the site. The evaluation should consider contaminant type, extent of contamination, and the hydrogeologic nature of the site. The GMP revision should be prepared in conjunction with a site-specific Work Plan for LTM activities and must be in accordance with any LTM requirements prescribed in the Post-Closure Permit. 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring Network Integrity During each groundwater monitoring event, water levels and total depth of each well should be measured and recorded. Water levels should be compared to historical water levels, and total depths should be compared with the as-built total depths to monitor for siltation or obstructions and to verify adequate communication exists between the well and aquifer. A monitoring well inspection including assessment of the outer protective casing, well security, well ID labeling, concrete pad construction, bollards, inner casing, and downhole conditions should also be conducted annually. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 3-3 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 3.3 Monitoring Well Network Adequacy Groundwater-related data have been collected from TEAD-S for over three decades including installation of over 140 wells (Figure 3-1). Monitoring wells have been installed for assessing and detecting potential groundwater contamination. The existing monitoring well network meets the current groundwater monitoring programs objectives (Section 1), the RCRA Part B Permit, and relevant UDEQ regulations including UAC R315-101 and R315-264-90 to 101. Assessment of the well network is evaluated in each LTM annual report, and those data will be used to update the conceptual groundwater flow model, as needed. The following should be evaluated in each LTM annual report: • Groundwater Elevation Fluctuations and Trends – Wells with water quality Class III or IV are adjusted to the freshwater head equivalent to account for salinity using Equation 1, and wells at SWMU 13 are adjusted to account for the different densities of groundwater and the thickness of the light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) using Equation 2 per the Work Plan (Parsons 2016). ℎ𝑓𝑓=�ℎ𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓�−�𝜌𝜌−𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓𝑧𝑧� Equation 1 (Post et al. 2007) Where: ℎ𝑓𝑓 = freshwater equivalent head (feet above mean sea level [amsl]) ℎ = measured groundwater elevation (feet amsl) 𝜌𝜌 = measured groundwater density (grams per cubic centimeter [g/cm3]) (derived by adding the mass of TDS [in g/cm3] for each well to the density value of freshwater [𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓], assumed to be 1 g/cm3)* 𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 = density of freshwater (1 g/cm3) z = well screen midpoint (feet amsl) *The most recent TDS concentration should be used for each well. If a TDS concentration does not exist for a well, then data available from the nearest well within the SWMU should be used. 𝒉𝒉𝒄𝒄=𝒉𝒉𝒎𝒎+�𝑯𝑯𝟎𝟎𝝆𝝆𝒐𝒐𝝆𝝆𝒘𝒘� Equation 2 Where: ℎ𝑐𝑐 = hydraulic head, corrected (feet amsl) ℎ𝑚𝑚 = measured elevation of hydrocarbon-water interface (feet) 𝐻𝐻𝑜𝑜 = thickness of hydrocarbon layer (feet) 𝜌𝜌𝑜𝑜 = hydrocarbon density (grams per milliliter [g/mL]) (0.866 g/mL based on data from the CMS field investigation) 𝜌𝜌𝑤𝑤 = water density (g/mL); usually assumed = 1.0 Water level measurements in wells with LNAPL present should be corrected as described in Exhibits III.9 and III.10 of the EPA guidance document, “How to Effectively Recover Free Product at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites” (EPA 1996a). • Hydraulic Gradients and Groundwater Velocity – Based on lithological data, the advective movement of groundwater in the southern regions of TEAD-S is believed to be insignificant, and stagnant, non-flowing groundwater conditions are dominant. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 3-4 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah • Vertical Migration of COPCs – The installation of wells and evaluation for vertical migration are typically performed during the RFI phase and, if necessary, site-specific LTM plans should include monitoring well pairs for regular assessment of vertical migration over time. More information regarding the installation and construction of nested wells and installation of wells screened over different intervals is described in Section 5. • Contaminant Concentrations at the TEAD-S Boundary – Along the northern and northeastern boundary of TEAD-S, groundwater flow is toward the installation; thus there is no risk of groundwater to the north being impacted from TEAD-S. Groundwater discharge areas exist along the western boundary, portions of the southern boundary, and to the southeast (Figure 1-5). Groundwater impacts in the regions where discharge occurs have been identified, including volatile organic compound (VOC) plumes at SWMUs 1, 13, and 25. These groundwater impacts have been delineated in detail at each of the SWMUs, and no contaminants have been detected at the TEAD-S installation boundaries, nor are any known contaminants expected to ever reach the installation boundaries. Sufficient monitoring wells exist to continue site-specific downgradient monitoring at individual plume locations for which downgradient monitoring has been required. However, in addition to the plume-specific downgradient monitoring, TEAD-S has initiated a secondary level of compliance/detection monitoring at the western, southern, and southeastern boundaries of the TEAD-S installation. The purpose of these perimeter monitoring wells is not to act as downgradient monitoring for specific plume areas, but instead to show that for regions of TEAD-S where groundwater contamination has been identified, there are no contaminants present at or going beyond the installation boundary. Monitoring at these locations should be implemented during the LTM phase for the upgradient SWMUs. 3.4 Groundwater Analytical Result Repository Groundwater analytical trends over time are an important tool in evaluating groundwater impacts and characteristics. Therefore, having an established program for the storage and accessibility of past historical data is vital to a successful groundwater management program. A previous excel database for groundwater analytical data at TEAD-S was compiled and used in the preparation of the HARR (Parsons 2013). This database has been updated with groundwater analytical data collected through 2023 and will continue to be updated as part of the annual LTM report. 3.5 Investigative-Derived Waste Management Groundwater that is extracted from the monitoring wells and not used for laboratory analysis should be combined, containerized, and stored at a designated location, and managed per the LTM/HARR WP waste management plan (Parsons 2016). Waste characterization of the liquid investigation-derived waste (IDW) should be conducted to determine proper disposition. With concurrence from TEAD-S, if liquid IDW is determined to be non-hazardous, then it may be disposed of into the sanitary sewer along Montgomery Road. Documentation related to IDW management should be included in the annual LTM report. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-1 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 4.0 SITE-SPECIFIC GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS This section provides a site-specific sampling and analysis plan for each SWMU at TEAD-S where groundwater contamination has been identified, characterized, and/or remediated. The components of the site-specific plans include SWMU status, groundwater characteristics, future monitoring recommendations, and a closure path or whether the site is currently being characterized or remediated. These sampling and analysis plans are based on the groundwater management approach presented in site-specific plans and are designed to meet the goals of this GMP. The SWMUs at TEAD-S are separated into four categories: • SWMUs currently in LTM and included as part of this basewide GMP. • SWMUs and/or AOCs currently in the characterization (RFI) or corrective action (CMI) process. Future LTM will be incorporated into the basewide GMP following a site’s RFI or upon completion of corrective action. Groundwater characteristics are discussed in the site-specific RFI reports. • SWMUs and AOCs removed from the LTM program. • SWMUs and AOCs with no known groundwater impacts. These sites are not included in this GMP. 4.1 SWMUs in Long-Term Monitoring SWMUs 1, 13, 25, and 26 currently require LTM for groundwater as part of the RCRA Part B Permit or long-term corrective measures. For SWMUs 1 and 25, LTM is required to monitor several plumes. SWMU 13 monitoring addresses tracking of the fuel oil spill contamination and efficacy of ongoing corrective measures via monitored natural attenuation. SWMU 26 LTM will assess the effectiveness of the landfill cover through sampling for VOCs in groundwater. Annual LTM monitoring should continue to be performed in May of each year, as spring is when groundwater is highest for the majority of TEAD-S. 4.1.1 SWMUs 1 and 25 SWMUs 1 and 25 are adjacent SWMUs in the southern portion of TEAD-S (Figures 4-1 and 4-2). Due to their proximity and similar characteristics, they are discussed jointly. SWMU 1 occupies approximately 373 acres of land along the southeastern boundary of the TEAD-S facility. SWMU 25 occupies approximately 1,293 acres to the west of SWMU 1, and the two SWMUs are separated by a thin “buffer zone” area. SWMU 1, known as the Eastern Demilitarization Area/Disposal Pit Site, was used from the 1940s to the 1970s for the destruction and disposal of conventional and chemical munitions. SWMU 1 contains numerous disposal pits because of these activities. At SWMU 25, a variety of demilitarization and disposal activities were conducted from 1945 to 1978. The western portion of the SWMU 25 includes numerous clusters of explosion craters, with each cluster encompassing approximately 3 to 4 acres. The eastern portion of SWMU 25 includes numerous trenches from scrap metal from incendiary cluster bomb burnings. In the north-central portion of SWMU 25, scrap munitions formerly occupied shallow trenches in two windrows. The windrows once contained ash and incendiary waste from past open burning activities; however, the waste piles and ash were removed during the surface stabilization project conducted from 2012 to 2015 (CB&I 2016). Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-2 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Elevated concentrations of VOCs and metals, primarily carbon tetrachloride (CTC), chloroform, other chlorinated solvents, and hexavalent chromium (Cr[VI]) have been detected at multiple locations at SWMUs 1 and 25 as a result of the historical activities outlined above. Five mappable plumes have been identified: the Mustard Mountain, Northern, and Southern plumes at SWMU 1 and the Eastern and Western Plumes at SWMU 25. Characterization activities conducted during the Phase II RFI Addendum resulted in a thorough understanding of the nature and extent of these plumes and the subsurface hydrogeologic environment in which they occur (Parsons 2018b). Key findings from the Phase II RFI are discussed in the rest of this section. There are no potential risks to receptors. The sites are being closed as industrial, and no drinking water resource exists or will be developed (groundwater quality is classified predominantly as Class III or IV). There are no springs or other pathways for human or ecological receptors to be exposed to contaminated groundwater, and depth to groundwater generally precludes other human and ecological exposures. No deeper groundwater resources have been identified in this area of Rush Valley, nor would any be expected based on regional geological/hydrogeological studies. Vertical contaminant transport occurred via sinking dense vapors, and vapor diffusive transport was likely the dominant mechanism by which the plumes have spread horizontally. The contaminant plumes are “old age” and will not change significantly. Any remaining contaminants are dissolved in stagnant groundwater or sorbed to adjacent fine-grained sediments of very low hydraulic conductivity. Clay-rich lithologies of the water-bearing zones will continue to greatly limit migration of contaminant plumes, and any plume expansion is expected to be driven by diffusive transport only. Multiple lines of evidence show that groundwater flow is essentially non-existent at SWMU 1 and 25 sites. Frequent sampling of groundwater at contaminant plumes is likely to produce low biased results due to contaminant purging (i.e., flushing) during sampling. Sufficiently long-time intervals are needed between sampling events to allow for back-diffusion of contaminants from low conductivity materials into groundwater. Cr(VI) impacts were identified in soil at Individual Disposal Feature (IDF) 1-152. Investigation of potential Cr(VI) impacts at IDF 1-152 is in process. Although the contaminant plumes pose no risk to potential receptors or deeper potable groundwater resources, the plumes are spatially associated with IDFs that will remain with uncharacterized buried waste left in place. Given this environment, the requirements of the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit (Condition VI.G.1) Corrective Action Plan, and the principle of non-degradation (UAC R315-101-3), LTM is required for SWMUs 1 and 25. Based on the results of the Phase II RFI, an LTM program for SWMUs 1 and 25 was developed and presented in the 2019 GMP Revision 3 (Parsons 2019). The main components of the LTM program (i.e., specific wells, specific plumes, and analyte lists), as well as future planned remedies and land use for SWMUs 1 and 25, were agreed upon during a series of project planning meetings held between the Army and UDEQ over the course of the Phase II RFI Addendum fieldwork. The main objectives of the LTM program for groundwater at SWMUs 1 and 25 were identified as follows: • Characterize the extent to which contaminant source areas continue to release contaminants into groundwater. • Document the vertical migration of contaminants in groundwater toward deeper hydrostratigraphic units. • Document horizontal migration of contaminants to validate the conceptual model of vapor diffusive transport, in compliance with the non-degradation provision of state and federal laws. