HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006570Jan 31 2019 B:564M llonellville CitY UTA}I DEPAHTh,IENT OË Ën¡vrnoru Nrl'meL s IJALITY DRINKING WAlEF digtribution sYstom' N0,0291 P 1 P0 Box 144830 Salt Lake CitY, UT 841144830 Phono: (801)5364100 Fax (801) 536421{ Email: ddwrePortt@utah' gov www.drinkingwatet'utah' gov BAGTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SITE PLAN As part of the Revised Totar coriform Rure, the ¡s.etion ¡6¡¡ which sampres. are teken is to be varied. Art water systems are requrred to rnaintain a curent bacteriorogicar -*.pþ ;iiil;;r*. îi.r pr,ir -i'ow"it'. ror"trons of arl sample sites from which bacteriotogical tests are takon, sampto sitos are to ¡ä ä["..numi. gJ all pressure zones and each water sourco of the distilburion system. The sampre pran shorrrd ¡. r.virJi rJírrrìiv ä t"irounó ánv *ior construction project impacting the Y Served: +ZMailing Addtess:nc*,h @ System Nama: Street Address: Serulce Connections: Email: SYstem #: Uf AH[fl t{þ]t I lt61 Fhone#: Wf 2n-R42F The Laboraiory was sent a copy ofthis plan on: of thie Fax#:h t-h 741'l Utah Division of Drinki Waterwae sent a Phone #: Samples collected bY: Name of Laboratory: Mailing Addrees: State Lab Code: systems, which operate seasonary, are required to tar." an inveatigative sampre prior to opening to the public' \A/here will ihat samPle be taken? FJ NO Date samPled: Location lnl YEs Cloeet. Dates of oPeration: ls the water oPemtod soasonallY? tanka, No etc.sourcethe spring,(w6ll,butlondlstrl showingthesystemofamapy0u Yesandroutlnedistrlbutionfactlitlestreatment N0,0291 P' 2 Jan,31 2019 B:564M HoneYvilleCitY Report PrePared bY: followupwheleandbewillsampled,localiotlthemonthswhatlocation,routineeach sampledescribesThefollowing samroutino PIê.of aavent "positivo"thetnbewilltakensamplas(repeat) nSmo or addmss) nerïe 0f Routlno SamPl¡ Locatlon; 1 2. (source) (hæe ltlb, eink lauæ!6tc.) 3 4. Follow'up (repeat) gample Locations: (loeétlotì tìamê otDescriPtlon: tl,q% I (rouüne samPle 1o (loçåtlon nåmg or Eíúar: ØJqn, Erqp; floec. yvq[s¡ samples will þe collected from this location during the months of (clrcle): 2nd Qtr: i¡o q¡1; 4u'Qtr: EAp" ZJJuì: , tfo't, , 1àrQti: .,r. :ffiq¡. ' ' ' (roulino samPle fl8me 0f Fotlow-up (repeatl S¡mpto Locatlone: Routlne SamPla Locatlon: 1 1 DescriPtion: (sourco¡ (hose bib, sinlt faucel,etcJ 0t (locabon name or address down*lream) 2. 3. 4. L'Lrr .ünll-' i,"",1-:' L?fu il --f '¡lt*tÍiln name or ad dress) dlun;". Bnpr, M'Jttl, Øox. .1¡ì'CItii 2nd Qtr: . pl4 Qtr: 4t'Qtr: EI'çep. úo"" 'lØJttsr El¡un. Wator samples will be collecterl lrom this location during lhe months of (circle): llm"t ltnÞ IJ 1IG 1 (hosô blb, Èlnk lautöl'êrô.) (loætlon nante or atltlress up-süeam) address)(roudne oantPlo locaüqn name or (locaüon natns or atldeee) L ?þ 2, 3, 4, nams or addrsss î9b'ff1Mar, ffilgjl ,:,S.sep. floec, duringlocationthisfront 14ev Nov. Follqw,uo (repla']J gample Locations: Routine SanPle Loqation: Description: Signature and /t'hI¡L plh *M DaÍe: l- l0 -t? Jan,3l 2019 l0 U 56AM Honeyv ille C ity No 0291 and wherebewill followupatwhthemonthslooationsampledloceâchdescribesatlon,routine sanpleThefollowing routinelntakeneventtheaofþe sample.will "posltlveneamples(repeat) (locallon namo or address up+lream) Routlna SamPle Location: 1 4, (rourca) Nov 36g (þ J (locålion name or addr6ss douln+ùoam) z, ı/,tp ,n 64 D/)I/ namo 0f addrcos) ( ttìl/rrl 1, ,t/ S¿ Description Follow.up lreueat) Sample Locations: (routine sample locailon nante oraddress) the months of (circle): .;l,tQ[¡¡ .,.' lþn Z,'o etr; Elflpr.:.3'¿Qh: ,f,Lut^ +o' Qtr: ffort. ' (hose bib, rlnk faucel. etc.) Waler samples will be collected from thls locatlon dutlng (locåüon nâma ff ôddtees dor+nstream) Follow-up (rspoat) $ample Loc¡tlons:Routl ne Sample L.gçatio.tti 1 lrl 4. (source) (loætion hâì¡e oI addloss uPsheam) 2. 3 ?í' localion nama or addross) A Áqââ ,(2t:' oÇ ., 7à'r^/ k .. 34 8[r: .: Descrlption namo ot addræs) Dec,Nov, the months of (ciicle): 4t'Qtr: lu!; ,. Oct. (hoso blb, slnk faucst, al,ô) Watet samples wlll be collected fiorn this location during ... /'1t a[: Elijan 2nd Qtri lünpr Feb: .. (routlno åample locatlon namo oI addrå6s)(locnlion name or addrtss) (locaüon name or addrass up+lraam) (localion name or addrêsÐ down+boan) Follgv.up lr.epeatl Samole Locations: 4 (source) 1 2. 3. Routine $amplo Locatlon¡ Descrìplion: (hom bÍb, sink fauce[ etc.) , flËeb. E tr,taY'i [,Aug.I Nov, -É tvlr¡.,,..:',.',ll Jun. in $¡'P'' ' '' E Þec, WaÌer samples will bo collected from thls locatlon durlng the months of (circle); ,:1*rQF 2'rd Qtf: 3{ At¡¡1 4üt Qtr: fJ'Jgnr, E apr lf Jul, E oct.