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-3 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah • Document the requirements of the principle of non-degradation (UAC R315-101-3). • Document Cr(VI) impacts to groundwater near IDF 1-152, if any. All five mapped contaminant plume areas at SWMUs 1 and 25 exhibit similar shape, horizontal extent, and vertical extent characteristics. This is related to the very fine-grained subsurface lithologies that underlie the entire extent of both SWMU sites. Due to these similarities, it is not necessary to monitor each individual plume for changes in migration rate or direction; the monitoring of several plumes will provide sufficient information for identifying potential changes that could impact all plumes. Groundwater Monitoring Plan Design and Rationale The above-mentioned objectives of the LTM are addressed through limited groundwater monitoring and an evaluation of the resultant data. The Summary of Stage I and II Groundwater Results and Monitoring Well Network Plan presentation given on 27 September 2016 was a key component of the project planning meetings (Section 4.1.1). At this meeting, the general approach to the proposed monitoring plan was presented, discussed, and revised. The resulting agreement made among project stakeholders identified specific plumes at SWMU 1 where LTM would be implemented, as well as the location of existing and new monitoring wells that would be installed/sampled for the LTM program. Details of the LTM program for SWMU 25 were not finalized at the meeting because groundwater investigations were still ongoing at SWMU 25. However, a similar approach to LTM has been implemented for SWMU 25 based on similarities in subsurface conditions and plume characteristics. Additional details of the LTM program not addressed in previous meetings are described below. Groundwater monitoring at SWMUs 1 and 25 is designed to focus on the five objectives of the LTM program. Data collected during monitoring will be used to assess changes in contaminant plume concentrations and movement. Resultant data will be compared to expected results in the context of the hydrogeological conceptual model as presented in the Phase II RFI Addendum (Parsons 2018b). If necessary, the conceptual model may be refined based on new information as needed, and applicable adjustments may be made to site-specific monitoring and sampling plans. To fulfill the requirements of the LTM program’s main objectives, groundwater monitoring will be organized into four areas: • Source area monitoring • Vertical migration monitoring • Downgradient (horizontal) assessment • Off-Post non-degradation perimeter monitoring Source Area Monitoring Source area monitoring is a key component of the LTM plan as it identifies contaminant source areas that are continuing to release contaminants to groundwater. It will consist of monitoring groundwater directly beneath contaminant source areas to identify concentration trends and patterns of increasing contaminant concentration in groundwater. Vertical Migration Monitoring Vertical plume migration must be considered under the non-degradation provisions set forth in the State of Utah regulatory requirements. Vertical migration monitoring will rely on deep source area groundwater monitoring to identify new contamination or increasing contaminant concentrations that are migrating to deeper water-bearing zones in the source area. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-4 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Downgradient (Horizontal) Assessment Tracking of horizontal migration of contamination is also required under the non-degradation rules. Horizontal migration of contaminant plumes will be monitored by sampling of monitoring wells located in the expansion paths of contaminant plumes to address downgradient monitoring. Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Monitoring To address sampling of a set of monitoring wells located on the SWMU boundaries to address compliance monitoring for off-post migration of contaminants. Sampling Frequency, Monitoring Period, Analytes, and Sample Methods Based on the results of the Phase II Addendum investigation, the groundwater contaminant plumes present at SWMUs 1 and 25 are believed to be of old age and the horizontal and vertical migration of contaminants to date has been very minimal. Both of these are due to the diffusion-dominant spread of groundwater contaminants with almost no influence from advective or dispersive flow. Based on this, abrupt changes in plume concentrations or expansion are not anticipated over short time periods. Further, it was noted during the field investigation that frequent repeat sampling of the same location resulted in a pronounced (and unrealistic) reduction in contamination concentrations for later samples. Therefore, based on the hydrogeologic model that indicates contaminant concentrations are almost entirely dependent on equilibration time and diffusion, closely spaced sample intervals are not recommended. Closely spaced sample intervals are likely to produce unrealistic contamination concentration trends that are not representative of the underlying groundwater system. For this reason, annual sampling of the LTM wells will be conducted. Annual sampling of designated LTM wells (described below) and measurements of groundwater levels from all monitoring wells at SWMUs 1 and 25 will be conducted. Annual sampling will be performed in May, which is presumed to represent the typical period of high water. The initial period of required LTM at SWMUs 1 and 25 is 5 years. At the conclusion of the first 5 years of the LTM program, data will be evaluated to determine whether contaminant concentrations are increasing systematically in source area wells, and whether vertical or horizontal migration of contaminant plumes is indicated. The first round of LTM occurred in 2022, and monitoring will continue annually through 2026, after which a determination will be made as to whether the LTM program should be modified, left unchanged, or terminated. Due to the dominance of chlorinated solvents in the groundwater plumes and the absence of agent breakdown products and site-related inorganics in groundwater, the LTM analyte list for SWMUs 1 and 25 will be limited to VOCs. There are two exceptions: • During the CMI, a new monitoring well is proposed to be installed immediately downgradient of IDF 1-152 to determine if any impacts to groundwater from Cr(VI) have occurred. Total chromium and Cr(VI) will be added to the LTM analyte list for this proposed monitoring well only. The proposed well will be installed in accordance with procedures outlined in the GMP and the forthcoming CMI Work Plan. The well ID will be S-YYY-XX. The “YYY” will be the next sequential monitoring well number installed at TEAD-S, and the “XX” will be the 2-digit calendar year of installation (e.g., 24 for 2024). • Due to the inconclusive investigation into DEHP detections/exceedances observed during Stage II sampling of the Phase II RFI Addendum (Parsons 2018b), total and dissolved DEHP were sampled at SWMUs 1 and 25 during the 2022 annual event. Dissolved DEHP was not detected in any samples, and total DEHP was only detected in 2 of the 20 wells sampled. The detected concentrations for total DEHP were 2.3 micrograms per liter (μg/L) in S-136-16 and 1.7 μg/L in Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-5 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah S-140-17, both of which are less than the project action limit (PAL) (5.6 μg/L). These results suggest there is not a source of DEHP contamination within SWMUs 1 and 25, and the PAL exceedances during the Phase II RFI Addendum were the result of cross-contamination (Brice 2023). The monitoring wells at SWMUs 1 and 25 will be sampled using low-flow methods for the entire LTM period (initially, 5 years). Low-flow methods were used during the Phase I and II RFI Addendum fieldwork and were considered appropriate for the groundwater conditions at these sites. However, due to slow recharge rates and minimal groundwater flow in water-bearing zones, there is a potential for well drawdown during at some wells. Specific Requirements for SWMU 1 Of the three groundwater plume areas identified at SWMU 1, two plumes will be monitored in addition to the proposed new monitoring well near IDF 1-152. Co-located shallow and deep wells will be sampled at each area. Note that “downgradient” monitoring wells in this context are intended to track and confirm the diffusive-dominated expansion of the plume and may or may not be in a location that is hydraulically downgradient to the plume. Tables 4-1 and 4-2 and Figure 4-1 provide an overview of the monitoring wells at SWMU 1 that will be sampled under the LTM program. The areas to be monitored and specific LTM wells to be sampled are: • Northern CTC Plume: No LTM • Southern CTC Plume: ­ Source Area Monitoring: Well S-137-16 ­ Vertical Migration Monitoring: Well S-138-16 (co-located with S-137-16) ­ Downgradient Monitoring: Well S-129-15 • Mustard Mountain Plume: ­ Source Area Monitoring: Wells S-127-15 and S-135-16 ­ Vertical Migration Monitoring: Well S-136-16 (co-located with S-135-16) ­ Downgradient Monitoring: Well S-128-15 • Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Monitoring: ­ Wells S-70-90, S-71-90, and S-93-92 • IDF 1-152: ­ Proposed well S-YYY-XX The off-post non-degradation perimeter monitoring at SWMU 1 includes a set of three wells evenly spaced across the southern boundary of SWMU 1. From west to east, the wells are S-70-90 and S-71-90, located at the southwest and southeast corners of SWMU 1, respectively, and well S-71-90 located at the central position along the SWMU 1 southern boundary. This well network is spaced to detect the migration of groundwater contaminants beyond the SWMU 1 southern boundary toward the TEAD-S installation boundary. Monitoring wells S-70-90 and S-71-90 are shallow wells, with 10-foot screens set across first water at 44 and 61 feet below ground surface (bgs), respectively; well S-93-92 is a deeper well with a 15-foot screen set at 136 feet bgs. Well S-93-92 is screened at a deeper interval under confined conditions and the static water level in this well rises to the same height as the regional potentiometric surface. A review of the boring log for this well indicates that it was screened at this interval due to a lack of water-bearing zones at shallower depths. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-6 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Specific Requirements for SWMU 25 Similar to SWMU 1, the downgradient monitoring wells at SWMU 25 are intended to track and confirm the diffusive-dominated expansion of the plume and may or may not be in a location that is hydraulically downgradient to the plume. Tables 4-3 and 4-4 and Figure 4-2 provide an overview of the monitoring wells at SWMU 25 that will be sampled under the LTM program. The areas to be monitored and specific LTM wells to be sampled are: • Eastern CTC Plume: ­ Source Area Monitoring: Well S-139-17 ­ Vertical Migration Monitoring: Well S-140-17 (co-located with S-139-17) ­ Downgradient Monitoring: Well S-141-17 • Western CTC Plume: ­ Source Area Monitoring: Well S-120-08 ­ Vertical Migration Monitoring: Well S-142-17 (co-located with S-120-08) ­ Downgradient Monitoring: Well S-121-08 • Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Monitoring: ­ Wells S-67-90, S-68-90, S-95-92, and S-97-92 The off-post non-degradation perimeter monitoring at SWMU 25 includes three wells, S-95-92, S-68-90, and S-97-92. These wells form a sentinel line of monitoring points around the southeast boundary of SWMU 25 where the SWMU boundary and the TEAD-S installation boundary are closest to the groundwater contaminant plumes. Well S-95-92 is the westernmost well, located in an upgradient to cross gradient position to the VOC plumes; wells S-68-90 and S-97-92 are at cross gradient positions. The boring logs indicate that the wells are screened at the top of the aquifer. Monitoring wells S-68-90 and S-97-90 both have 10-foot well screens placed at shallower depths; well S-95-92 has a 25-foot set at 103 feet bgs. A review of the boring log for this well indicates that it was screened at this interval due to a lack of water-bearing zones at shallower depths. The placement of the off-post non-degradation perimeter monitoring wells represents a built-in conservatism in the LTM program because they are cross gradient to the VOC plume region and at distances of 1,000 feet or greater from the nearest VOC plume. Additionally, monitoring well S-141-17 is downgradient of the SWMU 25 VOC plumes and would detect contamination migrating beyond the SWMU 25 boundary. 4.1.2 SWMU 13 SWMU 13 encompasses the Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) Facility, which began operations in 1979 and was demolished in 2012 (Figure 4-3). The demilitarization facility is contained within a 10-acre fenced site and was constructed for the research and development of methods for demilitarizing lethal chemical munitions (such as nerve, blister, and mustard agents) and the treatment of wastes from this demilitarization process. Most materials and munitions tested and demilitarized at the CAMDS facility were disposed of by incineration. Three aboveground diesel fuel oil tanks were located within the western perimeter of CAMDS. In 1978, these tanks leaked approximately 500 gallons of fuel, which spilled onto the ground surface. Between 1980 and 1985, an underground diesel fuel spill also reportedly occurred in the vicinity of these tanks. The line leak went undetected, and it was estimated that up to 38,000 gallons of fuel may have leaked. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-7 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah SWMU 13 also includes three unlined lagoons known as the Northwest Wastewater Lagoons, which were installed in 1991 and received sanitary sewer discharge from the CAMDS facility. The lagoons were investigated during a Phase II RFI for potential environmental impacts (Rust 1997). Lagoon sludge was found to have metals concentrations slightly greater than background; however, significant groundwater impacts were not observed (Rust 1997). Cumulatively, SWMU 13 includes all releases to groundwater and the fuel release to soil. Other waste management units at SWMU 13 were addressed during CAMDS closure. Surface topography at SWMU 13 and adjacent SWMU 30 slopes to the southwest with ground surface elevations ranging from approximately 5,072 to 5,040 feet amsl. SWMU 13 is near the valley center and within 15 feet of the elevation of Faust Creek. To the east of the site, the ground abruptly rises approximately 25 feet. The area west and northwest of SWMU 13 flooded when Faust Creek discharge was high because the stream is dammed by the railroad embankments meeting in the northwest portion of TEAD-S. In 2017 during the CMI stage of the project, a LNAPL recovery system with interceptor trenches was installed to address groundwater impacts associated with the fuel tanks at SWMU 13; these groundwater impacts also required LTM (Parsons 2018c). An initial round of groundwater sampling was conducted in 2018; however, the LNAPL recovery system proved ineffective. In 2019, a request for an Alternative Remedy Strategy consisting of LTM and land use controls was submitted by Tooele Army Depot (TEAD; 2019) and granted by UDEQ on the basis of Technical Impracticality. The LTM program specified under the Alternative Remedy Strategy consists of annual groundwater sampling and well gauging for a minimum of 5 years. After 5 years of monitoring or no later than 2025, a more extensive sampling event is also required to update the plume map for SWMU 13 to support future decision making. Following this event, an evaluation will be made as to whether the LTM program should be modified, left unchanged, or terminated. The first round of LTM was conducted in 2018, but LTM was not conducted in 2019 or 2020. Sampling resumed in 2021 and will continue through 2025, which will be the fifth year of LTM. A more extensive one-time sampling event is scheduled to occur in 2025. Table 4-4 summarizes the current LTM program as outlined in the Alternative Remedy Strategy. Specific Requirements for SWMU 13 Annually, groundwater samples will be collected from monitoring wells S-55-90, S-78-91, S-91-91, and S13-CAM-DW1 and groundwater level measurements will be collected from 18 wells for monitoring the potentiometric surface. The objective of annual sampling is to monitor the horizontal and vertical plume movement. After 5 years of monitoring or no later than 2025, a more extensive sampling event is also required to update the plume map for SWMU 13. The fifth-year sampling event will include collecting groundwater samples from the following 12 monitoring wells: S-81-91, S-25-88, S-26-88, S-CAM-2, S13-CAM-DW1, S-82-91, S-55-90, S-CAM-1, S-78-91, S-29-88, S-30-88, and S-91-91. All wells will be sampled for total petroleum hydrocarbons–diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) and VOCs. If any of these wells contain free product, samples will not be collected. Tables 4-5 and 4-6 and Figure 4-3 provide an overview of the monitoring wells at SWMU 13 that will be sampled under the LTM program. During the annual remedy review, the groundwater data will be evaluated to determine whether the LTM program should be modified, left unchanged, or terminated. Based on the annual review, the GMP will be updated for any changes in the groundwater monitoring program at SWMU 13, if necessary. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-8 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 4.1.3 SWMU 26 SWMU 26 consists of a former landfill that operated from 1956 until 1994 and occupies approximately 44 acres in the northeastern portion of the TEAD-S facility (Figure 4-4). SWMU 26 is divided into Eastern and Western areas that are separated by an access road. The Eastern Area covers approximately 30 total acres, with buried waste located under approximately 14 acres. The Western Area consists of approximately 11 total acres and has buried waste within four separate areas that encompass approximately 2 acres. Types of waste disposed at the landfill in the 1990s included solid waste, paper, and building debris. However, these observations were limited to the active disposal trench at the time, and the contents of other portions of the landfill are unknown. Historical documents also indicate munitions materials were disposed of in the landfill (Plexus 2020). Surface topography at SWMU 26 slopes to the southwest with an elevation of 5,372 feet amsl in the northeast corner of the SWMU and 5,312 feet amsl in the southwest corner of the SWMU. In 2016, an RFI Addendum was performed and groundwater was investigated for potential VOC and semi- volatile organic compound (SVOC) impacts (Plexus 2017). Unacceptable risks to groundwater were identified in the Eastern Area and 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, and DEHP were identified as COPCs for the site. Following the supplemental RFI, a CMS was conducted, which recommended implementation of land use controls, installation of downgradient monitoring well, and installation of an engineered geosynthetic clay liner cap over the landfill (Plexus 2018a). Cap installation was completed between July 2019 and June 2020 (Plexus 2020). A new downgradient monitoring well, S-150-20, was also installed during the CMI stage. Specific Requirements for SWMU 26 A mappable groundwater plume has not been identified at SWMU 26; however, an LTM program was established due to the presence of COPCs to evaluate groundwater conditions downgradient of the buried waste and determine the effectiveness of the landfill cover at preventing additional groundwater degradation. The program consists of annual water level monitoring at 10 monitoring wells and groundwater sampling for VOCs at 3 monitoring wells for a minimum period of 5 years. The first round of LTM was completed in 2021 and will continue through 2025, at which time an evaluation will be made as to whether the LTM program should be modified, left unchanged, or terminated. Tables 4-7 and 4-8 and Figure 4-4 provide an overview of the monitoring wells at SWMU 26 that will be sampled under the LTM program. 4.2 SWMUs/AOCs in Characterization or Corrective Action In addition to the sites addressed in Section 4.1, other SWMUs are currently in characterization (RFI) or corrective action (CMI) process. Future LTM for these sites, if needed, will be incorporated into the basewide GMP following the completion of the RFI and/or CMI at each SWMU. Groundwater characteristics are discussed in the site-specific RFI reports and the HARR (Parsons 2013). The HARR also details past site activities and site-specific hydrogeologic conditions for each SWMU. A summary of the site history for each SWMU and current site characteristics is provided below. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-9 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 4.2.1 AOC 5 Open Storage Yard AOC 5 was an approximately 150-acre former open storage yard used for surface storage of mustard shipments when they arrived at TEAD-S via rail. The spur rail lines within the storage area have been removed. AOC 5 is located in the northeastern quadrant of TEAD-S, west of Montgomery Road. There are three areas within AOC 5 open for investigation: a concrete structure area, a burial feature, and a lead hotspot. The Phase II RFI for the AOCs (Parsons 2019b) recommends removal of the lead hotspot and additional investigations for the concrete structure area and the burial feature, including sampling to determine vertical and horizontal extent of contamination. Additional investigations and corrective action will determine whether AOC 5 will need LTM under this GMP. 4.2.2 AOC 27 Classification Yard Burial AOC 27 occupies approximately 0.4 acres and consists of a mound with scattered surface debris. Phase I investigations confirmed the presence of buried debris including melted and burned metal. The Phase II RFI recommended corrective actions including removals. The site will be re-evaluated upon completion of potential corrective actions to assess if LTM is required under this GMP. 4.2.3 SWMUs 21/22 SWMUs 21 and 22 had been closed with an NFA designation and were removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. During investigations of AOCs and SWMUs over the last few years, Cr(VI) has been detected as a contaminant in both soil and groundwater. The source of the groundwater contamination has been difficult to identify. Based on a review of total chromium data for SWMU 22, TEAD-S and the DWMRC agreed soil sampling was needed to determine if the former SWMU 22 washout operation could be a source of Cr(VI) contamination. Previous investigations that resulted in the NFA designation did not include Cr(VI) sampling. Division staff collected several surface soil samples in the former ditch/runoff area south of the old bomb washout building/SWMU 22; significant levels of Cr(VI) and other metals were detected in the 12 surface soil samples from the ditch leading away from the former SWMU 22. Based on an internal evaluation of the data, levels of contamination are present greater than risk-based levels. Therefore, additional investigation is warranted for both soil and groundwater. An RFI that began in 2023 is currently underway to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of Cr(VI), total chromium, and RCRA metals in soil and groundwater at SWMU 21/22 and to evaluate the site features as a potential source for Cr(VI) in the groundwater beneath the site. Additionally, a parallel investigation is being conducted to evaluate the potential for the existence of additional source(s) of Cr(VI) in groundwater upgradient, in the vicinity of, and downgradient of SWMU 21/22 to determine if the presence of Cr(VI) in groundwater at SWMU 21/22 and other locations at TEAD-S can be attributed to anthropogenic and/or geogenic (non-anthropogenic) mechanisms. The 2023 RFI project scope involves the following activities, which are in progress at time of this GMP revision: 1. Conducting an RFI at SWMU 21/22 and the surrounding areas at TEAD-S to supplement existing data and information obtained during previous investigative activities, including: a. Collecting and analyzing soil samples at select features associated with SWMU 21/22 for Cr(VI), total chromium, and RCRA metals b. Installing and developing two new groundwater monitoring wells Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-10 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah c. Performing two rounds of groundwater sampling for Cr(VI), total chromium, RCRA metals, and various geochemical parameters (e.g., anions/cations, alkalinity, ammonia, and ferric/ferrous iron) at select existing and new groundwater monitoring wells 2. Conducting a groundwater investigation to evaluate the presence and potential source(s) of Cr(VI) at TEAD-S, including: a. Installing three new groundwater monitoring wells b. Performing two rounds of groundwater sampling for Cr(VI), total chromium, RCRA metals, and various geochemical parameters (e.g., anions/cations, alkalinity, ammonia, and ferric/ferrous iron) at select existing and new groundwater monitoring wells c. Preparing a CMS to screen, develop, and evaluate potential corrective measures to address remediation of environmental impacts The site will be re-evaluated upon completion of additional investigation and potential corrective actions to assess if LTM is required under this GMP. Nitrate contamination in groundwater, due to a possible leaking septic tank or sewer line, will be addressed under a separate program. 4.2.4 SWMUs and AOCs Removed from Long-Term Monitoring Program SWMU 2 SWMU 2 occupies approximately 10 acres in the southwest portion of the Chemical Munition Storage Area, identified separately as SWMU 11 (Figure 3-1). SWMU 2 consists of an oval-shaped burial pit approximately 300 feet long by 60 feet wide. Historical aerial photographs suggest TEAD personnel excavated the area around 1974 and used it as a quarry for construction materials, and it was later used as a dump site. Excavation depths in the pit ranged from approximately 2 to 10 feet below grade. Historical reports indicated the burial pit contained non-demilitarized discarded military munitions (DMMs), and their presence was later confirmed during an Interim Remedial Action (IRA). From 2013 to 2016, an IRA was conducted to remove DMMs and other military-related devices, surface and subsurface debris, and contaminated soil (Kemron 2016). Based on visual and olfactory indications of leakage from the DMMs, soil samples were collected from the burial pit and stockpiles. Additional excavation was performed based on analytical results. Final confirmation results indicated that the source area of contamination had been removed; however, concentrations of hexachloroethane (HCE) in soil remaining beneath the pit exceeded the site-specific soil screening level (SSL) for the protection of groundwater. HCE is historically found in smoke munitions (e.g., smoke grenades). Low levels of tetrachloroethene (PCE) were also identified in the remaining soil at concentrations less than the SSL. Based on these results, the final IRA report recommended no additional soil investigation or excavation at SWMU 2 and recommended the site for closure with unrestricted use of soil (Kemron 2016). However, the HARR recommended that groundwater should be monitored under a Post-Closure Permit due to potential groundwater impacts from remaining soil. Following the IRA, TEAD-S developed a Work Plan to define the groundwater monitoring program for several corrective action sites, including SWMU 2 (Parsons 2016). The program outlined the technical approach and potential future actions to be conducted at SWMU 2 if contaminants greater than the PALs were present in the groundwater contamination. To determine if groundwater exceeded PALs, a grab sample was collected in April 2016 at a location beneath the former burial pit where HCE in soil exceeded the SSL. The groundwater sample was collected using direct push technology and analyzed for SVOCs and Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-11 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah HCE. Analytical results for SVOCs were less than PALs; however, the concentration of HCE (3.8 μg/L) was greater than the PAL of 0.33 μg/L. Based on the presence of HCE in groundwater greater than the PAL, the Utah DWMRC approved the site for unrestricted land use while requiring LTM as part of the RCRA Part B Permit. The 2017 LTM report for SWMU 2 recommended LTM be conducted for a minimum of 5 years (i.e., from 2016 through 2020), after which the need for continued monitoring would be evaluated (Plexus 2018b). In August 2016, a permanent groundwater monitoring well (S-134-16) was installed in the approximate location of the groundwater grab sample and has been sampled annually since 2016 to assess the level of groundwater contamination in the source zone. Downgradient Wells S-3-82 and S-46-90 have also been sampled annually since 2016 and 2017, respectively, to assess the lateral extent of groundwater contamination at SWMU 2. Water level measurements have been collected from each well during the annual sampling events to determine groundwater flow direction, which has been observed to flow west. Since 2016, all groundwater samples have been analyzed for HCE. In 2016 and 2017, the analytical results for HCE from source area well S-134-6 were greater than the PAL. In 2018, 2019, and 2020, the analytical results for HCE were non-detect in all wells. Since 2017, VOCs have been analyzed in all groundwater samples. Concentrations of PCE in S-134-16 exceeded the PAL from 2017 through 2020. No other compounds or locations had PAL exceedances during that time. Due to continued PAL exceedances at S-134-16, LTM at SWMU 2 continued without modification beyond the initial 5-year period. In 2022, the analytical results were either non-detect or less than the PALs in all groundwater samples. Based on these results, sufficient data have been collected at SWMU 2 to assess concentration trends for HCE and PCE. Since monitoring began in 2016, source area well S-134-16 has been the only SWMU 2 well with PAL exceedances for HCE and/or PCE. Recent concentrations of HCE and PCE in the well have been less than the PAL, and results from the statistical analysis indicate S-134-16 has statistically significant decreasing concentration trends for both compounds. At downgradient Wells S-3-82 and S-46-90, HCE and PCE concentrations have been predominantly HCE or uniformly PCE non-detect since 2016, and no concentrations have exceeded PALs. These results suggest contaminant concentrations within the source area will remain less than PALs in the future, and significant downgradient migration will not occur. The groundwater at SWMU 2 was determined to meet the non-degradation requirements outlined in UAC R315-101, and LTM was discontinued per the recommendation of the 2022 Annual LTM Report (Brice 2023). SWMU 5 SWMU 5 is an unlined drainage pond (approximately 100 feet by 50 feet) that was used to collect wastewater generated in the renovation of munitions at Building 600 (Figure 3-1). Building 600 activities included chemical munition and white phosphorous grenade renovation, as well as the washout of high explosive cluster bombs from the late 1940s to early 1950s. Mustard projectiles, M15 WP grenades, and M4-A2 smoke pots were also renovated in this building (DCD 2012). During renovation, munitions were placed in acid baths, fuses and bursters were replaced, and the munitions were repainted in spray booths within the building (DCD 2012). In the 1970s, Building 600 was used for retort operations of the pilot test for the CAMDS (North Wind 2004). Paint constituents and chromic acid were also listed as potential contaminants in the groundwater and soil, and during the RFI, metals and VOCs were detected in soil. The Corrective Measures Work Plan was finalized in November 2002 (Tetra Tech 2012), and a closure report was completed in 2004 (North Wind 2004). Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-12 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah The surface topography that immediately surrounds SWMU 5 slopes to the southwest with a ground surface elevation of approximately 5,150 amsl. The drainage pond represents the boundary of SWMU 5. A nearby ditch receives flow from the drainage pond and can carry runoff out of the eastern portion of the SWMU. There are no other surface water features within SWMU 5 (Parsons 2013). In 2016, a new monitoring well (S-130-16) was installed, groundwater samples were collected from eight wells, and groundwater analytical results were assessed, including modeling, to evaluate if the source of Cr(VI) reported in groundwater was anthropogenic (e.g., from past SWMU 5 operations), naturally occurring, or a combination of both. The eight groundwater monitoring wells at SWMU 5 are: • Wells S-2-82, S-51-90, and S-50-90 located upgradient of the drainage pond • Well S-53-90 located cross gradient to the drainage pond, approximately 150 feet south- southwest of the pond • Wells S-108-93 and S-109-93 located downgradient of the drainage pond • Well S-110-93, a distal cross gradient well located approximately 1,400 feet northeast of the pond • Well S-130-16 located on the downgradient edge of the former drainage pond The groundwater flow patterns confirm an east-southeast flow direction (Parsons 2013). A review of seasonal groundwater elevation fluctuations at SWMU 5 wells shows water levels remain consistent throughout the year with a low-water level period during the fall and winter and a high-water level period during the spring and summer; however, the minor water level fluctuations are not indicative of significant seasonal trends. Figure 4-2 presents groundwater elevation contours for an area of TEAD-S encompassing SWMU 5. An evaluation of the monitoring data collected through 2017 has indicated that Cr(VI) is present in both upgradient and cross gradient wells and is likely from an anthropogenic source(s) combined with geogenic conditions (Plexus 2018b). The conclusion of the 2017 Final LTM Annual Report for SWMUs 2 and 5 (Plexus 2018b) established that groundwater at SWMU 5 was understood and the concentration of Cr(VI) in groundwater was stable. The report further concluded that SWMU 5 be closed with no additional groundwater monitoring. As noted in the 15 March 2018 state approval letter, groundwater monitoring for Cr(VI) may continue under a regional approach, but corrective action LTM for SWMU 5 is closed. AOC 23 Building 4553 Bomb Renovation Building Evaporation Pond AOC 23 is a formerly used evaporation pond associated with Building 4553 (Figure 3-1). This AOC occupies approximately 4 acres in the northeastern quadrant of TEAD-S on the south side of Gardner Road. An overflow ditch runs south from the evaporation pond and a conveyance pipe travels beneath Gardner Road, discharging to the middle of the northeastern edge of the evaporation pond. According to the results of the Phase I RFI, no VOCs, SVOCs or explosives were identified in site soil (Parsons 2017c). The Phase II RFI confirmed elevated levels of metals in soil, specifically lead, zinc, cadmium, chromium, and Cr(VI) (Parsons 2019b). Horizontal extent of the metals contamination is limited to the evaporation pond, with the exception of Cr(VI), which extended southwest to sample location AS-SB-06 and northeast along the conveyance pipe to sample location AS-SS-15. The vertical extent of contamination was delineated to less than 10 feet bgs. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-13 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah As part of the Phase II RFI, three monitoring wells (S-146-18, S-147-18, and S-148-18) were installed at AOC 23. Monitoring well S-146-18 is an upgradient well. In addition to collecting groundwater samples for laboratory analysis of COPCs (metals and Cr[VI]), additional analytes of nitrite and nitrate were included in the sampling. While nitrate and nitrite were not site-related, they were included to provide additional data needed to assist in modeling Cr(VI) in groundwater. Both nitrate and nitrite were detected in the downgradient wells at concentrations similar to those associated with SWMUs 21/22 (which is cross gradient from AOC 23). The risk assessment conducted for AOC 23 indicated that the migration to groundwater pathway was incomplete, and data indicate that metals had not migrated to groundwater. The recommendation of the Phase II RFI was that groundwater monitoring was not needed for AOC 23. However, the monitoring wells installed at AOC may be beneficial for use in the regional groundwater assessments for Cr(VI). The concentrations of the nitrate/nitrite should also be assessed with the regional groundwater investigation (SWMUs 21/22). 4.2.5 SWMUs and AOCs with No Long-Term Monitoring Requirements SWMUs at TEAD-S with no known groundwater impacts are not included in LTM and have been designated as NFA with regards to groundwater. Many of the monitoring wells remain at these closed SWMUs and are used for measuring groundwater elevation to assist in assessing basewide groundwater monitoring. SWMUs with NFA regarding groundwater include: • SWMU 3: VOCs were sampled in 2016 as outlined in the LTM/HARR Work Plan (Parsons 2016) to confirm a previous NFA designation. Based on the analytical results of the 2016 sampling, NFA for groundwater was approved and the SWMU was removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. • SWMU 9: The SWMU is closed and designated for industrial land use in the TEAD-S Post-Closure Permit. • SWMU 11: The SWMU is closed under the Igloo (Area 10) and Mustard Yard investigation (Pika-Pirnie 2015) and removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. • SWMU 15: The SWMU has been closed with an NFA and removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. • SWMU 19: The SWMU has been closed with an NFA and removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. • SWMU 27: The corrective action process has been completed. The SWMU has been closed with an NFA and removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. • SWMU 28: The SWMU is closed and designated for industrial land use in the TEAD-S Post-Closure Permit. • SWMU 30: The SWMU is closed with an NFA and removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. • HWMU 31: The HWMU has been closed and removed from the TEAD-S RCRA Part B Permit. The site is now permitted as an active open-detonation range. • SWMUs 4, 8, 14, 17, 20, 23, 29, 32, 33, 34, 36, and 37: These SWMUs have been removed from the TEAD-S Part B Permit, do not have known groundwater impacts, and are not included in the GMP. • SWMUs not listed: SWMUs not in this list have been incorporated into other SWMUs or were never assigned to an area. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 4-14 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah • AOCs 7, 9, 10, 11, and 15: The AOCs were investigated during Phase I RFI and were closed with NFA. There are no known groundwater impacts, and they are not included in the GMP. • AOCs 2, 3, 6, 8, and 24: These AOCs will be closed under the Phase II RFI and/or through limited surface removals. There are no known impacts to groundwater associated with these AOCs and they will not be included in the GMP. In addition to the RCRA-regulated sites, two munitions response sites at TEAD-S are being remediated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA): • Combat Training Area (CTA) (DCD-001-R-01) – The CTA is in the north-central portion of TEAD-S and was used for training from the 1940s until 1980. The site included a handgun range, rifle range, combat assault course, bazooka/rifle range, hand grenade range, and a mortar firing range (ITSI 2014). • Old Demolition Pit (ODP) (DCD-004-R-01) – The ODP is in the central portion of TEAD-S, south of SWMU 11 and near SWMU 15. It was the location of an accidental detonation of a 4.2-inch mortar in the late 1940s (ITSI 2014). The UDEQ Division of Environmental Response and Remediation is the regulatory authority for CERCLA projects at TEAD-S. Investigations performed under RCRA to date at these two sites have found no groundwater impacts or monitoring requirements. Investigation and remediation actions are ongoing. Groundwater impacts and monitoring are not anticipated, but if required, they will be incorporated into this GMP. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 5-1 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 5.0 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND WELL INSTALLATION METHODOLOGY Groundwater monitoring has been ongoing at TEAD-S for several decades. Over the years, groundwater sampling and related activities (e.g., drilling) allowed for new lessons to be learned and new technologies to be understood. Based on past experiences, this section provides guidance for groundwater monitoring techniques including when to use which method and aspects to consider. The information presented provides baseline information only. Detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) should be included in site-specific LTM work plans and/or Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs). 5.1 Groundwater Sampling Field Procedures The main groundwater sampling method in use at TEAD-S is low-flow sampling. HydraSleeves have been used in past procedures at TEAD-S, but low groundwater levels have made it difficult to collect sufficient volume for samples using HydraSleeves. The characteristics of COPCs and the aquifer should be evaluated to determine the optimal sample collection point within the water column to ensure a representative sample is collected (e.g., for sites where VOCs are of concern, samples may be collected near the top of the screen interval). The collection of groundwater samples at discrete depths alleviates concerns regarding mixture of groundwater and potential dilution of contaminants at wells with longer screens. Appropriate sample collection points may vary by SWMU. Prior to sampling a groundwater monitoring well, regardless of the sampling method, the depth to water should be measured from the surveyed point marked on the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing of each well using a water level meter. If LNAPL is present, an electronic interface probe will be used instead of a water level meter. The two groundwater sampling methods that have been used at TEAD-S are described in the following sections. 5.1.1 Low-Flow Groundwater Sampling Low-flow purging and sampling involves the use of a submerged pump that can be adjusted to deliver groundwater to the surface at rates from less than 100 milliliters (mL) per minute to a maximum of 1 liter per minute. The purpose of this technique is the recovery of representative samples of water from the aquifer adjacent to the well screen. Stagnant water above and below the screen will not usually be purged or sampled. The technique eliminates the need for collection and costly disposal of several well volumes of groundwater as IDW from wells containing contaminated water (EPA 1996b). With other sampling techniques, such as bailing, at least three well volumes of groundwater are required to be purged prior to sampling to make sure a representative sample is collected. However, sample collection using the low- flow method is based on stabilized water quality parameters being achieved during purging at a low rate rather than number of well volumes removed. During low-flow purging and sampling, the pump intake is placed within the middle of the screened interval, and the water pumped from the well is monitored for several water quality parameters (e.g., temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity) using a flow-through cell and field instrumentation. The water level is also monitored to keep drawdown to a minimum. Samples are collected when the measured parameters have stabilized. Parameters for consideration before choosing low-flow sampling as the appropriate method of groundwater collection include sample volume requirements, length of water column in the well, and formation yield and permeability characteristics. At wells with shallow seasonal water columns and/or large sample volume requirements, low-flow sampling is the preferred method over HydraSleeve Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 5-2 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah sampling. However, low-permeability or low-yield formations can render the low-flow method ineffective if drawdown of the well cannot be minimized or groundwater parameters do not stabilize (Yeskis and Zavala 2002). 5.1.2 HydraSleeve Groundwater Sampling The HydraSleeve groundwater sampling device is designed to collect a representative groundwater sample from a well while eliminating the need to purge the well. The sample is collected from a discrete depth within the screened interval of the well without mixing fluid from other depth intervals. HydraSleeve samplers can be used to sample for most groundwater analytes (e.g., VOCs, SVOCs, explosives, and metals) and eliminate the need for pumping a well and disposing of purge water (GeoInsight 2016). HydraSleeve samplers cause minimal well drawdown and agitation of the water column. The samplers are made from a collapsible tube of polyethylene, sealed at the bottom end, and built with a self-sealing reed-valve at the top end. The HydraSleeve sampler is installed collapsed and empty into the water column where hydrostatic pressure keeps the device closed except during sample collection. One or more samplers can be suspended on a weighted line and positioned in a well at the desired screen sampling intervals or target horizons. The sampler is deployed through use of a weighted line that allows the sampler to be positioned in the screened interval at a location optimized for each well (GeoInsight 2016). Because the HydraSleeve sampler does not require purging, field measurements of groundwater parameters (e.g., temperature, pH, conductivity, etc.), normally taken during purge sampling, are not required to evaluate whether the groundwater parameters have stabilized prior to sampling. However, if desired, these indicator parameters can still be measured from well water collected from the HydraSleeve sampler or in situ following sampling. The displacement of well water caused by placement of a single HydraSleeve sampler is minimal (less than 100 mL). Because the sampler does not disturb the water column significantly, long equilibrations times following insertion of the sampler into the well are unnecessary. To obtain a groundwater sample, the HydraSleeve is pulled upward on the suspension line through the zone of interest, which causes water to enter the one-way check valve and fill the sampler (GeoInsight 2016). Parameters for consideration before choosing HydraSleeve as the appropriate method of groundwater collection include sample volume requirements and length of water column in the well. For a 2-inch well, the standard options include a 600-mL HydraSleeve bag or a 1,000-mL HydraSleeve bag. The 600-mL bag is 30 inches long and a has fill stroke (distance to pull upwards to fill the bag) of 30 inches, for a total of 60 inches water column needed to fill the bag. The 1,000-mL bag is 38 inches long and has a fill stroke of 38 inches, for a total of 76 inches water column needed to fill the bag. For a 4-inch well, a 3,000-mL HydraSleeve bag is available. The 3,000-mL bag is 37 inches long and has a fill stroke of 37 inches, for a total of 74 inches of water column needed to fill the bag (GeoInsight 2016). Top-weighted models, Super Sleeve and Turbo Sleeve, are available in sizes of 1,000-mL, 1,500-mL, 2,000-mL, and 4,000-mL bags. With a top-weight, the Super Sleeve and Turbo Sleeve become compressed at the bottom of the well. The compression length of the Super Sleeve is approximately 16 inches and the fill stroke is 46 inches, for a total of approximately 62 inches of water column needed to fill the bag. The compression length of the Turbo Sleeve is 36 inches and the fill stroke is 96 inches, for a total of 132 inches of water column needed to fill the bag (GeoInsight 2017). Two standard HydraSleeve samplers may also be joined together in series to obtain additional sample volume, though that effectively doubles the length of the bag and, therefore, increases the water column needed to fill the bag. Limitations on water column length and sample volume requirements have necessitated the usage of low-flow groundwater sampling. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 5-3 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 5.2 Quality Control Plan Prior to initiating sampling at a site, a Quality Control Plan (QCP) must be in place. The QCP is generated and used to confirm representative and reproducible data are produced. The QCP can be included in site-specific LTM work plans or be a stand-alone document. At a minimum, the QCP should include/prescribe the following: • Preparatory, kickoff, and ongoing quality meetings • Separate controls for each definable feature of work (DFW) • Verification that SOPs are established and personnel are sufficiently trained for each DFW • Historical field information (e.g., previous water levels, total depth) • Sufficient inspections scheduled for each DFW • Description and use of field forms to verify relevant information is collected and recorded • Establishment of decision making and data acceptance criteria • Recordkeeping • Confirmation work and analytical reporting in compliance with the project specific QAPP and TEAD-S QAPP (AQS 2012) • Corrective action procedures Additional components will be included as needed or as negotiated with stakeholders. 5.3 Laboratory Analytical Methods Laboratory analytical methods to be implemented are site/project-specific and should be performed in accordance with the analytical requirements detailed in the DCD QAPP (AQS 2012) and in site-specific QAPPs. The sensitivity of all methods and laboratory instrumentation shall provide limits of quantitation, at a minimum (if possible), that are no higher than the EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) and State of Utah cleanup standards (UAC R315-101), and that also meet the requirements outlined in the DCD QAPP (AQS 2012). Each laboratory must be Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) and State of Utah certified. 5.4 Drilling Methods and Monitoring Well Installation This section incorporates lessons learned from previous well installations at TEAD-S to provide guidance for future well installations and increase efficiency and drilling effectiveness. Numerous drilling methods exist for well installation including direct push, hollow-stem auger, reverse rotary, and ODEX. However, based on recent availability of sonic and direct push rigs, reduction in IDW generation, and the ability to collect continuous soil core, only sonic and direct push rigs are recommended for use at TEAD-S and discussed below. 5.4.1 Drilling Methods and Selection Criteria Rotosonic (sonic) drilling provides superior speed, safety, accuracy, and less waste generation compared to conventional drilling equipment. This drilling method can be used for continuous sampling in unconsolidated soil and in soft/fractured bedrock to hundreds of feet bgs. Core samples are collected in a 4- to 7-inch-diameter core barrel and vibrated into clear plastic sleeves ranging from 2 to 3 feet long. This provides an effective means of describing soil lithology, while maintaining environmental integrity of Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 5-4 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah samples collected for chemical or physical analyses. The sonic drill has the capability to advance the core barrel 20 feet each run. Depending on the frequency in changes in lithology encountered during drilling, runs may be limited to 10 feet to increase the quality of soil core recovery. The direct push method is used to acquire soil samples in formations where a standard 2-inch-diameter split-spoon sampler can be driven (e.g., unconsolidated clays, silts, sands, and fine gravels) at lower costs than other types of drilling. The direct push drilling method produces continuous cores that can provide lithologic detail of the subsurface strata and allow soil sampling for classification and chemical testing. In addition, soil strata profiling in shallow depths may be accomplished over large areas in less time than conventional drilling methods because of the rapid sample gathering potential of the direct push method. Furthermore, grab groundwater sampling may be employed via direct push groundwater sampling which has the benefits of smaller size tooling, smaller diameter boreholes, and minimal waste generation. Some models of direct push drill rigs have the capability to perform hollow-stem auger drilling in addition to direct push. At TEAD-S direct push should be considered for the installation of monitoring wells at locations where the groundwater is shallow (less than 50 feet bgs); lithology is permissible for advancement of direct push rods; and 2-inch-diameter monitoring wells are suitable for meeting groundwater monitoring needs. Direct push should not be used in areas where groundwater is deeper than 50 feet bgs and where dense clays and large cobbles are present or where monitoring wells greater than 2-inch in diameter are necessary. Based on these limitations, direct push should not be used in the southeastern areas (e.g., SWMU 1/25 and 31) due to past experiences but should be considered for the western portions of TEAD-S (e.g., SWMU 13 and SWMU 30) where direct push has been proven to be effective. 5.4.2 Monitoring Well Installation and Construction Potential new monitoring wells consist of two main groups: wells installed in first (shallowest) water and wells installed below first water at deeper hydrostratigraphic levels. A distinction between the two groups is necessary because different installation procedures must be followed when installing deep wells. This is to prevent the possibility of cross contaminating deeper water-bearing zones with contamination present in shallower levels. For shallow wells installed in first water, the above installation parameters can be achieved without special consideration of cross-contamination as boreholes will not be advanced below the bottom of the first water-bearing lithologic unit. For wells installed below first water, precautions must be taken to prevent downward flow of shallow contaminated groundwater to deeper levels. During installation of deeper wells, the outer drill casing remains in the hole at all times during borehole drilling and well installation. The casing seals off shallow water-bearing units and prevents flow from those units from entering deeper intervals. The monitoring well PVC riser and screening materials are set at the target depth from inside the outer drill casing. Following this, installation of the filter pack and bentonite seal occurs in discrete steps, whereby the drill casing is slowly raised by several inches, and annular materials (sand or bentonite) are installed (tremied or poured). The raising of the drill casing in small steps allows for the opening of annular space so that annular materials may fall freely into position around the well, while maintaining a seal on overlying water-bearing zones. To prevent bridging, coated bentonite pellets are used. This procedure is performed until the well is grouted above the base of the first water-bearing unit, at which time the remaining casing may be removed from the borehole if conditions allow. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 5-5 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Monitoring well construction will be PVC of either 2- or 4-inch diameter with a default screen length of 10 feet; 7 feet of the screen interval should be installed below the average groundwater elevation and 3 feet of screen should remain above. The final monitoring well design will be modified, as needed, on a site-by-site basis to meet the data needs of each site. Parameters to consider include the future use of the well, including sampling/monitoring methods, if any down-well monitoring is needed, or if the wells are nested. If nested wells or 4-inch wells are needed, sonic drilling should be used to achieve a sufficient boring diameter. Prior to installing new wells, applicable permits must be obtained including contacting the Division of Water Rights and obtaining approval for the construction of non-production wells. Following well installation, each new well should be surveyed by a professional Utah-licensed surveyor using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) or the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) reference system and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) reference system. Vertical control is required to the nearest 0.01 feet, and horizontal control is required to the nearest 0.1 feet. The survey must be tied into/checked against the existing monitoring wells to accurately calculate groundwater elevation across the installation. 5.5 Well Abandonment Following the completion of LTM at a site, well abandonment may be considered and discussed. However, wells should not necessarily be abandoned after LTM is complete at a site because the monitoring well may still be valuable for basewide groundwater monitoring (e.g., measuring groundwater elevations). In addition, a monitoring well may need to be abandoned (or abandoned and replaced) should its integrity fail (e.g., casing breaks or groundwater decreased below the well screen). If a well is to be abandoned, concurrence should be documented from all stakeholders; and an abandonment SOP should be prepared, approved, and performed in accordance with Utah rules and regulations. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 5-6 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah This page intentionally blank Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 6-1 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah 6.0 REFERENCES AQS. 2012. Final Deseret Chemical Depot Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP). February. AQS. 2017. Final Risk Assumptions Document Solid Waste Management Units and Other Corrective Action Sites, Revision 5, Tooele Army Depot South Area, Tooele, Utah. March. Brice Engineering, LLC (Brice). 2023. 2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, Tooele Army Depot South Area, Tooele, Utah. January. Brice. 2024. 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, Tooele Army Depot South Area, Tooele, Utah. February. CB&I. 2016. Site-Specific Fina Report Tooele Army Depot – South, Stockton, UT. February. Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD). 2012. Final Sampling and Analysis Plan, SWMU 5. June. Gardner, P.M. and S.M. Kirby. 2011. “Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater Resources in Rush Valley, Tooele County, Utah.” U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5068. Gardner, Philip. 2012. Personal communications between Jeffrey Fitzmayer and Philip Gardner. 6 August. GeoInsight. 2016. Standard Operating Procedure: Sampling Groundwater with a HydraSleeve. www.hydrasleeve.com. GeoInsight. 2017. Heavy Duty Super/SkinnySleeve Assembly Instructions. www.hydrasleeve.com. ITSI. 2014. Final Remedial Investigation Report DCD-001-R-01 (Combat training Area) and DCD-004-R-01 (Old Demolition Pit/SWMU 15). Deseret Chemical Depot, Utah. August. Kemron. 2016. Site Specific Final Report, Interim Remedial Action, Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 2, Tooele Army Depot - South Area, Stockton, Utah. North Wind. 2004. Draft Final Corrective Measures Completion Report for the SWMU 5 Building 600 Foundation, Drainage Pond, and Ditch. July. Parsons. 2013. Final Hydrogeological Assessment and Recommendations Report, Deseret Chemical Depot, Stockton, Utah. July. Parsons. 2016. Final Long Term Monitoring of SWMU 2, SWMU 5, HWMU 31 and Implementation of the Hydrogeologic Assessment and Recommendations Report Work Plan. Tooele Army Depot-South, Tooele County, Utah. February. Parsons. 2017a. Final Groundwater Management Plan, Tooele Army Depot South, Tooele County, Utah. November. Parsons. 2017b. Final 2016 Long Term Monitoring of SWMU 2, SWMU 3, SWMU 5, and HWMU 31 Annual Report. Tooele Army Depot-South, Tooele County, Utah. May. Parsons. 2017c. Final Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation Report of Select Areas of Concern. Tooele Army Depot-South, Tooele County, Utah. October. Groundwater Management Plan Revision 3 6-2 Tooele Army Depot, Utah and Defense Depot Ogden, Utah Parsons. 2018a. Revised Final Groundwater Management Plan, Tooele Army Depot South, Tooele County, Utah. November. Parsons. 2018b. Final Phase II Addendum RCRA Facility Investigation Report for SWMU 1 and SWMU 25, Tooele Army Depot South, Tooele County, Utah. August. Parsons. 2018c. Final Corrective Measures Implementation Plan for Solid Waste Management Unit 13, Tooele Army Depot South, Tooele County, Utah. May. Parsons. 2019a. Final Groundwater Management Plan, Revision Two, Tooele Army Depot South, Tooele County, Utah. June. Parsons. 2019b. Final Phase II RCRA Facility Investigation Repot of Select Areas of Concern, Tooele Army Depot South, Tooele County, Utah. February. Pika-Pirnie JV, LLC. 2015. Final Closure Verification Sampling Report for Area 10 Igloos; Area 2 Buildings 4104, 4105, 4107; Building 4536; and Site Investigation Sampling at the Area 10 Igloos and Mustard Storage Yard, Deseret Chemical Depot, Stockton, Utah. January. Plexus Scientific Corporation (Plexus). 2017. RCRA Facility Investigation Addendum, Solid Waste Management Unit 26, Tooele Army Depot – South, Utah. July. Plexus. 2018a. Final 2018 Long Term Monitoring of SWMU 2 Annual Report. September. Plexus. 2018b. Final 2017 Long Term Monitoring of SWMU 2 and SWMU 5 Annual Report. February. Plexus. 2020. Corrective Measures Implementation Completion Report, Solid Waste Management Unit 26 West (Areas A through D), Tooele Army Depot – South, Tooele County, Utah. April. Post V., H. Kooi, C. and Simmons. 2007. “Using hydraulic head measurements in variable-density ground water flow analyses.” Groundwater 45:664-671. Rust Environment and Infrastructure (Rust). 1997. Tooele Army Depot-South Area, Revised Final Phase II RCRA Facility Investigation Report Known Releases SWMUs 13 and 17. April. Stolp, B.J. and L.E. Brooks. 2009. “Hydrology and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow in the Tooele Valley Ground-Water Basin, Tooele County, Utah.” U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5154. https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2009/5154/. Tooele Army Depot (TEAD). 2019. Request for Alternative Remedy Strategy at Solid Waste Management Unit 13, Tooele Army Depot South Area. June. Tetra Tech. 2012. Final Corrective Measures Work Plan. 2012 Remedial Action at SWMU 5 Building 600 Foundation, Drainage Pond and Ditch. Desert Chemical Depot, Tooele, Utah. November. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1996a. How to Effectively Recover Free Product at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites, A Guide for State Regulators. EPA 510-R-96-001. September. EPA. 1996b. Low-Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Ground-Water Sampling Procedures. EPA 540-S-95-501. April. Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ). 1993. Deseret Chemical Depot RCRA Part B Hazardous Waste Storage Permit. Reissued 2004. Yeskis, D., and B. Zavala. 2002. Ground-Water Sampling Guidance for Superfund and RCRA Project Managers. EPA Groundwater Forum Issue Paper, EPA 542-S-02-001. May. TABLES This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 2 Table 4-1 SWMU 1 Long-Term Monitoring Program MONITORING WELL ID WELL LOCATION ASSOCIATED SOIL BORING PLUME MONITORING TYPE SAMPLE FREQUENCY ANALYTICAL SUITE COMMENTS S-70-90 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-71-90 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-93-92 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-128-15 SWMU 1 01-SB-05 Mustard Mountain Downgradient Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-127-15 SWMU 1 01-SB-04 Mustard Mountain Source Area Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-135-16 SWMU 1 01-SB-64 Mustard Mountain Source Area Annually 8260C (VOCs) Shallow, Co-located with S-136-16 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-136-16 SWMU 1 01-SB-65 Mustard Mountain Vertical Migration Annually 8260C (VOCs) Deep, Co-located with S-135-16 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-129-15 SWMU 1 01-SB-03 Southern CTC Downgradient Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-137-16 SWMU 1 01-SB-66 Southern CTC Source Area Annually 8260C (VOCs) Shallow, Co-located with S-138-16 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) Page 2 of 2 Table 4-1 SWMU 1 Long-Term Monitoring Program MONITORING WELL ID WELL LOCATION ASSOCIATED SOIL BORING PLUME MONITORING TYPE SAMPLE FREQUENCY ANALYTICAL SUITE COMMENTS S-138-16 SWMU 1 01-SB-66 Southern CTC Vertical Migration Annually 8260C (VOCs) Deep, Co-located with S-137-16 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-YYY-XX SWMU 1 NA NA IDF 1-152 Annually 8260C (VOCs); 7199 (Total Chromium, Cr[VI]) Proposed monitoring well, information to be presented during installation, development, and sampling. Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-69-90, S-135-16, S-136-16, S-127-15, S-96-92, S-128-15, S-137-16, S-138-16, S-129-15, S-126-16, S-97-92, S-125-15, S-70-90, S-5-82, S-71-90, S-4-82, S-93-92, and S-YYY-XX SWMU 1 and Buffer Zone NA NA Water levels Annually Electronic water level meter To be conducted concurrently with the annual sampling event Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. Page 1 of 1 Table 4-2 SWMU 1 Well Data MONITORING WELL ID ELEVATION OF TOC (feet amsl) SCREENED INTERVAL (feet bgs) STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON AQUIFER TYPE1 TARGET SAMPLE DEPTH (feet btoc) S-4-82 5070.43 64-84 Silt and clay Confined NS S-5-82 5041.15 10.3-20.3 Silt Confined NS S-69-90 5107.82 112.7-122.7 Clay Confined NS S-70-90 5064.19 40 – 50 Upper Clay Semi-confined 50 S-71-90 5059.49 58 – 68 Upper Clay Semi-confined 64.8 S-93-92 5076.45 136 – 151 Lower Clay Semi-confined 146 S-96-92 5075.30 99.5-114.5 Clayey silt, silty sand Confined NS S-125-15 5080.67 59-69 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-126-15 5075.71 54-64 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-128-15 5075.82 95 – 105 Lower Clay Semi-confined 102.5 S-127-15 5083.54 105 – 115 Lower Clay Semi-confined 112.5 S-135-16 5131.92 175.5 – 185.5 Lower Clay Semi-confined 182 S-136-16 5131.94 236 – 246 Lower Clay Semi-confined 243.5 S-129-15 5064.40 96 – 106 Lower Clay Semi-confined 103.5 S-137-16 5067.75 116 – 126 Lower Clay Semi-confined 123.5 S-138-16 5067.79 185 – 195 Lower Clay Semi-confined 192.5 S-YYY-XX NA NA NA Semi-confined NA Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. 1 When water elevations are plotted as on the cross sections, it appears that at whatever elevation the water-bearing sand is encountered in borehole sediments (which is highly variable), given enough time, static water will rise to roughly the same elevation (approximately 5,022 ft amsl), indicating conditions site-wide are semi-confined (Parsons 2019b). This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 1 Table 4-3 SWMU 25 Long-Term Monitoring Program MONITORING WELL ID WELL LOCATION ASSOCIATED SOIL BORING PLUME MONITORING TYPE SAMPLE FREQUENCY ANALYTICAL SUITE COMMENTS S-67-90 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-68-90 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-95-92 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-97-92 Buffer Zone NA NA Off-Post Non-degradation Perimeter Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-141-17 SWMU 25 25-SB-79 Eastern CTC Downgradient Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-139-17 SWMU 25 25-SB-39 Eastern CTC Source Area Annually 8260C (VOCs) Shallow, co-located with S-140-17 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-140-17 SWMU 25 25-SB-39 Eastern CTC Vertical Migration Annually 8260C (VOCs) Deep, co-located with S-139-17 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-121-08 SWMU 25 NA Western CTC Downgradient Annually 8260C (VOCs) Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-120-08 SWMU 25 NA Western CTC Source Area Annually 8260C (VOCs) Co-located with S-142-17 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-142-17 SWMU 25 25-SB-80 Western CTC Vertical Migration Annually 8260C (VOCs) Co-located with S-120-08 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) S-P3-90, S-64-90, S-98-92, S-100-92, S-66-90, S-7-82, S-102-92, S-101-92, S-139-17, S-141-17, S-99-92, S-142-17, S-121-08, S-120-08, S-65-90, S-6-82, S-68-90, S-95-92, S-18-88, S-67-90, and S-19-88 SWMU 25 NA NA Water Level Annually Electronic water level meter To be conducted concurrently with the annual sampling event Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 1 Table 4-4 SWMU 25 Well Data MONITORING WELL ID ELEVATION OF TOC (feet amsl) SCREENED INTERVAL (feet bgs) STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON AQUIFER TYPE1 TARGET SAMPLE DEPTH (feet btoc) S-P3-90 5044.65 10-15 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-6-82 5043.02 15.3-35.3 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-7-82 5052.22 34-54 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-18-88 5041.43 16.7-36.7 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-19-88 5063.56 14.4-34.4 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-64-90 5048.78 24.5-34.5 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-65-90 5041.37 15-25 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-66-90 5062.19 84-94 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-67-90 5042.13 26 – 36 Upper Clay Semi-confined 33.5 S-68-90 5062.44 52.5 – 62.5 Upper Clay Semi-confined 60 S-95-92 5049.81 103 – 128 Transition Zone Semi-confined 118 S-97-92 5090.30 73 – 83 Upper Clay Semi-confined 80.5 S-98-92 5052.64 28.7-39.2 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-99-92 5052.71 28-38 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-100-92 5080.73 59.3-74.3 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-101-92 5063.10 40-50.5 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-102-92 5057.55 40-50.5 Upper Clay Semi-confined NS S-120-08 5053.48 47 – 67 Upper Clay Semi-confined 59.5 S-121-08 5053.89 33 – 53 Upper Clay Semi-confined 45.5 S-139-17 5072.39 50 – 60 Upper Clay Semi-confined 59 S-140-17 5072.38 195 – 205 Lower Clay Semi-confined 197.5 S-141-17 5079.12 65 – 75 Upper Clay Semi-confined 72.5 S-142-17 5053.62 200 – 210 Lower Clay Semi-confined 207.5 Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. 1 When water elevations are plotted as on the cross sections, it appears that at whatever elevation the water-bearing sand is encountered in borehole sediments (which is highly variable), given enough time, static water will rise to roughly the same elevation (approximately 5,022 feet amsl) indicating conditions site-wide are semi-confined (Parsons 2019b). This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 1 Table 4-5 SWMU 13 Long-Term Monitoring Program DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVE TASKS METHODS FREQUENCY LOCATIONS Monitor plume movement TPH-DRO and VOC measurement TPH-DRO: EPA 8015D VOC: EPA 8260C Annual, for a minimum of 5 years Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) MW: S-55-90, S-78-91, and S-91-91 Monitor vertical contamination TPH-DRO and VOC measurement TPH-DRO: EPA 8015D VOC: EPA 8260C Annual, for a minimum of 5 years MW: S13-CAM-DW1 Monitor potentiometric surface Groundwater elevation measurement TPH-DRO: EPA 8015D VOC: EPA 8260C Annual, for a minimum of 5 years (to be collected concurrently with the analytical sampling event) MW: S-1-82, S-25-88, S-26-88, S-29-88, S-30-88, S-54-90, S-55-90, S-56-90, S-58-90, S-59-90, S-76-91, S-78-91, S-81-91, S-82-91, S-83-91, S-84-91, S-87-91, and S-91-91 Plume mapping TPH-DRO and VOC measurement TPH-DRO: EPA 8015D VOC: EPA 8260C One-time event at Year 5 Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) MW: S-81-91, S-25-88, S-26-88, S-CAM-2, S13-CAM-DW1, S-82-91, S-55-90, S-CAM-1, S-78-91, S-29-88, S-30-88, and S-91-91 Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. Source: Table 5-1, Request for an Alternative Remedy Strategy at SWMU 13 (TEAD 2019). This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 1 Table 4-6 SWMU 13 Well Data MONITORING WELL ID ELEVATION OF TOC (feet amsl) SCREENED INTERVAL (feet bgs) STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON AQUIFER TYPE TARGET SAMPLE DEPTH (feet btoc) S-1-82 5039.59 10.3-20.3 Silty sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-25-88 5043.03 9.5-19.5 Silty sand, silt Partially confined UBFAU 16 S-26-88 5043.33 9.4-19.4 Clayey sand, silty sand Unconfined UBFAU 16 S-29-88 5042.68 6-16 Silt, clayey sand Unconfined UBFAU 12 S-30-88 5041.56 5.4-15.4 Clayey sand, clay Unconfined UBFAU 12 S-54-90 5054.01 17.5-27.5 Clay Confined UBFAU NS S-55-90 5045.75 8-18 Clay, silt, poorly graded sand Confined UBFAU 15 S-56-90 5056.06 39-49 Poorly graded sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-58-90 5039.73 4-14 Clayey sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-59-90 5038.90 5-10 Clayey sand, poorly graded sand, silt Unconfined UBFAU NS S-76-91 5042.90 14.08-29.08 Poorly graded sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-78-91 5042.38 13.8-28.8 Silty sand Unconfined UBFAU 19 S-81-91 5044.87 7.7-22.7 Silty sand Unconfined UBFAU 17 S-82-91 5044.40 13-23 Silty sand Unconfined UBFAU 19 S-83-91 5041.89 13.5-23.5 Silty sand, poorly graded sand Confined UBFAU NS S-84-91 5040.15 5.4-25.4 Poorly graded sand, silty sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-87-91 5045.29 7-17 Poorly graded gravel, silty sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-91-91 5040.47 3.7-23.7 Silty sand, poorly graded sand Unconfined UBFAU 18 S-92-91 5045.43 10.65-26.65 Silty sand, poorly graded sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-105-93 5042.09 8.1-17.4 Silty sand Unconfined UBFAU NS S-106-93 5044.48 41-51 Silty sand, well graded gravel Unconfined UBFAU NS S13-CAM-DW1 5044.75 54-59 NA NA 59 S-CAM-1 5043.41 5.6-21.60 Silty, silty sand, clay Unconfined UBFAU 15 S-CAM-2 5045.70 5.5-23.50 Clay Unconfined UBFAU 16 Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. Source: Final HARR, Table 3.7.1 (Parsons 2013). This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 1 Table 4-7 SWMU 26 Long-Term Monitoring Program ELEMENT DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVE TASKS METHODS FREQUENCY LOCATIONS Groundwater Monitoring Monitor buried waste VOC analyses EPA 8260C (VOCs) Annually, for a minimum for 5 years Samples to be collected at high groundwater levels (May) Monitoring wells: • S-38-90 • S-40-90 • S-150-20 Groundwater Monitoring Monitor potentiometric surface Groundwater elevation measurements Electronic water level meter Annually, for a minimum for 5 years (to be collected concurrently with the analytical sampling events) Monitoring wells: • S-35-90 • S-37-90 • S-38-90 • S-39-90 • S-40-90 • S-41-90 • S-118-08 • S-122-08 • S-124-13 • S-150-20 Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. This page intentionally blank Page 1 of 1 Table 4-8 SWMU 26 Well Data MONITORING WELL ID ELEVATION OF TOC (feet amsl) SCREENED INTERVAL (feet bgs) STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON AQUIFER TYPE TARGET SAMPLE DEPTH (feet btoc) S-35-90 5373.75 266.6-276.6 Sand and gravel Unconfined UBFAU NS S-37-90 5312.91 204-224 Silt and gravel Confined UBFAU NS S-38-90 5323.31 210.5-230.5 Silty gravel Unconfined UBFAU 232 S-39-90 53373.11 235-255 Silty gravel Confined UBFAU NS S-40-90 5354.80 250.95-270.95 Gravelly silt and sand Unconfined UBFAU 270 S-41-90 5382.30 286.5-306.5 Silty clay and gravel Unconfined UBFAU NS S-118-08 5356.69 262-292 Silty sand and gravel Unconfined UBFAU NS S-122-08 5377.06 288-308 Clay and gravel Confined UBFAU NS S-124-13 5357.33 247.5-257.5 Silt and gravel Confined UBFAU NS S-150-20 5355.34 291-301 NA NA 302 Notes: For definitions, refer to the Acronyms and Abbreviations section. Source: Final HARR, Table 3.7.1 (Parsons 2013). This page intentionally blank FIGURES This page intentionally blank Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community TOOELE ARMY DEPOT SOUTH S K U L L V A L L E Y R U S H V A L L E Y C E D A R V A L L E Y TOOELE O p h i r C a n yo n M e r c u r C a n y o n ¬«199 ¬«73 ¬«36 RUSH VALLEY STOCKTON EAGLE MOUNTAIN CEDAR FORT FAIRFIELD HERRIMAN 1 INCH 1-1 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/8/2024 O.C. p WGS84, UTM ZONE 12 N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: WGS 1984 | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 0 1_ T E A D _ S _ S I T E M A P . m x d 3 0 3 61.5 SCALE IN MILES SALT LAKE CITY TOOELE Abbreviations TEAD-S UDOT Tooele Army Depot South Utah Department of Transportation Notes 1. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 2. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. Legend Railroads UDOT Roads Tooele Army Depot South Boundary Municipalities GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE, ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH TEAD-S SITE MAP This page intentionally blank !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U!U!U !U!U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !!A !!A!!A !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U S-123-13 300 SEE INSET S-124-13 870 S-130-16 1,400 S-134-16 10,000 S-120-08 20,000 S-141-17 8,300 S-125-15 12,000 S-126-15 3.900 S-135-16 4,200 S-96-92 4,400 S-128-15 4,700 S-137-16 5,400S-129-15 5,200 AOC 10 OSP-2 AOC 9 OSP-1A AOC 5 AOC 2 AOC 6 AOC 3 AOC 24AOC 27 AOC 8 AOC 15 AOC 9 OSP-1B AOC 7AOC 11 AOC 23 S-10-82 200 S-100-92 3,200 S-101-92 13,000 S-102-92 14,000 S-109-93 780 S-110-93 310 S-112-93 200 S-114-94 400 S-116-94 290 S-139-17 3,900 S-121-08 20,000 S-16-88 180S-17-88 2,400S-18-88 26,000S-19-88 10,000 S-2-82 200 S-20-88 1,600 S-21-88 71,000 S-22-88 3,800 S-3-82 11,000 S-31-88 30,000 S-4-82 6,100 S-40-90 720 S-42-90 560S-46-90 9,300 S-48-90 340 S-5-82 7,800 S-50-90 250 S-51-90 350 S-53-90 1,200 S-6-82 24,000 S-61-90 230S-62-90 200 S-63-90 200 S-64-90 28,000 S-65-90 8,500 S-66-90 9,600 S-67-90 22,000 S-68-90 11,000 S-69-90 2,000 S-7-82 8,900 S-70-90 9,400 S-71-90 8,600 S-93-92 4,600 S-95-92 7,600 S-127-15 4,400 S-97-92 12,000 S-98-92 33,000 S-99-92 15,000 S-BR-1 200 S-P3-90 4,200 S-P4-90 48,000 15-5138 WELL #1 WELL #2 1 INCH 1-2 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/13/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 1 -2 . m x d WGS84, UTM ZONE 12N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: NAD83 (2011) | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 3,300 0 3,300 6,6001,650 SCALE IN FEET !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U S-92-91 4,600 S-91-91 8,600 S-78-91 8,100 S-76-91 4,900 S-56-90 36,000 S-104-93 17,000 SWMU 11 SWMU 20 SWMU 17 SWMU 29 SWMU 37 SWMU 14SWMU 32 SWMU 28 SWMU 27 SWMU 26 SWMU 22 SWMU 21 SWMU 5 SWMU 9 SWMU 34 SWMU 3 SWMU 8 HWMU 31 SWMU 23 SWMU 36 SWMU 1 BUFFER ZONESWMU 25 SWMU 30 SWMU 13 SWMU 15 SWMU 2 O P H I R C R E E K M E R C U R C R EEK F A U S T C R E E K SWMU 13 AND 30 TEAD-S Abbreviations AOC mg/L SMWU TDS TEAD-S Area of Concern milligrams per liter Solid Waste Management Unit total dissolved solids Tooele Army Depot South Notes 1. Groundwater quality data class boundaries drawn using 1998-2017 analytical data as presented in TEAD-S Groundwater Management Plan Revision 2 (Parsons 2019). 2. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 3. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE, ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH BASEWIDE GROUNDWATER QUALITY MAP CLASS IV CLASS III CLASS II CLASS IA CLASS IA CLASS II CLASS III CLASS IV CLASS IV CLASS III CLASS IV Water Quality Class Breaks Class IA - Pristine Groundwater TDS < 500 mg/L Class II - Drinking Water Quality Groundwater 500 mg/L < TDS < 3,000 mg/L Class III - Limited Use Groundwater 3,000 mg/L < TDS < 10,000 mg/L Class IV - Saline Groundwater TDS > 10,000 mg/L Legend !U Monitoring Well Used For Water Quality !!A Drinking Water Well Groundwater Class Break (Dashed where Inferred) Area Of Concern SWMU Boundary TEAD-S Installation Area !U Other Monitoring Well This page intentionally blank !A !A !A!A!A = = = = = = = = = = = = !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U!U!U!U!U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U AOC 10 OSP-2 AOC 9 OSP-1A AOC 5 AOC 6 AOC 3 AOC 24AOC 27 AOC 8 AOC 15 AOC 9 OSP-1B AOC 7 AOC 11 AOC 23 AOC 2 15-5138 15-4096 WELL #1 WELL #2 15-79 1 INCH 1-3 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 3/6/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 1 -3 . m x d WGS84, UTM ZONE 12N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: NAD83 (2011) | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 4,200 0 4,200 8,4002,100 SCALE IN FEET R U S H V A L L E Y G R O U N D W A T E R D IVI D E SWMU 14 SWMU 26 SWMU 27 SWMU 32 SWMU 34 SWMU 5 SWMU 9 SWMU 3 SWMU 8 HWMU 31 SWMU 1 BUFFER ZONESWMU 25 SWMU 30 SWMU 13 SWMU 15 SWMU 2 SWMU 11 SWMU 20 SWMU 36 SWMU 28 SWMU 29 SWMU 37 SWMU 21/22 TEAD-S Abbreviations TEAD-S SMWU AOC Tooele Army Depot South Solid Waste Management Unit Area of Concern Notes 1. Groundwater flow directions taken from TEAD-S Groundwater Management Plan Revision 2 (Parsons 2019). 2. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 3. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH GENERAL GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION AND DRINKING WATER WELLS SWMU Boundary Area Of Concern TEAD-S Installation Area !A Drinking Water Wells Legend !U Monitoring Well Groundwater Divide General Direction of Groundwater Movement (Arrow thickness denotes flow potential) This page intentionally blank 1 INCH 1-4 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/8/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 1 -4 . m x d GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEAD-S Abbreviations TEAD-S SWMU Tooele Army Depot South Solid Waste Management Unit Notes 1. Block diagram taken from TEAD-S Groundwater Management Plan Revision 2 (Parsons 2019). 2. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 3. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. Bedrock Alluvial Sand and Gravel Sand, Silty Sand Lacustrine Clays, Silt, Sand of Bonneville Age Clay with Continuous Clayey Sand Lenses (Salt Lake Fm) Groundwater Gradient/ Flow Direction (Arrow thickness denotes flow potential) SWMU Number High Evapotranspiration Rates Legend This page intentionally blank = = = = = = = = = = !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U!U !U !U!U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U!U !U!U!U !U!U !U !U!U!U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U!U!U !U !U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U!U G R O U N D W A T E R D I S C H A R G E A R E A G R O U N D W A T E R R E C H A R G E A R E A SWMU 30 SWMU 13 SWMU 2 SWMU 11 SWMU 20 SWMU 17 SWMU 19 SWMU 37 SWMU 29 SWMU 22 SWMU 21 SWMU 34 SWMU 5 SWMU 1SWMU 25 SWMU 3 HWMU 31 SWMU 8 SWMU 23 SWMU 36 SWMU 9 SWMU 26 SWMU 27 SWMU 28 SWMU 32 SWMU 14 SWMU 15 SWMU 33 AOC 10 OSP-2 AOC 9 OSP-1A AOC 5 AOC 3 AOC 24 AOC 27 AOC 8 AOC 15 AOC 9 OSP-1B AOC 7 AOC 11 AOC 23 AOC 2 AOC 6 1 INCH 1-5 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/13/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 1 -5 . m x d WGS84, UTM ZONE 12 N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: NAD83 (2011) | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 3,000 0 3,000 6,0001,500 SCALE IN FEET K = 10 - 3 OR GREATER K = 10 - 3 OR GREATER K = 10 - 3 OR LESS K = 10 - 3 OR GREATER TEAD-S Abbreviations AOC cm/sec SWMU TEAD-S Area of Concern centimeters per second Solid Waste Management Unit Tooele Army Depot South Notes 1. Hydraulic conductivities and groundwater flow directions taken from TEAD-S Groundwater Management Plan Revision 2 (Parsons 2019). 2. Approximate area of groundwater recharge on TEAD-S based on pronounced fluctuations in monitoring well water levels and on proximity to Ophir Creek recharge area mapped by Gardner and Kirby (2011). 3. Approximate area of groundwater discharge on TEAD-S based on mapped Quaternary marsh deposits (Qsm) (Gardener 2012) and extent of evapotranspiration units and shallow groundwater mapped by Gardner and Kirby. 4. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 5. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH GROUNDWATER RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE AREAS AND AERIAL DISTRIBUTION OF WELL SCREEN HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITIES Legend !U Monitoring Well Groundwater Divide Hydraulic Conductivity Contour (K values in cm/sec) SWMU Boundary TEAD-S Installation Area General Direction of Groundwater Movement (Arrow thickness denotes flow potential) AOC Approximate Area of Discharge at DCD Approximate Area of GW Recharge at DCD This page intentionally blank !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U!U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U !U!U!U !U !U!U!U !U!U!U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !!A !!A!!A !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U!U!U !U !U !U !U !U!U S-123-13 SEE INSET S-124-13 S-44-90 S-117-98 S-130-16 AOC 10 OSP-2 AOC 9 OSP-1A AOC 5 AOC 2 AOC 6 AOC 3 AOC 24AOC 27 AOC 8 AOC 15 AOC 9 OSP-1B AOC 7AOC 11 AOC 23 S-10-82 S-100-92 S-101-92 S-102-92 S-103-93 S-106-93 S-108-93 S-109-93 S-110-93 S-111-93 S-112-93 S-113-94 S-114-94 S-115-94 S-116-94 S-118-08 S-119-03 S-139-17 S-140-17 S-121-08 S-122-08 S-12-88 S-14 S-16-88 S-17-88S-18-88S-19-88 S-2-82 S-20-88 S-21-88 S-22-88 S-23-88 S-24-88 S-3-82 S-31-88 S-32-90S-33-90 S-34-90 S-35-90 S-36-90 S-37-90 S-38-90 S-39-90 S-4-82 S-40-90 S-41-90 S-42-90 S-43-90 S-45-90 S-46-90 S-47-90 S-48-90 S-49-90 S-5-82 S-50-90 S-51-90 S-53-90 S-6-82 S-61-90 S-62-90 S-63-90 S-64-90 S-65-90 S-66-90 S-67-90 S-68-90 S-69-90 S-7-82 S-70-90 S-71-90 S-74-90 S-75-94 S-2-82 S-93-92 S-95-92 S-96-92 S-97-92 S-98-92 S-99-92 S-BR-1 S-P3-90 S-P4-90 S-P5-90 S-134-16 S-125-15 S-127-15 S-128-15 S-129-15 S-135-16 S-136-16 S-137-16 S-141-17S-120-08 S-126-15 15-5138 WELL #1 WELL #2 1 INCH 3-1 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: Legend !!A Drinking Water Well !U Monitoring Well AOC SWMU Boundary TEAD-S Installation Area 770113 2/13/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 3 -1 . m x d WGS84, UTM ZONE 12N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: NAD83 (2011) | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 3,300 0 3,300 6,6001,650 SCALE IN FEET !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U S-133-16 S-29-88 S-26-88S-25-88 S-82-91 S-28-88 S13-CAM-DW1 S-1-82 S-CAM-2 S-CAM-1 S-92-91 S-91-91 S-87-91 S-86-91 S-85-91 S-84-91 S-83-92 S-81-91 S-80-91 S-79-91 S-78-91 S-77-91 S-76-91 S-60-90 S-59-90 S-58-90 S-57-90 S-56-90 S-55-90 S-54-90 S-30-88 S-105-93 S-104-93 SWMU 11 SWMU 20 SWMU 17 SWMU 29 SWMU 37 SWMU 14SWMU 32 SWMU 28 SWMU 27 SWMU 26 SWMU 22 SWMU 21 SWMU 5 SWMU 9 SWMU 34 SWMU 3 SWMU 8 HWMU 31 SWMU 23 SWMU 36 SWMU 1 BUFFER ZONESWMU 25 SWMU 30 SWMU 13 SWMU 15 SWMU 2 O P H I R C R E E K M E R C U R C R EEK F A U S T C R E E K SWMU 13 AND 30 TEAD-S GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH TEAD-S MONITORING WELL NETWORK Abbreviations AOC SMWU TEAD-S Area of Concern Solid Waste Management Unit Tooele Army Depot South Notes 1. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 2. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. This page intentionally blank !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U!U !U!U S-YYY-XX S-125-15 S-126-15 S-4-82S-5-82 S-69-90 S-96-92 S-97-92 SWMU 25 BUFFER ZONE SWMU 1 S-127-15 S-128-15 S-129-15 S-70-90 S-71-90 S-93-92 S-135-16 S-136-16 S-137-16S-138-16 1 INCH 4-1 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/8/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 4 -1 . m x d SWMU 25 SWMU 1 WGS84 ZONE12N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: NAD83 (2011) | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 550 0 550 1,100275 SCALE IN FEET Abbreviations TEAD-S SWMU Tooele Army Depot South Solid Waste Management Unit Notes 1. “YYY” is the next sequential well number and "XX" is the 2-digit year designation when the monitoring well is installed. 2. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 3. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. !´ Tooele Army Depot South Boundary Legend Source Area Monitoring Vertical Migration Monitoring Downgradient Monitoring Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Monitoring Groundwater Well Long-Term Monitoring Plan: Proposed Monitoring Well !´ !´ !´ !´ !´ Individual Disposal Feature SWMU 1, SWMU 25, and Buffer Zone GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH LONG-TERM MONITORING PLAN AT SWMU 1 AND THE BUFFER ZONE This page intentionally blank U U U UU U U U U U U U U U U U UU UU U U !U !U!U !U !U!U !U!U !U !U SMWU 25 BUFFER ZONE SMWU 1 S-97-92 S-P3-90 S-100-92 S-101-92 S-18-88 S-19-88 S-64-90 S-65-90 S-66-90 S-67-90 S-6-82 S-68-90 S-7-82 S-95-92 S-98-92 S-99-92 S-102-92 S-120-08 S-121-08 S-139-17 S-140-17 S-141-17 S-142-17 1 INCH 4-2 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/8/2024 O.C. p Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 4 -2 . m x d 1,000 0 1,000 2,000500 SCALE IN FEET SMWU 25 SMWU 1 GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH LONG-TERM MONITORING PLAN AT SWMU 25 WGS84 ZONE12N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: NAD83 (2011) | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 Abbreviations TEAD-S SWMU Tooele Army Depot South Solid Waste Management Unit Notes 1. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 2. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. !´ Legend Source Area Monitoring Vertical Migration Monitoring Downgradient Monitoring Off-Post Non-Degradation Perimeter Monitoring Groundwater Well Long-Term Monitoring Plan: Proposed Monitoring Well !´ !´ !´ !´ !´ Individual Disposal Feature Tooele Army Depot South Boundary SWMU 1, SWMU 25, and Buffer Zone This page intentionally blank !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U SWMU 13 S-1-82 S-105-93 S-106-93 S-25-88 S-26-88 S-29-88 S-30-88 S-54-90 S-55-90 S-56-90 S-58-90 S-59-90 S-76-91 S-78-91 S-81-91 S-82-91 S-83-91 S-84-91 S-86-91 S-87-91 S-91-91 S-92-91 S13-CAM-DW1 S-CAM-1 S-CAM-2 1 INCH 4-3 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/8/2024 O.C. p WGS84, UTM ZONE 12 N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: WGS 1984 | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 4 -3 . m x d 240 0 240 480120 SCALE IN FEET GROUNDWATER MANGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH LONG-TERM MONITORING PLAN AT SMWU 13 KEY MAPKEY MAP FIGURE EXTENTFIGURE EXTENT Abbreviations LTM Long-Term Monitoring SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit Notes 1. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 2. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. !U Year 5 Monitoring / Annual Water Level Measurement Legend !U Annual Monitoring / Water Level Measurement !U Annual Water Level Measurement !U Year 5 Monitoring / Water Level Measurement Extent of Free Product (May 2017/Approximate) Tooele Army Depot South Boundary SWMU Boundary With LTM This page intentionally blank !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U !U SWMU 27 S-35-90 S-37-90 S-38-90 S-39-90 S-40-90 S-41-90 S-118-08 S-122-08 S-124-13 S-150-20 SWMU 26 1 INCH 4-4 A.C. DRAWN:P.M.: PROJECT No.:FIGURE:DATE: 770113 2/8/2024 O.C. p WGS84, UTM ZONE 12 N, METERS HORIZONAL DATUM: WGS 1984 | VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 Do c u m e n t P a t h : G : \ _ P R O J E C T S \ B E N G \ A R M Y \ T E A D \ _ S U B M I T T AL S \ T E A D _ S _ G W M P _ U p d a t e \ _ S u p p l e m e n t a l \ _ G I S \ 0 1 _ M X D \ F 4 -4 . m x d 360 0 360 720180 Feet GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, REVISION 3 TOOELE ARMDY DEPOT-SOUTH, UTAH LONG-TERM MONITORING PLAN AT SWMU 26 KEY MAPKEY MAP FIGURE EXTENTFIGURE EXTENT Abbreviations LTM Long-Term Monitoring SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit Notes 1. For conceptual purposes only. All locations are approximate. 2. Map produced using Esri ArcMap v. 10.7. References 1. Basemap source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar, Geographics and the GIS User Community. Legend Groundwater Flow Direction SWMU Boundary With LTM SWMU Boundary Without LTM Tooele Army Depot South Boundary !U Annual Water Level Measurement !U Annual Sampling This page intentionally blank